
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
ErrantEgoMartinp23: tell him he does19:55
TheDeadAngel666bonjour a tous?19:55
TheDeadAngel666c'est français ici?19:55
TheDeadAngel666j'ai perd le pass ChanServ de #ubuntu-philo-fr19:56
naliothTheDeadAngel666: you are not the owner of that channel19:56
naliothVous n'êtes pas le propriétaire de cette chaîne.19:57
TheDeadAngel666c'est sov^36 le maitre19:57
naliothIl convient de s'interroger sur le canal.19:58
TheDeadAngel666C'est sov^36 qui a enregistrer le chan mais on est plus ou moins trois opérateur19:59
naliothgoogle is no good at translating  :(20:02
naliothune moment, svp20:03
naliothMartinp23: can you be of further assistance here?20:03
Martinp23I can try :)20:03
TheDeadAngel666sov^36 has registered #ubuntu-philo-fr...20:03
naliothTheDeadAngel666: yes.20:04
* ErrantEgo wishes he knew more than english... :-\20:04
naliothje ne parle pas francais  :(20:04
ErrantEgoi know very little spanish, but not enough to offer any assistance, heh20:04
ErrantEgothe conjugations of the verbs and whatnot threw me in the trash20:05
naliothTheDeadAngel666: what about sov^36 and #ubuntu-philo-fr ?20:05
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: Qu'est-ce que la probleme?20:05
Martinp23erm - Quelle est la probleme?20:06
TheDeadAngel666the problem is : I lost my pass of chanserv and It's sov^36 have registered this channel20:07
TheDeadAngel666je suis lent, je parles pas bien anglai20:07
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: l'anglais est tres bien, vraiment :)20:08
TheDeadAngel666Thank's mart20:08
TheDeadAngel666Thank's Martinp2320:08
naliothTheDeadAngel666: did sov^36 steal the channel from you?20:09
naliothje ne comprende20:10
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: sov^36 a volé la canale?20:10
TheDeadAngel666non non20:10
TheDeadAngel666He's my friend20:11
naliothTheDeadAngel666: he needs to come here20:11
TheDeadAngel666He's absent20:11
TheDeadAngel666Waiting plaese20:11
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: sov^36 a oubilié le password aussi?20:11
TheDeadAngel666We los the pass20:12
naliothwe'll be here when he returns20:12
TheDeadAngel666It's not a problem I awake his20:15
naliothTheDeadAngel666: no no no20:15
naliothTheDeadAngel666: your channel is illegal under freenode and ubuntu guidelines20:16
naliothTheDeadAngel666: it should be ##ubuntu-philo-fr20:16
TheDeadAngel666I don't understand the word "guideline"20:16
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: umm - indication?20:17
naliothchannels starting with #ubuntu should be official Ubuntu project channels20:17
TheDeadAngel666I must rename my chan?20:17
naliothFreenode isn't like other networks.  Our channel guidelines can be found here: http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml TheDeadAngel66620:17
naliothfreenode rules say that "non official" channels can use two ## in their name to show this20:17
TheDeadAngel666ok it's not a probleme I make it20:18
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: Oui, - freenode n'est pas comme les autres networks et tu peux lire les regles ici:  http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml  (en anglias :\)20:18
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: Les canales officieles ont un nom avec un seul "#".  Pour les autres chanels, pas officielles, utilisez le prefix "##".20:20
Martinp23(est "canale" masculine ou feminine?!)20:20
TheDeadAngel666canal est masculin20:21
Martinp23ahh merci20:21
TheDeadAngel666Masculin ou féminin20:21
P3L|C4N0this is unisex20:30
TheDeadAngel666The english language it's so hard for me...20:30
TheDeadAngel666I can't explain it...20:30
TheDeadAngel666I don't like it20:30
naliothTheDeadAngel666: practice  :)20:30
TheDeadAngel666nalioth: It's very hard...20:31
_Jul|aNenglish is the best20:31
naliothpractice makes it easier20:31
TheDeadAngel666i can't it... I think the Deutsch is better than English20:31
TheDeadAngel666_Jul|aN: t'es un faux-derch'20:32
_Jul|aNi dont no ?20:32
_Jul|aNTheDeadAngel666 speak frensh ?20:33
LjLTheDeadAngel666: l'*anglais* est difficil et tu parles *français* et dis que c'est plus facil l'*allemand*? sonne tout au contraire pour moi :P20:35
TheDeadAngel666I speak French, it's normally... I'm French20:36
TheDeadAngel666learning Deutsch is so simply than learning English20:36
_Jul|aNje speak francais un peu smoll20:36
TheDeadAngel666and I don't speak very well....20:36
TheDeadAngel666_Jul|aN: ...20:37
_Jul|aNla france est joli20:37
TheDeadAngel666You must tranlate a sentance... not a word...20:38
naliothTheDeadAngel666: that is because you are next door to Germany and can practice20:38
TheDeadAngel666_Jul|aN: It's for you20:38
LjLTheDeadAngel666: je parle tu parles il parle nous parlons vous parlez ils parlent = i speak you speak he speaks we speak you speak they speak. seems easier in english to me :P20:38
TheDeadAngel666no... I'm leave in Charentes...20:38
