
ScottKalstone: Those are amavisd-new complaining clamd isn't running.  So far there is no evidence about why it stops.00:02
ScottKIt doesn't appear to crash.  Something, I think, is telling it to stop.00:02
alstonebut it is running00:14
alstonebut that socket file isn't being created00:14
ScottKalstone: Why do you think it's running.  The ps -AF|grep clam we did earlier didn't show a process for it.00:16
ScottKalstone: The clamav logs show it running and then being stopped.00:16
ScottK(which is when the pid and socket files go away).00:16
alstonebut it is there in ps00:19
alstoneoh your right is it freshclamav that is running00:20
alstoneer freshclam00:20
ScottKYes.  No clamd00:22
ScottKWhat you want is something like:00:23
ScottKclamav   12374     1  0 25781 84204   0 Feb13 ?        00:20:43 /usr/sbin/clamd00:23
mohamed_hi , i installed ubuntu server on old pc and adjust it well but when i reboot i get error message " kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " anyone can help me fix this ?02:36
faulkes-use recovery mode if possible or use a rescue cd to repair02:40
mohamed_yes, faulkes- , but how to repair it ?02:41
faulkes-check to see where it is supposed to boot from, check the partition table, check grub03:23
faulkes-repair the superblock if needed03:28
alapidasHas anyone had any issues installing ubuntu server (jeos) gusty in vmware?04:08
faulkes-if you are having specific issues, it is better to detail them rather than ask a general question04:14
soulchow do I tell what this connect is doing?04:57
soulcbe back later to check in05:00
ScottKlamont: I've about got a backport for Postfix 2.5.1 all queued up.  I read yesterday on postfix-users about some poor soul having trouble compiling it from source on Feisty and so I decided to take pity...05:28
firecrotchQuick question: by default, does Ubuntu Server start MySQL with the --log-bin option on?06:21
NafalloI can't tell for sure, but I think it's off.06:22
Nafallocan't remember :-P06:22
firecrotchWould the logs be in /var/log/mysql?06:23
Nafallocheck the conf06:24
firecrotchNafallo:  Thanks06:27
Nafallooh btw. it has to be compiled with it.06:28
Nafallocause you can enable it in the conf.06:28
Nafallojust not on by default.06:28
* Nafallo is a bit tired after partying all night :-)06:29
firecrotchYeah. I saw that06:29
Nafallojust got home :-)06:29
AtomicSparkis anyone here from the actual server team?06:34
Nafalloit's kind of an open team, so sure. not Canonical employee though.06:34
Nafallothose lurk as well though.06:35
Nafallodid you have a question?06:35
AtomicSparkah. had a suggestion for the install. :P06:35
lamontScottK: I thought we decided not to bother with backporting 2.506:35
AtomicSparkI just installed 6.06 and if there was an option during setup to use dhcp or static, that would of saved an hour or two lol.06:35
lamontI can certainly do the uploads if that is what we want to do06:36
AtomicSparkoh well. i learned things. :)06:36
NafalloAtomicSpark: ehrm. I've certainly get to choose in the server install.06:36
AtomicSparkNafallo: you did? using 6.06 cd? It never asked me :-\. Oh well. I learned how to write a interface file.06:38
Nafallomaybe you actually had a dhcpd enabled on your network then :-P06:38
Nafalloin that case you need to press cancel when it tries to reach the one.06:39
AtomicSparkYeah still had the router pushing out ips.06:39
Nafallothat's why then :-)06:39
AtomicSparkWon't happen next time since the server is doing it now. :)06:40
Nafallothat means it will, don't it?06:40
AtomicSparkno, not if i'm re-installing it. ha.06:40
AtomicSparki'm not a man who fancies upgrades. i always do fresh installs.06:41
NafalloI feel sorry for you then.06:41
* Nafallo has a server that started as 4.1006:41
AtomicSparkhow's that running?06:42
Nafallovery very very well.06:42
NafalloI'm ircing from it :-P06:42
AtomicSparkWonderful. Not wonderful. Using servers as clients. Tisk tisk.06:42
Nafallochanged hardware about 6-7 times as well :-)06:42
Nafalloscreen + irssi should be one a datacenter server to be honest.06:43
AtomicSparkWell ubuntu doesn't un-activate if you change the hardware too much. ;)06:43
NafalloI know.06:44
Nafalloand Windows didn't either last time I used it.06:44
Nafallowhich was around 2001 I think.06:44
AtomicSparkThings change.06:45
Nafallothat does not mean I have to care about changes in operating systems I prefer not to use.06:45
