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kirkland_keescook: you're missing out  :)03:36
keescookkirkland_: hehe.  more video game music?03:37
kirkland_irish band in the front half pplaying traditional music, cheesy cover band in the back playing 'rosana--meechu all da way....'03:39
keescookhehe.  typing with a stylus?03:40
kirkland_I wish.  qwersive and rosana al da way.03:42
kirkland_back to beer.  bye.03:42
faulkes-evening nijaba04:14
nijabaevening faulkes-04:14
kgoetzhi both04:14
nijabahey kgoetz04:14
efren30i need help please i just installed ubunut everything working perfect except one thing i installed a visual effect and was working fine the windows would wobble wen i grabbed them etc.. i kept meesing around with it to get the 3-d cube and now the visual effect says none and when i try putting extra it says desktop effects could not be endab le please help and thanks.04:18
efren30i need help please i just installed ubunut everything working perfect except one thing i installed a visual effect and was working fine the windows would wobble wen i grabbed them etc.. i kept meesing around with it to get the 3-d cube and now the visual effect says none and when i try putting extra it says desktop effects could not be endab le please help and thanks.04:18
faulkes-nijaba: saw my messages from earlier?04:19
kgoetzefren30: thats a question for #ubuntu or #ubuntu-desktop04:20
faulkes-efren: the unbuntu server does not ship with X installed04:20
kgoetzdefinately not an #ubuntu-server question04:20
* faulkes- nods at kgoetz04:20
* faulkes- wouldn't want his servers wobbling04:20
efren30wich cahnnel is related?04:20
efren30please that would help alot and thanks04:21
nijabafaulkes-: not sure...  oh btw, I just realized that, for some reazon, my nickserv password was not accepted anymore and all the msgs I have sent you today did not get through...04:21
kgoetzefren30: the ones i pointed you to. #ubuntu or #ubuntu-desktop04:21
efren30thanks jus noticed04:21
faulkes-nijaba: ah, the server-survey in your trunk didn't appear to be v0.2 when I pulled from it04:21
faulkes-I exported .csv directly from lime and did changes there and then pushed it to my branch04:22
nijabafaulkes: revision 9 was and 10 is now merged with your changes04:22
* faulkes- nods04:23
=== nijaba_ is now known as nijaba
faulkes-wasn't a big deal to re-input the changes anyways, think it only took a half hour but it was useful all the same as I got more familiar with limesurvey04:24
faulkes-then I took a very very long nap ;)04:25
nijabafaulkes-: thanks for all the work04:25
faulkes-now I'm trying to get v0.2 of the server forum stats stuff ready for next week04:25
faulkes-which is going rather well04:25
sorensommer: No, I haven't looked at the virtualisation section yet. Sorry. Could you send me the link again, please?04:25
faulkes-I'd love to have a look at that as well04:33
faulkes-if at all posible04:33
nijabasoren: sommer sent an email with the section attached04:35
nijabasoren: the email was sent yesterday at 10:42 EST04:36
sorenAwesome. To whom?04:37
nijabasoren: guess you may not have received it, want me to forward?04:42
nijabawell.  done it anyway (and to faulkes- as well)04:43
* nijaba about to go to bed. good night *04:44
kgoetzlater mate04:44
faulkes-well, that makes me feel better, just removes about 50 lines of code and replaced it with 1004:47
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
rhineheart_mhello! Can postfix and sendmail mail server can at the same time without any problems?07:38
ScottKThey both listen on port 25 and so they cannot be installed together.07:40
rhineheart_mThanks ScottK.. apt-get remove --purge sendmail (will remove the configuration and the sendmail itself right?)07:42
ScottKrhineheart_m: It will, but the packages are also set to conflict.07:44
ScottKrhineheart_m: apt-get install postfix will also cause sendmail to be removed if it's installed (the config won't be purged, but postfix isn't affected by that).07:44
rhineheart_mScottK: I have webmin...my postfix is now functioning well (except sometimes it has delays in php mail() function)...when I checked in sendmail Mail server section..it's still there... I just don't know why..but its status is stop. what's the best way to handle this? can I execute "apt-get remove --purge sendmail " without harming the configuration of my postfix?07:47
ScottKNot really as you've already uninstalled Sendmail.  You'd have to reinstall it to purge it.07:48
