
namelesshi to all00:00
alzamabarHi, Is there a motherboard with drivers which natively support Ubuntu? Normally with Windows I get a CD with the motherboard drivers for audio and video, but with Ubuntu I can't. Wouldn't it be great if there was a motherboard with native support for Ubuntu?00:00
AeonorisI'm mostly concerned about getting Ubuntu to be able to "see" my other hard drives...00:00
_Oz_Aenoris: type join #windows00:00
AeonorisK, I'll move there00:00
_Oz_Aeonoris: yeah, they might be corrupted00:00
Dr_willisalzamabar,  for most motherboards - i dont even have to worry about any drivers under linux.. the onboard sound/video - can be issues.. but normally not the MB itself.00:00
_Oz_by the sound of it00:00
TwintopAeonoris: My experiences if you do hibernate is that it causes problems between the two (files not saving when you switch back to Windows, not seeing the partitions at all, etc), so I didn't know if it was similar. Doesn't sound like it is.00:00
namelesswhile i was installing ubuntu, the grub step gave me an error, how i can fix it ?00:00
_Oz_nameless: describe the error, please.00:00
_Oz_Twintop makes a good point, Aenoris.  Make sure your XP computer doesn't hibernate.00:01
Dr_willisalzamabar,  thers the new motnerboards comming out with a mini-linux install built into the bios. :) you can fast boot to a mini-linux os and do things.  Those would be the nifty ones to get for a linux box.00:01
namelessgrub write failure00:01
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alzamabarDr_willis I'm referring to things like audio and video. I've got an Nvidia, and I'm afraid to say that the NVidia driver freezes on 7.10 GG.00:01
Geoffrey2i'm building a program from source, it's looking for md5.h  Any ideas where i'd find that?00:02
biouserAeonoris, what error messages are you getting when trying to boot ubuntu?00:02
_Oz_Leads me to a question of my own: what's the best place online to buy linux-ready (ideally, dual-boot for Win XP) laptops online00:02
nano__what better, compiz with Xgl or with Xorg server?.....anybody?00:02
LumoojayellowSubMar, have you tried the "nodeadkeys" option for they keyboard?00:02
fooI installed fluxbox on ubuntu but I can't right click on my desktop for some weird reason. any ideas?00:02
yellowSubMarWhat's that?00:02
_Oz_alazmabar: have you installed the restricted driver manager?00:02
Dr_willisalzamabar,  all bets are off with video/audo onboard.. the mb makers could toss about anything on there. :) i perfer to get mbs that dont have  tose onboard.00:02
alzamabarDr_willis, same for audio. If I plugin speakers, the sound quality is not very good00:02
biouserGeoffrey2, have you tried searching the synaptic package manager?00:02
LumoojayellowSubMar, it makes keyboard work properly00:02
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:02
Morph3usHi everybody, anyone knows how i can access my linux partition from windows vista?00:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about md5.h - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:02
nuccoGeoffrey2: libgcrypt11-dev00:03
_Oz_morph3us: there is no way to do it.00:03
AeonorisNiouser: Nothing, boots fine, just that HD issue.  I tried reinstalling, but that didn't help.00:03
Dr_willisalzamabar, its all about the chipset the mb maker is using for the audio/video. Some work good.. some dont work at all.00:03
AeonorisErr, Biouser00:03
biouserMorph3us, I don't thnik that you can00:03
nuccoGeoffrey2: install libgcrypt11-dev00:03
_Oz_Very annyoing, isn't it!  Linux is great about accessing NTFS partitions but Windoze won't even acknowledge your linux stuff.00:03
alzamabarDr_willis, I do agree. So could I buy an audio card supported by Ubuntu? Anyone you could suggest?00:03
TwintopAeonoris: what Ubuntu release are you using?00:03
yellowSubMarI don't know where to find the option, Lumooja.00:03
nameless_Oz_: i've checked the cd for errors00:03
namelessno one00:03
Morph3us_Oz_, yes, i already do that before00:03
AeonorisTwintop: 7.10, I think that's Gutsy Gibbon?00:04
biouseralzamabar, check the ALSA list, most should be well supported00:04
Dr_willisalzamabar,  creative has some nice ones in the $40 or less range.  But ive not used any of their newre cards.. I got an old audigy2zs  that ive had for 4 pc's now.00:04
LumoojayellowSubMar, if i remember correctly, it was under system settings -> regional settings00:04
_Oz_Aenoris: I guess the only real way to do it would be to use something like vmware or virtualbox for windows and run a little mini linux session in there00:04
alzamabarbiouser, ALSA list?00:04
biouseralzamabar, you might have to do some building of the ALSA source if you use a more exotic one00:04
TwintopAeonoris: You're right. That means the NTFS drivers should be in the Kernel. Do you have any sort of encryption on your NTFS drives?00:04
iceslicewill the ati 8.2 proprietary drivers let me use big desktop with two different monitor resolutions?00:04
Dr_willisalzamabar, the new creative x-fi have limited linux support at this time.00:04
_Oz_yeah, if you get into linux/ubuntu you basically want to start avoiding motherboards with integrated video and/or audio00:05
biouseralzamabar, search ALSA in google00:05
_Oz_I run an SBLive! card in my Asus mobo even though it has integrated sound00:05
Aeonoris_Oz_: That's the only way to see those drives?  Bleh.00:05
_Oz_Aenoris: even then, that might not work.00:05
AeonorisTwintop: Not that I know of.00:05
_Oz_Aeonoris: but that's only windows TO ubuntu.00:05
_Oz_The other way around should work out of the box (ubuntu TO windows).00:05
yellowSubMarThere is no system settings menu in 7.10.00:05
alzamabarbiouser, looking...00:05
namelesswhile i was installing ubuntu, the grub step gave me a grub write failure, how i can fix it ?00:05
LumoojayellowSubMar, there is under kubuntu...00:06
Dr_willisonboard video is handy at times. :) in case you have to  build up a low end box. or use an old mb later as a test box.00:06
_Oz_nameless: hit esc when grub loads and load your default gnome desktop00:06
_Oz_nameless: then, edit grub/conf00:06
_Oz_find out what it's choking on00:06
yellowSubMarDo you know where I could find it using00:06
TwintopAeonoris: Are all of these partitions on one hard drive or two? You might try running fdisk on the drive to see if you can see them. I had a similar issue with an external hard drive that got formatted NTFS and had to repair the partition table to use it on Linux.00:06
LumoojayellowSubMar, just look for the regional settings menu somewhere00:06
yellowSubMarDo you know where I could find it using gNOME, Lumooja?00:06
nameless_Oz_: i've downloaded the daily build alternate iso00:07
LumoojayellowSubMar, i just installed opensuse, but it sucks, so i have to reinstall ubuntu now... :P00:07
larson9999getting older isn't nearly as fun at 41 as it was at 16.00:07
_Oz_nameless: follow the steps I described first00:07
nano__what better, compiz with Xgl or with Xorg server?.....anybody?00:07
markgreeneHey guys. I am looking for a hard drive recovery util for linux.00:07
_Oz_see if you can get past the grub error by hitting esc when grub loads00:07
_Oz_choose "recovery mode"00:07
yellowSubMarhat's not fun, Lumooja.00:07
_Oz_nano: they're essentially identical00:07
LumoojayellowSubMar, what's not fun?00:08
larson9999markgreene, i'd go with sysrescd00:08
_Oz_lumooja: I think he means, having to reinstall is not fun.00:08
AeonorisTwintop: Three hard drives.  How would I run fdisk on a drive?00:08
markgreenelarson9999: anything thats not a cd00:08
nano___Oz_: i was referring to what would produce better effects, xgl or xserver with aixgl....which option should i select?00:08
_Oz_Wait a sec, Aenoris -- can you describe exactly how many physical drives you have, and how they're partitioned?00:08
Lumooja_oz_, oh reinstalling is easy and fast, you have to do that anyway every week when using xp00:09
_Oz_nano: it'd look pretty much the same either way in my opinion00:09
nucconano__ x and aiglx is the way to go00:09
_Oz_lumooja: heheheheh00:09
larson9999markgreene, you can install those tools on a hd.00:09
nano__nucco: how come?  isn't xgl suppose to be the next best thing?00:09
ClintZ28anyone able to get Ossv4 XFI drivers to work with Flash?  I followed the howto on ubuntu forums...compiling the libflashsupport driver, and creating symlinks, but I've had no luck...audio works with other applications though00:09
nucconano__ because xgl appears not to be actively under development00:09
nano__nucco: can i install aixgl via synaptics?00:10
TwintopAeonoris: The hard drives will probably be under /dev as /dev/sda /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc if you're in 7.10. The command is simply "fdisk <drive>", ie "fdisk /dev/sda". Then you can use the commands inside of fdisk to at least look at what partitions are (and their sizes, filesystem type, etc) and figure out which one is which.00:10
nucconano__ you don't need to do anything special. it comes by default. it only works depending on your hardward00:10
TwintopAeonoris: Be careful though, fdisk canbe used to format your disk. Don't write anything to the partition table unless you're certain00:10
* _Oz_ nods sagely. "What Twintop said," he says.00:10
nano__nucco: do i need to put in a switch in my xorg.conf file ?00:11
markgreenelarson9999: where do I get the list? I just see the download for the cd00:11
AeonorisI have three physical hard drives, I believe theres an old windows installation on one along with possibly an old ubuntu partition on it (I get sorta confused with partitioning), a HD with just ubuntu, and a HD with just XP00:11
nano__nucco: how can i check to see if my aixgl is running?00:11
nucconano__: what is your display card?00:11
nano__nvidia 615000:11
danbhfiveAeonoris: try sudo fdisk -l00:11
nameless_Oz_: i've hit recovery mode, now i've chrooted the partition00:11
nano__i have nvidia glx running00:11
nucconano__:  check system > preferences > appearance00:11
nucconano__: and see the desktop effects section.00:12
_Oz_so, four HDs, two oldish HDs with possibly a couple of partitions but no big deal for the data there, and then a physical disk with only Ubuntu (important data) and another physical disk with only Windoze (also important data.)  Correct?00:12
_Oz_nameless: what have you found?00:12
RalithI'm having trouble with fglrx on an nforce3 mobo with a radeon X85000:12
larson9999markgreene, here is the website: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page00:12
coreyodoes anyone know of a way to disable the "require an active connection" checkbox in the VPN settings in Network Manager?  I can't connect to a VPN while on the Sprint PCS g3 network because NM doesn't recognize my ppp0 connection as an active internet connection.00:12
nano__nucco: i don't see any desktop effects option.....00:12
oshiDumb question.  How do I come back to the desktop after ctrl-alt-f1?00:12
nameless_Oz_: the whole ubuntu without grub00:12
nucconano__: use system > administration > restricted manager to install the proprietary drivers00:12
_Oz_nameless: it's not showing the windows partition at all?00:13
usr13oshi: Ctrl-Alt-F700:13
Lumoojawill ubuntu support ppc in future?00:13
oshiusr13: thanks00:13
_Oz_Lumooja: doubtful00:13
nuccoLumooja: not likely. that support was actually dropped00:13
IndyGunFreakLumooja: no..00:13
namelessi don't have got a windows partition oO00:13
_Oz_PPC is sort of dying off00:13
Lumoojanucco, why is that, then i have use some sucky AIX6_00:13
Hilikusim trying to configure my tv out, when i run Xorg -configure i get00:13
IndyGunFreakLumooja: if you need PPC support, use Debian.00:13
HilikusLoadModule: Module ztv does not have a ztvModuleData data object.00:13
_Oz_nameless: ok, my mistake.  So your problem is ONLY the grub error?00:13
Hilikusany idea what that module is??00:13
nano__nucco: im running fiesty fawn and the latest nvidia drivers i could get via restricted drivers were almost 1.5 yrs old; instead i disabled restricted drivers and downloaded newest nvidia drivers and installed them00:13
nuccoLumooja: everyone uses x86 on the desktop these days :))00:13
nano__they are running find00:14
namelessat boot, Grub, error 1500:14
Aeonorisit says "Unable to open /dev/hdb1/"  when I try to fdisk it in the terminal00:14
Lumoojanucco, i realized that, but i want also servers to use ubuntu00:14
IndyGunFreakLumooja: there is an ubuntu for PPC still, but its a community project, not officially supported by Canonical.00:14
_Oz_nameless: okay, launch a terminal and type "locate grub"00:14
nucconano__: desktop effects wasn't a strong point of feisty :)00:14
_Oz_I'm not at a ubuntu machine right now so I can't remember the exact directory it's in00:14
cheesestudioshi anyone can help me? and if can speak spanish then better :D00:14
nuccoLumooja: oh, so there are ppc servers out there? ;)00:14
nano__nucco : i agree, so what do u think i should do next in order to see if aiglx is working?00:14
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:15
wersdo sony ericssons work well with ubuntu? I'm thinking of getting a p990i00:15
Lumoojanucco, yes ibm system p servers for example00:15
nameless_Oz_: cannot open mlocate.db etc etc..00:15
_Oz_Captain Jack Sparrow!00:15
nucconano__: not sure. I would recommend you upgrade if it is not too much trouble00:15
IndyGunFreakno it  wasn't, much better in gutsy00:15
_Oz_nameless: really? That's strange.00:15
Jack_SparrowHey Oz00:15
_Oz_you typed "locate grub" and got that message?00:15
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
_Oz_Hi Jack00:15
nameless_Oz_: it's in /boot/grub00:15
nano__nucco: thnx00:15
eltuxI am trying to install ubuntu onto an external hard dirve, however I cannot format it. (its a Western Digital Passport)00:15
_Oz_nameless: that's what I though00:15
TwintopAeonoris: Don't include the number on the end. That's referring to a specific partition.00:15
_Oz_chdir to that dir and ls -al00:15
nuccoLumooja: well, there's debian :)00:15
_Oz_you see a conf file in there?00:16
IndyGunFreakLumooja: also, there's an unofficial PPC verison of Ubuntu, not sure how good it is, as its community driven...00:16
namelessuhm wait00:16
cheesestudioshi, i have a PC with nvidia 8800 and can't install ubuntu in this PC, i have ubuntu in my notebook and is a great OS, want to intall here too00:16
cheesestudiosanyone can help me?00:17
icesworddoes gnome have a windows edition00:17
nuccoicesword: nice one :)00:17
nuccoicesword: gnome is a desktop for *nix systems...00:17
Jack_Sparrowicesword: Please clarify that question00:17
Aeonoris_Oz_: No, three HDs, one oldish one with two partitions, nothing much important there but that's the only one I can "see" and it has ubuntu I'm running on it, another with some vaguely important stuff, but I think I wiped it by accident, that should be the one that used to have ubuntu, and then another that has important stuff and windows on it00:17
oshihow many desktops do most of you have?   2?  4?00:17
IndyGunFreakcheesestudios: why can't you install it?00:17
markgreenelarson9999: that will owkr00:17
nuccooshi: I have four, but recently I've been pondering to increase to 600:17
Jack_Sparrowcheesestudios: Were does the install fail00:17
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eltuxI'm trying to install ubuntu onto a external hard drive but I can't even get it partitioned. Any Ideas?00:18
cheesestudiosIndy : I was looking in forums and all people say that the problem is the graphic card00:18
_Oz_aenoris: and you  can successfully BOOT to any of these but none of the installs see the other physical HDs?00:18
pawsIRCosi, just 1 but with 2 monitors00:18
iceswordJack_Sparrow, wht?i want to use it on windows00:18
AeonorisIt now says "Unable to open /dev/hdb/"00:18
IndyGunFreakeltux: yes, install it on an internal drive, cuz its gonna suck when you install it to an external00:18
Dr_williseltux,  ive seen some linux on usb - web siutes/tutorials. You may want to check them out. there can be issues to watch out for..00:18
iceswordJack_Sparrow, kde is planing a kde windows project00:19
Jack_Sparrowicesword: It is an OS not a program, there are ways to run OS's in WIndows if that is what you mean. But a version for windows.. no00:19
eltuxIndyGunFreak: I already have it installed on my pc but I tried to install it straight onto the drive and it messed up my install of ubuntu, thank god I have windows (You'll never hear me say that again)00:19
larson9999markgreene, i'm by no means an expert on the subject but the few times i've needed such a thing, it's done the job for me.00:19
oshiI guess I'm just too acclimated to windows....I keep opening everything up in one workspace..heh00:19
eltuxDr_willis: ok, I can't even get it partitioned, its in FAT32 and it won't go to ext3 or ntfs00:19
_Oz_Aenoris: ominous00:19
iceswordJack_Sparrow, thank you ,sir00:19
_Oz_Aenoris: those drives might be toast00:19
maekdoes anyone know of a fix for the disk parking and load cycle count errors that doesn't involve just setting it with hdparm -B 255 /dev/sda - thats horrid for battery life and very scary if you bump the disk while in that state. thanks.00:19
Dr_williseltux,  use gparted. delete the partitiosn. make new ones.00:19
oloughlin75Hello! I am trying to set up moblock and keep getting this pesky error: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/moblock terminated00:19
AeonorisDoes anyone know how I could at least see one of my hard drives temporarily, so I can save the stuff that I want to another compy on my network?00:20
Jack_Sparrownp.. If you MUST run it in windows look into the virtual options.. or kill me for suggesting you try wubi00:20
eltuxDr_willis: my ubuntu partition is broked at the moment, any windows utilites?00:20
Aeonoris_Oz_: Totally toast, or just the files on them?00:20
_Oz_just the files, yeah.00:20
Dr_williseltux,  gparted on a live cd - is what i normally use00:20
* IndyGunFreak smacks Jack_Sparrow with an Ubuntu Install CD for suggesting Wubi00:20
_Oz_Ubuntu SHOULD be able to see those drives with no problem, Aeonoris.00:20
_Oz_Have you run gparted?00:20
Dr_williseltux,  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/   has a lot of tutorials/guides/docs.00:20
usr13Aeonoris: Do what to one of your HDs?00:21
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: DOnt bother trying to slice my wrists with a cd as we speak00:21
Aeonoris_Oz_:  Hmm, I suppose that's not too bad.  All I had was game saves, though I was fond of them...00:21
usr13Aeonoris: What do you want to do?00:21
eltuxDr_willis: thanks00:21
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: lol00:21
_Oz_Aenorois: if it wasn't anything TOO important the simplest thing is just to use gparted to format and partition them back out fresh00:21
Aeonorisusr13: Uh, "see" it.  It won't let me "see" any files on it >.<00:21
usr13Aeonoris: mount00:21
usr13Aeonoris: Is it mounted?  or not?00:22
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Wubi is a terrible option but my hope is it will get him started using linux00:22
Dr_williseltux,  the onlu linux ive ever gotten to install/work off a pendrive/external disk - is  the latest Slax (so far) :) they are all gettting better i hear.00:22
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i guess...00:22
eltuxDr_willis: oh ok, I'll try anything right now hehe00:22
Dr_willisi think i would rather run linux in vmware/virtualbox/qemu or whatever.. then use wubi. :)00:22
IndyGunFreaki'd rather have my face stomped on by rosie o'donnell wearing golf cleats, than use wubi00:23
Aeonorisusr13: not totally sure, it says that they're there and have 5gb of free space on them (which isn't true), and that they are empty O.o00:23
Dr_williseltux,  with the latest slax3.0 setting up my thumbdrive was easy.  unzip files to the disk.. run their makeboot.bat, :) but slax3.0 is not got all the exctras yet. but it worked.00:23
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: Please notice I suggested the virtual ways first and after disclaimer offered up wubi00:23
_Oz_Aenoiris: launch a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l"00:23
_Oz_Aeonoris: this will NOT format the drives00:23
_Oz_It will simply list them00:23
_Oz_See your drives appear in the list00:23
_Oz_(all of the drives)00:23
oloughlin75Hello! I am trying to set up moblock and keep getting this pesky error: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/moblock terminated00:24
Dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  i  just saw this tutorial -- > http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/01/11/run-ubuntu-710-from-windows/00:24
G1015I'm having a problem playing youtube videos.. every time I play one the entire computer locks up.  Is there a way to fix this? Seems that anything that uses flash freezes the system at random times.00:24
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iceswordcan kubuntu install mac4lin00:24
usr13!flash | G1015:00:24
ubotuG1015:: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:24
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: Thanks, that looks interesting00:25
_Oz_aenoris: did all of the drives appear when you ran fdisk -l?00:25
Aeonoris_Oz_: Okay, it shows all three drives, yeah.  Evidentally they aren't partitioned like I thought...00:25
Dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  it mentions a persistant option to the live cd.. Ive never seen that mentioned befor.. may have to try it out00:25
iceswordcan kubuntu install mac4lin00:25
Dr_willis!find mac4lin00:25
ubotuPackage/file mac4lin does not exist in gutsy00:25
Aeonoris_Oz_:  two of them have only one partition, another has four....00:26
cheesestudiosIndyGunFreak: ok, i can't install ubuntu for my graphic card. In forums the people says that00:26
iceswordhehe,in source.net00:26
_Oz_Aenoris: okay, that's good00:26
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: I have used persistent for ages.. works quite well.. on Dapper it was very useful as that release seemed to run on anything00:26
fooI can't right click in fluxbox.. I installed it on top of ubuntu 7.10. I need to generate a menu or something? err00:26
DaZicesword: afaik mac4lin is theme pack for gnome only :F00:26
IndyGunFreakcheesestudios: well, you can install Ubuntu, you just won't be able to use Nvidia drivers, you'll need to use the generic driver, which means no compiz.00:26
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: THe persistent image base was only about 40 meg00:26
IndyGunFreakyou'll have to use the generic vga drivers00:27
oloughlin75Hello! I am trying to set up moblock and keep getting this pesky error: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/moblock terminated00:27
_Oz_Aenoris: let's try mounting it00:27
iceswordDaZ, then u mean i cannot install that in kde00:27
_Oz_You ready?00:27
DaZunfortunately [;00:27
iceswordJack_Sparrow, can i install mac4lin on kubuntu00:27
Aeonoris_Oz_:  Yeah, sudo mount /dev/hda1?00:27
cheesestudiosIndyGunFrea yeah but the problem is... when start the live CD menu, put start and the linux run but the screen stay in black. the people say that nvidia 8800 is not compatible :S00:27
Jack_Sparrowicesword: no idea00:27
cheesestudiosIndyGunFreak yeah but the problem is... when start the live CD menu, put start and the linux run but the screen stay in black. the people say that nvidia 8800 is not compatible :S00:28
_Oz_Aeonoris: chdir to /mnt00:28
DaZbut there's enough of mac os imitations for kde imo :F00:28
_Oz_you can also mount in /media but /mnt is really the right directory00:28
IndyGunFreakcheesestudios: well, i'm guessing you can get it installed, but you'll probably have to use the alt. install CD00:28
whoniccahow would i go about sharing/streaming media on a computer not on my network00:28
whoniccamy home computer00:28
iceswordDaZ, thank u,where can i download some00:28
Aeonoris_Oz_ K...00:28
DaZicesword: kde-look.org {:00:28
iceswordDaZ, yeah,thx00:29
Toadhey all. Anyone have recommendations for a motherboard for a core 2 quad? Onboard graphics is fine, but I need dual head (DVI/VGA is ok)00:29
larson9999G1015, imo flash and ubuntu just don't play nice yet.  maybe linux in general but i've only run ubuntu for a long time now.  i've been trying to make my machines crash free with flash 9 since the beta.  i still have lockups but they're not as often these days.  if i do a lot of flash watching, i'll usually get 2 lockups a day now.00:29
_Oz_hold one sec Aenoir00:29
Dr_williswhonicca you mean share from one pc on your home network - to other pc's on the home network?00:29
whoniccadifferent ips00:29
whoniccawork home00:29
FourX4Luvnwhonicca: Have you looked into icecast?00:30
danbhfive_Oz_: if you mount in /media, it puts a link on the desktop00:30
whoniccaFourX4Luvn, will look into it00:30
FourX4Luvnwhonicca: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_webradio_with_icecast2_ices200:31
mad_max02whats the best php writing program for ubuntu ?00:31
mad_max02I found one named Cakephp00:31
CoasterMastermad_max02, I just like to use gedit00:31
DaZmad_max02: notepad under wine owns :F00:32
=== clay is now known as twoshadetod
no_mindwhere is the index generated by tracker stored ?00:32
FourX4Luvnmad_max02: Depends on your writing style.  I really like Bluefish.. but there's also quanta, emacs, vim....00:32
mad_max02anything serious like PHP Developer 2008 ??00:32
nabcoreDoes anyone use the acx wireless drivers?00:32
mad_max02bluefish ?00:32
mad_max02I'll try and find it00:32
FourX4Luvnmad_max02: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/00:33
lyagmad_max02: You might also try vim00:33
mad_max02Bluefish is a GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer.00:33
nano__whenever i run compiz, I get some distorted images that temporarily appear with my mouse ....00:33
mad_max02its from synaptics :D00:33
nano__is there any thing special i need to do with my mouse in order to run compiz fusion?00:33
mad_max02lemme search vim00:33
lyagmad_max02: There's also seamonkey00:33
FourX4Luvnmad_max02: That's it :)  It also supports PHP, CSS, etc00:34
maximilion__I got the plugins for gedit instead :)00:34
jack-desktopwhats a program for a remote desktop that i can listen and it connects to their computer?00:34
mad_max02vim is txt editor ? aint it ?00:34
Starnestommymad_max02: yes00:34
jack-desktopive tried vncviewer -listen but it just says their ip and does nothing00:34
_Oz_you still here, Aeonoris00:34
FourX4Luvnmad_max02: Yes.  It supports syntax highlighting and that's about it.  Very powerful editor though if you can code by hand.00:35
cwgannonafter logging out, i can no longer log back in; i just get stuck at that tan colored screen.  by the way, i'm running 64-bit gutsy and have searched the forums to no avail.  any suggestions?00:35
Aeonoris_Oz_: Yeah00:35
_Oz_danbhfive: yeah, and that's okay, but just be aware that /media is really for removeable media per the standard00:35
nano__is there something special i need to do with my mouse so that it works without being sluggins in compiz00:35
JouvaIs there a command line or GUI tool that comes with Ubuntu to help determine the speed of an AGP port on my system?00:35
mad_max02I do like to code by hand but it big projects I really like to have layouts and gadgets00:35
_Oz_go to /mnt and create a new dir00:35
Dr_willisim not sure that the /media for removeable media - is followed by ubuntu. :)00:35
JouvaOr any sort of decent system information tool that comes with Ubuntu or one I can maybe get00:35
_Oz_call it the name of what you want your drive to be00:36
mad_max02I used to use PHP Developer series00:36
JouvaAnd includes info like AGP port speed00:36
mad_max02but since I deleted windows 100% I'm stuck with replacements00:36
_Oz_dr_willis: it SHOULD be.00:36
FourX4LuvnDr_willis: You're right.. it's not.  Virtually all non-OS related mounts are put there.00:36
DaZJouva: try 'hardinfo'00:36
_Oz_but I don't really care, to tell you the truth.00:36
Aeonoris_Oz_: The name that the system already calls it or whatever I want to call it?00:36
_Oz_using /media is ok.00:36
Dr_willis_Oz_,  file a bug then..  I dont really care either. :)00:37
dsmithis there a divx plugin for ubuntu?00:37
Dr_willisI often link /mnt to /media - because im so use to looking in /mnt00:37
_Oz_aeonoris: create a dir with a character-based name like "ubuntudrive" or "windowsdrive"00:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:37
_Oz_you will have to sudo00:37
maximilion__dsmith, just get vlc via Synaptic00:37
cwgannonif i try to transfer large files to a thumb drive, the transfer freezes and begins counting the seconds remaining up.  the drive has enough room, and i've tried reformatting it.  it works fine in windows and fine in linux, though only for small files.  any suggestions?00:37
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_Oz_so for example, "sudo mkdir /media/linuxdrive"00:38
Aeonoris_Oz_: Okay, created "driveone"00:38
_Oz_now chmod 77700:38
PeP`hello, anyone know how I can extract a 3.5gb zip file? it seems it doesn't want to, there is some compression error or so.. I think t isbecause it is so big..00:39
_Oz_"chmod 777 /media/yourdrivename00:39
dsmithmaximilion__: this is for viewing material online00:39
natlinuxnewbSlightly OT: does anyone know where ThunderBird keeps its emails? I am transfering some data from WinXP to Ubuntu00:39
Aeonoris_Oz_: media, not mnt?00:39
_Oz_either one00:39
PeloPeP`, make sure you have enough room to extract it , 2 make sure it is not password protected00:39
_Oz_using /mnt is essentially equivalent00:39
brokenFUNhey i get a Glib ERROR** when running a compiled Tilda00:39
_Oz_but /mnt is "more" proper if you really care about that kind of thing00:40
_Oz_many don't00:40
PeP`it's not.. mhh00:40
lusepusterbrokenFUN, what did the error say?00:40
_Oz_now, aeonoris, when you did that fdisk -l...  could you paste to me in a privmsg the output it gave you?00:40
Aeonorisoperation not permitted...  Eh, sudo it, I assume?00:40
PeloPeP`, I assume you have installed unzip ?00:40
PeP`Pelo: yes00:40
_Oz_I guess you're in /mnt because in /media I don't think sudo is required00:40
AeonorisHow do you send a private message?00:41
JouvaDaZ: That seems to 1) Only give info on PCI and not AGP (though it lists my card, but I didn't look to see if it says anything about the speed) and 2) Crash very easily00:41
Aeonoris_Oz_: Yeah, mnt.00:41
PeloPeP`, try just opening it with fileroller and extracting individual files00:41
_Oz_aeonoris: I'm not registered, so I guess you can't...  just paste it in the channel, I guess...  no way around it.00:41
nano__Has anybody ever experienced sluggish mouse problems with Compiz?  I am having some "smude" that appears when i move my mouse, anybody have any ideas?00:41
JouvaDaZ: I select one option, it shows it. Then if I select another section, it crashes.00:41
PeP`Pelo: ok..00:41
PeloPeP`, just to see if hyou can do it00:42
jpetermanYo, I got a random problem. And I know, I don't have too much info about it. Over the last few days, for some reason, when I'm browsing FF, it will suddenly lock up. I can use other programs for about 2-3 seconds, and then the entire system freezes. I can move my house around still, but nothing responds.00:42
natlinuxnewbAeonoris: What program are you using? usually you can /msg nickname00:42
_Oz_aeonoris: paste the output of fdisk -l00:42
natlinuxnewbAeonoris:  or right click works too00:42
brokenFUNlusepuster: Glib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmem.c:154: failed to allocate 4294******* bytes00:42
Aeonoris_Oz_: Okay, here goes.  Sorry if this is a bit long:  Disk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes00:43
Aeonoris255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders00:43
AeonorisUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes00:43
AeonorisDisk identifier: 0xa104a10400:43
Aeonoris   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System00:43
Aeonoris/dev/hda1   *           1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS00:43
FloodBot1Aeonoris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:43
Pelojpeterman, try turning off some FF extensions00:43
Freebeandoes someone know how i can get solitaire to start in Klondike or another chosen game ?00:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:43
_Oz_sorry, aeonoris00:43
seanhey guys00:43
_Oz_floodbot is not always... helpful00:43
jpetermanPelo, you think that will work? Why would it lock up my entire system? And I haven't added any new extensions since it started up00:43
seanwhats the menu bar at the top of the screen called?00:43
_Oz_did you have a drive listed after /hda1?00:43
Dr_willisFreebean,  if you are a solitare addict - check out Pysol00:43
Dr_willis!info Pysol00:43
ubotupysol (source: pysol): X11 solitaire game written in Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.82.1-4.1ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 1459 kB, installed size 6840 kB00:43
DaZJouva: mine doesn't crash :F00:43
Freebeanok   thx00:44
_Oz_sorry about that aeonoris00:44
_Oz_that was my fault00:44
Pelojpeterman, considering the limited amount fo info given it was a likely possibility00:44
lusepusterbrokenFUN, could that be a memory problem?00:44
_Oz_did you have a drive listed after /hda1?00:44
jpetermanPelo, I only have 6 extensions00:44
Freebean>!info Pysol00:44
brokenFUNlusepuster: idk00:44
Aeonoris_Oz_: I expected it to do that :P  Uh, it printed my whole message00:44
Pelojpeterman, just a suggestion00:44
Dr_willisFreebean,  my wife is a pysol addict. :) its even out for windows.00:44
jpetermanPelo, Ok, thanks.00:44
_Oz_aeonoris, did you have a drive listed after /hda1?00:44
DaZJouva: but i think i saw sth about agp in it.. :F00:44
jpetermanPelo, do you have any ideas of how else to check for problems?00:45
Freebeanhow do i get to  >!info Pysol00:45
JouvaI couldn't find anything yet00:45
Dr_willisFreebean,  ! is bot commands..00:45
Dr_willis!bot | Freebean00:45
ubotuFreebean: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:45
_Oz_aeonoris: /dev/hda1   *           1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS00:45
Dr_willisFreebean,  fire up the package manager, and install pysol to install it.00:45
Aeonoris_Oz_: Uh, hda1, some jargon, hdb1-2-3-5, jargon, hdd100:45
PeP`Pelo: I can extract all small files, but the one that is 4gb I can't....00:45
DaZJouva: anyway, if you've got nvidia card you can check agp speed in driver settings ^^00:45
_Oz_do you have any other lines that look like that but with hda2, hda3, etc?00:45
Pelojpeterman, flash and java have been known to cause 100% cpu which might cause your symptom00:45
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_Oz_ok, the last one is hdd1?00:45
krimjpeterman: How often does that happen?00:45
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: Did you find the Thunderbird email?00:45
PeP`Pelo: I'm sure it is a unzip problem00:46
PeloPeP`, there might be something wrong with that file00:46
jpetermanPelo, krim, Thanks. It started up this weekend randomly and has happend about 30minutes or so after using my PC, unfortunately pretty frequently00:46
PeP`Pelo: I don't think so.. I'll search the web...00:46
JouvaDaZ: That's why I want to look up said info, because I'd like to GET an nVidia card or atleast a better ATi card00:46
natlinuxnewbFourX4Luvn: Nope. not yet00:46
jpetermanI might add my Network-Manager started randomly consuming 100% of cpu, but I haven't noticed it doing that any of these times, because when it does, it says there's no network connection00:46
Aeonoris_Oz_: Yeah, hdd100:46
krammermy computer froze 3 times in 5 minutes forced me to reboot .... any thoughts???00:47
_Oz_jouva: may I HIGHLY recommend nvidia00:47
_Oz_do NOT get an ATI card00:47
Jouva_Oz_: I figured :)00:47
krimjpeterman: If I were you I'd remove all extensions and see if things change. Since the freezes occure so often it won't take that long to find out.00:47
_Oz_aeonoris: ok, here's what to do next00:47
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: Ok, open thunderbird, go to edit>account settings.  select 'local folders' and it shows where it's set to store them in "local directory"00:47
jpetermankrim, alright will do. thanks all00:47
_Oz_type "mount /dev/hdd2 /mnt/yourdrivename00:47
lusepusterokay I try again - anybody got an idea what can be up with my swap partition, it seems to lose its formatting when try and do a suspend to RAM... I'll have to reformat it with gparted, and it cannot be swapon'ed  afterwards, only gparted seems to be able to activate it00:47
JouvaBut uhh, I still want to figure out what speed my port is so that I can get the right one00:47
DaZJouva: .. sorry {: there's too many messages for me to keep up :F00:47
Aeonoris_Oz_: Though I didn't fdisk after the mount, so if mount should have changed it it won't be in there...00:47
Stargazer"Error (camorama) 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection.'" for spc325nc00:47
natlinuxnewbFourX4Luvn: Thanks for that advice. I cant open Thunderbird. Its on a WinXP HD that cant log in00:48
JouvaDaZ: That's fine :) I can understand that.00:48
_Oz_tell me what happens after you try mounting it00:48
krammermy computer froze 3 times in 5 minutes forced me to reboot .... any thoughts???00:48
Aeonoris_Oz_: mount: special device /dev/hdd2 does not exist00:48
FourX4LuvnOh.. well, of course the path would be different on Windows too then.. Perhaps you could try asking in a Windows channel?00:48
ODBODHelp: OpenGL Unreal Tournament '99 nvidia tnt00:48
nano__krammer: there are many many reason that it could be happening00:49
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: Oh.. well, of course the path would be different on Windows too then.. Perhaps you could try asking in a Windows channel?00:49
* _Oz_ muses00:49
_Oz_try it again00:49
_Oz_type "mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/yourdrivename00:49
_Oz_just do hdd1 this time00:49
nano__krammer: try staying in your bios and tell me if you get the same problem (freezing) HAPPENING?00:49
Aeonoris_Oz_: Did it without comment00:49
nano__Is there anything special that needs to be done with my mouse in order to get compiz working?00:49
krammerno need for the bios00:49
nano__the problem is that with compiz everything works fine, but my mouse leaves behind a temporary splatter?00:50
musseHi guys i am new user for ubuntu ,,Just wondeed what AntiVirus software people are using with ubuntu.00:50
natlinuxnewbFourX4Luvn: yeah...How do I see what channels are available on Pidgin?00:50
_Oz_take a look in "computer"00:50
_Oz_see if the drive appears00:50
Aeonoris_Oz_: Oh, but it seems that HDD1 is the one that I could already see, heh00:50
_Oz_what are the specific gibberish names it gave to the other ones in the fdisk -l list00:50
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: Hey.. I managed to find something that will help you... http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/releases/1.5.html00:50
maximilion__dsmith, looked around a little, did you get help?00:51
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: Go there and search for "profile folder"  It gives a list of where it stores the mail for various platforms00:51
ODBODI have the nvidia legacy driver for nvidia tnt. I installed ut '99 and everything, but gameplay is choppy/worse than how it played in windows(very well!)00:51
Aeonoris_Oz_: I -think-   "/dev/hda1   *           1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS"  is the one I want to mount00:51
maximilion__dsmith, if opening a URL in vlc is an option, then try that00:51
_Oz_try mounting that one00:51
_Oz_same command as before00:51
dsmithI was looking to see if I could run divx movies in firefox, thankfully I can download them00:51
_Oz_just /hda100:51
_Oz_instead of hdd100:51
FloodBot1_Oz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
dsmithdivx plugin is installed according to adept00:51
Aeonoris_Oz_: Same place, or a new folder in mnt?00:52
natlinuxnewbFourX4Luvn: Thanks for that. thats great. *goes off to see if its in one of those places*00:52
_Oz_arrrrgh...  floodbot00:52
dsmithmaximilion__: I may try that00:52
_Oz_same place, aeonoris00:52
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: As for what channels are availabe, type '/list'  It will open a new window with the available channels00:52
natlinuxnewbFourX4Luvn:  thanks again :)00:52
FourX4Luvnnatlinuxnewb: No prob :)  Good luck00:52
Aeonoris_Oz_: Densied, windows marked it to be in use00:52
Aeonoris_Oz_: Denied*00:53
emmaI might have done something catastrophic to my computer.  I hope someone can help. I get the strangest warning when I log in now. Every time.....00:53
ODBODemma: what does it say00:53
maximilion__dsmith, heh, only looked for Firefox plugins... seems Opera can do it fine :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51693000:53
emmaThis is what it says: User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.00:53
ODBODemma: You'll probably need to go to the terminal and edit the permissions using sudo/su00:54
Dr_willisFreebean,  Huh? did you want somthing?00:54
_Oz_aeonoris: type "mount" all by itself00:54
lyagemma: chmod 644  $HOME/.dmrc00:54
dsmithi'' try that00:54
_Oz_does it list this drive?00:54
Cew27hello all i am in desperate need of help with my screen resolution00:54
ODBODemma: do what lyag said to do. that'll probably fix it.00:54
lyagCew27: What is it set on now?00:54
lyagCew27: What video card do you have?00:55
Cew27lyag: its on 1024 x 76800:55
emmaWhy on earth would the $HOME/.dmrc file change permisions spontaneously?00:55
Cew27its an intel onboard00:55
Cew27i know it can go to 1200 x 800 as i set it to that and then when i restarted it was all messed up00:55
FourX4Luvnemma: It didn't.  You screwed it up ;-)00:55
jpetermanPelo, krim, would disabling the extensions work to try it out? Or do you recommend fully uninstalling00:55
Aeonoris_Oz_: I'll remove the enters this time...  /dev/hdb2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) /sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755) varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777) udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=00:55
Aeonoris5,mode=620) lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw) /dev/hdd1 on /media/hdd1 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096) securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) /dev/hdd1 on /mnt/driveone type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)00:55
Cew27lyag:  i know it can go to 1200 x 800 as i set it to that and then when i restarted it was all messed up00:55
jpeterman!pastebin Aeonoris00:56
emmaFourX4Luvn,  but I've never opened that file.00:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:56
Skfarekguys, i use sunbird and sunbird doesn't look like GTK...what sunbirde use instead? i don't ave qt libs so what is it??00:56
FourX4Luvnemma: I'm kidding with you.  I honestly have no idea what could of caused it.00:56
lyagCew27: Does that fit your monitor.00:56
AeonorisThanks, jpeterman00:56
nano__compiz causing temporary mouse smudge marks..............any clues anybody?00:56
FourX4LuvnSkfarek: Sunbird is GTK.  May not look it, but it is00:56
maximilion__dsmith, do you have a url to try it on?00:56
Cew27lyag: its everything is stretched00:57
Cew27lyag: me thinks its my xorg .conf00:57
SkfarekFourX4Luvn: is pot possible to start look like others app? i want my fonts back00:57
_Oz_aeonoris: were any disks/partions that you expected to see in that list, NOT in that list?00:57
emmaThe last thing I did with my Ubuntu was I went and I edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf  in order to make my marble mouse trackball have scroll functionality. Could editing that file have changed permissions on $HOME/.dmrc  ?00:57
FourX4LuvnSkfarek: Eh, for that you'd have to ask someone else.  I've never used it00:57
lyagCew27: Try 1024x76800:58
FourX4Luvnemma: No that wouldn't of done it00:58
Dr_willisFreebean,  if ya want to chat. its best to do it in the channel. Most people have priv messages set on ignore.00:58
Aeonoris_Oz_: Yeah. I think all the ones that I can't "see" aren't on that list.00:58
richter\join ubuntu-br00:58
maximilion__dsmith, http://www.stage6.com/?cid=divxtopnav worked for me without me installing anything :)00:58
Cew27lyag: im on 1024x76800:58
mon^rchcan somebody please help me setup and access newsgroups in ubuntu... trying evolution and thunderbird and having trouble00:59
lyagCew27: What are the recommended screensizes for your monitor?00:59
FourX4Luvnrichter: At least we didn't catch you trying to join an animal porn channel or somesuch  *grins*00:59
_Oz_well...  I guess I don't know why you can't see 'em, really, Aeonoris.  I recommend reading this page: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#automountntfs00:59
sp0roIs there a channel for the open source linux drivers?00:59
Cew27lyag: im set to lcd 1200x800 pnp only l;ets me have 400x800 or something like that and its a notebook that runs 1200x800 but im on my tv atm through external01:00
richterim wisho go to ubuntu-br01:00
jpetermanPelo, krim, would disabling the extensions work to try it out? Or do you recommend fully uninstalling01:00
jribrichter: /join #ubuntu-br01:00
maximilion__dsmith, I'm using Totem-plugin-viewer 2.20.001:00
arbircan anybody help me with installing a theme ? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OSX-Tiger+theme?content=5657701:00
FourX4Luvnrichter: You typed the wrong slash.  /join #ubuntu-br01:00
maximilion__In FF01:00
arbiri tried to install theme and it said "copy files" and then nothing happened01:00
mon^rchmost user friendly to setup newsgroups... please?01:01
jribarbir: nothing in system -> preferences -> appearance?01:01
arbirjrib: let me see01:01
Cew27lyag: i tried to install mint but my cd is buggered so i need to sort the res on ubuntu01:01
FourX4Luvnmon^rch: Do you have a usenet account?01:01
Aeonoris_Oz_: And it has the one that I could already see twice, so I guess that worked...  K, I'll look there.  It said earlier (when it told me the drive was in use) that I could force it, using "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /mnt/driveone -o force".   Would trying that screw anything up?01:01
mon^rchFourX4Luvn: no... what's use net?01:01
arbirjrib: not the one, i just tried to install, there are other themes present01:01
FourX4Luvnmon^rch: It's newsgroups.. You need a usenet account before you can setup newsgroups in anything like thunderbird or evolution01:02
jribarbir: not even when you go to "customize"?01:02
arbirjrib: when i downloaded this file from this site, it was a zip file containing various folders.. i renamed it to .tar.gz01:02
arbirjrib: let me check customize01:02
Cew27lyag: u still there01:02
FourX4Luvnmon^rch: Used to be you'd get an account included with your ISP account.. but those days are gone.  Now you have to add the service seperately01:02
Freebeancan I just add something after the command  use\games\sol           as in what starts solitaire  . .. to get  say  kilondike ?01:02
mon^rchFourX4Luvn: i have an isp with a news server... t-bird is NOT giving me a place to specify a news server01:03
mon^rchFourX4Luvn: can I POST from usenet?01:03
gold44"ssh://user@192.168.x.y" in alt-f2, is that a nautilus function or gnome function?01:03
Geoffrey2oh, this is fun, libsasl2-dev is installed....I can find the needed header files in /usr/include/sasl, but when I run configure, it insists the files can't be found01:03
peleganyone knows about an option to add to nautilus fields of permissions etc. ?01:03
Flannelpeleg: what?01:03
arbirjrib: no .. i dont see anything from the new install.. all old ones01:03
xALEXANDREHi.. Someone have iPhone?01:04
FourX4Luvnmon^rch: Oh.. Ok.. then open thunderbird, click file>new>account and select 'newsgroup account'01:04
pelegFlannel: I want to see things like permissions in the list of files in nautilus.01:04
dsmithmaximilion__: one moment01:04
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Cew27lyag: hello?01:04
jribarbir: I just installed it here.  It shows up in "Controls" in "Customize" as "OSX-theme".  If you are not seeing it, what is the md5sum of the tar.gz you downloaded?01:05
xALEXANDRESomeone already used iphone in linux?01:05
arbirjrib: how do i check the md5 sum ?01:05
lyagCew27: Yes, sorry01:05
jribarbir: md5sum /path/to/file01:05
FourX4Luvnarbir: md5sum <filename>01:05
Aeonoris_Oz_:  Reading more up on stuff, it seems like if I can just boot into windows for a moment and then shut it down cleanly, it might let me mount them...  Thanks a ton, I'm gonna restart and try that now01:05
Cew27lyag: i think my xorg.conf is messed up01:05
arbiralright.. let me try..01:05
JouvaOk, I'd like an HONEST answer: If I WERE to buy an nVidia card to replace my ATi card but I'm on a budget, what one should I get? I'm not looking to get OMG BEST 3D GRAPHICS EVER. I want something that won't be generally slow with stuff like just watching a youtube video. I MAY want to run Second Life as well, but it doesn't have to be super fast with that.01:05
lyagCew27: You can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:05
JouvaI'm not looking for a gamer card. I'm looking for a card that works that I can afford, so WELL under $10001:06
Cew27when i know01:06
lyagCew27: But first back it up:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak01:06
Cew27when i gedit it its blanc01:06
JouvaBut I know nothing about the nVidia line.01:06
celi0usJouva: 660001:06
jribJouva: I have a 7600 that I got a year ago and works fine.  I paid 100 a year ago so, I hope that puts it in your price range now01:06
ODBODI have the nvidia legacy drviers for my nvidia tnt card. I installed Unreal Tournament 99, and the performance is suffering. It's choppy compared to how it played in windows (very well!!!). Any ideas?01:06
FourX4LuvnJouva: Just about any new nVidia card out today would meet your needs then.  Don't worry about the model.. just get something that's kind of mid-range price wise and you'll be fine01:06
rael_My system tells me Flash Player is install but websites tell me I have to install the plugin01:06
Cew27lyag: when i run gedit "/ect/x11/xorg.conf" its empty01:06
ODBODrael, uninstall flash from synaptic.01:06
Siph0nhey.... i installed php5, apache2, and mysql all seperately... and the httpd.conf file is empty.... does that sound right? i am trying to get php to work with apache01:07
Flannelmon^rch: You create a newsgroup account and it'll ask you what news server you want to use01:07
jrib!lamp > siph0n (read the private message from ubotu)01:07
lyagCew27: What display adapter do you have?01:07
Cew27intel 945 i think01:07
arbirjrib: f7043757b5f6876d25853e2e831c17f9   -- ubuntu to OSX Leopard.tar.gz01:07
jribSiph0n: apache2.conf is what is used now, but you need to touch it at all.  Read the wiki instructions01:07
mon^rchFourX4Luvn: I am seriously frustrated... and NOT a novice! why oh, wny is t-bird not allowing me to specify a news server?01:07
Freebeaninfo Pysol01:08
lyagCew27: If your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is truely empty, then boot the live CD and copy it over.01:08
FourX4Luvnmon^rch: Newsgroup account is not listed in the account wizard?01:08
jribarbir: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OSX-Tiger+theme?content=56577 gives me 56577-gtk-osx-theme.tar.gz01:08
FlannelSiph0n: apache2.conf, as well as th conf files in sites-available and mods-available.  Ubuntu uses the debian method of apache configuration, not the monolithic one01:08
lyagCew27: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:08
lyagCew27: Nothing....?01:08
Flannelmon^rch: You need to add a new account, after it asks for your name/email, it asks for your server.01:08
Cew27lyag: cat?01:08
Siph0nFlannel and jrib: thanks!!!! :)01:09
JouvaOk right now I just looked in the $25-$50 and the 6600 and 7600 weren't in that range, so that's pushing it for me ;) I did see some 6200s and a 6800LE though.01:09
arbirjrib: i dont quite get you01:09
rael_then just reinstalled via the broswer?01:09
jack-desktopwhat does grep do exactly?01:09
JouvaSo I'm not sure how well they are.01:09
JouvaBut right now I'm just looking on newegg01:09
jribarbir: the file you linked me to is not the one you are looking at now on your computer01:10
FourX4Luvnjack-desktop: Searches the contents of a text file01:10
arbirjack-desktop: grep = helps you search for regular expressions01:10
Cew27lyag: whats cat01:10
Cew27lyag: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:10
ahavehello room, if i was wanting to setup virtual box w/ ubuntu.. is there a setup guide somewhere?01:10
arbirjrib: what is the size of your download ?01:10
lyagCew27: cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output01:10
mon^rchFlannel: actually... it's only asking for that info only if I add a mail account... if a add I news/rss account everything "looks" like it's going okey-dokey... then seems to skip the important part of adding the news server. is it because I installed thunderbird-gnome-support?01:10
FourX4Luvnahave: Sure is.. gimmie a sec and I'll dig out the URL..01:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:10
ahavethanks FourX4Luvn01:11
jribarbir: 72K, the md5sum is 44e64082569351b7782658d8b358de79 and the name is 56577-gtk-osx-theme.tar.gz01:11
jack-desktopFourX4Luvn, arbir, what is a simple command i can test to find out what it does01:11
FourX4Luvnahave: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/create-and-manage-virtual-machines-using-virtualbox.html01:11
FourX4Luvnahave: No prob01:11
Cew27lyag: yeh that worked want me to pastebin it01:11
Jouvajrib, celi0us, FourX4Luvn, how does this look: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413602201:11
arbirjrib: thanks.. let me find out the page then....01:11
Flannelmon^rch: When you go to add a newsgroup account, (create account, newsgroup radio button) it asks for your name and email first, then after you hit next, it asks for your server.01:11
arbirjack-desktop: try this " ls |grep "file name i want to find"01:12
Cew27lyag: arghh why does ubuntu never keep anything copied to clipboard01:12
jack-desktoparbir, yea nevermind, i  tried this: jack@jack-desktop:~$ cat cdkeys.txt | grep 701:12
mon^rchFlannel: it's not asking for the server... :(01:12
FourX4LuvnJouva: That should meet all your requirements pretty nicely01:12
wisshhhi, when i try to boot up form my fw disk i get an error 21... any easy way to fix this? thanks01:13
xALEXANDRESomeone already used iphone in linux?01:13
mon^rchFlannel: i am stumpped01:13
Flannelmon^rch: What does the first page ask?  and then what does the second page ask?01:13
danbhfivewisshh: I think that's a grub problem01:13
Flannelmon^rch: Which version of Thunderbird are you using?01:13
ahaveFourX4Luvn, I was actually wanting to install virtualbox in XP, running ubuntu... do you know of a setup guide for that?01:13
JouvaFourX4Luvn: Maybe not because most people seem to have random issues with it01:13
JouvaJust noticed the reviews01:13
arbirjrib: i found the link ... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OSX+Leopard+10.5+Full+pack?content=7242501:14
FourX4Luvnahave: Oh!.. sorry.. No I don't have one.. But go to google and search for "virtualbox windows xp" and I'm sure you'll find a howto somewhere.01:14
Hilikuswhen i try to modprob lirc_pvr150 i get a seg fault, is there any way i can re-build that module??01:14
lyagCew27: Is the file really empty?  If so, boot the live install CD and just copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the mounted filesystem on the HD.01:14
Cew27i cant boot from cd01:14
arbirjrib: but i think, i found a link which gives me some docs01:14
Cew27that cat thing worked i got info then01:14
mon^rchFlannel: page 1: type of acct. p-2: acct name. p-3: finish. it's obviously skipping something. why?01:14
FourX4LuvnJouva: Oh.. I didn't look at the reviews... Hrm.. Lemme see what I have in my system.. It was pretty cheap and runs Second Life just fine...   BRB01:14
ahaveFourX4Luvn, ok. would ubuntu be a linux 2.6 ?01:14
arbirjrib: let me try those docs and then get back here.. thanks though for pointing out the fundamental error01:14
jribJouva: don't know anything about that particular card.  I imagine most nvidia cards "just work", but google for "ubuntu" and the model before you buy01:14
FourX4Luvnahave: Yes01:14
lyagCew27: Then the file is not empty. You only need to edit it.01:15
Flannelmon^rch: p3 should be name of account, with page 2 in the middle asking for account.  Which version of Ubuntu are you using?  What you can do, is add it, then go back and edit the account, and add in the server.01:15
lyagCew27: But first back it up:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak01:15
lyagCew27: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:15
aszwet1A great guide for setting up RubyRipper can be found @ http://what.cd/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=598401:16
lyagCew27: navigate down to the lines that say "Modes"01:16
MatBoyI'm figuring out if it's doable now to install kiba-dock on a 64 bits version of the distro... it seems to be a problem01:16
Cew27lyag: hold on im going to try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:16
Jouvajrib: It seemed to be more defects in the quality, like "an odor" or "high pitched noise" from the fan, or "artifacts"01:17
=== salah__ is now known as salah
JouvaOr "DOA"01:17
mon^rchFlannel: and it's getting hung up on accessing a server that isn't, ahem "specified" (lol) the program is certainly not functioning properly. it's not possible to edit the account settings for a news/rss account. I CAN however add a url to access rss feeds, but NOT news servers. re-install?01:17
Gu_ToOohow to install modem intel?01:17
JouvaThis one seems to have better reviews: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681415010701:17
salahHow large files does ext3 support?01:17
Flannelmon^rch: I don't know if reinstalling will help any.  What version of Ubuntu is this?01:18
ricky_hello to everyone!!01:18
FourX4LuvnJouva: Well, newegg doesn't sell what I have anymore, but here's a link to it.  Maybe you could find it elsewhere... http://www.newegg.com/product/product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412515601:18
mon^rchFlannel: feisty01:18
Flannelsalah: Depends on how it's setup, anywhere from 16GB to 2TB01:18
bulazeemwhat is the easiest way to allow a user to have forward and backward keys on their mouse when browsing with nautilus?01:18
iceswordwhich dir holds the fonts on linux01:18
JouvaFourX4Luvn: Ahh that's PCI Express but I'm sure I could find that in AGP.01:18
Odd-rationaleicesword: /usr/share/fonts?01:19
mon^rchFlannel: I want newsgroups to post to my city site so I can let my city know I am avail. for work01:19
iceswordOdd-rationale, thx,i will check taht01:19
lyagicesword: There are a few places, but one is:  /var/lib/texmf/fonts/01:19
Flannelmon^rch: You could perhaps manually edit your profile and add in the server.  Definately file a bug against the thunderbird package on LP01:19
FourX4Luvnwell, even if you can't find that exact one.. I know the chipset it uses is rock solid in Linux and runs SecondLife with no slowdown.  Maybe you could find a different card with the same chipset01:19
mon^rchFlannel: so anything that can post to a newsgroup and send me replies will be very helpfull01:19
FourX4LuvnJouva: well, even if you can't find that exact one.. I know the chipset it uses is rock solid in Linux and runs SecondLife with no slowdown.  Maybe you could find a different card with the same chipset01:20
salahFlannel, ok, on my file system, every files longer than 3-4 GB gets bad I/O error. For example, if I watch a ISO DVD with VLC, suddenly the harddrive starts to make the kind of work sound, and it is really working hard. And nothing answers. What might be the problem?01:20
ricky_I am trying to install a new wallpaper however I am not able to realize which extension the theme file has to have. Could anybody tell me please?01:20
JouvaFourX4Luvn: Yep yep, looking now :)01:20
mon^rchFlannel: name of file to edit and add server?01:20
JouvaBut what's the "GT" in the 6600?01:20
jribricky_: just right click on your desktop and change the desktop background.  Then select the file01:20
jribJouva: #hardware might give you final approval too as far as the merits of the card go01:21
Flannelmon^rch: Uh, I'm not really sure.  Something in .thunderbird, they may be able to give you much better help in #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org, like what to actually look for and how ot edit and stuff.  But, be sure to file a bug so it can be fixed01:21
Jouva"Good Technology?" "Gullible Techies"? ;)01:21
lyagicesword: Also:  /usr/share/fonts01:21
FourX4LuvnJouva:  The 6600 GT has higher Clock Speeds than the Standard 6600 and Higher quality memory (Faster).01:21
mon^rchFlannel: ty for the help01:22
FalicanHey, I am confused with using keys with OpenSSH, I have a private key for a user on a remote server which I put in my local id_rsa file but of course now it trys to use that for all servers I connect to (asking for the passphrase everytime). Where am i suppose to put the key?01:22
iceswordfor everyone01:22
FourX4LuvnJouva: I pasted that from a website forum, so take it with a grain of salt :)01:22
JouvaGot ya01:22
Flannelmon^rch: If you don't want to switch servers, #ubuntu-mozillateam can probably help too.  Might be a good place to check out anyway01:22
Cew27lyag: hi i got it back to 1280 x 768 by reconfiguring the xorg01:22
lyagCew27: Very good.01:22
Cew27lyag: but i want to get it to 1280x800 now01:23
Skfarekwhere sunbird locate a calenders file? it should be in Calendar/*.ics i think01:23
Skfarekbut i don't have this dir01:23
ricky_jrib_: yes but if I want to download a new theme from www.gnome-look.org, what "kind" of theme has to be? In that page I have found MEtacity Themes, GDM THemes,... I have download several themes of diferent "types" however Ubuntu is no recognizing them as suitable themes.01:23
lyagCew27: But first back it up:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak01:23
Cew27lyag: when i unplug from my external monitor it lets me but then buggers up on restart01:23
Skfareki try to find which file sunbird opens via strace but there isn't any interesting01:24
lyagCew27: navigate down to the lines that say "Modes" and add "1280x800" to the beginning of each set.01:24
jribFalican: you should set that up in ~/.ssh/config.  See 'man ssh' discussion on -i switch (feel free to ask more)01:24
FourX4LuvnSkfarek: Just search your home directory for *.ics  :)01:24
bulazeemwhat is the easiest way to allow a user to have forward and backward keys on their mouse when browsing with nautilus?01:24
Falicanjrib: thnx01:24
Cew27ok how do i back it up01:24
jribricky_: gdm is the login screen, metacity is the window border, gtk is the controls (like buttons and scrollbars)01:24
komputesis anyone here good with iptables?01:24
SkfarekFourX4Luvn: i did, and nothing found for sunbird01:24
Skfarekreally strange01:24
odbodPC Specs: 600 mhz AMD athlon/768 mb ram/nvidia tnt --- I have the nvidia legacy drivers working. I installed UT '99, but the performance is choppy compared to when it ran on windows (very well!!) any ideas?01:25
salahAny other ideas to my problem?01:25
komputesiptables guru needed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4351707#post435170701:25
lyagCew27: Where you see:   Modes   "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:25
user_Evening, I am trying to troubleshoot performance on my ATI 9600 with fglrx, urban terror (quake3) is really slow, and turns into slide show when anyone comes into my field of view.01:25
FourX4LuvnSkfarek: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=397825&01:26
lyagCew27: Change to:   Modes  "1200x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:26
ATGI have a slightly unusual problem with rhythmbox, and more recently sound playback in general01:26
odboduser: Do you have 3d acceleration on?01:26
ricky_So what kind of file is the "Crux" theme that appears at the Appearance Preferences/Themes?01:26
ATGWhenever I try to play something in Rhythmbox, it freezes at 0:00 and I have to force quit. Also, I can't get sound out of any other applications01:26
ATGanyone else had this problem?01:26
sp0roIs there a channel on freenode for intel driver support?01:27
ATGit worked fine until recently01:27
user_odbod: yes i do, OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.01:27
user_OpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series OpenGL version string: 2.1.7276 Release01:27
user_looks all clever01:27
user_glxinfo | grep direct - direct rendering: Yes01:27
FourX4LuvnATG: Have you tried rebooting the computer?01:27
odboduser: What drivers are you using?01:27
ATGFourX4Luvn: Yes, it used to work, now it doesn't.01:28
ATGI'm not sure what's changed01:28
ATGbeen all over google01:28
FourX4LuvnATG: Just wondering if some other process is locking the card..... Ok so that's not the issue then01:28
ATGFourX4Luvn, I'm using an onboard01:28
user_odbod: newest ati driver installed with envy01:28
norml_advocatedoes anyone here know how to use ndiswrapper?  need to activate my broadcom 43xx card01:28
ATGbut I still have a PCI installed. Why didn't I think of taking that out? /facepalm... OK, never mind.01:29
odboduser: Then I have no idea. Are you using gnome as your x shell?01:29
FourX4LuvnATG: try 'cat /dev/random > /dev/snd'01:29
FourX4LuvnATG: Kill it with ctrl+c01:29
FourX4LuvnATG: lol01:29
norml_advocatedoes anyone here know how to use ndiswrapper?  need to activate my broadcom 43xx card01:29
user_odbod: yes.. performance is just unacceptably bad, I dont know how to troubleshoot..glxgears: 11275 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2254.947 FPS01:29
lyagFourX4Luvn: ATG: 'cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp01:30
lyagFourX4Luvn: ATG: cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp01:30
norml_advocatedoes anyone here know how to use ndiswrapper?  need to activate my broadcom 43xx card01:30
norml_advocatedoes anyone here know how to use ndiswrapper?  need to activate my broadcom 43xx card01:30
norml_advocatedoes anyone here know how to use ndiswrapper?  need to activate my broadcom 43xx card01:30
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/How_to_get_Broadcom_43xx_Wireless_AirForce54g_card_to_work_proven_in_Ubuntu_Dappe_Drake01:30
FourX4Luvn!patience | norml_advocate01:30
SkfarekIf the location starts with "moz-profile-calendar://" the calendar is stored internally.01:30
odboduser: Try using xfce and running the game, see how well it does. If it's the same, you might need to adjust some settings in the game like textures, and details and res, etc.01:30
ubotunorml_advocate: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:30
FourX4Luvnlyag: Gotcha.. my bad, sorry01:31
odboduser: Or, find an updated opengl driver for the game.01:31
lyagnorml_advocate: apt-get install ndiswrapper01:31
norml_advocatei have gutsy01:31
bulazeemwhat is the easiest way to allow a user to have forward and backward keys on their mouse when browsing with nautilus?01:31
odioushello chaps. just wondering if i can upgrade an alpha to the final release using apt-get upgrade?01:31
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: So do I01:31
lyagnorml_advocate: And then get windows driver and  use it01:31
user_odbod: the game is based on the newest ioquake3, all the resolution / detail is set to lowest level01:31
sp0roIs there a channel on freenode for intel driver support?01:31
jribodious: ask in #ubuntu+1 but realize it is in development (and thus your computer can explode, etc.)01:32
FourX4Luvnsp0ro: If someone knew they'd answer you by now.. try just typing /list and seeing for yourself01:32
odboduser: CPU speed01:32
norml_advocatewhere is a good place to get a windows driver?01:32
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: The manufacturer's website01:32
user_odbod: 1.5 ghz intel01:32
jrib!wifi > norml_advocate (read the private message from ubotu)01:32
odboduser: Ram01:33
norml_advocateis there a way to turn off the people entering the room?01:33
user_odbod 51201:33
jribnorml_advocate: depends on your client01:33
odboduser: You are being bottlenecked somewhere.01:33
norml_advocatei am using pidgin01:33
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: If you install the pidgin plugin pack, there is a plugin in that to do what you want01:33
odboduser: And ATI is different for everyone. I got my radeon 9550 to work very well before (though people found that in disbelief)01:33
jribnorml_advocate: enable "hide join/part hiding" in plugins01:34
norml_advocateyour my new best friend01:34
x10-deadi need help trying to get sound on my gateway solo 515001:34
odboduser: But, it just seems you are either being bottlenecked somewhere, OR, it's just the drivers.01:34
FourX4Luvnjrib: That's not installed by default though is it?  Part of the plugin pack I thought01:34
user_odbod: Im shocked too.. :D ati open source driver performance is actually rather good, and fglrx was possibly actually better on older fglrx version... may have to do some research on phoronix..01:35
jribFourX4Luvn: I don't have pidgin-plugin-pack installed, but it is available to me01:35
Cew27lyag: well i got it back to how it used to be but still no 1200 80001:35
emmaI keep getting a very weird warning every time I log in now.  At the login it tells me this:  User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.01:35
odboduser: ATI doesn't support linux, that's the problem. But, nvidia does. THat's why nvidia seems to have drivers with better support than the proprietary ati drivers.01:35
FourX4Luvnjrib: Ok.. I stand corrected01:35
norml_advocateIT WORKED01:35
odbodemma: Ready for help?01:35
FourX4Luvnemma: chmod didn't solve that issue?01:36
emmaYes if you could?01:36
lyagCew27: Did you edit the xorg.conf file?01:36
norml_advocatecan i stay here and learn to be a supercool geek too?01:36
emmaThe chmod didn't seem to do it.01:36
norml_advocatei dont eat much01:36
odbodemma: did you do it as sudo?01:36
emmano i didn't01:36
odbodemma: problem #101:36
lyagCew27: Show me the xorg.conf file via pastebin01:36
odbodemma: sudo chmod 644 .dmrc01:36
Cew27lyag: i reconfigured it and used a back up to get my mouse working again01:36
tracer903should my monitor be listed in my xorg.conf as failsafe monitor? my tv out stopped working and I'm stuck01:36
FourX4Luvnemma: then do 'ls -l .dmrc' and paste the result back, please.01:37
norml_advocateIf i turn on remote access can someone just fix my computer?01:37
sp0roWhat does this mean?  "./configure: line 20212: unexpected token 'XEXT,' ./configure: line 20212: 'PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XEXT, xproto x11 xextproto xau'"? I got this line trying to ./autogen.sh a required package  called XEXT for Intel GM865 package. I know the apt repo has the package, but I am trying to learn stuff on linux without using apt to install everything at the moment.01:37
emma-rw-r--r-- 1 emma emma 28 2008-02-16 14:23 .dmrc01:37
emmathat is the result of ls -l .dmrc01:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:37
FourX4Luvnemma: That should do it then.. ownership and permissions are right01:38
sp0roDoes that mean I need all the packages listed? If so, how is that possible considering I need XEXT to install XEXT?01:38
emmaOkay I sure hope so!01:38
FourX4Luvnemma: Log completely out and back in again.. and if you have problems still then come back and let us know, ok?01:38
Cew27lyag: aaaaaaaah do you know why ubuntu never saves anything i copy after i close the source01:38
norml_advocatebut seriously if i turn on remote access can someone fix me up with wireless.  I am big dumb.01:39
LiraNunawhat's wrong with your wireless norml_advocate01:39
emmaFourX4Luvn,  okay I will do that right now.01:39
lmgeeehello there. I'm having troubles getting hostap drivers compiled (I assume that's necessary) with PRISM2_DOWNLOAD_SUPPORT, in order to flash the very old firmware on my prism2.5 card.01:39
LiraNunanorml_advocate, you don't need remote access for help01:39
FourX4Luvnwow LiraNuna.  Tone down the color :)  Hurts me eyes01:40
komputesI am trying to set up a firewall where one machine is the only on the network which can access the internet. if iptables is blocking all network traffic, how do I allow one host access all network traffic unrestricted?01:40
Cew27lyag: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56437/01:40
user_odbod: thanks for your help...01:40
LiraNunaFourX4Luvn, what colorr?01:40
LiraNunaFourX4Luvn, I'm using irssi, natively writing, what color are you talking about01:40
norml_advocateLiraNuna  I cant get the 43xx cutter tool to make my wireless work01:40
linux_trojanI was just wondering, is this the "official" room for ubuntu?01:41
norml_advocateand cant find windows drivers01:41
FourX4LuvnLiraNuna: Hrm.. it must be my client settings then.  I don't use IRC much, so I just use pidgin.  Never looked at it's color settings.. Anyway, on my screen you are a BRIGHT green.. Like glow in the dark neon green.01:41
jriblinux_trojan: the official support channel, yes01:41
LiraNunanorml_advocate, try using the restricted drivers manager01:41
linux_trojancool, today is my first day to use ubuntu, just installed it01:41
LiraNunaFourX4Luvn, Pidgin it not for IRC, don'01:41
norml_advocatealready did that, says its enabled but doesnt work01:42
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: Is it the card that isn't working, or perhaps your encryption?  Do you use WPA or WEP?  Could it be that that's causing the problem and not the card?01:42
linux_trojananyone keep up with www.distrowatch.com?01:42
Cew27lyag: u still there01:42
Skfarekanyone use gnome and 2 monitors?01:42
linux_trojanwhy has ubuntu dropped to #2 spot?01:42
lmgeeeanyone? "flashing firmware on a prism2.5 card"01:42
Cew27linux_trojan: i do01:42
lmgeeeSkfarek, yes.01:42
norml_advocatei dont know what those things are.  I just connect to public servers at coffee shops01:42
kolbywho is at #101:43
emmaHello. I still got the same error after putting in my password.01:43
Skfareklmgeee: any problems?01:43
Cew27linux_trojan: it aint01:43
fevellinux_trojan: I suspect comunity fraus =D01:43
Cew27kolby: pclinuxos01:43
jriblinux_trojan: this channel  is only for support.  We have #ubuntu-offtopic for other discussion.  Please go there for this conversation01:43
norml_advocateand i dont know anything about setting this thing up01:43
Skfareklmgeee: i have a problem with a wallpaper01:43
linux_trojanyea PCLINUXOS01:43
Skfareklmgeee: it looks awful01:43
fevelthats a good topic for offtopic01:43
odbod PC Specs: 600 mhz AMD athlon/768 mb ram/nvidia tnt --- I have the nvidia legacy drivers working. I installed UT '99, but the performance is choppy compared to when it ran on windows (very well!!) any ideas?01:43
lmgeeeSkfarek, prop nvidia drivers. no wallpaper. compiz?01:43
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: Ok.. well if you're connecting to public servers than encryption isn't the issue01:43
Skfareklmgeee: nop. intel drivers + copiz01:44
linux_trojanthe best thing ubuntu has going I think is its great forums and it does appear to be very stable01:44
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: Stupid question, but are you sure it's turned on?  Most laptops have a key combination to turn the wireless on or off.01:44
norml_advocatei have read alot of doc. on this, and it seems really common, and theres acajillion ways to make htis work.01:44
tracer903could someone look at my xorg.conf file and advise me.  my tv out stopped working. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56438/01:44
Skfareklmgeee: well it looks like on second monitor last pixel on the whole screen01:44
Cew27linux_trojan: what isnt stable01:44
norml_advocateit is turned on01:44
fevelanyone use ipod touch on ubuntu?01:44
lmgeeeSkfarek, might well be a compiz issue. I remember squashed wallpapers too -> turned em off01:44
norml_advocatebut i cant turn it off when i press the button01:44
FourX4Luvnlinux_trojan: More up to date than debian, but still with the wonderful apt package management.01:44
lmgeeeSkfarek, hang on..01:44
mrdigitalfevel: i used it to control ubuntu via vnc01:45
Skfareklmgeee: do you use xrandr or what?01:45
Cew27anyone got the eeepc if so how is it01:45
fevelmrdigital: I think youve mistaken your answer01:45
fevelmrdigital: I was talking about Ipod touch01:45
mrdigitalyou can use it to remote desktop into ubuntu01:45
mrdigitalor windows01:45
mrdigitalvia VNC01:45
FourX4LuvnCew27: I don't, but there were two people in here last night talking about it.  Consensus seemed to be that it was pretty good for what it is.. and the wifi adapter is pretty flaky.01:46
mrdigitalim just pointing out a cool feature01:46
fevelmrdigital: OH REALLY!01:46
mrdigitalif u jailbreak it01:46
fevelmrdigital: thats cool01:46
lmgeeeSkfarek, yes. can't find the flag for the Device section, but it prevented some buffers.01:46
Cew27FourX4Luvn: what you mean about the adapter and is it worth getting for my bd and sticking mint or another distro on it ?01:46
mrdigitalfevel: have u heard of jailbreaking?01:46
craigbasssWhere are samba shares mounted if you can see them in nautilus?  It just showed the files on a windows box, but I don't know where to find them int eh command line to play...01:46
fevelive heard of ssh through bsd subsystem01:46
linux_trojanI have a license for VMware Workstation 5, I cant get it to run on any 2008 linux distros, yet I can get VMplayer to work on all the distros01:46
Skfareklmgeee: any solution?01:46
lmgeeeSkfarek, two screens with 1280x1024 tripple buffered is quite some memory01:47
craigbasssI tried mounting them manually (mount -t smbfs (and also cifs) //ip.add.ress.sofbox/sharename /mnt01:47
lmgeeeSkfarek, yeah, but I can't find the flag01:47
fevelmy is a jailbroken touch 16 gb but cant seem to transfer podcasts, photos and those things01:47
FourX4LuvnCew27: I mean it seemed like they were having trouble with the wifi just shutting off for no apparant reason at any time it wanted to.  Otherwise they liked it.01:47
Skfareklmgeee: i can wait ;)01:47
fevelonly music through ipod-touch-mount01:47
norml_advocatei wnat someone to fix my wireless through remote accesss!01:48
fevelmrdigital: had you any luck???01:48
Cew27FourX4Luvn: what atheros wireless is it and it sounds like a driver issue01:48
FourX4LuvnCew27: So.. if you're not going to be doing much wireless with it then for the price, yeah, it might be pretty good.  If you are going wireless a lot I'd stay away though.01:48
norml_advocatewhos the bigshot around here?01:48
FourX4LuvnCew27: I have no idea.. Like I said, I don't have one, just know what I overheard01:48
linux_trojananyone use "bitch x"?01:48
emmaI'm back I made a pastebin to explain things.....  Can anyone help me with a strange error?01:48
FourX4Luvnemma Still no go, eh?01:48
lmgeeeSkfarek, got a prob myself I have to sort first.. :\01:48
NortherWhat is this "roaming mode" in network manager? If I disable it, my wireless network no longer shows up in it01:48
emmaI did the sudo chmod and logged back in but the same error was there along with a new error.  Here is the pastebin -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56439/01:48
Cew27FourX4Luvn: kool i think i may get one althaugh i am concered about the small hdd01:49
stdhow do i setup slip01:49
Skfareklmgeee: i'm stiil here ;)01:49
linux_trojanis ubuntu the only distro to use sudo  I never seen that before, I just went ahead and created a password for my root01:49
FourX4Luvnemma: Ok.. 'ls -ld /home/yourusername'01:50
FourX4Luvnemma: and paste the output, please01:50
norml_advocateany one want to remote fix me?01:50
emmaThis looks relevant but I'm unsure about the directions -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37105201:50
norml_advocateill do it01:50
norml_advocateif you fix it01:50
Cew27anyone here know how i can get my resolution to 1280x800 i did it before but it sbuggered up upon restart01:50
Drizzt321how do I get rid of gpilotd without getting rid of ubuntu-desktop?01:50
stdhow do i setup slip:01:50
norml_advocateremote fix me please?01:50
FourX4Luvnslip?  What on earth for?  I haven't seen a slip connection in at least 10 years01:50
macoi need help01:50
broderickwill ubuntu boot off of the GRUB loader01:51
emmadrwxrwxrwx 41 emma emma 4096 2008-02-17 20:41 /home/emma01:51
FourX4Luvnbroderick: Yes.01:51
broderickcool thx01:51
emmaThat is from ls -ld /home/emma01:51
bluefox83Drizzt321, ubuntu-desktop is a dummy package, you can get rid of it a thousand times over and not lose anything important01:51
FourX4Luvnemma: Ok.. that's your problem.  'sudo chmod o-w /home/emma'01:51
Cew27anyone here know how i can get my resolution to 1280x800 i did it before but it buggered up upon restar01:51
emmaokay i'll do it01:51
bluefox83Cew27, nvidia card?01:51
norml_advocateis everyone ignoring my request for a remote fix me up?01:51
macowhat sould i do if i want to do dual boot with windows xp and Ubuntu?? I only can boot with Ubuntu.. :-$01:51
Stratchange xorg.conf?01:52
Cew27bluefox83: intel onboard 64501:52
Drizzt321bluefox83:  ok, thank you. if it doesn't work I'm blaming you :P01:52
emmashould I log out and back on again?01:52
bluefox83norml_advocate, you need to do it yourself, it's dangerous for someone to log into your system and do stuff to your system01:52
FourX4Luvnemma: Your home directory was set to allow anyone to write to it.  Big security problem.  That command will remove the write ability from anyone that is not 'emma' or in the 'emma' group.01:52
FourX4Luvnemma: Yes, please01:52
norml_advocatebluefox83 i trust you01:52
bluefox83Drizzt321, no problem :P01:52
norml_advocateyou do it01:52
linux_trojandual boot, I havent done that in a long time01:52
bluefox83norml_advocate, whats the problem?01:52
emmaOkay thank you FourX4Luvn  you are really great01:52
norml_advocatecant get my 43xx wireless to work01:52
linux_trojanCew just download VMware Server from free01:52
stdFourX4Luvin: I am a teenager trying to learn how to setup slip.01:52
linux_trojan*for free01:53
Cew27linux_trojan: why would i do that isnt that virtual desktop software01:53
komputescan anyone help me with iptables?01:53
macoCan anybody help me??01:53
FourX4Luvnstd: Ok.. Fair enough. :)  Just was curious, it's such an old technology.  Gimmie a minute.. I think I still have some info around here about it.01:53
bluefox83norml_advocate, when you go to system->administration->network, is wireless connection listed?01:53
zthhmm this DVD wont play for me. it's matrix reloaded. any ideas? nothing happens when totem tries playing it and i cant open the vob files01:54
norml_advocateyes it is and the restricted drivers manager says its enabled01:54
komputeszth: try downloading VLC01:54
linux_trojanCew27:  coz you dont have to worry about the partitions and the boot file, you run windows and linux at the same time01:54
stdFourX4Luvin Thank you.:)01:54
NortherWhat is this.. "Illegal block number passwed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmap ****** for multiply claimed block map". I'm running fsck and I have hundreds of these errors01:54
FourX4Luvnstd: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/282001:54
Akaramy remote control and tv out don't work, can someone help me fix them?01:54
bluefox83norml_advocate, do you see a little icon on your taskbar that says "wired network connection" looks like two little computers together?01:55
FourX4Luvnstd: That should give you a good start at least :)01:55
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
komputeszth: VLC does a good job at playing all media files and discs01:55
FourX4Luvnemma: All better?01:55
fevelkomputes: do you recomment it over totem?01:55
desertcAnyone played around with GNOME Theming ?01:55
komputesfevel: highly01:55
emmaFourX4Luvn,  you fixed it you GENIUS! ♥01:55
bluefox83click that little icon, anything come up in the menu?01:55
macoI have to modify the file /boot/grub/menu.lst ?? What should i add at the end?? Something like XP on (hd0,0)01:55
FourX4Luvnemma: :)  Good to hear.01:55
komputessomeone can please give me some iptables help...01:56
FourX4Luvn!grub | maco01:56
ubotumaco: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:56
norml_advocatebluefox83 yes01:56
bluefox83norml_advocate, whats coming up?01:56
emmaIt's funny how that could have happened. I've never looked at that file. I think maybe what did it is that I did a sudo gedit when I should do a gksudo gedit...01:56
FourX4Luvnemma: What file were you trying to edit?01:56
nbourdeauHas anyone succeeded in configuring an ATI HD 2600 card in 7.10 ? I,ve tried almost all how to and check thousands of forums posts without success....01:57
emmaI think it was my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file01:57
desertcTrying to find a GNOME theme that expands the edges of the windows.  I'm having trouble clicking to resize.01:57
norml_advocateit says     wired network with a radio button high lighted, uder that it say wireless networkds, but none there.  there shouldnt be any there though because there is now wireless here.01:57
linux_trojanI think for dual boot you install windows and make sure you create a swap partition, then install linux and the boot loader reads that you have and windows partition and it puts that in the boot loader, but I cant remember for suer01:57
bluefox83norml_advocate, congradulations, your wireless works01:57
norml_advocateit also has conncet to other and create wireless net. options01:57
FourX4Luvnemma: Your problem was that your home directory became world writeable.  What caused THAT I don't know, but that's why you were getting the errors.  Editing your xorg.conf file wouldn't of had anything to do with that.. Nor would sudo vs gksudo.01:58
norml_advocatebut when i go to the coffee shop it doesnt show up01:58
linux_trojangosh I cant type01:58
emmaHm. I am not sure then. I really don't know.01:58
norml_advocatei just want it to appear there so i can click and surf01:58
norml_advocateno servers coming up01:58
FourX4Luvnemma: Oh well.. It's fixed now.. If it happens again, THEN you know you have troubles.. For now though, just forget about it and enjoy your now working again computer :)01:58
bluefox83norml_advocate, i dunno, when i go to my local library i get like three different wireless signals, two from the library, one from the coffee shop around the block...01:59
emmaCool thanks so much again!01:59
FourX4Luvnemma: No problem.01:59
norml_advocatedo you think that the router is turned off when they close the coffee shop?01:59
norml_advocateits in the basement01:59
macooh, fuck!!01:59
Flannel!language | maco01:59
ubotumaco: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:59
linux_trojaneasiest way to do a dual boot is with two distinct hard drives01:59
bluefox83FourX4Luvn, ati is pretty well known for not being very linux friendly, so you might be out of luck till someone can write the driver for your card02:00
FourX4Luvnbluefox83: Got the wrong guy there, bud :)02:00
bluefox83norml_advocate, yeah, lots of coffee shops do that, they think someone might hack their stuff in the middle of the night with no one there watching the network02:00
bluefox83FourX4Luvn, you didn't have probs with a ati card?02:00
JouvaStill the wrong guy ;)02:00
FourX4Luvnbluefox83: No sir.  I run nVidia02:01
norml_advocatebut that would make them stupid cuz if i could hack i would do it while sitting right there and drinking there tasty coffee02:01
norml_advocateand using there interweb02:01
Jouvabluefox83: I think you're looking for nbourdeau02:01
bluefox83it was nbourdeau >.>02:01
nbourdeaubluefox83 : it's me!02:01
linux_trojanshouldnt that be "bourdeaux"?02:01
bluefox83nbourdeau, well then i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ati is very well known for not being very forthcoming with their drivers for the linux crowd02:02
komputessee you all later, i'm getting no love here. if a netadmin has time to look at this it would be very nice! :D       http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69987102:02
nbourdeaui know it is not linux friendly but was just gessing if someone succeded in configuring fglrx with this card02:02
bluefox83nbourdeau, so, you might be out of luck02:02
Freebeancan some1 who knows something answer something for me or else direct me to where I mite find the answer?02:02
norml_advocatebluefox83 thanks for the help.  im gonna go try and find a wireless network. if it doesnt work ill be back. will you be here in an hour02:02
FourX4LuvnFreebean: Just ask your question :)02:02
* bluefox83 makes a point to never buy ati, since they are notorious for not coughing up the drivers02:02
* Norther makes that note too02:03
linux_trojanati all in wonder is a nightmare in linux02:03
Freebeanyou know the standard Solitaire in ububtu?02:03
bluefox83norml_advocate, possibly, and you might want to download a little package called "wifi radar"02:03
Freebeancomes up with last version u played02:03
Hilikuscan anyone help me to install a hauppaufe wintv pvr 150 ir blaster? the remote is working but not the blaster, im using gutsy02:03
norml_advocatewhats that?02:03
linux_trojanI think there is a program called casas or something but I never made it work02:03
Frogzoobluefox83: since amd bought ati, there's been a commitment to decent linux drivers, & they're getting better02:03
bluefox83norml_advocate, helps you detect wifi networks ;)02:04
bluefox83Frogzoo, cool, doesn't AMD own ati?02:04
FourX4LuvnFreebean: Hrm.. Nope, afraid I don't02:04
Frogzoobluefox83: they do now, yes02:04
FourX4LuvnFrogzoo: When did that happen?02:04
bluefox83and didn't HP or someone just buy amd?02:04
Freebeanok   thx  anyway02:05
FourX4LuvnNo, no no.. don't say that, bluefox02:05
NortherWhat is this.. "Illegal block number passwed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmap ****** for multiply claimed block map". I'm running fsck and I have hundreds of these errors02:05
phac3hey my audio on my ubuntu just stop working now i have no sound what do i do to fix this?02:05
NortherIt's been scanning from the past 6 hours and still not done02:05
bluefox83it was IBM...they bought AMD02:06
norml_advocatebluefox83 just got it, do the connections automatically appear in the window?02:06
desertcphac3: what have you done to troubleshoot the issue so far?02:06
sparr_ive got a bunch of kubuntu 6.10 discs that i dont need.  is there anywhere i can send them that would want them?02:06
=== Norther is now known as dataloss
bluefox83norml_advocate, no, you have to refresh it once in a while to keep it looking02:06
phac3nothing yet02:06
FourX4Luvndataloss: Ouch.. I don't know anything about your problem, but I did find this.  May help you.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57848402:06
soulburneri have returned02:06
norml_advocatebluefox83 but if i go to a place where i know there is a signal, and open the wifi radar they will appear there?02:07
soulburnercan anyone point me in the direction how to share connection with my eth0 via my wireless usb adapter?02:07
matholum hello, does anyone know anything about the wxWidgets for c#, wx.net?02:07
zthin vlc, trying to play a dvd, all i get is a pixly view, u knmow the one when comp cant play the movie. i do hear the sound but cant see any pcture02:07
FourX4Luvnsoulburner: http://linux.about.com/od/ubusrv_doc/a/ubusg18t03.htm02:07
Dr_willissoulburner,  at one time - the 'ip masquerading howto' covered that.. but thats a long time ago. there may be better guides out now on doing it.02:08
fevelanyone have any luck transfering photos, videos, etc to a jailbroken Ipod touch???02:08
bluefox83norml_advocate, yeah...that's the idea02:08
soulburnerthanks four, and yes dr_willis.... i just tried that method02:08
soulburnerit stopped my usb adapter from working apparntely02:08
datalossHmm, odd, FourX4Luvn. It says it's a rare bug in the filesystem. I'm lucky02:08
norml_advocatebluefox83 how do you get to know so much about linux?  i must learn.  i want to learn how to program and stuff02:08
FourX4Luvndataloss: Lol.. What a way to be lucky, eh?02:08
Dr_willissoulburner,  just googled this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137002:08
norml_advocatebluefox83 any good books or college courses?02:09
datalossFourX4Luvn: The problems started after I resized my ext3 partition02:09
bluefox83norml_advocate, honestly? break stuff a lot...then spend hours fixing it :P02:09
norml_advocatebluefox83 well im broken lets see if i fixed it02:09
bluefox83norml_advocate, there are ubuntu tutorials all over for just about everything you can think of02:09
norml_advocatesign out02:09
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: I dunno about bluefox, but I went to the school of hard knocks.. Years of tinkering and breaking and fixing.  Best advice I can give?  Read a lot, tinker a little, read a lot.... ad nauseum.02:09
linux_trojanif something breaks just reinstall02:10
datalossFirst it wouldn't even mount, so I replaced the superblock with a backup using testdisk and fsck, and managed to get it to mount and backed up my important stuff. It still won't boot into Ubuntu and this fsck is taking slightly longer than forever02:10
dsnydersHi all! My k3b stopped working, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.02:10
norml_advocatefourx4luvn good advice but i want to learn fast.  im lookin for a school of soft knocks, or a nice big huge book02:10
norml_advocatethat starts out with linux is for computers02:11
norml_advocatecomputers are your friend02:11
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: Ok. .then you'll have to be a bit more specific about what you want to learn first.02:11
eltuxhey, I'm installing ubuntu onto my external drive yet i think i need to install a boot loader and I already have one on my hard drive, what should I do so I can boot into the external drive?02:11
norml_advocatestart with basics move on till i control the entire linux world02:11
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: For general Linux usage.. with an Ubuntu slant... http://www.amazon.com/Official-Ubuntu-Book-Benjamin-Mako/dp/013243594202:12
matt___how can i edit the name of a drive? like a flash drive or ipod?02:12
desertcnorml_advocate: tldp.org02:12
norml_advocatefourx4luvn how do you do that so fast?02:12
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: google :)02:12
FourX4Luvnnorml_advocate: For that one I just searched for "ubuntu books"02:12
desertcFourX4Luvn: yeah, that book is a good introduction --  I own it02:13
ubuntuuserhelp! just removed myself from sudoers list ^^02:13
FourX4Luvndesertc: I've heard that.. Haven't read it, but I've heard good reviews02:13
FourX4Luvnubuntuuser: Have you enabled the root account?02:13
desertcit gets in depth with what the ubuntu project is trying to do02:13
ubuntuuserFourX4Luvn: don't know what that means. but no i don't have a root password02:14
Starnestommyubuntuuser: which version of ubuntu?02:14
ubuntuuserif I go in safemode will I get back the root access?02:14
FourX4Luvnubuntuuser: 'shutdown now' will drop you to a root prompt.. then edit the /etc/sudoers file02:15
Starnestommyubuntuuser: ok, go into recovery mode, then at the command line, type 'adduser yourname admin', but replace 'yourname' with your username02:15
FourX4Luvnubuntuuser: Use something like pico02:15
ubuntuuserwill try that02:15
FourX4Luvnubuntuuser: Or Starnestommy's method will work too02:15
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto02:16
ubuntuuser"shutdown now" need to be root02:16
ubuntuuserI'll try the other option02:16
Crumb1st time ubuntu user...long time linux user....sound card option is not set in /boot/config....... download sources, set config optiona nd recompile or is there a better (more ubuntu) way?02:16
supersakoanyone here using virtualbox? how much space would be a decent amount to allocate for winxp? i think im going to do the dynamic allocation thing where it reserves but doesnt use all of it in the beginning02:16
FourX4Luvnubuntuuser: Ahh.. Ok.. yeah, just hit 'esc' when it loads grub and select the recovery option02:16
ubuntuuserI will02:17
FourX4Luvnsupersako: Depends on what you want to do with Windows02:17
datalosssupersako: I use 12GB in VMware just for testing stuff. I wouldn't use dynamic allocation again02:17
sjscan anybody help me with ubuntu installation? to why after i hit start installation it just crashes there?02:17
Crumbanyone familiar with getting snd_card_hda_intel module compiled and loaded?02:18
chris062689I have a question.02:18
amenadosjs from liveCD?02:18
chris062689I want to make a minimalistic Ubuntu install on my EeePC.02:18
FourX4Luvnsupersako: I use 10 gig for mine.. but again, depends on how much you want to install to the windows machine.  As dataloss said though, I wouldn't use the dynamic size.  Just set the size statically (forget what it calls the other option)02:18
sjsdesktop cd02:18
chris062689What Desktop Environment do you suggest?02:18
koreskosjs: I might be able to help with this one also.02:18
sjsi've winxp installed tho02:18
lyagsjs: What processor?  How much memory?02:18
Starnestommychris062689: xfce02:18
supersakoah i see any reason why the dynamic allocation is not smart?02:18
sjserm it's a presarrio v200002:19
linux_trojanwhen I have trouble installing a distro like that, its coz the drivers cant see the hardware, I just get another distro02:19
chris062689Starnestommy: Even EeeXubuntu only leaves about 1GB on my SSD.02:19
datalosssupersako: Compromises performance02:19
FourX4Luvnchris062689: Minimal and desktop environment are pretty mutually exclusive terms.02:19
danbhfivechris062689: you can also try fluxbuntu at #fluxbuntu02:19
chris062689I tried fluxbox02:19
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:19
sjssec let me boot it up to see what it has hmm02:19
chris062689I couldn't get anything more than a desktop though.02:19
VisinoniI want to provide a login for a user but restrict them to only their home dir02:19
lyagsjs: How much memory?02:19
linux_trojanthats why I use Mandriva, Fedora, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu, I use them all02:19
Crumbfluxbox is just a desktop02:19
koreskosjs: You probably are having a kernel issue with your hardware.  Laptops can be especially tricky - they like to do weird things with the hardware....02:19
FourX4Luvnchris062689: I'd go with ubuntu-server install, then install blackbox or fluxbox02:19
VisinoniI dont want them to be able to even cd to anywhere else02:19
chris062689I tried that.02:19
Visinonihow do I do that?02:19
chris062689I'm getting errors when installing from a ubuntu-server install.02:20
fevelanyone installed warcraft 3 frozen throne?02:20
fevelit keeps asking for the cd02:20
amenadoVisinoni-> do you expect them do anything in the computer?02:20
koresko<sjs> The first thing to try is turn off a bunch of kernel features by editing the boot commandline.02:20
fevelthe cd id inserted02:20
Visinonino not really02:20
VisinoniI just want them to have a login02:20
datalossHas it ever happened to anyone where you hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and it rebooted the system instead of restarting gdm?02:20
supersakoi want to use virtualbox for adobe master suite and visual studio 2008 but now i think bout it.. i dont want those programs ;P02:20
amenadoVisinoni-> does that make sense?02:20
Visinoniand be able to see their own home folder02:20
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:20
sjs<koresko> ! how do i do that!!!?02:20
Visinoniso they can see things in their own folder02:20
Crumbanyone know how to get modules compiled ih ubuntu?02:20
robdigCrumb: what sound card do you have?02:20
Visinonimakes perfect sense02:20
reindI'm going to install ubuntu on a drive that has 3 existing linuxraid (raid5) partitions. Will the installer force a format of these drives (not desired) or will the data be maintained?02:21
FourX4Luvndataloss: Certainly hasn't happened to me.  ctrl+alt+del, yeah02:21
_Oz_Hullo, Ubuntu friends!02:21
benanzohow do I tell rsync to use a specfic private key when syncing via ssh?02:21
Crumbrobdig: thanks...its just onboard audio on an nforce card..i know the module i need...its just not enabled in the default config02:21
benanzosomething like the 'ssh -i id_rsa02:21
FourX4Luvnreind: Partition the drive before doing the install, and during the install select 'manual partition' and just set the mount points.02:21
dsnydersHi all! My k3b stopped working, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.  Anybody know what's wrong?02:21
Visinoniamenado - I want them to be able to read docs I put in their folder and that's about it02:21
koresko<sjs> Was a afraid you'd ask that.  I don't have the Ubuntu CD handy to remind myself, but for most distros you hit a Fn key to get a list of kernel options you can type at the boot prompt.02:21
reindFourX4Luvn: ok will do02:22
Visinonithey dont even really need to be able to edit anything in their folder... only read02:22
Crumbrobdig: long time gentoo user...looking for a simpler distro for a desktop but im used to being able to just compile my own kernel with what i want02:22
amenadoVisinoni-> it does not make sense for anyone even to log on, just create a web site for the user to view02:22
Visinonimakes sense to me02:22
Visinoniis it possible02:22
sjs<koresko> where do i do th at? like after i boot using the ubuntu cd?02:23
robdigCrumb: ok, the intel module i needed was already loaded. if you want to compile, you will need to download linux sources, plus build-essential02:23
lyagCrumb: You can still compile your own kernel.02:23
FourX4LuvnVisinoni: Anything's possible.  Just depends on how much you know or are willing to learn :)02:23
jribgrep Linux02:23
Crumbrobdig: # CONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL is not set02:23
Visinoniwell it doesnt seem like it would be that difficult... is it just a matter of permissions?02:23
FourX4LuvnVisinoni: If you know much about creating dynamic websites though, then it wouldn't be too hard02:23
koresko<sjs> Probably when GRUB is up and showing a list of options (install Ubuntu, memory test, media test, etc)02:23
VisinoniI dont want to create a website... I Want them to be restricted to their home folder02:23
Crumblyag: thanks02:23
freakabcdhi all02:23
Visinonithat's all02:23
Crumbrobdig: thaks ill go get the sources and build the module02:24
datalossFourX4Luvn: Seems I'm a magnet for rare problems. I was checking out how stable Ubuntu is. I was restarting gdm that way once a week, just to free up RAM. It ran well for 3 months, and the next ctrl+alt+backspace restarted the system for some odd reason. It said in the console that the system's going to reboot. It wasn't a crash or anything02:24
FourX4LuvnVisinoni: Oh02:24
VisinoniI'm not sure what that has to do with what I want...02:24
FourX4Luvndataloss: Remind me not to have you play with my computers then.  ;-)02:24
Hilikushow do i uninstall a module??02:24
VisinoniI want them to log in... see their home folder, and if they try to access anything else, they are denied02:24
robdigCrumb: i made one typo, the linux source is called linux-source02:24
VisinoniI'm not sure why this is such a nonsensical idea02:25
FourX4LuvnVisinoni: Someone suggested to you that you just create a website to display their documents to them.. I thought that's what you were asking about.02:25
_Oz_If I want to try KDE but easily be able to go back to gnome, what's the best way to do that?02:25
koresko<Hilikus> use 'modprobe -r modulename'02:25
sjs<koresko> hmm let me try (installing it on my laptop, using another pc atm) btw my presario v2000 is running on a pentium M 1.5ghz 512mb shared02:25
Crumbrobdig: found it already thanks...was just trying to use default install...appreciate the help02:25
Visinonii dont want to create a website02:25
danbhfiveVisinoni: what's this for?02:25
FourX4LuvnVisinoni: Look at chroot then.  Chroot each user to their own 'jail'02:25
amenadoVisinoni-> and what tools do you expect the user to view their home directory? files there02:25
Dr_willisVisinoni,  Login with ssh?02:25
Hilikuskoresko thats to unload it from the kernel, i want to remove from my system to re-create it from scratch02:25
Visinoniit's for my coworkers to have a directory on my server02:25
koresko<sjs> I think the hardware spces should be fine02:25
Dr_willisevery time ive heard people wanting to chroot users into their home dirs.. they come back later saying it was more of a pain then it was worth.02:25
robdigCrumb: np problem, good luck02:26
Visinoniforget it then02:26
compyanyone use audacity?02:26
amenadoVisinoni-> it does not make sense,02:26
YodaHey all, I need a quick bit of help on IRC.  Could you explain to me how to switch to a new server and channel please?02:26
Dr_willisif the permissions are set on the other files/dirs - the users cant hurt the other dirs/files02:26
Dr_willisYoda,  /server whatever02:26
FourX4LuvnDr_willis: True.. FreeBSD's jail option would be better, but alas....02:26
lyagCrumb: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:26
Yodaalright, thanks02:26
Dr_willisYoda,  for the rest.. read the irc client docs for your cient02:26
sjs<koresko> k i'm at GRUB and pressing the Fn key isn't doing anything!02:26
dsnyderscompy, I've used it.  I'm no expert, but ask your question.02:26
Dr_willisFourX4Luvn,  degrees of paranoia i guess. :)02:27
matholumany mono users out there? what do i do with a .so file?02:27
_Oz_Is that dude who was having the GRUB problem still around?02:27
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:27
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:27
sjs<koresko> wait i pressed F1 and it says this is a live cd for ubuntu. did i get the wrong image file?02:27
koreskoHilikus: Sorry, wrong context I guess.  Do you mean you actually want to recompile your kernel module?02:27
shiwarayahello, im trying to back up some pictures that are on my desktop running ubuntu live but it says i have no rights to copy them. what i can do?02:27
_Oz_g a b e02:27
FourX4LuvnDr_willis: True.02:27
Hilikuskoresko exactly02:27