AtomicSparkAre you an Apple fan? Linux people tend to like Apple.06:46
AtomicSparkso anyways, i just set up my server tonight. all went well. haven't installed much, just LAMP and dhcp.06:50
AtomicSparknext comes openldap and dns. probably will break something there.06:51
AtomicSparkdo i need dns server to get clients to authenticate to the openldap server or is that just a windows thing?06:51
Lartza_ how could i run webhosting in ubuntu? people get ftp acc and limited quota and mysql and something like cpanel06:59
Lartza_is webmin same thatn ispconfig?07:00
AtomicSparkwebmin is for web baised server config. not a good way to run virtual hosting. thats more a cpanel plesk thing.07:03
Lartza_well what program do i need and it would be free?07:04
Lartza_i think cpanel isnt07:04
AtomicSparkcpanel and others are defiantly not free.07:04
AtomicSparkwebmin is the only free one i can think of off the top of my head but it also isn't the best for virtual hosting which is what you want to do.07:04
AtomicSparknever head of that one.07:04
Lartza_features seem ok07:05
Lartza_for my needs07:05
Lartza_what is proftpd conf file?07:06
Lartza_/etc/proftpd.conf is empty07:06
AtomicSparkyou're using ubuntu server?07:07
Lartza_im now on ubuntu computer yes07:08
Lartza_and server is ubuntu07:08
Lartza_/etc/proftpd.conf doesn't exist07:08
AtomicSparkhmm. i don't have a proftpd.conf. must of been added by something you installed. ftp server maybe?07:08
Lartza_i dont have it07:08
AtomicSparkis a guide telling you you need it?07:08
Lartza_but i need it :)07:08
Lartza_for proftpd configuration07:09
AtomicSparkdid you install proftpd?07:09
Lartza_webmin can see it07:09
AtomicSparkthe conf file?07:09
AtomicSparkhmm. maybe stored somewhere else.07:10
Lartza_i think i can change the setting from webmin07:10
AtomicSparkso do you want to sell virtual hosting spots or what are you trying to do?07:10
Lartza_now im changing some settings and figuring in my head, yes, how to do what you expalined, maybe not sell and only for friensds and family07:11
Lartza_is DefaultRoot config in proftpd same than Limit users to directories in webmin07:12
AtomicSparkoh well webmin should be fine for that. :)07:13
Lartza_now to the virtualhost problem07:13
Lartza_i'm not brave enough to try ispconfig07:14
Lartza_i think its same than webmin07:14
Lartza_and someone messed his comp with it07:14
AtomicSparkit happens. you have to be careful when installing apps on linux.07:15
Lartza_well when he asked help on ubuntu channel somebody ssaid he shuold use webmin07:16
Lartza_well does webmin work if i install usermin?07:16
Lartza_i found!07:17
Lartza_VHCS - Virtual Hosting Control System07:17
Lartza_previously some free host where i got webspace used it07:18
Lartza_hmph... only debian and suse packages?!07:19
Lartza_and it said open source...07:19
AtomicSparkdebian packages or .deb is what ubuntu uses.07:19
Lartza_but they are not 100% working07:20
Lartza_Platform Support07:20
Lartza_SuSE Linux 7.x 8.x and 9.0 07:20
Lartza_RedHat Linux 7.x and 9.0 07:20
Lartza_Debian Linux sid, woody and sarge 07:20
Lartza_  Fedora Core1, Core207:20
Lartza_im not sure if my host used this07:21
AtomicSparkyeah. most support is like that. linux is so vast that you wont find much support for it.07:21
AtomicSparkmost places just have redhat, centos, and ugh...07:21
AtomicSparkdamn. what's it called. the one apple is baised off of.07:21
AtomicSparkoh bsd.07:22
Lartza_they dont even have tar or windows and they said open source07:22
Kamping_Kaiser!enter | Lartza_07:22
ubotuLartza_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:22
AtomicSparkfor the most part you should install software with apt-get and not by downloading it.07:22
Kamping_Kaiserlooking at those platforms, i'd say that software shouldnt be installed from packages07:22
AtomicSparkbut if you're just looking at support, not which file to download, there are really only 3 main distros, suse, debian, and redhat. everything else is based off of that.07:24
AtomicSparkredhat = fedora, centos, redhat; debian = ubuntu, debian; suse = sles, opensuse; etc.07:25
AtomicSparkmost places wont list everything.07:25
Lartza_i know07:25
* AtomicSpark hates fedora for some reason07:25
Kamping_Kaisermixing and matching packages is not recomended, anyware07:25
AtomicSparkyes. like i said. best download it through apt-get or aptitude (using repos).07:25
