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DPicwhy is the default background image in hardy the png version of the image when the svg isn't even as big?06:23
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=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: MOTU Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Mar 07:00 UTC: Platform Team | 08 Mar 11:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers
sistpoty|workhi folks12:06
* Hobbsee waves12:08
sistpoty|workhi Hobbsee12:08
* persia had expected to be late, but given the traffic wonders if the meeting perhaps hasn't started yet.12:08
persiaOK.  Roll call.  Who's here for the MOTU Meeting?12:10
* Hobbsee is causing trouble, as usual12:10
* Mithrandir tickles the noisemaker, then runs off and levitates out of Hobbsee's reach.12:11
MootBotMeeting started at 12:11. The chair is persia.12:11
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:11
persia[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings12:11
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings12:11
* Hobbsee levitates too, and tickles Mithrandir back12:11
sistpoty|workwho'll do the minutes?12:11
persiaWelcome to the MOTU Meeting.  The agenda is above.  First item of business:12:12
persia[TOPIC] Who does minutes?12:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Who does minutes?12:12
Hobbseewhoever's latest12:12
sistpoty|workgiven that there are logs, I guess I'd volunteer12:12
persiaAnyone else?12:13
persia[AGREED] sistpoty does minutes12:13
MootBotAGREED received:  sistpoty does minutes12:13
persia[TOPIC] Should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?12:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?12:13
persiaThis topic was raised without attribution: who is the champioon?12:14
persiaI think it was LaserJock, but he seems to be away.  Does anyone else want to lead this?12:15
persiaDoes anyone have any opinion about this?  Shall we defer for the next meeting?12:17
* sistpoty|work doesn't have a strong opinion, but didn't really think about this tightly though12:18
sistpoty|workhence I guess deferring makes the most sense to me, other opinions?12:18
persiaAny other opinions?12:19
persia[AGREED] Defer discussion of Ubuntu Membership as a requirement for MOTU to the next meeting12:20
MootBotAGREED received:  Defer discussion of Ubuntu Membership as a requirement for MOTU to the next meeting12:20
persia[TOPIC] Feature freeze policy. See  ScottK's email and FeatureFreeze for details12:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Feature freeze policy. See  ScottK's email and FeatureFreeze for details12:21
persiaScottK and LaserJock are both not here, so again, would anyone else like to lead this discussion?12:21
sistpoty|workHobbsee: would you? ;)12:21
Hobbseehm, I could be coerced12:22
persiaHobbsee: You do seem to be the representative of motu-release at the meeting...12:22
HobbseeSo, we have a feature freeze.  Hopefully this should not be a surprise12:22
HobbseeThe policy is currently a feature freeze exception for all packages with new features.12:23
Hobbseethis includes native packages, as far as i'm aware.  any disagreements so far?12:23
sistpoty|workwell, as stated in my reply, I think native packages are some special thingy imho12:23
Hobbseesistpoty|work: what are you thinking?12:24
persiaI personally think native packages should have slightly different rules, but I'm opposed to native packages in general, so may not be an ideal spokesman for that viewpoint.12:24
Hobbseethis isn't getting onto native packages that are bugfix only - that's for later.12:24
sistpoty|workwell, I can't say I know a sure answer, but my suggestion was that it should be left to whoever uploads a native package to decide if he/she needs an exception or not12:25
Hobbseesistpoty|work: fair call.  I'd hope we'd get to that point, for all packages.12:25
persiaThere are still different sorts of packages, whether native or not.  Should mythbuntu-themes have different rules than xubuntu-themes just because it's not native?12:25
Hobbsee(that's been one of my dreams since UDS sevilla, in fact)12:26
Hobbseepersia: that's why i'd be leaning to the "any new package that introduces a feature needs a ffe"12:26
Hobbseemakes it fairly explicit, and easy to follow12:26
sistpoty|workpersia: well, mythbuntu-themes was granted a general FFe (due to being limited by artwork deadline rather than FF) iirc12:26
persiaHobbsee: That makes sense.12:26
Hobbseeright, so does anyone either a) disagree with my proposal, or b) have a better solution?12:27
