[00:11] aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity [00:11] so compiz is a window manager. i thought it was just an effects..."engine" [00:12] flipstar: "did you update?" [00:13] it seems like compiz just isn't running. [00:13] can someone please pastebin me the sources.list for Hardy? === mssever is now known as mssever|away [00:19] compiz isn't working when i log in, and won't fall back to metacity. [00:20] !compiz [00:20] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [00:20] what is jockey? [00:21] !info jockey-common hardy [00:21] jockey-common (source: jockey): user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 38 kB, installed size 872 kB [00:23] cool [00:23] exactly how unstable is hardy lol [00:26] unstable [00:26] to me.. [00:27] but at least it allows me to see my mouse arrow as an arrow instead of a white block, so i'm stuck with it. [00:27] here it is rock stable [00:28] except few exceptions [00:32] Hardy is not unstable as in "crashes a lot" (although this may well be the case, too). Hardy is unstable as in "don't expect what works to day to work tomorrow". [00:37] good point [00:50] anyone have a bookmark explaining the difference in ubuntu kernels? [00:50] generic-server-rt? [00:50] realtime [00:50] rt is for realtime apps mostly [00:50] right [00:57] yes [00:57] brb [00:57] updates are finally fixed [01:05] (06:57:46 PM) Tuv0k: updates are finally fixed [01:05] current topic is: Yes, python-central is broken (bug #192992). | [01:05] Launchpad bug 192992 in python-central "[hardy] pycentral crashed with ValueError in parse_versions()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192992 [01:05] is that that? [01:05] it is fixed anyway [01:07] shouldn't the status be in Progress or Fix committed? [01:09] right the topic also should have changed [01:10] how do you mount a usb stick as /cdrom in the alt installer? [01:26] Why isn't Songbird packaged for Hardy? [01:26] How come Songbird isn't packaged for Hardy? [01:28] RyanPrior: Because no one has packaged it yet? === macd_ is now known as macd [01:28] RyanPrior: Because no one is interested enough to package it? [01:30] I really need to learn how to create debian packages. [01:30] * danielm updating [01:31] RyanPrior: Heh. That's why *I* know how to create debian packages :) [01:31] RAOF: I've got a laundry list of programs I'd love to see packaged. [01:32] Now I just gotta learn how to do it rather than filing needs-packaging bugs. :-) [01:44] wtf/ my shift key is broken. [01:44] and pgup is stuck. [01:44] this is really getting annoying1 [01:44] can't even ctrl-alt-backspace1 [01:45] Your keyboard sucks. I don't have any problems :) [01:45] Or maybe compiz is messing with your head. [01:46] I had to sysrq-k it. [01:46] It's not my keyboard. [01:46] It's Xorg. [01:46] My Xorg loves me. [01:46] Even when I use compiz. [01:49] Try going to this page in Firefox, and holding pgdn. But make sure to save work first, since you may have to alt-sysrq-k Xorg. [01:49] http://connect.creativelabs.com/linux/Lists/Driver%20Issues/AllItems.aspx [01:51] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/124406 [01:51] Launchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [01:52] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185208 [01:52] Launchpad bug 185208 in ubuntu "Ctrl+Alt keys "stuck"" [Undecided,Incomplete] [01:53] DanaG: Paged up & down several times all the way; no problems. [01:53] Odd. [01:54] Hmm, this time it didn't get stuck. [01:54] I mean, I just tried it again, and it didn't get stuck. [01:54] okay, i think i figured it out; [01:55] try vscrolling with mouse and pressing pgup or pgdn at the same time. [01:55] ... and I got it unstuck again by doing the same. [01:56] DanaG: oh, -that- worked. [01:56] Last night, I got my ctrl key stuck, but then managed to sysrq-R and then reapply xkbconfig to unstick it... [01:57] however, my touchpad still thought the ctrl key was stuck down. [01:57] It was reeally really odd. [01:57] how does one unstick it, again/ [01:57] same thing. [01:57] scroll wildly while holding the same key. [01:58] Ah, there we go. [01:58] Right, bug confirmed. [01:58] When I unstuck my keyboard last night, all keyboard shortcuts broke due to the magic-sysrq; however, ctrl-c and such in console still worked.... but, when I tried to click or scroll with my touchpad, I got ctrl+whatever. [02:00] Another thing that makes the keyboard stickyness worse is using evdev for keyboard. When I did that, I'd get 'super' stuck just about every single time I used it. [02:00] s/used it/used it with Compiz, especially on scrolling/ [02:04] great, ctrl key is being buggy. [02:04] Press ctrl-a-a, you get the letter 'a' and then a select-all. Oh, and key repeat isn't working. [02:08] Another odd thing is that holding both ctrl keys at once, and then pressing a letter, gives no output in xev. [02:10] Gah. It breaks key-repeat. [02:11] yeah, really irritating. [02:11] why dont you file bug reports instead [02:12] Because I've only just managed to reproduce it. I will be hunting for a bug to add this to, though. [02:12] Also try typing stuff and then doing ctrl-a to select all. [02:13] Nah, that works for me. [02:13] Often you'll get the letter 'a' three times before the ctrl-a takes effect. [02:13] s/you/I/ [02:13] As long as emacs & screen are sufficient guides. [02:13] I mean, ctrl-a-a-a-a gives aaa [02:13] 'xev' is useful, too. [02:14] And 'CONTROL_L' + 'CONTROL_R' + 'a' gives nothing whatsoever. [02:16] hardy is broken at the moment. for those who are running 2.6.24-8 and all things python related. be patient/ [02:20] * DanaG hits ctrl-alt-backspace again... grrr. [02:20] oops, didn't work. [02:21] Time for magic sysrq again! Lovely! [02:21] state 0xc, keycode 22 (keysym 0xfed5, Terminate_Server), same_screen YES, [02:22] in XEV. Odd... ctrl-alt-backspace is being passed to xev. That's really odd. [02:23] Are there Virtualbox kernel modules available for the latest Hardy kernel? [02:23] (EE) Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm [02:24] RyanPrior: debian 412437 [02:24] Debian bug 412437 in wnpp "ITP: songbird -- desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/412437 [02:24] I believe I mentioned as much in #ubuntu-motu not too long ago [02:24] The debian bug tracker sucks. I'm not a member of the Debian community, don't intend to join, and so I can't even look at their bugs? Fuck them. [02:25] huh? [02:25] that Web page is very much public. What are you on about? [02:25] Ah, it's a bug in my system. Fuck me for jumping to conclusions. === crimsun_ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy in #ubuntu | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", update without checking what is to be updated, or do not know how to resolve dependencies with apt, DO NOT RUN HARDY | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto [02:26] (python-central fixed) [02:28] The main problem with Ubuntu at this point is lack of support for networking in Nautilus due to gvfs. I wish they had waited longer to integrate it. [02:29] yay [02:31] are python related upgrades available now [02:34] Time to purge and reinstall xorg, after saving xorg.conf... [03:00] What's the ubotu 'what package has this file' command? [03:00] !find [03:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:00] Hey, ubotu. I put a space in front of that so that you wouldn't catch it! [03:01] /var/lib/xkb [03:01] !find /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm [03:01] Package/file /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm does not exist in hardy [03:01] (EE) Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm [03:03] Keymap not loading might explain some of these issues. [03:03] !find /var/lib/xkb/ [03:03] Package/file /var/lib/xkb/ does not exist in hardy [03:05] For now, I'm booting Windows because having broken repeat is really a blocker for productivity. [03:06] can anyone else get help from chanserv? [03:09] Hey guys, I've got a question as to how Dapper -> Hardy upgrades are working if there's no linux-image-686 transitional packages in hardy? (or at least, not on the alt CD or in packages.ubuntu.com) [03:09] dapper -> hardy? [03:09] yikes [03:10] lts -> lts [03:10] yah [03:10] is being tested and perfected [03:10] is ESSENTIAL [03:10] bderrly: thanks for testing that [03:10] lamalex, hmm? [03:11] oh, I thought you were testing it sorry [03:11] :P [03:11] right, but I was under the impression (about a year ago) that itd just have appropriate transitional packages, and would be like anything else. But I don't see those trans packages, so wondering how its actually done [03:11] I have no idea [03:11] did you look in the wiki? [03:11] or launchpad? [03:11] The don't really specify. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places [03:12] I actually just popped in for help with this -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/193561 [03:12] Launchpad bug 193561 in rhythmbox "MTP plugin lacks proper permissions to interface with device" [Undecided,New] [03:12] if anyone has an MTP based device with the same problem [03:16] hello, i love firefox 3, but some of teh addons that i require to do my work (firebug in particular) do not work. how can i install firefox 2? [03:17] it upgraded to 3 a while ago [03:17] phroughy: often you can install ff2 addons in ff3 if you just edit the file that sets a max version [03:17] also, check the development sites of the plugins you use for beta ff3 versions [03:18] lamalex: ok, i will try that, were is the file that sets a max version? [03:18] i forget off hand, it's a .rft file [03:18] just save the .xpi to disk, open it with your archiver program and edit that file [03:18] k, thanks [03:18] yup [03:18] good luck [03:18] phroughy, i don't see any ff2 packages in the repos anymore, but i'm willing to bet there is some user that was annoyed by the switch and has made a ff2 deb [03:19] or pull it down from mozilla [03:30] I came back; office 2003 is too ugly for me to bear. [03:31] lol. [03:31] miss the ribbons? [03:32] lamalex: well i edited the rdf inside the xpi, now how do i install it to ff3 [03:32] Actually, it's just that Office 2003 under Vista looks fugly. It totally ignores the OS coloring, and draws its own controls. [03:35] Oh, and I figured out that error -- it's a decoy. I was giving 'setxkbmap' an invalid parameter and it was manifesting as not creating a temp file it needed to create. [03:35] drag and drop [03:35] open up add-ons, and drop the xpi into it [03:36] i figured it out (i think) by right click->open with-> then type firefox [03:36] and it works like a charm! [03:36] thank you lamalax! [03:36] lamalax++ === lamalex is now known as lamalex_1 [03:37] ! === lamalex_1 is now known as lamalex [03:38] Oh, another odd thing: my taskbar is showing all windows from all workspaces, despite