Lartza_ill try find tar for VHCS07:26
AtomicSparkalthough 3rd party repos are required in other distros (if you know what you're doing), i would not recommend it for ubuntu.07:26
Lartza_found source, i think ill use that07:27
Lartza_there are not much options if you want free :)07:27
Lartza_can i really send email from my comp if i have mailserver?07:28
Lartza_and no domain, just ip07:28
AtomicSparki've only messed with exchange. should be the same way with the open source version. you should beable to send email.07:29
AtomicSparkreceiving email is a whole nother story. :P07:29
Kamping_KaiserLartza_, yes you can, but you may get bounced by some servers07:29
* Kamping_Kaiser is starting to wonder what we're talking abouts07:30
Lartza_would the sender be user@myip???07:30
Kamping_Kaiseryes, unless you enabled rewrite, so it looks like its coming from somewhere else07:31
AtomicSparkKamping_Kaiser: oh it keeps going from one subject to the next. he's trying to set up shared hosting for his friends and family.07:31
Lartza_well could i use some free domain like no-ip for my mailserver?07:31
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, ah right.07:31
Lartza_maybe for freinds and family07:31
Lartza_maybe others07:31
Kamping_Kaiseri would have thought friends and family you'd go the simple option07:31
Lartza_maybe noone :)07:31
Kamping_KaiserLartza_, you could, but same as what i said applies - if your IP changes, you'll likely start getting blacklisted07:32
AtomicSparki didn't install openssh-client on my server... do i need it?07:32
Lartza_if i use domain?07:32
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, only if you want to ssh out of the server07:32
Lartza_i get blaclisted... ;(07:33
Kamping_KaiserLartza_, if you dont use a *valid* domain. eg, a domain with MX with static IP07:33
Lartza_i would use dynamic dns07:33
Lartza_ive found tut to automatically update my ip to the dynamic dns provider07:33
* AtomicSpark is documenting what he did today07:34
AtomicSparkLartza_: even if you used dynamic dns, unless you let your email server know of the dns, it will say your ip address.07:34
Lartza_i wuold try somehow to get it send from my free domain07:35
Lartza_i wont give up >:(07:35
AtomicSparki gave up on email awhile ago. use google aps for our business. :P07:35
Lartza_got so far07:35
* Kamping_Kaiser uses his ISP as a rewritere07:35
* AtomicSpark sees random characters from Kamping_Kaiser07:36
Kamping_Kaiserthen again, i'm using exim, so i dont know how easy it would be with postfix07:36
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, which ones?07:36
AtomicSpark(01:35:58 AM) Kamping_Kaiser: s/e$/$07:37
Lartza_is it illegal to keep server on some isp's?07:37
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, i'm just correcting myself - it (says roughly ) take the e from the end of the line and remove it07:37
Kamping_KaiserLartza_, 'illegal' i dont know about, but some ISPs its against your contract to do so07:38
AtomicSparkhaha. jeez.07:38
Lartza_nooen hasnt complained07:38
AtomicSparkLartza_: most isps state they don't allow servers in their contracts. most people don't listen.07:38
AtomicSparkmost isps are shitty and block ports though.07:39
Lartza_can they stop it? weel shut down the connection, but any other way?07:39
Kamping_Kaiserport blocking07:39
* AtomicSpark is glad he doesnt have comcast07:39
AtomicSparkhave any one of you set up NTP for your server/s?07:40
Lartza_i have runned web and game and mail and ssh and ftp servers and nobody hasnt said anythind O:-)07:40
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, yep.07:40
Lartza_im sic of this for now07:40
Kamping_Kaiseri run it almost everyware07:40
Lartza_ill go play07:40
Kamping_Kaiserlater mate07:41
AtomicSparkfrom this guide, should i use ntpdate with cron.daily or using ntpd?07:41
Kamping_Kaiserlet me check the guide07:41
AtomicSparkhe seems to recommend ntpd.07:42
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, you run one or the other07:43
Kamping_Kaiserif its an *always on* machine, ntpd07:43
Kamping_Kaiserthat said, i use ntpd on everything07:44
AtomicSparkif you had more then one server, you would install ntp-server and i guess all the other servers could point to a master?07:44
Kamping_Kaiserif you have more then one, you set it up on all of them07:45
