[00:00] pelo cool thanks man [00:00] <[FT]Alex> swatTX - oh yeah, that was stupid of me. I'm not sure what to do from the initramfs prompt :( sorry [00:00] cjones: you could sudo apt-get search blabla [00:00] Bigg400: should work just fine. what vm have you looked at? [00:00] thanksa [00:00] Gnea: not sure was thinking VirtualBox [00:00] Bigg400, no story, you can run 32bit os on 64 bit machines even virtual ones [00:00] [FT]Alex: that's what most ppl end up saying. thanks for trying though [00:01] danand: maybe it's just this pc. maybe the board/usb port. it gets power, yes, but that doesn't mean data. when i say it works, even w/linux, it was never on this box before. [00:01] Sakkath - ahh ok - sorry your problem has me beat - i have a wireless usb mouse on my system and that works fine.... fraid i've kinda run out of ideas on that one [00:01] Bigg400: haven't used that. vmware is my favorite, though. if you get the workstation you can get a 30-day license and create all of the virtual disks you need, then run/install with vmplayer [00:01] macrobad: I've never seen the inside of a lappy yet, but have a hard time thinking of something permanently attacted to the MB as a 'card'. Therefore I just refer to it as a network interface device. NID. ;) [00:01] Sakkath - that may be the case :( [00:01] actually, you can get vmware server [00:01] hi [00:01] danand: maybe another port... before i grab a new mouse/try w/same ubuntu cd on another box [00:01] which does most of the basics [00:02] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nessus-core/+bug/198944 [00:02] ^--- in soviet ubuntu, security audit tool crashes YOU [00:02] geek: if you want to run a server of something, sure [00:02] some body speak in spanish [00:02] como estas? [00:02] hola buena tarde [00:02] !es | gil [00:02] gil: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [00:02] actually VMware server works fine on a non server, i prefer it for basic stuff more than player [00:02] * Sakkath votes for gpm onto livecd for diagnostics/when x doesn't work [00:02] gil: ou may also try #ubuntu-es === sbh is now known as avuton [00:03] no habla espanol aqui... ingles solomente por favor [00:03] not port [00:03] meh [00:03] kenro: :) You may want to have a look here: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 and also visit #bcm-users [00:03] sakkath whats your problem? [00:03] hola pelo o alguien en espñol mepueden ayudar a instalar el google earth=? [00:03] !es | gil [00:03] gil: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [00:03] NinjaPlimsoles: a usb wireless mouse is not working at all ;x [00:03] how do I force apt to delete something? [00:03] hi some body can helpme to instal the google earth.bin [00:03] NinjaPlimsoles: not even if i cat /dev/input/mice so i conclude it is not xorg [00:04] sakkath: whats the brand? [00:04] gil: chmod +x google_earth.bin; ./google_earth.bin [00:04] gil, yo no habla espanol, [00:04] steven_ - can you pastebin the output of lspci and lshw for me? [00:04] i dont remember because is bin format [00:04] well it depends on your application - i've run server 2003 on vmware server and vmplayer and it works fine both ways, but runs a bit smoother in vmware server. YMMV [00:04] NinjaPlimsoles: lol don't laugh--was father's. it's microsoft. lsusb shows it fine and it works on windows and with every other distribution i've tried. note that i've never used it on this box, windows/linux [00:04] !googleearth | gil [00:04] gil: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository [00:04] well, if you need to make new VMs server's better. Player uses a newer 'core' tho [00:04] hmmm whats the deviceID? [00:05] gil, put the bin on your desktop , open a terminal cd Desktop , sudo chmod 777 filename.bin , ./finename.bin [00:05] !medibuntu | gil [00:05] gil: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [00:05] Sakkath: MS actually sells decent hardware [00:05] macrobad: error... Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at linuxwireless.org. [00:05] can you helpme with that [00:05] Pelo: not 777 [00:05] geek: just the fact that it's microsoft and linux together haha [00:05] Pelo: +x [00:05] vmware player cannot create a new virtual disk ,right [00:05] i have the file but i cant install from the terminal [00:05] geek: in #ubuntu [00:05] apo, apo just for the installer file, no biggy [00:05] gil: Why not? [00:05] gil: What does it say? [00:05] gil, put the bin on your desktop , open a terminal cd Desktop , sudo chmod 777 filename.bin , ./finename.bin [00:05] i did but i cant [00:05] kenro: It works for me. I've just checked your link. [00:05] Pelo: ... chmod +x [00:06] *my* link [00:06] icesword: thats why recommend server [00:06] i have to be the root? [00:06] sakkath: whats the device id of your mouse? [00:06] geek, does vmware server make a good memory management [00:06] NinjaPlimsoles: this is the livecd. /dev/input/mice is the default. i've never used anything else. [00:06] icesword: what do you mean by that? [00:06] sakkath: kernel 2.6? [00:07] gil: what does it tell you? [00:07] how do I disable firewire in ubuntu? [00:07] NinjaPlimsoles: kubuntu 7.10 cd [00:07] gil, jsut follow the info I gave you [00:07] macrobad: Then if not due the devel branch editions I dunno why I can't connect to it. [00:07] I would like to find a log that includes a startup script called sharex11vnc . It's not in /var/log/messages [00:07] Sakkath - just a quick one - do you have usbmouse in the output of lsmod ie does lsmod | grep usbmouse show up? if not try sudo modprobe usbmouse [00:07] Docfxit, how about in /var/log/boot ? [00:07] kenro: try with wget [00:08] permiso denegado [00:08] geek, you know,you use virtualbox,if you yo give it 128 m ram,but in fact it will use more than that,open a monitor,you will find there is very few mem available [00:08] gil, sudo ./filename.bin [00:08] i am follow the info but i cant install the file [00:08] danand: no, it was not loaded by default. seems to make no difference though. [00:08] i did [00:08] Ubuntu is NOT easy to customize! If it wasn't free and my laptop wasn't old I wouldn't continue to try. Anytime I try to do anything other than the defaults this stupid INITRAMFS prompt shows up and I can NEVER get past it. VERY FRUSTRATING! [00:08] icesword: vmware isn;t too bad [00:08] Sakkath - do you have usbhid module loaded too? [00:08] icesword: ofcource it will use more than 128 that amount will be available to the host [00:08] off to reinstall for the 11th or 12th time [00:08] gil, are you the administrator of this computer ? do you have permission to install apps ? [00:08] icesword: sorry to the geust machine [00:09] sakkath: a quick browse on the net would suggest your mouse will work in Ubuntu [00:09] hi [00:09] sudo -s? [00:09] sakkath: ill just check a bit deeper [00:09] danand: yes [00:09] gil, no I just mean is this your own computer? [00:09] no === Docteur is now known as Sk3lling [00:09] geek, i have tried vmware for a while,it is very good,i even use it to run ubuntu 7.10 in 100m ram,i have 256m in total [00:09] how i do that [00:09] NinjaPlimsoles: yes, i've definitely used it on linux before [00:09] Swattx, when its stuff your not absolutely sure of what your doing, it can become VERY difficult. [00:09] geek, vmware workstation [00:09] gil, then you need to ask the person who setup the computer to do it for you [00:09] Sakkath - ok, well ...it was worth a go :) [00:09] sakkath: but not oooboontooo? [00:09] i did [00:09] If you havnt already, you guys should really try out audio surf [00:09] danand: thanks. [00:10] Pelo »Nothing is in the boot file [00:10] NinjaPlimsoles: what would be the diff? it worked on fbsd, fc4, gentoo, knoppix [00:10] macrobad: Yeah that grabbed... [00:10] icesword: server is similar to WS, just uses a slightly older core, and runs headless [00:10] Docfxit, you'll have to explore the other ones then [00:10] sakkath: the kernel [00:10] geek, k,i will try that,it is free,hehe [00:11] NinjaPlimsoles: well. i've never used 2.6.22 before :P [00:11] Pelo » Is there a program that will do a search for a name inside files? [00:11] Alan_M: thanks for the encouraging words, it's just getting old [00:11] danand: Did you get that? [00:11] kenro: your firefox must have gone mad! =) Restart it or even clean all the cache, cookies etc... with Ctrl+Shift+Del [00:11] macrobad: Looking for blogs on GinTama and iD_entity right now. [00:11] swatTX, old..but factual. [00:11] sakkath: yeah, its just one of many things that can go wrong with linux :P give me a minute [00:11] Docfxit: use the command "grep" [00:11] how i become to administrator? [00:11] steven_ - no - get what? [00:11] Docfxit: grep mystring myfile.txt [00:11] gil: sudo -s [00:11] Docfxit, my guess is yes but I don'T know what it would be, it's not something I have ever needed to use [00:12] danand: http://pastebin.com/d4cbec106 - I messaged you that. [00:12] gil, you need to ask the person who setup ubuntu on the computer [00:12] sakkath: are you on the live cd now? [00:12] NinjaPlimsoles: unplugged/plugged in mouse and checked /var/log/messages (expected /var/log/boot for dmesg, empty file?) and it says as /dev/input/input7 wtf? [00:12] Alan_M: for it to be factual i would expect to learn something IMO, all i get is dead ends and have to do a fresh install [00:12] NinjaPlimsoles: yes [00:12] NinjaPlimsoles: i mean /class/input/input7 [00:12] kenro: :) I am not involved in anime. At least, so far! ^^ [00:12] i did set up my computer in the terminal i wrote sudo space -s [00:13] NinjaPlimsoles: i don't even know what that means. [00:13] Sakkath, right type this into a term: grep mouse /var/log/dmesg [00:13] You kinda are learning something though, linux isnt for the faint of heart sometimes swatTX :) [00:13] <[FT]Alex> haha [00:13] steven_ - ah ok, unless you are registered with nickserv i don't think you can pm people [00:13] That'd explain it. [00:13] steven_ - will take a look now [00:13] danand, i believe thats right. [00:13] ive had linux for just over a week and personally im very happy with the change, the only issues i hav ecome across are becuase of my human error [00:14] <[FT]Alex> swatTX what was the command you used to remove the ati drivers? maybe you deleted a module you shouldn't have? [00:14] Thankyyou [00:14] gil: So, are you root now? [00:14] sakkath: what did grep find? [00:14] yes [00:14] macrobad: actually, these are graphic novels or manga. aka Japanese comic books. Not Japanese cartoons. ;) But I'm just being banal right now. :) [00:14] NinjaPlimsoles: i have no gpm to copy/paste to you. ubuntu has no `nopaste' script. i can get the script and pipe the results to a file and then upload the results? [00:14] Prefix100, yeah..some people have no problems with the switch, some do...imo its just experience levels. [00:14] Prefix100, the first time I tried ubuntu , it took me a week to boot windows back and that was just to get my email infor [00:14] gil: Then why does it not work? [00:14] NinjaPlimsoles: it's just a ruby script... i can scp from my other box via ssh [00:15] gil: "It does not work" is not a very descriptive bug report :P [00:15] [FT]Alex: i was using the gui.. i went System -> Administration ->Restricted Drivers Manager and unchecked the restricted driver [00:15] sakkath: what in gods name have you done to your machine? lol [00:15] gil: if you are root, then 'id -u' should give you 0, otherwise you are not. [00:15] apo: sounds like what my stepfather says when he says his computer isn't working [00:15] NinjaPlimsoles: what do you mean? ;x [00:15] Sakkath: Indeed [00:15] dont worry , only arrastre (spanish) the file into a terminal and worked [00:15] sakkath: im kidding :P [00:15] Alan_M, oh i have had problems, but the support here is just so active that they dont last long, the worst of which would probly be wireless because i installed ndiswrapper when i didnt need to :/ [00:16] -_-" [00:16] Hey guys how dou you open a bin file. I just downloaded Google Earth to my desktop but its a bin file? [00:16] macrobad: But then, effectual communication -is- predicated on the proper choice of vocabulary, eh? [00:16] [FT]Alex: before it could finish the screen went blank and I had to power it off (ctrl+alt+SysRq+ various keys) [00:16] apo: he probably wasnt in the directory where the file is [00:16] gil, you need to rememeber that linux is case sensitive, File is not the same as file , capital letters count [00:16] prettyricky: don't install that file. Better to get it from medibuntu [00:16] prettyricky: cd ~/Desktop; chmod +x filename; ./filename [00:16] Prefix100, heh, yeah [00:16] NinjaPlimsoles: a quick `tail' shows it's low speed uhci_hcd at address 4 [00:16] !medibuntu | prettyricky [00:16] prettyricky: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org === cpk1_ is now known as cpk1 [00:17] prettyricky: bypassing the package manager will only cause you trouble later on [00:17] NinjaPlimsoles: grep for 'mouse' said something about mac button emulation at /class/input/input0 and said mice: ps/2 mouse device common for all mice [00:17] <[FT]Alex> swatTX - hmm. tried "modprobe vesa" or something similar? I'm clutching at straws now... does initramfs give you an error? [00:17] is there a good irc client for ubuntu? [00:17] what does "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE1 master (hda) failed" mean? I got the message when trying to do a fresh install (again) [00:17] that highlights etc [00:17] NinjaPlimsoles: i'd say the former information is more useful [00:17] I'm looking for a copy of ubuntu that I can install to a PPC based computer [00:17] <[FT]Alex> swatTX - actually, have you tried just typing exit? [00:17] sakkath: well UHCI would suggest its detecting something.... [00:17] does anyone know where I can find one? [00:17] so go to medibuntu? [00:17] kenro: Well, it is. I just keep confusing manga and anime, and keep being corrected each time. I am wondering why are there so many manga and anime fans in *nix community? [00:17] Prefix100: irssi [00:17] NinjaPlimsoles: another thing is that i don't know if i've ever used usb1 vs the new usb... [00:18] [FT]Alex: exit sends me right back to the prompt [00:18] swatTX, means the installer was not able to create your swap partiton [00:18] kk ty [00:18] macrobad: Why not? [00:18] !ppc | hekatontarchos [00:18] hekatontarchos: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [00:18] NinjaPlimsoles: lsusb shows it [00:18] phoenix24: did you figure it out yet? [00:18] * Pelo waves to soundray , long time no see [00:18] no sound after alsa re-install and desktop reinstall [00:18] sakkath: hmmmmmmmmm [00:18] who can help restore sound [00:18] <[FT]Alex> I have dapper on my ibook. the wireless networking was a nightmare :D [00:18] thanks soundray [00:18] bruenig: Nope, was occupied else where. [00:19] BellaD, check your users permissions see that you are allowed to use sound devices [00:19] Pelo, does that mean my drive is bad? [00:19] apo: err... I don't mind! But it seems there is a strong correlation between using *nix and adoring anime. [00:19] phoenix24: here is a script: http://rafb.net/p/zSS8ip78.html [00:19] which package do I get there is a few there in medibuntu [00:19] phoenix24: execute with whateveryounameit file1 file2 file3 file4 ... [00:19] sakkath: must be the generic mouse driver not liking your wireless mouse, but i guess you already know that :P [00:19] NinjaPlimsoles: :( [00:19] swatTX, try prepartitionning your hdd before starting the installer , you can do it from gnome partiton editor in the admin menu of the live cd desktop , use manual partitonning during the install to point to the correct partitons [00:20] Pelo, it shows my HD as unallocated [00:20] macrobad: Dunno, you'd have to make a study :P [00:20] macrobad: Couldn't say, but can guess creative and/or geekfolk people (those who like to share their knowledge with others, whether or not others appreciate it) and puzzlesolvers like *nix? [00:20] swatTX, it doesn't mean your drive is bad, it might just be the installer acting up , shit happens on occasion [00:20] prettyricky: there is more than one googleearth package? [00:20] <[FT]Alex> Pelo wouldn't that kill his partition if it's still around? [00:20] sakkath: did you note the device ID of your mouse when you lsusb'ed [00:21] in user menu all options are ok I am allowed to use sound devices [00:21] if I am running a network off a linux box and the wired nic is on and the wireless is on is there a way to get clients to be able to communicate from nic to nic(i think a wins server will fix this?) [00:21] well not package but a list. Theres no where in there to download anything [00:21] swatTX, try doing 5-10 gig for / in ext3 , 2x RAM for swap in linux-swap, the rest for /home or how ever you want it ( you absolutely need a /home) [00:21] apo: kenro: I certainly do. Does it sound like a good thesis topic? ^^ [00:21] macrobad: intelligence is congruant to creativity? [00:21] prince_jammys » Tx that did it. It's in /var/log/auth.log [00:21] [FT]Alex, not sure I get what you are saying [00:21] Docfxit: good [00:21] steven_ - run asoundconf list again. the output of that you said was Intel. Copy that output exactly into the following command - asoundconf set-default-card name_you_got_from_asoundconf_list_command :) [00:22] !repos > prettyricky, please read the factoid (private message) on how to enable repositories === lipsin is now known as lipsinOffline1 [00:22] ok ty [00:22] * NinjaPlimsoles gets frustrated [00:22] I have a driver problem. The wireless driver I need doesn't work on the current kernel. Not sure where to go to try and fix it, or get a new one written. Any ideas? thanks [00:22] danand: done [00:22] NinjaPlimsoles, it happens to the best of us [00:22] Lasivian: what chipset do you have? [00:22] * NinjaPlimsoles sings Its the Final Countdown by Europe [00:23] pelo any other Ideas? [00:23] <[FT]Alex> Pelo - me either :D his partition should still be there I think, since he hasn't touched it. but if gparted thinks his hard drive is empty, then it will overwrite his existing partition if he makes any changes [00:23] kenro, at least I haven't seen any chavs watching anime. ;) [00:23] steven_ - any sound? [00:23] Nope. =( [00:23] macrobad: define chav... [00:23] How do I install latest Pidgin on Ubuntu? [00:23] theres a well good forum topic for sound [00:23] BellaD, just the basic trouble shooting stuff, check connecitons, check power, check in menu > system > prefs > sound, make sure your device is selected for all events, type alsamixer in the terminal make sure all the levels are up and not muted [00:24] is there a way to install cutting-edge apps? [00:24] kenro: likes Ford Escorts and listens to Trance cd's [00:24] phoenix24: report back on success/failure if you would [00:24] Im having a problem with my keyboard and afresh install of ubuntu. I cant type apostrophe or double quotes. How do I fix this? [00:24] IanLiu: use a different distro, ubuntu is meant to be way behind [00:24] kenro: a chav is like a brit hipster [00:24] steven_ - ok try restarting alsa then try again. to restart alsa type sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart [00:24] kenro: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav Urbandictionary is good too. [00:24] I have done all that [00:24] kenro: they often use words like 'brap' or 'brutha' and speak like londoners, even though they live in Somerset [00:24] * nickrud wonders how 3-9 months can be 'way behind' [00:24] [FT]Alex, I didn'T read that part I just read where he said the installer failed to create the swap , don't know about the rest [00:24] Pelo i have done all that [00:24] bruenig: Thats for stability purposes? [00:25] nickrud, welcome to computer time [00:25] IanLiu: I don't know what the excuse is [00:25] danand: Nope, nothing. [00:25] getdeb has pidgin 2.4 [00:25] BellaD, any special chipset ? [00:25] !stable [00:25] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. [00:25] IanLiu: mistrust of user competence probably [00:25] steven_ - :( [00:25] steven_ - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 read that if you havnt already i guess [00:25] some of the plugins are buggy in it [00:25] bruenig: thanks a lot! working well for the few I tried. [00:25] bruenig: :P ok, thanks [00:25] NinjaPlimsoles: Ever known a chav from Selma alabama? Or is this so exclusive to UK? [00:26] cpk1: Hermes I, it works with the basic Orinoco driver, but there is no monitor mode [00:26] its a UK thing [00:26] danand: Definitely :( [00:26] after setting up raid 1, my computer no longer boots. it hangs for a while, resumes and then dumps to (initramfs). my system worked fine with raid set up but not mirroring. last night i did "mdadm /dev/md1 -G -n 2" or order to get it mirror. That's all i did. now it doesn't boot. any help? [00:26] kenro: English is not my native language, so I may not know some slight differences. [00:26] kenro: the name is exclusive, but im sure you get yobs where you live [00:26] Ciao a tutti!!! [00:26] no used to work [00:26] kenro: How would you call that type of guys? [00:27] steven_ - does lsmod | grep intel give you snd-hda-intel? [00:27] Pelo it still worked this morning [00:27] macrobad: hipsters [00:27] BellaD, have you tried booting the previous kernel see if the sound works wit that ? [00:27] appears as installed [00:27] BellaD, what havwe you dones snce this morning ? [00:27] danand: Yep, snd_hda_intel - 263712 - 1 [00:27] but no icon in tray [00:27] and no sound [00:27] Pelo: well first, i got up and had a piece of toast [00:28] macrobad: Frankly, I'm not up on currentish slang... [00:28] my single qoute/double quote key is acting at an accecent make key ex: ó but the keyboard layout is set to US 104 key [00:28] Pelo: when manually creating the partitions do i need to specify a mount point? [00:28] hello all [00:28] BellaD, the no icon in the tray is usualy indicative that your user does not have permision to use the sound device , check in menu > system > admain > user, under your username, properties, see that that box is checked [00:28] thanks guys google earth worked [00:28] booting previous kernel? tell me more how do I do that? [00:28] swatXT: the mountpoint is only assigned when you umount it [00:28] swatXT: all linux volumes are virtual [00:29] NinjaPlimsoles: thanks [00:29] swatTX, at some point during the install, you will select manual partitioning, the step following the ones that looks liek gparted , you will be given the options to select mount points for your partitions [00:29] steven_ - i should have checked this first ... are you a member of the audio group. type groups in a terminal ... if audio is in the list you are [00:29] oh btw, when you plug an ipod into ubuntu when its been in xp, do you have to format it or something? [00:30] As I I have stated earlier all user privilege boxes are checked [00:30] danand: Yeah, I am. [00:30] Lasivian: what version orinoco driver you have? [00:30] I have a question, i'm a noob and trying to install ubuntu 7.10 , no matter what option i select when the ubuntu boot menu apears i get a command screen saying (initramfs) any ideas, please?? [00:30] Prefix100: no, but you do if it touches a Mac [00:30] ahh yeah kk [00:30] BellaD, if it is a permission problem which i think it is , booting the previous kernel will not change the outcome, but to boot the previous kernel, just hit esc aftter the bios stuff when you boot, that will give you the grub boot menu, you can select from tehre, usualy about 4 lines down [00:30] NinjaPlimsoles: 045e:008c is the id from lsusb [00:31] cause my friends ipod got owned by plugging it in to my pc ^^ [00:31] BellaD, the user priviledged for your username, not for root, just saying [00:31] Prefix100, lol [00:31] <[FT]Alex> quick question - is virtualisation for gaming still a bad idea? [00:31] kenro: Well, I am not up to it too, definitly, and rather picking up some from movies and web. At any rate, I'll presume in America these guys are called hipsters, and in UK -- charvs, and they don't watch anime or manga! [00:31] [FT]Alex: Yes. [00:31] [FT]Alex: yepp [00:31] <[FT]Alex> :( [00:31] Pelo: when i create new partition I have the option for primary or logical. which do i use (sorry never done a manual install before) [00:31] <[FT]Alex> thanks guys [00:31] Maybe not with hypervisors type stuff [00:31] wine/cedega does a good job though [FT]Alex [00:31] macrobad, geeks watch anime....... i am a geek ^^ [00:32] but virtualisation à la VMWare is still no [00:32] I will try the kernel option I have tried so many things [00:32] wine is so good [00:32] thanks lets see [00:32] <[FT]Alex> cpk1, yeah. I installed steam through wine but the steam community doesn't work [00:32] swatTX, you can only have up to 4 primary partitons on one hdd, if you are planning to have more then that you can only have 3 primaries and the rest must be logical [00:32] Pelo thank you and maybe........ [00:32] macrobad: Sad, but true. I'm not so much weighed down like your typical 43 year old. I'm more... diffusive. To the point I'm trying to learn everything, experience everything, before I die. Who knows? I might not die. [00:32] [FT]Alex: did you look on wines appdb? they have a lot of workaround for problems and the status on problems for popular games [00:32] i had sound working on my hp dv6233se, then i sent it to service, they changed the mobo, and i have no sound ... i've done the possible solutions but still nothing, i have sound in Arch Linux, but not in ubuntu... any suggestions? [00:33] [FT]Alex, yeah i had that until i got wine from winehq site instad of the package manager [00:33] Pelo: good practice to use logical for swap? [00:33] * Pelo beats the floodbots to a bloody pulp [00:33] is it possible to set SSL redirection to local IP using apache2? [00:33] So can anybody help?? Please [00:33] but [FT]Alex u can play linux games even if i know sometimes its fun playing with friends :P [00:33] NinjaPlimsoles, by default ubuntu installs the swap as logical , I do the same [00:33] steven_ - the only thing i can suggest (other than crying) is to look at that link and work through that ... or search for your sound chip on google and see if the ubuntu forums turn anything up - sorry - kinda out of ideas. Tried all I know :( [00:33] and iam also misses Steam in osx :( [00:33] Logan check the cd interity its like the 4th option or something from the boot cd [00:34] <[FT]Alex> Prefix100 you got IM working in steam? [00:34] i installed realplayer 10 GOLD yesterday but i wanna uninstall today i can't find in package manager how to uninstall it [00:34] will do cheers [00:34] NinjaPlimsoles: Do I have to watch anime so that I could be called geek? ^^ [00:34] steam friends? [00:34] danand: Haha, I'll see if crying works THEN the URL. Thanks for all the help though. =) [00:34] its a bit tempermental [00:34] macrobad: What country you in? [00:34] I was just in the gentoo room and they told me to type sudo emerge -avD kde-base/kdebase-startkde:kde-4 for kde4 is this right? [00:34] macrobad: nah, you can get the title other ways... like compiling a kernel while drunk [00:34] but i type something then close the window then when they reply i get it in like 5 mins or something [00:34] che, did you install real player from a .bin file ? you'll need to rip it out of your system the hardway, by deleting the correct files [00:34] kenro: I would have never guessed your age. Finland, but I am originally from Russia. [00:34] linuxbomb: for KDE4 on [00:34] steven_ - np. sorry we can't get it to work - luck though :) [00:34] <[FT]Alex> bittin - :p I've been playing tux racer all day since I got direct rendering working [00:34] ubuntu, no [00:34] linuxbomb: not on Ubuntu, no [00:34] hi which program can I use to write some text on a PDF file and then save the newly created pdf? I tired pdfedit but for some reasons it is very slow and does not work well on my pdf files [00:35] Pelo, to use the rest of the space for the /home folder do i need to specify /home as the mount point on that partition? [00:35] [FT]Alex: haha ;) u play counter-strike in steam? [00:35] swatTX, yes [00:35] pelo: yeah i installed bin file on my /usr/local/RealPlayer how to delete that files ? [00:35] soundray, it says command not found should I get rid of the sudo? [00:35] lol i got wine to get my old steam account going _just_ to play audio surf :) [00:35] * NinjaPlimsoles hides from the .bin file [00:35] alesan: none of the free programs work very well yet. Try flpsed. I got best results by importing PDFs into kword [00:35] <[FT]Alex> bittin - I mostly play tf2. a few friends from my clan tried css one day and got absolutely destroyed [00:35] che, sudo rm /usr/local/RealPlayer [00:35] Prefix100, audiosurf is amazing <3 [00:35] does anyone have any experience with xvmc and mplayer? [00:36] soundray: interesting. thanks. [00:36] felt bad dirtying my linux command center with windows apps :'( [00:36] trying to play 1080p on 8800GT [00:36] [FT]Alex: ah then it was nothing but Urban Terror is kinda like cs 1.6 :P [00:36] =D [00:36] danand: On a side note, I didn't really think about system BIOS. Let's try that out. ;) BRB. [00:36] soundray: what about non free programs? is there something? [00:36] Hey Prefix100, i tried that but got the (initramfs) again does this mean the cd is damaged, i've treid four different ones and keep getting the same thing but the right image is on the desktop, so can't understand? [00:36] Prefix100, lol command center? :P [00:36] linuxbomb: emerge is not for ubuntu [00:36] <[FT]Alex> I'll check it out, bittin. cheers [00:36] macrobad: Fountain of youth, til time itself catches up with you, is to never marry, never specialize. :) Works wonders in your ineffibility. :) [00:36] NinjaPlimsoles: last time I have touched a machine being drunken, I managed to format Dad's flash drive with lots of important info... So, I'd better find other ways, yeah! =) [00:36] redownload the image Logan maybe [00:36] alesan: I think you can run Adobe Acrobat through wine. [00:36] [FT]Alex: http://www.urbanterror.net/news.php but dunno [00:36] * Pelo wonders why we need 3 floodbots [00:37] soundray: you mean the writer [00:37] hi [00:37] macrobad: the title 'supergeek' can only be achieved by owning all of the Guyver series on original VHS or Laserdisc :P [00:37] its fun anyways : [00:37] * hischild explains so that when one goes crazy they have 2 to stop him [00:37] Hello [00:37] cpk1: sorry talking to the dev folks about it. I don't know the orinoco version, but it lacks monitor mode [00:37] and if that doesnt work out for you order some cds from the site [00:37] they hand off to one another, when they're working right [00:37] i think they are free? [00:37] hoping not to do that but, hey i got time to spare, it will be worth it, to get rid of windows... [00:37] it does "work" tho, but I have to add the details by hand [00:37] alesan: I mean Adobe Acrobat (as opposed to Adobe Reader) [00:37] yeah lol [00:37] when I type dpkg --list, I get the line "Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold [00:37] | Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend [00:37] |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)". what does it mean ? [00:37] ok thanks soundray [00:37] is ubuntu beta out yet? [00:37] 8.04 [00:37] kenro: Couldn't agree more. [00:37] LjL, lawl [00:37] gribouille, type man dpkg for more info on that command [00:37] happy? pfff [00:38] well off talk soon, thanks for your help, regards [00:38] were can i find a .deb of gnomebaker? [00:38] Pelo, i must have screwed something up... got the same error message when trying to do the manual install as well. thanks for your help. I'm sure i'll try again in a few months after the frustration settles. [00:38] exit [00:38] o, lol never mind [00:38] soundray: is there a koffice component more like "OO draw" or "corel draw" than kword? [00:38] LjL, no :( i was having such a nice conversation with those 2 bots [00:38] lol LjL they are only bots ;) [00:38] NinjaPlimsoles: :P [00:38] Pelo, I did it already, but it is not explained [00:38] and yeah hischild, play 'the who, my generation' - its soooooo good [00:38] Who mentioned the Guyver? [00:38] swatTX, did you partiton from within the installer ? go back to the desktp and do it one partiton at a time , using gparted [00:38] cya logan [00:38] Prefix100, does that fall under metal? :-) [00:38] gribouille, what are you trying to acheive with this command ? [00:39] Pelo, GParted showed my HD as all unallocated [00:39] Prefix100: play - Its the Final Countdown by Europe... its AMAZING :D [00:39] pelo: it gives me like this message " cannot remove `/usr/local/RealPlayer': Is a directory " [00:39] lol ^^ [00:39] alesan: I think there is one called Karbon14, but I haven't tried it [00:39] Pelo, I just want to understand how it works [00:39] ive only had it for under 3 hours =D [00:39] Pelo: there are three because if one fails when a dangerous mode is set on the channel, it's disaster, as well as because they need to work even when the network is split (actually, specifically when it's split) [00:39] were can i get a .deb of gnomebaker/ [00:39] for feisty [00:39] swatTX, what else is suppose to be on it ? [00:39] NinjaPlimsoles: I haven't got around to reading that one yet... [00:39] thanks soundray [00:39] Lasivian: well I am looking at a *news flash* dated 2004 that says the cvs version supports monitor and I hope that it would have made it out of cvs by now =) [00:39] che, sudo rm -f /path... [00:39] is there anyway I can put ubuntu 8.04 live cd on a flash drive [00:39] and install it with tthat? [00:40] !hardy | joomlaNEWBIE [00:40] joomlaNEWBIE: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [00:40] che, or it might be sudo rm -r , I can't remember [00:40] ! logs [00:40] Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats » [00:40] oops I just exited my irc... [00:40] gribouille, use sudo apt-cache pkgnames [00:40] I think someone answered my question.. [00:40] ? [00:40] !hardy | joomlaNEWBIE [00:40] do we already have the name of the successor of hardy? [00:40] Why is it that the screen flickers alot when opening googleearth? [00:40] !hardy [00:40] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [00:40] I hope hardy comes out on the 2nd of april [00:40] Pelo, not sure how it got formatted in the first place. it shows blank now. I was trying to do a fresh install [00:40] prettyricky, cause googleearth is a demanding app [00:41] WHAT!!! buntu 8 is still Alpha!? [00:41] that would be the sweetest thing to wake up to on my birthday ^^ [00:41] swatTX, is it suppose to be empty ? [00:41] AAARRGH!!! Is THAT why my kernel is so f*ked? [00:41] does anybody know how to install mplayer with xvmc support? [00:42] I can't find a log in any file within /var/log/*.* of a startup script called sharex11vnc. Any idea how I can turn logging on for startup scripts? [00:42] kenro, chill out man [00:42] kenro: Ubuntu comes out every 6 months, so after 7.10 it's 8.04, hence april [00:42] swatTX, join me in #ubuntu-classroom please [00:42] kenro: and theyre also putting some AMAZING stuff in it, like another brown theme...............erm........a text editor? [00:42] pelo: sudo rm -r is worked, thank you man appreciated !!! [00:43] <[FT]Alex> ooooooooooooooh gui or console text editor? [00:43] Docfxit: in Linux shells, *.* means something different than in DOS [00:43] NinjaPlimsoles: no a pink theme actually. :P [00:43] hi all i have a quick question, im using ubuntu server and i need find all the files that are 10 days old and move them into another directory, so i type find -atime -1 | cp -r directory, its not working it gives me the error "missing destination file operand after directory" i think its an easy fix but i can figure out [00:43] [FT]Alex, its a ubuntu-made version of Vim, called Vimto :P [00:43] hi there. i am pretty new to ubuntu and tried installing the xfce desktop last night. now i cannot add or remove applications something went wrong [00:43] I see where I can print to a postscript file. Can I also print to a pdf? Nobody uses postscript. [00:43] get an error message when typing apt-get install -r [00:43] aww wow [00:43] soundray » How would I select all files in /var/log ?¿ [00:43] wimto [00:43] <[FT]Alex> NinjaPlimsoles is it purple? does it come with a funny poem? [00:43] i mean -f [00:44] god that drinks rocks so much [00:44] captine: have you tried sudo? [00:44] yip [00:44] vimto* [00:44] NinjaPlimsoles, sudo is how i was doing it [00:44] mike5805: man xargs. Also, use mtime and the correct argument [00:44] NinjaPlimsoles: I'd as soon settle for a working wlan. And fully configurable plasma. Make it dupl kicker. Yeah. Hell, bring back kicker while you're at it. [00:44] Docfxit: /var/log/* [00:44] [FT]Alex, when you open it Purple Ronnie does a dance on your screen [00:44] levander: almost every unix app that wants to print uses postscript ;) [00:44] soundray » Tx [00:44] NinjaPlimsoles, can i send you the error message in private window? [00:44] not sure about rules for pasting into channel [00:44] sound ray, what do you mean correct argument, i know what an argument is but which is wrong [00:44] captine, sure [00:45] how do i get rid of that change in shade of color at the background of the 3d cube [00:45] Hi, brand new to Ubuntu 7.10 -- I can't get any sound. I can play videos, but no sound comes out, volume is up and not muted. Any help? [00:45] is there anyway to correct the flckering in google earth?> [00:45] a corporate head at my work gave a talk where he asked us to email ideas to save money and i was wondering, since im not an IT person, how would i go about convincing him to switch over to linux would be the best bet? are there studies/articles i could use to convince? [00:45] !intelhda | ElChado (that might be of help) [00:45] ElChado, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 [00:45] ElChado (that might be of help): For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [00:45] Dpcfxit: search for "verbose" switches in documentation, and turn it on. However, it would most likely not appear in the logs, and you'll still have to find another way to view the messages. [00:45] mike5805: -atime -1 means "all files that have been accessed since yesterday" [00:45] windio00: Check out slashdot, they have had a lot of those, including I think one the other day [00:45] * Starting DHCP D-Bus daemon dhcdbd invoke-rc.d: initscript dhcdbd, action "start" failed. [00:45] dpkg: error processing dhcdbd (--configure): [00:45] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [00:45] dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of network-manager: [00:45] network-manager depends on dhcdbd (>= 1.12-2); however: [00:45] Package dhcdbd is not configured yet. [00:45] dpkg: error processing network-manager (--configure): [00:45] dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [00:46] * NinjaPlimsoles is in shame that hes on the Ubuntu linux channel on a Windows install...and promtly hides [00:46] dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of network-manager-gnome: [00:46] dxdt, thanks :) [00:46] network-manager-gnome depends on network-manager (>= 0.6.5); however: [00:46] !pastebin | captine [00:46] captine: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [00:46] Package network-manager is not configured yet. [00:46] dpkg: error processing network-manager-gnome (--configure): [00:46] dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [00:46] Errors were encountered while processing: [00:46] o yea sorry that was a typo, good call though and thanks [00:46] dhcdbd [00:46] oh noes... he is stuck until the buffer empties [00:46] where is flootbot :( [00:46] network-manager [00:46] soundray » How would I also parse all sub directories [00:46] captine: please use pastebin [00:46] network-manager-gnome [00:46] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [00:46] <3 LjL [00:46] Docfxit: Or rather, it would appear in some logs, but one cannot tell which ones beforehand. [00:46] AndrewB, my apologies. i was trying to do it into a private chat [00:46] Docfxit: depends on the command [00:46] you deserved it for complaining about the floodbots [00:46] macrobad » Tx I'll look [00:46] hi, I have an intel 82852/855GM and Kubuntu 7.10. can I run compiz-fusion? [00:46] np captine [00:46] So let me get this straight. Ubuntu's release numbers are version number . month of release? [00:46] Has any one here installed synergy? [00:47] LjL, i was't complaining, i love them! i was having such a nice conv :( [00:47] hischild: well the ones who were complaining [00:47] kenro: yes, so 8.14 will be released when? [00:47] LjL, ah lol ... i c [00:47] kenro: no, year, month [00:47] kenro: year.month [00:47] <[FT]Alex> kenro - release numbers are year.month [00:47] @LjL: you are faster [00:47] Is there a way to have it start by it self [00:47] soundray: when I try to open my pdf with flpsed, get an error: exec: No such file or directory Please install ghostscript and make sure 'gs' is in the PATH. of course ghostscript is installed and gs is in /usr/bin [00:47] wen i download sumtin thru apt-get in terminal or synaptic it downloads .debs b4 installing them...were does it install them again? [00:48] D-Unit, everywhere [00:48] <`David> ok [00:48] LjL: So having started in 2001, it only worked out that way... [00:48] !session | Instabin [00:48] Instabin: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [00:48] NinjaPlimsoles, it was sumtin var/apt or sumtin lke that im lookin for [00:48] soundray: and kword actually converts the pdf in a kword document, that is quite nice, but not what I want. [00:48] <`David> i have my dial-up set up but when i click on the network icon and select it it doesnt do anything [00:48] NinjaPlimsoles, the full error is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58551/ i think [00:48] so when in april will Hardy be released? start of the month? [00:48] D-Unit: /var/cache/apt/archives [00:48] soundray: i need it to start before i login [00:48] does anyone know why firefox keeps freezing whenever i click on a link to open a popup? [00:48] D-Unit: Is that what you were looking for? [00:48] cpk1: i've tried to compile the CVS version, but it won't work with the current kernel [00:49] <`David> and i have gnome-ppp archived on a cd but i can't figure out how to extract and compile [00:49] dxdt, k, thx, i think so [00:49] Second of april! (imah hoping.) [00:49] cpk1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=583426 [00:49] captine, your trying to clean dependencies? [00:49] <`David> help someone? [00:49] Hello, I was wondering if anyone has some experience with "parted". I just partitioned my drive (for a reinstall), I used gparted on the live-cd and resized and formatted some partitions. Now when I try to install all the partitions are missing (just says unallocated). This is strange since I just installed windows fine on the first partition. When I go into CLI and enter parted the output for print is "Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.".. [00:49] . any ideas? [00:49] why do you use dial up david :< [00:49] =D [00:50] its a program called synergy it allows me to use 2 monitors, 2 computers, and one keyboard and mouse [00:50] `David, is it a standard Linux source tar? [00:50] dxdt: i did a search and the article that popped up was that an ubuntu dell computer is $225 more than a windows :) http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/07/10/2354207.shtml [00:50] k [00:50] dxdt, ya it was wat i was lookin for [00:50] <`David> i dont even know [00:50] windio00: yeah but that is just one case, and there are a lot of studies and things. Pluse, I think that may have been an error that got fixed eventually or something [00:50] dxdt, i can copy those to usb flash drive and install on a non networked ubuntu comp, right? [00:51] <`David> i've been doign this for 4 hours [00:51] I currently have the same drivers for my video card that Ubuntu gave me upon install. But, I'm going to upgrade them. Just wondering if something went wrong how could I get back to my driver state NOW.? could I just reconfigure X and it will reset? [00:51] `David: if you are using gnome-ppp, it is based on console wvdial. So, you may try to connect with it instead. But first, try typing gnome-ppp in console, and tell us the output. [00:51] alesan: strange about the gs -- don't know what to advise, sorry [00:51] dxdt, im trying to get gnomebaker to work on another comp [00:51] <`David> and i still can't connect to the internet with ubuntu [00:51] windio00: its cheaper if you build your own [00:51] <`David> i'm on windows xp right now [00:51] if anyone cares, I is afk [00:51] D-Unit: technically, yeah, but you have to make sure you get all of the dependencies. A lot of times one .deb will rely on 2 or 3 others. [00:51] NinjaPlimsoles, i think so. i got a similar error when installing applications or trying to remove them. it would not work [00:51] $225=1995 RMB [00:51] <[FT]Alex> I'm also going away kenro. COINCIDENCE! [00:51] <[FT]Alex> back later probably :p [00:51] lol [00:52] dxdt, but the dependencies are also located there, right? [00:52] captine, try sudo apt-get -f install [00:52] dxdt, the dependencies are other .debs, right? [00:52] D-Unit: should be, just make sure you get them all. I think. I've never tried. [00:52] Instabin, walmart has some cheap ones . . . [00:52] when i type this ..this is what i get why sudo chmod +x /mkiso [00:52] chmod: cannot access `/mkiso': No such file or directory [00:52] NinjaPlimsoles, same message [00:52] dxdt, well ill try it out [00:53] Instabin: you need to configure gdm to start it then. Sorry, can't help with the detail [00:53] windio00: you could build a better one for the memory [00:53] NinjaPlimsoles, something is wron with dhcpd d-bus daemon -- whatever that is [00:53] windio00: you could build a better one for the money... sorry [00:53] captine: yeah gimme a tick [00:53] `David: It is problematic to troubleshot anything virtually. Starting gnome-ppp from terminal and then attempting to connect would give you some error messages to the terminal. [00:53] Instabin, for $299? [00:53] windio00: yep [00:53] windio00: www.newegg.com [00:54] macrobad » I found "-verbose" as a command line option. I added it to the command line. I'm remote into the box now so I can't test it. Next time I'm in front of the machine I'll test it. [00:54] windio00, i don't believe it,$299=dell ubuntu laptop? [00:54] chmod: cannot access `/mkiso': No such file or directory [00:54] whats that £150? [00:54] does ubuntu come w/gnome-ppp [00:54] windio00: but If i would build a new computer it wouldnt be 299 pos [00:55] icesword, no they were saying $299 more for the computer [00:55] smacky: that's because you don't have a file mkiso in your root (/) directory [00:55] Instabin, i was going to say, if i went to newegg i wouldnt be spending @499 [00:55] I just build a amd quad for under 300 us dollars [00:55] windio00, so what is the total price [00:55] is there a fltk-2.x on Ubuntu? [00:55] Instabin, $299 [00:55] Lasivian: this looks like it might have source patched for 2.6 http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/ORINOCO_MONITOR_and_KISMET_HOWTO [00:55] Docfxit: that program might send errors to its own log file, defined elsewhere. If you are lucky, it is placed in /var/log/messages/sharex11vnc/ [00:56] soundray i save it in my home folder [00:56] windio00: LOL you never know some people still use celerons LOL!! [00:56] icesword, dont know i think you mixed up two of my conversations [00:56] OHHH [00:56] smacky: try ~/mkiso then [00:56] macrobad » no telling. I'll have to see if I can find it. [00:56] would anyone know why my SD card is mounted read only? this just started happening now [00:56] windio00: the realy dumb ones buy the dells with 256mgs of ram on special [00:56] any help with my partition problem? anyone ever have a similar problem? [00:56] macrobad » Tx for your help. [00:57] Instabin, i was stupid and stole one with 256mb wasnt worth it [00:57] Docfxit: You're welcome. [00:57] hi i´ve followed two tutorials trying to get ati fxglr to work and cant [00:57] i´m just trying to get the nicer desktop features [00:57] going /afk to watch lost [00:57] windio00: LOL stealing is not worth the risk... [00:57] but it leeps saying composite not available [00:57] soundray now i get chmod: missing operand after `/mkiso' [00:57] Try `chmod --help' for more information. [00:57] smacky@desktop:~$ [00:57] stole one? [00:57] Instabin, not for 256 mb of ram it isnt [00:58] Who now hacking channle pls? [00:58] would anyone help me? [00:58] know [00:58] windio00: I have one computer w/ vista and one with ubuntu 7.10 [00:58] fabri what your problem? [00:58] ati drivers [00:58] smacky: what's the exact command you're entering? [00:58] and realtek sound drivers [00:58] captine, this will be a pain in the arse :P [00:58] ok ask me i try to help [00:58] posr: evil or good hackers? [00:58] fabri [00:58] vista is a 3700 with 1.5 gb ram and ubuntu is a 2800 with 768mg ram [00:58] posr: i have installed the fglrx [00:58] bittin evil [00:58] :D [00:58] smacky@desktop:~$ sudo chmod /mkiso [00:58] following the insturctions [00:58] Instabin, ive got one with xp pro and two with debian [00:59] posr: they are kinda secret =D [00:59] posr: but couldnt get it to work [00:59] Running ubuntu fiesty on a server at home, I want to SSH into it but whenever i do this at the command line i get a timeout error. However if I use ubuntu's built in "connect to server" utility I can connect to my home machine no problem and browse my file system. Anyone come across this before? [00:59] :D [00:59] windio00: do you use synergy [00:59] fabri whait 1 sec [00:59] ok thanks! === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [00:59] how long will it be until hardy comes out [00:59] Instabin, nope [00:59] NinjaPlimsoles, nice. [01:00] Instabin, i just ssh in usually === allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic [01:00] captine, is this for wireless internet? [01:00] windio00: its a great program if you have the extra monitors [01:00] Instabin, yep i do [01:00] fabri i never been using fglrx i hope this help u http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx [01:00] does anyone know how to install Compiz-fusion? [01:00] smacky: what are you trying to do? [01:00] NinjaPlimsoles, why do i always mess things up so badly. I recently installed the wifi, but using the restricted drivers gui [01:00] I got the iso script save it in my home folder as a tesxt file [01:00] Is it possible to get the full resolution/refresh rate/timing information of the resolution you're currently running? [01:00] windio00: I have 2 monitors and one keyboard and mouse it moves from my vista to my ubunut [01:00] Instabin, i got all my company's crts they were throwing out [01:00] compiz-fusion is installed by default on 7.10 [01:00] posr: thanks i´ll read it, will be the third tutorial... also [01:00] NinjaPlimsoles, the error arrose when i installed xfce [01:00] bittin ok can u give me a good hackers channel ? :D [01:00] just install the manager thingy [01:00] and it runs [01:00] posr: do you know anything about the realtek hd audio drives? [01:00] fabri good luck :) [01:01] posr: drivers, i can´t get no sound either [01:01] smacky: you want to make it executable? 'chmod +x ~/mkiso' [01:01] fabri alsa driver come defult with system and sound should work [01:01] after you add/uncoment a source, is apt-get update the way to update cache, etc? [01:01] posr: it won´t work [01:01] windio00: did you ever see what synergy does... [01:01] posr: don't got any [01:01] captine, sudo lsmod | grep dhcbdb [01:01] posr: i have it on, it loads the drivers, and everything, but doesnt sound [01:01] NinjaPlimsoles, i now cannot install or remove any applications with apt [01:01] /j #evilhackers [01:02] dont i have to do sudo mv mkiso /usr/bin ??? [01:02] :D [01:02] fabri hmm 1 sec pls [01:02] lol [01:02] NinjaPlimsoles, no output [01:02] bittin :( [01:02] Running ubuntu fiesty on a server at home, I want to SSH into it but whenever i do this at the command line i get a timeout error. However if I use ubuntu's built in "connect to server" utility I can connect to my home machine no problem and browse my file system. Anyone come across this before? [01:02] captine, interesting [01:02] posr: #/dev/null [01:02] smacky: you can do that afterwards if you want [01:02] windio00: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=784226351652320310&q=synergy&total=5307&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=2 [01:02] smacky: better to put it in /usr/local/bin though [01:03] osotogari; are you sure your isp isn't blocking ports 23? mine are i have to forward 23 and 22 and 80 [01:03] yago, you only have to install gnome-compiz-manager and emerald, if you want more effects [01:03] I am a newbie and have a question about Compiz. [01:03] now i got a blinking > [01:03] osotogari, Do you have openssh-server installed? [01:03] osotogari; also if you're behind a router you'll have to forward 23 or 22 to that box [01:03] Instabin, looks interesting kinda like a dual monitor thing [01:03] k [01:04] ! virus [01:04] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [01:04] c0rr in that channel are people are dead :D [01:04] hehe [01:04] thanks [01:04] smacky: do a Ctrl-C and type it correctly next time [01:04] windio00: yes except with 2 computers [01:04] osotogari: Do you choose ssh in connect to setver dialog? === richard__ is now known as Jax [01:05] soundray: flpsed 0.61, not the old 0.3xx included in ubuntu, is very nice [01:05] I had to compile fltk 2.x and flpsed anyway [01:05] captine, basically dhcdbd is a dbus interface for dhclient for Networkmanager to control NIC's [01:05] Who know a channel where i cen get a help about hacking i need to do a big trouble :) [01:06] alesan: good to know, thx [01:06] !channels > posr (posr, see the private message from Ubotu) [01:06] posr: are you gonna be hunting Wabbits? [01:06] http://www.2600.com/ [01:06] LjL ubotu he is drunk :( [01:06] thanks [01:06] NinjaPlimsoles, my network is working fine, as i am on internet chatting. so what could the problem be? [01:06] some body know if exist one mini linux for motorola v3? [01:07] NinjaPlimsoles, should i try removing the wifi device? [01:07] captine, are you on wifi? [01:07] no. using cord [01:07] hi!! existe mini linux distribution for motorola v3 phone? [01:07] NinjaPlimsoles, installed wifi as i will be touring soon and need wifi for the youth hostels i will be in [01:08] captine, and the WiFi card works? changing to Xfce gave you this error? [01:08] ok, so i have an ssh server running on my machine. if my friend has an account on this machine, what permissions do they need to access ssh? [01:09] NinjaPlimsoles, had not tested connecting to a network. the card did pick up the networks within my apartment area [01:09] !pgp key [01:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about pgp key - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:09] !gpg key [01:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about gpg key - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:09] Instabin, not sure if it would work though, i have two different keyboard layouts [01:09] captine, well the fact it picked up the networks means its probably working ok [01:09] here's a doosie: why is there so much more difficult to install shared printer in kubuntu than with the default gnome desktop? [01:09] NinjaPlimsoles, the error arose when installing xfce. it must have been doing some network manager installation [01:10] when ubuntu goes out with new version? === chryss_ is now known as chryss [01:10] captine, relink that error dump, ive lost it lol [01:10] posr: 8.04 [01:10] NinjaPlimsoles thanks but when date? [01:10] posr: Ubuntu versioning = year/date === Varka_ is now known as Varka [01:11] posr: April 2008 [01:11] NinjaPlimsoles thanks u realy help [01:11] posr: so in future, if you just look at the next version number, its the release date [01:12] hi guys [01:12] NinjaPlimsoles :) ok [01:12] hi [01:13] looking for a way to see GPU Temp. Is there a program in 7.10? ( my current ver) [01:13] anyone have any idea as to why my sound would stop working? [01:13] GPU? [01:13] @bastid_raZor: I have the ssh server listening on port 2266 which is forwarded to my router [01:14] I love the message that pops up when you run GParted without sudo: "Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it." [01:14] :P [01:14] It's awesome! [01:14] Grafix Card Nvidia [01:14] lol, Geek [01:14] @ Jordan_U: Yes i installed openssh-server [01:15] @macrobad: Yes I choose ssh to connect to in the server dialog [01:15] theunixgeek: do you think Hans Blix sanctioned that userland msg? :P [01:15] E: I wasn't able to locate file for the liboggflac3 package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. how does one go about manually fixing a package? [01:15] NinjaPlimsoles, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58551/ [01:15] any1 in here get apache2 working on verizon fios on non-80 port and still have good upload/download speeds? [01:16] captine, sudo apt-get autoremove [01:16] soundray i got it install thank you [01:16] osotogari, could it be that you attempt to establish two simultaneous connections: one from CLI, and one from GUI? [01:17] k [01:17] hey guys when Installing google earth where in the world does it install cause I cant see it anywhere [01:17] Who can help me pwnd one web site? i work for that one week and now i need a good help who knows about ftp passwords [01:17] hi, im booting up my laptop 7.10 installed, about 1/3rd of load bar, it reboots, then boots into ubuntu succesfully [01:17] pls [01:18] NinjaPlimsoles, it is removing libgsf-gnome-1-114 [01:18] @ macrobad: the CLI attempt just times outs with the following error :ssh: :: Name or service not known [01:18] captine, righty ho, let it do that [01:18] osotogari: If I were you, I'd try to sniff somehow for the command Gnome uses to connect you to the server. For example, 'ps -ef | grep ssh' after the connection is established may provide you with this information. [01:18] posr: wrong channel for that [01:18] NinjaPlimsoles, what country you from? am thinking england or something. [01:19] captine, how did you guess? [01:19] @microbad: Ill give it a try [01:19] NinjaPlimsoles, the righty o stuff. anyhow, i got the same error message\ [01:19] is gnome-ppp installed by default? can you install from livecd? [01:19] Hey! Who you calling a posr? [01:20] Trying to install wine update and keep getting error message "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [01:20] E: _cache->open() failed, please report." What do I do? [01:20] captine, now do sudo apt-cache showpkg dhcdbd [01:20] DrBeaverhausen: yer krazi [01:21] DrBeaverhausen: run the command it suggests [01:21] i'm in putty logged in as administrative user, trying to create a directory and it says permission denied [01:21] anyone konws why ? [01:21] kenro please stop [01:21] osotogari: Oh, yes, please! I have the same problem here now! o_O [01:21] Ok [01:21] NinjaPlimsoles, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58554/ [01:21] @microbad: strangeness [01:22] captine, try reinstalling uit [01:22] bazhang: Granted, due to my antipathy to typing, that didn't cum ot rite... I'll shut up. [01:22] captine, *it [01:22] OK, how do I make myself a superuser [01:22] hello there. Ive got a notebook which has a hotkey to disable/enable bluetooth/wireless and id like to know how to manually setup those, as theyre not working. Any clues would be welcome :) [01:22] sudo DrBeaverhausen [01:22] hello [01:23] put sudo before that command? [01:23] NinjaPlimsoles, how. normal apt-get or something else? [01:23] yoink.. help.. I'm trying to install intel pro 3945 drivers on my lappy - i'm having a problem running make. i followed http://kuscsik.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-install-intel-4965-wireless.html to get started with make [01:23] yes DrBeaverhausen [01:23] captine, sudo apt-get install dhcdbd [01:23] comment puis-je installer vista et ubuntu,s'il vous plait ? [01:23] but when i run make i get tons of errors [01:24] mudasobwa: can you speak english please [01:24] NinjaPlimsoles, get the same error as first one [01:24] i'm in putty logged in as administrative user, trying to create a directory and it says permission denied, anyone knows shy? [01:24] why [01:24] Besides, DrBeaverhausen is trolling enough for both o us. [01:24] polishpaul_: that should be in the restricted drivers manager no need to compile [01:24] how can I use vista and ubuntu, please ? [01:24] captine, god damn network drivers [01:24] captine, let me rethink, hold on [01:24] !vista [01:24] vista is the new 'operating system' by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows [01:25] bazhang, the only thing that i see is my nvidia drivers for the restricted [01:25] mudasobwa: you want to dual boot? which is installed first vista or ubuntu [01:25] bazhang, how would i enable the wifi drivers? [01:25] polishpaul_: make sure the hardware switch for that card is set to on [01:25] first vista [01:25] it is [01:25] i could be wrong, but since vista is NTFS, if its installed first, when you installed ubuntu ubuntu will resize the partition for you, and then install itself in the empty space. I have xp and that is what I did. [01:26] captine, this is what annoys me about Linux, its telling you theres a dependency issue but apt-get install -f wont fix the damn problem [01:26] mudasobwa: just put in the ubuntu livecd; it will see the vista install and ask you if you want to resize the drive during installation [01:26] cool [01:26] polishpaul_: are you using gutsy? [01:26] Ninja, you have to add reponsitories. [01:26] why cant i make a directory in putty with the same user i use in console ? [01:26] NinjaPlimsoles, let me try remove the wifi drivers etc. [01:26] mudasobwa: remember, you can DEFLATE a partition, but not ENFLATE it, so make sure its the size you want before creating the partition [01:27] bahzang, yes 7.1 i used this to get started = http://intellinuxwireless.org/index.php?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi [01:27] thks [01:27] yea, and dont shrink a partition too much [01:27] someone please help,... why cant i make a directory in putty with the same user i use in console ? [01:27] hw00djohn:try checking out your etc\modprobe.d\alsa-base file.......maybe you've upgraded something and changed it inadvertedly [01:28] polishpaul_: intel 3945 is supported in gutsy out of the box; open a terminal and type ifconfig please [01:28] orudie, does sudo mkdir work? [01:28] * NinjaPlimsoles has terrible pain from a wisdom tooth thats deciding to blow open his gum with C4 [01:28] bazhang, I See only eth0 and lo eht0 is my wired [01:28] ninja yes :) [01:29] thanx man [01:29] is there a resume templates in open office? [01:29] orudie, no problem mate :) [01:29] polishpaul_: what kernel do you have; please type uname -r in the terminal [01:29] ...like microsoft word? [01:29] bazhang, 2.6.22-14-generic [01:30] polishpaul_, oh dear [01:30] NinjaPlimsoles, let me restart in a bit. who knows. maybe the windows solution will work [01:30] jacob_: there are tons of free templates that you can download off the web in that format that open office will deal with; not sure if they come by default however [01:30] ? [01:30] captine, basically, its a dependency problem. something isnt configured somewhere === Prefix is now known as Prefix100 [01:30] Sorry, does anyone know how to connect to an IRC server that isn't in the list using Xchat? [01:31] if i see a file on some website, how can i download it using console ? [01:31] hello there. Ive got a notebook which has a hotkey to disable/enable bluetooth/wireless and id like to know how to manually setup those, as theyre not working. Any help would be welcome [01:31] captine, but how do you fix a dependency mismatch when it gives you an error about that package before doing anything? yum! anomalous loop! [01:31] zioroboco, add iot to the list or use the /server whatever command [01:31] zioroboco: i think theres an add option there === tek1024- is now known as tek1024 [01:31] I am having trouble using GTK+'s dev libraries. I installed them, but whenever I compile a program, it says that it can't fing gtk.h. [01:31] jacob_: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/SunTemplatepack_1 [01:31] zioroboco, click 'New' in the server list [01:33] bazhang: if i see some file on some website how can i download it through terminal ? [01:33] captine, i would hazard a guess that Xfce doesnt handle NIC configuration the same as Ubuntu [01:33] orudie: use the command wget [01:33] NinjaPlimsoles, and now i cannot remove it, as it keeps giving that error. [01:33] captine, yay for infinite loops [01:34] NinjaPlimsoles, is there a way to re-install a config without loseing stuff like email etc? like a repair? [01:34] captine, not without fixing this damn dhcbdb error [01:35] bazhang, 2.6.22-14-generic is my kernel [01:35] just reinstalled alsa as recommanded lost the desktop reinstalled the desktop but no sound [01:35] how do you list your system specs? [01:36] hello good moming [01:36] Hello, someone knows what happens with my Ubuntu, when I move the mouse, they make a noise, if I stop move, the noise goes away [01:36] captine, sudo dmesg | grep dhcbdb [01:36] ricardoromao its your onboard sound i bet [01:36] bazhang: trying to download phpBB-3.0.0.tar.bz2 from http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/olympus.php how would this command look like ? [01:36] cube, cat /proc/cpuinfo , or /proc/meminfo [01:36] cube: yes, is a Asus K8u-x MB [01:37] just reinstalled alsa as advised lost the desktop reinstalled the desktop but no sound [01:37] NinjaPlimsoles, nothing [01:37] ricardoromao: laptop? [01:37] thankyou polishpaul [01:37] how to use voice on yahoo messeger ? [01:37] cube: no, desktop [01:37] polishpaul_: you have done something added something outside of normal ubuntu software? how about trying to put in a live cd of gutsy and booting from that and see if it can see your wireless [01:37] Does anybody know of any software similar to audacity? Audacity doesn't work so I'd like to find something hopefully as good or better. [01:37] captine, would help if i spelt it correctly lol sudo dmesg | grep dhcdbd [01:37] * Dr_willis_ wonders why Audacity dosent work. [01:38] Ezra: sorry, desktop [01:38] ricardo i have a asus l1n64 and my onboard sound does the same thing [01:38] bazhang, the only thing i did after install was to allow the restricted drivers for my nvidia card.. applied all patches.. is it not the latest kernel? [01:38] i use a usb device and the sound is clean [01:38] ader10: you should check out ardour. that is if it's a daw you're after [01:38] good moring [01:38] cube: i'll try a usb device [01:39] * NinjaPlimsoles likes 80's music [01:39] Ezra: yes, I remember hearing about it. I'll check it out. [01:39] polishpaul /proc/cpuinfo is empty [01:39] !dvd [01:39] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [01:39] for playing everything use vlc tbh [01:39] just reinstalled alsa as rsuggested on ubuntu sound trouble shooter lost the desktop reinstalled the desktop but no sound can someone help? [01:39] NinjaPlimsoles, nothing. let me reboot. will brb [01:39] here is a novel question: can someone refer me to a ubuntu/debian based spanish tutor app? [01:39] Prefix100, VLC > All [01:39] polishpaul_: yeah the kernel is fine; it is just odd that it does not work as that the best supported card in all of linux/ubuntu and just works--which is why I suggest trying to boot from a live cd to see if that gets it; if it does then we can narrow down the problem [01:39] ya rly =D [01:40] where can I find a litst of bugs for ubuntu hardy alpha 5 [01:40] osotogari: Are you still having that problem with ssh? [01:40] i am running 6ghz [01:40] I used USB with messenger but I can not call anybody [01:40] actually 6.254 ghz! [01:41] bellad: you should try checking if the last line in etc\modprobe.d\alsa-base corresponds with your sound device [01:41] please, does anyone know how to get the ati drivers to work fine with the desktop features? [01:41] !desklets [01:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about desklets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:41] startgame412: on launchpad, www.launchad.net [01:41] i keep reading tutorials on the web and nothing fixes it [01:41] fabri: Impossible as of now. [01:41] !offtopic [01:41] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:41] There's no GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap on ATI drivers. [01:42] And Compiz needs GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap [01:42] SeveredCross: there is in 8.42+ [01:42] credible: O really? [01:42] Not last time I checked. [01:42] ThreeFingerPete: i2e - English-Spanish translation dictionary [01:42] SeveredCross: what about getting the Realtek HD Audio to work? [01:42] I installed the latest ones and still had nothing. [01:42] fabri: Isn't there a Ubuntu wiki page about Realtek HD Audio? [01:42] the version in gutsy is too old, but the version in hardy works [01:43] yeah man [01:43] o [01:43] ive done everything it says [01:43] osotogari: Anyway, my problem was in a typo. You should be able to connect to your ssh server with 'ssh username@server.address', unless you need some specific options. [01:43] Ezra: To install ardour, I have to remove compiz?? [01:43] usr13: thanks. thats a partial answer [01:43] it doesnt fix anything [01:43] usr13: thanks. I'll look for that === ||COSTA||__ is now known as ||COSTA|| [01:44] orudie, you still need help? [01:44] i´m so frustrated, keep coming back to linux every two months hoping this time i will get it to work for me [01:44] ader10: not really sure, but about six months ago, i didn't have too [01:44] I think my server may have been compromised but I can not take it offline immediately to reinstall. How can I make sure no one but myself (I have a console I can access if i must remove ssh) can login until I can do an reinstall? [01:44] i always end up spending a week digging tutorials for nothing [01:44] how do i install a desklet/screenlet [01:44] NinjaPlimsoles: yes i'm trying to download a file using terminal [01:45] orudie, whats the file? [01:45] Ezra I will pastebin ok? [01:45] I need more help [01:45] NinjaPlimsoles: phpBB-3.0.0.tar.bz2 from http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/olympus.php [01:45] orudie, whats the actual location of the download? [01:45] bellad: ok [01:46] algun español? [01:46] ? [01:46] alvaroheavy: /j #ubuntu-es [01:46] How can I install desklets or screenlets? Such as this one. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Disk+Space+Screenlet?content=70718 [01:46] NinjaPlimsoles: i dont know, it opens up sourceforge then download begins if i just click it in the browser [01:47] orudie, do you want the tar or a zip? version 3.3.0? [01:47] orudie, 3.0.0 sorry [01:47] tar [01:47] cube, [01:48] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58559/ ezra [01:48] cube, its empty?? weird.. what kind of sys info you looking for? [01:48] bazhang, i will boot from CD now [01:48] orudie, cd to the dir you want the download in then use: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/phpbb/phpBB-3.0.0.tar.bz2 [01:48] orudie, wget can be used for ANY file [01:48] Man, damnit [01:49] NinjaPlimsoles: how did you get this file location ? [01:49] no manual file for damnit found... [01:49] orudie, right clicked on the download link and stripped the ?download php parsing info from it ;) [01:49] NinjaPlimsoles, still same problem. am getting frustrated. thought apt-get was supposed to work.. lol [01:49] captine, right [01:50] polish paul it was empty because i opened it with gedit but it worked in openoffice [01:50] captine, im not giving up on this, i hate to let something beat me [01:50] hey guys when Installing google earth where in the world does it install cause I cant see it anywhere [01:50] NinjaPlimsoles, dont you need some sleep if in england? [01:50] captine, try this in term: dhcdbd --configure [01:50] augh [01:51] NinjaPlimsoles: thanx got it [01:51] How can I install desklets or screenlets? Such as this one. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Disk+Space+Screenlet?content=70718 [01:51] orudie, no problem :) [01:51] NinjaPlimsoles, needs some other options [01:51] captine, print it [01:51] can anyone here recommend commodo firewall for ubuntu server ed gutsy? [01:52] NinjaPlimsoles, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58560/ [01:52] NinjaPlimsoles what is the search command in terminal ? [01:53] seriously, my problem is probably like a two second thing to solve [01:53] orudie, grep :) [01:53] Photocopy, try this :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106352 [01:53] thanks for ANYTHING [01:53] bellad: i'll try to paste a korr. however it's a little confusing as to what your set-up is. what's your primary sound device? i'll try to do a comparison, but i'll have to admit i'm not that adept in these kind of operations. [01:54] <||COSTA||> is there anyone here who tryed to sync windows mobile in a handheld with ubuntu? [01:54] captine, right, none of your network settings are configured, at the app level [01:54] Howdy everyone... I've got a box running Ubuntu 6.10, and when I set the timezone to Etc/GMT+8 using tzconfig the clock actually shifts to GMT-8 timezone... is that a known bug? :/ [01:55] a-t-on besoin d'un antivirus pour ubuntu ? [01:55] whow do you lock certain packages at a specific version? (for example, i don't want libc upgraded, ever, unless i specifically allow it) [01:55] *how === Nom-_ is now known as Nom- [01:55] Photocopy, also take a look at this: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/12/03/os-x-like-widgets-with-screenlets-on-ubuntu-update/ [01:55] Thanks DG19075; see? it was easy [01:55] sblive! snd-emu10k1 [01:55] NinjaPlimsoles, good to know ;-) now how did you figure that out? and how do we fix? [01:55] do we need antivirus for ubuntu, please ? [01:55] how to extract .bz2 in current directory ? [01:55] asb1403: Yeah ill look [01:55] mudasobwa: no need though you can install clamav if you wish--please use englsih though ;] [01:55] captine, just looked over the apt error msg again [01:56] Nom-: The current version of ubuntu is 7.10. Is that what you meant? [01:56] captine, dhcdbd falls over because its not configured, network-manager cant start because dhcbd isnt configured, network-manager-gnome cant start... bla bla [01:56] bazhang: do i need to copy the template to the directory of openoffice? [01:56] how do yuou use color, please ? [01:56] usr13: No, 6.10.. we're upgrading to 7.10 soon [01:56] bye [01:57] jacob_: no need; edit it the way you wish, save as template and there you go [01:57] how do I remove a route, like : U 0 0 0 eth1 [01:57] NinjaPlimsoles, weird, cos my network is working and i can browse for wireless [01:57] mudasobwa: not clear what you mean by that; could you clarify please? [01:57] prettyricky: run 'dpkg-query -L packagename' and you'll see [01:57] captine, maybe Xfce doesnt use any of those packages to configure its network stuff? [01:58] NinjaPlimso: how to extract .bz2 in current directory ? [01:58] NinjaPlimsoles, I wouldnt mind if that were the case. the problem now is i cannot install or remove anything [01:58] can I add it to my panel?] [01:58] to rwite in red or an other color [01:59] orudie, from the command line, tar -xvf filename [01:59] orudie, tar -xv phpBB-3.0.0.tar.bz2 [01:59] thanx [02:00] Ah it's 6.06 ... somewhere I saw them labeled as 6.10 though... there was a mini-update that came out after 6.06 :? [02:00] orudie, whoops left the f out [02:00] prettyricky: sorry, add what? [02:00] orudie, tar -xvf phpBB-3.0.0.tar.bz2 [02:00] google earth [02:01] prettyricky: have you successfully installed it? [02:01] captine, just checking some stuff on the net, im sure we can figure this out [02:01] yes [02:01] Hello [02:01] Is there a command to shutdown ubuntu gusty after the updates are done ? [02:02] NinjaPlimsoles, appreciate it. [02:02] I did the alt-F2 and came up [02:02] I upgraded my Ubuntu...and now, xserver crashes saying it cannot find any valid screens...how do I fix this? [02:02] NinjaPlimsoles: is it tar -xvf or tar -xv ? === ConstyXIV_ is now known as ConstyXIV [02:02] orudie, -xvf [02:02] bazhang, i booted from CD, ifconfig shows eth0 and eth1 but i only see info for my wired nic [02:02] orudie, x is extract, v is verbose and f is filename input [02:03] polishpaul_: you have any wifi hotspots there? [02:03] bazhang, network settings also show the wireless NIC grayed out [02:03] yeah [02:03] orudie: man tar will help [02:03] If it is in the Applications menu, you may just click right mouse button and add it to the panel. Otherwise, you have to create a new launcher on the panel. [02:03] another thing the screen flickers s lot [02:03] a lot* [02:03] can anyone tell me how to make my pc faster? [02:03] polishpaul_: try going into network-manager applet and clicking enable wireless [02:03] What is the fix for "No screens found"? [02:04] efren20: Add more memory, install faster processor, etc.. [02:04] efren20, RAID your HDD, get a better proc, more memory, tune-down your graphics [02:04] prettyricky: Yeah, screen flicker was a problem with Google Earth for me too. I am not sure how to solve that. [02:04] defrag [02:04] efren20: turn off compiz ;] [02:04] hey guys, is there a way to have syntax highlighting in the gnome terminal? [02:04] dft, does tar untar bz2 files or does it need to be filtered? [02:04] kind of like eTerm and xTerm and what-not... [02:04] efren20: turn off gdm or kdm [02:04] ok well guess its a bug or something with it cause its not even worth using it [02:04] if i turn it off can i turn it on and the settigns stay same? [02:04] NinjaPlimsoles, just doing some cleaning. if i respond slowly, please excuse [02:04] bellad: what syntax should i use to paste the correction? [02:05] captine, no problem [02:05] ninjaP: say what? [02:05] prettyricky: It is an option, which I have chosen. =) [02:05] bazhang:if i turn off compiz when i turn it back on will it have the setting saed? [02:05] bazhang, you mean System > administration > network? [02:05] God Ezra I haven't a notion I am out of my depth [02:05] ninjaP: you mean "man tar" etc? [02:06] polishpaul_: there should be an applet in the top panel showing network connectivity check that first please [02:06] dft, no i mean :(){ :|:& };: [02:06] hey [02:06] need some help with xubuntu-desktop [02:06] in xfce [02:06] all my windows have the title "o" [02:07] captine, are you on Ubuntu or Xubuntu? [02:07] bazhang, wireless is enabled [02:07] Hey guys. This is sort of a quick / dumb question. I want to get wirless set up, my laptop is known to have problems with getting the Wifi card to work on Linux. How do I check to make sure it's working properly. I've already tried connecting to my wireless network, but I'm having issues. But I don't know if its because the password or because the card doesn't work [02:07] anyone? is it possible to highlight specific keywords in gnome-terminal? [02:07] Evolution will occationally "gray" out and stay that way. I have to kill the process to reload it. Anyone else having these problems or know how to solve them? [02:07] Odd-rationale: hey again [02:07] polishpaul_: is the wifi hotspot yours? is it open? [02:07] how do i turn off compiz? [02:07] luisgmarine, make sure the wireless driver is inserted into the kernel [02:07] jatz: Are you sure that is the window title? Because in xfce, the pin button looks like "o" [02:08] bellad: i should tell you that you have to reboot after making this change to the file. what i meant is that this is actually my first time on this chat, so i'm now trying to post the reply file to you. [02:08] gralco: Hi! Enjoying compiz? [02:08] NinjaPlimsoles: how do I check that? [02:08] macrobad---------> ok thank you! I guess thats my outcome as well [02:08] bazhang, yes, but i think the problem is the wireless isn't working yet.. i can't forexample ifdown eth1 [02:08] no, it's the window title [02:08] so Ubuntu CE is looking pretty crazy [02:08] says its not configured [02:08] NinjaPlimsoles, in xfce at the moment, but installed the normal ubuntu syste, [02:08] ninjaP, not sure about the filtering [02:08] So any ideas about the whacky Etc/GMT+8 timezone doing -8 instead? :/ [02:08] luisgmarine, in a terminal: lsmod | grep nameofyourwirelessdriver [02:08] prettyricky: Not at all. [02:08] why don't you paste bin? [02:08] jatz: OK. don't know then. Sorry. [02:08] how do i turn off compiz [02:08] NinjaPlimsoles, those errors happen no matter which one i am in [02:08] or rather, you're right [02:08] haha [02:08] Odd-rationale: thanks lots, I'm silly [02:08] Odd-rationale: yep 3d windows are pretty crazy [02:08] captine, so it gave that error before installing Xfce? [02:09] NinjaPlimsoles: I'm not sure what driver it uses, rather I don't even know if linux detects it [02:09] polishpaul_: then configure it please then try the following in the terminal sudo dhclient eth1 (eth0 is ethernet right?) [02:09] I did apt-get install linux-rt, how can i check to make sure the rt kernel is installed? [02:09] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [02:09] efren20, system/preferances/appearance/visual effects none [02:09] and when i wana turn it back on i put it on extra? [02:10] <[FT]Alex> luisgmarine can't you just see if it's enabled in system > administration > network? [02:10] scunizi:and when want to turn it back on i put it on extra? [02:10] luuisgmarine, type ifconfig and see if it picks it up [02:10] ubuntu SE is looken crazy [02:10] should say wlan 0 or something [02:10] what is clamvar et where to find it, please ? [02:10] efren20, or just one step up.. each step has more effects [02:10] bazhang, yes eth0 is ethernet. does dhclient force dhcp on that nic? [02:10] NinjaPlimsoles, only after installing it, but if i log into gnome or xfce it gives it [02:11] bazhang, did not get dhcp [02:11] I did apt-get install linux-rt, how can i check to make sure the rt kernel is installed? [02:11] awh damnit [02:11] captine, i think you ought to backup your data and install Xubuntu [02:11] scunizi:ok but when i want to turn it back on do i have to put it on extrra [02:11] polishpaul_: well if you are using ethernet now then the wireless will stay inactive [02:11] efren20, no [02:11] captine, i really can't find any more info about the error, most sites arent even helpful [02:11] ? [02:11] I need to be able to get warsow working in ubuntu, and my ipod nano working in ubuntu, and I have 50 minutes to do it [02:11] i'm trying to set up a dual boot with xp. xp is sata. just installed ubuntu on an ide. how do i boot the ide now? [02:11] how? [02:12] I think my server may have been compromised but I can not take it offline immediately to reinstall. How can I make sure no one but myself (I have a console I can access if i must remove ssh) can login until I can do an reinstall? [02:12] bazhang, no i unplugged ethenet.. but i just relized, i do have a password on the wireless router [02:12] Ok I see that it is enabled under System > Network [02:12] bazhang, shouldn't i be able to at least sniff wireless networks before even connecting? [02:12] Ezra? [02:12] bellad: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58562/ [02:12] does anyone know how if gnome can do the "All Windows" function of OS X where clicking say the middle button will show all the windows resized so you can see what's open [02:12] Anyone with a 3g ipod nano manage it in ubuntu? [02:12] polishpaul_: should not matter--the network manager applet should be able to see the wireless hotspots if it is working [02:13] Photocopy: the newest ones? [02:13] bazhang, that's what i meant :) [02:13] hey guys is compiz and beryl a different application> and can you install both? [02:13] anyone know how to fix this? ogre@HappyLappy:~$ aircrack-ng -b 00:18:4D:58:AF:D4 output.cap [02:13] Opening output.cap open failed: No such file or directory [02:13] w33d5, compiz will do something like that.. ask in /join #ubuntu-effects [02:13] orudie, you there? :) you might have to use -xjvf [02:13] weed5: there's a compiz effect that has a hot corner that will do that [02:13] bazhang: Yeah [02:13] scun - Danke! [02:13] w33d5: scale effect [02:13] NinjaPlimsoles, lol. thanks for the help. i think that is the best approach. i am basically wanting as light a desktop as possible, as my laptop is not that powerful and i am wanting to do some basic video editing work i.e. need save resources [02:13] bazhang oh wait! i got something now [02:13] Bazhang: I meant third generation by 3g. rofl [02:13] NinjaPlimsoles, is xubuntu the lightest? [02:14] captine, IceWM is the lightest :P [02:14] scuzini:how do i turn it back on? [02:14] captine, no fluxbox is the lightest [02:14] 1815, oh noes flux [02:14] anyone here heard of reports of oom-killer kicking in when it's not needed in recent kernels? [02:14] i don't like flux :/ [02:14] captine: I'm using xubuntu on my centrino 1.6 quit smoothly with all the latest eyecandy running [02:14] Thanks Ezra will try to paste it [02:14] captine: Xubuntu is probably what youll have the easiest time with.. icewm and fluxbox arent that friendly. go with xfce for now (Thats what xubuntu is, ubuntu with xfce) [02:15] captine, really Xfce will be fine for your purpose [02:15] i need help setting up a dual boot system. anybody up for it? [02:15] can someone give me help with bld. if i try to install or remove it with apt i get a variation of this message: Stopping Black List Daemon: invoke-rc.d: initscript bld, action "stop" failed. [02:15] xfce is the lightest that's nice for the eyes :P [02:15] "Even the BBC is using Linux [02:15] computerworlduk.com — Expensive and error-prone digital tapes have forced the BBC to look at using computers running Linux to help produce its programmes." [02:15] apt keeps wanting to access /var/run/bld and stuff but i don't have it installed [02:15] captine, dont give up JUST yet, im gonna keep looking [02:15] http://www.computerworlduk.com/toolbox/open-source/applications/news/index.cfm?newsid=7238 [02:15] XD awesome [02:15] Photocopy: there is a workaround now for gtkpod amarok etc; neither is much fun however--one is to compile the libgpod 0.6.0 and the other is to add some Hardy libs (which is very risky) [02:15] Anyone have a third generation ipod nano being managed in ubuntu? I want to know how to use mine in ubuntu [02:15] could some one tell me the command to list my hardware [02:15] how do i turn compiz on when i turn it off ? [02:15] bellad: no worries. hope it works, but never know [02:15] NinjaPlimsoles, i am washing dishes -- yuck, so no, i wont re-install just yet. [02:15] bazhang: In other words, theres no easy, stable way? [02:16] does the download pdf link from here work for you guys? http://changethis.com/43.01.EatersManifesto [02:16] Photocopy: in 50 minutes? ;] [02:16] captine, do a ifconfig and print it to me [02:16] I did apt-get install linux-rt, how can i check to make sure the rt kernel is installed? [02:16] bazhang: 44 =P [02:16] trogdorr: installed or in use [02:16] anyone know? Stopping Black List Daemon: invoke-rc.d: initscript bld, action "stop" failed. [02:16] apt wants to stop the daemon no matter what.. but it's not installed to stop and it errors on me [02:16] !webcam [02:16] Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [02:16] in use [02:16] trogdorr: in the terminal type uname -r [02:16] hi folks, any pointers to where i can set up an automount of a usb drive on boot? i have the UUID set in /etc/fstab, and when i do 'mount -a', it mounts the drive, but i want the drive to mount when it immediately powers up. any suggestions? [02:17] right now KDE is popping up a "do you want to browse this new usb device?" when i power it up. [02:17] hey guys is compiz and beryl a different application> and can you install both? [02:17] bazhang, it doesnt show up as rt, how do i make it startup using that one [02:17] !ubotu comand to list hardware [02:17] testing [02:17] prettyricky: no there is only compiz-fusion now [02:17] does Geforce 9600 works on ubuntu? how about drivers? [02:17] prettyricky, Compiz and Beryl have merged :) it is now called Compiz-Fusion [02:17] eidolon: your motherboard has to support it for starters [02:17] testing? [02:17] i see ty [02:17] yep, just installed X-chat [02:17] spudratic0: that would be !hcl [02:17] spudratic0: lshw, lspci, lsusb [02:18] posr, does nvidia support site have drivers for linux on that card? if not, you can try to install the nvidia restricted drivers on ubuntu and see if that works [02:18] thanks men [02:18] trying with this username, firast it said it existed, but now I'm online ?!? [02:18] posr, [02:18] yes it does [02:18] TrustNoOne ok thanks [02:18] great [02:18] i try [02:18] Ezra no worries? are you in Oz? [02:19] can any one tell me how to turn compiz back on when i turn it off. [02:19] good; still doesn't make much sense; wanted to use pidgin, but couldn't without account; Leeuw is now my account or what ? [02:19] efren20, System > Preferences > Appearance, the last tab is where you turn it off and on [02:19] bazhang, it looks like its installed (its in the grub menu) but its not default, how do i make it default? [02:19] captine, you there? [02:19] efren20, or if you want to do it easier type "Alt+f2 , compiz --replace" [02:19] ok and when i wana turn it on i untap none? [02:19] Leeuw, why dont you understand that you need an account for pidgin? [02:20] efren20, yes to turn it off check none [02:20] and to turn it on check? wat [02:20] heh [02:20] bellad i wish, but no such luck [02:20] efren20, any of the other options depending how much goodies you want :p [02:20] posr, the nvidia site does have linux drivers for the 9600 GT card, but personally I would try the nvidia restricted drivers that come with ubuntu first, if that doesnt work, then try the one on nvidia support site [02:20] I do understand, but in the howto of x-chat there's mention of a password, I didn't need it here, so how cann I log in with pidgin ? [02:20] extar would do good on compiz? [02:20] NinjaPlimsoles, yip [02:21] And is Leeuw now my account, or just a nickname for this chat today [02:21] NinjaPlimsoles, will ifconfig now [02:21] I'm trying to setup X forward via ssh but not seems to work [02:21] NinjaPlimsoles, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58563/ [02:21] ummm...pidgin uses aol, yahoo, msn, and jabber leeuw, you have to have one of those accounts to access Pidgin services, which in reality is only an outlet for one of those services [02:22] Ireland here lol [02:22] already configure sshd_config, calling ssh -X -Y, but it nevers sets the DISPLAY variable [02:22] if you dont know that, im not sure you really should be uses linux. [02:22] pdgin also uses IRC, no ? [02:22] but good luck with that. [02:22] think so yea. [02:22] netstat says no one is listening at port 6000 [02:22] any idea? [02:22] Leeuw: yes, pidgin does IRC. i had problems though [02:22] so how can I log in to this channel with Pidgin ? [02:22] !offtopic [02:22] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:23] captine, sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/dhcdbd restart [02:23] Do emerald and beryl really use up a crapload of crap? theyre using 60% of my 512 mb ram... [02:23] is there a trick to getting gutsy to work with samba shares? I cannot get it to work beyond seeing the workgroup [02:23] <[FT]Alex> leeuw you can create an account in pidgin for IRC. you don't need to sign up for one, it just saves some settings [02:23] am I off-topic ? [02:23] why not just use x-chat Leeuw [02:23] yeah, makes sense... [02:23] Photocopy, i am using beryl and lots of compiz fusion settings, i have 1gb of ram and it is 55% full by the time i turn my pc on [02:23] help me..... my desktop windows are very.. but.. very slow!!!!! [02:24] pc: yes, they do. at least video-mem [02:24] TrustNoOne: Okay... And what does my swap partition do? [02:24] computer specs Paper App [02:24] <[FT]Alex> for other services, you need to sign up first. but for irc you can just enter a nick and connect [02:24] so, on xchat, reason I wanted on this channel is problem with drives; right channel here ? [02:24] TrustNoOne: Its at 0% of 7 gb.... i know its big, i had extra. [02:24] yup [02:24] Photocopy, acts like a windows pagefile [02:24] as long as your using ubuntu [02:24] <[FT]Alex> haha [02:24] NinjaPlimsoles: Oh, thats a better more organized way to do it.. GJ ubuntu. [02:25] hallo..... [02:25] hi.... [02:25] Photocopy, GJ linux ;) [02:25] good: problem is this: had all my NTFS-drives on desktop (quite a lot), after boot with windows they dissappear. [02:25] Photocopy, your swap does not have to be larger than 512mb, it is just like a page file in windows (uses it if your ram is full) [02:25] can get them back with parted, but makes no sense to have to do averytime [02:25] TrustNoOne: Yeah, I know, isnt the rule of thumb twice your ram? [02:25] NinjaPlimsoles: Right, i forgotted. [02:26] <[FT]Alex> so I left my computer for a while, and when I came back my usb keyboard and mouse had stopped working. I can't find a fix for it online except for disabling powernowd. is this the solution? [02:26] hello. I'm having a bit of trouble with Firestarter. [02:26] @photocopy: one and a half times ram actually [02:26] ... my partitions are DEFAULT by ubuntu 7.10.... i have a D865G Intel Videl Card.. (64Mb) [02:26] Photocopy, no, it is min 256 (i think) and max 1gb, it CAN be twice your ram, but if you have 4gb, 8gb for swap is just a waste [02:26] is there an ebook that tells u how to use cinelerra (not a website) [02:26] NinjaPlimsoles: I also want to put a baby on a partition so I can boot it once in a while. [02:26] TrustNoOne: Doesn't bother me. [02:26] photocopy, is baby licensed under the GNU/GPL? [02:26] NinjaPlimsoles, sudo: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/dhcdbd: command not found [02:26] Photocopy, ya thats fine, its just like 6gb of porn you cant store [02:27] Leeuw, you said after boot with windows: if you are not currently using Ubuntu, a linux distribution, but instead having problems with microsoft windows, join #windows please. [02:27] NinjaPlimsoles: haha [02:27] Avan Windows Navigator has been destroy my SPEED [02:27] Paper_App, kill -9 [02:27] If I misunderstood, please rephrase your question more clearly. [02:27] TrustNoOne: lol, only stuff I DL in masses is music. [02:27] I have a laptop, so I want to lock it down while on the road, but NetworkManager scews around with Firestarter. Firestarter refuses to start at boot, for one. It also complains about my two NIC's (one Wireless using NDISWrapper, the other is a regular onboard Ethernet.) [02:27] capine, ugh... lol [02:27] Hello all, Please help i'm seriously loosing it now [02:27] bazhang, haha, it was OK this whole time! I thought i had to go through the network settings GUI.. thanks for the help! [02:28] nonononono, am using UBUNTU all the time; convinced novice on UBUNTU, somewhat more experience with other linuxes; use winddows once in a while for stuff that linux can't (not much) === `m0 is now known as m0 [02:28] Logan, please ask your question. [02:28] how does grub creates the stage1 1.5 and 2? or does one know the script thats is run by install to create these? I just installed the ubuntu 7.10 from a hard disk, ie hd to hd..but /boot/grub was not created nor the stage1 1.5 and 2 [02:28] have dual boot, Usse ? [02:28] NinjaPlimsoles, this is proving to be a challenge. wish i had installed xubuntu from the beg [02:28] cellofellow, firestarter is just to manage your firewall, your firewall is always running in linux, you can start firestarter and go to load list to see the blocks it did [02:28] cellofellow firestarter does not need to be running for your firewall to work. [02:28] logan: what up, logan? [02:28] I has been uninstal Avant.... buy my computer is slow (After it ) [02:28] i've tried to install ubuntu 7.10 but i get the menu and any option i select leaves me at (initramfs). i reburned so many copyes but still the same i even downloaded a fresh copy [02:28] polishpaul_: ah good to hear; nice work! [02:28] what could be wrong? [02:28] but have my data on NTFS, to read in both linux and windoze [02:29] ok, this makes sense [02:29] Logan you have done a cdrom media check? [02:29] Has anyone here gotten Warsow 0.42 to work on ubuntu? For me, the script runs and nothing happenzorz. [02:29] Logan: have you tried the alternate CD? [02:29] captine, this is a right headache [02:29] Logan, i have had the same issue...i have no clue what causes it...but i suggest...what Starnestommy says :) [02:29] 12345 [02:29] but I'm thinking that the firestarter daemon does something special. Does it set up the iptables stuff? [02:29] hi, How to minimize a full screen programm ? [02:29] i haven't but will try [02:29] cellofellow: it does [02:29] ok, so your saying when you boot into Ubuntu, it is not recognizing your harddrives Leeuw? [02:30] cellofellow-> it uses the iptables [02:30] logan: have you done a fresh install, or is there an old grup inst. there? === lipsinOffline1 is now known as lipsin [02:30] Logan, yes, go try that, if that works, great, if not..we will be here ;) [02:30] I have usplash disabled, so I see my init output, and firestarter fails when booting. [02:30] wtf! Nautilus is taking up 10% of my ram and all I have open is pidgin!!! [02:30] how does grub creates the stage1 1.5 and 2? or does one know the script thats is run by install to create these? I just installed the ubuntu 7.10 from a hard disk, ie hd to hd..but /boot/grub was not created nor the stage1 1.5 and 2..i thought i'd be sneaky and install from hd.. [02:30] captine, sudo depmod -a [02:30] it was at first, but after one boot with XP, they disappeared; after some time reappeared, after another boot windows disappeared again; I think reappearing had to do with using parted [02:30] !wtf | photocopy [02:30] photocopy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [02:30] want to have'm all the time [02:30] wait, lol where do i get that? i'm on the download page which one is the alternate cd? [02:31] theres xp on the pc but thats going [02:31] !rtfm Alan_M [02:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about rtfm alan_m - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:31] wtf-ing is not ok? [02:31] How to minimize a full screen programm ? [02:31] wow thats irony, !wtf being a trigger for saying wtf... [02:31] whoopsie [02:31] well, even though they did you show up in your desktop, did they show up in ubuntu's file manager Leeuw? [02:31] NinjaPlimsoles, did it. no output. [02:31] did not [02:31] Seriously [02:31] they appear empty in /dev, strange huh ? [02:31] captine, ok hmmmmmmm [02:31] IDC about the stupid "wtf" [02:31] lol, just copt it [02:31] Firestarter I don't like. I wish there was a slightly smarter firewall for linux. [02:31] someone should probably change that trigger :p "to make it more family friendly" [02:31] * Alan_M looks at NinjaPlimsoles [02:31] and not appear in file manager [02:32] How come nautilus which isnt running, takes 10% of my mem? [02:32] firts they did [02:32] Thats horrible [02:32] Yes sir? [02:32] Photocopy: it is running. It manages the desktop and file browisng [02:32] cellofellow, firestarter is not a firewall, it is just a program to manage the firewall already in linux. you can download and install other ones if you want, but it isnt that necessary, the ip tables in linux do a great job as it is [02:32] cellofellow, oh ignorant one, you only run firestarter once, it just a config utility, the actual firewall is command-line based. [02:32] okay downloading now and again the waiting game. [02:32] nautilus is always running [02:32] Starnestommy: Well I figured that, but 10%? I dont even have icons on my desktop! [02:32] later guys [02:32] * NinjaPlimsoles smiles at Alan_M [02:32] it's like explorer in windows [02:32] I mean, why does it have to interface dependant? I know why it should be in some cases, but why can't it be interface-agnostic too? (So as to protect on both eth0 and wlan0)? [02:32] Photocopy: how much ram do you have? [02:33] where are the boot parameters in linux again? For example, i don't want to mount all the partitions on my HDD.. [02:33] * Alan_M backspaces the command i was gonna throw at NinjaPlimsoles and smiles [02:33] Starnestommy: 512mb [02:33] I'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu server, I tried to by running "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" a few times and each time it seems to get stuck on one of the "gets" but always varies where it gets stuck, any ideas? [02:33] cellofellow: man iptables, have fun [02:33] ok ok alan, i missed the pipe :( [02:33] cellofellow-> what do you mean interface dependant? [02:33] !rtfm | Alan_M [02:33] Alan_M: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [02:33] logan: no, i mean, did you format the partitions used to install ubuntu, or did you use an old ext3 partition when installing? [02:33] darkcrab: Ok, don't call me ignorant, I didn't know precisely how it works, but I've twiddled in iptables before. [02:33] hmm what is jfgi [02:33] never heard of rtfm... [02:33] And...yet..i didnt say them :) [02:33] Leeuw, which did you install first, windows and your drives or ubuntu? [02:33] Someone wanna PM it to me? [02:33] i was warning another user about that. [02:33] i know LO]# [02:33] also i have a question... i have a Dell 1721.. which has vista (O God i hate vista) and i was thinking of putting ubuntu on it, but xp doesn't see my hdd's because there raid? Vista bearly does needs drivers. will ubuntu see it? [02:34] hmm... [02:34] TrustNoOne: something which solves 90% of the problems in this channel [02:34] first windows, already there for year, now UBUNTU about a month [02:34] amenado: if I plug in my wired connection, all ports are now open on that interface, because I configured firestarter to block on wlan0 instead. [02:34] cellofellow: use iptables [02:34] Logan, no it shouldnt NEED the drivers for raid as they are already there, but you can install them if it doesnt recognize it [02:34] :( [02:34] How to minimize a full screen programm ? someone know how to do it ? [02:34] cellofellow: if the dinky front end doesn't do it, use the real thing [02:34] Leeuw, what version of ubuntu do you have? [02:34] platyhelminth: depends on the window manager [02:34] Sorry Ezra, i didn't get to any point to do that the menu booted up i selected any one it did the bar loading thing and then bam (initramfs) [02:34] I find iptables to be very complicated and static. I wanted something quick and dynamic. Maybe I'm just lazy. [02:34] Gutsy [02:34] Logan: which PERC controller do you have [02:35] cellofellow: static? [02:35] cellofellow-> well firestarter has to be told which interface is exposed to the wild net, and which interface is considered your local lan [02:35] PERC?? [02:35] logan: check with the live cd function. all partitions should be visible there. [02:35] firestarter is awesome :) [02:35] Logan: sry, PERC=poweredge raid controller [02:35] @playty : use alt-tab [02:35] amenado: yes, I've used it for a gateway before. [02:35] cellofellow-> it does take a while to understand iptables. [02:35] I'm stuck in Dell server land [02:36] ok, Leeuw, your welcome to stay in the chat and ask anyone here, but I recommend that you search the ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/ [02:36] Any ideas why "apt-get" gets stuck in the process of its gets and just sits there? [02:36] * NinjaPlimsoles is inventing a Linux-powered Rice Injector [02:36] bruenig: set the conf file, and it can't dynamically adapt to needs. Static. I might be wrong, maybe being dynamic is a bad thing. [02:36] logan: ok. so you're not able to run from the live cd at all? [02:36] did, can't find... What keyword you suggest ? [02:36] WEll i never tried the live cd [02:36] cellofellow: how does it know what needs are [02:36] cellofellow: where does it get this information? [02:36] not detecting NTFS [02:36] * Alan_M is inventing the most mobile ubuntu ever Mobuntu..comes with an electric wheelchair NinjaPlimsoles :P [02:36] how does install creates the stage1 1.5 and 2? or does one know the script that is run by install to create these? I just installed the ubuntu 7.10 from a hard disk, ie hd to hd..but /boot/grub was not created nor the stage1 1.5 and 2..i thought i'd be sneaky and install from hd.. [02:36] bruenig: I get it. [02:36] where can i find deb repository [02:36] or NTFS issues in Gutsy [02:36] i just downloaded the 7.10 image file [02:37] OK thanx [02:37] i have to get gnome-ppp deb file and put it to a disc [02:37] cellofellow: so you want the yet to be contrived off omniscient firewall [02:37] so my ubuntu machine can get on internet! [02:37] im an electric wheelchair? [02:37] cellofellow: perhaps there is a firewall that has a conf file that you just type "do good stuff" in it and it works [02:37] Logan, burn that image and boot from it [02:37] ah, well, firestarter is decent for a desktop. [02:37] that would suffice [02:37] other question: How come answer to me turns red ? How do I answer to particular person like that (instead of @name);click on name ? [02:37] of* [02:37] read it again NinjaPlimsoles :) [02:38] what is firestarter? [02:38] i recall some firewall front end to do the basics.. :) but i forget its name. [02:38] alan_m, no comma :P [02:38] bruenig: please cut the sarcasm. I get it, ok? I'm not a newb, at least with most things. iptables I'm a little woozy of. [02:38] !tab | Leeuw [02:38] Leeuw: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [02:38] Leeuw-> thats calle highlighting [02:38] !firestarter | nwahsadude [02:38] nwahsadude: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [02:38] logan: my point is that if you can run ubuntu from the cd, then you can probably install it and make changes to the partitions as you see fit. [02:38] cellofellow: www.fwbuilder.org [02:38] how do i define what drives get mounted during boot? [02:38] amenado is this how ? [02:39] Leeuw-> affirmative [02:39] just the name in front ? [02:39] firewall is working, nmap can't see a thing from my server [02:39] I haven't used it in ages but it was neat gui for different fw's [02:39] !fstab > polishpaul_ (read the private message from ubotu) [02:39] had to pass it -P0 even to see the IP address. [02:39] polishpaul_, the /etc/fstab defines most of the mount points. [02:39] dft: it's an ATI Raid controller [02:39] jrib ty! [02:39] polishpaul_, sudo gedit /etc/fstab is the place to look [02:40] i cannot get the d-pad to work on my usb gamepad [02:40] well the disk boots but when you tell it to do anything even check the disk it just throws me back to (initramfs), i'm downloading the alternate cd now so hoping that will work [02:40] Ezra? [02:41] i wonder [02:41] LumBuntu [02:41] !subgenius [02:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about subgenius - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:41] LumBuntu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi [02:41] aww :( [02:41] thanx all ! [02:41] can't save it [02:41] heya [02:41] Leeuw Youre welcome [02:41] bella: yeees, bellad? [02:41] Logan-> want to try what I did? mount the liveCd iso and then copy into a partition and run from it? [02:41] I can't save the file I modified [02:42] BellaD: what file? [02:42] why not just use the alternate install? [02:42] bellad: are you using kate? [02:42] amenado: how to do that? ;] [02:42] kate? [02:42] How can I change the resolution of the login screen? [02:42] does anyone have successfull configuring netmos pci controller in ubuntu gutsy? [02:42] anyone know where pidgin stores its convo logs in ubuntu? [02:42] the way to remove completely firestarter is the purge it, right? [02:43] is it possible to compress everything the way u can on an ntfs partition in windows xp? [02:43] Leetbumble: ~/.purple/logs/ [02:43] need help to configure netmos pci in ubuntu... [02:43] dont think you need to [02:43] just opened the alsa file in a text editor pasted and had to write the numbers and can't save now [02:43] D-Unit: make a big tar.bz2 file [02:43] bazhang i have to mount the liveCd iso, then copy all the contents of that expanded iso into a directory and modify my linux menu.lst to point to that directory to run live [02:43] * NinjaPlimsoles just bought a linux-powered toaster off Ebay [02:43] BellaD: tell us the exact file [02:43] D-Unit, There are some FUSE tools that can compress on the fly - sort of.. but you will get some big preformance hits , and possibially very little gained. [02:43] bellad: i mean sometimes your root priveliges aren't following opening of a file. but you're probably using terminal [02:44] cellofellow, that would lead to a decompression bomb [02:44] fyi, the compression utility in windows doesnt really work. [02:44] amenado: very elegant; thanks! [02:44] Dr_willis, talk to me more bout this :) [02:44] NinjaPlimsoles: depends on how much ram you have to spare. [02:44] thanks jrib [02:44] Dr_willis, cuz i need to backup dvd's all on ~8.7 gb of hd space [02:44] cellofellow, untaring a 10gb+ file? [02:44] alsa -base no I was not using a terminal just a text editor damn [02:44] whatever [02:45] thats why you dont see pages of tech documents for windows saying: make sure to you the compression feature. [02:45] which terminal command is for creating an empty txt file ? [02:45] because it sucks [02:45] NinjaPlimsoles: which terminal command is for creating an empty txt file ? [02:45] orudie: touch file.txt [02:45] beat me to it :P [02:45] bazhang-> i tried a bit further...install the ubuntu from that livecd(from hd now) but am running into a lil problem, it did not create the stage 1 1.5 and 2 [02:45] D-Unit: you could fit one ISO file. I suggest using AcidRip and encoding to XviD or x264 to save some space. [02:45] D-Unit, i would suggest compressing the indvidual files, not the whole disk. [02:45] bellad: try to open the file from the menu in the editor. this has worked for me [02:46] orudie, or type nano, edit, then save [02:46] cellofellow, i want the dvd to be exactly like my original xept compressed to a 4.7 gb dvd [02:46] which menu? [02:46] have been duel booting and reinstalled window with xp pro how do i rewrite grub to the mbr ? [02:47] !info k9copy | D-Unit [02:47] d-unit: k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.3-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1409 kB, installed size 2748 kB [02:47] amenado: that sounds like a fun challenge ;] [02:47] which terminal command is for opening and editting a txt file ? [02:47] orudie, nano [02:47] knoppix_ use dd in some live cd === osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude [02:47] bazhang-> so am searching the script that install uses to create the stage 1 1.5 and 2 [02:47] Dr_willis, k9copy rips and converts directly to ~4.7 gb? [02:47] i am in knoppix right now how do i use dd ? === credible_ is now known as credible [02:48] D-Unit: dd if=/dev/dvd of=/path/to/file.iso [02:48] u need a image of the a grub mbr [02:48] cellofellow, i dint understand that [02:48] D-Unit: now you have a full-size ISO file. Now run bzip2 on it and it will get a bit smaller. [02:48] right well i'm off, for now.. lets see if this version works... if not then i don't know what else to do.... [02:48] kiss_son how do i get one ? [02:49] NinjaPlimsoles, so in closing, u think i should just re-install/ [02:49] my sound isn't working - fresh install on a laptop [02:49] hello, looking for some advice here on the best way to go about this... [02:49] captine, i cant find anything on the net about it [02:49] anyone know anything about getting USB GamePads to work? [02:49] captine, and its not something ive come across myself, im almost certain it was when you installed Xfce [02:49] I don't know what to do [02:49] NinjaPlimsoles, i will need open office etc, which i dont think comes standard with xfce. I would still be able to install all other apps in repo, right? and get wifi to work using restricted drivers etc? [02:50] cellofellow, do u no of any windows freeware that i can use thru wine that would compress directly bcuz i have no internet on that comp and windows apps dont ask for dependencies [02:50] NinjaPlimsoles, or would installing ati drivers, my modem and wifi be more console driven? [02:50] BellaD: you never answered my question [02:50] spyd3r, often the games need to be configured to use /dev/input/js0 instead of /dev/js0 [02:50] captine, Xfce is just the WM [02:50] I see 2 devices in sound pref - HDA Intel (alsa mixer) and Analog Devices AD1984 (OSS mixer) [02:50] captine: what hardware are you running on? [02:50] D-Unit: DVD video and audio is already compressed, somewhat, using MPEG2. Compressing more, especially with a general purpose lossless algorithm like gzip or bzip2, will likely not work. [02:50] I've been using xubuntu for some time now [02:50] bellad: just a minute bellad......... [02:50] presario turion 512mb ram [02:50] i did jrib [02:50] iirc oOo does come installed [02:50] D-Unit: both dd and bzip2 are included in a base system. [02:50] i have my own.......... or u need to find it somewhere e;se [02:50] else [02:51] BellaD: what is the full path to the file you are trying to edit? [02:51] dft, shared memory [02:51] D-Unit: you may have to read the dd man file for some info. [02:51] cellofellow, no offense but u rely lose me with the way u talk [02:51] dr_willis_, the problem is that the buttons work in SMC but the d-pad does not [02:51] dft for graphic. think is 1.8 or something processor. [02:51] D-Unit: ok, sorry. Did I skip something? Where'd I lose you? [02:51] dft ati graphics [02:51] etc modprobe.d alsa-base [02:52] BellaD: ok, now, what is the exact command you used to try to edit it? [02:52] or ask other guy to dd if=/dev/sda1 of=grub-imge.bin bs=512 count=1 to u [02:52] cellofellow, like "special words" like dd and bzip2 etc [02:52] D-Unit: are you familiar with the command line? [02:52] cellofellow, well somewat i guess [02:52] once grub is restored , make sure the menu.lst is ok on a active partition [02:52] cellofellow, like i dont avoid it [02:53] then it will be ok [02:53] D-Unit, DD = data definition, bzip2 = compression method applied to a tar [02:53] D-Unit: ok, dd is a bitstream copyer thingy that you can use to make ISO images of CDs and DVDs, among many many other things. [02:53] I was stupid enough to just open the file in an ordinary text editor and I pasted a text and now.... [02:53] D-Unit: so, sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=/path/to/file.iso will create a copy of the input file (if) to the output file (of). [02:54] NinjaPlimsoles: have you ever installed phpBB ? [02:54] orudie, nope :( [02:54] orudie: I did. :) [02:54] dft what do u use your machine for? [02:54] NinjaPlimsoles, how do i backup my evolution mails? just copy folder? [02:54] got a 'puter running Ubuntu 6.10. / partition is a bit small. is it possible to enlarge / (hda1) and decrease the side of /home (hda2) without loosing data on /home? [02:54] BellaD: you can't do that. First off, I strongly recommend you make a backup of the file first. Then use sudo to edit it. If you need a gui, use "gksudo gedit". Make sure you know what you are doing [02:54] !sudo > bellad (read the private message from ubotu) [02:54] captine, can you export the folder within evolution? [02:55] !who | BellaD [02:55] BellaD: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [02:55] hi people [02:55] NinjaPlimsoles, not sure. let me google this one [02:55] irene, hi :) [02:55] cellofellow, wat does that command do? compress? [02:55] hi ninja [02:55] <~~~...come on Irene!!...~~~> [02:55] D-Unit, what command? :) [02:55] dft: please don't do that [02:55] How many times? [02:55] NinjaPlimsoles, sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=/path/to/file.iso [02:56] cellofellow: trying to install phpBB3, cant install because cant find database, and i have mySQL 5 installed [02:56] actually i'm not irene, i'm the guy who mount ubuntu on her laptop [02:56] D-Unit, thats just a data copier [02:56] D-Unit, this is when it pays to learn the command line basics, and some other guides. You are going through a lot of work to make/compress a .iso image for very little gain to be honest. [02:56] bellad: there is a lot of different text editors in the distro. they are all pretty similar and the point is that you need root privileges to make changes to files. i can post the changes in the file for you if you want. there's just one line.......just remember to not get too frustrated. take a break every once in a while. [02:56] D-Unit, when to actally use the iso files later - you will need to uncompress them. [02:56] hi Dr_willis [02:56] hi SilentDis [02:56] guys can you help me with something? [02:56] ok jrib [02:56] got a 'puter running Ubuntu 6.10. / partition is a bit small. is it possible to enlarge / (hda1) and decrease the side of /home (hda2) without loosing data on /home? going to put 7.10 on as a fresh install. [02:57] Need more help - installed U 7.1 on my lenovo T61 and i have no sound [02:57] SilentDis, Try Gparted [02:57] i have a problem with my tv card [02:57] Bossmanbeta: it will allow a resize without destroying the data? [02:57] SilentDis, and dont do it too often or your HDD will cry [02:57] is a pinacle pctv stereo [02:57] SilentDis, yes ... [02:57] Dr_willis, isnt there a windows app that will compress and encode at the same time that way i dont need the xtra hd space and then i can just burn the files to a disc like dvdxcopy did on windows but i dont like that message in begining [02:57] SilentDis, i'm not sure about shrinking a partition.. but enlarging should be doable [02:57] i'm tring to use diferent tuner numbers [02:58] but i ca't find one [02:58] polishpaul_, shrinking is deemed safer than enlarging [02:58] SilentDis, you could also temporarily move data to an external USB drive to make the job easier, then put the data back [02:58] D-Unit: there are dozens of compression utilities for Linux. [02:58] polishpaul_, Bossmanbeta: hmm. maybe i should just grab an extra drive, backup the data, and go that route. [02:58] SilentDis, step 1 - backup.. always [02:58] cellofellow, k, i guess ill continue this later on cuz i have to go to bed cuz i have things to do early tomorow [02:58] bellad: try adding this to your alsa-base file options snd-emu10k1-creative model=sblive! [02:58] NinjaPlimsoles, is this the case with linux partitions? [02:59] cellofellow, thanks for ur efforts [02:59] polishpaul_, any partition :) [02:59] and the rest also [02:59] polishpaul_: it's my mom's computer. to say she's not backing up regularly is an understatement. guess i should just do it anyway lol [02:59] D-Unit, i dont mess with such things in windows.. and i dont find the compression of .iso dvd files to be worth the time it takes to compress them. You seem to be getting diffrent steps mixxed up. theres 'reencoding' a 9+gb dvd video to a 4gb disk sized image.. thats ONE step/task. then theres the compression of the 4 .iso files thats a totally unreleated task. [02:59] Ezra thank you [02:59] SilentDis, I agree -- backyup your critical data before doing anything ... but to make the resize easier, move it offline, then resize, then move it back === CR_cwek_Toket_Gd is now known as CoJKT-sKcWE36B-u [02:59] I am tired out now I will go to bed [02:59] D-Unit, you dont ust compress a 9gb dvd to fit on a 4gb disk and be playeable.. You have to reencode it. thats what k9copy does - i belive [02:59] SilentDis, you may want to 'image' your partition with partition-save then if something goes awry, just reimage [03:00] Thank you Ezra take care [03:00] Dr_willis, iso's are compressed? o.O [03:00] SilentDis, but a simple copy should do the trick :) [03:00] bellad: again, from the land of oz......no worries [03:00] Dr_willis, ya but does it do all that without exceeding 9gb of space or does it need to recopy the whole dvd but decrypted then have to shrink it and waste additional temporary space (which wont be possible due to my lack of hd space)? [03:00] NinjaPlimsoles, the files ON them :) are the issue. hes getting several different things mixxed up i think. [03:00] polishpaul_: the more i think of it... the more i don't wanna deal with this in the future. i think i have an extra 40gb drive sitting around anyway. it's going in the box lol [03:00] SilentDis, Gparted comes in a bootable ISO so you can cleanly play with the partitions without mounting them [03:00] D-Unit, no idea. I dont worry abotu disk space. :) [03:01] Dr_willis, just burn a tar.bz2 to disc? lol [03:01] NinjaPlimsoles, use rar. :) [03:01] Dr_willis, k, well does k9copy require dependencies? [03:01] cuz i rely hate those [03:01] :( [03:01] D-Unit, most likely theres some.. thats what the package manager is all about.. it handles it. [03:01] hey all. just wondering where usb devices mount in /dev. my girlfriend's ipod is showing up in lsusb, but it's not showing up on her desktop like it usually does. === CoJKT-sKcWE36B-u is now known as CoJKT_SK_cwek36B [03:01] Dr_willis, package manager? [03:01] D-Unit, if you use apt-get it will meet its dependencies [03:01] D-Unit, i never have problems with dependenciues.. apt-get or synaptic grab them as needed [03:02] Dr_willis, o that ya but im talkin bout a comp thats not connected to internet [03:02] D-Unit, if you dont understand how apt-get, synaptic and so forth work.. its time to read some Ubuntu beginner guides. [03:02] beware of meta-packages though [03:02] total fail [03:02] brb [03:02] meta-package = boom [03:02] D-Unit, I dont mess with non-connected stuff.. sorry. theres ways to do it. I just dont do that stuff. [03:02] Dr_willis, no, i do, its just i have no internet and had looked to apt-zip but dont no how to use that either [03:02] hi [03:02] i would just connect it to the net with a cable , install stuff.. then remove cable. :) [03:02] Dr_willis, k, well anyway i rely need to sleep now [03:03] work time for me. Byeee === CoJKT_SK_cwek36B is now known as CR_cwek_Toket_Gd [03:03] Dr_willis, thx [03:03] dr willis hi [03:03] d-unit Look into aptoncd if you have a friend with internet access [03:04] anyone? [03:04] captine, sorry i couldnt be that much help [03:05] hello which is stable 6.10 or 7.10 desktop and server? [03:05] Kalamansi, uh... both? [03:05] Kalamansi: both, 7.10 is newer [03:06] ok ill use 7.10 [03:06] thanks [03:06] Why must defragging a hard drive take so damn long? =\ [03:06] NobleArc, zeroing one with 4 passes takes longer :P [03:06] how would i disable deskbar-applet at boot [03:07] blah. [03:07] I just want to put Ubuntu on ze lappy... well, dual-boot it, like I've got on my main machine, but I don't want to wait for it to defrag first, before partitioning. =\ [03:08] NobleArc, why defrag something thats being partitioned? the files wont be scattered if they dont exist ;) [03:08] how would i disable deskbar-applet at boot [03:08] I plan on resizing my current partition to make room for Ubuntu, without removing XP. [03:08] Hi, all my icons (like folder or file icons) just all went generic-blank-paper icon. Anyone know the solution? [03:09] icesword: remove it from your panel [03:09] I've installed a package and modified it's configuration in /etc, now I'd like to restore the default configuration === allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic === bmk789_ is now known as bmk789_chrrrr [03:09] NobleArc, aaaaaah, yeah wait for defrag to finish or you might get files caught in the deflate [03:09] is there any way to do that without uninstalling and reinstalling it? [03:09] Yeah, I've had it happen once on an older box. Didn't lose anything, as I had backups.. [03:09] but still. [03:09] Don't want to deal with it. [03:09] jrib, maybe that is not right,i don't that process at boot [03:09] NobleArc, Dont even think of repartitioning before defragging, and I usually recommend two passes at defrag to be sure. [03:10] i don't want that process [03:10] Jack_Sparrow, he wasnt [03:10] icesword: deskbar-applet only loads when you login [03:10] Iv [03:10] running in background [03:10] I've already defragged it with two programs, now I'm using Microsoft's built-in one. [03:10] so where are usb devices listed in /dev? i have an ipod that is showing up in lsusb, but won't appear on the desktop like it normally does [03:10] icesword: right click on it, remove from panel. Let me know if it still starts next time you login [03:10] jrib, so you mean,if i remove it,it won't load again,even in background [03:10] NobleArc, are you defragging a windows box? if so you might want to do it from the "safe mode" [03:10] This is going to sound like a dumb question, but can someone remind me how I can "apt-get source" from a different version other than my current OS, that is, I'm running Feisty and I want to apt-get source from Hardy. [03:10] NobleArc, the less free space on the drive the longer it takes to defrag [03:10] jrib, k [03:11] I know, Jack_Sparrow. [03:11] owh, Dont. it wont work [03:11] owh, don't do it. why would you want to? [03:11] owh: add the source repo for hardy [03:11] I'm going to be running a defragger at boot time, Scunizi, so it can move the system files. [03:11] Jack_Sparrow: I am not compiling it, I just need to get the source. [03:11] right nighty night folks! 3am is an admirable bedtime [03:11] owh, you can download the source online [03:11] nickrud: How will I then access that repo? [03:12] jrib, what about if i remove that update notifier [03:12] NinjaPlimsoles, you must be east of me and over the pond [03:12] icesword: what about it? [03:12] owh: if you're not sure, getting the source from packages.ubuntu.com would be simpler [03:12] NinjaPlimsoles, no problem. i will just re-install in a bit. just burning the cd quickly [03:12] Scunizi, correct :P [03:12] nickrud: Will that get me access to Hardy's version? [03:12] owh: yes [03:12] jrib, is it ok,if i remove that icon,that update-notifier won't run background [03:12] Scunizi, im also suffering from wisdom tooth pain, and a blocked nose [03:12] nickrud: Excellent, tah. [03:13] NinjaPlimsoles, go to bed already..! you need a break [03:13] icesword: I'm pretty sure there is a cron job that will update your repository list if that is what you mean [03:13] \join #ubuntu-devel [03:13] owh, that will get you access to a source file in that repo but if you are not going to compile what are you going to do with it [03:13] Scunizi, what can I say.. i like helping :( [03:13] For those shaking their heads, I'm needing to make a debdiff of a bug fix, but I need to have the current Hardy version so it can be used when Hardy is released. [03:14] * nickrud shakes head at owh [03:14] when is Laurel coming out? [03:14] why not just get the hardy cd when it becomes official? [03:14] if i need a ton of packages and there dependencies that are only in the Debian repository is there a fast way to get them all other then searching and downloading them all by hand. These files are the dependencies for Debian Cluster Components. [03:14] Alan_M: Because this bug fix will be on that cd. [03:14] so where are usb devices listed in /dev? i have an ipod that is showing up in lsusb, but won't appear on the desktop like it normally does [03:14] owh: why not setup a chroot or virtualbox if you want to do things lie that? [03:14] nickrud: :-) Any alternative suggestions? [03:14] wouldnt..that..be..a better idea? [03:14] LeChacal: apt-pinning perhaps [03:15] is there a new ubuntu release soon or something [03:15] jrib: The fix is a one-liner to a bash script. [03:15] chuck, yup [03:15] chuck: april [03:15] hardy [03:15] jrib: Seems a tad overkill. [03:15] owh: that was a joke. And, running hardy in a vm would be a useful method [03:15] its coming out officially in april chuck :) [03:15] Has the artwork for Hardy been decided on yet? [03:15] oh i get this: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-torrents/torrents.html [03:15] arrrghhh, /dev/sdax [03:15] guess I should ask + [03:15] owh: yes, if this is all you are doing [03:15] nickrud: Sorry, 747 over my head :) [03:15] +1* [03:15] chuck, there's a 6 month release cycle with ubuntu. so every april and october it seems. [03:16] NinjaPlimsoles, hrm... ok. [03:16] All good, thanks all. [03:16] hi, I might have found a bug in ktechlab, should I report this to ubuntu, or kde? [03:16] owh: install virtualbox, and install hardy in that. #ubuntu+1 coould help you set up [03:16] nickrud: I will as soon as I have some disk space to burn, right now I'm just hanging on :) [03:16] chuy_max, I would say Kubuntu..is it a kubuntu program? [03:16] quick question for everyone. from your experiences, what is a decent size for a / partition (excluding /home, including /tmp) for a more 'average' user? [03:17] SilentDis: 10-15 gb would be spacious [03:17] yeah [03:17] nickrud: would i run into issue with 8gb? [03:17] ive got like 40+gb SilentDis, and ive yet to run out [03:17] nickrud: For /root ? [03:17] SilentDis: I think /tmp is on your ram, fyi [03:17] SilentDis: I use 8GB, myself...that seems to be plenty. [03:17] and its been..a while. [03:17] nickrud: That seems a tad overkill. [03:18] SilentDis, i run / with 6 gigs and /home gets everything else. [03:18] SilentDis: you might, , for example if you were building a dvd [03:18] Can someone explain to me how to setup Windows VPN for NetworkManager [03:18] nickrud, if i remove update notifier from panel,is that means there won't be process running like update notifier and notification daemon in background [03:18] anyone here know to fix a sound problem on ubuntu... it's telling me I have no plug ins or devices [03:18] right, bedtime for me [03:18] SilentDis, it really depends on how big the hdd is and where you're planning on storing things. [03:18] this box is overkill. 200gb for /home, 10gb for a swap, and 90gb for /, i don't have these issues lmao [03:18] night folks [03:18] jetscreamer: so then you are saying add the Debian to my source.list and make this pinning file [03:18] how do I setup raid on the live installer [03:18] icesword: hm, I haven't really looked into how it's set up, if the gui thing does it or only monitors some other process [03:19] 10GB for a swap, SilentDis? Definite overkill there. [03:19] softraid, that is [03:19] 500 gig is enough no matter how you split it up [03:19] icesword ohh hi :) [03:19] :D [03:19] arrrghhh: my mom's 'puter. gonna give it a shot in the arm. when i built it, it ran Ubuntu 6.10 with a mere 8gb drive in total. i only gave / 3gb, which is WAY too small. was trying to think of ways to solve this [03:19] posr, hi [03:19] LeChacal: i'm just saying it may be what you want... not sure. [03:19] SilentDis: heh, I don't think that the kernel can even use that much swap, unless its the server version, or 64bit [03:19] SilentDis: How much RAM in the machine? [03:19] jetscreamer: ok i will try it thank you [03:20] livefoniks: trust me, i'm no where near maxed out either. there's an extra 20gb for windows (haven't booted it in a year or more), 25gb fat32 partition in there... [03:20] cottima: Format the partition, set the partition type to Raid Auto Detect, restart the partitioner. [03:20] SilentDis, hrm... 8 gigs is a big small. buy her a 40 gig hdd. they're cheapo i'm sure. [03:20] SilentDis: I keep several 12gb partitions around for different installs. I've maxed out at 7 when I had a _lot_ installed, several desktops, etc [03:20] cottima: Uh. s/format/create/ [03:20] anyone know how to get ubuntu to reinstall a driver that waas installed but somehow disappeared [03:21] livefoniks: currently 2gb, gonna order another 2gb when W. sends me mah gobmant cheeze check! lol [03:21] Alan_M, it is a KDE program [03:21] How to work the visual effect of Ubuntu on the ATI video card? [03:21] i will kill all unneccessary services [03:21] my sound card I think got messed up [03:21] che: what ati video card? [03:22] can anyone help? [03:22] CHE: Envy [03:22] SilentDis: Well, a 10GB /root partition is probably plenty. 