
vitamin-carrot<Jack_Sparrow> all these friends are ubuntu users00:00
vitamin-carrot<Jack_Sparrow> 2 of them have only just started00:00
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:00
iceswordsarthor, yeah,i have seen that page,i am afraid the simplest way is to reinstall00:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:00
wigrenhow do i fix a grub error 1700:00
vitamin-carrotoh dear im boredof my icon theme00:01
jougsis anyone else experiencing hangs with the realtime kernel?00:01
vitamin-carrotand gnome look doesnt have anything that apeals to me00:01
booster_hey can anyone in here tell me if i can install directX 9 on wine ???00:01
AntkinHelp I have a problem with Boinc Manager, it opens a terminal window insted of a browser00:01
erawfish_booster_: you cannot00:02
iceswordbooster_, hahah,diretx 900:02
booster_icesword, whats so funny/???00:03
storm-ze1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58036/  <-- someone please tell me ... why??00:03
erawfish_storm-ze1: man: invalid option -- F00:03
iceswordbooster_, you cannot ,basically,if you really want play games,i am afraid you should use windows00:03
erawfish_icesword: not true00:03
icesworderawfish_, ???00:04
threethirtyhello all00:04
wrath144does anyone know how to fix really slow torrent speeds00:04
storm-ze1erawfish_: /usr/bin/man -F works, though?  which man shows /usr/bin/man ??00:04
booster_ive seen linux run win games on youtube..so i know it can be done00:04
erawfish_icesword: go to appdb.winehq  and see how many games work under wine00:04
vitamin-carrot<booster_> wait till MS goes suedo open spurce and see what happens with wine then00:04
supremesomebody else have problems with tracker?00:04
icesworderawfish_, wow ?00:04
Antkinthreethirty hello and welcome00:04
erawfish_icesword: yes it works00:04
booster_halo trial works 200:05
vitamin-carrot<booster_> untill that you could read up on how to use the official dll files in wine for dx00:05
booster_im trying to run san andreas00:05
storm-ze1erawfish_: .. and no alias for man:  who is sending the -F (which I thought should work anyway?)00:05
ere4sistorm-ze1, you want the man page for man? - try man -h00:05
booster_vitamin-carrot, can you give me a link to read up on that??00:05
wigrenbooster i did it with vmware but it didnt run great00:05
storm-ze1ere4si: It is an example of how man is breaking on my machine.  "man man" should work universally, right?00:06
kruqnutim trying to mount my raid volume in ubuntu 7.10 LIVE, it gives me an error since it is motherboard fakeraid i guess00:06
ere4sistorm-ze1, not if there is no man page for man00:06
kruqnutit says to mount another device in /dev/mapper00:06
kruqnutwhats this mean exactly?00:06
levanderIs anyone here running a WMP300N with ndiswrapper?  Can they tell me what their signal sternth to their wireless router is?  iwconfig reports it for you.00:06
storm-ze1ere4si: oh, I thought that was standard.00:07
ere4sistorm-ze1, but there is - on my system00:07
storm-ze1ere4si: how about this one: "No manual entry for bash"00:07
storm-ze1shouldn't there be one of those?00:07
ph0rensicstorm-ze1, http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html00:07
Hamledmaybe your man pages got deleted00:08
ph0rensicwhats up fellas and gals00:08
ere4sistorm-ze1, seems your man is broken then - I get a man page for man...00:08
storm-ze1again -- a symptom, not a specific.00:08
iceswordLoLLo, ???00:08
storm-ze1I tried uninstalling and reinstalling manpages.  same thing.00:08
supremeproblem with tracker pls00:08
Hamledwell, I just mean, it doesn't necessarily mean man is broken00:08
Jack_SparrowLoLLo, Please dont do that00:08
supremeit doesnt find anything00:08
AntkinTonight has been a waste of time, I will say bye in three minutes00:09
ere4sisupreme: is it a torrent from demenoid?00:09
threethirtyive always wondered this how do you get out of a man page, I really don't wanna close my term00:09
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ere4sithreethirty, hit q00:09
supremeere4si, tracker, the search tool00:09
kruqnutim trying to mount my raid volume in ubuntu 7.10 LIVE, it gives me an error since it is motherboard fakeraid i guess00:09
kruqnutit says to mount another device in /dev/mapper00:09
kruqnutwhats this mean exactly?00:09
Jack_Sparrow!find boinc00:09
ere4sisupreme, k - dunno00:09
ubotuFound: boinc-app-seti, boinc-client, boinc-dbg, boinc-dev, boinc-manager (and 2 others)00:09
threethirtyere4si: metal, ty00:09
ph0rensicere4si, not the d word.. makes me sad00:09
supremeere4si, doesnt find anything, even after configure and index everything00:09
fastfinger!find xserver-xorg00:10
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-input-all, xserver-xorg-input-elographics, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-kbd (and 81 others)00:10
ere4sisupreme, don't use it - sorry00:10
supremehumm ok00:10
supremethanks anyway00:10
FwbleanI've got a Ralink-based USB wireless key, I plug it in and it seems to be fine with WEP networks but when I connect to my WPA network it says the security technology is unsupported by my hardware. WPA works fine under Windows with the same key -- what do I need to do to get WPA running?00:11
fastfingerHmm, i am trying to install "xserver-xorg", isent there a package named exactly that?00:11
Starnestommyfastfinger: yes00:11
supremedoes somebody use tracker?00:11
fastfingerStarnestommy: ahh, okey, thanks00:11
Antkinubotu I use Boinc Manager00:11
threethirtysomeone should make a channel where you just ask the bot questions, because I screw up the syntax all the time and look like a total lamer00:11
vitamin-carrotthats ok your not the only one00:12
Jack_SparrowAntkin, I had the bot trigger a search since you were not getting anywhere.  I dont know anyone that uses boinc00:12
kruqnutcan anyone help me mount a raid volume in ubuntu live?00:12
vitamin-carrotthe point of ubuntu live cd is to try out or install ubuntu00:12
tehCurtisanyone here use capistrano?00:13
kruqnutim trying out it's ability to mount my raid volume00:13
tinmankruqnut: mkdir abd then ntfs-3g /dev/patrition_anme_here abd/00:13
Pwhdavey__How much megabytes is KVerbos?00:13
AntkinJack Sparrow thanks for that, should I can it a night?00:13
Jack_Sparrowthreethirty, simple enough to test the bot trigger with /msg ubotu broadcom00:13
ere4sikruqnut, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846100:14
wrath144i'm getting really slow torrent speeds and i'm not behind a router. does anyone know how to fix?00:14
spr0k3t_is there a way to determin which com port is which?00:14
AntkinJack Sparrow thanks for that, should I call it a night?00:14
vitamin-carrotwhat a real goof front end for firewall?00:14
ere4siwrath144, what is the seed/peer ratio?00:14
Jack_SparrowAntkin, You are welcome to hang, but I am here all the time and have not seen anyone using it.00:14
nmzmy pppoe connection keeps timing out?  do I just add a 'timeout' param to the provider file?00:14
Starnestommyvitamin-carrot: firestarter00:14
kruqnutwhat weould my partition name be?00:14
tinmanwrath144: seed more? or see the number of seeders? but how is this #ubunut related?00:14
threethirtyJack_Sparrow: thats ture, never thought of that00:14
kruqnutits an sata riad, only hard drives on the system00:14
Jack_Sparrowkruqnut, sudo fdisk -l00:15
booster_ok well i found a page with the download for direct x 9...but i need to know how to open the wine desktop??? does anyone know how???00:15
kruqnutstfu jack00:15
kruqnutoh lol sorry00:15
iggei have some sound problems.. my sound works (after some messing around) in most apps, e g amarok & totem... but for example the login and logout sound does not00:15
tehCurtispermissions problem: i can't create a folder in a folder that is owned by my group, why?00:15
AntkinJack Sparrow thanks for that were else can I go?00:15
ere4sibooster_, try in #winehq00:15
kruqnutmisread that00:15
wrath144tinman and ere4si: 156:393 and its ubuntu related because it works fine on my windos pc00:15
storm-ze1How do I fix manpages?00:15
tehCurtisdid i forget to set something?00:15
kruqnutthought u game me a command to format my drive00:15
spr0k3t_is there a way to determin which com port is which?00:15
vitamin-carrotlol kruqnut ya need to trust ppl00:15
poizan42storm-ze1: what do you mean?00:16
StarnestommytehCurtis: it might have the wrong permissions.  Try sudo chmod g+rwx directory00:16
Jack_Sparrowkruqnut, np.. that would not be cool.. had I done that..00:16
tehCurtisStarnestommy: k, thnx00:16
tinmanwrath144: i think this depends on a) the torrent client b) the tracker capping you for upload/seeding or w/e00:16
Pwhdavey__What is the filesize of KVerbos?00:16
ere4si!info kverbos00:17
ubotukverbos (source: kdeedu): Spanish verb form study application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 436 kB, installed size 1052 kB00:17
nmzhow do I get my pppoe connection to stop disconnecting?  it's as if it's using a timeout00:17
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, as in lspic ?00:17
wrath144tinman: i've tried on a few different clients and both my upload and download is uncapped, so there is no reason to cap me00:17
Pwhdavey__ere4si: in Synpatic it says it is 74MB00:17
kruqnutit says /dev/sdb doesnt contain a valid partition table00:17
vitamin-carrotoops i think i broke somehting00:17
vitamin-carrotoh wait00:17
kruqnutis that normal for a raid disk for the second drive to read that?00:17
tehCurtisStarnestommy: that worked00:17
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: trying to connect to a serial device... don't know the name of the device to connect to.00:17
ere4siPwhdavey_, for gutsy?00:18
Pwhdavey__vitamin-carrot: we are both with Clear :)00:18
FwbleanHas anyone worked with Ralink wireless devices and drivers?00:18
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: as in /dev/tty#?00:18
tinmanwrath144: then the seeders are not seeding properly,00:18
Pwhdavey__ere4si: yeah00:18
vitamin-carrotPwhdavey__> yeah00:18
* Pwhdavey__ has dial-up...00:18
FigsI'm having some kind of problem getting Ubuntu to recognize the monitor on my laptop00:18
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: so I'm trying to figure out what device is what on my computer with the serial port.00:18
vitamin-carrotyay for cable00:18
FigsUnfortunately, hardware issues aren't my strong point00:19
wrath144tinman: there is nothing wrong with the torrent or seeders.  i've seen other people with this problem in the forum archive00:19
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS00:19
Figsis anyone willing to help me figure this out?00:19
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: k, bbiab00:19
AntkinGood night00:19
storm-ze1poizan42: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58039/00:19
Pwhdavey__ere4si: Synaptic gives rather large amounts for packages which I would think less than 1MB, like AdBlock00:20
Pwhdavey__I can't download anything larger than 20MB with dial-up scum00:20
kruqnuti get the error failed to access 'dev/sd1' no such file or directory found00:20
supreme***Hi, I use Tracker but now it doesnt find anything00:21
erawfish_Pwhdavey__: it's installed size which this shows. and that might be even true00:21
Jack_SparrowFigs, you can sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   set vesa for your card and 1024x768 max res to get basic gui00:21
erawfish_kruqnut: there is a letter missing00:21
erawfish_kruqnut: e.g. /dev/sda100:21
Pwhdavey__erawfish: is there anything downloadable with dial-up?00:22
Pwhdavey__i.e. under 2MB00:22
erawfish_Pwhdavey__: everything is downloadable with dialup00:22
Jack_Sparrow!info adblock00:22
ubotuPackage adblock does not exist in gutsy00:22
Pwhdavey__I know00:22
Pwhdavey__But I can't be bothered with files larger than 10MB00:22
erawfish_and as Jack_Sparrow just pointed out: there is no adblock00:22
FigsI'll give that a try when I reboot. Thanks, Jack_Sparrow :) [I only have one computer...]00:22
Itakuhow can i get a new stdio.h file???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00:22
Jack_Sparrow!find adblock00:22
ubotuFound: mozilla-firefox-adblock00:22
FlannelItaku: a new one?00:23
Pwhdavey__!info AdBlock extension for Firefox00:23
ubotuPackage adblock does not exist in gutsy00:23
Itakumines screwed00:23
erawfish_Itaku: stop using so many stupid ??00:23
Jack_Sparrow!info mozilla-firefox-adblock00:23
ubotumozilla-firefox-adblock (source: mozilla-firefox-adblock): AdBlock extension for the Iceweasel and Iceape web browsers. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 74 kB, installed size 428 kB00:23
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey__, under 2 meg00:23
Pwhdavey__But Synaptic allows more than an hour to download it00:23
billy_when i do 'iwlist scan' i get no results.. i just installed ndiswrapper and compiled all the drivers, what do i do?00:23
erawfish_Itaku: reinstall your libc6 headers (libc6-dev00:23
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: I've got ttyS0 (I believe) as the internal modem.00:23
erawfish_billy_: are the drivers LOADED?00:23
kruqnuttinman: it keeps saying there is no file or irectory dev/sd100:24
Hamledshould kernel-package take a long time to build the debian package after compiling everything?00:24
erawfish_kruqnut: cause you write it wrongly00:24
kruqnutbut fdisk shows it as the only partition on the computer00:24
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey__, Dependencies are what you need to look at..00:24
billy_erawfish: i did rmmod and modprobe, as well as blacklisted bcm43xx00:24
erawfish_billy_: ndiswraper needs w idnows driver to load00:24
tinmankruqnut: are you sure it's /dev/sda1?00:24
kruqnuti did ntfs-3g dev/sd1 abd/00:24
tinmankyu_flux: /dev/sda100:24
billy_erawfish: i know, and i used windows drivers..00:24
kruqnutthats the only partition that shows when i do fdisk -l00:24
erawfish_kruqnut: there is no "sd1", for the third and LAST time00:25
billy_erawfish: downloaded them from the hp website and everything00:25
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, Test in terminal sudo screen /dev/ttyS000:25
prince_jammyskruqnut: paste the line that shows the partition here00:25
erawfish_billy_: checked if ndiswrapper finds and uses them?00:25
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_,  type "ATZ" then return   it should return OK00:25
supreme***Hi, I use Tracker but now it doesnt find anything00:25
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mrunagiis there a program like apples livetype for *ubuntu?00:26
kruqnutoh i did sda1 too00:26
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: no response00:26
billy_erawfish: with ndiswrapper -l? yes i did.. i also checked iwconfig to see if my card is recognized and all that.. im missing my iftab file by the way00:26
Odd-rationaleWhat is the line to add to the menu.lst to have the hidden menu? "hiddenmenu   true" ?00:26
kruqnutits a raid parttion00:26
johnny2008I am booting Ubuntu from my external USB HDD.  But there is another partition on that same USB external HDD that contains WIndows!  Can I tell GRUB to give me option to boot Windows from my external HDD?00:26
kruqnutall i get is /dev/sda100:26
kruqnuti can't copy and paste, using ubuntu on the other computer00:26
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, Then it is not ttyS000:26
erawfish_kruqnut: a ntfs raid partition? dmraid is loaded?00:26
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: Windows cannot be installed on an ext hdd00:26
kruqnutno, how do i load dmraid00:26
kruqnutit is an ntfs raid yes00:27
billy_erawfish: im missing my iftab file..00:27
billy_its not there..00:27
erawfish_I am missing my patience00:27
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: I already tried :(00:27
sdhAnybody know which scripts get loaded on the way into and out of standby/hibernate? I think some are /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but I can't find any for resume00:27
sdhthis is for gnome power manager, btw00:27
kruqnutim new to ubuntu i've  only messed with it a little bit, if i need to load dmraid to mount the raid volume please tell me how00:28
billy_erawfish: sorry.. me too.. ive been working on this problem for a week with no promising results...00:28
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johnny2008Odd-rationale: I have it installed00:28
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
johnny2008Odd-rationale: pls dont troll and dont give false information.   I have Windows Vista successfully installed on my external USB HDD!  And it begins to load, but stops after 2mins and reboots PC00:28
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: How did you let the installer do it?00:28
erawfish__bugz_: why would you need a iftab?00:29
johnny2008Odd-rationale: I made a backup image of C: using Acronis Trueimage, then restored that same image to my E: external USB HDD!00:29
erawfish_johnny2008: so it doesn't work and you claim it does? great logic!00:29
kruqnuti tried apt-get install dmraid but it says package dmraid not found00:29
billy_erawfish: i noticed its in alot of the ndiswrapper tutorials saying that you have to do something with wlan0?00:29
erawfish_johnny2008: besides: you are offtopic00:29
johnny2008Odd-rationale: I have Windows Vista successfully installed on my external USB HDD!  And it begins to load, but stops after 2mins and reboots PC00:29
Jack_Sparrowjohnny2008, Perhaps he should have said sucessfuly installed on external00:29
erawfish_billy_: ifconfig -a00:29
billy_erawfish: k.. i ddid now what?00:30
johnny2008erawfish_: it works using expensive boot managers!  is there a free way?00:30
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: I tried installing vista on my external hdd and the installer said that installing on external hdd is not supported... I haven't tried what you did, so I don't know.00:30
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: i know you00:30
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: from the forums00:30
erawfish_johnny2008: what BIOS assigned drivenumber is your usb connection?00:30
kruqnuti need to run dmraid to access this ntfs raid volume?00:30
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: PS200:30
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: let me give you a pastbin of the dmesg....00:31
silverbladeis there a way to make interactions with a floppy disk similar to how Windows would do it? (ie no need to unmount before ejecting)00:31
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: i know u from techsupportforum00:31
erawfish_!ot | johnny200800:31
ubotujohnny2008: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:31
Dr_willissilverblade,  not really. Due to the cacheing of the  filesystem.00:31
erawfish_Dr_willis: you can always mount synced00:31
silverbladeive read about the "sync" option...00:31
erawfish_the caching is not mandatory Dr_willis00:32
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: I wasn't trying to troll, I was just trying to give you information from my expereince....00:32
Dr_williserawfish_,  and if you remove the disk befor its unmounted.. and put in a different disk... what then..00:32
johnny2008Odd-rationale: why does Ubuntu load ok from my external USB HDD?00:32
adorablepuppyIs there an aptitude package for mono? I tried sudo aptitude install mono, but I don't really have anything from mono, not even mcs.00:32
Dr_williserawfish_,  ive seen the system get VERY confused when doing that.00:32
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Jack_Sparrowjohnny2008, No, I am only here.. not in the forums00:32
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5804100:32
billy_erawfish: whats the diff between eth1 and eth1:avah?00:32
Dr_williserawfish_,  of course you wont lose data on the first disk. :) with your way. Hpefully00:33
erawfish_billy_: avahi00:33
kruqnutdowdo i install dmraid or how do i use it00:33
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: You are a Johnny Depp fan. I know you :)00:33
billy_erawfish: wuts that?00:33
erawfish_johnny2008: please stop it already00:33
Jack_Sparrowjohnny2008, Because ubuntu does not have the copy protection that Windowes does00:33
Jack_Sparrow!ot | johnny200800:33
ubotujohnny2008: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:33
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: Becuase linux has a totally different way of dealing with drives. mounting. When you mount a drive/partition linux doesn't care whether it is internal or externa;00:33
erawfish_johnny2008: that is a nonsense rason00:33
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erawfish_johnny2008: can you finally answer my question?00:34
johnny2008Odd-rationale: OK gotcha00:34
erawfish_johnny2008: and stop being OT about windows or Jack_Sparrow?00:34
kruqnutanyone care to help me please?00:34
johnny2008erawfish_: what Q?00:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:34
fastfingerhmm, chroot was what i was looking for, reinstalling xserver-xorg now00:34
erawfish_scroll up00:34
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: The mounted drive becomes part of the filesytem (/)00:34
johnny2008erawfish_: are u an OP here?00:34
erawfish_!helpme | kruqnut00:34
ubotukruqnut: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:34
Jack_Sparrowjohnny2008, No but I am00:34
johnny2008Odd-rationale: I found a solution00:35
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:35
johnny2008Odd-rationale: check your PM00:35
erawfish_no but I can call one if you don't stop being OT00:35
l815hey everyone :)00:35
fastfingerkruqnut: what does a simnple ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 abc/ give you? what errors?00:35
favoritefood0What's the makefile command guise?00:35
Szalnhi, i set gnome to log-in automatically when it starts, and now i want to share ssh and X. Is there any security hole in that?00:35
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:35
johnny2008erawfish_: then consider your comments ignored :)00:35
Jack_Sparrowerawfish_, No need... I am already here00:35
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: ok00:35
adorablepuppyapt-cache search mono shows so many packages . . . isnt there just 1 I can install to get them all?00:36
kruqnuteraw, i scrolled up00:36
l815is there an alternative to AWN that doesn't require compiz?00:36
Dr_willisSzaln,  share ssh?  You can ssh in - at any time.00:36
Jack_Sparrowjohnny2008, Please stay on topic.. and dont ignore my requests...00:36
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: do you know anythoing about GAG?00:36
johnny2008Jack_Sparrow: ok sorry00:36
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: OK. That is good to know. But I did not receive your PM. Are you registered? (/msg ubotu register)00:36
niels_How do I concatenate all files in a directory, including subdirectories?00:36
johnny2008Odd-rationale: http://gag.sourceforge.net/00:36
kruqnutfastfinger: it says "no file or directory found"00:36
ere4sil815, I use gdesklets starterbar for a dock00:36
johnny2008Odd-rationale: GAG claims to be our solution :)00:36
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: Thanks!00:36
l815ere4si, is it as easy to setup as awn?00:37
supreme***Hi, I use Tracker but now it doesnt find anything00:37
CardinalFangHi all.  I'm trying to verify what I think is a NFS bug.  I'd like a second pair of eyes.     $ dpkg -l nfs-kernel-server    # Do you have this installed?00:37
johnny2008Odd-rationale: what your thoughts?00:37
fastfingerkruqnut: ls /dev/ and see if there is a sda100:37
SzalnDr_willis: i know ssh will be safe, but really don't know the same with that gnome auto login from the network....00:37
iceswordam installing 7.10alternate now,now at 57%00:37
fastfingerkruqnut: also pastebin fdisk -l00:37
ere4sil815, I found it straightforward - right click - add command and icon00:37
l815ere4si, thanks :)00:37
johnny2008Odd-rationale: sounds like a solution? yes?00:37
* l815 gives ere4si a cookie :)00:37
Odd-rationalejohnny2008: Well, we've been already warned that this is OT. Are you registered and can I pm you?00:37
ere4siand some milk pls00:37
erawfish_supreme: unless you give the channel more info and repeat less you will never get an answer00:38
johnny2008Odd-rationale: registered? how?00:38
* l815 okay some milk too00:38
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
kruqnuttheres like 500 different things when i do that, but sda1 shows up00:38
Odd-rationale!register | johnny200800:38
ubotujohnny2008: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.00:38
erawfish_Odd-rationale: /whois johnny200800:38
kruqnuti can't copy and past to here, ubuntu is running on a different computer00:38
Dr_willisSzaln,  If you are refering to shareing the gnome desktop with its vnc feature. Its best to tunnle that through ssh. But i never use the gnome desktop shareing feature.00:38
Starnestommyafter the ircd switch, freenode won't block unregistered users in PM by default00:38
Armi1My broadcom WLAN adapter disappears everytime I restart!00:38
fastfingerkruqnut: pastebin.ca00:38
johnny2008thanks everyone for your help00:38
l815my menu has been showing up slow, is there a way to change the delay?00:39
kruqnutfdisk shows 2 hard drives, dev/sda and dev/sdb, shows 1 partition, /dev/sda1/  and also says dev/sdb does not have a valid partition table00:39
icesword1815,add more mem00:39
ere4sil815, you can make a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home to handle that00:39
l815icesword, i have 2GB00:39
kruqnutthe volume shows up in 'computer' as a 932.5 gb volume00:39
fastfingerkruqnut: does ti say sda1 is ntfs?00:40
iceswordkruqnut, then you partition table is damaged00:40
l815ere4si, thanks again, but i'm kinda new to this so i don't know that far yet :P00:40
kruqnutit says sd1 is ntfs00:40
l815making my own config files that is00:40
SzalnDr_willis: ok, please, give me light. is there any chance to open a gnome session from other computer, different to vnc and ssh?00:40
nickrudere4si: is there a comprehensive doc about .gktrc anywhere you know of?00:40
joecurleehi, i'm running ubuntu 7.10... anyone know of a good program to see where most of my data is allocated? I seem to have about 50 gigs of unaccounted space being used00:40
erawfish_kruqnut: sd1 does NOT EXIST00:40
Odd-rationaleAnyways, does anyone know that grub line that enables the hidden grub menu?00:40
erawfish_kruqnut: sda1 maybe does, NOT sd100:40
iceswordnickrud, hiya00:40
l815i'll look around for some info00:40
kruqnuteraw your not helpful00:40
fastfingererawfish_: lol00:40
kruqnutit was a typo00:40
kruqnuti correcte4d it00:40
kruqnuti think u need a nap dude00:40
ere4sinickrud, no - learnt with google and some on the forums00:41
erawfish_kruqnut: you consistently typo it00:41
nickrudicesword: hi. Glad to see you're finally installing00:41
prince_jammysnickrud: no but there's a tip online about how to speed up menus, if that's what you're talking about00:41
amenadoSzaln-> try  ssh -C -X -l username youripaddress    from another computer then once you logged on, type  gnome-session00:41
kruqnuti fixed it and u still flipped out00:41
ere4sil815, open gedit to make a file and add one line I'll give you00:41
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: did you get a chance to check the paste?00:41
erawfish_kruqnut: does "abd/" exist?00:41
nickrudprince_jammys: nah, I've been able to find stuff as I needed, I was looking for the holy grail00:41
prince_jammysnickrud: excuse me, by no i mean "i don't know" :)00:41
erawfish_kruqnut: and use an absolute path00:41
Armi1How can I get the Broadcom WiFi to work after rebooting?00:41
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, No sorry .. missed it00:41
kruqnutanyways this volume is a fakeraid/softraid and when i try to just mount it it errors00:41
l815ere4si, okay what's the line?00:42
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5804100:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:42
nickrudprince_jammys: sometimes you don't know what you can do until you read about it00:42
Szalnthanks amenado.00:42
CardinalFangMake two directories in /tmp, "x" and "x withspace".  In /etc/exports, add a line for each directory, double-quoted.     "/tmp/x withspace"     Then, run "exportfs -ar".  Do you get an error for the "x withspace" one?00:42
prince_jammysnickrud: very true00:42
prince_jammysnickrud: i thought you were asking with respect to the question about menus00:42
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:43
CardinalFangexportfs: Warning: /tmp/x withspace does not support NFS export.00:43
ere4sil815, gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0"| tee -a .gtkrc-2.0  - then save the file as  .gtkrc-2.0    the dot is important - and put in your/home/you folder00:43
blockcipherI have having issues viewing embedded youtube videos on website...i can goto youtube and view it ...  I have reinstall the flash player as well .. any ideas?00:43
supremeerawfish_, ok, i use the Tracker tool but now it find anything, i configured all ok and files are already indexed, what could i do?00:43
nickrudprince_jammys: triggered the question, yes. Didn't know that about gtkrc :)00:43
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, If it is not using a std serial port then it might be one of those winmodems...00:43
supremeerawfish_,  *it didn't find anything00:43
kruqnutok i used all slashes and such and i got a different error message, the same on i get when i try to mount it thru the gui00:43
kruqnutit says if i have fakeraid/softraid i need to activate it?00:43
ere4sil815, then logout out/in and it should be quicker00:44
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: not trying to get to the modem though... I'm trying to get to a serial port so I can communicate with a serial device.00:44
kruqnutwhats that mean, i have it turned on and setup in the bios00:44
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Hi.. I am in need of some rest,  I will try ans check back later00:44
kruqnutwhat else must i do?00:44
nickrudJack_Sparrow: see you again. One of these days we'll overlap more00:44
l815ere4si, okay i'll find out next time i restart... thanks again00:44
Jack_Sparrownickrud, when I am feeling better.. np00:44
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, what type of serial device?00:45
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: it's a pda with Familiar Linux on it.00:45
kruqnuti guess the built in raid on my mobo is softraid00:45
kruqnutso i need to set that up, how do i do that?00:45
l815aww i think it was beagle that was slowing down my menus T-T00:46
Jack_Sparrowspr0k3t_, Sorry I am not familiar with how to access that.  the screen mode I showed you earlier should get some sort of response00:47
fqhuyhi there00:47
nonix4Umm, can gnome be configured to require confirmation/password for shutdown/logout? I _hate_ accidentally logging out :/00:47
kruqnutso does anyone know how to setup a SOFTraid or FAKEraid ?00:47
spr0k3t_Jack_Sparrow: that's okay... I have to connect 115200 8n1, no hardware, no flow control... and you're right... it should just communicate.00:48
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fqhuyi'm using ubuntu 7.04 now00:48
spr0k3t_oh well.00:48
ere4si!raid | kruqnut00:48
ubotukruqnut: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:49
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:49
supremeerawfish_, any ideA?00:49
l815i feel so free using linux :D .. no more nagging in the back of my mind *sigh of relief*00:49
erawfish_supreme: still as bad an error description as before00:49
erawfish_!info Tracker00:49
ubotutracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 271 kB, installed size 1640 kB00:49
erat124can anyone help w/ remote ubuntu administration using xhost?00:50
supremeerawfish_, what do you need to now to help me?00:50
icesword!info xhost00:50
ubotuxhost (source: xhost): X authentication manipulation. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 60 kB00:50
joecurleeso... is there a program out there for linux that will show me where most of my disc space is being used? I can't figure how I'm missing about 50 gigs right now00:51
supremeerawfish_,  i've find info in google, how to configure tracker.cfg, etc.. but it still not find anything00:51
amenadojoe_-> du -h ;  df -h00:51
l815jourcurlee there should already be one00:51
amenadojoecurlee-> -> du -h ;  df -h00:51
joecurleeamenado: thanks00:52
amenadothats what happens when we tab complete..similar nicks00:52
iceswordjust couldn't understand why is someones' hostname is so long00:54
l815anyone know the name of the package of firefox 3 so i can remove it using terminal?00:54
thinkpaduserjoecurlee:  you can use gtkdiskfree for a gui as well00:54
joecurleethinkpaduser: thanks00:54
kruqnutok im on ubuntu now00:55
kruqnutok so when i do "sudo apt-get install dmraid" it says package dmraid not found00:55
kruqnutE: Couldn't find package dmraid00:56
ere4si!dmraid | kruqnut00:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:58
Raiders32how do you set the screen resolution for Ubuntu Server (Gutsy)?00:58
adaptrRaiders32: it's a server, right ? no X00:59
bluefox83ok, i'm using gparted from the ubuntu cd, how do i deleted a logical partition? it says unmount all logical partitions with a number larger than 6 but i dunno how00:59
Raiders32adaptr: correct00:59
adaptrRaiders32: so you mean console resolution ?00:59
Raiders32yes, sorry00:59
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/01:00
Dr_willisbluefox83,  sudo umount /media/MOUNTPOINT01:00
bluefox83Dr_willis: it's not mounted to my knoweldge01:00
adaptrRaiders32: set an appropriate vga= option in grub.conf (menu.lst these days), and take a look at consoletools, which re-rezzes after boot01:01
joecurleeso it seems mythtv is taking up lots of space with it's logs... 46g with logs alone... wtf?01:01
ere4sikruqnut, this says it's in gutsy - http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/dmraid01:01
Armi1My WiFi device (bcm43xx) dissapears when I reboot!01:01
adaptrjoecurlee: you can reduce that, and most of it is mysql binlogs, they're harmless enough, although 46 GB is on the large side01:01
Raiders32adaptr: thanks, I'll try that01:01
adaptrjoecurlee: have you tried #ubuntu-mythtv ?01:01
Armi1How can I fix it?01:01
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Armi1I have to re-install it from restricted drivers panel at every boot.01:02
Dr_willisbluefox83,  check with the mount command.01:02
joecurleeadaptr: no haven't tried there yet... logging in now to find out how to reduce log size01:02
adaptrArmi1: that's obviously not true01:02
bluefox83Dr_willis: i did, not mounted01:02
Dr_willisbluefox83,  then it seems you have done what gparted said. :)01:02
bluefox83Dr_willis: and yet it still eont let me remove that partition01:03
Armi1adaptr: well, after I reboot, the Wifi device disappears both from the Network panel and the tray icon01:03
Dr_willisbluefox83,  if its empty  - you could use the good old 'fdisk' command.01:03
Armi1adaptr: And i have to reinstall it to use it again01:03
adaptrArmi1: that merely means the module is not loaded automatically, which can happen if it's not autodetected01:03
adaptrArmi1: and no, you don't need to reinstall it01:03
adaptrthat's nonsense01:03
Dr_willisbluefox83,  ive also seen that after doing some partition changes. the system needs a reboot to see the changes.01:03
bluefox83Dr_willis: it see's teh changes, i'm booted into the cd01:04
Armi1adaptr: I understand, but that's how i solved my problem. How should it be permanently fixed?01:04
adaptrArmi1: add the name of the module to /etc/modules01:04
adaptrit will load the bluetooth stack as dependnecies automatically01:04
phaxlo folks01:05
Armi1adaptr: this is what I get from 'lspci': 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)01:05
LordMetroidAnyone who knows what a farmer does during the winter when there is nothing to be planted or summer when what is planted is growing?01:06
adaptrArmi1: you just posted the module name, so use that01:06
phaxLordMetroid, get drunk ?01:06
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  they are always busy fixing their machinery, or other maintance.01:06
bluefox83Dr_willis: i have a small partition of about 20 gigs i am trying to delete so i can resize another partition to take up it's space01:06
Armi1adaptr: you mean bcm43xx?01:06
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  trust me on this. I live in Corn Country.  They are not lazy bums.01:06
amenadoLordMetroid-> milking the cow01:06
phaxDr_willis, indiana ?01:07
Dr_willisbluefox83,  if its empty. I would fire up fdisk, and delete it.01:07
adaptrArmi1: I don't know - it's your module01:07
LordMetroidI am just wondering, it seems so awesome to just work a few month a year01:07
Dr_willisphax,  Bingo! :) land of corn and pigs...01:07
ere4siI thought LordMetroid was going to tell a joke...\01:07
Armi1adaptr: is there a way to manually start a module through console?01:07
phaxDr_willis, been there for 3 yrs, despise! , what part?01:07
adaptrArmi1: of course.. modprobe modulename01:07
Dr_willisphax,  right in the middle of the state - Kokomo.01:07
phaxah ok01:08
LordMetroidDr_willis: Is there really such a huge need of maintance?01:08
Armi1adaptr: thanks01:08
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  you ever see a Combine up close? THen thers the grain bins, then theres any animals, and the breeders, and so on...01:08
phaxI installed Ubuntu 7.10, kernel source and headers, but there was no link created for /usr/src/linux and when I am trying to install cpad-kernel-source. Get an error01:09
LordMetroidI live on the county with farmers all around my neighbourhood and some of my friends are farmers but I never know what more work than the field work that needs to be done01:09
Dr_willisYou dont see many people growing up wanting to become a farmer. :)  Plus most all the farmers i know, have a 2nd factory job.01:09
joe_which is better, kde or gnome?01:09
phaxShould I be creating the symlink manually to the currently running version ?01:09
joe_or easier for that matter01:09
MauriciobcHey people01:09
Armi1adaptr: how do I tell which modules are currently running?01:10
mjw-armil lsmod01:10
Armi1mjw-: thanks01:10
LordMetroidDr_willis: That was what i was wishing, grow food without much effort through coding AI for the machinery to plow and sow themself and code software for a living.01:10
phaxDr_willis, closeby here01:10
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  its not an easy life. and  thers still tons of manual labor involved.  Ive yet to see a automated tractor. :) and yes. I did 'research' on GPS and robot controlled farm machinery in college..01:12
kruqnutok, im supposed to mount the /dev/mapper/etcetcetc device01:12
kruqnutso i made a directory , i can see it in the ubuntu folder01:12
kruqnutbut i can't mount to it?01:12
LordMetroidDr_willis: Hmm, what a downer :(01:12
ere4sikruqnut,  using sudo mount?01:13
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=== ruca is now known as ruka
heartsbloodDoes anybody here have intricate knowledge of the cups system?01:13
Armi1and a way to stop a current module?01:13
phaxis /usr/src/linux to be set manually after installing headers ?01:13
kruqnutsudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /abc01:13
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  go work for a farmer for a few weeks during the year. and see. :) it will look good on your resume.01:13
FY1hello, everytime I login my mouse becomes extremely sluggish; it's fine at the login screen. this is on gnome and dapper01:13
LordMetroidI see an opportunity to be the spearhead of a new market of farming tools :)01:13
ere4sikruqnut, what command are you typing?01:13
phaxArmi1, modprobe01:13
ere4sikruqnut, sudo mount what?01:14
Armi1phax: modprobe isn't for starting a module?01:14
tlhonmeyArmi1: there is a parameter for modprobe to remove modules.01:14
Armi1tlhonmey: what parameter is it?01:14
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  get ahead of the game.. and get some land and start growing 'switchgrass' :) but finding a market for it - will be the hard part at this time.01:14
tlhonmeyArmi1: I don't remember off the top of my head.  do a man modprobe01:15
Armi1tlhonmey: ok, thanks01:15
LordMetroidGotta get me some capital to buy land for first01:15
heartsbloodwhat causes a print job to be flagged as "completed" in the cups web server without actually been sent to the printer?01:15
amenadoDr_willis-> switchgrass, is that same as napier grass?01:15
LordMetroidCan't buy land01:15
SharkBoyHi all - I have attempted to install hardy using a minimal net install cd. However, I can't complete setup due to a known issue ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/192938 ) - I'm new to minimal installs - is there a way to force the minimal CD to download a stable version of Ubuntu, or am I pretty much stuck with one version per minimal CD?01:16
Dr_willisamenado,  its very good at getting converted to ethonol. :) i imagine in 10 years. we will be using it to fuel out cars.01:16
FY1Hello, can someone give me an idea about how to fix a sluggish mouse? It happens only after I login... the touchpad doesn't respond very good. It responds fine at the Gnome login screen. Help01:16
LordMetroidDr_willis: Better than hemp?01:16
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  for converting to ethonol. I imagine so.01:16
amenadoDr_willis-> i thought it was that special grass the japanese feed their specially fatened cows01:16
carlos_I'm having some troubles with widescreen resolution on my laptop... I already configured the xorg.conf, but nothing happened... What can I do now??01:17
Dr_willisamenado,  you feed fancy cows grain. Not grass. :) or beer.01:17
LordMetroidAlcohole poison your cows, great work!01:17
amenadoDr_willis-> japanese have their own way..napier grass01:18
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  Actually, alcohol isn't a problem for cows.01:18
LordMetroidThey have alcoholedehdrogenase?01:18
usserhamburgers are a problem for cows01:18
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  If you feed them silage, you're feeding them fermented grass.01:18
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  If you want to get a cow drunk, feed it apples.01:19
jtravnickwould cows eating hamburgers be like cannabalism?01:19
nate77afanyone able to help with mounting partitions?01:19
Dr_willisLordMetroid,  for another fun Farm trick - get a bag of coal, and feed it to the pigs.01:19
LordMetroidSo they don't have alcoholedehydrogenase but are sufficient size so that fermented grass does not cause them much problems01:19
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  a cow's digestive system basically ferments things anyway.01:20
amenadonate77af-> whats the issue?01:20
mr_jhow do i setup a streamin radio station? i have a pc at home and i would like to be able to listen to music being played by my pc while im at work01:20
ussermr_j: take a look at icecast or shoutcast01:20
kruqnuti did sudo mkdir /abc/, then sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /abc01:20
kruqnutand it says the mount point doesn't exist01:20
kruqnutwhat is the command to show my currently mounted devices01:20
tlhonmeymr_j:  on a default install Rhythmbox works pretty well.01:20
mr_jok thx01:21
kruqnutere4si: sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /abc01:21
mr_ji'm going to look at them now01:21
amenadokruqnut-> mount01:21
tlhonmeykruqnut: just type mount with no parameters.01:21
LordMetroidcows definetly have acohol dehydrogenase according to Kovar J. et al01:21
DellbuntuStudio5Is this the place for Ubuntu Studio 7.10?01:22
kruqnuttlhenmey i did01:22
nate77afamenado-> I am able to mount an extended partition but having problems setting write permissions01:22
qraebjoakruqnut, cd /media .... sudo mkdir abc .... sudo mount /dev/mapper/...01:22
LordMetroidDellbuntuStudio5: Depends? Don't try to install it here!01:22
deurytecan someone help me with video drivers??01:22
amenadonate77af-> how are you mounting it? what is your mount command?01:22
sasquatch3213213hey guys01:23
s|kI installed websvn from ubuntu repositories, but I don't see how to access it01:23
supremesomebody uses ubuntu's tool Tracker01:23
LordMetroidDellbuntuStudio5:  if you have questions about it. Go on, what do you have in mind?01:23
sasquatch3213213Can anyone tellme the big differences between ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu?01:23
nate77afamenado-> mount /dev/sda6 /media/mnv01:23
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  cows are interesting, they can actually live on up to 70% wood pulp if you put the right bacteria in their guts.01:23
amenadonate77af-> typically only root can mount..01:24
LordMetroidtlhonmey: Interesting...01:24
nate77afamenado->using root terminal01:24
tlhonmeysasquatch:  which graphical shell it comes with, and which set of pre-installed software.01:24
ussersasquatch3213213: ubuntu uses gnome as desktop manager, kubuntu kde and xubuntu xfce01:24
deus_How can i recover a deleted file?01:24
DellbuntuStudio5I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all wierd.01:24
amenadonate77af->  whats the permission after, type mount and show us or paste it in pastebin01:24
usserdeus_: its not trivial if at all possible01:25
sasquatch3213213Do they ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu come with the same pre-installed software?01:25
icesworddeus_, make sure you didn't overwrite,use test disk01:25
LordMetroidtlhonmey: Too bad I have yet no experience with farm machinery.01:25
tlhonmeydeus_: deleted through GUI or deleted through commandline?01:25
ussersasquatch3213213: pretty much01:25
vince164hi if i get the 64bit amd version will  this cause any uncompatblity with softwares01:25
Starnestommysasquatch3213213: same core system, but a lot of user apps are different01:25
vince164like windows?01:25
sasquatch3213213like what type of apps?01:25
deurytesasquatch3213213: ubuntu= mostly for bussnisess, but good for homw use/ kubuntu= ubuntu with a grphical desktop....  i use both......   kubuntu is prettier/   edubuntu= for those who are in school........01:25
usservince164: you will have some headache with flashplayer and java other than that amd64 is pretty compatible01:25
DellbuntuStudio5I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all weird.01:25
tlhonmeyLordMetroid:  I do though.  I've got a 1938 john deere model G out back.01:25
vince164usser dose x64 make allot of difference01:26
usservince164: speedwise?01:26
ripper666ummm... in need alot of codecs... were can i find these01:26
sasquatch3213213of the three, ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu, which Linux Distro is the prettiest?01:26
Starnestommysasquatch3213213: ubuntu01:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:26
kruqnutmount: /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez already mounted or /abc busy01:26
usservince164: not worth the pain for regular user if you ask me01:26
kruqnuti get that after the mount command01:26
amenadoLordMetroid-> make friends with a farmers daughter ..hehe01:26
tlhonmeyripper666:  most of them are in the software repository.01:27
vince164ues thats what i needed to hear many thanks usser01:27
ussersasquatch3213213: that's completely subjective but I'd say kubuntu01:27
DellbuntuStudio5How Do I install XGL? or can you NOT install it on Ubuntu?01:27
deurytesasquatch3213213: kubuntu,,,,,,,,  but waite till end of this month........  the newest will be out...........  3 yr support........01:27
usservince164: no problem01:27
sasquatch3213213So is kubuntu the prettiest?01:27
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.01:27
ere4si!codecs | ripper66601:27
uboturipper666: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:27
mrunagisasquatch3213213: in whos opinion01:27
StarnestommyI've found the 32-bit version a bit slower than the 64-bit version01:27
ripper666 tlhonmey: yea i though that but sould i just download them all\01:27
deurytesasquatch3213213: my advice??.........  load up ubuntu........  learn it.........  then go to kubuntu........." learn text commands01:28
nate77afamenado-> how would I paste it? (sorry for being such a newb)01:28
RaelI have mounted my windows partition but for some reason I cannot edit or delete any files on it. How can I fix this?01:28
qraebjoasasquatch3213213, test all =)01:28
sasquatch3213213Is ubuntu more user friendly?01:28
Wrecthan what01:28
amenado!pastebin | nate77af01:28
ubotunate77af: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:28
sasquatch3213213is ubuntu more user friendly then xubuntu or kubuntu?01:28
tlhonmeyripper666:  get the ones you're likely to use.01:29
kruqnuti get this error "mount: /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez already mounted or /abc busy" when trying to mount the dvice01:29
Wrecthey run off of the same basis of knowledge01:29
Roootysudo Hi, rsync isn't copying everything in my home directory (i.e. skype files) any suggestions of other software to use?01:29
Odd-rationalesasquatch3213213: not. depends on your tastes01:29
Odd-rationale*not really01:29
amenadoRooty you put -a options?01:29
qraebjoakruqnut, how about umount abc ?01:29
sasquatch3213213any suggestions to where I can go to really find what ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu are really about in terms of architecture and software and user ability?01:29
DellbuntuStudio5sasquatch3213213: Kubuntu=Ubuntu only with the KDE environment    Edubuntu=Best for schools     UbuntuStudio=For people who wants to do multimedia a lot    Xbuntu= Runs nither Gnome or KDE. Best for Old PCs01:29
deurytesasquatch3213213: due to the nature of linux,  if you happen to get into trouble, kubuntu can be complex.......  aspecially to a newbe,  ubuntu is far less complicated althogh it is more text based, but is much easier to learn from and is more forgiving......01:30
larson9999i'd say ubuntu and kubuntu are reasonably similar in user friendliness and xubuntu is just a tad bit behind01:30
tlhonmeysasquatch:  ubuntu.com01:30
magnetronRoooty: remember to use the -a option and don't use wild cards01:30
tlhonmeysasquatch:  I believe I came across descriptions and screenshots there at one point.01:30
kruqnutumount: abc: not mounted01:30
DellbuntuStudio5I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all weird.01:30
kruqnuti got taht when trying to umount01:30
deus_How can i recover files on an lvm partition?01:30
qraebjoakruqnut, then mount again ONCE01:30
LordMetroidDellbuntuStudio5: How do you mean?01:30
PeakerHey, how do I disable updatedb?01:31
nate77afamenado-> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58047/ here are the results01:31
tlhonmeyDellbuntuStudio5:  On which version?01:31
kruqnutsame error01:31
qraebjoakruqnut, and cd abc01:31
deurytesasquatch3213213: these three types of linux are gaining world wide acceptance very fast,    just load up the ubuntu, 1st.........  learn01:31
PeakerI never use updatedb/locate/these search facilities, but it slows me down horribly every day01:31
kruqnutsame thing01:31
Roootymagnetron Thanks, I'll check out the man pages01:31
qraebjoakruqnut, hm dunno01:31
kruqnutumount: abc: not mounted01:31
amenadoPeaker-> what indications do you have to point towards updatedb ?01:31
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PeakerTrying to get rid of the package containing updatedb yells at me that I must "know what I'm doing" because its an "essential package"01:31
kruqnutubuntu@ubuntu:/abc$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /abc01:32
kruqnutmount: /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez already mounted or /abc busy01:32
mrunagilol can someone write an imwheelrc script for me01:32
Peakeramenado: every time my computer gets slow, I run top and see updatedb running, I sudo kill it and its fast again01:32
DellbuntuStudio5Either the window shows the background picture (Window Decoration and border is still there) or the backgound gets messed up. On UbuntuStudio 7.10 Running Compiz 0.6.201:32
__mikem!caps | Peaker01:32
ubotuPeaker: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:32
usserPeaker: it is indeed many things depend on findutils01:32
Peaker__mikem: please direct it to the right person01:32
amenadoPeaker-> top shows updatedb? really?01:32
kruqnutwill checking and repairing my filesystem make me lose data?01:32
Peakerusser: What depends on it?01:32
DellbuntuStudio5Deuryte: NO NNED TO SHOUT AT US! please wait01:33
Starnestommykruqnut: usually it won't01:33
Peakeramenado: why is that surprising?01:33
tlhonmeyI'm rebuilding a machine for a friend, and it detects, but won't use the onboard USB or Ethernet.  It turns out that it's an AMD Opteron64 processor.  Is using the 64 bit version likely to solve this?01:33
DellbuntuStudio5Either the window shows the background picture (Window Decoration and border is still there) or the backgound gets messed up. On UbuntuStudio 7.10 Running Compiz 0.6.201:33
deuryteWHAT DID YOU SAY????????01:33
Starnestommydeuryte: what type of video card?01:33
LordMetroid!caps | deuryte01:33
ubotudeuryte: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:33
amenadoPeaker-> because i never saw updatedb ever shows up on top ever01:33
Peakeramenado: it runs once a day01:33
usserPeaker: its like part of the second tier of linux, first being the kernel01:33
Peakeramenado: for a while, indexing everything01:33
Peaker(instead of indexing changes as they happen :-( )01:33
Raelhave mounted my windows  fat32 partition but for some reason I cannot edit or delete any files on it. How can I fix this?01:34
amenadonate77af-> those  /dev/sda5 and sda6 ?01:34
deurytei have a ati 9200 se, just loaded ubuntu gutsy.....  still running on vesa drivers........01:34
Raelthis is my fstab http://www.pastebin.org/2203201:34
DellbuntuStudio5deuryte: What card? Is it ATi or (g)Navida? IS it diffrent?01:34
usserRael: where did you mount it?01:34
Peakerusser: It should be observing for file system changes instead of scanning the entire thing every day01:34
amenadoPeaker yes i know, but those normally runs at 4:02 AM01:34
deuryteDellbuntuStudio5: ati  radeon 9200se01:34
tlhonmeyRael:  in the add-remove applications, search for ntfs.  there's a utility.01:34
Peakerusser: What depends on that part of the tier? apt-get remove here doesn't imply anything else would need to be removed too01:34
amenadoPeaker maybe change your cron to run it while you are asleep?01:34
Peakeramenado: And I'm awake in funny hours :)01:34
Raelits notntfs01:35
Raelits fat 3201:35
Peakeramenado: there's no hour in which I am always asleep01:35
amenadoPeaker then run the cron at non-funny hours01:35
tlhonmeyRael:  It should just read it then...  How did you mount it?01:35
nate77afamenado-> yes I noticed when I ran mount the first time that they were actually listed twice... sda5 is working now with bnp but sda6 is not showing...01:35
amenadoPeaker anyhow, there is the /etc/updatedb.conf01:35
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Raelmount -t vfat01:35
tlhonmeyPeaker:  set it to run with minimum priority.01:35
tlhonmeyRael and you ran that as root?01:36
usserRael: try sudo chown -R <yourname>:<yourname> /mnt/windows01:36
Peakertlhonmey: does low priority affect its disk I/O performance, and its making lots of disk noise too?01:36
amenadonate77af-> umm can you man mount and look at those mask..i cant recall what they signify.. fmask and dmask01:36
Raelyeah the drive is mounted fine01:36
tlhonmeyPeaker:  hmmm...  I've never tested that.01:37
PeakerRael: There are the mount options: uid,gid  to specify which uid,gid all the files there have01:37
amenadonate77af-> those sda5 and sda6 are what external usb drives?01:37
forstrongesti'm newer herer01:37
forstrongesthow to install a Application?01:37
PeakerRael: you can set those to be your uid,gid01:37
tlhonmeyRael:  sudo -i to root and then see if you can read it.01:37
Starnestommyforstrongest: use system > administration > synaptic package manager01:37
Peakerusser: So, what bad effects does removing findutils have? Why is it an "essential package"?01:37
ubuntufreakI get an error when i start my Ubuntu 7.10 system like this http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/6513/gnomeerrorbs7.pn01:37
nate77afamenado-> extended logical drives on the primary hard disk01:37
ubuntufreakI get an error when i start my Ubuntu 7.10 system like this http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/6513/gnomeerrorbs7.png01:38
amenadonate77af-> they are showing up okay on the mount command, so what is the issue?01:38
Starnestommyubuntufreak: try sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-control-center01:38
tlhonmeyPeaker: Under System->Preferences->indexing preferences you can just turn it off.01:39
ubuntufreakStarnestommy: Would try it now01:39
usserPeaker: of the top of my head im not really sure what depends on it01:39
Peakertlhonmey: any kubuntu equivalent for my other machine?01:39
tlhonmeyPeaker: and it appears to watch your home directory.01:39
Peakertlhonmey: appearantly its big enough for it to thrash the disk for quite a while01:40
nate77afamenado-> they wouldn't let me write files to them... but it seems that I've corrected my own problem... many thanks for your input :) I know how to use a pastebin now, lol01:40
tlhonmeyPeaker: I don't know.  I don't use kubuntu much.  It usually has the same options though, just organised differently.01:40
Peakertlhonmey: ok, thanks01:40
tlhonmeyPeaker:  give me a moment...01:41
PeakerRael: did you fix your problem?01:41
VovkSo I'd like to get a samba server running for my friends and I to share files easily, but I have no clue where to begin :) I've installed ubuntu server edition on a suitable machine and I've installed gnome and Xchat on it (so that I can look at wikis and ask for help :D )  I also chose "Samba" from the list of apps when installing server edition.  anyway, now that I have a basic setup, where do I go from here? do I need to install any m01:41
Vovkore samba config things? How do I make sure my new network is secure? are there any good guides on this online?01:41
melanieok so my titlebars are disappearing, i'm guessing from compiz running.  desktop effects are DISABLED.01:41
amenadonate77af-> i dont know, it seems common, when we do it by ourselves, it dont work, but the moment someone else kind of point out things, suddenly things works..am speaking from experience01:41
tlhonmeyPeaker: the program is named tracker-preferences.  try typing that in a shell.01:42
heartsbloodI'm having trouble printing to a cups server on a mac.  When I use the gnome-printer config utility and manually enter my printers network address, jobs are automatically filed as "completed" (according to the cups web page) but the jobs never show up inside the osx print que.  However If I select "Detect lan printers" from the gnome-printer utility it first gives me an error about port 631 being opened up on my box but01:42
heartsbloodit then shortly finds the printer on the mac and by using that printer I can send jobs to the server fine.  After reviewing the properties of the 2 entires they're both using nearly identical setup information, the only outstanding differences being that the printer using autodetect has fewer print options. (yes both are using the exact same driver) But I still can't print from the printer I manually added.  Could anybod01:42
heartsbloody explain what could cause this?01:42
nate77afamenado-> have a great weekend!01:42
amenadonate77af-> likewise to you01:42
ubuntufreakStarnestommy: Am i suppose to restart the machine after installing it ?01:42
Peakertlhonmey: its part of tracker-search-tool, appearantly not a part of kubuntu01:42
melanie"sudo metacity --replace" is the only way to fix it, but adding it to my startup didn't fix the problem after reboot.  i have to do that evertime (as root) after reboot  or else i have no title bars and no open windows in the taskbar.01:42
Starnestommyubuntufreak: just hit ctrl+alt+backspace and it'll restart the desktop manager01:42
qraebjoarebooot is goood01:42
ubuntufreakStarnestommy: OK01:43
kruqnutok so im trying to mount a partition(2 hard drives) on an intel softRAID01:43
Vovkanyone here know where I could find a good guide to setting up a samba network?01:43
kruqnuti keep getting errors in my path and im not sure what to make of them01:43
Raelnope not yet01:43
RaelI am trying to edit my fstab file01:44
tlhonmeyPeaker:  dang.  I guess kubuntu uses something completely different then.  Browse the menu I guess.01:44
Peakertlhonmey: will do, thanks01:44
kruqnuti installed dmraid01:44
kruqnutthen when i try to mount, i get ubuntu@ubuntu:/abc$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /abc01:44
kruqnutmount: /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez already mounted or /abc busy01:44
Raelwhat does under GROUPID and USERID in fstab?01:44
solexious[Q] How can i control volume with the command line?01:45
decayi have to boot ubuntu by passing the 'noapic' paremeter or else it won't boot. is this normal?01:45
usserRael: the user and group id you want the files in mounted directory to be owned by01:45
IndyGunFreakmelanie: there was an issue w/ that when i tried compiz back with feisty, and its correctable, but i don't remember how.. ask in #compiz-fusions01:45
amenadoRael come again?01:45
ubuntufreakStarnestommy: Thanks :) Got my GDM working01:45
tlhonmeydecay: depending on your hardware, yes.  that's why the option is there.01:46
melanieIndyGunFreak, the problem is i want to remove compiz and use metacity permanently... how can i do that?  compiz seems to be too tightly integrated into 7.10...01:46
crazedwalrussolexious -- try aumix01:46
Raelso if I set my login in there does that mean I cant edit the mounted partition01:46
IndyGunFreakmelanie: turn desktop effectsoff?01:46
decaytlhonmey: it just doesnt feel right =]01:46
DellbuntuStudio5Back to my Problem: I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all weird. Either the window shows the background picture (Window Decoration and border is still there) or the backgound gets messed up. On UbuntuStudio 7.10 Running Compiz 0.6.201:46
usserRael: not sure I understand you01:46
melanieIndyGunFreak, they are off01:46
decayAnyone here got a bcm43xx wireless modem to work?01:46
tlhonmeymelanie: in 7.10 I think it goes to metacity if you turn the desktop effects off.01:46
IndyGunFreakmelanie: well then if they are off, one would think you shoul have titlebars.01:47
melanietlhonmey, the desktop effects are off01:47
melanieIndyGunFreak, tlhonmey it's the first thing i check after a reboot.01:47
DellbuntuStudio5Melanie: If you have Compiz: Make sure Windows Decorations is  turned On.01:47
IndyGunFreakhmm, sorry, no logical answer for that one01:47
DellbuntuStudio5Back to my Problem: I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all weird. Either the window shows the background picture (Window Decoration and border is still there) or the backgound gets messed up. On UbuntuStudio 7.10 Running Compiz 0.6.201:48
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, i don't want to use compiz.  seems 7.10 doesn't give me a choice tho, i haven't been able to remove it.01:48
mrunagiinwheel makes no sense01:48
fastfingerK, can't fix this, might as well format01:48
decayhow do i find out which chipset version my wireless modem has?01:48
usserRael: how you setting uid and gid in fstab?01:49
mrunagidecay lspci01:49
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: Press Alt+F2 (Without the +)  and type metacity --replace01:49
mrunagioh wait modem i dunno01:49
silverbladeprobably a silly question... if i install Ubuntu on a HDD on one pc and then move it into another pc, with the hdd being the only one in the pc, on the first master... it will "just work", wont it?01:49
Raeldoes this look ok /dev/sdb1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 001:49
mrunagisilverblade: i believe you have to recompile the kernel01:49
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, that works (when i run it as root) but i want something that persists past a reboot.  if i reboot, titlebars are gone again.01:49
usserRael: yea looks about right01:49
silverblademrunagi: why would that be necessary?01:49
XtatXneed tech support for installing on a crappy laptop without a cd/dvd drive using vmware with full hard disk acess... anyone think they can help?01:49
decaymrunagi: thanks!01:49
Raelcool ty01:49
mrunagisilverblade: because the hardware has changed?01:49
mrunagisilverblade: i dont really know im just guessing01:50
DellbuntuStudio5Melanie: Did you install Ubuntu using Wubi?01:50
silverbladedoes anyone else know?01:50
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, certainly not01:50
tlhonmeyXtatX:  can you use a USB CD Drive?01:50
decaymrunagi: what about kernel version?01:50
mrunagisomeone write me an imwheel script to change desktops with the side button =(01:50
VovkHow can I switch from a dynamic DHCP ip adress to a static one?01:50
XtatXim using a mounted image file through vmware01:51
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, ubuntu 7.10 alternate disc.01:51
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: ok01:51
silverbladebasically i want to set up Ubuntu on a HDD in one PC, then travel half way across the country and slip that HDD into a machine.01:51
usserVovk: what do you mean?01:51
jramseyanyone know the sql command to reset a password?01:51
XtatXi have problems with the graphic installer... is there a text based?01:51
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: are you booting to external HDD?01:51
mrunagiXtatX: !alternate01:51
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, no01:51
Vovkusser: I'm trying to set up a server, but right now my IP address is dynamic... won't this be a problem if people try to connect?01:51
tlhonmeyXtatX:  yes.  choose the alternate when downloading.01:51
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal01:51
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, P-ATA01:51
XtatXmy bad01:52
usserVovk: yes, servers are usually set to use static Ip01:52
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, there's no way to "permanently" replace the wm with metacity?01:52
Vovkusser: when I installed it automatically set to dynamic. is there any way I can change this?01:52
usserVovk: but you have to know your network settings to set it correctly01:52
tlhonmeyjramsey:  depends.  What kind of sql database?01:52
usserVovk: yea sure01:52
melaniei'd like to know the underlying problem here, why is this occuring.  what does ubuntu use by default (instead of metacity) that is causing this.01:52
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: Are you running a Dell? If you are, did ubuntu come installed on it? and i dont think so.01:52
Vovkusser: I should be able to find what I need01:52
thinkpadusercan i condense all desktop space down to certain dimensions in xorg.conf?  i have this broken 24" LCD panel that is busted only on the right 5" or so- can i use only the other portion of it?01:52
jramseytlhonmey, joomla database when i installed joomla01:53
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, no, this is not a dell.  dude, i didn't get a dell sorry.01:53
amenadoheartsblood, I do not know muc about apparmor, this maybe be causing your issues with cups...01:53
usserVovk: edit /etc/network/interfaces01:53
thinkpadusersort of like Xfce4's borders but set in xorg?01:53
usserVovk: to suit your needs, you generally need to specify address, netmask and default gateway01:53
XtatXok... what do you mean by !alternate01:53
Jahromeo? compiz01:53
tlhonmeyjramsey:  I have no experience with that.  most SQL databases store passwords in one of the system tables.  I would try a google search.01:53
Vovkusser: ok thanks :)01:53
thinkpaduser? xorg01:53
jramseytlhonmey, ok txs01:54
Jahromeo! compiz01:54
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:54
qraebjoaalternate cd is cool... it supports encryption01:54
tlhonmeyXtatX: when you download a CD image from the ubuntu site, there is a checkbox to choose the alternate, non-live cd.01:54
usserVovk: something like this http://pastebin.ca/92516001:54
=== hoarycri1ple is now known as hoarycripple
tlhonmeyXtatX:  it has lots more options and supports more hardware.01:54
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: So the desktop decrations (Titlebars, theme, etc.) Are gone when you reboot, and after you log in, you have to command metacity --replace. Is this correct?01:54
XtatXk... will get that tnx... gonna chk usenet first01:54
=== lk is now known as remii
tmcfultonI uninstalled the package "python", which uninstalled EVERYTHING on my computer, can somebody tell me what to install to get all the core packages back?01:55
=== remii is now known as remirokosa1
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, i have to run that as root.  and the theme isn't so much gone... but all titlebars and window borders are gone, and running programs do not appear in the taskbar (where you minimize them to...)01:55
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: Why are you running as root?01:55
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, i have to run the "metacity --replace" command as root for it to stick for that session.01:56
PascoHello, I am Japanese, and I can not wirte English quickly. But please let me ask a question.01:56
RoootyHi can someone recommend a reinstall guide for gutsy? (I screwed up my packages)01:56
tmcfultonI uninstalled the package "python", which uninstalled EVERYTHING on my computer, can somebody tell me what to install to get all the core packages back?01:56
tlhonmeytmcfulton:  that's a hard one.  try ubuntu-desktop.  No promises though.01:56
jsteezeytmcfulton: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:56
IndyGunFreak!jp | Pasco01:57
ubotuPasco: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:57
jsteezeydont ever uninstall python lol01:57
PascoI try to use debian on resolution 1360*768, but I could not.01:57
tlhonmeydon't ever just click ok without reading...01:57
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: There is a problem that I cant help you with on your ubuntu. All I can say is reinstall ubuntu. I dont know anything else to help you.01:57
PascoThere was only 1280*768.01:57
adairdWhat can I do to fix the issue, where after installing 7.10 all you get is BusyBox at boot?01:58
ussermelanie: what's the problem?01:58
melaniejsteezey, it tells you what packages it's going to remove... for some reason a lot of packages have "ubuntu-desktop" package marked for removal01:58
RoootyBusyBox@Boot lol01:58
qraebjoaklick [X] if you dont want to read :-)01:58
PascoDoes ubuntu support 1360*768?01:58
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, reinstall won't fix it.01:58
remirokosa1custom res = lolz01:58
adairdAfter some reading around, I did the chksum test and the ISO is good...01:58
melanieusser, my titlebars disappear.  "sudo metacity --replace" fixes it.  this is only for the session, however.01:58
RaelI'm having trouble saving my fstab...I did sudo gedit fstab but gedit will not let me save the file....I tried doing su -l but that gives me an authentication error after putting in my password01:58
remirokosa1did you lose a few rows of pixels?01:58
GiddyKonghey how can i get apps to start on startup?01:58
trentsterhey all, can someone tell me why this command is not logging to the file I specified "  tail -f /var/log/auth.log | grep "Accepted password for root" >> /tmp/test.txt  "01:58
remirokosa1you were just in debian channel01:59
trentsterthe file is just blank.....01:59
remirokosa1take out on >01:59
Pascothere were some black vertical margine on left side of screen.01:59
ussermelanie: dissapear after you login or after some time of using your comp, does this happen seemengly random?01:59
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: Sorry! Try to use a Live CD instead of an alternate. Are you running a Computer With a PowerPC porcessor? Or a Mac with Intel?01:59
iceswordi am running 7.10 in 100m ram,how to record all process running to a txt file01:59
qraebjoaGiddyKong, check settings -> sessions01:59
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, it's some weird processor i've never heard of before02:00
adairdI take it from your reaction that this whole BusyBox business is not a big deal?02:00
DellbuntuStudio5What's It called02:00
trentsterremirokosa1: still does not work....02:00
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: What is the processor called?02:00
melanieusser, after a reboot of the WM.  "sudo metacity --replace" fixes it until the user reboots/logs out and back in again.02:00
GiddyKongthanks :D02:00
heartsbloodPasco: #ubuntu-jp02:00
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, i remember how to get it in kubuntu, how do you find it in gnome?02:00
iceswordi am running 7.10 in 100m ram,how to record all process running to a txt file02:00
Pascothank you mr heartsblood02:00
tlhonmeymelanie:  you're using Gnome?02:00
adaird>.> come on guys, at least a hint?02:01
danielvieceliwere i can download WINE 9.56 for ubuntu?02:01
andatcheicesword: ps -aux > filename02:01
tlhonmeydanielvieceli:  winehq.org02:01
ussermelanie: are you sure compiz is not set to run at startup?02:01
melanietlhonmey, yes i'm using gnome.  plain ubuntu was the only thing that really worked... xubuntu was nice until the config files for the tray got all wonky.02:01
melanieusser, i've checked in the sessions.  is there another place i should check?02:01
danielviecelinot have in wunehq.org02:01
robertc1985that should be in package installer daniel02:01
ussermelanie: its usually gets put there02:02
danielviecelii from brasil02:02
DellbuntuStudio5melanie:  System---->Preferences----->Hardware Infomation02:02
danh__how do i get ask-ssh-passphrase to work when i log in ?02:02
jsteezeyicesword: ps -eaf02:02
DracoPersonally I just redo all of KDM/GDM when I install stuff02:02
adairdI have all day guys. :P02:02
tlhonmeymelanie:  if it's not running compiz in sessions, then what is it running?02:02
Dracotlhonmey: metacity, mentioned earlier02:02
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, i don't have that02:03
DellbuntuStudio5Every ubuntu system does!!!!!!!!!02:03
melanietlhonmey, i don't know.  i always  check after reboot if compiz is disabled and it is.  "sudo metacity --replace" fixes it.02:03
Jahromeohi guys I need some help wrt graphics on my new ubuntu 7.10 install - installed proprietry drivers - the nvidia-glx-new for my card as its nvidia 8400gs02:03
DracoNo, only ones which have ubuntu-desktop properly installed02:03
tlhonmeymelanie:  so it says metacity under Sessions-> current session, but is running compiz instead?02:03
adairdIs there a conifg I missed somewhere during install? Because I kinda need this up and running...02:04
usserJahromeo: and?02:04
Jahromeobut even tho it tells me drivers installed in the restricted drivers section ubuntu wants to use vesa- i know these drivers work as they worked when i had kubuntu installed02:04
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: something is wrong with your computer. Waht is your computer make and model?02:04
Jahromeowhat gives?02:04
Dracoadaird: usually there is02:04
adairdWhat do you think it might be?02:04
Dracoadaird: what seems missing?02:04
DracoDellbuntuStudio5: melanie: no, nothing wrong with the computer if you don't want graphics accel or etc02:04
adairdNot sure. I ran MDK5 and it checked out ok, the Live CD runs fine.02:04
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, this is a custom built box.  the hardware is cheapo stuff.  the processor bearly needs a fan, it's an 800mhz thing that's designed for embedded applications.02:05
adairdSo I know its not a corrupt file.02:05
Dracoadaird: yeah, but what appears missing. as in what doesn't work?02:05
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: Sorry! I don't know what the problem is! Sorry!02:05
DellbuntuStudio5melanie: :'(02:05
adairdOh! Well, when I boot from HDD it shows up as BusyBox.02:05
DellbuntuStudio5Back to my Problem: I downloaded Compiz Fusion and now whenever I use it instead of Regular (Metacity) With an Internet App or open a window, it acts all weird. Either the window shows the background picture (Window Decoration and border is still there) or the backgound gets messed up. On UbuntuStudio 7.10 Running Compiz 0.6.202:05
melanieDellbuntuStudio5, ok, thanks for trying.02:05
Dracomelanie: it's not hardware, just a misconfiguration likely02:05
melanieDraco, ok. i'd love to figure out the underlying problem.  i think it's because 7.10 is set to use compiz/emerald by default02:06
InvisionfreeOk, something seems to be up: I downloaded 7.10 desktop live CD, and when I try to boot, it just hangs. The MD5SUM is right, but it just hangs. Is it supposed to do this, or is something messed up?02:06
Jahromeohi guys I need some help wrt graphics on my new ubuntu 7.10 install - installed proprietry drivers - the nvidia-glx-new for my card as its nvidia 8400gs - but even tho it tells me drivers installed in the restricted drivers section ubuntu wants to use vesa- i know these drivers work as they worked when i had kubuntu installed02:06
bltroutAnyone know which package has the man pages for emmintrin.h?02:06
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Dracomelanie: well /usr/share/gdm etc probably has that. I use kdm, though02:07
adairdInvisionfree: From what I understand you need to run the cdui-boot prog off the live cd first, which puts an instruction on the boot record to allow boot from Cd.02:07
adairdOr, it may be that you simply have a damaged CD.02:07
tlhonmeymelanie:  except, that when you select none for visual effects, it's supposed to switch to metacity...02:07
nemesis256hi, I just installed ubuntu in parallels mac, and for some reason apt-get won't work. something as simple as emacs won't get installed.  It says it couldn't find the package.02:07
Invisionfreeadaird, I'm confused, what do you mean? :[02:07
decayubuntu is not recognizing when i put a USB stick in (its a laptop, i boot with noapic paremeter). what should i do02:07
adairdDraco: Have any ideas on this whole BusyBox deal?02:07
etherealityhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712461 please help!02:07
adairdInvisionfree: I am still learning this, so I am just giving you what I know.02:07
qraebjoaInvisionfree, it does not hang i guess... just wait 5 mins02:08
etherealityupdate manager error02:08
usserJahromeo: did you restart after installing them? anyhow sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.back then sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for vesa in the Device section, replace it with nvidia and try to restart x server if it throws you into text mode do sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.back /etc/X11/xorg.conf and we will think about it more02:08
Dracoadaird: has it started booting and you get busybox instead of a login prompt?02:08
Dracoadaird: what happens when you exit, ctrl-d it?02:08
tlhonmeymelanie:  I'm assuming you've tried turning the visual effects on and then back off again.02:08
Invisionfreeqraebjoa, why? Is it a new feature or something? It usually never used to on my 6.1002:08
Jahromeousser i didnt restart pc but i did restart x via ctrl+alt+bckspace02:08
adairdDraco: ctrl-d? Sorry, I am a n00b when it comes to this stuff. I just started into Linux cuz I am sick of MS.02:08
qraebjoathey disabled some framebuffer thingy... dont know exactly02:09
phaxI am getting an error when trying to install anything which requires kernel-headers, because dpkg is returning an error code. there is a warning that the running kernel version does not match the kernel headers but /usr/src/linux points to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic which is what i am uname -r shows, any help is appreciated02:09
melanietlhonmey, uhm... no?  i don't think this crappy VIA integrated card can/should handle it02:09
adairdDraco: Do you mean ctrl-alt-del?02:09
Dracoadaird: ctrl-d is 'end of file', you can use "exit" as well02:09
usserJahromeo: oh I see, in terminal do sudo modprobe nvidia and then restart x agaig02:09
Dracoadaird: or enter, ctrl-d, sometimes it takes enter before.02:09
adairdI wil try, hand on.02:09
InvisionfreeWhats this wubi-cdboot thing?02:09
adairdDraco: It acknoledges the command but loops back into BusyBox.02:10
usserJahromeo: check your xorg.conf though too see if it uses nvidia instead of vesa02:10
qraebjoaInvisionfree, ATi ?02:10
tlhonmeymelanie:  it won't run anything the card can't handle.  I use it on a crappy intel onboard when I want to show off.  Sucks a lot of processor power though.02:10
Jahromeook restarting x usser - lets see if it works thanks02:10
Dracoadaird: what messages appeared?02:10
nemesis256hi, I just installed ubuntu, and for some reason apt-get won't work. something as simple as emacs won't get installed.  It says it couldn't find the package.02:10
nemesis256sudo apt-get install emacs is correct right?02:10
adairdDraco: "BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built in shell (ash)"02:11
IndyGunFreaknemesis256: if you have a GUI, just search synaptic, it likely you just have the package name wrong02:11
Dracoadaird: that's IT?02:11
adairdYes. :(02:11
adairdDraco: Well, it also has the initramfs prompt.02:11
tlhonmeynemesis:  your problem is probably that it can't get to where it thinks the package is.  Is your network up?02:11
Dracoadaird: I'm thinking a few kernel messages would appear02:11
Invisionfreeqraebjoa, so I should let it try and run while I head to the restroom?02:11
adairdDraco: Me too, but its totally leaving me in the dark.02:11
Dracoadaird: initramfs _prompt_?02:11
nemesis256yeah it is, I mean I can get to google02:11
thirdyMy new Ubuntu installation is hanging especially when using large programs like ff, I even when using opera. What could be possibly causing my system to hang? My XP installation never hanged. I have 256ram, 128vram, 1.4Ghz Athlon XP02:11
adairdDraco: " (initramfs) _ "02:12
InvisionfreeOh god, it might  be something to do with the extremely large fingerprint on my CD too, qraebjoa. :P02:12
tlhonmeynemesis:  do you have a GUI?02:12
nemesis256says I have the latest of synaptic02:12
qraebjoaInvisionfree, jup, or edit grub (ESC, E, add nosplash to the kernel line)02:12
adairdDraco: I have it running right now.02:12
tlhonmeynemesis:  sudo synaptic02:13
thirdyMy new Ubuntu 7.10 installation is hanging especially when using large programs like ff, I even when using opera. What could be possibly causing my system to hang? My XP installation never hanged. I have 256ram, 128vram, 1.4Ghz Athlon XP02:13
adairdDraco: A freind of mine mentioned that GRUB should appear. It doesnt. That likely has something to do with it.02:13
Dracoadaird: were there any odd messages which appeared during installation?02:13
pyrakis it possible to connect to my router from outisde my LAN, after i configure the router to forward http to a LAN computer02:13
adairdDraco: No, everything went off without a hitch.02:13
qraebjoaInvisionfree, and delete quiet splash, then press b to boot02:13
tlhonmeynemesis:  synaptic's error messages are usually easier to interpret.02:13
Dracoadaird: grub will appear, or else you don't have grub installed, at least properly02:13
usserpyrak: to connect to your computer you mean not router?02:13
FFEMTcJhow much space should i allocate for swap02:14
adairdDraco: Maybe its GRUB incognito. Dunno.02:14
kruqnutok i rebooted to start with a fresh boot of live cd02:14
thirdyadaird, make sure that your bios is set to boot hd002:14
Dracoadaird: is the disc in the drive?02:14
IndyGunFreakFFEMTcJ: 2-2.5x your memory02:14
kruqnuti installed dmraid, and ntfs configuration tool02:14
storm-ze1I'm looking for kfirewall... does anyone know how I can get it?02:14
mohamed_hello all, i installed ubuntu server on old pc and adjust it well but when i reboot i get error message " kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " anyone can help me fix this ?02:14
decayhow do i upgrade kernel?02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kfirewall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:14
kruqnuti ran partition manager, saw the drive and the name02:14
usserpyrak: yes it is possible its just that many ISP's block incoming http(80) traffic02:14
adairdDraco: Disc? No. Should I have the Live CD on first boot from HDD?02:14
kruqnuti went to mount it02:14
FFEMTcJso if i have 2 gb memory, i should do between 4-5 gb?02:14
Dracoadaird: no02:14
tlhonmeyFFEMTcjJ:  correct.02:14
lcukwhat happens if i allocate too much swap?   will my computer slow down or will it just practically never run out of memory?02:14
IndyGunFreakFFEMTcJ: yes02:14
pyrakusser, no, i did in fact mean router.  i want to configure port forwarding from outside my LAN02:14
nemesis256the list in synaptic is rather small, I don't see emacs.  Is that what I have installed or what's available?02:15
thirdyIndyGunFreak, My new Ubuntu 7.10 installation is hanging especially when using large programs like ff, I even when using opera. What could be possibly causing my system to hang? My XP installation never hanged. I have 256ram, 128vram, 1.4Ghz Athlon XP02:15
tlhonmeylcuk:  too much robs you of disk space, but it shouldn't slow things down.  This isn't windows.02:15
adairdMy BIOS is set to boot from CD, then HDD 0, then HDD 1, then network.02:15
Dracoadaird: how a kernel is running without grub installed, I don't know02:15
tlhonmeynemesis256:  You probably don't have the right repositories set.02:15
kruqnuti still get this error : mount: /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez already mounted or /raid busy02:16
nemesis256how do I get them?02:16
usserpyrak: if your router supports it then yes, router maintanence port usually set to something other than 80 for linksys its 808002:16
lcuktlhonmey, with 100s of gb in even the cheapest drive nowadays, its not a problem to simply tell people "as much as you want but not less than 2x actual memory"02:16
adairdDraco: You got me. On start up, it asks me if I want to run Windows or Ubuntu-Linux and it has a timer. I am pretty sure thats not GRUB.02:16
usserpyrak: so if u forward 80 port you still should be able to access your router at 808002:16
Dracoadaird: oh, that's the default grub setup, so yeah02:16
tlhonmeynemesis256:  under settings in Synaptic choose repositores.02:16
adairdDraco: So we ruled that out. Good.02:16
Dracoadaird: use e to edit that line and remove quiet or whatever02:17
iceswordsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:17
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nemesis256what do I check in the settings?02:17
tlhonmeyIcuk:  I do believe I just said something like that...02:17
pyrakusser, perfect.  that's the kind of solution i was looking for.  it doesn't seem to work right now, but perhaps i need to somehow enable it from the router config02:17
adairdDraco: Eh? There isnt anyplace to type when in that menu. Do I just highlight the option and hit "e"?02:17
pyrakusser, i'm on a wrt54g (linksys)02:17
melanieso selecting "normal effects" gave me an error that it couldn't run compiz... and the titlebars came back.  i rebooted... and they were still there!  magic!02:17
Dracoadaird: yes02:17
FFEMTcJshould the root be ext3?02:17
adairdDraco: Ok, I will reboot and give it a shot.02:18
lcukyer i just noticed after i posted, my bad - its goin a bit quick in here02:18
Dracoadaird: chances are the install was botched02:18
usserpyrak: remote management is turned off by default as its not considered safe with default password not set02:18
qraebjoaFFEMTcJ, yes02:18
tlhonmeymelanie:  probably when you turned it off the first time, it didn't turn it all off.02:18
FFEMTcJty again02:18
usserpyrak: its in administration tab02:18
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melanietlhonmey, i guess not.  it was always off, i'd go to select it off and it would always be off.02:18
pyrakusser, found it.  thanks02:18
adairdDraco: I am nearly positive this isnt GRUB now.02:18
tlhonmeynemesis:  choose repositories, and just select them all.02:19
iceswordhow to install that sysv-rc?02:19
Dracoadaird: also I had a problem where Linux appeared to boot and got to that point, but Linux was not on the boot drive. the Linux drive blew up without me noticing that as the culprit02:19
IndyGunFreakwhats the terminal command to find my IP address02:19
StarnestommyIndyGunFreak: ifconfig02:19
Peloicesword, search in synaptic02:19
nemesis256ok, I think that worked02:19
iceswordip addr02:19
tlhonmeymelanie:  that's probably an install error then.  It knew it couldn't handle it, but didn't turn it all off.02:19
IndyGunFreakStarnestommy: thanks02:19
adairdDraco: Not only did the e thing not work, but "For troubleshooting and advanced startup options for windows, press F8" is at the bottom of my screen.02:19
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, I went to that site after you had disconnected and the "ball" bouncing was not smooth at all - the balls didn't even show some of the time02:19
Dracoadaird: okay, turn off quiet02:19
qraebjoaIndyGunFreak, try also route.. :-)02:19
adairdDraco: I would say something didnt install proper.02:19
Dracoadaird: um, yeah, that's the NT bootloader02:19
melanietlhonmey, hrm.  either way, i'm glad it's off.  i'd like to file a bug about it, but i have no idea how to file this kind of bug lol02:20
nemesis256I have another question.  Is compiz fusion default with gusty?02:20
melaniei don't really know what the problem is02:20
adairdDraco: Right.02:20
Dracoadaird: it shouldn't even ask if you want to run Ubuntu.02:20
Pwhdavey(Gutsy) How do I download the Python drivers for Chess in 3D?02:20
adairdDraco: format partition and reinstall?02:20
Dracoadaird: if it is, it probably can't boot the kernel02:20
tlhonmeynemesis256:  do your windows wobble?02:20
mohamed_i installed ubuntu server on old pc and adjust it well but when i reboot i get error message " kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " anyone can help me fix this ?02:20
tlhonmeynemesis256:  if they do, then you're using compiz.02:21
nemesis256they're not, that's why I'm asking02:21
Dracoadaird: probably, or well install the boot loader onto disk 1 (where windows is)02:21
amenadomohamed_-> one time or all the time? if one time, reboot again02:21
adairdDraco: Boot windows and then run the installer off of the Live CD?02:21
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, If you install chess with synaptic then you should already have everything it needs.02:21
Dracoadaird: no, don't run the installer in windows02:21
mohamed_amenado, all time i can't boot to the system02:21
tlhonmeynemesis256: it's installed by default, but not turned on.02:21
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adairdDraco: @.@02:22
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I have Chess, but it needs Open GL Python stuff to run in 3D view.02:22
nemesis256is compiz --replace supposed to start it?02:22
amenadomohamed_-> what is the specs of your old pc?02:22
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, How did you install it02:22
adairdDraco: Is there a way I can clean the HDDs and install Ubuntu standalone?02:22
tlhonmeynemesis256:  it's controlled in system->preferences->appearance02:22
nemesis256ah ok02:22
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I never installed anything!02:22
lwizardlanyone know where I can get the mhz-mp3 encoder for ripperX?02:22
tlhonmeynemesis256:  under visual effcts02:22
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: Chess came with 7.10 by default.02:22
soulburner_uhm my xchat is beeping everytime i hit a key02:23
soulburner_anyone know what is going on02:23
Dracoadaird: might want to ask your friend how to get grub installed. it's not exactly the same for every computer02:23
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, So you need to get your video drivers correctly installed02:23
adairdDraco: How would you go about it?02:23
mohamed_amenado,  is hp vectra p3 733 128 ram, , hdd 40G  ubuntu 7.10 server02:23
tlhonmeynemesis256: if you want more control over what it does, there is a control application available in applications-> add-remove.  search for compiz.02:23
PwhdaveyOpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings are what I need.02:23
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:23
nemesis256ok, thanks02:23
adairdDraco: I am using a eMachine with a celeron and 768MB ram, 2 40GB HDDs.02:24
Dracoadaird: use repair mode, mount hard drive, chroot in, run grub-install /dev/hda or /dev/sda02:24
adairdDraco: I dont know what any of that means. :(02:24
amenadomohamed_-> maybe your install did not complete correctly...just one hard disk right?02:24
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Dracoadaird: exactly02:24
Dracoadaird: why I said ask someone who can actually see the system. I can't02:24
adairdDraco: Ok. Thanks alot for your help.02:25
* Pwhdavey is installing CCSM :)02:25
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Dr_willishook up a web cam and point it at the system. :) heh02:25
tekteenanyone know how to get the virtual terminals (the thing you get when you type crtl+alt+f1) to have the right dimensions? The curses program elinks is cut off when not using X.02:25
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings are what I need.02:25
=== Newbie_Needs_Hel is now known as Newbie_Help
Newbie_Helphey room02:25
qraebjoatekteen, ati or nvidia?02:25
tekteenqraebjoa: nvidia02:25
Dr_willistekteen,  ive seen issues witht he consoles when using the framebuffer, or perhaps you need to tweak the framebuffer with the fbset command.02:25
mohamed_amenado, yes one only and installation i think complate because after finishing i reboot once and can access the server from the network, what i make only is install ndiswrapper02:25
Dracomonitor adjustment?02:25
Newbie_Helpneed hlp installing a program02:25
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, I see that when you try to enable 3d in the preinstalled chess02:25
* Pwhdavey is liking his first Linux experiments, but he needs a helping hand for the first parts :)02:26
tekteenI will look into that02:26
Newbie_Helprecommend channel or help here?02:26
Starnestommytekteen: you might need to enable the framebuffer02:26
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: Yeah02:26
amenadotekteen-> the curses program should handle that..nothing you can set outside i believe02:26
StarnestommyNewbie_Help: just ask here02:26
PwhdaveyThat is what I am trying to enable.02:26
Dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  ive neever been able to get the 3d chess thing to actually be 3d. :) it does play chess nicely in 2d.02:26
mohamed_amenado, i try to think about fstab configuration and Grub maybe this is the problem but i don't know how to fix it02:26
Newbie_Helpok ty dloaded a package and installed02:26
Dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  like the last 2 releases. its never worked.02:26
Newbie_Help*freeciv* <-- nineties geek02:26
amenadomohamed_-> try to re-install once more, just for your practice..02:26
Newbie_Helpand it installed02:27
psychomanwhat's the whole export command to add a path in env?02:27
Newbie_Helpbut didn't add any icons02:27
Newbie_Helpthe files are there02:27
Newbie_Helpbut can't start program02:27
mohamed_amenado, thx, i will do it02:27
Newbie_Helpdid it mis-install?02:27
DracoNewbie_Help: did you try running "freeciv"?02:27
StarnestommyNewbie_Help: what happens when you try to start it from the terminal?02:27
PwhdaveyI just installed Compiz Manager - whoa. I don't know where to start. ;)02:27
Newbie_Helpthe only file called freeciv is a txt file02:28
Dr_willispsychoman,  export PATH=$PATH:new/bits/here02:28
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427997    suggests trying brutal chess instead02:28
psychomanok ty02:28
DracoNewbie_Help: err, freeciv<tab>02:28
StarnestommyNewbie_Help: the tab key\02:28
Newbie_Helpwhat is the file extention for executable files in Linux?02:28
Newbie_Helpcould search like that02:29
DracoNewbie_Help: none02:29
Newbie_Helpwell tha's handy02:29
DracoNewbie_Help: as most other files02:29
Newbie_Helpoh oh oh you mean there's no extention02:29
Newbie_Helpgot it ;S02:29
DracoNewbie_Help: yeah, civclient, hehe02:29
Newbie_Helpok i'll retry thanks for help02:30
Dr_willisextensions are such a MS sort of thing..02:30
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, Did you install ccsm as well02:30
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I'll pass on Brutal.02:30
Vovkis there a way to join separate workgroups to share files? I'd like to have a shared folder with my friends, but I don't want them to have access to my dad and mums shared folder02:30
Newbie_Helpwell it's handy way identify file function02:30
kruqnutI am trying to mount a raid disk, already ntfs formatted, i need to delete the windows system files off it because i am having problems reinstalling windows onto it,I installed dmraid, but i cant get the volume to mount(it shows up on the computer explorer app)02:30
Dracoespecially because if .exe meant executable, how do you know if it's ELF, Mach-O, PE, etc.02:30
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I just installed CCSM. Looks good. But I don't know how to play with these effects after enabling them. ;)02:30
kruqnut\(and in gnome partition editor)02:30
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, system  pref  advanced02:31
iShockqraebjoa: It didn't work.02:31
qraebjoaMS bought DOS = Dirty Operating System :-P ... dunno if they had extensions at this time02:31
Dr_willisPwhdavey,   Yep ccsm is a bit complex.. thats why its not installed by default.02:31
iratiki just installed wine, and I can't open any exe files... is there a getting started tutorial for wine on gutsy ?02:31
qraebjoaiShock, what?02:31