Kamping_Kaiserthen you set them all to 'peer'07:45
Kamping_Kaiser*peer with each other, and optionally look to the internet07:46
AtomicSparkdon't have /etc/ntp.conf. oh well.07:47
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, apt-get install ntp07:47
AtomicSparkyeah i did that.07:48
Kamping_Kaiserdid you do that without the trailing .?07:49
AtomicSparkyup. the installer didn't create a conf file. just tried removing and reinstalling.07:50
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, what system is this on?07:51
AtomicSparkubuntu server 6.0607:51
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, then its in ntp-server07:52
AtomicSparkah. guide is wrong. scary.07:52
Kamping_Kaiserlet them know :)07:53
Kamping_Kaiseror are you refering to the guide you linked above?07:53
AtomicSparkyes that one.07:53
AtomicSparkshould be all about servers. :P07:54
Kamping_Kaiserlet #ubuntu-doc know, and r check for bug reports about it07:54
AtomicSparkntp-server seems to be better. i am sure you remember since you use it ;)07:55
Kamping_Kaiserkgoetz@gatekeeper:~$ dpkg -S /etc/ntp.conf07:55
Kamping_Kaiserntp-server: /etc/ntp.conf07:55
AtomicSparkyup i have a conf file now.07:55
* AtomicSpark is scared of trusting the openldap guide now07:57
AtomicSparkbasically what i am doing is replacing a windows smallbusiness server.07:58
AtomicSparkdidn't need all that fancy stuff. silly exchange using up all my resources.07:58
Kamping_Kaiseropenldap is complex, if the guide is perfect, your very lucky07:59
AtomicSparkso i noticed.08:00
AtomicSparkall i need is one domain, a few users and security groups. just to simplify logins on our network. i need to beable to change passwords etc.08:01
* AtomicSpark sighs08:01
AtomicSparkmaybe needs better employees08:01
AtomicSparkdo you know the point of "option domain-name" for dns server?08:02
AtomicSparkyou sir confuse me with your slashes08:03
Kamping_Kaisersorry: were you asking about dns or dhcp server?08:04
AtomicSparkyeah i meant "option domain-name" for dhcp server. :P08:05
Kamping_Kaiserits your dns domain name08:05
AtomicSparkgood. god this file is complex.08:05
Kamping_Kaiserdhcpd.conf? it gets easier when you've configured it a few dozen times ;p08:06
AtomicSparkif i only have one dhcp server, should i enable the authoritative option? don't see why it would matter.08:06
Kamping_Kaiseryes you should08:06
AtomicSparkyes i should... good point. incase another dhcp server poped up.08:08
AtomicSparkwell i obviously failed.08:12
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, whats up?08:15
AtomicSparkwell i get this:08:16
AtomicSparkWrote 1 leases to leases file.08:16
AtomicSparkNo subnet declaration for start (
AtomicSpark** Ignoring requests on start.  If this is not what08:16
AtomicSpark   you want, please write a subnet declaration08:16
AtomicSpark   in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment08:16
AtomicSpark   to which interface start is attached. **08:16
AtomicSparkNot configured to listen on any interfaces!08:16
* AtomicSpark knows about pastebin08:16
AtomicSparkbut yeah i get that whenever i try stop/start/restarting the dhcp server.08:17
AtomicSparkbut i know it works, i got an address from it for my laptop.08:17
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, " please write a subnet declaration"08:17
AtomicSparki have one. :-\08:18
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, :o08:18
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, pastebin it08:18
AtomicSparksubnet netmask { range; option routers; }08:18
AtomicSparkthat's my current config. i just uncommitted a few things and changed it to match my network.08:21
AtomicSparklooks good to me.08:24
Kamping_Kaiserme to.08:25
AtomicSparkanything else you normally enable/change?08:25
Kamping_KaiserAtomicSpark, your not running ltsp or anything like that?08:25
AtomicSparki don't think so.08:26
* AtomicSpark googled08:26
AtomicSparkno i'm not running terminal servers :P08:27
* Kamping_Kaiser shrug08:29
AtomicSparkwhen setting option domain-name-servers, is there a max of 2? or does it matter?08:38
AtomicSparkI know windows had a 2 limit or something.08:38
Kamping_Kaiserwindows had a 2 limit08:39
Kamping_Kaiseri'm not aware of another OS as deficent08:40
AtomicSparkoh does resolv.conf really get overwritten on server reboot? or is that only if your server gets ip from dhcp?08:41
Kamping_Kaiseronly if its dhcp08:41