1 or 1.5GB for SWAP. [03:22] what plugin do i need to play .iso dvd inages in kaffeine? [03:22] so, in general, dedicating all of hda (8gb drive) to /, and then dropping in a spare 20g/40g/whatever i have sitting around for swap and home should suffice without issue? [03:22] berlylabs, what do you mean, you have to be more descriptive. what driver === joecool_ is now known as joecool [03:22] arrrrghhh : my sound just stopped and it tells me i have no gstreamer plugins or devices or something like that [03:22] nickrud: ATI Radeon Xpress 200M [03:23] SilentDis, oh yea. i mean if you gave everything to / and had a small swap (512mb or so) might also work.,... [03:23] SilentDis: for most uses, yes. If mom isn't going to install a lot of stuff [03:23] marbleslinger, Envy is not something we support in here.. it has improved, but still has issues [03:23] ok... worked for me [03:23] !worksforme [03:23] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [03:23] SilentDis, or / gets 5 gigs and /home gets 2.5 gigs and swap gets 512mb. [03:23] exact error The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. [03:23] nickrud: she likes to 'play' in the add/remove programs area i've found, which resulted in this problem in the first place lol [03:24] SilentDis, that's close tho... i'd recommend 6gigs min. for /. and if she likes doin that, get her a bigger hdd or don't tell her the root pass lol [03:24] owh, sorry, what format type do I select? [03:24] hi all [03:24] arrrghhh: i tried the whole 'no root access for you!' method.... she was calling me every day :P [03:24] get a newer harddrive.. buy yourself a nice big new one, and give mom your handmedown [03:24] can someone help me fix this error I have no sound The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. [03:25] Hi all - I'm trying to import a snippet in gedit, when I click the import button the filebrowser opens but everything in it is locked up. I can move it and resize it but I cannot browse to the file. Does anyone know a way to fix it - or a way to manually install snippets? [03:25] cottima: It's the partition type that you select. [03:25] berlylabs, it helps if you spell my name right. autocomplete works here too :) at any rate, do you use alsa for sound? [03:25] che: system->admin->restricted manager, enable ati restricted. Reboot. log in, run fglrxinfo in a terminal, make sure it's using ati 8.37.6 driver. install xserver-xgl , log out and back in. System->prefs-appearance, effects tab, turn it on [03:25] jetscreamer: eh, i have spares sitting all over the place it seems. they just keep collecting lol [03:25] SilentDis, ouch... yea... hrm. just give her a bigger hdd and burn that 8gig POS. [03:25] cottima: Linux RAID AutoDetect, on the second page if memory serves me. [03:25] debian has a new fglrx xorg module in sid btw [03:25] i'm not sure what I use as it just worked after i installed this is the first issue I've had [03:25] nickrud: ok, i will try [03:25] thanks [03:25] arrrghhh:i'm not sure what I use as it just worked after i installed this is the first issue I've had [03:25] arrrghhh: so, drop a 40g+ in there, and put / on a 10g partition? [03:26] SilentDis, and you'll be golden my friend. [03:26] nickrud: how to install a xserver-xgl [03:26] you can get by with 6, but it gets tight [03:26] che: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl in a terminal [03:26] i had a 13 that was 'kinda' roomy [03:27] nickrud: ok [03:27] arrrghhh: i just worry... she bought a digital camera and fancies herself a serious professional picture taker... you know, of dogs... bugs... blurry looking sunsets... roflmao [03:27] can someone help me install build-essential iam getting following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58568/ [03:27] hello [03:27] folks I got issues in a basically fresh install when I evoke x server the machine halts [03:27] berlylabs, hrm... that's very strange, what changed in the system? hardware or software. [03:27] Does anyone know where the alsa-base config files are [03:27] SilentDis, well yea, but with a 30+ gig /home partition she should be fine. [03:27] arrrghh : i deleted a gcj plug in to get my yahoo games to work that's all [03:28] nickrud, My notes on Ati say to sudo depmod -a after installing -xgl what is that for? [03:28] nickrud: i heard about xserver-xgl gives like the lag, is this true? [03:28] owh, could the fact that I am using a xubuntu cd make a difference? [03:28] Hi all - I'm trying to import a snippet in gedit, when I click the import button the filebrowser opens but everything in it is locked up. I can move it and resize it but I cannot browse to the file. Does anyone know a way to fix it - or a way to manually install snippets? [03:28] berlylabs, gcj plugin? [03:28] another question, just so i know where to start digging... she's gonna be doing EVDO on the machine. does Ubuntu 7.10 have a dialer on it, or will i be mucking with pppd for a bit to get the packages installed? (yes, her phone works with 7.10, i tried it on my kubuntu box) [03:28] yeah for mozilla [03:28] vikku: if you're lucky sudo apt-get -f install will fix that [03:28] cottima: No, it shouldn't. What is the problem you're experiencing? [03:28] Tann: Dunno if they're the base configs, I've got some it /usr/share/alsa [03:28] arrrghhh: yeah for mozilla [03:28] che, You need it if you want smooth video and effects, you just need to turn off effects for better gaming [03:29] nickrud : trying it [03:29] *some in [03:29] basically,i don't worry about mem,linux kernel does a very good mm [03:29] ok. thx === nith is now known as Nith [03:29] jack-desktop: no idea, depmod -a is to rebuild the kernel module index (roughly) xserver-xgl has no kernel modules [03:29] berlylabs, and you've tried rebooting i'm assuming? [03:29] np [03:29] yes many times [03:29] lol [03:29] ok [03:29] che: it can, yes. But, you can't run the desktop effects without it on ati 200m [03:29] nith: I was just wondering so i can copy the config files from a live cd to my comp [03:30] jack_sparrow, nickrud: aanhaa ok thanks [03:30] nickrud, I pulled it from one of the tutorials.... thought I would ask.. goodnight [03:30] quick, I need to open a 'listen.asp' radio over the internet, what should I get? [03:30] a better way to form that question... Does Ubuntu 7.10 have any GUI dialers available on it's CD? or, at minimum, does it have the pppd stuff for me to get it working from a term, then pull a gui one? [03:30] hey guys [03:30] Tann: why not just purge and reinstall? [03:30] Jack_Sparrow: if someone compiles the fglrx from ati, it'd be useful [03:30] my x server hangs and the whole sstem seems to hang I cant evn kill it [03:30] berlylabs, i'm not sure... i use kde, and instructions for audio troubleshooting are vastly different. [03:30] hmm [03:31] anyone here wanna help? sound just stopped working [03:31] Ive tried the new cd it also hangs I cant even have an instalr in text mode I think [03:31] any ideas? [03:31] vikku: I'm not sure what's causing that error.it's in /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.postinst , but what's actually happening .. [03:32] Frederick, have you tried the text mode installer? [03:32] how do I do it? [03:32] Nith: oh. ok [03:32] SilentDis: pppconf , with pon/poff in terminal [03:32] .asp, radio on the internet, what program can handle it? [03:33] SilentDis: erm, pppconfig that is [03:33] good question [03:33] Frederick, ...uh download the alternate installer cd? when you choose to download, it asks if you want the desktop version or the "alternate" installer - you want to download the alternate iso. [03:33] http://wrfg.org/listen.asp [03:33] nickrud: so i'll be doing a bit of mucking at first. this HAS to be GUI for her to do it herself later. can you recommend a GTK+ dialer app? (i use EVDO myself, but i'm using kubuntu & kppp works well) [03:33] owh, To start out, I have three options: guided entire disk, guided largest free space, and manual. Guided continues onto user info: "Who are you?" In manual, I only file system formats, no raid option. [03:33] i don't understand why they don't have the alternate text install on the same ISO as the livecd. seems like it'd be pretty easy, all the same info just how it's installed. [03:33] biouser, streamturner? VLC? maybe both will do it.. but if it's an .asp file that might be pretty much MS . [03:34] can someone tell me if they can get that feed? [03:34] SilentDis, why not just install kubuntu on her machine? [03:34] what is asp? [03:34] no amarok? [03:34] biouser, google it. it's a file stream usually. [03:34] SilentDis: network manager applet has a ppp dialer, but I've never used it. My favorite for gnome disappeared [03:35] nickrud: i installed xserver-xgl it working smooth, now can i enable compiz? [03:35] cottima: In the manual section, choose the disk you want to partition, then inside that you can setup partitions, inside that you can chose the partition type. If you have multiple identical drives you can be funky and do it automatically with one drive, go back, then chose the other drive, do the same - so the partitions are identical, then go back a third time, choose manual, then set the types, then finally go back and choose manu [03:35] SilentDis: gnome-ppp sounds usable [03:35] i'm trying to install gutsy server as a xen virtual machine, but it wont boot, just says "loading..." and stays there. any ideas? [03:35] cottima: Did you understand that? [03:35] che: system->prefs->appearance, effects tab === osxdude is now known as osxdude|laptop [03:36] arrrghhh: i thought about that... but she's been using gnome for a while now, not sure if she can take such a change ;) [03:36] test me [03:36] can anyone tell me where gedit snippets get saved to? Having trouble importing with the GUI [03:36] nickrud: is extra=compiz ? [03:36] che: yes [03:36] yeah, but I still do not see how I can do raid without an option for it. [03:36] hey all [03:37] cottima: You can set the partition type from within manual. [03:37] nickrud: thank you so much, i solved my last problem. [03:37] got a little question - is there a way to download all MX records that point to my domain? [03:37] SilentDis, hrm... i dunno, i think kde is friendlier, but gnome does tend to hide things so newbies can't get in too much trouble. kde just seems to be more mature. and i'm not starting a flame war here people, so don't get pissed at my PERSONAL opinion. [03:37] che: one more thing: install compizconfig-settings-manager , it'll be at system->prefs->advanced desktop [03:37] fotoflo: Erhm, host -t MX yourdomain.com? [03:38] how i can open my SSH ( to people have access to my BOX when i told them the pass and the user ? ) [03:38] how i can open my SSH ( to people have access to my BOX when i told them the pass and the user ? ) [03:38] arrrghhh: i will try it thanks [03:38] arrrghhh: i am in agreement myself, it is really just personal taste. i switched to kde about 1 month after going linux full time, too :) [03:38] anyone here help me trouble shoot audio suddenly not working [03:38] bosanac: that sounds like a bad idea, unless they have their own login and password [03:38] bosanac: are you behind a router? [03:39] !ssh | bosanac [03:39] bosanac: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [03:39] hmm thats not a bad idea dude [03:39] bosanac: what fotoflo said, as well. are you giving them YOUR username/password, or their OWN username/password? [03:39] i like that [03:39] bosanac: SSH is open to people if they have a login/pass to your box [03:39] berlylabs: wish I could, but sound for me is a baffler [03:39] ok [03:39] thx [03:39] IF you have an ssh server installed [03:40] bosanac: and you should make sure you restrict their access, or else they will take over your machine [03:40] anyone here know how to get ubuntu to reinstall a piece of hardware maybe [03:40] berlylabs, what sort of hardware is it? [03:40] nickrud: hey do you know how to do a reverse MX lookup? [03:40] MasterShrek: audio card [03:40] fotoflo: nope [03:41] random question of the day: are there any active viruses out in the wild right now for linux in general? [03:41] berlylabs, reinstall what? Hardware should be plugged manually :-) [03:41] berlylabs, audio cards are such a pain lol, if you type: lsmod | grep snd in a terminal does anything come up? (no need to paste it) [03:41] SilentDis: yes, Microsoft released Vista last year. [03:41] SilentDis: I've only heard of root kits [03:41] SilentDis, yes [03:41] mneptok: lol [03:41] !virus | SilentDis [03:41] SilentDis: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [03:41] I personally consider wine a virus [03:42] :) [03:42] <_bosanac> Hello people I'm running linux Ubuntu 7.10 and how to open the SSH ( to activate my SSH ) ? somebody can tell me? [03:42] how do I change the terminal font (not X terminal) [03:42] <_bosanac> sorry i left this network :( [03:42] MasterShrek: a bunch of stuff [03:42] _bosanac: install openssh-server [03:42] I'm attempting to install Gutsy from CD on an embedded PC, and my (normal, IDE) CD drive keeps spinning down half way through the install process, and then won't read any more data. The drive is fine; anybody know of a magic kernel parameter to pass? [03:42] <_bosanac> Flannel: i install it and how to enable it ? [03:42] <_bosanac> a [03:42] MasterShrek: thanks. i'm more worried about mom, without a hardware firewall, using EVDO, and finally manage to screw something up. i've kept her pretty safe otherwise :) [03:42] _bosanac: It's "enabled" by default. People just need to connect to your computer, and they can login [03:43] <_bosanac> aha [03:43] <_bosanac> ok [03:43] berlylabs, on second thought can you paste the output to pastebin for me? [03:43] <_bosanac> thx [03:43] <_bosanac> ciao! [03:43] yeah give me a min [03:43] <_ba> any ideas when trying to install 7.10 click install goes to busybox? [03:43] _ba, have yo checked the disc for defects? should be an option right after your POST [03:43] MasterShrek, it's not necessary truth. Linux and attached to it software have enough exploits to be used by software without root priv. [03:43] Starnestommy: the alternate cd worked. but i'm stuck at the stage where it's looking for the cd-rom, which is funny because the cd is running the ubuntu??? [03:44] how do I change the terminal font or the columns and rows (not X terminal)? [03:44] MasterShrek: http://pastebin.com/m660aecf3 [03:44] putterson: set some kernel vga parameters in GRUB. [03:44] ok, how can i mount a .iso image so a program[like kaffeine, gxine, vlc etc.] can make use of it? [03:44] putterson: try vga=792 [03:45] bluefoxx, sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point [03:45] cellofellow, is there a guide or manual to the parameters? [03:45] putterson: that's a 1024x768x32 framebuffer display [03:45] berlylabs: you're not really using a root shell, are you? :) [03:45] um... [03:45] bluefoxx, you can mount it with "sudo mount -o loop /iso.iso /mnt" or just open file in vlc. [03:45] <_ba> when checking for defects going to busybox [03:45] Talking - show #state [03:45] !intelhda | berlylabs have a look at this [03:45] berlylabs have a look at this: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [03:45] MasterShrek: cabrioleur_ : thanks [03:45] :D [03:45] final dumb question... Ubuntu is shooting for an 8.04 release, right? i might just put this all off till then, save me having to go over again and all :) [03:45] MasterShrek: what? [03:45] berlylabs, look at the link ubotu pasted for you [03:46] SilentDis: thats correct [03:46] !hardy | SilentDis [03:46] SilentDis: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [03:46] SilentDis: when 8.04 is released, you can upgrade in place over the net, without having to reinstall [03:46] ok [03:46] cottima: Is it working for you now? [03:46] Hey can anyone help me at the stage (Detect and mount CD-rom) . ubuntu 7.10 .. i don't get this i mean the cd is running fine how come it can't detect it??? [03:46] nickrud: right, but would you trust your mom to actually be patient enough as the download happens? mine burns water in saucepans, and yells at the microwave to hurry up! [03:46] putterson: in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, find the line that reads "defopts" and add "vga=792" to that line. Then run "sudo update-grub" and reboot. And hope your video card supports framebuffers. [03:47] SilentDis: tell her to do it before going to bed :) [03:47] putterson:(mine, sadly, doesn't) [03:47] cellofellow, ok brb [03:47] Hardy is pretty darn stable atm, but even for the guys who love a challenge, i wouldnt suggest it just yet :) [03:47] nickrud: that is FARRR too many instructions. she'd be likely to start it, then shut down the computer and go to bed lol [03:47] Logan, you have to burn the cd as an image AND at the slowest speed possible. If you can read the iso file on the cd with windows explorer then you burned it as data instead of an image. [03:48] Someone, anyone, please help me make Firefox stop crashing with Flash. I have Firefox on Kubuntu 7.10, on a sound card that doesn't support hw mixing. Why does sound-enabled Flash keep crashing Firefox? [03:48] cellofellow, I can't find the line with defopts in it [03:48] If its just 1 file on the cd...then you burned it wrong Logan :) [03:48] i have learned through this exactly why sysadmins become BOFH though lol [03:48] vikku: probably apt-get -f install might help [03:48] SilentDis: sounds like it's a chance for you to have a few hours of quality time with mom ;) [03:48] putterson: Its close to the top, it's commented out. [03:48] Scunizi: i've done this correctly, it shows up on window as a browser.. [03:48] putterson: oops, it's "# defoptions=blah blah blah" [03:48] putterson: DONT uncomment it. And actually, vga=ask might be better than a definite value. [03:49] I've burned it right, it boots up and i'm in the process of installing it, but when it gets to the Detect and mount Cd-rom stage it just won't work from here [03:49] cellofellow, its at 791 right now [03:49] putterson: don't remove that hash symbol, that's line is for update-grub to read, while the un-commented lines are for GRUB itself to read. [03:49] nickrud: why don't i just hand you a gun so you can blow my brains out right now? family functions, sure, then i can loose myself in meal prep lol [03:49] http://wrfg.org/listen.asp [03:49] Logan, what do you mean as a browser? look at the cd with your file manager and see if you only see one file. [03:49] did anyone have any luck with that? [03:49] putterson: that line has a double hash does it not? [03:49] putterson: I see that line, it's an example. [03:49] cellofellow, oh yes sorry [03:50] nickrud: seriously, i love her dearly, but sometimes.... she's just... mom. lol [03:50] I can't believe that my favorite community radio would be so idiotic as to make a proprietary format webcast [03:50] SilentDis: Parents are set in their ways huh? :) [03:50] * nickrud hands gun SilentDis and says, 'anything for ma ;)' [03:50] when i use fdisk to make two primary partitions how do i access them after i write the changes [03:50] cellofellow, and if this fails will it just fall back to the lowest? [03:50] be back if this doesn't work ty guys [03:50] cellofellow, or will I be screwed [03:50] putterson: yes, with a funny delay [03:50] when i do fdisk -l it just shows the old one [03:50] Alan_M: i got her to switch to ubuntu. i am making progress. :) [03:51] Well, thats good! [03:51] cellofellow, haha funny or weird funny, lol [03:51] When you put in the ubuntu cd it auto boots into a browser with firefox, thunderbird and... nevermind doesn't do it with this one [03:51] it shows up folders and files [03:51] putterson: a screen will ask you what modes you want to pick, and if it does that just hit spacebar and undo it. [03:51] You've done more than me, I still cant get mine to switch, the best ive done is got her to use Knoppix :/ [03:51] putterson: weird but harmless funny. [03:51] cellofellow, here goes nothing [03:51] i burned the image directly with imgburn, i never opened it and copied or created a data disk [03:52] JOnata ;] [03:52] ;) [03:53] Alan_M: lol. she was limping along on a P1 233 for YEARS. i built her a nice little AMD box, and just installed linux on it right off, no option in the matter. spent a good hour with her learning the ropes, and she actually took to it rather well. i doubt we'll see any shell scripts coming from her any time soon, but she definatly can use the machine :) [03:53] * Alan_M claps [03:53] bravo [03:53] P1 did get to 233? I always thought they stopped at 200. [03:53] mine sees a different style gui and flips...i dont like kubuntu..but for her i guess ill do it :/ [03:53] !netsplit === max` is now known as max [03:54] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [03:54] whoot netsplit [03:54] YIKES! [03:54] So any ideas? [03:54] that..was a big one! [03:54] cabrioleur_: i can state with full authority that the mobile P1 line hit 300mhz. I have a laptop with a P1 300mhz chip in it right here, on my desk, running Xubuntu 7.10 :) [03:54] that was nuts [03:54] Is ubuntu server edition already set up as a email server? [03:54] someone forgot to feed the hamster. [03:54] * Alan_M grabs surf board just incase we go through that again, ride the waves ;) [03:55] Pendeta: There is an email preconfiguration, yes [03:55] Pendeta, you can set it up as one, yeah. [03:55] SilentDis, thanks, good to know. === _{devil} is now known as {devil} [03:55] cabrioleur_: i believe that the P1 desktop line maxed at 233 or 266 though. [03:55] .asp? no one? [03:55] SilentDis, i think it was 266 [03:55] if..you overclocked [03:56] biouser, what about .asp? [03:56] anyone tell me how to fix this? google is no help. sudo aircrack-ng -b 00:18:4D:58:AF:D4 dump-01.cap [03:56] [sudo] password for ogre: [03:56] Opening dump-01.capopen failed: No such file or directory [03:56] listening to a streaming radio station... [03:56] http://wrfg.org/listen.asp [03:56] biouser, mplayer + win32codecs should do it. [03:56] can we go on the netsplit ride again? i spilled my soda last time, but i promise i'll hold on tight to this cotton candy! [03:56] Flannel and Alan_M, thanks! [03:56] Quick question. Can I make my xp partition smaller, and my ubuntu partition larger, without disturbing files? [03:56] Pendeta: its what were here for, you! :D [03:56] mplayer plug-in is what you are recommending? [03:56] Alan_M: I have several old i586's with those funny Turbo buttons that overclocked the processor on the fly. [03:56] niknik, yes [03:56] cellofellow, I only get a blinking underline cursor now [03:56] ogre: please don't ask about aircrack here [03:56] I thought ubuntu-restricted extras might work :( [03:57] putterson: video card type and driver? [03:57] niknik: yes, i know partition magic does it, there are a couple other 'live' partition resizing apps out there too... let me poke around. [03:57] Dude, you rock for telling me that. How? [03:57] So guys can anyone help me out here, i'm stuck on the detect and mount cd-rom, it says no common cd-rom drive was detected, if thats the case how come i'm running the install of ubuntu 7.10? [03:57] putterson: I think X should turn on on its own, but not sure. [03:57] niknik, install ntfs-3g (you can do it during live cd), and gparted will support resizing of ntfs. [03:57] niknik: i will say though, that they NEVER seem to work well. you tend to always mess something up and loose data. backups are a MUST. [03:57] cellofellow, how would I get that info? [03:57] mneptok: they sent me here. its for my own network. the only reason I keep messing w/ it is because I cant figure it out [03:57] Logan, your running it off a server? :D (yes that can be done fyi) :) [03:57] putterson: you don't know what kind of video card you have? [03:57] niknik, or maybe it was ntfsprogs [03:58] mneptok: ill quit though [03:58] cellofellow, its integraded, old p3 server [03:58] a hp one yes? but would that matter? [03:58] niknik: http://www.thefreecountry.com/utilities/partitioneditors.shtml [03:58] owh, excuse the wait. I am going to download the ubuntu cd in case. [03:58] putterson: if you could get a display... [03:58] owh, thank you. [03:58] biouser, ubuntu restricted extras will not work, as they are for gstreamer. mplayer doesn't use it. [03:58] ogre: aircrack is a cracking tool that is mostly designed for malicious purposes. all we have is your affirmation that you're using it locally. there are too many legitimate support questions relating to more conventional packages for #ubuntu to start supporting what amounts to cracking tools. [03:59] cottima: Pleasure. [03:59] cabrioleur_, thanks for the tip, I'm about to try it. [03:59] Alan_M, yes, and greatly appreciated! This support channel is the main reason I'm trying to switch all our computers to Ubuntu. [03:59] cellofellow, I have a display, its not headless, I just don't want to run a gui [03:59] . [03:59] what rss reader should i use? [03:59] putterson: ctrl+alt+del should restart, and when it does, when GRUB shows up hit ESC to see the menu, select Ubuntu in the menu and hit 'c' to edit, and remove the vga bit. Don't forget to do that on in the file afterword. [03:59] pyrak: try the Sage extension to Firefox [03:59] Awesome, thats what a ubuntero as myself loves to hear! :D [04:00] Alan_M, so does this mean i have to download the server version... lol man i'm glad i've unlimted broadband [04:00] pyrak: lifera is not too bad. [04:00] putterson: maybe it's not c, maybe it's e, I forget. [04:00] cellofellow, can I just ssh in and change the file back and run update-grub? [04:00] pyrak: then add a 0 to your gateway address [04:00] Logan, you would probably be wasting your time. [04:00] hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work on the graveyard shift with me. thanks all, g'night :) [04:00] pyrak: I just use google reader. [04:00] pyrak: and no, i'll *never* let you forget :P [04:00] putterson: yeah, that should work. [04:00] Thank you, thank you, thank you [04:00] chmod ??? to make the .bin executable? [04:00] mneptok, :/ [04:00] biouser: chmod +x blah.bin [04:01] pyrak: yup, i'm that big a jerk. [04:01] Alan_M, why would i. i don't understand i mean it's the same as a desktop, so i really don't see the difference? [04:01] mneptok, big enough jerk to put up with my noobitude :P [04:01] Whats the same as a desktop? [04:01] mneptok, that server is all set up now, btw. it's neat, i used it to bypass my school's filter the other day [04:01] pyrak: from my chair, you're mild. [04:01] ssh -D ftw [04:02] I've a HP machine here the specs arn't that fantastic so, i mean it's called a server but i use it as a desktop, so why would i be waisting my time? [04:02] thnks mneptok [04:02] Logan: why install the GUI environment stuff on a server? [04:02] Oh, i see :) [04:02] thats the question i was getting to mneptok :) [04:03] unless your using xubuntu desktop..on a server..because your a new administrator. [04:03] Because to me it's not a server. i've never used it as a server it's a desktop to me... It's just called a server on HP [04:03] Logan, maybe you should check slackware out. It comes with everything you need (server wise), and works better on older hardware. [04:03] alguien que hable español [04:03] new administrators should be reading manpages rather than configuring Thunar behavior ;) [04:03] !es [04:03] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [04:03] !es [04:03] oops [04:03] ok [04:03] The computer isn't that old, lol [04:03] gracias [04:04] Logan: ah! so the HP model naming calls it a server, but you use the machine as a desktop? [04:04] Pentium 4 (3.0GHz), 2GB Ram, 80GB Sata Drive. [04:04] how much HD space would be needed to host a local repository with just the packages needed for a installation? [04:04] mneptok, yeah. [04:04] yes [04:04] I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 to my G3 iMac, but I'm having some issues. Can someone help? [04:04] Has anyone had trouble with the jamendo plugin for rhythmbox? Mine won't list any albums... :( [04:04] hekatontarchos, unless such issues are stated, probably not :) [04:05] hey guys, is there any way to require VNC to use key authentication? [04:05] Logan, my server is 486, 16mb ram, lack of graphic card, and it's in my shoe-box with no fans, so it's quiet and stealth :) [04:05] !pm | Kalamansi [04:05] Kalamansi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [04:05] I don't feel good about using arbitrary passwords... [04:06] running the live install, live-powerpc, check, check-powerpc, or any of the drivers options causes my computer to restart, losing the installation process [04:06] i heard from someone that ubuntu is now able to handle NTFS partitions reliably, is that true? this guy i know was going to use those little external cases to set up some NAS for his laptops at home, but they only handle fat32 and fat32 isn't good for partitions over 32 gig I've got an older desktop system that i could set up for him with ubuntu it's just some p1 cpu but that should be enough, the NAS cases can't have a lot of power in them eithr es [04:06] Cool, so what could be the problem with the not detecting the drive it's using at that moment, i don't understand it? [04:07] cellofellow, blah the highest I can get with vga=ask is 80x60 [04:07] Kalamansi, yes, linux is quite reliable with ntfs-3g [04:08] Someone, anyone, please help me make Firefox stop crashing with Flash. I have Firefox on Kubuntu 7.10, on a sound card that doesn't support hw mixing. Why does sound-enabled Flash keep crashing Firefox? [04:08] And Kalamansi, thank you for your understanding, i wasnt trying to be rude throwing that at you, just explaining the ways of this room. [04:08] the farthest I've gotten is live-nosplash-powerpc video=ofonly. that gets me to busybox, but when I type modprobe ide-core and then exit, it gives me a bunch of '........ could not be found' an drops me at a busybox prompt again [04:08] Tonren, try to install alsa-oss. [04:08] how much HD space would be needed to host a local repository with just the packages needed for a installation? [04:08] wng-: I would estimate 1 to 2.5 GB [04:09] Starnestommy, and how about the complete official repos? [04:09] wng-: a few hundred GB's [04:09] wng-, the size of the install cd. [04:09] Alan_M, how many hundreds? [04:09] that, im not sure of. [04:09] I have to decide what size/how many drives the machine is going to have [04:10] I've also tried booting with live-nosplash-powerpc video=ofonly break=top but that gets me to busybox, and doesn't let me type [04:10] to tell my boss tomorrow [04:10] if your thinking about mirroroing the repositories, you might have to have a few TB hard drive..and a dang good bandwith..like almost fiber optical [04:10] So will i download the Server version guys? [04:10] wng: it is really easy to set up your own repo on a local machine [04:10] mneptok, sage is pretty neat. only thing it's missing is offline browsing [04:10] wng-, I think the whole repos you can fit on 3, 4 dvd's. [04:10] i might be wrong, but yeah. [04:10] 3 or 4 dvds is quite a difference than a few hundred gbs [04:11] wng-, yup. It's not that much of it in the official channels. [04:11] i saw on the ubuntu page it was a huge ammount. [04:11] i know debian is like 40GB fully installed [04:11] cabrioleur_: It's already installed. [04:11] i just didnt know exactly, but its definately there for you to read [04:11] is there a way to get the packages off of the cd and just make a repo [04:11] cabrioleur_, you'd say 100GB would be more than enough? [04:11] phynix, yea, I'm pretty sure there is [04:12] Tonren, download plugin from the website and replace the one you have. [04:12] Hey where would i get drivers for the cd-rom? [04:12] wng-, that's plenty. [04:12] should be as easy as moving files and setting up apt [04:12] any ideas? Alan_M? [04:12] cabrioleur_, thanks :) [04:12] None hekatontarchos [04:12] cause i made a scrip to compile the debs from a folder and host them using apache [04:12] thats also a reason i threw the private message thing at you, not everyone knows all the answers :) [04:12] not compile sorry make a package.gz files [04:13] I read some suggestions to use the alternate install CD, but the description of it didn't leave me confident that I would be any better off with it [04:13] Guys, im just a wee person, i dont have all the answers, i have as much information as ubotu :) [04:13] Logan, in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/cdrom [04:14] I have a laptop with a Broadcom wireless card.... and I want to get it working in Gutsy .... is there a way to do it without needing to plug into an Ethernet cable? === paradon_ is now known as paradon === charles_ is now known as chrone [04:14] cabrioleur, thanks will try that [04:15] zetheroo: You will need to download the drivers somehow... An ethernet cable is the easiest way [04:15] zetheroo, yes. ndiswrapper is on live cd, and your windows driver should be on you recovery cd you got from your "provider" :-) [04:15] cabrioleur, when i typed that in it messed up my screen, lol [04:15] wng are you trying to setup a local repo on a server machine [04:16] Logan, ? The I gave you location for directory which contain multiple modules for cdrom. I don't know which one is right for you. [04:16] sudo time stack too far in the future [04:16] o right cool will try [04:16] squid [04:16] Is there such thing as some way to load openoffice into the background or something so after I load a document for the first time I don't need to keep some document open in order to not have it reload everything? [04:17] a [04:17] Anyone could help me delete a file in Filesystem [04:17] named Backup.tgz [04:17] MTecknology, that's a good question [04:17] kiro, rm -vf Backup.tgz [04:17] why does gparted ask for a password? [04:18] badcarbine: I think it needs sudo or root access [04:18] i haven't set a root password - this is a livecd [04:18] badcarbine, it's your root password. Because you can alter internal and essential setup for you system. [04:18] badcarbine, the password is ubuntu [04:18] im in knoppix [04:19] cabrioleur_, do I need to be root? [04:19] badcarbine: ask in the knoppix channel [04:19] Im new to ubuntu.. [04:19] kiro, only if it's not own by you. [04:19] i have already [04:19] well I type su - root , then type pass [04:19] badcarbine: we can help you use the ubuntu live cd, it has gparted on it === CR_cwek_Toket_Gd is now known as coJKT_sk_cwek36B [04:19] yes its owned by me [04:19] but it wont delete [04:19] I'm looking for a wifi adapter, preferably USB interface, with >200mW transmit power and sensitivity in the ~75dBm or better... does anyone know of one, or know a good site with reviews? [04:20] !root > kiro (read the private message from ubotu) [04:20] pyrak, if you ever find out something, you wanna memo me? [04:20] kiro: just do :: sudo rm Backup.tgz [04:22] sudo rm backup.tgz still not working [04:22] O.o [04:22] k1ro: tell us the output you got [04:22] ? [04:22] k1ro: yeah [04:22] how [04:22] k1ro: any error message? [04:22] umm no [04:23] k1ro: then it worked [04:23] k1ro: are you in directory where this file is? [04:23] I just renamed my Flash drives to something sane, I'm a happy camper now. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive [04:23] k1ro: check if it's there [04:23] it doesnt says anything [04:23] .. [04:23] weird huh [04:23] hello i am trying to install ubtuntu on my 64 bit amd tx1219 tablet, and it hangs during the booting of the livecd [04:23] k1ro: if the deletion was successful, it won't say anything. check if the file is gone [04:23] its in my filesystem folder ( / ) [04:23] does that require any special drivers or anything? [04:24] linux_stu add "noapic nolapic" option in loader. [04:24] and still there.. [04:24] k thanks cabrioleur_ [04:24] k1ro, how did you create this file? [04:24] k1ro: sudo rm /Backup.tgz [04:24] backup [04:24] thing on net [04:24] brb [04:24] gotta check [04:24] !enter | k1ro [04:24] k1ro: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:24] k1ro, is the process still running? [04:25] which is the correect install disc to be using for a macbook? what's the status of the amd64 port? [04:25] No [04:25] k1ro: either provide the full path of the file ( /Backup.tgz ) or cd / and then sudo rm Backup.tgz [04:25] summatusmentis, the status is "stable" macbook with Gx or Intell? [04:25] rm: cannot remove `/Backup.tgz': No such file or directory [04:25] SilentDis: I've only heard of root kits [04:25] k1ro: ok what is the full path of the file? [04:25] sorry [04:26] What e-mail server does Ubuntu Server Edition come preconfigured with? [04:26] prince_jammys: how do I check? [04:26] k1ro: i mean what directory is it in ? [04:26] is there a way to get 7.04 for ppc? [04:26] the filesystem [04:26] hekatontarchos, there should be a port of 7.04 for ppc. [04:26] !ppc > hekatontarchos (read the private message from ubotu) [04:26] lalalla [04:27] k1ro: it's not in / [04:27] every time i load ubuntu i have to press control D [04:27] prince_jammys, yea it is [04:27] What do you all think of this laptop (Do you think that Ubuntu would run well on it? --- http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8669951&type=product&id=1196470792281 (F.U. IRSeek: You do not have permission to publish anything I say). [04:27] k1ro: where are you seeing that? [04:27] cabrioleur_: macbook w/ intel(I assume you mean video card) [04:27] k1ro, sudo rm -vf /Backup.tgz [04:27] toshiba [04:28] summatusmentis, no, the cpu. [04:28] hey [04:28] <|an4bi0s|> hi [04:28] cabrioleur_: oh, ppc vs. intel, got it. Yeah, definitely intel [04:28] mm hola [04:28] cabrioleur_ still there === |an4bi0s| is now known as an4bi0s [04:28] is there somewhere I can see whether parts of a computer are compatible with ubuntu [04:28] summatusmentis, then install amd64 or i386, both of them should be working fine. [04:28] k1ro: type this:: ls /Backup.tgz [04:29] ola [04:29] cabrioleur_: alright, someone was telling me the amd64 port wasn't the correct image for it [04:29] ! hardware | Li-Plus [04:29] Li-Plus: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [04:29] somebody here write spanish [04:29] !es | dark_angel [04:29] dark_angel: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [04:29] jrib hola [04:29] prince_jammys : ls: /Backup.tgz: No such file or directory [04:29] k1ro, then kill the script that is creating it. You are running tar script which is constantly creating it after you remove it. If you don't know how to do it, the easiest way would be to restart the computer. [04:30] k1ro: ok what is making you say that it's in / ? where are you viewing this file? [04:30] Hola Como estas Li-Plus [04:30] * dark_angel tira Confetis y globos al aire por la llegada de Li-Plus `;~'O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; Li-Plus .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`; Li-Plus .'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*` Li-Plus ;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; Li-Plus .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~*`; Li-Plus .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; Li-Plus .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;. [04:30] hello everyone [04:30] * dark_angel tira Confetis y globos al aire por la llegada de crushy `;~'O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; crushy .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`; crushy .'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*` crushy ;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; crushy .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~*`; crushy .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; crushy .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;. [04:31] while am on call using ekiga, other person can hear himself [04:31] any help? [04:31] what the hell [04:31] icesword, ? [04:31] prince_jammys, in the filesystem folder ( / ) [04:31] what is that [04:31] cabrioleur_ how do I kill it? [04:31] k1ro: paste the output of ::: locate /Backup.tgz [04:32] mm who kickme [04:32] thank dark angel [04:32] k1ro: paste the output of ::: locate Backup.tgz [04:32] ? [04:32] k1ro, just restart the computer. [04:32] k1ro: no slash [04:32] ur wellcome [04:32] prince_jammys, k1ro: sure this is not a case-sensitivity issue? [04:32] Hey jrib Como estas, hagarra tu silla y sientate a charlar con nosotros aqui en el mejor canal #ubuntu ...:) [04:32] i have setup mic capture in mixer only [04:32] jrib: we're about to find out [04:32] dark_angel, Doesnt matter, that was not appropiate for this channel [04:32] * dark_angel tira Confetis y globos al aire por la llegada de jrib `;~'O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; jrib .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`; jrib .'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*` jrib ;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; jrib .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~*`; jrib .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`; jrib .'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;. [04:32] still other ppl can hear themself like am using mix [04:32] ? [04:33] this is the site helped me to make that crazy folder . http://www.digi-darkroom.com/showthread.php?t=27178 [04:33] k1ro: paste the output of :: locate backup.tgz [04:33] prince_jammys didnt says anything [04:33] k1ro, killall -9 tar [04:34] k1ro: paste the output of ::: sudo find / -iname backup.tgz [04:34] prince_jammys , ls: /Backup.tgz: No such file or directory [04:34] prince_jammys: it's "backup.tgz" on his link [04:34] to run a program from the desktop, should i create a symbolic link to it, or set up a script I can run by clicking on it.. i tried the script and made it executable, but it opens as a text file === Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim [04:34] then remove the file with "sudo -vf /backup.tgz" [04:34] jrib: heh [04:35] !filenames [04:35] File names in Ubuntu are case sensitive, MyFile is not the same as myfile, and if you put spaces in there and use a console you need to "escape" the space, thus "gedit My\ File.txt" [04:35] ok.. the script has to have .sh behind it apparently [04:35] flake, Or launcher bash filename [04:35] prince_jammys : /backup.tgz <- that is what it gave with sudo find / -iname backup.tgz [04:35] k1ro: sudo rm /backup.tgz (no caps) [04:36] cabrioleur_ : sudo: please use single character options [04:36] kalun: [04:36] how do i find the process id of a program? [04:36] follow prince_jammy @ k1ro [04:36] why does everyone love rm -f so much? [04:36] k1ro: use prince_jammys's command, cabrioleur_ made a small typo before [04:37] j_humphrey: ps [04:37] j_humphrey: pidof program [04:37] I quit [04:37] system >> administration>> system monitor @ humphrey [04:37] prince_jammys : Worked finnally , a big thanks :D [04:37] k1ro: was because of capital B [04:38] prince_jammys : capital make difference?? [04:38] jrib: you hit that one on the head [04:38] anybody would help me out now :-< [04:38] k1ro, I recommend slackbook :-) [04:38] !filenames | k1ro [04:38] k1ro: File names in Ubuntu are case sensitive, MyFile is not the same as myfile, and if you put spaces in there and use a console you need to "escape" the space, thus "gedit My\ File.txt" [04:38] is AWN now in the Ubuntu Gutsy repos? [04:38] type /msg impulse32 penis [04:38] oooooo [04:39] why other person can hear themselves when they are on call with me???? [04:39] :) [04:39] cabioleur_ : slackbook? let me check this out on wiki [04:39] prince_jammys thanks :D [04:39] k1ro: np [04:39] jrib: sorry i'm trying to teach him to use irc [04:39] am i ignored? [04:39] k1ro, ftp://ftp.slackbook.org/pub/slackbook/slackbook-2.0.pdf [04:40] :) [04:40] crushy: is your microphone picking up your speakers? [04:40] !ot [04:40] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [04:40] no [04:40] i tried removing speakers completely [04:40] and just use mic [04:40] crushy, no, but are you positive it's not an echo on the line? [04:40] i cant hear them but still they can hear themselves [04:40] every time i load ubuntu i have to press control D [04:40] yes its not echo [04:40] file system error [04:41] impulse32: suggest "foobar" next time [04:41] it only goes off when i mute wave [04:41] crushy, kill esd then :-) [04:41] jrib: done [04:41] cabrioleur_ , woot thats awesome:D [04:41] but when i mute wave i cant hear them [04:41] esd?:(am noob guide me [04:42] i have two sound cards in pc, the one onboard i disabled and installed this on pci, its YMF407 yamaha [04:42] I need a driver updated to the modern kernel, does anyone know where I should go to have someone do that? [04:42] crushy, go to System Monitor, Processes, and find + kill esd process. [04:42] cabrioleur_ , so Slackbook is all about Using Linux Correctly? [04:42] k1ro, it's the simplest free book about linux I know. [04:43] after attemping a quite a few hours, I am giving up (searched forums, mail lists, and search engine results), here is all my outputs I can think of: http://c-wd.net/ath/ can anyone help with this? [04:43] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=511974 [04:43] k1ro, 99% applies to all linuxes, and 1% just ignore :-) [04:43] killed @ cabrioleur [04:43] now shall i try again? [04:44] cabrioleur_ , sweet thing seriously wow thanks man did not know peoples were so helpful :) [04:44] crushy, nothing left :-) [04:44] k1ro, no problemo [04:44] k1ro good people are always helpful [04:45] ok bro trying now and will report you back :) [04:45] cabrioleur_ , if you got time to be my mentor could be awesome :) [04:45] crushy :) [04:45] anyone know how to get a nvidia 8800 gt card working or at least which synaptic package i should use [04:45] shindig envy [04:45] ? [04:46] !envy [04:46] envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver » [04:46] shindig it should work in restricted driver [04:46] shindig, I think yo uwill need the drivers from the nvidia site to get the 8000's going [04:46] Well Im using envy cuz i dont know anyother thing like this to get my graphx card working [04:46] Starnestommy, Please do not recommend envy in here [04:47] Jack_sparrow I did [04:47] sORRY sTAR [04:47] k1ro, I'm a soldier, a programmer, and a journalist/photo guy at the same time. If you have any questions, I'm sure I will find some time. [04:47] cabrioleur_: what MOS? [04:47] cabrioleur_ WOW awesome [04:47] erstazi, 35t [04:47] k thanks i will look into those options [04:47] cabrioleur_: former 11B here [04:47] cabrioleur_ I would like to be a0 "white hat" [04:48] erstazi, respectful. [04:48] erstazi, after all 11b is the core of the army. [04:48] cabrioleur_: and only 5% of it also [04:49] cabrioleur_: Avenger System Repairer? [04:49] Is there a way to reconfigure network-manager? [04:49] J-_: howdy [04:49] Shindig this would help you >> http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html [04:49] erstazi, a hard labor. Former 33W, MI tech. [04:49] ぉ [04:49] !mentor [04:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about mentor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:49] !ot [04:49] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [04:49] erstazi: how's it going? [04:49] <_aib> when I insert a usb key, what listing in /dev is it by default? i've got /dev/usb1, /dev/usb2, and 10 variants of /dev/usbdev1.1/2. i tried mo unting /dev/usb1 and 2 but it says " /dev/usb1 is not a block device" [04:50] good [04:50] !network-manager [04:50] networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager [04:50] grr [04:50] J-_: want a link? [04:50] J-_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=247028 [04:50] J-_: normally, I go through /etc/network/interfaces (back it up first before editing) [04:51] J-_: then after fixing it, I /etc/init.d/networking restart [04:51] I've just installed steam with wine , and got inboard soundcard , cause my Xfi Fatal1ty aint working on 32 bit linux. and Im using envy nvidia 8800 as graphx card [04:51] _aib, it should be next consecutive number. It can create multiple files as well. [04:52] I am trying to help a friend simply boot into the Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD desktop and he recieves a problem, best described as: after the loading progress bar (booting using the cd) he boots into X, first thing that pops up before anything else: Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, 3 options: configure (video drivers), shut down, continue in low graphics mode . He configures his Nvidia 8800 and monitor, clicks OK, bl [04:52] <_aib> cabrioleur_, i tried this:`for ii in `ls /dev/usb*`;do sudo mount $i /tmp;done' and it says "* is not a block device" for each one [04:52] J-_: is that any assitance? [04:53] _aib: you got ii, it should be i [04:53] _aib, remove the key and see which one disappeared. [04:53] Did my message just print? [04:53] <_aib> i had it right in the command [04:53] AaronMT: yes [04:53] AaronMT: thats restricted video drivers, you have to enable it [04:54] Hello, thanks for previous help with sound. New Problem, tried dual booting XP, grub got overwritten. I have reinstalled grub, but get error 17. Any ideas? Thanks! [04:54] He isnt at the desktop just yet to do that though [04:54] wow [04:54] <_aib> cabrioleur, all of the ones that look like usbdev2.3_ep[0-9]{2} disappear [04:54] cabrioleur_ I've installed Steam with Wine. It was working fine since now. steam won't load again === TheCellist42 is now known as ZzzCellistzzZ [04:55] Anyone, any ideas? [04:55] http://www.seopedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/02/02252006_google_girl.jpg [04:55] Night [04:55] cabriouleur still the person can hear his voice [04:56] hey i just setup my computer today to dual boot XP and Ubuntu, i have a shared FAT32 partition which is hda6, i want my shared partition to appear as a new drive but changing the fstab to mount /dev/hda at /media/hda6 doesnt seem to work. any ideas? [04:56] crushy, Questiohn, can you hear yours when you talk? [04:56] AaronMT: He tried low graphics mode? [04:57] no i cant hear mine while talking @ jack [04:57] Grub Error 17? [04:57] in switches i have already tick over microphone capture [04:57] Odd-rationale: I am asking him [04:57] AaronMT: ok [04:58] Anyone know of a pcmcia wireless card that works well in ubuntu that will take an external antenna? or a list of compatible hardware? thanks :) [04:58] after attemping a quite a few hours, I am giving up (searched forums, mail lists, and search engine results), here is all my outputs I can think of: http://c-wd.net/ath/ can anyone help with this? [04:59] kalun, are you missing a # pointer to the dev.. partition [04:59] LASIVIAN check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=543919 [04:59] crushy, HAve you considered the problem may be on his end and not yours [04:59] well when i mute wave he cannot hear the echo [05:00] Thanks Jack: # /dev/hda6 starts the line off [05:00] so the problem seems at my end [05:00] he can hear me even when i mute wave, but the echo that he's getting is off [05:01] This is right document https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported @ lasivian [05:01] crushy, Is there a channel for the app you are using? [05:01] hmm didnt get you there @ jack, am using ekiga [05:01] Jack_Sparrow: # /dev/hda6 [05:01] UUID=47CD-5E47 /media/hda6 vfat defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 [05:02] Hi, I am getting error 17 on startup screen-cannot mount partition....any help? [05:02] I need help, I've installed Steam With Wine this morning. After this I had problem with a file that were taking all the room I needed to install the game. Now that I've deleted the file. I've installed the game in steam then at about 98% steam crashed. I've tried to open\run it again but It won't load completely. On the taskbar it says Starting steam. then steam won't come up. [05:02] crushy, when you mute wave.. you cant hear him and he cant hear himself right [05:03] yes [05:03] and can hear me as mic is still on [05:03] Odd-rationale: Low graphics mode does the same thing, it goes to a black screen blinking cursor and hangs [05:03] anybody know where I can get a GLX >= ver 1.3 for ubuntu? [05:03] Hi. I have a somewhat of an odd thing going on with my Ubuntu. The 'windows list' that used to show up in one of my panels does not anymore making it not possible for me to switch windows. And further the alt+tab buttons also don't do anything, even if there are many windows open. Is this just a metacity problem? [05:03] dont know about stuff regarding wine @ k1ro :( [05:04] BananaMon: on the panel you had the windows list, right click and add to panel [05:04] AaronMT: Your best bet is to use the alternative install cd, then. [05:04] crushy, That does not prove the problem is on your end though [05:04] BananaMon: then add window list [05:04] woo people that i might be able to talk to :o [05:04] Jack_Sparrow: Sorry here is fstab link http://www.pastebin.ca/929974 [05:04] actually when u choose mix option in switches [05:04] kalun, ok will look [05:04] the person will hear whatever they say [05:05] erstazi: yeah that is not the problem. I have done that many times, added new panels and stuff. If I right click where the windows list is supposed to be and click on preferences, I do indeed see the prefs of the windows list, but it is invisible and unusable [05:05] it seems like some of the voice being redirected to them [05:05] BananaMon: compiz-fusion enabled? [05:05] erstazi: yeah [05:05] BananaMon: try disabling it for a second [05:05] when we choose microphone capture in switches ?does that mean only microphone channel will be send? [05:05] [05:05] erstazi: I think the problem started after I installed some other draw libraries for conky [05:05] anbody know about opengl/glx for ubuntu? [05:05] erstazi: k, let me try [05:06] BananaMon: I use conky too [05:06] BananaMon: from experience, compiz-fusion and conky can conflict [05:06] kalun, that uuid looks wrong [05:06] BananaMon: want my .conkyrc? just need to backup yours and just use mine [05:06] erstazi: sorry, not conky, I was installing some things like aggdraw to make a certain desklet work on adesklets, I think that's what led to the problem [05:06] Apparently safe-mode got in to the desktop for him [05:07] Jack_Sparrow: how would i find the proper UUID? [05:07] erstazi: lol...I will get to that in a minute erstazi. I still have the problem of not getting my conky to startup with even with a delay script [05:07] Hey can you still enable desktop effects in UBuntu 6.06 [05:07] ? [05:07] erstazi: I'm just going to brb, I have to logout of the gnome-safe mode to try what you said [05:07] BananaMon: k [05:07] erstazi: BRB, thanks... [05:07] kalun, sudo vol_id -u /dev/hda6 [05:07] Hey can you still enable desktop effects in UBuntu 6.06? [05:07] kalun, see if it matches what you show [05:08] I need help, I've installed Steam With Wine this morning. After this I had problem with a file that were taking all the room I needed to install the game. Now that I've deleted the file. I've installed the game in steam then at about 98% steam crashed. I've tried to open\run it again but It won't load completely. On the taskbar it says Starting steam. then steam won't come up. [05:08] Hey can you still enable desktop effects in UBuntu 6.06? [05:08] Jack_Sparrow: it matches [05:08] k1ro: try crossover [05:09] hi === K-Ric1 is now known as K-Rich [05:09] hi [05:09] Hey can you still enable desktop effects in UBuntu 6.06? [05:09] codename, you can but it's not as easy.. almost time to upgrade anyway.. [05:09] codename: did you try it? [05:10] evening all [05:10] erstazi: I'm an idiot! I had just set windows rules to skip taskbar for all desktop windows.....geez!!! well that was easy. [05:10] !hi | devron6 [05:10] devron6: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [05:10] Jack_Sparrow: when i first setup dual boot i mounted hda6 at /osshare but i was experimenting to try to make the folder show as an actual drive thats why i changed it to /media/hda6 [05:10] manic12: that happens (: [05:10] chinese? [05:10] I don't wanna upgrade [05:10] :( [05:10] How is everyone doing [05:10] i downgraded actuakky [05:10] what happens? [05:10] codename, from? [05:10] manic12: sorry BananaMon ^^ [05:10] 7.20 [05:11] 7.10 [05:11] i like dapper better [05:11] tab complete + sloppiness [05:11] erstazi: but now for the real problem, conky! My conky like I said, doesn't work on startup though it works perfectly normally. I have a 60 second delay setup, but still it doesn't work [05:11] erstazi: lol yeah [05:11] codename, some downgraded to Feisty.. the next version though is the new LTS [05:11] yeah [05:11] i really wanna use dapper [05:11] tho [05:11] BananaMon: honestly, I set mine up using Sessions, just added it to sessions [05:11] I'd like to "zip" some files into an iso file. Is this possible? [05:11] erstazi whats that? [05:11] so is it impossible to get desktop effects running then? [05:11] codename, well.. it is supported for 3 years. [05:12] So Desktop effects is still possible [05:12] if my users list in ubuntu lists only the root, how is it possible for me to be logged in as another user? [05:12] kalun: /dev/hda6 is vfat? [05:12] !crossover [05:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about crossover - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [05:12] codename: completely impossible [05:12] erstazi: hmm yeah, that doesn't quite work for me... [05:12] kalun, Is there still old mount info somewhere messing it up [05:12] codename: wait for hardy and upgrade to that [05:12] Credible, are you serious? [05:12] hi all [05:12] So I can't do the desktop effects [05:12] Does anyone else have any ideas of how to get conky to startup? [05:12] erstazi : whats crossover [05:12] BananaMon: want my .conkyrc? [05:12] codename, no.. you need compiz & beryl.. there may be a way with compiz fusion but I don't know how.. It was always buggy for me on Dapper. [05:12] codename: not on dapper [05:12] kalun, Sorry, but I have been up since 3am .. not on top of my game [05:12] erstazi: yeah sure...thanks for the help [05:12] k [05:12] erstazi: no harm in trying eh [05:12] k1ro: CodeWeaver's Crossover, google (: [05:12] legend2440: it is vfat, was formated as that in GParted and its also in the code [05:12] you could use ancient versions of things, but it would be a mess [05:13] BananaMon: let me scp it to my server [05:13] erstazi: k cool [05:13] where are gnome icons kept in file system so I can add glass icons from gnome-look? [05:13] erstazi: [05:13] cjae: different places.....for something you installed yourself ~/.icons [05:13] how can I "zip" files into a iso format ? [05:13] Jack_Sparrow: i'm not sure if theres old mount info anywhere i did a fresh install of both systems [05:13] cjae: /usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps [05:13] cjae: for the others...it's [05:14] cjae: yeah that, what Odd-rationaly said [05:14] BananaMon: http://c-wd.net/ath/conkyrc.txt [05:14] ok will try [05:14] BananaMon: I have two cpu's on this box, so if you have single CPU, then you need to alter that [05:14] erstazi: cool thanks a lot! I'm going to go try this out..have to restart my system, so BRB [05:15] after attemping a quite a few hours, I am giving up (searched forums, mail lists, and search engine results), here is all my outputs I can think of: http://c-wd.net/ath/ can anyone help with this? [05:15] Jack_Sparrow: i removed uif to emulate hda1 because hda1 used to be visible as a drive (thats my windows partition) but now my hda1 isnt working either [05:15] so... got a question for anyone that thinks they can help [05:15] erstazi: oh k. I just want to test if it startsup [05:15] BananaMon: System > Preferences > Sessions [05:16] How do my friend get wireless on the LiveCD when it doesnt detect his wireless card and its not listed in restricted drivers [05:16] erstazi: yeah, thanks, I'm going to try then...brb [05:16] BananaMon: if you just use that .conkyrc as yours in your ~/ then you should be able to just put conky as the command [05:16] AaronMT: do you know what wireless you have? [05:16] hey how do i make gnome take hold of ne4w icons? [05:17] *new [05:17] kalun, I am to sleepy to help now... http://www.pastebin.ca/929984 is something to try.. but how about trying to mount it manually real quick [05:17] unzipped to the /usr/share/icons directory but am not sure how to make them take hold [05:17] I want to uninstall Wine , uninstall steam , then Install Crossover , then steam again . anyone wanna help? [05:18] Jack_Sparrow: oh sorry i didnt mean to hold you, i'll try that its not urgent i can try it another day thanks [05:18] friedtofu he has a linksys wmp300n [05:18] k1ro: you don't need to uninstall wine or steam [05:18] nevermind got it [05:18] erstazi I need space [05:18] kalun, mkdir /media/kalun6 then mount /dev/hda6 /media/kalun6 [05:18] whats the command to list all wireless devices [05:18] sudo as needed [05:19] AaronMT: iwconf ? [05:19] k1ro: in the terminal, does the command "uninstaller" open anything? [05:19] is it possible that ubuntu automatically repairs broken partitions? I wasn't able to view anything on my hd, and now i see my files again [05:19] AaronMT: *iwconfig [05:19] Jack_Sparrow: trying [05:20] oh, lovely....I just set up a samba server, and now find out I probably can't even use it with my other computer.......sigh..... [05:20] badcarbine, It does fsck when it detects errors [05:20] lo no wireless extensions [05:20] eth0 no wireless extensions [05:20] !fsck [05:20] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [05:20] thanks Odd-rationale [05:20] is this because hes in safe mode? [05:20] cjae: np [05:21] Jack_Sparrow: great! its mounted in the mount point specified, is there a way to make it visible as a drive (or i can just use a shortcut) [05:21] AaronMT: try: sudo iwconfig [05:21] AaronMT: lspci -v | less [05:21] ok [05:21] hey what kind of file plays when you log into gnome, is it a midi [05:21] AaronMT: make sure you use a pastebin service for that output [05:21] kalun, It should show on your desktop if volumes_visalbe is on [05:21] and may I change it? [05:21] erstazi no [05:22] cjae: It is a .wav. Yes you can change it [05:22] Odd-rationale, is there a limit to size? [05:22] cjae: I don't think so... [05:23] Jack_Sparrow: sorry i'm a quite newb is volumes_visable an option in fstab? [05:23] kalun: no, its in gconf-editor [05:23] kalun, Usually drives mounted in /media show up on your desktop [05:23] erstazi: 05:01.0 Network controller: Broadcom Coproration BCM43XG (rev 01) [05:23] Subsystem: Linksys Unknown deviece 0060 [05:23] Hi all I have an ogg video I created using gtk-recordmydesktop but its kind of a bi video since it records my whole desktop. Id like to reduce the size of it to probably half of what it is now. The file is also in ogg format. Could anyone suggest what i could use to do this [05:23] Odd-rationale, ok now im pushing question limit, app to rip it off movie since I have whole movie theme going? [05:24] kalun, there is an option in gconf-editor called volumes_visible to turn them on or off [05:24] Odd-rationale, did I make much sense last question? [05:24] !info k9copy [05:24] k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.3-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1409 kB, installed size 2748 kB [05:24] AaronMT: this is the link I am using (I have a wifi issue as well): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide [05:25] cjae: I think I know of an app. I've never tried to rip music of video, so I don't how that would work... Let me get link... [05:25] Jack_Sparrow: i ran the editor in terminal to open the GNU but cant find the option is it in the file menu area === Shinigami is now known as Fersure [05:25] kalun: in terminal gconf-editor then go to /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible [05:25] !bcm43xx [05:25] Filled-Void: I use LiVes when I get a gtk-recordMyDesktop [05:25] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [05:26] can I start another windowed graphical session of say kde windowed in gnome ?? [05:26] !info lives | Filled-Void [05:26] filled-void: Package lives does not exist in gutsy [05:26] kalun: click volumes_visible box [05:27] erstazi, I can use a package called lives to create the video in the desired resolution I want? [05:27] Filled-Void: I use lives for that, you can change the resolution of an image [05:27] kalun, Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and check volumes_visable [05:27] legend2440: thnx [05:28] erstazi, Image an in video correct ? [05:28] as in* [05:28] Jack_Sparrow: its checked but not showing on desktop, unchecked and checked refreshed desktop doesnt show [05:28] cjae: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652843 [05:28] kalun, goodnight... 18hours and I am outta here [05:28] Jack_Sparrow: thanks for your help man, day 1 on linux peace [05:28] Filled-Void: http://lives.sourceforge.net [05:29] erstazi, thank you [05:29] can you suggest using antivirus for ubuntu gutsy server? I just like it to be a carrier of any virus [05:29] !antivirus | rhineheart_m [05:29] rhineheart_m: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus [05:29] Filled-Void: np [05:30] !linuxvirus [05:30] The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [05:30] Howdy, I know this is a stupid question but how do I install Nvidia geforce drivers in ubuntu? Is there an easiser way than envy? [05:31] john_: sys -> admin -> restricted driver manager [05:31] !virus | rhineheart_m [05:31] rhineheart_m: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [05:31] john_: very common question really [05:31] tells me my hardware doesnt need restricted drivers, however everything is slow. I installed envy on my last install and it sped things up a ton [05:31] after attemping a quite a few hours, I am giving up (searched forums, mail lists, and search engine results), here is all my outputs I can think of: http://c-wd.net/ath/ any solution to these outputs? [05:31] lol yeah macgw also depends what version he is using.lol [05:31] !fuoco [05:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about fuoco - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [05:32] john_: envy's just an unsupported script to install the nvidia binaries [05:32] cjae: It is not in the repos... [05:32] john_: do you have nvidia's drivers running right now or just vesa? [05:32] ubuntu have day record ? [05:32] i guess just vesa [05:32] tyguaike: huh? [05:33] huh? [05:33] hello [05:33] hi kayce_ [05:33] john_: you can install the drivers from nvidia.com if your card's not detected for the nvidia drivers in the repo [05:33] tyguaike: whats the question? [05:33] i think i tried that before, I will try again and report if it works [05:34] writer day record [05:34] tyguaike: writer day record? [05:34] Odd-rationale, ok so I would load dvd in there and sift to which part of movie would like out and extract?" [05:34] im having a problem with my x server apparently, "The x server failed, Perhaps it is not configured well." [05:34] hey guys, this may sound dumb but how do i edit sources.list [05:35] john_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual [05:35] is a veriday writer record [05:35] cjae: Like I said, I never used it for that purpose before. But it claims to be able to do so... [05:35] tyguaike: veriday? [05:36] I am just going to bash my head into the desk... [05:36] tyguaike: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-cn? I see you're in that channel. it seems what you want is something you don't know how to translate into english [05:36] ToddEDM: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [05:36] erstazi,i want writer day record evryday [05:36] Its been a while since ive used linux, I love the 7.10 :) I think ive tried every versions of ubuntu since the release, anyways since im so out of touch, what IRC client do you guys suggest? [05:36] ToddEDM: make that "gksudo" not "sudo" [05:36] ToddEDM: sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup then sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # before the word deb [05:37] OK [05:37] can I start another windowed graphical session of say kde windowed in gnome ?? [05:37] what is gksudo? [05:37] linuxmonkey: irssi [05:37] john_: graphical sudo (: [05:37] john_: Sudo with a graphical frontend [05:37] ToddEDM: youre supposed to use gksudo on gui apps because sudo doesnt check X authority so it can break permissions [05:37] oh man thats cool [05:37] ok [05:37] If I had known that... [05:37] Hi [05:37] erstazi: THANKS!!! It finally worked!~ [05:37] linuxmonkey: irssi [05:38] BananaMon: conky to you [05:38] linuxmonkey: screen + irssi (adding on) [05:38] Paddy_EIRE: dont think so. i think kde has a way of doing it though... [05:38] BananaMon: maybe you can help with my issue [05:38] erstazi: I had to take some of the inital windowing lines from your script....and after some more stuff like that, it works even without an extra delay script [05:38] anyone seen these errors before when attempting to boot from the ubuntu cd? or know how to deal with them? [05:38] [82.160787] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: [05:38] [82.160921] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1) [05:38] Anyone here can give me a hand with a problem I have? [05:38] erstazi: totally thanks!