kruqnutwhen i do fdisk -l it shows both hard drives, and 1 partition on sda1, then it also says /dev/sdb does not contain a valid filesystem02:31
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I know, I was in there.02:31
kruqnutis my file system messed up?02:31
Jack_Sparrowiratik, go to terminal.. type  wine notepad02:31
=== iShock is now known as Invisionfree
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: I know how to enable them, but don't know how to press keys so it will do the effects.02:32
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, YOu want to enable the cube for starters02:32
iratikJack_Sparrow... notepad is the program included in the install... that runs fine02:32
Pwhdavey"Rotate Cube"?02:32
iratikJack_Sparrow: but when I mount my windows volume and go to say... calc.exe ... that doesn't run02:32
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, ctrl alt   left mouse button and move mouse02:32
Invisionfreeqraebjoa: I left it go for like 10 minutes, it didn't run. How can I check to make sure it isn't messed up?02:32
Jack_Sparrowiratik, It dosent work tat way..  try asking in #Winehq02:33
kruqnutthats the link to the fdisk -l command output02:33
qraebjoadid you edit the grub boot loader config at startup ?02:33
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: That is so cool!02:33
InvisionfreeI didn't edit anything :S02:33
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, if you go to the actions tab on effects you can see the keys to enable or kill it02:34
lando_anyone know where to get 8.10?02:34
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:34
kruqnutwhen i do fsck it says filesystem busy etc etc02:35
FFEMTcJmy install seems to have stopped at 5%  - its been there for 10 minutes... did i break it?02:35
kruqnutif i can't mount the filesystem, how could it be busy?02:35
Jack_Sparrowkruqnut, avoid fsck on a mounted drive02:35
cens0rediceape is way better than firefox02:35
pablocpgi have a problem with pidgin02:35
PwhdaveyWhat key is "Super"?02:35
pablocpgthe issue is when i add a concact, the other person doesn't receive my invitation02:36
pablocpgsomebody knows?02:36
Jack_Sparrow!enter | pablocpg02:36
ubotupablocpg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:36
qraebjoaInvisionfree, press ESC while booting, press e, press arrow-key-down once (kernel), press e, remove quiet, add nosplash, press enter, press b to boot02:36
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InvisionfreeSay wha..?02:37
Jack_SparrowSidney,  /j #Ubuntu-br02:37
Invisionfreeqraebjoa, you mean once I select Boot from CD?02:37
* Invisionfree scratches head02:38
qraebjoado you see a countdown while booting?02:39
InvisionfreeI see nothing02:39
qraebjoabefore nothing ? :-D02:39
InvisionfreeI press enter at "Boot or install Ubuntu"02:39
InvisionfreeAnd it hangs right there02:39
Newbie_Helphow do i select a file in the terminal interface?02:39
Newbie_Helpjust type it?02:39
Newbie_Helpno "run' or anything?02:39
qraebjoaInvisionfree, its not installed yet ?02:39
iceswordJack_Sparrow, how to search "sysv-rc"from the command line,like sudo apt-get what02:40
FFEMTcJmy install seems to have stopped at 5%  - its been there for 15 minutes... did i break it?02:40
kruqnu1oops disconnected02:40
BSG75anyone know what to modprobe for an Intel 82573V gigabit ethernet card? or what command will rescan my ethernet controller?02:40
FFEMTcJDo I need to reboot and try again?02:40
PwhdaveyWater won't turn off with Shift+F8 :(02:40
Newbie_Helpsomeone anyone help me <sigh>02:40
kruqnu1anyways i keep getting a device already mounted or directory busy error when trying to mount my raid volume02:40
Jack_SparrowInvisionfree, at start or install try this...  F6  then remove the words quiet and splash and add noapic apci=off   and veryfy that bios has apci off  (Power management)02:40
kruqnu1i missed what anyone replied02:41
psychomanshift+f9 turns on or off water with me at default02:41
Jack_Sparrow!enter | Newbie_Help02:41
ubotuNewbie_Help: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:41
jsteezeyBSG75: if you have the driver/modules isntalled just reboot02:41
Newbie_Helpok ty... How do you select a file to run in the Terminal ap?  Is there a command or do you just type file name?02:42
qraebjoa ./file02:42
BSG75I just modprobed e1000 .. rebooting02:43
jsteezeyput e1000 in etc/modules02:43
Vovkhow can I configure shared folders to be in separate workgroups?02:43
iceswordhow could i uninstall openoffice totally,"sudo apt-get remove openoffice"02:44
Jack_SparrowNewbie_Help, normally just type the name of the program, if it is a bash script etc you ./file  or bash file  or python file02:45
googlingtingwanaicesword, use purge instead of remove02:45
Vovkicesword: sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice?02:45
iShockqraebjoa, I tried what you said: When I hit e and down arrow, it didn't do anything :S02:45
Jack_Sparrowicesword, Careful if it is part of a meta-package it will want to pull out more than just office02:45
iceswordgooglingtingwana, you mean sudo apt-get purge openoffice02:46
orange1976is the correct room in order to get some help with openoffice?02:46
kruqnu1i got it!02:46
googlingtingwanaicesword, yes02:46
Jack_Sparroworange1976, to a degree yes, but oo has their own channel02:46
iceswordorange1976, ???02:46
qraebjoa<Jack_Sparrow> Invisionfree, at start or install try this...  F6  then remove the words quiet and splash and add noapic apci=off   and veryfy that bios has apci off  (Power management)02:46
kruqnu1lol instead of sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez /media/raid02:46
PwhdaveyJack_Sparrow: What are some critical drivers/programs I should install while I have a working Internet connection?02:47
kruqnu1i had to do sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_hjdeaacb_Terabytez1 /media/raid02:47
kruqnu1just add a 1 to the end i guess lol02:47
orange1976jack: what is that channel?02:47
CokeNCodeah yes02:47
iShockHow do I do that last little bit qraebjoa?02:47
CokeNCodei will never flash my bios willy nilly again02:47
Jack_SparrowPwhdavey, WHatever you think you want..02:47
CokeNCodethat's 270 bucks i'll never get back ... new motherboard and chip02:47
googlingtingwanaicesword, you may also want to follow that command with sudo apt-get autoremove, which cleans up any dependencies that were brought in02:48
Jack_SparrowCokeNCode, there is a place online that will repair that for you for about $7502:48
iceswordgooglingtingwana, yeah,thank you indeed02:48
Jack_SparrowWife just got home, time for me to go make nice.  Everyone enjoy their evening/day02:49
proprietarysuckswho wants to learn linux scripting, I'm bored I'll teach you02:49
PwhdaveyThanks Jack.02:49
psychoman  is there a way to get a program to start up when you log in?02:49
proprietarysucksyes there is02:49
rAhey guys... i killed my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. does somebody know how to restore the one which was installed by apt-get?02:50
qraebjoapsychoman, settings -> sessions02:50
psychomanok i c02:50
proprietarysucksrA: uninstall it and reinstall it?02:50
proprietarysucksman ubuntu is so gui I can barely stick with it02:51
rAproprietarysucks, i need to keep the rest of the files as they are ... any other methods?02:51
nitronicHi there, is there any place where the outputs of init start up scripts are logged? i seem to be having problems in getting one of my daemons to run on boot02:51
proprietarysucksrA: yeah you can download the file from the source02:52
rAproprietarysucks, you know where?02:52
orange1976ok, guys, I am using OO Writer and  I am trying to make some labels. I have asked in the OO main room, but no one knows or answers02:52
orange1976can anyone help here?02:52
proprietarysucksnitronic: ls /var/log/02:52
proprietarysucksorange1976: what do you mean make labels02:53
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orange1976mailing lables02:53
jack-desktopgooglingtingwana, you still here?02:53
nemesis256how do I force ompiz to do its fancy stuff with blacklisted hardware?  I saw the command on the forum earlier today but I can't find it now02:53
nitronicproprietarysucks, nothing in there02:53
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, yes02:53
proprietarysucksif there's nothing in there you aren't on linux02:53
proprietarysucksrA: maybe here - http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/02:54
jack-desktopgooglingtingwana, i think that's a linux/ubuntu problem because it works fine for me on vista02:54
proprietarysuckswhat's not working?02:54
nitronicproprietarysucks, i mean relevant to init startup scripts. while file would it be?02:54
proprietarysucksnitronic: grep for it and find out02:55
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, yeah, that page seems to be a good test, and we fail badly :(02:55
rAproprietarysucks, thanks, but i am looking for the original one that comes with the package...02:55
proprietarysucksrA: so find the version you are using02:55
jack-desktopgooglingtingwana, would that be a java problem or a ubuntu problem?02:55
proprietarysucksnitronic: you know how to do this?02:55
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, my memory's fading, was that java or flash?02:55
Newbie_Helpthanks Captain Sparrow, qraebjoa02:55
nitronicproprietarysucks, yes, i'm not getting anything for the output that my program should be spitting out02:56
rAproprietarysucks, look at this ... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=httpd.conf&mode=exactfilename&suite=gutsy&arch=any02:56
proprietarysucksnitronic: what is the command you are running02:56
jack-desktopgooglingtingwana, java.02:56
rAproprietarysucks, seems as the file would not exist02:56
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, there's a lot of different java implementations out there, I would say it is the java implementation, not ubuntu02:57
orange1976msg me is anyone has any suggestions02:57
proprietarysucksorange1976: you haven't told us what you want to do02:57
proprietarysucksorange1976: OO writer doesn't make labels, it's a computer program for typing.. labels are made of paper and come from trees and are printed on printers02:58
andrew__hey guys, im going to set up a computer as a media center, wanting to run the vga to my tv, i dont have the other computer here(dads mailing it to me soon) i have an adaptor to switch from vga to s video or rca, i can get a weird picture with my ati laptop card, should it work with a desktop video card?02:58
proprietarysucksso please be very specific about what you are having trouble with02:58
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orange1976got cha02:59
orange1976see what kinda of help u can give02:59
proprietarysuckskeep in mind I don't know your problem, so try to word it in such a way to explain what you are having trouble with02:59
madrazrhii all, after installing XEN and booting from it, Ubuntu is not detecting my audio device02:59
madrazrplease help02:59
proprietarysucksrA: the file httpd.conf comes from the apache http package, I don't know what else to tell you02:59
BSG75is there a command to rescan all my hardware?03:00
proprietarysucksBSG75: your hardware is scanned as soon as it's plugged in, there's no need03:00
proprietarysucksBSG75: what is the trouble you are having?03:01
PwhdaveyHow do I enabled (installed) Ubuntu Themes for Firefox?03:01
BSG75well I don't think the proper module is loaded for my intel gigabit ethernet card :(03:01
BSG75I know it's supported cause it worked in my other ubuntu box03:01
proprietarysuckswhat is your motherboard model please?03:01
BSG75I think it uses the e1000 module03:01
mofistodoes the ubuntu gutsy livedvd have kernel sources on the dvd?03:01
BSG75I have already modprobed e100003:01
proprietarysucksyou don't need to do that03:01
mofistoanybody know?03:02
jack-desktopgooglingtingwana, check private messages in irc03:02
franek_co slychac?03:03
crampanHello, i need some help please .apart from opening my pc, is there anyway i can get details of my graphics card from ubuntu03:03
proprietarysucksBSG75: run this as root:03:03
proprietarysuckslspci -n | grep $(lspci | grep -i ethernet | awk '{ print $1 }') | awk '{ print $3 }'03:03
orange1976does anyone know how to configure mailing labels in OO?03:03
proprietarysuckscrampan: sudo lspci | grep -i vga03:04
andrew__anyone know about using a desktop computer with a tv?03:04
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nemesis256how do I force ompiz to do its fancy stuff with blacklisted hardware?  I saw the command on the forum earlier today but I can't find it now03:04
nitronicproprietarysucks, opendchub, it's a daemon03:04
orange1976andrew: yes, with the correct vid card03:04
nitroniccomes with its own init script, which doesn't seem to be working03:05
lsthi need help when x starts i see a black screen with the mouse cursor. it was working previously then i added something to the startup session commands and now i cant login. what do i do03:05
proprietarysucksnitronic: you said it wasn't coming up, I'm asking what the grep command you tried is03:05
PwhdaveyHow do I enable Ubuntu Themes for Firefox?03:05
nickrudnemesis256: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist03:05
mofistodoes the ubuntu live dvd have kernel sources03:05
proprietarysuckslsth: ctrl-alt-f2 and then undo what you did =]03:05
madrazrnemesis256: echo "SKIP_CHECKS=no" > $HOME/.config/compiz/compiz-manager03:06
lsthwhats ctrl alt f203:06
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, I'm over there now03:06
BSG75proprietarysucks: it's an Intel 82573v Gigabit ethernet .. if that's what you are wanting to know03:06
nickrudmofisto: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ has a manifest for the dvd03:06
proprietarysuckslsth: those are buttons on your keyboard03:06
BSG75I am in the process of rebooting03:06
proprietarysucksBSG75: if you don't want to run code, talk to someone else03:06
lsththat takes me to a terminal03:06
mofistonickrud, thanks thats what i was looking for03:07
BSG75I can't .. it's hung on usb detection at boot03:07
proprietarysuckslsth: you are right it does. that will enable you to undo the changes you have made03:07
lsthi did it in the gui03:07
proprietarysucksamazingly irrelevant03:07
talk2abhi 03:07
proprietarysucksin windows there is a difference. in linux there is not. everything you do in gui you are in fact doing in cli, you just didn't know it =]03:08
lsth./ignore proprietarysucks03:08
proprietarysucksso perhaps you should tell me what you have changed to cause this problem03:08
nickrudlsth: if you added it to system->prefs->session, it'll be in ~/.config/autostart03:08
PwhdaveyHow do I enable Ubuntu Themes for Firefox?03:08
proprietarysuckssorry don't  know that one03:08
googlingtingwanajack-desktop, anything special I need to do for private chat? I'm new to IRC03:09
proprietarysucks /msg username message03:09
Pici!register | googlingtingwana03:09
ubotugooglingtingwana: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.03:09
proprietarysucksthen register it -> /msg nickserv register password03:10
crampani would like to change scree resolution on my pc from 1024*768 so something higher03:10
nickrudPwhdavey: I think it's under tools->addons03:10
proprietarysuckscrampan: oh? are you in the gui now or are you in cli ?03:10
Pwhdaveynickrud: Nope03:10
qraebjoathere is no ~/.config/autostart ?!03:10
lsthits still only booting into a black screen03:11
nickrudPwhdavey: nope, as in you don't see themes, or you can see them but not change them03:11
crampangui - but i hae tried to change it but its not increasing03:11
lsthafter i removed the autostart03:11
proprietarysuckslsth: seems you have ignored the one person trying to help you03:11
nickrudlsth: what specifically did you do?03:11
Pwhdaveynickrud: Under Themes, Ubuntu Themes are not there.03:11
proprietarysucksnvm =] there's another03:11
lsthi added a call to xmodmap as per a wiki for ubuntu on a macbook03:11
proprietarysuckscrampan: please tell me what monitor you have03:11
lsthiirc thats all i did03:12
crampani have a Acer AL1916W03:12
proprietarysuckscrampan: is that what is listed or is it using a generic settings?03:12
nickrudlsth: you added something, what did you do in partiticular?03:12
lsthxmodmap ~/.modmap03:12
nickrudlsth: ah, missed that. you should put the nick of the person you're addressing in your lines03:13
crampansorry what do you mean ?03:13
joe_hey guys, for some reason when i restart my computer it boots not to the login screen but to my wallpaper with no icons or taskbar, and i always have to ctrl alt bckspc to get to the login03:13
nickrudlsth: how did you add it?03:13
joe_anyone know what i can do to fix this?03:13
proprietarysuckscrampan: where you are trying to change your resolution should show you your video card and monitor03:13
andrew__anyone know if the vga to svideo adapter cables will let me use a tv with my desktop?03:13
proprietarysucksandrew__: yes it will03:14
proprietarysucksit's not an adapter really, but a converter03:14
lsthnickrud system-preferences-sessions03:14
proprietarysucksit must be plugged in to the wall03:14
nickrudlsth: a sec then03:14
crampanok i went to system->administration->screen and graphics preferences03:15
thirdyhow do I import my account from Windows XP here Ubuntu 7.10?03:15
proprietarysucksthirdy: your account?03:15
crampanit had custom in the screen model03:15
andrew__proprietarysucks, what i have is like a foot long cable with one cable for s video and one for rca03:15
proprietarysucksandrew__: try it, but as far as I know you have to have a converter or the signals won't work03:16
proprietarysucksandrew__: did you splice it yourself or something?03:16
nickrudlsth: it should be in /home/.config/autostart , what name did you give it? it should be <nameyougave>.desktop03:16
crampanso i changed it to the Acer model03:16
andrew__proprietarysucks, i got it from a friend03:16
thirdyproprietarysucks, my windows XP account, I remember Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Installation had an option to import my xp account on ubuntu03:16
proprietarysucksandrew__: is it store bought or created from someone?03:16
lsthnickrud i removed it fro m there03:17
=== googlingtingwana is now known as googling
andrew__store bought: http://images.auctionworks.com/hi/61/61482/POTHVGASVRC1_it.jpg03:17
proprietarysucksthirdy: I have no idea actually, I've never heard of that but then again I don't use ubuntu or windows03:17
nickrudlsth: ok, then you've done something else as well. But just for sure, did you reboot after you logged out?03:17
orange1976thanks for the LABEL help, but I found it on my own!03:17
lsthnickrud yea03:17
proprietarysuckscrampan: so you have changed it now? does the resolution stick now?03:18
nickrudlsth: then something else is going on, if you're sure you removed that from autostart.  Describe your symptoms, completely03:18
crampani don't need to restart shd i #/03:18
proprietarysuckscrampan: try to change it to a generic LCD with the same resolution as what you are trying to change it to03:19
lsthi type startx03:19
lsththe background goes black i see the mouse cursor and thats it. nothing else happens03:19
deniz__the virtual folder C: is wat in linux location?03:19
deniz__for wine03:19
andrew__proprietarysucks: this is what mine looks like http://images.auctionworks.com/hi/61/61482/POTHVGASVRC1_it.jpg03:19
proprietarysuckslsth: what does the screen say after you press ctrl-alt-backspace?03:19
genjix /drive/C i thinks03:19
nickrudlsth: you don't boot to a graphical login? What do you have in your .xsession or .xinitrc?03:19
peterdeminHow to make GNU emacs22 understand utf-8? I tried a lot in ~/.emacs, but always got rectangles :(03:20
lsthi do but i am booting to terminal to debug03:20
proprietarysucksandrew__: like I said, 90% sure that wont work but go ahead and try, it wont mess anything up03:20
GiddyKongheya ^^ how would i change the text color on the panels?03:20
lsthnickrud can i pm you03:20
nickrudlsth: and the second question?03:20
nickrudlsth: I'd rather stay here, someone may see something I don't (happens often)03:20
lsthdont have either one of those03:20
FlyerfyeFlyerfye: what?03:20
deniz__genjix, i have the location (directory) line text now (not graphical button) so can u give me the location for me to copy and paste?03:20
andrew__proprietarysucks, what about something like this: https://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.468103:21
nickrudlsth: that could cause issues.   What kind of video card do you have?03:21
andrew__proprietarysucks, its going into my receiver then out to the tv03:21
qraebjoaGiddyKong, check the hole system-menu :-) youll find it03:21
lsthnickrud i dunno its a macbook pro. owrk out of the books03:22
proprietarysucksandrew__: I'll show you what I had that worked for sure03:22
lsthit worked out of the box ib ubuntu03:22
nickrudGiddyKong: you would create a file ~/.gtkrc-2.0 . You can put a lot of stuff in there, some of which change panel text colors03:22
lsthnickrud i dont think i ever had those files03:22
cens0redanyone else using iceape browser?03:22
nickrudlsth: hm. macbook, and you said it worked out of the box in ubuntu. This is ubuntu, right?03:23
jack-desktopgoogling, are you using xchat?03:23
proprietarysucksandrew__: this isn't the exact one but it was like this: http://www.ichq.com/images/imagecache/grntec_gvc1000.jpg03:23
googlingjack-desktop, yes ... I just registered ... I can't believe my previous nick was already registered03:23
nickrudlsth: then try resetting graphics to default:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , reboot into graphical login.03:23
deniz__k, i found it in google (/home/username/.wine/)03:24
jack-desktopgoogling, right click my name in this chat line and click "open dialog window"03:24
nickrudlsth: make that sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg03:24
lsthwill that affect compiz03:24
andrew__proprietarysucks, i have an rf modulator, with that i could get a picture, but it was really messed up03:24
nickrudlsth: yup.03:24
lsththen ill hold off on that03:25
nickrudGiddyKong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55941/ , this is how I get white text in my panel03:25
nickrudlsth: compiz comes last. Reset to normal, get it working, then add back stuff till you find the problem, and then fix it03:25
andrew__proprietarysucks, thanks for the input, ill try to find one of those03:26
lsthunless i can undo whatever caused this in the first place03:26
peterdeminWhere i can find help on setting up emacs22?03:26
andrew__anyone use linuxmce, elisa, mythbuntu or some other media center type distro?03:26
nickrudlsth: well, you haven't been able to find the change you made. So, basic troubleshooting is to start at the other end. Your choice, though.03:26
supbrois there a pchelp chan here at free node? do you guys mind if i ask a pc issue question?03:27
lsthnickrud if i have to do that id rather get rid of ubuntu altogether03:27
nickrudsupbro: windows, no03:27
Picisupbro: A hardware question? ##hardware03:27
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents03:27
tarelerulzIs there a program in the repository that can convert .avi file into wmv  and other movies formats?03:27
supbroor non-hardware to state it better03:27
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Hoardehey guys.... I have a bit of a weird problem... I seem to have lost the top bar that usually sits on top of windows... the one that you click to move windows around and/or minimize03:29
nickrudHoarde: compiz?03:30
_peterHoarde, on all windows?03:30
proprietarysuckstarelerulz: mencoder konverter avidemux transcode03:30
nickrudHoarde:  alt-f2  gtk-window-decorator --replace   should put it back03:30
nickrudHoarde: or emerald --replace if you use emerald03:31
omnisteganHey guys, I seem to be having some trouble with audio recording. I can hear what my microphone is capturing through my headphones but none of my applications will record using any of the available choices for devices, any suggestions?03:31
HoardeI use the default ubuntu ?03:32
Hoardebtw... nothing happened03:32
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Hoardedo I need to log off/on ?03:32
nickrudHoarde: then try   metacity --replace03:32
psychomanyea i had that problem.... metacity --replace fixed it03:33
_petermetacity rules03:33
Hoarde... terminal isnt responding now03:34
HoardeI'll restart03:34
draiconeIs there anyway to upgrade feisty to gutsy using the ISO?03:34
draiconeMy burner's broken and I'm trying to avoid downloading another 700mb03:35
psychomanu can't update using update manager?03:35
draiconeWith another 663mb download, yes, I can upgrade using the update manager. But I've got the ISO here, so I don't see why I shouldn't use it.03:35
draiconeI've tried mounting it but I can't mount it anywhere in /media03:36
psychomanu can't burn it to a disk?03:36
psychomanor no disks?03:36
draiconeNo functioning burner =P03:36
psychomanthat sux03:36
draiconeActually, wait, I can mount it to /media/cdrom103:36
draiconeIt just doesn't recognise the disc or autorun whatever it should03:37
cens0reddraicone yah, just download the "alternate" disk, mount it as an iso, and use it to upgrade.03:37
cens0redworked for me.03:37
draiconecens0red: I don't think I have the "alternate" disk03:37
cens0reddraicone just download the image. then mount it.03:37
draiconeWhat does the update manager do - just upgrade all the packages?03:37
draiconecens0red: I've got the normal image, just not the alternate one03:38
cens0reddraicone yeah.03:38
cens0reddraicone you can't download the alternate one?03:38
psychomanI dunno I'm running gutsy now from upgrade from fiesty03:38
draiconeIf I do that I might as well use the upgrade manager03:38
Hoardehey guys... metacity --replace worked! ... however... every time I restart the machine do I need to do it again all the time? (restart makes it not work again)03:38
computerexDoes anyone know of a good howto to installing kqemu on gutsy?03:38
draiconeAnd download another 700mb03:38
psychomanno hoarde03:38
cens0reddraicone upgrade managers worked fine for me, on the last two upgrades I've done.03:39
psychomanwhen it happened to me i only had to do it that one time03:39
draiconeIf the update manager just updates the packages, can I point the update manager at the mounted ISO and tell it to update using those files?03:39
_peterHoarde, just set None effects03:39
bruenigdraicone: no03:39
Hoardeeffects is set to "none"03:40
psychomanI think the update manager did more cuz you have to have all the updates inorder to upgrade03:40
computerexanyone? Tutorial on installing kqemu for gutsy?03:40
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo  this may help computerex03:42
HoardeI'll try another restart to see if it does it again03:42
computerexThanks bazhang. I'll check it out03:43
bazhangno worries computerex ;]03:43
bazhanghttps://saschashideout.de/blog/2007/oct/27/correctly-install-kqemu-on-gutsy-gibbon/ computerex this too ;]03:44
PwhdaveyOn Ubuntu... do I just insert the printer USB cord into the computer and Linux will find and install the drivers automatically?03:44
fairelysestoy empezando03:44
Pwhdavey;P The physical drivers that came on the CD with the printer are lost.03:44
PwhdaveyAnd although they are on the desktop... I tried putting them on a flash drive and copying them to my laptop, but that didn't work.03:45
fairelysquisiera q me sieran una ayuda de como instalar los paquetes03:45
computerexbazhang - Thanks a lot :D03:45
bazhangspanish fairelys? /j #ubuntu-es ;]03:45
FrostRatdraicone: I think the update manager allows you to add locations with packages you want... so if you mount the ISO, you might be able to point it to that location03:46
PwhdaveyOn Ubuntu... do I just insert the printer USB cord into the computer and Linux will find and install the drivers automatically?03:46
draiconeFrostRat: Would that override the default web-based source when I run the update wizard?03:46
bazhangPwhdavey: Linux will have most of them--what printer03:46
draiconeFrostRat: Or would I have to update all the packages to the 7.10 versions and then let the update wizard take care of the rest?03:47
Pwhdaveybazhang: Canon MP11003:47
draiconeHmm... is there any way to convert the normal ISO to an alternate ISO?03:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=289319 Pwhdavey look at entry number six on this thread03:49
FrostRatdraicone: hmmm... good question. :)  I guess you'd have to go through the proper dist-upgrade steps, but that's if this idea would even work.03:49
codenameis there any programs for ubuntu03:50
FrostRatdraicone: I've never tried anything like that... I'm lucky enough to have truly unlimited bandwidth. :D03:50
codenamethat makes it look like ur hacking03:50
codenamekinda like03:50
FrostRatcodename: yes03:50
bazhangcodename: easy on the enter key03:50
codenameFrostRat, do you have any suggestions?03:50
draiconeFrostRat: Well, I'm halfway up a hill five kms from my exchange and barely averaging 48kB/s :( It's not too bad though. I used to be on dialup.03:50
psychomanit took me an hour to update from fiesty to gutsy03:52
FrostRatdraicone: Ouch! Honestly, if you've got the bandwidth (even without the speed), it might be a good idea to just let it run overnight and not worry that you'll mess stuff up03:52
draiconeHmm, I suppose03:52
draiconeBandwidth isn't a problem, it's unmetered from my ISP mirror03:53
draiconeI might just download the ISO overnight03:53
bazhangthe alternate would be a good choice draicone03:53
FrostRatcodename: I've seen something like that, didn't pay much attention to it, though.  There's a thread on ubuntuforums where a guy wants to make his desktop look like he's a hardcore hacker. :D  Funny stuff. They wrote some scripts that you might like.03:53
FrostRatdraicone: Good luck!  It's late, I'm out.03:54
draiconeI'll just download the alternate overnight then -- or I could just let the update manager do its stuff tonight03:54
draiconeThanks FrostRat, bazhang, bruenig, cens0red, psychoman03:54
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sladigarwhat is the Xubuntu package called? Xfce?03:58
Starnestommysladigar: xubuntu-desktop03:58
bazhangthat would be the window manager sladigar03:59
bazhangor the DE, I always forget03:59
sladigarso use $sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?03:59
Starnestommysladigar: yes03:59
bazhangaye sladigar03:59
kruqnutim trying to setup my wireless card built into my mother board, its ona  usb interface i believe, so that i can transfer files to my other computer (which is running windows) im having trouble on getting the wlan to work04:00
sladigarand for Kubuntu, i did the same thing, except ...install kde04:00
bazhangwhat chipset kruqnut04:00
kruqnutasus p5k-e04:01
kruqnutthe wifi/ap version04:01
kruqnutit uses a realtek(i think) usb wireless lan chip(built onto the mobo)04:01
lsthi need help. how can i completely reinstall gnome. im on ubuntu 7.0404:01
furythorI am trying to run ut2004 but I get this error  Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0". what that means ?04:01
kruqnuti did lsusb and it listed a realtek chipset device04:02
bazhangkruqnut: realtek? you sure? really need to know the exact chipset etc to help you out04:02
kruqnutBus 007 Device 003: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.04:02
kruqnutthats it i think04:02
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kruqnuti remember in windows it called it a usb wireless lan adapter04:03
booster__hey guys...i need a good screen recorder, one that will record compiz-fusion. any ideas ??04:03
kruqnuti did lspci first but nothing showed up, only the eth0 card04:03
googlinglsth, what issue is making you want to do this?04:03
lsthwhen i try to log in to gnome it hangs. in .xsession-errors, theres this line for 2 processes "gtk warning:this process is currently running setuid or setguid. this is not a supported use of gtk" any idea what i can do to fix it04:03
sladigarlsth possibly fun in graphics safe mode?04:03
lsthit wont log in04:04
furythorI am trying to run ut2004 but I get this error  Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0". what that means ?04:04
sladigarfrom the brub menu...?04:04
docmurHello all04:04
docmurI'm trying to compile a C++ program I want to call a glade interface in04:04
zozobrawhen i'm in firefox, trying to save an image, if i select a bookmarked directory on the left in the save dialog, the name of the file up top disappears. Is this happening to everyone else?04:05
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=693498 this thread likely has what you need kruqnut04:05
googlinglsth, you could try removing ubuntu-desktop and reinstalling ... you may want to remove all the dependencies too using autoremove for apt-get04:05
docmurbut I apt-get install libglademm-2.4-dev and libgtkmm-2.8 etc... and I still get errors that headers like glibmm are missing btw I did apt-get install libglibmm04:05
FlyerfyeNot really an ubuntu question, but how do I fix dead pixels on my laptop04:06
googlinglsth, this is a bit of a drastic step, but, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, followed by sudo apt-get autoremove04:06
kruqnutheheh ok nm on the wireless lan, thats a bit of work as im running live cd and it requires a reboot04:07
kruqnutwhat about directly connecting the computers via ethernet to ethernet04:07
pretenderZN anyone tell me how to get DVD Cover and CD jewel case inlays for GLABELS04:07
kruqnuthow would i set up ubuntu to share files so i can transfer to the windows computer so i can reformat the drive in this computer04:07
deuryte¿¿¿sɯǝ1qoɹd sɹɐoq ʎǝʞ ɥʇıʍ ǝɯ d1ǝɥ ǝuoʎuɐ uɐɔ04:08
kruqnutlol howd u do that04:08
lsthfuck ubuntu sucks04:09
bazhangthat is amusing04:09
Starnestommysome weird keyboard problem04:09
FFEMTcJis it possible to use 4 monitors with two different graphics cards?04:09
mjw-!ohmy | lsth04:09
ubotulsth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:09
bazhang!language | lsth04:09
googlingdeuryte, you mean it makes your typing come out upside down? :)04:09
FlynsarmyIs there a way to change the word 'weaponsmith' to 'blacksmith' in every file in a folder easily from the terminal?04:09
kruqnutbazhang, how do i setup ubuntu to transfer files to a windows computer?04:09
mjw-FFEMTcJ potentially.04:09
DarkmystereErr, can some one please help...I cant connect to internet on my Ubuntu install...i have WIcd Wireless manager it keeps acting like its connected but soon as i try and use something it says it isnt...or i do iwconfig it says not assiated or for a sec itl have the same IP no matter what AP i connect to i try mine...doesnt work..try an unsecured..doesnt work im on my Ubuntu install CD Typing this..04:09
zozobra¡ooʇ ǝɯ oʇ ƃuıuǝddɐɥ s,ʇı ƃɯo04:09
lsthhow do  i reinstal gnome04:09
kruqnuti already set up the windows computer with a workgroup name and shared the hard drives04:10
bazhangkruqnut: from the livecd?04:10
Starnestommylsth: sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-desktop04:10
kruqnutim trying to backup my files so i can reformat this drive because i'm having issues04:10
decayhow do i upgrade to kernel 2.6.24?04:11
mjw-FFEMTcJ depends on the cards04:11
FFEMTcJmjw-: is there documentation in the wiki or somewhere about how to do it?04:11
bazhangkruqnut: how many GB's we talking about?04:11
deuryte.........buoɹʍ sʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇuop ı04:11
kruqnutabout 30004:11
bazhangsamba on a livecd? not sure about that kruqnut04:12
lsthStarnestommy that made things worse04:13
mjw-FFEMTcJ for four displays across two cards, you're going to have to use xinerama: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177362404:13
googlingkruqnut, is that 300 for the entire installed system or just some data you want to back up?04:14
deurytenʇunqn pɐo1-ǝɹ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇɥbıɯ ı04:14
FFEMTcJmjw-: ty sir04:14
kruqnutjust the data i want to back up04:14
lsthStarnestommy that made things worse. now it just shows a weird screen at bootup and hangs04:14
googlingkruqnut, I was concerned about windows handling the "special" files, but it sounds like that's not an issue ...04:15
[Lowkey]I have a question04:16
Flyerfyecan someone help me with my problem at 20:0604:16
[Lowkey]can someone possibly  help me?04:16
kruqnutwell its from an ntfs disk04:16
googlingkruqnut, you could share a drive on your windows machine and use the samba client to move data over, or mount the windows share04:16
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kruqnutwell the drives on my windows system are shared via the windows interface04:16
kruqnutif i plug the computers together will ubuntu live cd automatically detect the other computer?04:16
kruqnutso that i may mount the windows share?04:17
mjw-FFEMTcJ I have some experience with xinerama, let me know if you have any questions04:18
DarkmystereCan some one please help me?...04:18
googlingkruqnut, not sure, I'm trying it out on one of my systems right now ...04:18
mjw-!justask > Darkmystere04:18
FFEMTcJok mjw-.. Thanks.. right now im trying to get my bluetooth keyboard/mouse to work04:19
Darkmysteremjw-: Ive already just asked...04:19
kruqnutok thanks04:19
shinjinWhere can I get the plugin so windows XP will recognize a ext3 partition?04:19
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Darkmysteremjw-: I cant connect to internet using wicd anymore in My Ubuntu install im on my livecd..04:19
PreGunToNhi people!04:19
blogcrawlerhi there04:19
googlingkruqnut, let's start with just using smbclient, do you have samba-common installed?04:20
kruqnutyes i do04:21
manic12where are the GL include files for X11R6?04:21
anditosanI get this error when I try to run elisa on opensuse 10.3 http://pastebin.ca/925220, can you help me?04:21
googlingkruqnut, you can access the windows share via smbclient \\\\system\\share04:21
shinjinDoes anyone knoe where I can get the plugin to allow XP to view, read, and write to an ext 3 partition?04:22
kruqnutubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo smbclient \\\\system\\share04:22
kruqnutConnection to system failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)04:22
kruqnutoh it'd probably help to connect teh computers lol, just i lose my internet connection when i do(not enough cables) lol04:23
googlingkruqnut, how are these systems connected?04:23
kruqnutwanna make sure i know what to do04:23
kruqnutim gonna connect them directly04:23
manic12does one have to install the X11 sources separately?04:23
kruqnutethernet to ethernet04:23
kruqnutbut i setup the workgroup name "villaire" already04:24
mjw-anditosan this is the ubuntu support channel04:24
kruqnutwill i need to let samba know that ? and how do i do that04:24
blogcrawlerhow can I change the default pdf viewer from document viewer to adobe reader? I have installed Adobe reader but when I right-click on a pdf file and go to open with tab, it doesn't allow me to change the default pdf viewer04:24
googlingkruqnut, it may ask for a username/password if it's not a guest share, the smbclient program is a bit like an ftp client04:24
MethodOneshinjin: get the program called ext2fsd04:24
anditosanmjw-: I know, but suse is not responding, if at least you could tell me what the error log is saying?04:24
mjw-anditosan I'm sure I don't know04:25
mbrandtblogcrawler system-->preferred programs04:25
googlingkruqnut, I don't have a workgroup configured on my ubuntu system and I can still use smbclient to access a share04:25
kruqnutok ill give it a shot, be back in a minute if it don't work, thanks for help04:25
blogcrawlermbrandt, I cannot find any settings for pdf files in preferred applications04:26
MethodOneshinjin: the url to ext2fsd is http://www.ext2fsd.com04:26
mjw-!hi | manic1204:27
ubotumanic12: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:27
manic12where can I get a /usr/X11R6/include directory?04:27
Armi1Hi. I cannot get my Wacom tablet to work...04:27
FlyerfyeMe to, I have same problem04:28
mbrandtblogcrawler    1. Right-click on any .pdf file04:28
mbrandt   2. Select “Properties” and then select “Open With”04:28
mbrandt   3. Select Adobe Reader04:28
mbrandt   1. Right-click on any .pdf file04:28
mbrandt   2. Select “Properties” and then select “Open With”04:28
mbrandt   3. Select Adobe Reader04:28
FloodBot3mbrandt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
FFEMTcJim trying to get my bluetooth keyboard/mouse to work.. i got the keyboard running, however i still cant get the mouse running.. it showes up in the bluetooth bonded devices, but it doesnt actually work04:28
blogcrawlermbrandt, I have tried it but it does not allow me to change04:29
CrellHi all.  I have an odd problem on my Kubuntu Gutsy laptop.  When it has a net connection, the apache server on it (I do development) works fine.  If there is no net connection, though, apache shuts down.  That makes it difficult to do any decent development when I don't have wifi nearby. :-)  Is there a way to tell apache to always run, even if there is no active network connection?04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:30
googlingmanic12, you could try sudo apt-get install xorg-dev04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:30
CrellCorrection, actually.  apache is still running, it just always fails with a "could not connect to host localhost".04:31
blogcrawlerhow can I change the default pdf viewer from document viewer to adobe reader? I have installed Adobe reader but when I right-click on a pdf file and go to open with tab, it doesn't allow me to change the default pdf viewer04:31
manic12thanks googling04:31
googlingCrell, sounds like the local interface is not up, try sudo ifup lo04:32
Crellgoogling: "interface lo already configured".04:32
googlingCrell, do you have an entry in /etc/hosts for localhost which maps to ?04:33
Crellgoogling: Yes.04:33
CrellBoth the IPv4 and IPv6 versions, although I doubt that matters.04:34
googlingCrell, but you're online now so the full network is up, or is this on another computer?04:34
savagenatori have a good question!!!04:34
CrellI'm on my desktop here.04:34
sladigarcan LAME be used for .mp4 creation?04:35
savagenatorfedora vs ubuntu, why does fedora use less memory, and run much faster?04:35
savagenatornow go!04:35
erawfish_sladigar: no afaik. mencoder can however04:35
savagenatorwithout rush, and a please04:35
CrellThe laptop currently has wireless disabled, apache running, but no love from http://localhost/04:35
mjw-!ot | savagenator04:35
ubotusavagenator: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:35
googlingCrell, and when you did the ifup lo your laptop was not online?04:35
erawfish_savagenator: stop the trlling04:35
savagenatorok, thank you04:35
sorsiswhere do i set automatic app startups in ubuntu?04:35
Crellgoogling: Correct.04:36
googlingCrell, can you telnet to localhost?04:36
CrellTo port 80?  Yes.04:37
* Crell scratches his head.04:37
SJrXAre there any possible patent issues with an ubuntu default install04:38
googlingCrell, this has got me stumped ... I'm going to bring up a VM, drop the network, and see what it does ... it will take a few minutes04:38
Crellgoogling: One sec, this is interesting...04:38
SJrXlike packages like rdesktop which are included has some potential patent issues.04:38
CrellIt looks like Firefox works, but Konqueror does not.04:38
SJrXAre there other packages that are in the default install that have patent issues04:39
CrellWhich is... confusing.04:39
Ashfire908How to i use ssh, rsync, or other programs using ssh without having to enter a password? (to be used when doing a scheduled task)04:39
googlingCrell, but I thought you said apache stops, sounds like it's running04:39
CrellYeah, I thought it did, but I corrected that.  The process is apparently still running.04:40
manic12where would I find a GL include directory?04:40
CrellAnd, interestingly, public_html dirs didn't used to work, but now they do.04:40
mjw-!gobuntu | SJrX04:40
ubotuSJrX: gobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..04:40
CrellSo it is only an issue in Konqueror, it looks like.  At least for right now.04:40
CrellI wonder...04:40
SJrXthanks mjw-04:40
FFEMTcJim trying to get my bluetooth keyboard/mouse to work.. i got the keyboard running, however i still cant get the mouse running.. it showes up in the bluetooth bonded devices, but it doesnt actually work.. i have followed the guide on ubuntu docs, but still can't get it to work.. If i remember correctly, the last time i did it, i had to hard code it.. anyone have any suggestions?04:41
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googlingCrell, no idea then :(04:41
CrellWell, I guess I can use firefox on an airplane.  I'm just worried about the "doctor's office effect". :-)04:42
googlingCrell, do you happen to have a proxy configured for konqueror? maybe that's upsetting it?04:42
CrellNot that I'm aware of, but I'll double check.04:43
CrellNope, no proxy.04:43
googlingCrell, in what way does konqueror complain?04:43
Crell"An error occurred while loading http://localhost/: Could not connect to host http://localhost/."04:44
deurytenʇunqn pɐo1-ǝɹ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇɥbıɯ ı04:44
kruqnutok googling04:44
googlingCrell, what if you point it at ?04:45
kruqnuti couldn't get samba to work i guess, but i did see the computer in the network tab04:45
CrellSame error.04:45
kruqnutbut when i clicked on it to see files, it asked for a password etc04:45
kruqnutbut i don't know what the passowrd is lol04:45
googlingkruqnut, hang on a sec04:45
googlingCrell, you could try running tcpdump on the lo interface04:46
[Lowkey]Can someone help me?04:46
bombihi anyone got any exp with foremost data recovery?04:46
CrellIf I am doing it correctly, it shows nothing.04:47
googlingkruqnut, can you recreate the share on the windows machine? (and thus know the password this time :)04:47
Crell"sudo tcpdump -i lo" ?04:47
CrellAh, yep.04:47
kruqnutthere was no password04:47
CrellI get a crapload of data if I use firefox, and nothing at all if I use Konqueror.04:48
kruqnuti just right clicked the hard drive and went to sharing and security04:48
googlingCrell, yes, that's the syntax ... there's something else impeding konqueror here, but I have no idea what it is :(04:48
kruqnutthen clicked share, then allow read/write04:48
kruqnutand thats it04:48
kruqnuti never set a password04:48
* Crell cries.04:48
Frogzoo[Lowkey]: we don't know04:48
googlingkruqnut, sorry ... it will be the username and password for the user you are logged in as (and created the share as)04:49
stinger_auHi all04:49
googlingCrell, maybe a kde forum or channel could help?04:49
kruqnutwoo, just crashed04:50
NemesisDanyone know how to get scsi passthrough working in ubuntu?04:50
kruqnutanyways, i never set any password04:50
googlingkruqnut, when it asks for the password (from smbclient) you can try just hitting return04:50
kruqnuti did04:51
stinger_auI been trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and it keeps stalling on "loading model "ide-floppy" for "Linux IDE floppy" - so i decided to un plug my floppy drive thinking this might fix it but still stalling on this stage. This is during the install wizard not sure why its getting held up here any ideas ?04:51
kruqnutit had a spot for Host: Domain: and password:04:51
kruqnuthost: was filled in with "ubuntu"04:51
kruqnutdomain: was "MSHOME"04:51
kruqnutand password: was empty04:52
kruqnuti tried just hitting enter and it didn't work04:52
Paper_Appjoin #ubuntu-es04:52
googlingkruqnut, host should be the host name for your windows system04:52
kruqnutthe name of the computer?04:53
googlingkruqnut, yes04:53
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kruqnutok ill see if that helps04:54
googlingkruqnut, I can't get that dialog box here, so I can't see what you're seeing. I can only use smbclient04:54
deurytenʇʞ2ʍ  oʇ ʞɔɐq buıob ɯı ¡¡ ʇı sʇɐɥʇ04:54
Starnestommydeuryte, does they keyboard work right in the main terminals?04:55
FrogzooStarnestommy: deuryte is trolling04:55
Frogzooaren't you deuryte - shame on you04:55
gandhiiare there any open source hard drive recovery programs?04:55
deuryte........sıɥʇ xıɟ oʇ buıʎɹʇ ɯı  ¿ʇɐɥʍ04:56
etherealityIs it okay if I ask you guys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712461 or do I need to copy/paste what the thread says? >_>04:57
etherealityIT's about the Update Manager not working04:57
etherealitycool, deuryte's upside down.04:57
* ethereality wishes he had antigravity boots.04:57
deuryte.........pɐǝɥ ʎɯ oʇ uıɥsnɹ sı poo1q ǝɥʇ 11ɐ04:58
deuryte..¡¡uʍop ǝpısdn sı pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɯ  ¡¡¡ɥo         ok  hows that?/  whew!!!04:59
hpi have a question04:59
hphow come when i try to run the ubuntu alternate cd, it keeps freezing up on me05:00
deuryteno questions till after midnite........05:00
deurytetake it out of the freezer05:00
stinger_auBump help with Installing ubuntu stuck at detecting floppy drivers during install ?05:00
bazhangdeuryte: not helpful05:00
Starnestommyhp, it's after midnight in most places.05:00
CrellIt's after midnight in half the world.05:01
gilis anybody here using Hardy Alpha 5?05:01
kruqnuthmm this time it wouldn't even show the computer in the network screen05:01
deurytesorry, its the weekend and just havin fun..........05:01
Lowkey_Can anybody possibly help me with laptop wireless?05:01
CrellIt is after noon in the other half.05:01
bazhanghp when does the freeze occur?05:01
Starnestommygiesen, try #ubuntu+105:01
kruqnutdo i need to install samba on my windows computer or something?05:01
Starnestommywhoops, sorry giesen05:01
bazhanggil that would be in #ubuntu+105:01
hpbazhang: what it was checking on cd05:01
Starnestommygil, try #ubuntu+105:01
kruqnutubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo smbclient \\\\system\\share -W villaire -U BOXMAN -N05:01
kruqnutConnection to system failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)05:01
gilthx bazhang / starnestommy05:01
hpbazhand: actually, it keeps freezing after i restarting the computer05:02
bazhanghp you mean when it did a cd check? you should check the iso md5 sum then try burning at a lower speed05:02
googlingkruqnut, do you have a hostname for your ubuntu system05:02
hpbazhand: i burned it at the slowest speed posible05:02
Lowkey_Can anybody possibly help me with laptop wireless?05:02
bazhanggoogling this is his livecd05:02
bazhanghp then check the md5 sum05:03
kruqnutyea im on livecd05:03
zozobraif i upgrade my gtk+ version to 2.12.7 will it hurt anything?05:03
kruqnuthostname is ubuntu i guess05:03
bazhangzozobra: upgrade how?05:03
hpbazhand: thanks05:04
bazhanghp no worries; I have to run off for a bit, but the fine folks here can help if that does not work out ;]05:04
zozobrabazhang: with the update from ftp.gnome.org05:05
zozobrai'm having serious issues with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtk/+bug/93396 and can't take it anymore05:05
zozobrai was going to upgrade to 2.12.7 rather than wait for hardy heron05:05
RoootyHi I have to Reinstall Gutsy but the partitioners on the LIve CD / Alt CD just freeze up. What do I do?05:05
bazhangzozobra not sure about that; some would say it is unsafe05:05
CVD-PR q hay05:05
googlingkruqnut, I'm not sure ... to see what shares are available you could try smbclient -L \\\\system - this will show if basic connectivity is there05:06
kruqnutok ill try that05:06
SuperLagSo... how many of you guys have seen all three parts of The Matrix trilogy?05:06
Strawberryjamme...all three ...in a row05:06
bazhangSuperLag: hehe probably most but offtopic here05:06
ph0rensicwhats up folks05:07
SuperLagStrawberryjam: how do the second two compare to the first one?05:07
Strawberryjamdont like 2nd...like 3rd05:07
SuperLagbazhang: are you kidding? it's the best tech movie of all :)05:07
bazhang!ot | SuperLag05:07
ubotuSuperLag: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:07
triorieeldoes anyone know how to get the dxr3 working for tv-out?05:07
triorieel^or a howto meant for ubuntu05:07
regeyatrust me, if I can get bitched at for answering a ruby question b/c it's offtopic, a movie is DEFINITELY offtopic05:08
Strawberryjamoops sorry...could not resist answering that...love it too much05:08
SuperLagIt's okay... you'll all live.05:08
RoootyHi I have to Reinstall Gutsy but the partitioners on the LIve CD / Alt CD just freeze up. What do I do?05:08
SuperLagregeya: ruby++05:08
ph0rensicRoooty, you could try another partitioner05:08
Jack_SparrowRoooty, Try the gparted livecd05:08
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/05:09
nickrudRoooty: try cfdisk in the live cd05:09
joh6nnwhen i'm using screen, all of my the colors i use in my bash scripts revert to white.  anyone know why?05:09
Mega_bytehi, I installed wubi (ubuntu 7.04) everything was fine, but now when I boot it says /bin/sh: can't acces tty: job control turned off and won't let me login... what could cause this?05:09
ph0rensichey nickrud :-)05:09
joh6nnMega_byte: that's a fairly common problem; you can find threads on it at the ubuntu forums05:09
Jack_SparrowMega_byte, Wubi isnt supported here05:09
nickrudph0rensic: hi05:09
Strawberryjamok...does anybody know if Ubuntu has support for EMU 1212 under ALSA? Without the Microdock that is.05:10
RoootyThanks for the responses. Can I install without partitioning? The drive is ALReady partitioned correctly05:10
nickrudJack_Sparrow: that is great news ;)05:10
Mega_bytejoh6nn, I already read the threads, it's why I'm here05:10
Jack_Sparrownickrud, It is a terrible way to install ubuntu anyhow05:10
=== eric__ is now known as Monsha
Mega_byteJack_Sparrow, Wubi is Ubuntu 7.04, so this problem should be same05:10
joh6nnMega_byte: you tried the kernel boot options and kernel modules?05:10
nickrudJack_Sparrow: agreed.05:10
ph0rensicJack_Sparrow, Yes its worse than running it in a VM05:10
Mega_bytejoh6nn, could you please tell me how to access them?05:10
Jack_SparrowMega_byte, NO it isnt the same as a regular install05:11
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.05:11
joh6nnMega_byte: they're in the forum threads to which i referred.05:11
StrawberryjamI'm running 7.10 Studio right now...and cant get my brand new S/Card to work05:11
regeya!wubi | regeya05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about privmsg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:11
ph0rensicJack_Sparrow, Isn't the Wubi instalation pretty much a vm anway? I guess it doesn't even have its own partitions etc05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:11
[Hardy]TuTUXG!info gos05:12
ubotuPackage gos does not exist in gutsy05:12
Mega_bytejoh6nn, well they ask for a cd... but that computer doesn't have one, so I cannot boot from it.. is there any other way to get access to the boot options in this case?05:12
regeyaprivmsg without permission is rude05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unvestigate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:12
ph0rensic[Hardy]TuTUXG, what you wanna know about gOS?05:12
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.05:12
Jack_Sparrowph0rensic, Yes it is another version of a vm... but has problems of its own that are not due to ubuntu05:12
regeyadoes anyone answer anything any more or does everyone just use the bot and tell people to bugger off and look elsewhere05:12
triorieelhow do I get the current source of the kernel used in my ubuntu?05:12
SuperLagAny of you guys put Ubuntu on an EEEpc?05:12
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:13
DracoSuperLag: I have (Kubuntu)05:13
lorenzo_hi, aMule keeps crashing. I am running ubuntu gutsy 64, the version from synaptic would crash so I have downloaded the 64bit version of amule from getdeb, but it hasnt helped. any suggestions? thanks a lot05:13
ph0rensicJack_Sparrow, Yes I definitely would not recommend that installation method to anyone05:13
joh6nnMega_byte: when you turn the computer on, you'll see something that basically says "press a key to see the grub menu".  do that, and at the menu, press E to edit the first line of the menu.  you can follow the forum instructions from there05:13
SuperLagDraco: How well does it work? Any missing functionality?05:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGph0rensic, not really.. just need their repo05:13
DracoSuperLag: only problem is the kb is way too small05:13
nickrudtriorieel: sudo apt-get install linux-source05:13
Mega_bytejoh6nn, thank you05:13
SuperLagDraco: :)05:14
joh6nnMega_byte: : ) good luck05:14
triorieelnickrud: thank you05:14
Jack_Sparrownickrud, He may just need build-essential05:14
nickrudtriorieel: that does assume you're using the latest kernel version05:14
SuperLagDraco: a man has to learn to improvise, when he uses Linux.... a small keyboard is no exception :)05:14
joh6nnanyone have any idea what would cause screen to ignore colors in bash?05:14
ph0rensic[Hardy]TuTUXG, is it deb http://packages.googlepc.com/gos/ painful main ??05:14
nickrudJack_Sparrow: he may only need the headers, also. But he did ask for the current source :)05:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGph0rensic, cool, thanks05:15
moab_any one here successfully using the integrated camera on the Lenovo T61 with Gutsy?05:15
ph0rensic[Hardy]TuTUXG, not a problem glad I could help05:15
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Agreed, perhaps we should ask him what he is trying to accomplish05:15
ere4sijoh6nn, was it bashrc or bash profile that is ignored05:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGis there a channel for dreamlinux?05:15
Starnestommy[Hardy]TuTUXG, #dreamlinux maybe05:15
Flanneltriorieel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#head-18233ed0977bbdf77cd45200af6cd9335b07c03005:15
pretenderDoes anyone know how to fix the bug in kover artist with not being able to select a case in ubuntu05:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGStarnestommy, that channel is empty05:16
xeenanHave a newbie question. Im trying to install an ATI driver, its a .run file. but when i try to install it, it says that I need to run the installer as super-user. if thats a sudo command how do i use it for an installer05:16
desertcI LOVE UBUNTU05:16
joh6nnere4si: screen loads my custom .bashrc, but it doesn't recognize the color settings05:16
triorieelFlannel: ?05:16
ph0rensicxeenan, can you try to install via restricted driver manager?'05:16
Starnestommyxeenan, in a terminal, sudo sh /path/to/file.run05:16
joh6nnso, as an example, "tput setaf 1" for the color red, isn't being honored05:16
ph0rensicxeenan, it should work better than installing it via the .run file05:16
triorieelFlannel:  sry, the link went ont eh enxt line and didn't notice it05:16
ere4sijoh6nn, I've heard it ignores some bash profiles but should use bashrc...05:16
nickrudxeenan: that's not a good way to install the ati driver, a sec05:16
ph0rensicStarnestommy, it should probably have to be chmod +x too though eh05:17
nickrudxeenan: are you just trying to get 3d running, or are you using the one from the ati site for a particular reason?05:17
ph0rensicnickrud, I suggested the proprietary driver manager05:17
xeenanwell i did it via driver manager but the 3d test failed05:17
joh6nnere4si: yeah, it's loading the bashrc.  i can tell, because it puts all the right information in my prompt.  it just doesn't set my prompt to the color i've chosen05:17
Jack_Sparrowtriorieel, What are you trying to build or compile05:17
nickrudph0rensic: good choice05:17
xeenantrying to get the 3d running05:18
Strawberryjami'll be back in a sec05:18
xeenanis there a way to do that05:18
nickrudxeenan: what video card are you running?05:18
ph0rensicnickrud, he said he did it that way but the 3d test failed..? ATI...05:18
triorieelJack_Sparrow: support for a dxr3 card05:18
SuperLagDraco: So... no missing functionality though?05:18
benja22Hi,  I'm not a ubuntu user but I need the command that lists services.   equivalent of  chkconfig --list.   thanks05:18
ph0rensicxeenan, any specific fail message?05:18
Jack_Sparrowtriorieel, WHo makes them.. sorry, never heard of them05:18
nickrudJack_Sparrow: ati 9550, fglrx is correct?05:19
SuperLagDraco: did you get the camera to work, as well?05:19
erawfish_benja22:then ask your distro's channel05:19
xeenanya let me run the test again really quick05:19
nickrudJack_Sparrow: heh. I'm not keeping up with scroll well05:19
erawfish_Jack_Sparrow: sigmatel IIRC05:19
benja22erawfish_:   I need the ubuntu command to list services.05:19
triorieelJack_Sparrow: creative (you may have heard of them as hollywood cards).  a lot of media players support outputting through them (ie xine)05:19
erawfish_benja22: ls /etc/init.d/05:19
xeenanYour graphics card does not appear to be setup correctly.05:19
xeenanPlease check the documentation for your Linux distribution05:19
xeenanand your graphics card drivers to ensure proper installation.05:19
benja22erawfish_:   great.  Thank you.05:20
nickrudxeenan: where did you see that?05:20
erawfish_xeenan: pastebin your Xorg.0.log05:20
Jack_Sparrowtriorieel, you will need to sudo apt-get install build-essential05:20
triorieelJack_Sparrow: already done :)05:21
nickrudtriorieel: and you'll want   linux-headers-$(uname -r)   on that apt-get line, you don't need the whole source05:21
xeenanI play the eve-online game and it comes with a hardware tester and the 3d acceleration test failed aand thats the mesage05:21
Jack_Sparrowxeenan, Is this in linux or under wine05:21
xeenanthe driver is from the restricted drivers05:21
triorieelnickrud: the source line given to me earlier is already done05:21
erawfish_Jack_Sparrow: it'S wine05:21
nickrudxeenan: are you running compiz?05:21
xeenanlinux ver. of the game05:22
erawfish_xeenan: isn't that simply a wine built binary?05:22
xeenana game that finally has a linux download ver.05:22
nickrudxeenan: if you're using compiz, you won't be able to run gl games successfully05:23
xeenanhow do i know if im running that05:23
Jack_Sparrownickrud, I am thinking of writing a bash script that will read current compiz state and flip it on and off for those people..05:23
nickrudxeenan: if you don't know, you're almost certainly not :)     ps -A | grep compiz   in a terminal05:23
nickrudJack_Sparrow: heh. I wouldn't run an bash script from an unknown source05:24
simplyubuntuhey i was wondering how i could allow a desktop user to configure wireless interfaces in ubuntu... can anyone help?05:25
nickrudJack_Sparrow: you were supposed to laugh05:25
Lowkey_Can anybody possibly help me with laptop wireless?05:25
xeenanwell i guess i dont have that cause it says command not found05:25
nickrudxeenan: make sure you have the spaces correct05:25
Jack_Sparrownickrud, try fglrxinfo05:25
triorieelnickrud: I'm having problems with make menuconfig in the /usr/src/.... directory05:25
xeenani copied and pasted05:25
nickrudxeenan: ps -A  lists all the processes running on your system. It is on every linux machine in the world05:26
Cyclonutsimplyubuntu: try nm-applet?05:26
CyclonutI think the package is called NetworkManager05:26
Cyclonutit should come by default though05:26
nickrudtriorieel: install libqt3-mt  , and run make xconfig05:26
triorieelnickrud: libqt3-mt is already the newest version.05:27
xeenanok worked that time i dont have the program05:27
xeenando i need that05:28
GiddyKongcan anyone can anyone suggest a good dock? ^^05:28
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
nickrudxeenan: ok, so far so good.  Next ,  run fglrxinfo in the terminal. Does it say it's using mesa drivers?05:28
ph0rensicGiddyKong, AWN05:28
triorieelnickrud: * Unable to find the QT3 installation. Please make sure that..........05:28
GiddyKongthanks ^^05:28
nickrudtriorieel: I may have the wrong lib, that error tells you what to install05:28
simplyubuntuyeah cyclonut.... i think i its the default applet thingy... however, whenever i try to reset the interface, for example, it asks me for an admin password05:28
Jack_Sparrownickrud, apt-get install xserver-xgl        then        sudo depmod -a05:28
nickrudJack_Sparrow: don't want compiz, want to run gl game05:29
Cyclonutsimplyubuntu: ah, I dont think you'll get around that... or if you do, I'd like to know how because there are somethings I could use that for05:29
xeenanxeenan@xeenan-desktop:~$ fglrxinfo05:29
xeenandisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:29
xeenanOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.05:29
xeenanOpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon 9550 / X1050 Series05:29
xeenanOpenGL version string: 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)05:29
iceswordi am back05:29
Jack_Sparrownickrud, not going for compiz.. just setting up the drivers05:29
nickrudxeenan: you have the proper driver installed and running correctly. So, it's something in your invocation of eve.05:29
=== cHeRrY_ is now known as Handy_K
ph0rensicxeenan, in the future you should use a pastebin to paste multiple lines05:29
ph0rensic!pastebin | xeenan05:30
ubotuxeenan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:30
nickrudph0rensic: I let floodbot be the arbiter of that these days. The uber-ops set that :)05:30
xeenanok sry05:30
ph0rensicnickrud, hehe ;-)05:31
Jack_SparrowFloodbots are way faster than we are05:31
triorieelnickrud: will the kernel have the settings used  by my kernel already set?05:31
xeenanthat program you were asking me about do i need that to run pc games05:31
Lowkey_Can anybody help me...?05:31
nickrudxeenan: no, you need to not have it running.05:31
Lowkey_Can anyone help me?05:31
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, Not unless you ask your question05:32
nickrudxeenan: I checked for that first, since it messes with the output of fglrxinfo .05:32
Lowkey_I asked a few times05:32
Lowkey_I need help with installing wireless05:32
ph0rensicJack_Sparrow, How many lines before the floodbot kicks in?05:32
Lowkey_On an HP laptop05:32
xinbaowhich command can hide the gvim toolbar in .vimrc,thx05:32
mbrandtLowkey_ which HP Laptop?05:32
nickrudxinbao: try asking in #vim , I bet they know it by heart ;)05:33
iceswordnickrud, sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf doesn't work for me,whatever the repo i use05:33
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, Sorry, had to scroll way back.   what wireless card is it... lspci if you dont know05:33
Lowkey_Its broadcom thats all I know05:33
Lowkey_Thanks in advance05:33
xinbaohi how to hide the gvim toolbar?05:33
nickrudicesword: sysv-rc-conf is in universe05:33
ere4siicesword, it is just   sysv-rc05:33
iceswordnickrud, ok05:33
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, bcm43xx or bcm943xx  big difference05:34
iceswordere4si, :)05:34
nickrudxinbao:  type   /j #vim  , ask in there. That's the place all the knowledgeable vim people hang out05:34
Lowkey_how can I tell the difference?05:34
ere4siicesword, sysv-rc-conf is the terminal command to start it05:34
Lowkey_where do I do that?05:34
Lowkey_I sound like such an idiot05:34
Jack_Sparrowopen a terminal05:34
Lowkey_I dont know what that is :(05:35
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, that is fine.. dont feel bad about it..05:35
nickrudLowkey_: no idiots here, just people with different levels of experience ;)05:35
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, applications   accessories   term05:35
iceswordere4si, then i just run sudo apt-get install sysv-rc,right05:35
ere4siicesword, yep05:35
ere4si!info sysv-rc05:35
ubotusysv-rc (source: sysvinit): System-V-like runlevel change mechanism. In component main, is required. Version 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31 (gutsy), package size 55 kB, installed size 272 kB05:35
Lowkey_PCIxx21 ?05:35
nickrud!info sysv-rc-conf05:36
ubotusysv-rc-conf (source: sysv-rc-conf): SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-6 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB05:36
triorieelI did: install linux-source, make menuconfig, make.   make gives me an error No rule to make target05:36
Lowkey_BCM4318 ?05:36
ere4siicesword, apologies - I had it wrong there...05:36
iceswordere4si, k,thx,:)05:36
iceswordere4si, ?05:36
nickrud!kernel | triorieel (should have detaild explanation)05:36
ubotutriorieel (should have detaild explanation): The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages05:36
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, follow the link comming up  and I use fwcutter to get that one going..05:36
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:36
Lowkey_okay :)05:36
ere4siicesword, sysv-rc comes with ubuntu - to make changes you need  sysv-rc-conf05:37
SJrXI'm trying to enable my wireless card but for some reason the signal strength of all access points is 005:38
ere4siicesword, do you have all the repositories enabled?05:38
iceswordere4si, you mean sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf,that didn't get a package05:38
iceswordere4si, all,?how?05:38
SJrXWHen I do an iwlist eth2 scan it shows AP05:38
SJrXbut it never associates with any.05:38
SJrXI also have another wireless card installed05:38
Lowkey_Thank you jack!05:38
SJrXbut it doesn't seem to be detected05:38
ere4siicesword, open synaptic package manager05:38
Jack_SparrowLowkey_, np, we are here to help where we can05:39
iceswordere4si, k05:39
malocitehey all - quickie question.  Is it possible to have a terminal window always look unique to others that open?  Like I usually always have one open thats connected to anotehr machine, I just want to be able to tell them apart quickly05:39
Pepetide1Hi.... I cannot access my integrated webcam because my user does not have permission to access /dev/video0 and even if I change those permissions when I reboot they revert back... how can I change this?05:39
ere4siicesword, then click settings in the top menu05:39
iceswordere4si, yeah,05:40
ere4siicesword, then select repositories and select all except source05:40
mage_malocite: most terminal emulators let you specify either a profile or a background color as arguments05:40
iceswordere4si, ok,select all except source05:40
ere4siicesword, select close then click the reload button05:41
iceswordere4si, k05:41
ere4sinickrud, thanx for the correction - just in time..05:42
Raelmy sound has suddenly stopped working. I'm running ubuntu. I checked the speakers and the volume is turned up. I tried restarting but that did not fix it either.I go some kind of knotify popup talking about aRts and a crash05:42
ere4siicesword, then you can click the search button and type sysv-rc-conf or use apt-get in the terminal05:43
triorieelnickrud: I don't have to fully compile the kernel, I only need to get to the make dep part to do the otehr thing I need to.  since I am having issues with doing make with ubuntu kernel, would it be ok if I just used a kernel from mykernel.org?05:44
Raelmy sound has suddenly stopped working. I'm running ubuntu. I checked the speakers and the volume is turned up. I tried restarting but that did not fix it either.I go some kind of knotify popup talking about aRts and a crash05:44
nickrudtriorieel: not sure, I'm not that up on kernel stuff anymore (was only partially up when I was up at all)05:44
malocitehow do I see which harddrives are which /dev items?05:46
emmaRael - did you go to your volume control and making sure it's on alsa?05:47
LukeLhi everyone, when I go to install ubuntu I get a "no common cd-rom drive was detected" message. I'm using a Pioneer DVR-111DBK, anyone have some insight?05:47
googlingmalocite, fdisk -l05:47
malocitegoogling: hmm, that didn't seem to do anything :)05:48
googlingmalocite, sudo fdisk -l05:49
malocitegoogling:  that did it :05:49
ere4siRael, see if this helps - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-51786.html05:50
Raelits on alsa. I looked in there and I noticed that the sound device had been switched from my soundblaster card to the onboard sound card. I switched it back but still no sound05:51
emmaare the speakers plugged in?05:51
malocitegoogling: I have just re-installed ubuntu on a smaller drive - now I want to mount the OLD drive's HOME folder to be the home folder on this drive, can I tell it to mount /dev/sda1/home/whatever ??05:51
TimiHelp. I tried changing the resolution settings on my laptop, when I relogged, the entire screen messed up.05:52
RaelI'm running gnome btw05:52
googlingmalocite, there's a couple of ways to do this ... you can't mount a sub-directory directly ... you have to start with just mounting /dev/sda1 ...05:53
cyber_alguien habla español aqui?05:54
Jack_SparrowRael, try disabling the onboard sound card.. running both can be a hassle05:54
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:54
Raelhow can I do that05:54
googlingmalocite, you could mount it to /mnt/sda1 (create the directory /mnt/sda1 first) and create a symlink from /mnt/sda1 to /home ...05:54
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:55
ec158148can somebody suggest an app that can produce a pretty comprehensive list of available podcasts?  like itunes store?05:56
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:56
googlingmalocite, instead of the symlink you could use the mount rebind option, but I have to refresh my memory on how to use it05:56
malocitegoogling: so in fstab insert (sda1 is the drive I am trying to mount) /dev/sda1      /mnt/sda1    ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 205:56
malocitethen do a link from /mnt/sda1 to the /home folder?05:57
googlingmalocite, yes05:58
kosh-hi! when i put my sata drives to sleep using hdparm -y they start spinning again after 5 minutes. i have unmounted the partitions and don't really know what causes this behaviour (i am not accessing the drives) can someone help?05:58
malocitegoogling: Hey, I'm starting to get good at this :)05:58
Jack_Sparrowkosh-, could it be trackerd ?06:00
malocitegoogling: I just re-installed ubuntu because it had been getting so slow I could barely use it... if I install all of the updates would you expect that to happen again?06:00
GiddyKong:D i broke a pakage how do i remove it?06:01
googlingmalocite, you may prefer: mount --bind /mnt/sda1 /home - instead of the symlink - then it looks like a real top-level directory06:01
kosh-Jack_Sparrow: no, it is not running06:01
GiddyKongso i can retry06:01
LukeLhi everyone, when I go to install ubuntu I get a "no common cd-rom drive was detected" message. I'm using a Pioneer DVR-111DBK, anyone have some insight?06:01
Jack_Sparrowkosh-, just a thought.06:01
ph0rensicGiddyKong, sudo apt-get remove <package name>06:01
ere4siGiddyKong, sudo apt-get remove "package"06:01
GiddyKongthank you guys again ><06:01
ph0rensicere4si, hehenice06:02
googlingmalocite, that's a "feature" I'd more attribute to windows over time rather than Linux - did you use "top" to see what might have been consuming CPU?06:02
kosh-Jack_Sparrow: thx anyway :)06:02
ere4siPhoenigore, jinx06:02
TimiFrom the console, how do I edit the resolution settings?06:02
oxeimonso, I have an external hard drive, but when I plug it in, I can't see it. I can't even see the entry in /media/06:02
googlingmalocite, how much memory and swap space do you have?06:02
malocitegoogling: Yeah, nothing really was, sometimes firefox would go upwards of 50%.... but it was just slow, I was surprised.  I called my internet support, (yes they know linux there) and the guy said he had the same problem on his Feisty & gutsy boxes over time,06:03
malocitegoogling: I have a gig of memory06:03
Jack_SparrowTimi, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:03
malocitegoogling: I don't know how much swap space06:03
Starnestommythe linux version of firefox has memory leaks06:03
googlingmalocite, cat /proc/swaps06:03
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Goodnight buddy..  need to get more rest...06:03
dbmoodbquestion lexmark 1170 - says udev means it works out of the box ?06:03
dbmoodbor not so?06:04
malociteon this new install it says 875500 for space... is that 875 megs for the swap?06:04
dbmoodbalso with a sis 9XX can you get 3d working - not sure there is large website anyone done it ?06:04
oxeimonso, I have an external hard drive, but when I plug it in, I can't see it. I can't even see the entry in /media/, can someone plz help me06:04
e-rodleave #ubuntu06:04
googlingmalocite: yep, should be around twice your swap space - that's generally the recommendation06:04
googlingmalocite: sorry, meant twice your RAM size06:05
malocitethats what installed by default :)06:05
malociteso I should have like 2000000 for swap then06:05
googlingmalocite: yes, strange it chose that number, but then I always do manual partitioning06:05
malociteits only a 20 gig drive that the install is on, maybe thats why06:06
Mega_bytehi, I have the /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off problem in Ubuntu 7.04, I read what was said in forums, but it didn't help, anyone knows how to track exactly the origin of the problem in this case?06:06
googlingmalocite: could have something to do with it, not sure though06:06
ere4sihttp://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/queensland/southeast-qld-prepares-for-wet-weekend/2008/02/29/1204226935743.html - I'm off to use the hose if I can find it...06:06
malocitegoogling: its only a 20 gig drive the install is on, maybe thats why, annyway... I'm gonna reboot and see if my drive mounts on boot :)06:06
malocitegoogling: or is there a way to test fstab without rebooting06:06
googlingmalocite: you should be able to just do umount /dev/sda1 and then mount /dev/sda1 to see if your fstab is working06:07
googlingmalocite: are you going to stick with the symlink or change to use the --bind option?06:07
malocitegoogling: But that just tells me if I can mount, it doesn't tell me if I made the fstab entry right doesn't it?06:08
Captain_Obliviouman this is tough...ok, this is my last resort.06:08
malocitegoogling: I don't know anything about --bind, only worked with symlinks before06:08
googlingmalocite: that's only entering part of the information - it needs to go to fstab to get the rest of the information06:08
Captain_Oblivioui am stuck at 576x384 at 30hz rez06:08
Captain_Oblivioui just installed ubuntu on a PS306:09
TimiHow do I get back to graphic mode?06:09
Captain_Oblivioui know the screen can handle 800x600 at 60hz06:09
Captain_Obliviouhow do i force it to work?06:10
StarnestommyTimi, Ctrl+Alt+F7?06:10
malocitegoogling: ahh... you are right (clearly you have done this before :) )06:10
Mega_byte"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" problem in Ubuntu 7.04, I read what was said in forums, but it didn't help, anyone knows how to track exactly the origin of the problem in this case?06:12
oxeimonso, I have an external hard drive, but when I plug it in, I can't see it. I can't even see the entry in /media/, can someone plz help?06:13
malociteonce a symlink is there, its there right, like when I reboot, it will still be there the same way it was before?06:13
Timiit's working, thanks so much06:13
malocitegoogling: once a symlink is there, its there right, like when I reboot, it will still be there the same way it was before?06:13
googlingmalocite: yes it will stay, personally I'd switch to the --bind approach, but it's fine to stay with what you are comfortable doing06:14
malocitegoogling: Actually, I think I should.... I seem to be having problems with it as a symlink06:14
googlingmalocite: what you may find when moving around the /home directories is that it will sometimes show up as /mnt/sda1/home and not /home06:15
TimiThanks jack-Sparrow06:15
malociteI think that is happening, whem i try to open the home dir in gnome nothing comes up, so I suspect thats happening06:15
googlingmalocite: so just rm the symlink and then do mount --bind /mnt/sda1 /home06:15
malocitegoogling: Will I have to do that on every boot?06:16
Captain_Obliviouanyone have any thoughts on my resolution issue?06:16
=== plamo is now known as Timi
googlingmalocite: you can also put that in /etc/fstab, but it needs to be after the /dev/sda1 mount06:16
kruqnuthi, i need to setup a network connection for file transferring with a windows computer, i need to backup some files before reformatting the drive in this computer, i am trying to do this from the live cd as i can't install an OS on this computer atm06:18
kruqnuthow would i go about doing this?06:18
malocitegoogling: What would that line look like in fstab?06:18
googlingmalocite: I just tried and the fstab line should look like this: /mnt/sda1 /home none bind 0 006:18
googlingkruqnut: you're back - I tried something while you were away ...06:19
kruqnutoh hey :P06:19
kruqnuti tried to install a different version of windows and got the same blue screen, so i definately need to reformat the disk06:19
googlingkruqnut: I brought up a live-cd and ran into the same hostname error - it went away when I added an entry for the windows machine to /etc/hosts06:19
kruqnuthow do i do that?06:20
Mega_byte"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" problem in Ubuntu 7.04, I read what was said in forums, but it didn't help, anyone knows how to track exactly the origin of the problem in this case?06:20
googlingkruqnut: sudo vi /etc/hosts - add "<ip-address> <hostname>"06:21
malocitegoogling: well, that seems to work, but stuff is running wierd now :)  Firefox doesn't want to start, and neither does evolution,06:21
kruqnutwhat would the ip address be of two computers directly connected to eachother?06:21
malocitegoogling: and when I click on HOME FOLDER nothing comes up06:22
googlingmalocite: I would try rebooting so that the home directory is mounted early06:22
kruqnuti guess i could unplug the internet wire and run it thru the router and then use the etc ips, but is there a way to do it with a direct connection?06:22
malocitegoogling: good idea., I'll reboot and be right back :)06:22
jamesrdornGot a quick question. What's a 'really' good IRC client for ubuntu?06:23
googlingkruqnut: hmm ... I thought you probably set them manually06:23
kruqnutno i haven't never done that before06:23
jamesrdornI have always used in the past, and still do use w/ Wine... mIRC06:23
kruqnuti could do the router, then the router would assign local ip addresses06:23
Starnestommyjamesrdorn, xchat, xchat-gnome, konversation, kvirc, or mirc06:23
Captain_Oblivioui meant xchat x06:23
Azodonor xchat06:23
kruqnutso it'd be like: sudo vi /etc/hosts - add " BOXMAN"06:24
jamesrdornmIRC is $20, and is a great client. Runs w/ wine nicely06:24
jamesrdornthink it's worth the money for deveopment?06:24
kruqnutyou can use pidgin06:24
Mega_bytetry it all and choose what fits you best, there is not thing such as "the best", just what suits your needs06:24
kruqnutit comes with ubuntu06:24
jamesrdornkrept: I use pidigin for everything else06:24
kruqnutand it also does all your IM programs06:24
googlingkruqnut: yes, for a direct connection you will need to set static IP addresses on both systems - how many ports do you have on the router06:24
Starnestommypidgin's irc support is highly incomplete06:24
anditosanwhen trying to run elisa I get this error *** stack smashing detected ***: python terminated06:25
jamesrdornI just dont like how it handles irc06:25
kruqnuti have 4 ports on the router + it sends a wireless signal06:25
Captain_Oblivioui could never get irc to work right with pidgin06:25
malocitegoogling: Thou art wise in the ways of the linux, the reboot has been successful :)06:25
kruqnuti can just unplug the ethernet cable from the modem to router and use that to plug into the other computer06:25
sladigarirssi, free, best available06:25
googlingmalocite: excellent06:25
jamesrdornAgain, I am like 2 secs away from a $20 registration. I would like that donation to go to open source if there is a competing product06:25
jamesrdornsomething that is 'very' useable06:26
malocitegoogling: Thats awesome, now I can re-install my os when ever I want to without losing my home folder06:26
kruqnutthen it should setup and as the local ip addresses06:26
kruqnutwhich are the ones i need right?06:26
Gattonxchat ftw06:26
googlingkruqnut: you have the windows machine connected to the router - can you just connect the ubuntu machine to it too?06:26
* jamesrdorn installs xchat06:26
sladigarjamesdorn irssi, it's text based, out of terminal, but you just can't beat it06:26
kruqnutwell windows machine isn't connected to anything atm lol06:26
kruqnuti only have 2 cables06:27
StarnestommyI think there was a project to make a GUI for irssi06:27
jamesrdornsladen, I used it a while ago06:27
kruqnutand one is connected to modem, and one to this computer06:27
kruqnutthats why when i go to try things, i have to disconnect06:27
googlingkruqnut: what you suggested will work fine, two IPs from the same private subnet06:27
sladigarirssi had gui in windows, i think06:27
Gattonbitchx if you just gotta chat in a term06:27
Starnestommysladigar, it's just a cygwin cmd window06:27
kruqnutthen after that i should be able to just do smbclient \\\\system\\share?06:27
sladigarin windows, starnestommy?06:28
Starnestommysladigar, yes06:28
googlingkruqnut: private IP on each system, entry in /etc/hosts for the windows IP and name, then the smbclient command06:28
kruqnutbrb in a minute06:29
googlingkruqnut: ok06:29
_icesword_googling, you know ubuntu has six console in default,how to change it to two,i mean,ctrl+alt+f1 get you a console,how to06:30
_icesword_ere4si, , you know ubuntu has six console in default,how to change it to two,i mean,ctrl+alt+f1 get you a console,how to06:31
bruenig_icesword_: does ubuntu use inittab?06:31
googling_icesword_: from memory just alt-f* will switch between console, as long as you don't have X running06:32
Starnestommybruenig, there is no inittab06:32
ere4siicesctrl+alt+f2-f6 and alt+f7 to get back06:32
_icesword_bruenig, i am not sure,no /etc/inittab06:32
_icesword_no,i want tune that "six" console to "two"06:32
bruenigStarnestommy: hmm06:33
StarnestommyI'm not sure if it can be done06:33
bruenigit can be done with distros that use inittab06:33
_icesword_in ubuntu,no such a file06:33
ere4si_icesword_, you only want to be able to access two - not 6 ?06:33
_icesword_that is it06:33
StarnestommyI might try to get 8 instead of 6, but I usually only use the first 406:34
=== _icesword_ is now known as icesword
ere4si_icesword_, one min - that's tty 1-6 - have to check how again06:34
googling_icesword_: I think you have to rebuild the kernel06:34
iceswordgoogling, what ?rebuild the kernel,ohh,i will pass06:35
Starnestommythere might be an init script somewhere...06:35
jamesrdornnow that I am using xchat, something is very strange06:35
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googlingicesword: why do you want to reduce it? just wondering06:35
jamesrdornin the server setup there is a field for "channels to autojoin" but no matter the combo, it only opens the first one06:36
iceswordgoogling, i think this will force system uses less resource06:36
Starnestommyseperate them with commas, i.e. #foo,#bar,#etc...06:36
ere4siicesword, the file /etc/event.d - you need to rename the files tty3-6 to tty3.bak, tty4.bak etc06:36
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jamesrdornStarnestommy, I did so, still no luck06:37
Captain_Oblivioui am stuck at 576x384 at 30hz rez06:37
iceswordere4si, only one step?06:37
prince_jammysis this that tty hack?06:37
Captain_Oblivioui know the screen can handle 800x600 at 60hz06:37
ere4siicesword, 4 files to rename06:37
jamesrdornStarnestommy, however, I provided a space06:37
jamesrdornso mabe that's the issue?!?!?06:37
Captain_Obliviouanyone have any ideas?06:37
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Starnestommyprince_jammys, a tty hack, but maybe not the one you're thinkning about06:37
prince_jammysStarnestommy: the "performance enhancing" hack?06:38
wasabi_how do i invoke run command from terminal?06:39
jamesrdornStarnestommy, thanks, removing the space fixed it06:39
wasabi_instead of pressing alt-f206:39
IndyGunFreakCaptain_Obliviou: have you tried to reconfigure X?06:40
iceswordere4si, it just simply doesn't allow me to rename06:40
Captain_ObliviouIndyGunFreak, i would be more than happy to if i had a how to...im a linux newb (great on windows and ok on mac)06:41
IndyGunFreak!res | Captain_Obliviou06:41
ubotuCaptain_Obliviou: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:41
ere4siicesword, you need admin rights - in terminal type    sudo nautilus /etc/event.d06:41
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=== Arturo_App is now known as Paper_App
googlingicesword, ere4si: this will stop getty (login) from running on the console but will not reduce the number of ttys06:42
iceswordnow initializing gnome-mount extension06:42
icesworda file browser appeared,06:43
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: under system->admin->screens and graphics, what do you have for the monitor model?06:44
iceswordseems it is not easy,i will pass it,though06:45
Lartza_how can i change what folder is the www folder?06:45
Captain_Obliviougoogling, the program doesnt launch...06:45
jamesrdornLartza_, I dont understand... for apache?06:45
Lartza_i have other harddrive mount point /home and i would like to transfer /var/www to there06:46
Lartza_but not that it uses loclahost/~lartza06:46
Lartza_site root in /home/lartza/something06:46
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: what if you try from a shell: sudo displayconfig-gtk ?06:46
kittykittyanyone have time to help me understand what i'm doing wrong?06:46
Lowkey_I got the wireless to work,06:47
Lowkey_Thank you!06:47
StarnestommyEdit the DocumentRoot and Directory settings in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default06:47
ere4siicesword, one more step for the tty's06:47
GregMthis might be a little  of topic. but here it goes . Installing Ubuntu in vmware. is it still necessary to create a swap partition or does VMWare perform this function06:47
iceswordere4si, what?06:47
StarnestommyGregM, you'll still need to make one06:47
Lartza_oh thanks!06:47
ere4siicesword, sudo gedit /etc/default/console-setup  in a terminal06:48
Lartza_well how could i run webhosting in ubuntu06:48
AtomicSparkhas anyone tried quickbooks pro w/ wine?06:48
iceswordhmm,it won't cause any bad end,right06:48
Lartza_people get ftp acc and limited quota and mysql06:48
Lartza_and something like cpanel06:48
kittykittyfollowing instructions on "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router" whenever i start up the bridged network, i am unableto use any network (network unreachable)06:48
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ere4siicesword, the line -   ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6]"   change to   ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-2]"  and save06:49
AtomicSparkkittykitty: means your gateway is set incorrectly06:49
Captain_Obliviougoogling, incoming wall of text06:49
Captain_ObliviouFATAL: Module battery not found.06:49
Captain_ObliviouTraceback (most recent call last):06:49
Captain_Obliviou  File "/usr/bin/displayconfig-gtk", line 75, in <module>06:49
Captain_Obliviou    app = DisplayConfig(options)06:49
Captain_Obliviou  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/displayconfiggtk/DisplayConfig.py", line 190, in __init__06:49
Captain_Obliviou    debug_scan_pci_filename=self.options.pcitable)06:49
Captain_Obliviou  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/displayconfigabstraction.py", line 392, in __init__06:49
Captain_Obliviou    self._finalizeInit()06:49
Captain_Obliviou  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/displayconfigabstraction.py", line 400, in _finalizeInit06:49
kittykittyi've tried to set the default gateway manually by using the route command06:49
Captain_Obliviou    gfxcard = self.primary_screen._getGfxCard()06:49
Captain_ObliviouAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_getGfxCard'06:49
AtomicSpark!paste > Captain_Obliviou06:49
iceswordere4si, it is that all,thank you for time06:49
Lartza_dont flood!06:49
ere4siicesword, yep :)06:50
kittykittyit still doesnt work, and even using dhclient messes it up when the bridge network is up06:50
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: looks like the install did not go cleanly06:50
Captain_Oblivioui just followed the instructions i was given...06:51
kittykittyok, heres a question someone might beable to answer, why do i keep getting in my resolv.conf when i use dhclient ?06:51
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: did you do the install yourself? did the live-cd handle the display correctly?06:52
Lartza_how could i run webhosting in ubuntu06:52
Lartza_people get ftp acc and limited quota and mysql06:52
Lartza_and something like cpanel06:52
Captain_Obliviougoogling, the ps3 doesnt have enough ram to handle the live boot06:52
obfuscokittykitty: probably from your router06:52
emmaAny alternatives to AutoCAD for Ubuntu users?06:53
Lartza_how could i run webhosting in ubuntu? people get ftp acc and limited quota and mysql and something like cpanel06:53
Dr_willisi use qcad for my cad needs. _ i think theres another cad program or 2 out also06:53
kittykittymy router is, and it is passing the proper dns server and dhclient is sticking in the other ip for some un-known reason06:54
Lartza_can i really send mail from ubuntu mailserver if i dont have domain06:54
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: sorry, probably missed some initial messages, this is on a PS3?06:54
kruqnutthe sudo vi /etc/hosts thing didn't work so good, so i tried to just edit using gedit and put a line after localhost that was BOXMAN06:54
googlingkruqnut: what happened?06:54
kruqnutbut it didn't really work06:54
furythorwhat restricted extras I do need to play most content like videos, DVDs etc ?06:54
Captain_Obliviougoogling, yes06:54
kruqnutwhen the vi program ran it just kinda locked my terminal up06:55
kruqnutnot froze it, but it displayed the text of the hosts file06:55
prince_jammysfurythor: you need ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 for dvds06:55
kruqnutbut i couldn't do anything in it06:55
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: is there a howto for that? ubuntu on ps3?06:55
kruqnutand i couldn't exit it or anything06:55
prince_jammys!medibuntu | furythor06:55
Lowkey_Can someone help me with Beryl?06:55
ubotufurythor: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:55
Captain_Obliviousure, one moment06:55
jamesrdornfurythor, also VLC is a great player for just about everything06:55
kruqnuti had to hit the exit button and reopen terminal06:55
obfuscokittykitty: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file06:55
kruqnutso im not sure what i did wrong06:55
prince_jammys!restricted | furythor06:55
ubotufurythor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:55
bitterbugkruqnut: you need to use vi commands... use colon to do commands at the boottttom for example06:55
Lowkey_I need help with Beryl if anyone can help me :)06:56
bitterbugit's kind of overwhelming. you'll need a cheat sheet.06:56
Travishi i am using ubuntu and CUPS to print to my printer, i am wondering if there is a way to have cups backup my print jobs, like as a PDF as well as print, so we can go back and see what was printed later?06:56
bitterbuglike you can hit "i" for insert... or dd to delete a line06:56
googlingkruqnut: sorry ... I was assuming you've used vi before ... my bad06:56
Captain_Obliviougoogling, http://psubuntu.com/installation-instructions06:56
bitterbugkruqnut: http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html06:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:56
jamesrdornvim is much more user friendly than vi06:57
Lartza_how could i run webhosting in ubuntu? people get ftp acc and limited quota and mysql and something like cpanel06:57
prince_jammysjust use nano or gedit. save vim for after you've done the tutorial06:57
omnistegan #wine06:57
kruqnutwhere do i want to insert this line of text?06:57
googlingCaptain_Obliviou: you probably need to ask someone related to that project06:58
Lowkey_Can anyone help me install Beryl?06:58
Lowkey_I would appreciate it06:58
prince_jammysLartza_: try #ubuntu-server06:58
Captain_Oblivioui really wish they had an IRC...06:58
prince_jammys!beryl | Lowkey_06:58
ubotuLowkey_: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz06:58
lordleemoLartza_: http://howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10  nice simple how to using isp config . http://www.ispconfig.org/index.htm06:58
Lowkey_doesn't help much06:58
FloodBot1Lowkey_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
prince_jammys!compiz | Lowkey_06:59
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:59
ubotuLowkey_: please see above06:59
Lowkey_Thank you06:59
Lartza_lordleemo ispconfig issnt supported anymore or something like that06:59
Lowkey_I'm in that channel06:59
googlingkruqnut: you can add it to the end doing the following: sudo echo "<ip-address> <hostname>" >> /etc/hosts06:59
Lowkey_noone is alive06:59
Captain_ObliviouLowkey_, or you could use 7.1006:59
Lowkey_excuse me?06:59
Captain_Obliviouwhich includes it in gnome07:00
kruqnutin the prompt not VI right?07:00
jamiefoxhi i just got this installed07:00
jamesrdornLowkey_, ubuntu 7.10 has compiz built in07:00
lordleemoLartza_: ok m8 maybe someone else knows ill have a google for you07:00
googlingkruqnut: yes07:00
obfuscokittykitty: might be as a result of the settings on eth0?  try making everything static, if that doesn't cause too much trouble07:00
Lowkey_actually, I think I have 7.1007:00
Lartza_is webmin same than ispconfig?07:00
Lowkey_Thanks :D07:00
jamesrdornVisual Effects tab07:00
jamesrdornit's not as configurable07:00
kittykittyif i just setup both networks, then bridge them using the brctl commands, it still breaks the networking07:01
Lowkey_oh :(07:01
Lartza_i mean i dont know anything about ispconfig, but have webmin installed07:01
jamesrdornbut it works as long as you have a supported card/driver07:01
obfuscokittykitty: why bridging?07:01
Captain_Oblivioujamesrdorn, it is, but you have to install another program...07:01
