[00:00] ryanakca: i am changing our iconset in forum.kubuntu-de.org to oxygen and. I would like to change the "blue" colors of it too, can you send me the colors of the new kubunu.org? [00:02] hmm scribus took some getting used to but it's actually rather nice [00:03] yuriy!!!!!!! [00:11] hey Jucato how are you [00:12] doing ok. I was looking for you last month :) === wolfger_ is now known as wolfger [00:32] * nosrednaekim blinks at the number of kubuntu bugs [00:36] too small to read/see? :) [00:38] too many [00:38] KDM doesn't have a "wrong password" dialog does it? [00:39] dialog? no. it just says, Login failed at the bottom while graying out the text input boxes for a moment [00:40] wonder what this guy is talking about then https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/189594 [00:40] Launchpad bug 189594 in kdebase "KDM login screen freezes when incorrect password is entered" [Undecided,New] [00:40] maybe kdm-kde4? [00:41] ah haven't tried it [00:42] i'm gunna go try it soon [00:58] jpatrick: still around? [00:58] nah... he left a couple hours ago [01:14] neversfelde: sure [01:15] neversfelde: did you want the gradient? [02:48] * nixternal yawns [02:48] * Jucato shoots an M&M into nixternal's mouth [02:48] hehe [02:49] I am out bug squashing [02:49] * ScottK2 performs the Heimlich Maneuver on nixternal [02:49] got a little bug addiction going on [02:49] :D [02:49] * Jucato applauds nixternal [02:49] ScottK: how was that ice? [02:49] my daughter messaged me earlier today saying you all had a "snow day" [02:49] No school today [02:49] Wife had a slip and fall out front, but is OK. [02:50] did you feel bad, or did you laugh a little? [02:50] aw :( [02:50] sadist! :P [02:50] hehe [02:50] I felt bad. [02:50] It's a reasonable quesiton though. [02:50] ya, cuz I slipped once and my x-wife laughed [02:50] hehe :) [02:50] She's not my X yet. [02:50] so when she slipped, I laughed at her [02:51] that's when she became your X? :) [02:51] ScottK2: not "yet"? O.o [02:51] quite a bit after that [02:51] Jucato: We're having a tough time right now. It may go that way. [02:51] he is just leaving the option open Jucato :p [02:51] hehe it got the ball rolling :P [02:51] ScottK2: ah [02:51] nixternal: oh yeah... different cultures sorry :) [02:53] man, when you get hungry, word of warning, don't go to toxic hell [02:53] I mean taco bell [02:53] yum.. [02:53] I think my nacho bell grande was laced [02:53] I had burritos a few days ago [02:53] nixternal: open a window? [02:53] ewww [02:53] not laced like that [02:54] * Jucato waves to seele [02:54] * seele waves [02:54] so that's where the smell was coming from... [02:54] it just made me tired [03:06] OK, decibel is making me mad [03:06] the package that is [03:06] what is decibel for? text to speech? [03:08] it is the KDE framework similar to telepathy [03:08] which does VOIP? [03:09] all types of communication stuff [03:09] decibel.kde.org for a better explanation that what I can give :) [03:09] mmk :) [03:10] I am not 100% familiar with it honestly...it works like the Gnome Telepathy stuff does [03:10] trying to fix the FTBS bug on it [03:10] hey nixternal. apparently i'll be going to chicago for a couple days in april :D [03:10] yuriy: when in April? [03:10] nixternal: 20-23 [03:10] will probably just be doing touristy stuff [03:11] I should be here that week...the weekend before I will be in Detroit for Penguicon [03:12] actually, I should be coming back to Chicago on the 20th [03:26] man, decibel does not like our cdbs/kde.mk that's for sure === \sh is now known as \sh_away [05:55] So I didn't do 5 today. Mine goes to 11. It was all new bugs filed though. [05:55] 10 on one package though. That was kind of fun. [05:56] heh [05:56] this Decibel FTBS is irritating [05:57] we are trying to install crap everywhere [05:58] * nixternal thinks that Decibel isn't KDE 4 only and might think about removing the decibel-kde4 