[00:40] someone have a link to the hardy PPA? [00:44] In terms of what? [00:45] hey StevenK [00:45] if I want to browse the hardy PPA, what's the link? [00:45] https://ppa.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile [00:45] ? [00:45] Hey. The link is https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive [00:46] th [00:46] x [00:46] * bspencer bookmarks [00:47] StevenK, I see you updated marquee-plugins [00:48] I think Bill did too [00:48] I just built ahardy image and was trying it. The screen is all white. [00:48] but the marquee-plugins that got installed were v0.21, not v0.22 (latest from you) [00:48] Were you pulling from the PPA or a mirror of the PPA? [00:49] good Q [00:49] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports hardy main [00:50] btw, are these changes back in the moblin version, or if I re-push a new version will it be broken again? [00:56] That's not the PPA, that's Hardy [01:03] bspencer: You have to be pulling from the PPA - marquee-plugins is 0.4 in Hardy, but 0.22 in the PPA [01:03] (Was 0.21 until I uploaded it) [01:04] StevenK, ok. Where is the location of the PPA stored ? /etc/apt/...? [01:04] bspencer: It's probably /etc/apt/sources.list.d/um-ppa.list ? [01:04] so I can answer the Q of whethre I'm using a PPA or a mirror of the PPA? [01:05] ok. perhaps I just built the target before you made the updates. [01:05] Yeah. Bill also made some updates to the PPA, so I'd suggest a new target [01:09] ok [01:12] StevenK, if you make changes to marquee-plugins, did you send me those changes? [01:12] or am I supposed to monitor those apps in the PPA and figure out what is going on? [01:16] bspencer: I can send you a patch [01:17] StevenK, cool. I was going to update marquee-plugins and mobile-basic-flash, but now I can't because my version seems to be broken per your changes. [01:20] bspencer: There's a marquee-plugins.patch in my home directory on moblin.org. You'll need to use patch -p3 to apply it [01:22] StevenK, ok [01:22] is this hardy-specific? [01:22] Use Type=default rather than Type=link in the .desktop files. [01:22] I suspect it is [02:00] asac, ping [06:33] good morning === StevenK_ is now known as StevenK [14:23] . === asac_ is now known as asac [15:22] hello? [15:38] Hi. [16:50] rusty_out: question on moblin-media. can't launch it now from command line or moblin home UI. "Error: application is disabled while in docking mode". Do you know anything about this? [16:58] kyleN, they are all at the open source conference [16:58] ah [16:58] so there's no meeting today? [16:59] (hope springs eternal ; ) [16:59] heh [16:59] there is a meeting planned, not sure who is attending yet [16:59] GrueMaster: We do have it AFAIK. [17:00] well, until then... patm, still seeing slow issues with webcam capture? [17:02] (davidm is coming) [17:02] #startmeeting [17:02] Meeting started at 17:02. The chair is davidm. [17:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [17:02] Sorry in different TZ [17:02] oy [17:03] OK here we go [17:03] ChickenCutlass to to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB. (carryover) [17:03] [Topic] ChickenCutlass to to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB. (carryover) [17:03] New Topic: ChickenCutlass to to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB. (carryover) [17:03] ChickenCutlass, any status? [17:04] he's coming [17:04] OK [17:04] sorry [17:04] NP [17:04] no -- I was on vacation and have not gotten to it yet [17:04] OK, I'll carry over until next week [17:04] [action] ChickenCutlass to to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB. (carryover) [17:04] ACTION received: ChickenCutlass to to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB. (carryover) [17:05] [topic] cwong1, attempt to create an lang pack to report back next week with results [17:05] New Topic: cwong1, attempt to create an lang pack to report back next week with results [17:05] I was able to patched the firefox chinese lang pack and made it work with midbrowser. All I had to do was to add midbrowser's guid and version number to the install.rdf. So creating a debian install package for the lang. pack should be fairly straight forward. [17:05] great news [17:05] btw, most of us are in a confierence [17:06] and has limited internet access [17:06] cwong1_: For the whole of this meeting? [17:06] lool, I think they are off site. [17:06] y [17:06] cwong1_, is bspencer available? [17:06] cwong1_: The two people I see in the list of actions from last week would also be ToddBrandt and mawhalen [17:07] lool: I'm here [17:07] Cool [17:07] I dont thnk mawhalen or bspecer wil be online. [17:07] [topic] asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. [17:07] New Topic: asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. [17:07] cwong1_: Please wave hello to them and suggest that read the meeting notes then [17:07] cwong1_: (and have fun!) [17:07] davidm: can you please carry over mawhalen's action then? [17:07] ok [17:08] kyleN, I will [17:08] asac, you about? [17:08] Looks like I'll have to carry that forward [17:09] [action] davidm to contact asac and get status of asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this. [17:09] ACTION received: davidm to contact asac and get status of asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this. [17:09] [action] asac report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. (carry over) [17:09] ACTION received: asac report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. (carry over) [17:09] [topic] kyleN will sum the executive steps for i18n for GMA and lool to review them before posting. [17:09] asac: Are you around? [17:10] New Topic: kyleN will sum the executive steps for i18n for GMA and lool to review them before posting. [17:10] lool and I independently wrote up wiki pages on i18n code for Mobile. There are some differences in content and some overlap. Mine is somewhat broader scope; lool's has additional programming details, such as setting up configure.in/.ac and Makefile.am. Where the technical content overlaps, defer to lool. I hope to merge them when/if I get the chance. For now, here are the two URLs... [17:10] mine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nMobileCode [17:10] NB: these are temporary URLs [17:10] lool's: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nQuickstart [17:10] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nMobileCode [17:10] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nMobileCode [17:10] We'll merge them in one page [17:10] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nQuickstart [17:10] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nQuickstart [17:10] OK [17:11] [topic] ToddBrandt to continue building i18n infrastucture to match the gnome-control-center one by next week. [17:11] New Topic: ToddBrandt to continue building i18n infrastucture to match the gnome-control-center one by next week. [17:11] ToddBrandt, I saw your email looks like this has happened? [17:11] davidm: moblin-applets 0.41 has the same level of internationalization as gnome-control-center now [17:11] yea [17:11] davidm: sorry ... i am here [17:11] I pulled moblin-applets from git and reviewed the intltool integration; it looks way better and ToddBrandt reported success anyway :) [17:11] it just has a few strings that aren't translated [17:11] OK [17:12] ToddBrandt: I sent a few hints on your issues to the mailing list in reply to your report [17:12] asac, wait one please and I'll reopen your topic [17:12] davidm: thx [17:12] lool: ok thanks, I'll take a look [17:12] ToddBrandt: I think only technical details are remaining; the bulk is done [17:13] You even cd po; intltool-update -p on build, so technically your package is ready for Launchpad imports [17:13] yahoo! [17:13] lool: yea, IO just haven't been able to test it, that's my biggest hurdle [17:13] ToddBrandt: You can now be official i18n counselor for moblin folks :) [17:13] :) [17:14] We OK to move on? [17:14] * lool is ok [17:14] [topic] asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. [17:14] New Topic: asac) report on code to create XPI from LP exports or look around for help to complete this and report back next week. [17:14] ok the discussion looked good and i think we figured a viable way to get this for hardy [17:15] if possible i would like to get help from someone writing some tiny piece of software [17:15] that basically converts .po files to xpi structures. i have an algorithm for that in mind. so its just a matter of parsing [17:15] sedding and testing [17:15] asac: We need a similar piece of software for the rest of the mobile langpack strategy [17:16] asac: In fact Hildon + OpenOffice.org + Firefox should all be handled by langpack-o-matics hooks, and I had the same discussion as yours with pitti [17:16] i expect that the work needed for this script that produces xpis from .po about 1-2 days development up front and then another day or two for bug fixes [17:16] asac: The only part I'm not confortable with is the actual XPI format reading/writing [17:16] and shaking out any issues [17:17] yes, all