jamesrdorntry it out07:01
Lowkey_"None, Normal, Extra"07:01
jamesrdornCap_J_L_Picard, right07:01
kittykittycause i have other computers that arn't wireless and i'm borrowing internet from down the street07:01
Captain_Oblivioulet me find it07:01
jamesrdornLowkey_, search around for some compiz config apps that might help you out07:01
kruqnutwhen i did echo command it said bash: permission denied07:01
Lowkey_I'm on the Beryl website07:02
jamesrdornLowkey_, my experiance is the config apps can really screw things up07:02
Lowkey_I see aquamarine07:02
prince_jammysLowkey_: what version of ubuntu do you run?07:02
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:02
Lowkey_I believe its 7.1007:02
Lowkey_I just installed it tonight07:02
computerexHi guys. I have the compiz-fuzion-plugins-extra package installed. Compiz fusion wiki says that 3D windows is part of this package. How can I active it using CCSM?07:02
Lowkey_from the Ubuntu website07:02
obfuscokittykitty: i would say it would be easier to use ssh as a socks proxy by using the -D option07:02
prince_jammysLowkey_: then you don't need beryl -- read the above link for compiz07:02
Captain_ObliviouLowkey_, its called "CCSM"07:03
Lowkey_ok :D07:03
googlingkruqnut: yeah, sudo and >> don't play well together ...07:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:03
* jamesrdorn tips hat07:03
prince_jammysLowkey_: yes, ccsm is the compiz settings manager.  but you can access this from Preferences->Appearance07:03
kruqnutwhat if i went into fulltime admin control(forgot the command)07:03
phixhey, I just intalled Ubuntu 07.10 on my laptop (ASUS F3S).  I have updated packages but I am unable to get the sound (00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)) or Ethernet NIC (02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0)) working.07:03
Lowkey_okay, when I go in there all I see is "None, Normal, Extra"07:03
Captain_ObliviouAdvanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm)07:04
booster__hey guys...i need to know if there is a repository list for 7.10, im looking for the non free packages07:04
jamiefoxi cant change to the second desktop anymore but the wobley windows still work,07:04
phixI have googled this but that didn't help :(07:04
googlingkruqnut: instead: sudo bash, then: echo "<ip> <host>" >>, then: exit07:04
Frogzoo!easysource | booster__07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:04
googlingkruqnut: instead: sudo bash, then: echo "<ip> <host>" >>/etc/hosts, then: exit07:04
phixAny one installed Ubuntu on this laptop? or has any ideas?07:04
Captain_Oblivioujamiefox, Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm) can configure that07:04
kittykittyjust setting up this box as a router from the wireless -> wired network, would be alot easier for the other people, so they don't have to do stupid "login" crap that they're to retarded to do anyways07:04
ere4si!repos | booster__07:05
ubotubooster__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:05
omnisteganHey guys, I installed Wine but it didn't create a ~/.wine/ folder. When I try to run an application with wine, it tells me it fails to create it. The folder is chomodded 777, any suggestions? I've tried reinstalling wine to no avail07:05
jamiefoxok i can have a look, i could change the desktop yesterday but its stopped working now,07:05
kruqnutok it's at the bottom of the file now07:05
googlingkruqnut: another method is to use system->admin->network and add the host specification through the GUI07:05
computerexCan someone please point me to the right path? I have the compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package installed. I would like to activate the 3D windows plug-in, which is part of the package07:06
nickrudomnistegan: I think you need to run wineconfig or some such07:06
kruqnutnow i shoudl try the "smbclient \\\\system\\share" command?07:06
Captain_Oblivioualright, time to try adding these settings again...07:06
googlingkruqnut: you could first try: smbclient -L \\\\system - to check that you can see its shares07:06
phixkruqnut: ummm you can use / instead of \\, you do know that right?07:06
omnistegannickrud: When I try to open the wine config it simply doesn't do anything, no error, when I tried it in a terminal it just brought me to the next line without doing anything07:07
kruqnutyea i know :P07:07
googlingkruqnut: yes, old habits die hard ;)07:07
nickrudomnistegan: I don't even have wine installed. I just remember , did you see Gatton above?07:07
Ryuuzakinussa quanta gente07:08
omnisteganGatton: same failure message as when I tried running an exe. fails to create the directory07:08
jamiefoxi installed amsn and this irc thing this morning, i had wine installed with automatix07:08
Gattonomnistegan, you ran winecfg and it still didn't create the .wine folder?07:08
obfuscokittykitty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111972 looks like the sort of thing you want07:08
oiboyNeed some help07:09
omnisteganGatton: winecfg won't run, it says "creating config directory" and then "Segmentation fault"07:09
Gattonouch. wonder if the wine installation is borked somehow07:10
prince_jammysomnistegan: did you install wine from apt?07:10
ankitjHi all,Need some help07:10
obfusco!ask | oiboy07:10
ubotuoiboy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:10
omnisteganprince_jammys: yes07:10
prince_jammysomnistegan: hmm that's disconcerting07:10
phixso any wy07:11
omnisteganprince_jammys: I actually had a problem with another program creating a directory, I up having to create in manually for the program to work07:11
Robbsterhi all. I'm running gutsy on a lenovo Z61m. The laptop have bluetooth, but the OS doesn't seem to detect it. Worked with Feisty. any ideas?07:11
prince_jammysomnistegan: did you change the permissions of your home dir perchance?07:12
jamiefoxi still cant see how to get the second desktop working again,,07:12
oiboyI'm a total newbie to Linux and made the "jump" Trying to install a .run package says must be run as root07:12
omnisteganprince_jammys: only when I extended them when the problem started.07:12
night_slitherhello all07:12
Robbsteroiboy: run the command and sudo command.run it will prompt for password.07:12
obfusco!sudo | oiboy07:12
ubotuoiboy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.07:12
Robbsterbe careful about what you run as root!07:13
jamiefoxi can only see the three choices of desktop effects. and theres no other settings,07:13
omnisteganHmm, it's created a .wine folder now, somehow.... but when I run winecfg is responds with "Segmentation fault" and fails07:13
prince_jammysomnistegan: gutsy, right?07:14
Robbsterwhat kernel modules am I likely to need for bluetooth?07:14
omnisteganprince_jammys: yes07:14
decayi have bcm43xx installed, but when i run lsmod, i dont see it listed. is this a problem?07:14
ankitjHi all.Need help.I have two ubuntu boxes ,both 7.10 , physically 15 mtrs apart,both connected to Net through adsl modem,and we have wifi enabled in my laptops.Now i want to share files amongst them through wireless.i am pretty naive on this.Help.07:14
jamiefoxi have never got bluetooth to work on any linux distro.07:14
levanderCan anyone tell me why I can mount a share from my Windows box to my Ubuntu box using smbfs but not cifs?07:14
prince_jammysomnistegan: 64 bit?07:15
omnisteganprince_jammys: yes, thats correct07:15
Robbsterlevander: I dont' think that windows can make the share available in anything other tham smbfs07:15
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prince_jammysomnistegan: googling ... seems to be an issue there07:15
phixankitj: I know how to do that07:16
phixHow about I keep on saying hello07:16
luisgmarineHello is there an easy way to change the default ubuntu icon in the menu to something of my own liking, like the gnome foot for starters?07:16
ankitjphix: Thanks in Aadvance07:16
prince_jammysomnistegan: while you/we are figuring this out .. google "ubuntu gutsy wine create .wine segmentation fault"07:16
Robbsterdoes anyone know what kernel modules need to be installed for bluetooth?07:16
jamiefoxhi phix07:16
phixankitj: does ubuntu pick your wireless cards up? can you see it in iwconfig or ifconfig?07:17
levanderRobbster: Okay, I thought cifs was backwards compatible with smbfs?07:17
omnisteganprince_jammys: yup, I'm already on it07:17
phixjamiefox: yay!07:17
phixsome one actually answered me!07:17
luisgmarineprince_jammys: you've helped me before!  How do I change the default ubuntu icon in the menu bar to something else?07:17
phixnow lets try this agai, but instead of saying hello, I will ask my question I asked 5 minutes ago07:17
phixand hopefully this time I get a response07:17
kr0yhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-220443.html can anybosy help me with this?07:17
nickrud!patience | phix07:17
ubotuphix: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:17
ankitjphix:in my office i connect to office wifi07:17
jamiefoxphix i sometime find it easyier tp get answer on linix geeks group on my space than in these chats07:17
phixnickrud: I relise that, you could of at least acknowledged my question :) at least07:18
Robbsterlevander: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block07:18
nickrudphix: this channel is busy enough without 40 people saying 'no freaking clue'07:18
prince_jammysluisgmarine: i don't know of an easy way -- the icon is called "start-here". it's either a png or svg file somewhere in your icon theme07:18
phixankitj: OK GREAT07:18
killowndoes exaile has any lastfm plugin?07:18
decayhas anyone gotten their bcm43xx driver to work?07:19
jamiefoxthere is a ubuntu group on facebook,,join up07:19
phixankitj: ifconfig07:19
phixankitj: iwconfig07:19
decayor the bcm4311 to be more specific07:19
phixI hate face book07:19
levanderRobbster: That page says that CIFS came into being when Microsoft changed the name from SMB and added features.07:19
cafuegodecay: It's worked for years on my 4306es. I don't have a 431107:19
prince_jammysluisgmarine: what icon theme do you use>07:19
phixok so my LAN and Sound isn't working, scroll up for lspci outputs07:19
decaycafuego: =[07:19
cafuegodecay: Do you have the firmware?07:20
jamiefoxwell phix it helps if you turn of all the dumb emails you get sent from there and you can chose to do that07:20
nickrud!bcm43xx |decay: I use the 4311 , took about 5 minutes with this page.07:20
ubotudecay: I use the 4311 , took about 5 minutes with this page.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx07:20
phixankitj: ok so you want to share files between two Linux computers? or Windows boxes as well?07:20
ankitjphix:what to look into that07:20
luisgmarineprince_jammys: nuoveXT-1.607:20
ankitjphix:right now btw ubuntu only..07:20
Robbsterso I was wrong, but when you mount the share, you tell the client what File system to use. I don't think that CIFS is supported as a file system, although google will tell you for sure.07:20
phixankitj: can you see your wireless card in there :)07:20
decaycafuego: yep07:20
decaynickrud: what do you get when you type lspci?07:21
prince_jammysluisgmarine: you know how to view hidden folders in your home dir?07:21
phixankitj: ok well you can use SMB / CIFS, NFS, FTP, AFS, CODA, HTTP, etc. etc., what protocol would you like to use??07:21
luisgmarineprince_jammys: yes, going to do a search now for that start-here.*07:21
ankitjphix:what is easy :)07:21
phixankitj: hmmm ok, that is a problem, what type of wireless card you ot?07:21
phixot = got07:21
decaynickrud: says here i have BCM94311CG wkab07:21
nickrud05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01) Decadent07:21
decaynickrud: same. but rev 0207:21
luisgmarineprince_jammys: nothing :\07:22
phixankitj: personally I would use SMB / CIFS or NFS.  Use SMB / CIFS if you want Windows computers to access it too07:22
nickruddecay: but if you can keep cafuego interested, you got good help07:22
decaynickrud: ill follow the page. thanks (althogh i think i already may have)07:22
decaycafuego where have you been all my life07:22
cafuegodecay: On airplanes07:22
ankitjphix:how do i find what card i use?07:22
prince_jammysluisgmarine: it's probably inheriting the default one from gnome. is there a dir .icons/nouvext or something?07:22
phixankitj: sudo lspci07:22
decaycafuego: likewise. wink next time we cross paths07:22
luisgmarineprince_jammys: yes there is07:22
* cafuego sinks back into his steaming kitchen07:23
prince_jammysluisgmarine: if you copy an icon into the places folder of that dir and name it start-here, it will probably work07:23
decaynickrud: i've tried this07:23
phixankitj: If Ubuntu didnt pick it up you may need to use the Windows XP drivers with ndiswrapper07:23
prince_jammysluisgmarine: otherwise it uses the default07:23
topsteri'm having a problem with KDE apps07:23
decaynickrud: the card's light on my laptop went from red to blue, but when i do iwconfig, the access point is 'invalid'07:23
topsterit started after the last update to KDE libs i think07:23
nickruddecay: you might be one of those who need a later driver and kernel. A sec07:23
luisgmarineprince_jammys: what places folder?07:23
ankitjphix: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)07:23
prince_jammysluisgmarine: inside .icons/nuovext07:24
ankitjphix:it works at office07:24
prince_jammysluisgmarine: is there a places directory somewhere?07:24
topstersome of them, including amarok and konqueror, exit right when they start07:24
* delcoyote mornin'07:24
luisgmarineprince_jammys: yes the one I made under .icons/nouvext/gnome/scalable/places07:24
luisgmarinebut that one doesn't work07:24
phixankitj: oh so it works at the Office in linux?07:24
prince_jammysluisgmarine: you made it?07:25
luisgmarineprince_jammys: yes07:25
phixankitj: you are at home now?07:25
luisgmarineprince_jammys: I ran into that idea when I was googling but that didn't help much07:25
phixankitj: trying to connect it to another Ubuntu box?07:25
nickruddecay: are you sure about the chip info? I found only one russian page for what you gave me07:25
* delcoyote buenos dias07:25
phixankitj: ok, you have an AP at home?07:25
phixankitj: also, are both computers the same?07:25
decaynickrud: one second. it's restarting07:26
phixankitj: do both computers have the same wireless card?07:26
phixankitj: what is in the other one?07:26
decaybtw: i have to boot with 'noapic'07:26
phixankitj: can you see the wireless card using iwconfig?07:26
ankitjphix:one is compaq nc8430 another is dell07:26
luisgmarineluisgmarine: I don't see why the gnome developers don't make this much easier to fix, hopefully the guy developing Ubuntu Tweak will add this option to his todo list07:26
prince_jammysluisgmarine: that won't work unless the dir is mentioned in the file index.desktop or index.theme.   you know what, i don't even think it matters what dir you place the icon in -- just put it into one of the dirs that came with the icon set (filesystems, actions, apps ..) try one of those07:26
nickruddecay: one warning: I know very little about wireless, about all I've spend is that 5 minutes07:26
phixankitj: ok, type in lspci on the other (the one you havnt used at the office)07:26
phixor have you tested both at the office?07:26
* delcoyote morning all07:26
phixdelcoyote: evening07:26
ankitjphix:lo        no wireless extensions.07:26
ankitjeth0      no wireless extensions.07:26
ankitjeth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any07:26
ankitj          Mode:Managed  Frequency=nan kHz  Access Point: Not-Associated07:26
ankitj          Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power:16 dBm07:26
ankitj          Retry limit:15   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:26
FloodBot1ankitj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:26
kruqnutroot@ubuntu:~# sudo smbclient -L ////system07:27
kruqnutConnection to system failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)07:27
kruqnutstill getting that07:27
decaynickrud: and i've spent about 5 hours and were on the same boat07:27
=== praveen_ is now known as praveenr
prince_jammysluisgmarine: yes, creating icon sets is a pain. i've created one myself07:27
zero88Is there any kind of emulator or virtual machine that will run Mac os x on linux???07:27
prince_jammysluisgmarine: there's not enough documentation07:27
Starnestommyzero88: maybe pearpc07:27
phixzero88: VirtualBox07:27
phixzero88: Intel vers though07:28
zero88starnestommy ya im looking at that right now seems and little complicated07:28
phixnot PPC07:28
zero88phix what do you mean intel version?07:28
__mikemVirtual machines are good, but nothing beats a real linux install07:28
googlingkruqnut: I realise this is painful for you having to switch back and forth ...07:28
phixzero88: x8607:28
zero88phix under the guest os, i would pick OS/ right?07:28
kruqnutit's ok07:28
zero88phix oh version of virtualbox?07:28
phixzero88: ?07:28
googlingkruqnut: did you substitute the windows system's name for "system"?07:28
phixzero88: yes07:28
phixzero88: plus the version of Mac OSX you want to install as the guest OS, it needs to be x8607:29
prince_jammysluisgmarine: once you've copied the icon, you have to restart the panel.  you can do this with alt F2 and "killall gnome-panel"07:29
phixnot ppc07:29
zero88phix for type of OS i mean07:29
zero88phix oh07:29
phixzero88: yes07:29
luisgmarineprince_jammys: yeah I tried, with no avail07:29
=== freeman4 is now known as freeman
decaynickrud: yes. BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI07:29
flowOveryou can only run hackintosh vm's07:29
phixzero88: you know how to latest version of Mac OSX only works on an x86 archetecture?07:29
zero88phix well sence i dont have that, is there any other way you know of07:29
kruqnutno lol07:30
phixzero88: You have a PPC version?07:30
kruqnuti didn't know i was supposed to do that07:30
kruqnutim such a newb07:30
zero88phix i have the newest version of osx07:30
ankitjphix:what do i do now07:30
prince_jammysluisgmarine: is this the icon you're seeing:: /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/places/start-here.png07:30
zero88phix ya i just used apt-get to get it07:30
kruqnutwindows system name is the same as the host name right?07:30
phixzero88: so it is x86 based then07:30
phixzero88: great07:30
flowOversince osx isn't a versatile os and is only designed for a small set of hardware, it sucks as a vm07:30
phixankitj: hi07:30
googlingkruqnut: yes07:30
ankitjphix:to make it appear in iwconfig07:30
kruqnutlol brb07:30
phixankitj: ok so did both of your laptops work in the office?07:31
phixankitj: or have you only tested one?07:31
zero88phix is this needed?  Please use a Darwin installation CD (instructions) for partitioning of the harddisk.07:31
phixzero88: yeah07:31
phixzero88: I dont know07:31
ankitjphix:the others is my friends,and it works for him also when we have a wifi connection07:31
luisgmarinehold on prince_jammys, I think I'm up to something07:31
phixzero88: I have never installed Mac OSX07:31
nickruddecay: then you have the exact chip I have07:31
zero88phix oh07:31
thinman1189I'm trying to install TrueCrypt on gutsy amd64. I downloaded the Ubuntu .deb from their site and when I clicked to install it said wrong architecture. Anyone know how to get it working on 64bit?07:31
ankitjphix:what we dont know is how to connect to each other..07:31
phixankitj: ok so you have an AP?07:31
hellmojhey ppl07:32
decaynickrud: but it's rev 0207:32
prince_jammysluisgmarine: try also copying it as " distributor-logo"07:32
flowOverzero88: you'd need to setup partitions on a virtual disk first, and then install osx07:32
hellmojI'm new to this07:32
ankitjphix:what is an AP?07:32
phixankitj: Access point07:32
decaynickrud: also when i do pccardctl ident, the physical ID for it says 007:32
zero88flowOver, oh, thats what that means. ok thanks07:32
flowOveryou also need a hacked install disc, not a real one.  since a vm isn't official apple hardware07:32
nickruddecay: I got the dell driver off their site, and used bcm43xx-fwcutter on that.07:32
decayevery other hardware has a number, this for this it says -007:32
phixankitj: you could setup ad-hoc mode (computer to computer) but using an AP is better :)07:32
flowOverthat's not so much illegal as it's against the user agreement07:32
ankitjphix:i have a adsl modem07:32
dannyboyhow do i enable 3d desktop with beryl ?07:32
decaynickrud: you mean ndiswrapper07:32
nickruddecay: it's a pci card, not a pc card07:32
zero88flowOver, wht do you mean. now i have to tamper with my .iso?07:33
phixankitj: does your ADSL modem have wireles on it too?07:33
flowOverzero88:  if all you got is a real osx disc i wouldn't pursue it any further07:33
ankitjphix:nn,i have wireless in my laptop only..07:33
decaynickrud: how did you use dell's drivers with fwcutter?07:33
nickrudDecadent: no, fwcutter. It takes the firmware from the windows driver, and sticks into /lib/firmware so the bcm43xx driver can find it07:33
Dr_willisdannyboy,  wny not use compiz-fusion?07:33
decaydid you mean ndiswrapper?07:33
zero88flowOver, well a burned iso07:33
phixankitj: oh ok, so how are you going to connect to the other computer then if it doesn't have wireless?07:33
flowOveryou need a developer's iso that's been hacked07:34
zero88flowOver, how do you know about this?07:34
flowOverthe internets07:34
decaynickrud: i meant 'lchw'. when i run that, it says the physical ID is 007:34
dannyboyDr_willis: im using 7.04...plus i like beryl better for reason...07:34
zero88flowOver, wouldnt it tell me on the pearpc site though?07:34
ankitjphix:both have wireless in there laptops07:34
Dr_willisdannyboy,  berly is basicially dead.. good luck. I guess.. read its docs and see how to start it.07:34
luisgmarineprince_jammys: nope nothing07:35
flowOverzero88: that's olllld style apple osx07:35
flowOverit's a power arch emulator.. and sucks07:35
kruqnu1woohoo i've moved onto the next error07:35
zero88flowOver, oh... so theres nothing out there?07:35
kruqnu1ok so i did the smbclient -L ////BOXMAN07:35
kruqnu1that returned fine07:36
phixI cant get sound or LAN working on my laptop (ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.22)07:36
flowOverleopard would run at a snails pace on a g5 and you want to run it on an emulator ;)07:36
nickruddecay: so does mine07:36
phixankitj: ok, so set one as an AP07:36
flowOverzero88: ther's osx86 project07:36
prince_jammysluisgmarine: hmm "distributor-logo" and "start-here" should work. i've done it myself (with extension .png or .svg, whatever it is.  and the same size as your other icons)07:36
decaynickrud: thanks. that made me feel better07:36
googlingkruqnu1: and display the share you are interested in?07:36
ankitjphix:how do i do that?07:36
flowOverbut it's grey area with copyright issues07:36
phixankitj: iwconfig $WLAN_NAME mode master07:36
phixankitj: on one of them07:36
phixankitj: replace $WLAN_NAME with the name of your wireless interface07:36
luisgmarineprince_jammys: when I changed the start-here it automatically changed the others too07:36
phixankitj: also you need to set a essid and a key07:37
phixankitj: that will give you basic WEP07:37
kruqnu1then i did smbclient -L ////BOXMAN//share07:37
zero88flowOver, cool thanks07:37
thinman1189what are all the .wav files in home directory for?07:37
kruqnu1and i got this error: http://pastebin.com/d1632baf307:37
phixkruqnu1: use / instead if \\07:37
kruqnu1well thats the results07:37
prince_jammysluisgmarine: try logging back in07:37
kruqnu1i did07:37
flowOverand even if you get it running, osx is no good at running on any machine that it's not tuned for.  this include virtual machines07:37
ankitjphix:how do i find the name of my wireless interface?07:37
phixankitj: iwconfig07:37
dannyboyDr_willis: well theres video of beryl and a matrix theme running with beryl so i wanna know how to enable the 3d desktop07:37
oxeimonso, I have an external hard drive, but when I plug it in, I can't see it. I can't even see the entry in /media/07:37
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decaynickrud: which version and bit of buntu are you running?07:38
zwoxhi there07:38
oxeimoncan someone plz help07:38
phixankitj: it will tell you that one of the cards in your computer has wireless support07:38
nickruddecay: 7.1007:38
zero88flowOver, true i just want to get it up and running at least . i didnt want to get the iso for nuthin07:38
nickruddecay: 64bit also07:38
ankitjit doesnt says so07:38
decaywhich laptop?07:38
ankitjit says07:38
ere4siI checked in synaptic to see which version of gnome my ubuntu is using but gnome isn't installed - lots of gnome apps but not gnome?07:38
flowOverthat iso probably won't help you07:38
nickruddecay: gateway 654107:38
ankitjeth0      no wireless extensions.07:38
flowOverunless you've got a macbook or some official hardware, then you can install it natively07:39
Dr_willisdannyboy,  beryl became merged into compiz fusion, theres no need to  bother with beryl any more07:39
nickrudor 6451 , i can never keep the numbers straight07:39
ankitjphix:eth0      no wireless extensions.07:39
zero88flowOver, why wont it07:39
Dr_willisdannyboy,  install compiz fusion if you want the fancy 3d desktop07:39
phixok so it isn't eth0 then07:39
googlingkruqnu1: looks like you need to give it a valid username and password just to see what shares are available - what is the share name you are interested in?07:39
zero88flowOver, wats the purpose of emulators than07:39
phixankitj: what other interfaces you got there?07:39
decaynickrud: you think if i tried the dell drivers, it would work? (since its the same wireless card)07:39
zwoxI upgrade for hardy and so I get a wlan0_rename instead of the good interface name07:39
dannyboyDr_willis how do i install it?07:39
ankitjphix:i think it is eth1 then..07:39
flowOvera virtual machine isn't an emulator, and a ppc emulator isn't exactly a good solution07:39
prince_jammysere4si: the package ubuntu-desktop is gnome07:39
zwoxand so i' ve change the udev rules and the modules loaded07:39
kruqnu1theres one just named C07:39
Dr_willis!compiz | dannyboy07:39
ubotudannyboy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:39
kruqnu1it accepted my anonymous login tho07:39
ere4siprince_jammys, thnx07:40
zero88flowOver, true07:40
ankitjphix:it says eth1    Mode:Managed  Frequency=nan kHz  Access Point: Not-Associated07:40
nickruddecay: most likely. I'd suggest going to your manufacturer's site, and getting the wireless driver there07:40
zwoxand i get back the good name, but ii have also the master device listed by both iwconfgig and ifconfig07:40
phixankitj: yep, it is eth107:40
phixankitj: ok type the command in I told you before07:40
ankitjphix :coolness07:40
flowOverapple also locks out installs on anything other than officially identified hardware07:40
ankitjphix:so both have the it as eth107:40
prince_jammysere4si: also "about gnome" in your menu should say the version07:40
ste-foyCan we talking aboth ubuntu ?07:41
googlingkruqnu1: accepted, but didn't display anything, the command needs to be: smbclient //boxman/c - but you will need to add a username option too07:41
zwoxso that is not the main problem but, i get in trouble trying to use aircrack07:41
ere4siprince_jammys, excellent :)07:41
phixankitj: then type in iwconfig eth1 essid YourWirelessName and then iwconfig eth1 key s:ThisIsAGayKey or something with 13 ASCII characters :)07:41
kruqnu1well i need to access the D drive actually, its shared as (D) Data(at least as i can see from windows)07:41
decaynickrud:  i still don't understand why you needed dell's driver though. I'm reading the link you sent me, doesnt mention anything07:41
kruqnu1but windows doesn't have any usernames or passwords setup currently07:41
phixankitj: only one of your laptops is set the mode master, the other one you leave it on the default mode (which is managed)07:41
hellmojhey ppl07:41
kruqnu1u think i need to set some up?07:41
nickruddecay: I knew it was a dell card I had in this machine07:41
ankitjphix:it says   Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :07:42
ankitj    SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.07:42
zwoxso is there a way to get the wirelesse device correctly linked or not yet ?07:42
Hoardewhat's a good desktop manager other than the one that comes with ubuntu ?07:42
flowOvernickrud: it may be a dell card but the chipset is made by someone else.  look for the model of chipset it uses07:42
decaynickrud: but i mean, it's not needed. we need the fwcutter. if we were using ndiswrapper, then yes, wed need the manufacturer's driver. or maybe im just too lost07:42
googlingkruqnu1: did you create the share as read/write?07:42
kruqnu1it has full permissions07:43
prince_jammysHoarde: KDE and gnome are the most popular, but there's others. to install kde, do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:43
nickrudflowOver: I'm talking about something that worked here. I knew the chipset and the manufacturer, so I got that manufacturer's driver. I'm suggesting that decay get the driver from the manufacturer of his laptop07:43
googlingkruqnu1: was there an option for anyone to access it (don't have a windows machine handy right now)?07:43
prince_jammys!desktop | Hoarde07:43
ubotuHoarde: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors07:43
decaynickrud: once you downloaded the driver, how did you use it on linux?07:44
googlingkruqnu1: then try: smbclient //boxman/d07:44
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:44
ankitjphix:it says Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.07:44
nickruddecay:   sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -l , made sure the driver version was supported. Then bcm43xx-fwcutter <somefile>.inf iirc07:45
Hoardeprince_jammys: Yeah... I had issues with turning eye candy on where I would lose my top menu bar things... This isnt a strong machine (1800XP+ with GF440MX) but I'd like to have *some* eye candy.07:45
thinman1189!ubotu will you marry me?07:45
kiese17! :D07:46
prince_jammysHoarde: if you want to keep it very light, there's xfce (xubuntu-desktop).  to keep it ultra-light, there's fluxbox (which is pretty cool looking, but not that easy to configure)07:46
decaynickrud:  <somefile>.inf being dell's window's inf file, right?07:46
reppelHi, ho do i upgrade to Hardy?07:46
froldreppel: from?07:47
Starnestommyreppel: try #ubuntu+107:47
greenmanwitchwhen booting, how do I get rid of the splash screen?07:47
HoardeI thought xubuntu was another linux thing? do I need to wipe and reinstall it?07:47
nickruddecay: after I extracted the driver, what I ended up with was all of the *.fw files in the DRIVER subdir of the extracted driver in /lib/firmware. But you need to be sure you get the right driver, so you get the right firmware07:47
Starnestommythat channel knows more about hardy07:47
Hoardelike installing Win98 over winxp ?07:47
froldwhen will 8.04 be out when we talk about upgrading :D07:47
prince_jammysHoarde: you don't need to uninstall anything to try the other desktops. you just install them, and select which you want from the login screen (under "sessions")07:48
greenmanwitchfrold: I think   it is 24/407:48
iceswordfrold: when?#ubuntu+107:48
SatManwill I break any laws if I install Windows 98 in virtual machine?07:48
kruqnu1yea i had permission set for everyone, with full control07:48
prince_jammysHoarde: you can do it without any commitment07:48
alkastevewe'd make you walk the plank?07:48
kruqnu1i added "ANONYMOUS LOGON" maybe that will help07:48
prince_jammysHoarde: linux style :)07:49
decaynickrud: i'm confused. lol. would you mind guiding me? i believe i have most of it set up here07:49
StarnestommySatMan: if it's pirated, you broke the law by obtaining the pirated copy.07:49
greenmanwitchSatMan: possession of 98 pirated is illegal07:49
kruqnu1ill be back to try again07:49
googlingkruqnu1: what version of windows?07:49
greenmanwitchSatMan: but most will turn a blind eye to that07:49
froldokay greenmanwitch07:49
googlingkruqnu1: ok07:49
kruqnu1xp pro07:49
killowndoes exaile has any lastfm plugin?07:49
Hoardeprince_jammys: kay... I'm in add/remove applications and I cant find a search for xubuntu ?07:49
flowOvernot in canada you didn't break any laws07:49
ankitjphix:it gives error; invalid argument07:49
flowOver;) :D07:49
SatManhow can I purchase windows 98/ME (any cheapest windows version)>07:49
greenmanwitchkillown: #exaile, yes07:49
flowOverthey don't sell it anymore07:49
flowOveryou're only allowed ot buy one of the $300 versions07:50
prince_jammysHoarde: mmmm. search using Synaptic instead, or just type:::  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop     in a terminal07:50
SatManis there a way to encrypt the content of a virtual machine? =)07:50
Hoarde208 meg07:51
greenmanwitchHow do I get out of the splash screen when booting ubuntu?07:51
prince_jammysHoarde: "add/remove" is not as comprehensive as Synaptic (or apt-get)07:51
Hoardeprince_jammys: To be honest... I dont know what that means... I just look at the button that says "Add/Remove" and there's a whole lot of stuff that isnt ticked07:51
SatManwhich is $300 now?07:51
thirdyGood pm everyone07:52
nickruddecay: looking at some stuff, refreshing my memory07:52
nickruddecay: do you have bcm43xx-fwcutter installed?07:53
prince_jammysHoarde: add/remove is one way of installing software, but it doesn't have all the packages available.  there's another app called "synaptic" in your System->Administration menu07:53
decaynickrud: yes. (on the link you sent me, i did the top part, i plugged in an ethernet cord and installed the restricted driver, aka fwcutter)07:53
tyguaikestyle ubuntu ?07:54
froldgreenmanwitch: you were right according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule07:54
flowOverSatMan: that was only a stab at microsofts pricing scheme.07:54
flowOvermost of the os's they sell are > $30007:54
greenmanwitchfrold: wow, and I don't even use ubuntu. What's the point of wikipedia when there is me? :D07:54
prince_jammysHoarde: another way is from the command line.  the way you would do it is to go Applications->Terminal and on the prompt type:::  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop     hit enter, type your password, and it will install07:54
nickruddecay: ok, we're gonna do the server version. But first,   lsmod | grep ndiswrapper , make sure it's not running07:54
phixankitj: hmmmm, set to adhoc mode then07:55
Hoardeyeah I did the terminal one07:55
froldI guess greenmanwitch is a wikipedia bot....07:55
phixankitj: set adhoc on both07:55
GiddyKongumm ive got a strange problem07:55
GiddyKongthe outside of my windows are gone :S07:55
greenmanwitchfrold: hehehe07:56
decaynickrud: typed that, nothing happened07:56
prince_jammysHoarde: once, that's done, you can log out and on the login screen click on "session" and change it to "xubuntu" or "xfce" and you'll login with the xubuntu desktop07:56
davidGiddyKong: i suppose you installed compiz?07:56
nickruddecay: good.  lsmod | grep bcm07:56
phixankitj: which computer is connected to the ADSL modem?07:56
GiddyKongumm yeah07:56
davidquick assumption: you removed decorations07:56
Daisuke_IdoGiddyKong: alt-f2, type emerald --replace07:56
thirdywhats the best archive extractor for Rar for ubuntu?07:56
Hoardeprince_jammys: why is it called "Sessions" ?07:56
GiddyKongthanks :D07:56
Hoardeoh... done... Brb07:56
davidGiddyKong: reenable them ;)07:56
decaynickrud: get 3 things listed07:56
Dr_willis!rar  | thirdy07:56
ubotuthirdy: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:56
prince_jammysHoarde: each time you login it's called a "session"07:56
GiddyKongummm alt+f2 isnt working07:56
nickruddecay: ok.  sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx07:57
phixankitj: ok, apt-get install bridge-utils on that computer07:57
ankitjphix:i have set ad-hoc on both,then..07:57
Fri13thirdy: Gnome default, file-roller, install unrar package.07:57
phixankitj: the compaq07:57
ankitjphix:only on one?07:57
decaynickrud: ok. now wireless light went from blue to red07:57
hellmojwill someone plz meg so I can see if this is working07:57
decaynickrud: however, computer froze07:57
Dr_willishellmoj,  whats working?07:57
nickruddecay: next, froze?07:57
nickrud!cn | tyguaike07:58
davidtyguaike: english only07:58
ubotutyguaike: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:58
decayyea, let me reboot07:58
hellmojI'm new and didnt know if it was working07:58
daviddecay: whan nic is that?07:58
decaynickrud: network interface card?07:59
Daisuke_Ido!en | amazing and tyguaike07:59
ubotuamazing and tyguaike: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:59
david!cn | amazing tyguaike07:59
nickrud!en | amazing tyguaike07:59
ubotuamazing tyguaike: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:59
ubotuamazing tyguaike: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:59
nickruddecay: huh?07:59
decaynickrud: what do you mean nic?07:59
davidwhat brand/model07:59
prince_jammysnetwork interface card07:59
davidI'm thinking D-link08:00
prince_jammysoh oops, i see it's already up there08:00
googlingkruqnu1: yes08:00
ankitjphix:i installed bridge-utils08:00
kruqnu1i am reading of people getting this error but still being able to connect the other way08:00
decaynickrud: ok i rebooted08:00
kruqnu1like from xp to samba08:00
decaydo you want me to type those commands again?08:01
davidtyguaike and ankitj: english please08:01
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kruqnu1so how do i setup a samba server or whatever and gconnect to it from windows?08:01
phixankitj: ok, on the compaq type in sudo brctl addbr br0; sudo brctl addif br0 eth0; sudo brctl addif br0 eth1; sudo killall dhclient; sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo ifconfig eth1 up; sudo dhclient br008:01
thinman1189"From the beginning of the project Linux Mint quickly became popular and is now among08:01
thinman1189the most used PC operating system in the World." Someone has got to be high.08:01
phixankitj: then on your other laptop type in sudo dhclient eth108:01
nickruddecay: don't see myself saying nic :) But anyway, after you've got back to a working state, go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy#head-2f53cc3bbd7c0523ad825683c82e32d48d5bd6db and do steps 3 and for (after the or, the direct wget part)08:01
phixankitj: ok, on the compaq type in sudo brctl addbr br0; sudo brctl addif br0 eth0; sudo brctl addif br0 eth1; sudo killall dhclient; sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo ifconfig eth1 up; sudo dhclient br008:01
IndyGunFreakthinman1189: lol, that does seem to be a stretch08:02
daviddecay: what brand and model of Card are you using?08:02
ankitjphix:what does this do,for my fyi?08:02
phixI cant get sound or LAN working on my laptop (ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.22)08:02
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googlingkruqnu1: here's a link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:02
decaynickrud:  oh sorry it was david08:02
ankitjphix:i ma concerned for my eth0..08:02
phixankitj: sets up a bridge08:02
phixankitj: links eth0 and eth1 into one virtual network card08:02
decaydavid: not sure. its a broadcom wireless, bcm431108:02
phixankitj: this is needed so your other laptop can get an IP address from your ADSL router / modem08:03
daviddecay: it's an internal nic?08:03
thinman1189IndyGunFreak: it's from the history section of their user guide. I thought I'd try it out on my laptop for fun but I don't like being lied to..08:03
phixankitj: you have DHCP enabled on your adsl router / modem right?08:03
decaydavid: yes laptop08:03
decaynickrud: so i have to type thos commands again before doing that, right?08:03
daviddecay: what brand of laptop?08:03
IndyGunFreakthinman1189: yah, its a good distro though08:03
decaydavid: compaq f730us08:03
nickruddecay: bring david up to speed08:03
phixankitj: if all else fails just reboot, it wont save the settings08:03
davidfor crying out loud tyguaike08:03
phixankitj: once it works then you can edit /etc/network/interfaces and add it in there08:03
IndyGunFreakthinman1189: it fills a void for users scared to use a distro that doesn't hav emultimedia support "out of the box", and the GUI sucks to(but that can be changed)08:04
decaynickrud: ok. david broadcom wireless, bcm43xx rev 0208:04
googlingkruqnu1: you'll need to set the domain to VILLAIRE08:04
nickrud!en | tyguaike (last warning) amazing please translate if needed08:04
ubotutyguaike (last warning) amazing please translate if needed: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat08:04
decaydavid: tried using both with ndiswrapper and fwcutter but no go08:04
magnetron!jp | tyguaike08:04
ubotutyguaike: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:04
magnetron!zh | tyguaike08:04
ubotutyguaike: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:04
decaynickrud: so, before doing server install, do i run all those commands you typed before?08:05
tyguaikeubuntu use QQ?08:05
magnetrontyguaike: yes.08:05
thinman1189IndyGunFreak: seems like it. That's sort of why I was trying it out. I'm taking AP Comp Sci at school and it's such a joke that the teacher doesn't even know what Linux is. I'm trying to find something I can give the class that will just work "out of the box." As much as I like ubuntu, and doubt I'd change anytime soon, some of these kids don't even know the keyboard short cuts to cut and paste...08:05
nickruddecay: you've already got the fwcutter, you should only need to wget the firmware bundle and then run bcm43xx-fwcutter as in step 408:05
tyguaikeconfig ?08:05
magnetrontyguaike: use the program called "Pidgin"08:06
decaynickrud: but when i wrote modproble -r <something> it froze, remember?08:06
tyguaikeuse pidgin can't login08:06
nickruddecay: that's why I picked up at the web page.08:06
magnetrontyguaike: add a new account, choose type "QQ" in the list08:07
decaynickrud: ok. i just typed it again and didnt' freeze08:07
daviddecay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=643195&highlight=f700&page=408:07
tyguaikei try a gain08:07
davidbest I could find08:07
zero88How would i go about making my own theme like the themes on gnome-look.org08:07
nickruddecay: ok. Then after you've done the 2 web page steps, sudo modprobe bcm43xx08:07
decaydavid: i couldn't even ge tthat far. when i do iwconfig, it says wireless point is invalid08:07
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IndyGunFreakthinman1189: i don't know, maybe their claim has some validity.08:08
daviddecay: you just want to use it as a normal "client" right?08:08
decaynickrud: done. light went from red to blue again08:08
decaydavid: not sure what that means but sounds right08:08
davidregular use08:08
thinman1189IndyGunFreak: how so?08:08
davidno hosting or whatnot08:09
nickruddecay: you did the wget, the bcm43xx-fwcutter -w ?08:09
uptownbenI'm having a little trouble changing my screen resolution, I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 desktop on a VMware VM, when I try to reduce the resolution nothing happens even after reboot, any ideas?08:09
IndyGunFreakthinman1189: you figure.. MS OS's will be a large majority, then Apple, then various forums of linux, so if its int he top side of Linx distros used, it could be one of "the most used"...   http://distrowatch.com/08:09
decaynickrud: no not yet. i have to take the laptop downstairs and connect with a wire, brb08:09
steve176hi. I want to create a shared directory '/var/maven2/repository'. any user should be able to add/modify/delete any files beneath this directory. Is there a way to override the users default permissions that will enable them to do this?08:09
decaynickrud: are you getting me to do the server install?08:10
thinman1189IndyGunFreak: Yeah I noticed it was in the top 10. But I'm sure there's a huge difference in users of ubuntu and mint, or gentoo.08:10
nickruddecay: it's just another way of installing the firmware.08:10
IndyGunFreakthinman1189: oh no doubt about it...08:10
decaynickrud: alright. brb08:10
IndyGunFreakbut ti is probably more popular than most of us realize08:10
Dracosteve176: chown it to the users group, and chmod all with x6x or x7x08:11
ankitj_phix:after i entered the command ,i was thrown out of network08:14
biabia_is there a command to tell what filesystem the hdd is set to? ext2 ext3 or whatever08:15
kittykittyobfusco: thanks for the help, i finally got it working08:15
ankitj_phix:ping command said :operation not permitted08:15
davidbiabia_: fdisk -l ?08:15
davidbiabia_: sorry that was wrong :P08:16
prince_jammysno, that works08:16
biabia_as root it gives some data but not precisely what i need08:16
steve176Draco: After chown owner is 'root:users' and chmod is '575' recursively, but now cannot create new directories or files08:17
davidbiabia_: my brain just stopped08:17
davidI know this.. :/08:17
TEXASDEATHRIDEdavid, you entered two periods.08:17
TEXASDEATHRIDEThat's a bad practice.08:17
prince_jammysyou could just type "mount"08:17
prince_jammysthat will show you everything that's currently mounted, filesystem and so on08:18
uptownbenDoes 7.10 have problems with changing resolution?08:18
davidTEXASDEATHRIDE: 13/f/texas08:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:19
sanjeev_phix:now,i m on dell08:20
Hoardekay.... I'm running xubuntu which seems ok, but now all my fonts for apps are really really small (like size 6-7) I did the Settings->User Interface Preferences and increased it (which helped reading the menu's) but everything in firefox/xchat etc is still small08:21
HoardeMy screen is a spare 22" dell (1680x1050)08:21
sanjeev_phix:now i can do some experiments on this machine08:21
prince_jammysHoarde: maybe your screen resolution is too high08:22
Hoardeeven the terminal thing (where you type in commands) is small08:22
=== andi_ is now known as anidkl
TEXASDEATHRIDESS      HH   HH  III    TTT    BB   B   AAAAA  LL      LL      SS08:22
Hoardesurely I can just change the default font size?08:22
anidklnick andikl08:22
TEXASDEATHRIDE     SS HH   HH  III    TTT    BB   BB AAAAAAA LL      LL           SS08:22
prince_jammysHoarde: i don't know how to change that in xubuntu, but it sounds like your screen res is too high, if everything shrunk08:22
sanjeev_phix:i m logged in as sanjeev_ on dell08:23
Hoarde... This is so hard! *pulls hair out*08:23
hpany one knows where i can find this file bcmwl5.inf?08:23
SunsparcSolarisIm having trouble with my crontab. "19 3  * * * /home/brandon/heyuwakeup" will absolutely not execute.08:24
BlinkizAm looking for a download manager that can split downloads up in parts. I get higher speed this way. Under Windows it exist many program but I have only found one under linux, Aria. On my computer, Aria is damaging my downloads. Anyone that can recommend another download manager?08:24
SunsparcSolarisI have another script in my home dir that will execute with a similar command location08:24
HoardeI'm gonna get some beer... that should help08:25
prince_jammysHoarde: excellent idea08:25
SunsparcSolarisSomeone know why one command will execute from crontab but not another? >_>08:26
decaynickrud: fail =(08:27
nickruddecay: the fwcutting or the wireless?08:27
=== cew2_imoet is now known as ardira
steve176decay - what laptop do you have?08:28
decaySteve compaq f73008:30
=== cew2_imoet is now known as ardira
nickruddecay: Well, I've pretty much exhausted my wireless skills.08:33
=== SunsparcSolaris is now known as PinkFloyd102489
wasabi__is there any way to run the gnome run application dialog if you're running a windows manager other than metacity?08:34
PinkFloyd102489nickrud: Could you help me with a crontab problem?08:34
nickrudPinkFloyd102489: actually I'm heading for bed.08:34
decaynickrud: it's alright. thanks very much for the help08:34
PinkFloyd102489nickrud: alright08:35
steve176decay: sorry, got wireless working last week with a dell 152508:35
steve176decay: took best part of 3 days :(08:35
Dr_williswasabi__,  there are alternative 'run command' dialog program out there. :) i dont knwo if gnomes is a specific app or not. but others do exist08:35
decaySteve congrats =( ive spent all day today =/08:35
wasabi__Dr_willis, hmm i've been trying to search for it but it doesn't work08:35
wasabi__i mean i can't find them08:35
Dr_willisI recall one for blackbox i think callee bbrun08:36
Dr_willis!find bbrun08:36
ubotuFound: bbrun08:36
Dr_willis!info bbrun08:36
ubotubbrun (source: bbrun): A tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers that runs commands. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-4 (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 104 kB08:36
wasabi__wow nice08:36
steve176decay: I take it you've been round the 7.10 restricted drivers manager root?08:37
decaySteve: yes. =]08:38
decayat least 3x actually08:38
decayi have tried so much stuff that sometimes i just reinstalled, to bring everything to 0 again08:38
steve176decay: I did that too!08:38
decayi just want it to work. =[08:38
steve176decay: what eventually worked for me was this http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/Wireless/Truemobile_ndiswrapper (however it's a dell document so don't know whether it will work with compaq)08:39
steve176decay: but even after that there was lots of messing about08:39
=== james_ is now known as lwizardl
wasabi__what's weird is that i found this. http://gruyere.ucd.ie/~davide/gnome_run.html is was made to invoke run command without metacity running. and it works with blackbox etc, but i can't get it to work with awesomewm08:40
decaysteve176: which card do you have?08:40
steve176decay: bcm1430 I think (it was for my mum so she's got the laptop now it's working)08:41
decayah okay08:41
Guest61793http://bux.to/?r=ezis15 easy money! SORRY FOR SPAMMING ^^08:42
phixI cant get sound or LAN working on my laptop (ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.22)08:42
wasabi__!info callee08:43
ubotuPackage callee does not exist in gutsy08:43
wasabi__!info calee08:43
ubotuPackage calee does not exist in gutsy08:43
steve176decay: sorry bcm431008:43
decaysteve176:  thanks =)08:44
decayim gonna stop for tonight. its almost 4am08:44
light50 /umode -w08:44
froldanyone using mozilla-vlc-plugin? Howto get the control panel, so I can pause, or go forward?08:44
=== HashBox_1 is now known as HashBox
wasabi__Dr_willis, thanks for the tip on bbrun08:45
phixI cant get sound or LAN working on my laptop (ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.22)08:50
AndrooI'm using straight Debian Etch and I'm trying to add http://debian.o-hand.com/unstable to my apt sources.  apt-cache update goes fine, but none of the packages I'm looking for that are in that directory show up.  Need some help.08:50
Daisuke_IdoAndroo: this is #ubuntu, not #debian08:51
AndrooDaisuke_Ido: I realise that.  #debian is pretty useless right now, and Ubuntu has apt.08:52
Daisuke_Idodoesn't make it the same thing08:52
Daisuke_Idomint has apt too, we don't support it either08:52
Rebel_EclipsedGreets How can I "force Mount" my window's partition?08:53
decaynickrud: could i have you files that you got from dell? HP only gives it as a setup file08:53
Daisuke_Idobut...  instead of apt-cache update, have you tried apt-get update?08:53
* Daisuke_Ido facepalms08:53
Strawberryjamhehehe :)08:53
Strawberryjamsensitive huh?08:54
Daisuke_Ido#debian's going to tear him apart.08:54
sioux:) too early for ubuntu-kernel irc talks?08:54
Daisuke_Idostupid enter key...  let's move on from that unfortunate incident...08:55
Rebel_EclipsedDaisuke_Ido do you know how I can force mount my windows partition?08:55
StrawberryjamI am amazed at how much you can learn here by just looking at the screen :)08:55
Badrobothi Does anyone in here uses those Huawei/vofafone usb 3G/HSPDA modem?08:55
Dr_willisntfs-3g hhas a force option08:56
phixhow is ntfs-3g? good write support yet?08:56
Strawberryjami installed gutsy and all my windows partitions is listed and mounted...how did that happen08:57
Daisuke_Idophix: writing to ntfs is no longer categorized as "an idea right up there with dousing one's self in brown gravy and getting into a wrestling match with a rabid wolverine"08:57
Daisuke_Idoso...  it's a lot better08:57
phixDaisuke_Ido: oh ok, so it is good now?08:58
Dr_willisntfs-3g works fine for me.08:58
Strawberryjamsorry noob here, i just installed and...there it was08:58
Rebel_EclipsedStrawberryjam mine was listed and mounted as well, but I had an unclean dismount and now need to force mount it.08:58
pliumbumhello everybody. I installed ubuntu gutsy through wubi. how can i reach my windows files?08:58
Strawberryjamoh ok08:58
Rebel_EclipsedDr_willis what is ntfs-3g ??08:58
Daisuke_Idophix: it is safe08:58
Strawberryjamsee...you learn every day08:58
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:58
Rebel_EclipsedI really dislike windows... but there is one or two programs I use that are not able to run under wine08:59
pliumbumI assume that ubuntu-wubi works on ntfs, do i need a migration tool?08:59
phixDr_willis: how do I get sound and LAN working on my lappy?08:59
Dr_willissafer then the ext2 driver for windows. :)08:59
Dr_willisphix,  no idea. :) install the latest alsa drivers if your stuff is not currently supported I guess. :)08:59
phixDr_willis: they are09:00
Badrobotso no one?09:00
Dr_willisas for lan. No idea. Depends on the chipset. It could be the laptop is so new . the drivers are not in linux yet.09:00
Daisuke_Idoinstalled ubuntu for a friend of mine today, dual boot with xp.  everything went great, except for one little problem.  he has a secondary hard drive that is causing ubuntu to not boot.  the only way for him to boot into linux is to disable the drive in the bios09:00
Dr_willisnewer kernel may have  drivers for them09:00
phixDr_willis: unless there is a alpha ubuntu package I can use09:00
Dr_willisphix,  could try a hardy live cd. see if it works with them09:00
phixDr_willis: ok09:00
phixDr_willis: lspci is telling me it is the same NIC card that is in my desktop09:02
phixDr_willis: which works09:02
phix(ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.22)09:02
Dr_williscould be you found an actual bug in the nic driver. or the company chaned the chipset or somthing then.09:02
phixwhen I load the atl1 drivers / module nothing happens09:02
phixDr_willis: yeah09:02
phixDr_willis: and the sound card, as you can see, is being picked up as an intel HCD09:03
Dr_willisLa[tops can  really mess things up. :) my old laptop dident have good linux support for   2 releases.09:03
StrawberryjamI have GUtsy Studio and need to install the upgrade for my emu1212 PCI. All methods listed on alsa and ubuntu forums messes my install...any ideas?09:04
Tired_I'm trying to combine two live cds on one bootable SD card.  Can I make Syslinux call isolinux to boot the other cd?09:05
VoltxionIm very new to this, will grub detect my windows XP install when I install Ubuntu onto another drive?09:05
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:05
Dr_willisTired_,  ive heard of it being done. That Pendrive linux site may have some tips.09:05
Tired_Hi ubotu09:05
Dr_willisVoltxion,  yes09:06
Tired_grub surprises me with how smart it is, often09:06
petrescudan2007 all09:06
steve176hi. I'm trying to create a shared directory, with full rw permissions for all users. I tried chown -R root:users and chmod 2775 but I still get permission denied when creating new files.09:06
VoltxionThank you09:06
Dr_willisIts the installer thats doing the smarts.. to configure grub propelry09:06
petrescudan2007hallo,give me help please09:06
Dr_willisgrub is a powerfull flexiable tool. Worth learning all about. :)09:07
Daisuke_Idochmod 2775?09:07
petrescudan2007how can i install trust webcam in ubuntu ultimaye09:07
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:07
Tired_i wish i could just use grub to boot my sd card here.  i know how to make it do what I want  :/09:08
steve176Daisuke_Ido: yes 2775 - I read that in a couple of forums09:08
Daisuke_Ido!en | tyguaike, ONCE again...09:08
ubotutyguaike, ONCE again...: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:08
Tyczekhi i've got problem with compiling alsa... i was compiling week ago 1.0.16 and it was succesfull... today i had to reinstall ubuntu, i was typing the same as week ago... but there is a problem http://www.wklej.org/id/009d53114e09:08
Daisuke_Idosteve176: shouldn't it just be 775? (or 777 if you want full permissions for everyone)09:09
StrawberryjamTyczek same problem here...trying to get my 1212 emu card to work09:09
=== frohike is now known as frohike_se
jbraddocwhat kind of statement would i need to make a little script run at startup that has like 'if cat state = on-line echo -n 100 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness else echo -n 50 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness' ?09:10
TyczekStrawberryjam, I was thinking... maybe latest patch for kernel messed something09:10
jbraddocer let me edit that.09:10
Tired_grr.  that pendrive linux site is geared more towards users who were previously unaware of live usb09:10
steve176Daisuke_Ido: I tried that too, however I assume the '2' was to force new files also be created with 775 by default09:10
Strawberryjamprobably...ii'm a noob...good at following instructions but other than that i'm hopeless09:10
jbraddoclemme try this one. what kind of statement would i need to make a little script run at startup that has like 'if cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ACAD/state = on-line echo -n 100 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness else echo -n 50 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness' ?09:11
VoltxionThe initial '2' sets the sticky bit for group ownership, so any new files created in that directory will now be owned by group09:11
steve176Daisuke_Ido: In any case it didn't work (but didn't error either)09:11
Strawberryjami use studio btw...i'm sure it has to do with RT kernel09:11
Voltxionsteve176: The initial '2' sets the sticky bit for group ownership, so any new files created in that directory will now be owned by the group **09:11
Daisuke_IdoVoltxion: i learn something new every day :)09:11
jbraddocoo wait that would cause other issues, like if i were to override it.09:11
jbraddocnvm.. poor planning. i shall be back :/09:11
kinuxsomeone from romania?09:12
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro09:12
ph8hey all - is there a new file manager in gutsy to replace nautilus? I thought i remembered hearing about one - if so can anyone link/tell me how to set it up?09:13
steve176Voltxion: any idea why I get permission denied when creating a new file? permission on the parent directory is drwxrwxr-x09:13
Starnestommyph8: thunar from xfce, konqueror from kde 3.5, or dolphin form kde 409:13
ph8is xfce something like gnome/kde?09:14
steve176Voltxion: owner is root users09:14
Starnestommyit uses GTK like Gnome09:14
ph8otherwise i quite fancy dolphin - do you reckon it's possible to get gnome using dolphin by default?09:14
ph8ah i c09:14
petrescudan2007fratilor,linux asta ma sparge,sunt atat de prost ca nu stiu sa ma descebalui09:14
Voltxionsteve176: Sorry, i just know the chmod thing from my roomate messing with his webserver09:14
steve176Voltxion: lol!09:15
petrescudan2007vorbeste romaneste careva09:15
Voltxionsteve176: I havent actually completely used linux.. installed it a few times and didnt have time to learn it so I would give up.09:15
ph8steve176: Do you or your group own the folder?09:15
earthlingsteve176: is that folder a mount partition?09:15
petrescudan2007kinux si tu esti priceput in linux ca si mine_09:15
kinuxnu stiu09:16
petrescudan2007sunt la furat cu totul09:16
kinuxstiu cate ceva09:16
kinuxda nu sunt expert09:16
petrescudan2007nu inteleg nimic din limbajul din consola09:16
Daisuke_Ido!en | kinux petrescudan200709:16
ubotukinux petrescudan2007: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:16
Starnestommy#ubuntu-ro is Romanian09:17
kinuxcu sudo poti executa o coanda pentru care trebuie sa fii root09:17
steve176ph8: ownership is root:users09:17
kinuxtu doar scri sudo in fata09:17
kinuxsi apoi o sa iti ceara parola09:17
petrescudan2007i try to learn sonthing about yours linux,so let me be in peace09:17
Starnestommythis channel is mainly in english, but everyone in #ubuntu-ro speaks romanian09:17
petrescudan2007cum pot fi root09:17
steve176earthling: It's on /var which is on the same volume as root09:17
Daisuke_Idopetrescudan2007: use the proper language channel for romanian, or speak english in ehre.09:17
Daisuke_Idoeither way works :)09:18
jbraddocOkay I am back. What is the easiest way to have an action happen when the ac adapter state changes on a laptop?09:18
wasabi_does anyone here use awesomewm?09:18
earthlingsteve176: exact path?09:18
phixhmmm so any wayu09:18
phixhow many times should I repeat my question?09:18
phixsteve176: java ay09:18
steve176maven boo!09:19
petrescudan2007sorry babe,so i speak english09:19
petrescudan2007how,i know to speak09:19
Hoardeso... I've had a couple beers... and resorted back to ubuntu ...09:20
earthlingsteve176: beats me! sorry09:20
HoardeI've installed VCL media player... how do I make everything default to VLC?09:20
steve176earthling: thanks. I've read I can do it with acl, but don't want to go there just yet09:20
jbraddocI was thinking I could make a script, but I am not sure how. I was going to have it read /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/acad/state and then echo something into /proc/acpi/video/vga/lcd/brightness but then I would also have to have it check timestamps of when the state changed and what not incase i manually changed the brightness my self after the state changed. Like if I unplugged my laptop and I made it darker and plugged it back in, i wouldn't want09:20
jbraddoc it to be full brightness.09:20
phixHoarde: beers are good09:22
phixHow do I make my sound work?09:22
phixand my LAN09:23
Starnestommydepends on what type of LAN and what type of sound card, phix09:23
Strawberryjami got S/C probs too phix09:23
phixStarnestommy --> ASUS F3S, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0), 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03, Ubuntu 07.10, Kernel 2.6.2209:23
Strawberryjamthere is a full explanation in the forums on that card phix...09:24
Strawberryjamuh your S/C09:24
phixStarnestommy: link me!09:25
jbraddocIs there some kind of stick that needs to be obtained first before asking questions?09:25
Strawberryjamhold on phix09:25
Starnestommyjbraddoc: just ask09:25
jbraddoci did.09:25
jbraddocI was thinking I could make a script, but I am not sure how. I was going to have it read /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/acad/state and then echo something into /proc/acpi/video/vga/lcd/brightness but then I would also have to have it check timestamps of when the state changed and what not incase i manually changed the brightness my self after the state changed. Like if I unplugged my laptop and I made it darker and plugged it back in, i wouldn't want09:25
jbraddoc it to be full brightness.09:25
jbraddocOkay I am back. What is the easiest way to have an action happen when the ac adapter state changes on a laptop?09:25
jbraddoceh.. transpose those two lines.09:25
Daisuke_Ido!patience | jbraddoc09:26
ubotujbraddoc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:26
Daisuke_Idoin other words: if no one's answering right now, no one that's here and awake knows09:26
jbraddocDaisuke_Ido: i appreciate that. But, idk also works so i know im not being ignored?09:26
ubuntufreakNeed help in installing the GRUB after i re-sized my Ubuntu 7.10 partition and installed windows, how do i install the grub again09:26
jlulian38should it really take like 15 minutes to resize a reiserfs partition from 129 to 128.7GB :/09:27
erawfish_!grub | ubuntufreak09:27
ubotuubuntufreak: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:27
erawfish_jimlay: can be09:27
phixStrawberryjam: ok, I am holding on09:27
erawfish_jlulian38: read a l as i, sorry09:27
jbraddoclet me ask this another way. what would I want to google to find what i need to accomplish this? I mean.. I understand its a script, but what kind of script?09:28
Mega_bytehi, anyone knows if it's possible (and how) to start the gui even there is this error : /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off ?09:28
jbraddoclike I am wanting to make a script that can tell timestamps and do if then and else's09:28
erawfish_jbraddoc: info about acpi that's all. besides that you need a sciptinglanguage.. ever done some programming?09:29
jbraddocEh not .. much u.u09:29
jbraddoca bit of java and stuff09:29
jbraddoca few batch scripts.09:29
Strawberryjamconnection seems slow09:29
jbraddocping Strawberryjam09:30
jbraddoc- Ping reply from Strawberryjam : 1.10 second(s)09:30
phixStrawberryjam: ok, what should I do now?09:30
jbraddocwait :-D09:30
jbraddocwrong person :P09:30
jbraddocsorry Strawberryjam09:30
phixjbraddoc: what should I do now? :)09:30
stefan_I upgraded to hardy, and everytime i reboot, i seem to lose my opt partition. reiserfsck cant check it. I reformat it reiser, and its broken next time. Is this a known hardy bug?09:31
ubuntufreakerawfish_: thats doesn't help09:31
jbraddoci interjected :/ Just ignore me phix :P09:31
Strawberryjamjust gimme a sec to get you the link....it worked for me. I have same audio card onboard...just need the link i had...i am using windows now and the link saved in ubuntu09:31
phixjbraddoc: aaww ok, but I would like some help :)09:32
Strawberryjamthe forums seems dead...cant get a single page to load09:33
phixStrawberryjam: :(09:33
Strawberryjampatients young jedi....09:33
Mega_byteanyone knows if it's possible (and how) to start the gui even there is this error : /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off ?09:34
erawfish_Mega_byte: you fix your kernel first09:35
Mega_byteerawfish_, is this a kernel problem? :/ it was working fine before09:35
StrawberryjamOk search Google using 'intel soundcard install on ubuntu' its the 3rd from the top....it takes you to the page i am talkng about...09:36
rinaldi_hi, sometimes when I go to play a video of any format in any player, I simply get thin green and pink lines where the video should be. any ideas?09:37
rinaldi_sometimes it works fine though09:37
jbraddocphix: sorry, everything i use, goes through ndis-wrapper automagically.09:37
Strawberryjameven to 4th option in google is good...cant get to ubuntu site...dunno why09:38
ere4sirinaldi_, I got that sometimes when the vid was compressed with divx - using vlc was my solution09:40
rex_was geht bei dir ????09:42
rinaldi_ere4si: nah it's with every video for a certain amount of time, then it might work, sometimes a reeboot helps, sometimes not. sometimes  enabling/disblaing compiz works, sometimes not09:42
jpatrick!de | rex_09:42
uboturex_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:42
stefan_I upgraded to hardy, and everytime i reboot, i seem to lose my opt partition. reiserfsck cant check it. I reformat it reiser, and its broken next time. Is this a known hardy bug?09:42
ere4sirinaldi_, that's not good - is the card getting hot or something?09:42
tchaskahi.. anyone know what file is the rc.local (for startup) but for shutdown? I need to run a simple script before shutdown09:42
Strawberryjamphix...got it yet?09:43
Lycuson my mobo I have my CPU clocked to 2.66ghz, but Ubuntu's sys monitor shows my cores at 2.00ghz (their default value) - is that normal?09:43
rinaldi_ere4si: well i've been running ubuntu for ages but i reinstalled recently and it's been happening since then09:43
user2join #sex09:43
Strawberryjamuser2 hahahaha.....need money?09:44
jpatrickuser2: no thanks09:44
* Strawberryjam throws a bucket of ICE water over the toilet stall door and hits user2!09:45
nerdsquad3210can i copy ubuntu iso to usb and install from there ?09:45
tchaskaWhat file is the rc.local (for startup) but for shutdown? I need to run a simple script before shutdown09:45
ere4sitchaska, put the script in /etc/init.d then in /etc/rc0.d make a symlink09:45
rinaldi_nerdsquad3210: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:46
tchaskaok thanks09:46
nerdsquad3210but i need to boot from usb ?09:46
nerdsquad3210cant i just run a batch file ?09:47
nerdsquad3210from windows09:47
nerdsquad3210i tryed boot from usb there are seting in the bios but didnt work ?!09:48
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  its a bit more complex then that.09:48
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:48
nerdsquad3210is that common ?09:48
Dr_willisThose urls may help. ive never tried to install from a usb device.09:48
jpatrick!usb | nerdsquad321009:49
ubotunerdsquad3210: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:49
nerdsquad3210is it common to have the usb boot seting in bios and can not boot from usb ?09:49
Strawberryjamphix you ok there dog?09:49
LycusAnyone have any ideas about the OCing situation?09:49
ti12hi could someone tell me how to enable PAE on Ubuntu?09:50
nerdsquad3210is it common to have the usb boot setting in bios and still can not boot from usb ?09:50
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  theres a lot of variables in there.. some usb gizmos make it hard to boot from them.09:52
Dr_willisI have to go to the bios for each usb gizmo i want to boot from , at boot time on my laptop. to tell it to boot that spefic usb gizmo. but laptops vary09:52
nerdsquad3210so you think its a usb device problem not a bios problem ?09:52
CommanderCooli have a problem with my wacom touchscreen...rightclick does not work!!! can anyone help me?09:53
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  no idea. Try otehr usb gizmos and see09:53
nerdsquad3210other ?09:53
nerdsquad3210only have this usb pen09:54
thirdyany recommended bittorrent client for ubuntu? one as light and functional as utorrent09:54
nerdsquad3210so you think its a usb *gismo* problem then ? and not bios problem ?09:54
ti12Is it possible to get PAE mode?09:55
ti12please help09:55
Dr_willisIt could be... it may not be.. only way to prove it would be to succesfully boot some other pendrive.09:55
nerdsquad3210ive boot on another computer just not this one09:55
nerdsquad3210strange thing was that it booted fine once but not the second time ?!?!?!09:56
CommanderCoolis there a way to simulate a rightclick by holding the left mouse button for a long time?09:56
gorbierdhi at all!09:56
gorbierdhow do I change my left touchpad button to middle mice button functionality?09:57
gorbierdI just have no middle touchpad button and didn't use left09:57
knoppixai from Russia!09:58
Strawberryjammaybe getting a cheap 3 button mouse will help...its cheap and i find it more comfy gorbierd.09:58
knoppixkto po rysski govorit&09:59
gorbierdno i need only touchpad09:59
knoppixkak ICQ nastroit???09:59
Dr_willisif your touchpad is broken.. we...09:59
gorbierdno it works well09:59
gorbierdi have advice to use xmodmap10:00
nerdsquad3210will install ubuntu void the computer warranty ?10:00
Dr_willisthen why are you trying to do this weirdness?  You do Know that normally a 'right+leftclick' emulates  a middle click?10:00
iceswordhi,guys,ubuntu 7.10 works EXTREMELY well on my machine,coz my platform is X86,hahah!:)10:00
gorbierdi used pointer 2 1 310:00
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  ive seen some companies 'claim' that.. but how do they prove it.10:00
gorbierdbut it didn't give a results10:00
nerdsquad3210prove what ?10:00
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  prove it had ubuntu on it. :)10:01
Dr_willisformat the hd.. there ya go.10:01
nerdsquad3210because its still there ?10:01
nerdsquad3210unformat ?10:01
Dr_willisYou expect the pc company to take a machine and try to 'unformat' the hd to prove you had linux on it?10:02
Dr_willisor would they just restore windows,  from some master set of disks..10:02
SevensinsCan so tell where in ubuntu the alsadriver is sitting  e.g . /etc or so10:02
booster__is their any driver updates for intel onboard graphics chips???10:02
nerdsquad3210Dr_willis: have you ever break any hardware instaling linux on it ?10:03
iceswordDr_willis, but ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't get me another login,i edit that /etc/default/console-setup before,just changed 1-6 to 1-2,coz i only want two consoles10:03
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  i would be suprised if thats at all possible with any os.10:04
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  years ago one could goof up monitors with the wrong modes.. but thats been ages.,10:04
nerdsquad3210you would ?10:04
Tyczekproblem with compiling alsa... week ago it worked now error: http://www.wklej.org/id/9439023a6110:04
Dr_willisnerdsquad3210,  then overclocking  a long time ago could burn out cpus due to heat.10:04
Sevensinsthx m810:04
iceswordfreepenguin, love penguin10:05
nerdsquad3210Dr_willis: have you ever payed around with HD parem10:05
Sevensinssorry i thought you wanted to help10:05
sboxhey all, can anyone recommend a avi2dvd converter? used to use a really good one but for the life of me can't remember what it's called10:05
david__is it possible that a new distro version is available?10:06
Lycuswhat is the command to build the dependencies for a particular package?10:06
iceswordsbox, have you asked google?google "avi2dvd linux"10:06
[Hardy]TuTUXGLycus, apt-get build-dep10:07
Dr_willisDeVeDe is handy for converting avi to dvd format10:07
sboxicesword: just doing it now, this is so dumb.. it's the most perfect piece of software for this10:07
Lycus[Hardy]TuTUXG: ty10:07
Strawberryjamphix try this if you are still here: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/getting-intel-ich8-family-rev-3-sound-card-to-work-in-gutsy/10:09
kane77is there some good frontend for ffmpeg or mencoder?10:17
Dr_willisi use avidemux a lot10:17
Dr_willistheres proberly others10:17
uunbeatable##Linux on Dalnet needs some good company and good channel operators. type /server -m irc.dal.net (or /connect irc.dal.net) and join ##Linux. Be there for some time. New channel…10:17
Dr_willisdalnet - HA HA HAH A!!10:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGkane77, there are lots frontends for ffmpeg or mencoder with partial features10:18
kane77[Hardy]TuTUXG, I mainly want the ability to process multiple files (with the same settings)10:18
Ax-AxI'm not sure my ntp does anything, can i force-update or something?10:18
BreakageHi, i've updated to the latest swiftfox and now my mouse side buttons are not mapped to back and forward (razer deathadder) mozilla has changed button mapping from 6 & 7 to 8 & 9 for back and forward my buttons are set to 6 & 7 in xorg.conf, how can I map them to 8 & 9?10:20
eth01elkbunty, thanks10:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGkane77, what kind of process u are doing mostly?10:20
kane77[Hardy]TuTUXG, converting anything into dvd mpeg10:20
BreakageHi, i've updated to the latest swiftfox and now my mouse side buttons are not mapped to back and forward (razer deathadder) mozilla has changed button mapping from 6 & 7 to 8 & 9 for back and forward my buttons are set to 6 & 7 in xorg.conf, how can I map them to 8 & 9? this is my current xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/f66724a810:22
micktmHi!! How to get working GP4 on Ubuntu with Cedega?10:23
freepenguinmicktm, do you mean guitar pro?10:25
micktmno, grand prix 410:26
pliumbumhello. i cannot find /media/host folder on my wubi installation. what is wrong? it is written in wubi wiki that windows files should be mounted automatically there.10:26
micktmI read someone managed to get it working, but installing it there is a problem of characters encoding!10:26
micktmThere is a file Léeme.txt that I see as L?eme.txt10:26
invitadoI need to "mount" a two patitions in my hard disk and I dont know how to do. Some help please?10:27
micktmand Cedega doesn't recognize it!10:27
freepenguinah ok10:27
micktmI already tried to change name but it doesn't work!10:27
Ax-AxI'm not sure my ntp does anything, can I force-update or something by cli?10:27
BreakageHi, i've updated to the latest swiftfox and now my mouse side buttons are not mapped to back and forward (razer deathadder) mozilla has changed button mapping from 6 & 7 to 8 & 9 for back and forward my buttons are set to 6 & 7 in xorg.conf, how can I map them to 8 & 9? this is my current xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/f66724a810:27
Strawberryjamanybody know where i can get a good ebook or pdf on ubuntu?10:28
invitadoOr a link for a tutorial10:28
Breakagei've tried buttonmapping "1 2 3 8 9" but that doesnt work..10:28
micktmis there a channel dedicated to cedega?10:29
Strawberryjaminvitado try this...but i cant download: http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/10:29
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:30
Strawberryjamwish there was a way to d/l the damn thing10:30
invitadoThanks Strawberryjam10:30
ere4sisomeone earlier wanted to change the main menu to the gnome foot... just did it10:30
voltxionany idea why my grub didnt find my windows XP install?10:31
Breakagei've tried buttonmapping "1 2 3 8 9" but that doesnt work..10:31
BreakageHi, i've updated to the latest swiftfox and now my mouse side buttons are not mapped to back and forward (razer deathadder) mozilla has changed button mapping from 6 & 7 to 8 & 9 for back and forward my buttons are set to 6 & 7 in xorg.conf, how can I map them to 8 & 9? this is my current xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/f66724a810:31
TachdelanHello! I'm having problems with my ubuntu 7.10 server. I've got an ftp server and teamspeak server running on it, but noone can connect. I've tried opening the ports in iptables, but that did not help. I can connect from within my LAN. Also the computer was running ftp and ts server before on windows os, but I guess upnp may have managed the forwarding of ports on my modem/router. Is there a UPnP module for linux/ubuntu?10:31
Strawberryjamnp invitado10:31
andi5Tachdelan: upnp is a security desaster, so you may prefer to make manual port forwards :)10:32
voltxionTachdelan: your behind a router right?10:32
tyler-wylieOn a new Ubuntu install I'm looking to keep /home on a seperate partition, is 10GB enough for /? or should I go with 15?10:33
voltxionTachdelan: are the ports forwarded on teh router?10:33
Tachdelanandi5: ok.10:33
Tachdelanvoltxion: yes10:33
Lycustyler-wylie: Depends what you depend on doing I guess10:33
ere4sityler-wylie, 10 will be plenty10:33
andi5tyler-wylie: do you plan to keep /var and /usr on the same partition as /?10:33
tyler-wylieandi5: yes10:33
andi5tyler-wylie: 10 would not suffice for me :)10:34
Strawberryjaminvitado could you find a way to d/l the entire copy?10:34
tyler-wylieI guess I'll go with 1510:34
Lycustyler-wylie: Just depends on what YOU intend to install10:34
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Anyone know how to find out which display mgr is being used with X?  (xdm, gdm, kdm, etc)10:34
LycusWhat are you using the system for? Will you be gaming? hosting web stuff?10:35
tyler-wylieLycus: VMWare Workstation, basic office applications10:35
DjViperhow can I figure out what type of memory I have in my PC, without opening it, in ubuntu...10:35
wined_lipsi need beryl for 7.10 ?? pls!10:35
andi5tyler-wylie: i guess the biggest variable here is the size of /var, because its growth depends on your usage patterns :)10:35
Dr_williswined_lips,  why do you need beryl? its been replaced by compiz-fusion10:35
DjViper!beryl | wined_lips10:35
ubotuwined_lips: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz10:35
tyler-wylieandi5: yea I should be fine with 15 I think10:35
tyler-wylieandi5: I can always grow/shrink if needed.10:36
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:36
Tachdelanthe strange thing is... the pc with linux(server) has the external ip despite being behind the router. This is a feature on the router and I assumed that this is the same as DMZ.10:36
andi5tyler-wylie: if you can affort those 5 gigs, then i would say: do it :-D10:36
DjViperwined_lips: compiz comes with 7.1010:36
SeanInSeattleAnyone *not* use default wm that comes w/ Ubuntu?10:36
DjViperwined_lips: you just have to turn desktop effects on10:36
wined_lipsOk thnx..10:36
DjViperSeanInSeattle: not gnome you mean?10:36
tyler-wylieand do you guys usually put swap at the end or beginning of your hard drive(I do not count on needing it with 4GB of RAM)10:37
andi5SeanInSeattle: or rather metacity?10:37
DjViperSeanInSeattle: if you're using kde or xfce you should probably ask in #kubuntu or #xubuntu10:37
SeanInSeattleandi5:  i'm trying to switch wm to icewm10:37
andi5tyler-wylie: you definitely need it, at least a few megs... there is some technical discussion about that in the net10:37
SeanInSeattleI've got ubuntu 64bit installed10:37
SeanInSeattlew/ gnome10:37
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DjViperhow can I figure out what type of memory I have in my PC, without opening it, in ubuntu...10:37
tyler-wylieandi5: I know I need it, but placement should it go at beginning or end10:37
Strawberryjamanybody running ubuntu on vmware...my install is thousand kilometres away and i'm using my wife's notebook.10:38
andi5tyler-wylie: does that matter?10:38
Dr_willisi always put swap at the end. on all my hd's :) every hd gets a little-bit-o-swap :)10:38
tyler-wylieandi5: swap is usually faster at the front, but if I don't need it or don't plan on swapping it might be better at the end10:38
tyler-wyliealright end it is10:38
Dr_willisjust in case i boot a system with a livecd - it has some swap to find/use. Even if its a windows box.10:38
* Lycus hugs his 64bit linux install10:38
TachdelanI'd love some tips as to things I can check... I'm pretty new to linux you see...10:39
Lycusno problems at all going to 64bit...10:39
tyler-wylieLycus: 64 bit ftw10:39
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StrawberryjamI feel you Lycus10:39
andi5tyler-wylie: swap is slow anyway... be orders of magnitude slower than ram, and you will notice that instantly :)10:39
Lycuseven got youtube working =x10:39
Strawberryjamhow did you do that Lycus?10:39
tyler-wylieandi5: yes, and I don't plan on swapping at all10:39
LycusStrawberryjam: err, dunno, using hardy, installed both gnash and flash player non-free10:40
Lycusand it works in firefox10:40
* Lycus shrugs10:40
voltxionHow would I add a choice to my Grub loader to make my windows install be there.10:40
Strawberryjamoh ok...guess have to wait then10:40
SeanInSeattleDJViper:  How to switch to diff windows mgr (icewm) ??10:40
DjViperSeanInSeattle: check forums10:40
Dr_willisvoltxion,  the installer should add one allready.10:41
Dr_willisvoltxion,  or you can edit the menu.lst to add one.10:41
andi5SeanInSeattle: install the necessary packages, then choose the session in the gdm (login screen)10:41
SeanInSeattleandi5:  Thanks!@10:41
Lycusvoltxion: you'll need to know the partition it's on if it didn't automatically detect it (which it should have)10:41
voltxionDr_willis: I installed Ubuntu onto a seperate HD(IDE) and my windows is on a Sata HD and didnt find it.10:42
andi5will update-grub find newly installed windowses? i guess no, right?  what about dpkg-reconfigure <somegrubpackage>?10:42
voltxionLycus: how would I find that information out?10:42
TachdelanCan anyone give me som pointers as to where my server might be blocking external connections(i.e. from outside my LAN)?10:42
Lycusvoltxion: type sudo fdisk -l10:42
Dr_willisvoltxion,  odd. it found it here. i got ide+sata10:42
DjViperhow can I figure out what type of memory I have in my PC, without opening it, in ubuntu...10:43
Lycusit should list it10:43
andi5Tachdelan: what do you mean by "where"?10:43
Dr_willisupdate-grub does not rescan and add new/other OS's  as far as ive seen10:43
david__do i need hplip and hpijs if i dont have any hp printers?10:43
Dr_willisIf windows is on hda1 theres an example grub entry in  the menu.lst for windows.10:43
Tachdelanandi5: configs and whatnot... or commands to see what connections are allowed10:43
Tachdelanandi5: iptables should be ok though10:44
andi5Tachdelan: by default i suppose your router only passes segments which belong to a connection started from inside .... have you tried to telnet or firefox the routers ip?10:44
voltxionLycus: Ok, it listed it /dev/sda1, now how would I add that to grub?10:45
david__do i need hplip and hpijs if i dont have any hp printers?10:45
ere4sityler-wylie, I've been using feisty for nearly a year and have 2.4G on the root partition with a seperate /home - if that helps10:45
tyler-wylieere4si: nice10:45
ere4sityler-wylie, so I thought that 10G would be plenty...10:46
tyler-wylieere4si: on my gentoo install usually just keep /, /usr/portage, and /home on seperate partitions and it keeps things clean, fedora do just / and /home, same with ubuntu and opensuse10:46
Tachdelanandi5: I am unsure what you mean... I can connect to my router (using it's web interface) using it's LAN ip, but it does not have an WAN ip as it is forwarded to the server.10:46
erawfish_DjViper: with decode-dimms from ic2-tools10:47
ere4sityler-wylie, that way the / partition doesn't have to be huge at all :)10:47
Lycusvoltxion: hmm one sec10:47
voltxionLycus: np, Im very grateful for the help.10:47
realmerxTachdelan: you mean you can not connect to outside sites or others can not connect your servers?10:48
andi5Tachdelan: i am sorry?  your router's wan ip should be the same you see when you contact www.whatismyip.com... what do you mean by "forwarded _to_ the server"?  port forwarding means to me: forward incoming segments to the router with port $port to a configured internal ip $mygaminghost10:48
darren_hi all10:49
darren_new to ubuntu10:49
Tachdelanrealmerx: others can't connect to my server10:49
darren_seems gr810:49
yeldakarI was just trying to netinstall Hardy for amd64. I am getting warning regarding Packages.gz being corrupt.10:49
darren_but have a small problem that I was hoping someone could help me with10:49
ere4sia linux app to make .svg files pls10:49
david__can anyone suggest a good email client?10:49
greenmanwitchubuntu takes ages to boot if I have freebsd installed10:49
andi5ere4si: huh? :) inkscape may help10:49
Lycusvoltxion: Not entirely sure here, so CAN SOMEONE ELSE VERIFY, but I think you'd add these lines to /boot/grub/menu.lst10:49
Lycusassuming it's sda110:50
ere4siandi5, thnx10:50
freepenguindavid__, thunderbird10:50
darren_I've installed ubuntu as dual boot with XP and the install went fine. But when I try and boot into XP i get the Windows logo then BSOD !10:50
Lycusyou may have to tinker with it10:50
Tachdelanandi5: My router(which is my dsl modem) "gives" the wan ip to the server(I did this intentionally).10:50
clustywhat package contains the kde ?10:50
jpatrick!kde | clusty10:50
ubotuclusty: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.10:50
KojiroShow do i navigate to my dekstop in terminal please? :P thnx ^_^10:50
Dr_willisclusty,  i install kubuntu-desktop for the full kde system10:50
voltxionlycus: Thank you, I will mess around with it.10:50
Dr_willisKojiroS,  its the Desktop directory.10:50
Tachdelanandi5: So when I check the ip on the server it prints the WAN ip and not a LAN ip10:50
clustythanks a lot10:51
andi5Tachdelan: does that mean that you forward every port to your internal server?10:51
Lycusvoltxion: I had to go through hell this evening getting my triple boot to work10:51
LycusOS X/Ubuntu/XP10:51
darren_does anyone have any suggestions?10:51
KojiroSwhats the command in terminal for that?]10:51
Lycusit was OS X's fault tho =x10:51
andi5KojiroS: cd ~/Desktop10:51
KojiroSandi5: thnx :)10:51
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realmerxdarren__: Safe mode?10:51
voltxionLycus: heh, I attempted that on my Macbook pro... never again will I dual boot that god forsaken thing.10:51
darren_tried that as well. Still get the BSOD10:52
Tachdelanandi5: I am unsure of that, so I added a separate forwarding for the ports I needed.10:52
Tachdelanandi5: It didn't help though10:52
Lycusvoltxion: Just run VMWare. ^_^10:52
darren_XP starts to load then BSOD for around 1/2 second then back to boot menu10:52
realmerxTachdelan: what kind of server is it?10:52
Tachdelanandi5: So I am wondering if there is something in the default configuration or ubuntu server that blocks incoming connections from WAN ips10:53
andi5Tachdelan: well... fire up wireshark (or tcpdump) and check whether anything comes in at your port... or check whether your application is listening on the correct device and port (netstat -tlnp)10:53
voltxionLycus: heh, too poor...10:53
realmerxTachdelan: for example ftp server forwarding is not that simple10:53
realmerxTachdelan: try http server first10:53
Lycusvoltxion: you have a macbook pro and you are too poor? o_o10:53
Lycusdid you win it in a contest or something?10:53
realmerxTachdelan: or even better ssh first10:53
Tachdelanrealmerx: I'm running ubuntu 7.10 server with a 3rd party ftp and a teamspeak server10:53
realmerxTachdelan: does ssh connections to your box from outside work?10:54
Tachdelanrealmerx: no10:54
voltxionLycus: my college gave it to me included in tuition10:54
andi5Tachdelan: by default i think ubuntu's firewall rules are rather... lax :)10:54
erawfish_Tachdelan: you are behind NAT?10:54
Lycusvoltxion: ahh10:54
realmerxTachdelan: so your box can ping your router?10:54
realmerxTachdelan: and itables rules are all ALLOW?10:55
andi5Tachdelan: (sudo iptables -L)10:55
Tachdelanok... just to clarify a few things... I'm currently not sitting at the server, but at my other computer. Both are connected to the same router, but this one has a LAN ip while the server has the WAN ip10:56
Tachdelaniptables are all ALLOW10:56
realmerxTachdelan: even better do /etc/init.d/iptables stop to be sure10:56
andi5Tachdelan: but your server has only one network device connected to the router, right?10:56
Tachdelanandi5: yes10:57
darren_any tips anyone?10:57
Tachdelan-bash: /etc/init.d/iptables: No such file or directory10:57
andi5Tachdelan: "has the wan ip" ... i am sorry, that does not sound correct... when you execute "ifconfig" on your server, i suppose you will not see any wan ip10:58
TachdelanI do10:58
Tachdelanthough I will not post it here for security reasons...10:59
Tachdelaninet addr: 88.*.*.*10:59
andi5Tachdelan: so does your server sit in the same ip network as your pc?11:00
Tachdelanwhich is the same as if I checked www.whatsmyip.org from _this_ computer which has ip:
realmerxTachdelan: you mean your server has an ip that should be directly accessible from internet?11:00
Tachdelanandi5: yes11:00
Tachdelanrealmerx: yes11:00
iceswordwhy cannot i apt-get install skype11:00
andi5Tachdelan: can you ping your server from your pc?11:00
invitadoI was reading the chapter about mounting partitions in http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/ but... I cant mount my new hard disk. Somebody knows another link about this?11:00
realmerxTachdelan: can you reach your router ip from internet?11:00
niosIm trying to install nfs with apt but no luck, can someone please take a look on it http://pastebin.com/m1b7ee9b611:00
realmerxTachdelan: ping11:01
Tachdelanthe modem/router should in fact be working as in bridged mode as far as the server is concerned11:01
Tachdelanandi5 & realmerx: I can ssh, connect to ftp and teamspeak from this computer without problems.11:01
iceswordwhy cannot i apt-get install skype,it said cannot find it11:01
realmerxTachdelan: no I mean can you ping your router ip from outside your network11:02
Tachdelanping works fine too11:02
realmerxrealmerx: your router WAN ip that is11:02
Tachdelanrealmerx: Talking to yourself now?11:03
iceswordwhy cannot i apt-get install skype,it said cannot find it11:03
Trondernhello, i have just installed ubuntu on my windows xp pc and have a grub error 22 error. I have followed the the guide for error 22 from the ubuntu forums. The thing is i have ubuntu on partition hd1,6 but i boot from hd0...and the find command in grub dont find those files..11:03
iceswordwhy cannot i apt-get install skype,it said cannot find it11:03
Tachdelanrealmerx: But, yes! I can't be sure whether it is the modem/router or the server responding.11:03
jamesrdornicesword, we saw you the first time11:04
jamesrdornicesword, sudo apt-get update11:04
iceswordjamesrdorn, ??11:04
iceswordjamesrdorn, thx for attention,it seems it is repo issue11:04
Tachdelanrealmerx: I am, however, using a no-ip hostname to connect.11:04
jamesrdornicesword, it's very early for everyone this morning11:04
Tachdelansince it has no static LAN ip11:05
jamesrdornicesword, 5am CST11:05
iceswordTrondern, you google grub load error 2211:05
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iceswordjamesrdorn, thx for your time11:05
Trondernyes,  but none of the solutions i get works..thats why i am here..:)11:05
Tachdelan1105 zulu11:05
realmerxTachdelan: sorry maybe it is a language problem :)11:05
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realmerxTachdelan: but I am little confused11:05
Tachdelanrealmerx: could be11:06
Tronderni haqve tried the google thing first ofc11:06
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iceswordTrondern, if you have livecd ,why not reinstall11:06
realmerxTachdelan: your router should have WAN ip different from your server ip11:06
Tronderni have tried that too icesword11:06
Tachdelanrealmerx: Well... it hasn't11:06
iceswordTrondern, ok,wait a min11:06
andi6realmerx: i lost my connection.. what did you say, could you repeat once for me? :)11:06
Tachdelanrealmerx: I know it's strange, but that's the way it is11:07
felixjoin #ubuntu-de11:07
andi6felix: prepend a slash and you are right there :)11:07
realmerxas I understand Tachdelan has router that has wan ip11:07
Trondernthe real question is ..how do i access grub files on a partition that is not mounted by the live cd and thu is not found by find in grub..11:07
realmerxnow his server machine has also WAN ip11:08
andi6Trondern: normally grub will mount block devices once you try to access them within grub11:08
Tachdelanrealmerx: My router is by all purposes NO WAN ip and is inaccessible from outside this LAN11:08
realmerxalso he is sitting behind different machine that is connected to the router but is in NAT-ed network11:08
andi6Trondern: well, interpret them for itself11:08
shishirm1which is a good command line mail client to be used to automate some email processing11:09
shishirm1i mean i wanna use commands of this mail client and then write shell scripts11:09
Trondernandi6: i have tried to root that partition but get error when doing the setup command11:09
iceswordTrondern, what about fdisk /mbr11:09
realmerxso router has two networks routed - NAT-ed internal network (where the machine he is sitting behind is) and WAN network where his router and server machines are11:10
Trondernhmm, i can try that11:10
realmerxor am I confused?11:10
tdnI am trying to make virtual users work with vsftpd and pam, but for some reason, my db with the virtual users is ignored. Local system users *are* allowed login, but the virtual users are not. My /etc/vsftpd.conf is here : http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1077.html, I /etc/pam.d/ftp a symbolic link to /etc/vsftpd.pam, which can be seen here: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1078.html.11:10
Tronderni have not tried that yet11:10
andi6realmerx: that is what i thought as well, but it seems to me that Tachdelan did some bridging tricks11:10
iceswordTrondern, then your linux won't boot11:10
tdnIs there an Ubuntu Server IRC channel?11:10
Tronderndoh...well the goal is to have grub loading so i can have both ofc11:11
realmerxwhat kind of "bridging tricks"?11:11
Tachdelanrealmerx: I don't think the router is routing anything as long as the server is concerned other when connecting from this computer11:11
TachdelanI could give you the ip in pm if you wanna ping...11:12
voltxionwell time to test to see if my Grub changes worked...11:12
Tronderni have tried to mount the windows partition and itworks but the guide to access grub on a disk not found at first fail after that step since the guide assumes the lost partition are a linux partition..11:13
realmerxTachdelan: you can connect internet behind your NAT-ed network right?11:13
realmerxTachdelan: then it is routing11:13
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TachdelanAssign the public IP address of a connection to a device <--- it what I used on the router/modem11:13
andi5|illTachdelan: ever thought about unsetting that one and instead use a few specific port forwarding rules?11:14
Tachdelanrealmerx: I can connect from this computer which has LAN ip, and I can download with the server from http (to get packages or something)11:14
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tdnDoes anyone have the time to help me set up vsftpd with virtual users?11:15
juice_is there an easy way to port .dmg? anyone?11:15
tdnI am trying to make virtual users work with vsftpd and pam, but for some reason, my db with the virtual users is ignored. Local system users *are* allowed login, but the virtual users are not. My /etc/vsftpd.conf is here : http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1077.html, I /etc/pam.d/ftp a symbolic link to /etc/vsftpd.pam, which can be seen here: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1078.html.11:15
erawfish_Terrasqu1: are you behind LAN?11:16
tdnjuice_, no.11:16
erawfish_tolecnal: are you behind a NAT11:16
Tachdelanandi6: I have, but I would prefer not to since port forwarding is tricky for ftp11:16
tdnjuice_, use Ubuntu .deb packages.11:16
realmerxTachdelan: to clarify once more your - the machine you are sitting right now - what ip it gives when you do ifconfig11:16
Botoris there something for Ubuntu like Rollback Rx/AyRecovery/Roxio GoBack/Norton GoBack for windows?11:16
Tachdelanand I believe that the issue is within the server setup11:16
erawfish_tolecnal: if your ubuntu has a non routable private IP it's the only way11:16
erawfish_Tachdelan:  it isn't11:16