compydsnyders, so im trying to record streamed sound but it wont... ie i dont think my input device is right02:27
_Oz_If I want to try KDE but easily be able to go back to gnome, what's the best way to do that?02:27
compyand i have no clue what device it should be02:28
amenadoshiwaraya-> the partition is mounted ?02:28
FourX4Luvn_Oz_: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'02:28
andrew__Anyone care to lend me a hand with my sound problem? I think what I need to do it repair/revert my drivers/conifg but I don't know how to go about that.02:28
gabei'm switching over from windows to ubuntu on my desktop and i'm haveing a problem with the wireless networking02:28
yoalguien q sabe de un equivalente a flsh en feisty02:28
Dr_willisI mixx and match kde and gnome - so i always have kubuntu-dekstop and ubuntu-desktop both installed.02:28
koresko<Hilikus> You'll need the kernel sources and tools to do that.  Are you sure you need to?  What exactly are you trying to accomplish (install a patch?)02:28
Dr_willisnow removing the kde stuff.. can be a issue later _Oz_02:28
sjs<koresko> and it's showing a list of options F1-F10 like prereq for running ubuntu, special boot parameters etc.02:28
_Oz_fourx4luvn: shouldn't I use aptitude to install that?  Anyway, how can I easily go back to my CURRENT gnome desktop02:28
FourX4Luvn_Oz_: Then, at gdm login screen select options, sessions (I think it is) and select KDE02:28
shiwarayaamenado, yes, i can copy some files, but some others semms to have different rights, especially pictures02:28
Dr_willis_Oz_,  use aptitude to install  kiubuntu-dekstop, that may make it easier to remove kde later.02:29
koresko<sjs> Special boot parameters sounds like what you want.  You should be able to control a number of things about how the kernel behaves.02:29
Dr_willis_Oz_,  the gdm or kdm login tool has a menu for what desktop to use02:29
datalossNow fsck is showing hundreds of numbers. I don't what all this is02:29
_Oz_aptitude has better control over all the unused dependencies, right?02:29
datalossI wonder how long this is gonna take. It's been 7 hours already02:29
amenadoshiwaraya-> the partition is mounted  both source and destination?  and you were doing this as sudo when in liveCd ?02:29
FourX4Luvn_Oz_: Dr_willis Is probably right.  apt-get will work, but aptitude is probably better if you thik you're going to remove it later02:29
_Oz_dr_willis: I am afraid I won't be able to get back to my gnome install.  Is this an irrational fear?02:29
_Oz_fourx4luvn: very good02:29
dsnyderscompy, I don't believe audacity is the right tool for the job.  It's more for editing sound files, ie cutting and pasting sound bites.02:29
amenadodataloss-> a sign of dying hard disk02:29
Dr_willis_Oz_,  get back? whats to get back to? You tgell gdm to go to KDE or GNOME.. there ya go.02:30
Hilikuskoresko im trying to recompile the lirc_pvr150 module, the gutsy version is supposed to do what i need but i manually compiled it when i was using feisty, i upgraded today and the module segfaults when i load it so im suspecting the dist upgrade didnt upgrade it cause i manually compile it in feisty02:30
compydsnyders, do you know of a nix program?02:30
Dr_willisselect gnome session ya get gnome.. select kde session ya get kde.02:30
koresko<sjs> Typically when there's a hang on boot it's because of ACPI or APM, but if you send the list of params I will try to guess which ones are worth trying first.02:30
compyi have a mac and they have a few but are 60 bucks02:30
datalossamenado: I tried smartctl and it showed everything is okay02:30
shiwarayaamenado-> how can i run as sudo the graphic folder browser?02:30
sjs<koresko> go on!02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:30
Hilikuskoresko so i want to remove it completely and let SOMETHING install the standard module from gutsy02:30
dsnyderscompy, what is your source?  What kind of stream is it?02:30
amenadodataloss-> then if you trust smartctl, go forward02:30
_Oz_thanks, dr_willis.02:31
FourX4LuvnDr_willis: Not sure, but I think he's asking if he can remove kde completely if he decides he doesn't like it.  Not necessarily how to log back into gnome02:31
amenadoshiwaraya-> gksudo02:31
compyor uhh actually i dotn know02:31
desertcI set up a new GNOME theme and now I have much wider window boarders.  Nice tweak for people with very high resolution monitors.02:31
datalossamenado: Well everything was okay. It got messed up after I resized my partition.02:31
MTecknologyoops, I uninstalled something... what package do I need to have window borders?02:31
compyskype conversations02:31
_Oz_does compiz work well with kde?02:31
amenadoshiwaraya-> btw try to learn the command line okay?02:31
koresko<Hilikus> Hm, you think your installed copy of the module might be corrupted then?02:31
Dr_willis_Oz_,  it can work with kde. :)02:31
datalossamenado: And the drive is hardly 4 months old02:31
Flannelshiwaraya: gksu nautilus, don't use sudo (use gksu).  And remember, close it as soon as you can.02:31
Hilikuskoresko yes02:31
FourX4LuvnI think KDE4 uses compiz by default now, no?02:31
komikIs there anyone here that can help me with a grub boot error?02:31
Hilikuskoresko it was fine for the older kernel02:31
Hilikusbut i upgraded today02:32
shiwarayaamenado-> thanks, but what is the aplication for browsing folders: gksudo _____?02:32
Hilikusand it stopped workinf02:32
Dr_williskde4 does NOT use compiz. it has similer features however02:32
FourX4Luvnoh.. ok02:32
shiwarayatx Flannel i didnt read u02:32
amenadodataloss-> oh well, as i have said if you trust it, go forward, carry on02:32
koresko<Hilikus> Oh wait, you mean you compiled it for the Feisty kernel and are trying to use the same binary for the Gutsy kernel?  That certainly would fail.02:32
shiwarayaim chatting on a spare pentium I and lines come very slow :)02:32
amenadoshiwaraya-> per Flannel its gksu nautilus  my type gksudo02:32
Hilikuskoresko im not sure02:33
amenadoshiwaraya-> per Flannel its gksu nautilus  my typo* gksudo02:33
dsnyderscompy, I'm not sure.  I know mplayer can play streams, and can dump to a file, but I don't know if it can do both at the same time.02:33
jerojasr1hi. I'd like to check the setup of my sound card, but I can'r find alsaconf anywhere. I already installed the alsa-utils package. Any hints?02:33
compyaww ok02:33
FourX4Luvndsnyders: It cannot.  One or the other.02:33
compyill check some out at google02:33
Hilikuskoresko i just want to make sure that the module is the new default module and no the patched one i created for feisty02:34
andrew__Can someone tell me if there is a way to repair/revert my sound drivers and config rather than reinstall the entire OS?02:34
sjs<koresko> so what do i do about ACPI or APM? what kinda param do i need?02:34
shiwarayaamenado--> thanks very much, i got it02:34
amenadoshiwaraya-> you're welcome, again try to learn command lines and not rely too much on gui02:35
koresko<Hilikus> Hm, the modules for a given kernel version are normally installed in /lib/modules/kernelversion so there isn't much chance the wrong one would get loaded unless you did something weird.02:35
krammerhi I am stuck in the shutdown process it is showing will restart but nothing is happening02:35
Hilikuskoresko i see02:35
dsnydersHi all! My k3b stopped working, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.  Anybody else having this problem?02:35
_Oz_dr_willis: re KDE and compiz, is it...  not ideal?  Is compiz best utilized in the gnome desktop?02:35
koresko<sjs> From (vague, unreliable) memory, ACPI=off, APM=off.02:35
tushydhey, my little battery button went away on my notification area... how do I get it back??02:35
amenadokrammer-> press the on/off switch for a few secs02:36
shiwarayaI backed up on different partition all that i needed from my home folder, do i need to back up something else02:36
FourX4Luvntushyd: Did it go away because your battery is fully charged?  Or you mean it's completely absent?02:36
krammerive tried that and rebooted then i tried to c if it would do it again and it did02:36
Dr_willis_Oz_,  i dont find compiz that useable at times...02:36
amenadoshiwaraya-> only the ones you consider important02:36
koresko<Hilikus> I've seen some modules segfault if they're given the wrong params.02:36
tushydFourX4Luvn... I'm a moron.02:36
tushydthanks anyways!02:36
Dr_willis_Oz_,  and kde4 is working on their own alternative. so use it if you want. just dont get too addicted to it. :)02:37
FourX4Luvntushyd: No worries.02:37
koreskoCould that be happening here?  You could test by loading the module from the commandline.02:37
shiwarayaamenado--> i will follow your tip, i got into ubuntu pretty fast and even though i can do many advanced things i did not know live version needed to run sudo, i forgot also the browser was nautilus02:37
Hilikuskoresko i dont give it any arguments, just modprobe lirc_pvr15002:38
_Oz_dr_willis: many of the plugins I find really useful.  I love the desktop cube "flicker" using the scroll wheel at the edges of the screen.  And I love being able to scroll through applications with that enlarged thingie.02:38
shiwarayaamenado--> tx again, im ready to reinstall then02:38
koresko<Hilikus> Is there anything interesting in your dmesg or /var/log/modules (you can 'tail' them to see)02:38
_Oz_kde4 is working on a compiz clone?02:38
_Oz_to be used solely in kde4?02:38
_Oz_Sometimes I wonder if there are too many variants of ubuntu.02:38
credible_Oz_: kde4's window manager has an opengl composite manager similar to compiz, yes02:39
FourX4Luvntoo many variants of Linux, period.. but then that's the freedom of choice, eh?02:39
min1mino: bla02:39
_Oz_edubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntu-orangehat, etc02:39
_Oz_fourX4Luvn: hey, it's all (well, mostly) free, that's all I care about.02:39
FourX4Luvnubuntu-orangehat?  WTH?  Ubuntu with RPM instead of .deb?02:40
amenadobut they all have /root /etc/passwd /etc/group02:40
_Oz_If I could figure out a way to move on from photoshop and illustrator, I'd be open-source in all things.02:40
amenado_Oz_-> look into blender and inkscape02:40
soulburneroh wow02:40
soulburnerfirestarter is awesome02:40
lyag_Oz_: gimp02:40
FourX4Luvnblender for photos?  Umm.. no02:40
amenadoand gimp02:40
sjs<koresko> so like i press F6 (other options) then it's "Boot Options t=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quietsplash --"02:40
ubotugimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29402:41
FourX4Luvnand the gimp is great for beginning stuff.. but it doesn't begin to touch Photoshop when it comes to advanced editing, sorry.02:41
krammernow my keyboard doesnt even work in a chat area any thoughts ???02:41
sjs<koresko> then ACPI=off?02:41
koresko<sjs> It might be worth a shot02:41
Dr_willis_Oz_,  i find the cube useless.. The wife does like the zoom in feature. and the invert feature.  Other then those 2.. i dont use the rest02:41
shiwarayaother question, when i start live cd, i always choose manually o ran VGA1024x768 but the screen goes 1280x1024 and installs on that resolution. is this a common problem?02:41
_Oz_lyag: yeah, I've messed around with gimp.  It's not bad, but...  well...  photoshop is pretty hard to beat.02:42
FourX4LuvnUnfortunately I have to go with _Oz_ on that one and say there's no equivelant in the FOSS world for Photoshop02:42
ubuntu_i installed windows xp after installing ubuntu and lost the grub thing and dont have high speed so i cant get an alternate cd but i have a fat32 partition in which i can copy files to but this live cd wont allow me to copy paste those files from my previous ubuntu installation! it copies the folder but never the contents!!02:42
_Oz_photoshop is the industry standard.02:42
FourX4LuvnBelieve me, I'd LOVE to ditch Adobe, too.02:42
sjs<koresko> still freezes after trying either one of them :(02:42
_Oz_Yeah, gimp is about...  oh... 50% of what photoshop is.02:42
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danbhfiveubuntu_ do you have the live-cd?02:42
Dr_willis_Oz_,  photoshop really beats up on my checkbook also...02:42
Dr_willis_Oz_,  i will stick with gimp. :)02:42
lyag_Oz_: Yes and windowd is the defacto standard too, but ask me if I care.02:42
ubuntu_danbhfive: im using ubuntu 7.10 live cd02:42
danbhfive!fixgrub | ubuntu_02:43
ubotuubuntu_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:43
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.02:43
koresko<Hilikus> It looks like the lirc modules are part of the linux-ubuntu-modules package.  You can use Synaptic to reinstall that package, and you should get a fresh version.02:43
FourX4Luvnlyag: Difference here is Linux is more capable than the standard.. but the imaging standard is still the best out there02:43
fevelits all about going against industry standards02:43
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lyagwinword  sorry, I misspelled it.02:43
feveland doing better without them02:43
Hilikuskoresko ok, ill try that02:43
lilg111111_i have kiba dock running and its stuck in the top corner and will not move, how do i get it to move02:43
_Oz_lyag: it's not that it's the industry standard for that sake alone, it's just...  far, FAR better than anything out there.  FAR better.02:43
_Oz_gimp is...  well...  nice.02:43
koresko<sjs> Hm.  Have you googled for 'linux' and your PC's model number?  Sometimes that'll turn up a page with info on how to get the box to boot.02:44
_Oz_But if you're a graphics professional, you MUST use photoshop.02:44
ubuntu_do i have to make a new grub?? cant i just copy the files...i have no floppies02:44
fevelI will need a good example that proves adobes superiority02:44
_Oz_ubuntu_: http://apcmag.com/dualboot02:44
FourX4Luvnfevel: Do any pro level work with Gimp and you'll see02:44
feveland not that cmyk bull02:44
danbhfiveubuntu_:  if you can boot the live cd, you are all set02:44
_Oz_ubuntu_: there are instructions there for getting GRUB back02:44
fevelpro level work02:44
fevelwhats that?02:44
FourX4LuvnExactly my point :)02:44
koresko<sjs> I'm still thinking about what other params to try.  Sometimes changing the way the IRQs are assigned can help (e.g., turning off APIC)02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about duelboot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:44
ubuntu_danbhfive: omg, im saved! :D02:44
lyag_Oz_: Better stick with MS Windows then.02:44
_Oz_ubuntu_: that is normal when you install ubuntu first and XP second...  generally it's much easier to install XP FIRST and ubuntu second02:44
_Oz_lyag: I dual-boot.  It's the only way, really.02:45
shiwaraya when i start live cd, i always choose manually o ran VGA1024x768 but the screen goes 1280x1024 and installs on that resolution. is this a common problem? i cannot change the resolution after install02:45
ubuntu__Oz_: i no but im trying to share an internet connection and went to windows as a temporary solution02:45
fevelyoull have to boot up from live cd and reinstall grub02:45
FourX4Luvngimp is fine for cropping and layers and such..02:45
meekolopeubuntu: Oz is right about that, you will have to boot up a live cd and install grub or lilo to the MBR02:45
_Oz_I love Ubuntu and Linux.  It's one of the areas that are really hard for open-source companies to close the gap in.  Adobe has such a huge lead, and they have a huge staff working on the product.  It's a tough task for Linux to try to compete in that department.02:45
lyag_Oz_: Yep, that's what I have on my laptop.  But have KVM switch here and to PCs02:45
meekolopeubuntu_ : for a full fix that is02:45
sadacheck out #wbm 's webcast guys there is like over 300 people watching it its like crazyness02:46
fevel_Oz_: I dont believe you02:46
fevel_Oz_: I think youre lying02:46
lilg111111_i have kiba dock running and its stuck in the top corner and will not move, how do i get it to move02:46
_Oz_ubuntu_: you'll be able to get ubuntu and GRUB back.  M$ likes to trample every other OS...  linux is respectful of other installations, M$ is not.  So follow the instructions in that tutorial and your dual boot will be back.02:46
lyag_Oz_: But the Linux OS is far better in many many ways.  I rarely use MS Windows.02:46
sadaOZ wtf02:46
sadaits superior in every way02:47
=== _mcp is now known as mcp
_Oz_lyag: I agree with you.02:47
fevel_Oz_: it seems youve read that off a magazine02:47
_Oz_Read what?02:47
sadai still prefer slackware :p ubuntu though for my desktop02:47
_Oz_My man, I make a living in Adobe Photoshop.  I've used it since Photoshop 2.0.  :)02:47
fevel<_Oz_> I love Ubuntu and Linux.  It's one of the areas that are really hard for open-source companies to close the gap in.  Adobe has such a huge lead, and they have a huge staff working on the product.  It's a tough task for Linux to try to compete in that department.02:47
fevelI dont see their lead02:47
_Oz_fevel: that is the truth.02:47
fevelyou mean users?02:48
_Oz_Oh, they have a huge lead.02:48
_Oz_Trust me.02:48
sadawtf man use the Gimp02:48
fevellead in wat?02:48
_Oz_Gimp is cool.  No professional worth his salt will choose it over Photoshop.  Sorry.02:48
FourX4Luvnfevel: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/photoshopextended/features/allfeatures/02:48
meekolopeubuntu_: u understand that?02:48
sadau can do lots with the gimp02:48
sadau just need to rtfm02:48
ubuntu_meekolope: understand wat?02:48
fevel_Oz_: I guarentee you...that is not the truth02:49
koresko<sjs> You might also try turning on 'irqpoll' (kernel boot parameter)02:49
FourX4LuvnOk.. show me where you can do.. just as an example, something like CS3's Movie Paint in the gimp02:49
fevelif you tell me more graphics professionals use adobe rather than gimp, then I believe you02:49
FourX4LuvnIf you're not sure what that is, check out the link I just posted02:49
fevelbut they just grew up on that02:49
danbhfive!ot | sada fevel _Oz_ please try to take it to offtopic02:49
ubotusada fevel _Oz_ please try to take it to offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:49
_Oz_fevel, I think you misunderstand me.  I think Linux is far superior to M$ Windows.  No two ways about it.  But in INDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS, sometimes the Windows is superior and it'll be a long time before any open source company can begin to close the gap.  Photoshop is one of those mammoth products with many years of development that will be virtually impossible to beat with an open-source offering.02:49
_Oz_Right.  Sorry, danbhfive.  You are absolutely correct.02:50
fevelno I undrtstand...you just like ps! Dont get me wrong either02:50
fevelim not tryong to be rude or anything02:50
_Oz_No offense taken.02:50
FourX4LuvnNor I.. just so it's known02:50
fevelyou guys rock02:50
feveljust a little discussion =D02:50
FourX4LuvnI just have to take _Oz_'s side here, even though I'd love to kick Adobe to the curb02:50
fevela little itty flame =P02:51
J-_where can I get the w3c plugin for gedit?02:51
Dr_willisI just want my Good old Deluxe Paint  - from the Amiga days.. for Linux! :0 I dont need Photoshop to edit my icons. :)02:51
meekolopei am QUIET offended sirs!02:51
_Oz_Ah!  Amiga.  Videotoaster.02:51
_Oz_Great memories.02:51
FourX4LuvnRock on Amiga fans!02:51
meekolopeI recommend a duel!02:51
_Oz_Okay, too much offtopic chatter, my friends.02:51
_Oz_We will get booted if we don't cut it and get back to business.02:52
fevelI just think you can do every thing on gimp...but not off the box though...needs some tinckering and stuff02:52
fevelcut cut02:52
meekolopeWho has a problem they need help with?02:52
Dr_willisI do belive i saw a deluxpaint clone at one time . ages ago for linux.. but cant rember its name02:52
Dr_willisanyone recall seeing one?02:52
* FourX4Luvn joins ubuntu-offtopic02:52
shiwarayawhat is the lightest version of ubuntu to run on a pentium 400Mhz 512RAM and 4MB Graphics Card?02:52
fevelI do...any idea on getting videos on touch?02:52
Dr_willisshiwaraya,  i would say try xubuntu on that02:52
feveland photos and  other stuff rather than music02:52
_Oz_shiwaraya: xubuntu02:53
yellowSubMarI came here earlier with a problem on some keys (such as quotation marks or the letter 'g') not working with the shift key. I was told to turn on nodeadkeys, so I ended up just googling it and writing it in to my xorg.conf. however, the problem still remains. I don't look as 'professional' typing with lowercase letters. :(02:53
UbubeginDoes anyone know how to set up java in firefox02:53
Stargazer"Error (camorama) 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection.'" for philips spc325nc webcam, how do fix this ???02:53
shiwarayathanks, downloading now02:53
fevelyellowSubMar: have you checked your hardware?02:53
bulwynkl /msg ubotu etiquette02:53
dsnydersyellowSubMar, Are you sure your keyboard is working properly?02:53
yellowSubMarI guess I should check on another computer before coming back. thanks!02:54
Flannelamenado: gksudo and gksu both work02:54
sjs<koresko> hmm reading off this site where he said he tried installing kubuntu on this same model and stalls upon bootup. http://www.geocities.com/kingttx/Linux/FC5onPresario.html02:55
bulwynklHi all... trying to get an old IOMEGA zip 100 drive connected.  tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IomegaZIPDrive but on mount it complains mount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist any suggestions?02:55
omegachaoslol... why do you guys love Ubuntu02:56
feveli just love open source02:56
koresko<sjs> Hm, you might try just copying the kernel params he used (the ones that start with "noapic")02:56
omegachaosha ha... that's true02:56
fevelI happen to use ubuntu on my lappy02:56
omegachaosI want it on my iBook G3 Clamshell.02:57
fevelI do Find it rather awesome02:57
omegachaosI find Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard awesome as well.. :P02:57
TrelI don't think Leopard will run on a G302:57
koresko<sjs> It's not guaranteed to work since he was using a pretty old kernel (couple of years old I think)02:57
omegachaosI know that.02:57
omegachaosI said I want UBUNTU on my iBook g3.02:57
fevelomegachaos: I dont...try opening a directory with 10000 files on finder02:57
TrelSo install it :)02:57
Dr_willisMy iMAC makes an awsome doorstop!02:58
coreyo_is there  a way to keep ubuntu from automounting one specific usb device when I insert it into my computer?02:58
omegachaosAll you linux users are sooo technical. lol02:58
koresko<omegachaos> Just FYI, I run Gutsy on a g3 iMac with 128 MB.02:58
omegachaosMac users are dense.02:58
fevelyour mac will blow turning your face black and your hair spicky02:58
omegachaosWe are02:58
omegachaosI admit it02:58
shiwarayaI choose to run live ubuntu in fixed 1024x768 resolution but it runs in much bigger so i cant read. does setting VGA at live startup works?02:58
mandarinbonsoir  do you speak french ?02:58
omegachaosMy Mac is awesome. I love it.. best colaboration of hardware and software ever.02:58
omegachaosSame with the iPhone.02:59
fevelhow the heck do I get an ipod touch working on an open system??? ...not to mention that02:59
omegachaosApple simply doesnt care about you guys left out in the dark.02:59
omegachaosYou have you own community.02:59
fevelI now use my touch as a flashlight02:59
omegachaosWe have ours.02:59
TrelDoesn't gtkpod work with the Touch?02:59
fevelyes it does02:59
fevelbut cant figure out how to add videos and photos02:59
ChrisieEvening, Anyone find that Trackerd in Gutsy doesn't index everything it should in Evolution whem compared to beagle02:59
sjs<koresko> shucks still not working, let me read around some forums and see03:00
Basimwhat is the best linux for runing games?03:00
Trelfevel: Jailbreak and SSH I'd imagine.03:00
shiwarayahow much is iphone in your countries? here in spain is so expensive nobody has it03:00
fevelI can access my computer remotely though...using touch...whydidnt apple think of that omegachaos???03:00
omegachaosit would be great if linux could run on the iPhone03:00
omegachaoswouldn't you say?03:00
fevelit does03:00
Trelomegachaos: Just wait for Andriod.03:00
fevelbsd dubsystem03:00
omegachaosTHat's true.. but not on there by default.03:01
KlownerNokia N810s look nice03:01
omegachaosewww.. Nokia.03:01
koresko<sjs> Sorry to hear it's still a no-go.  Forums might help.  Probably possible to boot with the right combination of params but I think it may come down to trial and error.03:01
garryopiaif i set up thunderbird to access my gmail account, will emails that I read in thunderbird appear as read in my actual gmail inbox?03:01
x10-deadi need help trying to get ess1879 sound to work on ubuntu 7.1003:01
Klowneromegachaos: eew mac.. :/03:01
klownishgarryopia: yes.03:01
feveli like macs03:01
omegachaoswhat? eww.. linux in general.. you are such an os racist03:01
feveldont like the software though03:01
Starnestommygarryopia: if you have gmail set up correctly03:01
Basimwhat is the best linux for runing games?03:01
ubuntuuserhi. I downloaded an binary ATI driver from their official page, and after running the .run file I got two options: generate distribution specific driver pakage or install driver, what should I choose?03:01
garryopiaStarnestommy, how would I go about doing that?03:02
Klowneromegachaos: I own a mac too, just irked by your polarized system views03:02
Klownerthere's nothing inherently wrong with nokia03:02
Nissan_350Zo need help with installing Ubuntu03:02
omegachaosAre macs hackable? Answer me.03:02
meekolopeooooo Android looks cool03:02
omegachaosI just want to know03:02
danbhfive!ot | omegachaos03:03
ubotuomegachaos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:03
meekolopeomegachaos: yes03:03
mmjackHi. how can i change the splashscreen that comes up before and just after the login to somthing else?03:03
fevelyou see omegachaos... I cant really love some thing thats not actually mine. So I have a big problem there03:03
omegachaosOh.. yeah well ok.03:03
omegachaosI'm at the worst possible place for a Mac user.03:03
Basimwhat is the best linux for runing games?03:03
fevelbut I think the hardware is pretty03:03
Trelx10-dead: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=604060&highlight=ess187903:03
ubuntuuserhi. I downloaded an binary ATI driver from their official page, and after running the .run file I got two options: generate distribution specific driver package or install driver, what should I choose?03:03
omegachaosApple = show off.03:03
fevelBasim: they are pretty much the same03:03
Starnestommygarryopia: in gmail, Settings > Forwarding > Pop Download should be set to "Enable pop for all mail that arrives fron now on" and select "Archive Gmail's copy" in the dropdown03:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:03
fevelI do show off my touch a lot03:03
x10-deadi need help trying to get ess1879 sound to work on ubuntu 7.1003:04
fevelthe dumb girls love it03:04
Trelx10-dead: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=604060&highlight=ess187903:04
omegachaosApple's OS is very nice.. but I feel it's turning into vista. O_O03:04
garryopiaStarnestommy, thanks a lot!03:04
feveldumb but pretty03:04
Klownerubuntuuser: you should be installing xorg-driver-fglrx03:04
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:04
Starnestommygarryopia: and make sutre imap is enabled03:04
mmjackHow to i change the brown splash screen just before and after loading?03:04
ubuntuuserKlowner: I can get this with apt-get, ?03:04
Klownerubuntuuser: yah03:05
box-is there a program out there that is something like the vista sidebar for ubuntu ?03:05
Nissan_350ZOk i have the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and when i go to the Live CD it freezes when i get to the Step one, umm any ideas on how to Bypass the Live CD thing?03:05
Starnestommybox-: gdesklets?03:05
Klownerubuntuuser: or use the restricted driver manager03:05
fevelso Pricey... any ideas how to get videos onto ipod touchon ubuntu?03:05
Klownerubuntuuser: System > Administration > Restricted Driver Manager03:05
Priceyfevel, no idea03:05
Chrisiescreenlets box-03:05
feveloh ok then03:05
x10-deadanyone else watching knight rider?03:05
ricky_clarksonbox-: So there are people who don't disable those? ;)03:05
Klownerx10-dead: it's ruining my childhood03:06
x10-deadit's ok so far03:06
fevelomegachaos: ever try getting ubuntu onto a mac?03:06
Basimwhat is the best linux for runing games?03:06
Nissan_350ZOk i have the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and when i go to the Live CD it freezes when i get to the Step one, umm any ideas on how to Bypass the Live CD thing, like type i different boot option?03:06
KlownerBasim: they're all the same03:06
FloodBot1omegachaos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:06
ubuntuuserKlowner: yes I got this driver, but compiz is now working with it.03:06
eggyhm - I'm expericing problems loading snd-bt-sco - it has problems locating symbols - I'm running Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (2.6.22-14.52), any suggestions?03:07
box-is there a program out there that is something like the vista sidebar for ubuntu ?03:07
fevelbox-: there is...cant remember the name though03:07
Chrisiewww.screenlets.org box-03:07
feveloh yeah03:07
meekolopefevel: check this out. mostly the comments at the bottom03:07
danbhfivewoohooo! you go floodbot!03:08
fevelthats one choice03:08
meekolopefevel: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/01/01/convert-dvds-for-your-ipod-touchiphone-with-handbrakegtk/03:08
fevelthanks a lot friend!03:08
Klownerbox-: or gdesklets03:08
Nissan_350Zno one?03:08
Klownerthank you floodbot03:08
meekolopefevel: no problem, i just found it but it might be of help to u03:08
KlownerNissan_350Z: ask a question :)03:08
Nissan_350ZOk i have the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and when i go to the Live CD it freezes when i get to the Step one, umm any ideas on how to Bypass the Live CD thing, like type i different boot option?03:08
yellowSubMarI'm having some keyboard issues with the shift keys and certain characters. I use a Saitek Eclipse II which I have tested to work without these problems on another machine, and I have gone into the xorg.conf file to enable 'nodeadkeys'. I use gutsy, and I cannot figure out how to fix this problem.03:08
_Oz_freezes? hmm.  do you have any weirdo USB devices attached, Nissan_350Z?03:09
pajamianNissan_350Z: download the alternate install CD03:09
KlownerNissan_350Z: have plenty of ram?03:09
_Oz_yellowSubMar: do you have an el-cheapo keyboard you can try?03:09
Nissan_350Zits got 160MB of ram03:09
eggyhm - I'm expericing problems loading snd-bt-sco - it has problems locating symbols - I'm running Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (2.6.22-14.52 gutsy), any suggestions?03:09
pajamianNissan_350Z: 160M is pretty low for the live CD, you should be able to install from the alternate install CD03:09
Nissan_350Zi need a boot option (to type in) that will get me right to the Setup03:10
Basimhow can i choose the best linux for me?03:10
fevelyellowSubMar: try anther keyboard on the machine03:10
KlownerBasim: keep installing new distros until you find one that you like03:10
fevelyellowSubMar: without issues youll be sure its a software related bug03:10
Nissan_350Zany ideas?03:10
fevelstill cant believe it is though03:10
codenameI have a question, what does it mean, if your desktop suddenly goes to a black screen, like it does right before it boots up, and then it takes you back to the login screen?03:10
billytwowilly what is the linux equivalent of fdisk /mbr ?03:10
KlownerNissan_350Z: download the alternate install cd and boot it03:10
fevelbillytwowilly: its really not that simple03:11
meekolopeNissan_350Z,: check out this web site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:11
fevelbillytwowilly: whats the actual problem?03:11
ClintZ28I'm running Ubuntu 7.10...just compiled the latest alsa drivers from a snapshot in hope of getting my creative X-FI soundcard to work..when I try to load the module (after a successful compilation, I get errors saying uknown symbol...how do I go about fixing this?03:11
spudratic0code name check your screen saver and power settings03:11
Nissan_350ZKlowner> i would have to order it, wouldnt i? i only get 26.4 kbps of Dial up internet, lol03:11
billytwowillyfevel: It's complicated. I want a clean mbr so I can reinstall kubuntu.03:11
yellowSubMar_Oz_: I'll go find it right now.03:11
KlownerNissan_350Z: ah.. I've been there before :[03:11
codenameI was watching a video and doing the cube at the time.03:12
dsnydersHi all!  I'm having problems with k3b.  I get a DCOP aborting message.  I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling k3b with no change.  Any suggestions?03:12
pajamianNissan_350Z: you can download it from ubuntu and burn it yourself if you have a CD burner.03:12
codenameI'm on a destkop.03:12
billytwowillyfevel: right now when I try and reinstall none of my partitions show up. It's because I have a wonky mbr I think.03:12
Nissan_350Zok meekolope03:12
ubuntu_Hi, since the LiveCD is loaded into RAM, can't I eject the disc while I'm on the live session?03:12
kostkonubuntu_, when you'll try to run an app it will need the cd again03:12
spudratic0codename:system admin screen saver03:12
fevelbillytwowilly: do you have any operating systems installed?03:12
KlownerNissan_350Z: grab the bittorrent for it and download it over the span of 5 or 6 nights like I used to do, or find a friend with dsl/cable :03:13
codenameHey spud, you think it could be a X crash?03:13
billytwowillyI have windows vista  currently. I blew away gutsy already.03:13
ubuntu_Any other live distro that'll let me eject the disc?03:13
pajamianubuntu_: it is not all loaded into RAM, just parts of it.  You would need a lot mroe RAM if the entire CD were to be loaded into RAM.03:13
fevelso you can log into vista?03:13
billytwowillyI suppose I could boot into windows and use fdisk /mbr03:13
HallageHow do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you configure the utility in the alternate install with the ncurses interface? [Which of the following keys does your keyboard have, that kind of thing]?03:13
ubuntu_pajamian: I have 2GB RAM03:13
clint_I'm running Ubuntu 7.10...just compiled the latest alsa drivers from a snapshot in hope of getting my creative X-FI soundcard to work..when I try to load the module (after a successful compilation, I get errors saying uknown symbol...how do I go about fixing this?03:13
codename<spudratic0>: because at the time of the incident I was watching a video and doing the desktop effects.03:13
billytwowillyoh yah, is 32 bit linux as lame about more than 2 GB of ram as windows is?03:13
pajamianubuntu_: still the Live CD is designed to be used in as little as 200 megs or so.03:13
spudratic0codename:sounds like you have it set for you to log on after the sceer saver comes on03:13
fevelbillytwowilly: are you trying to install ubuntu on another partition?03:13
Nissan_350ZKlowner> its ok, meekolope go the website i needed, thanks a bunch guys :)03:14
norml_advocat1hey dudes03:14
norml_advocat1i am back03:14
ubuntu_pajamian: Any other distro that'll let me eject the disc?03:14
codenameI know, but I wasn't idle.03:14
norml_advocat1and my wireless works now03:14
norml_advocat1you like that?03:14
norml_advocat1do ya?03:14
Klownerbillytwowilly: no03:14
pajamianubuntu_: I don't know, I haven't tried them.03:14
HallageHow do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you configure the utility in the alternate install with the ncurses interface? [Which of the following keys does your keyboard have, that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works03:14
norml_advocat1linux is the bomb03:14
billytwowillyfevel: I will be I had it originally. I think I can just boot into windows and blow it away that way.03:14
dsnydersSigh!  Anybody know an alternative to k3b?03:14
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:14
billytwowillyhmm. damnit, I can't because  I don't have grub installed anymore.03:14
codenameany ideas?03:15
billytwowillyso how do I blow away grub and the mbr in linux?03:15
kostkonubuntu_, boot the livecd, run the app(s) you like from the cd and then remove it, it may work03:15
spudratic0code name: ahh I just came to read and see your comment it's best to wait for someone who knows better than me just thought I could help03:15
fevelbillytwowilly: knew it03:15
ubuntu_kostkon: The eject button's not working03:15
ubuntu_I need to write DVDs03:15
clint_I'm running Ubuntu 7.10...just compiled the latest alsa drivers from a snapshot in hope of getting my creative X-FI soundcard to work..when I try to load the module (after a successful compilation, I get errors saying uknown symbol...how do I go about fixing this?03:15
billytwowillyfevel:  so tell me how to blow away the mbr then.03:15
Nissan_350Zbye guys thanks a bunch!03:16
Klownerbillytwowilly: replace with a windows mbr you mean? not just "blow away"03:16
pajamianubuntu_: you may be able to create a ramdisk and copy the live CD image to it, then switch over, but I honestly don't know how to do that, I've never tried.03:16
koreskokostkon: What happens if you just type 'eject' in a terminal?03:16
fevelbillytwowilly: just boot from ubuntu live cd reinstall it on a blank partition, it will automtically locate vista partition and add it to grub03:16
sneedlyhow do I open a folder in terminal03:16
bulwynklnever mind, I worked it out... (bit noisy in here)03:16
sneedlyi did the dir03:16
fevelbillytwowilly: just DONT BLOW YOUR VISTA PARTITION03:16
billytwowillyKlowner, no I don't care what it does. I just want it gone. Doesn't have to be windows mbr, just has to have current mbr obliterated.03:16
HallageHow do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you'd use the  configure utility in the alternate install (with the ncurses interface)? ["Which of the following keys does your keyboard have", that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works03:16
kostkonkoresko, no clue03:16
ubuntu_k I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu then to write my CDs before I format yet once again03:16
newbuntu22how can i check what version of xorg xserver i have?03:16
faprilhow do you properly remove a usb disk so that every time i re-mount it i have to "reset the $logfile"03:17
billytwowillyfevel: yah, I know. I'm not a linux idiot. I've been using linux for a decade and a half.03:17
codename<spudratic0>: because at the time of the incident I was watching a video and doing the desktop effects. I was not Idle.03:17
billytwowillyI just wan the simple answer to "how do I delete my mbr?"03:17
fevelcant see the problem then03:17
codenameI was watching a video and doing the cube at the time. I was not idle.03:17
Newbuntu2can anyone help me with VNC? If I try to open synaptic manager, or wait a few minutes, it freezes my linux box...03:18
sneedlyI am a linux idiot that came to the good side a few days ago03:18
codenameI have a question, what does it mean, if your desktop suddenly goes to a black screen, like it does right before it boots up, and then it takes you back to the login screen? I was not Idle, possibly a X crash?03:18
Klownerbillytwowilly: so write zeroes to it using dd03:18
pajamianubuntu_: maybe you can borrow a friend's computer, heh.  I would give knoppix a try, though.  I still don't know if it will let you eject the CD.03:18
coz_hey guys  in feisty  and installed everything but all of a sudden gimp-svg plugin is no longer aviable   any  solutions?03:18
ubuntu_pajamian: I could, but the files I need to write are on my hard disk03:18
newbuntu22newbuntu2: you copied my name03:18
billytwowillyKlowner: ok, how do I do that?03:18
spudratic0codename: I'm new to ubuntu myself lol so your guess is as good as mine>i'm a noob also.thats why I'm here to read lol03:18
HallageHow do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you'd use the  configure utility in the alternate install (with the ncurses interface)? ["Which of the following keys does your keyboard have", that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works. Anyone?03:19
codenameohh nice03:19
codenameI've used Ubuntu for about a year now03:19
sneedlyHow do you find a folder in terminal and go to it03:19
codenamebuttt first time this has happened to me03:19
pajamianubuntu_: check distrowatch, you may be able to find a distro there you can use.03:19
newbuntu22codename: how can i check what version of xorg xserver i'm using?03:19
Klownerbillytwowilly: you need to retain the partition table though?03:19
spudratic0codename I would say you were not touching any keys or the mouse and it went off vlc used to do this to me in windows03:19
yellowSubMarfevel: I have two cheap ps/2 keyboards, but I don't have a converter or port on my computer03:20
sneedlyi need to find my desktop a folder then open the install file03:20
codenameasiest way is to just look at Xorg.0.log03:20
newbuntu22thank you :)03:20
billytwowillyKlowner: yes, I need the partition table.03:20
eekranosneedly, cd ~/Desktop03:20
codename<newbuntu22>: easiest way to check your Xorg.0.log file03:20
codenamenp newbuntu03:20
codenameyou know how to do that right?03:20
newbuntu22once i find it, gpedit it03:21
codenameI think I had VLC going.03:21
Klownerbillytwowilly: I think dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdrive bs=466 count=1   would do it, I think..03:21
sneedlyeekrano: ty I have been at a cmd promp since i was 6 windows kill more of my brain cell than pot03:21
Klownerbillytwowilly: that should erase the code area of the MBR, according to wikipedia03:21
billytwowillyKlowner: You don't sound very confident;)03:22
spudratic0codename check your settings in both vlc and the screensaver settings might help03:22
bulwynklxrandr dual head question...  This works...03:22
bulwynklxrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1600x1200 --right-of VGA-003:22
bulwynklon an ATI radeon 9550 - but seeming settings in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf don't..03:22
koolkatHow do I become a Documentation Member?03:22
eekranosneedly, welcome back =)03:22
_Oz_koolkat: join #ubuntu-dev03:22
Klownerbillytwowilly: well the mbr contains the partition table as well, but I'm pretty sure the partition table is the last 66 bytes of the 512B mbr03:22
codenamehey newbuntu2203:23
spudratic0codename there was always a glitsh with vlc I think it was to disable the screen saver option in vlc03:23
koolkat_Oz_: Im wondering because I post alot of stuff in the help.ubuntu.com03:23
newbuntu22codename: yes?03:23
codenamenewbuntu22 if this helps /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:23
codenamethats where it is03:23
Klownerbillytwowilly: to be safe, you could dd if=/dev/yourdrive of=mbr_backup.img bs=512 count=1  and copy it off somewhere safe03:23
_Oz_koolkat: we'd be pleased to have you in that case.03:23
ClintZ28Guys, have a general question...what causes errors about Unknown Symbols when trying to load a module?  I'm getting some when trying to load alsa-modules03:23
newbuntu22thanks codename.. i just used search, but that would have been easier.. thanks again :)03:23
codenameIt will tell ypu :D03:23
codenameSorry about that03:23
Klownerbillytwowilly: then write the zeroes, and if it somehow fails miserably, just write the backup back ala dd if=mbr_backup.img of=/dev/yourdrive03:24
codenamenewbuntu22 next time as well you can do it through terminal03:24
codenamenewbuntu22 nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:24
havok73Is there a command for echoing driver information?03:24
HallageHow do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you'd use the  configure utility in the alternate install (with the ncurses interface)? ["Which of the following keys does your keyboard have", that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works03:24
billytwowillyKlowner: Sweet! I think that did it!03:24
newbuntu22codename: i'll try it this time to see how it works.. thank you03:24
eggyI'm expericing problems loading snd-bt-sco on 7.10; It has problems locating symbols - I'm running Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (2.6.22-14.52 gutsy), any suggestions?03:24
outsanehey guys, i've got a quick question about installing apps.  when you save a .tar.gz file, where are you supposed to save it?03:25
sneedlynow the hard part i need to open a folder on the desktop I tried the samething but its not liking life? am i just a shitty typer03:26
Klownerbillytwowilly: for using linux since it was 2 years old, one would think you'd be more familiar with dd, but I'm glad it worked ;)03:26
newbuntu22codename: i see i'm using 1.3.0.. supposedly a bug was fixed in xorg xserver 1.4.1... i want to update but (1) which download should i choose from synaptic package manager?  (just the xserver-xorg or one of the hundreds of other options?)  and (2) is there any way for me to 'roll back' the install if i have problems??03:26
Flannelsneedly: You're in ~/Desktop, right?03:26
Chrisiehave a good evening all03:26
pajamianoutsane: wherever you want, I usually save them to my home directory.03:26
codenameI would try the Synaptic, that's your best bet.03:26
havok73anyone? looking for a command line command to return video driver info03:26
codenamenewbuntu22: I would try the Synaptic, that's your best bet.03:26
codenameHE JUST JOINED03:27
eekranosneedly, try the first part of the name then <Tab>   ... (autocomplete) (spaces and suck need to be escaped)03:27
billytwowillyKlowner: crap, you're right, it was 97 ish, which is 11 years, not the better part of 1503:27
billytwowillymy bad.03:27
Flannelnewbuntu22: You'll need to wait for the new version (hardy) to get 1.4.1, Gutsy has (and always will have) 1.3.003:27
outsanepajamian: i tried that, but when i install them i never know where they go or where i'm supposed to install them.  i've been using the synapic package manager up till now, and i've looked at guides and even though i follow the directions the apps never work03:27
Klownerbillytwowilly: heh, about when I started I think03:27
_Oz_Linus Torvald is in the channel, folks.03:27
codenameLinus I got some questions.03:27
pajamianoutsane: what app are you trying to install from source, and why?03:27
biouserhe is always here03:28
billytwowillyI've been using the user friendly distros though;) Redhat, then suse, then ubuntu03:28
codenameAre you making a new Kernel as we speak?03:28
mannytu!System Information Commands03:28
Flannel!offtopic | codename03:28
ubotucodename: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:28
biousernot me03:28
billytwowillyI never used linux because I wanted to, I used it because I hated the windows licence... Linux just recently got good enough to not make me regret that decision..03:28
jazzhi, does any know how to install ati graphic drivers?03:28
newbuntu22flannel: thanks for the information.. how will i get hardy when it is released?  will it show up on the 'update manager' ?03:28
codenameSoooo a 1337 Java Scripter Walks into a bar.03:28
sneedlyeekrano, hmm didnt do anything03:28
Flannelnewbuntu22: When hardy is released, you'll be notified in Update Manager, yeah.03:28
Klownerbillytwowilly: actually 1999 for me, now that I check the SuSE release history03:29
spudratic0codename lol03:29
newbuntu22flannel: thank you :)03:29
codenameHardy will be amazing.03:29
newbuntu22i am.. as the name implies. a newbaby03:29
outsanepajamian: well, i've just been trying small things to try to teach myself, but they never work.  i wanted to go with unimportant apps so that if i screwed them up it wouldn't matter, you know?03:29
pajamianHeh, Linux Torvald ... connecting from a Telecom Indonesia IP ... yeah, right.03:29
sneedlyeekrano, same cd ~/install  {then tab}03:29
bulwynklI'm having a bit of trouble here - I've tried using this channel multiple times over the last few years and rarely do I get anything like a response...03:29
pajamianerrr Linus03:29
eekranosneedly, try hitting <Tab> twice. If there are multiple matches it will list them to help you03:29
billytwowillyKlowner: I don't think suse was even around when I started using linux...03:29
TrelHave any of you ever used a monitor at a resolution around 1680x1050?03:29
Klownerpajamian: he spelled his name incorrectly too ;)03:29
biouserthis channel is full of noise, here's some more03:30
=== linus-torvald is now known as hans-reiser
newbuntu22why will hardy be so good?03:30
Klownerbillytwowilly: 1.0 in '9403:30
Klownermy first exposure to linux was suse 6.303:30
billytwowillyKlowner: mine was redhat 4.2 or 5. It was crap;)03:31
mzuverinkno matter what I do, I did the a2enmod userdir forced restart but it wont show user pages, whats the correct perms for public_html?03:31
pajamianoutsane: ok, well usually they will install in the /usr/local directory, and you can specify the install location for most source packages in the ./configure state by specifying a --prefix=/path/to/where/you/want/it/installed03:31
chapoceroHey guys, can somebody give me a hand? I am currently running of the live portion of a dvd for the 64-bit AMD version of Ubuntu. And as I am trying to install the operating sytem to the second partition of my hard drive, I am getting a "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu." error. I have my single hard drive partitioned in 4 parts. With one 30gb for Vista, and two 10gb partitions for Ubuntu and fu03:31
sneedlyeekrano, I dont know what happened but I got there ( I think)03:31
eekranosneedly, hitting tab twice there would list the contents of the ~/install folder03:31
nickrudmzuverink: your usual user perms03:31
pajamianoutsane: for example, if I were going to install pidgin from source and wanted it in the /usr/local/pidgin directory then I would do: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pidgin03:31
mzuverinknickrud, ok03:32
eekranohehe. if you do the command `pwd` what is the output?03:32
sneedlyeekrano, no its a really long name install_flash_player_9_linux03:32
dark-knightI can't for the life of me run amule as user03:32
nickrudchapocero: at some point you need to identify a partition as  '   /    '03:32
KlownerTrel: does 1600x1200 count?03:32
TrelI assume so03:32
luckyonehello all03:32
TrelDo you see any compiz performance issues?03:32
dark-knightI have tried uninstall and reinstall03:33
outsanepajamian: whenever i tried the ./configure it didn't work.  i did the gunzip it worked fine, and then (as far as i know) the next step is to do ./configure in that directory, right?  it just doesn't work.03:33
luckyonedoes anyone know how to make f-spot scan for new files in the Photos directory?03:33
KlownerTrel: ah, I don't use compiz.. too slow03:33
TrelI'm fairly certain this onboard video is going to struggle with it, but I was just curious if anyone else had seen some fade in/fade out issues.03:33
nickruddark-knight: ls -ld ~/.aMule , what's the permissions on that?03:33
pajamianoutsane: usually if ./configure doesn't work it means you are missing libraries on your computer that are needed to compile the program.03:33
iceswordoutsane, what error it gave u03:33
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:33
eekranosneedly, <Tab> attempts to complete whatever it is you are typeing, so you must first start typing "inst" then <Tab> should fill in the file name03:33
outsaneicesword: i believe it said that there was nothing to configure, i'm trying to get back to the window right now03:34
luckyoneany f-spot users?03:34
dark-knightnickrud drwx------ 403:34
nickruddark-knight: and you're the user, not root?03:34
mzuverinknickrud, it still says dir/~user not founf, any idea?03:34
Xbehavehow do i fix this? "FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko)"03:34
havok73Anyone able to tell me how to find my video driver Version?03:34
pajamianoutsane: you usually have to install lots of extra -dev packages to get a program to compile from source.03:35
nickrudmzuverink: did you restart apache? I simply did sudo a2enmod userdir03:35
KlownerTrel: I have an nvidia geforce gt 7600 and it stutters a bit when beginning a window drag, etc.03:35
dsnydersIs anyone familiar with DCOP?03:35
mzuverinknickrud, forced restart03:35
nickruddark-knight: try moving that dir03:35
pajamianoutsane: if that program has a source package in one of the ubuntu repositories then there is a command that makes installing those packages a lot easier, but I forget what it is (unfortunately).03:35
dark-knightas user or root?03:36
nickrudmzuverink: and you went to  localhost/~user03:36
mzuverinknickrud, yes03:36
TrelKlowner: This is just a 945G onboard video system. EXA acceleration helps a great deal, but it is still a bit shaky from time to time.03:36
nickruddark-knight: if it's owned by you, you can remove it03:36
KlownerTrel: I don't think it's a resolution issue so much though.. I attribute it more to compiz immaturity03:36
outsanepajamian: how do i know if i need more packages to make another work?03:36
nickrudmzuverink: I don't know what would be causing that. wierd03:37
mzuverinknickrud, doing a hardrest03:37
TrelThat might be the case. I still think the resolution is going to play a role as the system seems to struggle more with higher resolutions.03:37
TrelNo great surprise there though.03:37
sneedlywhat does :Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the03:37
sneedly       Adobe Flash Player installer.03:37
sneedly  mean in english03:37
nickrudmzuverink: i'd do sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart03:37
dsnydersoutsane, this is why you use apt-get or synaptic.  They manage the package dependencies for you.03:37
KlownerTrel: well yah, somewhat.. either due to fill-rate problems when redrawing the screen or rendering windows to textures03:37
pajamianoutsane: usually it will tell you in the output from ./configure what else you may need to enable certain features or just to get it to compile at all, but not always.  Sometimes it will go through ./configure just fine but die in the make stage if something is missing.03:37
mzuverinknickrud, ok, thanks03:37
outsanepajamian: here's the error message i get when i try ./configure: No such file or directory.03:37
eekranosneedly, are you on a 64 bit system?03:38
=== Nemoder2 is now known as Nemoder
jim_beamhas anyone used keytouch with microsoft office keyboard or other special keyboard03:38
eekranohavok73, what kind of video card?03:38
pajamianoutsane: how about starting from the beginning, what program are you trying to install?03:38
sneedlyeekrano, I think so.03:38
havok73eekrano: intel x3100 (965)03:39
JoshJugh i forgot how much of a headache setting up ndiswrapper is :(03:39
nickrudsneedly: it means you can't use the adobe installer directly, run   sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree03:39
eekranonickrud, ty03:39
sneedlyeekrano, where is that??03:39
outsanepajamian: i'm trying to install a code called tesseract, it's an OCR program.  i got it off google codes, just as my tester.03:40
eekranosneedly, from a command line- run the cmd nickrud just gave you03:40
BeastSE7can someone give me a walkthrough on how to get atheros wireless working???03:40
melinateevening folks... anyone know why running 'host servername' could return 7 different IP addresses [none of which are the correct address]?03:40
outsanepajamian: i saved it to my desktop and unzipped it, but when i tried to do the ./configure it told me No such file or directory.03:40
pajamianoutsane: ok, and you have a tarball (.tar.gz) file for it?  and you expanded the tarball into a directory already?03:40
pajamianoutsane: you have to do the ./configure from inside the directory you unzipped to.03:41
outsanepajamian: so when i type gunzip ~.tar.gz, that's not expanding it into a directory?03:41
trollboycan you use a unhacked ipod with ubuntu yet?03:41
pajamianoutsane: you have to use tar to expand it03:42
iceswordtar zxf03:42
outsanepajamian: how do i do that?03:42
BeastSE7can any one help me please!03:42
eekranotrollboy, yes03:42
DrBanzaiDoes anybody here know why my programs take a long time to launch?  Fresh install of 7.10 on brand new hardware.  When I click the icon for Firefox for instance, it will say "stating firefox" for a while, then that goes away, and it just sits there for a while, the firefox finally comes up.  Does that same thing no matter what program I launch, even a terminal window.03:42
pajamianoutsane: tar xzf packagename.tar.gz03:42
Hammer89anyone know why I can't adjust my screen's brightness? It doesn't appear in gnome-power-manager.... but I started gcong-editor and the option is there... but doesn't do anything if I change it03:42
sneedlyeekrano, E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree03:42
sneedlyeekrano, thats what it said03:43
eekranosneedly, which repos do you have enabled?03:43
eekranohavok73, not sure exactly with the intels, what are you looking to do?03:43
nickrudsneedly: eekrano sorry, it s flashplugin-nonfree, that was an old name I gave03:43
outsanepajamian: i typed that and it says: "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format / tar: Child returned status 1 / tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors03:44
JoshJit doesn't help that i have to deal with keyed wireless networks, which just makes it that much harder to test >:[03:44
supersakohmm im having trouble getting a metacity theme installed?03:44
pajamianoutsane: probably because you already gunzipped it03:44
dark-knightnickrud worked03:44
outsanepajamian: so i wasn't supposed to gunzip it at all?  i am just supposed to type tar xzf?03:44
pajamianoutsane: in that case do: tar xf packagename.tar03:44
dark-knightnow frostwire anyreason it would not connect?03:44
pajamianoutsane: correct03:44
pajamianoutsane: tar does it for you03:45
supersakoi follow the directions, says the theme installed correctly and i dont see the new theme in the list for metacity03:45
sneedlynickrud, ty its working03:45
outsanepajamian: aha.  thank you.  i've got it working now.  thank you very much!03:45
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
pajamianoutsane: yw03:45
pajamianoutsane: let me know when ./configure fails03:46
outsanepajamian: one last question!  once it's installed, where can i find it?  will it be under my applications menu?03:46
outsaneicesword: it didn't fail.03:46
iceswordoutsane, ?03:46
eekranonickrud, heh, didnt even notice- and I double checked to be sure hehe... plugin and player look about the same when you look quickly03:47
pajamianoutsane: nope, probably not.03:47
outsaneicesword: ./configure worked fine.  :)03:47
krimLet's say I have file1.txt and file2.txt, I want to rename them to file1.jpg and file2.jpg in cli, how would I do that?03:47
pajamianoutsane: I said that03:47
nickrudeekrano: especially when I checked for flashplayer-nonfree, and apt-cache still shows it ;)03:47
iceswordkrim, mv *.txt *.jpg03:47
outsanepajamian: so, where do i find it?03:47
notyetahey, all, i wanna install ubuntu throw ISO, could u give me some advice?03:47
pajamianoutsane: I recommend you run configure this way, though...03:47
outsaneicesword: sorry, read that wrong.  thought you said it.  :)03:48
iceswordnotyeta, throw iso?03:48
pajamianoutsane: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/tesseract03:48
pajamianoutsane: then you will know where it is installed03:48
elm1hey people03:48
iceswordnotyeta, donno wht is it03:48
notyetanow, i have this iso image, but i don't know how to do03:48
eekranonickrud, well at least you have an excuse- i went right a head with apt-cache search flashplugin-nonfree and didn't see why it wasnt working for him ;)03:48
outsanepajamian: aha.  can i move it after i use the make command?03:48
pajamianoutsane: no, you have to run make again03:49
iceswordnotyeta, do u want to burd cd03:49
krimicesword: mv: target `*.jpg' is not a directory03:49
spudratic0notyeta you have to burn it to cd/dvd03:49
notyetano, i didn't burn it03:49
shazow_oh hi, sound in flash isn't working for me -- I have two sound cards, so i have /dev/dsp1 and /dev/dsp2, I tried setting /etc/firefox/firefoxrc's FIREFOX_DSP="aoss", "auto" and "no" but no help... any ideas what else I could try?03:49
outsanepajamian: thank you!03:49
havok73eekrano: just want to see the version number of the driver03:49
iceswordkrim, are u now in that dir which holds u *.txt03:49
nickrudkrim: renaming a group of files is kinda tricky on the cli, you need to write a little script03:49
sneedlynickrud, now its saying its out of date but ill come back tomorrow i have things to do for class. thanks for all the help guys03:49
krimicesword: Yes03:50
sneedlygoodbye all03:50
spudratic0notyeta you have to burn it theen boot up with the cd or dvd in the drive03:50
notyetaokay, lunch time03:50
eekranohavok73, have you chacked your xorg logs?03:50
iceswordkrim,did u try that command,if u only got *.txt in that dir03:50
iceswordnotyeta, where are u03:51
krimicesword: yup03:51
havok73eekrano: nope03:51
iceswordnickrud, u still there03:52
BeastSE7i need help on WIFI03:52
nickrudicesword: yes03:52
icesword!wifi | BeastSE703:52
ubotuBeastSE7: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
havok73eekrano: just checked em,...say the driver name, but not version03:52
jack-desktopfrom this line: "where 'snoopy' is the name of the machine, and '2' is the display number of the VNC server on that machine. Either the machine name or display number can be omitted. So for example ":1" means display number 1 on the same machine, and "snoopy" means "snoopy:0" i.e. display 0 on machine "snoopy". what is a display?03:53
iceswordnickrud, i want to ask how to rename some *.txt to *.jpg03:53
eekranohavok73, sry, a little out of my realm- I can see my version in dmesg- if you'd like to try that as well03:54
OwnerHi , there is no any PVM Package for Ubuntu ? how can I install that  please help03:54
Owner;[]p'   7 \tg 5rfAS z\03:54
nickrudicesword: looking at some utils; gprename, mrename seem like they may do the job03:54
arbiris back03:54
eekranohavok73, (i have nvidia btw)03:54
arbirdoes anybody use Xmms here ?03:54
talonzi read this howto on the the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370&page=16 worked great but every time i reboot i have to do it again can someone tell me how to make that stick please03:54
jebbluearbir i do03:54
outsanearbir: i have xmms03:54
nickrudicesword: the times I've had to rename a bunch of files I've used gui tools like prefixsuffix03:54
eekranohavok73, i have intel on my laptop- but thats in the car right now..03:54
StarnestommyOwner: there are a few in the repositories.  Run 'aptitude search pvm' to find them03:55
arbirjebblue: how can i increase the size of the window03:55
jebbluearbir am right now too03:55
havok73eekrano: u just use dmesg or you grep something?03:55
arbirjebblue: with my resolution, its super small.. even squinting does not help much03:55
dsnydersarbir, I use mplayer.  One app to rule them all...03:55
BodOmLaWi have a bizzare problem03:55
MrSmurfingjoin #cisco03:55
arbirjebblue: i manged to increase the font size.....03:55
jebbluearbir i dont think you can?03:55
eekranohavok73, i grep NV but obviously that is for nvidia03:55
arbirdsnyders: xmms is super light....03:55
Owner<Starnestommy> I did right not , I got nothin :(03:56
arbirdsnyders: xmms is like the little hobbit , which cannot be rule by all ;-)03:56
jebbluearbir how about options | double size03:56
arbirjebblue: let me see that03:56
BodOmLaWwhenever i try to play a video file that was extracted, I get a pink corrupted video, but only the second time and after. but not first wtf?03:56
StarnestommyOwner: are you using ubuntu 7.10?03:56
faprilI hit delete on a folder and its not in my trash... where's the 'undo' option ???03:56
arbirjebblue: you are the best ;-)03:56
Owner<Starnestommy> yes03:56
=== Ttech is now known as RockerMonkay
=== RockerMonkay is now known as RockerMonkey
jebbluearbir thx :)03:56
StarnestommyOwner: do you have the universe repositories enabled in System > Administration > Software Sources?03:57
arbirnow jebblue..... tell me.. how can i increase the playlist window size03:57
arbirjebblue: the resize arrow does not appear03:57
Owner<Starnestommy> no I'm new in Ubuntu I don't know what I have to do03:57
faprilHELP... I hit 'del' key on a folder and its not in my trash... where's the 'undo' option ???03:57
arbirjebblue: i spoke too soon03:57
arbirjebblue:  i got it.. thanks .. you rock, and so does xmms03:57
nickrudfapril: what folder was the folder you deleted in?03:57
arbirjebblue: a few more things to discuss about xmms ?03:58
faprilnickrud: it on my usb hdd03:58
=== RockerMonkey is now known as ttech
elm1fapril: its deleted to ur usb trash03:58
nickrudfapril: what format was the usb drive?03:58
spudratic0ok all my eyes can stand and my nose has been on the monitor to long lol later all03:58
faprilnickrud: Its a windows external hdd03:58
nickrudfapril: a sec03:59
Owner<Starnestommy> OK I did that , and it gave me a list , how can I install pvm on that?03:59
dsnydersHi all!  I'm having problems with k3b.  I get a DCOP aborting message.  I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling k3b with no change.  Any suggestions?03:59
StarnestommyOwner: run 'sudo apt-get install pvm' in a terminal04:00
BodOmLaWwhenever i try to play a video file that was extracted, I get a pink corrupted video, but only the second time and after. but not first wtf?04:00
jebbluearbir ok04:00
Owner<Starnestommy> I wrote "sudo aptitude install pvm" is it wrong?04:00
BodOmLaWits only the ones from .r00 archives04:00
StarnestommyOwner: that should work, too04:01
jack-desktopis there a reason why my menus dont update when i install new programs?04:01
nickrudfapril: there should be a directory at the top level of the usb directory, .Trash-username , you  need to turn on hidden files (ctl-h)04:01
faprilnickrud: I don't see a recyle bin on my usb hdd04:01
rikkimaruI'm attempting to get my mic to be able to record sound.  When I turn the mic playback on full, the mic works (very soft), but when I try and use it in Ventrilo (via WINE) I cannot seem to get sound.  Is there a sound recording app I can use in xfce that will let me test whether or not the mic is capturing?04:01
elm1jack-desktop: wat r using to intall ther=m/.04:01
dsnydersrikkimaru, Make sure your microphone is plugged into the right port.04:01
elm1jack-desktop: sorri install them04:02
Xbehavewhat chan would i go to to find out about cracking my bios?04:02
faprilnickrud: a sec04:02
jack-desktopelm1, anything, apt-get, deb file, snaptics..04:02
elm1hm, and nothing shows up in applications?04:02
StarnestommyXbehave: ##hardware ?04:02
rikkimarudsnyders, I'm pretty sure it is, and it does the same thing with the internal mic04:02
jack-desktopelm1, no04:02
elm1hm, one sec, i doh if i can help but lemme check huh04:02
BodOmLaWwhenever i try to play a video file that was extracted, I get a pink corrupted video, but only the second time and after. but not first wtf?04:03
BodOmLaWits only the ones from .r00 archives04:03
dsnydersrikkimaru, Usually those symptoms are from plugging the mic into the line in instead of mic in.  But if you get the same thing with the built in mic...04:03
elm1jack-desktop:refer to this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8219804:04
elm1hope it helps04:04
faprilnickrud: Got It... thx. I just installed ubuntu yesterday and loving it. Got AWN, Compiz going and loving all of it.. thx again +rep04:04
dsnydersIs K3B working for anyone?04:04
jack-desktopelm1, well after i restart my computer, they show up, so that's not the problem04:05
dark-knightQuestion how can i check what version of java I have frostfire complains about version of jre04:05
bastid_raZordark-knight; in a terminal type java -version04:05
elm1jack-desktop:wat do u mean?04:05
nickrudfapril: yw. Good on you, getting all that up so quickly04:05
BodOmLaWwhenever i try to play a video file that was extracted, I get a pink corrupted video, but only the second time and after. but not first wtf?04:06
BodOmLaWits only the ones from .r00 archives04:06
dark-knightjava version "1.5.004:06
BodOmLaWneed i reapeet?04:06
rikkimarudsnyders: well, I know it works because I can crank the playback on the mic, and it comes out the speakers.  I'm just trying to see if it's being captured properly.  Know of any programs I could use to do that?04:06
rikkimarudsnyders: I need to figure out if it's WINE/Ventrilo that's messed up, or ALSA04:07
dsnydersrikkimaru, Have you tried audacity?04:07
rikkimarudsnyders: nope, lookin at it now04:07
nickrudBodOmLaW: yes, but not so often. It might help if you specify what type of video, a little more detail. But I don't know the answer04:07
faprilnickrud: yea I used to run debian servers way back for things but hadn't touched it in years.. and I never used the gui. I just trashed vista on my Dell xps 1210 and installed this. It took me a few installs, I tried kubuntu but didn't like it.. I find it tries to much to be windows.04:07
BodOmLaW.avi i think they were all .avis that i extracted from .r00 files04:08
* nickrud bites his tongue, he's been told not to badmouth kde04:08
BodOmLaWthey work once, then the second time no04:08
BodOmLaWi delete the file and reextract but same shit04:08
BodOmLaWpink blocks instead of the video04:09
nickrud!language | BodOmLaW04:09
ubotuBodOmLaW: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:09
BodOmLaWoh, it has audio though04:09
dsnydersBodOmLaW, what are you using to play the video?04:09
ahorriblemesshey.... uh... I have a pretty long list in Synaptic Package Manager under "Not installed (residual config)" what should I do with all of these?04:10
BodOmLaWno way04:10
BodOmLaWall the sudden they work again04:10
BodOmLaWmessed up04:10
BodOmLaWthanks anyway04:10
dsnydersBodOmLaW, Glad we could help :-)04:10
yellowSubMarhello, all. I'm still having keyboard issues. Another keyboard works fine on this computer, but this keyboard works fine on other computers. however, this keyboard does not work as it should all the time with the shift button on this computer. I'm using a Saitek Eclipse II with the default US 104-key layout, and I set 'nodeadkeys' in the xorg.conf. this did not start happening until a few days ago, and I've had ubuntu installed 04:11
pajamianyellowSubMar: what is the actual problem?04:12
dsnydersyellowSubMar, Is it a consistent problem, or intermittent?04:12
yellowSubMarIt is a consistent problem where some characters + shift will not register. Some work fine with both, some work with one or the other, and some don't work at all. From what I use, alt and ctrl work fine.04:13
iceswordnickrud, yeah,thank u04:13
nickrudicesword: I take it one of those did the trick04:13
dsnydersyellowSubMar, are you having problems with both shift keys, or only one?04:14
Starfishis there any way to stop a certain program from updating ?04:14
nickrudStarfish: yes, you put it on 'hold' , or in synaptic terminology, 'force version'04:15
DrBanzaiDoes anybody else experience slow program launches in 7.10?04:15
yellowSubMarWith some characters only one shift key is affected. With others, both are. With others still, none are. For example, g and ' don't work with either. T works with the right one only. C only works with the left key. But W works with both.04:15
nickrudDrBanzai: how slow?04:15
sjsok i give up. i can't seem to install the ubuntu live 7.10 cd. everytime i hit start or install ubuntu it crashes after that.04:16
sjsi read that it's cause of the vid drivers or something04:16
nickrudsjs: have you run the check disk option on the cd?04:16
ahorriblemesssjs: when you get to that main screen, click the down arrow on your keyboard to highlight "safe mode"04:16
sjsit crashes too!04:16
sjstried safe mode too!04:16
nickrudsjs: that's not the vid.04:16
ahorriblemesssjs: then click F6, move the cursor to "quiet splash"04:16
ahorriblemessdid you do that?04:17
reindI just installed ubuntu, noticed there is inetd or xinetd are not installed by default. is there a ubuntu recommended alternative for these, or?04:17
ahorriblemessand delete Quiet Splash04:17
dsnydersyellowSubMar, Do the keys work in the <alt-F1> terminal?04:17
yellowSubMarI used "XkbOptions" "nodeadkeys" in the xorg.conf (I had to copy and paste those quotes!)04:17
sjsya i replaced with break=bottom04:17
ahorriblemesssjs: don't do that04:17
chapoceroCan anyone help me to get my sound card working for Ubuntu 7.10? I have an onboard sound card that I want disabled, and a PCI sound card that i wish to use... It seems to have picked up the drivers for my PCI card, but its still not giving me sound.. I have a feeling I have to disable my onboard card, but I don't know how. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Im a total Linux noob.. PM please04:17
sjshmm? what to do?04:17
nickrudsjs: try some of the other options in f604:17
ahorriblemesssjs: if it's anything like my computer, you just delete those two things, leave the space before "--" move the cursor after the "--" and press enter04:17
* Ghost|BTFH waves04:17
Ghost|BTFHHowdy all.04:17
yellowSubMarThey do not work in the <alt-F1> terminal, dsnyders.04:18
krimchapocero: I think you could turn off the internal soundcard in BIOS04:18
nickrud!md5 | sjs (you should also check you got a good download)04:18
ubotusjs (you should also check you got a good download): To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:18
ahorriblemesssjs: i forget what it says, but it'll be like "(whateverthecommand) -- " there's a space after that last word before "--" do you know what I mean04:18
cyphaseDoes anyone know of a Rhythmbox 0.11.4 .deb for Gutsy?04:18
yellowSubMarhowever, the keys work perfectly fine on other computers04:18
TerrorBiteI'm enquiring about eeeXubuntu, I want to know if I can use apt-get dist-upgrade or something similar to install it. Currently I have Ubuntu Gutsy on this EeePC04:18
narothepharohwhat are some cool war games free?04:18
sjsopening those 2 links04:18
ahorriblemesssjs: yeah that too... did you burn the live CD on 4x speed? I hear that can effect it04:18
sjserm and crashed again lol04:18
sjserm burnt at max speed04:19
nickrudnarothepharoh: wesnoth, alien-arena is a popular team shooter04:19
ahorriblemesssjs: yeah I hear you shouldn't go over 4x04:19
sjsok i'll burn another cd right now04:19
Mixx[21:31:21] <Dr_willis> I mixx and match kde and gnome - so i always have kubuntu-dekstop and ubuntu-desktop both installed.04:19
GunbladeIVi need sum help here04:19
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: It's currently 11.2, but I'm sure there's a deb package around for the newer versions if you do a google search.04:19
krimGunbladeIV: Just tell us _what_ you need help with.04:19
GunbladeIVi wonder why my wireless(which is connected to internet) do have download rate about 200++kbps while i'm idle04:20
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: And basically, any .deb package (most) will install fine in Ubuntu.04:20
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: GetDeb.net has 0.11.304:20
narothepharohnickrud: where do i get wesnoth?04:20
nickrudnarothepharoh: it's in the repos04:20
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: but i can't find 0.11.4, except in the hardy repo, and that won't work04:20
GunbladeIVkrim, and a weird application is running on background which is ntos_wq/004:20
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: Mmm...then I'd say that's probably the best you're going to find without going beta or worse, CVS.04:21
dsnydersyellowSubMar, I'm thinking that the keyboard uses a non-standard mapping.  I think there's some sort of keyboard driver/config somewhere, but I'm not sure where.04:21
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: If you're not a google master, I guess I could do a quick check for ya.04:21
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: i have checked04:21
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: but if you don't mind, sure. maybe i missed something04:21
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: And you thought perhaps one of us was hiding one under our skirts? ^_^04:21
sjshmm my minimum speed avaliable is 8x04:21
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: I'll be happy to, I'm bored right now.04:21
sjswhat should i do?04:21
yellowSubMardsnyders: I looked in the list, but I could not find it. however, on the windows machine, it did name the keyboard instead of using generic.04:22
sp0roWhat packages do I need to install with aptitude to use GTK2.x themes?04:22
nandoHi. I'm here to ask if there is any way to remove the "-" that appears at the top of a signature. I really need to figure out how to remove it as it doesn't look too professional at the end of an e-mail to people of importance.04:22
=== nando is now known as Fbern
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: i may have found a repo..04:22
nickrudsjs: check you got a good download, then try some of the kernel options in f6. Try searching for 'your motherboard' ubuntu , you might find some clues04:22
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: http://ubuntu2.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rhythmbox/04:23
sjsnickrud: ok!04:23
dsnydersyellowSubMar, Many companies release their drivers to Microsoft, but keep them proprietary to everyone else.04:23
Ghost|BTFHcyphase: I'm almost scary.04:23
StarfishI'm a bit confused as to why entering a command in a terminal works, but using the same shortcut in one of the drop-down menus doesn't do anything ?04:23
yellowSubMardsnyders: the odd thing is that this has only recently started to happen.04:23
tbbottleHi.  I was wondering if enyone knew which package contains, or how I can get my hands on the module i2c_nforce?  Is there a module listing somewhere?04:24
nickrudStarfish: drop down menus? Some detail?04:24
Starfishnickrud :: the 'Applications', 'Places', and 'System' menus on the top of the screen by default04:24
Starfishnickrud :: I added an item to the 'Applications' menu, but it doesn't do anything04:24
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: What is acting oddly on the menu, but fine in cli?04:24
nickrudStarfish: what did you add to the command line?04:25
dsnydersyellowSubMar, sounds like my k3b problem.  It was working fine about a month ago.  Now it won't start.04:25
Starfishnickrud :: in both cases, it's '/home/user/.rubyripper/rubyripper_gtk2.rb'04:25
narothepharohwhat are some cool war games free?04:25
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: thanks04:25
Starfishwhen executed in a terminal, it pops up a little GUI, when run from the menu, nothing happens04:25
yellowSubMardsnyders, what do you recommend I do to fix this?04:25
nickrudStarfish: hrm04:26
cyphaseGhost|BTFH: i think i found a few more as well04:26
Starfishnickrud :: could it possibly be affected by my mostly nonfunctional nautilus ?04:26
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: methinks you need to do: ruby /home/user/.rubyripper/rubyripper_gtk2.rb04:26
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: I tried that as well, same effect04:26
Ghost|BTFHThat's how it is with most programming languages I know.04:26
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Did you try it with quotes?04:26
nickrudStarfish: I'm not clueful enough about ruby to know what it requires.04:26
tbbottleHi.  I was wondering if enyone knew which package contains, or how I can get my hands on the module i2c_nforce?  Is there a module listing somewhere?04:27
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: quotes don't change it04:27
nickrudtbbottle: i2c-nforce (note dash) is in the linux-image-$(name -r) package04:27
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: as in ruby "/home/user/etc" or "ruby /home/user/etc" I'm not sure which one does it, but one of them should...04:27
dsnydersyellowSubMar, I have no suggestions other than google, and just using a plain old keyboard.04:27
n8tuserwhats the command to ignore join and parts on an XChat client?04:27
blbrownis there a #ubuntu preferred bittorrent client?04:27
blbrownI was thinking azureus04:27
nickrudtbbottle: i2c-nforce.ko to be specific04:27
yellowSubMarThanks for your help, dsnyders. :)04:28
dsnydersblbrown, I use ktorrent.04:28
bazhangblbrown: transmission will be the default starting in Hardy, the next release04:28
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: the first has no effect, the second gives an error as the file doesn't exist04:28
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Quotes change how it's read when you click. Like for me, to run WoW from a shortcut, I have to tell it: wine "/home/me/WoW/WoW.exe" --opengl04:28
tbbottleThanks nickrud, any reason that it wouldn't be modprobe(able) one a default gutsy install?  I can't seem to find it in /usr.  I'll have a look in the package.04:28
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: yeh, I know, everything inside the quotes is read as one parameter04:29
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Hmm...so you have ruby installed, but it's not working by calling on ruby...hmmm...04:29
Starfishthat shouldn't affect this, though, as there are no special charactes04:29
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: I'll enumerate that it does work from a command-line04:29
nickrudtbbottle: it's in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/i2c/busses04:29
n8tuserwhats the command to ignore join and parts on an XChat client?04:29
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: my nautilus is non-functional, that might have something to do with it, I'm not sure04:29
nickrudtbbottle: try modprobing it as a dash, not underscore04:29
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Hmmm....and you don't need to do a ./ to run it, or even a "run" command?04:29
rikkimaruhow would I go about reinstalling ALSA?04:30
TazbobuMy LAN is working over Gigabit ethernet, and Wireless LAN, but I can't see machines listed in network on either XP or ubuntu side.. however I can access both sides by IP.. how do I fix this?04:30
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: executing from a command-line via '/home/user/...' or 'ruby /home/user/...' both work fine04:30
bazhangn8tuser: depends on the chat client04:30
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Because genereally, I can't get ANYTHING to run cli without telling it ./ or run or sh or python etc.04:30
Hallag1How do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you'd use the  configure utility in the alternate install (with the ncurses interface)? ["Which of the following keys does your keyboard have", that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works.04:30
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Okay, that's farqed up. ruby "/home/user/.." should work fine then.04:30
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: yeh, it doesn't04:31
StarfishI think I have other problems04:31
Starfisheh, guess it's back to the command-line fo rme04:31
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Okay, here's a weird attempt to try...04:31
sp0roAnyone have any idea why I can't install GTK2.x themes even though the gtk2.x package and engines are installed?04:31
ShuggleWhen I take a screen grab of a window the border around the window is not included as long  compiz is enabled. Can this be changed?04:31
Ghost|BTFHStarfish ALT+F2 and type it into there.04:31
Ghost|BTFHSee if it runs.04:31
n8tuserbazhang--> Xchat04:31
dsnydersHi all! My k3b stopped working, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.  Anybody else having this problem?04:31
Ghost|BTFHIf it does, there is something you're missing with the shortcut.04:32
nickrudah. a path test, wise04:32
tbbottleStarfish:  Have you tried configuring the launcher to run the command in a terminal, and searched for any relevant output?04:32
bazhangn8tuser: is there not a preferences dialog you can access for that? my chat client has one (not Xchat)04:32
Ghost|BTFHI'll be back04:33
xyblorWhat's the best place to execute script to change xrandr settings for dual-heal? xinitrc?04:33
Starfishtbbottle :: well, i can select that, but it opens and closes to quickly to see anything, how do I make it stay ?04:33
n8tuserbazhang--> nope, nothing, i googled and the closest one, irc_common_conf 1 dont work04:33
cgegnerAnyone here using Ubuntu on a thinkpad with working suspend?04:33
Ghost|BTFHI'm back.04:33
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: So what happened when you used ALT+F2 and ran it?04:34
nickrudn8tuser: right click the channel tab, and untick show join part04:34
Javidcgegner, it works for me04:34
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: it doesn't do anything visible04:34
StarfishGhost|BTFH :: how can I make the terminal stay open if I've run it via alt-f2 ?04:34
christylezcan sum1 help me my double click doesnt work04:34
tbbottleI am not sure, but you might be able to redirect the output from the command into a text file, to see if there is something there you aren't catching.  Tryi appending " > /tmp/ruby_out.txt " to the command in the launcher config and then check to see if anything shows up in the text file04:34
tbbottleyes Mulder04:34
Muldersleep worked fine on my thinkpad04:35
* Mulder has a t4304:35
cgegnerI'm having problem with my R61.  Sometimes it doesn't go to sleep, sometimes it doesn't wake up.  Other times it'll wake up but my network manager is borked.04:35
Javidi dunno, my a31p works like a dream04:35
Starfishtbbottle :: output file is empty04:35
christylezi cant double click to open04:35
Mulderif it doesnt wake up after sleep, try pressing power button04:35
cgegnerI do04:36
sp0rocgegner, take note that  network manager doesn't refresh most of the time, regardless of coming out of sleep mode or not.04:36
christylezcan sum1 help me?04:36
bazhangn8tuser: right click should do it04:36
tbbottleNothing relevant from ruby then (it tends to use standar out, not standard eror, so we should have caught it).  Shame. Sorry, I am out of ideas for now.04:36
rikkimaruhow would i go about updating to a newer version of ALSA?04:36
bazhangwhat is the issue christylez04:36
xyblorchristylez: are you having trouble with double click in a file manager, or everywhere?04:37
usrlA LiveCD iso can be burned to a DVD-R and run with no problems, right?04:37
christylezwen i put an icon on desktop i cant open it by left clicking04:37
Ghost|BTFHusrl: I hope so, or the custom DVDs I've done are worthless. ;)04:37
usrlGhost|BTFH: ok, thanks04:37
bazhangchristylez: what icon and how did you put it there04:38
cgegnersp0ro: network manager shows as connected, however the interface stays down and I cannot coax it to life using network manager gui (changing wireless networks doesnt respawn etc)04:38
Mulderi hope there's enterprise security support for wireless in gnome newtork manager soon04:38
chris062689Hello :)04:38
Ghost|BTFHusrl: Just remember, if you burn it to a -R dvd, don't expect a +R machine to read it. ;)04:38
xyblorchristylez: left click, go to "open with...", select the program you want, then click always use this program04:38
dsnydersIs K3B working for anyone?04:38
christylezany icon04:38
bazhangyes dsnyders04:38
sp0rocgegner, try "ifconfig INTERFACE up"04:38
Berzerkercan linux read a FAT32 drive on a GUID partition scheme?04:38
dsnydersbazhang,  I'm having problems with k3b.  I get a DCOP aborting message.04:39
xyblorchristylez: do that for whatever type of file you want to associate with a particular program04:39
bazhangdsnyders: doing what when you get that message04:39
Newbuntu2can anyone tell me where I configure my system to run a ssh server when booting up?04:39
bazhangdsnyders: this is gutsy or feisty04:39
Viktoriousanyone know where u can get more applets for awn04:39
dsnydersbazhang, Starting k3b.04:39
Ghost|BTFHBerzerker: It "should".04:40
christylezdouble left click wont work at all04:40
BerzerkerGhost|BTFH: Meaning?04:40
mkarHello all!  I'm looking for a little assistance repairing samba.04:40
bazhangdsnyders: what version of ubuntu and k3b I seem to recall that problem in the past04:40
dsnydersbazhang, 7.1004:40
MulderNewbuntu2, apt-get install ssh-server ?04:40
Sup3rDup3rsup ghfreak5104:40
Ghost|BTFHBerzerker: Well, unless GPT does something insanely weird, Ubuntu should read the FAT32 partition just fine.04:40
BerzerkerGhost|BTFH: I want to be able to use it to transfer files between OS X and *ubuntu while still being able to live partition it.04:40
dsnydersbazhang, it was working a month or so ago.04:40
lethihaquaii cu04:40
bazhangchristylez: what does right click do?04:41
christylezopens the standard menu04:41
bazhangenglish please lethiha04:41
BerzerkerGhost|BTFH: What about iTunes, can I run that on *ubuntu/04:41
mike_I was wondering if anyone could help me, I am trying to get Kopete to work with msn(with webcam for my wife).  I don't have a computer with windows/msn, is there a person that has msn/windows that I can send a message to and test if the cam is working?04:41
bazhangBerzerker: only under wine04:41
BerzerkerThat's fine.04:41
Ghost|BTFHBerzerker: That you're asking the wrong guy *Points to ogg collection* however, that being said, I believe you can under wine.04:41
Newbuntu2I have ssh installed, but I'm used to the CLI to configure sshd.conf. I was wondering if in Ubuntu it is done differently, via a gui or something04:42
Sup3rDup3rsrry I need to reg my nic04:42
Sup3rDup3rso its done?04:42
bazhanggot to go, back in a while04:42
Newbuntu2I don't want my system to end up confused04:42
sp0rocgegner, did you get it back up?04:42
BerzerkerAs long as I can run it and play my [*sigh*]DRM'ed music [/*sigh*].04:42
Scunizimike_, why not load up aMsn from synaptic?04:42
ghfreak51yea finally04:42
dsnydersbazhang, ubuntu 7.10 is Gutsy?04:42
n8tuserbazhang--> i think i found the solution, run a perl script then close xchat and rerun.. darn xchat is not so user friendly04:42
Ghost|BTFHNewbuntu2: I like the nick! :D04:42
Sup3rDup3rso unzip the ubuntu appliance04:42
christylezthis all sarted after i installed kiba dock04:42
Sup3rDup3rand install vmplayer04:42
ghfreak51yup.. it took like 10 min to unzip04:42
ghfreak51yup both done04:42
mkarIf in network, I can see my machine, but not my network shares, where should i look?04:42
mike_it works with kopete and amsn perfectly,but not with my wifes friends online04:42
cgegnersp0ro: this time it worked fine on it's own04:43
sp0rocgegner, if you don't know the interface run an ifconfig -a in a terminal04:43
Scunizimike_, ah.. could it be a router problem.. open ports and such?04:43
bazhangdsnyders: yes; I have to go away for a bit now the other fine and more knowledgeable folks here can likely help04:43
Ghost|BTFHStarfish: Find the issue?04:43
cgegnersp0ro: it should be eth104:43
n8tuserNewbuntu2--> same cli commands work to configure sshd or ssh client04:43
sp0rocgegner, yeah network manager is bug prone ;)04:43
Sup3rDup3rso I put the ubuntu folder in C:\Program Files\VMware04:43
dsnydersbazhang, You've been the only one to respond.04:43
sp0rocgegner, easier just to learn the ifconfig(iwconfig commands if you use a wireless nic) and go from there04:43
mkarScunizi, it's my own shares that I can't see.  Would that be a router thing?04:44
mike_the ports might be the issue04:44
ghfreak51i put mine in my d:04:44
Sup3rDup3rok make a link04:44
gold44on win xp, after i defrag the 30 gig C drive. there are files towards to end of the disk.  will ubuntu's repartition tool move those files upward? so that i can creat a 10gig partition for ubuntu?04:44
mike_but I can't test that locally??04:44
Sup3rDup3rso when you start vmplayer you can find it04:44
ghfreak51make a link to what04:44
Sup3rDup3rcreate a shortcut of the ubuntu folder04:44
Scunizimkar, mike_ am I talking to the same person?  Your own shares meaning within your lan on your network?04:45
Sup3rDup3rand stick it in the VMware dir04:45
n8tusergold44--> nope, use gparted to relocate and move/resize partition04:45
mkarSorry scun, I ircjacked, go ahead!04:45
mike_no not a lan04:45
ghfreak51k hold on04:45
mike_i only have one computer04:45
Sup3rDup3ronce thats done check out this doc http://www.linux.com/feature/5441104:45
Scunizimike_, so you're going from your machine to the outside world to someone elses machine.. right?04:45
mike_i instaled kopete and amsn on one computer a04:45
gold44n8tuser: ah... right gparted was the tool in ubuntu live cd.04:45
xyblorCan anyone tell me if it's a bad idea for me to mess around with "xinitrc"?04:46
gold44n8tuser: too bad it won't compact my files04:46
mike_the cam does not work when i connent to some one over the internet04:46
Sup3rDup3rthat tells you all the settings you need to update in the ubuntu vmplayer config file04:46
sjscd is working fine, starting ubuntu and it freezes04:46
sjswhat should i do!04:46
n8tusergold44--> use tar with -C option or gzip or any other file compression tools04:46
Scunizimike_, use my nick in replys so I can "see" your answer .. type partial then "tab" to complete.. Sound like your issue could be ports on your router and possibly on the other persons router..04:47
n8tuserxyblor--> nope, not bad, you just have to know what you are adding or deleting04:47
Scunizimike_, text does work though04:47
Marupais there any sort of 'GUI' web analyzer for ubuntu?04:47
Newbuntu2can someone help me with VNC setup?04:47
xyblorn8tuser: I want to execute a script from there to enable dual-heal with xrandr before the window manager starts04:47
n8tusersjs you are still at it? what kind of hard disk do you have?04:48
MarupaNewbuntu2, vnc is set up at the start....or it should be.04:48
mike_Scunizi: the roughter should be set up correctly; i had the cam working before with the router04:48
gold44n8tuser: no, i don't mean compressing the files. i want to compact (collapse) the files so they all "sit" at the first 20gig of the hard drive. want to get a 10gig partition for ubunut04:48
notyetaicesword: here?04:48
Scunizimike_, going to the same person?04:48
jw144000How do I install Hebrew support in Ubuntu?04:48
christylezi can even double click to onpen im in pidgin04:48
Jordan_Ugold44, Do you just want to resize the partition?04:49
=== godfreyhk is now known as godfreyhk_
n8tusergold44--> thats where xp gets you, it stashes files in specific locations..hard to relocate them or else xp wont work04:49
mike_Scunizi: it worked over the internet before.... butthe cam driver was bad so i stoped using it04:49
gold44Jordan_U: yes.04:49
JoshJwhat's the compiz thing called where drop-down boxes (like the URL box in firefox) fades in and out?04:49
* JoshJ wants to turn that off04:49
Jordan_Ugold44, use gparted ( from a LiveCD if you need to change the drive you normally boot from )04:49
mike_Scunizi: the cam's driver seems to work now though :) so I wan to get it working again04:49
rainwalkerJoshJ: do you have ccsm installed?04:49
gold44n8tuser:  Jordan_U     want it to look like this --> http://www.theeldergeek.com/images/Disk%20Defragmenter/Disk%20Defrag%2004.gif04:50
JoshJlooking for where IN ccsm it's at04:50
=== godfreyhk_ is now known as godfreyhk
Newbuntu2marupa: it is, but it makes my box crash after a short while04:50
n8tuserJoshJ--> can you visit #compiz for more specific help?04:50
Scunizimike_, you really need to ask what has changed from then to now.  new router on either end ? IP firewall setup etc.. I'm loading win in my vm for msn.. I'll give my address to you pm in a sec.04:50
rainwalkerJoshJ: ok well then go into your animations section and take out the part for dropdown menus under the "open animation" tab04:50
=== godfreyhk is now known as godfreyhk_
jbinderWhat is runlevel 1 and runlevel 3?04:50
prettyrickydoes any logitech webcam work with ubuntu 7.1004:51
JoshJrainwalker, thx04:51
gold44n8tuser:  Jordan_U     but after i run defrag, files still sit toward the end of the drive04:51
rainwalkerJoshJ: no prob04:51
jw144000How do I write in Hebrew in Ubuntu?04:51
JoshJbtw rainwalker do you know what folder these are stored in? i've got two computers and i'd like to be able to make the settings identical04:51
rainwalkerprettyricky: I have a quickcam communicate something-or-other with amsn04:51
Sup3rDup3rghfreak51 ... how goes it?04:51
n8tuserjbinder--> i assumed you have done some research via google?  fedora uses like 6 levels, ubuntu only  uses basically 304:51
=== godfreyhk_ is now known as godfreyhk
emmajanejw144000: Do you have your keyboard set up yet?04:51
rainwalkerJoshJ: I'm not sure, but you could ask in #compiz-fusion04:52
prettyrickyso I need amsn? newbie04:52
jbindern8tuser: THe nvidia installer says I am in runlevel 1 and tells me to go to runlevel 304:52
jw144000emmajane: Yeah04:52
Starfishanybody else have problems with flac 1.2.1 ?04:52
Scunizimike_, check your dialogue windows for a pm from me.. I'll give you my msn addrss there.04:52
n8tuserjbinder--> typically runlevel 1 is no gui (X) , no network, level 3 has X04:52
Jordan_Ujbinder, Is there a reason you aren't using restricted manager? Did RM not work?04:52
jbinderWould recovery mode use 1?04:53
Jordan_Ujbinder, Yes04:53
emmajanejw144000: and the language pack?04:53
jbinderI haven't gotten any GUI stuff working yet04:53
emmajanejw144000: i.e. the locale....04:53
n8tuserjbinder--> on ubuntu 2-5 is same levels04:53
Scunizimike_, did the private message window open?04:53
jw144000emmajane: I don't know if I have the language pack installed.04:54
mike_Scunizi: yes04:54
emmajanejw144000: Give this page a try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HebrewLocalizationHowto04:54
Hallag1How do I reconfigure my keyboard, in a similar manner to the way you'd use the  configure utility in the alternate install (with the ncurses interface)? ["Which of the following keys does your keyboard have", that kind of thing]? I have done it before, and have tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but none of that works.04:54
Scunizimike_, type something in it ..04:54
emmajanejw144000: I think it's what you're looking for...04:54
ghfreak51k i'll let you know when i'm done with it04:54
n8tuserjbinder--> before you can get gui, X has to be installed..or framebuffer (i think)04:54
jw144000emmajane: OK, thanks.04:54
Scunizimike_, my address is in there now.. can you see it?04:55
vermawhat package do I need to install for development docs?04:55
Jordan_UHallag1, Not sure exactly but 'locale' may ( or may not ) be a helpful search term / starting point04:55
emmajanejw144000: I haven't played with language switching in a while, but it used to be that you could install two different keyboard layouts for two different languages. I had french and english at one point and would switch between the two by pressing both "shift" keys at once. Is that what you're looking for?04:56
xyblor Hallag1: there's "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:56
n8tuserverma--> for which development tools?04:56
Hallag1xyblor: Tried it, no help. Ditto console-setup04:56
verman8tuser, I want to be able to refer to C documentation through man04:56
Hallag1Jordan_u: t's a keyboard setting, not a locale thing, I THINK04:56
dsnydersHi all! My k3b doesn't start, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.  Anybody else having this problem?04:56
Hallag1Actually, I might try that04:57
xyblorHallag1: do you have an unusual keyboard type?04:57
Hallag1xyblor: No, not at all.04:57
jw144000emmajane: Yeah04:57
n8tuserverma--> i assume if you install build-essential  will install man pages04:57
reindI just installed gnome, every window I open is positioned so the title bar is offscreen, so i cant drag it into view, any ideas how to fix this? or move the windows at the least04:57
emmajanejw144000: it was an internationalization option in KDE, but I don't know how it works in gnome. Hang on and I'll see if I can find it.04:57
Jordan_UHallag1, I think xyblor is right about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ( though that may not help at a tty )04:57
Piciverma: manpages-dev04:57
xyblorHallag1: you want to remap keys globally?04:57
vermaPici, ah04:57
Hallag1xyblor: For some reason, though, when I hit the key labelled ' it gives me nothing. Hitting it twice give me ' . Hitting it once, plus any other letter key, gives me an accent. e.g. créme brulée04:57
vermaPici, let me try04:58
prettyrickyNew to amsn, How do I start an account -  user name and password?04:58
Piciverma: That should be the C documentation stuff04:58
Hallag1This has done this with three different keyboards, xyblor04:58
vermaPici, ahaa .. it worked .. thanks04:58
n8tuserprettyricky--> umm this is not amsn support, tried reading their register page?04:58
Hallag1So I am just intending to try and reconfigure it, because I think I did something wrong in my initial install about a year ago04:58
xyblorHallag1: wow that's weird, I have no idea what could cause that04:59
Hallag1It is useful because I can type accents easily04:59
Hallag1OTOH, I have to type " + " + shift + alt to type "04:59
prettyrickyn8tuser - was hoping someone new how. thanks!04:59
TazbobuHow do you fix LAN if it is working by IP but not by name?04:59
Viktoriousanyone know of a good program to record ur desktop but not miss frames05:00
n8tuserprettyricky--> get on to their web site for registering and there should be instructions05:00
xyblorHallag1: so do you want to chang the behaviour of ' or not?05:00
Hallag1xyblor: Yes05:00
rainwalkerViktorious: there are lots of them, but none are guaranteed not to miss frames05:00
Neronioushow do you force terminate an application (ie Firefox) ?05:00
n8tuserTazbobu--> you either use /etc/hosts or the name server05:00
Hallag1xyblor: I know not much about bindings, though05:01
bmeynelli have a 36 gig windows partition... can I merge with my current filesystem or should I keep it as a separate partition? if the latter, how do I format the windows partition into a linux filesystem?05:01
prettyrickyn8tuser ----> thank you!05:01
saxofonerNeronious: you can use xkill, but going through the system monitor in the administration menu is more complete05:01
saxofonerIt will complain it is still running if you just xkill05:01
Neronioussaxofoner: ty05:01
bmeynellor point me to a HOWTO somwhere....05:01
n8tuserprettyricky--> sowee not too helpful05:01
Hallag1xyblor: Is there a HOWTO or something you could point me at? I've been searching on and off for an answer for about a year05:02
emmajaneHallag1: for mapping?05:02
n8tuserbmeynell--> what about the existing data on it? okay to trash it?05:02
xyblorHallag1: I'm not an expert at all, it sounds like you might have some accent utility installed.05:02
Hallag1Yeah, for remapping, emmajane. It would at leasr be a starting point05:02
ClintZ28I'm trying to compile the latest kernel, with Ubuntu Gutsy...after I extract the linux source, configure it, then run make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd --append-to-version=-some-string-here kernel-image kernel-headers, the kernel is not compiled that I get the message, "No work to be done."  I have done this with an older kernel, 2.6.22, and it worked...05:03
Hallag1Haven't installed anything, it has worked like this since the start05:03
emmajaneHallag1: I'm looking for the same thing for jw144000. Hang on a sec.05:03
bmeynelln8tuser: yeah, i can kill everything on it... i have all my important files from windows on my linux partition now05:03
n8tuserClintZ28--> isnt there like a configure step you have to do before asking make to make?05:03
Crumbanyone have any luck with SND_HDA_INTEL?05:03
Hallag1Thanks, emmajane05:03
xyblorHallag1: does the behaviour of ' change with a different window manager?05:04
ClintZ28n8tuser, I just figured out the problem...I actually left off kernel-image and kernel-headers05:04
coolbhaviIf I want to give a user the ability to start and stop DNS, how would I go about doing so using Sudo?05:04
n8tuserbmeynell--> then just go ahead and reformat that partition or if you want to merge, do it..and reformat adn make a file system on it05:04
mateuszIs there working Sun Java for 64bit systems?05:04
bmeynelln8tuser: if I merge is all my linux data trashed?05:04
xyblorHallag1: what happens to ' in console mode? (ctrl-alt-F1)05:04
mateuszI mean plugin for firefox 64bit05:04
Jordan_U!flash64 | mateusz05:05
ubotumateusz: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:05
Hallag1xyblor: No. At least, I used the XFCE window manager on my last Ubuntu install on same computer, and same thing. Thing is, I did the same thing in that setup utility on the install CD05:05
Hallag1xyblor: Same deal05:05
n8tuserbmeynell--> it is wiser to have separate partitions, dont merge them into one big pile05:05
mateuszJordan_U: I dont want 32bit hacks05:05
emmajaneHallag1: what language/locale do you want it to be?05:05
xyblorHallag1: well at least you know it's not the window manager to blame then05:05
Crumbare there more focused ubunto channels here?05:05
Hallag1emmajane: English/Australian05:05
n8tuserbmeynell--> once one partition go bad on you, you at least have other partitions..05:05
Jordan_Umateusz, I think the most recent version of iceTea is native 64 bit05:06
bmeynelln8tuser: so the question is how to turn the windows partition into linux... is there a simple command or ?05:06
mateuszJordan_U: it doesnt work05:06
mateuszJordan_U: I tried it05:06
mateuszJordan_U: and none of Java applets work05:06
emmajaneHallag1: what window manager are you using?05:06
n8tuserbmeynell--> once you get into fdisk or gparted, its pretty straightforward... gparted must be installed if you dont have it yet05:06
emmajanejw144000: Are you using the default Ubuntu install?05:06
Tu13esany ideas how Ubuntu works with a Tablet PC?05:07
totopunkrockerhay algun argentino aca???????????05:07
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Pici!br | totopunkrocker05:07
ubotutotopunkrocker: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:07
Crumbthis irc makes me want to install gentoo...peace out05:07
UsiuJordan_U: and none of Java applets work05:07
bmeynelln8tuser: ok cool... i want to keep my linux data and turn my windows partition into a linux partition so to do that I run 'fdisk'05:07
emmajanejw144000: Try this: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts -> Add... and choose the right layout05:07
n8tuser!es | totopunkrocker05:07
ubotutotopunkrocker: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:07
