[03:22] hello [03:54] I need to ask some questions... if any one is out there [03:54] the first major one is - is Ubuntu Mobile ready for prime time on a Q1U? [07:29] amitk: would it be worth putting ubuntu mobile on a eee with touchscreen? or would i just miss alot of functionality? === doko_ is now known as doko === cprov is now known as cprov-afk [09:42] mouseclone: ubuntu mobile should work well on the Q1 [09:44] larsemil: reports seem to suggest the ubuntu mobile works on the eee. I am not sure if the touchscreen version has open drivers though. [09:45] amitk: well, i get a cd with the touchscreen when i order it, and its says that there are drivers for windows and linux. so we will see [09:45] if it works in normal ubuntu it would work with ubuntu-mobile i guess. [09:46] larsemil: from reports, ubuntu works well with the standard eee pc [09:46] this i know. using it now [09:46] :) [09:46] but dont have my touchscreen yet [09:47] but it would be cool to have ubuntu-mobile on it. looks good. [09:49] larsemil: aaaah. Good. To increase the chances of success, try to find out if the touchscreen driver is open source or binary only [09:49] will do when i get it. maybe it works out of the box, we will see [10:43] mjg59: Cool, cheese hildon support merged; nice work! [10:43] lool: No problem [10:43] lool: It'd be good if someone could test the fast resume stuff - works for me, but I don't have any Menlow hardware [10:44] mjg59: I heard from amitk that it was working I think [10:44] amitk: ^^^ [10:45] (I don't have menlow hardware either) [10:45] I've refactored the Intel code somewhat [10:45] Which makes it easier to work with [10:45] update-grub probably needs some special-casing for lpia, but other than that I'm optimistic === asac__ is now known as asac [11:58] Mithrandir: Now that gvfs has obex support can you chnage bluez-gnome to drop the patch I added for disabling 'Browse Device..'? Also gnome-vfs-obexftp dependency can be dropped. [11:59] slytherin: hum, we have gvfs obex support in hardy already? [12:01] Mithrandir: gvfs (0.1.8svn20080227-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low [12:01] * SVN snapshot version: [12:01] - new obexftp backend (lp: #186973) [12:01] Mithrandir: Yes, not sure how good it is. [12:01] shiny. [12:02] I'll get that tested&fixed then [12:02] slytherin: thanks for prodding [12:02] Mithrandir: As per Sebastien's comment in bug #196239 it may not be as good as expected. [12:02] Launchpad bug 196239 in gvfs "Enable Browse device again when gvfs gets released again" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196239 === asac_ is now known as asac === asac_ is now known as asac === asac_ is now known as asac === asac__ is now known as asac === asac_ is now known as asac === asac_ is now known as asac [21:16] lool: do you have a minute to discuss bug 191064 ? [21:16] Launchpad bug 191064 in ume-config-common "Set midbrowser as the default URL handler for HTTPS" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191064 [21:17] smagoun: Yes === rusty_out is now known as rustyl [21:21] smagoun: (If you're talking in a /query, you might need to identify with nickserv as I don't see it) [21:22] lool: sorry, I get interrupted in person anytime I ping someone. [21:22] I'm willing to prepare a new ume-config-crown-beach for that bug [21:24] lool: One problem with ume-c-c-b is that it needs repacking as a non-native package, and the version number in the PPA is 0.28; 0.26 is the latest upstream. Should I add an epoch to the pkg, or just clobber the version in the PPA and rebase on the upstream 0.26? [21:24] Ok, so it would be nice to make it depend on the fixed ume-config-common to ensure that people relying on ume-config-crown-beach always get the gconf settings in some way [21:24] smagoun: I see [21:25] smagoun: epoch are the real fix, but they are horrible and should be avoided if possible; do you think you could try to talk to Intel to merge our changes as new versions? [21:25] Or to release a 0.29 whatever it has? :) [21:26] lool: I can try to talk Intel into that, yes. I hate epochs too. :) [21:26] smagoun: An alternative is to use some temporary ugly version numbering like 0.28+really0.26-0ubuntu1 [21:26] epochs will cause more mistakes in the future, and I fear an epoch race; not counting the fact that we will have one more thing to explain WRT to versionning which is already quite complex [21:27] lool: I'd rather not do that, nobody ever seems to know what to do in that case [21:27] I'll talk to Intel.. [21:27] Let's try to talk with Intel; we should have commit access to these trees I think [21:28] AFAIK I only have access to image-creator; are we supposed to have commit to everything? [21:28] smagoun: I think it's per module too, but I don't see a good reason they shouldn't trust us; they are uploading to our ppa after all [21:29] It's particularly painful with git because it's something not integrated with launchpad and hence our teams :-/ [21:31] (I mean we don't have any group access control or anything) [21:31] I wonder whether we should set something up on rookery or so [21:31] But then Intel wouldn't get access, ah [21:31] * lool goes to bed now [21:41] night lool === praj-laptop_ is now known as praj-laptop === Sciri_ is now known as Sciri [23:16] davidm: ping. [23:17] Hi GrueMaster whats up? [23:17] So, I'm going over the image you sent us Friday, and I've found a few glaring issues. [23:17] Sudo still doesn't work until the host name is added to /etc/hosts. [23:18] And the 3D drivers are not installed. [23:18] I found out the Intel regressed our fixes by accident on the sudo issue [23:19] We have sent in a patch to Intel to avoid that happening again. [23:19] figures. [23:19] Don't say I said that. [23:19] :P [23:20] As to the 3D drivers, is there some licensing issue? I know they're binary only. [23:20] We asked to have a pach applied about a month ago, it was not done and a week ago last Friday when a bunch of stuff was dropped into the PPA a bunch of stuff either broke, or regressed. [23:21] ok [23:21] I'll see, since we can't include them in the normal builds, but should be able to in private builds [23:21] Wait on please [23:21] s/on/one/ [23:21] will do. [23:29] GrueMaster, is just the userspace binary missing? [23:29] I'm trying to figure out what did not get installed [23:30] it looks like libgl1-mesa-dri-psb, psb-video, and xorg-modules-Xpsb are missing. I'll verify the actual file names. [23:31] I have the source tree here and can rebuild them, just noticed they weren't there. [23:32] OK that will help, if you can verify which packages got missed I can make sure they get picked up for the private build without fail [23:32] Also, libva1 is mia. [23:33] Given how touchy X and the kernel I just want to install exactly what is needed and no more [23:34] ok, but without these, helix is useless. [23:36] helix is useless? Did not realize helix was 3D, thought it was 2D interesting. [23:36] It uses the 3D engine to render the frames. [23:36] Most video hardware decoders do (nVidia, and ATI, for example). [23:37] Well I'll take the tar ball and open the project and attempt to install the packages and have that put into the private area [23:37] I'll see about making the closed source modules into a single package. Less confusing that way, I think. [23:43] GrueMaster, that would be good I think, I must have missed the step while I was getting the rest straightened out. [23:44] As soon as StevenK is online I'll get this taken care of. [23:46] ok [23:50] anyone use the touch screen Eee setup on jkkmobile.blogspot.com? [23:51] someone talked earlier about a touchscreen Eee [23:51] using Ubuntu Mobile