portion [06:00] FTBS? For all The BS! [06:03] damnit, who said Riddell could leave [06:06] Don't worry. I think I may be about to break python-kde3, so the heat'll be off you. [06:08] woohoo [06:08] people still use pykde3? :p [06:08] that is like people coding in Visual Basic...get with the times already [06:09] mhb: do you like C#? I have been debating on taking a couple of free classes on it [06:09] * ScottK2 is just fixing bugs in it. [06:11] nixternal: they teach Vb at my Uni [06:11] same here [06:11] I just never had the urge to learn it...seems useless to me [06:12] they teach programming languages at your uni's? [06:12] Sure. Why not? [06:13] well, ours is quite strictly a computer *science* program and they only teach you enough of something here and there to complete some assignments [06:25] yuriy: but they do teach C and asm right? [06:25] and lisp? :) [06:26] Not lisp [06:26] Java and scheme [06:26] no lisp? [06:26] What's scheme? [06:26] like lisp [06:26] Ah [06:26] and C for some electives [06:27] no asm :( [06:27] * ScottK2 did Pascal and Z80 assembler in university a long time ago. [06:27] well you're lucky it's horrible asm [06:27] oh and apparently python for the AI course if you get the right professor [06:27] shouldn't that be lisp for AI? [06:28] i got the matlab/"use anything you want" guy (in other words, he ain't gonna teach it to ya) [06:29] hmm i'm thinking this was too late to start this experiment [06:29] * yuriy is testing the KDE 4 runs on old hardware theory === DaSKreech_ is now known as daSKreech [07:04] ScottK2: you still awake? [07:04] Yeah [07:05] hey, with FF, are sync requests still possible? [07:05] Sure. [07:05] anything special need to be done at all? [07:06] If it's just a revision with a fix of some kind, just do it as usual. If it's a new upstream with feature changes, subscribe motu-release instead of the archive and add the extra bits for an FFe [07:06] there is a sync request by someone for smb4k but they never subscribed the right people [07:06] new upstream with major feature changes [07:06] If it's a bugfix upstream release then just add the new upstream changelog entries [07:06] Then it needs a full FFe request [07:07] ya, don't know if it will totally be worth it since there aren't many bug reports, 1 actually on the package [07:07] and it is a huge change over the version we have in our repos [07:07] I wish this guy would have read the sync rules and subscribed the right people last month [07:08] heh, I should reply in the bug report that if he wants to see it in hardy bad enough, he should file the FFe request :) [07:09] actually, that is exactly what I am going to do [07:45] dangit, I totally forgot to add kubuntu-docs-kde4 prior to the freeze....argh argh argh [07:46] one of you core-devs get ready...I will have a crack package for you to upload here in a few (kubuntu-docs) [07:46] heh [07:46] need to fix a FTBFS and a couple of bugs [07:51] Hey, guys! [07:51] hola === ubuntu is now known as serega [07:52] I've recently downloaded and booted hardy alpha4... IT IS GREAT!!! [07:52] * serega bows [07:52] you all rock, guys! [07:54] why thank you, but isn't alpha 5 out now? :) [07:56] O.o alpha 5?? [07:57] darn... [07:57] ))) [07:57] hehe [07:58] there is work for me: looks like codec autoinstallation is broken :] [08:01] I was confused by kubuntu.org. latest release-announcement is about Alpha4 :( [08:02] alpha 5 was only released today [08:03] ohh... nice :) [08:05] where can I get Alpha5? [08:07] serega: just upgrade from alpha4? [08:07] ok, thanks [08:07] * yuriy just installed alpha 5 + kde 4 on a 350mhz machine [08:08] cool [08:08] yuriy: how it behaves? [08:08] serega: well... it works. haven't played around with it much. took a couple hours to get it set up, time for bed [08:16] Hobbsee: http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/kubuntu-docs/ <-- there is some crack that needs to be uploaded :) [08:25] yuriy: you are sick, put any DE on a 350mhz machine is just wrong :) [08:25] whose idea was it to change /etc/sensors.conf to /etc/sensors3.conf? === hunger_t is now known as hunger [09:40] anyone would like test skim for me? package is here http://ppa.launchpad.net/zhengpeng-hou/ubuntu/pool/main/s/skim/ [10:06] update alpha4 -> alpha5 is 288M :( [10:07] will there be an alpha5 install CD? [10:15] sure [10:25] kool [12:31] that 'smarter' seems to have changed his nick... [12:31] i want to track the progress on that bug [12:31] the chinese input methods one === kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek [12:39] what is the current state about alpha 5? gondim blogged about the ubuntu release and linked to Kubuntu iso as well [13:10] blizzzek: it's done [13:14] Hobbsee: though there is no official announcement and the release notes are rather ehm decent? [13:14] oh, i thought there'd been an annoucement [13:14] #u-d says it is [13:15] there is no kubuntu announcement i mean [13:15] last news on kubuntu.org is about koffice [13:18] blizzzek: it's a weekend. riddell isn't around. [13:20] i.e. there wont be a news until monday? [13:21] dear god. compared to yast adept is SO GOOD [13:23] blizzzek: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-5/ [13:23] vorian: is alpha-5 the same as today's daily build? [13:24] seele: yast is not only a package manager :) [13:24] seele: i don't think this is the same [13:24] vorian: i know this site, but i am more interested in release notes ;) [13:24] blizzzek: something like that [13:24] freeflying: yes, it's supposed to be oh so much more -- that it's not doing for me [13:24] seele: probably. or similar [13:25] Hobbsee: any time do me a sponsor upload now? [13:25] Hobbsee: isn't nixternal working on the notes? [13:25] i've no idea [13:25] * Hobbsee hasn't really been around... [13:26] Hobbsee: ok, ty [13:26] love how it installed the driver for my wireless card but not the scripts to configure it [13:26] "Please insert CD" [13:26] head -> desk [13:26] so much for testing that. alpha5 will be on here as soon as it downloads :P [13:55] yuriy: sorry, went to sleep === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde === santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve [14:32] nixternal: thanks for the long explanation why smb4k could not be added. unfortunately, i'm nearing my masters thesis deadline (end of next week) so i doubt i can spare the time to prepare what would be required to get it in :( === vorian_ is now known as vorian [14:54] emonkey: bist du da? [14:55] or any #k-de ops [14:57] jpatrick: i am here [14:57] blizzzek: please kick carate from #k-de [14:57] blizzzek: he is a far-to-well-known network troll [14:58] blizzzek: that I've had to kick from 5 channels.. [14:58] jpatrick: currently, he is silent [14:58] i waill have an eye on him [14:59] blizzzek: context: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57061/ [14:59] -a [14:59] well, we're trying to get me kline-d [14:59] him*** [15:00] dunno what kline-d is :( [15:00] forcifully kill a user from the network [15:01] ah ok [15:01] * blizzzek is gonna kill er kick him [15:02] jpatrick: done [15:02] blizzzek: /mode +b *!*@99.242.28.* :) [15:03] jpatrick: [16:02:48] [Fehler] +b: Kanal unbekannt. (== channel unknown) [15:03] /mode #kubuntu-de +b *!*@99.242.28.* [15:04] * jpatrick forgot his irssi is smart [15:04] blizzzek: danke schön :) [15:05] jpatrick: your welcome :) [15:05] +'e [15:06] * jpatrick adds #k-de to autojoin [15:07] jpatrick: feel at home in there :) [15:14] jpatrick, looks like the troll issue is already fixed :) [15:14] emonkey: now he's trolling in #freenode [15:14] ^ ^ [15:14] that ain't gonna get him anywhere:) [15:15] cept globally banned === John4rper is now known as GNUcoso [15:19] jpatrick: i'd just wanted to show you my version of the flyer i'd linked to earlier [15:19] yuriy: ohh, let's see [15:20] jpatrick: http://www.yktech.us/temp/KDE4Flyer2.pdf [15:21] sorry, that's KDEFlyer2.pdf [15:22] but seems to redirect anyway [15:23] yuriy: nice, apart from the "K desktop environment" at the buttom, bit fuzzy [15:26] hi guys is there chance that for hardy alpha6 all system settings bugs will be fixed? Who have hardy have different problems just testing resolutions and so on [15:39] jpatrick: txwikinger fears that with banning 99.242.28.