Blin182is the  anybody  from chicago?11:16
pietrohello everybody11:17
Tachdelanrealmerx: I'm sitting on my gaming computer running vista and has ip:
erawfish_Tachdelan: and your ubuntu has what IP?11:17
Tachdelanerawfish_: the wan ip11:17
pietroI've a problem with ubuntu11:17
erawfish_Tachdelan: and it does ipmasq for you?11:17
realmerxTachdelan: and that vista machine is connected directly to router?11:17
andi6Tachdelan: i am no expert, but is not it enough for passive ftp to forward port 21?11:17
erawfish_andi6: not enough by far11:18
Tachdelanerawfish_: I do not know what ipmasq is11:18
Tachdelanrealmerx: yes11:18
erawfish_Tachdelan: run "/sbin/ifconfig" on the ubuntu machine. what IP(s)?11:18
Tachdelanandi6: the ftp is not on port 2111:18
realmerxTachdelan: what ip you get when you access whatismyipaddress.com from vista machine11:18
andi6erawfish_: why not?11:18
Tachdelanerawfish_: I'm not displaying my wan ip in a public channel11:19
MarchewaHow to unmount a partition which is mounted in /var ?11:19
FloodBot1boc_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
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Tachdelanrealmerx: the same ip which the server has11:19
bazhangboc_: please stop11:19
erawfish_Tachdelan: that is stupid. you run a public ftp servre. if you doN't think it's secure you have no business running it11:19
Tachdelanerawfish_: I do NOT run a public server11:19
void^Tachdelan: by the way - everyone here can see your ip by doing /whois Tachdelan11:20
jpatrick!ops | boc_11:20
ubotuboc_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:20
erawfish_Tachdelan: as soon as you listen on a public interface on any port this is a public server11:20
Tachdelanvoid^: lol good point11:20
booster_hey guys...anyone in here play open arena ???11:20
Tachdelanvoid^: which is why I normally only use secure irc servers11:20
erawfish_!anyone | booster_11:20
ubotubooster_: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!11:20
erawfish_Tachdelan: use tor?11:21
juice_tdn: weak11:21
andi6Tachdelan: i suppose you know that there are bots scanning complete ip ranges for open ports? :)11:21
erawfish_  the anyone fatoid has changed. and not to the better :(11:21
Tachdelanerawfish_: not when it requires login/pass11:21
Botoris there something for Ubuntu like Rollback Rx/AyRecovery/Roxio GoBack/Norton GoBack for windows?11:21
booster_ok i just installed open arena...and for some reason i cant get any servers to load when i choose multi player11:21
erawfish_Tachdelan: it requires a login/pass still when the IP is known. what you do is security by obscurity and you should know that is futile and never ever works11:22
Tachdelanandi6: router forwarding doesn't negate that11:22
realmerxTachdelan: and you have no proxies active?11:22
void^Tachdelan: you can get a vhost on freenode.11:22
Tachdelanrealmerx: no11:22
Tachdelanvoid^: ok11:22
pietroi've a problem with my ubuntu startup: if i start normally the system stops in a blackscree, instead if i press ctrl+shift+f1 the system starts normally11:22
erawfish_pietro: what X drivers and viodecard?11:23
andi6Tachdelan: you would profit from the router's firewalling rules and forward only ports you know "secure" servers are listening on11:23
TachdelanCan we please stop bickering about the security of my server and resume the solving of my problem?11:23
erawfish_Tachdelan: either you can answer our questions or we cannot help you you don#t want to answer them: solve your own problems. goodbye and goodluck11:23
Tachdelannoone can connect to my server from WAN ips atm anyway11:23
erawfish_Tachdelan: you simply waste our time11:23
realmerxTachdelan: so somehow your server and router are sharing the same ip?11:24
Tachdelanerawfish_: Which questions have I not answered?11:24
pietroerawish: i've no idea11:24
pietroerawish:how can i see them11:24
Tachdelanrealmerx: In a way yes. However, this worked beautifully when running XP with ftp and ts server11:25
Tachdelanrealmerx: but as I stated earlier that could be upnp11:25
andi6Tachdelan: i am sorry, i would not call it beautiful, but a nasty hack at best, sorry11:25
realmerxTachdelan: the problem is that I do not understand how your network works ant all :)11:25
erawfish_realmerx: cause he doesn't tell11:25
juice_apparently i need OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings to play 3D chess. can someone point me?11:25
Tachdelanerawfish_: Which questions have I not answered?11:26
erawfish_about your IPs, about NAT, etc11:26
realmerxTachdelan: wait a moment :)11:26
Tachdelanas void^ stated, you can see my public ip by doing whois11:26
realmerxTachdelan: mayge I got you wrong - your server machine - what it shows when you ifconfig it?11:26
erawfish_!info python-opengl11:26
ubotupython-opengl (source: pyopengl): Python bindings to OpenGL. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~a6-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 397 kB, installed size 4536 kB11:27
andi6Tachdelan: maybe you should also try to dig a little deeper and see whether you can telnet your router and issue iptables and route commands there11:27
Tachdelanrealmerx:  inet addr:
pietroerawfish_: i've no idea how to find what you asked me before11:27
erawfish_Tachdelan: I don't care about your public IP. I want the local IPs of your ubuntu11:27
erawfish_pietro: lspci, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.~11:27
realmerxTachdelan: is it the same address that you get when you whatismyipaddress.com from your server machine and your local machine?11:28
andi6erawfish_: s,do not care,knew that already, ;-)11:28
Tachdelanerawfish_: that IS the ONLY ip on my ubuntu other than the loopback11:28
Tachdelanrealmerx: yes11:28
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erawfish_Tachdelan: how do you do NAT?11:28
andi6Tachdelan: do yourself a favor, deactivate upnp, put your server into the natted net and forward the necessary ports.... that is my last statement :)11:29
erawfish_Tachdelan: outpuit of /sbin/iptables -L11:29
erawfish_andi6: his ubuntu seems to act as NAT router.11:29
fabridove posso trovare i driver della mia scheda wireless?11:29
erawfish_!it | fabri11:29
ubotufabri: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:29
NereosI enjoy ubuntu thx to linux ;)11:30
Tachdelanerawfish_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58084/11:31
pietroerawfish_: videocard ati radeon x1600, vesa driver11:31
Tachdelanandi6: afaik upnp isn't normally installed on linux, nor have I installed it11:31
andi6i meant your router11:32
Tachdelanoh =P11:32
EdsAnyone know if a graphic cd emulator like daemon tools?11:32
erawfish_Tachdelan: your iptables makes not much sense11:33
Dr_willisEds,  you dont need one to mount iso image files.11:33
Tachdelanerawfish_: Ok. What's wrong?11:33
Dr_willisEds,  but dont expect copy protected games to work with  it. :)11:33
erawfish_Tachdelan: on the one hand policy accept and on the other explicitt allowance of certain ports11:33
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:33
andi6erawfish_: thanks for saying that... i felt pretty stupid ;-)11:33
void^should probably look at iptables -t nat -L too11:33
EdsI meant more like DVDs and stuff like that, I move them between work and home :)11:33
erawfish_Tachdelan: if you only want to allow certain ports, you should use policy drop or such11:34
Dr_willisEds,  if  you get it into a .iso file, you can mount them with the loopback device. or use the fuseiso tool11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuseiso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:34
pietroerawfish_: my videocard is ati radeon x1600, i'm using vesa driver11:34
Tachdelanerawfish_: I am unsure of what you mean.11:35
Dr_willisEds,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseIso11:35
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:35
EdsThank You :)11:35
Dr_willisEds,  or do it like the bot says. :) needs root access11:35
COBHCwhen you want to have the aplpha 5 of ubuntu 8.04   type in a terminal   update-manager -d11:35
bazhangCOBHC: that would be for #ubuntu+1 thanks ;]11:36
Tachdelanerawfish_: does my iptables allow more than the 2 ports and the one service?11:36
EdsThats fine. Iv got my laptop running hardy and my second work machine running 7.10 atm, try to see if I like the OS. Its very nice so far :)11:36
COBHCno prblem ;)11:36
zoidberg_hey guys...in pigdin...when logged on to AIM i cant send any files to my friend...but i can recieve...any help?11:36
COBHCi have the same problem in icq and msn11:37
COBHCdont know what to do^^11:37
Edsfirewall problem perhaps?11:37
realmerxTachdelan: actually I am curious now, how can it be possible that two boxes have the same WAN ip address?11:37
COBHCwhere can i edit my firewall setiings?11:38
Tachdelanrealmerx: they don't? ;)11:38
Tachdelanrealmerx: Actually, I think you just solved my problem!11:39
realmerxTachdelan: well if you say that your server box is connected to your router and has the same ip as your router has?11:39
Tachdelanand andi6 that is11:39
andi6huh? ... i am sorry for that ;-)11:39
tabmanI installed VirtualBox on ubuntu and put in Windows in the VM. Everything was working fine, I could access internet inside on windows in my VM. Just suddenly the internet has stopped working in it ?11:39
pietroanyone can help me please?11:40
Tachdelanrealmerx & andi6: I think it may have to do with the fact that my router is using upnp and the server using the routers WAN ip. Upon connecting from this computer to the server, could it be that the router redirects incoming connections to this computer and not the server?11:41
Voltxionany idea why my install just won't boot now? I changed my grub, well added to it but grub loaded fine.11:41
EdsIf you have a router your server cant use the WAN IP, it would have ports fowarded too it11:41
realmerxTachdelan: yeah but I do not understand how your server machine can access internet from11:42
Tachdelanneither do I11:42
archmani'm using ndiswrapper for my wireless access; how do i temporarily shutdown ndis and up the native patched driver?11:42
thirdyhow do i delete an every occurance of a file in a directory and sub dirs?11:42
andi6Tachdelan: that is dangerous, i hope you know that... :-)11:42
realmerxTachdelan: if it has only external ip address?11:43
thirdyhow do i delete an every occurance of a file in the current directory and sub dirs?11:43
Tachdelanbut I guess I'll try switching to "normal" mode and give the router back it's WAN ip11:43
Edsthirdy; rm -r /directory11:43
archmani wan't do inject packets; with ndis it's not possible...11:43
zoidberg_hey guys...in pigdin...when logged on to AIM i cant send any files to my friend...but i can recieve...any help?11:43
Tachdelanandi6: what is?11:43
andi6thirdy: a file can appear only once in a given directory...11:43
realmerxTachdelan: I would like to know about that technology that makes that happen, sounds interesting :)11:43
Tachdelanrealmerx: hehehe11:43
Starnestommyzoidberg_: try asking in #pidgin.  They might know more about it11:43
Voltxionany idea why my install just won't boot now? I changed my grub, well added to it but grub loaded fine.11:43
realmerxhmm does ifconfig shows WAP addresses as well?11:44
Tachdelanrealmerx: WAP?11:44
bazhangLoLLo: is there a support question attached to that?11:44
andi6Tachdelan: well, sounds like 'inverse security by obscurity' : you do not know what sorts of stuff your router activated for you and the bots outside :-) ... [silent again]11:44
thirdyandi6, I want to do "del .*exe /s" command in windows, this command deletes every .exe in the current dir and sub dirs, how do I do this in linux?11:45
realmerxTachdelan: sorry scratch that :p11:45
LoLLohello baaaaz! uhm ... no :P11:45
thirdyEds, I want to do "del .*exe /s" command in windows, this command deletes every .exe in the current dir and sub dirs, how do I do this in linux?11:45
Tachdelanandi6: well... seeing how noone can actually connect to my server, well...11:45
realmerxTachdelan: I meant does it show WIFI interface addresses11:45
bazhangLoLLo: then best post it in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks ;]11:45
tabmananyone ?11:45
andi6thirdy: find . -name '*.exe' -exec echo rm {} \; .... if you feel comfortable, remove the echo11:45
realmerxTachdelan: and yes it does11:45
booster_can anyone tell me how to open ports on ubuntu 7.10 ??? is their a gui interface i can get ???11:45
Werdnathirdy: find . -name \*.exe | xargs rm -f11:45
bazhangtabman what is your issue?11:45
Tachdelanrealmerx: I guess so, but my server doesn't have wireless11:46
mavi-booster_: yes, add/remove software or software updates or synaptic11:46
Voltxionlycus: hello, are you there?11:46
mavi-booster_: if you mean the internet kid of ports install firestarter11:46
LoLLookz .... guys a question : who is a member of the Community Council ? someone knows the irc channel of it ?11:46
realmerxandi6: do you understand how can his server machine access internet if it has the same ip address as the router has?11:47
tabmanbazhang: I installed VirtualBox on ubuntu and put in Windows in the VM. Everything was working fine, I could access internet inside on windows in my VM. Just suddenly the internet has stopped working in it ?11:47
erawfish_realmerx: easy. it does NAT for his desktop11:47
bazhangLoLLo: you can /msg ubotu irc for a link of channels11:47
booster_mavi-, i need to open ports for open arena game...for some reason i cant see any servers in multi player11:47
erawfish_realmerx: I asked him how he does it but he still hasn't ansdwered11:47
realmerxerawfish_: what does?11:47
bazhangtabman bridged or nat?11:47
realmerxerawfish_: which machine?11:47
erawfish_realmerx: how his ubuntu does NAT11:47
tabmanbazhang: NAT11:47
erawfish_his ubuntu/ftp server is doing NAT for his windows machine11:48
realmerxerawfish_: his local machine, server or router?11:48
Tachdelanerawfish_: is not11:48
erawfish_realmerx: it is the same11:48
andi6realmerx: well, it sounds as if it still does not work correctly, so i will not say anything about it :)11:48
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.11:48
erawfish_Tachdelan: then you didn't tell the truth11:48
realmerxerawfish_: oh11:48
bazhangtabman and the internet is fine on your ubuntu box still?11:48
Tachdelanerawfish_: excuse me?11:48
erawfish_Tachdelan: your ubuntu/ftp  cannot have the same local IP as your rouer's public IP. not possible11:48
bazhang!irc > LoLLo read the pm from the bot11:48
tabmanbazhang: I'm on Ubuntu right now using that same internet connection, my VM is just not accessing the internet11:48
pietroboot problem... anyone please?11:48
realmerxerawfish_: but that would mean that the server machine should have two different addresses?11:49
Tachdelanerawfish_: that's why I said that my router HAS NO WAN IP11:49
erawfish_realmerx: yes. another thing he denied. any way you slice it: some time he didn't tell the truth11:49
erawfish_Tachdelan: a router ALWAYS has a WAN IP or it cannot work11:49
Tachdelanerawfish_: Please don't call me a liar11:49
erawfish_then don't lie11:49
bazhangtabman not used vbox much  I prefer vmware--have you tried restarting the guest os or shutting it down restarting in vbox?11:49
LoLLothx baz always a gentlemen11:49
nuno_nuneshi ppl11:50
bazhanghi nuno_nunes11:50
Tachdelanerawfish_: if it does, then it doesn't tell me what it is or I would have told you11:50
bazhanghey guys calm down11:50
erawfish_Tachdelan: do you have a router or a (dsl)modem?11:50
tabmanbazhang: I tried every damn thing, restarted VM, restarted Ubuntu, it was working 2 hours back, it just suddenly stopped working and I did not even install anything or change anything11:50
andi6i still wonder why you do not take a more standard path, so that people could actually help you?11:50
realmerxerawfish_: could it be possible that his router is bridged to some kind of ISP internal network11:50
iositd_Tachdelan, www.whatismyip.com <--- that will give you the WAN IP that your router haz11:50
erawfish_Tachdelan: if your ubunt7ftp has a public IP then it is a modem and your ubuntu is a router11:50
Tachdelanerawfish_: DSL modem built in router11:50
bazhangtabman that is very odd--not sure what to say let me check the forums,,hold on a sec11:51
pietroboot problem, anyone can help me please?11:51
LoLLobaz have u ever partecipate (only see obviously) to a discussion of the Community Council in the IRC channel ^11:51
erawfish_realmerx: then he hasn't the same IP on desktop via whatismyip.org and ubuntu11:51
janisCan anyone tell me how can i play AMR audio file11:51
iositd_pietro, be mroe specific please11:51
NereosI have a new hard drive and I don't know what format i should you use to format it (partition). Should I take ext2 or ext311:51
Tachdelaniositd: That ip is the same as the server BEHIND the modem/router has11:51
iositd_Tachdelan, then your modem isn't functioning as a router, merely as a bridge11:51
erawfish_realmerx: a public IP is unique on this world. no other way or the interwerbs don't work. but since he is unable to tell us his IPs and does a lot of handwaving by claiming "security" we'll never know11:52
Tachdelanerawfish_: I can turn off the ubuntu without loosing connectivity on this computer11:52
andi6Nereos: do not take ext2... ext3 or xfs (my default) i would say11:52
erawfish_Tachdelan: then your ubuntu cannot have the same IP as your desktop via whatismyip.org11:52
janisAMR audio on ubuntu,  can't find program for opening it11:52
Tachdelaniositd_: is that a standard mode for ubuntu 7.10 server install?11:52
pietroiositd_: at the startup, if i leave the system starts normally i got black screen, if i press ctrl+alt+f1 the system starts normally. i've an ati radeon x1600 and i'm using vesa driver11:52
realmerxiositd_: but that would mean that his router and server could not have the same ip?11:52
Tachdelanerawfish_: well, it does11:52
erawfish_Tachdelan: and your ubuntu must have a nonroutable IP like your vista (
juice_apparently i need OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings to play 3D chess. can someone point me?11:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGhow could i change the output driver for quod libet?11:53
erawfish_Tachdelan: pastbein the ifconfig output on ubuntu then11:53
janisAMR audio11:53
realmerxI am not saying that he lies about his network but I am curious how this kind of network is possible11:53
erawfish_juice_: I already told you11:53
Dr_willisjuice_,  ive not seen that ever work - in the last 3 releases of ubuntu.  Tried installing every gtk/gl thing i could find. none worked11:53
erawfish_realmerx: it is not. he maybe doesn't lie deliberately but he does lie11:54
Nereosandi6:  Gparted don't let me use xfs so it'll be ext3 :) what is  is difference b/t ext2 and ext3 ?11:54
juice_erawfish o ic sry.11:54
=== mohadib__ is now known as mohadib
andi6Nereos: ext3 writes a journal... well... see atlef11:54
iositd_Tachdelan, i haven't followed the whole discussion, but it comes down to this: you can only one _ONE_ computer with an ip on a network. Using a router you can have multiple computers on the same world ip yet internally they all have a different ip. If you type ifconfig or ipconfig (if you're running windows) on your server and your current box you will get 2 different ip's. The wold ip WILL be assigned to a router.11:54
Tachdelanhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58086/ <-- ifconfig on server11:54
iositd_Tachdelan, it can NOT be assigned to more then a single NIC11:54
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org11:54
Nereosoki thx :)11:54
Nereos good nite all11:55
TachdelanYour IP Address is <--- from whatsmyip11:55
bazhangtabman is this a static ip for the guest os or dynamic? is the xp system trying to get dns automatically or are you assigning it--two issues that I have seen others in the forums with--if you cannot find an answer they also have a channel #vbox11:55
iceswordNereos, here is night too11:55
erawfish_Tachdelan: ok. and what is the ubuntu IP? check with ifconfig11:55
Tachdelanand I'm using a speedtouch modem/router11:55
iositd_Tachdelan, your modem isn't functioning as a router. It's bridging11:55
iceswordbazhang, hello11:55
iceswordbazhang, good night11:55
* andi6 wonders about the switch from (no ip addresses to the public at all) to (look maa -> here is my ip) ;-)11:55
darren_can anyone tell me how to attempt to repair a dual boot ubuntu / XP configuration as when trying to boot into XP I get the Windows XP Logo quickly followed by a BSOD for 1/2 second then back into the boot menu.11:55
tabmanbazhang: I don't know what type IP it is11:55
h4L1mhello guys, i need the source code of the program ps, i've got the source code of procps but it is not there, there are just source codes like top or uptime, but i can't find the ps code, anyone knows where it is or where i can get it from?11:55
iositd_pietro, is it possible that it is missing the correct video settings for your screen? that it tries to go to high for your mode?11:56
Tachdelaniositd_: is that a standard mode for ubuntu 7.10 server install? (serving as a router that is?)11:56
erawfish_darren_: ask ##windows11:56
SpzattHow do i burn ubuntu to a disc, making it bootable?11:56
iositd_Tachdelan, it is possible for it to do so.11:56
bazhangtabman well you can take a look and set it in the preferences if I recall correctly may be worth a look11:56
tabmanbazhang: but I'm not specially giving anything to xp, I just setup using the "home network" thing11:56
erawfish_Tachdelan: no it'S not. can you pleas tell us its IP?11:56
iositd_!install | Spzatt11:56
ubotuSpzatt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:56
janisAMR audion files on ubuntu, Totem recognizes, but says no plugin, and there are no satch plugin reallly?11:56
Dr_willisSpzatt,   Under windows or linux?11:56
andi6h4L1m: get the package name with `dpkg-query -S /bin/ps`, then `apt-get source $pkg` (add a source line to your repos)11:56
Tachdelanerawfish_:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58086/11:56
iositd_pietro, have you installed the restricted drivers?11:56
tabmanbazhang: look what and set what ?11:56
h4L1mandi6, ok i'll try it, thx11:57
erawfish_Tachdelan: iptables -L -t nat11:57
BillyJoeCan I go in to fstab and remove the UUID code and put in the /dev/sda1 names?11:57
bazhangtabman well he default behaviour is for it do it on its own you should tell it not to--here is the thread I have been reading it may or may not help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-599163.html11:57
vi390I have a "ubuntu Studio" Installation, and want to have a Edubuntu (with every skin and so on) is there a way to do that without reinstlling everything ?11:58
andi6BillyJoe: sure11:58
erawfish_Tachdelan: and how does this IP get assigned to ubuntu?11:58
Tachdelanerawfish_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58088/11:58
white_eaglehello, how can I disable the pics in the menus using gnome? they eat too much memory and I don't need them11:58
Tachdelanerawfish_: DHCP11:58
andi6BillyJoe: actually i replaced them by LABEL=$mylabel11:58
pietroiositd_: i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg so i think that the resolution is not the problem, where i can see the resolution used by system at the startup time?11:58
erawfish_Tachdelan: and your windows box gets assigned its IP via DHCP too?11:58
Tachdelanerawfish_: yes11:58
atlefvi390 :  sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop11:58
erawfish_Tachdelan: that cannot ever work11:58
andi6white_eagle: in application menus or the gnome menus?11:58
realmerxTachdelan: btw when you use your server machine browsing internet and when you use different browsers - firefox, opera and try whatismyipaddress.com then you get the same external ip always?11:58
iositd_pietro, it's written in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... have you installed the restricted drivers?11:58
atlefi think'11:58
vi390atlef: thanks11:59
h4L1mandi6, it says procps: /bin/ps, but i've got procps and can't find the code for ps, in procps there are more source codes for different programs, but i need only of ps11:59
realmerxTachdelan: maybe there is still some kind of proxy11:59
erawfish_Tachdelan: your router and your ubuntu have the same IP. that's not possible unless your router is broken11:59
BillyJoeandi6: What is LABEL=$mylabel and how do I run it?11:59
Tachdelanerawfish_: It worked fine while the server was running XP and not linux11:59
white_eagleandi6: yeah11:59
KojiroShi, can anyone help me install modem drivers for gutsy gibbon? i have the drivers but installing them is not working :( please help :)11:59
pietroiositd_: i tried by after that was no possible start the xserver, just black screen11:59
Tachdelanrealmerx: it's a server install... no GUI11:59
andi6white_eagle: which ones?11:59
realmerxTachdelan: damn it :)12:00
white_eagleandi6: all of them12:00
erawfish_Tachdelan: it cannot work fine. no 2 machines ever can have the same IP. if your windows box says "ping  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58088/12:00
iositd_pietro, could you switch to a terminal after that?12:00
andi6BillyJoe: oh, i labelled my partitions, nothing to worry about12:00
ubuntufreakProblem with my GRUB after installing Debian 4.0 here is my fdisk output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58089/12:00
janisAMR audio?12:00
erawfish_Tachdelan: it cannot work fine. no 2 machines ever can have the same IP. if your windows box says "ping" which machine should it ping? your router or your ubuntu?12:00
realmerxTachdelan: you just told me that whatismyipaddress.com gave you from the server machine the same address as your vista machine did?12:00
erawfish_Tachdelan: what dous /sbin/route say on ubuntu?12:00
Tachdelanerawfish_: That I do not know12:00
h4L1mandi6, it says procps: /bin/ps, but i've got procps and can't find the code for ps, in procps there are more source codes for different programs, but i need only of ps12:00
Tachdelanrealmerx: yes12:00
andi6white_eagle: system > settings > appearance > interface i think for application (libgnome) applicaitons12:01
KojiroSi get the following error msg (breif descristion): ./configure: line 477: ./t: No such file or directory12:01
KojiroSrm: cannot remove `./t': No such file or directory12:01
KojiroS** error12:01
KojiroScould not determine a proper UTS_RELEASE12:01
KojiroS** compilation error12:01
FloodBot1KojiroS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:01
BillyJoeO wow I did not know you could do that.12:01
janisAMR audio?12:01
realmerxTachdelan: well if your server machine does not have GUI how can you tell?12:01
atlef!modem | KojiroS12:01
ubotuKojiroS: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto12:01
pietroiositd_: yes, is what a i did to start the dpkg-recopnfig after installed the restricted video drivers12:01
andi6h4L1m: one minute, please12:01
h4L1mandi6, ok12:01
realmerxTachdelan: what browser you used to access internet then from the server machine?12:01
iositd_pietro, try and put my name when replying. That way i get notified. You also did or did not do dpkg-reconfigure?12:01
BillyJoethank you.  I will start with the dev anem and just know that is something I defently want to learn about12:01
KojiroSyeah followed those instructions, still not working :(12:01
janisAMR audio???  not playing12:01
Tachdelanerawfish_: a whole lot of gibberish... when using pico that is12:01
erawfish_Tachdelan: pico?12:02
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto12:02
Tachdelanrealmerx: I'm sorry! I misread the question12:02
erawfish_I wanted the output of /sbin/route  nothing about pico12:02
ganuwhile installing oracle i am getting an error "OUI-10036:could not create the inventory location.you may not have the permission to write in this location"12:02
shishirm1hi can u guys suggest a nice mail reader which can be used to write shell scripts.. i basically want to copy a  new mail to a file as and when it comes and then process it12:02
atlefKojiroS: then i dont know12:02
erawfish_Tachdelan: especially the line starting with "default"12:02
white_eagleandi6: thanks12:02
janisI need get AMR audio playing12:02
SpzattHow do i burn ubuntu to a disc, making it bootable?12:02
Tachdelanrealmerx: I check www.whatsmyip.org from this computer and ifconfig on server12:02
atlefKojiroS: maybe someone else wil know12:02
erawfish_Spzatt: but the image as image12:02
pietroiositd_: i did it, and i choosed the vesa driver, after that the system started but just if i press ctrl+alt+f112:02
white_eagle!livecd | Spzatt12:02
ompaulshishirm1, mutt is fairly flexible12:02
ubotuSpzatt: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.12:02
bazhangSpzatt: from windows?12:02
Tachdelanerawfish_: I did sudo pico /sbin/route12:02
realmerxTachdelan: ok I ask then once again - what ip you get when you access internet (world wide web) from your server machine directly12:02
ompaul!burn | Spzatt12:03
ubotuSpzatt: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:03
erawfish_Tachdelan: you shoud do /sbin/route  I never said anything about pico12:03
SpzattWell, how do i burn it? ive tried several burning programs.12:03
iositd_pietro, if you have an ati card and have installed the correct drivers, you should choose the ati driver in the screen when selecting a driver when running dpkg-reconfig12:03
Frogzooshishirm1: you can use procmail..12:03
Tachdelanerawfish_: oops, sorry! tmi atm12:03
bazhangSpzatt: from windows or linux12:03
shishirm1ompaul: i have mutt on.. but i am not able to find a option to copy the mails to a file as and when they some12:03
pirellyjest ktos pl?12:03
ubuntufreakwhen i give the find /boot/grub/stage1 it gives Error 15: File not found here is fdisk output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58089/12:03
erawfish_!pl | pirelly12:03
ubotupirelly: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:03
Spzattthanks all12:03
ompaul!pl | pirelly12:03
bazhangpolish pirelly?12:03
realmerxTachdelan: I mean you go physically to your server box, use some kind of textual browser and give the result you get when you put in the address whatismyipaddress.com12:03
Rangarhi folk.. I have an issue with ./configure ... I need to pass it the flags --with-opengl ... all is fine, but it gets to checking OpenGL Libs and sayd they do not exist.. the problem is, they do.. using AMD64 7.10, anyone have any ideas please?12:03
Tachdelanerawfish_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58090/12:04
shishirm1Frogzoo: can you elaborate a lil more as to what is and how it works12:04
pietroiositd_: i'll try again and let you know, tnx12:04
ganuwhile installing ORACLE i am getting an error "OUI-10036:could not create the inventory location.you may not have the permission to write in this location"12:04
janisAMR audio  AMR audio AMR audio  Can't find any way to open it. Totem Says no plugin, I searched, and I could not find any AMR plugins. I really need that amr Audio going plz!12:04
Tachdelanrealmerx: I'm unsure how.12:04
ompaulshishirm1, I'll install and poke it - don't use it much these days12:04
realmerxTachdelan: or you can use ssh to log to your server machine and give the result using some textual browser :)12:04
lordleemojanis: follow andrew 46 instructions  works for mplayer  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/playing-not-converting-amr-files-on-linux-613966/#post306894112:04
Tachdelanrealmerx: and btw... can't I use ssh?12:04
realmerxTachdelan: now we are getting somewhere12:04
StrawberryjamChris angel being run over by a steamroller beats linux any day lol...12:04
archmanhow to shutdown ndiswrapper and up the native driver??12:04
realmerxTachdelan: you mean you do not know if you can access internet from your server machine :)12:05
erawfish_Tachdelan: sorry. should have been "route -n" to get  numerical IPs I guess12:05
tabmanbazhang: somehow it has worked, I don't know why it was working without it since last 5 days :) by the way what search query did you use to get this result ?12:05
shishirm1ompaul: its nice to use for a user.. but not so good to write scripts to automate stuff!!12:05
Tachdelanrealmerx: I can... I've used wget12:05
evilofishoDoes anyone here know how to unpack lzm files on ubuntu?12:05
pirellyzna ktoś POLSKI ??12:05
realmerxTachdelan: ok12:05
realmerxTachdelan: ssh into your server machine12:05
realmerxand use lynx to www.whatismyipaddress.com12:06
Starnestommypirelly: try #ubuntu-pl12:06
Tachdelanerawfish_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58091/12:06
h4L1mevilofisho, unlzma is the command for that, maybe you need to install it first with sudo apt-get install unlzma12:06
bazhangtabman hehe good news! I just typed ubuntu gutsy virtualbox no internet guest xp (in teh google) and there you have it ;]12:06
Tachdelanrealmerx: I've been logged on the whole time12:06
atlefjanis: have you looked at this : http://www.niemueller.de/wiki/index.php?ConvertVideoTo3GP12:06
evilofishoh4L1m, thanks a lot!12:06
ompaulshishirm1, then I guess procmail is your tool de jour12:06
tabmanbazhang: thanks a lot man12:06
atlefsome info there. ignore fedora12:06
h4L1mevilofisho, much fun :)12:06
bazhangtabman no worries ;]12:07
* Tachdelan needs a quick trip to the bathroom... brb!12:07
realmerxTachdelan: so what you get when you lynx from server machine :)12:07
ubuntufreakany help with my GRUB in Ubuntu 7.10, when i give the find /boot/grub/stage1 it gives Error 15: File not found here is fdisk output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58089/12:07
shishirm1ompaul: ok i will try procmail today12:07
ganu any 1 help with oracle installation?12:07
realmerxTachdelan: but be back, your problem looks interesting12:07
atlefjanis: even more in this search : http://tinyurl.com/yvj9sf12:08
* Tachdelan is back12:08
evilofishoh4L1m, For some reason it's complaining about the suffix.12:09
andi6h4L1m: hm, i know that /bin/kill comes from skill.c, but i am still looking for the source of ps :-)12:09
realmerxTachdelan: so let me know about the lynx results :)12:09
Tachdelanrealmerx: How do I use lynx? lynx www.whatsmyip.org ?12:09
realmerxwhat is the default textual browser in ubuntu btw?12:10
h4L1mandi6, hmm, i don't know where to search for it12:10
erawfish_lynx, links, links2, w3m12:10
iositd_realalien_, it's lynx12:10
erawfish_instally one of those12:10
iositd_Tachdelan, correct12:10
h4L1mevilofisho, do you mean while unpacking?12:10
Tachdelanrealmerx: I installed lynx... runing it now12:10
realmerxTachdelan: great12:10
Tachdelan What's My IP Address? Your IP is (p1 of 4)  <--- from lynx12:10
andi6h4L1m: seems like it is the objects in po/ linked together12:10
edi9999thks for you IP adress12:11
Tachdelanerawfish_: get anything useful from that printout?12:11
realmerxTachdelan: and it is the same address as your vista and router have?12:11
Tachdelanrealmerx: yes12:11
h4L1mandi6, you mean it has not it's own source code?12:11
sboxhello all, can anyone recommend a decent headless torrent client thats not azurues of fluxbox12:11
evilofishoh4L1m, Well, it doesn't get that far, it just goes "Unknown suffix -- unchanged".12:11
andi6h4L1m: no, it is source could consists of the *.c files in ps/, main() is in display.c12:11
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:12
bazhangrtorrent sbox12:12
h4L1mevilofisho, hmm don't know it allways worked without problems for me12:12
erawfish_Tachdelan: are you running the ubuntu via ethernet and the vista via usb connection to the speedtouch?12:12
h4L1mevilofisho, ask the channel :)12:12
evilofishoh4L1m, Alright, thanks anyway. : P12:12
Tachdelanerawfish_: No. Both use wired ethernet12:12
andi6realmerx: is the problem solved now?12:12
erawfish_cause even if the speedtouch acts as a brige it still doesn't really make sense12:12
h4L1mandi6, well i'll take a look at that, thx for that man12:13
VoltxionWhat would you all suggest? Installing windows XP then Ubuntu onto a seperate partition? or the other way around then reinstalling grub ?12:13
erawfish_a trnasparent bridge that is12:13
iositd_Voltxion, first xp, then ubuntu12:13
realmerxandi6: well I still do not understand how network like this could work12:13
realmerxandi6: how can it be that his server (ubuntu) only gets WAN ip?12:13
Tachdelanerawfish_: well... I don't know HOW it works, but I know it DID work just fine while running XP on the same computer.12:14
iositd_realmerx, i've been thinking ... in theory it's possible that his router is splitting it all up ... and acts like a proxy ...12:14
erawfish_realmerx: via bridging this is easy. the trouble comes when you think how the vista PC gets a ANT IP too at the same time12:14
iositd_realmerx, thus giving out only the external ip to the inside12:14
realmerxiositd_: could I read about this kind of configuration somewhere?12:15
Tachdelaniositd_: Could this be why noone can connect to my server?12:15
realmerxiositd_: sounds interesting12:15
iositd_Tachdelan, yes. in theory it's possible.12:15
erawfish_iositd_: it can act as a transparent bridge for ubuntu fine, but hwo can it provide NAT at the same time with the same public IP for windows? either one of the things is OK, together they make no sense12:15
iositd_realmerx, uhm i just thought of the possibility, never really read about it12:15
andi6erawfish_, iositd_: ok, we agree that this might be possible somehow... but what is the gain?12:15
kdeuser^Heya all12:16
iositd_andi6, none ... other then that the router would just provide a bridge / split function'12:16
erawfish_andi6: I doN#t agree it's possible. either one thing is, together no12:16
erawfish_and even when one says it works, I cn't see a gain. a pure NAT is a LOT simpler12:16
ganucan any 1 help with oracle installation?12:16
andi6ok :)12:16
Tachdelanerawfish_: you mean the router shouldn't be able to provide the server with a WAN ip and this one with a LAN ip?12:16
iositd_erawfish_, it can't. If it is bridging it should only do so for one IP. There is no gain in having such a configuration. NAT would make much more sense12:16
erawfish_Tachdelan: yes12:17
erawfish_Tachdelan: the WAN IP for ubuntu si bridging and the NAT IP for Vista is ANT. it cannot do both12:17
iositd_Tachdelan, did you set the server in the dmz zone or what?12:17
EdsAnyone play world of warcraft on Ubuntu12:17
simplyubuntuhey all - have a slight problem here. I can't see any of my gnome panel applets! every time I log in it says the applets could not be loaded! can anyone help???12:17
wellenreiterText hier eingeben...hello12:17
iositd_!de | wellenreiter12:17
ubotuwellenreiter: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:17
Tachdelaniositd_: There's no option for that on my modem/router (from now on just router, but it's the same box)12:18
ledgininCan anyone give me an image viewer that i can use in a terminal, without X?12:18
archmanis there a channel for networking???12:18
andi6simplyubuntu: anything in ~/.xsession-errors?12:18
iositd_Tachdelan, is there anything related to this that you can set on your router?12:18
simplyubuntuandi6 just checking...12:18
VoltxionTachdelan: your server computer is the router?12:18
andi6Voltxion: no =)12:19
Tachdelaniositd_: Not that I have found... Which is why I used the current setting as it worked fine when running XP on the server.12:19
TachdelanVoltxion: no12:19
simplyubuntuandi6, what am I looking for?12:19
realmerxThe gain for me that I never have heard about network like this12:19
andi6simplyubuntu: crashes and alike...12:20
Voltxionandi6: then the way im been reading this... it only makes sense if the other computer on the network use teh server as a router to teh outside...12:20
OiPenguinI get an error about security risk when trying to open .jpg-files. How do I avoid this? I'm forced to right click to open and thumbnails are not shown in gThumb12:20
realmerxso it is interesting new information12:20
* Tachdelan is using a speedtouch 546T212:20
iositd_Tachdelan, just to be sure ... is it possible that you can make a screenshot of the main config panel of your router?12:20
ganuerror in oracle installation...can any 1 help?12:20
* LukeLC cannot help12:20
andi6OiPenguin: these files are not on a local drive, are not they?12:20
st0n3cutt3ris there a forum for discussion on/suggestions for ubuntu?12:20
Tachdelaniositd_: I'm not sure that would do you any good...12:20
OiPenguinandi6: They are on a local drive.12:21
cambazzhello. amarok wont play radios saying no decoder is found12:21
cambazzwhat decoders must I install12:21
Tachdelaniositd_: Not much info on that page12:21
iositd_Tachdelan, i'm fairly sure it would. They have a rather complicated config panel and they do have these options12:21
iositd_Tachdelan, i have a speedtouch as well12:21
Tachdelaniositd_: Then I am unsure which page you'd like to see...12:21
iositd_Tachdelan, just the main page12:22
realmerxhmm Speedtouch 546 - Residential ADSL gateway12:22
andi6OiPenguin: are that real jpeg files or do they only end on .jpg? ;-) ... if you wanted you could check by running `file $somefile`12:22
simplyubuntuandi6 under each of the applets in xsession-errors, it has an error like this http://pastebin.com/m585dbc1212:22
VoltxionAnyone feel like like giving advice on dualbooting XP with ubuntu?12:23
OiPenguinandi6: They are real. Imported from my digital camera. It's been a problem for while, but wasn't a problem initially. I'm unable to identify anything I've done which may have caused this problem.12:23
sintfixDo you know any repository for wxGTK 2.7.8?12:23
Breakagehmm just looking though /etc/groups and was wondering if i should add my user to the group "users" there's nothing about this in the install guide. also i just added my user to games :D12:23
andi6OiPenguin: what does `file` say?  and what about `ls -l $file`?12:23
Sam1337Can I create a ~/ partition?12:24
andi6OiPenguin: have you run a compositing manager before?12:24
st0n3cutt3rVoltxion: there are many good, and thorough guides available online if you search for "dual boot windows ubuntu"12:24
Sam1337Can I create a ~/ partition or does it have to be a /home partition?12:24
andi6simplyubuntu: have you run a compositing manager before?12:24
andi6OiPenguin: sorry12:24
OiPenguinandi6: I believe I've tried compiz, but I never got the hang of it.12:24
Breakagewell ok can someone check there /etc/groups and see if there under the "users" group12:24
simplyubuntuof course... compiz running right now12:25
andi6simplyubuntu: are you brave?  then try `killall gnome-panel` :)12:25
simplyubuntuwas just about to ;)12:25
Tachdelaniositd_: http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.bbc8a2ada6.jpg12:26
OiPenguinandi6: lars@LITE-U:~/Skrivebord/2008-03-02--11.10.46$ file 00001.jpg12:26
OiPenguin00001.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard 2.212:26
Tachdelaniositd_: sorry... hang on12:26
iositd_Tachdelan, yeah you have almost the same router i have and they do have settings related to this12:26
iositd_Tachdelan, ( i can make that out of that small pic :P )12:27
simplyubuntuandi6 no luck12:27
andi6iositd_: not bad :)12:27
Tachdelaniositd_: try this one... http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bbc8a2ada6.jpg12:27
iositd_Tachdelan, yeah ... you can set the NAT settings under the Game & Application Sharing12:28
Coffiecan anyone help me with connecting to my wireless network?12:28
felixhi :)12:28
andi6simplyubuntu: can you delete and readd applets?12:28
Tachdelaniositd_: But could it be that the server itself is blocking incoming connections? anything other than iptables I can check?12:28
OiPenguinandi6: lars@LITE-U:~/Skrivebord/2008-03-02--11.10.46$ ls -l 00001.jpg12:28
OiPenguin-rw-rw-r-- 1 lars lars 907455 2008-03-02 11:10 00001.jpg12:28
lordleemosimplyubuntu:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-panel gnome-applets  then try a reboot might work.12:28
Tachdelaniositd_: I know, but not DMZ12:28
iositd_Tachdelan, i'm not a master on that ( i spend 3 hours getting my own fw up)12:28
Breakageshould I be under the group "users" in etc/groups?12:28
andi6iositd_: ha, i know that jpeg file, just by the file size ;-)12:29
iositd_Tachdelan, speedtouch routers don't have dmz, you have to set ports manually)12:29
iositd_andi6, hmm?12:29
felixI've configured my kernel now and it's compiling. I started the compile with make-kpkg binary. Is that Ok? Sry for bad english :)12:29
Tachdelanerawfish_, realmerx: could it be that the server itself is blocking incoming connections? anything other than iptables I can check?12:29
Coffiecan anyone help me with connecting to my wireless network?12:29
Tachdelaniositd_: but I shouldn't need to with my current setup12:29
andi6iositd_: well, please just ignore me12:30
andi6OiPenguin: any warning when you run `display $file`?12:30
amazingdoes anyone use compiz?12:30
Breakageshould I be under the group "users" in etc/groups?12:31
simplyubuntuandi6, lordleemo, done the reinstall, will reboot and be back shortly.12:31
lordleemosimplyubuntu: ok m8 i had a similar thing worked for me12:31
OiPenguinandi6: display opens the file instantly without warning12:31
andi6Breakage: not necessarily, i am neither12:31
iositd_Tachdelan, yes you should forward the ports unless you disabled your router entirely. Try to forward the ports you want in the correct section12:31
daningHave anyone installed globus in ubuntu?12:32
Breakageandi6: ok thanks alot :)12:32
Tachdelaniositd_: Sorry, I forgot you didn't follow the conversation from the start... I have forwarded the ports already.12:32
ezra1964good morning12:33
iositd_Tachdelan, try and read the questions more carefully next time ... i asked if you had any section on your router that did have info on this ... obviously this section did ...12:33
daningezra1964: morning12:33
felixpleeeeaas help me^^12:33
andi6erawfish_: btw, you did not tell me why forwarding 21 for passive ftp does not suffice yet12:33
Tachdelaniositd_: I apologize12:33
bobboDid the latest kernel update break Nvidia/X for anyone else (Hardy)?12:33
iositd_Tachdelan, no problem.12:33
KojiroSomawhere do i get kernel- from?12:33
daninganyone use globus with ubuntu?12:34
andi6KojiroSoma: better even a mirror thereof12:34
iositd_Tachdelan, as it appears you're not running the dhcp server on your router. ... correct?12:34
KojiroSomaandi6:  huh?12:34
felixKojiroSoma: kernel.org12:34
ezra1964does anyone know what scheduler 7.04 uses? I dropped a script in cron.daily but it didnt run, and I see crontab is empty12:34
andi6KojiroSoma: http://www.kernel.org/mirrors/12:34
KojiroSomaim trying to follow the install modem guide but it goes Go to your downloaded kernel folder and it never told me how to do that step :/12:35
Tachdelaniositd_: I am12:35
rambo3!find linux-image-
Tachdelaniositd_: At least I'm pretty sure I am... Can't seem to find the right page atm. :S12:35
ubotuPackage/file linux-image- does not exist in gutsy12:35
iositd_Tachdelan, if you would then you'd get an internal ip (c class?) starting with 192.168.1.* on default settings12:35
andi6ezra1964: i doubt these script will appear in crontab12:35
rambo3could be 182,168.0.*12:36
Tachdelaniositd_: DHCP Server: Enabled12:36
phixI got sound working!12:36
rambo3er 19212:36
simplyubuntuandi6, lordleemo it worked!12:36
ezra1964well usually there are commands to run the scripts in cron.daily etc12:36
iositd_rambo3, speedtouch starts on 192.168.1.* usually afaik12:36
ezra1964but when i do a crontab -e12:36
Tachdelanthis one uses 10.0.0.x series12:36
andi6simplyubuntu: what did you reinstall, btw?12:36
phixASUS F3SV requires the latest alsa stuff plus it needs to be modprobed as model=hp12:36
ezra1964there are no commands at all12:36
phixfor any one who is interested12:37
Tachdelaniositd_: internal router ip is
iositd_Tachdelan, .... now you've got me 100% confused ... how many routers / servers / boxes / anything else are you running?12:37
andi6ezra1964: so does /usr/sbin/cron run?12:37
ezra1964good question12:37
KojiroSomais there a way to install modem drivers throguh mdprobe?12:38
simplyubuntuandu6, gnome-panel, gnome-panel-applets12:38
Tachdelaniositd_: 1 modem/router, 1 ubuntu 7.10 server install pc and 1 vista gaming computer12:38
Tachdelaniositd_: that's all12:38
andi6simplyubuntu: did you have a kernel oops or update recently?12:38
iositd_Tachdelan, then where does your router fit in?12:38
realmerxTachdelan: I am currently reading about bridges :)12:38
Tachdelaniositd_: my router is my modem and vice versa12:38
ezra1964according to ps it is running, its just that its config is empty12:38
BillyJoeI am use to always adding things by vim in to the fstab, is there a way to doit from the command? for exsample "mount -addtofstab /dev/sda1 /mnt/winblows"12:39
lordleemoandi6: i had an update last week caused the same problem12:39
KojiroSomais there a way to install modem drivers throguh mdprobe?12:39
realmerxTachdelan: because I have no idea how your internet works :p12:39
ezra1964i've noticed this before and was wondering if ubuntu uses a different scheduler12:39
simplyubuntuandi6 not that I know of... I did install cairo dock, though12:39
andi6lordleemo: you are updating gutsy?12:39
iositd_Tachdelan, humor me and check what your router tells you what the ip is of the connected devices12:39
Tachdelaniositd_: the speedtouch 546T2 is a modem with built-in router (1 WAN, 4 LAN)12:39
lordleemoandi6: yes m812:39
iositd_Tachdelan, alright... i get it12:39
andi6lordleemo: strange... no problems on another machine... maybe one needs to run compiz for that12:40
KojiroSomaalso is there a way to install kernel- via terminal?12:40
lordleemoandi6: i run compiz m8 i got an update and that caused my problem12:40
creatureMorning all. Overnight, my machine crashed for some reason. When I come to reboot it, it gets to the Waiting for root file system" part and then stops. After a few minutes it gives "ALERT! /dev/mapper/vg-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!". So presumably something in my LVM has gone awry. How do I find out what it is?12:40
andi6lordleemo: thanks :)12:41
lordleemoandi6: welcome12:41
Tachdelaniositd_: http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/c87dbb5905.jpg12:41
karuna_bdchey, is there a way to make ubuntu boot up really fast?12:42
Coffiecan anyone help finishing installing ndiswrapper-common. my last command was sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common12:43
andi6karuna_bdc: sure, replace /bin/init by /bin/bash as init process... somehow i doubt you will like it though12:43
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atlef!preload | karuna_bdc:12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about preload - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:43
FloodBot1cHeRrY_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:44
Tachdelaniositd_: confused yet? ;)12:44
iositd_Tachdelan, getting close ...12:45
atlefkaruna_bdc: sorry wrong, this is for faster app loading12:45
Tachdelaniositd_: =P12:45
realmerxok I never bothered to understand bridges before :p12:45
ks3creature, first thing i'd do would be go in to the grub menu and boot without the quiet and splash flags12:45
realmerxso bridge is basically Layer2 routing12:45
karuna_bdcatlef: thts ok12:45
iositd_Tachdelan, one more screenshot ... the details of the server that gets your wan ip12:45
st0n3cutt3rhttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/384/    I was looking at this idea on the brainstorm board, but it doesn't really give any specific information about what they're looking for from the artists.  anyone know/know how to contact author(s)?12:46
whitekidneydoes ubuntu work in virtual windows?12:46
creatureks3: I've taken out the quiet flag, and I've hit Alt+F1 so I'm looking at a console now.12:46
realmerxbut that still would need different ip addresses12:46
Coffiecan anyone help finishing installing ndiswrapper-common. my last command was sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common12:46
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney:  do you mean on Virtual PC?12:46
StarnestommyCoffie: it should be installed now12:46
nDuffcreature, well... "lvm pvdisplay" -- does your disk show up?12:46
rambo3st0n3cutt3r, thhey are prolly on ubuntuforums12:46
creaturenDuff: Erm, given that it can't mount the root file system, I probably won't have lvm available to me, will I?12:47
st0n3cutt3rrambo3: think I should just search the topic?  (I'm not at all familiar with the forums)12:47
creatureI will check and see if it's on the initramfs.12:47
nDuffcreature, it's in the initrd12:47
rambo3st0n3cutt3r, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=1612:47
whitekidneydoes ubuntu work in virtual windows?12:47
CoffieStarnestommy: but it still won't find my wireless network..12:47
nDuffcerature, how do you think the initrd brings your disk up?12:47
karuna_bdchey is there a way to automount drives on startup? like whats the commad to put in sessions?12:47
Tachdelaniositd_: please clarify... you want ifconfig of the ubuntu server I've got?12:47
StarnestommyCoffie: after ndiswrapper is installed, get a windows version of the wireless driver12:48
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney: do you mean in Virtual PC /on/ windows?12:48
creatureBuffer I/O error on device hdc, logcal block blah.12:48
creatureThis hard disk is less than a month old. :|12:48
ganuoracle installation error...can any 1 help?12:48
whitekidneydoes ubuntu work in virtual windows?12:48
Starnestommywhitekidney: virtual windows?12:48
iositd_Tachdelan, i'll give you an example... sec12:48
ere4sikaruna_bdc, the /etc/fstab file is for mounting partitions at boot - what drive do you want to mount?12:49
nDuffganu, maybe. explain the error, and it's "anyone", please, not "any 1".12:49
iositd_Tachdelan,  http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2916/screenshotzr3.png12:49
whitekidneyyeah, a OS inside a OS12:49
Tachdelaniositd_: oh... you mean from the speedtouch... one sec12:49
KojiroSomawhy does it say this> E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 <when installing via termianl?12:49
Starnestommywhitekidney: yes12:49
rambo3!find linux-headers-2.6.12-912:49
ubotuPackage/file linux-headers-2.6.12-9 does not exist in gutsy12:49
whitekidneyum, it doesnt load.12:49
StarnestommyKojiroSoma: 2.6.12 is rather old12:49
ks3whitekidney, what virtualization software are you using12:50
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney: you can emulate ubuntu on windows using virtual pc 200712:50
whitekidneyWindows Virtual PC12:50
KojiroSomawhat should i use to install modem drivers then?12:50
Tachdelaniositd_: http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/47fe43f665.jpg12:50
rambo3KojiroSoma, headers dont have 386 at the end12:50
ks3whitekidney, when i tried that, i had to add 'clock=pit' to the boot options12:50
whitekidneythe menu loads, it says Start or Install ubuntu12:50
iositd_Tachdelan, ....12:50
iositd_Tachdelan, now i am ...12:50
KojiroSomathats what it says in the installmodem guide :/12:50
KojiroSomaim only trying to follow the guide :(12:51
iositd_Tachdelan, the only thing i can possibly think of ... is that your server is telling your router to give it a specific ip ...12:51
whitekidneyks3: how do i do that?12:51
vi390is there a way to reset all desktop configurations for all users at commandline ?12:51
Tachdelaniositd_: hehehhe... But I'm still not convinced that the problem is the router12:51
ganunDuff:"OUI-10036:could not locate the inventory location.you may not have the permission to write to that location"12:51
Tachdelaniositd_: the server is using dhcp client to get ip12:52
rambo3KojiroSoma, my bad they have , what ubuntu version are you running?12:52
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney:  follow this guide! http://arcanecode.wordpress.com/2007/10/18/installing-ubuntu-710-under-virtual-pc-2007/12:52
iositd_Tachdelan, you tried to release the ip and using dhclient to gain a new?12:52
whitekidneystone, thanks ill try that.12:52
Tachdelaniositd_: but the router know that the nic (mac addresse) on the server shall get the wan ip12:52
whitekidneystone : the page is blank12:52
KojiroSomarambo3:  i have gutsy gibbon 7.10 the laest version12:53
nDuffganu, does /etc/oraInventory.loc exist?12:53
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney: as long as you follow the instructions, you should have no problems.  I'm emulating ubuntu right now with it.12:53
iositd_Tachdelan, release it, tell ur router to forget this nic, then reconnect12:53
Tachdelaniositd_: the server has already switched ips a couple of times12:53
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney: try reloading the page?12:53
whitekidneystone : the page is blank, 100% white12:53
whitekidneyi did.12:53
st0n3cutt3ruse a different browser?12:53
Tachdelaniositd_: then it will get a private ip12:53
whitekidneyill try12:53
karuna_bdchi, this might be a bit off topic, but whenever i install amarok, it keeps getting wrong CD cover and adding it to all albums, for example, all albums will have the same cover12:53
iositd_Tachdelan, the whole point ... then you can use the NAT to forward traffic12:53
rambo3KojiroSoma, why dont you just use current kernel, can you oist guide link?12:53
Tachdelaniositd_: Oh man! I was trying to avoid that... :(12:54
Tachdelaniositd_: but ok..12:54
iositd_Tachdelan, why were you tryin to avoid it?12:54
KojiroSomarambo3: i would love to but i dont know how :(12:54
iositd_Tachdelan, it's the most secure way of forwarding traffic ...12:54
ganunDuff:no it does not exist12:54
vi390how can I reset a Desktop config on the commandline ?12:54
rambo3KojiroSoma, post link to the guid that you are using.12:54
KojiroSomarambo3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171163 <<<guide to installing modem drivers12:54
=== Handy_K is now known as co_gokilz
Tachdelaniositd_: uhm... what's those commands again? ;)12:55
stevecasperhey.....im struggling to get my ubuntu to network with my other computer ( using windows ) any1 got some ideas?12:55
iositd_for ...12:55
Oli``Would it be (easily) possible to put a WiFi card in my PC and share my cabled network through it? If so any recommendations on PCI wifi cards?12:55
=== shitbreak is now known as pallero
iositd_Tachdelan, getting a new dhcp address?12:55
OiPenguinandi6: display opens the file instantly without warning12:56
KojiroSomaand this is another but uses old kernel apperntly :/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/PcTel this is through imodem btw12:56
phantomcircuitis there anyway to get Evolution Mail to look more like http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/3690/clipboard01ft8.jpg12:56
phantomcircuitin regards to screen utilization?12:56
palleroHi, and sorry for my noobish question, am i able to listen .mp3 music if i install ubuntu_12:56
Tachdelaniositd_: hmm.... something is wrong... I can't get the router to remove the wan ip forwarding thingy12:56
iositd_pallero, yes12:56
Tachdelanneed to restart modem... bbiab12:56
ganunDuff:what should i do now?now its in GUI mode..12:56
palleroiositd_: is there a player by default which plays those files12:57
iositd_Tachdelan, lol ... it's becoming more fun with the minute isn't it12:57
iositd_pallero, any player will do. It will ask you to download the codecs on the first time playing htem12:57
st0n3cutt3rwhitekidney: near the end of that guide it tells you to edit menu.lst.   while you're editing it, the guide doesn't mention this, but you'll want to add ' -- i8042.noloop' to the automatic boot options as well. it's about half-way down the page under ## ##Start Default Options ##12:57
Tachdelaniositd_: indeed... but I forgot the commands to release/renew ip in linux... (pretty new to linux)12:57
iositd_Tachdelan, afaik you can just run dhclient to get a new ip12:57
KojiroSomaany advice rambo3 ?12:57
whitekidneystone : i need some help, can i PM you?12:57
rambo3KojiroSoma, you didn't read the manual ? You start at this line : "For Dapper Drake (6.06) and thereafter," so you don't need that kernel . type uname -r12:58
Tachdelaniositd_: I know, but I want to release and renew to avoid screwups with the router12:58
iositd_Tachdelan, unjack from the router?12:58
nDuffganu, I'm pondering that. I've done a number of Oracle installs, but all of those have been Gentoo, SLES or RHEL; you might be best off trying to follow an existing installation guide such as that at http://www.spazidigitali.com/media/Oracle_su_ubuntu.pdf12:58
KojiroSomarambo3: even the other official guide is kinda outdated :( i dont know what to do :/12:58
Tachdelaniositd_: lol... ok, ok... bbiab12:58
ganuits showing the path "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory" and if click ok the error appearing12:58
rambo3KojiroSoma, there is no more -386 , what kernel are you running. type uname -r in terminal12:58
whitekidneyaww, i cant PM, stone, but can you join #whitekidney?12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about engy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:59
nDuffganu, does that path (or at least /u01) exist?12:59
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »12:59
bluecakehow to start rdesktop before gnome login manager starts?12:59
nDuffganu, ...btw, while "u01" and friends are part of a very much deprecated standard for paths on Oracle, it's not exactly FHS-friendly.12:59
KojiroSomarambo3: 2.6.22-14-generic12:59
rambo3KojiroSoma, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic13:00
rambo3KojiroSoma, or sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic13:00
ganunDuff:yes exists13:00
KojiroSomarambo3: i already have the latest headers installed :/13:01
jtravnickphantomcircuit, have you tried changing to vertical view?13:01
ganunDuff:I did not get your previous message13:01
rambo3KojiroSoma, then build it . unpack and fallow the guid , you have build-essential13:02
phantomcircuitjtravnick, yeah the problem is that the screen space taken up by the folder view on the left is huge13:02
=== Handy_K is now known as co_gokilz
crimsonI'm having an audio issue with ubuntu 7.04, I can get sound from everything BUT web based video. mp3's, microphone, wav, and everything else works. But no web based sound.13:02
KojiroSomarambo3: so i dont need to install gcc 3.4 packages?13:02
phantomcircuitjtravnick, and i cant figure out how to get it to disappear, it just stays at like half the size and wont go any smaller13:03
jtravnickphantomcircuit, dont have it show the side bar and than just resize the left to what you want13:03
rambo3KojiroSoma, install it from apt, and before you build it you need to export gcc to 3.413:03
vi390I have small fonts in the User menue, and Want to get rid of them. Its almost not readable13:03
KojiroSomarambo3: do i use thos command for apt?> sudo dpkg -i gcc-3.4-base_3.4.4-6ubuntu8_i386.deb13:04
rambo3KojiroSoma, no sudo apt-get install gcc-3.413:05
ganunDuff: the one you have given is for older version of ubuntu..will it work on 7.10?13:05
guest8Hi, my microphone doesn't work. Audio output works (I can hear music), but I can't record anything. The Device Manager says I have "MCP67 High Definition Audio" from nVidia. Can anybody help me please?13:05
KojiroSomarambo3: btw how do i export gcc to 3.4?13:05
schasihi there13:06
rambo3KojiroSoma, i think its : export gcc=gcc3.4 or export gcc=gcc-3.413:06
KojiroSomarambo3:  hehe gcc-3.4 is already the newest version :P13:06
rambo3KojiroSoma, no export CC=gcc-3.413:07
TachaWayhmmm... let's see now...13:07
jtravnickdang it whats the add for the clip board for here?13:07
TachaWayiositd_: looks like I need to run some command on the server to get an ip13:07
KojiroSomarambo3:  nothing happens when i type export CC=gcc-3.4 in terminal :/13:08
iositd_TachaWay, new name?13:08
crowI want to get gcc, and go to this ftp server ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/, what exactly should I download from there?13:08
iositd_TachaWay, run sudo dhclient13:08
rambo3KojiroSoma, sudo CC=gcc-3.4 && sudo export CC13:08
atlef!pastebin | jtravnick:13:08
ubotujtravnick:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:08
TachaWayiositd_: nickname in use...13:08
pietroiositd_: hello again13:08
iositd_TachaWay, i c13:08
iositd_pietro, wb13:08
pietroiositd_: tried several times13:08
atlefjtravnick: was this what you meant13:09
bluecakehow do i install ssh?13:09
jtravnickatlef thanks can never remember how to do that13:09
KojiroSomarambo3  C=gcc-3.4 command nbot found :/13:09
nDuffganu, as said before, I've never done an Oracle install on Ubuntu; if you want a sure thing, create a virtual machine with CentOS.13:09
rambo3KojiroSoma, it is set to gcc 3.4 . you can build the driver now13:09
pietroiositd_: noway, i think the problem are the ati drivers, i can't use my original monitor resolution due to a driver malfunctioning13:09
iositd_pietro, does it give you any errors?13:10
KojiroSomarambo3: ok building the drivers is a simple make install command right?13:10
TachaWayiositd_: had to reset to factory settings on the router13:10
iositd_TachaWay, o.O13:10
iositd_TachaWay, right ...13:10
crowI need some help13:11
crowI want to get gcc, and go to this ftp server ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/, what exactly should I download from there?13:11
TachaWayiositd_: looks like it had a lockup on that setting which might have caused the problem13:11
jtravnickatlef, well that wont work was going to paist a screan shot13:11
vallhalla81hi all can any one suggest some film editing and special effects programs for ubuntu13:11
rambo3KojiroSoma, just fallow the guid now sudo ./setup13:11
iositd_TachaWay, then ... get the proper nat settings up on your router and try again :-)13:11
phantomcircuitjtravnick, but then i have to go through the menu to get at the side bar13:11
iositd_TachaWay, i have to go for a bit ... so i'm afraid i have to redirect you to the channel13:11
KojiroSomarambo3:  ok thnx ^_^13:11
iositd_TachaWay, pc trouble again with some folks ...13:11
bluecakehello ?13:12
TachaWayiositd_: thanks alot for your assistance!13:12
iositd_TachaWay, you're welcome13:12
iositd_c ya around :-)13:12
thannoybluecake: try  sudo apt-get install sshd13:12
bluecakethannoy, thanks13:12
pietroiositd_: i installed ati drivers as you told me using dpkg-reconfigure, but xserver doesn't start, just black screen and if I don't press ctrl+alt+f1 at the startup the system freeze in a black screen and i can't acces to tthe console as well13:12
jtravnickphantomcircuit, well not sure how else you would do it since ive not realy played around with it i acualy prefer the default look13:13
ere4sicrow, it is in synaptic13:13
guest8Hi, can anyone help me with my sound problem: I can't record anything. Device Manager says I have "MCP67 High Definition Audio"?13:13
KojiroSomarambo3: i get a compilation error :/ > installed gcc version 3.4.6 does not match kernel gcc version 4.1.313:13
crowere4si,  there are only old versions in synaptic13:13
thannoybluecake: emm ssh, no 'd'13:13
Kasra_ubuntuHello to all113:13
bluecakethannoy, okie13:13
whileimhere hi is there a file manager other than nautilus that will do the split panel view?13:14
rambo3KojiroSoma, ok then set the compiler back to 4.1.3 version13:14
rambo3KojiroSoma, sudo  export CC=gcc-4.113:14
atlef!file manager | whileimhere:13:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about file manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:15
bluecakethannoy, you know which apt i need to add "gnome-terimal" to right-mouse's menu?13:15
atlef!filemanager | whileimhere:13:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filemanager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:15
rambo3KojiroSoma, it needs to match the kernel compiled version13:15
whileimhereGood try atlef13:15
atlef!nautilus | whileimhere:13:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:15
KojiroSomarambo3: export command not found :/13:15
thannoybluecake: no13:15
vallhalla81hi all can any one suggest some film editing and special effects programs for ubuntu?13:15
twosouls82KojiroSoma: some shells use "set" instead of export13:16
vi390I have too small fonts in the Menues. I can not even see them , is it possible to change them with the comanline ?13:16
rambo3KojiroSoma, export CC=gcc-4.113:16
ere4sicrow, there's a lot of choices - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.2.3 - on this page13:16
KojiroSomarambo3:  thnx for taking the time to help me :) theres no rush, take your time ^_^ im enjoying this :)13:16
nichlasvallhalla81: kino.. although it doesn't have many special effects.. it's in league with windows movie maker..13:16
vallhalla81nichlas thank you13:17
guest8Is there any other irc channel where I could ask?13:17
KojiroSomarambo3: sudo export CC=gcc-4.1 command not working either :(13:17
probonowho the heck voted this down? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2240/ ;-)13:17
rambo3KojiroSoma, no sudo13:17
ere4sicrow,    ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/gcc-g++-4.2.3.tar.bz2   is prob what you want13:17
nichlasguest8: probably too complicated for irc.. try the forum13:18
crowere4si, thanks13:18
crowso, I can compile cpp codes with that?13:18
KojiroSomarambo3: bnothing happening set cc=gcc-4.1 or export CC=gcc-4.113:18
sarthorA previous installation of VMware software has been detected... how to remove the previous installation?? help please13:19
guest8nichlas: you mean www.ubuntuusers.org13:19
DellbuntuStudio5I have a problem with Compiz Fusion13:19
nichlasguest8: http://www.google.dk/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2F&ei=danKR_SyH6Sm0QTyjYEJ&usg=AFQjCNGF2JY73wl7V7DZ4Q5770PS5QlBuQ&sig2=RLjewdynZcaZa50xj3TYtQ13:20
rambo3KojiroSoma, no it should be like that ,gcc version changesm : gcc -dumpversion13:20
nichlasguest8: oops13:20
nichlasguest8: http://ubuntuforums.org/13:20
BillyJoeDose any know how to make the keyring in xubuntu automatickly start, like in ubuntu, were it saves the keyring password.13:20
ompaul!compiz | DellbuntuStudio513:20
ubotuDellbuntuStudio5: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:20
KojiroSomarambo3: eg. gcc version changesm : gcc -4.113:20
DellbuntuStudio5ubotu: It's messed up my comp. Thanks!13:21
rambo3KojiroSoma, try sudo ./setup now13:21
DellbuntuStudio5ubotu: Your a bot?13:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about your a bot? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:21
Tachdelanerawfish_, realmerx : it was a lockup in my router that caused the problem. reset to factory and set it back up like it was. Works like a charm now13:22
KojiroSomarambo3: now its saying no suitable gcc version could be found.13:22
KojiroSomaplease install gcc. :/13:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything' - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:22
b1f30hey all - having trouble with compiz window decorations - metacity works fine, but not compiz13:22
guest8nichlas: Thanks, I think I might try out the forums13:22
DellbuntuStudio5Hi! Compiz makes windows act all wierd13:22
nichlasguest8: you're probably not the first one with that kind of problem :)13:23
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: you using virtuabox?13:23
rambo3KojiroSoma namy it should be, other version of gcc, try :   export CC=gcc-4.1.313:23
guest8nichlas: I tried to search google, but I didn't find anything13:23
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: what's virtualbox?13:23
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: never mind13:23
KojiroSomarambo3: nothing heppend :/13:24
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: Ubuntu was downloaded as an ISO and then burned to a CD13:24
Jowib1f30, have you installed emerald and its themes?13:24
rambo3KojiroSoma, try sudo ./setup now13:24
sarthorA previous installation of VMware software has been detected... how to remove the previous installation?? help please13:24
stevecasperany1 know how i can access my windows network.....i can see my workgroup...but thats about it13:24
KojiroSomarambo3: still saying no suitable gcc version could be found. please install gcc. :(13:25
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: I understand13:25
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: are you having compiz problems?13:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stats - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:25
jtravnickDellbuntuStudio5, I think what oz is asking is are you running ubuntu from windows or are you booting to ubuntu?13:25
bluecakewhat's a good live cd to run?13:25
_Oz_actually I was just confused by his use of the word "windows" I think13:25
_Oz_I was thinking he was running windows in a virtual machine and there are known conflicts between compiz and virtualbox13:26
_Oz_but I think he just meant "windows" as in the windows of his applications in ubuntu, not windows itself13:26
ompaulbluecake, http://www.ubuntu.com/ and get yours there13:26
bluecakeompaul, live cdr distro. ubuntu live cd too slow13:26
jtravnickthats what it sounded like to me also13:26
bluecakeompaul, tired of knoppix13:27
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_:Compiz makes windows act all wierd. For example, The internet browser either becomes the background picture inside the window, or the background gets disorted. I'm running UbuntuStudio 7.10 with Compiz-Fusion 0.6.213:27
ompaulbluecake, then xubuntu13:27
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: are you using KDE or Gnome?13:27
ompaulbluecake, beyond that there is fluxubuntu13:27
KojiroSomarambo3: hello?13:27
bluecakeompaul, am already running xbuntu, ubuntu, kbuntu13:27
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: I can only use Gnome! It's UbuntuStudio, not kubuntu im running!13:28
bluecakehaha... missed fluxbuntu. but there are not mean for cdr on the fly. kind running13:28
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: Sorry. I'm Running Gnome13:29
atlef!swap | atlef13:29
erUSULbluecake: grml no xserver fast as hell13:29
schasiIs there a nice program for finding duplicate files?13:29
_Oz_DellbuntuStudio5: open a terminal and type "gnome-panels"13:29
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: OK13:30
bluecakeerUSUL, hm... interesting, never heard of it.  but running ubuntu without x will probably be the same.13:30
* bluecake downloading grml13:30
rambo3KojiroSoma, what?13:30
sarthorA previous installation of VMware software has been detected... how to remove the previous installation?? help please13:30
KojiroSomarambo3: still saying no suitable gcc version could be found. please install gcc. :(13:30
erUSULbluecake: no becouse all the space left by the x programs is full of goo text based programs XD13:30
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: The background got messed up, and i dont have wobbly windows effect on13:30
loahello how i can update bios on my samsung notebook13:31
DellbuntuStudio5_Oz_: It said "Bash: gnome-panels: command not found.13:32
rambo3KojiroSoma, http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux/welcome.html13:32
jtravnicktrying to install ubuntu7.10 on a laptop that has 256mg of shared memery and it keeps locking up on me i can change the video memory from 64mb to 32 anybody know if that will help?13:33
ere4si_Oz_, gnome-panel - no "s" on the end13:33
bluecakeerUSUL, it's just what i need. knoppix 5 was release like a centry ago. grml just released last month13:33
KojiroSomarambo3:  yep, i already have the latest pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-8.tar.gz  file :) thats the ./setup i have been trying :/13:33
kane77how can I change nautilus for something other?13:33
shishirmkhow do i configure fetchmail to give the files to procmail?13:33
DellbuntuStudio5ere4si: Ok, that was wrong. I try gnome-panel13:33
shishirmkor does procmail fetch directly from $MAIL13:34
sarthorA previous installation of VMware software has been detected... how to remove the previous installation?? help please13:34
ere4sikane77, sudo apt-get thunar   or whatever13:34
dskid808Can I transfer a ubuntu install between pcs without reinstalling?13:34
Starnestommysarthor: try asking in the channel #vmware13:34
ere4sikane77, oops - sudo apt-get install thunar   etc13:34
kane77ere4si, well but how do I get that to be the default file manager?13:34
sarthorStarnestommy, : no luck there. trying there also.13:35
bimboclaudioma qui e possibile scaricare come su mirc ?13:35
bluecakeerUSUL, oh yeeahh....13:35
cambazzhello what tools are most popular to write images to cd13:35
ere4sikane77, that is in gconf-editor I think 0 one min13:35
Jowiloa, I think samsung provides non-OS dependent CD versions of their bios upgrade tools... P35 has it at least. ( http://www.samsungpc.com/products/p30_p35/p30_p35_bios/p30_bios.htm ) don't know about other laptops. browse their site.13:35
liskobibimboclaudio, cosa intendi?13:36
dananddskid808 - is the machine you want to transfer the ubuntu install to _identical_ to the machine it is presently on ?13:36
loa<Jowi> Thanks13:36
dskid808It's an install on my 4gb pen drive13:36
rambo3KojiroSoma, ok i need to know what gcc kernel is compiled with. waiting for answer13:37
ere4sikane77,  here's a howto - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease13:37
KojiroSomarambo3: ok finding out for you :)13:37
dananddskid808 - do you mean your using the pen drive like a live CD?13:37
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:37
dskid808with persistent changes13:38
kane77ere4si, thanx, that is what I was looking for!13:38
dskid808http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ I'm followig these instructions13:38
KojiroSomarambo3: btw i used this command to get the gcc kernels with> sudo apt-get install gcc gcc-3.4 gcc-4.1 libsdl1.2-dev make libz-dev uuid-dev libasound2-dev gcc libc6-dev zlib1g-dev < is this ok?13:38
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:39
rambo3KojiroSoma, i think that latest gcc is always installed on ubuntu with build-essential13:39
KojiroSomarambo3:  i have installed13:40
KojiroSomarambo3: how do i find out what gcc kernel my modem drivers is compiled with?13:40
FrogzooKojiroSoma: you should use the same version as was used to compile your kernel13:41
KojiroSomarambo3: i dont even know how to compile my kernel :P13:42
rambo3KojiroSoma, they aren't , you need to compile them13:42
dananddskid808 - it will depend on the host you are trying to use that pen drive on. ie whether or not all the hardware etc is supported. if you have made changes to the install on the pen drive that are specific to the machine you used to install it ie setting it up to use a specific gfx card etc then that may cause you problems. as for the rest of the stuff ie all you preferred packages and settings - that should all be ok13:42
rambo3KojiroSoma, type sudo -i13:42
KojiroSomarambo3: i see! so i need to compile kernel THEN install ok lemme find out :)13:43
rambo3KojiroSoma, no13:43
FrogzooKojiroSoma: you do NOT need to compile kernel to build a module/driver13:43
KojiroSomarambo3: ok im root of my terminal13:43
rambo3type gcc -v13:44
KojiroSomarambo3: gcc command not found :(13:44
Tooommihow come my sda and sdb are changed whenever I boot my pc?13:44
ap0c0lyps3type sudo aptitude install gcc13:44
ap0c0lyps3in the text prompt13:44
Tooommisda becomes sdb and vice versa13:44
KojiroSomaap0c0lyps3: not in terminal?13:45
ap0c0lyps3same thing13:45
ap0c0lyps3keep on forgettingg name13:45
rambo3KojiroSoma, in terminal without  sudo13:45
KojiroSomaap0c0lyps3: :) thnx13:45
danandTooommi - are sda and sdb hard disks or cd drives?13:45
Tooommihard disks13:45
Tooommimy only 213:45
dskid808the hardware is smiliar between the 2 laptops and I beleive on the 2nd it is supported. My acer aspire 5050 is and the dell inspiron 1520 is similar13:46
Tooommifstab remains the same. just sda and sdb change place13:46
KojiroSomarambo3: ok done13:46
rambo3KojiroSoma, ./setup13:47
Cew27hey all is there where to ask about kde13:47
ere4siCew27, in #kubuntu13:47
Starnestommyor #kde13:47
danandTooommi - I had this problem with my cdrom drives - hdc was mapped to /dev/cdrom1 and hdd was mapped to /dev/cdrom - which was causing me a few probs. I managed to get them to map to the correct /dev/ entries by editing the rules in /etc/udev/rules.d13:48
Tooommithanks. I will see what I can do13:48
KojiroSomarambo3: still saying no suitable gcc version could be found. please install gcc. :(13:49
=== johan_newubuntuu is now known as johan_new_Ubuntu
StarnestommyKojiroSoma: is build-essential installed?13:49
KojiroSomaStarnestommy: yeah apperently i think :/13:50
syntaxerror55johan_new_Ubuntu: hi :D13:50
realmerxKojiroSoma: what does which gcc tells you?13:50
KojiroSomarealmerx: how do i find that out again?13:50
johan_new_UbuntuI am quite new to both irssi and Ubuntu, but I have used linux awhile!13:50
syntaxerror55johan_new_Ubuntu: Do you have a question?13:51
smailahow do i speed upp file transfers,  kopete - win live... ?13:51
syntaxerror55smaila: the simple answer is you don't13:51
realmerxKojiroSoma: type in terminal "which gcc" - without the quotes13:51
brobostigonsmaila: faster net connection, download from a faster server13:52
KojiroSomarealmerx: nothing happened :/13:52
smaila realmerx: ouch13:52
johan_new_UbuntuI am wondering how to get nvidia 3D working. I have Gefoorce4, and i have tried with nvidia-glx-configure and got my terminal lost.So how do i do it properly?13:52
realmerxKojiroSoma: then no gcc is installed13:53
ExfiltrateHello all13:53
ExfiltrateIm in need of some help13:53
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: hi13:53
realmerxKojiroSoma: how did you try to install the gcc?13:53
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: with?13:53
Exfiltratehow are you?13:53
johan_new_UbuntuIs it the right channel, or could someone redirect me to it?13:53
KojiroSomarealmerx: through apt get i think13:54
syntaxerror55johan_new_Ubuntu: I'm sorry, I don't know D:13:54
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: i have a few bugs with this system that are bugging me13:54
danandTooommi - the command udevinfo --root --query=all --path=/block/sda should turn up some useful info for help in setting that specific drive to which ever /dev entry you want by editing or creating an appropriate rule13:54
syntaxerror55johan_new_Ubuntu: have you tried the steps at !nvidia?13:54
TiyukIf I want to know what the exact path is for a kernel module "foo.ko" when I type "modprobe foo", how would I find that?13:54
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: Like?13:54
johan_new_UbuntuYou mean nvidia website?13:55
ere4sijohan_new_Ubuntu, can you type in a terminal    lspci | grep nvidia and tell us the output?13:55
syntaxerror55!nvidia | johan_new_Ubuntu13:55
ubotujohan_new_Ubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:55
mort_server madito.es13:55
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: every time i start Deluge the colums are all squished together13:55
johan_new_UbuntuOk I will do that .Thanks for responding!13:56
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: the colums for the files that are downloading13:56
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: could you take a screenshot and send it to me?13:56
FersureDoes anyone know any detailed tutorials on compiling plz?13:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:59
syntaxerror55!compile | Fersure13:59
ubotuFersure: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:59
Fersurety syntaxerror5514:00
zackyramonecan anyone help me regarding World of Warcraft??14:00
syntaxerror55!wine | zackyramone14:00
ubotuzackyramone: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:00
syntaxerror55Fersure: np :D14:00
realmerxFersure: well have you tried google :)14:00
zackyramonesyntaxerror55, that i know....but it wont work and i get errors when i run it from terminal14:00
phantomcircuitAppDB lies14:01
Fersurerealmerx: Yes, I have. I tried looking there but couldn't find anything too detailed.14:01
phantomcircuitit says that steam installs correctly14:01
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org14:01
phantomcircuitwhich just is not true at all14:01
FersureI found a nice site giving me a quick look at it...14:01
vi390hi there , i made a mistake, and clicket in the login menu, that I only can login to remote computers in ubuntu. I want my local Login back. Where is the config in /etc/ to adjust that back to normal ?14:01
realmerxFersure: good14:01
FersureBut, it wasn't that detailed.14:02
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: im sending14:02
zackyramonehelp pls...WoW wont start and i get an error regarding openGL14:02
vi390I can login via console, but not with graphical14:02
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: just upload to imageshack.us14:02
danandTooommi - ls -lR /dev/disk should also turn up useful info creating udev rules for naming them disks14:02
Exfiltrateill just upload to my server14:02
phantomcircuitzackyramone, maybe #wine?14:03
NibblynHi! Just installed ubuntu guitsy but can`t boot [grub error 17]. Running a live cd right now. Someone can help how to fix this?14:03
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: alright14:04
zackyramonephantomcircuit: thanks14:04
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/5827/screenshotdelugent3.png14:05
KojiroSomahow do i install gcc in terminal?14:05
Exfiltrateworked just as well14:05
TooommiI will try it danand14:06
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: hmm, you're using the default theme too.14:06
Exfiltrateis it possible to install gftp without the Gusty CD?14:06
Exfiltrateyeah i am14:06
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: its just anoying14:06
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: You can spread them out manually, right?14:07
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: yeah14:07
NibblynCould please someone help how to fix grub from a live cd? can`t boot into the system after install.. thanks.14:07
erUSUL!grub | Nibblyn14:07
ubotuNibblyn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:07
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: I'm not sure why that would happen. Probably something wrong with ubuntu's pygtk implementation :/14:08
lou1983hi all14:08
NibblynerUSUL: thanks... will check them now...14:08
jougsHi! I installed the realtime kernel, but it does not boot14:09
jougscan anybody help me?14:09
vi390how can I login local with activated XDMCP14:09
crimsonI'm having an audio issue with ubuntu 7.04, I can get sound from everything BUT web based video. mp3's, microphone, wav, and everything else works. But no web based sound.14:10
rebelThorhey, I was trying to get grub/casper to run a hardy alpha5 iso (my cdrom drive is broken and can't get another one i'm affraid) - I get repetitive "kjournald starting. commit interval 5 secs" and then an initramfs prompt. any clues?14:10
KojiroSomathis doesnt make any sense! terminal says i have the latest gcc-4.1 installed, build essentials installed etc etc but when i install modem drivers through ./setup it still says no suitable gcc version could be found. please install gcc14:11
NB2000  Grub error 17.  Grub exists but doesn't recognize file system.14:11
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: do u have any ideas?14:12
Exfiltratehow to find out14:12
realmerxKojiroSoma: how can you tell that the terminal says that you have gcc installed?14:12
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: I've been looking to see if it's a known issue, but it doesn't look like it D:14:12
realmerxKojiroSoma: what command you use to see it14:12
vi390is there a way to login local when XDMCP is activated ?14:12
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: I think it happened after a batt died in the laptop14:13
Exfiltrateafter i restarted it was doing it14:13
realmerxvi390: yes14:13
vi390or does someone know what config to change, to allow that, if not possible to login in gnome session14:13
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: oh. o.o14:13
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: have you tried to reinstall deluge?14:13
vi390realmerx: and How ?14:13
KojiroSomarealmerx: i use sudo apt-get install gcc-4.1 build-essential libncurses5-dev kernel-package gnome-ppp < to get the gcc :/14:14
realmerxvi390: what do you have displayed on screen right now?14:14
realmerxKojiroSoma: dkpkg -l14:14
realmerxKojiroSoma: hold on14:14
KojiroSomarealmerx: sure thnx :)14:14
ubuntu-n00bhello, is anyone about?14:15
realmerxKojiroSoma: dpkg -l | grep gcc14:15
ubuntu-n00bim a proper noob and need some help lol14:15
ubuntu-n00bif thats ok14:15
syntaxerror55!anyone | ubuntu-n00b14:15
Greg87i'm a noob :)14:15
ubotuubuntu-n00b: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!14:15
ubuntu-n00bOk, ill fire away and see if anyone can help14:16
KojiroSomarealmerx: what info u need?14:16
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: K.14:16
ubuntu-n00bI have XP installed on my comp and wanna install Ubuntu as a dual boot.14:16
vi390realmerx: its  select ... where to connect. Then there is ubuntu.local displayed. But I can not connect to local. There is only option. HELP, REFRESH, Connect ..14:16
ubuntu-n00bI have a 250GB HD which windows is installed onto, on a 230gig partition which is NTFS14:17
ArmyMan007hi all14:17
ArmyMan007I want to know something regarding Xubuntu:  I'm installing it on a Windows 98 SE, and it seems to meet all of the requirements. now the thing is that I want to install it along with the windwos (just in case it dosn't work), and it's a VERY OLD computer.I have 2 drives avilibale with 4.51 GB on one and 4.13 GB on another. what should I do?14:17
vi390realmerx: maybe its just a key combination to login local. there was something activated in the Login menue. To Login remotely, and I can not change it back without logging in14:17
ubuntu-n00bnow when I go to install ubuntu I get a slider to resize my partition14:17
syntaxerror55!dualboot | ubuntu-n00b14:17
ubotuubuntu-n00b: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:17
KojiroSomarealmerx: what info u need?14:18
ubuntu-n00bwill I lose any of my videos or mp3s etc?14:18
ArmyMan007please help me... :-(14:18
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: Not if you back them up.14:18
KojiroSomarealmerx: what info u need regarding dpkg -l | grep gcc ?14:18
ubuntu-n00band the lowest I can move the slider down is to 65%14:18
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: Always back up before formatting your hard drive, that's just common sense.14:18
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: http://usteksolution.com/img/Screenshot-Plug-ins.png14:18
ubuntu-n00band thats 145GB14:18
Exfiltrateim now getting this error in opera14:19
vi390realmerx: I can login with commandline, but dont know what to change, to get localk login back14:19
ubuntu-n00bbut cos its dual booting, my vids and stuff from XP wont get touched will they?14:19
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: wait, you got an error in opera because you reinstalled deluge?14:19
syntaxerror55That just doesn't make sense14:19
ubuntu-n00bi know to back stuff up14:19
Fersuresyntaxerror55: ty for that link. It seems that compiling is a lot easier than I thought it would be. =D14:19
FersureWell, I mean to say, it look simple enough.14:20
danandubuntu-n00b - when you resize you ntfs partition it will only allow you to resize to the minimum ammount that will keep all of your data intact on the partition - ie it will not allow a resize that would wipe data off of you disk14:20
ubuntu-n00bmy missus needs XP and all the music/pics etc so I need to make sure it dont get wiped14:20
syntaxerror55Fersure: Yeah.14:20
ubuntu-n00bah cheers danand14:20
ubuntu-n00bso 65% is my windows + all files14:20
danandubuntu-n00b - wait one....14:20
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: yes.14:20
ubuntu-n00bi c =]14:21
Fersuresyntaxerror55: Well, all the previous sites I'd looked at made it look like I needed a degree or something... >.<14:21
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: well, that's your files uncompressed, at least.14:21
Hadokendes francais?14:21
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: or defragged14:21
ubuntu-n00bright then, ill crack on and install ubuntu14:21
Hadokenjai une kestion svp14:21
ubuntu-n00bive defragged about an hour ago14:21
ubuntu-n00bready for the install14:21
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: oh.14:21
danandubuntu-n00b - the method i prefer is to use the gparted tool on the live cd to resize and create partitions prior to install14:21
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: you've just got a lot of stuff then.14:21
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: ;D14:21
ubuntu-n00bye, ive only got 73GB on my HD left14:22
Leetbumbleout of?14:22
syntaxerror55Fersure: Nah, compiling isn't difficult14:22
Hadokeneskil ya autre chose style msn pr parler au ami a adresse hotmail?14:22
vi390realmerx: Do u have an idea how to login local with XDMCP activated14:22
FersureOkay. =)14:22
sinboxubuntu-n00b, don't do the maximumresize if your missus is gonna need to do stuff on the XP install14:22
* syntaxerror55 is only using 20GB of 70GB14:22
Hadokeneskil ya autre chose style msn pr parler au ami a adresse hotmail?14:22
danandubuntu-n00b - don't forget to leave windows a bit of spare room :]14:22
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: no the error isnt related to deluge14:22
Hadokeneskil ya autre chose style msn pr parler au ami a adresse hotmail?14:22
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: you haven't reinstalled deluge, you just tried to open Opera?14:22
Hadoken!!!!!!!!!!!!eskil ya autre chose style msn pr parler au ami a adresse hotmail?!!!!!!!!!14:22
StarnestommyHadoken: try #ubuntu-fr14:23
sinbox!fr | Exfiltrate14:23
openbackhi, I'm trying to set up a windows mobile phone using synce, but as soon as I connnect my phone, it adds an eth interface and removes my DNS server config. I can only connect to the internet if I disconnect and then ifdown/up and reset the dns. Does anyone know what to disable on the phone to keep it from acting as a modem?14:23
ubotuExfiltrate: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:23
ubuntu-n00bye, so if I set the slider to say 70% thats saying 156GB14:23
syntaxerror55!fr | Hadoken14:23
ubotuHadoken: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:23
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: i just tried to open opera to get into my email and it gave me this14:23
ubuntu-n00bhow much will ubuntu have?14:23
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: 30%14:23
danandubuntu-n00b - for what its worth why don't you consider buying a second hard drive. that way you can keep windows on one disk and install ubuntu on the other...14:23
ubuntu-n00bye im gonna do that soon14:23
=== XeNix is now known as the-killer
ubuntu-n00bbut atm i can only do it this way, im a squaddie and skint =]14:24
KojiroSomai dont understand this! i have both 3.4 gnu compiler AND 4.1 GNU compiler inlucding the base compilers of both and yet i STILL cant install modem drivers saying i dont have a suitable gcc version! what is the problem, where am i going wrong????14:24
KEBAdoes anybody know a free webdav client? for more then one user? i dont need many features, only that you can set up, which user can only see the files, which can make new etc+14:24
danandubuntu-n00b - ok :]14:24
Leetbumbleso... anyone using a Dell Axim and more important have u gotten it to work in Ubuntu?14:24
realmerxKojiroSoma: what is the output of the command I gave you_14:24
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: Ubuntu will have 30%. Back up your Windows partition, except I'm not sure how you can back up that much data.14:24
the-killerHello all how i can restore grub i had delete a pariton and now i cant enter to my ubuntu parition .. im just using slackware who can help me pliz14:24
KojiroSomarealmerx: il pm it to you.....14:24
ubuntu-n00bk fellas, cheers for the help, gonna click forward now and into the world of ubuntu /o/14:24
AdvocatusDiabolii have a pinnacle pctv hybrid pro stick (analog and dvb-t tuner - usb). I compiled the v4l-experimental, but while trying to scan in kaffeine for dvb-t channels, it gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/ddd6f73a . Anyone has a solution?14:25
realmerxKojiroSoma: ok14:25
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: :D14:25
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55:  i deleted the plugins out of the direstory in opera and have been getting that error14:25
ubuntu-n00bwish me luck lolz =]14:25
scraga2computer's using swap when I have spare ram, how can I get it to use my ram again?14:25
danandubuntu-n00b - luck :)14:25
syntaxerror55Exfiltrate: I have never used Opera. :| Sounds like something got corrupted.14:25
mattikKojiroSoma: What partition did you remove?14:25
ubuntu-n00bk its resizing14:25
the-killerHello all how i can restore grub i had delete a pariton and now i cant enter to my ubuntu parition .. im just using slackware who can help me pliz14:25
ubuntu-n00bitl take quite a while ye?14:25
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: yeah14:26
realmerxvi390: so when you have the graphic screen14:26
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: play a game, go outside or something ;D14:26
ubuntu-n00baltho i did do a defrag before hand14:26
KojiroSomamattik: i didnt remove any partion, i used the whole disk! and realmerx: i cant seem to pm you :/14:26
brobostigon!grub | the-killer14:26
ubotuthe-killer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:26
Nibblynis there any limitation for grub having the root patition starting at 100gb from start as a second primary?14:26
Exfiltratesyntaxerror55: yeah thats not a big problem at all the orginal problem was not being able to get flash working properly on this computer so i can listen to pandora radio and youtube ans stuff14:26
realmerxvi390: and reset x server - ctrl alt backspace what happens?14:26
