
Lowke1still doesnt work pelo :(00:00
Lowke1doing the second one too00:00
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LjLmouseboyx: are those numbers even all alone on their line?00:00
PeloLowke1,  and sun-java6-bin as well , after that I'm out of ideas00:00
jessidLjL oops i think i will have to read a little more before asking about this again...i am very thankful!!!00:00
mouseboyxLjL, no i see maybe it should have another wildcard before it?00:01
nemoAntkin: I'm thinking he should just use the Vista boot loader instead of grub.00:01
nemoif Vista is going to be an ass about this00:01
LjLmouseboyx: going strictly by what you said, i.e. « replace " 660 480" where the numbers are wildcards with "" null », that would be « sed 's/ [[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]]+//g/'00:01
Pelonemo, vista is an ass about everything00:01
nemoapparently he can't ditch vista or person who got him the laptop will be annoyed00:01
LjLmouseboyx: no00:01
omnisteganHey guys, I seem to have encountered a strange problem. My sound was working fine up until I changed a video setting for a game under wine, then all my sound stopped. Since then I've found that sound works in a few things (totem movie player for example) but not for others (Amarok, firefox, aMSN, log in log out sounds, etc.) any suggestions?00:02
soderqvistusser: now all of a sudden my sound has disappeared. I pressed audio in wine, and it said something about installed drivers. But now Its gone?00:02
LjLmouseboyx: so are you looking to simply every couple of numbers in the file?00:02
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, java not working with ff?00:02
Sarahomnistegan: Do you have multiple sound cards?00:02
LjLmouseboyx: so are you looking to simply delete every couple of numbers in the file?00:02
Pelo[Hardy]TuTUXG,  javascript00:02
Antkinnemo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712997&highlight=dual+booting+guide00:02
mouseboyxLjL, sed: -e expression #1, char 32: unknown option to `s'00:02
omnisteganSarah: Yes00:03
mouseboyxevery occurence of them in the file00:03
LjLmouseboyx, i put one / too much00:03
gravemindphix -- hey that's my name too00:03
PeloLowke1, you might also want to try and install flash manualy from the adobe website, get the tar.gz file and just follow the instructions in it00:03
ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.00:03
Sarahomnistegan: The problem is most likely that wine somehow changed which output goes to which sound card. Try plugging in the other sound card and see if the programs that now give no sound suddenly do.00:03
Lowke1okay pelo00:03
soderqvistMy sound has disapperared, how can I get it to work again?00:03
nemoAntkin: hm. doesn't seem to cover vista in particular.  I have a feeling this OS is a whole different beastie from XP00:03
_Oz_Ubuntu friends: where can I paste a screenshot online?00:03
nemoAntkin: thanks though00:03
mouseboyxIt still does not work00:03
danandmouseboyx - not sure what your trying to do - sed 's/\*//g' file.txt will replace all instances of "*" in the file with "" ie 6*0 will be output as 6000:03
Sarahsoderqvist: Can you give a little moe to go on? :-)00:04
_Oz_Isn't it imagebin.us or something like that?00:04
iositdnick hischild00:04
LjLmouseboyx: « sed 's/[[:digit:]]\+ [[:digit:]]\+//g' » this will work to delete every couple of numbers with a space inbetween00:04
omnisteganSarah: Yeah, that worked, is there an easy way to reset all the settings on the one card?00:04
mouseboyxThere are many wget http://www.addictinggames.com/D78AQSAKQLQWI9/1434.swf 550 380 and  i want to get rid of the numbers at the end exactly00:04
=== iositd is now known as hischild
Antkinnemo Vista is not much of an improvement over XP it still uses NTFS00:04
mouseboyx"wget http://www.addictinggames.com/D78AQSAKQLQWI9/1434.swf 550 380"00:04
LjLmouseboyx: you should ensure that doesn't get you rid of *other* numbers too.00:04
ducklyHi Im in then ubuntu livecd enviroment. I want to write on my hdd but i have to sudo -i first and start all programs as root in the xterm (like gedit /mnt/gentoo/home/list.txt instead of using nautilius) to be able to do that. is there a way to automaticly be root in livecd so i can in nautilius doubble click on a textfile, alter it, and and after saving it?00:04
Sarahomnistegan: I would advise disabling the unused sound card completely, barring that, try fidding around with the preferences on your volume icon.00:04
_Oz_antkin: at the risk of getting offtopic there is literally nothing about vista that is an improvement over XP00:05
nemoAntkin: yeah. but it acts differently.  Certainly I'd recommend XP if he had a choice.00:05
mouseboyxThats why there are spaces in between them.00:05
nemo_Oz_: I've done two Vista to XP upgrades for friends in past month :)00:05
LjLmouseboyx: so my command will work.00:05
soderqvistSarah I installed ubuntu today and it worked like 2 hours ago. Now I installed a new version of wine. And in wine theres a "audio" to go to. I pressed it and it said something about installed OSS drivers00:05
Peloduckly, gsku nautilus will start nautilus as root for you00:05
soderqvistWhatever now it doesnt work nomore00:05
Sarahsoderqvist: Heh, seems there's an epidemic.00:05
_Oz_nemo: I've done it too.  Infuriating that one has to do such a thing.  Microsoft "broke" Windows with Vista00:05
hischild_Oz_, it has a better look, you have to give em credit for that ... yet it doesn't improve workspeed, it slows you down ... not like compiz speeds things up00:05
Sarahsoderqvist: Do you have multiple sound cards?00:05
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, i dont think jscript is handled by java-plugin00:05
ducklyPelo: ok thanks00:05
_Oz_hischild: right. it's a pig. anyway, we're offtopic now00:05
soderqvistSarah no a soundblaster live card00:05
Sarahomnistegan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712908 -- you might find this useful00:06
Sarahsoderqvist: No onboard sound card?00:06
hischild_Oz_, true ...00:06
soderqvistwhats that?00:06
omnisteganSarah: Thank you very much.00:06
_Oz_Ubuntu friends: where can I paste a screenshot online?00:06
Sarahsoderqvist: A sound card that is built in to your motherboard.00:06
hischild_Oz_, www.imageshack.us00:06
Sarahomnistegan: Much abliged00:06
Antkinnemo so would I people are uninstalling Vista and going back to XP, XP is vista biggest thret00:06
soderqvistDont know? dont think so00:06
_Oz_thanks, hischild00:06
golf_gtihm... crappy attansic nic...00:06
Pelo[Hardy]TuTUXG, neither do I but we were out of options , he's getting a msg about either javascript or flash not being installed/enabled , both are ,  options are becoming limited00:07
LjLmouseboyx: anyway, i strongly suggest you ask a better question next time... you mixed a technical term - wildcards - with the idea that you simply wanted a turnkey command. now, what you wanted to do was to *remove every sequence of two space-separated multi-digits numbers*, and that's what you should have asked if you wanted a turnkey solution. if you wanted to learn about regular expressions, you could have asked about wildcards in a general sense. but the00:07
LjLway you asked simply didn't make sense. a space is a character. "wget" is characters. a URL is characters. unless you're used to pretty strange wildcards, asking "how can i change wildcards into nothing" doesn't make any sense.00:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, so flash is not working neither?00:07
LjL!gq > mouseboyx    (mouseboyx, see the private message from Ubotu)00:07
Sarahsoderqvist: My guess is that you have multiple sound cards and wine now set the sound output to the wrong card, the one that you don't use00:07
sdfwofsi'm getting really confused and angry.00:07
soderqvistSarah ok, so how can I fix this im noob in linux just got it..00:07
mouseboyxLjL sorry i thought i could figure it out my self if i just got what i was looking fore00:08
Pelo[Hardy]TuTUXG, not sure which, he can'T view youtube videos , might be the site but I don,t know where else to send him to try00:08
sdfwofssays it's unable to find /lib/modules/ direcotry.00:08
AntkinOz installed Vista are you honestly doing them a favour I personally wold refuse00:08
danandLjL - confused me :)00:08
Sarahsoderqvist: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71290800:08
sdfwofsther kernel dir is there, but no build directory. how do i make it?00:08
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, so flash is not working00:08
_Oz_antkin: no, I installed XP back over vista00:08
sdfwofsi thought making the directory would fix it ,but it iddn't00:08
Lowke1mines not either lol00:08
Lowke1flash I mean00:08
* hischild gives _Oz_ a cookie... good!00:08
rp3trying to get my new palm 755p to sync, but I don't think ubuntu even see's it when I plug it in to the usb?  how can I tell if it's seen or not?00:09
Pelo[Hardy]TuTUXG, either that or javascriopt, which is why I recommended he try installing flash from adobe's tar.gz00:09
_Oz_friends, please look at nautilus in this screenshot and tell me why I see "desktop configuration file" in the right column? http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/1276/screenshotli1.png00:09
AntkinOz yes that the best thing to do00:09
amenadorp3 dmesg or udevinfo00:09
sdfwofsif i make the directory it just says it's missing a bunch of config files.00:09
rp3amenado: thanks will look now..00:09
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, link the plugin file to /usr/lib/firefox-3.0ba/plugins/00:09
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, if it's not there00:10
Pelo[Hardy]TuTUXG, don't tell me , tell Lowke100:10
SarahDoes anyone know how to make OpenSSH log failed login attempts to the btmp file?00:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGPelo, u tell him00:10
hischild_Oz_, where?00:10
hischildit's a bit big00:10
* Pelo needs a video player that will let him resync audio as it plays 00:10
Lowke1Hardy didn't you help me last night00:10
Lowke1with my cube00:10
nickrud_Oz_: because you're not looking at the disks themselves, but desktop files pointing at the disks.00:10
* Pelo twists [Hardy]TuTUXG 's arm behind his back and forces him to confess to Lowke1 00:11
hischildoh ... now i c it00:11
Lowke1yes! I want to watch videos!00:11
ryjydhello all you happy people00:11
Sarah_Oz_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/24660 Is this the problem?00:11
rp3ok says address 8???  hmmm00:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, the original file should be at /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin00:11
Antkinryiyd Welcome, do you have a problem?00:12
ryjydyep... heard this is the place to take it00:12
ryjydanyone have any experience with creox?00:12
Sarahsoderqvist: Yes? Go ahead and ask your question, don't ask to ask. :)00:12
FixmanHow do you change channels?00:12
Lowke1Hardy, whats that mean?00:12
soderqvistHow do I know whick one that is my onboard soundcard:S?00:12
Sarah /join #channelName00:12
Fixmanenter #ubuntu-games00:12
Antkinryjyd can you give us some details?00:12
ryjydof course, Sarah, just making polite conversation... sort of...00:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, go to /etc/alternatives/00:13
soderqvistSarah How do I know whick one that is my onboard soundcard:S?00:14
ryjydI have a guitar jacked straight into the sound board (slightly unhealthy) and I have looked over the Effector > preferences... window00:14
Lowke1hardy, im there00:14
* Eddie hasnt used Ubuntu in a long time00:14
ryjydmake that Options...00:14
sdfwofsam i retarded or something? or is make broke?00:14
Sarahsoderqvist: You could pastebin the output of lsmod|grep snd and maybe someone here will help you identify it00:14
EddieFeels kind of strange, Debian used to be second nature to me00:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ls mozilla*00:15
metguruHey all! I'm having a problem mounting an external drive. Its a seagate. I don't have problems with another external, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.00:15
hischildryjyd, that sounds ... unhealthy ... if it has an active output00:15
ryjydand I have the program running into the alsa driver for capture and playback...00:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, tell me what u have00:15
soderqvistSarah could u please help, I dont get what u say :S00:15
Lowke1alll sorts of shit hardy00:15
ryjydtry to hit [Play] and it gives a very descriptive (X) Error.00:15
ryjydnot helpful at all00:15
Sarahsoderqvist: In a terminal, run the command "lsmod|grep snd" - then paste its output at pastebin.com and give us the link here.00:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, wait a sec i m figuring out a command for u00:16
Lowke1ok :)00:16
madmaxmadcan someone help me with eSata mounting ??? thats eSata not usb or anything other00:16
iceswordi am back00:16
hischildryjyd, maybe the error is about your sound not having enuogh juice to power it?00:16
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ryjydnah, that's silly... ti would record nothing and output the same00:17
Pelomadmaxmad, did you check in here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport &00:17
iceswordmadmaxmad, what is up00:17
hischildryjyd, hwo did you plug it in ... an active guitar or passive?00:17
_Oz_sarah: looking now00:17
madmaxmadicesword, this is killing me00:17
anarchistCan anyone offer me help setting up a Dynamode PCMCIA wifi card? The OS doesn't recognise it.00:17
madmaxmadPelo, dude stop pasting me links pls00:17
ryjydactive would eat something, I would think00:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, first check if u have the flashplugin installed, go to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/00:17
hischildryjyd, then either you have a very strong sound input or it won't give you sound anyway00:18
madmaxmadicesword, do you know maybe how can I hotplug and mount eSata hdd ??00:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, see if the dir exists and any files in it00:18
soderqvistSarah I typed lsmod|grep snd in terminal and I get a lot of things..00:18
ryjydright, and that's a good start, but why the error?00:18
iceswordmadmaxmad, what did  parted say00:18
soderqvistSarah can i Pm you?00:18
Antkinicesword do you have a problem?00:18
Sarahsoderqvist: Okay, now copy the output to pastebin.com00:18
iceswordmadmaxmad, you said it is not usb device00:18
iceswordAntkin, ???00:18
madmaxmadtheres no hope for me :(00:19
Lowke1directory exists, no files, hardy00:19
Antkindanix Welcome00:19
hischildryjyd, maybe it drains so much?00:19
Antkinicesword yes I'm here00:19
hischildryjyd, try it without anything plugged in?00:19
madmaxmadicesword, do you know what eSata is ?00:19
soderqvistSarah like this? http://pastebin.com/m3a11d9100:19
ryjydthat's an idea...00:19
iceswordAntkin, i think i did not talk to you00:19
_Oz_sarah: I don't see anything in there that sheds any light on the situation, other than perhaps the cold comfort that this is a bug and not user error? :)00:20
_Oz_friends, please look at nautilus in this screenshot and tell me why I see "desktop configuration file" in the right column? http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/1276/screenshotli1.png00:20
iceswordmadmaxmad, sorry,;let me check00:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, so apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:20
hischildryjyd, i only have experience in pluggin in an entire mixerboard into a soundcard00:20
Stormx2Hi. Weird sort of question I know, but is there a way of outputting the current ALSA sound as raw PCM data? Like, to stdout. There must be a command for it, yeah?00:20
Sarah_Oz_: From googling a bit this seems to be a common problem with SMB and nautilus00:20
Sarahsoderqvist: Yep00:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, u r not on amd 64 rn't u?00:20
flowOvermadmaxmad: i think it's external sata00:20
ryjydit woudl be the same either way... I'00:20
hischildryjyd, tried a diff program to see if that could record?00:20
_Oz_sarah: interesting.  could I switch to a different filebrowser and not have this problem?00:20
Lowke1permission denied, are you root?00:20
Antkinicesword I will not hold that against you, do you want to talk now?00:20
nickrudmadmaxmad: possibly this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/15376800:20
ryjydm thinking driver problem, perhaps a config file change might be of interest?00:20
madmaxmadflowOver, thats correct. finally someone that knows what eSata is00:21
Sarah_Oz_: That's quite possible.00:21
hischild_Oz_, you tried to switch views? it seems like it's on details or sth like that now ...00:21
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[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, install with sudo00:21
ryjydaudacity captures00:21
soderqvistSarah can u see anything interesting in that :P?00:21
iceswordAntkin, i don't understand what are you talking about00:21
_Oz_hischild: not sure what you meant by switch views00:21
flowOveri've only had a run in with it.  don't expect that i'm experienced ;)00:21
madmaxmadnickrud, well its not that bug00:21
Sarahsoderqvist: It appears you only have one sound card, so I believe I was mistaken in my diagnose. Do you not get any sound output at all?00:21
danandsoderqvist - can you pastebin the output of lspci ?00:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ur not on amd64, right?00:21
hischild_Oz_, the way you view icons00:21
Lowke10 upgraded 0 installed [Hardy]TuTUXG00:21
Sarahsoderqvist: And of course, you're sure that it's not muted or anything silly? O:-)00:21
hischild_Oz_, like tiles, a list or sth else00:21
Lowke1intel hardy00:21
_Oz_hischild: I see. hold on00:21
madmaxmadMain problem is that my eSata is on 3rd sata connector and I have 2 disks on 4th and 5th sata connector00:22
Antkinicesword Do you want help with a problem on this forum?00:22
iceswordAntkin, yeah,i love this channel00:22
madmaxmadso when I hotplug eSata hdd ist not even recognised00:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, r u using 64bit version of ubuntu?00:22
_Oz_hischild: when I ctrl-1 to go back to folder views that error data goes away, but it comes back when I ctrl-2 back to detailed view (which I prefer).  is this just an output problem?00:22
Lowke1i do believe so00:22
iceswordmadmaxmad, did you try sudo mount -a00:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, so the flashplugin is not working00:22
madmaxmaddude I'm not that noob00:23
ryjydright... audacity captures the input, records, and plays back, no issue00:23
Sarah_Oz_: I think nautilus simply misunderstands a file extension here or something similar.00:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, adobe doesnt support 64bit os00:23
Antkinicesword this is my second day on IRC, I have used Linux since 199900:23
ryjydit sounds tiny/tinny, but it works00:23
madmaxmadwhen I boot with eSata plugged it gets /dev/sdc100:23
Lowke1so I can't have Flash?00:23
madmaxmadand can be mounted with no problem00:23
_Oz_sarah: I'm starting to think you're right00:23
hischild_Oz_, hmm ... there might be another view to just list them all ...00:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, u can install the 32bit version of ff00:23
madmaxmadbut when I boot without it hdd on 4th sata controler gets /dev/sdc100:23
Lowke1where do I do that?00:23
flowOverLowke1: you can chroot a 32bit ubuntu inside of it with ff and any other 64bit conflicted program into it00:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, and use the 32bit plugin00:24
madmaxmadso when I hotplug eSata hdd it dont get recognised00:24
iceswordAntkin, you are my big brother then,i learned linux from 200700:24
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, wait a sec00:24
Dr_willismadmaxmad,  this is when mounting by uuid gets handy.00:24
nickrudmadmaxmad: yu've made an fstab entry for it the? Did you use uuid00:24
flowOveri have a 64bit chip but run 32bit because the hassles aren't worth the few benefits i found with 64bit os.00:24
madmaxmadnickrud, u mean that I have to make UUID entries for about 20 hdds that I have and connect to eSata ???00:24
flowOver64bit is not ready for anything but server use00:24
Sarah_Oz_: What version of Ubuntu are you on?00:25
soderqvistdanand of my lspci?00:25
iceswordmadmaxmad, i think if you have a product instrution,you 'd better have a look at it first00:25
nickrudmadmaxmad: or label the partitions, that works as well00:25
madmaxmadDr_willis, problem is that I connect many diff drives00:25
Antkinicesword maybe even your dad I have used computers since 197500:25
ducklyPelo: I get "bash: gesku: command not found" Is there a other way?00:25
madmaxmadnickrud, how can I label partitions when I cant see hdd ??00:25
danandsoderqvist - type lspci in a terminal and pastebin the output - same as you did for lsmod00:25
soderqvistSarah no its not muted or anything00:25
hischildflowOver, i have the same thing ... both for my server and my laptop00:25
Peloduckly, gksu , sorry if I made a mistake00:25
nickrudmadmaxmad: you said you see it as sdc1 ? e2label /dev/sdc1 <label> ?00:26
salsilocoquick question guys, every time i load Ubuntu it forces a disk check but it stups either at 61.3% or 72.5% any ideas????00:26
Dr_willismadmaxmad,  i always just start mounting things the old way. :) of course gnome has a way you can use the properties of the  drives icon to customize its mountpoint and name. I just found that the other day00:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, have u enabled the universe and multiverse repos?00:26
nickrudDr_willis: yeah, they shouldn't have hidden it below those triangles00:26
soderqvistdanand here u go http://pastebin.com/m55c7937500:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32ncurses5 ia32-libs-sdl ia32-libs-gtk gsfonts gsfonts-x11 linux3200:26
Lowke1the options inside of synp, right?00:26
madmaxmadnickrud, I see it when I boot with eSata hdd on. I dont want to reboot everytime I change eSata hdd00:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, yes00:27
hischildsoderqvist, are you on a laptop?00:27
nickrudmadmaxmad: just umount and mount. The automount issue is the hal bug I think00:27
iceswordAntkin, f*** !what you mean,how did i offend you,you dick00:27
madmaxmadDr_willis, well I mount from terminal too but how can you mount something u dont see at all ??00:27
danandsoderqvist - ok00:27
Lowke1couldn't find package inside of ia32-libs [Hardy]TuTUXG00:27
_Oz_sarah: 7.1000:27
Sarah_Oz_: Oh and could you try typing smb:// in the nautilus bar and see what happens?00:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, gusty?00:27
Dr_willismadmaxmad,  that sounds more like a kernel bug then. :(00:27
iceswordnickrud, you see what Antkin said00:27
salsilocoquick question guys, every time i load Ubuntu it forces a disk check but it stups either at 61.3% or 72.5% any ideas????00:27
_Oz_sarah: typing smb:/// gives me two windows networks00:28
Antkinicesword you have not offended me00:28
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, a sec00:28
madmaxmadits not the kernel bug its the /dev assignment problem00:28
nickrudicesword: and you also. Antkin you both drop it, or work it out in pm00:28
ducklyPelo:np Ill try that instead :) thanks!00:28
iceswordAntkin, why you said that,00:28
nickrudmadmaxmad: and that's libata. You'll have to adapt00:28
soderqvistIt worked earlier and I had sound when i installed ubuntu00:28
_Oz_sarah: smb seems to work overall00:28
madmaxmadit would be good if I could assign /dev/sdxx to 3rd sata connector00:28
Sarah_Oz_: Oh wait, sorry. You're experiencing this problem with stuff that isn't SMB at all00:28
iceswordAntkin, what i did?00:28
flatsI'm sorry someone mentioned to me earlier what I needed to do so I didn't have to enter the root password everytime something needed admin rights.  What was that?00:28
Sarah_Oz_: Does it happen if you browse for instance your home directory?00:29
iceswordAntkin, do explain,this is not funny,not a joke00:29
DarkmystereCCan some one please help me get internet working on m,y ubuntu box i really need it working never noticed how useless a linux distro is without internet :/....00:29
hischildflats, you never enter the root password. are you talking about entering your own password when sudo'ing?00:29
flatsyes, sorry thats what I mean00:29
hischildDarkmystere, can you be a bit more specific? like does it find the interface?00:29
_Oz_sarah: n00:29
_Oz_sarah: no00:29
Antkinicesword I'm not joking do you want help or not?00:29
hischildflats, visudo00:29
madmaxmadnickrud, if you meant this http://linux-ata.org/faq.html  then I dont understand what u meant to say00:29
danandsoderqvist - type    asoundconf list    in a terminal and see what the output says00:30
salsilocoquick question, every time i boot Ubuntu it forces a disk check, but it stops either at 61.3% or 72.5% any ideas how to fix this????00:30
Sarah_Oz_: Sorry, I'm stumped then. Might be a problem with Gnome mime types or something. I don't know. :(00:30
iceswordAntkin, did i ask you for help?you!English!00:30
_Oz_sarah: it's a pretty minor problem...  no big deal.  thanks for thinking about it.00:30
flatsthast it thanks00:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, pastebin ur /etc/apt/source.list00:30
soderqvistdanand: Names of available sound cards:00:31
* Pelo feels the channel is a bit nasty tonight 00:31
herojokercould you give me an irc channel which is dedicated to video editing? (need to change headers...)00:31
Markgrafenso i have to go00:31
Markgrafenhave a good night00:31
Markgrafenfor all00:31
Lowke1sources.list [Hardy]TuTUXG?00:31
nickrudmadmaxmad: <madmaxmad> when I boot with eSata plugged it gets /dev/sdc1 <madmaxmad> but when I boot without it hdd on 4th sata controler gets /dev/sdc1 . So, it gets recognized, but not where you expect it?00:31
Antkinicesword I greet new visitors onto this site today and ask them if they need help that is all00:31
Peloherojoker, try for #ffmpeg maybe00:31
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ys00:31
jtg23hey, i have a pxe setup wherein i had a client successfully booting but now i have another one that won't--it says "can't open /tmp/net-eth0.conf" - is anyone familiar with resolving this issue?00:31
x89xI'm trying to USE VirtualBOx.I need to make a virtual hard drive. Its only allowing to choose the Home hard drive. I want to choose a drive thats NTFS. How do i do that ??00:31
madmaxmadnickrud, it dont get recognized thats the problem00:32
enkrypt_Anybody have a suggestion on Ubuntu and Firefox running a Macromedia Flash?00:32
_Oz_x89x: visit us in #vbox00:32
x89xi am able to write to my NTFS drive00:32
Lowke1when i open it it opens software sources [Hardy]TuTUXG00:32
enkrypt_I tend to lock up - no sound - blank screen.00:32
soderqvistdanand: anything:S?00:32
danandsoderqvist - type    alsamixer in a terminal - go through the settings checcking all have reasonable values ie not muted. also check if you have an entry for an external amplifier. if that is enabled you need to disable it00:32
nickrudmadmaxmad: then  sudo fdisk -l won't show it after the hotplug. Just trying to get my head around all the symptoms00:32
iceswordAntkin, then why you said "that even your ...",you must apologize,i have been here for a while,and never seen people like YOU!it is not a joke!00:32
nickrudicesword: that was not an insult, it was stating he'd probably been using computers since before your dad00:33
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and copy the content of that file to pastebin00:33
nickrudicesword: so, cool down ;)00:33
danandsoderqvist - also can you check for me the card that alsamixer reports is being used00:33
hischildis there a chance both of you could take it to offtopic please?00:33
iceswordnickrud, you are good man,always thinks people are good,:)00:34
soderqvistdanand: Dell soundblaster live is being used00:34
nickrudicesword: english is native language, I know the slang and shortcuts well ;)00:34
oxigenhi, where is channel for hardy?00:34
j_humphreydoes anyone know how what the command for a script that writes the output data to a text file?00:34
hischildoxigen, #ubuntu+100:34
hischildj_humphrey, command >> file00:34
Lowke1http://pastebin.us/?show=m7d42d42d [Hardy]TuTUXG00:35
Antkinicesword apologize for what exactly please spell it out letter buy letter I don not mean to offend but you called me English00:35
enkrypt_Anybody have a suggestion for Firefox and Macromedia flash problem?00:35
iceswordAntkin, i call you English,then what?00:35
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j_humphreyhischild, so a simple one would be echo hello world >> helloworld.txt   ?00:35
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danandsoderqvist - ok that sounds ok - you have a sound blaster live card00:35
RyanPriorIs there a way to have Ubuntu auto-detect the domain to use when you're connecting to a SMB server?00:36
nickrudicesword: Antkin please drop it, last warning00:36
hischildj_humphrey, as far as i know, that would be correct ...00:36
marbleslingerenkrypt  have you tried flashplugin-nonfree00:36
Darkmystere can some one please help me Wicd iwconfig IFconfig show that im connected but i cant ping..00:36
hischildj_humphrey, on the assumption your commands/script is correct ofcourse, it works ( i tested on my path00:36
Antkinnickrud is there a problem?00:36
oxigenwhere do i switch on 'send info' about installed packages?00:37
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, a sec let me fix it00:37
j_humphreyhischild, yeah, assuming its correct :P00:37
nickrudAntkin: nothing that dropping the subject wont' fix00:37
enkrypt_<shrug>  I guess this isn't the place.00:37
flatsAfter I run visudo. Do I have to reload something or reboot or should it just work?00:37
hischildflats, it should work at once00:37
Peloenkrypt_, this is a busy chanel, ask periodicaly00:37
flatshmmm not good00:37
Lowke10k [Hardy]TuTUXG00:37
soderqvistdanand: Now I my phones recognizes sound and turns on but it is only ZZzzzzZZz sound00:37
ryjydBump: Trying to run creox. It tells me it's running capture and output through the alsa driver... give "(X) Error:"00:38
hischildflats, run it again and check if you wrote it all correct. Or give me the single line you added00:38
Antkinnickrud there is no subject to drop I just great people onto the forum00:38
hischildryjyd, i just thuoght of it ... can you run the capture on the sound tab?00:38
gopp__I am getting this in windows, from my ubuntu bind server "The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV)" ubuntu00:38
ryjydhischild: checking...00:38
Antkinenkrpt do you have a question?00:39
soderqvistdanand nothing happens :S:S00:40
soderqvistSarah please00:40
ryjydhischild: there does not appear to be a "Sound" tab00:40
danandsoderqvist - see if the command cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio gives you and sound. press ctrl+c to stop it if it does00:40
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Antkinubuntu Hello00:40
hischildryjyd, sorry i should be more clear ... system -> preferences -> sound -> the capture test00:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, can u type uname -a and give me the output?00:41
Antkinemomika Hello00:41
ZackVixACDnow I wish I was here just to chat and not ask for some help00:41
iceswordAntkin, new now know how?00:41
hischildZackVixACD, feel free to ask for help00:41
Lowke1Linux Lowkey-Ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux00:41
emomikaomg time is ticking away ... 2.41 am -_____-00:41
soderqvistdanand: niklas@niklas-desktop:~$ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio00:41
soderqvistbash: /dev/audio: Device or resource busy00:41
ryjydhischild: uh... that was weird... Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'00:42
iceswordnickrud, what is up00:42
ZackVixACDokay. Now can superGrub help you boot os on flash drive?00:42
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG: did you get that?00:42
hischildryjyd, i was afraid of that ... basically means it can't use the input ... thus we know the problem isn't very likely to be the program00:42
danandsoderqvist - some process is using the sound system.00:42
Antkinubuntu do you have a problem?00:42
danandsoderqvist - wait one00:42
mabus_when running X my display is all fuzzy, almost like static. what should I change?00:42
ryjydI was figuring on the driver... but what then am I looking at...00:42
ZackVixACDyou  mean ZackVix, i changed my  nick from Ubunut to ZackVix00:43
emomikahow i can use windows programs ???00:43
Antkinemomika Do you have a Problem?00:43
Pelotook me 5 tries but I manage to resync the sound with the video in this file . hurray for me00:43
hischild!install | ZackVixACD00:43
ubotuZackVixACD: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:43
ZackVixACDtrying to boot Ubuntu from a flash drive on pc without USB bios support00:43
ZackVixACDI have searched the forum for the past two days :? lol00:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ys00:44
danandsoderqvist - try restarting alsa - type   /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart   - that may work for you00:45
iceswordnickrud, i will stop,but even you forengners don't make jokes like that,do you00:45
danandsoderqvist - sorry -    sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart00:45
FlannelZackVixACD: you'll need some sort of boot medium, floppy or CD00:46
Peloicesword, quit it00:46
ekicesword: I'm not sure you understand. It was not a joke. Antkin was being friendly. Just misunderstood.00:46
iceswordok,let it pass.00:46
ZackVixACDYup, I have tried grub on floppy but it doesn't seem to see the flash drive. So I tried SuperGrub on CD but it didn't see it either00:46
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ZackVixACDnow I am wondering if I have the lastest version of SuperGrub because the website is down00:47
emomikaomg i want instal windoxs xp with my computer but i can't argh </300:47
emomika(i have ubuntu now)00:47
soderqvistdanand no sound:S:S00:47
Antkinemomika 7.10?00:48
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, so ur runing 32 bit00:48
iceswordnickrud, ok,let it pass00:48
philphototrying to install 7.10 on an old imac desktop and the cd won't boot up.  tried  ctrl + c & no joy.  any help?00:48
ZayneHello.. I hope I am in the right place. I'm pretty much at my wit's end, and i've searched the forums and documentation to no avail. I'm hoping someone can help me through a problem with Ubuntu, namely that upon making it to the login screen the graphics become severely garbled, so much that I can not see to even log in. I'm assuming it's due to my video card.00:48
RyanPriorIs there a way to have Ubuntu auto-detect the domain to use when you're connecting to a SMB server?00:48
emomikayes 7.1000:48
flatsOk, Now I'm going to ask a step further.  Thanks to hischild I got it to not need a sudo password.  What about config options from the GUI that just ask for a password.  I want my user to just have access to these without needing to enter that password.00:48
ryjydhischild: the soundcard i am using here is the onboard... i have a soundblaster live (yeah oldskool, I laugh at it too) with like 4-55 jacks on it... think that would make a difference that the onboard does not?00:48
releodAnyone know a solution to stream music/movies from my ubuntu server onto my xbox360 (similar to Connect360 for OSX)00:48
hischildflatface, that's already set by editing00:48
RyanPriorZayne: have you tried fixing X via the emergency boot procedure?00:48
bruenig_Zayne: do ctrl + alt + f1 when you get there, login via tty and fix your configuration00:48
Antkinemomika do you need any help tonight?00:48
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG:  I didn't know that sorry =[00:48
hischildryjyd, it might if ubuntu can recognize it properly00:48
danandsoderqvist - does    cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio   still give a "device busy" error?00:48
Pelog'night folks00:49
ZayneI.. okay. I feel like an idiot but I have no idea what you're asking me to do. I'm totally new to this.00:49
emomikanot yet ... thx ...00:49
nickrudsee you later Pelo00:49
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hischildsoderqvist, do you know wether it is an intel soundcard by chance ...00:49
bruenig_Zayne: when you get the the garbled login screen, do that keyboard shortcut, you can log in to the console00:49
soderqvistdanand:  yes it still says the same00:49
RyanPriorZayne: reboot your computer, and when GRUB comes up, hit esc. Then select to do the diagnostic boot up.00:49
ZackVixACDwell, thanks for the help. I was  hoping to see someone who has had teh same issue and was able to fix it. But thanks for asnwering. I will keep on googling I guess...00:49
soderqvisthischild dont know00:49
RyanPriorZayne: it will boot to a menu where you can continue booting, fix X, or a few other things. Fix X, then continue booting.00:50
BidouHi, I cant connect to the jabber server im.apinc.org the error is: "conflict"00:50
AntkinBidou Welcome Do you have a problem?00:50
ryjydhischild: I think I need to disable the onboard first... have to come back later and let you know what breaks and whatnot... I had it in here at one point, but ubuntu kept switching cards randomly between reboots00:50
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, then that's easier00:50
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG: good00:50
hischildryjyd, you can disable onboard just by bios?00:50
ryjydhischild: most definintely00:50
ZayneWhen I hit ESC, I didn't see this option. I had a standard boot, and then one for recovery mode, and then a.. i'm not sure. it said memtest or something.00:50
tgm4883_laptopis there a way to disable the bubble popup of update-manager and other taskbar programs00:50
RyanPriorZayne: recovery mode is the one.00:50
BidouAntkin: yes i cant connect to the jabber server im.apinc.org the error is: "conflict"00:51
ZayneOkay. And what do I type there?00:51
danandsoderqvist - theres probably a nicer way to do this but ... some process is using your soundcard and stopping it from being used. the best thing i can suggest is to reboot the machine :)00:51
hischildryjyd, good luck ... i need some sleep00:51
soderqvistill try to reboot00:51
soderqvistdont think it will work00:51
RyanPriorZayne: don't type anything. Just boot into recovery mode, select the fix X option, then continue booting.00:51
Bidoumaybe it's my firewall ? but how can i fix it ?00:51
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ur sources.list is a little bit messy, i need some time here00:51
ryjydnight then... thanks for the help in finding the issue00:51
AntkinBidou are you using Kopete?00:51
hischilddanand, maybe wierd suggestion ... can't you unload the module so it can't use it?00:51
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG: okay, thank you for your help00:51
BidouAntkin: no Gajim00:51
danandsoderqvist - sorry, but i've gotta go to bed ... hope that works00:52
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AntkinBidou I have used Gaim00:52
ZayneBut when I boot into recovery mode, it simply scrolls a whole lot of text then leaves me at a command prompt. I've never seen any options to select.00:52
RyanPriorAntkin: Gaim is not Gajim00:52
danandhischild - not sure if that would work or not ,,, reboot is simplest way :)00:52
FlannelZayne: That's correct.  What are you trying to accomplish?00:52
BidouAntkin: I'm using gajim no gaim00:53
RyanPriorAntkin: They are ubar different.00:53
danandnight all00:53
nickrudZayne: that's what recovery mode does. What do you want to do?00:53
nickrudheh. Slow again00:53
ZayneI was being told to use a Fix X option in recovery mode.00:53
hischildgood night folks, stay safe, and don't break it all <300:53
oxigenhey, how do i switch on this: http://popcon.ubuntu.com00:53
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AntkinRyanPrrior Ok I will back down on this one hopefully you can help00:53
Flanneloxigen: install the popularity-contest package00:53
DellbuntuStudio5Hey yall00:53
zetheroohi there,00:54
DellbuntuStudio5i have printing problems00:54
RyanPriorZayne: hmm, maybe that's something that's only in Hardy. If you're at a command prompt, try typing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:54
DellbuntuStudio5Ubuntu wont print anything00:54
Antkinzetheroo Welcome do you have a question?00:54
theunixgeekWhich is better for a small business: Vista Business, OS X Leopard, or Ubuntu Linux 7.10? and why?00:55
FlannelZayne: That safe X stuff is Hardy only, so you shouldn't have it.00:55
Flannel!offtopic | theunixgeek00:55
ubotutheunixgeek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:55
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AntkinDellbuntuStudio what printer do you have?00:55
ZayneOkay.. i'm in 7.1000:55
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RyanPriortheunixgeek: I'd be happy to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic00:55
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ok00:55
DellbuntuStudio5Espon ColorStylus 67000:55
Antkinone_mattias welcome back00:55
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one_matthiasAntkin: Hi00:56
BidouAntkin: You cant help me for my problem with the server im.apinc.org ? maybe its my firewall blok it00:56
zetherooi recently had a client come in for help with their Ubuntu running laptop.... they told me that they had a Dual Boot system with Windows XP and Ubuntu Gutsy. One day she decided to boot into Windows XP instead of Ubuntu and after selecting Windows from the GRUB menu the, GRUB shot out the infamous Error 17.......00:56
ZayneSo i'm on the LiveCD right now. If I try to boot off my hard drive, the graphics garble badly on my login screen just to re-state my problem. I'm using a Radeon HD 2600.00:56
one_matthiasAntkin: still here ...00:56
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo cp /etc/apt/source.list /etc/apt/source.list.backup00:56
=== co_galaawww is now known as co_galaaww
deejayhi all00:56
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup00:56
DellbuntuStudio5deejay: Hello!00:56
RyanPriorZayne: did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?00:56
Lowke1cp: cannot stat `/etc/apt/source.list': No such file or directory00:56
soderqvistCan someone help me I cant get any sound on ubuntu?00:57
one_matthiasAntkin: what pakage suppose to kepp in order the screen saver option and pawer saver options ???00:57
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, s*, sorry00:57
flatsAnyone else familiar with visudo?00:57
DellbuntuStudio5how do I set up an Espon Printer with Ubuntu00:57
ZayneOh. No I totally missed that. Okay, I will reboot and try that, RyanPrior. Thank you.00:57
Antkinone_mathias just for 10 more minutes then I'm going to mbed00:57
deejayanyone know of  an easy all in one app for converting avi to dvd???00:57
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, done?00:57
one_matthiasmy screen saver aand power saving option does not work ...00:57
DellbuntuStudio5Ubotu: How do I print?00:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how do i print? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:57
Lowke1where do I put the s00:57
nwahsadudehow do you get more work spaces?00:57
DellbuntuStudio5Ubotu: Print00:57
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:57
one_matthiasgenome screensaver ?00:57
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup00:58
RyanPriorIs there a way to have Ubuntu auto-detect the domain to use when you're connecting to a SMB server?00:58
BidouAnybody know why i cant connect to the jabber server im.apinc.org, maybe it's cause my firewall, i need help please to create an account and connect myself to im.apinc.org !00:58
DellbuntuStudio5 how do I set up an Espon Printer with Ubuntu00:58
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG:  done00:58
RyanPriorBidou: try disabling your firewall and connecting.00:58
BidouRyanPrior: How ?00:58
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:58
DellbuntuStudio5how do I set up an Espon Printer with Ubuntu00:58
RyanPriorBidou: what firewall do you have? Are you using iptables or a GUI or what?00:59
BidouRyanPrior: I dont know but im using Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon00:59
Antkinzetherone_matthias are you on Gnome or KDE?00:59
one_matthiasanyone have any idea what package suport power saving ?00:59
RyanPrior!patience | DellbuntuStudio500:59
ubotuDellbuntuStudio5: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:59
Lowke1its open00:59
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, copy everything here into that file : http://pastebin.us/?show=m2f1a514400:59
nwahsadudeis it possible to set up more workspaces?00:59
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, and erase what u have, dont copy the line numbers01:00
DellbuntuStudio5nawhsadude:  YEs it is01:00
x89xanyone know a C# GUI for ubuntu :??01:00
DellbuntuStudio5x89x: what?01:00
RyanPriorx89x: Mono-Develop is similar to Visual Studio .NET01:00
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, make sure no line numbers?01:00
atlefDellbuntuStudio5: administration printing add printer01:00
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, save it close it01:00
RyanPriorx89x: If what you mean is a GUI IDE.01:00
DellbuntuStudio5atlef: Ok01:00
deejayanyone know a good graphical all in one avi-dvd converter01:01
nwahsadudewhere do you set more up?01:01
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, in terminal: sudo apt-get update01:01
Lowke11 second01:01
BidouRyanPrior:  So you dont know how can i desactivate my firewall in ubuntu gutsy gibbon ?01:01
jeff__having trouble with nvidia driver (nv works fine), 7800GT and Dell 3007 monitor on 7.10.  I get a scrambled screen.01:01
x89xRyanPrior : hmm thanks. Ya i wanted something simillar to VS 300501:01
RyanPriorBidou: It depends how you set your firewall up. What tool did you use?01:01
Antkinzetheroo do you have a problem?01:01
Lowke1how do I get rid of the line #'s [Hardy]TuTUXG01:02
BidouRyanPrior: I use any tool01:02
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, use the field below01:02
RyanPriorBidou: Sorry, none of your answers are useful. I doubt you even have a firewall.01:02
DellbuntuStudio5atlef: It added it01:02
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, on that page, u have an editable field below, see it?01:02
MarcNBidou: sudo iptables --list shows you what firewall rules you have setup01:02
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, np01:02
DellbuntuStudio5What is a good Virus Scanner for Ubuntu?01:03
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RyanPriorDellbuntuStudio5: Ubuntu generally doesn't need virus scanning, but Clam is a good scanner if you want to scan files before passing them on to your Windows-using friends.01:03
BidouChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)01:03
Bidoutarget     prot opt source               destination01:03
RyanPriorBidou: Nope, you don't have a firewall then. That's not your problem.01:03
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG:  workin on it 1 sec01:03
DellbuntuStudio5Can XFCE apps run in gnome, and Vise Versa?01:04
AntkinDellbuntuStudio5 have you tried Klamav?01:04
zetherooAntkin: i recently had a client come in for help with their Ubuntu running laptop.... they told me that they had a Dual Boot system with Windows XP and Ubuntu Gutsy. One day she decided to boot into Windows XP instead of Ubuntu and after selecting Windows from the GRUB menu the, GRUB shot out the infamous Error 17.......01:04
RyanPriorDellbuntuStudio5: Yes.01:04
BidouRyanPrior: so do you have any other solutions ?01:04
MarcNBidou: they here are no rules, you don't have any setup.01:04
ironcladlouI am trying to create a launch for a shell script. It's necessary to cd to the directory before executing the script. I've tried making a launcher which does an sh -c "cd dir && ./script.sh", and the launcher does nothing. I've tried making an external script (executable) which does the cd/invocation and making a launcher which points directly to that script, and nothing happens. No output, no process. What am I doing wrong?01:04
amenadoBidou you have a firewall ready to go, it just happens to be that default rules are blank.01:04
DellbuntuStudio5kan KDE and gnome apps run? Can I have the KDE Envirmonet over Gnome?01:04
bruenigDellbuntuStudio5: you can run any app in any window manager01:04
bruenigDellbuntuStudio5: the split between desktop environments is entirely illusory01:04
bruenigit is just a bundle of apps01:05
RyanPrioramenado: That's not his problem. He was worrying that his firewall was interfering with his apps.01:05
Antkinzetheroo what is error 17?01:05
bruenigpeople associate gui with more than they should01:05
BidouMarcN, amenado so wath can i do to resolve my problem ? and connect myself to im.apinc.org ?01:05
Lowke1ok [Hardy]TuTUXG01:05
Lowke1now  i do sudo apt-get update01:05
amenadoRyanPrior-> but to advise him of him not having a firewall is false01:05
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo01:05
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, in terminal: sudo apt-get update01:06
amenadoBidou-> can you resolve any website address like for example   www.google.com01:06
RyanPrioramenado: He has no firewall configured. He may have the capability buried down somewhere, but that's like saying you've got a ready-made nuclear launch system and just haven't configured it yet. It may be true, but it's not practical. :-)01:06
zetherooAntkin: now when booting with the Live CD and checking out the Partitions in Gparted I can no longer see an ext3 partition01:06
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, one question, are u using ff2 or ff3?01:06
Lowke1im not sure01:06
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Bidouamenado: i can connect to google but i want to connect to the jabber server im.apinc.org with the gajim client01:06
Lowke1it came with ubuntu 7.1001:06
amenadoRyanPrior you realized iptables is always there?01:06
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, open firefox check help -> about01:07
Bidouamenado: internet works at me01:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, ok01:07
amenadoBidou-> can you resolve that address  www.aplawrence.com ?01:07
zetherooAntkin: there is only a huge 60GB NTFS partition, a 7GB Fat32 partition (the compaq recovery partition), and the 600 MB swap01:07
RyanPrioramenado: you realize that the nuclear launch system is always there?01:07
MarcNBidou: you have an ip address from dhcp?  It should have set your dns server (see /etc/resolv.conf)01:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, so update done?01:07
Antkinzetheroo you said dual boot is that Windows and Linux?01:07
amenadoRyanPrior-> and your point is?01:07
Bidouamenado: yeah i can go to this site web01:07
Bidouto this website*01:07
zetherooAntkin: any thoughts on the matter? .... seems like linux has just vanished01:07
RyanPrioramenado: I can explain it to you in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like. :-)01:08
zetherooAntkin: I said ... Windows Xp and Gutsy01:08
amenadoBidou-> so what is the ip address of im.apinc.org resolve to?01:08
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:08
BidouMarcN: no i havn' an ip adress from dhcp01:08
Bidouamenado: euh sorry i dont know01:08
Lowke1flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.01:08
Lowke10 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 207 not upgraded.01:08
amenadoBidou-> dig  im.apinc.org01:08
flatsIs there a way to copy all settings and preferences from 1 user to another?  All desktop settings and icons and such?01:09
MarcNBidou: so you were assigned on by a network admin or did you just pick one?  If so, sounds like you need to manually set your dns servers in /etc/resolv.con01:09
Bidouamenado: i can connect to the website but not to the jabber server01:09
atlefis it possible to replace tracker with google-desktop?01:09
Antkinzetheroo maybe have to install gutsy again but when it comes to the format option leave the files as is01:09
RyanPrioratlef: Yes, it is possible.01:09
amenadoBidou-> so you can resolve, do you really know that their server is up and running? and available for you to connect to?01:09
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo apt-get reinstall flashplugin-nonfree01:09
atlefRyanPrior: even get nautilus to use it01:10
Lowke1E: Invalid operation reinstall01:10
RyanPrioratlef: That might be slightly trickier, but it's still possible.01:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree01:10
zetherooAntkin: what do you mean ?.... there was a lot of data on the Linux side..... won't reinstalling Gutsy wipe all that out?01:10
TetracommHow do I connect to a server using the console in Ubuntu?01:10
RyanPrioratlef: The question is, how much hacking are you willing to do to get the level of integration you desire?01:10
Bidouamenado: yeah it's a public jabber server where anybody can register himself and use the service, but i cant use it i dont know why01:10
atlefRyanPrior: ah see, i knew that would be the answer01:10
RyanPriorTetracomm: You use ssh.01:10
MarcNTetracomm: do you mean via ssh?01:10
RugTetracomm: connect how?01:10
Lowke1E: I wasn't able to locate file for the flashplugin-nonfree package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.01:10
amenadoTetracomm-> different ways, connect like telnet? http? ssh? vnc?01:11
TetracommRug: Just connect.01:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, that's wired01:11
atlefRyanPrior: no nautilus scripts maybe01:11
MarcNTetracomm: telnet is insecure and old, use ssh instead.01:11
amenadoTetracomm-> is the server allowing telnet?01:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, a sec01:11
RyanPrioratlef: Everything is that way. Ubuntu developers do work to build up levels of integration, but it isn't always easy to just swap one system out for another.01:11
Antkinzetheroo if you use exsisting Linux partitions then you may not lose the data01:11
amenadoBidou-> perhaps its off at the moment and not taking any connections temporarily?01:12
atlefRyanPrior: of course, i understand.01:12
ubotutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh01:12
vALIENhey whats linux for?01:12
zetherooAntkin: but there are no existing Linux partitions.... no ext301:12
Bidouamenado: ok maybe, i'll wait and i'll see tomorow01:12
Bidouamenado: thx for your help01:12
ironcladlouanybody? creating a launcher to a script seems like it should be simple...01:12
amenadoBidou-> no problem01:12
RyanPriorvALIEN: It's an operating system kernel. For more info, ask in ##linux or in #ubuntu-offtopic01:12
vALIENno i know i was joking, sorry01:13
MarcNBidou: are you on a network that is preventing external connections?  ie: at work?01:13
vALIENim just bored01:13
Rugironcladlou: why not make the script executable?01:13
Free4itIs there a screen rec. for Linux01:13
ironcladlouRug: did you see my original question? the script is executable01:13
Antkinzetheroo then a Gutsy install will create them01:13
RyanPriorFree4it: Did you search Google?01:13
Rugironcladlou: sorry no, I didn't see it01:13
BidouMarcN: no01:13
amenadovALIEN-> help write a tutorial perhaps on how to use ubuntu? :P01:13
lealthere is a "standard" player on gutsy to swf8 files?01:13
BidouMarcN: i'm at home01:14
ironcladlouRug: may I paste ti to you?01:14
zetherooAntkin: is it possible that Gparted is miss-reading the partitions?01:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, sudo aptitude upgrade01:14
AntkinFree4it Hello do you have a question?01:14
RyanPriorleal: no "standard". You can use swfdec, flash-nonfree, or Gnash.01:14
MarcNBidou: try telneting to the jabber server, something like telnet jabber.whatever 5555  (or whatever the jabber port is)01:14
flatsIs there a way to copy all settings and preferences from 1 user to another?  All desktop settings and icons and such?01:14
zetherooAntkin: where did the ext3 partition go?01:14
MarcNBidou: you should get some kind of answer.01:14
Free4itYes i do01:14
Lowke1206 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.01:14
Lowke1Need to get 288MB of archives. After unpacking 5800kB will be used.01:14
Lowke1Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]01:14
lealRyanPrior, gnash does not work with swf801:15
usserflats: just copy users home directory01:15
leali will try swfdec01:15
Lowke1yes right?01:15
Free4itAre there any good screen rec. for linux, and im also here to help01:15
RyanPrior!pastebin | Lowke101:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, y01:15
ubotuLowke1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:15
MarcNLowke1: sure, if you have the bandwidth01:15
usserflats: ie cp /home/olduser /home/newuser01:15
flatsusser: It's that easy?01:15
BidouMarcN: ok01:15
Antkinzetheroo Gparted is good I use it myself I think you have lost data01:15
usserflats: why should it be hard01:15
BidouMarcN: thank you01:15
usserflats: its not windows after all01:15
flatsOK, works for me01:15
flatshehe very true01:15
Lowke1Ryan,  it was small enough to paste in here01:15
zetherooAntkin: how could that happen?.....01:15
Lowke1MarcN, thank01:16
lealRyanPrior: swfdec is a stand alone player or a plugin?01:16
usserflats: oh one more thing use cp -R01:16
AntkinFree4it Then please ask your question01:16
leali need a standalone player to combine with xscreensaver01:16
flatsOh OK, thank you very much01:16
RyanPriorleal: It's a gstreamer plugin.01:16
Rugironcladlou: Join #tmp and paste it there01:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, upgrading?01:16
Free4itare there any good screen recorders for ubuntu???????????????????????????/01:16
usserflats: no problem01:16
ironcladlouRug: done01:16
lealRyanPrior: any app to *easy* combine with xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver?01:17
AutoMatriXhi folks : question .... can I find the SENDER (original) 's IP from a person who dropped a mail in mu MSN-mailbox ?01:17
RyanPriorFree4it: Google it. There are answers there.01:17
* lazy247x which is better ubuntu 64bit or 32bit??01:17
usserFree4it: take a look at istanbul01:17
Antkinzetheroo I think it could be too late to ponder on the reason why01:17
leali have a swf saver and i want to use it.01:17
usserinfo istanbul01:17
x89xRyanPrior : does it support viaual C# ??01:17
RyanPriorleal: If you need the very latest swf support, there is probably not an *easy* way. What do you expect?01:17
lealthe player from adobe does not have any options...01:17
Stavrosi tried to upgrade to gutsy through ssh with do-release-upgrade but it restarted networking, how do i get back to that screen?01:17
usser!info istanbul01:17
ubotuistanbul (source: istanbul): Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (gutsy), package size 70 kB, installed size 608 kB01:17
lazy247xwhich is better ubuntu 64bit or 32bit??01:17
RyanPriorx89x: I do not know for sure, but Mono-Develop is designed to support C# in general.01:17
lealRyanPrior: actually i just need a standalone player that works with swf8. the official player does, but does not have options (like fullscreen).01:18
Lowke1lazy247x: they have their pros and cons01:18
gbugmiaminot a matter of better, if you need more than 3 gigs ram and have the hardware, use 64. i have and it works.01:18
amenadoStavros-> what do you mean through ssh? you  remotely logged in to a host to upgrade it?01:18
RyanPriorleal: it does have fullscreen. I've used it before with websites like YouTube.01:18
Stavrosamenado: yes01:18
Lowke1lazy247x: i would suggest 3201:19
RyanPriorlazy247x: It depends on your hardware, not your preferences.01:19
zetherooAntkin: well why would someone continue using Linux if they can loose their entire OS and all their data without explanation....01:19
lealRyanPrior: but does not have in command line mode. just in the gui.01:19
amenadoStavros-> ssh back in again, you will get same session you started with though..and most likely the process you were running previously has stopped, you can ps aux to check it01:19
Stavrosamenado: i did, i get a new one :/01:20
gbugmiamiyes in windows, you would never lose your os.01:20
* AutoMatriX repats his question in another way ...; some AssH... is regularily dropping me a 'bad' mail via MSN ....01:20
Stavrosit does say sshd: poromenos [priv]01:20
RyanPriorleal: dunno what to tell you. Non-free programs suck.01:20
amenadoStavros i meant to say you will not get the same session01:20
hellhoundcan someone help me setup my wireless card on my kubuntu machine.  The card is a netgear wpn311 and the Kununtu is a fresh install of gutsy gibbon01:20
AutoMatriXwow can I know where it comes form ?01:20
Stavroshow do i get to the old one?01:20
Antkinzetheroo I have lost tons of data to Windows crashes over the years01:20
amenadoStavros you can not01:20
amenadoAntkin-> and you have learned i hope to make backups right?01:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, if it ask u to reboot after the upgrade, do a reboot then come back01:21
Lowke1ok :D01:21
* AutoMatriX repats his question in another way ...; some AssH... is regularily dropping me a 'bad' mail via MSN .... how can I know where it comes form ?01:21
RugAutoMatriX: what does this have to do with Ubuntu?01:21
zetherooAntkin: I am just saying that people have a hard time switching to Linux already ... and then to just tell them that all their data was lost for no reason whatsoever is NOT going to improve relations with Linux01:22
Antkinamenado I have restore it pro this can recover form a total Windows crash in lest than fifteen minutes01:22
PinkFloyd102489Oh joy, other people losing data01:22
hellhoundcan someone help me setup my wireless card on my kubuntu machine.  The card is a netgear wpn311 and the Kununtu is a fresh install of gutsy gibbon01:22
Stavrosso i have a server that's halfway through the update and can't do anything?01:22
PinkFloyd102489I just lost 3.5GB to a corrupted tarball01:22
amenadoAntkin-> you live an exciting life :p01:22
PinkFloyd102489Stavros, you did apt-get upgrade and you're wanting to continue working on it?01:22
Pyrofoolhellhound: try looking into ndiswrapper01:22
gbugmiamiwhats wrong with it hellhound?  I have atheros card in my laptop i couldnt get working in gutsy. got a pmcia broadband and problem solved.  I gave up.01:23
flowOveri used gmount-iso to mount an iso, and now it won't let me unmount the iso because it's not int he fstab and i'm not root.01:23
StavrosPinkFloyd102489: i did do-release-upgrade01:23
Pyrofoolfor atheros drivers look at madwfi which are in ubuntu already01:23
PinkFloyd102489Stavros, and you're wanting to continue working?01:23
Stavrosit's probably asking for some detail to continue installation but i'm not logged in that session01:23
amenadohellhound-> is the wifi detected?01:23
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hellhoundPyrofool: i am not exactly new to linux but i have never setup a wireless card.. and now i need to for a desktop computer the wireless card is a pci card on a desktop that is too far away for a wired connection01:24
Antkinamenado computer hardware engineer CompTIA a+, web designer, web master and writer of short computer guides yes it keeps me busy01:24
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Pyrofoolthere is a gui for ndis wrapper in synaptics if you look01:24
tripppyi've just installed 7.10 and can see and copy my video files off my windows share, yet i cannot stream them. in 6.10 im sure i did.01:25
amenadoAntkin-> wasnt anything there missing? hehe01:25
TetracommYes, the server accepted telnet01:25
Pyrofoolmight help, also there are many help threads on the ubuntu forums regarding ndiswrapper01:25
amenadoTetracomm-> then telnet away..what services does the server have that you need to get to?01:26
Antkinamenado maybe but you would have to check out my about me page at http://is4uk.co.uk01:26
TetracommWell, I was just trying something, i'm going to write a program, so I won't need telnet later on anyway.01:26
amenadoAntkin its a joke..01:26
TetracommJust testing something.01:26
TetracommThank you. :)01:26
slugonehey what librsaries do i need to build / make file01:27
Stavrosah, it was a simple case of dpkg --reconfigure -a01:27
amenadoslugone-> make a file? are you referring to Makefile ?01:27
Antkinamenado Ok I am starting to feel sleepy, not realy in the mode for jokes will have to log off soon01:27
whileimhereHi I know this is not exactly the right channel to ask but since there are so many experts here well... I was wondering if someone downloads files with bittorrent (deluge) is there an enormous chance that the downloader will be tracked?01:27
slugonei just installed ubuntu and you need some libraries01:27
Stavrosamenado: poor man :p01:27
amenadoslugone-> autoconf, automake  but if you download build-essential they maybe part of that already01:28
TetracommDoes anyone in here know of any simple C++ socket libraries that enable me to use sockets without typing many lines of code?01:28
Pyrofoolif you turn on encrypted outgoing and icoming in deluge you should not be able to be tracked01:28
amenadoStavros-> yes am poor, man..01:28
Pyrofoolbut also i would use the block list importer too01:29
DarkmystereErr, can some one help it seems im connected to internet but i cant go to www.google.com or anything iwconfig says im connected wicd says im connected ifconfig says im connected...01:29
flowOverhow do i unmount an iso mounted with gmount-iso?01:29
zecamaradacd ubuntu-br01:30
amenadoTetracomm-> why the need to code in C++ , try netcat the swiss-army knife01:30
DivineSpectrummetal rulez01:30
DarkmystereWhen i try and do Ping With Root privs  it says ping:sendmsg: Operation Not Perimitted. A bunch of times01:30
gbugmiamidont need to be root to ping01:31
flowOverhow do i unmount a mounted volume with a command?01:31
amenadoflowOver-> umount /mountpoint01:31
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flowOverdevice is busy even with sudo01:32
Antkinbye all01:32
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flowOverit tells me media it's not in the fstab when i do it regular01:33
amenadoflowOver-> any other apps using it? are you cd'd to it?01:33
flowOveri'm installing simcity 4 deluxe with wine01:33
flowOverit needs disc 201:33
o_oK__the internet stops working 3-5 minutes after i boot. the tray icon says im still connected to the network, but the internet does not work. ping <somesite.com> will not work also01:34
flowOverit wouldn't read the discs so i had to rip them and i got the install going01:34
o_oK__any thoughts?01:34
flowOverbut now it wants disc 2 and it wont look for it anywhere but where disc1 is01:34
Rugo_oK__: ifconfig     What's your IP/can you ping your router?01:34
Darkmysteregbugmiami, i tried without root privs and it gave operation not promitted..so i tried with root...also use my Title so ill acctually know your talking to me..01:35
amenadoflowOver-> you can find out which process still have a hold of the /mountpoint via  lsof01:35
flowOveri imagine it's the install program01:36
o_oK__Rug: i don't know im not in ubuntu now, im in windows.01:36
Cyberaio_oK__, soudns like DNS to me. Try a ping on something you know the IP of.01:36
zulerdonglecould someone please help. i have ubuntu on my laptop and the taskbar disappeared, how can i like reset the equivalent of explorer.exe (if it exists and this is the case) from the terminal01:36
o_oK__Rug: i did run iwconfig, and the connection was there. signal strength and everything01:36
Cyberaizulerdongle, go to a terminal and type "panel'01:36
o_oK__Cyberai: internet just stops in general. i cant even finish the security updates01:36
zulerdonglecyberai thanks will try that01:36
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flowOverthere's too much information with lsof.  my terminal buffer doesn't hold it all.  how do i limit it too the mount point ?01:37
RugflowOver: lsof |grep mountpoint01:38
jeff__having trouble with nvidia driver (nv works fine), 7800GT and Dell 3007 monitor on 7.10.  I get a scrambled screen.01:38
helloKittyWhere can I get a list of fully linux compatible NIC?01:38
jtravnickis there any doc for installing ubuntu7.10?01:39
Lowke1[Hardy]TuTUXG: its still updating01:39
jeff__looks like a sync issue, but i can't seem to fix it01:39
Bossmanbetaanyone aware of a way of detaching a remote X application running via 'ssh -Y' for re-attaching later? (Just like 'screen' but for X apps) There's an old-old app called 'xmove' (last updated 1997) but it's very buggy and doesn't work. VNC and NX are whole-desktop solutions and doesn't work well when I want to run local & remote apps on a unified local desktop.01:39
flowOverit was the bash console i used to start wine01:39
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, could take a while01:39
PinkFloyd102489jeff__, install nvidia-settings and enable sync to vblank01:39
jeff__and all of those settings are the same in nv as nvidia01:39
ubotuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training01:39
scraga2what's the term for putting a liveCD in public computers and leaving it? I had a page on it, but I've lost it now01:39
jeff__thanks PinkFloyd102489, i'll try that01:40
Pyrofoolcompatibility list  http://www.linuxcompatible.org/compatdb.php01:40
PinkFloyd102489scraga2 pleasant surprise? :-p01:40
lunksI noticed xorg is taking too much cpu, after I upgraded compiz and nvidia to the latest ones. How can I debug what's going on?01:40
diogofsrSomeone is having problem doing search using google? I keep receiving doubts about my humanity and captchas to insure I am not machine.01:40
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scraga2PinkFloyd102489: not the term I was looking for, I found the link somewhere on the ubuntu forums, guess I'll have to search for it again...01:41
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joeaminedi'm using xchat-gnome in gutsy01:41
Darkmysterei went to /ect/network/interfaces...opend it up and vralla my Ath0 isnt in there.. could that be a problem...?01:41
joeaminedwhen i want to connect to ##java for example, it tells me i need to identify myself but i can't do it !01:41
joeaminedso how to identify myself in xchat gnome please ?01:42
alex-weejyay the archives are fast again01:42
Starnestommyjoeamined: are you registered with NickServ?01:42
Pyrofoolgoogle irc commands01:42
Darkmysterejoeamined: just do /msg nickserv identify <password>01:42
Jack_Sparrow!register | joeamined01:42
ubotujoeamined: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:42
joeaminedStarnestommy : yes01:42
joeaminedi'm already registered01:43
lsthim having a problem logging in. after i log in at the gui i see the brownish gnome background and the mouse but the login doesnt continue. it just hangs there. how do i reinstall gnome01:43
joeaminedit's just that i don't know how to enter this info in xchat gnome01:43
Starnestommyjoeamined: now /msg nickserv identify <password>01:43
gopp__I setup bind on ubuntu01:43
gopp__when I connect to nslookup from windows01:43
joeaminedthnaks it worked01:43
gopp__I get error *** DD-WRT can't find gopunix.local: Non-existent domain01:43
joeaminedbut do i have to do it everytime ?01:43
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Can you help me get my internet working..?01:44
lsthim having a problem logging in. after i log in at the gui i see the brownish gnome background and the mouse but the login doesnt continue. it just hangs there. how do i reinstall gnome?01:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGLowke1, brb01:44
Starnestommyjoeamined: no, just put that password as the server's password in the network list01:44
bsundsrudhi, i have an HP dv2000 laptop, and the touchpad uses the synaptics driver.  I can't get it to mind the settings I set in ksynaptic, like something is bypassing it.  anyone know anything about that?01:45
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joeaminedStarnestommy: how to do that please ?01:46
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Sorry .. I am busy elsewhere01:46
lsthcan anyone help me out01:46
Starnestommyjoeamined: let me load up xchat-gnome and check01:46
bsundsrudlsth: whats the problem?01:46
meoblast001hello.,.... i recently got a Jabra bluetooth headset for my ps3 and i want to use it for my laptop but dont even know where to start.... could someone help... im running Ubuntu Gutsy01:46
joeaminedStarnestommy : no that's okay01:47
joeaminedi found it01:47
joeaminedthank you very much01:47
lsthbsundsrud: im having a problem logging in. after i log in at the gui i see the brownish gnome background and the mouse but the login doesnt continue. it just hangs there. how do i reinstall gnome?01:47
Darkmystere_so Jack_Sparrow, Could you help i cant connect to the internet well i can iwconfig ifconfig and wicd tells me i am but i cant ping www.google.com or any dns it just gives me an operation not permitted01:47
bsundsrudlsth: is this after a new install or did it start doing it all of a sudden?01:47
lsthall of a sudden01:47
TurgonHello. Would this gadget: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.5572 (a Serial RS232 PCMCIA Card) work in Ubuntu? Thanks a lot :)01:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:47
lsthbsundsrud all of a sudden01:48
bsundsrudlsth: did you set any new programs to start recently? install anything that you think might cause it?01:48
bsundsrudlsth: to start on login, i meant01:48
jtravnicki cant believe theres no official doc for installing ubuntu01:48
lsthbsundsrud no. i also created a new user and am experiencing the same problem01:48
ks3Darkmystere_, can you ping by ip address?01:48
lsthbsundsrud no01:49
flowOverjtravnick: what is more official than the instructions offered inside the installer?01:49
bsundsrudlsth: I've exhausted all the stuff i can help you with, i use KDE myself.  if you could get to a terminal i think theres something like 'aptitude reinstall <package>', and you could try doing that to the gnome-panel package01:50
flowOveror perhaps even the installation instructions on their website01:50
jtravnickflowOver, would have been nice if somewhere it had told me that it had that im sitting here going through the web site trying to get this to do a dual boot install01:51
Darkmystere_ks3, give me an ip to ping please.01:51
lsthbsundsrud gnome-panel isnt installed according to that command01:51
Darkmystere_ks3, sec seems it disconnected..01:52
bsundsrudlsth: install it... pretty sure its supposed to be there01:52
bsundsrudanyone here have a HP dvX000 series laptop?01:54
lsthbsundsrud ok installing01:54
bsundsrudlsth: ok, not sure how that could get uninstalled but im pretty sure thats one of the main gnome programs :)01:55
lsthbsundsrud thanks!!!01:55
bsundsrudupdate gone awry maybe?01:55
bsundsrudthat work?01:55
bsundsrudk, make sure nautilus is still installed too :D01:56
Darkmystere_ks3,Every Ping i do it comes back operation not permitted01:56
bsundsrudthats the filemanager, and i think it handles the background pic as well01:56
Darkmystere_ks3,cept if i type www.google.com01:56
nwahsadudewhere do you find add remove software?01:56
bsundsrudlsth what version of ubuntu are you running?01:56
nwahsadudei think 7.401:57
bsundsrudah, i was going to see if you were running hardy alpha, which could cause an update to break things like that01:57
lsthbsundsrud either 7.04 or 7.10. i think 7.0401:57
ks3Darkmystere_, what shows up if you run ls -l `which ping`01:57
bsundsrudoh well, glad that worked for you lsth01:57
Darkmystere_ks3, ls -l then ping <ip here> correct?01:58
ks3nope, just do ls -l `which ping`; backticks and all... if you're getting operation not permitted the permissions on ping may have been set incorrectly01:58
=== Darkmystere_ is now known as Darkmystere
malocitegood evening all :)  - I cannot seem to locate the theme manager in gutsy... does it not install by default02:00
ks3Darkmystere, the permissions on ping should show up as -rwsr-xr-x02:00
jtravnickcan somebody please tell me just where i find the install docs?? I need to make sure i only install over fedora and not my windows partition02:00
ArielMThi there.  for some reason, my swap partition isn't being mounted even though it's listed in /etc/fstab.  exact error is "swapon: /dev/mapper/vg-swap: Invalid argument" and ubuntu version is 7.1002:00
jeffMASTERflexmalocite: System/Preferences/Appearance02:00
atlefmalocite: under apperance in the preferences menu02:00
amenadojtravnick-> no README file on the liveCD ?02:01
malocitejeffMASTERflex: Doh02:01
Darkmystereks3 -rwsr-xr-x 1 root erot 30856 2007-07-06 09:40 /bin/ping02:01
malocitejeffMASTERflex: I thought it was called emerald.... thats what it was the last time I installed gutsy, this is a re-install :)02:01
jtravnickamenado, im not finding one02:01
Darkmystereks3 *eroot sorry for typing so slow but im  typeing what i see from my labtop that has ubuntu on it..02:02
jeffMASTERflexmalocite: you can install the emerald theme manager if you do not have it installed02:02
ks3Darkmystere, no problem. have you done any firewall setup on this box?02:02
pinguanyone know why my wireless is weaker in my linux partition. i have both xp and linux and cannot connect to wireless easily in linux but in xp its is smooth. am i missing something?02:02
Darkmystereks3, nope02:02
Darkmystereks3, although about 3 months ago i tried firestarted but then removed it.02:03
malocitejeffMASTERflex: does it serve any other purpose since there is already this appearance preference thing?02:03
jeffMASTERflexpingu: probably lower quality drivers for your wireless card02:03
pingujeffMASTERflex: can i get better ones? where?02:03
jeffMASTERflexmalocite: emerald is a different window themer. it is actually a separate program used to draw window decorations. you don't need it. you can install regular metacity themes02:04
Darkmystereks3, how do i check and see if an Ip address has been set to my box?02:04
jeffMASTERflexpingu: no, you cannot get better ones02:04
TheManiacKYIs there a way I can easily share my DVDR on my Ubuntu server with my OSX mac ? Besides for making iso files and copying them between the network. Is there some service or somthing I can run that will stream the burn to the burner?02:04
ks3Darkmystere, ip address ls02:04
malocitejeffMASTERflex: cool thanks02:04
pingujeffMASTERflex: are you sure?02:04
jeffMASTERflexpingu: it really depends on the driver. most of the time, you can't search around on google to see if anyone has already solved this issue02:05
zero-jtugh, my screen resolution is messed up and it wont let me fix it02:05
Darkmystereks3, yea inet brd scope global ath0....i can ping my routers ip too..02:05
bsundsrudpingu: what is the wireless card/laptop model?02:05
Darkmystereks3, it acctually gives me data...02:06
pingubsundsrud: laptop-acer aspire 5100, wireless card- 802.11 b/g wireless LAN02:06
