[09:41] popey: so you want the entire story to be repeated on this channel? [09:41] I kickbanned GPenguin because I believe him to be Patrick Frank [09:42] from #ubuntu-uk that is [09:42] if he has a problem with that, then he should take it up with the people who run this channel [09:42] I am not willing to discuss it further until someone else steps in [09:42] [10:39] popey: and then you seriously wonder why people react in a rude way to such violent attitude? [09:42] [10:40] GPenguin is I believe a certain patrick frank [09:42] [10:40] I kickbanned him from #ubuntu-uk [09:42] [10:40] popey: you make up wild guesses about my real name and take violent action based on wild assumptions while there was no need to be massive [09:42] [10:40] popey: thats not just unhealthy attitude, thats abusive [09:42] [10:41] raise it with the irc ops if you have an issue with me [09:42] [10:41] popey: and the irony is that you claim Patrick Frank was rude because of such abuse [09:42] [10:41] popey: loco stuff is handled in #ubuntu-irc now - this channel is just for #ubuntu, #kubuntu, et al and their offtopics [09:42] [10:41] oh ok [09:42] [10:41] popey: why would i be interested in further escalation? i follow your invite to this channel to talk to you after you banned me without any reason [09:42] [10:41] GPenguin: take it to #ubuntu-irc :) [09:43] so the case is open [09:45] popey: are you at least aware that _you_ are escalating a peaceful situation? [09:45] hm? [09:45] GPenguin: peaceful situation and kickban doesn't fit [09:45] Tm_T: whats your role in the ubuntu community, please? [09:46] GPenguin: I'm the Overseer, but that doesn't matter [09:46] i was having peaceful smalltalk on #ubuntu-uk and popey banned me with the comment "i suspect you are Patrick Frank". then invited me to #ubuntu-ops where he told he wont discuss. then invited me to #ubuntu-irc [09:47] yes [09:47] Tm_T: it does matter if i talk to the right person or some random popey fanboy [09:47] no, I'm not any fanboy, sorry [09:47] good. so there is a chance that you manage this situation in a professional way [09:48] and to make this clear from the beginning. i am not claiming the right to be on #ubuntu-uk. since popey shows this hostile attitude i dont care to be there. what i care about is the abusive attitude [09:48] GPenguin: anyway, if popey or other ops in this channel discuss this matter with you, then do, if not, I can't help you other than point you to ubuntu irc council [09:49] Tm_T: so you want me to spend time and efforts outside of IRC to deal with some abusive jerk on IRC? [09:50] Tm_T: the behaviour of popey meets the classic "harassment policy" [09:50] GPenguin: Please refrain from calling -uk operators jerks [09:50] Tm_T: and i expect this to be fixed where the problem occurs [09:50] GPenguin: unfortunately I can't help you other way, as I don't have nor like to have powers to "fix them" [09:51] Tm_T: i have seen network operators who k-line for the behaviour what popey did [09:51] GPenguin: then talk to them? [09:51] GPenguin: if you are infact Patrick Frank - you are supposed to be on a kline [09:51] Tm_T: simple question: what is the purpose of this channel here? [09:51] Daviey: says who? [09:52] GPenguin: talk and collaboration between irc operators of loco channels [09:52] Tm_T: why was i invited to [09:52] GPenguin: we don't hold power over each other usually [09:52] Tm_T: why was i invited to # [09:52] oh come on, you know as well as the rest of us that you are supposed to be klined [09:52] Shall we ask freenode staff? [09:52] Tm_T: why was i invited to #ubuntu-ops first and then taken from there to this channel then? [09:52] GPenguin: to discuss this matte [09:52] actually i asked him to come here to _escalate_ the matter [09:52] Daviey: please do if needed :)) [09:52] Tm_T: and the discussion is where? [09:52] I do _not_ want to discuss it and I'd rather the other -uk ops didnt either [09:53] its a monumental waste of time [09:53] but your time, so up to you [09:53] Tm_T: asked one staffer [09:53] GPenguin: like to discuss it now? ok, first calm down [09:53] popey: I'll try :)) [09:53] popey: right. you are intriguing to see a person k-lined. thats pretty weak ethics to be honest [09:53] Tm_T: calm down if somebody behaves like a jerk? [09:53] GPenguin: yes [09:54] popey: what do you think the community says about your ethics? [09:54] GPenguin: because if you do not, you might end up being a jerk yourself, I'm not qualified to say are you already [09:54] popey: do you think your ethics meet the Ubuntu Code of Conduct? [09:54] popey: or are you that much of a celebrity these days that such a Code of Conduct does not apply to you anymore? [09:55] popey: you say you want escalation? [09:55] since when popey has become celebrity? =) [09:55] popey: you want me to pick up this challenge? [09:55] popey: you want escalation so you can cry later that i was escalating a harmless situation? [09:55] GPenguin: anyway, thus far you have only tried to make huge fight rather than discuss [09:55] GPenguin: I have already suggested what I think you should do [09:56] Tm_T: i tried to fight or