=== gryc___ is now known as gryc === gryc_ is now known as gryc === gryc_ is now known as gryc === Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu === doko_ is now known as doko === harrison1 is now known as harrisony === soren_ is now known as soren === thumper_laptop is now known as thumper [09:53] hi [09:53] can i search in lauchnpad for apps written in a specific language (py e.g. :D) === bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools [09:56] how do i tell launchpad to reimport my OpenPGP key? [09:56] when i enter its fingerprint on https://launchpad.net/~mathias-hasselmann/+editpgpkeys it just tells me to already have that key [09:57] just export your key to a keyserver (I use keyserver.ubuntu.com) [09:58] morning [10:00] stdin: ah, ok. - guess that server should be listed in seahorse [10:02] stdin: hey, that worked! thanks alot! [10:02] :) [10:03] stdin: maybe that launchpad page should tell, that keyserver.ubuntu.com allows uploads [10:04] all keyservers do (or should), all they all update from each other === warp10 is now known as warp69 [10:48] how would i setup a local variant of https://launchpad.net/+builds? [10:49] it just takes too long, until packages are accepted/build/rejected [10:49] well, it kind of sucks, that you cannot overwrite failed packages [10:55] interesting: 0.2.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1 <= 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 [10:57] tbf: It takes all of 5 minutes to accept the packages, and then no more than a few minutes after that to build it... [10:57] Why are you wanting to overwrite them? [10:57] And that is the entire point of ~ [11:07] Fujitsu: that i cannot use them to increase the package version for ppa? [11:07] Rejected: [11:07] MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive [11:07] Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification. [11:07] gnome-lirc-properties_0.2.2-0ubuntu1~ppa2.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 0.2.2-0ubuntu1~ppa2 <= 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 [11:08] Fujitsu: and i also cannot switch to 0.2.2-0ubuntu2, since the MOTU guys will kill me then [11:09] Fujitsu: so i do i replace 0.2.2-0ubuntu1,without creating 0.2.2-0ubuntu2, which will not be accepted by the motu team [11:12] tbf: How long have you been waiting for it to bre removed? [11:13] Fujitsu: last time i tried it wasn't gone after 30 min, and it was told, that removal is done by a daily cron job [11:14] You should be able to upload something lower than something that you've deleted within 20 minutes, I think. [11:21] tbf: use 0.2.2-0ubuntu2~ppa1 [11:22] or 0.2.2-0ubuntu1+ppa1 [11:29] Hobbsee: ah, plus. let's see [11:59] Fujitsu, Hobbsee: ok, worked [11:59] oh good [12:03] but now i wonder, why ppa doesn't install lirc before building the package... [12:03] ...lirc is listed as dependency [12:03] tbf: Because you didn't specify it in the Build-Depends. [12:04] Fujitsu: depends and build-depends aren't merged? [12:04] They're completely different, so I'd hope not. [12:04] Depends are runtime dependencies. Build-Depends are... build dependencies. [12:06] Fujitsu: that's weired. how can runtime dependencies not be part of the build dependencies? [12:06] Why would they be? [12:06] I don't need to run the program to build it. [12:06] Dependencies are also normally largely automatically generated by the build. [12:08] well, how to build a program without it's runtime librararies installed... [12:08] It depends on the program. [12:08] ...seems the need add -dev packages for getting header files hide that detail for me so far... [12:09] ...since the -dev packages also pull in the runtime libs [12:09] Yes. [12:09] Fujitsu: well. debian-typical overdesign [12:09] Er, how!? [12:09] have to remember this. [12:09] What's overdesigned? [12:09] this separatation [12:09] i won't change it. [12:09] cprov: PPA publisher cycles seem really slow now it takes like 5 minutes to get things built :( [12:10] Why shouldn't they be separated? [12:10] so i'll accept that weirdness, without further thinking about it [12:10] Fujitsu: cause separating them breaks configure scripts for instance... [12:10] Fujitsu: at least in my special case. [12:10] No, you not specifying the build dependencies breaks them. [12:11] Fujitsu: i have to figure out now, if i want to relax the configure script, or if i want to add lirc to build-depends and depends [12:11] I don't need a bazillion and three X packages to build my Python package, though it may need them at runtime. [12:11] tbf: That's correct. [12:11] Fujitsu: what ?! [12:12] do you mean PPA build cycle (due to the chroot upgrade) ? [12:12] No, publishing. [12:12] Fujitsu: how do you know ? [12:13] Every 20 minutes is now really long compared to everything else. YOu made it all too fast! [12:13] Fujitsu: as far as I'm concerned the publishing cycle is taking 58 seconds and that's not slow [12:13] I mean how long it appears to take, which is 20 minutes. [12:13] Is it not? [12:13] Fujitsu: ahh, you mean the frequency is low [12:14] Fujitsu: I can do some experiments with 15 or 10 minutes cycle [12:14] those pages update automatically? https://launchpad.net/+builds/iridium [12:15] Fujitsu: as I said, the publisher takes 1 minute to run (in average) [12:15] cprov: That's not bad. A 20 minute frequency used to be great until 1.2.2, when it took an hour or two to get things built anyway. [12:18] Fujitsu: I will test other times by the end of the week [12:19] cprov: That'd be great! PPA is a whole lot more usable of late, and that would make it that much nicer. [12:19] cool [12:21] cool. built finally succeeded. === cprov is now known as cprov-lunch === thumper_laptop is now known as thumper === kiko is now known as kiko-afk [15:02] carlos, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/seahorse/+imports is the .pot file being regenerated on build time? How do you check this so that I don't have to bother you each time? [15:03] TomaszD: unfortunately, you need extra permissions to see that information... [15:03] carlos, I seem to recall that the build logs were available somewhere before [15:03] carlos, anyway, should I file a bug against seahorse or is everything