me having set it to only show the current workspace. [03:40] DanaG: ensure that "number of desktops" is set to 1 [03:41] it is set to 1, but it's not ACTING like it's set to 1. [03:41] any one else having problems with gnome-clock? [03:41] My pager is switching between different cubes, it seems. [03:43] Hmm, if I set it to 2 and then back to 1, it works properly now. [03:53] i see google earth and sketchup aren't in the partner repositories yet [03:54] whoa, neither is picasa [03:54] if they could take care of that before hardy is released, it'd be great [03:55] i'm sure google would be quite happy to see that happen [03:55] as well as everyone not 1337 enough to use blender [03:55] ..or who doesn't want to have to open a web browser just to install google earth [03:55] should i put this in ideapool, or is it good enough just to have said what i did? [03:56] isn't the partner repo generally lacking during the development phase? [03:56] is there a masters of the multiverse channel? [03:56] oh, well if that's the case, that's fine [03:56] #motu [03:56] i just want to be sure those are in there before release [03:56] ubuntu-moto sorry [03:56] motu jeeze [03:56] ^_^ [03:56] #ubuntu-motu [03:56] I'm getting tired [03:57] thanks [04:00] =^_^= //o_O\\ [04:01] the folks on #ubuntu-motu have no clue [04:01] where i should go with this idea.. [04:06] email someone at canonical [04:06] the partner repo isn't community maintained [04:06] it's maintained by Canonical and their partners [04:07] Canonical are generally pretty quick to reply [04:07] How does canonical make money? Are they still on 'startup' funding? [04:08] they have a lot of commercial service to companies [04:08] support I suppose is more accurate [04:09] and Mark Shuttleworth is a multimillionaire [04:09] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Shuttleworth [04:09] haha not the most flattering picture [04:11] I first heard of Ubuntu in 2005, I think. [04:11] Oh hey, you know that new wallpaper? I think that'd make an awesome laptop case skin. [04:12] http://hp.skinit.com/skins/hpmtv_exclusive&resourceId=5654 [04:12] http://h50146.www5.hp.com/products/portables/personal/zen_wallpaper/ [05:05] grrr [05:05] forgot about the pycentral thing [05:05] dammit [05:07] anybody else have their audio reversed after some recent updates? [05:35] . [06:10] cwillu, my headphone port on my laptop isn't working after -5->-8. [06:29] Hello all. I accidentally left a hardy repo enable and now I am trying to figure out which packages got installed (not many) so I can downgrade them back to gutsy. Is there an easy way to do this? [06:31] /var/log/dpkg.log [06:38] quick Q - when is beta out? [06:43] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [06:53] Gumby, synaptic, remove the hardy apt line, and then pull up the 'local or obsolete packages' view [06:53] cwillu: ah cool. thak you [07:13] Does PulseAudio come with a mixer [07:22] Everyone go to bed now that Python is fixed [07:22] i candie happy [07:23] so is a bunch of other stuff [07:25] Oh hey, anybody here have the "ADI1981" audio codec? [07:25] AD1988 here [07:27] Hmm, I can't find anything for 1981, so perhaps it's a typo. [07:27] I was looking at the specs in the service manual of some HP business laptop (considering future purchase). [07:28] aah. http://www.dsprelated.com/showmessage/10596.php?Sort=mostrecentfirst [07:29] http://www.analog.com/en/subCat/0,2879,765%255F803%255F0%255F%255F0%255F,00.html [07:30] Thanks! [07:31] another anti-ISP Digg article [07:31] all those poor people who don't know about copowi [07:31] i hope we can put an end to this madness within the next year [07:32] If I believed the time of birth made any difference at all in how human a person is, I'd really be supporting Obama about now [07:33] But there's still a chance for a Huckabee/Paul ticket.. [07:33] well, my update manager isn't complaining at me.. [07:33] so i guess my hardy install is currently happy ;) [07:33] ...which is a bit of relief [07:33] my god. the other room is always such a mess. :\ [07:33] makes me angry at times. [07:34] Is alpha5 looking like it'll be on time? [07:34] i hope so. :) i am excite! [07:34] i waited up really late for alpha4 i think.. [07:34] ...yeah.... [07:34] did they fix the python thing? its no longer in the message topic thing. [07:34] i'm prepared to give them an extra week though [07:34] motd, whatever. [07:34] i think they did [07:35] good deal. now if only ubuntu would work in kvm. i would be more excite. [07:35] hmm [07:35] i might just have to try a live cd. they run so slow though. :\ [07:35] i never virtualize [07:35] no kvm for me without intel VT [07:35] do the C2D chips have VT? [07:35] yes [07:36] ok [07:36] lower end like my E4300 not [07:36] i suppose that may come in handy [07:36] you have to enable it in bios then reboot. [07:36] but as WINE rolls on, it may not be needed at all [07:36] interesting [07:36] if you have a laptop you have to remove the battery and ac! hard reboot haha. [07:36] it's a laptop [07:36] i dont use it for windows apps. i use it for class. [07:36] oh? [07:37] ah. do you have a option in bios? [07:37] by the way, can we spoof the mac TPM yet? [07:37] i haven't looked yet [07:37] you should. [07:37] ok [07:37] afaik all core 2's have it. [07:37] you'll have to remove the battery (with ac cord unpluged) to get it to work. [07:37] Apple should be split into two companies [07:37] forcibly [07:37] thats the one step they dont tell you about. lol. [07:38] AtomicSpark: i've said you not all c2d support VT [07:38] are you sure? [07:39] Intel VT was officially launched at the Intel Developer Forum Spring 2005. It is available on certain Pentium 4 6x1 and 6x2 models,[2] Pentium D 9x0,[3] Xeon 3xxx/5xxx/7xxx, Core Duo[4] (excluding the T2300E and T2x50 models) and Core 2 Duo[5] processors (excluding the T52x0, T5300, T54x0, T5500 with stepping "B2", E2xx0, E4x00 and E8190 models). [07:39] (c)wiki [07:39] well there you go. lol. [07:40] mine is the T7250 [07:40] * DanaG already has a TPM chip. [07:41] :( [07:41] no wait [07:41] anyways kvm is a quick and simple way to run linux/windows guests for testing/college :P [07:41] vmware server is nice for windows. [07:41] a TPM or mac TPM? [07:42] what is this... TPM [07:42] and obsession with macs [07:42] apple is evil [07:42] they use a Trusted Platform Module to see that OSX cannot run on non-Apple hardware [07:42] ..they should be split like Bell [07:42] lol [07:42] AtomicSpark: 1st one should buy windows with approrpiate license, for example vista ultimate is required for runnin in VM [07:42] so they're doing what IBM did years ago. [07:43] but will linux user buy a windows, thats a question [07:43] zqwe: business edition worked in my kvm. i don't get this "non-activation" issue [07:44] Dang, that adi1981 is only 48KHz. [07:44] Actually, apple doesn't use TPM. [07:44] oh would you quit poping in our conversation. yo're confusing me. [07:44] *you [07:45] spark: k [07:45] Sure. [07:45] AtomicSpark: yeah business count too, but not home premium [07:45] dana: close enough: evil chip that restricts stuff [07:45] well. home is a joke. too many missing things i need. [07:45] that's what i said about windows [07:45] see. all of you forget. [07:45] sorry [07:45] this has all been done before. [07:45] spark: shutting up [07:46] IBM had proprietary [07:46] so did dell [07:46] IBM had their own memory [07:46] no wait that was HP [07:46] haha [07:46] that was a big scam [07:46] mostly happened on servers though [07:49] What about HP? Sorry, missed the conversation. [07:49] had proprietary memory in their servers [07:49] if you used other memory, it wouldnt boot [07:50] but yes. apple is the scammer these days. [07:50] and microsoft is dying. [07:50] Or at least, the OS division. [07:51] no. not talkinga bout windows. [07:51] everything. [07:51] they're run out of ideas. [07:51] thats why they went after yahoo. [07:51] their search engine failed. they're live thing didnt do so well. [07:51] they just cant expand anymore. [07:51] they need money bad D: [07:52] intel isnt doing well either [07:52] everyone says how bad amd was doing but nobody notices that intel had to cut everything in order to keep its shares up [07:52] tis bad. very bad right now. [07:53] AMD is 'losing' right now, but they still have big OEM business, so they'll stay up. [07:53] we're talkinga bout companies here. not whos processor is better :P [07:53] intel lost its networking, sound, everything cept for processors and soon to be video cards. [07:54] all because it decided to close a plant in india [07:54] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> firefox3 is not saving my passwords [07:54] What's wrong with Intel networking? [07:54] they cut it. [07:54] to save money. [07:54] DanaG: expensive [07:54] By 'losing', I meant performance; by 'stay up', I meant, "who cares about the performance? that's not all that makes a business." [07:55] considering you can get other cards for cheaper raters [07:55] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lol, intel cut their networking line? [07:55] Aah, wireless. [07:55] they're no longer making it. they are only making processors now. they cut everything else. [07:55] I was thinking of the GbE. [07:55] thats why their stock is still up. [07:55] D: [07:55] Intel is discontinued? Are you serious? [07:55] Link me. [07:55] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> seems like it's due to the pressure of nvidia buying amd? [07:56] nvidia buying amd ?!?!? [07:56] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> there are rumors... [07:56] haha [07:56] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> amd is losing money since they got ati [07:56] they've tried to before [07:56] i dont think nvidia can afford buying amd mate [07:56] it wont happen [07:56] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> amd is not worth that much anymore [07:56] they can have a strategic alliance [07:57] the technology market is very bad right now. [07:57] everything is bad actually. :\ [07:57] true.. all desktops are pretty much up2date [07:57] Oh, just RUMORS of intel closing wifi. [07:57] aah. [07:57] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> and if they keep delaying the release of new cpus, god knows what will happen [07:57] the only place they can look into is mobile computing and variants and servers [07:57] I just hope I'll be able to buy ATI video with confidence by summer. [07:58] perhaps even faster i/o communication [07:58] imma ask my source if he can link me to any articles [07:59] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> anyway, anybody here knows how to let firefox3 save my passwords? [08:00] but yeah we were talking about amd/ati and my teacher said that intel cut a lot. maybe not everything but they aren't trying to