persiasistpoty|work: Yes, my point was about native vs. non-native, rather than the specific package.12:27
sistpoty|workHobbsee: sounds pretty reasonable to me12:27
persiaHobbsee: How do we define "new feature"?12:27
Hobbseepersia: uh...however we usually do?12:27
sistpoty|worke.g. new binary packages from same source package would be an indication12:27
Hobbseepersia: do people have trouble figuring what a new feature is?12:28
persia[IDEA] any new package that introduces a feature needs a ffe12:28
MootBotIDEA received:  any new package that introduces a feature needs a ffe12:28
persiaHobbsee: Based on traffic discussing FFe requests in #ubuntu-motu, I'd have to say "Yes".12:28
Hobbseepersia: what would be your idea for determing what a feature is?12:29
Hobbseeit could be a) "anything that doesn't fix a bug", b) something that creates new functionality12:29
Hobbseeiv'e always thought it was option b.  This is not clear enough?12:29
persia"Provides additional functionality not available in the current package, for which the lack of functionality is not a regression from a previous release".12:29
Hobbseepersia: +112:29
Hobbseeanyone disagree with persia's definition for new feature?12:30
Hobbseepersia: [idea] that please12:30
Hobbseeokay.  done.12:31
persia[idea] A feature is defined as something that "Provides additional functionality not available in the current package, for which the lack of that functionality is not a regression from a previous release"12:31
MootBotIDEA received:  A feature is defined as something that "Provides additional functionality not available in the current package, for which the lack of that functionality is not a regression from a previous release"12:31
Hobbseeis there anything else we need to cover with packages that need a ffe?12:31
Hobbseeare the procedures not clear?  is anyone lost?12:32
Hobbsee<echoing silence>12:32
Hobbseeright, so12:32
sistpoty|workmaybe we should add the requirement to need a motu sponsor before asking for a FFe first?12:32
persiaMy understanding was that we were currently working in a somewhat grey zone, and Scott and Jordan wanted MOTU approval for process change allowing new upstreams not introducing new features, etc.12:32
Hobbseesistpoty|work: ah yes, i've been wondering that for a while.12:33
persiaSpeaking as a sponsor, I'd like to see an approved FFe before it gets in the sponsors queue.12:33
Hobbseeis it better for our release people to see all the bugs first, or the sponsors, who there are more of?12:33
persiaThere aren't terribly many more sponsors, but I guess it's about even.12:33
Hobbseemy problem with sponsors first is that then the release people should upload, or bugs go thru 3 queues.12:34
sistpoty|workhm... imho the "i don't know what I'm doing" FFe's (which were quite some in the beginning) dropped in rate12:34
Hobbseesistpoty|work: ok, good12:34
persia[IDEA] maybe we should add the requirement to need a motu sponsor before asking for a FFe first?12:34
MootBotIDEA received:  maybe we should add the requirement to need a motu sponsor before asking for a FFe first?12:34
sistpoty|workand otoh some good ones need sponsors, so it might not be a problem of motu-release atm12:34
sistpoty|workI do see a problem with new packages from non-motus though, as currently we defer them to get the package reviewed first, which doesn't always happen12:35
Hobbseemy gut feeling is that it's still better for the release team to go through first, and sponsors second.  sponsors should remember that the release people have checked for hte feasibility of the change, not necessarily whether it's correct or not.12:35
Hobbseethe release people are going to see fairly quickly if hte bugs are wrong/incomplete, and mark them that wya12:35
persiaThat sounds like it will work better for also handling cases where a MOTU requests a freeze exception.12:36
sistpoty|workyeah, I guess unless we're really getting flooded with bad FFe's let's keep the current model12:36
Hobbseesistpoty|work: this is true.  revu still appears to be disaster-land for getting stuff reviewed.12:36
Hobbseei dont' think that's going to be an easy one to solve, nor one that we have to solve now (fortunately)12:37
persiaIt was pretty good up through FF, at which point it went sour again.  Should get better after a new REVU Coordinator is selected in two weeks.12:37
Hobbseeyeah, hopefully12:37
Hobbseeif we could make sure all the good minds actually get to UDS - in person, or by mic, and discuss togehter, that would be good12:38