popey? [09:56] take it to the irc council GPenguin [09:56] GPenguin: you, calm down, son [09:56] popey: so you are actively provoking a mud fight on the council mailing lists? [09:56] no, i am asking you to take it to the irc council [09:56] GPenguin: no, he is not asking any mud fighting [09:56] popey: again - how does that fit the Code of Conduct what you do here? [09:57] as I have said many times, I am not willing to discuss it until you escalate it [09:57] I believe I am too close to the issue to be impartial [09:57] GPenguin: calm down, I think I said it before already [09:57] popey: psycho logical explained what you do is begging for a punch in the face while there is no need [09:58] popey: and now think back how the situation was before you turned abusive. there was a random person on #ubuntu-uk having small talk in a friendly and peaceful way [09:58] bahhhhh [09:58] stupid borky scripts [09:59] sorry everyone [09:59] /remove GPenguin I said calm down [09:59] popey: thanks :)) [09:59] popey: had fun for a moment there [09:59] tomaw: hi hi welcome [09:59] tomaw: missed the fun :( [10:00] Ubuntu Developers invite people to #ubuntu-irc after they abused them, so other Ubuntu Developers can abuse them, too? is that the master plan? and the complaint was what again? that i turn violent on such input? [10:00] hi [10:00] tomaw: ^^ [10:00] GPenguin: no, no plan to abuse [10:00] tomaw: is that the deal here? [10:00] Tm_T: double check your behaviour [10:00] GPenguin: honestly, calm down, as long as you are raging around you can't discuss [10:01] GPenguin: I have only just joined [10:01] GPenguin: I do my job, no abuse there [10:01] Tm_T: i am calm. even after your abusive behaviour [10:01] GPenguin: good then [10:01] Tm_T: no you dont do your job. [10:01] interesting [10:01] Tm_T: you are having ban fun like popey. and this abuse brought me to this channel [10:02] GPenguin: no, I am not having ban fun [10:02] Tm_T: i dont care that you dont value the Code of Conduct that you signed when becoming an Ubuntu Developer. i care about people who abuse me. do you get it? [10:02] GPenguin: hmm, you do make hard accusations, son :) [10:02] without any arguments [10:03] Tm_T: a start would be that you stop flooding me with crap like "calm down" while i am calm [10:03] GPenguin: good, good [10:03] Tm_T: the next step is that you dont look at me with the eyes of a ban happy jerk when i try to explain a problem [10:03] GPenguin: yes son [10:04] Tm_T: the third step is that you learn about respect and stop calling me "son", so i dont have to insult you [10:04] son, I do respect you, no need to insult [10:04] Tm_T: the basic principle about de-escalation. you play the access dude, then you should know about it [10:04] GPenguin: I believe you are Paddy Frank also - for this reason i don't want you unbanned from -uk anytime soon. [10:05] Daviey: keep out of this at this point. thank you [10:05] i am sure Tm_T is mature enough to handle this on his own without support [10:05] GPenguin: Would be good if you did also. [10:05] Daviey: remember - i was invited to this place after i was abused by popey [10:06] and the bottom line was "i suspect this person is Patrick Frank who was rude some months ago. so i must ban him now without cause" [10:06] do you get this so far? [10:07] GPenguin: I need some prove for this, as I can't see inside popeys head [10:07] Tm_T: ask popey to provide you a log then [10:07] i will take a break now so you have enough time to _think_ how to proceed [10:07] but be warned. i am not taking anymore abuse from anybody [10:08] http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2008/02/20/%23ubuntu-uk.html [10:09] post the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, too please. so all of you can re-read before you say _anything_ [10:09] I dont need to read it, I already did that. [10:10] GPenguin: ok, now I have seen this situation for some depth [10:10] GPenguin: any comments about this matter? [10:15] GPenguin: ok, I'll make some hot chocolate in the meantime [10:15] is it on me now to comment, or is the situation right now that popey has to justify, why he takes violent action based on wild assumptions? [10:16] answer a question with a question? [10:16] i hope we are past the ethics of the old wild wild west days where you fire and forget [10:17] GPenguin: what _exactly_ do you want to happen now? [10:17] the first step is that popey justifies his actions, then i will comment [10:17] ok, here goes. [10:17] * Tm_T sips [10:17] I believe that you are someone who has in the past been k-lined from freenode. I also believe that you are Paddy Frank. a) ban evasion. b) unsavoury person who makes threats to people. [10:17] popey: and try to avoid throwing mud and digging up old gossip. stick to facts [10:18] ergo, I don't want you in the channel [10:18] ^^ facts [10:18] yes, that is your assumption [10:18] s/assumption/belief [10:18] * Daviey agrees with said belif [10:18] belief* [10:18] and your IRC ethics are, that you take violent action based on assumption and belief? [10:18] s/vilolent/appropriate [10:18] yes [10:19] GPenguin: can you prove you are not this