[06:46] good morning === jonnnylamb is now known as jonnylamb [12:28] Hi, is there again a general FF exeption for telepathy packages? [13:49] bigon: I don't believe so, but it should be possible to grant exceptions if we need them? [13:52] it was scottk who was asking for telepathy-salut actually [13:57] I'm happy with us pulling in good new releases from upstream, but that requires somebody to actually do the QA on them === asac_ is now known as asac [14:51] Looks like there's a new LUM that supersedes what's in the PPA. This breaks Menlow systems, since the latest PSB patches aren't in the new LUM. I'm building a new LUM for the PPA now. [14:57] smagoun: who uploaded it? [14:58] amitk: Tim Gardner, maybe? [14:58] It looks like Jay's PSB patches went into the Hardy LUM tree just after 2.6.24-8.13 went out [15:00] smagoun: I misread your first statement. It makes sense now. Yes there is a new LUM in Hardy. And yes, uploading it to the PPA will fix the problem. === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [15:04] smagoun: are the x drivers changes in hardy yet? [15:05] *X driver [15:15] hello there [15:16] I packaged obex-data-server and now it is uploaded to the archives; would it be possible to make bluez-gnome depends on it ? [16:11] Ubuntu Development Week is up and running in #ubuntu-classroom! [16:12] amitk: sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I don't think the X driver changes are in Hardy yet, that is a question for bryce. [16:12] smagoun: i noticed you haven't uploaded LUM yet, need help? [16:13] amitk: I had a call. I'm back working on it now; I'll let you know if I need anything. Thanks! [16:14] amitk: I just realized I don't have commit access to kernel.u.c, so I'll need someone to upload to the hardy-ume-lum tree when the time comes. [16:15] smagoun: i can do that, if you pass me the changesets [16:15] amitk: ok, thanks. === cprov is now known as cprov-out [22:33] amitk: I posted a diff of the hardy lum-->PPA lum: http://people.ubuntu.com/~smagoun/hardy-ume-lum-2.6.24-8.13-update.patch [22:33] amitk: If you'd prefer another format, please let me know [22:34] smagoun: 'git format-patch -o /tmp origin' please? [22:38] amitk: Would you prefer I email those patches or post them to people.u.c? [22:38] smagoun: how many are they? [22:38] amitk: 12 [22:38] smagoun: just attach them in an email to me [22:38] amitk: will do. Thanks for your help on this. [22:39] smagoun: np, thanks for taking care of lum [23:42] launchpad question. When creating a bug, can I add multiple attachments to it at the same time? (e.g. with some delimeter ";" ? )