mozilla translations will be hooked into langpack-o-matic [17:17] asac: Do you think pitti can help with this or are you looking for help in the mobile team? [17:17] i talked to pitti about that [17:17] he will provides the hooks [17:17] I would like to help but I reallysuck at things good for parsing and regular expressions [17:17] the hook support I guess, but not the actual hooks? [17:17] launchpad teams makes the required changes to the xpi import/po export [17:17] lool: depends on how you define it [17:18] we should provide a script that can transform .po files to xpi directories [17:18] He's going to change lang-o-matic to call into code we have to write or that he writes? [17:18] Right [17:18] We have to write :) [17:18] and might need to adjust what arguments that script gets [17:18] pitti will than hook that in [17:18] well ... its simple [17:18] i just need someone to code what i say ;) [17:18] 1-2 days development i think PLUS another day for fixes later [17:18] Ok; is anyone willing to take this? [17:19] Probably involves python or at least perl I'd guess [17:19] you just need some shell scripting experience or perl or python [17:19] doesn't matter much i guess [17:19] asac, just script (bash) or does it have to be python? [17:19] lool: As I said, I would love to but this is really my weak spot. [17:19] (Not at it couldn't be done in shell or something else, but langpack-o-matic is in python and I'd guess perl is available) [17:19] davidm: its really straight foward. even bash should be enough [17:19] I can help if in bash, not python [17:20] lets take it off line in email, and we will get it covered somehow. [17:20] davidm: So you want to put the 1/2 days of dev + 1 day of fixes? [17:20] ok ... i can write the general algorithm down and provide you with example input files [17:20] Yea, no one else has time [17:20] asac, OK [17:20] I volunteer to do it, just don't know how yet :) [17:20] davidm: agoliveira ok ... just say who :) [17:21] [action for second week of march?] [17:21] [action] asac to proivide the general algorithm down and provide you with example input files to mobile list email [17:21] ACTION received: asac to proivide the general algorithm down and provide you with example input files to mobile list email [17:21] thanks [17:21] cool [17:21] one more point. this will likely work for all mozilla packages [17:21] no idea about hildon [17:21] asac: Next topics might interest you as they are about the same issue [17:21] lool: we should probably talk to that later [17:21] [action] davidm & agoliveira to look at same and get script written by next week [17:21] ok [17:21] ACTION received: davidm & agoliveira to look at same and get script written by next week [17:21] asac: Who can be me, how it's the problem :) [17:22] I guess this is my clue force myself to learn python [17:23] s/clue/clue to [17:23] :) [17:23] agoliveira, bash :-) no python [17:23] * ToddBrandt wonders why everything can't just be in C [17:23] ToddBrandt: you volunteer? [17:23] :) [17:23] ToddBrandt: I rather chew glass to parse stuff in C. [17:23] * lool wonders whether ToddBrandt would like his airbag segfaulting [17:23] [topic] lool to reformat detailed notes user interface string changes post freeze and post to Ubuntu wiki. [17:23] New Topic: lool to reformat detailed notes user interface string changes post freeze and post to Ubuntu wiki. [17:24] (assembly for the win) [17:24] ToddBrandt: I agree [17:24] * ToddBrandt apparantly wonders alone [17:24] So, I actually did my two actions in a single shot! :-P [17:24] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack [17:24] I can do it in Pascal very quickly ;) [17:24] The story is that we want langpacks if we want to use launchpad translations on that scale anyway [17:24] So, I documented known issues and TODOs to implement langpacks [17:25] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack [17:25] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack [17:25] And also how to continue working with launchpad after the freezes [17:25] way to go lool! [17:25] OK next [17:26] [topic] lool kyleN to research if need to configure the seed into the LP Ubuntu export to get tarballs for the mobile seed, then update the rules. [17:26] New Topic: lool kyleN to research if need to configure the seed into the LP Ubuntu export to get tarballs for the mobile seed, then update the rules. [17:27] So I discussed this with misc people and documented how to achieve this on the same wiki page [17:27] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack [17:27] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack [17:27] Great [17:27] when will we decide whether we will use mobile lang packs? [17:27] There's a lot of work to do for langpacks [17:27] I also documented the space savings which I asked Arne [17:28] He says we would win in the 10 MBs on the installed system [17:28] (But you have to take compression into account) [17:28] lool, was that space savings just for one language? [17:28] german [17:28] kyleN: I don't understand [17:29] Oh, yes, for one language [17:29] Less if you want multiple languages obviously [17:29] One big issue we discovered is that Hildon misses many po/pot files in our archive because these are split weirdly upstream [17:29] if the choice is put all languages on board vs use lang packs to download, tehn teh space savings is more [17:29] maybe 10M per language [17:29] So there are many TODOs at the bottom of the wiki page to build maps of where to find pot, and we then have to package or merge these sources [17:30] kyleN: I don't think so; I think it's 10 MB uncompressed if you install german alone for our apps instead of german for gnome langpack + common langpack [17:31] so if I have an install with two languages, I save 20MBs [17:31] So it's 10 MB less than using the standard langpacks, but it's not compared to how much it would use to not use langpacks at all [17:31] thats not a lot of disk [17:31] patm: Depends what you compare to; but if you compare to the common + gnome langpacks, yes [17:32] langpacks are a huge effort because of Hildon [17:32] lool, what other comparison is there to consider? [17:32] patm: Well we could for example ship all translations of cheese in cheese itself if it's in universe or in our ppa [17:33] patm: Is 10 / 20 MB worthwhile to fight for? [17:33] Or even 30 MB in the best case [17:33] lool I am thinking not [17:33] We still have to do the work as Hildon is in main and will be langpacked [17:34] But the part of the work requiring to change l-o-m to use seeds or to have a special "copy" behavior for mobile could be skipped [17:34] saving some 1.5 days of Martin Pitt [17:35] Ok; so there's a long list of TODOs; the consensus is that we might not need to spend time creating mobile specific langpacks [17:35] * agoliveira agrees [17:35] The other TODOs to have Hildon langpackable are still open; do we have to assign them now, or is the research enough for our current state? [17:36] Who has some resources to build e.g. the Hildon module => needed gettext domains map? [17:36] Or to package the remaining hildon modules carrying translations? [17:36] Or to write the scripts similar to the XPI ones which will convert Hildon pots into normal pots? [17:36] lool: maybe needs to get added to the other remaining hildon tasks (next topic) [17:37] makes sense [17:37] Hmm [17:37] i can find and list the domains used by current hildon packages we use [17:37] Mithrandir: What do you think? Should we assign the Hildon langpacks action I prepared to the same people as Hildon 2.0 modules? [17:38] kyleN: cool [17:38] davidm: Can you action kyleN to prepare a mapping of hildon source packages to gettext domains? [17:38] kyleN: Oh and can you please list where the gettext domains are in maemo too? [17:38] I'll try ;) [17:39] [action] kyleN to prepare a mapping of hildon source packages to gettext domains, and list where the gettext domains are in maemo. [17:39] ACTION received: kyleN to prepare a mapping of hildon source packages to gettext domains, and list where the gettext domains are in maemo. [17:39] [topic] Mithrandir to split up remaining Hildon packages that need to be upgraded amongst everybody except people who claim they are busy with other things. (carryover) [17:39] New Topic: Mithrandir to split up remaining Hildon packages that need to be upgraded amongst everybody except people who claim they are busy with other things. (carryover) [17:39] Let's discuss the other actions here === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [17:40] Mithrandir: you around? [17:42] giving a phone call [17:42] lool, is phoning him. Today is a phone day.... [17:42] davidm: doesn't look like the wiki page with the hildon task list has been updated [17:42] davidm: Not really, my is mute now despite my adsl is ok. Go figure. [17:42] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Hildon2.0 [17:42] Tollef was feeling unwell earlier [17:42] No reponse, and can't leave a message [17:42] s/my/mine [17:43] mjg59: Oh indeed, I completely forgot [17:43] He mentionned feeling half sick [17:43] So, I propose we carry on and reassign to me next week if we fail again? [17:43] OK, will do [17:44] lool: the clock is ticking and it's been over two weeks now.. [17:44] just concernered there is a lot of work to do and we need to start [17:44] [action] Mithrandir to split up remaining Hildon packages that need to be upgraded amongst everybody except people who claim they are busy with other things. (carryover address this wek in email) [17:44] ACTION received: Mithrandir to split up remaining Hildon packages that need to be upgraded amongst everybody except people who claim they are busy with other things. (carryover address this wek in email) [17:44] Ok, reassign to me; I might defer til monday though, I'll try catching Tollef tomorrow or do it tomorrow/monday [17:44] davidm: I'll try to do it nevertheless [17:45] Ok, next topic [17:45] lool, geeo enough [17:45] lool: thanks, I'll help with some if needed and I believe moblin guys will too [17:45] [action] lool to follow up and take over for Mithrandir if necessary. [17:45] ACTION received: lool to follow up and take over for Mithrandir if necessary. [17:45] * agoliveira too if necessary. [17:45] OK next topic [17:46] [topic] mawhalen to followup on when theme tools are updated, and then gen a new theme using the tools with sabotage (Shane Bryan) [17:46] New Topic: mawhalen to followup on when theme tools are updated, and then gen a new theme using the tools with sabotage (Shane Bryan) [17:46] carryonver [17:46] [action] carryover mawhalen to followup on when theme tools are updated, and then gen a new theme using the tools with sabotage (Shane Bryan) [17:46] ACTION received: carryover mawhalen to followup on when theme tools are updated, and then gen a new theme using the tools with sabotage (Shane Bryan) [17:46] [topic] bfiller to file bug on gutsy/hardy dbus problems. [17:46] New Topic: bfiller to file bug on gutsy/hardy dbus problems. [17:47] done LP: 196280 [17:47] any action so far? [17:48] davidm: not yet, but I didn't have a chance to file it until yesterday. I assigned to moblin-image-creator, but not sure if this is the right package [17:48] OK, thanks [17:48] bfiller: Against MIC? [17:48] lool: yes [17:48] Why not, but we might want to poke dbus people [17:49] lool: who are the dbus people exactly? [17:49] Done [17:49] bfiller: I know some Debian folks and pitti for Ubuntu [17:49] Dunno who else [17:49] (At least down to the dbus message issues level) [17:50] Otherwise, desktop people know about general dbus packaging and usage [17:50] lool, will you poke the dbus folks then? [17:50] I just did [17:50] I added the dbus package [17:50] ah :-) [17:50] lool: thanks [17:50] Thanks [17:50] Discussion to continue in the bug [17:50] OK that is all the old business, now on to new [17:51] [topic] (lool) Cebit attendance [17:51] New Topic: (lool) Cebit attendance [17:51] So, some informed person reminded us that Cebit is approaching fast [17:51] Is anyone from community or Canonical attending? [17:51] I know a non-mobile Canonical person is going unofficially [17:52] We can check the canonical internal wiki to see who if any are attending [17:52] We might have some demoes of images derived from UME Community Edition (or whatever we call it) [17:52] patm: does Fenario have plans to go? [17:52] no, I am not aware of any official canonical presence [17:53] Looks like Matt Barker is attending [17:53] Ok; topic closed for me [17:53] on a similar note. [17:53] [topic] (lool) version numbers in the ppa [17:53] New Topic: (lool) version numbers in the ppa [17:53] LinuxFest NW is coming in April [17:54] So, please please please don't use Debian/main Ubuntu version numbers for ppa uploads [17:54] We should have ONE version number for ONE source tree [17:54] If there's any chance that someone else uses the same version number, don't use it! :) [17:55] One recent example in the ppa were the grub uploads [17:55] lool: Maybe will be clearer if you provide an example. [17:55] GrueMaster, can you send the info to the mailing list please, I don't know about that show. [17:55] roger that. [17:55] The problem with bumping version numbers with -2, -3 etc. in the ppa is that if someone uploads a high urgency fix to hardy with -1ubuntu2, -1ubuntu3 etc as expected, we wont get it [17:56] I'll try to document this properly on our wiki or look for existing doc [17:56] If you have a doubt, append "um1" to the version [17:56] or "+um1", it's the same [17:56] The only case where you should use um1 is when backporting between dists (hardy sources into gutsy) [17:57] Where