sistpoty|workwell, there are a few good candidates imho (e.g. gnome-lirc-properties)... maybe we could ask the requestor to send a mail to -motu or s.th. to get the package reviewed?12:38
Hobbseesistpoty|work: that's another can of worms - want to get thru the release stuff before deciding revu things?12:38
persiaDoes that work?  It doesn't seem to be doing much for glassfish.  I think it's better for any interested reviewer to help find a second advocate12:39
persiaOK.  Back to release stuff.  Do we have enough yet to agree on something, or are there more components of the policy to be discussed?12:39
Hobbseei've not been watching REVU, so i can't comment12:39
Hobbseepersia: we can, and have, agreed on the first half, i think12:39
* persia is waiting for the rest of the policy to make minutes more readable12:40
Hobbseethe ffe for new features, what a feature is, and to go to release first, then sponsors for nonMOTUs12:40
Hobbseethis is all good, i haven't heard objections.12:40
sistpoty|workHobbsee: for me it would make sense to have -release sort out the "we don't want this" packages and give a final ack after the package is reviewed... how could we achieve this?12:40
Hobbsee<cue rest of preformatted text>12:40
sistpoty|work(still thinking of new packages)12:40
Hobbseesistpoty|work: er...i would have thought they should be doing that *first*, to show what to give reviewer priority for12:41
persiasistpoty|work: Isn't that covered by the "please get two advocates on REVU and revisit this bug" note?12:41
Hobbseeit's an awful lot of resources to do full reviews and acks, just to be told "this is unsuitable"12:41
Hobbseean "i agree with this package in principle, as soon as it gets done soon"12:41
sistpoty|workpersia: apart from that it's not really working, I guess so12:41
persiasistpoty|work: True.  Hmm...  Might it make sense to raise "How to manage new packages after FF" as a new topic later?12:42
sistpoty|workpersia: ok12:42
Hobbseein general, the ideal way of making this stuff work is getting things through the conceptual stage first (do we want this in hardy, or not? for eg), then get onto the technical side12:43
Hobbseeas the first is quicker than the second12:43
persiaHobbsee: Do you have anything else for non-new package FFe policy items?12:43
HobbseeHowever, this time, we've had a new procedure that we have to file bugs for bug-fix only releases.  A lot of people, myself included, have complained about the paperwork.12:43
Hobbseeit's also made it more complex than main, which suggests we have a problem with too many processes, or bad people.12:44
Hobbseenow, out of these, id' hope it was the people12:44
persia[idea] dispense with filing bugs just to close them in the next upload12:44
MootBotIDEA received:  dispense with filing bugs just to close them in the next upload12:44
Hobbseeso, we've had FF for a couple of weeks - have we actually found *any* bugfix only releases that shouldn't have gone through?12:44
persiaPersonally, I'm in favor of having bugs for anything being done, just to advertise work-in-progress and avoid package interference.12:44
sistpoty|workwell, there have been at least two syncs given back to motu-release, which were declared as bug fix (but are missing info still, so I can't say if these should go through yet)12:45
Hobbseepersia: things tend to get uploaded quickly for MOTU's, and non-MOTUs have already got bugs12:45
persia(unless it's ~15 minutes of work, but that's not typically the case for a new upstream version)12:45
Hobbseepersia: have you had conflicts of work with bugs recently?12:45
persiaHobbsee: I'd claim that the MOTU ought be looking at those as well.12:45
Hobbseesistpoty|work: right.  by MOTU's or non-motus?12:45
Hobbseepersia: oh, sure, no question there.12:46
sistpoty|workHobbsee: motus (the same one actually)12:46
persiaNot when there is a bug filed, but sistpoty|work & I played ping-pong with a package recently when making quick changes, and we ought have discussed it more rather than each uploading.12:46
Hobbseesistpoty|work: have you spoken to the MOTU in question about it?12:46
sistpoty|workpersia: heh, but it did work out at least, didn't it? ;)12:46
Hobbseesistpoty|work: if it's only one person, then resolving that with them might be more effective than giving rules for everyone12:47
persiasistpoty|work: I think so.  At least it works for us :)12:47
sistpoty|workHobbsee: not yet, wasn't online when I saw it12:47
Hobbseesistpoty|work: right.  can you do so at some point in the future please?12:47
sistpoty|workHobbsee: sure12:47
Hobbseesistpoty|work: thanks12:47