AtomicSparkgood deal.08:41
Kamping_Kaisercourse :)08:41
AtomicSpark!bug #19755708:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197557 in ubuntu-doc "Wrong Package for Server Guide: NTP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19755708:54
AtomicSparkmy first bug. how nice.08:54
AtomicSparkthanks for your help Kamping_Kaiser, i'm calling it quits for tonight.08:56
Kamping_Kaiserhm. should have told him i was going afk09:05
=== nijaba_ is now known as nijaba
faulkes-morning all12:27
AlexC_hey all,12:52
AlexC_I needs some help setting up Postfix and Bind9 records. Basically the setup I would like is that email is sent (over SMTP) and recieved (by POP3(s) or IMAP(s)) via 'mail.example.com' *only*. Ie, I don't want 'mail.hosted-domain.com'12:53
AlexC_I've not really got he best idea on how to set this up, and would really appreciate a little guidance12:54
AlexC_Dovecot is also used if that is of any relevance to the configuration12:54
faulkes-start with the official server guide https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ - see the postfix section, in regards to bind9, you want an MX record for domain.com to point to mail.domain.com13:00
faulkes-domain.com IN MX 10 mail.domain.com (as an example)13:00
AlexC_ok, thank you faulkes- I will read up on that. Do you also know of a good place I can read up on the dns records? As I really have no idea what that line does (part by part)13:01
faulkes-I believe there is a DNS section in the server guide as well13:02
faulkes-if not, there should be one at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers13:02
AlexC_great, thanks very much13:02
faulkes-once you have read through and set things up, if you are encountering problems, don't hesitate to ask here or on the official server platform forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=713:03
faulkes-hello Bidou13:07
AlexC_ok, now I'm having issues with Postfix :P http://paste2.org/p/14848 - this is when doing 'telnet localhost 25'. Also I have no idea why it is picking up 'draco' from. The old hostname of this server used to be 'draco.tangohost.co.uk' however I have changed it all now so it's 'apoc.openzula.org' ... why is it still picking up Draco and how can I fix the issue?13:35
AlexC_the pastebin is the logs from /var/log/mail.log ... when I do 'telnet localhost 25' it connects, but then get  Connection closed by foreign host.13:35
AlexC_maybe this is a better paste: http://paste2.org/p/1485013:41
faulkes-well, first it would seem you don't have dns setup for your domain13:50
faulkes-when you changed the hostname, how did you do that?13:51
AlexC_faulkes-, it's a VPS, and with it I have HyperVM - there is an option within that to change hostname13:53
AlexC_Bind9 is working fine for my domain, as well13:53
AlexC_faulkes-, googling seems to show it's an issue with Dovecot13:54
faulkes-there are a few issues happening13:54
faulkes-your mail.domain.com doesn't exist13:56
faulkes-can you pastebin your postfix configuration13:59
AlexC_faulkes-, could you help me out on setting the MX record? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto does not explain it well13:59
AlexC_faulkes-, sure,13:59
faulkes-I'm not sure what the VPS you are using is doing with or how it is managing bind, so that could be difficult14:00
AlexC_faulkes-, http://paste2.org/p/1485114:00
AlexC_faulkes-, well it seems like it's completely up to me with the DNS - ie, they don't manage it at all14:00
faulkes-however the first step would be to actually create a record for mail.domain.com that has the same ip address as domain.com14:00
AlexC_I think I just found out how to do that =314:02
faulkes-what does /etc/mailname and /etc/hosts look like (pastebin)14:02
faulkes-normally I manage bind by directly dealing with the zone files, so if the VPS has any sort of mgmt console (Plesk, cPanel, Ensim) I wouldn't be much help14:04
AlexC_faulkes-, http://paste2.org/p/1485214:04
AlexC_faulkes-, yes, it has nothing like that for managing them - so I am also directly dealing the zone files. The only thing you can really do with HyperVM regarding the config is the hostname change14:05
faulkes-what does /etc/hostname look like (it's a single line file14:05
faulkes-pastebin your zonefile then14:06
AlexC_faulkes-, /etc/hostname is apoc.openzula.org14:07
AlexC_faulkes-, alrite14:07