bmeynelln8tuser: and how will the change affect GRUB?05:08
iceswordnotyeta, yeah05:08
n8tuserbmeynell--> yes, and delete old windows then create new linux id 83 type05:08
iceswordnotyeta, i am back .sorry05:08
n8tuserbmeynell--> you dont have grub installed on your windows partition right?05:08
emmajanejw144000: I don't see how to do the double-shift short cut in Gnome though. :(05:09
IdleOneneed some help with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56446/05:09
bmeynelln8tuser: i don't  believe so.... but i don't know for sure... GRUB runs right after the BIOS runs and lists all my linux installations and my windows boot option at the bottom of the list05:09
Geoffrey2I'm trying to build libexo from source, ./configure keeps telling me it can't find md5.h or md5global.h even though both are already installed....05:10
n8tuserbmeynell--> check your /boot/grub/menu.lst and it should tell you where you have grub installed05:10
emmajaneHallag1: I dont' see an Australian locale installed by default in a plain vanilla Ubuntu install...05:10
n8tuserGeoffrey2--> umm check your Makefile to make sure it points to correct header directories?05:11
saxofonerso I've got my virtualbox all set up with my windows partition to run inside of ubuntu, but I get a hard disk error.  It doesn't even make it to the "choose hardware profile" menu  I know it has something to do with SCSI and SATA, but that's all I know.05:11
emmajanejw144000: http://raviratlami1.blogspot.com/2006/10/how-to-add-another-language-and.html might also be useful.05:12
n8tusersaxofoner--> try #virtualbox for additional help?05:12
emmajaneHallag1: You might find this useful too: http://raviratlami1.blogspot.com/2006/10/how-to-add-another-language-and.html05:12
saxofonern8tuser: I'll do that05:12
bmeynelln8tuser: it says windows xp is at "root     (hd0,1)"05:12
xyblorsaxofoner: how do you get virtualbox to boot a hard disk rather than an image file?05:13
n8tuserbmeynell--> thats 1st hd, 2nd partition05:13
IdleOne!es | totopunkrocker05:13
ubotutotopunkrocker: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:13
saxofonerxyblor: I'll get you a link, hang on05:13
xyblorsaxofoner: thanks05:13
saxofonerhttp://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/ xyblor05:14
xyblorsaxofoner: great, maybe now I can boot my virus-infested XP from Ubuntu ;-)05:15
bmeynelln8tuser: so I'm good to go? you agree?05:15
n8tuserbmeynell--> i do not doubt it05:15
saxofonerI read about some guy running all these viruses in wine, he lost his whole partition05:15
bmeynelln8tuser: thanks05:15
xyblorsaxofoner: yikes, maybe I shouldn't do it then05:15
stupidgirlHow do I check my RAID controller's serial number?05:15
iceswordnotyeta, it seems u are from hangzhou?05:16
xyblorsaxofoner: I wonder how you get viruses in Wine?05:16
saxofonerrun them yourself05:16
rainwalkerxyblor: just like you would in windows, probably05:16
HallageMy apologies, emmajane. My X windows crashed05:17
HallageI've tried every bit of fiddling with the keyboard settings that is possible, emmajane05:17
saxofonerthey shouldn't spread unless you try to cultivate them or something... with moisture and heat05:17
daspahThere is a computer in my house running Ubuntu. I have my laptop running (ubuntu too) and want to ssh to that other computer. How can I do it? We share the same network. The Internet IP is not dynamic.05:18
xyblorsaxofoner: I thought viruses depended on flaws in memory usage and network security in Windows. Those vulnerabilities wouldn't be present if you're running wine apps through linux, right?05:18
saxofonerit could effect the virtual drive_c I think05:18
rainwalkerxyblor: yes they would, because wine creates a virtual windows drive05:18
saxofonernot your actual OS05:19
ph0rensicdaspah, You want to only have a shell or remote desktop? Because yiu can use the terminal server client thing05:19
daspahph0rensic, Shell05:19
xyblorbut linux is still in control of networking and memory usage with Wine05:19
dsnydersHi all! My k3b doesn't start anymore, and I'm getting a DCOP aborting message when I run from a terminal.  What's wrong?05:20
xyblorunless you deliberately run a virus executable with wine...05:20
ph0rensicdaspah, I haven't done it in quite some time, so off-dand Im not sure.. do you have ssh running on the host machine?05:20
saxofonerWine is SO awesome it can get viruses.  Just leave it at that.  ;)05:20
vircusergot a question about preinstalling Ubuntu on systems our company wants to sell05:20
EADGMy lappy powered down when I had nano open, the text was un-named and not saved yet. Any chance it's still on my system? If yes, where?05:20
daspahph0rensic, i have installed ssh there05:20
vircuserdoes anyone know if there are any restirctions05:20
Gary_inNYChi, does anyone here play pok3d?  i just wanna know if it's safe to install05:20
xyblorsaxofoner: yeah, you get an authentic windows experience with wine05:20
vircuser(e.g. on the side of canonical?)05:21
rainwalkervircuser: none05:21
daspahph0rensic, I have changed the sshd_config to Port (myport)05:21
dsnydersEADG, I doubt it.05:21
Hallageemmajane! Thank you for all of your help, I just got it fixed05:21
vircuserwhat if we package a CD of ubuntu along with the system?05:22
ph0rensicdaspah, hmm see if any one else knows off-hand cause I'd have to look around for a while.. and I don't have a pc to test to remember05:22
stupidgirlHow do I check my RAID controller's serial number?05:22
EADGdsnyders: bummer05:22
IdleOnevircuser, you can always ask canonical www.canonical.com but I believe you are free to use reproduce, modify ubuntu as you please05:22
CountDownI'm using gparted  to look at a USB hard drive that I'd like to repartition/format, but it's not letting me delete some partitions even though I'm running gparted via gksudo.  Do I have to mount the drive as root?05:22
KuroachiaI'm attempting to run virtualBox and when I try to run a virtual machine I get an error saying that the kernal driver is not accessible to the current user. I was told to run this app in root but I was wondering if I could give user permission to use the app. Yes? No?05:23
vircuserthing is I can't find any direct contact from their webpage05:23
n8tuserdaspah--> whats the ip address of each host?05:23
rainwalkervircuser: the good thing about only using free software, is that there aren't restrictions on using it (unless you actually modify the code)05:23
iceswordCountDown, yeah,u need root privelige05:23
IdleOnemneptok, you here?05:23
CountDownicesword: But how do I get that if not through gksudo or sudo?05:23
daspahn8tuser, There is a router, and this computer uses it wired and mine uses wireless05:23
n8tuserdaspah--> whats the ip address of each host?05:24
vircuseranyone got an official email address from which I could get definitive answers?05:24
iceswordCountDown, sudo fdisk /dev/sda eg05:24
xyblorKuroachia: I have no problem running virtualbox without being root05:24
jw144000emmajane: I found out how to enable Hebrew using the switch key thing. I wish I could find a way to make the keyboard homophonic for Hebrew05:24
vircuser(i.e. official answers ;))05:24
xyblorKuroachia: I didn't do anything special05:24
CountDownicesword: Thanks, I'll try that.05:24
Kuroachiaxyblor: Simply installed it and ran it?05:24
iceswordvircuser, #ubuntu-ops05:24
vircuserthanks for the responds so far anyways ^^05:24
xyblorKuroachia: yep, from apt-get05:24
xyblorKuroachia: wait, actually I installed it from their website05:25
moaddoes ubuntu always split the CPU into two ?05:25
xyblorKuroachia: so it's not the "open source version" (OSE)05:25
Gary_inNYCi wanna play a nice game of poker online, i found pok3d but am not sure if it's safe to add them into my sources.list... can anyone confirm its' a good game?05:25
charlieDoes anybody know how to fix the crashing with flash video on firefox?05:25
iceswordmoad, what u mean05:26
rainwalkerKuroachia: sudo gpasswd -a [username] vboxusers05:26
Tw|sTKuroachia : is your userid a member of the ADM group?05:26
xyblorKuroachia: i followed this guide: http://www.techthrob.com/tech/linux_virtualization.php05:26
daspahn8tuser, why?05:26
poningrucharles54: is it all flash videos? or just some?05:26
iceswordcharlie,check u flash version05:26
nano__how can i tell i have compiz fusion installed as opposed to just compiz05:26
poningrucharles54: most likely its your flash05:26
n8tuserdaspah--> do you want assistance?05:26
poningruyeah what he said05:26
Tw|sTah, didn't think about that one... good answer05:26
moadicesword, somehow i have a problem with CPU , i open fire fox with lets say 4 tabs and i check my CPU usage and its already 100% on CPU1 and 4% on CPU2 , why is it this way ?05:26
charlieicesword: what version should i have? I have     Shockwave Flash 9.0 r4805:26
daspahn8tuser, how can I know? ifconfig?05:26
rainwalkerKuroachia: run that to add you to the vboxusers group, which you apparently have to be05:27
blistov hey, why is the ubuntu livecd automatically killing all my mbrs from every disk it finds, on boot? 09:51:40      I put in the cd, booted off it, the framebuffer never loaded correctly, waited 5 minutes till i was sure nothing was going on, tried again in safe mode (i assumed that wouldn't use a splash, no change, took the cd out, rebooted, and of my the mbr's from both raids, and my one single drive, were all wiped out. 09:52:13      05:27
blistovmbr to all disks, reboot, everything works again. boot the ubuntu cd, and once again, the mbr's all die. 09:52:36      any ideas on this? is ubuntu cleverly installing something to the mbr of every disk it see's?05:27
IdleOnevircuser, http://www.canonical.com/node/2205:27
n8tuserdaspah--> thats one of the ways yes05:27
Kuroachiarainwalker: thanks05:27
rainwalkerKuroachia: no problem, I had the same issue05:27
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iceswordcharlie,check www.adobe.com05:27
daspahn8tuser, which one should I pick?05:27
jw144000emmajane: n/m, I figured it out05:27
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daspahinet addr (eth1)?05:28
n8tuserdaspah--> both ends05:28
iceswordmoad, u use dual core ?that is the way it acts05:28
daspahn8tuser, inet addr (eth1)?05:28
IdleOneneed some help with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56446/05:28
n8tuserdaspah umm you know what an ip address looks like right?05:28
moadicesword, i dont think i have dual core ...05:28
daspahn8tuser, of course05:28
Kuroachiarainerwalker: I'm sure I could have figured it out, I just have a bit of a headache after a long day so I thought I'd try the easy way first tonight haha. Thanks a ton.05:28
daspahn8tuser, tell what should i do05:28
iceswordmoad, u have two cpus05:28
moadicesword, how do i check the specs ?05:29
n8tuserdashua--> read what is the ip address assigned to your host, at both ends05:29
iceswordmoad, specs?05:29
moadicesword, the specs of my computer , i dont remember having two cpus05:29
n8tuserdaspah--> got it yet?05:30
iceswordmoad, haha,what makes u believe u got two cpu ,less /proc/cpuinfo05:30
dsnydersmoad, a dual core cpu will show up as two cpus.05:30
daspahn8tuser, tell me what to do05:30
daspahn8tuser, i know the ips05:31
n8tuserdashua--> read what is the ip address assigned to your host, at both ends05:31
slackernA Pentium 4 with HyperThreading enabled shows up as 2 also if i remember correct05:31
n8tuserdaspah--> whats the ip address of each host?05:31
reindJust installed 7.10 and gnome. I can't get audio to work properly. The "Sound Preferences" tests all work when I choose (PCM - using a coaxial out on sblive), but xmms or vlc do not output any audio, any ideas what's wrong?05:31
moadicesword, and why does it get black while only using firefox ? i have a relatively good pc ....05:31
iceswordwe do wantt o know the port05:31
n8tuserdaspah its obvious you want to be difficult05:31
daspahn8tuser, i dont need to tell u05:31
xyblordoes xinitrc run before the xserver is started or after?05:31
n8tuserdaspah okay no problem..05:32
iceswordmoad, what is getting black05:32
slackernxyblor: I belive it's called after it's loaded after drivers and everything has been loaded05:32
Messia00Hey do you guys provide support on installing ubuntu on the ps3?05:32
moadicesword, the firefox windows get black and stuck and i have to force quit05:32
xyblorreind: maybe you have the wrong soundcard selected by default. that happened to me05:32
moadicesword, when i check the system monitor it tells me one of the cpus is at 100%05:32
slackernxyblor: remember using it way back for launching different WindowManagers and Desktop Enviroments05:33
ManjyHello, can anybody help me? I downloaded the alternate CD for Ubuntu 7.10 and wrote it to a CD-RW using a program called "BurnCDCC", and when i ran it on my other older computer which had problems with the live CD, after it got to 6% on the install, it failed, is there anything i can do to fix this, my old computer used to use Windows XP and was very slow, however it was erased by the Ubuntu...05:33
Manjy...disc, so if i cant install Ubuntu now, i'm pretty much in a tight situation since my family uses i05:33
iceswordmoad, never seen it before,what version u use?05:33
xyblorslackern: no i don't remember05:33
Manjyit gave various errors about corrupted .deb files05:33
slackernxyblor: Oh sorry ment that I remember :)05:33
moadicesword, firefox version ?05:33
IdleOnedaspah, if you are concerned about us finding out this ip dont worry I just told everybody. your internal ip like doesnt make a difference to us because we all use them so.....05:33
reindxyblor: where can i set the default?05:33
prettyrickyNew to linux, but how do I get permission to install file such as usr/share/amsn/plugin   it says no permission!05:34
iceswordmoad, yeah,or u got confused,why not ask in #firefox05:34
xyblorreind: I can't remember05:34
IdleOneprettyricky, use sudo05:34
Tw|sTManjy : You'll probably need a different replacement disc, written with Nero, Roxio, or K3B.05:34
FbernGuys I accidentally removed the system tray that is to the right of the power button. How do I bring it back?05:34
reindxyblor: thx anyways05:34
ManjyTw|sT: Are any of those programs free?05:34
prettyrickyyou mean on the terminal, I'm just trying to drag a file to the folder...05:34
moadicesword, i dont think its a firefox problem ... because it also happens with other programs , kopete , pidgin ...05:34
Tw|sTK3B is a KDE app05:35
prettyrickydo I have to login as sudo?05:35
Tw|sTNero, nor Roxio are free05:35
Tw|sTbut, you might be able to get a functional demo copy05:35
Tw|sTcheck www.nero.com05:35
xyblorslackern: I want to run something after the xsession has started, but before the window manager has started05:35
prettyrickyIdleOne can you specify how to do it please.05:35
FbernGuys I accidentally removed the system tray that is to the right of the power button. How do I bring it back?05:35
ManjyTw|sT: Thanks, i'll check it out :)05:35
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Tw|sTIt's pretty much the defacto standard in disc writing for win32 systems05:36
Silveira_NetoWhat I need to do to a gDesklet be initialized everytime I enter in my ubuntu?05:36
xyblorreind: try alsactl05:36
daspahIdleOne, i give up, nobody helps05:36
TerrorBiteFbern, right-click the panel, select Add To Panel, and drag it back on05:36
phuzionhow can i play real media files?05:36
iceswordmoad, it is hard to explain,maybe ram is enough,or bad,or harddisk is bad something05:36
n8tuserdaspah--> do not be difficult so we can assist you05:36
ManjyWow, Nero is a large download, this may take a while, XD05:37
daspahn8tuser, could you just tell me the steps?05:37
moadicesword, ram is 1gig and i have a swap of 2 gigs05:37
nickrudFbern: right click the panel, select notification area05:37
Fbernwhere is it to drag back on?05:37
iceswordmoad, most likely,u got some program conficting with u system05:37
TerrorBiteFbern, it's under Utilities, called Notification Area05:37
n8tuserdaspah--> it requires you telling me the ip address of your host05:37
IdleOneprettyricky, add sudo in front of the command you are using to copy the plugin to the directory05:37
speaker219* BritneySpears has quit (Remote closed the connection) <-- Oh gawd they've sent her to the mental institution again05:37
n8tuserdaspah--> but if you are unwilling, then..05:37
ph0rensicManjy, Why you downloading nero?05:37
IdleOnedaspah, n8tuser was trying to but you refuse to answer his questions05:38
Tw|sTManjy:  yeah... it's a fat download alright05:38
Manjyph0rensic: to write the iso for the alternate installer05:38
prettyrickyIdleOne -----> ok thank you05:38
ManjyTw|sT: I read about several other people with the same error only with the alternate CD on the forums, but could find no answer, so hopefully this works05:38
ph0rensicManjy, Your using linux right now right?05:38
hk2999i need to record a screencap of my desktop05:38
daspahIdleOne, hahaha05:38
Fberni just removed the REGULAR panel05:38
daspahIdleOne, i have it working05:38
Fberncuz i put it in a wrong place05:38
ManjyNo, not now, I'm trying to install it to my other PC05:38
Fbernhow do i get the panel back uptop?05:38
IdleOnedaspah, glad to hear it05:38
daspahn8tuser, IdleOne thanks05:38
Tw|sTwhen you install it, just install Nero burning rom.  the rest is all unnecessary for cranking out a new disc image05:38
hk2999i need to record a screencap/movie of my desktop, what program should i use?05:38
n8tuserdaspah no problem, come back again05:38
ph0rensicManjy, Ok you're on a win box then eh05:38
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nickrud!resetpanel | Fbern you can do this to return panels to default05:39
ubotuFbern you can do this to return panels to default: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:39
Manjyph0rensic: unfortunately05:39
xyblorreind: try "asoundconf list"05:39
slackernxyblor: hmm i guess .xinitrc would do it for you, but not sure if "whatever launches the windowmanager" waits for xinitrc to finish before loading05:39
ph0rensicManjy, heh k..05:39
Manjyph0rensic: i used to dual boot, but i switched back to windows permanently cause WoW is a pain to run with wine05:39
Viktoriousdoes anyone here use xvidcap..?05:39
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jbinderHow can I make it so it uses the restricted driver, nvidia-glx-new by default?05:39
prettyrickyIdleOne----> I'm just trying to drag a file, not in the terminal. Can I just do it that way. There are no commands involved.05:39
xyblorslackern: hmm, I guess I'll just have to try it and see.05:39
jbinderLike, if I have it installed but it doesn't use it.05:40
Fbernwhere do i type resetpanel?05:40
nickrudFbern: apps->accessories->terminal05:40
ph0rensicManjy, ahh I just put my dual boot back on.. I used to only use windows, then dual, then only ubuntu, not I set up xp again so I can use the cd-print function of my printer05:40
slackernxyblor: sorry for not being able to provide more info, only time i used it was to launch everything in .xinitrc for a specific user and xinitrc ended with launching the windowmanager (fluxbox in that case to be specific)05:40
Fbernevent not found nickrud05:40
Kitar88http://wiresmash.com a great site to check out if you are bored (gaming tips,increase your internet connection,videos,funny,pics....) really great http://wiresmash.com05:40
ph0rensicManjy, How else Am I going to label my inkjet printable ubuntu disks?05:40
Tw|sTI find it's good to keep around different machines for different tasks.  I run several systems, winxp, win2k3, Kubuntu, DD-WRT, Debian.  All my linux systems are integrated with Active Directory, and I have Microsoft services for Unix installed on my AD controllers to work with the Linux systems.05:40
IdleOneprettyricky, yeah you should be able to. if not close out nautilus and then hit alt+F2 and type in gksu nautilus then try dragging the file05:41
TerrorBiteFbern, do what ubotu said: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel05:41
TerrorBiterun that instead05:41
Manjyph0rensic: i would hate windows much less if i didn't just lose my XP install due to ubuntu failing, and not having money to replace it05:41
xyblorslackern: I'm trying to set up dual-head display *before* Enlightenment starts, because it behaves incorrectly if I run my xrandr stuff after it's started, then I have to "restart Enlightenment"05:41
nickrudFbern: apps->accessories->terminal, type in there:  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel05:41
ph0rensicManjy, Why did you lose your windows install.. probably just need to fix the boot record05:41
xyblorslackern: thanks for the info, I'll just give it a shot05:41
stupidgirlAre kernels backward compatible? I'm using 2.6.22-14-generic. Can I use the UDF 2.50 patch? It's available only upto 2.6.1605:41
Fbernok now i dont have any panels.....05:41
slackernxyblor: ahh, xinitrc should be the place for you then i guess, same place for setting up mice/keyboards and everything there before the wm is up and kicking05:41
Fbernwas that a prank?05:41
nickrudFbern: no, they should restart automatically05:42
Tw|sTManjy : did you format the Windows partition(s)?05:42
Fbernwell they didnt05:42
slackernxyblor: only one way as you said, give it a try :)05:42
TerrorBiteFbern, if your panels don't come back, run this: gnome-panel &05:42
Fbernhow do i bring up a terminal05:42
n8tuserstupidgirl--> am curious, if you do apply it and compile, are you getting any kind of error?05:42
xyblorslackern: is relogging enough to get xinitrc to run or do I need to reboot?05:43
TerrorBiteFbern, try Alt+F205:43
nickrudFbern: the thing I had you pull up already05:43
Manjyph0rensic: Tw|sT: i was going to resize my windows partition, but it was acting weird so i just decided to use the whole thing, and then it formatted and started installing, then the .deb errors started coming up, so i can't fail installing ubuntu now, or my family will kill me05:43
FbernALT+F2 isnt bringing anything up i tried that05:43
KittHello, I'm having a problem with my computer not detecting my dvd drive on startup (so i can't install ubuntu).  I can use the dvd drive once I've booted (browsing, burning ect.) but the computer is not detecting it on startup?  I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience?05:43
stupidgirln8tuser: I haven't done it yet. Thats why Im asking05:43
nickrudTerrorBite: doesn't work with no panels ;)05:43
Tw|sTtry CTRL+ALT+F205:43
reindxyblor: thanks, that listed both my sound cards, still trying to figure out how to select one of them tho :-/05:43
TerrorBiteFbern, wait05:43
slackernxyblor: relogging should be enough, never used it at the same time as gdm/kdm though so can't really say05:43
nickrudFbern: apps->accessories->terminal , type in there:   gnome-panel &05:43
IdleOneKitt, do you mean you are not able to boot to the live cd?05:44
xyblorreind: asoundconf "set-default-card *card-name*"05:44
ph0rensicManjy, hmm so your installing ubuntu over the whole drive and you had deb errors?05:44
n8tuserstupidgirl--> it would not hurt i guess trying to compile one...cept for time loss..05:44
xyblorreind: sry quotes in wrong place...05:44
Manjyph0rensic: Yeah, it was a bit weird, but hopefully it's only because of me burning it wrong...05:44
iceswordstupidgirl, :)05:44
GenericGamerso i wanna do full ubuntu, no windows patriotion, but my wireless card doesnt seem to work Product TypeRealtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC05:44
Tw|sTah, gotch Manjy05:44
TerrorBiteTw|sT, you should have told him FIRST to use ctrl-alt-F7 to get back again05:44
Tw|sTrough situation there05:45
xyblorreind: for me it was "asoundconf set-default-card Audigy"05:45
ph0rensicManjy, We'll help you get everything installed k?05:45
xyblorreind: and then I had to unmute "analog/didgital out" in alsamixer05:45
Tw|sTmaybe he'll go thru the list of keys and figure it out05:45
nickrudTw|sT: been doing this for 3 years here, sometimes I still forget that very important thing ;)05:45
Manjyph0rensic: thanks, i'll try to figure it out on my own, but i'll ask you if i have any problems05:45
reindxyblor: that did it! thanks very much05:45
ph0rensicLOL nickrud05:45
prettyrickyIdleOne----> did that but I still get error while copying and the permission thing comes up.. The file is on the desktop I had downloaded it, Does that matter??05:45
xyblorreind: no prob :-)05:46
ph0rensicManjy, Ok no problemo05:46
n8tuserGenericGamer--> try the liveCd first and see if your wireless works05:46
xyblorreind: that gave me a headache for hours a few days ago05:46
ph0rensicGenericGamer, Saying goodbye to the ol win partition? Why not dual boot until your comfortable w/o windows?05:46
reindxyblor: heh ya thanks for helping me skip hours of pain05:47
IdleOneprettyricky, open a terminal , cd Desktop > sudo cp filename /destination/dir05:47
Manjyph0rensic: I really just wanted ubuntu because i was hoping it would be faster than XP on my old desktop, i was getting tired of my brother complaining about it all the time, but i'm thinking this may be more trouble than it's worth, lol05:47
TerrorBiteFbern, Tw|sT forgot to tell you it's Ctrl-Alt-F7 fo get back again05:48
GenericGamern8 -> alright, ph0--> sick of it05:48
Tw|sThey... has anyone here ever played around with setting up Ubuntu or Kubuntu to boot from a detachable USB hard drive?  I did up a Fedora system like that a few years back on a 60GB drive.  made it sorta like a better Knoppix, but with full account support.05:48
Tw|sTI've been wanting to do the same thing with Kubuntu05:48
FbernHey. it worked!05:49
TerrorBiteTw|sT, I have a Ubuntu Live image on my flash drive, used it to put Ubuntu onto this EeePC05:49
ph0rensicnickrud, Hey question.. say I already dualboot and I wanna give the 64-bit version a go. I already have my drives partitioned and everything... When I install the 2nd linux operating system on my machine, does GRUB reconfigure for me automatically to show the new 64-but kernel?05:49
stupidgirlIs there a way to tell mount what filesystem to use when I mount a DVD?05:49
nickrud!install | Tw|sT there's one here05:49
ubotuTw|sT there's one here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:49
Fberni had to reboot05:49
IdleOneahh the old reboot trick05:49
Fbernanyone know how to get some programs to automatically be Tray-Able with KDOCKER?05:49
TerrorBiteFbern, rebooting would do it05:49
n8tuserTw|sT--> it works on a toshiba laptop my friend has and using a 60gb external usb drive05:49
nickrudFbern: fyi for next time, you only have to log out and back in to reset your gui05:49
Fberno i didnt know that thx05:49
Fbernim a noob05:49
ph0rensicManjy, I think you will end up thinking it was worth the trouble of figuring out.. there is some getting used to it, but rarely do people go back05:49
TerrorBitenickrud, logging out without panels = pretty hard for a newbie05:49
vircuserthere is a tut on the web on installing ubuntu gutsy on a USB stick05:50
codenameWhat does it mean, if you were watching a video, then it goes to a black screen, like right before it boots up into the login screen. then it takes you back to the login screen?05:50
prettyrickyIdleOne ---> no such file or directory05:50
codenameX11 crash?05:50
ph0rensicTerrorBite, crtl-alt-backspace?05:50
TerrorBitevircuser, I know, I used it05:50
nickrudTerrorBite: true that. Wanna tell him about cab ?05:50
prettyrickyI go to terminal. type cd desktop and get no such dir05:50
Tw|sTI imagine it's the same process as the Fedora install... do the full install, then boot from the disc in rescue mode, and chroot the filesystem, then build the USB boot image, etc.05:50
IdleOneprettyricky, you have to edit that command to point to the correct dir05:50
nickrudprettyricky: its Desktop , caps matter in linux05:50
ph0rensicprettyricky, Desktop is case sensitive "D"05:50
TerrorBiteph0rensic, that works, thoughit's not really a "clean" logout05:50
ph0rensicTerrorBite, True05:50
Tw|sTI gotta try that as soon as I have time to backup my 120GB USB HD.05:51
nickrudwaiting for apps to actually close on logout.05:51
Fbernanyone know how to get some programs to automatically be Tray-Able with KDOCKER? For example get Evolution to automatically tray when I minimize it?05:51
prettyrickyThat works----- : )05:51
n8tuserTw|sT--> nope, i just clicked install and choose the external usb drive..it worked, at boot, I just made sure bios is pointing to external usb drive05:51
ph0rensicnickrud, Did you get my last message to you?05:51
nickrudph0rensic: mised it05:51
Manjyph0rensic: Oh I've used it before as i mentioned earlier, i just mean the hassle of setting everything up, it's mostly just my brother who uses it for the internet, and he won't have much problems adjusting to firefox, and my brother and sister can use banshee for their iPods and buy music online05:51
TerrorBiteTw|sT, so you're looking at a fullsize USB HDD, rather than just a live boot from a flash drive05:51
Tw|sTWhen I do though, I wanna set it up where the first half is Kubuntu, paired up with the NTFS kernel mod.05:51
dsnydersI'm going to install kde to see if that gets k3b going.05:51
nickrudph0rensic: yes, it does05:52
DrBanzaiAre there any internet backbone issues tonight?05:52
Tw|sTright on05:52
Tw|sTn8tuser: thats badass05:52
Tw|sTI'll definitely check it out soon then.05:52
ph0rensicnickrud, So then when os would be in charge of grub, the new one or the first installed one?05:52
Tw|sTonce it has the NTFS driver integrated, I'll be able to use about half the space on it for a universal storage partition05:53
nickrudph0rensic: the last installed os05:53
IdleOnereally need some help with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56446/05:53
Tw|sTthe rest, about 60GB, will be dedicated to the portable linux05:53
ph0rensicnickrud, That is what I was thinking .. ok thanks05:53
Tw|sTI'll just put the NTFS on the tail of the drive, and let the Ext3 occupy the first half05:54
caleb_yauHello, I was having some problems with my Xubuntu virtual terminals. I looked up a potential fix on google and find these command line fixes "sudo modprobe vga16 sudo modprobe fbcon" this made the problem totally totally crazy and i just want to know how to disable what i did05:54
ph0rensicManjy, I'd say its a alot easier and faster to set it up compared to windows05:54
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nickrudph0rensic: if you want a different one to do it, while that os is active do  sudo grub-install /dev/hda (or sda)05:54
ph0rensicManjy, I just reinstall my dual-boot setup the other day and I still dont have my win setup finished yet05:54
Starnestommycaleb_yau: sudo rmmod vga16 then sudo rmmod fbcon05:55
prettyrickyIdleOne---> Sorry got to ~/Desktop then I go to cp amsnplus which is the file and then do I enter destination/dir? Very confused, newbie05:55
n8tuserIdleOne--> which step you got stucked?05:55
stupidgirlHow do I specify what filesystem to use when I mount from Terminal?05:55
IdleOneprettyricky, where do you want to put that file?05:55
Manjyph0rensic: ouch05:55
faprillooking for a good partition manager that I can 'apt-get'05:55
nickrudph0rensic: um,  sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/<device> that is, so all the os's will be listed05:55
ph0rensicnickrud, got it thanks bro05:55
IdleOnen8tuser, step 505:55
prettyrickyI want to put it with the amsn05:55
caleb_yauthanks Starneystommy but i just got this error :ERROR: Module vga16 does not exist in /proc/modules05:56
[RUsh]Hello. I have /etc/init.d/networking script being disabled. But when I start my ubuntu, I have network configuration: http://paste.org/index.php?id=2051. If I switch my script on, ubuntu doesn't read config from /etc/network/interfaces (so, I have the same strange net config)05:56
nickrudstupidgirl:  like   sudo mount /dev/<device> -t <type> /mountpoint05:56
prettyrickyI want to put it here   /usr/share/amsn/plugins05:56
n8tuserIdleOne--> referring to drivers/net/Kconfig  ?05:56
Manjyouch, this Nero install may take a while05:56
IdleOnen8tuser, yes05:56
rhaag71anyone experincing the need to reconfig vmware after reboot?05:57
IdleOneprettyricky, sudo cp amsnplus /usr/share/amsn/plugins05:57
[RUsh]to make OS read config, I have to do # ifdown -a && ifup -a05:57
n8tuserIdleOne--> yours does not have that file?05:57
IdleOnen8tuser, nope05:57
[RUsh]ifup -a makes no effect05:57
stupidgirlnickrud: I get a wrong fs type error. How do I mount UDF 2.5?05:57
Manjyph0rensic: This is going to sound n00bish but, on Ubuntu, is there anything similar to the windows task manager, you know, for viewing/ending processes and checking their memory usage and such05:57
IdleOnen8tuser, unless it is hidden05:57
stupidgirlManjy: htop05:58
nickrudstupidgirl: try -t auto05:58
rhaag71manjy look for 'process manager'05:58
stupidgirlnickrud: Same error05:58
nickrudstupidgirl: or udf, according to the mount man page05:58
prettyrickyTried that and get no such file?05:58
no0ticstupidgirl, -t udf05:58
stupidgirlnickrud, it's UDF 2.5 actually05:58
iceswordnickrud, stupidgirl said udf ,wht is it05:58
ph0rensicManjy, are you talking about system monitor? Check system-admin-system monitor05:58
stupidgirlnot UDF05:59
prettyrickythe file is on my desktop05:59
n8tuserIdleOne--> am on 2.6.22-14-generic and it has that Kconfig file05:59
nickrudicesword:  udf is the "Universal Disk Format" filesystem defined by the  Optical  Storage  Technology05:59
nickrud       Association, and is often used for DVD-ROM.05:59
jgmcmasterhey does anyone know what to do to get midi files to play on ubuntu>05:59
Manjyph0rensic: thanks, i'll check that out after i install it :)05:59
IdleOnen8tuser, I have same kernel but dont see the kconfig05:59
rhaag71sorry manjy, ph0rensic had it right, 'system monitor'05:59
nickrudicesword: copied from the mount man page05:59
ph0rensicManjy, Yes that is probably what you are looking for05:59
caleb_yauwhen i write "sudo rmmod fbcon" i also get "ERROR: Module fbcon is in use"05:59
IdleOnen8tuser, is it hidden?05:59
IdleOnen8tuser, on windows right now so I cant check06:00
Jordan_Ujgmcmaster, use timidity06:00
vidohi all06:00
FbernAnyone ever have problems with GDESKLETS not booting right when its on the left?06:00
n8tuserIdleOne--> nope, its in /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/drivers/net/Kconfig   note the cap K06:00
jgmcmasterwhere you find timidity?06:00
ph0rensicFbern, I stopped using gdesklets and started using screenlets06:00
stupidgirlnickrud: dmesg shows --- [ 6256.880000] UDF-fs: minUDFReadRev=250 (max is 201)06:01
Bakefyis it possible to use the web gui feature of utorrent with the wine install?06:01
saryi only use screenlets never try gdesklet befor06:01
IdleOnen8tuser, I will have to take another look. will be back06:01
ph0rensicHAS anyone tried using clonezilla yet?06:01
iceswordstupidgirl, where a u from06:01
vidoany one can use the sound in the yahoo chat rooms06:01
saryi got major lag when i install world of warcraft06:01
ph0rensicsary, I found gdesklets to not work that well06:01
stupidgirlicesword: India06:02
n8tuserstupidgirl--> you can verify your current running kernel if it supports UDF by  grepping for UDF the /boot/config-`uname-r` file06:02
iceswordstupidgirl, but your ip points to german06:02
stupidgirlicesword, no it doesn't06:03
stefano_i have a really weird problem06:03
caleb_yauany Ideas on how to fix my virtual terminal to back to normal?06:03
ph0rensicAnyone know if I can have a thumb-drive apache server running on a pc that has apache already running on it?06:03
vido  can any one use the sound in the yahoo chat rooms06:03
iceswordstupidgirl, yeah,i see,sorry06:03
stefano_i can't get on the internet from my laptop, i am on the network but everything on the internet doesnt work suddenly06:03
stefano_can anyone help?06:04
nickrudstupidgirl: good question, I did a google search for udf 2.50 ubuntu, it leads me to believe it's not in the kernel. You'd have to add support for it06:04
n8tuserph0rensic--> umm you want your thumb-drive to be written frequently by apache?06:04
Fbernwhats a screenlet ph0rensic06:04
ph0rensicFbern, Kinda same thing as a desklet, but works way better06:04
n8tuserstefano_--> paste in pastebin your ifconfig -a and route -n06:04
stupidgirlnickrud: Okay, thats what I needed to know. Cause the guides I found for UDF 2.5 were for Fiesty, and none for Gutsy06:05
iceswordstupidgirl, i see,u got u 80 port open,what do u use it for06:05
Fberndo i just google screenlet?06:05
stupidgirlicesword: router06:05
ph0rensicn8tuser, No I want to run an apache-web-server on my thumbdrive for some apps I am working on, and we-sql driven calendar and stuff I access not too often. Also could be used as a bootable resume type thing06:05
stupidgirlicesword: Feeling a bit nosey today, aren't you?06:05
iceswordstupidgirl, i see,i will stop it06:05
saryanyone having problem with video with intel video card?06:06
stefano_n8tuser, even though it just occoured all the sudden? i havent made any changes at all. i was just watching a video on stage6 when my internet connection got disconnected (24h disconnect from the provider) when i was back on line, suddenly it wouldnt work. i am now using xchat and firefox on another machine via x forwarding06:06
ph0rensicn8tuser, My webserver on my pc is one that will be used more often... but I want my thumbdrive for switching between laptop and elsewhere06:07
stupidgirlnickrud: The patch I found for UDF 2.5 is for an older kernel. Is it possible that it might work on Gutsy? I have no idea if kernels are backward compatible06:07
cavemanIm trying to automount a drive, but it wont let me put it where I want it, keeps saying has to be below /media???  its alwase worked in the past, and editing fstab doesnt do it06:07
prettyrickyHow can I just drag files without getting denied permission?06:07
n8tuserstefano_-->  its common for me, my ip address changes often, my ISP resets their system often06:07
nickrudstupidgirl: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=295&atid=300295 has patches for current kernels06:07
stefano_n8tuser, what is common for you?06:08
Seveasstupidgirl, ubuntu kernels have UDF support, no need to patch06:08
stefano_n8tuser, http://pastebin.com/m7f070826 here they are06:08
n8tuserstefano_--> that my ip address change06:08
stupidgirlSeveas, UDF 2.5, not UDF06:08
Fbernph0rensic:  where do i find thse screenlets06:09
stefano_n8tuser, thats not the problem, it happens every 24 hours for me, but after the last one i can't get on the internet with that one machine and thats very strange06:09
n8tuserph0rensic--> you can use your thumb drive, am just reminding you that the life cycle of thumb drive diminishes if you do read/write often to it06:09
ph0rensicFbern, I believe the package is enabled in the ubuntu repos.. try at terminal: sudo apt-get install screenlets06:09
stefano_as i said, i havent made any changes whatsoever06:10
Geoffrey2I'm trying to build a program in xubuntu, it's looking for md5.h, and md5global.h, I had to manually specify the directory for the ./configuration routine to find it, now it's telling me md5.h is present, but can't be compiled06:10
ph0rensicn8tuser, oh i see.. thanks for the concern... I doubt it will be used so much to cause any irregular usage .. is there a preferred method to setting this up?06:11
n8tuserstefano_--> do you use the vnic0 as some kind of tunnel to get to the internet or thats just a tunnel for special apps you use?06:11
nano__is there a specific chatroom for discussing compwiz fusion06:11
Jordan_UGeoffrey2, What program?06:11
ph0rensicnano_, type /join #compiz-fusion06:11
stefano_n8tuser, i think it's for parallels but i'm not sure, i havent had problems before though06:11
FbernE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:11
FbernE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:11
Fbernph0rensic:  thats for u06:11
Geoffrey2Jordan_U: libexo06:12
ph0rensicFbern, Oh do you have synaptic open right now?06:12
Fbernyea sorry06:12
nano__ph0rensic: how is it that you know so much....thnx06:12
ph0rensicfbern yah close that out .. they cant be open at the same time06:12
n8tuserstefano its hard for me to tell, i dont know if you are using a tunnel to get to the internet or you have a dsl as your access..which?06:12
Fbernwhere do i find screenlets now in the menu06:13
nano__ph0rensic: that room is empty06:13
ph0rensicnano_, I know very little compared to my colleagues such as nickrud and Jordan_U .. I guess I've learned much from the community06:13
ph0rensicnano_, OK hang on06:13
stefano_n8tuser, i have changed the DNS server from the routers ip to the real one, now it works, but how the heck did it stop working the old way all the sudden :O06:13
Manjyph0rensic: i just downloaded the alternate installer again from bittorrent, is there anyw ay to see if it's corrupted or not?06:13
nano__ph0rensic: its actually #compiz06:13
n8tuserstefano_--> assuming it is tunneled via vnic0  then perhaps the far end is not able to connect06:13
Fbernph0rensic:  I did the apt-get install. Where do I go to find it?06:13
ph0rensicnano_, _ show 187 people in compiz-fusion06:14
n8tuserstefano_--> maybe your router was not getting a dns feed? so replacing it with a real one, worked06:14
ph0rensicfbern did it install ??06:15
ph0rensicFbern, I think its in apps-accessories06:15
stefano_n8tuser, really weird. however, it works now thanks for your help06:15
nano__ph0rensic: thnx dude06:15
FbernI dont see screenlets under accessories. I see gdesklets tho06:15
n8tuserstefano_--> well if your router was not getting the dns feed, then yeah you can not resolve address so youd be stuck06:15
ph0rensicnano_, If yours was empty perhaps the named was typed wrong or something???06:16
nano__ph0rensic: perhaps06:16
nickrud!screenlets | Fbern06:16
ubotuFbern: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/06:16
nano__does anybody know how to change the transparency of window title bars in compiz-fusion06:16
Fberni have compiz06:16
ph0rensicnano_, I think that takes place in emerald06:16
ph0rensicnano_, Do you have emerald installed?06:17
ManjyAnyone, i just downloaded the alternate installer again from bittorrent, is there anyway to see if it's corrupted or not?06:17
Fbernso no clue on screenlets?06:17
nano__ph0rensic: i haven't activated emerald yet06:17
ph0rensicManjy, Test the md5 hash06:17
Manjyph0rensic: how can i do this? (sorry)06:17
nano__im looking at compiz-fusion-config and i cant seem find it06:17
ph0rensicnano_, Do that... you have much control over the look of your system with this06:17
ph0rensicManjy, No problem your on windows right?06:17
iceswordpawan, hi06:19
pawannot getting splash screen of ubuntu while loading on startup06:19
zenomy computer has lots of broken packages, whats a util to fix them?06:19
ph0rensicManjy, Trying to locate the program06:19
wlnetis there such thing as a social contract for ubuntu?06:19
ph0rensicicesword, win doesn't come with an md5 command line tool does it?06:19
caleb_yauHello, I was having some problems with my Xubuntu virtual terminals. I looked up a potential fix on google and find these command line fixes "sudo modprobe vga16 sudo modprobe fbcon" this made the problem totally totally crazy and i just want to know how to disable what i did06:19
n8tuserpawan on yhour menu.list try to remove or uncomment hiddenmenu and also remove splash06:20
iceswordph0rensic, yeah,06:20
prettyrickyIdleOne----> Thank you very much got it working!06:20
ph0rensicicesword, its md5sum?06:20
n8tuserpawan save a copy 1st before modification okay?06:20
iceswordph0rensic, google it ,then download06:20
caspertechi am thinking of trying out linux but first i want to know if my hardware will work i have a hp tx1000 tablet pc the devices i want to know will or wont work is touchscreen, intergrated webcam and mic, fingerprint scanner and the tvtunner remote06:20
pawani try06:20
Ububeginwhat is the difference between "locate" and "find" command06:20
ph0rensicicesword, Ahh thats the one where you can drag and drop in the icon?06:21
nano__ph0rensic: i did enable it; however, I still can't find how to change the transparency of my window titlebars06:21
ph0rensicManjy, http://etree.org/md5com.html download md5sum.exe06:21
n8tusercaspertech--> do you ever go in a dark alley with that? i may just rob you..hehe06:21
bluefox83Ububegin, the spelling :P06:21
nickrudFbern: what irc client are you using?06:21
caspertechn8tuser lol06:21
iceswordph0rensic, i canno t quite follow u06:21
wlnetubuntu will not support non-free software at all?06:21
pawanno such option06:21
Ububeginbluefox83: :|06:21
ph0rensicnano_, You have to go in and edit the current emerald theme .. also make sure you type emerald --replace in terminal to use emerald06:22
n8tuserpawan look carefully, they are there06:22
iceswordwlnet, what u mean06:22
nano__ph0rensic: im pretty sure emerald is running as the changes that i am making take almost immediate effect06:22
wlneticesword, i have asked two questions, which one you refer to?06:22
iceswordwlnet, the last one06:23
n8tuserwlnet--> off course it does, you just have to pay06:23
ph0rensicicesword, Oh Manjy is the guy who wanted to check is alternate-disk download to make sure it wasn't corrupted .. i have used one of the md5 tools a long time ago in windows, where you drag the file yo want to check the md5 of onto the program icon which runs it and outputs the hash06:23
wlneticesword, like non-free packages in debian.06:23
pawancannot save the file06:23
Cusoon959wlnet: Ubuntu entirely support non-free.06:23
n8tuserpawan sudo or become root06:23
xybloris there any way to debug xorg.conf?06:24
ph0rensicicesword, and i believe you are correct that this was that particular md5 tool06:24
ph0rensicManjy, You get it?06:24
n8tuserpawan you should know by now, system file mods require root access06:24
Manjygetting it06:24
nickrudwlnet: most of debian's non-free end up in multiverse06:24
nickrudwlnet: if not all06:24
iceswordph0rensic, i used it before,but now i use ultraiso06:24
n8tuser!sudo |pawan06:24
ubotupawan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.06:24
wlnetnickrud, what is multiverse?06:24
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:24
nickrudwlnet: it's the repo for non-free stuff :)06:25
caspertechi am thinking of trying out linux but first i want to know if my hardware will work i have a hp tx1000 tablet pc the devices i want to know will or wont work is touchscreen, intergrated webcam and mic, fingerprint scanner and the tvtunner remote06:25
n8tuser!who | pawan06:25
ubotupawan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:25
Manjyph0rensic: so from cmd line, cd to where i downloaded it and do md5sum.exe file-to-check?06:25
nickrudwlnet: the components link is clearest06:25
iceswordcaspertech, u pc is great,why u try linux,maybe u can try virtual machine firest06:25
Trelcaspertech: You will need to get a list of the chipsets and hardware in the system to check for compatibility.06:25
wlnetin ubuntu, do i download packages with apt sources-list which are specify non-free?06:25
ph0rensicManjy, yah06:26
ph0rensicManjy, drop the .exe part though06:26
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:26
pawani double clicked on menu.lst file and try to save it but06:26
caspertechicesword because i am sick of waiting for vista sp206:26
wlneti mean "which i can specify 'non-free'?"06:26
Trel!apt-get | wlnet06:26
ubotuwlnet: please see above06:26
n8tusercaspertech--> we suggest you try using liveCD to get a feel06:26
TrelThat didn't quite work as I'd hoped it would.06:26
iceswordcaspertech, isn't xp good enough,or enough for u life06:27
wlnetTrel, didn't work.06:27
Trelicesword: Windows is never good enough.06:27
=== Zyklon-B is now known as stupidgirl
nickrudwlnet: if you enable multiverse, you're enabling the equivalent of debian's non-free06:27
n8tuserpawan do you read? can you not type the nick as prefix?06:27
Cusoon959icesword: Are you an idiot? Linux isn't for bad computers. Linux is for any computer.06:27
froldhowto enable a program to load on startup? I would like pidgin to start on startup06:27
Cusoon959icesword: XP blows.06:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:27
iceswordfirst i am sorry to say that06:27
caspertechicesword its but i have seen vids with xgl and compiz that bring the only good things about vista to a sable os06:27
Manjyseems like md5sum is going slow...06:28
Trelfrold: System, Preferences, Sessions, and then add the program there.06:28
nano__does anybody know how to change the transparency of window title bars in compiz-fusion06:28
iceswordbut someone need to run some progaram that won't run on linux ,then hwo06:28
Cusoon959caspertech: Compiz fuckin' rules :D06:28
Trelcaspertech: Don't listen to the troll.06:28
Cusoon959nano__: Ask in #compiz-fusion06:28
n8tusercaspertech--> we suggest you try using liveCD to get a feel for how ubuntu runs on your tablet06:28
nickrud!language | Cusoon95906:28
ubotuCusoon959: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:28
wlneti am running debian lenny. i have a free partition. if i install ubuntu in this partition, will i be able to access the lenny partition to transfer data files over?06:28
Cusoon959icesword: WINE, dual boot, virtual machine, or find an alternative.06:28
NineTeen67CometHi all .. I've got a hdd that just had a partition go fobar on me .. I've got more hard drives but I'm not sure what directories I need to copy to the new one. I would like to get away from a total re-install so if I can just save/backup what I need to pug it in and reboot that would be best. all but /dev maybe?06:28
xyblorHow do I end your X session, and shut down the X server?06:29
nickrudwlnet: sure. Just mount it somewhere06:29
Cusoon959sorry nickrud :)06:29
Trelcaspertech: You may see some compatibility issues with unusual hardware, but you might like it anyway. Try the LiveCD and then go from there.06:29
iceswordi won't bother dual boot any more06:29
iceswordi run vm instead06:29
ph0rensicicesword, You use qemu, virtualbox, vmware?06:29
iceswordph0rensic, then what?06:30
n8tuserno one mentioned kvm ?06:30
Manjyph0rensic: how long is this expected to take?06:30
nickrudxyblor: log out, clt-alt-f2 , log in and type   sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop .  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart the gui , alt-ctl-f7 to get back to the gui if needed06:30
wlnetnickrud, no filesystem incompatibility problem? assuming i choose the same fs, ext3, for my ubuntu?06:30
=== stupidgirl is now known as Aparna
NineTeen67CometIs the new Hardy kernel going to support kvm out of the box? I've got a friend that would like to know ...06:30
xyblornickrud: thanks very much06:30
nickrudwlnet: none.06:30
ph0rensicManjy, Umm may take a while06:30
Manjyph0rensic: k then...06:30
ph0rensicManjy, Its a big file06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:30
caspertechtrel i like ubuntu i have had it running on my desktop for about a month but ive googleed all i can i will try live cd when the tablet gets hear it i bought a cto so it takes like 2 weeks just trying to pre solve any problems06:30
nickrudwlnet: ext3 is ext3, no matter the distro06:30
ph0rensicicesword, hhmm? I was asking what vm you use06:30
iceswordph0rensic, i use virtual pc06:31
n8tuserNineTeen67Comet--> i believe 7.10 already does, just make sure your cpu is capable..06:31
wlnetis there a tutorial on switching from debian lenny to ubuntu?06:31
Trelcaspertech: Try to look on Google for some technical information about chipsets and then look for compatibility issues with those chipsets.06:31
ph0rensicicesword, is that linux in windows or visa? versa?06:31
=== Aparna is now known as Aparna_
NineTeen67Cometn8tuser: I beleive he is using a Pentium D so it should .. (I'm the PIII guy of the group)06:31
froldTrel: ty06:31
caspertechtrel thanks06:32
Trelcaspertech: You may find others that have put the output of certain commands onto webpages where Google can index them.06:32
frold!session > frold06:32
iceswordph0rensic, linux in xp06:32
n8tuserNineTeen67Comet--> it has to be dual core or the virtual something in the cpu supported..06:32
ph0rensicicesword, oic.. i used to do that.. now Im in linux more than xp.. so I go the other way hehe06:32
=== playya__ is now known as playya
* NineTeen67Comet off to struggle with a failing web server .. 06:33
Manjyph0rensic: do you know of any smaller programs for writing ISO images to discs, nero is taking forever to install and such....06:33
n8tuserNineTeen67Comet--> http://www.michaeldolan.com/1030  article on it06:33
iceswordph0rensic, coz i cannot run vm in linux,my mem is low06:33
wlnetno tutorial  or write-up on switching from debian lenny to ubuntu?06:33
NineTeen67Cometn8tuser: thanks, I'll pop him the link ..06:33
nickrudManjy: infrarecorder is good, reasonably small (and Free)06:33
ph0rensicicesword, oh06:33
n8tuserManjy--> do not be so impatient,  :P06:33
ph0rensicManjy, in windows?06:33
Manjyph0rensic: yeah06:34
Manjyn8tuser: i have to be when i'm going away on vacation  in the morning, and my family will kill me when we get back if i still have to fix the computer06:34
n8tuserManjy--> forgo the vacation, you'll have more fun with ubuntu guaranteed..hehe06:34
tenekhi i just started using ubuntu and when i rebooted the computer it would just start the bash, does anyone know how to star the gui?06:35
nickrudrflol n8tuser06:35
iceswordtenek, startx?06:35
Manjyn8tuser: lol, i have used ubuntu, it's just giving me problems on my other comp cause i cant use the live cd i ordered for this one, too slow06:35
teneki tried gdm06:35
froldIn pidgin howto change my name? I use msn messenger login and my friends see this name: Frold @ work - I would like to edit that.....06:35
wlnetdebian has 18733 packages. does ubuntu come close to that?06:35
prettyrickyWhen I type gksudo nautilus and try and copy paste file it wont do anything? Any suggestions?06:36
Geoffrey2trying over here again, I'm trying to build libexo, which is part of the xfce desktop, ./configure keeps insisting md5.h and md5global.h don't exist....06:36
bluefox83tenek, if it doesn't start up on it's own, then you have a configuration problem someplace...you need to fix that before starting up gdm06:36
no0ticwlnet, I think debian has way more packages06:36
prettyrickyIm just trying to drag and drop a file06:36
tenekok then06:36
iceswordwlnet, u ask this and that ,why not give it a try06:36
ph0rensicManjy, Not any open-source/free ones that I can think of06:36
n8tuserGeoffrey2--> have you looked at the suggestion made earlier? look at the path defined in the Makefile ?06:36
markgreeneHey guys. I want to make it so that I can play my music on my laptop, but to use the speakers on another computer. They are both running Ubuntu06:36
Manjyph0rensic: i'm trying...InfraRecorder now06:37
ph0rensicManjy, hmm http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm maybe06:37
wlneticesword, that is why i am asking first. i don't want to end up losing everything i have.06:37
iceswordwlnet, open source,if u lose anything,u can build one yourself06:38
wlneticesword, sure, but the time it takes.06:38
ph0rensicManjy, Roxio is a commercial one that is good .. wait lemme think does iso buster burn?06:38
vircusermark why  not share the files and play them from the other machine?06:38
no0ticwlnet, you won't loose time06:38
n8tusermarkgreene--> freenx supposed to be able to do that, try and see if you can make it work06:39
no0ticwlnet, simply.. give it a try06:39
wlnethow to download a minimal ubuntu to a new partition, online?06:39
ph0rensicManjy, isobuster is also another commercial one06:40
iceswordph0rensic, do u want to burn something06:40
iceswordph0rensic, burnatonce is a good choice06:40
ph0rensicicesword, No Manjy was asking for suggestions for windows burning programs06:40
ph0rensicManjy, ^^06:40
ph0rensicicesword, He was having problems with nero06:40
PupUser01is it true that cpu usage, mem usage isn't accurate when shown during linux?06:41
iceswordph0rensic, there a stiill lot of things,ultraiso,alcohol,burnatonce06:41
P1rowhere i can find linux-uvc package for ubuntu ?06:41
ph0rensicicesword, oh yah alcohol is good too06:41
=== xapolox is now known as anachronoks
anachronokshi,what's the best email client for handling massive amounts of email, i want to backup my gmail account06:43
Geoffrey2n8tuser: any particular listing I should be looking for in there?06:43
threefcatahow to do screenshot in mplayer?06:43
anachronoksit's over 60,000 messages06:43
rabiddachshundI've got 2 hard drives in my computer: one with ubuntu and one with windows. How can I get Windows to see my Ubuntu disk?06:44
n8tuserGeoffrey2--> for directory where it looks for headers? make sure wherever md5.h is, its path is included06:44
iceswordph0rensic, it seems burnatonce is free,not sure06:44
tenekso, about the gui that wouldn't start i tried the startx command and worked, sortof, but i dont have turn on or reboot options06:44
tenekand when i rebboted it it started only the bash again06:44
ph0rensicrabiddachshund, Windows does not read linux filesystem by default.. you have to find another software to do this .. look up captain nemo06:44
n8tuserrabiddachshund--> you have to install an ext3 support to your xp06:44
iceswordi use total commander now06:45
tenekdoes anyone know how i shuld configure it so it won't happen again?06:45
ubotuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors06:45
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.06:45
nano__how can i get a screen shot in ubuntu?06:45
iceswordprintscreen button06:46
n8tusertenek if you get on a terminal and type sudo shutdown -r now, that will reboot -h for shutdown only06:46
nano__and then06:46
nano__icesword: then wnat06:46
tenekyeah i know06:46
teneki did that06:46
iceswordnano_save it06:46
nano__to what?06:46
goldenfoxnano_: printscreen?06:46
nano__what program can i save it to?06:46
tenekbut what i'm asking is how do i get the gui running everytime i turn the computer on06:47
PupUser01can you run xubuntu from ram?06:47
UbubeginHei guys, I am having problems running java applets in firefox(ubuntu)... I have already installed java-6 ... after googling the whole morning, i am still confused..Can someone give me a hint or a tutorial link.06:47
goldenfoxnano_: i think it will save directly to computer in png format06:47
Geoffrey2what's the command to find a particular file?06:48
anachronoksdoes anyone use an email client for email backup?06:48
iceswordtenek, don't no why u desktop don't start auto06:48
nano__goldenfox: where abouts will it be save06:48
rabiddachshundCaptain nemo gives error file handle too large. ??06:48
CVD-PRi have to use a antivirus, in linux or its not necesary?  'avast'06:48
teneknope i just rebooted the computer and it happened06:48
goldenfoxnano_: it will ask you where to put the file06:48
UbubeginGeoffrey2 : find pathtofind -name "HelloWorld"06:49
teneki said something about a session it couldn't restore06:49
xyblorhow do I change the video mode of the console, like when you do ctrl-alt-f2?06:49
teneksomething like that06:49
n8tuserGeoffrey2--> find or locate if you have enabled updatedb06:49
iceswordrabiddachshund, google"read ext3 in windows"06:49
ph0rensicrabiddachshund, maybe try another tool see iceswords message ^^06:49
saffhey all, how do i enable direct rendering? think there was a problem or something in my driver install... glxinfo shows direct rendering = no06:49
ph0rensicsaff, what type of card..06:50
saffbut i can play some games with fine FPS that i'm pretty sure software wouldn't be able to handle06:50
saffnvidia 790006:50
UbubeginHei guys, I am having problems running java applets in firefox(ubuntu)... I have already installed java-6 ... after googling the whole morning, i am still confused..Can someone give me a hint or a tutorial link.06:50
wayahI am new to ubuntu. I have a toshiba Satelite L35. and I would like some help getting my sound to work06:50
ph0rensicsaff, did you upgrade the drivers? What ubuntu version you using06:50
saffgutsy, and yea i did06:50
saffinstalled the proprietary drivers06:51
nano__goldenfox: im trying it and it is not asking me to do so06:51
ph0rensicsaff, I would consider reinstalling the drivers.. seems something didn't go right..06:51
saffhmm ok06:51
ph0rensicsaff, I've had that card and when it installs, it should enable direct rendering06:51
wayahI am new to ubuntu. I have a toshiba Satelite L35. and I would like some help getting my sound to work. Please PM me if you can help.06:51
tenekyeah it says: kinit triying to resume from "a rather long location"06:52
ph0rensic!patience | wayah06:52
ubotuwayah: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:52
chronosI'm having an issue with my NVIDIA card. I installed the restricted drivers and restarted, but the biggest resolution I'm getting is only 1074*768, which is way off what I can handle. How can I get my larger resolution back?06:52
tenekthen: kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot06:52
saffph0rensic, I'm using compiz, does that have anything to do with it? i seem to remember something about DR when getting it working06:52
rabiddachshundicesword = win06:52
ph0rensicchronos, Did you check your xorg.conf to see what mode is enabled?06:52
iceswordrabiddachshund, ?06:52
iceswordrabiddachshund, what?06:52
FbernAnyone here use facebook screenlet?06:52
rabiddachshundyou win. Thakns06:53
chronosWhere's that at ph0rensic?06:53
ph0rensicsaff, umm compiz needs direct rendering to work from what i remember06:53
iceswordrabiddachshund, when u said u win,how i win?06:53
ph0rensicchronos /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:53
rabiddachshund:facepalm: nevermind. :D06:53
luke403hey, is this the help channel for ubuntu06:54
ph0rensicLuke, yes06:54
luke403okay i have a question about compiz fuzion06:54
chronosph0rensic: It shows my card listed, and my larger resolutions are listed06:54
saffph0rensic, weird, i have compiz-fusion working fine06:54
ph0rensicsaff, Try glxgears from a terminal06:55
saffi'm overdue for a drivers upgrade anyway though06:55
FbernAnyone here use facebook screenlet? Its not logging into my facebook i dont THINK06:55
luke403i set up all of my settings and then they dont come into effect, i am thinking it is my graphics card because it is on an older computer, do  you think that is what it is06:55
saffph0rensic, hmm terrible fps06:55
FbernHow do I check my temperatures06:55
saffph0rensic, but like i said, i can play games fine06:55
Fbernone of my fans just definitely died lol06:55
ph0rensicchronos, hmmm...try system-admin-screen ang graphics06:55
Fbernthis fan is really loud06:56
Lukeph0rensic: huh?06:57
chronosIt shows my card listed and I can select the resolution up to the 102806:57
ph0rensicsaff, that is odd.. i believe direct rendering should be enabled when the driver installs.. so when it says it isn't that bugs me.06:57
ph0rensicLuke, sorry it was for the other luke40306:57
Lukeah np06:57
Darkmystereis there a way to control my car from my labtop..06:58
Darkmysterei have like a remote where i can turn car on and off and unlock with it..06:59
Darkmystereso i was thinking it would work on labtop too06:59
vjecyes you do06:59
ph0rensicDarkmystere, haha yah.. with servos and stuff06:59
Fbernph0rensic:  how do i check my temperatures06:59
froldwhat program do you use to connec to and edit mysql databases?06:59
luke403 i set up all of my settings and then they dont come into effect, i am thinking it is my graphics card because it is on an older computer, do  you think that is what it is06:59
ph0rensicfrohike, phpmyadmin06:59
ph0rensicFbern, oh umm.. there should be a screenlet for that07:00
luke403on compiz fuzion that is07:00
Fbernknow the name?07:00
ph0rensicFbern, no07:00
ph0rensicluke403, hmmm... whats the card again07:00
Darkmysterelol How..07:00
DarkmystereItd be cool to drive my car :D!!07:00
Darkmysterewith a GPS hooked up to my labtop and then google earth07:01
Darkmysterehooked to that then interlinking it all07:01
ph0rensicDarkmystere, you want to just remote start or remote drive?07:01
Darkmystereso i can see where im going07:01
luke403i am not sure, all i know it is an intel chipset07:01
DarkmystereRemote start for beginging07:01
Darkmystereeventually remote drive07:01
luke403how can i tell in ubuntu?07:01
Darkmysterelspci -v07:01
iceswordDarkmystere, is it exting07:01
iceswordDarkmystere, exciting07:02
ph0rensicluke403, have you tried to reconfigure x?07:02
DarkmystereLol im sure it will be07:02
DarkmystereItd be cool if i could inter link with google earth07:02
luke403umm, no07:02
Darkmystereso im getting live feed of car moving and i can see07:02
Darkmysterearial map of where im going07:02
ph0rensicDarkmystere, Im pretty sure it could be done, but it would take a crap load of bandwidth money and time .. and I have 0 of the 3 hehe07:02
Darkmysterelike the stop sighns and stuff :D!07:02
ph0rensicluke403, you may want to try that,07:03
ph0rensicluke403, oh what is it .. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i believe07:03
luke403how do i do that? (sorry i am very new and just experminting with trial and error07:03
luke403o ok that is good07:03
caleb_yauHello, I was having some problems with my Xubuntu virtual terminals. I looked up a potential fix on google and find these command line fixes "sudo modprobe vga16 sudo modprobe fbcon" this made the problem totally totally crazy and i just want to know how to disable what i did07:03
ph0rensicLuke, it will take you through a process to re set up your x server07:04
iceswordph0rensic, where are other guys,you are the only person answering questions here07:04
ph0rensicicesword, I have no idea.. i hope im not screwing anyone over hehe07:04
DarkmystereLol i havent done it yet :/ i want to know how to07:04
ph0rensicDarkmystere, watch mythbusters.. they have a remote driving through use of servos.. then implement some cam feeds and laptop controls and wahlah07:05
ph0rensicDarkmystere, of course its easier said than done07:05
Geoffrey2is there some kind of linker database that needs to be updated periodically?07:06
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, eh?07:06
ph0rensicmanj your back07:06
ph0rensicManjy, and using chatzilla i see07:06
Manjyph0rensic: wanted to come back and thank you for your help, i downloaded and wrote the CD and i'm checking for defects now, the md5 was right too07:07
ph0rensicManjy, fantastic.. your quite welcome07:07
wayahis there anyone that can help me please :)07:07
ph0rensicManjy, you know the alternate installer is text based right07:07
Manjyph0rensic: yes, i know07:07
ph0rensicwayah, perhaps just ask and well see07:08
wayahI have...lol07:08
Manjyph0rensic: my old computer is too slow to run the Live CD from the disc to install it07:08
Manjyph0rensic: ...just the installer is text based right...the actual OS has a GUI right...lmao07:08
wayahWell, I have a Toshiba Satelite Laptop with no sound. I am a linux noob and would like someone to guide me with what to do07:08
ph0rensicManjy, yes of course haah07:08
Manjyph0rensic: XD07:08
Geoffrey2ph0rensic: spitballing here..../configure can't find over a half dozen header files that are actually installed....here, I get told to check the make file, over in #xfce they say it sounds like my system is broken07:08
ph0rensicwayah, oh yah.. haven't had to troubleshoot sound07:09
wayahIs there anyone here that can troubleshoot sound?07:09
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, what exactly are you trying to do?07:09
DarkmystereLol ok....How can i use my labtop as a tv remote?07:10
Manjyph0rensic: i've been looking into installing ubuntu on my other comp for a while, and after i found banshee for linux to manage my brother/sister's iPods, i decided to switch, lol07:10
Darkmysterewith Ubuntu installed07:10
saffph0rensic, still around?07:10
ph0rensicsaff, yep07:10
ph0rensicDarkmystere, look into uh.. mythtv or mythbuntu07:10
saffhah i just reinstalled my drivers and nearly fubar'd X07:10
saffguess the drivers were the problem07:11
* Manjy is in shock that a "Furbuntu" is being developed...whats next, AnonBuntu? ScientoloBuntu?07:11
ph0rensicsaff, I reinstalled drivers the other day and it screwed x .. first time ever.. i had to reinstall again.. umm did you make sure to -purge when you removed the package?07:11
saffno, no i didn't07:12
ph0rensicManjy, wth is furbuntu?07:12
ph0rensicsaff, or did you use the restricted driver manager?07:12
tenekso, i rebooted, when it booted again it appeared the message "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot" then it started the bash, and does this everytime, startx works to start the GUI, but two error message appear (failed to initialize HAL! and something about user switcher) plus no network connection works, wireless or ethernet, should i post this somewhere?07:12
Manjyph0rensic: http://furbuntu.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page linux for furfags >>07:12
saffneither, just downloaded the .sh off nvidia07:12
saffand ran in07:12
ph0rensicsaff, Oh yah you have gutsy right07:12
* Manjy prepares to run from agnryfaic'd furries <<07:12
ph0rensicsaff, I would make sure you purge when you remove, then use the restricted manager to install the drivers07:13
saffnow compiz doesn't work either,, hm07:13
ph0rensicsaff, that is what has worked for me07:13
saffok, i'll try the manager07:13
Geoffrey2run ./configure on libexo, O/S is xubuntu 7.10....md5.h, md5global.h, mminttrin.h, mnttab.h, and ucred.h not found...07:13
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, hmm what package are you trying to install??07:14
Geoffrey2furbuntu - Ubuntu with Furbish as the default language? :)07:14
ManjyGeoffrey2: No, Ubuntu made for furries -_-07:14
sp33nkerhello everybody07:14
ph0rensicstill have no idea what furbuntu is07:15
ph0rensichi sp33nker07:15
ph0rensicManjy, what is it ubuntu for tree-huggers?07:15
sp33nkercould someone please help me with always-on issue: intel hda(reltek alc883) souncard mute07:15
Geoffrey2ph0rensic: libexo, it's a dependency for xfce07:15
Manjyph0rensic: "Noone gives a f*** about the environment"buntu07:15
nonix4sp33nker: tried alsamixer to start?07:16
sp33nkersure. does not work07:16
sp33nkermy problem is this one:07:16
Ptolemaioswhy do you call yourself ph0rensic?07:16
nonix4sp33nker: and maxing all volumes & unmuting all channels?07:16
sp33nkerwhen i plug the earphones, the speakers does not mute07:16
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, Trying to install xfce by making it from source?07:16
ManjyMaybe Catholicism can make an OS, Jebusuntu07:16
sp33nkeryea, and the windows will be devil-buntu...:)))07:17
ph0rensicManjy, Jewbuntu07:17
SindaciousThe iRaq!07:17
Manjylol hi Sindacious07:17
ManjySindacious: Stalker from dAmn?07:17
Viktorioushi is anyone in here familiar with vmware07:17
SindaciousNononono I'm always on Fr33N0D307:17
ManjySindacious: And last time i checked, it's iRack <<07:17
ph0rensicPtolemaios, Its just a name i came up with.. there was this guy I ran into who had a band called phorensic ..07:17
sp33nkerph0rensic: you have any idea why is it happening?07:18
nonix4sp33nker: Hmm, might even be that it lacks detection for them earplugs being plugged - or that some of the mixer channels are mixed up07:18
Sindaciouspffft q makes better IMHO07:18
flajannemacs under ubuntu python-mode does not work for me, despite having installed with ape-get twice. Any ideas? (Ubuntu 7.10)07:18
ph0rensicsp33nker, Nope07:18
ph0rensicPtolemaios, how come?07:18
Ptolemaiosi was just wondering07:18
tenekso, i rebooted, when it booted again it appeared the message "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot" then it started the bash, and does this everytime, startx works to start the GUI, but two error messages appear (failed to initialize HAL! and something about user switcher) plus no network connection works, wireless or ethernet, can anyone here help me? should i post this somewhere?07:18
Viktorioushi is anyone in here familiar with vmware??07:19
ph0rensictenek, sounds like a load of problems07:19
ph0rensicViktorious, shoot07:19
teneki can imagine it's to complicated07:19
ph0rensictenek, HAL is hardware abstraction layer07:19
tenekit was working just fine07:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:19
ph0rensictenek, what did u do07:20
ManjyCD verifying is taking a while -_-07:20
SindaciousI've seemed to stick myself in \dev\null halp me :>!07:20
teneki was installing tcl07:20
tenekbut i had problems with tk07:20
ph0rensictenek, what is tcl?07:20
Aparna_I need help patching my kernel. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56450/plain/ <-- What do I do from here?07:20
ManjySindacious: i didn't know you used linux or i would have asked you for help on dev :p07:20
xyblorhow do I change the resolution of a frame buffer device (i.e. console mode)07:20
tenekso i just rebooted to log in to my normal user07:21
ph0rensicManjy, what kind of dev u do07:21
xyblorI tried fbset but it doesn't work07:21
tonyyarussoxyblor: Currently, you don't.07:21
SindaciousManjy: Eh, I'm more less working on learning it from what I do know :>07:21
Manjyph0rensic: oh, i meant deviantart, me and him are member on it, lol, >>07:21
=== Zeronius is now known as Estreyela
tenekit's a compiler or something, i don't really know07:21
xyblortonyyarusso: that sucks, my console is using the wrong resolution07:21
ph0rensicManjy, Oh that place is cool07:21
teneki was trying to install amsn07:21
EADGxyblor: are you running Gutsy?07:21
tenekso my cousin could use the computar07:21
xyblorEADG: yes07:21
tonyyarussoxyblor: yeah, it's one of the larger userbase bugs I've seen.07:22
Manjyph0rensic: I'm ManjyomeThunder from dA, i wrote the #iRPG channel on the chat network and i get 100 pageviews a day for nothing, and i cant do art for crap07:22
SindaciousLOL There is a dA channel on FreeNode07:22
teneki said it needed tcl/tk07:22
ph0rensicManjy, haha07:22
EADGxyblor: Gimme a minute to look up a post. It's not as easy to change res now as it was in Dapper, Fiesty...07:22
xyblortonyyarusso: resolution is detected incorrectly at boot-up.07:22
Manjyph0rensic: i wrote a bot for the dA chat network, it's similar to IRC but the protocol is different, same ideas though07:23
Sindaciousph0rensic: Manjy haz ub3r c0d1ng skillz07:23
Geoffrey2ph0rensic: pretty much07:23
Geoffrey2ph0rensic: xfce 4.4.207:23
ph0rensictenek, I dont know what tcl/tk does...07:24
Manjytcl/tk is a scripting language07:24
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, What was your original desktop manager07:24
tenekit's something like ruby and rails form what i understood07:24
ph0rensicManjy, You were gonna install it just to use amsn?07:24
Manjyph0rensic: huh?07:25
tenekthe amsn (msn messenger clone) said it needed it to be installed07:25
xyblortonyyarusso: , EADG, whenever I do ctrl-alt-f2, I get a console where I can't see the bottom part of the display. I tried different video modes in grub's menu.lst, but that didn't change anything07:25
Manjyph0rensic: wrong user?07:25
EADGxyblor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=585454&highlight=framebuffer+resolution07:25
Manjyph0rensic: he would have to install tcl/tk to use AMSN, without it, it would be like trying to run MediaWiki without PHP, or jEdit without Java :p07:26
xyblorEADG: thanks a lot, I'm checking it out07:26
ubuntu_Alguien de México?07:26
tenekbut the tk make didin't work07:26
ph0rensicManjy, Oh, i thought amsn was just a messenger program07:26
Geoffrey2ph0rensic: xfce 4.4.107:26
tenekso i just rebooted07:26
Manjyph0rensic: it is, but it's written in an interpreted language07:27
tenekand the situation i told u happended07:27
ph0rensicGeoffrey2, Oh you were trying to upgrade your xfce.. I can't help u there sorry07:27
ph0rensicManjy, Why not use midgin?07:27
ph0rensicManjy, pidgin**07:27
sp33nkeri am a c++ programmer. what ide do you recommend me for serious projects?07:27
Manjyph0rensic: i like pidgin, but idk, ask whomever was asking about amsn07:27
htedromwell that didn't work... i had to reinstall the nvidia drivers from the .sh just to get X back07:27
=== htedrom is now known as saff
Manjywho was it, tenek?07:28
tenekyo soy de mexico pero muy probablemente no te pueda ayudar, soy un pinche newbie07:28
ph0rensicsaff, whats up07:28
saffhow would i go about starting completely from scratch07:28
Sindaciouspidgin FTW?! there there is...trilian :>07:28
saffwith my vid drivers07:28
ManjyTrillian sucks07:28
SindaciousTrue that07:28
tenekwho was what?07:28
ManjySindacious: ...Stop failing07:28
SindaciousManjy: I'm enjoying it...do I have to?07:29
saffpurge every package that says nvidia and remake my xorg.conf?07:29
ManjySindacious: yes07:29
Manjy9001.times { users.delete('Sindacious') }07:29
ph0rensicsaff, exactly I would purge the nvidia files do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then use the restricted manager to get the newest nvidia that works with ubuntu and compiz etc07:30
* Sindacious throws Manjy into the \dev\null07:30
SindaciousEat that bacon :>07:30
ph0rensicsaff, That should get everything working how you want, with acceleration and direct rendering on07:30
saffok, here goes nothing07:30
ph0rensicsaff, goodluck07:31
* Manjy installs Furbuntu on Sindacious's comp, yiff in hell07:31
karmelekhttp://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/71993-3.jpg what is the name of this file manager?07:31
SindaciousOH MY GAWD07:31
* Sindacious 's computer starts to fail hard07:31
ph0rensicsaff, you can use the generic vesa driver driver until the nvidia proprietary drivers are installed through the manager07:32
SindaciousI prefer07:32
ph0rensicsaff, I know its a pita .. I had to do it yesterday hehe all is well now07:32
prettyrickyhi I was trying to use gksudo nautilus to add a plugin to my amsn, but I get denied no permission? Can someone help07:32
Sindaciousand if it's still around http://manjy.mustbedefeated.com/07:32
Sindaciousoh fail it's not07:32
ManjySindacious: the youaremighty is perfect for me, show it about me to Kyogo on dA07:32
saffhey synaptic's 'complete removal' is the same as a command line purge right?07:32
EADGkarmelek: looks like default Gnome file manager, forgot the name... just themed diffrent.07:33
ajushihi, how do i change my gateway in the command line?when i enter "route" my it show where it should be
ph0rensicsaff, I would think so heh07:33
ManjySindacious: As you know, on dA, i am programming god, epic lulz and such07:33
warchief_ryanlook at netstat -nr07:33
EADGkarmelek: that would be the one.07:33
karmelekEADG: but this tabs...07:33
SindaciousManjy: Oh, I know....I KNOW!!?!?!!11!07:33
saffok, see you soon i hope07:33
warchief_ryanyou have to add the new route t the gateway07:34
TrekCyclingdoes anyone know how to get Sound Juicer to rip MP3s using VBR new in Gusty?07:34
SindaciousManjy: Glad to have someone like you as a _friend_07:34
TrekCycling10 year Linux vet, new to Ubuntu and having trouble with this07:34
ph0rensicTrekCycling, really? all the know it alls aren't in atm but what you got07:35
ph0rensicTrekCycling, oh ahha07:35
ph0rensicTrekCycling, whats VBR?07:35
Aparna_I patched the kernel and have the source on my desktop. How do I enable it now?07:35
TrekCyclingthis is my GStreamer Pipeline currently07:35
TrekCyclingaudio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr=new ! xingmux ! id3mux07:35
TrekCyclingshould work07:35
TrekCyclingor audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr=new ! xingmux ! id3v2mux07:36
TrekCyclingvariable bit rate07:36
EADGkarmelek: Hmm, your right. Konqueror has tabs.07:36
warchief_ryanajuchi: add your new route, but remove the old one07:36
prettyrickyHow can I get permissions to add and drop new files?07:36
ph0rensicTrekCycling, yah a lil over my head hehe07:36
xaxxonhow do I make a "generic" ubuntu system into a development system?  I'm trying to build some stuff and I'm missing all sorts of libraries07:36
EADGkarmelek: Had a quick look in Nautalis, didn't see any options for tabs.07:36
ph0rensicxaxxon, did you try sudo apt-get install build-essential07:36
xaxxonnope, but I will now07:37
ph0rensicxaxxon, there could be an s at the end of that07:37
Aparna_I patched the kernel and have the source on my desktop. How do I enable it now? Should I just do ./configure && make && make install?07:37
karmelekEADG: ok-thx, it is quite strange for me because it is gnome-look :P07:38
warchief_ryanwow irssi hurts my eyes07:38
EADGkarmelek: there is an icon on that picture named PCMan File Manager :)07:38
ph0rensicManjy, whats the word, that disk check done yet?07:38
Manjynot yet07:38
SindaciousI'm giving my fail computer another week07:39
Sindaciousit starts failing anymore07:39
SindaciousI'm sticking Ubuntu on it07:39
Sindaciousend of story07:39
warchief_ryancant go wrong with ubuntu07:40
EADGwarchief_ryan: grab a theme from irssi.org  I liked madcow and evilkat07:40
EADG.... after abit of editing :)07:40
ajush1i get a SIOCADDRT: File exists whenever i try adding a new route how do i add my router?07:40
warchief_ryanoh there themes for it lol :p07:40
Aparna_I patched the kernel and have the source on my desktop. How do I enable it now? Should I just do ./configure && make && make install?07:40
faprilhey guys, I'm looking to install my HP printer. Its connected to my router. When I select 'windows printer via samba' and select browse, it doesn't apear07:40
ph0rensic!patience | Aparna_07:40
ubotuAparna_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:40
Sindaciouswarchief_ryan: Yeah, only think I have heard is that it can be annoying to get wireless to work right07:40
caveman24im having trouble mounting a drive in a folder on my desktop, I treied editing fstab, but that didnt work, tried doing it through the drive properties thing in KDE and it says I can only mount it under /media... I never had a problem mounting it in previous versions of ubuntu07:41
warchief_ryanroute -add07:41
caveman24im using gutsy btw07:41
warchief_ryanroute -add (router ip) gw (your ip) i believe07:41
ajush1warchief_ryan: i did a "route add default gw eth0"07:41
psionhrm, has anyone here gotten mplayer to go to full screen correctly on a second monitor via dual heads?07:41
edwin_caveman24: is the drive a windows partition?07:41
caveman24no, its reiserfs07:41
warchief_ryandid it work07:41
nonix4caveman24: updated or clean install?07:42
ajush1it returns: SIOCADDRT: File exists07:42
edwin_updated :-\07:42
psioncaveman24: what's the drive?07:42
ph0rensicpsion, hold on lemme check07:42
Geoffrey2what's the xfce equivalent of gedit?07:42
psionph0rensic: ty07:42
bluishgreenfolks, I am having this problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=353533, i am not able to follow the resolve given. can anyone explain.07:42
prettyrickyHow can I get permissions to add and drop new files?07:42
warchief_ryanlol never seen that before, did you remove the old route07:42
caveman2420GB quantum fireball, /dev/sdb507:42
zackieHaving a problem with playing games using wine and screen blinks.07:42
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
psionGeoffrey2: I just use vim07:43
ajush1warchief_ryan:i'll try to remove the old one07:43
prettyrickyTrying to add a plugin to my amsn... permission denied07:43
ph0rensicpsion what u see when u do it07:43
xyblorwhat's the safest color depth to use on a Radeon 8500 as a framebuffer device?07:43
psionprettyricky: sudo chmod u+w07:43
psionto allow users to write07:43
silvernodeguys im trying to install itask but when i try and automake it says ./autogen.sh: 8: aclocal: not found07:43
EADGxyblor: I don't think you need anything higher than 8bit07:44
psionph0rensic: it maximizes, but it's like the screen is too small to display it all, it cuts off the bottom and right07:44
caveman24I never had a problem seting it to automount before, but for some odd reason the only way to get it mounter where I want it is to do it manually07:44
Manjyone more then i start the install07:44
prettyrickypsion=== that will allow me to drag and drop files?07:44
xyblorEADG: ok I'll try that, I'm still working through that how-to you linked to07:44
zackieHow do I fix a screen to quit blinking while in a game useing WINE??07:44
psionprettyricky: that will give you permissions to write in a directory07:44
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ph0rensicpsion, I just loaded an HD clip and it maximized but looked widescreen (top and bottom black)07:44
silvernodei have a problem and it looks like this ./autogen.sh: 8: aclocal: not found07:45
psionph0rensic: was it skewed?07:45
=== sin[away] is now known as Sindacious
caveman24I did magage to get compiz working in KDE though :)07:45
prettyrickyhow can I just drag and drop files?07:45
EADGxyblor: did you find res/color depth numbers for grub?07:45
psionprettyricky: using nautilus?07:45
xyblorEADG: also, I think you are a bass guitar player ;-)07:45
ph0rensicpsion, Nope, Im thinking the resolution fits for how it looked07:45
xyblorEADG: that's what I'm doing07:45
Estreyelasilvernode: sudo aptitude install automake autoconf build-essential07:45
prettyrickyI tried that and did not work. wont ask me for a password07:45
xoqacan someone help me get real player to work in either konqueror or firefox? firefox plays the audio but doesn't display graphics, konqueror just doesn't know what to do with the file even though it has already recognized the helix plugin07:45
EADGxyblor: hehe, ya.07:45
nonix4zackie: refresh rate type of blinking or bug type of blinking?07:45
ph0rensicpsion, Umm perhaps I should try another media07:45
prettyrickyseems to me like its not working07:45
=== htedrom is now known as saff
psionph0rensic: did you modify or do anything special with mplayer?07:46
silvernodeEstreyela, thanks07:46
computer_how do i do what this person is doing? http://youtube.com/watch?v=i9JC5NQ7G0o07:46
xoqaaaand, finally java works in firefox! but... it doesn't work in konqueror. it's odd because it worked once in konqueror and never again after that one moment07:46
ph0rensicpsion, nothing I had never used it till itried lol07:46
psionph0rensic: I'm trying to figure out if my problem is with mplayer or my config of xorg07:46
zackienonix4: Refresh.07:46
Manjybrb, installing07:46
saffwell back, but i'm not too sure what happened...07:47
xoqacomputer_: install compiz07:47
Geoffrey2when you modify ld.so.conf, is there anything else you need to do?07:47
computer_do i need to install something? to do this? http://youtube.com/watch?v=i9JC5NQ7G0o07:47
xoqacomputer_: aptitude search compiz07:47
saffxfce won't start, and glxinfo/glxgears dont work07:47
ManjyThanks so much for your help ph0rensic07:47
zackienonix4: I'm trying to play the game Infantry (Sony's) If that makes a difference07:47
ph0rensicManjy, your welcome07:47
ph0rensicpsion, wht about totem?07:48
FbernDoes  cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature return the CPU temp?07:48
nonix4zackie: which type of monitor in use?07:48
ph0rensicsaff, what are you in gnome?07:48
computer_compiz seems to be installed, so how do i do it?07:48
saffph0rensic, yea, gnome failsafe07:48
TerrorBiteOkay, I just ran the eeepc scrips for my Ubuntu install. So now the wireless works, but the wired ethernet doesn't anymore.07:48
ph0rensicYou reconfigure x?07:49
zackienonix4: What do you mean? Like my screen monitor?07:49
ph0rensicsaff did you use restricted manager?07:49
psionph0rensic: totem?07:49
crwebhas anyone seen imbrandon lately?07:49
saffand the manager says they're working now07:49
xoqacomputer_: there's a compiz channel ... check out #compiz and ask them what channel to ask your question. it's a really helpful community07:49
ph0rensicpsion, its another player07:49
psionoh, let me try it real quick07:49
ph0rensicpsion, or try vlc thats a good one07:49
xoqacomputer_: i'd tell you but i forgot what i did way back when07:49
baxteris there a particular place I can go for compiz questions?07:49
ph0rensicsaff, but it isn't?07:50
c0mp13371331337TerrorBite - Congrats on the excellent eeepc.  Just got mine last week, LOVING it.  Xubuntu flies on it!07:50
nonix4computer_: you prolly want emerald, python-compizconfig & some others...07:50
zackienonix4: just a flat screen LCD HD Monitor i guess07:50
ph0rensicsaff, they require a full restart after you install the nvidia drivers07:50
baxterah wait you've just said sorry07:50
saffyea, rebooted07:50
TerrorBitec0mp13371331337, thanks. I'm using ordinary Ubuntu though07:50
alex_hey guys, for some reason flash content in firefox is really slow. i've flashplugin version installed. is this a known issue?07:50
saffi shouldn't have to reconfig x again after the install, should i?07:51
* Manjy has a lot to install on his new ubuntu install07:51
FbernDoes  cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature return the CPU temp?07:51
alex_whenever i browse flash content the cpu usage goes up, and framerate of youtube videos is low07:51
ph0rensicsaff, after the install you have to reboot...Out of the 5-6 times Ive set this up i had to reconfigure x 1 time after installing the drivers.. but always a reboot07:51
Manjyhmm, install may take a while07:51
Manjywhat to do...07:52
c0mp13371331337TerrorBite - How does regular Ubuntu run on it?  I wanted to keep it nice and light, but I may make the switch to plain Ubuntu if it runs alright.07:52
ManjyBenny Lava tiemz07:52
EADGcomputer_: You should also install compizconfig-settings-manager. It will let you tweak all the settings and let you change kb short-cuts.07:52
saffhmm well i'll try doing a reconfig and rebooting again07:52
FbernDoes  cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature return the CPU temp?07:52
saffthen i'm just gonna try envy07:52
TerrorBiteQuestion: Does Ubuntu support WPA with corporate login? i.e. username/pass07:52
TerrorBiteFbern, no idea07:52
bluishgreenwhen trying to install vlc, i get this .." You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:07:52
bluishgreenThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  language-support-writing-en: Depends: openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us but it is not going to be installed" any clues as to how to resolve this please ..07:52
EADGFbern: does on my sys.07:53
ph0rensicsaff, lame that didn't work for you i dunno what i could be missing.. unless one of the packages or configurations is getting in the way07:53
Fbernwhats ur temp say07:53
zackienonix4: Or did you mean something completley different?07:53
nonix4zackie: video card & driver in use?07:53
EADG48 C07:53
Fbernmine says 74c07:53
Fberni have a fan that is acting up07:53
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saffi'm looking at my x log file... it doesn't load GLX07:53
Fbernor maybe its just the fact that i have a TOshiba qosmio that is known for getting really hot.07:53
zackienonix4: where can I find that?07:53
TerrorBitec0mp13371331337, it runs quite nicely - compiz effects work without a hitch - only downside is that it takes most of the space on the SSD (with both KDE and Gnome installed, anyway)07:54
warchief_ryanwould the irssi theme work over ssh?07:54
EADGwarchief_ryan: yes07:54
ph0rensicsaff, lemme look at my file07:54
psionph0rensic: it appears to work fine in totem, odd07:54
nonix4zackie: /var/log/Xorg.0.log most likely07:54
ph0rensicpsion yah mplayer prolly just sux07:54
singlesunanyone know how to add an ubuntu pc as a member of a workgroup so it can access my samba fileserver?07:54
saffph0rensic, no sorry not the config file, the log file, in /var/log07:54
saffanyway i'm gonna reboot before trying envy07:54
warchief_ryannetwork manager07:55
Manjy64% done on install07:55
psionph0rensic: mplayer is my fav player, I just have to figure out how to get it to work dualhead07:55
Manjytime flies when your listening to Prahbu Deva Sundaram07:55
zackienonix4: nothing there its an NVidia something like 9800 gfx or something but i'm not super sure on that07:55
TerrorBiteunfortunately, uninstalling KDE is not as simple as apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop07:56
silvernodei have an error trying to install itask but my error is to big and I don't want to spam it here, would anyone be willing to help me in a PM?07:56
TerrorBitepsion, likely there will be a way, mplayer can do almost anything07:56
nonix4zackie: if you run xvidtune & press the next button repeatedly, can you repeat the flicker?07:56
TerrorBitesilvernode, ue pastebin07:56
TerrorBite*use pastebin07:56
silvernodeoh yeah...forgot how tho07:57
silvernodebeen awhile07:57
zackienonix4: i don't think i have xvidtune07:57
TerrorBitesilvernode: read the topic. "Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org"07:57
Fbernthat command has to be wrong07:57
Fbernnow it says 63c07:57
ph0rensicbrb all07:57
amicrawlerah much better07:57
nonix4zackie: well "apt-get install xvidtune" then :)07:58
TerrorBiteFbern, try running the 'sensor' command?07:58
amicrawleri can see what i'm typing now07:58
amicrawlerhow come bittorrten sucks07:58
TerrorBiteer, 'sensors'07:58
c0mp13371331337TerrorBite - Hmmmm..... Thanks for the intel! :-D  I just may make the switch then.  As far as internal space goes, I've pretty much decided to limit the SSD to OS/programs, and use flash drives for files and storage.  With the exception of the 8GB model, you're pretty much forced to use external storage if you're going to be watching movies or anything on it.07:58
amicrawlervery slow come pair to ftp or http07:58
Fberncommand not found07:58
warchief_ryanwell bittorent depends grealty on the quality of peers and number of leechers07:59
TerrorBitec0mp13371331337, indeed, I'm looking at doing the same thing myself. Perhaps getting a MMC card and leaving it in the slot permanently with /home mounted on it07:59
singlesunamicrawler, bittorrent sucks?? perhaps you need to forward the port on your router?07:59
zackienonix4: zackie@zackie:~$ /var/log/xorg.0.log07:59
zackiebashoh: /var/log/xorg.0.log: No such file or directory07:59
zackiezackie@zackie:~$ /var/log07:59
zackiebashoh: /var/log: is a directory07:59
zackiezackie@zackie:~$ apt-get install xvidtune"07:59
FloodBot1zackie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
nonix4zackie: or try ctrl-alt-numpad-plus/minus07:59
EADGFbern: acpi -t -c08:00
silvernodei paste on pastebin and then what?08:00
nonix4zackie: the log file is w/ capital X08:00
silvernodeit just shows me what i pasted08:00
zackienonix4: that didn't worrk and sorry for the flooding hehe08:00
Fbernsays ok, 63c08:00
zackiebashoh: /var/log/Xorg.0.log: Permission denied08:01
EADGFbern: yer cooling off.08:01
silvernodeTerrorBite, pastebin just pots it and thats all I see. Exactly what i posted now what?08:01
nonix4zackie: it's a text file, read it :)08:01
bashohi`m busy08:01
TerrorBitesilvernode, then paste the URL of the page here so we can all see what you pasted08:01
ste-foyok thank silverblade08:02
silvernodeTerrorBite, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56453/plain/08:02
zackienonix4: haha okay got it open now08:02
TerrorBitezackie, were you trying to execute your Xorg logfile08:02
nonix4zackie: tried ctrl-alt-+/- yes?08:02
silvernodeTerrorBite, looks to be an issue with the config file08:03
nonix4zackie: s/yes/yet/ - oh I need to be going rather soon :/08:03
KaVanyone can tell me if there is any way to use 1 keyboard key (raise volume eg) to 2 global shortkeys from kmix ??  without using modifier ??08:03
zackienonix4: thanks for your help though!08:03
silvernodeTerrorBite, did you see my pastebin?08:03
zackieTerrorBite: Yeah haha i'm super new to Ubuntu ;)08:04
silvernodecan you guys help me?http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56453/plain/08:05
TerrorBitezackie, try using the 'less' command next time, if you want to view a text file in a terminal, it will let you scroll through it using the up and down keys08:05
EADGFbern: watch -n X acpi -V    where X is the refresh rate in seconds... if you want to monitor temp without typing acpi cmd each time.08:05
zackieDoes anybody know hot to solve a blinking screen while playing a game using wine?08:05
Shay2Hi, I've been searching for about 5 hours on how to get my HP Broadcom wlan working on ubuntu gutsy, no luck08:05
zackieTerrorBite: yeah lol i found it i just put it in the directory and searched for it that way..08:05
Shay2anyone know the best way to install a broadcom wlan onto ubuntu gutsy?08:05
Shay2I got Broadcom WLAN b/g (4310)08:05
TerrorBitesilvernode, looks like something to do with either your build environment, or the package itself08:06
zackieDoes anybody know hot to solve a blinking screen while playing a game using wine?08:06
s0u][ighthello did someone succeed to use the b43 driver in stead of bcm43xx or ndiswrapper08:06
Shay2well I tried installing the bcmwl6.inf that came with my hp laptop, but it says "detected" in ndisgtk but it doesnt even work08:06
Shay2@s0u][ight, nah i didnt :(08:07
c0mp13371331337So I'm trying to mount a USB external hard drive that's plugged into another computer on my network and set up with samba sharing (guest access, so no UN/PW to access it).  I'm trying to mount this share so I can set it up with TimeVault as my backup directory.  Running the command "sudo mount -t smbfs // /home/me/Desktop/TVBackup" gives me an error stating wrong fs type, bad superblock, missing c08:07
c0mp13371331337odepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so.  Anyone see what I may have done wrong?08:07
silvernodeTerrorBite, hmm08:07
s0u][ightShay2: i think i got a solution for u08:07
silvernodeTerrorBite, have you tried installing itask?08:07
Shay2@s0u][ight, maybe I can get b43, not sure how08:07
s0u][ightu need sp...exe file08:07
ph0rensicoh geez .. why does grub fail everytime i restart nowadays08:07
matholumrandom question... when installing things, sometimes it wants to go to the home directory... why and where should I put it? there or somewhere else?08:07
Shay2I used the one that came with my laptop actually08:07
Shay2I got vista and ubuntu dual boot08:08
silvernodeTerrorBite, take a look at what my instructions were http://code.google.com/p/itask-module/wiki/ItaskNG08:08
Shay2HP Pavillion dv2745se08:08
s0u][ightwon't work if it isn't xp one08:08
s0u][ighti had same issue08:08
trentsterHey all, I am currently using "pon" and "poff" via cli to make my 3g usb dongle connect and disconnect.....can anyone recommend a lightweight xubuntu friendly gui frontend for this task?08:08
TerrorBitesilvernode, I haven't, in fact I don't even know what it is. I'd just try running 'sudo apt-get install itask' myself08:08
s0u][ightwait i'll send a link08:08
silvernodei tried that08:08
zackieDoes anybody know hot to solve a blinking screen while playing a game using wine?08:08
warchief_ryanI always use wvdial08:08
Shay2ok s0ulight thanks08:08
silvernodeTerrorBite, itask is a applications dock similar to the OS x dock08:09
nonix4zackie: be sure to try that ctrl-alt-+/- thing to see if you can get the screen blinking even outside wine...08:09
silvernodeTerrorBite, its here and seems simple yet i run in to so many problems http://code.google.com/p/itask-module/wiki/ItaskNG08:09
Manjycore installed, applications installing08:09
nonix4(to make sure whether it is "just" wine issue or actually wider scope)08:09
Manjy:D yay ubuntu08:09
zackienonix4: didn't do anything08:10
Shay2well @s0u][ight, I tried ndiswrapper, ndisgtk, and native, and plus The fwcutter or something (the native), or maybe I'm doing it wrong08:10
s0u][ightjust follow this guide08:10
s0u][ightand use the same files08:10
Shay2which post is it in this guide08:10
s0u][ightthe one who's explaining08:10
s0u][ightin steps08:10
matholumwhere do apps go? i am installing something and it says home folder and i don't think that is right08:11
Shay2are you sure this works? :)08:11
nonix4zackie: numpad-+/-, right?08:11
zackienonix4: yup08:11
Shay2'right, thanks!08:11
warchief_ryanhmm hows I set a irssi theme "/set furry.theme" not working08:11
s0u][ightbut i need b43 :(08:11
Shay2i tried b43 before, but didnt get through, the manual was kinda confusing o.o08:11
zackienonix4: is there a certian spot i need to be at when trying this?08:11
Shay2well thanks bye08:11
silvernodeinstalling this itask dock is a pain08:12
sagieghow can i tar a folder (from terminal) without including the folder itself? i mean i want only the context inside of it to be tared when i use tar-cvf file.tar test/  when i extract it i need to enter test08:12
silvernodeand i'm a noob lol08:12
EADGwarchief_ryan: /set theme "theme name" iirc08:12
TerrorBitesilvernode, I don't think I'd be much help08:12
silvernodeTerrorBite, oh crap well thanks anyway maybe someone else can help08:12
warchief_ryanahh thanks EADG08:13
EADGwarchief_ryan: irssi looking abit better now?08:13
warchief_ryanlol now how did you do that highliting thing08:13
sagiegnever mind thinkg i got it08:13
syc_<syc_> hi all08:14
syc_* syc_ need helps08:14
syc_<syc_> i want to install zimbra on my debian box08:14
syc_ when i run the install.sh,08:14
syc_ it said08:14
syc_ Checking for prerequisites...08:14
FloodBot1syc_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
EADGwarchief_ryan: Highlighted because I used your name.08:14
warchief_ryanno its hgihlighing your name08:14
mzuverinkhow do you gain ops of a channel, I forgot and need to fix my lug channel08:14
warchief_ryanor nvm08:14
warchief_ryanlol I see now08:15
nonix4zackie: well them keys not doing anything would indicate that the Xorg logfile has about 1 modeline listed as in use... though I'm not very familiar w/ nvidia cards :(08:15
zackienonix4: So this is a bad thing.. this modeline?08:15
ManjyInstalling software seems to have paused as 6%08:16
mzuverinkany ops on?08:17
EADGLater all.08:18
TerrorBiteOkay, my eth0 interface has disappered, but /sys/class/net/eth0 exists08:19
TerrorBiteand the wired connection appears in the "Network Connections" dialog08:20
zackienonix4: So this is a bad thing.. this modeline?08:20
=== syrus__ is now known as JohnRobertLaptop
JohnRobertLaptopcan anyone recommend some software for downloading video podcasts?08:21
mzuverinkcould someone please provide me with the correct command to take ops of my lugs channel, i need to change the meeting dates08:21
Luftziggood morning.08:21
ph0rensicGrub is my new enemy08:22
zackieDoes anybody know hot to solve a blinking screen while playing a game using wine?08:22
Manjyph0rensic: I'm at installing software and it paused at 6%08:22
LuftzigI've set up yesterday internet sharing using firestarter and dhcpd3, shut down the computer and today it does not work. why?08:22
ph0rensicManjy: My grub crashed ..08:22
Manjyph0rensic: :o08:23
ph0rensicManjy: trying to restore it..08:23
codenameI got a question, if I was watching a video, and suddenly went to a black screen, just like the one before it boots up, and went back to the login screen, what can this mean?08:23
ph0rensicanyone else notice lots of people having grub errors lately?08:23
Aparna_I patched my kernel. It's taking too long after I typed make. It's been more than 45 minutes since I typed make. Is that normal?08:24
crwebAparna_: depends on your machine. It can be normal yes08:24
ph0rensicManjy: installer stopped at 6% .. the disk is good.. no errors? maybe its tired and wants a quick break08:24
codenameI got a question, if I was watching a video, and suddenly went to a black screen, just like the one before it boots up, and went back to the login screen, what can this mean?08:24
Aparna_2GB RAM and 2GHz Core2Duo08:25
codenameI got 2GB Ram 2.4 GHZ Celeron08:25
crwebAparna_: well.. that would be a bit odd.  However, you probably just typed make. meaning you are only using 1 cpu08:25
ph0rensiccodename be patient.. not many users here right now08:25
crwebAparna_: where you should have typed like  make -j6  ?08:25
norcalanyone running XBMC08:25
Manjyph0rensic: it's been at 6% for a while now08:25
Manjyph0rensic: few minutes08:25
rikkimaruhow do i force synaptic to reinstall my linux-image- module?08:25
ph0rensicManjy: hmm this is gutsy?08:25
Manjy"Please wait"08:26
ph0rensicManjy: how big is your disk?08:26
Manjy40 gb08:26
predaeusHello, I've been using a PS/2 keyboard, but now I want to switch to the new USB keyboard I have here. It works fine when I plug it in, even next to the PS/2 one, but on restarting X the X configuration tool kicks in and tells me that the graphics card card could not be configured automatically. I set it to the correct settings but it still starts with low resolution. Can I somehow prevent Xorg from trying to reconfigure becaus08:26
predaeuse of the USB keyboard?08:26
ph0rensicmanj... my old disk used to hang but that was edgy.. you think anything is wrong with the hdd?08:26
SmegzorI have ubuntu 64bit (7.10).  I tried to install KDE4 from the repo but I can't - unresolved dependencies - missing kde4utils (or similar name).  How do I install KDE4 or should I wait until ubuntu 8.04?08:26
rikkimaruhow do i force synaptic to reinstall my linux-image- module?08:27
saffi'm officially ganked08:27
saffX is running in VESA mode08:27
ste-foyThank you for your help ph0rensic08:27
ph0rensicste-foy: whos this?08:27
Manjyph0rensic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47667708:27
ph0rensicsaff: hey my grub crashed!08:27
Manjyph0rensic:  think this is it, but its for an older disk08:27
Manjyph0rensic: now i just have to wait for it to give me the error08:28
ph0rensicsaff: this is after you tried envy?08:28
ph0rensicsaff:  or after a reboot?08:28
TerrorBiteDoes anyone know if compenstion for using an ethernet crossover cable instead of a straight cale is done at: a) the switch b) the NIC at hardware level c) the NIC at driver level?08:28
rikkimaruhow do i force synaptic to reinstall my linux-image- module?08:28
zackie_Anybody super keen on WINE? and not so much the drink haha08:29
XenTixhello. i was installing ubuntu and i got a strange error that i've never seen before. can someone help me? i pasted the dmesg here: http://refpaste.notlong.com08:29
Smegzori'm a wine fanboy :D08:29
ph0rensicsaff: whats the latest08:29
Manjyph0rensic: its moving now :D08:30
zackie_Smegzor: Know anything about playing games and you screen keeps blinking?08:30
ph0rensicManjy: haha08:30
LuftzigMy internet sharing worked yesterday, and now it doesn't. I've set it up with firestarter and dhcpd3. any idea how to get it working again, and on every boot?08:30
