=== ember_ is now known as ember === \sh_away is now known as \sh === Kirrus_ is now known as Kirrus [09:59] Hi s2a [09:59] soundray, hi [09:59] Give me two of your 14 filenames please [10:00] 12* [10:00] the first is 0007 then 0008 then 0009 and so on to 0022 [10:00] well [10:00] !packages [10:00] You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [10:00] What kind of video file are they? [10:00] soundray, wat im trying to do is make one video repeat so i copy pasted it like alot of times (15 not 12 actually) and renamed them [10:00] yeah,20000 [10:00] icesword: /msg ubotu packages [10:01] well merging should do the same anyway, so ya, help plz :) [10:01] s2a: most players let you loop a video [10:02] well isnt it safer to just combine the same video copy pasted alot of times? [10:02] s2a: okay, let's not discuss the rationale, just try the cat thing: [10:03] cat 0007 0008 >merged [10:03] soundray, how do i do it again? [10:03] see [10:03] ^ this command creates a file called merged, which should contain your clip twice. Open it in kino or anywhere to see if it has worked [10:05] s2a: are you trying that? [10:05] soundray, sry internet disconnected (dial-up) [10:06] it says there is no such file or directory [10:06] Did you run the command I suggested? [10:06] cat 0007 0008 >merged [10:06] i ran exactly "cat 0007 0008 >merged" [10:07] without quotations [10:07] Do a 'ls' to see if the file "merged" is there [10:08] i see the word merged [10:08] do u have msn messenger so i can load u with results? [10:08] s3a: that means the file is there [10:08] not necessary [10:08] were is it? [10:08] Run 'pwd' to see the path to it [10:08] in examples? [10:09] the file called merge is an empty text file [10:09] brb in 2 min [10:11] im bak [10:12] s3a: are 0007 and 0008 empty, too? [10:13] 0007 and 0008 are like 2 second video files each [10:13] s3a: and are those the actual names, or is there an extension like .avi missing? [10:13] soundray, its avi but for some reason i dont think they r bcuz of the fact that it doesnt work in windows [10:14] s3a: well, avi is just a container -- maybe you don't have the necessary codecs in Windows. [10:14] What do you get from 'ls 0007*'? [10:15] ls: 0007*: No such file or directory [10:17] s3a: then you have to cd to the directory where you saved those video files. [10:17] s3a: where are they? [10:17] on my desktop in a folder called teliose [10:18] s3a: so do a 'cd ~/Desktop/teliose' [10:18] Then, what do you get from 'ls 0007*'? [10:18] ls: 0007*: No such file or directory [10:19] s3a: what does 'pwd' give you? [10:19] /home/deniz [10:19] You haven't done 'cd ~/Desktop/teliose' [10:21] well no ofense but u dint say do that [10:21] Hello? [10:21] Yes I did [10:22] [10:18] s3a: so do a 'cd ~/Desktop/teliose' [10:22] maybe that was exactly wen my modem got disconnected? [10:23] ok so now [10:23] deniz@deniz-desktop:~/Desktop/teliose$ [10:23] Then, what do you get from 'ls 0007*'? [10:25] a green 0007 [10:26] s3a: now do a 'cat 0007 0008 >merged' and try playing "merged". === \sh is now known as \sh_away [10:28] oops 0007 is not the file i wanted but i thinks its working im watching to see if it worked with merging the previous video to one of the ones i wanted [10:28] no [10:28] merged has only 0007 [10:29] s3a: okay, cat doesn't seem to work with the type of video file that you have. I can't help you in that case. [10:29] soundray, isnt there a gui alternative? [10:30] :( [10:30] ok thx for trying [10:30] ill go to cinelerra's channel === \sh_away is now known as \sh === Syntux__ is now known as Syntux === asac_ is now known as asac === leonel_ is now known as leonel === \sh is now known as \sh_away === vorian_ is now known as vorian === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === \sh_away is now known as \sh === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde === {i is now known as [i === [i is now known as [i] === [i] is now known as [i