expand out like they did before. [08:00] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> there are rumors that ibm gonna buy amd too... [08:00] lol [08:00] rumors [08:01] thats just as bad as microsoft getting yahoo [08:01] things should never happen [08:01] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> but i would like to see ibm comes back to desktop field [08:01] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> i don't really like intel that much.. personally [08:01] yeah. their huge mistake was letting microsoft make windows 1.0 [08:02] oh no. its just a simple shell for DOS. nothing to worry about. [08:02] lol gates big scam. [08:02] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> it's pretty much for sure ms gonna buy yahoo [08:02] thats number 2 and number 3 combining. that cant happen. [08:02] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> yahoo is just holding back for a higher price [08:03] thats evil [08:03] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> i'd glad to see that happen, i dont think they gonna beat google anyway [08:03] but see you cant suppor this stuff [08:03] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> and i'd like to c ms losing money due to bad decisions [08:03] all microsoft does is buy out companies and rebrand it [08:03] its like disney [08:03] ugh. [08:04] so much wrong in the world. [08:04] hahahaa [08:04] close your eyes and sit down [08:04] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> we are just talking here, im not able to give u any source atm [08:04] Apple buys out companies and KILLS them, instead. [08:04] Look at Fingerworks. [08:04] well we all know apple turned into what microsoft was a few years ago [08:05] as long as apple keeps on pushing the limits of how users can interact with computers, good for them [08:05] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> for me, ms is always making bad decisions since vista coming out [08:05] microsofts problem was that its a business company. business HATE change. [08:05] thats why their operating system hasnt changed since 1995 [08:05] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ms doesn't really know y they couldn't beat google [08:05] its just prettier. a few patches here and there. [08:05] Bring back fingerworks! [08:06] because google is awesome [08:06] It was a godsend for people with physical disabilities -- example: a person I know who has malformed fingers. [08:06] nvidia said they will be bigger than intel in some years [08:06] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> they just think money can solve everything [08:06] But apple KILLED it. [08:06] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> and i would like to see ms spend all their money and reaches nothing and then DIE [08:06] ha. [08:07] the world would end. [08:07] err what did fingerworks do ? [08:07] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ya.. that's just my dream [08:08] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> but really, even they eat yahoo, will that makes them stronger in search/web field? [08:08] who knows. [08:08] microsoft kills things. [08:08] google for fingerworks. [08:08] again with the nonchanges [08:08] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> google gains money/reputations from nothing [08:08] Multi-touch stuff. Big (size of legal pad, I think) multi-touch touchpad with gestures. [08:08] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> that's the way it should be [08:09] yeah [08:09] as long as google doesnt kill itself. all will be good. [08:09] actually thy gain it cause they are against ms [08:09] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> so anybody knows how to let firefox3 save my passwords? [08:09] Info bar? [08:09] the number of people who hate ms is just increasing in the world [08:09] no [08:10] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Assid, but u have to admit that google is better in anyway compare to ms live [08:10] dont hate microsoft. you just have to understand what kind of business they're in. [08:10] microsoft live failed. [08:10] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: i gave up searching on ms live / yahoo [08:10] ms live only seems to index MORE ms sites [08:10] this is going back to what i said about how microsoft has nothing. [08:10] it cant expand. [08:10] theres a term for this.. [08:11] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> in the end the winner is still the one who got what people's need [08:11] basically said it needs to find ways to get money. [08:11] and sometimes when you want results from ms sites (like a bug you have on windows) it doesnt seem to find accurate results [08:11] like its stagnant? something. [08:11] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> bill gates is a business man and ms is a business company, period [08:11] yes. [08:12] and what do business not like? [08:12] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> they do business, they don't do technology [08:12] *businesses [08:12] now class say "change" [08:12] change = expensies [08:12] nobody wants to send their empoyees back to training lol [08:13] how much is linux european or american OS? [08:13] * DanaG wants one of those **** fingerworks pads Apple so helpfully killed. [08:13] free? [08:13] with linux you basically pay for support. thats it. [08:14] thats how redhat makes money. a lot of money. [08:18] * AtomicSpark shuts up [08:18] i'm trying to see politics reasons behind windows loosing favor, like it probably correlate with usa not been a richest country in a world, and thats why ubuntu HQ is located in EU, which becomes richest union in a world [08:19] whats why i asking, is ubuntu european OS? [08:19] as far as i see it, EU just likes suing people. the europeans seem to have a lot of problems of their own. === awalton__ is now known as edud_eoqqq [08:20] operating systems are usually world-wide. some people reconize a country of origin. [08:20] the people who fund it is out of EU, so i guess you could call it that. [08:23] there is windows update servers and activation servers located? who can disable all your windows with simple remote update command? US? this is who control windows [08:23] so i don't know how it may be called "world-wide" [08:24] there=where [08:24] OS is a weapon [08:24] of a new world order [08:26] they were supposed to roll out their activation servers across akamai werent they [08:26] donno [08:26] zqwe: thats a lot of crap.. [08:27] i meant linux is world wide :P sorry. [08:27] AtomicSpark: heres a free copy of linux from india [08:27] ;) [08:27] but yes in non-usa countries, Microsoft is disappearing fast. [08:27] as of windows.. activation is done only once [08:27] although their explorer does seem to want to phone home every time [08:27] Not always.... sometimes driver updates will prompt it. [08:28] i've never had activation issues. i think its just a myth by piraters. [08:28] the last i heard ubuntu wanted to open an office in india [08:28] india. talk about a scam. [08:28] ? [08:29] did you know they write off everything? its a cultural thing. [08:29] its why intel closed their plant there and lost money [08:29] didnt like indians getting paid to brush their teeth. [08:29] kindof funny actully. [08:30] so now only amd is the only processor without a FSB. [08:30] fsb? [08:30] oh look back to intel vs amd again. i really shouldnt wonder. lol. [08:30] front side bus [08:30] extremly slow [08:31] bah [08:31] its very narrow and all instructions have to pass through it [08:31] everyone has a fsb [08:31] err amd does [08:31] kindof. its worked into the processor itself. [08:32] see gotta stop making me remember what we discussed months ago. i start leaving out details lol. [08:33] Too bad Intel doesn't adopt HyperTransport. [08:33] Then you could do really interesting things: one Intel and one AMD on the same board. [08:33] But imagine trying to build a BIOS for such a beast. [08:33] yeah. [08:33] rofl [08:34] TomsHardware a while ago tested one dual-core plus one single-core opteron, and had odd crashes. [08:34] yeah. [08:34] What they didn't realize: one of the CPUs supported an instruction addon (SSE2 or SSE3, I think) that the other didn't. [08:34] this core war is going to get ugly. [08:34] bah who cares [08:34] let it [08:35] i'll just wait for the time i need to update again [08:35] Define "ugly". [08:35] then compare price/performance and pickup [08:35] Come summertime, I WILLLLLL be buying something new. [08:35] besides.. i just bought a core2quad some time ago [08:35] lol "quad" [08:35] hehe [08:35] shut up [08:36] sorry intel, two dual cores on a single die sharing a FSB isnt a quad core. :P [08:36] but maybe i just complain a lot [08:36] all i know is the Q6600 beats the pants on E6850 aleast in divx encoding [08:36] anyways cores are not the solution [08:36] yeah hence the 8000 series [08:36] everything adds to the problem :| [08:36] performance + speed [08:36] * DanaG hates how Intel numbering is overlaping NVIDIA numbering. [08:37] GeForce 6600 + Core2 6600. [08:37] did you know if they actully made a quality processor, you wouldnt need a heatsink? [08:37] And I seem to recall Intel naming something "Quadro". [08:37] they just came out with a 80 core cell processor or something that doesnt need one [08:37] and its like scary fast [08:37] alrite im outta here [08:37] :| [08:37] laters [08:38] AtomicSpark: < 2011 if im not mistaken is the availability === edud_eoqqq is now known as awalton__ [08:53] Can anyone please test VCD plugin in gstreamer and report status. I just want to make sure that I am not the only one facing problem before filing bug upstream. [09:09] My laptop screen backlight is way too dark with Hardy. [09:09] tronic: try xgamma [09:09] It seems to get darker at some point during the boot and after that it stays that way. It does adapt to ambient light changes, getting slightly brighter in very bright light. [09:10] It is not a gamma problem, but a backlight issue. [09:10] although there may be a better way in Hardy Heron [09:10] In Gutsy the backlight was OK. [09:10] Tronic: laptop? [09:10] I suppose that this has something to do with vbetool. [09:11] Assid: Asus Z71 notebook. [09:11] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/193013 [09:11] Launchpad bug 193013 in ubuntu "LCD brightness goes up and down automatically" [Undecided,Invalid] [09:11] i told them theres a bug.. they say its a feature [09:11] I tried setting the backlight directly with vbetool vbefp setbrightness, but that only says "Real mode call failed". [09:11] what's weird with the backlighting [09:11] sounds too much like microsoft saying blue screen is afeature to make sure your data doesnt get farked [09:12] is that if you suspend with 50% backlighting and then resume [09:12] often times it won't ever go back to full brightness [09:12] Raspberry: goes up and down liike crazy even while im using it [09:12] never had that [09:12] check your acpi [09:12] worked fine on gutsy ? [09:12] this was a gutsy->hardy lappy [09:12] that's what mine was too [09:13] what do you have? [09:13] dell d600 [09:13] I've got a ThinkPad X651T [09:13] er X61T [09:13] I just upgraded to Hardy yesterday. [09:13] they refuse to admit its a bug [09:13] Had no backlight issues before that (it would react to ambient light, and it was bright enough). [09:13] Assid: have you tried booting to the live CD? [09:14] does it do it off the live CD [09:14] Tronic: if you reduce the backlight.. does it jump up again? [09:14] Raspberry: would have to check really [09:14] Assid: I cannot adjust it. The Fn-combinations do nothing (they never did). [09:14] use the gnome brightness applet [09:14] that will allow you to adjust if your Fn keys don't work [09:15] im telling you theres something wrong with this [09:15] Raspberry: Where is that? [09:15] Tronic: right click on the top panel and choose add applet [09:15] there's a choice for Brightness [09:15] sorry it's "Add to Panel" [09:15] Assid: I'm not denying that it ISN'T a bug [09:15] Assid: but if you don't troubleshoot I can't help [09:16] k gimme a few [09:16] It seems to be stuck at the minimum. [09:16] Assid: go boot off the live CD that you installed with and see if you can reproduce it [09:16] Does not allow adjusting. [09:16] that will determine if it's the package or if it's something that got changed or updated [09:17] Tronic: hmmm -- I guess I'd google "cannot adjust laptop brightness ubuntu 8.04 brightness setting locked" [09:17] or something like that [09:17] looks like it's an issue :) [09:17] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/43572 [09:17] Launchpad bug 43572 in linux "Dell Laptops don't talk to HAL about brightness correctly" [Medium,Fix released] [09:18] oh wait Tronic do you have a dell too? that was assid [09:18] you know -- I have a bunch of extra money -- I want to fund specific development fixes -- is there a way I can do that? [09:19] I can hire a developer, but it'd be better if I could contribute to the developers already working on the particular modules / code [09:19] brb, gotta go shower [09:21] i know there are sites that offer prizes / cash for fixing particular bugs -- but they don't give a forum for people to offer money together for any bugs they want ... like a prosper or ebay for bug fixing [09:27] Raspberry: it's pretty easy to find a project's maintainer and/or programmers, either through sourceforge (et al) or through the email addresses at the top of its source code. [09:28] * heret1c wakes [09:33] go back to bed [09:33] P [09:36] erk. hardinfo crashes when it's supposed to show "filesystems". === Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away [09:39] Oli```: right, but who says they're open to doing work or that they want to get paid [09:39] Assid: did the live CD fix your issue? [09:39] looking for the live cd [09:40] my laptop doesnt have a dvdrom.. and i burned a copy on a dvd.. [09:40] ya know Konversation would be much more useful if you could have two channels up at once instead of having to flip between tabs... OSD gets distracting [09:40] so i gotta iso it first [09:40] ah [09:41] cause my desktops' dvd burner was messed up and doesnt read cds [09:43] putting Konversation on the system tray just dumped the whole panel [09:44] brb gotta relogin to fix this [09:46] I suppose I should register that as a bug although I'd guess most people would say ... why are you using Konversation in Gnome [09:49] oooh 27 new updates ... let's see what breaks :) [09:50] err [09:50] stupid nautilis needs double click to open "Places" on left side [09:51] used to be single click left side.. double click right side [09:52] I love my MythTV box [09:52] best thing I ever built :P [09:52] Raspberry: They do. You need to ask them! If they turn you down you have the choice then to hire somebody else [09:53] i think mythtv is broken for me [09:53] i gotta check [09:54] err can i copy a dvd content to cd directly . or do i have to make an iso first? [09:54] its actually cd iso burned on dvd media [09:55] depends on if you want it to boot or not [09:55] yes bootable [09:55] you can burn a CD iso to DVD [09:55] it's just an ISO [09:55] thats not my question [09:55] "can i copy a dvd content to cd directly . or do i have to make an iso first?" [09:56] from my understanding you can't just copy because there's some boot information that needs to be set ... or at least that's how disk images used to work [09:56] so I would say on [09:56] no [09:56] 10 kB/s updating ubuntu [09:56] Assid: I don't think that'll copy the boot sector correctly (if this is a livecd you're talking about) [09:57] wtf?!?! it doesnt recognise that dvd burner now [09:57] bbiab [09:58] lol [10:00] it's weird how sometimes when I boot X it's choppy and slow and other times it's like greased lightning [10:00] when it's choppy, it never gets better until you restart X [10:00] I'll heopfully be able to track it down [10:01] * heret1c wonders, as a general observation, if it is wise to match the OS on a machine, release-date-vise. [10:01] ? [10:01] i.e they're about the same age [10:01] updates are done... I'm going to restart X and see if the X updates break crap [10:02] Dapper suits Dell Latitude D500 best? [10:03] well it still starts up [10:04] heret1c: probably their cd-spin of ubuntu suits best :) [10:08] rsk> since gutsy (I think) ubuntu interprets ide drives as scsi, sometimes with grave consequences. [10:08] heret1c correct [10:08] like what? [10:09] yea hehe what consequences [10:10] dead hd. [10:10] as in "toast". fubar. gone to meet its maker. [10:10] sound strange [10:12] the hard drive is fine... it's just sleeping [10:13] pining for the fjords [10:13] : Bug #55929 [10:13] ubundo Bug #55929 [10:13] Launchpad bug 55929 in linux-source-2.6.17 "DMA not enabled for IDE disks" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55929 [10:14] raspberry> it's not a norwegian blue. 8) [10:22] hmm [10:22] flash doesn't work in firefox anymore since the updates an hour ago [10:23] how i can record sound from mplayer and listen [10:23] for example internet radio [10:23] with a microphone and some speakers [10:25] i now how i can record sound from internet radio [10:25] but how i can listen it too [10:26] mplayer url -dumpstream loa [10:26] oh [10:26] mplayer file [10:27] anyone here tried murrine engine? [10:37] hm, anyone but me that lost mp3-support in rhythmbox? [10:38] hrm [10:38] it plays it [10:38] but it says it needs codecs [10:41] right... so i need the gstreamer-fluendo-mp3 thingy.. [10:42] isn't there like a meta-package to get all that non-free stuff working? [10:43] dunno [10:47] Raspberry: you about [10:48] yeah [10:49] just abt to check it now [10:50] ubuntu really needs to figure out how to add flash to firefox [10:50] Raspberry: huhe?! install the flashplugin-nonfree ? [10:51] because this constant works / broken / works / broken is frustrating -- when it's easier for me to just copy the libflashplayer.so from the official adobe tar.gz than install a package it is sad [10:51] qzio: doesn't work anymore [10:51] just broke [10:51] :) [10:52] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [10:52] and all is ok [10:52] ubuntu had installed the alternative flash plugin into my firefox plugin directory instead of the non-free from /etc/alternative [10:54] it's fixed permanently now :P [10:54] what's up with the crazy 3 firefox directories in /usr/lib now? [10:54] oh only 3? [10:54] rofl [10:54] loa: i have that package installed, still no mp3-sound [10:54] strange [10:54] ... /usr/lib/firefox ... firefox-addons ... firefox-3.0b3 [10:55] I delete firefox 3 :D [10:55] loa: you have latest and you have mp3-sound? [10:55] Raspberry: okay just checked..the brightness goes loco on alpha4 as well [10:55] yeh [10:56] woha, thats fun, it works now :) [10:56] =) [10:56] and i havnt done anything \o/ [10:56] besides installing xmms... [10:56] [16:08:10] hrm [10:56] [16:08:12] it plays it [10:56] [16:08:23] but it says it needs codecs [10:56] i thiunk i said that earlier [10:56] Assid: does it only do it in X? [10:56] Assid: i think too :) [10:57] or does it do it during boot? [10:57] Assid: boot the laptop in recovery mode [10:57] Raspberry: only X [10:57] see if the "safe mode X" has the same issue [10:58] how do i go to safe mode x [10:58] from the disc? [10:58] or grub (recover) [10:59] yeh [10:59] grub [10:59] boot to the (recovery) kernel [10:59] and it'll start X and say it's running a reduced version of X [10:59] click Continue through that [10:59] don't configure it [11:00] see if it works fine [11:00] doesnt reach there [11:00] what does it do? [11:00] says recovery menu - resume/root/xfix [11:00] oh [11:00] hit CTRL+D to continue [11:00] nope [11:00] resume ? [11:00] ok... [11:00] where DOES it get? [11:01] resume - continues and drops me back into x [11:02] ? [11:02] resume [11:02] what resume? [11:02] where does resume occur === hit is now known as hit` [11:03] recovery menu ?! [11:03] O_O [11:03] reboot! [11:04] hit escape! [11:04] and choose recovery mode [11:04] you have to be THIS tall to ride this ride [11:04] * Raspberry shakes his head [11:04] maybe there's some lag here [11:13] http://www.grillbar.org/wordpress/?p=246 would be great to have. [11:18] loa: thats howi got there [11:19] uh, sudo is giving me an error: unable to resolve host [11:20] :D [11:25] Raspberry: ? [11:26] the weirdest part is.. it worked fine in gutsy [11:49] is hardy atm as stable as that I do update-manger -d uprade to it ? :) [11:49] dpkg ain't broken etc... ? [11:50] ok enough stable for me, let the distribution upgrade begin === twilight_ is now known as twilight [12:02] Hi there , could anyone say where are kdm's Xsession files ? [12:02] /usr/share/xsessions [12:03] stdin: i have added a new session information file to there [12:03] but kdm didn't show that option [12:03] is it formatted correctly? [12:03] hello, i have my hibernate mode broken after update [12:03] what is it( [12:03] i have just copied original kde.desktop to kde4.desktop [12:04] and try to change it [12:04] Sevenhill: http://stdin.pastebin.com/d5157ee19 < my kde4.desktop looks like that [12:05] help me please... someone have such bug as i? [12:07] stdin: hmm i think there are some problems about my compiled kde [12:08] Seveas: try running it manually from an Xephyr session, see if you get any errors [12:19] any idea about this bug : http://stdin.pastebin.com/d52dc8a60 [12:21] stdin: http://stdin.pastebin.com/d52dc8a60 have any idea how can i overcome this problem [12:23] i use mpeg2 tv-tuner to capture playstation 2 and only way for me to have no input device lag is