* a lot of people (actually 255 adresses) could be excluded since this belong to one of canadas biggest isps [15:40] blizzzek: it's too keep him out if he resets his router [15:40] blizzzek: you can remove it in 24hr or something [15:40] :) [15:41] jpatrick: yes, that was the question how long this ban has to be kept upright [15:41] jpatrick: It is not the biggest issue in the German channels... but you potentially ban a legitimate people in Ontatio [15:41] Ontario [15:41] hmm, yeah, but do you want trolls? [15:41] It's just a thought.. I understand what you are doing :) [15:42] you're the ops, not me :) [15:42] I'm just a messenger from the ubuntu-ops team :) [15:42] jpatrick: No problem.. just a thought as I said [15:43] i think 24h is not the problem... you arent moving thereto in that time, txwikinger, do you? ;) [15:43] No :D [15:44] how do you think, should the kaffeine block until codecs are installed? [15:45] yuriy, nice flyer, is the source of it avalaible? Maybe it would be cool to translate it for local events around here === _czessi is now known as Czessi [15:58] txwikinger, blizzzek ,emonkey /msg SeenServ seen carate [15:58] you may now remove the ban :) [16:01] jpatrick: ty [16:25] buz: maybe I can find the time to get it done [16:26] well it's not that important [16:27] maybe i'll give a shot at building it and trying to get a PPA working :P [16:34] for some reason, I thought there were more smb4k bugs than the one you had and then another one [16:35] another funny thing is I never saw it come across merges or email that it had been updated in debian [16:37] nixternal: are you working on alpha 5 release notes? [16:43] blizzzek: isn't it to late for them? I didn't get a chance to [16:45] why do i feel like every saturday i clean out my work bag, and try and re organize the study [16:46] nixternal: we had some questions about alpha 5 the last days, imo some pr work would be good. at least, we (k-de.org) would make a german announcement, even a small one, but the information given are low :( [16:47] nixternal: On a wiki it's never to late. [17:00] ScottK: get to doin' it :) [17:01] blizzzek: how's this, I will have one up for you a little later? will that be cool...today I planned on coming up with an easy system for our Release Notes so it not only makes it easier on myself, but also easier on those who want to help with the notes as well as translate them [17:01] I have to do a little bit of cleaning here and I will work on it [17:03] nixternal: that sounds good :) [17:03] groovy [17:04] what channel is the developer week stuff going on in? [17:05] or was rather [17:05] nixternal: My only input for release notes would be KDE 3.5.9. [17:07] nixternal: we lost Riddell [17:08] nixternal» ubuntu-classroom [17:10] where did we loose riddell to this time? [17:11] jjesse: FOSDEM [17:12] bummer, he seems nice and relaxed in the front row of the fosdem pic [17:23] mhb» ping [17:39] emonkey: i'll edit the flyer to include attributions and will post the scribus file in kubuntu-promo bzr [17:39] yuriy, cool nice thx [17:47] yay, people using kubuntu-promo, finally [17:59] come on now...anyone here a Wubi dev? [18:00] don't think so.. [18:00] so let me guess, we replaced the other Windows CD stuff with Wubi now? [18:00] last test, Wubi didn't work on Vista [18:01] We put Wubi on the liveCD? [18:01] it looks like it, someone added to the release notes page for me to write up [18:02] interesting. [18:02] I think we should just use