ScottKBe warned that the way webmin manages config files is fundamentally incompatible with the way Debian/Ubuntu manage config files.07:48
ScottKEventually webmin will make you cry.07:48
rhineheart_mScottK: M aware with it..but I guess webmin still serving its purpose to me.. its just a matter of carefulness in terms of handling config files..07:54
ScottKI would either reinstall sendmail and then purge it and then reisntall postfix or just ignore it.07:55
rhineheart_mScottK: I will just ignore it.. thanks Scott07:56
rhineheart_mHow to prevent other users to log to ssh? only the root..or a specified user..08:30
kgoetzman 5 sshd_config08:30
rhineheart_mThanks Karl08:34
rhineheart_m>won't it create issue if dovecot and postfix are both running in a mailserver?10:36
rhineheart_mjust asking.. courier-IMAP+postfix+dovecot10:40
Nafalloyou know dovecot is an IMAP client as well, right?10:40
rhineheart_myeah...so I have them all running in my server..10:41
rhineheart_mIs it a right decision.. or you want me to run only postix_dovecot10:42
Nafalloehrm. it's not my server.10:42
rhineheart_mso...what's your recommendation? postfix+dovecot?10:43
Nafallono. I don't recommend something special.10:43
NafalloI run postfix+dovecot+postgresql, but that has nothing to do with it.10:44
rhineheart_mokay.. I am trying to figure out actually why php mail() function is delayed..10:45
rhineheart_mwhat's the best client for php mail() function?10:47
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* faulkes- grumbles at DBI14:26
MDK332211Do I just sudo apt-get install vncserver to install a VNC server?14:47
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soulcI get this error in my log files .....16:46
Nafallofile a bug or something then? :-)16:46
soulcany idea where I cna get help with fail2ban?17:17
soulcwhen I start fail2ban I get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57966/17:21
soulcnevermind pasting error17:25
soulcbut I still have an error in the anti-virus/spam software17:35
rhineheart_mIS antivirus needed for ubuntu server?17:43
rhineheart_mwhat do you mean with depends?17:44
Nafalloyou don't need it for the sake of the server.17:44
rhineheart_mokay..so I won't need it right?17:44
Nafallono idea.17:45
Nafalloonly you can answer that question since you are the one that knows your network environment.17:45
rhineheart_mcan you suggest enabling UPNP in a router?17:51
faulkes-rhineheart: that is router specific and not really related to ubuntu17:53
faulkes-check your vendor's manual17:53
faulkes-hmm, guess I missed him17:54
soulcI am using it to scan server side and trap spam as well17:57
soulcI want to use my domain email and the amount of crap I was getting prevented that18:00
soulcso does anyone know where I can get some help with clamav?18:16
soulcI have to figure out where the socket file is and set the config file to to it18:18
sommerhey all18:19
sommerfaulkes-: did you get a the virt section?  I sent it to just a few not to exclude anyone, but just for a quick yay or nay on if it's on the right track18:22
sommerI'd be more than happy to send it to you18:22
faulkes-sommer: actually, nijaba ninja'd it over to me ;)18:32
faulkes-I gave it a bit of a read last night, it looked ok, but I'll go more in depth later today and take some notes18:33
faulkes-lots on my plate though right now18:33
faulkes-between course exams next week, coding and that actual making a living being paid at something thing I do ;)18:34
sommerfaulkes-: cool, I appreciate it18:35
faulkes-I've been on a roll though, released fixes for a bunch of the survey stuff, updated my forum stats code to use a database to store patterns18:37
sommerI've always liked data in base form18:39
faulkes-I figured if other teams/groups were going to use it, it would be best to have a common well understood medium like sql used for certain parts18:41
faulkes-like, storing, retrieving data ;)18:42
faulkes-but that's just me and the voices in my head talking to me ;)18:42
sommerheh, I'm with ya... don't hear the voices though18:43
faulkes-yes well, mostly they say "get another glass of scotch" and truth be told, it's kind of hard to argue that18:44
rjunethat's sound logic18:45
rjunesoulc: /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon should create it18:46
luckyonedoes anyone in here know how to connect to a remote instance of mysql through ssh?19:27
Nafallologin to the box and run mysql as usual19:27