to use mplayer to capture raw video instead of mpeg 2 stream, but i would like to use some GUI software, any ideas? from what i know mythtv for example not support rawvideo, or maybe i wrong? [12:23] Seveas: nope, I don't see that error when upgrading. try filing a bug report on it [12:23] !bug [12:23] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [12:27] oi [12:31] ubotu Bug #55929 [12:31] Launchpad bug 55929 in linux-source-2.6.17 "DMA not enabled for IDE disks" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55929 [12:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about bug #55929 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:32] erp [12:32] wasssup [12:32] * heret1c notices ubotu feigns ignorance in an obvious matter [12:33] assid> https://launchpad.net/bugs/55929 [12:33] Launchpad bug 55929 in linux-source-2.6.17 "DMA not enabled for IDE disks" [Undecided,Fix released] [12:34] we're in 2.6.24, and it still hasn't been fixed. [12:34] file a bug on the bug? [12:35] * heret1c wonders, is it possible to take netbots to court === twilight_ is now known as twilight [12:36] dr_willis> it'd take more self restraint than I possess to do so without a torrent of adjectives, speculating on the ancestry of the coders resposible, etc. [12:37] as lonh as there IS a fix - why haven't they implemented ot? [12:38] From what i recall reading about aht ide 'bug' the ide drives are now getting accessed using the scsi system and DMA is enabled by default.. but since the changes to the (libata?) stuff. its not getting reported as being enabled. [12:38] at leat i think thats the gist of the whole issue [12:38] but i do have some machines that show the ide disks as sd##i, and some other machines that still show them as hd## [12:39] doc> that's falsified by hdparm -Tt /dev/*da! [12:39] I do not think that hdparm is reliable way to test if dma is enabled any more. [12:39] due to the changes... [12:39] but all this is from the huge amounts of stuff i read onforums and trhreads.. I couldbe wrong. [12:39] -Tt is. [12:40] must skedaddle off to a meeting, bb in a couple. [13:18] will kde 3.5.9 be by default in hardy? [13:18] kubuntu hardy* [13:19] I thought 4 was going into Hardy [13:19] kde4 [13:19] hopefully not [13:19] its way too unstable [13:25] i though kde4 was going to be OPTIONAL in hardy [13:32] nope they're going to make you floss too [13:32] okay new updates out [13:32] Thunderbird is having some issues [13:33] and i still cant shutdown X without CTRL ALT BKSPACE [13:33] Raspberry: and yes.. this used to work before some updates [13:33] so then register a bug [13:33] :)\ [13:33] till 2.5 weeks odd ago [13:33] i did [13:33] so CTRL+ALT+BKSP works on the live CD for you? [13:34] err i dont need to CTRL ALT BACKSPACE there to logout/shutdown [13:34] ah [13:34] here for me to logout/shutdown/reboot (basically to kill X) i need to C+A+BKSPC [13:34] can't shutdown without it... [13:34] yep [13:34] it just hangs till i do it [13:34] Assid do an .. rm -rf ~/.g* [13:34] delete all your .gnome stuff [13:34] !?!? [13:35] when you're logged out of gnome [13:35] err.. my settings?!? [13:35] ok [13:35] then do this [13:35] mkdir ~/gnome-backup | mv .g* ~/gnome-backup [13:35] do that while logged out of your X session (aka sitting at the gdm login page) [13:36] you can do that by doing CTL+ALT+F1 [13:36] yeah .. hold up.. doing soemthing in virtualbox [13:36] will do it as soon as the installation is done there [13:36] I've had programs hang [13:36] decided to leave wine alone.. and use virtualbox's seamless mode [13:39] common issue ? [13:46] hmmm [13:46] so KVM is what Ubuntu is using [13:46] that's a bummer [13:47] since all my corporate clients run Xen [13:47] now I get to learn a new virtualization method :) [13:52] okay Raspberryim gonna go try this [13:52] brb === twilight_ is now known as twilight [14:05] Raspberry: didnt work :( [14:05] i lost my settings tho [14:09] but its alrite [14:16] Raspberry: you there? === andatche_ is now known as andatche [14:18] * heret1c returns [14:18] yes [14:18] so that didnt fix it.. i still have tl kill X to logout etc [14:19] what happens when you click on logout [14:19] well.. it just hangs [14:19] how long have you let it sit? [14:19] 5 mins ? [14:19] what applications are you opening up while you're in X [14:20] atm.. kvirc.. amsn.. thuderbird..firefox.. (bluetooths running as well) and google desktop on login [14:20] do you close the applications prior to loggin out? [14:21] I run firefox and thunderbird and occassionally they can hang X [14:21] while shutting down [14:21] yes [14:21] when you're shutting down and you have to force restart [14:21] i shut almost every application i started down.. still no luck [14:22] are you at an empty desktop? [14:22] err as such yes..i got a few files on my desktop [14:22] that's not what I mean [14:22] I mean when you choose logout... what happens? [14:22] explain [14:24] assid you should be running Gutsy 7.10 if you can't troubleshoot a lot of these issues [14:24] i'd suspect google desktop might have something to do with the hang up -- but I have no idea [14:24] you'd have to check the processes that are still open and owned by you when it's "hung up" [14:24] because that'll answer the question as to what oculd be killing it [14:25] then potentially kill those open processes one by one [14:25] but this is basic troubleshooting [14:25] sorry to get snippy, but I've got a couple of projects I need to work on today -- so I won't be of much more help for while [14:26] Raspberry: this issue started after an update if im not mistaken.. [14:27] but hold on.. im onna kill everythign before that [14:33] nope.. no luck [14:33] i killed compiz.. google.. eveyrthing.. [14:33] avant as well [14:34] oh ah === Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian [14:41] Assid: say, out of curiosity. Does Firefox only hang on pages with plugins? [14:42] didnt say firefox hangs [14:42] 09:20 < Assid> atm.. kvirc.. amsn.. thuderbird..firefox.. (bluetooths running as well) and google desktop on login [14:43] oh [14:43] err. thats for x hanging [14:43] that's just the apps you're running [14:43] ah [14:43] Assid: do you happen to have a synaptic touchpad? [14:43] on my laptop yes [14:43] is the laptop the one with X hanging? [14:47] nope. desktop [14:47] laptop has excessive cpu usage tho :( === twilight_ is now known as twilight [14:48] okay heres what happens [14:49] i can login fine.. use it fine.. but when i want to logout.. or anything which requires X to restart/shutdown. it just gets hung [14:49] i tried without compiz... killed a few processes.. even shut down the ones i manually open. Nothing helps [14:49] this problem arised 2.5 weeks ago approx [14:54] Assid: I had a similar situation with my laptop is all [14:54] Assid: it would hang on exit, but only if I used an opengl application [14:54] Assid: I ended up having to disable ACPI on it. [14:55] correction [14:55] irqpoll pci=routeirq [14:55] that's the one I used on the laptop [14:55] ACPI was on another one :) [14:56] Assid: yours might be unrelated, but couldn't hurt to try it? [14:56] true.. err let me try that..saving that info for later [14:57] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2345#c13 [14:57] Freedesktop bug 2345 in Input/Mouse "usb mouse freezes repeatedly" [Normal,New] [14:58] Assid: symptoms are different, but disabling apic/acpi and mucking irqpoll etc do seem to help in some cases [14:58] Assid: unfortunately, doing so obviously screws with various functions :-/ [14:58] Assid: the annoying friggen' thing about the freeze was that X dumped *nothing* to logs [14:58] im gonna boot into my older kernels.. lets see which one works [14:59] or if its X .. not sure if ANY works [14:59] I never got around to adding debug symbols and seeing if it was doing anything [14:59] but will do that in a bit.. i need to get some work done.. cant report bugs more than 4 hrs a day [14:59] Assid: well, nice thing about slapping in a bunch of kernel params is it is quick and easy [14:59] true [14:59] you just reboot, edit the grub boot line and add all of 'em in. if it works, you can narrow 'em down :) [14:59] if it doesn't, well, only took a couple of minutes [14:59] but this used to work. so gotta be either kernel .. or x .. or nvidia drivers [15:00] ueaj [15:00] yeah even [15:00] does X dump any errors for you to log or stderr === twilight_ is now known as twilight [15:19] nemo: nope.. it just sits there looking pretty doing absolutely nothing [15:20] not true === Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman [15:20] ?! [15:21] X dumps into a couple of log files [15:21] Xorg.0.log shows nothing which indicates this [15:21] look in .xsessions_error and Xorg.0.log [15:22] Xorg.0.log indicates how X started [15:23] .xsessions_error describes the entire X session after user login [15:26] soi should clean it first and then crash it === oem is now known as daz31 [15:34] hi is this the channel for help to solve probs with ubuntu [15:38] this is the channel for ubuntu 8.04 [15:38] see topic [15:45] UBUNTU DEVELOPER WEEK Session starting in #ubuntu-classroom in 15 minutes! [15:50] Mark_Milliman: personally, both STDERR and Xorg log were empty after my freeze [15:50] Mark_Milliman: heck. there wasn't even anything interesting in strace [15:51] Mark_Milliman: and as far as I can tell, no dev interest either - so I guess if I'm ever to get it fixed, I'll have to do it myself :) === MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek === twilight_ is now known as twilight [16:25] hello there ... I have a question about the opensync packages: why are they still with the 0.19 version, even for Hardy, although the development is already at 0.36 and the 0.22 version is considered stable ? [16:35] <[chr0n0s]> hi [16:36] <[chr0n0s]> what is the kernel version in hardy ? [16:36] Linux romulus 2.6.24-8-generic #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 20:40:45 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [16:36] <[chr0n0s]> thanks [16:37] Sure [16:38] Longfield: no one has nagged the maintainer? :) [16:38] Longfield: I find e-mailing maintainers works wonders ;) [16:39] ... often times the debian upstream maintainer :-p [16:42] nemo: well, I am going to e-mail the debian upstream maintainer then [16:43] but it's very strange, because the version has been the same since 3 releases or so ... [16:44] Longfield: perhaps you will become the maintainer [16:45] nemo: why not ... but I'm not even a MOTU and have done very few packaging ... anyway, I am going to mail the debian maintainer [17:31] Are there any problems known with wine? It segfaults here. [17:37] Never mind. Seems to be a known problem. [17:39] regarding seahorse, is there a way to add arbitrary passwords to it? [17:39] for example, website passwords, or server passwords for