
Martian|IrssiIs #ubuntu-offtopic logged? I checked11:13
Martian|Irssi      11:14
Martian|Irssi      11:14
Martian|IrssiSorry about the newlines, pasted the wrong stuff. the link Ubotu gives me.11:14
jpatrickMartian|Irssi: none of offtopic....11:19
erUSULanybody else has seen this?12:53
erUSUL<FarooqSb> ##Linux on Dalnet needs some good company and good channel operators. type /server -m irc.dal.net (or  /connect irc.dal.net) and join ##Linux. Be there for some time.12:53
erUSULon a pm12:53
ompaulerUSUL, yes13:09
ompaulavoid them13:09
ompaulwe are getting spammed with them staff have been informed (but may be on lunch ;-))13:09
ompaul!staff|  ^13:09
ubotu^: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary,  I could use a bit of your time :)13:09
ompaulwoo the highlights :)13:10
ompaulI did wish them a happy kline13:10
erUSULXD thanks for the (lunch) time to inform me XD13:14
jpatrickompaul: do you know how these: "NAT Server Sets" work?15:23
jpatrickI'm trying to forward port 80 to my apache15:24
ompauljpatrick, been missing to now - pm me19:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:56
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