krielAnyone know how to get a framebuffer to work on ubuntu-server?19:28
faulkes-luckyone: ssh tunnel, see the ssh manpage regarding local and remote port forwarding19:29
faulkes-I'm getting slow in my old age19:30
sommeranyone else testing eBox?19:40
dantalizingsommer: started to, but requires postgres... a bug, imo19:48
sommerdantalizing: hehhehehe19:49
sommerya, I thought that was a little strange myself19:49
sommerI'm finding the all round experience to be quite buggy... and was wondering what others were experiencing19:49
dantalizingiirc, i also couldnt find a way to get rid of the bind dependency, but cant say i spent a lot of time on trying19:51
sommerI don't think the new package installed bind, but I installed the DNS module :-)19:52
sommerI have libvirt-bin installed which creates a vnet0 interface for vms and the eBox network modules borked19:53
dantalizingah that was another thing19:53
sommerhad the default gateway through the vnet0 interface even though the gateway in the web interface was configured through the actual nic19:53
dantalizingnm...i have to reinstall and remember exactly what happened....but it didnt install properly under openvz either19:53
dantalizingsome piece was looking for eth019:54
sommerheh... I'm thinking for hardy it really shouldn't be hyped up very much19:54
jetolehey guys, does anyone know if it is possible to have syslog-ng write data to two files simultaneously?19:54
sommerjetole: sure is19:54
jetoledo you know how because I have googled it so far and havn't had much luck19:55
sommeruh... not off the top of my head19:55
jetoleI will keep looking19:55
sommerI think if you configure a filter for say email messages then setup destinations using the same filter it should work19:56
jetolebut you know for sure it works? I have just installed psad which wants all firewall data writen to a fifo and is no longer in /var/log/syslog19:56
dantalizingsommer: i tried to install all the plugins, so i cant say which pieces worked and which didnt ... there may have been some of it that was fine ... but the kitchen sink install wasnt good for me19:56
sommerI think if you configure a source in syslog-ng using the same fifo you can then configure a filter to use the source and a destination that uses a filter19:57
sommerdantalizing: ya... my approach has been to test individual packages, then move on the the whole enchilada19:57
sommerbut dns depends on networking, objects, etc19:58
dantalizingjust tried to install ebox-all and got this:19:59
dantalizingSetting up ebox-objects (0.9.3-0ubuntu4) ...19:59
dantalizingobjects is not a valid module name19:59
dantalizinginvoke-rc.d: initscript ebox, action "objects" failed.19:59
dantalizingSetting up vlan (1.9-2build1) ...19:59
dantalizingSetting up libnet-arp-perl (1.0-1) ...19:59
dantalizingSetting up ebox-network (0.9.3-0ubuntu3) ...19:59
dantalizingCan't call method "setIfaceStatic" on an undefined value at /usr/share/ebox-network/ebox-netcfg-import line 87, <FD> line 22.19:59
sommermmmMM... are you using zul's ppa?19:59
dantalizingthought so20:00
sommerthe ebox package is at ppa2 and the others are ppa120:00
sommer^^ versions20:01
dantalizingi know i set it up..musta been on a different box20:01
sommerah... I sent zul a few of the errors I recieved when working with some of the modules, but I didn't want to flood his inbox :-)20:02
sommerI think I'm going to try and work through some of the code and what not20:02
dantalizingzul's stuff was hardy, no?20:04
dantalizinghavent set up a hardy system under openvz yet20:04
sommerdantalizing: yep, hardy packages20:05
alstonehow is it going y'all?20:06
dantalizingalstone i'm so bored i'm installing ebox20:07
* dantalizing should go outside20:07
dantalizingwow the hardy packages installed with no fuss20:09
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alstonewhat is ebox?20:28
* sommer forgets how to use ubotu20:30
sommeralstone: it's a web configuration framework for servers20:30
rjuneebox doesn't seem to be so great though20:35
rjuneGOsa looks to be better based on what I've seen20:35
alstoneI guess if I had a business server production environment Ithat would need to change as employees/business needs change then a configuration tool would be needed but once I get my server configured I won't have to change it...   |-)20:37
rjunefair enough20:39
rjunejust based on what I've seen, gosa looks better then ebox.20:40
rjunemostly it's just one more thing to look at20:40
alstoneso now that I got you20:45