ubuntu-n00bshould i jus leave the comp while its resizing? or can I go on firefox or will that fluff it up?14:27
realmerxKojiroSoma: hmm I do not know why you can't :)14:27
realmerxKojiroSoma: but put it in pastebin.ca then14:27
danandubuntu-n00b - your using the live cd right?14:27
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: it's really up to you, I leave my computer alone while reinstalling Linux, but if you want to use firefox nothing should go wrong.14:27
syntaxerror55danand: he is14:27
ubuntu-n00byup i am14:27
realmerxKojiroSoma: do you get any output about gcc?14:27
KojiroSomarealmerx: pm :)14:28
danandubuntu-n00b - agree with syntaxerror55 - leave alone while performing resizing14:28
ubuntu-n00bkk, bbs14:28
ubuntu-n00bhopefully :x14:28
ubuntu-n00bkk its done14:31
ubuntu-n00basking me to import docs and settings14:32
danandubuntu-n00b - :D14:32
jackdanielAnyone has an idea about that does ubuntu need specially soundcard drivers14:33
Tooommilooks like I solved my problem. thanks danand14:33
syntaxerror55ubuntu-n00b: that must be a new feature. I still use dapper ;D14:33
timnikIn the terminal, the "history" command shows me the last 500 commands typed in. Is it possible to increase this amount?14:33
danandTooommi - cool - those udev rules look a bit complex at first :)14:33
oldboyis there any good programs to check WPA-security, in the repos?14:34
rubystallionOften when I manually compile programs I get the error that GTK and GDK Pixbuf are not found, e.g. when I try to compile xscreensaver. How comes?14:34
Starnestommyrubystallion: is libgtk2.0-dev installed?14:35
ubuntu-n00bawesome. imports all your my documents, music, vids from XP14:35
avaloncioCan anyone help me? When i make right-clic on the upper panel bar, it only shows me two options, Help and About Panels. How can I get whole menu?14:35
Tooommiyeah, I solved it by using labeling. I hope this will be enough :)14:35
ubuntu-n00bthats pretty class tbh14:35
Starnestommyrubystallion: also, is libgdk-pixbuf-dev installed?14:35
jackdanielAnyone has an idea about that does ubuntu need specially soundcard drivers?14:36
mitjawhois mitja14:36
jackdanieli'm using acer's laptop atm -.-14:36
rubystallionStarnestommy: That solved it, thanks for the quick solution!:)14:36
danandtimnik - you can set the ammount of commands stored in history by editing your ~/.bashrc file. add export HISTSIZE=2000 to increase the ammount of commands stored to 2000. you may also want to add export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups and export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth14:36
KojiroSomawhy doesnt this work? i even have kernel 2.6.22 installed and still iy doesnt install the modem drivers!!!!! how do i know what suitable gcc version i need?14:36
kystahow do you install PNY 8800 GTS on ubuntu? Any driver thatś compatible?14:36
timnikdanand, thanks :-) . . . what's ignoreboth for?14:37
danandTooommi - there a good faq/howto for udev (admittedly for usb drive) at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16822114:37
realmerxKojiroSoma: so you tell me that which gcc gives you no output?14:37
KojiroSomarealmerx: pm! ^_^14:38
Tooommithanks danand - I will check it out14:38
danandtimnik - ignore same sucessive entries14:38
timnikdanand, cheers14:38
KojiroSomarealmerx: ive reg'd my name and im trying to pm you :/14:38
danandtimnik - np :)14:38
StarnestommyKojiroSoma: he isn't registered.  Try doing /msg nickserv set unfiltered on so unregistered users cam PM you14:39
danandTooommi - luck :)14:39
=== realmerx is now known as realmer
KojiroSomaoh thnx Starnestommy: :)14:39
vargasi'm new14:40
Tooommidanand: I guess :)14:40
=== realmer is now known as phade
rubystallionGTK version 2.12.0 was found, but at least one supporting14:40
rubystallion             library (libxml-2.0) was not, so GTK can't be used.14:40
rubystallion             Perhaps some of the development packages are not installed?14:40
rubystallionOh, sorry, that's the error I get14:40
jackdanielubuntu-n00b 70% of what?14:41
Starnestommyrubystallion: install libxml2-dev14:41
ubuntu-n00b<< 1st time on linux14:41
ubuntu-n00beven running off the live cd its pretty smooth man14:41
ubuntu-n00bi like it14:41
jackdanieli'm installing desktop linux first time...14:41
danandubuntu-n00b - has your install completed?14:42
ubuntu-n00bim a lil worried about all the cmds an stuff, getting mp3s and dvds n all that to work14:42
jackdanielubuntu-n00b, me too, i hope that soundcard will work =/14:42
ubuntu-n00bmy m8 is pretty good on linux so sure he'l help me14:43
=== phade is now known as realmerx
ubuntu-n00bthese guys r pretty good at helping14:43
danandubuntu-n00b - just ask here if you get stuck - don't use mp3 either - use ogg - its better :)14:43
rubystallionstarnestommy: Cool, that worked. Now I get the warning "Unable to determine the MesaGL version number. Make sure you are using version 3.4 or newer.14:43
ubuntu-n00bsorry if i sound like a mong14:43
ubuntu-n00bbut whats ogg?14:44
chazcoAnyone here using Textmaker on Gusty able to explain how to get the msttcorefonts to work correctly? They show up but they're too small, it seems the padding/spacing is missing14:44
danandubuntu-n00b - ogg stands for ogg-vorbis. its a codec like mp3 but better!14:44
KojiroSomaubuntu-n00b: ogg is a video/audio container that is abled to be played in high quality using a compressed format14:44
Starnestommyrubystallion: I'm not sure which package has that library14:45
ubuntu-n00bbut doesnt all albums off the net come in mainly mp3 format?14:45
danand!ogg | ubuntu-n00b14:45
ubotuubuntu-n00b: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:45
hadnSome new mp3 players already play OGG as well14:45
syntaxerror55<3 ogg14:46
danandubuntu-n00b - not all. shop where you can get ogg or flac (free loss-less audio codec) files14:46
rubystallionstarnestommy: Okay, thanks anyway. What is the difference between the dev packages and the normal lib... packages?14:46
ubuntu-n00bk fellas im all installed, gonna reboot into linux proper14:47
ubuntu-n00bhopefully :P14:47
ubuntu-n00bcheers for the help14:47
jackdanielrubystallion, can i change mp3 files to ogg? :D14:47
Starnestommyrubystallion: the lib packages are the binaries, but the -dev packages include the sources needed to compile programs to use the libraries14:47
vi390how Can I configure per comandline that a user is logged in automaticaly ?14:47
erUSULrubystallion: dev packages have the  header files so you can build (compile) packages against the libs14:47
danandhadn - samsung started to ship with ogg support as default, but unfortunately seemed to have stopped :(14:47
hadnthe application audacity can convert between OGG and MP3 formats14:48
vi390isnt that in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ?14:48
hadnI bought a music play - brand Kanguru. It plays oggs :)14:49
sinboxbest not convert from a lossy format to another though14:50
danandhadn - i use the mp32ogg package to convert mp3's to ogg14:50
danandhadn - does it mount like a normal usb device ie mass storage device?14:51
Tm_Troot_: hi14:51
KEBA(15:24:19) KEBA: does anybody know a free webdav client? for more then one user? i dont need many features, only that you can set up, which user can only see the files, which can make new etc pp14:52
scraga2I tried to compile php5-gmp for gutsy and failed(terribly), is it worth me upgrading to hardy to use it's package, or check all my compiling for errors?14:53
vi390aaaah cant someone just tell me how to login to my System, when XDMCP activted accidentaly14:54
uid000hello, I'm having a heck of a time getting spdif to work right.  can anyone help?14:54
vi390isnt ther somebody who knows about XDMCP14:55
Ubuntu-Noobalright all, im on ubuntu now, all installed w00t14:55
Ubuntu-Noobhow can I set my res to 1440x900?14:55
vi390how can I just Shut DOWN XDMCP14:55
Ubuntu-Noobits not in the options for res14:55
vi390I dont want to have it, but its activated14:56
scraga2Ubuntu-Noob: I'd say edit the Xorg config file, but if it's not an option are you sure your graphics card supports it?14:56
KojiroSomahow can i download the latest version of gcc in terminal?14:56
jackdanielKojiroSoma apt-get install gcc14:56
Ubuntu-Noobwell i had no prob running 1440x900 in xp14:56
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Exfiltratewhats the best video player for Firefox?14:56
jackdanielor apt-get uprade14:56
KojiroSomajackdaniel: thnx :14:57
Ubuntu-Noobhow do i edit the xorg file?14:57
danandubuntu-n00b - what video card do you have in your pc? ie make and model14:57
Ubuntu-NoobGeforce 6600GT 256MB14:57
hikenboot_anybody know where i can get the x-windows-system-dev package that is in debian or should i say the equivalent14:57
KojiroSomais the latest gcc compatible with backwards compatibility?14:57
danandUbuntu-Noob - have you installed the restricted gfx driver yet?14:57
hikenboot_i am trying to install cedega from cvs14:58
Ubuntu-Noobno danand14:58
Ubuntu-Noobhow do I go about doing that? Im a complete novice on this stuff14:58
Ubuntu-Noobreally appreciate your help14:58
lukaszI have downloaded pendrive linux and put it on my usb stick and all I get is _ at boot14:58
KEBAdoes nobody know a webDAV service?14:58
danandUbuntu-Noob - ok. go to system -> administration -> restricted driver management14:58
lukaszIt doesn't even wonna boot Usb pendrivelinux0814:59
piccaanyone here tried ubuntu 8.04 alpha 5?  how stable did it seem14:59
erpaqubuntu-noob : do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new14:59
danandUbuntu-Noob - patience - i'm a slow typist :)14:59
Exfiltrateubuntu-noob use automatix14:59
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »14:59
lukaszI can boot from usb btw14:59
Ubuntu-Noobah ye im seeing that restricted driver thing now14:59
Ubuntu-Noobill enable it in a mo, jus dling amarok15:00
Starnestommypicca: #ubuntu+1 does a lot with 8.0415:00
piccacheers Starnestommy15:00
ubuntuhey guys i need some help setting up wreless on my laptop its an toshiba equium, please help15:00
lukaszAmarok crashed my system Ubuntu-Noob15:00
lukaszUse Exaile Ubuntu-Noob15:01
danandUbuntu-Noob - enable that then restart your system. hopefully after that you will be able to set the screen res you want15:01
KojiroSomai really dont understand this! i have the latest version of GCC installed but why does the modem drivers STILL say i have no suitable gcc version???? what else do i need to do? what have i dont wrong?15:01
Ubuntu-Noobah n1 danand15:01
hyderhey guys i need help settings up my wireless, i have a toshiba equium15:02
uid000wonder if anyone can help me troubleshoot audio problems using spdif?15:02
Ubuntu-Noobwhats the best torrent client out there?15:02
lukaszAnyone know why pendrivelinux08 doesn't boot?15:02
erpaqubuntu-noob : deluge15:02
Tm_T!best | Ubuntu-Noob15:02
ubotuUbuntu-Noob: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.15:02
danandhyder - try to find out the exact make and model of the wireless card in your laptop.15:02
pawel_113ubuntu-noob or ktorrent if you're using kde15:02
hyderdanand, how?15:02
StarnestommyUbuntu-Noob: azureus15:02
Tm_Tbah stop that poll here, thanks15:03
lukaszDon't worry guys Im sticking with Ubuntu it just for my 4gb USB pendrive15:03
danandhyder - the commands lspci and lshw can help you to find out15:03
Tm_Tlukasz: you might like to ask their support channels :)15:03
danandhyder - just type those in a terminal15:03
lukaszI sent them email to admin Tm_T15:03
lukaszIts to bad for me they don't have forums Tm_T :(15:03
crowI got Eclipse, and when I try to debug/build my codes, it says "Launch failed no binaries" what should I do?15:04
hyderdanand, its only showing my wired card15:04
crowthey're c++ codes15:04
Exfiltrateis there a way to install Exaile without the gusty cd, i DLed the package from the website and its asking for the CD15:04
crxyem So I compile a custom kernel, now networkmanager doesn't work, wired eth0, any ideas ???15:04
Exfiltrateim on the road and left it at home15:04
lukaszbut for now I will try and see if their tutorial works on knoppix :)15:05
crxyemrem out the line in the repo list that looks for the CD15:05
danandhyder - wait one ...15:05
wastedyouthWhen I use synaptic the password window that pops up leaves a transparant rectangle on my desktop that wont go away.  When I disable then reenable any setting in Compiz it vanishes.  I've tried reinstalling Compiz but that doesn't help.  Any Ideas how to fix it?15:06
Exfiltratecrxyem: how do i do that on a .deb package15:06
jackdanielit's so nice to get rid of windows <315:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGcrxyem, if u compile ur own kernel, the restricted drivers r not working anymore15:07
erUSULwastedyouth:  have had similar visual artifacts with nvidia.com drivers (not with packaged versions) last version (169.12) seems to have resolved them15:07
danandExfiltrate - edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file - comment out the cdrom line15:07
erUSULcrxyem: you forgot to enable your net card driver?15:07
Exfiltratedanand: thanks15:07
danandhyder - can you pastebin the output of lspci and lshw?15:08
danandExfiltrate - np15:08
hyderdanand, one sec15:08
pawel_113[Hardy]TuTUXG but he can install restricted drivers manualy15:08
[Hardy]TuTUXGpawel_113, with some tweak15:09
wastedyouthThanks erUSUL, I look into my video driver.  Its a laptop so its an integrated 941 or something15:09
erUSULwastedyouth: then the bug is on compiz ;)15:09
Nibblynseems that I have no luck with ubuntu... everything installed correctly but still unable to boot (grub error 17)... don`t know why (partition starts at a too high cylinder??) ... if somenone could help, thanks...15:09
wastedyouthYes, erUSUL, if I disable Compiz it does away but then I don't have all that fancy stuff =(15:10
Itakuhow do i connect to the kind of servers iMac's connect to when they go to connect to server?15:10
arvindhi any GNOME developer here???15:10
axelHello! Where are the po-files located?15:10
erUSULarvind: they hang around on irc.gimp.net iirc15:10
KojiroSomais it wise to install the latest kernek using a 2 month old driver?15:11
AntkinForget Gnome it on its last legs use KDE15:11
danandhyder - also what is the exact name of your laptop - ie Toshiba equium model?15:11
arvinderUSUL::hw do i go thr15:11
the-killerhi all who can help me to restore grub when i want to enter to ubuntu parition they said error cant enter to the partition but slackwar parition work well , i had delete a parition and this probleme had happned help pliz15:11
the-killer !15:11
erUSULarvind: the question is why do you want to go there?15:11
Itakuhow do i connect to the kind of servers iMac's connect to when they go to connect to server??????????????????????????????????????????????????15:11
arvindas i have some issues with gnome15:12
arvindam nt able to find the shutdown button anymor15:12
[Hardy]TuTUXGItaku, what kind server? ftp?15:12
erUSULItaku: what kind of servers do imacs connect too?15:12
arvindam using 7.10 gusty15:12
erUSUL!bugs | arvind15:12
KojiroSomais it wise to install the latest kernel using a 2 month old driver?15:12
ubotuarvind: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:12
AntkinDoes anyone want help with Dual booting, triple booting or Quad Booting?15:12
[Hardy]TuTUXGwow, quad booting15:13
erUSULKojiroSoma: what driver?15:13
hyderdanand, EQUIUM A200-1VO http://pastebin.com/m76af6e16 http://pastebin.com/m380016a215:13
arvindthanks erUSL15:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGlinux, bsd, osx and windows?15:13
the-killerhi all who can help me to restore grub when i want to enter to ubuntu parition they said error cant enter to the partition but slackwar parition work well , i had delete a parition and this probleme had happned help pliz15:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, try to edit the partition number15:14
KojiroSomaerUSUL: i want to install modem dial-up drivers, i have all the files and stuff but i dont have the suitable gcc version even though i have the latest gcc :/15:14
the-killerHow ?15:14
Starnestommyarvind: right click on top panel, hit "Add to panel", then select "quit" under "Desktop & Windows"15:14
Itakuhow do i connect to afp servers???????????????15:14
Antkinhardy Windows XP, Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mandriva15:14
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: how i have access the the ubuntu parition and i can edit15:14
Starnestommyarvind: then select "Add"15:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, which partition u deleted? which one is ubuntu installed on?15:14
danandhyder - k - wait one..15:14
erUSULKojiroSoma: that error means that you have to use the same gcc version that was used to build the kernel to build the driver15:14
arvindStarnestony::I did all that,but my problem isnt that...when i open the wuit menu i cant find shutdown on it15:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, give me some thing like sda1 sda215:14
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: i deleted sda1 it was nothing into it and ubuntu is installed on sda515:15
KojiroSomaerUSUL: how do i find that out?15:15
arvindStar::i feel this some issue with meta id15:15
Starnestommyarvind: are you using GDM or KDM?15:15
erUSULKojiroSoma: what version of ubuntu do you use15:15
hikenboot_i am trying to install cedega from cvs trying to find the package that is equivalent to anybody know where i can get the x-windows-system-dev package that is in debian15:15
Itakuhow do i connect to afp servers???????????????????????????????????????????15:15
Starnestommysounds like a bug15:15
KojiroSomaerUSUL: using ubutnu 7.10 gutsy gibbon15:15
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: i deleted sda1 it was nothing into it and ubuntu is installed on sda515:15
albechwhat do i have to install to view .avi files?15:16
erUSULKojiroSoma: afaik gutsy kernel is build with gcc-4.115:16
Nibblyn[Hardy]TuTUXG: some ideas how to fix grub just after a fresh normal install of ubuntu??15:16
erUSUL!avi | albech15:16
ubotualbech: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:16
KojiroSomaerUSUL: using kernel ans using gcc version 3.2 and 4.115:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, on grub chose the line of ubuntu, press e and change change the root hd number,15:16
erUSULKojiroSoma: maybe the drivers are old and do not compile with gcc-4.1?? can you point me to the driver's website?15:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, so something like sda(0,3) to sda(0,2)15:17
kane77what is better in your opinion for transcoding files to dvd - ffmpeg or mencoder?15:17
Antkin[Hardy]TuTUXG yes quad booting if your up to it15:17
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: where in menu.lst ??15:17
david__how do i create a link in home that brings me to /mnt/windows?15:17
Ax-Axhow do i mount something with all user read/write access by cli?15:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, pastebin ur menu.lst15:17
ap0c0lyps3ln -sv /mnt/windows /home/user/wherever15:17
Antkindavid welcome15:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGAntkin, i dont have that big hd ;P15:18
Dante123hi all.....two worrisome things.  Sometimes my computer would start to load and halt on the Ubuntu orange bar splash screen with the bar just starting to move.  A quick restart got the system working again.  Someone here suggested disabling splash and looking to see where it halted in verbose mode.   This problem is intermittent.  Here is where it got stuck today: "Starting Hardware Abstraction Layer hald".  Any suggestions?15:18
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58111/15:18
KojiroSomaerUSUL: sure its> http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux/welcome.html ^_^15:18
david__ap0c0lyps3: where do i write that?15:19
AntkinWhat size HD do you have?15:19
Dante123Rebooted machine and ubuntu loaded but I got this error message "There was an error starting the Gnome Settings Daemon"15:19
athlonhi i have 10.rar files how can i make them into one big file15:19
vi390where Can I configure, (per commandline) to log in a user direct after system start ?15:19
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58111/      and the fdisk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58112/15:19
StarnestommyDante123: try sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-control-center15:19
apurvahelp help!15:20
athlonhi i have 10.rar files how can i make them into one big file15:20
Dante123Starnestommy can you explain what might be the problem?15:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, change this line root(hd0,5) to root (hd0,4)15:20
StarnestommyDante123: I think it's a bug in gnome-settings-daemon15:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, if it's not working, change it to (hd0,3)15:20
apurvahelp help!15:20
Antkinapurva what help do you need?15:20
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: which line ?15:20
apurvahi Antkin!15:20
Itakuhow do i connect to afp servers??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????15:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, read that file15:21
apurvai am having problem with glx15:21
Dante123will reinstalling somehow "update" the gnome settings daemon or just "refresh" it? Starnestommy15:21
the-killerrebooting now15:21
erUSULKojiroSoma: i read the README and there is support for 2.6.22 kernels so it should build fine...15:21
Kate_minshello, i would like to convert pdf file to plain txt file can someone recommend me on good way of doing that ?15:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, root (hd0,5)15:21
Ubuntu-Noobi saw a vid on youtube that shows ubuntu with effects the blow vista away15:21
Ubuntu-Noobwhat is that anyone?15:21
Antkinapurva hi, what help do you need?15:21
erUSULKojiroSoma: have you tried 'make CC=gcc-4.1' ?15:21
KojiroSomaerUSUL: still not buindg :/ says i need a suitable gcc version :/15:22
StarnestommyDante123: it'll uninstall it then reinstall it15:22
Itakuhow do i connect to afp servers????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????15:22
apurvaAntkin i get this freeglut (/usr/lib/torcs/torcs-bin): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'15:22
AntkinVista is on its way out a big Microsoft mess up15:22
amenadoathlon cat file1.rar file2.rar file3.rar >> destinationbigfile.rar15:22
WobbleyUbuntu-Noob: Thats Beryl or something15:22
magnetronUbuntu-Noob: it's called compiz or desktop effects. it's enabled in ubuntu 7.10 by default if your graphics card supports it15:22
Dante123Starnestommy kind of reset everything back then.  Okay.  Do you think this is part of the problem with the halting at boot up form time to time?15:22
KojiroSomaerUSUL: says >make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.15:22
Nibblynhaving problems with grub... (error 17 on boot)... if someone could help, thanks.15:22
apurvaAntkin when i try to run torcs15:23
magnetron!grub > Nibblyn15:23
Ubuntu-Noobi got a 6600GT 256MB15:23
realmerxKojiroSoma: just pm-ed hou15:23
adaptrKojiroSoma: you have to be in adirectory that has a Makefile to do that15:23
realmerxKojiroSoma: you15:23
Ubuntu-Noobhow do i enable it in 7.1015:23
Itakuhow do i connect to afp servers?15:23
adaptrand before that you more than likely have to run configure15:23
apurvaAntkin how to solve it?15:23
StarnestommyItaku: I think it might not be possible15:23
Wobbleymagnetron: You sure its on by default cause i dont think its on for me and i have a 8800gtx15:23
erUSULItaku: stop the ?? crap please and be patient15:23
Itakuis there a program15:23
erUSUL!patience | Itaku15:23
amenadoNibblyn-> what have you done so far?15:23
ubotuItaku: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:23
Antkinapura have you raised this question with Kubuntu Software forums?15:24
Itakui know that15:24
StarnestommyItaku: there is afpfs-ng, but it isn't in ubuntu's repos15:24
magnetronWobbley: that card is not well supported atm15:24
Nibblynmagnetron: no luck... grub does not even start...15:24
Itakuill install it15:24
crxyemerUSUL , the network card is an old 3com 3c905, doesn't need restricted drivers I pressume15:24
Wobbleybleh how can the gtx NOT be supported /frown :)15:24
Dante123Starnestommy no danger of me screwing anything up running "sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-control-center" is there?15:24
amenadoNibblyn-> a new install?15:24
danandhyder - been googling for your laptop - can't seem to find out what wireless card it has. your right about the lspci and lshw output - its not listed as you said. just a quick check - is there a switch on that laptop for enabling wifi - if so switch it on and try lspci and lshw again.15:25
erUSULcrxyem: nope /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.ko perhaps??15:25
apurvaAntkin: no i am very new to lilnux :(15:25
KojiroSomarealmerx: no such file or directory :(15:25
StarnestommyDante123: there's a small chance of it, but someone else tried it and it worked fine15:25
KojiroSomaerUSUL: what directory do i have to be in for make cc=gcc-4.1?15:25
crxyemhmm I have a looks see15:25
danandhyder - even toshiba's web site just says: wireless LAN15:26
Antkinapurva I will guide you by the hand, I remember when I was a Linux newbie in 199915:26
Wobbleywell anyways i just got a linux client for the first time before going skiiing. Back now but still have a couple of stuff i need to figure out how to work in ubunutu. Mainly if there is a fast switch for keyboard language like in vista, and does ubunut support dualscreens?15:26
Dante123Starnestommy do you think the gnome settings daemon is what is causing the halt of the system at boot up from time to time?15:26
erUSULKojiroSoma: the one with the makefile... src or something like that15:26
Nibblynamenado: working on cd live (very slow, sorry)... tried to prepare a boot floppy > when booting says Selected cylinder exceeds maximun support by bios...15:26
StarnestommyDante123: it could be15:26
Dante123or is this an unrelated problem.15:26
apurvaAntkin: thanks :)15:26
KojiroSomaerUSUL: oh u mean the modem driver src maybe?15:26
hyderdanand, ive tried15:26
danandhyder - do you still have windows installed?15:27
Antkinapura have you join ubuntu forums?15:27
Dante123The reason I am a little leery is this is the computer I do my report cards on (I am a teacher) and they are due tomorrow.  Don't want to run sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-control-center and can't boot up again or something worse.15:27
vigneshhai.. where do i get the source code for gcalc tool??15:27
lenswipecan someone help with my forum problem?15:27
amenadoNibblyn-> since you are on liveCD you wanted to do what?15:27
hyderdanand, yes i still do15:27
apurvaAntkin: not yet, what is the link?15:27
Antkinlenswipe welcome15:27
lenswipeI just installed SMF (Simple machines forums) on my ubuntu server. Thing is, i want to install mods. SMF is asking me for FTP server details before it goes to install the mods (WITH NO ALTERNATIVES) so it can chmod a few files so the mods can be installed. This is fine isnt it?15:27
lenswipeJust install proftpd and ur done.15:27
lenswipeI tried to install proftpd and it just does not work at all!!!! :'(15:27
lenswipeIm wondering if there is anyway that i can go and chmod the filesmyself. I dont mind doing it. I just dont know what files needchmodding.15:27
FloodBot1lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
apurvaAntkin: ps i installed UBUNTU 7.1 yesterday15:28
windows_why cant i install logitech cam it syas error 8004074715:28
erUSULKojiroSoma: i have checked and they use a configure script... you have to first run "configure"15:28
amenadoDante123-> if you are leery, do your report first, print it then work on getting linux installed, or just use the liveCD for now15:28
crxyemerUSUL , lsmod shows 3x59x loaded15:28
Dante123okay..thanks all15:28
crxyemso the network card is active15:28
lospalais it possible to install sthg like logitech software in ubuntu?15:28
danandhyder - may be worth a look in control panel -> system -> device manager to see if the make and model of your card is listed there!15:28
erUSULItaku: http://alexthepuffin.googlepages.com/home15:28
lospalato make middle button work as double clk15:28
Antkinapura go to http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php15:28
KojiroSomaerUSUL: yeah, tried the manula way of confirgure and still says no suitable gcc version found :/15:28
lenswipeim having a problem with my SMF forum15:28
lenswipecan anyone help me please?15:28
Nibblynamenado: I installed ubuntu (fresh install, standard) everything goes ok but the system report Grub error 17 when rebooting. I-m now on cd live...15:29
windows_why cant i intsall logitech cam with wine?15:29
erUSULKojiroSoma: and you have build-essential installed??15:29
vigneshwhere do i get the source code for gcalctool..??15:29
lenswipeim trying to install mods to it, but it keeps asking for FTP server details, i dont have FTP server installed15:29
amenadoNibblyn-> how many hard disk do you have? did you set your bios to boot to the correct hard disk?15:29
lenswipei do15:29
arvindhey windows thr is am how to in linux forums15:29
Antkinlenswipe what is your problem?15:29
KojiroSomaerUSUL: yep 3.2 and 4.1 but how do i do that again?15:29
the-killerlol when i boot with ubuntu i have something BusyBox  ASH Like a shell Why that ?15:29
the-killerlol when i boot with ubuntu i have something BusyBox  ASH Like a shell Why that ?15:29
erUSULKojiroSoma: sudo apt-get install build-essential15:30
lenswipeAntkin can we go to a seperate chat? This is kinda complicated..15:30
amenadothe-killer-> because the initrd was not able to complete its processes to boot15:30
danandhyder - think you have a realtek card - see http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/cgi-bin/ToshibaCSG/download_drivers_bios.jsp?service=UK15:30
erUSULthe-killer: you kernel failed to boot into the hard drive and you landed on the initrd image...15:30
Nibblynamenado: i have only one HD, but it may be a little bit too bog for the motheboard...15:30
the-killeramendo: how to resolve that ?15:30
Antkinlenswipe Ok i'm new to IRC how do we set a private chat up?15:31
Wobbleyehm...wow Firefox is being weird on Ubuntu :S Is that just me?15:31
lonranhi everybody15:31
davidnot here (tm)15:31
lonrana program to edit pdfs? I want to create a pdf with 4 sheets in one from another pdf15:31
amenadoNibblyn-> give the details, how big? whats your cpu? how much ram?15:31
StarnestommyAntkin: type /msg nickname message15:31
Jack_SparrowWobbley, It should not be wierd...15:31
the-killeramenado: how to resolve that ?15:31
the-killererUSUL: can u help me to resolve that ?15:31
danandhyder - you still there?15:31
Starnestommythe-killer: run dmesg15:31
Nibblynamenado: grub autoconfig post install didn`t worked... i`m trying to fix it manually15:31
KojiroSomaerUSUL: yep already got the latest build essential it says15:31
amenadothe-killer a new install? re-install ?15:31
the-killerre install15:32
hyderdanand, yes i am thanks for the info15:32
Wobbleyi guess its just fileplanet then, firefox started flashing white on and off. think it was trying to give me a seizure or something :S15:32
crxyembasically I need to change Config_IDE_MAx_HWIFS=4 to 10. is there a way to do this without compiling15:32
Starnestommyit might be fiaxble without a reinstall15:32
amenadoNibblyn-> give the details, how big? whats your cpu? how much ram?15:32
Nibblynamenado: 250gb HD, CPU duron 600 Mhz, 1 G swap, 256 Mb ram15:32
Jack_SparrowWobbley, If it is just one site it is not the program that is the problem15:32
KickAss15Can anyone help me15:32
erUSULthe-killer: it is hard to konw why the boot failed... there are cases where a boot kernel option solved the issue15:32
rubystallionWhen I try to compile xscreensaver I get the following error: "error while loading shared libraries: libgettextsrc-0.17.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". What can I do?15:32
danandhyder - you have a realtek rtl8187 card :)15:33
StarnestommyKickAss15: maybe15:33
dublpawsKickAss15: possibly, if you clearly state the problem you're having15:33
nox-HandAnyone got an idea wher eto start troubleshooting when all of a sudden your laptopstops playing sound?15:33
lenswipeis anyone here actually listening to me?15:33
amenadoNibblyn-> thats plenty good enuff i think...so you want to recover from liveCD..15:33
hyderdanand, do i?15:33
the-killeramenado : how can i reinstall ??15:33
lenswipeguess not15:33
realmerxrubystallion: try to install gettext15:33
erUSULthe-killer: like all-generic-ide to weird ide chips and others google around for people with the same problem and try the proposed solutions15:33
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, did u edit ur fstab as well?15:33
Wobbleyyeah i know jack but its one of the first sites that have a more complex design that i open :P15:33
amenadothe-killer-> just like your installation, insert the cdrom and start installing15:33
Starnestommylenswipe: try repeating your question15:33
rubystallionrealmerx: I have it installed. Why isn't it recognized?15:33
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; no lol15:33
Nibblynamenado: i`m trying to first boot from HD, yes.15:33
danandhyder - there is a kernel module for that card - try and sudo modprobe rtl8187 and see what output (if any) you get15:34
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:34
amenadoNibblyn-> well you tried to boot from hd from the liveCD menu and what happens?15:34
realmerxlenswipe: do not use uppercase laeeters15:34
lenswipebut it keeps asking for ftp server details15:34
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe, USing caps will really get you ignored15:34
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; how i edit it ?15:34
AntkinHow do I register the nic Antkin?15:34
Starnestommywhat kind of details, lenswipe?15:34
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, a sec15:34
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.15:34
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; UUID=2178e7d8-e8fc-4ed3-b851-dd7edd6666f1  :s:s:s  it is UUID15:34
lenswipelike username and password15:34
lenswipei have ftpserver software installed15:35
lenswipebut it doesnt work15:35
lenswipei have proftpd15:35
Wobbleyok this might be a dumb question: How do i make certain software default? Like Azureus for torrent files and VLC for avi and mpeg?15:35
Nibblynamenado: the saim problem... grub starts but reports error 17 before offering the choices of  OS15:35
Starnestommylenswipe: just put anonymous@ as the username and blah as the password if it can do anonymous ftp15:35
sinboxdid you create accounts on the ftp server lenswipe ?15:35
Jack_Sparrow!enter | lenswipe,15:35
whitekidney!burn | spzatt15:35
ubotulenswipe,: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:35
ubotuspzatt: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:35
lastelement0hey all, i was wondering how i can change the ordering of my icons in AWN. when i open the preferences it appears as if there is no way of really organizing it. any help would be great15:35
lenswipeproftpd doesnt work!15:35
lenswipeidk why15:35
rubystallionI'm wondering why my gettext won't get recognized in the compilation process. It's not in the libraries that I can check with pkg-config. Is something wrong with this?15:36
amenadoNibblyn-> okay dont boot to the hard disk, use the full liveCD boot..and well try to fix it from there.. do you recall which partition you have installed your ubuntu?15:36
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, right that's a problem15:36
danandUbuntu-Noob - how are you getting along?15:36
lenswipeSarnestormy ill try PMing u15:36
annoiaI am trying to get mplayer to work with fontconfig (ttf) subtitles, but I refuses. I get a different kind, that are ugly, and WAY too small.15:36
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, have no idea how to check uuid in ur case :(15:36
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; so no way ?15:36
KojiroSomaerUSUL:  i get a checking for gcc..../configure: line 353: gcc: command not found when ./confirue -manual :(15:36
realmerxlenswipe: why this forum software wants ftp details?15:37
jackdanielKojiroSoma apt-get install gcc15:37
lenswipeto install mods15:37
KojiroSomaerUSUL: same when i do ./setup15:37
erUSULKojiroSoma: and if you do "gcc --version" what you get??15:37
lenswipeIll post the url of the ubuntu forums post15:37
lenswipethat explains the problem!15:37
KojiroSomajackdaniel: i done that serevral times already :(15:37
lastelement0hey all, i was wondering how i can change the ordering of my icons in AWN. when i open the preferences it appears as if there is no way of really organizing it. any help would be great15:37
jackdanielKojiroSoma, weird =/15:37
danandthe-killer - sorry to interupt - what are you trying to do?15:37
Ubuntu-Noobalright danand15:37
amenadothe-killer-> blk-id15:37
hyderdanand, noting happend15:37
Nibblynamenado: /dev/hda1 > win , /dev/hda2 swap , /dev/hda3 ubuntu, /dev/hda4 storage...15:37
Ubuntu-Noobive enabled divx vids an that15:37
Ubuntu-Noobgot the res i want15:37
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, boot with live cd and ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid15:37
KojiroSomaerUSUL: i get a no suitable gcc version could be found :/15:38
Ubuntu-Noobjus trying to install azereus15:38
erUSULKojiroSoma: what?? o.O15:38
danandhyder - run lsmod and see if that module is listed in the output15:38
crowI got Eclipse, and when I try to debug/build my c++ codes, it says "Launch failed no binaries" what should I do?15:38
TimTimNLCan anyone help me out in private15:38
danandUbuntu-Noob - cool :D15:38
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; UUID in the boot menu ??15:38
StarnestommyTimTimNL: just ask in the channel15:38
amenadoNibblyn-> okay dont boot to the hard disk, use the full liveCD boot..and well try to fix it from there..15:38
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG; UUID in the boot menu.lst  ??15:38
axelHello! I want to update a translation manually. Therefore I fetched the completly translated PO file from the projects website. And now? What to to with the PO-file?15:38
TimTimNL i just insatlled ubunto and the internet is rly slow and i have now clue how to instal anything15:38
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe-killer, no that was a command15:39
TimTimNLiam at my xp boot atm15:39
the-killeri know15:39
the-killeri will boot now15:39
erUSULKojiroSoma: maybe removing all the gcc's you have installed and reinstalling build-essential?15:39
Jack_SparrowTimTimNL, Safer for you to ask in channel...  To install applications use add-remove or synaptic in the admin menu15:39
KojiroSomaerUSUL: ok sure how do i remove and re-install?15:39
danandthe-killer - uuid's for disks can be found under /dev/disk/by-uuid15:39
Ubuntu-Noobhow do i install axereus? :(15:39
sinboxlenswipe,  read the doc for the Mod you want to install and it should tell you which files you need to chmod15:39
jackdanielUbuntu-Noob, maybe you can find it with apt-get, try apt-get install azureus15:40
TimTimNLAnd how do i fix he sluggish internet15:40
Nibblynamenado: is there a command line to force to reconfigure grub?? i cannot understand what is going wrong here...15:40
Jack_SparrowTimTimNL, wired or wireless.. and what card or chipset is it15:40
TimTimNLIam wired15:40
amenadoNibblyn-> okay dont boot to the hard disk, use the full liveCD boot..and well try to fix it from there..15:40
Ubuntu-Noobdanand, any ideas?15:40
danandUbuntu-Noob - what is axereus? is it an ubuntu package?15:40
TimTimNLand i have an nvdia ethernet chipset15:40
Ubuntu-NoobIve downloaded from a website15:40
Wobbleyi get screen tearing in VLC, any fixes to that? Like using something else?15:40
Ubuntu-Noobgot a folder with azereus15:41
Ubuntu-Noobits a torrent client15:41
Ubuntu-Noobwas told its the best to get?15:41
Ubuntu-Noobfor linux15:41
StarnestommyUbuntu-Noob: run sudo apt-get install azureus15:41
erUSULKojiroSoma: with synaptic ??15:41
Starnestommyin a terminal15:41
erUSUL!enter | Ubuntu-Noob15:41
ubotuUbuntu-Noob: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:41
erUSUL!best | Ubuntu-Noob15:41
ubotuUbuntu-Noob: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.15:41
amenadoTimTimNL-> remove ipv6 stuff from your system,  google for how to disable ipv6 on ubuntu15:41
KojiroSomaerUSUL: do u think i should install gutsy gibbon from beinging again/15:42
TimTimNLwtf is ipv615:42
danandUbuntu-Noob - thats not the preferred method for installing packages in ubuntu - why dont you have a look in the synaptics package manager for a bit-torrent client? there are some good ones in there15:42
david__i used this command to make a link ln -sv /mnt/windows /home/user/directory15:42
erUSULKojiroSoma: no; no need15:42
david__but i made a mistake, how do i delete the link?15:42
Ubuntu-Noobhow do i bring up the cmd prompt so i can do all that sudo stuff?15:42
StarnestommyTimTimNL: a new version of the interet protocol.  ipv4 is still more widely used15:42
amenadoTimTimNL-> you use that kind of attitude and you are not going to get help15:42
LordMetroidhmm, if I #include/import a file with GPL, do my code need to be GPL?15:42
erUSULTimTimNL: next version of the ip protocol Tcp/ip <<15:42
Jack_SparrowTimTimNL, Please avoid abbreviations like that.. thanks15:42
TimTimNLokay srry15:42
hyderdanand, i'll be back i am gonna put in the fedora live cd see if anything is recognized15:42
StarnestommyUbuntu-Noob: Applications > Accessories > Terminal15:42
Wobbleyi get screen tearing when viewing it in VLC for some reason, is that due to VLC or the video?15:42
TimTimNLwoaw i can hardly keep up of the speed f the text15:43
lastelement0hey all, i was wondering how i can change the ordering of my icons in AWN. when i open the preferences it appears as if there is no way of really organizing it. any help would be great15:43
KojiroSomaWobbley: ur refresh rate is too low, thats why u get tearing on ur vlc15:43
sinboxWobbley,  you tried with another video?15:43
Jack_SparrowWobbley, could also be the video driver.. what card and how were the drivers enabled or installed15:43
Wobbleyits 8800gtx refresh rate is 6015:43
panosruhello. I have Canon i550 and when i try to print any greek document many greek characters are not print... :/ but english characters print fine. does anyone know anything?15:43
danandUbuntu-Noob - applications -> accesories -> terminal - be careful with sudo command - you can easily damage your system running with super user privelidges15:44
arvind_hi any GNOME developers here??15:44
bseeTimTimNL: "sluggish internet" mean nothing, do a pings and download tests before asking for help15:44
amenadoLordMetroid-> this is not really a programming help channel, you may get better luck in #c or #java15:44
KojiroSomaWobbley: 60hrz is rubbish! use at least 75hrz!15:44
danandhyder - did lsmod show anything? ie did the module get inserted ok?15:44
Jack_Sparrowpanosru, no idea, but the ubuntu greek channel may be of some help.15:44
Haruhi... in my gdm login, the username i enter turns up as ascii, anyone know a fix?15:44
david__how do i delete a link that i made with ln -sv /mnt/windows /home/user/hello???15:44
adaptrHaru: ...what else would you like it to be ?15:45
Wobbleyah ok its me then il change it15:45
LordMetroidamenado: Sorry15:45
[Hardy]TuTUXGdavid, rm?15:45
amenadodavid-> its like a file, rm filename15:45
adaptrdavid__: with rm15:45
hyderdanand, i think it did .. http://pastebin.com/m4e011d7915:45
KojiroSomaWobbley: u can watch vids in vlc with 60hz but the framerate will decrease in order to keep up with the refresh rate :(15:45
ConstyXIV_are there any sort of wiimote-using apps for ubuntu?15:45
david__adaptr: i am fearfull that i will delete the win aprtition15:45
KojiroSomaWobbley: thus avoiding screen tearing....15:45
adaptrdavid__: that's insane15:45
amenadoLordMetroid-> i meant they maybe better at assisting you, as you can see most here are not the coder type15:45
Wobbleyyeah ehm...15:45
danandhyder - ok wait one...15:46
Wobbleyhow do i enable 2 screens in linux...15:46
LordMetroidamenado: Ahh, I see..15:46
Wobbleythe other one is the one i use for movies usually and has 75hz15:46
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead15:46
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:46
lastelement0hey all, i was wondering how i can change the ordering of my icons in AWN. when i open the preferences it appears as if there is no way of really organizing it. any help would be great15:46
realmerxlenswipe: you succeeded?15:46
lenswipenot yet15:46
Wobbleyoh thanks15:46
lenswipethanks for ur concern tho realmerx15:46
Haruadaptr, normal text?15:46
realmerxlenswipe: but you understood what you need to do?15:46
AntkinOk registered nic Antkin how do I insert a new Password?15:46
Wobbleyoh i never knew there was a site like that15:46
Haruadaptr, it shows ascii boxes instead15:46
Wobbleyil dig there!15:46
adaptrHaru: ASCII *is* just about the most "normal" text in existence15:47
adaptrHaru: there is on such thing as an "ASCII box"15:47
Jack_SparrowHaru, HAve you changed gdm themes or instgalled anything special or from outside official repos15:47
adaptr!google ASCII15:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google ascii - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:47
realmerxlenswipe: ok explain it once more what is the problem15:47
HaruJack_Sparrow, nope15:47
danandUbuntu-Noob - check out the synaptics package manager - i think it has the bit torrent client you want - see System -> admin -> synaptics package manager. click search and enter bit torrent to see list of clients - azureus is listed in there15:47
lenswipeim trying to install packages on my SMF forum15:47
lenswipebut i cant cos its asking for FTP server details15:48
lenswipei have FTP15:48
Haruadaptr, sigh... well i cannt really explain it in a better way15:48
lenswipebut it doesnt work15:48
AntkinWobbley welcome do you need help?15:48
HaruJack_Sparrow, wait.. i recompiled the kernel15:48
lenswipethe reason it needs that is so it can chmod some files15:48
jtravnicki know this is off topic but trying to add memory to my laptop so I can install ubuntu7.10 on it is 4096MB the same as 2 gig?15:48
lenswipei would do it manualy but it wont tell me what files need chmodding15:48
Jack_SparrowHaru, To help clarify, you do not see the letters you type, just some odd characters or graphic correct15:48
lenswipe:@ very annoying15:48
HaruJack_Sparrow, and most of xorg packages etc15:48
HaruJack_Sparrow, yes15:48
erUSULjtravnick: 4096 = 4GiB15:49
Jack_SparrowHaru, You have your answer...  you recompiled the kernel..15:49
danandhyder - that module has been loaded ok. try running lspci and lshw now to see if your wifi card shows up.15:49
stephani'm using a glassfish application server, at one point the servers stops acception connection with message connection refused, in #glassfish i was told that it is a "new connection / second" problem of the os.15:49
Nibblynis it possible to boot ubuntu from a partition (primary), /dev/hda3, starting at 100gb of a 250gb hd??15:49
HaruJack_Sparrow, so is there a fix to this?15:49
stephanhas ubuntu a default rule for "new connections / second" ?15:49
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, very possible15:49
hyderdanand, nope doesn't show up15:50
amenadostephan nope, those that advised you of that may be wrong15:50
Antkinlonran Welcome15:50
jtravnickerUSUL, ok didnt think this laptop could handel 4 gig but been seeing things saying it could handel 215:50
Jack_SparrowHaru, Without knowing where you went wrong recompiling your kernel or most of the xorg.. no..15:50
Ubuntu-Noobcheers danand15:50
=== Ubuntu-Noob is now known as GunnerKes
GunnerKeshey danand15:50
GunnerKesthis is my new alias aight15:50
HaruJack_Sparrow, should i pastebin kernel .config and xorg?15:50
amenadostephan-> can you describe what a glashfish is? what does it serve?15:50
Jack_SparrowHaru, DOnt bother15:50
erUSULamenado: glassfish is java app server like jboss or the like15:51
danandhyder - if not restart udev - sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart and then restart networking - sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart - No warranties implied in that :)15:51
GunnerKescan I get compiz-fusion from there aswell danand?15:51
amenadoNibblyn-> have you done what I asked? boot from liveCD so we can recover?15:51
stephanamenado: a JEE application server like JBoss15:51
spudratic0hello all15:51
amenadostephan better than tomcat or jboss or jetty? just curious15:51
erUSULstephan: afaik there is no limit on connections per second on linux kernel (except the one imposssed by hardware)15:52
stephanamenado: fully JEE5 compatible, very nice administration gui15:52
NibblynTuTUXG: even on a 10 yers old comp? i-m having grub problems.. i tried to make a floppy to boot (it reports Selected cylinder exceedes maximum support by Bios... now have I to format all or I can fix it somehow??? sorry, very frustrating... thanks anyway...15:52
AntkinDoes anyone need help on quad booting?For example  Windows XP, Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mandriva15:52
erUSULstephan: could it be the jvm used?15:52
GunnerKesawesome got azereus15:52
arvind_erUSUL::help mwe15:52
Ax-Axcan i use ls to list in subfolders to?15:53
stephanerUSUL: could it be a hardware problem?15:53
erUSULarvind_: what's the problem?15:53
daedalus2GlassFish is an application server project by Sun Microsystems for the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform. Sun is selling this as the Sun Java System Application Server 9.x.15:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, so that means probly ur bios doesnt support such a large hd15:53
arvind_the same the shutdown button15:53
stephanerUSUL: im using suns jvm15:53
GunnerKesis Filesystem just used for Linux ?15:53
Thug-lifeyakman_ sux penis,15:53
tim3049Can anyone give me some suggestions on trying to recover data from a windows hd?15:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, try to flush the bios? if it's possible15:53
GunnerKesjus looking at all my drives15:53
danandGunnerKes - you should have compiz-fusion installed by default - look at system -> preferences -> appearance. click on last tab -- visual effects. to configure how compiz runs you'll want the compizconfig-settings-manager package - in a terminal type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager or install from synaptics15:54
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, or use a smaller hd15:54
amenadostephan i assume it has a log file? you configured it to log? check there?15:54
erUSULstephan: dunno. when i said limit by hardware i mean cpu power etc15:54
AntkinDoes anyone need help on dual booting?15:54
realmerxlenswipe: ok15:54
realmerxlenswipe: I am confused15:54
Nibblyntutuxg: maybe... it reports that only while booting from floppy, not when booting from HD (after a fresh install... i`m not sure if i made the floppy well...15:54
danandGunnerKes - also see http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/10/25/compiz-fusion-keyboard-shortcuts/15:54
realmerxlenswipe: you need ftp server for chmodding?15:55
AntkinNewbuntu2 welcome15:55
KojiroSomais it needed to have the latest kernel installed?15:55
stephanerUSUL: cpu ist at 20%15:55
danandGunnerKes - also put my nick at the beggining of each line if you want to send me a message - otherwise its hard for me to see15:55
Newbuntu2I need some help with setting up a webcam, using the gspca driver. When I plug in my usb camera, lsusb sees it, but the video drivers don't seem to15:55
StarnestommyKojiroSoma: the kernel updates often have bug fixes or new features, so you don15:55
Jack_SparrowNibblyn, SOme newer drives have a jumper that can be set to emulate a drive with 1024 max cylinders  (WHATEVER THAT NUMBER IS)15:55
Nibblyntutuxg: how to flush the bios? switch off?15:56
KojiroSomaStarnestommy: i do need the latest kernel?15:56
StarnestommyKojiroSoma: don't need to unless a program requires the new features or the bugs are causing problems15:56
AntkinNewbuntu2 Do you need help?15:56
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:56
Newbuntu2Antkin: yes, see above15:56
Newbuntu2I've followed many a guide to get it to work, no luck15:57
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, go to the motherboard's manufacture's web site and looking for the latest driver15:57
spudratic0jack sparrow thanks for the link15:57
erUSULarvind_: i dunno what may have you lost your shut down button it is gone in System>Exit(Log out) as weel as in the pannel15:57
Jack_SparrowNewbuntu2, Many guides.. or OUR guide15:57
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
[Hardy]TuTUXGNibblyn, but if u can boot from hd, why u want to boot from a floppy?15:57
sarahGreetings. I just noticed that failed ssh logins do not log in /var/log/btmp on my box. Is there any way to change this behaviour?15:57
KojiroSomaStarnestommy: i see thnx ^_^15:57
lenswiperealmerx are you there?15:57
NibblynJack sparrow: you say to downgrade the hd... will try that as a last resource...15:57
ubuntuislovedI've got a package i want to have always latest by compiling it myself when new releases come out and i was wondering if i should remove the package first that i installed from the repo's15:57
Newbuntu2Jack_Sparrow: many, including that one15:57
erUSULstephan: then it seems that it is not a lack of cpu power15:57
AntkinNewbuntu I have had problems myself with web cams they can be trouble some in Linux15:57
goodgood: hi self15:57
MaximizedMani have a problem man, i installed windows over ubuntu and then after 2 boots it crashed my mbr, tried to reinstall GRUB but did not work15:58
Jack_SparrowNibblyn, It does not downgrade the drive, just tricks the bios limitation15:58
arvind_thanks for the support15:58
Nibblyntutuxg> i can-t boot from HD!15:58
MaximizedManhow can i reinstall grub or lilo from UbuntuLiveCD?15:58
=== chiriri is now known as Elda
MaximizedMani have a problem man, i installed windows over ubuntu and then after 2 boots it crashed my mbr, tried to reinstall GRUB but did not work15:59
KenSentMeWho manages the logs on http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org?15:59
AntkinNewbuntu have you asked for hardware support on the Ubuntu forum?15:59
Gigamo!grub | MaximizedMan15:59
ubotuMaximizedMan: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:59
realmerxlenswipe: I do not understand what you mean by telling that you need ftp server for chmodding files15:59
MaximizedMani tried but it didnt work15:59
tim3049Hello everyone. I'm trying to recover data from a windows hd I have on my ubuntu system. Can anyone point me in the right direction?16:00
amenadowhat kind of error were you getting?16:00
EldaMaximizedMan, have you tried a file viewer to see if your partition is still there/intact?  The same thing happened to me, but it turned out that windows install killed my partition :(16:00
Gigamobut i fail since this is beyond my comprehension currently :D16:00
AntkinI have full access to Ubuntu forums cleared up the issue of being called a spammer, thanks to all that helped.16:01
MaximizedManya its okay16:01
danandtim3049 - what file system type is the windows drive - fat32 ntfs?16:01
tim3049danand - I'm not sure as it wasn't my drive.16:01
EldaDont know what to tell you then MaximizedMan  :/16:01
leniwyhello. how can i install beryl in my ubuntu 7.10?16:03
Jack_SparrowMaximizedMan, If you boot live and tell it to boot the first hard drive what happens16:03
Jack_Sparrowleniwy, no16:03
tim3049danand - it as being used as a USB drive, but I have in connected with an IDE cable now. I tried mounting it as fat and ntfs, but I'm not even sure I was doing that correctly.16:03
adaptrleniwy: it is already installed16:03
Starnestommyleniwy: beryl has been merged into compiz-fusion16:03
MaximizedManget an error16:03
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:03
MaximizedMangrub> root (<tab>  #grub will complete the line or list your partitions if i press tab after root nothing happens16:04
danandtim3049 - run sudo fdisk -l to list the disks on your system16:04
AntkinAny help on back up programs in ubuntu?16:04
erUSULKenSentMe: ask in #ubuntu-irc or maybe #ubuntu-ops16:04
Jack_SparrowMaximizedMan, you can try super grub reapir cd.. you can run windows dick and fixmbr to get windows back  things like that16:04
erUSUL!backup | Antkin16:05
felix_hey @all how to compile my kernel? binary or kernel_image?16:05
ubotuAntkin: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:05
EldaGot a question... I moved my blender directory to usr/bin/ but when I try to run it it says.  "Command 'blender' is available in '/usr/bin/blender'  bash: blender: command not found"  how would I make it run it?16:05
[chr0n0s]how do i assign keyboard shortcuts to switch between dvorak and qwerty layouts?16:05
EldaIt finds it but at the same time it doesnt? >.<16:05
GunnerKesanyone know how i can rotate the cube?16:05
white_eaglewhat was the command for my machines uptime?16:05
white_eagleto show up?16:05
StarnestommyElda: run echo $PATH and tell me what result you get16:06
Starnestommywhite_eagle: uptime16:06
Jack_Sparrowfelix_, What are you trying to accomplish by compiling your own kernel16:06
erUSULGunnerKes: i have it wired to crtl+super drag mouse16:06
danandGunnerKes - did you install the compiz manager?16:06
storm-ze1Do I need to load a module to get ulogd working?16:06
danand!ccsm | GunnerKes16:06
ubotuGunnerKes: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:06
arvindStar:it didnt help16:06
gftteewremsg [XDCC]|ROYAL XDCC SEND #616:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ulogd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:06
MaximizedManokay gotrit now16:06
MaximizedMangrub> root (hd16:06
MaximizedMan Possible disks are:  hd0 hd116:06
tim3049danand - it shows three devices. hda1 (Linux); hda2 (Extended); hda5 (Linux swap / solaris)16:06
EldaStarnestommy, how would I do this?16:06
StarnestommyElda: just type this in a terminal: echo $PATH16:07
* N3bunel saluta16:07
felix_Jack-Sparrow: I want to learn how 2 do it :)16:07
Eldachiriri@Chiriri:~/Desktop$ echo $path chiriri@Chiriri:~/Desktop$16:07
EldaIm sitting on the desktop atm16:07
StarnestommyElda: it's case-sensitive16:07
OnyxHow can I change the default behavior for when a DVD is inserted into my DVD-ROM?16:07
Eldahavent moved to usr/bin/ either as I figured Id be able to run it from anywhere16:07
danandtim3049 - are you sure you've attached the disk correctly to the system?16:07
Eldaah okey16:08
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:08
AntkinSomeone mentioned Partimage, this I bought from cheeplinux last week but it does not work with my system16:08
erUSULOnyx: System>_Preferences>removable media16:08
amenadoMaximizedMan-> which of those two you have your ubuntu installed?16:08
leniwyadaptr what do you mean it it already installed? in some sites they say how to install beryl on 7.10 (but i haven't understood).16:08
Prestohello everyone16:08
MaximizedMandunno how can isee? gparted only shows sda1 sda2 to sda416:08
Yoric[DT]I'm looking for a little help on Gnumeric: I need to be able to display all the cells with value > 1 in some color, all the cells with value < 1 in some different color.16:08
erUSULAntkin: partimage comes in ubuntu...16:08
adaptrleniwy: it means that Gutsy already has compiz installed, and you just need to activate it16:08
Yoric[DT]Does anyone know how to do that ?16:08
erUSUL!info partimage | Antkin16:08
ubotuantkin: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB16:08
gad0whenever I start openoffice its give error " Application cannot be started " , i have installed openoffice from repos but still does not ?16:09
AntkinPresto Welcome16:09
Exfiltratedoes anyone know of an Asterisk GUI?16:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ulog - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:09
tim3049danand - I think so. I see the drive listed when the system is booting. It's possible though that the drive is totally dead.16:09
Exfiltratewithout http16:09
leniwyadaptr how can i activate it?16:09
Starnestommygad0: what happens when you run openoffice in a terminal?16:09
EldaStarnestommy, it spits out /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games16:09
Prestoi just installed ubuntu studio and i love it but i noticed apparently when i boot up the load screen is the wrong resolution is ther a way to fix it?16:09
StarnestommyElda: and blender should be at /usr/bin/blender, right16:10
danandtim3049 - that does seem to be a possibility :(16:10
gad0Starnestommy: [Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).javaldx failed!16:10
gad0[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).16:10
EldaStarnestommy,  yep I have it in that directory16:10
amenadoExfiltrate-> curious what kind of telephony card you got on your machine? in-expensive?16:10
adaptrleniwy: go to desktop properties and look around16:10
Jack_SparrowPresto, try this   /j #ubuntu-studio16:10
MaximizedManthank you all i got it16:10
MaximizedMani will try to reboot16:10
danandtim3049 - does the drive get listed / seen by the bios? that would be the next place i would look16:10
Prestoah thanks jack16:11
Exfiltrateamenado: im not using a card im using SIP16:11
hischilddoes anyone happen to know the location of the apache configuration file an a LAMP ubuntu server?16:11
Starnestommyhischild: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf I think16:11
NB2000 Try /etc/apache216:11
amenadoExfiltrate-> somehow you will have to interface to the telephone company, what interface do you have for that?16:11
hischildStarnestommy: am i correct that the file is empty in that case? i'm trying to find it and that file does exist, yet it is empty16:11
AntkinThere is no matching application available.16:11
AntkinTo broaden your search, choose "All available applications" or "All Open Source applications".16:11
tim3049danand - On the post screen when I boot, it shows the drive being connected as the secondary master.16:12
_damircan somebody help, my internet work in recovery mode, but when i enter normaly with my user i can login, but ping not work16:12
Starnestommyhischild: is httpd.conf in that directory not empty?16:12
Exfiltrateamenado: i ise FreeWorldDialup16:12
leniwyadaptr you are speaking for the CompizConfig Settins Manager? i thought that beryl it was different issue. ok thanx16:12
hischildStarnestommy: there is a httpd.conf yet the file itself is empty16:12
edc1957hello all16:12
Exfiltrateamenado: From my understanding u use the SIP trunk to connect16:12
adaptrleniwy: they are the same - beryl does not exist anymore16:12
amenadoExfiltrate-> you connect to them directly? they offer voip service directly?16:13
Antkinedc1957 Welcome16:13
Exfiltrateyeah they do16:13
danandtim3049 - did you connect that drive to the same cable as your other drive - if so you might need to adjust its jumper setting to slave16:13
Exfiltratethey support asterisk16:13
athlonhow can i make many .rar files into one big file16:13
edc1957hi antkin16:13
Exfiltrateand SIP16:13
hischildathlon: unpack then repack?16:13
_damircan somebody help, my internet work in recovery mode, but when i enter normaly with my user i can login, but ping not work16:13
Jack_Sparrowamenado, voip over dialup?16:13
danandathlon - use the unrar command16:13
Antkinedc1957 Do you need help?16:13
athlonso i can not do it from GUI16:13
erUSULathlon: tar them16:13
hischild!gq | _damir16:13
ubotu_damir: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.16:13
amenadoExfiltrate-> i see its tcpip to them .16:13
edc1957can you help me?16:14
leniwyadaptr i didn't know that beryl doesn't exist anymore. thanx16:14
Exfiltrateamenado: meaning?16:14
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> its Exfiltrate that have the connection, im curious as to how he gets his telephony services16:14
nabinis anyone ubuntu certified professional here?16:14
hischildedc1957: explain your question, that will allow the entire channel to have a chance at helping16:14
Exfiltrateu ever use a softphone16:14
danandathlon - if you want a gui try fileroller16:14
athloni tryed from command line cat file1 file2 file15.rar >>bigfile.rar but it did not worked16:14
Exfiltratei connect to FWD via SJphone16:14
Antkinedc1957 What help do you need?16:14
Jack_Sparrowamenado, ok.. just thinking that voip over dialup would not work well.16:15
amenadoExfiltrate-> yes, the mediagateway is with your ISP16:15
hischildathlon: why don't you just unpack the entire file and then repack the result?16:15
Exfiltrateim trying to intergrate FWD into Asterisk16:15
edc1957i'm having a problem with suspend/resume16:15
EldaStarnestommy, any idea though what I'd do?16:15
danandathlon - just type unrar e file.rar16:15
leniwyadaptr do you know if there is any guide to learn about the desktop effects?16:15
tim3049danand - It's actually a notebook drive that I have attached with an adapter. The notebook (windows) drive is the only device on the second IDE channel.16:15
hischildedc1957: define "have a problem"16:15
Antkinnabin I have Comptia A+ hardware engineer16:15
Jack_Sparrowleniwy,  /j #Compiz  they have a good help page16:15
gad0Starnestommy: ?16:15
StarnestommyElda: try sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/blender16:15
nabinwhat about ubuntu certification?16:15
amenadoExfiltrate-> dont use too many acronyms, we will get lost, telephony uses far too many16:16
edc1957i have a gateway desktop 506GR16:16
danandleniwy - http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/10/25/compiz-fusion-keyboard-shortcuts/ may help you out16:16
Starnestommygad0: type this in a terminal: openoffice16:16
nabinany ida?16:16
gad0Starnestommy: this is waht I get < #!/bin/bash # Try to autodetect OOFFICE and OOOPYTHON. OOFFICE=`ls /usr/bin/openoffice.org2.3 /usr/bin/ooffice /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice | head -n 1` OOOPYTHON=`ls /opt/openoffice.org*/program/python /usr/bin/python | head -n 1` if [ ! -x "$OOFFICE" ] then echo "Could not auto-detect OpenOffice.org binary" exit fi if [ ! -x "$OOOPYTHON" ] then echo "Could not auto-detect OpenOffice.org Python" exit fi echo "Detect16:16
gad0ed OpenOffice.org binary: $OOFFICE" echo "Detected OpenOffice.org python: $OOOPYTHON" # Reference: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Using_Python_on_Linux # If you use the OpenOffice.org that comes with Fedora or Ubuntu, uncomment the following line: # export PYTHONPATH="/usr/lib/openoffice.org/program" # If you want to simulate for testing that there is no X server, uncomment the next line. #unset DISPLAY # Kill any running OpenOffice.org processes.16:16
gad0killall -u `whoami` -q soffice # Download the converter script if necessary. test -f DocumentConverter.py || wget http://www.artofsolving.com/files/DocumentConverter.py # Start OpenOffice.org in listening mode on TCP port 8100. $OOFFICE "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -norestore -nofirststart -nologo -headless & # Wait a few seconds to be sure it has started. sleep 5s # Convert as many documents as you want serially (b16:16
edc1957my computer suspends ok, but it shuts off when i try to resume16:16
gad0ut not concurrently). # Substitute whichever documents you wish. $OOOPYTHON DocumentConverter.py sample.ppt sample.swf $OOOPYTHON DocumentConverter.py sample.ppt sample.pdf # Close OpenOffice.org. killall -u `whoami` soffice16:16
FloodBot1gad0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
sarahIsn't lastb supposed to show failed ssh logins too?16:16
gad0oh shit I pasted the wrong thing... sorry16:16
Antkinnabin nope, what kind of help do you need?16:17
=== storm-ze1 is now known as storm-zen
=== iositd is now known as hischild
gad0Starnestommy: error : [Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).javaldx failed!16:17
gad0[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).16:17
gad0** (process:15049): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ...16:17
EldaStarnestommy, did it in verbose mode and this popped out:  chiriri@Chiriri:~/Desktop$ sudo chmod +x -v /usr/bin/blender  mode of `/usr/bin/blender' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)16:17
Antkingad0 Do not use four letter swear words16:17
EldaBut it still wont run :(16:17
amenadoedc1957-> all these laptop features, hibernate, suspend are still not quite polished, i see too many people complain about it not working quite right yet16:17
athloni did unrar file.rar i get commands line16:18
nabinI was trying to know the experience from ubuntu professional16:18
athlonRAR 3.70 beta 1   Copyright (c) 1993-2007 Alexander Roshal   8 Jan 200716:18
athlonShareware version         Type RAR -? for help16:18
athlonUsage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>16:18
athlon               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\16:18
hischildamenado: i don't have a problem with hibernate, suspend or any other feature.16:18
nabinexam expirence16:18
Eldaathlon, get peazip, it's better and free :D16:18
Em0how i can download torrents :O16:18
amenadohischild-> you are one lucky one..many do16:18
edc1957but i have a desktop. does that matter?16:18
hischildathlon: type >> unrar e *insert file name* <<16:18
hischildamenado: yeah ... i know ...16:18
Antkinnabin I have used Linux since 199916:18
hischildamenado: i have differnet problems ... with my main box16:18
danandathlon - unrar e file.rar - Note the "e" after unrar - that tells unrar to extract16:18
jackdanieli got _FEW_ times ping timeout,.. i'm transferring my music :o16:19
gad0I better sol the prob on my own...16:19
amenadoedc1957-> i dont know if it matters, im just saying its not there yet, still bugs here and there16:19
athlonits says the files is allready exists16:19
daedalus2where to get peazip from for ubuntu?16:19
Jack_Sparrownabin, You will get better help with that in the #Ubuntu-offtopic room...  Suggestions on where to go for testing and such16:19
danandathlon - for more help with that command type man unrar in a terminal16:19
nabinoh ! thanks16:19
hischildathlon: only type the first file on the command line. It will find the other files itself16:19
athlonlisten i have 10.rar files i want to make it into one big file.rar16:20
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:20
crimsonI'm having an audio issue with ubuntu 7.04, I can get sound from everything BUT web based video. mp3's, microphone, wav, and everything else works. But no web based sound.16:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about peazip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:20
edc1957what happens is, the screen log in screen comes up, asking for my PW. I can type it in, but that's it. nothing else happens. it just shuts down16:20
amenadoathlon cat file1.rar file2.rar file3.rar >> destinationbigfile.rar   this i advised you earlier..didnt work?16:20
EldaAnyways I'd recommed pzip, its in the package manager and its easier to use/free16:20
athlondid not worked16:20
Jack_Sparrowathlon,  What about 7zip16:21
athlonhow does that work do i need to install sudo apt-get install 7zip16:21
Jack_Sparrow!info 7zip16:21
ubotuPackage 7zip does not exist in gutsy16:21
Jack_Sparrowone sec16:21
amenadoathlon-> then you may have to uncompress the then merge them, then compress them back16:21
hischildathlon: i think it's pk7zip. apt-cache search 7zip will show it16:21
edc1957Is there any way to bypass the log in screen on resume???16:21
hischildit's p7zip :-) athlon16:22
tim3049danand - Since I'm new to linux, I just want to make sure I have to process right. If the drive was working correctly, I would see it listed when I ran fdisk -l, then I would just have to run 'mount -t vat {or ntfs} /dev/hda# /mnt' to mount the drive?16:22
Jack_Sparrow!info p7zip16:22
ubotup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.51~dfsg.1-1 (gutsy), package size 304 kB, installed size 900 kB16:22
amenadotim3049-> if you are still not confident, read   man mount16:22
danandtim3049 - yes. still no joy then :(16:23
athlonyes i installed p7zip16:23
leniwyJack_Sparrow my firefox takes long time to open a site. do you know if there is an option to speed it up?16:23
athlonwhere is it now i can not see it on gui16:23
hischild!help | lenswipe16:23
ubotulenswipe: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:23
hischild!anyone | lenswipe16:23
ubotulenswipe: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!16:23
lenswipehow do i create proftpd users?16:24
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe, No, not really...16:24
hischildathlon: it's a command line utility16:24
lenswipei know that16:24
athlon p7zip16:24
athlon/usr/bin/p7zip: compressed data not written to a terminal.16:24
athlonFor help, type: /usr/bin/p7zip -h16:24
lenswipebut whats the command for it16:24
tim3049danand - nope. I think the drive is most likely dead. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing an obvious step in mounting the drive. Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.16:24
danandtim3049 - why don't you see about putting the drive back in the laptop and running the live cd on the laptop16:24
athlonso how to work with it16:24
amenadolenswipe-> have you done any tutorials on proftpd? google for some okay?16:24
Seb962Hey guys!! What's up?16:24
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe,  Please stop using the enter key every two or three words.. Form complete questions or sentences..16:25
crimsonanyone know a better media player aside from xmms?16:25
hischildathlon: man p7zip16:25
Seb962How is everyone doing today??16:25
FFEMTcJCan someone please help me get my bluetooth mouse/keyboard to work. I have followed the instructions in the ubuntu docs, but I'm still not able to get them working.16:25
AntkinSeb962 Do you need help?16:25
daedalus2crimson: banshee or amarok16:25
Antkinsoc welcome16:25
daedalus2both very good16:26
Thingymebobcrimson or exaile instead of amarok for gnome16:26
crimsonI'll check them out, thanks16:26
hischilddaedalus2: for music programs? i prefer listen :-)16:26
Seb962I certainly do Antkin, but I'm checking the adress for the wiki I just found in the motd :D16:26
soccan someone give me some tips how to configure my monitor?16:26
soc(mostly font rendering)16:26
Indiadev_Techiecrimson: AmaRok !!116:26
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:26
tim3049danand - That's a good idea. I will give that a try.16:26
socxdpyinfo: dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (524x321 millimeters);  resolution:    93x95 dots per inch16:26
athlonman p7zip they dont show example how to work with it16:26
socit's a 24" tft16:26
hischildathlon: read the man page to see how you can extract a file.16:26
socuntil now, i haven't found an acceptable dpi-value ...16:26
danandathlon - what exactly are you trying to do? i thought you wanted to extract the contents of a split rar archive?16:26
soccould it be because the pixels are not quadratic?16:27
AntkinSeb962 In KDE, Gnome or during setup?16:27
socit was ok on my 22" tft i had before ...16:27
danandtim3049 - good luck! :)16:27
athloni have 10.rar files i know to extract files but i want those 10.rar files to put inot onebigfile.rar16:27
tim3049danand - Thanks! :)16:27
athlonto put into onebigfile.rar16:27
=== WhiteHat_ is now known as alanhaggai
hischildathlon: then read the man page how you can create an archive ...16:27
athlonwow that was not much help16:28
amenadoathlon-> have you also googled for this? am sure there are tutorials out there for this16:28
athloni am readin but there is no example16:28
Seb962Well, here it goes : My cd drive is not quite reliable, it dies often while I'm installing Ubuntu. I own iso's of the alternate and regular CDs, is there any way to install booting directly from my HD?16:28
daedalus2athlon: were the rar's split from an orginal?16:28
danandathlon - extract the archive from the split rar file and then redo into one file with the rar command - see man rar for help with that16:29
Seb962I would certainly appreciate information or a place in which I could do more research about this concern, thanks :)16:29
endoCan someone please help me with my opera and flash? I cannot get the two to work together for the life of me!16:29
hischildathlon: install unrar. Then use that to create a .rar file.16:29
ArmyMan007Hello... can anyone help me with Xubuntu?16:29
KingDHi what channel do I go to to inquire about video burning?16:29
Jack_Sparrow!install | Seb96216:29
albech!ask ArmyMan00716:29
ubotuSeb962: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask armyman007 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:29
athlonso why i can not do cat file.rar file2.rar file10.rar >>bigfile.rar16:30
athlonit does not work16:30
MasterShrek!wubi | Seb96216:30
ubotuSeb962: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://wubi-installer.org/16:30
amenadoathlon-> because the checksum that rar uses does not add up correctly16:30
ArmyMan007can anyone help me with Xubuntu?16:30
Seb962I appreciate whoever activated the bot! I'm going to look into it, thanks a lot :)16:30
FFEMTcJCan someone please help me get my bluetooth mouse to work. I have followed the instructions in the ubuntu docs, but I'm still not able to get it working. Last time I installed ubuntu, I remember that I had to hard code the device ID, but I cant find that doc anymore.16:30
athlonso what to do unrar the files then make another file .rar i thought i can just add those 10.rar files into one with some simple command line or GUI16:31
albech!question ArmyMan00716:31
ArmyMan007albech: I have the Xubuntu burned on a CD. how do I make it work?16:31
amenadoathlon yep you may just have to uncompress them all, then combine them again and compress the whole thing..but you may come across other limits16:32
Jack_SparrowArmyMan007, Insert cd power up16:32
spudratic0Army boot from the cd16:32
FFEMTcJArmyMan007: put it in your cd-rom and turn on the power16:32
quenisayque onda16:32
ArmyMan007but it dosn't do anything16:32
rachael_can i get some help installing the iwl3945 drivers? i followed the instructions here (http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=mac80211&n=howto-mac80211) but make menuconfig is giving me errors16:32
hischild!install ArmyMan00716:32
MasterShrekArmyMan007, make sure your bios is set to boot from cd16:32
hischild!install | ArmyMan00716:32
ubotuArmyMan007: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:32
ArmyMan007MasterShrek: how do I do that?16:33
quenisayi no speak english :'(16:33
eriscowhere can I get help for kdenlive? I am trying to export my video as an mpeg but it horizontally stretches the video on me16:33
Jack_SparrowArmyMan007, How did you burn the iso  as an image or as a file16:33
hischildquenisay: what language do you speak?16:33
KingDHi I am trying to find out which program will work in ubuntu that will burn wmv files on dvd is there such?16:33
athlonok thanx for the help guys16:33
hischild!es | quenisay16:33
ubotuquenisay: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:33
amenadorachael_-> which ubuntu version do you have?16:33
MasterShrekArmyMan007, when you power on, look for something that says something about pressing a key for a boot order or for system settings, and make your cdrom your first boot devie16:33
ArmyMan007Jack_Sparrow: I've burn the file onto the CD itself16:33
KingDme gutsy16:33
Jack_SparrowArmyMan007, If you look at the cd with windows. do you see one iso file or many16:33
endoCan someone please help me with my opera and flash? I cannot get the two to work together for the life of me!16:34
athlonis there any webb site where u can upload files not megaupload or rapidshare16:34
rachael_amenado: 7.1016:34
ArmyMan007i've downloaded the ISO file16:34
rachael_amenado: 2.6.22-14-generic kernel16:34
ArmyMan007and I burn it up to a CD16:34
freebirdhi all16:34
Jack_SparrowArmyMan007, get something like isorecorder (freeware) and burn it correctly16:34
amenadorachael_-> the one in /lib/firmware does not work for you?16:34
Seb962Is it common for windows xp to detect grub as a virus?16:34
FFEMTcJArmyMan007: or ImgBurn16:35
danandathlon - thats not how a rar file works. a rar archive probably has quite a complex structure, and will depend on info inside the file for recreating the archive when it is decompressed. simply joining the output of cat would not work for such a file.16:35
rachael_amenado: i can load the driver, but iwconfig and network manager don't allow me to configure the wireless onnection16:35
ArmyMan007Jack_Sparrow: pardon me, but what is the diffrence?16:35
MasterShrekSeb962, no16:35
eriscohas anyone used kdenlive?16:35
Seb962Mastershrek: Thanks a lot, i'll have to find an alternative way to download it, the link depicted by the bot has a virus in it :(16:35
Jack_SparrowArmyMan007, Huge difference.. one is a snapshot of the cd the other is the extracted files ina useable configuration16:35
amenadorachael_-> what do you mean dont allow you to configure?  how or what command do you exactly use to configure?16:35
danandathlon - uncompress the archive with the unrar command first. then create a new rar archive with the rar command16:35
lenswipecheesy sellotape16:36
lenswipehi there16:36
freebirdI am using hardy and all of a sudden my desktop icons aren't working and my menus have gone mac style, click and hold, rather than point and click. Is some recent update causing havoc?16:36
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Jack_Sparrowlenswipe, Please stop..16:36
athlonyes mr.denand rar files have a complex structure indeed16:36
lenswipethought my chat wasnt working16:36
lenswipei was typing random stuff to see why16:36
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe, may I have a brief pm with you16:36
danandathlon - :)16:36
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/HXlN8w52.html16:36
erle-is there any reference how to crosscompile x86-32 apps on x86-64?16:36
FFEMTcJCan someone please help me get my bluetooth mouse to work. I have followed the instructions in the ubuntu docs, but I'm still not able to get it working. Last time I installed ubuntu, I remember that I had to hard code the device ID, but I cant find that doc anymore.16:36
evandavisSo guys... how much do you all think I can sell "HardyHeron.com" for? 100 bucks?16:37
amenadofreebird  thats too new -- hardy ? maybe in #ubuntu+116:37
endoCan someone please help me with my opera and flash? I cannot get the two to work together for the life of me!16:37
shirishhi guys, has anybody used the dict(dictionary) application ?16:37
danandathlon - have you tried extracting the archive yet with the unrar command?16:37
FFEMTcJevandavis: I'll give you $0.5016:37
amenadoendo  for comparison, flash dont work for my opera either, but works okay on firefox16:37
evandavisFFEMTcJ: :(16:37
freebirdamenado: cheers...will go there16:37
rachael_amenado: nm-applet does not show an "enable wireless" option or anything similar16:37
athlonyes i know that i can allso extract from gui its piece a cake but to make a big .rar file is more complex16:38
endoamenado: I know man, its balls16:38
Nibblynreinstalled grub... wish me luck... thank you people!16:39
daedalus2whoever suggested exaile music player thanks, I like it!16:39
amenadorachael_-> udevinfo  or lshw -c network shows that chip ?16:39
RawrakittenHey folk, where can I find the ubuntu wine-support channel?16:40
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/Lph6EY38.html16:40
StarnestommyRawrakitten: here, or #winehq16:40
evandavisthis "marker line" inside of XChat... what is that used for? just to keep you on track?16:41
danandathlon - rar a file.rar folder/file_to_add1 folder/file_to_add2 folder/file_to_add3 etc16:41
RawrakittenThanks, I'll try winehq first.16:41
amenadorachael_-> just for kicks, what if you do  /etc/init.d/network restart   does that wifi awakens?16:42
shirishdoes anybody how can I use wget so it has  a logfile about where I went each time & updates it. I want a way where this is done autoamatically, without user intervention16:42
=== evandavis is now known as EvanDavis
adaptrshirish: pipe the output of wget -v to a file16:42
jim55good morning16:43
athlonmr.danand if my file is relase01.rar how to do it i have relase02.rar relase03.rar etc16:43
shirishadaptr: I want to configure wget in such a way so that this is done silently in the background each time, I can refer back the log as to where from I downloaded the files is ready to me.16:43
jabalsadwow, 1200 users :/16:43
yao_ziyuani created a folder beginning with "." and it disappears in Dolphin. how do i find it and rename it?16:43
adaptrshirish: so man wget, all the options are there16:44
adaptrthis is not some esoteric usage16:44
yao_ziyuanknow now16:44
adaptrit's fairly standard behaviour16:44
crimsonI'm having an audio issue with ubuntu 7.04, I can get sound from everything BUT web based video. mp3's, microphone, wav, and everything else works. But no web based sound. Any suggestions anyone? :|16:44
amenadoshirish-> there is the new  events style  being pushed on Ubuntu, its likely to replace inittab, cron and other services, take a look at events as this seems to meet your needs, your wget creates the events -- you create a task to write the url to a file16:44
shirishadaptr: saw that, mostly it has cmd line options, I'm looking to set if there is some sort of configuration file on which I can do.16:44
adaptryes, .wgetrc, per user16:45
adaptr*man wget*16:45
jabalsaddoes anyone know if there is an equivalent to OpenBSD's pf firewall in linux? I'm not just looking for a firewall, pf provides other functionalities such as load balancing and packet routing which i'm after..16:45
amenadoshirish its kind of advance, but these features are now available since 7.04, just that many of us are relearning linux of these new features16:45
Starnestommyjabalsad: netfilter/iptables16:45
pluxjabalsad: shorewall16:45
nox-HandAudio has stopped working in my Ubuntu, and it works fine on liveCD, so I wonder how I can restore it to how it would run on the liveCD easily?16:45
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/WyVVJA22.html16:46
amenadojabalsad-> yes iptables can do as much as pf16:46
danandathlon - just type unrar e release01.rar - the rest should get done automatically. the first file will hold the instructions necessary for unrar to extract all the files etc from the other rar files16:46
shirishamenado: I know what u are talking about, you're talking about upstart.16:46
DEinspanjerWhat is the easiest way to keep up to date with the most recently released beta of FF 3?  Currently, I've only found beta 3 pre in the repositories..16:46
EvanDavisall: i am looking for an easy tool that converts text files to PDF (or PostScript I suppose)... is there an easy command line tool for this?16:46
athlonunrar e release01.rar shows the file allready exists16:46
tim167hi, when I print something, there is a margin (empty space) added automatically on the sides of my page, while i need the print to take the entire page, how do i prevent these blank space margins ?16:46
amenadorachael thats a tuff one...somehow the drivers are not loaded to activate the wifi.. hang on, let me look around16:47
jabalsadfor example: say i have two connections (ppp0 and ppp1), can i route traffic incoming on le0 to either ppp0 or ppp1 depending on their source/destination and ports?16:47
SuperQtim167: what printer?16:47
amenadoshirish yes..upstart and udev and events16:47
Ax-Axanyone here good at piping and such? i want a single row to 1. list a folder (musik) recursively for all files ending with .flac and 2. encode them to mp3 and then 3. move them to the folder ftp/asd16:47
SuperQtim167: Are you trying to print on A4 or Letter paper?16:47
tim167SuperQ Hp PSC151016:47
tim167SuperQ, A4, and i made settings accordingly16:47
jabalsadi'll have a look at those mentioned thanks :)16:47
rachael_amenado: thanks, i really appreciate it. i've been working on this for the past two weeks over three different distros, i'm grateful for any help you can give me16:47
amenadojabalsad-> yes its possible, but its fairly advance for most of us to do dynamic routing16:47
danandathlon - try unrar x release01.rar instead then - that will extract preserving full paths16:48
endoCan someone please help me with my opera and flash? I cannot get the two to work together for the life of me!16:48
FFEMTcJendo: someone already said they don't work together16:48
realmerxendo: 32 or 64 bit16:48
Antkinjim55 Welcome, what time zone are you it's early evening inthe United Kingdom16:48
SuperQtim167: Sorry, only quick fix I know is when people try and print on letter but Ubuntu is setup for A416:48
endorealmerx: 32 bit16:49
AntkinMacki welcome16:49
realmerxendo: and what is the problem?16:49
amenadorachael work with me, canyou  ls -la /sys/module  and see if your iwlXXX is somehow listed there?16:49
Jack_Sparrowendo, Getting opera to work with flash was one of the main reasons flash was pulled from the repos..  I still see people having issuse16:49
tim167SuperQ, what is the quick fix for letter paper ?16:49
lenswipeHi allm does anyone know the command for adding proftpd users in ubuntu gutsy?16:49
endorealmerx: flash just will not work. I've tried following the instructions from the opera page but no luck16:49
endoJack_Sparrow: so, there is no fix?16:49
tim167SuperQ, it adds a margin of almost a centimeter, and i need that space for my image to fit...16:50
Jack_Sparrowendo, THere must be.. but I do not know it.16:50
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/PfuU0A98.html16:50
realmerxJack_Sparrow: hmm what is the problem with flash and opera, not heard of it16:50
realmerxI have got it working16:50
endoJack_Sparrow: alright, thanks bro16:50
realmerxbut under opensuse16:50
AntkinMackie do you need help?16:51
tzadikhi i'm trying to use vmware and it's very slow16:51
DEinspanjerWhat is the easiest way to keep up to date with the most recently released beta of FF 3?  Currently, I've only found beta 3 pre in the repositories..16:51
tzadiki have only 1 gb ... will it help to upgrade to 2 gb?16:51
tzadik2gb is the max on my machine16:51
user01how do iconfigure a static ip?16:51
amenadorachael_-> cat /sys/modules/iwl3945/initstate  if there is any16:52
Jack_Sparrowrealmerx, the flash update caused havoc for weeks.  firefox users have no problems...16:52
athlonok thanx mr.danand16:52
realmerxJack_Sparrow: ok16:52
amenadouser01 via ifconfig...16:52
rachael_amenado: no such directory16:52
realmerxJack_Sparrow: that is also with non package version of flash?16:52
user01amenado, not by interfaces in etc ?16:52
amenadorachael_-> cat /sys/module/iwl3945/initstate  if there is any  i mistyped earlier..module not modules16:53
amenadouser01-> via the gui too yes..16:53
amenadouser01-> or that interfaces file16:53
nox-HandAny way to reset the alsa setup to how it was at install?16:53
danandathlon - no problem - no need for the mr by the way - if you add that i don't see your messages very easily :)16:53
rachael_amenado: there's one: live16:53
amenadorachael okay..its a good sign..16:54
user01amenado, i changed the interfaces file, restarted networking but is giving me the same ip address from dhcp before i restarted networking16:54
Jack_Sparrowrealmerx, It is no longer an issue..16:54
Wobbleywewt i got dual screens to work16:54
amenadouser01 then maybe you have it as dhcp..16:54
Antkintzadik go to ORCA and answer 3 questions about your system and ORCA will advise if you can upgrade16:54
Wobbleyanyone here got a moment to help me out?16:55
user01amenado, nope says iface eth0 intet static16:55
AntkinWobbley what is your issue?16:55
Wobbleyits really a question: Is it possible to fast swithc keyboard language?16:56
amenadorachael_->  ls -la /sys/module/iwl3945/drivers   points to ?16:56
Ax-Axanyone here good at piping and such? i want a single row to 1. list a folder (musik) recursively for all files ending with .flac and 2. encode them to wav and then 3. encode them to mp3 an after that 4. move them to the folder ftp/asd16:56
Wobbleylike in windows you can press alt `shift to do it16:56
amenadouser01 can you paste the contents of that file in pastebin please16:56
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/RFnHR794.html16:56
jeegr_hey if i have a game file as an diskimage like .iso how do i install it with wine?16:57
AntkinWobbley have you posted this question on Ubuntu forums?16:57
realmerxJack_Sparrow: you mean this http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/872/16:57
Wobbleyno, i guess i should? :P16:57
Seb962Hey, I managed to run the installation but after partitioning, the Amd64 Alternate cd install dies on me and the only thing I can see in the logs is: Kernel 347.248817 usb 2-1 usb disconnected adress 2" and then init:starting pid323 console /dev/tty: /bin/SH... any ideas?16:57
PriitMHi, which program would you suggest to display temperatures, cpu/memory load etc. on desktop? I tried gDesklets, but it wasn't good enough.16:57
amenadorachael that looks good,, am stumped ...can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file too please16:57
AntkinWobbley First place to start, very helpful16:58
Jack_Sparrowrealmerx, Looks like one and the same yes16:58
rachael_amenado: http://rafb.net/p/ig9WB248.html16:58
amenadoPriitM-> if not good enuff, customize your own, roll your sleeves and look around /proc16:58
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amenadorachael you dont have an entry there for your wlan0 or eth0 if its called as that16:59
AntkinPriitM Hello16:59
cp1307hello ubunuters, have a problem: i use gnome and there are no borders around my windows?16:59
PriitMAntkin, hello hello16:59
rachael_amenado: is that a problem?16:59
ThingymebobpriitM - screenlets sysmonitor works well shows load etc but not temps you can get screenlets fromm http://www.getdeb.net16:59
brobostigonPriitM: try gkrellm16:59
sboxhello all, i've been trying to get hibernate to work using the standard sudo hibernate, i have manager to get it to work however I think now the powermanager is looking at s2disk.. how do I change the default hibernate app?16:59
PriitMthanks, I'll check them out17:00
realmerxPriitM: from Estonia? :)17:00
nkrizhello all, I am having some trouble with GFCE Ultra. Can anyone here help or recommend a better channel for me?17:00
PriitMrealmerx, yup.17:00
AntkinPriitM Only second day on IRC and enjoying it17:00
realmerxme too17:00
jeremyubuntuHi I have a keyboard problem with hp nx740017:00
jeremyubuntucan anyone help me on changing keyboard mapping17:01
amenadorachael yes.. try to put an entry in for your wireless17:01
cp1307je cause i cant maximize windows or change desktops..17:01
rachael_amenado: thank you! where can i get information on how to add the entry?17:01
spudratic0cp1307 turn on window dressing system preferences advanced desktop configuration manager17:01
amenadorachael off hand, i can only think of man interfaces17:01
Jack_Sparrownkriz, Have you read our page on nvidia17:01
rachael_amenado: thanks. will that solve the nm-applet problem of not displaying an option for wireless?17:02
realmerx!help nvidia17:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help nvidia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:02
jeremyubuntu Hi I have a keyboard problem with hp nx740017:02
nkrizjack: no, can you link it?17:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:02
FFEMTcJI'm trying to connect my logitech bluetooth mouse to my computer.. I can't seem to get it to work.. I've followed all the howto's I can find, and still nothing.. hcitool scan showes up with nothing.. Any suggestions?17:02
amenadorachael perhaps, not 100% sure..lets try and see if it resolves it17:02
Jack_Sparrowcp1307, try this is a term   metacity -replace17:02
Jack_Sparrowcp1307, try this is a term   metacity --replace17:02
rachael_amenado: thanks so much, i'll be back if the problem isn't solved17:03
amenadorachael okay good luck17:03
jeremyubuntucan anybody tell me how to choose a different keyboard layout i.e 105 keys to 103 keys17:03
FFEMTcJjeremyubuntu: System>Preferences>Keyboard>Layout17:04
nkrizI'm having issues setting up controller input in GFCE Ultra NES emulator, can anyone help?17:04
Seb962Hey, I managed to run the installation but after partitioning, the Amd64 Alternate cd install dies on me and the only thing I can see in the logs is: rafb.net/p/eqetr761.html17:04
amenadojeremyubuntu-> on your xorg.conf  whats defined for "XkbModel"17:04
jeremyubuntuFFEMTcJ that has no effect17:05
amenadojeremyubuntu-> on your xorg.conf  whats defined for "XkbLayout" ?17:05
jeremyubuntuamenado pc10517:05
amenadojeremyubuntu-> you may have to restart Xserver once you make the changes..  then set to 103 ?17:05
jeremyubuntulayout is gb17:06
jeremyubuntuim using a laptop17:06
amenadocustomize it your needs..17:06
amenadocustomize it to* your needs..17:06
donomoanyone else hosed because of a problem in openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us17:06
jeremyubuntumy main problem is that the keys arent mapped correctly17:06
luisgmarinedoes someone know the name of a good free image hosting website, that will host pictures for a long ass time?17:06
iositddonomo: are you running hardy?17:06
donomoiositd: yes17:06
jeremyubuntushift 2 gives me inverted commas not the at sign @17:07
jeremyubuntuso everything is the wrong way round17:07
flabanot hosed, but hardy sometimes has problems when updating with that hyphenation package17:07
iositddonomo: you have to just update it, then upgrade, do autoremove, then upgrade again17:07
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:07
iositddonomo: there's a package no longer required which will be auto removed but is in the way of that package17:07
mainr30hi all17:07
donomoPici: ah, i checked the topic for something along those lines. thanks.17:07
donomoiositd: thx. moving to ubuntu+117:08
EvanDavisI put HardyHeron.com up for auction... not one bid! surprising...17:08
luisgmarineanyone?  free image hosting site, any suggestions?17:08