Hobbseeagain, i suspect that checking that the last uploader isn't already working on something is a good idea for new versions, etc12:48
sistpoty|workgenerally, I still believe that it makes sense to have bugs (1-> think before uploading, 2-> motu-release can see the state of the package better, if there should later be trouble)...12:48
Hobbseesistpoty|work: for 1, why not encourage people to think before *signing*, so it works all cycle?12:48
sistpoty|workhowever I must admit that I'd currently drop that bug requirement, merely because it's just not getting done by the majority, and it's different from main12:49
Hobbseesistpoty|work: what, it's documented "new upstream release"?  :)12:49
persiaIt need not be a new bug: there's often upgrade bugs lying about for many packages.12:49
sistpoty|workHobbsee: 2) it's documented what bug(s) have been there12:49
Hobbseesistpoty|work: what do you mean?12:49
sistpoty|workHobbsee: well, I'd like to see for example oh, now we have a new feature version, and there have been 10 bugs in the past, one being a new upstream bugfix version which solved lots of bugs12:50
sistpoty|works.th. like that...12:51
sistpoty|workbut as I wrote earlier, currently I'd drop that requirement to file bugs12:51
Hobbseesistpoty|work: arent' people supposed to be listing bugs being closed in debian/changelog?12:51
persiasistpoty|work: Where there are existing bugs, is it not better to close those than to open a special new bug?12:51
sistpoty|workHobbsee: not if there are no bugs in bts (but known only be the maintainer for example)12:51
Hobbseesistpoty|work: that *should* give us the documentation advantage, of <list of bugs> being fixed with this upload, with the new version12:51
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
* persia thinks a special new bug should only be required when there are no other open bugs being fixed by the new upstream12:52
Hobbseesistpoty|work: i dont' see how that helps with bugs that are only known to the maintainer12:52
Hobbseeif others have noticed, then they'll have filed a bug.  clearly tehy haven't, so why would htey now notice, or care, that a bug htey didn't know about before has been fixed?12:53
Hobbseei don't think i'm seeing your point here12:53
persiaHobbsee: "Maintainer"?  We're talking about universe here.12:53
Hobbseepersia: sistpoty|work's definition.12:54
sistpoty|workHobbsee: then why should such a new upstream version get uploaded in the first place?12:54
Hobbseesistpoty|work: if it fell under the bugfix only rules?12:54
sistpoty|workHobbsee: but what bug fixes it? (that's what I like to know)12:54
Hobbseeupstream bug number blah?12:54
persiasistpoty|work: Might be a new upstream that upstream reported as "bugfix", or that someone thought might just be bugfix from review from a more general upstream announcement.12:55
Hobbseebugs don't fix versions, last i checked.  it's the other way aorund12:55
Hobbseesistpoty|work: i may be misunderstanding you, but i don't see what the point of filing a bug is that contains effectively the same information as what should be in debian/changelog12:55
sistpoty|workit's easier to lookup, and it too often is *not* part of debian/changelog :(12:56
sistpoty|workanyway how about voting to still have the requirement of filing a bug?12:56
Hobbseesistpoty|work: ugh.  others of us do not share your love of launchpad :)12:56
persiasistpoty|work: Perhaps having it be part of debian/changelog should be part of FF requirements, and anything not meeting that requirement should get email from motu-release asking for details?12:57
Hobbseesistpoty|work: instead of filing a bug, i'd like to make it mandatory to list the changes, or the main changes (whichever), in debian/changelog12:57
Hobbseepersia: +112:57
Hobbsee(for non-ffe's12:57
sistpoty|worksure, that makes sense12:57
Hobbsee(that's the eventual point i was getting at)12:57
Hobbseeright, so any dissentions?12:58
Hobbsee<pin drop>12:58
Hobbseefor consistancy, and general use, can we make it mandatory to list the upstream changes, or the more important ones in the changelog for both bugfix and feature releases?12:59
Hobbseethat would be really useful.12:59
persiaPerhaps something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/5137/ ?12:59
persia[IDEA] make it mandatory to list the upstream changes, or the more important ones in the changelog for both bugfix and feature releases13:00
MootBotIDEA received:  make it mandatory to list the upstream changes, or the more important ones in the changelog for both bugfix and feature releases13:00
Hobbseepersia: yeah, exactly13:00