all of it for linux packages :) [18:02] nixternal: You could add to release notes that we have Bulletproof-X implemented for KDM.. [18:03] iRon: thanks for that input! you have a wiki page that has information as to what exactly Bulletproof-X does for Kubuntu? [18:03] I have an idea, but I would like to have the real info [18:03] and is it really bulletproof? [18:03] hehe [18:03] :) [18:04] nixternal: it need to be tested :) [18:04] I would hate to try and bulletproof X [18:04] and when you say implemented for KDM, you mean KDM 3 and not for KDM 4 right? [18:04] kdm3 and kdm4 [18:04] whoa, nice job! [18:04] woot [18:05] no doubt, if it works you get 2 cookies! [18:05] hehe [18:10] nixternal: this is how it works in Ubuntu -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BulletProofX [18:16] iRon: thanks! [18:18] but... right now displayconfig tool (graphic tool for configuring video devices) doesn't work in Kubuntu.. so i'm calling displayconfig-gtk [18:18] as in GDM [18:22] iRon» why isn't it working... I might be able to hack it into working for you. [18:23] nosrednaekim: actualy it just missing libpython2.5.so symlink [18:24] nosrednaekim: this bug is already in LP [18:24] oh :) [18:24] considering all the bugs against it i would think that's only the tip of the iceberg of not working [18:24] I forgot about that [18:25] but i would think most of the bugs would affect displayconfig-gtk equally since they are supposed to use the same backend [18:28] hm.. something was changed with latest updates.. now displayconfig and displayconfig-gtk works fine for me [18:29] even without libpython2.5.so symlink [18:36] iRon: Do you have python2.5-dev installed? [18:39] ScottK: no [18:40] iRon: OK. Then something might have actually gotten fixed. That's the usual work around for libpython2.5.so missing. [18:44] OK, someone come up with 25 bugs that need to be worked on today so I can add them to my 100-a-day :) [18:44] * nixternal tries the silly wubi [18:44] 100 a day? whew :) [18:44] ya, 5-a-day is for n00bs :p [19:07] hey, Wubi is actually pretty cool [19:08] it has the potential of ending the "Dual Boot" nightmare, though dual-booting has never been a nightmare for me :) [19:08] w00t [19:08] and it crashes first thing! [19:08] hahahahahahah [19:09] Sounds perfect for Vista [19:10] lol [19:10] my god is it slow [19:11] * nixternal continues waiting for it to start up [19:12] * serega doesn't follow [19:12] what is Wubi? [19:12] Windows Ubuntu Installer [19:12] * emonkey thinks there should be an old 1GHz PC with w2k in the basement ... maybe I can do some wubi testing with them. I think I should look for it tommorrow [19:12] it is on the new CDs [19:13] ho-ho [19:13] Host '3LockBox', running Linux 2.6.22-14-generic - Cpu0: AMD Athlon 2200 MHz; Up: 8d+10:47; Users: 1; Load: 0.00; Free: [Mem: 115/941 Mio] [Swap: 863/863 Mio] [/: 10695/14084 Mio] [/boot: 93/122 Mio] [/home: 36752/41301 Mio] [/media/maxtor: 139122/150230 Mio]; Vpenis: 93.4 cm; [19:13] emonkey: the system I am testing on...umm isn't that one [19:13] Windows Ultimate BASH Interpreter? [19:13] it is a Core 2 Quad, 4GB of ram [19:13] Sysinfo for 'tartaros': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7500@2.20GHz at 2201 MHz (4388 bogomips), , RAM: 1691/3026MB, 165 proc's, 1.8d up [19:13] only dualcore and 3GB RAM [19:13] but there is a nvidia quadro card inside [19:13] I just have the mouse X you get before KDM starts up [19:13] Windows User Begins Inspire [19:14] and it's a laptop [19:14] for 10 minutes now while the harddrive continues working [19:14] oi [19:14] * nixternal wonders who idea it was to add "ALPHA" quality software to an LTS release supposedly [19:15] s/who/whose [19:16] well, Vista is finally faster than another operating system [19:16] hahahahaha [19:17] it just rebooted itself and told me to "Please remove the disc, close the tray (if any) and press ENTER to continue [19:17] umm. there