
abogani_MMA_, Read my very stupid replay... :)00:00
_MMA_abogani: Ill reply. He has a attitude from the get go. (start of things) He wont test but Ill ask him again.00:03
aboganibdmurray, ogasawara: Are you around? Could you set bug #193078 to "Won't Fix" for linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22, please?00:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193078 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "quickcam module will not load in rt kernel" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19307800:05
aboganiThanks :-)00:05
bdmurrayabogani: I've won'tfixed it00:10
aboganibdmurray, Thanks a lot, Brian!00:14
abogani_MMA_: Thanks, Cory.00:16
=== abogani changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.24-7.11 | Latest news: 2.6.24 Release in Hardy | Next meeting: Feb 26, 17:00 UTC | Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com
=== abogani changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.24-8.14 | Latest news: 2.6.24 Release in Hardy | Next meeting: Feb 26, 17:00 UTC | Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com
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tyroneHello, I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but the kernel header files seem to lack certain files. Particularly module.h. Any idea how to get them in there? Thanks04:22
tyroneanyone on at all?04:33
tyroneubuto : sorry to bug you, but you seem to be the only user who isn't idling at the moment. Can I ask you a question? about the kernel headers?04:40
johanbrIt's pretty late. Try earlier in the day. And ubotu is a bot. :)04:42
tyrone... why does that always happen to me04:46
tyronelol. me and bots..04:46
tyronewell.. either way, have you heard that module.h is missing from the linux headers on 22-14?04:46
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maks_BenC: can i please get at least an answer to my initramfs-tools sync mail11:17
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kurt-georghi folks, i have a severe problem with hardware detection, can you help me? i believe it is a kernel issue.14:34
aboganikurt-georg: Please, Fill a bug report. Obviously check is already exist in the bug database first! :-) Thanks! 14:37
kurt-georgi did. i got no reaction.14:37
kurt-georgBug #192234, first reported on 2008-02-15 by  Georg Hooss14:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192234 in ubuntu "3-years old ehci usb hardware not recognized" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19223414:37
kurt-georgwhat more can i do if not asking here?14:38
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rtgsuppose this'll make it into ?15:56
zulrtg: the patch is sitting on the ml moderators16:02
rtgzul: flushed16:03
* amitk -> make dinner16:06
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mkrufky[OT] my latest request @ shipit.ubuntu.com was not approved  -- is this because Hardy is soon on the way??  I don't know where / who to ask why my request was denied18:04
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TeTeTmjg59: hi Matthew, can you tell me how it is decided which ACPI module is loaded, e.g. thinkpad_acpi on my T40p?20:35
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