Hobbseei know seb128, etc, tends to do that with his gnome releases, which works well13:01
persiaI think those are sometimes a little extra-wordy, but it's some help.13:01
Hobbseeso, at the end, we have covered:13:01
Hobbseethe ffe for new features, what a feature is, and to go to release first, then sponsors for nonMOTUs13:01
Hobbseebugfix only releases13:02
Hobbseewhat needs to be in debian/changelog for ALL new upstream releases.13:02
persiaMy list has "require a bug for new upstream" rather than "bugfix only releases".13:02
Hobbseepersia: new upstream release *with features*13:02
persia(or rather "dispense with filing bugs just to close them in the next upload")13:02
sistpoty|workpersia: can we get an agreed to drop it?13:02
Hobbseesistpoty|work: we just did.  this is the summary, afaik.13:03
persiasistpoty|work: I suppose.  I wanted to make sure we got all the FF bits discussed, and then propose a summary.13:03
persiaHobbsee: Just to confirm, are there any more components?13:03
Hobbseepersia: just did that.  i can email the list about the new policy if you want13:03
Hobbseepersia: only new packages post-ff13:03
Hobbseemy current proposal for that was listed above:13:03
persiaShould that be part of this topic, or the next?13:04
Hobbseemmm, the next.13:04
Hobbseeie, the one that starts now :)13:04
persiaI'm thinking it's more about mechanics and procedure than policy, and would like to go ahead with this if we can.13:04
Hobbseeso if we want a new, post-ff package in ubuntu13:04
Hobbseethen the user files a bug (likely already done), lists why it should be a part of ubuntu, even though it's late.  <include all the whiny excuses about disorganisation, etc, here>13:05
Hobbseesubscribes motu-release13:05
Hobbseemotu release says yay/nay for the release.13:05
Hobbseethen reviewers look13:05
Hobbseethat's my scarecrow proposal.  tear apart as you wish13:06
sistpoty|workooops, I'm totally sorry, but I gotta rush to a meeting right now13:06
persia[AGREED] Any new package or new upstream version that introduces a feature needs an approved FFe prior to upload.13:06
MootBotAGREED received:  Any new package or new upstream version that introduces a feature needs an approved FFe prior to upload.13:06
Hobbseeoh, sorry.  trying to get this over quickly, as we're already late13:06
persia[AGREED] Any upload post-feature freeze must contain full details of the bugs fixed in debian/changelog13:06
MootBotAGREED received:  Any upload post-feature freeze must contain full details of the bugs fixed in debian/changelog13:07
persia[TOPIC] Handling new packages after Feature Freeze13:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Handling new packages after Feature Freeze13:07
persiaSorry.  Just catching up.13:07
Hobbseeno problem13:07
persiaOK.  Proposal is that motu-release approves a bug, it gets reviewed on REVU, and uploaded, right?13:08
persiaShould it involve universe sponsors for attention, as REVU is fairly quiet these days?13:09
Hobbseeso, if MOTU-release approves the bug, they know that it's going to take an archive admin's time, and think that they'll have the time13:09
Hobbseethat would be a good idea13:09
persiaAny other suggestions, opinions, comments?13:09
Hobbseeonly that if it is too late, and the archive admins don't have time, then tehy won't review anyway.13:10
Hobbseeso any packages which *do* have good reasons to get an ack, but are still very late, may not get in just due to timing.13:10
persiaThat sounds like a footnote for policy.  Maybe a hard freeze on new packages for BetaFreeze or something?13:10
mok0It would be useful to get the revu workflow merged into the one being discussed at the moment13:11
Hobbseei'd prefer to keep it open for some mega-mega-shiny-extra-special-zomg-the-sky-is-falling package.  everything else -release will reject.13:11
persiaHobbsee: Makes sense13:11
Hobbseemok0: not with this many people, i suspec.t13:11
Hobbseepersia: right, so +1?13:12
persiamok0: Probably best to work on getting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/ReviewProcessConvergence as a UDS discussion topic13:12
Hobbseeplease make sure you do that over VOIP13:12
persiaHobbsee: Works for me.13:12
Hobbseei didn't get an invite, probably due to inactivity and causing hell, but i'd still like to be there and contribute13:13
persiaAny disagreement with the proposed workflow for new packages after feature freeze?13:13
persiaHobbsee: VoIP, email, IRC, and sleeping in UDS timezone goes a long way :)13:13
Hobbseeyeah, true13:13
Hobbseei know - iv'e been there, and contributed from the outside before.  it's tough.13:14