~ yeah of course, I'll try [05:38] erstazi: what's up [05:38] macogw: no probs.. I'll look into it... [05:38] BananaMon: look at http://c-wd.net/ath/ [05:38] i'm having a problem with my x server, when i try to use "New login in a windows", i get the error "The x server failed, Perhaps it is not configured well.", i've tried to use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", but this did nothing to help [05:38] ok, I'm back to my old question....I have several different computers, some running Windows, some Ubuntu, that I want to be able to access files on desktop running ubuntu....what's a good method for doing this? [05:38] BananaMon: I am totally lost [05:38] erstazi: k [05:38] erstazi: just a sec [05:39] ok i have the sources file open, but where do i parte the lines i need to paste... just anywhere? [05:39] Geoffrey2: you could setup openssh on all of them... there is openssh for windows [05:39] if this is not the correct channel, can someone tell me where to go please [05:39] kayce_: try "xrandr --auto"? its a crazy auto-config X thing [05:39] Hello! I am looking to a way to downscale an image with convert with a file weight target (e.g. 96 kilobytes). Do you have a convert option to do it? [05:39] ToddEDM: at the bottom preferably [05:39] Geoffrey2: SAMBA [05:39] ToddEDM: The end would be fine [05:39] ToddEDM: just add to the end [05:39] macogw: thank you [05:39] wb J_- [05:39] ok thank you guys [05:39] Geoffrey2, access... read/write or read-only? [05:40] you are on the correct channel [05:40] erstazi: I wasn't trying to copy you, you just got first... :P [05:40] errr [05:40] Odd-rationale: its ok [05:40] if I run an openssh server on my pc, will this put me at risk for my system to be compromised? [05:40] And do you want a command-line access or only access to the files? [05:40] john_: yes [05:40] Odd-rationale: I am trying to figure my issue too [05:40] Anyone knows how I can remove a package that I installed with sh [05:40] john_: if you keep the root account locked, nobody can get in as root, so thats good [05:40] erstazi: me too. [05:40] even if I have it set up with a password? [05:40] john_: but given enough time and computer power, your username and password could be brute forced [05:40] i just installed mp32ogg now how do i use it? [05:40] true. [05:40] Odd-rationale: what is your problem? maybe you can help me if I help you? [05:41] nobara: what was it [05:41] macogw: jails (: [05:41] Paddy_EIRE: netbeans [05:41] erstazi: so your wirless card is not picking up a certain connection? [05:41] BananaMon: correct [05:41] i clicked save , but it says i dont have permission to save sources.list [05:41] BananaMon: is that enough output and data to see anything? [05:41] john_: keeping root account locked is good because even though they know the username is root, they can never get in as there's no password that would ever be correct [05:41] erstazi: thats a BSD thing [05:41] erstazi: Mine is actually very simple. Does the jamendo plugin for rhythmbox work for you? [05:41] BananaMon: I thought of every bloody thing [05:41] erstazi: hmm...let me go over the outputs [05:41] ohhh right [05:41] erstazi: there are no jails in linux, only chroots. [05:41] dangit... i shoulda disabled it === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin1 [05:41] Odd-rationale: I use amarok [05:41] erstazi: What's yours? [05:41] erstazi: chroots can, contrary to popular belief, be broken out of [05:41] <_Oz_> hallo all [05:42] Okay this is the case.. what if for servers where only the root user using it.. Is there a likelihood to infect the system without an antivirus? [05:42] macogw: pishposh! ported [05:42] macogw: "xrandr --auto" did nothing [05:42] john_: if you set a strong password and change it every few months, you're ok [05:42] _Oz_: Hello! [05:42] macogw: oh I know chrooted environments are not totally safe === lipsin1 is now known as lipsinV2 [05:42] kayce_: ok. idk then. [05:42] i have an insanely strong password [05:42] hi _Oz_ [05:42] <_Oz_> hi erstazi [05:42] (: [05:42] took me 2 weeks to memorize it [05:42] macogw: ok, do you know what channel would have someone that would know? [05:42] john_: so do i. i estimate itd take 3 months of constant trying to brute force my password even with access to the hash [05:42] john_: 2 weeks O.O [05:42] kayce_: #xorg [05:43] thats always nice to hear :) [05:43] Odd-rationale: im getting a popup that says i do not have permission to save sources.list [05:43] macogw: thank you much [05:43] _Oz_: fancy to see you here (: [05:43] i just installed mp32ogg now how do i use it? [05:43] ToddEDM: you didnt "gksudo gedit" then. [05:43] read/write access....that way instead of having 4-5 copies of the same file, one on each computer, I can access everything from one computer...supposedly the point of networking computers in the first place :) [05:43] well I figure if somone wants access to my files on... well nothing really im just playing with linux they have just wasted a few weeks of their life brut forcing [05:43] ToddEDM: Did you edit it with sudo/gksudo [05:43] ToddEDM: you need the gksudo to make you root [05:43] Geoffrey2: Samba or SSH, choose your pick [05:43] ohhh ok , i had a sudo one open [05:43] Paddy_EIRE: no idea? [05:43] all they can get is a fun MOTD with an ascii art of ubuntu :) [05:43] ToddEDM: ok sudo shouldve worked too though [05:44] it worked now guys , thank you [05:44] ToddEDM: it works, its just not recommended [05:44] erstazi: well, I have Samba set up, I just need to figure out how to go back and undo the domain controller setup so it'll work with xp home edition [05:44] speaking of sudo, any reason why the same password wouldnt work for su as sudo? [05:44] xim: root account is locked [05:44] xim: You set a root password? [05:45] xim: there is no password for it at all [05:45] Geoffrey2: or you could even setup apache2 as a web server [05:45] but sudo doesnt goto root? [05:45] Geoffrey2: it depends on how much you want that data to be secured inside that network [05:45] im a newb i thout super user meant root [05:45] Hello, anyone here knos how I can remove a program that installed using sh command? [05:45] erstazi: I am on a standard desktop, wired connection, so I don't really know much about wireless connections on laptops. I don't see anything in the outputs, perhaps if you connect to a network that is open and compare the outputs then..... [05:45] xim: if you want to "su" use "sudo -s" or "sudo su" if you want to "su -" use "sudo -i" or "sudo su -" [05:45] xim: It uses the user's pass word not root's [05:45] All right, I need help. I had to install Ubuntu because Windows wasn't being recognized by the harddisk, but I've decided to make do with it for now. [05:45] BananaMon: done that (: [05:45] erstazi: I'm going to google it though, and see what comes up [05:45] xim: it doesnt su (switch user) to root. it just runs that command as root [05:45] erstazi: can you connect to other open networks? [05:45] Thanks alot guys, I always find plenty of help here. untill next time I have a noob quesiton. take care [05:45] BananaMon: I dropped the WPA2 security and went open and tested [05:45] I am having trouble getting any .avi files I've downloaded to play--and having trouble downloading some to begin with! [05:45] I'm using Azureus. [05:46] ic thanks [05:46] nobara: umm well it shouldve come with an uninstaller [05:46] BananaMon: I have busted my brains for hours over this [05:46] xim: User get root access by deing added to the sudoers file. They use their own passwd for sudo, not root's [05:46] nobara: sh is just telling the script to execute in a shell [05:46] erstazi: well, I'm using a private network address range behind a router, so I'm not sure how much more securing I'd need [05:46] * nobara macogw: well [05:46] sh invokes the /bin/sh executable [05:46] erstazi: maybe it's the router then. Maybe the router is rejecting the connection from your card, instead of that problem being with your card [05:46] it is a program [05:46] Geoffrey2: so, you could, if you don't like samba, either use apache2 or ssh or whatever [05:46] the script becoems an argument to that program [05:46] erstazi: what is the router/server? what company/model [05:46] BananaMon: it worked in windows [05:46] Anyone? [05:46] macogw: there appears to be no one present in #xorg [05:47] BananaMon: Linksys WRT54G (: [05:47] BananaMon: the router works with my Nokia 770 [05:47] erstazi: yeah exactly, maybe the router does not identify the linux drivers, or maybe because of closed-source technology, it is black listed [05:47] erstazi: one of the old ones that runs linux or the new crappy ones? [05:47] BananaMon: those run linux [05:47] macogw: older [05:47] erstazi: hm..the WRT is a great router, let me look it up [05:47] macogw: DD-WRT [05:47] macogw: and where I can find the uninstaler? [05:47] erstazi: yeah [05:47] erstazi: oh you use DDWRT, I love that stuff [05:47] erstazi: let me google [05:48] macogw: the issue: http://c-wd.net/ath/ [05:48] nobara: shouldve come with it. if it didnt....umm...too bad. [05:48] erstazi: it's not a matter of like or dislike....when I was trying to set something up, I was referred to directions on setting up Samba and openldap, only problem being XP Home hasn't a clue what to do with domains.....so I need to go back and undo the domain controller part of it [05:48] exit [05:48] oops [05:48] heh [05:48] xim /quit [05:48] Maybe I should be more specific. Whenever I try to play an .avi file, it says this: An error occured. Could not determine type of stream. [05:48] macogw: too bad? O.O [05:48] <_Oz_> does everyone pretty much agree that VLC is the best video player in ubuntu? [05:48] i thought i was inthe terminal [05:48] is there anybody here who knows about opengl/glx stuff? [05:48] macogw: no way of removing it? [05:48] i just installed mp32ogg now how do i use it? [05:48] nobara: well you could read the install script and see what it did and undo all of that by hand.. [05:48] xim: I do that a lot, don't worry (: [05:48] Aprilis: do you have codecs? [05:49] _Oz_: yeah pretty much [05:49] Man, this channel is much busier than I could have ever imagined. Can someone please PM me? I need help with very noobish stuff. I just had Ubuntu installed this weekend, and nothing is working. [05:49] _Oz_: i still use totem because im dumb [05:49] <_Oz_> macogw: heheh [05:49] I can't even open the .sh file [05:49] _Oz_: That or mplayer [05:49] macogw: I have no idea, honestly. I don't know anything. I am like the lowest level of noob. [05:49] _Oz_: I got stuck using amarok because my step-daughter wanted her ipod music ): [05:49] Aprilis: applications -> add/remove. click the thing in the top right to make it show all software available, then search for ubuntu restricted extras (or ubuntu-restricted-extras) and install that [05:49] Aprilis, sounds like you dont have the gstreamer plugins that supply you with certain codecs [05:49] <_Oz_> speak of the devil, right as I say that VLC freezes up on me [05:50] Aprilis: everyone has a beginning [05:50] Howdy folks - so, ive got a weird issue with sound. [05:50] <_Oz_> erstazi: I like amarok :) [05:50] after using Pandora (http://www.pandora.com) often, my sound will stop working [05:50] Aprilis: thats ok. i really ticked off a kid at my school because i asked him everything when i started using ubuntu..and he's not even a linux user. he's a freebsd user. [05:50] _Oz_: are you busy? [05:50] it is like pandora crashes alsa [05:50] if it helps, I am using realtek integrated sound [05:50] <_Oz_> not terribly so, erstazi [05:50] _Oz_: mind if you look at http://c-wd.net/ath/ ? [05:51] erstazi: why not Exaile? It's GTK Amarok. My sister uses Rhythmbox for her iPOd [05:51] I have restarted alsa-utils to no avail [05:51] <_Oz_> sure [05:51] macogw: Show all available applications? [05:51] macogw: did things in a hurry 1 year ago, never switched back [05:51] Odd-rationale, ok where are the login wavs kept? [05:51] Aprilis: yes [05:51] erstazi: do you get limited connectivity mssgs? or can you not even find the network? [05:51] cjae: /usr/share/sounds [05:51] well thanks guys [05:51] have a good night rest [05:51] macogw: and over 10,000 mp3's, its hard to imagine loading another player with that collection [05:51] <_Oz_> erstazi: oh man, I'm the wrong guy to ask for this. :( I've never successfully gotten a laptop running on wireless in ubuntu. [05:51] Aprilis: codecs are what tell the computer how to decode songs and videos. different types of files use different ones. because of stupid US patent laws, Ubuntu isn't allowed to include them [05:52] BananaMon: cannot even find any networks, even walked outside where I know my Nokia 770 can find them [05:52] erstazi: haha i see [05:52] BananaMon: I think its not scanning, but I am clueless on this wifi networking [05:52] macogw: All right, I'm installing ubuntu restricted extras. This is the codecs? [05:52] erstazi: one thing i *love* about rhythmbox is that unlike banshee it watches my library properly and just grabs them when it sees something new [05:52] BananaMon: I just plug in the WPA2 passphrase and I am done thats all [05:52] <_Oz_> what do I type in the terminal to get a list of my processes so I can find the UID to kill? VLC is frozen and I can't shut it down. [05:53] _Oz_: htop or top [05:53] erstazi: are you client mode? because that won't work [05:53] erstazi - ps -a [05:53] Aprilis: its more than just the codecs. itll also get you flash, microsoft fonts (like Times New Roman), and a couple other things I can't remember. flash, i think... everything you need, basically [05:53] Odd-rationale, so just rename new file to login.wav and delete old one? [05:53] BananaMon: clientmode? [05:53] Check out compiz on the eee pc, http://rusher.webhop.org/wordpress/?p=85 [05:53] erstazi: or, ps -a | grep vlc [05:53] Aprilis: oh i said flash twice. [05:53] erstazi - or skipping that, pkill vlc [05:53] Aprilis: java tooo, i think [05:53] Cyclonut: ty tell _Oz_ [05:53] what's a good language translator program? [05:53] cjae: No. Go to System --> Pref --> Sounds and change the login sound [05:53] macogw: This is wonderful! It looks like it's going to take a while, but it'll be worth it. I've been missing Times New Roman something fierce. [05:53] erstazi: hah, lines are blending together, sorry [05:54] l815: http://babelfish.altavista.com (: [05:54] Cyclonut: its ok [05:54] _Oz_: ps -a | grep vlc to get the UID. Alternatively, use pkill vlc to skip the UID part [05:54] erstazi, yes but i want a program :P [05:54] erstazi: WRT works in 2 modes, client and WDS. If you are in client mode, then the problem you are describing will occur, though it should occur for ALL wireless clients....is that the case? === lipsinV2 is now known as lipsin [05:54] BananaMon: ah, no not client mode [05:54] BananaMon: its not the router, I can say that [05:54] _Oz_: One way kill is to do alt+f2 and type in xkill. Then click on the frozen window. Sometimes this doesn't kill it properly though... === LinuxMonkey2 is now known as LinuxMonkey [05:55] BananaMon: I removed the security at this moment too [05:55] macogw: Man, you guys are so nice. I've tried asking people on another channel in another server, and they all called me stupid and said I didn't deserve to use Ubuntu. :< [05:55] erstazi: oh, so you can connect wirelessly from say windows? [05:55] <_Oz_> thanks, Odd-rationale [05:55] BananaMon: yes [05:55] <_Oz_> and cyclonut [05:55] BananaMon: and with my nokia 770 [05:55] _Oz_: np [05:55] erstazi: ah... [05:55] Aprilis: if you dont mind the suggestion, check out the Liberation Fonts. they're metric compatible with (same size as) Arial, Times, and Courier, but i think they look nicer. i especially like the serifs on Liberation Serif (Red Hat's answer to Times New Roman) http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/libe/liberation-fonts/ttf-liberation_0.1-0.1_all.deb [05:55] _Oz_: using pkill is my favorite, though :) [05:55] Aprilis: what?!?! Ubuntu is the AOL of Linux [05:55] Aprilis: they're @$$holes [05:55] I know, right! [05:56] It wasn't even my choice. [05:56] I want to use my second drive as Data but I dont see linux doesnt detect (i think) the drive [05:56] Aprilis: ignore them, this is the official IRC channel [05:56] I have multiple ip addresses on my dedicated server, and want the ability to rate limit by IP and measure bandwidth by IP. I've investigated this endlessly.. but snmp is flawed as it only measures bw on the interface (eth0) not (eth0:1.. etc) .. how can i get round this? [05:56] macogw: Will check it out! [05:56] Aprilis: the link installs them. if you dont like 'em, dont use them, but they look nice [05:56] BananaMon: see, it is very complex [05:56] macogw: I am all for new fonts. I love fonts. [05:56] BananaMon: and I am lost which way to go, I have tried both ndiswrapper and madwifi [05:56] Aprilis: http://existentialtype.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/liberation-comparison.png [05:57] i was thinking potentially some sort of 'virtual interface adaptor' a bit like what you would use for vmware? .. but i dont want to use vmware i want to use the ips the same way i would use it if it was bound on eth0:1 [05:57] erstazi: what about bwcutter? [05:57] :) [05:57] Aprilis: there's side-by-side the Microsoft fonts, Liberation, Bitstream (which is included in Ubuntu) [05:57] with the ability to measure traffic, and ratelimit ofcourse :/ [05:57] <_Oz_> I like htop [05:57] Cyclonut: never saw it, will it work with AR5006EG? this is the issue I am having: http://c-wd.net/ath/ [05:57] <_Oz_> thanks for that tip [05:57] <_Oz_> just installed it [05:57] Cool! Nice, simple, text fonts. [05:57] Very nice. [05:57] Check out compiz on the eee pc, http://rusher.webhop.org/wordpress/?p=85 [05:57] _Oz_: I use it sometimes, its more detailed than top [05:58] erstazi: yeah, erstazi.....I can't find any solutions to this online either.....logically speaking, the problem seems to be of communication between the 2 devices. Have you tried using another version of DD-WRT? [05:58] hey anyone, im having trouble starting amarok, im using ubuntu gutsy and xgl / compiz and when i start amarok it tells me it cannot find kmail [05:58] erstazi: or here's an idea! [05:58] erstazi: dunno, but thats what I use to work with my broadcom-based wireless card. [05:58] BananaMon: I think its the actual chip [05:58] dubby: use exaile instead [05:58] BananaMon: and thats what worries me ): [05:58] dubby: amarok wants kde stuff, for example kmail. exaile is the gtk version of amarok. [05:58] erstazi: use restricted drivers from windows on your linux instead of the open source ones [05:58] erstazi: could that help? [05:58] BananaMon: have done that [05:58] dubby: meaning it doesnt need to load a ton of extra libraries from kde inside your gnome [05:58] BananaMon: thats what ndiswrapper does [05:59] when is the release date for 8.04 anyone know? [05:59] erstazi: haha..you've tried everything eh [05:59] r0b: april 24 [05:59] BananaMon: almost, I am probably missing something [05:59] r0b: in april I think [05:59] BananaMon: thats the obvious answer [05:59] BananaMon: thats why I put together that small html doc with the outputs [05:59] macogw: ty [05:59] ok, since a domain controller is out, would samba with wins support work reasonably well? [05:59] BananaMon: ty [05:59] ok macogw [05:59] BananaMon: because I might have missed *one* thing [05:59] erstazi: hmm yeah...I'm really sorry, I can't seem to come up with anything [05:59] erstazi: yeah I know the feeling [05:59] BananaMon: I appreciate the help [06:00] I want to use my second drive as Data but I dont see linux doesnt detect (i think) the drive [06:00] maybe I just need some jack daniels to help, I have to finish this 1.75 litre off anyways [06:00] k1ro: what version of ubuntu? [06:00] k1ro: and what format is the drive? [06:00] erstazi: sorry man, It's 1am now here anyway and I have to go to bed, I do really appreciate your help though. If in the coming days I hear anything about the problem or find something related to it, I'll post it on the ubuntuforums, where I'm called Dasani [06:00] k1ro: is it NTFS (aka Windows format)? [06:00] BananaMon: same here, its 1am here [06:00] What does a dns record that starts with the AT sign ("@") do? I have a record that reads "@ A " in the zone file of my domain, aside from the usual "* A " and "www A ". Is that somehow wrong? My domain information isn't getting pushed to the DNS nodes. [06:00] well I've got a question - my sound quits working after using certain flash sites (pandora). I have restarted alsa-utils to no avail. If I restart, it works fine, but I dont want to restart. what should I o? [06:00] erstazi: hope you find it before that though! cheers [06:00] BananaMon: crap it IS 1am! [06:00] erstazi: lol [06:01] BananaMon: tty [06:01] erstazi: gnite [06:01] gnite all [06:01] BananaMon: night and ty again [06:01] and remember, sleep is imortant too! [06:01] BananaMon: nght [06:01] *night [06:01] <_Oz_> hmm [06:01] why does time fly by? [06:01] g'nite [06:01] <_Oz_> I can't seem to figure out a way to make either mplayer, totem, or VLC open a movie on a different computer to play. Am I missing something? [06:01] macogw how about ksudoku [06:01] whats the vlc plugin for firefox? [06:02] it has a 3d sudoku [06:02] that the gnome one does not [06:02] does anyone know if it makes a difference if use UUID or /dev/hda1 in fstab? Any advantage to UUID? [06:02] dubby: thatd also load kde libraries. it can slow things down a bit if youve not got a lot of memory. i try to stick with gnome stuff for that reason. if you want to use kde stuff, thats fine. it doesnt hurt anything [06:02] obviously it does [06:02] legend2440: a little [06:02] because that program completely crashes my system [06:02] ends the session [06:02] dubby: weird [06:03] legend2440: if i want to be able to have different flash drives have different mount points, i'd use UUID because then no matter what order i plug them, that doesn't change [06:03] macogw: ok ty [06:03] macogw: I installed it, but it still says it can't determine the type of stream. [06:04] Totem Movie Player is what pops up when I try playing it. [06:04] Should I install a different player? [06:04] legend2440: when libata was changed a couple releases ago so that IDE drives became /dev/sda instead of /dev/hda like they used to be, anyone who had removed the UUID and put in /dev/hda was in trouble because there was no /dev/hda anymore. it was now called /devsda [06:04] Aprilis: you could try VLC or MPlayer. those are both common replacements [06:05] +1 vote for vlc [06:05] <3 VLC [06:05] macogw: Do I just sudo apt-get install vlc? [06:05] or mplayer? [06:05] yep [06:05] or use add/remove [06:05] This is very handy. [06:05] is there a bug in .wav playback in 7.10? [06:05] cjae: describe please [06:05] very distorted [06:05] I am starting to drain [06:06] All right, thanks guys. I was going to install MPLayer, but I'll try VLC now. [06:06] Aprilis: we only use command line instructions because they work on ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu the same. you can use add/remove or synaptic to install all you want [06:06] like pcm is up to high but is only 75% [06:06] Aprilis: VLC will play pretty much anything. [06:06] <_Oz_> aprilis: I think you'll like VLC [06:06] can some one help with grep and sed? i have a file which contains output of ls -lhSR. now i want to delete all the lines that are NOT ./ and total how to do that? [06:06] <_Oz_> Aprilis: it's the player that pretty much always works and always plays anything you load in it [06:06] bony: oh oh my department [06:06] macogw: heh [06:07] That would be great. [06:07] Aprilis: I would venture so far as to say that VLC is one of my most reliable and favorite pieces of software [06:07] ok, can someone point me to a good tutorial on setting up samba to work with xp home? [06:07] macogw, can you help me out? [06:07] I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will play! [06:08] erstazi, are you a religious person, or sensitive to bad language? so I may show you example .wav file? [06:08] ok, I am out, I will look into this tomorrow night some more, if anyone gets the chance please check http://c-wd.net/ath/ for my issue, I would appreciate it much === xipietotec_ is now known as xipietotec [06:08] ah, Ive gotta go. My bizarre sound problem isnt fixing itself like I'd hoped :-P [06:08] macogw, i am want to delete all the lines in the file that don't start with ./ or total [06:08] cjae: well, I was in the Infantry... does that make a difference [06:08] Does anybody know how to run xgl server on ati radeon 1100??? [06:08] cjae: but I am going to sleep [06:08] bony: oh dont start with either? ok just a minute...im not fast at regex [06:08] I've been trying by making a xgl session [06:08] but it didn't work [06:08] erstazi, http://www.scarface1983.com/wav/upassw.wav [06:09] macogw, ok === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [06:09] Anybody good with LIRC here? [06:09] my screen [06:09] cjae: it sounds good to me [06:09] another question: How do I set VLC as the default movie player? [06:09] im having a few probs with ubuntu...can any one help? [06:09] er, video player [06:10] Im having a internet problem.... I JUST bought a new 50 dollar USB linksys, the only listed to work with linux natively, and well im connected to IRC... but when i use firefox I cant goto any websites [06:10] ok must be my config thanks good night erstazi [06:10] bony: i got half of it... [06:10] macogw, ok [06:11] and im getting around 80% connection [06:11] <-- wireless [06:11] When the time comes for me to upgrade from Gutsy to Heron. Will my backup APTonCD still work? Or shall I wait till I do the upgrade and make an APTonCD backup then. I think I'll be using the LTS version from then on. As I have heard through the grapevine Ubuntu are making LTS to LTS upgrades available. [06:11] I'm capped and want to avoid all that downloading. Using APTonCD from a gutsy backup. Will it work on Hardy? I guess it's a difficult one to answer. [06:11] macogw, with this command i am able to get the lines that start with ./, grep ^./ ls-output [06:11] I have a parent directory containing files & directory & .svn directory for each sub directories. I want to tar the parent directory without all the .svn directories, how would I do that ? [06:12] macogw, and with grep ^total ls-output i get the lines starting with total [06:12] josh13: svn export url [06:12] josh13: or svn export /path/to/svn/directory/ [06:12] now i want to concatenate both outputs into a single output [06:13] anyone why .wav is very distorted on my 7.10 system? [06:13] Buenas noches! [06:13] All right, anyone know how to make VLC my default video player? [06:13] i recently installed ubuntu 7.10 gutsy gibbon, i rebooted and it ran fine, (im dual-booting with vista) i got on vista to find out how to install a driver for my wireless card, rebooted to get into ubuntu and nothing happens, there is a screen with the flashing underscore. any suggestions? [06:14] erstazi ok, then i would have to commit first, then export the path ... the destination would contain only the tree folders/files without .svn, rite? [06:14] akguien de argentina?????? [06:14] akguien de argentina?????? [06:14] Galer: I am going to assume that you installed vista after ubuntu, in which case it took out grub as the bootloader [06:14] cjae try changing your sound settings from alsa to oss or the other way around. [06:14] !es | gomalopa [06:14] gomalopa: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [06:14] nope, i have had vista since i bought the pc [06:14] ok [06:14] thanks [06:14] is it on multiple hard drives? [06:15] bony: sed -i '/^[^\.\/\|^total]/d' test [06:15] dubby: no, partitioned space on one HDD [06:15] if so it may be a bios setting on which hard drive you are booting from [06:15] Galer-> ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 gives you a logon prompt? [06:15] bony: thatd delete every line that doesnt start with "./" or "total" [06:15] can i use tap/tun devices to host additional external ip addresses? [06:15] amenado: not sure, i would have to reboot to find out [06:16] macogw, ok let me try [06:16] Anyone know the answer to --> When the time comes for me to upgrade from Gutsy to Heron. Will my backup APTonCD still work? Or shall I wait till I do the upgrade and make an APTonCD backup then. I think I'll be using the LTS version from then on. As I have heard through the grapevine Ubuntu are making LTS to LTS upgrades available. [06:16] I'm capped and want to avoid all that downloading. Using APTonCD from a gutsy backup. Will it work on Hardy? I guess it's a difficult one to answer. [06:16] bony: just replace "test" with your filename [06:16] macogw, ok [06:16] paul----> your ethernet interface can host as many as you want..but.... [06:16] amenado: correct, but snmp has limitations [06:17] so if its a tap/tun device, i get over these limitations right? [06:17] Azureus keeps shutting down automatically each time I open it. [06:17] Anyone know why? [06:17] bony: regex look more like gibberish when reading them than when writing them. i think this is why perl is called a write-only language. [06:17] Aprilis: its broken [06:17] How should I go about fixing it? [06:17] paul----> what limitations snmp are imposing? [06:17] Aprilis: has been for a while. try deluge [06:17] I am installing kubuntu to VirtualBox and I got a message "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly", what could this mean? [06:17] macogw: "a while" meaning a day? or... longer? [06:17] what is a good program to convert mp3 to ogg? [06:17] Aprilis: months [06:18] amenado: ability to measure and rate traffic by IP address [06:18] amenado: what would that do? should i log in using my set username and passwd from the install? [06:18] macogw: Oh, it worked briefly for me this weekend, though. BUt all right, good to know. Will uninstall then. [06:18] macogw, haha [06:18] Galer-> yes, use the username and password you created at install time [06:18] sure the can be fixed by dodgying around with iptables/chains/etc.. but this sems like alot of work [06:18] Aprilis: after its used once or twice it gets some logs and starts dying. clearing them makes it work again, and then next time itll happen again. its just a pain to deal with. [06:19] amenado: should that fix the problem? b/c if i try that i will have to reboot this pc. [06:19] macogw, it worked but all some line are still there === LiraNuna_ is now known as LiraNuna [06:19] macogw: Is Deluge easy to work with? [06:19] paul----> umm not sure about that snmp limitations by ip address..each ip address can be of different scope from the other by having a diff mask [06:19] bony: what's still there? [06:19] Aprilis: yes [06:19] Ok, good. I need something, like Utorrent easy. [06:19] Aprilis: it has lot of options. if you dont understand the option, you just ignore it [06:19] Haha, will do. [06:19] Aprilis: the options are things like limiting how much of your bandwidth people can use when you upload [06:20] I don't understand it seems like kubuntu started from CD but how to I install it to HardDisk? [06:20] Galer-> that only shows you can log on to your system, fixing the gui is a bit different. .this test is only to show your install went okay [06:20] macogw, just a sec [06:20] BuSefer: should be an installer on the desktop [06:20] hmm going home but i will see if you arre around later to discss amenado [06:20] macogw: no icons on the desktop [06:20] ryan_mandelbaum: try sound converter...u could also try mediacoder with wine [06:20] bony: ooo i see [06:20] I chose System-Install [06:21] either is good [06:21] amenado: im quite sure it did, i logged on to ubuntu once and it seemed to work fine, but i needed to learn how to install my wireless card and it wouldnt let me back on when i tried. [06:21] just don't expect any id tags [06:21] Galer-> 1st things first, make sure you can log on and then able to sudo [06:21] amenado: sudo?? im a nub. :/ [06:22] macogw, http://swechabox.selfip.org/~bhuvan/ls-output [06:22] what does this message mean "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" [06:22] macogw, this is the file [06:22] Galer-> you can try some linux tutorials to get you going.. [06:22] amenado: thnx. i might be back. lol [06:23] this is going to sound stupid, but if synaptics installs a gui app, where do I find it to run it? [06:23] Lasivian: Applications menu [06:23] Lasivian-> somewhere in the Applications menu or sub menu [06:24] bony: and it left in anything starting with t, o, a, or l, right? [06:24] hrrm, ok [06:24] didn't see it [06:24] trying to see if the ndiswrapper will fix my wireless issue [06:25] oh, found it [06:25] wasn't named what I was thinking it would be named :) [06:25] Hey guys... i'm having trouble updating my package list... i checked my sources list etc which is basically: [06:26] deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 6.06.2 _Dapper Drake_ - Release amd64 (20080110.1)]/ dapper main restricted [06:26] deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted [06:26] deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted [06:26] !paste | inacoma [06:26] :O [06:26] sorry [06:26] sec [06:26] hello [06:26] hmm where has ubotu got to [06:26] !paste [06:27] hi [06:27] i have a problem [06:27] macogw, yeah i think thats true. i also found lot of lines which are symlinks and pointers. [06:27] ሽድችዝሽችዝሽ [06:27] ^ that [06:27] inacoma: do u use apt-get update or do u use the gui updater? [06:27] is what happens when i type in my console [06:27] i'm on ubunto dapper [06:27] bony: bony if its a symlink, look at the permissions...starts with l [06:27] ubuntu * [06:27] zzz [06:27] apt-get update [06:27] PaloAlto-> try reset, or tput reset [06:27] PaloAlto: have you tried typing "reset" in that console? [06:27] inacoma: its not working - use pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org [06:27] macd, yes [06:27] bony: so i need to figure out how to make it take "total" as a word not as a bunch of letters [06:27] !enter | inacoma [06:27] macd, oops sorry [06:27] macogw, yes [06:28] everyone try not to suffer from tech support burnout [06:28] tritium, i cant type shit [06:28] ok, this is the source list i'm using: pretty much just the standard one i havn't edited anything except for uncommenting the universe packages: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/58572/ [06:28] PaloAlto: watch the language, please [06:29] What's the Ubuntu subsition for Photoshop? [06:29] hmm... [06:29] or i can, but it comes out like ረሰ [06:29] subsitution* [06:29] when i type reset [06:29] Aprilis: gimp is as close as you'll get [06:29] PaloAlto: just try it, please [06:29] anyway, i did copy it to the console [06:29] and it worked [06:29] and this is what i'm getting when i update: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/58573/ [06:29] no [06:29] All righty. [06:29] wait no, it didnt work [06:29] Aprilis: or krita depending on what you are doing. [06:30] it worked to copy it to the console, it did not stop the console from being rtard [06:30] Do you guys know how to set VLC as my default video player? [06:30] still get ረሰት [06:30] when i type reset [06:30] anyone know why i'm getting this :\ i've searched the forums etc [06:30] but it's shitting me! [06:30] !language | inacoma [06:30] :O [06:31] unable to extract rar file [06:31] Inappropriate ioctl for device [06:31] well here i am once again. unable to get the integrated wireless working. i tried the various how to's and couldn't solve my issue. i got an integrated broadcom bcm4328 on an hp pavillion. can't find it in restricted drivers, but lspci lists it. how can i get the drivers running? [06:31] inacoma are those the australian archives? [06:31] Llewxam: have you tried using ndiswrapper? [06:31] yes [06:31] thats what it defaulted to [06:32] i tried changing to us.archive.ubuntu.com [06:32] but still didn't work. [06:32] tritium: was just about to. i got the driver for xp right now but it's in an .exe file. [06:32] nah just archive.ubuntu.com [06:32] ok [06:32] sec [06:32] !enter | inacoma (for the 2nd time) [06:32] how can I see what my wireless card is? Or, see if it's enabled proper? I have an Intel Wireless PRO card. [06:32] PaloAlto-> try reset, or tput reset [06:33] hi i just wanna ask.. why i cant use or enable the visual effects in appearance preference [06:33] J-_-> lshw, lspci -c network [06:33] hmm au.archive.ubuntu.com resolved for me. [06:33] amenado, eish, i tried, it wont work. I did however copy it from here and pasted it in colsole, and it didnt help. [06:33] how do i run something like systemtap when there's no bootable ubuntu kernel with debugging support? [06:33] both of those [06:33] internet connection [06:34] unable to extract rar file [06:34] Inappropriate ioctl for device [06:34] PaloAlto-> try to type it yourself tput reset [06:34] PaloAlto: when did it start acting that way? Did you try to display a binary file? [06:34] yeah... that's what i was trying to say [06:34] tritium, i think it was some shortcut key [06:35] i am able to ping au.archive.ubuntu.com from the ubuntu machine, but unable to download from it. I dont know >.< ill try taking away the au and let you know... [06:35] lshw shows it, does that mean it's working correctly amenado? [06:35] !wireless [06:35] J-_-> no, the only way you know its working is if you can communicate [06:36] amenado: k, makes sense. Yeah I can't communicate on teh net with it. [06:36] Every time I try to open a .mov file, it tells me that the filename indicates it is a "QT Video" file but that the contents indicate a "MPEG-4 Video", and it won't let me open it. How do I fix this? [06:36] amenado: wired I can, wireless I cant [06:36] Source List: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/58572/, error with that source list: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/58573/ - and then after taking out the au. from the sources: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/58575/ - Same error, i'm not sure what's wrong hmmm... [06:37] J-_-> paste in pastebin your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; and cat /etc/resolv.conf [06:37] It doesn't make sense to me - as i can ping both au.archive.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com from the linux machine? Anyone know what's happening :X [06:38] inacoma can you get to it through firefox? [06:38] I'm on dapper [06:38] bony: well with whats left you could do sed -i '/^[oal]/d' test [06:38] or some web browser [06:38] bony: thatd get rid of everything starting with o, a, and l... [06:39] I just downloaded a theme, then ran 'configure' and 'make', then 'make install'... I'm not seeing it in the list of themes though, did I forget a step? [06:39] hi i just wanna ask.. why i cant use or enable the visual effects in appearance preference [06:39] mzinz: you dont compile themes [06:39] mzinz: just drag and drop the tarball into the theme manager [06:39] Ok hang on [06:39] Hi. I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 from a Live CD (i386) and I get the message "Unable to open /dev/agpgart". I tried running xconfig and xconfigure but it says the applications cannot be found. What is the proper application name for setting up X so I can correct this problem, hopefully? [06:40] Oi2Life: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === AnRkey_ is now known as AnRkey [06:40] eric__: depends on the video card [06:40] macogw: it appears to be importing it, but it doesn't appear on the theme list still [06:40] macogw, ok [06:41] macogq: it was working before..but after i update my ubuntu.. this thing happened.. i cant even view flash or videos..pls help [06:41] Sorry had to disconnect there. Hi I wanna know the following... [06:41] Okay macogw, and that command should help me configure x and nix the problem? (no pun intended) [06:41] When the time comes for me to upgrade from Gutsy to Heron. Will my backup APTonCD still work? Or shall I wait till I do the upgrade and make an APTonCD backup then. I think I'll be using the LTS version from then on. As I have heard through the grapevine Ubuntu are making LTS to LTS upgrades available. [06:42] I'm capped and want to avoid all that downloading. Using APTonCD from a gutsy backup. Will it work on Hardy? I guess it's a difficult one to answer. [06:43] how do i run something like systemtap when there's no bootable ubuntu kernel with debugging support? [06:43] macogw: it was working before..but after i update my ubuntu.. this thing happened.. i cant even view flash or videos..pls help [06:43] eric__: normal updates or upgrade to the development version? [06:44] Going to try thank command. Much 'Grats. Laters [06:44] macoqw: normal updates... [06:45] macogw, now how to sort the line according to the numbers before total at the same time the path should follow. [06:46] im having problems with my Wireless Linksys WUSB54G USB Network Adapter. It Shows up on Ubuntu AMD64 and I can connect to my wireless network fine. But then I cant access the internet. [06:46] i mean i am trying to see which folder takes up the maximum size and i need to delete some files in order to free the disk. [06:46] Im using Wireless G since thats all that seems to work with no WEP [06:47] and right now im on my windows boot cause it works fine on that [06:47] Ah, that's better. :) [06:47] It doesn't make sense to me - as i can ping both au.archive.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com from the linux machine? Anyone know what's happening :X *** I just found out that if i type "host google.com or host ubuntu.com" i am getting: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached - and am guessing this is why i can't update? I can PING ip's fine, but cannot lookup hostnames? [06:48] bony: oh. du -axc / | sort -n | tail -n 100 will tell you the largest files/directories inside / just change / to ./ for inside the current directory [06:49] how to check dns and gate way for nic, eth0 , from commandline? [06:49] Anybody here who knows the poppass daemon default port for courier? [06:49] macogw, now this is a much much better approach. [06:50] in a directory, i have a file "pipe" ; the command file pipe says it's a socket. Is it possible to create this manually ? [06:50] bony: i found that one out today [06:50] what's the best file manager? [06:50] for gnome? [06:50] macogw, cool [06:51] bony: it was a comment on my blog since i said something about giant logfiles taking over my system [06:51] amenado: I guess I shouldn't really paste it here, as I'm on hardy now. Not officially released as of yet. [06:51] macogw, hey why don't you record such commands on some common place so that every one can view them? [06:51] josh13: mkfifo, i think === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [06:51] macogw, what is your blog? [06:51] I killed a flash drive attempting and failing to make a bootable usb drive. Can anybody point me in the right direction for how to restore the drive to a working blank drive? [06:51] bony: well there are lists of commands online, but useful combos of arguments might be a good thing... [06:51] macogw, i mean link [06:52] bony: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com [06:52] macogw, yeah [06:52] what package do I need to install to play mp3's and other media? [06:52] blogspam [06:52] amenado: Unless you want to see anyway [06:52] !mp3 | mzinz [06:52] mzinz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:52] J-_-> go ahead and put n pastebin [06:53] http://pastebin.ca/930048 amenado [06:54] Ok guys - i am running Ubuntu Dapper, i just found out my linux machine cannot resolve DNS names (google.com etc) but IS connected to the internet (i can ping - which is google's IP)... how do i go about fixing this? :X [06:54] J-_-> try to get your wifi to associate with the AP via dhclient wlan0 am assuming you have set the correct ESSID in your config file === burner is now known as burner\- [06:55] I have a static IP, connected through a router... [06:55] clear [06:55] mzinz: ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:55] how do i run something like systemtap when there's no bootable ubuntu kernel with debugging support? [06:55] inacoma: umm is there anything in /etc/resolv.conf [06:55] ahh [06:55] how do i kill firefox? [06:55] mrpockets: pkill firefox [06:55] killall firefox [06:56] that too [06:56] mrpockets: the one i gave kills firefox and firefox-bin [06:56] thanl you so much [06:56] i was wondering if anyone here could help me get my sound working on ubuntu... ive been searching endless amounts of forums and FAQ's, following guides running all kinds of commands. i still cant figure out how to fix it [06:56] Amaranth: not sure what you mean. [06:56] nope, i don't have a resolv.conf o.O [06:56] ive spent easily 5 hours [06:56] darn it [06:56] amenado: not sure what you mean [06:57] J-_laptop-> do you use a nm applet? you can set it there, or on the command line or the interfaces file [06:57] macogw: nope, i don't have a resolv.conf o.O [06:58] inacoma: O_O [06:58] hey anyone know how i can tell which version ubuntu I have I just read something about prerelease, and im running gutsy [06:58] inacoma: i didnt think that was possible [06:58] really [06:58] :\ [06:58] wtf [06:58] dubby: gutsy = 7.10 [06:58] lol [06:58] where do i save a users crontab file? would it be in their home directory? [06:58] dubby: im running hardy heron, 8.04 alpha 5 [06:59] if youre looking to kill individual process and dont know the name, try ps -el and look for the process there or ps -el | grep string to locate a process id [06:59] dubby: final version of hardy will be released april 24 [06:59] anyone good on fixing sound issues in ubuntu? [06:59] yes i do a lot of sound stuff [06:59] 4.1.3 20070831 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu1) [07:00] came: ive searched countless amounts of forums / faqs on how to get my sound to work on ubuntu, no dice [07:00] dubby: lsb_release -a [07:00] ok whats your sound card [07:00] dubby: thatll tell you your ubuntu version [07:00] im using integrated for the moment [07:00] buy a new sound card [07:00] could that be the problem? [07:01] i mean, it should work regardless [07:01] integrated sound typically sucks but its doable [07:01] if it means anything, im using a very ghetto cheap biostar motherboard [07:01] im not looking for any quality, just sound [07:01] do you have the make and model of the mb? [07:01] macogw: guessing that's the problem right ;X [07:01] p4m900-m4 [07:01] k i'll do some google fu one sec [07:01] inacoma: probably [07:01] alright thanks [07:02] sigh! wtf, nfi how. i want it back! :( [07:02] lspci should give a name to the sound hardware [07:02] inacoma: well you can make a resolv.conf [07:02] inacoma: and list nameservers in it [07:02] inacoma: system -> admin -> networking has a gui for that [07:02] im running dapper [07:02] im gonna pop in a bagel real quick [07:02] :( [07:02] be back in a sec [07:03] inacoma: i know. that item should still be there in the menu [07:03] inacoma: if you were using breezy, id be confused, but i used dapper for a few months...first distro i used for more than a half hour [07:03] i dont have a gui? :> [07:04] u dont have a gui? ur hard core [07:04] inacoma: inacoma is this a wired connection that you're losing the resolv.conf for? (just came in) [07:04] Yes, its running through a router [07:04] thats bullshit everyone has a gui just some are more retarded than others at the very least the shell is a type of gui [07:04] unless your data or cpt. picard or some shit [07:05] inacoma: do you have the network defined in /etc/network/interfaces ? [07:05] I think i ruined it yesterday! Haha, with webmin... [07:05] cameodemon, no, my friend uses text based (like in fail safe mode) [07:05] so that is still a gui [07:05] Yes, everythings defined... i can ping google.com's IP, but not its hostname. [07:06] how is that a gui? its not graphical in any way [07:06] i'm connected to it with putty and winscp now. [07:06] or is it? hm. what defines a gui im interested. graphical user interface, does this include any system with a monitor? [07:06] Text is still graphics... [07:06] alright im back [07:06] exactly [07:06] gui = graphical user interface [07:06] text isnt really text but instead a pixelated representation of text [07:06] text based is not a gui [07:06] inacoma: you can add a package called resolvconf , and add a line like dns-nameservers to the interface definition, it will automatically set your resolf.conf for you [07:06] Generally speaking, though, GUI refers to a non-terminal interface. [07:06] maybe deleuze or derrida would have something to say about the test [07:06] yeah of course [07:07] ok @Karsyth. are you using a laptop [07:07] nope [07:07] kk ill try that! [07:07] sec [07:07] ok so this might work anyway [07:08] new 5 gum is awesome [07:08] Package resolvconf is not available, but is referred to by another package. [07:08] http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4360698&postcount=6 [07:08] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [07:08] is only available from another source [07:08] E: Package resolvconf has no installation candidate [07:08] OOPS [07:08] dsfkjsdfksdf [07:08] inacoma: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:08] download, chmod +x these scripts and run them, they'll first upgrade your alsa [07:09] Arr.. accident [07:09] but yeah, i don't think i can get the package [07:09] inacoma: you need to enable the universe repository, edit /etc/apt/sources.list , and uncomment the lines with universe in them. You might want to add the word multiverse to those lines as well, more software [07:10] that was the start of my problem nickrud ;) [07:10] i cannot get these repositories because i can't resolve hostnames [07:10] inacoma: hahahaha. [07:10] haha [07:10] apt-get alsamixer if you can, and make sure nothings muted (check if pressing M on the keyboard has any effect when playing music)...also youve checked, if using gnome, system > prefs > sound and checking if the right devices are selected [07:11] hey aloha [07:11] I uninstalled/reinstalled wine, and it's showing my old programs in the menu, but not new ones. is there a way to, like, update it? :/ [07:11] inacoma that's mirrors.kernel.org . You can use a direct ip address instead of th archive.ubuntu.com [07:11] where conf file, eth0's ip setting === HashBox_ is now known as HashBox [07:12] morning [07:12] ae [07:13] dny, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58577/ [07:13] Hey guys, I need some advise on filesystems I can use both on windows and on Ubuntu Gutsy: [07:13] hey, nickrud: question [07:13] if i can get my nameserver, would i be able to just make resolv.conf file? [07:14] !ask | inacoma [07:14] inacoma: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [07:14] Fat32 doesn't support files larger than 4GB. file operations on NTFS for large files take ages in Ubuntu [07:14] smokeyd: ntfs will work fine [07:14] cameo, i had to register to the site real quick to download the files. you said i should chmod +x those scripts, and i have no idea what you mean by that. i just got linux today [07:14] inacoma: yes [07:14] smokeyd: oh. is it xp? [07:14] inacoma: absolutely. [07:14] im going to assume you want me to run that as a command and put the location of the files i downloaded at the end? [07:14] smokeyd: there are xp drivers for ext3 [07:14] where conf file, eth0's ip setting [07:14] inacoma: you can use those I put up temporarily [07:14] macogw: I just tried to copy a 3GB file to ntfs but it took all night and didn't even complete more than 10% [07:15] macogw: I found the ext2 IFS driver [07:15] smokeyd, i copy files to NTFS drive all the time with no problem, so it could be network issue maybe? [07:15] smokeyd: ext2 and ext3 are compatible. itll work fine. [07:15] but the problem there is file consistency in case of clean unmounts (IE windows XP crashes) [07:15] Ok, and i should be able to do that through the router settings - right? i'm pretty sure it has nameservers in it - they would work? And how is the resolv.conf file set out? is it just "nameserver one.ip.here.yo" [07:15] smokeyd: thats a problem on ntfs too.... [07:15] inacoma: the problem with manually changing /etc/resolv.conf as a permanent solution is some inet utils try to set it themselves === hadir_bersamamu is now known as COW_KEDINGINAN [07:15] inacoma: yep [07:15] macogw: that is true [07:15] nickrud: chattr +i [07:15] I am trying to install flash on 64 bit ubuntu and I keep getting errors. I am starting to think that it is impossible and that I should re-install with 32 bit ubuntu. Any thoughts? [07:16] macogw: ouch, what a creepy hack ;) [07:16] mrZeek: did you try the script? [07:16] TrustNoOne: it i not a network issue as the file was copied between partitions on the same drive [07:16] bluecake, in /ec/hosts [07:16] trustnoone: thanks :] [07:16] CPU usage just went up to amost 100% [07:16] oohboo, no it'snot [07:16] how do you display your ip routes? [07:16] mount.ntfs uses 95% or something when copying a 3GB file [07:16] smokeyd, hmm... i never copied to NTFS on the same drive as linux... [07:17] nickrud: its what i did to test my friend's Xorg on fedora. it kept resetting to fglrx and crashing X on every boot. once i made it immutable and the random fglrx initscript couldnt mess with it, we got to see a fail during the boot sequence to find out what was causing the breakage [07:17] mzin1: route in a terminal [07:17] yes, and I tried to download adobe file, and tried to do it from command line. I haven't gotten anywhere === cool is now known as brain_boy [07:17] nickrud: thanks [07:17] hello [07:17] bluecake, are you looking in /etc/hosts.conf or /etc/hosts? [07:17] mrZeek: thats 32bit only [07:17] macogw: do you now of a windws driver that also supports the journalling of ext3? [07:17] macogw: makes sense for troubleshooting. I've used it myself, but it itched so badly I found the real reason (as you did) [07:17] mrZeek: there's a script someone wrote to automate it on 64bit [07:17] after ubuntu 7.10 installation, i get busybox and some stuffs [07:17] is there a way to fix it [07:18] smokeyd: no [07:18] oohboo, both [07:18] oohboo, both not there [07:18] macogw where can i find this script? [07:18] macogw: ok, thanks [07:18] bluecake, on mine the /etc/hosts file has etho setting [07:18] Ok, my router settings give me these addresses: Public IP Address (No), Public Network Mask (No), Public Default Gateway (No), Domain Name Server 1 (Maybe? It looks like a normal IP.), Domain Name Server 2 (Maybe? It looks like a local network IP.), and DHCP Server IP Address (??) Which one should i use, and again (to be sure) it would be "nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"? [07:19] oohboo, ubuntu? [07:19] u sure? [07:19] bluecake, yep - gutsy === royal is now known as rsthree [07:19] gusty here too [07:19] inacoma: domain name server [07:19] mrZeek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924&highlight=64bit+flash [07:19] ah ok @ Karsyth. it might take some days then to setup if its your first time [07:19] bluecake, checked before answering [07:19] well, try this first [07:19] nickrud: The one that looks like a local network IP, or the one that looks like an internet IP? [07:19] hmmm [07:19] click Systems > Preferences > Sound [07:19] meh i'll try both! hehe :> [07:20] inacoma: it's probably your router, which forwards dns [07:20] inacoma: DNS 1 [07:20] inacoma: or listen to him [07:20] !paste [07:20] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [07:20] oohboo, i did check before ans [07:20] macogw thanks I will try that [07:21] hi [07:21] how to check if i am using dhcp or static ip? on command line? [07:21] mrZeek: ive never tried it out, but let me know how it goes. i dont have a 64bit processor [07:21] I cannot get k3b to read from one dvd and write to the other, will only work with one at a time although it sees both , any ideas ? [07:21] how come my pc keeps running in low graphics mode [07:21] alright [07:21] correct drivers not installed perhaps? [07:21] thats what i figured [07:21] there the same as yesty [07:21] did you go to sound prefs? [07:21] but i tried re-installing and rebooting earlier [07:21] supershort: dont have the right drivers installed [07:21] yes im in it now [07:21] supershort: what kind of video card do you have? [07:21] i dont know [07:21] im on a laptop [07:21] p3 laptop [07:22] under the device tabs do you have options? [07:22] bluecake, my /etc/host - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58578/ [07:22] supershort: lspci | grep -i vga in a terminal will tell you [07:22] yes, it lets me pick which drivers i want to use [07:22] ok, lets see if this works - before i try, is there anything i have to restart before i do it? like /etc/init.d/networking restart [07:22] can you select something starting with Realtek [07:22] yep [07:22] thats what i have selected [07:22] inacoma: no, it'll be recognized [07:22] i can only select it on default mixer tracks [07:22] ok and when you hit test no sound? [07:23] nothing [07:23] do you have any speakers? [07:23] comes up trident micro system [07:23] yes [07:23] ok thats good hah [07:23] plugged in correctly, into the right jack [07:23] im not that far behind lol [07:23] its just linux [07:23] try opening a terminal [07:23] alright [07:23] oohboo, mine says 127.x.x..x [07:23] ok once you do that, type in the following "sudo apt-get install alsamixer" [07:23] Aww ;( no workies! god damnit lol [07:24] came [07:24] how to i fix [07:24] bluecake, that is localhost - should be lines after that if it is setup [07:24] is there like a reset graphic setting [07:24] alright , its done [07:24] OH WAIT IT WORKS :D LOVE FOR nickrud and macogw :) Thanks fellas [07:24] ok [07:24] hi, can someone help me with this? http://tinyurl.com/26o6ze [07:25] what cuases busybox to show after installation [07:25] except... [07:25] now type "alsamixer" in terminal [ no quotes ] [07:25] i can't sleep [07:25] how do i paste in here === hadir_bersamamu is now known as cow_sendiri [07:25] shift+ctrl+v by default [07:25] how do i run something like systemtap when there's no bootable ubuntu kernel with debugging support? [07:25] bluecake, tried from the menu - system - admin - network? [07:25] oohboo, yes [07:25] k [07:25] I accidently typed hostname instead of nameserver >.< lol haha... gg go through all this and make stupid mistake like that - anyway guys (nickrud and macogw) thx for your help :) [07:25] not letting me paste [07:25] plse what causes busybox after installation and how to fix it [07:26] hi :D I'm Istalling Ubuntu 7.10 server edition :D and after this I want to install fluxbox :D I hope fluxbox is simple to use and configure ^^ [07:26] just type in alsamixer without pasting [07:26] karsyth@K4:~$ sudo apt-get install alsamixer [07:26] Reading package lists... Done [07:26] Building dependency tree [07:26] Reading state information... Done [07:26] E: Couldn't find package alsamixer [07:26] Karsyth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:26] oohboo, no, i am on ssh. no gui [07:26] supershort: missed your last few. you should add the nick of the person you're talking to. Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , and choose the trident driver [07:26] thats what i was trying to paste [07:26] hm you might not have the right repositories enabled [07:26] bluecake, try in a terminal lspci to see if the etho is seen by the system [07:27] Yessss! And now i am doing what i was trying to do an hour ago - updating my repositories! ahaha :P :D [07:27] go to system > admin > synaptic [07:27] can someone help me with this, i get this error when i start ubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/26o6ze === brain_boy is now known as coolboy [07:27] alright [07:27] Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install 7.1 form 7.04, but I keep getting this error message: "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" Can anyone explain? [07:27] then click settings > repositories [07:27] !ops | tarkus (troll) [07:27] tarkus (troll): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud! [07:27] tarkus: cute [07:27] alright [07:27] are all the boxes checked [07:27] Thank you, nickrud [07:28] yep === cool is now known as brain_boy [07:28] if not try checking them all, and then hit search then type alsamixer [07:28] tarkus: thanks for the link. Now I can't get rid of the movie [07:28] Hey I was wondering if somebody could shed some light on installing libnotify. i'm trying to install 0.4.4 on ubuntu 7.10, but whenever i do ./configure, it errors out [07:28] then install alsa-utils [07:29] or in the terminal sudo apt-get install alsa-utils [07:29] smokeyd: indeed, killall -9 firefox-bin [07:29] jms_, how were you upgrading? [07:29] mark for re-installation? [07:29] cameodemon: Karsyth alsamixer is in alsa-utils [07:29] shit really? hm. [07:29] nevermind [07:29] MenZa: yeah I know [07:29] the bastard [07:29] smokeyd: indeed. He's gone now, though. :) [07:29] ah, never mind [07:29] yeah, i went through this earlier [07:29] oohboo, from the Upgrade Manager [07:29] k [07:30] is alsamixergui installed? [07:30] nope, ill install it real quick [07:30] ok [07:31] hey, I have an EPS file that I want to zoom in on. Evince only goes to 400%. Is there a viewer that can go higher? Or is there a way to resize the EPS file? It's vector, so it should be something straightforward.... [07:31] cewek ada [07:31] now what [07:31] HorizonXP: *maybe* Adobe's own reader will do that. Let me try. [07:32] MenZa: it does not. [07:32] adobe's own reading is awful on system resources = slower than death [07:32] HorizonXP: Ah. [07:32] MenZa: can't even open EPS [07:32] Yeah, it is, cameodemon [07:32] bluecake, try - sudo dhclient eth0 [07:32] HorizonXP: Hmm. Inkscape? [07:32] I don't think Inkscape opens EPS [07:32] theres a really amazing dvi/ps viewer im going to go look for what i have again [07:32] MenZa: ugh, that'd be a big install. [07:32] jms_: It saves to EPS [07:32] HorizonXP: maybe display , part of imagemagick? (don't have an eps to check with) [07:33] cameodemon: i installed the gui [07:33] Nah, 40-50 megs? [07:33] Or maybe display, like nickrud suggests. [07:33] ok now type in alsamixergui in the terminal and tell me what driver it shows? [07:33] I'll try display [07:33] e [07:33] 40 to 50 megs... my campus network restricts what I can download [07:33] and I'm already close to the daily limit [07:33] also, did you try clicking on the sound icon on the top panel? [07:33] like, double clicking [07:34] yeah [07:34] they arent muted [07:34] what driver does it say? [07:34] OK, inkscape won't *open* EPS files, HorizonXP [07:34] card, chip, or bothj [07:34] um [07:34] is this is alsamixergui? [07:34] yes [07:34] i see a GUI of volume controls [07:34] ok so close that [07:35] double click the sound icon on the top panel [07:35] alright [07:35] go to File > Change Device in that and look for something [07:35] how can i play back a .ogm video file? [07:35] Realtek ALC861-VD is on the top [07:35] on a manga fanboy video player? [07:35] click Realtek [07:36] alright [07:36] all the sliders maxed, nothing muted [07:36] test the sound? [07:36] still nothing [07:36] i can also pick a different device, but it also doesnt work [07:36] arooni, vlc will play Ogg Media files [07:37] HDA VIA VT82xx [07:37] vlc will play anything [07:37] * nickrud is waiting for a comprehensive doc on alsa, written for non uber-geeks [07:37] nickrud: fat chance. :p [07:37] guys, display rasterizes it [07:38] alsa can get pretty muddy sometimes. hm. most likely you'll need to patch the alsa kernel, which can be tricky [07:38] how do i run something like systemtap when there's no bootable ubuntu kernel with debugging support? [07:38] HorizonXP: okular, kpdf? [07:38] heh. ghostview , ggv , xpdf HorizonXP maybe one of those [07:38] xpdf [07:38] xpdf [07:38] ok, I'll try xpdf... [07:39] so is that something that would take a while to do? [07:39] im a pretty quick learner [07:39] 23ff [07:39] ok so i'll give you a link [07:40] xpdf doesn't open eps [07:40] :( [07:40] could someone help me use less space with beagle - it's using 8.4GB right now and growing [07:40] wait also, what are you using to test the sound? [07:41] both the test in the sound and the system sounds [07:41] i am getting error when i ran xen please resolve the error [07:41] it is detecting the iso image but it is giving the error as follows " FATAL : could not read the boot disk " [07:41] i test the beep sound [07:41] Yigal, what version of Ubuntu are you using? [07:41] eh that might be looking for an onboard speaker that you may or may not have attached (i usually dont because im living dangerously) [07:41] hi i am getting error for installing windows as guest OS by using xen....FATAL:could not read disk [07:41] HorizonXP: does evince? [07:42] even at that, i have multiple programs open that use sound, and i get nothing [07:42] i also get errors when i try to play music [07:42] ok [07:42] so you downloaded those two .sh files right? [07:42] yigal: if youre on gutsy, id suggest getting rid of beagle and using tracker. tracker has a lot of nice options for configuring that [07:42] macogw: yes, but the problem is that it doesn't zoom in enough; so I need something that'll either zoom in more, or something to resize EPS [07:43] yes [07:43] ooo [07:43] ok [07:43] gan hai [07:43] im not sure if i did that command correctly though [07:43] are they on the desktop? [07:43] yes [07:43] if so, terminal > cd Desktop/ [07:43] then [07:43] chmod +x alsa_1.sh [07:44] then, chmod +x alsa_2.sh [07:44] done and done [07:44] then, ./alsa_1.sh and then run ./alsa_2.sh [07:44] let me know of any errors [07:45] permissions denied [07:45] i dont think the chmod worked [07:45] yigal: tracker is beagle's replacement. as far as i've noticed, there's no beagle on hardy [07:45] it just went to the next line when i entered it [07:45] Karsyth: ls -l [07:45] sudo chmod +x alsa_1.sh then [07:45] Karsyth: if there are x's in the left part, it worked. if not, it failed. [07:45] yeah thats also a good idea to make sure theyre in that directory [07:45] xen is not working in my system.. [07:45] I need to install the package telnet, but not have apt add it to inetd.conf. Can apt do this ?? [07:46] ls -l should list all the files in the directory [07:46] i hand this task off to someone else, its near 3am and i have a film class in six hours peace [07:46] sorry i cant stay longer, im just about to pass out [07:46] well [07:46] its not showing up in the list [07:47] !telnet | what_if [07:47] what_if: telnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh [07:47] but it is on my desktop [07:47] what_if, telnet is extremely insecure, i recommend using ssh unless you have to use telnet [07:47] Karsyth: i know nothing about audio, but this i can figure anyway... [07:47] Karsyth: pwd [07:47] Karsyth: what's that say? [07:47] /home/karsyth [07:47] Karsyth: and the files are on your desktop? [07:47] yes [07:47] Karsyth: cd Desktop [07:47] sn00zer: have to use telnet, can't run encryption. :) [07:48] Karsyth: then try the chmod [07:48] hey I just installed phpbb how can I start it up for the first time I installed via apt-get. [07:48] !ssh | what_if [07:48] what_if: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [07:48] what_if: you'd simply edit inet.conf after the isnstall [07:48] still nothing [07:48] *install [07:48] it doesnt seem like its running the command [07:48] it just goes to a new line [07:48] Karsyth: thats all it should do when its done [07:48] alright, then i guess its working [07:49] Karsyth: but you're in /home/karsyth/Desktop now, right? [07:49] nickrud: ok, that I'll do :) [07:49] Karsyth: and if you type "ls -l" you see the files listed with their permissions on the left? [07:49] karsyth@K4:~$ sudo apt-get install alsamixer [07:49] Reading package lists... Done [07:49] Building dependency tree [07:49] Reading state information... Done [07:49] E: Couldn't find package alsamixer [07:49] Karsyth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:49] whoops [07:49] Karsyth: stop === BaD_CrC_ is now known as BaD_CrC [07:49] erealz: it's probably already set up, but what you should do next is probably in /usr/share/doc/phpbb [07:49] oohboo: sry. Can't use ssh for this system. [07:49] my bad, i pasted the wrong thing [07:49] karsyth@K4:~/Desktop$ [07:49] k what_if [07:49] it is detecting the iso image but it is giving the error as follows " FATAL : could not read the boot disk " [07:49] thats where i am on the terminal [07:50] Karsyth: and if you type "ls -l" do the two files show up? [07:50] xen is detecting the iso image but it is giving the error as follows " FATAL : could not read the boot disk " [07:50] yep [07:50] Karsyth: alsamixer is in the alsa-utils package [07:50] !patience | loma1 [07:50] loma1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [07:50] Karsyth: ah, that's a really old paste, nnm [07:50] hello [07:50] loma1, it might be a bad burn [07:51] gr1ff1n: welcome [07:51] Karsyth: and are there x's in the first part of their lines? [07:51] yes, on both [07:51] Karsyth: then chmod worked fine [07:51] alright, so run the scripts now? [07:51] Karsyth: now you need t run them [07:51] Karsyth: yeah [07:52] and i can just double click them to do that correct? [07:52] can someone help me to figure out why I can t install awn, it keeps telling me " configure: error: Package requirements (pygtk-2.0 >= 2.8.0) were not met" but I have installed all the necessary packages [07:52] wizard [07:52] Karsyth: eehh they might want input [07:52] I have a question regarding USB wireless devices and Ubuntu gusty.. [07:52] Karsyth: better off doing ./alsa_...whatever [07:52] ssh [07:52] Karsyth: so you can watch it in the terminal [07:52] If anyone would be so kind as to help me, or attempt to, i would appreciate it greatly. [07:52] oohboo, i dont know whether my query was read out by others ror not , thats why i am passing it again & again [07:52] gr1ff1n: you need a development header package, it will end in -dev . Have you installed one yet? [07:52] loma1: we can read, we just dont know the answer [07:53] gr1ff1n: probably python-gtk2-dev [07:53] loma1, if someone knows an answern they will share :) [07:53] *answer [07:53] nickrud, I have installed it python-gtk-dev if its what you are talking about but still the same [07:54] anyone know of some awesome system monitoring software? [07:54] gr1ff1n: strange, that's from the pygtk source package, and 2.12 [07:54] sleepster: pandora, zenoss, nagios...take your pick [07:54] !awn [07:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:54] yep I know [07:54] it went through a whole downloading process, but along the way i still got permission errors [07:55] I don t understand what is going on [07:55] could not this... could not that [07:55] holas [07:55] sleepster: though idk if you mean just one box or what...but those are the things youd use to be notified when a server's having issues [07:55] alguien español? [07:55] !es | salatyel [07:55] salatyel: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [07:55] nadien? [07:55] cuales canales? [07:55] salatyel: un poquito [07:55] donde estoy? [07:55] salatyel: entre #ubuntu-es, por favor :) [07:55] macogw: what is the best? I've heard of nagios. I need it to be pretty industrial strength [07:56] ok [07:56] sleepster: pandora is "pretty" [07:56] no entiendo nada de esto [07:56] es chat? [07:56] gr1ff1n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2307772 has a list of packages for compiling awn [07:56] sleepster: other than that, ive never seen a comparison [07:56] salatyel: por favor, /j #ubuntu-es [07:56] macogw, ok [07:56] sleepster: what i saw at a zenoss presentation seemed impressive to me... [07:56] oohboo, ok [07:56] una pregunta al ke sepa como el windows confucion istalar el ares? [07:56] salatyel, /j #ubuntu-es [07:57] or #ubuntu-pt or br [07:57] nickrud: thanks for that but I tried it, and still the same :-( === magnetron_ is now known as magnetron [07:57] salatyel: nosotros no hablamos banstantes espanol [07:57] how do i install a elf file? [07:57] salatyel: es el canal de ayuda de ubuntu. si tienes problemas con windows, teclea /join #windows [07:57] *an [07:57] macogw: im getting alot of permission errors still [07:57] Karsyth: try running it with sudo [07:57] I ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to try and reconfigure X and it gave me the error message that "xserver-org is not installed" now after I've run it once already [07:57] nickrud: when I run autogen.sh, I get the error and I can t go further [07:57] so the same command except with sudo in front of it? [07:57] How can I see what my laptop mac address is? my router isn't picking it up. It did before, but it isn't now. [07:58] Oi2Life: did you spell it right? [07:58] yep [07:58] Oi2Life: the error message shows it spelled wrong [07:58] Karsyth: yep [07:58] J-_: ifconfig [07:58] macogw: still got the same permission errors [07:59] J-_: itll show the mac address for all your interfaces [07:59] I might've typo [07:59] Karsyth: what did you run? [07:59] Typo'd when I typed it back [07:59] Let me double check [07:59] macogw: ah okay, cool. thanks [07:59] karsyth@K4:~/Desktop$ sudo ./alsa_1.sh [07:59] J-_: well itll show all the info for all your interfaces....which one's the mac should be obvious enough [07:59] gr1ff1n: I haven't compiled awn, and have no intention ;) I like packages, and have only compiled libgpod since I have a new nano [08:00] Karsyth: that looks right... maybe do "sudo -s" first and then just "./alsa_1.sh" [08:00] okay I works now, heh. I did mistype it [08:00] Sorry for that [08:00] Karsyth: the script might be assuming you're running as actual root [08:00] i have added medibuntu repo : of no use though [08:00] it does mention something like that [08:00] But now I hope I can get it to work this time [08:00] how do i install an elf file? [08:00] Is the correct command to run x from console "startx"? [08:01] Oi2Life: not sure how well itd work. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [08:01] Oi2Life: that would start up the login screen and everything [08:01] ok im stuck how can I get apache to point to phpbb witchi just installed via apt-get? [08:01] Oi2Life: ive used startx to start fluxbox when i didnt have a login manager installed...dont know what happens if you try startx and have gnome and all installed [08:01] how can i show you what it said without spamming the channel? [08:02] Karsyth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [08:02] yeah I'm using gnome [08:02] As a matter of fact [08:02] nickrud: thanks anyway, is your new nano working fine with libgpod ??? cos everytime the music disapear for me its crap [08:02] Oi2Life: ok then just start up gdm [08:02] Would you recommend using "Auto detect hardware" for xserver-xorg? [08:02] Oi2Life: thats gnome display manager [08:03] gr1ff1n: is it a fall 2007 model? [08:03] gr1ff1n: one of the ones apple messed with to lock out everything that's not iTunes? [08:03] Hello, is there a way to get disc burning programs to use the targets of symbolic links, rather than the link? [08:03] yeah gdm did a core dump lol [08:03] Oi2Life: ooo not fun. i guess you could try startx... [08:04] without the sudo though [08:04] Oi2Life: oh you have to sudo it [08:04] macogw: 8gb black nano [08:04] macogw: in the beginning it said there were permission errors but its been running TONS of scripts for a few minutes now [08:04] hmm screen's flashing [08:04] don t know the year [08:04] gr1ff1n: er...i know nothing about apple....is that one of the new ones? [08:04] hehe I think I almost got it coevered [08:04] yep [08:05] covered [08:05] I think I may have broken my mysql install, and when I try to autoremove, it says that it can't start the server, and thus can't autoremove it - any ideas? [08:05] gr1ff1n: ok then yeah thatd be apple trying to get vendor lock-in [08:05] gr1ff1n: http://lilserenity.wordpress.com/2007/12/22/virgin-mobile-praise-ubuntu-and-ipod-nano-3g/ [08:05] dpkg -l [08:05] macogw: it ran so many commands that it started a fresh screen in terminal [08:05] gr1ff1n: that site has packages you can install to update libgpod and get around apple being full of jerks [08:06] Karsyth: ok... [08:06] macogw: thanks a lot for that I ll try it right now [08:06] Karsyth: then i guess it's working [08:06] now reboot your machine, and run alsa_2 [08:06] hello [08:06] maybe it thinks i dont have permissions but it did it anyways? [08:06] Karsyth: did you sudo -s first? [08:07] in which virtual machine for windows does ubuntu run best? [08:07] Karsyth: thatd make it a root shell [08:07] macogw: i think so [08:07] no i didnt, should i redo it like that? [08:07] BuSefer: from what i read, virtualbox is the fastest vm for graphics [08:08] Karsyth: well if it worked i guess not [08:08] BuSefer, vmware workstation [08:08] macogw: what do you mean "for graphics"? [08:08] Hmm, if that isn't possible, is there an easy way to swap round a symlink and its target file? [08:08] macocgw: like i said, in the beginning it said there were permission errors but it went through anyways [08:08] BuSefer: most graphically responsive...like redrawing the screen, it won the benchmarks, so 3D stuff would work well in there as compared to vmware or qemu [08:08] when would you use the -i param with sudo? [08:09] macogw: oh, that did it, its running without errors now [08:09] Oi2Life: if you wanted it to be like su - [08:09] Oi2Life: it switches to root's environment [08:09] macogw: what about 2D? I mean usual usage without 3D, I am not going to run games, but I want responsive interface [08:10] Oi2Life: i think its annoying because wherever i've cd'd gets undone and my vimrc and bashrc are gone...but since there are some apps which require root's env. to run because they are in /sbin... [08:10] BuSefer: i dont know exactly. the benchmarks were done with drawing squares and circles and things [08:10] BuSefer: so i guess 2D was fastest too [08:10] BuSefer: qemu's still faster for computational things [08:11] it says *Stating Gnose Display Manager.. then quits [08:11] ok. thank you. will use virtubox [08:11] for thhmmm [08:11] hmmm* [08:11] computational things? qemu? [08:11] it says gmd's running now [08:11] hmm [08:12] hmm now it says man comment not found heh [08:12] command* [08:12] Fucked up [08:12] !language | Oi2Life [08:12] Oi2Life: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [08:14] macogw: it wants me to reboot, brb [08:14] swayze is dieing ?! [08:14] my world just fell apart [08:15] do i have to get AMD64 for a duel core 64bit amd? [08:15] What's the easiest way to have a /home directory restore itself? [08:15] Li-Plus: no. i recommend installing the regular version [08:15] To the current state. [08:16] how can I get rid of the annoying 'nm-applet' keyring password prompt? [08:16] hey whats up gimme a few brb [08:17] Is there a way to swap around a symlink and its target easily? [08:17] macogw: I don't know if you still here, but many thanks to you for that, it s working awesome [08:17] macogw: i already hear sound and i havent even finished installing the second package! [08:17] can anyone tell me what oph crack is and what its usefull for [08:17] macogw: only problem is now im in 800 X 600 and i cant set it higher, one step at a time though [08:17] I could probably work out how to do it with a script, but I just wondered if there was already something to do it [08:19] aninhumer: What do you mean, swap around? [08:19] Hey all, I'm experiencing Poor drawing of 2d apps and a verry high cpu load when scaling and moving windows. I use a Fresh installed Ubuntu 7.10, With Restricted Nvidia Drivers. [08:19] macogw: how do i set where im running commands from, and whats the command to run from root again? [08:19] ArthurArchnix, so that where the symlink was there is the target file, and at the old target, there is a symlink to it [08:20] aninhumer: Oh... you mean like reverse the direction in which the link points? [08:20] aninhumer: Yikes. No.. [08:21] ArthurArchnix, I'm not trying to do it with any important files :P [08:21] can anyone refresh me on how to relocate where im running commands from? [08:22] oh nvm g2g [08:22] hi all - does ubuntu have frequent updates - I am only asking as I downloaded the 7.10 media a while ago and built a laptop at the weekend but the number of updates that downloaded were very small - I used to use fedora and I would have had probably 100 updates - I understand not many packages were on at the start but still didnt seem many [08:23] Karsyth: cd changes directory [08:23] thanks [08:23] OSS- [08:23] order - [08:23] nickthorley: yes, there are updates very frequently. [08:23] nickthorley: on a new install I get over 100 updates so far. [08:23] I downloaded a xubuntu cd the other day and there were like 200MB of updates :P [08:24] is there a software that will open Publisher 2007 files? [08:24] Publisher. :P [08:24] lol [08:24] parsec300: wonder why mine didnt seem to get many - strange - I am not on the machine at the moment but when I am I will pop in this room and double check my kernel version. [08:24] ... ha [08:24] !vmware [08:24] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers [08:25] ok... vmware it is..thx [08:25] About a year ago I looked into the problem cirilo... and the answer at that time was no. You had to use publisher to save it as another format, like .ps but perhaps things have changed in the intervening time. [08:25] ok arthur [08:26] can anyone quickly outline for me what happens with the root user on ubuntu - on fedora the installation asks you for a password which is the root one and then you set up other users after that. May be me being forgetful but cant remember being asked for a root password on install [08:26] cirilo: VM ware isn't for publisher files per se, it's software to run another OS inside your current one. So you could, for example, install XP, then publisher 2007, then open your file all from withint ubuntu. [08:26] nickthorley: isn't the kernel updated by the same update process? [08:26] anyone know why i cant set my resolution above 800 X 600? [08:27] parsec300: yes it is what I meant was by checking if that is up to date I will know I have got the updates properly as the process seemed too quick to me [08:27] right.. i have an existing xp that is stable..but i want to get back to linux... so im thinking of switching but the publisher has me nervous.. [08:27] nickthorley: post the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list using pastebin [08:28] cirilo: If you need publisher then you're looking at a dualboot situation, vm situation, or learning to use scribus [08:28] arthurArchnix: will do when i am back at home - at work at the moment [08:28] cirilo: Or just giving it up altogether, keeping your eye on the wineapp database and seeing when publisher 2007 reaches gold. [08:29] nickthorley: Working hard I see, [08:29] arthur: does scribus open .pub files or just it's own? [08:29] arthurarchnix: dont start yet - in the office early [08:29] cirilo: http://www.scribus.net/ last time I checked (a year ago) it did not. [08:29] :D [08:30] athurA: i appricate it [08:30] Ubuntu in VirtualBox is trying to "download package lists...", I don't want it to download anything how do I stop this? [08:31] BuSefer: That's your package manage.r [08:31] My metacities imploded. :( [08:31] ok when i tried to boot the live version/install i get this error every time only once did i get it to boot but i was messing with hardware and it locked up [ 49.202705] PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:00.0 [ 50.598980] crc error [ 50.600305] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1) i have no idea how to fix that can i please... [08:31] MenZa: this is installation, I am installing ubuntu, how do I stop it from trying to access internet [08:31] ...get some help [08:32] anyone know why i cant set my resolution past 800 X 600? [08:32] BuSefer: Cut the lan connection on the VirtualBox settings? [08:32] !res | Karsyth [08:32] Karsyth: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:32] thank you [08:32] MenZa: yep, that worked! thank you! [08:32] BuSefer: np [08:33] cirilo: Looks like they suggest you save in svg or eps format. They don't even seem to consider publisher a professional layout program. They talk about adobe indesign, and some other I've heard about.... ouch [08:34] iter, pass 8/26 yet ^_^ [08:34] yea.. publisher doesn't split the colors or anything buy my organization uses the darn thing.. so i have to approve files.. i might use a second computer for windows only stuff.. not ideal but maybe necessary [08:36] that command made me crash [08:36] MenZa: that command made me crash [08:36] how can i view jpg from command line [08:37] Karsyth: Which command? [08:37] icesword: eog [08:37] icesword: eog icesword [08:37] the resolution reset [08:37] Karsyth: Yes, but which command, exactly? [08:37] sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart [08:38] why? === cool is now known as brain_boy [08:39] bleh, too much for me for a night [08:39] im going to head out , thanks to everyone who spent their time helping me :D i appreciate it [08:41] what does ubuntu restriced-extras contain [08:42] PROBLEM: Need an older kernel to install VMware... My current kernel is '2.6.22-14-generic' and I don't know how to install an older one (preffer 2.6.18.*) [08:42] xen is detecting the iso image but it is giving the error as follows " FATAL : could not read the boot disk " [08:43] loma1, have you checked the disk yet? [08:44] need some help, when i tried to boot the live version/install i get this error every time only once did i get it to boot but i was messing with hardware and it locked up [ 49.202705] PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:00.0 [ 50.598980] crc error [ 50.600305] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1) i have no idea how to fix that [08:44] oohboo, i kept the iso image on harddisk [08:44] !xen [08:44] XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen [08:45] oohboo, i gave the path where the iso is actually located [08:45] Whenever I run apt I get this error linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2. Anyone know of a fix? Google and the forums offered no help. The only thing I found in the forums to try I've already tried. [08:46] PROBLEM: Need an older kernel to install VMware... My current kernel is '2.6.22-14-generic' and I don't know how to install an older one (preffer 2.6.18.*) ... ANYBODY? [08:46] Hello, I have a question. Does a standalone Edubuntu workstation installation also contain the kernel headers? I will need them to compile the driver for my modem? I want to make everything ready before I install Edubuntu. I have asked at #edubuntu but got no reply. [08:46] loma1, sorry - don't use xen - but if it sees the iso but can't read it there most likely is an error in the file [08:48] Muhammad_Saad > I don't know but if they don't you can install it after [08:48] how do i stop nm-applet asking me my password on boot? [08:48] jamil_11020429, have a look at this website, its unofficial, but lists the packages that restricted-extras installs http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/17/ubuntu-restricted-extras-all-that-extra-stuff-all-in-one-place/ [08:48] /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type fuseblk means what,sda1 is what type partition [08:49] need some help. how do i prevent a computer from seeing and/or browsing my computers on a network? i want to share the internet connection, but don't want the computer to have access to my computers. [08:49] oohboo, if open the file through qemu it is opening , so there is no error in iso file [08:49] Bena: I would not be able to connect to the internet to download them, That is why I am asking to make sure everything will be ready when I install it. [08:49] /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type fuseblk means what,sda1 is what type partition [08:49] anyone got experiece wih projectM in here [08:49] I need kernel headers to install modem driver [08:49] anyone got experiece wih projectM in here? [08:50] just gonna ask if there a way to see my (different) physical hard drive (where i had put windows) in a virtual machine like virtual [08:50] mattg08: add the ip addr of the user in the host.deny file [08:50] Virtualbox [08:50] loma1, tried to see if anyone else would chime in by keeping your quest up front - may need to try ##xen for an answer [08:51] /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type fuseblk means what,sda1 is what type partition [08:51] good day everyone [08:51] :) [08:51] oohboo, there also i tried , but there is no reply for me [08:51] is there a way to see my (different) physical hard drive (where i had put windows) in a virtual machine like virtualbox? [08:52] loma1, sorry - don't know what to suggest other than what's been said... [08:52] anyone got experiece wih projectM in here? [08:53] oohboo, thanks for your reply [08:53] k [08:53] anyone got experiece wih projectM in here? [08:53] thanks earthling [08:53] icesword: I think that would be an NTFS (windows) partition. Not sure, though. [08:53] ok [08:53] thank you sir [08:53] !fuse [08:53] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems [08:53] mattg08: lol [08:54] hello [08:54] !hi [08:54] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:54] i'm trying to make an image of an existing hard drive in virtualbox, but i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m15b3c540 [08:54] could anyone please help me out ? [08:55] Hi, I would like to record screen videos of my desktop, in particular of VirtualBox windows, I would like to record video-howto, can you point me a good app to do this? [08:55] !recordmydesktop | lucypher [08:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [08:56] hello? [08:56] !screencast | lucypher, this is the one I meant [08:56] lucypher, this is the one I meant: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [08:56] co_setia [08:57] dgjones : thanks, I've seen that there is a gtk UI for recordmydesktop [08:58] lucypher, I've not used it, I've only looked at the website for info now and again [08:59] YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [08:59] !ask | gene [08:59] gene: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:59] !patience | gene_ [08:59] gene_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [09:00] hehe [09:00] nice bot.. I have something like it but its replys arnt so nice. [09:00] Does anyone know anything about LIbvisual or ProjectM for ubuntu i have spent Hours researching it to no avail! [09:01] Anyone got a clue about why my box is drawing 2d graphics so bad. I honestly dont know where to look anymore [09:01] need some help, when i tried to boot the live version/install i get this error every time only once did i get it to boot but i was messing with hardware and it locked up [ 49.202705] PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:00.0 [ 50.598980] crc error [ 50.600305] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1) i have no idea how to fix that [09:02] ArmedKing, try sudo apt-get install videolan === fr0st is now known as [fr0st] [09:03] there is some libs in that pack that fixed gfx issues for me [09:03] why doesnt gutsy come with 3dwindows for compiz [09:03] it does if you install it [09:03] install compiz you mean? [09:03] yeah [09:04] your need to install KDE first [09:04] anyone got projectM working? [09:04] hello [09:04] hi [09:04] hi [09:04] i see, i ended up just installing the 3dwindows package [09:04] * X-Seti runs away, far away [09:04] i have a problem with pand [09:04] X-Seti, i'm not talking about video play m8 hehe i allready got that one. But it has to do with the drawing of 2d apps in Gnome. all 3d work like a rabit. But scaling this window (xchat for example) eats away 60% CPU usage and is all sloppy [09:04] I've just got ubuntu for the first time, im new to nix and id like tips on where to start? any guides? any tips on what to enter into the command line? [09:05] i am trying to established a pan via bluetooth [09:05] I use pand and it tells me [09:05] Connection failed. File exists (17) [09:05] ArmedKing, thats weird, X-Chat and other 2d apps are fine on here. [09:05] !terminal | Giddion, This should give you a good start on terminal commands [09:05] Giddion, This should give you a good start on terminal commands: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [09:05] have you any idea wich file exists ?? [09:06] dgjones: thanks [09:06] X-Seti, Every single window i open is a pain to move around and rescale [09:06] Keith_: I would venture to guess that your install CD is corrupted or you may have a failing CD ROM drive. Try the boot menu option to check the CD. [09:06] Hi, sound is gone after APM hibernate on T30 any pointers to quick fix/doc without the need to get intimate on kernel docs? [09:06] dgjones but as it stands atm i have a command line :) its the server install i dont think it comes with a GUI? [09:06] ArmedKing, whats your screen res, mines 800x600 as i have an unknown moniter. [09:06] Giddion, also https://help.ubuntu.com/ is a good resource for starting with Ubuntu, along with http://ubuntuforums.org/ [09:07] Giddion: is a server install what you wanted? [09:07] Giddion, thats right, the server install doesn't include the graphical interface [09:07] X-Seti, 1680x1050, on an Nvidia Geforce 8600GTS (dual) sli connected [09:07] !ask [09:07] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [09:07] pajamian yes, i want to see if i can run and maintain a web/sql server === LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja [09:07] Giddion [09:07] i understand web hosting + mysql (i run a 2k3 server) but i wanna give linux a try [09:07] The server is running now, yes? [09:07] Matthai yep on VM [09:07] I have dual 8800 SLI Ultras, no problems at all. [09:08] ah ok. My way would be to get putty and work over ssh [09:08] pajamian well i was able to install from the disc no problem on another pc? but i will check the disc gimme a few [09:08] see if you can get that up running first. [09:08] i have 2 boxes with kubutu installed [09:08] You propably have to enable some script in /etc/rc.d [09:08] Matthai: ye? ok lets have a go :) [09:09] i got the same error [09:09] Ok, but promise you'll look up the dos2linux howto and the bash basics afterwards :) [09:09] lol, i promise :) [09:09] You know unix comes with multiple levels right [09:09] single user, multi user, graphical shell [09:09] yep [09:09] Giddion: usually you maintain such a server remotely and the most efficient way is to do so via the command line, so you would connect to it with ssh as matthijs just recommended. [09:09] X-Seti: what kind of performance do you get from that SLI setup? 2 times the speed of one? 1.5 times? [09:09] ArmedKing, id say reinstall it all with, or change something in the x-org settings. [09:09] anyone know where can learn 'sed' easily ? [09:09] so you're on level 3 [09:10] multi-user [09:10] kiss_son, the internet... google [09:10] kiss_son: read the man page.. there are probably tutorials and howto's on the net [09:10] Matthai starting big :) [09:10] yeah, well basics my friend [09:10] go to /etc/rc3.d [09:10] checkout the startup scripts === santri is now known as ary [09:10] X-Seti, i just done a fresh install havent changed a thing on this box ツ [09:11] Slap_Sti1k, its hard to tell running 3dmax max, or any other rendering program. [09:11] kiss_son: go to #sed and read the topic links [09:11] looking now, [09:11] Slap_Sti1k, It's a hell of alot faster then my old dev platform [09:11] ok with ls -lha you can see all the properties on the files. who owns them, etcetera [09:11] ok,,,, it may be too dificult [09:11] ArmedKing, I installed from a live cd.. ? [09:12] thx [09:12] how do i view the rc3.d file? [09:12] it's a directory [09:12] cd /etc/rc3.d [09:12] ah ok [09:12] Giddion, use pico in the command line pico filename [09:12] watch the tab key on your keyboard [09:12] it's called autocomplete. [09:12] :) [09:12] how to configure GAIM to allow file transfers... :? === santri is now known as ary [09:13] no more gaim it is now pidgin [09:13] ok im there now and loving tab :P [09:13] tab is your friend [09:13] I would type ( lazy as I am) cd /et / rc3 [09:13] lol [09:14] what am i looking for in this DIR then? [09:14] there are about 7 ble files followed by green extentions (i think) [09:14] You're just becoming familiar with it, since this is where you start and stop scripts [09:14] matthijs: the will actually append the trailing / to etc (unless you have another dir or file that starts with /etc) [09:14] ahh ok [09:14] pajamian, i did not mean that literal :) [09:14] kiss_son: U mean Gaim doesnt allow file transfers.. [09:15] ok, now cat [09:15] reads [09:15] more [09:15] would i be able to install ubuntu on another pc and put the hdd in another pc and have it run? [09:15] makes it fit on the screen [09:15] kiss_son, use Amsn that does [09:15] cat | more [09:15] reads and fits on the screen [09:15] the | is doing that trick [09:15] it's like a real pipe [09:15] ahh ok [09:15] but there's a better command, called 'less' [09:15] cat > pipe file to screen > file [09:15] Ububegin: gaim (or now pidgin) cna do file transfers just fine, but depending on the protocol you may have difficulty with firewalls and NAT (most home DSL or cable) routers. [09:15] less is not more :) [09:15] Keith_____, install a new copy, thats the safe thing to do. [09:16] lol [09:16] cat opens all less opens less than more? lol [09:16] If you're getting in to sysadmin, appreciate the unix humor :) [09:16] pajamian: any ideas on how to bypass all those crap [09:16] well i havent been able to install at all on my main pc keep getting kernel panic =/ [09:16] well try and see. [09:16] cant find | on the danish keyboard in nix lol [09:16] Ububegin: what do you mean, "bypass"? [09:17] aaa [09:17] You should really get a us one. or configure the us keymap and learn us blind [09:17] pajamian: bypass those firewalls and NAT routers... [09:17] my pipe is on the middle row,next to enter [09:17] pajamian: so i am able to send the file over... [09:17] <^MissU^Mwah^Mwah> andika [09:17] Keith___ if the install in one the first HD, first Partition then it would boot, but if your hardware differs from your other, then you might have issues. [09:17] I have no clue what type of keyboard I have [09:17] Ububegin: you can turn off or disable a firewall, but a NAT router is more difficult. [09:17] :) [09:18] ok giddion, is there a file in our rc3 dir, that says something with: ssh [09:18] yeah i figure that mite be the case cause this pc is a junker the otherone is new that and pc's hate me i break them without trying =/ [09:18] you could do a 'ls *ssh*' [09:19] matthijs no SSH [09:19] theres an S99rmnologin [09:19] well, don't touch that one :) [09:19] Giddion: you can do something like "less filename" but you really do need to figure out how to get a | char if you want to do anything remotely serious in a unix shell. [09:20] yes, * / | >< and \ are elemental [09:20] paj, when i get putty up and running itll be ok [09:20] Keith_: did you try testing the CD to make sure it's good? [09:20] Ok Giddion, there's staple scripts for you in /etc/rc.d [09:20] pajamian but at the moment its runing on a danish keyboard for some reason and i dont know how to change it [09:21] matthijs ahh i think im in the wrong folder im in rc3.d [09:21] compiz gnome, I didnt know that existed [09:21] how to display status of services in ubuntu gutsy server ed? [09:21] oh well/ [09:21] well i get the same error when i try to test the cd i was able to successfully install off the cd on this pc but not the other i just get the same error for every option i try if you like i can post it now im looking at the error *looks over shoulder* [09:21] no we're not there yet, you're going to create a symbolic link ( shortcut in windows terms) to the official script [09:21] ah ok [09:21] however, I'm from bsd so I have to look up the way it works on ubuntu [09:21] Giddion: there is probably a key combination you can use to get it on your keyboard, you may have to enable a setting for it (I forget which one) and I don't know the combination (since I never had to use it for |) [09:21] pajamian thanks :) [09:22] Can you use the ALT trick like in windows [09:22] ALT 124 it should be [09:22] Giddion, type ls -lha [09:22] ald 124 gives me | :D [09:22] saltera: unix uses something else. [09:22] matthijs ok [09:22] :D [09:22] you'll see where the other symlinks are pointing to [09:22] yep [09:22] it's ../init.d right? [09:23] S10sysklogd -> ..init.d/syslogd [09:23] yep [09:23] so 'look' in init.d for the ssh script, like this: `ls ../init.d/*ssh*` [09:23] it's there, but we're checking it anyway [09:23] is *ssh* like a search param? [09:23] nope, * is a wildcard [09:24] it says, whatever, [09:24] ah ok [09:24] unlimited [09:24] how do I install the additions in VirtualBox? there is a file VBoxLinuxAdditions.run, how do I install it? [09:24] you could use a question mark to fill in one char [09:24] ls ../init.d/*ssh* returns no file found [09:24] pci: cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 000:00:00.0 , crc error , kernel panic - not syncing vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1) thats the 3 things i keep getting [09:25] i did ls ../init.d/ and i cant see any ssh there either [09:25] so you see [09:25] better check before do [09:25] :) [09:25] You'll need to install sshd === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin[Arsenal [09:25] :) ahhh [09:25] how do I launch a "shell script"? [09:26] everyone: what's the name of the openssh deamon package on ubuntu??? [09:26] type: ./scriptname or:: bash scriptname [09:26] sudo apt-get install ssh right? [09:26] yeah but stupid ubuntu might only give you the client not the server [09:26] try it anyway [09:27] installing :) [09:27] ooo im liking this [09:27] prince_jammys: me? [09:27] ok installed [09:27] BuSefer: yes [09:27] apt-get install openssh-server [09:27] giddion: sudo apt-get install openssh-client sudo apt-get install openssh-server [09:27] matthijs: read my mind lol [09:27] ahh :) [09:27] prince_jammys: I don't know where to type this =) I am a newbie [09:27] devron6, thanks. I had to look it up on synaptic :) [09:28] np [09:28] BuSefer: what directory is this script in? [09:28] installed and ready :) [09:28] nice eh [09:28] very! [09:28] prince_jammys: it is on cd [09:28] ok so now there should be something ssh-ish in init.d [09:28] sudo apt-get install ssh installed them both lol [09:28] right? [09:28] matthijs: Giddion: I think it may be ssh-server or openssh-server, I think ssh is the client. [09:28] ah ok [09:28] yep 1 entry [09:29] lookin good [09:29] did it also add something in the rc3.d ? === Pitlik_laptop is now known as Pitel [09:29] i need help mounting a network folder please? I'm using samba with a Kubuntu desktop and a ubuntu ps3 (client). [09:29] checking [09:29] BuSefer: ok in a terminal, type:: cd /media/cdrom [09:29] S16SSH [09:29] yep [09:29] right. there you go [09:29] does it have executable rights? [09:29] BuSefer: or copy the script somewhere, like your homedir [09:29] giddion: id recommend checking the version of ssh ubuntu installed with just ssh [09:29] ahhh, no you're right, ssh is a meta package that installs both [09:30] ( look with ls -lha ) [09:30] full rights [09:30] lrwxrwrwx [09:30] giddion: the standered linux package off ssh has security holes, hence why unix version of openssh is better [09:30] so any ideas? [09:30] Devan ahh, ok, so how would i uninstall this ssh? [09:30] oh wait [09:30] it installed openssh [09:30] :) [09:30] ndymedia.org [09:30] you can start it manually for now, just invoking it as a shell script: [09:30] giddion: awsome just wanted to make sure :) [09:30] sh S16shs [09:31] sh means? [09:31] shell [09:31] ahh ok [09:31] hi there, please contintue to destroy my autodidactic life by giving me sufficiant support! === max385 is now known as max` [09:31] :) [09:31] unix was around before your keyboard grew arrows and fancy digits. so filenames had to be kept short ( maximum of three was nice) and things needed to be simple [09:31] noob alert... how to run a .x11 file ? [09:31] could not load key [09:31] What does apt-get dist-upgrade do... it upgrades to the next version of Ubuntu, right? [09:32] ah yeah. annoying that too [09:32] ArthurArchnix: yes [09:32] matthjis: lol [09:32] unix is old but not that old LOL [09:32] ArthurArchnix: distribution upgrade [09:32] matthijs it has an [OK] but 2 lines say Warning Could not load key [09:32] Keith___: sorry, I missed that last bit, you mean you get the error no matter what you do on the one PC, but do not get any problems when testing the CD on a different PC? [09:32] ssh_host_rsa_data [09:32] prince_jammys: And that's it right? Yeah... I just had to check. Some guy had some updates fail to install, then another guy told him to do a dist-upgrade. [09:32] devron6, it's from 1980 something [09:32] prince_jammys: it says "This program must be run with Administrator priviledges" :( [09:33] giddion: installing ssh did not put the init script in init.d [09:33] BuSefer: that's ok. did you copy it somewhere [09:33] yep [09:33] devron6, yes I think it did actually [09:33] that sounds right [09:33] it did :) [09:33] pci: cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 000:00:00.0 , crc error , kernel panic - not syncing vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1) thats the 3 things i keep getting [09:33] is there a reference somewhere on how to execute files??.. I want to run a .x11 but noobness prevents it :/ [09:33] prince_jammys: I launched from cd [09:33] BuSefer: or did you try to run it off the cd? [09:33] from cd [09:33] should I copy? [09:33] Giddion, it complains about the key here too [09:33] BuSefer: yes [09:33] you should not have to generate the keys if you start it from the init instead of manually [09:33] should generate everything for you [09:34] BuSefer: copy it to a test directory [09:34] wise said. but we don't like to reboot, now don't we [09:34] Keith___: I would suspect a failing CD rom drive on the computer that's giving you problems, either that or RAM. If you have a spare CD ROM drive handy try floating it in and see if the problem goes away. [09:34] BuSefer: make a dir in your home and copy it there [09:34] matthijs: you do not have to reboot [09:34] prince_jammys: copy the whole cd? I dunno which files the script needs [09:34] ok i [09:34] devron6: well at the moment im geting Could Not Load Host Key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and another one saying /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key [09:34] he ran it from the init? fill us in here. I'm no ubuntu wiz :) [09:34] BuSefer: no, just the script. what is this script? [09:34] will get back to you in a bit i got 2 drives i can try [09:35] prince_jammys: virtualbox additions [09:35] Keith___: ok, cool [09:35] BuSefer: you can also try executing it like i said, but with "sudo" before the command [09:35] giddion: how are you starting ssh? [09:35] wait i got 6 i can try this gonna take a wile [09:35] BuSefer: try executing it off the cd with sudo /media/cdrom/nameofscript [09:35] im in /etc/rc3.d/ and i typed sh S16ssh start [09:35] Keith___: well if none of the six work then I think it would be fair to say you will have ruled that out as a problem, hehehe [09:35] go to /etc/init.d/ [09:35] do you see an ssh file there [09:36] yep trial and error ^_~ [09:36] Keith___: also ... just connect the cables when trying a differnet drive, don't bother to mount it in the case until you know that's the problem. [09:36] devron6 yes [09:36] BuSefer: or if you are already in /media/cdrom, you can do: sudo ./nameofscript [09:36] stop ssh [09:36] and load it from /etc/init.d/ [09:37] were in :) [09:37] :) [09:37] yeah i wasent gonna both to mount it =P [09:37] started with no errors, nice one [09:37] prince_jammys: it says command not found [09:37] took much work too little time [09:37] ok so what am i doing now? lol [09:38] try ssh to yourself ( ssh localhost) [09:38] Keith___: cool, just letting you know, you never know what someone will try to do, hehehe. [09:38] oh, I didn't put ./ [09:38] BuSefer: try the second thing i posted:: sudo ./nameofscript while in /media/cdrom [09:38] from init.d? [09:38] no [09:38] no, from shell [09:38] or doesnt it matter [09:38] just type [09:38] yeah [09:38] =) [09:38] ssh localhost [09:38] prince_jammys: unable to execute ... permission denied [09:38] im in :D [09:38] w00t [09:39] or be bold and go where you did not go before, fire up putty from your winbox [09:39] BuSefer: mmm [09:39] why is it so hard.... [09:39] now what to put this monitor on *is sitting on tower i need to remove stuff from* [09:39] BuSefer: what is the name of the script? [09:39] heh, "winbox" ... ::shiver:: [09:39] how would i end the ssh session? [09:39] prince_jammys: VBoxLinuxAdditions.run [09:39] type exit [09:39] You can figure that out yourself [09:39] matthijs, that sounds scary you know .... winbox .... [09:39] lol [09:39] :) [09:40] lol [09:40] "exit" === desti_T2 is now known as desti [09:40] Question: going through the alternate install of 7.1 32bit, i recieve an error durring the base install: "No installable kernel was found in the APT sources" anyone know the problem i face here? [09:40] it sounds better then "windows desktop machine" [09:40] hehehe, Keith___: I know what you mean. Sometimes getting your desk cleared so you can get the case open is the hardest part. [09:40] ok, so... lets se.... ive now gotta open the ssh port in my router and try to putty to the IP from my windows box, right? [09:40] giddion: correct [09:40] matthijs, but ... winbox? it's not really winning is it ... [09:40] Giddion, something like that yes, since you know basic system admin, you can figure that out. [09:41] Giddion: if both boxes are on the same local network then you shouldn't have to open the port in the router. [09:41] hischild, it's not really loozing either is it? [09:41] matthijs thanks so much for your help :P [09:41] pajamian: good point [09:41] BuSefer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=689784 [09:41] Giddion: you should only have to do that if trying to connect from the internet. [09:41] Giddion, have fun [09:41] pajamian different networks :) [09:41] BuSefer: try what it says at the bottom of the page [09:41] hahaha only my performance stuff goes on the desk the rest of the stuff including this is in the corner stacked up 5towers 4 monitors and parts =P [09:41] pajamian my nix box is about 600 miles away from me :) [09:41] oh Giddion before I forget [09:41] ye? [09:41] matthijs, ok ok ... i get your point ... yet winningis a bit overstated :p yet we're goin ot on this one [09:42] Giddion: well then you may need to open the port up, hehehe [09:42] man is your friend [09:42] hehehe [09:42] tru [09:42] ssh port is 23? [09:42] 22 [09:42] Giddion: I had assumed you were in the same room as the unix box. Bad assumption. [09:42] kk [09:42] pajamian :) [09:42] giddion: where do you host your box [09:42] hi matthijs! [09:42] its my backup server in poland [09:42] im in denmark [09:42] Keith___: sounds like fun ;-) [09:42] is there a way to know when was a particular server has been installed? ubuntu server gutsy [09:42] yes? abc? [09:43] hehe [09:43] haha [09:43] lol [09:43] this is first time enter chatroom === schwuk_ is now known as schwuk [09:44] back to my original question: no sound after hibernate apm T30 ubuntu 7.x help help help [09:44] !hi [09:44] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [09:44] i need help mounting a network folder please? I'm using samba with a Kubuntu desktop and a ubuntu ps3 (client). === lipsin[Arsenal is now known as lipsinAway [09:45] how can i disable that ubuntu automatically changes the welcome-message when i log in? (cli) [09:45] jeeze almost 5 am -_- [09:45] matthijs, I suggest you check out launchpad.net for a bug regsitered against that [09:45] * pajamian looks down at the 7 power strips all daisy chained together around the room and all plugged into the room's *only* single power point. Heh, I guess I'm lucky the circuit seems to handle it ok. [09:45] I did. lots of rant, no solution [09:45] hello [09:45] matthijs, blame the hardware makers for not telling the nice kernel devs [09:45] hi ubotu [09:45] abc_: ubotu is a robot [09:46] !kubuntu | tzd [09:46] tzd: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE [09:46] prince_jammys: seems like it works, thank you [09:46] BuSefer: thank google :) [09:46] hehe ! oh my god! [09:46] ompaul, sorry to dissapoint you, it's a ubuntu problem. Slackware was working nicely enough. [09:46] pajamian: thx [09:46] hey [09:47] prince_jammys: teach me to use google=) what keywords did you use? (I am serious:) ) [09:47] how to i kill a process in cli, but before that I need to know which process is high cpu usage ? [09:47] tzd: I'm happy to try to help if you don't get help in #kubuntu, but most of the people in here run ubuntu with the gnome desktop so our help may be limited to you. [09:47] matthijs, so check out hardy - if it fails on that post bug and say solution is on slackware version X [09:47] hi any gfx experts here? [09:47] BuSefer: ubuntu VBoxLinuxAdditions.run [09:47] prince_jammys: ok :) [09:47] pajamian: actually... that won't help me since I've set up the share on Kubuntu and I am able to see the share on ubuntu, it's just that i can't mount it in ubuntu [09:47] matthijs, as you are the one with the most interest in it at this stage ;-) [09:47] there is man who can speak Chinese? [09:47] BuSefer: that was lucky. i usually do : ubuntu gutsy keywords_here [09:47] hello, how can i fix mozilla to play flash on websites ? [09:47] !cn | abc_ [09:47] abc_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [09:48] sigh. no my question was: quick fix, proper doc, without getting intimate into xx [09:48] tzd: so your problem is actualyl in ubuntu, then? [09:48] BuSefer: name of video card, literal error message, whatever happens to be wrong. google helps out big [09:48] install the flash from adobes website [09:48] eladev: open symantic package manager and type flash [09:48] thx ubotu! [09:48] and look for the mozilla/firefox flash plugin [09:48] I don't need to bother improving linux. I've done so for ages, I'll just reboot in a while and start listening radio, and annoy myself [09:48] pajamian: yes. I am unable to download smbmount and i cant run the command smbmount since it says it's not installedf [09:49] how do you run stuff on linux... [09:49] azuki, barely [09:49] how do i get more screen resolutions to choose from. i only get 1 "choice now" [09:49] !elaborate [09:49] hehe [09:49] Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [09:49] what the command to show all running processes in CLI along with its pid ? [09:49] Some have said the flash in the repos is broken, some say its fixed [09:49] hm, anyone know where i can find cairo-glitz.h ? apt-file doesnt say anything [09:49] how do I run a .x11 file [09:49] gad0, stop calling it cli. it's "the shell" ,or "bash" [09:49] tzd: smbmount is if you want to actually mount it you can browse the samba share on your desktop without actually creating a mount point for it. [09:49] hmm, how do i change my IP address? [09:49] gad0, the command is called: ps [09:50] matthijs: its cli [09:50] ps -aex will show you more then you like [09:50] its set to at the moment and i want it to be [09:50] matthijs: thats what that type of interface is called [09:50] You cant if its static [09:50] its DHCP [09:50] matthijs: indeed its CLI :) [09:50] Try reset your router [09:50] prince_jammys: when I search google, I often get tons of useless info=) [09:50] any way thanks [09:50] giddion you need to log into the router your box is connected to [09:50] mavi, no it's an environment. cli is command line interface. bash IS the command line [09:50] Giddion: ifconfig eth0 if you just want to change it on the computer [09:50] and then change it from assigning 192 to 10 [09:50] devron6 im there [09:50] BuSefer: yeah, it's an art in itself [09:50] matthijs: no, its not, bash is one of many shells [09:50] gad0, type "top" for a nice time === cool is now known as brain_boy [09:51] hello, Ive been following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 <- and Ive checked my config, chmods etc, but I still get 530 login error, whats wrong ? [09:51] durring the alternate install of 7.1 32bit, i recieve an error durring the base install: "No installable kernel was found in the APT sources" my install haults there. how can i overcome this? is it a bad image? i ran the md5sum and cd check before install, both came back ok. any input? === brain_boy is now known as cool [09:51] pajamian: ah i see. So as long as i mount it properly within fstab then it should appear and be browseable on my ubuntu client? [09:51] If its auto ip assignment, just turn off your router then turn it back on [09:51] BuSefer: the more specifics you give, the better. (in this case the name of the script was it) [09:51] prince_jammys: I saw a book , called something like "Google - the power of searching" :0 [09:51] that's why I said "the shell" in the first place. beit that bash is "the shell" in 99percent. like apple is the FRUIT [09:51] plz how do i enlarge my screen resolution choice list ? [09:51] ok gotta reboot, radio show starts ciao!!!! [09:51] :) [09:51] got just 1 choise now [09:51] matthijs: please dont try to change wordings thats been used for decades [09:52] tzd: nope, you don't need to mount it at all, you can browse to it from Network under the Places menu. [09:52] tzd: At least that's my experience. [09:52] it seems that nothing is runnable on linux, is it true you have to compile everything?.. I downloaded a quake-linux "port" and ended up with a .x11, which ubuntu tells me is a "executable"... how to run it?? [09:52] Cuetip_NL /etc/X11/xorg.conf [09:52] pajamian: I've tried that but all it finds is "windows network" and when i double click it nothing happends [09:52] azuki: try changing to the directory where it is and typing:: ./yourfile.x11 [09:53] and for the boot screen ? [09:53] tzd: ok ... unfortunately I'm not a samba expert, can you browse to it from other computers? [09:53] azuki: usually, you don't have to compile anything. not in ubuntu. you install packages through the package-manager. you only have to go through extra steps if you download off the internet [09:53] hmm, cant seem to get connected remotely [09:54] pajamian: i found the share in terminal so I should be able to browse it, it's just that i don't know how to do it [09:54] you put your remote ubuntu box on a public ip [09:54] not dhcp private ip right? [09:54] hmmm most of my cd-roms are missing lol i guess im gonna have to yank these 2 out and try em so im gonna have to shut down for a min paja so i'll be back in a few [09:54] how do i change bootscreen resolution like pressing F4 when booting from cd ? [09:54] ive got my nix box on a VM, which is bridged with my hosts network, my ubuntu box is no on [09:55] i can see it from the host PC [09:55] Keith___: ok, good luck. [09:55] yup brb [09:55] Cuetip_NL: look at the file /etc/usplash.conf [09:55] yes but you will not be able to access from the outside world [09:55] that is a private ip local network only [09:55] tzd: well, if you want to try mounting it, you can install the smbfs package. [09:56] tzd: what do you need to type to see it from the terminal, though? [09:56] ty. bye [09:56] Cuetip_NL: also /boot/menu.lst . check this link:: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen [09:57] devron6 ive NAT'd port 22 to though [09:57] Are you trying to access via ssh from the same network [09:57] no [09:57] different networks [09:57] or from your house to your server 600 miles away [09:57] 1 in denmark 1 in poland [09:57] yes it does not matter if you nat'd [09:58] is a private IP [09:58] ofc it does, [09:58] im connecting to a domain [09:58] which i mapped through DNS to the external IP [09:58] which is then NAT'd to the internal IP [09:58] pajamian: i type: smbclient -L hostname -U% [09:58] okay on your router did you foward ssh port 22 to [09:58] yep [09:58] tzd: you type that from the ubuntu box and it sees the share? [09:59] then there is no reason why it shouldnt work [09:59] hmm [09:59] i cant ping google.com from ubuntu [09:59] but i can ping my router [09:59] Hello! I'm using an envy24 based soundcared. after every reboot the sound levels are reset. any idea what I might do about it? [09:59] pajamian: Yes i type it from ubuntu and it sees the share. i am unable to retrieve packages via apt-get. Think it has to do with the ps3 modificated version of ubuntu? [09:59] yayayayayy,,... it works! [09:59] hi can any one sugest a link or file where i can learn to use the terminal? [10:00] giddion: hmmm [10:00] thnx for destroying yet anothe piece of my autodidactivity!!!... [10:00] :P) [10:00] vallhalla81 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [10:00] :) [10:00] did you add dns to /etc/resolv.conf [10:00] (tho I found stuff out myself .. huh) [10:00] Giddion: thank you [10:00] devron6 i dont think so [10:00] dont even knew the file existed :) or what it does lol [10:00] vallhalla81, http://www.admintalk.de/konsolenbefehle.php [10:00] lemmi check [10:00] tzd: unable to get packages with apt-get is a different issue, and probably one you should fix before trying to fix your samba problems. [10:00] the dhcp should of done it for you [10:01] hmm [10:01] durring the alternate install of 7.1 32bit. error durring the base install: "No installable kernel was found in the APT sources" my install haults there. is it a bad image? i ran the md5sum and cd check before install, both came back ok. help... [10:01] giddion i am stumped [10:01] yep im in resolv.conf and theres are 2 name servers there [10:02] whats the default image maker in ubuntu? [10:02] pajamian: i know but i won't be needing it really... all i need is the filesharing to work [10:02] Asche_83m: thank you [10:02] retro71, have you downloaded the correct version? I had a similar error & found I'd downloaded a 64bit version when I was installing on a 32 bit machine [10:02] tzd: ok, I would suspect that the reason you can't see the share on the desktop is because netbios isn't working on the computer that the share is on. [10:02] vallhalla81, you're welcome ;) [10:02] can You tell me, please, how to move a (x) application to foreground if only knowing its PID? [10:03] thirdy: the gimp is installed by default in ubuntu. you can find it in the menu under Applications->Graphics [10:03] tzd: I really don't know much more than that, but I think the difference is that when you issue the command on the command line you are specifying the host, so it doesn't need netbios to resolve it. [10:03] how do you "save" in nano? [10:03] how to install pidgin... seems like haf to install from source.... :( [10:03] CTRL-W [10:03] now just how to run the .glx :) [10:03] prince_jammys, sorry I meant CD image [10:03] DGJ, 64 bit system, 32bit OS. the 64 bit OS wasnt smooth enough for me to get running. [10:03] Giddion: Ctrl X [10:03] sorry I meant CD image [10:03] i have returned [10:04] hello :-D [10:04] and with the same erros from all cd-rom drives [10:04] Giddion: Ctrl W , sorry. ctrl X exits [10:04] hi *wave* [10:04] tzd: you may want to try #samba for more detailed help. [10:04] oh// same thing.. (mistyped) [10:04] wb Keith___ [10:04] they only have the source on that site...and i cant find it the synaptic manager either.. where is pidgin :? ... thanks [10:04] Keith___: any luck? [10:04] nope [10:04] pajamian: I'll do that! Thanks for your help though! [10:04] got the same error with all drives [10:04] prince_jammys thanks [10:04] Giddion: actually Ctrl W searches [10:04] retro71, right, not sure what that is, i'd suggest downloading again (maybe from a different location) and trying again [10:05] Giddion: :) [10:05] Keith___: ok, then, next I would suspect ram (can you see where this is heading?) [10:05] Giddion: let me see how many wrong answers i can give :) [10:05] Ububegin, which version of ubuntu do you have? pidgin is installed as standard on Gutsy [10:05] dgj: agreed. ty. [10:05] maybe ? [10:05] crap my bad on ctrl-w too lol... [10:05] Giddion, if you just want to save and not exit in Nano do CTRL-O [10:06] Keith___: unfortunately it's the "get your hands dirty and figure out which component is really causing the problem by swapping them out" heading. [10:06] cause i was gonna say on another note: i tried another linux and got the same kernel panic error [10:06] dgjones : i think i am version 7.0.4 [10:06] fiesty fawn [10:06] Keith___: can you get it to run memcheck? [10:06] is it possible to change the upload speed on a server, limiting the amount of bandwith it will use? [10:06] in windows I could disable all special effects of the interface and thus make it way faster, is this possible with Ubuntu? [10:06] yeah i can run mem check what [10:06] Giddion: there you go, Ctrl O saves and Ctrl X exists giving you the option to save [10:07] think my ram is shot? or it dont like my ram? [10:07] Giddion: *exits [10:07] btw, is a pidgin a must get.. Cos currently my gaim cant allow file transfers :? [10:07] kk [10:07] Ububegin, doesn't look like its available in the repositories for Fiesty, you could look at www.getdeb.net, they used to have an installable .deb file for Fiesty [10:08] Keith___: possibly, you said it was an old box, so it's very possible that some bit of hardware is shot or it doesn't like a mixture (if you have differnet rams that aren't matched mixed on the same board, especially if they are different speeds, etc). [10:08] this annoying message pops up really often "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" [10:08] dpjones : ok, thanks dude... will get my ass over there pronto... :) [10:08] oh no i dident have any probs with old box [10:08] its the new box im having trouble with [10:08] Ububegin: what version of ubuntu do you hve? [10:08] 7.0.4 [10:09] Keith___: oh, I got it mixed up, then. is everything new in this box? [10:09] Ububegin, just looked myself, they have version 2.2.0 for Feisty, although there are later versions for more recent ubuntu installs [10:09] fairly been buying peice by peice [10:09] over the past couple months [10:09] no idea how how to get this network working :S [10:10] Ububegin: ubuntu didn't switch to pidgin in the repo until gutsy (7.10). that said, you should be able to transfer files just fine in gaim. [10:10] hhh [10:10] hi a kernel update just downloaded (guessing that did it) and now sudo modprobe ndiswrapper gives the error: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found. any ideas how to fix? [10:10] how can I list all hdd drives ? mounted and unmounted ? [10:10] can you easily reset the resolution of linux ?.. with a single command reset the res? [10:11] !res | azuki [10:11] azuki: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [10:11] pajamian: Cos my collegue is using pidgin(but in redhat)... and i cudnt transfer files over to him.. so I assumed that I had to get pidgin... Am I right :? [10:11] azuki: did that x11 file work? [10:11] Keith___: well, it's still going to be something hardware related, since the only bit of software (the CD) is known to be good by you. I would run memcheck on it as the next step. [10:11] mad_max02: sudo fdisk -l [10:12] hi [10:12] Ububegin: nope, you shouldn't have to. what protocol are you and him using?> [10:12] ok what am i lookin for with mem test? [10:12] Keith___: you're letting it run one or two passes and looking for any errors. [10:13] ArthurArchnix, that did the job. Now, is there a command to find hotplugged sata dvdrw ?? [10:13] ok [10:13] pajamian: U mean MSN [10:13] does the mem test keep running or? [10:13] mad_max02: umm.. sudo lsusb ? [10:13] Ububegin: yes, MSN is a protocol, is that what you and him are using? [10:13] pajamian: yep [10:13] nope [10:13] Keith___: it will run until you stop it, as many passes as you want. [10:13] just listed usb devices [10:13] mad_max02: That lists devices plugged in to a usb port... sudo probably isn't needed. [10:14] -_- well [10:14] yeah but this is sata device [10:14] its on test 3 should i let it run threw 10 tests? [10:14] Keith___: it will take a while to run one pass, an hour or two depending on how much ram you have and how fast. [10:14] mad_max02: Oh.. you connected it after booting the machine? [10:14] yep [10:14] Keith___: there are several *different* tests. What you want to look at is the "pass" number. [10:14] how do I point a makefile to a specific gcc compiler? [10:14] mad_max02: you could type "mount" to view what's mounted [10:15] on eSata connector which is basically sata but you can connect sata drives outside of the case [10:15] well i got 2gigs of ddr 400 [10:15] prince_jammys, mount showes only mounted [10:15] Keith___: it could take a while, just let it run. [10:15] mad_max02: ah, so it's not mounted [10:15] pphhhh... mad_max02 maybe ls /dev/sd* [10:15] this dvdrw is not mounted atm coz I cant find it [10:15] does anyone know a way of making xorg relinquish the 76% of my 4gb of ram? [10:16] ...that it is currently "using" [10:16] now on the mem test im looking at also were it says cpu info and emory and chpset it shows my mem as 2047m 1647mb [10:16] ArthurArchnix, that also lists detected sata drives :( no luck with hotplugged dvdrw [10:16] also another kicker under chipset it doesnt have anything =/ [10:16] Ububegin: I would venture to guess that the problem you are having is related to a NAT network. You will probably have to do some fancy config in gaim/pidgin to make it work. [10:17] the acpid package installs just fine, but ubuntu is not able to start the service. what can i do about it? [10:17] mad_max02: Unplug it, then plug it in, then run dmesg | tail and see what it's spitting out, if it's seeing it or what. [10:17] Could someone please help me figure out why on Earth .pdf files take so long to load? Seriously, it spends about 30 seconds loading each page. [10:18] Keith___: I'm not looking at a running memcheck atm, so I'm not sure exactly what those numbers mean. but basically put if it finds an error it will list it in the large blank area that makes up the bulk of the bottom half of the screen. [10:18] yeah i noticed [10:19] Keith___: has it listed errors already? [10:19] ArthurArchnix, that showed me something. http://www.pastebin.org/22586 [10:19] Hmm... this PDF file is 62MB... how would I convert it to make it smaller? [10:19] I'll try and mount that sdd to somewhere [10:19] you really wanna know [10:19] errors come up in red right? [10:19] Keith___: I forget [10:19] oi [10:20] Keith___: but if it's showing any errors at all it means you either have bad ram or you have a bad motherboard which is affecting the ram tests. It's more likely to be bad ram. [10:20] mad_max02: And get more of the dmesg by add | tail --lines=20 looks like some of it is getting cut off. You'll have to remove and replug to refresh dmesg. [10:20] oh you know what im lookin at the middle right now [10:20] Hello all my system shut down during a powe routage while it was installing a package from synaptic. Now when I open it ti tells me to run sudo -configure -a to rectify the problem. However when I try that it tells me that it produces alot of output and needs to have it piped . Could anyone tell me what to do . [10:21] walltime cached rsvdmem memmap cache ECC test pass errors EEC erros ect [10:21] what's the channel for linux distro? [10:21] !distro [10:21] Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) [10:21] ArthurArchnix, okay I'll refresh the device. mount didnt work on that sdd [10:22] Filled-Void: can you copy and paste the command and the output to the pastebin? [10:22] Keith___: does it say anythign below that line? [10:22] pajamian, sure one second [10:22] yeah [10:22] from the order i listed === Li-Plus is now known as li-plus === burner is now known as burner\- [10:23] 0:09:51 (running clock) 2047m 368k w820-std on off std 0 121072 (and rising) 0 [10:23] pajamian, http://pastebin.com/m2337e10f [10:23] How do I convert a PDF file to something smaller. It is 62mb and it takes about 30 seconds to load each page for viewing! [10:23] Keith___: is that right below the other line you jsut pasted or is it down at the bottom? [10:24] right below the last line [10:24] the first line was [10:24] probly the info line [10:24] were the report second line i just posted is [10:24] ArthurArchnix, I cant even paste it at paste bin. having problems with npviewer. [10:24] oh, ok, so, test is std, pass is 0 and errors is 121072? [10:25] yeah errors is 153600 now and rising [10:25] hi [10:25] Keith___: your ram is toast. [10:25] ArthurArchnix, here it is http://www.pastebin.org/22590 [10:25] =/ [10:25] Filled-Void: you're sure it wasn't dpkg-reconfigure ? [10:25] i just bought it like 3months ago [10:26] Filled-Void: try --configure -a (two dashes before the word configure) [10:26] ah [10:26] Keith___: then it should still be under warranty [10:26] so its deff the ram then not the mobo? [10:26] pajamian, Thanks will try. prince_jammys Error as per synaptic "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " [10:26] Keith___: you will get parts that are brand new and defective from time to time, that's the nature of the beast. [10:26] Can someone please help me connecting my 7.10 laptop to my xbox? Both machines are connected to a switch (the lights on the switch are indicating that the cables are working and the machines are connected), and I have set the IP addresses for the laptop and the xbox as and respectively. The gateways on both machines are the ips of the other machine, but still they won't connect. What do I have to do? [10:27] Filled-Void: yes, dpkg --configure is it [10:27] cause wouldent the bios have trouble reading the 2gigs if there was a prob? [10:27] Filled-Void: yep, see two dashes before configure [10:27] hey ppl [10:27] pajamian, yes its running now thanks :D [10:27] mad_max02: It's being detected, it's just not gong any further. Might be related to this bug here I'm reading. Hopefully not, because it's currently marked as 'wont't fix' for hardy. ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/88746 [10:27] Keith___: I can't say for sure it's not the mobo. If you want to know for sure pop the ram into a known working box and run memtest there. [10:27] I have a problem , my whole system freeze when I try to run network-manager [10:28] Keith___: and vice-versa [10:28] yeah thats the prob [10:28] thats the only mobo that i got that supports that ram [10:28] prince_jammys, pajamian thank you :x . that was kind of embarrassing :x . Will try to check better next time [10:28] its brand new lol [10:28] Keith___: I'd be about 95% sure it's ram right now, but can't be 100%, it could be mobo, it could be something like the power supply even. [10:29] ArthurArchnix, yeah but thats for USB devices. This has nothing to do with usb. its purely sata [10:29] haha got you there =P psu is brand new 3 days ago [10:29] hi a kernel update just downloaded (guessing that did it) and now sudo modprobe ndiswrapper gives the error: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found. any ideas how to fix? [10:29] http://pastebin.stonekeep.com/1663 <-- i get a file not found error module.h [10:29] Keith___: so is everything else, just because it's new doesn't mean it's not defective [10:29] 700watt 80 plus cert [10:29] ha [10:30] amerio: try just modifying /etc/network/interfaces instead [10:30] Keith___: 700w ... nice [10:30] zeno : modify what exactly? [10:30] yeah wanted to opt for the 1000 but dident have the funds [10:30] hehe I just installed 1.2kW :D [10:30] i already have build-essentials linux-source linux-headers-generic [10:30] Keith___: unless you're running 20 HDDs off of it, I can't see you needing 1000w [10:30] hehehe [10:30] lol [10:31] well [10:31] mad_max02: I don't understand. Are you saying you've opened the computer case, and plugged in a sata drive? I thought this was a usb removable drive from the dmesg [10:31] i got 8 case fans extra lighting a cig lighter/ashtray 2 fan controllers 4 hdds and 2 cd-roms [10:31] zeno: whats the default settings for the interfaces? [10:31] oh and vid card [10:31] that all use power [10:31] ArthurArchnix, nope. I used eSata bracket which is basically connected directly to the mobo. So its like i connected directly to the mobo but without opening the case [10:31] you are powering an electric cig lighter off of it? sheesh [10:32] Keith___: get a bic [10:32] LoL [10:32] lol [10:32] but it only uses a to watt fuse converter =P [10:32] Keith_, you got a cig lighter in ur case ???? [10:32] just like from a car [10:32] this sound right? paritioning: / 10-15gb, swap 2x ram, /home remainder of free space. [10:32] yep lol [10:32] ha [10:32] and I presume one of the cds is a coffee cup holder ?? [10:32] amerio: whats not working? pastebin your sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart output? [10:33] lol [10:33] coffee maker [10:33] nope [10:33] ok [10:33] the ashtray is removable [10:33] Keith___: well one thing you may want to try is to disconnect all the "extra" stuff and see if the memtest improves. It may be pulling down your power supply (sheesh) [10:33] ArthurArchnix, I'll just reboot now coz I need this dvdrw to work. brb [10:33] and doubles as a drink holder [10:34] yeah none of its hooked up right now =P i never install anything with everything hooked up [10:34] what package do i need to be able to set the setting "when on batterypower set screen brightness to 75%" [10:34] Keith___: well then it's like I said before ... I'm 95% sure it's your ram. [10:35] zeno : http://pastebin.ca/930175 [10:35] Keith___: if you want to know 100% for sure, then swap that ram into another known working box and run memcheck there. [10:35] zeno : http://pastebin.ca/930175 [10:36] Keith___: ...and as for the drink holder ... haven't you heard? that's what the cd-rom dive is for ;-P [10:36] well i cant doo that cause i dont have another board that supports that ram what i can do though is swap out the ram for other ram i have and see if it works? [10:36] =P yeah but the cig lighter / ashtry is a drink holder the place were you ash is removable so i can bring it with me [10:37] how to display file.java as text on apache. firefox asks me to save the file, instead of displaying it [10:37] and thee place were it goes is the drink holder =P [10:38] Keith___: yes, but you should be sure that the other ram is known good, and even if it still fails I would just say that the other ram is likely bad as well. But have at it, if it works then you've pretty much confirmed it. [10:38] yeah i know the other ram works [10:38] so [10:38] imma give it a try [10:39] Keith___: ok, good luck [10:39] also is it possible that it could just be 1 of the 2 sticks im currently failing with? [10:39] Keith___: yes [10:39] Hi, im using kubuntu now. can i still install gnome on top of this? if i can, will it be the same if i install a fresh ubuntu? [10:40] so should i try 1 stick at a time? [10:40] bluecake: sounds like you need to set the mime-type for java to be associated with .java files, google should have more info [10:40] Keith___: sure, that will tell you which stick to return [10:40] astheo: Yes, Kubuntu and Ubuntu use same sources. [10:40] and also should i try both ram slots with only 1 stick ? [10:40] Both are Ubuntu [10:40] Hello there [10:40] kbrosnan, i set mime.types, but no work [10:40] Keith___: sure [10:40] ok thanks. so how would i do it then? [10:40] because i just thought of it its possbile it can be my ram controller on the mobo [10:40] Keith___: it may be [10:41] a friend of mine has messedup his owner/group settings and there access permissions [10:41] astheo: from commandline, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [10:41] hello, Ive been following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 to install proftpd, <- and Ive checked my config, chmods etc, but I still get 530 login error, whats wrong ? [10:41] bluecake: did you embed the file in a webpage? [10:41] astheo: and if you have ubuntu and you want KDE, then just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. [10:41] he changed the ower/group in / [10:41] is there a way to fix this? [10:41] Fri13, will it remove my KDE in the process? [10:41] kbrosnan, of course not [10:41] ok imma try running with 1 stick trying each stick on each slot then if thats a no go i'll try the other ram on each slot as well if its still a no go then its probly the mobo and wile im doing this you can breathe =P [10:42] BlackDex: change it back [10:42] BlackDex: recursively or only / ? [10:42] hi! is 64bit arch supported by ubuntu? [10:42] astheo: No, it will not remove your Kubuntu [10:42] recursively :S [10:42] ok thanks!:) [10:42] bluecake: i don't think java plugin handles bare files [10:42] problem. dpkg --configure -a fails with "/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 13: getopt: not found.......update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic". can anyone help?! [10:42] But it will change your boot picture from Kubuntu to Ubuntu. [10:42] BlackDex: ouch [10:42] bluecake: good night, afk [10:42] BlackDex: well ... you can fix it, but you need to know what the correct owner/group is for all the files [10:42] prince_jammys jupp [10:43] And might change MIME actions so you might need to set back on KDE to open files with KDE versions and not with Gnome versions. [10:43] BlackDex: that is a huge mess [10:43] Fri13, Thanks! [10:43] pajamian: that he doesn't know [10:43] sudo etc.. is broken now [10:43] BlackDex: you can boot to the live CD and fix it. [10:43] BlackDex: is it a standard setup with one user, etc? [10:44] is 64bit arch supported by ubuntu? [10:44] pajamian: i think it is [10:44] ill ask [10:44] Oh hey mad_max02 anyway, don't know nothing about that, but I found these two links for you. Hope they get you going in the right direction. [10:44] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534474 [10:44] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/84799 [10:45] zeno ? [10:45] BlackDex: well I don't know all the permissions off the top of my head, but I would try a recursive change from / for everything to root.root and then change everything from his home directory recursively to be owned by him as a user (ie, joe.joe) [10:45] pajamian: 1 user, default setup [10:45] oh shi*t son! [10:45] problem. dpkg --configure -a fails with "/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 13: getopt: not found.......update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic". can anyone help?! [10:45] BlackDex: you could try running the live cd, mounting the drive and changing owners of everything to root:root. then change the owner of his home directory to his user [10:46] pajamian: won't that messup all the other permissions like www-data etc... [10:46] BlackDex: is it just the ownership or also permissions? [10:46] Help me [10:46] prince_jammys: both i think [10:46] BlackDex: aren't they already messed up? [10:46] sudo doesn't have the +s anymore [10:46] pajamian: um true [10:46] BlackDex: what are the new permissions? [10:47] How do I change screen resolution to something not available in the preferences? [10:47] amerio: its not finding the wlan0 device, what driver are you using [10:47] ndiswrapper? native? [10:47] BlackDex: it will be a start. and yes, you will have to set the suid bit on sudo and other programs as well. [10:47] prince_jammys: -rwxr-xr-x i think [10:47] BlackDex: and I honestly don't know what programs off the top of my head need suid. I would say sudo and su [10:48] zeno: ndiswrapper and its not loaded because I removed it , when I remove it the network manager runs ok , when I plug and restart network manager freeze again [10:48] is there a way to do a dist-upgrade --reinstall on the current stable version [10:48] is 64bit arch supported by ubuntu? [10:48] BlackDex: backing up the data and reinstalling is probably easier than repairing, in this case [10:48] can anyone help me - dpkg seems to be broken :S [10:48] BlackDex: I don't know. You probably can if you can get the ownership and permissions good enough to be able to run sudo and apt-get and a couple other programs. [10:49] during a new setup, will the /home be lost? [10:49] Chinese? [10:49] !cn [10:49] For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [10:49] hey paja just for a current update i removed stick 2 from slot 2 left stick 1 in slot 1 and started getting errors off the getgo in memtest so i removed stick 1 from slot 1 inserted stick 2 in slot 1 and currently on test 4 of memtest no errors [10:49] BlackDex: probably. i'd recommend backing it uo [10:49] so far it seems my mobo is saved lol [10:49] BlackDex: you could create a new partition and back it up. or back it up on a cd/dvd. if you do a clean reinstall, it would be lost i think [10:49] BlackDex: Ican give you a list of programs on my computer that have suid set, that can help. [10:50] 呵呵,我知道了,谢谢 [10:50] BlackDex: but I need to do something real quick first, brb [10:51] pajamian: well, the person who needs it is offline now.. and i think he won't be online anymore.. cause i think he shutdown ubuntu [10:51] 怎么都说英文啊? [10:51] hi [10:52] hello [10:52] 谁说中文啊,可以聊聊吗? [10:52] Is it possible that x-server is blocking access to /dev/psaux (which is touchpad). I can do 'cat /dev/psaux' on tty1 and get data, but if I do it in X, i get nothing :/ [10:52] thx for the info, ill tell him to backup his /home (and put it on a sep partition the next time) and reinstall [10:52] cause i think that is the only efficient way to do so [10:53] BlackDex: personally i think that's easier than repairing everything [10:53] w00t! im in! [10:53] got ssh working hehe [10:53] prince_jammys: same here [10:53] BlackDex: you can also make a list of all installed packages so you can reinstall them [10:53] will this distro automatically recognize my hardware? [10:53] !clone [10:53] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [10:53] I m a total beginner [10:54] hm, gnome-voice-control hangs for me at calibration :( [10:54] BlackDex: read the above^ [10:54] currently started downloading it [10:54] any recommended download manager? [10:54] BlackDex: oh forget that [10:54] k [10:54] BlackDex: you can't do that because you can't log in [10:54] zeno: if I restart the network settings , maybe it wont freeze again? [10:54] hey paja should i let it do a full mem test? on test 6 and still no errors [10:55] sure try that [10:55] BlackDex: just back up /home [10:55] zeno: i'll do it , restart , and if I face any problem I'll get back here , thanx in advance [10:55] * lng ubuntu lamers OS [10:55] brb [10:55] what do i type to install apache ? [10:56] BlackDex: use something like Gparted to create a partition and resize the existing one. then from the ubuntu live cd, mount the existing partition and copy /home to the new partition. then reinstall over the old partition [10:56] Hi, how to start several console programms withing the same script (e.g. by script) at once? [10:56] guys is anyone free enough for a beginner? [10:56] BlackDex: well he needs to boot to a live CD and mount his partition(s) and then fix his permissions. I can give you a list of what needs to be changed as a start. I think if you just set everything to root.root and then set his home directory recursively to user.user then fix all the files that are supposed to be suid you should be fine. You may run into one or two problems that may need more tweaking later but you can always just r [10:56] e-install the associated packages. [10:56] prince_jammys: i have him on the phone [10:57] ok, either way [10:57] or how can i tell a process started by ssh, that it should continue runnng, even if the ssh session is closed? [10:57] my Eva do not work,what should i do? [10:58] bye all [10:58] did anyone manage to get gnome-voice-control working? [10:59] pajamian: Thx for the offer, but i don't have the means to give him this list also [10:59] good morning my little rice injectors [10:59] lol [10:59] BlackDex: read it to him over the phone, heh [10:59] erk.... util_linux removed to allow chroot jail to work... now i can tuse synaptic or dpkg or apt. can anyone help? === schueler is now known as benpicco [11:00] hmm.. he removed the / partition already [11:00] BlackDex: heh, oh well [11:00] someone uses Eva? [11:01] pajamian i think its just my 1 ram stick this one is on test 7 and still no errors you rule dude [11:01] Whats the best Font for Putty? [11:01] thx anyway [11:01] Keith___: cool, just to be sure I would let it run the full pass on that one, and make sure you see errors on the other. [11:01] BlackDex: yw. [11:02] Keith___: that said, if it does run well on the one stick you can get up and running now since ubuntu will install and run just fine on 1 gig of ram. [11:02] I can has ubuntu? [11:03] yeah but i miss my 2 gigs =P *tear* [11:03] Keith___: sure, get the other stick replaced and when it comes in add it back, but for now at least you can get up and running. [11:03] my pc is part of my life its been down sins sunday i felt like a part of me is missing lol im a pc junkie [11:03] timer for ubuntu [11:03] yeah thats tru [11:03] Keith___, wait till you start getting cold sweats [11:04] Keith___: just make sure you allocate swap based on the 2 gigs of ram. [11:04] ninja trust me i been having a horrible week hehehe [11:04] paja what do you mean im tech and stuff but theres always somthing new to learn [11:05] Keith___, to make it easier for people to see your talking to them, start writing their name and then press tab, it will highlight red on their screen [11:06] Keith___: it's best to allocate the size of your swap partition based on the amount of ram you have (usually 2x your ram), so do a bit of manual partitioning when you run the setup and allocate 4 gigs of swap, not 2. [11:06] Here's an interesting one: Wacom USB tablet and nVidia dual monitor, both recognized and working, except in graphic programs, like GIMP and Inkscape. When dual monitor is active and the tablet is setup in the app, the cursor on the *canvas* is offset from the pointer anywhere between 50 and 200 pixels on either axis, depending on the input device settings (window/screen). Everywhere else on the screen, the pointer tracks just fin [11:07] pajamian: ok so that will be for when i replace my other stick then? [11:08] NinjaPlimsoles: ty for that info ^_~ [11:08] can anyone help me reinstall util-linux ? [11:08] Keith___: I would just allocate 4 gigs to the swap now, that way it will be correct when you add in the other stick later. It won't really hurt to allocate more for now. [11:08] Keith___, no prob [11:09] anybody know an easy application for ripping CDs ? [11:09] vladuz976: sound juicer [11:09] Hi All, doing a ls -lash on a file... I get the following: 0 -rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 347M 2008-02-24 13:56 blahblah [11:09] What does the 0 at the start represent? the file isn't reading properly and I think it should. It is an NTFS volume [11:09] (the file was written under win32 originally) [11:09] pajamian: doesn't that require a lot of gnome dependencies? [11:09] NinjaPlimsoles: <3 === cotui is now known as antisystem32 [11:10] pajamian: yeah thats what i was thinking hehe [11:10] * NinjaPlimsoles sings Its The Final Countdown [11:10] morning all, anyone tell me how to restart the mouse, I don't want to kill X [11:10] !ubotu [11:10] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [11:11] vladuz976: that would be sound juicer [11:11] vladuz976: it comes installed by default in ubuntu, but if you want to rip to mp3 (as opposed to ogg) then you will need some additional dependancies, yes. I usually just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta-package and it gives me everything I want. [11:11] root [11:11] Hi, this may be off-topic but can someone help me setting up eggbot ? [11:11] how host web server in our local amchine [11:12] any Wien resident here? I'm looking for an address [11:13] its the final countdown... nananana! [11:13] pajamian: so assuming all will be dandy now i was wondering i have 2 monitors can i duel boot lets say ubuntu on one and windows on the other? and if so should i be asking this here or just googling it? [11:13] Keith___, if you have two machines :P [11:13] Keith___: no, not unless you have two computers to go with them. [11:14] how do i test if my apache2 server is working right? [11:14] hi. is there a guide for temporarily substitute a kernel driver module with a version from upstream git (linus' tree)? i need to temporarily test the arcmsr (RAID controller) driver from git to see if a bug has been fixed. i'm running hardy. [11:14] s/substitute/substituting/1 [11:15] it should compile well with the 2.6.25 ubuntu kernel i'm running. [11:15] !hardy | astan [11:15] astan: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [11:15] Keith___: Is using a virtual machine an option for you? That way you could move the virtual window over to the other monitor. [11:15] pajamian: oh thanks. [11:15] NinjaPlimsoles: there no way to boot both off the same machine or with my luck and probs its not a good idea so i can come back and fry your brains? lol [11:16] !mouse restart [11:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about mouse restart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:16] Keith___: you can't boot 2 OSes at the same time, you have to pick one from the bootloader [11:16] ASmith42: a vm huh? how would i set that up [11:16] Keith___, well you can use a virtual machine, but I dont think thats what your looking for [11:16] Keith___: you need to use virtualization for what you want, not dual booting and I can't really help you with that. [11:16] NinjaPlimsoles: well its more or less just to use and run both side by side [11:16] Search 'innotek' in add/remove [11:16] Re: apt-get dist-upgrade there are conflicting reports. The community documentation says it upgrades to a new distro, but a user on the forums reports using it all the time, in debian and ubuntu without trouble, saying it behaves more like the man page says it ought to. [11:17] Any ubuntu gurus in here familiar with apt- and upgrades? [11:17] Keith___, your options are: virtual machine running linux from within windows, or two boxes :) [11:17] ArthurArchnix, whats up? [11:17] ArthurArchnix: dist-upgrade would only upgrade to a new distro if you have the new distro's repos added i think [11:17] its not recommended tho [11:18] NinjaPlimsoles: well i can do both lol i dug up another box i was gonna run stuff on but then i would need x2 keyboards and mice [11:18] faileas: Otherwise it simply handles dependencies differently, just like it says in the man page? [11:18] Keith___, KVM switcher :) [11:18] Keith_: KVM [11:18] er [11:18] actually synergy would do that almost seamlessly [11:18] ok, I need to head off. Goodnight everyone. [11:19] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah i have one of those but it needs to have monitor plugged in aswell to switch functions i think [11:19] ...and good luck Keith___ [11:19] pajamian: thanks so much for the help you rule! [11:19] keith___: got two monitors and one set of KB/mouse? [11:19] pajamian: take it easy [11:20] faileas: yeah i got 2 monitors and 2 sets of kb/mice [11:20] Keith___, I personally would virtual machine a linux distro while in windows, and just fullscreen it on the second monitor [11:20] Keith___: it will probably work without the monitor plugged in. [11:20] Keith___: synergy would handle that [11:20] its software based, works brilliently once you manage the initial set up [11:20] Keith___: I personally just wouldn't use windows, heh [11:20] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah i forget how to setup a vm [11:20] anyways, goodnight everyone [11:20] faileas: ? [11:21] pajamian: night dude [11:21] Keith___, up to you what host system you use, depends which you will use more, VM a linux in win, or vice versa [11:21] Keith___: its a software that lets you use the KB/mouse on one system on another [11:21] faileas: thats a vm? [11:21] no [11:21] zeno: I've removed the drivers , re-installed them , restarted networking settings , and its still freezing [11:21] can i use rpms from other distros into ubuntu? [11:22] faileas: i dont get it though its software i see that you said that but how would that let me use kb/mouse on 2 systems? === lipsinAway is now known as lipsin [11:22] faragelloo, Ubuntu is debian based, so primarily it uses .deb, but you can use the command line 'alien' to change an rpm into a deb [11:23] Keith___: basically you set it such that, one system is monitor 1 and monitor 2 is to the left of monitor one, and monitor 1 is to the right of monitor 2.. etc... [11:23] and you can just push your mouse cursor between systems [11:23] faragelloo, specifically: sudo alien -d package-name.rpm [11:23] keith___: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ [11:24] faragelloo, if you wish to convert the selected .rpm into a .deb and then install the output use: sudo alien -i package-name.rpm [11:24] for ubuntu you'd want to install synergy and quicksynergy [11:24] * faileas suggests reading to docs carefully, initital setup can be a little confusing [11:24] faileas: ok i'll take a look at that [11:25] bye.. and thx [11:26] faileas, does synergy share KM via a network link? O.o [11:26] lol [11:26] yup [11:26] er [11:26] there is man who can speak Chinese? [11:26] not monitor [11:26] !cn > abv [11:26] !cn > abc [11:26] ... [11:26] !cn [11:27] For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [11:27] faileas, keyboard and mouse..... V is video ;) [11:27] better ;p [11:27] ye [11:27] NinjaPlimsoles: yup [11:27] NinjaPlimsoles: my bad, just woke up ;p [11:27] faileas ,good night! [11:27] faileas, where you from? :) [11:28] NinjaPlimsoles: a lot of places. currently i'm in bristol, via singapore ;p [11:28] faileas, right so either your using a proxy or i really didnt get that lol [11:28] faileas: im from new jersey =P i been here sins 130 am its 630am now hehe [11:29] Keith___, new jersey rocks, you been to essex county? [11:29] ok im loving this, got my apache2 server setup now with no help :D [11:29] "azte.blueyonder.co.uk" - blueyonder used to be the local ISP, telewest bought them, then virgin . azte refers to aztec west, a local business park.. .co.uk = british ;p [11:29] Giddion, gz :) [11:30] oh guys also cause you all rule i'll probly be back but keith isent my nic this is a clients pc =P and chatzilla picked up default user name hehe [11:30] hi, i installed awn, it worked, i deleted my task bar and it worked but after reboot awn is not visible , if i launch awn manager the preferences window appears but not the awn icons [11:30] faileas, im from Norfolk :) [11:30] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah dude im in ocean county right now [11:30] NinjaPlimsoles: and also lived in monmouth county as well [11:30] Keith___, ever heard about Essex sanitorium? [11:31] guys how can I change the networking settings /etc/network to stop connecting auto [11:31] Amerio: remove the 'auto eth0' or whatever [11:32] Frogzoo : does it make any difference if I remove everything in the interfaces? [11:32] yeah ive heard of it [11:32] Keith___, i'm a big fan of urban exploration :P [11:33] NinjaPlimsoles: cool i get wierd nj mag lol bout as far as i go hehe [11:34] Keith___, :D is it NJ where the pine barrens are or is it west virginia? [11:34] Amerio: no, unless you want to manually up the interface [11:34] i thought pine barrens was FL>? [11:34] frogzoo: everytime I run the network manager , the whole system freeze , have any idea? [11:35] Keith___, holy crap, 1.1 million acres of trees and sandy soil lol [11:35] dang XD [11:35] Anyone good with privoxy ? [11:36] NinjaPlimsoles: have you ever been to the states? [11:36] Keith___, no i use wikipedia a lot lol [11:36] Hey, question: does the setup for Ubuntu 7.10 allow you to install Fluxbox from the installer? I'd like to install fluxbox 'cause GNOME is being a bitch? Same question applies for KDE [11:37] well if you ever come vist hit up nj i'll be here a wile =P [11:37] !anyone | ClrdoGuy [11:37] ClrdoGuy: In place of "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps! [11:37] Oi2Life: you may want to try fluxbuntu http://fluxbuntu.org/ [11:38] ok,everyone,time for rest,have a good day [11:38] How do i use privoxy to modify traffic from a flash file that uses xml ? [11:39] Oi2Life, Ubuntu handles its window manager installation differently. Xubuntu = Xfce, Kubuntu = KDE etc... which doesnt make sense, since Gnome should be Gubuntu :P [11:39] .... [11:39] !Language | Oi2Life install a command line system, then build it up from there. or install ubuntu, then install fluxbox, then choose fluxbox from your session menu at the Gdm prompt. [11:39] Oi2Life install a command line system, then build it up from there. or install ubuntu, then install fluxbox, then choose fluxbox from your session menu at the Gdm prompt.: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [11:40] I mean.. the flash file passes thru privoxy but it's traffic (xml data exchange with the database - port 2002) doesn't [11:40] ok === ClrdoGuy is now known as vice1 [11:40] Ideeaz? [11:41] my network is working ( with windows ) i added the printer from the windows computer...but it doesnt work...any1 got some new ideas? [11:41] I apologize for the language btw :) [11:42] NinjaPlimsoles: woot installation goin smooth [11:42] I'm lagging here [11:42] Keith___, installation of? :P [11:42] Oi2Life, yeah I just got 1.1s lag [11:42] NinjaPlimsoles: both [11:43] NinjaPlimsoles: hooked up another tower [11:43] Keith___, both what? O.o lol [11:43] Keith___, ah right ^^ [11:43] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah ever watched serial experiments lain? [11:43] NinjaPlimsoles: my room kinda lookin like hers right now [11:44] NinjaPlimsoles: im gonna move all these towers and parts off my bed for a few a layback finish this dungeon in .hack infection that i been in all night i'll be back in a few [11:44] Keith___, i havent seen it, but a quick look on wp and it looks quite cool [11:44] stdin: That flubuntu webpage makes my eyes bleed. The download should come with a free pair of sunglasses to look at the screen. [11:45] ArthurArchnix, LOL [11:45] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah its only like 12 eps i recommend it highly that you watch it [11:45] ArthurArchnix: ROFL [11:45] Keith___, have you seen Ninja Scroll? [11:45] NinjaPlimsoles: yes i have =) [11:45] Keith___, what about Wings of Honneamise? [11:46] NinjaPlimsoles: http://www.myanimelist.net/the56ker i think thats the link check out my anime watched page [11:47] NinjaPlimsoles: thats half of what i have watched the other half is still on my externals waiting to be watched/added to that list [11:47] Keith___, Error! This page doesn't exist [11:47] NinjaPlimsoles: i have 3 external 500gb drives 1 external 1tb drive and 1 200gb internal all for anime [11:48] NinjaPlimsoles: sorry gimme 1 sec i'll get you the correct link [11:48] !Nvidia [11:48] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:48] NinjaPlimsoles: http://myanimelist.net/profile/the56ker [11:48] missed a section lol [11:49] Keith___, ive never seen any of these 'popular' ones that westerners pretend to be japanese after watching like Naruto and stuff [11:50] NinjaPlimsoles: i havent fully updated it to date yet so i missing close to 600 enteries [11:50] Keith___, my taste is more: Akira, Ninja scroll, winds of amnesia, dominion tank police, wings of honneamise [11:50] NinjaPlimsoles, Keith___: mind moving the anime discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic? [11:50] Keith___: NinjaPlimsoles The correct channel for anime is #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for ninja hackers who use ubuntu, but are having problems with the correct resolution using ATI drivers [11:50] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah the more popular ones i started watching long before they hit the states [11:50] I can tell there's a bit of a latency on my part [11:50] ArthurArchnix: sorry bout that ^_~ === Thomas` is now known as Thomas_ [11:50] jrib, mind being a bit more open minded? [11:51] someone know how to change the ident on xchat? [11:51] NinjaPlimsoles: I'm asking nicely. This channel is dedicated to ubuntu support only. That's the reason for #ubuntu-offtopic existing [11:51] not only have I been helping Keith, I love it when people come out of the woodwork to 'rtfm' you === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [11:52] jrib: yeah i have been here for over 6hrs getting support =P [11:52] Keith___: No worries. NinjaPlimsoles I like anime too, and you guys have been talking support for a while, but if you're gonna keep talking anime, maybe take it to offtopic or pm... that's all. [11:54] ok, the partitions on my external drive get mounted to differente places every time. Like if i hibernate, when i resume what was /media/disk is not /media/disk-1 [11:54] and visa versa [11:54] not = now [11:54] ArthurArchnix, yeah no problem :) [11:54] ArthurArchnix: yeah no probs im easy going i got the jist off the back [11:54] what can be done about that? It makes the drive almost useless [11:55] Keith___, just PM me if u wanna chat about anime :P [11:55] mariux44: you can set a label for it if you want. What filesystem? [11:55] every time i restart i have to add all my music to my music player again, change the directory of my photos in the photo program and so on [11:55] i don't believe it the installer only created an extended partition the size of the logical ones it contains [11:55] mariux44: Is the external drive in your fstab? [11:55] not the full size of the disk [11:55] ext3 [11:55] no [11:55] can i extend the size of the extended partition [11:55] * NinjaPlimsoles still has pain from where one of his wisdom teeth nuked his gum with C4.... and now feels like a gummy old man when eating [11:56] NinjaPlimsoles: sure gimme a min neeed to register with freenode -_- [11:56] im a former gentoo user so i know how to use fstab but i thought i didnt have to do that in ubuntu [11:56] mariux44: ok. So roughly speaking, you need to 1) create a mountpoint on your system. 2) get the UUID of the removable drive 3) create an fstab entry for it. [11:56] incorrect, you can, but dont make it a habit of enflating partitions [11:56] mariux44: use e2label [11:56] NinjaPlimsoles, not my fault the installer did this to me [11:56] so unless you can use the terminal the drives are supposed to move around like that? [11:56] i just want to extend the extended partition not an ext3 [11:57] parted can do this? [11:57] jrib: ill check it out [11:57] mariux44 - you might try looking at udev rules. udev sets the device names etc when you start up, and i presume, again when you come out of hibernate. take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168221 for a good howto on that. [11:57] danand: thanks [11:57] incorrect, yes parted can do that [11:57] mariux44 - np. hope it helps [11:57] hello [11:57] thanks for the help everyone [11:58] who knows why i cannot find ia32-libs in the repository? [11:58] tom17bombadil: have you enabled universe? [11:58] danand: a udev rule is probably better. If he creates an entry for his removable drive in fstab like I said, and its not plugged in when he boots will it throw errors? And when a disk is plugged in does it even check fstab to see if there's an entry for that uuid? [11:58] jrib, yes [11:59] Apache2 question, if i add DocumentRoot /var/www/test to my httpd.conf, then why when i go to my URL to i get the directory list of /var/www/ [11:59] ? [11:59] ArthurArchnix, danand: udev will call it whatever the label is by default unless it doesn't have a label. Then it does this disk-* stuff === cotui is now known as antisystem32 === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [12:02] Hello [12:02] tom17bombadil: pastebin your sources.list [12:04] ArthurArchnix - that howto uses udev rules to set the same /dev/ entry for a device every time it is plugged in. hence you can then set an entry in /etc/fstab to control mountpoints for the device, along with useful options like rw,users etc. take a look at the link ... it explains it a bit better than i have. its very useful for external usb drives. the user option in the fstab will allow all users to mount it - this means the files etc will belong to tha [12:04] Giddion: because it's already set elsewhere? /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default . You probably want to look into using "sites" which I know nothing about [12:05] jrib, http://pastebin.ca/930235 [12:05] ArthurArchnix - you also set an option in the fstab so that the system does not try to mount it automatically. it only mounts the drive when asked to, === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [12:06] tom17bombadil: pastebin the output of "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ia32-libs" === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [12:06] ney aqui no [12:06] nery aqui noi [12:07] Getting error: "Ubuntu is running in Low-Graphics mode" I installed Nvidia drivers from Nvidia and it appears that the package manager did away with it. How is the best/easiest way to fix this? [12:07] que pasa canalla [12:07] hi [12:07] danand: I just read over that link. Very good. Adding it to my useful links. [12:07] what is hapeeing [12:07] jrib, by default it is in german; how can i make the output be english? [12:07] no [12:07] asdf [12:07] !òlist [12:07] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [12:07] !list [12:07] ArthurArchnix - it is a very useful howto - got that in my bookmarks too :) [12:07] tom17bombadil: prefix "LANGUAGE=en" to the command [12:08] I'm having a problem. [12:09] Getting this when trying to start firefox: [12:09] turski@Turski:~$ firefox [12:09] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 550: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed! [12:09] what to do? [12:09] I guess Ubuntu repos have nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-source packages and we need to stick with that instead of downloading Nvidia drivers from nvidia.com. Right? I screwed up; Right? [12:10] Turski: Try hitting alt+f2 then type firefox -P then create a new profile called "test" then start test. Does it give the same error? [12:10] Go ahead and tell me I screwed up. I'm a big boy, I can take it! :) [12:10] turski@Turski:~$ firefox -P [12:10] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 550: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed! [12:11] usr13 - you may well have screwed up :P [12:11] hey people. how do I check which options have been compiled into the kernel? [12:11] danand: Thanks :) I knew that! :) [12:12] smokeyd - type less /boot/config-`uname -r` [12:12] i need good webased postfix manager [12:12] Guess I need to go to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [12:12] him can anyone help me with setting up a comport in wine?i already made a symlink pointing to ttyS0 in my dosdevices/ [12:12] ArthurArchnix: btw, its FF3 and hardy [12:13] ok, thanks danand [12:13] jrib, language-thing doesnot work; http://pastebin.ca/930241 [12:13] Turski: heh... ok, take it to #ubuntu+1 they'll be able to help you there. [12:13] usr13 - i can tell you you've screwed up .... just can't tell you how to fix it :) [12:13] tom17bombadil: en_US maybe [12:13] but my win program still doesnt see itm im using ubuntu 7,10 [12:13] danand: That's ok. I can fix anything. [12:13] smokeyd - np [12:13] tom17bombadil: what is the output of "uname -m"? [12:14] Well, anything but a broken heart. [12:14] jrib ups...i686 [12:14] usr13: You more than likely just need to adjust your zorg.conf file to load the nvidia driver again. [12:14] i see [12:15] TelnetManta: That's what I wanted to hear. [12:15] Damn, I would like to have CONFIG_IO_ACCOUNTING compiled into the kernel. Any reason why it is not compiled in standard (using 2.6.22 kernel in Gutsy) [12:15] usr13 - if your anything like me ... first i have it working... tinker a bit ... tinker a bit more ... break it .... then spend days putting it back to how you had it in the first place XO [12:15] package manager wouldnt have "uninstalled" the nvidia driver but it could have disabled it in favor of the nvidia-glx driver. [12:15] *glx [12:15] jrib, i was pretty shure i had installed a 64-version [12:15] TelnetManta: And I like the way you spell it. :) [12:15] tom17bombadil: hmm, make sure you downloaded the "amd64" iso [12:16] usr13: LOL *xorg.conf [12:16] missed that [12:16] usr13: Just make sure that your using the nvidia driver under the device section. [12:16] TelnetManta: But if it changes it once, who's to say it won't change it again? [12:16] jrib, i did. well both. 32 for the notebook, i must have taken the wrong one.... [12:16] usr13 - are you sure the nvidia module is being loaded - check lsmod. if you can't find it add the correct name of the nvidia driver you compiled to /etc/modules [12:16] can some one tell me name for postfix controlpanel supported by ubuntu [12:17] don't sweat it. It's not difficult to change. In fact I use the nvidia driver (via Envy) and havent had it overwritten, ever....... [12:17] usr13: ^ [12:17] TelnetManta: dennda; I set this box up for a friend so he could play tremulous and it puked on him the first time he rebooted, so... I dono. [12:17] guza: I know of a control panel for postfix..but I guess others will not agree with my suggestion.. I'm using webmin [12:18] i use webmin too [12:18] but i have postfix with mysql and virtual domains and virtual users [12:19] usr13 - i think the nvidia install script removes the standard nvidia kernel modules to avoid the system using those.... if you haven't then told the system to use the new gfx modules (perhaps with a different name?) that would explain why your running in low gfx mode. check the output of dmesg to see if you get any errors about missing nvidia modules [12:19] TelnetManta: danand; I just installed Ubuntu and then downloaded and installed Nvidia driver and then installed tremulous (from the package manager), and was working fine when I left. Now he emails me with this error and I assume it's blown away the nvidia driver. [12:20] danand: Ok... [12:21] I'm gonna go over and fix it for him and apologize for being such a stupid ubuntu user! [12:23] hi can anyone help me with setting up a comport in wine?i already made a symlink pointing to ttyS0 in my dosdevices/com1 and added my usernaname to the dialout group [12:23] well i been up all night i think im gonna nap for a bit its almost 730am i'll come back later [12:24] still my program doesnt see it, is it the fault of me setting it up wrong or is it q problem of the program? [12:25] anto [12:25] c'est quoi la commande pour connaitre la version de ubuntu === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [12:26] !fr [12:26] i have problems installing ppC++ [12:26] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [12:26] i need help [12:26] hi, my mouse freezes after reboot (I use kubuntu) [12:26] Flannel : i started resizing the partitions , gparted allows resizing of ntfs too - ill see the results later today :D [12:28] hello [12:28] plz is there an easy way to install ubuntu in to SD card or flash memory? [12:29] hi i have reinstalled XP and it removed my grub , how i can boot ununtu now? === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [12:29] IPGHOST - put the liveCD in and run grub-onstall [12:29] http://www.linux.com/forums/topic/1231 [12:29] here is the post where are explain my problem [12:30] akiva, grub-install [12:30] yep [12:30] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot [12:30] plse help me [12:30] plz is there an easy way to install ubuntu in to SD card or flash memory? [12:30] and finally lands in busybox [12:30] akiva, i have tried that , it is not woring [12:30] egoleo: any error? [12:31] yeah [12:31] akiva, getting message "canot mount partition" [12:31] is lands in busybox and (initramfs) [12:31] did you run grub-install for the correct device? [12:31] akiva, my partition is intact , iahve check it by manually mounting in live cd [12:31] where should i run that [12:31] akiva, yes [12:32] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:32] where can i run that [12:32] plse hel me [12:32] my mouse freezes after reboot, please advise [12:32] plse help me [12:33] someone help me plse [12:34] egoleo: I have no idea, sorry. [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] for( ; ; ) { printf("help") } [12:35] suxxor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:37] !patience [12:37] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [12:37] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot plse help me and finally lands in busybox [12:37] thnx [12:37] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot [12:37] plse help me [12:37] and finally lands in busybox [12:37] egoleo,your boot loader is not configured properly [12:38] so how do i do that plse [12:38] LL000 - my french is _very_ limited but think you need to type - lsb_release -a [12:38] i need ur help [12:38] hoe kan ik mijn pda Hp 6915 synchroniseren met evololution? [12:38] !nl [12:38] Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [12:38] !fr | LL000 [12:38] fransfr, please use #ubuntu-nl [12:38] LL000: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [12:39] oke [12:39] oups [12:39] sorry [12:39] I though I was in -fr chan [12:40] heh [12:40] IPGHOST [12:41] sansaro: check here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ [12:41] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot plse help me and finally lands in busybox [12:43] how can i get the uuid for my drives? [12:45] incorrect: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ [12:45] and if it is not there? [12:45] how can i generate it? [12:46] Could anybody help me with OpenGL problem [12:46] ??? [12:47] incorrect; sudo vol_id -u partitionID [12:47] ah just found it :) thanks [12:47] I have installed OpenGL python-bindings and [12:47] incorrect: what about labels instead of uuid? [12:47] GtkLext-bindings [12:48] hi how can i boot the installer of ubuntu from the cd instead of going to the livecd session [12:48] But It just doesn't work :S [12:48] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot plse help me and finally lands in busybox [12:48] i meant i dont want to try it, i want to install if [12:48] hmm [12:48] quantumsoull; you could use the alternate cd instead.. it does a terminal based install.. [12:48] Have you booted it from CD [12:49] quantumsoull; also the liveCD 'is' an installer.. click install on the desktop [12:49] vol_id doesn't create the uuid === LumBuntu is now known as Lumbuntu|AFK [12:50] incorrect i cant launch the livecd session... dont have enough ram [12:50] incorrect; it wasn't suppose to create it.. just tell you what it is.. replace partitionID with /dev/hda1 or whatever your mount point is [12:50] incorrect; you can find your mount points with df -h.. they are on the left hand side [12:51] i just want to create the uuid, i [12:51] plse someone help me with my problem [12:52] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot plse help me and finally lands in busybox [12:52] egoleo: Probably no one has an answer for you right now, try asking it another time instead of repeating it [12:52] hmmm [12:53] sat on it for 2 days man === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [12:53] i dont wanna change to any distro [12:53] incorrect; blkid will also give you uuid's .. i don't know how to 'create' an uuid [12:53] hmm, tried the forums? === rara_jelek_ is now known as co_gokilz [12:53] yeah [12:54] restart udev got it [12:54] thanks [12:54] my office proxy uses auth for access control =( ... i noticed that in ubuntu there is no apt.conf so i dont know how to set proxy configuration for downloading packages thru apt =( [12:54] egoleo: I don't understand your problem. [12:54] plse after ubuntu 7.10 installation my system hangs at the grub after reboot plse help me and finally lands in busybox [12:54] that is it [12:54] after my installation [12:54] co_gokilz [12:55] it hangs on grub and finally lands in busybox === rara_jelek_ is now known as co_gokilz [12:55] egoleo: try booting from a different kernel [12:55] and how do i do that plse [12:55] how do i boot from different kernel plse [12:55] egoleo: it seems that grub is pointing at the wrong one [12:55] egoleo: Yeah, no I can read your problem. What I'm saying is your description doesn't help me understand what's wrong. Yeah, no saying it more slowly doesn't help either. :) Does grub give you any errors? Do you see grub menu? Can you get into it? Can you get into your bios? [12:56] hey guys =) .. ubuntu just finished downloading and DVD i burnt is almost ready .. now i have to go to bios and put "boot from CD" as first option right ? [ already having butterflies in my stomach here !! my first go at linux =) ] [12:56] ok [12:56] guys, my proxy is throwing me 407,s when i do apt-get install, need to set proxy config but i cant find apt.conf like on debian ... [12:57] what happens is that when it boots, the splash takes a long time and finally lands in busybox [12:57] egoleo: when grub appears you need to change which one it boots from; you can later install startupmanager which is a gui grub editor [12:57] ubuntu [12:57] ajricoveri: sudo updatedb && locate apt.conf [12:57] ok [12:57] zer0bit: aye [12:58] trying that [12:58] when i type users in terminal it lists my user name twice and when i type top in terminal it says 2 users. is that normal [12:58] legend2440: Yup. [12:58] ok ty [12:58] bazhang .. and it wont automatically start formatting / partitioning my HD .. can u PROMISE me that ? [12:58] i did locate apt.conf but i found /etc/apt/apt.conf.d with a bunch of files ... [12:58] it is unusual ... =p [12:59] zer0bit: which cd? the live or the alternate [12:59] legend2440; i'm listed 8 times.. i have 7 terminals open and the gnome loaded [12:59] ok ty [13:00] is still given same problem [13:00] zer0bit: you should always BACKUP before doing anything like this; and there are no Promises--how can I control what you do on your end? [13:00] i have only one kernel [13:00] so how do i change [13:00] or is with the livecd [13:00] bazhang .. windows splash screen says "boot from this CD to try ubuntu without affecting your system" .. should i belive that? [13:00] plse help [13:00] egoleo: this is gutsy or feisty [13:00] ajricoveri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400210&highlight=ubuntu+apt+proxy they say just create apt.conf where you think it ought to be. [13:00] gutsy [13:00] ajricoveri: among other solutions. [13:00] is gutsy [13:00] zer0bit: yes === edan is now known as Dj_9iRL [13:00] ArthurArchnix, thank u [13:01] egoleo: fresh install? [13:01] yes [13:01] i just did a fresh install [13:01] hey how do you stop top? [13:01] and reboot give me that [13:01] egoleo: is this a dual boot or just ubuntu on that box [13:01] umm .. ok !! weeee !! i hope it works on my system !! diving into the world of ubuntu for first time !! "for when i walk the vally of the data loss.. for linux is with me .. i fear no M$" .. rebooting [13:02] is only ubuntu [13:02] jtravnick: ctrl c [13:02] i dont have windows and i dont want it [13:02] thanks bazhang [13:02] jtravnick [13:02] jtravnick: just q works too [13:03] will have to write me a postit for that can never remember have always just closed the terminal [13:03] i am susing only ubuntu [13:04] I am debianing only ubuntu [13:04] using HTTrack, I am trying to download a whole site; but using to GUI, after a few steps, the GUI calls the url: "http://dell:8080/server/refresh.html" and I get "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at dell:8080" - well, this is weird, because "http://dell:8080/server/step4.html" worked; I can repeat it many times, and each time it's the same. What can cause it? [13:04] apo hehheh... good one. [13:05] dell.com? [13:05] egoleo: at the countdown before exiting grub hit esc;select verbose mode, and at the prompt then type cat /tmp/initramfs* and report what errors that gives you [13:06] ok [13:06] LukeL: dell is my servername [13:06] doing that now [13:06] jtravnick: no worries ;] [13:07] // [13:07] plse which option is the verbose mood [13:07] bcos i see recovery and the main one [13:07] and memtes [13:07] t [13:07] so which one [13:07] plse [13:08] egoleo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:08] !enter | egoleo [13:08] egoleo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [13:08] egoleo: okay never mind; just choose recovery and see if that works [13:08] hello guys [13:08] i have tried that it does not work [13:08] quick question .. i renamed my "Desktop" folder in my homedir.. [13:08] wanted it with small "d" for easier typing [13:08] and now i dont have a link to the desktop there anymore :( [13:08] swoopdk: uhoh... go on. [13:08] how can i restore that ? [13:08] swoopdk: Make a symlink [13:09] i kinda just need to original "Desktop" folder/link back [13:09] i added a third party repository and installed an app that downgraded a couple of other things and broke my system. how do i find out what changes were made and change them back? [13:09] swoopdk: ln -s ~/desktop ~/Desktop [13:09] apo: will not work [13:09] Desktop isnt there anymore [13:09] i already renamed Desktop to desktop [13:10] ... surely, the folder's still there? [13:10] the folder is [13:10] i tried the recovery it also lands me in busybox initramfs [13:10] Well, then do that. [13:10] but it doesnt show its content on my desktop anymore [13:10] how do you chmod a folder + whats inside the folder [13:10] swoopdk: There's is something mysteriously powerful about the Desktop folder on gnome and in Ubuntu. I once pooched an entire profile by trying to put my desktop on my shared partition then symlinking to it. After I did that everything in that partition showed up on the desktop. [13:10] Obviously [13:10] It's searching for it in ~/Desktop [13:10] Not ~/desktop [13:10] !chmod [13:10] hi all, where can i get the help to upgrade my system to hardy alpha 6 ?? [13:10] An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [13:10] That why I want you to make a symlink. [13:11] #ubuntu+1 chandra_ [13:11] dundel: chmod -R === MaherSenatu is now known as Miska [13:11] hi folks [13:12] how could i set my console to use fb instead of vesafb? [13:12] apo: i renamed it back to Desktop but still nothing === Miska is now known as MaherSenatu [13:12] swoopdk: Try restarting nautilus [13:12] swoopdk: one sec... [13:12] i can make the symlink easily (didnt think of it before i renamed of course :( ) [13:13] killall nautilus and nautilus ? [13:13] swoopdk: Yes [13:13] swoopdk: what does ls -l ~/Desktop return? [13:13] okay just a sec [13:13] ArthurArchnix, it retuns a list of my Desktop stuff [13:14] /home/swoop/Desktop is full path of it [13:14] swoopdk: Ok, try ls -l ~/ [13:14] plse so is there no way i can fix my problem [13:15] Anyone ever heard of a laptop battery losing capacity? I think it might be something running on my Ubuntu system, but I don't know what. It's gone from 4400mAh to 4075 in the three days since I replaced it. [13:15] I want to know what the file permissions are on that Desktop folder you created. [13:15] wow.. gnome-do is kewl [13:15] hi all - is there a simple tool on ubuntu to encrypt a disk partition [13:16] well after restarting my nautilus a have a small "desktop" that links to the actualy desktop [13:16] egoleo: you need to remove quiet from the grub listing for verbose mode, then follow the rest of my instructions [13:16] so i guess that worked out [13:16] d nickthorley Try truecrypt [13:16] will be right back .. need to reboot for a second [13:17] knighwse: is that available via the repos or do you install from the site? [13:17] u mean from the menu.lst [13:17] or what [13:17] !encrypt [13:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about encrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:17] I have seen the others have the same problem as me, that the dinovo won't work at startup. Anyone got a how-to guide. I've searched google but no results =/ [13:17] !truecrypt > nickthorley [13:17] egoleo: who are you talking to? you need to add someone's nick if you want attention [13:18] ok [13:18] no need to reboot anyhow :d [13:18] bazhang i said do i need to do that in menu.lst? [13:18] anybody have any problems with Firefox locking up on Ubuntu 7.10? [13:18] thanks for the help guys.. dont know why but apparently i just needed to restart nautilus for it to update :D [13:18] from now on im just gonna make symlinks for easier typing when working in the terminal :p [13:19] hmm is there a way to "hide" the symlinks from regular ls command ? [13:19] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340753 egoleo [13:19] bazhang: ok [13:19] thnx man [13:19] jon_high9000; mine does on occqasion when viewing youtube or pages of that sort.. [13:20] techno_freak: what does gnome do do? [13:20] legend2440, have you heard of katapult in KDE? [13:21] techno_freak: no sorry i've only used gnome [13:21] legend2440, it makes alt+F2 simpler [13:21] jon_high9000: I get that a lot. I think upgrading Flash is the solution, but I haven't figured out how [13:21] bastid_razor: I was going to look for an alternate web browser but unsure of what is out there. [13:22] techno_freak: ok i'll google gnome do [13:22] how can I fix my problem? [13:22] jon_high9000: Don't bother. The only other browser for Linux that's anywhere near feature-complete is Konqueror (or equivalents) and it's nowhere near ready for prime time [13:22] legend2440, check planet ubuntu for posts on it [13:22] i recently had a dns problem [13:22] jon_high9000; it is rare that mine has issues. it doesn't occur enough to warrant replacement [13:23] techno_freak: ok thx [13:23] then i used the network managee rto change the dns address [13:23] etfb: thank for the heads up. [13:23] but after reboot it resets [13:23] hello. I'm trying to update Ubuntu 7.10 to Hardy, but update-manager -d is hanging when trying to verify the pgp signature. [13:23] when I manually try to verify it, pgp complains that I don't have the public key [13:23] Firefox > konqueror [13:23] !hardy | GijsK [13:23] GijsK: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [13:23] jon_high9000; when firefox3 comes out.. i have high hopes for that.. you could snag it from the repos (firefox-3.0) and try that out [13:23] ah, sorry! :) [13:24] has anyhone used truecrypt here - does it work well and is there anything that can act on a folder level rather than volume [13:24] bastid_raZor: ok. thanks [13:24] bastid_raZor: me too. i tried a while back. seemed pretty stable. [13:24] PROBLEM: Need an older kernel to install VMware... My current kernel is '2.6.22-14-generic' and I don't know how to install an older one (preffer 2.6.18.*) ... ANYBODY? [13:25] adyre_: You don't need an old kernel. I'm running VMWare Server with no hassles on the latest kernel [13:25] bazhang: i have done that now [13:25] i have done that [13:25] on Ubuntu? [13:25] me too, and it works very well, with Ubuntu 7.10 [13:25] hi [13:26] adyre_: It'd be a bit silly hanging around #ubuntu channel if I were a Red Hat user, after all... [13:26] adyre_, im running vmware on hardy..2.6.24-- [13:26] but it was not pretty.. [13:26] I've installed gutsy and I can hear sound from flash plugin of firefox but I can't hear sound from applications.. [13:26] egoleo: great; now follow the rest of my instructions please [13:26] hi , i can use all applications with VM Ware, which doenst work on Windows-Vista, and i am glad abouth this [13:26] bazhang: after doing that it hangs again at where it says waiting for root file system [13:26] bazhang: ok [13:26] bazhang: i am waiting [13:27] thanks guys... I will retry to install... it gives me an error installing VMware and I found on a forum that the solution is to use older kernel... [13:27] adyre_: Which VMWare (product and version #) are you using? Did you know VMWare Server is now free (as in beer)? [13:27] adyre_: Check the date of that advice. It WAS the case -- in early Feisty builds with pre 1.0 versions of Reader. [13:27] etfb; where is your beer free? [13:28] I have downloaded VMware-server- [13:28] bastid_raZor: Funny boy. [13:28] hey all, question, if I enter cat >> testscript I can enter what needs to be in the testscript, but what should I place at the end so I get bacl my bash prompt? [13:28] Anubis_be: Ctrl+D [13:28] Anubis_be: (which means End Of File) [13:28] Anubis_be: ctrl-D, EOF [13:28] etfb: dammit [13:28] yes, that's another question: where can I find free beer :D ... '2.6.22-14-generic' linux kernel [13:28] guys is there a way to hide symlinks from regular "ls" ?? [13:28] so that i need to do "ls -a" to have them shown ? [13:29] Werdna: It's the quick or the "what he said" around here, Mr First-Name-Backwards! [13:29] bazhang: i am still waiting plse [13:29] etfb: :P [13:29] can a hald compltete widows torrent be continued under ubuntu? [13:30] Nik0la0s: Provided you have the torrent file, yes definitely. [13:30] Nik0la0s; if you tell the torrent app where the rest of the file is located [13:30] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [13:30] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [13:30] another problem [13:30] yes [13:30] no other apps open [13:30] adyre_, ps aux|grep apt [13:30] and can it be also contineus nad saved in the ntfs folder where the rest of it is? [13:30] meaning where windows first saved it [13:31] Nik0la0s; it would have to save it there.. you are going to be telling it to find the first half of the file there [13:31] cliebow: and what do I do netx (I have to specify that I use linux for a short time, now... I am still learning [13:31] i just tried it [13:31] in ubuntu where will my application be installed if i use apt-get ?? [13:31] an its cehekign it an dverifying it [13:32] but will it bae bale to properly save it under the ntfs filer structure? [13:32] praveen_: probably /usr/bin ? [13:32] adyre_, that should show an apt process running...kill -9 processnumber [13:32] Nik0la0s; it should no issues with ntfs [13:33] i see, so when i boot back in windows i will be able to see the file finsihed? [13:33] tinman, any other location .... i want to know where my java is installed [13:33] thanks cliebow , it works :D .. Evrika :D [13:33] yes Evrica!! [13:33] hello .. very new person on linux .. first timer .. just booted from CD and i am amazed [13:34] praveen_: slocate the file you are looking for and something/bin should be the place [13:34] egoleo: okay, you were waiting for further instructions? not sure what to tell you there--just type the instructions I gave you before into the prompt [13:34] it didnt even ask me for gateway .. it directly put me on net [13:34] how do you change the date/time? [13:34] which prompt [13:34] Btw bazhang .. u remember me right ? =) === sofia is now known as pUjangg [13:34] bazhang: bcos it lands me into busybox [13:35] luckyshot: right click on the time -> adjust date and time [13:35] luckyshot, try System--?administration-->Time and Date [13:35] egoleo: did you remove quiet from the kernel listing? [13:35] yes [13:35] egoleo:ltsp? [13:35] i did [13:35] just one question is that if i delete the EXAMPLE folder on desktop, how to i start file browser ? that file browser application icon is NOT there in the start menu [13:35] cliebow: not working, I wass happy to soon.... the procces root 6363 99.7 1.4 18768 15124 ? R 10:48 284:38 apt-get install linux-kernel* [13:35] HAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [13:35] cannot kill it [13:35] jrib, adjust date and time is not there? [13:35] adyre_, sudo kill -9 6363 [13:35] luckyshot: are you using GNOME? [13:36] jrib, xfce xubuntu [13:36] tatyawinchu; click Places and one of those selections will bring up the file browser [13:36] BSYUUUDF [13:36] luckyshot: k. Did what cliebow suggested help? [13:36] are any of you in mr.elkners class [13:36] ? [13:36] cliebow: thanks.. now it had worked [13:36] bazhang: when i press escape it takes me to the menu [13:36] and there nothing like verbose [13:37] jrib, i missed what he said? [13:37] luckyshot: system -> administration -> date and time [13:37] bastid_raZor ok and what if i delete those too ? like windows key + E is the hotkey in windows, what is the hotkey in linux to open file browser ? [13:37] egoleo: you need to edit the listing and remove quiet from it [13:37] tinman, heh got it thanks [13:37] bazhang: i have done that [13:37] praveen_: no problem [13:37] and now it loads with some info [13:37] hi guys i keep on getting an error any ideas on how i can resolve it [13:37] dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 22254 package `gimp-print': [13:37] okay i have hidden the symlinks from nautilus using a .hidden file.. [13:38] what info does it give you egoleo [13:38] jrib, yes works! thank you [13:38] :) [13:38] is there a way to hide from terminal also unless i do ls-a ? [13:38] bazhang: like loading essential driver [13:38] s [13:38] wlomax:is that jeff elkner? [13:38] swoopdk: only if you begin the filename with a . [13:38] any ideas anyone [13:38] tatyawinchu; i doubt you deleted the listing under Places. you would have to set a a shortcut key for that to work. [13:38] oh okay [13:38] bazhang: and last statement is waiting for root file system [13:38] then i will have to live with ls listing everything twice because of the symlinks :p [13:39] yusuo: pastebin line 22254 plus or minus 10 lines of that file [13:39] any one know how to get cleaner sound with audacity [13:39] i cant get into the file gedit doesnt like the format and vim well thats alot of lines to find [13:39] hi [13:39] hello [13:39] mayan, hi to you [13:39] testing [13:39] omg .. OMG .. this ROCKS .. u guys have no idea how free i feel to get away from windows !! LONG LIVE THIS LINUX THING !! .. man !! [13:40] how much MINIMUM hard drive space i need to install this from CD to drive ? [13:40] who r u [13:40] yusuo: vim +22254 FILE will take you right there [13:40] tatyawinchu; 4 Gig [13:40] how can i open it in gedit it says it cant find character coding [13:40] tatyawinchu, 4 gig would do.. [13:40] tatyawinchu; i would seriously suggest 10 or better though. [13:40] more would be nice [13:41] heh [13:41] hi apanknen [13:41] erm .. can it not be like 300 megs ro something? my disks are way 2 full =/ [13:41] hi all [13:41] Will Ryan [13:41] http://pastebin.ca/930290 [13:41] there u go jrib [13:42] egoleo: how many hard drives do you have on this machine; do you have an external drive or two or more internal drives [13:42] yusuo: umm, you see the problem? (you also have to tell me which line is which) [13:42] hey lomax [13:42] wasup [13:42] bazhang is a laptop just one plse [13:42] Can someone help me with ssh setup? One ip ssh is no problem, the other i cannot login. http://pastebin.com/m38726fc8 [13:42] where it starts depends is the problem === apanknen is now known as DOUSCHE [13:42] egoleo: what are the specs on that machine--make and model, what cpu how much ram etc [13:42] sorry Descr3M¼±óE^XP¢Ä is where the line starts [13:43] im noob, do i need a firewall for feisty fawn ? [13:43] ? [13:43] yusuo: well the issue is all that garbage in the file. File is corrupted [13:43] > [13:43] ? [13:43] ? [13:43] ? [13:43] Garr3n: No. [13:43] apanknen: stop [13:43] bazhang: is acer 4520, AMD Athlon X2 [13:43] no [13:43] u stop [13:43] so what sghould i do [13:43] Garr3n: depends on what you are trying to do? [13:43] who r u jrib? [13:43] apanknen: stop being an ass please. [13:43] HOLLY BALLS [13:43] stay safe [13:43] Garr3n: One is installed called iptables. By default all ports are closed. [13:44] shall i just delete them jrib or well i dunno [13:44] i dont wanna re install [13:44] If you want to manage it you can install an ap like firestarter. [13:44] bazhang: and is NVidia GForce 7000M [13:44] yusuo: any idea what may have caused it? [13:44] how do i tell ubuntu where my swap partition is? [13:44] nope none [13:44] Garr3n: But unless you've opened some ports there won't be anything to manage. [13:44] Meow: during install? [13:44] well, out of 4 gbs and 10 gbs .. i would like to know the MINIMUM required space please to install ubuntu on to HD from this Live CD session [13:44] it updated evolution this morning and had no problem [13:44] tinman, no? [13:44] !swap | Meow [13:44] Meow: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [13:44] kesshi_; ssh doesn't need set up.. install openssh-server and all is good [13:44] apanknen: why do you have to be such an ass hole? [13:45] can and how do i sort it out jrib [13:45] i had firestarter installed but the upgrade to feisty fawn must have uninstalled it cause its gone [13:45] !minimum | Meow [13:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about minimum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:45] tatyawinchu; 4Gb is the least needed.. 10G or better is suggested (by me) [13:45] wlomax:watch your tongue [13:45] !language | wlomax [13:45] wlomax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [13:45] wlomax:jeff elkner's class? [13:45] !minimum hard drive space | Meow [13:45] egoleo: how much ram [13:45] blastid_raZor: well one ip is OK but the other doesn't let me enter my password [13:45] apankton: quit it [13:46] yea [13:46] kesshi_; what do you mean the other ip? where are you trying to go? [13:46] im in elkners [13:46] Permission denied (publickey,password). but it is SCP not ssh so ie seems [13:46] Permission denied (publickey,password). [13:46] heyyy [13:46] GOD [13:46] will you say hello for me.. [13:46] okar, thanks all, i feel better now :) [13:46] its coung [13:46] tatyawinchu, Requirements for Ubuntu are listed here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements [13:46] bazhang: 1 GB DDR2 [13:46] roflmao -> How to change the swappiness value [13:46] get out of here apankton [13:46] thanks dgjones [13:46] Can someone help with sound problems? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58600/ [13:47] u spelled my name wrong jewbag [13:47] i want to copy everything from vsmsrv1 to vsm2 it is both connected through internal switch 192.168 and both connected to "internet" 10.33 [13:47] wlomax, apanknen: please keep the discussion in this channel related to support only. You can chat with each other in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want [13:47] At least 2 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space) ... 4 and 10 are a bit too much ^^ [13:47] jrib: or they can just turn around and talk, i guess, since they seem to be in the same place [13:48] scp through internet 10.33 is OK but is slow because of the route, but 192.168 gives Permission denied (publickey,password). instead of password request [13:48] urgh [13:48] tatyawinchu The minimum requirements are only likely to allow a server (non-graphical) installation to run well. [13:48] yusuo: not sure. There is a /var/lib/dpkg/available-old that you may be able to use, but we should google to see if it's okay to just do that [13:48] well... i got around your ban [13:48] hi guys, how to stop nm-applet to automatically connect to access point on login? [13:49] i just read about something like that jrib that will sort it all out but how do i replace the files [13:49] wlomax, cpham, apanknen, cedwards, tsteis: this channel is for Ubuntu support. There are 1200 people here. Please stop disturbing. You can join #yourownchannel to chat to one another. If you have support questions about Ubuntu, you can ask them here, *all in one line*, providing the full details. [13:49] archman: Disable roaming mode in your network config. [13:49] ArthurArchnix: tnx! [13:50] yusuo: are you comfortable using "mv"? [13:50] archman: No prob. Something like >system >admin >network then wireless properites, then disable roaming. [13:50] hy all === zizzfizzix_ is now known as zizz === zizz is now known as w2d21r [13:50] yeah but i think i just solved it [13:51] hi everyone! i'm having apparently some problem with my firefox installation. could someone please check out http://www.scribd.com/ipaper and tell me if you can view the document? [13:51] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58600/ Can someone please help with sound install [13:51] you need to take the second ban down off or i will just keep using proxy servers [13:51] hi all on truecrypt's website it asks which filesystems it can encrypt and they are all windows - can it do linux also? [13:51] just ran dpkg --clear-avail [13:51] hello all, is there software that i can control cpu fan ? [13:52] any1 got an idea y i have no ubuntu sounds....( no sounds when i click anything) my sounds card works fine if i watch a movie [13:52] thnaks Pici...good to be back [13:52] egoleo: you need to get to a console prompt; did you read that link I gave you? [13:52] mohamed_: there is a "fancontrol" script in the "lm-sensors" package. it's not necessarily safe to use. [13:52] kesshi_; did you try to set up public keys between them before? possibly deleting the key and connecting as if for the first time would rid this [13:52] nickthorley: Don't think so. But as ubuntu can read ntfs .... or else use dm crypt. [13:52] So... Updating 6.10 -> 7.10 overwrote my menu.lst, as usual. Anyway, I can't figure out how to get BackTrack 2 working again. Tried every single option I can think of, but i keep getting strange panics during boot. [13:52] yusuo: interesting, didn't know about that [13:52] how bout an op taking off the second ban down on the list [13:52] or you might as well ban this proxy too [13:53] bazhang: i am now using the livecd to mount the root partition [13:53] thx, LjL , i need something because suddenly my fan become so loud , [13:53] Need help getting grub working after patch, someone experienced with menu.lst-editing - This is really getting annoying. \o/ [13:54] Can somebody please help me on this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58600/ [13:54] thank you to everyone that helped me with installing Studio on VMWARE..never dreamed it would run this smooth...thanks [13:54] can somebody please click on this link http://www.scribd.com/ipaper and tell me if it's working for you? [13:55] tux69: tis working [13:55] tux69; works here too [13:56] tux69, works for me [13:56] tux69; that is using flash.. are you having flash issues? [13:56] Hi i just installed ubuntu, can i install ubuntu studio on top of it? [13:56] I can see a future, where idea "ban evasion is not acceptable" leads, like everyone having one internet ID, and if you say bad word or something in internet, you will be banned on WHOLE internet, make me president [13:56] Mhhhm [13:57] yes astheo..i dont know why you wanna do that ...as i can do pretty much everything in Studio as in ubuntu. [13:57] can i do patching of drivers for wifi card in live cd so i can inject packets? [13:57] Not french ? :/ [13:57] astheo: you can add their repos and install software from that [13:57] archman_: Depends, how smart are you? [13:57] just install Studio... [13:57] Poungi: you should /j #ubuntu-fr [13:57] Wander_w: :-D not really; how can it be done? [13:57] Hi there... I know that ubuntu has a better support for MIDI hardware, but I can't find a way to handle MIDI inputs/outputs without a hardware. Like MIDI Yoke does for windows. Any ideas? [13:57] Thank Bazhang ;) [13:57] its the same with some added benifits IMHO [13:58] no worries Poungi ;] [13:58] lol [13:58] archman_: Download the patches, apply them to your kernel tree, compile, deploy === konoha_girls is now known as doni [13:58] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58600/ Can anyone be so kind as to look into this ? [13:58] LjL do you want my cock? you will really like it [13:58] Wander_w: you can view the document in firefox on ubuntu, correct? [13:58] Hey, I can't seem to get any sound from my right speaker... Anyone know why? It's working perfectly with CDs [13:58] Wander_w: all that will work without restart? [13:59] glinglo_: stop [13:59] tux69: yeah, a firefox nightly (march 5th) [13:59] archman_: maybe [13:59] bastic_raZor: usually i don't have flash issues. strange. [14:00] Ljl: i think its a fruitless endeavour [14:00] Lol.. I can't wait to see the ops log on this hour. [14:00] tux69; i'm using firefox2.0.0.12 and i have 3.0 both work.. odd that yours isn't :\ === doni is now known as konoha_girls [14:00] how would i do it. install ubuntu studio on top of ubuntu? is ubuntu a totally different distro? [14:00] ubuntu studio [14:00] Wander_w: what do you mean by 'deploy'? (i'm from croatia, don't understand everything...) [14:00] archman_: ubuntu studio is much a bunch of packages, not a different distro [14:01] astheo: well it is totally FOSS so wireless etc support is not as good; best to just add their repos and install stuff on top of regular ubuntu [14:01] astheo: apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop [14:01] astheo: i suggest you only install studio...it has all of ubuntu and some more [14:01] archman: "deploy": install it for use === w2d21r is now known as zizzfizzix [14:01] erstazi: i mean injection of packets to router; so i can crack wep... [14:01] Strawberryjam: how would i do it? [14:01] rebazhang: really? [14:02] archman_: oops, I meant astheo [14:02] archman_: and also, aircrack [14:02] Wander_w: ok; so i just follow some tutorials about patching and cross my fingers? [14:02] bazhang: really? [14:02] archman: yeah [14:02] so far Studio has been great for me [14:03] Strawberryjam: right; the advantage to adding the repos ( as astheo wants to do) is that you can get all the video drivers etc that are restricted but also enjoy the apps that come with ubuntustudio [14:03] astheo: first...what is it that you want to do? [14:03] bazhang: i have a music studio, the realtime kernel gives me lower latency, that is why i use it [14:04] actually all i want is the eyecandy of ubuntu studio. I have been having trouble with my graphics card and installing themes i like. :) [14:04] test [14:04] has anyone here used crypt manager [14:04] then dont bother installing studio [14:04] i thought installing studio would give me instant eyecandy [14:05] astheo; compiz-fusion will do that.. and you have that if you're using 7.10 [14:05] Strawberryjam: which is great if you have a desktop, but if is not, or you need gaming (3D drivers) then installing from the repos is likely a good choice as well--it really depends, but nice to have both options ;] [14:05] what channel do i have to go for ubuntu alpha? [14:05] Wander_w: maybe http://tetsujin.metamudcreations.com/index.php?