Seb962Well, thanks for trying anyway guys :) Appreacite you being here.17:08
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Seb962*appreciate rather lol.17:08
AJF355Hi, guys! I'm new here, but I rly need to know how to add proftpd users. anyone help me?17:09
vrkhanshi can any one help me how to configure mutt,fetchmail,postfix,procmail. togather17:09
Jack_SparrowSeb962, how far did you get17:09
mainr30yea im having the same problem17:09
amenadojeremyubuntu-> umm try  launching dpkg-reconfigure console-setup17:09
Pelowhat's the command to reload fstab ?17:09
Thingymebobluisgmarine: Most ISPs offer free webspace with you account - just use that17:09
Seb962Jack_Sparrow: I managed to run the installation but after partitioning, the Amd64 Alternate cd install dies on me and the only thing I can see in the logs is: rafb.net/p/eqetr761.html17:09
user01amenado, does it look right?17:09
TrashlordAnyone know of a driver for the Webcam GPT ICAM340?17:09
amenadoPelo-> mount -a17:09
amenadouser01 which one?17:09
user01amenado, the pastebin17:10
Jack_SparrowSeb962, that link does not take me anywhere17:10
vrkhansis any one using mutt,fetchmail,procmail,postfix17:10
bluefoxxoh, im still logged on...17:10
amenadouser01-> i missed it, i was responding to many..repaste the link please17:10
AJF355iv found nothing in the manuals on it17:10
Seb962Jack_sparrow: I apologize, try this one please http://rafb.net/p/eqETR761.html17:10
mainr30me neither AJF35517:11
jeremyubuntuthanks amenado17:11
mainr30im having the same problem :(17:11
amenadojeremyubuntu-> that helped?17:11
Jack_SparrowSeb962, what about trying a stand alone partitioner.. like gparted livecd ...  are you running dual boot or raid drives etc?17:11
jeremyubuntuim not sure which layout to choose17:11
AJF355plz help me, my server needs it so I can install mods17:11
BlshHELP! i have a RTL8101E and nothing i seem to do works :(17:11
amenadojeremyubuntu-> well i can select one for you, but it may not be to your liking..hehe17:11
Jack_SparrowSeb962, what are you using that is usb.. ?17:12
user01amenado, did you get the link?17:12
jeremyubuntuubuntu is on the laptop17:12
=== mainr30 is now known as empty_tin_can
AJF355can somebody please acknowledge m17:12
Seb962Jack_Sparrow: I'm running dual boot, one HD for windows, another HD for a mixed linux/windows/swap/common information partitions. The strange thing is that I got further ahead before...17:12
jeremyubuntumy laptop the model is nx740017:12
AntkinBlsh have you posted your question on the Ubuntu forums?17:12
Seb962Jack_sparrow: That would be a mouse lol.17:12
amenadouser01 you pm me? i can not accept pm17:12
jeremyubuntuso i guess i could try other hp laptop to see if that works17:12
flabaBlsh, what does the 'ifconfig' command say?17:12
Pelocan anyone help me fix this,  fstab line for mounting a fat32 partiton   ?   /dev/sda3 /home/jean/Partage vfat defaults 0 217:12
tenesoralguie hay alguien  q sepa español17:12
sboxhello all, a smb.conf is a smb.conf is a smb.conf, shouldn't it matter what machine or linux distrbution it is it should do the same thing?17:12
user01amenado, http://pastebin.com/m484452ec17:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:13
Seb962tenesor /join #ubuntu-es17:13
AntkinAFJ355 Welcome17:13
AJF355thank you17:13
nickrudPelo: so you can write?17:13
empty_tin_canim having the same problem...17:13
empty_tin_cannobody will tell me :(17:13
AJF355sm here17:13
Jack_SparrowMorning nickrud17:13
Pelonickrud,  so I can do everything17:13
AJF355they keep ignoring me17:13
Blshflaba, it shows lo and eth0 :(17:13
AntkinAFJ355 Do you need help?17:13
nickrudMorning Jack_Sparrow17:13
Seb962Empty, everyone's doing their best to help you guys. If they don't answer, it's because they dont know... They're volunteers don't be mean!17:13
flabaBlsh, if it does show eth0, that should be your network card (i.e. the realtek thing).  maybe something else isn't working with your network17:14
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nickrud defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=plugdev pelo, that's the standard: root and users in plugdev group can read write17:14
Blshi searched on th forums though but only soubnd probles show up :(17:14
AntkinAFJ355 What is your problem?17:14
AJF355I dont know how to add proftpd users17:14
Pelonickrud, thanks17:14
Blshflaba, a RTK8101E is a wifi card... the eth0 is the network (hard line) card17:14
Jack_SparrowSeb962, you may need to use F6 at start or install and modify the boot line with all-generic-ide or something.. I have had to use noapic and apci=off on many systems17:14
amenadouser01  and what was the issue with this again?17:15
empty_tin_candoes anyone know how to add proftpd users in ubuntu gutsy?17:15
empty_tin_cani cant get it to work  :'(17:15
empty_tin_canjust one command17:15
AntkinAJF355 Have you asked this question on Ubuntu forums?17:15
flabaBlsh, oh sorry then, does iwconfig show the card?17:15
empty_tin_canyes i did17:15
empty_tin_cannobody ansered17:15
AJF355yes, they ignore me tho17:15
Seb962Jack_sparrow: I'm going to give it another go and come back.  Thanks a lot.17:15
flabaBlsh but I'm afraid I can't really help you with wlan, don't know much about that17:15
Blshlike i said i cant get it to work... it is not a work out of the box card....17:15
user01amenado, when i restart the network interface it has the original dhcp ip
amenadouser01-> try  sudo  ifdown eth0; ifup eth017:15
tehbatzhello, I am having troubles with sound in ubuntu 7.10. Every other boot I have no sound. I am using the latest version of alsa, and am doing a normal boot (no dual boot)17:16
empty_tin_can*cough* proftpd users *cough*17:16
Pelonickrud, so this would be my line  ?  /dev/sda3 /home/jean/Partage vfat  defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=plugdev17:16
AntkinAJF355 How long ago did you post?17:16
RoootyHi can someone help me restore my Amarok database from backup pls?17:16
AJF355about a wek ago17:16
nickrudPelo: yes, but you might want to use uuid or label instead of /dev17:17
Haruin my gdm login, the username i enter turns up as squares with numbers at corners, while the gdm text itself is fine, anyone know a fix?17:17
AJF355I rly need to b able to install mods on my server17:17
amenadouser01 if that does not work, try to add additional lines for network, and broadcast for that eth017:17
AntkinAJF355 Are you a Linux Newbie?17:17
Pelonickrud,  why do I have plugdev in there ? it's a hdd partiton ?17:17
realmerxempty_tin_can: sometimes people do not answer because the question is a manual question17:17
AntkinChfr Welcome17:17
realmerxempty_tin_can: the one you can look up from the manual17:17
empty_tin_canrealmerx i dont need the manual tho17:17
AJF355its not in the manual btw guys17:17
empty_tin_cani just need one little command17:17
X-CnupThello. My /etc/resolv.conf rewrite system any time. How can i fix it?17:17
nickrudPelo: because of the permissions: root and group read write. You can change that group to a custom one if you like17:18
Starnestommythere might not be a command for it in the terminal17:18
realmerxempty_tin_can: before you ask google17:18
tehbatzhello, I am having troubles with sound in ubuntu 7.10. Every other boot I have no sound. I am using the latest version of alsa, and am doing a normal boot (no dual boot). Can anyone help me?17:18
empty_tin_cani did ask google17:18
nickrudPelo: or umask=000 for complete access by everyone17:18
empty_tin_canit gave me a download site for proftpd17:18
user01amenado, error it says interface eth0 not configured17:18
AntkinAJF355 Please give me more detail can you cut and pastes your post on the forum here?17:18
empty_tin_canwhich i alreday have17:18
dirtbag666hi there!17:18
magnetron!patience | empty_tin_can17:18
nox-HandI am somewhat confused about this make-kpg output: http://pastebin.com/m419a0735 Anyone help? =)17:18
ubotuempty_tin_can: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:18
realmerxempty_tin_can: for example I do not know proftpd and I found the answer right away17:18
empty_tin_canoh rly17:18
realmerxempty_tin_can: quite logical actually :)17:18
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: Did you install Ubuntu with Wubi, or running it inside Windows XP/Vista/ME/Earlier?17:18
amenadouser01-> try the /etc/init.d/network restart17:18
nickrudPelo: or, remove the gid and do umask 077,uid=jean17:19
dirtbag666I'm searching for a USB WiFi stick to replace a WLAN router, is there anything to recommend for Ubuntu?17:19
AJF355il brb17:19
Antkindirtbag666 Welcome17:19
empty_tin_canplease tell17:19
magnetron!hardware | dirtbag66617:19
ubotudirtbag666: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:19
realmerxempty_tin_can: http://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/doc/contrib/ProFTPD-mini-HOWTO-ConfigFile.html17:19
bazhangdirtbag666: atheros are pretty nice17:19
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: no, it is a normal install17:19
Jack_Sparrowempty_tin_can, Please stop.. changing you nick and behaving the same does not work17:19
user01amenado, thats what i first tried and it didnt work so i came here :)17:19
realmerxempty_tin_can: search the section Logging in from there17:19
AntkinChfr Do you have a question?17:19
empty_tin_canTHANKS ALL!17:19
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: Is it Ubuntu or UbuntuStudio17:19
nickrudeagle eye bird, in action17:19
AJF355is tht how to add them?17:20
amenadodirtbag666-> you do your routing on your ubuntu with iptables,  you use your wifi nic as Inftrastructure (AP) or Adhoc (client to client)17:20
Pelonickrud, lovely,  now the damned thing is mounthing to my desktop instead of my home folder17:20
realmerxempty_tin_can: and do not uppercase - this is considered as shouting17:20
amenadouser01-> try it again17:20
dirtbag666bazhang: I heard that MSI US54G is working fine cause it has opensource drivers17:20
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: ubuntu gutsy gibbon, not ubuntu studio17:20
empty_tin_canok sorry17:20
empty_tin_canbut im just happy17:20
empty_tin_canand i am shouting17:20
empty_tin_canbut not angryily17:20
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: What is your sound card?17:20
empty_tin_canim happy :D:D:D:D17:20
dirtbag666so I can use any WLAN stick that was usually designed to access a WLAN router also to "emulate" a WLAN router?17:20
Jack_SparrowStop it17:20
magnetron!enter | empty_tin_can17:20
ubotuempty_tin_can: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:20
bazhangdirtbag666: and you have access (a place to buy) one? then I would go for it17:20
AJF355thanks guys!!!! YAY IT WORKS!!!!17:20
crowI got Eclipse, and when I try to debug/build my c++ codes, it says "Launch failed no binaries" what should I do?17:20
AntkinAjf355 Just cut and paste here so I can read your issue17:21
nickrudPelo: hm. that original line I gave you works here, with /vfat as my mount point.17:21
AJF355its alright they just answered my question17:21
AJF355thanks anyway tho17:21
bazhangAJF355: actually paste to pastebin not here17:21
amenadodirtbag666-> you do your routing on your ubuntu with iptables,  you use your wifi nic as Inftrastructure (AP) or Adhoc (client to client)17:21
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5:  Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)17:21
SchwarzeKrauseHi, all. Can anyone say, what's the current version of alsa in 7.10?17:21
nickrudcrow: did you install a c compiler?17:21
Pelonickrud, no it was someting else,  it works now , thank you very much17:21
crownickrud, yes17:21
crowa c++17:21
flabacrow, do 'apt-get install build-essential' (or essentials?)17:21
dirtbag666amenado: so it's possible to use my PC as WLAN router?17:22
nickrudcrow: not sure then. That was a guess, really17:22
crowk, thanks anyway17:22
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: Did you make sure nothing in alsa is muted?17:22
jerzyi have question about xrandr17:22
dirtbag666amenado: unfortunately, I'm not familiar with WiFi and everything related17:22
NB2000dirtbag666 Yes Indeed.17:22
amenadodirtbag666-> a wifi nic can act essentially in two modes, Infrastructure and Adhoc.. there maybe a third..but only in high priced units17:22
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: yes, the sound works every other boot17:22
egcjerzy: go 4 it17:22
AJF355Antkin: I'll paste it in now17:22
jerzywhen i type command xrandr -q i dont see tv out17:23
usr13Have only white screen with mouse cursor....?17:23
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: Is it just this boot?17:23
dirtbag666amenado: thx for the advice, to you know a search term to use in Google for the "PC as router" like mode?17:23
usr13Any clues?17:23
magnetrondirtbag666: i have a PCI atheros NIC, it can act as a wifi router17:23
amenadodirtbag666-> router functionality can be done by your ubuntu or linux boxes.. wifi thing is for radio17:23
jerzymy laptop got one :)17:23
AJF355I just installed SMF (Simple machines forums) on my ubuntu server. Thing is, i want to install mods. SMF is asking me for FTP server details before it goes to install the mods (WITH NO ALTERNATIVES) so it can chmod a few files so the mods can be installed. This is fine isnt it?17:23
AJF355Just install proftpd and ur done.17:23
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: no, happens all the time.17:23
AJF355I tried to install proftpd and it just does not work at all!!!! :'(17:23
usr13What to check for?17:23
FloodBot1AJF355: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
AJF355Im wondering if there is anyway that i can go and chmod the files myself. I dont mind doing it. I just dont know what files need chmodding.17:23
Psycdi need help  with installing ubuntu....  having problems with ATi x1600 PCIE card17:23
amenadodirtbag666-> google for linux  sharing the internet access17:23
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: Could it be your speakers?17:23
dirtbag666amenado: thx!!17:23
bazhangPsycd: could you be more precise please?17:23
NB2000dirtbag666 The atheros based cards will work in "master" mode which make a nice router.17:24
realmerxAJF355: could you point me to the manual that says that17:24
Pelothanks guys,  see you all later17:24
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: no, I tried both with the onboard and pcm speakers17:24
realmerxAJF355: I think you are confusing something17:24
* Pelo thanks nickrud in particular 17:24
Psycdxserver gets stuck when trying to load live cd17:24
dirtbag666it's just because I want to use my PSP for internet access, but only have cable router and connections17:24
realmerxAJF355: maybe it needs ftp server to automatically install modules17:24
bazhangPsycd: are you comfortable in the command line?17:24
Seb962Jack_sparrow, you back?17:24
AJF355i dont think so17:24
realmerxAJF355: could you point me to the manual page17:25
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: I think you need a new driver. Google [instert driver name here] for lniux.17:25
magnetrondirtbag666: you'll save yourself a lot of troubles if you buy a hardware Wifi router17:25
jerzycommand writes only outputs LVDS and VGA17:25
Jack_SparrowSeb962, sort of.17:25
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Psycdi'm failry new, but i'll do the command line thing..  have no issues doing that17:25
tehbatzDellbuntuStudio5: thanks, I will give it a try17:25
crowflaba, I just built essentials and I still get the same error17:25
AJF355i have proftpd but dont know how to add ftp users on it17:25
DellbuntuStudio5tehbatz: no prob. Hope it helps!17:25
AJF355gimme a sec then17:25
jerzyi have lenovo R61i intel GM965 graphics chipset17:25
tuxnoob080302Psy, the command line thing is the only thing I know. From work.17:25
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Seb962Jack_Sparrow: Heheh. Thanks. I got a LiveCD installation going on, let's see how this goes. Thanks for your help.17:25
=== Flare is now known as Flare-
dirtbag666magnetron: I'll do so when I'll have moved to my own home in Berlin in about six months, but right now I only have access to my father's router two floors above my room -> bad for PSP WiFi17:26
=== Flare- is now known as Flare183
bastid_raZoram i able to scp a directory? i keep getting 'is not a regular file'17:26
amenadojerzy-> dont know if your Xserver supports it,  type xdpyinfo to list extension it supports17:26
PlightHello, is there a shockwave player for firefox yet?  Or am I straight up Boned in the a?17:26
DellbuntuStudio5IS a Centrino matufactured [when Win95 was out] too slow for ubuntu?17:26
Jack_SparrowSeb962, glad to help...17:26
AJF355here you go17:26
bazhangPsycd: to get your card going you may need to start up in safe mode; another approach would be to use the alternate cd which is text based and install only17:26
RoootyHi can someone help me restore my Amarok database from backup pls?17:26
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareFlare
empty_tin_canis that the link for proftpd adding users?17:27
Starnestommybastid_raZor: scp -r directory target17:27
Psycdbazhang, can i convo you ?17:27
brobostigon!shockwave | plight17:27
ubotuplight: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave17:27
magnetrondirtbag666: well, how are you going to bridge that distance with an USB dongle?17:27
egcbastid_raZor: check its man page17:27
empty_tin_canim hainv the same problem as AJF35517:27
bazhangPsycd: sure17:27
=== LaTTiNo is now known as OncrAckz
DellbuntuStudio5Plight: Go to www.mozilla.com and choose add-ons. Choose plug-ins and find shockwave. Ubotu: your wrong17:27
usr13Can anyone tell me why I only have white screen? (Supposed to be a Gnome session,  OS=Ubuntu7.04)17:27
magnetron!repeat | empty_tin_can17:27
ubotuempty_tin_can: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:27
StarnestommyDellbuntuStudio5: ubotu is a bot17:27
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
DellbuntuStudio5I know17:27
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:27
bazhangdirtbag666: have to agree with magnetron here--getting the wifi router will save a ton of hassle17:27
DellbuntuStudio5ubotu was wrong17:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about was wrong - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:27
dirtbag666magnetron: My plan is getting the MSI US54G USB Adapter or anything similar working with Ubuntu17:27
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareFlare
usr13do I need to do dpkgreconfigure xserver-xorg  ? or...?17:28
realmerxAJF355: can you give me link for SMF forum where it tells you to install ftp server in order to chmod17:28
tuxnoob080302!patience is an 'Invalid command' Ha17:28
bastid_raZorStarnestommy; egc -r was the trick.. thanks17:28
realmerxAJF355: because that sounds really strange to me17:28
DellbuntuStudio5ubotu: can you help me17:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about can you help me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:28
magnetrondirtbag666: yes, but your router is still two floors away... how are you going to bridge that?17:28
AJF355ok sec17:28
AJF355wait, its in the admin panel so I cant17:28
egcbastid_raZor: cool17:28
AJF355i can give u a screenshot tho17:29
dirtbag666magnetron: right now I'm connected to the router with a f***ing long cable, seriously17:29
realmerxAJF355: maybe copy paste it in pastebin17:29
flabaAJF, empty tin can: I don't know proftp, but maybe this'll help you: http://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/doc/contrib/ProFTPD-mini-HOWTO-Authentication.html#virtual17:29
dirtbag666magetron: So my PC is online, but my PSP isn't because lacking a WLAN access point in the house/room17:29
realmerxAJF355: or give me screenshot, that will work too17:29
magnetrondirtbag666: connect that cable to a new wireless router. will save you a lot of time17:29
AJF355how do I17:29
KEB1how to opgrade to hardy in the console?17:29
nickrudKEB1: #ubuntu+1 can tell you17:30
AJF355no give a screenshot17:30
StarnestommyKEB1: for support with 8.04, check ask #ubuntu+117:30
AJF355can I just paste it here17:30
brobostigon!upgrade | KEB117:30
ubotuKEB1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:30
dirtbag666magnetron: this leads us to a further problem: I don't think the PSP will connect to the WiFI/WLAN (don't know what's correct in English) router across my whole house! :-$17:30
bazhangAJF355: best to paste to pastebin thanks17:30
Jack_SparrowAJF355, Please stop using the enter key for punctuation17:30
AJF355wat do u mean?17:30
ripper666Hi everybody17:31
realmerxAJF355: http://pastebin.com/17:31
Starnestommykeep things in one line if possible17:31
magnetrondirtbag666: listen to me: buy a router, put it in your room. connect it with the long cable.17:31
FFEMTcJIs it possible to run 4 monitors off two graphics cards in ubuntu17:31
Jack_SparrowAJF355, Form complete questions and do not hit enter every two or three words.17:31
realmerxAJF355: paste it there17:31
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, yes17:31
realmerxAJF355: and then give me the link17:31
dirtbag666magnetron: you mean I connect the router to the other router...?17:31
magnetrondirtbag666: yes.17:32
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: where might I be able to find instructions on that? All I have been able to find is for 2 monitors17:32
AJF355sec my browsers not responding17:32
sboxdoes anyone know how to select the default hibernate application?17:32
dirtbag666magnetron: This will cause further configuration problems with Ubuntu, right? :-D17:32
magnetrondirtbag666: no.17:32
usr13How can one upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 [if one has 7.10 CD on hand].17:33
=== madmaxmad is now known as mad_max02
magnetrondirtbag666: it will SAVE you trouble compared to setting up ubuntu as a router17:33
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, I dont have any links, but I did work with one guy awhile back that had it working, just dont expect to get effects to run on all of those.17:33
usr13Any advice?17:33
dirtbag666magnetron: Okay, thank you very much for all your advice, I'll go search a good router on Amazon.de or in PC magazines17:33
jerzyamenado I see that my xserwer support composite(I belive it is extension) and my tv out working on S-Video isnt17:33
jerzyis the same?17:33
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: Ok.. I'll keep looking.. Thanks17:33
usr13Just put the CD in and boot to it?17:33
magnetronusr13: do you have the alternate CD?17:34
Cowx_cri_cewekho aryou17:34
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, At least you know it is possible.. look at the link for dual head and twinview17:34
usr13magnetron: I don't think so, let me check.17:34
magnetronusr13: if not, you cannot upgrade from the CD17:34
usr13magnetron: Well, myabe apt-get distupgrade  ??? or... something like that?17:35
AJF355realmerx r u there?17:35
AJF355im gonna post on flickr17:35
realmerxAJF355: yes17:35
usr13magnetron: I have white screen with mouse cursor [only].17:35
usr13magnetron: This PC belongs to friend of mine, and he says he had compuz fusion running and the fancy desktop effects and then ... nothing.17:36
AntkinCowx_cri_cewek Welcome17:37
Jack_Sparrowusr13, try escape key on boot and get to recovery mode17:37
magnetronusr13: sorry, i thought you were asking about how to upgrade to ubuntu 7.1017:37
usr13Jack_Sparrow: And then... ?17:37
Jack_Sparrowusr13, if you are at white screen now.. try ctrl-alt- F217:38
Jack_Sparrowusr13, from terminal, I would try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:38
AJF355realmerx: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3007/2305201834_5830205b15.jpg?v=017:38
mildnerany help on DVB-T Stick17:38
magnetronmildner, just ask17:39
AJF355have y ou cn it yet?17:39
AntkinCowx_cri_cewek Do you need help?17:40
realmerxAJF355: could you make it a little bigger :) this picture17:40
AJF355il try17:40
air0dayI need a little bit of wireless help if anyone can assist me.  I got my laptop's wireless card to work using ndiswrapper.. and I can use nm-applet to connect to it manually, and it works.. but once upon a time, I had it so that left clicking the icon listed wireless networks nearby, and the applet remembered my wpa password (using keyring).  Now it doesn't list anything, and it doesn't remember my password, and it doesn't seem to use keyring 17:41
mildnermy DVB-T Stick (Tchibo) has firmware (dvb-usb-dposh-01.fw) how do I install it?17:41
Jack_Sparrowusr13, select vesa for video card and 1024 max res, use tab to accept all other defaults17:41
AdamskaHi, I just tried to compile alsa but something goes wrong: i can't get any sound and when I try to run alsamixer it says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device". I google a lot but nothing worked for me. Any idea?17:41
CorruptTerroristfubuntu wont recognise the swap partition on my disk17:41
usr13Jack_Sparrow: Will do, thanks.17:42
Jack_SparrowAdamska, Did you compile version 15 or 1617:42
AdamskaJack_Sparrow: the v1617:42
mad_max02I downloaded cursor pack but how do I install it ???17:42
Jack_SparrowAdamska, try 15.. and the #Alsa room has been very helpful with those problems.. but you do need to use 15 for ubuntu17:43
air0dayAny idea how to make nm-applet list networks in the area?  It's not right now.17:43
AdamskaThanks Jack_Sparrow but why is the v16 wrong?17:43
Empathdoes anyone know how i can get my xserver to save my preferences? everytime i tell it to load the nvidia driver, it goes to vesa :(17:43
Wobbleyi made a couple of questions, would be awesome if somebody could answer them! :P17:44
Jack_SparrowAdamska, it isnt compatible with our version of the mixer.. from what I understand17:44
mad_max02I downloaded cursor pack but how do I install it ???17:44
matjanhi, anyone else have trouble with the latest hardy update?17:44
=== AHA_ is now known as AHA
CorruptTerroristubuntu wont recognise the swap partition on my disk17:44
Adamskaok I'm going to try that Jack_Sparrow, thanks17:45
Jack_SparrowEmpath, you may not have the v/h rates for your monitor in the xorg.17:45
AntkinWobbley what are your two questions?17:45
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:45
Wobbleyoh i have more now i linked the thread! :P17:45
Empathahh, so if it has the wrong vertical and horizontal lines it falls back to vesa?17:45
jerzyI got S-video output on my laptop and  I see that my xserver support composite (I belive it is extension) what could couse it that xrandr doesn't see tv out?17:46
fidelioHi there.  need to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 or higher.  Cannot see any update available after gksu "update-manager -c"17:46
Wobbleybrw ubuntu automatically upgrades to new versions right?17:46
Wobbleyautomtically as in it comes up on the update list17:46
realmerxAJF355: succeeded making a bigger picture17:47
usr13Jack_Sparrow: I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it does the same thing;  It starts to load the desktop and panels but then turns to just white screen with mouse cursor.17:47
AJF355yup uploading now17:47
realmerxAJF355: I probably realised now what it means but anyway try to get bigger picture17:47
mad_max02I downloaded cursor pack but how do I install it ???17:47
bazhangWobbley: what version are you running?17:47
puppedwhich ubuntu version supports being installed on a bootable usb? which version would be good for that?17:47
Wobbleythe newest one i guess17:48
empty_tin_canhas anyone ever though how fun it would be to fart on a photocopier?17:48
Wobbleyi downloaded it like 5 days ago17:48
mildnerplease any help17:48
empty_tin_canwrong conversation17:48
Wobbleythat sounds fun17:48
usr13Jack_Sparrow: I should also add that;  My friend installed compuz fusion and fancy desktop effects and I think that has had something to do with it.17:48
empty_tin_canit sounds nasty +o(17:48
wesselhow can i listen to the radio in ubuntu?17:49
wesselbecause it doesn't work on my pc17:49
egcwessel: you can use rhythmbox17:49
bazhangWobbley: then you want to upgrade to the next version in April?17:49
fidelioHi there.  need to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 or higher.  Cannot see any update available after gksu "update-manager -c"  ANy idea?17:49
wesselegc: thanx!17:50
Jack_Sparrowusr13, Effects wont work under vesa.. but it will get you back to gui so you can fix things17:50
egcwessel: np17:50
fidelioAlso,. from update manager I get the following....17:50
fideliottp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)17:50
fideliohttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)17:50
fideliohttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found17:50
fideliohttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found17:50
FloodBot1fidelio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
Wobbleyoh nah bazhang im a total newb at linux i am just curious of any updates or fixed automatically get noticed so i can download them17:50
bazhangfidelio: do you eventually plan on updating to the next version? if so there is a direct one-step path from there to 8.04 in April ;]17:50
EvanDavisWobbley: to check your ubuntu version run the command: "cat /etc/issue"17:50
usr13Jack_Sparrow: I have the vesa driver installed now, but still same thing, (as described before).17:51
fideliothanks bahang..17:51
usr13Jack_Sparrow: SO how can one turn off desktop effects via command line?17:51
bazhangWobbley: yes security updates and others will be brought to your attention; version upgrades is another matter depending on what version you are running and it takes user interaction17:51
rubystallionI'm trying to compile the saverbeans screensavers and I get the following error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljvm". Last time I had an ld error it was because of my x86_64 architecture.17:51
realmerxAJF355: ok yes if you want to use installer then it seems that you do need ftp server17:51
egcor cat /etc/lsb-release17:51
Jack_Sparrowusr13, Did you select vesa as the video card?17:52
usr13Jack_Sparrow: Yes17:52
rubystallionI thought about using -m32, but I don't know where to set it in the Makefile.17:52
realmerxAJF355: I am sure you could do it manually but lets try to do it with installer17:52
realmerxAJF355: so what is the problem with ftp server?17:52
bazhangfidelio: no worries ;]17:53
AJF355I'I dont know how to add users to it17:53
bazhangAJF355: easy on that enter key ;]17:53
realmerxAJF355: ftp servers use normal system users17:53
windows_why wont frostwire open anymore?17:53
realmerxAJF355: although usually you can add virtual users as well17:53
Jack_Sparrowusr13, then he may have done something more serious while trying to get effects..17:53
bazhangwindows_: try doing it from the terminal and pastebin any errors you get17:53
realmerxAJF355: so first try to access your ftp server with normal client17:53
AJF355I;m better to hand you over to sum1 I know who can understand ubuntu much better17:54
realmerxAJF355: ftp localhost will do :)17:54
windows_bazhang i already installed it but it wont open anymore17:54
usr13Jack_Sparrow: Yes...17:54
ripper666hey guys im having some digital sound problems anyone have any ideas why17:54
bazhangwindows_: what I mean is type the name of the app in the terminal and see what errors it reports if any17:54
realmerxAJF355: so can you access your ftp server with command line17:54
Squawk!ask > ripper66617:55
Jack_Sparrowusr13, from recovery mode see if   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart        get you back into the system17:55
AJF355realmerx: lensy will talk to you about it.17:55
windows_whast ht epastebin url?17:55
AJF355o no wait wrong person17:55
bazhang!paste > windows_ read the pm from the bot17:56
Wolvezdoes anybody knows ldap here ?17:56
ripper666Squawk: well i have sound coming from my head phones but no sound from my digital output to my speakers17:56
bazhangWolvez: ask and if anyone knows they will answer ;]17:56
windows_bazhang http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58138/17:56
mildner my DVB-T Stick (Tchibo) has firmware (dvb-usb-dposh-01.fw) how do I install it?17:57
AJF355thanks, realmerx, 'preciate it17:57
empty_tin_can!ask> realmerx hi there17:57
bazhangwindows_: just a sec17:57
realmerxAJF355: try to access your ftp server17:57
empty_tin_can>!ask> realmerx how do i access the ftp server from command line?17:57
realmerxftp server address17:57
bazhangwindows_: it says you need to upgrade java17:58
AJF355realmerx: empty-tin-can will talk to you about it cos he's my friend17:58
realmerxftp command17:58
edjuI need to move this installation of ubuntu from an internal drive to an external one, then back to the internal.  Would dd do the job?  Is it the best/easiest way?17:58
empty_tin_canwhich is..17:58
janciwhat can cause this? http://img441.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrq3.png (look at the picture.. this happens often on pictures in firefox)17:58
realmerxjust type ftp localhost17:58
windows_can u give me the url for java 1.5 ?17:58
amenadomildner-> try to add them in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`17:58
empty_tin_canlike that?17:58
Jack_Sparrowedju, dd or just tar it up17:58
janciwindows_, what url?17:58
realmerxyes if that is your server address17:58
windows_for updating to java 1.5?17:58
bazhangwindows_: go into synaptic package manager and see if there is a more recent version by searching for java17:59
amenadoedju->  why would you want to do such?17:59
legonI tried to hybernate my ubuntu, and now when i boot up it complains about not being able to boot it up, so it makes a standard bootup, and im now stuck in fail safe graphics mode17:59
windows_i did thers only 1.4 and java 4.0 , 5.0 6.017:59
legonrestart does not help, same problem again17:59
usr13Jack_Sparrow: Same behaviour, the desktop starts to load up, but then turns to white screen with cursor.17:59
Haruhow do i find out my xorg version17:59
edjuJack_Sparrow, Thanks.  Didn't think of tar.18:00
=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
makarakiHi there people greetings from spain I have a doubt regarding g++ (but its really dummy question...) well I typed g++ exercice -o exercice without typing .cpp in the first argument well now the g++ output and error and the original file is gone but where?18:00
Antkinaggelos_930 Welcome18:01
Wobbleyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=713130 anyone that could answer those questions?18:01
mildneramenado:  am New on Ubuntu please tell me how do I add it18:01
ripper666anyone know how to turn on digital sound in gutsy.18:02
hspaansdefine digital sound18:02
amenadomildner being a new with ubuntu.. what are you doing messing around with firmwares?18:02
ripper666digital output jack instead of analog jack in the back of you computer18:02
amenadomakaraki google for tutorials on compiling c++18:03
Antkinaggelos_930 Do you need help?18:03
empty_tin_canrealmerx - i cant access my ftp server from another computer on the network18:03
empty_tin_canshould i be able to ???18:03
mildneramenado: I google around and up to now everything works fine.....I am shure with or without your encouragement I will get it to work  ;-)18:04
ripper666in know in windows you have to enable digital sound but i cant find an option in gusty to turn it on i dont knw if i have to install anything18:04
Nam2im curious about something. i was trying to find my local ip address and read to use ifconfig, well i found my local ip but i want to know is "UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST" a normal thing? or am i just being paranoid lol18:04
empty_tin_cani typed ftp and i ended up on google18:04
Textbookmy laptop is having problems with sleep mode.  How would I start to troubleshoot this?18:04
makarakiHello, I  made a mistake with g++ and I did not type the right syntaxis it should be: g++ exercice.cpp -o exercice but what I did is g++ exercice -o exercice ( note that I missed to rename the file to exercie.cpp instead of leave it as exercice) the problem is that now exercice original file is gone it is possible to find it in somewhere under the /tmp/ ? thanks in advance18:04
realmerxempty_tin_can: hmm but try to access it from the same machine that runs the SMF forum software18:04
=== XeNix is now known as the-killer
air0dayAnyone know how to make nm-applet scan for networks if it's currently not?18:04
empty_tin_cansec then brb18:04
realmerxempty_tin_can: because you only need to access it from there18:04
flatsAny idea how to get my volume control on my task bar?  I can't find it.  Also, I have a laptop with volume controls on front.  If that volume is low, the sound is very bassy.  However if I turn it up, it gets very clear and right.  How do the two volume controls intermix?18:05
realmerxempty_tin_can: why do'nt you install ssh server there ;)18:05
Wobbleyhmm i am under the impression that firefox works slower in linux, i could be just paranoid though18:05
the-killer[Hardy]TuTUXG: i changed /etc/fstab and the same probleme18:05
hspaansflats: right mouse, add18:05
realmerxWobbley: not true18:05
Wobbleyoh wait nvm18:05
Wobbleytons of torrents running :P18:05
the-killerwe can re-install ubuntu wihout lost all application installed before ???18:05
aWobbley, same problem here, takes 30 seconds for the page to begin to load.18:05
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i got a server not found message18:05
makarakiHi amenado you are right with your suggestion (which is very clear even for me...) but the problem is just to know where my original file is located because I can not see it18:06
Nam2guess nobody knows about my issue lol18:06
amenadomakaraki overwriting file is a common mistake, the original is gone18:06
ag_ukWobbley - try Opera18:06
hspaansthe-killer: no18:06
nickrud!clone | the-killer not really, but it's easy to get them back18:06
ubotuthe-killer not really, but it's easy to get them back: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate18:06
realmerxWobbley: btw about your questions what kind of software you need Any advice for "must have" software for linux? Also whats a good software for monitoring hardware and network?18:06
RgemWhat's the command to run a script. A installer.pl file18:06
airflowfor monitoring: nagios18:06
AntkinNam2 Do you have a question?18:06
Nam2@ Antkin: im curious about something. i was trying to find my local ip address and read to use ifconfig, well i found my local ip but i want to know is "UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST" a normal thing? or am i just being paranoid lol18:07
Wobbleywell like whats good for monitoring hardware then?18:07
amenadoNam2-> paranoid about what?18:07
realmerxWobbley: there is http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software18:07
Wobbleyand whats a good alternative for MSN messenger?18:07
SquawkNam2, its fine18:07
thorsomeone notified me about a list of grapic cards that wasn't supported by Ubuntu.. can someone link me?18:07
Wobbleyoh thanks18:07
realmerxWobbley: MSN - pidgin18:07
hspaansnam2: yes its normal18:07
etherealityhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4440736&postcount=7 I wish to update to 7.10, but the Update Manager isn't showing the distribution as available (because I checked some option telling it not to keep telling me ... a while ago.) I burned Ubuntu 7.10 to a CD-R; should I use it? Or should I try to upgrade through the Update Manager as recommended on the website?18:07
Nam2cool, thank you18:07
etherealityWobbley: gaim, pidgin, or amsn, i suppose.18:07
ag_uk@Wobbley - Pidgin18:07
realmerxWobbley: or if you need only msn and no other protocols then amsn18:07
realmerxWobbley: for monitoring gkrellm18:08
ag_ukamsn also does webcam support18:08
AntkinNam2 Did that help you?18:08
amenadoethereality-> you already have the cdrom so may as well use that to install instead of upgrade18:08
SquawkRgem, make the file executable, and then ./filename should do it18:08
makarakihi again  amenado I understood that I have to retype the complete file  again because my mistake is not possible to solve I take note and I will back up my next scripts thank you18:08
etherealityamenado: there's no significant difference? Do they recommend people use the Update Manager simply to save the CD-R?18:08
RgemSquawk: good idea18:08
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i tried the ftp://localhost thing18:08
amenadomakaraki-> okay..good luck18:08
empty_tin_cani got a server not found message :(18:09
ag_ukhave you got FTP running as a service?18:09
realmerxempty_tin_can: no18:09
Wobbleyrealmerx: I cant find the software in the list under Add/remove18:09
amenadoethereality-> much faster to install from a cdrom than downloading stuff from the net ifyour connection is slow18:09
Wobbleythe gkrellm18:09
Squawkrealmerx, what type of network/hardware monitoring do you want. Have a look at conky for realtime information of various aspects, mrtg for graphical output over a period of time, vnstat for network activity over given periods18:09
lesjohni'm running gutsy on a powerbook and like to use a left-handed mouse, but when i switch to the trackpad, the single button now works as right-click.  is there any way to deal with this without changing the preferences every time?18:09
empty_tin_canag_uk: how do i get FTP to run a service18:10
realmerxWobbley: you probably need to add some custom repositories as well18:10
=== max is now known as max`
realmerxWobbley: check ubuntu guides how to do that18:10
Squawkempty_tin_can, install an fptd, not a client18:10
etherealityamenado: sure ... but is there any particular reason they recommend you use the Update Manager?18:10
realmerxempty_tin_can: is ftp server running on that box where you run SMF?18:10
legonMy ubuntu is unable to return from hybernation mode, it still tries everytime i boot, and fails, so i\m stuck in low graphics mode18:10
empty_tin_cansquawk: i did, i installed proftpd through synaptic18:10
amenadoethereality-> you have to do an upgrade somehow later even if you installed from a cdrom.. so maybe the gain is from no confusion between whats been upgraded adn fresh install18:10
ag_ukmake sure an FTPD is installed (this runs an FTP server)18:10
realmerxempty_tin_can: but is it running also18:11
realmerxempty_tin_can: check netstat -pnl | grep 2118:11
Squawkempty_tin_can, then you need to configure it, and run it with /etc/init.d/prodtpd start18:11
empty_tin_canrealmerx: how do i make sure its18:11
amenadoethereality-> not much difference..18:11
Antkinlegon Does a shut down help?18:11
legonAntkin: Now18:11
legonAntkin: no18:11
ethereality'k, thanks; I shall use the CD-R, then.18:12
etherealityThanks a lot ...18:12
PriceChildemma: the topic contains Important: type << /msg ubotu etiquette >> which links to guidelines, which mentions logging.18:12
WGGMkIm trying to setup an Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon amd64 server on a DMZ. Im using Untangle as the router and have the DMZ pushing to the address I have the Gutsy server set with a static IP of The connection is from Server to Server via a CrossOver cable. I still can not get external access.. Any thoughts?????18:12
ag_ukempty_tin_can: you probably need to set it up, also make sure your firewall is not blocking it18:12
hischildWGGMk: firewall? both router and server18:12
WGGMkhischild: yes Untangle is also the Firewall18:13
hischildWGGMk: are you sure the firewall from the router and the server isn't blocking traffic18:13
Antkinlegon I have a minor hicup in Ubuntu one machine will not restart, so I have to do a shut down every time.18:13
WGGMkhischild: I forgot to mention I can't even ping the gateway (Untangle server) with the address from the ubuntu server18:14
legoni will try to reboot after a fsck18:14
Jack_SparrowAntkin, Care to try something for me..18:14
hischildWGGMk: ping is also part of a firewall policy18:14
WGGMkhischild: I do have firewall rules to PASS all traffic inbound & outbound from and to the DMZ address18:14
hischildWGGMk: can you get traffic out of the server?18:14
Antkinam I at risk?18:14
Jack_SparrowAntkin,  no18:15
Wobbleydoes linux have a lighweight text program? like notepad?18:15
Wobbleyjust to write notes and such?18:15
hischildWobbley: vim ?18:15
WGGMkhischild: which one? I get no internal or external access from the DMZ but my LAN including the Untangle server has full external/internal access18:15
brobostigonWobbley: gedit18:15
Antkinso what is it?18:15
Wobbleyzhank you child and brob18:15
act1v8My Ctrl keys don't work properly. Especially in Programs like: AbiWord, Inkscape and Gnome-terminal. They also don't work properly when using the Macedonian layout in most of the applications I use. Can someone help me to resolve this issue?18:15
hischildWGGMk: where does it go wrong ... do you have internet access on Untangle? or is it only your router blocking?18:16
hischildWGGMk: have you tried a different port to check? maybe your isp is blocking?18:16
=== slugz is now known as slugz_
Jack_SparrowI turned off acpi in the bios...  I added to the /boot/grub/menu.lst   acpi=off and apm=on    and added to /etc/modules apm power_off=1     note, make a second grub entry with no chages just in case there is a problem you can get past it.18:16
realmerxempty_tin_can: netstat -pnl | grep 2118:17
WineOSXIS screenlets built into Compiz-fusion?18:17
realmerxWineOSX: no18:17
realmerxWineOSX: you have to install it separately18:17
empty_tin_canrealmerx: will that tell me if ftp is runnign?18:17
InvisionfreeJack_Sparrow: What you told me to do yesterday didn't work, so I ended up installing 6.10 and upgraded from 6.10 -> 7.04 -> 7.1018:17
slugz_when using get on sftp, how can you get all files in a folder, including the sub-folders that are there18:17
gauchoHi! My system (ubuntu 7.1 Gutsy) isn't mounting automatically my pendrive. What can I do?18:17
WGGMkhischild: ok.. lemme more descript is warrented.. Internet ---> Untangle ---> LAN (have access inbound/outbound no problems)18:17
WineOSXthen why does it have an option for a widget layer?18:18
Jack_SparrowInvisionfree, what did I tell you yesterday?18:18
AntkinWineOSX Welcome18:18
_Oz_hello, all18:18
hischildWGGMk: alright ... and the internet --> Untangle part goes wrong?18:18
InvisionfreeBoot, F6, remove quit and splash, add apci=off18:18
hischildWGGMk: first thing to check is your router firewall18:18
WineOSXI'm running ChatZilla18:18
WGGMkhischild: no18:18
AntkinOz Welcome18:18
realmerxempty_tin_can: that will tell you what program is handling ftp connections and if ftp server is running at all18:18
_Oz_I need a little fstab help.  My NTFS HD doesn't mount automatically when I boot into ubuntu.  Every time I boot up, I have to first access the HD manually, type in the admin passwd, THEN it's available.18:18
empty_tin_canrealmerx: thank you :)18:19
realmerxempty_tin_can: 21 is one of the default ports of ftp18:19
AntkinI'm running Chatzilla too18:19
WineOSXcan wine run XP programs?18:19
Basilwhat is an good ftp server for linux?18:19
WGGMkhischild: Interet ---> Untangle is fine.. Untanle ----> DMZ is not working18:19
InvisionfreeWineOSX: That's what WINE is for.. Windows Emulator ..18:19
WGGMkhischild: this may be an Untangle issue, but I wanted to check my bases on the Gutsy side first18:19
WineOSXI'm new to linux18:19
Wobbleyhmm says amsn comes with ubuntu, i dont have it though :S18:19
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
AJF355im new as well18:20
hischildWGGMk: alright ...18:20
brobostigonwobbley: sudo apt-get install amsn18:20
WineOSXcan KDE programs run in GNOME? or do i  have toget kubuntu?18:20
hischildWGGMk: so (lets see how close i get this time) you want untangle to forward lan traffic yet that doesn't work?18:20
WGGMkhischild: are you familiar with Untangle at all?18:20
AntkinWe can help out newbies too18:20
InvisionfreeWineOSX: I believe they can.18:20
hischildWGGMk: no ... i thought it was ur servers name18:20
Wobbleyoh i saw the problem i had only installed appliocations on the list instead of all applications18:21
Wobbleythanks brob18:21
h3ml0cksalam be hame 2stan18:21
WineOSXCan XFCE Apps run in KDE or GNOME?18:21
realmerxWineOSX: compiz has this option because it supports the composite mode that screenlets provide18:21
WGGMkhischild: hehe, yes I want the DMZ (Ubuntu) server to have access externally18:21
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h3ml0ckyeki manoo rahnamaii kone chetori yahoo messenger nasb konam mordam bas ke search kardam18:21
brobostigonWineOSX: you can run appps from any DE in any DE, it doesnt matter18:21
realmerxWineOSX: you can run screenlets in composite windows manager that compiz is18:21
hischildWGGMk: alright ... so internet --> server without restrictions ... correct?18:21
InvisionfreeIs there some way I can set up something to SSH into my linux install from Vista if I'm duel booting? <.<18:22
WGGMkhischild: well define without restrictions.. My firewall is set to block all by default.. I have rules in place to accept UDP 443 and PASS all outbound traffic from the LAN18:22
SquawkInvisionfree, no, since linux will not be running, hence no ssh server18:22
bazhangInvisionfree: ssh into the box you are on? why not just share folders etc18:23
realmerxInvisionfree: you can not ssh into but you can use utility that could access linux file system from vista18:23
decaynickrud: hi :)18:23
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Winyahy all18:23
hischildWGGMk: isn't udp only connectionless and doesn't internet go by tcp by default? it might also be usefull to accept traffic from established connections18:23
nickruddecay: did you get wireless up?18:23
WGGMkhischild: the Outbound rule would cover established connections18:23
windows_does anyone knwo the name for installing java 1.5 from the terminal?18:23
bazhangh3ml0ck: indonesia?18:23
Squawkwindows_, try apt-cache --names-only search java, and see what you find18:24
decayNo not yet. I am gonna do a clean install and use ndiswrapper (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=643195&highlight=f700) like that guy18:24
Winyacan anyone help me?18:24
hischildWGGMk: as far as i know you have to set a seperate inbound rule for established .. (i always did at least, that's what i was learned)18:24
Squawk!ask | Winya18:24
Winyaby irc, and psybnc18:24
ubotuWinya: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:24
h3ml0ckna roomie18:24
WGGMkhischild: im not using iptables for the firewall18:24
empty_tin_canim here18:24
decayWinya: just ask the question. dont need to be asked to eb helped18:24
Winyasorry :P18:24
hischildWGGMk: did that with any firewall yet yours may be different18:25
empty_tin_canrealmerx: shall i post the output of that command?18:25
Winyaso why can't i connect trough a bnc to an irc network?18:25
hischildWGGMk: but ... only udp?18:25
windows_squawk i dont understand wat u said18:25
realmerxempty_tin_can: yes18:25
empty_tin_canmainr30@samba:~$ netstat -pnl | grep 2118:25
empty_tin_can(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info18:25
empty_tin_can will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)18:25
empty_tin_cantcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     -18:25
h3ml0ckyeki manoo rahnamaii kone chetori yahoo messenger nasb konam mordam bas ke search kardam18:25
WGGMkhischild: the UDP is for remote administration for Untangle server18:25
empty_tin_canunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     56061    19005/gtk-window-de /tmp/orbit-mainr30/linc-4a3d-0-2b213ec64f30f18:25
FloodBot1empty_tin_can: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
empty_tin_canunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     56213    19007/vino-session  /tmp/orbit-mainr30/linc-4a3f-0-2d457836895418:25
Antkinempty_tin_can hello18:25
h3ml0ckyeki manoo rahnamaii kone chetori yahoo messenger nasb konam mordam bas ke search kardam18:25
Invisionfree!pastebin | empty_tin_can18:25
h3ml0ckyeki manoo rahnamaii kone chetori yahoo messenger nasb konam mordam bas ke search kardam18:25
WGGMkempty_tin_can | !enter18:25
ubotuempty_tin_can: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:25
WGGMk!enter | empty_tin_can18:25
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
ubotuempty_tin_can: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:25
Squawkwindows_, apt-cache --names-only search is a command that will find all packages in the repository that match the string you supply, in that particular case, java18:25
hischildWGGMk:which isn't working?18:25
realmerxempty_tin_can: hmm I thought that you know how it is with pasting in irc18:26
empty_tin_canill use paste bin18:26
WGGMkhischild: ONLY the DMZ is not working18:26
InvisionfreeWGGMk: Learn to use ubotu correctly, he was pasting, not pressing enter ..18:26
empty_tin_canno i didnt18:26
hischildWGGMk: alright i'm so confused ... sorry18:26
WGGMkInvisionfree: sorry18:26
Invisionfreeempty_tin_can: Obviously. :P18:26
empty_tin_canrealmerx: did you see the output anyway?18:26
InvisionfreeOh, I hate having to install Java. =[18:27
hischildWGGMk: if you block all traffic it would make sense the DMZ isn't working ... ?18:27
Greyhound|NBhow can I upgrade to the latest version of xchat? I'm running 0.18 and when I run th update manager it says there is no new version...18:27
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter18:27
hischildbrb .. have to unjack inet cable for a sec ...18:27
WGGMkhischild: ok, I have INTERNET --- > Untangle... working fine.. Untangle goes to my LAN & DMZ (which are powered by 2 separate NIC's) The internal LAN is fine.. the DMZ is not18:27
empty_tin_can!enter WGGMK18:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter wggmk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:27
don16140I have Ubuntu on my desktop and love it over Vista. I just bought a wireless laptop and wondered if I have to do anything to configure it after I install Ubuntu. Thaaanks.18:27
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE18:27
_Oz_thanks, ubotu18:27
WGGMkhischild: I have rules to allow inbound / outbound traffic to the DMZ without restrictions18:28
Invisionfree!botabuse > _Oz_18:28
empty_tin_canrealmerx: did you see the command output i posted??18:28
Ashfire908can someone refer me to a guide on how to configure NAT and other stuff for internet sharing to how i want it? (instead of just a long script)18:28
InvisionfreeWelcome back, PriceChild.18:28
WGGMkhischild: but Ubuntu set with a static IP can't even ping the gateway18:28
empty_tin_canHello pricechild18:28
realmerxempty_tin_can: use pastebin18:28
empty_tin_canhow do i use pastebin?18:28
brobostigonAshfire908: tldp.org18:28
realmerxempty_tin_can: pastebin.com18:29
[chr0n0s]!pastebin > empty_tin_can18:29
Invisionfreeempty_tin_can: Open the URL, paste the contents into the box, click ok, give us the URL.18:29
AntkinPriceChild hello18:29
InvisionfreeIt's fairly easy ..18:29
don16140Can anyone help a newbee. Will Ubuntu work good with a wireless laptop???18:29
[chr0n0s]don16140, depends18:29
Invisionfreedon16140: It's working fine for me.18:29
PriceChilddon16140: use a live cd to find out.18:29
drK_avNgrHi all, I have a fresh install of 7.10 and Firefox is crashing when encountering flash content.. I didn't install any flash plugins, but flash content works until FireFox either "dims" and crashes, or just kills itself outright, without warning.18:29
drK_avNgrAny suggestions?18:29
brobostigon!hcl | don1614018:29
ubotudon16140: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:29
PriceChilddon16140: You don't have to install to the hard drive to find out even!18:30
don16140OK. Thanks. I want to get rid of Vista..............It stinks!18:30
Flare183Seveas: thanks18:30
[chr0n0s]one more happy vista customer, or troll ?18:30
empty_tin_canrealmerx heres the URL for my pastebin entry: http://pastebin.com/d667f2d8e18:31
don16140Everyone have a great day, and many thanks. I'm putting Ubuntu on my laptop too.18:31
bazhangcya don1614018:31
InvisionfreePriceChild: Hi. don16140, download the Live CD, boot to it, and you can try Ubuntu without installing.18:31
InvisionfreeWhat the hell?18:31
drK_avNgrI did however install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, so I would have the flash plugin that is within that package.. still it almost reliably crashes every time.18:31
brobostigondon16140: good luck18:31
drK_avNgrAnyone have any insight?18:31
don16140OK,,,thanks again. Bye18:31
drK_avNgrcya don18:31
ajbrunhi, this may be a silly question, but when i install something in ubuntu, other packages get installed along with it. If I then want to uninstall it, those extra packages aren't removed. Is there a way to make this happen?18:32
InvisionfreeOh dear: If you do not agree to the DLJ license terms you cannot install this software. The installation of this package will be canceled.18:32
drK_avNgrajbrun: within Synaptic Package Manager, find what you want to remove and click "Completely Remove".18:32
kurtiscan anyone tell me why after 5-10 minutes of inactivity my screen shuts off. I don't have the screen saver turned on.18:32
steve176ajbrun: sudo apt-get auto-remove18:32
AntkindrK_avNgr What is your question?18:32
steve176ajbrun: sudo apt-get autoremove18:32
brobostigonajbrun: sudo apt-get autoreomve "packagename"18:32
drK_avNgrIt'll remove all the other programs, which are "Dependencies".18:32
InvisionfreeI don't believe it, I just hit enter at the wrong time .. Bad luck for me ..18:32
ajbrunah right - i thought that still left the other packages, but dropped the program settings18:33
Mugen08after every 2 hours(or so) the sound goes off on my comp. it comes back after restart.. anyone!!!18:33
drK_avNgrkurtis: Check power management.18:33
kurtisdrK_avNgr, i did, that is also turned off18:33
drK_avNgrAntkin: I'm having issues with Flash crashing Firefox.18:33
steve176After adding a myself to a group do I need to flush anything? Executing "groups" doesn't list the new group18:33
empty_tin_canrealmerx: did u see that output on pastebin?18:33
drK_avNgrkurtis: Could be a BIOS setting.18:34
cmdbbqanyone know how to activate the s-video tv out on a dell inspiron 6000? i am looking for the graphix card now18:34
Seb962Sorry, when using displayconfig-gtk, I set up my desired resolution, and when I accept, it goes back to my old one. I checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/MonitorDetection?highlight=%28monitor%29 but it couldnt provide me with assistance. Anyone has any insight on this_18:34
Mudassarcan some body help me18:34
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
InvisionfreePriceChild: If I install Java with Firefox open, do I need to restart it?18:34
drK_avNgrAntkin: I installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package for flash, but it crashes Firefox reliably. Either dims it out then crashes, or just kills itself without warning.18:34
Mugen08\join ##linux18:34
kurtisdrK_avNgr, I haven't changed my BIOS in a while, and this just started happening a week or two ago18:34
MudassarMy headphones in Ubuntu has very low volume....18:35
Mudassarwhat to do ?18:35
empty_tin_canreamerx: hellooo?18:35
Invisionfree!enter | Mudassar18:35
ubotuMudassar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:35
kurtisdrK_avNgr, I think it started happening around the time I installed Folding at home, could that have anything to do with it?18:35
empty_tin_canrealmerx: did u get text???18:35
Invisionfree!ask | Mudassar18:35
ubotuMudassar: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:35
AntkindrK_avNgr I run Firefox without any problems18:35
legonI run fsck and now my computer runs a test everytime a reboot, and says something is wrong, so it's reboots in a loop :-/18:35
drK_avNgrkurtis: not entirely sure, I've run out of options for ya, sorry mate.18:35
PriceChildInvisionfree: if you install the plugin, yes.18:36
kurtisdrK_avNgr, bummer, thanks for tryn' anyway18:36
PriceChildInvisionfree: 'if' you want to use the plugin.18:36
MudassarI am using Ubuntu where my headphone has very low volume, Loudspeakers work well..18:36
empty_tin_canrealmerx: are you there??18:36
InvisionfreePriceChild: about:plugins is telling me it's there already though..18:36
Mugen08after every 2 hours(or so) the sound goes off on my comp. it comes back after restart.. anyone!!!please18:36
PriceChildInvisionfree: believe that then :)18:37
simplexioMugen08: does dmesg tell you anything18:37
InvisionfreeAnd indeed it works, even if I had to install twice .. I messed up the sun-java6-bin because I hit enter in here just as it popped up..18:37
=== LainIwakura_ is now known as LainIwakura
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Mudassarwill some body tell me how to increase the volume of my headphones in ubuntu ?18:38
AntkinMudassar Hello18:38
decaynickrud: could i have the drivers you used?18:38
Mugen08simplexion: the dmesg is fine18:38
MudassarHello Antkin18:38
Mudassarplease help me regarding my problem18:38
Invisionfree!sound | Mudassar18:38
ubotuMudassar: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:38
Mugen08simplexion: the test  performed on the system for sound works, but media files dont play at all!!18:39
empty_tin_canrealmerx: ARe you there?????18:39
AntkinMudassar What help do you need?18:39
empty_tin_canrealmerx: Hello?18:39
drK_avNgrAnyone have any luck with re-installed Flash on Firefox to get it to work properly?18:39
InvisionfreeIs your volume up, Mugen08?18:39
bazhangdrK_avNgr: sure18:39
empty_tin_canrealmerx: are you there????18:39
empty_tin_canrealmerx: Hello?18:40
empty_tin_canrealmerx: heelllloooo?18:40
kaens_empty_tin_can: is it safe to assume realmerx is not there yet?18:40
Mugen08simplexion: yes. its up18:40
drK_avNgrI'm sorry if I'm being impatient.18:40
nickruddecay: I don't think my firmware will work, since it's rev 1. But, I'll tar up the *fw , you'll put them in /lib/firmware18:40
matthias_hi can nayone help me get firestarter to startup automatically at startup ...18:40
Mugen08simplexion: alsamixer is showing the sound levels fine18:41
bazhangdrK_avNgr: a simple reinstall should do the trick18:41
AntkinMudasser plase ask you question18:41
empty_tin_cankaens: i really need to speak to realmerx, ive just spent the entire afternoon explaining something to him, i dont want to have to start again18:41
InvisionfreeAntkin: He has.18:41
drK_avNgrbazhang: I have the flash player from ubuntu-restricted-extras, is there an issue with it?18:41
Greyhound|NBhow can I get the latest xchat?18:41
decaynickrud: thank you =]18:42
cmdbbqi have an s video port, for tv out, but just plugging it in does nothing is there a way to tell if ubuntu has recognized my s video port?18:42
kaens_empty_tin_can: oh. that sucks.18:42
simplexioMugen08: its simplexio not +n irssi wont hilight. i dont notice18:42
Mudassarhow can I increase the volume of my headphone in ubuntu18:42
bazhangdrK_avNgr: there was an issue; if you are still experiencing that issue then try the reinstall ;]18:42
mitjahow are you18:42
Antkinmitja Hello18:42
=== duniamasak is now known as duniaoracle
brobostigonMudassar: run alsamixer in terminal18:42
simplexioMugen08: so dmesg dosen't say anything, alssamixer says that sound level are good18:42
empty_tin_cani think im going to cry...18:42
cmdbbqi am going to try something i will be back if it fails18:42
empty_tin_can*weeping with frustration*18:43
Mugen08simplexion: yes. !!18:43
Antkinmitja Do you have a problem?18:43
matthias_helllo nobody usaes firestarter ...18:43
MudassarI m new to Ubuntu, how to run alsamixer in terminal ?18:43
bazhangempty_tin_can: perhaps a time out would help--why not come back later?18:44
empty_tin_can*can someone please tell me, how i add users to proftpd, or is it new policy in ubuntu to be as unhelpful as possible*18:44
bazhangMudassar: just type alsamixer18:44
simplexioMugen08: does restarting player help ?18:44
Mudassarok let me try18:44
slugz_how do you copy folders in sftp?18:44
Mudassarin su account ?18:44
brobostigonMudassar: look for terminal in your apps menu, then run terminal, then type alsamixer into the prompt you get18:44
empty_tin_can*it would be nice to get ftp working to start with!!!!!!*18:44
drK_avNgrbazhang: Seems to be working better for the moment, you're the man.18:45
Mudassaryes something has opened.18:45
empty_tin_can*i probably would if people here would take 3 seconds out of their life to give me one command*18:45
Mugen08simplexion: only restarting the system works... nothing else.. other players, same player,, notihng else!!18:45
simplexioempty_tin_can: if someone know and notices what you ask they answer,18:45
empty_tin_can*oh ffs*18:45
amenadoempty_tin_can-> have you even tried any of the tutorials?18:45
bazhanghttp://archiv.debianhowto.de/en/proftpd/c_proftpd.html empty_tin_can18:46
simplexioempty_tin_can: and use scp, its much more secure, if i remember correctly ftp sends password as plian text18:46
brobostigonamenado: which tutorials??18:46
kaens_empty_tin_can: have you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958818:46
Mugen08simplexion: what do you say?18:46
matthias_okey bye18:46
AntkinDoes anyone need help with dual booting?18:46
empty_tin_cani dont want a tutoiral though, all i need  is how to add proftpd users so i can use ftp to chmod some files tso i can add packages ot my forum *weeping*18:46
amenadobrobostigon-> learning how to use proftp18:47
empty_tin_can*i need help with ftpd18:47
simplexioMugen08: i have no idea, you could allways try updatre alsa drivers, so update kernel18:47
bazhangempty_tin_can: honestly; we have given you the links that tell you exactly how to do that--read them please and stop weeping here18:47
brobostigonamenado: sorry,ok, i got the wrong thing,18:47
empty_tin_can*i think am going to break the computer keyboard over my head in a minute*18:47
legonI run fsck and now my computer runs a test everytime a reboot, and says something is wrong, so it's reboots in a loop :-/18:47
Mugen08simplexion: will try that.. thanks18:47
Mudassarin alsamixer volume is at maximum, but in my headphones voice is so low18:48
Mudassarplz help18:48
lcukMudassar, could it be a problem with the headphones themselves?18:48
kaens_empty_tin_can: the link provided includes info on how to add users to proftpd. info that is too long for irc pastes. read the links given to you.18:48
empty_tin_cani find it very hard to belive that all 12k users on here have no idea how to add proftpd users18:48
Mudassarno, in windows, they are working fine18:48
amenadoempty_tin_can-> you dont want to learn from tutorials?18:48
fabio_what volume ?18:48
empty_tin_cancos all i want i one command18:49
Starnestommyempty_tin_can: you have to edit a config file, i think18:49
empty_tin_canone litttle command18:49
Mudassarvolume of headphones18:49
bazhang!coc > empty_tin_can read the pm from the bot please18:49
Starnestommyediting a config file isn't ahat hard18:49
amenadoempty_tin_can-> all is read and follow the tutorials18:49
alemarany idea why i get very low performance with wine applications and games(3d/2d) tnks in advance18:49
kaens_empty_tin_can: it's not a "one command" type of process.18:49
simplexioempty_tin_can: google howto add user to proftpd, first link gives answer. and conrats you are firrst who get into my ignore list18:49
realmerxempty_tin_can: well I only am volunteer here :)18:49
bazhangalemar: you really should check the appdb for wine for that18:49
fabio_try Master18:50
empty_tin_cani did google it18:50
realmerxempty_tin_can: so I answer when I can18:50
lcukempty_tin_can, people in here have their own problems, i cant believe you expect everyone to drop everything and jump higher when i have seen numerous people give you pointers to the correct information.  all you haveto do is read a little and learn for yourself.18:50
realmerxempty_tin_can: I have life too :)18:50
malocitehey, I have a weird slowdown problem when I try to click on the shutdown button.  The computer locks up for about 90 seconds before bringing up the dialogue box, any ideas?18:50
Mudassarmy problem is not solved18:50
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i though u had logged thats all18:50
realmerxempty_tin_can: I am checking your pastebin right now18:50
_sluimers_Hi can someone help me with a fserve / port forwarding problem? or should I ask somewhere else?18:50
simplexioMudassar: you sure that you have sound source volume up too18:50
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i spent an afternoon explaining the problem to you, then i tought u had logged off, you will understand how frsutrating that would have been :)18:51
MudassarI have maximized all the volumes18:51
lcuk_sluimers_, just ask away politely im sure if someone knows they will give a pointer18:51
Impy^Hi my friend's trying to install ubuntu but his keyboard and mouse don't work and they're not usb ones he's tried the livecd and the alternative text one but he gets the same problem with both any ideas?18:51
_sluimers_I beleive the fserve doesn't work due to my firewalls18:51
bazhanghttp://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/From_beginning_to_end_ProFTPD empty_tin_can18:51
amenadomalocite-> it tries to shutdown different services, sometimes some services are difficult..like network, daemons that keep respawning...etc18:51
_sluimers_on desktop and router18:51
_sluimers_I mean wireless modem18:51
realmerxempty_tin_can: you ftp server does not seem to be running18:51
ironcladlouis there a MacOS "Expose" like feature in Ubuntu 7.10 with the "Desktop Effects" feature enabled?18:51
fabio_Try using different phones18:51
bazhangscale ironcladlou18:51
nickrudironcladlou: in ccsm , expo plugin18:51
amenadoImpy^-> is your friend you?18:51
realmerxempty_tin_can: try to sudo netstat -pnl | grep 21 just in case18:52
AntkinDoes anyone know why Ubuntu stalls at a restart only shut down works?18:52
ironcladlounickrud: ccsm?18:52
Impy^nope my friend is not me :o18:52
malociteamenado: but its slow before the dialogue box comes up, once I can click shutdown its nice and fast, and normal, its just clicking on the red button to bring up that menu causes it to freeze :)18:52
ironcladloubazhan: scale?18:52
simplexio_sluimers_: http://www.hackorama.com/network/portfwd.shtml18:52
ironcladlouIs there a hotkey for it, or what?18:52
nickrudironcladlou: install compizconfig-settings-manager (we say ccsm for ease)  and it'll be under system->prefs->advanced desktop18:52
bazhang!ccsm > ironcladlou read the pm from the bot please18:52
amenadomalocite-> what is your goal? to shutdown ?18:52
MudassarI have opened Wine configuration, it seems that some default driver is selected it is showing error when I test the sound using it18:52
realmerxempty_tin_can: youre there?18:52
ironcladlouah ha!18:52
ironcladlouthanks, you guys18:53
malociteamenado: Or to lock screen, or logout etc18:53
nickrudironcladlou: and super-e (windows key-e)18:53
empty_tin_canrealmerx: yesh18:53
realmerxempty_tin_can: try to ls /etc/init.d/proftpd18:53
amenadoAntkin-> it tries to shutdown different services, sometimes some services are difficult..like network, daemons that keep respawning...etc18:53
ironcladlounickrud: woah, awesome. thanks.18:53
simplexio_sluimers_: actualy that wasnt so good one.18:53
malociteamenado: Usually if I wanna shut down I just ctrl alt f2 and do a sudo shutdown now :)18:53
empty_tin_canrealmerx: what will that do?18:53
amenadomalocite it is wise to do a sync; sync; sync; before shutting down18:54
Starnestommyempty_tin_can: I think it'll check for proftpd's startup script18:54
oxigenhi where is channel for ubuntu 8.04?18:54
bluefox83ok, i accidentally deleted my main taskbar, how the heck do i bring it back?18:54
malociteamenado: whats that?18:54
nickrudoxigen: #ubuntu+118:54
simplexiooxigen: #ubuntu+118:54
amenadomalocite  glad yo asked,  man sync18:54
empty_tin_canrealmerx: do i just run it in terminal18:54
oxigennickrud, simplexio: thanks!18:54
malociteamenado: I shall read :)18:54
D-Unityo i have virtualbox .deb for feisty but wen i istall it searches for dependencies...how can i pre-search them and have them for a feisty comp that has no internet?18:54
nickrud!resetpanels | bluefox8318:54
ubotubluefox83: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:54
Antkinamenado I have a network of five computers this problem is only on one18:54
malociteamenado: is that what you do when you get that CANNOT OPEN FILES error in gnome?18:55
amenadomalocite do for what?18:55
malociteamenado: too many open files, or handles or something like that18:55
amenadomalocite if you run out of file handles it can happen..18:55
Mudassarstill my headphones' volume is so low18:55
empty_tin_canrealmerx are you there?18:55
Mudassarplease help18:55
bluefox83that completely removed ALL my taskbars!18:55
fabio_Mudassar what about your speaks ?18:56
amenadoAntkin-> some drivers dont work nicely.just quirks sometimes18:56
nickrudD-Unit: you want to look into apt-zip , it will create a script you can move to another machine to download all deps18:56
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i ran the command and i got this in greeen: etc/init.d/proftpd18:56
Mudassarthey are fine18:56
fabio_so this is due to your headphones18:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:56
malociteamenado: Hmph, something new that I have learned :)  thanks I love ubuntu, I am always learning something. Ive been at it since Summer of 07 :)18:56
Mudassarin my laptop ... speakers work fine...18:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about taskbar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:56
Mudassarheadphones work fine in windows18:56
_sluimers_simplexio, thanks, but I have firehol, plus a firewall on my modem18:56
fabio_by the way what sound card do you have ? (lspci)18:56
_sluimers_simplexio, not bastille18:56
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i ran the command and i got this in greeen: etc/init.d/proftpd18:56
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i ran the command and i got this in greeen: etc/init.d/proftpd18:57
amenadomalocite thats what make linux users life interesting.. like the fortune cookie say..may you live and exciting life...hehe18:57
nickrudbluefox83: taskbar, you mean the row of window listings on the bottom taskbar?18:57
Mudassarhow can I see the sound card ?18:57
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Anyone have any recent experience with how to get key bindings tow work with icewm?18:57
ironcladlounickrud: I see that the "Scale" plugin is enabled, but what is the hotkey for the Expose-clone switcher?18:57
Mudassarfrom terminal, I m new to linux18:57
simplexio_sluimers_: if you have firewall in linux its iptables, it may have gui names firestarter or something else18:57
AntkinMudassar Do you have a sound card or is it a chip?18:57
nickrudironcladlou: you need to enable the expo plugin. then super-e18:57
goldenfoxMudassar, System > Preference > Sound18:57
D-Unitnickrud, is apt-zip a program?18:57
malociteamenado: Thanks, I just re-installed gutsy, for some reason it was getting extremely slow, now I don't see emerald theme manager, and I can't remember how to install the ati drives :)  Groan18:58
nickrudD-Unit: it's a package18:58
jlulian38how can I get a Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD to use the most up to date repositories?18:58
nickrudjlulian38: you can't18:58
simplexio_sluimers_: ans not enought info to help more18:58
SeanInSeattleAnyone??? Bueler?  :)  Does anyone have any recent experience with how to get key bindings tow work with icewm?18:58
bitsapt-get install <package-name> installs package, right?18:58
empty_tin_canim  away for dinner now18:58
amenadomalocite-> when you observe things are slowing down, type top  and see which process uses the cpu the most,18:58
empty_tin_canbrb soon18:58
ironcladlounickrud: Ah. Maybe it's been working all along and I just didn't realize it. When I hit super-e, it gives me an expose-like thing for all virtual desktops18:58
nickrudjlulian38: for running live, that is. For install, it will automatically18:58
ironcladlounickrud: i expected it to just scale out the windows for the current desktop18:58
bits(just proofing a script)18:58
ironcladlounickrud: but this makes sense18:59
EstesarkWhat's the aptitude command to remove all unrequired packages?18:59
jlulian38I need to get some utilities for saving my data(Lua) am I going to have to compile it or something >:(18:59
bitsEstesark: unrequired?18:59
nickrudEstesark: sudo apt-get autoremove18:59
danandbits - you'll need to sudo apt-get install packagename18:59
amenadoEstesark-> try   sudo apt-get clean  or autoclean ?18:59
ironcladlounickrud: where are all these hotkeys documented?18:59
bitsdanand thanks18:59
_sluimers_simplexio, hmmm..... what info do you need?18:59
EstesarkAutoremove rings a bell...18:59
EstesarkThanks guys.18:59
nickrudironcladlou: in ccsm , each plugin has an actions tab. Only place I know18:59
Impy^Hi my friend's trying to install ubuntu but his keyboard and mouse don't work and they're not usb ones he's tried the livecd and the alternative text one but he gets the same problem with both any ideas?19:00
danandEstesark - use apt - apt-get autoremove19:00
bazhangironcladlou: there is a really great channel for that : #compiz-fusion ;]19:00
bitsk, and apt command to update all headers?19:00
ironcladlounickrud: i'll poke around, then19:00
Mudassarin Device: Realtek ACL 861 (OSS Mixer) and HDA ATI SB (alsa mixer) are mensioned...19:00
ironcladloubazhang: i'll keep that in mind for future reference :) thanks for the help!19:00
amenadoImpy^-> perhaps the connector in the back is bad ? can he access the bios?19:00
* nickrud feels kicked around by bazhang ;(-P19:00
_sluimers_simplexio, oh I use firehol for a webfilter if that's info worthy19:01
D-Unitnickrud, thanks alot but just another question, does this mean i can install ANYTHING without internet?? like wine, virtualbox, mp3 codecs, etc?19:01
bitswhich file holds the apt-get sources list?19:01
danandbits - if you mean update the list of available packages then the command is sudo apt-get update19:01
simplexio_sluimers_: i assume that you have linux router which accts NAT, (no idea howto you need configure your modem) http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/73 that gives iptables commd, first one. you need just to figure right -i eth0 or eth1 usually and --to address right19:01
Starnestommybits: /etc/apt/sources.list19:01
bitsdanand thanks x219:01
bitsStarnestommy: thanks19:01
danandbits  - /etc/apt/sources.list :D - np19:01
nickrudD-Unit: yes19:01
amenadoD-Unit-> well if it requires download and you dont have access, then no!19:02
MrKeunerhi, are there ubuntu mobile capable phones already?19:02
simplexio_sluimers_: no idea what firehol is, i assume that it is iptables frontend.19:02
MudassarI think sound card is not detect properly19:02
D-Unitamenado, then wats the whole point of apt-zip?19:02
Mudassarsome default sound driver is working with it19:02
bitsk last apt question - apt-get and apt-rem ?19:03
amenadoD-Unit i have not used it..let me check19:03
bits(what's remove command?19:03
malociteamenado: Actually, I went all through that and nothing seemed to be unusual, the whole system was just always sluggish.... I'm hoping to pay closer attention this time around19:03
Starnestommybits: apt-get remove19:03
bitslol Starnestommy; reps19:03
amenadoD-Unit no entry for apt-zip19:03
Mudassarplease some body help me19:03
Squawkbits, probably apt-get --rmove, but man apt-get19:03
_sluimers_simplexio, well thanks for your help, I don't get the whole iptables thing though, it looks like a nightmare to understand19:04
ripper666how do i enable dependencys using dpkg19:04
D-Unitamenado, ya...go to synaptic and ull find it (in gutsy)19:04
Squawk_sluimers_, iptables is easy once you get hte basics, and a pig until you do19:04
Impy^amenado i think he can access the bios he;'s gone offline atm he's trying a few other things19:04
amenadoD-Unit i dont have it installed..i dont believe i needed it19:04
* bits sends thanks around to Starnestommy and danand19:04
Coded1im in the planing phase of putting together a Ubuntu HTPC but I want to know what kind of hardware I should be looking at19:05
simplexio_sluimers_: it's just cmdline version19:05
Mudassarhello, please somebody help me19:05
amenadoImpy^-> thats the first thing I would asked him to test19:05
Coded1is there a benchmark site that can help me out ?19:05
Coded1i want to beable to handle 1080p with out problems19:05
DarkmystereCan some one please help me i cant connect to internet at ALL in Ubuntu i use Wicd...19:05
KEB1reboot: wenigstens low graphik19:05
Impy^amenado what would he do when he's in the bios then?19:05
_sluimers_hmmm... and where would I need to put these lines, firehol.conf?19:06
amenadoDarkmystere-> you seem to come back here often with network problem...you ever write down the steps we tell you? hehe19:06
amenadoImpy^-> well for one, he can use his keyboard to get into bios..so keyboard is working right?19:06
legonHow do I completely disable hibernation? I'm stuck in a reboot failure because of f*cked up hibernation19:06
_sluimers_where can I show screenshots?19:07
Impy^his keyboard works normaly onthe other os :o19:07
legonI pressed the wrong button :) hate hibernation19:07
amenado_sluimers_-> what is it? can you paste it in pastebin? it may just be iptables rulez19:07
_sluimers_of my problem?19:07
Darkmysterei have an Atheros AR5006EG And here's my lspci -v :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58146/19:07
goldenfox_sluimers_, try imageshack.us19:07
NorthByNorthWestHi! I want to remove and delete a module but modprobe says it is in use... what to do??19:07
Darkmystereamenado, Well yea i do and it fixes it now Wicd acts like its connected but when i open firefox says Problem Loading page..19:07
=== Fersure is now known as Shinigami
danandD-Unit - apt-zip can be used on a machine with internet access to retrieve packages and their dependacies for machines with no internet access.19:08
=== HashBox_ is now known as HashBox
goldenfoxis there any patch now to the ATI display problem?19:08
DarkmystereAmenado, Opera Same thing and Ping doesnt work..even iwconfig tells me im connected..19:08
Darkmystereamenado, And ifconfig...19:08
jgodHelp!  My task bar and icons are gone, all I can do is Alt F2 to bring up programs19:08
BotorI want to install another OS along with Ubuntu, but I want it completely hidden and encrypted, is this possible?19:09
Mugen08where are the lyrics saved by amarok19:09
jgodhow can i get my desktop back19:09
ConstyXIVis there a way to "hotplug" a laptop display without Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?19:09
SquawkDarkmystere, as risk of jumping in without seeing the rest of your problem, do you have a "route"?19:09
bazhangConstyXIV: sounds risky19:09
D-Unitdanand, ya well thats wat i need...cuz i have internet on this comp but not on the other one but...do the comps have to be connected or can i just transger it using like a usb flash drive or sumtin?19:09
Sjimmie/etc/init.d/gdm restart19:09
SjimmieConstyXIV: that was for you :)19:09
MudassarI think my problem will not be solved here19:09
realmerxempty_tin_can: look into /etc/rc.d/init.d19:09
amenadoDarkmystere-> you remember what things to check -- correct?19:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:10
MudassarI have to leave :(19:10
Squawk!ask | Mudassar19:10
ConstyXIVSjimmie: i meant w/o restarting x19:10
ubotuMudassar: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:10
Darkmysteresquawk,amenado  iwconfig....lspci -v19:10
realmerxempty_tin_can: sorry /etc/init.d I mean19:10
Darkmysteresquawk, huh?19:10
amenadoDarkmystere-> and what do they tell you?19:10
Mudassarmy headphone are so low in volume in ubuntu19:10
Botorplease help me19:10
Mudassarplz help19:10
bitswww.pastebin.ca is down?19:10
realmerxempty_tin_can: and look can you see anything like proftpd there19:10
Darkmystereamenado, its connected..19:10
amenadoDarkmystere-> you forgot to test with ping?19:10
bitsor am i lol?19:10
Mudassarcan some body talk to me in private to solve my problem ?19:10
SquawkDarkmystere, from the posts I have seen your wifi card seems to be working, and has connected to a network, you have an ip address, but cant connect, right? if so, try "route add default gw ip.of.your.gateway"19:10
realmerxempty_tin_can: this is the init script for proftpd and you can use to start the ftp server19:10
Botoris there a way to install one more OS but completely hidden and encrypted?19:11
Darkmystereamenado, i ping it said unknown host19:11
brobostigonMudassar: open a mixer and turn up the volume19:11
akvanyone else having problems with some python packages after todays upgrade?19:11
Mudassarit is at max position19:11
empty_tin_canrealmerx: do u just double click it?19:11
realmerxempty_tin_can: you can look also what files proftpd package contains by doing dpkg -L proftpd19:11
amenadoDarkmystere-> and from what you have written down notes, how you then resolve (hint) if unknown host?19:11
MudassarBrobostigon: can you talk to me in private ?19:11
danandD-Unit - not too sure.... i know what that package is used for... just never used it :). I would presume that the packages could all be moved over using a usb pen drive, cd, or whatever is easiest,19:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xaamp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:11
Wespehey there, is it possible to install xubuntu directly from a ftp server, so that I only need to burn a small-sized install-CD?19:11
realmerxempty_tin_can: no go to command line19:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xampp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:11
realmerxcd /etc/init.d19:11
realmerx./proftpd start19:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lampp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:11
brobostigonMudassar: i dont know much abut sound, so i cant reallt help.19:12
Darkmystereamenado, not connected..19:12
empty_tin_canrealmerx: thanks, im going to eatr now19:12
empty_tin_canrealmerx: bye brb19:12
bitschuy_max: stop torturing the poor bot19:12
nickrud!lamp > chuy_max (see pm)19:12
D-Unitdanand, k, if thats the case then this program is a miracle :)19:12
Darkmystereamenado, ive also tried other non-secured networks besides my real network..19:12
amenadoDarkmystere-> come on, look at your notes....if a www.google.com can not be resolved...you look in where?19:12
realmerxempty_tin_can: I really think that you should google little more than you do right now :)19:12
Darkmystereamenado, Err....im dead :D19:12
kerikhey guys....anybody who can tell me the name of a good Java package?19:12
amenadoDarkmystere-> you really have to write down notes..19:13
Seb962Hey guys thanks a lot for all the support!! I'm out for today, thanks a lot.19:13
simplexiorealmerx: first hit tells answer to his question, he just dosent want to read it19:13
chuy_maxoh, that was it, ty nickrud :)19:13
simplexiorealmerx: i told it long time ago19:13
Darkmystereamenado, lol i usualy gedit em..19:13
nickrudkerik: pete's coffee19:13
brobostigon!java | kerik19:13
Squawk!someone | Mudassar19:13
ubotukerik: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)19:13
ubotuMudassar: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!19:13
Impy^amenado he can get into bios19:13
DarkmystereBut cause of something new those where lost..19:13
amenadoDarkmystere-> /etc/resolv.conf  is one thing you have to check19:13
amenadoDarkmystere-> write these down will you..19:14
bitswhat package should I look into if I want to extract text from email files on a remote IMAP server and parse them with scripts?19:14
MudassarPlease help me to increase the volume of my headphone in ubunut. It is already at full volume but voice is so low19:14
flatscat /etc/resolv.conf19:14
amenadoImpy^-> so what have we established?19:14
flatshehe sorry thought I was in termonal19:14
Psycdbazhang is legend...  thanks for the help dude...19:14
Psycdcatch ya all later19:14
Impy^his keyboard works :o19:14
Mugen08where are the lyrics saved by amarok???19:14
bazhangcya Psycd ;]19:14
Impy^amenado his keyboard works? :o19:14
danandD-Unit - think you may have to put all the files you download in the /var/cache/apt/archives folder. i think apt checks there first for packages you want before trying to download from the internet. Thats just a guess though... check what the man page or docs suggest for apt-zip.19:14
keriknickrud, can you tell me how to install?19:14
amenadoImpy^-> okay..so now time to use the liveCD or alternate..if he can select from the menu, it works eh?19:15
ScarredInside7okay how do I get help here19:15
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nickrudkerik: a joke, pete's sells great packages of coffee ;)19:15
x89xcan anone help me with sound problems ?19:15
bitsScarredInside7: you ask19:15
keriknickrud, lol....bloody hell...I'm too slow :D19:15
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=== Meni- is now known as Meni
x89x i have a sblive 5.1 card. I am not getting sound output19:15
simplexioMugen08: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/GoogLyrics?content=73850 , dont know if that helps19:15
nickrudkerik: how do you intend to use java? just to run apps, or develop?19:15
x89xnicrud : Can you help ?19:16
keriknickrud, primarily to use with apps....19:16
Impy^amenado the keyboard works on the initial menu but just stops working on the next one :o19:16
amenadoImpy^-> umm..what kind of pc he's got? or you got?19:16
nickrudkerik: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin  (plugin for 32bit ubuntu firefox plugin)19:16
ScarredInside7okay can someone please tell me how to get Net Objects' Fusion 9 to run/install in Ubuntu??19:16
nickrudx89x: I know practially nothing about sound, sorry19:17
Darkmystereamenado,ok err i did check it...19:17
MudassarI have to leave... :(19:17
Antkinkerik Please do not swear on any forum19:17
bitswant to parse email files taken from remote IMAP server and reply to them... missing good program for it...19:17
x89x:( can anyone help me with soun dissues ?19:17
amenadoDarkmystere-> and?19:17
Mudassarproblem not solved ... :( leaving...19:17
Mudassarbye all19:17
Impy^he said amd x2  1gb pcie gfx geforce19:17
bitsx89x: be more specific?19:17
Impy^amenado he said amd x2  1gb pcie gfx geforce19:17
Mugen08simplexio: thaankyou again!!19:17
x89xi have SB Live 5.1 card19:17
simplexioMugen08: it helped ?19:17
Darkmystereamenado, it says  search gateway.2wire.net *next line* nameserver
amenadoDarkmystere->  can you ping this
x89xi tried to change drvice by double clicking the volume iocon and choosing SB LIVE from the FILE -> DEvices menu19:18
ScarredInside7oh well no answer.....19:18
Darkmystereamenado, im on backtrack...19:18
keriknickrud, hmm...it says that the resource is temporarily unavailable...19:18
amenadoImpy^-> thats fairly recent system so it is capable.. did he wait long enuff for things to work with liveCD sometimes it can take as much as 10minutes19:18
bitsnot familiar with the card x89x19:18
AntkinScarredInside7 I am a Net Objects 10 user it is a Windows Program, have you tried running it in wine?19:18
bitsAntkin: he left19:19
amenadoDarkmystere-> what is a backtrack?  just ping
nickrudkerik: hm. Might be your repo. You can try another (system->admin->software sources, download from button19:19
x89xbut i get output from my onloard card with a shrill sound at the background .... bits19:19
AntkinYes just missed him19:19
Antkinvisof Welcome19:19
visofhow can i move folder ?19:19
Starnestommyvisof: mv folder new-folder19:19
visofwhat is the command?19:19
bitsx89x: told you, i'm not familiar with the card and it's settings. don't think I can help you with this one19:20
keriknickrud, should I add repos?19:20
visofsudo mv filename new location ?19:20
Starnestommyvisof: yes19:20
Darkmystereamenado, its a linux distro because ubuntu internet doesnt even work...well its pinging it..19:20
x89xand bits is it possible to change the device from the terminal ?19:20
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool.19:20
nickrud!gutsysources | kerik (make sure you have all these)19:20
ubotukerik (make sure you have all these): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).19:20
danandx89x - first check your sound card has the required drivers/modules installed . SB cards use the emu10k driver. Type lsmod | grep emu in a terminal and see if you get any output19:20
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:20
amenadoDarkmystere-> come again? ubuntu internet doesnt even work?19:21
visofStranestommy for Directory?19:21
Starnestommyvisof: yes19:21
x89xdanand yes i get a long list19:21
Darkmystereamenado, i couldnt be on irc if i was on ubuntu it acts like its connected but its not19:21
Cew27hi can anyone help me urgently, i need to set open office to make the forst letter of a sentance a capital automatically19:22
amenadoDarkmystere-> you just dont have your setup correct..we worked this out a few times already19:22
Darkmystereamenado, says Host unreachable19:22
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:22
Darkmystereamenado, maybe i dont have dhcpd19:23
amenadoDarkmystere-> you were able to ping and now it is host unreachable?19:23
danandx89x - ok - do you have alsa and alsa-utils installed? type dpkg-query -s alsa and dpkg-query -s alsa-utils. there should be a line in the output telling you if those packages are installed19:23
amenadoDarkmystere-> its your route table thats not filled right..19:23
Darkmystereamenado, Im not in Ubuntu im in another installed linux distro19:23
keriknickrud, thanks alot mate!19:24
Cew27hi can anyone help me urgently, i need to set open office to make the first letter of a sentence a capital automatically19:24
x89xdanand Package `alsa' is not installed and no info is available.19:24
nickrudkerik: yw19:24
Antkinvisof Do you have a question?19:24
amenadoDarkmystere-> but we are ubuntu, you tried that other linux distro help line?19:24
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danandx89x - try alsa-base instead of alsa and see if that turns up anything19:24
StarnestommyCew27: try asking in #openoffice.org19:25
amenadoDarkmystere-> i have to do stuff right now, be back in 30  minutes, if you can wait..19:25
Darkmystereamenado, your not listning im trying to fix my ubuntu internet but the only way i could be typing this is that im in another distro to try and get help for ubuntu19:25
SquawkDarkmystere, did you try my routing suggestion?19:25
Darkmystereamenado,Squawk, how do i do that..19:25
x89xPackage: alsa-base19:25
x89xStatus: install ok installed19:25
Cew27Starnestommy: thanks19:25
rofflesGuys, im having a rough time recovering my password in ubuntu forums. I Go to tht lost password recovery form and enter my email address. I then recieve the username in my inbox and click the link to reset my password. But I dont get an email response w/ my password, any ideas?19:25
danandx89x - ok, how about alsa-utils19:26
SquawkDarkmystere, from a command prompt you just type "route add default gw ip.of.your.router". If you are connected to your wireless network, have an ip address and nothing else seems to be ammis, all I can suggest is the gateway19:26
lonranis there any way to convert a one slide per sheet pdf into a four slides per sheet pdf?19:26
x89xPackage: alsa-base19:26
x89xStatus: install ok installed19:26
CopiesIm trying to run eclipse on ubuntu atm but it says I dont have java installed. ALthough im terminal java -version i get v1.5.0. What to do ?19:26
x89xPackage: alsa-base19:26
x89xStatus: install ok installed19:26
x89xPackage: alsa-utils19:27
x89xStatus: install ok installed19:27
x89xasla-utils gives that message19:27
abowenI have a question about upgrading to U7.10 via update manager19:27
DarkmystereSquawk, ok switching to Ubuntu to try it out19:27
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:27
SquawkDarkmystere, make sure you router is set in /etc/resolv.conf too19:28
abowenif I upgrade via update manager, will I loose my current aps, setting, etc?19:28
SquawkDarkmystere, the ip address of your router I mean19:28
AntkinAny Boinc Manger users here?19:28
danandx89x - ;) - ok. try typing the following cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio. you should hear a load of static. press ctrl+c to stop it if you do19:28
DarkmystereSquawk, ok brb i tried copying my backtrack /ect/resolv.conf to the one in ubuntu because backtrack's internet is working brb19:28
_sluimers_okay, I have the imageson imageshack now, 1. my problem -> http://img128.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2ev6.png19:28
Antkinv3rtigo Welcome19:28
Starnestommyabowen: most likely, you'll still have that stuff after you update19:28
dskid808on a live usb with persistent changes, can I update it?19:28
_sluimers_2. my firewall -> http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1ot9.png19:29
x89xdanand no sound19:29
_sluimers_3. my wireless modem -> http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotsn8.png19:29
_sluimers_that's it19:29
abowenStarnestommy: Ok, I lost the use of my eth port, and am afraid I will not be able to config my wireless (as I will not have use of synaptic, etc)19:29
danandx89x - ok check you are a member of the audio group - type groups in a terminal - you should see a long list with audio as one of the entries19:30
x89xdanand : cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audi19:31
x89xdanand : x89x adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin19:31
D-Uniti have a dial-up modem and i want it to work thru virtual xp...how do i make the virtual comp see the modem?19:31
simplexio_sluimers_: add those 2 iptbales commadn after that first one in your conf19:31
=== neversfelde is now known as neversfelde2
danandx89x - that should have been cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio. but your a member of the audio group at least :)19:32
_sluimers_which ones,the ones you gave me?19:32
_sluimers_iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
_sluimers_iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT?19:32