TheDeadAngel666I'm next door to the see20:39
LjLlive, leave signifique laisser20:39
TheDeadAngel666Ich spreche Deutsch...20:39
TheDeadAngel666no... I'm live in Charentes...20:39
TheDeadAngel666I do this error at school everyday20:40
LjLc'est parce en francais il y a pas de difference entre "i" longue et breve20:41
TheDeadAngel666Yes... It's damage... It's... The French language... -_-'20:44
TheDeadAngel666I'm sorry...20:44
P3L|C4N0TheDeadAngel666, vorbesc romaneste?20:44
TheDeadAngel666What you say?20:44
LjLhe asked if you spoke romanian20:46
TheDeadAngel666No... I speak only French...20:47
TheDeadAngel666A little English20:47
TheDeadAngel666and Deutsch20:47
TheDeadAngel666It's all20:47
nxvland i was wondering what's needed to have ubotijo around20:48
LjLjpatrick, nxvl would like to know about botijo20:48
LjLnxvl, espera que arribe jpatrick, el bot es suyo, es el mismo codigo de ubotu pero los factos son en español20:50
nxvlLjL: thnx20:51
TheDeadAngel666noooo !!!20:51
TheDeadAngel666Not Spain please...20:51
LjLTheDeadAngel666, as the topic says, "this channel is multilingual" :)(20:52
TheDeadAngel666I don't understand it... I'm sad...20:52
LjLTheDeadAngel666: then learn it. that's what i do when i don't understand a language :P20:52
TheDeadAngel666That's right20:54
nxvlLjL: and what about Locobot?20:56
LjLnxvl: that's not under our control, you need to email admin at ubuntu hyphen eu dot org (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-3764552ccef65ea78b1fd8d16bee097a5ca6c76c )20:58
nxvlLjL: thnx20:58
TheDeadAngel666Goodbye and lot of thank's21:05
TheDeadAngel666I'll become here after21:05
TheDeadAngel666sov^36 arrive...21:33
TheDeadAngel666I become with the master of #ubuntu-philo-fr's channel21:34
sov^36like "philosophie" ?21:35
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: You're here?21:35
sov^36i don't know the english word sorry21:35
Martinp23yes :)21:35
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: you remember my requets?21:35
TheDeadAngel666We lost the pass of ChanServ on #ubuntu-philo-fr...21:36
Martinp23nalioth: ping ^21:36
ompaulsov^36, philosophy21:36
sov^36ompaul: yep, an old word for trolling :p21:36
TheDeadAngel666I wait...21:36
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: Oui - est le canal lié (?) au Ubuntu?21:37
TheDeadAngel666This chan is not "lié" at ubuntu...21:37
TheDeadAngel666It's a personnal chan21:38
Martinp23Ou c'est pour la discussion generale de philosophie?21:38
ompaulthen it may not have a #21:38
ompaulit must have a ##21:38
ompaulnalioth, ^^ pour vous ;-)21:38
TheDeadAngel666C'est un canal pour nous... Rien a voir avec la philosophie ou ubuntu21:39
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: ##philo-fr est peut-etre un nom plus bon.21:39
Martinp23ah ok.21:39
TheDeadAngel666le seul lien entre nous... c'est qu'on arive de #ubuntu-fr21:39
Martinp23TheDeadAngel666: Depuis ##ubuntu-philo-fr est probablement mieux.21:39
TheDeadAngel666oui c'est sur.. mais on va perdre des gens en changeant de chan21:40
TheDeadAngel666Can you erase it?21:40
naliothTheDeadAngel666: just leave the channel, and i'll take care of it21:40
TheDeadAngel666care iun french please?21:40
sov^36is it maybe possible to erase it but keep it just a few day in order to make the peoples aware of that change ?21:40
ompaulTheDeadAngel666, exit the channel please21:41
sov^36the channel should be empty ?21:41
nalioth1204839684 15:41 < sov^36> is it maybe possible to erase it but keep it just a few day in order to make the peoples aware of that change ?   <<< oui, c'est bon21:41
sov^36nalioth: thanks a lot21:41
TheDeadAngel666we leave this chan21:43
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: pas de probleme ce sera fait21:44
TheDeadAngel666I go ti the bed21:51
Martinp23ok - bonne nuit :)21:52
TheDeadAngel666I can't connect to the web or IRC during one week21:52
TheDeadAngel666I become after21:52
TheDeadAngel666A kiss you21:52
TheDeadAngel666lot of thak's21:52
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: learn the french for my back21:52
sov^36i become after ?21:53
sov^36what does that means ?21:53
Martinp23I think: "I can't connect to the web or IRC for a week.  I'll come after that."21:54
LjLgood second guessing :)21:55
sov^36well, i got to go21:58
sov^36thanks again21:59
sov^36bye :)21:59
LjLugh the highlighting22:00
warddrwhere can i get an ubuntu cloak?22:04
LjLwarddr: are you an Ubuntu member?22:08
warddrI am part of the belgian ubuntu team22:09
LjLwarddr: not the same thing. you need to be part of the Ubuntu Members team to be eligible for a cloak22:09
MagicFabMy close friend mneptok tells me I need botijo on #ubuntu-co :)22:44
LjLMagicFab, wait in the queue, there's #ubuntu-pe first ;)22:46
LjLno really, you need jpatrick to wake up22:46
botijoSoy yo! botijo el bot de Ubuntu-es. Para mas info de mi y como usarme mira: http://doc.ubuntu-es.org/Proyecto:Botijo22:49

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