XenTixhello. i was installing ubuntu and i got a strange error that i've never seen before. can someone help me? i pasted the dmesg here: http://refpaste.notlong.com . please help08:30
ph0rensicsaff: ??08:30
Manjyph0rensic: i don't know why ubuntu isnt used more than windows, it's free, comes with awesome software and is just as easy to use08:30
stunatraA lot of people don't even know Ubuntu exists.08:31
Manjyph0rensic: i mean, would you rather use firefox or IE? would you rather pay for Microsoft office or use the free OpenOffice? :\ i think i'm gonna distribute Ubuntu CDs at my school08:31
ph0rensicManjy: it does take some getting used to, people are lazy, and they can buy easy to install apps at any store.. MS pays advertising... lots of reasons08:31
zackie_Anybody super keen on WINE? and not so much the drink haha08:31
ph0rensicManjy: for real huh08:31
codenameI got a question, if I was watching a video, and suddenly went to a black screen, just like the one before it boots up, and went back to the login screen, what can this mean?08:32
Manjyi mean, windows sucks, at least mac comes with some stuff (ruby and php ftw)08:32
Manjyand linux is just epic win08:32
smokeydhey people. Is there a way to pipe output of for instance MPlayer or Totem into a file? I am playing a windows media stream in Totem and would like to record it somehow. Is that possible?08:32
SmegzorI got a bit of that when I did a fresh install recently.  I went back to my hacked install which runs most games flawlessly.  In it I have installed directx9.0c, added some windows dlls and set some libraries in wineconfig as native and some as builtin.08:32
ph0rensicManjy: I was thinking of having some sort of lan-ubuntu install-fest08:32
gretlmany kids use pc just for gaming .... so microsoft get them ;)08:32
nevillezackie_ I'm guessing the people in #winehq are super keen on Wine :P08:32
XenTixcan someone help me with this problem: http://refpaste.notlong.com ? thanks08:32
Smegzorhi neville! ^^08:33
nevilleoh no08:33
nevilleYou're a stalker!!08:33
* Manjy stabs XenTix08:33
ph0rensicManjy: what kind of coding do you do?08:33
zackie_neville: excellet man! thanks!08:33
nevilleno worries08:33
Manjyph0rensic: Some VB.Net, mostly Ruby, i started with PHP, taking a 3 year course on Java starting next year, would like to learn python, know some basics of it08:34
Manjyph0rensic: mostly just bots for that chat network for dA, some apps, websites, games, etc08:34
ph0rensicManjy: Cooool08:34
Shay2Hi, does anyone know how to get hp pavillion dv2745se's wireless driver to work on ubuntu08:34
Manjyoh thats right, wireless on ubuntu can be a b****08:35
ph0rensicShay2: Better if you find out what chipset that computer uses for wireless08:35
Shay2Broadcom or08:35
ph0rensicManjy: They added a lot of support for wireless in feisty from what I recall08:35
Manjyph0rensic: yeah, but not nearly over 9000 times enough08:36
karleeto_Shay2: yeah, what chipset, or kind of card is it?08:36
Shay2this one ph0rensic http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-52936-1&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3646864&os=2093&lang=en08:36
ph0rensicManjy: I used to have to use ndiswrapper to get my wireless working, now it works out of box08:36
Manjyph0rensic: cool08:36
CVD-PRc ya08:36
Shay2my wireless card is a08:36
karleeto_ph0rensic: me too08:37
karleeto_ph0rensic:  it worked tho!08:37
=== twocarlo_ is now known as twocarlo
Shay2broadcom 802.11b/g WLA08:37
rikkimaruwhen I adjust my front mic setting in the capture section of alsamixer, and then restart alsamixer, it has been adjusted back to zero.  Anyone know how I can prevent this?08:37
Manjy43% :D08:37
ph0rensicShay2: You want to seach for broadcom ubuntu wireless .. should be some forums for that what release are you using?08:38
ph0rensicManjy: 78%08:38
Manjycool ph0rensic08:38
Shay2I tried everything, broadcom windo xp drivers08:38
nouriHmm, the auto-mounting doesn't really seem to work for me.  How would I go about debugging this problem; I'm plugging in my harddrive but the device isn't mounted08:38
ph0rensicManjy: Im installing the 64-bit version hoping it will fix my grub issue (I will also get a triple boot out of the ordeal if it works)08:38
Shay2broadcom, native manual, ndisgtk, ndiswrapper, etc.08:38
nouriEvery second time I have to mount it by hand.08:38
karleeto_this really sux, im ssh'ing from a sidekick to my new server i serup at home. the ssh app i have currently ony has white bg, black fg.. makes irssi look like crap08:39
Shay2plus I cannot seem to find the driver on my restricted drivers list at all, ( i even tried manual as in fwcutter or something)08:39
ph0rensicShay2: already tried ndiswrapper ...hmm..08:39
FbernI can't unmount my Windows XP partition08:39
rikkimaruwhen I adjust my front mic setting in the capture section of alsamixer, and then restart alsamixer, it has been adjusted back to zero.  Anyone know how I can prevent this?08:39
Fberni type umount /dev/sda1 /media/winxp08:39
Shay2I tried to check what my driver was in ubuntu, i think it came up with08:39
achandraanyone familiar with ltsp setup in single nic mode??08:39
Shay2Broadcom USB Adapter WLAN 431008:39
Fbernand it says /dev/sda1 not mounted08:39
Fbernbut it is08:39
Fbernit shows up under file explorer08:39
Fbernand i can look through the hard drive08:40
Shay2well something like that08:40
ph0rensicFbern: where is it mounted08:40
Shay2fbern: are you dual booting08:40
Fberntwo seperate hard drives tho08:40
ph0rensicShay2: good question08:40
Shay2so does anyone know how to get the network wlan working08:40
ph0rensicShay2: could have rebooted without proper close down from win08:41
Fberni just mounted it08:41
Fberni used -o force tho08:41
Shay2huh ph0rensic?08:41
ph0rensicShay2: I haven't used my wireless card in a while so I haven't had to mess with it08:41
TerrorBitenetwork Manager doesn't let me select WPA-corporate as a password type08:41
ph0rensicShay2: Maybe it is the access point08:41
Shay2well i'm dual booting from vista now08:41
Shay2i mean08:41
TerrorBiteWhat do I need to install to support WPA-enterprise?08:41
Shay2when i install via ndisgtk, with my VISTA drivers, it shows its connected (the LED is still red) but I dont see it in the network manager either08:42
ph0rensicShay2: I mean when you were asking fbern if he was dual-booting08:42
Shay2ahh, my mistake :)08:42
Shay2i even rebooted after doing my ndisgtk or ndiswrapper modifications08:43
kane77I set my Mac address with ifconfig hw ether.. how do I get my original Mac back?08:43
ph0rensicShay2: is there another wireless manager you can use? I remember using a different wireless manager when I had to use my card08:43
Shay2i cant find the restricted manager part of this, such users were recommending to do08:43
Shay2different wireless manager?08:43
ph0rensicShay2: Oh... yah I remember something about having to set up the restricted-manager too.... hmmm08:43
Fbernany info08:44
Shay2well I set the multiverse/universe respoistories to ooon08:44
myrddin"apt-get install vim" fails everytime.  seems that the vim-runtime download is corrupt/keeps getting corrupted08:44
XenTixhello. i was installing ubuntu and i got a strange error that i've never seen before. can someone help me? i pasted the dmesg here: http://refpaste.notlong.com . please help08:44
ph0rensicShay2: I don't think it has to do with that, i think it is a header file or something.. been a long time08:44
orion99need some help with mdadm: how to get an overview of md-devices with all relevant info? and how to kill/destroy/nuke an array? stop command still marks the disks 'in use'. do i have to zero-write all the devices???08:44
ph0rensicorion99: I hope not that takes forever! I had to 0-fill my HDD yesterday!!08:45
myrddinI constantly see this: dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)08:45
myrddinwhen it's trying to unpack vim-runtime08:45
myrddinis this a common thing?08:45
TerrorBiteseems to me that Gutsy doesn't support wpa-enterprise? Or is it my drivers or card?08:45
XenTixhello. i was installing ubuntu and i got a strange error that i've never seen before. can someone help me? i pasted the dmesg here: http://refpaste.notlong.com . help would be appreciated08:46
orion99ph0rensic, well so far im not very impressed with md raid on linux. FreeBSD's geom is far more powerful, faster and much much simpler08:46
orion99graid5 status and you get a nice list of ALL devices, disks, configuration, etc. i can't find that with md raid5 so i just have to guess what /dev/md0 is.08:47
ph0rensicorion99: I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.. what made you try linux coming from bsd?08:47
gorlakanyone familure with writing simple bash scripts?08:47
XenTix#bash people08:47
orion99ph0rensic, initially, benchmarking :p08:47
Fbernis that command for apt-get install-mbr right?08:47
Shay2virtual box doesn't support direct3d08:48
orion99ph0rensic, FreeBSD's geom_raid5 is able to get > 400MB/s write speed, which is awesome08:48
orion99higher than Areca, even :p08:48
Shay2hmm, i'll have to keep looking into this wireless problem, othewise, i cannot use ubuntu :(08:48
ph0rensicorion99: yah thatsn ot bad08:48
ph0rensicShay2: Im sure there is a way to get it to work.. what is the access point config yo are trying to connect to08:49
Shay2access point?08:49
Shay2its to a netgear i think08:49
yao_ziyuanthere is a gtk theme "UbuntuStudio", very impressive, reminds me of the good old Encarta 98/9908:49
Shay2i have  broadcom card08:49
yao_ziyuanpeople care most about look'n'feel08:50
XenTixit's mainly used by gay people.08:50
ph0rensicShay2: But what type of encryption are you using08:50
Shay2WEP 6408:50
Shay2about 5 letters at this area08:50
ph0rensicShay2: do you have option for wpa?08:50
Shay2or just wEP, not sure08:50
Shay2well, at first I ned to get my adapter installed08:50
Shay2beforei actually get to connecting08:51
Shay2and maybe I have a WPA setting08:51
ph0rensicShay2: For some odd reason my brain is telling me I had better luck with WPA than with wep..ie.. I could only connect when using wpa08:51
Shay2i prefer wep, but whatever works08:51
yao_ziyuanmicrosoft office changes a theme every year08:51
Shay2i just need to install it and get it runing08:51
Shay2which I have tons of problems08:51
XenTixwep is crackable08:51
ph0rensicShay2: Im saying maybe the wireless is working but not able to connect cause its wep08:51
Shay2its just not appearing within the network manager08:51
yao_ziyuanapple inc.'s founder researched truetype08:51
ph0rensicXenTix: extremely crackable (BT3)08:52
yao_ziyuanit's always about look'n'feel08:52
XenTixyep :p08:52
dannyhey all. i was wondering if there was any way to change the height of the buttons in gnome. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69828808:52
Shay2oh no, sorry i'm not to the connecting part yet,  I meant the driver, the thing to load it into the network manager  (eth0 or whatever doesn't exist anymore)08:52
Shay21. how do i install the broadcom into my ubuntu08:52
smokeydfound out how to dump a windows media stream: mplayer -dumpfile dump.asf -noframedrop -dumpstream mms://url.to.the/stream.asf08:52
ph0rensicShay2: oh ha.. i gotta reboot brb hopefully!08:53
dgjonesdanny, you might have to ask again in bit, its a quiet time in the channel at the minute08:56
dannyi was wondering if there was any way to change the height of the buttons in gnome. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69828808:56
XenTixdanny just buy a smaller or bigger monitor08:56
dannyMy Moniter is 20 inches08:56
dannyi wanted to change the PADDING on the buttons08:57
dannyto smaller08:57
dannynot bigger08:57
XenTixbuy a 15" monitor08:57
dannyu dont understand08:57
dannyi want to change the padding08:57
dannythrough gtkrc08:57
dannythe padding on the buttons08:58
XenTixi understand... but it's going to get things smaller... even the padding08:58
dannythe x height08:58
XenTixEVERYTHING is going to be smaller08:58
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
XenTixnot talking about your penis right now08:58
dannyso the buttons themselves cant be smaller without effecting other things?08:58
Treldanny: Can you give me a more specific idea of what you are trying to do?08:58
XenTixbuy a new monitor and increase the button size08:58
kst-does anyone know about problems possibly related to fglrx drivers (stable 8.37 from reps) and games causing input lags (mouse freezes for a second)? i'm experiencing problems lately, using ati x700 mobility with fglrx08:59
dannyTrel: thanks. The screenshot is in the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69828808:59
XenTixdanny stop beeing such a fag09:00
pocketdrummerIs it possible to see your Ubuntu files from Windows?09:00
dannyI want to make the padding on all the gnome theme's buttons smaller vertically.09:00
dannyTrel: did u get that?09:00
TrelI did at that09:01
dannyTrel: thanks. So do you have a better understandding of what I want to do?09:01
XenTixsex with a monkey?09:01
TrelYes, but I'm not quite sure how to go about getting that done.09:01
ph0rensicAtleast my grub is fixed..somehow my install of 64-bit ubuntu evaporated..but fixed grub09:02
XenTixjust go to a zoo and don't forget to use condoms09:02
pocketdrummer!offtopic | Xentix09:02
ubotuXentix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:02
myrddinhas anyone run into a case where a router performing packet inspection corrupts large downloads? (eg. vim-runtime)09:03
Manjyph0rensic: 97% :D then i just need to set up my family's accounts and such, then install banshee for their iPods and tranfer their musics :D09:03
dannyTrel: that's not a problem. But do you have any suggestions as to how i would go about asking about it in a way that others would understand better?09:03
=== XenTix is now known as pocketsnooker
pocketdrummerIs it possible to view my Ubuntu files from within Windows?09:03
ph0rensicManjy, haha i got my grub fixed but the 64-bit install didn't work09:03
pocketsnookerpocketdrummer no09:03
ph0rensicpocketdrummer, Yes but you have to download an application that can read ext309:03
pocketsnookeryou'd need a device driver for the ext3 filesystem09:04
Manjyph0rensic: ...*slow* are you on a 64-bit pc?09:04
pocketdrummerph0rensic: How would I go about doing that?09:04
capital86I'm a noob with Linux can someone help me out?09:04
ph0rensicManjy, yah but I am running 32-bit ubuntu now09:04
pocketsnookerdon't know if it does exist.09:04
oshicapital86:  with what?09:04
gretlpocketdrummer http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/ext2ifs.htm09:04
ph0rensicpocketdrummer, There are a few options .. i know a program called captaion nemo from runtime software can do it.. i believe total commander can do it09:05
capital86dual boot problems09:05
ph0rensicpocketdrummer, there probably is a better way though09:05
ph0rensiccapital86, shoot man09:05
TaraHi, I'm using headphones right now and the sound is only coming out of the right side.  I think the problem is related to the alsamixer somehow  but I was wondering if any of you were familiar with the problem?09:05
oshicapital86: what specifically?09:05
capital86Windows xp x64 and Ubuntu 64bit09:05
capital86heres whats happening09:05
pocketdrummergretl: thank you sir. I'll try this out.09:05
gretlit works fine for me09:05
Treldanny: I believe you've explained it fairly well. I would try searching Google for a method of editing buttons in GNOME.09:06
Fbernanyone here got EXISTING winxp install working with VBOX09:06
ph0rensicpocketdrummer, try gretl's link09:06
dannyTrel: thanks bro. uve been of help09:06
BlueKoalacapital86: Are you using grub or XP boot loader?09:07
capital86I just installed ubuntu today. Install went fine and I installed in on a seperate hd then windows. Linux loads up fine. But when I tried to load windows it wont even start.09:07
ph0rensicFbern, you trying to get vbox running on xp or get xp running inside of vbox?09:07
pocketsnookerhey. anybody wanna join me to smoke this joint?09:07
Estreyelayou can boot ubuntu with the xp boot loader?09:07
Estreyeladidn't know that09:07
Fbernxp running inside vbox09:07
capital86Even if I boot from my hd with windows on it09:07
ph0rensicFbern, I did a while ago .. I reinstalled lately though09:08
capital86I dont know wich bootloader I'm using09:08
BlueKoalacapital86: What's the error message?09:08
pocketsnookerFbern that's illegal for sharing. but you can try torrentz09:08
Estreyelacapital86: your menu.lst is probably configured incorrectly; google for a guide to fix it, or ask some of the people here09:08
capital86it is a string error09:08
* pocketsnooker rapes BlueKoala09:08
ph0rensicpocketsnooker, whats illegal?09:08
dgjones!ot | pocketsnooker09:08
ubotupocketsnooker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:08
capital86when I select other operating system it says that09:08
dannyTrel: one more thing. I noticed that my mouse is like more slidy (lol) on Linux but it seems to be more solid as if i have more control in Windows. Any idea what settings to change?09:09
* BlueKoala is not yet satisfied, requires more rape...09:09
sp0roI have a big problem, all 6 of my ttys are just showing a blank screen with a flashing cursor...any ideas how to fix the problem?09:09
Estreyelasp0ro: does your graphical login stlil work?09:09
sanguisdexI have been traveling and now my track pad is very jumpy and the tap clicking is going crazy.  is there a way to turn off the tap clicking and the tap and hold to drag things around?09:09
Fberni have winxp09:10
Fbernim not asking for winxp09:10
Estreyelasanguisdex: install qsynaptics09:10
Fbernim just trying to see how hard it is09:10
Fbernim hitting an erorr09:10
FloodBot1Fbern: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:10
sp0roEstreyela, yes X is working fine09:10
capital86any ideas?09:10
ph0rensicFbern, what do you mean..should be easy to get up09:10
BlueKoalaph0rensic: Fbern just got banned09:10
Estreyelasp0ro: on one of your ttys, hit enter and see what happens09:11
ph0rensicBlueKoala, for a while only09:11
pocketdrummergretl: Have you tried it on XP?09:11
sp0roEstreyela, nothing. That was the first thing I tried :p09:11
gretlpocketdrummer, yes i have xp09:11
sanguisdexEstreyela: thanks I will try it09:11
pocketdrummergretl: How did you assign the linux partition a drive letter?09:12
gretlin the set up dialog you can assign the letters09:12
ph0rensicFbern, what is the error?09:13
Fbernthats the error09:13
ph0rensicfbern oh didnt see it the 1st time till now ahah09:13
pocketdrummerGretl: I see where it says Launch disk manager, but when I go there, the only one I can edit is the windows partition.09:13
ph0rensicFbern, wtf hmm ...you just trying to get it setup to install right?09:14
gretlpocketdrummer, you should see all partitions on all drives and be given a choice of the available letters09:14
capital88I'm sorry guys but I got kicked09:15
ph0rensicpm me well go through steps together09:15
Estreyelasp0ro: did you try apt-get install system-services09:15
capital88did anyone have any suggestions about my prob09:15
Fberndo i have to register to write u09:15
ph0rensicFbern, yes09:15
pocketdrummergretl: what version do you have?09:15
dgjones!register > Fbern09:15
Fbernok one sec09:16
gretlpock cant see it at moment im on linux09:16
capital88no luck?09:16
BlueKoalacapital88: Yeah, get the exact error message and see if you can find out which boot loader you're using.09:16
capital88how do I know what boot loader I'm using09:16
ph0rensiccapital86, Did you install windows first then ubuntu?09:16
pocketdrummergretl: oh ok09:16
pocketsnookerhttp://refpaste.notlong.com "Freenode started to ban Hong Kong IP Adresses due to political interferences..." <-- what the hell is this?09:16
ph0rensiccapital86, Ok then you are using grub09:17
capital88okay, that is what i figured09:17
BlueKoalacapital88: It should say either Grub or Microsoft at the top when it asks you which OS you want to load.09:17
capital88I already determined its grub09:17
ltspadminany ltsp experts? im having issues installing it.09:17
gretlpocketdrummer, perhaps you have to reboot your windows after installing ........... you know its windows gigles09:17
capital88b/c I installed ubuntu after xp09:17
aldaekif i was to install 32 bit ubuntu... how would i tell it to upgrade to 64 bit from already installed OS?09:18
pocketdrummergretl: lol, yeah09:18
BlueKoalacapital88: Or, we still need the exact error message though =] It will help us know what the problem is exactly.09:18
ph0rensiccapital86, Now we need the exact error message.. has the windows disk been unplugged or moved or anything09:18
capital88Nope it hasnt been moved or anything09:18
pdbI just got done installing ubuntu to my regular hard drive, but I want to install it to a raid device.09:18
* pocketsnooker http://refpaste.notlong.com "Freenode started to ban Hong Kong IP Adresses due to political interferences..." <-- what the hell is this?09:19
pdbI have the raid device setup, but the installer didn't recognize it.09:19
aldaekpdb, look into LVM09:19
dgjones!ops | pocketsnooker (spamming a game website & trolling earlier)09:19
ubotupocketsnooker (spamming a game website & trolling earlier): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!09:19
pdbaldaek, why would i want to use lvm?  I just want raid09:19
aldaeklvm is how you can use raid on linux from my understanding as raid likes to be the only one partition09:20
capital88the error is urecongnized divice string. It comes up when I try to choose other os in the boot loader menu09:20
BlueKoalaOk thanks09:20
BlueKoalaLet me computer for a few moments :P09:20
BlueKoalaCapital88: Is it error 11?09:21
BlueKoalacapital88: Does it do it just for windows, ubuntu or both?09:22
capital88just windows09:22
capital88ubuntu loads fine09:22
BlueKoalacapital88: Ok, Lemme look into this09:22
capital88Okay, thanks09:23
myrddinwhat is a09:23
BlueKoalacapital88: is it xp64 or just regular xp?09:23
myrddinwhat is a 'short read in buffer_copy'?09:23
reel_Hi, Is there any program in Ubuntu / linux that can monitor a serial port ?09:23
myrddinsymptom of a corrupted .deb?09:23
FlangerHello all, Can anybody tell me how I can remove a Symlink to a directory?09:23
niruI have a nokia mobikle09:24
pocketsnookerwho cares?09:24
niruit is connected to the system using an usb cable but it is not detected09:24
nirupocketsnooker, how can i make it to detetct09:25
reel_Flanger, run  "rm -v path_to_symlink"  in a terminal09:25
capital88any luck?09:26
clocKwizehi, when i'm trying to install it goes to busybox prompt with (initfs), when i look in casper.log, it says it can't find any hard drives, i've got 2 sata drives on a nforce 4 based motherboard and it seems to just not see them, anyone know what i'm doing wrong?09:27
sethok i cant see any of my desktop items09:27
sethnothing in the desktop folder is shown09:27
Flangerreel_: you mean "path to location of symlink" or "path to location symlink is pointing"?09:28
dawnfhi all09:28
FlangerConfusing confusing...09:28
dawnfi automatically updated with a new linuxheaders and now I can't boot into the linux partition anymore with grub09:28
reel_Flanger, if you want to remove the symlink then path to the location of symlink09:28
BlueKoalaKind of09:29
BlueKoalaHol on09:29
capital88BlueKoala: I sent you an IM.09:29
dawnfi noticed following error in dmesg: EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 not in group (block 4290862368)!09:30
dawnfi got following error (using dmesg) EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 not in group (bl09:30
Flangerreel_: thanks, I'll try09:30
reel_Flanger, np09:30
=== max673 is now known as max`
BlueKoalaI didn't receive it09:30
dawnf(trying to mount it using a live cd). Does anyone know how to fix this?09:30
capital88I tried again09:30
x-punkhi. need to put together a single pdf file from multiple pdf files. is there an app for this purpose in ubuntu?09:31
capital88pdf ftl09:31
BlueKoalacapital88:Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )09:32
capital88that makes sense09:32
capital88oh well09:32
capital88so whats it looking like?09:33
BlueKoalacapital88: join #capital8809:33
Flangerreel_: -v isn't the right command :/09:33
mrbuchanani am having a problem with the latest distribution ofthe server iso (7.10) whereby my server is able to access the local network but cannot get to the internet, it just cannot find the network, is this a problem with routing or something more sinister?09:33
reel_Flanger, -v option prints what the command is doing.09:34
reel_Flanger, the command itself is "rm"09:34
Manjyph0rensic: everything works now, thanks, have a nice day, you were a big help09:35
ph0rensicManjy, what no prize??09:35
Manjyph0rensic: you get a mudkip09:35
ph0rensicManjy, hah! JK later09:35
Manjycya :)09:35
ph0rensicManjy, what is that09:35
Manjynothing lol09:35
Flangerrm -v is verbose, the command yields " 'path_to_dir' is a directory"09:36
FlangerAnd cannot remove09:36
myrddinapt-get seems to be corrupted large .deb09:37
myrddinapt-get seems to be corrupted large .deb's that it downloads. has anyone run across this before?09:37
myrddinI can transfer other large files manually without issue.  but apt-get, everytime, is borking these .debs09:38
ph0rensicmyrddin, haven't seen it before09:38
* myrddin has been trying to install vim-runtime .. for hours now09:38
ph0rensicmyrddin, whats that09:39
reel_Flanger, then you are trying to remove a directory not a symlink to a directory09:39
myrddinph0rensic: part of the vim package09:39
ph0rensicmyrddin, hmm vim come with ubuntu?09:39
myrddinit does09:40
Flangerreel_: ? I made it with lndir, that makes a symlink right?09:40
ph0rensicmyrddin, wait im thinking vi09:40
myrddinon this system, vim-tiny was installed.  I use a lot of things that vim-tiny doesn't have.  I need the full blown vim.09:40
myrddinusually, it's not a problem.  but this is just killing me09:40
ph0rensicmyrddin, install from source??????????09:41
reel_Flanger, no idea about lndir... I would create a symlink with "ln -s "09:41
* myrddin checks to see how to do that09:42
AlgorithmicContrI just don't quite understand, how does Compiz-fusion manage to work in Ubuntu under a LiveCD session, and fails to operate when ubuntu is installed in its entirety. Could anyone explain that?09:42
Flangerreel_: do you know  a searchable manual on bash o the net? Google doesn't give me the right answers.09:42
pijuFlanger, linuxcommands.org09:43
reel_Flanger, tried "man bash" ?09:43
EstreyelaAlgorithmicContr: probably incorrectly installed video driver; what's your video card09:44
Flangerreel_: hehe... I just did, but with that info I can't solve my problem. Linuxcommands looks good, thaks piju.09:44
verb3kwhat info should I include if I want to report a bug in screen resolution with the Nvidia driver?09:44
pijuFlanger, no problem09:45
reel_Flanger, okay!09:45
AlgorithmicContrEstreyela: ati radeon x300se/ ati drivers(non-proprietary )09:45
CandyBoyhow can i type Chinese?09:45
msdtuxhello everybody...09:45
reel_Flanger, http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html09:45
g0thI installed mozilla-mplayer, but when I try to view a clip on eg. stage6.divx.com it shows: "Click here to download plugin" instead of the movie. If I click on it I get the plugin finder service which shows mplayer-plugin for mozilla and then an error message telling me that it already is installed. But still I can't view the clip and get this message over and over again. Any ideas?09:46
msdtuxI´d try to connect to windows from my feisty server using nautilus.  But, when I browse network, it didn´t show anything ? how can this be ?09:47
CandyBoyI install Chinese and everything, but how can I find the language the bar?09:47
MikeTHey, is anyone running wow under wine? im having a couple problems...09:48
msdtuxI´ve type smb:// but it says error message ¨not valid location¨.09:48
Aparna_I need help patching my kernel. I tried doing it myself, but my sound and networking died, and the patch didn't work either09:48
ph0rensicg0th is it the main screen where it tells you to download the plugin or after searching other videos?09:48
verb3kmsdtux, try using the address bar in nautilus, use "smb://" replace the zeros with your Windows machine IP09:48
phuzionok, is there a good wysiwyg editor for ubuntu/09:49
msdtuxverb3k, its says error message...09:49
verb3kmsdtux, what error?09:49
g0thph0rensic: after clicking on "play"09:49
sanguisdexI am trying to install qsynaptics but when I install it, ut ininstalls the driver.  also how do I edit the XF86Config?09:50
msdtuxverb3k, ¨smb://¨ is not valid location09:50
ph0rensicg0th, ok lemme see.. i use stage6 alot.. is it a particular file.. send me link please09:50
g0thany file09:50
verb3kmsdtux,  don't use the quotes09:50
g0thit never works09:50
verb3kwithout ""09:50
g0thtake the front movie09:50
verb3kmsdtux, without ""09:50
dannyHey allI have a quick question. I frequent the ABC.go site and watch videos on there, but it gives me an error saying it only supports XP and mac browsers. Is there a workaround? http://gallery.ny-dev.com/data/529/windows-mac-browsers.png09:50
msdtuxverb3k, yes I didn´t use the quote.09:50
g0thph0rensic: http://www.stage6.com/ <- the front movie, I see the image of the movie and play/etc buttons, the message and plugin finder comes when I click on play.09:51
verb3kmsdtux, can you ping your Windows machine?09:51
ph0rensicg0th hmm mine just played...09:51
ph0rensicg0th om me for a sec09:51
msdtuxverb3k, yes I can... from windows, I can access feisty sharing folder.09:52
pocketsnookerhttp://refpaste.notlong.com "Freenode started to ban Hong Kong IP Adresses due to political interferences..." <-- what the hell is this?09:52
msdtuxverb3k, yes I can ping the windows machine...09:53
BlueKoalaph0rensic: Ubuntu restricted extras have anything to do with g0th's problem you think?09:54
verb3kmsdtux, what did you write in the address bar exactly? and did you used feisty to enter windows shares before?09:54
ph0rensicBlueKoala, that is what i was thinking yah09:54
BlueKoalaph0rensic: Remind me to go easy on ctrl-C09:54
ph0rensicBlueKoala, hehe09:55
dannyHey allI have a quick question. I frequent the ABC.go site and watch videos on there, but it gives me an error saying it only supports XP and mac browsers. Is there a workaround? http://gallery.ny-dev.com/data/529/windows-mac-browsers.png09:55
r45c4lhello guys .can any one tell me is python insttalled on ubuntu 7.10??09:55
BlueKoalag0th: Try installing the package "ubuntu restricted extras"09:55
msdtuxverb3k, I write smb:// And I just reinstall my feisty machine.09:55
BlueKoalag0th: It's in synaptic and can be found under all available packages09:55
g0thBlueKoala: already installed09:55
gold44how to tell if my system has sshd running?09:55
ph0rensicBlueKoala, Either that or a plugin from medibuntu??09:55
bodinuxHello, I added a pci wifi card in a 7.10. It is not reckonized. How to have the system reckonize it without having to reinstall it ?09:56
BlueKoalaph0rensic: It works for me and I don't remember installing that plugin....09:56
bullgard4What menus are collected in the direcotry '/usr/share/menu?09:56
verb3kmsdtux, this happens to me sometimes, it is strange, but when I restart it goes normal09:56
r45c4li am trying t run a python script but i am getting this error r45c4l@r45c4l-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./cPanelbrute.py09:57
r45c4lbash: ./cPanelbrute.py: usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory09:57
r45c4lcan any one explain plz09:57
BlueKoalag0th: Try installing Movie player Totem (xine backend)09:57
r45c4li am new to linux09:57
ph0rensicBlueKoala, so you only have the restricted-extras installed09:57
PietroBhi to everybody09:57
g0thI want to play movies in firefox09:57
g0theg from stage609:57
PietroBcan anyone help me with sound?09:57
g0thand I definitely want to use mplayer for this09:57
BlueKoalaph0rensic: Yeah, it solved a problem with my watching .avi's I believe09:57
g0thanyway xine has no nice plugin iirc09:58
BlueKoalaI see09:58
verb3kgold44, "ps -e | grep ssh" without quotes09:58
msdtuxverb3k, hmmm it seems I didn´t restart my system yet... Ok, I´ll try to restart first, and lets see if its work... I´ll be back :D thanks.09:58
g0thI think it is not an mplayer question, but rather some configuration problem09:58
verb3kmsdtux, I will be waiting here, please report back :)09:59
gold44verb3k: thanks. i did pstree instead09:59
PietroBcan anyone help me with sound, everything worked right now, but suddenly it has stopped?09:59
msdtuxverb3k, ok... thanks...09:59
popachubbyyo problème pour installer logiciel wmware09:59
r45c4lplz can some one tell me is python insttalled on ubuntu 7.1009:59
r45c4li am getting an errro while runing an script10:00
dgjones!fr | popachubby10:00
ubotupopachubby: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:00
g0thanyway, it shows the plugin as installed but still later tells me to install it. This shouldn't happen10:00
PietroBis anybody listen to me?10:00
PietroBplz can anyone answer me?10:01
verb3kPietroB, yes I hear you :) but I don't think I can help10:01
dannyHey allI have a quick question. I frequent the ABC.go site and watch videos on there, but it gives me an error saying it only supports XP and mac browsers. Is there a workaround? http://gallery.ny-dev.com/data/529/windows-mac-browsers.png10:01
osfameronPietroB: be specific, say what you've done, then be patient. Someone will answer you if they know how to help.10:01
g0thok now it works10:01
g0thI removed the configuration file10:01
g0thand now it plays10:01
r45c4lr45c4l@r45c4l-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./cPanelbrute.py10:02
r45c4lbash: ./cPanelbrute.py: usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory10:02
r45c4l can any one tell me whats wrong here10:02
ph0rensicdanny, firefox should work thats weird10:02
r45c4li am nt able to run it10:02
PietroBI have Toshiba Satellite, sound card Realtek (ICH6 - 1c97)10:02
ph0rensicg0th odd10:02
osfameronPietroB: for example - did you install any software?  Have you checked sound settings in system-preferences-sound etc. ?10:02
PietroBI followed some toruble solving10:02
PietroBand i managed sound working10:02
PietroBtoday i was listen to music on youtube and reading a ps file10:03
PietroBi installed no software10:03
PietroBand did no update10:03
PietroBsuddenly sound stopped10:03
PietroBI tried to restart laptop10:03
dannyph0rensic: i know. did u see the screenshot?10:03
PietroBbut i didn't get any result10:03
PietroBany idea?10:03
PietroB(I use Ubuntu 7.10)10:03
ph0rensicdanny, haha yah thats so crazy10:04
osfameronPietroB: have you tried to play different music?  e.g. an mp3 file instead of youtube, etc.10:04
dannyph0rensic: do u think there might be a workaround?10:04
PietroByes also skype doesn.t work10:04
PietroBi had this problem and some days ago I solved ricompiling alsa10:05
r45c4lcan any one plz help me with python compilation problem10:05
msdtuxverb3k, Unfortunately. It still not working after I restart my feisty server.10:05
Kalamansihello how to block port 6667 in ubuntu7.10 desktop?10:05
r45c4li am using ubbuntu 7.1010:05
ph0rensicdanny, i do't know...you were running firefox.. i wouldn't there there is a significant difference between the versions of fifrefox that it wouldn't work in ubuntu10:05
verb3kmsdtux, I've run out of ideas :(10:06
zackyramonehey sry. i got a problem because after i installed the nvidia driver my X wont start....10:06
msdtuxverb3k, is there something that I should install ?10:06
ph0rensicdanny, any ways of tricking the website into thinking its on win.. can firefox be installed in wine??10:06
BlueKoalaph0rensic: Yes it can10:06
ph0rensicdanny, that might work10:06
PietroBosfameron: I don't know why it stopped working, no change of network, no new programs...10:06
alexwhey just wondering, should i be worried about secuirty when ubuntu generates the root password?10:06
osfameronPietroB: ah, well if you've already investigated to the point of recompiling ALSA you're way in advance of anything I'd try :-)10:07
dannyI guess, but i didnt think id have to go that far10:07
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:07
BlueKoalaalexw: From what I know, Ubuntu DOESN'T gerenate a root password10:07
TuxCrafterhi all, i am searching for a gtk only calender application10:07
BlueKoalaalexw: I can find you a link to how to setup your own10:07
alexwnah that should be fine10:07
verb3kmsdtux, I hope I can help but....10:07
PietroBosfameron: I think it could be a lib problem, other times it gave me some problem with other lib handling10:08
ph0rensicBlueKoala, since when did it generate its own pw?10:08
alexwi was just thinking in terms of security10:08
BlueKoalaIt doesn't10:08
alexwthen what password does it use?10:08
msdtuxverb3k, well ok then... thanks for your suggest anyway... :)10:08
BlueKoalaYou can generate your own if you want to : http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-change-the-root-password-in-ubuntu10:08
ph0rensicalexw are you talking about the livecd?10:08
idefixdoes an io-slave have anything to do with 'pipe'?10:08
Kalamansihello how to block port 6667?10:08
alexwno i installed from the live cd10:08
BlueKoalaalexw: It uses you user account password with sudo10:08
verb3kmsdtux, keep asking here10:08
zackyramonehey sry. i got a problem because after i installed the nvidia driver my X wont start....10:08
alexwoh so root doesn't have a password?10:09
PietroBubotu: I make my sound working following links you posted, today it stopped suddenly, any idea?10:09
BlueKoalaalexw: No, there is no root account by default I believe10:09
msdtuxverb3k, thanks... I´ll try later...10:09
BlueKoalaalexw: Or it hasn't been setup at all10:09
dgjones!bot | PietroB10:09
ubotuPietroB: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:09
PietroBcan anyone tell me if i can connect to specific IRC channel where i can find support10:10
ph0rensicBlueKoala, there has to be a root account setup doesn't there, otherwise how do you run files as a root user?10:10
zackyramonehey sry. i got a problem because after i installed the nvidia driver my X wont start....10:10
alexwhow would i setup ssh210:10
ph0rensicPietroB, What channel?10:10
BlueKoalaph0rensic: With sudo10:10
alexwnvm ill google it lol10:10
PietroBan IRC channel with specific multimedia support10:10
BlueKoalaph0rensic: From my understanding sudo gives you root power without using the root account10:11
PietroB<ph0rensic> or have you any idea about my problem?10:11
ph0rensicBlueKoala, so do you mean if I set up a user beyond the first one I made, all they have to do is type sudo <command> and their own password and they have root access to my system?10:11
PietroB<BlueKoala> you can use sudo but you can't use su?10:11
prince_jammysph0rensic: only if you make them admins10:11
zackyramonehey sry. i got a problem because after i installed the nvidia driver my X wont start....and i have a project for next week which i cant do without the computer10:12
BlueKoalaph0rensic: I don't think user accounts have sudo rights by default, it would probably be worth experimenting with though10:12
prince_jammysph0rensic: only admin accounts can sudo10:12
BlueKoalaPietroB: That's right, unless you setup a password fo su10:12
ph0rensicBlueKoala, prince_jammys Oh I see, but by default the first account IS admin and others are not10:12
PietroBso you wanna know how to setup su password?10:12
=== twocarlo__ is now known as twocarlo
prince_jammysph0rensic: yes10:12
BlueKoalaph0rensic: I think you're on the right track10:12
ph0rensicprince_jammys, so root account is set up by default but w/o pw?10:13
BlueKoalaPietroB: http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-change-the-root-password-in-ubuntu10:13
PietroBno no10:13
prince_jammysph0rensic: to use su i thought all you did was :: sudo su10:13
PietroBi got this10:13
gold44does ubuntu desktop iso has everything in the ubuntu server iso?10:13
prince_jammysph0rensic: correct10:13
Kalamansihello how to block port 6667 in ubuntu desktop 7.10 using a gui?10:13
prince_jammys!noroot | ph0rensic10:13
ubotuph0rensic: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)10:13
prince_jammys!root | ph0rensic10:13
ubotuph0rensic: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:13
ph0rensicprince_jammys, What is sudo -i then .. just timed usage of su?10:13
no0ticdoes e2fsck work on partitions mounted in read-only?10:14
gold44i am setting up a server, wonder should i install server or the desktop version.  and i need gnome anyway10:14
prince_jammysph0rensic: sudo -i is the preferred way, but i dont remember why10:14
prince_jammysph0rensic: i believe the above link answers your question10:14
alexwsudo would be more secure10:16
alexwbecause then u have to also guess the username10:16
alexwif you are from a remote box10:17
PietroBhey can anyone tell me how can I connect to #ubuntu-desktop?10:17
jpatrickPietroB: /join #ubuntu-desktop10:17
prince_jammysgold44: you can do either one ... if you want to keep it minimal install the server and install the desktop on top.  if you don't care about having everything else installed (music players, openoffice, etc) or need it, then install desktop and install a server on that.10:18
ph0rensicprince_jammys, thanks an interesting read10:18
prince_jammysph0rensic: no prob10:18
ph0rensicPietroB, type /join #ubuntu-desktop10:18
ph0rensicjpatrick, oops didn't see yours10:18
gold44prince_jammys: i have 160gig, space does not matter to me. how to install server after i installed desktop?10:19
jpatrickph0rensic: that happens on this channel10:19
prince_jammys!LAMP | gold4410:19
ubotugold44: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:19
gold44prince_jammys: i want boat loads of crap and software on it =)10:19
prince_jammysgold44: then you're doing it right :)10:20
gold44prince_jammys: yeah!!! my server willkick some asses =)10:20
prince_jammysgold44: best to follow the howto10:20
PietroBhi again10:20
gold44prince_jammys: ok10:21
PietroBcan anyone tell me if there is another channel where i can look for help about sound?10:21
jeeaarquick question...10:22
ph0rensicprince_jammys, You know off-hand if tasksel is still used?10:22
jeeaarwill anybody here be willing to support a noobie vnc question?10:22
jpatrick!vnc | jeeaar10:23
ubotujeeaar: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:23
migrr sound in ubuntu and gigabyte p-35 dq-610:23
prince_jammysph0rensic: tasksel still exists,  but i know nothing about it ... be careful because i have seen it give problems to people here10:23
gold44if i place two boxes behind router. and both run sshd. i will need to set ports on both system. other than that, how to config router to forward ports?10:23
jeeaarjpatrick, it was moreso to do with a practical application of vnc.10:23
prince_jammysph0rensic: is it used to install software?10:24
ph0rensicprince_jammys, I was just curious.. I use the apt installers for it10:24
faileasgold44: you'd need different outward facing ports for each10:24
ph0rensicprince_jammys, tasksel is used for server installs, or atleast was maybe that was only feisty10:24
faileasjeeaar: well, ask ;p10:24
prince_jammysph0rensic: ah10:24
* faileas has some VNC experience, but in windows10:24
prince_jammys!info tasksel10:25
ubotutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is important. Version 2.67ubuntu10 (gutsy), package size 58 kB, installed size 880 kB10:25
MrMistHow do I get nice antialiased fonts in emacs... I'm using gibbon10:25
jeeaarive got a laptop and a desktop. the desktop is set up in such a way that i can watch movies on it in bed. Im looking to have a movie running on my big screen, but still be able to quietly operate on the desktop, without the movie being intterupted on the screen.10:25
gold44faileas: the correct setup is. box1 setup port 122 instead of 22. and box2 set port 222 instead of 22. then on router set one port to forward to 211. and another to 222?10:26
rinaldi_~/ join10:26
ph0rensicprince_jammys, I used it for a server install once, and it was very similar to the install of a server edition, except with more options of packages10:26
prince_jammysph0rensic: i see10:26
jeeaari essentially just want to use my laptop as a keyboard/mouse/second monitor. can vnc do that?10:26
ph0rensicim out for the night ttyat10:26
gold44faileas: will this work?10:26
faileasgold44: you can leave box 1 at 22. just make sure outward facing ports are different10:27
faileasgold44: it should other than what i pointed out above ^^10:27
zackyramonecan anyone help me, X wont start10:27
gold44faileas: ok thx10:27
iceswordzackyramone, wht error10:27
faileasjeeaar: hmm, have the video player always on top ;p10:28
Kalamansiis there any way to block 6667 ports in ubuntu desktop 7.10?10:28
jeeaarfaileas, but id likke to be actively say.. web browsing, through my desktop... getting downloads and stuff started.10:28
zackyramoneicesword, after i installed the nvidia driver the log in screen wont show up10:28
EstreyelaKalamansi: iptables; you can do it manually, or use one of the many automated configuration utilities for it10:28
faileasjeeaar: didn't do it with VNC but i watch movies and IRC that way ;p10:29
iceswordzackyramone, then you may need to uninstall the driver10:29
ikoniaKalamansi: sure, iptables as a firewall, just use that to block the ports10:29
faileasjeeaar: only real issue would be screen real estate. i doubt either of them can be transpareant10:30
msdtuxI cannot access windows share from nautilus, it says not valid location when I typed smb:// in address bar. But, I can access feisty share from windows. Is there someone can help me on this ? Please :(10:30
zackyramoneicesword, how can i do that?10:30
jeeaardoes vnc support multiple monitors>?10:30
iceswordzackyramone, then how did u install that,does it have a uninstall program or something10:31
ikoniamsdtux: ubuntu --> Microsoft = One setup/think mircrosoft --> ubuntu = totally different thing10:31
faileasi kinda think so10:31
jeeaarill just set up a shitty old crt and leave it turned off.. have my vnc running on screen two and my move on one ;)10:31
faileasmsdtux: i think there's a seperate app for it10:32
zackyramonei installed it from the restricted drivers window10:32
ikoniajeeaar: please don't use that sort of lnaguage10:32
ikoniazackyramone: what card to you have ?10:32
msdtuxfaileas, what is it ?10:32
faileasjeeaar: wait. is the PC a linux one?10:32
* syc_ off10:32
faileasmsdtux: sadly i can't remember10:32
jeeaarikonia, sorry mate. old habits...10:32
msdtuxikonia, I don´t understand :(10:32
ikoniajeeaar: no problem10:32
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb10:32
* faileas just got a linux install back after ages10:32
faileasmsdtux: raid the repos!10:32
ikoniasyc_: please stop10:32
msdtuxfaileas, :(10:32
jeeaarfaileas, no. the laptop is, though.10:33
syc_ups, sorry10:33
djokomenhello room..10:33
zackyramoneikonia, nvidia geforce410:33
faileasjeeaar: gah, a pity10:33
ikoniamsdtux: can you explain your problem, are you trying to get windows to connect to an ubuntu server, or ubuntu to connect to a window server10:33
msdtuxfaileas, what do you mean ?10:33
ikoniazackyramone: you need to install the package "nvidia-glx-legacy" to work with a card that old10:33
ikonia!info nvidia-glx-legacy >ikonia10:33
jeeaarfaileas, indeed. im working on the switch slowly.. been getting used to linux with the laptop.. not quite ready to make the leap on my desktop, though.10:33
faileasmsdtux: pfft.. one moment, i go check10:34
msdtuxikonia, I´m trying to connect to windows client from ubuntu.10:34
faileasjeeaar: sad thing is there's a GREAT terminal services package for linux that can work headless10:34
ikoniamsdtux: where is the share you want to connect to, is the share on the windows machine, or the ubuntu machine10:34
ikoniazackyramone: yes, the package is nvidia-glx-legacy10:34
msdtuxfaileas, let me know if you have checked.10:34
zackyramoneikonia, but how should i install it since theres no GUi?10:34
E-TurkUser65654o ne Lea cennetmi burasý10:35
E-TurkUser65654: ))10:35
msdtuxikonia, the share is on windows machine.10:35
ikoniazackyramone: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy10:35
ikoniamsdtux: ok - so how are you trying to connect10:35
E-TurkUser65654Ne deiisiz La :D10:35
E-TurkUser65654Koptum :D10:35
faileasmsdtux: smbclient might be what you want smbclient - a LanManager-like simple client for Unix - but i'm not sure10:35
zackyramoneikonia, then X will show up?10:36
prince_jammysikonia: through nautilus, with smb://ip address10:36
E-TurkUser65654Hastir La :D10:36
ikoniaprince_jammys: I was talking to msdtux10:36
dgjones!english | E-TurkUser6565410:36
ubotuE-TurkUser65654: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:36
prince_jammysikonia: right10:36
msdtuxikonia, I´m typing smb:// in the location bar of nautilus. is my windows machine.10:36
prince_jammysikonia: that's what he posted10:36
faileasjeeaar: also, VNC is probably the worst way to remote access a system ;p10:36
ikoniazackyramone: you need to then do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select "nvidia" then answer questions about your monitor10:36
E-TurkUser65654Not EngLish ý am Turkish10:36
ikoniaprince_jammys: ahh, I missed that10:36
ikoniamsdtux: and do you have "smbclient" installed ?10:36
prince_jammys!tr | E-TurkUser6565410:37
ubotuE-TurkUser65654: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:37
ikoniamsdtux: and "smbfs"10:37
zenotrying to boot off the live CD; after i hit check CD integrity or install os it says "monitor connection lost" or something and then black screens.  help?  (im connecting my monitor via video card, displays right on bios)10:37
E-TurkUser65654ubotu Orda da kimse yok :S10:37
jeeaarfaileas, yes yes... security blah blah blah. its only inside a local network. my router has a moderate level of external security10:37
msdtuxikonia, smbfs and smbclient is already the newest version.10:37
ikoniamsdtux and it was installed from the ubuntu repo10:38
jpatrick!tr > E-TurkUser6565410:38
jpatrick!en > E-TurkUser6565410:38
ikoniamsdtux: does your "linux" username match the windows username on the windows share ?10:38
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:38
zackyramoneikonia, thanks very much10:38
msdtuxfaileas, smbclient is already the newest version10:38
jeeaarfaileas, though.. what would you suggest in its place?10:38
ikoniamsdtux: do you have basic connection to the windows machine (can you ping it etc)10:38
msdtuxikonia, yes... both using the same username and password...10:39
Viktorioushi whats exile10:39
=== hendriksj is now known as KnightWse
KnightWsehey everyone10:39
prince_jammysViktorious: exaile?10:39
msdtuxikonia, I can ping from ubuntu to windows machine, and I can connect from windows machine to ubuntu share...10:39
ikoniamsdtux have you tried mounting it from the command line or from teh "connect to" gui10:39
Mushroomssorry guys, a very quick question, what package should i download if i want to be able to extract .rar files?10:40
ikoniaMushrooms: rar-nonfree10:40
faileasjeeaar: on windows, RDP is best, but i never worked out how to set it up on XP (it SHOULD be doable), on linux freenx whips everything else10:40
prince_jammysMushrooms: you can do it with file-roller ---10:40
hasse_hello, running version 7.10, and have installed sshfs, if i try to mount a server via sshfs, i get a fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted, i can do a normally ssh t the server10:40
Mushroomsikonia, prince_jammys : great thanks heaps!10:40
hasse_and the directory i will put it in, is chmod 77710:40
prince_jammysMushrooms: you have file-roller already, i think10:41
jeeaarfaileas, cool. well.. im off to play. thanks for the advice.. Planning a trip to defcon this year.. i figure ive got a few tricks to learn.10:41
msdtuxikonia, I haven´t try to mount it using command line...10:41
Mushroomsprince_jammys: apparently i already have that package installed from synaptics, yeah, but i am not able to extract it... perhaps i'm not doing something right10:41
u007-1hi, i've just removed network manager from the package manager, but now i need to set the wifi setting which was preconfigured previously... where do i look for the configuration file?10:41
ikoniamsdtux: try the "connect to " gui in "places"10:41
pdbis there an ubuntu method for installing the nvidia drivers?10:41
Mushroomsprince_jammys: i double clikc on the file and it says archive type not supported10:41
prince_jammysMushrooms: try what ikonia said === there's also the package "unrar"10:41
Mushroomsprince_jammys: ok great thanks i'll give it a shot10:42
msdtuxikonia, what do you mean by ¨connect to ¨ gui....10:42
glickhey is there a utility that can safely and thoroughly delete things?10:42
msdtuxikonia, do you mean, at places --> connect to server ?10:42
glickhi modoc10:42
Viktoriousyer whats exaile10:43
prince_jammys!info exaile | Viktorious10:43
ubotuviktorious: exaile (source: exaile): flexible audio player, similar to Amarok, but written in GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.10+debian-1.1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 437 kB, installed size 2012 kB10:43
prince_jammysglick: i don't know a utility.. there is a command "shred" -- do10:43
prince_jammysglick: "man shred" to check it out10:44
Mushroomsprince_jammys, ikonia: great! this was exactly what i was looking for, it works like a charm now! hehe (Now i'm back to work) thanks again!10:44
* msdtux going to bathroom10:44
glickthanks prince_jammys10:44
prince_jammysMushrooms: ok , but what did you do?10:45
Mushroomsprince_jammys: just went to the repositories, downloaded the package unrar(nonfree), and now file roller can open .rar files10:46
prince_jammysMushrooms: ok good10:47
pdbhow do i install nvidia drivers?10:47
=== cpk1_ is now known as cpk1
Mushroomsprince_jammys: yup ^-^ thanks!10:47
prince_jammys!nvidia | pdb10:47
ubotupdb: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
Kalamans1 Estreyela like what kind of automated configuration utilities?10:47
jpatrickicesword: hiç10:51
msdtuxikonia, its not working (places --> connect to server...)10:51
iceswordjpatrick, i cannot see what u said,hi followed what,and u understand chinese?10:52
jpatrick!ch | icesword10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:52
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:53
u007-1anyone know how to reset  network manager10:54
jpatrick!en | jatnet10:55
ubotujatnet: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:55
LumioHi! I got a problem. When I use maildrop, I don't get any mails.10:56
LumioThe last lines of my mail.log10:56
zenotrying to boot off the live CD; after i hit check CD integrity or install os it says "monitor connection lost" or something and then black screens.  help?  (im connecting my monitor via video card, displays right on bios)10:56
Viktoriousive just used istambul to record my screen and now says saving to disk but is frozen10:56
Viktoriousanyone know where it saves10:56
msdtuxfaileas, smbclient is already installed.10:57
myrddinlol.  'aptitude install gcc-4.2'.  part way into the install, it complains that 'rm' isn't found. install quits.  now, I can't execute hardly anything.  seems like anything that's linked against libc won't execute now.10:58
myrddinif that doesn't completely screw up a system, I don't know what will10:59
terminalk_dudehey need some urgent help please ?10:59
terminalk_dudefor some reason I'm unable to create ntfs partion for my encrypted drive!11:00
terminalk_dudeand how do i enable all filesystem support in gparted ?11:00
sabayonlive-2718hardy channel?11:00
dgjones!hardy | sabayonlive-271811:00
ubotusabayonlive-2718: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:00
* faileas wasn't aware that linux had a NTFS creation tool11:00
AckerMANnhow i can get mac from my ehternet on ubuntu 7.10 server. ?11:01
dgjonesAckerMANn, ifconfig, it'll be listed with the HWaddr line11:01
saedelaerei've a problem enabling 3d desktop effects after installing the nvidia driver with envy.11:02
saedelaerewith the restricted driver that comes with ubuntu 7.10 i can enable 3d under system --> settings --> appearance11:02
saedelaerewith the new driver i can't activate compiz there. he always says that i would have to install the drivers first. but i'am using newer ones. starting compiz with "compiz --replace" works. so why can't i use the normal way? thanks in advance11:02
AckerMANn:) ok man .. i resolved. :) i have another problem., but my english isn`t very good .. :P so i prepare the question :).11:02
terminalk_dudeok this is what Im doing I have external hardrive which i format and ecrypted using cryptsetup, then i can see it unde /dev/mapper/external now when i try to create a filesystem on it such as ntfs using gparted or mkfs.ntfs it just sets back to unformated..p.s my ntfs-confi "Enable ntfs for internal harddrive" is greyd out ..11:03
prince_jammys!envy | saedelaere11:03
Kalamans1hello I have the upgrades and updates of ubuntu 7.10 desktop in usb..how to install them in a newly installed ubuntu?which folder to store?11:03
ubotusaedelaere: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:03
terminalk_dudeany ideas.. anyone please ?11:03
zenotrying to boot off the live CD; after i hit check CD integrity or install os it says "signal lost" and then black screens.  help?  (im connecting my monitor via video card, displays right on bios)11:05
Viktoriousanywhere know when istambul saves video to11:05
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
faileasKalamans1: i think you just need to point your package manager at it. one moment, i'm checking11:06
Gausus_zeno; I had that problem F4 for your resolution set it at like 1024x 768 or lower and then use the install/start using safe graphics. that worked for me11:06
Gausus_but now my keyboard stops working after the splash screen for some reason <(11:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE11:07
Gausus_but I don't think the two are connected11:07
mar77ihi there. I believe I've scraped my ntfs partition. Tried with fsck, doesn't work because there is no fsck for ntfs on my system, tried ntfsfix and testdisk... no success...11:08
Gausus_I think it's probably because I'm using a m*******t wireless comfort set.....11:08
=== cool_man is now known as arfian
saedelaerebut with the restricted manager i get the version 100.14 or something like that. i need to use 169.09 to support my video card properly. i have to do this with envy, or not?11:10
KnightWsehey , i 've go  a collegue who has written a peace of code and wants to publish it as open souce11:11
KnightWsewhere should i point him to do that ?11:11
faileasGausus_: actually MS makes some pretty nice hardware.11:11
Luftzighi there...11:12
faileasKnightWse: sourceforge? its more a matter of the licence than 'where' but they are supposed to have good tools for a small project11:12
Gausus_that's why I got them11:12
zenoGausus_: safe graphics doesnt work either :(11:12
Gausus_did you specify a lower resolution?11:12
KnightWsehey faileas  : But where do i point him for more info what licence to use11:12
glickwow it takes 25 rewrites to delete something off a disk securely11:13
LuftzigI still can't get any internet sharing from my Ubuntu box. I tried firestarter, it worked after I've set it up but not after I rebooted11:13
zenoGausus_: how do you specify that?11:13
Gausus_isn't that what F4 does?11:13
coolbhavi how to configure timeoutd to display warning messages at certain intervals of time?11:13
zenoah ill do that thanks =p11:13
faileasKnightWse: thats a sticky one. the 'one stop' place to look is wikipedia i guess11:13
KnightWsehey faileas  :) Thanx , i'll  point him there11:14
vltHello. Which package does contain the locale de_DE.UTF-8?11:14
Gausus_I'm not 100% sure tbh I just set that one low and ran with "safe graphics" and it said in line 1024x768 so I assumed it was because of that11:14
BlueKoalaAnyone here using a Phenom processor?11:14
Tamasomeone wanna help me repair a corrupt partition that was part of a software raid11:15
Kalamansi faileas : yup I have the package in the usb. how to put the package (updates) in ubuntu 7.10 desktop?11:15
faileasKalamansi: checking ;p11:15
Kalamansi faileas oh okay :)11:15
* faileas knows there's a way to do a 'local' repo in apt11:15
TamaDisk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table11:15
faileasTama: testdisk might help fix that11:16
Tamafaileas: what do i apt-get to get that11:16
pawanhow to install google earth11:16
vltpawan: There's a package available (in repo multiverse, I think)11:18
kcynicemy totem can't play dvd,but mplayer can. And I have w32codecs installed.11:19
kcynicehow to fix that problem?11:19
vltpawan: Which Ubuntu version are you using?11:19
vltpawan: There's a package available (in repo multiverse, I think)11:19
MoolaBezkcynice: I'm not sure totem will play dvd, just use mplayer or xine11:20
faileasTama: testdisk i think ;p11:20
pawanany command11:20
prince_jammys!googleearth | pawan11:20
ubotupawan: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository11:20
vltkcynice: You don't need w32 to play DVDs11:20
Tamafaileas: didnt work:(11:21
AckerMANnhow i can set IP manually for eth0, and when I reboot the server that keeps it. ?11:21
faileaswierd. testdisk is supposed to be on the livecd11:21
pawanits in bin format11:21
vltAckerMANn: /etc/network/interfaces11:21
kcynicevlt: but how to play dvd using totem?11:21
pawani want deb11:21
dgjones!medibuntu | pawan, add the medibuntu repo's then you can install via synaptic11:21
ubotupawan, add the medibuntu repo's then you can install via synaptic: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:21
AckerMANnvlt after that ?11:21
faileasKalamans1:  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-basico.en.html 2.2 is what you need. i am SURE there's an easier way tho11:22
vltkcynice: Sorry, don't know. I use mplayer or xine.11:22
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
Luftzigis there some graphical / menu driven configuration to for networks to be used for internet sharing?11:22
vltWhich package does contain the locale de_DE.UTF-8?11:22
Gausus_faieas: would you know where I would look to find drivers for ms keyboard and mouse combo?11:23
Tamawhat command to i run to install fdisk.mdraid?11:23
kcynicelol. I am afraid I have to using mplayer although totem is the default player11:23
faileasGausus_: no idea, sorry11:23
antipopDoes anyone know, how to install printer drivers canon i250?11:23
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Gausus_faileas: ok thanks :)11:23
* faileas notes he's only been on ubuntu for ~3 days ;p11:24
faileasand 17 1/2 hours of it was a bad luck plaugued install where EVERYTHING went wrong11:24
Gausus_hasn't been able to log in yet11:24
AckerMANnwhat needs to write on /etc/network/interfaces to set IP manually and that keeps it after reboot. ? can you help me ?11:24
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
prince_jammysvlt :  language-pack-de ?? maybe11:25
kcyniceNow,i have a nother problem.The starting of my ubuntu would pause at fsck until i press Ctrl+Alt+Del11:25
prince_jammys!info language-pack-de | vlt11:25
ubotuvlt: language-pack-de (source: language-pack-de): translation updates for language German. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.10+20071120 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 52 kB11:25
Viktorioushow do i check what processes are runnin and pick to end one11:29
loaHello... Is there someone who use Skype 2.0 beta11:30
KnightWsehey everyone , does somebody have some experience with Joomla on a Ubuntu server ? I would like to know how to use the sendmail feature to send out emails11:31
pawangoogle earth11:33
singlesun best first person shooter that you guys have played on ubuntu is? (pure linux based ... not using wine or something else)11:34
vltAckerMANn: You could set it from "dhcp" to "static" and add an "address", a "netmask", a "gateway" and what else you need ...11:34
KnightWsesendmail ? anyone ?11:34
zaivaldisinglesun, enemy territory?11:34
singlesunzaivaldi, downloading that one now... gonna try it out ;)11:34
zaivaldibest fps :)11:35
tehWinhas anyone got alsa to work with an optical/toslink connection?11:35
loaHelp please, i use v4l and have this problem http://wwwv.ru/skype.jpg11:35
loawhat is it11:35
singlesunzaivaldi, nice... ive played alot of windows games... but was looking for something purely *nix based... so this one looks the best so far11:35
loahow i can fix this?11:35
KnightWseOh my ! You are an oompa loompa !11:35
KnightWsequick .. get over to the chocolate factory11:36
zaivaldisinglesun, ET run in windows too11:36
singlesunloa, i would pay to have my shit show up like that11:36
loa<singlesun> =/ i can fix this?11:37
singlesunzaivaldi, yeah i know... ;) but i would like some pure *nix games that i can play.. so i dont have to boot into my win partition.. lol11:37
KnightWseloa have you tried some moist daycream ?11:37
zaivaldisinglesun,  or you can try openarena, quake311:37
pawangoogle earth11:37
singlesunloa, no clue really... looks like a photoshop special... with a little negative on it.. lol11:37
dgjones!medibuntu | pawan, add the medibuntu repo's then you can install googleearth via synaptic11:38
ubotupawan, add the medibuntu repo's then you can install googleearth via synaptic: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:38
loa<KnightWse> hehe, all colors are different11:38
loa<singlesun> =(11:38
vlttehWin: Yes, no problem here on a Terratec ESW88-MT.11:38
KnightWseloa : Damn , thats wierd have you tried the latest NON beta of skype ?11:38
KevinMaihow to install firewall apt in ubuntu as IP COPS ?11:38
singlesunzaivaldi, used to play q q2 q3 a good bit... so dont really wanna go that route11:38
geirhaloa: and is it skype specific, i.e. does the webcam work fine in other apps?11:39
tehWinvlt, any custom changes you had to make? I'm running a denon and I can only get sound when outputting directly to my sound card11:39
loa<KnightWse> this promblem with all application, wich works with v4l11:39
singlesunKevinMai, why not just stay with iptables that ubuntu already has?11:39
KnightWseloa : is it your webcam thats freaky11:39
loa<geirha> i think it is v4l11:39
KevinMaiiptables ?, oh I'll search it11:39
vlttehWin: No, ran out of the box11:39
loa<KnightWse> under kopete i can fix it11:39
KnightWsethen its skype related11:40
david2Hi all...11:40
singlesunKevinMai, ubuntu already uses IP tables.... if you would like a gui so you can see what its doing a little better... goto terminal "sudo apt-get install firestarter" you then will have a gui that you can use11:40
KevinMaithanks! singlesun11:40
david2I'm trying to minimize Evolution to a System Tray but I can't.. Can anybody help me?11:40
vltprince_jammys: language-pack-de tries to install >35MB of all kinds of data: firefox-language.packs, openoffice ... I just need to set set my shell environment to UTF-8. Any idea?11:41
tehWinvlt: AC'97?11:41
singlesunKevinMai, should install as default to your "Applications -> Internet" tab11:41
Fbernsometimes i hit space and it moves the whole sentence if i hit in blank spot. othertimes typing or spacing sort of writes over (erases) other things. how do i stop it from erasing!11:41
ZirodayFbern: is this in openoffice11:41
ZirodayFbern: when that happens try pressing the "Insert" key11:42
Fbernwow thanks ziro!11:42
ZirodayFbern: no problem11:43
Fbernthats been driving me crazy11:43
* singlesun would hate to see you use Vi text editor.. 11:43
Gausus_does anyone know where I can get drivers for a MS Wireless Comfort keyboard and mouse combo?11:43
prince_jammysvlt: you mean the environment variable?11:44
singlesunGausus_, is your USB being recognized at all to begin with?11:44
singlesunim assuming its usb11:44
KnightWseFBern : your comment made my day !11:44
Fbernwhat comment?11:45
KnightWseabout the insert key :)11:45
* singlesun is assuming the "comment on openoffice"11:45
Gausus_singlesun: it is recognized until after the splash screen11:45
Fberni never knew that11:45
KnightWseyou learn something new everyday (and so do i)11:45
tarelerulzI have a Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) and I am trying ot use ekiga and headset and I don't hear any sound from my mic11:46
singlesunGausus_, maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-263277.html11:47
Davidaltoquelcun conait backtrack?11:47
Gausus_singlesun: thanks I'll check that out now :)11:48
IdleOne!fr | Davidalto11:48
ubotuDavidalto: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:48
singlesunDavidalto, backtrack?11:48
Gausus_wow my exact hardware11:48
Davidaltodo you know?11:48
singlesunDavidalto, join channel #remote-exploit11:49
Gausus_oops I'm sorry I forgot to add singlesun:11:49
singlesunDavidalto, this is ubuntu not backtrack11:49
Davidaltook thanks11:50
singlesunGausus_, maybe you can give that a shot and that will work for you... i have to skip out for a bit... but these guys know their way around and can most likely get your keyboard/mouse working.. best of luck to ya11:50
Gausus_singlesun: thanks for the help11:51
singlesunno problem.. anytime11:51
earthianHello, I have problems fixing my wireless adhoc network: one laptop does not react to iwconfig channel 3 command... iwevent shows that it was changed but if i try to type iwconfig wlan0 again it shows that nothing was changed... any idea where to look for a problem?11:52
faileasis there any way to permanantly change the hostname of a system?11:55
KevhandHave no idea11:55
dgjones!hostname | faileas11:55
ubotufaileas: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab11:55
faileascool ^^11:56
* faileas did wubi install which was migrated so it used my windows hostname11:56
vltprince_jammys: Yes, I found `locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8` which generated it now.12:00
pawanhi to automatically login in ubuntu12:01
bahrhi is there an easy-to-use LaTeX environment for Ubuntu, similar to TexnicCenter for Windows?12:01
pawanin installed kubuntu-desktop now every time i login asks username and password12:01
dgjones!latex | bahr12:02
ubotubahr: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX12:02
pppZerois there a window manager that takes vim commands? ie where <esc>:q quits an application?12:02
vltpawan: look for system settings->session management or similar. There's an auto login tab12:02
bahrdgjones: thank you.12:03
earthianI have the same information of ad-hoc network on both laptops: http://www.hashphp.com/83 laptop1 with ifup ath0 works ok while laptop 2 with ifup wlan0 does not change a thing. why?12:05
jan_Is there a specific channel for ubuntu development version (hardy) support/discussion?12:06
pawanin ubuntu12:07
Zirodayjan_: #ubuntu+112:07
pawanautomatic login12:08
seb2is flash install fixed now ?12:12
KnightWseHey guyz12:12
pawanhow to automatically login in ubuntu12:12
KnightWsehas anybode used joomla (hosting it themselves ?)12:12
seb2pawan, system>administration>login window12:13
earthianseb2, yes.12:13
prince_jammyspawan are you kde or gnome?12:13
=== Tyroazard is now known as IsASpy
seb2earthian: tnx m812:13
seb2sry pawan12:14
prince_jammyspawan then do what they just said in  #kubuntu12:14
pawanin gnome12:14
pawanbut not seeing that option in system12:15
seb2pawan, system>administration>login window12:15
prince_jammyspawan: system-settings   (in the K menu(12:15
pawanno its not there12:15
LeechzillaI'm trying to compile an app from source, but I says the following are not found: FUSE_INCLUDE_DIR, FUSE_LIBRARY, OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR, OPENSSL_LIBRARY_CRYPTO, OPENSSL_LIBRARY_SSL. What do I need to download exactly from apt-get for these?12:15
pawani installed kubuntu-desktop12:15
seb2cant help , sry12:16
prince_jammyspawan try alt F2 and type --> system-settings ---- or look for "settings" at the bottom of the K menu12:16
pawanthe application could not be found12:17
prince_jammyspawan ah12:17
pawani am using gnome12:17
prince_jammyspawan oh boy12:17
Picipawan: Are you in KDE or gnome, you've been giving conflicting answers.12:18
fromvegaHello! I'm using ubuntu 7.10 and it advised me to update some packages. I think one of them was CUPS. Now after the updates I can't add, delete nor edit printer settings. Gnome ask for a password and doesn't accept it. Could you help-me solving this?12:18
pawanin gnome12:18
pawanbut when my system starts it asks for usename and password everytime with kubuntu symbol12:19
ganuis it possible to install oracle in ubuntu 7.10?12:19
prince_jammyspawan that's a different story12:19
prince_jammyspawan if you have both kubuntu and ubuntu, sometimes the splash screen changes12:20
pawanok but what about login12:20
prince_jammyspawan like if you started with ubuntu and then installed kubuntu on top, the splash will change to kubuntu12:20
prince_jammys!usplash | pawan12:21
ubotupawan: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:21
andymanhi all12:21
prince_jammyspawan as far as the login,  somehere here will know .. i dont12:21
Zirodayfromvega: yes?12:21
=== SmSpillaz is now known as SmSpillaz--
Picipawan: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and make sure that gdm is the selected option.12:21
andymani was wondering if someone could possibly help me please?12:21
fromvegaZiroday, like I said before, I'm using ubuntu 7.10 and it advised me to update some packages. I think one of them was CUPS. Now after the updates I can't add, delete nor edit printer settings. Gnome ask for a password and doesn't accept it. Could you help-me solving this?12:21
ganuhow can i install oracle on ubuntu?12:22
pawandone now12:22
pppZeroganu, first google result for ubuntu + "install oracle"12:22
Zirodayfromvega: can you access http://localhost:631 ?12:22
andymanmy ubuntu installation has gone hay-wire and it no longer boots12:22
andymanso im trying to recover the data using another linux box and a usb cable which connects to the hard drive12:23
fromvegaZiroday, yes12:23
pawanwhat to do12:23
andymanthe volumes are mounted, but when I try to read it, it says input/output error in the terminal12:23
Zirodaywell then you can try configure the printer through the cups web interface12:23
rhineheart_mIs ebox really supported by Ubuntu Gutsy server ed?12:23
Xbehave(k)guidance-power-manager isnt listing conservative as cpu policy options12:23
fromvegaZiroday, I tried changing settings there and I needed to use "root" as the username... but I'm wondering why my admin user is not working anymore12:24
andymandoes ubuntu apply somesort of permissions to the partition so I cant read it, or is my drive jiggered ?12:24
Picipawan: Then log into gnome, and go to System>Administration>Login Window12:24
rhineheart_mhas anyone here have tried ebox in ubuntu?12:24
pawanok i try12:24
=== johnp^ is now known as johnp
Pici!ebox | rhineheart_m its the 'official' suggested replacement for webmin12:25
Zirodayfromvega: the admin user is your user password, it will not have changed unless you changed your current password12:25
pppZeroandyman, sound like your drive might be jiggered, if its just a permissions thing you'd be able to su to root to access it12:25
rhineheart_mPici: have you tried using it?12:25
uboturhineheart_m its the 'official' suggested replacement for webmin: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec12:25
Picirhineheart_m: I havent.12:25
andymanfeck, ive tried in root and says the same thing12:25
fromvegaZiroday, I didn't change de password but the CUPS interface isn't accepting it anymore...12:25
andymanim trying to recover in fedora12:26
rhineheart_mPici: I've tried configuring it but it ruins by server.. Can't even access it by putty12:26
pppZeroandyman, does it spin up, get detected properly in dmesg, etc?12:27
Picirhineheart_m: Er, thats not good.12:27
rhineheart_myeah... I was able to run webmin without any problem so far.. But when I tried using ebox...it sucks!12:28
andymanit spins up and it appears in'computer' as a 55gb volume12:28
andymanive just check dmesg and is says rejecting I/O o dead device12:28
pajamianandyman: you may want to try to use dd to image the bad partitions to a file then loop-mount the file.  if you use the conv=noerror option then it will get as much good data as possible off of it.12:28
pajamianandyman: ...that is if it will read from it at all.12:29
dexemrhineheart_m: ebox in gutsy had some lacks about configuration that hardy will have. You can test the new packages, or go to #ebox to find a solution for your actual problem12:29
andymanyeah it wont find anything12:29
andymanwhen I try t browse it12:29
andymanit doesnt even sound like the head is moving12:29
pajamianandyman: can you hear it spinning?12:29
andymanyeah its spinning12:30
andymanjust no head movement12:30
pajamianandyman: have you tried fsck?12:30
andymanno, sorry im a bit of a noob at linux :(12:30
pajamianandyman: also, does it read the partition table?12:31
rhineheart_mdexem: which is best for ubuntu gutsy? Ipconfig, webmin or ebox?12:31
pajamianandyman: try fdisk -l on the drive12:31
pajamianandyman: so if the drive is /dev/hda then try: fdisk -l /dev/hda12:32
dexemI can't have a good answer since I worked for ebox some time ago ;)12:32
andymanfdisk command not found hmmm12:32
pajamianandyman: any good recovery disk will have fdisk on it.12:32
andymanim just running a standard installation of fedora12:32
pajamianandyman is it a live CD or installed?12:33
andymanits installed12:33
pawannot getting splash screen when loading12:33
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pajamianandyman: are you root?12:34
pajamianandyman: do: yum provides fdisk12:34
pawanhow to get ubuntu splash sceen12:34
andymanive just done locate fdisk it says its in/sbin12:34
prince_jammys!usplash | pawan12:35
ubotupawan: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:35
pajamianandyman: ok, root should have sbin in it's path, maybe you didn't get a login shell, though.12:35
=== cafka is now known as teo-
capricorn^80hi ! i am having little problem while creating apparmor profiles.. I created my first profile fine. but when i try to create a profile like genprof /usr/sbin/firefox it works fine till the end when it asks me for username , password and email . n i give NO No No selection but it didnt work and then break the connection but when i check the profile is created in /etc/apparmor.d/ .. any idea about that12:35
teo-why when i try to turn off my computer or restart the restart and shutdown buttons are not displayed ??12:35
pajamianandyman: what drive is the bad one?  primary-slave?12:35
rhineheart_mdexem: which is best for ubuntu gutsy? Ipconfig, webmin or ebox?12:35
andymanwell its running on a USB cable at the moment SATA drive12:36
ObstHi guys12:36
maltron Hi all.  Can anyone tell me how to suppress kernel modules from being loaded?12:36
Piciandyman, pajamian: do you mind moving this to #fedora since we're in #ubuntu right now?12:36
blink_im using ubuntu 7.10..upgraded latest..why my wine not correctly work...when i launch the program, its show the wine window only...anyone..help12:36
pajamianandyman: ahhh, ok it will probably show as a scsi drive then, probably sda12:37
Obstanybody knows who is the firmware folder in ubuntu? im about to install the ueagle firmware for my usb-dsl12:37
pajamianandyman: we can take it to PM if you want, but you need to be registered with nickserv.12:37
andymanif you dont mind?12:37
andymanhow do I register12:37
prince_jammys!register | andyman12:37
ubotuandyman: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.12:37
pajamianandyman: it appears that you are registered.12:38
andyman!register | andyman12:38
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:40
andymanno it doesnt work12:40
andymancant reply12:40
pajamianandyman: then you need to register with nickserv, and that will entail finding a nick that isn't taken as well.12:41
prince_jammysandyman: pajamian try just creating your own temp channel:  like click on #fedorubuntu12:41
PiciOr you could just both join #fedora or ##somemadeupchannel12:41
andymanyeah thats probably better12:41
monkeydoodletrying ot mount a nfs file getting a permissioin denied message12:41
monkeydoodlechanged the permissions of tgh efile and dir12:41
prince_jammysPici: requires two #?12:42
pajamianandyman: join that channel that prince_jammys just suggested.12:42
Piciprince_jammys: 'Technically' non-official channels are supposed to get two hashes12:42
prince_jammysPici: ah12:42
monkeydoodlewhat all could cause that message when mounting a nfs file?12:42
monkeydoodlemounting it in fstab and restart9ign networking12:42
nasamoHello there. I'm new on ubuntu and loved it, exept that it keeps freezing..... I'm a complete beginner and do't know what to do....12:44
pppZerois there an opensource equivelant of Ventrilio or Teamspeak?12:44
PicipppZero: mumble12:45
pppZeroty pici :)12:45
prince_jammysnasamo: freezes when?12:45
pawanevery time i run sudo command asks for password any way to get rid12:46
prince_jammyspawan: thats what sudo is supposed to do12:46
rhineheart_mwhat LTS means in ubuntu release?12:46
PicipppZero: Theres not a package in Gutsy, but its in Hardy so it probably compiles without any major problems:  http://mumble.sourceforge.net/12:46
pawanif i dont want to enter password12:46
Picirhineheart_m: Long Term Support12:46
Pici!lts | rhineheart_m12:46
uboturhineheart_m: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:46
prince_jammyspawan: not recommended that you get rid  of that12:46
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d_macwhat's the best thing to use for connecting to wireless?12:47
nasamoPrince_jammis: When I open many windows, specially with firefox12:47
prince_jammyspawan: it will only appear when trying to install software or editing special files --- do not change that12:47
rhineheart_mwhich is stable and  better gutsy or Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?12:47
xukunIs it possible to install ubuntu without starting the grafics mode?12:48
bsdnewb07i use gutsy12:48
prince_jammysnasamo: ok -- i dont know the answer -- but post a complete question again, with details of when this happens --- the more details the better -- and someone might be able to help12:48
=== IsASpy is now known as Tyroazard
Picixukun: You'd need to use the Alternate CD.12:49
keBaekI need a tool to log the urls of the web sites visited by people in my network12:49
keBaekany advise?12:49
zhanxok cant boot in ubuntu gutsy, last reboot was on the day of install, now it goes to a black screen and its been sitting there for 15 minutes blinking a _ at me, ctl+atl+f* does nothing12:49
xukunok thanks12:49
zhanxrunning encrypted so a live cd is not an option12:49
keBaekI need a tool to log the urls of the web sites visited by people in my network12:50
nasamoprince_jammis> ok. the problem is that there is no pattern for it to happen.... I'll try to look for the answer in the forums12:50
rhineheart_mcan anyone here advise me to what version of ubuntu server is better in terms of performance and security?12:50
zhanxno help12:51
nasamoprince_jammis: I'm not sure if my computer supports ubuntu....12:52
prince_jammysnasamo: i doubt that12:52
zhanxanyway to force boot to a console if you encryted the hd's ?12:53
prince_jammysnasamo: how much RAM?12:53
bsdnewb07guys how do i make ubuntu act as a gateway?12:53
nasamoprince_jammis: I mean, if I have the hardware that it requires...12:53
erUSULbsdnewb07: firestarter can configure connection sharing12:53
nasamoprince_jammis: let me see12:53
erUSUL!firestarter | bsdnewb0712:53
ubotubsdnewb07: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:53
bsdnewb07ahh so its build in12:54
bsdnewb07can it be configured as a gateway12:54
bsdnewb07via webmin12:54
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:54
ubotuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec12:55
skyionthats rather...12:55
rhineheart_mI tried using webmin without problem.. I recommend not trying ebox yet. It will just give you a problem.. Wait for the next release of LTS --hardy (hopefully by april) and I guess it will be included in that release12:56
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:56
nasamoprince_jammis: 1G12:56
prince_jammysnasamo: ok, thats definitely not an issue12:56
erUSUL!hi  | widia12:56
ubotuwidia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:56
prince_jammysnasamo: ask again, there's more people around now12:57
nasamoprince_jammis: my nvidia is GeForce FX 520012:58
nasamoprince_jammis: ok thatnks12:58
xsystemxAnyone know how to change the audio bit rate to 128 or 192kbps with Acid Rip?13:00
prince_jammysis it possible to send multiple irc messages in one line (sort of like a semicolon on the command line)?13:01
erUSULbsdnewb07: if you want to do it manually https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing13:02
kharlosshi .  how can i see all my partition ?13:02
prince_jammyskharloss: sudo fdisk -l13:03
zhanxprince_jammys, not that i know of it comes out like this zhanx that13:03
zhanxprince_jammys, not that i know of it comes out like this; zhanx that13:03
prince_jammyskharloss: the command "mount" on it's own will show you  everything that's mounted13:03
PlightI'm having issues connecting to a website, they posted a fix for DNS issues they're having, but there isn't a fix for people running Linux, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure it out13:03
PlightIf you are running windows, there is a easy way to fix it, for now.13:04
Plightgo to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc, there is a file there called hosts, open it in notepad, then add:13:04
Plight85.17.150.3 etceteraforums.com www.etceteraforums.com13:04
FloodBot1Plight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
prince_jammyszhanx: would be handy for responding to two different people at once13:04
Plightsorry about that13:04
keBaekI need a tool to log the urls of the web sites visited by people in my network13:04
zhanxprince_jammys, i know,13:04
xsystemxAnyone here use Acid Rip?13:04
PiciPlight: The hosts file on linux is /etc/hosts  , same syntax as the windows host file13:04
prince_jammysgrammar -- lol13:04
zhanxkeBaek, your firewall should do that13:04
Plightthank you!13:04
rhineheart_mprince_jammys<<< how to uninstall ebox?13:04
PlightPici I love you.13:05
_Oz_Hello, Ubuntu friends!13:05
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: i don't know -- doesn't uninstall the usual way?13:05
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: have never used eboxx13:05
Picirhineheart_m: How did you install it?13:05
zhanxrhineheart_m, use the synaptic manager13:06
keBaekzhanx, the firewall is supossed to lo the urls?13:06
zhanxkeBaek, if you set it up to yes.13:06
bsdnewb07ok ive installed ebox, how do i access it13:06
keBaekzhanx, thanks13:06
zhanxkeBaek, research the option for your firewall and see what it can do13:07
rhineheart_mzhanx: m using shh to access my server.. i'm not into GUI.. I just installed it using apt-get install ebox-all something like that.. I read it in one of the forums I was into13:07
kharlosssomeone can help me to re - configure  my  "My Book™ World Edition™ II"   ?13:07
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: the command to uninstall is then in the form:::    apt-get remove name_of_package13:08
kharlossit has a web interface  for enable raid 113:08
zhanxrhineheart_m, use remove - apt-get remove or type apt-get for the options13:08
kharlossi have a AC failure and  i guess now my  NAS isn`t ok13:08
rhineheart_mzhanx: but the problem is...I can't access the server anymore after I installed ebox.13:09
Picikharloss: If you are having problems with the hardware itself (i.e, not an Ubuntu issue), the proper place to ask would be in #hardware13:09
zhanxok cant boot in ubuntu gutsy, last reboot was on the day of install, now it goes to a black screen and its been sitting there for 15 minutes blinking a _ at me, ctl+atl+f* does nothing13:09
zhanxrhineheart_m, nice.. just a sec13:09
singlesunanyone aware of how to remove a "program name" from the gnome taskbar menu.... is there a .conf file that contains this information like fluxbox uses.. etc?13:09
zhanxrhineheart_m, ebox blocks ssh by default13:10
Picisinglesun: You mean to prevent something from showing up on the taskbar?13:10
Picisinglesun: Look into devilspie13:10
prince_jammyssinglesun: : preferences->menu editor  to edit items from the gnome menus13:10
singlesunprince_jammys, excellent... not used to gnome.. always have used flux... i will give it a shot13:11
zhanxrhineheart_m, try telnet13:11
prince_jammyssinglesun: is it the taskbar or the apps menu you want to edit?13:11
singlesunprince_jammys, apps ;)13:11
prince_jammyssinglesun: ok, then try what i said13:12
david2Anybody knows in which file is configured what programs starts at the gnome session login?13:12
jrib!startup > david2 (read the private message from ubotu)13:13
jribdavid2: that tells you how to set it up.  Do you really want the file?13:13
singlesunprince_jammys, that works... i was running around terminal looking for a gnome.conf file... lol .. suppose gui's have a little help sometimes.. lol13:13
prince_jammysdavid2: you can also do it by gui using "Sessions" in your menu13:14
AckerMANnhow i can list my open ports ?13:14
SlartAckerMANn: netstat with some kind of switch is my guess13:14
* _Oz_ lets out a single howl expressing his Linux ecstasy.13:14
prince_jammyssinglesun: yeah .... even though that app (alacarte) has caused me trouble and i ended up editing them manually, lol13:14
david2jrib, yes. I need to know the file. I don't know how I made it, but now it always starts an application that is not specified on "Syestem->Preferences->Sessions" section :(13:14
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:15
_Oz_So, has anyone here gotten Nero to work -- REALLY work -- in Wine?13:15
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
prince_jammys_Oz_: still trying to burn that dvd, huh13:15
jribdavid2: there are several things you could have done.  Sessions creates a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/.  Can you provide more information?13:15
_Oz_prince_jammys: well, I finally got one burned13:15
prince_jammys_Oz_: good13:15
bsdnewb07damn i installed ebox, and it said configuring network interfaces and my box just died13:16
bsdnewb07wtf lol13:16
AckerMANnSlart man, can say me how i can list my services ? ( i have ubuntu 7.10 )13:16
_Oz_prince_jammys: using gnomebaker, DeVeDe, and a mencoder flag (-ffa)13:16
singlesun_Oz_, wow... last time i was in here you were new to ubuntu... glad to see you are sticking it out ;)13:16
_Oz_prince_jammys: but it just creates a single movie with no intro/title information13:16
zhanx_Oz_, never, tried many times13:16
SlartAckerMANn: hang on.. I'll have to check the fine manual13:16
keit1I know automatix isn't supported here but I'm looking to install some of the fonts it contains w/o using automatix (which co-incidentally has 1/4 of the apps available when installed now as it did 6 months ago) anyone know the exact packages it installs13:16
AckerMANnok, np13:16
_Oz_prince_jammys: nero in windows lets you point-n-click create a nice menu and then burn a dvd of any orientation13:16
AckerMANni`m waiting.13:16
_Oz_I still can't really do that in ubuntu13:16
_Oz_singlesun: still pretty new to it but rapidly getting more comfortable13:17
singlesungood to hear it13:17
dexembsdnewb07: ebox blocks ssh by default13:17
_Oz_I really want to stay in ubuntu most of the time and just boot into windows for things I can't do without, like photoshop and illustrator13:17
david2jrib, I tried to auto-launch conky at gnome login session. I put a new entry on "Preferences->Sessions", but when I did that, conky started under the background, so it doesn't appears.13:17
SlartAckerMANn: netstat -l might give you some info.. (that's a lower case L)13:17
zhanxAckerMANn, try top13:17
_Oz_if I can burn DVDs like I do in win xp, then that's one less reason to have to reboot into XP13:17
keit1_Oz_: virtualbox?!13:17
jribkeit1: probably msttcorefonts13:17
keit1jrib: that does a few of them but not all13:17
_Oz_keit1: I've considered it...  for nero...  but for photoshop/illustrator that's just too slow13:18
AckerMANntop it`s ok .. how i`ll try netstat -l13:18
singlesun_Oz_, run virtualbox .. install xp onto it... then you never really have to "leave ubuntu" lol13:18
jribkeit1: then you need to be more specific or read automatix's code13:18
prince_jammys !fonts | keit113:18
ubotukeit1: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:18
keit1same goes for gsfonts-x1113:18
_Oz_singlesun: yeah, that doesn't really work from a practical perspective13:18
_Oz_I'm a photoshop power user13:18
david2jrib, Now I wanted to add some like "sleep 10" to wait background appears and then launch conky. But even I uncheck the conky at sessions, it still be launched when gnome starts up13:18
_Oz_I can't handle going at half speed13:18
prince_jammyskeit1 what jrib said13:18
zhanxok cant boot in ubuntu gutsy, last reboot was on the day of install, now it goes to a black screen and its been sitting there for 67 minutes blinking a _ at me, ctl+atl+f* does nothing, still lookign ati t13:19
bsdnewb07why would ebox kill a box, all i did was apt-get install ebox-all13:19
_Oz_it might work for nero but that seems ridiculous to have to install a bunch of stuff (including ANOTHER copy of windows) just to burn DVDs, which is something I feel ubuntu should be able to handle on its own, using open source software13:19
bsdnewb07and the box said connection terminated and now i cant connect back to it13:19
jribdavid2: you can try deleting ~/.gnome2/session I suppose.  That gets rid of your saved session though13:19
singlesun_Oz_, ok... in that scenario i would have a mac solely dedicated to desktop publishing...  ;)13:19
_Oz_singlesun: heheheheh13:19
dexembsdnewb07: ebox blocks ssh by default13:19
david2jrib, thx13:19
prince_jammys_Oz_:  yes , it is ridiculous.. you should be able to do it all with ubuntu13:19
_Oz_well, I'm just not a mac guy13:19
keit1jrib: have done and can't find *any* info... automatix looks like its dying a death13:19
singlesunme either..13:19
_Oz_I'll stick to x86 equipment13:19
keit1it no longer offers gnomebaker, bluefish, etc etc13:20
jribkeit1: do you know the fonts name at least?13:20
_Oz_keit1: I hope you didn't install that13:20
singlesunnever owned one... never will.. but they do well with photoshoppage... lol13:20
Kalamansihello I have updates in my usb flash drive..how to copy/paste to ubuntu desktop 7.10?13:20
keit1it's a ttf13:20
NET||abusehey guys.. anyone use flock under ubuntu? was curious about a managed package rather than installing from the tar.gzip myself?13:20
_Oz_keit1: did you install automatix?13:20
keit1I have now13:20
* _Oz_ groans13:20
singlesunKalamansi, drag and drop??13:20
keit1I can install it on its own using the method to install ttf13:20
_Oz_keit1: well, welcome to misery...  until you do a complete reinstall of your entire system.13:20
keit1but I'd really like to kno what fonts/package automatix install13:21
Kalamansisinglesun: yes but where?13:21
kharlosscan i setup  SAMBA  for some windows users  to login with user and password ?13:21
keit1_Oz_: I run my OS off a flashdrive and install once a week anyhow13:21
_Oz_keit1: I installed automatix on a machine, luckily it was a throwaway machine so I could restore it without losing much, but automatix quickly screws up your entire OS13:21
prince_jammyskeit1: i thought it just installed the microsoft package listed above13:21
_Oz_keit1: good, next time, I recommend you DON'T install automatix13:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aitp,atox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:21
keit1it install way more13:21
Pici!automatix | keit113:21
ubotukeit1: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »13:21
_Oz_you can't update your ubuntu install, it breaks lots of other stuff, etc.13:21
n00bhey all... I got gstreamer installed ... is there a way to re-build the .deb files from gstreamer installed version on my computer?13:21
keit1guys I know all about the woes of automatix so no need to enlighten me, as I stated I'm not gonna be using this install for long13:22
_Oz_I'd have to agree with Pici's recommendation there.13:22
_Oz_At first I thought automatix was great, too.  But the restricted extras package has pretty much everything you need including fonts, and it's supported.13:22
keit1at present my HDD and PSU are knackered so I have to use ubuntu off a flashdrive13:23
keit1not ideal but hey13:23
_Oz_If it sounds like I am harping on this point, it's because I am: under no circumstances, keit1, should you install automatix ever again.13:23
user1system services bus, how do i reactivate?13:23
faileas_Oz_: thats cause ubuntu has improved dramatically ;p13:23
keit1I just need induction for some artwork13:23
keit1that my friend is why I'm here to, in future, not ahve to do this again13:23
* _Oz_ rants 'n raves.13:23
jribkeit1: the description tells you... This options installs a lot of extra and commonly requested fonts which do not come standard on linux distributions such as msttcorefonts, ttf-liberation, gsfonts, ttf-dustin, ttf-f500, ttf-isabella, ttf-larabie, ttf-staypuft, ttf-summersby, etc.13:23
_Oz_keit1: very good.  I'll step off the soapbox now. :)13:23
singlesunkharloss, yes you can install samba for windows users to login with usr/pass... thats what samba is for13:24
keit1can I have a go on it?!13:24
_Oz_Sure.  Step right up!13:24
user1I turned off system services bus, now i cant reactivate it, how can i do this?13:24
brobostigongood afternoon13:24
keit1jrib: where did you find that?!13:24
_Oz_Good afternoon, brobostigon!13:24
* keit1 looks pretty silly now13:24
NET||abuseso anyone use flock here under ubuntu? I'm interested in a repository supplied deb package rather than setting up with the tar.gz myself.13:24
kharlosssinglesun : can you give a link or something to  do this ?  to configure samba  for XP users  conecting using every time the user and password i provide ..13:25
_Oz_net||abuse: try synaptic13:25
_Oz_kharloss: I have what you need13:25
faileas_Oz_: its not in any of the standard repos i think13:25
kharloss_Oz_  can  i prv msg you ?13:25
singlesunkharloss, there is a #samba channel.... but the thing is... you will have to learn how to setup smb.conf....13:25
NET||abuse_Oz_, i've searched under aptitude and there's no mention of flock13:25
_Oz_kharloss: no need...  go to this URL and follow the instructions13:25
jribkeit1: in automatix source.  The actual command seems to be in usr/etc/automatix2/ax_data/gutsy.autoscript13:25
singlesunkharloss, also... you may also consider using SWAT to config Samba .... do some google work.... on SWAT and samba13:26
keit1jrin: cheers I'll go have a look13:26
singlesunkharloss, also the #samba channel ;)13:26
faileasNET||abuse: maybe try googleing it?13:27
kharlosssinglesun  it`s a long story ... i try configure ubuntu on my "Western Digital Mybook World Edition"13:27
kharlossit`s just a NAS13:27
kharlosswith a tinny CPU `13:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smaba - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:27
NET||abusefaileas, i've looked,, not seeing a managed package.. was just curious if anyone knew of one.13:27
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:27
faileasoh yeah, speaking of which, are there any recommended additional repos i should consider for feisty? i got medibuntu, and the KDE4.0 one, but other than that?13:28
_Oz_faileas: feisty? why not upgrade to gutsy?13:28
faileastype, i meant gutsy ;p13:28
singlesunkharloss, i mean... im not just gonna tell you how to configure your smb.conf file... there is a #samba channel... "google SWAT and Samba" this is the #ubuntu channel13:28
faileas... i typoed typpo13:28
singlesunprince_jammys, having a rough day with the typage.. lol13:29
Thirstehfaileas, got the Wine and Swiftfox repos here13:29
* faileas sets the typodemon on ffire13:29
prince_jammyssinglesun: thats eveyr day for me13:29
singlesun*everyday even.. lol13:29
keit1jrib: how did you access the source I just checked out the readonly code from googlecode and there's nothing there that looks like the code I need13:31
_Oz_hey, check it out...  dell is now offering ubuntu laptops!13:31
|Dreams|can anyone help me with mono please13:32
jribkeit1: download the deb to your desktop and run mkdir ~/Desktop/automatix &&  dpkg -x ~/Desktop/automatix*.deb ~/Desktop/automatix13:32
Pici!ot | _Oz_13:32
ubotu_Oz_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:32
n00b|Dreams|: #mono ?13:32
keit1jrib: cheers13:32
david2anybody can help me to launch conky at the session start? I did it, but it always starts under the background and I can't see it13:32
_Oz_jrib: you're actually telling him how to install automatix? :)13:32
|Dreams|ok thanks13:33
faileas_Oz_: i'll stick to my thinkpads ;p13:33
Asraanyone here formiliar with adding a start sequence to the boot of linux root13:33
_Oz_faileas: does wireless work for them?13:33
faileas_Oz_: its usually an intel 2100/2200. they are supported quite well in linux13:34
_Oz_Very well, faileas.13:34
faileasmy r51 basically worked out of the box with ONE small change in settings13:34
_Oz_faileas: it's just a good sign that Dell, who sells so many darn computers, is selling (and supporting!) Ubuntu machines now.13:34
prince_jammysdavid2: how did you do it? you put it in /usr/share/autostart?13:35
faileas(ok, and a 17.5 hour install caused by 3 bad disks, a non working official live CD, my windows registry being corrupted (!) and a VERY unorthodox install method...)13:35
Asraso dell if finally stepping out of the no nonsence windows or bust attitude ... nice :)13:35
faileasAsra: if they sell basically 'standard' reference designed systems it makes sense to13:35
chaminI CAN'T WATCH  .DAT FILS13:36
david2prince_jammys, no. I put it in System->Preferences->Sessions13:36
AsraI always kinda hated Dell for bringing only the most user standard systems to the buyer13:36
keit1jrib: I'm guessing all of those fonts are not available in the standard repos... if I wanted to install them in future w/o automatix is there a way13:36
Pici!fotns | keit113:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fotns - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:36
Thirstehprince_jammys, you can put commands in /etc/rc.local - there should be a brief description of it in the comment header13:36
jribkeit1: I'm guessing they are.  Which one is not?13:36
prince_jammysdavid2: oh you use gnome13:36
Pici!fonts | keit1 (arg spelling)13:36
ubotukeit1 (arg spelling): Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:36
faileasAsra: you want a non standard system? build it ;p13:36
david2prince_jammys, yes, is in gnome13:36
AsraI already do faileas13:37
Asrabut I'm not always in charge of what a company buys ;)13:37
_Oz_I hope they sell lots of those ubuntu pcs...13:37
faileasdell is mainly when for when you want very large orders IMO ;p13:37
faileas_Oz_: ditto13:37
pawan_how to hide desktop icons in kubuntu13:37
faileas(and despite the fact that i'm mostly a dedicated windows user ;p)13:37
keit1jrib: maybe I'm wrong, maybe they are! :0)13:37
NullNameCan ANYONE please tell me why an scp transfer times out after 5 min or so?  I can send small files, but large or multiple small files stop transfering, and I get an error saying that the ubuntu ssh server is not responding.  I'm transfering through a local network.  Ubuntu is sending files and windows with cygwin is receiving files.  Any ideas??13:38
AsraI'm a windows user trying to learn linux ... so I'm kind of a loser telling I hate Dell although I use windows myself :D13:38
jribdavid2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=386078&highlight=conky+start discusses what you want to do13:38
* brobostigon missed the shuttle launch thi morning at 11:30 gmt, because real player wouldnt play the nasa tv stream properly,13:38
prince_jammyspawan you are on a gnome desktop, correct?13:39
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faileasAsra: nothing wrong with being a windows user ;)13:39
_Oz_Asra: I'm pretty much in the same boat13:39
david2jrib, thanks13:39
prince_jammyspawan_: you are in a gnome desktop, right?13:39
_Oz_I use XP about 50-60% of the time13:39
NullNamefaileas and Asra.  There isn't something wrong with supporting microsoft though.13:39
_Oz_I really enjoy using Ubuntu more, though13:40
Whitorhow can I see what wireless networks my wireless card sees ?13:40
pawan_just changed13:40
prince_jammyspawan_: oh now you switched13:40
faileasNullName: i'd rather pick an OS over what it does for me, not politics13:40
asusuhi. how can I get the ubuntu installed graphics driver to recognize modes above 1024x768 for my nvidia geforce 7 card?13:40
pawan_ya just for fun13:40
_Oz_asusu: you need to use the restricted drivers manager13:40
brobostigonwhitor: iwlist i think13:40
NullNamefaileas: But windows doesn't run well.13:40
AsraI'm not that big of a fan for the whole monopoly Microsoft has .. but till I get Linux (or ubuntu   for that matter) up and running I kinda have no choise13:41
faileasNullName: it does for me13:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:41
asusu_Oz_: it already is using it. desktop effects work ok, but can't select modes above 1024 resolution.13:41
_Oz_gotta run!13:41
Asraspeaking of which .. anyone know where I can find the standard linux bootfile so I can add some standard program to start at the boot of the system?13:41
|Dreams|has anyone managed to get xdvdmuleter working in linux?13:41
NullNameAsra: Try playing with linux live disks...they are free and run entirely off the CD or DVD.  No installation, and no harddrive is required.13:41
prince_jammyspawan_: right click anywhere on the desktop, and click on "configure desktop" --- then go to "behavior" -- the uncheck "show icons on desktop"13:42
Asraohw .. this VPC I'13:42
Asram running now works fine NullName13:42
ThirstehAsra, you're probably looking for /etc/rc.local13:42
faileasjust that a lot of  linux apps are better ^^13:42
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Asrathnx Thirsteh .. I'll look into it ... its a /etc/local/<filename> start command I want to add to the boot13:43