ks3Darkmystere, so you can ping your router... how about traceroute -n
zePh7rhi all02:07
bsundsrudpingu: go to a terminal and type lspci02:07
ader10Is there a way I can lower my fan speed?02:07
bsundsrudpingu: then look for the lines that talk about network controllers and tell me the manufacturer02:07
pingubsundsrud: 06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)02:08
bsundsrudoh my02:08
pingubsundsrud: what?02:08
Darkmystereks3, traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40byte packets *next line* send:Operation not permitted02:08
zePh7rI did a "make install" of a snapshot of madwifi in an attempt to put my wireless card to work. Anyway it didn't work out and now I would just like to know if there is anyway I can delete madwifi (this custom installation)02:09
AangFani need some help with the keyboard02:09
bsundsrudbroadcom is very mean about their driver specs, and there aren't any FOSS solutions that are on par with their drivers yet.  some users have had luck with ndiswrapper though02:09
ks3Darkmystere, anything interesting show up with sudo iptables -nvL02:09
bsundsrud!ndiswrapper | pingu02:09
ubotupingu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:09
pingubsundsrud: what is FOSS solutions and diswrapper?02:10
bsundsrudpingu: the 4318 and 4311 (which i have) are the worst performers02:10
Darkmystereks3, like what i really dont feel like typing all of that...02:10
AangFanI need desactivate num lock because my keyboard is space saving and hace the num pad integrated to other keys02:10
bsundsrudpingu: FOSS is Free/Open source software.  Ndiswrapper is a program that takes your windows drivers for wireless cards and wraps them so linux can use them02:10
ArielMThi there.  for some reason, my swap partition isn't being mounted even though it's listed in /etc/fstab.  exact error when running "sudo swapon -a" is "swapon: /dev/mapper/vg-swap: Invalid argument".  i've tried specifying device name and device uuid, with a reboot in between. and ubuntu version is 7.1002:10
ks3Darkmystere, there should be an input, output, and forward section; in a default config, each of them should be blank02:11
ks3Darkmystere, if they aren't blank, try running sudo iptables -F, then ping again02:11
pingubsundsrud: i was just reading about some ndiswrapper stuff but it didn't sound like what i needed but maybe it is. when i was reading it i was kinda confused, it sounded fairly complicated to do02:11
ArielMTAangFan: when during start-up does the numlock light come on?02:12
ader10Is there a way I can lower my fan speed? It's at a constant 100%, making it hard to concentrate.02:12
bsundsrudpingu: there are some easier methods to do ndiswrapper, i think in ubuntu there is a utility called ndiswrapper-gtk, which gives a GUI for doing the work. also, the other piece you need is the windows drivers for your wifi card02:13
AangFanyes, but when I tipe on GDM my name and psword I have tis efect: 4b4nt402:13
dyslexicfeetHi I am new to ubuntu, i have an eeepc and i think i really screwd things up.  Can anyone help me?02:13
Darkmystereks3, im looking at wireshark too theres alot of who has Tell
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: just ask your question.02:13
ks3Darkmystere, interesting... is .254 your router?02:13
pingubsundsrud: i have the drivers for xp ( its my other partition) so that won't be hard ill have to do some looking around to figure out how the ndiswrapper works exactly.02:13
Darkmystereks3, idk...:/....02:14
bsundsrudpingu: ok, good luck02:14
=== pingu is now known as mwhit74
Darkmystereks3, it also has a
dyslexicfeeti installed Ubuntu and could not figure out how to tweek it so that my eeepc would work.  i founda tweeked version of xubuntu on the web and installed that and now its reading both versions.  i only want the xubuntu02:14
ArielMT192.168.1.254 sounds like the default address of an older 2Wire DSL modem, like mine02:14
DarkmystereArielMT, its a 2wire02:15
mwhit74bsundsrud: pingu here, just changed my name, thanks for the advice02:15
ArielMTDarkmystere: 1800HG?  That's the exact model I have.  Looks like it got squashed in the middle before it left the factory.02:15
DarkmystereArielMT, :D02:16
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: what do you mean its reading both versions?02:16
ArielMTDarkmystere: then wireshark is telling you something nice to know. is your modem's address02:16
DarkmystereArielMT,ks3, well it looks like some packages ARP Sources are  AskeyCom_89:1b:9b02:16
dyslexicfeetwhen i start it up it makes me choose which i want to run... so i have02:17
AangFanbsundsrud yes, but when I tipe on GDM my name and psword I have tis efect: 4b4nt402:17
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: did you remove the partition that had the old version of linux?02:17
DarkmystereArielMT,ks3, i tried pinging that ip it says operation not permitted..02:17
DJSBXIs anybody here?02:18
blasteri have a question02:18
wasabi_hey is a there a terminal application launcher? a text base program that shows you what programs you have and organizes it by category?02:18
IndyGunFreakDJSBX: no, all 1200 of us are asleep02:18
ArielMTi wish :)02:18
ks3Darkmystere, can you ping localhost?02:18
DarkmystereArielMT,ks3, Also  that ASKeyCom ARp is the only one without FF:FF:FF:FF:FF in  it02:19
DJSBXsorry <_<, didnt see how many people were on here.02:19
dyslexicfeetUbuntu 7.10, kernal 20622-14-generic  --  ubuntu 7.10, kernal 206022-14 - generic recovery -- ubuntu memtest86+  --  other operating systems  --  ubuntu 7.10 (7.10) (on/dev/sdb4)  --  ubuntu 7.10, kernal 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode) (on/dev/sdb4) --  ubunut 7.10, memtest86+ (on/dev/sdb4)02:19
DJSBXanyways, I have a problem that I was hoping somebody could help me with02:19
Darkmystereks3, Operation not permitted..02:19
dyslexicfeetthoes are all seperate options and rather than just book one autromaticall i have to choose on every time i start up the computer02:19
blasterhas anyone else had mouse problems with 3d fps games, more specifically, the logitech g502:19
moparisthebestI just installed xubuntu-desktop and want to remove ubuntu-desktop, how would I do that?02:19
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: it looks like you have two different installs of hte same version of ubuntu02:19
DJSBXI downloaded and burnt Ubuntu Server 7.1, I tried to install it, but once it got to "Installing Base System" and it got to about 83% it just stopped for like 30 min, and nothing happened.02:20
moparisthebestaptitude remove ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove any packages either :/02:20
ZayneGood evening! Is there anyone here who could help me with figuring out how to get a video card installed properly?02:20
dyslexicfeetindyguyfreak:can i delete the one i dont want?02:20
IndyGunFreakmoparisthebest: i think its gnome, or maybe gnome-desktop02:21
moparisthebestZayne, what kind of video card?02:21
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: yes, but you'll still need to reclaim the space by formatting the partition02:21
dyslexicfeeti dont know what that means...i am in WAY over my head02:21
moparisthebestthere is a package called ubuntu-desktop, but removing it doesn't remove any dependant packages :(02:21
Zaynemoparisthebest, it's an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT.02:21
IndyGunFreakmoparisthebest: i know.. i think its gnome-desktop maybe02:21
dyslexicfeetindygunfreak: I have also lost the ability to restore the factory settings that the eeepc came with02:22
moparisthebestZayne, I've had excellent luck with this: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:22
zero-jtcrap >< my resolution is complete messed up and its not letting me change it back, something about x server not being able to support XRandR extension but like an hour ago i was able to change my resolution on the fly, help02:22
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: well, no telling what yhou've done02:23
IndyGunFreakblaster: if you have a question, ask it.02:23
Zaynemoparisthebest, thank you I will try that. i'll check back later if there's no results. take care~02:23
ks3Darkmystere, wow... so it can't even ping itself... can you ping the ubuntu box from the machine you're on?02:23
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR02:23
dyslexicfeetindygunfreak: is there anyway to reset the whole thing and start again?02:23
Darkmystereks3, err what would i ping..02:23
Daisuke_Laptoperr...  wouldn't #eeepc be a better place to ask?02:23
blasterIndyGunFreak: my logitech g5 does not work at all, with any 3d game aplication, is this a known problem?02:24
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: i reallky don't know, i'm not that famiiliar w/ the eeepc.. maybe just try doing a clean install.02:24
DJSBXI downloaded and burnt Ubuntu Server 7.1, I tried to install it, but once it got to "Installing Base02:24
IndyGunFreakblaster: i have no idea... don't even know what a logitech g5 is02:24
ks3Darkmystere, whichever ip showed up in ip address ls... i think it was .67?02:24
DJSBX+System" and it got to about 83% it just stopped for like 30 min02:24
dyslexicfeetindygunfreak:can i run a clean install through what i currently have on my system?02:24
blasterIndyGunFreak: logitech g5 is a usb mouse02:24
Darkmystereks3, Request Timed out.02:25
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: yes, when it comes time to install, tell it to "take over" the entire hard drive.02:25
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: but you will lose everything, and have a completely new install.02:25
ks3Darkmystere, okay, so nothing in or out02:25
ArielMTfor some reason, my swap partition isn't being mounted even though it's listed in /etc/fstab.  exact error when running "sudo swapon -a" is "swapon: /dev/mapper/vg-swap: Invalid argument".  i've tried specifying device name and device uuid, with a reboot in between.  google didn't help.  ubuntu version is 7.1002:25
ks3Darkmystere, did we run sudo iptables -F already?02:25
IndyGunFreakblaster: the mouse doesn'tt work at all, or just extra buttons, etc, dont work?02:25
RyanPriorIs there a program that lets you create DVDs with menus and so on?02:25
dyslexicfeetindygunfreak: i dont have any files on there yet so maybe it will work02:25
Darkmystereks3, yeP02:25
IndyGunFreakdyslexicfeet: i would hope so.02:26
blasterIndyGunFrak: it doesn't work at all, with 7.a0, it works perfect with 6.10 perfectly02:26
Darkmystereks3, ive ben tryinng to get internet for 5 days now..02:26
mlstwho can help me pls private chat ??????02:26
FlannelArielMT: You're on LVM, right?02:27
ArielMTFlannel: yes02:27
IndyGunFreakblaster: thats kinda weird, is it hooked up to a USB port, or do you have it going to a PS2 port w/ an adapter?02:27
FlannelArielMT: and what are your volume group and logical volume names for your swap partition?02:27
blasterIndyGunFreak: i have it in the USB port02:27
ks3Darkmystere, what happens if you run sudo ping localhost?02:27
FlannelArielMT: Or more importantly, whats listed in /dev/mapper for it?02:28
Darkmystereks3, Operation not permitted..02:28
IndyGunFreakblaster: maybe shutdown, and try putting it in the PS2 port w/ an adapter?..02:28
ArielMTFlannel: iirc, vg and swap respectively.  it's mapped to /dev/mapper/vg-swap02:28
alekaI am trying to draw a simple diagram in a word document I have been working on. I have the oo.o-draw package, but can not see it in my menu picks... How do I draw basic shapes in this document?02:28
blasterIndyGunFreak: I have tried that as well02:28
blastersame result02:29
jimmygoonxsane sucks02:29
IndyGunFreakblaster: then sorry, i have no logical suggestion02:29
blasterIndyGunFreak: no worries, I thank you for your time, I am going to reinstal 6.1002:29
Daisuke_Laptopaleka: select "draw" in the word processor.02:29
ks3Darkmystere, it seems like a firewall issue, but iptables -F should flush all the iptables rules...02:29
FlannelArielMT: Odd.  It shouldn't give you an error.  What does `sudo swapon /dev/mapper/vg-swap` do?02:30
ssmithNewb looking for help on how to install source files.  Can someone help?02:30
Flannelssmith: What are you looking to install?02:30
Odd-rationale!compile | ssmith02:30
IndyGunFreakblaster: not erally sure thats the answer02:30
ubotussmith: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:30
alekaDaisuke_Laptop: under what menu pick?02:30
ArielMTarielmt@cleos-cat:~$ sudo swapon /dev/mapper/vg-swap02:30
ArielMTswapon: /dev/mapper/vg-swap: Invalid argument02:30
Flannelssmith: last-exit is in the repositories02:31
IndyGunFreakblaster: are you stil there?02:31
blasterIndyGunFreak: the same mouse works perfect, in 6.10. I just wanted to try out 7.1002:31
ssmithubuntu last exit package hangs at startup of program02:31
blasteryes im here02:31
Daisuke_Laptopaleka: it's the button that looks like a pencil drawing a square, when you hover, it gives the tooltip "Show Draw Functions"02:31
IndyGunFreakblaster: try googling, "Logitech G5 Ubuntu 7.10", i got several hits, this suggests this si not an isolated problem02:31
alekaDaisuke_Laptop: Thanks!!02:32
ssmithshould I unistall and reinstall last-exit from repositories?02:32
blasterIndyGunFreak: dohhhh, now i feel like an idiot. LOL  I didn't even think to google it. ROFL02:32
IndyGunFreakblaster: it happens02:32
Daisuke_Laptopaleka: you're welcome02:32
Darkmystereks3, soz internet./.02:33
iceswordIndyGunFreak, i am running 7.10 in 100 m ram,it is using 33% of swap now,lol02:33
ArielMTwhat i'd give to have any swap usage about now02:34
IndyGunFreakicesword: didn't we suggest flux to you?..lol02:34
FlannelArielMT: And that partition is correctly created as a swap partition?02:34
ArielMTFlannel: was when i set it up, aye02:34
RippedcaI setup my mother in law up with a pc running ubuntu, She does not have a lot of computer experience but seems to be enjoying Ubuntu. She wants to start using IM. What IM service provider should she sign up with?02:34
brunnerwhich wireless chipset should I get? Atheros AR5006EX, Intel WM3945AG, or Intel 4965AGN?02:35
iceswordIndyGunFreak, can you give me screenshot of fluxbox under ubuntu,i just want it easy!02:35
FlannelArielMT: Double check, sudo lvdisplay | less02:35
peepsalotwhy are info pages the same as man pages?  is this an ubuntu idiosyncracy?02:35
Odd-rationaleRippedca: Why not google talk?02:35
RippedcaHer family are using macs02:35
FlannelArielMT: er, I suppose that actually doesn't give you the partition type02:35
Darkmystereks3,what did you say before i dced? Firefox Crashed again..02:35
IndyGunFreakicesword: fluxbuntu.org has screenshots02:35
Rippedcathanks I will check out google talk02:36
Starnestommypeepsalot: the info files often are a lot more in-depth than the man files for some things, like emacs or bash02:36
iceswordIndyGunFreak, ok,but now ctrl+alt+f1 don't get me console,now,is it because i disabled hotkey-set 、02:36
FlannelArielMT: sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/vg-swap02:36
ArielMTFlannel: nope, but it showed that everything's right, except of course that # open is 002:36
IndyGunFreakicesword: most likely02:37
mwhit74anyone know anything about ndiswrapper for ubuntu. im considering it as an option to make my wireless card work better02:37
iceswordIndyGunFreak, you said most likely,what is other possiblity?02:37
blasterIndyGunFreak: wow, allot of editing for a mouse, I am going to go back to 6.10, not worth anymore headache. I have been fighting it two days. :-)02:38
ArielMTFlannel: yup, since it's out-of-commission swap, no harm formatting it even on a live system.  afk, reading manpage and doing that02:38
jimmygoonHow is ubuntu support for NVIDIA Quadro FX 570M02:38
peepsalotStarnestommy, but they aren't more in depth, i see the EXACT same text that is in the man pages02:38
IndyGunFreakblaster: seems strange it works under Edgy, but not Gutsy.02:38
xyblorwhat does it mean when ssh just hangs when you run it?02:38
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: as a general rule, Ubuntu/Linux support for Nvidia is solid.02:38
peepsalotStarnestommy, including the part at the bottom that says to go look at the info pages for more information02:38
AangFanArielMT yes, but when I tipe on GDM my name and psword I have tis efect: 4b4nt402:38
IndyGunFreakunless its avery new card02:38
Starnestommypeepsalot: the output of info emacs looks different than man emacs for me, but not for something else like mv02:39
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, really? I thought ATI support was better? NVIDIA is kinda the last guy holding out with the closed-ness?02:39
Leetbumblejimmy, no idea but i do use an Nvidia 8800gts and their little installer edited my xconfig just fine and i use dual screen with no probs02:39
ArielMTAangFan: so numlock comes on during boot-up?02:39
blasterIndyGunFreak: I hear ya there, doesn't make any sense to me either. I wasnt unhappy with 6.10 at all, just wanted to try 7.1002:39
jimmygoonLeetbumble, thats good to hear02:39
AangFanArielMT yes!02:39
IndyGunFreakblaster: maybe install 6.10, upgrade to 7.04, then upgrade to 7.1002:39
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: well, until ATI actually gets stuff releeased for their cards, Nvidia, although its a closed driver, its a well written driver02:40
Darkmystereks3, You here??02:40
iRRVii need a cross platform (windows, mac, linux) cluster computing software, preferably opensource and free02:40
icesworduse that alternate cd to upgrade02:40
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, alrighty. thanks02:40
Daisuke_Laptop6.10 is about to EOL in april, though02:40
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: but as a general rule, Nvidia is almost always easier(obviously very new stuff is different, but thast old enough you should be fine)02:40
blasterIndyGunFreak: possible that would work, but again, i liked 6.10, so no need to fix what isn't broke. :-)02:40
peepsalotStarnestommy, well i'd rather not install emacs just to find out.  but do why would any command say at the bottom to refer to the info pages, if they were the exact same as the man pages.  I think there is something not conifugred correctly here02:41
blastertake care peeps, :-)02:41
IndyGunFreakblaster: true, other than it will be obsolete here soon02:41
RyanPriorIs there a program that lets you create DVDs with menus and so on?02:41
LeetbumbleiRRVi - im using knopixcluster for a project at university. boots in memory which is always fun. and it went up pretty easy.02:41
flowOverati is opensourcing even the chip blueprints02:41
Daisuke_LaptopRyanPrior: search synaptic for "dvd"02:41
flowOver /amd02:41
ArielMTAangFan: sounds like you need to turn it off in the bios, then.  depending on your bios type, the access key is either f2, f10, or del.  reboot and mash that key as if it were a joystick's fire button.  that'll take you into the bios, where you can tell it to boot with numlock off.  if you see the ubuntu logo instead of the bios screen, it was either the wrong key or too late: reboot and try again.02:42
AangFanArielMT ok, now.. rebooting02:43
iRRViLeetbumble: thanks i'll check it out02:43
IndyGunFreakflowOver: yes they are, bu thtey haven't yet, so until they do, Nvidia still kills ATI w/ linux for ease of setup02:44
RyanPriorDaisuke_Laptop: Thanks for the suggestion. However, I had already done that, and I don't see anything that does what I want -- that is, linking video clips together using scriptable menus.02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about planeshift - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:44
ArielMTFlannel: puh.  that did the trick, but i've no idea what corrupted it in the first place.02:44
Daisuke_Laptopnow that could be a little more difficult...02:44
mlstI cant see my other partition what did i do ???02:44
juice_anyone know what planeshift is?02:44
ArielMTFlannel: thanks :)02:44
Daisuke_Laptopi haven't seen anything that would really take care of that02:44
Daisuke_Laptopjuice_: yes, why?02:44
Frederickfolks which is the command line to reconfigure nvidia packages in ubuntu?02:45
juice_Daisuke_Laptop: top linux download on mininova.com, just wondering..?02:45
__mikemFrederick, dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx02:45
Frederick__mikem: did not work I think I lack some package02:46
__mikemFrederick, then do apt-get install nvidia-glx02:46
smartfaceHi, is there a way I can completely reformat my ubuntu server without a cd?02:46
Daisuke_Laptop!piracy | juice_02:46
smartfaceJust with ssh?02:46
Frederick__mikem: done, do I need nvidia-kernell too?02:46
regeyaby 'reformat' you mean...02:46
__mikemFrederick, I never did02:46
juice_Daisuke_Laptop: ppssh. i was just asking what it is?02:46
LimCorehttp://www.puzzlepirates.com/index.xhtml <--- be amazed02:47
Frederickoki brb02:47
smartfaceregeya, basically reset the system02:47
LimCoreis this a new trend?02:47
smartfacea bunch of programs are messed up02:47
Daisuke_Laptopi wasn't amazed with puzzle pirates originally...  something interesting?02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind9 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:47
regeyaby 'reset the system' you mean...reinstall everything from scratch?  over ssh?02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:47
smartfaceyes regeya02:47
smartfacerestore all the original installation files02:48
RyanPriorjuice_: planeshift is a free software MMORPG, and downloading it off mininova is not piracy! :-)02:48
* morphiend cries for help while pulling out his hair02:48
Daisuke_Laptopoh ho!  LimCore, that is interesting...  i hope it's a trend :)02:48
morphiendAnyone have any ideas as to why my mouse would be acting like its on crack?02:48
juice_RyanPrior: thanks02:48
LimCoreDaisuke_Laptop: that site probably is legit, as it is linked there from a popular comic side (still, be carefull ;)02:48
RyanPriorjuice_: http://www.planeshift.it02:48
* LimCore should use apparmored02:48
smartfaceActually, I should try to fix my problem02:49
smartfaceI've got apache2 working02:49
smartfacebut php5 doesnt02:49
flowOverwhich fonts in linux are good substitutes for Verdana, Arial, Helvetica02:49
regeyasmartface: let's say 'no'02:49
AangFanArielMT a lot of thanks, the Bug Intruse what Obstruce System config works02:49
morphiendIn other words, if I single left click,  more times than not its detected as a double click, and if I perform actions like dragging, if I move the mouse too fast the action is moved to the next window the cursor "hits"02:49
smartfaceWhen I access php files on my server, it just asks me if I want to save them02:49
smartfaceyet I've installed php502:50
Daisuke_LaptopLimCore: i was never a fan of puzzle pirates, i tried it once on windows...  but yes, that casual games are being released for linux is a major...  gesture of goodwill?  that's close enough...  to "average" users02:50
GNUtoohello,is there anyone that knows well the kernel?02:50
regeyaok, so the real problem is php5, not that you've had your remote system compromised with no way to drive to teh thing, or anything like that.02:50
morphiendGNUtoo: what parts of it?02:50
GNUtoomorphiend, don't know...i'm looking for the device 25...i don't know what is it...02:51
ArielMTAangFan: you're welcome... as opposed to we2c90e ;)02:51
macogwsmartface: your server is misconfigured02:51
GNUtoomorphiend, cause i'd like to make acpi work02:51
macogwflowOver: Liberation Sans02:51
GNUtoomorphiend, s/acpi/suspend to ram02:51
macogwflowOver: but you can get at least Arial from the msttcorefonts package02:51
smartfacemacogw, how does one fix this02:51
LimCoreDaisuke_Laptop: probably good will, since linux users are like 3% desktop02:51
macogwsmartface: dont know. i fixed it once and then forgot.02:51
LimCoreand most do not like to buy, esp closed source02:52
macogwsmartface: google told me how.02:52
morphiendlooking for device 25, how? you mean that its listed in your /dev fs?02:52
flowOveri'm more wondering for web design purposes.  people with default ubuntu installs02:52
smartfaceWould re-installing ubuntu in LAMP mode make it all work?02:52
morphiendif you cat /proc/devices it will correlate the number to the device (driver)02:53
Daisuke_LaptopLimCore: simple games like that could draw more "everyday" users over (the web, email, im, casual game group), so it's a good thing (to me, at least)02:53
benny269how can i update octave to the latest version?02:53
GNUtoomorphiend, no my dmesg gives me that:   hash matches device device:25 and /proc/device doesn't list it02:53
RyanPriorbenny269: Do you mean that you want a version newer than the one in the repositories?02:54
GNUtooGNUtoo, cat /proc/device | grep 25 gives numbers such as 25102:54
Daisuke_Laptopwhen popcap starts releasing linux versions of its games, watch out :)02:55
flowOverwow changing everything to alsa mixer from the nvidia drivers for the nforce4 really destroyed all the crashy bug problems i was continueing to have02:55
smartfaceCan someone indicate to me how I can completely uninstall Apache, PHP, and mysql in order to reinstall them late02:55
smartfaceincluding settings02:55
benny269RyanPrior: well I installed the standard version from synaptic but i think the latest version is 3.0 and is much newer with more functions?02:55
RyanPriorbenny269: The version in Hardy Heron is release 3.0.0, so you can always upgrade to Hardy. =D02:56
Daisuke_Laptopand RyanPrior, juice_: my apologies about the jumping to conclusions re: piracy.  my first thought was planeshift = planescape and oops :\02:56
morphiendGNUtoo: paste the output from your dmesg that you're referring to02:56
RyanPriorbenny269: Otherwise, you can compile the latest Octave from source.02:56
IndyGunFreakRyanPrior: that is freakin awful advice02:56
Daisuke_Laptopcheck backports.02:57
IndyGunFreakbenny269: what are you trying t upgrade?02:57
crusader_hello can someone please help me with LTSP installation?02:57
benny269RyanPrior: can you explain how to do that please?02:57
GNUtoomorphiend,   hash matches device device:2502:57
benny269IndyGunFreak: octave, its a mathematical programming environment02:57
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, Be careful what you wish for.  Bleeding edge... can hurt.. HAve a good backup if you go outside the repos02:57
GNUtoomorphiend, and also PM: Adding info for acpi:device:2502:58
Frederickfolks I have issues with nvidia drivers I have no video output at all when starting x02:58
RyanPriorbenny269: The best way is to wait until Hardy is released. Do you need the latest version immediately, or can you wait a couple months?02:58
IndyGunFreakbenny269: whatever ti is, what he suggested was absolutely foolish.. and like Jack_Sparrow just said, be careful.. because sometimes newer isn't always better.. at least what is in the repos, is stable.02:58
Daisuke_Laptopwhat's changed between 2.9.12 and 3.0.0?02:58
Daisuke_Laptopbecause if it's not that much, you're really better off hanging back02:58
benny269ok, is there a gnu frontend? alternative to kde's koctave?02:59
Jack_SparrowFrederick, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  set vesa as your card and 1024 max res to get basic gui functioning02:59
luicalhi every one, i need some help with ntfs support, i have an old ntfs drive and i cannot get write support on it, even though i have ntfs 3g active, please help02:59
smartfaceDo you guys know a place where I can get LAMP help?03:00
DarkmystereCan some one Help me im still having problems with intetnet in my ubuntu 7.10 install with Atheros AR5006EG a/b Wireless card03:00
LimCoresmartface: payable or free ;)  and what is the question03:00
Starnestommysmartface: #apache for apache, #mysql for mysql, or ##php for php03:00
smartfaceLimCore: free is better :D I can't get php to work with my apache server03:00
smartfacethanks Starnestommy03:01
FrederickJack_Sparrow: I brb I will try it out03:01
morphiendGNUtoo : sorry, acpi is outside of my realm of knowledge in the kernel03:02
RyanPriorbenny269: I don't know of any graphical front-end other than koctave.03:02
LimCoresmartface: simple setting of LAMP is just apt-get install   of  like  apache2   php5   apache2-mod-php5 or something    php5-mysql  mysql03:02
GNUtoomorphiend, ok thanks and bye03:02
efren20i need help i add music to banshee library and when i try sync my ipod it tells me all the songs will be earesed i do sync anyways and it earsed all my songs but doesent add the new ones help me please?03:02
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
iobeliskhi, i changed my computer name (system-admin-network) and rebooted and everything was okay, except i could not load a few kde apps (i use gnome), i got a keyboard numlock error from time to time and while burning a cd i got a nautilus error (though the cd burnt fine). i ran "locate old_host_name" on the terminal and found a few directories still reflected the old host name. anyway, i reverted back to the old host name and everything is03:03
iobeliskfine. most errors i got with the new host name were benign, but was just wondering if anybody had an idea how to get around them?03:03
malocitewhat version of x server is in gutsy?  1.3.0?03:03
Starnestommyiobelisk: it probably has something to do with /etc/hosts03:03
=== LuGaLbAnGa is now known as zePh7r
smartfaceLimCore: cant find apache2-mod-php503:04
DarkmystereIs there a way to reset my Wireless card's configureation back to the default one?03:04
luicali need help, how can i get ntfs support on my feisty?03:04
IndyGunFreakefren20: i would suggest gtkpod, its a better tool than banshee for ipod mgmt, if you ask me03:04
Starnestommysmartface: it might be libapache2-mod-pgp503:04
Starnestommyer, php-503:04
RyanPriorluical: Install ntfs-3g; or upgrade to Gutsy.03:04
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:04
efren20were can i get that?03:04
iobeliskstarnestommy, i checked /etc/hosts-- the old host name was not in it03:04
Starnestommyno, php503:04
IndyGunFreakefren20: its in the repos, sudo apt-get install gtkpod03:04
regeyawouldn't ntfs and/or ipods be offtopic03:05
* regeya runs!03:05
macogwregeya: why?03:05
RyanPriorregeya: "how do I use * with Ubuntu" is generally on-topic.03:05
=== mrunagi is now known as mrunagi_
Daisuke_Laptophe disappeared :)03:05
luicalcan i get ntfs write support on gutsy?03:05
malociteI'm trying to install the 8.2.28 drivers in ubuntu gutsy, and it is saying Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x130' directory03:05
smartfaceStarnestommy: thanks i'll try03:06
RyanPriorluical: Read up. You already got answers from two people.03:06
malocite(thats the ati proprietary drivers)03:06
juice_how do i point my terminal to the desktop directory?03:06
PinkFloyd102489cd ~/Desktop03:06
malocitejuice_:  cd ~/Desktop03:06
malocitejuice_:  or cd /home/USERNAME/Desktop03:06
flowOveris there somehow i can run video as a background?03:06
PinkFloyd102489juice_ or just cd Desktop if you're already in your home dir03:07
malociteflowOver: Ooo, that'd be neat, i'd like to know that too :)03:07
RyanPriorflowOver: You mean, as a desktop background?03:07
flowOvervlc on windows does it03:07
smartfaceDoes anyone know how to fix error apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:07
Jack_Sparrowjuice_, make sure you use a cap "D"03:07
RyanPriorflowOver: You could do it, but probably not without some xorg hackery.03:07
flowOverRyanPrior: yes03:07
Cpudan80smartface: put the server's FQDN in the config file03:08
JoesephI'm having problems with my internet connection dropping at random intervals...  how can I figure out what my problem is?03:08
ussersmartface: set ServerName03:08
PinkFloyd102489smartface there's a guide on the forums somewhere detailing how to do it03:08
smartfaceusser: and how do i do that?03:08
Cpudan80smartface: You probably dont have an FQDN anyway --- so
Cpudan80so is ok03:08
smartfaceSorry, this is my first server set up03:08
mrynitis google broken for anyone else?03:08
ussersmartface: well do you have a name for your site, like dns?03:08
smartfacewell, when i try to install mod-php5, it gives me the error and doesnt want to move on03:09
smartfaceno usser03:09
crackhead_25crimsun_: are you here at the moment? intelikey in kubuntu recommended i talk to you03:09
Starnestommymrynit: I'm just randomly getting errors that say I might be a spambot or trojan03:09
Kanohi, is there an "official" pxelinux.cfg for hardy?03:09
mrynitStarnestommy: ?03:09
Kanoi can do my own, just want to know if that already exists03:10
ussersmartface: then its no biggie anyway03:10
hellppmeeis there a way to load my  /dev/sda5 which is an ubuntu and my /dev/sdaa a winxp in the same hard disk?03:10
efren20can any one give me a web that show cool programs that could be installed in ubuntu03:10
joomlaNEWBIEanyone here know whats wrong when I try to complile something03:10
joomlaNEWBIEI get checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables03:10
Jack_Sparrow!hardy | kano03:10
ubotukano: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:10
ussersmartface: it sets apache to the name of your machine so to speak03:10
KanoJack_Sparrow: ok fine03:10
crackhead_25hi guys, can anyone help me get my sound to work? i've tried everything.. i did a feisty to gutsy upgrade, and now it doesn't work..03:11
=== Darkmystere is now known as Ethernal_Storm
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:11
IndyGunFreakefren20: http://linuxappfinder.com/03:11
RyanPriorcrackhead_25: The same thing happened to me, and it's fixed in Hardy.03:11
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25, Did you recompile alsa with ver 15 and not 1603:11
crackhead_25RyanPrior: what do you mean? and what should i do?03:12
crackhead_25also my printers don't work..03:13
JoesephDoes anyone know why a network will have random period drops?03:13
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, Some cards have issues, I hate to suggest you google your card for problems with linux03:13
RyanPriorcrackhead_25: I suggest downloading the Hardy Heron Alpha 5 LiveCD and seeing if your sound works in the LiveCD environment. If it does, then you just have to wait a couple months until Hardy is released and your sound will work.03:13
efren20thanks indy03:14
JoesephJack_Sparrow:  I'm using a usb dongle -03:14
crackhead_25RyanPrior: wtf? huh? i can't do without sound for a few months..03:14
JoesephNetgear WG11103:14
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25, Compile alsa first..  /j #Alsa if you need more help with that03:14
ScuniziI don't want to run Emerald. But I am running Compiz-fusion. What catagory do I pick on gnome-look for theme's?03:14
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, THat does not change my suggestion03:15
mrynitStarnestommy: I have a good deal on viagra for you!03:16
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, How did you install the drivers to begin with03:16
JoesephI didn't at first, then I ndiswrappered them03:17
monstermike234hey if i were to buy a new graphics card which plays nicer with ubuntu ati or nvidia.03:17
hellppmeeanyone care to help me?03:17
IndyGunFreakonly if you help us read minds03:17
JoesephJack_Sparrow: It seems all the solutions to this problem are to run scripts when it happens: I just got my remote desktop working... I can't run scripts if I don't have the working03:18
ray_`24If ubuntu is starting up for the first time after install and is hanging on "Starting bluetooth services", am I able to press a key combination to skip that step?03:18
hellppmeehehhe IndyGunFreak03:18
FrederickJack_Sparrow: man ive tired your command it doesnt boots :/ I have a black screen despite of the sound of an apparent x server beeing booted03:19
hellppmeeIndyGunFreak: i have a dualboot and i reinstall my winxp, now is there a way to load my /dev/sda5 which is an ubuntu and my /dev/sdaa a winxp in the same hard disk?03:19
IndyGunFreak!grub | helloKitty03:19
ubotuhelloKitty: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:19
IndyGunFreak!grub | hellppmee03:19
ubotuhellppmee: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:19
ShinigamiIndyGunFreak: Would that include burning ISOs?03:19
hellppmeewow that must be 100pages inside that url03:19
dcatibogmy chikka didnt run wat should i do03:20
IndyGunFreakShinigami: well, the presumption is, that you have a current Live CD03:20
Jack_SparrowFrederick, at the black screen try ctrl-alt F2.. if you get a terminal screen then you didnt do that command right or have other xorg issues03:20
dcatibogano ga ere03:20
ShinigamiIndyGunFreak: How would I burn ISOs to disk on Ubuntu?03:20
FrederickJack_Sparrow: brb03:20
=== juminten is now known as indraxyz
IndyGunFreakShinigami: like a thumbdrive, or to an actual harddrive?03:20
Jack_SparrowShinigami, right click the iso and write to disk03:21
malociteI'm trying to install the ati 8.2.28 drivers in ubuntu gutsy, and it is saying Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x130' directory03:21
ShinigamiIndyGunFreak: As in a CD/DVD-ROM03:21
ShinigamiJack_Sparrow: Thanx. =D03:21
IndyGunFreakShinigami: depends on the program, but there's tons of ways03:21
ShinigamiI'm not using Ubuntu *yet*.03:21
ShinigamiI feel I don't know wnough about it yet.03:21
JoesephJack_Sparrow: would anyone here know how to fix, or how to figure out how to go about fixing my problem, or would I be better off spending a couple hours in google?               First link was a fix using commands, but it seems to happen more often after I set up a remote desktop connection, in which case I can't fix it03:21
crimsun_crackhead_25: hi03:22
trippsanyone have a good experience here using the linux-rt ubuntu kernel?03:22
dcatibogmy god03:22
IndyGunFreakShinigami: well, use the live CD for a few days to get practice.. but its not hard03:22
RyanRyan52Would a mirror of ubuntu's packages be bigger that a mirror of debian's packages?03:22
FloodBot2dcatibog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
IndyGunFreakShinigami: google, "How to burn an ISO".... there's several web pages w/ instructions03:22
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, By all accounts on the internet that card barely works in windows..  I would suggest you try a diffewrent dongle..03:22
ShinigamiIndyGunFreak: Okay. I will do. I'm getting some CDs tomorrow. I'm fresh out atm. =/03:22
ShinigamiIndyGunFreak: Okay. Thanx. =)03:23
Jack_SparrowRyanRyan52, DOnt switch to debian repos03:23
checkershi all, do the amd64 builds of ubuntu work with AMD Turion X2?03:23
efren20i put the songs in gtkpod i update the songs i want in my ipod when is complete i put eject ipod and it deletes all songs wtf?03:23
JoesephJack_Sparrow: *sigh* I bought it and can't return it... :(   what to do what to do....03:23
RyanRyan52Jack_Sparrow: thats not what I meant03:23
Jack_SparrowJoeseph, A little research on what works for your OS next time03:23
FrederickJack_Sparrow: no luck. still Ive managed to make it work once03:24
FrederickJack_Sparrow: I mean, ive used ubuntu before with this same hardware03:24
RyanRyan52Jack_Sparrow: I am mirroring debian packages on my server. I want to also mirror ubuntu's packages but I want to make sure it will fit. I havce used 44% of my hard drive with debians and I am wondering if it will all fit...03:24
trippsmy first experience with apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-rt linux-rt linux-image-2.6.22-14-rt wasn't so great since the initrd was anemic; i couldn't even boot03:24
JoesephJack_Sparrow: I didn't buy this myself: I recieved the newer version, but have had the older one for a long long time03:24
RyanRyan52and I am running debian, so its a good thing to use debian's mirrors :D03:25
Jack_SparrowFrederick, DOnt know what to tell you. does live cd work and if so what have you installed or changed03:25
constantine_Hi, where is the setting to change number of desktops pls?03:26
trippsforced to compile my own kernel and have had mixed results due to not being able to configure CONFIG_SECURITY_CAPABILITIES as a module in 2.6.24. only available as builtin which won't work with rt and lsm03:26
RyanRyan52constantine_: number of desktops?03:26
Jack_SparrowRyanRyan52, Fine, but it was important to make surer others didnt assume you were using Debian repos with Ubuntu..  That is NOT a good idea.  Will they fit on your drive.. no idea03:26
FrederickJack_Sparrow: nothing changed the cd seems oki I mwean no erros during install I remmember to have issues last tme too but I dunno how I did solve it im using an lcd monitor maybe this is part of the problem03:26
efren20 put the songs in gtkpod i update the songs i want in my ipod when is complete i put eject ipod and it deletes all songs wtf?03:27
RyanRyan52Jack_Sparrow: okay, thansk03:27
Jack_SparrowFrederick, lcd's work fine in gutsy.03:27
killownflash player 9 work on opera 9.26?03:27
constantine_RyanRyan52 I had 4 previously, now after reinstall of gutsy, I have 1 only.  WAIT. I FOUND IT. Hiding in the bot. rh corner03:27
Jack_Sparrowefren20, Please stop with the wtf.. That is NOT acceptable in here03:27
hellppmeebtw i have a prblem running ubuntu 7.10 live cd03:27
FrederickJack_Sparrow: well Im just trying to provide as much input as I can to help you to help me :D03:27
CarlFKhow do I fix this? Package libmagick10 is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:28
joddeHi guys.03:28
Jack_SparrowI am calling it a night just stopped to look up something03:28
FrederickCarlFK: problably enabling multiverse03:28
iceswordhellppmee, ?03:28
joddeI have a strange problem with my keyboard driver that I'm hoping somebody can help me with.03:28
hellppmeebtw i have a prblem running ubuntu 7.10 live cd, when i click install icon at the partition menu i cant see my old partitions like winxp and ubuntu partitions,how can i resolve this? im trying to reinstall my ubuntu03:28
Jack_Sparrow!find libmagic03:28
ubotuFound: libmagic-dev, libmagic1, libmagick++9-dev, libmagick++9c2a, libmagick9 (and 2 others)03:28
Jack_SparrowCarlFK, what did you install from outside the repos03:29
joddeAnd can anyone tell me how to search libraries from terminal?03:29
killownflash player 9 work on opera 9.26?03:29
iceswordhellppmee, you need to choose edit partition by hand03:29
CarlFKjack-desktop: transcode, from .debian-multimedia.org experimental03:29
CarlFKI have debian seid and lenny in my srouces03:29
jack-desktopdo you need something carl?03:30
joddeCan somebody help me with my keyboard driver?03:30
joddePlease please please?03:30
gRaCiOsOi wanna see some .swf file but when i try to open them this is the message "GStreamer foun an erros with a general support lib" someone could help me pls?03:30
hellppmeeicesword: i can only see /dev/sda and im expecting /dev/sda1 which is my winxp and my /dev/sda5 my ubuntu, even doing edit still the same :(03:30
ryan__hey guys. i'm new to linux as a desktop, and im wondering where i should save program that i have downloaded? i downloaded eclipse, the java ide03:30
Jack_SparrowCarlFK, Personally, I think you are heading for trouble and a broken system03:30
ryan__is there something similar to program files, on windows?03:30
iceswordhellppmee, maybe your partition table is damaged?03:31
FrederickJack_Sparrow: I just have nvidia-glx is the nvidia-kernel package outdated?03:31
FrederickI mean deprecated03:31
CarlFKJack_Sparrow: im ok with that.  it's a test box that will get toasted in a few days03:31
alex123hey guys. i want to set up internet sharing over wireless on my ubuntu laptop. can you please point me in the right direction?03:31
joddehi tylerd.03:31
gRaCiOsOi wanna see some .swf files but when i try to open them this is the message "GStreamer found an error with a general support lib" someone could help me pls?03:31
tylerdubuntu rocks03:31
joddeWould you be able to help me with a keyboard issue?03:31
wileverything is muted, I usually just restart my machine but I cant at the moment. How do I reset the sound?03:31
hellppmeeicesword: and when i click COmputer of my livecd i can see the partitions and only in gparted i cant see them :(03:31
flowOverahhh vlc wallpaper mode is only available through directx03:32
joddeYou want to see some single white females, gRaCiOsO?03:32
=== kas is now known as kas-
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts03:32
PanzerMKZif you have a 64bit ubuntu box up can you make a 32bit chroot enviroment?03:32
wilhow do I reset sound?03:33
gRaCiOsOjodde,  no men i wanna see some funny videos of "killer pollo"03:33
CarlFKah, I needed to apt-get upgrade: 605 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 127 not upgraded.03:33
malociteHi, I am trying to install the ati drivers, and it is saying that I do not have an x130 directory... I have tried googling this but I can't seem to find a solution03:34
joddeOkay guys..03:34
joddeEverytime I hit the left arrow key in Linux, hyphens are typed.03:34
joddeIt's only the left arrow key.03:35
Scunizijodde, consider it a short cut ..  :)03:35
joddeHere's an exam-ple of how it beh--av------es---.03:35
joddeIt's not a shortcut, Scunizi, it's a pain in the ass.03:35
joddeIt's not the key either.03:35
joddeIt works fine in Winblows.03:35
Scunizijodde, check to see what type of keyboard you've chosen . that might make a difference03:36
malociteHi, I am trying to install the ati drivers, and it is saying that I do not have an x130 directory... I have tried googling this but I can't seem to find a solution03:36
joddeUS English.03:36
AutoMatriXwhich soft could one use to record the sound of different kins of hanguns and ammo in a shooting range ? I'd like to make my own database with that03:36
joddeOr Generic 105 key if that's what you mean.03:37
Scunizijodde, 101, 105, 102 version etc..03:37
jodde(Intl PC)03:37
Scunizichange it up and see what happens03:37
malocitewhat version of Xorg is installed in gutsy03:37
Scunizi7.1 I think03:37
malocitenot 7.3?03:38
joddeTo what though?03:38
joddeI know it's an Acer, but that's all.03:38
kas-how do i accept a file using xchat?03:38
flowOverAutoMatriX: audicity03:38
flowOverit's top notch03:38
wilhow can I find out what app is using / locked sound? I cant hear anything and I can not restart at the moment but need to reset it03:39
malociteStarnestommy: is there  a way to query your system to give you the answer?03:39
Scunizikas-, you have to be registered w/ freenode and have the appropriate ports open on your rounter..03:39
Starnestommymalocite: aptitude show xserver-xorg03:39
kas-it's not on this server, Scunizi03:39
Scuniziwil, killall esd03:39
AutoMatriXflowOver, going to test that in a while ;)03:39
constantine_Has anyone here got their ipod classic to work on gutsy, and if so, which tutorial did u use?03:39
Scunizikas-, I don't know the rules of other servers..03:40
malociteStarnestommy: 7.2-5 got it!03:40
efren20can anyone tell me why my ipod is not getting the songs i sync the songs with gtkipod and it sync perfect when i eject ipod says no music nothing.03:40
flowOveras for cataloging the sounds, thats a separate issue03:40
joddeIt's still doing it.03:40
AutoMatriXflowOver, you also might an ID of a USB cam which is performant enoug to see the impact of a .380 or .357 on a stadanard C50 hardboard target ?03:41
ggeniuswhat's the best movie creating software on linux? Blender? anything else?03:41
wilScunizi, I tried killall esd, it just says esd: no process killed03:41
kas-Scunizi: , im just wondering what the command is, as im not getting a prompt after he sends03:41
bastid_raZorif i have several user accounts on my box and user1 logs in via ssh is there a way to see when user1 logged in?03:41
flowOverhmm.  you might be wanting to look into highspeed gear03:41
Scunizikas-,  never done it before myself.. sorry I don't know.03:42
FrederickFolks I keep having Xorg issues I cant boot it it reports (WW)NVIDIA: no matching Device section for instance (BUS ID PCI:2:0:0) found03:42
flowOveri don't think there's anything that would be in consumer directories for that03:42
Scuniziwil.. I thought I'd throw that last one out there.. It's fixed me before.03:42
constantine_iPOD classic question: how do I install libgpod 0.6.0 without breaking gutsy?03:43
efren20can nay one help me i plugg a usb video cam and when i plug it in the computer dosent find it like dosnet say a device has been plugged in what do i do?03:44
AutoMatriXefren20, try to do lsusb ... that will give you at least some more info about the numerical ID of your camera03:45
efren20it found this03:46
efren20auto it found htis Intel Corp. Easy PC Camera03:46
Frederickwhen I try to boot it hangs on a black screen I dont even see the nvidia logo from the driver03:47
efren20and when i try caputering a video in kino it says theres no camera03:47
AutoMatriXwhat numbers did preceed ?03:47
efren20Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8086:0110 Intel Corp. Easy PC Camera03:47
wilAnyone know how to reset sound? :(03:47
AutoMatriXefren20,  what numbers did preceed ?, please paste the complet line of that lsub command, mathcing the one of your camera, of course03:48
Itakuhow do i set na utilus to view hidden files?03:48
AutoMatriXItaku, press Control 'H'03:48
AutoMatriXthe 'H' of hidden03:48
efren20automatrix:Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8086:0110 Intel Corp. Easy PC Camera03:48
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Genocidicbunnywould anyone mind helping me out with a problem im having getting Ubuntu and XP to dual boot?03:50
Itakuwhat command to view hidden files in terminal?03:50
efren20automatrix:what should i do?03:50
StarnestommyItaku: la or ls -A03:50
AutoMatriXefren20, I had a quick look, but this myght be of any help03:50
AutoMatriXefren20,  webcam_scpa50x03:51
efren20webcam_scpa50x: command not found03:51
AutoMatriXI think that's the kind of driver you need, which ins in ubuntu, somewhere, I believe03:51
_Oz_please help with a permissions problem, Ubuntu friends.  I have an NTFS hard drive (hdc2) which has become read only and I don't seem to have the status to change its permissions.03:51
efren20webcam_scpa50x: command not found03:51
_Oz_if I attempt to change them, I am told "permission denied."03:51
Genocidicbunny_Oz_ I think you need to have a ntfs drive installed03:52
AutoMatriXefren20, try to look for spca50... in your packet manager03:52
Genocidicbunnybut then again, im here for another problem03:52
Itakuwhen i login to my comp from ssh it says last login from03:52
Itakuhow do i change that ip03:52
efren20nothing found03:52
_Oz_Genocidicbunny: ?03:52
joddeCan somebody please help me with my kb?03:52
Genocidicbunnyanyways, I installed XP and then Ubuntu, but when I boot i get DISK BOOT FAILURE03:52
AutoMatriXefren20,  which version of ubunut are you using, dear03:53
Itakuhow do i change that ip that is in Last Login from: thing03:54
FrederickFolks I need help setting up X server with a nvidia 8800 and a lg lcd monitor03:55
AutoMatriXefren20, http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gspca_spca5xx03:56
jodde!help keyboard03:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help keyboard - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:56
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts03:57
RyanPriorMy VLC Media Player is playing video but not sound. Can anybody help me find out why?03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gspca_spca5xx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gspca - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
joddeYes, reg, but what do I change my layout to?03:57
RyanPrior!askthebot | AutoMatriX03:58
ubotuAutoMatriX: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:58
efren20waht i do matrix?03:58
AutoMatriXefren20, as I seem to have burnt my fingers, or, you go to the french doc, or you use the bot :D03:59
efren20still lost mate i only speak english is in portuges or something'04:00
thinman1189I'm trying to set up firestarter but it keeps saying that the device is not ready.04:00
efren20please just help me04:00
smartfaceWhat happens if I have libapache2-mod-php4 installed, and libapache2-mod-php5 installed04:00
smartfacedo they conflict?04:00
smartfaceOk, basically, I've got this program installed - myphpmoney - that forces me to reload my apache2 server04:02
_Oz_can someone tell me how to change the permissions of my ntfs hd (/dev/hdc2) in my terminal?04:02
smartfaceand it keeps crashing when i try to remove it04:02
hidoxserver mirc.irc.cl04:02
_Oz_I want it to be read/write instead of ro04:02
iratik_smartface: when you try to remove what?04:03
iratik_I found one app to record screencast through add/remove...  Anyone know any other screencast utilities for ubuntu?04:03
smartfaceiratik_: myphpmoney04:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:03
_Oz_/dev/hdc1 /media/hdc1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 004:04
_Oz_can I just change that to:04:04
AutoMatriXefren20, spca5xx-source - this should be found in your package manager, supposed that the universe packages are available in your sources.list04:04
_Oz_/dev/hdc1 /media/hdc1 ntfs rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 004:04
_Oz_just change ro to rw?04:04
iratik_smartface: so you installed myphpmoney , and you had to reload your apache server after you installed it... what crashes when you try to remove myphpmoney?04:04
RyanPriorMy VLC Media Player is playing video but not sound. Why is that?04:05
smartfaceiratik_, I installed it a while ago, and now when i try to install apache mod php5, it forces me to reload then crashes. here's a log : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58210/04:05
efren20i did this  sudo aptitude install module-init-tools04:06
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malociteI have a radeon 9000 in Gutsy, should I be able to have direct rendering?04:07
AutoMatriXefren20, gspca-source - this should be found in your package manager, also, and evenso supposed that the universe packages are available in your sources.list04:07
chowdercan anyone help me get GRUB to load another OS?04:07
mjw-malocite yes04:07
iratik_smartface: you might have more luck in #php04:07
malocitemjw-: It doesn't seem to work since I re-installed, and I had no problems the last time Iinstalled... grrrrr04:07
iratik_Do you have 2 daemons competing for port 80?04:07
malocitemjw-: And it should work with the open source drivers?04:08
mjw-malocite you shouldn't need the restricted driver either for the 900004:08
mjw-malocite the opensource "radeon" driver lists the Radeon 9000 as being 2D/3D supported04:08
malocitemjw-: How do Iknow which one is running?04:08
AutoMatriXefren20, you have to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the multiverse sources04:08
iratik_smartface: seems that you already have something running on port 8004:08
chowdercan anyone help me get GRUB to load another OS? I'm trying to dualboot FreeBSD with Ubuntu04:08
efren20what do you mean by that?04:08
mjw-malocite look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and look for the "Device" section and look for the line that says Driver "..."04:09
malocitemjw-: mine says ati04:09
efren20i search this in package source gspca-source04:09
malocitemjw-:  Driver          "ati"04:09
mjw-malocite you can try changing it to radeon - that may help.04:09
crediblemalocite: what does this command return?: glxinfo|grep vendor04:09
AutoMatriXefren20, open your packet manager, and in the sources you should enable te universe sources ...04:09
crediblemalocite: I'm only interested in if it says "ATI" or not04:10
malociteserver glx vendor string: SGI04:10
malociteclient glx vendor string: ATI04:10
malociteOpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.04:10
crediblemalocite: you installed fglrx, which broke your driver04:10
crediblemalocite: sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx04:10
Genocidicbunnywell then, somehow, GRUB started loading, but now I have another error. Whenever I select any OS it tells me that the selected disk does not exist04:11
malocitecredible: done, do I just restart x and see what happens?04:11
efren20also im using gtkpod for syncing my ipod and i sync it when i eject no songs there what should i do04:11
crediblemalocite: nope, should work now :)04:11
AutoMatriXefren20, one proble at the time, please04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:12
AutoMatriXefren20, did you enable those universe packages ?04:12
efren20ok can you help me when we finish the one about the camera?04:12
efren20the sudo installation not done yet04:12
malocitecredible: HEEY!!!  now the desktop effects work again :)  Thanks, I felt like I was taking crazy pills04:12
efren20can i open it anyways?04:12
jessidhello. I dont have any firewall installed in my ubuntu 7.04 and when i try to connect with amule, i receive a low id...how can i fix that??? thanks a lot!04:13
mjw-malocite fglrx is evil. it breaks the open source ati/radeon drivers ;)04:13
uw_hyI put an HD in but my Ubuntuu is not recognizing it. How can I mount it? thx04:13
RyanPriorMy VLC Media Player is playing video but not sound. Why is that?04:13
malocitemjw-: And actually I believe its incompatible with the radeon 9000 period :)04:14
triorieelon packages.ubuntu.com there are some updates xine librarys I need.  how do I get them through synaptic?04:14
mjw-malocite that's true, plus having it installed keeps the open source drivers from actually functioning correctly, which was likely your issue04:14
LiraNuna I'm trying to set an SVN server, I was following this guide http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-subversion-with-web-access-on-ubuntu/ because I was lazy; I got everything setted up, and I get a "Forbidden" error; my repos folder (/var/lib/svn) is owned by www-data:www-data04:14
malocitemjw-: Now that that is done, should I install xorg-server-xgl?04:14
mjw-malocite no, that's not needed and will also tend to break things04:15
macogwmalocite: not if youre using the open drivers04:15
helloKittythe internet stops working 3-5 minutes after i boot. the tray icon says im still connected to the network, but the internet does not work. ping <somesite.com> will not work also04:15
macogwmalocite: those are only for fglrx because it lacks AIGLX support.  the open source ones have it04:15
malocitemjw: k, got it...04:15
macogwhelloKitty: have you tried disabling ipv6?04:15
helloKittymacogw: how?04:16
macogwhelloKitty: gksu gedit /etc/hosts04:16
macogwhelloKitty: comment out (put a # at the start of the line) all the lines about ipv604:16
helloKittymacogw: thanks. brb04:16
=== Thoth_ is now known as chowder
malocitemjw: this install seems different than the older one :)    Is compiz-config-settings-manager not automatically installed?04:16
macogwmalocite: no, and it wasnt auto-installed in the old one either04:16
macogwmalocite: there's no - between compizconfig when you go to install it either04:17
malocitemacogw: Its been a while ....04:17
=== _max` is now known as max`
triorieelI am told I have 4 broken packages in my system,  use the broken filter...where do I find this filter?04:19
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rabiddachshundHow can I share my HDD over my network? Google just tells me how to mount other network drives.04:19
AutoMatriXefren20 ?04:20
tesmarhey does anyone knoe how to select all the text from one level in a bulleted list in OO and then delete that entire level?04:20
tesmarI know this is OO, but no one over there seems to know04:20
AutoMatriXefren20, , I came ito a private conversation with you04:21
nomasteryodachange the view to outline and delete that section04:21
efren20i knw ur not responding04:21
nomasteryodathat was for you tesmar04:21
LtLtriorieel: under gnome click system > adminstration > synaptic update manager. Choose fix broken from it's menu.04:21
triorieelLtL: its suggestion is to remove stuff04:23
LtLtriorieel: I suggest you note them, then remove them.04:23
sdlfesgot a grep question, but i think i'm misunderstanding the -o optoin. i use cat to print out logs, but i want to rip any urls out of them, -o http rips out, and prints _only_ the word http. how would i go about this?04:23
AutoMatriXefren20, did you read the info I wrote into your provate dialog ?04:25
sdlfesubuntu logs all their chats, and occassionally someone or a bot prints a url, and instead of reading thru ALOT of lines, just rip out the url. but grep may not be the answer?04:25
macogwsdlfes: look for something that tells grep to treat symbols and numbers as part of a word04:26
macogwsdlfes: should be an option, i think...04:26
storm-zensdlfes: Try #regex.04:26
macogwsdlfes: oh or you could try "http.* " maybe?04:27
prince_jammysgrep -Eo 'http[^[:space:]]*'  is a cheap way04:27
efren20im talking to you matrix throught private can you read wat i write?04:27
prettyrickyhey guys how show that Im connected. My wi-fi on the panel?04:27
macogwprettyricky: nm-applet has to be running04:27
prettyrickyhow can I show sorry for the misspelling04:27
* storm-zen thinks he shouldn't have downloaded "PDF cube"...04:28
camdeni'm having trouble with vmware04:28
prettyrickywhere can I run it from or where do I go to set it up04:28
constantineHi, how do I enable Desktop Effects in Gutsy? WHere is it on the menus?04:28
camdenspecifically with microsoft activiation04:28
camdeni called them and they say my code is invalid04:28
camdenand i have to call dell04:28
camdennow i'm worried i'll get in troube04:28
storm-zenThere's a #vmware chat... but what's the problem? Hmm.  Ok.  Then it's not a VMware problem.04:29
camdenif i call dell04:29
camdenshould i?04:29
camdenanybody have experience with this?04:29
camdenit's a bit complicated because i have 2 computers04:29
storm-zenA little, camden.  Dell might provide replacement disks.  ( might. )04:29
camdenboth have a legal xp license and a sticker04:29
camdenso i'm not doing anything wrong04:29
camdenbut what i did was use the cd from 1 computer in another computer04:30
prettyrickymacogw-------> how can I start it or where do I go to start that program?04:30
storm-zenIf you bought them both from Dell, they might cover you.04:30
camdenso maybe that's causing the problme04:30
phoenix5002Constantine, is this what you mean?   http://www.howtoforge.com/compiz-fusion-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-nvidia-geforce-fx-520004:30
storm-zencamden, I've done that.  Yes.  That causes a problem.04:30
camdenwell both are from dell04:30
smartfaceconstantine: right click, then all the way to the right on the top bar04:30
macogwprettyricky: just hit alt+f2 to get a runbox and type it in04:30
camdenbut i bought 1 second hand04:30
macogwprettyricky: it shouldve started at startup though04:30
smartfaceconstantine right click then desktop ppties04:30
camdenok so i need to get the cd for the 2nd one?04:30
storm-zencamden: Then that could get messy.04:30
camdeni don't have it04:30
prettyrickyok thank you04:31
Belboz99does Ubuntu have an equivelant of /etc/init.d/functions, a library that holds common init script functions, list start, stop, restart, etc?04:31
camdeni got the first one from dell within the warranty period04:31
camdenbut for the 2nd one is 2nd hand04:31
camdenand out of warranty04:31
storm-zenBelboz99: In gutsy, they're in /etc/init.d ...04:31
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=== steven__ is now known as notmeever69
camdenso if i get it from them it will work?04:31
Belboz99storm-zen: you mean all the functions are seperate scripts in the init.d directory?04:32
camdenthe 1st 1 i got by saying that the hard disk crashed04:32
constantinephoenix5002: Thanks, I think that was what I need04:32
=== steven__ is now known as notmeever69
joddeOkay, does anybody know what the keyboard libraries for Ubuntu are?04:32
camdeni guess i can say that with the 2nd one04:32
constantinesmartface: thanks!04:32
notmeever69hello all04:32
efren20hey auto matrix04:32
storm-zenBelboz99: Isn't that the way *nix usually does it?04:32
efren20can anyone read what im typing?04:32
camdenso i guess i have to redo the whole vm installation?04:32
notmeever69i c you efren2004:32
efren20ok =)04:33
Jaso1Ok I cannot figure out to make the Shell text bigger when I hit ctrl + alt + F104:33
notmeever69i need advice on how to get dvd running right in gutsy04:33
AutoMatriXefren20, you seemed to be have thrown out du to exxess of flood04:33
Belboz99storm-zen: I'm trying to write my own script, using common intit script arguments like start and stop, there is a guide that says to use /etc/init.d/functions for these common arguements, but I cannot find it04:33
sdlfesJaso1, ctrl + +04:33
storm-zencamden: Oh, one of them was a VM ?04:33
sdlfesJaso1, need to hold shift.04:33
sdlfesor is it minus?04:33
efren20go private04:33
AutoMatriXefren20, next time you paste some text to me, please do it line per line, or maximmum 3 limes at once04:34
sdlfesgot a grep question, but i think i'm misunderstanding the -o optoin. i use cat to print out logs, but i want to rip any urls out of them, -o http rips out, and prints _only_ the word http. how would i go about this?04:34
storm-zensdlfes: You got two great answers.  What gives?04:34
Jaso1its on Ubuntu6 server, I would like to boot to a larger prompt04:34
prince_jammyssdlfes: try this grep -Eo 'http[^[:space:]]*'04:34
sdlfesstorm-zen, huh?04:34
joddeHey guys.04:35
phoenix5002does anyone know how to fix the suspend/hibernate issues with laptops?04:35
Jaso1Cant read the text very well04:35
joddeCan somebody tell me how to search for libraries?04:35
storm-zensdlfes: Scroll back.  I told you the channel to join and another nice gentleman actually gave you a command.04:35
notmeever69i have issues with that for my desktop phoenix04:35
phoenix5002any luck?04:35
Belboz99storm-zen: I found it from a RedHat site, I do wish Ubuntu would include this type of library such that init scripting would be made easier:04:35
notmeever69not really04:35
notmeever69itlll resume but networking is disabled when it does04:35
sdlfesthx prince_jammys04:36
notmeever69i have to reboot to get the connection back04:36
efren20um can yoiu go private04:36
notmeever69and im hardwired ethernet 100mbps04:36
phoenix5002this is the only issue I'm having with Ubuntu, but it's a BIG one for me04:36
notmeever69what laptop you have?04:36
phoenix5002sony VAIO04:36
phoenix5002ati graphics04:36
sdlfesshit, sorry then.04:36
notmeever69you look in forums?04:36
storm-zenBelboz99: Oh, I know what you're talking about.  I don't know if there is any "common script" in buntu, sorry.04:36
notmeever69whats the issues exactly?04:36
=== cim_pui is now known as rara_jelek_
__mikemDon't use Sony, they like DRM04:36
usserBelboz99: why it has it04:36
phoenix5002been trying to solve this since the day I installed ubuntu04:37
notmeever69what is the issue phoenix04:37
usserBelboz99: /etc/init.d/skeleton is the thing you looking for04:37
phoenix5002it will suspend the problem is waking it up04:37
phoenix5002gets stuck at black screen04:37
sdlfesdid you read my apoligy?04:37
prince_jammyssdlfes: this is better: grep -Eo 'http://[^[:space:]]*'04:37
sdlfesprince_jammys, yes, it works awesome, appreciated04:38
phoenix5002I tried uswsusp, but that makes it worse, it dosn't even suspend just goes to a black screen right away04:38
prince_jammyssdlfes: otherwise you pick up the word http on its own04:38
sdlfesprince_jammys, now i got something to go buy and know how to interpret the commands.04:38
notmeever69phoenix did you read http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-479829.html04:38
sdlfesprince_jammys, ya, i was on the right track though.04:38
phoenix5002i'll take a look04:39
notmeever69im haveing issues wiht dvd04:39
notmeever69have live at pompei running right now04:39
notmeever69but its a pain to get anything to play properly04:39
Belboz99usser: Thank you!!!04:39
phoenix5002seems like a different issue04:40
notmeever69the first posting says its black04:41
efren20automatrix look at private04:41
notmeever69and lists the ati card04:41
notmeever69i cant help you personally04:41
Agent_bobhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d22020b58  <<< why can't i do this ?04:41
notmeever69laptops aint the best unless they are dell due to the proprietary stuff they put on the hardware04:41
notmeever69some work04:42
notmeever69some dont04:42
nickrud!enter notmeever6904:42
notmeever69you likin ubuntu tho?04:42
nickrud!enter | notmeever6904:42
ubotunotmeever69: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:42
phoenix5002I love it except for suspend04:42
efren20automatrix:you there?04:42
yurimxpxmanis there any way to get artwork onto a 6th generation ipod?04:42
notmeever69maybe you can get it to work, but im not the expert on it seeing as i dont have one of them of my own04:42
nickrudyurimxpxman: sure, with itunes ;)04:42
phoenix5002I just wish I knew whats causing the issue and whats being done to correct it04:43
notmeever69that and i aint a unix expert04:43
tripppyhow do i put back the stair step wifi icon in the panel?04:43
notmeever69i would say that its a vid card issue, thats usually the case wth suspend04:43
phoenix5002I was counting on it being fixed when Hardy comes out, but they say it isn't04:43
nickrudtripppy: try right clicking the panel, add to panel -> notification area ( most common reason)04:43
notmeever69you cant tell that seeing as its not frozen yet04:43
nickrudphoenix5002: what's causing your suspend issue? (just curious)04:44
Agent_bobanybody ?04:44
pyrakwhat's the difference between SOCKS and normal ssh port forwarding ("-L")?04:44
efren20does anyone know a program for ubuntu dat converts mp3 files to midi files04:44
phoenix5002i don't know whats causing it, it just happens04:44
tripppynickrud, that added the battery icon, still no wifi signal04:44
phoenix5002probably video card though04:44
nickrudtripppy: ok, next:   alt-f2 nm-applet --sm-disable04:45
notmeever69you could probably alter the scripts to drop into plain vesa04:45
phoenix5002I have an ati card "Radeon IGP 345M"04:45
notmeever69when it goes into suspend then bring it back up inot ati04:45
nickrudphoenix5002: you using the fglrx driver? Its a known problem, fixed with later versions04:45
notmeever69might work for ya04:45
phoenix5002how do I know if im using fglrx04:46
=== ghost is now known as noodles12
nickrudphoenix5002: are you using the restricted driver?04:46
Frogzoophoenix5002: -> /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:46
tripppynickrud, omg thanks04:46
Agent_bob        http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d22020b58  <<< why can't i do this ?04:47
phoenix5002im using a restricted driver04:47
efren20does anyone know a program for ubuntu dat converts mp3 files to midi files04:47
cloud210i have a question. not sure how you go about asking with everybody else here.04:47
FlannelAgent_bob: two reasons, root account has no password (is locked), second, root is disabled form logging in via SSH usually04:47
notmeever69efren do you know ath that entales?04:47
LiraNunathere isn't such a thing efren2004:47
phoenix5002my restricted driver is "atheros hardware access layer (HAL)"04:47
nickrudphoenix5002: try disabling it, and logging out and back in. Then try suspend.04:48
LiraNunamidi is pattern based, mp3 is based on raw data04:48
efren20notmeever69: nop04:48
phoenix5002but will that put me in vesa mode?04:48
Agent_bobFlannel wrong on both accounts    unless you know something i don't04:48
Jorge_anyone know of a good stock market simulation game for linux like Wall Street Raider for dos/windows?04:48
FlannelLiraNuna: Things exist, they're just not straight codecs04:48
efren20liranuna:how do i get my computer to find my usb device easy pccamera04:48
cloud210i need some help installing maya. (http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66859&page=16)04:48
nickrudphoenix5002: not wireless restricted, ati restricted. And possibly. It's only a test of suspend. If you like04:48
LiraNunaFlannel, what!? You can't simply convert MP3 to midi, you got to be kidding04:49
FlannelAgent_bob: The root account is locked by default (as no password).  And then view in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and look at... well, near the top.  PermitRootLogin, it's no by default on dapper anyway04:49
LiraNunaMP3 is raw buffer compressed lossly, midi is a sequence of operation to create the music with HW instruments04:49
joddeCould somebody please help me with my keyboard?04:49
Agent_bobFlannel this is not default04:49
joddeI'm getting really frustrated.04:49
joddeSomebody please help?!04:49
efren20liranuna:how do i get my computer to find my usb device easy pc camera04:49
david_u know how u can make the panel transparent could u do that for the gtk theme where theres no solid color but transparency04:49
FlannelLiraNuna: like I said, it's not a simple codec issue (can't decode to audio and reencode straight) but its definately possible.04:49
notmeever69hang jode04:49
LiraNunaFlannel, oh, that's what I told him04:50
FlannelAgent_bob: You never said that, now did you?04:50
notmeever69midi is a 30 year old language04:50
phoenix5002if it works is there a way to do what notmeever69 said, and switch to that mode on suspend and then switch back to the restricted driver on resume?04:50
ShpookI need to search the contents of all files in a specified directory. They're all text files, but with different extensions(it's actually a website). What would be the best utility for this? I need to be able to specifiy which extensions to search also.04:50
nickrudShpook: grep04:50
powdaQuick question - Is it apt-get that creates files in /etc/init.d/ and /etc/<package> when installing something?04:50
iterShpook: grep <search term> *04:50
Agent_bobFlannel yeah.  but it's not important.  i've said it again.04:50
nickrudpowda: yes04:51
Flannelpowda: Well, it's dpkg, but yes04:51
Shpooknickrud: Thanks, sounds good. :-)04:51
powdaCan I force those files to get created again somehow?04:51
powdaI removed them manually and now reinstalling won't create them.04:51
Shpookiter: Thank you. Sounds easy enough, but I'm going to google it to learn all the parameters.04:51
ste-foyThank you for your help powda04:51
Flannelpowda: You need to --purge them when removing, "removal" doesn't remove configuration files.  Also, --reinstall ought to refresh them as well (although I've never done the latter personally)04:52
efren20anyone know how can i get my computer to reconize my usb easy pc camera04:52
nickrudpowda:   sudo apt-get install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Option:="--force-confmis" <package> iirc04:52
Agent_bobFlannel tripple checked PermitRootLogin yes04:52
joddeWould somebody please PM me if they think they can help with my key mapping problem??04:52
Agent_bobFlannel restarted sshd each time04:52
powdaThanks, I'll try that.04:52
FlannelAgent_bob: And you do have a root password?04:52
nickrudpowda: that's confmiss , I missed an s04:52
ShpookOooh, and it supports regular expressions. Just the kind of muscle I need. :-D04:52
Agent_bobFlannel passwd root    and passwd -u root   several times.04:52
=== ghost is now known as noodles12
Agent_bobFlannel if it was that simple i wouldn't have asked.04:53
CarlFKLiraNuna: midi is still what is used to work with stuff like keyboard/syssithers, right?04:53
iterAgent_bob: can you su to root account?04:53
Agent_bobFlannel also i can login with other account04:53
FlannelAgent_bob: This channel assumes you don't have a root password set, so your question didn't seem odd in the first place (we get that sort of nescience all the time)04:53
LiraNunamidi is nothing but a sequence of notes and instruments that tells the sound card what to play04:54
LiraNunathe player simply tells the HW what to do04:54
Agent_bobiter no. system is nosuid so su/sudo is imposable04:54
LiraNunaoff course some software players available who emulate midi devices04:54
cloud210please PM me if you know anything about installing maya, using the instructions found here http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66859&page=1604:54
iterAgent_bob: what's the /etc/passwd line for root04:54
efren20liranuna:thanks and do you know how i can get my computer to recongnize my usb easy pc camera?04:54
LiraNunacloud210, just cd to the linux folder and use alien it's not that hard04:54
LiraNunaefren20, did you try google?04:55
iterAgent_bob: also check /etc/security/access.conf04:55
Agent_bobiter root:x:0:0:root:/04:55
iterAgent_bob: seems wrong04:55
Agent_bobiter k looking in access.conf04:55
cloud210LiraNuna, thats what i did. using the "for i in *.rpm; do sudo alien -cv $i; done" line. but instead it just creates folders with root access only.04:55
iterAgent_bob: mine looks like root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash04:56
Agent_bobonly the shell/path04:56
LiraNunacloud210, no .deb files?04:56
LiraNunado it one by one04:56
Agent_bobyeah i know.04:56
LiraNunatry with --scripts-enabled04:56
LiraNunasometimes it helps04:56
iterAgent_bob: you seem to have no shell for the root acct04:56
Agent_bobiter if the /etc/passwd was wrong then i couldn't login as root     no ?04:56
ljsmithxI have got a new phone and when you plug it in via usb it lets you choose webcam as an option04:57
nickrudalien creates monsters that will rip through your machines guts.04:57
iterAgent_bob: wait, you can login as root ?04:57
ljsmithxand in XP it is fine and XP sees the cam04:57
iterAgent_bob: ok so you can login as root at console but not via ssh04:57
ljsmithxbut on ubuntu it doesnt see it04:57
iterAgent_bob: correct?04:57
ljsmithxso how do i fix this?04:57
Agent_bobiter i turncated the paste.  the shell is there.   and yes i can   just not through ssh04:57
nickrudljsmithx: webcams have hit or miss support in linux still. What camera?04:58
ljsmithxumm its a pohone04:58
AutoMatriXefren20, so did you manage to find some help ?04:58
ljsmithxit has webcam func in ti04:58
bluewraithcan someone help me turn on direct rendering? ati mobility radeon x120004:58
iterAgent_bob: what's up with the shell, is it something funky?04:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:58
nickrudljsmithx: so I asked a bad question. What phone, exactly. Probably not supported, but maybe google will help04:58
ljsmithxyeah its a new phone04:59
Agent_bobiter it would have been a good guess "/etc/security/access.conf"  but actually that's not it this time.04:59
ljsmithxa boost Mobile04:59
navinhai to all04:59
navinwhen i am opening icedove mailclient i am not getting calender, what to do for this ?04:59
Agent_bobiter shell  yeah it odd04:59
ljsmithxnot sure04:59
alex-weejconfigure WPA2 without wpa supplicant in /etc/network/interfaces please?04:59
alex-weejnm broke and network-admin is also broken04:59
iterAgent_bob: I'm wondering if that doesn't have something to do with it, try perhaps chsh to bash to test out?04:59
Agent_bobiter testing05:00
prettyrickyhey guys do I always have to alt-f2 to start nm-applet or is there a way to have it start when booting05:00
alex-weeji've tried wireless-essid and wireless-key, i've tried wpa-essid and wpa-psk <key>05:00