AlexC_hum, in /var/log/syslog I get "dns_rdata_fromtext: pri.openzula.org:11: near 'mail.openzula.org.': not a valid number" ... seems I didn't do the MX record correctly14:10
AlexC_err I missed the 10 out14:10
AlexC_that's odd, in HyperVM it has my old hostname there O_o14:14
ScottKlamont: That's what we talked about, but apparently people are doing it on their own, so we may as well give them a proper package.14:15
ScottKlamont: I've done the uploads (I'm core now too ;-))14:15
AlexC_faulkes-, how come you removed the MX part?14:16
AlexC_oh I see it14:16
* faulkes- nods14:16
AlexC_ok, that's all good I can ping that now14:17
faulkes-ScottK: can you look at http://paste2.org/p/14851 (postfix config), in the mydestination= section, iirc he should be adding his root domain correct (to the list)14:18
faulkes-ok, your MX record now shows properly14:19
ScottKfaulkes-: If mail to that domain should be delivered by Postfix, then that is absolutely correct.14:19
faulkes-AlexC: per ScottK's confirmation, add your root domain.com to the mydestination= section of your postfix configuration14:20
faulkes-once you've done that, restart postfix and we'll see what we get14:20
AlexC_faulkes-, http://paste2.org/p/1485614:21
AlexC_woops, ignore 'warning: No server certs available. TLS won't be enabled' ... I accidently commented something out in the main.cf file14:23
faulkes-well, it appers to be complaining about sasl14:24
AlexC_indeed, when doing a bit of Googling it seems to be Dovecot is the issue14:24
AlexC_faulkes-, shall I just purge Dovecot and Postfix and follow this guide from the start?14:26
faulkes-that may be an easier route, given you remember what we've done above14:28
AlexC_indeed, I shall try it now. Thank you for all the help so far =)14:29
AlexC_awesome, working faulkes- =) Thank you very much!14:35
AlexC_food o'clock =)14:36
=== nijaba is now known as nijaba_
faulkes-nijaba: another survey push this morning, committed fix, no rush14:54
faulkes-and damn you ScottK, I've avoided learning postfix since it's release, now I'm starting to hate sendmail14:57
faulkes-DAMNNN YOUUUU!14:57
* faulkes- whistles innocently14:57
stephani'm using a glassfish application server, at one point the servers stops acception connection with message connection refused, in #glassfish i was told that it is a "new connection / second" problem of the os.15:54
faulkes-ummmm, ok16:05
faulkes-I'm not aware of any rate limitinig / connection limiting we are doing by default16:05
faulkes-I'm not familiar with glassfish so, however, do you have any idea how many nc's / second are actually happening?16:06
faulkes-and is there anything in the logs which it creates (if it creates logs) when this situation arises?16:09
=== nijaba[away] is now known as nijaba
=== nijaba is now known as nijaba[away]
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keescookjdstrand: ah, we'll need to disable the new enforced profiles on the liveCD (bug 131976)16:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131976 in casper "fails to start: cannot apply additional memory protection after relocation - apparmor doesn't work on stacked file system (livecd)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13197616:27
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* faulkes- <mr burns finger churches>16:53
ExfiltrateI need some Help with Asterisk. Im unsure of what i want to accomplish. what i want to do to begin with is Setup a VoIP service and connect Through it With Asterisk. what service that is free is best compatible with asterisk and simple to setup16:54
faulkes-another day or two of dev work and I should be able to put my code up on LP16:54
Exfiltrateim attempting to use FWD right now but cant seem to get it to work16:54
faulkes-we don't really get into who provides "free" services for voip here16:55
faulkes-if you have a specific problem, we can probably offer help16:55
faulkes-and afaik, any service which allows you to connect via sip or mgcp is compatible with asterisk16:56
lamontScottK: yeah - saw that17:01
lamontfaulkes-: I knew we'd convert you eventually... :-)17:02
lamontfaulkes-: if it helps any, Wietse got a Sendmail Developer's Award a year or two ago, for the postfix milter stuff17:02
Exfiltratefaulkes-: its not a matter of free service, i just want to be able to make sure i can get it configured correctly before i commit to any service17:08