Antkinsluimers Do you have a question?19:32
x89xdanand : still no sound19:32
=== neversfelde2 is now known as neversfelde
simplexioD-Unit: usb?19:32
vi390does someone know about XDMCP, and that there is a mode, where The Login Screen only allows to Login to XDMCP Sessions ???19:32
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Pelonickrud, still around ? getting issues with that fstab line,  owner is jean but group is root and it is causing me trouble19:33
shitbreakThis question might be a little stupid, but how to unrar .rar file?19:33
D-Unitsimplexio, no its a pci19:33
_sluimers_Antkin, yes19:33
_sluimers_I cannot fserve19:33
RawrakittenAnyone here know the apt-get install name for the opengl library and freetype dev files?19:33
Greyhound|NBI've enabled the restricted ATI drivers on ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD, but now it asks for a restart (which is obviously useless since I'm on the LiveCD).. is there any way I can "restart" without actually restarting? :-s19:33
nickrudPelo: you can change the group to jean as well,  gid=jean19:33
simplexio_sluimers_: both if recall right. offcourse you need chane -i to right and -to19:33
vi390I Need the File, where this XDMCP Is configured to sho up after Boot19:33
danandx89x - type alsamixer in a terminal - go through each of the settings making sure they are enabled. if external amplifier or something similar is enabled you need to disable that19:33
bitsshitbreak: tell me too when you get an answer19:33
firewing1I'd like to package something for the Ubuntu repositories, I read something about mentorship - Am I in the right channel?19:33
dskid808can I update live cd persistent install?19:33
shitbreakbits: lol19:33
Pelonickrud, tanks , let me try it out19:33
Antkinsluimers can you give more detail?19:33
simplexioD-Unit: then no idea. i have used only usb with Vbox19:33
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shitbreakisn't there a package unrar?19:34
bitsshitbreak: there is supposedly a package called unrar but my reading seems to imply that it's picky and won't unrar all rar types19:35
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:35
pawel_56bits, use rar e name.rar19:35
StarnestommyI think there's also unrar-nonfree19:35
nickrud!language | shitbreak (change your nick)19:35
D-Unitsimplexio, in that case, how do i get virtualbox to see my external usb 250 gb hard drive?19:35
ubotushitbreak (change your nick): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:35
bitspawel_56: you must be joking19:35
x89xdanand : How do i eanble. so look different19:35
Greyhound|NBI've enabled the restricted ATI drivers on ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD, but now it asks for a restart (which is obviously useless since I'm on the LiveCD).. is there any way I can "restart" without actually restarting? :-s19:35
x89xlike they dont have that mute option and some dont have that long volume bar19:35
simplexioD-Unit: you need that binaty only .deb from vbox home19:35
pawel_56bits why ^^?19:36
_sluimers_simplexio, I get an error when doing that19:36
giany911guys i used  sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config to reconfigure my fonts .. well that only made them worse, what do i need to do to get them to look the ."normal way "19:36
simplexioD-Unit: it's free for home use19:36
bitsGreyhound|NB: ctl+alt+bckspace19:36
D-Unitsimplexio, binary*?19:36
bitspawel_56: is rar pre-packaged in ubuntu?19:36
D-Unitsimplexio, so for usb hd detection i need to download a .deb?19:37
pawel_56bits no19:37
simplexioD-Unit: there's two vbox .deb, one from repo vbox-ose wich is open source and one closed source wich you get from vbox home page19:37
bitsso what package is it pawel_5619:37
D-Unitdo i have the open source vbox?19:37
pawel_56bits you can install rar package19:37
D-Unithow do i check?19:37
simplexioD-Unit: da. and after that you need to tell in settings that you want your usb forwarded to virtual env19:37
_sluimers_simplexio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5205/19:38
danandx89x - if something is muted you can toggle on and off with the m key. try the up and down arrows too.19:38
bitspawel_56: and this package works with any rar file (i understand that unrar doesn't)19:38
simplexioD-Unit: how did you intall vbox ?19:38
StarnestommyD-Unit: is the package virtualbox-ose installed?19:38
D-Unitsimplexio, .deb from site19:38
bitsvirtualbox rules19:38
pawel_56bits yes, it's propably the same as winrar19:38
D-UnitStarnestommy, i can chek using synaptic?19:38
D-Unitall i did was dl a .deb from site19:38
StarnestommyD-Unit: yes19:38
simplexio_sluimers_: then no idea19:39
_sluimers_Antkin, maybe you can help then19:39
simplexio_sluimers_: should work if you give those commands from cmdline19:39
_sluimers_oh wait *slaps head*19:39
_sluimers_let me try again19:39
pawel_56bits using rar package you can compres, extract and whatever you want ;)19:39
simplexioD-Unit: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads19:39
x89xdanand : all are showing a infinity like sign in green19:39
D-Uniti went on about and it doesnt say ose19:39
_sluimers_I put them in the conf file19:39
x89xand all bars are up danand19:40
C0ffiecan anyone help me with installing wireless network card driver in ubuntu gusty?19:40
x89xdanand : heres what is on top19:40
bitspawel_56: thank god for you... that was one out of two main reasons i haven't moved to linux in office19:40
simplexioD-Unit: under VirtualBox Binaries not under VirtualBox Open source edition19:40
ndlovuhi all. can anyone help me get compiz running on 7.10 (gutsy)? compiz gives me 'Checking for Xgl: not present' and 'No whitelisted driver found'. I have an Intel 945GM graphics card.19:40
x89xCard: HDA VIA VT82xx                                                         ?19:40
x89x? Chip: Analog Devices AD1986A                                                 ?19:40
x89x? View: [Playback] Capture  All                                                ?19:40
x89x? Item: Headphone [dB gain=0.00, 0.00]19:40
pawel_56bits no problem19:40
pawel_56bits what's the second reason?19:41
simplexioD-Unit: if not from OSE, then you start VirtualBox, select machine , settings , USB, enable usb controlelr19:41
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:41
_sluimers_simplexio, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5207/ when I do that19:42
danandx89x - type asoundconf list in the terminal and see what the output is19:42
C0ffiecan anyone help me with installing wireless network card driver in ubuntu gusty?19:42
bitspawel_56: bit more sophisticated that one.... can't seem to fool MS Windows to run in a vbox and pass activation (it's legal) and to connect transparently to LAN fileserver19:42
* bits scratches his head... wait - isn't that three?19:42
_sluimers_okay, Antkin, maybe you can help, I'm havig a problem with people not connecting my DCC chat of my fserve19:42
x89xdanand :  Names of available sound cards: VT82xx Live19:42
nickrudndlovu: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist19:43
_sluimers_I cannot choose apply, only abort19:43
T045Thi all... I have a problem booting the gutsy installation disc... I only get a shell with (initramfs) in the left ...19:43
simplexio_sluimers_: huoh.. -i means interface, it can be ethernet0 = eth0 or something. depends your hardware19:43
_sluimers_I think this has something to do with my firewalls19:43
nalioth_sluimers_: perhaps you need to visit the channel that supports your IRC client19:43
pawel_56bits: sorry, but I can't help you with that19:43
_sluimers_I'll go there19:43
Antkinsluimers I have looked at your pastebin it is out of my depth19:43
cottimahello, I am having trouble installing (using netintsall), and it does not read my .  I think I have to change bios settings but not sure what they should be.19:43
bitspawel_56: np rar is a big help19:44
danandx89x - does that match the name of your sound card - type lspci in a terminal to list your hardware, find your sound card and see if that matches19:44
pawel_56bits: ok :)19:44
ndlovunickrud, it mentions the intel 965 there, but not the 945 that I'm using19:44
x89xdanand : it says19:45
x89x04:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller19:45
x89x05:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a)19:45
goppI am getting this error when I try to my ubuntu samba domain controller19:45
goppI get this error The domain name gopunix might be a NetBIOS domain name.19:45
goppand Ping request could not find host gopunix. Please check the name and try again.19:45
BotorI have two physical drives, on the first one I have Windows, on the second I want to install Ubuntu19:45
Botorwhich file system do I choose for the second one?19:46
bitsext3 is recommended, Botor...19:46
foldartBotor: ext3 (tried and true)19:46
Jack_SparrowBotor, ext3 is the most common19:46
simplexiogopp: if i understand right, you need to add gobunix yo /etc/hosts with ipnumer. bacause your computer cannot resolve it19:46
Botorwill I be able to access ext3 from windows?19:46
simplexioBotor: there is ext2 driver which work19:47
Jack_SparrowBotor, with ext2fs yes19:47
Botorso should I choose ext2 or ext3 ?19:47
bitsBotor: why would you want to :)19:47
simplexioBotor: ext319:47
Botorbut you say I can only access ext219:47
simplexioBotor: ext3 is "just" journaled ext219:47
Botorfrom windows19:47
[Illegal_charactdamn... guys, where is russian community? xD19:48
Jack_SparrowBotor, While I have no issue reading from another os filesystem, I still try to avoid writing to a non-native fs19:48
Forbr4d3how do i mount a usb hard drive from command line?19:48
simplexioBotor: so from windows you dont get all nice features, but it works19:48
Botoroh, ok19:48
prince_jammys!ru | [Illegal_charact19:48
ubotu[Illegal_charact: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:48
Botorthank you all19:48
bitsI want to mount a LAN fileserver directory locally in a transparent manner..... any ideas?19:48
[Illegal_charactprince_jammys: big thanx!19:48
hspaansbits: nfs, samba, webdav?19:49
simplexiobits: ?19:49
danandx89x - that looks right then ....19:49
Forbr4d3i have ubuntu server edition and i am trying to hook up an external usb hard disk19:49
bitshspaans: the server has a ssh and samba share19:49
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=== [illegal_charact is now known as [MadHatter]
x89xdanand : But audio give the onbaord name not sblive19:49
hspaansbits: sshfs is then also an option19:49
simplexio_sluimers_: i dont use any firewalls. but i run only configured services19:49
bitshspaans: would you recommend it? security isn't that much of an issue but it has to be totally transparent in mounting19:50
hspaansbits: then use smb19:50
Foxrayhi, the nvidia driver freezes my whole comp while playing an opengl fps game called nexuiz. Only way to get out if to hard reboot with reset button, this is the latest nvidia driver in envy. Is it possible to install the latest version on the nvidia on ubuntu?19:50
bazhanguh oh envy19:50
Jack_SparrowFoxray, Dont use envy.. that is where many problems start19:50
Forbr4d3how do i find out what the device name is once i plug it in?19:51
* bits shudders when he remembers ENVY19:51
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:51
danandx89x - ahh ... hold on .... i thought your paste above was part of the same thing. so your saying lspci lists _two_ audio devices - on the onboard via and the other the sblive?19:51
Foxraywell its not envy, sorry i meant that restricted drivers dialog19:51
bluefoxx_ok, so im over at a friends place installing ubuntu onto theyr computer. one problem. my ubuntu 7.10 live cd was a prerelease and also, broken. so i used a xubuntu live cd. what packages do i install to turn xubuntu into ubuntu. and how can i purge xubuntu?19:51
foldartForbr4d3: connect the drive, then do a 'sudo fdisk -l' to see if its filesystems are listed.  If you can see what it is, mount the filesystem with 'sudo mount /dev/<partition> /mnt/<mountpoint>19:51
ndlovuI did 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl', but it doesn't seem to be running. any idea how I can figure out why?19:51
x89xya danand : it says19:52
x89x04:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller19:52
x89x05:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a)19:52
x89x05:08.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! Game Port (rev 0a)19:52
x89xsee audio device danand19:52
bitshspaans: smbclient? is sshfs just as fast, transparent?19:52
bluefoxx_!pastebin | x89x19:52
Jack_SparrowFoxray, It isnt common for a system to freeze or have those problems unless they have used automatix or envy19:52
ubotux89x: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:52
x89xand card in aslamixer says  Card: HDA VIA VT82xx    danand19:52
hspaansbits: within gnome? yes19:53
bitshspaans: command-line transparency.. will need to use the mount for scripting19:53
kimo_plz anyone can answer me??19:53
harvey1is there a synaptic package for firefox3 thats updated reasonably regularly?19:53
danandx89x - ok, that would be the problem then .... we want alsa to use your sb_live card rather than the onboard one.19:53
Flannelharvey1: FF3 is in Hardy19:54
x89xso how do i change it danand ?19:54
kimo_any one????19:54
hspaansbits: then you should tell more what you want19:54
Jack_Sparrowkimo_, Please stop19:54
FoxrayJack_Sparrow: what is the proper way to install the nvidia driver?19:54
bluefoxx_ok, so im over at a friends place installing ubuntu onto theyr computer. one problem. my ubuntu 7.10 live cd was a prerelease and also, broken. so i used a xubuntu live cd. what packages do i install to turn xubuntu into ubuntu. and how can i purge xubuntu?19:55
A[D]minSMicrosoft is hosting the Unix Haters Handbook  !!!! http://research.microsoft.com/~daniel/unix-haters.html19:55
MrKeunerhi, are there ubuntu mobile capable phones already?19:55
Jack_SparrowFoxray, If you didnt use envy you would already know... wouldn't you?19:55
bitshspaans: i'm looking for a mounting method that will let me mount a shared directory on a LAN fileserver locally with complete transparency (i.e. I can cd, cp, mv to it regularily) in terminal and nautilus19:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:55
A[D]minSwrong window19:55
morphlesi used dosbox, it had mouse cought to its windows, then it crashed, now i cant move my mouse, can i repear this without reboot? (happend with other apps too, cat /dev/psaux not dead, i.e. shows output when i move mouse; i have usb mouse)19:55
harvey1id rather not upgrade ubuntu at the moment :P theres a few firefox 3 package in gutsy, just not sure which one to pick19:55
Flannelbluefoxx_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome  the "remove xubuntu" bit19:56
bluefoxx_whats the xubuntu equivilant to ubuntu's remote desktop session program?19:56
gopplogging into the Windows XP workstation (after selecting the domain from the drop down box am I doing somthing wrong in ubuntu19:56
harvey1firefox-trunk , firefox-granparadiso - firefox-3.019:56
danandx89x - try typing aplay -l and see what the output is19:56
bluefoxx_Flannel: ty19:56
nurettinhow can i enable exif tag support in the advanced rename tool int the gnome commander.19:56
hspaansbits: then you should use nfs with an automounter or go for scp19:56
FoxrayJack_Sparrow: I already installed the driver like that via the restricted driver manager19:56
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support19:57
morphlesanybody knows how to "revive" mouse pointer?19:57
Flannelharvey1: the first two simply install the last one.19:58
x89xdanand : http://pastebin.com/d2165b85619:58
Jack_Sparrowmorphles, you can try this  sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse19:58
bitshspaans - k thanks i'll need to look into it further19:58
* foldart notes the irony of Floodbots flooding a channel with mode changes19:58
morphlesJack_Sparrow: doesnt work19:59
christia1hi all19:59
D-Unitsimplexio, i cant select machine19:59
D-Unitsimplexio, does that mean i have ose?19:59
morphleso guess its more with the x not the kernel, since psaux shows activity just i think x is not "hooked" on psaux19:59
egchi all...I'm trying to adjust the MinSpeed and MaxSpeed of the synaptics driver for my touchpad.  I remember that there was some command I could run that would let me try out new parameters...can anybody remind me what that command is?19:59
Antkinchristia1 Welcome19:59
christia1does nyone no of a disk cleaner for ubuntu20:00
Flannelchristia1: What sort of disk cleaner?20:00
bluefoxx_whats the xubuntu equivilant to ubuntu's remote desktop session program?20:00
x89xdanand  : waiting20:00
morphleshow do i click shutdown button without mouse?20:01
nickrudegc: add Option "SHMConfig" "1" to xorg.conf , then use synclient20:01
tppHi, I've been trying to get an iPod nano working (6th generation i think), I've finally managed to get it to mount using 'hfsplus', but it seems to be write-protected, gtkpod gives an error when trying to create the directory structure. My fstab line reads: "/dev/sdb3       /media/iPod     hfsplus user,noauto,umask=000 0 0", but it still doesn't work...any ideas?20:01
danandx89x - cool - at least the sb_live card is listed :) .... patience i'm just checking something out...20:01
x89xthanks danand  :)20:01
egcnickrud: i just read thru the synaptics man page and saw that :P  Thanks, synclient was exactly what i was looking for20:01
foldartmorphles: ALT-F1 and then use the arrow keys to navigate the menus20:01
Jack_Sparrowmorphles, ctrl-alt-backspace?20:01
Antkinchristia1 Please  advise Disk cleaner or Data desruction?20:02
simplexiobits: /last D-Unit20:02
nickrudegc: obviously I read faster ;p20:02
morphlesalt-f1switches desktop ;)20:02
egchaha, guess so20:02
D-Unitsimplexio, wat?20:02
simplexioD-Unit: typo20:02
simplexioD-Unit: you have ready virtual machine allready ?20:03
egcyeah i didn't mean that sarcastically, dunno if it came off that way20:03
morphlesok killing X hellped20:03
morphlesbut i think there could be some better way...20:03
legonPlease, i Really need help! I clicked the hibernation button when i didn't mean too.. The hibernation failed.. and now, everytime i boot up the system it fails to restore the session and i end up in low graphics mode20:03
nickrudegc: not at all. I pay attention to emoticons20:03
D-Unitsimplexio, all ready meaning open and running?20:03
morphlessince its note the first time i run in such problem20:03
simplexioD-Unit:, not ready. but defined20:03
legonI've searched the web but cannot find anything useful20:03
foldartmorphles: another way is to use 'sudo halt' from a terminal or console20:04
morphlesnot about shutdown ;)20:04
morphlesinit  also would work then :)20:04
nickrudmorphles: alt-f1 , arrow to quit, hit enter. Then alt-<underlined character>20:04
morphlesnot listening to me20:04
nevermorecan anyone suggest a good ubuntu PC in the £400-600 range20:04
D-Unitsimplexio, defined? u mean if i no if its ose or not?20:05
nevermorethat might do desktop effects20:05
bazhangnevermore:  #eeepc20:05
AntkinNevermore Dell20:05
empty_tin_canrealmerx: i google for everything, i have to, nobody on ubuntu foums will help20:05
D-Unitsimplexio, the file i downloaded is called "virtualbox_1.5.6-28266_Ubuntu_gutsy_i386.deb"20:05
morphlesi need way to "revive" mouse after some app had it and crashed, and x doesnt have mouse "focus" i think its unhooked from /dev/psaux20:05
simplexioD-Unit: thats binary...20:05
nevermorethe #eeepc is too small a hard drive for many needs20:05
nevermoreare the dells okay? I heard the keyboard was a little flaky20:06
danandx89x - sorry, just having a bit of bother with specifying the device that aplay should use...20:06
simplexioD-Unit: now start VirtualBoX , select virtual machine, settings, enable usb.. that how you get usb forwarded to virtual machine20:06
D-Unitsimplexio, can we restart cuz im lost20:06
x89xyou mean how to change the defaut device danand ?20:07
nickrudnevermore: gateway has a 250gb drive, 2gb mem, nvidia go7150 for $699 us, might be interesting for you. Same case I'm using, excellent keyboard20:07
killemalli have a .deb here that says i need higher version #s of some software, but ubuntu 6.06 says i have the latest versions laready20:07
D-Unitsimplexio, its called machine not virtual machine and i cant choose settings cuz its like "invisible"20:07
nickrudkillemall: probably that deb was made for gutsy or feisty. You won't be able to use it on dapper20:07
Antkinnevermore I was sub contracted to Dell and never replaced a keyboard, floppy, Hard drive but not keyboards20:07
danandx89x - no, how to get aplay to use the sb_live card - see man aplay20:08
nevermoreoh, okay20:08
killemalldoes 7.10 require "higher system requirements" than 6.06? its just server mode, no X20:08
Antkinkillemall Welcome20:08
killemall512 ram20:08
Flannelkillemall: You'll be fine20:08
nickrudkillemall: no20:08
x89xdanand : typing aplay in the terminal gives no Output20:08
nevermorenickrud: any info on the naem other than gateway?20:09
killemallis it really save to upgrade-distro or do you recommend install from scratch?20:09
Ashfire908could someone help be with iptables? i'm having trouble forwarding new incoming external connections to a designated system internally20:09
simplexioD-Unit: ..but it isn virtual machien, it isnt machine.. ;), ye you probably need working machine before you can select it20:09
JacksDepressionIs there a way to change the ip to static with a single command in terminal?20:09
Antkinnevermore I have five Dell Optiplex computers all with Linux on only three dual boot Windows XP20:09
bazhangkillemall: safe but back up first20:09
nickrudnevermore: no, I just remember seeing an ad. I keep an eye on them, waiting for a version that is twice as good as the gateway I have at the same price. That one is very close20:10
Flannelkillemall: You may want to wait until april, then upgrade straight to Hardy20:10
killemallis hardy lts ?20:10
Flannelkillemall: yes20:10
killemallthank you guys, youre very helpful :)20:10
simplexioD-Unit: attleast on my system which has virtual xp machine and guest programs isnteleld there it works nice, i upgraded my tomtom that way20:10
D-Unitsimplexio, i have virtual xp running as we speak...20:10
bsdnewb07can ubuntu be configured to use a differnet smtp server rather than its own20:10
nevermoreantkin: what abotu dell laptops?20:10
D-Unitsimplexio, wats tomtom?20:10
simplexioD-Unit: navigator, act like usb hard drive20:11
baegleI had DRI working. When I installed xserver-xgl, dri is no enabled according to glxinfo. Is this normal behavior for xserver-xgl? I'm getting 6kfps with glxgears, should I be trying to get DRI working?20:11
Flannelbsdnewb07: Of course20:11
lovetotouchanyone know how I can rebuild a single kernel module after a slight source change?20:11
simplexioD-Unit: virtua machine need to be shutdown when you turn on that feature20:11
Flannelbsdnewb07: What are you trying to do ultimately?20:11
Antkinnevermore yes Dell do them but I was a desktop Hardware Engineer20:11
nevermoreah, k20:12
simplexioD-Unit: not suspended on runnign20:12
lovetotouchI'd rather not use a entirely custom kernel20:12
bsdnewb07well sendmail on my box just refuses to work, so id like to use my isps mail server to send email20:12
bsdnewb07but email from root or any web services that use email from my ubuntu box20:12
endohow can I fix this? checking for KDE... configure: error:20:12
endoin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.20:12
endoSo, check this please and use another prefix!20:12
D-Unitsimplexio, k, so im shutting down wait20:12
nickrudbaegle: if you have an ati, xserver-xgl is going to conflict with gl stuff. You have a choice: desktop effects or good gl performance20:12
CopiesHow can I install g++ in ubuntu 6.10 ?20:12
nickrud!build-essential | Copies20:12
ubotuCopies: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:12
endois it ok to have both kde and gnome installed? I want to switch between both20:13
lovetotouchanyone know how to compile a custom kernel module from the kernel source?20:13
nickrudCopies: eh. I don't like that factoid much. install   build-essential , it gets gcc g++ make and friends20:13
Flannelbsdnewb07: You might try setting up something like nullmailer.  It's much simpler and does everything you need20:13
baeglenickrud: The problem though, is that without xglx I couldn't run some 3d games using wine, and totem was completely fubar'ed and mplayer playback was choppy20:13
bsdnewb07oh cool20:13
bazhangendo sure20:13
bsdnewb07will try that :)20:13
Flannelbsdnewb07: But most mail clients can be configured to use the ISPs mail server by default20:13
endobazhang: why am I getting this when complying amarok? checking for KDE... configure: error:20:13
endoin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.20:13
endoSo, check this please and use another prefix!20:13
nickrudbaegle: welcome to ati. I don't even use the fglrx driver myself.20:13
Copiesnickrud, : sorry im relatively new to ubuntu :P20:14
danandx89x - you need an input file. i did cat /dev/urandom > file.wav and pressed ctrl+c to stop that file getting too big. i then did aplay file.wav and heard the static. however, aplay lets you specify which audio card you want to use ... so we should be able to test if your sb_live card is working that way. then go about setting the system to use that card as default20:14
baeglenickrud: do you have an ati? What driver do you use?20:14
Copieswhat is factoid?20:14
bazhangendo why are you compiling amarok? it is in the repos you know20:14
zulerdonglehi, im desperate to update from 7.04 to 7.10 to get my wifi to work. i have the alternate cd but i cant get the upgrade with the cd to work...any ideas on how to do it? thanks20:14
bazhangcopies a small fact20:14
Fabiwhen comes the ati-open source driver? do you know?20:14
nickrudCopies: system->admin->synaptic , search (ctl-f) for build-essential and install it. A factoid is that thing ubotu told you20:14
endobazhang: I know, but I cannot get it to work with libgpod 0.6.0, and the only way is to comply it myself20:14
Copiesok thx20:15
gregoroviusis apache secure by default? or should I take any steps after apt-getting?20:15
bazhangendo ah ok20:15
Flannelzulerdongle: put the CD in, do `sudo apt-cdrom add`20:15
D-Unitsimplexio, "failed to access the USB subsystem" wen i clicked settings20:15
Flannelzulerdongle: That should add it to your sources.list (you can verify by viewing it)20:15
endobazhang: i'll install kubuntu and see what happends, hahaha20:15
zulerdongleflannel thanks ill try that20:16
x89xdanand : I tried to change my cable by putting in the onboard output20:16
x89xand its working20:16
bazhangendo okay good luck ;]20:16
Ashfire908could someone help be with iptables? i'm having trouble with NAT and incoming external connections20:16
x89xdanand : but not when i put it in my sound card port :(20:16
Flannelzulerdongle: If the cdrom upgrade script thing doesn't work after that, we can do it manually by disabling all the internet sources, making sure some metapackages are installed, and dist-upgrading.20:16
x89xsound likes shhhhhh hshhhhhhhhh are soming danand20:16
nurettinjemamo "at the domain" telia.com20:17
diablooohi everyone, i'm here again ;)20:17
zulerdongleflannel but what if im using an external dvd rom not my default cd-rom20:17
danandx89x - yes - that should be the case - we just need to tell your system to use the sb_live card instead of the onboard one.... just googling to see how to do that now20:17
Flannelzulerdongle: As long as Ubuntu recognizes it (as long as you're able to use it in ubuntu), you'll be ok.20:17
Antkindiablooo Welcome20:18
zulerdongleflannel ok let me try20:18
JacksDepression Is there a way to change the ip to static with a single command in terminal?20:18
diabloooPlease, someone can take a look here: http://rafb.net/p/HcE2X284.html and tell me whats wrong with my wpasupplicant.conf and interfaces? thanks :)20:18
diablooostill having troubles authenticating my wpa220:18
DevourerHow do I play .rm files?20:19
sturmtieFdiablooo: i have same problem - and no idea what is wrong20:19
baeglenickrud: Do you have ATi?20:19
sturmtieFWEP works - wpa or wpa2 not20:19
diabloooeverything was ok with wpa, now wpa2 does'nt works damn20:19
simplexioD-Unit: there is howto wbout it in vbox hoem page20:19
=== |muelli| is now known as Muelli
zulerdongleflannel it says failed to mount cd rom20:19
simplexioD-Unit: you need make usbusers groups and add users to it20:19
Antkincidwel Welcome20:20
DarkmystereWell, im back none of your advice helped..20:20
D-Unitsimplexio, i alredy that20:20
Flannelzulerdongle: Ah, that was your issue with the cdrom upgrade previously?  Alright.  Why are you using external DVD instead of internal CD?  (The DVD drive is your issue, not an upgrading issue), so you need to troubleshoot it (and I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to external drives)20:20
diabloooin some places i've read to set proto=RSN for wpa2, in others proto=WPA2, bot none of both works20:21
D-Unitsimplexio, do i only add my account or also root?20:21
cidwelAnyone knows where can I download the Now Playing screenlet? I searched in google but I can't find, It seems like that screenlet is installed by default but, there's not there in my screenlets folder :S20:21
simplexioD-Unit: you need to re-log or reboot20:21
simplexioD-Unit: works for me without sudo20:21
zulerdongleflannel because my internal one is damaged20:21
one_matthiashi i need help with visudo20:21
one_matthiasand firestarter20:21
Flannelone_matthias: Why are you using visudo with firestarter?20:22
D-Unitsimplexio, k brb20:22
Finkhow comei cant "sudo nautilus"....it doesnt give an error, but it doenst work either20:22
danandx89x - you still there??20:22
FlannelFink: You need to use gksu with graphical programs instead of sudo20:22
one_matthiasi need to enter path so firestarter start automatically upon startup without asking for password ...20:22
th3counthey guys, im trying to change my default sound card and having a hard time.20:22
one_matthiasi am refering to the sudoer file ...20:22
Finkwell it worked before >_<20:22
Darkness89hi guyz20:23
CopiesShould I install the "Restricted Drivers" for ATI Acceleerated graphics driver (I have ati radeon x1950 pro)20:23
Darkness89i want know the name of view webcam conversation with pidgin20:24
Finkstill dont work >_<20:24
AntkinDarkness89 Welcome do you have a question?20:24
one_matthiasflannel do u know how ?, i have followed an instruction but something is missing..20:24
nickrudbaegle: yes. But I use the driver that ubuntu installs by default, not the 3d accelerated one20:24
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: You are aware that firestarter starts automatically, but you just want to start the gui, right?20:24
baeglenickrud: I use the "restricted" driver, is that what you mean?20:24
Torturedis there a way to have both kde and gnome installed and not have apps from both in the menus? i want gnome's in gnome   and kde's in kde, thats it20:24
cidwelwhere can I download the Now Playing screenlet? :s20:24
simplexioth3count: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=366662  , and im nice now. its second hit with your question from google20:24
Finkjust did "sudo nautilus" again20:25
nickrudbaegle: yes, that's the one I don't use. Too flaky20:25
zulerdonglehi, im desperate to update from 7.04 to 7.10 to get my wifi to work. i have the alternate cd but i cant get the upgrade with the cd to work...any ideas on how to do it? thanks20:25
Finkand it said "fink is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported"20:25
Finkfink == me20:25
baeglenickrud: do you play 3d games and watch video without issues?20:25
nickrudFink: nautilus as root is a Bad Idea, but not using gksu nautilus is also bad20:25
simplexioth3count: remeber that volume level maybe 0 as default20:25
nickrudbaegle: no 3d games, videos fine.20:25
one_matthiassorry but my irc behaced strangely ...20:25
Finkbut sudo anything does the same20:25
x89xdanand : did you reply just now ??20:25
ompaulFink,no it does not20:25
one_matthiasin my case it does not since i can not see the firestarter icon on the desptop ...20:26
ompaulFink, root and nautilus - quick route to broken box20:26
sturmtieFFabi: whats up20:26
nickrudFink: gksu sets up the environment differently20:26
one_matthiashave to start it manually ...20:26
Finki mean gives me the error "fink is not in the sudoers file..."20:26
danandx89x - yes - thought you had disapeared :)20:26
Fabisturmtief nothing20:26
ompaulFink, so here is a clue - you are not the first user who installed the box become that user if you want to progress20:26
nickrudFink: you should be in the admin group.  groups  in a terminal lists your groups. Should be a bunch20:26
FlannelTortured: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/20:26
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Yes. The firestarter Icon will not dispaly in the icon tray but if you configured it, it should start automatically.20:27
x89xi was fiddling my openchrome drivers danand20:27
Finki am in the first user i made when i installed it >_<20:27
x89xactually i installed fiesty just now20:27
one_matthiashow can i verify that _20:27
danandx89x - think i've found solution ... type asoundconf list in a terminal - both your soundcards should be listed20:27
FlannelFink: What do you get when you type "groups"?20:27
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: You can edit your sudoers file to start the firestarter gui, if you want.20:27
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: See the list of running processes.20:27
spupyhm, i wonder, will using this 17555 lines long /etc/hosts file i found on the net slow down something? :D20:27
x89xya both are there danand20:27
x89xVT82xx     Live20:28
nickrudspupy: probably go light speed, why else would it be on the net?20:28
SpunkyHey guys, I have recently installed Ubuntu on one of my PC's and cannot get the internet to work on it for some odd reason. Do you think i'd have to manually set up my internet on there or could I just download some software and put it on a disk and have ubuntu read it?20:28
one_matthiasso it is not really necesary to start the gui20:28
Flare183Spunky: wireless or ethernet?20:28
danandx89x - ok now type asoundconf set-default-card CARDNAME where CARDNAME is the name of the sb_live card output by the previous command you just run20:29
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: No. only if you wanted to: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54913920:29
ompaulFink, do this command here >> id << and tell me what you see20:29
Flare183Spunky: that's weird unless it doesn't have the firmware it should work20:29
one_matthiastell me where do i found running processes ???, ps -aux ...20:29
SpunkyWell it's a really old PC that i bummed from my school, so i'm guessing it doesn't20:29
spupynickrud: it's one of these files which redirects (?) ad sites to localhost.. which sounds good, but its freaking 17k lines long!!20:29
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: As you can see, I had the same question you did when I first installed firestarter :)20:30
Flare183Spunky: what kind of card?20:30
x89xdanand : i wrote  asoundconf set-default-card Live20:30
x89xand it didnt give any output20:30
Flare183Spunky: brand name as in20:30
gnuskoolin synaptic i installed the LAMP server in gutsy...i got mysql, but no php, why's that+20:30
SpunkyYou mean like a network connection card?20:30
Finkuid=1000(fink) gid=1000(fink) groups=60(games),1000(fink)20:30
one_matthiashey i did the same as they tell me to .elt me check ...20:30
Flare183Spunky: no like realtek or broadcom, etc.20:31
Finkcould this be the doing of my recent "sudo usermod -G games fink"20:31
danandx89x - ok - try your sound now though with cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio20:31
ompaulFink, well done you borked your box20:31
nickrudFink: absolutely. you forgot -m20:31
gnuskoolin synaptic i installed the LAMP server in gutsy...i got mysql, but no php, why's that20:31
SpunkyAh well i don't exactly know, but I know this PC uses realtek.20:31
* ompaul cries for fink 20:31
x89xcat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio    or   at /dev/urandom > file.wav ???20:31
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: My advice: configure firestarter and don't worry about starting the gui20:31
nickrudFink: boot in recovery mode, do sudo adduser fink admin , then type exit. You're back to sudo20:31
D-Unitsimplexio, were were we?20:31
ompaulFink, not all is lost if you have a live CD20:31
one_matthiasbut once i issued sudo /firestart after adding this to the sudoer it still asks me for password ....20:31
BucketfaceHi, I have a nub question. When I named my user profile after installing Ubuntu, I made a spelling error. Can I change this?20:31
Flare183Spunky: can you bring a terminal now?20:32
Finkgood thing this is a fresh install :D20:32
one_matthiasok, thanks ...20:32
one_matthiasanother thing do you use ktorrent ?20:32
simplexioD-Unit: trying to get usbusers work20:32
Finkompaul: which i does20:32
newbiieehi im really new.... i have a huge problem i cant logonto my ubuntu after i accidently did fsck on a running system20:32
danandx89x - just cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio20:32
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Yes I do20:32
newbiieenow all i get is Busybox20:32
gnuskoolin synaptic i installed the LAMP server in gutsy...i got mysql, but no php, why's that20:32
D-Unitsimplexio, ok well i alredy had done that previously so now wat?20:32
nickrudFink: erm, drop the sudo on the adduser command ;)20:32
Flare183!repeat | gnuskool20:32
ubotugnuskool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:32
SpunkyI can bring up terminal, I currently don't have a monitor for it or an extra one for that matter, but if you could give me like some commands, I could try them out and get back to you.20:32
simplexioD-Unit: well does it allow you bit cross there enable usb subsystem20:32
danandx89x - either that or aplay file.wav20:33
x89xdanand : nope20:33
D-Unitsimplexio, i dont need usb to be seen if u cant do that, im fine with a shared folder if that would be easier20:33
newbiieebut when i boot up from cd it still finds my system configuration20:33
ompaulFink, so fire it up and join here again - - mind you, if you did other stuff at the same time then perhaps a fresh and clean isntall is a good idea20:33
x89xagain its outputting at that onbaord device20:33
newbiieein rescue mode that is20:33
Finknickrud: as in sudo useradd...20:33
Finkim here on my desktop20:33
Flare183Spunky: lspci I need the output of that20:33
nickrudFink: yes,  just   adduser fink admin . recovery mode is a root console20:33
one_matthiasi tired to add old torrent files and so i share the old files i have with others so i added scanfolders program to ktorrent but everytime i start it ,the prgoram tells me that the movie is already there and will be merged with something else ...20:33
one_matthiashave you got that kind of strange things ...20:33
SpunkyAlright could you PM me the whole command for terminal, or is that the whole command?20:34
ompaulnickrud, so I was going the hard way about it ;-)20:34
Flare183Spunky: that is the entire command: lspci20:34
ompaulnickrud, look at the lack of groups there20:34
newbiieeis there any way i could do anything through this "BusyBox" ?20:34
Flare183Spunky: that will tell me a few things I need to know20:34
SpunkyAlright thank you sir, i'll get back to you shortly20:34
Flare183newbiiee: yes20:34
Flare183Spunky: no problem20:34
D-Unitsimplexio, how do i go to enable usb system?20:34
simplexioD-Unit: i dont use shared folders from vbox, i have samba server running20:34
Flare183Spunky: just let me know, or email it to me or something20:34
nickrudompaul: Saw that. I'm constructing the addgroup command, doing the adduser admin thing gave me time :)20:34
D-Unitsimplexio, wats samba/20:34
simplexioD-Unit: setting->usb20:35
Flare183!samba | D-Unit20:35
ubotuD-Unit: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:35
tokkais anyone in ubuntu-mythtv?20:35
newbiieeits either because i ran fsck or its because my sda1 is config wrong in /etc/fstab20:35
Flare183newbiiee: Might be fstab20:35
SpunkyAnd your e-mail would be?20:35
edc1957does anyone here know how to bypass the login screen after resuming from standby?20:35
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: You should get the original .torrent file, open it with ktorrent, and when it asks you for which folder to put the download in, point it to the folder where the download is already. It should find that the download is complete and start seeding.20:35
Flare183Spunky: can I PM?20:35
Spunkyof course20:35
simplexiowindows networks folders open source implementation name20:35
newbiieebut there is no editor in this BusyBox as far as i can see20:35
danandx89x - try running alsamixer again and see what card its using20:35
icanhasadminI crashed my ubuntu install after switching my video drivers from Radeon(flgrx) to Radeon(vesa). Now when I reboot into recovery console and type "startx" it gives me fatal error "no screens". Any ideas please? :-/20:35
D-Unitafter settings there is no usb stuff that i can...the closest i can c that relates to that is "serial ports"20:36
x89xdanand : alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device20:36
D-Unitsimplexio, after settings there is no usb stuff that i can...the closest i can c that relates to that is "serial ports"20:36
x89x1 sec20:36
one_matthiashow did you give ktorent the original torren file ??? what program did you load ...20:36
ConstyXIVwhat's the xrandr command to flip your screen 90deg?20:36
newbiieeFlare183: how to edit /etc/fstab from Busybox ?20:36
one_matthiasscan folder ?20:36
x89xdanand : same error20:36
x89xalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device20:36
tokka i'm looking for help in setting up mythgame's romdb but after i run the command ... sudo mysql -D mythconverg < romdb-20051116-01.sql .... i get this error ... ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 11: Table 'romdb' already exists20:36
Flare183newbiiee: I don't know, never really had to work with busy box20:37
tokkai'm running mythbuntu 7.10 can anyone help me?20:37
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Download the .torrent file - say to your desktop. And double-click it.20:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mythtx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:37
x89xdanand : aslamixer is not working !!!20:37
=== Mr is now known as Mr_Patate
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV20:37
one_matthiasi have told ktorrent to use the same directory as i use to when i hade windows xp ...20:37
edc1957can someone help?20:37
icanhasadminI crashed my ubuntu install after switching my video drivers from Radeon(flgrx) to Radeon(vesa). Now when I reboot into recovery console and type "startx" it gives me fatal error "no screens". Any ideas please? :-/20:37
danandx89x - ok can you check the output of the command asoundconf list again20:37
zulerdonglehi, im desperate to update from 7.04 to 7.10 to get my wifi to work. i have the alternate cd but i cant get the upgrade with the cd to work...any ideas on how to do it? thanks20:37
ckin2001tokka - looks like you have the table already in the mysql database - either remove the table or comment out line 11 so that it doesnt try to recreate it20:37
FinnishI'm having troubles with Skype in ubuntu20:37
simplexioD-Unit: usb is just under serial port20:37
one_matthiasbut i have old torrent files in the download direcotry on an external hard drive ...20:37
FinnishCan someone help?20:37
tokkahow do i do that?20:37
=== Mr_Patate is now known as Mr
one_matthiasalong with the movies ...20:37
D-Unitsimplexio, no "shared folders" is just under serial ports20:38
tim167how do i grep lines that do NOT contain a certain string ?20:38
simplexioD-Unit: so you have OSE version20:38
* Flare183 yells I can't do it all20:38
ckin2001tim167, grep -v20:38
cylexWhat is the term called, when you can access your desktop remotely from ubuntu?20:38
x89xdanand : Should i reset default card and try >>20:38
simplexioFinnish: skype works in ubuntu20:38
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Try opening the .torrent file with ktorrent.20:38
cylexlike windows20:38
D-Unitsimplexio, ok so wat do i do now that u no that?20:38
tim167ckin2001 tanks!20:38
* Flare183 yells somebody please help these other people20:38
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: When it asks where to dl, point it to the directory where the movie is already20:39
=== Mr is now known as Mr_Patate
one_matthiasi will do, let me 1:st check this firestarter question you hade ...20:39
simplexioD-Unit: sudo apt-get removce virtualBox-ose, get .deb from homepage and install it20:39
Flare183Who is the guy with the skype problem?20:39
x89xdanand : I reset it and alsamixer is now working20:39
JanWinnickiwhere can i find gcalctool 5.20.2 source code?20:39
FinnishSimplexio: Yeah I've read that, but I'm having problems with it, it just freezes20:39
Finkcylex: vnc?20:39
nickrudFink: to get back the normal groups, do  sudo usermod -G -a adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,scanner,fuse,lpadmin,admin,netdev,powerdev20:39
cylexFink: yeah, is there such thing for Ubuntu?20:39
one_matthiasokey i will do odd.rationals20:39
x89xbut danand : Card: HDA VIA VT82xx20:39
one_matthiasthank you ...20:39
Finkcylex: vnc!20:39
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: np20:39
x89xthats what alsa mixer says danand20:39
danandx89x - ok can you check the output of the command asoundconf list again20:39
cylexFink: thx.. I'll look it up20:39
simplexioFinnish: canät help20:39
Finkcylex: np20:39
simplexioFinnish: try configure, and check that everything looks right there20:40
Antkineric_ramirez Welcome, do you have a problem?20:40
FinnishOk, I'll try, I'll report in a minutte20:40
JckfI can play audio in Totem but when I try to open the volume control I get an error that claims that my system has no audio devices. Whats up with that?20:40
Flare183JanWinnicki: in the terminal type in apt-get source gcalctool20:40
icanhasadminI crashed my ubuntu install after switching my video drivers from Radeon(flgrx) to Radeon(vesa). Now when I reboot into recovery console and type "startx" it gives me fatal error "no screens". Any ideas please? :-/20:40
Jckficanhasadmin: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:41
eric_ramirezI am trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 on an Acer Aspire 4315 but I can't20:41
Seveas!repeat | icanhasadmin20:41
icanhasadminthank you20:41
ubotuicanhasadmin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:41
Flare183eric_ramirez: why not?20:41
edc1957can someone help me?20:41
FinnishIt freezes when I try to open Configure-page20:41
Flare183!ask | edc195720:41
ubotuedc1957: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:41
newbiieehow can i recover my installation from Busybox, please20:42
edc1957does anyone here know how to bypass the login screen after resuming from standby?20:42
bullgard4detlef@MD97600:~$ espeak -v de "Das ist ja toll. Man kann mich verstehen."; PaHost_OpenStream: could not open /dev/dsp for O_WRONLY; PaHost_OpenStream: ERROR - result = -10000" How to get rid of this error message?20:42
egcso i guess its not possible to save a playlist to an ipod via rhythmbox...20:42
FinnishWhen I try to shut it down, it says "Skype Beta Not responding"20:42
=== x89x is now known as x89xx
* Flare183 dies in despair of trying to help everyone20:42
Antkineric_ramirez why 7.40 and not 7.10?20:43
D-Unitsimplexio, i looked in synaptic and it says i have normal one and i dont have ose20:43
eric_ramirezjust appear BusyBorx v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a lis of built-in commands. /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off20:43
newbiieethats just my problem20:44
x89xxdanand : did you get the output in a PM< ??20:44
simplexioD-Unit: synaptic lies20:44
simplexioD-Unit: probably20:44
newbiieei get (intramsfs)20:44
Odd-rationaleD-Unit: Do you have universe and multiuniverse enables?20:44
D-UnitOdd-rationale, i think so ya20:44
danandx89x - not really - it was all a bit wierd20:44
Seveasnewbiiee, then you're screwed, what did you break?20:44
Seveasnewbiiee, did you remove a harddrive?20:44
danandx89xx - ^^20:44
eric_ramirezBecause I don't have cd/dvd writer Antkin20:45
newbiieei did fsck20:45
Seveasnewbiiee, and did fsck find a lot of broken things?20:45
newbiieeno nothing20:45
newbiieebut i added a hdd20:45
Seveasnewbiiee, ah20:45
danandx89xx - you need to type "asoundconf list" without the qoutes20:45
newbiieeand i didnt know which was which20:45
newbiieeso both was sda120:45
newbiieei think20:45
FloodBot1newbiiee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:45
newbiieein /etc/f...20:45
Seveasremove the new hdd and see if it boots20:45
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
danandx89xx - see what that says.20:46
x89xxdanand : i havent put any quotes20:46
Antkineric_ramirez You might be better off buying one for £2, $420:46
JckfI can play audio in Totem but when I try to open the volume control I get an error that claims that my system has no audio devices. Whats up with that?20:46
x89xxdanand :  I jut wrote asoundconf20:46
sectechk were at Tribe 5 now arn't we....20:47
zulerdongleplease. can anyone help me updating from 7.04 to 7.10 with the alternate cd20:47
newbiieefile system is on SCSI20:47
nickrudsectech: nope. No tribes. See #ubuntu+120:47
newbiieeother disk is IDE 0:020:47
Antkinzulerdongle what is your problem?20:47
Seveasnewbiiee, remove the new disk and see if it boots. If not, then you broke your /etc/fstab20:48
aas11I've tried to compile an empty main script in c using gcc but I get the error "cannot find glib.h" how can I install it so I can compile successfluly w/ gcc?20:48
nickrudzulerdongle: if you installed any software over the nete, you'll need net access to upgrade20:48
danandx89xx - no :] - you need to add the word list to the end of that - ie type "asoundconf list" as the complete command20:48
aas11I've tried to use apt to get glib and libglib20:48
Seveas!compiling | aas1120:48
ubotuaas11: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:48
eric_ramirezAntkin, also they are not reliable, I bought an injected DVD20:48
StarnestommyAshfire908: is libglib-dev installed?20:48
nickrudaang: libglib2.0-dev20:48
x89xxdanand : same its gives the two names20:48
Seveas!info libglib2.0-dev | aas1120:48
ubotuaas11: libglib2.0-dev (source: glib2.0): Development files for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.1-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 619 kB, installed size 2328 kB20:48
Newbuntu2is there a howto on how to set up a usb GPS device in ubuntu? I can't find one20:48
newbiieedoesnt boot20:48
zulerdongleantkin that i cant upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using the cd rom20:48
Starnestommyer, whoops20:48
AntkinNewbuntu2 Welcome, do you have a problem?20:48
x89xxLive and   VT82xx danand20:48
danandx89xx  - what are the exact names20:49
Seveasnewbiiee, well then you broke your /etc/fstab. Restore the backup20:49
zulerdongleantkin it says it cant mount the cdrom (im using an external cdrom)20:49
newbiieehow is it possible to do it? cause i tried rescue boot from cd but there is no editor (like pico/vim) there..20:49
Seveas!enter | x89xx20:49
ubotux89xx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:49
Antkineric_ramirez I have bought several in the United Kingdom without any problems20:49
sectechahhh you guys are going by Alpha's not tribes this time around20:50
shimanhi i want to use gtalk to talk to my friend who stays in abroad..20:50
shimancan anybody help me20:50
RawrakittenCan anyone here help me get a 7800GTX running under Ubuntu, enabling the restricted driver isn't doing anything20:50
Seveasshiman, applications -> internet -> pidgin20:50
one_matthiasold-rationale ...20:50
one_matthiasu r there20:50
diabloooHy everyone, please, someone got Wi-Fi WPA2 working in ubuntu Gutsy 7.10?20:50
danandx89xx - when you ran the command asoundconf set-default-card etc did you type Live at the end ie exactly like this - asoundconf set-default-card Live   ??20:50
shimanthere is no pidgin i checked it20:50
Antkinzulardongle have you gone into BiOS20:50
Seveasshiman, then you didn't install ubuntu20:50
eric_ramirezjust appears BusyBorx v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a lis of built-in commands. /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off, Flare 18720:51
Rawrakittensudo apt-cache search pidgin?20:51
sylvain_hi all ! :)20:51
Antkinshiman Welcome, what is your problem?20:51
shimani have insalled ubuntu and now chating with ubuntu only20:51
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Ya. just got back, sorry...20:51
Seveaseric_ramirez, that usually means you messed with harddisks and/or /etc/fstab20:51
one_matthiashi i am confused ...20:51
Flare183eric_ramirez: I don't know20:51
Antkinsylvain Welcome, what is your problem?20:51
shimanwhat to talk to my friend who stays in abroad using gtalk20:51
Flare183Seveas: you control the bots right?20:52
one_matthiasi tried to check my port that i use for ktorrent but the port opens with or without firestarter ...20:52
SeveasFlare183, why do you want to know?20:52
one_matthiasbut ony when ktorrent running ...20:52
shimancan u solve it20:52
one_matthiasas well .20:52
x89xxdanand : Holy shit dude. Its  working now !!20:52
one_matthiasi issued /etc/init.d/firestarter status and returned nothing ...20:52
Flare183Seveas: Because I have been wanting to get a bot that works in my channel20:52
RawrakittenAnybody here have an Nvidia 7 series and willing to help out another gamer?20:52
eric_ramirezHow can I fix it, Seveas?20:52
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: BTW, you can use <TAB> to autocomplete names. e.g. odd<TAB> and you get my ane!20:52
nickrud!language | x89xx20:52
ubotux89xx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:52
Antkinshiman I am here what is your question?20:52
sylvain_Sorry, I've no problem, it's because when I start IRC-Gnome, it connect to this channel ^^20:52
SeveasFlare183, which channel?20:52
Flare183nickrud: got it before i could20:52
x89xxi dont know last time it didnt output anything !! danand20:53
Flare183Seveas: #Flare18320:53
shimanneed to talk using gtalk20:53
Seveaseric_ramirez, what did you do/change/mess up?20:53
danandx89xx - did you run that asoundconf set-default-card Live command ?20:53
x89xxya danand20:53
one_matthiasokey, thanks will try ..20:53
SeveasFlare183, gotta build your own bot for that, very offtopic here :)20:53
x89xxi had to run it again danand20:53
shimanwhere do i get gtalk for ubuntu20:53
eric_ramirezNo, Seveas20:53
Flare183Seveas: I jknow but how?20:53
Seveasshiman, applications -> internet -> pidgin20:53
x89xxbut then why didnt it work last time danand ?20:53
one_matthiasOdd-rationale: the output from /etc/init.d/firestarter status returns nothing20:53
SeveasFlare183, very offtopic here :)20:53
shimanthere is no pidgin20:53
shimancan  u tell me where can i download20:53
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: I'm not running firestater any more, so I don't know. Sorry. :(20:53
Seveasshiman, there is unless you did not install the latest version of ubuntu20:53
danandx89xx - think you may have typed live instead of Live :) - never mind, at least your up and running20:54
RawrakittenPidgin should be there, what version are you using?20:54
shimanhow to check version20:54
one_matthiasOdd-rationale:  ok20:54
x89xxno danand :  I typed Live. I though it'd be case sensitive so. !!20:54
Seveasshiman, system -> about ubuntu20:54
x89xxgod know why lol danand20:54
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: You configured firestarter with the wizard, right?20:54
x89xxthanks a BUNCHHHHHHHHH danand !!20:54
D-Unitsimplexio, u have to pay for closed source one?20:54
Newbuntu2can anyone point me to a list of good GPS software?20:54
shimani am using version 6.1020:55
Antkinshiman have you asked on google?20:55
one_matthiasOdd-rationale: yes i did ...20:55
eric_ramirezNo, I didn't. Seveas20:55
Jowi!gps > Newbuntu2 (see private message from ubotu)20:55
danandx89xx - no problem :) - do you have other users that use that system?20:55
shimanyes antkin20:55
x89xxone more thing danand. do you know how to change the refresh rate in the xorg.conf file ??20:55
RawrakittenAh, that's why it isn't there. Install the latest version of Ubuntu, should be good :)20:55
eguzkiahello what is the cammand to change label to a partition?20:55
Odd-rationaleone_matthias: Well, I'm not sure then...20:55
Seveaseguzkia, e2label20:55
one_matthiasOdd-rationale:  maybe i should have said yes to something that i did not do ...20:55
oxigenwhich command to use for checking which graphics card is installed?20:55
Antkinshiman have you asked on Ubuntu forums?20:56
eguzkiaSeveas:to ext320:56
simplexioD-Unit: nope, its free in home use like i said earlier20:56
Seveasshiman, 6.10 is rather old and almost unsupported. Upgrading to 7.04 or 7.10 is better20:56
Seveaseguzkia, e2label will work for ext3 partitions20:56
gopphey any one here good with bind20:56
goppI am getting rndc: connect failed: connection refused20:56
stevecasperive just got absoulety everything working...i have no more problems......gutsy fixed it all...im happy!!!  sooo who want to help me ruin everything with some graphic updates........whats the best way to make ubuntu look even cooler?20:56
delta9thc1oxigen: which graphic card?20:56
eguzkiaSeveas: thankyou20:56
shimanok fine... ii will try to get it20:56
Seveasgopp, bind isn't running ?20:56
x89xxno danand : Its jsut me that havve this card and i am the only guy who uses it. But theres one big problem. I have the datel wifimax. I want to use it as an access point. It uses the Zydas drivers. Windows is able to use it as an access point. I dont know how to in linux !! danand20:56
Seveasgopp, or bind isn't listening on localhost?20:57
shimanwher do i get the latest version of ubuntu20:57
oxigendelta9thc1: cat proc/something or something is command?20:57
Seveas!download | shiman20:57
ubotushiman: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:57
RawrakittenHey, is there a channel for Linux game installation/issues?20:57
joomlaNEWBIEerr... anyone know how to measure wireless range in ubuntu20:57
joomlaNEWBIElike in dbi20:57
shimanwhere can i download the latest version of ubuntu20:57
danandx89xx - think you can set that by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - not too sure if thats entirely right though.20:57
=== Jaac is now known as Jaacelatie
Seveasshiman, please read if people answer you....20:58
Newbuntu2joomlaNEWBIE: http://www.invictusnetworks.com/faq/RF%20Technical%20Info%20and%20FCC%20Regs/Wireless%20Design%20Tool%20Kit%20-%20Calculator%20and%20Converter%20Links.htm#dist_from_fsl20:58
Seveas!download | shiman20:58
ubotushiman: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:58
Antkinshiman you can download it for free order if for free with a ten week wait or buy it locally20:58
one_matthiasAntkin: hi, have a minute ???20:58
shimanoh even others also answer20:58
shimananyways thanks a lot20:58
eric_ramirezHow can I fix a mess with hard disks and/or  /etc/fstab?20:59
Antkinone_mattias yes I've more than two minutes spare LOL20:59
joomlaNEWBIENewbuntu2: i was looking for something that will measure from my router to the wireless tool... not manuly etnering all the info on this20:59
delta9thc1for nvidia graphic cards : cat /proc/driver/nvidia20:59
shimanok bye thanks a lot20:59
delta9thc1did you read me oxigen?20:59
one_matthiasAntkin: LOL how do i know if my firewall is running ?????21:00
Newbuntu2joomlaNEWBIE: you can either calculate it with very broad assumptions... or just use a tape measure21:00
D-Unitsimplexio, i actually had the non-ose one21:00
Seveasone_matthias, iptables -L -n -v21:00
oxigendelta9thc1: thanks, i found: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2873621:00
Seveasone_matthias, if that spits lots of lines, you have rules defined21:00
danandx89xx - just thinking, it may be an idea to prevent that other sound card from loading its drivers at all... maybe worth blacklisting them21:00
Seveasthe firewall is always 'running', it's part of the kernell21:00
joomlaNEWBIEerr i was thinking of something that would run off of ubuntu and just told me how much db signal i get21:00
one_matthiasAntkin:  i tired /etc/init.d/firestarter status but returns nothing ...21:00
RawrakittenAnyone here know a channel/server I can connect to so I can get help as to my nvidia card?21:00
SeveasjoomlaNEWBIE, sudo iwlist scan21:00
joomlaNEWBIESeveas:  so i put in my wireless card21:01
joomlaNEWBIEand enter in dat command?21:01
SeveasjoomlaNEWBIE, yup21:01
zosssojoomlaNEWBIE: kismet is a nice application21:01
Antkinone_mattias is it hardware or software firewall?21:01
Newbuntu2thanks for the GPS info, but I'm not looking for street navigation; is there one that is more focused on trails/offroad/etc?21:01
Itakuguys how do i reinstall ubuntu without losing my shit21:02
Itakuoops my bad21:02
Itakusoz for language21:02
one_matthiasSeveas:  i got alots of lines about packets ...21:02
delta9thc1Rawrakitten: you could use restricted drivers21:02
eguzkiahello i cannot write to my parttion (only by root)21:02
RawrakittenYeah, I could , but the one I have isn't working, trying to find the right one.21:03
Itakuguys how do i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?21:03
Seveasone_matthias, then there are firewall rules defined :)21:03
one_matthiasAntkin: forestarter firewall ...21:03
electrofreak_I just installed fluxbox on my ubuntu server 7.10 for a lightweight vncserver... and there is no menu. It basically did not generate any menu, and I can't seem to generate one.21:03
bsdnewb07guys im getting the folllowing errors21:03
bsdnewb07Cannot exec /usr/libexec/mail.local: No such file or directory21:03
one_matthiasi did none just the one for ktorrent ...21:03
bsdnewb07how do i fix it?21:03
graveminddoes anyone here use rhythmbox?21:03
delta9thc1Rawrakitten: cat /proc/driver/nvidia21:03
Seveasbsdnewb07, don't try to send mail from the command line :)21:04
one_matthiasSeveas:  probably for ktorren but that does not seems to be the case as it seems21:04
zosssoItaku: A reinstall with the CD should ask you to if you want keep your data21:04
Antkinone_matthias don't know that one21:04
electrofreak_I just installed fluxbox on my ubuntu server 7.10 for a lightweight vncserver... and there is no menu. It basically did not generate any menu, and I can't seem to generate one. How can I fix this? I've never had trouble doing this in the past.21:04
=== allquixotic is now known as Tiyuk
Seveas!repeat | electrofreak_21:04
ubotuelectrofreak_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:04
zosssogravemind: yes21:05
bsdnewb07Seveas im not21:05
one_matthiasAntkin: okey i seems to have got an answer the secret lies in the command iptable -L -n .v21:05
bsdnewb07its from sendmail in my mail.log21:05
one_matthiasAntkin:  sorry -v in the end ...21:05
gravemindzossso: do you know anything about the last.fm plugin? It doesn't seem to work for me21:05
RawrakittenDelta : Hmm?21:05
=== Jaacelatie is now known as Jaac
joomlaNEWBIEis this chat embeeded on a website anywhere?21:06
zosssogravemind: hmm. I've messed around with it a little bit.  Let me see if I still have it installed21:06
Seveasbsdnewb07, don't try to run sendmail without a century of unix experience, go for something more manageable :)21:06
one_matthiasSeveas:  the firewall makes their own rules ???21:06
SeveasjoomlaNEWBIE, mibbit has it21:06
gravemindzossso: thanks :P21:06
abois there a good software that synchronise directories/files in two locations?21:06
joomlaNEWBIEbut its not embeded to a website rite?21:06
Seveasabo, rsync21:06
Muelliabo: rsync21:06
arakthorHi, I'm running ubuntu 6.06Server LTS and I need to update autoconf to a version beyond what is in the repositories: how do I do this?21:06
joomlaNEWBIEu have to connect to mibbit21:06
danandone_matthias - you need to run that firestarter command as root ie sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter status21:06
SeveasjoomlaNEWBIE, mibbit is a website21:06
abosudo apt-get install rsync?21:07
Seveasabo, yup21:07
joomlaNEWBIEi know21:07
eric_ramirezI tried to install ubuntu 7.04 on an Acer Aspire 4315, but I couldn't. What can I do?21:07
Seveasif it isn't there by default :)21:07
abocool cheers, Seveas21:07
zosssogravemind: yeah, it works for me.  What are you having trouble with?21:07
Muelliarakthor: you could download that package from the website and install it :)21:07
joomlaNEWBIESeveas: this is wat i mean by embed21:07
Seveaseric_ramirez, tried 7.10?21:07
joomlaNEWBIE(one sec)21:07
one_matthiasdanand:  you are right, now i see ...21:07
Itakuzossso: it doesnt21:07
one_matthiasdanand:  thank you for the help ...21:07
zosssogravemind: version of ubuntu/rythmbox?21:08
eric_ramirezThanks, Seveas21:08
one_matthiasAntkin: danando and Antkins know about firewalls if you need help ...21:08
Itakuguys how do i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?21:08
zosssoItaku: A reinstall with the CD should ask you to if you want keep your data21:08
Itakuit doesnt21:08
one_matthiasAntkin:  well i do know know a bit ...21:08
joomlaNEWBIEjust back it up21:08
SeveasItaku, make a backup and restore your data later21:08
gravemindzossso: it won't submit the scrobbled tracks to last.fm. Rhythmbox 0.11.2 gutsy. It says track submission failed too many times and handshake failed21:08
Odd-rationaleItaku: Did you create a separate /home partition ?21:08
Itakui have  no way to backup21:08
flatsSince my login is an administrative login.  (It's my own PC) Is there any way to make it stop asking asking me for the root password everytime I try to open certain programs?21:09
danandone_matthias - if you wanna run the gui you'll need to type gksu firestarter and enter your password - no problem by the way :)21:09
flatsWhat a PITA21:09
Seveasflats, yes, by adding NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers at the appropriate place21:09
Seveasflats, it's not supported though and you'll need to read docs to find out how to do it properly21:09
x89xdanand : you there ?21:10
Itakuguys how do i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?21:11
one_matthiasdanand:  thanks  for the help well now another thing ... bluetooth ...21:11
joomlaNEWBIESeveas:  check this out http://ubuntuchat.bravehost.com/21:11
danandx89x - hi21:11
joomlaNEWBIEthats wat i mean by embed21:11
kasihow do i install x-mplayer2 in firefox?21:11
x89xdanand : when i press ctrl + shift + F121:11
SeveasjoomlaNEWBIE, that needs a plugin, wants to do popups and has ads21:11
Seveasmibbit's better21:11
=== Janos_ is now known as help
one_matthiaskasi:  have you entered firefox and looked for addd plugin in the scroll bars ???21:11
joomlaNEWBIESeveas: ughh i just put on brave in a rush... and im guessing u dotn have java installed?21:11
cliangtry apt-cache search mozilla21:12
Itakuguys how do i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?21:12
amitprakashhi, which package does ubuntu install for 8600 GT from linux-restricted-modules21:12
kasione_matthias: yes21:12
naknomikby mistake I deleted the file /usr/bin/flock, how do I find out which package it belonged to?21:12
Antkinflats do you mean Pita - Protein InTerfaces and Assemblies?21:12
one_matthiaskasi: found nothing there ?21:12
Seveasamitprakash, linux-restricted-modules *is* the package :)21:12
x89xdanand : i meant what happens when i press ctrl + shift + F121:12
RequinB4Hey, i need a little help customizing my usplash and GRUB background image21:12
zosssogravemind: I don't have this problem, but let me check something21:12
danandItaku - do you have your /home directory on a seperate partition21:12
kasione_matthias: no, didnt find anything21:12
killerbeesatemenaknomik: that file belongs to the package flock21:12
icanhasadminI got gnome to load, thanks to whoever suggested dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. thank you, now i have a different problem, everything is ridiculously slow. almost like something is eating my RAM, programs take forever to open and video is unwatchable. only thing i did was install new ati drivers, uninstall them, install compiz, and then uninstall it. any ideas?21:12
ompaul!usplash | RequinB421:12
ubotuRequinB4: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:12
amitprakashSeveas, it contains NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-7184-pkg2.run  NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9755-pkg2.run & NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9631-pkg2.run21:12
amitprakashSeveas, i am trying to find which one does it run for 8600GT21:13
zosssogravemind: Does it play last.fm streams?21:13
naknomikkillerbeesateme: in general how do find out which file belongs to which package?21:13
amitprakashSeveas, i am trying to find which one does it run for 8600M GT to be precise21:13
patrick__lo all to install nvidia drivers in ubuntu can i follow instructions from nvidia or is there a better way?21:13
gravemindzossso: let me check21:13
danandx89x - do you mean ctrl-alt-F1?? ctrl-shift-F1 has no effect on my system21:13
xtatxis there a way to make Ubuntu automatically connect to my wireless network instead of having to do it manually every time i reboot21:13
one_matthiaskasi:  what was it called again the player ?21:13
kasione_matthias: x-mplayer221:13
solexious[Q] Im wanting to make a program for ubuntu, im used to web programming in php, What can I use to make a graphical program with ubuntu?21:13
flatsAntkin: Yes, thats exactly what I mean21:14
zulerdongleIs it normal to have to download 292 MB of files when updating from 7.04 to 7.10 using the alternate cd and selecting the option that says do not retrieve updates from the internet? Thanks21:14
x89xya danand : sorry ctrl + alt + F121:14
Seveasamitprakash, ah right, there's rhe -legacy -new and normal driver.... if nobody knows, try searching on the wiki21:14
Seveas!nvidia | amitprakash21:14
ubotuamitprakash: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:14
xxBasYxxhi, i have completed minimal ubuntu install without any xsystem. i would like to install kubuntu but with KDE 4. xxx not defaut kubuntu KDE 3.5, where can i found list of packages that i need to install?21:14
zosssosolexious: I use gPHPEdit.. nice little app21:14
patrick__cheers uboto21:14
killerbeesatemenaknomik:  usually anything in /usr/bin is named the same or similar to the package name.  the only way to really be sure, is to go into Synaptic, search for your suspect and click on properties, and then go to installed files21:14
=== Janos_ is now known as Janos
gravemindzossso: no21:14
Seveas!kde4 | xxBasYxx21:14
ubotuxxBasYxx: KDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:14
solexiouszossso: But it is not for programming php tho?21:14
Antkinflats I can google it try http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/pita/21:15
naknomikkillerbeesateme: isn't there a command line query program (like in the RPM world there is rpm -q --what-provides)21:15
killerbeesatemenaknomik:  usually if you pay attention to the folder its in or what the file is named, its usually pretty easy to narrow it down21:15
Seveasnaknomik, dpkg -S /usr/bin/flock21:15
dsmith_thinkpad R61 good linux laptop?21:15
o7andrewso python wins the users choice awards, I suppose c+ doesn't do graff stuff as well as python then21:15
zosssosolexious: what programming language do you want? Geany is a nice app too21:15
RequinB4ok, usplash is fine now - Now i'm using startup-manager to get a GRUB background image21:15
Marbughow to enable gd in php? I can't find it anymore in the config :s21:16
danandx89x - that takes you to a tty. tty is just a text based login shell. ctrl-alt- and keys F1 - F6 give you text based login screens. tty7 (ctrl-alt-F7) gives you the X based login or X.21:16
solexiouszossso: not sure, what can i use to make a app to use wih in ubuntu21:16
computer09809what is a good network print server hardware that works good with ubuntu and windows?21:16
AntkinGune Welcome what is your question?21:16
cjoneshow do you get a ati video to work ?21:16
zosssogravemind: I assume you set the username\password in the plugin configure?21:16
danandx89xx - just thinking, it may be an idea to prevent that other sound card from loading its drivers at all... maybe worth blacklisting them21:16
RequinB4(sorry for enter) getting a GRUB background image - does the image have to not be in the /home directory?21:16
flatsThere's really no differences in what terminal I run is there? They all do the same thing just different flavors right?21:16
krannyFirefox giving error21:16
one_matthiaskasi:  I can not find anything, have you tried vlc player ...21:16
gravemindzossso: yes, I made sure they were correct21:16
Seveascomputer09809, those hp printservers that they make since the stoneage are good21:16
krannyapplication gecko has crashed21:16
o7andrew(@linuxquestions.org and you can also look into showmedo.com for-kicks?)21:16
naknomikIs there a way to re-install a package because I deleted some files by mistake?21:16
cjoneshow do you get a ati video card to work ?21:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:16
PeP`good evening21:17
Seveas!ati | cjones21:17
ubotucjones: please see above21:17
krannyFirefox giving error that application gecko has crashed21:17
zosssogravemind: Did you install with apt-get?21:17
x89xdanand : how do i exit that console ??21:17
danandnaknomik - sudo apt-get --reinstall install package21:17
cjonesthanks guys21:17
kasione_matthias: its a plugin for viewing vmw/other video files in firefox21:17
RequinB4anyone know if GRUB background has to be in a certain Directory?21:17
danandx89x - press ctrl-alt-F7 to get back to X21:17
gravemindzossso: back when I had feisty, I got some custom rhythmbox repos so I could use it with the last.fm client21:17
solexiouszossso: not sure, what can i use to make a app to use wih in ubuntu21:18
Seveasnaknomik, if you deleted configfiles, it's sudo apt-get install --reinstall --force-confmiss packagename_here21:18
o7andrewsolexious: doesn't it just come down to "what language 'can' you use?"21:18
gravemindzossso: but since gutsy, I've been using the regular repos21:18
SquawkRequinB4, I think it just has to be in the same partition as grub, but I might be wrong21:18
one_matthiaskasi: i think vlc can work ...21:18
SeveasRequinB4, yes /boot/grub21:18
x89xthanks danand21:18
zosssosolexious: I think you need to learn C or C++ for gnome applications.21:18
one_matthiaskasi check the vlc pplayers home page and see if it does ...21:18
danandx89x - did you get my last about blacklisting that driver for your onboard sound card21:18
RequinB4Seveas - ok, will try thx21:18
krannyPlz help... Firefox giving error that application gecko has crashed21:18
one_matthiaskasi:  the x-mplayer 2 is for radio listening right ?21:18
Seveaszossso, solexious: neh, python and perl are ok too, as is ruby or haskell21:18
solexiouszossso: cool21:18
solexiouszossso: thank you21:18
zosssogravemind: Let me see what repo I'm using21:18
kasione_matthias: video21:19
zulerdongleIs it normal to have to download 292 MB of files when updating from 7.04 to 7.10 using the alternate cd and selecting the option that says do not retrieve updates from the internet? Thanks21:19
zosssosolexious: sure.. thx Seveas21:19
arakthorhow do I do a dist upgrade via command line?21:19
PeP`I'd like to install a server on a veeery old machine... (1997, amd K6 / 200 something..) is there an ubuntu server edition with a syslinux kernel? (for old configs.. :)21:19
o7andrewsolexious: yesa c+ will work with 'any' distro !cool! but python has been most popular recently (@linuxquestions.org userchoice poll)21:19
Seveaszulerdongle, no, I'd say one would need much more than that21:19
x89xdanand : which one ??21:19
one_matthiaskasi: give vlc a chance it is not a pluggin for firexox but might work ...21:19
Seveasarakthor, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:19
Antkinhad to clear Chatzilla I'm back for more21:19
danandx89xx - just thinking, it may be an idea to prevent that other sound card from loading its drivers at all... maybe worth blacklisting them21:19
krannyPlz help... Firefox giving error that application gecko has crashed21:19
arakthorSeveas: can I use it to jump to 8.04?21:20
gopphey how do I competely remove bind and reinstall21:20
krannyPlz help... Firefox giving error that application gecko has crashed21:20
nickrudzulerdongle: yes, there's a bunch of stuff that's not on the cd, if you don't get them your install will break21:20
Seveas!repeat | kranny21:20
ubotukranny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:20
one_matthiaskasi: i sam out of ideas, sorry ...21:20
x89xhow do i go that danand21:20
Seveasarakthor, only if you know what you're doing21:20
zulerdongleseveas : how come? I mean i have the alternate cd with all the files and dont want to install any online updates..21:20
hspaanszulerdongle: the update for 7.10 is about that size yes (excluding the 7.04 to 7.10 update)21:20
kasione_matthias: ok thanks21:20
Seveaszulerdongle, the online updates contain critical bugfixes21:20
SquawkPeP`, I have installed debian on a machine not too far from that in the past (though was an intel something or other I think). Might be an idea to look at devian over ubuntu21:20
krannyi dint get you21:20
Seveasit's very recommended to install them21:21
one_matthiaskasi:  your spanish ?21:21
zulerdongleseveas and hspass : thanks guys just wanted to make sure21:21
Antkinkranny have you asked your question on Mozilla forums?21:21
kasione_matthias: no norwegian :P21:21
PeP`Squawk: ok, thanks for the advice...21:21
one_matthiasdo you know what kasi means ?21:21
Seveaskasi, well, that's nextdoor to spain ;)21:21
Nub9001I need a little bit of help please.21:21
krannyI was advised to deactivate plugins21:21
o7andrew'sup Nub900121:21
one_matthiaskasi:  do you know what kasi means ?21:21
kasione_matthias: no21:21
one_matthiaskasi:  almoast ...21:21
Squawk!ask | Nub900121:21
ubotuNub9001: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:22
nickrudzulerdongle: for example, libc6 in gutsy is newer in gutsy; if an app you have installed requires that newer libc , it'll break unless you upgrade that as well.21:22
Nub9001I renamed my user thingy due to a spelling mistake and it said I coiuld change the name of the home folder too but i did and now i can't login to gnome D:21:22
krannyAntkin:But it crashes when i start firefox21:22
danandx89x - in a terminal type   cat /proc/asound/modules - you should get two modules listed - one of them should be snd_emu10k1. that is for your sb_live card. the other will be for your onboard sound. if you can find out that we can stop the kernel from loading it21:22
Antkinkasi I like Norwegians they gave me a lot of help about Opera for my new Web Site21:22
one_matthiaskasi: in spanish21:22
krannyAntkin:so its not a problem of website loading21:22
Seveas!ot | one_matthias21:22
ubotuone_matthias: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:22
SquawkNub9001, user thingy?21:22
zosssogravemind: What was the error again?21:22
gravemindzossso: submission failed too many times (seen in the plugin menu)21:23
Nub9001Squak, yeah, something like usermod blah blah21:23
one_matthiaskasi:  but typed different well good luck ..21:23
one_matthiasAntkin: bluetooth ...21:23
x89xdanand the two are :  0 snd_hda_intel 1    snd_emu10k121:23
gravemindzossso: and "handshake failed" seen at teh bottom left corner of the rhythmbox main window when I'm at the last.fm streams screen21:23
Antkinkranny what version of Firefox do you have?21:23
one_matthiasAntkin: have experiance with bluetooth ?21:23
Nub9001Squawk. It still had my home folder listed with /misspelledname/home, so I just changed it :D21:24
SquawkNub9001, you used usermod to change a users home dir, or something else. Need to know exactly what you did before we can get a fix21:24
zero88what is the terminal version of irc called. isnt it something like iics or something?21:24
Seveaszero88, irssi21:24
Pelowhat's wrong with this fstab line  I can't get access to my bloody fat32 partiton UUID=47CA-9533 /home/jean/Partage vfat defaults,utf8,uid=jean,gid=jean,umask=00721:24
Squawkzero88: irssi21:24
zero88seveas Squawk thanks21:24
one_matthiasanyone have experiance with bluetooth ?21:24
prince_jammysPelo: use numbers for uid and gid21:24
SeveasPelo, uid/gid should be numbers (probably 1000)21:24
solexious[q] Is there a development enviroment for gnome i can use in windows?21:24
Antkinkranny Firefox is upto now21:24
PeloSeveas, , prince_jammys thanks21:24
Nub9001squawk, it was a simple mistake, I just guess I need to change the name back to how it was before right? But how do I do that from a terminal?21:25
danandx89x - ok. first lets create a backup copy of your blacklist file. do   cp /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ~/blacklist.old21:25
prince_jammysPelo: if you are jean, then type in terminal:: echo $UID   to verify your id (which is probably 1000)21:25
SquawkNub9001, if its a simple name change of a directory mv olddir newdir21:25
Antkinone_matthias No not a bluetooth user21:25
krannyAntkin:Yes But can i know the reason n what is gecko21:25
zosssogravemind: Seen this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/19038321:25
one_matthiasAntkin: okey, thank you21:25
Nub9001Squawk, I was under the impression that mv moved the folder...?21:25
MasterAslanI really really really hope someone can help me.  I somehow managed to mess up my permissions.  Everything got set to 777 and now I can't boot into the system other than in recovery mode.  Is there a script or something that I can run to set all file permissions to what they should be?21:25
x89xdone danand21:26
SquawkNub9001, mv is the same as rename (essentialy). If you specify a name that already exists, it will get overwridden21:26
Peloprince_jammys, I am jean and 1000 is correct, let me remount21:26
SquawkNub9001, overwitten21:26
prince_jammysMasterAslan: did you mess with permissions only, or also with ownership?21:26
Nub9001But that would overwrite everything I have in said folder?21:26
danandx89x - then we need to add a single line containing the text    snd_hda_intel   to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. you must do this as root ie gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist    and then add snd_hda_intel at the end of the file21:27
Antkinkranny gecko is the power behind firefox, please go to Mozilla and search gecko there21:27
MasterAslanused chmod21:27
MasterAslandoes that modify both?21:27
SquawkNub9001, if the newname already exists then it will probably throw up an error actually, but since you say you already moved it to the wrong name, surely teh right name doesnt exist?21:27
computer09809what is a good network print server hardware that works good with ubuntu and windows?21:27
prince_jammysMasterAslan: no, when you say "everything" you mean your home dir?21:27
gravemindzossso: no, how did you find that? but I guess that makes sense. looks like there's nothing I can do about it then21:28
x89xsnd_hda_intel or 0 snd_hda_intel21:28
Nub9001Squawk, there is no longer a folder called /usernaem/home. I changed it to /username/home.21:28
x89xdanand : do i have to put that 0 ?21:28
danandx89x - after you've done that just save the file. that should prevent the kernel from loading that module at boot21:28
SquawkNub9001, it should be /home/username you know21:28
MasterAslanembarassingly no...to try to get access again I hit chmod 777 /* -R so that will screw everything up21:28
danandx89x - no ... just snd_hda_intel21:28
MasterAslanstupid thing to do I know21:28
Nub9001Squawk, my mistake D:21:28
coffeeTom    /SET print_active_channel ON21:28
SquawkNub9001, if hte newdirectory doesnt exist, then just change it,21:28
Antkincomputer09809 I use a HP 3180 all in one for my network21:28
zosssogravemind: googled `last.fm ubuntu "submission failed too many times"` Might try to change password like they suggest.  It seems to work for me though.21:28
x89xdanand : there is no save option !!!!!21:28
x89xdanand : its grayed out21:29
SquawkNub9001, cd to /home and "mv usernaem username"21:29
prince_jammysMasterAslan: big mess21:29
godlygeek1i need to migrate an ubuntu install from one hard drive to another... any suggestions for the best way to go?21:29
Nub9001Squawk, so I type mv /home/usernaem and it will work again without losing anything i previously had right?21:29
gravemindzossso: does it mean change the password on the last.fm site?21:29
danandx89x - did you edit that file as root? type   gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist    then enter your password to edit that as root21:30
zosssogravemind: Yeah, both places21:30
booster_hey guys...i need some help with firestarter. for some reason when i first turn the pc on...i cant connect to the net. only after i start the firestarter and then stop it, theni can connect,21:30
godlygeek1i might just tgz up the home dirs and /etc, grab a list of the installed packages, reinstall from scratch, install the missing packages, and fix up the UUID-based stuff in /etc... but i'm wondering if anyone knows a better way.21:30
stevecasperwhat is the best way to make ubuntu look better than it already does...withought completety ruining computer resources?21:30
godlygeek1stevecasper: you can probably do a lot with GTK themes...21:31
o7andrewused ubuntu 7.04 on a p3hp >a bug (treating the ata as a sata with recurring boot errors) that made booting a 20+min affair stopped me (even live) >how would I know if 7.10 has fixed the bug? (i'm new to searching ubuntu resources)21:31
SquawkNub9001, no, type "mv /home/usernaem /home/username" and it will move the directory to the right name. This may not solve the issue of course, it just does that you asked me to tell you what to do (namely rename the directory)21:31
gravemindzossso: ok I'll see if I can duplicate their results21:31
x89xdanand : Dont i didnt know about that root thing21:31
killerbeesatemebooster: how you checked your firewall rules to see if its blocking port 80?21:31
danand!themes | stevecasper21:31
ubotustevecasper: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:31
Antkinbooster I tried Firestarter the other day and ended up removing it21:31
zosssogravemind: It seems like the banshee app might work better for you though21:31
x89xdone danand21:31
DarkmystereCan some one help please it doesnt seem like my thing is getting real internet everything says its connected but nothing with internet works here's my Ifconfig iwconfig resolv.conf and a ping http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58169/21:31
Nub9001Squawk, that seems promising. Thank you. I may be back in a few moments though needing more help :}21:31
gopphey what does this error mean rndc: connect failed: connection refused21:31
* o7andrew watches stevecasper's v. closely and thinks to gnome-look.org also21:31
zosssogravemind: I read something about banshee working better with last.fm anyway21:31
stevecasperoooh wow..lasts of replies...thanks21:32
MasterAslannow I'm just wishing I hadn't done this as LVM otherwise I would repartition with gparted and save all my gigs of files to a new partition and reinstall21:32
gravemindzossso: alright, I'll give it a shot if this doesn't work21:32
danandx89x - ok that should do it. that entry in that file will stop the kernel from loading that module :)21:32
zosssogravemind: good luck21:32
SquawkDarkmystere, can you ping your router?21:32
gravemindzossso: thanks21:32
PeloSeveas, prince_jammys ok my permisson stuff is sorted out but I'm now told the disk is read only , it's a partiton on my hdd21:32
godlygeek1stevecasper: my answer was just a subset of what the bot provided, it gave you concrete information for where to look for the themes i vaguely referred to.  :)21:32
x89xdanand : i am trying to use virtualbox. what the hard disk image thing ?21:32
prince_jammysPelo: you can probably do without the "defaults" option21:33
booster_never mind about the firstarter question i had...i just figured it out..lol21:33
RequinB4Ok guys lil help getting my laptop to boot -.- I was trying to get a background image for GRUB so I made the resolution 800x600, the colors 24bit, and used a program to set the image to grub background.  Now when i boot recovery i get: VFSL: cannot open root device "(long string" or unknown-block(0,0) Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available partitions: (next line) Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to root 21:33
windows_how do i update java?21:33
Peloprince_jammys, thanks21:33
stevecasperthanks every1 ~~~~~21:33
prince_jammysPelo: here's the line i use for mine:/dev/sda3       /mnt/share      vfat    uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077     0       021:33
arakthorSeveas: apt-get dist-upgrade does not upgrade my 6.06 server to anything beyond a new kernel for 6.06. I also tried using update-manager-core, however that had to effect (found no new versions). Any suggestions?21:34
Peloprince_jammys, let me have a go21:34
prince_jammysPelo: you can adjust the permissions, of course21:34
windows_DOES ANYONE know how to update java?21:34
Seveasarakthor, yeah, edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point to edgy. Then dist-upgrade. Then do the same to get to feisty and then to gutsy21:34
arakthorSeveas: thanks21:35
Seveasarakthor, or wait 2 months, direct upgrading from dapper to hardy will be supported21:35
RequinB4Ok guys lil help getting my laptop to boot -.- I was trying to get a background image for GRUB so I made the resolution 800x600, the colors 24bit, and used a program to set the image to grub background.  Now when i boot recovery i get: VFSL: cannot open root device "(long string" or unknown-block(0,0) Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available partitions: (next line) Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to root 21:35
danandx89x - virtualbox emulates a hard disk by using a file it creates on your system ... very clever stuff.... the files or disk images can get quite big though. what OS are you trying to install in virtualbox?21:35
arakthorSeveas: I unforunately need to upgrade to get a new version of autoconf so it supports some of the work I am doing21:35
LimCorebox A and B are behind different NATs. How to ssh from A to B ?21:35
wasabi_does the blue background in video playback in mplayer and vlc only occur if you're running compiz or beryl?21:35
Seveasarakthor, err, why not just install the newer autoconf?21:36
StarnestommyLimCore: get B's NAT to forward port 22 to the box behind it21:36
Antkinwindows open office uses java it did all the update during the last upgrade21:36
x89xdanand : i want to run Microsoft Visual studio21:36
zosssowindows_: are you using Sun's Java21:36
windows_yeah i am21:36
Peloprince_jammys, getting better, I have now have full permission for the folder but i can't mess with any of the files in it21:36
LimCoreStarnestommy: can't set up forwards on NAT21:36
Seveasx89x, then install windows21:36
arakthorSeveas: I feel it is more work to update all the packages it depends (which is lot, since all the libraries need upgrading)21:37
Nub9001Squawk, it seems to have done what I wanted :} Thanks. I just wasn't sure how to go about changing it =/21:37
danandLimCore - you need to set up your boxes with NAT to forward the ssh stuff to the correct hosts21:37
Peloprince_jammys, this is what my line looks like now UUID=47CA-9533 /home/jean/Partage vfat utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0000 021:37
SeveasLimCore, then you're screwed21:37
x89xI have windows21:37
zero88whats the difference between a x86 and 4 arch?21:37
Seveasyou need a forward to the server21:37
Pelox89x, we are very sorry for you21:37
x89xyou mwan windows in virtaul box danand ??21:37
zosssowindows_: Have you tried System->Administration->Update Manager21:37
windows_yeah it syas no updates21:37
danandx89x - yuck :P - what programming language are you using that for?21:37
SquawkNub9001, research "linux basics, or bash basics, or command line basics", just to get aquainted with linux simple operations21:37
windows_i have java 1.4 i need 1.5 for frostwire21:37
prince_jammysPelo: make sure there's a space after umask=000.  also check the permissions of the mount point21:38
x89xdanand : Visual C# and am trying to learn XNA and have  to learn C++ and JAVA in next semester21:38
RequinB4You can do visual basic in Wine21:38
moppedHas anyone got an idea why 'crontab: command not found'?21:38
x89xdanand : CAn i get NTFS write access in ubuntu?>21:39
zosssowindows_: What version of ubuntu?21:39
Peloprince_jammys, when I try to sudo rm a file in it I'm told the FS is read only21:39
danandx89x - you may want to look at the kdevelop package - that supports loads of languages and is really quite good.21:39
joh6nnwhen i'm using screen, bash color codes seem to be ignored.  googling indicates this is probably due to a lack of termcap info for screen.  anyone know how i can fix this?21:39
x89xdanand : is it ! gotta check it out21:39
gravemindzossso: seems like it submitted my queued tracks21:40
o7andrewused ubuntu 7.04 on a p3hp >a bug (treating the ata as a sata with recurring boot errors) that made booting a 20+min affair stopped me (even live) >how would I know if 7.10 has fixed the bug? (i'm new to searching ubuntu resources)21:40
prince_jammysPelo: you remounted it after changing fstab, correct?21:40
zosssogravemind: cool then it works?21:40
danandx89x - i think ntfs write is enabled by default nowadays - not entirely sure though - i don't use windows at all anymore :)21:40
Squawkmopped, is you user in the cron group?21:40
Peloprince_jammys, several times21:40
moppedit turns out im not Squawk! :P21:40
Peloprince_jammys, mount -a right ?21:40
brunnerhi all21:40
gravemindzossso: it submitted the queued ones, but it's not submitting the ones I listen to now21:40
brunneryou know how applications go gray when they stop responding?21:41
brunnerwell, pidgin went gray and it's responding fine now, but it's won't "ungray" itself21:41
Antkinbrunner Welcome do you have a problem?21:41
zosssowindows_: what does `sudo update-java-alternatives --list` output?21:41
brunneror rather, the window manager won't return it to normal21:41
prince_jammysPelo: strange.  you shouldn't even have to sudo.  do sudo umount /home/jean/Partage and then just sudo mount /home/jean/Partage21:41
brunnerAntkin: yes, I just stated it21:41
realmerxempty_tin_can: still there?21:41
zosssogravemind: strange.  is it the same error, or just stall at `Connecting...`21:41
realmerxempty_tin_can: had to be away :)21:42
o7andrewdanand: thats great >me2 ,I'm only using wolvix and I'm loving xfce,youtube,showmedo and waiting v.patiently for ubuntu to work well on this defective box arrgh"21:42
brunnerhow do I restart my window manager?21:42
realmerxempty_tin_can: you got ftp server working?21:42
gravemindzossso: it was a different error, but actually right now it says "OK"21:42
realmerxbrunner ctrl+alt+backspace21:42
Antkinbrunner your a faster typer than me sorry21:42
zosssobrunner: ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE will restart X-Server21:42
Peloprince_jammys, it sort of takes a few seconds for the padlock emblem to appear on the files when I open the folder21:42
RequinB4Ok guys lil help getting my laptop to boot -.- I was trying to get a background image for GRUB so I made the resolution 800x600, the colors 24bit, and used a program to set the image to grub background.  Now when i boot recovery i get: VFSL: cannot open root device "(long string" or unknown-block(0,0) Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available partitions: (next line) Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to root 21:42
x89xdanand : I cant copy or create a flder in my NTFS partition21:43
danandbrunner - /etc/init.d/gdm restart should work too21:43
windows_zossso it syas this java-1.5.0-sun 53 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun21:43
windows_java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun21:43
brunnerdanand: wouldn't that log me out?21:43
Peloprince_jammys, and the files properties all show that I have read/write access to those fies21:43
zosssogravemind: kind of flaky i think.  Mine just says connecting...21:43
brunnerI don't want to restart X21:43
brunnerI just want to kill my window manager and restart it21:43
Squawkbrunner, can yo unot just kill pidgin and restart it?21:43
Pelobrunner, you want to kill metacity ?21:43
brunnerI'm running with desktop effects, and I'm not sure if that's called compiz or beryl21:44
Pelobrunner, compiz-fusion21:44
brunnerPelo: isn't it compiz that's making it go gray?21:44
gravemindzossso: yeah. I'm waiting to see if the songs end up on my last.fm profile21:44
brunnerand not metacity?21:44
brobostigonbrunner: beryl doesnt exist enymore21:44
zosssowindows_: `sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun` should work21:44
brunnerso can I not just restart compiz-fusion?21:44
danandbrunner - yes that would - same sort of thing. Save all your work before you do that21:44
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Jowibrunner, should be a beryl icon in the icon tray. right click on it and select reload window manager.21:44
Pelobrunner, not sure what therest of the problem is I was jsut trying to help you identify the window manager21:44
zosssogravemind: let me check mine too21:44
gravemindzossso: it's working for me now21:45
wrath144does anyone know if it's possible to have screenlets in dapper?21:45
zosssogravemind: excellent!21:45
Pelobrunner,  right click the desktop ,  select change wallpaper,  sselect the last tab and check the no - desktop effect box , or waht ever it it called21:45