alex-weejbut neither work05:00
iterAgent_bob: also you might want to make sure there is nothing wrong with /etc/hosts* files05:00
ljsmithxnickrud, i dont think it is supported.. i would have liked it to though05:00
triorieel_what does it mean when your very high of cpu %us but can't find a program thats doing it?05:00
Agent_bobiter shell is not it.   and how would /etc/hosts* affect only one account on a box ?05:01
triorieel_^in top05:01
nickrudalex-weej: check system->prefs->sessions, startup programs. It should have the applet there and enabled05:01
alex-weejdoes anyone know how to set up /etc/network/interfaces for WPA 2?05:01
alex-weejnickrud: it won't start. it's a bug.05:01
nickrudalex-weej: sorry, wrong guy. prettyricky system->prefs->session startup programs, it should be there (network manager) and enabled05:02
alex-weejconnection ":1.xx" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file05:02
Agent_bobiter you did catch that i can ssh in as a user  just not root  didn't you?05:02
hwilde!wpa | alex-weej05:02
ubotualex-weej: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:02
iterAgent_bob: yeah this is quite odd05:02
prettyrickynickrud-----> thank you!05:02
hwildeAgent_bob, you just need to set the root password first...05:03
iterAgent_bob: have you made any changes to /etc/pam*05:03
just_bobert_030How do I route an internet connection through an ibook ubuntu to an ubuntu on a pc? (7.04 for them both) The internet comes into the ibook in it's ethernet port, and needs leave from it's modem port into the modem of the pc ubuntu.05:03
alex-weejhwilde: tried it, it's all ridiculously out of date05:03
Agent_bobhwilde again ?   i've set it nine times05:03
alex-weejhwilde: the linux kernel has been through a massive overhaul for wireless stuff since most of that was written05:03
hwildealex-weej, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo05:03
triorieel_something is using 100% cpu power in user space but no programs shown by system moniter or top are the culprits...what else could it be?05:03
hwildealex-weej, you just need like two lines, wpa-ssid  and wpa-psk05:03
efren20automatrix:im trying to google it but found nothing05:04
Agent_bobiter ummm i don't think so.  pretty sure that pam is stock  one of the very few things that is tho05:04
hwildeAgent_bob,  pastebin the output of this command:     ssh -vvv root@localhost05:04
alex-weejhwilde: thanks -- i had been using wpa-essid not wpa-ssid.05:04
iterAgent_bob: yep good idea -vvv05:04
prettyrickythant weird it was on, but when I booted it didnt come on for some odd reason05:04
hwildealex-weej, if you want to see how I do it, look at the end of that link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo05:05
hwildealex-weej_, I wrote my own script and then just launch it in rc.local.    then you just have to make your wpa supplicant conf file05:05
alex-weej_hwilde: i'm just going to fix network manager05:05
hwildealex-weej_, first thing I do is uninstall it... but to each his own05:06
alex-weej_i had been using asac's PPA and decided to downgrade everything back to hardy05:06
AutoMatriXefren20, please open your packet manager, open it completely and enable the universe sources ...05:06
alex-weej_and suddenly everything broke05:06
alex-weej_nm-applet wouldn't start05:06
AutoMatriXthe package you're looking for is in there05:06
alex-weej_hwilde: i HATE not having network until i have logged in, but i need VPN so i am stuck.05:06
hwildealex-weej_, rc.local buddy05:06
bAgent_bohwilde iter http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d343a639405:06
binarydigitwhere is log compression and rotation configured for syslog?05:07
=== bAgent_bo is now known as Agent_bob
Agent_bobhwilde iter http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d343a639405:07
hwildeAgent_bob, that says you are typing in the wrong password.   type in   "sudo su"   then type in "passwd"  and set the password.05:07
just_bobert_030How do I route an internet connection through an ibook ubuntu to an ubuntu on a pc? (7.04 for them both) The internet comes into the ibook in it's ethernet port, and needs to leave from it's modem port into the modem of the pc ubuntu.05:07
trippsdoes ubuntu (gutsy) support pam rlimits out of the box?05:07
ShpookAlright, question with grep now. If I want to search all files and directories for say, "Pepsi," I would enter "grep -r Pepsi *" correct?05:08
hwildeShpook, might be capital -R05:08
joddeOkay, for the love of god would somebody please tell me where to find the default keyboard map?05:08
Agent_bobhwilde it's not the wrong password. and like i said su and sudo wont work on a nosuid system except from an already root05:08
iterAgent_bob: looks like it's not happy with keyboard-interactive05:08
Ethernal_StormAnyone know how to make a VAP Using Madwifi-ng drivers in managed mode?05:08
AutoMatriXquelqu'un a de l'espérience avec le chipset RT73 (usb wifi dongle)05:09
hwildeAgent_bob, it is rejecting your password man what do you want me to say05:09
hwildeEthernal_Storm, did you ask in #madwifi05:09
Agent_bobhwilde just want you to tell me why it is05:09
Shpookhwilde: I tried....it doesn't seem as though it's searching the subdirectories.05:09
hwildeAgent_bob, because the password is wrong.  can you login as root at all in any way?05:10
efren20im in my packaget manager automatrix where do i go now to endable05:10
joddeCan someone tell me where the language files are stored?05:10
joddeSomeone?  Anyone?05:10
Agent_boblook i did    passwd -u root ;passwd root \n x \n x \n password updated successfully   about nine times.   the password is x and it's not wrong   got it?05:10
Ethernal_Stormi did got no answer05:11
hwildeAgent_bob, can you become root then ?05:11
iterhwilde: yes, he can login from console05:11
Agent_bobhwilde   tty24 [root@dell.~] ssh -vvv root@localhost 2>&1 | pastebin05:11
hwildeAgent_bob, pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:11
just_bobert_030How do I route an internet connection through an ibook ubuntu to an ubuntu on a pc? (7.04 for them both) The internet comes into the ibook in it's ethernet port, and needs to leave from it's modem port into the modem of the pc ubuntu.05:11
Flannel!attitude | Agent_bob05:11
ubotuAgent_bob: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:11
iterFlannel: meh I side with Agent_bob on this one05:12
decayHow can i get to nvidia's configuration panel? i have a dual monitor setup i'd like to config05:12
sebastiansilvai need to remaster a xubuntu livecd to have an icon on the desktop for running our OLPC sugar emulator - anybody know how to add this last detail to my livecd ?05:13
xifto which file is stderr being dumped to?05:13
sebastiansilvathe livecd is finished ready to be squasedfs'd05:13
hwildedecay, nvidia-settings05:13
sebastiansilvajust want to add an icon on the desktop ;-)05:13
AutoMatriXefren20, you open a terminal, type in sudo synaptic05:13
flowOveris there an example of all the fonts ubuntu comes with by default?05:14
hwildeAgent_bob, that sshd conf looks fine to me.  but your verbose output says it is rejecting the password05:14
Agent_bobbtw    i commented out the ip's for testing  so that sshd would listen to everything05:14
decayhwilde: thank you. howcome it's not in the menu anymore like it used to be in older ubuntu releaseS?05:14
macogwefren20: make that "gksudo synaptic"05:14
hwildedecay, don't trust the gui.05:14
AutoMatriXefren20, then in the configuration menu, the second option, you chould enable the checkboxes with universe05:14
xifTo which file is stderr being logged?05:14
macogwAutoMatriX: sudo doesnt always handle authority files for guis gracefully, so gksu/gksudo for GNOME or kdesu for KDE are recommended05:14
Agent_bobhwilde yeah   do you have any idea of what might cause that   excluding an acual incorrect password    cause the error is bogus.05:15
macogwefren20: what s/he pointed to can also be accessed through system -> administration -> software sources05:15
hwildexif, you have to put 2>>file   to redirect stderr to a file05:15
hwildeAgent_bob, you could have PermitRootLogin=no in your sshd conf05:15
=== narg_ is now known as narg
AutoMatriXmacogw, it works for me ... since I run the same version, I hope it should work for efren20, too05:15
hwildeAgent_bob, but your conf looks ok05:15
hwildeAgent_bob, can you ssh in as other users05:15
AutoMatriXmacogw,  but thanks for the tip anyway05:15
iterhwilde: yes he can05:15
xifhwilde: thanks05:15
iterAgent_bob: check grep sshd /var/log/*05:16
macogwAutoMatriX: i know it works, but it's dangerous05:16
macogwAutoMatriX: it can break permissions, so using gksu or gksudo is a better idea05:16
hwildeiter, it's really not that complicated... what else could it be05:16
Agent_bobiter umm blank  but i may not have logging turned on...05:16
AutoMatriXmacogw, I'll try to remember that ;)05:16
efren20automatrix:dosent let me hit configuration05:16
efren20but in sourse is cheacked allreayd05:17
iterhwilde: Agent_bob: yeah this is a tough one05:17
itercause it works, sorta05:17
just_bobert_030How do I route an internet connection through an ibook ubuntu to an ubuntu on a pc? (7.04 for them both) The internet comes into the ibook in it's ethernet port, and needs to leave from it's modem port into the modem of the pc ubuntu.05:17
flowOveri found exactly what i needed > http://www.apaddedcell.com/web-fonts05:17
Agent_bobiter yeah no syslog in the processtable  i'll turn logging on and try it one time and see if it logs anything05:17
Bossmanbetaanyone aware of a way of detaching a remote X application running via 'ssh -Y' for re-attaching later? (Just like 'screen' but for X apps) There's an old-old app called 'xmove' (last updated 1997) but it's very buggy and doesn't work over SSH. VNC and NX are whole-desktop solutions and doesn't work well when I want to run local & remote apps on a unified local desktop.05:17
AutoMatriXmacogw, please could you take over efren20's problem, he needs to alow his packet manager to use universe packets for his webcam, which is based on a gspca ...05:18
AutoMatriXefren20, sorry buddy, i've got to leave now05:18
decayanyone here have 2 monitors setup?05:18
hwildeAgent_bob, I would delete your root .ssh directory, reinstall ssh, reinstall sshd, reset the password, and you should be fine05:18
hwildedecay, yes05:18
macogwefren20: sudo apt-get update05:18
hwilde!xinerama | decay05:18
ubotudecay: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:18
hwilde!dualhead | decay05:18
ubotudecay: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:18
hwilde!nvidia | decay05:18
macogwefren20: try running that to reload the package list.  anything fail?05:18
ubotudecay: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:18
Agent_bobhwilde heh i did that before i came here05:18
macogwefren20: or any odd errors or anything?05:18
=== AutoMatriX is now known as AutoMatriX_afk
hwildeAgent_bob, can you setup keys and login without the pw05:19
iterAgent_bob: do id_rsa and id_dsa exist in /opt/carbon/.ssh?05:19
decayhwilde: this is a problem i've had even with later releases....when i maximize something, it takes up both monitors, as opposed to one.... the task bar, too, runs across both screens05:19
efren20ok maco05:19
efren20problem is05:19
efren20ubuntu not ereconize my easy pc camera05:19
TinalJane Carr are you in here?05:19
just_bobert_030How do I route an internet connection through an ibook ubuntu to an ubuntu on a pc? (7.04 for them both) The internet comes into the ibook in it's ethernet port, and needs to leave from it's modem port into the modem of the pc ubuntu.05:20
decayhwilde: and i think ubuntu installed my drivers automatically05:20
hwildedecay, that is just an option in nvidia settings.   it's either twinview or dual xscreens05:20
decayhwilde: xorg.conf says nvidia driver si in use05:20
decayhwilde: which one are you using?05:20
efren20macogw:the problem is the computer dosent reconize my usb camera05:21
hwildedecay, in the nvidia-settings you want "separate x screen"05:21
macogwefren20: matrix said your drivers are hiding in universe, right?05:21
sebastiansilvaI can't find ~/Desktop on the squashfs05:21
efren20i guess05:22
macogwefren20: do you know what driver you need?05:22
decayhwilde: heres what im getting: http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5366/screenshotnf6.png05:23
Stwangemy flash firefox plugin suddenly isn't working, has anyone else experienced similar?05:23
hwildedecay, that is one setting05:23
hwildedecay, change it to "separate x screen" and you will have two desktops and two taskbars;05:24
hwilde!flash | Stwange05:24
ubotuStwange: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:24
decayhwilde: i click the 'apply wh at is possible' button, and the main screens goes off. i only end up with a single monitor05:24
carrus85Stwange, define 'not working'05:24
hwildedecay, it requires a reboot.  it tells you that.05:24
efren20macogw:no i dont know what drivers i need05:24
Stwangecarrus85, hwilde, I had flash installed, it just... isn't working any more. It says additonal plugins required. I'm using 32 bit firefox on 64 bit ubuntu... unless my shortcuts opening the wrong firefox?05:25
decayhwilde: right. but by the title of the window being 'cannot apply' i thought there was something wrong. brb05:25
hwildeStwange, just reinstall it05:25
efren20anyone know how to make my pc reconize the usb camera05:25
ShpookIs there something morally wrong with me using httrack and grep to search a site for something, in order to win Jonas Brothers tickets for my daughter? They said use any means necessary.05:25
Stwangehwilde, it takes ages :(05:25
abhi_hi i'm on a dell vostro 1400 and i can't seem to be able to turn off my bluetooth adapter using powertop, the bluetooth light remains on even after powertop shuts the bluetooth service. how to get the bluetooth adapter to poweroff?05:25
hwilde!webcam | efren2005:26
ubotuefren20: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:26
hwildeStwange, use synaptic it takes like 2 seconds05:26
carrus85Stwange, I'd second hwilde on this one05:26
hwildesearch in synaptic for like mozilla flash or whatever it is a small update05:26
carrus85(reinstalling fixed that exact problem on my laptop, IIRC (then again, I tried a bunch of stuff, so it could have been something else I did...))05:26
neetoIs there a way to keep a process running in the background, after I call it from the command line?05:27
bruenigneeto: command &05:27
iterneeto: yeah finish your cmd with &05:27
carrus85or you can run it via setsid (this will keep the program running even if the terminal dies)05:27
bruenigiter: redundant05:27
storm-zenI had a number of partitions on an external hard drive disappear off my desktop ( and out of my file tree ) ... is there a way to get gnome to read all that in again (without restarting gnome?)05:28
neetobruenig: so let's say I run xfce4-panel &, it will do it and let me close that window without it closing05:28
macogwefren20: sudo aptitude install gspca-source05:28
iterneeto: alternatively you can start it normally and hit ctrl-z and the issue 'bg'05:28
efren20hwilde:none of thsose is my webcam05:28
iterbruenig: :p05:28
hwildeefren20, good luck writing your own device driver then05:28
carrus85neeto, run it vai setsid so it doesn't die when the terminal window is closed05:28
bruenigor use screen05:28
efren20sec macwo05:28
carrus85bruenig, or that05:28
iterneeto: yeah screen is probably what you want anyway05:28
efren20macogw:done did it the sudo what now?05:28
macogwneeto: to keep it from closing when the terminal closes, put "nohup <command> &"05:28
[NM]Packardare there any command cause when i tried to instal ubuntu it hangs05:29
neetoWhat does that stand for?05:29
hwildeno signal hang up05:29
carrus85no hangup05:29
neetoCool beans05:29
Jwetzel[NpO]-gonQuestion about synaptic and ndiswrapper: Why does it ask me to "Please insert the disk labeled:  Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) in drive /cdrom/" when I try to install the ndiswrapper packages?05:29
mosibfui use  > /dev/null 2>&1 & after my hlsw commands on gameserver, works fine after closing ssh05:29
neetoThanks all05:29
ROFFLEwAFFLESHow do I create a partition on the current hard drive i'm using? lolol05:29
decayhwilde: it seems to work. but i can't drag anything from a monitor to another. is that normal?05:29
ROFFLEwAFFLESHai guise05:29
hwildeROFFLEwAFFLES, gparted05:29
ROFFLEwAFFLESThe hard drive i'm using right now05:29
hwildedecay, yes now they are separate xscreens!05:29
macogwROFFLEwAFFLES: you have to unmount it05:29
iterJwetzel[NpO]-gon: you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to remove the cdrom line05:29
macogwROFFLEwAFFLES: you cant05:29
decayhwilde: i can drag icons, but not windows05:29
ROFFLEwAFFLESOh i see05:29
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ROFFLEwAFFLESwell.. i actually have to..05:30
macogwROFFLEwAFFLES: you cant run a program from a hard drive with the hard drive not mounted05:30
[NM]PackardIm using 7.08 is there a ubuntu release that installs ubuntu while in windows05:30
hwilde!return | ROFFLEwAFFLES05:30
ubotuROFFLEwAFFLES: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:30
ROFFLEwAFFLESso is there any other way05:30
hwildeROFFLEwAFFLES, reboot onto the livecd and run gparted05:30
macogwROFFLEwAFFLES: no. you cant partition a mounted drive.  it has to be unmounted.  if it's unmounted, you cant run from it.  use a live cd.05:30
Stwangehwilde, carrus85 it didn't work, said something about not installing at the terminal05:30
[NM]Packardare there any way to instal a test ubuntu in windows05:30
ROFFLEwAFFLESi dont have an optical drive..05:30
mosibfuROFFLEwAFFLES, just boot live cd, use gparted, its installed on live mode standard05:30
mosibfuROFFLEwAFFLES, live usb stick?05:30
macogw[NM]Packard: Virtualbox if you want to emulate it05:30
hwildeStwange, in synaptic ?05:31
ROFFLEwAFFLESi installed this using a windows installer05:31
ROFFLEwAFFLESi dont know how to boot from my usb stick05:31
efren20macogw:did what you told me what now?05:31
macogwROFFLEwAFFLES: wubi?05:31
hwilde!usb | ROFFLEwAFFLES05:31
ubotuROFFLEwAFFLES: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:31
Stwangehwilde, yeah, when you click "show output" or whatever it is05:31
decayhwilde: do you know how to access the compiz configurator as well?05:31
hwildeStwange, you should reinstall firefox then05:31
Agent_bobiter what's the perms on utmp ?05:31
FaithfulI installed xserver-xorg-video-openchrome but xorg complains that05:31
macogwefren20: umm "ls"05:31
hwildedecay, in the menu it's like apperance -> settings - > fancy effects05:31
[NM]Packardis there any windows installer for ubuntu05:31
macogwefren20: im guessing it downloaded the source for the driver...05:31
macogwefren20: dont paste the output here05:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:31
Faithfulopenchrome module doesn't exist05:32
macogwefren20: just look for a tarball named gspca something05:32
FaithfulI installed xserver-xorg-video-openchrome but xorg complains that  openchrome module doesn't exist05:32
iterAgent_bob: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3334 2007-10-24 17:43 /usr/include/utmp.h05:32
macogw[NM]Packard: you can virtualise it in virtualbox or vmware or whatever, or you can use Wubi to install it alongside windows, but i dont know how hell it will work. ive heard of breakage with it and i dont know if its been fixed05:32
Agent_bobk thanks.05:32
macogwefren20: if you type "ls" in the terminal in whatever directory you ran that from, is there a new tarball in there that downloaded?05:33
Agent_bobiter err no in var/05:33
decayhwilde: not here! theres appearance -> and a Visual Effects tab. but that is very basic. i'd like to get the rotating cube going and all =]05:33
navinhow to get the calender option for thunderbird05:33
hwildedecay, I think that is a separate package  3ddesktop05:33
iterAgent_bob: hmm what's the path to utmp in var05:34
=== ROFFLEwAFFLES is now known as rotlmfao
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:34
efren20macogw:this is what is shows esktop    Examples    Music                   Pictures  Shared     Videos05:34
efren20Documents  Incomplete  nautilus-debug-log.txt  Public    Templates05:34
Jwetzel[NpO]-gonthanks iter.  That solved my problem.05:34
decayhwilde: ill read up on that. but my main screen is running super slow. happens to you too?05:34
Agent_bobor var/lock   ?05:34
Agent_bobi have one in both05:34
Agent_bobthat's odd05:34
macogwefren20: oh umm hmm05:34
hwildedecay, nope no problems here05:35
iterAgent_bob: yeah I have no utmp in /var/log05:35
iterAgent_bob: or /var/lock for that matter05:35
D-Unitwen u do sudo apt-get install then a program, it downloads then installs the program...and with synaptic there is an option to only download an app...i have a ubuntu comp without internet and was hoping i could use that option and get a .deb to transger thru a usb device to that comp so that i have that app (k3b)05:35
Agent_bobiter you do have a wtmp there tho  right ?05:35
macogwefren20: ok try just "apt-get download gspca-source"05:35
D-Unitwould that work?05:35
iterAgent_bob: yeh in /var/log for sure05:35
macogwD-Unit: apt-get download <progra>05:35
iter-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp 384 2008-03-02 21:34 /var/log/wtmp05:36
Agent_bobutmp is supposed to be in /var/run   i'm thinking wtmp  and saying utmp05:36
macogwD-Unit: yes, itd work as long as you get all the dependencies too05:36
rotlmfaoBooting from USB memory stick can be very handy, but there is no guarantee that it will work with your particular combination of computer and USB stick. Even if you are able to boot from your flash drive on one computer, this does not mean that it is going to work with the next one. You can try experimenting with different settings in your PC's BIOS to make it work.05:36
rotlmfaosorry guys05:36
rotlmfaopasted the wrong thing here05:36
Agent_bobiter k thanks.05:36
efren20macogw:E> Invalid operation download05:36
macogwefren20: ah sorry "apt-get source gspca-source"05:37
macogwD-Unit: see what i said to efren2005:37
D-Unitmacogw, i hate this dependencies thing....thats y id rather just download windows freeware that works with wine05:37
navinhow to get the calender option for thunderbird05:37
vipshi, I just installed ubuntu and I'm having trouble searching a hard drive for a specific file, I tried using the search button but even if I put in file names that I see are in a folder, it doesn't seem to work05:37
efren20macogw:Unable to find a source package for gspca-source05:37
macogwD-Unit: it keeps you from having like 15 copies of the same libraries all over the machine like you do with windows and mac.  why do you think ubuntu can fit in 2GB of hard drive, while they need a ton?05:37
tritiumD-Unit: apt-get automatically handles dependencies05:37
macogwefren20: thats just weird.  it *is* a source package -_-05:37
macogwtritium: he wants to move them from one comp to another though05:38
D-Unittritium, wat does handle mean? do i do that on other comp? cuz if thats the plan, it wont work since there is no internet...05:38
macogwnavin: install the Lightning extension05:38
macogwefren20: im sorry i cant help you. i was intending to do homework05:38
efren20is ok thanks05:39
navinmacogw, where to get this package05:39
efren20anyone know how to make my pc reconize my usb camera05:39
abhi_hi can anyone tell me how to turn off my bluetooth device?05:39
prettyrickyis there anywhere I can set up where new windows open cause its so annoying to minimize it all the time to be able to move it around05:39
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rc.local - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:40
Tinalnothing? well that's helpful05:40
efren20!usb device05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb device - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:40
efren20anyone know how to make pc reconzize my usb easy pc camera05:40
itermy guess is the 'easy pc camera' name is a bit of a misnomer05:41
efren20is a intel usb webcam05:41
hwildeefren20, you are better off buying a supported webcam buddy05:42
iceswordwhat happened05:46
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iterhi icesword gotta love that nick05:47
icesworditer, hhehe05:47
iterthat sw is pretty cool05:47
geck1Hi, I'm trying to install zenmap (nmap GUI), however when I run the .deb installer, I get the error:05:47
icesworditer, what do you work for05:48
iteruniversity unix sysadmin, you?05:48
geck1error processing...... trying to overwrite 'usr/share/pixmaps/ubuntu.svg', which is also in package gnome-screensaver05:48
geck1dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)05:48
icesworditer, i saw your hostname is .org,i ?nothing,just love linux05:48
decayCompiz settings manager is not opening for me. anyone had similar problem?05:48
Wahayaj #ubuntu-fr05:49
geck1can anyone offer any advice?05:49
iceswordgeck1, how do you install .deb05:50
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geck1icesword, can you help?05:51
goniochromismhi folks, i having probs with installing grub (or lilo) using the alternate install CD05:51
hwildeicesword, dpkg -i .deb05:51
hwilde!fixgrub | goniochromism05:51
ubotugoniochromism: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:51
goniochromismjust won't let me do it - what's the easiest way to install it post-ubuntu-install?05:51
iceswordgeck1, maybe you need sudo?05:51
geck1did that =P05:51
geck1its unpacking, but I'm getting an error while it's unpacking05:52
itergeck1: you could rename that svg file temporarily and try again05:53
geck1dpkg: error processing /home/Desktop/zenmap_4.53.deb (--install): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pixmaps/ubuntu.svg/', which is also in package gnome-screensaver. dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (broken pipe)05:53
iceswordgeck1, maybe it needs some packages,which you don't have05:53
geck1let me try that quick iter05:53
geck1iter, i renamed it to ubuntu2.svg, yet i'm still getting the same error05:55
crackhead_25can anyone help me get my sound to work!!!??? i upgraded from feisty to gutsy, and now it doesn't. i dont know what happened. i've tried everything! even recompiled and installed the new drivers ca0106.. what is going on??05:56
uboturoadnav is a free street mapping and GPS navigation program with spoken directions, using free data available from the U.S. Census Bureau (TIGER, at http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/) and the OpenStreetMap project (at http://www.openstreetmap.org/) - An !Edgy compatible package can be downloaded at http://roadnav.sourceforge.net/05:56
zuzmahow do I define an input device in the xorg.conf? Say somthing like a USB headset volume control.05:56
kramari got a question, i have installed ubuntu whit the internet cable pluged out, now it wont install stuff, any help?05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:56
geck1kramar, plug in the internet cable?05:57
itergeck1: you could try removing gnome-screensaver first05:57
geck1remove it then reinstall it?05:58
itergeck1: remove it and try installing zenmpa05:58
geck1kk will give it a try05:58
zuzmasdsadfdas I hate linux05:59
dahliaI've tried to install several versions of ubuntu on the latest microsoft virtual pc, but I can never get the mouse to work. Anyone have any suggestions? (besides using a different platform)05:59
friedtofumaybe use virtualbox?05:59
CGS|JaredCan someone help me with a floppy drive and ubuntu?05:59
decaySometimes i get messages like this when trying to install something through synaptic:  Depends: libwnck18 (>=2.15.90) but it is not installable   why?06:00
decayi have all reps enabled06:01
iterdecay: conflict with existing packages probably06:01
supreme_hi, i have problems with compiz fusion, cannot change Yshadow06:01
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decayiter: i see06:01
supreme_could somebody help me?06:01
__mikem!ask | SuperLag06:02
ubotuSuperLag: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:02
__mikemsupreme_, that was meant for you06:02
supreme___mikem, my problem is above06:02
supreme_i cannot change Yshadow with ccsm06:03
supreme_i mean, i change configuration but it never took effect06:03
__mikemsupreme_, try restarting X06:03
supreme_i've tried but still Xshadow=1 and Yshadow=106:03
CGS|JaredHow do I mount a floppy drive?06:04
trippshow do i know if my box supports rlimits?06:04
__mikemsupreme_, go back to where you made the changes? Did the settings revert?06:04
tocis there special procedure for installing source packets on ubuntu ?06:05
toccan they be easily converted to .deb ?06:05
supreme_ccsm->window decorations->Xdisplacement=1 Y shadow  displacement =1206:05
__mikemtoc, you can always use checkinstall06:05
supreme_but shadow doesnt change according to ccsm configuration06:05
ca8shi, somebody know how can I update OpenOffice to 2.4?06:06
tocmo0nlordim new at ubuntu, just installed it, how can i make it so it stops complaining about me owning folders and stuff ? i cant delete or move anything because it does not give me the right06:06
__mikemsupreme_, since I never used ccsm personally, I am afraid I can't really help you. What time zone are you in?06:06
supreme_-3  (03:05am)06:07
__mikemsupreme_, you might try back later in the day. Most of the people here are asleep06:07
supreme_ok, i see06:08
supreme_well, thanks btw06:08
__mikemsupreme_, sorry I couldn't help you06:08
toc__mikem: so i can build binaries, and instead of `make install` i should type `checkinstall make install` -- right ?06:08
__mikemtoc, I don't know how to use checkinstall, but you can use it to create .deb files, and then install them like normal06:09
__mikemtoc you might first start by typing sudo apt-get install checkinstall06:09
__mikemGod, what am I doing up this late at night anyway06:10
toc__mikem: i've allready installed it - just checking with you what man page is suggesting06:10
__mikemtoc hold on, let me read the man pages myself06:11
toc__mikem thanks06:11
__mikemtoc, yes what you said appears to be the correct usage of the command06:11
__mikembut, I really have to get some sleep06:12
__mikemgood night06:12
toc__mikem it is great tool then :-) thanks a lot06:12
geck1iter, your solution worked to install zenmap, but now when i try and reinstall gnome0-screensaver, it gives me basically the same error with the ubuntu.svg file, and now i cant reinstall gnome-screensaver06:12
tocgoodnight __mikem06:12
trippswhat's the best way to tell if my box supports rlimits? i'm running newly compiled realtime kernel and have limits.conf configured but want to verify somehow processes are really running realtime06:14
lastelement0hey all. i set up an xp guest OS in virtualbox. how can i get usb devices to be recognized in the guest OS?06:14
itergeck1: yeah they conflict.. you might try forcing the install06:14
geck1how can i do that?06:15
geck1im an ubuntunoob =P06:15
ozzloyfirefox just popped up something saying i'm missing mathml fonts.  how do i install them?06:15
itergeck1: iirc it's sudo apt-get install --force gnome-screensaver06:16
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=== azte is now known as aztek
geck1command line option --force is not understood06:17
rotlmfaoI'm going to come back here when I'm finished trolling the *chans06:17
itergeck1: nope try sudo apt-get install --force-yes gnome-screensave06:17
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itergeck1: actually put --force-yes in front of install06:18
azteki booted the 7.10 livecd to backup data since i hosed the install. but permissions are keepin me from accessing the installed os's /home/<user> locations. can this be changed? how?06:18
geck1sudo apt-get --force-yes install gnome-screensaver06:18
geck1<--idiot, this isnt a terminal.06:18
pnukeidmy vga riva tnt 64, after installing my kubuntu can display max until 1024x786, but now  max res only 800x600, anybody know the problem with this ?06:19
geck1iter, i'm still getting the same error even with the --force-yes06:19
trickmacan somebody send me a random file i need to test something06:20
crackhead_25can anyone help me get my sound to work again???06:20
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itergeck1: you may have to force install w/dpkg then, dpkg --force-install -i gnomescreensave.deb (or w/e it's called)06:21
geck1iter, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58213/06:21
geck1thats the error06:21
geck1alright, i'll give that a shot06:22
trickmacan someone tell me how much /ping lag increases when you send/recieve a file?06:22
itergeck1: or force-overwrite actually might be better06:22
itergeck1: check dpgk --force-help for more info06:23
chedo guys know how to work ati video card for compiz or desktop effects ?06:24
cheanybodys here ????????????????06:25
chenobody will answer me06:25
AntkinDoes anyone want help with dual, triple or quad booting this morning?06:26
phabflash still doesnt work on 64bit?06:26
Antkinche hello06:26
Cpudan80phab: no it does06:26
chedo you how to work ati video card for compiz or desktop?06:26
Antkinche do you need help?06:26
Cpudan80!ati | che06:26
ubotuche: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:26
phabCpudan80 I can't seem to select it from 'Add/Remove Software'06:27
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Cpudan80phab: dont do it that way06:27
Cpudan80phab: Go to some page with flash and download it from within firefox06:27
phabCpudan80 I also tried installing the pluging fromt he tar.gz file into /usr/share/firefox/plugins/06:27
phabk let me try loading a site with the auto installer :)06:27
Cpudan80Go there and tell it to download06:27
chewow thanks guys06:28
=== co_g is now known as wilda
SmegzorIs flash slightly broken?  On Youtube I'm finding some flash isn't working and some work fine.06:28
Antkinche have you asked about your video card on Ubuntu forums?06:29
geck1iter, i can't find a .deb for gnome-screensaver, only the .tar.gz file06:29
Textbookanybody in here use VLC?06:29
geck1is there a way to force install with the files in the tar?06:29
phabI use VLC06:29
Textbookphab: what output module do you use?06:30
Textbookmine looks "blocky"06:30
ahorriblemessHi, I frequently lose my connection in irssi and Pidgin... is there a port I should open? I'm connected through a router, but I don't have these problems when I run Vista06:30
phabTextbook, I've never had to mess with the defaults.06:30
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Textbookhrmm.. video output in Ubuntu doesn't look as good as on Windows (in my experience)06:30
phabare you using the nvidia/ati drivers?06:30
Textbookand I'm wondering if it's the output module, I've set it to default and X, look the same06:31
itergeck1: look in /var/cache/apt/archives/06:31
cheuboutu: i think i know this, i need activate desktop effects and compiz06:32
Antkinche Do you have a question or a problem today?06:33
chethat's a how to enable desktop effects and compiz on ATI 200M video card06:33
* jamesrdorn rolls out of his chair laughing06:33
Newbuntu2does anyone know of a tool/method to get lap times from a GPS? I have mine working, but I can't find something that will give me lap times06:34
Antkinche can you please give some details so we can help you today?06:34
chemy video card is ATI raedon 200M and i want to enable Ubuntu's visual effects06:35
geck1iter, you are made of magic and awesomeness, thanks a ton!!06:35
=== co_g is now known as wilda
geck1zenmap and gnome-screensaver both work now06:35
itergeck1: :)06:36
Antkinche have you posted this question on ubuntu forums?06:37
iceswordAntkin, hiya06:37
cheantkin: no06:37
cheantkin: do i need post first there ?06:37
crackhead_25hi, anyone help.. how do i stop and remove a running/busy module?? i have ca0106 running, and i want to stop it, and restart it with the newly compiled one i just made..06:39
hellpme1can someone help me load ubuntu and winxp dualboot again pls cuz i have reinstalled my winxp and now grub wont work.anyone help me pls?06:39
Antkinche that is the first place I would post a question, IRC is my second choice06:39
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:39
TheMidnightRidercrackhead_25, I think the command is sudo modprobe -r <modulename>06:40
Antkinhellpme1 Welcome do you have a question or problem today?06:40
crackhead_25it said fatal error.. module busy or whatever..06:40
cheantkin: ok man i will try thanks man06:41
crackhead_25TheMidnightRider: it said fatal error.. module busy or whatever..06:41
hellpme1Antkin: im trying to understand what icesword gave me06:41
hellpme1else f i still cant get this back running ill be force to use winxp only instead of dualboot06:42
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Antkinhellme1 I had problems chatting to Iceword last night I would be very cautious about any information iceword gives06:44
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:44
Antkinche glad I could help you today06:45
hellpme1he's giving me bunch of books hehehe06:45
hellpme1i think ill be able this dualboot back after 3weeks cuz i need to read the sites icesword gave m06:46
iceswordhellpme1, what?you need three weeks06:46
Antkinhellpme1 I have writen a two page guide to dual booting do you want the link?06:47
steph__hi folks. I have problems with wireless connection.iwconfig returns informations about my wireless card. Do I assume that the drivers are working?06:47
persnicketygoto terminal and type iwconfig06:48
hellpme1im not fast learner like you guys06:48
DarkmystereHas anyone figured out how to make another VAP in Managed mode...instead of monitor?06:48
Antkinsteph_ welcome can you please give more detail about your wireless card?06:49
hellpme1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  <--i tried to follow this using the ubuntu livecd and im on step 4 but i have an error like this http://www.pastebin.ca/92574006:49
hellpme1can someone help me with my error above?06:49
hellpme1Antkin: yes give me the link pls06:49
Antkinhellpme1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712997&highlight=dual+booting+guide06:51
SmegzorWhen I try to view this vid (its just some vines growing on camera) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTljaIVseTc I get this "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player." But I HAVE Adobe's flash player installed (from the repo).  Is anyone else able to view that vid or is flash broken again?06:51
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Antkinhellpme1 I have looked at your paste bin results there are two listing which one do you need help with today?06:54
nox-HandHow do I list all available modules? =)06:54
hellpme1Antkin: i cant get my old ubuntu and winxp to be both working, as of now when i turn on my pc the winxp boots and no prompt for grub for me to select which OS to boot06:55
* KarlosII hmm Big Blue keeps us Green :)06:55
hellpme1lately this dual boot was running but when i reinstalled my winxp,the ubuntu was gone including grub but the partitions are still there06:56
hwilde!fixgrub | hellpme106:56
ubotuhellpme1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:56
Antkinhellpme1 did you install XP first and Linux second in that order?06:56
hwildethat one about recovering after installing windows is for you06:56
iterkinda slow in here tonight06:57
hellpme1Antkin: i have reinstalled winxp06:58
iterI guess ubuntu is working great for everyone :p06:58
nox-Handiter: Not the entire world has night you know ;)06:58
nox-HandAnyone know where I can ls all available modules?06:58
iternox-Hand: as an American I dispute that there is a 'rest of the world'06:58
nox-Handiter: As a part-Brit I dispute that you have a say in this06:59
BloodyScumi cant connect to the gnutella network for some reason, all my connections time out06:59
iternox-Hand: lsmod ?06:59
Antkiniter I do not think it is slow here this morning Do you need help with a question or problem today?06:59
larsweyiter: tonight? its 8 o clock in the morning06:59
nox-Handiter: Is that loaded modules or ALL modules?06:59
iternox-Hand: loaded modules07:00
hwildeit's 2 oclock in the morning here07:00
hwildenox-Hand, lsmod07:00
iternox-Hand: otherwise I would check /lib/modules07:00
hwildelsmod -v07:00
iterAntkin: lol actually I do have one request.. please don't disparage the other people in here that give good advice07:01
nox-Handhwilde: iter I need all modules07:01
iternox-Hand: they're all located under /lib/modules then07:01
hwildenox-Hand, you know we could probably help you with your original problem07:02
Antkinheellme1 installing Windows XP is the first step once done you can use your linux boot cd to enter into Gnome or KDE07:02
hwildeyou seem like you're ten steps down the wrong path already07:02
iteryup :)07:02
nox-HandOkay, I don't have the module I need -- how do I compie an extra module?07:02
nox-Handhwilde: I need the lirc-audio module07:02
hwildeapt-get install lirc07:03
iterapt-get install --reinstall lirc even07:03
hwildeapt-get install pulseaudio-module-lirc07:03
Antkinlarswey it is 06.55 am in the United Kingdom07:03
bluefoxxi dont understand the way im supposed to rip a DVD in K3B...anyone able to help me here?07:03
iterAntkin: oh so you're in the isles then?07:03
=== ganteng is now known as she_sad
hellpme1mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/root/boot  <--the website says this one and hda1 is /boot but how can i mount that in my own partition has only /dev/sda5 consists of / and /boot ?07:04
hackelDoes anyone know of a program which can convert Unicode to iso8859-1 or ascii and use common equivalents (e.g. convert emdash to two hyphens, or fancy quotes to straight quotes, ellipses to 3 periods, etc.)?07:04
hellpme1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  <--this is what im following at overwriting the windows bootloader07:04
Antkinhellpme1 is this a new question or are we still helping you with dual booting?07:04
hellpme1Antkin: i answered you lately07:05
hellpme1yes Antkin07:05
hwildehellpme1, pastebin    "sudo fdisk -l"07:05
iceswordhi,i am using dillo now,but the menu's chacracter cannot be displayed rightly,how could i tune it.thanks07:05
bluefoxxanyone?i want to rip the video and audio from a dvd to ogg while in k3b...07:05
=== ganteng is now known as she_sad
hellpme1hwilde: http://www.pastebin.ca/925748  this is fdisk -l07:06
ENL810DHello all.. how do I register my nickname?07:06
nox-Handhwilde: Not pulseaudio, alsa, the lirc module is called lirc-audio and is not supplied by default07:06
=== ENL810D is now known as enl810d
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.07:06
hwildehellpme1, ok now which partition are you trying to mount ?07:07
Antkiniter Inland 60 miles from the coast07:07
enl810dThnx ubotu !07:07
hwildenox-Hand, why dont you just use the supplied stuff?  it will work so easy07:07
hellpme1hwilde: /dev/sda507:07
hellpme1sda5 is my / ubuntu and sda1 is my winxp07:07
nox-Handhwilde: No it will not, not for what I am doing. The lirc-audio module is required.07:07
hellpme1and i want grub to work when booting the pc07:08
hwildehellpme1, ok type in   sudo mkdir /mydrive      sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /mydrive07:08
DJ_HaMsTahow will i know which dir a device is getting its drivers from ?07:08
hwildenow you should be able to cd /mydrive  and see your stuff07:08
boubbincan i execute javascript files in shell somehow ?07:08
hwildenox-Hand, ok so did you download lirc-audio ?  what form is it in .deb ?07:08
DJ_HaMsTathere are 2 /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187 and /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl818x07:08
nox-Handhwilde: Source code, I will have to compile it myself. I'll figure it out07:08
iceswordhellpme1, don't bother to change your mbr,google that "grub4dos"set your boot.ini,add c:\grldr=start ubuntu,also edit your menu.lst,put it in c:|07:09
hellpme1root@ubuntu:/# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda07:09
hellpme1The file /mnt/root/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.07:09
joeamineddoes splashy work in gutsy ?07:09
Newbuntu2I'm trying to use VNC over SSH with a windows client; I'm following the writeups but it doesn't seem to work. What should I put as my destination in the SSH settings?07:09
joeaminedi followed the instructions but it doesn't work07:09
hellpme1hwilde: i got that error above07:09
hellpme1Antkin and icesword i got that error above07:10
hwildehellpme1, /mnt/root is incorrect07:10
hwildehellpme1, what if you just do grub-install /dev/sda07:10
Antkinjoeamind can you please give more details?07:10
iterNewbuntu2: if you can already ssh to your remote machine, you'll need to open a tunnel from a local port to the vnc port on the remote machine, then you point your vnc client to the port on your local machine07:10
animebandoim very new to linux, and i am having problems getting my bcm4318 to work correctly07:10
hellpme1ok lemme try07:10
iceswordhwilde, i recommend don't change mbr07:10
hwildeicesword, I concur but he already did...07:11
hellpme1root@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda07:11
hellpme1/dev/sda7: Not found or not a block device.07:11
hwilde!fixmbr | hellpme107:11
ubotuhellpme1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:11
hwildeyou really need to just follow those guides07:11
joeaminedantkin:  i installed splashy from official apt repository and added splah argument in menu.lst07:11
hwildeotherwise you are going to hose your system and it wont't boot at all07:11
iterNewbuntu2: if you're using putty, you should set local port to 5900, destination port to locahost:5900, then connect with your vnc client to localhost:590007:11
hellpme1root@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda07:11
hellpme1/dev/sda7: Not found or not a block device.07:11
Newbuntu2iter: I have that done, I think. I'm using openssh, not putty07:11
iceswordyes,the first sector,512 bytes are very important07:12
hwildehellpme1, are you running off this drive already?07:12
hellpme1im on livecd right now07:12
hellpme1im on ubuntu 7.10livecd right now07:12
hwildeso just type in fixgrub07:12
Newbuntu2iter: and realvnc07:12
FinnishHello, can anyone help me on Skype 2 Beta?07:12
hellpme1id ont have fixgrub07:12
hellpme1hwilde: i dont have fixgrub07:13
Newbuntu2iter: but my linux box is behind a DSL router07:13
Antkinhellpme1 have you booted into linux on the live CD? Have you reached KDE or Gnome desktop? Please do not try to install linux until you reach the desktop07:13
hellpme1whereis fixgrub didnt find one07:13
iterNewbuntu2: can you ssh from windows to your linux machine07:13
Newbuntu2iter: I'm forwarding port 22, and I can ssh fine07:13
hellpme1Antkin: im on ubuntu 7.10 livecd right now gnome desktop07:13
iterNewbuntu2: ok, and which ssh client are you using exactly07:13
animebandoHello, is anyone here able to help me get my 4318 wireless working properly?07:14
Newbuntu2iter: secure ssh (from www.ssh.com)07:14
AntkinFinnish have you posted this question on Ubuntu forums?07:14
hwildehellpme1, open up terminal, type in "sudo grub"07:14
hellpme1hwilde: ok wait07:14
hwildehellpme1, type in  "find /boot/grub/stage1"07:14
Newbuntu2iter: I'm not setting up the tunneling right, I think. what is my destination?07:15
hellpme1hwilde: and then root (hd0,5)?07:15
iterNewbuntu2: localhost:590007:15
BloodyScumdoes anyone here gave gtk-gnutellia? if so, are you having problems connecting?07:15
Antkinhellpme1 did it load into Gnome without any hardware errors?07:15
hwildehellpme1, yes if that's what it tells you07:15
hwildehellpme1, then "setup (hd0,5)"07:15
FinnishAntkin: Not yet, I'm still looking for other people with the same problem. I've seen two posts in the net with same problems, but no solution yet07:16
Newbuntu2iter: ah.07:16
hellpme1i got error after doing setup07:16
iterNewbuntu2: think of it this way: once I've connected via ssh, what should I now connect to in order to get to vnc?07:16
hellpme1hwilde: http://www.pastebin.ca/925753 this is my error after setup07:16
AfroRowanI hate ubuntu if this keeps on going07:16
Newbuntu2iter: ok, makes sense. I tried it, it works! thanks!07:17
hwildehellpme1, you've really hosed it... just reinstall from the cd07:17
AntkinFinnish posting to the forum is the first step it can be a lttle slower than posting a question here on IRC07:17
iterNewbuntu2: :)07:17
trippsinteresting - when I launch jackd with realtime priority, I can hear the latency buzzing sound and ps -eo rtprio,comm doesn't show the process with a RT priority. when i do chrt to 99 rtprio however it displays in ps as RT and the noise clears up. I wonder why jackd isn't really starting up in realtime? ideas?07:17
AfroRowanit continously say07:17
AfroRowanCannot eject volume07:17
FinnishOk, I'll do that07:17
AfroRowanand its driving me crazy07:17
Newbuntu2iter: how do I close all the instances of vnc4server? I tried starting a bunch...07:17
hellpme1hwilde: what do you think should i do?07:17
hwildehellpme1, just reinstall from the livecd07:18
hwildehellpme1, it will detect both of your partitions and install grub correctly07:18
AfroRowansudo umount -f /media/cdrom0  doesnt work...  sudo eject -r   doesnt work either07:18
hwildeAfroRowan, in a terminal type "ps -ef"  and pastebing the output.07:18
AfroRowanits drives me really insane07:18
iterNewbuntu2: kill -9 `ps aux | grep vnc4server | cut -d " " -f 7` perhaps07:18
iterNewbuntu2: you might need to adjust that -f number07:18
hellpme1hwilde: that is my big problem reinstalling cuz when im in Preparing partitions the menu wont display my old partitions and the livecd cant even see my winxp partition in that menu but when i click Places-->Computer i saw the partitions07:19
Newbuntu2iter: so basically, I tell ssh to connect to my router; my router just passes it on to my linux machine. and once that is done, ssh also intercepts the high port, runs it through 22 and it pops up as a local request?07:19
hellpme1hwilde: only in INSTALL program that i cant see the old partitions07:19
hellpme1gparted program even cant see my old partitions07:19
hwildehellpme1, your partition table is hosed then buddy07:19
jamesrdornanyway to get grub to re-detect the existing partitions and OS's on your drive w/o manually updating the menu.list file?07:19
hwildehellpme1, buy a new harddrive, install windows on half, then install ubuntu.  then hook up your old harddrive, mount it, and get your data off07:20
bullgard4There is a standard that standardizes the abbreviations for units of measurement of storage as follows: kiB = 1024 B, MiB = 1024*1024 B, GiB = 1024*1024*1024 B. Who did standardize this?07:20
AfroRowanhwilde :  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58218/07:20
iterNewbuntu2: exactly, though I would say that your ssh client 'opens the port you are tunneling (5900) and forwards it through the ssh session to the destination"07:20
hwildeAfroRowan, killall /usr/bin/gnome-mount07:20
hellpme1hwilde: what do you mean hosed then buddy? im sorry im not good in english07:20
hwildehellpme1, I mean if gparted isn't detecting those partitions then the partition table written to your hardrive has errors07:21
AfroRowanhwilde, so i must type killall /usr/bin/gnome-mount in terminal ?07:21
hwildehellpme1, you need to fix your mbr, then fix the partition table, then deal with grub07:21
hwildeAfroRowan, yes type that in.. or do sudo07:21
hwildeAfroRowan, that will clear out all those popups07:21
iterhellpme1: I concur -- if you need recovery software, R-Studio is pretty good07:21
AfroRowanbut my drive keeps on going07:22
hwildeAfroRowan, show me the full "ps -ef" output not cutoff full screen07:22
AfroRowanand the popups are returning every sec07:22
hellpme1oh my gawd07:22
iceswordwhere is dillo 's config file07:22
hellpme1reinstalling ubuntu isbad07:22
Newbuntu2iter: makes sense. I though in destination I had to put the router, or the server ip. but destination is actually telling the linux box where to send  it...? ie if I put destination 192.168.x.x my linux machine would receive it via ssh and then go off looking for that machine inside the network?07:22
j_humphreyhow can i cancel all printing jobs?07:22
AfroRowanwhat do you mean hwilde07:23
iterNewbuntu2: exactly07:23
hwildeAfroRowan, I mean show "ps -ef"  with fullscreen07:23
iterNewbuntu2: the 'destination' is always thought of from the point of view of the system you are sshing to07:23
hwildeNewbuntu2, http://www.ssh.com/support/documentation/online/ssh/adminguide/32/Port_Forwarding.html07:23
hellpme1thanks guy i think i have to reinstall again07:23
Newbuntu2iter: that's pretty neat, actually. thanks!07:23
hellpme1recovery is useless then in ubuntu07:23
hellpme1this is the big problem07:23
animebandoAnyone here have the Broadcom 4318 wireless and get it to work under x64 ubuntu? ive tried the forums but nothing i have attempted has worked thus far07:24
hwildehellpme1, if your ubuntu partition is ok, then just go to the livecd, do manual partitioning, and select hte right ones07:24
hischildhellpme1, why'd you have to reinstall?07:24
hwilde!broadcom | animebando07:25
ubotuanimebando: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx07:25
AfroRowanhwilde: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58219/07:25
hellpme1hwilde: im about to reinstall ubuntu but i cant continue cuz ubuntu install program cant see the old partitions i created07:25
Newbuntu2iter: btw, how do I enable compression on sshd? my client supports zlib, but when I turn it on, it fails to connect...07:25
=== wilda is now known as edan
hellpme1hischild: my message above for hwilde is also for you,  and in addition im trying to recover the ubuntu since i cant just delete my files and reinstall winxp again07:26
Newbuntu2iter: it says "algorithm negotiation failed"07:26
animebandothanks, ill try that page07:26
hellpme1but if i have no other option then i have to reinstall ubuntu and winxp07:26
hischildhellpme1, why can't you just reinstall? did you create a seperate /home?07:26
hwildeAfroRowan, one of those processes is the one spawning those.  looks like that bonobo activation.  sudo kill -9 633207:26
iterNewbuntu2: actually I would recommend no compression unless you are on a VERY slow link07:27
iterNewbuntu2: like 1200baud07:27
hellpme1hischild: reinstall ubuntu is what im planning but the partition part of installation didnt see the old partitions i have07:27
AfroRowanprocess doesnt exist07:27
hwildeAfroRowan, sudo kill -9 `ps -ef | grep mount`07:27
Antkinhellpme1 Gparted I use this often without any problems to date07:27
hischildhellpme1, define "didn't see"07:27
hellpme1hischild: it wasnt able to see the winxp partition i have07:27
Newbuntu2iter: ok. it's dsl, so I'll let it be07:27
AfroRowani typed that and the terminal disappeard07:28
j_humphreyhow can i cancel all print jobs?07:28
hellpme1honestly Antkin gparted didnt see my partitions of /dev/sda07:28
hwildeAfroRowan, did the popups disappear too? :)07:28
AfroRowanstill poppin up every time07:28
LainIwakuraHello, does anyone know how to add a link to the right-click menu on the GNOME desktop?07:28
hischildhellpme1, it doesn't really matter if it doesn't see the xp part. If you install ubuntu and grub doesnt find the partition, you can still use supergrub to get it back07:28
hwildeAfroRowan, that's not even possible... one of those processes is respawning it.  you just have to kill the right one07:28
hellpme1gparted sees my whole drive a unallocated 37.26gib07:29
hischildhellpme1, can you boot xp atm?07:29
AfroRowanits happening though07:29
hwildeAfroRowan, did you reboot07:29
hellpme1hischild: yes when turning on this pc,winxp boots automatically without prompting me to the grub07:29
hischildhellpme1, do you have free space to install ubuntu on right now?07:30
hwildeAfroRowan, pastebin /etc/fstab   it must be mounting somewhere...07:30
AfroRowanhow do i do that ?07:30
hellpme1hischild: nope im planning to overwrite it in my /dev/sda5 which is my old ubuntu07:30
hwildeAfroRowan, type in  "cat /etc/fstab"  and pastebin the output07:31
hischildhellpme1, right ... and what was the reason for reinstalling? because you can just use supergrub to get grub back07:31
hellpme1hischild: i havent tried supergrub07:31
Antkinhellpme1 you do not nead to buy a new hard drive. Try a free data destruction program like Erazer and fully wipe your old hard drive then start again07:32
PwhdaveyNeed some modem help here.07:32
hischild!grub | hellpme107:32
ubotuhellpme1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:32
hellpme1now im going to try supergrub..how to get supergrub?07:32
PwhdaveyMany a problem with modem on Ubuntu.07:32
hwildehischild, I think he has to fix mbr first, then fix the partition table, then fix grub.  if gparted doesn't even see the partitions then there is something else wrong07:32
hischildhellpme1, second link07:32
PwhdaveyEach time I "sudo wvdial"...07:32
hischildhwilde, as far as i know supergrub can do that all at the same time07:32
PwhdaveyIt always says the device is busy.07:32
PwhdaveyBut tonight it hasn't for ages.07:32
PwhdaveyIt wont bloddy conenct\07:32
AfroRowanhwilde: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58220/07:32
PwhdaveyI'm sick of it all07:32
PwhdaveyProblems with linux from the start07:32
Pwhdaveycant even get on the internet07:33
hellpme1ok reading manual supergrub..be back later guys if i have an error to this07:33
hischildhellpme1, if you start supergrub (burn it, then boot it) it has an amazing onscreen help07:33
AfroRowanwhy does ubuntu never work well on a laptop07:34
hischildAfroRowan, i'm on a laptop now ... works without a problem07:34
hwildeAfroRowan, I have it running on many laptops no problems.07:34
AfroRowannit here07:34
hellpme1hischild: can i run supergrub even if im on livecd?07:34
AfroRowannot here07:34
hwildeAfroRowan, which one of those entries in fstab keeps respawning with the error?07:34
hischildhellpme1, it's a bootable cd of 3 meg07:34
Newbuntu2is there a light application that can be used to transmit voice over a network? I want to use a chat-like application, but I don't want to bounce out of my network (eg to skype) if I can avoid it..07:34
hwildeNewbuntu2, pidgin is instant messenger with mic supoport07:35
hwildeAfroRowan, comment out that line with a # sign and reboot07:35
iteryeah but pidgin uses msn or whatever, it goes outside local network07:35
AfroRowanhow ?07:36
hwildeAfroRowan, type in  "sudo nano /etc/fstab"07:36
hischildAfroRowan, sudo gedit /etc/fstab :-)07:36
oxigenanyone knows how to disable kompiz?07:36
hellpme1hischild: big problem i dont have cd writer as of now07:36
hwildeAfroRowan, go to the beginning of that line and put in a # sign07:36
AfroRowanif there is a possibility that the errors will NEVER appear again its ok with me07:36
hwildeAfroRowan, save the file and reboot.  it won't attempt mount that drive anymore07:36
Antkinhellpme1 Is your old harddrive 20 Gig or more?07:36
nox-HandI am trying to compile lirc-modules doing this: http://omploader.org/vZHUz/README  Yet, when doing the "make-kpkg --revision 2.6.22 modules_image" I get this output: http://omploader.org/vZHU0/pasta  --- Help? :/07:37
hellpme1Antkin: 37.26gig07:37
Newbuntu2Yes, I'm looking for something that just streams audio. I'm considering using VLC, since I'm comfortable with it, but it seems a tad excessive...07:37
hischildoxigen, metacity --replace in console07:37
Verichip_i'm installing ubuntu for the first time and im at the migrate documents and settings page and it seems like it's hanging07:37
AntkinPwhdavey What are your problems today? Maybe we can help you!07:38
bullgard4What is the default unit of measurement of storage size in the du command? I could not find the answer in 'man du' version 5.97 (September 2007).07:38
iterbullgard4: you can use du -h as well07:38
hwildebullgard4, du -ha07:38
Antkinhellpme1 37.26 gig is a good size to dual boot on07:39
hwildei've got one install down to 1.5G :)07:39
Antkinhellme1 Windows needs at least 10 gig and I prefer to give Linux at least 10 gig07:40
* KarlosII wishes for a Linux port of World of Warcraft http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=3707960949&sid=107:40
bullgard4hwilde: "bullgard4, du -ha" is an answer but not the answer to the question that I have put.07:40
oxigenhischild, hmm, this smells fishy :) will this change my window manager into console?07:41
hwildebullgard4, it's in bytes like everything in unix07:41
AfroRowani still get those fucked popups07:41
AfroRowanand i dont get it07:41
hwildeAfroRowan, what is mounting that?  what were you trying to do07:42
light50anyone notice firefox freezing on start up07:42
Antkinhwild 1.5 gig is small, if I have to I can remove my hard drive and just use a Live CD this is an option if there are lots of rootkit attacks07:42
AfroRowani wanted to burn a dvd movie07:42
hwildeAfroRowan, were you trying to do a samba share or what07:42
AfroRowanwtf is that lol07:42
light50like it half draws07:42
light50and then nothing07:42
=== ghost is now known as noodles12
Antkinlight50 I have Firefox with no problems are you on the latest version of Firefox?07:43
noodles12I just compiled a new kernel and I'm getting a kernel panic. It can't read my /boot though It's exactly the same as on my wroking kernel.07:44
hwildelight50, get all the updates07:44
AfroRowani dont know what samba share is07:44
light50Antkin: Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)07:44
AfroRowani just wanted to burn a movie using K3b07:44
light50hwilde: Idownload everything when prompted, should i be doing more than that07:45
neonprophetlight50: doyou have compiz installed?07:45
AfroRowani got 2 go now07:45
hwildelight50, run synaptic and hit update07:45
light50ya i got compiz07:45
neonprophetdo you use the enhanced zoom plugin?07:46
Antkinlight50 have you posted your problem on the Ubuntu forum?07:46
light50'fact i only noticed this issue after installing compiz07:46
light50Antkin: no07:46
neonprophetuncheck "hide mouse point & scale mouse pointer"07:46
neonprophetit's a bug in the enhanced zoom plugin07:47
neonprophetthen restart x07:47
light50k i'll post it on the forums, chur..07:47
neonprophetit's all over the forum already07:47
Ubuntu-NoobHi all07:48
Ubuntu-Noobcould someone plz tell me how to change my refresh rate in ubuntu?07:48
Ubuntu-Noobits not an option under screen res07:48
Antkinlight60 please post there first, and come to IRC second07:48
Ubuntu-Noobmax is 50hz07:48
Ubuntu-Noobwhich kinda hurts my eyes after a long while07:48
Verichip_well i know how to kepe my php scripts secure the server i'm not too good at yet07:48
Verichip_i'm installing ubuntu for the first time and im at the migrate documents and settings page and it seems like it's hanging07:48
light50Antkin: alright...07:49
AntkinUbuntu-Noob Welcome do you have a question or problem today?07:49
Ubuntu-Noobhaving a problem setting refresh rate to 75hz07:50
Ubuntu-Noobonly option is 50 hz in the options07:50
Ubuntu-Noobany ideas?07:50
oxigenhischild: thank you, this actually work!07:50
boubbincan i execute javascript files in shell somehow ?07:51
AntkinUbuntu-Noob your simily looks unsure? Can I help you today?07:52
hwildeboubbin, no.  you would have to embed them in a webpage and open in firefox07:53
boubbintheres no way ?07:53
boubbinlinks wont run em...07:53
Antkinogigen your simely is happy. Are you feeling great this morning?07:54
Antkinboubbin theres no way to what?07:55
boubbinto execute javascript code from shell to get the output07:55
boubbinembed to a html or not.07:55
ere4siUbuntu-Noob, are you using a large resolution?07:55
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:56
Antkinboubbin have you raised this question on Ubuntu forums?07:56
ere4siUbuntu-Noob, e.g the largest on offer for your monitor?07:56
boubbinAntkin nope.07:56
zippytech_hey how can i set permissions on a folder for just one group of users?07:56
zippytech_and no one else07:56
iceswordright click on it07:57
iceswordyou mean from command07:57
hwildezippytech_, man chown07:57
Antkinboubbin That is a good first place to start with a question, IRC is the second best place for your question07:57
rares_ubuntusimplexio, i filled in a bug regarding that problem07:57
iceswordAntkin, hello,how are you doing07:58
zippytech_d---rwx---    3 root  mk         4096 2008-03-03 02:44 mk07:58
Antkinrares_ubuntu Hello and welcome do you have a question or problem today?07:58
rares_ubuntuthe lid problem when having an external monitor attacheed07:58
zippytech_i only want users from the mk group to access the file07:58
nox-HandI am trying to compile lirc-modules doing this: http://omploader.org/vZHUz/README  Yet, when doing the "make-kpkg --revision 2.6.22 modules_image" I get this output: http://omploader.org/vZHU0/pasta  --- Help? :/ No idea what to do from here now :|´07:58
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rares_ubuntuAntkin, i'm facing a problem07:59
voltxionHello, does anyone know how to install the g15 keyboard libg15 ? I have been following the guide on ubuntu's documentation.07:59
rares_ubuntuwith my laptop07:59
Antkiniceword I am fine this morning how are you?07:59
=== ce_limItEd is now known as ce_zOnkeRzzZ
Zoikssoooo... anyone know anything about softraids07:59
rares_ubuntui have a laptop and an external monitor07:59
erawfish_nox-Hand: your kernel headers are the wrong ones07:59
=== ce_zOnkeRzzZ is now known as ce_LimitEd
iceswordAntkin, are you just angry with me?hehe ,i thought ...ok i am fine,just let that pass,hehe07:59
rares_ubuntuand when i'm closing the lid the Ubuntu hangs07:59
erawfish_!ask | Zoiks07:59
ubotuZoiks: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:59
crowwhats the best music player for ubuntu? somth like winamp for windows?08:00
rares_ubuntuand i have to power it off and on gain08:00
nox-Handerawfish_: How do I get the right ones? :)08:00
erawfish_!best | crow08:00
ubotucrow: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.08:00
Antkinrares_ubuntu  can you please give some detail to your problem?08:00
erawfish_nox-Hand: buy getting them from the same place with same version numbers from wher you got the kernel itself08:00
crowbut there is something that is considered as the best08:00
rares_ubuntui have an HP Compaq 8510 W laptop08:00
erawfish_crow: no08:00
crowlike whole world is using winamp08:00
rares_ubuntuand an Dell 190708:00
ere4sicrow, xmms looks similar to winamp and does a great job08:00
rares_ubuntuexternal monitor08:00
nox-Handerawfish_: apt =|08:00
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Let's say you have a directory (/sales) that you only want yourself and the sales group to have access to: sudo chown -R arthur:sales /sales08:01
rares_ubuntuand running Gutsy Gibbon08:01
ZoiksI just reinstalled ubuntu, now mdadm is not picking up my raid properly, saying it is only assembling 1 drive. Any ideas?08:01
voltxionDoes anyone have exp. installing teh g15 keyboard drivers?08:01
erawfish_nox-Hand: depends where apt gets its stuff from08:01
rares_ubuntuand all updates are installed08:01
erawfish_Zoiks: you should have zeored the drives FULLY08:01
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: You'd replace arthur with your own username08:01
=== edan is now known as bleron
erawfish_!ask | vlk08:01
ubotuvlk: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:01
erawfish_!ask | voltxion08:01
ubotuvoltxion: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:01
iceswordere4si, hi08:02
Zoikserawfish_: no, that would defeat the purpose of me keeping the data on these drives. I have 4, 3 of which should be in a raid 508:02
zippytech_so the root user is the problem08:02
erawfish_Zoiks: then find out where on the disks mdadm keeps the info of the former raid and zeor that only, good luck08:02
zulerdongleHi there. Just wondering at 3 am if there is a key shortcut to ship between workspaces in ubuntu 7.10 and if i can use more than 2 at a time... Thanks08:03
voltxionHello, does anyone know how to install the g15 keyboard libg15 ? I have been following the guide on ubuntu's documentation and its still telling me the libg15 is not found any ideas?08:03
Antkinrares_ubuntu I have 5 Dell Optiplex computers may be I can help you today08:04
nox-HandWhich version of headers do I need erawfish_?08:04
rares_ubuntui will be very happy if you can help me08:04
rares_ubuntuAntkin, i filled in a bug08:04
Zoikserawfish_: any ideas on how to do that08:05
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: That sets the ownership of the directory, next you have to set the file permissions with chmod08:05
Antkiniceword are you going to reply to my message it is a greeting.08:05
erawfish_Zoiks: no08:05
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: But I'm not too good at that... I just use the gui. :)08:05
rares_ubuntuAntkin, bug number is 19697908:05
zippytech_i have played with it for hrs08:05
zulerdongleHi there. Just wondering at 3 am if there is a key shortcut to ship between workspaces in ubuntu 7.10 and if i can use more than 2 at a time... Thanks08:06
zippytech_i still can login as another user and still access the folders08:06
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Once you setup the ownership with the command I gave you above, right click on the folder, set owner access, group access, then everyone else to no access.08:06
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: By default, other users are allowed to see the files, but nothing else. ie, they can't open them.08:06
ArthurArchnixzippytech_:  Oh, and make sure to check the little box that says make this the permissions for enclosed files too.08:07
erawfish_System Menu - Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts.08:07
zippytech_any idea the command if there is no gui08:07
erawfish_!permissions | zippytech_08:08
ubotuzippytech_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview08:08
Antkinrares_ubuntu that is good do you have a link08:08
juergen_hi, question to Sticky notes in Ubuntu08:09
zulerdongleerawfish thanks, just used it08:09
juergen_Where are the notes stored?08:09
juergen_I need to migrate them to another machine?08:09
erawfish_juergen_: grep your ~08:10
juergen_one way08:10
prince_jammysjuergen_: what program do you use for sticky notes?08:10
Newbuntu2I have a webcam mapped to /dev/video2, but I can't get any programs to open it...08:10
Antkinjuergen do you have a question today?08:10
juergen_gnome applets08:10
juergen_they must be somewhere in the gnome config for the users I guess08:11
rares_ubuntuAntkin here is the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/19697908:11
owner_Good Bye08:11
Antkinowner Welcome doyou have a question or problem today?08:12
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Ok.. based on that link, if the /sales wanted to belong to you and the sales group only, then I think the the command would be sudo chmod -R 660 /sales08:12
prince_jammysjuergen_: yeah they must be in a hidden dir in your home. i was asking because i know tomboy notes are in .tomboy08:12
owner_Thank You ^^08:12
=== miska is now known as MaherSenatu
owner_Good Bye~08:13
juergen_tomboy i found08:13
juergen_that is easier08:13
juergen_but this notes are the default sticky notes in gnome08:13
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Oops. That -R is in the wrong place. And sudo should be required if you are the owner. It's: chmod 660 -R /sales08:14
prince_jammysjuergen_: right, they're probably in a subdirectory08:14
juergen_let me check08:14
juergen_thx for now08:14
=== miska is now known as MaherSenatu
prince_jammysjuergen_: if you happen to know some text in one your notes you can do ::  grep -r my_text  ~08:14
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=== I is now known as cens0red
ArthurArchnixOh and zippytech_ Be careful with chown and chmod. Using them with sudo can easily render your system unusable.08:15
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Like the link says. ;)08:15
prince_jammyszippytech_: ultra careful with recursive chmod08:16
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: But if you chown the directory so that you're owner, you don't need to use sudo with chmod.08:17
Smorgchmod -r can screw you ^^08:17
prince_jammyszippytech_: it's ok provided you only apply it to the subdirectory you want to change (not your whole home directory)08:17
Antkinrares_ubuntu I would copy and paste the top part of that and ask the same thing again in Ubuntu forums hardware support08:17
prince_jammyszippytech_: what are the permissions you want to set?08:17
amazinganyone using compiz?08:17
rares_ubuntuAntkin, can you please give the link for hardware forum?08:18
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:18
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: 660 on a folder I think. Hard to say, zippytech_ isn't giving any feedback about whether any of these commands are working.08:18
unimatrix9hello all08:18
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: zippytech_  660 will not allow the dir to be opened08:19
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: zippytech_ you need to set the executable bit on a directory in order to be able to view its contents08:19
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: zippytech_ 6 is read/write... why wouldn't that allow reading?08:19
unimatrix9where can i find an list of bash command for ubuntu terminal?08:19
Antkinrares_ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13508:19
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: because the x on a dir allows you to cd to it08:20
unimatrix9does the bash have an build in list that i can call?08:20
hwildeunimatrix9, just google bash system commands08:20
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys:  zippytech_  so its 770?08:20
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: yes08:20
Antkinunimatrix9 Welcome do you have a question or problem today?08:20
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: on a directory08:20
unimatrix9not really a problem but i am trying to get an full list of all bash commands08:21
hwildeunimatrix9, just google bash system commands08:21
zippytech_man i have tried every thing08:21
unimatrix9and was wondering if its on the bash, so i could view them08:21
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: mkdir whatever; chmod 660 whatever; cd whatever   bash: cd: whatever: Permission denied08:21
hwildezippytech_, what is your desired output08:21
zippytech_770 lets none group users in08:21
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: zippytech_ ok, so chmod 770 /directory && cd /directory && chmod 660 *.*    <-- would that work?08:21
zippytech_660 don't let any grpi[ users in08:21
Antkinunimatrix9 have you googled or trired Ubuntu forums?08:22
unimatrix9yes, i am googling, but was thinking its a good idea if bash had an a-z list that you could call to look at08:22
zippytech_drwxrwx---    4 maryellen mk         4096 2008-03-03 03:05 mk08:22
hwildeunimatrix9, you could start by looking in the /usr/bin and /usr/sbin and /bin/ and /sbin/ folders.  anything in those binary folders will be a command you can run...08:22
Antkinzippytech do you have a question or problem today?08:22
unimatrix9ah ,good tip08:22
hwildezippytech_, what is your desired output08:22
ArthurArchnixzippytech_:  Do ls -l /path/to/directory/you/want/to/restrict and post the output here.08:23
hwildeunimatrix9, also if you type "echo $PATH"  anything in the directories in your path will be executable08:23
ArthurArchnixzippytech_:  that's an 'L' not a 108:23
hwildeif you would just state what you want i'll tell you the permissions command...08:23
prince_jammysbetter yet, tell us what permissions you want :)08:23
zippytech_i have 2 users in the mk group that need to work on files together and no others should be allowed in08:23
zippytech_i would think this would be simple08:24
zippytech_but i been pulling hair for hrs08:24
hwildezippytech_, ok so chgrp mk filename08:24
hwildeit's easy08:24
zippytech_the folder is mk08:24
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hwildezippytech_,     chgrp -r mk mk/08:25
sleepsterdang stupid terminal sorry08:25
sleepsterso anyways.. what's the best IRC client08:25
sleepsterthat people use?08:25
hwildesleepster, xchat08:25
zippytech_drwxrwx---    4 maryellen mk         4096 2008-03-03 03:05 mk08:25
=== bobslaed1 is now known as bobslaede
hwildeok that is owned by user maryellen and group mk08:26
zippytech_maryellen is one of the users in the group mk08:26
mavi-xchat for gui and irssi for terminal08:26
prince_jammyszippytech_: that's ok08:26
ArthurArchnixsleepster: TBDIC is what I use. The best damn IRC client. Google it.08:26
sleepstersweet thanks.. I will check it out08:26
sleepsterI am using Irssi right now..08:26
sleepsterit's not too bad08:26
bobslaedehey guys, i have a weird problem. I have a hp laptop, with a build-in card-reader. But when i but my sd-card from my camera in it, it shows up right, but the pictures are mangled08:27
zippytech_so how can a none group member access it08:27
Bitsanyone know a good american proxy offhand?08:27
sleepsterBits:  what kind of proxy08:28
hwildezippytech_, that's not even a sentence...08:28
sleepsterBits: look up squid proxy08:28
sleepsterone of the best/easiest08:28
AntkinArthurArchnix Your simely is not happy. Can I help you today?08:28
prince_jammyszippytech_: they may need to access it directly, not through your home08:28
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: I'd do a "groups username" and confirm that the user is a member of mk08:28
hwildezippytech_, only members of the mk group will access it08:28
threefcataanyone using Mint?08:28
threefcatawhat is the fortune in Mint?08:28
zippytech_i have a login ron that can touch files in the directory08:29
rares_ubuntuAntkin, i filled in the problem onto hardware forum08:29
Antkinavis . what kind of post is this ment to be?08:29
Bitssleepster thanks08:29
ArthurArchnix!Mint | threefcata08:30
ubotuthreefcata: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate08:30
hakan_how can i install kde applications on gnome desktop?08:30
hwildezippytech_    grep ron /etc/group08:30
Antkinrares_ubuntu that is good08:30
hwildeis ron in the mk group08:30
threefcataArthurArchnix: thx08:30
magnetronhakan_: just install it, it will work fine08:30
zippytech_ron : domusers admins OFSFaculty08:30
hakan_ok thanks08:30
prince_jammyshakan_: you can install them normally, like any other app.  it may require that you install some kde libraries, but that would be done automatically by synaptic or apt-get, or whatever you use08:30
ArthurArchnixWell, there's your problem zippytech_08:31
prince_jammyszippytech_: ron doesn't belong to mk08:31
maxxeranyone using f-spot on hardy here?08:31
ArthurArchnix!Hardy | maxxer08:31
ubotumaxxer: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:31
zippytech_right and i can create files in that directory08:31