bazhangis this #ubuntu-offtopic ?13:43
pawan_great thanks13:43
faileasbazhang: no13:43
bazhangcould have fooled me13:44
Asrathis is the "don't talk anything ubuntu related before everyone notices you're a noob" channel Bazhang :P13:44
ThirstehAsra, appending "/usr/local/bin/foo.sh &" to /etc/rc.local (file, not folder) should work13:44
faileasAsra: i'm a noob. no one believes me ;p13:45
ThirstehAsra, make sure whatever you're trying to run is executable (chmod +x /some/dir/foo)13:45
Whitorhello oedjzee13:46
AsraI pretty much got the thing running manually .. its just I want to make it run by itself at startup Thirsteh ... so I'll try those 2 files you just said and see what happens13:46
Fbernyes we can!13:46
aidehuaHow can I find the IP address for a Windows machine on my network (which I can see by name)?13:46
Whitoraidehua, ping it13:47
ThirstehAsra, the 'Local' service executes /etc/rc.local on boot-up (unless you deliberately disable it) so any command inthere will be executed (as root)13:47
sofiankrthello everyone13:47
aidehuaWhitor: I only know that it is reachable by the name "//wibble".13:47
sofiankrtI'm having a problem with booting ubuntu13:47
Whitoraidehua, ping the name13:47
sofiankrtit says there's an error while checking the filesystem13:48
Asra\/\/()()7 ... thnx Thisteh .. I'll be back (with results I hope) in a bit ;)13:48
Asratesting time13:48
sofiankrtI press ctrl + d and I can boot ubuntu normally13:48
sofiankrtwhat do you think?13:48
sofiankrtI also gives me a log file13:48
bsdnewb07guys i need some help setting up ubuntu as a gateway, basically i have a freebsd server that has IPs but no gateway, so i want to make the ubuntu server act as the gateeway ... anyone know any good tutorials or could help me?13:48
aidehuaWhitor: The name isn't in any DNS -- it only responds via its windows name.13:48
aidehuae.g. I can connect using "smbclient -L '//wibble'", but I would like to VNC to this machine, and so I need to work out its IP address.  Most frustrating!13:49
Thirstehsofiankrt, if it's an error about an invalid drive ("/dev/sda2: No such device" etc), you need to edit your /etc/fstab file13:49
lolloi wanna disable the screen saveeer !13:49
Whitoraidehua, have you tried to ping it?13:49
aidehuaWhitor: of course :D13:49
pbne04hey..im using a D-link wireless compact flash card but I cannot locate any wireless interfaces with iwconfig..can anyone help me?13:49
sofiankrtThirsteh: All my partitions are working, as far as I know13:50
Whitorfunny... I can ping my windows hosts w/o a dns resolution13:50
aidehuaWhitor: I have tried to resolve its "Windows name" as if it were in a DNS.  There is no DNS for this internal network, apparently.13:50
NullNameCan ANYONE please tell me why an scp transfer times out after 5 min or so?  I can send small files, but large or multiple small files stop transfering, and I get an error saying that the ubuntu ssh server is not responding.  I'm transfering through a local network.  Ubuntu is sending files and windows with cygwin is receiving files.  Any ideas??13:50
Thirstehaidehua, rightclick whatever it is you see and see if the IP is listed in 'Properties' or similar, also, make sure you just ping the name, not with the backslashes included13:50
lolloi wanna disable the screen saveeer ! how can i do it ?13:50
Whitoryeah... the name does not include the \\13:50
aidehuaThirsteh: Unfortunatly, I don't have anything to right-click.  I'm at the command line :D13:51
Thirstehaidehua, how do you see him/her/it then?13:51
sofiankrtcan someone please help me?13:51
aidehuaThirsteh: smbclient can turn UNC path names into IP addresses, somehow.13:51
lolloi wanna disable the screen saveeer ! how can i do it ?13:51
aidehuaThirsteh: (I'm seeing the machine by running "smbclient -L '//wibble'"13:51
sofiankrtlollo: I think I can help with that13:52
KnightWsei have a question about joomla and the SQL permissions13:52
rhineheart_mafter I changed the ebox system time.. I could no longer enter into the web interface... anybody here has the solution?13:52
Thirstehaidehua, I'd suggest having a look at 'man smbclient'. I'd look for you, but it's not available to me right now13:52
sofiankrtgo to system > preferences > screensaver13:52
prince_jammyslollo: preferences -> screen saver13:52
ThirstehKnightWse, this is #ubuntu, go to #joomla13:52
sofiankrtprince_jammys: come on, let me help him! I need to give something back to the community!13:53
dgjoneslollo, from memory System --> Preferences --> Screensaver. and then click 'mode', and select 'disable screen saver'.13:53
KnightWsehey , its more about sql13:53
prince_jammysthat item shockingly controls the screensaver13:53
bsdnewb07guys i need some help setting up ubuntu as a gateway, basically i have a freebsd server that has IPs but no gateway, so i want to make the ubuntu server act as the gateeway ... anyone know any good tutorials or could help me?13:53
ThirstehKnightWse, then go to #mysql or #postgresql or #sqlite13:53
rhineheart_mKnightWse...what problem you encounter?13:53
KnightWsethanx thirsteh13:53
ThirstehKnightWse, depending on what you use, of course :-)13:53
sofiankrtok, so can someone please help me now13:53
Whitoraidehua, conect to your windows host ... then in a terminal type netstat13:54
KnightWseI would like to know what user permissions i should give the Joomla SQL database13:54
sofiankrtexcuse me, but what was that website to upload all the output I get to?13:55
aidehuaWhitor: I don't think you've quite understood the problem :D13:55
Thirstehsofiankrt, google 'pastebin'13:55
aidehuaThanks for your time though :)13:55
Thirstehsofiankrt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org13:55
rhineheart_m#KnightWse Joomla you have to provide all the permission to the user of mysql ur using for joomla13:56
Whitoraidehua, if you can connect with smbclient... netstat will show you your active connections13:57
KnightWseso thats create user / alter routinge /create routine / show view / creat view / cliet  replication / slave replication ... etc etc ?13:57
Whitorbut... ok, nm13:57
root_____i am some question...13:57
sofiankrtThirsteh: so I'm getting this log file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56476/13:57
KnightWserhineheart_m: any idea ?13:57
aidehuaWhitor: "netstat" is a command for the windows shell, not for smbclient(1).13:58
root_____i use crontab  ex) /usr/bin/mp3blaster norai.mp3 but it didn't work . what's problem13:58
rhineheart_mKnightWse: where do you create user? in the myphpadmin?13:58
Thirstehsofiankrt, the UUID is just an alias for a partition/device. If you unplugged a device or formatted a partition (with ext3), rectify it by commenting out its entry in /etc/fstab13:59
sofiankrtThirsteh: right. so how do I do that?13:59
KnightWserhineheart_m , Im using the mysql in webmin13:59
Asraseems it worked Thirsteh ... but now it seems to run double .. so I guess I installed the whole thing wrong13:59
lolloTHANKS !14:00
Thirstehsofiankrt, fire up some editor, "gksu gedit /etc/fstab" (GUI) or "sudo nano -w /etc/fstab" (CLI) and have a look around. To disable a drive, simply put a pound sign in front of it to comment it out (#)14:00
sofiankrtThirsteh: but I've formatted a lot of partitions, how do I know which one is causing the problem?14:01
NthDegreea pound sign?14:01
rhineheart_mKnightWse: better do it outside... in the shell: here is the guide for you.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla14:01
ThirstehNthDegree, #14:01
c0dehi out there14:01
c0dei think my apt is broken :(14:02
c0decould please anyone help me?14:02
NthDegreec0de: what appears to be the issue?14:02
bazhangwhat error message do you get c0de14:02
c0dewell eh... i had a problem with my ext314:02
Thirstehsofiankrt, I suppose you have to figure out what the UUID means in lament terms (e.g. /dev/sda4) but I can't tell you how, sorry, never tried14:02
c0deand now i dont seem to get updates from apt-get14:02
c0dei dont get an error message14:02
prakashhello all, :-) I have a simple query- what is the command that refreshes Desktop when we Press CTRL+R or F5 in Gnome Desktop/Nautilus browser...14:03
prakash I think it is not xrefresh14:03
Thirstehc0de, there haven't been any updates for a while14:03
c0dei have to mention that i use hardy14:03
sofiankrtThirsteh: never mind, thank you anyway14:03
KnightWserhineheart_m: I found somewhere it should be select , update and insert14:03
NthDegreec0de: try sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:03
c0defor hardy?14:03
bazhangc0de: please be more specific; what ext3 errors a partition is problematic?14:03
Thirstehc0de, or... a lot anyway14:03
bazhang!hardy | c0de14:03
ubotuc0de: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:03
dgjonesc0de, you'd be better asking in #ubuntu+1 for problems with hardy14:04
Thirstehc0de, I'd suggest going to #ubuntu+114:04
narusehi, I have a problem, a process called Kacip is devourating my cpu T_T, and if i disable it with the kernel param, then i dont get Network, any suggestion?14:04
prakash hello all, :-) I have a simple query- what is the command that refreshes Desktop when we Press CTRL+R or F5 in Gnome Desktop/Nautilus browser...14:04
prakash  I think it is not xrefresh14:04
rhineheart_mhello.. anybody here uses ebox?14:04
naruseI'm on gusty14:04
c0dewell i think its a problem with apt because since then (yesterday) i dont get any updates after the fsck14:04
bazhangc0de: you are using Hardy?14:04
c0desure but the problem is not hardy i think14:05
NthDegreec0de: have you tried sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?14:05
bazhangc0de: this is not the channel for Hardy14:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google-earth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:05
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository14:05
NthDegreeyou need to clean out the apt cache before saying it's 100% broken :P14:05
c0debazhang: i _know_ but i dont think it's a problem with hardy...14:05
rhineheart_manybody here uses ebox? I just changed the system time through there...I can't access the web interface anymore...14:06
bazhangc0de: if you are running hardy you should ask there14:06
naruseany idea with the acpid daemon???14:06
c0dei even removed pkgcache.bin14:06
NthDegreetried apt-cache gencaches?14:07
NthDegreeif you've wiped out the binary caches that way you may need to regenerate them14:08
tech0007hi...i just did 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' to try out kde.  how do i remove it?14:08
brobostigonsudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop14:08
c0deso i did apt-cache gencaches14:08
c0debut that does not change anything...14:08
NthDegreemaybe there aren't any new updates yet14:09
sofiankrthow do I disable a partition in /etc/fstab?14:09
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Picisofiankrt: put a # in front of it.14:09
NthDegreesofiankrt: prefix it with a hash sign (#)14:09
sofiankrtin front of the uidi name? or the whole line?14:10
Thirstehsofiankrt, whole14:10
Thirstehthe first character14:10
Jigshello there, why got error 18 in grub loading? is it fixiable?14:10
Newbuntu2can anyone help me with VNC? If I try to open synaptic manager, or just wait a few minutes, it freezes my linux box...14:10
sofiankrtThirsteh: the first character in the line? before the uuid?14:11
NthDegreeJigs: as a general way of fixing it you could try using grub-install to reinstall grub14:11
prince_jammyssofiankrt: the very first :: #UUID=blahblah14:11
Thirstehsofiankrt, the very first character on the line must be #, yes, before everything14:11
tech0007i tried that but kde is still installed...it just removed the metapackage but not the entire kde desktop14:11
sofiankrtThirsteh: great! thank you! let's see if it works...14:11
NthDegreetech0007: if you want all of kde gone that badly then remove kdebase14:11
Thirstehsofiankrt, be careful not to comment out your '/' drive :)14:11
bazhangjigs is this an older computer? are you dual booting?14:12
Jigsyes am dual booting14:12
Jigsmy computer is celeron 2.6ghz14:12
bazhangjigs that error relates to the /boot partition being too large for the BIOS of that machine14:13
bsdnewb07guys will apt-get uninstall ebox-all remove any firewall changes ebox made?14:13
Jigsso what sould i do?14:13
aidehuaWhitor: http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/nbtscan.html is what I wanted.14:14
aidehuaWhitor: hth14:14
NthDegreebsdnewb07: ebox is a web interface to configuring a system right?14:14
Jigsbazhang: is it from the partition i made?14:14
bazhangcreate a small 'boot' partition (only a few meg needed) at the beginning of the disk jigs this is suggested at ubuntuforums14:14
Jigsok i'll chk it14:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77042.html jigs14:15
bsdnewb07yeh NthDegree for some reason i installed ebox and now i cant get into the box14:15
ikoniahakerx any reason you've posted that URL ?14:15
bsdnewb07it pings fine but ssh, http all connection timed out14:15
NthDegreebsdnewb07: try allowing inbound on port 2214:16
bsdnewb07so i need to to tell the techies how to remove it14:16
bsdnewb07how do i disable the ubuntu firewall14:16
=== zerhackeOH is now known as zerhacke
NthDegreedo an iptables --list14:16
ikoniabsdnewb07: ubuntu doesn't have a firewall enabled by default14:16
NthDegreepastebin the result14:16
NthDegreei'll show you what to change14:16
bsdnewb07yeh i think ebox has enabled it14:16
ikoniabsdnewb07: unless you've enabled it there is no firewall14:16
Starnestommyikonia: it does, but it has no rules set14:16
ikoniabsdnewb07: iptabls -F14:16
bsdnewb07i cant NthDegree i have no access to the box14:16
sofiankrtyay! it works!14:16
ikoniaStarnestommy: no - there is no iptables startup script14:16
NthDegreeiptables --flush14:17
sofiankrtbut I've got another issue14:17
sofiankrthow do I edit the operating systems listed in grub?14:17
ikoniasofiankrt: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:17
NthDegreesofiankrt: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst14:18
sofiankrtthat won't delete anything important, will it? it will just remove the entry, right?14:18
NthDegreesofiankrt: that opens an editor14:18
prince_jammys!grub | sofiankrt14:18
ubotusofiankrt: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:18
ikoniasofiankrt: the menu is just a pointer , not the actual file systems14:18
NthDegreeit will only make changes that you make to the file14:18
sofiankrtok, thanks. I'll try it out14:19
bazhang!hi | rooney14:20
uboturooney: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:20
Newbuntu2anyone know how to install zoneminder on 7.10?14:20
rooneysorry for disturbing i have problems with ubuntu gutsy/amd64 + xen + cluster manager, any expert here ? :)14:20
ikoniaNewbuntu2: is it in the ubuntu software repo's14:20
ikoniarooney: explain your problem14:20
music`freakhi ppl.14:20
bsdnewb07/etc/init.d/iptables stop - will that work in ubuntu?14:21
music`freakneed some help with Mounting my windows drives in Ubuntu14:21
NthDegreebsdnewb07: do iptables --flush14:21
AsraThirsteh: still there?14:21
KnightWseNthDegree: make sure you install the smbclient package too !14:21
Newbuntu2ikonia: what do I do once I 'install it' with synaptic? is it running and ready to go? what should I do??14:21
sofiankrtok, so, cross your fingers for me!14:21
ikoniabsdnewb07: it will if thats your init script14:21
ikoniaNewbuntu2: configure it ?14:21
NthDegreeKnightWse: errr I use samba now? :P14:21
prince_jammysmusic`freak: what windows version14:21
NthDegreemusic`freak: I think he meant to say that to you xD14:22
rooneyi have a two node cluster with ubuntu gutsy, with cman&clvm, when i boot the second machine it joins the cluster, but at the same time the kernel says panic and cman/clvm hangs and disconnects from the cluster14:22
sofiankrthere goes nothing... (or my whole computer)14:22
hk2999i need serious help. please help me14:22
music`freakXP prince_jammys14:22
KnightWseNthDegree: no , but you need to install the smbfsclient so your ubuntu can read windows shares14:22
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:22
hk2999i've edited my ftp server's admin /etc/passwd file14:22
music`freakthe thing is....14:22
prince_jammysmusic`freak: you can't see the drives?14:22
music`freakall my drives are mounted in /media14:22
Newbuntu2ikonia: so the installation brings me to the part where I have to run the ./configure part?14:22
rooneyi have to mension that the cman/redhat-cluster-suite is from feisty because the gutsy packages are buggy a bit14:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etner - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:22
ikoniarooney: how are you sharing your disks ?14:22
Jigsbazhang: my computer is dated 2005... it was after the upgrade the grub error 18 problem came out.. is it because my computer is dated 2005?14:22
NthDegreeKnightWse: I don't use Windows :P you gots the wrong person methinks14:22
voxhk2999: uhoh14:22
music`freakbut one of them doesn't show up on the desktop14:22
Woifi1988hi anyone who know how to sniff a wep chap??14:22
rooneyikonia: shared scsi storage14:22
ikoniaNewbuntu2 you don't need to do ./configure - your not compiling it14:22
KnightWseNthDegree: Sowwy14:23
Picirooney: You may be better off asking for help in #ubuntu-server, but it doesnt hurt to ask here too :)14:23
hk2999ive accidentally set the admin:x:n to admin:something::14:23
hk2999what do i do?14:23
prince_jammysmusic`freak: can you read from it otherwise or does it just not mount? --- meaning can you browse to it14:23
ikoniarooney what is controlling the access to the disks ? e14:23
hk2999i need to access it.14:23
music`freakthough i can access the drive by browsing to /media14:23
rooneyPici: thx14:23
music`freakyes , i can read from it14:23
NthDegreehk2999: don't panic for a start14:23
rooneyikonia: you mean clvm?14:23
Picihk2999: Boot from a live CD and change it back14:23
bazhangjigs do you have a newer hard drive in that computer?14:23
prince_jammysmusic`freak: ok -then you dont have a mount problem14:23
hk2999Pici, its on a different host14:23
music`freakbut i want the drive to be displayed on the desktop like the rest of the drives14:23
hk2999from dot.net, i was trying to install a forum for a client14:24
ikoniarooney yes, but it doesn't have to be clvm14:24
Jigsbazhang: pls w8 i'll chk it14:24
NthDegreehk2999: quite simply edit the password using passwd and it should set it all right again14:24
Newbuntu2ikonia: so it's ready to go? I just log on the webserver and use it?14:24
music`freakhow do i go about rectifying it prince_jammys?14:24
rooneyikonia: then what? :)14:24
hk2999and then i don't know the root password, so i tried to change it to see if i can still get in14:24
ikoniaNewbuntu2: try it14:24
ikoniarooney: what are the logs saying ?14:24
hk2999Nthdegree: how can i access my ftp server again14:24
Picihk2999: There is not root password.14:24
prince_jammysmusic`freak: what is the full path of the drive ?  eg /media/blah/blah14:24
rooneyikonia: kernel panic (distributed lock manager)14:24
NthDegreehk2999: got a second account on it?14:25
ikoniahk2999 if your doing this for a client, you should know the basics of running your server14:25
rooneyikonia: 2-3 later the full machine is dead14:25
ikoniarooney: just checking a few things, won't be a minute14:25
hk2999ikonia i know im sorry14:25
rooneyikonia: 2-3 minutes..14:25
Asrawhat does this command line do?? export DISPLAY=IP_ADRESS_OF_XTERMINAL[:0.0] ??14:25
hk2999its not my server, its hosted on somewhere else14:25
ikoniahk2999: canonical do paid for supports14:25
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Jigsbazhang: no.. it was a package. so it was already there. my HD is MAXTOR capacity 40.114:25
ikoniahk2999: you may want to consider paying a canonical employee if you have now crippled your clients server14:25
hk2999the moderator left an i am the only one qualified to replace him14:25
erUSULrooney: and you really use dlm ?? iirc it used on distributed file systems like ocfs and the like...14:25
ikoniahk2999: clearly you are not qualified14:25
Asraanyone got a clue?14:26
ikoniahk2999: purchase a support package from canonical14:26
bazhangjigs then the /boot partition you set is too large for that BIOS14:26
music`freak.../media/sda8 prince_jammys14:26
rooneyerUSUL: clvm needs dlm14:26
Jigsbazhang: what should i do sir?14:26
prince_jammysmusic`freak: try the following (will make a link):::  ln -s /media/sda8 ~/Desktop14:26
erUSULAsra: it is esporting a shell variable14:26
Jigsbazhang: install it again?14:27
rooneyanyway i tried to make a kernel from source but i sucked with it :)14:27
Asrahmm ok .. any use for it erUSUL? ... cause I don't see one14:27
music`freakyeah , it works...14:27
prince_jammysmusic`freak: done14:27
bazhangjigs which did you install first? the xp or the ubuntu? you should back up any important items, then create a small /boot partition at the beginning of the disk say about 32MB14:27
music`freakonly it shows up as a 'folder' with a diff. icon14:27
Woifi1988hi anyone who know how to sniff a wep chap??14:27
NthDegreehk2999: or pay a techie to fix it :P14:27
bazhangWoifi1988: to what end?14:28
hk2999no i can fix it myself14:28
prince_jammysmusic`freak: right click on it, go to properties, click on the icon and change it to anything you lije14:28
ikoniarooney: this may be stating the obvious but it appears your joiinng cluster can't get disk access due to an exclusive lock14:28
music`freakprince_jammys:  so u basically created a shortcut to the /media/sda8 directory?14:28
hk2999i have a copy of the passwd file14:28
music`freakam i right?14:28
ikoniahk2999: sure, fo on then.14:28
ikoniahk2999: good luck,14:28
NthDegreehk2999: then why did you ask us?14:28
hk2999i need help14:28
rooneyikonia: hmm14:28
prince_jammysmusic`freak: correct, ln -s creates a symbolic link to that file --- points to that folder14:28
music`freakwhat is ln?14:28
hk2999what if i replaced the x after the username in the passwd file with a string?14:28
ikoniahk2999 canonical does paid for support for business customers, excellent deals14:28
ikoniamusic`freak: link14:28
music`freak& the -s switch?14:28
rooneyikonia: it is a 2 node cluster14:28
prince_jammysmusic`freak: yes14:28
hk2999what becomes the passwsord?14:28
erUSULAsra: Display tells X windows apps where to display it is interfaces... if yu launch any x app from the shell they will display on the xserver running in the machine with IP_ADRESS_....14:29
hk2999ikonia, the server is not ubuntu i think its rhel14:29
prince_jammysmusic`freak: symbolic ---- do man ls for details14:29
NthDegreehk2999: /etc/shadow should contain the password14:29
ikoniahk2999: this is basic stuff - you should know this if you are running a server for paying customers14:29
hk2999its not mine14:29
JigsI install XP first then after defrag, i install ubuntu.. but after upgrading ubuntu to latest patch. then error 18 encountered14:29
music`freakK Brb .....14:29
ikoniahk2999: this is ubuntu support - so don't ask here. Also redhat and ubuntu behave the same - so don't use that excuse14:29
NthDegreehk2999: on RHEL /etc/password does NOT contain the password14:29
hk2999NthDegree no, the problem is i corrupted the /etc/passwd file14:29
rooneyikonia: without xen it works like a charm14:29
bazhangjigs this is gutsy?14:29
hk2999ive got admin:something:: etc.14:29
ikoniarooney ahhh thats interesting14:29
music`freakK ...14:29
ikoniarooney researching some more14:29
NthDegreehk2999: then simple: replace it with a working one14:29
hk2999i thought it would work14:29
music`freakwhile were at it...14:29
ikoniahk2999: we don't support redhaht here14:29
erUSULAsra: by default DSPLAY points to the first display on the local machine14:29
ikoniahk2999: please stop asking for redha support14:29
hk2999NthDegree how the admin thing is how i can get in it14:30
music`freakwhat is the need to 'mount' drives in Linux?14:30
NthDegreehk2999: get one from someone from #fedora :P14:30
ikoniamusic`freak: to be able to access them through the operating system14:30
Picihk2999: Ask in #fedora or #rhel14:30
bsdnewb07anyone ever configured ubuntu to act as a gateway?14:30
prince_jammysmusic`freak: they must be  mounted to be accessed -- they have to be incorporated into the file system14:30
music`freakbut u don't 'mount' drives in XP14:30
rooneyikonia: i will provide you more logs if you need in msg for example14:30
music`freakits just 'there'14:30
ikoniabsdnewb07: acting as one now14:30
prince_jammysmusic`freak: they are mounted automatically14:30
ikoniarooney: stick them in a pastebin so it's easy to read if its not confidentital14:30
bsdnewb07i need some help setting mine up14:30
AppleHeinhi all14:30
music`freakPardon my ignorance14:30
rooneyikonia: ok14:30
music`freakits just thats its my first try with Linux14:31
prince_jammysmusic`freak: IF XP recognizes the file system14:31
AsraerUSUL: So basically its to help display errors and/or msg's?14:31
bsdnewb07basically i have ubuntu setup to access the internet14:31
pawan_whats up14:31
bsdnewb07and freebsd that cant access the internet14:31
bsdnewb07ive been assigned 5 ips from my hosting provider14:31
bsdnewb07that i want to allow freebsd to bind to but via ubuntu14:31
zup1hi, people. I try to used plustek OpticBook 3600 (scanner) on Ubuntu. it's possible? thanks14:31
bsdnewb07i cant just bind them direct with freebsd because the ips dont have there own gateway14:32
brobostigon!hcl | zup114:32
ubotuzup1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:32
prince_jammysmusic`freak: windows uses C: D: E: and all that,  linux has one file system "/" --- everything gets mounted after that --- it allows you to mount that drive to whatever folder (called mount point) you want  --- and when you access that folder, you go to the drive14:32
music`freakand / is referred to as 'root' , right?14:32
rahim123hello all, could I get some help to reduce the memory usage of my Ubuntu system?14:32
Asrawell .. time to retry installing .. see you guys later.14:32
music`freakthe 'parent' directory14:33
erUSULAsra: no if you lauch firefox it will try to draw itself on the remote machine not in yours if the DISPLAY variable points to the remote machine14:33
prince_jammysmusic`freak: / is the root folder, as opposed to "root" the root user14:33
rahim123I am trying to create a lightweight Ubuntu system, and I realized that Xorg is using a huge amount of memory14:33
prince_jammysmusic`freak: EVERYTHING falls under /, unlike windows with C: A: D: and so on14:33
NthDegreerahim123: don't believe all the stats on that14:33
music`freakUnderstood :)14:33
NthDegreerahim123: it counts graphics memory too in with that14:33
rahim123NthDegree:well, they are my stats  :-)14:34
music`freakso even the 'mounted' drives come under /14:34
music`freakunlike XP14:34
prince_jammysmusic`freak: correct14:34
prince_jammysmusic`freak: in your case, they are in /media14:34
CrazyTBThe FAQ page from this channel topic is blank14:34
rahim123the thing is, I installed the base command line system, and then installed a few lightweight X apps14:34
CrazyTBso... What's the recommended way to install flash plugin on ubuntu?14:34
prince_jammysmusic`freak: once you get acquainted with this, you will find it is more logical, and more flexible14:34
bazhangCrazyTB: we are the faq ;]14:34
NthDegreerahim123: yes but most if not all stats incorrectly identify it as a RAM hog.. if you have a cheapy graphics card like an NVIDIA TurboCache card or the like.. then it will do 128MB RAM+ because of the graphics card14:34
dgjones!flash | CrazyTB14:34
ubotuCrazyTB: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:34
PiciCrazyTB: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:34
erUSUL!flash | CrazyTB14:35
music`freakcould u elaborate prince_jammys?14:35
rahim123NthDegree: right, that's what I want to change14:35
jason_1hi all. a real noob question: i want to install http://dl.fancycode.com/red5/0.6.3/debian/red5_0.6.3-1_all.deb on a machine that i only have ssh access to. how do i accomplish this?14:35
music`freakas in, the advantages?14:35
meekolopehello all14:35
CrazyTBPici, IIRC, that didn't help14:35
meekolopehey was up prince_jammys14:35
CrazyTBbut I will try again14:35
prince_jammysmusic`freak: ability to incorporate a drive into whatever folder name you want14:36
hakerxwazaaaaa :D14:36
rahim123I installed a few lightweight X apps, and it was only using about 40 MB with the VESA driver.14:36
NthDegreerahim123: I wouldn't worry about it too much, you'll know when you're totally out of RAM - but if you want to lighten it up a bit I have a few tips14:36
AppleHeinI have Ubuntu 7.x running within VMWare for Mac14:36
AppleHeinworks fine14:36
NthDegree* remove Xorg e14:36
bazhanghakerx: you have an issue?14:36
AppleHeinthough it has lots of glitches14:36
NthDegree* colour depth at 16 not 2414:36
PiciCrazyTB: If you had installed it a few weeks ago, and it wasn't working, you may have to remove it and reinstall it again.14:36
hakerxthe best is freebsd and lighttp :)14:36
Grabhello, im using psybnc and i typed: /addserver irc.freenode.org :6668, but no new server window opens: what to do? i waited for 10 mins14:36
hakerxthan all flys14:36
rooneyikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56479/14:36
NthDegree* use proprietary drivers14:36
rahim123But the VESA driver doesnt do wide screen, so I had to use the Xorg "intel" driver, and from there it shoots up to around 130 MB of RAM usage14:36
NthDegreeoh boy...14:37
NthDegreesee this is what I mean14:37
music`freakI also need to make XP my default OS in the boot loader(Grub). How do i go about that prince_jammys?14:37
Tom47zup1 it suggests here that you have an unsupported scanner ... http://www.gjaeger.de/scanner/plustek.html14:37
NthDegreeit isn't using that much more system ram14:37
bazhangbut offt0pic here hakerx14:37
NthDegreethat is video ram14:37
CrazyTBPici, last week I tried marking it for reinstall in synaptic, but it didn't work.14:37
CrazyTBPici, well, I will try again14:37
NthDegreerahim123: can that do 3d?14:37
music`freakSuSe had a seperate GUI utility for changing the OS14:37
music`freak*boot order14:37
rahim123it's the  number from "free", I don't use any 3d apps, but yees the card is barely capable14:37
rahim123it's an Intel 915GM, 1200x800, a cheap Dell B130 laptop14:38
NthDegreerahim123: if it does 3D then that is why the used RAM count is higher.. because it's using Video Memory which goes in with the reported count14:38
hakerxthat's a real dream pc :D14:38
bsdnewb07can anyone talk me through setting up ubuntu as my gateway?14:38
prince_jammysmusic`freak: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-windows-as-default-os-when-dual-booting-ubuntu/14:38
bazhang!ot | hakerx14:39
rahim123the BIOS says the card only uses 8 MB of shared memory though.... ?14:39
ubotuhakerx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:39
music`freakthanks mate14:39
hakerxbazhang ot ?14:39
prince_jammysmusic`freak: no problem14:39
music`freakI'm sorry for all the trouble14:39
Priceyhakerx, read what ubotu said14:39
prince_jammysmusic`freak: not at all14:39
NthDegreerahim123: that's a weird one then.. because normally it will use 64MB+ shared14:39
hakerxwathever :D14:39
bazhanghakerx: please stop14:39
rahim123so I guess my question is, can I disable 3D or something?14:39
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!14:39
rahim123I only use office apps.  I would be happy with VESA functionality, it's just that I cant get it to run at the correct resolution with VESA.  But can I disable something on my xorg.conf that will make it use less memory like VESA?14:41
prince_jammysmeekolope: hi14:41
AppleHeinauch Deutsche hier?14:41
Pici!de | AppleHein14:41
ubotuAppleHein: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:41
Pricey!de | AppleHein14:41
NthDegreerahim123: try removing all the extensions14:42
NthDegreelike GLX14:42
zsiavas1my hdd is known in /dev/sdc but when i try to mount it the message pops up "mount:you must specify the filesystem type" then i tried fsck.vfat /dev/sdc and the error INput/output apears14:42
rahim123the "Options" section?14:42
NthDegreerahim123: basically tweak xorg.conf and it's options yeah14:42
CrazyTBPici, md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz14:42
prince_jammyszsiavas: this is a vfat drive?14:42
CrazyTBPici, how can I clean the apt cache or something like that?14:42
rahim123I even tried "VideoRam 4096" so it would use 4 MB of shared RAM, but makes no difference14:43
prince_jammyszsiavas and you want to mount it manuall?14:43
brobostigonAppleHein: genau14:43
=== madmaxmad is now known as mad_max02
music`freakgotta run14:43
NthDegreerahim123: you could turn down the resolution to that of what vesa does, and the colour depth14:43
NthDegreeand see if that makes a difference14:43
music`freakthanks for your patience & your time prince_jammys :)14:43
zsiavas1because i think its badsector14:43
music`freakreally appreciate it14:43
prince_jammyszsiavas:  mount /dev/sdc vfat /the/mount/point14:43
sbachelercould someone tell me about the software channel? I was going to install tftpd-hpa when it said that the same version was available on the software channel.14:44
meekolopezsiavas1, : iw ould check and see what file system it is.14:44
prince_jammyszsiavas sudo14:44
rahim123NthDegree: ah, true.  But the only reason Im not just using VESA is because it won't do widescreen 1280x80014:44
bazhangsbacheler: what is the software channel?14:44
zsiavas1fat32 i checked by fsck.vfat14:44
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rahim123or will it?  Is there any way to make VESA do widescreen?14:44
sbachelerthat is what I want to know14:44
meekolopezsiavas1, : and make sure its FAT32. cus thats called 'vfat' when u use the mount command14:44
=== HiDeo_ is now known as HiDeo
PiciCrazyTB: Make sure that you have the your updates repository enabled in System>administration>Software Sources14:44
prince_jammyszsiavas: you have created a folder to mount the drive on?14:45
bazhang!info tftpd-hpa14:45
ubotutftpd-hpa (source: tftp-hpa): HPA's tftp server. In component main, is extra. Version 0.43-1.1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 148 kB14:45
zsiavas1i did this14:45
bazhangsee above sbacheler its in the repos14:45
KaiserClaudiusi have a really weird problem:14:45
zup1Tom47, i saw this page (http://www.gjaeger.de/scanner/plustek.htm), but i hope that it's old information14:45
sbachelerthanks bazhang14:45
rooneyikonia: do you have any idea? :)14:45
prince_jammyszsiavas:   sudo mount /dev/sdc vfad /the/folder14:45
brobostigonKaiserClaudius: fire away14:46
prince_jammyszsiavas vfat, sorry14:46
ikoniarooney: not seeing anything obvious at the moment14:46
ikoniarooney: just looking into how xen interfaces14:46
prince_jammyszsiavas:   dammit, excuse me:::::    sudo mount -t /dev/sdc vfat /the/folder14:46
zup1Tom47, Last modified: 2005-11-1014:46
meekolopezsiavas1, : the command for mounting should be: mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /your/mount/point14:46
rooneyikonia: thank you :)14:47
CrazyTBPici, which one?14:47
ikoniarooney: not getting very far though14:47
prince_jammysmeekolope: type in the middle14:47
rooneyikonia: this is my problem also14:47
CrazyTBPici, this ubuntu here is in portuguese; it's a bit harder to find things...14:47
prince_jammysmeekolope: no i'm wrong AGAIN14:47
PiciCrazyTB: Sorry, Everything except for 'backports'14:47
zsiavas1mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /mnt/sdc -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 is that right?14:48
prince_jammysmeekolope: i need a nap14:48
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:48
KaiserClaudiusif i start Thunderbird and send a message with a bigger attachement (which takes a while), then all gnome applications that I try to launch take a unusual long time to come up (e.g. gnome-terminal). It seems as if only gnome apps are affected, not for example xfce apps like thunar. When I boot with the live cd I cand't reproduce it there, but if I create a fresh account on my installation it does also appear.14:48
KaiserClaudiusDoes anyone have an idea what could cause this?14:48
zsiavas1the message is /dev/sdc cant read superblock14:49
CrazyTBPici, can you please tell me the command I should run? software-properties-gtk ?14:49
zsiavas1is tha anyway to read data from a specific sector ?14:50
AppleHeinwhich irc clients for ubuntu do you recommend?14:50
[chr0n0s]AppleHein, xchat14:50
CrazyTBPici, I'm not afraid of command-line, if you prefer that way. (and also if you prefer pvt msg)14:50
bazhangxchat seems popular AppleHein14:50
AppleHeinokay, I think I already use that :)14:50
bazhangkonversation then ;]14:50
meekolopezsiavas1, : no to my knowledge, not easily im sure if u even can. you should run a check disk on that partition14:50
PiciCrazyTB: Then you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all the lines starting with 'deb' except for the backports one.14:51
prince_jammyszsiavas try the options comma separated14:51
AppleHeincan the windows of x-chat be colored? just to make it more attractive?14:51
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CrazyTBPici, it is already that way14:51
ikoniarooney: there are some posts on the xen mailing list about xen/clvm virtual hosts not being able to access a physical lock, but they don't look applicaable14:52
CrazyTBPici, the only two commented lines are feisty-backports14:52
PiciCrazyTB: Let me check something, hold on.14:52
BallenaIs anyone here using Tor or know how Onion Routing works?14:52
CrazyTBhow does ubuntu check the MD5SUM? Can I just delete/overwrite that file?14:52
rooneyikonia: can you give me some url?14:52
PiciCrazyTB: Is the multiverse repo enabled?14:52
brobostigonBallena: i use tor14:52
KaiserClaudiusAppleHein: You can set a background image for the xchat window at settings -> options14:53
CrazyTBPici, yep14:53
PiciCrazyTB: There was a problem a few weeks ago with the package that would cause it to fail the md5sum check (adobe had changed the contents of the remote file) but it was fixed recently.14:53
AppleHeinhmm okay14:54
brobostigonBallena: whats the question??14:54
rooneyikonia: maybe the fenced error ?14:54
Ballenabrobostigon: do you know how onion routing works?14:54
roddersgdoes anyone know how to remove a package ?  I keep getting "The package hl1440lpr needs to be reinstalled," but cannot remove it usin apt-get or dpkg14:54
inMatrixhi does anyone tried PlayOnLinux ?14:54
meekolopeBallena: wikipedia onion routing14:54
brobostigonBallena: abit, not much, why??14:54
CrazyTBPici, I don't want to be a troll, but not even Gentoo has this problem with flash. ;)14:54
bazhanghttp://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ Ballena14:54
AppleHeindoes anyone know if there is an avm-channel?14:54
AppleHeinabout fritz!box14:55
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PiciCrazyTB: I understand.  If you cant get it to work with the package you can always use the tar.gz file from adobe's website.14:55
jribCrazyTB: make sure you have the -updates repo enabled14:55
CrazyTBPici, but that defeats the whole purpose of package managers14:55
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:56
CrazyTBand probably will break later14:56
prince_jammyszsiavas1: that is the standard way of mounting a hdd14:56
PiciCrazyTB: Yes, I know.  Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?14:56
Ballenabazhang:  looks good. going to read it14:56
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:56
CrazyTBjrib, Pici, yeah, I will pastebin it14:56
ikoniarooney: maybe best taking this to ubuntu-server14:56
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rooneyikonia: ok :)14:56
ikoniarooney: doesn't look like I'll be fixing this in a quick hurry, so more people in #ubuntu-server with specific skill set14:57
ikoniaas Pici suggested14:57
SolmazeAnyone have any experience using Tversity through Wine?14:57
zsiavas1prince_jammys: it said cant read superblock14:57
ikoniaSolmaze: people in #winehq may have14:57
SolmazeThanks =)14:57
roddersganyone knows how to use dpkg to forcefully remove a failed installation of a pacakge?14:58
jribroddersg: what package?  How did this happen?14:58
CrazyTBPici, jrib, http://paste.stgraber.org/71614:58
roddersgjrib tried to install Brother HL driver, forgot that I must install lpr first14:58
rooneyikonia: ok, but they are sleeping :)14:58
jribroddersg: pastebin the errors you get14:59
roddersgnow i get the message "The package hl1440lpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." and can't remoe it14:59
jribPici: do you see a -updates for multiverse?14:59
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bazhangfeisty backports with gutsy sources mixed?14:59
mysterycoolhey i switched on my pc which runs ubuntu gutsy right now and everything seems bigger14:59
mysterycooli mean icons/menus/windows are bigger15:00
Picijrib: I do not.15:00
bazhangmysterycool: is that a problem? how much bigger we talking?15:00
jribroddersg: dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq packagename15:00
roddersgjrib - here http://pastebin.com/d6ea7b10a15:01
redmonkeyjust wanna say that ubuntu is a wonderful operating system. thanks to all the developers and to the community that ubuntu is what it is today ... thumbs up!15:01
mysterycoolbazhang: well they are bigger. like, i just minimize three applications at the bar at the bottom and the bar is full :S15:01
PiciCrazyTB: All Ubuntu deb lines should end with main restricted universe multiverse, correct the ones that don't and you should be good.  Let me15:01
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zsiavas1i type sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc  /mnt/sdc -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 to mount my dead hdd (howerver BIOS detected that) but the message says /dev/sdc cant read superblock.is that any way to recover data from my hdd15:01
jribCrazyTB: try toggling "gutsy-updates" in software properties.  Or just edit sources.list directly and add multiverse to the gutsy-updates line15:01
bazhangmysterycool: is this the icons are bigger or the resolution has changed?15:01
dgjonesmysterycool, i had the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago, I knew i hadn't installed anything new or changed any settings, so I rebooted and it was back to normal, is your screen resolution lower than you'd normally expect?15:01
roddersgjrib, that did the job!!!15:02
mysterycooldgjones: sec ill check my resolution15:02
ArelisHi, people. I am about to install Ubuntu on my harddrive which has Windows. How can I make sure it doesn't get damaged when i resize it? (or at least 99% sure)15:02
bazhangback up first arelis15:03
mysterycooldgjones: it onl y has 800x600 and 640x48015:03
prince_jammyszsiavas1: i don't know ... sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /mnt/sdc   would normally do it... i have never encountered the superblock error15:03
jribArelis: with backups15:03
flicckarelis : back up all data, then make sure you defrag your hard drive15:03
Arelisbazhang: all the important stuff is on mom's pc.15:03
Arelisflicck: I didn't defrag it yet. Can i do that from linux?15:03
dgjonesmysterycool, what would normal be? mine dropped from 1600x1200 to 1024*800, rebooting solved my problem15:03
mysterycooldgjones: ill ill reboot and check15:04
flicckarelis : no, you'll have to defrag from windows15:04
roddersgjrib problem was that my printer drivers (from foomatic) dissappeared when I tried to share the printer, so had to resort to brother drivers15:04
Arelisflicck: Alright. Any other measurements i'd have to take? (When i tried resizing a previous time, i had a crashing chkdisk)15:04
CrazyTBPici, jrib, I did that... Let me try to update and see what happens...15:05
flicckarelis : backup, then defrag, then put in the livecd of ubuntu and read carefully as you follow the prompts15:05
zsiavas1prince_jammys: thnx to help me i think its better to kick windows out with its disaster filesystems15:05
prince_jammyszsiavas1: well, there must be a way to recover your stuff.  but i have no idea how.15:05
kbrooksjow do i know if atd is used at all?15:06
prince_jammyszsiavas1: heh, its nice to kick windows out, but you still want your drive :)15:06
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bazhangwhat is atd?15:06
CrazyTBPici, jrib, finally! Thanks15:06
CrazyTBI wonder why the hell that repository was not enabled15:06
kbrooksbazhang, an action scheduler, like cron, but which executes only on demand (e.g. when you ask it to run a program at 6 am using "at")15:07
zsiavas1prince_jammys: ye your right thanks again hope to see you soon15:07
prince_jammyszsiavas1: bye good luck15:07
CrazyTBsee ya15:08
pawanhow to change desktop resolution15:08
ArthurArchnixDoes anyone know how to get openoffice spell checker to ignore all words in italics?15:08
vwbusguySystem>Preferences>Screen Resolution15:08
Sarthorhow to unload a module already loaded?15:08
flicckSarthor : rmmod WHATEVERMODULE15:09
Sarthorinsmod: a module named sll_lib already exists15:09
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mysterycooldgjones: nothign happened :S15:09
kbrooksi dont have a network. do i still need avahi-daemon?15:09
mysterycooldgjones: *nothing15:09
ArthurArchnixFailing that... does anyone know the openoffice irc channel? :)15:09
Sarthorflicck: rmmod skynet15:10
Sarthorskynet: Device or resource busy15:10
PiciArthurArchnix: #users.opennofice.org15:10
mysterycooldgjones: :o sec. see, yesterday i changed the screen to a really old one cuz my screen15:10
pawanhow to change desktop resolution15:10
ArthurArchnixThanks Pici15:10
mysterycooldgjones: cuz my screen's wire that connects with the pc was destroyed15:10
vwbusguypawan: I said above, System>Preferences>Screen Resolution15:10
mysterycooldgjones: and that screen had only those resolutions. think that that might be the problem :S15:10
flicckSarthor : you'll have to kill whatever process the skynet module is currently being used for, before you can rmmod skynet15:11
Sarthorflicck: how to check where its busy??15:11
vwbusguypawan: If that doesn't help you you can go to System>Administraion>Display and change the supported resolutions of your monitor15:11
flicckSarthor: top should show you what's going on in your system15:11
mysterycoolhey guyz, yesterday ive put a really old screen with my pc cuz the one i used was a bit destroyed and today i bought a new wire and connected it with my new screen again but my resolution is still at 800x600 and no higher options. help plz!15:12
pawanoh thanks15:12
vwbusguymysterycool: System>Administration>Display15:12
flicckSarthor : or, for a GUI, the GNOME System Manager15:12
vwbusguymysterycool: and pawan: Sorry take out "Displayu" and use "Screens and Graphics"15:13
flicckSarthor : either one should show you a list, ordered from most-resource-using to least-resource-using, of stuff going on in your system15:13
mysterycoolthanks! :D15:13
pawanand background15:13
felinHello, I am frenchy15:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:14
felinSomebody can't help me ?15:14
dgjones!ask | felin15:15
ubotufelin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:15
felinI not understand english very weel15:15
bazhangfelin: you may want to /join #ubuntu-fr15:16
dgjones!fr > felin, Please see the private message from ubotu15:16
ngoatohow do i kill a process in the install process from an i386 alternate cd for 7.1015:17
pawanhow to change background15:17
sirius-blackpawan: right mouse button should show an option for it15:17
flicckSarthor: is the skynet you're referring to the "offline downloader program like progfilegraber but capable of getting huge files"?15:17
felinthanks, I try15:17
ArthurArchnixfelin, allez aux #ubuntu-fe  , vous besoin d'entre come ca, sans "", "/join #ubuntu-fe"15:17
pawanwhen i right click no menu why15:18
ArthurArchnixexcuse moi, c'est #ubuntu-fr, pas fe15:18
amenadongoato if you do kill a process,  would you expect to finish the install?15:18
zsiavas1prince_jammys: hello again sorry hava you worked with TestDisck15:18
sirius-blackpawan: did you right-click on the desktop?15:18
sirius-blackyou are using ubuntu right?15:19
Starnestommysounds like a nautilus crash15:19
pawanyes gutsy15:19
pawanwith compiz15:19
prince_jammyszsiavas1: no ... ask here someone might know.15:19
ngoatoI don't know  but the system is trying to access a repository when it is not connected to a network. It says the "Select and install software" is 85% complete and "installed tomboy"15:19
sirius-blackit should show a drop-down menu with "change background" as the last option15:20
pawanno menu15:20
sirius-blackdoes your right mouse button work in other situations?15:20
pawanany other way15:20
sirius-blackanother way would be15:20
bazhangngoato: do you have the cd enabled as a software source in synaptic?15:20
s0u][ighthello did someone succeed using b43 driver for bcm?15:20
sirius-blacksystem --> preferences --> appearance15:21
sirius-blackthen the second tab15:21
prince_jammysif anybody knows how to recover an unmountable vfat partition detected by BIOS (but command "mount" gives error in superblock) --> zsiavas has this problem, wants to use testdisc15:21
ngoatobazhang, this is a new install on a travelmate 2353LCi and so I have not accessed any programs from the desktop yet. I am trying to complete the initial installation and found out about the network access by pressing alt f415:22
zsiavas1prince_jammys: you are the man.i strart reading the manual15:23
prince_jammyszsiavas1: yeah, a difficult problem15:24
ngoatoamenado, how do i find out which processes are running.  Sorry if the question is elementary but I dont have much experience with Linux15:24
sirius-blackhow do you use a midi-keyboard with the jack server?15:24
hansderagonGreetings.  I am checking the Ubuntu forums, but fail to find any forum regarding the latest Ubuntu development (now Hardy Heron).  Is there such a forum?15:25
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bazhangngoato: top or htop if you install it15:25
dgjones!hardy | hansderagon15:25
ubotuhansderagon: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:25
amenadongoato ps -aux  but again you have not answered my querries why you have a desire to kill a process during install?15:25
bazhang!hardy | hansderagon15:25
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ubuntunutHm, quiet today, eh?15:26
steven__hi people, can anybody out there tell me how i can get a webcam logitech quickcam 9.5 usb or my printer lexmark x1290 all in one working?15:26
ricardoromaoHello everybody, someone use amarok to give a litle help ?15:27
bsdnewb07guys, how do i setup an ubuntu server as a gateway15:27
sirius-blackngoato: it's not an application that comes standard with linux(i think) but you can download the "system monitor" app, which shows up in system --> administration15:27
ubuntunutsteven__: Usualyl webcams "just work". what are you trying to test it out with?15:27
erUSULbsdnewb07: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing15:27
sirius-blackhow do you use a midi-keyboard with the jack server?15:27
Starnestommysirius-black: iirc, it's installed by default in ubuntu15:27
danbhfive!webcam | steven__15:27
ubotusteven__: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:27
bazhangricardoromao: what is the issue?15:28
danbhfive!easycam | steve__15:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easycam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:28
ngoatoamenado, the machine seems to be hanging but when I look at the output console at alt F4 is see "could not resolve intacc.up.ac.za. I thought that i could kill apt-get to allow the install to complete. Would this be a good aproach?15:28
amenadongoato  actall it is preferable to have the network not available to rush the install, if you do have a network it attempts to connect, do upgrades and downloads some more stuff which elongates the install time.so without network it will time out and complete the install15:28
nox-HandHow would I go about installing only the small cli-only ubuntu-standard system? How big a difference is there from this and ubuntu-server?15:28
steven__thanks, ill give it a try15:28
hansderagonbazhang, thanks.  I do wonder why forums are not being used for that.  But at least, I can now check the discussions.15:29
sirius-blackstarnestommy: what do you mean??15:29
kostkonsteven__, your cam is one that works with ubuntu, I believe. Please test it with Ekiga, camorama or/and cheese15:29
flicckSarthor : any luck?15:29
amenadongoato no need to kill anything, let it time out by itself. so it can complete the install15:29
ricardoromaoI can`t load the All Collection, and I dont have any error15:29
Starnestommysirius-black: the system monitor?15:29
danbhfivenox-Hand: I believe there is no difference15:29
linux__alienhas anyone been running User Mode Linux in Ubuntu 7.10?15:29
linux__alienis it possible with Ubuntu 7.10 ?15:29
slim BigSlim15:29
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sirius-blackwhere's that then? i can't find it15:29
linux__aliencan some one please tell me that ?15:29
ubuntunutlinux__alien: Not a clue what user mode even is.15:29
bazhanglinux__alien: what are you trying to do15:29
sirius-blackhow do you use a midi-keyboard with the jack server?15:30
prince_jammysnox-Hand: as far as i know, there would be no difference. ubuntu server is just the base ubuntu plus some server packages15:30
nox-Handdanbhfive: Righto, I think I should ask the ubuntu-server guys about that then :)15:30
harmhow can i rename the label of my harddisk?15:30
Byanhey, does anyone know where I can find the code that does the force checking after so many mounts15:30
ByanI want to modify it15:30
sirius-blackhow do you use a midi-keyboard with the jack server?15:30
linux__alienbazhang, thanks for replying. i ve downloaded the vanilla kernel and compiled it for ARCH=um and when i booted it i was unable to set up networking between the host and the UML. i ve also set up tap interfaces in the Host system too15:30
ApogeeIf I installed Ubuntu with Gnome, how can I change the desktop manager to KDE?15:30
amenadolinux__alien-> i believed there are modules that used to be in the kernel side and now are in the user mode side, and they do work in 7.1015:31
brobostigonbyan: thats fsck15:31
ubuntunutsirius-black: A good place to start would be google. http://www.ubustu.com/globe/2007/05/29/how-to-configure-jack-in-ubuntu-studio/15:31
Byanbrobostigon: no, the script that force fscks after 30 mounts or so15:31
bazhangkubuntu-desktop Apogee15:31
linux__alienbazhang, i just want to enable networking in UML just a ping is enough for hacking into things15:31
flicckApogee : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:31
ByanI want to find the script that calls fsck15:31
ricardoromaobazhang: I cant load the All Collection playlist and the amarok dont give me any log error15:31
linux__alienbazhang, is it possible ?15:31
Apogeeflick I tried it - and it says package not found15:31
linux__alienbazhang, can you tell me what i am missing ?15:31
ngoatosirius black, thank you, the machine now seems to have moved on to "select and install software" 97% complete without me having had to kill anything.15:32
bazhanglinux__alien: not sure what uml is--could you elaborate?15:32
flicckApogee : kubuntu-desktop isn't found?15:32
amenadolinux__alien-> if you can find the /etc/network/interfaces   this is where ubuntu keeps its network configs15:32
harmApogee: at login in the buttom right there is a button to change session type and u can pick ur desktop env. (kde, gnome fluxbox)15:32
bazhangricardoromao: you right clicked and selected add to playlist?15:32
linux__alienamenado, yes its not a problem with the host15:32
linux__alieni feel15:32
harmApogee: sorry buttom left,15:32
ubuntunutamenado: Not true with gutsy. THey use network-manager for that15:32
amenadolinux__alien-> firmware is in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`15:32
Apogeeok thanks i'll check it now15:32
linux__alienamenado, firmware?15:32
linux__alienwhy firmware?15:33
amenadoubuntunut-> not true? are you sure, go see the /etc/network/interfaces if you have it15:33
linux__alienuname -r15:33
prince_jammysharm: he hasnt installed kubuntu15:33
linux__alienamenado, thats mine15:33
PiciByan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13978315:33
ubuntunutamenado: I do not. I use wpa_supplicant and some other stuff to connect to my UNI15:33
ricardoromaobazhang: I just right-click on All Collection and then click on Load, the interessant is, was work fine until yesterday15:33
ajitamhi I'm looking for a software that will automaticly send a mail for exp.: every day at 7pm15:33
ByanPici: I know about tune2fs..., but what does tune2fs change15:33
ByanI was the cange the script itself15:34
amenadoubuntunut-> even then, just go and see if you have that /etd/network/interfaces file15:34
ubuntunutamenado:But as far as I knwo on a default install it's pretty much blank except for loopback. If it's set to roaming in netwrok manager, the program handles everything as far as I know15:34
erUSULajitam: use a cli mail client and a cron job15:34
ubuntunutamenado: ... I do.15:34
ubuntunutamenado: But nothing is in it. Because I don't use that file.15:34
LoPMXhow can i keep multiple versions of packages and switch between them?15:34
ubuntunutamenado: Except for the loopback info15:34
bazhangricardoromao: what changed since yesterday? was there something you added, or an update?15:34
amenadoubuntunut and its stock on debian system to use that interfaces file to stash network configs15:34
LoPMXlike have ruby 1.8.4 and ruby 1.8.615:34
ajitamerUSUL: what is a cli mail client15:35
PiciByan: I really don't know, sorry.15:35
ricardoromaobazhang: I just add more music on my Music folder15:35
erUSUL!info mailx | ajitam15:35
ubotuajitam: mailx (source: mailx): A simple mail user agent. In component main, is optional. Version 1:8.1.2-0.20070424cvs-1 (gutsy), package size 152 kB, installed size 292 kB15:35
ubuntunutamenado: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/71015:35
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ubuntunutamenado: In Ubuntu 7.10, network-manager only manages interfaces that are marked for roaming. Thus, all interfaces that were previously managed by network-manager will be set to roaming mode during upgrade.15:35
ubuntunutamenado: Technically, this takes any interface stanzas using the dhcp method with no options and that are marked auto, and removes them from /etc/network/interfaces.15:35
ByanPici: yeah, thanks anyway15:36
amenadoubuntunut so far as you know, you are lacking some info, again visit the /etc/network/interfaces  and see what you pasted about this file15:36
ricardoromaobazhang: FYI, I use ubuntu 7.10 64 bits with amarok 1.415:36
bazhangricardoromao: and you told amarok where to look for music? there are no error messages? it just opens and refuses to play that new music--or all the music15:36
ubuntunutamenado: I keep telling you I _don't use that file_15:36
ubuntunutamenado: I use wpa_supplicant to connect to my University.15:36
amenadoubuntunut if you are so sure, go ahead and delete it and see if it makes a difference15:36
bazhangubuntunut: amenado is trying to help...15:37
amenadoubuntunut i dare you remove that file and see if youget a network15:37
ApogeeCouldn't find package kde-desktop15:37
ubuntunutbazhang: I wasn't asking a question, though. I was telling someone else something.15:37
PiciApogee: its kubuntu-desktop15:37
ricardoromaobazhang: if I click to play any playlist, they work fine, but if I click to load the All Collection, they just dont load and dont give me any log/message error15:37
ngoatoamenado, sirius-black, bazhang, the machine finally has timed out of the various applications and says "installation complete" I will try and boot up to see if the installation is successful. Thank you for the help.15:38
amenadolinux__alien getting back to you, you have network capabilities now?15:38
sirius-blackngoato: ok15:38
William_Fhi. how do i install the java runtime on ubuntu? i just need the java5 jre, but i don't know where and how to get it. "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre" tells me it "is not available"15:38
linux__alienamenado, yes15:38
pawanwhat is gl desktop15:38
sirius-blackngoato: hope it works15:38
bazhangricardoromao: rebuild your playlist--how many songs we talking about here?15:38
linux__alienamenado, i ve a wireless connection15:38
amenadongoato your fun begins now..hehe15:38
linux__alienamenado, i just want my UML to work :)15:38
linux__alienamenado, a ping between my UML Virtual machine and my host15:38
bazhangubuntunut: my apologies15:39
linux__alienthats what i need :)15:39
amenadolinux__alien-> but is it acquiring and associating to your AP ?15:39
danbhfive!find sun | William_F15:39
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)15:39
ubotuwilliam_f: Found: iiimf-le-sun-hong-kong-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-simplified-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-thai, iiimf-le-sun-traditional-chinese, kitsune (and 51 others)15:39
ApogeeCouldn't find package kubuntu-desktop15:39
ricardoromaobazhang: 50,000 musics more and less15:39
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: Do you have multiverse enabled?15:39
sirius-blacki need more help on the jack server with midi keyboard XD15:39
William_Fjack_sparrow, i don't know. how do i check?15:39
bazhangricardoromao: ever considering getting mysql or similar for that?15:39
sirius-blacki have an alsa driver(at least thatś what i have ennabled)15:39
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: system admin software sources15:39
Apogeepici couldnt find kubuntu-desktop15:39
sirius-blacki can also use oss which is associated with a realtek driver15:40
amenadolinux__alien-> which wifi card and chip do you have?15:40
hmullerother than writing a script to parse /var/log/apt/term.log, is there an easier way to identify packages the user has installed?15:40
Apogeesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (didn't find the package)15:40
bazhangapogee what repos do you have enabled in synaptic? the first four?15:40
danbhfive!enablesources | Apogee try this15:40
sirius-blackalsa is associated with via audio15:40
ubotuApogee try this: Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information15:40
William_Fjack_sparrow, i only have remote access. is it /etc/apt/sources-list i'm supposed to look at?15:40
noogai have problem with gutsy, for some reason it can't resolve hosts after connection, only place where net works properly is in my home (under cable router), when i connect via wifi or ppp or even via my friend's router i can't use internet15:40
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: yes15:40
Slarthmuller: dpkg -i . I think you can get a list using aptitude too15:40
karloffTO ALL! Could anybody give me advance? I want install ubuntu distro on Compact Flash and make system, which must be able to load from CF, but work in RAM memory only15:41
linux__alienamenado, see i am able to connect to the internet what i need is that i am running a UML instance and i set an ip address for it and i create a virtual tap0 interface and set an ip and now i need a ping between these two thats it15:41
afancyHI, where can i change the font type of my webpage?15:41
ricardoromaobazhang: I use the mysql with amarok15:41
Slarthmuller: sorry.. dpkg -l (lower case L)15:41
William_Fjack_sparrow, and then i just add "multiverse" after "universe" on all lines?15:41
amenadonooga look in your /etc/resolv.conf and see if the name server is correct15:41
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brobostigonnooga: check your dns, it sound like its  no working properly.15:41
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: You should already have the line but # remd out15:41
ricardoromaobazhang: i`ll try delete the .amarokrc and re-configure agaia15:41
sirius-blackand im getting -50 DB samples...15:41
bazhangkarloff: in ram only? sounds ambitious..15:41
afancyI have changed the Apperance, but it doesnt work in my webpage15:41
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: Just remove the # at the front of the multiverse line15:42
harmafancy:  your asking help here for your website or firefox?15:42
afancythe fonts in the web page is very ugly15:42
ngoatosirius-black, the machine has booted up but i can not get the other consoles when I press alt f2 or alt f3 or alt f4. Is this normal?15:42
naran '< hi15:42
BoglizkIs there a command for analysing a single process? I want to see how much memory and CPU a program uses.15:42
bazhangricardoromao: if rebuilding your playlist does not work you can always ask in #amarok (maybe go there first)15:42
amenadolinux__alien-> the uml  is that running off of a vmware or virtual box or qemu? am sure it has some instructions how to get a network setup to it15:42
AD7sixhi I want to disable the automatic notification sent out by Pidgin to other users that I am not idle when I start typing - what to do/where to ask? cheers.15:42
danbhfiveBoglizk: top15:42
ricardoromaobazhang: tks15:42
karloffbazhang: yes, it must not write to flash or read from it during work15:42
sirius-blacki have no idea15:42
ChabbHello Ubuntu Newbie here15:43
amenadolinux__alien-> or is it Xen ?15:43
William_Fjack_sparrow, i don't. each line says "[deb/deb-src] [url] [gutsy/gutsy-updates/gutsy-security] main restricted universe" and nothing more. so i just add "multiverse"?15:43
linux__alienamenado, why should UML run in qemu. The whole concept of UML is to simulate something like that so why run UML inside an other virtual environment ?15:43
noogaamenado: brobostigon: it seems to be correct (generated by NetworkManager), but i can't tell how it will look like after i connect somewhere else15:43
Boglizkdanbhfive: Can you select a single process and show an avarage cpu/mem usage with top?15:43
bazhangkarloff: and you want help doing which part of that?15:43
harmafancy: try Edit > Prefernce > Content15:43
Kibblesit seems as though my ubuntu isn't recognizing my screens refresh rate, even though I set it at 85Hz in xorg.conf15:43
* Sebleouf wish hi at everybody15:43
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: Hold for a sec.. you are using gutsy right?15:43
kolumbuszhi guys. I have an Acer aspire 5315 notebook with an intel 82810H (ICH8 family) soundcard. I can't get it work. I've tried to go through the sound troubleshooting help, but it didn't work. Can somebody pls help me?15:43
William_Fjack_sparrow, yes15:43
harmafancy: there is a thing called Font & Color then edit the default Font?15:44
amenadolinux__alien-> am not familiar with UML , thats a generic term to me. so if it has a distinct meaning, i dont know what it is15:44
prince_jammysBoglizk: i believe with top -p PID15:44
SebleoufWikipedi ?15:44
karloffbazhang: it looks like LiveCD .. .how can I do it more corret?15:44
Boglizkprince_jammys: Thanks, i'll try it15:44
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse        is all you should need to add15:44
bazhangSebleouf: you have an actual question?15:44
brobostigonnooga: add a opendns IP to resolv.conf, and see what happens??15:44
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek about to start in 16 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom15:44
Sebleoufbazhang : It is a Wikipedia IRC ?15:44
amenadonooga try to use nslookup or dig and as an option to these commands use the name server specified in your resolv.conf15:44
bazhangwww.pendrivelinux.com have you seen this site karloff?15:45
Species8472anyone here that speaks danish/15:45
bazhangSebleouf: this is #ubuntu support channel15:45
amenadonooga thats how you can confirm your name server is accessable and able to resolv15:45
prince_jammys!da | Species847215:45
ubotuSpecies8472: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.15:45
afancybut no this menu: System->preference->content15:45
afancyi cannot find the Content15:45
Species8472thanks prince_jammys15:45
Webdevotionhello guys,  I can't ping domain names, only ip adresses.15:45
prince_jammysSpecies8472: np15:45
ngoatochabb, welcome i am also very inexperienced with linux having unsuccessfully tried a number of times to get up to speed. I am trying again. I hope your ride is not as rough as mine has been.15:45
karloffbazhang: yes, I have seen this ... it's standart linux instalation on different usb ....15:45
Webdevotionping www.google.com does not work15:45
Sebleoufbazhang : OK, thx15:46
amenadoWebdevotion-> look into your resolv.conf   name server is accessable?15:46
hmullerSlart: Thanks, but that gives a complete listing, and I don't see how I can reduce the list to those packages installed by the user15:46
WebdevotionI also tried open dns servers ( eg: )15:46
karloffbazhang: but I need creating RAM disk i think15:46
Webdevotionhost www.google.com also works15:46
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:46
William_Fjack_sparrow, thanks. so i've added that line. "apt-get install sun-java5-jre" still says "no candidates"15:46
amenado!who | Webdevotion15:46
ubotuWebdevotion: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:46
bazhangkarloff: more correctly? that site is pretty authoritative imo15:46
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: did you apt-get update?15:46
ubotuIru al #ubuntu-eo, Bonvole.15:46
steven__still cant find any solutions to the web cam, thats life15:47
afancyharm: there is no Content under Preferences15:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:47
Webdevotion!ubotu tnx for the tip15:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tnx for the tip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:47
bazhangSebleouf: you can /msg ubotu thanks15:47
pawancant change resolution higher than 640by 48015:47
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: I sometimes forget that after changing sources.list that I need to update the list15:48
pawanwhats the problem15:48
William_Fjack_sparrow, i guess you could say i do as well, since i didn't even know about it... how do i update it?15:48
usr13pawan: Wrong display driver.15:48
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F:  apt-get update15:48
usr13more than likely15:48
amenadoWebdevotion-> paste in pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf  /etc/hosts15:48
usr13pawan: is it fresh install of 7.10?15:49
krammermy battery icon is showing empty but my batter is fully charged any thoughts?15:49
usr13pawan: Updated?15:49
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: Going to bed in a minute... will stay until you get this fixed..15:49
NW2190Hey, how do I get a list of the hardware devices connected to my computer?15:49
usr13NW2190: lspci15:49
KnightWseDoes anybody know if the lenovo m57 is supported by ubuntu15:49
usr13NW2190: or lshw15:49
dgjones!hcl | KnightWse15:49
ubotuKnightWse: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:49
amenadoNW2190-> and maybe even udev15:49
hmullerNW2190: for usb devices, lsusb is also handy15:49
Webdevotioncan someone give me a clue how to connect my ubuntu server to the net ( apt-get is not working because of this, I can ping ip adresses and use the host command )15:49
usr13pawan: What is your video card?15:50
bazhangKnightWse: thinkwiki may have that info15:50
pawannvidia geforce graphics card restricted drivers enabled15:50
erUSULNW2190: lshw or a combination of lspci and lsusb15:50
William_Fjack_sparrow, thanks! i seem to find the right stuff now, but it complains about unmet dependencies (sun-java5-bin). i'm not used to using apt-get. can i use aptitude instead or will that screw things up?15:50
Jack_Sparrowaptitude is fine15:50
NW2190Ok, thanks lsusb is what I was looking for.15:50
amenadoWebdevotion-> i advised you of your name server not resolving, are you going to paste the /etc/resolv.conf  and /etc/hosts ?15:50
prince_jammysNW2190: in gui -->system->preferences->hardware information15:50
faileas`KnightWse: tried tuxmobile?15:50
noogabrobostigon: i think opendns works for me, thank you15:50
Webdevotionamenado, thought I allready answered your question some lines ago15:51
noogaamenado: also than you15:51
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: You may need to verify your sources list is correct.  Would you like me to post mine to the pastebin before leaving?15:51
amenadoWebdevotion-> nope, you have not pasted it yet.. /etc/resolv.conf15:51
Webdevotioncat /etc/resolv.conf15:51
* faileas` notes generally thinkpads, and by extention lenovo's systems are linux friendly15:51
amenadonooga no sweat15:51
usr13pawan: grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:51
usr13Show us what that says^^15:51
William_Fjack_sparrow, i got it working now. thanks a lot for your help!15:51
amenadoWebdevotion-> do you see, if you try to correspond to me without a prefix nick, it is missed15:51
amenado!who | Webdevotion15:52
ubotuWebdevotion: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:52
Webdevotionamenado, do I just put your nick at the beginning of my sentence?15:52
sirius-blackokay, got the microphone working, now how to get the midi keyboard working?15:52
* bazhang hands pawan another 'then'15:52
Jack_SparrowWilliam_F: Great..  goodnight15:52
krammermy battery icon is showing empty but my batter is fully charged any thoughts?15:52
William_Fjack_sparrow, good night15:52
amenadoWebdevotion-> yes just like you see my responses to you, it is a courtesy to do so15:52
Webdevotionamenado, ok, roger that15:52
pawanwhat to do in that file15:53
Webdevotionamenado, I can ping that nameserver I have defined15:53
usr13pawan: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:53
NW2190How do I mount a usb drive? Is it just like mounting a normal hard drive?15:53
pawanyes then15:53
amenadoWebdevotion-> pinging a numeric ip is not good enuff, your client has ask for the name to be resolved15:53
usr13pawan: Show us what video driver is being loaded by xorg.conf15:53
sirius-blackokay, got the microphone working, now how to get the midi keyboard working? in jackd?15:54
Webdevotionamenado, I know, it's a big problem for me15:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:54
amenadoWebdevotion-> once more, what is the contents of your /etc/resolv.conf  let me see if it will resolv for me15:54
Pici!es | andres__15:55
ubotuandres__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:55
sirius-blacki have 2 microphones and 1 monitor, but no midi input15:56
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Webdevotionamenado: just pasted it for you :)  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56493/15:56
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amenadoWebdevotion-> okay let me do some testing15:57
bazhangnot enough modelines it seems15:58
Picisirius-black: Have you asked in #ubuntustudio?15:59
usr13pawan: What monitor do  you have?15:59
bazhangplug and play ;]15:59
amenadoWebdevotion-> it is resolving, your resolv.conf  should have another line like  "search your.domain.here"15:59
rsa_md5the fullscreen mode in mplayer doesnt work properly, i mean the window is resized to full but the are in which the video is playing remain small15:59
bazhangenglish please andres__15:59
Webdevotionamenado: ok, but what domain should I specify there?  my ISP?15:59
usr13pawan: 17"  or...?  Will it take 1024x768 ?15:59
pawanyes it takes16:00
amenadoWebdevotion-> yeah try that16:00
pawanshould i manually change resolution in the file16:00
erUSULandres_: haz «/join #ubuntu-es» en tu cliente irc para ir al canal en castellano16:00
Webdevotionamenado: tried it, but no difference http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56494/16:01
usr13pawan: Edit line 87:  Modes  "1024x768"  "800x600"16:01
usr13pawan: But first make backukp:16:01
Webdevotionamenado: FYI I have setup our router with OpenDNS16:01
kdubWebdevotion: ensure dns servers are alright16:02
amenadoWebdevotion-> do this test,  dig www.ibm.com @195.x.x.x  whatever that ip address you gave me16:02
usr13pawan: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak16:02
Webdevotionamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56496/16:03
pawancant save the file u dont have permisiion16:03
amenadoWebdevotion-> dont use use the ip you gave me earlier inyour resolv.conf16:03
WebdevotionI changed it to ( it is an open dns server ) in resolv.conf16:04
usr13pawan: sudo16:04
Webdevotionamenado:  changed it to ( open dns ) in resolv.conf16:04
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amenadoWebdevotion-> your open dns uses and what is the other one?16:04
usr13pawan: what editor are you using?  nano or gedit or...?16:04
Webdevotionamenado: I tried several open dns servers16:05
usr13pawan: From command line do this:  sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:05
amenadoWebdevotion-> is that supposed to be a name server or a dns resolver?16:05
KibblesSlart: hey there16:05
Webdevotionamenado: open dns server16:06
sirius-blackno-oneś answering in ubuntustudio16:06
Webdevotionamenado: that's what I remember from a forum topic16:06
pawansaved it now16:06
arttiHow i can remove GUI?16:06
amenadoWebdevotion-> maybe refer back to that forum and get a clarification?16:06
amenadoWebdevotion-> also you can do   dig -x  and tell me what it resolves to?16:07
Piciartti: Remove?16:07
usr13pawan: Ctrl-Alt-backspace or, just log out and back in again, (restart the Xserver).16:07
arttiPici, yes. Minimal install is 300MB or not?16:08
Webdevotionamenado: the other ip 195.x.x.x came from another support channel ( our hosting provider ) who tried to help us out16:08
WebdevotionI believe it could be their own dns server16:08
Piciartti: I dont know offt the top of my head.16:08
pawanno change16:08
AckerMANnI need help, I have ubuntu server 7.10 i don`t have an internet connection on server; and i want to install GCC, i`m connected on the server by a local area, and I have an ftp server on windows, I need the package for gcc ...16:08
amenadoWebdevotion-> you should use your own ISP's name server and not someone else, one time or two check is okay, most ISP dont like to serve someone else's client, only theirs16:09
usr13AckerMANn: It it fully updated?16:09
amenadoAckerMANn-> describe your network layout please, so we can assist16:09
Obsthi guys16:10
arttiapt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?16:10
AckerMANni have a swich, where join internet cable, cable from my pc, and server cable who have 192.168...16:10
Piciartti: That should work.16:10
AckerMANni have internet here, and on the server i`m connect by local.16:11
AckerMANnsorry for my english16:11
Webdevotionamenado: but this is not necessary for an openDNS right?16:11
amenadoAckerMANn-> am trying to understand what you said, its not clear,16:11
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:11
Dupasaxhello, what program can anyone recommend to me, for making an ftp server??16:11
AckerMANnman .. i want a link to download gcc...16:11
AckerMANnatfer that i`ll upload it on the server.16:11
AckerMANnwith an ftp transfer. :)16:12
Obstim searching für a br2684ctl.deb anybody knows where i can find it? i have no internet on my machine so i cant use apt16:12
amenadoWebdevotion-> i dont exactly know what openDNS is, is that a software you load on your machine or is that a dns server you point to?16:12
PiciAckerMANn: I believe the build-essential metapackage is on the Ubuntu alternate/server cd, it contains gcc.16:12
usr13AckerMANn: You about just connecting it to the internet, (whould be easier).16:12
Obstthis package16:12
Webdevotionamenado: a dns server which allows connections from everyone16:12
arttiPici, that won't help-16:12
viktoriouslinux is SHIT16:12
Pici!language | viktorious16:12
ubotuviktorious: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:12
popcornisgoodi have a creative webcam live! pro, and if i try to use it in anything other than ekiga, it just shows a blank screen.  any advice?16:12
pawanwhat is gl desktop16:12
AckerMANni can`t connect it on the internet because on my network I can take ip by mac address...16:13
viktoriouswhy dont all u guys just use windows save u all this trouble16:13
Webdevotionamenado: http://www.opendns.com/16:13
AckerMANnso mac from the server isn`t register on the network..16:13
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AckerMANnand i can`t gave it internet :)16:13
amenadoWebdevotion-> umm for example that resolves to  vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net.  is that what you expected?16:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:13
dgjonesObst, there's a link at the bottom of that page you posted which should let you download the file and then save it to a usb/cd, which you can then copy onto the machine without internet and install by clicking on it16:13
sirius-blackcause itś a hell of a lot cheaper, and itś better , itś just harder to get the specifics16:14
Lettuc3hi. when i print something on ubuntu, and bring up the document print status, i can still view the completed jobs from yesterday, i would like to delete those. where can i find the ?logs or whatever that keep completed print jobs?16:14
norml_advocat1does anyone know of a REALLY good sound conversion program?16:14
dgjonesObst, the file you can download from there is a .deb file16:14
erUSUL!info soundconvert16:14
ubotusoundconvert (source: soundconvert): convert compressed sound formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.40-1 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 72 kB16:14
usr13Lettuc3: lprm16:14
Webdevotionamenado: don't know where it should resolve to16:14
amenadoWebdevotion-> i was expecting something like resolver1.opendns.com.16:15
Obstlol thank you16:15
Webdevotionamenado: can't I just use my router as dns16:15
Lettuc3usr13 they're print jobs that have already completed.16:15
dgjonesObst, just select the correct version for your system i386/amd64 etc16:15
AckerMANn:/home/ackermann# br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb16:15
AckerMANn-su: br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb: command not found16:15
AckerMANni need help with this16:15
amenadoWebdevotion-> yes just use your router's and hoping that your router is getting its dns feed from your ISP16:15
Webdevotionamenado: all other systems ( win, osx and ubuntu ) seem to work ok with the router16:16
prince_jammysAckerMANn: you type a file name as if it was a command16:16
AckerMANn:/home/ackermann# ./br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb16:16
AckerMANn-su: ./br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb: Permission denied16:16
pelegIs it normal that my FireFox process takes up to 1GB of memory?16:16
erUSULAckerMANn: dpkg -i br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb16:16
amenadoAckerMANn-> okay do this,  paste in pastebin your   ifconfig -a;  route -n   copy it manually if you must16:16
NW2190Where are USB devices in /dev? The one I need to access is at Bus 004 Device 007 but that's all I know.16:16
Lettuc3i want to find out where the log of completed print jobs is so i can delete them.16:16
mad_max02Anyone here has Logitech G516:16
erUSULpeleg: firefox is know to use/leak huge amounts of memory16:16
amenadoWebdevotion-> okay then use it, you try to use another dns on a specific machine and it dont work, now you know why16:16
AckerMANnerUSUL 10x man ..wait a second please.16:17
Webdevotionamenado: no, it's after trial & error16:17
AckerMANndpkg: error processing br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb (--install):16:17
AckerMANn corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive16:17
AckerMANnErrors were encountered while processing:16:17
AckerMANn br2684ctl_20040226-1_i386.deb16:17
amenadoLettuc3-> look in /var/spool  normally16:17
Obsti have cli8cked to list of files all the time16:17
Xbehavei cant switch to the conservative cpu scedular using the battery icon, is there a way around this?16:17
erUSULAckerMANn: is corrupted redownload16:17
Lettuc3amenado i did have a look there, and there are no files that hold that information.16:17
Webdevotionamenado: this is the only machine that does not seem to be connecting correctly16:17
pelegerUSUL: annoying... still, in XP it took me up to 200, maybe 250 MB - but 1 GB ??16:17
reikalusikkaCan any 1 suggest a web browser, using firefox atm16:17
erUSUL!paste | AckerMANn16:17
ubotuAckerMANn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:17
popcornisgoodwhats wrong with firefox?16:18
Mike1i thought the actual kernel in the ubuntu repos is 2.6.24? why am i only getting 2.6.22?16:18
Lettuc3amenado wait a minute. i think there is, wasn't checking as root.16:18
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erUSULMike1: for 7.10 is 2216:18
SerachtHi. I remember when I installed ubuntu a while ago (I think 7.04) during live install I had to select different things like keyboard/video card drivers and all. Do I still ahve to perform these steps with Gutsy?16:18
amenadoLettuc3-> you sure?16:18
erUSULMike1: 24 is for the next version hardy still alpha16:18
SerachtAlso, how do you know which video card driver to choose? All the names are pretty much random16:18
usr13Webdevotion: sudo /sbin/dhclient16:18
usr13Webdevotion: sudo /sbin/dhclient  eth016:18
Mike1erUSUL: okay, thank you!16:19
bsdnewb07how do i enable arp proxy to eth0?16:19
erUSULSeracht: not at all random they usually have the chip name or manufacturere eg: radeon ati intel virge etc16:19
usr13Seracht: grep Deiver /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:19
amenadousr13 he has been trying different dns on his resolv.conf and it was not resolving for him16:19
Jeremy-Viewsurfhow do i shot web ?16:19
PiciJeremy-Viewsurf: #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
amenadoJeremy-Viewsurf-> get a shotgun?16:19
Serachtusr13 I didn't install ubuntu yet. I'm afraid I will get stuck in installation and won't know how to proceed. Especially with no windows installed :P16:19
Webdevotionusr13: tnx, but that did not resolve my problem16:20
amenadoi need coffeee..be back16:20
brobostigoni am using enlightenment, so no automount, however is there a prog, gui or not, to help me mount devices, like usb hdd, or flash, upon connect.??16:20
Lettuc3amenado ok, i have found the files in /var/spool/cups. i had previously been looking under cups-pdf instead, that's why i hadnt found them. i could manually delete those, each time, as root, but that's not terribly nice. is there another way to delete _completed_ print jobs as the user that did them, or will those files get rotated and eventually disappear, say after... x number of days, a week or something?16:20
fevelis there any free as in beer solution for virtualization on ubuntu? I need to get a windows virtual machine up and running for a tutorial im making16:20
SerachterUSUL alright, I think I will just go try to install gutsy and see how it goes heh16:20
usr13amenado: then he must have wrong nameservers, need to find out what the right ones are.16:20
SHyTRiGGeRi cant connect to proftpd, it refuses the connection, please help16:20
poningruFeanix: yes many16:20
Webdevotionusr13: do you have another insight in this problem?16:20
poningruerr fevel16:20
norml_advocat1someone give me an idea!  new project!  whats  next16:20
amenadousr13 i advised him of that, to use his ISP dns16:20
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers16:20
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, post your proftpd.conf on pastebin?16:20
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:20
neverblue!pastebin | SHyTRiGGeR16:21
ubotuSHyTRiGGeR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:21
usr13Webdevotion: Look at one of the other machines and see what nameserver(s) are working.  (You probably can use the router's as most routers have caching nameserver enabled.16:21
poningru!virtualizers | fevel16:21
ubotufevel: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:21
Webdevotionusr13: been there, done that :)16:21
amenadoLettuc3-> no other way i know of, other than visiting that directory and clean up..its amazing i found logs few months ago that hangs out there.16:21
brobostigonWebdevotion: try opendns, if you havent already.16:21
usr13Webdevotion: route16:21
grabbbhow do i connect to multiple servers on pxybnc?16:21
ZeddeHello, I have tried to install my Philips webcam SPC1000nc  anyone who can help me ?16:21
fevelwich one do you guys suggest?16:22
Webdevotionusr13: ok16:22
fevelfor me to stick with16:22
neverbluefevel virtualbox16:22
arttiapt-get remove gnome-desktop-data -- what that will do?16:22
Webdevotionusr13: when i do "rout" it says my default gw is my router, is that ok?16:22
fevelneverblue, but it doesnt let me use usb16:22
Lettuc3amenado hmm. ah well, i guess i could make a bootup script that would take care of that... thanks anyway. at least now i know where they are (had somewhat assumed they would be listed under the cups-pdf printer, which is what i'd used). laters.16:22
Webdevotionusr13: or do you want me to follow https://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php16:22
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue ok wait16:22
neverbluefevel, then maybe you should choose your own...16:22
SerachtIs there any reason VMWare is not supported in Gutsy?16:23
amenadoLettuc3-> good luck and enjoy the day16:23
usr13Webdevotion: Yes, then you only need to determine the proper nameservers to use.16:23
Serachtor did they just decide not to continue developing for ubuntu?16:23
belor1Firefox makes my Box freeze any sugestions for something that may not make it freeze?16:23
usr13Webdevotion: Did you add the correct dns server addresses?16:24
f190i have amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 4200+, but am running i686, is this why my dual cores are not optimized?16:24
faileasSeracht:guest or host?16:24
Webdevotionusr13: yes, in resolv.conf following https://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php16:24
usr13Webdevotion: Can you ping the router? e.g. ping
NullNameCan someone please tell me a good program to mirror sites for offline browsing?  I'm not having much luck with gwget.16:25
clocKwizei got ubuntu working now, but it doesn't boot from the hard drive, i have to insert the cd and goto boot from first hard drive - any reason why this could be?16:25
Dupasaxwhat ftp server is good???16:25
usr13NullName: wget -m16:25
dryrotwhich window manager is best for using/configuring more than one monitor attached to my computer ?16:26
belor1clockwize idk if they still have it but there was a program that would basically download the website to your computer16:26
modoc_Anybody use tinyhoneypot?16:26
neverblueDupasax, GUI or not?16:26
EADGNullName: I just installed one, gimme a sec to get the name.16:26
arttiCan anyone say, how i remove ubuntu desktop?16:26
NullNameThanks usr13 and EADG .16:26
NullNameI'll try the  -am option16:27
Dupasaxneverblue: for me better is gui :)16:27
modoc_artti: are you looking to remove the entire meta package?16:27
Webdevotionusr13: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56501/16:27
Yanchohi guys i just bought an exterior 160 gb hdd .. going to use 80GB for ubuntu - what should I partition it as ? and whats the best tool please?16:27
arttimodoc_, don't know. Want to remove GUI.16:27
usr13artti: Right-Click on empty space on desktop and choose:  "Change Desktop Background"16:27
neverblueDupasax, well proftpd is  decent non-gui, which does have a GUI configuration, just not sure how well it works, there is alow pureftpd, which I heard is good, and has a GUI as well16:27
bowen0507hey, i am having trouble with ubuntu booting and displaying a blank screen on start up but as soon as I move my mouse the desktop appears?16:27
brobostigon!gparted | yancho16:28
ubotuyancho: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/16:28
arttiusr13, not that.16:28
modoc_artti: you could try sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop16:28
NullNameartti: Do you want to remove ubuntu altogether? Or do you want to remove the windows manager so that you are using a text based interface?  OR do you want to disable your desktop so that there is no icons or wallpaper?16:28
Dupasaxneverblue: thanks, will try16:28
usr13Webdevotion: host av.com16:28
EADGNullName: httrack16:28
NullNamethanks EADG16:28
Webdevotionusr13: host command works16:28
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56503/16:28
Yanchobobslaede i would like to keep the current os on hdd i have - the 120 there is already - where there is ubuntu there .. ie / is on another disk16:28
arttimodoc_, invalid operation with autoremove.16:28
modoc_artti: though I believe you will have to do more work to remove Gnome all together.16:28
faileasYancho: Ubuntu liveCD should take care of it16:28
modoc_artti: What version of Ubuntu are you running?16:28
neverblueYancho, partition during the installer, you will want SWAP equal to 1.5X your RAM, possibly a seperate partition for your /home, and the rest in / (approx. 20GBs is ideal)16:29
arttiNullName, that second choice: text based interface16:29
usr13Webdevotion: Then you are connected.  What is your problem?16:29
neverblueDupasax, no prob16:29
Yanchothe os is already installed - ijust want this as extra space16:29
arttimodoc_, 6.0616:29
sloopymwhat config file defines what window manager is started?16:29
cjaeHi, I just did a fresh install of 7.10 and am using a fx 5500 nvidia card, did all the updates first then activated the restricted drivers module. I did not have my secondary monitor panasonic plasma th-42pz77u 42" turned on during install or while activating the restricted module. Now my primary monitor a 17' crt has like an extended/oversized view where it autoscrolls at edges with mouse.16:29
usr13artti: Install 7.1016:29
Mariahi guys, i have an ibm thinkpad T41, and when i dock it, the video no longer works, i think its defaulting to the dock VGA output, any idea how to stop that?16:30
modoc_artti: if doing an install, choose to be a server16:30
P1roanyone have ever buy anything on: http://www.computerpartsinsider.com/ ?16:30
arttiusr13, can't and don't ask.16:30
DrBeaverhausenMorning everybody.16:30
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, any reason why your not using PASV (Passive) ?16:30
NullNameartti:  I would highly suggest you install at least fluxbox as a windows manager.  It's very fast, has few options, and will give you so much more.  I've been told it's a bad idea to unistall the desktop unless you are positive that you want to run console only programs16:30
PiciP1ro: Try asking in ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic16:31
DrBeaverhausenI'm have a minor issue that I don't know how to fix.16:31
P1rook sorry16:31
EADGNullName: Just installed webhttrack, looks abit easier than regular httrack, this one has a browser interface.16:31
lusepusterHi, I am a frequent user of ssh with X forwarding... I've been told there should be a way for the window manager to show different color window borders for forwarded windows. Is it true, or is it an old Sawfish feature? (Sorry if OT)16:31
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, i dont know, where do you change it16:31
KaruIn my gdm login screen I have tiny  input font, I can hardly see it. How can I increase it ?16:31
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, what are the errors your gettting, are you running in debug mode at all? are you able to connect to the mysql DB?16:31
modoc_artti: try removing gnome, xorg, xserver-xorg and ubuntu-desktop16:31
NullNameartti: fluxbox allows you to still run graphical software, without a bunch of crap, that takes up resources.16:31
modoc_artti: though you'll still need to clean up the leftovers16:32
arttiNullName, apt-get install fluxbox?16:32
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, I am guessin you have never setup an FTPd in unix before16:32
NullNameartti: I would keep gnome and install fluxbox.  type: sudo apt-get install fluxbox16:32
DrBeaverhausenWhen ever I used to close/minimize either pidgin or amarok they would just go to the toolbar, now they completely shut down.  How do I fix this?16:32
NullNameyes artti:16:32
cjaeand in screens and graphics it says that both screens are using 640x480 resolutions16:32
NullNameartti: If  you really want to run text only mode, reinstall with ubuntu server edition16:32
cjaewhich is not ture16:32
artti  fluxbox: Depends: menu (>= 2.1.19) but it is not going to be installed16:32
artti  ubuntu-base: Depends: ubuntu-standard but it is not going to be installed16:32
artti  w3m: Depends: libgc1c2 but it is not going to be installed16:32
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, apache2 and mysql work, proftpd says "service not available remote server has closed connection"16:33
NullNameartti: removing gnome and yur current desktop will probably mess a lot of your programs up.16:33
RyoushiDrBeaverHausen, is the "Notification Area" applet on your taskbar?16:33
DrBeaverhausenNo, I don't think so.16:33
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, no its the first time16:33
cjaenever used automatix or anything16:33
sloopysomething wrong with the FAQ?16:33
usr13Karu: sudo gdmsetup16:33
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, does the service proftpd start?16:33
RyoushiDrBeaverhausen:  Add it, pease16:33
Webdevotionusr13:  I can not use apt-get install16:33
DrBeaverhausenI've got the standard 2 toolbars16:33
Karuusr13: Thanx16:34
Webdevotionusr13: I also can not ping16:34
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, yes its listening port 2116:34
NullNameartti: Once you have fluxbox, logout and then you must choose to switch to fluxbox.16:34
Webdevotionusr13: only on ip adresses16:34
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, did you config your router?16:34
sloopyremoving gnome will make the machine go to another window manager...16:34
RyoushiDrBeaverHausen  Right click, and find the button "Add applet"16:34
Webdevotionusr13: not on domain names16:34
afancyHi, where to change the fonts type of content, like web page, content in an editor?16:34
diegosouzaKaru, have u ever took a look at system > administration > login window  ?16:34
NullNameartti: You choose to switch to fluxbox when you are at your login screen16:34
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, yes fowarding port 21 too16:34
usr13Webdevotion: ping
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, and you portscanned your local machine, to ensure port 21 is open?16:35
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, it should at least work when i do "open localhost"16:35
usr13Webdevotion: ping av.com16:35
afancyas all the fonts in the content are very ugly16:35
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, yes16:35
afancywhere can i change it??16:35
DrBeaverhausenIs it "notification area"?16:35
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, did you create the user/groups defined within the .conf file?16:35
Webdevotionusr13: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56505/16:36
DrBeaverhausenThanks, I knew it would be a simple fix.  You are brilliant.16:36
lollohow can i run a .iso / .nrg file ? the called "image file" ? ? ?16:36
RyoushiYou're welcome ^.^16:36
Pici!iso | lollo16:36
ubotulollo: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:36
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, "nobody" & "nogroup" ?16:36
Webdevotionusr13: ping av.com > unknown host av.com16:36
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, thats not a question you should be asking :D16:36
lolloand if the iso file is from a cd for winzoz ? ?16:36
=== tobias__ is now known as tobias
Picilollo: winzoz?16:37
lolloi must run wine too ?16:37
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, lol im french so im not always sur to understand what you mean :p16:37
cjaeanyone catch that16:37
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, if you clearly read the .conf, you will see which 'user's and 'group's are required16:37
arttiWhat are fluxbox pros and cons?16:37
usr13Webdevotion: Your problem is that you are not resolving domanin names.  You have either entered wrong nameserver addresses or have not entered them properly. Do you know what nameserver addresses you are supposed to be using for your particular ISP?16:37
Distro^Junkiewhat tools are needed for building from svn ?16:37
Picilollo: On the iso is a windows program installer?16:38
Webdevotionusr13: can't I just use my router as dns?16:38
usr13Webdevotion: If you know what nameserver IP address you are supposed to be using, then add them to: /etc/resolv.conf16:38
f190anyone run amd6416:38
vltHello. Is it safe to restart gdm while users are still connected?16:38
PiciDistro^Junkie: you'd need subversion and the build-essential, plus any development files for the source's dependencies.16:38
Webdevotionusr13: I added my router on several occasions as NS16:38
usr13Webdevotion: nameserver ###.##.###.#16:38
clocKwizehmm, when i do cat /dev/ttys0 (as it says is my serial port in dmesg) it says cat: /dev/ttys0: Input/output error -- why could this be/16:38
lolloPici yes16:38
Webdevotionusr13: yes, in /etc/resolv.conf16:38
Distro^Junkiethanx Pici16:38
Picilollo: You could try using Wine.16:38
Webdevotionusr13: should I reboot anything?16:38
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, also you will want to setup debugging, which is clearly define in an proftpd FAQ, there is also the #proftpd channel (read the topic)16:39
usr13Webdevotion: If you added the router's IP into resolv.conf and it is not resolving domain names, that means that the router's caching nameserver is turned off. So add another one.16:39
lollooky thx16:39
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, how do you debug it ?16:39
Webdevotionusr13: I added the www.opendns.com as the nameserver on our router16:39
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, like I said, its clearly defined in any proftpd FAQ16:40
Webdevotionusr13: also had contact with the router's help desk, they say everything should work just fine ( draytek machine )16:40
NW2190Is there a way to find a list of the 'mountable' devices connected to a computer?16:40
sandr-isnt that just typing 'mount' ?16:41
usr13Webdevotion: Nameservers are IP addresses not domain names.  You have to use the proper IP address.16:41
zozobraIs there a way to set umask for one directory alone?16:41
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, ok sorry, thanks im gonna look :)16:41
usr13Webdevotion: Find out from your ISP what nameserver addresses you need to be using.16:41
AdamskaHi, I have recentky bought a netmos NM9835CV card wich have one parallel port and two serial ports but I can't make it work...16:41
Webdevotionusr13: I know > gave www.opendns.com as an example16:41
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, if you have anything more specific, I would be happy to help16:41
sandr-oooh 'mountable', basically you can mount every filsesystem so you can't just get a list16:41
reikalusikkawhich handles hd decompressing(?) CPU or GPU?16:41
usr13Webdevotion: What are your suggested nameserver addresses?16:41
Adamskait seems that the adress 0x378 is not used16:41
sumoneHi i just installed ubuntu the first time, but sime drivers wont work. To update i want to connect my laptop to the inet but id like to know if there are several things ive to do before, like install firewall or something else?!16:42
Webdevotionusr13: from my ISP?16:42
Webdevotionusr13: I have no idea16:42
usr13Webdevotion: yes16:42
Webdevotionusr13: no answers on google neither16:42
faileassumone: not really16:42
usr13Webdevotion: Look at one of the other PCs on the LAN and see what it is using.16:42
sumonefaileas: ok thanx16:42
Webdevotionusr13: do you know how to find out on windows?16:42
faileasyou can just connect it. its not like windows since you need to give ermissions for anything important16:42
Webdevotionusr13: or osx?16:42
usr13Webdevotion: You would have to call your ISP or sysadmin and ask.16:42
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, ok thank you very much, i'll tell you if i find something more specific ^^16:43
reikalusikkasumone: then get the drivers from applications-> add/remove16:43
=== livewire1 is now known as livewire
usr13Webdevotion: In windows, yes, go to the network interfiace and click on Properties.16:43
usr13Webdevotion: Or better:  bring up a terminal window and type:  ifconfig /all16:44
Webdevotionusr13: "obtain dns automatic" on windows16:44
usr13Webdevotion: Or better:  bring up a terminal window and type:  ipconfig /all16:44
Webdevotionusr13: ok, got 'm from  my win box16:45
unagianyone know how to get the side buttons of a logitech mouse working?16:45
snaga_how do I switch from a static IP address to dhcp using only the command line? using feisty.16:45
Webdevotionusr13: will try them16:45
=== vwbusguy__ is now known as vwbusguy
erUSULsnaga_: edit /etc/network/interfaces16:45
usr13Webdevotion: Very good,  that should work for you.16:45
erUSULsnaga_: man interfaces16:45
snaga_ok, I see it, thanks16:45
Webdevotionusr13: after I edit my resolv.conf, should I restart anything?16:45
Apogeedamn, how can I increase my / root partition16:46
MasterShrakWebdevotion afaik no, /etc/hosts  doesnt require anythign to be restarted16:46
Apogeeany partition manager in ubuntu?16:46
StarnestommyApogee: gparted?16:46
MasterShrak!gparted | Apogee16:46
ubotuApogee: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/16:46
MasterShrakApogee youll probably have to do it from the livecd though, as the partition cannot be mounted when you do this16:47
prince_jammysApogee: get the  live CD16:47
Webdevotionusr13: tried ping www.google.com, still same problem ...16:47
ApogeeI see16:47
Webdevotionusr13: dns same as working ubuntu box and same as win box16:47
NW2190How can I find the UUID's more the devices connected to my computer.16:47
MasterShrakNW2190 blkid16:47
prince_jammysNW2190: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid16:48
YanchoI have a USB 2.0 PCI Card - Am not seeing it in the Device Manager - how can I know if its good / compatible or not please?16:48