Exfiltratefaulkies- : the bigger issure is that i cant seem to figure out why the trunk wont work17:08
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faulkes-Exfiltrate: iirc voip-jet offers free test services to help setup asterisk17:30
AtomicSparkhas anyone attempted to configure smb to work with slapd to let windows clients authenticate?17:59
ubotuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.18:06
MatBoyhi all19:34
MatBoywhat version of asterisk is there in ubuntu-server at the moment ? I'm not able to see it using apt-cache19:35
AtomicSparkwhat version of server? 6.06 or 7.10?19:40
MatBoyDebian seems to have a outdated version :S19:40
MatBoy(as usual)19:40
AtomicSparklooks like 1:1.4.10~dfsg-1?19:41
AtomicSparkwhatever all that is :)19:41
MatBoyah that is nice !19:41
MatBoy.18 is the latest version19:41
MatBoydebian is on 1.2.319:41
AtomicSparkwell remember that using the latest version in linux isn't always the best idea. :P19:42
AtomicSparkunless it fixes something you need of course.19:42
MatBoyAtomicSpark, nah on Asterisk, it solved a lot :)19:44
* AtomicSpark wonders if installing smb before sldap causes problems.19:44
MatBoyAtomicSpark, it shouldn't19:45
AtomicSparkyeah i read into slapd. way too complicated. skipping it for now.19:45
AtomicSparkjust need like one or to shares for windows >:(19:46
MatBoyAtomicSpark, just samba with a share in it19:49
MatBoyuse webmin if you are not able to config it19:49
goppI setup a ldap + samba domain controller19:58
gopplast step " logging into the Windows XP workstation (after selecting the domain from the drop down box I get an error19:59
goppthat the error19:59
goppand bind919:59
AtomicSparkwell i am afraid that those who know more advanced stuff like ldap server are away for the weekend :P been trying to get some help myself.20:00
goppand I did smbldap-useradd -w client-winxp20:00
goppthat smbldap-useradd gopmix20:01
goppwith -w20:01
goppdo you know what I did wrong AtomicSpark20:04
AtomicSparkgopp: no idea. which guide did you follow to install openldap + samba?20:04
goppthis onehttp://www.howtoforge.com/openldap-samba-domain-controller-ubuntu7.10-p320:05
AtomicSparkI've been following http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html for mine.20:06
AtomicSparkone of the ubuntu members told me last night i would be lucky if i found a guide that was 100% on openldap. tis' a complicated thing.20:07
goppoh hmm20:07
AtomicSparkyeah i'm skipping it for now. just using workgroup shares on smb. ill go back later after testing it out on a test server.20:08
goppyea I want one20:08
goppThe following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain gopunix.local:20:08
AtomicSparki think that guide you read skips the installing of open-ldap20:08
AtomicSparkactully doesn't even mention it. :-\20:09
* AtomicSpark sees other pages20:09
goppthat the third page20:09
AtomicSparkhmm. seems like a good guide. i think ill do that on my test machine.20:12
* AtomicSpark sees that he didnt change the FQDN for his server.20:15
* AtomicSpark realizes that he doesn't need that if his dns server is cache only.20:16
gopptell me if it works20:18
AtomicSparki'm actually running on 6.06. hopefully this guide isn't too different.20:18
AtomicSparkmaybe ill just use simple smb sharing for now then test out this guide on a 7.10 server somewhere. then when 8.06 comes out, i can upgrade the main server.20:19
AtomicSparkyes. good plan!20:19
AtomicSparkcan webmin configure samba users/shares?20:33
ScottKAtomicSpark: You're unlikely to get webmin support here.20:36
AtomicSparkDon't likes the webmin?20:36
ScottKThe way it manages configuration files is fundamentally incompatible with the way Debian/Ubuntu package management works.20:37
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:37
AtomicSparkwell thanks for the warning. :)20:37
goppdid you get it20:38
goppScottK I agee20:38
gopphow do I ScottK fix an error in srv record.20:38
gopp?? thanks20:38
ubotuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec20:39
ScottKgopp: Sorry, I'm only marginally paying attention to what's going on in the channel.20:39
goppI am getting this whenI try to connect to my samba and open ldap20:39
goppThe query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.gopunix20:39
goppCommon causes of this error include the following:20:39
gopp- The DNS SRV record is not registered in DNS.20:39