is no disc [19:17] guess it was installing Kubuntu w/o even telling you [19:17] I can tell you this now, everyone who tries this, will think their PC is locked up [19:18] this is scary, Kubuntu Filesystem Type: NTFS [19:18] does wubi provide an option to "completely substitute current shit"? :] [19:19] nope [19:19] lol [19:19] only thing you can change is: Partition Size, Username, and Password :p [19:19] it could be a small revenge [19:19] afternoon [19:19] hello nixternal [19:19] howdy jjesse [19:19] nixternal: I took an hour to file 10 bugs on ubuntu-dev-tools yesterday. Your turn on wubi. [19:19] I have to admit though, it has potential [19:20] ScottK: I don't think I should file a Wubi bug...cuz I just might cuss someone out [19:20] My favorite one was "AUTHORS file is executable" [19:20] I have vista on laptop, I could help with testing [19:20] nixternal: Maybe that's what they need. [19:21] hehehe, Wubi, Install Ubuntu in only 2 reboots! [19:21] and 32048328043248032 dcopserver crashes [19:21] :))) [19:21] what a precision! [19:22] hrmmm i need to work on my 5for today [19:23] * serega cannot rebuild a package for hardy :(( [19:24] ScottK: while you are here, mind uploaded http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/kubuntu-docs [19:24] it is crack and will destroy the world [19:24] why ubuntu-wiki is not multilingual? [19:25] nixternal: Sure [19:25] serega: the question should be "Why hasn't the Ubuntu Wiki been updated to a newer release over the past 3 years" [19:25] serega: it is, in a way [19:26] it's good I have good skills in wiki article translation [19:27] nixternal: Is there a reason your tarball isn't orig.tar.gz? [19:27] plus, everyone should just learn and use English as well as support a free democratic government...jeesh, don't you people listen to the US government? [19:27] :p [19:28] that was a joke btw before you all start beating me up [19:28] ScottK2: never is [19:28] nixternal: Why? [19:28] hasn't been an orig.tar.gz since Hoary [19:28] you are just in time!) [19:28] don't know, I just follow the line on it [19:28] OK [19:28] * ScottK2 presses the "I believe" button and moves on. [19:28] if you want, I can do an orig.tar.gz for ya [19:29] * nixternal uninstalls Wubi [19:29] nixternal: For the next upload, I'd suggest a lintian over-ride for native-package-with-dash-version [19:30] It makes sense to do it in this case [19:30] no prob [19:31] Test building now. [19:33] nixternal: Filed a bug for you to make it easier for you to remember [19:33] rock on! [19:34] you want to know something funny...I was going to say "you tell me that now, but I will totally forget on the next release" [19:34] haha [19:35] nixternal: Uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu ;-) [19:36] haha, yay I have finally contributed something back! [19:36] can I become a member nwo? [19:36] thanks btw [19:36] No problem [19:36] jjesse: just knocked out all of our kubuntu-docs bugs with one swipe...gotta love them docs :) [19:37] That's my 2nd Main upload since i got core-dev [19:37] OK, for my 5-a-day, which bugs do I pick? the ones under "Not a developer?" or the ones under "You're a developer?" [19:37] * nixternal contemplates the easy way out [19:38] * nixternal instead chooses to find all of the *K* dev boogs [19:38] nixternal: First was Scribus. It needed some more .desktop cleanup. Turns out one of our patches was using the /debian .desktop and the package was installing the upstream one. [19:38] ooh [19:38] nixternal: wubi is calling you. [19:38] you know what, I seen that too [19:38] fork wubi! [19:38] no don't fork it [19:38] actually, I think I like Wubi [19:39] it needs some fixing, but for being "Alpha", it wasn't all that painful [19:39] Anyway, it's all cleanup up. I also mailed the Debian Maintainer and he incorporated some of our changes. [19:39] what is wubi? [19:39] Windows Ultimate BASH Interpreter? [19:39] I will blog a "The