prince_jammysNW2190: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid16:48
usr13Webdevotion: Show us your /etc/resolv.conf file16:48
lolmausI've booted from a Kubuntu LiveCD. When trying to mount a hdd partition, i get this error: unknown partition type 'ext3'. How do i mount it?16:48
usr13Webdevotion: Can you ping the nameserver IP addresses?16:48
MasterShrakYancho does it show up when you type: lspci   in a terminal?16:48
MasterShraklolmaus mount -t ext3 ......16:48
YanchoMasterShrak testing16:49
usr13Webdevotion: What is the IP of  your router?16:49
lolmausMasterShrak: i tried! It says: unknown partition type 'ext3'!16:49
Webdevotionusr13: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56507/16:49
Apogeecan I run windows apps from kubuntu?16:49
Webdevotionusr13: router is
prince_jammyslolmaus: paste the command you are typing16:49
Ashna1i restarted my computer and now ubuntu says my sound card doesnt exist anymore16:50
Webdevotionusr13: currently using dns from my ISP16:50
YanchoMasterShrak : 0000:00:0b.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 51) i guess it is this one16:50
krammeri cannot figure out why computer keeps freeazing16:50
lolmausprince_jammys: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/debi16:50
MasterShraklolmaus not sure then, thats very strange16:50
belor1Whats thje cpommand for a trash Icon16:50
lolmausDam' :(((16:50
MasterShrakYancho appears to be seen, what kind of device is it?16:50
Apogeedoes WineHQ work on ubuntu?16:51
lolmausThat's why people hate ubuntu :(16:51
YanchoMasterShrak PCI to USB2 card - 3 ports16:51
Picilolmaus: What happens if you dont use the -t ext3 option?16:51
StarnestommyApogee: wine does16:51
lolmausPici: same thing.16:51
afancyHi, everybody: do you know how to change the content fonts in ubuntu?16:51
MasterShrakYancho do devices work when you plug them in?16:51
ApogeeStarnestommy: Would you use Wine to run win apps ?16:51
Yanchoi have a usb2 new hdd - so cannot test new with new .. if i plug a pen drive which is usb1 will it work?16:52
Picilolmaus: Are you sure that the parition type is ext3?16:52
krammeri cannot figure out why my computer keeps freezing any thoughts?16:52
MasterShrakYancho it should16:52
StarnestommyApogee: yes16:52
lolmausPici: it's debian's auto created partition. Should be ext3.16:52
usr13Webdevotion: You basically only need three things to happen.  1) Have the IP set within the proper range that router is using.  2) Set the router's IP as default gateway, (sudo /sbin/route add default gw 3) Add proper nameserver IP addresses to resolv.conf, (nameserver
prince_jammyslolmaus: and sudo fdisk -l shows this device to be ext3?16:53
MasterShraklolmaus have you tried mounting it without a -t  option?16:53
Webdevotionusr13: I know this is a stupid, silly situation, but I've been working on this for hours in the last couple of days16:53
usr13Webdevotion: But if the router is set up properly and broadcasts proper IP info and nameservers and all that, you should be able to set to dhcp and it will do all that for you.16:53
Webdevotionusr13: I'm using a static ip for this box, because it is a servre16:54
lolmausMasterShrak: i did. See above.16:54
Webdevotionusr13: but my other machines work well with dhcp16:54
usr13Webdevotion: If you can ping outside IP addresses and not domain names, then you have narrowed the problem down to an inability to resolve domain names.16:54
zmijunkieHi, I am trying to upgrade using /usr/bin/update-manager through a remote X11-Session - seems to get stucked when downloading package 19 ...16:54
lolmausprince_jammys: oh dam'... It says: unable to execute, i/o error :(16:55
Webdevotionusr13: yes, but how do I resolve domain names > by setting the correct ones in resolv.conf, right?16:55
krammeris there a program i can run to see if my machine is running properly?16:55
usr13Webdevotion: Paste your /etc/resolv.conf file so we can see it.16:55
usr13Webdevotion: yes16:55
YanchoMasterShrak ok the usb pendrive was found as usb2 .. how can i disable it to unplug it now please?16:55
prince_jammyslolmaus: that problem is beyond me, but obviously something is up over there16:55
MasterShrakYancho is it mounted? if not just unplug it, otherwise you have to unmount it first16:56
MasterShraklolmaus sounds like a bad partition, run e2fsck on it maybe?16:56
usr13Webdevotion: Looks good.16:56
YanchoMasterShrak : /dev/sdb1 on /media/usbdisk-1 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)16:56
usr13Webdevotion: What do you get when you issue command:  host av.com16:56
MasterShrakYancho sudo umount /dev/sdb1    then unplug it16:56
usr13Webdevotion: Paste it for us to see.16:57
lolmausprince_jammys: MasterShrak: sounds like a badly burnt livecd! Should reburn it16:57
fliegenderfroschis there a way of controling amarok with multimedia keys under ubuntu? they work in the gnome preferences, but amarok just ignores them, when i try to set them in amarok's preferences16:57
Picifliegenderfrosch: Theres a plugin/script for amarok (use the internal plugin adding thing) to allow you to use the gnome multimedia keys16:57
MasterShraklolmaus do you konw for a fact that the partition is good?16:57
Yanchook thanks MasterShrak now I can start with the usb2 hdd :)16:57
minozmijunkie: hmm your problem with the stucked downloads in apt-get or aptitude is here the same... but only since 2 weeks16:58
Picifliegenderfrosch: I dont have it in front of me so I'm not sure what its all exactly called.16:58
Webdevotionusr13: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56509/16:58
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lolmausMasterShrak: the i/o error concerns the livecd, not the partition. The partition is good, i'm sure.16:58
Ashnalso i reatrt my computer and now ubuntu doesnt detect any sound devices, even my onboard sound16:58
usr13Webdevotion: You are resolving domain names.  You are connected to the internet and resolving domain names.16:59
zmijunkie@mino: maybe I have to retry upgrading using a real monitor, which is shame16:59
Webdevotionusr13: yes16:59
usr13Webdevotion: Shouldn't be a problem.16:59
Webdevotionusr13: I understand that16:59
MasterShraklolmaus ok id try a reburn of the livecd, or if you have another one laying around try that maybe16:59
usr13Webdevotion: Then what is the problem?16:59
MasterShraklolmaus just for kicks, type mount    and check if its already mounted16:59
Webdevotionusr13: I can't use apt-get install because of this problem16:59
=== BernardB` is now known as BernardB
prince_jammyslolmaus: if you reburn, reburn slow -- 4X16:59
MasterShraklolmaus sometimes things get auto-mounted, although with that error i doubt thats whats happening16:59
usr13Webdevotion: what exactly are you trying to install?17:00
MasterShrakhello vinay17:00
vinayhow to create partitions?17:00
Webdevotionusr13: eg capistrano gem for rails deployment17:00
lolmausMasterShrak: nope it's not mounted :)17:00
AHAvinay, with the gparted partition tool17:00
vinayhi MasterShrak17:00
MasterShrakok lolmaus, just a thought, yea id try a different livecd17:00
usr13Webdevotion: What error do you get?17:00
minovinay: with fdisk17:00
MasterShrak!gparted | vinay17:00
ubotuvinay: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/17:00
AHAvinay, sudo apt-get install gparted17:00
amenadovinay-> you have a hard disk with spaces to partition?17:00
fliegenderfroschPici: Thanks, i'll look for it17:00
ubuntuxhi i got random lockups in hardy, does anyone know how to troubleshoot that?17:01
prince_jammysvinay: get the live CD17:01
minoubuntux: its not stable!17:01
MasterShrak!hardy | ubuntux17:01
ubotuubuntux: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:01
Webdevotionusr13: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56511/17:01
ubuntuxyea yeah i know its not stable17:01
SpencericalWebdevotion: do you eat cds or diskettes?17:01
zmijunkie@mino: I am trying apt-get update now ...17:02
spark_hey guys17:02
MasterShrakubuntux ask in #ubuntu+117:02
SpencericalHey spark_17:02
Webdevotionusr13: cd roms17:02
MasterShrakhello spark_17:02
minoubuntux: so why you wonder that you get lockups?17:02
WebdevotionSpencerical: cd roms17:02
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minozmijunkie: please use mino: instead of @mino: :) or you are not highlighting me17:02
zmijunkie@mino: I get stuck at the same package: de.archive.ubuntu.com (]17:02
lolmausMasterShrak: prince_jammys: Pici: thank you, i'll try.17:02
spark_i got a problem installing ubuntu on a friends laptop. gparted doenst work and cfdisk just gives a error like " primary partition ends in ... cylinder" anyone knows what this means?17:02
SpencericalWebdevotion: that' s good to konw.17:03
prince_jammyslolmaus: good luck17:03
minozmijunkie: hmm have you tried another mirror?17:03
usr13Webdevotion: The problem is not with the internet connection.  I think the package name is wrong.17:03
mino!mirror | zmijunkie17:03
ubotuzmijunkie: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:03
Webdevotionusr13: http://www.capify.org/install17:03
zmijunkieI get stuck at a server called de.archive.ubuntu.com17:03
Webdevotionusr13: there is the exact code I use17:04
zmijunkieit is locate at
amenadospark_-> umm those are linux commands, how are you getting these results?17:04
MasterShrakzmijunkie try different mirrors17:04
minoin my solution another mirror didnt fix it, sometimes it still lockup in the download process, if i abort and start again he has already downloaded it17:04
billytwowillywhat's the name of the virtual machine software that looks kind of like vmware but is open?17:04
Starnestommybillytwowilly: virtualbox?17:04
MasterShrakyea virtualbox17:04
NthDegreebillytwowilly: Virtualbox has an OSS Edition17:04
spark_amenado: i tried installing it normal. but as gparted wanted to partion the hdd the installation stops with an error. so i tried to use gparted manually: same error17:05
billytwowillyNthDegree: thanks.17:05
vinayrandom lockups in hardy   http://www.google.com/search?q=random+lockups+in+hardy&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enIN262IN26217:05
NthDegreeI wouldn't recommend using it though17:05
MasterShrakNthDegree why not?17:05
NthDegreeit has issues with kernels > 2.6.18 with random lockups from my experience17:05
Pici!hardy | vinay17:05
ubotuvinay: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:05
NthDegreeolder VB versions lockup17:05
MasterShrakNthDegree interesting, ive never really had problems with it, although i havent used it in a few months17:05
NthDegreenewer ones "Abort"17:05
zmijunkieapt-get update   tries a different mirror now ...17:05
amenadospark_-> when you say tried to use it manually, you're running gparted from windows or linux?17:05
spark_ubuntu live sorry17:06
spark_both gparted and cfdisk trying to use from ubuntu live cd17:06
NthDegreeMasterShrak: This is only with x64 mind you, old-fashioned IA-32 may be different17:06
amenadospark_-> and if you try  fdisk  same?17:06
amenado!who | spark_17:06
ubotuspark_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:06
=== ravi is now known as Rcommander
usr13Webdevotion: Dont know about gem17:07
usr13Webdevotion: Have never used gem17:07
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
YanchoI am trying to use gparted to partition a IDE 160 GB HDD on a USB2 mount - Partitioning as 80GB for linux (ext3) and 80GB for Windows (NTFS). Should I create the Ubuntu partition as Primary Partition / Extended?17:07
RcommanderOk guys i have the wierdest question ever17:07
spark_amenado: fdisk starts but i dont know how to use it... and i think the installation has to use gparted anyway to create swap and root ?!17:07
NthDegreeYancho: I recommend Primary. all bootable partitions should be primary17:07
PiciRcommander: Try us ;)17:07
YanchoNthDegree it won't be bootable .. i am just using it to store some files17:08
Rcommanderi am using Azerus, as a bt client, it downloaded the 2 gig file, saved it to my home folder, but I can't see the file, i force a re-check and says the file is there...the location is also showing as my home folder but i can't see the file17:08
PiciRcommander: Does the filename start with a . ?17:08
amenadospark_-> easy to use,  from livecd terminal, type  fdisk /dev/sdb  assuming its second drive17:08
MagishenGuys I'm pretty much new to Ubuntu and I just downloaded unrar-nonfree, the question is how do I install it?17:08
Rcommanderstarts with a "J17:08
Rcommanderi mean "J"17:08
NthDegreeYancho: in that case extended will be perfectly fine regardless of the system =]17:08
vinayis Gobuntu worth trying out??17:08
helpyhi all17:08
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helpyis someone here from pakistan ?17:08
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amenadoMagishen-> you downloaded how?17:08
Pici!away > IBEGONE (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:09
YanchoNthDegree if i do it primary will it screw the boot ?17:09
Magishenfrom the site - http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy-backports/source/unrar-nonfree17:09
vinayfrom INDIA17:09
Intangirhow do i see the system statistics for my CPU and video card? i need to know how fast it thinks my video card and CPU are17:09
spark_amenado: but what to do if fdisk works? the installation uses gparted anyway17:09
LadyNikonhelpy: please stay on topic with the channel.17:09
prince_jammysWebdevotion: are you sure that is the package name?17:09
helpyumm ok17:09
Rcommanderso anyone willing to take a shot at the azereus issue?17:09
NthDegreeYancho: it shouldn't do, because there is a "bootable" mark for the partition you're meant to boot from17:09
helpyi have want to install wamp server17:09
Webdevotionprince_jammys: yes, very very sure :)17:09
polmCan I reduce the amount of CPU load that the Flash plugin places on my Ubuntu/Gutsy?17:09
helpyplease help with that.17:09
amenadospark_-> having to format a hd with fdisk is an alternative to gparted or cfdisk17:10
helpymy c://localhost asks password and i dont know what it is.17:10
Webdevotionprince_jammys: http://www.capify.org/download17:10
helpyi want to install joomla actually.17:10
=== IBEGONE is now known as yogurt2ungue_
MasterShrakIntangir cat /proc/cpuinfo   for cpu, not sure what gfx card would be17:10
helpyi was wondering if someone could help me.17:10
NthDegreepolm: if it is on x86_64 you can easily17:10
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* yogurt2ungue_ is back.. gone 1 minute, and 30 seconds.17:10
Picihelpy: This is the Ubuntu support channel, Windows help in ##windows17:10
lolmausMasterShrak: prince_jammys: Pici: I've booted from a dvd instead of cd. It worked fine! My dvd-rom seems to fail reading cds17:10
IntangirMasterShrak: thx17:10
Intangirlooks like my CPU is right17:10
MasterShraklolmaus good to hear :)17:10
NthDegreepolon x86_64 you can renice nspluginviewer when it runs :P17:10
YanchoNthDegree so Primary it is :)17:10
amenadoMagishen-> try apt-get install unrar17:10
prince_jammyslolmaus: good17:10
Intangirmy bios got reset and i have no idea if i got the settings right17:10
spark_amenado: yipp i know. what i mean: the ubuntu graphics isntallation uses gparted to create root and swap partition. so: wo'nt be of any use if fdisk works ? or am i wrong?17:10
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jpatrick!away > yogurt2ungue_17:11
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polmNthDegree: this is just a plain o;17:11
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MasterShrakIntangir lspci -vv    may give you useful information about your vid card17:11
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jpatrick!ops | Intangir17:11
ubotuIntangir: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!17:11
polmNthDegree: this is just a plain ol' x86 system. Not 64.17:11
MasterShrakdont kik Intangir17:11
amenadospark_-> you are having issues using the others, now if you use fdisk just to set the partition, then you can restart your install upon fixing it with fdisk17:11
PiciMasterShrak: twas a typo ;)17:11
CreativeEmbassyhey all!17:11
NthDegreepolm, not sure in that case.. I suppose you could choose low quality on things17:12
MasterShrakhello CreativeEmbassy17:12
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spark_ok thx amenado i will give it a try17:12
khelllhow to install realplay plugin with firefox?17:12
PiciRcommander: What are you using to check for the file? nautilus? the terminal?17:12
MasterShrak!multimedia | khelll17:12
ubotukhelll: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications17:12
Intangirjpatrick: what was that?17:13
vinayis xubuntu worth trying out?17:13
jpatrickIntangir: typoe, sorry17:13
usr13Webdevotion:  Join the Capistrano mailing list: http://www.capify.org/community17:13
N6REJWhats the status of the 64bit world these days as it relates to *nix?17:13
MasterShrakvinay it is if you have a rather slow machine17:13
RcommanderPici, nautilus, one other wierd thing i just removed azereus and installed bt, and when i try to re-run the torrent and try to choose a save location i can see the folder with my torrent but when i go directly to the home folder i can'17:13
N6REJi'm looking at either server or studio edition17:13
NthDegreevinay: Xubuntu uses the XFCE desktop environment, you can easily try it out if you so wish =]17:13
MasterShrakN6REJ i run 64 bit for all my linux needs :)17:13
N6REJor ideally both lol17:13
usr13NthDegree: Does it look like gnome?17:14
N6REJMasterShrak can wine run in a 64 bit world?17:14
PiciRcommander: press ctrl-h when you're in nautilus in that folder and see if its there.17:14
MasterShrakN6REJ java and flash have been problems in the past, although they seem to run just fine now :)17:14
NthDegreeusr13: not particularly17:14
prince_jammysWebdevotion: the problem is that you can't install that ruby gem, correct?17:14
MasterShrakN6REJ yes wine runs fine17:14
N6REJMasterShrak nice!17:14
mengedejnautilus and filezilla dont pick the proper file type for ftp transfers, where can I see the current config for nautilus?17:14
MasterShrakN6REJ it runs in 32 bit mode though, but no worried :)17:14
RcommanderPici, ya its there17:14
NthDegreeusr13: the basic menu is tweaked to look similar but otherwise it isn't much like GNOME17:14
N6REJMasterShrak yeah i would expect that but that is just fine by me.17:14
usr13NthDegree: I saw I guy's xubuntu desktop at my LOG on saturday and it looked just like gnome.17:14
RcommanderPici, its not hidden either17:14
CreativeEmbassyanyone familiar with running vlc behind a proxy?17:15
N6REJMasterShrak had an experience with the studio distro?17:15
NthDegreeusr13: yeah the menu at the top does... but try using the settings bits :P17:15
CreativeEmbassyI had an issue I brought here several days ago, I finally tried all of them and nothing worked... :-/17:15
Rcommandern6rej, sorry to butt in, but gotta say love studio17:15
MasterShrakN6REJ no, but its just ubuntu with extra softare i believe, no real differences and you could make regular ubuntu run just the same afaik17:15
N6REJRcommander no pleas do it fine17:15
CreativeEmbassyI'm trying to play a shoutcast stream, but I'm behind an ISA proxy17:15
N6REJyeah i would expect that17:16
PiciN6REJ: It has a different kernel than Regular Ubuntu/Kubuntu.  Join #ubuntustudio for more info.17:16
CreativeEmbassyeverything else behind the proxy works17:16
N6REJlets move over there guys17:16
MasterShrakPici i was not aware it had a different kernel, is it patched or just config'ed differently?17:16
NthDegreePici: a realtime patch is hardly anything that much different :P17:16
HEP85UbuntuStudio has another theme , other software preinstalled (mostly multimedia) and uses the realtime-kernel17:17
PiciNthDegree: Yes, but its not exactly the same.17:17
RcommanderPici, besides that being hidden when i didn't press ctrl-h , how do i get SopCast installed, all my ubuntu forum hours have proved futile17:17
vinaywht bout edubuntu? is it useful for engineering students like me??17:17
N6REJor not lol17:17
NthDegreevinay: not particularly17:17
PiciRcommander: I'm not familiar with sopcast, sorry.17:17
N6REJtell me more about the RTK?17:17
MasterShrakvinay i think its more for school computers, like in a lab or something17:17
NthDegreeyou can install edubuntu stuff through the virtual package17:17
Rcommandervinay, i believe you can get all software downloaded in regular ubuntu that comes with edu17:17
Picivinay: The education pacakges are all in the normal Ubuntu repositories.17:18
N6REJedu has "lite" functions built in, its really geared for K-12 setting17:18
captmorganHello, quick question is there a way to re-install Ubuntu itself leaving my files (i.e pictures muisc) alone?17:18
MasterShrakcaptmorgan is your /home directory residing on a different partition?17:18
captmorgansadly no17:18
vinay<MasterShrak> <NthDegree> thx 4 d replies17:19
MasterShrakmay be tough then, i dont think the ubuntu installer will install without formatting /17:19
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:20
captmorganMasterSkrak I have the ability to network stuff to my laptop, just trying to save a step17:20
kane77how can I find out what program uses certain port?17:20
Distro^Junkiechecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! <--- what's needed for this ?17:20
NthDegreekane77: netstat -ap | less17:20
Picikane77: if its running, use: netstat -tanp | grep programname17:20
MasterShrakcaptmorgan that would be your best bet, i would also, during the reinstall make a seperate /home partition so you can easily do re-installs if needed17:20
NthDegreethat should tell you what software is listening on what ports17:20
sam_hello, i have an ubuntu laptop and a windows desktop and im trying to transfer large files between them but i only have about the next ten minutes so is there a way i can do it without software?17:20
ceedoes anyone know a good howto for undeleting files from a memorycard from a camera?17:20
NthDegreeor /etc/services for a complete list of ports and intended uses17:20
MasterShrak!samba | sam_17:20
ubotusam_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:20
lolloi've ubuntu 7.10 .... what is Ubuntu-x86 ? ? ? ? ? ? can i follow a guide to install a game for it ?17:21
captmorganMasterSkrak I will for sure be doing that this time around17:21
zmijunkiemy sources.list contains a defect mirror "de.archive.ubuntu.com" what can I do about this now17:22
vinayUbuntu-x86 is for AMD 64 bit microprocessors17:22
Picizmijunkie: Go to System>Administration>Software sources and pick a different mirror.17:22
MasterShrakactually not17:22
SecretLineVinay.... are u sure?17:22
NthDegreevinay: Ubuntu x64 :P17:22
NW2190Does anyone know of a way to salvage a MyBook that isn't recognized by windows or linux computers?17:22
SecretLinex64 or amd6417:22
NthDegreeNW2190: hex edit? XD17:22
MasterShrakx86 is for 32-bit processors, x86_64 is for 64 bit17:22
zmijunkieyour funny I cannot go to System>Administration>Software sources17:22
usr13NW2190: What is a MyBook?17:23
Picizmijunkie: Why not?17:23
zmijunkieI am on a remote X11-Session17:23
kane77NthDegree, Pici, thank you.. I've just spent about half an hour debugging my program.. I didn't realised that the specified port can be in use by other program :D17:23
eddyMuli'm thinking about getting the dell inspiron 1420m + ubuntu. because i'm no hardware geek, i wonder if (1) is it 64 bit?, and (2) does it support "virtualization in the processor"?17:23
Picikane77: No problem17:23
NW2190usr13: its a USB connected external hard drive.17:23
MagishenIs there anyway of getting shockwave without using wine?17:23
wobbohow do i delete email messages permanently from my trashbin in evolution17:23
PiciMagishen: Nope.17:23
usr13NW2190: Could be bad cable?17:23
MasterShrakeddyMul youd ahve to know what processor it is, chances are it will, hard to say if its going to be 64 bit ubuntu on it or not, but you could easily install it on there since you konw the hardware will work17:23
unagianyone know how to get the side buttons of a logitech mouse working?17:23
MagishenOmg thats shit as, why doens't adobe create one?17:24
PiciMagishen: Unless you want to run some other virutalization setup.17:24
usr13NW2190: Could be bad power supply?17:24
Pici!language | |17:24
ubotu|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:24
NW2190usr13: Ya I'm kind of thinking that. I was just wondering if I could take it apart and get the actual hard drive out of it17:24
usr13NW2190: I'm sure you can.17:24
NW2190usr13: Well it lights up and all so I think its getting power.17:24
lolloguys how can i see the files in a .iso file ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?17:24
eddyMulMasterShrak: i c....17:25
vinayINTEL VERSIONS R i38617:25
Ashnalso no ubuntu doesnt detect my graphics card anymore17:25
MasterShraklollo mount it17:25
vinay<NthDegree> vinay: Ubuntu x64 :P  why????17:25
lollowith which program ? ? ? thx master17:25
zmijunkie@lollo mount -o loop $Distfiles/$ISO /mnt17:25
usr13lollo: mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/iso17:26
MasterShraklollo with mount :)17:26
^root^I have this problem. Everytime i logout my session details are reset to default like themes, icons, other settings. I check system > pref, its okay17:26
zmijunkiesorry , replace $Distfiles/$ISO with myIso.iso, lollo17:26
usr13lollo: First:  mkdir /mnt ; mkdir /mnt/iso17:26
NthDegreevinay: because it's called x64 for AMD64 not x86 lol17:26
MasterShrakvinay x86 is 32bit x86_64 (as the link you pasted says) is for 64 bit17:26
lollo...... moment guys .... which string must i write ?17:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:26
Pici!iso > lollo (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:27
MasterShraklollo sudo mount -t iso9960 -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point17:27
MasterShrakiso9660 ****17:27
Ashnalcan anyone help me with my graphics problem?17:27
lollook master * * * * *********** thx17:27
MasterShrakAshnal whats the graphics card?17:27
Ashnalmastershrak nvidia geforce 660017:28
lollowhy iso9960 ? Oo17:28
NthDegreeAshnal: Turbocache?17:28
MasterShrakiso9660  not 996017:28
vinaylollo, use http://www.poweriso.com/download.htm17:28
usr13lollo: because that is the filesystem type17:28
AHAIs there a way to "extend" a partition using gparted? I looked, but the "resize/move" option was grayed out.17:28
Ashnalnthdegree:that word means nothing to me17:28
onesandzeroshello all.  Is there a package that'll make xorgcfg or xorgconfigurator available?17:28
NthDegreeAshnal: is it a 6600 Turbocache or a regular 6600?17:28
vinaywelcome  magical_trevsky17:28
lollovinay i've to purchase it17:28
Ashnalnthdegree: i would assume regular17:29
Picionesandzeros: Not that I know of. Just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:29
Ashnalnthdegree:its a couple years old agp card17:29
danandAHA - you probably need to shrink the partition next to it first17:29
AHAi have 10gigs of unallocated space17:29
danandAHA - are you running as root?17:30
Ashnalnthdegree: and it was working fine for  3 weeks or so, with compiz and everything...17:30
NthDegreeAshnal: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:30
AHAill try that17:30
dabahttp://www.tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ - W E L C O M E !17:30
dabahttp://www.tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ - W E L C O M E !17:30
dabahttp://www.tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ - W E L C O M E !17:30
dabahttp://www.tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ - W E L C O M E !17:30
dabahttp://www.tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ - W E L C O M E !17:30
FloodBot1daba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
antonskyhi ho17:30
lollomaster what's the path to mount point ? i wanna see the files into the iso file17:30
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!17:30
onesandzerosPici: ok thanks17:30
MasterShraklollo you have to create a place to mount it17:30
NthDegreeoh ffs17:30
antonskyist das repository momentan down oder stimmt bei mir was nciht17:31
MasterShraklollo sudo mkdir /mnt/iso   woudl be a good idea, then just put /mnt/iso  as your mount point17:31
NthDegreeantonsky: try #ubuntu-de17:31
* MasterShrak brb17:31
lollook , like /media/dvdiso17:31
AHAdanand, same thing when running as root17:32
vinaylollo http://thepiratebay.org/search/Power%20ISO/0/7/30017:33
vinayuse wine to run ti17:33
danandAHA - have you left clicked on the partition you want to resize first?17:33
vinayi mean: use wine to run it17:33
MasterShrakvinay please dont link to sites like that here, also poweriso has a linux version17:33
MasterShrakvinay also, you dont need it to mount isos17:33
danandAHA - ie so its highlighted?17:33
AHAdanand, yes17:33
AHAWould booting into the system rescue cd and using gparted there work better?17:33
void^vinay: there's a linux utility on http://poweriso.com/download.htm17:33
michitomoHow can I add a user? I have deleted first user after install and tried useradd but the user seems restricted.17:34
danandAHA - hmmm.... not sure whats wrong there! sorry17:34
MasterShrakmichitomo sudo useradd ?17:34
vinayhow to get ubuntu source code?17:34
MasterShrakvinay source code of what?17:35
vinayhow to understand it? i'm a beginner17:35
ZeddeHello, I have tried to install my Philips webcam SPC1000nc  anyone who can help me ?  I found some info but it's old17:35
vinayhow to get UBUNTUsource code?17:35
Picivinay: apt-get source packagename17:35
michitomoi tried useradd in recovery mode17:35
MasterShrakvinay i doubt you would want to look at the source code, it would take lifetimes to read and go through it all17:35
michitomosudo and other system settings seems not work in the new user17:36
lolloMaster it says "file system file unknown "17:36
MasterShrakvinay instead you can view the source code of specific packages, as Pici suggested, or the kernel sources are always interesting :)17:36
MasterShraklollo did you use -i iso9660  in there?17:36
christian_can sum1 help me with my left click to open17:36
MasterShrakwow i cant type17:36
emmaSomething really really weird is happening to my system.17:36
MasterShrakemma what is that?17:36
vinayGUYS, i wanna see source code of UBUNTU. Atleast how to improve it?   i'm a beginner17:36
emmaAll the files I had on my desktop are missing. And when I click on the restart icon there is no response.17:37
Picivinay: For what package?17:37
vinaythat's the thrill of linux, right17:37
lollo-t iso.. -o17:37
danandmichitomo - check that your new user is part of the admin group ie type groups in a terminal and see if admin comes up17:37
emmaWhen I go to a terminal and cd Desktop  ls I can see all the files that are supposed to be there.17:37
lolloMaster -t iso.. -o17:37
christian_emma u have to make a new panel17:37
MasterShraklollo and it still says unknown partition type?17:37
vinayPici for UBUNTU OS17:37
christian_same thing happened to me17:37
emmaA new pannel?17:37
Mrdiazhi, I need to decompress a .rar file. What can I use?17:37
michitomothanks danand trying that17:37
MasterShraklollo you need iso9660 is that what you are using?17:37
lolloyes , i've used -t and -o and says unknown :s17:37
bleh_Can anyone help me with reseting the apache2 filetypes to default they are all messed up any idea17:37
christian_just mimic the panel u have or make ur own17:37
MasterShrakMrdiaz sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree17:38
Mrdiazthanks, let me try that!17:38
Picivinay: Ubuntu is made up of many different components.  The kernel, gnome and its associated packages, program packages, etc.17:38
michitomook I seems need to restart my computer with recovery mode17:38
emmaWait, all of a sudden the 'retart? 'log off' box came up which I was pressing about 4 minutes ago.17:38
=== christian_ is now known as christylez
emmaSo it does work only it is lagging very strangely.17:38
Mrdiaz"Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:38
MrdiazThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:38
Mrdiazis only available from another source17:38
MasterShrakMrdiaz sorry its not unrar-nonfree its just unrar17:38
michitomoi will report if it works17:38
MasterShrak!paste | Mrdiaz17:39
ubotuMrdiaz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:39
lolloMaster any idea ? sigh i only wanna see the files into this iso file !17:39
same1Hello, i just connected first time to the inet and now id like to update totem music player cause i opened a mp3 file and it said that i got do dl codecs. then i update a list where two updates get listed. but everytime i try to click the square for installing it sais you got to reload list ... y that?17:39
emmaI've never had gnome lagging, why would that happen17:39
MasterShraklollo paste to me the exact command you are typing17:39
vinay<Mrdiaz> http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm17:39
redmonkeyvinay: ubuntu is just the name of a linux distribution. the core of ubuntu is the linux kernel, which you can get at www.kernel.org17:39
MasterShrakemma have you recently done some upgrades? maybe a reboot is in order17:39
bleh_can anyone help me with apache2 ?17:39
MrdiazI tried that vinay17:39
Makuseruhi, every time i try to start blender i get a "Segmentation Fault" ive tried reinstalling multipul times and dowling the version off the website, but i can still never get it to work. anyone know how i can fix this?17:40
Mrdiazbut dunno where to go from there17:40
christylezei can sum1 help me with ma double click17:40
emmaThis is really weird to me. I didn't think Ubuntu had problems like this. I'll try rebooting.17:40
[chr0n0s]how do i remove the top panel in gnome ??17:40
MasterShrakvinay dont link people to things that they can get from the repositories17:40
lolloMasterShrak,  sudo mount -t iso9960 -o loop /media/hda1/WoW.iso /media/17:40
emmaDo you get how I'm describing it though? (1) None of the files that are on my desktop are even showing up, when I clicked on the 'reboot' icon at the top, it didn't respond for like 4 minutes.17:40
christylezright click delete17:40
Pici[chr0n0s]: Right click on a blank spot on the panel and go to delete panel.17:40
danandsame1 - can you pastebin the file /etc/apt/sources.list?17:40
vinay  i'm a beginner17:40
MasterShrakMrdiaz you fist need to enable universe and multiverse: system > administration > software sources and check the all the boxes, then run sudo apt-get install unrar17:41
christylezei can sum1 help me with ma double click17:41
Pici!ask | christylez17:41
ubotuchristylez: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:41
[chr0n0s]Pici, it's greyed out17:41
Mrdiazok here I go17:41
MasterShraklollo you cant mount it to /media if the iso is in that directory, make a different directory, like /media/iso to mount it to: sudo mkdir /media/iso17:41
vinayPici, if I want to someday work on linux, including "improving" a distro, HOW SHOULD I BEGIN??17:42
lollookyz thx17:42
MasterShrakvinay sorry, i dont mean to be a big meanie, its just that almost anything that you install in ubuntu can be done from the repositories, no need to go looking for programs ;)17:42
YanchoI am trying to install an IDE HDD in a USB2 enclosure - but when plugging it into UBUNTU it is not displaying - anything I can check if it is working please?17:42
christylezcan sum1 help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim17:42
Picivinay: Take a look here: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate17:42
vinayredmonkey THX17:42
MrdiazMasterShrak, thanks its working!17:42
vinayhow to open .bz2 files?17:42
|Dreams|whats better kubuntu or ubuntu?17:43
MasterShrakYancho lsusb    will tell you if its recognized or not17:43
Picivinay: tar xjvf file.bz217:43
danandvinay bzip2 -d file.bz217:43
|Dreams|or r they exactly the same cept for kde17:43
christylezdreams ubuntu has more support so dats ma answer lol17:43
MasterShrak|Dreams| just the desktop environment gnome or kde17:43
Pici|Dreams|:exactly the same17:43
lolloMasterShrak,  the same result ... unknown fyle system type ... :(17:43
wobboIs there anyone with an sollution for this compiz window title bar bug? http://www.documentjes.nl/uploads/compizbug.jpg17:43
|Dreams|ok thanks everyone17:43
christylezcan sum1 help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim ty17:44
|Dreams|i have been using kubuntu for a while now though and am happy with it apart from cant get one program i need working to work17:44
MasterShraklollo use iso9660 not iso996017:44
vinayWhat's better/more stable overall? Going straight to Kubuntu or running Ubuntu and adding KDE?17:44
vinayThere probably is no such animal as better/more stable. It all depends on your preferences. If you have any preference for Gnome and its applications but want to use KDE or its applications, then by all means install Ubuntu and then add KDE.17:44
vinayIn my case I have little love for Gnome [flame war begins again, no doubt], so I installed Kubuntu. After a moderately rough upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10, it's been rock solid. I've upgraded to KDE 3.5 and it's still rock solid. I keep hearing mutterings that Kubuntu is less stable, but I've seen no evidence of that on my own systems. I believe that this is an urban myth.17:44
vinayMy $.02. The only disadvantage to running Kubuntu is the prevailing attitude(s) in Ubuntu land. Most of the helpful hints you find in posts on the forums (except for the KDE forums) are very much Gnome-centric, and Kubuntu remains a poor stepchild for much of Ubuntu land. This in spite of Shuttleworth's comments that both are to be treated equally.17:44
YanchoMasterShrak : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d3a2e60e8 :S no idea if it does17:44
MasterShrak!paste | vinay17:44
ubotuvinay: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:44
Picivinay: please don't17:44
vinayk         http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-110635.html17:45
MasterShrakYancho hmm, not quite the info i was looking for lol, how about sudo fdisk -l     ? (thats a lowercase L)17:45
christylezcan sum1 plz help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim17:45
michitomothanks danand it works with adding the user to group admin17:45
same1what to do when audio doesnt work? he recognized my audio card but every test sound fails ...17:45
danandmichitomo - np :)17:45
MasterShrak!sound | same117:46
ubotusame1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:46
Ashnalnthdegree: okay well i fixed my resolution now...but it still wont let me reenable desktop effects17:46
|Dreams|okay next question lol17:46
emmaRebooting seems to have fixed it. I don't understand that at all. Why is technology finicky17:46
|Dreams|grr well i have tried and failed cannot get xdvdmulleter working in linux and dont want to go back to windows17:46
|Dreams|and dont want dual boot17:46
YanchoMasterShrak : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d467184c0 - before it was being found - i tried to use gparted - failed - then i removed it and replugged it again and now not showing17:47
NthDegreeAshnal: you need to install nvidia drivers for the kernel version you are using17:47
MasterShrakemma alot of times when you upgrade things, its still running the old version, which can cause problems, after upgrades i always suggest a reboot, jsut to make sure you are running a "clean" instance17:47
christylezcan sum1 help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim17:47
Ashnalnthdegree:so youre saying everytime theres a kernel update i need to reinstall the drivers?17:47
MasterShrakemma although its not always required, a good idea, especially after large upgrades and kernel upgrades17:47
MasterShrakAshnal did you install them manually?17:48
NthDegreeAshnal: if the drivers aren't updated to the same time as the kernel then yes17:48
Daenyth|WorkI'm having a wierd issue with a laptop keyboard. It was working normally before, but now it's acting like the "Fn" key is inverted -- I have to press it to get normal keys, if it's not pressed and I use keys with functions, it calls the functions17:48
MasterShrakDaenyth|Work is there an fn lock option, that you can hit to disable that?17:48
christylezmy double left click to open wont work17:48
NthDegreeMasterShrak: he did it via repos but his drivers didn't get updated to the same time as the kernel by the looks of17:48
MasterShrakDaenyth|Work fn+scroll lock or soemthing usually17:48
Daenyth|WorkI don't know. I'm not familiar with Ubuntu really. I looked around under prefs -> keyboard but I didn't see any such thing17:48
Ashnalnthdegree: the restricted driver manager says the nvidia driver is enabled, but not in use17:49
Daenyth|Workbrb lemme check17:49
afancyHi, does anybody know how to change the font of Content,like webpage, editor?17:49
MasterShrakAshnal edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file and make sure the driver is nvidia and not nv or vesa17:49
Daenyth|WorkMasterShrak: thanks so much, that was the exact problem17:49
MasterShrakDaenyth|Work :)17:49
vinay if I want to someday work on linux, including "improving" a distro, HOW SHOULD I BEGIN?? Pici, ur link is not suitable for a beginner17:50
christylezcan sum1 help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim17:50
=== mattzzz is now known as MatBoy
MasterShrakvinay its hard to answer such a question, there are so many different things that you could help improve, and to do all of them would be simply impossible, if i were you i would just use it for awhile, become familiar with the environment then start recognizing things that interest you and go from there17:51
cleatonvinay, you can join a group maybe help ubuntu with different tasks17:51
unagican anyone help me figure out why my side buttons dont send any events to xev?17:51
MasterShrakunagi type dmesg after hitting one of the keys, and see if it tells you to use a setkeycodes command17:51
cleatonvinay, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate17:51
JoshJWTF? I loaded up CCSM and set "Next indow (No popup)" to Alt+Tab and disabled "Next window", now alt-tab's not working17:51
kane77how do I quit screen while leaving the programs running?17:52
diego_holas alguine habla español17:52
Starnestommykane77: ctrl+a then d17:52
MasterShrak!es | diego_17:53
ubotudiego_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:53
kane77Starnestommy, thank you17:53
diego_hey alguien habla español17:53
YanchoMasterShrak any idea please?17:54
|Dreams|god i hate MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!!17:54
vinay<cleaton> THX17:54
* |Dreams| goe son warpath17:54
MasterShrakYancho sorry, did it show anything when you typed: sudo fdisk -l17:54
MasterShraklol thx vinay :)17:54
YanchoMasterShrak : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d467184c0 - before it was being found - i tried to use gparted - failed - then i removed it and replugged it again and now not showing17:55
|Dreams|any got any expiereince with mono17:55
sputty01hi guys, ive been a bit dumb and i changed my home directory to somewhere where i have no permissons, is there a way to change my home directory again using terminal? (i cant start a gnome session)17:55
keongi installed gusty at my laptop. however, my screen get in black color under startup screen. it revert to normal color after login. how to fix it17:55
unagiMasterShrak: i dont see anything in dmesg but if xev doesnt see it then its not recieving it17:56
MasterShrakunagi i always saw messages in dmesg for keys that werent recognized in xev, but you may need to mess with your xorg.conf a bit to tell it that your mouse has extra buttons17:56
vinay<|Dreams|> SAME PINCH!!!hehe :) :)17:56
|Dreams|on this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167749 the man at the botoom says he apt-get reinstall etc etc what do i type in to do what he did17:56
Jupp2I recently did a clean reinstall of my Ubuntu and now I find that Totem does not play my h.264 quicktime files as nice as it used to, any ideas why is this?17:56
YanchoMasterShrak did u get the msg now? :)17:57
MasterShrakYancho well it looks like its /dev/sda but you unpluged and replugged it, it could have been mounted at the time, which may cause issues, but sudo fdisk -l  doesnt show a /dev/sdXX device anymore?17:57
Yanchodev/sda is a pen drive i have there17:57
MasterShrakYancho oh, ok then, well the external should be /dev/sdb then, if its being recognized17:57
unagiwhat is that17:58
SilvercircleHI, please can you tell me the german ubuntu chan?17:58
YanchoMasterShrak i unmounted it .. :|17:58
StarnestommySilvercircle: #ubuntu-de17:58
MasterShrakunagi i would consult the forums, theres a very good chance someone else has done this17:58
YanchoMasterShrak and i also restarted afterwards17:58
vinayJupp2 http://www.google.com/search?q=Totem+does+not+play+my+h.264+quicktime+files&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enIN262IN26217:58
MasterShrakunagi emulate3buttons is for when you hit the left and right buttons at the same time it will act as a middle click i think17:58
syruit for 2 button mice17:58
unagioh pff i dont need that17:59
unagioh wait17:59
unagithis section must be my touchpad?17:59
MasterShrakYancho well it should show up in   sudo fdisk -l   we need to know the device name of it before we can proceed17:59
unagioh no it isnt17:59
* |Dreams| cries in the corner17:59
][-fLoPy-  · :.+ .·°·: hello .°:·.·.+ ·17:59
YanchoMasterShrak plugging it into windows .. to see if i can get it17:59
MasterShrakunagi i would just leave that there, ive never experienced issues with emulate3buttons being enabled17:59
Ashnalnthdegree: perhaps you could help me get my sound hardware recognized again?18:00
sputty01hi guys, ive been a bit dumb and i changed my home directory to somewhere where i have no permissons, is there a way to change my home directory again using terminal? (i cant start a gnome session)18:00
MasterShraksputty01 log in and type: sudo usermod --help18:00
syrulogin as root18:00
Jupp2vinay, thx I know how to use google too.18:00
syrusudo su-18:00
sputty01thanks :)18:00
MasterShraksyru please dont ever suggest logging in as root, or even su'ing to root18:00
vinayis ANTI VIRUS not required for Linux at all??18:00
MasterShrak!av | vinay18:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about av - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:00
Picivinay: no18:01
MasterShrak!virus | vinay18:01
ubotuvinay: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2118:01
symptomI am currently using ubuntu 7.10 and I want to do a fresh install of the OS only.  Do I need the alternate CD or can i use the live/standard one?18:01
vinayJupp2 good joke. sorry18:01
symptomyes I have separate partitions18:01
MasterShraksymptom id use the livecd18:01
MasterShrakhello Aeon18:01
MasterShrakvinay the biggest threat to your linux machine is you :)18:02
symptomMasterShrak, I dont want to blow away all of my /home data though18:02
MasterShraksymptom you said you have it on a seperate partition right?18:02
JoshJif you have /home on its own partition you don't have to format it18:02
minovinay: answer the question yourself and use windows vista without av "Secure by design"(TM) xD18:02
symptomsame HD sep partition18:02
MasterShraksymptom then no worries, just make sure the installer is aware of this during partitioning18:02
YanchoMasterShrak now not even on windows is showing :|18:02
JoshJyou just format whatever becomes the / partition and mount the other ext3 partition as /home18:02
JoshJyou can do that very easily in the ubu installer18:02
=== iclebyte_ is now known as iclebyte
desertcAnyone know how to do Text Shadowing in GIMP ?18:03
MasterShrakYancho not at all? thats weird, it is plugged in on the usb on both ends and powered on right? =P18:03
iclebytewhich package do i have to install so i get the man page entries for functions like getc() ?18:03
MasterShrakdesertc i woudl ask in #gimp18:03
minodesertc: please state your question in #gimp18:03
flipmodehow do i enable dvd playback?18:03
symptomthanks JoshJ and MasterShrak18:03
Piciiclebyte: manpages-dev18:03
vinayubotu thx 4 d link18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx 4 d link - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
Yanchoyes :D MasterShrak .18:03
iclebytePici, cheers.18:03
MasterShrak!dvd | flipmode18:03
ubotuflipmode: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:03
desertcMasterShrak: Thanks -- will do18:03
vinaycould u explain "For a Linux binary virus to infect executables, those executables must be writable by the user activating the virus. "18:04
Ashnalso can anyone tell me why after updating my sound hardware is no longer recognized?18:04
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:04
symptomwhat is the alternate CD for then?18:04
MasterShrakYancho i would power cycle the hard drive, turn it off and back on18:04
symptomraid drivers and such?18:04
MasterShrak!alternate | symptom18:04
databridgeis there a linux software for programming eproms or flash?18:04
ubotusymptom: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal18:04
YanchoMasterShrak trying to plug it to electricity now .. maybe not enough batter :S18:04
christylezcan sum1 help me with ma double click when ever i double left click on icon in desktop it wont open the only way is to right click same thing happens in gaim18:04
MasterShrakYancho u had it running on batteries? i wouldnt be doing that if you are trying to set it up18:05
=== nixxin is now known as obbuntu
MasterShrakchristylez tried a different mouse?18:05
symptombecause my issue is that whenever i want to change my desktop settings i get a highlighted redbox that says "New accelerator..."18:05
MasterShraksymptom never heard of such a thing18:06
symptomplus some other things... but not as big of a deal18:06
christylezits the laptop muse it clicks the icon but doesnt open it18:06
minovinay: i think there isnt much to explain. Its based on the linux usermanagement, that typically the normal user has no rights to overwrite a system binary18:06
vinaymino what is a system binary?18:06
symptomis the geforce fx5200 fully supported? and if not how do i check that im running the proper binary drivers?18:06
MasterShrakchristylez what kind of file is it?18:06
christylezany icon18:06
minovinay: thats why u need to be root to do system wide changes18:06
MasterShraksymptom lsmod | grep nvidia18:06
YanchoMasterShrak funny thing is that when im plugging its not doing any motion .. like busy on windows18:07
minovinay: call it a executable18:07
symptomnvidia               4714036  2218:07
symptomi2c_core               25104  2 nvidia,i2c_viapro18:07
symptomagpgart                33584  2 nvidia,via_agp18:07
MasterShraksymptom looks good to me18:07
symptomi cant get compiz running either18:07
flipmodewell i just cant get my drive to read i just installed ubuntu 7.10 with all updates18:07
MasterShraksymptom also you can try: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia18:07
Ashnalanyone know how to get ubuntu to recognize my sound devices?18:08
vinayi installed ubuntu. then why am i regularly asked for root password??18:08
DigitalPiratethats how ubuntu works18:08
symptom        Driver          "nvidia"18:08
MasterShrakvinay you are being asked for your user password, to run commands using sudo18:08
MasterShrak!sudo | vinay18:08
ubotuvinay: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.18:08
minovinay: because some operations needs root access18:08
symptomshouldnt it be nvidia-glx?18:08
Odd-rationalevinay: Many tasks require administrative powers.18:08
jribvinay: what are you trying to do?18:09
Picisymptom: no.18:09
Odd-rationalevinay: right.18:09
[chr0n0s]don't shout man18:09
Pici!caps | vinay18:09
ubotuvinay: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:09
flipmodeMasterShrak:well i just cant get my drive to read i just installed ubuntu 7.10 with all updates18:09
martinvinay: which is why XP isn't as secure18:09
DigitalPirateI want to install a teamspeak-server on my ubuntu server edition.18:09
vinay[chr0n0s] sorry18:09
unagiomg what am i doing wrong why wont xev see my side buttons???18:09
MasterShrakvinay like i told you before, you are the biggest threat to your linux machine, sudo is a security measure to make sure that YOU know what you are doing before somethign that could potentially compromise your machine happens18:09
DigitalPirateshould do something else that just apt-get install teamspeak-server18:09
symptomPici, how can i be sure that im running the correct driver then?18:09
MasterShrakunagi you need to mess with your xorg.conf18:10
martinI'm trying to log into ubuntu (from laptop) and I am geting an error: GDM could ont write to your authorization file.18:10
DigitalPirateor will that install teamspeak-server as root ?18:10
vinayjrib, for example, i open Language support feature.18:10
unagiwhat am i looking for in xorg.conf??18:10
jribvinay: any time you run something from the Adiministration menu, you are going to need a password.  This shouldn't be a big deal because 1) the password is cached for 15 minutes and 2) you really shouldn't need to open a program in this menu every 5 minutes18:10
MasterShrakunagi let me link you18:10
minoDigitalPirate: have you tried it?18:10
Odd-rationalemartin: Did you mess with file permision recently?18:10
[chr0n0s]vinay, listen to MasterShrak and ppl they do know the stuff18:10
DigitalPirateyes i have tried, and it works but i am worried about security18:11
YanchoMasterShrak brb - going t ogive a lift to my mum18:11
martinodd-rationale: no, it adds that "This could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writing"18:11
Ashnalcan anyone help me get my sound hardware detected?18:11
vinayjrib " the password is cached for 15 minutes"----just 15 min18:11
Kibbleshey all18:11
jribvinay: yes18:11
MasterShrakunagi what kind of mouse is it?18:11
minoDigitalPirate: so look at the proccess list to check under which user it runs18:11
SpencericalHello fellow Ubunturians18:11
unagilogitech v22018:11
Pici!nvidia | symptom read this18:11
ubotusymptom read this: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:11
[chr0n0s]hey Spencerical18:11
Odd-rationalemartin: Are you the only user? Can you log in as another user?18:12
martinodd-rationale: I'm the only user :(18:12
DigitalPiratemino: good idea18:12
MasterShrakunagi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249969&highlight=logitech+v22018:12
symptomPici, yea... read that ... just says to use the restricted drivers manager... doesnt help me much18:12
martinodd-rationale: I'm not upset with reformatting the bugger because I have decided I need to dual boot I just want to get some documents off before I do that.18:12
=== christylez_ is now known as christylez
Picisymptom: let me check something, hold on18:12
martinodd-rationale: Is it possible to do that without logging into gnome?18:12
Kibbleshow can I access a server that's sitting behind a gateway (a bit ot I know)18:12
Odd-rationalemartin: OK Then just boot a livecd18:13
MasterShrakKibbles behind a router? youll need to forware a port18:13
Odd-rationalemartin: Then mount your hdd18:13
Picisymptom: The correct proprietary driver is 'nvidia'18:13
DigitalPiratekibble, portforward.com18:13
symptomPici, NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)  enabled and inuse18:13
symptomalright well Im gonna keep poking around thanks for the help MasterShrak Pici18:14
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix18:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:14
martinodd-rationale: just a quick question while my laptop restarts then. when I press ctrl+alt+f1 what screen am I looking at? I know I can switch between that and the normal GUI with ctrl+alt+f718:15
minomartin: you look at the Terminal 1 of your laptop18:15
zackieI'm having a problem with a game. When it gets into it, the screen just blinks as if it is refreshing... Any ideas?18:16
zackieUsing wine as well18:16
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zozobraAnyone know how to create a umask for one single directory without effecting others?18:16
Odd-rationalemartin: You are looking at tty118:16
wobboanyone recognizes this bug: http://www.documentjes.nl/uploads/compizbug.jpg18:16
Piciwobbo: Have you asked in #compiz-fusion?18:16
DigitalPiratewoho, I am now the proud owner of a ubuntu server18:16
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix18:16
desertcHey - know where I can find new fonts?  I am looking for one that uses small capital letters in the place of lowercase letters.18:16
KibblesMasterShrak: so without forwarding a port on the gateway the server won't receive external communication?18:16
wobboPici, thanks i'll do that18:16
mino!fonts | desertc18:16
ubotudesertc: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:16
martinodd-rationale: and what good would that do a user? Is it possible to access my /home/documents that way in order to copy files onto my flash drive?18:17
vinayMasterShrak ROCKSSSSS!! thx for ur excellent answers. since how many years have u been using linux??18:17
MasterShrakKibbles i dont think so, chances are its a router, which needs to have a port forwarded18:17
novamatrixdownloaded iso file copied to cd.  loaded in pc and restart.  no os found?  help=-O18:17
reikalusikkazackie: I have the same problem, games ran good yesterday or the day before it but not anymore ;/18:17
Picidesertc: You can use any fonts that are suitable for Windows, so any font websites.18:17
Odd-rationalemartin: Yes. it is. Just log in18:17
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix works in root login though18:17
unagiThen put the following line in the ServerLayout section: i dont have this section18:17
MasterShrakvinay about 4 or so, i started when ubuntu was first released 4.10 (oct 2004) :)18:17
yousifhi all. does anyone know how to add wpa2 enterprise to network manager?18:17
MasterShrak!wpa | yousif18:17
ubotuyousif: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:17
Odd-rationalemartin: Are you familiar with the shell?18:17
MasterShrakyousif afiak it should just work18:17
zackiereikalusikka: i'm trying to run Infantry you familure with that game?18:18
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yousifthanks guys18:18
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix works in root login though18:18
martinodd-rationale: I'm not completely illiterate but I wouldn't consider myself familiar either18:18
emmaIt's happening again. I think it is 'closing totem' that does it.18:18
desertcmino: thanks!18:18
DigitalPiratehow secure is the ubuntu server edition by defalut ?18:18
emmaI close totem and all of a sudden my computer cannot find any files anymore.18:18
minozackie i think better to ask in #wine, because its wine related18:18
KibblesMasterShrak: do you see a difference between a gateway and a router?18:18
zackiek k thanks18:18
novamatrixdownloaded iso file copied to cd.  loaded in pc and restart.  no os found?  help18:19
samuel16Hello everybody I have a question18:19
minoDigitalPirate: The answer is 42.18:19
unagithat link didnt work for me........xev does not get an event for the side button18:19
Picinovamatrix: Did you burn the image to the cd, or did you put the iso file on the cd and burn it?18:19
samuel16How can I configure lomoco?18:19
DigitalPiratemino: it always is18:19
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix works in root login though18:19
Ashnalhow can i get my sound hardware recognized?18:19
lovemedoHello, other than the first email Linus Torvalds sent with regards to his hobby which became Linux, do you guys know any other article of discourse that had an impact on the development of Linux?18:19
Odd-rationalemartin: OK. First, you would have to mount you flash drive. <<sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt>> Assuming that sdb1 is the correct device and /mnt is the proper mount point. Note: The mount point must exist.18:19
Kibblesany1 know which packages are installed by tasksel>lamp server?18:19
christylezmy double left click open stopped working after i use kiba dock how can i fix works in root login though18:19
MasterShrakKibbles im not 100% sure on it. is your "gateway" handing out dhcp addresses to the computers behind it?18:19
novamatrixburned image to cd using nero18:19
emmaDoes anyone understand this:  I am playing music then I close totem. After I close totem it is as if my computer cannot find any files anymore, and the system starts to lag for basic processes like clicking on the startover icon.18:19
Pici!repeat | christylez18:19
ubotuchristylez: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:19
Mike4i need a small pdf-viewer...which one do you recommend me? :)18:20
unagiccan anyone help me figure out why xev doesnt see my side buttons?18:20
jrib!lamp > kibbles (read the private message from ubotu)18:20
KibblesMasterShrak: yeah, I assume so. IPs are different inside netword18:20
vinayk. MasterShrak, u r as old as ubuntu itself!!!!18:20
Odd-rationalemartin: Then you can use the "cp" so copy files, e.g: sudo cp ~/Documents /mnt18:20
Kibblesjrib: not useful but thanks18:20
Picinovamatrix: You may need to look at your Computer's bios to see if its configured to boot from CD.18:20
novamatrixalso maed a bootable cd, just brought up dos from CD18:20
MasterShrakKibbles then its probably a router, youll need to forward a port almost guarenteed18:20
KibblesMasterShrak: iptables?18:21
reikalusikkazackie: nope, I'm trying to run starcraft :D18:21
MasterShrakvinay im a bit older, but thats as far as my experience goes back, ive used different distros though, havent been on ubuntu this whole time :)18:21
martinodd-raitonale: Can make a mount point with like mdir?18:21
MasterShrakKibbles yea id assume so, i know nothing about iptables though18:21
MasterShrak!iptables | Kibbles18:21
ubotuKibbles: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:21
emmaHow do you kill a processs? Maybe totem is still playing in the background is there a way to kill that process?18:21
prince_jammysmartin mkdir18:21
jribKibbles: tasksel --task-packages lamp-server  from 'man tasksel' if you prefer...18:21
novamatrixyes, i set it to boot from cd, tries to read cd then tries for hardrive18:21
MasterShrakemma killall totem18:21
znichcan anybody help me: ubuntu gutsy freez wheb I use winmodem with drivers from linuxant.com?18:21
Picinovamatrix: Try re-burning at a lower speed.18:21
* Kibbles thanks jrib18:22
Odd-rationalemartin: yes you can (e.g sudo mkdir /media/usb) But /mnt is usually there and can be used for temp mounts.18:22
emma"Totem no process killed"18:22
novamatrixPICI what speed u suggest?18:22
Ashnalso anyone know why my sound devices arent recognized anymore?18:22
DigitalPirateomg apt-get upgrade tkaes forever18:22
Picinovamatrix: Slowest you can go if you don't mind waiting.18:22
novamatrixOK iwll do18:22
danand_emma - kill -9 $(pidof totem)18:22
Odd-rationalemartin: That is to say, the you can use the directory /mnt if you want.18:22
martinodd-rationale: ok thanks, I'll tinker with that while waiting for this livecd to finish burning18:22
minoDigitalPirate: switch the mirrors if the download speed is low for your connection18:22
mino!mirrors > DigitalPirate18:23
Odd-rationalemartin: One more thing, to un-mount do: sudo umount /mnt18:23
Kibblesjrib: can I feed the output of that into a apt-get remove?18:23
emmahow do I find the pid of totem?18:23
minoemma: ps aux | grep totem18:23
Kibblesor 1 by 1 through synaptic18:23
jribKibbles: can't you use tasksel remove?18:23
danand_emma - kill -9 $(pidof totem)18:23
emma6483  0.0  0.0   2976   756 pts/0    R+   13:23   0:00 grep totem18:23
MasterShrakemma i would also suggest using something other than totem for your multimedia, in my experiences totem is ugly18:24
emmais 6483 the pid of totem?18:24
Kibblesjrib: NO - that crashed my computer18:24
znichanybody use modem drivers from linuxant?18:24
jribemma: no, that's the pid of grep...18:24
minoemma: no this is the grep cmd itself18:24
Kibblesjrib: removed half the packages on my installation18:24
emmaMasterShrak,  I'm not sure that it's totem it's just that this happened both times I closed totem.18:24
lapisdecorwhat's the channel for password related issues?18:24
jriblapisdecor: this one18:24
Picilapisdecor: For Ubuntu?18:24
MasterShrakemma killall totem    should do it18:24
Kibbleslapisdecor: #tellmeyoursecretpasswords18:24
emmaHere's what happens. I'm listening to songs and then I close totem. All of a sudden my computer cannot find any of the files on my desktop.18:24
unagisigh my side buttons USE to work18:24
danand_emma - the pidof command will give you the pid of any program you pass to it ie pidof totom18:24
Leechzillayay! I could mount blu-ray discs for the first time :D18:24
MasterShraklapisdecor what sort of issues?18:24
jribKibbles: you can use $()18:25
lapisdecori cant remmember my nick pass18:25
Starnestommylapisdecor: try #freenode18:25
MasterShraklapisdecor /msg nickserv help18:25
jpatricklapisdecor: #freenode18:25
Kibblesmucho thanks jrib18:25
MasterShrakyea #freenode  probably woudl help ya18:25
Darkmystere_Can some one help me get direct rendering working..18:25
emmaI'm afraid I'm not explaining my problem clearly. It's odd and difficult to describe.18:25
Ashnalcan anyone help me with sound?18:25
Odd-rationalelapisdecor: You're suppose to write it down and put it under your keyboard...18:25
MasterShrak!sound | Ashnal18:26
ubotuAshnal: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:26
Darkmystere_i have an ATI Raedon Xpress 200M Series Card....and direct rendering isnt enabled..18:26
bullgard4What is a 'GOTCHA'? See http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/41282/18:26
emmaFirst I am listening to music. I click on song files and no problem. They are all there. Then I closed totem and click on a song and it turns the icon into a piece of paper, and can't find the song. It's like, all my files are gone.18:26
emmaThe last time this happened, I rebooted and it was all back again.18:26
ubuntu_szekelyone probleme :18:26
ubuntu_szekelyconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.18:26
emmaThey are there when I use the terminal and ls.18:26
danand_Ashnal - what exactly is your problem with sound18:26
Starnestommyubuntu_szekely: sudo apt-get install build-essential18:26
Odd-rationaleemma: click a song through natilus?18:26
emmaIm not sure that it's totem but it seems like a suspect since it happened right after I closed Totem.18:26
MasterShrakubuntu_szekely sudo apt-get build-essential     then try again18:26
Ximali' having issues where i can't keep mygui open.. it crashes sometimes for no reason and makes me log back in.. why is this ?18:27
syrus1it not recognizing the file format18:27
MasterShrakXimal most likely a gfx card issue, what card are you using and do you ahve drivers installed for it?18:27
vinayhow to access gparted?? i can't see it in the applications area?18:27
Mike4damn -_-18:27
ubuntu_szekelyok na : sudo apt-get install build-essential or sudo apt-get build-essential18:27
MasterShrak!gparted | vinay18:27
ubotuvinay: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:27
Odd-rationalevinay: system --> admin18:27
Mike4grad ein rm -rf * in /usr/share gemacht -_-18:27
Kibblesjrib: narf... same thing happens: it tries to wipe out half of my installed packages18:27
Ximalit just started recently..18:28
emmaNautilus isn't working correctly anymore.18:28
Pici!de | Mike418:28
ubotuMike4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:28
MasterShrakubuntu_szekely sorry: sudo apt-get install build-essential18:28
emmaIsn't responding.18:28
jribKibbles: pastebin18:28
Mike4Pici: sorry, was in wrong chan!18:28
emmaNow everything that was on the desktop is gone. It's all gone.18:28
minozelrikriando: it would be quite better if you speak to what you are doing instead of a dramatic background music18:28
Kibblesjrib: k one sec18:28
Odd-rationaleemma: I had a similar problem with my music files. I found that using another FM lilke thunar helped. Nautilus crashed a lot on me...,18:29
syrus1reset x and see if it help emma18:29
danand_emma - try a ctrl - alt - backspace to restart X18:29
Darkmystere_Can some one help me get Direct Rendering working on my ATI Raedon XPress [200M Series] Graphics card18:29
Warlordspielt jemadn?18:29
MasterShrak!de | Warlord18:29
ubotuWarlord: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:29
zelrikriandomino: I am not a native english speaker18:29
JoshJso basically I've got a laptop with wireless set up, but i can't seem to get it to access my campus's wireless network18:29
jribKibbles: I imagine you don't want to remove things like libxml218:29
zelrikriandomino: I am scared of my accent :p18:30
JoshJthey don't broadcast, you have to put in the SSID and key, but when i do that i don't get any connection18:30
Darkmystere_!direct > Darkmystere18:30
syrus1do u have the ati drivers installed18:30
JoshJdespite at one point, sitting directly under the router that was broadcasting :/18:30
Kibblesjrib: http://www.pastebin.ca/90873318:30
minozelrikriando: no problem then speak in your native language, but without it will be more confusing what you are doing... in your point of view is it clear18:30
flipmode i just cant get my drive to read i just installed ubuntu 7.10 with all updates18:30
mino!repeat flipmode18:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat flipmode - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:31
Kibblesjrib: that's alot more than just xml18:31
syrus1did that help emma18:31
emmaClicking control + alt + backspace booted me from everything. Was that a trick?18:31
MasterShrakflipmode what kind of drive? cd drive, hard drive? you need to be more specific18:31
Odd-rationaleemma: No. It restarte X18:31
syrus1resets the x display18:31
emmaNope. It said that Nautilus cannot start do to an unexpected error.18:31
JoshJemma, that's supposed to happen18:31
vinaylovemodo, this is a movie on linux...................must watch.........(http://www.revolution-os.com/)..for download, use http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3211770/Revolution_OS                   U have No copyright problem.18:31
flipmodemino: i left screen for a minute, do you have a suggestion?18:31
JoshJwell.. that part isn't18:31
emmaHere's what it said when I clicked on 'more details':18:32
jribKibbles: go through the list of packages you got from tasksel and remove the ones that you need.  Things like libxml2 and libcpre3 (check the package descriptions and rdepends)18:32
emmaNautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem.18:32
Warlordwhy my game does not connect in multiplayer games?18:32
MasterShrakvinay its just generally not a good idea to link to torrent trackers here, the ops may not like it18:32
Warlordpl help18:32
minovinay: please dont post any none related ubuntu things here! And especially not torrent trackers!18:32
jason_1hi. how do i turn off iptables?18:32
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jribjason_1: you don't set any rules18:32
flipmodeMasterShrak: it is a sony dvdr/rw18:32
emmaUnexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factor? Is this some kind of virus?18:32
JoshJum, torrents are not automatically illegal, it's based on the content :/18:32
Odd-rationaleemma: Log out and log in. or CTRL+ALT+BkSp18:32
emmaOdd, I just did that.18:32
emmaShould I do that again?18:32
Odd-rationaleemma: Do it again.18:32
Warlordserver type: new???? is it right?18:32
danand_emma - not a virus - but maybe a bug18:33
JoshJpeople stop spreading the "torrents are bad" bs the RIAA wants people to believe... remember that ubuntu is even spread via torrent18:33
jason_1jrib, isn't there a "iptables stop" or something? the interface towards iptables is so inconsistent18:33
arttiHuh... got Ubuntu 7.1018:33
* Odd-rationale personally cannot stand nautilus...18:33
jribjason_1: why do you want to do this?18:33
Odd-rationaleemma: Work?18:33
flipmodeMasterShrak: did you get that?18:33
malestinei downloaded ubuntu ultimate edition 1.7 it rocks18:33
minoJoshJ: you are right, but you dont see if a link is legal or illegal...18:33
MasterShrakJoshJ i tend to believe the same thing, although linking to trackers that have torrents of illegal material is not a good idea in this channel18:33
vinaymino and MasterShrak, lovemodo asked us for it18:33
emmaThat time Nautilus worked.... but what's going on here, I can't restart X two times every time this happens.18:34
danand_jason_1 - if your using firestarter - type /etc/init.d/firestarter stop18:34
MasterShrakflipmode yes, but im having trouble trying to figure out exactly what your problem is18:34
emmaI am not sure but it seems related to listening to music.18:34
jason_1jrib, i'm testing a weird server and want to be sure that it isn't the firewall that is causing me trouble18:34
Kibblesjrib: thanks, meantime i'll just go one by one :)18:34
emmaIt seemed to happen after I closed totem.18:34
emmaDoes listening to a flac and then closing totem crash nautilus or kill the bonobo?18:34
MasterShrakemma use something else besides totem, xmms or something18:34
emmawhat was that about a bonobo factory?18:34
JoshJMasterShrak, i have no idea but if he's right and the movie is not copyright-protected then there should be no problem linking to that specific one, regardless of whatever else is on that site18:34
MasterShraktotem ftL18:34
danand_jason_1 - if your not using firestarter I would recommend it - Very easy to use!18:34
arttiSo, how i get Ubuntu faster?18:34
jribjason_1: sudo iptables -L   tells you what rules you have set.  There are none set unless you did so after installing ubuntu.  Check the man page for the switch to flush the rules if you want18:35
Odd-rationaleemma: I think it is nautilus, not totem, imho18:35
MasterShrakJoshJ its just not a good idea, whether its legal or not18:35
malestinewhere can i get the .css?18:35
Dupasaxhello, how to get works divx in ubuntu 7.10 64bit18:35
Warlordwhat is unbutu????18:35
jason_1danand, i only have remote access, unfortunately.18:35
unagiccan anyone help me figure out why xev doesnt see my side buttons?18:35
Warlordim new18:35
MasterShrak!ubuntu | Warlord18:35
ubotuWarlord: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:35
jason_1jrib, thanks. couldn't find anything in the man page, but i'll look again.18:35
emmaThis is what it said to me, earlier: Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem.18:35
=== saltdawwg is now known as spun
emmaUnexpected error from Bonobo?18:35
JoshJbonobo is a part of GNOME18:36
jribjason_1: /flush<enter>  will take you right to it18:36
danand_jason_1 - ok.18:36
malestineuse ktorrent18:36
JoshJyou can either switch to a terminal and kill like it says, or just take the lazy path and restart18:36
Warlordhow can i start a multiplayer game? or how can i host one?? please help18:36
Odd-rationaleemma: Try installing thunar and see if the same things happens to your files. If it does, you can always uninstall.18:36
malestinewhat game?18:36
jason_1jrib, thanks18:36
flipmodeMasterShrak: I cant get dvds or cds to read, I was using kubuntu before this and it worked fine i just switched to ubuntu today and now nothing18:37
syrus1maybe a config file got bonked18:37
Warlorddoesnt matter18:37
emmaThunar. What's that. Is that a music player?18:37
Warlordi want to play18:37
Odd-rationaleemma: And if that doesn't work, try installing mplayer or vlc instead of totem, as suggested by MasterShrak.18:37
MasterShrakflipmode interesting, sounds like a gnome problem, i dont use gnome therefore i cant really help ya18:37
vinay http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/news/2003/03/5825318:37
Odd-rationaleemma: Thunar is a File-manager, similar to nautilus18:37
JoshJthunar is a file browser18:37
JoshJa rep... what he said18:37
malestinetry a google search for your error message18:37
emmaWoah, so this would replace Nautilus?18:38
danand_emma - apt-cache search thunar18:38
Odd-rationaleemma: No, you can two or three fm if you want18:38
JoshJwell i mean replacement in the same sense that thunderbird replaces evolution18:38
minoWarlord: you want to play any game, and asks us how to play any game? I think you are kidding us...18:38
flipmodeMasterShrak: I cant get dvds or cds to read, I was using kubuntu before this and it worked fine i just switched to ubuntu today and now nothing18:38
JoshJbut you can have both at once sure18:38
Dupasaxhello, how to get works divx on gusty 64bit???18:38
MasterShrakflipmode lol :), i would go back to kde if i were you18:38
MasterShrak!multimedia | Dupasax18:38
ubotuDupasax: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications18:38
flipmodethats what i was thimkin18:38
Odd-rationaleflipmode: Go gor it!18:39
danand_emma - thunar is the file manager for XFCE and will work quite happily in gnome18:39
lapisdecorare there any localized channels for ubuntu, like ubuntu.pt ?18:39
leeping__Hi there, I'm running Gutsy on an AMD64 processor, and emacs takes about one minute to start up (I'm running on a command line system.)  Anyone know what the issue is?18:39
snakecome state18:39
Starnestommylapisdecor: #ubuntu-pt ?18:39
Pici!it | snake18:39
ubotusnake: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:39
malestineati drivers suck18:39
JoshJleeping, how much stuff do you have in your .emacsrc?18:39
MasterShrakleeping__ ive seen things like that happen with ssh, never really used emacs, i always use nano18:39
Mike4malestine: not really18:39
JoshJor .emacs or whatever it's called18:39
lapisdecorits empty18:39
malestinei cant set set up duel screens18:40
snakeciao sono italiano18:40
MasterShrak!dual | malestine18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
JoshJif your .emacs has a lot of stuff in it, that may be the source of the problem18:40
MasterShrak!it | snake18:40
ubotusnake: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:40
MasterShrak!dual-head | malestine18:40
syrus1check the wiki for the dual screens18:40
malestineon restart it forgets all my settings18:40
ubotumalestine: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:40
arttiAnyone know tips for speeding up Ubuntu 7.10.18:40
h4writerhi, I'm having a rather annoying problem. I tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and it worked, but every time I get an kernel update my sound isn't working and I need to do the steps again. Now is it possible to revert the sound too the system used in ubuntu? So reverting the steps I took with trying this out?18:40
lapisdecoranyone has any security advice on shfs? I need some.18:40
NigelSmalestine: they certainly do :)18:40
martibsI can't change to tty's... my screen just goes into power saving mode18:41
malestineIf i enable the other screen i have get the white or black screen of death18:41
leeping__JoshJ, it's a clean install of emacs. but now that you mention it, I do have emacs configuration files mounted via NFS18:41
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lapisdecormaybe you should disable power saving18:41
NigelSmalestine: is this with fglrx?18:41
JoshJleeping__, check those out and go see if they're the source of the problem18:41
malestinei used envy to install i'm a newb18:42
martibsbut it doesn't recieve any signal...18:42
MasterShrak!envy | malestine18:42
ubotumalestine: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:42
leeping__JoshJ, thanks. I'll look them up right now18:42
JoshJleeping__, btw, i don't know much about emacs at all, i just have a friend who brags about his absurd .emacs18:42
malestineok how do you get that .run or bin file to install?18:42
* MasterShrak is out, good luck every118:42
danand_martibs - this may help you out - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/12991018:43
malestinesorry they dont suck just a learning curve18:43
NigelSmalestine: the ati proprietary binary driver is called fglrx; the bot is mostly right you can use the restricted driver manager unless your card isn't support by the current version within ubuntu18:43
zackieUsing the terminal i'd like to explore a dir... i tried /usr/lib/wine but says Bash its a directory... what am i missing here?18:43
prince_jammyszackie: cd18:44
syrus1envy is good at messing thing up sometimes18:44
leeping__JoshJ, I moved my .emacs to another location, and it still takes a minute to start up. =P18:44
Odd-rationalezackie: use cd18:44
NigelSmalestine: no, really the ati drivers do suck :) they can't handle most of their agp cards for instance and if you check out the forum - phoronix you can see the bug list is very long indeed18:44
malestinealso i can't get compiz to launch is it compatible with ati driver?18:44
Odd-rationalezackie: e.g.: cd /usr/lib/wine18:44
prince_jammyszackie: cd:change dir,,,ls::: list contents18:44
zackieNow what command do i use to uninstall ?18:44
Odd-rationalezackie: cd == change directory18:44
zackieah okay it makes sense now haha18:44
leeping__JoshJ, perhaps I should do a reinstall...18:44
Odd-rationalezackie: sudo apt-get remove <<package>>18:44
JoshJleeping__, are there multiple versions of emacs, which version of emacs is it, and maybe you should try an #emacs channel18:44
threexkHello.  When I try to ifup/ifdown network interfaces, it says "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0", etc.  What am I doing wrong?18:44
danand_!cli | zackie18:45
ubotuzackie: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:45
prince_jammyszackie: if you just type a file like that it expects it to be executable18:45
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, you are therE ?18:45
zackieah okay18:45
leeping__JoshJ, I'll check if the #emacs channel has people on this server, thanks :)18:45
melonhello all18:45
melonmaybe any of you can help me18:46
Odd-rationale!hello |mellon18:46
ubotumellon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:46
malestinei download the ati driver how do i get it going from desktop?18:46
meloni created a cronjob to sync the time with ntpdate18:46
prince_jammysmmm arent you supposed to get those from apt?18:46
melonwhen i check the syslog it looks like:18:46
melonFeb 18 07:00:01 tenjin /USR/SBIN/CRON[13657]: (root) CMD (root /usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp.switch.ch > /home/np/ntpupdate.log.txt)18:46
=== piranha_ is now known as PiranhaP
melonso it seems for me that all is working18:46
martinodd-rationale: quick question heh sorry to bug you again but you seem knowledgable. Is there a good web source that I could use to familiarize myself more with the shell?18:47
zackieNow is there an easier way to download the new version of wine with out using the terminal? ;)18:47
melonbut there is no time sync18:47
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, I am actually :D18:47
Odd-rationalemartin: www.linuxcommand.org18:47
malestinelinux is amazing i wish there where games i really want to play cod418:47
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue ^^18:47
neverbluemalestine, u can try and look into wine18:47
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, when im in debug mode and i try to connect, it says "ftp session requested from unknown class", is it normal ?18:47
prince_jammysmartin:  basic: what Odd-rationale more: sudo apt-get install rutebook,,, and more sudo apt-get install abs-guide <--- both browsable in web browser18:47
NigelSmartin: checkout gnu.org/bash for shell commands/syntax18:47
malestinei've got wine windows installed18:48
richieI am converting my kde3 system to kde4... I want to remove the kubuntu-desktop package with all its dependecies, right now its only removing the package and no dependencies... how can I fix this?18:48
NigelSmartin: not to be confused with bash.org :)18:48
danand_threexk - you need to check your /etc/network/interfaces file - type man interfaces for more info18:48
threexkdanand_: thanks18:48
martinNigels: -wink-18:48
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, I do not know every scenerio/issue related to proftpd, thats where the channel #proftpd comes into play18:48
melonhave nobody an idea?18:48
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, nobody answers ^^18:48
NigelSmelon: what happens if you just run ntpdate does that work with the server?18:49
malestinewhats the command to launch a .bin or .run file?18:49
melonyes it works18:49
melonwhen i copy paste the command from the cron it works fine18:49
NigelSmalestine: you poss don't want to, but you can jusd ./run it if its executable - if not then chmod +x it to make it so18:49
zackieWhen trying to make a dir it says Permissions Denied whats that about?18:49
malestinethen whats the best way to get the ati driver?18:50
malestineenvy screwed it up18:50
danand_zackie - where abouts in the system are you trying to create that dir?18:50
zackie /usr/lib18:50
NigelSmelon: what you're trying to do is handled by ntpd18:50
prince_jammyszackie it means you don't have permissions in that dir :) --> where are you making a dir?18:50
zackiemkdir /usr/lib/wine18:50
NigelSmalestine: the ubuntu restricted driver menu which should be present in the system menu18:51
prince_jammyszackie: are you installing wine by hand?18:51
zackieI'm trying to heh18:51
NigelSmalestine: if not, open up synaptic and search for fglrx18:51
danand_zackie - /usr/lib is owned by root - you don't have required permissions18:51
zackiedanand_: how do i install the new versioin of wine?18:51
prince_jammyszackie: if you absolutely must do that, you would have to use sudo -- /usr is owned by root.18:51
Ax-Axhow can i change mouse sensitivity? editing xorg.conf?18:51
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, so what are you using to login to the FTPd with ?18:52
zackieI just uninstalled it from that dir and i'm trying to i guess compile the new version in there... or just get it installed heh18:52
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, 'ftp' in bash18:52
danand_zackie - ?? don't know - sudo apt-get install wine ?? - sorry i don't use it :)18:52
neverblueok, and you have no error from 'ftp' ? just on the server side?18:52
prince_jammyszackie: i recommend installing from apt,, and practicing a manual install of something else in /usr/local.18:53
malestineohh no i should of uninstalled envy first:O18:53
Picizackie: You dont need to compile the software in that directory, it should put all the files where they need to be when you run the compile process.18:53
danand_zackie - maybe the folks over at #wine could help otherwise18:53
malestinei got this error message       E: kubuntu-docs: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 118:53
emmaWhere you can set which application you want to have open certain file types?18:53
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, no server doesnt return an error, the client tells "service not available"18:54
jrib!defaultapp > emma (read the private message from ubotu)18:54
malestineE: kubuntu-docs: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 118:54
zackie /home/zackie/Desktop I have the .tar.bz2 or what ever in that dir18:54
Ashnalokay, so now ubuntu wont even boot graphically anymore, when it starts all there is is a prompt, how do i get my interface back?18:54
ph0rensicAshnal: try startx18:54
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, well, if you are running proftpd in debug, that will tell you why the client is getting that error?18:55
Desert_StormCan anyone help me set up Compiz, i seem to be having errors, PM me if you could18:55
ph0rensicAshnal: there is a better way to start your x session though .. umm crap what was the command18:55
zackieaffect: you installed the 0.9.55 one?18:55
NthDegreeor if the display manager has crashed it would be sudo pkill gdm18:56
malestinethank you18:56
danand_ph0rensic - /etc/init.d/_somethingorother_ ??18:56
neverblue!compiz | Desert_Storm18:56
ubotuDesert_Storm: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:56
Desert_StormThanks =D18:56
zackieI guess i just don't know what to do with this file to get wine out of it hah18:56
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, it tells "ftp session requested from unknown class" and then "ftp session closed" thats it18:57
nosajjcan i install and run world or warecraft pc game useing ubuntu?18:57
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, on the server side, since debug is on, you will be giving enough info to troubleshoot (hence the name debug)18:57
NthDegreenosajj: you may be able to using Crossover Linux18:57
neverbluenosajj, yeah, under wine, trying asking in #winehq18:57
sven-testet-hardnosajj, yes with wine(free) or cedega(money)18:58
NthDegreeCrossover Linux is a pay-for version of Wine that supports it18:58
nosajjive read about tahta18:58
nosajjand ill do it the wine way couse its free18:58
lapisdecorHow do I deny shell access to a user in shfs?18:58
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, :/18:58
ph0rensicANyone else have serious issues with grub?18:58
NthDegreenosajj: techie tip.. install it using Crossover Linux 30 day eval to install it then use Wine to run it (Still free forever, but with all the hacks to make it work well)18:59
geirhalapisdecor: change the user's shell to /bin/false18:59
lapisdecorAnd, how do I restrict a user to a directory in shfs?19:00
* NthDegree so knows he shouldn't really say that, but it works well indeed >.>19:00
Desert_StormWhenever i try to install package xserver-xgl, it says it doesnt have the package19:00
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, are you even looking at the logs for proftpd ? (after debug is enabled)19:01
Desert_StormI need to install XGL Server19:01
Desert_Storm"sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl" was the command19:01
brandonc503does anyone know of free virus scan that wont put virus on comp?19:01
ph0rensicDesert_Storm: are you using gutsy?19:01
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, no wait im going to look at19:01
neverbluebrandonc503, there are many, can you be more specific (as this is an Ubuntu channel) ?19:01
prince_jammys!info xserver-xgl19:01
ubotuxserver-xgl (source: xserver-xgl): GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (gutsy), package size 1696 kB, installed size 4404 kB19:01
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: do you have universe enabled?19:02
zackieIf i download wine through Add/Remove is there a way to update it to the current Version while it is installed?19:02
Desert_StormHow can i find it out?19:02
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, well than what were you expecting, if you turn debug on, you need to look at the server logs (sorry, I had assumed that was VERY obvious)19:02
lollohow can i see the C:Program folder in ine ?19:02
knight666hi is there a reason why mp3's play fine on my machine, but both system sounds and flash video sounds do not work?19:02
Picizackie: no.19:02
geirhalapisdecor: you can't really ... you can achieve something similar by running the ssh-server in a chroot19:02
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: system->admin->software sources19:02
Picilollo: ~/.wine/drive_c/19:02
Desert_StormOkay, now im here19:03
zackiePici: okay  i uninstalled  and downloaded the new version.. its on my desktop in a .tar.bz2 file how do i install it?19:03
lollo cd /.wine/C:   ----> what's wrong ?19:03
lapisdecorHow do I chroot a user ?19:03
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, im a newbie :p19:03
Starnestommylollo: cd ~/.wine/drive_c/19:04
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: the second box down19:04
=== TC1 is now known as TCM
Desert_StormNow endabled19:04
Picizackie: open a terminal. cd Desktop, tar -xzvf file.tar.gz19:04
NthDegreelapisdecor: sudo chroot /blah/to/chroot/to /bin/bash19:04
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: try now19:04
[volk]how do I make firefox pop up an open with dialog when it come across pls files?19:04
Picizackie: then cd into the new directory and read the README and INSTALL files.19:04
[volk]I want all pls files to be opened with xmms in by firefox19:04
lollo ~   ----> from the keyboard ?  ?? ? ? ? ?  what's the combination ?19:05
knight666help please, system sounds aren't working, but other sounds work fine :(19:05
geirhalapisdecor: read about chroot. Wikipedia has a page on it.19:05
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: whats happening19:05
Desert_StormThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:05
Desert_Storm  xserver-xgl: Depends: libglitz-glx1 but it is not installable19:05
Desert_Storm               Depends: libglitz1 (>= 0.4.3+cvs20050728) but it is not installable19:05
Desert_StormE: Broken packages19:05
NthDegreeknight666: turn on ESD on System->Preferences->Sound19:05
FloodBot3Desert_Storm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
Picilollo: No need for the dashes and question marks19:05
prince_jammys!info libglitz119:05
knight666NthDegree: it's already on19:06
lapisdecoris it safe to have user nobody with shell access?19:06
NthDegreelapisdecor: not a good idea19:06
NthDegreemake another user with as fewer privileges19:06
lapisdecorbut doesn't it come as a default on ubuntu?19:06
ubotulibglitz1 (source: glitz): Glitz OpenGL image compositing library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.6-1 (gutsy), package size 74 kB, installed size 236 kB19:06
NthDegreenobody comes with no shell by default usually19:06
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, there is no error reported in19:06
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: strange19:07
SyntuxAre there any good GUI to manage GPG keys?19:07
NthDegreelapisdecor: my bad19:07
NthDegreeit has a shell19:07
Desert_StormIt says that "Broken packages"19:07
PiciSyntux: seahorse19:07
knight666any other suggestions as to why my system sounds wouldn't be playing? :(19:07
zackiePici: I don't see where it went...19:07
sebrockwhen setting up a weekly cron job, which day does it get executed on???19:07
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, then your not really having any luck19:07
danand_Desert_Storm - can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?19:08
NthDegreeknight666: could be if they're not enabled, not installed or don't have access to the sound system19:08
SyntuxPici, Thanks :-)19:08
Picizackie: It should have go into a new folder on your desktop.19:08
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, no i dont think so :(19:08
prince_jammysi don't think that's the problem19:08
zackiezackie@zackie:~$ cd /home/zackie/Desktop tar -xzvf wine-0.9.55.tar.bz219:08
Picizackie: Not all at once.19:08
Desert_StormThats the error19:08
knight666NthDegree: they're enabled, installed, but i'm not sure about access19:08
zackiePici: k19:08
prince_jammyshow does one fix broken packages other than with aptitude?19:08
KoldfusionCan someone help me with an installation problem?19:08
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, like I said, narrow down the issue, if you cannot do that, then I cannot assist you, its really that simple19:08
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:09
Picizackie: cd ~/Desktop <enter> tar -xjvf wine-0.9.55.tar.bz2 <enter>19:09
* neverblue hands Pici a spoon19:09
KoldfusionI've got an ATI Graphics card. When I go to install Kubuntu it gives me a weird screen and freezes19:09
danand_Desert_Storm - yes - but can you pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list file for us?19:09
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, it doesnt matter, it was nice to try thank you :)19:09
Picineverblue: :p19:09
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, good luck19:09
Desert_StormThats the sources.lst19:10
knight666how would i go around checking to see if my system sounds have access to my sound system?19:10
Riskbreakeranyone have experience with ghex2?19:10
Darkmystere__.how do i make a  VAP In managed mode thatll connect19:10
Darkmystere__  while the main interface is in monitor..?19:10
Desert_StormSorry for taking soo long19:10
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, thanks, i need ;o)19:10
Ashna1how can i find out the name of my sound card driver so i can use modprobe with it?19:10
KoldfusionHow can I install Ubuntu with an ATI card?19:10
zackiePici: heh okay it scrolling a bunch of stuff now19:10
pdbwith compiz, how do i do the cube gears19:10
danand_Desert_Storm - your sources list is messed up - its a know bug I think with gutsy installer - wait one and I'll sort it for you19:11
kakeiHello, im trying to install ubuntu on a dell inspiron 1520, i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=501195 but X isnt starting i got the Intel Graphics19:11
danand_Desert_Storm - *known19:11
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: go back to software sources - is "main enabled" ?19:11
lapisdecordoes removing shell access on nobody has any effect on ftp access?19:11
NthDegreedanand_: apt-get dist-upgrade is the workaround I used19:11
knight666how would i go around checking to see if my system sounds have access to my sound system?19:11
Desert_StormEndabled it now19:11
NthDegreethough it may be a bad one19:11
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: try again19:12
zackiePici: now how does it install or was that it?19:12
cherwinknight666: what are you really trying to do?19:12
jgbour local repository is in ./ubuntu.com, with an old version in ./ubuntu.com/ubuntu/.  All of my sources.list entries are in this format: deb ftp://ftp.sun.ac.za/.sdb1/ubuntu.com/ gutsy main restricted universe multiverse, but I keep getting the old updates. Help!!19:12
zackiePici: Says something like ./tools/wineinstall ?19:12
Desert_StormThanks alot prince, and danand19:12
knight666cherwin: i'm trying to get system sounds to work, other sounds are playing just fine :(19:12
Ashna1im trying to get any sound at all19:13
Picizackie: You'll need to look at the INSTALL or README files, I have not compiled it myself.  Specific questions should be addressed to #winehq19:13
prince_jammysDesert_Storm: yes, i was not aware of the bug danand_ mentioned, but all the repositories appear to have been "commented" out --- enabling them through "software sources" *should* work, unless that's another bug :)19:13
zackiePici: ay okay thanks bruddah!19:13
lapisdecordo services need shell access to work?19:14
KoldfusionHow can I resolve the graphics card problem?19:14
Ashna1how can i determine my sound card driver so i can use it with modprobe?19:14
knight666cherwin: thoughts, ideas, suggestions?19:14
cherwinknight666: take a look at this http://os.cqu.edu.au/docs/gnome/user-guide/goscustmulti-2.html19:15
wrath144hello is there someone available to help me19:15
lapisdecoris there a channel to discuss ATI drivers update?19:15
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:16
danand_Desert_Storm - see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56532/plain/ for new /etc/apt/sources.list19:16
neverblue!someone | wrath14419:16
ubotuwrath144: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:16
emmaNautilus crashed again..19:16
Picilapisdecor: #ati perhaps19:16
prince_jammysdanand_: is there something wrong with just enabling the repos in "software sources"?19:16
emmaI've never had anything like this happen before. I cannot fathom it.19:16
KoldfusionMy mistake, I have NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100. But how can I install Ubuntu?19:16
vinayWhich is the best torrent client for Ubuntu?19:16
lapisdecorchecking it19:17
neverblueAshna1, sound issues, where are you at in the problem ?19:17
kakeiHello, im trying to install ubuntu on a dell inspiron 1520, i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=501195 but X isnt starting i got the Intel Graphics nobody known how to run X so i can install ubuntu in graphic mode?19:17
Azodonkakei: live cd didnt run?19:17
emmaMy Nautilus keeps on crashing. Does anyone have any ideas?19:17
danand_prince_jammys - it leaves a load of crud in the sources file - guess i'm a little pedantic about these things ;)19:17
wrath144ok, so i'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 on my older hp laptop, and i get the "crash on screensaver" thing. so i go to the forums and look at the "steer clear of 7.10 on hp laptops" thread and try 7.04. turns out 7.04 runs really really slow and crashes when i try to install. what am i doing wrong?19:18
comicinkerhelp: my firefoy crashes toooo often (every 5 minutes). last line in shell is: /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 11302 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "$prog" ${1+"$@"}      am I alone with this problem?19:18
vinay Which is the best torrent client for Ubuntu?????????????????????19:18
Ashna1neverblue: im trying to get the drivers working... i think19:18
emmaNautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem.19:18
Lettuc3vinay do you really need all those '?' ?19:19
Pici!best | vinay19:19
neverblueAshna1, why are you 'installing' drivers for it?19:19
ubotuvinay: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.19:19
cherwinvinay: ctorrent19:19
Pici!torrrent | vinay19:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about torrrent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:19
Pici!torrent | vinay19:19
ubotuvinay: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:19
kexhey, my friend just installed xubuntu, and when she does "sudo apt-get update" she gets a segmentation fault19:19
Ashna1neverblue:because the drivers just stopped working and seemed to have completely disappeared of their own accord19:19
threethirtycomicinker: go get firefox 3 beta3 , firefox2 is crap19:19
wrath144ok, so i'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 on my older hp laptop, and i get the "crash on screensaver" thing. so i go to the forums and look at the "steer clear of 7.10 on hp laptops" thread and try 7.04. turns out 7.04 runs really really slow and crashes when i try to install. what am i doing wrong?19:19
krimvinay: That's like asking what the best colour is :)19:19
EADGvinay: I boils down to personnel prefrance. I like rtorrent, but there are a few others. Open Synaptic and search "torrent"19:19
kakeiAzodon: it's run just X doesnt start19:20
Picikrim: green. :p19:20
neverblueAshna1, im sure, did you use alsamixer to adjust your audio ?19:20
Lettuc3krim eh :P not quite.19:20
kexsince i am not a ubuntu user i'd love some help19:20
Odd-rationalevinay: Try deluge.19:20
krimvinay: I prefer rtorrent but if you want gui maybe azureus or deluge would be better.19:20
Ashna1neverblue: no audio device19:20
tictacaddictI just disabled desktop effects and now  I can't re-enable them in my appearance preferences!  Ubuntu wants to install the nvidia driver package but I am already using a  newer version from nvidia19:20
Kibblespop quiz: how do i battle spam with evolution?19:20
Lettuc3krim for example, if you asked me what the best photoediting software was, i'd feel compelled to reply it was photoshop.19:20
EADGvinay: wine + utorrent is an option too.19:20
neverblueAshna1, so you have no audio device listed in lspci ? (please do NOT post any output from lspci in the channel --- that is more than one line)19:21
EADG... tons of options.19:21
comicinkerthreethirty: until recent it was fine19:21
Odd-rationalekex: any specific error message?19:21
emmaThis is the most serious problem I've had.19:21
emmaI've never had Nautilus keep crashing.19:21
Ashna1neverblue actually my sound card is listed in lspci19:21
emmaCould my external hard drive be doing it?19:21
Lettuc3EADG i've had problems with linux freezing when wine + application tried to access the net in the past :(.19:21
prince_jammysemma i have had this problem19:21
Desert_StormThanks alot =D19:21
Odd-rationaleme too19:21
neverblueAshna1, ok, and when you open alsamixer, it gives an error?19:21
wrath144ok, so i'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 on my older hp laptop, and i get the "crash on screensaver" thing. so i go to the forums and look at the "steer clear of 7.10 on hp laptops" thread and try 7.04. turns out 7.04 runs really really slow and crashes when i try to install. what am i doing wrong?19:21
kexOdd-rationale: segmentation fault?19:21
=== magnet_ is now known as Magnet
emmaWeird. Maybe it's a bug in Gnome.19:21
Ashna1neverblue: yes19:22
krimLettuc3: Sure but when it comes to bittorrent clients it's more a matter of taste. At least I think so.19:22
Odd-rationalekex: OK. Never heard of that one. Sorry.19:22
vinayI'm using Deluge right now. But I'm not satisfied. It doen't even show Upload/ Download for each user.19:22
danand_Desert_Storm - err ... think you had fixed it before I got back - nevermind :)19:22
emmaDid either of you find a solution when it happened to you?19:22
kexOdd-rationale: that is what she said from the phone to me19:22
threethirtycomicinker:thats just my default advice, I'm not sure what your spacific problem is but even in beta ff3 is orders or multitude better than ff219:22
neverblueAshna1, ok, so did you do something to 'remove' the driver for the audio card?19:22
prince_jammysemma paste the error message in google, unless someone here knows .. i dont remember19:22
Desert_StormAh XD19:22
Lettuc3krim well, i can't say i have used loads, but my personal favourite is utorrent. i tend to dislike bittorent in general though. :D19:22
Odd-rationalevinay: I know ktorrent does. But I haven't used a lot of clients19:22
prince_jammysemma yes i solved it19:22
Ashna1neverblue: no i simply restarted the computer after an update19:22
knight666okay how do i check for errors in ".xsession-errors"19:22
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet
cherwinwrath144: or nobody knows the answer to your question, or people don't understand what you're saying. Atleast rephrase your question, it's only annoying to ask the same question over and over.19:23
kexOdd-rationale: and from what i know it is a clean xubuntu installation19:23
Juhazvinay, it can do that19:23
Odd-rationaleemma: I just switch to kde or xfce. (I like them better than gnome anyways, personal opinion)19:23
wrath144i'm not sure how i can rephrase that19:23
kakeiAzodon: ubuntu runs is just that X doesn't start19:23
Lettuc3knight666 it's just a text file, you can use it using gedit, or fire up a terminal and do 'less .xsession-errors'. depending on what you want to look for.19:23
wrath1447.10 works but crashes, 7.04 is really slow and doesn't install19:23