zippytech_i should not be able to08:32
maxxerthanks ArthurArchnix , sorry08:32
prince_jammyszippytech_: are you maryellen?08:32
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: So run that grep command on /etc/groups/ but put your username in.08:32
zippytech_i am ron08:32
hwildezippytech_, chmod -R 700 mk08:33
ziekerzCan someone help me?08:33
vi390where are the config files for that only XDMCP Logins show up at startup ?08:33
zippytech_ok i am blocked08:33
hwildezippytech_, your permissions are  drwxrwx---   they should be drwx------08:33
Antkinmaxxer hello can you give me more detail to your question so that I can help you more?08:34
zippytech_drwx------    4 maryellen mk         4096 2008-03-03 03:28 mk08:34
hwildethat should do it08:34
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: you know you can view what groups a user belongs to by typing :: id username08:34
suxxorhow can i open CGI scripts08:34
zippytech_ok so how do i get the other group members in08:34
Antkinziekerz hello Can I help you today?08:35
hwildezippytech_, it is owned by group mk so that will do it08:35
ziekerzI am unable to write to a DVD+R08:35
hwilde!k3b | ziekerz08:35
ubotuziekerz: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto08:35
zippytech_cd mk/08:35
zippytech_-bash: cd: mk/: Permission denied08:35
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me. :) cat /etc/groups | grep arthur  OR groups arthur  OR grep arthur /etc/groups  OR id arthur  ... did I miss any?08:35
ziekerzI'm using K3B. It doesn't recognize that there's a dvd in the drive.08:35
zippytech_for a mk member08:36
suxxorhow can i open CGI scripts08:36
hwildezippytech_, chmod -r g+rwx mk08:36
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: no, just mentioning a short way08:36
hwildezippytech_, that recursively adds read, write, execute permissions for the group mk08:36
Antkinziekerz have you posted this question on Ubuntu forums?08:36
hwildeprince_jammys, that command gives tons of other output :p08:36
hwildegrep is the best08:36
prince_jammyshwilde: ok, groups username08:37
Antkinziekerz Please post there first, then come back to IRC08:37
lastmanHow can I change from 6.10 to 7.10? apt-get dist-upgrade always prints "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded" Do I have to change the keyword edgy in the source list?08:37
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: actually you're right, groups is better08:38
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: Had to happen at least once today.08:38
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: i only saw the grep :)08:38
hischildlastman, you have to edit your sources.list first08:38
hwildelastman, you have to change your repositories08:38
hwilde!upgrade | lastman08:38
ubotulastman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:38
Newbuntu2anyone know any gps software that does laps?08:38
lastmanok, thanks08:38
zippytech_se now a none member of the mk group can make files again08:39
vi390where can I disable XDMCP08:39
ndlovuI need to install sun java runtime - I see there's 5,6 and 7 in the repos... any reasons to use one of the earlier versions rather than 7?08:39
lastmanhm, I ve to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 and then from 7.04 to 7.10 :-08:39
hwilde!java | ndlovu08:40
ubotundlovu: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)08:40
hwildezippytech_, I don't think you quite understand what you want or what you are doing here... it's really not that complicated08:40
* ArthurArchnix concurs....08:40
hischildhwilde, nothing is complicated as long as you understand it ... as soon as you don't understand something it becomes very complicated08:41
hwildezippytech_, here is some reading for you on chown     http://linux.die.net/man/1/chown08:41
swimbis there a plugin for audacious or xmms that is like the toaster plugin for winamp? http://www.myplugins.info/toaster.htm08:41
zippytech_man i been all over it08:42
zippytech_i just want 2 users to hae permission on a single folder08:42
Antkinndlovu Can I help you today?08:42
voltxionIs there a way I can tell if The key im pressing is actually being reconized as a key press to the system?08:42
ArthurArchnixzippytech_:  sudo mkdir /mytest && sudo chown root:mk /mytest && sudo chmod 770 /mytest08:42
ndlovuhwilde, that sound-bite and the website seems to recommend java-6 - why not 7?08:43
ArthurArchnixhwilde: That should create a test directory, and only allow mk groups into it to create directorys and files and stuff, right?08:43
efzparentpchi, I just installed Ubuntu on my parents/kids computer, and I was wondering if there is a decent keylogger for linux that my dad could use.  he likes to keep an eye on the younger kids.08:43
hwildendlovu, sry I dunno08:43
Antkinzippytech Can I help you today?08:43
suxxori want help today but probably i enter in wrong network list ...08:44
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Copy and paste that command I gave, post any error messages it gives you. It should create a directory called "/mytest" then only allow mk group members into it.08:44
Antkinsuxxor Welcome Do you have a qestion or problem today?08:44
hischildefzparentpc, that'll be rather difficult to get a hang off .. though lkl seems to do what you want yet i have _no_ experience wth it08:44
zippytech_done no errors08:45
efzparentpchischild: is LKL command line or have a GUI?08:45
suxxorhow can i open CGI scripts08:45
ArthurArchnixok... as ron go to the directory and try and open it.08:45
ArthurArchnixthen zippytech_ try and make a directory like this: mkdir pleasework08:46
hwildeefzparentpc, you're not going to find help on keystroke loggers.. even if you are legitimately interested in parental controls you can imagine how they could be used maliciously08:46
Antkinsuxxor Have you posted your question on Ubuntu forums?08:46
hischildefzparentpc, i'm not sure08:46
zippytech_yes for mk group members and yes for non members08:46
hischildefzparentpc, as i said: i have no experience with it08:47
efzparentpchwilde: yeah figures :p08:47
ArthurArchnixNow, before you go and test this with some other user who shouldn't be able to get into this dir, and see the pleasework directory, post what groups they're a part of. groups userwhoshouldn'tseestufff08:47
efzparentpchischild: k no problem :p\08:47
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: So it works is what you're saying?08:47
Antkinzippytech can you give more details?08:47
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:48
zippytech_no , i have 2 users ron non mk member and kleasure mk member08:48
Antkinsuxxor Please post there first, then come back to IRC08:48
hwildeefzparentpc, you could try this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22629808:48
zippytech_both can rw08:48
efzparentpchwilde: thank you :)08:48
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Don't be distracted by the beautiful people. Can your mk usrs read/write, and others not see the directory pleasework?08:48
ndlovuI'm trying to install java7-runtime, and apt-get tells me 'Note, selecting icedtea-java7-jre instead of java7-runtime' - any ideas why?08:49
nox-Hand!tell nox-Hand about kernel08:49
zippytech_they both can rw08:49
OrakioBeautiful people where? Do they have clothes on y/n?08:49
prince_jammys!kernel | nox-Hand08:49
ubotunox-Hand: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages08:49
hwildeefzparentpc, it is a combination of tinyproxy + firehol + dansguardian     maybe you only want one or a combination of those08:49
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: And what about users who shouldn't be able to?08:49
zippytech_yes rw08:49
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: What does that mean?08:49
nox-Handprince_jammys: I already got it via !tell nox-Hand about :)08:49
zippytech_read write08:49
* ArthurArchnix slaps forehead08:49
hwildezippytech_, this defies logic08:49
hwilderon must be in the group08:50
prince_jammysnox-Hand: oh yeah i forgot that it works that way, sorry08:50
zippytech_your telling me08:50
hwildeor admins have access08:50
zippytech_4 hrs into this08:50
AntkinOrakio Do you have a question or problem today?08:50
hwildeit's really not that complicated;  some of your basic assumptions must be wrong08:50
hwildemake a new user in no groups and then try it08:50
=== ^silverdor is now known as ^EthYZZZ^
bullgard4What is an 'usb_endpoint'? detlef@MD97600:/usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/usb$ find /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/ -type f -exec grep -i 'usb_endpoint ' {} + 2>/dev/null" does not produce an output.08:50
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Users who shouldn't have access to this directory, you are sayng they can read/write? Can you please post the groups membership of one of these supposed members?08:50
hwildemake a new user in no groups and then try it08:50
zippytech_kleasure : OFSFaculty mk08:51
* ArthurArchnix screams08:51
zippytech_ron : domusers08:51
nox-Handprince_jammys: No worries :)08:51
zippytech_d-wxrwx---    2 maryellen mk         4096 2008-03-03 03:43 mk08:51
zippytech_drwxrwx---    2 root      mk         4096 2008-03-03 03:46 mytest08:51
hwildezippytech_, sudo useradd -m -d /home/wtf -s /bin/bash wtf;   sudo su wtf;   cd mk;   touch thisusershouldnothaveaccess.txt08:52
AntkinArthurArchnix No need to scream! Do you have a question or problem today?08:52
zippytech_this system run ldap08:52
ArthurArchnixhwilde: That's cool. does ; do the same thing as &&08:52
zippytech_could that be some of it08:52
Squawkzippytech_, without knowing what you are doing exactly since I just turned up, the user mk will have full persmissions to both those directories08:52
ArthurArchnixSquawk: I think he's trolling.08:53
zippytech_problem is the groups don't seem to work08:53
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: && only does the following command if the previous command succeeds (exits with status 0)08:53
SquawkArthurArchnix, I got a nice big red ignore button here if thats the case ;). But il give benefit of the doubt for now08:53
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys:  So it's a bit safer then ; ?08:54
Squawkzippytech_, dont seem to work? thast like saying. My car doesnt work, whats wrong with it. I need an idea of how it doesnt work08:54
prince_jammysArthurArchnix: && is better, yes08:54
Antkinnox-Hand Are you sorted?08:54
zippytech_is it possible to set permissions to just 2 users?08:54
nox-HandAntkin: Nopoe, but think I got an idea =\08:55
zippytech_i am having second thoughts08:55
Squawkzippytech, create a new group, add both users to that group, set the group of a given directory as that group, give the right group permissions to that direcotry08:55
zippytech_would ldap auth have anything to do with this not working08:55
zippytech_done that08:56
Antkinnox-Hand I like new ideas, this helps me to grow can you please share it with me today?08:56
zippytech_right now there are 2 users that should be able to access the mk dir08:56
ArthurArchnixzippy, what is the filesystem where this folder is located?08:56
nox-HandAntkin: Well, I found this neat app called module-assistant. Seems to be rather easy for module installing08:56
ArthurArchnixzippytech_: Ok.08:57
zippytech_could be permissions be set by a parent directory08:57
zippytech_samba nfs?08:58
Antkinnox-hand try to google it first then you will get the pros and cons, even ask about it on the Ubuntu software forum08:58
ndlovuI can start compiz from the commandline, but not from Systems > Preferences > Appearance. Any ideas why?08:58
Antkinndlovu Have you posted your question on Ubuntu forums?08:59
hwildeI still say make another user in no groups and then try it.  I think ron might be the root account09:00
ArthurArchnixHe's probably trying to set permissions on a ntfs drive. :P09:02
voltxionIs there a way I can tell if The key im pressing is actually being reconized as a key press to the system?09:02
nox-HandAntkin: Indeed09:02
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prince_jammysyes, i suspect that there's a missing piece of info in this permissions saga09:03
wasabi_how do i change the terminal blinking cursor color?09:03
wasabi_what part of bashrc do i edit?09:03
flowOveris there anything better than nautilus?09:03
dxdtWhat are some favorite RSS feeders people have?  Preferably one that will sit in a tray?09:03
ArthurArchnixflowOver: Two nautiluses?09:03
Frogzoovoltxion: xev (x events) & showkey -s09:03
prince_jammysflowOver: you can try thunar09:03
nox-HandAntkin: I take your two nautilus's, and RAISE you three!09:03
voltxionFrogzoo: Thank you09:03
prince_jammys!info thunar09:04
ubotuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.0-6ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 208 kB, installed size 640 kB09:04
prince_jammysthere's also konqueror (kde based)09:04
amazinghow to restart x?09:04
prince_jammysamazing: ctrl alt backspace09:04
dxdtamazing: ctrl+atl+backspace09:04
hwilde!keytouch | voltxion09:04
ubotuvoltxion: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts09:04
zippytech_that folder is a sub folder for samba  create mask    = 66409:05
zippytech_        directory mask = 77509:05
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jim_pi have a tiny provlem with my conky. The fonts after bootup look like ... with no antialiasing at all. I have to killall conky and re-run it to get them properly.Any ideas?09:06
Antkinjim_p Have you posted your question on Ubuntu forums?09:07
jim_perrr nope!09:07
ArthurArchnixsamba... the folder, is only browsable by samba... is that correct zippytech_? What kind of machine is this directory located on? Windows XP, Vista?09:08
jim_pi have searched all that conky thread that is there though09:08
voltxionMy Super Key is not working, how would I fix this?09:08
wasabi_guys, how do i change color for the blinking cursor in the terminal?09:08
ArthurArchnixwasabi_: The console or the terminal?09:08
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hwildewasabi_, click on edit profile09:08
hwildeEdit-> Current PRofile -> Colors09:09
wasabi_which one for the blinking cursor?09:09
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wasabi_i just want to change the color for that09:09
hwildewe can't read the menu and click your mosue button for you man09:10
wasabi_there are a load of pallets09:10
wasabi_i was asking earlier what value of bashrc handles this09:10
jim_phwilde: i looked that up too,,, there is no setting for the cursor!09:11
Antkinjim_p Please post there first, then come back to IRC09:11
prince_jammyswasabi_: i have no idea, but env does show: XCURSOR_THEME=default09:11
hwildethe normal terminal is not the xterm tho...  it's a gnome-terminal09:11
wasabi_prince, thanks i didn't see that09:12
prince_jammyswasabi_: yes, but read above09:12
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ArthurArchnixwasabi_: And if someone hasn't mentioned it already, you can install console-setup or something like that. Check synaptic09:14
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Viper111guys i can have GUI on ubuntu 6.06 LTS ? rite09:14
jim_pViper111: yes!09:14
ndlovuany idea where I can change the default Alt-Tab behaviour to include applications open on other desktops?09:14
Viper111jim_p apt-get install .... ???09:14
voltxionI am running a G15 Keyboard, with G15daemon and composer, after following the documentation I cannot get xev -s to reconize any of the keys or my Superkey (windows).09:15
jim_pViper111: you have a server installation now?09:15
ArthurArchnixViper111: U can haz GUI09:15
Viper111am doing it rite now i didnt finish09:15
Viper111but am just asking to see my choices09:15
jim_pViper111: if so... sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg gnome-core gdm09:16
jim_pfor a minimal installation of an enviroment09:16
prince_jammyswasabi_: it's right there in my gnome-terminal . Edit Profile-> General09:16
Antkinjim_p Do you have a question or problem today?09:16
ArthurArchnixAntink Are you a bot?09:16
jim_pAntkin: i did say earlier about conky09:16
prince_jammysthe real question is Do YOU have a question or problem today?09:17
ArthurArchnixprince_jammys: hehe09:17
vi390which config file is processed at startup ?   /etc/gdm/gdm.conf     OR    /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom      because both hold the same valuevariables somehow09:18
Ububeginhow do i change my screen resoultion09:18
Viper111jim_p when nstalling theses i can start the GUI by startx???09:18
=== CR_cwek_Toket_Gd is now known as coJKT_skSU2_gde3
UbubeginOr find what is current screen resolution09:19
Viper111thanks man09:20
jim_pViper111: what are you doing? a server or a desktop installation??09:20
prince_jammysUbubegin: you've tried the standard way, in the menu ( System->Preferences->Screen Resolution) ?09:20
Viper111jim_p am doing a server installion ubuntu 6.06 LTS09:20
prince_jammystest successful09:20
jim_pViper111: if you install gdm there is no need for startx09:21
Ububeginprince_jammys: Oh, thanks... for that quickie tip09:21
vi390/etc/gdm/gdm.conf     OR    /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom      Which one is processed at startup ?09:21
Viper111so i only write down gdm>??09:21
jim_pViper111: no no09:21
jim_pViper111: it will start by itself09:22
Viper111aha after reboot09:22
Viper111jim_p thanks man a lot09:22
Viper111jim_p to tell u wat am doing09:22
jim_pViper111: you are welcome09:22
jim_pViper111: go ahead09:23
Viper111jim_p i need to mak a server that has a webfilter application + proxy  so am using squid + dansgaurdian09:23
jim_pViper111: :| ok09:23
jim_pViper111: so you need a gui for all these?09:24
Viper111jim_p shall i download webmin ??09:24
jim_pViper111: i dont know... i have never done something like yours before sorry :(09:24
Viper111aha ok09:24
Viper111did u do somthig like SIP server09:25
jim_pViper111: my suggestion is to install a minimal desktop enviroment, and use some gui based apps to configure your server09:25
jim_pViper111: SIP?09:25
Viper111for ip telephony09:25
ere4siViper111, #ubuntu-server might be able to offer clues on that09:26
Viper111thanks man09:26
jim_pViper111: no... what i actually did was server installation + some minimal desktop + samba and stuff09:26
flowOverletme know what you find out Viper111.  I'm interested in setting up an auto answering line managing sip box09:27
Viper111ah ok09:27
BuyydeeCan I install a 32 bit Version of Matlab on my 64 bit Gutsy on a Core Duo Laptop? I also have the 64 bit Version of Matlab - which one should I use to have the least problems with it?09:27
Viper111when i find something i'll tel u flowOver09:28
simplexioBuyydee: 64bit09:28
flowOver cheers09:28
Buyydeesimplexio: Simple and precise answer, thanks.09:29
ramrodyesterday my home server began to make problems09:29
ramrodAttempted to kill the idle task!09:30
ramrodthis comes at boot and then nothing happens09:30
AntkinArthurArchnix No I'm am human, a computer hardware engineer with CompTIA a+09:30
xivenWhat do I do about KDE complaining that it has no "screens" (X Server to be exact)09:30
ramrodmemtest and hdd analysis got no errors09:31
AntkinUbubegin Have you posted your question on Ubuntu forums?09:31
lastmanIs there any chance to change the charset from utf-8 to iso-8859-15 ?09:31
Antkinlastman Have you posted your question on Ubuntu forums?09:31
hwildedude enough with the forums09:32
lastmannot yet09:32
hwildexiven, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    you need to rebuild or xorg.conf file09:32
prince_jammys!locale | lastman: check if this link is useful09:32
ubotulastman: check if this link is useful: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf09:32
lastmanAntkin: but this is a simple question09:32
riohondogood morning09:33
Antkinlastman Please post there first then come back to IRC09:33
ArthurArchnixlastman: Ignore Antkin09:33
ere4si!topic > Antkin09:33
lastmanWhat is this channel about?09:33
hwildeyeah it is not necessary to post on forum09:33
hwildeyou should google that tho because it's pretty specific and nobody here seems to know09:33
AntkinArthurArchnix Ignore me please explain why?09:34
hwildebecause you keep telling people to go to the forums09:34
prince_jammysAntkin: there is more to this channel than greeting people randomly and asking if they posted in the forums.  generally it goes like this: someone asks a question. if you know the answer, you answer. if you don't know the answer, you don't answer09:34
ArthurArchnixAll you do is say "Can I help you, do you have a question" and then say "Go ask in the forums"09:34
hwildehis question is already posted on the forum so it would just be redundant http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58497009:34
ndlovuAntkin: what's 3+4?09:34
Antkinere4si Welcome Do you have a question or problem today?09:34
riohondoI am looking for references for intel video codecs, to see if gibbon can support them09:35
hwildeand the point of this channel is to deflect 80% of the questions with simple answers so they don't end up on the forums09:35
DJ_HaMsTacan someone dcc me the driver in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl818x ?09:35
ere4siAntkin, yes - my question is what are you trying to achieve?09:35
Antkinndloovu 7 is this a test or a joke?09:35
god_Hey all, wondering if anyone can help me on this... i have three computers this on on ubuntu, one on a light linux distro and the other on vista... i had them all networked and sharing files with oneanother before, now i have reinstalled ubuntu on here and the vista share is prompting for a password and user name when i use it too accsess this one. i think last time i had to edit the smb.conf but i havnt been able to find anythign wo09:35
god_rth while on google09:35
hwildelastman, try this link:    http://www2.instantiations.com/VAST/files/FAQ_Hints/CantTypeCharactersOnLinux.htm#how_to_create_the_Localedefen_US.iso885915_locale09:35
Antkinere4si to help you if you want it09:36
hwilde!smb | god_09:36
ubotugod_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:36
hwildeyeah SWAT that's what you want09:36
UbubeginAntkin: why post them them on the forum ... :?09:36
Ubuntu-Noobcan some1 plz help me set the right refresh rate?09:36
Ubuntu-Noobhighest option is 52hz09:36
ere4siAntkin, read the topic then pls - and help everyone instead of hindering the process09:37
hwildeUbubegin, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg         just take the defaults09:37
UbubeginI am using 75Hz.. is higher the better :/09:37
riohondoI am trying to run a power point, with embedded video. the video are described as Intel video codec 5.09:37
Antkinere4si what do you see as hindering? This is a support forum09:38
riohondothey won't run in Open Office, so I don't know where to look for linux support of codec09:38
Ubuntu-Noobi use 75hz on windows but how do iuse 75hz on ubuntu?09:38
riohondointel video codec 5, that is09:39
ere4siAntkin, read the topic pls09:39
UbubeginUbuntu-Noob: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution09:39
riohondohas anyone experience with Open Office and powerpoint?09:40
Ubuntu-Noob75 hz isnt listed there09:40
Ubuntu-Noob52 max09:40
Antkinere4si do you have a link to the topic09:40
ere4siAntkin, leave me alone pls09:40
riohondosometimes, I do not get higher resolutions until I reboot the computer. but usually you must have a monitor capable of supporting them09:41
tapasi heard that there's a mechanism which puts users into groups depending on how they login to thye system09:41
tapaswhere can i find out more about this?09:41
flowOverViper111: i found a guide on how to compile freePBX for ubuntu09:41
AntkinPCHENK Welcome Do you have a question or problem today?09:41
Ubuntu-NoobI have a widescreen LCD, Im currently at 1440x900 but refresh rate is stuck on 50hz :Z09:41
UbubeginAntkin is prob a windows sympathiser, who has come here to create trouble... Loser...09:41
Viper111flowOver really09:41
riohondoI am sure glad you helpers are more interested in identifying trolls that giving a yes or no answer. I'll be sure to tell em about this channel attitude in the forums09:42
_rubenUbuntu-Noob: refresh rates usualy dont matter for lcds, refresh rate's a crt thing09:42
drownerg'day everyone09:43
hwilderiohondo, what is your question?09:43
hwilde!attitude | riohondo09:43
uboturiohondo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:43
ere4siUbubegin, yesterday he was complaining in #kubuntu about being kicked from here - I guess this is payback...09:43
simplexioUbuntu-Noob: _ruben is right09:43
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drowner_does a live cd use the swap partition? Like, can I make a new swap and remove an old one from a livecd?09:43
ArthurArchnix!ops | Antkin | In the last two hours all he has done is greet people who enter the room. Then, he tells them to google it or go post on the forums. At least two people have left immediately after being told this before someone else could step in.09:43
ubotuAntkin | In the last two hours all he has done is greet people who enter the room. Then, he tells them to google it or go post on the forums. At least two people have left immediately after being told this before someone else could step in.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryph09:43
Ubuntu-Noobhmz, really, i didnt know that :o09:43
hwildedrowner_, livecd doesn't use any disk partitions09:43
drowner_didn't think so09:43
riohondoYes, I know this, but why should I repeat a question many times when trolls are taking the stage?09:44
hwildeit is memory only09:44
hwilderiohondo, don't be a jerk if you want help.  I missed your question and i'm not scrolling up through the noise09:44
riohondoyes, someone knows about open office or no, you don't, then I can leave you to defend against windozers09:44
simplexioriohondo: far as i know everyone spends here their free time, second if question is one which you can get answer from google and you see that question coming 100th time, quess what i do09:44
hwilderiohondo, yes I know open office what is your question?09:44
riohondothanks for no help at all09:44
AntkinUbubegin I am no why a windows sympathiser, I did at Microsoft every time XP crashes. I have benn using Linux since 1999 and have Ubuntu on more computers than XP. I only use XP under protest because my Web Design business is all Windows software09:45
hwilde!ops  Antkin09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops  antkin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:45
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!09:45
hwildeAmaranth, Antkin needs some reorientation to his purpose in life09:46
ArthurArchnixAmaranth: Re: Antkin "In the last two hours all he has done is greet people who enter the room. Then, he tells them to google it or go post on the forums. At least two people have left immediately after being told this before someone else could step in."09:46
simplexiolast 5 days 90% answers that i have give away have been googled which actually question from channel :)09:46
AmaranthRight then09:47
hwildesimplexio, surprising how people are faster to ask for help then search for themselves huh... you can imagine how far they are gonna make it in life09:47
UbubeginAntkin has gone crazy... hei, c'mon dude... dun mess it up for our new Ubuntu comrades09:47
AmaranthAntkin: If you don't know the answer don't tell them to Google it, just don't say anything09:47
simplexiohwilde: yeah. true09:47
AmaranthAntkin: And don't greet everyone as they come in, that's too much traffic09:47
Antkin>Ububegin I am no why a windows sympathiser, I dig at Microsoft every time XP crashes. I have benn using Linux since 1999 and have Ubuntu on more computers than XP. I only use XP under protest because my Web Design business is all Windows software. I have writen a whole page on dual booting Linux on my latest web site. I have a two page guide  dual booting guide on Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums09:47
* hwilde blank stare 09:47
Amaranthwtf was that?09:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:48
UbubeginAntkin has gone cuckoos09:48
AmaranthAntkin: You been hitting the booze a little hard tonight?09:48
hwildethis is too much for 5am i'm going to get some hot chocolate09:48
nox-HandWill someone help me get the audio_also module for lirc to work? =)09:48
simplexiobest one this emty_tin_can who whines about proftpd i think, i c&p his question to google and first hit was the rifght answer, when i pasted it to him. he just said that he dosn't want any tutorial he just wants help09:48
AntkinUbubegin cookoos No09:49
hischildwhat's the easy way to convert windows to linux line endings commandline?09:49
magnetronsimplexio: that was surreal09:49
ere4si!ot > Antkin09:49
Amaranthsimplexio: In that case there is nothing you can do for them09:49
simplexioafter that i didn't listen him /ignore helps09:49
hwildehischild, apt-get install tofrodos;   dos2unix filename09:49
UbubeginAntkin: so where is that link to ur website..which has that extensive guide...09:49
hischildhwilde, tnx09:49
ArthurArchnixere4si: Amaranth is an op... easy big fella. :)09:50
AmaranthI am watching the situation09:50
hwildeUbubegin, don't encourage him...09:50
AntkinAmararanth I drink Beck Beer and cider but not till evening it is only 09.42 in the United Kingdom09:50
Squawkhischild, what you wannd do exactly?09:50
ere4siArthurArchnix, k09:50
prince_jammysis there something i can help you guys with today?09:50
ere4simet him yesterday...09:50
hischildSquawk, i got some php scripts i wrote on windows (notepad) and i want to use them on linux ... yet they all have those windows line endings09:51
AmaranthLoLLo: Please don't do such things09:51
Antkiner4si off topic why?09:51
AmaranthLoLLo: I think by this point we all know what compiz can do :)09:51
AmaranthI thought for sure I was going to be rickrolled09:51
Ububeginhwilde, Antkin: i am not encouraging... i just wanna read his extensive guide on dual booting from Ubuntu to Kubuntu..dats alll...09:51
hischildAmaranth, compiz? what is that? :P09:51
prince_jammysAntkin: because the topic is support, and you're not giving any nor asking for any09:51
ArthurArchnixere4si: Ahh... sorry, I thought you made a typo for 'op'. My bad.09:52
ramrodall of a sudden im getting "Kernel panic -not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!" at boot time. this is the second time. first it began when i installed apache and after new install of xubuntu and yesterday when i configured lighttpd. is it possible that webservers make such kernel panics?09:52
Squawkhischild, ahh ok I know what you mean, though I can't remember what character windows uses for line termination. Once you know it a simle substitution in vim?09:52
ere4siArthurArchnix, k :)09:52
Amaranthramrod: No, this is usually a driver problem09:52
hischildSquawk, yes ... but there was a simple program that could do it09:52
hwildeSquawk, he just needs the tofrodos package.   then run dos2unix command09:52
hwildehischild, apt-get install tofrodos;   dos2unix filename09:52
Amaranthramrod: Sure you didn't get a new kernel or something too?09:52
ramrodno nothing09:52
hwilderamrod, sounds like you need to run updates09:52
ramrodit worked fine for monts09:52
hischildhwilde, yes did that :-)09:52
hischildhwilde, works <309:52
* tricaric just kidding09:53
* tricaric is trying the /me command...09:53
Squawkhwilde, never knew about that one, thanks09:53
hwildeSquawk, and the endoflines usually look like ^M  but you can't search and replace09:53
ramrodhmmm ill try if there are new updates09:54
AntkinUbubegin http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712997&highlight=Dual+booting+guide09:54
afiefHello guys, I was wondering if this laptop hardware is suitable for running Ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/m5634e56909:54
Ububeginthis is the guide by Antkin... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712997 ...Whoa what an extensive guide :!09:54
Antkinprince_jimmys I am giving lots of advise, this is a support forum09:55
hwildeUbubegin, don't encourage him...09:55
simplexiohttp://student.northpark.edu/pemente/sed/sed1line.txt Squawk or hischild, there is one lineer to convert end of lines09:55
hwildedos2unix is the bomb09:55
prince_jammysAntkin: you have given exactly ZERO advice in the hours i have watched you09:55
Squawksimplexio, thats what I had in mind to do it09:55
Antkinafief Welcome Do you have a question or problem today?09:56
hischildsimplexio, yes sed can also do it ... dos2unix is a bit easier for one who still has trouble in regular expressions09:56
hwildeit will still be in dos file format tho09:56
comandantehi guys!!!09:56
hwildeyou need to convert the format not just the characters09:56
hischildhwilde, the line endings were my problem which dos2unix fixed09:56
ramrodanother question, how can i access the terminal when i have this boot error?09:56
simplexiohischild: do you rememebr ehich package has that dos2unix09:56
afiefAntkin, Problem: my old laptop died. I need to buy a new one. Question, is the hardware I posted suitable for running Ubuntu GNU/Linux?09:56
hwildehischild, actually it converts the file format... you could run into problems especially in web browsers09:56
ramrodi allways update with apt-get update, upgrade09:56
hwildesimplechat, tofrodos is the package09:56
hischildsimplexio, tofrodos09:57
hwilde!hardware | afief09:57
ubotuafief: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:57
Ububeginhwilde: ok sorry guys... after reading (no...glancing at Antkin's stupid guide).... i think i dont have much to say already.. he is prob a retard... Using Linux since 1999, my ass...09:57
hischildhwilde, php parser has to read it and that ran into trouble with the windows line ednigs09:57
hwildeUbubegin, get over it man you are giving him the attn he craves09:57
simplexiohischild: i probably need that program one day09:57
Antkinprince_jammys I think you are joking I have been on for 3 hours and welcomed many new visitors and pointed them in the right directions09:57
hwildeyou guys are all off-topic09:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:58
hwilde"random chatter"  that is you.09:58
prince_jammysAntkin:this is not the "welcome" channel -- try #welcome09:58
simplexioAntkin,  prince_jammys, shut up and idle09:58
Antkinhwilde Welcome Do you have a question or problem today?09:58
hwildeyou were just specifically told to stop greeting people.09:58
Tm_Tsimplexio: behave09:59
hischildhi Tm_T09:59
Tm_Thischild: don't09:59
Ububegincan the admin block this fcuking moron, Antkin...09:59
Tm_TUbubegin: behave09:59
hischildTm_T, it was a joke ... i'll be quiet *zips mouth*09:59
Tm_Thischild: danke :)09:59
simplechathwilde, whcih package?10:00
hwildetofrodos package includes the command dos2unix10:01
NET||abuseHi guys, is there a way to explicitly block a domain name under firefox?10:02
NET||abuseI am trying to reach a website, but i'm being redirected to bloody smileycentral, it's really annoying10:02
hwildewhat is the website?  maybe it was hacked10:02
ArthurArchnixNET||abuse: add it to your /etc/hosts file10:02
NET||abuseArthurArchnix, hmm, that's a point,10:03
ArthurArchnixredirect it to or /dev/null10:03
NET||abuseor 127.0.0l110:03
Amaranththat site doesn't go anywhere for me10:03
Amaranthblank white page10:03
ArthurArchnixI don't know if /dev/null would work.10:03
hwildejust wait it will load up eventually10:03
Amaranthit says it finished loading10:03
NET||abuseAmaranth, hmm, i think it is flash site also (i'm not sure as i havn't managed to load it)(10:04
dgjonesNET||abuse, works ok for me, doesn't redirect or anything10:04
hwildeNET||abuse, type in "nslookup www.ia-beta.com"  and tell me the server it says10:04
ArthurArchnixAgree. Blank white page.10:04
Amaranthit's a frame that loads http://nbjmp.com/click/?s=14187&c=68835&subid=4110:04
Amaranthlooks spammy to me10:04
Amaranthbut that URL does take me to a game looking thing10:05
NET||abuseok, it's a digg link that was sent to me on pownce so i thought it would be credible, basically it's meant to be this new console quality gaming in your browser10:05
NET||abuseso it got my interest :)10:05
AmaranthNET||abuse: http://www.instantaction.com/account/register/?utm_source=ALL&utm_medium=35534&utm_campaign=NB&esrc=neverblue&psrc=3553410:05
hwildenotice how none of the links work like about or privacy policy or terms of service?  it's just phishing for email address submissions10:05
sebastiansilvaguys i messed up my privileges (chowned everything in / ) is there a way I can restore the original owners of files in packages?10:05
NET||abuseawsome, thanks for that link,,,10:06
Amaranthhwilde: the about thing worked for me10:06
NET||abuseit's a sign up for beta program10:06
ArthurArchnixsebastiansilva: !sudo10:06
Amaranthhwilde: but if it is real it is almost certainly a windows-only browser plugin10:06
hwildeAmaranth, the links at the bottom.  none of them work10:06
homerjhow do I disable the compiz option to put new windows in the most annoying place possible?10:06
Amaranthhomerj: that's "Smart" window placement10:07
Amaranthhomerj: afaik it's a port of metacity's placement code10:07
sebastiansilvameh meh.10:07
prince_jammyssebastiansilva: you *might* be able to restore things by chowning everything to root:root and then chowning your home dirs to their respective users.10:08
homerjthis "place windows" plugin10:08
ArthurArchnixsebastiansilva: Or maybe bastille?10:08
hwildeAntkin, behave yourself... don't greet everyone... don't refer to forums... and you won't have any trouble.10:09
homerjI don't know what's smart about it10:09
homerjit does know the most annoying place to put them10:09
hwildehomerj, you should try icewm  it might be more to your liking.10:09
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homerjna, I like compiz, but just that part was frustrating10:09
hwildehomerj, well you're in luck,  it's open source,  so why don't you write a better option?10:10
ArthurArchnixsebastiansilva: But if it were me, I'd do what prince_jammys10:10
homerjit just had a penchant for putting windows in the bottom right corner10:10
Antkin>Help needed I am trying to read the channel topic all I get is this10:10
AntkinINFO] Channel view for “#ubuntu!” opened.10:10
Antkin-->| YOU (Antkin) have joined #ubuntu!10:10
vi390How Can I set the font size in the Login Window, I almost can not read it, its to small10:10
Antkin=-= Mode #ubuntu! +ns by kubrick.freenode.net10:10
hwilde!topic | Antkin10:10
ubotuAntkin: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:10
homerj /topic10:10
UbubeginDoes ubuntu have that *bottom applications bar* like Vista or the Mac...10:10
hwildeUbubegin, it does10:11
ArthurArchnixI read his how-to on ubuntuforums... I'm afraid he may not be spamming, just a little slow. I feel a bit bad for being hard on him.10:11
Ububeginhwilde: Oh, what's it called.... :)10:11
hwildeUbubegin, google it I forget... something like commander-bar or whatever10:11
temikUbubegin: It does, it's called awn manager10:11
Mighty_Penguinor kiba-dock10:11
hwildeUbubegin, avant-window-navigator  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385981&highlight=avant+window+navigator10:13
prince_jammysUbubegin: i think you're talking about a "dock" -- you can look up avant window navigator (awn) or kiba-dock, as mentioned above.  neither of them are available though apt, though.  you can also look around in apt to see if there's something that suits you10:13
hwildeawn is available through apt-get if you follow this link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385981&highlight=avant+window+navigator10:13
Ububeginthanks folks.. will follow ur leads ...10:13
prince_jammysah, there you go10:13
temikGood luck ;)10:14
prince_jammysdid not know it was available thru apt10:14
hwildewell it's not immediately available10:14
Mighty_PenguinUbubegin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554127&highlight=kiba+dock howto install kiba dock10:14
temikIt is avaliable through Heron backports10:14
prince_jammysi'm not much of a docker. there's also kooldock, but i don't know how that would fare in gnome10:15
AntkinCan you help me with the channel topic10:15
elkbuntutemik, which you shouldnt be recommending, tbh. heron is still in development.10:15
hwildeAntkin, type in /topic10:15
Nereos_I; looking for an equivalent ubuntu program of boot camp which included the fast OS switch> Does anyone know a little bit about it ?10:16
UbubeginSeems i have to install compiz or beryl.. which is recommeded :/10:16
hwilde!compiz | Ububegin10:16
AmaranthNereos_: Explain fast OS switching10:16
ubotuUbubegin: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:16
Mighty_Penguinyes Ububegin you have to install either or to get either dock to work10:16
AmaranthUbubegin: Beryl is dead, that means that guide is rather old10:16
AntkinYes I get10:16
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz10:16
AntkinTopic for #ubuntu is “Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org”10:16
Antkin=-=Topic for #ubuntu was set by LjL on 07/02/08 14:26:0510:16
AntkinSo what is next? Do I get an email or what there is no info on these links10:16
AmaranthUbubegin: Compiz is on by default in 7.1010:16
FloodBot2Antkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
temikUbubegin: what distibution do you use.10:17
hwildewait what is the official version we are supposed to be supporting atm ??10:17
ph8hi all! I'm trying to set peth0 (primary network device) to half duplex and/or decrease the speed to 10mbps with ethtool - i've run the right two commands, no errors - but the settings don't change - any idea why that would be? Both settings are listed as supported in a simple ethtool peth010:17
Ububegintemik: version 710:17
Amaranthhwilde: Whatever you want as long as it's 7.10 or older10:17
Amaranthhwilde: If you don't feel like helping with 6.06, that's fine. You're not being paid or anything :P10:17
hwilde7.10 is gutsy gibbon right?10:18
temikUbubegin: You only have to install compiz manager10:18
mohbanahow do i get a list of all packages INSTALLED that contain the word 'font'?10:18
prince_jammyshwilde: yes10:18
Mighty_Penguinhwilde yes10:18
ArthurArchnixph8 what's the command?10:18
hwildeAmaranth, 6.06 LTS is the bomb man10:18
Ububegintemik: Danke , dude10:18
Amaranthhwilde: I would also say that if Ubuntu has dropped support for something (like all releases older than 6.06) you should just tell people to upgrade.10:18
hwildeI have that running on hundreds of machines10:18
Nereos_zhen you are running several os at the same time and you switch from an os to another one> check that video out, you ll see what im talking about.10:18
AmaranthAnd if these people want to use Compiz you should tell them to upgrade to 7.1010:18
hwildeI would never recommend compiz10:18
temikUbubegin: You already have compiz and xgl... Let me find the link...10:18
hwildeI consider it a virus10:18
ph8ArthurArchnix: ethtool -s peth0 speed 10  and ethtool -s peth0 duplex half10:18
mohbanahow do i get a list of all packages INSTALLED that contain the word 'font'?10:18
AmaranthNereos_: I don't see a link to a video10:18
ganeshow to use xen10:18
bullgard4Is it normal that  epiphany-browser permanently takes 25% of the CPU processing time when 19 Epiphany instances are open? (512 MB RAM)10:18
Amaranthhwilde: I'm on the Ubuntu compiz team :)10:19
Tm_TAmaranth: shame on you!10:19
hwildeAmaranth, well technically it's metacity that crashes my video card10:19
hwildecompiz is ok I guess10:19
hwildebut they are sorta bound together10:19
ArthurArchnixph8: I gotta check something, but you'll need sudo in front of that.10:19
rinovanwhat is xen10:19
hwildeI heard there is some 'nouveau' update that might fix it but I haven't tried yet10:19
AmaranthNereos_: Oh! That's not Bootcamp, that's a virtual machine10:19
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen10:19
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:20
Ububegintemik: hmmm, U mean thru the IRC , u can check whether i have compiz or not...10:20
hwildeUbubegin, if you have 7.10 you hav compiz10:20
mohbanaany get my messagE?10:20
AmaranthNereos_: If you run VMWare in Quick Switch mode and put it on one side of a compiz cube you'll get the same effect10:20
magnetronmohbana: yes10:20
Wayne^mohbana:  use aptitude in command line, press enter on installed packages, then "/" to search, type in font and enter again.... best way i know how10:20
Mighty_PenguinUbubegin do you have desktop effects enabled?10:20
hwildemohadib, dpkg -l | grep font10:20
ArthurArchnixph8: try ethtool -s peth0 autoneg off speed 1010:20
ArthurArchnixph8: With sudo, of course.10:20
Wayne^that's a better way... lol :)10:20
canhelow. is there an acroread for ubuntu. or do we have to download it from adobe10:21
flowOverthat is almost obscene how well the compiz super zoom works10:21
Amaranthhwilde: I told you the fix for your nvidia woes was nouveau. :P nouveau is the open source nvidia driver10:21
hwildemy drivers are fine man10:21
ndlovuI can start compiz from the commandline, but not using 'system > preferences > appearance' any ideas why?10:21
hwildeit's metacity window manager10:21
Nereos_I looked it up with google and it says that boot camp can do the fast switch . I thought linux had a same program ... sort of ...10:21
ArthurArchnixIf you want that change to survive reboots, you'll need to add that command (minus sudo) to /etc/rc.local10:21
Ububeginhwilde: i am 7.0410:21
hwildeAmaranth, wait are you in +110:21
icesword!find irkssi10:21
hwildeUbubegin, upgrade10:21
canis 7.10 feisty?10:21
ubotuPackage/file irkssi does not exist in gutsy10:21
Amaranthhwilde: If your X is crashing or your system is locking up it is a driver problem as only drivers can make that happen10:21
Mighty_Penguin7.04 if feisty10:21
icesword!find irsski10:21
Tm_Ticesword: stop10:22
ubotuPackage/file irsski does not exist in gutsy10:22
Squawk!find irssi | icesword10:22
ubotuicesword: Found: irssi, irssi-dev, irssi-plugin-icq, irssi-plugin-silc, irssi-scripts (and 1 others)10:22
iceswordgood :)10:22
magnetron!msgthebot | icesword10:22
ubotuicesword: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.10:22
Revhi people10:22
Revhow does someone say in English all the people from a same university that will be graduated during the same year?10:22
prince_jammysRev: graduating class10:22
hwildeRev, the graduating class of 200810:22
kalatian!offtopic | rev10:23
uboturev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:23
SquawkRev, class of, will do it10:23
ArthurArchnixsorry Ph8 I forget to direct this at you, to repeat: If you want that change to survive reboots, you'll need to add that command (minus sudo) to /etc/rc.local10:23
Revthx to all of you :)10:23
ganeshow to use xen10:23
icesword!xen > ganes10:24
=== chaky__ is now known as chaky
cananyone using acroread on ubuntu. i know there are readers, but none of them can search10:24
UbubeginWhat the heck, my PC screen went white..when I enabled Desktop effects... For a moment, I thot i was screwed...Luckily, it reverted back...10:24
Mighty_Penguinganes in the terminal type: info xen10:24
ArthurArchnixph8: You need to turn autonegotiate off, because even if you tell it to use 10, if it finds that it can do 100 it will with autoneg left on. At least, that's  my understanding.10:24
kalatianUbubegin: you're using the ATI fglrx driver?10:24
kalatianit does that sometimes...10:24
prince_jammysUbubegin: yeah, that happens10:24
Mighty_Penguini'd never buy a ATI card ;/10:25
ganesMighty_Penguin, i not installed the xen , i want the clear detail about it & to use10:25
UbubeginMine is ATI10:25
NET||abuseHi guys.. I need to encode a .mov file that is 3 minutes long and 900MB, down to a few different qualities of flash flv.. what can i use to do this?10:25
Mighty_Penguinganes i would suggest to look on the xen website10:26
kalatianMy ATI card works fine :)10:26
NET||abuseWayne^, any thing that might help me in terms of a gui for ffmpeg, i've very little knowledge in it!10:26
Ububeginok, dudes...C ya 2morrow... Hope Antkin becomes sane by 2morrow :?10:26
Nereosthx Amaranth :)10:26
SquawkNET||abuse, pretty sure mencoder will do that10:26
NET||abuseSquawk, ok, thanks10:27
canwhere are the repository keys arestored10:27
prince_jammysNET||abuse: mencoder is also command-line, though10:27
canI did something like "wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"10:27
canand now i want to rollback10:27
canso I added a gpg key to apt10:27
NET||abuseprince, what about mplayer or something, anyway to use it to do conversions?10:28
Wayne^sudo apt-key list, find the key id, and then sudo apt-key del <key id>10:28
Wayne^or delete the key from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg10:29
ganesMighty_Penguin, in my pc kernel is 2.6.21 but the xen is available in 2.6.20 , will it create problem10:29
Mighty_Penguinganes, i do not know, but your kernel should support it if its higher than what xen supports10:30
prince_jammysNET||abuse: sorry, i don't know. i know that ffmpeg and mencoder are the best for this, but i don't know of GUIs. the commands can be fairly cryptic10:30
canWayne^: thanks. but I can not figure out which one is the key10:31
ganesMighty_Penguin, ok thanks10:31
prince_jammysNET||abuse: i'm sure a GUI will come out soon, if it's not out there already.  if noone knows here, you can always google for the specific commands that you need for your conversion10:31
canpub   1024D/0C5A2783 2006-11-2310:31
canI get things like these10:32
prince_jammysNET||abuse: but definitely ffmpeg and mencoder is what you want to install10:32
Wayne^NET||abuse: i sent you a pm10:32
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ganesMighty_Penguin, for xen ,whats the repository i have to choose10:33
Wayne^can: is the medibuntu key the one you added?10:33
YoshiSomeone can help me because i want to use gobby but i don't know how to configure it10:33
NET||abuseWayne^, ok10:34
rinovanwhat is gobby10:35
NET||abuseprince_jammys, yeh, 'm reading some tips threads on ubuntu forums. :) thanks for the names of packages though, that got me on track10:35
canWayne^: ok, I had to put a 0x before the key. now it works10:35
Yoshirinovan, Gobby is a collaborative editor10:35
Wayne^groovy, i was about to say how could you run sudo apt-key list and not know which one it was... it lists the medibuntu packaging team as the owner, hehe :)10:36
LanceHaighey everyone10:36
Mighty_Penguinganes, i dont know much about xen i couldnt really tell you much, sorry i cant help10:36
LanceHaigwhere do I go for support on dapper?10:36
ganesMighty_Penguin, ok10:36
kalatianLanceHaig: here, I believe10:37
LanceHaigI have a problem with locales10:37
=== juliank0 is now known as juliank
DJ_HaMsTacan someone dcc me the driver in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl818x ?10:37
dgjonesYoshi, This might help, I've seen gobby in action, but not used/set it up myself, maybe the website will help you http://gobby.0x539.de/trac/10:38
LanceHaigI get this when I run dpkg-reconfigure locales10:38
LanceHaigcan someone help me sort this out?10:38
Yoshidgjones, thanks10:38
Wayne^DJ_HaMsTa: all i see is ktl8187.ko in that directory, is that what you need?10:38
Mighty_Penguinganes, i've heard that xen is hard to setup, if you want software that will run emulate a system, virtualbox is available in the repositories10:39
DJ_HaMsTai deleted it :P10:39
DJ_HaMsTawait it should be l8187.ko10:39
prince_jammys!locale | LanceHaig: check if this link is useful10:40
ubotuLanceHaig: check if this link is useful: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf10:40
ganesMighty_Penguin, virtualbox i tried i have to work on xen10:40
Mighty_Penguinok ganes10:40
LanceHaigthanks guys10:40
LanceHaigi wll have a look10:40
ganesMighty_Penguin, ok10:40
DJ_HaMsTaWayne^: what ver of ubuntu ur running ?10:41
DJ_HaMsTasend it over anyway10:41
DJ_HaMsTail see if it works10:41
hischildMighty_Penguin, xen is rather hard to setup ... and usually you have to recompile a custom kernel for it :p10:41
karuna_bdchi, can someone help me? i cant go into terminal mode with ctrl alt Fn10:41
Mighty_Penguinhischild, i've heard it was hard which is why i suggested virtualbox10:42
ArthurArchnixFn means F1, F2, F3 and so on right?10:42
hischildMighty_Penguin, good suggestion .. i like it :-)10:42
Wayne^dcc isn't initiating a transfer10:42
Mighty_Penguinyes i'm using it right now lol10:42
hischildMighty_Penguin, i was just confirming your thoughts about it ;-)10:42
DJ_HaMsTaemail ?10:42
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix: yeah F1 F2 F3 nothing10:43
Mighty_Penguinganes what problem did you have with virtualbox?10:43
Wayne^i'll just ftp it one moment10:43
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc:  does this return anything: ps ax | grep tty10:43
ganesMighty_Penguin, no problem with VMware , my boss gave work on xen10:43
Mighty_Penguinah ganes, i see10:43
ganesMighty_Penguin, ah10:44
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix,  4157 tty4     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty410:44
karuna_bdc 4158 tty5     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty510:44
karuna_bdc 4163 tty2     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty210:44
karuna_bdc 4164 tty3     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty310:44
karuna_bdc 4165 tty1     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty110:44
karuna_bdc 4166 tty6     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty610:44
FloodBot2karuna_bdc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
Wayne^DJ_HaMsTa: http://www.fsckin.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/rtl8187.ko10:45
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: Try this Alt+F2, then: metacity --replace   then try switching to terminal 1, with Ctrl+Alt+F110:45
danandArthurArchnix - this is more likely a framebuffer driver problem10:45
* N3bunel saluta10:45
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix: nope, same problem, screen goes blank10:46
r-cwhat is the best ftp server to run on ubuntu server for anonymouse ftp over a wifi network?10:46
* ArthurArchnix steps aside, for danand to talk about framebuffers....10:46
ganesMighty_Penguin, deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted is it a corrcet repository10:46
danandArthurArchnix - might be an idea to check the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer and comment out the lines vesafb10:47
Wayne^DJ_HaMsTa: did you get that file?10:47
ganesMighty_Penguin, what i chose , there is no package like ubuntu-xen-server10:47
danandArthurArchnix - :)10:47
mohbanawhat does synaptic use as the backend apt-get or aptitude/10:48
crediblemohbana: neither, it uses libapt just like the command line clients do10:48
Wayne^mohbana:  man synaptic is your friend10:48
ArthurArchnixdid you get that karuna_bdc? try commenting out vesafb in blacklist. gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer   and put a # ...10:49
ere4simohbana, apt10:49
r-cwhat is the best ftp server to run on ubuntu server for anonymouse ftp over a wifi network?10:49
danandkaruna_bdc - after that modprobe it - sudo modprobe vesafb. if that works you might wanna add vesafb to /etc/modules10:50
Wayne^r-c: why not use ftpd?10:51
Flannelr-c: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ftp-server.html10:52
r-cthanks guys10:53
robnhi all, has anyone got wireless working using RTL8187 chipset WITHOUT using ndiswrapper? supposedly 2.6.23 kernels and later have a working built in driver.10:55
LanceHaigubotu: I still get this error http://slexy.org/view/s23kOpNiDS10:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:56
Wayne^robn: nope, my linux mint install is still on 2.6.22 and using ndiswrapper10:56
mohbanacan i copy and paste a range of package names from synaptic?10:56
* LanceHaig look at how much coffee I have had10:56
robnWayne^: i tried Mint 4.0 and it worked the first couple of boots then stopped completely. does mint 4 use 2.6.22?10:56
LanceHaighttp://slexy.org/view/s23kOpNiDS can someone help me with this?10:57
robnWayne^: i had it working in gutsy using ndiswrapper fine but was hoping to do it without ndis now.10:57
Wayne^yeah 4 has 2.6.22 default, but might have an update, not sure on that10:57
iceswordLanceHaig, why did you set en_GB10:57
robnWayne^: you using WPA or WEP with ndis?10:58
LanceHaigI am in en_GB10:58
iceswordLanceHaig, GB is what country10:58
Wayne^robn:  just WEP10:58
Kate_minshello, how can i copy files via terminal command between computers in the network (both computers with Ubuntu ) ?10:58
tuonocan i install ubuntu on usb pen drive?10:58
iceswordLanceHaig, what about you try en_UK or en_US10:59
robnWayne^: same, i could never get WPA to work properly10:59
iceswordtuono, you need at least 2g10:59
tuonoyes i have a kingston pen10:59
iceswordtuono, ubuntu is not dsl or puppy11:00
mattycozehey guys i know this is out of place to ask this; but can someone refer me to an active room for M$ users?11:00
iceswordtuono, in fact you cannot11:00
tuonoah ok11:00
tuonowhat a pitty11:00
LanceHaigicesword: i will give en_US a go11:00
tuonothank you11:01
Wayne^Kate_mins: if you have ssh enabled, "scp user1@server1:~/file.txt ." will copy /file.txt to the current directory on the server you run it from11:01
iceswordtuono, you can install it to a move hd11:01
tuonocan i use pen as a move hd?11:01
ArthurArchnixmattycoze: #windows11:02
iceswordtuono, i am afraid you cannot coz 2g is a little less11:02
Nublaiiis there a way to get BSDs 'date' command installed on linux?11:02
mattycozethx ArthurArchnix11:02
mohbanacan i copy and paste a range of package names from synaptic?11:03
iceswordtuono, but you know there is a flubuntu,it is small11:03
Wayne^Nublaii: Is the date on your system not sufficient?11:03
tuonoyes, but11:03
tuonois there a procedure alternative or is same as an internal hard drive?11:03
Nublaiinope... the one on bsd gives me a couple of options to define input and output formats11:03
Nublaiiso I don't need to write anything else to transform dates11:03
iceswordtuono, i don't understand your question11:04
Wayne^Nublaii: the -t option lets you use the BSD date format11:04
Rimfrosthas anyone else had problems with installation of amd 64 version on gutsy?11:04
tuonofor install on a pen drive, i have to do some procedure or i can do the installation wizard on the live cd?11:04
DaveEnglandhello! Can anybdoy help me, when i boot, i get error from grub -> 21 pls help!11:04
DaveEnglandbazhang,  yo :D11:04
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:05
NublaiiWayne^: what I want is the -j and -f flags ;)11:05
oakgroveDoes anyone know if it's possible to login to a computer with VNC on say, screen 1, so like with a particular username and also be logged in with the same username on screen 0 and move an open window from one screen to another?11:05
iceswordtuono, yeah,i understand,you have to format it11:05
tuonoin what filesystem?11:05
Wayne^Nublaii: I'm looking, tough question.  :)11:06
iceswordtuono, sorry,i am not good at it,try google "usb boot"11:06
icesword!usb boot11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb boot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:06
Rimfrostit boot up but the screen become black...11:06
bazhangtuono: www.pendrivelinux.com has precise instructions for that11:07
NublaiiWayne^: that's the bsd man page: http://www.hmug.org/man/1/date.php11:07
iceswordbazhang, good night!11:07
DaveEnglandcan anybody tell me, whats the problem. When i boot, i get this error -> grub error 21 pls help!11:07
Wayne^ahh... clearly different from GNU date11:07
adughephi all11:08
adughephow can i manually delete cups jobs11:08
tuonobazhang, i have try this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/11:08
adughepi tried localhost:63111:08
tuonobut it doesn't work11:08
adughepand deleted all the cups jobs11:08
NublaiiWayne^: yup, and with the -f flag date transformation is eeeeeeeeasy ;)11:08
adughepit says there no jobs11:09
adughepbut if i put a paper it still prints the page over and over11:09
tuonoi'll try again, maybe i have do a mistake11:09
tuonothank you for the support11:09
iceswordadughep, you want to disable cupsys11:09
adughepdoes someone know where cups store the printer jobs on the PC11:10
adughepno i want to delete all the cups jobs11:10
LanceHaigicesword: sorry it did not work :-(11:10
iceswordtuono, just feel free to ask:)11:10
iceswordLanceHaig, still tell you locale not found?11:10
adughepicesword, i still want to print but i just want to delete all the old jobs11:10
adughepwithoout using the web interface ..something with rm -rf /path/cups/jpbs11:11
oakgroveDaveEngland, you haven't made any changes to the order in which your drives boot up in the bios have you?  If so, that can confuse grub11:11
iceswordLanceHaig, can you give me that page once again11:11
Wayne^Nublaii: I found the source code for BSD Date.... which may, or may not compile under linux:  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/bin/date/date.c?rev=1.4811:12
iceswordadughep, sorry,i am not sure,it can be in system>system admin or somewhere11:13
adughepicesword, i need a terminal console  path no options11:13
LanceHaigicesword: http://slexy.org/view/s21KRgkPrH is the output from dpkg-reconfigure locales11:13
Nublaiisweeetah! will give it a go ;)11:14
ponullpelsuch ein grafisches ftp server prog kann jemand helfen11:14
Wayne^Nublaii: I would pose your question to the ubuntu-users mainling list11:14
dgjones!de | ponullpel11:14
ubotuponullpel: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:14
NublaiiI'll try compiling it and maybe do a little how-to11:15
ponullpelja wollt mehr erfahrungsbericht welches das beste ist11:15
oakgroveI'd just like to say that Linux is awesome, Ubuntu is awesome and anybody that might be thinking about giving up, don't get discouraged just stick with it.  It does require a great deal of intense study to really get it down but, it's worth it.  Just had to say that.11:15
iceswordLanceHaig, did you select your languauge? it is in system>system admin>languauge support11:17
Cube107i'm downloading ubuntu now11:18
adughepicesword, if i Purge all the jobs ...cups errro log says [03/Mar/2008:12:52:16 -0500] Purge-Jobs: Unauthorized11:18
Werdnahi, if I have an ssh session open to my ubuntu box, and I want to run konsole or something on a local Xming (X server) installation, is there some way to tell the application to connect to that X server rather than the local one?11:18
adughepbut the webinterface says ok all jobs purges11:18
adughepstrange ..about this one11:18
LanceHaigicesword: no gui tis is a server11:18
YoshiNobody know how to use gobby ?11:19
iceswordadughep, sorry,i don't know much about print,maybe you need sudo?11:19
adughepWerdna, you must set X11Forwarding=yes in your sshd_config11:19
Wayne^Xming needs to have X11 forwarding enabled11:19
larson9999adughep, that enabled me to ssh -Y but not -X.  what needs to happen for -X?11:20
larson9999adughep, oops, wrong distro!11:21
adughepicesword i have root so sudo is not a requirement11:21
karuna_bdchi whenever i try to go to console mode, alls i get is a blank screen with a blinking underscore? anybody can help me out?11:22
Wayne^Yoshi: it appears pretty intuitive to use...11:22
WerdnaWayne^,adughep: Awesome, thanks.11:22
iceswordadughep, you know linux 's admin of print is not really good,so i recommend you try google "cancel print task or something?11:22
swombatDoes anyone know of a package I could install on my ubuntu box that would allow me to simply send links to it in some way and have it take care of actually downloading the damn things (whether through the web or from bit-torrent), in a queue, without me having to worry about them?11:23
adughepicesword, i did but i found only some bugs ..ok i will try more11:23
YoshiWayne^, I have a problem whith it, swheni try to connect to a friend server, he don't found the host11:23
larson9999swombat, links for what?  you mean to download the page so you can read it offline?11:23
Wayne^icesword: works to cancel jobs11:24
swombatlarson9999: nah... any type of file11:24
swombatapps... mp3s published on a website...11:24
iceswordWayne^, sorry?11:24
Wayne^Yoshi: Is the incoming port being blocked by a firewall?11:24
larson9999swobat sounds like you're looking for a script using wget.11:24
swombati am11:25
swombati'm asking if anyone's aware of one11:25
Wayne^icesword: ahh you were talking to adughep11:25
YoshiWayne^, We have test and the incoming port was open11:25
WerdnaWayne^: I can't find the properties dialog for Xming.11:25
iceswordyes,but sorry,i cannot be of any help11:25
karuna_bdc hi whenever i try to go to console mode, alls i get is a blank screen with a blinking underscore? anybody can help me out?11:26
larson9999swombat, my recommendation is to check out lottalinuxlinks.com.  on one of his shows he talked about such a beast.  i copied it and modified it for my needs and it works good.  but i'd rather refer you to that vs mine.11:26
Wayne^6522 is the default for Gobby, you just get a host not found error?11:26
swombatlarson9999: cool, thanks11:26
Wayne^Werdna: Xming has a context menu on the icon in the systray, as I recall.11:26
YoshiWayne^, Yes but what can i do ?11:26
swombatis there a written version of it?11:26
swombatsorry nevermind i thought it was a podcast11:27
larson9999swombat, yeah.  look at his podcast archives.11:27
larson9999swombat, it is a podcast but there are show notes that have the code.11:27
WerdnaWayne^: yes, options are Hide Root Window, View Log, About XMing, Exit11:28
Wayne^Yoshi: If you telnet into port 6522 on the host, do you get output like this:  obby_welcome:811:28
DSpairMornin' all..11:28
WerdnaWayne^: I think I've got a restricted version - it came with andLinux11:28
Wayne^Hmmm.... yeah that's weird, it might be an old version?11:29
yusuohey guys i have a problem11:30
karuna_bdchi whenever i try to go to console mode, alls i get is a blank screen with a blinking underscore? anybody can help me out?11:30
yusuoijust updated to 8.04 and one of my packages crashed along the way, now its prompting me to update the package but i cant, i want to remove the package so i stop getting these warning11:30
Wayne^karuna_bdc: How do you goto console mode?  CTRL+ALT+F-key?11:30
adughepkaruna_bdc, how you go to console mode ?11:30
adughepis Ctrl+Alt+F611:31
rabbit-i currently have XP installed and want to dual boot windows and ubuntu, how can i achieve this?11:31
DSpairkaruna_bdc: Sounds like perhaps you are getting the wrong vid_mode for your console. Have you tried booting into recovery mode? If that fixes it, then you need to adjust your grub boot params.11:31
joshanyone know how to tar up only files in a set directory instead of the folders in it ?11:31
karuna_bdcWayne^: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 all dont work11:31
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dgjonesyusuo, with you asking about a Hardy problem, you're best bet is to ask in #ubuntu+1 which is where the support is for the Alpha version11:31
cehay leh knl g?11:31
karuna_bdcDSpair: recovery mode? from grub?11:32
dgjones!dualboot | rabbit-11:32
uboturabbit-: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:32
DSpairkaruna_bdc: Yeah, when you boot there is an option on the kernel command line which looks like "vga=XXX" and that sets your framebuffer vga mode. You'll need to find a mode that works for your PC.11:32
Wayne^karuna_bdc: Yeah sounds like bad video settings in grub.conf to me, but you have a flashing cursor only?11:33
karuna_bdcadughep: CTRL ALT F111:33
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: What version of Ubuntu?11:33
adughepon my ubuntu works fine with ctrl+Alt+F611:33
karuna_bdcWayne^: it goes blank and theres just a flashing underscore in top left corner11:34
DSpairkaruna_bdc: Something else you can try. Try to do a blind login on that cursor screen and see if the cursor moves.11:34
Wayne^karuna_bdc: it's weird that you would get a flashing cursor but no text... what happens if you start typing?  anything happen or refresh?11:34
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix: 7.10 Gutsy11:34
YoshiWayne^, what have i to enter in the command line to do this?11:34
karuna_bdcWayne^: nothing happens, just stays blinking till i CTRL f7 out11:34
flowOverwhat are those other terminals i stumbled across for?  the ones accessed with ctrl+alt+f*11:35
karuna_bdcDSpair: Blind login? sorry im a reall newbie11:35
Wayne^karuna_bdc: is this a laptop?11:35
DSpairflowOver: It's there incase X Windows fails.11:35
adughepkaruna_bdc, you need to press the left Alt+CTRL not the right Alt+Ctrl11:35
Wayne^Yoshi: telnet hostname_ip_whatever_goes_here 652211:36
HSorgYvesmorning, i need to use a udev rule to modify the group for the partition where mysql innodb tables will be stored; which id should i give to the rules file? 042? z52?11:36
iceswordWayne^, why the port is 652211:36
Wayne^adughep: right or left works fine for me11:37
Wayne^icesword: it's default for the Gobby editor11:37
karuna_bdcadughep: thats what i use, left but the blank underscore screen still there no response if i type11:37
evikingI've just installed Google Earth in 7.10 : it seems to hang when "initializing".... Any suggestions?11:37
DSpairadughep: On other distros I would have agreed about left and right alt taking you to different virtual consoles, but on Gutsy on my laptop, it makes no difference.... Hmmm . . . I wonder how one would get to VTs above 12 on Gutsy?11:37
adughepWayne^, I have gusty on my PC and it does not work with right Alt11:37
ArthurArchnixIsn't there a terminal command to change vt's, chvt 1 or something.11:37
ArthurArchnixThat might spit out some error messages at least.11:38
DSpaireviking: Change your compiz settings to exclude Google Earth... It cannot deal with the 3D desktop well.11:38
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evikingDSpair: Thanks! Could you give me a hint on how to do that .....11:39
oakgroveI loaded 7.10 on my laptop with the LVM encryption so I have a ~200MB unencrypted boot partition and the rest of the drive is encrypted.  My question is, everything is cool now but if this computer goes down and I need to pull the drive out to get the data off of it, how do I unencrypt the partition with another computer?11:39
Wayne^DSpair: xmodmap to rebind keys.  :)11:39
DSpairWayne^: Hmmm . . . That's a thought.11:40
yusuohi how would i go about install a program from a tar.gz file11:40
Tm_T!compiling | yusuo11:40
ubotuyusuo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:40
DSpaireviking: You'll need the compiz manager installed... Wait one and I'll find the package name for you.11:40
oakgroveIs there a command line tool that I can use and just point it at the unencrypted partition?11:40
McAbreis there a command I could run via alt-F2 to start the compiz config manager?11:40
evikingDSpair: ok, I'll wait :)11:41
oakgroveI mean at the encrypted partition11:41
Wayne^oakgrove: well first, 200mb /boot is probably overkill.  :)  second, if the HD is put into another machine, you can probably mount the LVM volume using a liveCD11:41
credibleMcAbre: ccsm11:41
McAbrecredible, thanks. =)11:41
oakgroveDo you know what the exact command would be?  I am not even sure what the program that does the decryption is called11:41
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: Try sudo chvt 111:41
DSpaireviking: In Synaptic or using aptitude, install the package "compizconfig-settings-manager". Once installed, you will have an entry under "System->Preferences" for "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings"11:42
DSpairMy god.... iTunes is SO dead now that Amazon's downloader for Linux is out... The music cheaper, better selection, and faster to download.... I love it!!!11:42
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix:  i still get the blinking underscore, maybe its a package i installed do you think?11:43
mattycozeDSpair take it to offtopic11:43
ArthurArchnixSo no error messages then?11:43
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: Did you add any options to your grub line, like vga = 791 or something?11:44
Wayne^oakgrove: it would be hard the first time around, undoubtedly.11:44
DSpairmattycoze: Sorry, I was just overly excited. I'll stay on-topic.11:44
YoshiWayne^, When i test this line i don't have obby_welcome:811:44
karuna_bdc ArthurArchnix: yeah i did, is that the problem?11:44
yusuoplz can someone just talk me through this i keep on getting errors when i run ./configure11:44
Wayne^Yoshi: what do you get?11:44
DSpairWell, have a good morning all, off to work I go...11:45
Yoshii do : telnet ip_of_my_friend 652211:45
evikingDSpair: I got it. It seems a bit overwhelming. Where can I exclude programs from Compiz?11:45
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: Probably. It's a bug in Gutsy. There's a workaround, but the simplest fix is to remove that vga=791. Reboot, edit the boot line, and see if it fixes it.11:45
Wayne^Yoshi: ok perfect11:45
LockeVendettahi, does anyone knows howto configure a Genius Keyboard? more precisly a LuxeMate 300? i'm having problems with the NumLock Keys11:45
Wayne^Yoshi: what output do you get after that?11:46
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix: ahh, ok thanks alot man, ill try that11:46
YoshiWayne^, But it tell me only trying to connect ip_of_my_friend11:46
Wayne^Yoshi: Do you get an error after that?11:46
Cube107does ubunto support wireless internet ?11:46
Wayne^Yoshi: It should time out after awhile and then give an error11:47
dgjones!wireless | Cube107, Yes, although some wireless cards are easier to use than others11:47
ubotuCube107, Yes, although some wireless cards are easier to use than others: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:47
adughepCube107, it support but only couple of driver11:48
Cube107i'm currently downloading ubuntu now just checking beforehand thats all11:49
adughepi suggest you use a windows driver combined with ndiswrapper11:49
Cube107i use Unwired11:49
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc: Still there?11:49
Veoneccomi da xchat11:50
Veonsi è molto meglio XD11:50
nevilleI use Unwired too11:50
nevilleAnd it works just fine11:50
emgentVeon, please switch to #ubuntu-it11:50
yusuoeverytime i try and download a tar.bz2 file and get round to compiling it gives me an error while im doing ./configure any ideas anyone11:50
Wayne^yusuo: what's the error11:50
nevilleMine is connected to a wired router, which connects to every other computer11:50
Veonoh sry11:51
nevilleAnd Kubuntu/Ubuntu detected it just fine, and ran with it11:51
yusuochecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:51
adughepCube107, this depends on what wireless card you have ,, if is supported by ubuntu is ok if not use a windows driver with ndiswrapper11:51
yusuoany help wayne11:51
adughepnot all the wireless cards are supported11:51
Wayne^yusuo: sudo apt-get install build-essentials11:51
ArthurArchnixkaruna_bdc:  Here's the workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3593878&postcount=8  But don't do that until you've confirmed that the problem is the additional line in your grub menu.lst11:51
YoshiWayne^, it tell me : telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out11:51
nevilleIt's a wireless Modemm, right Cube107?11:51
adughepyusuo, use at CFLAGS  -fPIC11:51
nevilleThat white, tacky looking thing?11:51
yusuoapparently package doesnt exist11:51
evikingI need to disable Google Earth from Compiz. I have installed Advanced Desktop Effect Settings. Any suggestions to what to do next?11:52
karuna_bdcArthurArchnix: yeah, need to get school project off net, will restart once done, thanks alot!11:52
Wayne^Sorry yusuo:  build-essential11:52
Wayne^Yoshi: There is a problem connecting to port 6522 on the host PC11:52
Wayne^Yoshi: Could be a firewall, or maybe they aren't hosting a session.11:53
Wayne^Yoshi: or maybe they're hosting on another port.11:53
mangojambohi people ... I have 3 computers with ubuntu here and I'm trying to share the printer following that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu#head-0df5ec7721982ff2e28d944cb6d0c198a001bb7c , but the client still not showing the network printer!11:53
Cyr4xi've got an issue in all native games11:53
Cyr4xwhen i set gamma parameter over 111:53
Wayne^yusuo: Did that help?11:54
Cyr4xi.e. 1.511:54
yusuoyeah got me further now im getting configure: error: could not find Python headers11:54
Cyr4xit automatically decreases to 111:54
Riddellnalioth: mass spamming being done by MeriChahat_11:54
Cyr4xafter few minutes11:54
Cyr4xbut game settings don't change11:54
Wayne^yusuo: hehe :)  what's the program?11:54
Cyr4xgraphics card or system does this11:54
Cyr4xi don't know what's happening11:55
yusuoi mean now its saying ubuntu-desktop and alacante aren't installed properly11:55
YoshiWayne^, I have do an error in the ip, i do again with the good ip but it tell me : telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused11:55
yusuoim just going to go back to gusty me thinks11:56
yusuountil they work all the kinks out a heron11:56
eth01how would i be able to run this command each day for php: php -q /var/www/levelgeek.com/admin/cron.php ?11:56
adughepeth01, using crontab11:56
Wayne^yusuo: Yeah, alphas sometimes have dependency hell11:57
adughepcrontab -e  to edit11:57
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LockeVendettahi, does anyone knows howto configure a Genius Keyboard? more precisly a LuxeMate 300? i'm having problems with the NumLock Keys11:57
jtravnickanybody using a broadcom wireless?11:57
adughepthen add a line 0 24 * * *   php -q /var/www/levelgeek.com/admin/cron.php11:58
geirhaeth01: or make a script and put in /etc/cron.daily/11:59
ramrodpc startet normally now no kernel panics... everthing was already on newest version. after mem and hdd testing i will look on the network card because the kernel panics came always at high network usage12:02
bos1i want to learn gimp as early as possible ..can any 1 please tell me how??12:02
ChowderhawkCan someone help me out with installing my iPod Touch?12:02
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ChowderhawkI get the following:12:02
Chowderhawkssh: IPDADDRESS: Name or service not known12:02
Chowderhawkssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out12:02
Chowderhawkread: Connection reset by peer12:02
ChowderhawkAny idea how to fix it?12:03
Wayne^Chowderhawk: can you ping that IP?12:03
bos1i would be grateful if you give some suggestions to learn "gimp"???please help me out....12:03
geirhabos1: I would try http://www.gimp-tutorials.com/12:04
ChowderhawkDoing that now.12:04
Wayne^also make sure the ipod is not locked or set to auto-lock12:04
ChowderhawkNope, doesn't look like I can ping that IP.12:04
Wayne^Chowderhawk: also double check that the SSH service is actually running, i use a program called iToggle to switch services like ssh, socks proxy, bluetooth, wifi, etc on and off easily12:05