you should use ~; that's the only case, at the moment appending "um1" and incrementing should work! [17:57] Thanks for your attention [17:57] I can get an action for the doc part [17:57] lool: does this apply to moblin packages as well? i.s. should marquee-plugins_24 be marquee-plugins-24um1? [17:57] Technically, we shouldn't use native versionning for Ubuntu uploads [17:57] [action] lool to document versioning in the ppa into wiki [17:57] ACTION received: lool to document versioning in the ppa into wiki [17:58] But at the moment, moblin apps are not really "released" [17:58] So we can't really distinguish between Ubuntu versions and upstream versions because moblin/upstream folks upload one upstream version to Ubuntu [17:58] But Ubuntu folks can't always do this, so it's a bit of a problem [17:58] are all of the moblin packages going into universe or main for Hardy? [17:58] or just staying in PPA? [17:58] We should try to push most I guess [17:59] But this requires MOTUs or core devs which we have little of [17:59] I believe all going into mail were possible [17:59] bfiller: PPA is just temporary and test AFAIK. [17:59] StevenK and I can do both [17:59] OK next topic? [17:59] Yes [17:59] Which is closely related :) [17:59] thanks for clarification [17:59] [topic] (lool) overwriting changes in ppa packages [17:59] New Topic: (lool) overwriting changes in ppa packages [18:00] (We would have to discuss proper releases with moblin, but for now I guess we'll have to live on with moblin native versions in the ppa) [18:00] So, when uploading changes to the ppa, please make sure you don't regress the packages by simply overwriting with whatever you want to upload [18:00] Usually, we want to merge the changes in the ppa with the new upstream release [18:01] Say, StevenK did some fixes to a package in the ppa, don't just push your source over it, you should check what's in the ppa and merge with your upload [18:01] This is again a bit problematic because if StevenK has a fix, he might not be able to commit it to the upstream source tree for moblin modules [18:01] very true [18:01] lool: I just ran into this problem [18:01] For non-moblin modules, it should be pretty straightforward though: grab the source from the ppa, do your changes, and upload [18:02] lool: I grabbed source from PPA, made changes, uploaded, and sent moblin the patches [18:02] For moblin projects, we need to fix it one way or the other: either we all commit to the autoritative git (but then we would need access) [18:02] Or we all push to the ppa and moblin keeps moblin commit right, but moblin folks need to carefully merge the ppa changes with their new upstreams [18:02] would be great if we could get commit priveleges [18:03] I think we need to have this conversation next week with more of Intel here too. [18:03] So would there be foo 2.0-0ubuntu2 in the ppa, they would have to fetch it, merge it into 2.1-0ubuntu1, and upload this instead of pushing 2.1-1 [18:03] davidm: definitely [18:03] [action] revisit this topic next week with Intel developers present. [18:03] ACTION received: revisit this topic next week with Intel developers present. [18:03] We need to decide what's the autoritative place for moblin modules (git or ppa) and everybody uses that [18:04] OK are we safe to move on. [18:04] ? [18:04] Yes [18:04] If at least a few of us have comit access there, would be a bit of PITA but at elast would end the confusuon [18:04] One problem you will run into is there are two moblin source trees. [18:04] [topic] (bfiller) testing packages on Hardy before promoting to PPA [18:04] New Topic: (bfiller) testing packages on Hardy before promoting to PPA [18:04] One internal and one external. [18:05] folks need to make sure they test against Hardy (not GUTSY) before pushing to the PPA [18:05] That is an issue that we need to solve next week for sure. GrueMaster thanks [18:05] GrueMaster: Ah, that's interesting; if you can think of a solution, could you expose it next week when more Intel people are around? [18:06] GrueMaster: As an insider, you might have a clearer idea of what needs fixing here [18:06] bfiller, I plan on bringing this up on my call with Intel later today. [18:06] I think the solution was already hit upon. Patch the PPA and send the patch to the moblin mailing list. [18:06] moblin guys pushed packages that broke the image (mobile-basic-flash, marquee-plugins). Clearing didn't test first [18:06] davidm: great, thanks [18:06] Gutsy for us is dead meat a long time agoa lready. [18:06] but I'll bring it up next