neverblueAshna1, so let me get this straight, the device is plugged in, you view it in lspci, but when you open alsamixer, you get a 'no device error', so you cannot access alsamixer?19:23
sllhi, how do you clone or extends the display to another display?19:24
Ashna1neverblue: correct19:24
emmaI don't think Gutsy is going to be remembered as Ubuntu's finest release :|19:24
emmaI never had a single problem with Feisty.19:24
Ashna1neverblue: alsamixer error: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory19:24
KoldfusionWhat version of Ubuntu will work best for a laptop?19:24
knight666Lettuc3: i'm really really unfamiliar with terminal syntax, would "sudo nano .xsession-errors" work?19:24
cherwinwrath144: try adding more information to it, like error messages19:24
Odd-rationalekex: Has she tried aptitude? (running out of ideas)19:24
vinayanswer this: What linux should i try, with a computer that has 64 mb of ram                http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70055019:24
Lettuc3emma hehe, maybe for you :P.19:25
wrath144no error messages19:25
Kibblesany1 know what package is the basic spam assassin package?19:25
=== [loy] is now known as hairyraven
Odd-rationalevinay: puppy linux19:25
danand_vinay - busybox, dsl ...19:25
Kibblesvinay - puppy linux works well, tested, so does DSL19:25
cherwinKoldfusion: probably the latest version19:25
Lettuc3knight666 no, you don't need to sudo. if you don't need to edit it, just use: less .xsession-errors19:25
Koldfusioncherwin: It's giving me graphics card problems19:25
kexOdd-rationale: no, but i never used that either, should a reinstall fix it?19:25
KibblesKoldfusion: that all depends on the laptop :)19:25
neverblueAshna1, that says nothing about your device being missing.... so where did you get that conclusion from?19:25
cherwinkoldfusion: what is your problem then?19:26
Lettuc3knight666 if you don't want to do that, you can find it in nautilus (it's in your home directory), ctrl+h to enable seeing .hidden files, you might either have to double-click it, or right click and choose open with text editor.19:26
krimvinay: I'd try with Damn Small Linux like someone wrote.19:26
emmaThe only way to solve these problems is to reinstall ?19:26
knight666Lettuc3: okay, thank you :]19:26
Ashna1neverblue: well, my sound card doesnt appear in lsmod19:26
KoldfusionOk, what ubuntu package would be best for an AMD Dualcore 64bit with NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 and 1GB RAM?19:26
Odd-rationalekex: maybe. but try <<sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade>> first19:26
danand_emma - you could try reinstalling nautilus19:26
KibblesKoldfusion: Ubuntu 7.10 should work fine19:26
kexOdd-rationale: safe upgrade? what does that do?19:27
tictacaddicthow can I set compiz to be enabled when I log in, without changing the effects setting under Appearance >19:27
neverblueAshna1, have you tried google or the forums?19:27
Lettuc3knight666 less allows you to scroll. you can do "man less" in a terminal for more details.19:27
Odd-rationalekex: The aptitude version of upgrade...19:27
emmaHow about removing nautilus and installing thune?19:27
Ashna1neverblue: a little here or there19:27
kexOdd-rationale: ok19:27
danand_emma - sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus would be the command for that i think19:27
Odd-rationaleemma: Does thunar cause problems?19:27
Lettuc3emma you would lose your desktop icons and whatnot, because nautilus is what renders those.19:27
Ashna1neverblue: but i really dont know much about the problem or what to search for19:27
LUISLO_My intention is not to start a flame war... but rather get arguments against suse (coz I have so many but I want to hear more)... one of my strongest is a dependencies hell! but why is ubuntu better than suse?19:27
danand_emma - thunar is good file manager too19:28
kexOdd-rationale: ok19:28
prince_jammysemma do not reinstall19:28
emmaI don't have any desktop icons . Doesn't thunar make desktop icons too?19:28
Pricey!best | LUISLO_19:28
ubotuLUISLO_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.19:28
[chr0n0s]LUISLO_, goto forums19:28
prince_jammysemma did you read the links online?19:28
Kibblesany1 with an ATI card ever experience trouble setting screen refresh rate/resolution?19:28
Schiz0I can have comment lines in /etc/resolv.conf, right?19:28
emmaYeah they don't look exactly like my problem.19:28
emmathey all talk about getting 7 error messages. I only have one.19:28
cecemelI have added a second ide controller (as a PCI card), and attached 4 supplementary ide drives to it. They are somewhat detected (I see icons for them on my ubuntu desktop), but do not work. I cannot mount them, for instance (there are ext2 or ext3 partions on these drives coming from another PC). I have many errors in "dmesg" about them; I pasted all that on http://pastebin.ca/90882019:28
krimKoldfusion: If you're having problems with the latest version of ubuntu try searching ubuntuforums.org for the name of your graphics card and see if anyone else has similar problems and solved it19:28
Odd-rationaleLUISLO_: Depends whether you want debian or rpm19:28
cecemelif somebody could help me ... ;)19:28
Desert_StormWhen im trying to endable ATI accelerated graphics driver, (At restricted driver menu), it says error "The software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not endabled."19:28
Lettuc3danand_ emma i agree thunar is a good file manager, but it wont offer you in gnome all the features of what nautilus gives you (eg desktop). however if you do know of a way to get it to assume the default behaviour of nautilus, i'd like to switch over, so if you know a way, please tell me :P.19:29
Odd-rationalekex: Did it work?19:29
LUISLO_Odd-rationale... I guess I've been used to rpm... but like i said is a "dependencies hell"19:29
friedtofuDesert_Storm - ibelieve you must go to the source list and enable them ...19:29
fooI installed Ubuntu 7.10. I then installed the latest video card drivers (fglrxinfo says OpenGL renderer string: RADEON X800 GTO/OpenGL version string: 2.1.7281 Release). I then setup compiz with xfce. Something really weird happens. When I switch over from workspace A to workspace B, and workspace B only has firefox in it, the switch is choppy. When I switch from workspace A to B when B has firefox + an xterm in focus, it's not choppy. Extreme19:29
two_bitsi am trying to install the xubuntu-desktop, however it says that i need to remove totem-gstreamer... is it possible to reinstall totem afterwards without messing with xubuntu?19:29
KibblesKoldfusion: I have geforce 7700 Go and had to tweak xorg.conf before it stabilized19:29
Odd-rationaleLUISLO_: Take your pick. Linux is all about choices! Free to choose...19:29
[chr0n0s]two_bits, you can install better things, instead of totem19:30
slland how about clone display19:30
Geshka1963Hi There!19:30
neverblueAshna1, so I am not sure why you dont see it in lsmod, but its in lspci, and alsamixer doesnt appear to be finding it19:30
kexOdd-rationale: i still have to call her19:30
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:30
two_bitsmaybe, but can i reinstall totem afterwards without problems?19:30
Desert_StormWhen im trying to endable ATI accelerated graphics driver, (At restricted driver menu), it says error "The software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not endabled."19:30
emmaI have a home partition. How do I reinstall?19:30
wrath144cherwin: i'm going to try to install 7.04 again and when i get to the part thats giving me trouble i will let you know what happens19:30
kexOdd-rationale: still thinking of a reinstall is easier for her19:30
Desert_StormAnd its not in the sources list :O19:30
buffdaemonhey guys what package do i have to install for the "system" command??19:30
MylonHaha... I misspelld Unbuntu but it still sent me here.19:30
Lettuc3LUISLO_ the only way to find out what distro you feel more at ease using, is to try them out, that's fairly easy these days, becauase they all have liveCDs... however, you probably do need a decent internet connection.19:30
zackieIs there a new Version of Ubuntu Coming out soon?19:31
Odd-rationalekex: OK. If that doesn't work, I really don't have any more ideas. Tell her to try the forums and post the complete error message.19:31
cherwinwrath144: roger19:31
Pricey!hardy | zackie19:31
ubotuzackie: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:31
Picizackie: Every 6 months.19:31
neverblueAshna1, was this a new install on your system? has the sound ever worked? what happened before it stopped working?19:31
Geshka1963What should I fix to make mplayer output to second monitor on laptop?19:31
KibblesDesert_Storm: check out system>administration>sources19:31
malestinedamn im frustrated19:31
two_bits[chr0n0s]: perhaps, but can i reinstall totem without problems?19:31
kexOdd-rationale: well that is what she told me :s19:31
Lettuc3emma don't reinstall the whole thing. i would try with just nautilus first.19:31
Ashna1neverblue: the sound worked fine this morning before i restarted it19:31
cecemelanyone familiar with these hard disk issues ? i don't know why Ubuntu doesn't likes my hdd :(19:31
zackiePici: is it going to be a bit diff than Gutsy :)19:31
emmaokay so, remove nautilus and then install nautilus?19:31
[chr0n0s]two_bits, i am not sure, but doesn't look impossible19:31
cherwincecemel: did you tried booting with the irqpoll option?19:31
MylonI need some help partitioning my HD for a raid array to install Ubuntu.  I thought I had it all worked out, and then I got a weird screen.  Literally:19:32
malestinecan I ask a question?19:32
Ashna1neverblue: ive had ubuntu installed for maybe 3 weeks19:32
Picizackie: Its LTS (long term support) so it should be a lot stabler.19:32
MylonI got a screen titled, "Partition disks" with the text "??? ???"19:32
Lettuc3emma gimme a second, i'll have a look.19:32
cherwin!ask | malestine19:32
mnemonic_I'm having a problem with partitioning with parted. fdisk prints my partitions just fine, but parted does nothing but print 'Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.'.19:32
ubotumalestine: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:32
Picimalestine: Just ask ;)19:32
[chr0n0s]!ask | malestine19:32
zackiePici: YAY! :)19:32
buffdaemonhey guys what package do i have to install for the "system" command??19:32
LUISLO_Odd-rationale, Lettuc3... I use suse, and apart from the dependencies hell, the sd card, and the bluetooth, hehe, works great... but when I have a problem that I've been digging around google and manuals and more stuff without success and I come to the suseforums, it seems like I can't ask an answer there that they can't solve, coz they usually start to assume things and literally telling me...19:32
LUISLO_...to *f*& up and many many times I got the answer: "Go try ubuntu" :D19:32
neverblueAshna1, ok, so your sound stopped working after a reboot? was there an install of new packages the previous day?19:32
kbrooksi need a module to be passed options19:33
Ashna1neverblue: yes there was an update19:33
cecemelcherwin: no19:33
kbrooksat bootup19:33
malestineWhat is this and how do I fix it I get it whenever I install or remove anything?E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:33
PriceyLUISLO_, download an ubuntu live cd and see if things work.19:33
kbrookshow can i set it up?19:33
Ashna1neverblue:kernel headers or something like that19:33
buffdaemonhey guys what package do i have to install for the "system" command??19:33
[chr0n0s]lol LUISLO_ , is suse rpm based?19:33
Lettuc3emma fire up synaptic, search for 'nautilus' and use 'mark for reinstallation' (you get that by right clicking on the package) i think that should do it.19:33
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:33
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:33
wrath144cherwin: how long is normal to get through the boot process from hitting install or run ubuntu to being able to se desktop icons19:33
Odd-rationale[chr0n0s]: yes. rpm19:33
emmaLettuc3 oh lol I forgot all about synaptic, sorry. :)19:33
rpj8Is hald installed on a cli install system?19:33
cherwincecemel: try it out then, right from your dmesg "irq 11: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)"19:33
Desert_StormThanks for the support :P19:34
buffdaemonhey guys what package do i have to install for the "system" command??19:34
KibblesDesert_Storm: ???19:34
usr13wrath144: Depends on hardware.19:34
Desert_StormYou said to check the "Sources" stuff19:34
neverblueAshna1, ok, so looks like that could be something that will effect it19:34
LUISLO_Pricey: it works, the only thing doesn't work is the sound, but I also had problems with the suse live cd and after a complete isntall it worked...  I have an hda-intel IHC6 family, you know if I'd be able to have sound in a complete install?19:34
Odd-rationaleLUISLO_: My person favorite is arch, though19:34
Desert_StormOkay, i got to reboot, thanks :P19:34
KibblesDesert_Storm: it worked?19:34
Lettuc3LUISLO_ im not entirely sure, but i think pclinuxos uses synaptic with rpm. i dont know if that resolves your dependency problems though. this is a little offtopic, though, if you want to carry on, you should probably consider #ubuntu-offtopic.19:34
j_humphreyI'm running GNOME, and at the top panel, behind all the items, theres some pinstriping that I don't want, I want it to be transparent, how can I fix that?19:34
KibblesDesert_Storm: glad19:34
cherwinwrath144: that depends on your hardware settings19:35
Desert_StormThanks =)19:35
MylonOkay, I have my raid array partitioned, but it says "no root file system is defined", even though I used the guided partitioner on it?19:35
neverblueAshna1, only thing I can suggest is the forums, take your lspci listing and search for its output of your audio device, see if anyone else has had that issue19:35
cherwinwrath144: and i use debian so i really don't know how ubuntu handles it19:35
cecemelcherwin: how do I boot with the irqpoll option ?19:35
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:35
rpj8Is hald installed on a cli install system?19:35
Pricey!intelhda | LUISLO_19:35
ubotuLUISLO_: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:35
wrath144cherwin: ok. i'm at one part where it says smoething: cat: /var/lib/acpi-support/system-manufacturer: no such file19:35
kbrooksi need a module to be passed options at bootup. how do i set this up?19:35
zackieSo when Hardy Heron is Released will the update manager update it? :)19:35
LUISLO_[chr0n0s] yes suse is rpm based, sorry to post here, but I didnt see you in the offtopic channel19:36
NigelSkbrooks: /etc/modprobe.d/options iirc19:36
wrath144says that for about 4 different files19:36
KibblesMylon: i'd be happy if you could forward me any good reading material on RAID setups/linux19:36
wrath144but doesn't give an error19:36
LUISLO_thnx Lettuc3 and Pricey19:36
* Kibbles seconds zackie's question19:36
malestineE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:36
MylonI'm pretty clueless really.  Just throwing myself at this problem Kibbles.19:36
buffdaemonwhat package do i have to install for the "system" command ???19:36
j_humphreyI'm running GNOME, and at the top panel, behind all the items, theres some pinstriping that I don't want, I want it to be transparent, how can I fix that?19:36
MylonWhat file system does Ubuntu normally use?19:37
KibblesMylon: that's the way to go19:37
MylonBecause I tried Fat32 and it broke.19:37
NigelSMylon: ext319:37
danand_cecemel - not entirely sure but it looks to me like you may have some irq issues. This maybe causing problems with your pci card and hence drives. other than that would say you had bad disk. do as dmesg says and try booting with irqpoll option19:37
Odd-rationalezackie Kibbles: it can19:37
MylonThanks, NigelS.19:37
KibblesMylon: installation recommends ext319:37
zackieTo upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10, run "update-manager -d" using the update-manager package from Gutsy.19:37
KibblesOdd-rationale: thanks19:37
prince_jammysemma killall bonobo-activation-server19:37
llappallj_humphrey: right-click, tab background19:38
emmaI did do that19:38
mnemonic_I can't partition my system using the Ubuntu installer (or no parted based system for that matter) because parted only says 'Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.'. fdisk works fine, fdisk -l output here: http://nopaste.php-quake.net/1726919:38
Kibblesis there any reason why my iptables flushes after reboot?19:38
kbrooksshould i upgrade from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04?19:38
malestineOk I'll come back to linux in a couple more years I'll see you guys then19:38
j_humphreyllappall, i have a background set already, but on some of the items, theres another picture19:38
Odd-rationalekbrooks: not now!19:38
j_humphreyllappall, how do i remove that second picture?19:38
Kibblesmalestine: hold in there - it's worth it19:38
MylonVista really pissed me off.  It doesn't recognize any HDs at all.  MB and chipset drivers were unhelpful.19:38
usr13Kibbles: I think that is normal.19:39
MylonBut... Unbuntu recognized the drives just fine.  It confuses the heck out of me.19:39
Kibblesusr13: that doesn't make sense19:39
zackieKibbles: If you run "update-manager -d" in Terminal it shows you there is a New Distrib 8.04 Shows its aval now... but in Alpha stage still.. 4 I See19:39
malestineits been 2 days and its still not working its better but rrrrrrr!19:39
usr13Kibbles: Do you have firewall script enabled?19:39
kbrooksMylon, you mean like "why would microsoft make that mistake"?19:39
cherwinwrath144: sounds like a media problem19:39
wrath144whats the website to paste stuff then link to it?19:39
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thebananahi folks, has anyone here gone through a successful company-wide migration to linux?19:39
Kibblesusr13 no idea what you're talking about19:39
MylonSomething like that, yeah, kbrooks.19:39
thebananafor desktops  especially?19:39
krimmalestine: Have you tried writing in the forums? IRC is nice for quick problems but sometimes the forums is better.19:39
fidelioanybody has experience with synce? Cannot get connection between phone and USB port19:39
danand_!pastebin | wrath14419:40
ubotuwrath144: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:40
cherwinwrath144: are you sure the installation media is sane?19:40
MylonI swear, it's like Vista doesn't even know what a SATA controller is.19:40
cherwincecemel: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html19:40
thebananai'm looking for a distributed filesystem solution that's not nfs19:40
malestineI don't understand the tree like i do in windows I can't navigate19:40
llappallj_humphrey: I don't know what you're seeing, but just as a general guide, the icons for applications (the images themselves) might have something that you're seeing. If it's not that, can you give me more detals?19:40
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:40
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wrath144cherwin: i did the checker and it was good19:40
Kibblesmalestine: read up on the linux fs standard19:41
usr13Kibbles: Where did  you save your iptables rule comands?19:41
Kibblesusr13: um, in iptables?19:41
fidelioanybody has experience with synce? Cannot get connection between phone and USB port19:41
llappallKibbles :):)19:41
llappallfidelio: couldn't make it work when I tried...19:41
kbrooksMylon, to add, they wasted 5 years. oh well.19:41
cherwinthebana: yes, Google, IBM, NASA etc19:42
Kibblesllappall: did i make a funny?19:42
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:42
magicrobotmonkeyis there a vnc client for ubuntu that doesnt suck?19:42
=== Onyx_ is now known as Onyx
llappallKibbles: um... iptables? :D19:42
usr13Kibbles: iptables is a tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT but you need to save your commands in a script that loads at boot time.19:42
chimpowhat program should i use for resizing parititons?19:42
Kibblesusr13: aha. nobody told me about this :)19:42
AckerMANnhow i can change the MAC address ? plz help me with an example.19:42
Kibblesusr13: so where do i put that script and where can I find a template?19:43
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:43
wrath144cherwin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56535/19:43
cherwinAckerMANn: man ifconfig19:43
seyacathi ubuntus19:43
neverbluechimpo, use gparted (remember the important fact to backup your data)19:43
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prince_jammys!gparted | chimpo  get the live CD::19:43
ubotuchimpo  get the live CD::: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/19:43
OnyxWhenever I try to run a package with wine, I get the following error:  "Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible." -- anyone know what's up with that?19:43
Kibblesllappall system>preferences>hotkey?19:43
fideliowhat is the easiest way to get devices recognized by ubuntu?19:43
mnemonic_I can't partition my system using the Ubuntu installer (or no parted based system for that matter) because parted only says 'Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.'. fdisk works fine, fdisk -l output here: http://nopaste.php-quake.net/1726919:44
seyacatplease, help me with one question, how cai i make a search on windows particion? i use locate but mounted particion not index in database19:44
fideliolive gparted works19:44
Gregmondmagicrobotmonkey: The terminal server client works to connect to vnc and most things19:44
magicrobotmonkeyGregmond: yea but its not grabbing my clipboard19:44
MylonUh oh... My ubuntu install has a blank blue screen.  This can't be good.19:45
j_humphreyllappall: heres a screenshot of the panel: http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7113/screenshotpw5.png19:45
KibblesMylon: change the background settings.19:45
magicrobotmonkeyalso it has a weird bug where you have to scroll on the password input before you can start typing19:45
prince_jammysseyacat find /path/to/partition -name 'name_of_file_glob_expression'19:45
fideliowhat is the easiest way to get devices recognized by ubuntu?19:45
llappallKibbles: no such menu...19:45
danand_seyacat - perhaps sudo updatedb might help . try man updatedb first though19:45
sven-testet-hardMylon, sure it is not windows?19:45
matt____i'm in kde, but i'm wondering what the "default" media (video) player is in gnome/ubuntu.19:45
j_humphreyllappall, notice how theres some weird pin striping on some parts?19:45
MylonI'm sure.19:45
prince_jammysseyacat: do you know the exact name of the file?19:45
MylonThis Ubuntu disc might be a year old...19:45
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MylonWould that be an issue?19:45
kostkonmatt____, totem19:46
Kibblesllappall: system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts19:46
matt____kostkon: oh! right!19:46
MylonOut of date/buggy install?19:46
WhiteNerdCan I upgrade from Debian to Ubuntu desktop using "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" in terminal19:46
Rufusafter installing ubuntu on a windows computer, you have to insert your windows disc. I have three recovery discs for Microsoft Windows XP. Will these work?19:46
seyacatprince_jammys: no i dont know the exact name19:46
sven-testet-hardMylon, when does that happen?19:46
prince_jammysseyacat: what do you know about the name?19:46
PiciWhiteNerd: Crossgrading is explicitly not supported.19:46
WhiteNerdThank you.19:46
MylonAfter it finished setting up the EXT3 partition.19:46
cherwinwrath144: still here, it's a ambigious error19:47
prince_jammysseyacat: or what do you know about the file you want to find?19:47
seyacatprince_jammys: i know it begins with flex or contais it19:47
MylonOr during that process... I didn't monitor it too closely.19:47
wrath144which means?19:47
usr13Kibbles: This looks pretty good:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall19:47
matt____kostkon: ok..so answer me this: basically...totem is gnome, kaffeine is kde, so what would you classify vlc as? i'm writing a post about playing dvds, and i'm getting confused trying to word it right...19:47
Rufusdoes anyone know? its an HP computer19:47
matt____kostkon: Next, pick a media player. Kaffeine (KDE), Totem (Gnome), and VLC (19:47
llappallKibbles: yep, looked into those, but those only work with Window management (bring to top, move to another workspace, etc), Desktop, or Sound. There's nowhere to set a *custom* action...19:47
faileasmatt____: VLC runs on anything19:47
earthhello please alternative daemon tools for ubuntu 7.10 ?19:47
emmaI reinstalled Nautilus and nothing weird has happened *yet*.19:47
* emma crosses her fingers19:47
sven-testet-hardMylon, i have no idea how to fix that, instead of using a more recent version of ubuntu19:47
cherwinwrath144: that i have no idea what the real problem is, do you have loopback enabled?19:47
MylonAlright.  I'll get a more recent version then.19:48
wrath144what's that?19:48
prince_jammysseyacat: find /path/of/partition -iname '*flex*'19:48
matt____faileas: right, right...i know that...but....just trying to figure out how to word this19:48
matt____faileas: Next, pick a media player. Kaffeine (KDE), Totem (Gnome), and VLC (19:48
matt____faileas: a blog post...19:48
Kibblesllappall: mmmm sorry.19:48
faileasmatt____: VLC (Everythong)19:48
GregmondRufus: recovery cd's generally wont. You need the i386 folder. If that is on them then maybe you can19:48
matt____faileas: haha...i'll go with that19:48
llappallj_humphrey: when you open an app, does the top bar look like that? (i.e. with the lines)?19:49
Kibblesllappall: no idea then.19:49
earthhello please alternative daemon tools for ubuntu 7.10 ?19:49
kostkonmatt____, I pick totem. but vlc or mplayer will play dvds better.19:49
cherwinwrath144: it's a virtual network adapter, i saw someone referring to at as the cause of the problem, just do sudo ifconfig lo up19:49
K-TonGood evening19:49
prince_jammysseyacat: -iname (case insensitive, flex , Flex, fLex)    -name:case sensitive19:49
matt____kostkon: right....i put that..19:49
Piciearth: gisomount iirc19:49
faileasyou'd be hard pressed to find a modern OS VLC won't run on19:49
sven-testet-hardis it a good evening?19:49
matt____kostkon: Next, pick a media player. Kaffeine (KDE), Totem (Gnome), and VLC (pick this one).19:49
usr13Kibbles: But to simply answer your question;  Probably in /etc/init.d19:49
llappallKibbles, thanks anyway... this Gnome stuff... I'm a KDE guy just trying this... :)19:49
K-Tonsven-testet-hard : here in Hungary, it is19:49
j_humphreyllappall, my apps are in a AWN dock, so I dont know19:49
mnemonic_I removed a partition from my system, now no partitions are shown for the whole drive. What can I do about it?19:49
Monegasquele delire ici19:49
seyacatprince_jammys: TY a lot, im making the search now. hope yo works fine :)19:49
RufusGregmond: so what disc do I use?19:49
Aikonyes !19:50
prince_jammysseyacat: let me know, in case i mistyped something19:50
Monegasquetu sais dire que yes19:50
seyacatprince_jammys: yes, its work ok, ty you a lot19:50
prince_jammysseyacat: no prob19:50
sven-testet-hardmy gnupg is broken, for now here it isnt a good evening19:50
jpatrick!fr | Monegasque19:50
ubotuMonegasque: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:50
faileasmnemonic_: want to old one back, or to make a new one?19:50
kostkonmatt____, when you say pick, do you mean which I prefer. i prefer totem-xine (meaning totem with the xine backend). totem by default uses gstreamer19:50
prince_jammysseyacat: to update the locate database:::   sudo updatedb19:50
mnemonic_faileas: actually install I want to reinstall ubuntu on one partition.19:50
matt____kostkon: lol...19:50
llappallj_humphrey: I'm wondering if the lines are part of the regular window decoration, when you open ANY window at all, do the window decor look like that?19:50
Kibbleskostkon: how do you swap backends?19:51
GregmondRufus: need to know what is asking for it and why.19:51
faileasmnemonic_: then just boot the livecd and use the installer ;)19:51
mnemonic_faileas: all the partitions still work - just neither gparted nor parted nor the ubuntu installer show them.19:51
Rufusafter installing ubuntu on a windows computer, you have to insert your windows disc. I have three recovery discs for Microsoft Windows XP. Will these work?19:51
Rufusi need to know which disc to use?19:51
faileasmnemonic_: o019:51
seyacatprince_jammys: updatedb its not the same as locate -u?19:51
KibblesRufus: more detail please?19:51
mnemonic_faileas: fdisk -l even works - but any parted based system shows nothing.19:51
usr13Rufus: What are you trying to do?19:51
kostkonKibbles, just install totem-xine and will replace the other totem, which is called totem or totem-gstreamer, I don't actually remember19:51
j_humphreyllappall, the top bar in applications dont look like that, but when i open a new panel, it has the pinstriping19:51
sven-testet-hardi want smooth scrolling in xchat for the next version19:51
prince_jammysseyacat: just looked it up, didnt know about it.  i guess it is19:52
mnemonic_sven-testet-hard: go implement it ;)19:52
wrath144cherwin: i'm a first time linux user and don't know what you mean19:52
Kibbleskostkon: k thanks wasn't aware you could do that19:52
faileasmnemonic_: Thats wierd ...19:52
Rufusinstall ubuntu on a windows machinme19:52
danand_seyacat - locate uses a database - updatedb updates that database19:52
cherwinwrath144: oh my bad19:52
KibblesRufus: umm, you want to dual boot?19:52
seyacatdennda: yes i know, but -u update database19:52
mnemonic_faileas: p in parted says 'Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.'19:52
Rufusbut doesnt grub mess up something with windows that I need the install disc?19:52
Kibblesjust d/l livecd, stick it in and reboot19:52
usr13Rufus: Just put in the Ubuntu install CD and boot to it.  But  you might want to run scandisk and defrag on MS Windows first.19:53
kostkonKibbles, np.19:53
iclebytei shouldn't have to create the wheel group manually should i?19:53
llappallj_humphrey: then, no idea. One last thing: if you change the *image* you use for the background, do you still see the pinstrip?19:53
sven-testet-hardmnemonic_, yeah lets rewrite it with opengl support19:53
danand_seyacat - i suggested you run that command about ten mins ago :) - guess i should have explained myself better19:53
mnemonic_Aikon: #ubuntu-fr19:53
cherwinwrath144: go to gnome-terminal and type in sudo ifconfig, and then pastebin the output somewhere19:53
Rufususr13, wont that mess windows up, and Ill have to use the windows install disc?19:53
Aikonthanks !19:53
j_humphreyllappall, I change the image, and thats the none pinstriping19:53
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents19:53
KibblesRufus: if you do windows first, ubuntu 2nd, it's pretty smooth. i've heard the other way around can cause issues19:53
faileasmnemonic_: thats... totally wierd19:53
mnemonic_sven-testet-hard: right and all the text flows down matrix code like.19:53
MylonAnd thus, the wait to DL a new Ubuntu image.19:53
RufusKibbles, thank you19:53
Gregmondrufus: normally you boot up to a live ubuntu cd, click install and follow the steps. once it is finished, you reboot and the grub menu lets you choose between windows and ubuntu. no windows cd required at this point.19:53
ph0rensicWould grub errors everytime I boot be a HDD issues or something else? I have not added any other disks or anything19:54
seyacatlocate dont index in database windows mounted partitions, i dont know why19:54
usr13Rufus: Not if you just resize the Windows partition so as to make room for the Ubuntu install.19:54
seyacatand find its slow19:54
ph0rensicRufus: yes win first then ubuntu19:54
DARK48can someone help me its a simple program i cant figure out about the directory lib19:54
DARK48simple problem19:54
usr13Rufus: Alternately;  Install a slave HD and install Ubuntu on slave HD19:54
danand_seyacat - did you sudo locate -u ?? - think you need to be root to update the db19:54
DARK48i cant figure out how to give myself permission to edit the directory lib19:54
DARK48i cant figure out how to give myself permission to edit the directory lib19:54
ph0rensicRufus: It helps if you make the partitions before you install windows so you dont have to resize!19:54
DARK48i cant figure out how to give myself permission to edit the directory lib19:54
DARK48i cant figure out how to give myself permission to edit the directory lib pm me19:54
seyacatyep sudo locate -u and sudo updatedb  too19:54
emmaoh no it just crashed again.19:55
israfilI really need help badly with configuring my mic19:55
eenofonnDARK48 sudo nautilus19:55
israfilCan anyone please help19:55
cherwinDARK48: you are being annoying19:55
ph0rensicDARK48: either use sudo or chown the file or give 777 permissions...19:55
israfilI'm using Alsa19:55
usr13Rufus: Ubuntu's boot loader, (grub), will also boot MS Windows when / if you want to do a MS session.19:55
Pici!repeat | DARK4819:55
ubotuDARK48: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:55
KibblesRufus: ph0rensic has a good point - make sure you have enough free space for partitions19:55
DARK48thanks how do i get 777 permission19:55
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cherwinDARK48: read up on the manual page of chown and chmod19:55
DARK48give excuse me19:55
sven-testet-hardDARK48, lern the basics19:55
DARK48thanks guys19:56
Kibbles"777 permission"?19:56
cherwinDARK48: don't do that chmod 777 is very insecure19:56
israfilMy input source for capture is set to MIC but the mic still doesnt work, (using alsa) any suggestions?19:56
usr13Rufus: What you end up doing is replacing the MS Windows boot loader with Ubuntu's boot loader, (grub), which will write new code to MBR of the master HD19:56
emmadoes anyone know how to help Nautilus when it keeps crashing?19:56
* Kibbles doesn't understand the whole numeric permissions system19:56
ph0rensicDARK48: best way is for you to add yourself to the group of the folder OR make your user the owner with chown19:57
PiciDARK48: Use sudo if you need to make changes to directories that you dont have access too.19:57
sllhow can I clone or extend disply to another?19:57
Pici!sudo | DARK4819:57
ubotuDARK48: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:57
Kibblesemma: do you have any idea why it's crashing?19:57
BallestplayaI'm using Ubuntu 7.10 I'm trying to compile something that requires openssl-dev or libssl-dev which one should install and how can I got about doing it?19:57
cherwinDARK48: if you want to give yourself permission on a directory, create a group and give that group the apropriate permission. And then assign yourself to that group19:57
wrath144bad news19:57
Pici!dualhead > sll (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)19:57
llappallj_humphrey: do you mean that when you change the image the pinstrip goes away?19:57
DARK48i tried that cherwin19:57
emmaI really don't have much clue19:57
DigitalPirateanyone know a good howto on installing ETQW dedicated server on ubuntu ?19:57
danand_seyacat - maybe you need to add an option for the disk you want to add to the db - try man updatedb and see if that helps - let us know if you turn up anything useful19:57
sven-testet-hardisrafil, you can use alsamixer in the terminal to fully control your soundcard. if that doesnt work your mic is turned off perhaps19:57
Kibblesemma join #emma19:58
cherwinDARK48: you have to log out and then login19:58
Gregmondsll: System -> Administration - > creens and Graphics (assuming you are on 7.1019:58
llappallj_humphrey: if so, it might be the image itself... did you open it to see?19:58
Gregmond*Screens and Graphics19:58
llappallhi, quick question: in Gnome, how do I set up a keyboard shortcut in the Desktop to open an app? I want Win-E to open Nautilus, for example...19:58
DARK48ahhh thanks cherwin19:58
Davehelp, i went to a liquid compass site and  my taskbar is gone, wont even come back after a reboot19:58
israfilill give it a shot, but nothing is muted19:58
Fri13Kibbles: It's bretty easy, there are numbers for read, write and execute and then by example, writing is 2, reading is 3 and execute is 4, if you have write and read permission, it's 5. If you have read and execure, it's 7... dont know numbers anymore ;-)19:58
seyacatdennda: yes, i think the problem its in mount options, or in locate config, but i dont find answer on google19:58
ph0rensicPici: Do you know if I keep getting various grub errors on boot.. is it most likely a disk gone bad, or something with grub.. I have restored it about 5 times now and everytime I fix it, the next boot sets another grub error19:58
jackdawllappal: i think it's in preferences -> keyboard shortcuts19:58
swpalmerI this channel ok for questions about the 8.04  beta?19:59
Piciph0rensic: The same errors?19:59
jackdawllappall: or you can make a custom launcher and i think you can set a keycode there too19:59
ph0rensicswpalmer: No this is 7.10 8.04 is +119:59
kostkonswpalmer, better go to #ubuntu+119:59
ph0rensicPici: No thats the tricky part.. it'19:59
ph0rensicPici: It will go from 17 to 519:59
Daveguess ill have ro reinstall19:59
cherwinFri13: that explantion only makes sense to people that already know what you're talking about19:59
Piciph0rensic: I'm not an expert on grub issues, but its probably not your drive, might be a configuration issue.20:00
sven-testet-hardllappall, you have gnome-keybinding-properties - or if you use compiz then use the settings there20:00
BallestplayaI'm using Ubuntu 7.10 I'm trying to compile something that requires openssl-dev or libssl-dev which one should install and how can I got about doing it?20:00
ph0rensicPici: Im reinstalling it right now on a new drive, but I'm not too knowledgable about how grub works beyond the basics...I was thinking if it could something like the settings get changed everytime the computer restarts..20:01
Fri13cherwin: If someone would ask from me how file permissions are shown/set on Linux, it would be easier then ;-)20:01
hendrixskidoes anybody know which ubuntu package contains pdb? the python debugger? I tried apt-cache searching for it and nothing apparent jumped out at me... after apt-get installing pydb I still seem to get errors trying to import pdb20:01
PiciBallestplaya: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev20:01
llappallsven-testet-hard: gnome-keybinding-properties doesn't allow to create custom ones, or does it? If so, how?20:01
Ballestplaya:) thx20:01
sllGregmond: I don't have this option... perhaps I should install DisplayConfigGTK, but this not runs well for me20:01
ph0rensicPici: Thats what i thought too but why would would it work after I fix it, then the next boot its all jacked up again20:01
prince_jammyscherwin: that explanation actually makes no sense to me, and i do know how it works :)20:01
Piciph0rensic: Are you installing on an external drive?20:01
seyacatdennda: AAAA jaja, i see what is the problem, windows particion are owned by root, i need to run "sudo locate flex" to run20:02
wrath144cherwin: i am going to try 7.10 at least i can open it without trouble20:02
ph0rensicPici: Well I am trying a different disk so we'll see if I continue to get errors.. no this is internal drive... I wonder if the windows partition has to do anything with it.. I did notice when I fixed it the first time, it was reading the disk as a different device (from sda to sdc20:02
mouseboyx /msg NickServ register 298377 mouseboyx@gmail.com20:02
cherwinprince_jammys: oh it does make sense to me actually..20:02
Gregmondsll: I cant help you then. This is the only way I know how to configure multiple displays.20:02
prince_jammyscherwin mmm the numbers are off20:03
ph0rensicsll: hey whats the deal.. you want twinview?20:03
Picimouseboyx: You didnt do that right.20:03
Daveman i hate ubuntu.... everytime i get ubuntu where i want it, it crashes and makes me reinstall it, this is the fifth time.. I GIVE UP...back to windows20:03
sllGregmond: thanks20:03
kostkonmouseboyx, be carefull!20:03
Picimouseboyx: /msg nickserv help register20:03
cherwinwrath144: ok20:03
mouseboyxPici, i just noticed...............20:03
llappallmouseboyx: you're supposed to do that in the server window. Now we all know your password and email... :D:D20:03
ph0rensicDave maybe you should try a backup software20:03
mouseboyxmy password is different for everything20:03
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Gregmondph0rensic: basically he doews want twinview20:03
danand_seyacat - aaahhh!! that would be it :)20:03
K4kcan someone help me out with the ubuntu live cd real fast? I just made a redistributable image of my desktop to install on my laptop as a VM, but for some reason the graphics aren't loading properly. Is there a password that can be used to do sudo commands on the live cd?20:03
ph0rensicGregmond: And how were you telling him to set it up?20:04
cherwinprince_jammys: clear to elaborate?20:04
darkroastI'm trying to move the mysql sock file to /tmp/mysql.sock, but when I do, the dameon.log tells me that mysql can't connect through it (even though it exists and the mysql user owns it)20:04
sven-testet-hardllappall, use gconf-editor /apps/metacity/global_keybindings if you dont use compiz (!!!)20:04
ph0rensicK4k: if I remember correctly the live cd automatically puts the password in for you while using sudo20:04
Gregmondph0rensic: using screens and graphics, but he doesnt have it20:04
DavepHorensic, has nothing  to do with that, it about the sites that screw up my install20:04
ph0rensicGregmond: Oh he can edit the xorg.conf himself20:04
eenofonnK4k: I believe Ph0resnsic is right20:05
ph0rensicDave: something with the site?20:05
Gregmondph0rensic: I wasnt gonna start that conversation with him.. I can do it, but not well enough to advise someone else ;)20:05
prince_jammyscherwin, well reading is not 3 and execute is not 4, etc20:05
cherwinprince_jammys: yeah reading is 4 and execute is 120:06
Tornadochas3r01does anone here have dimdim ?20:06
DarkmystereDoes anyone know how to enable DRI For my card: ATI Raedon XPress 200M?20:06
cherwinprince_jammys: must have read passed it20:06
Tornadochas3r01web conferencing20:06
prince_jammyscherwin and if you read more of the sentence then you read more mistakes20:06
wrath144is there anyway to fix the problem gutsy is having on hp laptops?20:06
cherwinprince_jammys: i stand corrected20:06
DavephOrensic, went to www.kiro710.com, kisteded to the liquid compass stream and now my task bar is gone never to return until i reeboot20:06
sven-testet-hard"wait-for-the-next-version" cause ubuntu doesnt fix bugs20:07
Azodonwhat makes ubuntu better than debian?20:07
DARK48Sorry to come back again. Im trying to use a sudochown command and when i try and put in the password nothing types.20:07
=== Hawk- is now known as Hawk--
sven-testet-hardAzodon, the name is better isnt it?20:07
hellboy195Darkmystere: I once had this card20:07
erUSUL!best | Azodon20:08
ubotuAzodon: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.20:08
erUSUL!ot | Azodon20:08
ubotuAzodon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:08
=== Hawk-- is now known as Hawk-
sven-testet-hardDARK48, whats wrong with that?20:08
cherwinDARK48: that's suppose to happen20:08
savvashow can i find out the latest ssh hostnames that I have used with my username? something similar to the history command for bash commands20:08
danand_Azodon - Ubuntu is a bit more user friendly20:08
cherwinDARK48: just keep typing, it will register20:08
DigitalPirateany1 how do i install steam dedicated servers on ubuntu ( server ed.)20:08
JonathanEllisHi. I need to install Realplayer by running a .bin file. This extracts some folders and files. My question: which directory should I install these to?20:08
=== Aikon is now known as tendresses
prince_jammyscherwin: wasnt correcting, i was making a joke lol in response to "only those who know can understand"20:08
Darkmysterehellboy, Cool How did you get DRI Working please use my name so i notice your help :/20:08
DARK48Then why wont it let me put the file in the lib folder20:09
ph0rensicGregmond: Hmm its really not too hard to do that.. i can't get the screens and graphics to get twinview I haveto edit the file20:09
DARK48this is the command i put it20:09
sven-testet-hardJonathanD, i usually install this in user dirs like /home/user/.realplayerbin/20:09
DARK48put in20:09
cherwinprince_jammys: :^)20:09
hellboy195Darkmystere: 3d driver installed?20:09
ph0rensicGregmond: who was it again anyway20:09
DARK48sudo chown sawyer: root /lib20:09
DarkmystereYea fglrx im using Compiz fusion right now20:09
JonathanEllissven-testet-hard: Thanks!20:09
=== Newbuntu2_ is now known as Newbuntu2
danand_JonathanEllis - for realplay your home dir is fine20:09
israfilcan someone please etll me how to get my mic working in alsa20:09
israfilnothing is muted20:09
Darkmysterehellboy, Yea fglrx im using compiz fusion right now sorry for reapting didnt think you saw it20:09
llappallsven-testet-hard: gotta be kidding me! You're right, but it sounds like it should be easier to set a key binding..!!!!!! Damn Gnome!20:09
israfilthe input sources are set to mic20:09
cherwinDARK48: you got the command wrong20:10
seyacatbye ubuntus20:10
seyacatty your help20:10
lambdai wonder how launching tty at boot sequence (level 2345) by default /etc/inittab is not here on ubuntu20:10
cherwinDARK48: it's sudo chown owner:group file20:10
lambdaany idea to fix this please ?20:11
ph0rensicBRB rebooting into my new system20:11
DARK48o ok20:11
DARK48thanks cherwin20:11
PiciDARK48: What exactly are you trying to do? its not a very good idea to start chaging permissions on system directories.20:11
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:11
cherwinPici: i agree20:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:11
Pici!upstart | lambda20:11
ubotulambda: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:11
usr13lambda: What are you trying to do?20:12
ArelisPici: I defragmented the harddrive of my Windows partition - I want to resize it to make room for Ubuntu but i want to make sure i don't ruin the Windows installation, as it is an OEM version and was installed on this pc as it was bought by my father. What do I do?20:12
usr13lambda: What do you want to change?20:12
lambdato enable more than one tty20:12
DARK48What i am trying to do is install SOF2 Dedicated Game server, and in order to do that20:12
usr13lambda: 7.10 ?20:12
DARK48it requires you to put a file in the lib directory20:12
BoglizkHow do i get the terminal-8 font in gnome-term?20:12
K4kis the channel really this dead or is my connection messed up20:12
PiciDARK48: Use sudo to install it, don't modify the permissions on directories like that.20:12
Pici!sudo | DARK4820:12
ArelisDARK48: Install WINE, and please tell me how it went. I want to run SofII on linux too20:12
ubotuDARK48: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.20:12
gianniAfter installing ubuntu I have problems with sudo.I added user to admin group but still can not use sudo .What my next step should be?20:13
savvasK4k: your connection is messed up20:13
ballestplayaK4k probably your connection20:13
cherwinDARK48: just put the file in the directory with sudo, e.g. sudo cp source_file /destination/directory20:13
lambdausr13: yes20:13
PiciArelis: Server, not client...Anyway, your computer may have a OS restore CD.20:13
fredlhiya. When I have a jpeg in my homedir, it shows in the file browser as an icon. I also have an NFS share with lots of pictures in it and when I navigate there I don't see the mini previews20:13
usr13lambda: You only have one?20:13
PiciArelis: Other than that I can't give you any guarantees.20:13
ArelisPici: Well.. it has a legitimate windows disk but i don't think it's a restore disc.20:13
DARK48ok so the command for just sudo would be?20:13
usr13lambda: Fully updated?20:13
lambdausr13: not me but the friend i try to debug   yes20:14
usr13lambda: I just checked and I have 720:14
cherwinDARK48: this is the X,Y problem all over again, read this please http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem20:14
PiciDARK48: put sudo in front of whatever move/copy command you were trying to do20:14
fredldoes anybody know if the File Browser doesn't do icons on NFS shares or if there's special settings for it or something?20:14
highrelyguyNE1 have problem with 7.10 and XHost?20:14
PiciDARK48: See the page that ubotu linked to you.20:14
ArelisPici: Nevermind the restore disk, I asked my father and he said there is no restore disk.20:14
Davedont go to www.kiro710.com and listen to the stream. it wiped out my taskbar until i reinstalled20:14
ph0rensicfigured I've give the 64-bit version another go20:15
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, it works :)20:15
emmaThat time I had to turn off my computer before Nautilus would start working again.20:15
danand_Arelis - on the bright side - if you kill your windows installation by installing ubuntu, you can always explain to your dad that you actually did him a favour!! :P20:15
wrath144cherwin: so far gutsy is working great20:15
fredlfunny thing is when I copy a file from the NFS share to my home directory it immediately shows the icon.20:15
emmaIt's like a problem with all of gnome.20:15
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, what did you have to do?20:15
ph0rensicwrath144: gutsy is the best version so far imo20:15
emmawhen your gnome is busted what do you do?20:15
cherwinwrath144: congrats :)20:15
JonathanEllisSo I have installed Realplayer. Now how do I make sure that Firefox uses the Realplayer plugin instead of Mplayer or Helix or something else?20:15
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, only all removed and reinstalled ^^20:15
emmaph0rensic,  i sure do disagree. Gutsy has all kinds of bugs and problems. Feisty never had any.20:15
ph0rensicemma: interesting20:16
Hawk-ROFL @ XY_Problem20:16
oshiI haven't had any problems with gutsy20:16
Piciemma: Are you getting any errors?20:16
Hawk-tht was a good one20:16
wrath144emma: gutsy works far better on my hp laptop than feisty20:16
neverblueSHyTRiGGeR, good to hear20:16
emmaMy Nautilus keeps crashing.20:16
ph0rensicemma: although I can say there are some bugs in gutsy still for sure20:16
Piciemma: With errors?20:16
usr13lambda: /etc/securetty: list of terminals on which root is allowed to login.20:16
oshiemma: I agree with wrath144, feisty had many problems with my laptop, gutsy is a dream compared to it20:16
fredlDoes anybody know why I don't see icon previews of pictures on an NFS share in the File Browser?20:17
SHyTRiGGeRneverblue, yeah next time i'll try this solution earlier !! :p20:17
emmaIt hasn't given any errors except for this vauge announcement, which I'm not sure if it is the cause or a symptom --- Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem.20:17
Picifredl: Normally thumbnails are disabled on remote filesystems, check the preferences in your nautilus window.20:17
sven-testet-hardoshi, emma same for me. gutsy works great on ibm t2320:17
Cew27does anyone here have the eee pc???20:17
whoniccacan someone help me with my dual boot =\  i cant load windows xp for some reason20:17
fredlPici - oh okay. lessee if I can find those.20:18
pdlnhr1does anyone know of a way to mount a ufs files system read/write.... i can only seem to get it to mount read only20:18
wrath144oshi: but gutsy isn't supposed to work on hp laptops, i can't even begin to install feisty20:18
ompaul!grub | whonicca20:18
ubotuwhonicca: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:18
sven-testet-hardI only have a Nokia N80020:18
wrath144and gutsy works fine20:18
gotgnuwhere do I put .ko files so I can modprobe them?20:18
oshiwrath144: I installed no glitches at all on hp dv973020:18
Ashna1is there a way to revert updates?20:18
oshiwrath144: gutsy that is.   The only thing I had to do was fiddle in the audio drivers.20:18
wrath144oshi: i'm trying on an omnibook 600020:18
Piciemma: Have you seen/tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508220:18
ArelisPici: Do you know how i can prevent the Windows install to be wiped out/broken? because when i tried it with another windows installation (and i wasn't prepared well) I couldn't boot into my Windows anymore because it had a faulty chkdisk utility, i used the windows CD to restore that though but that Windows install had a lot of weird problems after resizing.20:19
fredlthat worked, thanks Pici!20:19
oshiwrath144: what problems are you having?20:19
gotgnuusr/src/mykernel ?20:19
emmaHere's what happens: At first everything is going okay. I'm listening to music by clicking on files in my external hard drive. The next thing you know, I click on one and the icon changes from a musical note to a piece of paper. And nothing happens. Then every file I click on the same thing. I try to open other directories and I'm told I cannot. Some times if I restart X it fixes it temporarily and other times it seems it gets even worse.20:19
gianniI would like to be able to use ubuntu again,but wizhout your help I don´t if that is possible20:19
emmaI try to go to places> home and nothing happens.20:19
PiciArelis: Backup?  I personally can't vouch or guarantee that resizing will not break anything.20:19
emmaIt seems that Nautilus has crashed. And the one time I've gotten any strange message it says this: Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem.20:19
highrelyguyNE1 recommend a free chat clien better than pigeon?20:20
sven-testet-hardArelis, its normal that the partition is flagged dirty. normally windows runs a check and then everything is fine.20:20
oshiemma: try killall bonobo?20:20
usr13lambda: Debian derivitaves are a lot different than RH and does not rely on runlevels so much to get services enabled and dissabled.  Or, more accurately, does grouop services within runlevel specific ordered sets of scripts.20:20
neverbluehighrelyguy, sorry, nothing is better than pidgin20:20
fredlPici, that worked, thanks!20:20
PulsatingQuasardid anyone here install tikiwiki?20:20
emmaI have tried reinstalling Nautilus and I've reinstalled the libpackages for bonobo20:20
wrath144oshi: the first time i tried to install gutsy i came back and it was completely locked up at 15%, then i had a look at the forum and seen the big "gutsy doesnt work on hp laptops" sticky so i tried feisty. nothing but problems so now i'm trying gutsy again20:20
DigitalPirateapt-get instal steam, is that steam as in valve steam or is it something else20:20
emmaYes I've done Killall bonobo-action-server20:20
ph0rensicArelis: i hear you are supposed to do a full clean and oh crap whats it called...defrag thats it before you resize or it can cause problems... best to set your partitions before you even install windows20:20
highrelyguythanks neverblue.20:20
jabbedI'm trying to get jabber-muc to work, but it seems to time out when joining a group chat... in the service id host, I have conference.foobar (which is just an intranet hostname)... maybe this has something to do with it?20:20
Piciemma: Did you see that link I gave you?20:20
ArelisPici: If i copy all the files on this harddrive (so in this windows install) to the second one and if it goes wrong, place it back, will it be okay?20:20
oshiwrath144: when you throw in the CD try noapic nolapic at the boot option20:20
gotgnuI have five .ko wireless driver files where do I put them so I can use modprobe to load them20:21
Ashna1does anyone here know how to reverse updates?20:21
oshiwrath144: and watch for error 81 on boot, which means that your bios isn't compatable20:21
prince_jammysemma did you try the things at the bottom of this page? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/4959420:21
babohow do i color text in OO ?20:21
MattJjabbed: Should work20:21
wrath144oshi: no error 81, what do those commands do?20:21
PiciArelis: Best to ask that in ##windows, there may be a way to backup your mbr that I'm not aware of.20:21
MattJjabbed: Except the 'jabber' package is a bit old20:21
oshiwrath144 sets boot options that should let you install/boot easier20:21
ArelisPici: MBR? No, sorry, i meant c:\WINDOWS and the like.20:22
Daveyep i have a  linux virus..guarenteed20:22
PulsatingQuasarare there going to be updates soon for the destroyed compiz in 8.04??20:22
Pici!hardy | PulsatingQuasar20:22
ubotuPulsatingQuasar: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:22
MattJjabbed: The DNS has to be set up correctly for conference.hostname too20:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noapic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:22
cherwinAshnal: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/20:22
danand_gotgnu - ususal place for .ko files is /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/20:22
jabbedmattJ: I haven't done that, and I'm not sure how20:22
giannimsg ubotu etiquette20:22
usr13oshi: wrath144 Ultimate Boot CD has a utility that backs up MBR ... but I've never used it.  Just let the boot loader do it's thing and go with it.20:22
danand_gotgnu - ususal place for .ko files is /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/.... etc20:23
usr13wrath144: What are you trying to do?20:23
highrelyguyNE1 have trouble with XHOST and 7.10?20:23
gotgnudanand_: thanks20:23
emmaI'm not on a laptop though.20:23
clic1!gl desktop20:23
=== beasty_ is now known as beasty
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gl desktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:23
PiciArelis: If you just want to backup the *DATA* then copying it should be fine.20:23
oshiwrath144: I hate to say this, but you may be out of luck with ubuntu on your laptop.20:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:23
emmathose webpages seem to be talking about fixes for people on laptops.20:23
wrath144usr13: install gutsy to an hp omnibook 600020:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deaktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:23
emmawith clock or battery issues.20:23
jabbedmattJ: do I need to do it on the ubuntu server itself or on my other dns server? also, does it just need to resolve to the same ip as foobar?20:23
Pici!msgthebot | clic120:23
oshiwrath144: one version I KNOW that works on your laptop is openSUSE 10.3..which is a solid release20:23
danand_gotgnu - i would be careful about putting stuff in there that doesn't belong though :)20:23
usr13wrath144: The install failed?20:24
gotgnudanand_: ok20:24
wrath144oshi: lol, funny you should mention that. i already tried20:24
DARK48Alright this is what i put in and it doesnt seem to have worked: sudo mv libcxa.so.1 /lib20:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:24
oshiwrath144: I couldn't get either feisty or gutsy to install on my 6000 without noapic20:24
cherwinwrath144: sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.img bs=512 count=1 backs up your mbr20:24
wrath144usr13: not yet lol20:24
ArelisI was checking if it was still doing stuff.20:24
oshiwrath144 suse didn't work?20:24
usr13wrath144: How much memory does it have?20:24
wrath144suse didnt work20:24
oshiwrath144:  that's just strange.  worked fine for me20:24
ArelisPici: clic1 didn't get the message20:24
highrelyguyI get MIT-MAGIC error when trying to use xhost on 7.1020:24
oshiI have a hp dv6000 though.  didn't think they'd be so different, but i guess they are.20:25
Pici!msgthebot > clic1 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)20:25
oshiI'm stuck on HP dv*'s..hehe..have 2 of em20:25
cherwinwrath144: be careful with dd though, it can hose your system in a heartbeat20:25
mouseboyxhow do you completely remove mysql-server?20:25
oshiopenSUSE on the 6000 and ubuntu on the 973020:25
wrath144cherwin: i don't know what you're talking about remember?20:25
DARK48Alright this is what i put in and it doesnt seem to have worked: sudo mv libcxa.so.1 /lib20:26
usr13cherwin: wrath144 dd will only hose your system if you tell it to  :)20:26
k3itoanyone know whether the situation with compiz and blender (and the gui bugs) is ever gonna get sorted?20:26
{Nathan}I have a bunch of files in folders called a.jpeg, how would I move them all to a single folder as a1.jpeg, a2.jpeg, etc?20:26
Conkerhow would I make my usb harddrive writeable? I'm getting an error that I don't have the permissions20:26
BoglizkHow do i get the terminal-8 font (from aterm) in gnome-term?20:26
cherwinDARK48: too bad for you20:26
oshiconker: chmod --help20:26
mouseboyxhow do you remove mysql-server so that the input box for the mysql password comes up?20:26
k3itoConker: what version of ubuntu you using?20:27
usr13Conker: Using the original user as installed from the beginning?20:27
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview20:27
Conkeri just reformatted in in ext320:27
Davegreat... a virus that hides the taskbar and wont let it return until reinstall20:27
usr13Conker: You reformatted the thumb drive?  But yet, you do not have permission to it?20:28
prince_jammys{Nathan}: do you want to rename the files or just move them all to a single folder?20:28
Conkerit's a portable hdd 60 gig20:28
k3itoDave: on Windows?20:28
usr13Conker: If it's ext3, you can assign permissions to it.20:28
Davek3ito: no on linux20:28
k3itoDave: ubuntu?20:28
BoglizkDave: How did you get a virus on Linux?20:29
k3itoDave: where did you get this virus?20:29
usr13Conker: sudo chmod 777 /media/whatever/*20:29
BoglizkIf you ran a command, you can just undo it.20:29
cherwinDave: virus??20:29
DaveKwww.kirotv.com liquid sream20:29
Conkeri'll try brb20:29
wrath144so how would i try noapic nolapic at the boot option?20:29
{Nathan}prince_jammys: I want to do both, because they are all named a.jpeg. I don't care what they are renamed to.20:29
k3itoDave: are you sure?!20:29
mouseboyxwhere are the mysql databases on ubuntu?20:30
k3itoDave: what kernel you running?20:30
oshiwrath144: at the boot screen you should just need to hit 'c' then add those two commands at the end of the boot string20:30
jacob_Anyone ever have a problem with any programs on Ubuntu20:30
jacob_when they say satrting up20:30
Pricey!bug | jacob_20:30
ubotujacob_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:30
sokkerplayer92Uh, yeah, i have a kinda big problem with configuring my nvidia 8800gts with ubuntu gutsy x64.  pretty much, i started loading ubuntu and no images could be seen because i guess ubuntu doesnt have the correct driver with the 3d support so eventually i went to the text install and it installed ubuntu, i then tryed installing manually the nvidia glx-new driver for the 3d support except it installed except the same thing hap20:30
sokkerplayer92pened as always before, it ended up going to a black screen inwhih everything was unresponsive...Any suggestions on how to fix it?20:30
wrath144oshi: ok, anything else or just dthose two words?20:30
k3itojacob: lol.. classic question20:30
prince_jammys{Nathan}: #bash20:30
Conkerok nm because then the permissions stay with the machine20:30
auneshey guys. I'm using debian etch. How do I grab ubuntu's libapache2-mod-python?20:30
cherwinusr13: chmod 777 is terrible, i don't understand why you would want to reccomend it to Conker20:30
jacob_when it syas they are starting up20:30
jacob_on the taskbar20:30
usr13Conker: But each time you write to it, you will be writing files that will have ownership of the user that wrote them, so...20:30
oshiwrath144: if that doesn't work you might try noapic nosmp20:30
Conkershould i format it to fat32 so i can use this drive every where20:30
jacob_and it goes away20:30
Fluor_hi, does someone know when gnat-4.3 will be included in Ubuntu? Whom to ask?20:31
mEck0Hi! I wonder if a SonyEricsson P1i cellphone (running SymbianOS) can synchronize with e.g. Evolution without any problems? (calendar, addressbook, todo..)20:31
Piciaunes: packages.ubuntu.com20:31
oshiwrath144: if you see the error 81 try pnpbios=off20:31
jacob_and nothing shows up20:31
usr13cherwin: Why so?20:31
jacob_but if someone IM's you20:31
jacob_(talking about Pidgin atm)20:31
oshiwrath144: but the first two should be enough20:31
jacob_it shows up20:31
Davewhen i reboot to get the taskbar back a window flashes up in the bottom right corner and the taskbar flashes up and dissapears and qwont come back20:31
wrath144oshi: ok will try20:31
emmaOkay it just crashed again.20:31
usr13cherwin: If you have better recommendation, please say so.20:31
oshiwrath144: g'luck20:31
DanCWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!20:31
DanC  openssh-server20:31
faprilI'm looking to share media from my ubuntu ox to my xbox 360. Does anyone here have this setu?20:31
emmaI'm not sure what to do.20:31
DanCwhat's up with that?20:31
CommanderCoolI have a touchscreen running with wacom, but right click does not work...can anyone help me?20:32
cherwinusr13: making files world readable and writeable for everyone is generally a Bad Idea20:32
DanCsurely an ssh server is supported by ubuntu20:32
sokkerplayer92Does anyone have any idea why it wont except my video card/work?20:32
usr13cherwin: But this is a thumb drive20:32
danand_DanC - you need to run sudo apt-get update to get rid of that - worked for me20:32
usr13cherwin: He has re-formatted a USB Flash Memory device to ext3 filesystem.  So...?20:33
DanCdanand_, yup... that worked. thanks!20:33
danand_DanC - np20:33
usr13cherwin: What do you suggest?  mkfs.msdos  ?20:33
CommanderCoolI have a touchscreen running with wacom, but right click does not work...can anyone help me? plz!20:34
usr13cherwin: And I didn't necessarily recommend he do it, I just said that he could do it and then told him that that would only temporarilly fix his problem.20:34
mouseboyxI lost my mysql password what can I do to get things working again?20:34
cherwinusr13: it depends on what kind of systems he's using the drive on20:34
emmaI found a way to fix it without having to restart the computer at least20:34
usr13cherwin: I know.20:34
emmabut doing that every time it happens can't be a long term solution.20:34
bertvdphi, I'm having some problems, I kind of smached my twinview and now got it working again partely, it all works fine only th second monitor isn't found, what do I have to add to xorg.conf to get it detected ?20:34
shiwarayahow do i share a printer between two ubuntu?20:34
ph0rensicmouseboyx: Can't you just reset the mysql password?20:35
prince_jammysemma  what is it?20:35
mouseboyxhow, passwd?20:35
Conkerchanged it to fat32 and everything is fine20:35
Conkerthank you20:35
usr13shiwaraya: Is the printer attached to one of the ubuntu systems now?20:35
mouseboyxhow do i reset the password?20:35
usr13Conker: Very good.20:35
oshiemma: is bonobo the problem?  I mean was killall bonobo the fix?20:35
usr13mouseboyx: passwd20:35
emmato fix it short term I type: killall bonobo-activation-server // killall nautilus // nautilus & disown20:35
shiwarayausr13: actually printing by usb in one xubuntu20:36
ph0rensicmouseboyx: not passwd you gotta use the mysql password command... off hand i dunno .. i think its like mysqladmin -u root passwd 'password'20:36
oshiemma: do you use bonobo?20:36
prince_jammysemma right, that was in the google links that i suggested about two hours ago20:36
emmaNo. I don't even know what bonobo is.20:36
usr13shiwaraya: So it is a USB printer connected to one of the two Ubuntu systems?20:36
emmaprince_jammys,  that's where I got it from :)20:36
oshiemma: get rid of it then unless it's important to your system20:36
ph0rensicusr13: That is inside of sql though isnt it?20:36
prince_jammysemma and yesterdays solution came from there too20:36
shiwarayayes is connected and working20:36
emmaprince_jammys,  you have to understand I have to wait for nautilus to crash before I can use any fix, and it doesn't seem to have any pattern to when it crashes.20:36
usr13ph0rensic: ?20:37
DILi am trying to install vmplayer - i tried with synaptic but got errors doing it manually, got msg that "vmnet" and "vmmon" was not installed by vmplayer installer and to remove the. tried using "find" fom cli but seem to be getting syntax wrong to search. how can i locate and remove these two files20:37
emmaI don't know if bonobo is important to my system since I don't know what it does.20:37
ph0rensicusr13: You were saying passwd to fix the mysql passord?20:37
prince_jammysemma googling the errors and spending some time reading the stuff has solved EVERY problem ive ever had..20:37
oshiemma: google it :)20:37
usr13shiwaraya: Then it is already shared, by default.20:37
ph0rensicDIL: hmm you tried to install the player from source?20:37
usr13shiwaraya: Just go to the other system and tell it to print to it.20:37
shiwarayaby ip??20:38
CommanderCoolI have a touchscreen running with wacom, but right click does not work...can anyone help me?20:38
usr13shiwaraya: But, it is a good idea, or makes it a little easier, if the host system is set to static IP.  (They are both on the same LAN, right?)20:38
DILph0rensic: source as VMWARE20:38
DocfxitMy DNS isn't working . I have the DNS setup in Networking setup. I have other PC's on the same LAN that DNS is working just fine . Any ideas?20:38
usr13ph0rensic: No, sorry.20:38
ph0rensicDIL: Yah thats how I got vmwplayer to work20:38
shiwarayayes they are in the same lan20:39
ph0rensicDIL: Hmm.. should have everything you need for it to install... so you just chmod +x the installer file and ran it right?20:39
shiwarayaso how do i add the printer?20:39
DILph0rensic: that is what i am trying now, it seems that i have remnants of previous try that i have to get rid of first20:39
usr13ph0rensic: at the mysql prompt:  set password = password("yournewpassword");20:39
DILph0rensic: yes but remants = vmnet and vmmon has to be deleted20:40
lubos1how can i set icons for nautilus bookmarks?20:40
arttiWhat for is indexing preferences?20:40
ph0rensicDIL: Did you try sudo apt-get remove -purge vmplayerpackagenamehere20:40
DILph0rensic: i will try20:40
murshedhow i edit UBUNTU20:41
=== yabba2borg is now known as yabba
murshedhow to Edit UBUNTU startup Image20:41
prince_jammys!usplash | murshed20:41
ubotumurshed: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork20:41
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:41
prince_jammysmurshed: ok what did you mean by "startup image"?20:42
cherwinmurshed: ambiguousity at its best20:42
prince_jammysmurshed: the login or the splash screen?20:42
shiwarayaIm in the "New Printer" window in System/Administration/Printing. What tipe of conection should i use to print on the printer of my other ubuntu desktop?20:42
usr13shiwaraya: ipp20:43
prince_jammyscherwin: lol20:43
murshedprince_jammys:  i want to edit startup logo UBUNTU. i want to edit and replace my name... can i edit? any problem? its free?20:43
iskinHow can I find out what packages I installed onto of the base install?20:43
prince_jammysmurshed: the startup logo before the login screen comes on, correct?20:44
prince_jammys!usplash > murshed20:44
usr13shiwaraya: Should end up something like:  ipp://
ygorabreuHello guys..ca anyone tell me the commando line to call the partition tool...cuz i need to format a pendriver but i cant find the gparted20:44
Davek3ito: did you try the site?20:44
Odd-rationaleygorabreu: cfdisk20:45
prince_jammysmurshed: i have never done it. i suspect it's a slight pain in the rear20:45
ygorabreuBut the graphic one?20:45
murshedyes prince_jammys20:45
grezer34good afternoon everyone20:45
jabbedI've installed jabber-muc and added conference.foobar to the dns server, but I still can't join a conference. it times out, I even tried to add the ip to the hosts file on my local machine.20:45
ph0rensicOdd-rationale: I thought gparted gets deleted after the install, you gotta reinstall it20:45
CommanderCoolygorabreu: gparted20:45
K-Tonprince_jammys : is the startup logo set by default? Because i have only login screen, during the boot i see the black monitor20:45
prince_jammysmurshed: well, directions are in the link20:45
ygorabreureinstall it right ? :S20:45
Odd-rationaleph0rensic: What was that?20:45
MattJjabbed: Sorry, you quit before I got back here before20:45
prince_jammysK-Ton: laptop?20:45
ph0rensicygorabreu: yeah reinstall it with sudo apt-get install gparted20:45
cherwingrezer34: more like evening around where i'm from20:46
K-Tonprince_jammys : yes it is20:46
ph0rensicygorabreu: although its easier to run it off a disk20:46
jabbedmattj: I had to restart, sorry20:46
sokkerplayer92Um, can anyone maybe help me with getting my nvidia graphics card to run on ubuntu gutsy 64bit?20:46
prince_jammysK-Ton: hold for link20:46
MattJjabbed: Do you want to join jabber@conference.jabber.org or ##jabber? It may be easier to help you there :)20:46
ph0rensicOdd-rationale: I was saying gparted gets deleted after the install20:46
sokkerplayer92Uh, yeah, i have a kinda big problem with configuring my nvidia 8800gts with ubuntu gutsy x64.  pretty much, i started loading ubuntu and no images could be seen because i guess ubuntu doesnt have the correct driver with the 3d support so eventually i went to the text install and it installed ubuntu, i then tryed installing manually the nvidia glx-new driver for the 3d support except it installed except the same thing hap20:46
prince_jammysK-Ton: slow boot also?20:46
sokkerplayer92pened as always before, it ended up going to a black screen inwhih everything was unresponsive...Any suggestions on how to fix it?20:46
jabbed##jabber would be good =)20:46
Odd-rationaleph0rensic: Oh, ok. You're right20:46
emmaWith problems like this you never know if it's fixed or if it's just waiting to happen again.20:46
ph0rensicanyone know the gname of the chm reader?20:47
K-Tonprince_jammys : no not really, without visual effects it's really fast, with them 20-25 seconds20:47
ph0rensicis it gnochm?20:47
shiwarayausr13 thanks but now i have other problem20:47
=== lubos1 is now known as lubosz
oshiugh, I'm so annoyed.  My Vista box is has 67GB of disk space used and I'll be damned if I can find anything to delete20:47
usr13shiwaraya: Problems, problems, problems, that's all we ever see around here!  :)20:47
oshiJust goes to show why I'm a linux user20:48
shiwarayai have DHCP enabled so i have dynamic ip. how do i add dinamic host name entries?20:48
cherwinph0rensic: apt-cache search chm --names-only20:48
cherwingnochm pops up on the search20:48
ph0rensicoshi: Gotta love microsoft space management technology!20:48
shiwarayaso i can print even if the host of the printer changes ip20:48
ph0rensiccherwin: THanks bud20:48
oshiph0rensic: indeed!20:48
mouseboyxi have changed the mysql password but, Im still getting an error when i try to connect from php20:48
murshedshiwaraya:  hii20:49
luboszoshi: scan it with diskusageanalyzer20:49
murshedasl plz20:49
LjL!ot > murshed    (murshed, see the private message from Ubotu)20:49
usr13shiwaraya: It is a good idea, or makes it a little easier, if the host system is set to static IP.20:49
oshilubosz: I use ccleaner on it and dumped 17gigs of crap earlier20:49
shiwarayabut if i set static ip, every time i run ubuntu i have to set my configuration20:49
oshilubosz: always found ccleaner to be superior to diskusageanalyzer20:49
murshedljl whts dat??20:50
shiwarayato connect to my WPA wireless network20:50
LjL!ot | murshed20:50
ubotumurshed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:50
LibertyShadowI am having trouble removing avant-window-navigator from startup, I had removed it from "Startup Programs" in gnome-session-properties, but it starts up automatically anyway20:50
levanderOkay, I 'sudo apt-get remove mythbuntu-desktop' and it only wants to remove 1 package, the mythbuntu-desktop package.  I thought apt-get did orphan tracking now and remove all the dependecies for that package too?20:50
oshiLibertyShadow: I just wound up apt-get removing it20:50
grezer34ok everyone quick question for you all, I just installed webmin, looks cool and all but my FTP program is not working and I am getting a error " unkown Config 'indentlookups on line 32 of the proftpd.conf ?20:50
ph0rensicLibertyShadow: but avant is such a kickbutt program .. why not load it at start?20:50
shiwarayahow do i make my ubuntu to start up with a manual network configuration?20:50
cherwinlevander: apt-get autoremove20:50
Odd-rationalelevander: Do an sudo apt-get auto-remove20:50
grezer34what the heck does that mean20:50
prince_jammysK-Ton: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen20:51
murshedljl join ths room20:51
prince_jammysK-Ton: that's almost definitely what you want --- check it out20:51
oshiAWN was annoying to me.   Very inconveniently set up20:51
levandershiwaraya: For manual network configs, I edit /etc/network/resolv.conf - then that's my network config everytime I reboot.20:51
cherwinOdd-rationale: autoremove without the dash20:51
K-Tonprince_jammys : thank you very much20:51
LibertyShadowph0rensic: I use Mathematica and Eclipse alot alot, and I disable Compiz.  When I do this, awn disables itself... So I decided the panel was better for me.20:51
CommanderCoolplz someone help me with my wacom touchscreen (right click)...just give me a clue20:52
prince_jammysK-Ton: np20:52
Odd-rationalecherwin: Correct. Sorry20:52
CarlFKanyone know what repo has this? E: Failed to satisfy Build-Depends dependency for transcode: libfaad-dev20:52
ph0rensicwhats eclipse and math..20:52
xyblorIs there a way to run a script automatically every time you log in?20:52
oshiph0rensic eclipse is a programming IDE20:52
LjLmurshed, i'm basically saying that this is a support channel for Ubuntu, and "asl" requests are not allowed.20:52
levandercherwin: 'sudo apt-get autoremove mythbuntu-desktop' says it wants to remove two package: "libtotem-plparser10 mythbuntu-desktop".20:52
ph0rensicoshi: ahh20:52
cherwinxyblor: yes20:52
oshiI prefer netbeans :P20:52
LibertyShadowph0rensic: Mathematica is for Calc III and Differential equations20:53
cherwinxyblor: what do you want to accomplish?20:53
ph0rensicLibertyShadow: thanks20:53
xyblorcherwin: I want to run xrandr to setup dual head display20:53
wrath144oshi: it's going really slow, so far i'm at the select your timezone screen20:53
oshiavant annoyed me.  I didn't want applets or a taskbar...I just wanted a launcher.  But you can't have launcer without task bar with it...bleh20:53
oshiwrath144: is it working though?20:54
wrath144oshi: yea, very very slowly20:54
shiwarayahow do i choose the Location Network i want Ubuntu to boot on?20:54
oshiwrath144: shouldn't be that slow actually.  worked faster when I tried it.  Perhaps a reboot?20:54
xyblorcherwin: it's really simple, just a 2-line script, but I'm tired of running it manually every time I log in20:54
cherwinxyblor: so you want to run the script before the graphical interface kicks in20:54
lekremyelsewi cant figure out how to change the icon size for my desktop, can someone hepl?20:55
xyblorcherwin: Ideally I want to run it after the xserver starts, but before the window manager starts.20:55
wrath144oshi: i dunno, first time i tried to install it wasn't slow at all, is there a certain way i should have everything partitioned or something?20:55
xyblorcherwin: but even running it after the WM is fine too20:55
mouseboyxwhen does the mysql_connect(); function fail in php Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)20:55
ph0rensicLjL: question .. last time I installed, I did apt-get upgrade and installed the restricted drivers then rebooted and it jacked up x... would doing these without rebooting separately have caused this issue or just a fluke? Im asking because both instances required me to reboot (upgrade reinstalled headers and new kernel.. and restricted drivers...well you know how that goes20:55
oshiwrath144: I'm not very knowledgeable about that.  I've always just autopartitioned the whole drive20:55
Krumarhey, i just installed a new hard drive in my computer and i want to edit fstab to take care of mounting it, how can i get the UUID, the command "ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -lah" only gets me the UUID for the disks alreay installed20:56
shiwarayalekremyelsew: i right click on icon and choose streech to change its size20:56
ph0rensicLjL: I wanted to install both so I only had to reboot once.. waddaya think ^^20:56
lekremyelsewshiwaraya im trying to make all of them bigger20:56
LjLph0rensic: shouldn't really be an issue as far as i'm aware, but i can't exclude it either...20:56
andresjhello, for packaging an svn snapshot of a program, what name should the .orig.tar.gz have (and consequently, the deb package)? blender_2.45...?20:57
cherwinxyblor: the simplest way to accomplish this is to put the script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d20:57
Phrozen_Onewhats the proper syntax for executing two commands as one alias, ex. exit="clear || exit"20:57
xyblorcherwin: so I just copy it over to there and it will run automatically?20:57
Davehow do i access the prompt without using the taskbar?20:57
prince_jammysmouseboyx: mysql_connect("localhost","root","yourpassword")  else try ##php20:58
wrath144who was telling me to use opensuse?20:58
ph0rensicLjL: I was thinking it was possible that the new kernel upgrade or headers would change which driver was to be configured or changed the way it was configured.. i've installed about 5 times and the only time I had a problem was when I didn't reboot before setting up the nvidia driver20:58
ph0rensicwrath144: I think it was oshi20:58
cherwinxyblor: it does on debian, i'm not sure if it works for ubuntu20:58
cherwinxyblor: you can give it a shot though, don't forget to chmod +x the script20:58
xyblorcherwin: okay thanks, I'll give it a try :-)20:59
manarhi, for some reason i have system beep turned off yet it still makes the sounds. how come it wont turn off?20:59
oshiwrath144 I said openSUSE20:59
wrath144oshi: i was having mad problems with that21:00
cherwinmanar: try editing /etc/inputrc and put in this line "set bell-style none"21:00
cherwinsee if it works21:00
oshiwrath144: suse 10.3? and what problems?21:00
k3itoDave: no, i didn't try the site... \21:00
cherwinmanar: or you can look here for more info http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_NoBeep21:00
lmosherWhere do I set default applications to open things like PDF, JPG.. etc when double-clicked in Nautilus?21:00
ph0rensicOMG my finger is all bloody.. my bloody case just sliced my finger! stupid quick pull drive slots!!21:01
wamHi, how can I fix my python installation? I moved /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python2.4 and installed some packages using apt and easy_install. Now it's crapped of course. I switched back to /usr/bin/python=/usr/bin/python2.5 - but e.g. bzr and parts of zsh don't work any more. How can I fix the python libs?21:01
Krumarhey, i just installed a new hard drive in my computer and i want to edit fstab to take care of mounting it, how can i get the UUID, the command "ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -lah" only gets me the UUID for the disks already installed21:01
erUSULlmosher: right click on the file Properties>Open with21:01
Davek3ito: any ideas?21:01
wrath144oshi: yeah. it just refused to install. i got up to the point after the install where it says it's going to reboot so i say ok but it just doesn't do anything.21:01
lmoshererUSUL, That does it one-time. How do I make it permanent?21:01
prince_jammys!defaultapp | lmosher21:01
erUSUL!fstab | Krumar21:01
ubotulmosher: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"21:01
ubotuKrumar: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:01
wrath144oshi: then after it says its not installed21:01
=== drainman__ is now known as drainman
oshiwrath144: I just looked up your laptop on google.  It's over 9 years old!21:01
erUSUL!uuid | Krumar21:01
ubotuKrumar: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:01
k3itoDave: what was the site again21:01
oshiwrath144: you may need to use some older versions to get anything to work21:02
kakeiim trying to install ubuntu on my inspiron 1520 but i can start X i want to install in graphic mode i already read the thread but the solution for integrated intel graphic didn't work21:02
wrath144oshi: haha i guess thats why it was free21:02
arttiUbuntu is little bit slow. How do speed up?21:02
belor1OK, I get random freezeups but im not sure why can someone help me figure out why, and how to prevent it21:02
cherwinmake a soft link that points to the python that you want to use e.g. ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python21:02
Arelis_How do I disable the monitor turning off in the Ubuntu console? I mean, not in Xorg but i want to prevent the monitor to blacken or turn off when my pc is left idle, when using the Linux console, not the terminal, but the console. The one you get when you press CTRL+Alt+F121:02
oshiwrath144: I'm reading a bit about it.  Give me a minute21:02
ph0rensicartti: Buy more RAM .. how much space is your swap??21:02
prince_jammysartti RAM/cpu speed?21:02
KrumarerUSUL, thank you very much, that command works, all the rest i found could only get me info that was already in fstab21:02
shiwaray1Hi, I configured a Manual Nertwork connection to get static ip and saved it as a "Location" in network manager. How do i configure ubuntu to choose that profile network when i log in gnome?21:02
Davek3ito: www.kiro710.com then start the  audio stream21:02
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all21:03
Le-Chuck_ITAhow do I get a good old .xsession run in gutsy or hardy?21:03
soundrayArelis_: edit /etc/console-tools/config21:03
freewillyanyone got their xfi working21:03
k3itodave: give me a sec21:03
lmosherprince_jammys, Specifically I'm trying to use acroread instad of evince. When I right-click and go to custom and enter acroread it opens properly. However, the next time I double-click, nothing changes...21:03
Davek3ito: ok21:03
belor1I get Random Freezeups help someone!21:04
flipmodeMy dvd player is reading the dvd but wont play it??21:04
arttiph0rensic, how i look swap file size?21:04
oshiwrath144: the newest version of linux I'm seeing on google for the omnibook 6000 is suse 9.2.  you can do some digging on your own or try the forums to see if you can get more help.21:04
ph0rensicflipmode: Do you ave libdvdcss2 installed?21:04
arttiprince_jammys, how i look RAM/cpu speed?21:04
AntiUSAhi all, could anyone help me? I'm a linux noob. I'm trying to install my nVidia 7600 GS video drivers, and it says i'm still in X.server, what do I need to do?21:04
wrath144oshi: ok, and is that version any good?21:04
freewillyboot in level 321:04
cherwinartti: free -m && cat /proc/cpuinfo21:04
k3itoDave: where did you find this site?21:05
Arelis_soundray: do i have to restart console-tools?21:05
freewillyor boot with "nox"21:05
freewillyin grub menu'21:05
oshiwrath144: I used it on a desktop.   it was solid for the time.21:05
Le-Chuck_ITAI want to run my own script for the session startum and don't know how. I tried "Xclient script" but it surely doesn't use $HOME/.xsession21:05
flipmodeph0rensic:Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:05
flipmodeThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:05
flipmodeis only available from another source21:05
flipmodeE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate21:05
prince_jammyslmosher: mmm i think i had that problem once - don't remember how i fixed that, sorry21:05
ph0rensicflipmode: You have to enable the medibuntu repository21:05
wrath144oshi: ok i'll try it21:05
k3itoDave: it takes me to MyNorthwest.com21:05
oshiwrath144: good luck21:06
Davek3ito: its the radio stream for kiro 710 news21:06
ph0rensicflipmode: Go to medibuntu.org it will tell you how to set up their repo21:06
wrath144oshi: thanks21:06
flipmodeph0rensic: how?21:06
lmosherseriously? Ubuntu is nice and all, but i can't make it flippin' open a PDF with another application besides evince? Do I seriously have to delete the evince binary and make a link to acroread? That's retarded.21:06
wrath144i'm off21:06
Ulfalizerhow far has writing to ntfs come? is it turned on by default? is it stable enough for everyday use?21:06
kakeino one knows how to install ubuntu in gaphics mode @inspiron 1520??21:06
wrath144thanks for the help21:06
arttiph0rensic, swap file total is 37621:06
freewillyacroread crases me a lot\21:06
Davek3ito: thats the site..might be crosscrypted21:06
ph0rensicartti: 376 megs?21:06
Le-Chuck_ITAlmosher: right-click, properties, "open with" doesn't work?21:06
AntiUSAhi all, could anyone help me? I'm a linux noob. I'm trying to install my nVidia 7600 GS video drivers, and it says i'm still in X.server, what do I need to do?21:06
lmosherUlfalizer, I've used it quite a bit. I still wouldn't suggest you use it on a drive you love, though.21:06
ph0rensicartti: thats pretty small, you have a small amount of ram too?21:07
soundrayArelis_: I think you have to run /etc/init.d/console-screen.sh -- but I'm not sure. Try it out, or reboot to be sure.21:07
arttiph0rensic, yes 256 RAM21:07
stoogei have an onboard vid card by nvidia (6150se). i am going to upgrade to a nvidia 8500 pci express 512mb. ubuntu 7.1 should recognise this card instead of the onboard, shouldn't it?21:07
fudus186 updates after a fresh install :/21:07
Ulfalizerlmosher: okay. is it turned on by default, or do you have to configure it somehow?21:07
k3itoDave: the site is fine21:07
lmosherLe-Chuck_ITA, It sure does. I just want to change the default. Right-click will open with acrobat once.21:07
Davek3ito: did you start the audio stream?21:07
ph0rensicartti: Thats why .. i think xubuntu is better designed desktop for comps with loq ram?21:07
Le-Chuck_ITAlmosher:  right click, select "properties"21:07
soundraystooge: it should recognize both cards21:07
k3itoDave: yes21:08
Le-Chuck_ITAlmosher: then click on "open with" tab21:08
Davek3ito: and no probs?21:08
k3itoDave:  where it says ListenLive: Stream21:08
arttiph0rensic, is it simple to go from ubuntu to xubuntu?21:08
stoogecan i tell it to use only the newer card?21:08
k3itoDave: no21:08
lmosherLe-Chuck_ITA, I see it's -me- that's slightly retarded, not ubuntu. Thanks :)21:08
ph0rensicstooge: You probably want to turn off the onboard card in bios21:08
nox-HandIs there a package for only the very gnome-base21:08
Le-Chuck_ITAlmosher: have fun21:08
k3itoDave: Is you taskbar still gone21:08
Arelis_soundray: what must i set POWERDOWN_TIME to?21:08
lmosheryay pdfs :P21:08
Arelis_soundray: i mean, does 0 mean never there too?21:08
Davek3ito: yep21:08
k3itoDave: what made you think its a virus and not a bug/crash21:09
lmosherUlfalizer, no it's off by default...21:09
stoogedidn't think about that. duh thanks21:09
soundraystooge: listen to ph0rensic -- otherwise you can configure both cards independently via /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:09
k3itoDave: have you restarted21:09
xybloris there a freenode channel for X11 issues?21:09
duckgoesoinkhi everyone :-) I'm a newbie and have a problem with my microphone - it isn't recording sound... can anyone help me figure it out please?21:09
lmosherUlfalizer, I honestly don't remember, I did it awhile ago. I think I used ubuntuguide.org for info on how to turn it on, and make it mount by default. Some don't like that source, but it worked for me. Google will certaionly have more than one guide for you though...21:09
soundrayArelis_: if BLANK_DPMS is off, it doesn't matter what POWERDOWN_TIME is set to. Read the comments in the file.21:10
Le-Chuck_ITAsomebody knows about running .xsession instead of gnome?21:10
bruenigubuntuguide is not recommended21:10
k3itoDave: see PM21:10
cherwinxyblor: it didn't work out for you?21:10
FD_Fduckgoesoink: type alsamixer in console see if the mic on the top21:10
cherwinxyblor: too bad21:10
stoogei think that i would rather have the newer card instead. it will work better with vista since i am going to duew boot ubuntu and vista. thanks for the help...21:10
xybreWhats the preferred font format on linux?21:10
ph0rensicFolks I gotta reboot brb .. getting a bandaid too OUCH!21:10
AntiUSAI'm trying to install my nVidia 7600 GS video drivers, and it says i'm still in X.server, what do I need to do?21:10
sirius-blackwhy doesn't jackd work anymore?21:10
bruenigxybre: preferred by whom? there is xft ttf ....21:11
prince_jammysUlfalizer: you want to write to NTFS?21:11
AntiUSAcan I just exit the shell? if so, how?21:11
NattyTux%C7 hi21:11
Davek3ito: when i reboot a small window flashes up in the right corner, then the taskbar flashes up and minimises and i cant access it21:11
oshidoes anyone use amule?21:11
sme^I saw that Firefox came with Ubuntu. How do I make it fire up. Tried launch in desktop mode.21:11
silvernodei cant get this beryl key to install21:11
bruenigAntiUSA: change to a virtual console and stop X21:11
silvernodewget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -21:11
cherwinAntiUSA: type in exit21:11
AntiUSAbruenig: how?21:11
bruenigAntiUSA: you have 6 virtual consoles which can be accessed with control+alt+f(1-6)21:12
k3itoDave: have you tried running gnome-panel from the terminal21:12
xybrebruenig: by X windows, formats that work best or I dont need to include weird support for. Say if I have a list of different formats of the same font, ttf, pcf, mac, bitmap, etc.21:12
arttiIs it simple to go from ubuntu to xubuntu?21:12
NattyTuxwhats up ppl?21:12
Davehow do i get to terminal without access to the kcontrol21:12
k3itoDave: is it the whole panel or just the notification area?21:12
AntiUSAand so when I'm done I just start X?21:12
xybreartti: yes21:13
k3itoDave: are you on kde!21:13
Darkmystere__Well my xorg.log is giving me this error:(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/u21:13
Davek3 yes21:13
Darkmystere__I have an ATI Raedon XPress 200M21:13
Phalanx2yay, I never knew about those virtual consoles21:13
bruenigxybre: I don't know, the font I predominately use at this point is xft Bitstream Vera Monospace, but my desktop is almost entirely comprised of terminals so it might be different depending on your needs21:13
arttiWhat are the xubuntu pros and cons?21:13
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Le-Chuck_ITAartti: apt-cache search xubuntu21:13
cjaeHi, I just did a fresh install of 7.10 and am using a fx 5500 nvidia card, did all the updates first then activated the restricted drivers module. I did not have my secondary monitor panasonic plasma th-42pz77u 42" turned on during install or while activating the restricted module. Now my primary monitor a 17' crt has like an extended/oversized view where it autoscrolls at edges with mouse.21:13
Le-Chuck_ITAartti: install those packages and select xubuntu session21:13
k3itoDave: I'm on gnome... but I type Alt+F2 then type gnome-terminal - perhaps you replace with konsole?21:13
xybrebruenig: are there any font formats that will not work well, that you know of?21:13
Darkmystere__Full error is:(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)21:14
Darkmystere__(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering21:14
prince_jammysartti: pros, lighter, better for older machines   cons: less fancy stuff21:14
bruenigxybre: they all will work, I would just go with ttf if you don't have any real preference, it is pretty solid21:14
xybreSounds good to me21:14
arttiprince_jammys, some application won't run?21:14
xyblorcherwin: I tried copying the script to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/, but that didn't work21:15
prince_jammysartti: no, you should be fine21:15
k3itoDave: once in there you should try launching the panel with verbose mode so any errors are revealed.  I'm working blind here though as I have minor experience with KDE21:15
xyblorcherwin: I'm wondering if those scripts are executed at all21:15
Davek3ito: it might be a minimise bug21:15
prince_jammysartii: try it and see .. you can always remove if you dont like21:15
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:15
k3itoDave: perhaps try the KDE room too21:15
prince_jammys!xubuntu |  cherwin21:15
ubotucherwin: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:15
k3itoDave: thats what I'm thinking21:16
prince_jammyscherwin: sorry wrong nick21:16
unagican anyone help me figure out why my side buttons do not send signals to xev?21:16
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:16
Davek3ito:tried that nobody responded21:16
boinkerwhats a good nzb downloader for ubuntu21:16
k3itoDave: that chance you have a virus is minimal, I can't think of any in the wild21:16
Le-Chuck_ITAhow do I launch $HOME/.xsession instead of gnome?21:16
soundray!mouse | unagi21:16
ubotuunagi: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto21:16
sokkerplayer92boinker, i heard pan was good and also ninan?21:16
unagiive tried that soundray, which is why i worded my question the way i did21:16
Davek3ito: do you know of and bugs in the autohide feature?21:17
k3itoDave: a vulnerability was found in the kernel not so long back so you're advised to upgrade that but a virus... doubt it laddy21:17
eltuxhow would I label an external drive for a boot loader? I think my main hard drive is (hd0)21:17
k3itoDave: your autohide will be different from mine21:17
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kitty_good morning everyone :)21:17
k3itoDave: I run Gnome ;0)21:17
coldboot|homeHow do you change permissions for a device permanently in Ubuntu? (Since Ubuntu uses udev)21:17
prince_jammyshello kitty21:17
k3itoDave: are you on KDE4.0?21:17
cherwinxyblor: you have to experiment then21:18
darkgeminihi kitty21:18
soundrayunagi: have you made the required changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?21:18
Davek3ito: ok thanks for the help, no to kde 4.021:18
|Dreams|grrrrrrrrrrrrrr linux is soo frustratinghaha21:18
k3itoDave: good luck21:18
k3ito|Dreams|: why you say that21:18
kitty_I have to say, that I have been using Linux on and off for years, but Wubi, Ubuntu, and Hardy Heron... im actually enjoying.21:18
|Dreams|all i need is one program to work and i can avoid going bk to windows and i cant do it21:19
kitty_It has a while to come still... but this is the first time that I am still going to use linux, rather than waiting for it to mature21:19
unagiive made every change that i have come across to my xorg.con soundray21:19
|Dreams|oh i love it dont get me wron g21:19
|Dreams|i just get frustrated when i cant do something21:19
k3ito|Dreams|: what program21:19
soundrayunagi: and did you restart your X server to activate them?21:19
kitty_So cheers to all of you guys in the community for making it great :)21:19
k3ito|Dreams|: have you tried Sun's VirtualBox?21:19
|Dreams|xdvdmulleter but it needs .net so i havebeen trying to install mono21:19
* k3ito can't believe he said Sun's21:19
|Dreams|no i havent21:19
xyblorIs there a way to run a script after each time Enlightenment starts?21:20
FD_Fthe ubuntu  hardware detect is the best21:20
k3ito|Dreams|: is it a win app21:20
KaramonI have a client that wants to be able to transfer large files over HTTP for clients that don't know how to operate a FTP client, is there a way to handle this elegantly?21:20
soundrayunagi: I don't know then, sorry.21:20
symptomcan i use CompositeManager/Xgl/simple with nvidia cards?21:20
jjt009i have a quick question21:20
jjt009how do i create a gui in c++ with ubuntu21:21
boinkerwhats a good program to repair par files..u know like par2 or whatever21:21
k3ito|Dreams|: what is it?21:21
jjt009what header file should i import21:21
|Dreams|Pypar2 boinker21:21
unagiwell soundray that wiki is very vague21:21
|Dreams|its called xdvdmulleter21:21
k3ito|Dreams|: xbox warez related?21:21
darkgeminicheck out the gnome header stuff21:21
jjt009anybody know?21:21
AntiUSAafter I go into a virtual console how do I get back to the shell?21:21
|Dreams|well... backing up my games yes21:21
soundrayunagi: be specific about what you find vague21:21
soundrayjjt009: patience21:22
|Dreams|not really warez ...21:22
|Dreams|its just backing up my games etc21:22
soundrayjjt009: this isn't the best channel for asking developer questions21:22
prince_jammys.j #c++21:22
unagisoundray: modify your xorg to indicate the number of buttons soundray21:22
k3ito|Dreams|: you can get win software to work in virtualbox or other virtualisation soft.  as for the legality of this so long as you own the game and don't live in the usa then hey ;0)21:22
jjt009what would be a better channel21:22
NigelSjjt009: http://www.gtkmm.org/21:22
jjt009for developer questions21:22
AntiUSAcan someone PLEASE help me?21:23
mzuverinkWhere do I put the favicon.ico in apache so that it shows up in the address bar?21:23
|Dreams|yea i only back them up because i have 4 children n they like to shot them about :(21:23
jjt009what's your question21:23
|Dreams|and i am not from the us21:23
prince_jammys!anyone | AntiUSA21:23
ubotuAntiUSA: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:23
prince_jammyscharming name21:23
symptom!xgl | symptom21:23
k3itomzuverink: you need to refer to it in the webpage to21:23
|Dreams|i didnt want to go the virtualisation route tho21:23
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.021:23
AntiUSAok, I'm trying to get back into the shell21:23
AntiUSAI went into the virtual consonle, now I can't get back21:23
|Dreams|i might as well just install windows and ual boot and thats something i definately dont want to do either21:24
AntiUSAalso, I cannot stop x server21:24
mzuverinkk3ito, ok, thanks21:24
Arelis_soundray: what must i set POWERDOWN_TIME to?21:24
symptomanyone know of a compiz setup guide for nvidia cards21:24
k3ito|Dreams|: try virtualbox maybe to rn xp inside ubuntu21:24
prince_jammysAntiUSA: ctrl alt f7 doesnt work?21:24
AntiUSAwhen I type stop x it saays that is an unknown job21:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:24
soundrayunagi: further down there are concrete examples21:24
AntiUSAok, that got me back to the shell21:24
two_bitssymptom: it should just work once you install the driver... do you have at least a geforce 2?21:24
AntiUSAbut how do I stop the x server21:25
symptomtwo_bits: yes21:25
|Dreams|mono is soo dificult to get working21:25
k3itomzuverink: <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://www.yourpage.com/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">21:25
two_bitssymptom: the folks at #compiz-fusion might be able to help you better21:25
duckgoesoinkhi people, can anyone help a total noob fix her microphone? it's the only thing not working out of the box - won't record21:25
symptomtwo_bits: no speical config needed?21:25
AntiUSAhow do I stop x server?21:25
two_bitssymptom: have you gone to settings->appearence21:25
prince_jammysAntiUSA: you want to restart X, correct?21:26
soundrayArelis_: if BLANK_TIME is 0, it doesn't matter what you set POWERDOWN_TIME to, because it won't power down unless it has blanked.21:26
k3ito|Dreams|: sack mono off21:26
symptomtwo_bits: yes...21:26
AntiUSAno, I want to stop it so I can install my graphics drivers21:26
ErnzCan someone please give me a couple of lines to make a script that will open a webpage in firefox and then close THAT specific instance of firefox after the page is visited?21:26
|Dreams|i have give up with it anyway haha been tryign all day !!!21:26
two_bitssymptom: and changed visual effects to something other than normal?21:26
soundray!nvidia | AntiUSA21:26
ubotuAntiUSA: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:26
AntiUSAthe nvidia drivers are complaining that it is still running when I try to execute them21:26
symptomtwo_bits: wait..... I think were good21:26
k3itoErnz: that ain't ubuntu related try the html room21:26
Ernzty k321:27
ErnzWhy HTML?21:27
soundrayAntiUSA: use System-Administration-Restricted Drivers, or follow the link that ubotu gave you ^^21:27
ErnzI am calling the command from an ubuntu terminal21:27
|Dreams|i have only been using kubuntu for 2months ... i swapped from suse as they are in bed with microsoft..21:27
Ernzk3ito: is there a room for scripting?21:27
prince_jammysAntiUSA: i *think* you can do that with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:27
k3itoErnz: actually just read your post again what script language? bash?21:27
symptomtwo_bits: im on extra... how do i edit my configs with the cube etc21:27
Ernzk3ito: yea21:27
prince_jammysAntiUSA: and exit X after that21:28
k3itoErnz: don't know how you'd go about that... try the #bash room21:28
ErnzI want my alarm clock (KAlarm) to visit my friends webpage at 5am and then close the browser.21:28
rpj8So I'm not sure if hald is doing it's job correctly. When I plug in a usb drive nothing happens. /var/log/messages shows it was plugged in though21:28
ErnzOK thanks k3ito21:28
k3itoErnz: np21:28
two_bitssymptom: go to administration->synaptic package manger21:28
arttiIs it simple to back from xubuntu to ubuntu?21:28
two_bitssymptom: and look for compizconfig-settings-manager21:29
k3itois the situation with compiz and blender (and the gui bugs) ever gonna get sorted?21:29
soundrayartti: yes -- just install the ubuntu-desktop package and its dependencies21:29
k3itoi have to turn off compiz to run blender properly21:29
symptomtwo_bits: ok... thats the one i need then?21:29
k3itoit's a pain!!!21:29
two_bitsinstall that package21:29
two_bitssymptom: yes21:29
jack-desktopis there a GUI screenshot program that has more functions?21:29
fudushow can i customize compiz?21:30
rpj8k3ito: If you report it to bugs.launchpad.net it will be eventually fixed21:30
two_bitssymptom: but a new option will appear under visual effects, called custom21:30
rpj8So I'm not sure if hald is doing it's job correctly. When I plug in a usb drive nothing happens. /var/log/messages shows it was plugged in though21:30
AntiUSAok, i think i've got it21:30
AntiUSAthanks guys21:30
Ashna1so can someone help? none of my  applications make sound, even though the test button in sound preferences works21:30
duckgoesoink« /msg ubotu etiquette »21:30
two_bitssymptom: check custom21:30
jjt009i just tried including gtkmm.h in my c++ code but gcc couldn't find the header21:30
k3itorpj8: I think it related to the way the page get's rendered21:30
Sandkingi installed blender from ubuntu's package manager and app wont start21:30
k3itorpj8: i'm sure it's well known21:30
unagithe most annoying thing about this mouse thing is it use to work....21:30
Sandkinganyone knows what' s the problem?21:30
prince_jammysAntiUSA: did it work?21:30
symptomtwo_bits: got it... im in the custom preferances21:30