bos1geirha: thanks12:05
ChowderhawkSSH seems to be running.12:05
ChowderhawkThe static IP on my iPod is
Wayne^Chowderhawk: hmmm... are you connecting from your PC to the ipod?12:06
Wayne^ssh root@
Wayne^password alpine or something like that12:06
ChowderhawkI did that12:07
humboltoAfter resuming from hibernation (I can already use all apps), my HDD runs completely wild! Can anybody tell me, what it is doing?12:07
Chowderhawkssh root@
ChowderhawkI got:12:07
Chowderhawk/var/root/Library/MobileFinder/.MobileFinderProfile:2: permission denied: /dev/console12:07
Chowderhawkmv: /var/root/.profile.tmp: No such file or directory12:07
Chowderhawk/var/root/Library/MobileFinder/.MobileFinderProfile:2: permission denied: /dev/console12:07
Chowderhawkmv: /var/root/.profile.tmp: No such file or directory12:07
Chowderhawk/var/root/Library/MobileFinder/.MobileFinderProfile:2: permission denied: /dev/console12:07
FloodBot2Chowderhawk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
Wayne^oh snap.  :)12:08
ChowderhawkHmm, interesting.12:08
Wayne^Chowderhawk: yes, so there is a problem with your SSH on the ipod12:08
flowOveri've been running stable for 2 days now since i tweaked the audio onto alsa mixer :D12:08
mohamedhi guys12:09
ChowderhawkAny idea how to fix it?12:09
mohamed i need some clarifications12:09
mohamedhow to find /dev/sdb212:09
flowOverVM's, Java, Flash, Movies, Compiz, everything going.  no halts or nothing like i've had all week.  good times12:09
humbolto is there something like top for HDD access, so I can track which process is causing all this HDD traffic?12:09
Wayne^Chowderhawk: what firmware are you running?12:09
Skiessimohamed, for what?12:10
mohamedi want to mount my external hdd12:10
mohamedit says no directory something like that12:10
Skiessiit's sometimes named /dev/hdb212:10
mohamedok i will give a try12:11
Skiessiat least it was, I'm not sure12:11
Wayne^Chowderhawk: i would try to install a terminal on the ipod and i would chmod /dev/console to make sure root has ability to access it12:11
geirhamohamed: sudo fdisk -l  # can you identify it from that list?12:11
ChowderhawkHmmm, alright.12:11
Skiessior you can find the real dev path thing with 'lshw'12:11
Werdnais there an easy way to check if an x connection is working from one machine to another?12:11
Werdnalike an xping command, or something?12:11
Skiessiumm true fdisk might be better12:12
Oli``Does anybody here have a wopping massive screen that uses a dual-DVI link?12:12
mohamedok skiessi i typed /dev/hdb2 it says same thing no such file or directory12:12
mohamedok let me try fdisk12:12
ChowderhawkI have to go, Thanks for this Wayne.12:12
Wayne^Chowderhawk: it might be something like this too....  chown -R root:wheel /dev/console12:12
Skiessi"<geirha> mohamed: sudo fdisk -l  # can you identify it from that list?"12:12
mohamedok let me try this12:12
mohamedok it shows list of options /dev/hda12:13
adughepmohamed, sometiems is not d/ev/sdb2 ..are you sure that /dev/sdb2 exists ???  do sudo fdisk -l    to show you the /dev/sd* available12:13
adughepor run fdisk -l as root12:14
mohamedif i type fdisk -l it shows only internal disk with /dev/sda112:14
mohamedlike that what about external one connected with usb12:14
Skiessi'sudo fdisk -l' shows more12:14
=== Schwarz is now known as tau
playyamohamed, what about fdisk -l <device>?12:15
adughepmohamed,  unplug the usb and plugin again then do  sudo fdisk -l12:15
mohamedit shows /dev/sda1 , /dev/sda2 , /dev/sda3 / dev/sd412:16
mohamedok i will try now again12:16
adughepwell you got only the main hard drive and the usb is not seen12:17
playyathat is only the first hdd12:17
swamiI've a query about fstab n fsck12:17
swamineed support12:17
adughepswami, first ask then maybe someone will know12:17
mohamedsame thing guys12:17
iceswordmohamed, what you want to do12:18
mohamedi want to mount my external hard disk which is connected through usb12:18
swamiI've mounted two hdds as follows:-12:18
adughepmohadib, lsusb detects your usb drive  ?12:18
swami/dev/sda1 @ swap12:18
intenguany repository with apache tomcat 6 on ubuntu it is version 512:19
mohamedsome time it shows profilic some times not12:19
adughepwell bad luck then ..eitehr your usb port is broken or the usb drive is broken12:19
geirhamohamed: plug it out, then plug it in again, and type "dmesg | tail" does it say anything about the usb drive in that log output?12:19
swami/dev/sda2 @ ~/disk112:19
playyamohamed, does it appear in dmesg|tail ?12:19
iceswordmohamed, how many hdd you have12:19
swami/dev/sda3 @ /12:19
iceswordmohamed, what are they12:19
mohamedwait let me check it12:19
swami/dev/sda4 @ /boot12:20
mohamedit shows sdc1 sdc2 sdc312:20
mohamedis this the external hdd12:20
iceswordsudo mount -a12:20
swami/dev/sdb1 @ ~/dload12:20
playyanope. that is you first hdd12:20
geirhamohamed: if you only have one internal harddrive, then it's probably it12:20
swamimy prob is12:20
mohamedyea i have only one internal hdd12:20
swamiwhen I remove the second hdd12:21
mohamedand one external hdd connected through usb12:21
swamithe pc does not boot12:21
mohamedhow to make that usb hdd to mount12:21
swamiand give the prob of fsck12:21
swamicheck n repair fstab12:21
swamiwhat shud i do?12:21
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:22
mohamedhow to check is there /dev/sdb2 present12:23
geirhamohamed: ls -l /dev/sdb212:23
mohamedok let me try12:23
IndyGunFreakmohamed: you can also "df" no qutoes, in a terminal12:23
intenguanyone knows tomcat 6 repositories12:23
mohamedno such file or directory it shows when i type ls -l /dev/sdb212:24
adughepswami, first make sure who is /dev/sda in fstab the first or  second  ..then the other should be /dev/sdb12:24
mohamedok it shows only internal disks mounted if i type df12:24
mohamedso how to get the external one work12:25
Dianoratell me12:25
geirhamohamed: no, it only shows mounted disks. Try mounting /dev/sdc2 and see if it's the correct one12:25
mohamedok let me try12:25
playyals -l /dev/sd*12:25
iceswordok.goog night,everyone,see you tomorrow12:26
mohamedagain no such file or directory12:26
bazhangDianora: you have a support question?12:26
playyagood night12:26
adughepplayya, if lsusb is not seeing it then it cant have no new /dev/s*12:27
mohamedit shows all sda1,2,3,4 and /dev/sdb12:27
mohamedsdb is under plugdev12:27
geirhamohamed: ah, is the external harddrive new? it sounds like it's unpartitioned12:27
mohamedno i have 3 partition its 120gb and old one ide hard disk12:28
humboltoDoes anybody know why trackerd is going cracy on HDD access after resuming from hibernation?12:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:29
IndyGunFreakicesword: did you ever get flux working12:30
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:30
ubotuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)12:30
geirhamohamed: what was it that showed this? < mohamed> it shows sdc1 sdc2 sdc312:30
* IndyGunFreak loves fishing.. :)12:30
iceswordIndyGunFreak, sir,i tried it,but you know if you want it beautiful and esay,then have to congiure it by hand12:30
mohamedsomeone told me to type some command then it showed like sdc12:31
mohamedsdc2 ,sdc312:31
IndyGunFreakicesword: this is correct, its fairly bare-bones(thought i said that), but it usually runs quite well on old hardware.12:31
mohameddmesg | tail12:31
mohamedshowed this one12:31
iceswordmohamed, don't paste12:31
IndyGunFreakhe'sgoing to..lol12:32
IndyGunFreakwow, amazing.12:32
Viper111guys i am trying to install webmin but it gives me that couldnt find package webmin12:32
geirhamohamed: could you paste the output of that on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?12:32
iceswordmohamed, if it is your sdb has n't  partitioned,run this "sudo cfdiskl /dev/sdb12:32
iceswordbeen partitioned12:33
ere4si!info webmin > Viper11112:33
IndyGunFreakmohadib: but make sure no critical data is on there.12:33
iceswordsoory,sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb12:33
mohamedit says command not found12:34
Viper111ere4si is there anyhting like webmin12:34
iceswordmohamed, sorry,sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb12:34
ere4siViper111, never use anything like that... - sorry12:34
iceswordi just couldn't believe mounting a disk could be a problem12:34
bazhangViper111: ebox12:34
Viper111let me check12:35
mohamedit shows error cannot open disk drive12:35
Viper111it gave me the same error12:35
bazhangViper111: you can /msg ubotu ebox for more info12:35
dexem!ebox | Viper11112:35
ubotuViper111: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec12:35
iceswordmohamed, sdb doesn't exist.12:36
orlandojhi all. Is there someone how use an SIS 6326 video ? I cannot configure corectly.12:36
mohamedso how to make it12:36
mohamedhow to make sdb12:36
iceswordmohamed, as you said,you have two hdd,what are they?12:36
Viper111guys how can i edit my repositories to have all the packages12:36
mohamedone is internal scsi and one is external hdd connected with usb12:36
mohamedexternal one is ide12:37
iceswordmohamed, sudo mount /dev/hda?12:37
bazhangViper111: either edit your sources.list in the terminal or go into synaptic manager and enable them there12:37
ere4si!repos > Viper11112:37
IndyGunFreakViper111: system/admin/software sources, and check all the boxeson the first tab.12:37
mohamedok i will try it out12:37
dexemViper111: which Ubuntu version do you have installed?12:38
Viper1116.06 server LTS12:38
Viper111no GUI12:38
mohamedit says cant find /dev/hda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:38
dexemd'oh  that's old for ebox12:38
IndyGunFreakViper111: you'll have to sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  and remove all the # sounds12:38
IndyGunFreakthen sudo apt-get update12:38
Gothfuncis there an app that shows what buttons i'm pressing on the mouse?12:38
dexemViper111: ebox is now being tested to be included in hardy12:38
Viper111ah aok12:39
Gothfuncbasically trying to debug an imwheel script12:39
dexemViper111: meanwhile, if you want test it, you can download a live or an installable version from http://www.ebox-platform.com12:39
dexembut not based on Ubuntu yet12:40
Viper111i dont want to do that12:40
iceswordmohamed, sudo mount -a12:40
Viper111i want sometng that wil give me graphicl access12:40
mohamedok i will try12:40
Viper111in order to manage things on the server is there any??12:40
mohamedi typed your command it shows nothing12:40
iceswordmohamed, it is strange,is your external hdd attached to you usb port12:41
AdysCould anyone recommend me a powerful, non java-based hex editor for linux?12:41
mohamedit is attached12:41
iceswordmohamed, run mount12:41
errysome one plz help me12:41
erryI cant connect to the internet with ubuntu at all12:41
onexusedI used firestarter to set up an iptables firewall.  How do I tell it I want to restore the settings on boot?  As it is, if I want them to take effect, I have to run firestarter manually.12:41
erryi mean not at all12:41
iceswordmohamed, see what it gives to you12:41
mohamedok i will try now12:41
geirhamohamed: did you paste the output of dmesg|tail on the pastebin? if/when you do, you need to write the url here so we can look at it12:42
mohamedi will past  it now12:42
ere4si!webmin > /me12:43
mohamedok i pasted12:43
ere4si!webmin > ere4si12:43
iceswordmohamed, hehe,you from HongKong,i am in China,we are not far away12:44
geirhamohamed: what's the url to the paste?12:44
mohamedyes icesword12:44
mohamedwait i will paste it12:44
mohamedhere only i pasted12:44
icesword!tab > mohamed12:44
mohamedwhat is tab>12:45
onexusedHow do I set iptables to restore on boot?12:45
iceswordexample,you type ice then click tab,it will auto complete12:45
iceswordmohamed, where did you paste to,pastebin.com?12:46
geirhamohamed: that's the url to the site, there should be a number at the end of the url12:46
iceswordmohamed, come on,come on,i am going to leave12:46
mohamedok wait12:46
mohamedwhere to find the number12:47
mohamedis the number for the url12:47
KnightWsehey , does anybody know how I can import a sql database of my Joomla website12:49
iceswordmohamed, open this link,http://pastebin.com/,paste your mount's output there,then send,it will give a page,then you just put that url here,ok12:49
geirhamohamed: those error-messages would explain why it won't show up. Not sure why those errors are there though12:49
geirhamohamed: might be that the external harddrive is broken. Do you have access to another computer you can test it on?12:50
iceswordgeirha, walk me through it though,he is noob,hehe,thank you,bye:)12:50
ManuPhi. can someone connect via ftp to as user ftp and pw ftp and check if it works?12:50
iceswordgeirha, walk him through it,sorry12:51
ManuPi can not test locally if passv works.12:51
mohamedok i pasted it in pastebin12:51
iceswordManuP, no virus12:51
_Oz_hello all12:51
_Oz_will ubuntu support this? http://www.nvidia.com/docs/IO/48655/3way_SLI_680_8800Ultra.jpg12:51
mohamedgeirha it works fine in winxp pro12:51
ManuPicesword, what do you mean?12:51
onexusedManuP: looks fine to me12:52
ManuPonexused, you have passive-mode?12:52
iceswordManuP, hehe,i am joking at you12:52
ManuPicesword, ^^12:52
linduxedi closed the lid of my notebook, left it going for a while...and when i came back and opened the lid the lights were flashing like kernel panic and the screen didnt want to power up. I reebooted and everything seemed to work...except WiFi12:52
kgxis anyone here from the UK?12:52
rhineheart_mhello...Is there such known issue wherein webserver is connected to a LAN with only one public IP? I sometimes experiencing intermittent DSL connection here when the server is on12:52
onexusedManuP: I'm not sure : /12:52
_Oz_linduxed: it might have spazzed12:52
linduxedalso i think i saw something about kernel module error during bootup12:52
ManuPonexused, how did you connect?12:53
linduxedhowever that doesnt show up in dmesg12:53
andrewhi there12:53
frank23rhineheart_m: maybe uploads are choking the connection?12:53
onexused"ftp" in the terminal12:53
linduxed_Oz_: ok and that means??12:53
kgxi'm in london for 2 weeks and i need some sort of wireless broadband for 2 weeks, something without contracts and stuff and hopefully without the need to permanently purchase a wireless usb stick12:53
iceswordManuP, what port you open12:53
ManuPonexused, type passv12:53
bazhang_Oz_: that card will be supported eventually; me wants to get one too ;]12:54
ManuPicesword, port 21 and for passv 49100 to 4940012:54
onexusedManuP: pasv = ?Invalid command ;  passv = ?Invalid command12:54
ManuPonexused, oh, try passive12:54
bazhangkgx: starbucks has free wireless at all their stores now12:54
rhineheart_mfrank23: But it is currently at 2.5 mbps12:54
linduxedsimply put: how can i reactivate my wifi? lsmod shows the mod as loaded12:54
iceswordManuP, it works!noting,only a txt and asdf12:54
_Oz_bazhang: I want one12:54
onexusedManuP: Passive mode on.12:55
geirhamohamed: hm, then there must be a bug in a driver or something. I think it's best if you ask about this in the forums. And supply the whole output of dmesg (without the |tail)12:55
ManuPonexused, and then try dir12:55
rhineheart_mfrank23: and there's only 3 pcs ON12:55
bazhang_Oz_: same here ;]12:55
mohamedi will ask in the forum12:55
iceswordManuP, did you see what i said12:55
onexusedManuP: No control connection for command: Success  /n  Passive mode refused.12:55
iceswordmohamed, just paste your mount 's output here12:56
ManuPicesword, you asked about the port?!12:56
onexusedManuP: I reconnected and did passive right away.  This time ls and dir work.12:56
iceswordpawan, hi12:56
mohamedwhat to type mount12:56
mohamedok i will try now12:56
bazhangperhaps someone should tell mohamed to install pastebinit and cat the info there12:56
pawanwhats up12:56
iceswordManuP, yes,the default port is 2112:56
ManuPonexused, what exactly did you do? if i try passive and dir, it hangs up.12:56
Viper111am editing squid.conf12:56
geirhaicesword: this is mohamed's output of dmesg | tail: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58243/12:57
mohamed/dev/sda4 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:57
mohamedproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)12:57
mohamedvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)12:57
mohamedvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)12:57
mohamedudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)12:57
FloodBot2mohamed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
mohameddevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)12:57
geirhaicesword: so the problem is not with mount12:57
Viper111what are the things i must do in order have proxy on clients12:57
onexusedManuP: let me paste it12:57
openrosWhile retrieving my ubuntu 7.10, iam getting this error help me12:57
ManuPonexused, k12:57
iceswordgeirha, maybe its disk format is NTFS?12:57
openrosgrub> find /boot/grub/stage112:58
openros (hd0,8)12:58
openrosgrub> root (hd0,8)12:58
openrosgrub> setup (hd0)12:58
openros Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes12:58
openros Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes12:58
FloodBot2openros: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
mohamedso how to do now12:58
iceswordgeirha, i see,maybe its disk has been damaged,it is bad,hardware issue12:59
iceswordcannot help12:59
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
onexusedManuP:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58244/12:59
iceswordgood bye then,everyone,have a good day12:59
LanceHaigicesword: any other ideas?12:59
mohamedbut my external hdd detects well in winxp pro12:59
geirhaicesword: it works in windows he says, so it sounds to me like a driver problem, either with usb-drivers or hdd-drivers12:59
mohamedbyee icesword12:59
LanceHaigseems yo are very busy today :-)12:59
iceswordLanceHaig, pardon13:00
openrosRunning "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+17 p (hd0,8)/boot/grub/stage213:00
openros/boot/grub/menu.lst"... failed Error 12: Invalid device requested13:00
Viper111am editing squid.conf what are the things i must do in order have proxy on clients13:00
openroshelp me to install grub13:00
ManuPonexused, that only means then, that i can not connect to my own ftp-server.13:00
iceswordi am going to bed,though,have to work tomorrow,sorry13:00
openroscancan anybody help me install grub13:00
mohamedso any other way you know13:01
_Oz_bazhang: do you dual boot into windoze for games?13:01
onexusedHow do I get iptables to be restored on boot?13:02
fevelisnt there a software for ubuntu that assigns functions to the extra mouse buttons13:02
Viper111am editing squid.conf what are the things i must do in order have proxy on clients13:02
geirhamohamed: it's beyond my knowledge I'm afraid, though you could try plugging it in a different usb-port. Perhaps the usb-port is faulty13:03
kane77I hope ubuntu is participating in google summer of code..13:03
mohamedok then let me try thanks for your help geirha13:03
Viper111am editing squid.conf what are the things i must do in order have proxy on clients13:05
Slartfevel: I don't know of any such software.. but I'd be surprised if there wasn't13:05
Pici!repeat | Viper11113:05
ubotuViper111: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:06
nickthorleyhi all - I am new to ubuntu and wondered what the release schedule is - how long has 7.10 been out and when is it due to be replaced13:06
Slartonexused: write a script that sets it up.. run that script using one of the rc.d folders or something13:06
Slart!hardy | nickthorley13:06
ubotunickthorley: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:06
KRFnickthorley, 7.10 -> 8.04 -> 8.1013:06
Picinickthorley: Every 6 months. 7.10 = 2007 October (10).13:07
Slartnickthorley: and 7.10 has been out.. well.. what is it. a couple of months? I think they release once every 5 months or so13:07
nickthorleyok thanks all13:07
onexusedSlart: Okay.  What command would I need to restore iptables?  I set them up using firestarter, and currently I have to run it manually to restore them.13:07
nickthorleyI am not new to linux but been a fedora fan until now so just trying to get into the "schedule" of ubuntu13:07
Slartonexused: ah.. you're using firestarter.. isn't that functionality built-in?... I think there is a iptables-save command.. and a iptables-restore command.. you might want to check those out13:08
onexusedSlart: Okay, I'll look into it.  Thanks.13:08
Slartonexused: you're welcome13:08
ManuPcan someone test ftp for me? just ftp user ftp, pw ftp and then check passive and dir?13:09
openros Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+17 p (hd0,8)/boot/grub/stage213:09
openros/boot/grub/menu.lst"... failed13:09
openrosHow to install grub13:09
tebogoa simple question: how do I check to see if my network conntection is good? I have tried ifconfig eth0 and it give me a whole list of information. When I pull out the network cable and run the same command I get the same information. This would suggest to me that there should be another tool to test the network status or am I missing something?13:09
openrosiam getting this error13:09
openrosRunning "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+17 p (hd0,8)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst"... failed     Error 12: Invalid device requested.13:10
openrosHow to clear that error13:10
ManuPopenros, what are you doing?13:11
SlartManuP: seems to work nicely using gftp13:11
ManuPSlart, passv is supported?13:11
SlartManuP: downloaded one of the files.. that worked13:11
SlartManuP: seems so.. do you want to log?13:11
ManuPSlap_Sti1k, did you read in the log sth. of passv?13:11
ManuPSlart, that would be nice :)13:12
Viper111when am starting squid for the 1st time its giving me FATAL:couldnt determine fuly qualified hostname.. does any body knows whats that13:12
nickthorleydoes anyone know if there is a virtual machine for ubuntu which allows the guest oses programs to be placed on ubuntu menus so that they appear to be a linux program and then when opened the vm runs the guest os to load them but you dont actually use the guest oses interface13:12
ManuPopenros, do you want to reinstall grub from rescue-system?13:12
ManuPopenros, you booted from cd?13:13
SlartManuP: there you are13:13
Slart!vm | nickthorley13:13
ubotunickthorley: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications13:13
openrosafter putting Win XP i want to rescue ubuntu13:13
openrosi booted my live cd13:13
Viper111when am starting squid for the 1st time its giving me FATAL:couldnt determine fuly qualified hostname.. does any body knows whats that13:13
ManuPopenros, okay.13:13
openrosmy browsing with  the live cd13:13
ManuPopenros, do you have a terminal/konsole open? if not, open one13:14
openrosyes i have opened one13:14
Viper111anybody willing to help me13:14
ManuPSlart, thank you very much.13:14
SlartViper111: it doesn't know what your computers fully qualified hostname is.. something it can use to look it up on the internet.. but I don't know why it feels that a fqdn is neccessary.. hence the FATAL13:15
nickthorleyslart: thanks also13:15
ManuPopenros, is the /mnt/ dir empty?13:15
Slartyou're welcome13:15
SlartViper111: it's probably a setting in the config file.. search for fqdn or fully qualified domain name in the man pages13:15
ManuPopenros, good. do the following: sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt   /dev/sdaX is your Drive on which grup should install13:16
openrosyes i have mounted13:17
openrosi got all the installed contents of my old ubuntu13:17
=== jpastore_ is now known as jpastore
nickthorleyis there any reason under ubuntu on a laptop why the battery life should be 30% lower than that on windows - could I need to adjust settings or is that just how it is13:17
ManuPopenros, do mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev13:17
ManuPopenros, sorry, sudo mount...13:18
openrosyes i did13:18
ManuPopenros, sudo mount -o bind -t proc /proc /mnt/proc13:18
axlinuxwell that works :))13:19
openrosyes did13:19
openrosdid both13:19
ManuPopenros, now do sudo chroot /mnt  you chrooted now into /mnt. here you can install grub, likly with grub-install /dev/sda  (or which device you have..)13:19
ManuPopenros, that works for me always fine :)13:20
openrosthanks .. a lot13:21
openrosgot installed sucessfully13:21
openroswill reboot and  see13:21
openrosthank u13:21
openrosManup, thank u13:21
Viper111guys i need urgent help13:26
Viper111i need to start my squid server fo the 1st time but iyt is giving m errors13:26
Viper111can or may anybody help me13:26
smokeydViper111: don't ask people to help you. Just ask your question. Somebody will answer if they can help13:27
smokeydso just say what the errors are13:27
moveax1Viper111, post the errors13:27
smokeydViper111:  best way to post them is on paste.ubuntu-nl.org13:28
Viper111am starting squid for the 1st time its giving m "couldnt determine fully qualified hostname"13:28
moveax1ur server have a domain?13:28
nickthorleywhat are the best ubuntu podcasts to subscribe to?13:29
Viper111no i dont think13:29
moveax1Viper111, post all errormessages to http://nopaste.org/13:29
smokeydViper111: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/Linux/Q_21348003.html13:30
ngoatoMy connection seems to be very intermittent and hence my previous question wich was as follows: a simple question: how do I check to see if my network conntection is good? I have tried ifconfig eth0 and it give me a whole list of information. When I pull out the network cable and run the same command I get the same information. This would suggest to me that there should . I am sorry if I have missed someones answer.13:30
robnanyone know the best way to get ralink (rt2570 USB) wireless device working in ubuntu? ndiswrapper or serialmonkey or other way i dont know....with WPA?13:31
smokeydrobn: would this be of help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10684613:32
zippytech_any one good with directory permiisions13:32
robnsmokeyd: thanks, missed that thread completely....been rummaging for the last 30 mins too......looks like serialmonkey way is the best bet13:33
smokeydanybody can tell me how I can boot the gutsy live cd into a text-only version?13:33
wrezwhen i do this command sudo apt-get install lamp-server it says it cant find lamp-server package why ?13:34
wrezim on a ubuntu-7.10-jeos-i38613:35
wrezanyone ?13:35
smokeydwrez: because the package does not exist13:35
robnwrez: because it doesnt exist?13:35
moveax1lamp = linux apache mysql php13:35
smokeydlamp means Linux Apache Mysel PHP13:35
dgjones!lamp | smokeyd13:35
ubotusmokeyd: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:35
smokeydso you should install Apache, Mysql and PHP13:35
bazhangreading the link wouldnt hurt either ;]13:36
wrezwell the strange thing is13:37
wrezi am doing this over a damn docu from ubuntu13:37
jtravnickanybody using a broadcom wireless?13:37
wrezand there it clearly says i should do it13:37
zackyramonecan anyone tell me how to activate direct rendering on an nvigida geforce4 card?13:38
NET||abuseI'm trying to print with pdfdriver, where do the pdf files go? Or how do I select this?13:41
dgjoneswrez, that install guide is for Ubuntu 8.04 "Ubuntu 8.04 Server Edition supports three (3) major architectures: Intel x86, AMD64, and Sparc. The table below lists recommended hardware specifications" thats possibly why - It might be a Hardy package13:41
zackyramonecan anyone tell me how to activate direct rendering on an nvigida geforce4 card?13:42
dgjonesjtravnick, i've got broadcom 4306 on this laptop, but I'm not in ubuntu at the minute, it works fine using the restricted drivers13:43
azhari zackyramone: have you installed the propietary driver?13:44
Wobbleygood day!13:44
jtravnickdgjones, whered you get the drivers ubuntu put the firmware in but still need the driver loaded13:45
mad_max02how to change cursor in ubuntu ?? I have a new cursor theme13:45
zackyramoneazhari:yes using envy13:46
dgjonesjtravnick, i have a wired connection as well, when I picked restricted drivers, it downloaded them automatically from the net13:46
nevilleHow come when I use the restricted driver manager, it always buggers something up, but when I used the unsupported Envy, it works just fine13:46
erUSUL!worksforme | neville13:47
ubotuneville: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:47
=== dj_move is now known as Dj_Move
azharizackyramone: you can check the direct rendering from glxinfo | grep rendering13:47
azharizackyramone: is it say yes?13:47
nevilleI never said works for me, I asked how come -_-v13:47
zackyramoneazhari: it says no and it tells me to find out why13:47
jtravnickdgjones, i also have hardwire but im not getting the driver maybe ill try unenableing it than reenable it13:47
OmSys_Hi i am having problem installing 7.1013:48
dgjonesjtravnick, that might work, could also depend on whether there's specific drivers for different broadcom chipsets available13:48
erUSULneville: quote "...when *I* use ...., it *works* just fine." XD13:49
LockeVendettahi, does anyone knows howto correctly configure a Genius Keyboard on linux?13:49
nevilleBe that as it may, don't twist it13:49
jtravnickdgjones, yea could be i got the airforce one and what ive found so far its going to fight me13:49
nevilleYou know exactly what I was asking13:49
Kate_minsHi, does Ubuntu have a amount limit of folders in same directory ? (i woule like to create 300,000 folders under same path) ?13:49
osfameronKate_mins: I think that's more an issue with the underlying filesystem13:50
Kate_minsosfameron: sorry i didnt understand .. i am new to Ubuntu, does it possible to create 300,000 folders in same location ?13:51
osfameronKate_mins: I think it might be a bad idea due to a) being slow to browse, which may or may not be an issue, and b) inode limits13:51
openroshelp me13:51
openros User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being saved.  File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions.  User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by others.13:52
openroshow to stop this error msg13:52
zackyramonewhen i run WoW from terminal it says that 3d accelaration was unable to start...can anyone help me?13:52
ngoatoI am having a problem with msttcorefonts. When I try and reinstall it it says: msttcorefonts: subprocess post-installation script returned exit status 1. Is this significant? If so what should I do now?13:52
openrosUser's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being saved.  File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions.  User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by others.13:53
openroshow to stop this error pls13:54
kane77how can I find my ip from command line? (something other than ifconfig)13:54
azharizackyramone: you can look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34521913:55
zackyramoneazhari: thanks13:55
AfroRowanhwilde, still got the problem13:55
openroswhen i give su command from my user13:56
openrosit says13:56
openrossetgid: Operation not permitted13:57
openroscan anybody help me13:57
martijnI dont know much about Ubuntu but i will give it a try13:58
openrosUser's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being saved.  File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions.  User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by others.13:59
openroshow to stop this error13:59
dgjonesopenros, Give other channel users a bit of time before repeating your question, there might not be anybody around at the minute who is able to help13:59
openrosya sure. i will wait14:00
nickthorleyis the awn software available for ubuntu and has anyone installed it14:00
azharinickthorley: yes, is it available14:01
martijnNickthotley: Go to install and remove. You will find a list with software14:02
nickthorleyazhari: do you have to install from source or is it available from the add remove software menu?14:02
martijn* install or Delete14:02
dgjonesnickthorley, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navigator-awn-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html I installed it using this guide on Gutsy14:02
openroscan anybody help me14:03
nickthorleydgjones: have you had a problems with it or any regrets?14:05
dgjonesnickthorley, i've had no problems with it, although I only use on occasion, I don't have it running all the time because my graphics card is only just capeable, so mine runs out of memory when I'm using more thana few apps14:06
TRWBWLoLLo: nice one, but have you seen the video of ubuntu with the better 3D interface than vista? http://shurl.org/Ubuntu3DBeta0.414:06
=== smokey1 is now known as SmokeyD
nickthorleydgjones: oh is it quite intensive then - I wanted to run on a laptop but maybe not the best plan14:07
tomd123lol TRWBW14:07
tomd123nickthorley: watch the video and see for yourself14:08
* tomd123 winks at TRWBW14:08
TRWBWtomd123: LoLLo felt a need to post an off-topic ubuntu crap in #math, just reciprocating.14:08
OmSys_hi i am having problem installing 7.1014:08
tomd123ask the question14:08
OmSys_i started installation the ubuntu bar loaded14:09
OmSys_after that it freezed14:09
OmSys_and the cd is stuck inside14:09
OmSys_i waited for about 1/2 an hour14:09
dgjonesnickthorley, my normal laptop is 8 years old, it only has 32mb of video ram so its able to use it with no problems generally, a newer laptop I use doesn't have any problems as that uses shares memory for the graphics card14:09
zackyramonewhen i run WoW from terminal it says that 3d accelaration was unable to start...can anyone help me?14:10
OmSys_when i pressed ctl+alt+del it gave msg XServer failed to work14:10
nickthorleydgjones: ok mine should be fine then - is it easy to switch off or does it replace the default gnome system14:10
OmSys_when i pressed ctl+alt+del it gave msg XServer failed to work14:10
OmSys_what to do???14:10
OmSys_pls help14:10
dgjonesnickthorley, as long as your desktop effects is switched on, its easy to use, you just start or stop the application as needed14:10
GuestHave a question about Ubuntu booting from a USB flash drive......14:10
tomd123omsys, choose safe graphics mode in the options menu in the beginning when the cd boots14:11
OmSys_yea i did14:11
robnOmSys_: are you using the livecd or the Alternate CD?14:11
OmSys_still it got stuck at the same place after displaying running script frm /etc/rc.script14:11
nickthorleydgjones: so do you have to logout after starting the app?14:11
OmSys_i m using ivecd14:11
jesscan anyone reccomend a good ubuntu vps provider?14:12
OmSys_i waited for around 1/2 an hour14:12
robnmight be worth trying the Alternate CD snce it doesnt rely on grafix to install.14:12
OmSys_still no progress14:12
zackyramonecan anyone help me get 3d aceleration working???14:12
dgjonesnickthorley, no, its just the same as any other app, start it, it runs, close it, its finished and exits14:12
nickthorleydgjones: i am unsure how it can start as an app when it replaces the whole menu bar at the bottom doesnt it?14:13
OmSys_ok i ll try using the alternate cd....ne advices on that btw?14:13
OmSys_i never used it b414:13
nickthorleyi thought you would have to select it was a different window system - gnome, kde, awn etc14:13
robnnot yet, just see how the install goes and then we might be able to edit your xorg settings through a console screen14:13
OmSys_i have a motherboard having 256mb inbuilt gfx is it causing trouble?14:14
robnalternate CD is fairly self explanatory, i personally prefer it to Livecd14:14
dgjonesnickthorley, not on mine, i think you have to set your menu bars not to show if you don't want them, I've left mine switched on, or set to autohide14:14
robnOmSys_: shouldnt do no, may just be identifying the grafix chip incorrectly and loading the wrong driver14:14
nickthorleydgjones@ oh ok so the awn just loads a new menu bar and then leaves you to sort out the old bars - i see - thanks14:15
=== playya__ is now known as playya
OmSys_dunno coz my i installed ubuntu in my previous system prety easily14:15
dgjonesnickthorley, yes, thats how mine is set up by default14:15
zackyramonecan anyone help me get 3d aceleration working???14:15
rhineheart_mhello... is samba server add loads to a LAN?14:16
nickthorleydgjones: thanks14:17
dgjonesnickthorley, no probs14:18
AnRkey_i just mounted an nfs share and I can't write to it14:18
AnRkey_I have checked the /etc/export file and it looks fine14:19
AnRkey_can anyone help me with this quick?14:19
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, What video card?14:21
simion314is it hard to convert a package from .rpm to .deb ? i want to use allien but i belive that i must make some changes because it will not work. I want to make mono package and monodevelop package,( for me )14:22
WeissAnRkey_: permissions on whatever you're trying to write to?14:22
dgjones!alien | simion31414:22
ubotusimion314: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)14:22
Jack_Sparrowsimion314, not advised14:22
AnRkey_on the server the shared dir has been set with 777 -R14:22
IndyGunFreaksimion314: as a general rule, alien is not a good idea.14:22
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: nvidia geforce 414:23
IndyGunFreaksimion314: what are you trying to install?14:23
Ricohi ppl14:23
AnRkey_Weiss, I had this issue with samba and it was a uid flag problem in my /etc/fstab14:23
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, WHat have you tried so far14:23
AnRkey_i tried that fix and nfs does not support the uid flag in /etc/fstab14:24
AnRkey_hi R14:24
Rico waz14:24
simion314IndyGunFreak mono and monodevelop, i want to learn about packaging but i want to use existing rpm  and not build all the code , so i thought that i can use allien and try to fix the problems that allien can cause14:25
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: well actually i havent tried anything apart from glxinfo | grep rendering14:25
IndyGunFreaksimion314: mono is in the repositories, as far as i know.14:25
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Are you running gutsy14:25
IndyGunFreak!info mono-common | simion31414:25
ubotusimion314: mono-common (source: mono): common files for Mono. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.4-6ubuntu6.1 (gutsy), package size 105 kB, installed size 720 kB14:25
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: yes14:26
nicolahpretty OT question: changing mac address will edit it for ever or until the reboot ? thanks14:26
simion314IndyGunFreak mono is in repositories but is old, the new verison is in repos for hardy heron but i do not found a way toget them from there14:27
beniaminois there a way to do an interactive startup, so that you can choose what gets started? this happens when you press 'i' on a red hat/fedora machine14:27
IndyGunFreaksimion314: do you know where the source packages are14:27
IndyGunFreakfor mono?14:27
simion314and i am losing a lot of time compiling and finding missing thing and downloading and compiling14:27
IndyGunFreaksimion314: open a terminal, and type "sudo apt-get build-dep mono" no quotes14:28
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: i donwloaded the driver using envy14:28
u007-1hi, anyone know how to launch a binary from the binary path?14:28
Dagakahow would I install fluxbox in ubuntu server for a GUI?14:28
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, envy is a terrible idea..14:29
simion314IndyGunFreak i do not know where the packages are, but i used hardy and the packages are there14:29
=== Zoom is now known as hlubocky
IndyGunFreaksimion314: so where are you getting the RPM?.. do they have a source package there?14:29
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: so should i download the driver from the repos?14:29
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, They are working on it.. but still not ready for general use14:29
beniaminocan anyone advise any other solutions for a machine which used to work fine, but now silently fails to boot? i've tried recovery mode, which just shows that the startup is stalling when loading the CD rom driver14:29
Dagakaor can I install the ubuntu server elements in a normal ubuntu install so I get the option to install LAMP, DNS, Mail Server etc?..14:29
simion314IndyGunFreak the rpm i get them from the official web sites and the source code is there14:30
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Did you try to enable restricted drivers from the pull down menus14:30
simion314if you refer at the tar archive14:30
IndyGunFreaksimion314: ok, like i said, download the official source code, opena  terminal, and "sudo apt-get build-dep mono" no quotes14:30
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: im going to...because it says that the package is broken14:30
IndyGunFreaksimion314: yes, the tar file.14:31
hlubockyI'm having an issue with my TV after upgrading to the newest version of Ubuntu. I was using Feisty I think and then I updated to Gutsy using the updater. I have the computer hooked up to my lcdtv. I turned off all screen savers and power saving features so that the display wouldn't turn off. It worked perfect. Now, after the update, I can boot the computer, watch my shows, etc, but when I leave it for a long period of time, I will come back to it and the dis14:31
IndyGunFreaksimion314: did you run that command14:32
pijuhow can i connect to huawei e220 modem ?14:32
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow:if i try to download the driver from repos it says that a lot of programs are going to be removed14:32
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Something odd there..  Are you sure you didnt run envy already14:33
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IndyGunFreakEnvy hoses another OS.. :(14:34
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Can you post your sources.list to the pastebin14:34
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: yes i already ran envy but i removed it14:34
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx14:34
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, It does not work that way..14:34
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, If it could just be removed.. we would not have a problem with people trying it..14:35
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: its kinda like taking a healthy crap, after you're done and flushed, there's still a bad odor14:35
=== smokey1 is now known as SmokeyD
mfolnovichhello, first I had arch, and my /home was on separate partition, now, I've deleted arch (but I've kept /home partition), and installed ubuntu, and I don't know how can I flag that partition, so ubuntu can use it as /home ?14:35
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, I suggest you restore from a backup prior to using envy14:35
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: so what should i do?14:35
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: how do i do that?14:35
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Did you make a backup14:36
erUSULmfolnovich: add it to /etc/fstab14:36
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: hmm..no :(14:36
simion314IndyGunFreak: i run the command and will install some packages, thx but i belive that will install old packages14:36
zippytech_can i shutdown ubuntu form command line14:37
robnzippytech_: sudo shutdown -h now14:37
dgjoneszippytech_, sudo shutdown -h now14:37
zippytech_not reboot but shutdown14:37
IndyGunFreaksimion314: no, its installing dependencies for mono(build-dep) in the repositories, mst likely, the new version of mono has the same dependencies... so install the dependencies, then download the source tar file from wherever you're getting it, and try to compile it again14:37
dgjoneszippytech_, the -h is a hard shutdown, if you use -r instead, that would reboot14:37
zippytech_i have 60 computers that i want to be able to shut off at night remotely14:37
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Live without 3d or a fresh install of ubuntu or you can try cloneing packages then fresh install and restore packages..  none are a good solution.. WHich again, is why we tell people not to use it14:38
zackyramoneohh crap14:38
mfolnovichanyone ?14:38
zackyramoneJack_Sparrow: i guess ill have to live without 3d and without WoW14:38
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: if you don't have a lot invested in your ubuntu install, its probably easiest to just re-install.14:39
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, Let me see if I have a page linked for seperate /home14:39
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: thats too much trouble to go through cause i've installed ubuntu like 15 times14:39
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome  is a basic how to14:39
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: then you should be good at it14:39
IndyGunFreakwhy have you installed so many times?14:40
* delcoyote hi14:40
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: :s14:40
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Maybe the NEXT time you get done with a basic install you will do a backup so you can get to your base install with a simple cli command14:40
nick_hey all i got a question it says desktop effects cant be enable14:40
mfolnovichJack_Sparrow: tnx14:41
Jack_Sparrownick_, Check on how your video card / drivers are installed14:41
IndyGunFreaknick_: you probably need to install your graphics drivers14:41
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, np14:41
nick_they are installed you think i should uninstall then reinstall?14:41
Jack_Sparrownick_, What card14:42
dgjonesnick_, which graphics card? sometimes you need to install xserver-xgl14:42
IndyGunFreaknick_: what card and how did you install them?14:42
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: hey, but if i install the proprietary driver of my card will 3d be enabled?14:42
danandzippytech_ - try clusterssh to allow easy management of all those machines14:42
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, not likely14:42
nick_nvidia 7300 gt14:42
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: i would think so, but i'm not 100% sure, what card again?14:42
nick_and the update which installed them14:42
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: nvidia geforce414:43
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, HE already used envy14:43
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: zackyramone  i was talking about after a clean install using the prop driver... at this point zackyramone  your system is likely hosed, you need to reinstall14:44
Skiessi!info nvidia-glx-legacy14:44
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: but after the reinstall, the prop driver, i would imagine, it would work fine14:44
ubotunvidia-glx-legacy (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7185+ (gutsy), package size 2993 kB, installed size 9780 kB14:44
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: but why is envy so bad cause the guys at #wine told me to use envy14:44
SkiessiI think there should be a better description14:45
IndyGunFreakSkiessi: which begs the question, why he used Envy in the first place14:45
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: well, the guys at wine aren't very bright apparentl14:45
Jack_Sparrowzackyramone, Asking Windows people for help with Ubuntu.. not the best choice14:45
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: Jack_Sparrow: yeah i guess so14:45
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: shouldn't he have jsut been able to enable that card in restricted driver?. its not very new.14:46
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: yeah but then WoW would crash just before it opens giving me a fatal error, but after i installed the driver from envy it didnt give me the same error14:47
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: and what led you to believe this was a driver error, and not a Wine error?14:47
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: :S i dunno14:48
mfolnovichhello, when I try to run e.g. gnome-session-properties, I get: Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified14:49
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: so if i install the driver from the repo it shopuld work after the clean install?14:49
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: again, one would think so.. what model geforce card is it14:49
karmagurlI will just read for now and ask my question when others are answered.14:49
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: geforce 4 mx something14:49
IndyGunFreakcuz i run a 7900 which isn't very new, but not very old, and it runs fine.14:50
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: in a terminal, "lspci" no quotes, and see how it identifies your video card14:50
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, Sorry had to do a honey-do..  Enabling restricted driver should be all that is needed.. but often people think there is something more when they look for performance under wine14:50
snarksterhi guys, im new gnome, is there a double pane filemanager that I can get, I need to move some files around14:50
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, 6600 here14:50
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: yep...  its calling a brain surgeon to clip your toenails14:51
karmagurlMy question is rather complicated....I'm trying to set up and run an internet radio station-- one already established.14:51
karmagurlhavent had any success with DarkIce/DarkSnow or MuSE14:51
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: a lot of words showed up i dunno what they mean14:51
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster, I open two file managers side by side.  I prefer Thunar.. but any will work14:51
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: look through there, and see how it identifies your video card.14:51
IndyGunFreakit shouldn't be that difficult to find14:51
snarksterah, and I need to do it as root cause its a protected folder.14:52
zackyramonenVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000] (rev c1) is this it?14:52
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster, Personally if I want gui file manager as root I gksudo thunar14:52
snarksterzackyramone: yup14:52
IndyGunFreaklooks like it14:53
snarksterthank you14:53
IndyGunFreakzackyramone: so yes, that card is fairly old, one would imagine that restricted driver should run it fine14:53
karmagurlIs there a simple way to set either up and make it work? (XMMS with Darksnow/DarkIce--using shoutcast?)14:53
IndyGunFreaksnarkster: or if you don't have thunar installed, gksudo nautilus14:53
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, But that is a legacy, low end.. setup14:54
jesscan someone provide me some information i can RTFM for trust relationships between an ubuntu machine and, say, FreeBSD?14:54
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ok... so what would be the better choice?  disable the restricted, and download the driver from nvidia?14:54
zackyramoneIndyGunFreak: Jack_Sparrow: thanks for the help guys im up for a new install :-/14:54
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster, Please use gksudo nautilus with EXTREME caution...14:54
snarksterJack_Sparrow: yes I will.. its my old user files.14:55
mfolnovichanyone ?14:55
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, I doubt he will get the 3d gaming under wine he is looking for with that card.14:55
snarksterIve been running kubuntu for awhile.. just wanted to try out the real thing14:55
karmagurlIs there a simple way to set up XMMS w/Darksnow/Darkice  with Shoutcast so I can broadcast to my internet radio station?14:55
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: that was gonna be my next suggestion, that card is likely underpowered to run WoW14:55
karmagurlIm running Ubuntu 7,0414:55
IndyGunFreakbut he left.14:55
IndyGunFreakoh well, he needs to reinstall after being envy'd anyways..lol14:55
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, What?14:56
jeka_edubuntu. what is this?14:56
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster, One sec14:56
mfolnovichJack_Sparrow: when I try to run e.g. gnome-session-properties, I get: Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified14:56
=== genii_ is now known as genii
dgjones!edubuntu | jeka_14:56
ubotujeka_: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org14:56
bloodanyone here that can help me out?14:57
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster, If you just want to try out gnome, why not just install a second wm on your existing install14:57
dgjones!ask | blood14:57
ubotublood: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:57
holodukeany programmers here?14:57
snarksternah the other had some networking issues.. i really like kde, but need to see them all before i make a final decision14:57
Jack_Sparrowholoduke, Try #Ubuntu-offtopic for that type of question14:57
karmagurlhrm guess no one knows that answer. interesting.14:58
bloodim using ubuntu on a laptop with a trendnet wireless. it works kinda but wont go over id say 30% signal str. and in windows i get 100% and in ubuntu the signal drops all the time14:58
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, no idea on that.. maybe provide more info about what you are trying to do14:58
jeka_xubuntu.org send free CD disks?14:58
bloodyes they do14:59
mfolnovichJack_Sparrow: I'm just trying to run gnome-session-properties xD14:59
Jack_Sparrowblood, Several cards have little support from the mfg for linux and use a generic workaround..14:59
bloodso am i screwed?14:59
mfolnovichJack_Sparrow: maybe I need to configure something, installed ubuntu couple hours ago ...14:59
karmagurlIm about ready to go back to windows if I cannot solve this problem soon. I need to be able to run my station.14:59
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, Are you trying to keep your old home or did you fromat it with the nesw install15:00
holodukewhat kind of problem do you have karmagurl?15:00
mfolnovichJack_sparrow: old home, but that has nothing to do with this ... :P15:00
karmagurlHoloduke, I will post it once again here. I am trying to run XMMS with Darksnow/Darkice w/Shoutcast to link up to my internet radio station -- streaming MP3s.15:00
karmagurlNo success in installation whatsoever.15:01
Jack_Sparrowmfolnovich, Glad you are so sure of that..  I couldn't be15:01
=== _weltall is now known as weltall
holodukehmm but what is exactly your problem. where does it fails?15:01
karmagurlHoloduke, Darksnow keeps asking for more packages, without end.15:01
karmagurllike we cannot find all its dependencies15:01
karmagurlafter 48  hours of screwing around with it, we finally gave up15:02
bloodjack, am i screwed?15:02
mfolnovichJack_Sparrow: I'm 100% sure, because I haven't mounted that partition as /home yet ... :P15:02
Jack_Sparrowmost of the time you can install most build dependencies through e.g.   sudo apt-get build-dep app15:03
holodukeso you are trying to set up a stream service15:03
karmagurlRight, I understand that- but it appears that Darksnow doesnt want to cooperate. and we have uninstalled - reinstalled it several times.15:03
snarksterthanx for your help Jack_Sparrow15:03
snarksterlater guys15:03
karmagurlholoduke, yes15:03
karmagurlHoloduke, yes I am attempting to stream my music to an already established station.15:04
karmagurlas I am Chief DJ15:04
holodukehmm and streamtuner?15:04
karmagurlworking with Shoutcast.15:05
karmagurlFirst time Ive had problems installing a program like this.15:05
Vegancheesesteakgood morning all. i think my harddrive on my ubuntu box may be failing...it is requesting i run fsck manually. should i use the ubuntu rescue disc or  something like the ultimate boot disc?15:06
Jack_Sparrowkarmagurl, Have you installed it in any other Debian based systems15:06
karmagurlJack, no this  is a first- my husband has been using Ubuntu for years, and even he cannot get it installed.15:06
stevecasperany1 know of some sites that have step by step guides on making awesome looking desktops..im using gutsy15:07
karmagurlwhich is why IM here15:07
Jack_SparrowVegancheesesteak, Livecd should be fine.. just make sure it is not mounted when you run it15:07
RoootyHi, will the ipod classics be fully supported on hardy heron?15:07
VegancheesesteakJack_Sparrow:  so just select rescue a broken system from the boot menu?15:08
typhoon07im trying to install a program netbeans, the download is a .sh file and according to the website it should bring up a gui installer but it wont run. any ideas?15:08
Jack_Sparrowkarmagurl, chasing dependencies for progrmas outside repos can be a problem.15:08
dgjonesRoooty, its probably worth asking in #ubuntu+1, thats the channel for queries about out, they're more likely to have an answer for you15:08
karmagurlJack, so Ive seen....ARGH!!!15:08
VegancheesesteakJack_Sparrow: i should also mention this is 6.06 lts server15:08
Jack_SparrowVegancheesesteak, start with livecd to a desktop and try fsck like you wanted to runin the first place15:08
Roootydgjones: Thanks15:08
malocitemorning!  Can someone take a look at this line from my FSTAB and tell me why this directory is not mounting on boot?: /home/malocite/elisa/videos/Series/editone/DONOTENTERsenfsrw0015:08
consfearacyubuntu suckz lol15:09
Jack_Sparrowconsfearacy, Please show a little class15:09
karmagurlJack, like I said, we chased dependencies for over 2 days and still no luck15:09
oxigenhi, i dont have 'Look and Feel' in Preferences, which .deb do i need to install?15:10
karmagurlso I guess its a no win situation with it. I hear it can be done, but I gather not by me *L*15:10
Jack_Sparrowkarmagurl,  but did you try to build dependencies through e.g.   sudo apt-get build-dep app15:10
karmagurlYes I did15:10
Jack_Sparrowkarmagurl, and?15:10
pfrobertshey. anyone having power management problems on Ubuntu 7.10?15:11
karmagurlstill wanted more dependencies15:11
rhineheart_mHello! I found this issue.. samba tends to slow down a network..15:11
karmagurlJack, we still ended up chasing more dependencies around15:11
pfrobertsmy (new) battery gets only 10mins of runtime.15:12
karmagurlouch PFrobers15:12
malocitepfroberts: I would expect a little better battery life than that :)15:12
karmagurlJack, I will try again today, uninstall it all and reinstall it again and see what happens, but it appears something just isnt working correctly here.15:13
pfrobertsyeah. i've heard about acpi problems...anyone know how to fix them??15:13
karmagurlJack, mostly it has to do with the LAME libs....grrrrrrr it doesn't want to recognize them even though they are installed.15:13
malocitemorning!  Can someone take a look at this line from my FSTAB and tell me why this directory is not mounting on boot?: /home/malocite/elisa/videos/Series/editone/DONOTENTERsenfsrw0015:13
Jack_Sparrowoxigen, Look and Feel? I dont have that option, where did you see that one15:13
RoootyHi, anyone know why GTK pod works with my ipod classic and Amarok does not?15:13
karmagurlJack, Ill try again and see what happens. Thank you kindly for your time and trouble.15:14
stanis_shhi all15:14
iDivineI downloaded some movies, And they worked fine yesterday. But now, they're in black and white. What happened and how can I fix it?...15:14
Jack_Sparrowkarmagurl, Sorry, cant help with that...  Talk with the people that provide the software you want to use. see what linux they do support15:14
oxigenJack_Sparrow: fedora/gnome :)15:15
karmagurlJack, you tried, and I thank you. You can't do more than that. :)15:15
karmagurland I will take your advice.15:15
thirdyis there any quick setting to adjust Gnome's performance optimum?15:15
kushykushHello, new ubuntu user. just installed ubuntu. do not have audio. when Ubuntu starts there is audio but when I play CD no audio. could someone direct me to the right instructions?15:15
_Oz_karmagurl: Jack Spar-- sorry, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow -- is the best.15:16
Jack_Sparrowoxigen, So not in ubuntu's.. What are you trying to do so I can help direct you15:16
stevecasperis there a big difference between ubuntu and xubuntu?15:16
malocitekushykush: Can you play wav files, mp3s etc?  Just not cds?15:16
karmagurlOZ, yes, Jack tried hard to help and Im thankful :)15:16
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_, Morning...15:16
kushykushno audio mal15:16
malocitestevecasper: Xubuntu uses Xfce instead of gnome, its more for low power machines, or people that don't want gnome15:16
oxigenJack_Sparrow: i would like to disable compiz permanently15:16
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: howdy! is there a document which explains what all the junk in /etc/fstab means?15:16
karmagurlheh I even managed to get my USB headphones working, so Im not TOO bad at Ubuntu ;)15:17
TheMafiaIs there a way I can upgrade to evolution bleeding edge without building from src?15:17
Fruspkushykush: analog audio cable from cd palyer to audio card could be missing15:17
KRF_Oz_, man fstab15:17
malocitekushykush: But you hear the audio file play when you login?15:17
Jack_Sparrowoxigen, system  pref  apearance  visual effects15:17
stevecaspermalocite: thanks, ill prob stick to ubuntu then15:17
oxigenJack_Sparrow: ah, thanks!15:17
_Oz_krf: heh. I've seen that.  I need the newbie explanation of CONCEPTUALLY what's going on in the linux file structure.15:17
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_, man fstab15:18
malocitestevecasper: Yeah, I have a machine running mythbuntu (ubuntu optimised for mythtv) and it uses xfce, I don't really like it, but its all I need for that box :)15:18
kushykushFrusp. i have a Asus Sata DVD player that analog cable is not required.  it works fine under Windows15:18
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: it doesn't really explain what anything MEANS.15:18
karmagurlIm still a noob when it comes to Ubuntu.15:18
KRF_Oz_, google fstab :/15:18
karmagurlbut Im tryin hard15:18
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: I'm looking for a nicely written article that says, basically "New to Linux from Windows?  Here's what everything means w/r/t the file structure and how things are mounted, etc."15:18
geirha_Oz_: complement with man mount15:18
iDivineI downloaded some movies, And they worked fine yesterday. But now, they're in black and white. What happened and how can I fix it?...15:18
malociteJack_Sparrow: Hey, can you tell me if I have a typo in this fstab line? /home/malocite/elisa/videos/Series/editone/DONOTENTERsenfsrw0015:18
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_, Ask a more specific question...15:18
theLichKingi wants to be unbanned from here please15:19
_Oz_iDivine: ah, yes, the "Wizard of Oz" syndrome.  Terrible.15:19
Lartza_what would be a good animating program?15:19
malociteJack_Sparrow: It doesn't mount on bootup but I can do a sudo mount and make it work15:19
iDivine_Oz_, How do I solve it?...15:19
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: for example, I want to know why certain devices are named hdc1/hdc2 and others are hda1, etc15:19
Jack_Sparrowmalocite, no idea15:19
Lartza_and is there program like pivot stickfigure animator?15:19
VegancheesesteakJack_Sparrow: what arguements should i use with fsck?15:19
malociteJack_Sparrow: Looks clean to you?15:19
_Oz_iDivine: which player are you using, and which version of ubuntu?15:20
malociteJack_Sparrow: Oh well :)15:20
iDivine_Oz_, Totem, And Gutsy.15:20
_Oz_iDivine: you might want to try mPlayer15:20
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_, hda1  a is 1st drive  hdb3 b is second drive  the numbers at the end are partitions on that drive15:20
Lartza_how can i play mpg on mplayer?15:20
kushykushwhy is an audio driver so difficult to install in Ubuntu gutsy15:20
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: ahhhhh15:20
iDivine_Oz_, So, Should I log out an in and see if they back in color?...15:20
_Oz_Jack_Sparrow: if only Windows would use such a simple system!15:20
_Oz_iDivine: if you haven't tried that yet, sure15:21
iDivine_Oz_, Or go with mPlayer.15:21
_Oz_iDivine: yes15:21
Fruspkushykush: cd audio can be played by dump/play digital data or directlu from cdplayer dac via analog cable15:21
iDivine_Oz_, , K*15:21
Jack_Sparrowkushykush, NOt that hard.  Easy enough to compile new alsa when you need it..  (Use ver 15 not 16)15:21
Lartza_how can i play mpg on mplayer?15:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:21
Fruspkushykush: you driver looks good, you say wav sounds play15:21
hudyjest tu jakis polak?15:22
karmagurlthank you Jack and OZ..take care and have a terrific Monday! Peace out! ;)15:22
Jack_Sparrowyou too15:22
kushykushi tried it recognizes my sound card but i have no audio , right now nothing is playing (no audio)15:22
hudyI have problem with ATI drivers on ubuntu 7.1015:22
hudyeveryone can help me??15:22
Jack_Sparrowhudy, please keep your questions on one line15:22
_Oz_Farewell, karmagurl, and may the force be with you15:23
Jack_Sparrowkushykush, recompile alsa  see our sound help page or the #alsa room15:23
Jack_Sparrowhudy, What video card?15:23
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:24
dgjonesJack_Sparrow, they've quit/left15:24
SoulsublimeCan I post screenshots of my problem?15:24
SoulsublimeI've got 415:25
Frusponly if they contain naked wimen15:25
SoulsublimeI wish they did15:25
FinnishHello. Is anyone using Emesene-messenger here?15:25
ubotuIn place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!15:25
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, Please provide description as well as a linkl15:26
Soulsublimehttp://localhostr.com/files/11e754/PICT0281+Large.JPG , http://localhostr.com/files/bd31fc/PICT0276+Large.JPG , http://localhostr.com/files/676fed/PICT0277+Large.JPG , http://localhostr.com/files/55a58f/PICT0279+Large.JPG15:26
FinnishI can't send or receive messages in Emesene, it crashes right away15:26
SoulsublimeWell, so far, I've been unable to boot up any distro15:26
PriceChild!guidelines > Frusp15:26
SoulsublimeError messages are the same15:26
RoootyHi whats a good .mp3 renamer to get rid of unreadable (i.e. german) characters in filenames automatically?15:28
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, at start or install  hit F6   then try a few command line modifiers...  like noapic  acpi=off  before the --   and remove splash and quiet from the boot line.15:28
Lartza_is mplayer more lightweight than totem?15:28
stanis_shLartza sure thing15:28
Lartza_what about vlc vs mplayer?15:28
SoulsublimeJack_Sparrow, I've tried noapic and nolapic as well as acpi=off, and it didnt help15:29
SoulsublimeI cant recall which, but one of those messages is with those lines15:29
Soulsublimei mean photos15:29
Lartza_is vlc more lightweight than mplayer?15:29
stanis_shLartza_: I'm using vlc because it works nice.15:29
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable   are several options that I have seen used15:30
MezRoooty, I can't think of a program speficically for that straight away, but amarok's "Organise media" functuon does it quite nicely well15:30
stanis_shThey're equal in resources15:30
Lartza_is there program to stream video with vlc (like totem-mozilla and mozilla-mplayer)15:30
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, HAve you tried the alternate text cd15:30
SoulsublimeI believe I did15:30
RoootyMez: Thanks, as long as it doesn't bugger up my directory structure like iTunes does15:30
SoulsublimeI've tried 9 different distros overall15:31
SoulsublimeNone of which booted15:31
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, I suggest you provide more info on your hardware....15:31
Lartza_Rooty: iTunes only rearranges folders if you tell it to15:31
Lartza_is there program to stream video with vlc (like totem-mozilla and mozilla-mplayer)?15:31
SoulsublimeLet me put it in as much detail as I can15:31
dgjonesRoooty, you could try Easytag, its not fully automatic, but you can use it to rename based on the mp3's id tag by selecting all the files in a folder etc15:31
Roootydgjones: Thanks, problem is the tags have funny characters in them, so the names do too, that's my situation right now.15:32
geirhaSoulsublime: Have you run a memory test?15:32
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, mostly motherboard and video...  info on any non standard keyboards or mice like bluetooth etc15:32
dgjonesRoooty, right I can see how that will make Easytag a non-starter for you15:33
Jack_Sparrowgeirha, good point15:33
Soulsublimegeirha, I have15:33
MezRoooty, it has options for you to decide... but then I keep my music organised in a specific way anyway, and have had it setup to organise that way in ages15:33
Mezfor ages *15:33
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, how much ram15:33
fevelanyone get avant dock working on ubuntu gutsy?15:33
fevelDo I need to install beryll?15:33
=== cosmodad_ is now known as cosmodad
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz15:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:34
stanis_sh Lartza_: dunno I'm watching iptv using standalone vlc15:34
RoootyMez: me too, but I just discovered this new problem to an otherwise virtually perfect structure15:34
Lartza_found mozilla-plugin-vlc15:34
SoulsublimeInfo here: http://localhostr.com/files/4d21bc/cpuz.htm15:35
MezRoooty, you can tell amarok EXACTLY how you want it structuire15:35
Lartza_i like vlc because you dont need to mees with codecs15:35
Lartza_is there any other dc client for linux than LinuxDC++?15:35
Lartza_it crashes when more than 1 hub open15:35
PriceChildLartza_: legality is a bigger issue for some people though I'm afraid.15:36
RoootyMez: I'll look into amarok, i hadn't realized that it could do that (as well). I swear by The Amarok, or did till a few days ago when I brought an iPod Classic. Now I've finnaly got something to work with my ipod: GTKPod, not that I want to swtich by anymeans15:36
Lartza_it legal when you use it legally15:36
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, I am not a fan of msi, but nothing I see in there should be an issue15:37
VanuatooIs it normal that ubuntu livecd 7.10 loads on a PC that has 512mb RAM for more than 15 minutes?15:38
Lartza_Vanuatoo: No15:38
hwildeVanuatoo, check the cd for errors?15:38
Lartza_I have 256mb and loads faster, 128mb doenst load15:39
dgjones!ot | LoLLo,15:39
ubotuLoLLo,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:39
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, THe livecd does not boot at all.. none of them.. 9 different distros?  NO odd keyboards, cards or bluetooth stuff15:39
SoulsublimeJack_Sparrow, I've contacted them and they said that the MB should be working fine with linux15:39
SoulsublimeNope, nothing Jack15:39
Soulsublimepretty much standart HW15:40
SoulsublimeGPU is eVGA 7900 GS15:40
Soulsublimepardon my English15:40
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, Pardon my typos  ..:)15:41
thirdyhow do I define a template? (Create New Document -> No Templates Defined)15:41
SoulsublimeBut I dont think it could be the GPU either, it refused to work even back when I had my x30015:41
SoulsublimeAnyways, going to eat some dinner, be back in 1515:42
=== purity is now known as purity^
khalidHi people15:42
ubuntufreakI installed Debian 4.0 and then Ubuntu 7.10 with a separate 100mb for /boot, but the grub doesn't show the entry for Debian, how do i correct it15:42
Codenut_good morning all15:42
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, I have no idea, I am sure I have installed on that hardware before..  or very close to it.  I would turn off the usb and power management in the bios and try it agin..  but that is just shooting in the dark15:42
AntkinI'm back on after this mornings ban, you cannot keep a good guy down15:42
Lartza_Codenut, good evening15:42
Codenut_How do I become root in the GUI to install Xplane.zip?15:42
Codenut_Hi, Lartza15:43
PriceChild!ot > Antkin (Please read this and the rest of the guidelines if needed)15:43
hwildeAntkin is still getting banned?  wow he is persistent :/15:43
Lartza_Codenut: su15:43
Lartza_or use sudo15:43
hwilde!sudo | Codenut_15:43
Codenut_How do I su in a gui?15:43
ubotuCodenut_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:43
jpatrickCodenut_: sudo -s15:43
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:43
Lartza_Codenut: no way15:43
Lartza_never just use sudo?15:44
Lartza_i use it all the time :S15:44
Codenut_Boy, do I have a lot to learn!!!15:44
Lartza_Codenut: Propably :D15:44
Lartza_I have reainstalled Ubuntu twice15:45
=== dent-42 is now known as bobby55
Codenut_Gotta get going TTFN15:45
Jack_SparrowLartza_, MAy I suggest a backup before you tweek it too much.15:45
Codenut_Jeep needs oil changed.15:45
Lartza_I dont care much15:45
Jack_SparrowLartza_, I use tar command from cli to do mine.15:45
Lartza_i have a livecd and an ipod to backup15:46
kerberos-jenahey there,15:46
Jack_SparrowLartza_, tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found  --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media --exclude=/root/.Trash -- /    as one example15:47
AntkinHelle All I'm back again15:47
Lartza_Jack Sparrow: I have only couple folders to backup15:47
kerberos-jenaubuntu rulez, but i never tried ubuntu as a server os15:47
Lartza_Always is the redownload still15:48
coveruphi all. my wireless has just stopped working in feisty after months and months of great compatibility.  i didn't update anything.  it seems to trouble comes when i try to obtain an ip from the router.  last night restarting avahi helped but now i can't get anything to work.  are there some caches or something i could clean out?15:48
Lartza_kerberos-jen:It's pretty easy to set-up a server15:48
Lartza_coverup: broken modem or wlan adapter?15:48
coverupseems like it has happened after bittornado hangs my system15:48
PriceChildAntkin: to be polite... everyone sees your join message. There is no need to tell us you are back :)15:49
Lartza_PriceChild: He already left :)15:49
coverupLartza_: I'm on wireless on this pc.  No router troubles :)15:49
Lartza_coverup: Oh you dont have wireless modem on your on where to connect15:49
Lartza_coverup: broken wlan adapter then?15:50
smrik`Hello, I'd like to install ubuntu without using a cd drive, i've read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux but after booting up the line "kjournald starting." appears multiple times(kernel and initrd load up fine, extracted from iso to a fat32 partition), and i get thrown into a busy box terminal. Trying to mount -o loop -t squashfs the image in casper/ and trying to chroot into it freezes the laptop completely... Any15:50
smrik`one could hint me what I'm doing wrong?(Sorry for the long message)15:50
coverupLartza_: unlikely, it's been sitting on my desk and not moving - it happens after bittorrent hangs the system and i have to hard reboot15:50
coverupthen it is next to impossible to get wireless working15:51
Lartza_coverup: Then I don't have idea :P15:51
ubuntufreakProblem with GRUB in Ubuntu 7.10 as it doesn't detect Debian 4.0, help needed15:51
dundelsmrik: you could also try to over the network > PXE15:51
AntkinHello all15:51
LjL!hi | Antkin15:52
ubotuAntkin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:52
AntkinLjl Hello15:52
coverupAre there caches or temp files that are normally flushed on shutdown that i missed out on?15:52
LjLAntkin: that was a subtle hint to stop greeting every time you join. [16:49:00] <PriceChild> Antkin: to be polite... everyone sees your join message. There is no need to tell us you are back :)15:53
Jack_SparrowSubtle isnt working15:53
smrik`dundel: I don't have a spare pc to put dhcpd/tftpd on right now15:53
SoulsublimeJack_Sparrow, I'll try that out a bit later15:54
dundelsmrik: ohw, hmm sorry i can't help you15:54
smrik`Could anyone suggest even the direction to look for? what could cause chroot to squashfs halt the pc?15:54
Jack_SparrowSoulsublime, good luck..15:55
SoulsublimeBecause its driving me mad15:55
ubuntufreakI installed Debian 4.0 with a separate /boot partition and then Ubuntu 7.10, but my GRUB detects only Ubuntu and not Debian, help needed15:55
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joeytwiddlesmrik`, sounds broken, maybe you can try a different ("more stable") release15:55
der|kunstlerHi, how can I see my processor speed in ubuntu ?15:55
joeytwiddleder|kunstler, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:56
antilpnsome one know if it is possible to: ssh -R 21:*:21 user@host ?15:56
erUSULder|kunstler: cat /proc/cpuinfo ? cpufreq applet?15:56
SarahGreetings. I'm having some trouble burning dvds. Whether I use the GUI tool or run growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdd=myIsoFile.iso -- the system will just stand and wait for a bit, then growisofs utilizes all cpu for a minute, and then it ends. The DVD does not appear to have had its content changed at all.15:56
der|kunstlerjoeytwiddle, erUSUL thanks guys :)15:56
joeytwiddleantilpn, my man page says yes15:57
dundelsmrik: http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f7/en_US/sn-installing-from-harddrive.html it must be similar to ubuntu15:57
der|kunstlerwhere can I see the Ghz15:57
bastid_raZorubuntufreak; try update-grub and see if that found the other install. that should have an effect on your menu.lst15:57
erUSULSarah: why do you use -dvd-compat to burn a iso file?15:57
antilpnjoeytwiddle, are you shoure the "*" is workin15:57
SaraherUSUL: I shouldn't?15:57
joeytwiddleno0tic, sorry antilpn, my manpage says something different from what i thought i read15:58
nbkrder|kunstler, Try cat /proc/cpuinfo15:58
joeytwiddleoh damn nick completion!15:58
stanis_shwhat is the way to convert html -> rtf?15:58
no0ticjoeytwiddle, eheh :)15:58
erUSULSarah: -dvd-compat is for DVD video disks afaik... anyway can you see anything wrong on the logs /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ?15:58
nbkrstanis_sh, Try OpenOffice Writer.15:58
antilpnjoeytwiddle, ok15:58
stanis_shIt can't open the page.15:59
SaraherUSUL: I'll check, hang on15:59
der|kunstlernbkr, yeah, did... I got it thanks, but the thing is... I have a QuadCore running @ 2.4 each core, I enabled speedstep and now I'm running all of them at 600Mhz, heh15:59
joeytwiddleit says you can use "*" in the bind_address, but nothing about the host =/15:59
ubuntufreakbastid_raZor: did that but the menu.lst doesn't change15:59
joeytwiddlethe problem is with your "*", how will it know which host to connect to?!15:59
der|kunstlerit's being underclocked15:59
mavi-der|kunstler: they increase when its needed15:59
mavi-der|kunstler: thats what speedstep is15:59
der|kunstlermavi-, thank god, since I was getting worried at idle temps at 44C, now it's at 36C15:59