apps that don't support a keyring arch [17:39] i just want to hit "add" and type in some details and a sekrit password [17:40] so that i can look them up again later [17:40] anyone wanna confirm this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/186441 [17:40] Launchpad bug 186441 in nautilus "[Hardy] Recursive directory deletion doesnt work for external mounted drives" [Low,Incomplete] [17:41] omg you added a 5MB video of the error? [17:41] that's amusing [17:42] why'd you choose Delete instead of Delete All [17:42] Delete All to me would be recursive [17:43] anyway, if seahorse can't do this, i'll have to use revelation, which would be a real pity [17:43] i dunno why nobody ever gets the keyring manager right [17:43] os x screwed theirs up too [17:43] I've mounted an external drive [17:43] I'll try this now [17:48] Raspberry: danag wasnt able to do it either [17:48] saw this bug weeks ago [17:49] nope, I can't do it either [17:49] error removing file: file exists [17:50] shouldn't that be a good thing :P you want the file to exist if you're removing it [17:50] Delete all doesn't work either [17:50] have you tried to mount -t smbfs using plain text password authentication? It was working for feisty and gutsy but now that I am running hardy it fails. I have compiled the module with the options required to do this and it still fails. [17:51] i just remembered that bug existed [17:51] launchpad needs filters [17:51] like "my bugs" and then filter by open/closed/etc [17:52] great.. i just broke gutsy's knetworkmanager [17:52] My xorg.conf is empty, it says in its sections only 'Configured Mouse' 'Configured Video Device' and so on. Where are the configured in Hardy? [17:52] Rotlaus: good question :P [17:52] Rotlaus: when you find out, let me know too [17:53] empty ? [17:53] how can it be empty ?! [17:53] check ~/.xorg ? or something similar ? [17:53] Rotlaus: apparently you can modify the xorg.conf file and add in anything you want, but it's supposed to basically work with autodetection [17:54] Raspberry: yours is an external drive totally.. right [17:55] not one of those USB-IDE type adapters [17:55] i think if oyu use those they work fine [17:56] the dual desktop stuff needs to get fixed ... if you try to do anything involving opengl or direct rendering it treats dual displays as though they were overlayed onto each other with the rendered content only filling the area covered by Screen 1... i.e if Screen 1 is 1400x1050 and Screen 2 is 1920x1200 -- any full screen 3d effects (compiz ring window rotation, full screen games) only use the area for screen 1 ... on KDE4 -- both [17:56] desktops overlay and you can't see what's on the desktop for screen 2 because it's underneath screen 1 [17:56] Assid: yes, External USB2 NTFS 320gb drive [17:56] hotswap / mounted on the fly [17:56] not mounted at boot [17:57] Raspberry: okay but is it an actual external? or make shift external [17:57] cause i think my "makeshift" works [17:57] what's the difference [17:57] external to me is plugged in via USB in an external enclosure [17:57] what is makeshift to you [17:58] err something similar [17:58] external enclosure/ usb-ide cable [17:58] ? [17:58] with a regular drive [17:58] what's an irregular drive? [17:59] you're using relative terms [17:59] okay generic external drives are those laptop drives in enclosures.. effectively. they dont need an external power source [18:00] http://www.dansdata.com/usbadapt.htm <-- ide to usb convertor [18:00] how does that effect how it's connected to the pc? [18:00] they both have external controllers [18:00] right.. [18:00] so... [18:00] but 1 drive was able to delete recursively 1 didnt [18:00] and 1 drive was... and the other was... [18:00] your bug report doesn't mention any of that [18:01] just tested it [18:08] willl test it again [18:08] from what i "can" think [18:08] is the way the ntfs partition maybe created [18:08] they seem to be primary and extended [18:09] not sure which is which [18:09] but that could be a reason [18:09] will check in a bit and report [18:10] err.. which drive uses which i.e. [18:27] okay my bad.. it deosnt do it in either === Tigge_ is now known as Tigge [18:33] Raspberry: Modifying the xorg.conf as you suggested worked just fine. [18:34] man [18:34] amarok sounds soo much better for audio than any other player..d ont know how [18:34] its all in your head [18:34] literally [18:34] i think so [18:37] bah.. i dont know what to do about this xorg bug. [18:38] recompile your video driver [18:38] you think so [18:38] * Assid gets it from nvidia then [18:39] i am trying to install ubuntu server edition, its work fine 4-5 time the past couple weeks but lately it keeps failing when the install gets to grub. Any ideas? [18:39] okinawainstrocto: 8.04? [18:39] yes, 8.04 [18:42] Pici: its been working fine with the exception of this week, for some reason grub is not cooperating [18:42] okinawainstrocto: Are you using daily builds? [18:43] hmm grub2 is working without a problem [18:44] Pici: I do not think so, the iso i downloaded was from the ubuntu website. (I am still new with linux) [18:45] okinawainstrocto: If you are still new to linux, you probably shouldnt be running 8.04, we are still in Alpha status. [18:45] !hardy [18:45] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [18:46] lol.. i understand that its just my coworker who got me started on ubuntu isnt able to get on line to help [18:46] btw when will 8.10 pre alpha availible :P ? [18:47] but thanks for the help any ways [18:47] flipstar: a funny guy eh? [18:48] oh i just love to deal with the latest development features [18:52] yes. i am excited. [18:53] the new features are things that would be really handy for me. :D [18:54] will be great i bet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Capra_ibex_ibex_%E2%80%93_03.jpg [18:55] i dont get it. [18:56] 8.10 will be called intrepid ibex === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [18:56] so alpha 5 should be out soon. there wont be many changes after that according to their development release schedule. [18:56] i hope its a good list! [18:57] is disk manager still being included in alpha5? [19:02] not sure. found a blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy [19:04] oh dear. i'm back..... :( . ok i compiled my nvidia drivers yesterday, and they installed and worked fine. When i restarted today tho, i get this lovely msg in dmesg : NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 169.09 ||| NVRM: this kernel module has the version 71.86.04.. i've done latest updates now, and tried removing nvidia-glx and depencies, and reinstalling. same error msg :( [19:04] what the hell have i done for it to think it has those old kernel modules?! [19:04] okay found it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [19:05] **nvidia-glx-NEW sorry [19:05] geht [19:05] according to that, the feature lock will be in effect for the next release. id say whatever is in it, will be what's in the final. [19:05] AtomicSpark, its a alpha5 milestone [19:07] mhmm. [19:10] bofh80: disable the nvidia module in restricted-modules, configfile in /etc/default [19:11] so if this new firewall is disabled by default, how will they let end users know the feature is there and that they should use it? [19:11] void^, ok DISABLED_MODULES="nvidia" . now what? :) [19:12] Is there a way of stopping the gnome system monitor resource graphs from smoothly scrolling? Just showing the graphs is puting my cpu to 75%. [19:12] reboot? (or just delete the offending modules and depmod) [19:12] (and rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia) [19:13] mrtimdog: use top in terminal. [19:14] dosnt look like "smoothly", more like "jumply" [19:14] AtomicSpark: I usually do (htop actually) but it was just an observation really as it's an integrated part of the desktop. [19:14] njol: agreed! :) [19:14] void^, ok. modprobe now says "not loading nvidia_new module" .. . . . . [19:15] i blame /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video [19:16] void^, will this fix the nvidia driver? [19:18] it will stop the ubuntu packaged module from interfering [19:18] (there's probably a more elegant way.) [19:19] mrtimdog: so the new resource monitor uses a lot of resources itself huh? [19:20] void^, should i reinstal the 169.09 drivers ? (the nvidia downloaded ones?) [19:23] AtomicSpark: Seems so. [19:26] okay i loaded up the nvidia pakage from the site.. and it didnt do anything.. [19:26] so i tried to reinstall nvidia-glx-new and my x didnt work [19:27] Does installing Compiz + xserver-xgl disable Direct Rendering? I just did a test and says no. I have the restricted driver installed. [19:27] and now i have to use nvidia package [19:27] will this be a problem in the future? [19:30] how do i get it to use the packages itself [19:33] Hello all [19:34] hi [19:34] I've done some research for non functional USB keyboards/mice. I'm finding lots of problems with lots of versions, but nothing tied specifically to the latest kernel update in Gutsy, and what is present in Hardy alpha [19:35] I'm just bummed, my USB keyboard and mouse stopped working, and I decided, maybe the Hardy alpha had it working, tried that but without luck, the livecd is also not working so I don't believe it to be a configuration problem on my part. [19:38] mshooshtari, what keyboard/mouse is it and does it work in windows? [19:39] anyone ? [19:40] i think i might have to reinstall xorg as well wont i ? [19:40] bardyr yes it works in windows, microsoft intelipoint and microsoft keyboard [19:41] Assid: what's your issue again? [19:41] Assid, dont install the nvidia binary from nvdia.com its bad :) [19:41] bardyr: i wasnt able to logout..X would just get hung.. someone suggested to recompile the drivers/ [19:41] Yes that's right Assid, you will get messed up looking openGL [19:41] so i used the nvidia ones..and now if i load up nvidia-glx-new .. my x would be messed up [19:41] Assid, but you should be able to do a nvidia-binary.run --uninstall and aptitude install nvidia-glx-new [19:41] unreal looks horrible.. [19:42] bardyr: ? nvidia-binary.run ?? [19:42] holy crap. whats this aptitude. [19:42] D: [19:42] gui in term! [19:42] nvidia-installer ? [19:43] that seems it [19:43] AtomicSpark: Never seen ncurses before? [19:43] hello [19:43] err.. bbl [19:43] if i make it back [19:44] Pici: apparently not. [19:44] hello did someone have problems with hardy and b43 driver? [19:49] dmesg not showing anything about USB other than hubs. === punQ-arT is now known as s0u][ight === s0u][ight is now known as punQ-arT [20:02] Is there a way to test if the kernel is detecting the keyboard and mouse? [20:03] putting in a ps/2 keyboard and typing lsusb to terminal? [20:04] I will give that a try [20:05] I've tried dmesg, but I don't understand if it has a driver, just that it's detected