/archives/92-bcm43xx-injection-patch-on-Ubuntu-7.10-Gutsy-Gibson.html [14:05] astheo: no real eyecandy you cant get in Ubuntu... [14:05] Daveeey: #ubuntu+1 [14:05] ok thx [14:05] j #ubuntu+1 [14:06] oh i see, i guess it's not really the solution.. [14:06] astheo: and as bazhang just pointed out in the las response [14:06] hi Daniel88 [14:06] ^^ [14:06] i can't run compiz-fusion even in my kubuntu. i guess it's because im using ati card. thankx anyway :) [14:07] astheo: not for you no....you dont need that and you have better graphics support in ubuntu [14:07] I'm trying to find a midiox/midiyoke-like software for ubuntu. Any recommendation? [14:07] bazhang: thanks for pointing that out...appreciated [14:07] thanks for the help guys, you are very supportive here [14:07] Why do I get a "Permission denied" message on 'sudo echo "deb http://pkg-gnome.alioth.debian.org/debian/ experimental main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update'? [14:08] astheo: np...that is what i have found ubuntu to be all about [14:08] sometimes i just sit here and read...:) [14:08] Cyntrox: pipe to tee instead. The redirection occurs as your user [14:08] yeah, just as what its name suggest :) [14:09] jrib: care to write that as terminal code? =P [14:09] Cyntrox: echo foo | sudo tee -a FILE [14:10] sOMEONE PLEASE POINT ME TO A how to download,decompress and install using "archive manager" wiki or web page [14:10] astheo: please check the tutorials on the forums...they are very helpfull [14:10] bill_: download etc what exactly [14:11] ok ,i will . thanks [14:11] jrib: I tried 'echo "deb http://pkg-gnome.alioth.debian.org/debian/ experimental main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update' but it said 'sudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found'... Did I misunderstand? [14:11] flashplugin-nonfree from adobe === readyx is now known as ready [14:11] I'm sorry flashplayer9_for_linux [14:11] jrib: sorry, I mean 'echo "deb http://pkg-gnome.alioth.debian.org/debian/ experimental main" |sudo /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update' [14:12] after attemping a quite a few hours, I am lost (searched forums, mail lists, and search engine results), here is all my outputs I can think of: http://c-wd.net/ath/ any solution to these outputs? [14:12] astheo: np [14:12] bill_: why not just get it from the ubuntu-restricted-extras? [14:12] Cyntrox: you forgot the "tee -a". Anyway, you don't want to do what you are doing. You're likiely to end up with a broken system [14:13] bill_: i tried installing flash but i get some error message about the checksums that dont match...any ideas? [14:13] jrib: I'm just following the instructions for getting gstreamer... http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/ [14:13] I was told their version would work better than the nonfree [14:13] Cyntrox: gstrteamer is in the ubuntu repositories [14:13] i am trying nonfree btw [14:13] I'm having trouble seeing some websites [14:13] bill_: me too ...YouTube [14:14] bill_ Strawberryjam a simple reinstall should fix that [14:14] bazhang: reinstall of flash? [14:14] I have it didn't === praveen_ is now known as praveenr [14:14] jrib: 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer' tells me that the package could not be found... [14:14] Strawberryjam: aye; it has been fixed for a good two or three weeks now ;] [14:15] Im trying to find my partitions/disks with Is/dev/sd* and it says that the file doesn't exist [14:15] maybe /dev/hd*? [14:15] yeah tried that [14:15] Any help with my initial request [14:15] Cyntrox: first, have you enabled the universe and multiverse repos [14:15] Cyntrox, sudo apt-cache search gstreamer [14:15] Steelx01: maybe its in the output of dmesg? [14:15] jrib: No, I don't think so [14:15] I'm still new at linux [14:15] is there any channel for cracking weps? [14:16] NinjaPlimsoles: I think it worked, thanks =P [14:16] bazhang: thanks...i'll try as soon as my updates are done...cant believe i am running Studio off a USB drive on my wifes notebook...now i can take linux evrywhere [14:16] bill_: well then download the file to whereever you want, unzip it (or whatever the format) and then run the file--it is fairly straightforward--have you already downloaded it? [14:16] Cyntrox - apt-cache pkgnames | grep gstreamer [14:16] Strawberryjam: wow! talk about leet ;] [14:16] Cyntrox: go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources and enable universe and multiverse [14:16] archman_: you sound just like a scriptkiddie [14:16] thanks I'll just use the shell [14:16] hi, i just finished installing ubuntu desktop over kubuntu. weird all the apps in my kubuntu desktop is still present in my ubuntu desktop. is this normal, or something has gone wrong? [14:16] Wander_w: I can't open them with fdisk either [14:16] astheo: how did you install it? [14:16] Steelx01: you can see a nice graphical representation of each physical disk in gparted. If it is installed, you can launch it via System>Administration>Partition Editor [14:17] astheo: normal [14:17] bazhang bill_: i used synaptics to install my flash [14:17] astheo, KDE apps can work in Gnome :) [14:17] Steelx01: have you looked at dmesg? [14:17] Wander_w: wtf? [14:17] Ooh sexy, i'll get that :p [14:17] i just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [14:17] astheo: wb...welcome to the magic of linux [14:17] astheo - did you remove kubuntu-desktop? [14:17] Wander_w: archman please keep it ontopic [14:17] does ubuntu support more than 4gb of RAM ..with a 32bit kernel [14:18] danand, i did not. how would i do that? [14:18] astheo: then you didn't install it "over" kubuntu. You just installed ubuntu-desktop (and gnome) in addition to kubuntu. Yes, it's normal [14:18] archman_: Well, wanting to "crack weps" but not taking the trouble to find it out for yourself is typical scriptkiddie behavior [14:18] jrib: thnks to to all who responded [14:18] sysadmin-lb22: no you need the 64bit for that [14:18] jrib: It seems I had already enabeled it =P [14:18] jrib: sorry for the inconvinience [14:18] Wander_w, watch out, he'll forkbomb u :O [14:18] astheo: you can even boot into either gnome or kde [14:18] bazhang, no possible workarounds..? Is it a physical limitaiton ? [14:19] Strawberryjam: yes i can see that :) [14:19] Cyntrox: no inconvenience. You found gstreamer then? [14:19] sysadmin-lb22: well you just wont be able to use all the ram; you can run the 32 bit fine though [14:19] sysadmin-lb22: you could also use PEA [14:19] is printer sharing ment to be soooo impossible....or is it just that im trying to share with the enemy? [14:19] PAE [14:19] ou [14:19] picciotti [14:19] sysadmin-lb22: the same limitation as with all OS: The math [14:19] !it | Kenshiro [14:19] Kenshiro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [14:19] Wander_w: i have already found tutorial but i find it better to talk to people who know that stuff... [14:19] i want to remove kubuntu desktop is "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" will do the trick? [14:19] jrib: Yes. But this raises another question: How do I install something when all I have is the link http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/rhythmbox/0.10/ ? sudo apt-get install FooBar? [14:20] Kenshiro: do you have a support question? [14:20] astheo: no that is just a meta package [14:20] sysadmin-lb22: 32 systems just cant adress and allocate the adresses like 64's can [14:20] Cyntrox: you always look for it in the repositories. apt-get is one way on the command line. Or you can use Add/Remove or Synaptic Package Manager. rhythmbox should be installed by default though [14:20] bazhang: ok so what will i do then? [14:20] astheo - no. that will simply remove the meta-package kubuntu-desktop ... not all the packages associate with it [14:21] bazhang: ok so what will i do then? [14:21] astheo: not sure; what is your goal? [14:21] sysadmin-lb22: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension === osky is now known as co_gokilz [14:21] to have ubuntu as my sole desktop [14:21] hello, if i want to start a game(xmoto) comes this: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/31901/ [14:21] Upgraded 6.10 -> 7.10, is there any chance of rescuing the system and doing a rollback without any previous backup? [14:21] astheo: you can choose gnome as default in session in the login window [14:21] "This increases maximum physical memory size from 4 GiB to 64 GiB." [14:22] jrib: Yes, it seems it is already installed... [14:22] * Cyntrox goes looking [14:22] yes i can, but i want to free up some of my disk space... [14:22] burkmat: you skipped 7.04? [14:22] Cyntrox: check Sound and Video menu [14:22] can i? [14:22] bazhang, Well... 6.10 -> 7.04 -> 7.10 [14:22] astheo: well remove the apps you wish to remove [14:22] burkmat you want to go back to edgy? [14:23] bazhang, yeah... [14:23] burkmat fresh install then [14:23] bazhang: i thought there's a single command that will remove all the kubuntu stuffs [14:23] jrib: Indeed, I found it, thanks for all the help! [14:23] bazhang, yeah... figured i'd have to, but thought i'd look for a way to save stuff before doing that. :) [14:23] astheo: i would like to know that too [14:23] astheo: If there were that would be nice indeed; alas there is not [14:24] hahahaha... [14:24] Is there anyone who can help me with getting my gfx card drivers working, currently have an ATI radeon x1950 and been through various walkthroughs etc but all i get is a blank screen before login. Once that happens i have to totally restore my xorg.conf file using dpk-reconfigure xorg [14:24] hehe, ok thanks [14:24] :) [14:24] Gparted clearly says partition /dev/sda1, but still can't open that with fdisk [14:24] astheo: if you have not done any serious work...just reinstall ubuntu [14:24] astheo - you could try apt-get --purge remove kdebase - that should cause everything kde to be removed. I would run that command with the -s flag to simulate first... that way you'll see what its gonna do - ie sudo apt-get -s --purge remove kdebase [14:25] astheo: indeed, Strawberryjam's suggestion is sound [14:25] http://wiresmash.com/people/patrick-swayze-has-pancreatic-cancer/ :| [14:25] does anyone know if crypt manager works properly on 7.10 and how long it takes to decypt 1gb of files? [14:25] Kitar|st: wrong channel for that [14:25] yea sorry [14:26] danand: astheo: if you are new to linux...i suggest you hold off...it can all get confusing [14:26] i don't have an installer that's the problem:.lol that's why i installed ubuntu via kubuntu. poor boy [14:26] astheo: get the ubuntu cd iso and burn it to cd then you are done [14:26] OMG I feel so stupid now... Been looking for like 50 minutes now for the reason why only my left speaker gave sound... The reason? The jack wasn't probably plugged >.> [14:26] i know, but it'll take time [14:27] astheo: not that bad if you are on dsl [14:27] well, my dp is just 15kbps [14:27] bazhang: lol [14:27] lol [14:27] No-one then? [14:27] astheo: 15KB/s is not bad [14:27] astheo: patience then my young jedi [14:27] astheo: If I'm not mistaken, Ubuntu ships free CD's [14:27] I got it on 2KB/sec [14:27] hehe [14:27] lol [14:28] yeah i have requested a cd already [14:28] runewolf: how did you install the drivers [14:28] but it'll 4 weeks or more [14:28] take [14:28] using restricted driver manager [14:28] I got mine in 1-2 weeks [14:28] then tried manually [14:28] astheo: are you dual booting? [14:28] yup [14:28] astheo: Yes it does, took over 8 weeks for me [14:28] xp and ubuntu :) [14:28] bazhang: then used env [14:28] bazhang: nothing works at all [14:28] an accelerator should help speed things along [14:29] runewolf: please dont say you used envy [14:29] tinman, indeed [14:29] :) [14:29] like IDM or DAP [14:29] astheo: have you tried "apt-get clean" and "apt-get autoclean" allready? That might clean up some 100's of MB's [14:29] bazhang: i did after the other 3 methods failed [14:29] wander_w not yet [14:29] ok, for those who still remember me: i had an old flash 9 version. after updating it works. [14:29] runewolf uh oh [14:29] astheo - do you not know anyone with a faster connection? if not how about downloading at an internet cafe? [14:29] bazhang: pleaseeeee dont do that LOL [14:29] runewolf back up and reinstall [14:30] runewolf: lol [14:30] bazhang: really? [14:30] runewolf aye [14:30] ok brb [14:30] danand: no that would be costly for me. it'll take 7-10 hrs to download [14:30] astheo: if you are on 15KB/sec, wget it from someone else [14:30] astheo: torrent even [14:30] bazhang: but i cant even remember how i got my wireless card working, it will take hours LOL [14:30] runewolf: what wireless card [14:31] who can i connect a hpIpaq 6915 to the pc ubuntu to synchronize? [14:31] tinman: don't worry about me getting the resources though, i can handle it guys :) [14:31] bazhang: belkin pcmcia cant remember what the model is [14:31] astheo - not if the internet cafe has got a fast connection - 500kbps say. should take less than an hour! [14:31] fransfr: an hp printer? [14:32] danmand: here in our country the fastest is 150 kbps and the average is 50kps [14:32] astheo: I am on a 64kbps ADSL, i know more pain about speed then most people :< [14:32] no pda hp ipaq [14:32] astheo: where is "here"? [14:32] tinman: i got worse connection than you bro [14:32] :) [14:32] !ot [14:32] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [14:32] astheo - ah ok. do you mind me asking where your from? [14:32] philippines [14:32] asia [14:32] a 3rd world country :) [14:32] bazhang: is there any way of fixing what envy did without a re-install? [14:32] fransfr: hold on a sec [14:32] astheo: i know where philippines is, i am from south east asia as well, [14:33] What's the quickest way to format my hdd? [14:33] Steelx01: mkfs.??? /dev/sda? [14:33] tinman - quick - copy him a cd :) [14:33] i tride with multisync but that didn't work [14:33] danand: im from philipines [14:33] Steelx01: replace the ??'s with something that makes sense [14:33] yeah, well it can't find sda, but it does in Gparted [14:33] tinman: where is you place exactly? :) [14:33] astheo - nice :) [14:34] astheo: :s some... place.. :] [14:34] tinman: your answer did satisfy me really :) [14:34] Steelx01: so, you didn't find your partitions? [14:34] has any1 got printer sharing with windows to work......its now officially beyond me [14:35] danand: how nice is that? :) [14:35] yeah, sda1, sda2, sda5 [14:35] tinman: where is south east asia...i am in Indonesia but I'm South African [14:35] oops [14:35] so much for the great talk guyz, i might be of disturbance here. thanks for you help :) [14:35] Steelx01: and so if you do: mkfs.xfs /dev/sda5 it still doesn't work? [14:35] Strawberryjam: Huh? :] anyways, i think i am getting offtopic ^^ [14:36] lol [14:36] Hi, just a quick question: Anyone here have any experience with giving/spreading cds? Any advise? [14:36] Steelx01: You can format partitions via Gparted, the tool I told you about. [14:36] WinXpNewb: are they legal? [14:36] WinXpNewb: Burn CD, give away to someone who wants it, goto step 1 [14:36] fransfr: did you try with evolution? [14:37] Steelx01: Just right click on the partition you want to format. [14:37] Wander_w - :) [14:37] yeah, tried that, no worky [14:37] does evolution find my pda ? [14:37] Steelx01: The partition has to be unmounted. [14:37] fransfr: I can tell that how? ;] [14:37] cant open with mkfs.xfs, access denied [14:38] Steelx01 - you are better doing that from live cd due to reason bartmon mentions [14:38] oke [14:38] Strawberryjam: Yep. Mostly related to Ron Paul DvD available on Ron Paul Audio but technically I'm also considering it for Linux distro on a later date. Didn't find people who knew in the Ron Paul channel so thought I'd stretch the question here where more people might know [14:38] hmm something seems to have gone wrong with my mplayer mpegpes audio demuxer [14:38] Steelx01: Are you root (i.e. doing something like "sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sda?" [14:38] i get no sound from a lot of videos [14:38] yes [14:38] WinXpNewb: straying into offtopic.. [14:38] bazhang - straying?? [14:39] Wander_w: Ok, step 2. How to find someone who wants a Linux distro cd [14:39] heh [14:39] WinXpNewb: I guess find a distributor with a good heart is a start [14:39] WinXpNewb - :) - back on topic [14:39] WinXpNewb: Show them Ubuntu [14:39] WinXpNewb: for livecds.. i just use it, and if they ask about it, hand em a CD ;p [14:39] * faileas wishes ubuntu still let you bulk order disks in fact [14:39] i can tell that how? bazhang? [14:40] me too...got banned once... [14:40] do you think that it's better to mount the additional partitions in /mnt or in /media ? Or it's not a problem, it's the same ? [14:40] fransfr: did you try with evolution? [14:40] how [14:40] What happens when you're not around a computer? The give them to random people not going to work well as much? [14:40] what must i do? [14:40] hello baaaz! [14:41] I guess ill just get DBAN to nuke my hellish hd === LollinopiL is now known as LoLLo [14:41] thanks LoLLo [14:41] Straw for what ? [14:41] fransfr: sudo apt-get install evolution would be a good start ;] [14:41] WinXpNewb: I never give CD's to ppl who don't want them [14:42] i have already installed evolution [14:42] LoLLo: i am trying to shorten my nick...its just easier for other users lol :) [14:42] Wander_w: Oh ok. I was thinking more of a grassroots way of spreading cds when I asked the question. Sorry if I didn't clarify [14:42] WinXpNewb: So if I'm not around a computer, and someone asks for a CD, I'll say: "I'll give them to you tomorrow" [14:42] !tab | Strawberryjam [14:42] WinXpNewb: how about heading to #ubuntu-offtopic please ;] [14:42] Strawberryjam: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [14:42] thank you [14:42] WinXpNewb: meh, that doesn't work [14:42] hello [14:43] Wander_w: Yeah, I was afraid of that [14:43] hahahaha...i have been typing them all this time LOL [14:43] Oh well, I'm off. I just wanted to see if the Linux guys have more experience with spreading cds on a grassroots level than other movements [14:43] WinXpNewb: Don't force any CD's upon ppl, you'll look like a whacko [14:43] fransfr: sorry that I dont have a iPaq to test; but from reading the ubuntuforums it seems that many have success syncing those devices using evolution--sorry not help more [14:43] Thanks for the help [14:44] they prob do but its the wrong room sorry [14:44] well, is there anyone who could answer me? i don't know if it's better to mount the additional partitions in /mnt or in /media , or technically it's the same ... [14:44] oke i will thry thanks [14:44] LoLLo: Technically it doesnt matter. [14:44] LoLLo, /media if it's non-removable drives is the standard === whitekidney is now known as spzatt [14:45] LoLLo: /mnt is mostly for network drives === spzatt is now known as whitekidney [14:45] LoLLo: It's the same, just do what is most convenient for you [14:45] ok, so i've chosen the right one yeah, thx [14:45] LoLLo, I think mounts in media show up on the desktop as volumes.. [14:45] Wander_w: Yeah, I worry about that but it works for posters and flyers and in the back of my mind, I just thought, really if I was offered a cd I'd pay attention to it more than flyers or posters since I can't just throw it away but yeah, I'm scratching that plan. [14:45] I need some help, when im installing ubuntu, it freezes at 46% (Scanning discs) [14:45] thx a lot ! see u ! [14:46] 53 minutes remaining for my updates :( [14:46] whitekidney: are you sure it freezes? may be it's taking a bit long time? [14:46] whitekidney, Did you have the cd do a self test for errors [14:46] Jack_Sparrow, no, i dont believe so, how do i do that? [14:46] hello, does Ubuntu have NTFS support integrated? [14:46] BuSefer: yes [14:46] whitekidney: try checking your discs for errors before you install...might save you alot of heartaches [14:46] whitekidney: during startup, you get an option to do so [14:46] ÎÒÊÇÖйúÈË [14:47] During booting from the CD? [14:47] Strawberryjam, Suggestion.. once you finish, burn them to a cd or dvd .. /var/cache/apt/achives [14:47] Alrighties, will do. [14:47] lyz: sorry? [14:47] can I run chkdsk on an ntfs disk? how? [14:47] And Strawberryjam : Do a disc scan & defragment? [14:47] whitekidney, At the first menu there is a self test. if you dont get that far you probably have a bad burn or a bad download [14:47] BuSefer: well... chkdsk is a windows program, the linux equivalent is fsck [14:47] busefer : start > cmd > type in chkdsk C: [14:47] was that for me? [14:48] yeah [14:48] hello to all === anabasts is now known as anabasis [14:48] hey, can someone suggest me a good file rescue application ? [14:48] !fsck [14:48] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [14:48] how do I use fsck? [14:48] Gutsy Intel HD Audio Controller driver install problem [14:49] BuSefer, read the man page, it's pretty easy [14:49] installing things on ubuntu is like a pain in the ass [14:49] Aranel: download Hiren's bootCD. It has a lot of Partitioning and HD/file recovery tools. [14:49] yeonhoo, HAve you gone through the sound troubleshooting section from the bot? [14:49] do I type fsck /? for man page? [14:49] Parsec300: thanks :) [14:49] im trying to configure screen resolution but the bloody thing makes my screen get weird colors all the time, i first tried widescreen and it did that, and now i tried to go back to default and the weird colors remain [14:49] I am new [14:49] bie [14:49] Jack_Sparrow, how can i ask to bot? [14:49] BuSefer, "man fsck" [14:49] :) [14:49] Does wine come working with 7.10 ? [14:49] whitekidney, Please watch the language, what is harder than clicking on a program and having it install automatically [14:49] whitekidney, it doesn't come installed [14:49] !bot [14:49] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [14:49] BuSefer: fsck /dev/sda1 [14:50] !intelhda | yeonhoo [14:50] whitekidney: no its not...its easier...your used to doing things one way...but there are many indeed...i am updating every single application on my computer at once as we speak [14:50] yeonhoo: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [14:50] does fsck support NTFS? [14:50] whitekidney, sudo apt-get install wine [14:50] jack_sparriw : You dont wanna know, i had ubuntu before, you helped me before also, but its that.. you have to use the terminal sooo much. [14:50] BuSefer: fsck or sda2 or sda3 or hda1 hda2 depending on the drive and partition [14:50] man fsck [14:50] BuSefer, I believe so, but you might have to install an addon pacakge for that [14:50] also do you have to give permissions and things. [14:50] BuSefer: Probably not [14:50] whitekidney, which is good for security [14:50] well im off, ill try to install ubuntu for now. [14:51] whitekidney: do you have vista? [14:51] polter : i know. [14:51] No i dont [14:51] If your home directory is on a different partition/drive you can also type fsck /home I think [14:51] ok [14:51] Vista is worse than ubuntu [14:51] jesus [14:51] hahahahaha [14:51] I had the BETA RC1. [14:51] No more again. [14:51] Don't even ask about it. [14:51] whitekidney: use the synaptics package manager [14:51] brb. [14:52] whitekidney, As you learn more, you wont be in cli nearly as much.. [14:52] its grat [14:52] Jack_Sparrow: It's Ubuntu. Don't you mean as you learn more, you'll be in cli more :p [14:52] my biggest problem is updating my alsa installation without needing to reinstall studio [14:52] hi guys, anyone do windows programming in virtual running on Ubuntu? [14:53] WinXpNewb, It works both ways,, As a user learns not to mess things up he stays out, as he learns more he tinkers more.. [14:54] how do I open disk? [14:54] remind me how i can restart x? [14:54] Jack_Sparrow: I guess that works too though I've never seen a newb feel the need to use the cli in Ubuntu type distro except for troubleshooting. [14:54] Jenson-, I tried but things like Visual Bsic and Visual C dint work well for me [14:54] Jack_Sparrow: Any ideas everytime i update Alsa i lose my install? i followed the instructions on ALSA website [14:54] how do I open first partition of first drive?? [14:55] Strawberryjam, what do you mean by lose your install. [14:55] BuSefer: You should see something like sda1, sda2 or something similar [14:55] Jack_Sparrow: ooh..so that means windows programming is still better to be done on "real" windows platform? [14:55] i cant boot into Gnome === markl___ is now known as markl__ [14:55] Hello guys am new here pls who should i speak too [14:55] where? [14:55] Jenson-, I dual boot for that purpose.. [14:55] XHERMES: anyone. Just ask away [14:55] Jack_Sparrow: not from the term...i meant to say i lose my GUI [14:55] XHERMES: ask the question in general, who ever can answer will. [14:56] will answer* [14:56] ok thanks [14:56] Jack_Sparrow: yeah, I dual boot that too..I'm just afraid something might not works well [14:56] BuSefer: Where in Ubuntu are you? [14:56] Strawberryjam, Let me paste the script I have for recompiling my alsa so we can see if that is how you are doing yours.. one sec.. [14:56] can someone help? http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2845.0; do i need to reboot? Is there another way to reload? [14:57] thank you [14:57] I am in Kubuntu [14:57] I don;t see icons on desktop [14:57] pls i want to know the deference btwn ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04 [14:57] I am running live CD [14:57] thanks for your reply, Jack_Sparrow [14:58] BuSefer: Ok. Hmm... that might be a problem. I havent tried Kubuntu but there should be a My Computer there or something. Try looking in Kubuntu's version of the start menu [14:58] what is the command to have grub re-write the boot sector? [14:58] how to restart x? === njpatel is now known as njpatel_away [14:58] ctrl alt backspace [14:58] !away > njpatel_away (njpatel_away, see the private message from Ubotu) [14:58] markl_: grub-install? [14:59] db92: You should Log out [14:59] BuSefer: what are you looking for and what are you trying to achieve [14:59] this can get you started BuSefer [14:59] hey guys, gtg..cya [14:59] there is no easy way in kubuntu to get them there; you may have to configure the desktop to show them too [14:59] brb ...my wife wants her laptop back [14:59] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-651859.html [15:00] hmmmmm [15:00] Does anybody know if ssh throttles bandwidth [15:00] s/throttles/caps/ [15:00] ader11, it doesnt [15:00] Parsec300: is it for Windows ? [15:01] bashang, he wants iconss to show, like home, networks, etc.; they're not easily accessible. you can make links, but they show shortcut arrows, and are not dynamic, such as in showing full/empty trash cans. [15:01] would anyone know off-hand what the tightvnc parameter is for connecting to a non-standard ssh port? [15:01] ader11: It shouldn't, but it can be CPU-limited (so filling the CPU before the connection is filled) [15:01] Wander_w: that might be it, but I don't see how .1 ghz can make a difference === Artiiiiooooommm is now known as Artiom [15:01] i actually took care of this yesterday morning for a friend, so i know firsthand that it works busefer [15:02] Wander_w: Do you know if there's anything typical that could make ssh unnaturally slow [15:02] guys are there any dvd containing all the packeges i need i don't want to download packeges from the internet [15:02] ader11: What do you mean by "Unnaturally slow"? [15:02] XHERMES: Technically yes but you may need a friend to customize or remaster a distro for you. [15:03] depending on your needs that is [15:03] d nickthorley Try truecrypt [15:03] Sorry that took so long.. I just installed a new 750 gig and we.. things got moved around a bit [15:04] Wander_w: On my last computer, with the same cpu clock speed, same ram, etc. I could ssh into it remotely to fetch files and use as a proxy and it was nice and quick, but on my backup computer everything is very slow, and I don't know what's any different [15:04] Jack_Sparrow: congrats ^^ [15:04] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso XHERMES [15:04] ader11: maybe the remote server is slow? [15:04] WinXpNewb i can download the dvd iso ,can u give me a link or smthing pls [15:05] heh [15:05] tinman: well, the remote server has the same clock speed as the previous one I used [15:05] tinman: and I'm connecting remotely from the same computer [15:05] oh thank u [15:05] ader11: what about harddiscs? [15:05] np [15:05] anyone know how to use vncviewer (xtightvncviewer or similar) to connect to a non-standard ssh port? [15:05] ader11: maybe the remote servre has capped the speed? [15:05] vncviewer -via -p doesn't seem to work, just kinda pauses and hangs out in nothing-space [15:06] insanitatum: just searching for that but only come up with links for ssh [15:06] insanitatum: What does the ssh port have to do with vnc? [15:06] bazhang: been looking for a bit ;) works fine on 22 but... some yaya keeps trying to mess with my pretty lil 7.10 box [15:06] Wander_w: the hard disk is significantly slower, but that shouldn't change the proxy speed [15:06] XHERMES: Well, depending on your needs or programs you specifically want, you might not have a dvd iso available in the internet that has all the packages you want. Which programs do you need? [15:06] pici - different port, so via won't work right, defaults to 22 [15:06] but, point taken, so I'll try not changing a thing [15:07] though how this machine will know what the server isup to... confuses me ;) [15:07] please , live cd is not booting why [15:07] tinman: that's what I'm trying to find out, my backup server has almost no change from my last server and I don't know why it's slow [15:07] gan: need more info please [15:07] ader11: maybe the HD speed is slower as someone suggested [15:07] yup... zippo,just hangs out in nothing-space since the port for ssh is non-standard [15:07] what does it say when youtry to boot? [15:08] hi I have problem with my media players I have mplayer,VLC and totem-xine. When ever i try to play any video either the video plays in a jerky manner or the resolution can't be changed. More often PC gets stuck and i have restart [15:08] gan There are several possibilities... At start or install Use F6 then remove splash and quiet from the command line [15:08] tinman: yes, but that shouldn't change the proxy speed [15:08] jamil - silly question, but how's your cpu/memory load? I had that issue on my laptop until I gave it some happy ram goodness [15:08] jamil_11020429: what video card and how were drivers installed [15:08] ! they replaced the last S in my name to a 1 [15:08] tinman: I'm not fetching files from the server, just using it as a proxy, so that shouldn't use the hd [15:08] ader11: How do you know it's problem with proxy? [15:08] tinman: I don't know what the problem is with. [15:09] bazhang, through qemu i ran the iso image , it is going upto "Begain to mount the root filesystem " then it stops [15:09] well i have very bad PC with 128 mb ram [15:09] tinman: I'm just using SSH as a proxy for firefox. [15:09] Jack_Sparrow, what may be the error please [15:09] and an old graphics card [15:09] tinman: and a slower hard drive should not affect performance [15:09] ader11: hmm, cache in proxy server maybe? [15:09] tin? [15:09] gan There are several possibilities... At start or install Use F6 then remove splash and quiet from the command line and look to see what the error is [15:09] sorry, forgot to press tab [15:09] ader11: true, i have no idea sorry ;] [15:10] tinman: what do you mean [15:10] jamil_11020429: and this is using gutsy ubuntu? [15:10] XHERMES: a remastered dvd is basically a distro where someone modifies it to tailor to your exact needs so when you install the distro, there's sort of a process that I'm not that familiar with to do that makes it so you have the sources/programs inside the distro without going to a package manager to install it [15:10] no feisty fawn [15:10] ader11: is the ssh server caching? [15:10] tinman: ok thank you anyway for trying to help :) [15:10] brb [15:10] id like someone to help me with the graphics they are getting worse by the minute [15:10] Jack_Sparrow, yeah i removed the splash from the isoconfig [15:10] i try to cinfigure but it just doesnt work [15:10] gan removing those is sometimes all that is needed... we have other boot options based on errors you may or may not see [15:11] now my image is split in half and i see the interface double [15:11] thank u WinXpNewb mr.bazhang gave me a dvd iso link to ubuntu 7.10 i didn't know about it because i downloaded th 700 mb cd iso from ubuntu home page [15:11] Jack_Sparrow, what is that option tell me [15:11] XHERMES: Oh ok. [15:11] jamil_11020429: that is really likely a ram question, what specs for the cpu and what video card? you might be better off with something like fluxbuntu [15:12] gan depends on your error but often noapic and or acpi=off are added before the -- [15:12] but i can play the same videos in windows smoothly [15:12] db92 what graphics card and what driver please; also how did you install them [15:12] what version of windows? [15:13] jamil_11020429, Are you using an ati card and getting jerky video? [15:13] XHERMES - you can make your own distro in Ubuntu with the uck package - there is a deb package available. homepage of uck project is at http://uck.sourceforge.net [15:14] any thoughts on how to connect to a vnc server w/ vncviewer/xtightvncviewer that's listening to ssh on a non-standard port? [15:14] Jack_Sparrow, please see this link http://pastebin.com/m63998f77 [15:14] gan what is the host system [15:15] how can I access windows using SUNRAY [15:15] insanitatum: you can provide port as a arguement for most VNC clients [15:15] gan What version of Ubuntu is that...? or is it just Debian Live [15:15] sysadmin-lb22: to share folders etc? [15:15] thanks to all of u your suggestions have been of use really, bye [15:15] danand: Thanks. Do you have an idea how uck compares to puppy's way of remastering? That's really the distro I've seen with the most versions and so I assumed it was the one easiest to remaster [15:15] geek - tried that... this is from ubuntu 7.10 [15:16] Jack_Sparrow, it is debian lenny [15:16] gan Then you have the wrong channel for help [15:16] Jack_Sparrow, but i created the live foor sid [15:16] How can I enable the screen rotation button on my ThinkPad X61t in Gutsy? [15:17] Jack_Sparrow, please tell me what to edit [15:17] allquixotic: do you have tpb installed? [15:17] #debian is very helpful gan ;] [15:17] gan You are in the wrong place for help with that.. please see #Debian [15:17] bazhang, i too have feisty [15:18] HighNo: No; but trying to install it says it conflicts with hotkey-setup, which is a dependency for ubuntu-desktop. [15:18] geek - 'sides, doing this from the command line... unless you know of a ubuntu-happy client besides terminal services that will actually have a 'port' for me to set ;) [15:18] gan But that is not what you are needed help with [15:18] Oh yes, one thing I'm curious about is whether modern distros like Ubuntu has progressed to allow mouse/keyboards that might require drivers to work on it. I've only sampled a mouse that has it once but I haven't tried Linux then. [15:18] WinXpNewb - not sure - never used puppy and only read about Uck :) Doesn't seem too bad though - looks fairly simple far as i could tell from the article [15:18] Jack_Sparrow, i want to know the differnece between the two Os in creating the livecd [15:18] !access rights [15:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about access rights - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:18] insanitatum: what OS is the vnc client and server on? [15:18] Woo FINALLY got the drivers loaded and have 3d! [15:18] just to be clear [15:18] geek - ubuntu 7.10 [15:19] runewolf: nice job; next time just say no to envy ;] [15:19] WinXpNewb, I bought a new MS natural 4000 usb that would not work without a driver under WIndows, works like a charm under ubuntu [15:19] Jack_Sparrow, i just asking you how to create live cd [15:19] nice [15:19] geek - on both counts... if it helps, I want to go from here (laptop) to there (server)... usually, this would be xtightvncviewer -via user@ip pcname:0 [15:19] insanitatum: i'm afraid i've never used a VNC client on linux.. so i can't help much [15:19] allquixotic: that would not be a problem, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, if he want's do deinstall it that's not removing your desktop :-) Anyhow which dist are you on? [15:19] bazhang: yeah but its runs as slow as hell, must be getting about 4fps :( [15:19] gan I as I said, this is the wrong channel for that type of help [15:19] aw nuts [15:19] gan: get the iso, burn it to cd, boot from cd done [15:19] Jack_Sparrow: Did it just work out of the box or did you have to tweak anything in Ubuntu? [15:20] Hi guys, was wondering if I could get some help with something - I have just lost the ability to launch the terminal in Gnome after updating my Xorg conf file (added a fourth monitor), after restarting X, and the machine, I can no longer launch the terminal. Any ideas? [15:20] anyway to remove all packages and reinstall them without actually re-installing from CD? [15:20] WinXpNewb, Worked right out of the box [15:20] bazhang: at least the drivers is enabled now, but flgrxinfo shows vendor as mesa and not ati [15:20] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks [15:20] np [15:20] HighNo: oops, did I say gutsy? I meant hardy... :S (although I had this problem on a base install of Gutsy before I changed my repos to Hardy) [15:20] bazhang, no it is not running , it is going upto mounting the filesystem [15:20] why does my dctionary in the panel doesn't work ? can it be connected to the running of Stardict ? [15:20] jack sparrow - i have a microsoft mouse too, same deal! [15:20] hi all [15:20] yo yoyoyo [15:21] bazhang, i am following the ubuntu doc of creating the live cd [15:21] a1fa - yes - wait one [15:21] gan not in qemu please--that is for the #debian channel--to run #ubuntu do as I told you thanks [15:21] danand : thanks [15:21] allquixotic: hm, I can't tell at this time if hotkey-setup is needed, did you check thinkwiki? [15:21] why does my dctionary in the panel doesn't work ? can it be connected to the running of Stardict ? ----> i can't write anything there ! [15:21] gan That is fine... try #Ubuntu-offtopic [15:21] HighNo: people on thinkwiki don't seem to be having this problem [15:22] Jack_Sparrow, really i am using the feisty 7.4 [15:22] What kind of live cd is gan making that's off topic for Ubuntu? [15:22] allquixotic: hehe - what else :-) [15:22] gan That goes not matter.. the type of help you are asking for is not supported in here.. [15:22] HighNo: the latest version of tpb is painfully old, 2005... I seriously doubt that bitrotting software would be a magic bullet on a thinkpad put into production several years after its last release [15:22] WinXpNewb: hes not--hes running qemu on debian [15:22] Hello. Some of you could recommend a good application that helps me design web sites to work in ubuntu, something like deamweaver in windows? thanks a lot [15:22] hello [15:22] ok if I dl a wav from gnuttela2 or something it plays fine on my ubuntu machine under xmms but if I dl off the web like just a short quote from a movie it sounds terrible [15:22] does [15:22] i have 5 buttons on my mouse, is there a way to make ubuntu recognize that ? [15:22] bazhang: oh ok [15:23] !buttons [15:23] allquixotic: true [15:23] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [15:23] ok, thank you sir [15:23] allquixotic: I can't surf at the moment - I am updating to hardy right now... [15:23] but if I switch to windows and use media player classic or ms media player the same one from the same website sound fine, wtf? [15:23] Jack_Sparrow, what jack you are telling like this , you actually tried to help me , really i believed you [15:23] Hi all. anyone have the patience to walk me through a fresh install of 7.10, straight from CD, just trying to set up simple (software) RAID-1 on two identical SATA drives, with LVM on top? [15:23] gan let it go please [15:23] You'd think that would be easy, but I keep getting errors in the installer [15:23] allquixotic: but you can check if xev shows your key being pressed [15:24] jay - the install was very nice :) what kind of errors are you getting? [15:24] Jack_Sparrow, please you know , you have seen the isolinux.cfg file [15:24] HighNo: keycode 203. xev detects it === njpatel_away is now known as njpatel [15:24] HighNo: so the question is, in what configuration file can I bind "rotate my screen by 90 degrees" to keycode 203? [15:24] what is the codec that opens wav files from websites? in totem ? [15:24] insanitatum: Well, part of the problem is that I haven't figured out the exact order to do things, so I keep getting chicken-and-egg errors about /dev/md0, or about no root partition [15:24] gan Please read the topic... and follow what I have politely asked you to do several times [15:25] any news on x-fi in ubuntu? [15:25] insanitatum: Right now I have rebooted the installer, and am sitting at the manual partition screen, showing two drives, SCSI1/SCSI2, each with 1 primary partition, set up as "B K raid" [15:25] allquixotic: if you use metacity it could do. but question is - do you know the command to rotate the screen? [15:25] b4l74z4r, Ask in #Ubuntu+1 I think it will be in there [15:25] ok [15:25] insanitatum: those are /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, by the way, just to be clear [15:25] a1fa - run dpkg -l | grep ii | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | sort > dpkg-l.txt to get a list of all packages installed on your system [15:25] HighNo: I do not. :) [15:26] HighNo | http://rafb.net/p/NBNA1u29.nln.html is the xev reaction to pushing the button I want [15:26] Jack_Sparrow, ok , its my humble request , then its your wish [15:26] sorry for the rejoins [15:26] gan thank you [15:26] hello [15:27] danand: how about 'dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1'? ;) [15:27] insanitatum: when I try "Configure software RAID", I always end up with *two* raid-1 devices instead of one [15:27] danand : and then what [15:27] HighNo: When I go into the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution app, it is able to change the rotation for me. but I am not sure what is behind the code for that, or if it's even something that can be done with the CLI [15:27] JayLevitt: now that's real odd... give me a sec, reading up on something... I remember I tried to do that myself during the install and I got glitches for days, so I just did it after the fact [15:27] Jack_Sparrow, its truth i am here using feisty 7.04 , why i said debian , ubuntu also follows debian [15:28] Is it safe to resize and move NTFS with GParted? I need to change some Windows partitions and I CAN NOT lost them. [15:28] insanitatum: Yeah, all of the walkthroughs I've seen have pretty much said that! but I find that hard to believe [15:28] allquixotic: ah, good to know - let me check... [15:28] sorry...also sorry Jack_Sparrow...had to go [15:28] Also, having only the two drives, I'm not sure exactly how you're supposed to reformat your whole system "after the fact" :) [15:28] i need to remove all packages and re-install them again [15:28] Aleksander-pl: you should back it up first [15:28] Strawberryjam, Yea.. sure blame the wife.. np [15:28] i want to remov everything related to X, GNOME, KDE, etc and purge it [15:28] Aleksander-pl: data you haven't backed up is data you don't want [15:28] tinman: it's 80 GB [15:28] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58611/ [15:28] Aleksander-pl: also, disk defragment and chkdsk them [15:28] hahaha...true...she's off to work now [15:28] Strawberryjam, See the link and we can discuss it [15:28] Aleksander-pl: there's always risk in my opinion [15:29] k [15:29] a1fa: why? [15:29] JayLevitt: partitions are my friend ;) that, and USB stick installing helps a -ton-, but gimme a sec, I remember reading something that had the raid stuff in it [15:29] tinman: so I nned to defragment disc under Windows, copy it, and then resize? [15:29] did anyone catch my questions? [15:29] i need help with graphics on ubuntu 7.10, anyone able to "lend a hand"? :P [15:29] Aleksander-pl: anything important should be backed up regardless of whether you're resizing or partitioning :) that said, i've resized windows xp ntfs several times without losing anything. [15:29] cjae: no answer for 10 minutes or more? Repeat or, better, rephrase [15:30] soundray : issues [15:30] atrus: I am resizing my data all the time, but I need to install Sims 2 on friend's PC :D [15:30] i want to reinstall gnome desktop [15:30] and it's a giant mess there [15:30] a1fa - after that you can sudo -i to become root. then run for i in $(cat dpkg-l.txt); do apt-get -s --reinstall install $i; done . That will only simulate the process. Remove the -s after apt-get to run that for real. ... no warraties with how that will turn out. Back up all your important data first..... tempted to use aptitude instead of apt in there. [15:30] and purge all files related to it [15:30] a1fa: you will be better off reinstalling from scratch -- quicker, cleaner [15:31] Is there any way to make gedit show line numbers? [15:31] ahhh, ok, now it makes sense why I did it after the fact [15:31] a1fa - ie for i in $(cat dpkg-l.txt); do aptitude reinstall $i; done instead of using apt. [15:31] Q: How do I use the terminal to schedule downloads at specific times? [15:31] soundray, ok thanks will wait a few more minutes, but would like to boot back ubuntu from win to try to diagonse on my own, but I believe user name is diff in buntu [15:31] Strawberryjam, Lines 72, 74, 76 and 88 do the real work is that what you have been doing to rebuild your alsa drivers [15:31] anyone able to help with graphics issues? [15:32] yep..studying it now [15:32] cjae: I'm confused... Just re-ask your question for my benefit. [15:32] a1fa - like i said back every thing up first including files in /etc /boot [15:32] db92, Sure can try.. what video card? [15:32] soundray, ok if I dl a wav from gnuttela2 or something it plays fine on my ubuntu machine under xmms but if I dl off the web like just a short quote from a movie it sounds terrible [15:32] <^Migs^> is this real? https://launchpad.net/jubuntu [15:32] soundray, what is the codec that opens wav files from websites? in totem ? [15:32] <^Migs^> Jubuntu: Ubuntu for Jews [15:32] lol [15:33] masterloki, use a crontab [15:33] pl [15:33] allquixotic: I believe xrandr is the tool of choise here [15:33] i tried using tasksel to remove packages [15:33] that did not work [15:33] ok...the driver i am looking for is 1.1.16 and i am using an emu1212m card, so do i just substitute you intel etc. with those? [15:33] it just removed their task name [15:33] HighNo, I'm following https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotkey-setup/+bug/116073 [15:33] Strawberryjam, 16 wont work [15:33] but replacing his keycode with 203 [15:33] ok...and why is that...just for interest sake? [15:33] how to connect zen media player with ubuntu 7.10 [15:33] what has happened to google? i cannot access them from t-online.net (germany).. [15:33] lol [15:34] 8gb [15:34] Ayudame! vnc (ubuntu) -> vnc server (ubuntu) + -via (SSH baby!) || ssh port != 22 (oh no!), but ssh == 23456... howto? goto(will.give.n00dies.of.manuel.noreaga) ...ok, getting silly now, I am [15:34] Migs: Looks like it was someone who was trying to be funy, but forgot to type in the funny part [15:34] i managed to crash aptittude [15:34] soundray, I am trying to listen to stuff from gnuttella2 I just was mearly testing the sound [15:34] Jack_Sparrow: atm i have radeon 3870, but this is mainly for my gaming partition of windows [15:34] Migs: Which, frankly, makes me suspicious that they're not Jewish.. maybe reform [15:34] Strawberryjam, You need to use 15 or you have all sorts of problems [15:34] a1fa - I agree with soundray. Unless you have very specific reasons for keeping your existing install, i would just reinstall from scratch [15:34] ok [15:34] Hey guys I'm currently doing my brother in laws comp and have been trying to keep ubuntu as his primary OS and windows media center edition as a VM which can also be boot into normally... is this possible? [15:34] i want to connect zen creative 8gb player in ubuntu 7.10 [15:34] cjae: can you save a wav to disk and open it with 'gnome-open file.wav'? How does it sound? [15:34] Jack_Sparrow: my main problem is that i try to configure resolution from ubuntu from an app in "system" tab, and it just makes my screen go weird [15:34] i will substitute the hda intel with emu101_k i think right [15:34] a1fa - oops. was that crashed caused by that command? [15:34] Strawberryjam, FYI #Alsa room has lots of good helpful people [15:35] <^Migs^> could you just load Windows Media Center through rdesktop + SeamlessRDP? [15:35] ok thnx [15:35] anki: yeah [15:35] <^Migs^> I mean, if that's the only thing you're using VM for [15:35] a1fa - s/crashed/crash/ === the_edge is now known as the_edge_ [15:35] db92, Is this a desktop or laptop [15:35] allquixotic: it does not work for you? [15:35] soundray, when I listen to .wav files from sites, like from a movie clip, I sounds terrible in linux but in win sounds fine and is from same site [15:35] cjae: normally, wav doesn't need a codec -- the audio driver decodes it. [15:35] desktop fcors [15:35] it sigfaulted on me [15:35] ^Migs^: the only thing I really want the VM for is for media center on the 360 [15:35] HighNo: haven't had a chance to test it, still following the instructions [15:36] from the last config the ubuntu partition is now unusable, the display has been screwed beyond recognition giving me something like scanlines and the image cut in half [15:36] db92, HAve you gone to system admin restricted drivers manager? [15:36] Tooommi: sorry i dont understand what you mean with "yeah" you also cannot access it from tonline? [15:36] yeah [15:36] thanks [15:36] has anyone had any experience installing Ubuntu on a Mac Pro? [15:36] soundray, but when I dl from gnutella2 is sounds fine under xmms [15:36] google and every site which uses google analytics is down [15:36] ok fresh install [15:36] no i didnt go there first, supposing that the app it had in system itself would suffice for a small resolution change, i just wanted to set it to higher [15:36] Jack_Sparrow: its kinda hard now as i am using my wife's machine and running studio off a usb hdd in Vmware. Effortless. its just the hardware is in the other machine. [15:36] god damn it [15:36] :( [15:36] a1fa - if you insist on running that command rather that reinstalling you might be better off using apt-get instead then. Have you important data on that install [15:36] quarsaw: yes -- Ubuntu runs fine with 6 GB :) [15:37] soundray, ok will boot back linux and post back to you [15:37] i just need a way to reset graphics to default at least [15:37] soundray: any trouble installing? [15:37] its totally unusable as it is now [15:37] allquixotic: try on the console: xrandr -q [15:37] whay is rdesktop? [15:37] db92, The way to get that back.. is to use recovery mode.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg select vesa as your card type and 1024 max, that will give you basic gui functions to continue unless something else has happened. [15:37] quarsaw: edgy wouldn't boot, but feisty installed fine. I took some hints from the Gentoo wiki for configuring things. Wireless didn't work. === the_edge_ is now known as the_edge [15:38] Azodon: rdesktop = rdp client [15:38] any one used dancer-ircd? [15:38] Jack_Sparrow: i should launch recovery mode and do that? [15:38] allquixotic: what does the above command give you? [15:38] quarsaw: I have since switched to running gutsy in VMware Fusion, which is fine except OpenGL troubles. [15:38] db92, Please also note.. avoid scripts like automatix and to alesser extent envy [15:39] db92, are you in desktop now [15:39] can I set sendmail to send mails to any server of the internet? === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [15:39] HighNo: http://rafb.net/p/xMzrcl94.nln.html [15:39] Jack_Sparrow: so just incase if i understand line 82 correctly...if i dont know what the correct value for my card is "?" will work? [15:39] well i am running my windows partition cos i couldnt see anything on ubuntu, the display was fubar [15:39] soundray: thanks I'll check out the gentoo wiki as a reference [15:39] Strawberryjam, Line 82 is rem'd out and not used in that script [15:39] ok, i have installed dancer-ircd server and its running i can connect and talk. but how do i sign in as operator [15:40] so i see but could i use that line for my particular card Jack_Sparrow? [15:40] quarsaw: note: I didn't have to use refit [15:40] Strawberryjam, I have not finished those options yet the ? means I dont have an answer yet === JayLevitt is now known as Jay_Levit [15:41] Jack_Sparrow: thank you [15:41] brb, having nick problems [15:41] soundray: my friend has been trying to get gutsy on his and is having trouble with teh video driver [15:41] db92, Sorry, yes, use recovery mode and try that command, use tab to bypass any other options or just hit enter as needed, try not to change anything else for now.. [15:42] Where can I find the actual python app? [15:42] Jack_Sparrow: k gonna try [15:42] quarsaw: ATI or NVidia? [15:42] Hello, I cannot find the softraid in the installer's partitioning area. Is there a way to do it graphically, or do I did to do it in the console? [15:42] gparted [15:43] cottima, Are you running livecd or the alt cd? [15:43] !alternate | cottima [15:43] cottima: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [15:43] soundray: ati, x1900 [15:43] soundray, ok if I save to disk and open with xmms it plays fine but it sounds terrible with totem, I have also noticed that .avis look terrible (pixelated) under totem as well [15:43] !raid | cottima [15:43] cottima: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [15:43] No one knows? [15:43] quarsaw: mine is NVidia, so I can't comment [15:44] is there any tool for stress testing a system from linux? like loading the processor etc [15:44] Jack_Sparrow livecd [15:44] hello. Some of you could recommend a good program to make web sites in ubuntu? thanks a lot! [15:44] jonathan_: your question is not clear [15:44] jonathan_, The python module itself... ? [15:44] jonathan: type "which python" in your terminal ?? [15:44] lookin' for some help with connecting to a vnc server using a non-standard SSH port [15:45] !info smartmontools | geek [15:45] Jack_Sparrow, yes. [15:45] geek: smartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB [15:45] !info cpuburn | geek [15:45] geek: cpuburn (source: cpuburn): a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-25 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 116 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) [15:45] ahh cpuburn counds like what i need && [15:45] jonathan_, If you have a python script you would just type python filename.py or use locate in terminal for python [15:45] jonathan_: in the repos [15:45] geek: smartmontools has something for disk testing [15:46] thank you everyone! [15:46] I got problem concerning Free Disk Space. I [15:46] Jack_Sparrow, ok. Thank you! [15:46] soundray: i think i almost don't want to know the disk health. i'm concerned cause half the fans in this old server i got are faulty ;p [15:46] np [15:47] I got problem concerning Free Disk Space. I've installed Ubuntu on a 70 g drive , and I have another drive that is 170 g How do I detect my 170? === Syntux_ is now known as Syntux [15:47] geek: yeah -- maybe if you don't look, the problems will go away... [15:47] soundray: lo [15:47] !fstab | k1ro [15:47] k1ro: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [15:47] q pasa lokoos === ktogias_ is now known as ktogias [15:47] k1ro, use cli and type sudo fdisk -l does it show up there [15:48] soundray: I already have a 250 gig drive that won't detect, and a 50 gig drive that sounds like a metrome ;p [15:48] geek, The sound of a hd dyiong.. not good [15:48] lol [15:48] Jack_sparrow cli? [15:48] its dead [15:48] geek: use the lubricating effect of important data: put all your work on it and delete your backups ;) [15:49] it won't detect ;p [15:49] k1ro, terminal [15:49] I just installed Ubuntu 7.10, how do I download the cube effect? [15:49] !ccsm [15:49] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [15:49] the 250 gig drive won't do ANYTHING but i think thats in part cause its on a PIII [15:49] how do i install compizconfig-settings-manager [15:50] what command do i use in terminal? [15:50] pak: You need to have correct video drivers for it to work. [15:50] apt-get [15:50] hello guys someone plse help me, my system hangs after installation reboot [15:50] pak sudo apt-get install blah [15:50] ubuntu-minimal doesnt include gnome, right? [15:50] thanks guys [15:50] soundray, ok if I save to disk and open with xmms it plays fine but it sounds terrible with totem, I have also noticed that .avis look terrible (pixelated) under totem as well [15:50] VelcroMan: correct [15:51] soundray, how do I change what totem is doing wrong? [15:51] I get a message saying, "Invalid operation compizconfig-settings-manager: [15:51] egoleo, Use escape if needed to get grub menu.. E to edit and remove splash and quiet from the command line and see if that lets you see the error or gets you in [15:51] how do i make it so the splash screen show what is being loaded [15:51] jemand deutsch ? [15:51] I don't know why it says, E: Invalid operation comizconfig-settings-manager [15:51] insanitatum: I think you tried to send me a PM but nickserv is not liking me today.. if you did, please resend, but if you're still researching, don't let me interrupt you :) [15:52] cryeR: #ubuntu-de [15:52] cryeR: #ubuntu-de [15:52] !info compizconfig-settings-manager [15:52] compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 3268 kB [15:52] do i can run ubuntu from usb ? [15:52] cjae: I don't know, I haven't encountered this before. If you want to go down the codecs route, there are some factoids (private message) [15:52] Jack_Sparrow: ok [15:52] !medibuntu > cjae [15:52] pak, Enable universe in your sources [15:52] !codecs > cjae [15:52] how do i do that jack? [15:52] is it okay to use the azureus self updater on ubuntu? [15:52] !install | cryeR [15:52] cryeR: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [15:52] cryeR, yes [15:52] Hi everyone. [15:52] pak: ubuntu comes with all those fx...just go to System; Preferences; appearance and click the desktop fx tab, then anable extra [15:53] soundray, what is totem the front end for gstreamer and ... [15:53] pak, system admin software sources [15:53] hi maimster [15:53] cjae: xine ? [15:53] why does my dctionary in the panel doesn't work ? can it be connected to the running of Stardict ? ----> i can't write anything there ! [15:53] pak, enable everything, uncheck the cdrom as it gets in the way [15:53] if your video card drivers has been correctly installed it will work...it did for me [15:53] soundray, right now can I change which one it uses [15:53] how do i remove the splash screen? [15:54] joe [15:54] jack i did that now the apt-get compiz should work? [15:54] wigren, edit boot/grub/menu.lst [15:54] pak yes [15:54] still says INVALID operation [15:54] cjae: yes, but I don't know how to switch -- ask the channel pls [15:54] pak, use the correct command of course.. not compiz [15:54] Is there any way for me to have a different wallpaper for each desktop (on my cube)? [15:55] oh whats the correct command? [15:55] pak: is your graphics card drivers installed correctly? [15:55] Jack_Sparrow: i have done that, but says plse wait and it finally takes me to busybox [15:55] pak sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [15:55] can I set sendmail to send mails to any server of the internet? [15:55] Hi, what command shows all the packages installed? [15:55] does ubuntu usually have less issues than kubuntu? :/ [15:55] Jack_Sparrow: i have done that [15:55] cool! [15:55] Jack_Sparrow, the package is named ccsm right? [15:56] but is hangs for a while and takes me to busybox [15:56] polter, no [15:56] astheo: dpkg -l | grep ii [15:56] astheo: aptitude search '~i' is one way [15:56] I love Ubuntu :) Boo Vista [15:56] whenever i focus a window in ubuntu with desktop effects turned on the window seems to have this effect that makes it look weird for 1/5 sec. Text gets somewhat bolder and so on. Anyone know exactly which effect this is? I want to turn it off [15:56] i tried installing kubuntu... it crashed while updating... adept won't even start now. and the start menu thing is all broke too [15:56] ok if I am having crackling sound coming from totem and pixelated avis played through totem what needs to be changed I have medibuntu repos already [15:56] Jack_Sparrow I have compiz working, my question is can it work with laptops using intel graphix cards? [15:57] Maimster, SOme but not all [15:57] It says "DESKTOP EFFECTS COULD NOT BE ENABLED" I've installed ubuntu before stand alone but now i'm running Virtual Machine in XP and i installed ubuntu on top of that... it's giving me that error message even though it worked fine before when I had a real install from boot [15:57] one little quick Q .. is there a list of various icons ? like my cloud no.9.avi has a movie reel icon with an orange color lock on it while crazy.frog.avi just has movie reel ( working in Live CD version of ubuntu) [15:57] havenless: boot in recovery mode and run 'dpkg --configure -a' and 'apt-get -f install' [15:57] k, ty. will try that [15:57] Jack_Sparrow Cool. I have a Dell E1505 Inspiron. I will google it to see if anyone had success with it. [15:57] pak: the virtual machine graphics driver doesnt support it [15:57] egoleo, I am juggleing a few questions, please ask again what you wanted to do [15:57] ohhh man! [15:57] that sucks [15:57] Jack_sparrow , when I type sudo fdisk -l . it says Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table [15:57] Mariux - is there something that does [15:58] k1ro, That is probably why it isnt getting mounted [15:58] Anything that supports ubuntus graphical Cube feature that runs under Virtual Machine or something else ... [15:58] Jack_sparrow how do I do then? [15:59] I've got windows installed- -- [15:59] pak, Run a REAL install and not virtual stuff [15:59] jack_sparrow, what should i edit in /boot/grub/menu.lst [15:59] pak do you have HDD space to run Linux natively? [15:59] Jack_Sparrow: [15:59] hangs still [15:59] plse help me ok. sat on this for 2 days [15:59] it gives me this error check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline [15:59] Yes i do, the problem is I want to use windows alongside Ubuntu [15:59] or missing modules bla bla [15:59] soundray, just searched totem and got totem - xine and totem - gstreamer selected gstreamer and it removed xine and all is well again [16:00] why pak? [16:00] k1ro, Not a good situation.... and I am a bit busy atm [16:00] I've installed ubuntu stand alone but I needed windows so then I did a Virtual Machine [16:00] soundray, thanks for your help [16:00] dual boot then [16:00] pak, dual boot.. I do [16:00] how does one print envelopes from star office [16:00] egoleo, didnt you want to remove spalsh and quiet or something [16:00] Dual Boot? Meaning you choose xp or ubuntu right? I want where both are running [16:00] cjae: didn't do much, did I ;) [16:00] ne little quick Q .. is there a list of various icons ? like my cloud no.9.avi has a movie reel icon with an orange color lock on it while crazy.frog.avi just has movie reel ( working in Live CD version of ubuntu) [16:00] yeah [16:01] !yay | cjae [16:01] Jack- is there some way to load both OS's not just one from boot menu? [16:01] cjae: Glad you made it! :-) [16:01] i did that but still hangs and lands me in busybox [16:01] pak, You cant get both running at the same time with both having full features [16:01] soundray, got me on the right track...appreciated [16:01] pak: cant help you there then. I use a virtual machine too, but i have no need for the effects [16:01] wow t hat bot sure does a lot [16:02] Jack_Sparrow: it hangs and land in busybox [16:02] egoleo, Please start with your original question and I will try to follow it through with you [16:02] any one know of a good irc server [16:02] Jack_Sparrow is right pak: VM's use windows resources, it is sharing them [16:02] egoleo, Did you get live cd to run and install? [16:02] Jack_Sparrow: yes [16:02] patty522: unlreal ircd [16:02] The fx in UBUNTU need sole access to those resources [16:03] did someone read my Q ? [16:03] egoleo, and after reboot it lands in busybox [16:03] Jack_Sparrow: yes [16:03] Jack_Sparrow: yes [16:03] it land there [16:03] egoleo, Sorry for being a bit slow to catch on here.. ok can you get to recovery mode? [16:04] no [16:04] Jack_Sparrow: that also hangs [16:04] tatyawinchu: the lock means you have no permissions (for writing) [16:05] egoleo, Ok.. so where you did the edit of grub, we will do that again, but this time where you removed quiet and splash, we will add two commands [16:05] ok [16:05] beerdeaap .. umm .. its a music video, i dont have to write anything to it [16:05] Jack_Sparrow: ok [16:05] egoleo, add in noapic acpi=off before the -- [16:05] Jack_Sparrow is one busy pirate. can any one else tell me what to edit in /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove the splash screen and just show what is being loaded? [16:05] hello. Could someone please recommend a program to make web design? thanks! [16:05] aMSN and the waether applet don't work anymore [16:05] i dont know why [16:05] somebody can help me pls [16:05] wigren, remove quiet and splash [16:06] Jack_Sparrow: before what [16:06] jessid: pico, nano vim etc? [16:06] Jack_Sparrow: plse i dont get u [16:06] Jack_Sparrow, oic. well thank you [16:06] ego before the -- where you remove quiet and splash [16:06] tinman no no, something that makes life easier [16:06] arrrgggh sorry people [16:06] aMSN and weather applet won't work anymore [16:06] pak: Desktop effects won't run on most VMs. [16:06] jessid: bluefish is nice [16:07] jessid: that would be pico nano vim, with css tutorial and google ^^ [16:07] erf [16:07] Jack_Sparrow: did not get u plse === talcite_ is now known as talcite [16:07] scrolled up,s orry ;p [16:07] peeps pls i'm a newbeis [16:07] hello [16:07] beerdeaap .. i figured it out .. those files which have a LOCK require a CODEC to be downloaded =) [16:07] tatyawinchu: it's a file, if you have thge right perms you can do anything you ant with it [16:07] hi