der|kunstlermavi-, it's safe for the processor right ?15:59
der|kunstlermavi-, and I suppose that's the purpose of the CPUFreq applet16:00
joeytwiddleantilpn: maybe you just want -R 21:localhost:2116:00
nbkrstanis_sh, Did you try to open the file from the disk or directly from the web?16:00
SaraherUSUL: Lots of16:00
SaraherUSUL: ide and hdd errors that I don't understand16:00
stanis_shnbkr from the disk16:00
erUSULSarah: search from the end backwards16:00
bluevapourHey guys, im looking for something light that will give me a text based display of my system performance hdd info etc on the desktop?16:00
antilpnjoeytwiddle, a remote forward at the momen i can only get it to an then no other computer in the network can connect16:00
erUSULSarah: can you post a sample on a pastebin?16:00
der|kunstlermavi-, I'll do a render in maya/mental ray to see how it goes on full load16:01
nbkrstanis_sh, Any errormessages?16:01
bluevapourAnyone able to recommend me something16:01
ubotuIn place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!16:01
AntkinUSUL hello16:01
SaraherUSUL: Yes, hang on16:01
ubuntufreakbastid_raZor:here is the update-grub output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58258/16:01
nbkrbluevapour, There is a gnome-applet that does this. Superkaramba could also be a solution.16:01
susa_nillahola buenas16:02
bluevapourOk ill look into it, thanks buddy16:02
stanis_shnbkr: no. the word proccesser hangs.16:02
Netfeedhow can i check which fonts that is installed by default with ubuntu16:02
joeytwiddleantilpn: what do you actually want to do?16:02
nbkrstanis_sh, Try it from the console: "oowriter htmlfile.html" and see what output you get on the console.16:02
joeytwiddlessh can only forward ports, it can't make a virtual network for you ;)16:02
bluevapourAhh, im looking for one that isnt really dependant on KDE or GNOME?16:02
SaraherUSUL: http://pastebin.com/m213e219b16:02
mrhhi all16:02
rinaldi_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4446113#post4446113 can anyone help me?16:03
Antkinmrh Hello16:03
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mrhHi Antkin16:03
stanis_sh  nbkr: well, it opens it as a plain text :)16:03
mrhSay, silliest question ever,16:03
smrik`joeytwiddle: any recommendations for a more "stable" version I thought gutsy iso is stable already, isn't it so?16:03
nbkrbluevapour, Hm, don't know anything that independent, but a combination of cron, imagemagick and a custom background image could do the trick.16:04
mrhHow do I open an application from the command line? I have looked in several sources16:04
Antkinmrh  Do you have a question or problem today?16:04
mrhAntkin yes I do16:04
smrik`Running the harddrive in qemu shows hlt flag set to 1 when chrooting to squashfs partition =\16:04
der|kunstlermavi-, I'm wondering... all 4 cores are 100% now and the CPUFreq states 900 Mhz... is it the CPU Multiplier ?16:04
joeytwiddlesry i don't know, it was just an idea ;)16:04
nbkrstanis_sh, Plaintext with formatation, right?16:04
mrhAntkin How do I open an application from the command line? I have looked in several sources16:04
antilpnjoeytwiddle, ftpserver that can´t have incoming-c -> router (whith ssh -r) -> and a client connect to this port that is forwarded to router16:05
Antkinmrh Please give as much detail as you can we will try to help you todayl16:05
neverbluemrh, which application?16:05
joeytwiddleantilpn: and you say it works, but only once?16:05
mrhAntkin clamav16:05
stanis_shnbkr: with the tags :) I can open it like this in emacs :) but I need to convert its presentation, not the mark-up16:05
joeytwiddlei tried port-forwarding ftp once, but got very stuck16:05
mrhneverblue clamav16:05
joeytwiddleapparently ftp likes to open up other ports!16:05
PriceChildmrh: type in clamav and press enter?16:05
Antkinmrh I use Clamav16:05
joeytwiddle(unless you use it in a certain mode)16:05
SaraherUSUL: Make any sense to you? =/16:06
mrhPriceChild just type in clamav16:06
antilpnjoeytwiddle, no i can only forward to the routers and then i cant connect from other computers16:06
mrhPriceChild ?16:06
VeganCheesesteakmy on going harddrive saga....   is there anyway to unmount a drive in a usb enclosure so i can fsck it?  when i unmount the drive it isnt accessable in /dev....16:07
mrhPriceChild I just tried that16:07
neverbluemrh, did you install it?16:07
mrhneverblue yes I did16:07
joeytwiddlei fear you won't manage it with port forwarding, unless you forward *all* ports FTP might use16:07
SoulsublimeI've found someone with a similar problem to mine16:07
antilpnjoeytwiddle, ok16:07
neverbluemrh, how? using symatec/apt-get/aptitude, or from source or something odd?16:07
mrhneverblue I did it through the update utility16:08
neverbluemrh, i am unaware of what you mean by update utility, as its not an update, if your installing it16:08
stevecasperis there a way to install exe files with ubuntu?16:09
LjL!wine > stevecasper    (stevecasper, see the private message from Ubotu)16:09
mrhneverblue I installed it before through the add/remove then uninstalled it using same16:09
neverbluemrh, so it is 'uninstalled' then?16:09
rinaldi_hi im having problems with playing videos, can anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4446113#post444611316:09
mrhneverblue then it was on the update utility16:09
stevecasperis wine hard to use..im scared16:10
mrhneverblue I thought it was, but it was not16:10
neverbluestevecasper, it takes some reading, what are you trying to install ?16:10
erUSULSarah: just reading... no not mauch sense maybe a kernel bug or faulty hardware...16:10
tocmo0nlordcan someone send me the r8187.ko driver in  /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl818x ?16:10
neverbluemrh, does 'man clamav' give you the help file ?16:10
LjLstevecasper, why do you want to run Windows programs, for a start? certainly, it's harder than just running them in Windows, many times.16:10
Tucksedogood morning all16:10
SaraherUSUL: Pretty sure I can rule out faulty hardware, I was able to burn without a hitch from gentoo livecd.16:10
SaraherUSUL: Kernel bug sounds more likely16:10
mrhneverblue one sec16:10
jamesrdornAnyone happen to be in the boston, ma area and get the Boston Globe?16:10
stevecasperstudying psychology....need this cd they gave me to work16:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:11
mrhneverblue no it does not16:11
neverbluemsh, there is a #clamav channel here on Freenode...16:11
neverbluemrh, http://wiki.clamav.net/Main/WebHome <<-- you may want to read the documentation on how to use it, located here16:12
mrhneverblue ok, I will look there, thanks, I figured just the command for opening it from the cmd line16:12
nzvipHow can I make my /proc/acpi/video/whatever/brightness supported?  Despite the fact that all my four "brightness" files respond "<unsupported>".  Does this have anything to do with which graphics card I am using?16:12
LjLmrh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV16:12
nzvipI am using a Intel Graphics Card btw.16:12
mrhLjL thanks16:12
vallhalla81hi all i am having trouble with open movie editor on ubuntu 7.10 can any one help?16:12
mrhThanks everyone - bye16:13
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booster_can someone tell me were i can find a source list for 7.10 gusty ???16:13
AntkinTucksedo hello16:13
neverbluemrh, seems you want to do: clamscan16:13
erUSULSarah: you can try another kernel maybe the hardy one (dl the deb from packages.ubuntu.com) ¿??16:14
LjLAntkin: tucksedo left 4 minutes ago.16:14
neverbluemrh, then use 'man clamscan' for reference16:14
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:14
mithuI am mithu, from Pisa, Italy16:14
LanceHaigIs ther a way to use apt-get to reset a dapper server to a default install?16:14
Antkinmithu Hello16:14
mithuI cant say Italiano16:15
SaraherUSUL: Yes, I think I'll give that a spin, thank you16:15
mithuI can understand English16:15
Crysiswhat is cloning MAC ?16:15
neverblueLanceHaig, so that every package undos... I dont think so16:15
LjLmithu: then feel freel to ask your question16:15
Antkinmithu I am English16:15
rabiddachshundI want to be able to share my hdd over my network. Would I use Samba for that?16:15
neverbluerabiddachshund, or nfs (network file share)16:16
LanceHaignot good16:16
mithuNo, How I install yahoo messenger to Linux version16:16
neverbluemithu, i would recommend pidgin16:16
vallhalla81mithu: use pidgin16:16
rabiddachshundneverblue: is there a package in synaptic that will configure it for me?16:16
booster_pidgin is noce16:16
neverbluerabiddachshund, http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/16:16
vallhalla81hi all i am having trouble with open movie editor on ubuntu 7.10 can any one help?16:16
mithuYes, I have Pidgin, but I am newuser for linux16:16
mithuThanks for your advise16:17
LjLmithu, i think the default Ubuntu IM client (Pidgin) supports Yahoo. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin16:17
vallhalla81mithu: just add user select msn and put the usual details in16:17
mithuokay, thanks16:17
booster_is there a repository for just games...????.....i need one for gusty16:18
mterwoordhi everybody16:18
mterwoordi have a question about jeos: how many ram is it able to address?16:18
bastid_raZor!games > booster_16:19
mithuExcuse me, can I chat to my yahoo partnets from Pidgin?16:19
surajHow can i monitor my system changes after i install a binary?16:19
booster_mithu yes....you just have to add your yahoo account16:19
VeganCheesesteakFile system question... I have an IDE drive in an external usb enclosure. I need to run fsck on it but when i unmount it, it is no longer accessible in /dev. Is there a way around this?16:19
mithuokay, thanks16:19
mithuI am just trying to check from Pidgin16:19
Thingymebobvallhalla81: I had alsorts of issues with open movie editor - a lot of its to do with your ffmpeg support. I switched to cinelerra Community version in the end. Its not in any repos though16:20
booster_there is no voice and cam for pidgin yet16:20
AntkinLjL Why didn't someone respond to tucksedo, He she just gave up and left. I have been asked not to great people. Yet this is one that got away16:20
Gothfuncis there a way of finding out what the value of the mouse buttons i'm pressing are?  i'm trying to configure my buttons and wheel etc. but something's not right.16:20
mithuohh, okay, no voice from Pidgin16:20
neverbluefor voice, I would suggest Skype or kopete16:20
vallhalla81Thingymebob: do you have a link please?16:20
iDivineI'm trying to remove some plugins from, /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, but it says I don't have permission to do so. I am Root.16:20
chris062689Your going to have to pay someone a lot of people to have someone a LOT of money to make a video / voice plugin.16:21
booster_mithu you wont find a good client to use voice and cam in linix...16:21
danandVeganCheesesteak - can i just ask why you need the /dev entry to remain after you unmount the device?16:21
LjLAntkin, life goes on, and once again, you're offtopic. last warning.16:21
chris062689she let.16:21
neverblueiDivine, is firefox open and running?16:21
smartfaceHi, I've downloaded package "torrentflux". I can access the webui, but I can't find the files, where are they located16:21
iDivineneverblue, Yes  =\, Close?16:21
AntkinLjl do you want to post in a private channel?16:22
neverblueiDivine, well, its using the files your attempting to delete (not sure why your manually removing them)16:22
iDivineneverblue, Still says I dont have permission.16:22
surajIs there some kind of "system changes monitoring tool" ? I need to detect what changes are made by a binary installer.16:22
VeganCheesesteakdanand: i want to run fsck on the drive... is there another way?16:22
vallhalla81Thingymebob: thank you16:22
neverblueiDivine, have you used pastebin before?16:22
neverblue!pastebin | iDivine16:22
iDivineneverblue, Well, I'm trying to remove the totem plugins. And yes I have,why?...16:22
ubotuiDivine: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:22
LjLAntkin, you already know what's the right channel for this sort of issues.16:22
neverblueiDivine, mind posting your command line commands/errors ?16:23
iDivine"Cannot move "/usr/lib/moz...p-plugin.so" to the trash because you do not have permissions to change it or its parent folder."16:23
AntkinYes I do will you meet me there now?16:23
danandVeganCheesesteak - sorry - i get what you mean now... i misread your original post.16:23
G1015Anyone here use truecrypt?16:23
neverblueiDivine, remove entirely? or do you want to substitute it for something else (totem) ?16:23
prashanthow to use myth tv16:23
VeganCheesesteakdanand: is it possible? or am i wasting time?16:24
iDivineneverblue, I'm just trying to remove them.16:24
prashanthow to use myth tv16:24
neverblueiDivine, awaiting your pastebin URL16:24
danandVeganCheesesteak - i'm not too sure. i should imagine its possible.16:24
rinaldi_prashant: try #mythtv-users16:24
BryanI seem to be having a problem with the nvidia restricted driver.16:24
surajIs is possible to detect changes after installing a binary?16:25
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iDivineneverblue, http://pastebin.com/m24b1505916:25
AdvoWorkhi there, ive just tested one of my scheduled cron jobs in webmin, and its done some, but come up with an error: /home/mylink probably not smb-filesystem  any ideas about that?16:25
BryanEverytime I install it, my laptop goes crazy, and forgets my screen resoultion, and when I click on the restricted hardware manager it says that it (the restricted river) isn't in use. Anyone got any ideas?16:25
smartfaceIs there a way I can see what's taking up space on my hard drive from the terminal?16:25
rinaldi_prashant: do "/join #mythtv users"16:25
rinaldi_sorry, #mythtv-users16:26
xifHow can I expand Stuffit (.sit) archives in Gutsy?16:26
joeytwiddlesmartface: i use du -sk * | sort -n -k 116:27
joeytwiddleyou might want to add .* too, in case your firefox cache got huge ;)16:27
smartfacethanks joeytwiddle, and its on a server so i dont think so :P16:27
smartfaceHow does one remove a user from the terminal?16:28
joeytwiddledepends how long he's been there16:29
scott_Hey, I have a question.16:29
joeytwiddleif he's been there a long time, try hammer+chisel16:29
scott_I was wondering if someone would be able to help me?16:29
smartfaceI'm just looking for the opposite of adduser16:29
Idleoneonly if you ask a question scott_16:29
rinaldi_!ask| scott_16:29
ubotuscott_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:29
stanis_shscott_: it depends16:29
Lartza_how could i use two different languages with festival?16:29
joeytwiddlesmartface: userdel is the opposite of useradd (which is the chat-free version of adduser)16:30
Idleonesmartface, deluser perhaps.16:30
G1015Anyways I used truecrypt 5 and encrypted an entire USB HDD.. i've been adding files to it and it's been working fine.  I used up around 50 gigs of the drive.  Now when I mount it what was once a directory now looks like a file and I can't reach any of my data.  Also the drive is now considered read only.  The 50 gigs of space is still taken up so I assume my files are still there but they are not showing up.  Anyone help? is my drive corrupted?16:30
smartfacethanks joeytwiddle16:30
iDivineSo, All my movies I downloaded are black and white, but were never like that yesterday. What seems to be the problem?...16:30
scott_Is there a way to set up the file browser so I can cut and paste files? I can't find out how to set permissions to do so.16:30
joeytwiddlesubconscious fetish for old movies16:30
xifHow can I expand Stuffit (.sit) archives in Gutsy?16:31
smartfacejoeytwiddle you on a roll :D16:31
nemoG1015: shouldn't you be asking in the truecrypt channel?16:31
joeytwiddlelol i can only get worse ;)16:31
geniixif: You may find some help here http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Apps/stuffit-archives.html16:32
G1015good point heh16:32
danandVeganCheesesteak - you still there?16:32
Idleone!unrar | xif16:32
ubotuxif: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:32
VeganCheesesteakdanand: yup, i think i may have got it...16:32
geniiIdleone: unrar doesn't deal with sit file extension16:32
neverblueiDivine, my pastebin URL wasnt resolving16:32
xifIdleone: stuffit != rar16:32
Idleonegenii, I was not sure if it did but figured it was a good start point16:32
iDivineneverblue, new problem, So, All my movies I downloaded are black and white, but were never like that yesterday. What seems to be the problem?16:33
VeganCheesesteakdanand: i unmounted (umount) as super user.... then its at /dev/sdd116:33
ripper666does anyone know how to enable or configure my audio so i can hears digital sound my analog sound woks fine16:33
smartfaceIs there a way I can strip a ubuntu install from all desktop components to free up space/memory (gnome and all its progs)16:33
ripper666my speakers are digital headphones r analog no sound from speakers16:33
xifgod I hate apple16:33
Antkinfedera Hi16:34
Idleonexif, apple != microsoft16:34
bastid_raZorLjL; heh.. another days bun i take it..16:34
geniismartface: use at own risk: sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop16:34
vallhalla81Thingymebob:  thank you it works very well16:34
bastid_raZorban rather.16:34
xifIdleone: yeah, Apple is a bit worse, except for being smaller.16:35
scott_Is there a way to set up the file browser so I can cut and paste files with root permission?16:35
LjL!english | dfgdfgdfgdfg16:35
ubotudfgdfgdfgdfg: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:35
Thingymebobsmartface: userdel16:35
danandVeganCheesesteak - fdisk -l should still list the drive even though its not mounted - so should still be able to run fsck on it16:35
federai've a question...what about" qmake"??...i'm trying to compile kde4...16:35
mbnoimiHi All,16:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qmake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:36
mbnoimiI want to know How I can download packages for ubuntu throw Windows16:37
smartfaceHmm ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove everything16:37
smartfaceHow can I uninstall Gnome?16:37
Picimbnoimi: http://packages.ubuntu.com16:37
mbnoimiin my country we've bad internet16:37
bastid_raZorsmartface; try removing gdm16:37
BryanWhen I enable the restricted river (nvidia) on my computer (inspiron 1520) it tells me toe restart. When I do, it always starts in low graphics mode. Why is this?16:37
scott_Is there a way to set up the file browser so I can cut and paste files????16:38
* goldenfox loves gnome -.-16:38
mbnoimiPici: but there are many depends16:38
* smartface loves the terminal <316:38
Picimbnoimi: There isn't any other way unfortunately.16:38
bastid_raZorBryan; run nvidia-settings afterward to configure the nvidia driver?16:38
VeganCheesesteakdanand: cool...thanks!16:39
mbnoimiPici: this is bad16:39
goldenfoxmbnoimi, you can try editing the xorg.conf manually16:39
mbnoimigoldenfox: I cound't understant?!16:39
goldenfoxops sorry wrong user16:40
bastid_raZorscott_; run your file browser with gksudo possibly?16:40
mbnoimiPici: I looked for this option and I found this link16:40
scott_bastid>> How do I do that?16:40
arttiQuestion, which i choose, create disk from the contents of the image or image inside16:40
danandVeganCheesesteak - np :) - may wanna take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45877016:41
mbnoimibut after dwonloading deb files I coulnd't know how I can install them16:41
Ubuntumunuis there a way to see the log file on a nick that is not online? (Konversation) if similar to mirc, where is the program stored so i can manually find it?16:41
bastid_raZorscott_; in terminal .. i'm guessing at gksudo but it would be something similiar ex.. gksudo nautilus16:42
AntkinHello all16:42
joeytwiddlembnoimi: dpkg -i <deb_file>16:42
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mbnoimijoeytwiddle: I want to install all deb in one command16:43
Picimbnoimi: You can install .deb files by double clicking on them in gnome or by using sudo dpkg -i file.deb16:43
ripper666need help with getting sound i gots no digital sound man i want to here me speakers16:43
scott_bastid>> IT should be possible to setup nautilus to always launch it with root permissions?16:43
VeganCheesesteakdanand:  perfect. nothing worse than the feeling of a failing drive :(  hopefully i can get it to boot so i can retrieve my data.16:43
Pici!deb | mbnoimi16:43
ubotumbnoimi: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.16:43
joeytwiddlembnoimi: it probably works on multiple files; try "man dpkg" ;)16:43
Picimbnoimi: Also, that site is neat, /me bookmarks16:43
mrunagiwhen a software package says 'mac osx' and 'universal'.....does the universal mean it will run on linux?16:44
KaiForceanyone know what command line option will allow rdesktop to display the desktop background?  when I run it through the GUI, it shows, but with a command line, no joy.16:44
bastid_raZorscott_; that i don't know.. i'm would guess it isn't impossible but that sounds like a bad idea to me :)16:44
zosssoI would love if gnome-terminal opened by default on my second display.  I'm using NVIDIA's TwinView.  Any suggestions?16:44
joeytwiddlebtw doesn't nonetdebs suggest how to do that?!16:44
HorzA_what was the name of the program that can mount network computers? linneybor or something16:44
mbnoimiPici: after downloading specific software I get mant depends that's mean I must install depnds then installa the software16:44
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SeanChamberseverytime I reboot a ubuntu server, it sets the time to 1 hour ahead of EST16:44
SeanChambersso, right now it is 11:44AMEST, my ubuntu server is setting itsefl to 12:44EST16:45
prenatlu je mapelle jean16:45
LjL!fr | prenat16:45
ubotuprenat: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:45
booster_hey guys..i have a realtek high def onboard sound card on an intel chip set board, i installed 7.10 gusty and i have sound but the quality realy sucks, i looked at my sound card in device manager and it said its an intel sound card, my question is can i try a realtek hd driver ??? do you think it will help the quality of the sound ??16:45
joeytwiddlembnoimi: they expect you to run: sudo bash updates16:45
zosssoHorzA_: `smbmount`?16:45
HorzA_il try :)16:45
Picimbnoimi: You can install them all at once from the cli by using wildcards, like: sudo dpkg -i  *.deb16:45
prenatputin pk i a de langlai compfren rien16:45
LjL!language | prenat16:45
ubotuprenat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:45
LjLprenat: /join #ubuntu-fr16:46
ripper666booster are you using digital sound or analog16:46
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mbnoimiPici: all the depeds will teake in cosider16:46
Picimbnoimi: They should.16:46
zosssoHorzA_: what kind of network? windows?16:46
booster_ripper666,  hmmm i dont realy know16:46
mbnoimiPici: thanks16:46
booster_ripper666,  any easy way to find out??16:46
prashant_grub r u there16:46
prenatfuck you16:46
mirbogati'm trying to reformat my USB-pendrive but I am getting this message: "16:47
mirbogatWARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 22: Invalid argument.16:47
mirbogatThe kernel still uses the old table.16:47
mirbogatThe new table will be used at the next reboot.16:47
smartface!language | prenat16:47
FloodBot2mirbogat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:47
ubotuprenat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:47
BryanI tried running nvidia-settings, after restarting (from installing the restricted river) and it says I'm not using it. Any help (Nvidia driver btw)16:47
HorzA_zossso, have a ubuntu server and want to play music so i have to mount samba share16:47
zosssocat prenat > /dev/null16:47
ripper666booster: what kind of jsack fo you put into your computer???? does it look like a headphone jack or more like the jacks you put into your tv16:47
mirbogatI have tried to reboot but nothing helps, what am i doing wrong?16:47
ripper666Bryan instal envy16:48
bastid_raZorBryan; i'm at a loss then.. :\16:48
booster_ripper666, they are like head phone jacks16:48
ripper666it will set it up for you16:48
Bryanfuck envy16:48
BryanI'm not screwing with that thing again16:48
LjL!language | brytan16:48
ubotubrytan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:48
Bryansorry >_>16:48
smartfaceserious !language today :(16:48
ripper666booster: o ok then you have ananlog16:48
richardI need help , i deleted a .tras-richard folder in a ntfs partition and everytime i try to delete smthing it says delete it permanently, any 1 on how to restore that bin folder?16:49
BryanOkay, so any OTHER suggestions, besides installing envy?16:49
prashant_show the setting of mythtv16:49
zosssoHorzA_: Want your Ubuntu server to  share music to windows computer (iTunes) or different setup?16:49
ripper666Bryan: envy did not work for you16:49
SeanChamberseverytime I reboot a ubuntu server, it sets the time to 1 hour ahead of EST16:49
smartfaceCan anyone tell me where I can find the torrentflux files from the .deb once it's installed?16:49
smartfaceCant find in /var16:49
Bryanripper666, Last time I installed it, I had to format my ubuntu partition.16:49
Bryanripper666, so you might say I don't like it >_>16:50
ripper666Bryan: wow that sucks i wounder y that happend worked great for me16:50
booster_ripper666, when i play open arena the sound is really choppy and when i plug the head phones in the front of the tower the speakers dont turn them selves off16:50
prashant_show the setting of mythtv16:50
spaghetti_knifedoes anyone know of any good apps with which to encrypt my hard drive?16:51
ripper666booster: well it sound like you need some drivers16:51
spaghetti_knifeI'm using kgpg, but when I right-click my folder, it doesn't have "actions>encrypt file" on it.16:52
prashant_show the setting of mythtv16:52
booster_ok im downloading the realtek hd audio codecs from the realtek site16:52
spaghetti_knifeHow do I encrypted hard drive?16:53
zosssoHorzA_: Might check out Places->Network  || System->Administration->Share Folders16:53
HorzA_zossso, fixed it with LinNeyborhood :)16:53
zosssoHorzA_: cool!16:53
spaghetti_knifeDoes anyone know of a good way to encrypt files without using an archive manager?16:54
zosssoHow would I get gnome-terminal to default open on my second display?  I'm using NVIDIA's TwinView.16:54
surajIs is possible to detect changes after installing a binary?16:56
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prashant_show the setting of mythtv17:02
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Rimfrostsomeone else having problems with x64 ubuntu?17:06
erUSULspaghetti_knife: gpg17:06
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Rimfrosti have no splash screen at all. it boots, the Keep Kernel Alive, Setting Kernel Tables to then it comes numbers after that the screen becomes black and says No Signal in 7-8 secs then login screen?17:08
jayr168just installed gutsy gibbon17:08
erUSUL!info gpg | spaghetti_knife17:09
ubotuspaghetti_knife: Package gpg does not exist in gutsy17:09
Rimfrostit looks like it is buggy, and not so little17:10
spaghetti_knifeI tried to encrypt a directory, but gpg doesn't encrypt directories.17:10
erUSUL!info gnupg | spaghetti_knife17:10
ubotuspaghetti_knife: gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.6-2ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 845 kB, installed size 4500 kB17:10
thezapperhello downloaded the newst 7.10 cd tried to install right after gnome has been loaded my notebook shuts down17:11
Jack_Sparrowthezapper, try ctrl-alt F2 at the blank screen see if you get a term17:12
ganbased on the doc of ubuntu i made a livecd , but it is not mountiong the filesystem , since the aufs is missing17:13
ganwhat to do17:13
CarlFKI run thunderbird over ssh.  today all of it's icons are 'garbage' and every other line of subject has garbage graphics.  46k screen shot http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/a/tb_icons.png17:13
Gothfunci'm having real problems with imwheel.  i'm trying to get my thumb button to work.  when i run imwheel my mouse wheel goes back/forward in firefox as well as scrolling up and down, and the thumb button does not go back even though i've added 'None,Thumb1,Alt_L|Left' to '.*'.  i can't seem to find anything in the imwheel config that makes the mousewheel go back/forward.  help!17:13
fabiogo fsck yourself17:14
murlidharmy earlier system was linux mint 4.0 so before installing ubuntu i copied my themes from /usr/share/themes and put into ubuntu but the problem is that the themes are looking ugly .17:14
murlidharcan somebody help me17:14
fabiothey are not enough17:15
fabioyou need a theme engine too17:15
jimcooncatI want to do a bulk extraction of email attachments. Is there a way to do that with thunderbird?17:15
murlidharmurrine is installed in ubuntu i guess17:15
murlidharfabio, ^17:15
fabiohow does it look ?17:15
ganhow to solve the aufs problem in livecd17:16
geniijimcooncat: https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/55617:16
murlidharit looks as if i am in windows 9817:16
jimcooncatthank you so much, genii!17:16
geniijimcooncat: np17:16
CarlFKnm, apt-get upgrade the other box fixed it.17:16
fabioi suppose it' due o the theme engine17:16
oriana /msg OvF|M|BurnYourTV XDCC SEND #1217:16
CyntroxHey, what's the line I have to add to the top of a Python script to make it run in the Python interpreter...? I forgot xD17:18
optiqanyone have experience with nautilus stability problems when selecting a lot of files?17:18
fabiothose files in /user/share/themes are not enough to enable the theme17:18
murlidharfabio, so do u mean i can copy the theme engine from mint?17:18
fabioif the gtk version matchs17:18
murlidharfabio, mint is based on ubuntu 7.1017:19
fabioyou can try17:19
fabioif a theme just looks fine as win 98 i think it's due to the theme engine17:19
vallhalla81i have the cube activate is there any way to change the picture behind the cube while it is rotating?17:20
Gothfuncbleh.  tough getting help here even when you provide lots of info and it's not an obscure topic.  anyone else find the same?17:20
murlidharfabio, but i copied the themes into the folder using superuser17:20
fabiohow about clearlooks ?17:20
geniiCyntrox: #! /usr/bin/python17:20
CyntroxThanks, genii17:20
murlidhari will check right now17:21
erUSULvallhalla81: use the ccsm and change the skydome17:21
Gothfunceven that gets ignored :|17:21
geniiCyntrox: np17:21
erUSUL!ccsm > vallhalla8117:21
optiqGothfunc,  you might have better luck on the forums17:21
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:21
geniiCyntrox: You can also put file extension of .py17:21
Gothfuncoptiq: with this problem, or in general?17:22
optiqi didnt see your problem, i meant in general17:22
Gothfuncoptiq: right17:22
vallhalla81perfect thankyou17:22
fabiotip: disable the ipv6 support17:22
Al-HurHi. I have an exe file that can be run with no setup necessary. I want to run it in Linux. Whats the easiest way?17:23
Cyntroxgenii: That didn't work... I think it tried to run it in bash or something, because it yelled at me that I used unknown commands. However, it worked when I, instead of just giving the terminal the script name, gave it "python <script name>"17:23
erUSULAl-Hur: use wine17:23
fabiobut if it's a .net executable you need mono17:23
fabiomono spyware.exe or wine malware.exe17:24
geniiCyntrox: Usually ./filename       will decide from the #! /binary/name        what to use to run it. You can force python by python ./filename ot python /ful/pathname/filename17:24
Al-HurWill wine run it easily, no problems?17:24
fabiomost of the time17:25
erUSULAl-Hur: depends on the program check appdb.winehq.org17:25
fabiolot of .exe are supported by wine17:26
shivalhow to install themes in ubuntu17:26
fabioeven though i wasn't able to run ms  office under it17:26
Pici!themes > shival (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:26
Pici!changetheme > shival (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:26
fabiowhat themes ?17:26
majhrm, does mkfs.ext3 always take long time17:26
CyntroxDoes Ubuntu come with some sort of built-in firewall or something similar that could be disrupting my attempts at making a TCP connection over LAN? It works in Windows... Or is there some difference between networking in Python in Windows and Ubuntu?17:26
major is it my disk?17:26
shivalplz tell me17:26
Pici!firewall | Cyntrox17:26
ubotuCyntrox: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:27
ganhow to solve the aufs problem in livecd17:27
majits a 1.65 r5 array17:27
CyntroxThanks, Pici17:27
PiciCyntrox: Sure thing17:27
fabioshival, icon theme ?17:27
zosssoWhat is a good way of default opening an application on a second display? I'm using NVIDIA's TwinView.17:28
joeytwiddlemaj, maybe you can run it in verbose mode (-v?), so  it will show  you its progress ^^17:28
bastid_raZorzossso; #nvidia might be able to help17:28
erUSULmaj: yes it takes a long time jfs and xfs are quicker creating the fs (and in general or so i heard)17:28
zosssobastid_raZor: thx17:29
majwell, i mean, its showing me progress, but thats the first time i run it (ever), and this controller was writing very slow under windows17:29
majso i am kinda not sure :P17:29
majthast why i am trying ubuntu, to figure out if its the drivers or the controller itself17:29
majok, i'll wait then, th17:29
AdysIs there a non-kde optimized version of KhexEdit? it's absolutely awesome, but the interface is a bit weird sometimes under gnome17:30
fabiothere are some hex editors under gnome17:31
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fabioi'm not sure they are way better17:31
fabiotry bless or ghex17:31
Adyswill do, thanks17:31
Adysghex looks good17:33
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Adyscheers fabio17:33
murlidharfabio, thanks now i installed the murrine engine and works fine just as before17:34
fabioor maybe you can try some win program17:34
fabiomurrine engine is the fastest17:35
majerUSUL, if i want to partition to XFS, do i still mark the partition as 83 (hex) during fdisk?17:35
murlidharfabio: yes i am loving these themes from mint 4.017:35
erUSULmaj: use gparted it will far easier17:35
erUSULmaj: and yes you still mark it as 8317:36
majdon't i need X to run gparted?17:36
murlidharfabio: however there are some things i am missing like when i right-click on the desktop there is a option to open a terminal17:36
murlidharfabio: any idea how i get that in this17:37
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fabionautilus has some scrpting ability17:37
erUSULmaj: yes indeed; if you are on terminal you can use parted ;) but fdisk is ok17:37
Juhazmurlidhar, install nautilus-open-terminal extension17:37
fabiobut i can't remember how to do it now17:37
murlidharJuhaz: thanks17:38
murlidharfabio: Juhaz has given me a tip17:38
muchachohow do you activate nfs file locking for openoffice?  using gutsy client/feisty server and oo v2.317:38
fabioyes, you can add commands to it17:38
AstorZZZGot dual monitors working :)17:39
=== all is now known as theall
AstorZZZhow do you change in which monitor panel is shown?17:40
muchachoAstorZZZ cool what card(s) did you use17:40
mehdihow r u guys17:40
AstorZZZati x1950 pro17:40
CyntroxI just did "sudo iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT" for input, output AND forward, yet I still can't get my server working?! What could be wrong?17:40
murlidharJuhaz: do i have to cnrtl alt backspace ?17:40
muchachoAstorZZZ it has 2 dvi or 2 vga?17:41
Juhazmurlidhar, nautilus -q17:41
muchachoor 1 ea17:41
vinconzois it possible to use an old pc with a wifi card and an ethernet card as a wifi router?17:41
Juhazmurlidhar, ctrl+alt+backspace will work, but there's no need to kill everything else.17:41
AstorZZZmuchacho:  2 dvi17:41
ibouhow to read dvd with mplayer ?17:41
muchachoAstorZZZ how much did it run you?17:41
fabiomplayer dvd://117:42
muchachoAstorZZZ what did it cost17:42
murlidharJuhaz: didn't work17:42
thealli am having trouble compiling alsa.... here is the output: http://paste-it.net/697317:42
thealli just cant get the danm thing to compile17:42
AstorZZZwell, i bought the card and monitors long time ago soo17:42
muchachoAstorZZZ is there a feature or description to look for to make sure the card can do dual display?  or does having 2 outputs = it will do it?17:43
geirhaCyntrox: what applications doesn't work?17:43
frank232theall: do you have the kernel headers installed?17:43
muchachoAstorZZZ i saw some 1 dvi 1 vga cards pretty cheap at newegg but i want ot make sure it can do dual display17:43
thealli am pretty sure i do17:43
AstorZZZmuchacho: dunno, i think having two outputs is enough17:43
Cyntroxgeirha: My own Python server... It works on my Windows box.17:43
muchachohow do you activate nfs file locking for openoffice?  using gutsy client/feisty server and oo v2.317:43
muchachoAstorZZZ thanx17:44
AstorZZZunless both outputs are connected to one, (just to get vga and dvi on one card)17:44
murlidharJuhaz: worked after cnrt alt backspace17:44
muchachoAstorZZZ ok thats what i am afraid of17:44
murlidharJuhaz: there is also one problem17:44
muchachoAstorZZZ surely there must be a feature or desc one can look for17:44
AstorZZZmy old video card, FX5600 agp had two outputs too17:45
AstorZZZ1 vga, 1 dvi17:45
AstorZZZhad no problems too17:45
geirhaCyntrox: if you run the app, then type "netstat -nap | less", can you see the python app?17:45
murlidharJuhaz: after loggin in . i lose all the panels and icons on the desktop and after sometime i get back to the desktop.17:45
vallhalla81i am not sure what it is called but on some videos of ubuntu you see a scroling bar of icons insted of a fixed one can anyone tell me what it is called and how do i do it?17:45
vallhalla81at the top of the screen i meen17:46
geirhaCyntrox: might need a sudo in front of netstat btw17:46
Cyntroxgeirha: Yes, I can.17:46
Juhazmurlidhar, that shouldn't be related, certainly not the panels. which ubuntu version is this?17:46
muchachoshould nfs file locking be working by default?17:46
geirhaCyntrox: it's bound to the correct port, and the ip
Cyntroxgeirha, yes. Its state is also 'LISTEN'.17:48
Emilianhi, I would like to know how I can install apxs..I have done "sudo apt-get install apache2-threaded-dev" and installed it fine, but doing "locate apxs" brings nothing up17:48
DeeppactHello, Is there a way to view network users, so i can see which ip's are connected?17:48
geirhaCyntrox: and if you telnet to that port, you get an error?17:49
vallhalla81i am not sure what it is called but on some videos of ubuntu you see a scroling bar of icons insted of a fixed one can anyone tell me what it is called and how do i do it?17:49
genii!intelhda theall: I recommend using the method ubotu suggests for !intelhda fix. Use some lib newer than 1.0.9 than you are now though, I recommend 1.0.16. And you just need: sudo ./configure    instead of the: sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel        that the link suggests.17:49
SquawkDeeppact, netstat --inet17:49
genii!intelhda | theall: I recommend using the method ubotu suggests for !intelhda fix. Use some lib newer than 1.0.9 than you are now though, I recommend 1.0.16. And you just need: sudo ./configure    instead of the: sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel        that the link suggests.17:49
ubotutheall: I recommend using the method ubotu suggests for !intelhda fix. Use some lib newer than 1.0.9 than you are now though, I recommend 1.0.16. And you just need: sudo ./configure    instead of the: sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel        that the link suggests.: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:49
fabioEmilian: do dpkg -L apache2-threaded-dev17:49
EmilianI will try that fabio17:50
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:50
Cyntroxgeirha, if I do it with the PC it's hosted on, it works, but if I do it from another PC on the lan, it doesn't work17:50
bastid_raZoror not.17:51
muchachoshould nfs file locking be working by default?17:51
bastid_raZori refuse to stay split for long17:51
AmaranthI felt naked there for a bit17:51
DeeppactSquawk, I still cant see the ips connected to the network like instead i see a list of things like this: tcp        0   6628 deeppact-desktop.:54130   ESTABLISHED17:51
bastid_raZorcover up man..17:51
theallgenjj, i have tried that link, but i cant get it to compile17:51
vallhalla81i am not sure what it is called but on some videos of ubuntu you see a scroling bar of icons insted of a fixed one can anyone tell me what it is called and how do i do it?17:52
murlidharvallhalla81: http://www.picturewizard.com/pic.asp?u=13266AF/0/Screenshot.png17:52
Emilianthat worked fabio, showed the path to it :)17:52
bastid_raZorvallhalla81; avant windows manager perhaps?17:52
murlidharvallhalla81: follow this link u will understand17:52
SquawkDeeppact, actualy that might only show connections from the local machine, hmm17:53
vallhalla81murlidhar:  thank you but not quite what i meen17:53
Yan1How can I mount iso-images?17:53
SquawkDeeppact, have a look at iptraf (a utility you will need to get with apt-get)17:53
murlidharvallhalla81: then ? can u show me the video perhaps i can understand17:53
geirhaCyntrox: that's odd. Perhaps you are using a different version of python on ubuntu, one that has an api that defaults to only accepting local connections or something17:53
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erUSUL!iso | Yan117:54
ubotuYan1: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:54
Yan1thanks erUSUL17:54
SquawkDeeppact, actualy, man netstat, I would be amazed if you can't do what you want with netstat, but I never had to do what you descire, so never looked into it17:54
murlidharYan1: there is simple iso mounting method given in the tomubuntu blog17:54
Cyntroxgeirha, odd indeed. I don't know. I do know that I have the newest version of Ubuntu though... Freshly installed.17:55
kubahey, anyone has any idea how to get latin special characters antialiased in cvs emacs? generally they are switched to another font.17:55
murlidharYan1: i mean tomubuntu blog17:55
tato73hi all! i'm searching a clone of game zuma of popcap games for my ubuntu....is this possible?17:55
vallhalla81murlidhar:  i will find a link one moment17:55
AstorZZZopera tab switching works slowly17:57
AstorZZZgutsy 7.1017:57
AstorZZZIt works instantly in win17:57
vallhalla81murlidhar:  i found a link that shows the same thing on beryl17:57
fabiodo you use opera ?17:57
kane77does the NAT use random port if the desired port is not available (in udp communication)?17:58
brobostigongood evening17:58
AstorZZZfabio: yes, i love it17:58
fabiotry using the standard theme17:59
tlacuachehey, i'm trying to do something with "tar" and i'm not exactly sure how:17:59
tlacuachei want to create an archive with a file in it, so i'm doing something like this:17:59
tlacuachetar cvf hello.tar /home/tlacuache/Desktop/hello17:59
tlacuachehowever, in my tar archive, i end up with the full subdirectory tree17:59
fabioopera is a qt application if i'm not wrong17:59
AstorZZZfabio: i'm using standard theme(i've changed it at least)17:59
brobostigoncan you get opera for powerpc ubuntu??17:59
FloodBot1tlacuache: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
tlacuachewhat I really just want is for "hello" to be in hello.tar, without any directories17:59
murlidharYan1: i found the  link http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/12/gmount-iso-is-small-tool-written-using.html18:00
tlacuacheis there a way i can do it without having to change directories to the directory with "hello" and doing it with relative paths?18:00
AstorZZZfabio: what being a qt application means?18:00
erUSULtlacuache: a tar with only one file makes no sense18:00
AstorZZZit doesnt have to be slow18:00
tlacuacheit was an example18:00
tlacuachethere will be more files18:00
AstorZZZit seems like webpages are rendered in software18:00
fabiois't not like the whole gnome stuff18:00
erUSULtlacuache: tar is a tool that congragates several files into one (witout compression)18:00
tlacuachetar cvf hello.tar /path/to/hello1 /path/to/hello2 /path/to/hello318:00
fabiobut the gui is qt based18:00
jovitosghi people. do you know if ubuntu has the software convertxtodvd,? this is a windows software but i need to know if in ubuntu exists a software like this?18:01
tlacuacheright, i know that.18:01
tlacuachewhat i want to do is18:01
tlacuachetar cvf hello.tar /path/to/hello1 /path/to/hello2 /path/to/hello318:01
tlacuachewithout having the directory structure in the tar file18:01
Adysjovitosg:  tried running it under Wine?18:01
Yan1sorry tomubuntu blog?18:01
murlidharvallhalla81: err i can't watch it flash is not installed in my  os . i gotta install it first . do u know how to install it/18:01
murlidharYan1: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/12/gmount-iso-is-small-tool-written-using.html18:01
jovitosg'cause this is one of the best software i'd try18:02
murlidharYan1: it's not tomubuntu blog but on onlyubuntu blog18:02
jovitosgthanks i will try in wine.18:02
Yan1thanks! the support here is great!18:02
Amaranthtlacuache: --strip18:02
bod_hey guys,18:02
AstorZZZis there a opera user in here? :)18:02
jovitosgcan you pass me the wine homepage?18:02
ahorriblemesshi everyone18:02
vallhalla81murlidhar:  do you use fire fox?18:02
murlidharYan1: yes i know . we all help out each other  here.18:02
murlidharvallhalla81: yes18:02
tlacuacheAmaranth: thank you. i'll try that18:03
fabioyou can create dvd from avi with mencoder18:03
vallhalla81then it should just have a click here to install flash18:03
fabiono program is supposed to be better tha mencoder18:03
ahorriblemessCan anyone tell me how to change my cd/dvd burn speed as root? It says I don't have access. I don't remember the terminal command to edit18:03
murlidharvallhalla81: well firefox 3.0 b3pre to be exact18:03
ahorriblemessi know it's sudo gedit something18:03
fabioforget about windows18:03
kustomnetwork problem: had a windows xp computer hooked up through samba and all of a sudden it was gone18:03
bod_yesterday my machine went a bit weird and crashed, now none of my desktop items are showing up and i cant make a box with the mouse on the desktop, but all my icons and things are present in /home/bod/Desktop   --   i've reinstalled nautilus and the problem still exists,. has anyone got any ideas plz!18:04
fabioubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305962  -> avi to dvd18:04
kustomdont know what caused it18:04
erUSULahorriblemess: usually burn programs let you choose desired speed on the GUI18:04
bod_kustom, if you were talking to me -- then no ;~)18:05
kustomthe network is online as i can access the internet18:05
kustombod_: no sorry just rambling about my own problem18:05
bod_kustom, kk ,.,.;~)18:05
ahorriblemessaker? I was just going to burn an ISO with Nautilus18:05
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ahorriblemesserUSUL: sorry, you mean like Gnomebaker? I was just going to burn an ISO with Nautilus18:06
murlidhari can't videos in my browser. it says flash not installed . i had mint4.0 which had it by default . how do i install flash player so that i see youtube videos?18:07
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:07
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:07
erUSULahorriblemess: nautilus when you choose burn to cd let you choose desired speed to (i have it marked as maximun possible)18:08
geirhaCyntrox: try this code bit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58269/ it works for me across the net ...18:08
celdridgeCan anyone help me in setting up firefox to always spawn on monitor 1 when running dual monitor setup with separate x sessions on each?  Using the firefox -d command seems to work except it always throws an error about being unable to find the current display #.18:09
* bod_ is amazed this place is so quiet today18:09
desertcQ:  I am going to be distributing 50 Ubuntu liveCDs, and I am getting ready to burn them with GNOME-baker.  Anything I should know to get them right?  I want to be sure they will be bootable.18:09
ahorriblemesserUSUL: no, I can't do that. I have to change the speed in configuration editor>apps>nautilus cd burner, but I don't have access18:09
ahorriblemesserUSUL: the option to change speed within Nautilus is grayed out18:10
bod_desertc, check them by booting into each one..haha18:10
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)18:10
dupesfieldhey, what good ftp/fxp client is good on ubuntu?18:10
ahorriblemesserUSUL: I've changed the speed before on a different computer, but I can't remember the terminal command, and I can't find it online18:10
erUSULahorriblemess: o.O! weird never heard of that18:10
bod_!good | dupesfield18:10
ubotudupesfield: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.18:10
celdridgedupesfield:  flashfxp18:10
kostkondesertc, burn them at a low speed (no more than 12x, better 4x)18:10
celdridgedupesfield:  I mean filezilla18:11
arttiWhen i install add-on to firefox, is it possible to install that for all users?18:11
weird-donkeyhey guys18:11
weird-donkeyhow you doing tonight ?18:11
Squawkdupesfield, from command line ncftp is a great ftp client18:11
desertckostkon: good advice.18:11
dupesfieldceldridge, filezilla does fxp?18:11
ahorriblemessSo, onto my next one... if anyone has a minute18:11
kostkondesertc, check the md5 sum of the master iso file to be sure that was downloaded ok. very important18:11
desertckostkon: will the ISO burn in a way that it will be bootable by default?18:11
murlidharis icedtea or sunjava ? which is faster?18:11
Squawk!anyone | ahorriblemess18:12
ubotuahorriblemess: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!18:12
desertckostkon: thanks for that reminder - I was going to skip that18:12
kostkondesertc, yes it will be bootable, no worry18:12
bod_yesterday my machine went a bit weird and crashed, now none of my desktop items are showing up and i cant make a box with the mouse on the desktop, but all my icons and things are present in /home/bod/Desktop   --   i've reinstalled nautilus and the problem still exists,. has anyone got any ideas plz!18:12
kostkondesertc, np :)18:12
celdridgedupesfield:  actually no sorry, didn't read the fxp part18:12
ahorriblemessI frequently lose my connection in irssi and Pidgin, and I can't browse peoples files in Nicotine. I do not have those problems when working on my Vista partition. Is there a port I should open or something?18:12
geirhadesertc: just burn them as a regular iso-image, at a fairly low speed. Check to see if the first works by using the CD-check from the CDs boot menu... if that works, burn away and check 5-6 random CDs when you're done18:12
lukaszI would like to know how I can enable caching in /dev/sdb18:12
kostkondesertc, better burn one cd, check it if it's ok, and then continue with the rest of them ;)18:13
* bluefoxx wakrs up and realizes that he is *still* logged...since saturday18:13
ahorriblemessubotu: sorry I was winding up for my question, trying to be polite first so I don't flood with one long message18:13
Squawkahorriblemess, lose connection? Ie, you are chatting away fine and then the connection dies? if that is the case its a network issue, not firewall18:13
murlidharis icedtea or sunjava ? which is faster?18:13
Squawkahorriblemess, uboto is a bot, I told it what to say18:13
* bod_ laughs at bluefoxx 18:13
bod_!lol | murlidhar18:13
ubotumurlidhar: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:13
lukaszAnyone one know how to enable caching for /dev/sdb 4gb drive18:13
ahorriblemessSquawk: yes that's what happens, but why doesn't it happen on my VIsta partition?18:13
erUSULmurlidhar: icedtea is still beta afaics (not complete)18:13
desertckostkon: I'm having trouble finding the MD5 checksum18:13
erUSULlukasz: hard disk?18:13
mooboo1i had 8000 fps in glxgears before, like 2 days ago, but today i only have 5000 fps, why?18:14
Squawkahorriblemess, im guessing you are on wifi. Wifi driver maybe not as good somehow in linux maybe, I dont know18:14
lukasz4gb SuperTalent18:14
murlidharerUSUL: u mean sun java is faster?18:14
lukasz/dev/sdb erUSUL18:14
desertckostkon: NM, found it18:14
kostkondesertc, :)18:14
StrangeCharmhow can I determine whether or not my microphone is working?18:14
ahorribl1messSquawk: I thought you meant a problem with the router or something18:14
murlidhar!ubotu | ahorribl1mess18:14
ubotuahorribl1mess: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:14
erUSULmurlidhar: dunno what is faster but icedtea may be incompatible with some java apps (for one swing and awt does not work)18:14
ahorribl1messcrap, I lost it18:15
ahorribl1messSquawk: I thought you meant a problem with the router or something18:15
Squawkahorribl1mess, I got it the first time18:15
murlidharerUSUL: thanks i better be safer than fast.18:15
murlidharerUSUL: command to install java?18:15
ahorribl1messSquawk: sorry, I was booted, then I logged back in, I wasn't sure if it was sent18:15
erUSUL!java | murlidhar18:15
ubotumurlidhar: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)18:15
bod_!synaptic | murlidhar18:16
ubotumurlidhar: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:16
weird-donkeyso heres my little question for you guys, i have some extra button crap on that keyboard that should allow me to control the volume of the speakers and stuff like that, but the computer decided that these would control the mic volume instead of the speakers'18:16
PeP`hello... can I safely install a 2.4 kernel on a gutsy? I found packages for dapper and edgy, I suppose I could isntall them by adding the edgy repository no? :/ http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=kernel-image-2.418:16
weird-donkeywhere could i switch this ?18:16
lukaszerUSUL: It is for /dev/sdb I need to enabled there if not already enabled18:16
bod_yesterday my machine went a bit weird and crashed, now none of my desktop items are showing up and i cant make a box with the mouse on the desktop, but all my icons and things are present in /home/bod/Desktop   --   i've reinstalled nautilus and the problem still exists,. has anyone got any ideas plz!18:16
crowcan xmms somehow play wma?18:17
erUSULlukasz: i asked if it is a hard disk or a flash device18:17
murlidharok thanks everybody for helping me out18:17
lukaszflashdrive erUSUL18:17
murlidharerUSUL: thanks18:17
murlidharbod_: thnks18:17
desertcWhy is the DVD version not listed on http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/18:17
erUSULlukasz: flash drives do not have a writte/read cache afaik18:18
dsuchHey guys, how should I understand it? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAuthentication - are these simply the author's ideas? Thinking out loud on the wiki?18:18
bluefoxxerrg...its probally not a good thing that i just coughed up blood at random is it?...18:18
lukaszok thnx erUSUL :) Solved18:18
geirhacrow: try installing the package xmms-wma18:18
crowgeirha, thanks18:18
* SimplySeth enjoys doin' weird things with ubuntu 18:19
erUSULbluefoxx: wtf!! if it is no joke ... no no good at all18:19
weird-donkeyweird things ?18:19
murlidharthere is one more problem when i give username and password in the login menu. it takes a lot of time to boot . then when all the icons appear on the desktop, all of my panels and icons disappear for sometime and again appear aftersometime.18:19
bluefoxxerUSUL: no joke....i just went to the washroom and coughed and spat out blood <. <18:19
murlidhardo u know what the problem is?18:19
SimplySethweird-donkey: like runnin' ssh on alternate ports .. runnin' it on a cdromless mini-itx box .. etc18:19
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx, No, not good.  Can you spell anthrax..  BAd joke.. but it is serious18:20
PeP`I have a question, if I want to install a 2.4 kernel do I have to download/install this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686 or that:http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/edgy/kernel-source-2.4.27 ?18:20
KEBAxmoto (a game) doesnt want to start, paste: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/31328/18:20
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:20
weird-donkeysimplyseth, i have no idea what you're talking about18:20
bluefoxxso what do i do?O.o18:20
SimplySethweird-donkey: no worries :)18:20
KianHi, all. I've just installed Gusty on Lenovo 3000 N100 and there is a strange problem. It can see external monitor and automatically sets the correct resolution (native of the external monitor 1680x1050) but on the external monitor the picture is shifted to the right and third of the screen is black. The video card is Intel 945GM. This is a temporary setup so any dirty workaround is welcomed18:20
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx, Get to a doctor soon18:20
bluefoxxi dont even have a doctor...> .>18:20
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx, Urgent care etc..  but do it soon.. YOu dont live in Las Vegas do you18:21
weird-donkeyhi kian, i had the same problems messing arround on my T61P18:21
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: lol, no18:21
SimplySethIs there a gui for settin' up DDNS/DHCP/BIN9 ?18:21
weird-donkeybluefoxx, you got healthcare ?18:21
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx, Seriously... get help asap... no joking about that.  PM me if needed.18:22
jescishello, SSL isn't enabled for some reason, and thus I can't log into yahoo.com e-mail or any where that requires a secure connection :(18:22
Kianweird-donkey, have you found a solution to this?18:22
bluefoxxweird-donkey: such as?18:22
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: ill bug someone at school about it18:22
weird-donkeybluefoxx, i dont know, depends on where you live18:22
bluefoxxweird-donkey: canada18:22
weird-donkeyontario ?18:23
jescisMy uname -a output is Linux jescis-desktop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux18:23
neopsychecan someone help me install my scanner?18:23
neopsycheI have BENQ/ACER scan to web 330018:23
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche, Does xsane see it18:23
Kianweird-donkey, I've tried to turn the laptop panel off and the external monitor as the main one but X won't start. in XP this setup works but I need Linux for now.18:23
weird-donkeykian : not yet, found out the nvidia drivers were screwing my original settings18:23
murlidharthere is one more problem when i give username and password in the login menu. it takes a lot of time to boot . then when all the icons appear on the desktop, all of my panels and icons disappear for sometime and again appear aftersometime.18:23
SimplySethjescis: ummm have you checked your browser configs ?18:23
dodo_zhello , please how to enable my wireless connection18:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:24
murlidharfabio: u gotta help me this18:24
Kianweird-donkey, hmmm this is not nvidia, but this may be a good hint. Is the older 945 driver supports external monitors?18:24
murlidharthere is one more problem when i give username and password in the login menu. it takes a lot of time to boot . then when all the icons appear on the desktop, all of my panels and icons disappear for sometime and again appear aftersometime.18:24
weird-donkeyi cant say18:25
fabioglobal warming never wab a real problem...18:25
murlidharfabio: btw welcome .18:25
SubNetHi! Is ist possible to make Evolution use the sent-mail-folder on an IMAP-Server?18:25
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
fabiobut after intel released the P4 desktop...18:25
neopsycheJack_Sparrow.. not sure..18:26
mfolnovichhello, when I'm trying to start compiz-fusion, I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58271/18:26
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, remove quiet and splash from the grub/boot/menu.lst and see if you spot any problems or look in dmesg18:26
fabioall of you: don't use the p4 or you will be sued by law18:26
Emiliani am trying to install mod_wsgi, after getting a apxs path I did "./configure --with-python=/usr/lib/python2.5 --with-apxs=/usr/lib/apxs2"18:26
neopsycheJack_Sparrow, how do i check that?18:26
geirhamurlidhar: that's compiz taking over, redrawing everything ... if your system is slow you might want to turn off visual effects18:26
jescisSimplySeth: I'm using firefox, and don't know where it's at :(18:26
Emilianhowever when I do "make" I get an error saying apxs: Error command failed with rc=6553618:26
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche, applications  graphics  xsane18:26
SimplySethjescis: under the edit menu ?18:26
S4nt4hello tous18:26
murlidharJack_Sparrow: removed them still the problem18:26
fabiomurlidar ?18:27
SimplySethjescis: preferences ?18:27
jescispreference you mean?18:27
murlidhargeirha: will try that?18:27
jescisah, ok18:27
S4nt4How do I allow the X server to display the windows of another user ?18:27
Stormx2Oioi. How can I find out which package owns a specific file?18:27
murlidharfabio: any idea?18:27
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, they wont fix the problem, just let you watch the boot procedd for a place where it is hanging or waiting for something18:27
fabioabout what ^?18:27
murlidharthere is one more problem when i give username and password in the login menu. it takes a lot of time to boot . then when all the icons appear on the desktop, all of my panels and icons disappear for sometime and again appear aftersometime.18:28
murlidharfabio: ^18:28
neopsycheJack_Sparrow, how / where in xsane do i check if scanner is installed?18:28
fabioyou are compiz enabled18:28
neopsycheJack_Sparrow,says failed to start scan invalid argument when pressing scan button18:28
murlidharfabio: yes18:28
murlidharfabio: i guess so . by default18:29
fabiocompiz does that18:29
fabiobut to me just for a little while18:29
fabioare u using etx3 ?18:29
murlidharfabio: should i disable compiz?18:29
S4nt4How do I allow the X server to display the windows of another user than the one logged on ?18:29
murlidharfabio: yes18:29
fabiospeed up your system18:29
fabioyou can still boast about it with your friends18:29
murlidharfabio: P4 1.5 GHz ram is 256+512 DDR!18:30
jescisI don't see anything about SSL in the preferences under any tab or advanced settings botton :(18:30
murlidharfabio: built-in graphics card18:30
fabiothe video cars does matter18:31
SimplySethjescis: edit->preferences->advanced->encryption ?18:31
fabioyu can also enalbe the auto login18:31
murlidharso my card isn't supported by compiz?18:31
* jescis looks18:31
murlidharfabio: got multi-users18:32
fabioi suppose it is if you see compiz working18:32
Scunizimurlidhar, what kind of card is it?18:32
* bluefoxx has a 3.5ghz celeron d with 1.5 gigs of RAM and a bfg nvidia6200 OC, soon to be a 6800 OC...just wanted to brag XD18:32
murlidharScunizi: built-in card18:32
Scunizimurlidhar, built-in is a location not what kind of card it is.18:32
* mosibfu has bought 2x 9600GT ever since the new driver was out... take that bluefoxx 18:32
murlidharScunizi: err i don't know then18:32
fabioceleron d ?18:33
fabiojust wait until i get my new system18:33
SimplySethbluefoxx: oh yeah .. well I gotta 1.5Ghz machine with 512 MB of mem and built in 64 MB (shared) vid :)18:33
jescisSimplySeth: it's marked :\*confused*18:33
SimplySethjescis: then I don't know what else could be the issue18:33
murlidharfabio: i see all the animations on my desktop18:33
foefieslideanybody here ever came across vga driver issues in ltsp - Geode LX80018:33
murlidharfabio: like when i minimize a window or switch desktops18:33
neetoIs there a way to debug php on the command line?18:33
fabioyou are not complaining about compiz so18:34
Scunizimurlidhar, go to system/preferances/hardware information to find out.. that info will help other determine if the card is compatible or not.18:34
fabiohow fast is it ?18:34
SimplySethjescis: you can always try 'mv .mozilla old.mozilla` from your home directory and restart firefox .. don't know what else to do18:34
S4nt4How do I allow the X server to display the windows of another user than the one logged on ?18:34
StrangeCharmhow can I tell if my microphone is correctly configured?18:34
murlidharfabio: i am complaining about the the login time. it takes a lot of time18:34
fabioenable the auto login if you can18:35
neopsycheJack_Sparrow, do you know how i can configure it?18:35
fabiodisable all the services you don't use18:35
fabiokill beagle.exe if you see it around18:35
murlidharScunizi: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface18:35
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
SimplySeth*wonders how does one enable/disable services in ubuntu18:35
murlidharScunizi: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device18:35
fabioenable data writeback journal mode18:36
fabioset sawp to 018:36
murlidharfabio: i did . i don't use beagle.18:36
fabiothere are several ways to improve performaces18:36
murlidharfabio: but isn't swap required.?18:37
FYIhello, I need to play an MMS stream from learner.org, and need to do so on my ubuntu machine. Does anyone know of the best player/plugin to do this?18:37
fabioyes but not so often18:37
SimplySethFYI: Kaffein18:37
SimplySethFYI: Kaffeine18:37
FYIon Gnome? :)18:38
murlidharfabio: i have got about 999mb swap18:38
=== Stormx2` is now known as Stormx2
fabiovm.swappiness, search on google18:38
Scunizimurlidhar, looks like it might be using the intel i810 driver.. if it is you should be able to use compiz.. you can also check on /join #ubuntu-effects  .. they deal with compiz and related issues.18:38
murlidharFYI: yes gnome18:38
SimplySethFYI: Totem if you hate KDE apps18:38
murlidharScunizi: i don't know if the problem is due to compiz or something else.18:39
fabiokaffeine gets me nervous...18:39
FYImurlidhar, SimplySeth: will apt-get install kaffeine install the necessary codecs?18:39
SimplySethFYI: and yes KDE apps run in Gnome18:39
FYII know :)18:39
SimplySethFYI: I believe so18:39
PeP`if I want to change kernel, do I just have to install this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686 ?18:39
Scunizimurlidhar, what is the problem.. I missed that 'cause I just logged on18:39
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications18:39
murlidharFYI: i am not sure . i guess xine-libs are used in kaffeine18:39
fabio2.4 ?18:39
SimplySeth!multimedia @FYI18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multimedia @fyi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
bod_hey guys, how can i remove the MYsql database for amarok? i want to completely reinstall it, but when i do it through synaptic it seems to keep the database,.,.any ideas?18:40
murlidhar!media @fyi18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about media @fyi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
kwajstabowhere can i find NFS client foe browsing network folders (synaptic managers shows it is already installed but i cant find it)18:40
FYI!multimedia > fyi18:40
zanislol, i've got a weird problem, when i double click on desktop, windows manager restarts(effect similar to that of ctrl+alt+backspace)18:40
stanis_shFYI: more than that :) they runs in xfce too =)18:40
napsy_How can I enable animations for clearlooks theme?18:40
SimplySethbod_: install MySQL administrator and blow away the databas :)18:40
SimplySethnapsy_: install compiz ?18:40
zaniscome on, this is critical!18:41
napsy_no I want the progressbar animations18:41
bod_SimplySeth, i have 0 experience with MySQL databses,. is it easy or not?18:41
murlidharfabio: is my swap of 996mb necessary?18:41
zanisi click a few times on GNOME desktop, and it restarts desktop environment!18:41
fabioyou can eti the theme18:41
bod_napsy_, do you mean when your boting?18:41
zanis(like ctrl+alt-backspace)18:41
SimplySethbod_: that's why I said "install MySQL Administrator" so you can have a purdy pointy clicky interface :)18:41
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, Best to leave it there .. yes18:41
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fabiojust go to /usr/share/theme18:42
napsy_bod_: I mean the gnome clearlooks theme18:42
fabioyou need to edit the gtkrc file18:42
napsy_where's that18:42
fabiothe swap is ok, but you can change the way the kernel uses it18:42
bod_SimplySeth, so the admin thing is bod proof? cool, il check it out cheers -- 1 more thing,. will the admin tool know where the amarok database is or will i have to tell it (if so, where is it by default?)18:42
murlidharJack_Sparrow: would that not affect me in performance.18:42
SimplySethbod_: it gives you a list of "schemas" .. choose the amarok "schema"18:43
murlidharJack_Sparrow: cuz i think my XP boots faster.18:43
fabiowm.swappiness will give the kernel a rule18:43
fabiocd gtk*18:43
napsy_ok tnx18:43
bod_SimplySeth, ok, cheers dude18:43
bod_!helpersnack | SimplySeth18:43
ubotuSimplySeth: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:43
SimplySethbod_: cheers :)18:43
fabiotry to change the gtkrc file and will enable all the animations you can18:43
Grabi typed crontab my_file, now how do i edti crontab? using crontab -e or just editing the file my_file manually with a text editor?18:43
SimplySethGrab: crontab -e ?18:44
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, Boot ime is a relative issue.  a few seconds either way based on my configuration makes little difference to me18:44
Grabsimplexio when i try to save it with nano, it prompts me to save the crontab in another folder.....18:44
Stormx2How can I find out which package owns a specific file?18:45
murlidharJack_Sparrow: then how i do i make it faster.18:45
kwajstabowhere can i find NFS client for browsing network folders (synaptic managers shows it is already installed but i cant find it)18:45
Stormx2Wait, got it18:45
fabiodpkg -S18:45
geirhaGrab: It should be saved as the file nano suggests. cron will syntax check it before adding it18:45
fabiodpkg -S that file :18:46
* SimplySeth makes a mental note of dpkg -S 18:46
Grabgeirha but nano tells me to save it to tmp dir ??!?!?!18:46
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, No idea...  Like I said a minute ago, I dont see much difference between the teo.  If you have changed or added much to the base install I would look at that for a start18:46
simplexioGrab: yes it does taht18:47
Jack_SparrowGrab, are you using sudo nano ?18:47
simplexioGrab: and it works18:47
Grabjack-desktop no18:47
GrabJack_Sparrow no18:47
murlidharJack_Sparrow: i just removed the splash18:47
simplexioGrab: assuming that you are using crontab -e , default EDITOR=nano18:47
SimplySethwhat Desktop Mgr is lighter than XFCE ?18:47
murlidharJack_Sparrow: and some services too18:47
fabiodpkg -S /etc/init.d/rc (use the full path)18:47
geirhaGrab: yes, crontab told nano to save it there, and when it detects that the file has been saved, it will check the syntax and add it to your crontab18:47
brobostigonSimplySeth: enlightenment is lighter18:48
SimplySethbrobostigon: wow .. haven't seen enlightenment in ages .. okay then .. thanks18:48
fabioenilghtenment isn't a proper desktop18:48
LiraNunaanyone knows what's "gtk-doc.m4 not found" means on autogen?18:48
gnuskoolSimplySeth: icewm18:48
LiraNunaI have downloaded and installed gtk-doc from SVN18:49
SimplySethgnuskool: yeah that's a wm not a dm .. but thanks :)18:49
fabioaclocal ?18:49
Grabgebeleizis simplexio Jack_Sparrow: my crontab file is stored in /home/grab/crontab, but when i type: crontab -e, nano is saving the file into: File: /tmp/crontab.iRf82g/crontab18:50
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, You may have deleted something it is looking for or is trying to use and eventually timing out.  Without specifics from you that is about as much info as I have other than maybe trying  dmesg | grep ee18:50
murlidharJack_Sparrow: k will do that and tell u18:50
fabioaclocal should make the .m4 files you need18:50
KEBAive installt the generic kernel and i think i should use it, but uname -r says that im usingthe 686 ones- how to change?18:50
gnuskoolSimplySeth: equinox mihgt be worth a look18:51
SimplySethKEBA: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst make the "generic" one the default18:51
SimplySethgnuskool: thank you18:51
SimplySethKEBA: reboot :)18:51
Engin_where do I configure network settings ? (I want static IP)18:51
SimplySethEngin_: /etc/network/interfaces18:51
spork969this is urgent, how do i set up a projector with ubuntu 7.1018:51
spork969its an epson EMP-5018:52
Engin_SimplySeth, note to maintainer, put some commented out sample lines18:52
SimplySethEngin_: *nod*18:52
SimplySeth!network | Engin_18:52
ubotuEngin_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:52
murlidharEngin_: left click on the network icon on your panel and select manual18:52
SimplySethmurlidhar: *DOH* .. that's right .. I should learn the ways of GUI :-/18:53
fabiocat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness18:53
Engin_murlidhar, I'm on bash18:53
murlidharSimplySeth: only noobies know how to use GUI. hehe18:54
SimplySethmurlidhar: HEY ! .. I'm a noob ! (to ubuntu)18:54
geirhaGrab: that's how crontab works. It won't read the crontab from your homefolder, it will store it in a "secret" location18:54
KEBASimplySeth: yes that would be easy, but i havent instaltl them yes apt-gep, synapiv and co says they are installt. so itt hink a reboot wouldt change somethinh18:54
PeP`is the kernel-image-2.X.X-... package enough to install a new kernel?? (downgrade actually)18:54
geirhaGrab: type crontab -l to see how your crontab looks like now18:54
OutieI'm having problems with Pidgin on Gutsy - the repositories install 2.2, but AIM seems to have messed up on that. I know that 2.4 is out, should that be on the repos? If so, why does my Gutsy not install it?18:54
Grabgeirha ok thanks18:54
celdridgeCan anyone help me in setting up firefox to always spawn on monitor 1 when running dual monitor setup with separate x sessions on each?  Using the firefox -d command seems to work except it always throws an error about being unable to find the current display #.18:54
tattoohello everybody18:54
murlidharEngin_: err what is bash?18:54
fabioshell interpreter18:55
Engin_murlidhar, I'm not running an x server at the moment18:55
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:55
spork969this is urgent, how do i set up a projector with ubuntu 7.1018:55
spork969very urgent18:55
bod_murlidhar, scripting language18:55
spork969like within the next five minutes18:55
justm1what does it take to make a package comply with the Ubuntu/Debian packaging standards.18:55
Engin_spork969, too late :)18:55
bod_!patience | spork96918:55
SimplySethBASH = Bourne Again SHell18:55
ubotuspork969: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:55
murlidharbod_: u mean bash terminal ?18:55
Engin_spork969, welcome to the wonderful world of linux :)18:55
murlidharahh how did i miss that??18:56
bod_murlidhar, the commands you type in the terminal are 'bash commands'18:56
MarcNspork969: with a laptop, most have a some buttons that change where video out goes to.  mine is a three way switch using Fn-F418:56
SimplySethspork969: is it plugged in ?18:56
MaillardHello.  Is there shell command to read the monitor name and data ? I mean something like lsusb or lspci, but for the screen18:56
spork969yes and yes18:56
fabioyou have to make a cntrol file18:56
fabiocontrol file18:56
murlidharbod_: thnks i remember now18:56
spork969but the fn+f7 doesnt work18:56
MarcNspork969: try 3 or more times to see if anything changes.18:56
SimplySethspork969: what happens if you reboot the laptop with the projector connected ?18:56
spork969ive tried like 100 times18:56
neulhi everybody18:57
spork969simplyseth, im gonna try that18:57
SimplySethspork969: and the projector ON18:57
murlidharEngin_: then i guess u can configure what SimplySeth has said18:57
neulone question:18:57
MarcNspork969: what type of laptop, projector?18:57
murlidharam i right SimplySeth ?18:57
SimplySethmurlidhar: yah18:57
geniiMaillard: If you have package read-edid installed. sudo get-edid|parse-edid18:57
murlidharso who is the nerd here???18:57
SimplySeth<<-- guilty of nerdiness18:57
* murlidhar calls SimplySeth a nerd18:57
fabionot me18:57
SimplySeth<<-- non-white and nerdy18:58
Maillardwell, thanks genii  if it is not there, i'll install it.18:58
jescisSimplySeth: here's an image of the error: http://imagebin.ca/view/sJ7JjSG.html18:58
fabioi'm geek18:58
* murlidhar now fabio jokes18:58
neulwhat is that media player?  KLC? KLV?18:58
justm1what are the  Ubuntu/Debian packaging standards.18:58
bod_SimplySeth, too much weird al for you ,.,.;~)18:58
Engin_murlidhar, already did so18:58
geniiMaillard: It reads back the scanline settings the monitor can be set to. This info can be used in xorg.conf file18:58
soundray!apt | justm118:58
ubotujustm1: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:58
geirhaneul: vlc?18:58
murlidharEngin_: ask fabio18:58
geniiscanline -> modeline18:58
brobostigonneul: vlc18:58
murlidharhe is a geek18:59
neulbingo, thanks :)18:59
SimplySethjescis: and you moved the .mozilla folder ?18:59
fabiobecoming a white hat, lol18:59
bod_this is probably one of the only places i know where being a 'geek' is a good thing ;~)18:59
jescisI never touched the .mozilla folder18:59
soundraybod_: don't get around much, do you? ;)19:00
SimplySethbod_: I can show you sexy pics of a mini-itx system I built19:00
fabioi will own novell some day19:00
Engin_is there a command line to tool to add/remove services to boot up ? i.e. add sshd, remove xorg19:00
bod_soundray, nope,.,.;~)19:00
nerdsquad3210a friend of mine tels me that Mr Obama uses ubuntu in all his PCs19:00
bod_SimplySeth, i dunno what that is -- but go for it ;~)19:00
erUSULEngin_: undate-rc.d and rcconf with curses gui19:00
SpunkySimple question about Terminal. How would I go about downloading a file in terminal from the internet, like put a link in and terminal downloads it.19:00
johnquinn85does anybody know how to run "toshutils"?19:00
SimplySethjescis: for grins and giggles .. open up a terminal and do ... mv .mozilla old.mozilla19:00
fabioyes change we can19:00
erUSULSimplySeth: wget19:00
soundraySpunky: wget19:00
Spunkyah ty sir19:00
soundray!wget | Spunky19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wget - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:00
SimplySethjescis: restart firefox19:01
murlidharok now i installed flash using the command sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree but i can't watch my youtube videos on my firefox 319:01
Engin_erUSUL, rcconf is not installed by default, fyi19:01
nerdsquad3210a friend of mine tels me that Mr Obama uses ubuntu in all his PCs19:01
SpunkyFirst time using Ubuntu >.>19:01
soundraySpunky: should be installed by default19:01
bod_!find wget19:01
ubotuFound: wget, epiphany-extension-gwget, gwget, wget-el19:01