hubs. I'll brb. [20:06] only 5 bus entries [20:06] 001 through 005 come up with lsusb [20:11] nothing showing up in /proc/bus/usb when plugging and when unplugged [20:11] dev/bus/usb stays the same [20:12] shouldn't something show up in /proc/bus/usb no matter what? [20:12] even if it's the same look as /dev/bus/usb? === flipstar is now known as apostropheor1equ === apostropheor1equ is now known as flipstar === Aranel is now known as Aranel[Uzakta] === flipstar is now known as or === Aranel[Uzakta] is now known as Aranel === or is now known as flipstar [20:36] hi guys [20:43] How is that Hardy Alpha5? [20:43] broken [20:43] I'm going to boot with Gutsy livecd again and make sure the problem I'm having is not hardware or system related. [20:44] it just stopped working after that kernel update, I read something about hot plug being changed in that kernel, I think that might be the cause but I don't know where to start. [20:45] I also haven't seen hundreds of angry people like I did with the python problem a couple days ago. [20:45] u mean that python hardy.sh script? [20:47] something about the version not being what was expected and the pkg install throwing up. [20:47] pycentral was fixed. but there are issues with a number of applications (firefox, openoffice, wine, to name a few) [20:47] hmmm i'm having issues with b43 driver :| [20:48] the bug is known but the howto fix it ain't working for me [20:48] :( [20:49] that bug specifically was 192992 [20:50] but nothing about this USB problem, I hate that crappy keyboard :P [20:50] what's the bug number punQ-arT? [20:50] I could read it over [20:51] ow dunno [20:51] but if your looking at the bug reports your as able to help yourself as I am. [20:51] I just know to look things up and research before raising a stink. [20:52] hmm in fact i'm just hearing and looking around right now [20:52] 5 hours today trying to fix it :( [20:52] i'll continiou tomorrow [20:57] that can be stressfull [20:58] yeah first i just wasted my time with bcm43xx driver and then i realised it won't work [20:58] I had a decent gutsy 2 days ago, but upgraded because I thought maybe I could upgrade past what broke my mouse/keyboard [20:58] after that i used ndiswrapper , took me some time but i was able to fix it [20:58] that's a wireless card right? [20:59] yep [20:59] I remember having issues with that a while back, I had to get firmware and install that [20:59] yeah i know [20:59] but still no joy, that's strange. [20:59] a lot of people forget the firmware. [20:59] with bcm43xx the best thing i had was retrieving signals [21:00] no chance to connect :( [21:00] any oppertunity to switch the mpci with an intel card? [21:00] aaah then i have to do a bios hack i guess not interested :( [21:01] that's never fun, I also strongly dislike proprietary laptop hardware [21:01] i wonder how much a sony viao costs [21:01] Asus makes some not so proprietary ones. [21:01] they say it works fine with linux [21:02] HP notebooks tend to work well also [21:02] naaah i have a hp g5002ea [21:02] sound issues [21:02] damn bcm4311 card [21:02] you might have better luck conquering those sound issues [21:03] I remember having to install the source alsa drivers. [21:03] I have nc6400 [21:04] hmm wonder why ubuntu doesn't have alsa-conf? [21:04] I wish I knew what kernel update happened last week [21:05] it does, but the binary drivers were missing something dealing with plugin detection (if you've got a headphone or mic plugged in) [21:06] nice way of thinking :D [21:07] i'm wondering why linux is started being developed by gouvernment institutions :s [21:07] like someone told me that in turkey they made their own linux based os :| [21:07] a lot of places do that [21:07] The red star linux is a good distro made in china. [21:08] there is also a larger encompassing project I think asianux or something like that. [21:09] nice [21:10] i'm looking for the time where microsoft is down [21:10] linux will rule :D [21:11] I am having the following problem with hardy: The screen and graphics preferences application does not show any device! [21:11] yes, removing any competition will make sure linux is the best :/ [21:11] I don't think they will ever be down, they will just make micronux [21:12] buy up the best distro at the time and just leech off the community after laying off half their developers. [21:12] well they keep on steeling from the unix core :D [21:12] It seems this has something to do with the empty xorg.conf (as xorg does not need much config anymore). I had some more options in there just before and then at least one monitor showed up. [21:12] like mac and linux [21:12] on and their closed source linux, they will never return anything to the free versions. [21:12] does anybody have an idea how to fix that? [21:12] Like Redhat without fedora. [21:13] hmm redhat [21:13] how come that became popular? [21:13] That's the one thing I love about Ubuntu, it's a good and active distro, but the Idea is to make money off support and with the enterprise customers. [21:14] :D [21:14] All fixes finds and details go into Ubuntu, there is no Commercial Ubuntu. [21:14] and they are based on bedian :D [21:14] hope no commercial ubuntu will be relaised [21:15] brb need to get a blank DVD, time to see if the mouse and keyboard come back. [21:17] i just read that madwifi driver isn't fully opensource :| [21:21] !release [21:21] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [21:23] isin't alpha5 due out tomorrow? === keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx [21:27] one month till beta :) [21:27] :D [21:27] one day till alpha5 :D [21:28] my lirc still isn't working [21:28] dunno what's wrong with it [21:29] it just keeps crashing [21:29] i'll reinstall my ubuntu tomorrow :D [21:29] i just reinstalled mine a few days ago [21:29] regel: got pidgin installed? [21:30] yep, pidgin is up and running [21:30] you can use that for irc [21:30] .. [21:30] well i've reinstalled ubuntu 3 times in the past week [21:30] lirc is for the ir-remotes [21:30] =) [21:30] is there a time they usually put the .isos out, or is it just when sabdfl gets around to it? [21:31] oh. haha. [21:31] how do i install the kernel headers? [21:31] :) it's a confusing name, come to think of it [21:31] sudo apt-get install *package* ? [21:31] if heard it before.. figured it was an irc client. :P [21:31] :) [21:32] light-weight internet relay chat program [21:32] cant blame u, I did the exact same thing first time around [21:32] * AtomicSpark patents [21:32] :) [21:32] punQ-arT: linux-headers-`uname -r` [21:32] well i know how apt-get works but what's the name of the kernel headers? [21:32] tnx [21:32] and the `s are backticks, not quotes [21:32] hmm [21:32] backticks? single quote? [21:33] 3d effects working [21:33] but [21:33] punQ-arT, linux-headers-*version* [21:33] ' [21:33] or kernel-headers-*version* [21:33] or something similar [21:33] srry my english is'nt that well what's the difference between those backticks and quotes? [21:33] `uname -r` comes out to "version" [21:33] punQ-arT: it's on the key with the ~ [21:33] I can not see any monitors or video cards in screens and graphics config app [21:33] using azerty :P [21:33] oh [21:33] crap [21:34] lmao [21:34] there is no backticks on us keyboard. >:O [21:34] I think the new xorg.conf sucks [21:34] oh wait [21:34] I cant use fglrx anymore [21:34] durr right below the tildy [21:34] i didnt know anything used them. hmm. interesting. [21:35] the restricted driver manager sucks imho [21:35] yeah [21:35] it just messes everything up [21:35] I had to install everything manually in the end [21:35] at me it only gives things for bcm43xx even if i don't use that driver :| [21:35] punQ-arT: judging by this picture here, i think it's on the 7 key [21:36] it's the thing that looks like a single quote, but isin't [21:36] well can't i just first type uname -r [21:36] restricted driver fails in hardy? [21:36] yes u can [21:36] and add what i get to the next command [21:37] it's a command, so you'd have to cut/paste [21:37] aah [21:37] it doesn't really install anything that works on my rig [21:37] ctrl-shift-v [21:37] for mr punQ-arT [21:37] do te do te dummmm [21:37] * nekostar pads around [21:37] ybe because you don't have a remote clue you should install a package? [21:37] [22:30] <_rene_> (btw, build-essential installs you all the essentials for a build) [21:37] doing something essentially wrong [21:37] oops srry [21:38] eh [21:38] u know, you're a bit late [21:38] 22.30... [21:38] arg [21:38] i wish i could move through time and see if im gonna win this qx6700 ; ; [21:39] Time Left2d 03h 09m ........ [21:39] * nekostar stabs ebay and bidding addiction [21:39] i decided not to buy a new desktop PC anymore [21:39] switched to console gaming [21:39] lol [21:39] im getting one of those too [21:39] later tho [21:39] i first have to reinstall gusty then use ndiswrapper to get connection and then use the hardy.sh script to upgrade to alpha 5 and hmm then i'll try to fix my b43 driver :| [21:39] I got fed up with Vista [21:39] damn expensive hobby [21:39] * AtomicSpark is disappointed in regel [21:39] vista is just sucking soo good [21:40] yeah [21:40] i only could shrink 5 gigs :| [21:40] M$ so made me buy an PS3 [21:40] lawl. i cannot play FPS games on consoles. [21:40] it makes me angery. [21:40] regel did u hear about yellow dog linux? [21:40] yeah [21:41] but they really need to optimize things [21:41] i just read about it a few months ago [21:41] as ps3-linux has always a limited hardware access [21:41] ubuntu is on the ps3 now [21:41] so it's not that fast [21:41] I run Ubuntu from external HDD. It shows my internal HDD partition D: but not C: How can I tell Ubuntu to show C: as well? [21:41] regel not if they make specific drivers for the cell technology [21:41] they wont [21:42] it's not worth it [21:42] regel why? [21:42] it's a nice idea to have linux running on a ps3 [21:42] they wouldn't get any money from it [21:42] it sure is [21:42] from what? [21:43] ps3 is plenty fine as a inet computer [21:43] sony from helping with cell-drivers [21:43] in fact compaired to most older systems it works fine indeed [21:43] just dont expect to have 3d going - so no compiz properly or so [21:43] i'll be getting an hp tablet PC, though [21:43] bah on hp tablets [21:44] hmmm i'm going to get a new lappy soon i want it to be a sony viao [21:44] only one with a resonable price [21:44] bah on sony too [21:44] Dell ftw, eh [21:44] i have the new compaq line on hp business laptops [21:44] i am pretty impressed [21:44] overpriced and made in china [21:44] every laptop is overpriced [21:44] hp is not good believe me [21:45] I wish they made quad-core tablets with 10h+ battery life [21:45] * regel is dreaming [21:45] i like hp's business line. i wont talk about their personal. [21:45] alpha5=tomorrow? [21:45] my