
TMMhi all00:38
TMMI've got a quesion about suspend/resume, I'm not entirely sure it is kernel related though, but it might be. if you suspend with an USB drive attached and mounted with files open, on resume the filesystem is apparently thawed before the device comes back, leaving some fairly undesireable effects :) I'm not entirely sure if it affects all usb removeable devices, but at least my SD slot suffers from that problem. I want to locate exactly what00:40
TMM goes wrong, but I haven't had any luck00:40
TMMSo, I ask here :) I hope that is OK00:40
TMMso, normal external usb devices present the same problem01:17
peppyhello all03:56
peppyHave a question, Why is it03:58
peppyI mean why that name?03:58
siouxhi :-D08:50
siouxno one is on line?08:51
siouxjust a quick and simple info08:52
siouxi need08:52
siouxfabbione: are you sleeping?08:57
rambo3What gcc version is kernel compiled with?13:34
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matjanhi, i have some troubles after the hardy update of this morning... can i report that here?17:55
matjanMar  2 12:37:56 quadpc kernel: [    0.000000] WARNING: NR_CPUS limit of 1 reached.  Processor ignored.18:25
Nafallono. you need to file a bug on launchpad.18:32
mjg59matjan: You're running the -386 kernel?19:00
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lovetotouchcould someone help me build a modified usbmon for use with the stock kernel in Gutsy?20:15
Solarionanyone around?21:12
Kanohi, is the dkms maintainer here23:16

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