week. [18:06] GrueMaster, thanks [18:06] GrueMaster: Thanks [18:06] bfiller: which of these is the correct platform for building a target and testing? mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy or mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa [18:07] Ok we are out of new topics and over time. so...... [18:07] bfiller: Thanks for bringing this up [18:07] ToddBrandt: not sure actually, I'll have to check out nightly build scripts. Anyone else know? [18:07] bfiller: This all comes up to the same best practices to follow topic [18:07] I've been using the latter: mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa [18:08] ToddBrandt: I think the second one, it includes the ppa where most people push [18:08] ToddBrandt: I think that is correct, Hardy + PPA [18:08] I hope my push of mobil-basic-flash didn't break the image :( [18:08] ToddBrandt: nope, wasn't yours. bspencer :) [18:08] cool ;) [18:08] I do a daily build for menlow-lpia-ubuntu-ppa, and smoke test it weekly. I have noticed this problem for quite a while. [18:08] I'll make fun of him later [18:09] ToddBrandt: If it pushes him to test his packages, please do :) [18:09] The upload of last week broke stuff [18:09] May I bring in a dunce hat? [18:09] It was tested against gutsy and not hardy [18:10] Ok bringing the meeting to a close. Going once....... [18:10] you should make a list of packages that break the build, then bring it up in the meeting, that'll improve testing guaranteed [18:10] OK [18:10] Salary indexed on critical bugs count [18:10] Ok bringing the meeting to a close. Going twice..... [18:11] #closemeeting [18:11] #endmeeting [18:11] Meeting finished at 18:11. [18:13] davidm: Thanks [18:13] lool, thank you for the call [18:13] patm: Back to my question prior to the meeting, are you still seeing issues with video capture via webcam in cheese? [18:13] GrueMaster, hey, no, with the latest graphics drivers things seem ok [18:14] Mithrandir, do you know where bugs for the kernel in Ubuntu Mobile would go? [18:14] cool [18:14] GrueMaster, different question... [18:14] Last chance I had to do any research on it was early January. [18:14] shoot [18:14] GrueMaster, in the latest Flash for Linux it supports hw acceleration.... [18:14] Does it? [18:14] is this in any way supported under menlow [18:14] acc to adobe [18:15] http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ [18:15] I'll check into it. You may need the 3D drivers installed, which AFAIK aren't released for general consumption yet. [18:16] I do know that you need the 3d drivers for Helix support. [18:16] Well we have those [18:16] which release? [18:16] GrueMaster, appreciate it if you can find anything out [18:17] beta 6? [18:17] ok. Beta 7 "should" be out soon (I think). I've tested it here, but didn't see any major changes to Beta 6. I think it was more for D0 support. === njpatel is now known as njpatel_away [18:19] As to the flash HW acceleration, I think it will only help for movies and streaming video, not the flash animations that some GUI environments do. [18:20] But I'll check it out here this week. [18:20] GrueMaster, thanks [18:21] GrueMaster, as far as beta 7, I was hoping for an update later today, but do you know what was fixed? We have some flaky D0's right now [18:21] No, I don't. [18:21] I just get them and build them. [18:21] ok [18:22] Who do you usually get them from, Don Johnson or Chris Watkins? Or someone else? [18:23] yes, via ARMs [18:24] GrueMaster, or packaged from moblin guys [18:24] but not the proprietary parts [18:24] I'll ping them and let them know the packages are available. There may be other holdups that are out of my control. [18:25] GrueMaster, again, thanks [18:25] Remember, I'm just a lowly peon here (who just happens to have a brain). [18:25] :P [21:25] hello [21:25] How to test ubuntu mobile? I have a nokia n810 , is it possible to install UM on it in the future? [21:26] UM is geared towards Intel 32bit architecture currently. In the future, other platforms may be included, but for now, no. [21:26] atlas95: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ [21:26] yes ok [21:26] I have just find it scuse :( [21:27] What can I buy for install UM on it in the futur [21:27] I will sell my n810 i think :( [21:33] Samsung Q1 Ultra is very expensive :( [21:35] You could check out the Asus Eee. $399 at best buy online. It has a different flavor of Linux, but this will run on it. New platforms will be out later this year that UM will take full advantage of. [21:52] ho cool === cprov is now known as cprov-out