erUSULEngin_: i know i use update-rc.d XD19:01
soundray!info wget19:01
bod_!info wget | soundray19:01
ubotuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1924 kB19:01
ubotusoundray: please see above19:01
nerdsquad3210a friend of mine tels me that Mr Obama uses ubuntu in all his PCs ! Is that true ?19:01
johnquinn85Whoever's using ubuntu for the first time, it's amazing19:01
bod_soundray, i win mwhahahaha19:01
Engin_erUSUL, :)19:02
SimplySethnerdsquad3210: dunno .. but we should vote for him so we can have an Obama Nation19:02
bod_nerdsquad3210, i use ubuntu on all 2 of my machines19:02
murlidharok now i installed flash using the command sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree but i can't watch my youtube videos on my firefox 319:02
kane77nerdsquad3210, stop trolling19:02
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johnquinn85quick question for anyone who knows the answer19:02
murlidharsomebody help me with firefox 319:02
bod_murlidhar, your aware that firefox 3 isnt finished yet,.,.19:02
johnquinn85I have a Toshiba A105, and the fan is not working...19:03
murlidharbod_: yes and i had in my linux mint 4.0 and it worked fine19:03
neulhow can I play wmv videos19:03
soundrayjohnquinn85: is it overheating?19:03
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=== cromalo is now known as magical
erUSUL!wmv | neul19:03
ubotuneul: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:03
bod_johnquinn85, your cooling fan is overheating ,.,. haha,.,. add more fans,. check the fan power supply19:04
soundray!info fnfxd | johnquinn85, maybe this helps19:04
ubotujohnquinn85, maybe this helps: fnfxd (source: fnfx): ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-12ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 20 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386)19:04
fabioit's causing the global warming19:04
jescisSimplySeth: now it works, thanks :)19:04
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:04
murlidharwhat is causing global warming19:04
brobostigonfabio: what is causing global warming??19:04
bod_ompaul, hey dude19:04
SimplySethjescis: you understand what you did ?19:04
neulno, there's a viewer i can use, I just can't remember the name of it19:04
ompaulbod_, ya19:05
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fabiomy p419:05
geirhaneul: mplayer19:05
bod_ompaul, havent seen you around for a while -- where u been ??19:05
fabioand gentoo users compilint their sources all the time19:05
johnquinn85no... the fan just won't turn on... the CPU overheats19:05
jescisnot really, no19:05
bod_neul, they wok fine with vlc19:05
nerdsquad3210anyone catch a virus/trojan using ubuntu ?19:05
ompaulbod_, OT and I have been here most days convos in #ubuntu-offtopic19:05
fabioacpi -t to get the temperature19:05
murlidhargentoo is a great way to learn linux i guess19:06
soundrayjohnquinn85: it's also possible that your ACPI DSDT is buggy, in which case you may have to fix the DSDT. Search tuxmobil.org for your laptop model to see if other people have experienced (or even fixed) that issue.19:06
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Ianmanhi all19:06
SimplySethjescis: your configurations and settings and cache are stored in a directory named '.mozilla' .. when you removed it .. it was like re-setting your settings :)19:06
johnquinn8562.0 degrees C19:06
murlidharu keep on compiling and compiling and compiling19:06
Ianmancan someone help me with a mount issue?19:06
fabioyour cpu will be soon in a hi fever19:06
SimplySethIanman: not unless you declare your issue :)19:06
soundrayjohnquinn85: that's not so bad if it's the CPU temperature19:06
fabio Thermal 1: ok, 46.0 degrees C19:06
jescisoh, ok. Now I get it. thanks again :)19:07
johnquinn85Thermal 1: 62 C ; Thermal 2: 66 C19:07
SimplySethjescis: teach a person how to fish .....19:07
IanmanSimplySeth, :-)  Well I have added an entry to my fstab file but I am not sure what the options at the end do. (e.g. 0 0 or 0 2)19:07
justm1has anybody hearevertryed head tracking in ubuntu ?19:07
johnquinn85the fan never turns on... ever19:07
murlidharfabio: how did u do that ?19:07
SimplySethjescis: man fstab ?19:07
SimplySethjescis: wwops ..wrong person19:07
soundrayjohnquinn85: have you tried running cpuburn?19:07
SimplySethIanman: man fstab19:07
murlidharIanman: i think this would help http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/12/gmount-iso-is-small-tool-written-using.html19:07
fabiowhat abuot the fan module ?19:07
johnquinn85nope.... i never heard of it.19:08
SimplySethIanman: !fstab | Ianman19:08
fabiolsmod | grep fan19:08
soundray!info cpuburn | johnquinn8519:08
ubotujohnquinn85: cpuburn (source: cpuburn): a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-25 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 116 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)19:08
Ianmank thanks SimplySeth19:08
SimplySethIanman: and one thing I noticed that's a lil weird about ubuntu fstab is the UUID stuff .. you get that string from 'blkid' command19:09
Ianmanah ok...was wondering about that!19:09
murlidharfabio: and the temp thing?19:09
soundrayjohnquinn85: maybe your fan trip points are just set high, in which case running cpuburn should make them turn on within seconds. However, if there's really something wrong (and you have an old system), cpuburn may wreck your CPU.19:09
SimplySethIanman: .. hope that helps :)19:09
soundrayjohnquinn85: go for the tuxmobil.org site first19:09
IanmanSimplySeth, should do19:09
fabiowhat temp ? i'm a poor dude19:10
jescisSimplySeth: yeah, if only I thought of it myself though. Of course it's good to get help when you get stuck, and don't have the faintest idea how to do something.19:10
Engin_which vnc server is recommended ?19:10
murlidhar<fabio>  Thermal 1: ok, 46.0 degrees C19:10
SimplySethjescis: now you now .. and if you do `ls -a` you can see all your . files :)19:10
johnquinn85cool... thanks for the help.... adios!19:10
murlidharfabio: how did u do that19:10
SimplySethjescis: files/folders that begin with a dot are hidden unless you do ls -a19:10
fabioacpi -t works for me19:11
murlidharmurlidhar@murlidhar-desktop:~$  lsmod | grep fan19:11
murlidharfan                     5764  019:11
fabiolm-sensors is a better way i think19:11
jescisor have nautulis display them ;)19:11
murlidharjesus everything goes above my head19:11
SimplySethjescis: *DOH* .. sorry .. I ferget how to do things ala GUI :-/19:11
* SimplySeth goes to hack an AIX box 19:12
jescisI'm not a total noob, I took a class on unix. And I still have the book :o19:12
kustomsamba problem: i've got a windows-network filled with computers that i hook my ubuntu pc into through samba (i suppose, its the autoconfigured thing that you get when you install gutsy). Everything worked until recently ... now i cant see the computers (and neither can they see me). is there any way to re-autoconfigure without reinstalling the entire system?19:13
murlidharand i am an electronics engineer who has book on c language.19:13
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=== SimplySeth[awat] is now known as SimplySeth[away]
ompaulmurlidhar, please join #ubuntu-offtopic for random conversation - here we do specific question / answer19:14
ompaul!nickspam > SimplySeth[away]19:14
murlidharompaul: sorry i will on course next time19:14
Slade^^hey guys19:15
SimplySeth[away]ompaul: thank kyou for being patient .. instead of kickin' me :)19:15
Slade^^how to un install kiba-dock??19:15
soundray!hi | asoare19:15
ubotuasoare: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:15
Slade^^uninstall kiba-dock???19:15
fabiohell stop it19:15
ompaul!repeat | Slade^^19:15
Slade^^no install UNinstall kiba-dock?19:15
ubotuSlade^^: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:16
Slade^^How to uninstall kiba-dock?19:16
soundray!language | fabio19:16
ubotufabio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:16
asoareis this a good place to discuss gos ? :)19:16
murlidharasoare: i guess the is a channel for gos19:17
Scuniziasoare, it is ubuntu with a different desktop manager. so if your asking about anything other than the desktop manager it should be ok..19:17
asoareyes, but about ubuntu participating in gos19:17
kustomis there any way to autoconfigure samba?19:17
kustomor an application to do that19:18
duleQuestion for the experts: I have a second partition of 4 GB.  Can I install ubuntu 7.10 on that little partition?19:18
murlidharasoare: go ahead ask your question19:18
PriceChilddule: yes19:18
duleOr do I need to carve out some swap space first?19:18
asoarei would really like to get involved in the ubuntu community, but i'm not really sure how to start19:18
dulewhat is the actual size of the ubuntu system?19:18
PriceChilddule: ubuntu doesn't need swap... its just handy if you run out of ram if you don't want random stuff being killed19:19
murlidhardule: yes while installing it give some space to the swap.19:19
PriceChilddule: over 2Gb19:19
Slade^^Can u answer to me ??19:19
soundraydule: you will be able to just fit root plus swap into 4GB19:19
Slade^^How to uninstall kiba-dock?????19:19
asoarei read about gos and think this is a great opportunity to do so19:19
ompaulSlade^^, sudo apt-get remove --purge ApplicationName (if you used synaptic or apt to install it if you compiled it you have made a mess)19:19
PriceChild!participate | asoare19:19
ubotuasoare: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate19:19
Slade^^thank you!!19:19
ompaulSlade^^, you were told not to repeat - it will get you banned have patience19:19
Slade^^im sorry19:20
geirhadule: should work, though you'll wish you had more space for it at some point19:20
ompaul!enter | Slade^^19:20
ubotuSlade^^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:20
click170Does anybody know why KWifiManager is acting absurdly stangely?  First it wouldn't properly scan for wireless networks, so I confirmed the adapter's module was loaded and correct, and scanned with iwlist and saw some, scanned again in KWifiManager and saw the networks that I saw from the iwlist scan, and now thats all it shows when scanning.19:20
Sinnermanis there a command to allow me to list the files in a directory, but not the symbolic links?19:20
Sinnermani mean in a terminal.19:20
geirhadule: and if you have another linux-system on the same computer, you can use the same swap partition for ubuntu too19:20
GuraxHi all. Does anyone here use the "htb.init" script for traffic shaping ?19:21
soundraySinnerman: find . -type f -maxdepth 119:21
dulePriceChild, soundray, murlidhar, geirha: thanks a lot guys19:21
Sinnermansoundray brilliant, thank you.19:21
duleI have windows on the main partition (it's a school's laptop), so no preexisting swap19:21
Guraxsoundray: i have exactly a problem with "find" at the htb.init script19:21
soundrayGurax: tell us more19:21
geirhadule: how much RAM do you have?19:21
asoarehow can i contact a mentor that participated in gos '07 ? i would really like to ask some questions19:22
iowahchy there, i got an crazy error. After a half minute up to 5 my Ubuntu 7.10 freezes, on console I get the error: ata1.01 Exception, etc. Just like the Error with the Samsung Q35 DVD Drive, but without the message that the port is slow19:22
duleanother question would be whether there is a way to "unlock" my main windows partition and resize it?19:22
tattooI did a ghost (using g4l) on my machine (w/ 3 NIC's). when I restored this image on another one (the same vendor), it started with eth3 and eth4. does anyone know what happened w/ the restore process?19:22
Guraxsoundray: I use the script and it will say this on execution:   "you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional"19:22
dulegeirha: 500MB19:22
Sinnermanis it possible to use a file (of whatever size) to mount as a filesystem, and moreover, have that filesystem encrypted? i specifically want a file containing the filesystem. how would i go about achieving this?19:22
duleso 500 swap, 3500 "/"19:22
murlidhardule: keep the swap about 250mb19:23
geirhadule: might be a bit too low mem without a swap. The ubuntu CD has a partition editor that can resize partitions, including windows partitions19:23
murlidhari guess that should be enough19:23
dulemurlidhar: oh, ok...19:23
soundrayGurax: what is htb.init?19:23
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dulegeirha: I am using that GParted program for this, but my main windows partition (that I would resize) is somehow "locked"...19:23
duleany way to unlock it?19:24
murlidhargeirha: i guess 250mb should be enough for swap. for 512 mb ram19:24
Slade^^It can't with Terminal... it says couldn't find package Kiba-Dock, what it is the problem???19:24
dule(locked = there is a little lock icon on it, and I can't resize)19:24
brobostigondule: maybe unmount it19:24
murlidhardule u first have to unmount it19:24
geirhamurlidhar: some swap is better than no swap ;)19:24
Guraxsoundray: it's a script to make the use of "tc" for traffic shaping, more friendly. Instead of using long command parameters, it can read smaller conf files and then from those it builds and executes the necessary commands.19:24
dulegood point!!!19:24
* dule feels embarrassed a little19:25
Slade^^It can't with Terminal... it says couldn't find package Kiba-Dock, what it is the problem???19:25
dodo_zany easy guide for ubuntu adn linux  beginners ?19:25
kustomis there any way to autoconfigure samba on gutsy or is there a package for that?19:25
geirhadule: if you intend to resize the windows partition, it's a good idea to do a defrag on it from windows first19:25
PriceChildSlade^^: apt-cache search kiba19:25
murlidhardodo_z: i guess ubuntu wiki is enough.19:25
dulegeirha: ok... thanks for the advice19:26
dodo_zmurlidhar: no its hard19:26
murlidhardodo_z: and this channel is more than enough19:26
erUSUL!info swat | kustom19:26
ubotukustom: swat (source: samba): Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.3 (gutsy), package size 950 kB, installed size 2616 kB19:26
dodo_zmurlidhar: I don't understand any thing yet , it's my first time using ubuntu19:26
soundrayGurax: I'm sorry, I don't know what this "non-option argument -type" might refer to. Consider reporting a bug. It's also helpful sometimes to just paste an entire error message as a web search.19:26
murlidhardodo_z: u can ask your silliest question here.19:26
dodo_zmurlidhar: how to install files and  extract it , how to play movies , how to install beryl and make a good looking desktop19:27
Guraxsoundray: the complete message i get is this: ->  find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it).  Please specify options before other arguments19:27
murlidhar!install | dodo_z19:27
ubotudodo_z: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:27
murlidhardodo_z: u can install it using add/remove given in  the panel.19:28
iowahcanyone knows my problem?19:28
dodo_zmurlidhar: I don't know where is this panel :)19:28
dodo_zand why do I use -zfxv or whatever in the command19:29
soundrayGurax: you could try moving the whole "-maxdepth X" option to the beginning of the command line, right after "find".19:29
geniidodo_z: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy is a good starting point19:29
geirhadodo_z: look at the application menu at the top left,19:29
murlidhardodo_z: look on the top of the desktop19:29
dodo_zaha , add/remove , the last option in the menu19:29
kahrytanWho thinks they can fix a bug in Ubuntu. Ubuntu GDM crashes  (new installs and done so for past 2 releases) when I try to restart or shutdown computer at gdm login19:29
murlidhardodo_z: -zfxv isn't required to starters19:30
dodo_zmurlidhar:  can I install beryl in this way ?19:30
ompaul!launchpad | kahrytan19:30
basculekahrytan: ?19:30
ubotukahrytan: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:30
Daisuke_Laptopberyl is dead, dodo_z19:30
* kahrytan hits ompaul with smart stick.19:30
Daisuke_Laptopdodo_z: compiz fusion is probably what you would want19:30
dodo_zDaisuke_ : dead ?19:30
basculeompaul: good call19:30
ompaul!offtopic | kahrytan19:30
ubotukahrytan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:30
kahrytan!offtopic | ompaul19:31
geirhadodo_z: you want to unpack a tar-ball? You just double-click it in the file browser and select extract19:31
Daisuke_Laptopdodo_z: yes, as dead as the animal in your nick :)  beryl remerged with compiz to form compiz-fusion19:31
basculekahrytan: full bug report is the way ahead with hardware listed form lspci -v19:31
ubotuompaul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:31
justm1how video does it take to run compiz?19:31
dodo_zDaisuke_Laptop: hmmm  I don't know :) but I saw a youtube video with beryl and I like it19:31
Daisuke_Laptop!botabuse | ompaul, kahrytan19:31
ubotuompaul, kahrytan: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:31
murlidhardodo_z: for that to install u have to go to system/administration/synaptic manager/ search beryl and click apply19:31
* bascule forgot just how insanely busy this place is19:31
orbisvicisif i autostart gnome-volume-manager in fluxbox ... it doesnt mount, contrary to fluxbox. Why so ... am i missing something ?19:31
orbisvicissome software19:31
Daisuke_Laptopmurlidhar: advising someone to install beryl is unwise.19:31
Daisuke_Laptopdodo_z: go to System > Preferences > Appearance19:32
justm1how do you apt-get compiz fusion19:32
Daisuke_Laptopthere should be a visual effects tab.19:32
geirhadodo_z: beryl and compiz merged together, so compiz fusion is sortof the newer version of beryl, and it's installed by default19:32
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:32
fabioberyl is old now19:32
Daisuke_Laptopxgl is a terrible idea19:32
Daisuke_Laptopfortunately it's obsolete as of hardy19:32
dodo_zgeirha: you mean I have it now by default /19:32
geniiDaisuke_Laptop: Especially for ATI cards19:32
dodo_zDaisuke_Laptop: i'm now at perference19:33
murlidhardodo_z: yes19:33
geirhadodo_z: yes19:33
ompauldodo_z, it comes with gutsy by default if your card can do it19:33
Guraxsoundray: I was looking into that. I'll try see if that does the trick19:33
Daisuke_Laptopdodo_z: there should be an Appearance menu setting19:33
DoYouKnowwait, xgl is obsolete?19:33
_mugid like so set up my laptop with fully encrypted hdd. is there a big performance loss on modern machines (core2duo1.5)?19:33
DoYouKnowwhat about radeon xpress 200M?19:33
Linux-Noobi need some help setting up a virtual machine application can someone pm me19:33
dodo_zompaul: I have toshipa laptop with 500 MB ram19:33
justm1linux-noob winch one are you useing ?19:34
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dodo_zompaul: toshiba satellite A10019:34
ompauldodo_z, 512mg - so have I19:34
Linux-Noobjustm1: thats the thing i need an easy to use one with a gui19:34
dodo_zompaul: is it enough? :)19:34
justm1inotec vbox is what i use19:34
ompauldodo_z, it works on my lappy and my bosses19:34
justm1its free19:34
soundray!hi | quilomicron19:34
ubotuquilomicron: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:34
Daisuke_LaptopDoYouKnow: i didn't say it IS obsolete, but that it WILL BE obsolete as of hardy19:34
Linux-Noobjustm1: ok please hold while i look it up19:34
Daisuke_Laptophopefully there will be a better solution by then19:35
justm1linux-noob do a search for vitural box19:35
* dule thanks everyone for help...19:35
dodo_zI made changes in the appearence , I set it Extra , but where is the fire ?19:35
justm1linux-noob its what i use to run xp in ubuntu and xp runs faster then when i am just running xp19:35
murlidhar!offtopic > murlidhar19:35
ripper666Hi guys!!! i need some help with Java pluggins with firefox64. its seems to be that there are not any 64 bit pluggins for firefox 64. what can i do to correct this problem???19:36
justm1linux-noob innotek is the maker of that19:36
Linux-Noobjustm1:  i found it and am downloading it19:36
soundrayripper666: use nspluginwrapper to install the 32-bit plugin into 64-bit firefox19:37
frawfrawis there a way to reboot the system from ssh?19:37
Linux-Noobjustm1:  what i am doing is trying to run 2 servers off of this linux machine for gaming purposes19:37
soundrayfrawfraw: 'sudo reboot'19:37
kwajstabowhere can i find NFS client for browsing network folders (synaptic managers shows it is already installed but i cant find it)19:37
frawfrawsoundray: does it leave things "funky", or is it basically the same as restarting from X windows19:37
ripper666soundray: what is nsplugginwrapper do i need to install it or is it allready in the synaptic19:38
soundrayfrawfraw: it's a clean reboot19:38
_sluimers_How can I see which firewall is blocking my fserve?19:38
frawfrawsoundray: thanks19:38
soundrayripper666: you can install it from synaptic19:38
Linux-Noobjustm1:  its says error dependancy libxalin19:38
JeruvyI have a wierd problem, my nic will not connect to the router.  Was connecting fine to do an upgrade, then afterwards, the nic is dropping traffic?19:39
_sluimers_One or both my firewalls is blocking my fserve, how do I fix this?19:39
ripper666soundray: ¨sudo apt-get install nsplugginwrapper¨?19:39
SimplySethJeruvy: is that the only machine on the router having issues ?19:40
wasabi_is there a way to place a program in a certain part of the screen when opening it through terminal?19:40
JeruvySimplySeth: yes19:40
soundrayripper666: watch the spelling (one 'g')19:40
SimplySethJeruvy: dunno then .. sorry I cant help19:40
Ricowaz up19:40
Linux-Noobwhere can i find libxalan110???19:41
SimplySethRico: gas prices, cost of living , taxes19:41
bascule_sluimers_: set up a LOG table in iptables19:41
_sluimers_bascule, how do I do that?19:41
soundray!info libxalan110 | Linux-Noob19:41
ubotulinux-noob: libxalan110 (source: xalan): Provides XSLT support for applications. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10-3.1 (gutsy), package size 1211 kB, installed size 4304 kB19:41
wasabi_is there a way to place a program in a certain part of the screen when opening it through terminal?19:41
soundray!info devilspie | wasabi_19:41
ubotuwasabi_: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.2-1build1 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 132 kB19:41
daedraps aux | grep network19:42
kaurI am trying to help a friend of mine who is trying to get a live cd working... He has radeon x550 and a black screen... Any ideas?19:42
mildnerany help to install firmware for Tchibo USB DVB-T Stick19:42
soundrayLinux-Noob: you can install libxalan110 through synaptic, if you have the universe repository enabled.19:42
daedratar xzvf hbkdr.tar.gz19:42
wasabi_soundray, thanks!19:42
bascule_sluimers_: http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/iptables_fw.html <- try this, if it is beyond you ask in #<firewall you use>19:43
soundraymildner: do a lsusb and search the web on the USB identifier19:43
murlidharkaur: if he can't get a live cd working then there is an alternative cd which install ubuntu19:43
Linux-Noobits says its already instaled... i dont get it19:43
soundraymildner: Ubuntu may not be the best distribution for DVB -- check out c't vdr (German!)19:44
kaurmurlidhar, he is a bit suspicious about ubuntu and so it would be better for him to try the live cd first19:44
Pici!ping | fabio19:45
ubotufabio: ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore19:45
mildner_any help to install firmware for Tchibo USB DVB-T Stick19:45
renato_i had huge fonts on my gdm and title bars, anyone can help me?19:45
murlidharkaur: then i don't know how to help cuz some graphics cards aren;t supported by ubuntu fully.19:45
fabioradeon x550  should be radeon compliant19:45
soundraymildner_: what was wrong with my two replies?19:45
mildner_I was disconnected19:45
soundraymildner_: do a lsusb and search the web on the USB identifier19:45
Linux-Noobsoundray:  how do i set it for universe dependancys?19:45
soundraymildner_: Ubuntu may not be the best distribution for DVB -- check out c't vdr (German!)19:45
murlidharkaur: <fabio> radeon x550  should be radeon compliant19:45
soundrayLinux-Noob: System-Administration-Software Sources -- third item in the list19:46
fbcWhich ftp server package offers a graphical configuration interface? WU-FTP or pro-ftp?19:46
mildner_I have the firmware I only don't know how to install it19:46
fabiomaybe you are using wrong vsync/hsync value19:46
xGeekI want ubuntu mobile now please. :(19:47
geniimildner_: Put the .fw file into /lib/firmware   directory19:47
soundraymildner_: the firmware all by itself won't do. You need a driver19:47
murlidharxGeek: i guess it is still not released yet19:48
kaurmurlidhar, radeon compliant means it should work fine?19:48
Linux-Noobsoundray:  im using ubuntu desktop 6.06 i dont see that19:48
murlidharkaur: i don't know ask fabio19:48
murlidharkaur: it was he who told that19:48
xGeekmurlidhar: /join #ubuntu-mobile19:49
kaurmurlidhar, right, thanks19:49
soundray!info libxalan110 dapper | Linux-Noob19:49
ubotulinux-noob: libxalan110 (source: xalan): Provides XSLT support for applications. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10-1 (dapper), package size 1212 kB, installed size 4688 kB19:49
soundray!universe > Linux-Noob, please read the private message from ubotu19:49
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kaurfabio, as I understand radeon x550 should work with ubuntu?19:49
fabio i mean , it should work fine using the radeon driver19:50
fabioas far as i know radeon module is good all the way up to x850 radeon card19:50
fabiowhy not19:50
Gary_inNYChi, what program can i use to do videoconferencing with friends who exclusively use AOLim?19:51
Noah0504Does the 7.10 Server CD accept WPA2?19:51
jetsaredi1what is the difference between eclipse and eclipse-gcj19:52
thor__how do you install drivers for an ATI Graphics card on Ubuntu 7.10?19:52
basculejetsaredi1: one is sun's own java, other is GNU java19:53
^^Princ^^hey to all19:53
murlidharGary_inNYC: latest version of pidgin support videoconferencing .  i  am not sure . just check it19:53
genii!ati | thor__19:53
ubotuthor__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:53
^^Princ^^I'm having problems with openvpn19:53
renato_i have huge fonts on gdm at 7.10 anyone can help me?19:53
^^Princ^^it seems i cant start my openvpn server19:53
soundraythor__: System-Administration-Restricted Drivers Manager19:53
^^Princ^^it gives me Starting virtual private network daemon: server(FAILED).19:54
^^Princ^^i can figure out whats the problem19:54
jetsaredi1bascule: ah - thanks19:54
^^Princ^^anyone with some experience19:54
Noah0504Can I use WPA2 when configuring my network on the 7.10 server install?19:54
basculedepends on the card19:55
Gary_inNYCunfortunately, i don't see any support for videoconferencing in pidgin19:55
soundrayNoah0504: it should work in principle. Some wireless drivers are finicky, though19:55
basculeand wether or not you know how to use iwconfig shell command19:55
fabiorenato, try gdmsetup change you theme19:55
Noah0504Do I need to prefix my phrase with s:?19:56
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soundray^^Princ^^: no specific experience, but look in /var/log/syslog for more detailed error messages19:57
bascule!hi | Finnish19:57
ubotuFinnish: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:57
FinnishHow can I optimize bluetooth transmission?19:57
FinnishI have a BT-dongle, USB19:57
=== eachris is now known as ericc
gizbotHello everyone.  Any wireless geeks here today?19:57
FinnishTo my BT-headphones19:57
FinnishI downloaded some BT-packets from synaptics today, and I think that my transmission rate somehow got worse after those updates19:58
basculegizbot: just ask the question19:58
LjL!anyone | gizbot19:58
ubotugizbot: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!19:58
=== _max is now known as max
fabiogizbot, all nerds today19:59
basculeit is freenode, what else?19:59
neopsychehow do i detect my new modem?20:00
ubuntuislovedcould someone tell me the developers channel for freenode irc20:00
neopsycheJack_Sparrow,actually old modem20:00
MasterAslanhi,  I am behind a router but want to be able to ping and connect to my computers by computer name instead of ip addresses.  Do I need a DNS server for this?20:00
mildner_hello any help available how to install dvb stick firmware I have firmware but dont know where to put it20:00
soundrayneopsyche: how is it connected?20:00
soundraymildner_: the firmware all by itself won't do. You need a driver20:01
basculeMasterAslan: depends how many hosts, a static hosts file like /etc/hosts is fine for a few20:01
soundraymildner_: maybe you should sort out your net connection troubles first20:01
neopsychesoundray, via pin connection com port20:02
mildner_soundray: the firmware seems to be just one file dvb-usb-dposh-01.fw20:02
soundraymildner_: you need a driver20:02
Aguihola buenas20:02
soundrayneopsyche: Have you tried configuring it through System-Administration-Networking-Modem-Properties20:02
oldskoolhi all after hours of x-restarting i have managed to install openchrome and configure it to run on my laptop at 1280x800, however there are now artifacts when browsing the internet / redrawing the desktop etc.  i have search the forums but not found much help, anyone got any ideas?20:03
MasterAslanbascule: whats the best solution for computers with dhcp?  I basically want to be able to connect a computer to the network and be able to ping it with the computer name like windows can.  It just seems to pick it up when its connected20:04
Gary_inNYCanyone with any information on videoconferencing with friends in AOL, Yahoo, MSN, etc?20:05
basculeMasterAslan: dunno, I use static for lan20:05
dodo_zhey , when I try to install a codec it tells me this application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.20:05
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:05
ubuntuislovedMasterAslan: why not just ping its ip?20:05
Gary_inNYCdodo z, did you install a conflicting metapackage?20:06
dodo_zGary_inNYC: I just installed a codec with this same name20:06
MasterAslansometimes if a friend connects a laptop for instance via wireless I can't necessarily see the ip address.20:06
dodo_zGary_inNYC: I tried to open te mp3 file and I got two codecs20:06
_mugMasterAslan: what do you mean by the name of the computer? the samba-name or the dns-name? you could set up a static /etc/hosts for each host20:07
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.20:07
dodo_zGary_inNYC: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly20:07
Gary_inNYCkk, try uninstalling those individual codecs and install just the ugly set.  i think that should do it20:07
brobostigondodo_z: try audacious or xmms with that mp3, and see what happens20:07
basculeMasterAslan: well I would query the router, or the machine it's self20:07
ubuntuislovedMasterAslan: so what your saying you want to scan all computers on your network?20:07
basculeMasterAslan: It probably s possible without fullblown DNS though20:07
dodo_zGary_inNYC: how to uninstall them , I opened Synpatic manager and I found many instances with different names20:07
bascule!avahi > bascule20:08
Gary_inNYCdid you by any chance install sets with differing suffixes?  ugly, bad, etc?20:08
_mugcould sb tell if an intel x3100 videocard works find with compiz?20:08
oldskoolMasterAslan:I use DHCP and can map to my pc from laptop using its comp name20:09
dodo_zGary_inNYC: it's only one codec and I have gstreamer-alsa ,gstreamere-esd20:09
neopsychesoundray,how do i install old modem?20:09
ubuntuislovedMasterAslan: FYI this is called netbios20:09
dodo_zGary_inNYC: and many others with same name20:09
zimon_mug: no, it's blacklisted. you can configure compiz such that the blacklist is ignored, however it didn't work very well for me20:09
mooboo1how do i make a xorg.conf file?20:09
dodo_zGary_inNYC: same prefix20:10
ErikRI need some help with update-alternatives..20:10
ErikRit doesn't seem to create any links20:10
soundrayneopsyche: I've already told you. If my advice hasn't worked for you, you have to ask more specifically20:10
ubuntuislovedMasterAslan: and yes you either need to put info into /etc/hosts or use dns20:10
dodo_zGary_inNYC: should uninstall all of the m?20:10
soundrayErikR: how are you using it?20:10
brobostigonmooboo1: it you are running xorg, then you should already have one20:10
_mugzimon: hm crashes? or what didnt work?20:10
oldskoolhi all after hours of x-restarting i have managed to install openchrome and configure it to run on my laptop at 1280x800, however there are now artifacts when browsing the internet / redrawing the desktop etc.  i have search the forums but not found much help, anyone got any ideas?20:10
ErikRsudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/rake rake /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rake 1020:11
willm_mooboo1, you can try X -configure, which will create a file, but you can check if you have a (backup of an) xorg.conf in /etc/X1120:11
basculecan avahi help MasterAslan?20:11
mooboo1brobostigon, im running xorg, but no file exist20:11
dodo_zhelp eplease20:11
Gary_inNYCdodo_z flip through this link    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats20:11
zimon_mug: no crashes, but the second screen wasn't redrawn correctly20:11
ErikRI installed rake with gem install rake20:11
mooboo1ok thanks20:11
ErikRbut it wasn't "found" in the shell20:11
_mugzimon: second screen? a monitor attached to the notebook?20:12
brobostigondodo_z: try xmms or audacious, it already has the codecs built in, no need to install extra codecs to play mp3s20:12
ZummiG777Question: I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop via preseeding.  At the install method selection page I'm changing the command line to preseed/url=http://myurl/boot.cfg but I'm still thrown into the GUI LIVECD interface.  Is there something I'm missing?20:12
ErikRI had thise previously with another command, and then update-alternatives came to the rescue20:12
ErikRthis time I f*cked up..20:12
MasterAslanthanks for your help..gonna research my options20:12
willm_oldskool, what X-driver are you using?20:12
zimon_mug: right .. i use the external display as primary and the laptop panel as secondary screen. that didn't work with compiz20:12
ErikRand did update-alternatives with the wrong executable20:12
LjL!language | ErikR20:12
ubotuErikR: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:12
oldskoolwillm: openchrome xserver20:13
Gary_inNYCthe ubuntu restricted extras is what you want dodo_z.  also to play DVD movies, you might consider looking at Medibuntu for libdvdcss220:13
_mugzimon: but the laptop-screen worked? (i dont intend to use an external one)20:13
ErikRthen I wanted to do update-alternatives with the correct ninary20:13
soundrayErikR: not sure -- maybe you have to remove the wrong links first. man update-alternatives ?20:13
oldskoolwillm_: openchrome compiled ok and video card recognised20:13
zimon_mug: if you want to try, add SKIP_CHECKS=yes to ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager20:13
dodo_zbrobostigon: where is this software?20:14
_mugzimon: and out of the box or did you have to tweak/blackmagic/dirtyhack sth?20:14
eeeandrewhi guys. Anyone good at JAVA programming in the eclipse evironment? I'm having some trouble calling a method20:14
brobostigondodo_z: look in synaptic20:14
ErikRsoundray: i did rm rake from both /etc/alternatives and /usr/bin20:14
soundrayoldskool: why did you compile, rather than using xserver-xorg-video-openchrome ?20:14
_mugeeeandrew: maybe you want to ask in a java chan20:14
ErikRthen no output from update-alternatives (like expected on correct execution)20:14
eeeandrew_mug where would I find one of them?20:14
soundrayErikR: I mean remove with update-alternatives20:14
ErikRI did that too20:15
ErikRbut I think it didn't remove any files :)20:15
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_mugtype /join #java20:15
ErikRalthough I am a bit uncertain..20:15
Gary_inNYChey, is there a good program for videoconferencing with people in popular im clients like AOL, Yahoo, MSN?  i googled and found pidgin isn't it20:15
oldskoolsoundray: tried that first, no luck, so tried a compile, still no luck but same driver ( i think) as the one from the repository20:15
soundrayErikR: okay, sorry, can't help20:15
_mugeeeandrew: or not.. its not open20:15
brobostigonGary_inNYC: for msn try amsn20:15
ErikRthanks anyhow soundray20:16
eeeandrew_mug thanks anyway20:16
ErikRthis place seems a bit busy20:16
Stickman0I was wondering if Ubuntu could partition an NTFS drive. I tried with the installer, but it isn't letting me partition it, just an all or nothing install20:16
_mugeeeandrew: type /list and look for one yourself20:16
soundrayoldskool: there's always the hope that it will work better with the next release. Have you checked bug reports?20:16
Gary_inNYCkk i'll take a look20:16
oldskoolsoundray: then managed to force a resolution that opensource could handle using dpkg-reconfigure20:16
jtg23does anybody have experience troubleshooting pxe server configs?  I'm getting strange errors..20:16
FidgetandFlumpso is this the room for complete beginners (I would have said noobs but that cliched and not my way of talking)!20:16
olskolirchi hi guys :-) how do I convert mp3 to wav20:16
oldskoolsoundray:no have not checked reports, but have used manual and set options unset options to no avail20:17
xelavery busy in here20:17
oldskoolsoundray:where might i find the bug reports?20:17
olskolirchey who is oldskool20:17
Gary_inNYCheh Fidget im as new as they come, though resourceful :)20:17
Pici!bugs | oldskool20:17
soundrayolskolirc: mplayer -ao pcm20:17
gizbotHi.  I've got a new Gateway 6834 laptop, and it uses the newish Intel 4695 wireless card.  I've been trying to get it run under Gutsy (kbuntu).   I think I am using the newer iwl4965 drivers that come with the default config.  I cannot see the local access point (DHCP), though my old machine can, meaning no DHCP lease and no iwlist scan.   Booting under windows gives me network access.  I'm...20:17
xelamaybe easier to find love here than support....? lol20:17
gizbot...a bit at a loss of how to go forward.  Any suggestions?20:17
Picioldskool: er, bugs.ubuntu.com20:17
boggystudiosI am trying to create an alias for the sshfs command but don't know how to handle the "@" symbol in the username of my ftp account.  How do I deal with this?20:17
ubotuoldskool: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:18
xeladid someone installed a softmodem motorola sm 56?20:18
xelano detecting20:18
FidgetandFlumphaha I just took a blind leap into ubuntu last night and installed it on my PC, now it's a case of trying to get a clue to what I'm doing!!20:18
olskolircthanks man :-)20:18
Cpudan80Congratulations FidgetandFlump !20:18
ArekkusuFidgetandFlump just took the plunge.20:18
Cpudan80FidgetandFlump: What's up?20:19
soundrayFidgetandFlump: maybe check the FAQ first?20:19
Cpudan80We are here to serve20:19
willm_boggystudios, just alias somecommand="sshfs user@host:/dir /dir" ?20:19
soundray!faq | FidgetandFlump20:19
gizbotboggystudios|Have your tried using double quotes:  "alias foo="my thing with @ char".  Unless it's killing your line?20:19
ubotuFidgetandFlump: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage20:19
olskolircok now how do I edit my wav to just use the part I want?20:19
willm_olskolirc, audacity20:19
olskolircok thanks20:19
FidgetandFlumpbig plunge, luckily I have a little laptop to keep me going whilst I wade through documentation and try and learn something20:19
soundrayolskolirc: use audacity to do it graphically20:19
Cpudan80Anyone know what plugins you need for firefox to view CNN video?20:19
id10t'lo all... anyone care to remind my aged brain about iptables?  best to start by flushing rulesets and then block everything then allow what is needed right?20:19
Cpudan80I forgot20:19
FidgetandFlumpgoes to read the faq's (is)20:19
xelaadobe flash player20:20
Bonkersrecently sshing to remote hosts has slowed down quite a bit and it looks like all the time is spent on "Trying to reverse map address ...", is there any way to disable that step?20:20
xelafind it on the website of adobe20:20
brobostigonCpudan80: flash probebly20:20
boggystudioswillm_ gizbot: my username has a @ in it so it thinks that when it gets to that symbol the host name begins20:20
Cpudan80brobostigon: It's something else too apprently20:20
ErikRis update-alternative the best way to make links in /usr/bin?20:20
soundrayid10t: or use a frontend such as firestarter20:20
neopsycheanyone help with guide form google for acer scan to web v3300?20:20
Cpudan80Flash alone doesnt cut it20:20
brobostigonCpudan80: realplayer too mybe20:20
xelaon adobe website iare instructions to install the tar.gz20:21
id10tsoundray, headless box in a closet... that and i'm teaching iptables tonight, just wanted to clear the cobwebs out first20:21
Ax-Axsorry for sucking, how do i make a zip "a" with the folder "a/b" in?20:21
brobostigon!realplayer | Cpudan8020:21
ubotuCpudan80: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:21
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SmftreHow do I access a ntfs partition on the LiveDVD to move things around before installing? The partition won't seem to mount!20:21
id10tSmftre, isntall the ntfs-3g stuff first20:21
Smftreid10t, where can I find that?20:22
TiyukWhat is the correct channel for discussing issues with what is (for me) a regression between a Hardy package yesterday and the update pushed out today?20:22
ZambeziWhat's apport for packages? It's trying to beat up my CPU right now.20:22
id10tSmftre, under system and then software20:22
xelai just installed adobe flash..plays all videos on the internet20:22
id10tSmftre, or do it command line20:22
soundrayTiyuk: #ubuntu+120:22
Gary_inNYCthink the gutsy live cd already has ntfs-3g or am i wrong?20:22
Tiyuksoundray: thanks20:22
amenadoid10t-> make sure you have an escape hatch in case the server is too far and no one can reset it20:22
SimplySethis there a guid somewhere on buildin' your own Ubunti-ish distro ?20:22
id10tamenado, yup, got that... learned that the hard way the first time around :)20:22
iowahchey there anyone got that error? ata1.01: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen20:22
iowahcata1.01: cmd a0/00:00:00:00:20/00:00:00:00:00/b0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 020:22
FidgetandFlumphaha oh dear I've just read the FAQ's and I'm not even at that level, poop.  I've got the basics working but was just trying to figure networking.  I'm lucky as a lot of my stuff was just there, so I can learn at a slower pace20:23
amenadoid10t-> then have a backup ruleset that works, just default ACCETP Policies20:23
SimplySethFidgetandFlump: there is a networking GUI on the taskbar :)20:23
neopsycheanyone help with acer scan to web scanner?20:23
Cpudan80brobostigon: it's mozilla-mplayer20:24
amenadoSimplySeth-> id google for remastering ubuntu perhaps20:24
neopsycheis ther ea place where i can check scanner compatability on ubuntu20:24
Stickman0So, is there a way to partition an NTFS harddrive with the Ubuntu installer? Or do I have to find a 3rd party app?20:24
SimplySethamenado: "remastering" ubuntu .. thanks .. I at least have some keywords to search for .. thanks :)20:24
FidgetandFlumpI saw that and even read some stuff on the net, but it just wasn't clicking20:24
gizbotAnyone using iwl4965 drivers?20:24
andatchepptp not working over wireless with network-manager is a bit of a pita :(20:24
id10tSimplySeth, look at the remasting knoppix docs20:24
SimplySethStickman0: ntfsprogs ntfs-config20:24
willm_boggystudios, second I'm trying something...20:25
id10tSimplySeth, i imagine it woul dbe the same process as ubuntu20:25
erUSULStickman0: you can partition your disk during install afaik20:25
Stickman0Thank you!20:25
andatcheit was working but since I switched to a wired network and back I can't get it to work again without using wired20:25
erUSUL!install | Stickman020:25
ubotuStickman0: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:25
ErikRhmm.. I get this20:25
ErikRerik@closetmaster:/etc/alternatives$ update-alternatives --display rake20:25
ErikRrake - status is manual.20:25
ErikR link currently absent20:25
Stickman0Thanks, your a lifesaver20:25
ErikR/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rake - priority 1020:25
ErikRCurrent `best' version is /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rake.20:25
FloodBot1ErikR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
ErikRoh- sorry..20:25
oldskoolhmmm no bug reports on my specific problem, thanks though.  Any more suggestions appreciated :)20:25
amenadoandatche-> do this, when it works, right down the contents of ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf;20:26
ErikRanyhow.. I don't have a link in my /etc/alternatives directory20:26
Gary_inNYCStickMan0 the liveCD comes with GParted so you can create and/or resize partitions20:26
SimplySethid10t: thanks .. I wanna build a turn-key firewall/nat/DDNS/DHCP box with ubuntu .. thanks20:26
andatcheamenado: I don't think that will fix it, I think it's some bug in nm20:26
id10tSimplySeth, may want to look at using DSL or similar small distro as a base20:26
andatcheit seems hard coded to use eth020:26
Stickman0I tried, but the install CD didn't let me try to partition20:26
FidgetandFlumpI have my network menu open, I'm just trying to get my mac to discover it through a router!!20:26
SimplySethid10t: "remastering" was the keyword I was looking for20:26
andatcheyet it was working until the first time I plugged it in20:26
amenadoSimplySeth-> i believer there was a distro that basically that ..turnkey firewall..i can not remember the name tough..its mentioned on that book damn small linux20:27
erUSULSimplySeth: why not use ruter oriented distributions like ipcop or zeroshell ?20:27
ephracisIs NM 0.7 gonna be in Hardy?20:27
andatcheand now it has worked again20:27
andatchethis is weird20:27
amenadoandatche-> do this, when it works, right down the contents of ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf;20:27
SimplySetherUSUL: I tried Mono .. but it didn't reconize my NICs .. zeroshell and ipcop .. will look into it thanks20:27
iowahcata1.01: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen20:28
iowahcata1.01: cmd a0/00:00:00:00:20/00:00:00:00:00/b0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 0 Anyone?20:28
zimonErikR: why would you need one?20:28
ErikRhmm.. because there was one earlier.. :)20:28
mutelightanyone running Unbuntu on a Mac Pro?20:29
ErikRI want a link in /usr/bin20:29
ErikRso that I can start rake properly :)20:29
zimonErikR: but you removed it, didn't you?20:29
Linux-Noobi keep getting this error Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root20:29
amenadoErikR-> you have to install it, using the update-alternate or alternate (heck am getting confused between fedora and ubuntu)  instal ..20:29
ErikRyeah.. but I thought that update-alternatives would give me a new one20:29
amenadoErikR-> that would only give you a selection to choose from.. to add to the menu, its install-ing it20:30
zimonErikR: no, that's for switching between the link targets20:30
tomtommyjust installed Ubuntu.  What shall I install to be able to watch all different types of videos?20:30
Linux-Noobhow do i get rid of this error?? Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root20:30
zimonErikR: i'd just reinstall rake20:30
ErikRI have..20:30
ErikRzimon.. but I want to have it with gem instal rake, not apt-get install rake20:31
tomtommyanyone know plzz?20:31
amenadoLinux-Noob-> i think it is telling you to re-do that command or else it can not go forward20:31
Linux-Noobamenado:  yes i understand but how do i redo the command?20:31
zimonErikR: do you have a symlink for rake in /usr/bin?20:31
Gary_inNYCFidgetandFlump: have you tried selecting manual configuration and selecting dhcp from "Wired Connection"  properties?20:31
Cpudan80Anyone know why flash crashes immediately on Ubuntu x86_64 ?20:32
ErikRno I don't zimon20:32
tomtommyjust installed Ubuntu.  What shall I install to be able to watch all different types of videos?20:32
Cpudan80like I load a site with flash, and it crashes (the flash part)20:32
amenadoLinux-Noob-> just like what it says  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup20:32
Gary_inNYCflash is annoying slow for me in firefox as well20:32
amenadoLinux-Noob-> just like what it says    sudo  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup20:32
tomtommyhow can I watch youtube videos in firefox?20:33
tomtommyHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.20:33
rinaldi_hi im trying to make a copy of a data dvd that has bad sectors on it. At the moment with k3b i've selected ignore errors so it keeps going. It's been on 32% for a day now. Just wanted to know if there is an app more specialised to dealing with bad sectors?20:33
zimonErikR: normally, you would have /usr/bin/rake -> /etc/alternatives/rake -> /..../rake .. if alternatives are used20:33
ErikRtake a look in http://www.pastie.org/160740 for the command aswell zimon20:33
ErikRthat is what I am trying to accomplish zimon20:33
Linux-Noobamenado: ok now i get this /usr/share/virtualbox/src/build_in_tmp: line 51: make: command not found20:33
xelaflash player adobe works fine and the use the ubuntu- restricted..20:34
FYIhello, I have installed necessary plugins/codecs trying to play a stream. It will say buffering then playing, but time doesn't advance and there's no picture/audio20:34
FYII am using totem20:34
Slarttomtommy: don't repeat your question too often... many people check the channel every now and then.. if you repeat your question you'll only annoy people and you'll get ignored... as for video.. install vlc player20:34
xeladownload it from adobe20:34
erUSUL!info ddrescue |  rinaldi_20:34
uboturinaldi_: ddrescue (source: ddrescue): copies data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-3 (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB20:34
xelaunpack it20:34
zimonErikR: did you try to create the symlink manually?20:34
xelaand the ./installplayer20:34
ErikRhmm.. not really zimon :)20:35
Slarttomtommy: there are other media-players available.. vlc just happens to be my favourite20:35
tomtommySlart, thanks!  and firefox wont play youtube videos.  how I make it?  says flashplayer not installed20:35
Slart!multimedia | tomtommy20:35
ubotutomtommy: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications20:35
tomtommySlart, ty20:35
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xelathen install it from the adobe site20:35
ErikRthought the update-alternatives would do that for me.. do you know anything about the automatic and manual stuff that is hinted in the pastie?20:35
Slarttomtommy: you want flash .. firefox doesn't come with flash installed by default..20:35
Gary_inNYCinstall flash nonfree from synaptic or adobe's site, and make sure javascript is enabled when in youtube20:35
Slart!flash | tomtommy20:35
ubotutomtommy: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:35
zimonErikR: try it. update-alternatives does nothing but manage symlinks, so you shouldn't get trouble20:36
rinaldi_erUSUL: cool thanks will gove a try :)20:36
ErikRokay.. :) I'll do that zimon, thanks.. I just to the link chain that you suggested previously then zimon20:36
sectechAnyone using xchat on hardy?20:36
xelaBut that is in german20:36
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hemelskonijnhey`a ... can any one help me out ?? ... i changed the gnome splash screen and login theme ... but between those the bg color is still brown ... how can i change that ??20:37
zimonErikR: update-alternatives --install only works if the symlink in /etc/alternatives exists. see manpage20:38
tomtommySlart, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash  <-- doesnt support Ubuntu 7.10.  what can I do?20:38
Gary_inNYChemelskonijn, check out gnome-look.org for theming20:38
hemelskonijnok thnx i will20:38
ErikRoh.. okay zimon.. darn.. I missed that20:38
Slarttomtommy: yes it does.. an old page, that's all... run this in a terminal "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"20:39
zimonErikR: it's used to add a alternative to a existent master link20:39
tomtommyok thanks :)20:39
ErikRaha.. okay..  is there an update-masters thing then zimon? :)20:39
SeerlI had to install the nvidia driver manually as the 'enable restricted driver' option totally screwed up X ....... how do I now enable compiz because if i try and enable desktop effects through ubuntu it says i have to enable the driver 1st (even though its already running and working fine)20:39
Slarttomtommy: you're welcoem20:39
tomtommySlart, does non-free mean its (c)?20:39
Slarttomtommy: it means you don't get source..20:40
tomtommySlart, but its legal to use for free?20:40
Slarttomtommy: it's adobe's flash.. and they are greedy evil people who probably eat little children.. oh.. they haven't released flash as open source either.. even worse ;)20:40
Slarttomtommy: it's legal to use20:40
hemelskonijngary_inNYC  on second hand this is where i got my files ... i did as described there and they work the only thing that doesnt work are the screens between login and my desktop bkg20:40
tomtommySlart, :P20:40
tomtommySlart, Mike tyson works for adobe :P20:41
* Slart locks the door... not sure it's Tyson-safe though20:41
hemelskonijnadobe power shot ?? =P20:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:41
tomtommySlart, cause tyson eats little children too :P20:41
Slartyes, sorry M[n]M..20:41
Gary_inNYChemelskonijn ic, you mean the default bronze screen between after login and loading the desktop environment20:42
M[n]M•Slart• why sorry?20:42
Slartfor being off-topic20:42
steph_Can someone help me configure a wireless network in Hardy?20:42
M[n]Mcan some one help me with open a server20:43
M[n]Mi wanna register20:43
M[n]Mi have no idea what i am saying ..20:43
alexb50what do I do when my wireless card decides that it doesn't exist?20:43
zimonErikR: no .. i don't think so. but i don't know too much about alternatives .. i just use them :-)20:43
Slartalexb50: try to convince it that it does.. see !threaten and !ifyoudon'tstartworkingnowI'llcry =)20:44
erUSULalexb50: which wifi card?20:44
Kumoolhow do i unmount a device (i cant see it in the file manager) (Phone)20:44
Slartalexb50: does it still exist in lspci or lsusb or similar?20:44
SlartKumool: umount <devicename> is the regular way..20:45
ErikRokay.. so now it works :)20:45
bthorntonI've recently changed the driver on my Broadcom wireless card from the default bcm43xx driver to ndiswrapper (had to blacklist the bcm43xx drive and add an alias for ndiswrapper to eth1). It works well, but I have to "sudo modprobe eth1" on every boot for the driver to be loaded. How can I have this load on boot?20:45
brobostigonKumool: in terminal umount /dev/**20:45
erUSULKumool: cat /proc/mounts <<< find out mountpoint or device ; sudo umount  mountpoint or device20:45
alexb50slart: it existed as a pciusb mount but networkmanager didn't realise that I had any wireless capability20:46
erUSULbrobostigon: add eth1 or ndiswrapper to /etc/modules20:46
zenatuzolá pessoal, alguém pode me ajudar com driver nvidia para ubuntu?20:46
zimonErikR: fine :--)20:46
Slart!es | zenatuz20:46
erUSUL!pt | zenatuz20:46
ubotuzenatuz: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:46
ubotuzenatuz: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:46
alexb50at which point I tried reinstalling networkmanager and relised that you can't network without networkmanager20:46
erUSULSlart: is portuguese20:46
zenatuzok, tks20:46
Juhazthat would be quite simple one, few lines if you20:46
ErikRln works just as well as update-alternatives zimon :)20:47
brobostigonerUSUL: sorry, what was that, did i miss something,, no idea what you said??20:47
Slartah.. I can't tell those apart..20:47
zimonErikR: but you still need to run the install command, so that the new alternative is added to /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/rake20:47
ErikRoh okay.. :)20:47
erUSULbrobostigon: add the module name in this case ndiswrapper or eth1 to the file /etc/modules20:47
ErikRthe shell command works now.. why would I need the alternative in that weird location too?20:47
brobostigonerUSUL: what, i have no need for it, i was helping someone else20:48
erUSULSlart: ;) no problem i'm galician so i can jeje20:48
zimonErikR: that's just the "database" of available alternatives20:48
Slartalexb50: I can't really help you with wifi more than the basic stuff.. it worked out of the box on my laptop, which I am ever so thankful for. Try !wifi or !wireless for some general help from ubotu20:48
erUSULbrobostigon: o sorry that was meant to bthornton ..... tab completion you know20:48
ErikRokay.. did the --install thing, but it says that /etc/alternatives/rake is in manual mode and will be left alone20:49
ErikRis that okay?20:49
zimonErikR: hm .. i don't know what manual mode means .. does update-alternatives --list rake show your installation?20:50
Foone2where is the information about network interfaces stored? I'm trying to copy it off another drive: I have two installs of 7.10, a fresh one and an older one that was installed with different hardware (they're both on the same box). the older one doesn't see eth0 (I get device not found) but the new one does.20:50
amenadoFoone2-> in /etc/network/interfaces20:52
ErikRit shows the path to the binary zimon, that is good, right?20:52
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Foone2amenado: I diffed the two copies of that, they're identical20:52
amenadoFoone2-> and what is the problem?20:52
zimonErikR: yes .. that's alright20:52
ErikRthanks zimon20:53
Foone2amenado: I get "device not found" if I do ifconfig eth0 (so naturally I have no internet) on the older install (It's still 7.10, older means about a month)20:53
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zimonErikR: ah. automatic mode means the links are automatically mapped to the alternative with the highest priority. in manual mode they aren't20:54
nonix4Hmm... which problems should I expect when installing 64-bit ubuntu on a 8 gig ram 'puter w/ 8600 gts?20:54
edthefoxwhere do i go to get help getting flash or equivalent working with firefox??20:54
erUSUL!flash | edthefox20:55
ubotuedthefox: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:55
amenadoFoone2-> what do you have on your system now? what nics?20:55
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erUSULnonix4: no java plugin for firefox and lack of some weird video/audio codecs20:55
nonix4erUSUL: Hmm, I'd consider those a plus :)20:56
ErikRcool.. perhaps that is what I wanted then zimon20:56
nonix4erUSUL: as in not having those most likely buggy things is maybe better in the long run :)20:56
Foone2amenado: It's an onboard nic, of an MSI board. I believe it's a VIA chipset20:56
linkslicewhere the hell did all these spammers come from the last couple of weeks?20:56
Flare183!language | linkslice20:57
ubotulinkslice: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:57
erUSULnonix4: XD that are my 2 cents20:57
amenadoFoone2-> only one? then why would you expect them to be different?20:57
Foone2amenado: because one works and the other doesn't20:57
immeHello there I think I found a bug in gnome-temrinal under ubuntu. Can anyone help me find if this bug already exists?20:57
Flare183imme: yes20:58
nonix4erUSUL: running 64-bit ubuntu on a macbook atm, wondering if that 8600 gts would have problems of it own...20:58
gizbotHmm.. Farther on getting my wireless to work. Did a "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any" and make some progress.20:58
immeThe bug is the fact that it takes my default keyboard-layout with the ctrl-mappings.20:58
erUSUL!bugs | imme20:58
ubotuimme: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:58
Foone2amenado: I recently replaced my motherboard, the install I made before the replacement doesn't detect eth0, but a fresh one made after does.20:58
immeSo my default is set at dvorak.20:58
Flare183imme: goto https://launchpad.net and look20:58
Foone2which is why I'm attempting to copy over the configuration from the fresh install, I just don't know where to look for it20:58
immeFlare183: OK20:58
zimonErikR: i don't think so ... i'd like to know which version i'm using, so manual mode would be the best for me20:58
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Irreducibiliswhy am I only getting 385 bytes per second when loading this one page...20:59
amenadoFoone2-> am getting confused, you want to use your new install or not?20:59
erUSULnonix4: you may need to install the nvidia.com driver manually if you want 3d acceleration. but not really sure about it 1)do not have a 8xxx 2) i use custom kernel nvidia.com drivers anyway20:59
Foone2amenado: I don't, I just want to get the networking configuration information off it (since it works)20:59
ErikRyeah.. okay.. thanks for helpingme clear this out zimon20:59
amenadoFoone2-> if it already works, what is the point of going back to the old install?20:59
gizbotQuestion was:  Hi. I've got a new Gateway 6834 laptop, and it uses the newish Intel 4695 wireless card. I've been trying to get it run under Gutsy (kbuntu).  I think I am using the newer iwl4965 drivers that come with the default config. I cannot see the local access point (DHCP), though my old machine can, meaning no DHCP lease and no iwlist scan. Booting under windows gives me network...20:59
gizbot...access. I'm a bit at a loss of how to go forward. Any suggestions?21:00
gizbotSolution is:  Default installation fails to set ESSID to any, and so scanning fails.  Set with "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid any".  Problem fixed.21:00
gizbotNow where do I put this so no other poor sap gets hit?21:00
pope_to use emerald as my window decorator, i just need to run "emerald --replace" through terminal, is this correct?21:00
amenadoFoone2-> and the working config is indeed on that /etc/network/interfaces..21:00
Foone2amenado: the old install has a lot more configuration (apache and such) and files, the new one was just a test to see if ubuntu supports my nic21:00
Flare183pope_: tha'ts right21:00
Foone2amenado: the only thing broken with my old install is the nic, so it'd be a waste to reinstall for just that.21:01
okkayDoes anyone know why i'm not able to view vmw file, i can listen it but i can't see anything21:01
pope_will it remain my decorator upon reboot as well, or will i need to add that command to sessions?21:01
erUSUL!w32codecs | okkay21:01
ubotuokkay: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages21:01
amenadoFoone2-> but those are different config files you are after, for network, we established its in interface, for others you have to hunt around21:01
Flare183pope_: it will stay that way21:01
Daisuke_Laptoppope_: or install fusion-icon which would make life a whole lot simpler if it would just be added to the repos21:01
Flare183pope_: i think21:01
Flare183Daisuke_Laptop: Yeah that is right21:01
Daisuke_Laptopthere's no reason for it not to be there...21:02
pope_excellent, thank you guys ^_^ slowly i'm beginning to become comfortable with my windows replacement21:02
amenadoFoone2-> when you say old install, what ubuntu was on it? and the new one is?21:02
Flare183pope_: that's good21:02
Foone2amenado: they're both 7.1021:02
Foone2amenado: the interfaces files are identical, so something elsewhere must be different21:03
deanIs ubuntu server edition just the desktop edition with some useful server stuff build in top? I.e. it still has a GUI etc.?21:03
amenadoFoone2-> let me try to understand, your old install is from a different mobo?21:03
Daisuke_Laptopdean: the server edition has never been that21:03
Flare183!hi | ntemis21:03
ubotuntemis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:03
Daisuke_Laptopno desktop environment (though of course you could add one if you so chose)21:03
Seerldean - not quite right ... but you can always apt-get install whatever you need for a gui21:03
deanHmm, alright i'll stick to desktop edition for now21:04
Seerlgnome, kde, whatever21:04
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deanGoing to give ubuntu another try :)21:04
tomtommyhow can I encrypt files in nautilus?21:04
nils__ver tsirc.dyn.pl21:05
Foone2amenado: yes. the old motherboard failed, so I replaced it (with a different model). now that I've replaced it, I have no network. I then did a fresh install of 7.10 onto another drive, since I suspected it was a configuration problem. since the fresh install has working network, that seems to confirm my suspicion. I'm now trying to copy whatever (working) configuration options there are on the new (test) install onto the older install (t21:05
Foone2he one I intend to use)21:05
tomtommy!encrypt files21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt files - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
harveydi dont know if its flash / ubuntu or firefox but firefox has been crashing a stupid amount recetly21:06
harveydits getting to the point of being unusable21:06
Flare183!truecrypt | tomtommy21:06
amenadoFoone2-> compare their  /lib/firmware  dir  and /etc/modprobe.d/aliases file21:06
ubotutomtommy: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume21:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seahorse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:06
tomtommyFlare183, how can I right click on a file in nautilus and be given option to encrypt file?21:06
Flare183tomtommy: I don't think you can do that21:07
Flare183tomtommy: you might have to do it with the terminal21:07
mavi-yea you can21:07
Flare183mavi-: how?21:07
tomtommyFlare183, u can. I had it before, but reinstalled Ubuntu and forgoet how I did it21:07
mavi-you can add whatever you want as scripts to nautilus rightclick menu21:07
z1ppodoes ubuntu have a good binary usenet client; i currently use newsbin pro on my win2k box21:07
Flare183I don't know how but if someone else can let me know21:07
tomtommyFlare183, when I right click on any file, there was option to ENCRYPT.  forgoet how I did it21:08
tomtommyanyone else know?21:08
Foone2amenado: both are identical (I compared filenames in /lib/firmware and contents in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases)21:08
Flare183tomtommy: I don't know google it I guess21:08
mavi-tomtommy: GnuPG should add that21:08
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pope_as soon as I exit terminal after running "emerald --replace" my window borders disapear, why is that?21:08
tomtommymavi-, E: Couldn't find package GnuPG21:08
amenadoFoone2-> i meant /lib/firmware/`uname -r`21:08
kasihow do i watch windows media player videos in firefox?21:08
crimsun_tomtommy: capitalisation is important.21:08
Foone2amenado: right, that's what I did21:09
Flare183pope_: you have to press alt+f2 and then type it in21:09
crimsun_tomtommy: (package names are all lowercase)21:09
tomtommycrimsun_,  sudo apt-get install GnuPG21:09
Flare183pope_: not in the terminal21:09
pope_oh, o.k. ^_^21:09
mavi-tomtommy: google encrypt nautilus right click and you find guides21:09
tomtommygnupg is already the newest version.21:09
nickrudpope_: you're running that as a foreground process. If you background it ( emerald --replace & ) then exit the terminal, it will stay running21:09
amenadoFoone2-> how about  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:09
tomtommymavi-, any guide for Ubuntu?21:10
Foone2amenado: identical21:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:10
Flare183!edonkey | ogre21:10
ubotuogre: eDonkey clients: aMule (GTK, stand-alone), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey) - See also !P2P21:10
brobostigontomtommy: help.ubuntu.com21:10
Flare183J-_: what's up??21:11
amenadoFoone2-> dmesg gives identical info also? udevinfo? lshw ? or lspci -c network ?21:11
pope_i used the alt-f2 method, and it stayed running21:11
tomtommybrobostigon, LOL21:11
ogreFlare183:  thanks, I was hoping it would say if the package was still broken or if it was fixed21:11
Flare183pope_: see I was right21:11
Flare183ogre: yeah....21:11
Foone2amenado: I'll have to reboot to get that info, hang on21:11
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DocfxitI'm trying to setup remote control from XP to Ubuntu. I installed x11vnc according to instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=236053 I'm getting an error saying wrong password. I have put the password in both PC's a number of times. What could be wrong?21:14
kasidoes anyone know how to watch wmp videos in firefox?21:14
tomtommyi found the solution.  1. install seahorse. 2. reboot Ubuntu.  then right click any file to encrypt.!   It did not appear until I rebooted Ubuntu, why?21:14
Flare183tomtommy: Nautilus21:14
tomtommywhy didnt "ENCRYPT" appear in nauitul until I rebooted?21:14
Flare183tomtommy: Nautilus had to restart21:15
tomtommybut it appears now after I rebooted21:15
geniitomtommy: Because udev needs to make the device called mapper21:15
tomtommygenii, ok. not sure what that means, but ok :P21:16
Foone2amenado: lspci -c network gives me "Invalid option -- c" and udevinfo says it needs a parameter21:16
EliCWhere';s the best place to get help with a problem that occured whilst resizing/moving an ext partition?21:17
tomtommywhen running Ubuntu, my HDD keeps accessing itself every 2 seconds.  What causes this? and can I stop it?21:17
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amenadoFoone2-> i dont have the options for it on top of my head...so you have to dig a lil to get the info regarding what it sees as your nic..21:17
Flare183tomtommy: natural21:17
Flare183tomtommy: mine does it too21:18
J-_Is there any video editting software that I can that is easy to use for gnome?21:18
Flare183J-_: kino21:18
Flare183!info kino | J-_21:18
ubotuj-_: kino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 1.1.0-3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 4251 kB, installed size 9272 kB21:18
tomtommyFlare183, so why is Ubuntu accessing the HDD every 2 secs. its annoying, hearing it non-stop :P21:18
Flare183J-_: that and avidumux21:18
tomtommyFlare183, I nevr heard my last HDD doing it21:18
pT-benjgood evening all21:19
Flare183tomtommy: sorry get use to it, mine doesn't make nose21:19
luckyshothey guys, for some reasonw hen i boot into xubuntu it wont go into startx anymore, even after i manually enter "stat=rtx"21:19
luckyshoti meant21:19
tomtommyok Flare18321:19
luckyshotany way i can fix this?21:19
pT-benjI would like some help please (sorry if my english is bad but I'm french), it is about scribus. Someone know this software ?21:19
Flare183tomtommy: when i'm not doing anything it does it every 5 secs21:19
J-_Flare183: thanks =)21:19
Flare183!fr | pT-benj21:19
ubotupT-benj: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:19
tomtommyFlare183, whats it doing?21:20
Flare183J-_: no problem21:20
Flare183tomtommy: nothing just doing it's normal stuff and maybe indexing stuff21:20
tomtommyFlare183, ok :P21:20
Flare183tomtommy: kk21:20
tomtommyFlare183, im glad u didnt say KKK :P21:21
Flare183tomtommy: hehe no I wouldn't do that21:21
tomtommyso many people., so little chatting :P21:22
mavi-tomtommy: http://ubuntufs.wordpress.com/2007/05/22/encryptingdecrypting-with-gnome/21:22
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Flare183tomtommy: yeah I know21:22
EliCWhere';s the best place to get help with a problem that occured whilst resizing/moving an ext partition?21:22
tomtommymavi-, it works now.  1. install seahorse. 2. reboot Ubuntu.  then right click any file to encrypt.!21:22
DarkmystereCan a Staff set up my Random Cloak?21:23
pope_to no one'se suprise, another question. When Changing opacity in Compiz General Options, gnome-panel does not seem to be the process name that controls my top panel's opacity, can anyone tell me the correct process name to use?21:23
Sinnermanis it possible to use a file (of whatever size) to mount as a filesystem, and moreover, have that filesystem encrypted? i specifically want a file containing the filesystem. how would i go about achieving this?21:24
crediblepope_: it doesn't match by process name21:24
tomtommywhen I delete a file in Ubuntu, does Ubuntu wipe the file 3 times?21:24
crediblepope_: please join #compiz-fusion21:24
Parsec300Sinnerman, I believe you would want to have a look at truecrypt.21:24
simplexiotomtommy: ?21:24
Sinnermanpope_ i use class=Gnome-panel.21:25
jedusorsalut tout le monde21:25
tomtommysimplexio, when I delete a file in Ubuntu, is the file securely deleted?21:25
jedusoroups im sorry21:25
SinnermanParsec300 what about loop devices?21:25
ArthurArchnixtomtommy:  No.21:25
Parsec300I'm not familiar with that, but I think truecrypt can mount encrypted images or encrypted partitions.21:26
SinnermanParsec300 not available as a package.21:26
bastonesHello. I have decided to switch to Ubuntu as my operating system for home use after finding some interesting aspects of it at work, but I can't seem to boot it on starting my operating system. As I turn on my computer, I press F12 and select the USB Flash Drive which has the .ISO file of Ubuntu on, and it says "No Bootable partition on tablle" - any help on this would be greatly appreciated.21:26
tomtommyArthurArchnix, so how do I undelete a file I deleted?21:26
simplexiotomtommy: usually it just only removed from filetable21:26
tomtommyArthurArchnix, so Ubuntu never securely deletes files?21:26
tomtommysimplexio, if thats true, how I undelete the file and get it back?21:26
david__k ondas?21:26
Parsec300bastones, you need to burn the iso to a CD with Nero or something first21:26
Parsec300bastones, then startup with that CD21:27
simplexiotomtommy: if you need to be sure just remove file and then dd if=/dev/random of=removethis21:27
tomtommysimplexio, or use WIPE21:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wipe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:27
simplexiotomtommy: i dont know any undelete software for ext2 or reiser or xfs21:27
bastonesParsec: I tried with a DVD-R, but it just displayed "F1 to do something, F2 to do something else"21:27
Parsec300Sinnerman, there must many howto's how to install it on Ubuntu.21:27
ArthurArchnixtomtommy: depends on what you mean by secure. No simple tool exists to recover a deleted file. But it would take your local police department's it squad all of three minutes to recover files deleted in ubuntu.21:27
tomtommyArthurArchnix, even files deleted using WIPE?21:27
SinnermanParsec300 bah. i was looking for a braindead solution. something like touch file, mkext2fs file, mount file /mnt -o loop or something :P.21:28
amitprakashverdict on nspluginwrapper?21:28
marlxxhi, i've got a quick question, i'm wondering if anyone else has run into this - after the BIOS loads, my monitor stops receiving the signal. i can log into the console and run x, and then log out and the console will be right there. any ideas?21:28
MasterShrekamitprakash, nspluginwrapper works great for me21:28
ArthurArchnixon an ext2 fs, then it gets overwritten. On anything journelled... there's no guarentee. You could wipe it a hundred times and you'd never know if you wiped it once. Not with any certainty.21:28
ArthurArchnixtomtommy: ^21:28
tomtommyArthurArchnix, wipe uses 35 pass wipe.21:28
tomtommyArthurArchnix, i like to see them undelete that :P21:29
MasterShrek!hi | federa21:29
ubotufedera: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:29
amitprakashMasterShrek, cool.. thanks :)21:29
federadoes someone knows an easy visual programming language for linux??21:29
federasomething cool and easy...  :-D21:29
sinboxtomtommy, go read >> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/306321:29
marlxxthe video card is an nvidia 6800gt, 256mb21:29
tomtommysinbox, make me :)21:29
sinboxabout recovering files you deleted :) tomtommy21:30
tomtommysinbox, not if I used wipe21:30
MasterShrekmarlxx, remove quiet and splash from the kernel boot line in /boot/grub/menu.lst21:30
sinboxobvioously if you used wipe or any multipass program then you won't21:30
luckyshothey guys, for some reasonw hen i boot into xubuntu it wont go into startx anymore, even after i manually enter "startx"21:31
marlxxmastershrek: thanks, going to try that.21:31
marlxxi definitely have been awake for too long ;)21:31
ArthurArchnixluckyshot: Isn't xdm the manager? have you tried typing "xdm"21:31
deknosalqguien habla español ???21:31
Slart!es | deknos21:31
ubotudeknos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:31
MasterShrekluckyshot, ls -l /etc/init.d/xdm       paste the output here21:32
tomtommysinbox, that webpage says: "Q: How can I recover (undelete) deleted files from my ext3 partition? Actually, you can't!21:32
luckyshotMasterShrek, okay21:32
deknosalguien habla español ???21:32
tomtommysinbox, that webspage u gave me says its not possible to undelete files21:32
Flare183!es > deknos21:32
amenadobastones-> thats not how to install ubuntu into usb, if you have the liveCD rom, boot from it, and then click on the install icon then select your usb pen drive..21:32
amitprakashtomtommy, thats the answer21:32
luckyshotMasterShrek, no such file or directory21:32
tomtommyIn order to ensure that ext3 can safely resume an unlink after a crash, it actually zeros out the block pointers in the inode, whereas ext2 just marks these blocks as unused in the block bitmaps and marks the inode as "deleted" and leaves the block pointers alone.21:32
tomtommyYour only hope is to "grep" for parts of your files that have been deleted and hope for the best."21:32
amenadotomtommy-> you can try to use shred,  man shred for more details21:33
tomtommywell why did ArthurArchnix give me false information?21:33
Flare183!es | deknos21:33
ubotudeknos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:33
MasterShrekluckyshot, not sure what the login manager for xfce it, ask in #xubuntu21:33
tomtommyamenado, im using wipe.21:33
EliCI'm running fsck after a problem iwith moving a partition and I'm getting this message  '..' in /lost+found/#3539844 (3539844) is <The NULL inode> (0), should be /lost+should (11). Fix?21:33
tomtommyArthurArchnix, claims the files deleted in Ubuntu are not securely deleted.  but that website says it is21:33
amenadotomtommy okay, shred is standard no install necessary21:34
ArthurArchnixtomtommy: What are you talking about? I said your local police department can undelete your files. I said it depends on what you mean by secure.21:34
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VeinorCan anybody give me some tips on how to optimize startup time?21:34
tomtommyArthurArchnix, prove it21:34
tomtommyArthurArchnix, have u seen the police dept do it?21:34
sinboxwell they are not securely deleted since part it still are recoverable tomtommy21:34
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:34
tomtommysinbox, how do you recover it? :P21:34
Foone2amenado: lshw has "*-network DISABLED" in the old install (the one without working networking)21:34