Good, the bad, and the ugly" though on it [19:40] isn't that cygwin? [19:40] note to self: Samba + KDE 4 == total suckage [19:41] Coulda told you that after the first part of that equation [19:41] jjesse: It's the Windows Ubuntu Installer [19:41] hehehe [19:42] nixternal: Accepted: kubuntu-docs 8.04-1 (source) [19:45] well, thanks to you, kubuntu-docs now has 1 bug...and I just worked so hard to close 4 or 5 at once :p [19:46] nixternal: 4-5 is for noobs as someone once said [19:46] I never said that :p [19:46] http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dragonplayer.html - woohoo [19:47] okular needs some work [19:47] I can't get it to crash, but scrolling a file gives me 100% CPU [19:47] why is aplg never here any I want to tell him something^ [19:48] He's smart? [19:49] :-) [20:02] nosrednaekim: what was it? [20:05] mhb» some guy found a huge memory leak in gdebi-kde [20:05] he filed a bug though [20:05] did he specify the remedy? [20:06] because if he meant that gdebi-kde leaks quite a lot of memory on some archs, that is known, but I don't think the Python code is guilty [20:08] well, dpkg certainly didn't use as much memory [20:08] he said gdebi-kde was using 1.1 gigs,while dpkg used 20MB [20:09] yes, I'm not denying it [20:09] but IIRC we traced it back to the konsole KPart bindings for python [20:09] so its a known problem? [20:10] it is. [20:10] is it reproducible on your machine? [20:11] I didn't try. the deb he was using was too big for me to grab [20:12] nosrednaekim: you do not have it installed on your system? [20:12] nosrednaekim: what did he except if he was opening a huge deb? [20:19] jpatrick» it was 15MB deb..... [20:20] nosrednaekim: ... [20:21] and I have dial-up [20:21] nosrednaekim: ah, you meant to hilight mhb (?) [20:24] mhb» well, gdebi on my machine doesn't use over 50MB [20:43] nosrednaekim: indeed [20:43] nosrednaekim: which means something arch-dependent is causing it === _czessi is now known as Czessi [21:11] bug 181152 [21:11] Launchpad bug 181152 in kdegames-kde4 "KMahjongg generates non-solvable boards (at least when pressing shuffle)" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181152 [21:11] you have to read that, it is so unbelievable [21:12] unbelievable that Gnome would allow you to win every game of Mahjong you played :p [21:12] hrhr [21:13] the funny thing about this [21:13] in Philosophy class we learned all about Mahjong [21:13] lol [21:13] just because Confucius invented it [21:13] and the book of Mahjong said in most cases, 90% of the people who try it, can't solve it [21:14] but Gnome lets you win all of the time [21:14] just goes to show that Linus was right, Gnome has dumbed everything down :p [21:14] :) [21:15] *gg* [21:15] heh [21:24] nixternal, but maybe it should be configurable to cheat, that would be the KDE way. ;) [21:25] emonkey: a gnome-mode? [21:25] hahahahahahah [21:25] yes something like htat XD [21:28] nixternal: lol [21:29] hey, evening ryanakca [21:30] hey jpatrick [21:31] * ryanakca grumbles at working 14 hour days... oh well, the festival ends tomorrow :D [21:31] jpatrick: how're you? [21:32] ryanakca: not bad, mostly policing channels.. [21:33] didn't get to do my presentation :-\ [21:35] An access level of [25] is required for [SET] on #kubuntu [21:35] yuriy: which presentation? [21:43] jpatrick: MA loco is having an installfest today. i've been sitting here with my kubuntu/KDE4 table [21:43] nobody else here uses KDE [21:44] and i was going to do a presentation on KDE4 too but we haven't had more than 2 non-loco people here at a time so it didn't seem worth it [21:44] but i do have KDE 4 running on a 350mhz machine ^_^ [21:45] :O [21:59] wow :) [21:59] 350mhz :D [22:01] ryanakca: is this new theme for drupal 5 or 6? [22:04] yuriy: how much mem? [22:06] blizzzek: 256mb [22:06] i know that number :D [22:30] neversfelde: drupal 5.6 .. since thats all Canonical wants to give us :)