alstoneI installed anti-virus and anti-spam on my server20:45
alstoneI get an error message for clamav20:46
alstonecan't open file which is the socket file20:46
alstoneany clues on how to figure out how to have the file created or set it not to use it20:47
rjuneLocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl20:47
rjuneI think mkfifo is what you want20:48
rjunebut I think the initscript should create it20:48
alstonehave sub on phone20:48
rjunemore fun to have sub in front of yo20:48
alstoneI work at time warner cable in the notheast20:50
alstoneso the init script isn't creating it20:50
alstoneI keep getting the error in the log file that logwatch mails me20:51
rjuneok, I think it's a fifo, but I don't remember20:52
alstoneany idea where I can go to read up on this?21:02
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
AtomicSparkI am about to redo one of my servers with Ubuntu, it has 2 GB of ram. Is there any reason I would want the 64 bit version?21:12
ScottKalstone: Did you get the clamav socket problem figured out?21:38
alstonenope not yet....|-(21:48
ScottKalstone: How are you integrating clamav?  Are you using amavisd-new with Postfix?21:53
zulhey ScottK21:54
alstoneyeah I am21:54
alstonenot to knowledgable just followed instructions on ubuntu doc site21:55
ScottKalstone: It's been a while since I set amavisd-new up, but IIRC you have to add the amavisd-new user (amavis I think) to the clamav group so it can read the socket.21:58
alstoneI am pretty sure I did that the problem is that the socket isn't there21:59
ScottKalstone: What's the output (pastebin please) of ps -AF|grep clam22:00
alstonemay I have the paste-bin url plz?22:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:15
ScottKalstone: Are you on Gutsy?22:25
ScottKalstone: What happens if you try sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start22:31
alstoneno errors or anything22:40
faulkes-and the logs?22:44
Moe|Joei got a dedicated server running ubuntu server 7.1022:50
Moe|Joeand im running a counter strike source server on it22:50
davidhmm.. I thought I was in here already22:50
alstoneI can't find the error about the socket everthing else is just reporting results22:51
Moe|Joejust i want to know how i can set this as a service so if the box ever goes down, css starts up again22:51
ScottKalstone: Clamav logs are in /var/log/clamav.  Did you find anything?22:51
ScottKMoe|Joe: When you start it manually, how do you do it?22:52
Moe|Joei type this22:52
Moe|Joe"./srcds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_aztec > /dev/null 2>&1 &"22:53
alstonewell they stop Unix socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl22:53
ScottKalstone: Please pastebin the log22:54
alstonethis is all the reference to that socket file22:54
Moe|JoeScottK: any ideas?22:55
ScottKMoe|Joe: Write that into a one line init script and install it in /etc/rc*.d22:56
carnegiehey @ all, I've a configuration problem with my php version. for example if I'm on localhost and click on a php file, firefox asks me to download it but doesn't show it directly22:57
Moe|JoeScottK: how do i go about tht? ive never needed to tht before22:57
carnegieFlannel from #ubuntu told me to ask here22:57
=== nijaba__ is now known as nijaba
alstonethis is where I got the instructions23:03
ScottKMoe|Joe: Here's the background.23:03
ScottKalstone: I missed that you'd pasted the logs.  Lookging now.23:03
Moe|Joewheres the background?23:04
ScottKMoe|Joe: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s-sysvinit is the link I meant to give you ...23:04
ScottKalstone: From the logs it looks like something is stopping it.23:05
alstoneunforunatly the error is in the syslog email which I can't get to23:05
Moe|Joeblah its to late for me to be lookin at this23:06
Moe|Joenothing is clicking23:06
ScottKalstone: How about in /var/log/syslog?23:09
carnegiegood night @ all23:16
Moe|JoeScottK: u able to make me a script i can install?23:16
ScottKMoe|Joe: I'm able, but don't have time currently.  I'm busy with $WORK today.23:17
Moe|Joeah ok23:17
daviddamn this takes time :P23:18
davidmigrating/mirroring between hdds over network23:19
davidincluding reorganising and manual versionchecks :B23:19
CharlieSuWhat is the best way to see what program is eating up IO on a linux system?23:31
CharlieSuI'm doing a vmstat and seeing my 'wa' variable really high23:31
alstoneScottK that is the error that is sent in logwatch23:57

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