persia[AGREED] New source packages proposed after FeatureFreeze require motu-release approval for the package inclusion bug prior to upload.  motu-release will subscribe the sponsors when approving to request review and processing of the REVU candidate.13:15
MootBotAGREED received:  New source packages proposed after FeatureFreeze require motu-release approval for the package inclusion bug prior to upload.  motu-release will subscribe the sponsors when approving to request review and processing of the REVU candidate.13:15
persiaOK.  Any other topics?13:15
Hobbseenone from me, i don't think13:15
persiaAnyone else?13:15
Hobbseegetting more people to proxy for meetings might be a good one, though13:16
mok0I'd like to ask what happened to ubuntuwire13:16
persiamok0: not really a MOTU thing, but there's an authentication issue with modifying DNS to use alternate hosts.13:16
Hobbseeis imbrandon here?13:16
mok0qa, that is. It is detrimental to debugging work that it is not up13:16
persiamok0: Agreed.  It's about half-on topic :)13:17
mok0There are a lot of MOTU resources on that machine13:17
Hobbseei guess that's a topic for #ubuntuwire13:17
persia#ubuntuwire can't really do anything now, but yes, that is where it belongs.13:18
mok0Well, I think it is a problem at a critical time when we are trying to get hardy in shape13:18
Hobbseemok0: and you're talking to the wrong people about it, i think13:18
persiamok0: Well, we didn't have it for the last 7 releases, so we'll get by...13:18
persiaAnyway, back on the meeting so we can end it.13:19
mok0That's a poor argument, persia13:19
Hobbseeinteresting.  you can ssh into your own machine.  i didn't know that.13:19
mok0Another thing:13:19
Hobbseemeeting closed.  any objections?13:19
mok0never mind13:19
persiamok0: What's the other thing?13:20
Hobbseemok0: go ahead, if it's a MOTU thing13:20
mok0I'd like to suggest that we have a logo contest for a new Universe logo13:20
persia[TOPIC] logo contest for a new Universe logo13:21
MootBotNew Topic:  logo contest for a new Universe logo13:21
persia"New" logo?  I didn't know we had one.13:21
mok0Well, theres the ubuntu logo with a big fat U on top of it13:21
persiaDo you have a link?13:21
* mok0 thinks13:22
mok0I've seen it on a list of packages13:22
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=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
mok0Anyway, perhaps it would be good to profile the community part of Ubuntu a bit more13:23
mok0and a logo would be a good thing for that13:23
Hobbseemok0: want to email the list about it?13:23
mok0Sure. It can be discussed there13:23
persiaAlso, it seems more a marketing / advocacy thing than a development thing.  Might be good to cc: those groups.13:23
persia[AGREED] mok0 to lead logo discussion on the mailing lists13:24
MootBotAGREED received:  mok0 to lead logo discussion on the mailing lists13:24
persiaAnything else?13:24
Hobbseepersia: are you emailing the list about the freeze stuff as part of your minutes, or am i doing the minutes as part of the motu freeze stuff?13:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
persiaHobbsee: sistpoty is doing minutes (as agreed above).  If you'd be willing to update the wiki to indicate the new freeze rules, that would be great.13:26
Hobbseeoh, i thought you were13:26
Hobbseehmm, i'll try13:26
persia[ACTION] Hobbsee to update the wiki with the agreed freeze rules13:27
MootBotACTION received:  Hobbsee to update the wiki with the agreed freeze rules13:27
persiaAs a last note, the next MOTU Meeting will be 14th March, 20:00 UTC.  Anyone willing to notify the fridge and send annoucements to the mailing list?13:27
persia[ACTION] persia to send announcements for the next meeting13:29
MootBotACTION received:  persia to send announcements for the next meeting13:29
persiaThanks everyone for joining the meeting.  See you next time.13:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:29.13:29
persiasistpoty|work: http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.20080229_1211.html13:30
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Mar 07:00 UTC: Platform Team | 08 Mar 11:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
=== j_ack__ is now known as j_ack
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
=== alleeHol is now known as allee
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 05 Mar 07:00: Platform Team | 08 Mar 11:00: Kubuntu Developers19:22
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away

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