realmerxbrunner: metacity --replace21:45
gravemindzossso: how about yours?21:45
Antkino7andrew Do you have a problem?21:45
realmerxbrunner: that will set windows handler back to metacity21:46
zosssogravemind: yup. it stays on connecting, but it does scrobble21:46
prince_jammysPelo: do this::   mount | grep vfat      and paste the line here21:46
danandx89x - check the contents of your /etc/fstab file... check that the filesystem is mounted rw (ie read write) also check that you have permission to write to the filesystem21:46
wrath144does anyone know if it's possible to have screenlets in dapper?21:46
Peloprince_jammys, /dev/sda3 on /home/jean/Partage type vfat (rw,utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000)21:46
gravemindzossso: cool --21:47
brunnerPelo: excellent. that did the trick!  thank you so much21:47
danandx89x - check the output of ls -l /ntfs_mountpoint to see who owns that21:47
gravemindzossso: I21:47
RequinB4K guys i really need to get this computer to boot -.- I was trying to get a background image for GRUB so I made the resolution 800x600, the colors 24bit, and used a program to set the image to grub background.  Now when i boot recovery i get: VFSL: cannot open root device "(long string" or unknown-block(0,0) Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available partitions: (next line) Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable t21:47
prince_jammysPelo: strange. that looks correct. the only difference between yours and mine is the utf8 option21:47
brunnerand thank you brobostigon, jowi, realmerx as well!21:47
gravemindI'll see how long it will stay working - I heard that it fails again after restart21:47
zosssogravemind: it's been a while since I used last.fm.  thx for getting me back in to it21:47
gravemindzossso: haha, sure :)21:48
wrath144does anyone know if it's possible to have screenlets in dapper?21:48
Antkinwrath144 Have you asked on Ubuntu forums?21:48
zosssogravemind: yeah, let me know.  If it doesn't work.  might try banshee..21:48
wrath144antkin: no21:48
Peloprince_jammys, I'm starting to think it is a different problem altogether,  this is a partiton so I can share between windows and ubuntu ,  windows runnnig in vmware (actualy hdd installed windows), I deleted these files from the windows side earlier todday but they still appear in ubuntu, I'm checking if they still show in wmware windows now21:48
danandx89x - before all that check that write access to ntfs partitions are supported - like i said i don;t use windows so its not something i've had to do21:48
zosssowindows_: any luck?21:48
Antkinwrath144 it is a good place to start with questions21:48
x89xdanand : the second ls -l /ntfs_mountpoint gioves an error saying  No such file or directory21:48
wrath144antkin: and this isn't?21:49
Tu13esanyone tried the BootToRAM thing seen here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM21:49
Antkinwrath144 this is my second choice21:49
danandx89x - you need to replace /ntfs_mountpoint with the actual mountpoint of the disk/partition ie /media/hda1 or whatever it is??21:50
danandx89x - :)21:50
zosssoTu13es: nice. haven't yet, but I'll have to try that sometime21:50
CopiesHello im trying to soft link something and using first: su . But authentication failure?! :o21:50
prince_jammysPelo what is the output of::   ls -dl /home/jean/Partage21:50
Tu13eszossso: yeah, I'm not able to get it working :(21:51
Peloprince_jammys, hold on I have it unmounted atm , trying to delete stuff from the windows side21:51
prince_jammysPelo: iy21:51
prince_jammysPelo: it's ok if it's unmounted21:51
zosssoTu13es: I can try to help.  what trouble you have?21:51
Copieswhat is the default su password?21:52
Peloprince_jammys, drwxrwxrwx 2 jean jean 4096 2008-03-02 12:05 /home/jean/Partage21:52
Tu13eszossso: it starts booting, then dumps me to a (initramfs) prompt21:52
DracoCopies: none, root isn't enabled by default21:52
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ditoaEvening all :)21:52
Tu13eszossso: there's a casper.log file, when I cat it it says something about no live filesystem found or such21:52
CopiesDraco, : I wanna soft link something. So i type: su . but it asks for a password, what should i type? :o21:52
prince_jammysPelo: ok so the only difference i can see between yours and mine is the utf8 option you used. (and the vmware thing)21:52
orbisvicisi need to set ulimit -n globally? how so?21:52
DracoCopies: use sudo if you just need to run something with superuser id21:53
ditoaDoes anyone have any information/experience of running Ubuntu 7.xx on a Dell Vostro 1500 notebook?21:53
DracoCopies: sudo <command>21:53
Copieserr ok21:53
x89xdanand : still doesnt work ! I worte ls -l /hda1 (Hda1 shows in Computer)21:53
Peloprince_jammys, I think I screwed up the closing of vmware at after deleting those files from the windows side,  that might be the issue, I just went back and redeleted tehm , most of them have disapeared but I am stuck with a few that wonT' go away, I might have to boot a fresh windows or just re partiton that partiton21:54
Peloprince_jammys, thanks for the help21:54
zuguI'm running ubuntu 7.10 - if i install kuduntu-desktop will i have kde 4 or 3.5?21:54
Antkinzugu Welcome Do you have a problem?21:54
Pelozugu, 3.5 or whatever21:54
ubuntuhow do i log on as root instead of a user? those prompts are annoying21:54
brobostigonzugu: 3.5 i suspect21:54
zuguwell, I don't want to end up with kde 421:55
brobostigon!kde4 | zugu21:55
ubotuzugu: KDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:55
leniwyhello. is there anyone who knows a better newsreader than the nzbreader?21:55
prince_jammysPelo: you're welcome. i have no experience with vmware21:55
zosssoTu13es: not familiar with that, but let me look around.  I'm curious21:55
Flannelubuntu: You don't want to21:55
Pelozugu,  you won'T  kde4 won'T even be in 8.04, it won't have been final yet21:55
Tu13es zossso, cool, thanks21:55
danandx89x - you need to find where that is mounted exactly - look in /etc/fstab and it should tell you the device and mountpoint21:55
zugubrobostigon: I was referring to the branches, not to a specific version21:55
Flannelzugu: I don't think you get 3.5, I think you get like 3.4 or whatever21:55
brobostigonzugu: sorry21:55
icanhasadminWhat command would I use to find out what video drivers i'm currently utilizing?21:56
Peloprince_jammys,  you compensate nicely with your mounting knowledge21:56
danandditoa - check out http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/ and http://tuxmobil.org/21:56
brueniggrep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:56
bruenignot full proof21:56
zuguanyway, it's been 2 years since I last tried ubuntu and I just want to say it rocks21:56
zosssoTu13es: check out this thread. I don't think it is finding your root image http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-587168.html21:56
Flannelubuntu: If you really want a root shell, `sudo -i` will get you one21:56
seanochoaHey all.  Anyone have info on how to map WindowsKey -> Lock Screen?21:56
Pelobruenig, I beleive the expression is fool proof21:57
Dylan69Ciao a tutti21:57
icanhasadmintruely not fool proof, it just saids "ati"21:57
bruenigwell it is fool proof21:57
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)21:57
seanochoaAlso, anyone has a good reference for how to use xmodmap and the corresponding keycodes?21:57
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:57
bruenigit is not perfect21:57
bruenigit can be wrong21:57
zosssowindows_: did that work for you?21:57
zuguis there a default bittorrent client after a fresh install of 7.10 or I have to manually install it?21:57
Peloseanochoa, menu > system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts21:57
bruenigicanhasadmin: so you are using the ati driver, success clearly21:57
seanochoaPelo: I'm using icewm21:57
Pelozugu, bittorrent is the default21:57
Antkinzugu Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mandriva all take some beating21:57
Peloseanochoa, no clue then21:58
icanhasadminbruenig: thank you, but which ones? open source? restricted binarys?21:58
bruenigicanhasadmin: whichever one is called ati21:58
seanochoawait, does it just run gnome-keyboardshortcuts?21:58
bruenigicanhasadmin: modinfo ati21:58
danandzugu - there is one installed by default but you can easily add others by using the synaptics package manager21:58
Flannelzugu: there is.  gnome-bittorrent is default21:58
Peloseanochoa, I thnk so21:58
icanhasadminbruenig: could not find module ati21:58
brobostigonzugu: i find transmission is a good bittorrent client21:59
bruenigicanhasadmin: hmmm21:59
Pelozugu, deluge-torrent is in the repos and a few of us ( like a lot)  like to run utorrent on wine21:59
bruenigrtorrent is good21:59
zuguthere was something called Alacarte in ubuntu dapper, how can I edit menus in ubuntu 7.10? there's no Alacarte21:59
bruenigthat is what I use21:59
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icanhasadminbruenig: Exactly. and XORG is eating my CPU, even irc is slow! i can't figure it what it is but i suspect video driver issue21:59
Pelobrobostigon, transmission will be default in 8.04 as I understand21:59
bruenigzugu: edit .desktop files in /usr/share/applications21:59
Flannelzugu: At the bottom of your menu, there's "Menu Editor" which is alacarte21:59
MasterAslanhi, using grub you can easily change the sources mirror with a drop down.  Is there any way to change the mirror to say the virginmedia.com mirror from the command line other than manually editing the sources.list?22:00
flowOverwhat's the best distro to install on a p4?22:00
zugubruenig: alacarte was more straightforward for me22:00
brobostigonpelo: i would agree22:00
RomeReactorzugu: right click on the menus and select "Edit"22:00
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Tu13es zossso:, ah, interesting, I'll have a look22:00
bruenigzugu: alacarte is not straight forward as it is abstracted, I am just telling you one way you can go about it22:00
flowOverwe're setting up an old computer at the pizza shop for an internet surfer.  should i go fiesty or is there something lighter?22:00
RequinB4someone please confirm that having vga=x and vga=y boot options on the same boot will mess up my boot sequence?22:00
* Pelo will patiently wait for Bittorrent to get it's act together and produce a linux version of utorrent 22:00
zugubruenig: nevermind :) I found it22:00
zosssoTu13es: do you have it running on a separate computer?22:01
RomeReactorzugu: or go to 'System->Preferences->Main Menu22:01
bruenigPelo: rtorrent, give it a shot22:01
Tu13eszossso: yep22:01
brobostigonflowOver: try xubuntu 7.1022:01
* Pelo might also loose patience and install deluge-torrent, the rss downloader are getting pretty good22:01
Pelobruenig, installing right now ,  done actualy22:01
=== p3t3r_ is now known as p3t3r__
AntkinflowOver Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mandriva all take some beating22:01
Pelobruenig, rtorrent is cli ?22:01
zosssoTu13es: I'm curious, so I'm going to try this22:01
Tu13eszossso: ah, cool22:02
Tu13eszossso: it didn't take more than a few minutes to set up, so if you have a liveCD or image handy it'll be quick22:02
flowOveris there anything that will run flash in firefox without crashing X?22:02
seanochoaI got it.  :)  Its under gnome-control panel for keyboard shorcut mappings.22:02
zosssoTu13es: Awesome. Let me log in here with my other computer.22:02
RequinB4someone please confirm that having vga=x and vga=y boot options on the same boot will mess up my boot sequence?22:02
khaotikcould anyone spare some time to help me updat a website???22:02
RequinB4where x and y are different numbers22:02
PeloflowOver, I run flash in FF and x does not crash22:02
Tu13eszossso: I'll try out some things from that thread in a few minutes, installing updates atm22:03
AntkinflowOver I have four Pentium 4 HT's22:03
crediblePelo: but you can configure it to monitor a directory for .torrent files22:03
flowOveryeah it does for me.  crash's alot22:03
bruenigPelo: yes22:03
flowOveron 3 different gutsy boxes22:03
khaotikcould anyone spare some time to help me updat a website???22:03
Pelocredible, , bruenig , I'll give it a pass, I'M a W.I.M.P.22:03
flowOverand on fiesty when i used it last year but we won't count that because flash was older version22:03
seanochoaDoes anyone know how to change the resolution of the terminals (like when you press Ctrl+Alt+F3).22:03
Gribouilleoin #ados22:04
bruenigseanochoa: tell me if you find out22:04
mohbanawhen is the icedtea plugin going to be fixed?22:04
danandflowOver - you might consider xubuntu. that runs well on older hardware. if the comuter is really low on ram etc you could consider using damn_small_linux (DSL), feather linux, puppy linux.... they work very well on older hardware22:04
Antkinkhaotik I am a web designer what help do you need exactly?22:04
Peloseanochoa, I know it can be done,  but I don't know how, I would recommend you check in the forum , www.ubuntuforums.org22:04
flowOveryeah xfce is nice looking.  was checking that out last night22:04
flowOverDSL might be enough22:05
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flowOvermaybe then without all the bloat, flash won't crash X22:05
khaotiki need to update my companys "instant update scrolling bar on our main page and i cant find where our webmaster keeps that file22:05
* Pelo thought xcfe looked nice too but was disapointed by how not simple it was for his newbie aunt22:05
DracoI find kde to work better on older hardware, at least like 500mhz, 500MB ram22:05
Pelokhaotik, try asking in #htm or #html22:05
benseanyone know how to change the default window size of xterm?22:05
flowOverdon't give linux to newb aunts then22:05
khaotika seller keeps blowing my phone up and giving me a headache about how his auction isnt on there22:06
flowOverit's not ready for the silver'd newbs22:06
brobostigonflowOver: i use enlightenment, its very light and simple22:06
regeyapelo, xfce is indeed nice, but as you say, probably not the most newb-friendly thing out there.22:06
PeloDraco, we're talking 64 m of ram on my aunt's , not internet and a nvidia video card,  install hell22:06
Peloregeya, I would have loved to see a gnome-lite or something22:06
flowOverall i'm setting up is a box that will run firefox, amsn, flash and java22:06
regeyaPelo: I think xfce is getting close to that point...not quite there, but extremely close.22:06
DracoPelo: give yourself a break, and invest in one or two sticks of ram22:06
francescabought a 3 usb modem for mobile broadband. While it works on the laptop of a friends that has xandros installed, I cannot install it on mine. I have  ubuntu 7.1022:07
archmanwhat to do when wvdial says no carrier?22:07
RequinB4K guys i really need to get this computer to boot -.- I was trying to get a background image for GRUB so I made the resolution 800x600, the colors 24bit, and used a program to set the image to grub background.  Now when i boot recovery i get: VFSL: cannot open root device "(long string" or unknown-block(0,0) Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available partitions: (next line) Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable t22:07
DracoPelo: otherwise fluxbox or something22:07
PeloDraco, not my comp and if you recall that kind of ram cost more for 64 meg then 1 gig current cost22:07
flowOveras far as i know the box we're getting for it is a p3 with 64mb22:07
regeyaif you'd seen early versions of xfce--back when 'xf' in xfce stood for 'XForms'--you'd faint.22:07
patrick__can anyone help i tried different methods to get nvidia drivers installed but it doesnt enable 3d22:07
Antkinkhaotik what is the URL? Do you have ftp acces?22:07
PeloDraco, I might go back and install puppy linux on her  box , seemed simple enough22:07
FlannelRequinB4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-616e8477b76f70cdd317812fef0ac88b248e25b422:08
brobostigonflowOver: so you need something very light then22:08
khaotikAntkin: do you mind if i send u a PM?22:08
Pelopatrick__, you need to install xgl or someting like that22:08
DracoPelo: well, you need something with blackbox, fluxbox, if it can even run X at all22:08
RequinB4Flannel: will check that out22:08
FlannelRequinB4: oh, backgrounds.  Thats just for a splash.22:08
patrick__evenfor just the games?22:08
regeyaI guess nowadays XForms stands for something else entirely, but 10 years ago it was a light, proprietary toolkit, and xfce wasn't much more than a toolbar.  The windowmanager was a mildly modified fvwm.22:08
FlannelRequinB4: er, no wait, that's right.  that howto will let you do it.22:08
Antkinkhaotik no problem with that22:08
bensekhaotik, yo22:08
khaotikyes i make updates to the auction calendar all the time. I jus cant find the folder where he keeps the Instant update22:08
PeloDraco, to be honest I 'm hoping she buys a new computer so I can install ubuntu/gnome on it and be done22:08
RequinB4Flannel: the problem is i tried and i can't boot that kernel anymore\22:09
RomeReactorpatrick__: what video card do you have?22:09
DracoPelo: tell her it can't even support X?22:09
patrick__i always used suse but like ubuntu better even though i havent found out all of it yet lol22:09
FlannelRequinB4: alright, pastebin your menu.lst, let's see what we're dealing with,22:09
PeloDraco, it does support x ,  I have xubuntu installed on it , it is clucky but it works22:09
RomeReactorpatrick__: did you try going to 'System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager'?22:10
booster_hey guys i need to know how to minimize a screen while in game play,,,like on windows you can press the windows key ????22:10
flowOverMaybe i'll try gOS22:10
patrick__yes it tells me i dont need any rstricted drivers?22:10
RequinB4Flannel: can do, let me boot up a different OS on the laptop22:10
DracoPelo: fluxbuntu is set up by default with fluxbox. it's very very light, but has no default TK22:10
mehmet_problem: "Audio output unavailable; the device is busy.22:10
mehmet_xine parameters: "22:10
mehmet_how do i fix it?22:10
PeloDraco, I'll look into it22:10
FlannelRequinB4: LiveCD will work too.  We'll ultimately need to edit it, so make sure you're on something that can edit that file22:10
RomeReactorpatrick__: what's the output of running this in a terminal: glxinfo | grep rendering22:11
francescahi there, anybody knows about 3 mobile broadband? new here, this thing goes so fast ...22:11
patrick__trying now 2 secs plz22:11
flowOveryes i think i shall install gOS22:11
khaotikhow would i find out the name of the file that it is in???22:11
Pelomehmet_, some other app is using your sound card , stop it and try again22:11
RequinB4Flannel: yeah, its only the one kernel, i can boot an older kernel (what makes me think its on a certain option in menu.lst, but tried that to no avail)22:11
DracoBtw, I have a bit of a problem: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__glxinfo | grep rendering22:11
mehmet_Pelo:  where can i see which program is using it?22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
patrick__Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:11
Pelomehmet_, are you paling any music atm ?22:12
mehmet_i was22:12
AtomicSparkis there anyway to mount a share (connect to server...) without it showing on desktop, just in places?22:12
mehmet_paused it22:12
mehmet_then tried it again22:12
Pelopatrick__, look in synaptic and search for gl , the one you want is aiglx or somketing22:12
FlannelRequinB4: oh, you can boot an older kernel?  Then we don't need to fix hardly anything.  Just 'sudo update-grub'22:12
joomlaNEWBIEwhen is the release of the new ubuntu22:12
patrick__ok gonna try it22:12
RomeReactorpatrick__: did you try downloading the drivers from nVidia's site?22:12
StarnestommyjoomlaNEWBIE: I think in april22:12
Impy^Hi my friends trying to install ubuntu but it doesn't reconignise his keyboard in the installion he's tried livecd and the alternative cd and it's the same in both any ideas?22:12
seanochoaPelo:  I found this article on how you have to add a vga= option to your kernel line in menu.lst22:12
Pelomehmet_, turn it off completely, it's jsut a suggestion, I get that message when I am using avidemux and some other app is playing sound22:13
seanochoaPelo:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-123920.html22:13
joomlaNEWBIEStarnestommy:  will it be worth getin22:13
seanochoaI'm going to reboot and try it.22:13
RequinB4Flannel: heh, ok, well i'll reboot22:13
NedrahHey, can someone who is ready to help a newbie get Ubuntu installed message me, please?22:13
Agent_bobi need a way to "read" standard input so that if there was no input it doesn't wait for it.     any thoughts ?22:13
Peloseanochoa, why are you telling me this ?22:13
StarnestommyjoomlaNEWBIE: I'm not sure. I've neber tested 8.0422:13
FlannelRequinB4: that'll regenerate your menu.lst with the defaults from the previous lines and stuff, and you'll be good to go again.22:13
Agent_boboh shell script    ^22:13
khaotikhow would i find out the name of the file that it is in???22:13
zosssoTu13es: unpacking now.22:13
FlanneljoomlaNEWBIE: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions, thanks22:13
StarnestommyjoomlaNEWBIE: a lot of people in #ubuntu+1 have, though22:13
patrick__yes i did but it just doesnt want to install22:13
RequinB4Flannel: i don't count my chickens, especially with automated commands :P22:13
Jack_SparrowImpy^, Sounds like an unsupported bluetooth.. he may need to install with regular keyboard then get bluetooth working22:13
PeloNedrah, you don't need any help , the install proces is pretty simple , do you have a specific question ?22:14
Agent_bobkhaotik grep22:14
AntkinNedrah we were all newbies once what help do you need?22:14
NedrahPelo: Yes, it crashes22:14
* Pelo completely lost track of the channel 22:14
Impy^jack_sparrow it's a normal keyboard not a bluetooth one22:14
PeloNedrah, when ?22:14
NedrahAntkin: Thanks22:14
patrick__i did ctr alt f1 and sudo init 1 then tried to install but it gave an error22:14
FlannelRequinB4: Unless you've screwed something up very much so, it'll work fine.  (automated commands like the one you were using to setup your splash?)22:14
Jack_SparrowImpy^, ps2 or usb?22:14
* Pelo is still a newby22:14
Impy^jack_sparrow ps222:14
NedrahPelo: Right at start. I can't even check the cd integrity, let alone boot the live cd.22:14
RequinB4Flannel: not liking me (doesn't work), but shows me the error without forcing me into recovery mode to see what is going on22:15
francescalaptop doesn't hibernate, anybody who knows how to sort out the problem?22:15
flowOverweird.. so wait.  gOS is built on ubuntu which is itself built on debian22:15
patrick__that is the correct way isnt it to install nvidia22:15
Jack_SparrowImpy^, No idea why it is not seeing it..22:15
PeloNedrah, try the cd out in another computer,  just incase it is the cd,  otherwise it might be the cd drive itself22:15
AntkinNedrah Do you want to go step by step?22:15
NedrahI do have a 8800gt, though, and it seems this is a known problem - I checked the forums first22:15
NedrahIt installed just fine on my laptop22:15
PeloImpy^, are you also known as ^imp" in another network ?22:15
Impy^jack_sparrow know anyone who might have an idea whats up with it?22:15
danandflowOver - linux mint is built using ubuntu as a base too :)22:15
RomeReactorpatrick__: you need to stop gdm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:15
Impy^which network pelo?22:16
patrick__and then run the sh nvidia-etc22:16
RequinB4Flannel: This is not quite big enough for pastebin: RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data ... invalid compressed format (err=1) ... Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)22:16
NedrahAntkin: That would be great. Mind if I msg you?22:16
Tu13eszossso: :)22:16
Jack_SparrowImpy^, What make and model of keyboard and have you tried any others22:16
RomeReactorpatrick__: yes22:16
PeloImpy^, p2p-irc , and it was suppose to read ^imp^22:16
mehmet_Pelo: i closed the program now re-opened it22:16
mehmet_and it is still busy22:16
RequinB4Flannel - and two of my lights on the comp are blinking22:16
AntkinNedrah no problem22:16
Pelomehmet_, I don't know then,  it was just a guess22:16
Impy^ahh nah thats not me pelo22:16
Impy^jack_sparrow  asking him now :)22:16
RomeReactorpatrick__: or try Envy; it's in the repositories22:17
patrick__ok just too make sure i do ctrl alt f1 then sudo etc/blabla22:17
azelcan u read me22:17
RequinB4Flannel - and I used a program in the repos to edit it :P22:17
patrick__then the sh nvidia22:17
RomeReactorpatrick__: yes22:17
Jack_SparrowRomeReactor, please do not suggest envy22:17
Peloazel, we can read you22:17
FlannelRequinB4: You can boot to an older kernel though?22:17
NedrahAh, need to register first. sec22:17
patrick__ok gonna try it now thx for helping22:17
RequinB4Flannel: I was able to pre- updating gnome, yes22:17
patrick__envy tells me it cannot find my card22:17
RomeReactorJack_Sparrow: why not? is it currently broken, or something that I'm not aware of?22:17
FlannelRequinB4: oh, so you broke grub, then dist-upgraded?22:17
azelok thanks, can i ask for help? im tryin o set up a wireless internet connection from a d-link dwl-g122 usb wireless adapter running on a simplymepis live cd but so far i've had no luck. i read a lot of forums but i'm very confused. iwconfig only shows eth0 (im connecting by ethernet adsl modem now) and says no wireless extension. ndiswrapper -l shows a list of drivers but no one with a nearby "hardware detected" line, lsusb -22:17
Jack_Sparrow!envy is a terrible idea22:17
Pelolater folks22:18
Impy^jack_sparrow he said his mouse wasn't working as well so he had to change it to a usb one to get it working22:18
arigHi, i downloaded a daily ppc build of hardy and i was expecting it to be a live cd, but then it started walking me through installation. am i doing something wrong?22:18
Flannelarig: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks22:18
Jack_SparrowRomeReactor, envy has never beeen suggested or supported here22:18
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »22:18
RequinB4Flannel: Not really.  The kernel in question is a) my default kernel and b) is custom patched (but has been working for months)22:18
RomeReactorJack_Sparrow: Although I don't use it presonally, I don't think it's 'terrible'22:19
RomeReactorJack_Sparrow: and he alresdy said the restricted drivers manager did not install the drivers22:19
Impy^jack_sparrow my friend said it's like it;'s not recongising the ps2 ports cause he had a ps2 mouse and that wouldnt work either so he got a usb on and it worked22:19
azelcan i ask for help? im tryin to set up a wireless internet connection from a d-link dwl-g122 usb wireless adapter running on a simplymepis live cd but so far i've had no luck. i read a lot of forums but i'm very confused. iwconfig only shows eth0 (im connecting by ethernet adsl modem now) and says no wireless extension. ndiswrapper -l shows a list of drivers but no one with a nearby "hardware detected" line, lsusb --vv shows 22:20
Jack_SparrowRomeReactor, Still is not something to be suggested to users here22:20
Flannel!repeat | azel22:20
ubotuazel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:20
RomeReactorJack_Sparrow: allright22:20
RomeReactorJack_Sparrow: I'll keep that in mind22:20
Flannelazel: simply mepis?  this is #ubuntu22:20
Squawkazel, chances are the wifi card you have is not being detected or the modlue required to use it is not being loaded22:21
Jack_SparrowImpy^, something is up with his hardware, he may have switched mouse and keyboard connections.. something isnt right there.22:21
NedrahAntkin: Are you getting my messages?22:21
Impy^jack_sparrow any ideas on how to fix it? :o22:21
tim167what's a nice and light text only web browser ?22:21
Impy^he#s desperate to get on ubuntu he's been trying all day :(22:21
Flanneltim167: w3m is installed already22:21
Starnestommytim167: w3m or lynx22:21
RomeReactortim167: try nano22:21
brobostigontim167: lynx22:22
RomeReactortim167: ooops, sorry22:22
Dr_Housei installed ubuntu 7.10 seems to me that didn't found my sound card, anyway to fix it?22:22
SpunkyHey guys i'm trying to get internet on Ubuntu 7.10 with a Quest modem but it doesn't seem to want to connect with ethernet.22:22
RomeReactortim167: try links also22:22
RequinB4Flannel: any further ideas?  I'm pretty perplexed because the error seems to occurr after grub22:22
azelSquawk: but lsusb -vv shows the usb wifi adaptor attached to the usb bus22:22
Itakuhow do i host domains on ubuntu??????????????????????????????????/22:22
tim167wow, many options to try, thanks all :)22:22
FlannelRequinB4: Its bad kernel params, GRUB has passed stuff off to said kernel, and then the kernel is choking.  Pastebin your menu.lst, we'll see whats going on22:23
pyrakdoes ssh use port 22?22:23
Flannelpyrak: by default, yes22:23
Jack_SparrowImpy^, I cant see how a ps2 keyboard is the problem.  I would lose the usb mouse and try any other ps2 mouse22:23
RequinB4Flannel: ok, but let me try something real quick first - saw a (probably nothing) inconsistant setting in that program i used22:23
Dr_Housei installed ubuntu 7.10 seems to me that didn't found my sound card, anyway to fix it?22:23
Impy^jack_sparrow he had a ps2 mouse and it wouldn't recongise that either22:23
pyrakFlannel, how do you make it use a different port?22:24
brobostigonDr_House: what doe dmesg and lspci and lshw return??22:24
pyrakFlannel, on both the host and the client22:24
Itakuhow do i host domains on ubuntu??????????????????????????????????????????????22:24
Jack_SparrowImpy^, he has some sort of other hardware issue22:24
volvosquestion: what to diagnose when nothing happens after upsplash ?22:24
Dr_Housebrobostigon, translate22:24
Jack_SparrowItaku, please stop that.22:24
Flannelpyrak: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, its almost the first line.  Client depends on the client, usually a command line parameter22:24
SpunkyHey guys i'm trying to get internet on Ubuntu 7.10 with a Quest modem but it doesn't seem to want to connect with ethernet. Any of you guys know of anyway to try and fix this issue?22:24
brobostigonDr_House: run dmesg, and lshw in terminal, and pastebin the results22:25
pyrakFlannel, is it necessary to use the same port on the client as on the host?22:25
brobostigon!pastebin | Dr_House22:25
ubotuDr_House: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:25
duncanHi there,i have problem on the MSN messenger network where I appear offline to certain contacts when I am online. I am using Pidgin but it happened on kmess and aMSN as well. The contacts who I appear offline to are always the same, and the same on all clients. Can anyone help? :)22:25
Flannelpyrak: You don't "use" a port on the client, you connect to a specific port.  and yes, the port you connect to has to be the same as the one that's being listened to22:25
ArthurArchnixHey... I installed bastille and ran it, but now I can't login with one of my accounts. I can still login with my sudo enabled account, but my day to day account can't get past the gdm22:26
RequinB4Flannel - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58178/22:26
Dr_Househttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58179/ brobostigon22:26
azelim tryin to set up a wireless internet connection from a dlink dwl g122 usb wifi adap - using simply mepis live cd - iwconfig only shows eth0 (im connecting through ethernet adsl modem now) and says no wireless extension. ndiswrapper -l shows a list of drivers but no one has a "hardware detected" line nearby, lsusb --vv shows the d-link dwl-g122 and its chipset on the usb bus. what can i do ?22:27
FlannelRequinB4: and none of the older kernels work?22:27
NedrahOk, I still need help here: Ubuntu 7.10 64bit crashes when I try to start the installation or check cd integrity. I installed it just fine on my Laptop with the same cd. Pc: Core2duo E6750, Nvidia 8800gt. I searched the forums and this seems to be a known bug22:27
RequinB4Flanel: the older kernels work22:27
RequinB4hold on22:27
Flannelazel: This is #ubuntu, you should ask the mepis people for mepis support.22:27
* RequinB4 might have it22:27
volvoswhat should happen after upsplash ? where to find informations on startup process ?22:27
voxvolvos: /var/log/dmesg22:28
Android5on5 | low | not d222:28
rofflesI am having password recovery issues in 'Ubuntu Forums', is there a troubleshooting link or channel I can go to for more help?22:28
Dr_Househttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58180/ brobostigon22:28
azelFlannel: i cant coz mepis channel is read only and i kno mepis is based on debian and ubuntu so i though it would be ok if i posted here22:28
RequinB4sweet - Flannel, it was the vga setting, it was at the wrong resolution for some reason only for the default kernel22:28
Tu13eszossso: any luck so far? I tried adding the root= lineto no avail22:28
volvosvox: loading hangs after upsplash22:28
Flannelroffles: #ubuntuforums22:28
brobostigonDr_House: got it, one minute, i need to read it22:28
Jack_Sparrowazel, Didnt Warren move away from using ubuntu as his base setup?22:28
prettyrickyhey guys Im getting no sound at all.... It was working before, any help would be appreciated.22:29
voxvolvos: when you get to the grub menu, edit "quiet usplash" from the second line and then boot22:29
azelFlannel: i also think its quite a generic issue this one im talkin about22:29
Jack_Sparrowazel, try the web for Mepislovers22:29
flowOverim experiencing a minor bug with a compiz animation.  the when windows change focus, they fade windows in and out.  sometimes a window while it has focus will just fade out though, then i have to change focus then go back.22:29
pyrakFlannel, so is it good practice to use a port other than 22 for ssh, to avoid random traffic, or does it not matter?22:29
Jack_SparrowflowOver, /j #Compiz for the latest fixes22:30
azel... can i ask for help? im tryin to set up a wireless internet connection from a d-link dwl-g122 usb wireless adapter but so far i've had no luck. i read a lot of forums but i'm very confused. iwconfig only shows eth0 (im connecting by ethernet adsl modem now) and says no wireless extension. ndiswrapper -l shows a list of drivers but no one with a nearby "hardware detected" line, lsusb --vv shows the d-link dwl-g122 and its c22:30
Flannelpyrak: you can, that's one of the easiest ways to get away from so much spam in your logs.  you can also use something like DenyHosts to block spammers.22:30
regeyaand the 'go somewhere else' bot kicks in.22:30
Flannel!repeat | azel22:30
ubotuazel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:30
Jack_Sparrowprettyricky, Sounds like you need to recompile alsa.. and use ver 15 not 1622:30
pyrakFlannel, so what port would you recommend?22:30
Flannelpyrak: It doesn't matter as long as it's not something used for something else.22:31
Jack_Sparrowazel, And no this is not the place for you to ask for help, there are differences22:31
Flannelpyrak: something you can remember is usually a good thing.22:31
brobostigonDr_House: its showing loads of pci errors, thats probebly why it not working, i am not sure how to interpret those errors.22:31
prettyrickyJack Sparrow----> how do I do that???22:31
Dr_Housebrobostigon,  any advice?22:31
brobostigonDr_House: as i have never seen those kind of errors before22:31
ricky_hello to everyone!22:31
regeyaJack_Sparrow: you have an odd definition of 'support'22:31
pyrakFlannel, that's the thing, i don't know what other things use :/  how about 33?22:31
flowOver"sounds like you need to recompile"  << now on the list of reasons why linux is not ready for the desktop22:32
Jack_Sparrowregeya, We do not support Mepis...22:32
Dr_Housethx anyway brobostigon22:32
Itakuhow do i fix this22:32
Itakusudo: cd: command not found22:32
bruenigcd is a shell built in22:32
RequinB4Itaku: why would you need to sudo cd22:32
Itakupermission denied22:32
brobostigonDr_House: sorry i couldnt help22:32
FlannelItaku: `sudo cd` doesn't actually do anything productive22:32
Dr_Housebrobostigon,  :)22:32
RequinB4Itaku: I think what you really want to do is allow your user to access the directory22:33
zosssoTu13es: I get pretty far, it stalls at mounting root filesystem22:33
bruenigmaybe sudo bash -c "cd"22:33
bruenigprobably fail though22:33
regeyaoh heh...sorry, Jack_Sparrow22:33
MorgHey Ho22:33
ricky_i am trying to modify the Places/ option in the Gnome Panel of Ubuntu 7.10.Can anybody tell me which file i have to change?.22:33
Tu13eszossso: hm22:33
bruenigbecause it opens a subshell to do that, then closes it afterwards22:33
regeyathough I do see you spend a great deal of time telling people to go elsewhere...sorry.22:33
Itakui used sudo su22:33
azelok then lets try to be generic, i have a wifi usb adapter but i cant bring it up coz i have no interface for it . there is no wifi0 if i type iwconfig. i only have eth0 because right now i-m connecting through a etherned adsl modem. the usb wifi adapter is correctly plugged in and if i type lsusb -v it shows me its information (model etc) and it says its connected to the usb bus.22:33
zosssoTu13es: Rather, Waiting for root filesystem...22:34
Jack_SparrowItaku, what are you trying to do.. sudo su is not a good idea22:34
FlannelItaku: Don't use sudo su.  Use `sudo -i` to get a root prompt.  But, why do you want a root prompt anyway?22:34
azelso what should i do22:34
leniwyJack_Sparrow do you know any good news reader for ubuntu (except nzb i have already tried it)?22:34
ItakuJack_Sparrow, trying to get into /root22:34
voxleniwy: knode22:34
Jack_SparrowItaku, use sudo command.....22:34
Itakusudo: cd: command not found22:34
Flannelazel: S.M. is based on debian, not ubuntu.  But still, try an Ubuntu CD, see if it works.22:34
Jack_SparrowItaku, cd ..22:35
psychomanPan Newsreader22:35
NedrahStill need help: Ubuntu 7.10 64bit crashes when I try to start the installation or check cd integrity. I installed it just fine on my Laptop with the same cd. Pc: Core2duo E6750, Nvidia 8800gt. I searched the forums and this seems to be a known bug22:35
SquawkItaku: "sudo cd ~"22:35
flowOveryou can cd into any folder.  no super user privaledges needed22:35
flowOversudo cd is useless22:35
Jack_SparrowItaku, or cd /22:35
FlannelItaku: why are you trying to get into /root?  sudo cd does nothing.22:35
leniwythanx vox & psychoman22:35
Itakucuz i got permission denied22:35
SquawkflowOver, not if he has restricted permissions (personaly I lock down /root)22:35
ricky_Could anybody tell me how i add link to the gnome Planel/Places folder?22:35
justin__wow, I love konversation a lot better then gnome xchat22:36
=== justin__ is now known as endo
FlannelItaku: Just because you've been denied doesn't mean you need to go there.  Please, tell us what you're trying to ultimately accomplish.22:36
aghachihow do i kno if i have compiz or compiz-fusion.. or are they the same22:36
Flannelaghachi: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?22:36
azelFlannel: ubuntu is based on debian22:36
aghachi7.10 gusty22:36
Flannelaghachi: You have -fusion22:36
azelFlannel: also when u login on mepis it says: Debian and Ubuntu help power the magic of Mepis.......... .22:37
azelbut thats not the point22:37
Flannelazel: Simply put, this is not the correct place for your support requests.  Please ask the Simply Mepis people.  If they refuse to help, then maybe you should try a distro with a community that will help.22:37
azelim just askin for some geniric help about configuring a wifi usb adapter! gosh22:37
aghachiyay! so now my question is how do i get the cool effects when they close the programs... like ones i see on youtube, do i have to download more effects?22:37
Antkinaghachi what about gutsy 7.10 do you have a problem?22:37
azel1250 ppl in the chat nobody can help?22:38
=== endo is now known as joint
VovkHey! I'm trying to install Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion in wine, and I'd like to create an ISO out of the dvd so I don't always have to have the disk...  how can I do this?22:38
Jack_Sparrowazel, and we are telling you this is the wrong place to ask22:38
aghachiantkin: no, thanx tho i was just telling some1 my ver so they tell me wat ver of compiz i have22:38
NedrahAntkin: Are you still ready to help me out...?22:38
azeli dont think this is the wrong place since im askin help about a debian and ubuntu based distro.22:38
Jack_Sparrowazel, Please stop, this is also not a discussion room22:39
tripppyhow do i make ubuntu do a fake resolution? ie. how can i install ubuntu with 640x480 resolution?22:39
AntkinNedrah Yes but you were not sending messages that I could read22:39
FlannelVovk: You can create the ISO simply (just dd to an iso file: dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso) but I'm unsure as to how wine deals with that.  You might try asking in #winehq22:39
MorgI want to install a ATI-Driver on Ubuntu 7.10 manually (for compiz). If I change the driver at xorg.conf and reboot, the screen stay black, after starting the X-Server. Why?22:40
VovkFlannel: thanks22:40
soderqvistDoes anyone have a handy guide on How-To get steam working in ubuntu 7.10?22:40
NedrahAntkin: Strange, must have something to do with me using mirc right now?22:40
Itakuwtf is the yes command for?22:40
FlannelItaku: it returns 'yes' over and over22:40
usserItaku: it returns true22:40
Itakui know whats the point of it though22:40
AntkinNedrah I use Chatzilla22:40
ussersoderqvist: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games22:41
NedrahAntkin: Anyways... The installation crashes when I try to install ubuntu or verify cd integrity from that boot menu. I was able to install Ubuntu on my laptop without any problems.22:41
NedrahAntkin: I am pretty sure it has something to do with my Nvidia 8800gt, but I am not sure how to solve the problem22:42
leniwypsychoman pan newsreader has limited connection to 4 and my provider has 8 which is a pity to lose 4 connections22:42
aghachihow coem my animations plugins doesnt work its checked but no animation22:42
AntkinNedrah have you asked your question on the Ubuntu forum?22:43
Jack_SparrowNedrah, if the cd integrity check on the start or install menu crashes you have a bad download or a bad burn22:44
MorgI want to install a ATI-Driver on Ubuntu 7.10 manually (for compiz). If I change the driver at xorg.conf and reboot, the screen stay black, after starting the X-Server. Why?22:44
NedrahAntkin: Nope, I just did a quick search there and it seems this is a known bug with Nvidia 8xxx cards and 64bit Ubuntu.22:44
sladigarwrong driver22:44
MorgI don't think so, sladigar.22:45
Jack_SparrowMorg, It must not be detecting your monitor v/h correctly22:45
NedrahJack_Sparrow: I am pretty sure that's not it. There seems to be a solution that has something to do with deleting some "splash" line22:45
MorgIt's the newest Linux-driver from the ATI-Site, for x86_64.22:45
pranabendui am getting a  Xlib extension GLX missing on display ":0.0"22:46
sladigartry reducing the res to 1280x78622:46
Jack_SparrowNedrah, you can hit esc on boot. e to edit e agin to edit the boot line then remove splash and quiet22:46
soderqvistusser: im new to ubuntu and finding it difficult to install steam:S22:46
AntkinNedrah can you change the card?22:46
RequinB4soderqvist: under Wine, i assume?22:47
NedrahJack_Sparrow: Ok, great. What will happen after that, do I still get to install just like on my laptop? I am doing a dual-boot setup here, so I need to be able to configure my partitions22:47
NedrahAntkin: Nope, unfortunately that's not an option. But as I said, it installed great on my laptop, which has a Nvidia 6600go22:47
sladigaranyone know how to make irssi work with tor?22:47
soderqvistRequinB4: yes I have Wine22:47
Jack_SparrowNedrah, my 6600 is fine as well.22:48
RequinB4soderqvist: steam should install perfectly under wine, just do 'wine /directory/path/whatever/setup.exe'22:48
stevecasperis there a way....of getting more to fit onto my dektop....running 1024*768...could it be possible to make it more like 1280*1024?22:48
NedrahJack_Sparrow: What will I be missing if I disable "splash" and "quiet"? Do I still get the normal installer`22:48
Jack_SparrowNedrah, hit F6 at start or install.. remove splash and quiet  and it will not effect the install22:48
AntkinNedrah have you read my guide to dual booting on ubuntu forums?22:48
tripppyhow do i make my screen a virtual 800x600? so when i move mouse down the desktop scrolls down?22:49
NedrahAntkin: Yes, it's great, that's how I did a dual-boot setup on the laptop, and it's working like a charm. Thanks for that one :)22:49
Jack_SparrowAntkin, his problem is not the dual boot but the installer22:49
RequinB4tripppy: No idea, but i'm curiuos why you would want to do that?22:49
free1what it do? I'm having some windows conversion problems.  this website needs me to install some files in the 'font' folder of my browser.  I have firefox running on my 7.10.  where would I extract the files to?22:49
Jack_Sparrowfree1, look for hidden folder .mozilla22:50
Pelofree1, try extracting it to /home/username/.font or /.fonts I never remember22:50
tripppyRequinB4, im trying to install ubuntu but i can't see the buttons along the bottum of the wizard.22:50
zosssoTu13es: Did you get it to boot yet? I might now the problem22:50
flowOvertripppy: use the alternative cd22:51
Tu13eszossso: nope, i haven't been fiddling right nnow though22:51
NedrahThat's my issue. I just was not sure what would happen if I followed the advise there22:51
RequinB4trippy: or it may be just a resolution problem22:51
AntkinJack_Sparrow I never had any problems with the installer it worked first time for me on four computers22:51
tripppyi know i can make it think its a 800x600 rez.22:51
RequinB4trippy: first try making your moniter auto-center the picture22:51
tripppyive done it before.22:51
tripppyyeah its a eeepc22:51
stevecasperdoes any1 know how i can "trick" my laptop into running a higher res..so thats everything is smaller, and i can put more on my screen?22:51
Jack_SparrowAntkin, There are many ways the installer can fail.22:52
flowOvertripppy: the nvidia restricted drivers are needed on my box to do that kind of resolution emulation22:52
NedrahAntkin: It's 64bit and Nvidia8*** specific22:52
tripppyflowOver, kk22:52
Jack_Sparrowstevecasper, what res are you wanting to use22:52
Niklas_Eanyone know what I have installed or somthing if mplayer suddenly after installing som programs goes out of sync? (Got ati radeon x1250 and done aticonfig --ovt.... that worked before)22:53
free1Jack_Sparrow:  I found the .mozilla folder, but there was no font subfolder.  any ideas?22:53
AntkinJack_Sparrow I'll bow down on that one22:53
Jack_SparrowNedrah, I have gotten it to work on 64bit with nvidia, but it was a pain22:53
free1Pelo: I only have a .fontconfig folder.  does that count?22:53
ConstyXIVif you've installed a 3rd-party version of a package, what's the command to revert to the gutsy version?22:53
Pelofree1, look at what is in it , anyother fonts ?22:53
Jack_Sparrowfree1, No idea, was just trying to point you to the firefox folder22:53
flowOveri think i fixed my flash crashing firefox problem.  i added a line to the firefox ini script and changed all my sound mixers to alsa22:53
NedrahJack_Sparrow: Should I download the 32bit version instead? looks like a waste when I have a 64bit cpu22:54
flowOveri've now watched a dozen flash videos on youtube without a hitch22:54
Jack_SparrowNedrah, You will find there is very little difference is speed22:54
stevecasperrunning 1024*768....but everything is just soo big...i any res really that would make more space on my screen22:54
Jack_Sparrowstevecasper, what video card do you have22:54
free1Pelo: actually some weird alphanumeric . cache2 files22:54
Pelofree1, maybe the ppl in #firefox would know exactly what you need to do22:54
=== VD is now known as VanDyke
joomlaNEWBIEanyone know how to five ubuntu a vista look22:55
RawrakittenDelta, I have returned from my shell spelunking.22:55
free1Pelo: the people in firefox are out to lunch it appears:)22:55
NedrahJack_Sparrow: So should I expect additional headaches if I install 64bit compared to 32?22:55
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, www.gnome-look.org , several themes to do it22:55
soderqvistRequinB4:  where shall I put my steaminstall.msi file?22:55
Jack_SparrowjoomlaNEWBIE, Yes, several themes are available.22:55
Pelofree1, patience , not every channel is as well attended as this one22:55
flowOvervista is a hunk of junk22:55
stevecasperhmm...good question....64mb intel 1.....got a acer travelmate latptop22:55
Jack_SparrowNedrah, yes, there are other issues22:55
Pelofree1, you can also try doing a search in www.ubuntuforums.org22:55
free1Pelo: haha. true.22:56
* usser easy now you-know-what-os has enough hard time already22:56
flowOveri ran it for the last 6 months because it came with this computer.  i would never want to make it look like it22:56
DevianityHi everyone, anybody can help a poor little newbie?22:56
free1I'll look there.  thanks, Pelo.22:56
NedrahJack_Sparrow: Ok, sounds like I really should download 32bit then. Thanks for your time22:56
RequinB4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437240 - for whoever asked about vista22:56
AntkinjoomlaNEWBIE people are ditching Vista why do you want that look?22:57
RequinB4soderqvist - where did that file come from (its been a few weeks since i did this)22:57
RaverWildhello. i have really abusive problem with ubuntu 7.10. please help. details are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58182/22:57
joomlaNEWBIEi just wanna see how it looks22:57
Jack_SparrowflowOver, I have vista login theme, vista icons, vista wallpaper, just to mess with my friends, then I spin the cube22:57
AntkinDevianity We were all newbies once how can I help you?22:57
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, You need to give some info on your problems and not just post a link22:57
DevianityCan anybody help me with something?22:58
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:58
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, all details are on the link22:58
stevecasperDevianty....we can try22:58
PeloDevianity, just ask the question , if anyone can they will try22:58
* Bossmanbeta is away: Away22:58
DevianityWell, great then! Thanks!22:58
=== FFEMTcJ is now known as FFEMTcJ[away]
joomlaNEWBIEnow im not good with working with tar files22:58
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, i am not a spammer/inviter :) just the details are too much to write here so pAsted in the pastebin22:58
joomlaNEWBIEanyone wanna give me a hand:-D22:58
=== anthony is now known as thannoy
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, Please understand that if you want help with video, you need to give us a clue and NOT just post a link22:59
soderqvistRequinB4:  check pm22:59
pyrakis it a bad idea to try to serve a website on a line with 486 kbps up :/22:59
amjadi have no sound through my earphones. i'm on a pavilion 6448se. what can i do ? i tried re-installing the system. and it didn't solve it :S22:59
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, for installing ? http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/22:59
RequinB4joomlaNEWBIE - tar is just a compressed format, like zip22:59
joomlaNEWBIEi know22:59
DevianityI install the fgrlx driver in my OpenGeu distro and upon restart I get a black screen. I bet its something in xorg.conf, but I am too new to find it.22:59
joomlaNEWBIEbut i dotn get how to work with the shit inside it22:59
RequinB4soderqvist - i don't accept pms :P22:59
Pelo!sound > amjad check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu22:59
flowOverheh i'm setting mine up similar to leopard so that i can piss off my osX zealot  of a friend22:59
DevianityThe drivers is from the officia Ubuntu repositories.22:59
RequinB4soderqvist - who knows what lurkers are also interested on this channel23:00
AntkinjoomllaNEWBIE yes you have a hand what is your question?23:00
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, this is a program you are trying to install ? what is the name ofthe program ?23:00
MasterAslanI am running on a command line system right now.  My problem now is that my screen doesn't scroll.  When I get to the bottom of the screen and enter a command it doesn't show.  It's not pulling down the screen.  Any ideas?23:00
joomlaNEWBIEtrying to install a them23:00
Jack_SparrowflowOver, get cairo-dock  and use the osx theme23:00
DjSP33Dque tall?23:00
flowOveri've got kiba dock23:00
soderqvistyeah, I found a.exe file copied it to wine/windows23:00
ConstyXIVcan you get the hardy gtk and icons for guts?23:00
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, always look in synaptic first to make sure there isn'T arleady a package for it , the most simple thing to do23:00
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, Ubuntu 7.10 here, running on Acer Aspire 5101 laptop. PROBLEM IS: when booting, ubuntu does not detect my internet connection properly.sometimes it does, sometimes not. in contrast - my windows XP on that same machine connects always.23:00
RequinB4!es | DjSP33D, Mire aqui23:00
ubotuDjSP33D, Mire aqui: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:00
stevecasperhow buggy is compiz? ive used beryl before...but it gave me more hassles than pleasure?23:01
soderqvistentered wine steaminstall.exe in terminal23:01
usserstevecasper: compiz is pretty stable, not ready for production though23:01
ConstyXIVstevecasper: very stable23:01
PeloConstyXIV, there is no upgrade for the gui in hardy23:01
InvisionfreeGutsy Gibbon (7.10) what's the fastest way to install a VERY simple LAMP install?23:01
usserstevecasper: in my opinion23:01
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, Sounds like you have a network card that is not supported or supported well with linux.23:01
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:01
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, detAILs: i have pppoe connection to my provider which i setuped once to run pon at startup with my password so i dont have to type it everytime. so i put the windows to sleep and boot ubuntu. sometimes i have connection at startup, sometimes not.right now as it seems i have internet connection. by the way another fact that may not be linked to all this is sometimes on boot time i got my wifi switched on (i default leave it off)23:01
AntkinRequinB4 Do you have a problem?23:01
stevecasperu think i should give it a try?23:02
RequinB4Antkin - what?23:02
joomlaNEWBIEthat is wat im trying to install23:02
InvisionfreeI tried "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" and it just .. Did nothing.23:02
usserstevecasper: yea why not,23:02
joddeHey guys.23:02
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, this is a theme ?  just drag drop the tar.gz file into the theme manager23:02
Jack_SparrowjoomlaNEWBIE, Is that link working again?23:02
AntkinRequinB4 you have doutbs about this channel?23:02
joddeDoes anyone know a player that will play .VOB files?23:02
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, what i tried to fix it: 1) sometimes when i disable then enable the connection via nm-applet 0.6.5 as it appears graphical on the screen - it gets connected and i am happy ||||2) when 1) does not work, i pulled out the lan cable and put it back on --noticed that nm-applet does not detect the cable was pulled out at all23:02
DevianitySo anybody?23:02
MasterAslanInvisionfree: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server23:02
usserjodde: vlc23:03
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:03
x89xhow do i install kdevelop anyone ??????23:03
RequinB4Antkin: I'm not sure what you are talking about23:03
Antkinjodd Welcome, do you have a problem?23:03
stevecasperok sold....ill prob be back in a lil while with some problems23:03
joddeI do.23:03
InvisionfreeE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-server23:03
flowOvereverytime i install  atheme it doesn't change my panel styles.  the ubuntu human panels are ugly.  how do i change them?23:03
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, 3) did a "ps aux | grep ppp" in case something was loaded that conflicts with my pon, but got nothing - so this is useless||||4) according to 1) and 2) it seemed to me that maybe nm-applet does not work properly - so i killed it and ran it again with the option it was previously ran "nm-applet --sm-disable" - this does not helps and is useless also||||23:03
joddeI can't play DVD files.23:03
joddeI mean, I could play a DVD disk, but not files.23:03
joomlaNEWBIEJack_Sparrow: wat link23:03
amjadPelo, thanks for the tips. but none of them seem to be dealing with my specific problem. what is interesting is that if i reboot my computer now, it will work. but after i turn it off and on again, it won't :S then if i reboot, it works again23:03
x89xdanand : you there ??23:03
InvisionfreeMasterAslan: E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-server23:03
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, What network card is that.23:03
_a_davehi all, been trying to figure out how to trigger an upgrade from v6.06 to 7.10.  update-manager -c finds nothing, but update-manager -c -d suggests version 8.x23:03
DevianityFgrlx making the GUI go away problem, anybody?23:04
PeloDevianity, boot the recovery mode,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ,  select the vesa driver when asked and the default for everything else unless you know better,  that will get you the gui back23:04
AntkinRequinB4 ok forget it23:04
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, how c an i see this info -- im not much into linux?23:04
joddeI've tried using VLC to play them.23:04
RequinB4Antkin: Nice i guess that you want to help, but is probably best to just repond to questions ^^23:04
Invisionfree_a_dave: Is there a problem with 6.06 -> 6.10 -> 7.04 -> 7.10?23:04
Antkinjodd are you using Kaffiene?23:04
Peloamjad, no idea then23:04
Jack_SparrowjoomlaNEWBIE, That vista aero link was down for awhile.. it does not automatically install everything.. it still needs work and a lot of manual installation23:04
DevianityPello: I tried that. Bash says I it doesnt know the command23:04
jcanyone know how to install the latest beta of firefox on 7.10 a64?  I wanted to give the the beta3 a try but not sure what to do23:04
joddeIsn't Kaffiene a music player?23:04
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, lspci in a term23:05
joomlaNEWBIEwelll wat is they easiest way to make ma shit look like vista23:05
PeloDevianity, is this ubuntu ? or someting else ?23:05
usserjc: just download the binary from mozilla site untar it into say /opt/firefox323:05
Pici!language | joomlaNEWBIE23:05
ubotujoomlaNEWBIE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:05
_a_daveInvisionfree: I guess the problem is update-manager isn't finding _any_ new release to work on23:05
PeloDevianity, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:05
Antkinsmemorix Welcome Do you have a poblem?23:05
usserjc: and run it as /opt/firefox3/firefox23:05
joomlaNEWBIEoh i aplogize for my langage23:05
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, jsut get a better theme from gnomelook23:05
frank23_a_dave: there will be a supported upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 if you can wait23:05
jcusser: thanks that sounds easy23:05
smemorixi'am italian23:05
joddeAntkin, I tired using Kaffiene and it said it didn't have an appropriate plugin.23:05
joomlaNEWBIEPelo: umm elaborate:_D23:05
Antkinjodd Kaffiene plays DVD's23:06
joddeIt says I need a Demux?23:06
x89xanyoneeeee ????23:06
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, network cArd is: 06:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)23:06
MasterAslanInvisionfree: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server23:06
tinmanjodde: have you got the codecs needed to play the dvd formats?23:06
amjadon pavilion 6448SE, the earphones output won't work. after a reboot it works just fine. but when i turn the laptop off and on again it fails again. any ideas ? ubuntu 7.1023:06
frank23x89x: you can install programs with adept23:06
joddeTinman, maybe not.23:06
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, , go into www.gnome-look.org use the search , look for  vista in the gtk2 categori, try several of them there are a few23:06
joddeHow do I get them?23:06
smemorixwhere are you from23:06
tinmanjodde: what are you using to play these files?23:07
Peloamjad, might want to give that a try in the forum23:07
Antkinjodd some people have have problems with CODE's23:07
joddeI've tried quite a few diverent programs.23:07
scjp_hello everybody23:07
DevianitySo dpkgs-reconfigure xorg-server didnt work. Said I dont have a xorg-server23:07
x89xfrank23 : where do  iget adept from ?23:07
* Pelo can'T beleive he's sharing a country with jodde 23:07
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, also detail: this bug occured since last year. i though it would be fixed, but looks there are not much people that have it so it reproduces with me23:07
frank23x89x: are you using kubuntu or ubuntu?23:07
tinmanjodde: totem simply asks if you want to install them or not23:07
joomlaNEWBIEPelo: hows this one23:07
x89xubuntu fiesty23:07
amjadyeah Pelo. sounds like a good idea. i can't find anything about it on the web :S i guess i will try the forums. thanks23:07
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, don't give me a link , just try them all23:07
crfHi, is the clock app correctly reporting the time for kunming china?23:07
frank23x89x: oh then use synaptic23:07
smemorixdo you know avril la vigne?23:07
AntkinDo you want me to get full instruction from the Kubuntu forum?23:08
LjL!ot | smemorix23:08
ubotusmemorix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:08
Jack_SparrowDevianity, sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:08
Peloamjad, I mean search the forum , don'T just post , chances are your problem is already covered,   also check here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport23:08
scjp_whenever i start the pc i get different internal ip address, is it possible that i can get fixed  internal ip address and router will not give that ip to anyother machine23:08
DevianityJack_Sparrow: But I am already root.23:08
Pelo!it | smemorix this might help23:08
ubotusmemorix this might help: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:08
crfit says sunrise 15:28, sunset 03:1123:08
prettyrickyhey guys any suggestions on how to fix my sound issue/... no sound at all, it was working before... I have ubuntu 7.1023:08
crfI just can't believe that this is correct.23:09
joomlaNEWBIEjesus 51 megs23:09
Pelosmemorix, no need to apologise, I just thought it might be easier for you23:09
flowOverscjp_: set up a static ip for your mac address on your router23:09
InvisionfreeIs there a graphical frontend for MySQL-server?23:09
joddeI don't see that package.23:09
joomlaNEWBIE32 kb a sec23:09
AntkinJodd Do you want me to get full instruction from the Kubuntu forum?23:09
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, leave religion out of this23:09
Krumarhey, does anyone know how you can assign the backwards and forwards buttons in firefox, to keys on a keyboard or mouse?23:09
usserscjp_: yea sure, but you have to set up dhcp server on your router to exclude that address as far as setting up static ip you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces accordingly23:09
joddeI'm using Ubuntu, Antkin.23:09
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, here is what i tried to fix this: 1)so it is not nm-applet that does not work ||| 2)seems it is not pon also ||| 3)any idea of what it might be???? || 4)any idea of how to fix it? the system appears up to date |||  5)if not ideas for 4) -- any idea for a workaround? || - believe me it is very boring almost everytime i boot linux to spend around 30 minutes to figure out how to connect it to internet -- thanks23:09
joomlaNEWBIEPelo: SORRY23:09
Pelojodde, what do you need a program for ?23:09
joomlaNEWBIEhavent been on suck a strict channel for a while23:10
joddeTo play DVD files from my HD.23:10
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, read the second post on this page see if that is what you are seeing  http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=6219&view=previous23:10
joddeI don't want to burn them onto a DVD, I just want to play them.23:10
usserscjp_: to something like this http://pastebin.com/m5425f15823:10
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, not just the channel, this network in general,  it is a very clean network23:10
Antkinjodd Kubuntu is based on Ubuntu it should still work23:10
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ???23:10
regeyaI scrolled back and saw that people were talking about dvd playback, and I think this might be more helpful than !ot23:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:10
Pelojodde, iso or already extracted ?23:10
sladigaranyone know how to make irssi work with tor?23:10
joddeAlready extracted, Pelo23:11
Pelojodde, open the folder and just play the .VOB files23:11
joddeActually, I could use a good ISO program too.23:11
joddeI can't.23:11
Starnestommysladigar: try asking #tor or #irssi23:11
joddeNothing will let me play the .VOB files.23:11
Pelojodde, why not ?23:11
prettyrickyhey guys any suggestions on how to fix my sound issue/... no sound at all, it was working before... I have ubuntu 7.1023:11
scjp_usser, gateway is from where you access the router webpage ?23:11
CoasterMasteris there any way to view more than one channel at a time in xchat?23:11
joddeI dunno, Pelo, nothing but errors.23:11
Pelo!dvd > jodde  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu23:11
smemorixbut are you italian23:11
usserscjp_: gateway is the ip of your router usually23:11
Pelojodde, those are the instructions to isntall the dvd codecs and stuff23:12
Tu13eszossso: any progress?23:12
Jack_Sparrowprettyricky, recompile alsa... use ver15 not 16  for more info /j #Alsa23:12
crfoh, I see what is wrong in the clock applet, it is reporting sunrises and sunset in every location according to my time zone.23:12
x89xfrank23 : i dot adept. Now what do i do ??23:12
Pelojodde,  they should let you play the vob files,  you might also try to change totem-gstreamer for totem-xine23:12
scjp_usser, if i will do that with the interface, do i have to change anything in the router setting as well23:12
prettyrickywhere can I find the info for that??23:12
LjL!language | crf23:13
ubotucrf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:13
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ???23:13
Pelomadmaxmad, eSata ?23:13
frank23x89x: you can use synaptic or adept to install kdevelop. both programs can install programs23:13
usserscjp_: yes you have to change the range from which router takes its ips to assign to computers to exclude the address you manually assigned23:13
madmaxmadPelo, ??23:13
Pelomadmaxmad, what is eSata ?23:13
scjp_usser, okie23:13
madmaxmadPelo, external Sata23:13
Pelomadmaxmad, usb ? just plugin , power one and it should automount to the desktop automaticaly23:14
x89xfrank23: i downloaded the whole kdevelop package. Cant i install it manually ?23:14
Pelopower on23:14
x89xfran23 :  i want to learn ddoing it manually23:14
usserx89x: what's wrong with the one in the repositories?23:14
* Pelo is cold 23:14
Daisuke_Laptopunfortunately, "should" and "will" are very different things23:14
madmaxmadPelo, pls if you dont know what eSata is dont try to help23:14
usserx89x: not a good idea, its not that kind of "manually" you wanna go into23:15
x89xis it tough usser ?23:15
frank23x89x: was the package you downloaded built specifically for your version of ubuntu. Using synaptic is the standard way to install programs23:15
prettyrickyhey guys any suggestions on how to fix my sound issue/... no sound at all, it was working before... I have ubuntu 7.1023:15
usserx89x: cause kdevelop has got tons of dependencies you'll find very hard to satisfy manually23:15
x89xi downlaoded kdevelop-3.5.1.tar.bz2 usser frank2323:15
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ??? thats eSata not usb or anything other23:15
crfDoes anyone know what the package name of the clock is?23:15
joomlaNEWBIEanyone actuly make there computer look like vista that can help me23:15
Jack_Sparrowprettyricky, Did you see what I posted twice23:16
crfit says it is "Clock 2.21.92"23:16
usserx89x: its gonna get ugly trust me just use the one in the repository23:16
crfbut that package is not in launchpad.23:16
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, according to realtek 8139 - yes this seems to be my problem. next time it appears i would follow this solution. thanks23:16
TMMdoes anyone have any idea what I can do if I have to restart hal for it to update my battery state?23:16
frank23x89x: have a look here if you want https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware but you're on your own ;-)23:16
Jack_Sparrowprettyricky, Repeating the same question and ignoring the people that offer to help will not get you an answer you want23:17
bellahi all trouble installing printer where can I download libtiff.so.3?23:17
Jack_SparrowRaverWild, Wish I had a better answer...23:17
Picicrf: First of all, you are running hardy, which should only be discussed in #ubuntu+1, secondly, I believe its part of gnome-panel23:17
crfthanks for the info23:17
RaverWildJack_Sparrow, better this answer than no answer at all :)23:17
joomlaNEWBIEall the ones that im tryin arent good23:18
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ??? thats eSata not usb or anything other23:18
jcI've seen posts that say that flash 115 is buggy, is it worse then version 48? which crashes for me all the time23:18
usserbella: try this sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev23:18
lospalahas anyone know if there is some program to emulate logitech mouseware in ubuntu?23:18
bellaok usser23:18
FallenouBonne soirée , @+ :)23:18
Fallenougood night23:18
Jack_Sparrowlospala, If you mean enabling the oter buttons, I have seen that in the forums23:18
lospalayes, I meant enable middle button as a double click23:19
lospalaWill check that, thanks Jack23:19
nasamohello. does anybody know how to enable 3d windows? I have compiz-fusion installed, but cannot find this plugin.23:19
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto23:19
Jack_Sparrow!ccsm | nasamo23:19
ubotunasamo: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:19
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lospalaThanks a lot ]Jack23:21
protipis it correct in saying that I should be able to discover and be discovered by windows networking devices after installing the samba package?23:21
x89xanyone can i chage the monitor refresh rate using xorg ??23:21
joomlaNEWBIEi repeat has enyone made there ubuntu look like vista...23:22
x89xthere is a wizard that i can run in the terminal if i amn't wrong !!!23:22
Pelox89x, you can set xorg to match your monitor's refrech rate is that is what you mean23:22
Jack_Sparrowx89x, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:22
nemook. my brother is trying to dual boot ubuntu and Vista.23:22
joomlaNEWBIEi do that23:22
zosssoTu13es: no. I'm giving up for now.23:22
joomlaNEWBIEnemo: install ubuntu then vista23:22
joomlaNEWBIEworks fine for me23:22
nemohe is in the process of installing grub for the 3rd time - for some insane reason, his boot loader keeps getting wiped23:22
usserx89x: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:23
protipto get vista to install, it has to be able to occupy the first partition on the drive23:23
nemojoomlaNEWBIE: he doesn't have that option. his laptop already had vista - he just made a little space for it and installed ubuntu23:23
protipvista is a whore like that23:23
usserx89x: that's the wizard23:23
nemojoomlaNEWBIE: so far is working23:23
Jack_SparrowjoomlaNEWBIE, YOu have been answered repeatedly, pick and choose pieces at gnome-look.org23:23
nemoprotip: is there a way to make it stop doing that?23:23
Antkinnemo I have writen a two page guide on dual booting23:23
protipso you have to do vista, THEN install linux23:23
zosssoTu13es: might double check all your /dev/hda1 settings though.23:23
Pelox89x, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ,   look for  horiz sync and vert rez  values , make sure your monitor's value are in the range indicated, adjust the range if needed23:23
nemoAntkin: nice. does it have a section on making Vista not erase the MBR?23:23
joomlaNEWBIEJack_Sparrow: yes i understand that, but i can not find one that is easy for a newbie like me to install23:23
protipit's a pain in the ass, and bill gates' attempt to fuck up linux users. I don't know if there is a way to stop it or not23:23
nemo'cause, after it has done that his laptop is nonfunctional until he restores from live CD23:24
nemoprotip: serious? this could keep happening?23:24
Antkinnemo install vista first then Linux23:24
protipI don't think there is a way to prevent vista from overwriting the MBR23:24
Jack_SparrowjoomlaNEWBIE, there is no easy solution to give you what you want it to look like.23:24
Pici!language | protip23:24
ubotuprotip: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:24
nemomy apologies23:24
nemoPici: sorry. been on naughtier channels lately. I'm normally more restrained23:24
Tu13eszossso: yeah, I thought that was the problem but it didnt appear to help23:24
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ??? thats eSata not usb or anything other23:24
protipI'm a soldier. I swear.23:24
protipit happens.23:24
Antkinprotip do not swear on this forum23:24
Picinemo: heh, no problem.23:24
nemoAntkin: well. that's what he did.23:24
SarahHello. It is my understanding that failed SSH logins should be logged in btmp and be accesible via the lastb command, but this doesn't seem to be the case with Ubuntu. Is there any way to change this behaviour?23:24
x89xwhat horizontal and vertical for ??23:24
Pelomadmaxmad, try searching in the forum . www.ubuntuforums.org23:25
nemoAntkin: he had vista on there, then he installed ubuntu. for a while life was good, then poof, no more grub, no more booting23:25
zosssoTu13es: which version of Ubuntu are you trying?23:25
protipasking most soldiers to not swear is like asking most people to type with their toes.23:25
nemoAntkin: we restore grub. works for a couple of boots. then bang. again23:25
madmaxmadPelo, I did and no luck. I can mount it when I boot with eSata hdd on but I cant hotplug it23:25
LjLprotip, well, you'll have tro try anyway23:25
Pelox89x,  h and v on the label at the back of your monitor,   Horiz is usualy the one that is the problem23:25
joddeThanks a lot, Pelo!  It worked.23:25
x89xi want to configure graphics only in xorg23:25
Lowke1I need help if someone is available :)23:25
Tu13eszossso: Gutsy.23:25
Pelojodde, which bit ?23:25
EnKI'm real new to Ubuntu. I pointed my mozilla at a YouTube address and the entire thing locked up.  Suggestions?23:25
joddeThe DVD info.23:25
non-anonLowke1: just toss your question out there23:25
protipbut yeah, vista doesn't like installing on any but the primary partition, and usually demands it's partition to be flagged as MBR23:26
Lowke1I need help installing Java/Flash23:26
non-anonyou and EnK.23:26
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)23:26
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:26
Antkinnemo no booting at all? No Vista no Linux23:26
nemoprotip: um.... partition to be flagged as mbr? wha?23:26
PeloLowke1,  install them from synaptic, make sure allt he repos are enabled first23:26
nemoAntkin: yes. 'sactly.23:26
Lowke1okay thanks Pelo23:26
Lowke1and Jack23:26
nemoAntkin: is like the boot loader vanishes.23:26
protiprun parted some time23:26
polmIs Tor + Privoxy the best anonymizer setup native to Ubuntu?23:26
protipif you are dual booting, one will be flagged as boot23:27
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bellalibng2 it still asks me for that one usser23:27
* Pelo waves hello to Dr_willis 23:27
Antkinnemo sorry to hear that I think you have to install Vista again23:27
zosssoTu13es: same here. only changes I made were using kernel 2.6.22-14-generic, and updated the /dev/hd? to match mine.23:27
dannyboywhat program can i use to play dvd movies?23:27
protipI'm stuck on trying to get linux to see a windows network23:27
nemoAntkin: no vista install disc - vista preinstall23:28
protipand then getting a windows network to see my linux box23:28
Lowke1Installing, thanks Pelo23:28
PeloLowke1, always look in synaptic23:28
protipthat's why they invented bittorrent, nemo23:28
Lowke1okay  :)23:28
nemoAntkin: there has to be a way to make it stop it from doing this23:28
protipthepiratebay is your friend.23:28
frank23!dvd | dannyboy23:28
Lowke1I was surpirsed I found VLC and Winrar in there23:28
ubotudannyboy: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:28
protipas long as you have a valid vista install key, it's legal23:28
joomlaNEWBIEJack_Sparrow: its not about wat i want it to look like its about installing it... thats the problem23:28
protipyou'll want the OEM install disk download.23:28
Dr_willisLowke1,  you mean rar and unrar? :) not winrar?23:29
zosssoTu13es: noticed the casper dir is 2GB. don't know if that is a prob23:29
bella my printer install file still asks for libng223:29
Lowke1yeah sorry23:29
Lowke1I was trying to install winrar and read a forum to just install rar unrar23:29
usserbella: come again?23:29
Antkinnemo did you buy the computer from new?23:29
Dr_willisLowke1,  thats because the 3 are different. :) You can run winrar.exe with wine23:29
Lowke1Rarlabs does make Winrar for Linux but I couldn't figure out how to install it23:29
usserbella: libpng2 maybe?23:29
non-anonanyone know where the xchat-GNOME .conf file is stashed?23:29
nemoAntkin: I believe he did. he's 4000 miles away23:29
protiplowkel: rar and unrar are the best things to use23:29
LjLprotip, (lowke1): i suggest you do NOT give legal advice here23:29
Lowke1okay :D23:29
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, sometimes the tar.gz files from gnomelook are repackaged to include instructions,  extract once and if there is another tar.gz in it put that in the theme manager23:30
Lowke1legal advice?23:30
protipthey allow fileroller to access rarfiles23:30
non-anonLowke1: rar is propriatary.23:30
bellaoh yes usser sorry23:30
non-anonthere are some interesting legal problems with the open-source versions.23:30
usserbella: sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev23:30
LjLLowke1: or maybe i was talking about nemo. anyway, what protip said about obtaining Vista23:30
orbisviciswhat in security.conf sets the number of file descriptors ? (aka ulimit -n )23:31
Antkinnemo he needs to contact the seller and explain Vista needs re installing23:31
Lowke1Okay, he wasn't talking to me lol23:31
Dr_willisI find that most of the time i can install that gnome-theme-manager tool, and drag/drop the various theme files to it - and it will install them for the current user.23:31
nemoAntkin: that will not be feasible23:31
soderqvistI cant get steam to work.. I have installed it and when i start steam it connects to my account but when its done connection I get an error "wine gecko"-something. And it quits?23:31
nemoAntkin: he is 1 day's drive from nearest town23:31
PeloLowke1, this is a very busy channel, that's why it is important to use the nick of the person you are talkign to in every sentence , to avoid confusion ,23:31
Lowke1Pelo: yes sir23:31
Lowke1Pelo: thanks23:32
* Pelo feels old now23:32
Lowke1everyone shuts up as soon as I start addressing23:32
Lowke1I was wondering why everyone was calling me Lowke123:32
ussersoderqvist: it needs an html engine to render steam store page...and it prompts you to install it clikc install23:32
Antkinnemo can he buy Vista on Amazon or manage without it totally and just have a Linux box23:32
Lowke1<-- supposed to say Lowkey23:32
nemoAntkin: there has to be a way to make Vista stop !@#$ with the MBR23:33
PeloLowke1, auto complete on the nicks,  first couple of letters then the tab key23:33
Lowke1Pelo: thanks23:33
tinmannemo: what are you trying to do?23:33
Lowke1Nemo: Get out your credit card, call your local computer store, and get ready to be F'd in the A by one windows vista23:33
Pelonemo, bitch to MS about it , or ask in ##windows23:33
[Hardy]TuTUXGnemo, remove it? kidding23:33
wubrgamerhey guys, why is it that sometimes, and only sometimes...my usb drive will automount and all, but will not let me write to it ?23:34
Antkinnemo it's a microsoft market dominace thing sorry23:34
protipif you already have a license for vista, it will be printed on the bottom of your laptop23:34
wubrgamerlike, it'll open up nautilus, but there will be a little lock next to all the folders in it23:34
tinmanwubrgamer: permission problems23:34
Pelowubrgamer, what FS ?23:34
[Hardy]TuTUXGwubrgamer, ntfs?23:34
gravemindwubrgamer: that used to happen to me -- eventually I reformated it to fat32 and that fixed it23:34
nemotinman: well. just was hoping people here knew more.  but basically stop Vista from breaking the MBR23:34
protipand you won't have to buy it. all you need to do is obtain a backup cd for the installation23:34
soderqvistusser:  It just shows me the error message then quits I cant install it because it quits immidiately23:34
bellapackage installer still calls for  libpng2 after installing thje other things23:35
tinmannemo: it will over wrote the mbr, but the fix is easy anyways23:35
ussersoderqvist: type in terminal wine --version23:35
nemotinman: but dropping it for now23:35
ussersoderqvist: what version you got?23:35
soderqvistof wine?23:35
wubrgamerit's a flash stick/drive etc etc not a spinning platter23:35
ussersoderqvist: yes23:35
[Hardy]TuTUXGnemo, u wouldnt know more than ppl from ms since they wont open the code23:35
tinmanwubrgamer: permission problems23:35
wubrgameryes, permission problems23:35
Pelowubrgamer, they are occasionnaly formated ntfs , but fat32 is more common23:36
wubrgamerhow do I make it AUTOMATICALLY mount with proper permissions23:36
soderqvistusser: 09.4623:36
sdfwofsi'm having problems when compiling some wifi drivers, says /usr/src/kernelversion/build directory is missing. this is a FRESH clean install of 7.10 server.23:36
sdfwofswhy is stuff already missing?23:36
ussersoderqvist: get the latest one from winehq.com23:36
joomlaNEWBIEok i just downloaded a .zip23:36
wubrgameroh ,I thought fat32 was the standard, to maintain mac compatibility23:36
tinmanwubrgamer: edit fstab and add appropriate options23:36
joomlaNEWBIEtheni unziped it23:36
ussersoderqvist: makes a big difference23:36
protipSo does anyone here know how to get microsoft windows networking to see linux, and vice versa23:36
joomlaNEWBIEthere are a bunch folders inside of it23:36
Pelosdfwofs, sudo apt-get install build-essential ?23:36
wubrgamerbut it gets unplugged/replugged all the times23:36
[Hardy]TuTUXGsdfwofs, install linux-source?23:36
sdfwofsPelo, kick me23:36
wubrgamershouldn't the permissions be set properly by the mounting apparatus automatically ?23:36
soderqvistusser:  it seems to work now:D:D23:37
SarahDoes anyone know how to enable ssh logging of failed logins in lastb? (/var/log/btmp)23:37
PelojoomlaNEWBIE, check in each to see what is in them , there might be some instructions,  if it is too complicated, try another theme23:37
tinmanwubrgamer: you'll have to edit /etc/fstab and add apprpriate options23:37
* Pelo kicks sdfwofs hard 23:37
wubrgameris there another way ?23:37
wubrgamerit's not in fstab, it's in mtab23:37
Antkinprotip does Samba help?23:37
ussersoderqvist: you still have to get the latest one, cause it improves significantly with every little realease23:37
gravemindI'm trying to compile something from source, but the instructions aren't that clear, it says it needs Python 2.5, Qt 4+ and PyQt 4+ -- which packages do I need to satisfy these requirements?23:37
tinmanwubrgamer: you can still ask fstab to do it, which i am doing23:37
bellano still calls for the  libpng223:37
soderqvistusser ok23:37
protipI installed samba. it still doesn't see the computers on workgroup23:37
wubrgamerjust FYI ubuntu dev's...this is a MAJOR userfriendlyness issue23:38
Lowke1Pelo: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. 23:38
joomlaNEWBIEno instructions23:38
Lowke1Pelo, I installed it from Syn23:38
soderqvistusser: do I need to go through installation again?23:38
PeloLowke1, what version did you isntalle  5 or 6 &23:38
sdfwofs Pelo well, i compiled, can i just copy the *.deb files over for the header and image and install, and work without source issues?23:38
Lowke1lemme look23:38
usserbella: ha weird sudo apt-get install libpng12-023:38
Pelosdfwofs, no idea23:38
ussersoderqvist: no just install new wine deb your fake windows installation remains untouched23:39
Lowke1pelo; 9.0.48 flash ver23:39
ussersoderqvist: just follow the instructions for gutsy on winehq.com and you'll be fine23:39
PeloLowke1, I thought java was the problem ?23:39
Lowke1i installed java and flash23:40
Lowke1flash is..23:40
Lowke10.26ubuntu1 ?>23:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGgravemind, install python2.5-dev libqt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools23:40
soderqvistusser check pm23:41
[Hardy]TuTUXGjavascript != java23:41
PeloLowke1, goto menu > system > admin > software sources,   check all the boxes on the fist tab and the backport box on the 3rd tab , then reload,  , then go back into synaptic and install sun-java6-jre23:41
_Oz_I have finally created the perfect (for me) system: Ubuntu running in my right monitor, Windows XP running in a full-screen VM on my left monitor, seamless talk-through between both.23:42
soderqvistok usser I downloaded latest wine now its on my desktop, how do I install it?23:42
Lowke1pelo: i dont see a backport box23:42
ussersoderqvist: downloaded??23:42
PeloLowke1, third tab23:42
ussersoderqvist: follow this http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb23:43
CoasterMaster_Oz_, that's fairly close to what I have at work, and I'll agree it's nice23:43
bellainside the package are two files I have extracted but where to put them so they work? usr usr 223:43
Lowke1important security updates, recommended updates, pre released updates, unsupported updates, pelo23:43
[Hardy]TuTUXG_Oz_, my perfect system would detach the window part ;P23:43
LjLb_9, try in a shell23:43
PeloLowke1, 3rd tab , 4th checkbox from the top23:43
Lowke1pelo, for it me the 4th from the top is 'unsupported updates'23:44
PeloLowke1, yes23:44
Lowke1oh im sorry pelo23:44
Lowke1i didn't see 'gutsy-backports'23:44
PeloLowke1, should say gutsy backport in paranthesis23:44
Lowke1yea im sorry23:44
Pelothere you go23:44
Markgrafenhi all ... i need a ps2 emulator for ubuntu, someone know any?23:45
[Hardy]TuTUXGis there a ps2 emulator exists?23:45
LjLPelo: don't rely on it too much :\ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources23:45
AntkinMarkgrafen Welcome23:45
PeloLjL, rely on wht ?23:45
flowOveri think the default sound manager for ubuntu gutsy is buggy with nforce4.  as soon as i changed it to alsa mixer, most of the bug's i've been experienceing have dissapeared23:46
LjLPelo: on a "backports" label being there in software sources23:46
flowOveri haven't tried running anything java yet today though23:46
Lowke1sun-java6-jre, right pelo?23:46
PeloLjL, ah23:46
PeloLowke1, yes23:46
flowOver[Hardy]TuTUXG: yes but it barely runs23:46
Lowke1applying :)23:46
SarahCould someone with working btmp logging from SSH please post their ls -l /var/log/btmp? :) Much appreciated.23:47
ConstyXIVout of curiosity, are there any ARM-based laptops, and is there a ARM port of ubuntu?23:47
[Hardy]TuTUXGflowOver, nice23:47
pyrakwhich would you buy: system76 darter ultra, or dell xps m1330 ubuntu?23:47
SarahOkay, I'll settle for ANY ls -l /var/log/btmp *grins*23:48
[Hardy]TuTUXGpyrak, same spec?23:48
pyrak[Hardy]TuTUXG, yeah, the're actually about the same price for about same specs23:48
Ax-Axwhy doens't find sort files alfabethichaly? have i set something?23:48
mouseboyxHow do I find and replace with wildcards like " * *" with "" ? I don't care how I just need to know.23:48
Pelopyrak, system76 has been selling linux ready comps for a while,  dell is fairly new at it,  encourage them both23:48
sdfwofsi use computers people leave next to dumpster and on the side of the road. never had any problems.23:49
[Hardy]TuTUXGpyrak, i thought xps has smaller screen, isnt it?23:49
flowOveri predict dell will abandon support for their linux desktops sooner than later23:49
pyrak[Hardy]TuTUXG, could be.  the dimensions of the whole computers are quite similar23:49
sdfwofsyou people spend hundreds and thousands, i'm just out the gas money.23:49
Pelosdfwofs, i'm out of grocery money, I win,  sort of23:50
mouseboyxDoes anyone know?23:50
amjadis there a way to restart the sound service in ubuntu ? (without rebooting)23:50
pyrakPelo, that's the thing.  i don't know if i want to encourage the underdog who sticks with linux, or encourage the big guy who's just starting to get the idea23:50
amjadthe sound server .. or whatever. i really don't know much about this23:50
Lowke1Pelo, I still cant watch youtube videos :(23:50
mouseboyxHow do I find and replace with wildcards like " * *" with "" ? I don't care how I just need to know.23:50
pyraki guess when it comes down to it, the xps is a little sexier looking23:50
pyrakbut at the same time, might be more common23:50
AntkinflowOver I've been a sub contractor to Dell I would not be so sure23:50
sdfwofshaah, i asked my room mate to front me a loaf of bread to go with my sandwitch meat.23:50
Lowke1pelo, flashplugin-nonfree is installed23:50
Pelopyrak, what do you want to do ,  encouraging dell will help spread the word faster ,23:50
Ax-Axwhy doens't find sort files alfabethichaly? have i set something?23:51
pyrakPelo, that's probably true23:51
PeloLowke1, restart ff23:51
Lowke1ok :D23:51
amjadis there a way to restart the sound service in ubuntu ? (without rebooting)23:52
usseramjad: try /etc/init.d/alsa restart23:52
Lowke1Pelo, Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.23:52
golf_gtihi, got a slight networking problem with ubuntu - i dont get an ip address via dhcp, and when i configure it as static, i still cant ping etc... the net itself works fine, got 3 other boxes with dhcp in here...23:52
* Pelo 's comp just froze for a second, damned vista theme23:52
Antkinmouseboyx Does anyone know what?23:52
inertialhow do you turn off the drum sound that plays before login?23:52
sdfwofsok, wtf!? i installed build-essentials, and when installing the linux kerne 2.6.22 it 's running depmod and says "hmm symbolic link /lib/modules/2.6.22/build says it can't read it, therefore deleting" BUT when i go compile and install my wireless drivers, AGAIN it says it cannot find the /build directory. wtf!?23:52
Lowke1pelo, java-nonfree is installed, sun java is installed, and ff was retarded23:53
PeloLowke1,  you currently have the latest flash,  check in the FF preferences to enable javascript23:53
mouseboyxHow do I find and replace with wildcards like " * *" with "" ? I don't care how I just need to know.23:53
Lowke1okay pelo23:53
PeloLowke1, java and javascript are not the same23:53
amjadusser, command not found23:53
LjLmouseboyx: error, question doesn't make sense23:53
sdfwofsone programd eneds it and the other program is deleting, how am i goingto win?23:53
jessidhello. I would like to know how can i open port 4672. Thanks23:53
LjLjessid: why would it be closed?23:53
usseramjad: put sudo in front23:53
Sarahmouseboyx: In a terminal? In an editor? Check man awk, man grep, man sed, (man vi :-))23:53
Antkinmouseboyx Have you posted on the Ubuntu forum?23:53
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:54
amjaddone that usser .. same result23:54
mouseboyxYes AntiSpamMeta23:54
phixno gpg keys23:54
inertiali can turn off the login sound in system->prefs->sound but I can't turn off that dumdumdum sound that plays when the login screen loads... any ideas?23:54
sdfwofsand how it's printing 'find /lib/firmware/2.6.22/ no such file or directory' about 10 times23:54
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts23:54
phix!gpg keys23:54
PeloLowke1,  in firefox,  edit > pref > content ,  3rd chckbox from the top ,  activate javascript23:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg keys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:54
Lowke1pelo, how do i install javascript? its enabled in ff23:54
Lowke1pelo it is enabled23:54
jessidLjL i dont know why, but i am using the network tools that comes with ubuntu, and it only shows 2 open ports23:54
Sarahinertial: system->preferences->sound ?23:54
phixWhat are the ubuntu gpg keys?23:54
nemohey guys. sorry for bringing up Vista's evil in here repeatedly, but my brother just told me he *does* have a Vista DVD - if he reinstalls Vista or some rot, might it stop this insanity?23:55
mouseboyxI just need to know what to put into sed 's/ What do i put for wildcard in sed?? / stuff/' file23:55
inertialSarah: not there.. that's only the login sound.. i want the sound before that23:55
Sarahinertial: In the sound tab there is a "login" bit, just change it to no sound23:55
danandmouseboyx - to replace all instances of "*" with "" in the file file.txt do - cat file.txt | sed 's/\*//g'23:55
usseramjad: hm I don't know23:55
Sarahinertial: Oh you mean the GDM sound?23:55
kdittyis there a version of ubuntu to boot from usb?23:55
nemodirected at Antkin I guess...23:55
inertialSarah: ah, yes, the GDM sound23:55
PeloLowke1, it's a FF thing , not someting you install in ubuntu I think , did you install any firefox extension to block scripts and such ?23:55
LjLjessid, that must be because there's only two services installed on your machine... if nothing is listening on port 4672, then any network scanning program will not show it as open23:55
mouseboyxoh you have to use \* thank you23:55
nemoalso, discovering other people with similar issue http://codylogan.net/?akst_action=share-this&p=156  for example23:55
kdittycould i reip hardy 8.04 from disck and load on usb to boot?23:55
nemois like some apps in Vista trigger it23:55
danandmouseboyx - np23:55
Lowke1no pelo23:56
Lowke1no extentions at all23:56
PeloLowke1, hold on, let me check23:56
Sarahinertial: in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf you will find #SoundOnLogin=true23:56
Sarahinertial: Uncomment the first line and set it to false23:56
inertialSarah: thanks23:56
Markgrafeni saw a program pcsx2.net but i don't know how it work23:56
[Hardy]TuTUXGkditty, use the alternative cd to install it23:56
[Hardy]TuTUXGkditty, and with some tweaks i guess23:56
Antkinnemo ask him to wipe his drive using a free data destruction program and get rid of the MBR befor he starts23:56
inertialSarah: i think this should be easier to do.. where can i suggest it as something to fix?23:56
jessidLjL mmm i understand... so if i have amule open and it says kad is off, this is the reason the port is "closed" and not the inverse way: because de port is closed, kad is off ???23:56
mouseboyxdanand, it still doesnt work 's/\*a/ /' does not do anything to the file23:57
=== FFEMTcJ[away] is now known as FFEMTcJ
Markgrafenhow can i make a cd image to pc?23:57
PeloLowke1, try sudo apt-get install libmozjs0d , in a terminal23:57
Sarahinertial: There probably is an easier way. But in the ubuntu bug thingy23:57
kditty[Hardy]TuTUXG: i dont want to install it, just show it to some people without carrying a disc around23:57
Sarahinertial: I found the easier way23:57
LjLjessid, it could indeed be because kad is off that the port shows up as closed. however, if you are connected to your ISP through a router, it is the *router* you need to instruct to open the port, in order for Kad to work.23:57
Sarahinertial: system->administration->login window->Accesibility (god knows why)23:57
danandmouseboyx - what is the exact command you are using?23:58
mouseboyxI want to replace " 660 480" where the numbers are wildcards with "" null23:58
[Hardy]TuTUXGkditty, if ur bios support boot from usb, swap out the internal hd and use it as an ext hd would work as well23:58
nemoAntkin: so. your suggestion is to wipe it completely, reinstall Vista, and try again?23:58
inertialSarah: ah.. thanks.. yeah maybe that's not the right spot for that23:58
nemoAntkin: actually, you said you had a guide?23:58
mouseboyxsed 's/ \* \*/ /' Gamelist23:58
Sarahinertial: I guess that would be a feature request to file with the Gnome team.23:58
EsxProoops sorry i made a mistake good night everybody23:58
inertialSarah: yup.. gtg to a meeting bbl23:58
Antkinnemo yes I'll get the link23:59
ducklyHi Im in then ubuntu livecd enviroment. I want to write on my hdd but i have to sudo first. is there a way to automaticly be root in livecd so i can doubble click on a textfile and after saving it?23:59
nasamoHello. I want to connect a mac jaguar to ubuntu 7.10 in a network. Can anybody help me?23:59
jessidLjL no, i am using direct connection. i know this is not perhaps the correct place to ask, but if you know how can i turn kad on when i start amule...thanks a lot!23:59
LjLmouseboyx, that's because what danand explained is what lets you change occurrences of the character * into something else -- while what you *intended* to ask, i suspect, was how to replace something generic with something else. and, i see *now* you explained what you wanted to replace. of course, your question was unanswerable without information as to what you were trying to replace. how would "sed" know that you're looking for two numbers separated by a23:59
LjLspace, if you don't tell it anything?23:59
PeloLowke1, also sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin , just in case23:59
LjLjessid: you need a nodes.dat file23:59

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