ArthurArchnixSorry tomtommy I lied. You caught me. I know nothing. I won't bother you again.21:35
tomtommysinbox, that websie YOU gave me contradicts you :P21:35
amenadoFoone2-> well, then it has to be enabled?  :P21:35
zimonVeinor: the most important thing is to clean /etc/readahead/boot ... remove everything you don't need21:35
Foone2amenado: I guess so. any idea where I'd do that?21:35
tomtommyArthurArchnix, im glad u admited to giving false information. thanks for your honesty21:35
Parsec300bastones, you might have the wrong ISO for you.21:35
Foone2amenado: it also shows that the nic was detected on eth1 (there's only one network device in this box, so I don't see why it's not eth0)21:35
poddusanyone there?21:36
sinboxtomtommy,  I wouldn't know, I don't work for the police  nor a very expensive file recovery company or HDD disaster recovery firm  I'm just a newb me21:36
amenadoFoone2-> im still struggling with how udev name things..like permanent naming of devices..so cant really give a good answer tothat21:36
VeinorWell, boot and logon times.21:36
podduscan somebody help me out?21:37
fbcCan anyone recall the command that loads the gnome config editor? gnome-edit? gnome-config?21:37
MasterShrek!someone | poddus21:37
ubotupoddus: In place of  "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!21:37
luckyshotMasterShrek, no one is saying anything21:37
ArthurArchnixluckyshot: Did you try my suggestion?21:37
adaptrluckyshot: yes he was21:37
Veinorfbc: gconf-editor21:37
Parsec300poddus, ask the question.21:38
adaptrpoddus: sorry, we're all helpless here.. nobody to help21:38
sinboxhow does that website contradict me tomtommy ?21:38
fbcVeinor: awesome!!! that's it!  thanks,}21:38
tomtommysinbox, it says: "Q: How can I recover (undelete) deleted files from my ext3 partition? Actually, you can't!21:38
danandtomtommy - use a utility like dd to make and exact copy of the disk. the disk image can then be viewed using a hex editor. many files (all?) have headers and end of file pointers. copy the info from header to end of file to a new file. you can then view the file. I've done this to recover data when i did something stupid with a rm command :O21:38
tomtommysinbox, notice the website you have me contradicts you :P  how ironic21:38
tomtommydanand, but that doesnt allow u to fully recover a file, does it?21:39
MasterShrektomtommy, if you delete something it is recoverable, i know for a fact it is. now if you use a program like wipe or scrub, it will almost get rid of it completely, but it still may be able to recover some data21:39
sinboxI know you can't recover the whole file, but you can still recovering parts of it with grep whatever that is :)21:39
sinboxand only if you sent the file to the recycle bin21:39
tomtommyMasterShrek, you know for a fact?  so can you [please provide the factual data?21:40
VeinorCan anyone help me to get suspend and/or hibernate working on my hp pavilion dv9235nr with Gutsy?21:40
danandtomtommy - you can fully recover files _if_ your lucky. ie if the file doesn't get overwritten in the mean while.21:40
=== gizbot_ is now known as gizbot
tomtommydanand, ok21:40
MasterShrektomtommy, only my experiences with different companies scrubbing disks because a format isnt enough21:40
Veinoractually, a file in the recycle bin is still there until you empty it under ~/.Trash I think21:40
rycolethis question really has nothing to do with ubuntu, but does anyone know if it's possible to view network traffic of any devices connected on your network?21:40
fbcVeinor: It's probably going to be a graphics card issue...21:40
poddusI'm having trouble installing ubuntu 7.10. when I boot from the liveCD, I choose start & install, but when it tries to run the (startup?) script (i think its "rs.local"), the CD spins down and nothing happens. I have a mac pro 8-core. please ask if you need any more info.21:40
sinboxthanks for the correction Veinor  :)21:40
fbcVeinor: Had same problem with my hp.21:40
Foone2amenado: got it! /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules listed two nics (the new motherboard's nic and the old motherboard's), modifying that file fixed it. Thanks for you help!21:41
tomtommyMasterShrek, ok.  so what is the best solution to make sure my sensitive files are securely deleted the best way possible on Ubuntu?  using WIPE ok?  But how can I securely wipe my Firefox cache?21:41
fdsjkalfrycole yes its possible i have something called ''network tools" that displays all kinds of realtime information21:41
sinboxtomtoo  a hammer and some acid?21:41
levanderIsn't there an Ubuntu channel to talk about virtualization?21:41
levanderCan't find it.21:41
fbcVeinor: There is some parameter you need to change in the a config file for your graphics card so that your screen is not black when you come out of suspend or resume.21:41
Veinorfbc: Did you manage to solve them?21:41
amenadoFoone2-> alright..glad you found it quickly.. that udev as i've said is something am still grasping21:41
VeinorIt's not going into a suspend/resume at all21:42
sinboxI meant tomtommy21:42
fbcVeinor: ahhh...  then that was not the problem I had..sry..21:42
Veinorwell, what was the file?21:42
danandtomtommy, MasterShrek - data may still be recoverable after using wipe or shred because of the way the journalling fs works ie it puts copies of things all over the place. even if you shred a file, that data may still exist somewhere else on the disk21:42
MasterShrektomtommy, wipe should be sufficient, ive never used it though and i doubt it works for a single file or set of files, probably a whole partition or maybe an entire drive.  if you are worried about your firefox cache that bad, you should lay off the pronz21:42
amenadodanand not with shred and the correct options21:42
mysterycooli downloaded a .tar.gz file and i have n no idea how to install the component ;S21:43
tomtommydanand, do you have any data and evidence to support that statement?  where can I read support for what you said?21:43
fbcVeinor: can't recall..however I remember it was the ati section in the X config file.21:43
niklasIn windows I have used HJSplit do join 001, 002, and so on, files. Does it exist a tool for Ubuntu where I can join these files?21:43
MasterShrekmysterycool, tar.gz of what? chances are youll have to compile it, and there may be a package already21:43
tomtommyMasterShrek, dont assume i use pron. its for senstive banking websites etc./  im an online trader21:43
mysterycoolMasterShrek: of metasploit xD21:43
tomtommydoes anyone know how I can securely delete my firefox cache?21:44
fbcVeinor:  There was a line that you had to toggle from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0.21:44
sinboxtomtommy, I think distrust is what you'd want for your firefox cache21:44
Veinorall right21:44
tomtommysinbox, OK so now we know the problem.. what is the SOLUTION? :P21:44
fbcVeinor:  So that the unit would come out of hibernation or suspend properly21:44
danandtomtommy - in the man page of shred it says shred will only be effective for filesystems that preserve where they write data to. ie shred is no use on journalling file systems21:44
eWinI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)", I'v tried solutions found on the forums ( like F4 for lowest vga resolution and vga = 771) but still i'm disapointed, just black screen21:44
MasterShrekmysterycool, http://howtoforge.com/installing-metasploit-3.0-on-ubuntu-7.1021:44
tomtommydanand, I dont use shred, I use wipw21:45
mysterycoolMasterShrek: ty :D21:45
howdyhacking decrypting program21:45
howdyhave u got it working?21:45
MasterShrekhowdy, http://howtoforge.com/installing-metasploit-3.0-on-ubuntu-7.1021:45
tomtommyOK everyone, so now we know the problem.. what is the SOLUTION to securely wipe files and firefox cache? :)  does anyone have a solution? LOL21:45
howdyMasterShrek: have u heard of rainbow tables21:45
MasterShrekhowdy, nope21:46
howdyMasterShrek: have u done any wep/wpa/wpa2 cracking?21:46
ArthurArchnixWhen the Military wants to securely delete something they melt the hard-drive. For the ultra-paranoid the only solution is a full disk wipe using low-level wiping utility (comes with some bios) combined with a high security dban wipe, followed by full disk encryption, with a hardened system. For people with moderately sensitive information (corporate employees, government, etc.) and a laptop, an encrypted partition is probab21:46
fbcVeinor:  This should point you in the right direction. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-181442.html21:46
MasterShrekhowdy, definately not the place to talk about such things21:46
howdyMasterShrek: its only for network auditing, to keep people aware of danger21:47
tomtommyguess you all only know the challenge and problem.  but nobody seems to have a viable SOLUTION :P21:47
AlanHow would I go about finding out what is locking my sound device?  I've killed everything that has been using it, that i know of, but it's still locked for some reason21:47
Alan(my sound just suddenly stopped working...21:47
danandtomtommy - both programs work in the same way - by overwriting the data on the disk with random garbage. however if various copies of that data have been shifted about due to the nature of the file system it cannot guarentee that wiping out where the data is _now_ will not leave the data intact and recoverable on another part of the disk21:47
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 200721:47
ArthurArchnixtomtommy: I gave you the solution. If you want bullet proof certainty melt your harddrive. If you want 99.9% security, erase your entire hard-disk using low-level wipe, followed by a full dban wipe, followed by full disk encryption. Otherwise, just delete it.21:48
EminXanybody can help pls!21:48
howdyMasterShrek: can I load this IRC in a terminal?21:48
tomtommydanand, ok! so is there a ubuntu HDD wiping tool that securely wipes all free space on the HDD?21:48
MasterShrekhowdy, yes21:48
MasterShrek!irssi | howdy21:48
ubotuhowdy: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.21:48
howdyMasterShrek: how?21:48
danandtomtommy - i don't know :D21:48
howdyMasterShrek: nice 121:48
tomtommyArthurArchnix, you are trolling!  you are not giving a practible solution. IM NOT GOING TO MELT MY HDD.21:48
Slarttomtommy: look at "wipe".. I've used that one a few old hard drives21:48
Slart!info wipe21:49
ubotuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-3 (gutsy), package size 42 kB, installed size 132 kB21:49
tomtommySlart, yes i installed wipe. ill use that21:49
pinguihi i got a question21:49
sinboxmy guess tomtommy  would making an image of your whole HDD with something equivalent to ghost before doing anything you don't want know or recoverable, then after the deed format then reinstall that image21:49
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, can you help me please!21:49
MasterShrek!ask | pingui21:49
ubotupingui: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:49
tomtommySlart, do you know how I can use wipe on my firefox cache?  Where is the cache for firefox? :P21:49
MasterShrekEminX, use vmware21:49
tomtommysinbox, yeah I have Acronis trueimage21:49
pinguithanks i think so21:49
Slarttomtommy: melting your harddrive is indeed a viable solution.. doesn't mean you have to sit and hold it over a candle until it's gone.. it all depends on how badly you want the data destroyed21:49
EminXMasterShrek: I'm trying in innotek VirtualBox, it looks it will work21:50
Slarttomtommy: it's probably in .mozilla ... or .firefox in your home folder21:50
VeinorI just tried to disable and enable the nvidia driver modules, and I can't.21:50
howdyMasterShrek: my windows Oddysey Wi-Fi Network manager picks up AP's that are faint where as on Ubuntu the default network manager doesnt.  Why is this?21:50
tomtommySlart, it is NOT a practible solution for me and what I have asked. I am seekking a practible solution and BEST way to securely wipe files in Ubuntu. I NEVER asked to melt the HDD!21:50
EminXMasterShrek: but I still want to know the solution on VPC 200721:50
MasterShrekEminX, vbox may work, although i tried it in xp once and i bsod'd lolz21:50
VeinorBecause it apparently deletes them and I don't have net access on that computer.21:50
pinguiwell  i were wonder if i can  protec my bookmark qhit a password21:51
tomtommyare you guys trolls or just bored? :P21:51
MasterShrekhowdy, the driver in ubuntu wasnt made by the same company21:51
Veinorso how can I install the restricted binaries if I don't have a net connection on that computer?21:51
howdyMasterShrek:  do you know of any top network managers Ubuntu users can use?21:51
ArthurArchnixtomtommy: The best way is wipe. Or shred. And as the makers of both those programs will tell you, they can't guarentee they work.21:51
tomtommylet me rephrase my question.... What is the most secure way to delete files in Ubuntu WITHOUT melting the HDD? :)21:51
MasterShrektomtommy, is there someone that is going to be on that machine as your user or as root? because if not then you dont really have much to worry about21:51
tomtommyArthurArchnix, ok gotcha21:51
AJC_Z0tomtommy: It's trivial to configure the browser to use only memory cache21:51
Slarttomtommy: I would say that melting it is indeed the best way.. but nevermind.. a wipe takes a long long time to do properly.. plan for a couple of days of non-stop-writing to the hd21:51
MasterShrektomtommy, unless they have physical access where they could use a livecd21:52
tomtommyAJC_Z0, how can I do that?21:52
pinguiwell i were wonder if i can protec my bookmark qhit a password21:52
EminXMasterShrek: I'm wondering why it wont work, I found on forums a lot of these questions : when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)",21:52
desertcQ: How would I find the errors being produced by the Nautilus CD Burner?  I am getting "Unhandled error, aborting" every time I try and create a disc.21:52
danandtomtommy - make sure you have a BIOS password - stops people getting in with live CD's21:52
tomtommycan I tell Opera and Firefox to use RAM instead of writing to HDD?21:52
howdyMasterShrek: do u know of any good network managers I could use on my ubuntu?21:52
bruenighowdy: ifconfig and iwconfig21:53
Slarttomtommy: I know you can do it with firefox.. not sure about opera21:53
EminXMasterShrek: there must be a solution, I saw somebody had installed ubuntu on VPC (youtube)21:53
AJC_Z0tomtommy: As for "securely wiping" specific files, that requires tracking down the specific disk blocks containing the data and that's non-trivial21:53
tomtommySlart, how I do it with firefox?21:53
tomtommyAJC_Z0, u would know21:53
Slarttomtommy: but then again.. I'm not sure you can make linux keep that memory off the hard drive.. swap files and such21:53
tomtommySlart, :P21:53
howdybruenig: thats a program used for scanning and setting IP config21:53
sdfewfswhen i create a bridge device with brctl and add the interfaces, i associate the wifi card with the accesspoint and grabs an IP address, i can ping the IP assigned to the card, but i'm unable to ping the accesspoint, remove the devices from the bridge, and ping works. any ideas?21:53
AJC_Z0tomtommy: Look for the relevant menu under Preferences or use about:config21:53
pinguiwell i were wonder if i can protec my bookmark whit a password21:54
bruenighowdy: ok iwconfig ifconfig and some dhcp client, dhclient perhaps21:54
Slarttomtommy: what kind of security are we talking about here? hiding the latest britney pic from the wife? or keeping CIA secrets away from the evil canadians? =)21:54
linkslicesynaptic is telling me to use the broken filter to locate missing packages, I've found that option, but don't know the next step21:54
bruenighowdy: didn't realize I needed to specify that last point21:54
AJC_Z0tomtommy: Are you a good retard or a bad troll?21:54
sinboxwhy are you so worried tomtommy you gonna do a BCCI on someone?21:54
bruenigthought it was fairly self evident21:54
pinguiwell i were wonder if i can protec my bookmark whit a password21:54
howdybruenig: im on about network managers...21:54
tomtommySlart, keeping my brit pics away from the feds :) lol21:54
ArthurArchnixSlart Huh... I thought that stood for Canadian intelligence agency.21:54
bruenighowdy: what the hell is a network manager then21:54
mysterycoolhey need some help with installing metasploit21:54
howdybruenig:such as wifi radar21:55
tomtommysinbox, define worried21:55
mysterycoolit wont let me untar it the .tar.gz file :S21:55
* BrainSurg notes that Canadians have CSIS21:55
bruenighowdy: iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient21:55
bruenighowdy: that is what wifi-radar is21:55
howdybruenig: or the one that comes with ubuntu21:55
bruenigiwlist iwconfig and dhclient21:55
sinboxwell, if you were not worried why would you bother about securely deleting the files21:55
VeinorHow can I get it to not try to fetch the modules from the internet21:55
pwuertzhi! I accidently installed grub on my usb-drive-mbr... now my bootloader at usb-partition1 won't be executed anymore... how can i remove grub from the mbr?21:55
howdybruenig, im after different network handlers21:56
Slarttomtommy: the feds.. then we're back at melting.. but I guess disabling swap and then forcing firefox to use memory only.. or you could look into creating a truecrypt volume on a memory drive.. that ought to keep them out for a while21:56
howdybrueni: i cant explain any further if u dont already understand21:56
bruenighowdy: it is always just iwconfig iwlist and dhclient, doesn't matter what dinky ass icons you put around it, it is always that21:56
bruenigwifi-radar is a python script, a poor one at that21:56
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
tomtommySlart, why do I need a swap partition anyway?  I have 1 GB RAM21:56
howdybruenig: yes i know that, but there are different network managers you can use.  for example windows comes with its own crappy one, or u can install wifi hopper or oddyssey like i have21:57
sdfewfswhen i create a bridge device with brctl and add the interfaces, i associate the wifi card with the accesspoint and grabs an IP address, i can ping the IP assigned to the card, but i'm unable to ping the accesspoint, remove the devices from the bridge, and ping works. any ideas?21:57
Slarttomtommy: if something in your computer needs more than 1 GB of ram.. like opening yahoo.com in firefox =)21:57
tomtommydo I really need a swap partition?21:57
cafuegotomtommy: it allows for unused ram to be used as disk cache, and putting unused apps in swap.21:57
bruenigwindows has its own networking tools21:57
tomtommySlart, WHAT?  opening yahoo.com in firefox takles more than 1 GB RAM?21:57
Slarttomtommy: it isn't mandatory.. but I would say it's recommended21:57
cafuegotomtommy: Overall that's a net speedup.21:57
danandmysterycool - are you trying to untar a file.tar.gz??21:57
bruenigthe networking tools EVERY script uses in gnu/linux is iwconfig, ifconfig, iwlist21:58
bruenigand perhaps different dhcp clients21:58
mysterycooldanand: no, ive installed it successfully but i cant get it to run21:58
howdybruenig: yes i just said that21:58
AlanHow would I go about finding out what is locking my sound device?  I've killed everything that has been using it, that i know of, but it's still locked for some reason21:58
bruenigok so use those21:58
tomtommyhow can I disable swap file to test it and see how everything runs?21:58
ArthurArchnixI've got 1GB of RA and turned off my swap. But I boot to about 150MB and don't do much more than open firefox, exaile and openoffice. Watch a movie sometimes.21:58
BrainSurgAlan: try fuser /dev/dsp21:58
howdybruenig, im looking for ones i can use on my linux OS21:58
Slarttomtommy: nah.. but make it one instance of firefox with 10 or so tabs.. add GIMP with some vacation photo.. and gnome.. and you're getting close21:58
cafuegotomtommy: Not if you use greasemonkey to make most of it not display :-)21:58
swombat_what's the terminal equivalent for "Alt-1" (In the same sense that Backspace maps to ^H or ^?)?21:58
BrainSurgtomtommy: swapoff /dev/xxx21:58
swombat_terminal string i mean21:58
AlanBrainSurg, no output21:58
tomtommyi only have 2 apps MAX open at same time21:58
bruenighowdy: iwconfig wlan0 essid "accesspoint" ; dhcpd wlan021:58
Rawk03hello, ever since the last update kacpid has been hogging my cpu, how would I kill this and keep it from coming back?21:58
BrainSurgwhere xxx is your swap partition.21:58
bruenighowdy: success, you have just now connected to the access point21:58
tomtommyBrainSurg, how do I know what my swap /dev is?21:59
some1--can anyone gimme ubunto live cd file name?21:59
calcwhat is the proper way to flush .thumbnails cache?21:59
Slarttomtommy: try turning it off.. you'll get warnings in the logs if you run out of memory..21:59
calcis it safe to just rm it?21:59
tomtommySlart, not sure how I turn it off21:59
danandAlan - I was having this problem the other night with some one here. fuser unfortunately didn't show up the process that was blocking the sound21:59
ArthurArchnixcalc rm ~/.thumbnails  and yes, it's safe. Just don't use sudo.21:59
tomtommyswapoff /dev/xxx ???21:59
Slarttomtommy: swapoff.. someone told you already21:59
tomtommySlart, whats ,my xxx ???21:59
con-manlol /dev/xxx - opensource porn21:59
jan54hoe installeer ik ktorrent22:00
Alandanand, ever find out what the problem actually was?22:00
Slarttomtommy: the partition where you have your swap22:00
Slarttomtommy: you can use gparted to check that22:00
tomtommySlart, wher? I have no idea where that is :P22:00
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)", I'v tried solutions found on the forums ( like F4 for lowest vga resolution and vga = 771) but still i'm disapointed, just black screen22:00
scraga1ok, whenever I restart my computer say's "no resume image" and boots me to TTYL(spelling)1 for command line, I know I can use startx to get gui back, but how can I perminatly fix this problem?22:00
tomtommySlart, I dont need gparted, i used this: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc22:01
Slarttomtommy: that works too..22:01
calcArthurArchnix: its smart enough to regenerate the thumbnails for the images again later, right?22:01
calcArthurArchnix: i have 790MB of thumbnails which was why i wanted to purge them :)22:01
ArthurArchnixcalc: You can even do it in nautilus, which is how I do it.22:01
tomtommyhow do I turn swap on again if I need to?22:01
some1--can anyone give me Ubuntu LiveCD iso filename?22:01
calcArthurArchnix: ok22:01
tomtommyswapon? :P22:01
Slarttomtommy: give it a guess. if swapoff turns it off.. =)22:01
danandAlan - i was kinda tired by that point - suggested a reboot ;) - are you sure the device is in use? ie can you do a cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp or /dev/audio?22:01
Slartyay... cookie for tomtommy =)22:02
ArthurArchnixcalc Yes it will recreate them. If I find that a thumbnail isnt' being rendered I delete my thumbnail cache and that usually fixes it.22:02
calcArthurArchnix: ah ok :-)22:02
tomtommyswapon /dev/xxx ? :)22:02
Alandanand, i get "Device or resource busy"22:02
* calc is converting his father in laws pc to Ubuntu, heh22:03
tomtommySlart, LOL22:03
mysterycoolhey i managed to run metasploit (finally) but how can i view it locally instead from the terminal? i mean with local ip
tomtommySlart, so I can keep swap OFF, unless I get a warning message from Ubuntu about logs not being able to be written?22:03
azaharaza linux?22:03
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)", I'v tried solutions found on the forums ( like F4 for lowest vga resolution and vga = 771) but still i'm disapointed, black screen22:03
Rawk03anyone have any ideas for me?22:03
desertcI am having troubleshooting the CD Burner.  Getting a poor error message with the default application.22:03
danandAlan - just having a poke around now .... its _very_ annoying fuser doesnt show the process blocking access to that file/device.22:04
Slarttomtommy: you'll notice if you run out of memory.. ubuntu will start shutting down programs..22:04
BillyJoehow do I add a PDF printer?22:04
scraga1ok, whenever I restart my computer say's "no resume image" and boots me to TTYL(spelling)1 for command line, I know I can use startx to get gui back, but how can I permanently fix this problem?22:04
Slarttomtommy: or use a really really old drive for swap.. you'll hear it spin up =)22:04
danandAlan - have you tried restarting alsa-  ie sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart22:04
ArthurArchnixcalc: If you're really keen, you could learn to write a little script, that would check if the folder ~/thumbnails is larger than say 500MB, and if it is, then finds the oldest files and deletes them until the size of the folder is less than 500MB. You could then set this sript to run at logout.22:04
tomtommySlart, ok, and then I just type: swapon . gotcha22:04
tomtommySlart, i dont have a really really old drive. im rich :)22:05
calcArthurArchnix: yea22:05
kthakoreI was running out for space on my root partition so I increased the partition size and had to create a new swap drive which change the name of my root dev to /dev/sda2 from sda1 now grub gives me error 1722:06
niklasCurrently totem is opening my .avi files. I want vlc to open it as standard. How can I change this?22:06
adaptrright-click an AVI file and change it22:07
Slartniklas: right click on an avi-file.. there is an open with page there22:07
Slartniklas: sorry.. right click, select properties.. then search for the open with thingy22:08
scraga1ok, whenever I restart my computer say's "no resume image" and boots me to TTYL(spelling)1 for command line, I know I can use startx to get gui back, but how can I permanently fix this problem?22:09
niklasSlart, thanks, that did the trick :)22:09
Slartniklas: you're welcome22:09
ArthurArchnixkthakore: Well, you seem to know what needs to be done then. Boot a live cd, find where it has mounted your ubuntu partition (e.g., /mnt/root) open menu.lst (e.g., /mnt/root/boot/grub/menu.lst) and change the root dev id. You either need to find the uuid of the partition and put that in there, or rename it to /dev/sd# and then make a similar change. Then open up fstab (e.g., /mnt/etc/fstab) and make the corresponding changes22:10
gnychiswhy does my shutdown button turn into a running man? is there any way to fix it to the red shutdown button?22:10
Starnestommygnychis: try changing the icon theme22:11
desertcmaybe your button is trying to escape...22:11
gnychisStarnestommy: bingo, thanks22:11
LukeLscraga1 try sudo dpkg --configure -a22:12
Parsec300gnychis, I've had the them not load on login sometimes. And then the next time I boot and log in, there's no problem.22:12
jmghi all22:12
steph_Can someone help me compile b43-fwcutter VERSION 11 (on hardy)?22:12
jmgneed some help with agere systems et-131 ethernet22:12
sdfewfswhen i create a bridge device with brctl and add the interfaces, i associate the wifi card with the accesspoint and grabs an IP address, i can ping the IP assigned to the card, but i'm unable to ping the accesspoint, remove the devices from the bridge, and ping works. any ideas?22:12
jmgi need a livecd that supports it22:13
=== instructor is now known as id10t
sd32great....downloaded the gos live cd and its not a live cd22:13
=== id10t is now known as learning
WhoaItsPhilwhat is the best thing to use in ubuntu to manage your synaptics touchpad preferences?22:14
some-learner'lo... need some help with iptables... can i redirect from port 80 on my IP to port 80 on some other arbitrary IP address? (go to my domain and get some other random website)22:14
ArthurArchnixsteph_: You need to ask that in #ubuntu+122:14
PeP`hello... is there an iso of some ubuntu version (any) with a 2.4 kernel?22:15
StarnestommyPeP`: I think they're all 2.622:15
nkrizhello all. can anyone explain what nm-applet does and why i should give it my keyring password?22:16
some-learnerPeP`, maybe hte way old versions like 5.x or 4.x22:16
timandtomIs there a way to backup my current settings for Ubuntu 7.10? Planning to remove and install WinXP, but incase I screw it up, I want to be able to come back to Ubuntu, without setting all of my old settings back22:16
ArthurArchnixPeP I was looking for the same thing a year ago. The best I could do was debian sarge.22:16
Starnestommynkriz: nm-applet manages wireless22:16
PeP`ArthurArchnix: thanks.. I'll do that i think..22:16
some-learnertimandtom, you can use dpkg to make a list of all installed packages and back up /etc and your /home22:16
steph_ArthurArchnix: thanks, didn't know this channel.22:16
ArthurArchnixsteph_: PeP cheers22:17
nkrizthanks! just switched from windows and i'm used to denying anything it asks me for22:17
timandtomsome-learner: :D Ah, ok, cool. Um, how might I do that? I don't really know anything about Linux, I basically just use it for browsing, and using Pidgin, since I borked XP before22:17
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:17
WhoaItsPhilany suggestions on ubuntu program to manage touchpad preferences? mine is way too sensitive by default and the mouse options ubuntu has available by default don't do much for it22:17
danand!info gsynaptics | WhoaItsPhil22:18
ubotuwhoaitsphil: gsynaptics (source: gsynaptics): configuration tool for Synaptics touchpad driver of X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 28 kB, installed size 320 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)22:18
sd32wonder id vmware is going to be available for futurre versions of linux??22:18
PeP`ArthurArchnix: and you just downloaded the basic sarge iso, it lets you choose no? (with F1 or something if I remember..)22:19
sd32has linux stopped supporting vmware?22:19
ArthurArchnixPeP Sorry, it was a while ago. It was hard to find. Then I messed up the install. Eventually I just gave up and installed Win2Kpro. :P22:19
WhoaItsPhilyeah i installed that but when i try to run it, it says i need to change SHMConfig to true in xorg.conf...how exactly would i do that? when i type SHMConfig = true and save it in xorg.conf it doesn't do anything...i dont think i have the right syntax?22:19
ArthurArchnixWhy is Seveas battling Ubotu?22:20
=== gizbot_ is now known as gizbot
SeveasArthurArchnix, to avoid a problem it's developing22:20
ArthurArchnixSeveas: And why does it look like its winning?22:20
=== rabbit is now known as Rabbit101
SeveasI fixed the problem :)22:20
* ArthurArchnix golf claps22:20
sd32is there a gOS irc?22:21
[T]anki have configured xorg to do dual screens.22:21
mysterycoolanybody has any ideas of how i can learn how to use metasploit???22:21
Starnestommysd32: #gos22:21
[T]ankhow do i configure it so that windows do not open in the very middle22:21
PeP`sd32: how about /join #gOS ?22:21
[T]anki want them to open in either screen 1 or 2 not right in the middle22:21
sd32Starnestommy: thanks22:21
[T]anki remember in kde i could specify how they worked. I am not finding anything similar in gnome22:22
WhoaItsPhilis xorg.conf supposed to be blank by default?22:22
tehbatzhello, I am using ubuntu 7.10 on a emachines laptop with an onboard soundcard. I am not doing a dual boot, and only have one sound card. I currently do not have sound. Can anyoone help me?22:22
[T]ankplease advise if this is even possible to do in gnome with x in xinerama mode22:22
ArthurArchnix!sound | tehbatz22:22
ubotutehbatz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:22
tehbatzArthurArchnix: already done that22:23
flowOver[T]ank:  i have nvidia's xinerama turned on i believe22:23
danandWhoaItsPhil - try -         Option  "SHMConfig" "on"22:23
ArthurArchnixtehbatz: Is ubuntu detecting your card?22:23
flowOverwindow's open on screen my mouse is on22:23
basculeWhoaItsPhil: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:23
[T]ankflowOver: do you know where to configure that at? I know that it has to be set some how... even if it is in your xorg.conf22:24
[T]anki just dont know for sure22:24
[T]ankmine does not work that way22:24
Slartmysterycool: I suppose http://www.metasploit.com/ might be a good start22:25
flowOver[T]ank: n/m i'm using twinview.  i didn't edit the xorg directly.  i used sudo nvidia-settings22:25
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
mysterycoolslart: i went and they haven't any help documentation :s22:25
MontegoHelp Lost sound getting this error message ."No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."22:26
ZPerteegutsy ok to use now?22:26
subsumeI am attempting to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFatClients22:26
subsumebut I am not understanding how to make the client machines link up to this22:26
ArthurArchnixZPertee: Gutsy? Yes. Hardy? No.22:26
danandWhoaItsPhil - no - definately not22:27
basculemysterycool: http://metasploit.com/framework/support/ <-- whats that?22:27
ZPerteeArthurArchnix: ok thanks I haven't used ubuntu in a while22:27
Slartmysterycool: here some.. and more ways to get in touch with the metasploit people... http://www.metasploit.com/framework/support22:27
danandWhoaItsPhil - forget that last22:27
danandWhoaItsPhil - sorry instead try - Option  "SHMConfig" "true"22:28
david__hi, i am having a sound problem, i cannot use sound by two different programs, i have look into the forums but i am having a hard time, any help?22:28
rinaldi_hi im using ddrescue to recover a data dvd. after reading the dvd it says "splitting error areas" what does that mean? theres nothing in the documentation22:28
WhoaItsPhilok what section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf should I add "Option"SHMConfig""true" to? i tried adding it under the synaptics touchpad identifier but it still didn't work22:28
flowOvermysterycool: get into network security courses at college22:29
danandWhoaItsPhil - see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542122:29
flowOveror university if thats better22:29
danandWhoaItsPhil - not you will need to restart X for changes for that file to take effect.22:31
ntemistotem cannot play dvd's anymore22:31
Montegoneed help with sound. was working thus morning . came home now it's not working.22:31
ntemisany solution22:31
danandWhoaItsPhil - s/not/note/22:31
WhoaItsPhilooh ok22:31
WhoaItsPhilgonna give it a shot brb22:31
ntemisi can here sound22:32
ntemisbut i cannot see video22:32
ntemisothers players are ok22:32
ntemisxine vlc gxine all ok22:33
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:33
flowOvera word to the wise.  last night i installed stumble upon toolbar for firefox.  my system was halting up every 10 min.  i turned it off.  it's fine.22:33
FlyingSquirrel32I have a tricky network question: I have a small web site, but don't want to pay for a commercial internet connection.22:33
ArthurArchnixntemis: Try a reinstall of totem? sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --reinstall install totem --purge22:33
FlyingSquirrel32my ISP won't give me a static ip for my residential connection22:34
danandrinaldi_ - see http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-ddrescue@gnu.org/msg00020.html about ddrescue message22:34
ArthurArchnixntemis: I think that's the command. I might have the placement of --reinstall wrong.22:34
flowOverFlyingSquirrel32: you can get a free dns forwarder somewhere i'm sure22:34
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: sounds like dyndns.org can help you.. clients are available for linux, windows and whatever22:34
flowOveryeah dyndns is the one22:35
FlyingSquirrel32the public dhcp lease I get from the ISP says it doesnt expire until 2036, but I've seen it expire about every few days.22:35
nikitisSo I have a question.  If I were to buy a printer (lexmark) like a new one, what are the chances it would work in Linux?22:35
ompaulFlyingSquirrel32, that could be minutes22:35
Slartnikitis: with Lexmark.. I'd say bad22:35
nikitisSlart, really?22:35
danandFlyingSquirrel32 - visit dyndns.org22:36
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: take a look at dyndns.org .. it's very handy22:36
nikitisSlart, what modern day printers would work?22:36
MasterAslanthis is driving me nuts. I can ping all the other computers on the network by host/netbios name.  I can do this from all the other computers on the network.  The only thing is that none of them can ping my gutsy laptop by hostname/netbios22:36
ArthurArchnixntemis: two dashes, --reinstall22:36
ntemisis ok22:36
ntemisis working22:36
ntemisok reinstalled22:36
ntemislet me try it22:36
Slartnikitis: Lexmark has a bad track record when it comes to linux and printers.. there are lists available .. let me find an url for you22:36
FlyingSquirrel32I didn't want to have to pay to transfer my account. Right now it's with Mad Dog22:36
david__any help with the sound?22:37
ArthurArchnix!sound | david22:37
_Lucretia_Javascript keeps dying on FF, 64-bit22:37
ubotudavid: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:37
ntemisthe same22:37
ArthurArchnixntemis: And other players work?22:37
Tu13eszossso: hey, have you had any luck with the Live RAM thingy?22:37
mathiushi guys, sorry to jump in, but i am trying to figure out how to get youtube workin on my PPC machine22:37
FlyingSquirrel32flowOver: dns forwarding is something I hadn't thought of.22:37
ArthurArchnixntemis: Totem, that's xine backend isn't it? What other player are you using?22:37
mathiusrunning hardy22:38
david__will have a try then22:38
Slartnikitis: here.. search here before you buy anything.. http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi22:38
nikitisSlart, thanks ;)22:38
FlyingSquirrel32But how can I tell my machine to renew (extend) the lease despite the fact that the lease hasnt expired yet?22:38
Slartnikitis: you're welcome22:38
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)", I'v tried solutions found on the forums ( like F4 for lowest vga resolution and vga = 771) but still i'm disapointed, just black screen22:39
zosssoTu13es: No, but I think it is an issue with size. I get further b/c it reads the data from disk, but runs out of memory (I think)22:39
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: your dhcp client will do it for you.. why do you want to do it yourself?22:39
sd32so much for buying a gOS pc22:39
wasabi_is anyone here using devilspie with awesomewm?22:39
ntemisgnome Mplayer gxine kaffeine Mplayer movie player vlc xine movie player22:39
ntemisall ok22:39
aimchangerEminX: try giving the VM more memory22:39
ntemistotem not22:39
zosssoTu13es: I got rid of some packages, but it is still about 1.6GB > memory avail22:39
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: because the lease 'says' it will last for 30 years, but from experience I know better.22:40
Ethernal_FlameErr, Can some one help me i keep getting an:Errors were encountered while processing: hplip hpijs Every time i even try to use Sudo apt-get install or synaptics or the ADD-Remove22:40
Flare183!enter > ntemis22:40
zosssoTu13es: So instead, I'm looking into building a smaller filesystem to boot to RAM.22:40
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: I thought if I could force the machine to renew the lease daily or so, it might hold on to it.22:40
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: your isp changes your dynamic ip without telling you?22:40
lennarti am trying to make a script that adds text to the bottom of a file and the file is owned by root, i just cant get it to work, my code goes like this: sudo echo 'some text' >> somefile, i cant get permission to add the text. Anybody please help me?22:40
Flare183Ethernal_Flame: might be broken packages22:40
Ethernal_FlameFlare183, How can i fix?22:41
horizxonwhere is a good place to ask linux programming questions?22:41
ntemisany other thoughts?22:41
Ethernal_Flameits been doing for like a week..22:41
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: PRECISELY, I didn't think that was possible, but I've seen it happen twice.22:41
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: you can always do a sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0.. that will give you a *new* ip.. perhaps the same one22:41
lennartdont know im a noobie22:41
Tu13eszossso: hrm, how much RAM do you have22:41
Slartlennart: the sudo thingy only works for the first part.. not the >> thingy.. there are ways around it22:41
tominglishi, i installed a driver to the wrong location, and i was wondering how i uninstall it, do i just delete the file?22:42
zossso2 GB total, but I don't think it is enough22:42
Flare183Ethernal_Flame: you can fix it by doing something with dpkg22:42
Scunizihow do I use cabextract in ubuntu to extract a windows cabinet file?22:42
zosssoTu13es: 2 GB total, but I don't think it is enough22:42
Flare183Scunizi: with cabextract22:42
lennartSlart: Can you please tell me how?22:42
tominglisi was following these instructions, but they are out of date: http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=HowTo_compile_for_Ubuntu_6.06_LTS22:42
Tu13eszossso: yeah, that's what I've got too.  I'll look into trimming some packages to see if that helps.22:42
ArthurArchnixntemis: Yeah. Open a terminal and type "totem", then open a movie and play it. The see what kind of error messages its giving you.22:42
ScuniziFlare183, yes.. what's the syntax.. cabextract <filename>?22:42
Tu13eszossso: let me know if you get anywhere with building it from scratch or let me know if you want meto test anything :)22:42
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: I might try that, but I imagine the machine will see the lease and assume that it doesn't need to be renewed22:42
Flare183Scunizi: yeap22:42
ScuniziFlare183, thanks22:43
briankoany clue how to disable file-roller?  It interferes with any type of download I do with lynx...22:43
Flare183Scunizi: no problem22:43
djznhi... VIDEO question here... anyone knows how to convert a "H.264/AVC"(matroska) file to standard .M2V ???22:43
joobabyi just switched to ubuntu and it runs SLOW on my computer, I can't get sound from the internet and itw on't play my mp3s, it also took 60 seconds for this to type22:43
Slartperhaps you can put the "echo 'some text' >> somefile" part into changemyfile.sh and then run "sudo changemyfile.sh" .. it might work22:43
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: I guess I could modify the lease stored by dhclient...22:43
SlartLennart.. see above22:43
ntemisjackd: not found22:43
Flare183joobaby: you might need to try Xubuntu22:43
zosssoTu13es: Sure.  I think Knoppix will boot to ram with no problem, but I'm looking into something smaller. I'll let you know22:43
ntemiswhat is this?22:43
ntemisjackd: not found22:43
Flare183ntemis: sudo apt-get install jack22:44
joobabycan i just dl that?22:44
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: you have, of course, read the man page for the dhclient ? of course.. =)22:44
Flare183joobaby: yeap22:44
Flare183!xubuntu | joobaby22:44
ubotujoobaby: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:44
Tu13eszossso: sweet :)22:44
Tu13eszossso: yes, I actually booted knoppix to RAM a few times22:44
netbusjemand aus deutschland hier22:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about du - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:44
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:45
Flare183there you go22:45
Flare183bascule: thanks22:45
Slartlennart: here are some tips, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-538832.html22:45
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: yes. every option you could imagine, but I couldn't find any command to simply send the renew message to the server.22:45
ArthurArchnixntemis: Irrelevant, I get the same thing but I'm seeing the video.22:45
ntemisackd: not found22:45
zosssoTu13es: *thinking* if ubuntu was trimmed down a bit, it could possibly work22:45
ntemis (totem:6566): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:22:46
ntemis        /home/demetris/.themes/Mac4Lin_GTK_Graphite_v0.4/gtk-2.0/Buttons/button-default.png,22:46
ntemisborders don't fit within the image22:46
zosssoTu13es: how long until it drops you to the initfs prompt?22:46
Flare183!paste | ntemis (get used to it)22:46
ubotuntemis (get used to it): pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:46
ArthurArchnixntemis:  Alright, change the theme to human and see if you can play the movie.22:46
Tu13eszossso: hm, not long, maybe 20-30 seconds after selecting it from the boot menu? it shows the Ubuntu loading menu for a bit and then dumps me to it22:47
Tu13eszossso: I can time it if it'd help22:47
joobabywhat do I need to to do to get old ubuntu off?22:47
zosssoTu13es: nah, that sounds about right22:47
Flare183joobaby: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop22:47
Flare183joobaby: just make sure it doesn't break the dependanices of xubuntu-desktop22:48
WhoaItsPhili install gsynaptics and got it working...but i disabled tapping because i hate it and its too sensitive...but even with tapping disabled i am still getting super sensitive taps that i do not want22:48
Flare183joobaby: ok?22:48
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: hmm.. I've googled quite a bit now.. haven't found a solution so far.. are you sure the dhcp protocol even supports renewing an ip?22:48
wittyphotonshey which program should i use if i want to play my music directly off of my ipod?22:48
Flare183!ipod | wittyphotons22:48
* spiderbatdad says, "Hello World!"22:48
ubotuwittyphotons: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:48
Slart!ipod | wittyphotons22:48
dxdtwittyphotons: I know amarok can for a fact, but I thought that rhythmbox could too22:48
ArthurArchnixexaile can22:48
Flare183Slart: hehe got to it before you could22:48
ntemisNO go22:48
ntemissh: jackd: not found again after i changed my theme22:48
juice_wittyphotons: i use rythmbox or gtkpod22:48
SlartFlare183: bah.. I have to oil my keyboard ;)22:48
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!22:49
basculelimited model selection22:49
ph8does anyone know much about network cards? Mine literally keeps crashing my machine and i'm wondering if turning off auto-neg (it's at 100mbps) could sort it out - is this a solution I should really push to get in? Turning it off with ethtool at the moment crashes the machine - but i'm thinking that might be expected? It's remote so i can't restart networking :o Would have to add it as a boot script22:49
wittyphotonsyeah but gtkpod and rhythmbox, as far as i can tell, just let me organize or add music to my ipod22:49
WhoaItsPhili install gsynaptics and got it working...but i disabled tapping because i hate it and its too sensitive...but even with tapping disabled i am still getting super sensitive taps that i do not want...anyone know anything about this or have any solutions?22:49
wittyphotonsi want to play the music on the ipod, from the ipod22:49
wittyphotonslike i can when i connect it in itunes22:49
Flare183Slart: hehe22:50
basculeexaile or amarok22:50
Slartph8: I'd check what module is being used and see if that might be the problem.. perhaps there is an updated module available..22:50
basculeph8: what card is it?22:50
joobabyflare can you further explain sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?22:50
tominglishi, i installed a driver to the wrong location, and i was wondering how i uninstall it, do i just delete the file?22:50
tominglisi was following these instructions, but they are out of date: http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=HowTo_compile_for_Ubuntu_6.06_LTS22:50
Slartph8: I've heard of auto-sense creating connection trouble.. but not crashing a machine22:50
wittyphotonsi'll check out amarok and exaile, thanks22:50
juice_wittyphotons: i use rythmbox22:51
zosssoTu13es: Instead of following the directions as they appeared on the web, I only commented out some lines in the 'casper' file22:51
basculetominglis: make clean, delete the file .ko if you wish22:51
dxdtWhoaItsPhil: yeah you can modify the crap out of the synaptic thing.  More than you could imagine.  lemme see if I can find a link to the documentation on it22:51
Flare183joobaby: by running that command you are removing ubuntu itself22:51
Tu13eszossso: ah, hm22:51
Slarttominglis: do you have the source?22:51
Tu13eszossso: well, I'll try the site to see if it makes a difference?22:51
ntemisi found this bug here22:51
ntemisany solution?22:51
zosssoTu13es: commented lines: 568, 570-57222:52
Slarttominglis: you can follow the same instructions but make the last step 4. sudo make uninstall  and it will hopefully remove all files it installed22:52
joobabyalright, so I need to dl and burn xbuntu?22:52
Slarttominglis: oops.. sorry.. 5. sudo make uninstall22:52
zosssoTu13es: just so `live_dest="ram"`... seemed to work better22:53
=== [1]DoYouKnow is now known as DoYouKnow
Tu13eszossso: in where?22:53
zosssoTu13es: /casper/chroot/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper22:53
WhoaItsPhildxdt, any luck?22:54
zosssoTu13es: Then regenerated the initrd.gz as said on website.22:54
ArthurArchnixFor some reason, ubuntuforums will hang when loading and send my cpu into overdrive.22:54
ntemisand a newbie question22:55
ntemishow can i remotly connect to another ubuntu gutsy through internet?22:55
Tu13eszossso: hm, did you see this on the wiki? The stock casper "toram" functionality is broken in Feisty. In addition, even when it worked, it would completely decompress the filesystem into RAM, which requires 3-4x more RAM, and is hence undesired.22:55
Tu13eszossso: want to take this to PM?22:55
ntemiswhat i must use/do?22:55
Slartntemis: use vnc or freenx22:55
Slart!vnc | ntemis22:55
ubotuntemis: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:55
Jack_Sparrowntemis, rdesktop22:55
dxdtWhoaItsPhil: /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/ has some of the info I'm looking for, like the files there show some of the options, but it isn't the more comprehensive list I remember....  But there are all sorts of finger pressure high and low and taptime high and low that you can use to get it how you want.22:55
=== gizbot_ is now known as gizbot
WhoaItsPhilok that sounds good...but i thought gsynaptics was supposed to do most of that for me...and it has an option for disabling tapping...but when i click to disable it, it still isn't disabled...tapping still occurs and its very annoying22:57
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dxdtWhoaItsPhil: http://linux.die.net/man/5/synaptics  has a ton of options that may help.  I've never played with gsynaptics so I'm not sure on that side :-/22:57
Slart!hi | Administrator__22:57
ubotuAdministrator__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:57
WhoaItsPhilok thanks22:57
=== Administrator__ is now known as Antje
tominglisSlart: thanks loads, presumably i need to change the makefile to the original line that i tried to install it at not the corrected line22:58
Slarttominglis: yes.. that sounds reasonable22:58
AntjeIm having a problem with my mouse it keeps freezing : O22:59
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: I found that dhcpcd does have a renew option. Would installing it cause conflicts?22:59
Slarttominglis: I think almost all scripts that use "make install" also supports "make uninstall"22:59
tominglisSlart: ok fab, i'll give it a go22:59
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: isn't that a dhcp *server* ?22:59
Slart!info dhcpcd23:00
lennartSlart: ok I get how the form goes, sudo sh -c  'echo "text" >> file', but that doesnt cut it for me, i have to do sudo sh -c  'echo ""*" and some text" >> file', and the "*" makes it a problem???23:00
ubotudhcpcd (source: dhcpcd): DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0.17-2 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 160 kB23:00
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: no. DHCPCD= DHCP Client Daemon23:00
Slartlennart: you might have to escape the " inside the outer ".. so it would be something like this.. echo "\"23:01
Slartlennart: you might have to escape the " inside the outer ".. so it would be something like this.. echo "\"*\" and some other text"23:01
lennartokey thanks im gonna try that23:01
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/dhcpcd23:01
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: ah.. I have no idea if it will conflict with the original client..23:01
rinaldi_is there a way to shut down ubuntu when a certain process, or terminal app finishes?23:02
Slartlennart: read about this in the bash man page.. or google for bash help23:02
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: And I don't know if installing it will really fix the problem . . .23:02
PeP`hi.. got alittle problem... I get a "VFS cannot open root device "sda2" or 08:02" "please append correct "root=" option kernel panic : vfs : uabl to mount root fs.."23:02
PeP`but my root fs is on /dev/sda2 :/23:02
dxdtI'm running that new IcedTea Java substitute for 64 bit people, it isn't too shabby.  It loads really slowly, but once loaded it works fine23:02
Frijolieanyone know how to get a wifi printer working (Brother HL-2170w)23:03
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: your main problem is your isp being nasty... this is just a workaround23:03
Frijolielinuxprinting says it works perfectly23:03
Frijoliebut I can't get it to locate it on my network23:03
ryan_greetings all23:07
sd32man that was a waste of my time and dvd's...(showing intrest in the  gOS distro)23:08
subsumemeh. edubuntu should be scrapped and condensed into an upgrade suite. its a dead project23:11
jshrivergood afternoon23:11
jshriverwas freecraft removed from Ubuntu? all I can find is stratagus23:11
ph8Slart + bascule: It's a d-link, looked like a really nice card - came with different brackets for server mounting etc, overall quite impressed until now - i believe the entire machine shuts down on error23:11
ompaulsubsume, na it is very very much alive23:11
ompauljust not in your tZ23:11
subsumeompaul: so. wrong. just go to their IRC channel anytime and see. its crawling.23:11
iterwho are these loses msging me about ##Linux on dalnet --- please go die23:12
ph8Slart + bascule: I'm using ubuntu-server with the Xen kernel so i can run VPS, so i unfortunately can't be in front of the machine - i tried disabling autoneg and lost the machine and/or connection earlier23:12
subsumeompaul: I am on at many times of the day23:12
ph8would that be expected?23:12
Piciiter: Its a known issue, the freenode staff are taking care of it.23:12
ph8should i put an autoneg on boot script up or will that mess up the machine?23:12
Pici!feeding the troll23:12
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.23:12
ompaulpici thanks23:13
Piciompaul: sure thing23:13
ompauliter, ^^ not quite on the button but there ya go - their objective is to get people angry at dalnets ##linux23:13
CLLEWanyone else getting some random process running that has no name?  It shows up in my System Monitor and has no name and always makes a sudden increase in CPU.  System monitor doesnt show how much it is making, but the random CPU spurts only happen when this nameless process goes on.  Is this normal?23:13
ryan_greetings all23:13
ryan_is there a channel for WINE issues?23:14
iterseriously? what a waste, and I don't like going +g for no reason either23:14
Dorwin6hello :) can anyone help me23:14
Starnestommyryan_: I think #winehq23:14
=== allquixotic is now known as Tiyuk
iter!ask | Dorwin623:14
ubotuDorwin6: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:14
ph8CLLEW: I would say no, does nothing show up for it in ps faux?23:14
Dorwin6hi guys , my kubuntu has some problem, when I turned on my computer, it went to desktop then KDE Wallet Service - KDE Daemon hanged, I cant seem to connect my wireless23:14
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:14
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: Yes. I agree my ISP is nasty. the worst thing is that the people that sold me the (residential) connection doesnt know what a static IP address is or why it may be needed.23:14
CLLEWph8: i am not familiar with a lot of stuff with ubuntu.  what is that?23:14
subsumeDoes anyone know the general way a thin client is set up to read a server /opt/thinclient?23:14
Dorwin6KDE Wallet Service is freezed23:14
teo--i have installed the original ubuntu firmware and drivers from broadcom 4311 and i can connect to closer network :S with ndiswrapper i can connet to further networks.. why is this heapening?:23:15
ph8CLLEW: If you hop to the terminal any type 'ps faux' (without the quotes) - see if the process is in there, there's a CPU usage column which might be interesting23:15
ZoiksHi guys, I have a raid 5 that seems to have developed a superblock error, anyone have any knowledge on the subject?23:15
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: Okay, they seem to mingle well together, but I cant see how to get my init scripts to use dhcpcd instead of dhclient.23:15
CLLEWph8: well, thing is, the process isnt here anymore...it goes for like a minute then leaves.  I suppose I will have to wait for it to happen again.23:16
CLLEWit also flickers in and out in the system monitor while it happens.  I will see a blank process (sometimes two even) and in like a second it will be gone, then come back.  all the while the CPU is jumping up23:17
Jack_SparrowCLLEW, See if it isn't something like trackerd23:17
SlartFlyingSquirrel32: there are scripts for the ifup and ifdown events... I can't really remember where... perhaps they are compatible so you can just create a symbolic link in /bin for dhclient23:17
CLLEWJack: i was actually thinking that myself.  i just changed teh settings to be less resource intensive and I'll see if that fixes it23:18
CLLEWit was at max on Indexing speed, so I think that could well be that.  ty for help.  i'll be back to bug if it happens again :D23:18
SubOneI ran scanModem and found that I have a "HDA Intel Si3054 Modem". How do I determine which one of the modem drivers listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto will work with it?23:18
Jack_SparrowDorwin6, KDE specific issues are often better answered in #Kubuntu23:19
Dorwin6Jack_Sparrow, I tried to ask them there is no respond atm, therefore i ask in here :)23:19
Dorwin6is there a command to restart everything ? restart the machine didnt work23:19
subsumeCan someone please explain to me how a thin client knows to load from a server's opt/i386 configuration?23:20
LjLDorwin6: you mean like reboot?23:20
FlyingSquirrel32Slart: a link, great idea.23:21
EminXI'm having problem trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on Virtual PC 2007, when I select start Install Ubuntu I get these errors: "isapnp: checksum for device 1 is not valid (0x89)" and "isapnp: checksum for device 2 is not valid (0xbe)", I'v tried solutions found on the forums ( like F4 for lowest vga resolution and vga = 771) but still i'm disapointed, black screen23:21
Dorwin6LjL : if i reboot my machine, when it starts back, everything is back where was before, so if some application are hang before reboot, after reboot they are still hanged23:21
LjL!session | Dorwin623:22
ubotuDorwin6: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:22
LjLDorwin6: your session is saved when you quit GNOME.23:22
Jack_Sparrowsubsume, Look at the last respose in here and see if it helps with that "SImoulated" modem23:23
subsume??? Jack_Sparrow23:23
MFenanyone else have audio problems when using the nvidia driver?23:24
Dorwin6LjL : thanks23:24
Jack_Sparrowsubsume, Those are not true modems.. there are soft-modems using the cpu to do the work...23:24
subsumeJack_Sparrow: what in god's name are you talking about?23:24
ZoiksHi guys, I have a raid 5 that seems to have developed a superblock error, anyone have any knowledge on the subject?23:24
MFeni know raid causes suffering23:26
cody-somervilleZoiks, Google returned this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/raid-5-superblock-bizzaro-ness-603982/23:26
bazhangEminX: why not try vmware server; there is a ##windows version iirc23:26
subsumeQUESTION: Can someone please explain how a thin client knows to look for a configuration in a server's /opt?23:26
cody-somervilleZoiks, and a number of others too :)23:26
mehmet_what music making programs are there for ubuntu?23:26
SubOneI ran scanModem and found that I have a "HDA Intel Si3054 Modem". How do I determine which one of the modem drivers listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto will work with it?23:27
thruxtonI am having problems with NetworkManager not being able to connect to an open network at my current hotel, booting the laptop to windows is the only way now to get on the net, the wirless card is fine as it connects to my last hotels without issue, is there some way to make NetworkManager verbose with helpful error messages perhaps?23:27
bazhangEminX: also check the md5 sum and see if that is a corrupt download or a badly burned iso23:27
Jack_SparrowSubOne,  Go to terminal and type dmesg | grep ttyS   tell me if you see your modem   subsume tab complete got me...23:27
mehmet_!music making23:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about music making - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:27
bazhangthruxton: just try via the command line23:28
SubOneJack_Sparrow: nothing outputs23:28
thruxtonbazhang: with network manager or another program?23:28
Zoikscody-somerville: i have googled it and have not been able to find a case that exactly resembles my situation23:28
Zoiksi really cant lose the data on there23:28
Jack_SparrowSubOne, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-417135.html   last entry23:28
cody-somervilleZoiks, Maybe if you told us exactly what the problem was, someone would be able to help you? :)23:29
bazhangthruxton: go into the terminal and type ifconfig; should give the name of your wireless nic--something like wlan0 or the like; then try sudo dhclient (name of wireless card)23:29
AnnirakI have a router installation running 2.6.22 and a simple iptables NAT on a PIII 733.  The user of this NAT is complaining that when he bypasses the NAT, he gets 4.8Mbps, while he only gets 2.4Mbps through the NAT.  For the purposes of the test, he removed both the NAT and one terminal from the LAN and connected them directly together.  What can I do to reduce the bottleneck?23:29
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SubOneJack_Sparrow: dont i need to install the drivers first or something?23:30
thruxtonbazhang, ok, I will give that a shot (its wlan0 btw)23:30
Zoikscody-somerville: i was just seeing if anyone had any knowledge before I start rattling on about a heap of things23:30
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up23:30
bazhangthruxton: then it would be sudo dhclient wlan023:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about homepna - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:31
iterZoiks: can you assemble/mount the raid?23:31
SubOneJack_Sparrow: I am already reading that page didnt you hear my question?23:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pna - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:31
cody-somervilleZoiks, Generally people respond better to specific questions, FYI :)23:31
Pici!language | okkay23:31
ubotuokkay: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:31
Jack_SparrowSubOne, I personally dont bother with those.  hardware modems always work, lin-win modems seldom give me what I need23:31
thruxtonbazhang, thank you, gotta reboot to try it23:31
ZoiksI have a raid 5 that will not start up cleanly because of a superblock error, If i force it to start in degraded mode, I still cant mount it because it has a bad fs/option/journal etc23:32
okkayPici: sorry for that.23:32
Zoikscody-somerville: ok23:32
cody-somervilleZoiks, What is the exact error message? :)23:32
SubOneJack_Sparrow, sorry but I'm still a bit confused what i should do23:32
cottimaHello.  What is MPS table version, and how do I figure out which (1.1 or 1.4) it should be?23:32
Zoikswhat is that site I paste stuff to so i dont get in trouble for flooding cody-somerville?23:33
iter!pastebin | Zoiks23:33
ubotuZoiks: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:33
Zoiksiter: only assemble in degraded mode cant mount it23:33
Mighty_Penguinwill i have problems with intel core 2 duo, and 4gb ram with ubuntu?23:33
Jack_SparrowSubOne, the last entry on that page said they reinstalled the sl-modem package and got it working.  that is where I would start, but other than that.. I cant help ou23:33
SubOnek ty23:34
kitcheMighty_Penguin: well you shouldn't considering that linux is POSIX23:34
subsumeOk...so.... how do ubuntu thin clients know how to look in a server's /opt for a setup?23:34
subsumeCan I please get 3 neurons of attention from someone? =)23:34
consolejockeyquestion: what controls the frequency of the DHCPREQUEST?23:34
Mighty_Penguinkitche so no?23:34
Jack_SparrowMighty_Penguin, no should be fine. but as a new user I would suggest you run 32 bit os until you get more familiar23:34
Mighty_Penguinok thanks23:34
* nickrud looks, but only has 2 neurons available23:34
subsumeIs it so hard to explain? Seems really stupid, simple, and general23:35
Mighty_Penguinerm, atm i think i'm running 64bit, and i'm fine but this machine has 2gb23:35
tim1guys please help me with my sound card please. its not available ?23:35
consolejockeyI have a workstation that is connected to a DHCP-enabled wifi modem.  I'm having connectivity problems and when I look at /var/log/syslog I see that every two minutes there is a DHCPREQUEST, followed by an acknowledgement (DHCPACK) followed by a binding to the external address...23:35
consolejockeyI don't htink it should be every two minutes unless it's expiring, no?23:35
tim1it says. No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.23:36
consolejockeyand would that be a function of the wifi device or something I can configure in linux?23:36
nickrudsubsume: You're probably not getting an answer cuz there's no one familiar with the thin client around right now23:36
ZoiksI cant assemble the raid with sdb1 even if I force it23:36
Mighty_Penguini didnt know if i would have a problem or not with more than 3gb of ram that is all23:36
cody-somervilleZoiks, http://search.luky.org/linux-kernel.2005/msg80164.html23:36
Jack_SparrowMighty_Penguin, While there is a ram limit I still suggest 32.. if you want to be a wild man.. install both side by side and dual boot between them23:37
cody-somervilleZoiks, That fellow used e2fsck to remove the journal and recover23:38
Mighty_Penguinso, you're just suggesting stick with regular release of Ubuntu instead of amd64?23:38
joobabyhow do you know which version of ubuntu you're running? someone else installed for me23:38
Zoikscody-somerville: is there any danger to the data? what about it being part of raid23:38
nickrudjoobaby: lsb_release -a  in a terminal23:38
Jack_SparrowMighty_Penguin,  yes, or like I said you can install both and dual boot between them23:39
cody-somervilleZoiks, The guy stated that there was no way for him to detect corruption23:39
Spiral_TailI realize I may be butting into a lot of conversations, and I'm also way new to this, but umm...23:39
Mighty_Penguinok Jack_Sparrow, so the system will boot and work, it just wont know i do have 4gb of ram, and will only use 3gb of ram?23:39
subsumeSpiral_Tail: just ask.23:39
Mighty_Penguinif this is so, then thats fine, i was just making sure i wouldnt have headaches in the future23:39
WillieDaPimpwhat would miro depend on to play movies ?? cause every time i try to watch a movie it acts like its about to start then closes back immediately23:39
Mighty_Penguinthanks Jack_Sparrow23:39
Spiral_TailI turned on "Desktops on a cube" in the desktop effects panel23:39
Jack_SparrowMighty_Penguin, np23:40
cody-somervilleZoiks, However, removing the superblock journal will not corrupt your data.23:40
Spiral_Tailand the cube doesn't work correctly at this point23:40
cody-somervilleZoiks, (to the best of my knowledge)23:40
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, Doesnt work isnt very clear23:40
tim1I have no sound or cards i get the error "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."23:40
cody-somervilleZoiks, If you're super concerned, I would make an image of the raid before taking any further write operations23:40
subsumeQUESTION: What software needs to be setup on a thin client, in general?23:40
* spiderbatdad is away: "dinner!"23:40
Zoikshow would i do that?23:40
Spiral_Tailmy apologies, let me elaborate...23:41
Zoikscody-somerville: how would i do that?23:41
_Oz_Spiral_Tail: is it a two-sided pane rather than a cube?23:41
joobabyfor some reason I cant get sound to work on webpages23:41
Spiral_Tailwhen I first checked the box for cube to be enabled, it worked fine23:41
Spiral_Tailafter I restarted X, the ctrl-alt-down setup doesn't work23:41
nickrudsubsume: now that I think of it, edubuntu is heavily invested in thin clients, maybe #edubuntu can point you in the right direction23:41
Spiral_Tailthe cube doesn't show an actual rotation animation, which i thought was cool23:42
subsumenickrud: dead room.23:42
Spiral_Tailand instead has decided to fade between desktops23:42
cody-somervilleZoiks, I gotta run for now. I'll msg you when I get back23:42
nickrudsubsume: sucks. It was pretty active once ...23:42
Spiral_Tailctrl + alt + left/right still switches desktops23:42
subsumenickrud: yeah. always down to two dozen23:42
Zoikscody-somerville: ok thanks23:42
credibleSpiral_Tail: feisty's compiz is extremely buggy, you should upgrade to gutsy23:42
Spiral_Tailheh, i've tried23:43
_Oz_spiral_tail: make sure you have at least 2 desktops (4 is needed for a cube) set up under "General" in advanced desktop settings23:43
Spiral_TailI'm too noob to figure out how to report the error I get23:43
nickrudgutsy's compiz is really buggy on ati23:43
WillieDaPimpmiro gives me this error : /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/miro/frontend_implementation/Application.py:45: GtkWarning: gtk_window_set_transient_for: assertion `parent == NULL || GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)' failed gtk.main()23:43
Spiral_Tailallow me to go grab the exact message I recieve23:43
Spiral_Tailit shouldn't take long23:43
_Oz_Spiral_Tail: oh, wait...  you're running feisty? and is it an ATI card?23:43
fabiodepending on what ati23:43
Spiral_Tail_Oz_: I am running feisty, but am blissfully unaware of what an ATI card is23:44
zelrikriandohello all23:44
hischildSpiral_Tail, the counterpart of nvidia23:44
_Oz_Spiral_Tail: okay, the first order of biz is upgrading to gutsy.  after that, you need to determine if you have an ATI brand video card (such as a radeon).  there are many ATI bugs in compiz.23:44
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, How did you install compiz?  From where?  ANy script etc?23:44
hischildwhat's the command to add users to a group?23:45
Spiral_TailI have to assume compiz is the cube23:45
_Oz_Spiral_Tail: check back with us after you do those two things, because until you're in gutsy and we're sure which type of card you have, we won't really be able to effectively help you.23:45
fabiomore than that23:45
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, cube is part of compiz.. yes23:45
_Oz_!adduser | hischild23:45
Spiral_Tailalright, my apologies23:45
bazhangSpiral_Tail: any third party scripts to do that?23:45
ubotuhischild: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo23:45
Spiral_Tailbrb with an error message for you guys ^^23:45
fabiothere are 3 drivers for ati cards23:45
fabioradeon radeonhd and fglrx23:46
nickrudhischild: adduser user group23:46
Spiral_Tailso far as I know, I've never installed/added compiz23:46
will__are you italian ?23:46
hischildnickrud, thanks23:46
Spiral_Tailit was there when I got this setup23:46
hischild_Oz_, same for you :-)23:46
fabioyes i am23:46
bazhangwill__: you need the italian channel?23:46
EminXPeople as I know, I tried too hard and finally I put my hands up and surrenda, there is no way for Ubuntu 7.10 to work on Virtual PC 2007, damn that sucks23:46
joobabyhow do I fix the conflict between gstreamer extra plugins and whatever default software comes on ubuntu?23:46
Jack_Sparrowfabio, aiglx too23:47
joobabyI can't play the mp3 files off my iaudio23:47
EminXg'night everyone and thanx a lot23:47
bazhangEminX: try vmware server and also check the iso (md5) and burn speed of the disk23:47
bazhangEminX: as I said earlier23:47
EminXbazhang: I did it on innotek VBox23:47
Jack_SparrowEminX, Try it without running it under windows..23:47
bazhangEminX: it works fine; must be an issue with your iso or burn speed23:47
danand!mp3 | joobaby23:47
EminXJack_Sparrow: I'll do it23:47
ubotujoobaby: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:48
will__bazhang: please tell me a italian channel23:48
will__it's very important !23:48
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:48
rhineheart_mI have this issue... samba seems congesting my LAN...any idea?23:48
hischildbazhang, it's >> microsoft << virtual pc ... i think that's the reason why it's so hard to get it working23:48
will__thanks ubotu23:48
bazhangwill__: /join #ubuntu-it23:48
EminXbazhang:  no way I did it on innotek VBox and it works perfect23:48
Izzihello I am trying to re install windows on laptop23:48
hischildEminX, virtualbox and virtual pc are 2 completely different programs23:48
Izzialongsides of ubuntu23:48
fabiowindows ?23:48
bazhangEminX: then why the worry about VPC? it is flawed software imo23:48
EminXhischild:  I know that23:48
Izzifor some web development I have to do23:49
fabiowhy ?23:49
Jack_SparrowIzzi, you will need to reinstall grub when you are done... at the least23:49
EminXbazhang: I need that, in my classes23:49
IzziI repartitioned my harddrive23:49
fabioiexplorer ?23:49
Izziso I have 20 gig free23:49
levanderIs http://rdesktop.org giving a blank page for everyone?23:49
EminXbazhang: thanx, and g'night23:49
Izzidoes anyone in here have any experience with that sort of thing?23:49
Jack_SparrowIzzi, If you added partitions below ubuntu you will have some additional twealing to do to get it right23:50
EminXg'night everyone and thanx a lot23:50
Mighty_Penguinlevander yes23:50
Spiral_TailCould not calculate the upgrade23:50
Spiral_TailA unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.23:50
Spiral_TailPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport.23:50
IzziJack_Sparrow, such as?23:50
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, How did you install compiz?  From where?  ANy script etc?23:50
danandrhineheart_m - did you set socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 in your /etc/samba/smb.conf file? thats known to help speed samba up on gnu/linux boxes. hope that helps23:50
Spiral_Tailalso typo, should be AN unresolvable problem23:50
levanderMighty_Penguin: thanks23:50
Mighty_Penguinlevander using firefox it does, and using also on internet explorer it does23:51
Spiral_TailI did not install Compiz. If I did, I did it unknowingly through update manager23:51
micoleso is everyone having a problem updating then?23:51
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, ANd you are running feisty?23:51
joobabycan someone link me to like a common command list?23:51
levanderIs rdesktop ever as good as sitting at the console of a Windows computer?  I'm playing with it here and I don't know if the video artifacts I'm seeing are my weird setup, or just the way rdesktop does things?23:51
joobabylike the one that reboots ubuntu without restarting the system23:51
bazhangjoobaby: for doing what23:52
Mighty_Penguinjoobaby http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html23:52
bazhangjoobaby: you want to logout?23:52
joobabyty penguin23:52
Jack_Sparrowlevander, It is slow, but surprisingly good with the right video configuration23:52
fabiodebian has a newer version od compiz fusion !23:52
sd32can you use ubuntu with a usb modem?23:52
benzs_si use ubuntu and decided i wanted to give kubuntu a try, so i installed kubuntu-desktop but now i would like to remove it... is there a proper way of doing things? or is it just about opening synaptic and selecting remove on 'kubuntu-desktop'?23:52
fabioi'm using a smartphone as a modem23:53
fabioand i let you know a microsoft usb modem23:53
credibleSpiral_Tail: fixing the bug in feisty's compiz that you're seeing is pretty easy though, run 'gconf-editor', and navigate to /apps/compiz/core/screen0/options, and set number_of_desktops to 1 and hsize to 423:53
sd32fabio: thats fab23:53
Spiral_Taili shall attempt that23:54
sd32:-) couldnt resist23:54
levanderJack_Sparrow: How do I go about getting the right video configuration?23:54
windows_how cna i install java 1.5 for frostwire to work?23:55
Jack_Sparrowlevander, I did it with trial and error until I got a res that worked.  Sorry I dont have an easy answer..23:55
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)23:55
levanderJack_Sparrow: so, it's mostly desktop resolution on the machine you're rdesktop'ing into?23:55
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, Try to think about how it got installed..  or post your sources.list for us to take a peek23:56
joobabyI installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but still luck playing my mp3s23:56
windows_ubotu i tryed to install it but when i run froswire through terminal it syas your java is old23:56
Jdanielshello all, I have a problem that I somehow created while trying to install Java Runtime. It seems now I cannot use any browser for long with out it crashing, no error message. The forums on similar topics of 2+ years old.23:56
Jack_Sparrowlevander, It was more on the machine and config or where I was.. not the remote23:56
arizalordhi... i'm without gnome panels.. does somebody know how i can add new panels?23:57
Spiral_Tailright click?23:57
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=== emma is now known as IRSeekBot_spys
westjdHow do i make windows XP the default for grub?23:57
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put it in the pastebin for us to check.23:57
bazhang!resetpanels > arizalord read the pm from the bot23:57
IRSeekBot_spysI think you might get the Java stuff by doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:57
Jack_SparrowSpiral_Tail, Please do not paste into the channel23:57
sdfewfsi'm so close to my idea! but it's not working!!!23:58
adekobai have a webpage on a remote shared-host, but I cannot access the apache logs. How can I log the number of downloads or somehow get a hit-count for all files (i.e., not just html/php pages)? I have cgi-bin access, btw.23:58
windows_ubotu is a robot??????23:58
=== IRSeekBot_spys is now known as emma
windows_omg ive been toalking to a robot23:59
arizalordbazhang, excuse me... do i type this on console?23:59
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:59
bazhangarizalord: yes in the terminal ;]23:59
arizalordok.. thx!.. i'll try!23:59

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