jjt009does anyone know whether gtk+ comes standard with the gnome in gutsy21:31
rpj8k3ito: Well if you did check launchpad and it IS there, then yes it will be eventually fixed.21:31
soundraySandking: probably the same problem that k3ito has21:31
two_bitssymptom: then you're good to go! :)21:31
faileasjjt009: Considering gaim and firefox need it, i think so21:31
jjt009faileas: do you know if gtkmm.h is the right header to include?21:32
k3itoSandking: have you tried running from terminal?21:32
two_bitssymptom: i have to go, so ask the #compiz-fusion people if you have other questions21:32
Sandkingk3ito, no21:32
kitty_What are everyones favorite programs to monitor system resources on their desktop?21:32
symptomk tahnks21:32
Sandkingi got though version i have from blender site and it works21:32
k3itoSandking: try that... it should tell you why it errors21:32
AntiUSAhow do I set up the repository that has the nvidia-glx-new package?21:32
prince_jammyskitty_: top :)21:32
Starnestommyjjt009: do you have libgtk2.0-dev installed?21:32
AntiUSAI cant find it in synaptic21:32
jjt009not sure let me check21:33
unagican anyone here help me figure out why xev doesnt get a signal from my side mouse buttons?21:33
rpj8Hey guys. I just installed hal-device-manager and I'm not sure that it's working correctly. Do I have to touch an config files right afte rinstall?21:33
Sandkingthis is what i got from terminal "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".21:33
jjt009sweet it looks like that was the problem21:33
StarnestommySandking: you might need to enable your graphics card's restricted drivers21:33
k3itoSandking: what Grphx card you got21:33
|Dreams|so virtualbox will that allow me to access and move fiels from within that if i had xp in it to kubuntu and etc21:34
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Sandkingok... i thought i already enabled them...21:34
k3itoSandking: Starnestommy took the words right out of my mouth...21:34
arttiGoing to Xubuntu do i need to install xubuntu-at-speech?21:34
unagidoes anyone have a 5 button mouse that works in ubuntu?21:34
soundrayartti: you need the package xubuntu-desktop and the packages that it depends on21:35
soundrayartti: 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'21:35
ompaul!mouse | unagi21:35
unagiompaul: that doesnt work for me21:35
ubotuunagi: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto21:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gxl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:36
k3ito|Dreams|: you can set that up yes21:36
soundrayunagi: you should give a more precise problem description. Otherwise you'll have that factoid fired at you each time you ask.21:36
mysterycoolwhere are the fonts sotred in ubuntu gutsy?21:36
|Dreams|ok thanks..21:36
unagiive given a precise problem and still get the factoid21:36
unagican anyone here help me figure out why xev doesnt get a signal from my side mouse buttons?21:36
mysterycoolwhere are the fonts sotred in ubuntu gutsy?21:36
|Dreams|you seem to know your stuff k3ito21:37
|Dreams|thanks for your adice21:37
prince_jammysunagi did you check the web?  youve been at this for hours21:37
soundrayunagi: it's not precise enough21:37
k3ito|Dreams|: not really21:37
soundray!elaborate | unagi21:37
ubotuunagi: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:37
nickrudmysterycool: /usr/share/fonts , /usr/local/share/fonts, and ~/.fonts21:37
unagiwhat more can i elaborate on that21:37
|Dreams|well you know more than me since i know next to nothing i am a pc tech in windows coming to linux and its all such a steep learnign curve21:37
k3ito|Dreams|: there is a guide to setting that up on ubuntu-unleashed.com21:37
unagixev doesnt get the signal from the side buttons....21:37
prince_jammysunagi: what kind of mouse, for example21:37
unagilogitech v22021:37
nantes_geekhi !21:37
soundrayunagi: read the elaborate factoid, it contains suggestions21:38
k3ito|Dreams|: I was *the* guy everyone comes to to fix their pc woes in windows. moved to linux about a year ago... I refuse to fix win for people now and will install linux upon request lol!!!21:38
unagithe factoid isnt elaborate21:38
unagiive tried it21:38
unagidoesnt answer my question21:38
Arelis_soundray: Alright. Thanks :)21:38
jjt009i just recompiled after installing the libraries libgtkmm-2.4-dev and libglademm-2.4-dev21:38
|Dreams|you are exactly like me then21:38
jjt009still fails21:38
|Dreams|apart from i have been using linux on and off for years but only recently decided to go linux only21:39
soundrayunagi: the !elaborate factoid tells you how to improve the way you ask your question21:39
jjt009anyone know what package gtkmm.h is in?21:39
k3itounagi: you can assign your mouse buttons21:39
unaginot if xev doesnt get the signal for the button k3ito21:39
dsoffsi got an mplayer process i can't kill, so it won't let me unmount cdrom, so now what? can't eject media because i can't unmount it... :/?21:39
Arelis_soundray: How can I stop the X window system on the liveCD?21:39
|Dreams|i just looked at that site and thought wow that looks intresting but iknow i am going to be spending hours on that site haha21:39
prince_jammysunagi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24996921:39
soundrayArelis_: 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop'21:40
k3ito|Dreams| yeah I have been dabbling for a while but took the full plunge and got rid of my win&litestep setup21:40
unagithat doesnt help prince_jammys21:40
nantes_geekhow is made the bootsplash inside the ubuntu initrd ? because i want to change the splash ?21:40
unagifor starters i dont have a serverlayout section21:40
spikemcchi someone here ?21:40
prince_jammysunagi: thats ok, you make one21:40
Arelis_soundray: Nope that didn't stop it21:40
k3itounagi: ahhh what mouse is it? i have a m$ wireless keybaord and some of the hotkeys don't get recieved either so I can't assign them21:40
|Dreams|i did really love suse thats what made me go linux only until micosoft decided to try n bum off  them and moved to kubuntu21:40
soundrayArelis_: reboot21:40
prince_jammysunagi: i made my own21:40
danand_unagi - type sudo cat /dev/psaux and move your mouse about, click buttons etc - if that button is working you should see some response in the terminal. At least then you'll know its working21:40
jjt009unagi: do you know which library gtkmm.h is in?21:41
k3itospikemcc: no .... ;)21:41
soundray!usplash | nantes_geek21:41
ubotunantes_geek: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:41
prince_jammysunagi: did you actually try what's in that link? if not, back up your xorg.conf and try21:41
Rumpsteak; /me waves!21:41
CarlFKjack-desktop: gimp21:41
unagimy lord21:41
dsoffsi got an mplayer process i can't kill, so it won't let me unmount cdrom, so now what? can't eject media because i can't unmount it... :/?21:41
nantes_geeksoundray: many thanks21:41
unagii say that it doesnt work you assume i didnt try21:41
jjt009second question: anyone know of a webcam driver for lenovo 3000 built in webcam21:42
unagimy question is what are some reasons that xev wouldnt get a signal from the side buttons21:42
carlgo to driverguide.com21:42
soundrayunagi: the way you pose your question doesn't suggest that you've tried anything21:42
spikemccwine don't show any word in 2d apps utilisation but 3d apps like games work flawlessly ... what s the prob ?21:42
prince_jammysunagi: didnt assume, i asked you21:42
jack-desktopCarlFK, that takes screenshots?21:42
danand_dsoffs -  kill -9 $(pidof mplayer)21:42
unagiim sorry i thought saying that doesnt work implies that i tried it21:42
CarlFKjack-desktop: yes.21:42
jjt009lenovo webcam driver for ubuntu?21:43
carlhi all?21:43
xerxes1358Ok I have a 80gb harddrive. What is a good partitioning during manual partitioning in install.21:43
prince_jammysunagi: no implying please -- i just talked to someone who tried my link after saying it didnt work ... she tried it two hours later21:43
unagithen she shouldnt say it didnt work21:43
spikemccsomeone know for my wine problem ?21:43
carlwomen know nothing of ubuntu21:43
dsoffsdanand_, bad syntax? kill -921:43
k3ito!anyone: spikemcc21:44
NthDegreespikemcc: lack of fonts maybe21:44
soundrayunagi: you're advice-resistant. You won't get anywhere that way. Teach yourself how to ask a good question on IRC21:44
dsoffskill pid isn't working,21:44
unagiim advice resistant?21:44
unagibecause the advice given doesnt work that makes me advice resistant?21:44
NthDegreespikemcc: make sure you have all the dependencies of WINE.. even ones Ubuntu may not have covered21:44
danand_dsoffs - did you try that and it gave you and error?21:44
unagithats pretty ridiculous21:44
dsoffsdanand_, yes i tried it ,and i told you it gave an error.21:44
soundrayunagi: you're not heeding the advice I gave you regarding improving your question.21:45
jjt009god help me21:45
prince_jammysunagi: does your mouse work at all or only not in xev?21:45
dave_xerxes1358 80? well you could, do 1-2g swap, 4-6gb root (/) 4-6 (/usr) 4-6 (/tmp) 1-2 (/var) then the rest as (/home) although i do a 20% 80% of the balance for a backup partition21:45
jjt009t.s eliot21:45
unagimy mouse works fine21:45
unagithe side buttons do not work21:45
jjt009writes great poetry21:45
AntiUSAhow do I install ti nvidia-glx-new package?21:45
|Dreams|on making a new disk in virtuabox what shoul di choose dynamically or fixed disk size image?21:45
jjt009its not in any of the repositories?21:45
danand_dsoffs - wierd. are you using bash21:45
PriceyAntiUSA, system > admin > restricted driver manager21:45
k3ito|Dreams|: up to you21:46
macsimevolution is not able to write on google agenda ?21:46
dave_dreams fixed is a good idea, as dynamic requires more overhead21:46
jjt009does anyone here know about c++ programming for ubuntu21:46
k3ito|Dreams|: dynamic gets larger as you fill it. fixed, doesn't21:46
dsoffsbeelive so, default21:46
jjt009or is there another channel i should go to21:46
xerxes1358what is the best and Fastest File system out there ?21:46
mysterycoola friend send me tahoma.tff (font file) how do i put it in OpenOffice and make it work? :s21:46
spikemccdependencies and fonts ... ouch ...21:46
soundray!fonts | mysterycool21:46
ubotumysterycool: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:46
TurtleOfDoomjjt009: you could try ##c++ if you want21:46
Pricey!best | xerxes135821:46
ubotuxerxes1358: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.21:46
k3itojjt009: most peopleon here are not c++ programmers!21:47
mysterycoolty :D21:47
danand_dsoffs - try killall mplayer21:47
jjt009TurtleOfDoom: sweet21:47
xerxes1358Pricey: what is both reliable and fast then?21:47
soundrayxerxes1358: ext321:47
|Dreams|do i have to choose fat 32 ?21:47
k3itomysterycool: I skimmed a guide on that earlier. google "install ttf ubuntu"21:47
|Dreams|i would prefer ntfs21:47
xerxes1358how about XFS21:48
k3ito|Dreams| ntfs is fine21:48
CoasterMasteris there any way in firefox to disable JavaScript on certain websites?21:48
dave_ntfs for your vdi should be fine, if your running a windows VM21:48
k3itothis is for VirtualBox and windows xp!21:48
soundrayxerxes1358: is okay, too, but ext3 is best supported21:48
k3itoi want ZFS!!!!!21:48
* soundray agrees with k3ito21:48
* k3ito throws his dummy clear out the pram21:49
Sandkingwhy on earth this box goes into low graphics mode when i restart?21:49
olivierI have a problem with my 82801H intel sound card21:49
dsoffsis this bad?21:49
dsoffs[1353723.380616] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 121:49
dsoffs[1353723.845923] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 - driver resynched.[1353723.380616] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 121:49
dsoffs[1353723.845923] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 - driver resynched.21:49
unagican anyone here help me figure out why xev doesnt get a signal from my side mouse buttons?21:49
soundrayk3ito: Sun made the license incompatible with linux, didn't they?21:49
olivieri don't have sound21:49
solexious[Q] Can i see who or what has a file open? command line perferably21:49
k3itosoundray: yes... what a great OPenSource company21:49
* soundray laughs at unagi: totally advice-resistant21:49
olivierall seems to be ok ... but it still get no sound :/21:49
le_beuffolivier, try alsaconf21:49
k3itoSoundray: to save their OpenSolaris project I think21:49
dave_soundray, i dont know as soon as i heard about sun aquiring innotek i dl'd the vB21:50
unagisoundray: what advice have i resisted........i would love to hear it21:50
soundrayk3ito: time will sort it out21:50
olivierle_beuff: apt-get install alsaconf ?21:50
xerxes1358Ok guys I am installing21:50
soundrayunagi: you should improve the way you pose the question according to the ubotu factoid:21:50
soundray!elaborate > unagi, see the private message21:50
k3itosoundray: I'm sure it will, they licensed it out to Apple too... the next M$21:50
AntiUSAhow do I install the nvidia-glx-new package? the Restricted Driver MAnager jsut tells me it isn't installed21:51
neverblueolivier, does the hardware work? have you tried using alsamixer?21:51
unagisoundray: once again, how have i been advice resistant21:51
unagii cant provide any errors21:51
unagithere are none21:51
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A
prince_jammysunagi: amazingly still not including mouse make and model in the question21:51
unagii cant paste bin the mouse21:51
=== Charitwo is now known as c
unagiprince_jammys: i gave the make and model21:51
olivierneverblue: yes alsa mixer work fine21:51
olivieri show animation on xmms about sound playing21:51
neverblueolivier, does the hardware work?21:51
k3itounagi: what mouse type then?21:51
olivieron windows it work21:51
unagiits a logitec v22021:52
neverblueolivier, xmms runs, and the audio plays, and you have no errors?21:52
k3itounagi: have you edited your xorg.conf at all?21:52
allaertsolexious, have you checked out lsof21:52
unagii have edited my xorg.conf all day21:52
soundrayunagi: you know what, if you can't read and follow that factoid, I'll just shut up now and watch you repeating that question over and over and not getting a sensible answer.21:52
olivierneverblue: yes21:52
solexiousallaert: will check it out21:52
olivierthe mixer isn't muted21:52
unagisoundray: dude thats probably a good idea......just shut up.......21:53
prince_jammysunagi and you did indeed add the section "server layout", correct?21:53
neverblueolivier, then its your device that you are using to listen with, confirm its plugged in, the volume is turned up, etc...21:53
AntiUSAhow do I install the nvidia-glx-new package? the Restricted Driver MAnager jsut tells me it isn't installed21:53
* soundray laughs hard at unagi21:53
unagiprince_jammys: when i add that section and the previously called section x server does not start21:53
olivierneverblue: i think so ...21:53
k3itosoundray: how do i check what factoids are available with the bot?21:53
dave_AntiUSA have you added the nonfree repositories?21:53
=== c is now known as Charitwo
soundrayk3ito: http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:54
AntiUSAnot yet21:54
AntiUSAhow do i do that?21:54
ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:54
solexiousallaert: lol, screen spammed on me when i used it21:54
neverblueolivier, its not for you to 'think' about it, its for you to get down and check :D21:54
unagithere are no errors, steps, or configuration files21:54
unagilaugh all you want you facetious troll21:54
unagisorry that you dont know the answer either21:54
havfunonlineI've just downloaded Free Pascal via Synaptic package manager, how do I now use it? I can't find hide nor hair of it21:54
dave_AntiUSA navigate to software sources in the administration menu, tick the nonfree boxes.21:55
k3itosoundray: cheers (that should be in the header for this channel21:55
olivierneverblue: yes its plugged (it's a laptop)21:55
sven-testet-hardAntiUSA, are you a terrorist?21:55
neverblueolivier, is it a speaker, headphones, etc?21:55
prince_jammysunagi: since you have been at this for hours, and the only hope is that forum post with your mouse make and model, the only thing i can think of is looking at whatever message you get from x after editing your xorg.conf in that way21:55
alvarezpPlease excuse me, I'm looking for guides on how to rebuild a package with newer versions of the source code. I already did apt-get source p, apt-get build-dep p, and wget new-source, but I don't know how to tell debuild to use the new version of the source code to build a new package.21:55
allaertsolexious, yeah you get pretty much output.. check the help or man page to narrow it down a little21:55
havfunonlineyou have been at this for hours, and the only hope is that forum post with your mouse make and model, the only thing i can think of is looking at whatever message you get from x after editing your xorg.conf in that way21:56
havfunonline<alvarezp> Please excuse me, I'm looking for guides on how to rebuild a package with newer versions of the source code. I already did apt-get source p, apt-get build-dep p, and wget new-source, but I don't know how to tell debuild to use the new version of the source code to build a21:56
soundrayunagi: okay, I was just trying to give this situation a humourous edge, but if you call me a troll again I'll tell the ops about you and will probably manage to get you kicked.21:56
olivierneverblue: i've tried with speaker and headphone21:56
havfunonlinesorry didn't mean to post that twice!21:56
Icarusoh shit, i was to ask something, but i see there are too much people here asking right now21:56
kmosatworki've got a small question: how long should the livecd take before it launches ubuntu? took me 30 minutes, then I gave up.. :(21:56
unagifor speaking the truth soundray?21:56
alvarezphavfunonline, ... to build a new packate.21:56
unagiinteresting you didnt deny the facetious part21:56
dave_sven-testet-hard dont open the politics can of worms.21:56
nobody_u all in work or what?21:56
soundrayunagi: your truth maybe. It isolates you quite a lot.21:56
dave_kmosatwork, what kind of hardware are you working with21:57
TurtleOfDoomsoundray and unagi, please make your discussion private21:57
neverblueolivier, ok, so did you toggle the hardware (a switch on your laptop) which will open/close the audio, have you tried to restart your system, was your audio working before?21:57
unagiyou are trolling whether you want to admit it or not21:57
k3itounagi: maybe* these posts can help you in some way http://adterrasperaspera.com/blog/2006/06/20/logitech-g5-review-under-linux21:57
k3itosee... How to get it to work in Linux21:57
kmosatworklaptop, dvd drive is kind of slow21:57
havfunonlinealvarezp now how do I do that? (as you can tell I@m fairly new at this)21:57
k3itoperhaps this is worth a read too http://suseforums.net/index.php?showtopic=4183621:57
unagimaybe its the 4 5 6 721:57
dave_kmosatwork, intel architecture?21:57
|Dreams|right i created a partition 30gb and installing xp now21:58
nobody_dreams hmm XP why?21:58
|Dreams|i am using virtual box21:58
|Dreams|in kubuntu21:58
dave_kmosatwork, if its a fairly new laptop, no longer than 5 minutes really. i had a 133mhz boot the live cd in 10 minutes. so perhaps you should try a different version of ubuntu maybe go back a version.21:58
olivierneverblu e: in fact, I'm not the only one on internet with this problem ... maybie a bug with 82801H chipset21:58
KoNxi'i italian21:58
nobody_OS NATURE21:58
k3ito|Dreams|: it should install lightening fast!21:58
|Dreams|theres a program i need that i cant get working in linux21:58
KoNxi'm italian21:59
fabry_Is someone expert in dvd authoring?21:59
prince_jammys!it | KoNx21:59
ubotuKoNx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:59
nobody_dreams forget computers and programs21:59
fabry_I'm trying to create a PhotoDVD from a slideshow but I've some problem21:59
|Dreams|use devede fabry lol21:59
Icarushello, i have a nVidial graphic card, and the max. resolution i can use is 1024x 768, and my monitor is bigger than that... so i see everything quite bad21:59
nobody_lets focus on natural power hmmm21:59
nobody_thats the OS21:59
|Dreams|i am focusing on my whisky and coke at the minute21:59
mnemonic_I removed a partition from my system, now no partitions are shown for the whole drive in the partition editor. What can I do about it?21:59
havfunonlineI installed a program using synaptic package manager, now I don't know how to get it to run, I've tried sudo dpkg --build but its says it failed to open the info file. I@m probably doing it all wrong, little help please?21:59
|Dreams|is it a better way to do it using virtual box than dual booting?22:00
fabry_no one can help me in dvd authoring?22:00
dave_mnemonic, what partiotn editor are you usibng? gparted? cfdisk?22:00
* k3ito pictues a whiskey & coke in his hand..... mmmmm22:00
nobody_hmmm whisky hmm enjoy the coke than :)22:00
|Dreams|what do u need help with fabry22:00
dave_holy typos batman.22:00
syrus1try mandvd22:00
|Dreams|it is nice mmm22:00
fabry_i created a dvd-slideshow and i cant watch it correctly on tv22:00
|Dreams|why cant you watch it correctly22:01
mnemonic_havfunonline: try dpkg -L "packagename"   this will show you the files installed by that package (or right click in synaptic, select properties and look for files). A file with "bin" in its directory will most likely be an executable which you can run.22:01
nobody_i belive that the milk from the coconut in real nature must be nicer ha¬ha:)22:01
kmosatworkdave: hmm.. so that indicates broken dvd drive.. that's not good.. I had no problems seeing the boot menu, but then it stopped responding..22:01
nobody_and milion stars :)22:01
fabry_slideshow cuts mi pictures off at top and bottom22:01
|Dreams|u need to rescale the pictures or use a program to rescale the pictures hmmm22:01
unagisigh i follow the guide and now x wont start.......again22:01
k3itostill no program for authoring dvds like adobe encore on ubuntu... or cubase for music for that matter.. (sighs)22:02
syrus1yea what he said22:02
fabry_R u sure about pictures rescaling?22:02
nobody_ha¬ha hmm i wake up in jungle  and I had no problems seeing the boot menu, but then it stopped responding..22:02
k3itounagi: after you edited you xorg.conf?22:02
=== Ernz is now known as Ernz_Off_2_C_The
|Dreams|well they would dispaly on tv if they were rescaled wouldnt they22:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:02
jpatrick!msgthebot > Leechzilla22:02
mnemonic_k3ito: for now you could try varsha from sourceforge.net. It's rather limited but might be sufficient depending on what you want to do. There are some more, try to use a search engine on the web.22:02
fabry_I created slideshow using dvd-slideshow with options -p -H22:03
HelmersI'm thinking about putting ubuntu on a laptop with 256MB memory, wondering how hard it is to strip out unneeded services from a desktop install of Ubuntu?22:03
flipmodeI have installed everything from the repos etc and still my dvd player reads the disc but wont play22:03
fabry_the form factor should be 4:322:03
nobody_hmm i sow bird hmmm he was singing the song about engine on the web.22:03
fabry_and my pitures as well22:03
prince_jammysunagi: any error message?22:03
k3itothere are mediocre apps for both dvd authoring and music but non a power user would turn to just yet22:03
havfunonlinemnemonic, from synaptic how do I find out where the files are saved22:03
|Dreams|4:3 depending on what tv you have22:03
unagiprince_jammys: yea im trying something22:04
flipmodetotem says no plugin to handle this file whan it autoruns at first22:04
Lisetarehi i have experienced a problem with firefox, even after installing all codecs and flash plugin it doesn't play sound while in all other programs it works great. Where is my mistake?22:04
fabry_i've a 4:3 tv22:04
unagiundefined input device prince_jammys22:04
nobody_hmm well, yes there is in nature only one error hmm the man who sold this world ha¬ha22:04
|Dreams|anyway google is your friend in my opinion u will need a decent linux app that will do this all for you wether there is one i do not know the only dvdauthroing i do is an odd vid cam dvd now n agen22:04
danand_havfunonline - what package did you install?22:04
fabry_I tried 4:3 ps and 4:3 lb but nothing happend, èpictures cut off22:04
havfunonlinedanand free pascal22:04
auneswhen is the newest LTS edition coming out? Is there a set date?22:04
prince_jammysunagi mmmm paste the contents of the file -- and see if we can spot something22:05
kakeihey like how long does partitioning take?22:05
dave_lisetare, I have had problems with firefox and flash when installing flash through firefox, i have had better luck downloading the tarball from adobe, and using there install script.22:05
|Dreams|this is really weird seeing a crap ass OS within kubuntu22:05
unagiprince_jammys: now its no core pointer22:05
fabry_I've 7 slideshows with 750 pictures. Should I rescale eachone?22:05
|Dreams|you woul dbe there a while22:05
LisetareDave_ i am newbie and blonde :) it is my first experience with *nix systems. What is Tarball?22:06
unagiprince_jammys: do you know what this means? no core device?22:06
fabry_mmmm, no a faster way to do it?22:06
havfunonlinedanand I've foudn the files but no executable that I can run22:06
|Dreams|fabry http://www.barninger.com/dvd/22:06
flipmodeI have installed everything from the repos etc and still my dvd player reads the disc but wont play22:07
flipmodetotem says no plugin to handle this file whan it autoruns at first22:07
=== ICQnumber__ is now known as ICQnumber_
|Dreams|it states there that " Prepare all the photos in the Gimp by sizing and cropping them to the correct size of 720 x 480 pixels for NTSC (720 x 576 for PAL)"22:07
neverblueolivier, i didnt see a reply....22:07
unagiflipmode: which backend do you have installed22:07
olivierneverblue: i'm compiling latest alsa libs & drivers22:07
fabry_ok, I was afraid of this solution :`-|22:08
flipmodeunagi: what do you mean? ubuntu 7.10?22:08
neverblueolivier, from source... good luck22:08
unagiflipmode: that is the reason it gives for x not starting22:08
danand_havfunonline - what exact packages - just the compiler?22:08
fabry_ther's no way to author a dvd in 720x540?22:08
andrew__how do i transfer files from my ipod to amarok?22:08
dave_lisetare well its just a archive that keeps important details at hand (maybe equate it to a smart zip) anyways ubuntu will take 90% of the pain away by giving you a gui to uncompress it. then you just run the install script. (there is instructions included)22:08
unagipaste.stgraber.org/723 flipmode22:08
havfunonlinedanand, no I downloaded everything, cause there are dependencies and so forth. But the compiler was what I was trying to download22:08
=== dave_ is now known as elevenfifty5
|Dreams|brb ciggy22:09
* |Dreams| goe sin search ov another whisky n coke and a smoke22:09
LisetareDave_ - thanks, let me try22:09
vip3rousmangoI can't get my firefox to display flash content properly, anyone know of a fix?22:09
danand_havfunonline - try typing fp-ide in a terminal22:09
unagi!flash | vip3rousmango22:09
ubotuvip3rousmango: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:09
LisetareDave_ and there is no ready packages to install?22:10
vip3rousmangothanks unagi22:10
elevenfifty5ubotu gnash sucks >.<   =P22:10
havfunonlinedanand what the hell happened there, it looks like its loaded a program within the terminal window22:10
fabry_ok, bye bye22:10
* unagi wonders if elevenfifty5 knows uBOTu is a bot22:10
ghettowhiteboyI'm on a pentium 90 or 133 mhz not quite sure which /w 32 mb ram and 1.5 free hdd space, I'd like to run linux on it, wat distro/version would b best?  I also have no cdrom and the floppy is very picky about wat disks it reads, so something i could start an install from win95 and finish after rebooting would be great22:10
elevenfifty5oh i know22:10
flipmodeunagi: what is that?22:10
lapisdecoris there any video editor for ubuntu vith gui for gnome wich exports to flv?22:10
unagiwhat is what flipmode22:10
elevenfifty5but I like to converse with everything. My bathroom thinks I am a riot.22:11
unagioh that is my log file flip22:11
unagioh that is my log file flipmode22:11
gumisgood evening22:11
prince_jammysunagi: paste your backed up version of xorg.conf that works, and the version that does not work please22:11
lapisdecoror any php script to interact with libflv22:11
unagiflipmode: sorry wrong person22:11
flipmodeunagi: do you have an idea whats up with my problem?22:12
ghettowhiteboyany help?22:12
gumisi'm trying to use my pendrive in ubuntu22:12
danand_havfunonline - that maybe the development environment for free pascal! try looking in /usr/share/doc/fp* for more info on how free pascal packages work22:12
gumisin windows it's working ok, but in ubuntu i have problems22:12
unagiflipmode: what was the problem22:12
prince_jammysunagi: yes, i just looked at the log -- i want to see the xorg.conf files.22:12
unagiprince_jammys: 724 and 725 working not working respectivel22:12
danand_havfunonline - *may be22:12
lapisdecorgumis: try changing your user permitions on system22:13
prince_jammysunagi: ok22:13
=== elevenfifty5 is now known as elevenfifty5_
flipmodeunagi: the dvd not playing22:13
unagiim in the virtual terminal how awesome am i22:13
flipmodeI have installed everything from the repos etc and still my dvd player reads the disc but wont play22:13
flipmodetotem says no plugin to handle this file whan it autoruns at first22:13
=== elevenfifty5_ is now known as elevenfifty5
ghettowhiteboyI'm on a pentium 90 or 133 mhz not quite sure which /w 32 mb ram and 1.5 free hdd space, I'd like to run linux on it, wat distro/version would b best?  I also have no cdrom and the floppy is very picky about wat disks it reads, so something i could start an install from win95 and finish after rebooting would be great22:13
unagiflipmode: are you running the totem xine backend?22:14
elevenfifty5ghettowhiteboy check into knoppix22:14
gumisin dmesg i see  a lot od messages: "set_rtc_mmss: can't update from 11 to 5922:14
flipmodeunagi: yes22:14
gumiswhat's wrong?22:14
unagiflipmode: i dont know then22:14
FbernAnyone here in college?22:14
unagi!offtopic | fbern22:14
LimCorewhy ubuntu fails in security?22:14
ubotufbern: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:14
* LimCore just r00ted his ubuntu box, without any password22:15
lapisdecorgumis: goto system -->users --->your user     user previleges22:15
flipmodeunagi: it wants to open like a folder. and I cant change any permissions on the drive22:15
oshiheh...fibonacci sequence to 1000 numbers.   big number.  (class assignment)22:15
kakeihey like how long does partitioning take?22:15
elevenfifty5LimCore rebuild your kernal. that xploit was announced last week.22:15
=== BumberBot3K_ is now known as BumberBot3K
neverbluekakei, that obviously depends on the size22:15
|Dreams|will i have to rebuild my kernel?22:15
kakei120 to 90gb neverblue22:15
prince_jammysunagi: you do not have a stylus, eraser, or wacom device, correct?  ie. you only use a mouse and keyboard.22:15
elevenfifty5LimCore unless your hosting out shells, it doesnt matter anyway, its a local exploit.22:16
neverbluekakei, you miss took my statement, I wasnt asking a question22:16
unagicorrect but for some reason xorg always wants to keep wacom blah blah22:16
neverblue|Dreams|, why would you have to?22:16
prince_jammysunagi got it.22:16
elevenfifty5Dreams, unless other people use your computer dont worry about it.22:16
gumislapisdecor: and?22:16
maximilion_How do I check the path to an app, for example 'pidgin'?22:17
elevenfifty5find -name pidgin22:17
danand_maximilion_ - type which pidgin22:17
lapisdecorgumis: and put a cross on access externall22:17
sn0whereis / which pidgin22:17
maximilion_thanks danand_ ! :)22:17
gumislapisdecor: it's checked22:18
danand_maximilion_ - change your nick!!22:18
|Dreams|i dont now i read that last message22:18
lapisdecorgumis: is your pendrive ntfs formated?22:18
xerxes1358How do I install GNOME if I only have KDE22:18
maximilion_danand_, why? :)22:18
AckerMANn"/etc/network/interfaces" E212: Can't open file for writing22:19
gumishm, maybe i don't know22:19
unagixerxes1358: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but why would you want gnome22:19
AckerMANnwhen i type ESC : wq! that`s is erorr : "/etc/network/interfaces" E212: Can't open file for writing22:19
|Dreams|is there any benefit to install xp on virtual box than to dual boot?22:19
AckerMANnwith vim editor.22:19
unagi|Dreams|: tons of benefits22:19
xerxes1358unagi: this KDE is too advanced.22:19
prince_jammysunagi: one more paste:: the complete output of ::: cat /proc/bus/input/devices22:19
ghettowhiteboyok, knoppix looks like it'll work, but i don't have a cdrom, is there a way to boot from an iso on the hdd?22:19
ghettowhiteboyi currently have win 95 on here22:19
lapisdecorgumis: did you buy it like it is or have you ever format it in windows?22:19
danand_maximilion_ - some one else (maybe you?) is on the channel as maximilion - makes tab auto complete not work22:19
unagi726 prince_jammys22:20
prince_jammysunagi ok22:20
maximilion_dan_, tab works fine in xchat - and I'm not responsible for the network disconnecting now and then...22:20
elevenfifty5ghettowhiteboy, couldnt help you there. google may help you. its a hardware thing. now.22:20
gumisi formatted it in windows xp many times, hm, but this is browsable via backtrack linux distribution22:20
* maximilion_ is the real slim shady, maximilion is a ghost (that just vanished after the usual timeout)22:20
|Dreams|windows 95 rocked that was my fav OS of all the window22:20
AckerMANnwhen i press ESC : wq! that`s is erorr : "/etc/network/interfaces" E212: Can't open file for writing22:20
danand_maximilion_ - :)22:20
xerxes1358By the way guys. DUring install (where you type in user name and password) my screen was all messed. SUPER large fonts and everything misplaced. What is going on?22:21
arttiWell Xubuntu is installed, how i activate it?22:21
=== malnilion__ is now known as malnilion
tinmanHow can I switch from the default "Terminal" to "XTerm" ?22:21
ghettowhiteboyi'm googling it, but it's usualy way easier to ask some1 who might know than spend 2 hrs googling and trying one thing after another22:21
|Dreams|thats the whol epoint though to learn yourself22:21
tinmanTrying to apt-get says I have the latest version22:21
danand_artti - you should be able to choose your session type ie gnome or xfce4 from gdm when you log in22:22
xerxes1358unagi: I get this error22:22
lapisdecorgumis: do you see any files on linux or you cant auto-mount it?22:22
arttidanand_, thanks.22:22
xerxes1358unagi: http://www.pastebin.org/2016522:23
maximilion_ghettowhiteboy, you can't "boot from an iso" with a PC that has Windows 95 on it. Burn a CD.22:23
DARK48Hey can anyone help me move a file into the /lib directory. It tells me access denied22:23
unagixerxes1358: i cant see webpages22:23
itisican anyone help me to get my intel x3000 integrated video working?22:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:23
gumisit doesn't mount automatic, i don't tried this,22:23
elevenfifty5ghettowhiteboy, well its to variable for your general question, i mean I know alot less about your hardware than you do, do you know if your mainboard/bios supports booting from usb? thares alot.. so I cant give you anymore than google would.22:23
tinmanDARK48: sudo?22:23
lapisdecorj #flv22:23
gumisbut in dmesg are errors, and i can't see device in lsusb22:23
xerxes1358unagi: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop   gives me: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:24
DARK48What sudo command though. I already tried sudo mv and cp22:24
unagidid you run dpkg --configure -a?22:24
unagiprince_jammys: any ideas?22:24
gumishow to mount it manually?22:24
prince_jammysunagi: im looking at all of them, trying to assemble a new xorg.conf22:24
elevenfifty5dark48 paste your command syntax22:24
ghettowhiteboywish kubuntu would run on here, i used it for about 2 months and loved it, can't wait to get my power supply for the computer i'm building, it's gana b dual os win xp and kubuntu22:24
tinmanDARK48: hmm, try sudo su, then try it maybe22:24
jpatricktinman, DARK48: sudo -s22:25
unagighettowhiteboy: i wish i didnt need windows22:25
|Dreams|me too unagi22:25
tinmanjpatrick: thanks, do you also know how to switch to xterm from the defuault terminal in 7.122:25
* elevenfifty5 has been windows free for a year thanks to wine xD22:25
unagielevenfifty5: glad it works for you, linux cant run my tv tuner22:26
xerxes1358unagi: I didnt touch anything. Should I run that ?22:26
elevenfifty5ahh weak.22:26
LisetareStill same problem, i removed flash package, then installed from adobe site tar archive and no success, still no sound. Did i do anything wrong?22:26
unagixerxes1358: yea...22:26
|Dreams|eleven if u can get xdvdmulleter to work i will be windows free22:26
lapisdecoranyone knows of a video converter with gui for gnome with flv codecs?22:26
ghettowhiteboythe only thing i prefer windows for is most of the world hasn't caught up with linux, especialy vid games22:26
unagiwhy cant i connect to quakenet =/22:26
DARK48!sudo 0s22:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudo 0s - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:26
DARK48!sudo -s22:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudo -s - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:26
mike1980Hi there Guys can someone please help me fix this please I am getting this error on boot 'kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot'  ?22:27
tinmanDARK48: man sudo maybe22:27
neko_is there a package for libppm or how could i find specific file in package from the repository ?22:27
|Dreams|i am using windows xp in virtual box for "ONE" program22:27
elevenfifty5DARK48, paste your copy syntax.22:27
unagimike1980: does that error cause a problem or is it just annoying22:27
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:27
gumisbye, i will tomorrow try to solve my problem with flash drive;)22:27
unagidoes anyone here have a 5 button mouse working in ubuntu?22:28
NthDegree|Dreams|: does WINE not cut it for the app you're using then?22:28
neverblueunagi, what issue are you having specifically?22:28
elevenfifty5|Dreams|: bummer man. I had to dual boot windows for ever until I finaly got EVE to work under linux22:28
danbhfiveunagi: I do22:28
DARK48i would try and post my syntax but im not sure how to use sudo -s22:28
oshispeaking of wine....does anyone have a good wine faq they know of?22:28
|Dreams|the program depends on .net22:28
NthDegreeoshi: the one on WineHQ22:28
neverblueoshi, ask in #winehq22:28
jumpjetCan anyone offer a little samba/DNS/WINS expertise?22:28
unagineverblue: my side buttons arent working and when i try to follow the guide x doesnt start with no core device22:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kinit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:29
oshithanks guys22:29
danbhfiveDARK48: try sudo -i22:29
unagidanbhfive: what brand22:29
danbhfiveunagi: logitech22:29
neverblueunagi, so your side buttons do not work, what are you 'wanting' them to do?22:29
unagiwhat model danbhfive22:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libppm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:29
unagineverblue: right now i want them to send a signal to xev22:29
danbhfiveunagi: g522:29
neverblueunagi, never heard of xev22:29
elevenfifty5sudo cp /path/your_file /var22:30
unagineverblue: i would like any capture program to see the buttons22:30
elevenfifty5that should work for you dark.22:30
leeping2009Hi there, I'm trying to compile a kernel module for a kernel that's a different version from the one that my OS is currently running on.  How hard is it to cross-compile in Ubuntu??22:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xev - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:30
neverblueunagi, so the capture program will need to work with the device properly22:30
neko_well, it seems that the libppm package not existing in ubuntu :(22:30
unagineverblue: no no, yo umisunderstand......i would like the buttons to be recognized.......xev is a report that will show you info about buttons pressed22:30
neko_or maybe it is hidden inside another package22:31
unagiright now im sitting in the virtual terminal because x wont start22:31
neverblueunagi, so answer my question then, what are you expecting your side buttons to do ?22:31
mike1980 is this a bug can it be fixed 'kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot'  ?22:31
maximilion_Any way I can bind cd ~/_spe, python SPE.py to a key in gconf-editor?22:31
unagisend a button 6 and button 7 signal neverblue22:31
maximilion_That is, two terminal commands22:31
neverblueunagi, sounds complex and I dont think I want to even attempt to help you22:31
catmistakeany gurus: is there an easy way to upgrade apache2-2.0.55 to current in Edgy without upgrading my distro?22:32
unagineverblue: its not that complex.....the buttons dont send a signal22:32
elevenfifty5mike1980 sounds like something is broke, whats the last program you installed/removed/disabled22:32
DARK48this is what i typed in is this correct: sudo -i root sudo mv libcxa.so.1 /lib22:32
neverblueunagi, im sure you dont believe that, else, you wouldnt be here22:32
|Dreams|can i nick someones sources.list22:32
elevenfifty5nah dark22:32
unagineverblue: dont believe what22:32
mike1980elevenfifty5: I did a apt-get install KDE22:32
neverblueunagi 'its not that complex.....the buttons dont send a signal'22:33
elevenfifty5mike1980 ooh.. i see.22:33
unagiits not complex, im trying to troubleshoot why neverblue22:33
DARK48elevenfifty5: What did i do incorrectly22:33
elevenfifty51 sec ^_^22:33
unagiprince_jammys: still looking at the devices?22:33
neverblueunagi, maybe you need to stop posting to me, as I am not the one to help you22:33
prince_jammysunagi: yes, will paste soon22:34
bsdnewb07is ubuntu capable of running sendmail22:34
unagiprince_jammys: what am i going to do with the paste im in the terminal =*(22:34
elevenfifty5dark, are you in the directory of the file you want to move?22:34
sourcemakerhow can I configure ssl in apache?22:34
TurtleOfDoombsdnewb07: of course22:34
=== darkgemini_ is now known as darkgemini
DARK48elevenfifty5: Nope should i mount it?22:35
prince_jammysunagi: you can use the working xorg.conf to get into X and then get it from the paste bin, right?22:35
unagilol yea its just a pain prince_jammys  ;)22:35
elevenfifty5can you cd to it?22:35
DARK48elevenfifty5: sure ill try22:35
elevenfifty5dark what is the path to the source file?22:35
marko-_-how can i play a .rmvb file ?22:36
elevenfifty5sudo mv /path/libcxa.so.1 /lib22:36
elevenfifty5marko .rmvb's are evil.22:36
unagimarko-_-: EW! REAL MEDIA!22:36
marko-_-yea i know... i downloaded someting and it's in this stupid format :/22:36
oshiDoes anyone know what codec or player will play a ripped VOB file?22:37
marko-_-so... i need help22:37
unagisigh im wondering if its not just broken22:37
elevenfifty5marko do you have medibuntu enabled?22:37
Ulfalizermarko-_-: tried mplayer?22:37
maximilion_marko-_-, maybe VLC can play it? dunno.22:37
marko-_-Ulfalizer, yea... it doesn't work22:37
marko-_-no it can't22:37
Ulfalizeryou might want to try the latest mplayer from svn as well, if you're comfortable with configure/make/install.22:37
elevenfifty5marko, google medibuntu, the web page will show you how to install the repository, then mPlayer should download what it needs.22:37
marko-_-i read that real player can play it but i can't make it work... i downloaded the .bin file from the homepage but i get an error22:38
VampirePenguinvlc works for that codec22:38
* elevenfifty5 resigns from the real media demon conversation. help exhausted =P22:38
bsdnewb07after a fresh install of ubuntu how do i login as admin?22:38
syrus1vlc can play almost anything22:38
oshimarko-_-: chmod the bin?22:38
bsdnewb07admin but what password?22:38
marko-_-elevenfifty5, thank's i'll try22:38
catmistakevlc can also transcode almost anything into almost anything else22:38
mike1980elevenfifty5: do think a reinstall  initramfs-tools will fix 'kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot'22:39
marko-_-VampirePenguin, well it doesnt work22:39
DARK48elevenfifty5: Your command seems like it would work but i entered it and nothing, or at least i cant find it in the /lib directory. Does it matter where i currently have my file located?22:39
elevenfifty5Mikelevel: yeah it will, hope you have backed up.22:39
VampirePenguinit should .... u could also add teh debian-multimedia to ur sources.list and get other codecs tehre22:40
elevenfifty5dark. =D you have to replace /path/libcxa.so.1 with the actual path of the file.22:40
bsdnewb07guys ive installed ubuntu, it says login user/pass how do i login as root?22:40
unagi_the buttons didnt work on the live cd either, maybe theyre just broken22:40
marko-_-VampirePenguin, it plays the sound... not the video (and it doesn't even play the sound very good)22:40
DARK48elevenfifty5: lawl my bad ran right through my mind22:40
AckerMANni need help ! : chmod: changing permissions of `/etc/network': Read-only file system22:40
elevenfifty5no worries mate22:40
VampirePenguinis it encrypted22:40
AckerMANnplease help me..22:40
elevenfifty5well, battery is at its end ^_^22:41
VampirePenguinis it encrypted22:41
marko-_-i don't know..22:41
catmistakebsdnewb07: during the initial stage of the install, you set the root pw. so, use u/n root, p/w what you set22:41
VampirePenguindid u get it from a movie dvd22:41
craigevilmarko-_-: http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-install-the-realplayer-multimedia-player22:41
neverblueAckerMANn, what seems to be the problem?22:41
bsdnewb07it didnt ask me to set one up craigevil22:41
AckerMANnso .. i want to write a line in interfaces ..22:41
VampirePenguinwell i would install libdvdcss2 and retry22:41
AckerMANnwhen i press esc : wq!22:41
VampirePenguinotherwise the file sounds corrupted22:41
AckerMANnwait to show you..22:42
neverblueAckerMANn, keep it to one line, thanks22:42
marko-_-huh i managed to install the real player because i didn't chmod it:P22:42
AckerMANn"interfaces" E212: Can't open file for writing22:42
bsdnewb07i did setup a user though, but when i do  sudo -i root it says its not in the sudoers list22:42
AckerMANnsorry scuse me ..22:42
bsdnewb07how do i add it without root22:42
neverblueAckerMANn, as I said once already, please keep posts to one line22:42
neverblueAckerMANn, is the issue with using vim? can you edit the file as sudo ?22:43
Berylliumneverblue: It sounds like his / or /etc is in read-only mode.22:43
marko-_-i managed to play it thanks all22:43
mike1980I am going to reinstall initramfs-tools do reboot see if this fixes the problem'22:43
AckerMANni`m root man ... i typed sudo su - , after that i .. vim interfaces i writed one line .. and press esc : wq! and .. shows me that erorr...22:43
VampirePenguinBeryllium: thats bc /etc is owned by root22:43
VampirePenguinnot user22:43
Berylliumah, so he should be using sudo chmod and sudo vim, eh?22:44
marko-_-and now i'm gonna watch scrubs yea! bye all22:44
neverblueAckerMANn, try nano :) sudo nano /etc/interfaces22:44
singlesuni have a large folder with many files in it... however some of these files are not complete.. seeing that it would take forever to delete all these.. is there an easy way to eliminate them all?22:44
AckerMANnwait a second please, i`ll try now ..22:44
neverblueAckerMANn, then ctrl-o saves, ctrl-x quits22:44
craigevilhttp://www.ubuntux.org/ubuntu-search/   Find everything about Ubuntu Linux, or http://www.google.com/linux fastet way to find the answers to your issues22:44
kingmorpheushey guys. i can anyone help me with some ssh user@host issues?22:45
bsdnewb07guys, how do i get into this damn Os22:45
lllsondowlllHey I have a problem. I installed ubuntu 7.10 and have a nvidia card and everytime ubuntu boots it displays corrupt video, I checked the how to and it gives me this command "lspci | grep -i nvidia" yet I don't what to do with it especially since I can't even boot the os22:45
bsdnewb07the user it asked me setup during install dosent have root privs22:46
neverblueAckerMANn, have you used pastebin before?22:46
AckerMANnwith sudo nano and CTRL-O after that : [ Error writing interfaces: Read-only file system ] .. i tried chmod 777 interfaces ... nothing ... another idea to resolve that problem ?22:46
catmistakeyo... is there an easy way to upgrade apache in edgy to current without upgrading the distro to gutsy?22:46
neverblue!pastebin > AckerMANn22:46
prince_jammysunagi:  go into X -- backup your working xorg.conf and try this one  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56560/ and reboot -- i'll be back in a little while -- have to eat22:46
Em0ry42I'm getting crackly audio in mplayer/vlc with all videos but not mp3's and audio files.  I'm using a realtek ac883 audio card. Gstreamer-ugly/bad -/multiverse codecs.  I'm completely out of ideas and nothing I've found online has helped22:46
TTilusbsdnewb07: it doesn't let you sudo?22:46
AckerMANnno man i didn`t used...22:46
kingmorpheuscan anyone help me with my ssh connection problem22:46
prince_jammysunagi: let me know if you got that last message22:47
neverblueAckerMANn, put the output from this command on pastebin 'ls -la /etc/interfaces', then copy the URL into the channel here22:47
neverblueAckerMANn, also, read the private message ubotu has sent to you22:47
TTilus!sudo | bsdnewb0722:47
ubotubsdnewb07: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:47
neverblue!anyone | kingmorpheus22:47
ubotukingmorpheus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:47
GoatzIs there a way to mount a ntfs drive and prevent same file name issues? (i.e. make sure file names test.txt and TEST.txt don't exists in the same folder?)22:47
prince_jammysunagi_: ?22:48
prince_jammysunagi_:  go into X -- backup your working xorg.conf and try this one  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56560/ and reboot -- i'll be back in a little while -- have to eat22:48
kingmorpheusneverblue good call. i tried ssh user@host. it connescts, asks me for a password. it tells me that the password is correct and that i'm in and then it say connection closed the next second. why is that???22:49
syrus1lllsondowll: change your xorg.conf to use vesa then when you get the desktop back install the nvidia drivers22:49
AckerMANnok man .. I understand .. but .. my problem isn`t resolved .. cand you help me ...?22:49
prince_jammyssorry about the repeat, had the nick wrong that last time22:49
freddy_Can anyone help me play a DVD in ubuntu 7.10?22:49
neverbluekingmorpheus, what command are you using to connect? is this in a terminal window?22:49
|Dreams|.me gutted just installed xp and before it isnatlled got an error22:49
|Dreams|trying diff disc now22:50
freddy_I've follow a bunch of instructions online to play DVDs but none has worked22:50
HoneycombHideoutAnyone installed Ubuntu on their PS3 before here?22:50
neverblue!who | AckerMANn22:50
ubotuAckerMANn: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:50
Em0ry42freddy_, are you using libdvdcss?22:50
AckerMANnneverblue: I understand .. but .. my problem isn`t resolved .. cand you help me ...?22:51
freddy_i think I am22:51
HoneycombHideoutI'm getting this message when I try to install Ubuntu on my PS3 http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/5179/m01a0340qs2.jpg22:51
neverblueAckerMANn, read my previous posts, and I would be more than happy to help22:51
Em0ry42freddy_, You should make sure libdvdcss is installed and unfortunately I think they changed the name to something else in Gutsy.  also you should play DVD's via vlc it seems to have the best DVD support out there22:52
arttiI have several users on computer, do i have to install flash for every user?22:52
kingmorpheusneverblue. it is my terminal. the command is : ssh user@host22:53
kingmorpheusthen it prompts for passwd22:53
=== Belorix is now known as Belorixx
neverbluekingmorpheus, do you have access (root) to the server, that your connecting to ?22:53
freddy_EmOry42: I've sent you a message22:53
=== apecat_ is now known as apecat
kingmorpheusneverblue. no its my workspace at school22:54
neverbluekingmorpheus, so you get no error on your end?22:54
symptom!fluxubuntu | symptom22:54
AckerMANn!fluxubuntu | AckerMANn22:55
kingmorpheusneverblue i don't and that's why i'm confused22:55
DARK48elevenfifty5: Hey man i used your exact code and it still didnt move it. Im hopeless.22:55
neverbluekingmorpheus, so the ssh session just completes after tha password prompt, then your just back to your local shell prompt?22:55
Em0ry42I'm getting crackly audio in mplayer/vlc with all videos but not mp3's and audio files.  I'm using a realtek ac883 audio card. Gstreamer-ugly/bad -/multiverse codecs.  I'm completely out of ideas and nothing I've found online has helped22:55
envie`hey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PowerBook G4 which is currently running Leopard, and I'm having some problems. is there anyone here who can help me?22:56
t3ch13Does anybody know where I can find information on getting the Realtek Audio working in Ubuntu22:56
unagi_NOW we are getting somewhere22:56
bluntmanI need help with iptables - I've got two eth cards - I'm trying to have eth1 forward the connection to a second computer - but I'm currently getting a RNETLINK no route error22:56
neverbluet3ch13, have you used alsamixer yet?22:56
kingmorpheusneverblue yes. basically. it admits the passwd and then connection closes22:56
t3ch13I've tried everything it looks like the card is there but no sound from the speakers22:57
scjp_i connected the external hard-drive but i cannot see it, how should i access the external hard-drive22:57
neverbluekingmorpheus, time to talk to the admin, by the sounds of things22:57
envie`hey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PowerBook G4 which is currently running Leopard, and I'm having some problems. is there anyone here who can help me?22:57
kingmorpheusof the server at school22:57
roxja-itscjp_: sudo fdisk -l22:58
diaficfor some reason, instead of listing ~/Desktop on my desktop, its listing ~/22:58
neverbluekingmorpheus, obviously, its not related to ssh22:58
kingmorpheusthanks neverblue22:58
scjp_roxja-it, didnt display the hard-disk name or something22:59
ShuggleDoes the server version of ubuntu have the x-windows system?22:59
roxja-itscjp_: it won't but you should be able to recognise it from the size of the disk22:59
neverblueShuggle, its command line22:59
voxShuggle: no22:59
diaficShuggle, no22:59
t3ch13Card When I run alsamixer I get Card HDA Intel, Chip Realtek ID 268 and both Master and PCM 100<>10022:59
diaficaptitude install ubuntu-desktop adds it though22:59
lllsondowlll Hey I have a problem. I installed ubuntu 7.10 and have a nvidia card and everytime ubuntu boots it displays corrupt video, I checked the how to and it gives me this command "lspci | grep -i nvidia" yet I don't what to do with it especially since I can't even boot the os22:59
diaficif I remember correctly22:59
voxShuggle: but you can install it afterwards22:59
BerylliumShuggle: No, but it can be apt-getted from the command line, if you have a lot of free time on your hands. :)22:59
neverbluet3ch13, ok, fine, ill ask you again, have you tried 'alsamixer' ?22:59
Lr5Umm, is it normal that if I play something on Youtube and then open file upload somewhere else, the video pauses and continues when I close the file selection window? (Ubuntu 7.10)23:00
ShuggleThanks. A friend wants to run a server, but he wants to be able to use vnc to control it23:00
norml_advocateWhat is KDE?23:00
t3ch13Neverblue that is what I get when running alsamixer23:00
Lr5!kde > norml_advocate23:00
oshit3ch13: do you see 82801H anywhere for your intel sound card?23:00
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.23:00
feshaI am having issues with my sound issues with mplayer and VLC, I am getting a crackly noise23:00
Lr5norml_advocate: there23:00
oshit3ch13: or ICH8?23:01
DARK48Anyone who remembers my problem. I re-read my manual for this game server and it says i should use the command cp libcxa.so /usr/lib/libcxa.so.1 when i try that it says there is no such file23:01
envie`hey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PowerBook G4 which is currently running Leopard, and I'm having some problems. is there anyone here who can help me?23:01
scjp_roxja-it, no it just display linux, then linux extended  and linux/swap solaris thats it23:01
neverblueenvie`, how about just asking your question?23:01
scjp_roxja-it, just only three linux23:01
scjp_roxja-it, just only three lines23:01
envie`neverblue, because i'm not even sure what to ask, I wanted to pm someone23:01
feshaI am not having problems with mp3's any suggestions?23:01
neverblueenvie`, that makes it very difficult, I suggest you find out what you want to ask first23:02
oshifesha: you aren't having problems?  why do you need suggestions?23:02
envie`basically, I can't get it to boot from the Live CD23:02
neverbluefesha, keep the questions on one line, it helps in such a busy channel23:02
mythrilWhy does it create a postscript file when I select cups/pdf from the printer list?23:02
feshaoshi: that was in addition to: I am having issues with my sound issues with mplayer and VLC, I am getting a crackly noise23:02
catmistakehelp me, I'm melting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69902923:02
neverblueenvie`, then use the ALT CD23:03
roxja-itscjp_: if your not seeing something like sdb I'm not sure. Is your external hard drive visable in windows?23:03
oshifesha: ahhh...23:03
envie`I dl'd the iso and burned it23:03
neverblue!ask | lllsondowlll23:03
ubotulllsondowlll: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:03
mikewhat happened to source-o-matic?23:03
neverblueenvie`, there are two media's available for Ubuntu, the Live and the ALT23:03
mikewhere can i get a full list of repositories23:03
syrus1i answeres u23:03
scjp_roxja-it, yes it does23:03
feshaneverblue: Sorry I was trying to keep things simple and I realized I for got my question at the end of the first one23:03
DARK48Anyone who remembers my problem. I re-read my manual for this game server and it says i should use the command cp libcxa.so /usr/lib/libcxa.so.1 when i try that it says there is no such file23:03
danbhfive!sourceomatic | mike I think this will work23:04
ubotumike I think this will work: source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.23:04
envie`neverblue, okay, so where do I get the ALT?23:04
neverbluefesha, same place you got the Live23:04
tenekHi yesterday i rebboted mi pc and the GUI didn't start, instead it just started the bash (and now does this everytime), so i run startx and the GUI starts but i get two errors (couldn't load HAL! and something about session switcher), and i can't reboot o turn off the computer from the GUI, i have to logout a type shutdown manually, plus the network connections don't work wireless or ethernet23:04
neverblueenvie`, * ^^23:04
roxja-itscjp_: do this from command line "cat /proc/partitions"23:04
mikeah ok thanks23:04
teneksomebay knows what might be wrong?23:04
danbhfivetenek: are you using gutsy?23:04
envie`neverblue, huh/23:04
mythrilWhy does it create a postscript file when I select cups/pdf from the printer list?23:05
neverblue!enter | envie`23:05
ubotuenvie`: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:05
norml_advocatewill all of my gnome drivers work in kubuntu?23:05
mikeah very nice indeed23:05
scjp_roxja-it, yep got some information displaying sda, sda1, sda2, sda5, loop0 and loop 123:05
neverbluetenek, what has changed, in your setup, that could have possibly caused it to not boot into X ?23:06
norml_advocatewill all of my gnome drivers work in kubuntu?23:06
lllsondowlllHas anyone have a answer for me?23:06
mythrilWhy does it create a postscript file when I select cups/pdf from the printer list?23:06
danbhfivelllsondowlll: what was the question?23:06
lllsondowlllI'm about to give up on ubuntu. I need help before I can even use it23:06
lllsondowlll Hey I have a problem. I installed ubuntu 7.10 and have a nvidia card and everytime ubuntu boots it displays corrupt video, I checked the how to and it gives me this command "lspci | grep -i nvidia" yet I don't what to do with it especially since I can't even boot the os23:06
teneki get a kinit error it says it can't find the image, starting normal boot23:06
feshaI am having issues with my sound issues with mplayer and VLC, I am getting a crackly noise. But I am not having problems with my mp3's, any suggestions?23:06
neverbluelllsondowlll, so its installed already?23:07
roxja-itscjp_: well ubuntu is seeing your drive at all so, are you sure its plugged in correctly and power up? you might check /var/log/messages for problems with the drive23:07
lllsondowlllYes sir23:07
neverbluetenek, can you answer the question directly please?23:07
tenekbefore that i was installig tcl/tk so i could run amsn23:07
scjp_roxja-it, oki23:07
neverbluelllsondowlll, and did you do anything, then rebooted, causing it to have this issue?23:07
tenekbut the tk installation didn't work23:07
tenekso i rebooted23:07
lllsondowlllIts because I have a nvidia card23:07
syrus1can you get a terminal23:07
neverblue!enter ? tenek23:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter ? tenek - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:07
lllsondowlllthe normal install did the same thing23:07
neverblue!enter > tenek23:07
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:08
neverblue!who > tenek23:08
Flare183yeah exactly23:08
lllsondowlllI get sound but its video is corrupt23:08
syrus1you need to reset it to vesa23:08
lllsondowlllso I used manual install23:08
neverblue!enter > lllsondowlll23:08
lllsondowlllthe alternate disk23:08
neverblue!who > lllsondowlll23:08
Flare183keep going neverblue23:08
neverblueguys, please read the rules of the channel23:08
ph0rensiclllsondowlll, How did you install the drivers for the card?23:08
neverblue!patience  > Flare183 :)23:08
Flare183it get annoying if you don't23:08
Flare183neverblue: i know this already so why are you tell me>'23:09
oshiCan someone suggest a good console based IM client?23:09
lllsondowlllneverblue I didnt use the enter key as a punctiation I was promted for more questions after I had entered my statement.23:09
unagi_how do i connect to a windows network23:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:09
=== linux__ is now known as Marcos123
unagi_not wireless dang it23:09
Flare183!samba | unagi_23:09
ubotuunagi_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:09
norml_advocatewill all of my gnome drivers work in kubuntu?23:09
norml_advocatewill all of my gnome drivers work in kubuntu?23:09
norml_advocatewill all of my gnome drivers work in kubuntu?23:09
Flare183!repeat | norml_advocate23:09
ubotunorml_advocate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:09
NigelSoshi: there's bitlbee for IM23:09
lllsondowlllI never installed the drivers for the card.23:09
unagi_norml_advocate: chill out dude23:09
lllsondowlllI can't even use the os.23:10
prince_jammysunagi_: does it work?23:10
syrus1lllsondowlll: rest your xorg.conf to vesa that will get you desktop back23:10
norml_advocateok get me info23:10
oshiNigelS: thanks, I'll try it out23:10
danbhfivenorml_advocate: whats a gnome driver?23:10
norml_advocategnome packages23:10
syrus1i had the same prob23:10
norml_advocatewireless device drivers23:10
Flare183norml_advocate: all packages are compatible with kde and gnome23:10
unagi_prince_jammys: dude i dont get what you did23:10
norml_advocatendis wrapper23:10
prince_jammysunagi_: what do you mean?23:10
Flare183norml_advocate: doesn't matter it still will work23:10
danbhfivenorml_advocate: well, gnome packages will work, but it will just install gnome as much as it needs to get it working23:11
unagi_it works23:11
unagi_i dunno why but it does23:11
danbhfivenorml_advocate: ndiswrapper is not part of gnome23:11
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
norml_advocatei already have ubuntu gutsy23:11
ph0rensicanyone know off-hand if vmwareplayer will work on 64-bit?23:11
norml_advocatewhats better about kubuntu? worse?23:11
unagi_wow that was easy........just install samba23:11
syrus1lllsondowlll hello23:11
Flare183norml_advocate: kubuntu uses kde23:11
prince_jammysunagi_: let me see if i understand this properly -- i just spent 20+ minutes looking through your files and editing your xorg.conf and when it works you dont message me or thank me?23:11
Flare183!kde | norml_advocate23:12
ubotunorml_advocate: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.23:12
Em0ry42I'm getting crackly audio in mplayer/vlc with all videos but not mp3's and audio files.  I'm using a realtek ac883 audio card. Gstreamer-ugly/bad -/multiverse codecs.  I'm completely out of ideas and nothing I've found online has helped23:12
norml_advocateif my internet stops working23:12
prince_jammysunagi_: i mean forget about thanking, at least let me know it works23:12
norml_advocateill keel you23:12
gluonmanWhat is a good program to use for webcam image capturing and video recording?23:12
mythrilWhy does it create a postscript file when I select cups/pdf while trying to print?23:12
LifeisfunnyI'm getting a 'Cannot open' warning box when I click a jpg.23:12
Flare183Lifeisfunny: you have to associate it with a program23:13
=== amauer is now known as hawke_
Flare183gluonman: camora*23:13
Lifeisfunnyhmmm, let me see23:13
Flare183!webcam | gluonman (i hope this helps)23:13
ubotugluonman (i hope this helps): Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:13
unagi_prince_jammys: i thanked you earlier man23:13
lllsondowlllHas anyone a solution for my problem?23:13
unagi_didnt know u didnt see it23:13
gluonmanFlare183, not much coming from there.23:13
ph0rensiclllsondowlll, What is the problem23:14
Flare183gluonman: Camorama Webcam Viewer23:14
unagi_thanks bro but what did u do differently23:14
gluonmanFlare183, I already have that.23:14
syrus1lllsondowlll: yes23:14
unfhow can i get toshiba_acpi installed into my ubuntu??23:14
gluonmanFlare183, you can't take video with it, and the picture is almost black.23:14
feshaDoes anyone know how to fix audio problems?23:14
CarbonfluxI use spcaview to test webcams23:14
Flare183gluonman: umm weird23:14
Flare183!who gigmark-roc23:15
Carbonfluxor, the spcatools in general23:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who gigmark-roc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:15
Flare183!who | gigmark-roc23:15
gluonmanFlare183, no that's not weird. That's everyone's experience with camorama.23:15
ubotugigmark-roc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:15
syrus1lllsondowlll: reset your xorg.conf to vesa that will get you desktop back23:15
gluonmanFlare183, camorama is just for testing a webcam.23:15
Flare183gluonman: oh really23:15
gluonmanFlare183, you can't really use it for much else.23:15
lllsondowlllsyrus I am new to irc I have messaged you in a different window because of the chaos.23:15
LifeisfunnyFlare183, ok, I just did a Image Viewer association it was on the gThumb Image Viewer and it didn't respond. I still got the warning box.23:15
Flare183gluonman: i don't know I haven't used my webcam in so long I don't know23:15
HelmersDoes the installer work with 256MB RAM? seems to be stalling -,-23:16
gluonmanFlare183, that's okay. My cam is working fine. I am just beginning to wonder about taking decent pictures and video with it, which I haven't done before.23:16
Flare183Lifeisfunny: I have no idea. i could be your mime configuration23:16
prince_jammysunagi_: i did what it said online, it seems that when you did it when of the steps was missing (copying a piece of the catted /proc file -- one number was wrong)23:16
unfhow can i get toshiba_acpi installed into my ubuntu??23:16
LifeisfunnyFlare183, any idea how to reset that?23:16
Flare183gluonman: there is a program that does that i just don't know what it is called23:16
unagi_all that because of one friggen number? lol23:16
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:17
Flare183Lifeisfunny: I don't know. I've heard it's difficult23:17
WhiteNerdHow do I make my own installer packages and change around the install disk?23:17
CarbonfluxcamE is also good if you want the webcam to run in the background and save images or upload the image via ftp to someplace23:17
gluonmanFlare183, I've been doing my research. And like some things, this just isn't a very well covered subject in Linux.23:17
neverblueHelmers, use the memtest on the CD to check the RAM, possibly a hardware issue23:17
lllsondowlllI am getting very frustrated I am new to irc and linux, this is all very difficult for me, I just wan't to get ubuntu to work. Can anyone help me in a query? This chat is much too chaotic to speak in.23:17
syrus1lllsondowlll: im not seeing it23:17
Flare183gluonman: I don't know23:17
lllsondowlllI messaged you in a query.23:18
WhiteNerdHow do I make my own installer packages and change around the install disk? I'm making an install disk with my own packages for a workstation.23:18
Helmersneverblue: I did, the ram is good... but the LiveCD said it needed 350+ for install, whereas the website says 256, so I'm not sure23:18
Cyr4xanyone uses bmpx 0.40.13?23:18
neverblueHelmers, buy some more RAM :D23:18
Cyr4xhow to save playlist in this app?\23:18
astro76lllsondowlll: you have to be registered to private message, also you seem to be seeing messages intended for you in here so perhaps you can handle the chaos ;)23:18
Cyr4xi can save .pls or .m3u file23:19
Helmersneverblue: not really an option, 'tis a laptop :<23:19
danbhfiveHelmers: can you get the partitioner working?23:19
Cyr4xbut that's not what i expect23:19
syrus1lllsondowlll: trying chat23:19
WhiteNerdHow do I make my own installer packages and change around the install disk? I'm making an install disk with my own packages for a workstation.23:19
Cyr4xwhen i restart program playlist is clean23:19
neverblueHelmers, possibly the 256 is based on the cli install, not the GUI (Live)23:19
Cyr4xand i always have to open this pls23:19
astro76Helmers: I'd probably use the alternate cd with that23:19
Helmersdanbhfive: probably in time, when it stops thrashing the CD I was thinking I could make a temporary swap23:19
Exershiohey everyone, can someone help me? I'm using Envy to install my Radeon 9550 drivers, but with the new drivers (8.02 or 8.01) everything goes very slow (70ish fps in glxgears). with the 8.40 drivers, I get like 2200fps in glxgears, however, with 8.40, I can't use compiz23:19
neverblue!envy | Exershio23:20
ubotuExershio: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:20
LifeisfunnyFlare183, thanks for your help23:20
WhiteNerdHow do I make my own installer packages and change around the install disk? I'm making an install disk with my own packages for a workstation.23:20
roxja-ithey lads, flash doesn't work at all for me outside of youtube. any ideas?23:20
ExershioWell, with the binary drivers from the Restricted Manager, nothing works23:20
ExershioSo I had to use Envy23:20
danbhfiveHelmers: well, if you can partition a swap space, you can enable it, and it will solve the memory issue23:20
danbhfive!customlivecd | WhiteNerd23:20
ubotuWhiteNerd: Creating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:20
lllsondowlllAnyway the problem isn't anything to do with the desktop. It has to do with my graphics card. I can't start ubuntu because my monitor and tv displays multiple colors and lines.23:20
neverblueExershio, if you say so, but in doing so, I am not sure you will find help here23:20
Helmersroxja-it: youtube uses an older version of flash, try upgrading23:20
credibleExershio: you should have just used the open source driver23:21
Exershiocredible: I need direct rendering23:21
Helmersdanbhfive: I'll keep my fingers crossed =)23:21
roxja-itHelmers: I have, have the latest version of gnash and adobe23:21
credibleExershio: and it provides 3d acceleration23:21
sebamdqi have a problem with Virtualbox, it say that modules are not enabled in the kernel, so it cant load de vboxdrv... But modules ARE enabled.23:21
syrus1lllsondowlll: log in a terminal type   sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   change your driver from "nv" or "nvidia" to "vesa" that will get your desktop back23:21
BagelMasterI have gotten a new error using rubytorrent (a program used to create torrents).  I used it to make 5 torrents last night, but it doesn't work now, this is all I get in the terminal when I try to start it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56561/23:21
Flare183mrtsunami: you finally decide to join #ubuntu23:22
Agent_bobwho is good at debugging "gdm"   it reports to start [ok] but all i get out of it is, it starts x to the cursor and then x exits.    no error messages, nothing.    ?23:22
lllsondowlllHow am I suppose to do that if I can't even get past ubuntus boot screen?23:22
Exershiocredible: I've had the 8.01 drivers working great before (used Envy), however, I can't seem to get them to work again. I don't know why. Is there any method that might get them performing well with direct rendering and compiz support?23:22
Helmersroxja-it: so what does this say: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_1550723:22
dsoffsdo the latest madwifi-ng's not neeed to be patched for aircrack?23:22
credibleExershio: no, fglrx is a buggy piece of junk23:22
mrtsunamiFlare183, I've done it several times before, just not while you've been in here. :)23:22
credibleit works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't23:22
danbhfive!envy | Exershio23:22
ubotuExershio: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:22
Flare183mrtsunami: haha yeah23:22
syrus1lllsondowlll: do you see the ubuntu and the bar23:22
lllsondowlllYes the spalsh screen.23:23
ExershioI'm not looking for Envy support. >_> I'm looking for general support with my Radeon 955023:23
ExershioAll I was saying is that Envy did work with 8.40. That's it23:23
syrus1lllsondowlll: hit ALT CTRL F123:23
iDivineHow do I change my password..23:23
roxja-itHelmers: GSH 8,0,99,023:23
lllsondowlllthen do what?23:23
Agent_bobiDivine passwd23:23
iDivineGor my log in.23:23
red22how can i access file shortcuts made in windows from linux (dual boot machine)?23:23
danbhfiveExershio: have you tried the restricted driver manager?  I can't help you though, if that doesn't work, sorry23:23
jjt009Is lulz a corruption23:23
syrus1u should see a login prompt23:23
jjt009i am anonymous23:23
danbhfivered22: the only way I know is to edit the file23:24
Exershiodanbhfive: I did, but I couldn't get 3d rendering to work that way.23:24
iDivineHow do I change my Log in password...23:24
mike1980Please help me I am getting this on boot Ubuntu 7.10 'kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot'   ??23:24
Agent_bobiDivine passwd23:24
jjt009go to system -> administration23:24
MasterShrekExershio, i doubt anyone here knows how envy works, so the fact that you used it to install drivers makes it hard to undo that23:24
MasterShrekjjt009, please stop23:24
BagelMasterI have gotten a new error using rubytorrent (a program used to create torrents).  I used it to make 5 torrents last night, but it doesn't work now, this is all I get in the terminal when I try to start it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56561/23:24
MasterShrekiDivine, sudo passwd <user>23:24
lllsondowllland what will the login promt do for me?23:24
MasterShrekmike1980, that is not a fatal error23:24
Helmersroxja-it: according to the site, latest is ""23:24
syrus1let u get a terminal23:24
lllsondowlllthank you very much23:24
jjt009my apologies23:24
Agent_bobMasterShrek why sudo passwd user      passwd should do the same thing ?23:25
lllsondowlllI will come back if I have any problems23:25
danbhfiveBagelMaster: it might work to delete any settings for the program that are in your in your home folder, Im just stabbing in the dark here23:25
ExershioWell, I have my computer performing well right now with the 8.40 drivers, and I have 3d acceleration. All I can't get working now is Compiz.23:25
red22danbhfive: seems like a pretty important piece of the "interoperability" puzzle to help ppl switch.. some software must do it...  perhaps gnome should handle them silently as well23:25
BagelMasterdanbhfive, I didn't do that.23:25
mike1980MasterShrek: if I don't do ctrl alt it just hangs23:25
Makdaamhi, how do I tell the network manager to leave my resolv.conf alone?23:25
MasterShrekAgent_bob, good point, but if hes not logged in as that user, then hell have to do it that way23:25
=== aaron is now known as thebinaryblob
jjt009anyway, does anyone know if there is a webcam driver for linux for the lenovo 3000 n100's webcam?23:25
roxja-itHelmers: of adobe but of not of gnash - since i have both installed how can i switch it too use the adobe flash player23:25
danbhfiveBagelMaster: you didn't do what?23:25
lllsondowlllSo hold cntl+alt+F1 during ubuntu boot to get to terminal and then type in "lspci | grep -i nvidia" ?23:25
roxja-itHelmers: tried uninstalling gnash but that didn't do the trick23:25
MasterShrekmike1980, im not sure, but thats not a fatal error, did you install your gfx card drivers?23:25
eric__Hi guys, I'm really struggling trying to extend my desktop to my 2nd monitor.  I have an Ati Radeon X1550 and I've tried restricted driver manager to no avail.  Any ideas?23:25
red22danbhfive: i tried editing the text in the windows shortcut but ubuntu can't figure out the right encoding and all i see is garbled symbols... any ideas?23:25
neverbluejjt009, take the output from lspci, and search the forums for your 'type' of webcam23:26
BagelMasterdanbhfive, I did* do that.  Sorry about that.23:26
MasterShrek!dual-head | eric__23:26
ubotueric__: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:26
syrus1when it done booting23:26
Makdaambefore someone suggests it sudo chmod a-w resolv.conf doesn't work23:26
Helmersroxja-it: can't really help you any further, sorry (not using linux)23:26
syrus1lllsondowlll: log in a terminal type   sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   change your driver from "nv" or "nvidia" to "vesa" that will get your desktop back23:26
roxja-itHelmers: thats ok, thanks anyway23:26
eric__thanks ubotu23:26
ExershioIf I do a fresh install on Gutsy, what would be the recommended way to get 3d rendering + compiz working without XGL?23:26
jjt009i've tried that, and somebody said that lenovo 3000 n100 is currently unsupported23:26
eric__I'll check it out now23:26
jjt009anyone know how to write such a driver?23:26
syrus1i had the same problem23:26
Agent_bobwho is good at debugging "gdm"   it reports to start [ok] but all i get out of it is, it starts x to the cursor and then x exits.    no error messages, nothing.  (btw startx works for all accounts)      ?23:26
lllsondowlllI will try that.23:26
mike1980MasterShrek: this is what happening to the t https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10314823:27
syrus1no prob23:27
neverbluejjt009, you want to write a driver for your own webcam, that is a bit off-topic for this channel23:27
danbhfivered22: are you sure?  hmph, it works for me.  Right click, and open in a text editor23:27
jjt009i guess i'll just buy a logitech webcam23:27
jjt009more support23:27
midid we see in gutsy qt 4.4 or in hardy ?23:27
Agent_bobalso it's not a free space issue, i already checked that.23:27
=== madmaxmad is now known as mad_max02
mad_max02hiya guys :D23:28
danbhfive!webcam | neverblue jjt00923:28
ubotuneverblue jjt009: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:28
solexious[q] Is there an app i can use to open a split archive? in windoes winrar does it for me...23:28
mike1980tarting up...23:28
mike1980Loading, please wait...23:28
mike1980kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/c7c2ccbc-18c3-4137-9cb2-f5cc7220f73) = sda7(8,7)23:28
mike1980kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/c7c2ccbc-18c3-4137-9cb2-f5cc7220f7323:28
mike1980kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot...23:28
jjt009ubotu: thanks23:28
FloodBot2mike1980: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:28
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:28
Cyr4xsolexious: standard gnome packager23:29
NigelSAgent_bob: what was recorded in this file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:29
jjt009great responses for a bot23:29
Starnestommymike1980: the thing about "no resume image" just means that it isn't returning from hibernation23:29
mad_max02I'm converting 500gb hdds into linux FS. Since I store lots of mp3 and video files whats the best file system ? I need them to be reliable.23:29
red22danbhfive: using ubuntu 7.10 gnome like me?  i get something about gedit not being able to detect character encoding.. open office does something similar..23:29
Cyr4xor ark if you use kde23:29
Agent_bobNigelS nothing useful.  it's not an x error23:29
neverbluedanbhfive, posting triggers to me is not necessary, but thanks :D23:29
Agent_bobNigelS x is working fine, but gdm wont run23:29
solexiousCyr4x: It doesnt open in it...23:29
mike1980Starnestommy: But I nver told it to hibernate23:29
red22danbhfive: i'm talking about the files that under linux appear as *.lnk23:29
danbhfivered22: that's weird, my links from windows are just text files23:29
Starnestommymike1980: which is why that message is showing up23:29
Cyr4xi always open split .rar files in gnome packager23:30
Starnestommymike1980: you can safely ignore it23:30
NigelSAgent_bob: then you've checked that you can get to working gnome session with startx?23:30
danbhfivered22: mine are url23:30
Slartmad_max02: ext3 is widely used.. lots of tools can handle it.. that's what I use23:30
Nelhello !23:30
jjt009any alternative libraries to gtkmm that would enable me to create gnome guis in ubuntu?23:30
Agent_bobNigelS yes, already mentioned that.23:30
Cyr4xif you mean rar, r01, r02, r03, etc. it always works23:30
Agent_bobwho is good at debugging "gdm"   it reports to start [ok] but all i get out of it is, it starts x to the cursor and then x exits.    no error messages, nothing.  (btw startx works for all accounts)      ?23:30
ahorriblemesshi, I just installed a number of themes via Synaptic... I can't find them. Is there a terminal command to locate recently installed packages?23:30
Agent_bobrepost   ^23:30
Slartmad_max02: there are lots of file systems available but for a home setup I don't think using something exotic is worth the trouble23:31
neverblueahorriblemess, themes? or packages?23:31
red22danbhfive: ahh i mean links to files on your computer not website links.. do file links work for you?23:31
mad_max02Slart, yeah I thought of using ext3 too. I read a lot about XFS, Reiserfs and other but I still think that ext3 is the best supported solution23:31
NigelSAgent_bob: and what's in the gdm logs?23:31
solexiousCry4x: yes i mean that type, what ext should i open, in windows its any of the r01, but that doesnt seem to work...23:31
Agent_bobNigelS where ?23:31
Slartmad_max02: reiser is better with lots of small files, afaik.. don't know about xfs. never used it23:31
NigelSAgent_bob: you can figure it out23:31
mad_max02Slart, and yes I have ext3 on main hdd23:31
Agent_bobNigelS i don't see a gdm log23:31
Cyr4x.rar should be the first file23:31
loxley_solexious: rar e *.rar .23:31
Cyr4xor maybe .r0123:31
mouseboyxis there a howto on how to use a ubuntu box as a firewall?23:31
neverblueCyr4x, its .rar23:31
mad_max02Slart, I have about 500.000 files that I need to store :D23:32
Cyr4xor maybe you don't have rar installed?23:32
ahorriblemessneverblue: themes I'm pretty sure, I marked things that said "theme", "splash page" and "wallpapers"23:32
mouseboyxsudo apt-get install rar23:32
solexiousCyr4x: apt-get install rar ?23:32
mad_max02ranging from few mb to +10GB23:32
neverblueahorriblemess, then you change those in the 'theme' manager, not from the command line...23:32
loxley_mouseboyx: no its the unrar package23:32
danbhfivered22: I don't know, but what kind of links are you trying to get working? executable ones?23:32
solexiousread my mind :)23:32
Makdaamoh, ubuntu it, I'm installing WICD23:32
Slartmad_max02: I use ext3 for my mp3-collection.. never had any problems with it23:32
omrihi can anyone help trying to install pcanywhere cross platform and it says no jvm found even though its installed23:32
red22danbhfive: say i have a link to "c:\doc.txt" in my windows desktop made within windows.  now i log into linux and browse to my windows desktop.  i want to use that link to somehow get to c:\doc.txt ...23:32
mike1980Starnestommy: it hangs there on boot up that the problem23:32
mike1980Starnestommy: I guess I could disable the hibernation23:32
prince_jammyswhat is the rar problem?23:32
ahorriblemessneverblue: yes I know, but they're not there, so I clicked "install themes" and I can't find where they were installed to23:33
mad_max02Slart, thanks. you just confirmed my opinion23:33
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:33
r00tHawKi am so lost :)23:33
mouseboyxrar and unrar are the same package if you install rar you can right click the file and extract.23:33
r00tHawKi have a network problem with my wireless card with 7.1...anyone23:33
Slartmad_max02: I have about 10k songs..23:33
NEUR0M4NCEREvening all!23:33
neverblueahorriblemess, and you are sure you used synaptic to install these themes?23:33
danbhfivered22: sorry, I don't know23:33
neverblue!anyone | r00tHawK23:33
ubotur00tHawK: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:33
neverblue!enter > r00tHawK23:34
ahorriblemessneverblue: absolutely... how could I not be/? There's only one Synaptic Package Manager23:34
xerxes1358he guys is it possible to install from internet directly ?23:34
danbhfive!netinstall | xerxes135823:34
ubotuxerxes1358: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:34
scjp_how can i get access to external hard-drive i connected it, and i can see the red light displaying23:34
neverblueahorriblemess, well, they are usually downloaded as a .tar, then u use the theme manager to add the new themes, they are not normally installed via synaptic....23:34
prince_jammysred22: you want to create a link to the txt file, and you want to create that link within the windows partition, correct?23:34
eric__I bought an ATI X1550 256 MB PCI-e card... should I save myself a lot of hassle and just get an Nvidia card?  I am within the return period.23:34
r00tHawKI have my wireless card (a Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG), and 7.10 .. I've followed all the instructions i can find...but now when i go to the network icon on the top bar it doesnt even show wireless networks anymore...just wired...23:35
NEUR0M4NCERIf anyone knows anything about conky... is it possible to make it word-wrap rss feeds, or do I need to use a .sh script to do that?23:35
unagi_wow networking is easy in linu23:35
red22danbhfive: ok, thanks for trying, i appreciate the effort.23:35
neverbluetry #networking23:35
Dr_willisNEUR0M4NCER,  the conky web site may have some examples. You can script it to do things like that I belive.23:35
red22prince_jammys: i will explain...23:35
r00tHawKanyone went through this and know what to do?23:35
K4kCan someone help me, I need to know how to sudo when I'm in the live cd23:35
K4kbut I don't know the default users sudo password23:36
omriset root password first23:36
prince_jammysred22: what i think you want to do is have a file that whenever you open it, really just points to another file ... am i right?23:36
clintonred22: man ls23:36
neverbluek4k so 'sudo su -' doesnt just give you root ?23:36
ahorriblemessneverblue: ah yes, sorry I used the wrong terms. What I meant to ask is, when I click "install" in the Appearance manager, it brings me to my home folder. But I can't seem to locate where they were installed to. I tried to find them through the terminal by typing "whereis theme" and "whereis themes"23:36
red22say i have a link to "c:\doc.txt" in my windows desktop made within windows.  now i log into linux and browse to my windows desktop.  i want to use that link to somehow get to c:\doc.txt from within linux.  preferably, say, by double-clicking it.23:36
Cyr4xon kubuntu live cd there is no root password23:36
clintonred22: err, man ln23:36
Cyr4xi just clicked enter23:36
ahorriblemessneverblue: i'll try theme name23:36
omriK4k through system administration users and groups23:37
prince_jammysred22: ok i can tell you how to do that23:37
neverblueahorriblemess, so you just cannot find the themes... ah, I see23:37
xerxes1358danbhfive: exactly which one do I need ?23:37
Agent_bobNigelS i may have found it.    looks like a permissions issue.   on /usr   750  not 755   ;/23:37
EmmerPIs there any way to raise the window list of the Window Selector applet with a keyboard shortcut?23:37
red22clinton: i know ln, but i mean to do something a little different23:37
r00tHawKIf anyone is experienced with troubleshooting wireless on laptops, please get ahold of me .. i need to try to fix this today23:37
red22clinton: ty though23:37
prince_jammysred22: ln -s /path/to/original/file  /path/to/link/file23:37
xerxes1358danbhfive: netboot ?23:37
danbhfivexerxes1358: I don't know, it depends on what you are looking for23:37
neverbluer00tHawK, did you get the driver installed ?23:37
ahorriblemessneverblue: nevermind I got it. /usr/share/doc I didn't realize there was a tab if you right click>properties on the installed package in synaptic23:37
ahorriblemessthanks though!23:37
prince_jammysred22: the first file is your existing doc.txt  ,, the second file you makeup (it cannot already exist)23:37
Cyr4xanyone knows a real vista theme port for gnome? i did my own with murrine engine but i want some exact copy with pixmaps23:38
Agent_bobNigelS yeah that was it.    thanks anyway.23:38
BagelMasterI have gotten a new error using rubytorrent (a program used to create torrents).  I used it to make 5 torrents last night, but it doesn't work now, this is all I get in the terminal when I try to start it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56561/23:38
prince_jammysred22: whenever you open the link, you will really be opening doc.txt23:38
r00tHawKi did everything in the instructions and to no avail23:38
red22prince_jammys: ok suppose i have a folder full of shortcuts to files on my C:\ drive.  these files i'm not exactly sure where they are on the c:\ drive but i want to access them from linux... i'm trying not to have to create the links from scratch in linux23:38
prince_jammysred22: am i clear?23:38
neverbluer00tHawK, please answer the question, directly, else I wont waste my time23:38
damien_wuts up ubuntu!!23:39
damien_anyone else having problems with bluetooth mice?23:39
prince_jammysred22: ah that's more difficult, because essentially you want to automate the process i described above for all those files23:39
neverbluer00tHawK, ok, so with the driver successfully loaded, did you edit any files?23:39
leeping2009Hello: How do I get a list of the loaded modules when Ubuntu is running?23:39
r00tHawKyes, i followed all the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68435923:40
atrusmy laptop's ps2 keyboard and touchpad occasionally stop working completely, usually with a key stuck repeating. i can plug in an external mouse to hit suspend & resume, at which point everything works right again. i'm sort of lost as to what to investigate. any ideas?23:40
Dr_willisleeping,  lsmod command.23:40
leeping2009Dr_willis, thanks!23:40
red22prince_jammys: but it shouldn't be so difficult since the windows-created link to that file MUST somehow store a pointer to the file it is a shortcut to, right?23:40
xerxes1358Can someone please guide met through a install of Ubuntu through internet??'23:40
neverbluer00tHawK, is your card supported?23:40
r00tHawKyes it is23:40
NigelSred22: a windows style shortcut is a windows specifc file, a .lnk or whatever they call it - this of course doesn't work in linux or any other OS for that matter.  You probably could automate the process of creating shortcuts for those files but you'd need to be ok with bash23:40
prince_jammysred22: yes, but i dont know how windows does it-- what do the shortcut file names look like?23:40
danbhfivexerxes1358: are you installing from windows?23:40
red22prince_jammys: most probably as text holding the full path to the file23:40
r00tHawKbut now it isnt even recognized...unlike before when it was...now it just shows wired connection23:40
BagelMasterI have gotten a new error using rubytorrent (a program used to create torrents).  I used it to make 5 torrents last night, but it doesn't work now, this is all I get in the terminal when I try to start it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56561/23:41
Dr_willisred22,  i thouht the windows .lnk files were text files. try opening one in vi.23:41
prince_jammysred22: ok, i was thinking maybe their file names might help ... i'm going to look, i have some of those myself23:41
neverbluer00tHawK, where is the error then?23:41
NigelSred22: they're binary iirc23:41
xerxes1358danbhfive: I have a LIVEdvd. But the DVD seems to be damaged and hangs at 51% every time.23:41
iluvxbinsHey syrus what was that command you gave me again to fix my display problem?23:41
r00tHawKim new to linux - and i didn't get any errors when folloowing instructions...it just wont work...i cannot use my wireless...ethernet works fine..23:42
red22prince_jammys: thanks for looking, i'll wait to see if you can figure anything out23:42
iluvxbinsThis is lllsondowlll I forgot to log out before shutting off my pc, and I'm stuck logged into irc.23:42
prince_jammysred22: it seems that they have extensions .lnk --- check it out23:42
red22NigelS: it just seems so weird that this doesn't work "out of the box".. it would really help linux migration23:42
kbrooksgnome-power-manager THINKS THAT THIS IS An ac computer23:42
kbrooksbut it is not23:42
kbrooksand i need to fix that23:42
neverbluer00tHawK, have you done any form of troubleshooting? what results did you find...thats the 'error' I am looking for23:42
NigelSred22: why on earth is it weird?23:42
kbrooksgnome-power-manager THINKS THAT THIS IS An ac computer23:43
kbrooksbut it is not23:43
r00tHawK  *-network UNCLAIMED23:43
r00tHawK       description: Network controller23:43
r00tHawK       product: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI23:43
r00tHawK       vendor: Broadcom Corporation23:43
r00tHawK       physical id: 023:43
r00tHawK       bus info: pci@0000:03:00.023:43
FloodBot2r00tHawK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:43
greg-gdoes installing video drivers (nvidia-glx-new) require a complete reboot, or is restarting X enough?23:43
kbrookswhat to do to fix that?23:43
neverbluekbrooks, please post your question clearly, on a single line, thanks23:43
clintongreg-g: sometimes a reboot, YMMV23:43
danbhfivegreg-g: I think it only needs an x restart23:43
prince_jammysred22: it looks like it's more difficult than you think.  the contents of one .lnk file i looked at are not ASCii , not plain text23:43
Dr_willisred22,  given how many issues ive had with windows 'shortcuts' in the past. :) i tend to avoide them as much as possible.23:43
xerxes1358danbhfive: and ?23:43
r00tHawKit says network unclaimed when i type lshw -C network23:43
greg-gclinton: danbhfive: thanks23:43
red22NigelS: well ubuntu makes it easy to import your contacts and bookmarks and other odds and ends from your windows partition, but out of complete oversight, forgot all about to links to your own local files.23:44
kbrooksgnome-power-manager thinks that i have only an ac power supply, but i dont. i want it fixed because i was unaware of this low batt until i came here23:44
clinton./topic When feeling outsmarted by others, go to #ubuntu to feel better.23:44
r00tHawKany idea23:44
kbrooksi set services, disabling acpid/apmd23:45
Dr_williskbrooks,  i recall clicking on the systmodem tray power icon (i think) and tellit it i was on battery  - but im rarely on battery. :)23:45
prince_jammysred22: heh, its a big job to make an OS and have to take another OS (that doesnt support any other OS's formats) into account23:45
danbhfivexerxes1358: um, two thoughts, you could run a checkdisk option on the disk, or you could boot up the livecd, and setup the netinstall, but I haven't done that myself23:45
NigelSred22: it's not an oversight - most shortcuts for one thing are to windows binaries - which can for the most part not be run and under no circumstance without something like wine23:45
r00tHawKwhat does Network Unclaimed mean when i type lshw -C network....23:45
red22Dr_willis: yeah i would like to avoid them too, but i don't really have much choice since i have hundreds of them i need to work well.. everytime i log into linux the reason i have to pop back into windows is to be able to find things linked by the shortcuts23:45
NigelSred22: whereas contact details etc are personal info - noting to do with programs23:45
NigelSred22: I think a better question is why you work with hundreds of shortcuts - that seems like you've got a very disordered drive23:46
prince_jammysred22: they also make it difficult to do on purpose23:46
Dr_willisNigelS,  i was going to say that.. but dident want to sound rude. :)23:46
prince_jammysin general23:46
eric__Where is the xorg.conf?23:46
BagelMasterI have gotten a new error using rubytorrent (a program used to create torrents).  I used it to make 5 torrents last night, but it doesn't work now, this is all I get in the terminal when I try to start it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56561/23:46
clintoneric__: /etc/X1123:47
caveman24Now this is weird... my cdrw has alwase worked.... until I upgraded to gutsy....  now I cant use it at all, sudo lshw doesent even show that I have a cdrom, but it shows in my bios, what happened?23:47
prince_jammyseric__: /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:47
kbrooksgnome-power-manager thinks that i have only an ac power supply, but i dont. i want it fixed because i was unaware of this low batt until i came here23:47
kbrooksi set services, disabling acpid/apmd23:47
red22NigelS: if the shortcut is to an exe it should just tell you so, if it's a text or pdf file (like in my case) then it should just do what you'd expect and open it.23:47
kbrooksbut they're re-enabled, and after a reboot the same happens!23:47
xerxes1358danbhfive: can we do the netinstall together ?23:47
clintoneric__: also, if you know the file name but don't know where it is, try locate xorg.conf23:47
bluefoxxwhats the command for writing a floppy disk image?im trying to make a bootable freedos disk and i need to update a bios23:48
Dr_willisred22,  a quick google hit finds --> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/follow-windows-shortcuts-from-linux-617917/23:48
NigelSred22: so you really  think that you would wnat a stock ubuntu install to populate the desktop with hundreds of windows shortcuts blobs which "tell" you if it links to an exe but otherwise organise your pdf files?  I don't think that's very realistic23:49
red22prince_jammys: i guess they could make it difficult on purpose, but i doubt that they would go out of their way to encrypt or otherwise mangle something so simple as a file shortcut.  but everything's possible i suppose.23:49
danbhfivexerxes1358: so, what OS can you get running on the computer?23:49
ikerc0./j #gnome23:49
prince_jammysred22: find one of those .lnk files, move to the folder where it is and type ::: strings file_name.lnk  <--- this might work23:49
ikerc0oups ;)23:49
xerxes1358danbhfive: I have formatted the laptop. I have now only the ubuntu dvd.23:49
NigelSred22: this is microsoft - they make lots of things unnecessarily complicated23:49
bluefoxxhow do i write a floppy disk image from terminal?23:49
m1rhi all23:49
Zombocommy friend has a powerPC architecture and wants to install ubuntu23:49
Zombocomhow does she do this23:50
Dr_willisred22,  given the stuff ives seen MS has done in the past.. I wouldent put it past them.. that URL i pasted has a script for reading .lnk files23:50
danbhfivexerxes1358: start with this, ill help ya http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html23:50
xerxes1358danbhfive: I just want to install ubuntu + Gnome and get going from there23:50
Dr_willisred22,   i have no windows links to even test the scripts. So good luck23:50
m1ri have image of game which is in *.bin file. how can i mount it on ubuntu to try to install game ?23:50
danbhfivexerxes1358: actually, nvm23:50
neverbluem1r, is it a linux game?23:51
Dr_willism1r,  what game.. You probely RUN the insaller. not mount it.23:51
caveman24powerPC + linux = TOTALLY ROCKS!!!  a 400Mhz G3 made my pentium3 733 look like a 286...LOL23:51
bluefoxxhow do i write a floppy disk image?23:51
danbhfivexerxes1358: that page sucks23:51
xerxes1358danbhfive: I was about to say that23:51
xerxes1358danbhfive: It needs windows23:51
m1rneverblue: , Dr_willis , it is image of original game but extractd in *.bin , my original is wasted23:51
Dr_willisbluefoxx,  dd if=disk.image of=/dev/floppy (or similer /dev entry)23:52
bluefoxxDr_willis, ok, tyvm ^^23:52
Dr_willism1r,  you mean to say  its an image of a windows game cd?23:52
NigelSred22, Dr_willis  - behold the simplcity of a windows shortcut http://mediasrv.ns.ac.yu/extra/fileformat/windows/lnk/shortcut.pdf ; some unkind people might suggest that a few lines of text would do much the same thing I guess23:52
m1rDr_willis: yes23:52
xerxes1358danbhfive: I have cleaned the dvd again. Let me try to install again23:52
prince_jammysred22: yes, i can see the file it points to ... but it's still not simple since other strings also show up and it's in the form C:\blahblah which would have to be converted to the mount point23:52
Dr_willisNigelS,  yes MS uses binary for them.. when text like .desktop files would work better :)23:52
bluefoxxDr_willis, does it have to have the .img extension?23:53
jonnymacwhy will my USB speakers work in rhythmbox but not in firefox or in VLC? 'Tis very frustrating.23:53
xerxes1358Is it possible to download another copy of the LiveDVD and burn it while IN liveDVD ?23:53
FuriousMojoIs there anyone that can PM me and help me get my dual monitor setup workign.  I just want to extend my desktop to my 2nd screen.23:53
red22Dr_willis: aha.. good find.  i do that often... it's not that i don't search first (everyone hates those ppl ;) it's just i always search for the wrong words (nothing useful comes up for "access windows links from linux"23:53
Pricey!ppc | Zombocom23:53
ZombocomHOW DO INSTALL IT23:53
ubotuZombocom: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:53
test__How can delete the keyring entry from my home directory i lost the password ??23:53
NigelSDr_willis: one guy on a forum just said "why fight against this?" :)23:53
pac1I have tomcat installed, but don't know where its root is.  Most stuff I'm familiar with is under www/webapps.  Tomcat seems to be a bit different.  Where can I find Tomcat's root?23:54
Dr_willisi wont go into the # OF times ive had windows programs try  load a .lnk file  instead of following it...23:54
* Condoulo is away: 23:54
danbhfivexerxes1358: use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows23:55
bluefoxxDr_willis, ok, i got it now, thanks[though its fd0 not just floppy on my comp]23:55
danbhfivexerxes1358: start at The netboot approach23:55
prince_jammysred22: there is a cheap way of doing it that would work if you don't have files with the same name23:55
Dr_willisbluefoxx,  used to be floppy was a link to fd023:55
kbrooksok brb23:55
Dr_willisbluefoxx,  but i dot even have a floppy in my stuff any more23:56
Dr_willis!ask | clic123:56
ubotuclic1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:56
xerxes1358danbhfive: I dont have a OS installed anymore.23:56
prince_jammysred22: what is the name of the folder where you have the windows partition?23:56
red22NigelS: crikey.. that totally ruins my expectations of building a little script to handle windows links myself...23:56
NigelSred22: you can if you do as those guys did and just get the string data from the binary which will prob be enough23:56
hasrethi channel23:57
NigelSred22: you can prepend the actual mountpoint then of your windows drives as a substitute for the windows drive letter and then generate a symlink23:57
clic1ok, so I have Compiz and xgl(or whatever it is) I can't seam to add workspaces, it only offers rows and columns, I have 2x2, but it only has 2 workspaces on it - what a do?23:57
danbhfivexerxes1358: can you do the first few steps from the live disk?23:57
KelebekTurkce734eyy :D23:57
GoClickWhat do you guys think of the LPIC certifications?23:57
hasretNirdesin Gýz.23:57
=== KelebekTurkce734 is now known as yimet
yimeteha burdain23:57
danbhfivexerxes1358: ie, partition, and get to a terminal, create a /boot folder, access the net23:57
Pricey!en | hasret yimet23:57
ubotuhasret yimet: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:57
test__hasret kaldin yani23:57
test__English here yes .23:58
lllsondowlllHey I have a problem. I installed ubuntu 7.10 and have a nvidia card and everytime ubuntu boots it displays corrupt video, I checked the how to and it gives me this command "lspci | grep -i nvidia" yet I don't what to do with it especially since I can't even boot the os. syrus recommend I held cntrl+alt+F1 he said this is how to get to the terminal but what he failed to mention is it is in the operating system. That will not work beca23:58
hasretPricey Ok Ok. :)23:59
NigelSlllsondowlll: you can enter recovery mode at the boot menu - this won't try and start xorg23:59
test__lllsondowlll: try    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:59
test__after the Configuration startx23:59
DocfxitMy DNS isn't working . I have the DNS setup in Networking setup. I have other PC's on the same LAN that DNS is working just fine . Any ideas?23:59
lllsondowlllOk, I will try recovery mode then.23:59
test__but make you shure you have installed the pripoerity Driver glx23:59

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