ScottKI'd look and see if I can see the srv record using dig.  If you can't you have a DNS problem.  If you can, you have an LDAP problem.20:41
gopp;gopunix.local.                 IN      A20:42
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=== Jaac is now known as Jaacelatie
AtomicSparkshould i use the server guide for the version of the os i am on, or is using the latest one better?20:58
goppI am getting this21:04
gopprndc: connect failed: connection refused21:04
gopp                                                                         [fail21:04
keescooksoren: common ext3 /build speeds up builds by about the same amount as you were seeing with tar stuff21:05
=== Jaacelatie is now known as Jaac
AtomicSparkokay. i really don't understand the difference between ntp-server and ntp-simple both packages install eachother. can someone shed some light on this?21:08
goppI am getting * Starting domain name service... bind                                  [fail]21:18
AtomicSparkgopp: do you have any other dns server running? my dhcp service failed on ubuntu when i forgot to shut off the router's. :P21:20
goppnothing else21:21
gopphow do I compeltely remove bind and start over21:21
AtomicSparksudo apt-get remove bind921:24
AtomicSparkthen remove /etc/bind9 folder by cd /etc then sudo -rm -rf bind921:25
AtomicSparkcareful with that rm -rf!21:25
AtomicSparkno - before rm21:25
AtomicSparki wonder why they didn't release pdf versions of the guides for 7.10. that's kindof lame.21:28
AtomicSparkhopefully for 8.04 since it's LTS.21:29
goppthen apt-get install bind21:30
goppthen apt-get install bind921:30
AtomicSparkhmm they didnt' have it for 7.04 either.21:30
goppstill get it21:31
gopprndc: connect failed: connection refused21:31
AtomicSparkdid you configure bind at all?21:34
gopplike it said in that21:34
gopplet me reboot ubuntu21:34
nijabagopp: better method to completely remove a package apt-get21:41
goppnijaba how21:41
nijabaapt-get purge package21:41
goppI tryed how atomic said21:41
goppdpkg - warning: while removing bind9, directory `/etc/bind' not empty so not removed.21:42
goppthat makes sense21:42
nijabawhat is left are files that were not installed by the package21:43
goppthen I reinstall21:44
goppsudo apt-get instal bind921:44
gopplet see if I can then   login21:49
goppAtomicSpark did you get it to work21:50
AtomicSparkso i want to create a user but not let them log in. basically it's just a shared unix user for samba. what option would i use for that?21:50
Kamping_Kaiserbeh. i cant be bothered reading up this morning, sorry blokes ;)21:51
AtomicSparkwell hi mr.21:52
goppall I got know is21:53
goppThe error was: "DNS name does not exist."21:53
gopp(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)21:53
goppThe query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.gopunix.local21:53
AtomicSparknvm. since i don't have that crappy selinux on ubuntu, ill just use the users home folder. :)21:53
Kamping_Kaiserselinux is ok (even if i dont use it myself)21:54
Kamping_Kaisergopp, does gopunix.local exist?21:54
AtomicSparkselinux kept yelling at me. :(21:56
goppyea I createdit21:58
goppas master21:58
=== nijaba[away] is now known as nijaba
goppgopunix.local.                 IN      A21:59
Kamping_Kaiserand `host gopunix.local` returns the result you want?21:59
goppin linux22:01
goppbut not in windows22:01
goppI did nslookup  Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain22:01
Kamping_Kaiseryou might nto have reverse dns22:03
goppis that right22:04
Kamping_Kaisercould be, depends how you set it up ;)22:05
Kamping_Kaiseri'm going to work. back in ~1.5 hours22:06
Kamping_Kaiseras kgoetz22:06
AtomicSparkha. i can connect to the samba share via windows but not ubuntu > connect to server > windows share22:06
goppwhat is the proper way22:06
AtomicSparkit keeps showing mshome not the proper workgroup22:06
Kamping_Kaisergopp, proper way?22:07
Kamping_Kaisergopp, reverse dns can have one entry covering multiple IPs, unlike forward dns22:08
Kamping_Kaisergopp, so rev.1.etc covering the whole /24 would be fine22:09
Kamping_Kaiserhowever, afk 1.5 like i said. GTG22:09
AtomicSparkit works if you specify the domain (workgroup) while adding the share. oh well.22:10
goppAtomicSpark do you know my error22:18
AtomicSparkgopp: no sorry. haven't tried it yet.22:19
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