person they are talking about? [10:19] i gave you an opportunity to say you were not paddy frank [10:19] (although given you are him [IMO] that's tricky) [10:19] popey: my next question is - are you aware that _this_ is not acceptable regarding the Freenode Guidelines? [10:19] and evading a k-line is?! [10:19] Tm_T: i dont have to prove anything. we are not in front of court. [10:19] umm, you beat me - you broke guidelines by evading a kline [10:19] popey: assumption [10:19] what is "this"? [10:20] can you prove it? [10:20] can I prove what? [10:20] and take note: i have to deal with 3 people the same time which is causing stress [10:20] i can prove that you are paddy frank "beyond reasonable doubt" yes [10:20] this conversation is pretty much proof [10:20] IMO [10:20] GPenguin: if you don't have to prove, why popey have to prove? anyway, you are just attacking atm [10:21] to be clear. I don't believe I broke the CoC, I dont believe I have gone against freenode guidelines. [10:21] popey: you dont even know the difference between assumption and proof, but you are responsible for wife and kids. and you seriously wonder that i react to such people like you with patience, politeness and non-violent communication? [10:21] ergo, we have a difference of opinion [10:22] popey: i believe that you have to learn a lot about social ethics before you carry on playing the Free Software Developer [10:22] take it to the irc council please [10:22] I am done here [10:22] popey: no thanks [10:22] GPenguin: you are still just attacking, son :( [10:22] stop wasting my time then [10:22] popey: i have better things to do than playing the mud fights low life suckers like you bring up [10:22] that is not sensible way to discuss, GPenguin [10:23] popey: and now have fun on #ubuntu-uk as the jerk that you are :-) [10:23] tomaw: isn't he lovely? [10:23] Tm_T: dont worry. i am done [10:23] have a nice day [10:23] GPenguin: shame :( [10:23] popey: you too, sweetheart [10:23] mwah! [10:23] popey: and never forget: the color pink is with you [10:23] I am more of a blue person myself [10:24] he couldn't back up his words I notice, so time to retreat [10:24] anyway, to me it's look like ban-on-sight now on [10:26] why people can't sit down and talk like adults, instead of trolling and attacking untill get kille [10:27] d [10:27] he is a special case [10:28] aren't they all? ;--P [10:29] glad I'm not a human [10:29] :) [10:29] hahah [10:34] what we should do to him in -classroom channels? [10:35] kick him? [10:35] he clearly isn't pleasent [10:35] who wants to do it? ;) [10:36] Seeker`: go ahead :) [10:36] ban as well? [10:36] why not [10:36] you sure? [10:36] he will come around soon enough but why not [10:37] lovely [10:37] bah, i dont have ops in #ubuntu-doc [10:37] me neither [10:41] -10:39:06- GPenguin: more escalation that is absolutely not necessary [10:41] -10:39:18- GPenguin: you fail in understanding the Freenode Guidelines [10:41] -10:40:59- GPenguin: maybe what you do is useful to come closer to a friendship with popey [10:41] -10:41:17- GPenguin: but your behaviour creates any enemy as tradeoff [10:42] -10:41:36- GPenguin: thats not just weak ethics, thats dumb [10:43] I haven;t replied to him [10:44] nor need to [11:40] hello [11:41] halllo [11:57] hallo [12:01] Hi [12:01] elektronik123: you need to ask your question [12:10] i can`t join to #ubuntu-pl [12:14] elektronik123, you need to speak to pressenter who is the person that set your ban [12:14] there unfortunately is no bantracker for that channel, so I cant find out why this happened [15:41] LjL: oh, lord, no, Crysis is at it again [15:42] at least I think it's Crysis, same real name.. [15:46] jpatrick: set a realname ban then? [15:47] Pici: don't worry, I've kicked him out and told him what he did wrong === dodobas is now known as dodobas_ === dodobas_ is now known as dodobas [17:11] ok [17:11] Azag: cuando te expulsaron? [17:12] no veo nada en el backlog.. [17:12] hoy [17:12] hace 1 hora, o algo asi [17:12] si expulsan a alguien q usa la misma conexion me expulsan a mi? [17:13] ahhh [17:13] eso lo explica [17:13] TipXxi [n=xxy@] has left #ubuntu-es [requested by jpatrick: "no spam"] [17:14] TipXxi es un vecino qu se cuelga de mi Wifi [17:14] :( [17:14] Azag: lo siento no lo quieria hacer para ti, por no se premite spam en los canales de #ubuntu* [17:14] Azag: te quito el ban ahora [17:14] ok, thnx [17:14] le voy a decir, q pare el spam, y q deje de usar mi conexion... [17:14] mas bien protejela [17:15] Azag: ya esta, puedes entrar en el canal [17:15] gracias [17:15] :) [17:15] lo siento por las molestias [17:16] ningun problema [17:17] gracias y nos vemos en ubuntu-es === maggit_ is now known as maggit [18:47] question of the day: I banned an IP. Can a cloaked user join if he connects with that iP? === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [19:02] no0tic: no [19:03] thanks [20:11] boing [20:12] Myrtti: boing www.boingboing.net home of Doctorow XD [20:31] no0tic: if you ban the host, yes, if you actually ban the numeric address, no [21:17] * P3L|C4N0 saludos === keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx