[00:45] anyone had any luck to make ltspfs mount unpartitioned usb stick? [00:54] slashdotfx: you mean pendrives that have the mbr formatted, instead of a partition? [00:54] such as some mp3 players? [00:55] elisboa, yes exactly [00:55] slashdotfx: do you have the detection script with you righ now? [00:55] I can check it out [00:56] if it's a shell script, it won't be hard to fix [00:56] yes, it's a shellscript [00:56] slashdotfx: can you send me? [00:56] or paste via web somewhere? [00:56] ok, hold on [00:56] via ltspfs.pastebin.com ok? [00:57] ok :) [01:00] uh, should we looking at udev instead of the shellscript? [01:00] according to this document https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebugLocalDev [01:01] if it's with udev, I don't know [01:01] but I will look at the script first, and try to find what is lacking [01:01] is the script available somewhere? [01:02] it says it doesn't work with unpartitioned disks [01:02] it's a bug [01:02] and is fixable [01:02] I'm a bit confused which script should be modified [01:02] can i have the script? [01:02] there are [01:03] slashdotfx: I have made a probing script, sometime [01:03] ago [01:03] ltspfsmounter [01:03] and it predicted unpartitioned disks as well [01:04] ` it reads data from sysfs [01:05] slashdotfx: do you want to see it? [01:06] yes please [01:06] maybe I can merge it down into my box [01:06] slashdotfx: have it: pub.ueberalles.net/probe.sh [01:08] slashdotfx: my script has a problem; it checks if the device is listed on fstab; if it is not, it isn't listed [01:08] actually, it shouldn't need fstab after all [01:09] it fetches the device mount path from ther, instead of define a bsae rootdir and complete it with device's name [01:09] s/ther/there/ [01:10] but it's not hard to understand it's engine, i ugess [01:10] maybe you can use it for you [01:10] ok, I'm digesting here [01:11] bonapetit [01:14] your script should be installed under ltsp chroot right? [01:20] looking for help with choppy flash videos on thin clients. I have LDM_DIRECTX set but still choppy. I'm using Hardy. [01:20] In Feisty the choppiness went away with LDM_DIRECTX. [01:20] according to this thread [01:21] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=200802141431.34615.cjr%40tridentgarages.co.uk&forum_name=ltsp-discuss [01:24] I need to modify udev rules [01:27] elisboa, does your script executed manually? [01:52] it works, after modifying udev rules [01:53] ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k auto" [01:53] adding that to /etc/udev/rules.d/88-ltsp.rules [02:23] slashdotfx: yes, it executes manually [02:23] it only probes devices [02:24] slashdotfx: sorry for the delay; i was moving fro mcollege to home [02:24] slashdotfx: tell me, did it help to fix the bug? [02:24] ic, no problem [02:24] well I need to test it further [02:24] I am at home, ubuntu here [02:25] I can help you if you want [02:25] help to test, I mean [02:25] since I'm test by deleting my own pendrive partition, and mkdosfs it without partition [02:26] slashdotfx: you can use mkfs.vfat too [02:26] or mkfs.vfat -F32 if it's bigger than 2 GB [02:27] well now the pendrive is mounted, even without partition [02:29] yeaaaaah! [02:29] elisboa, I'll report back to the channel asap after I got some real user bringing their mp3 players [02:30] thank you very much for your help [02:30] slashdotfx: can I see how did you modified your 88-ltsp.rules? [02:31] ok, its in here http://ltspfs.pastebin.com/m1176d890 [02:36] slashdotfx: I don't want to be preachy, but... Wouldn't it be interesting to use a rule for removable cd writers as well? They usually are named /dev/scd* [02:36] slashdotfx: I've made this alteration: http://ltspfs.pastebin.com/m51409197 [02:37] I don't have a removable CD writer here, but I have it at work [02:37] if you want, I can test it there [02:37] it's 00:00 now where I am. Brazil, -03:00 [02:37] I usually get to owrk at 10:00 [02:38] or 13:00 GMT [02:38] oops, 01:00 PM GMT [02:38] ic, I don't have removable cd writer here either, but it doesn't hurt to test it right [02:39] yes [02:40] if the line doesn't present any syntax error, it will be good for now :) [02:40] so, I can test it at work and see if it works [02:41] yes, excellent [02:42] I know it's somehow hard to imagine that a thin client would have an external cd-drive, but if this lines gives us this feature, then there will be no excuses for this feature not to be present [02:42] sorry if my english is seems ; i am not a native speakerbad [02:45] no, your english is great [02:46] I'm indonesian, english is not my native language too, but as long as we understand each other, its ok [02:46] good :) [02:47] I had a little problem with the keyboard, haha [04:08] oops, now I'm seeing double mount point [07:00] i have a weird problem, the server goes really slow when then its nor directly connected to the internet, any thoughts [07:36] dns resolution problems probably [07:36] hmm.. is gnome-cups-manager still needed these days? [07:36] evil thing pegs my cpu to 100% every once in awhile, causes music to skip [07:57] johnny_: nope, it's replaced by system-config-printer === RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd [08:20] Hello, I have a question. Does a standalone Edubuntu workstation installation also contain the kernel headers? I will need them to compile the driver for my modem? I want to make everything ready before I install Edubuntu. [08:27] thanks stgraber :) [08:27] it wasn't autoremoved when i upgraded tho [08:27] bbiab [08:36] Does anyone know about my question? [08:38] If I have to download the kernel headers separately, which packages should I download? [10:40] just started installing gutsy I chose raid 1 and now want delete, what to do from here [15:16] where can i get an hardy alpha5/6 cd-iso? [15:17] i can only find an current dvd-image [15:28] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-5/ [15:28] you need the ubuntu desktop or alternate cd for it [15:28] alternate has the ltsp bits in case you are after that [15:34] (which can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-5/) [15:47] ogra_cmpc: i am looking for the edubuntu thin client installation, i have an 400MHz AMD-K6 with 192 MB RAM and will install an edubuntu, i think a normal edubuntu installation is to big for the old machine. [15:48] bdgraue, thin clients need a server [15:48] they boot off the network [15:48] i thought i can use my kubuntu desktop as server [15:48] that spec would indeed make a godd TC [15:49] well, then just install ltsp on your kubuntu desktop :) [15:49] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall [15:49] no need for the iso [15:49] (at least with a decent DSL line) [15:50] i have to learn, how to configure the thin client [15:50] i'll try and learn :) [15:50] it configures itself [15:51] during boot it detects all HW related stuff it needs and sets up everything [15:53] the client is only used as a display and input/output device ... the actual session runs on the server so all that would be there to configure would be tweaks of the X server setup for special mouse or keyboard setups ... [15:54] there are some things to change in your desktop setup if you use kde though (i.e. redirect the desktop sound output) [15:55] i will read all i can get and try it, thanks for your help ogra_ [15:56] if i have more questions, i'll aks :) [15:56] ask [15:56] if you have questions, dont hesitate to come back and ask :) [15:58] i have a lot of questions, but all for a later state [15:58] one step after the other :) [15:59] (i think my english isn't the best) [16:23] Hi folks. got a little issue with an edubuntu server not authenticating clients (X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication). I know I've seen this issue discussed in the mailing list for edubuntu-users, but I can't seem to find the solution. Any thoughts? === RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd [16:28] I can't ssh to the server and forward my connection, either. Does this help at all?? [16:46] Hey, anyone know what scp-client is? I seem to be missing it on my Edubuntu LTSP server... [16:49] Okay, found out what it is. any idea if it may be the cause of my users not being able to authenticate and get a session on my LTSp server? [17:00] * Starting DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail] <-- and i have no idea why, i thought it would be simple to set up an ltsp-server and only start the 'client-pc' via lan :( [17:05] is it easier with hardy alpha then with gutsy? [17:13] Hello, I want to know if the edubuntu cd comes along with the kernel development headers. I need them to compile my modem driver. [17:15] In the directory /pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22 on the CD I see some packages starting with linux-headers-x.y.z.deb. Are these what I need? [17:21] Does anyone here know? [18:03] anyone know if Alistair Crust frequents this channel (see http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/Skegness ) [20:02] bah [20:02] * LaserJock stabs bugzilla.gnome.org [20:10] Paladine, he writes to the edubuntu-users ML from time to time ... [20:14] ogra_ hi.. [20:14] i got federico to do autotools magic for me.. and now sabayon is actually going to generate proper desktop file with X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version [20:15] so bug reports will be filed more correctly [20:27] ogra_, thanks, was hoping maybe he came in here, he has invited me to his school to tour his labs, would have been nice to have a "face to face" in the irc sense first :) [20:27] right [20:27] if he is/was here, i'm not aware of his nick [21:41] um...hello? xD [21:41] hello [21:42] Hiya. :] I had a couple questions about Edubuntu. [21:43] and I'm prolly gonna sound like an idiot, but oh well. I always do. Heheh. ^^; But anyway, I'm in Vegas, and my mom knows quite a few people on the county's school board [21:44] And we were reading the paper today, and they're revamping their computer systems and stuff [21:45] cool [21:45] I'm in Reno ;-) [21:45] Cool. I envy you, Reno is a lot more awesome then Vegas. =P [21:46] heh [21:47] So anyway, we were thinking we'd send a couple emails out and ask if it's possible if they'd use Linux instead. =] [21:47] And I guess I'm just wondering if ya know of any schools in the country that already use it that I could maybe use as a reference or something? [21:48] boy, I'm not sure of the specifics off the top of my head [21:48] but there's schools in Maine and Indiana [21:48] perhaps some in California too [21:49] I'd send an email to the edubuntu-users mailing list or look through some of the archives even [21:49] Hm, okay [21:49] but yeah, there are a number of schools around that are using it successfully [21:49] Cool. :D Thanks. [21:50] Maybe we'll add a couple more to that number