
kgoetzhow can i find out if i'm using a shared repository for my bzr checkouts?03:36
j1mckgoetz: i'm not sure i understand your question.03:45
kgoetzj1mc: j1mc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Repository#head-7349bc14cd12ae1087537a239427a70a4d73295d talks about setting up a shared repository for checkout histories. i'm wondering if theres a way i can check my 3 docs checkouts (edu/kubuntu/ubuntu) are shared or not03:47
j1mcah, ok.  good question.03:48
j1mci'm not sure i can answer it... maybe ask in #bzr?03:48
kgoetzmight do that. thanks anyhow :)03:49
j1mcok.  :)  sorry i can't be of more help.  i'm kind of new to this stuff myself.03:49
kgoetzno worries.03:50
kgoetzj1mc: and other docers who are interested: http://pastebin.ca/92420203:54
j1mckgoetz: interesting03:56
j1mci wonder how we'd change to the new default pack format.03:57
kgoetzj1mc: theres usually a conversion command. i'm more wondering about all the different versions of bzr being used by different docteam peoples03:57
kgoetzis there an explaination of the docs checkout structures anyware? i havent managed to find anything on the wiki.04:32
j1mccheckout structures?04:32
kgoetzyeah. eg i check out edubuntu-hardy docs, and theres a dozen files/directories in that checkout (with extra stuff in the directories).04:33
kgoetzwhat do i need to edit? whats relevent to editing?04:33
kgoetzif its only the 'edubuntu' directory, why are all the others in the checkout? :|04:34
j1mckgoetz: some of them are library folders.  the libs folder is worth checking out.04:41
j1mc(looking at...)  :)04:41
* kgoetz thinks there should really be a README in the docroot explaining what the dirs are, and how their relevent :|04:42
* kgoetz wonders if its worth a bug report04:42
j1mcyeah, it has taken me a while to figure out.04:42
j1mci think it would be helpful.  :)04:42
j1mcparticularly for new users.04:43
kgoetzj1mc: i've got a job for you ;)04:43
* kgoetz hasnt done ubuntu doco for ages. things seem to have changed04:43
j1mci really only work on xubuntu docs04:43
j1mcor "primarily" anyway04:43
* kgoetz is interested in helping with the pre-freeze cleanup04:44
j1mccool.  :)04:44
j1mcin that case, i would only look at the folders under the ubuntu-hardy/ubuntu folders04:45
j1mci wouldn't worry so much about the other folders within the root of the ubuntu-doc folder04:46
kgoetzj1mc: fyi from our converation before: 15:16 < beuno> kgoetz, http://beuno.com.ar/archives/48  (instructions to upgrade your branches)04:46
* kgoetz sees lots of stuff in the /ubuntu/ dir04:48
j1mcgood idea about the bzr stuff, kgoetz.  you should write the ubuntu-doc list about that suggested upgrade to bzr.04:50
j1mcgiven that our string freeze is only three weeks away, it might be better to upgrade after this release cycle, though.04:50
kgoetzsure :)04:50
j1mckgoetz: maybe there are some bugs listed for ubuntu docs on launchpad?04:52
* kgoetz afk for lunch04:52
j1mclunch?  hehe.  it's 11pm here.04:53
kgoetzj1mc: good to chat with you, hope your still here when i get back :)04:53
kgoetzits 3pm here04:53
j1mcok.  have a good snack.04:54
kgoetzcatch you then04:54
kgoetzhm. j1mc's headed off05:54
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kgoetzwhats an 'omf' file? is it something i need to worry about?06:31
kgoetzrobotgeek: ping? can you tell me how your vim spellchecking worked? the one that understood xml :)09:04
mdkekgoetz: no need to worry about omf files09:11
kgoetzmdke: ok, i'll ignore them09:12
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=== Gabz^laptop is now known as Gabz
l3onHi all... someone know how I can contact some web admins of http://ubuntu.com ?12:53
l3onmdke: are you there?12:54
mdkel3on: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)12:54
jpatrickl3on: #canonical-sysadmin13:19
l3onjpatrick: I would info about ubuntu.com template... ;)13:20
jpatrickl3on: ah, you want the drupal theme?13:20
l3onI want know if for Hardy release is there some changes in programm to apply on web template...13:21
jpatrickl3on: this was discussed on a mailing list13:23
l3onTry to explain better: I would like to have information for the issue of resistance there will be changes to the style of ubuntu.com13:23
l3onjpatrick: can you link me ?13:24
jpatrickl3on: I'm searching for it13:24
l3ontnx :)13:24
jpatrickl3on: found it! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2008-February/002030.html13:27
l3onReading it :)13:27
l3onThanks.. it's what I'm searching :)13:33
zero-9376i have just installed python-imaging-doc, how can i get the docs into devhelp?15:47
zero-9376i also installed the html package15:48

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