hp's battary only stays 15 minutes alive [21:45] lmao [21:46] i only have it for 6 months [21:46] send it back [21:46] mine lasts ~3 hours [21:46] :\ [21:46] 2 if you turn up the monitor to full bright lols [21:46] luckily here in finland we can even make the shopkeepers to fix our computers after the warranty ends [21:46] nice laws :) [21:47] yeah i got the extended warrenty on mine.. one year was a joke. [21:47] they started internet censorship, though :( [21:47] made it 3. [21:47] and hacking is not illegal too in finland right? [21:47] I mean, we dont even have to get the extended warranty [21:47] yeah. censorship is getting bad. [21:47] that's illegal, im afraid [21:48] they even censored that one critic [21:48] hmm in finland? [21:48] yea [21:48] i got a finnish friend who says not [21:48] hacking? [21:48] depends what are you hacking [21:48] oh children lets not throw that word around. [21:48] *cracking [21:48] better =) ? [21:49] if you mean breaking into one machine to steal or cause damage, thats wrong peroid. i dont care where you are. lol. [21:49] =) [21:50] I think our law says that I could return my games to stores after I tried them, just because I dont accept the "EULA" [21:50] it's fun [21:51] you can do that with windows here [21:51] :P [21:51] the End use agreements dont concern us, they have no power over finnish folk [21:51] :) [21:51] say no, return the disk, they have to give you money back. [21:52] hell, we can even get our broken TVs fixed after 3 years (if the warranty is 1 year, for instance) [21:52] for free [21:53] regel i'm moving to finland tomorrow :D [21:53] XD [21:53] :) [21:53] The law is on the customer's side most of the time [21:53] turkmenistan if a very cheap land man allmost everything is allmost free [21:53] like electricity gas petrolium [21:54] :O [21:54] water [21:54] water? [21:54] water's free [21:54] yeah [21:54] who pays for water [21:54] i was chocked too when i heard it [21:54] belguim turkey netherlands germany france [21:54] etc. [21:55] Like... why?!? [21:55] regel may i ask how oldd u are? [21:55] 18 [21:55] :) [21:55] and you? [21:55] hmmm wanna join a channel [21:55] ? [21:55] i'm 16 allmost 17 [21:55] :) [21:56] what channel? [21:56] lol. kids. [21:56] old enough to drink goat's milk :D [21:56] well i'm only in linux for less then 6 months and i got improved a lot [21:57] You can learn a lot in 6 months [21:57] yeah i did :D [21:57] pun+-art: you discovered freedom in a early age :) === punQ-arT is now known as s0u][ight [22:01] to learn linux you really just have to install it and force yourself to learn it. you can't just use a live cd once in awhile. :P [22:02] :D [22:02] linux is more and more easy === s0u][ight is now known as punQ-arT [22:02] The 2.6.24 kernel has a broken module [22:02] 2.6.24-8 [22:02] cx88-alsa [22:02] I'm stuck using 2.6.24-4 [22:03] so regel ur realy helping ubuntu? [22:03] yeah [22:03] I do my best [22:03] small stuff [22:03] but important whatsoever [22:04] * punQ-arT bows :D [22:04] last year I did a lot translating stuff [22:04] anyone knows if GVFS is stable already? I want to dist-upgrade, but don't want to mess up my data [22:04] this year I thought I could do some testing and workarounds [22:04] to finnish i guess? [22:04] yea [22:04] !hardy [22:04] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [22:05] muszek, wait till april if you need a stable platform [22:05] or install on another partition, if you want to test [22:05] regel: the thing is that gutsy is quite unstable for me... ipw3945 crashes my laptop once a day on average [22:05] !topic | muszek [22:05] muszek: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [22:06] regel: and hard reboots are never fun [22:06] muszek, maybe dapper is the right one then? [22:06] it should be stable by now :) [22:06] Gnine: I've read the topic (I think it hasn't changed in at least 2 months :) ) [22:06] lmao [22:07] heh [22:07] regel how can i help translating to dutch and hmmm turkish etc. [22:07] not french i hate that language [22:07] punQ-arT, in launchpad, you have to apply for the translating team [22:08] I bought this laptop (dell 1720N) because I thought that since 1420N comes with ubuntu, then 1720 is basically the same thing, only with bigger screen... [22:08] on feisty sound card was misbehaving (external mic didn't work at all), on gutsy I have those ipw3945 crashes... [22:09] punQ-arT, launchpad.net/ [22:09] can someone please answer my question about GVFS? does it still cause data loss? [22:09] hmm i remember it [22:10] muszek back up ur data [22:10] muszek: no idea. [22:10] there you can file bugs, translate stuff, everything :) [22:11] I guess I'll wait a bit longer, until GNOME is in RC... [22:11] regel i'll do a during the summer vacation probably [22:11] muszek: you should just use gutsy :P [22:11] too much stuff going on school atm :| [22:11] yeah [22:11] tell me about it [22:12] math is just getting fun and complex at the same time [22:12] I got my matriculation exam coming up soon [22:12] * nekostar tosses coolermaster 690 case on bed [22:12] *exams [22:12] * nekostar gets ready for work ;-) [22:12] quit school if it gets in the way :) [22:12] :) [22:12] I wish I could [22:12] regel blackhat or MNZ from the channel could help you with it i guess [22:12] I quit Uni during the final year (after 8 years of getting there) [22:12] if u would need help [22:13] :) [22:13] they're both at university [22:13] ow no MNZ not [22:13] blackhat is in his last year [22:13] he's studing master degree? [22:13] or candidate? [22:13] or doctor? [22:14] last year of.... master degree I guess [22:14] i don't have an idea [22:14] I want to be able to introduce myself as a doctor [22:14] "hello, I'm doctor Regel... doctor of philosophy!!!" [22:15] cool [22:15] i want to be a student for ever [22:15] lol. [22:15] :) [22:15] a professor at MIT for ever [22:15] not to be an ass but you two should move over to the off topic channel. :P [22:15] :) [22:15] :] [22:15] this is sometimes related to hardy [22:15] yeah yeah. [22:16] right? [22:16] i have to go [22:16] bye [22:16] !offtopic [22:16] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [22:16] then i'll keep talking to myself [22:16] :) [22:17] lawl [22:17] uh, i think i'd better go to bed. i have a class in seven hours [22:18] see i was waiting for a regular to get that bot after you. [22:18] :) [22:18] bye [22:23] I hope the NVIDIA bosses rot in hell! [22:23] y? [22:23] This fsck proprietary driver! Never works as it should! [22:24] well dur. [22:24] !fsck | humbolt [22:24] i bet you cant think of one company that actully has a good driver. [22:24] humbolt: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [22:25] nothing to do with anything nvidia [22:25] you must learn to ignore half of what people say in here. ;) [22:26] Gnine: well if you want I can also write fucking proprietary driver. [22:26] i mean, could more peoplec all xserver startx or xterm. [22:27] how can I make the nvidia driver work properly on dualhead. [22:27] !ohmy | humbolt [22:27] humbolt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [22:28] I just bought a new LCD and I just want it to be my primary display when I am at home and the Laptops LCD to be the primary display when I am on the road. [22:29] When I extend my desktop via xinerama the external LCD works. when I try to make it the only display it does not. [22:30] Can't be a modline issue if it works when using both LCDs. [22:31] anybody any idea? [22:39] humbolt: I think you can make it work using xrandr [22:39] humbolt: set LVDS to -off and you should be good [22:40] humbolt: you may have to set up a script to handle it [22:52] when I have two displays without xinerama I have compiz working on both screens, but the window decorator only working on the primary screen. [22:53] does that sound familiar? [22:53] humbolt: Yup, known bug. [22:54] RAOF: no way around? It also seems like the nvidia driver does not support compiz when xinerama is enabled. [22:54] humbolt: Expanding on what Cyclonut had to say, you may be interested in http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [22:54] humbolt: Oh, the nvidia driver. Yeah. [22:55] I'm pretty sure that nvidia should support compiz + xinerama, but it's likely that you actually want TwinView. [22:56] If the GPUs in Laptops where not soldered in I would have long ago ripped this damn nvidia chip off the board. [22:56] TwinView, does seem to make problems too. [22:56] ...and replaced it with an Intel chip, yeah :) [22:57] intel or ati [22:57] certainly [22:57] ATI suck approximately as much as nvidia. [22:57] However, I'm running Compiz + twinview on my laptop _right now_. [22:57] but at least there is radeonHD under way [22:57] So it's certainly possible :)( [22:58] so what is twin view? [22:58] humbolt: And nouveau, for nVidia :). Which is seriously good, if you only want 2d. [22:58] humbolt: TwinView is nvidia's dynamic dual-screen thing. Basically, run "sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview", and have the second screen plugged in while you boot. [22:59] and now, when I will have setup my config just right for two monitors, what again will happen, when the external display is not connected? [22:59] Failing that, run the nvidia-settings program, which will allow you to dynamically enable & disable stuff. [22:59] When the external display is not connected nothing will break; you just won't have a second screen :) [23:01] Hi, whenever i try to play HD movies my CPU usage goes up to 100% and the video freezes all together, Any idea why and how to fix? [23:10] WelshDragon: player? [23:10] I've tried VLC, mplayer and totem [23:10] all the same [23:10] :O [23:11] hello friends, if i have my hibernate mode broken after update. [23:11] do you have installed your graphics drivers? [23:11] what i can do, [23:11] Yes [23:11] ? [23:11] WelshDragon: hm... confusing... [23:11] It happened on gutsy once when i was running that [23:12] You know any other players to try? [23:13] WelshDragon: sorry, i dont know any solution... you can try kaffeine... but i mean that the problem doesn't come from the player you use... [23:14] WelshDragon: ill go to bed. good luck WelshDragon ;) [23:14] !multimedia [23:14] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [23:15] I'll have a look at them app's [23:15] any idea on the problem Gnine ? [23:16] !media [23:16] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [23:16] this is the one i was looking for [23:17] and check your [23:17] !codecs [23:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:17] kk [23:46] i spent hours trying to figure out why none of my ralink based wireless devices could find/associate with my ap.. [23:47] turns out i had switched to channel 13 some time ago and mac80211 uses fcc as default regulatory domain