fine? [15:04] TomaszD: hmm, buildlogs may be another way to check it, yes [15:04] TomaszD: it should be available from launchpad too [15:04] but I check a timestamp from where was last updated the template [15:04] which is faster for me [15:05] found the build log, but I don't know what keywords to look for [15:05] TomaszD: 2008-02-26 16:50:00.520550+00:00 [15:05] that's last update for the template [15:06] TomaszD: look for 'template' [15:06] or '.pot' [15:06] TomaszD: give me the URL and I tell you the exact text to look for [15:06] ok so it seems everything is correct I guess [15:06] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12231672/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.seahorse_2.21.92-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz [15:08] also, I'm waiting for a user upload to go through for four hours now (909 strings, brasero, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/brasero/+imports ), should I start worrying? :] [15:08] I know it used to take a week === warp69 is now known as warp10 [15:14] carlos, are language pack uploads predictable? is there a repo with daily uploads? [15:15] TomaszD: it should not take a week... [15:15] TomaszD: yeah, pitti's ppa [15:15] oh cool thanks [15:16] hmm nope, pitti's ppa doesn't have them [15:18] TomaszD: then is better if you check with him [15:18] there is a ppa for it [15:18] ok [15:24] TomaszD: hmm, seems like I don't find an easy way to detect missing templates on the build log... [15:24] it used to be easy, so maybe I'm missing something. I tried to find it in totem, which we already detected that was not being generated... [15:24] nevermind, most apps look good, apart from totem [15:24] yes I've reported that, how are things looking for this package? any fix soon? [15:28] TomaszD: I'm not the one fixing it, that's a question for ubuntu developers... [15:28] oh ok, fine :] [15:28] I just hope they are aware of this, there are many bugs and this one can be easily missed [15:37] TomaszD: ok === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch [15:59] * tbf wonders if ppa could be changed to give more immediate feedback about accepting packages... [15:59] (or rejection) [15:59] the mail round trip takes quite some time === gryc_ is now known as gryc [16:28] "MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive [16:28] Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification." [16:28] can i browse that archive somehow? === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [16:48] is it possible to extract the initially uploaded tarball from ppa? [16:48] i only see a tarball with patches applied === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === ubotu_ is now known as ubotu [17:49] ok, if I've created a new project in LP, how do I go about getting code into the trunk? [17:51] can i change priority on launchpad [17:51] so things get "low" ? [17:59] faulkes-, you would jus push it [17:59] is your code already in bzr? [17:59] no, the code is not already in bzr [17:59] new project, no code uploaded yet [18:00] faulkes-, https://help.launchpad.net/BzrHowto might be a good start [18:00] bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /home/michael/development/ubuntu-server/.bzr/branch/ [18:00] faulkes-, do, you haven't versioned your code yet [18:01] I'll go through that url you listed, then come back if I have issues [18:01] go into the dir, and do: bzr init; bzr add; bzr commit -m 'Project start' [18:01] thanks, sorry, new to using lp and bzr [18:01] (or something similar to that) [18:01] aye [18:01] faulkes-, no problem. If you run into bzr-specific issues, you can also drop by #bzr [18:09] New bug: #198828 in launchpad "Upload project file with non-ascii character in the filename breaks the page" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198828 [18:50] carlos, can you confirm this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/198851 ? [18:50] Launchpad bug 198851 in avahi ".pot file isn't generated on build time" [Undecided,New] [18:50] let me see... [18:53] TomaszD: confirmed [18:53] carlos, ok === Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette [19:15] carlos, I don't know what to do, is this possible to do https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/198851/comments/1 or do I have to make another bug report about that? It would be pointless I think, before a template is even available [19:15] Launchpad bug 198851 in avahi ".pot file isn't generated on build time" [Undecided,Confirmed] [19:17] TomaszD: well, that's indeed a different bug report... [19:17] so is better to file a new bug [19:17] carlos, fine, I'll do it [19:17] if it's fixed before the .pot file is regenerated, it will be there, otherwise... the translations will still be missing, file a new bug and mention it there [19:21] just did [19:43] not sure if it is the right place to talk about that, but I have a problem with my @ubuntu.com email address..... [19:43] none of the emails end in my mailbox, even if the smtp trace of the mail sending seems to work [19:44] mail accepted by mx.canonical.com [19:44] other ubuntu devs reports that it works for them... === mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson [19:52] Tonio_: the ubuntu team didn't assign you a mailbox, but only a mail account which redirects to your e-mail address === kuechengarten is now known as thekorn === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara [21:43] matsubara, ping [21:44] matsubara, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/196253 Do you know to bother about this bug? [21:44] Launchpad bug 196253 in launchpad "OOPS importing pgp key" [High,New] [21:44] s/know to/know who to/ [21:44] Hi HappyCamp [21:44] Hello :) [21:46] HappyCamp: I'll raise it up during tomorrow's meeting. I'm afraid we don't have a workaround for it. [21:47] Thanks matsubara [22:03] Gooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! [22:25] oh noes, I missed todays "good morning" !? [22:27] ^ 22 minutes up there [23:41] how points are attributed in "Top contributors" of a project page ? [23:42] I don't understand https://edge.launchpad.net/mozilla-devscripts [23:43] (based on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-devscripts/)