guys [16:07] !ask | AudioSenseCD [16:07] AudioSenseCD: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:07] HighNo but bluefish is not wysiwyg, or it does? [16:07] geek: most? I guess all or do you know one where it does? [16:07] tatyawinchu: ah ok :) [16:07] egoleo, before the -- in your grub menu right where you removed quiet and splash add what I showed you [16:07] actually i've been told virtualbox might [16:07] i'm looking for something that lets me to set the cpu freq or the speed of the fans for my centrino [16:07] okies [16:08] beerdeaap i am a gamer too, is there a way to find out which games will work from "wine" and which wont ? [16:08] aMSN and weather applet won't work anymore [16:08] could anyone give me a help [16:08] !appsdb [16:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about appsdb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:08] my NVIDIA video card seems not working how what should i do for this [16:08] jessid: no, but it still makes things easier. you can always load the current page with a single click in firefox [16:08] tatyawinchu: try http://appdb.winehq.org/ [16:09] If I want to watch a WMW file on the internet using FF, I installed all codecs to see it and it works. But the panel to go forward and rewind isnt there. What program do u use for displaying wmwfiles on ff? [16:09] !appdb [16:09] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [16:09] is google not reachable form other loccations too? [16:09] HighNo ok. I will try it. Thanks a lot! [16:09] Hi [16:09] thanks [16:09] Linux noob here [16:09] jessid: there is the composing thing from mozilla somewhere... [16:09] sonium: t-online? [16:09] I just installed Evolution [16:09] Jack_Sparrow: plse i did not get u [16:09] Tooommi: yes [16:09] sonium: it's a local problem [16:10] egoleo, I have run out of ways to phrase that.. someone else will have to help you out [16:10] sonium: i can reach it fine: Indonesia [16:10] HighNo mmm so i will look for it. thanks again! [16:10] just t-online though [16:10] and when I send a letter [16:10] it says broken pipe [16:10] probably [16:10] Jack_Sparrow: oh jack [16:11] could anyine tell me how to set the cpu frequenxy and the speed of the fans for my centrino? [16:11] When I watch a WMW file on the internet using Firefox, I installed all codecs to see it and it works. But the panel to go forward and rewind isnt there. What program do u use for displaying wmwfiles on ff? [16:11] Anyone in here happends to know how big gnome is? (how many mb it takes on the hd) [16:11] jessid: I think it's called NVU but I cant find it in the repository - but then I am only using feisty... [16:11] VelcroMan: I guess about 100mb [16:11] !info nvu [16:11] Package nvu does not exist in gutsy [16:12] speedo: in linux? try intel's website, they might have something [16:12] i think NVU sorta stopped production ;( [16:12] !kompoze | jessid HighNo [16:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about kompoze - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:12] !inffo gnome [16:12] !kompozer | jessid HighNo [16:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about inffo gnome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:12] yes in linux [16:12] jessid HighNo: kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy. (Dapper still pending) [16:12] Jack_Sparrow: nvu wasn't being maintained [16:12] jessid: ahhh, there you go [16:12] !info gnome [16:12] gnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.18.3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 44 kB [16:12] waaaaaaaaa [16:12] speedo: check intels site...i am sure i saw something in there [16:13] !info opera [16:13] Package opera does not exist in gutsy [16:13] HighNo oh man! i think i have tryed that one, It is what i was looking for. NVU. Thanks!!!! [16:13] !info opera-browser [16:13] Package opera-browser does not exist in gutsy [16:13] i can't enabled my NVIDIA [16:13] hrm [16:13] i saw a video on youtube about rotating cube thing for multiple desktops .. i am trying to do it in Live CD session right now .. is it possible, if yes, how ? [16:13] ok Strawberryjam...thank you [16:13] wraund, Please use /msg ubotu question [16:13] !ccsm | tatyawinchu [16:13] AudioSenseCD: what happens...explain [16:13] tatyawinchu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [16:14] k Jack_Sparrow [16:14] wraund: You need to enable !multiverse reops [16:14] np speedo [16:14] tatyawinchu: you have to install it using synaptic. it installs in RAM if you're in LiveCD [16:14] wraund, Thanks.. it helps to keep down the sctoll [16:15] gie [16:15] i am very very thankful!!! [16:15] frank .. erm ok .. i think i will skip it .. my first 5 mins in linux ocean .. still trying to keep my head above water [16:15] frank_: installing via apt does not work on the live CD? [16:15] tatyawinchu: that's assuming desktop effects work. Do your windows wiggle? [16:15] tatyawinchu, You also need to enable restricted drivers [16:15] HighNo: it does work in liveCD [16:15] wraund: Sorry, actually you need the archive.canonical.com repo... [16:15] err .. [16:16] frank_: ok, that's what I thought. It sounded like _only_ synaptic would be useful because it would install into ram - was confused... [16:16] When I watch a WMW file on the internet using Firefox, I installed all codecs to see it and it works. But the panel to go forward and rewind isnt there. What program do u use for displaying wmwfiles on ff? [16:16] tatyawinchu, YEs, you can do it... but for a live session, may be more work than you want to do.. [16:16] may be let me get used to linux for a week or so as a common user .. that rotating thing sounds little complicated =) [16:16] Jack_Sparrow: gotten now [16:16] so plse [16:17] 245.4MB of updates... that'll take a few mins [16:17] tatyawinchu: live cd's are not a typical showcase of 3d functions... [16:17] !mplayer | niklas [16:17] 254.4MB rather [16:17] niklas: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs === Jay_Levitt_ is now known as Jay_Levitt [16:18] hey all, I'm trying to follow the directions here: http://technically.us/code/x/a-year-of-plaintext-afp-passwords-is-enough and it tells me I need to add a source repository to sources.list (which makes google unhappy), but doesn't explain it. the faq is a bit vague. any ideas? [16:18] !mozilla-mplayer | niklas [16:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about mozilla-mplayer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:18] hello how do i install tcl [16:18] ubuntu studio? [16:18] nilkas: there's also this package [16:19] nilkas: there's also this package mozilla-mplayer (woops ) [16:19] basically I just need to be able to run this: apt-get source netatalk [16:19] eventualbuddha, Before adding repos and venturing outside the safe zone, please do a full system backup [16:19] havenless =) some massive bandwidth connection i guess =) [16:19] Jack_Sparrow: done. it's a vmware image, and I just took a snapshot [16:19] Hi [16:19] beerdeaap: yes I can see the movies, but the panel to adjust volume, rewind and go backwards isnt there. So I could really use another player [16:19] s0u][ight: install it using synaptic [16:20] !hi someone112312 [16:20] kk [16:20] Is there a program on ubuntu that allows me to make partitions? [16:20] eventualbuddha, great.. did you add the repo to your source list [16:20] someone112312, yes Gparted [16:20] I heard Gparted is on the live CD [16:20] But I couldn't find it [16:20] someone112312, yes it is on the livecd [16:20] eventualbuddha: JOIN admp WHERE admp.person_id = outerjoin(adm.prsnl_person_id) and admp.active_ind = outerjoin(1) and admp.end_effective_dt_tm >= outerjoin(cnvtdatetime(curdate,curtime)) [16:20] eventualbuddha: er, wrong paste :o oops [16:20] Jack_Sparrow: that's the part I'm having trouble with. I don't now what line to add for the source universe thing... [16:20] someone112312 are you running the live cd right now? [16:21] Im having problem with detecting my Data Drive Please help [16:21] eventualbuddha: netatalk should be in the repos currently. [16:21] No, is that how it works? [16:21] someone112312: it's called partition editor in the menu I think [16:21] eventualbuddha, one sec. let me go see your link.. [16:21] guys u all have been MASSIVE help .. thanks a loads .. and keep up the GREAT work .. this open source OS is SURELY proving something here .. i am sure [16:21] Pici: it is, but not the source for it [16:21] it's a binary package [16:21] Jack_Sparrow: thanks [16:21] beerdeaap: OK, I got gnome-mplayer installed and mozilla-player also. How do I change it now? [16:21] Jack_Sparrow: i did it now [16:21] someone112312 yes you can boot from the liveCD and 'test' out the OS before you use it, you can also use gparted from it [16:21] All: Anyone familiar with how to set up simple, software (md), RAID-1 mirroring at install time with 7.10? It keeps creating dup RAID devices and giving me /dev/md0 errors [16:22] Jack_Sparrow: i did it now and it boots to some point and stops [16:22] can u help me plse [16:22] can someone help me can't find the right package for Tcl [16:22] good evening [16:22] eventualbuddha: If you have a gui, you can go into System>Administration>sofware sources and check off the source repository checkbox. [16:22] eventualbuddha, It just wants universe enabled.. np [16:22] Im having problem with detecting my Data Drive Please help [16:22] i have a problem with u buntu [16:22] niklas: totem could work too [16:22] can i make a question please [16:22] Pici: I'm on ubuntu 7.10 server, so no gui [16:22] i write from italy sorry for my english [16:23] yes paolo969it [16:23] someone112312 or you can use fdisk or cfdisk in terminal [16:23] eventualbuddha, go to system admion software sources and enable everything and disable the cd as a source.. [16:23] Jack_Sparrow [16:23] eventualbuddha: Ah. Then you'd need to add matching deb-src lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list where you have just deb lines [16:23] plse help me i have done what u told me [16:23] beerdeaap: How do I change which program firefox shall open wmwfiles with? [16:23] when i minimize a window i cant see more the icon on the pannel down [16:23] why? [16:23] Pici: oh, so it's just "source" instead of "deb"? [16:23] ask your question paolo969it [16:24] i did [16:24] i did it [16:24] sorry [16:24] !it | paolo969it [16:24] paolo969it: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [16:24] eventualbuddha: no, its: deb-src http://archive.ubu..... === B|ade is now known as blade04 [16:24] paolo969it: if Italian is better [16:24] ok [16:24] Im having problem with detecting my Data Drive Please help [16:24] ah, sweet. i'll try that. thanks Pici. also, for future reference, where is this documented? [16:24] hmm [16:24] i try [16:24] cfdisk says fatal error [16:24] lol [16:25] eventualbuddha: man sources.list [16:25] hi everyone, gutsy does not recognize my ntfs partition, how can i fix this? [16:25] Im having problem with detecting my Data Drive Please help [16:25] Pici: cool, thanks [16:25] install ntfs3g === MajorP is now known as MajorP47 [16:25] k1ro, Please rephrase your request to include the fact that it does not show a vaild partition table. it will save you and others time [16:26] niklas: you can set in in firefox preferences -> content-> file types [16:26] someone112312 are you trying to partition the drive that has the OS you're currently running on? [16:26] morning [16:26] beerdeaap: yee but wmw files isnt able available:S? [16:26] eventualbuddha, Sorry, I didnt realize you were on server without a gui [16:27] ntfs 3g does not work recognizing my ntfs [16:27] Jack_Sparrow: np. i appreciate the help! [16:27] what version of xorg is gutsy using ? [16:27] eventualbuddha, Any time [16:27] i dunno [16:27] how can i check that? [16:27] info xserver-xorg gutsy | gotgn1 [16:27] !info xorg [16:27] xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB [16:28] LuiCal, Does it show from terminal when you type sudo fdisk -l [16:28] nilkas: have you installed totem-mozilla ? [16:28] Ahoy hoy [16:28] beerdeaap: naa I installed gnome-mplayer and mozilla-mplayer or what it was called [16:28] Im having problem Detecting my second hard drive Used as Data "Folder" How do I detect and put it "on" to put files in it. [16:28] yes there it is [16:29] but i cannot have acces to it [16:29] it says that is not possible to moun the volume [16:29] k1ro, well, you need to use fstab, in combination with mount commands [16:29] niklas: as far as I know totem can play wmv files. try to install that if mplayer doesn.t suit your needs [16:30] LuiCal, what command gives that error [16:30] neverblue, Im new on ubuntu could you help a lil bit to get me started on this problem? [16:30] !fstab [16:30] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [16:30] when i click in the drive [16:30] that message comes up [16:30] k1ro, read a bit of 'man mount', just to get some basics under your belt [16:30] hi when I try to use ssh to connect to another pc i get "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused" why might this be? [16:30] Hi folks. anyone familiar with SSH X11 forwarding? I'm getting an error on my Edubuntu server: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. Can't quite figure it out. [16:30] rinaldi_, that host isnt running sshd probably [16:31] !Partitions [16:31] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [16:31] xD [16:31] what am i supposed to do? [16:31] beerdeaap: done installing them now,, [16:31] LuiCal, So it shows up in nautilus etc? but cannot be accessed? [16:31] cberl1: make sure your server supports it (has the x forward option enabled) [16:31] exactly [16:31] yes [16:31] cberl1: Are you in a position to launch the sshd server manually, and turn on debugging so it'll show you what it's unhappy about? [16:32] rinaldi_, can you ping the address? [16:32] (maybe on a separate port, if there are other people using the sshd server on 22) [16:32] rinaldi_: If the ssh server is running on that box, make sure you aren't trying to login as root, it's disabled by default. [16:32] what is it with the flootbots setting mode -J on the channel every time? [16:32] neverblue: ooo no i can't so that mus be the problem, it says the network is unreachable [16:32] when I click on a gnome panel's clock and then add a location, then choose "find" to locate some city... this thing is buggy (places some Polish cities in wrong timezones...). anyone knows which package does it belong to? I want to file a bug report. [16:32] Jay_Levitt: Sure. I think I can do that. [16:33] what im i supposed to do? [16:33] rinaldi_, well then, are you behind a router, is your LAN setup properly? [16:33] cberl1: there may be similar logging on the ssh client, too - but I always use SecureCRT on Windows, never the "real" ssh client, so I don't know that side [16:33] Jay_Levitt: Can you give me directions on that? [16:33] cberl1: make sure this line is in your sshd_config X11Forwarding yes [16:33] neverblue: well the ssh was working the other day and i hav'nt changed it... [16:33] beerdeaap: Got it. :) [16:33] LuiCal, I dont have an answer but post your question as I have a drive that shows up in nautilus but when accessing it I get "It is not possible to Mount this volume" [16:33] cberl1: cool :D [16:33] rinaldi_, possibly the IP of the box changed, check your router [16:34] cberl1: I could if my Ubuntu box were working :)... I believe it's going to be something like "sshd -p 1234 -d", where "-p 1234" is the port you want it listening on, and "-d" is debugging mode [16:34] but I'd check "man sshd" to be sure those are the right options [16:34] ok [16:34] just installed flash, on studio, running on vmware off a usb drive, and its awesome [16:34] Oh, and there's a third option that will say "don't go into background mode, stay attached to terminal" [16:34] LuiCal, include the format of that partition as well.. sorry I cant help more [16:34] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY motocross [16:35] I have an ntfs drive that shows up in nautilus but when accessing it I get "It is not possible to Mount this volume", what can i do about it? [16:35] neverblue: i might have it. the internet cut out earlier and for some reason it disconnected the wireless, as the server is running wirelessly nevermind il just restart [16:35] yeah [16:35] zippytech, go change your password..now [16:35] zippytech, you never want to do that in a channel [16:35] LuiCal, thanks, that should help you get an answer [16:35] rinaldi_, then confirm the IP on your router... [16:35] thanks [16:36] ^^ [16:36] neverblue: yup [16:36] beerdeaap: But wmw isnt available in the list there over filetypes.. [16:36] please help, i have an ntfs drive that i can see at nautilus, but cannot have access to it, and im using gutsy [16:36] please help [16:36] LuiCal, please, stop repeating and be patient [16:37] sorry [16:37] Just guessing, but that's a tad bit more difficult if I'm already connected through SSH, huh? [16:37] LuiCal, Lose the please help... it doesnt get you help any faster and may annoy someone that might be able to help [16:37] LuiCal, did you add an entry into your fstab? [16:38] well, i saw a forum about the topic and they told me to add something but it didnt work [16:38] LuiCal, so you have no entry in your fstab, for that partition? [16:38] neverblue, It shows up in nautilus, but you may have something.. if he manually edited fstab [16:38] Jack_Sparrow, did he post it on pastebin [16:38] Does anyone know where I can find a changelog for the Evolution updates that hit today or yesterday? [16:38] neverblue, not yet [16:39] well, yes, but thats something i put myself on fstab [16:39] but it still doesnt work [16:40] neverblue, thanks..for helping.. I'm in need of a break.. [16:40] LuiCal, does 'sudo mount -a', currently, give any errors? [16:40] GIE [16:40] Jack_Sparrow, np, u work too much :D [16:40] neverblue: do you know much about cnv over ssh. im kinda new and stuck. when i try to connect to vnc i get "vncviewer: unable to open display """ [16:40] let me see [16:40] If setting up encrypted LVM from the Ubuntu Alternate Install CD, can one change the passphrase at a later date, or is it set in stone? [16:40] rinaldi_, you need to enable X remotely in your sshd.conf file on the server [16:41] rinaldi_, I would suggest a google search, there is lots of ppl discussing it [16:41] yes it gives an error === sourcode_ is now known as sourocde [16:41] it says that ntfs is marked to be in use [16:41] LuiCal, can you please post your fstab on pastebin for me, thanks [16:41] !pastebin | LuiCal [16:41] LuiCal: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:41] or something like that [16:42] beerdeaap: But wmw isnt available in the list there over filetypes.. [16:42] ok let me paste it [16:43] Jay_Levitt: Can't seem to fire it up by remote while using SSH... Can't get into where the server is at the moment, so I'm a bit rooked for now. [16:43] cberl1: agh, sorry then... I'm a programmer, not a sysadmin, so without debugging logs I'm hopeless :/ [16:43] i just post it [16:44] Jay_Levitt: Fair enough. Thanks for the attempt, at least! [16:44] cberl1: It's like trying to ask a [16:44] LuiCal, well, I would need the URL to view it :D [16:44] materials-science guy to fix your shower..I'd have to reinvent plumbing first :) good luck [16:44] LOL [16:44] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58628/ [16:44] bye all...thanks for everything [16:45] LuiCal, hdb1 is the problem right [16:45] niklas: don't you mean wmv ??? [16:45] yep, thats it [16:46] fstab is not correct [16:46] hello I need help [16:46] that last line is the one i wrote on it [16:46] beerdeaap: yes [16:48] niklas: if you've installed the plugin and checked the list, maybe you should restart firefox and check the list again. If that doesn't work for you. I would copy the link to the wmv file and play it in your fav stand-alone player. [16:48] Hello again, I have an ISO image which i want to mount on a virtual drive ( like daemon tools in windowz ) .. is such thing available in ubuntu ? currently running Live CD session [16:48] anybody can help me? [16:48] what do you think i can do about it? [16:48] !ask | ejungle [16:48] ejungle: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:49] Need help getting permission on a disk [16:50] repeating Q in 60 secs [16:50] Gparted is giving me an error [16:50] it says /dev/fd0 is read only [16:50] Need help getting permission on a disk [16:50] how the crap is that drive read only... lol [16:50] someone112312: Any chance your floppy is write-protected? [16:50] k1ro, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58633/ or change last number of your line to 1 as I dont understand a lot of what you did in there [16:51] not floppy [16:51] wait [16:51] I don't even have a floppy drive [16:51] someone112312, cant write to what isnt there.. [16:51] I am talking about my HDD [16:51] where are stored downloaded packages when i install an app from repositories??? [16:51] someone112312: I guess that makes it "read only". :) [16:51] LuiCal whats the exact error from mount /dev/hdb1 [16:51] I have an ISO image which i want to mount on a virtual DVD drive ( like daemon tools in windowz ) .. is such thing available in ubuntu ? currently running Live CD session [16:51] guys [16:51] jessid, /var/cache/apt/archives [16:52] wait wat, then how come I download stuff and save it on it? [16:52] Jack_Sparrow: Fast typing there. [16:52] someone112312: /dev/fd0 is a floppy [16:52] :) [16:52] but I want to partition my disk [16:52] which modules i have to install in order to set the cpu and fan speed? [16:52] I don't care about the floppy [16:52] retyping Q after 120 secs [16:52] let me see [16:52] someone112312: Okay, so don't try to partition /dev/fd0 [16:52] Jack_Sparrow thanks [16:52] a second [16:52] np [16:52] I am not [16:52] ioh nvm [16:52] hi [16:53] gparted takes it's time to start it seems [16:53] I have a problem [16:53] Jack_sparrow what command I need to type again? [16:53] ioh? [16:53] k1ro, For what.. to see mount error ? [16:53] my kubuntu machine wont shut down, when I try to shut it down, it only restarts [16:53] Jack_sparrow yes [16:53] only from the button [16:53] it says that the drive is in use [16:54] or something like that [16:54] should i force to mount? [16:54] Alright [16:54] It says /dev/sda is locked [16:54] good bye! [16:54] Jack_sparrow, yes to see mount error. [16:54] is there an app like virtual DVD drive for ubuntu linux ? [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> ej [16:55] LuiCal, sorry for leaving you hanging, boss came by [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> so prais [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> xaj [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> a [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> a [16:55] <[D]ANIEL[a]> a [16:55] it says like this: $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) [16:55] hi [16:56] and then: WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile. [16:56] i ggot a lill problem [16:56] #esrac [16:56] pg5d, no spamming please [16:56] no prob neverblue [16:56] k1ro, sudo mount -a ? [16:56] how do I find my version of Ubuntu? Forgot that one... [16:56] my wifi is in a state that it sometimes works perfectly...then other times its totally gone. is there a way to "snapshot" the "ok-state" (like right now) and then compare it to the "down-state" whe it occurs? [16:56] cberl1: lsb_release -a [16:57] thanks [16:57] what should i do? [16:57] LuiCal, does something exist @ /dev/hdb1 ? [16:57] let me see [16:57] hi all, using this to convert .flv to .mp4 "ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -acodec copy -vcodec mpeg4 outputfile.mp4", but no audio in output :( [16:58] PDA help! ?!= [16:58] sorry .. retyping my Q [16:58] I have an ISO image which i want to mount on a virtual DVD drive ( like daemon tools in windowz ) .. is such thing available in ubuntu ? currently running Live CD session.. [16:58] xand_ : do you have ffmpeg installed with mp3 support [16:58] yes theres a file called hdb and one called hdb1 [16:58] !ask | magic [16:58] magic: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:58] beerdeaap: installed it with "sudo apt-get install ffmpeg" [16:58] i have a mp4 player that i have used to transfer files on ubuntu before but now it wont let me delite files or add new ones please advise [16:58] !iso | tatyawinchu: To read the contents of an iso file, loop mount it [16:58] tatyawinchu: To read the contents of an iso file, loop mount it: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [16:59] LuiCal, i would suggest gettting 'mount' to work on the drive first, then add an entry into fstab [16:59] ok but it will not go in one line .....its copy past ... [16:59] genii .. very new user in linux .. 30 min old .. its a dvd concert iso which i want to play [16:59] xand_: for mp3 audio you need to have a binary of ffmpeg that is linked to the lame encoder [16:59] guys i need a trick to make cpu scaling works [16:59] Jack_sparrow, nothing happened yet [16:59] but how can i do that? === Naota is now known as Cosmo-san [16:59] sorry im a newbie [16:59] LuiCal, now you read 'man mount' [16:59] genii .. if you could please elaborate pm is welcome [16:59] tatyawinchu: Then the method the bot describes will be fine [16:59] beerdeaap: how can i get that? [17:00] genii .. erm .. ok .. so how do i mount it ? [17:00] (no debugging symbols found) [17:00] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1". [17:00] (no debugging symbols found) [17:00] (no debugging symbols found) [17:00] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [17:00] [New Thread 47733020373280 (LWP 7253)] [17:00] magic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:00] the right click menu doesnt seem to have mount thingy in it [17:00] xand_: compile it (with lame) or get a pre-compiled binary [17:01] beerdeaap: alright, thanks a lot [17:01] !fstab [17:01] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [17:01] genii is it ok to pm u m8 ? [17:01] i have a mp4 player that i have used to transfer files on ubuntu before but now it wont let me delite files or add new ones please advise it says i dont have permition [17:01] tatyawinchu: No pms please. Briefly, go to Terminal. then: cd ~/Desktop;mkdir temp; sudo mount -o loop temp [17:02] ihgj [17:02] saraj [17:02] genii .. erm ok .. i will try to find Terminal [17:02] how can i mount the drive if every time i try to mount it gives the same error [17:02] work requires me, away [17:02] LuiCal, we helped you so far, time to help yourself :D [17:03] LuiCal are you sure its not already mounted? [17:03] tatyawinchu, applications -> accesoires --> terminal [17:03] well it seems like its not mounted [17:03] LuiCal try umount /dev/hdb1 what does that say [17:03] cause i dont have any acces to it [17:04] greetings [17:04] my X is borked [17:04] set me=idiot; if [ "`df -h | cut -f4`" == "0" ]; then echo 'Out of disk space!'; fi [17:04] jshinall, define borked =) [17:04] when I log into GDM all I get is a tna background and a pointer [17:04] after my system crashed [17:04] i have a mp4 player that i have used to transfer files on ubuntu before but now it wont let me delite files or add new ones please advise [17:04] !paste | magic [17:04] magic: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [17:04] well X crashed [17:04] it does not say anything [17:04] afetr i umount [17:04] what should i do now? [17:04] aha [17:04] thnx [17:04] :) [17:04] sorry [17:05] what is ybuntu? [17:05] what is ubuntu? [17:05] Good day everyone [17:05] any help? [17:05] vallhalla81, Sounds like it got unplugged without being unmounted... [17:05] !ubutu | huebleu [17:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubutu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:05] !ubuntu [17:05] !ubuntu | huebleu [17:05] huebleu: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [17:05] !ubuntu [17:05] it's like gnome isn't loading [17:05] hey all [17:05] !fstab [17:05] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [17:05] Jack_sparrow, nothing happened yet [17:05] hi GeordieToddy [17:05] booya [17:05] lol [17:06] Jack_Sparrow: any thing i can do? [17:06] k1ro, Sorry I have done all I can [17:06] LuiCal if it doesnt say anything that probably means it unmounted successfully, so im guessing it was mounted [17:06] ok, now i have control [17:06] Jack_sparrow, alright , thanks for your time :D [17:06] just tried "failsafe gnome" it doesnt even load [17:06] thanks guys [17:06] one more question [17:06] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58638/ [17:06] where can i find all my deleted files? [17:07] hello room - wifi problems, don't know where to start :( [17:07] I just tried Blackbox and it loaded fine, but gnome is screwed up, any tips? [17:07] vallhalla81, Yes, but right now I dont have an answer... someone will,as that is quite common.. did you boot the system with the player connected? [17:07] cause when i delete a file it appears is not really deleted cause it still having space in my drive? [17:08] Jack_Sparrow: yes i tryed that too [17:08] i found the terminal !! :) [17:08] how can i delete a file from my drive? [17:08] LuiCal, look at the .Trash folder on that ntfs drive [17:08] hi [17:08] guys i need someone tells me how to scale the cpu freq [17:08] Jack_Sparrow: would a login as root work do you think? [17:08] I have a big problem with my ubuntu box [17:09] anyone who knows about MOUNT please pm me [17:09] vallhalla81, Gimme a sec to go through my notes.. I may have some info on those [17:09] i cannot see the .trash folder [17:09] i've installed powernowd [17:09] how can i check it? [17:09] Jack_Sparrow: thank you [17:09] i have a question and I'm relatively linux illiterate [17:09] LuiCal, .Trash is hidden folder [17:09] but it doesn't let me change the cpu freq [17:09] how can i see hidden foldrs? [17:09] my wifi is in a state that it sometimes works perfectly...then other times its totally gone. is there a way to "snapshot" the "ok-state" (like right now) and then compare it to the "down-state" whe it occurs? [17:10] if anyone has had some good experience loading mad wifi on the rt kernel could you chat me up? I can't seem to get it to load [17:10] . /home/Username/.local/share/Trash/files/ [17:10] after a few hours, my computer becomes extremely low. I suspect firefox. does anyone have an idea ? [17:10] I have a question regarding mounting .iso image .. i am 100% linux illiterate. .. someone please PM me [17:10] . [17:10] s/low/slow [17:10] im having problem with one of my game [17:10] Why is ubuntu only recognizing one of two cores of my cpu? cpuinfo says --> http://pastebin.com/f59d55e64 [17:10] it stopped to work [17:10] tatyawinchu: ask your question [17:10] Amazing how much better authentication mechanisms work when they have disk space... [17:10] it worked 10 hours ago [17:10] teewars [17:10] tatyawinchu: we can do that together but not on PM [17:10] LuiCal ls -a will show hidden stuff [17:11] hi, can any one hlep with lirc? [17:11] is there any way i can see the trash folder on nautilus? [17:11] Prince, i have iso image of DVD concert which I want to see .. i was trying to find something like daemon tools for virtual drive but someone said linux does it directly by something called "mount" [17:11] !tab | tatyawinchu [17:11] tatyawinchu: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [17:11] I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?highlight=%28auto%29%7C%28mount%29 the diskmounter script to automatically mount one of my partitions. What about when I dont want to automatically mount it anymore? How can I remove it? [17:11] LuiCal: yes. way 1 press Ctrl-H to show hidden files and look for trash [17:11] Hey there everyone!!! [17:12] vallhalla81, This link may or may not help https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/25632 [17:12] !iso | tatyawinchu [17:12] tatyawinchu: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [17:12] tab does not seem to be working in this pidgin basic application running from Live CD Ubuntu [17:12] hey guys your great [17:12] i am using lirc with a streamzap remote and it is working, exexpt i have followed instructions on how to get the power button to send it to sleep that just will not work [17:12] Jack_Sparrow: thank you agn [17:12] thanks for your help [17:12] LuiCal: second: rightclick on your start panel - select add to panel and then select the trash bin [17:12] tatyawinchu, it also works in pidgin. YOu have to type the first part of a name [17:12] LuiCal, np [17:13] hi [17:13] LuiCal: afterwards you can just click on the new trash bin [17:13] vallhalla81, please let me know if that works for you.. [17:13] keep making ubuntu the best OS [17:13] have anyone decode my problem on pda ? [17:13] blessings [17:13] bye [17:13] cool thanks .. just last thing .. what is mountpoint ? what do i write there ? [17:13] i know the script works to send it to sleep, does any one have any ideas where the problem might lie [17:13] Hey guys, I was dual booting ubuntu and windows, I removed the ubuntu disk, and now, when booting from the old windows disk, it cant find any OS at all... I know grub must be involved in this, any ideas on how to restore the mbr to the windows disk?? Thanks!!! [17:13] i found the terminal btw .. it was under application accessories :) [17:14] I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?highlight=%28auto%29%7C%28mount%29 the diskmounter script to automatically mount one of my partitions. What about when I dont want to automatically mount it anymore? How can I remove it? [17:14] tatyawinchu: just any empty dir i.e. /media/newfoldername [17:14] im having problem with teewars [17:14] it stopped to work [17:15] worked 10 hours ago [17:15] beerdeaap: okies i will try m8 [17:15] then when connecting to servers it freezes [17:15] buffy is lesbian!!! zomg!!111!!11! [17:15] seb962 Can you describe the layout of your disks/partitions [17:15] hello [17:15] I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?highlight=%28auto%29%7C%28mount%29 the diskmounter script to automatically mount one of my partitions. What about when I dont want to automatically mount it anymore? How can I remove it? [17:15] anyone using xchat here? [17:15] lubse: me [17:16] lubse: Right now [17:16] trying to turn of my join and quit messages [17:16] no luck so far in xchat channel [17:16] turn off* [17:16] tatyawinchu - mount point is the location the iso will be mounted to. this is usually a folder. create a folder called iso bye typing mkdir iso. then mount the iso by typing sudo mount -o loop file.iso iso. You will then be able to browse the iso image by looking in that iso folder you created. after your done type sudo umount iso to un mount the image [17:16] Why is ubuntu only recognizing one of two cores of my cpu? cpuinfo says --> http://pastebin.com/f59d55e64 [17:16] do you use xchat or gnome xchat? [17:16] Sure can, velovinx. I had hda1, with a single nfts windows partition, and hdb1234, with 3 linux partitions and a fat32 data swap partition. [17:16] xchat [17:16] danand: thank you bhai [17:17] tatyawinchu - np :) [17:18] pda problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58638/ [17:18] danand: btw /media/SATA5/Downloads/DVD- live concerts/RAMMSTEIN LIVE CONCERTS.iso is the path of the file i want to mount [17:18] lubse: you dont want to see toher ppl connecting or you dont wanna see your own connect meassage? [17:19] I dont wanna see other people connecting [17:19] danand: so thats the path i have to type in ? starting with /media/SATA5 and so on ? [17:19] i dont know real way to disable it [17:20] anyone in here able to help with wireless problems? PM me :D [17:20] seb962 you removed hdb, and now you cant boot windows? is that right? [17:20] lubse: Settings>Extra Setitngs?>Actiontexts? and clear every unwanted messages [17:20] danand: nothing happened =/ [17:20] Exactly Velovinx. [17:21] Jack_Sparrow: no luck did you want a paste bin of the output>? [17:21] someone quit :) [17:21] when copying files from my ubuntu box to windows box over local network, i get "error access denied", but i will work if i hit retry repeatedly, any ideas? [17:21] kernel panic when i connect to WEP encrypted networks [17:21] Im pretty sure grub was installed in hdb and that my mbr is broken but the only solutions i can find on the forums are for vista. I have access to hdb if I need to mount it up again. [17:21] tatyawinchu - yes. Be careful if there are spaces in the file name. you should "escape" those with a backslash. ie "file 2.iso" should be entered as file\ 2.iso [17:21] could you let me know if you see a quit message? [17:21] what does these numbers stand for? umask=0002 [17:21] I think I turned it off [17:21] what are the groups? [17:21] vallhalla81, put it up.. but I am busy atm [17:21] danand oh .. will try again [17:21] with /set irc_conf_mode 1 [17:22] lubse: Please use a different channel for testing stuff like that. #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps [17:22] tatyawinchu - type "ls iso" after to see if the contents of that iso have been mounted ok [17:22] /etc/boot/menu.lst includes lines that start with '#'and others with '##'. What does this mean? 'info grub' did not tell me. [17:22] danand: nothing .. still the iso folder is empty [17:22] bullgard4, they're comments. [17:22] how do i make metacity and compiz use my twinview setup in a sensible way? (ie. not opening popups in the middle of the two screen....) [17:22] luybse: sry [17:22] does anyone know how to monitory user activity history on ubuntu-server? [17:22] burkmat: Please tell me why there two sorts of comments. [17:22] bullgard4, the computer ignores anything preceeded by # when it reads the file. [17:23] danand: no wait !! i messed up [17:23] when copying files from my ubuntu box to windows box over local network, i get "error access denied", but it will work if i hit retry repeatedly, any ideas? [17:23] I've enabled automatic security updates in "Software Sources". Why every time I log in is there still that message in the panel saying there are "updates available"? [17:23] bullgard4, no clue, that's just the way it's been every time I [17:23] i think this is problem of mine: futex(0xb7bafab8, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted) [17:23] bullgard4; -I've seen the file... [17:23] burkmat: Thank you for explaining. [17:23] how to check my buidin web camera whether it is working or not [17:23] Hisotaso: It is possible your network connection is flaky? A lot of times when you have to retry a lot, it's networking connections. [17:24] ok, for some reason, without warning my edges and bars around everything just went *poof* whats the key combo to make the run dialog pop up? [17:24] danand: it says no such file [17:24] danand this is what i typed in terminal ----> sudo mount -o loop /media/SATA5/Downloads/DVD-\live\concerts/RAMMSTEIN\LIVE\CONCERTS.iso iso [17:24] Alt + F2 for Run dialog. [17:24] bluefox83: You mean you want a command line? If so, Ctrl-Alt-F1 is one way. [17:24] levander: how would i test that? [17:25] Hisotaso: very carefully [17:25] Is there a way to remove pending jobs from apt? I removed mono and now my apt is broken. I asked on the forums too but no one was able to help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=707608&highlight=mono+broke [17:25] what is ERESTARTSYS? [17:25] Hisotaso: I don't know, something like that I'd just have to play with and see if I can see a different error message or something to shed light on. Like, try alternate ways of doing the same thing. [17:25] danand: what did go wrong in that above command ? [17:25] ok if i have two internet connections (two different ips) and lin on one win on the other I need samba to connect and to setup winbox as dynamic dns right? [17:25] tatyawinchu - you can press in the terminal to autocomplete file names.... but i think you missed the space after DVD :) /media/SATA5/Downloads/DVD-\ live\ concerts etc [17:26] any recommendations where I should go if I need an old unsupported driver upddated to the current kernel? [17:26] levander, no i don't want command line, i need a run dialog to come up so i can launch emerald [17:26] i'd pay to have it done, but I don't know who could accomplish it === RichiH_ is now known as RichiH [17:26] what is ERESTARTSYS? [17:26] Alt + F2 is the GK Run dialog. [17:26] Velovinx? [17:26] *GTK [17:27] danand: ^^ retrying [17:27] levander: i just figured it out...i think, i was copying to the drive on my windows box via a mount point that is automatic on startup in my media folder, by actually going through the network and browsing to the windws box it seems to work great. I guess the mount point is only good for viewing or copying small files. [17:27] i need to make icedtead work with firefox on amd64 (64 bit kubuntu installed - 7.10) -- package installed ok, but java still doesnt work [17:27] help appreciated [17:27] danand: is the tab thing working now ? [17:27] JC_Denton_: I'd try a 'sudo dpkg -a' and see if that fixes anything. [17:28] tatyawinchu - if you start to type the name and press the terminal will try to autocomplete the filename for you ie if i want to look at a file called "data 1.txt" i would type less da, press tab and that should auto complete to "less data\ 1.txt" but without the quotes [17:28] how to check my webcam [17:29] Hisotaso: yeah, that sounds like flaky networking... if you can only copy small files... like maybe it's so flaky, halfway through a big transfer it chokes, gives up, and gives you the error? [17:29] seb962 sorry, i have never installed grub manually before...i was googling [17:29] !webcam | abhay [17:29] abhay: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [17:29] Its ok Velovinx I appreciate your efforts, I´ll try a couple things Jack reccomended. [17:29] Thanks a lot :) [17:29] hi every on [17:30] any one here [17:30] just us mice [17:30] any one know how to use 3D desktop [17:30] ??? [17:31] I have a v4l2 built-in webcam. Where would I find that device in the directory structure i.e. /dev/??? [17:31] danand: yes that works , so this is the command given which still says file not found .. command on next line [17:31] !run [17:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about run - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:31] >.> [17:31] danand: sudo mount -o loop /media/SATA5/Downloads/DVD-\live\concerts/RAMMSTEIN\LIVE\CONCERTS.iso iso now all the SPACEs have been replaced by \ [17:32] i know there's a freakin key combo that makes a run dialog come up... [17:32] !samba [17:32] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:32] what is the best media player, or seperate video and audio players, for linux? [17:32] bluefox83: there is a screenlet [17:33] vallhalla81, do i need to install screenlets to get that key combo to work? [17:33] tatyawinchu - the spaces shouldn't be replaced by the "\" character. "\" should go before them ie a file named "file 1.txt" should be entered as "file\ 1.txt" but without the quotes [17:33] danand: aaaaah !! [17:34] tatyawinchu - :) [17:34] tatyawinchu - the use of should put them in automatically for you :) [17:34] danand: still not gonna quit !! i am going to do a VERY STRONG effort to be a linux user for sure .. have been MS user since windows 3.1 .. and may be 20 mins old in linux :) .. great to have u around bhai [17:34] !pda [17:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about pda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:35] levander dpkg -a : dpkg: need an action option [17:35] * NinjaPlimsoles is away: brb! [17:35] nope [17:35] !away > NinjaPlimsoles (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) [17:35] Whats the easiet way to get a overview of your hardives (ie gui program) [17:35] I want to partition up an empty hdd which is blank atm [17:35] howdy yall [17:35] good [17:36] danand: lol well, now it says trailing backslash grep !! [17:36] Pici, oh dear, the mIRC police are after me [17:36] * bluefox83 kicks his ubuntu in the face [17:36] tatyawinchu - you'll very quickly get used to the command line and probably learn to love it - its very powerful. spaces in file names catch alot of people out at first!! tip - replace spaces in file names with an underscore character :) [17:36] I was wondering is there a program for Ubuntu that puts on like a virtual CD Rom like DAEMON Tools but for Ububtu? [17:36] I am in loce eith ubunut [17:36] domherre, use gparted [17:36] * bluefox83 needs a run daemon *NOW* [17:37] I'm having trouble with the RT kernel and loading my madwifi drivers etc. [17:37] could anyone help me? [17:37] webnix you can just mount your iso images [17:37] for no reason what so ever, emerald decided to die on me D: [17:37] !iso | JC_Denton_ [17:37] JC_Denton_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [17:37] Will check it out thanks neverblue [17:37] neverblue, thanks but I wasn't asking [17:37] domherre, no prob [17:37] thanks JC_Denton [17:38] sorry JC_Denton_ I meant to use his/her nick [17:38] np neverblue [17:38] !md5 [17:38] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [17:39] how do I set a shorcut key to Applications? [17:39] i got aa question [17:39] danand: ok we are one step ahead .. the command now goes correctly , there IS an EMPTY iso directory in the same folder but now the error is mount point iso does not exist .. so i think i have to give that path fully too ? [17:39] !ask > RickFX [17:39] like something similar to pressing the win key, which pops up the start menu in windows [17:39] lube system/settings/shortcuts [17:39] Does apt maintain some sort of todo list? currently it's broken because it keeps crashing on trying to remove mono dependant packages. Maybe I can remove the removal jobs from that list [17:39] lubse, System -> Prefeences -> Keyboard Shortcuts [17:39] how can i install xp from inside ubuntu [17:40] What is the standard username and password for SMB in Ubuntu Server Edition? [17:40] RickFX: virtualbox or vmware are two options [17:40] tatyawinchu - yes [17:40] neverblue, yes, I'm there, but how is it called? [17:40] i was thinking of that but doest it run slower as virtual pc? [17:40] hey guys, im really sorry this is off topic but i dont know any other IRCs, im building a new PC and i got all but the CPU and Graphics card, is it safe to turn on to check all the fans? [17:41] danand: if i just say iso, what is the default path considered in linux ? desktop ? [17:41] Joxo: You have to create one with smbpasswd -a [17:41] lubse, its set to Alt-F1, by default [17:42] lubse, 'show the panel menu' [17:42] tatyawinchu, the default path is wherever your running the command from [17:42] Hi, I installed ubuntu on my mom's laptop a while ago, and she's using it happily [17:42] RickFX: what are you trying to do? if it is for office apps etc then its fine; if you want gaming you should probably just dual boot [17:42] (er, not supposed to hit enter there oO) [17:43] tatyawinchu - where is the iso folder you created located? type pwd to find out the directory you are currently in. [17:43] exit [17:43] NinjaPlimsoles: kk [17:43] danand: /home/ubuntu [17:43] tatyawinchu - you can also type ls in the terminal to see all the files and folders in that dir [17:44] i want to use my artist tools, but this laptop is already kinda sow so i fear it could be too laggy [17:44] danand: IT WORKED !! there are 2 files there now in ISO folder !! HURRAY !! [17:44] tatyawinchu, what are you trying to do? :P [17:44] hello [17:44] NinjaPlimsoles: i have DVD image of Rammsteins live concert which I am trying to watch !! =) [17:44] RickFX: depends on the tools; if you are talking CS/photoshop etc then wine can handle some of that === dAndy is now known as adelcambre [17:45] fuck!fuck~! [17:45] NinjaPlimsoles: and giving my FULL efforts to convert to a linux user ^^ [17:45] tatyawinchu - cool. if you have managed to mount an iso image and have only been using ubuntu for about 20 mins you are doing alot better than i ever did :) [17:45] PS11: language [17:45] so I installed mad wifi I get some errors and when I modprobe my madwifi modules it tells me it's an invalid module format [17:45] !language | PS11 [17:45] PS11: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [17:45] danand: well, surely wasnt possible without u around :) [17:45] how do I get afore mentioned drivers to make nice with computer [17:45] ubotu:FUCKING [17:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about fucking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:45] !ops | PS11 [17:45] PS11: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud! [17:46] tatyawinchu, mount the ISO as a vfs and watch it in VLC :) [17:46] its a tablet pc, you know, if the cursor lags in photoshop i wont have fun. [17:46] UberPsyX http://au.answers.yahoo.com/answers2/frontend.php/question?qid=20080116171240AAe [17:46] Hi, I installed ubuntu on my mom's laptop a while ago, and she's using it happily. The only issue she has is that scrolling with the touchpad doesn't stop sometimes. She's just supposed to scroll down one or two jumps, and suddenly it's just rocketing downwards.. It's an old HP Compax dx9060 or smth... Any ideas what's wrong and how to fix? [17:46] tatyawinchu - glad i could help :) [17:46] NinjaPlimsoles: .. erm .. i dont think vlc is there in this Live CD version === PS11 is now known as Pawels === Pawels is now known as PS11 [17:46] tatyawinchu, awww :P [17:47] velovinx, thanks :) [17:47] NinjaPlimsoles: there is a Totem Movie player though [17:47] fuck [17:47] fuck [17:47] RickFX: well either learn the GIMP or be saddled with ##windows ;] [17:47] lol [17:47] velovinx, it says the question has been deleted... [17:47] photoshop does run on whine im just not sure about 3ds max and tmaker [17:47] tatyawinchu, i think totem can run movies from disc too [17:47] gmount-iso ;) [17:48] oops [17:48] Does anyone know why Ubuntu's SMB browsing features wouldn't work on a CentOS5 server? In Nautilus, I get a pop up that seems to indicate that Nautilus has no idea that it is on a work group (it asks for a domain), and then it continually fails. [17:48] filthpig: what about setting the touchpad sensitivity [17:48] UberPsyX http://au.answers.yahoo.com/answers2/frontend.php/question?qid=20080116171240AAeYF7e === kaminix is now known as kaminix|kiruwa2g [17:48] NinjaPlimsoles: it works !! === kaminix|kiruwa2g is now known as kaminix [17:49] tatyawinchu, grats :) [17:49] velovinx, thanks :) [17:49] NinjaPlimsoles: IT WORKS !!! omg .. omg !! man !! linux ROX [17:49] i only installed ubuntu because of the lanboot, this tablet has no optical drives and i dont know how i can install windows... [17:49] lol [17:49] ok I have someone going to pick up a wireless keyboard, mouse and webcam and I am going to buy the web cam off them but it is a M$, will it play nice with ubuntu? [17:49] !webcam | cjae [17:49] cjae: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [17:49] NinjaPlimsoles: u have to BUY nvidia codec to make dvd run in windows media player .. seriously !! this linux thing is going to put M$ out of business soon [17:49] RickFX: not sure what you are trying to do but Ubuntu has tons of artist tools [17:50] cjae, it should. I have a logitech keyboard and it works pretty well [17:50] tatyawinchu, thats why on windows i use VLC ;) [17:50] tatyawinchu, yeah...we could only hope... [17:50] i think ill just look into ubuntu fir now :p [17:50] what's the easiest way for filesharing on a network between ubuntu and windows? [17:50] bazhang, that might help, but I find the problem odd since it normally works just fine, and suddenly goes mad.. [17:50] =)))))) okies concert time !! keep up the good work !! xD [17:50] later mates .. take care have fun [17:50] what does this error mean during a make command "implicit declaration of function 'thingymabob'"? [17:51] VeNoM-work - set up samba [17:51] because i do like what i see so far [17:51] RickFX: if you need a list of apps there are some sites that list the equivalent to what you are trying to achieve--though some learning will be necessary ;] [17:51] "For When i walk the Vally of Data Loss .. For Linux is with me .. I fear No WindoZ !! " >>> p-0-p <<< gone !! [17:51] !samba | VeNoM-work [17:51] VeNoM-work: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:51] ty erUSUL [17:51] yeah ive seen lots of logitech ones work but will a microsoft one works as it is not in the list [17:51] My sound broke after update! :( More info here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/189521 Does anyone have a workaround maybe? [17:51] ill look into that, any links [17:52] cjae, is it bluetooth or wireless? [17:52] RickFX, http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Optimize_A_Fresh_Ubuntu_Installation [17:52] demorez213 - that means that the function is not known to the compiler - you need to explicitly tell it where that function can be found [17:52] VeNoM-work, usb I think [17:53] cjae: best bet. google for the webcam model and linux. others must have tried making it work with linux. see if it does [17:53] usb wireless? [17:53] or are you talking about the webcam [17:53] hello, is there some platform that we can play warcraft with people on the net from all over the world [17:53] >danand so it's something that should be recognized provided another package is present, but it's possible that said pacakage is in fact not present? [17:53] I have both sun-java6-bin and sunjava6-jre installed yet frostwire still does not run! I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58645/ when I run frostwire in a terminal [17:54] cjae what is the make and model of that webcam please === gbarberi- is now known as gbarberi [17:54] bazhang, trying to find out === nalioth__ is now known as nalioth [17:55] crispy_chunks - that error _usually_ means that the module you are trying to insert is possibly not for that kernel. [17:56] crispy_chunks - why that would be the case ... i don't know :( [17:56] Bigg400: are you sure it should work with amd64? [17:56] frank_: yes apparently so [17:57] Why is ubuntu only recognizing one of two cores of my cpu? cpuinfo says --> http://pastebin.com/f59d55e64 [17:57] hischild: what kernel do you have [17:57] crispy_chunks - type uname -r in the terminal and check your using that kernel version. [17:58] bazhang, 2.6.24-11-386 [17:58] any one know how to use 3D desktop [17:58] hischild: you need the generic [17:58] bazhang, alright ... let's search = [17:58] =) [17:58] tnx [17:58] osmen: you mean how to enable it ? [17:58] !effects | osmen [17:58] osmen: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu [17:59] np ;] [17:59] ya [17:59] demorez213 - are you compiling a package from source? [17:59] >danand I think I was missing a package so I shall see if this time it makes all nice nice with me [17:59] >danand thanks in advance if all goes well [17:59] >danand if not still thanks and potentially more harassment on my part ;) [18:00] demorez213 - you might want to install build-essential. :) [18:00] I have Graphic Card intel 945 [18:00] does it work with 3D ? [18:00] >danand yeah... that was the package I believe was missing ;) [18:00] bazhang, this is bad for my uptime :( having to reboot [18:00] demorez213 - ok. good luck [18:00] osmen: if you have compiz installed and your 3d card is working (with a proper driver). You can enable it through System-> preferences->appearence-> visual effects [18:01] hey [18:01] ls [18:01] meh [18:01] :) [18:02] does anyone know how to save changes from the live cd to a pen drive? [18:02] originally i wanted to install a persistant copy to my pen drive, but realized [18:02] sportman, persistent home [18:02] >danand now this is really noob/stupid q [18:02] it would be easier just to save hte chnages [18:02] instead of the whole os [18:02] to the pen drive [18:02] how to get command line dropping from desktop top [18:02] sportman: easy on the enter key ;] [18:02] >danand is there a way I can install aps/packages to my thumb drive (using a tiny computer with only 6 gigs and want nifty other stuff [18:03] sportman, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9893 [18:03] I did that but i Still didn't got any 3D graphic [18:03] sorry, bazhang my bad :-p thanks for the link Jack_Sparrow :) [18:03] can web cams be wireless or bluetooth? [18:03] that's the 1st time i use the Lunix [18:04] so, did anybody get icedtea java plugin for firefox working on amd64 [18:04] and some time it can't read the hard desk .. i got empty desktop [18:04] cjae: is yours? ;] [18:05] demorez213 - hmm... not sure. packages etc are usually all put in the /usr dir. not sure trying to give yourself more room with a usb drive would help you out in that regard [18:05] osmen: you should install compiz (do you know how to install packages ? ) [18:05] osmen: that card will supported limited 3D yes [18:05] bazhang, don't know phoned Walmart and ppl there are totally ridiculous [18:05] >danand I just want to run psycle or some other stuff on the lappy but have little to no hd space [18:05] Does anyone know why the -d or -display switches are not working in FF3b3? I guess i should point out this is Ubuntu 7.10 ... and other applications do work with the switches. [18:05] ok but why it didn't work?? [18:06] >danand the build on the other problem worked perfectly thanks! [18:06] can we talk in private chat plz [18:06] osmen: better to do it in channel [18:07] bazhang, no luck :( [18:07] what is the best way to run the adobe suite on ubuntu [18:07] WINE? [18:07] Parellel? [18:07] bbonora: cs2 or cs3? [18:07] !pastebin [18:07] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [18:07] cs2 [18:08] and the whole macromedia suite [18:08] Can anyone help with this error when trying to force FF3 to start in another Xsession: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58649/ === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude|laptop [18:08] demorez213 - glad you got that to work =) like i said, not sure that a usb drive could help you out in that situation. not without a _lot_ of reconfiguration of your system. You could always buy a cheap hard drive with bigger storage :) [18:08] bbonora: cs2 will work in wine apparently--you can check the #winehq appdb for more info [18:08] !appdb | bbonora [18:08] bbonora: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [18:08] >danand if I use a cheap hard-drive (thinking old ipod in disk mode) [18:09] how do I get apts to install there as opposed to the failed attempt to my bloated internal hd [18:09] does any one know how to upgrade the firmware version of a mp3 player device while using ubuntu (i have the update file ) [18:09] how can i remove a package without its dependencies? [18:09] ubotu Thanks for the info I will check it out [18:09] mohbana: sudo apt-get remove package [18:09] hischild: you installed the generic kernel? and the second core is still not seen? [18:10] >danand seems synaptec doesn't give me much leeway there is there an apt-get command that's easy [18:10] alright ... switching to the generic kernel didn't change anything. name -a gives http://pastebin.com/f6a016c0c, cpuinfo gives http://pastebin.com/f4d7c2fa3 [18:10] bazhang, ^ [18:10] mohbana: are you talking about removing a package without removing the packages that depend on it? [18:10] I am looking to uninstall pigidin, evolution and a few other applications but the only way to do so is to remove its dependicies and to remove those it causes errors with the network manager. Am I missing something? I have tried to use the package manager and the snyaptic package manager. === osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude [18:11] frank_, yes [18:11] Can anyone help with this error when trying to force FF3 to start in another Xsession: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58649/ [18:11] hello people [18:11] demorez213 - like i said, i'm not sure thats possible. most apps have quite rigid rules about where they should be installed to - ie executables in /usr, config files in /etc/ and so on. to install them to another location would require a lot of effort to make it work [18:11] hi sales [18:11] mohbana: while that is possible, it would be a very bad idea [18:11] frank_ yes i know but how do i do it? [18:11] >danand so i'd most likely have to use an ext. hd as my boot drive as well? [18:12] but i just got it to where I like it :-( j/k [18:12] mohbana: honestly I'm not sure exactly how either. man apt-get to see apt-get documentation. [18:12] can i save a file in a virtual machine and then access it again later with the host operating system? [18:13] * N3bunel saluta [18:13] mohbana: or maybe you have to use dpkg somehow... not sure === kalpik_ is now known as kalpik [18:13] wigren yes if you save to a partion readable by both systems [18:14] demorez213 - you could do that yes. you could copy/clone your current hard drive to the new external drive using dd. then resize with gparted to make use of the extra space. you would also need to install grub on the mbr of the external drive i believe [18:14] sales, thank you [18:14] bazhang, you see why i'm so confused? as you can see by the name, it's a dual core. It always showed up as dual core. Windows recognizes it as dual core. Yet ubuntu stopped recognizing it as dual core :( [18:14] durring the alternate install of 7.1 32bit, i recieve an error durring the base install: "No installable kernel was found in the APT sources" my install haults there. how can i overcome this? is it a bad image? i ran the md5sum and cd check before install, both came back ok. [18:14] hischild: and it even show the name correctly; that is so weird [18:14] demorez213 - that again would present a bit of effort to get working... perhaps a reinstall to external hd would be better [18:15] >danand hmmm perhaps I'll make due with my tiny hd i got my web browser, i got my one music proggy and I have a chat client... [18:15] bazhang, yeah ... and it really slows down since it's only using a single core (though i must admit, it's amazingly silent) [18:16] Alright. Can someone help me with sound issuess? [18:16] demorez213 - you could always try a different distro if your really pushed for space and system resources - Damn Small Linux is very good ... [18:16] hi, is there any problem in installing 32 bits printer driver in 64bits ubuntu? i think there is only one lpr and cups driver... if it is useful, i succesfully printed in 32 and 64 winxp [18:16] hi all. Im having trouble getting talkd running. i try running in.talkd and it tells me i need to start it via inetd. in inetd.conf i have:talk dgram udp wait nobody.tty /usr/sbin/in.talkd in.talkd . I then sent inetd the hup signal but talkd is still not running. i tried restarting inetd also with no luck [18:17] hischild: just to be clear you're talking about real dual core and not HT? [18:17] >danand true but my major hope was to clear as much wasted space out of my ubuntu distro, drop in the rt kernel and load it up with all the neat little ubuntu studio packages ;) [18:17] frank_, AMD only has dual cores, and no HT. Also, it's not 2 cpu's, it's 2 cores [18:17] frank_, http://pastebin.com/f4d7c2fa3 [18:18] demorez213 - if your looking for a studio distro, you could try dynabolic - that runs from live cd and is supposed to be good for music studio [18:19] hey i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an external harddrive( where i have it partitioned into 3 sections, drives e, f, and g... its connected using firewire) and when i go to boot it i get an "error 21" which means that it cannot recognize the drive. On my main harddrive I have XP installed and i had to do a fixmbr (master boot record) to get back into windows? any ideas? Also when im in xp and i have the external HD it doesnt sho [18:19] >danand no cd drive... yet [18:19] >danand no worries you helped me so much today! [18:19] is there a libdlna 64 bit deb anyone would know of.... or a way of running the i386 ? === miguillo2 is now known as miguillo [18:19] demorez213 - np :) [18:19] How can I install sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-bin noninteractively? [18:20] hischild: hell I see two cores from my HT Pentium 4 and I thought HT was supposed to be disabled by default for security reasons [18:20] >danand I figure ardour, hydrogen, puredata, and a few other things will still fit (psycle hopefully) and that'll actually serve almost all my purposes [18:20] so long as I can get puredata to recognize my webcam and hid objects [18:20] eatatjoes, error 21 just means something has messed up with Grub [18:20] any idea how i can fix that? [18:20] frank_, HT is for intel only, as you can see from my cpuinfo it's an amd ;-) [18:20] eatatjoes, reinstall the grub bootloader to your MBR [18:21] The require a license to be presented and accepted. I need to install this on hundreds of computers. [18:21] NinjaPlimsoles> how can i go about that? [18:21] eatatjoes, dont make any changes to your hardware layout without first telling Grub :) [18:22] thanks for the help guys, i am going to reboot now, should work :) [18:23] so i should boot from the ubuntu 7.10 live cd and chose what option to reinstall the grub bootloader [18:23] jstrunk How about just copying the files to each computer? [18:23] eatatjoes, sudo grub, then type root (theharddiskthathasgrubonit) eg. hd0,1 [18:23] eatatjoes, so for example: root (hd0,1) [18:24] okay [18:24] but how do i get to a command prompt to do that? [18:24] hi everyone, could u please help me? i want to play the phun-game (check out http://youtube.com/watch?v=0H5g9VS0ENM) and the README sais You need to get libSDL. Also, try to run the program like this: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./phun" ..... i have libsdl-image1.2 and libsdl1.2debian installed, is this enough? i tried to execute the above command in a konsole (using correct path) but nothing happened.. btw i'm ubuntu-n00b, usin [18:24] now [18:24] thank u [18:25] hey everyone just wondering im having some glitches with compiz on kde when i rotate the cube it jerks back to another desktop [18:25] velovinx I am using bcfg2 to manage the os and packages on my heterogeneous network. I'd also like to be able to upgrade these packages in the future. [18:25] eatatjoes, after doing that, then type: setup (whereyouwantgrubtogo) [18:25] should grub be on the main HD or my external? [18:25] eatatjoes, main HD [18:26] Cew27: make sure you don't have Desktop Plane or Desktop Wall enabled somehow [18:26] okay thanks [18:26] if for some reason that doesnt work, to get back into windows just do the fixmbr agin? [18:27] credible, no i dont but now when i set 4 workspaces i only have 3 [18:27] eatatjoes, yeah just do fixmbr fixboot and then come back here and ask me for more help :P [18:27] sorry, ill just post it a second time so u can read it better... [18:27] hi everyone, could u please help me? i want to play the phun-game (check out http://youtube.com/watch?v=0H5g9VS0ENM) and the README sais You need to get libSDL. Also, try to run the program like this: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./phun" ..... i have libsdl-image1.2 and libsdl1.2debian installed, is this enough? i tried to execute the above command in a konsole (using correct path) but nothing happened.. btw i'm ubuntu-n00b, using it for 3 [18:27] eatatjoes, want me to go over the instructions again one more time? [18:27] Cew27: don't use the slider, use the spin button the right (there was a bug in the slider) [18:28] Cew27: how are you setting the workspaces? should be via ccsm general virtual horizontal desktops [18:28] can i pm u? [18:28] i cant seem to get amarok as my default player [18:28] bazhang, credible im setting them via ccsm [18:29] yeah, how do u set default applications anyway? [18:29] Cew27: but don't use the slider since it has an off-by-one bug in it [18:29] dampfyente: in preferred applications [18:29] it's been fixed for the next release [18:29] NinjaPlimsoles> so i should boot from the live cd, open terminal, then type sudo grub, then root (hd that grub has it on, in my case the ext), and setup (main hd, not external)? [18:29] eatatjoes, exactly :) [18:30] alright ill be back (regardless of it works) thanks [18:30] thank you bazhang.. could u also help me with my other problem? [18:30] eatatjoes, the root and setup hard drives are the same, so hd0,1 would be used for both for example [18:30] to install a .sh you just need to type sudo *directory*file* right? [18:30] ok [18:30] dampfyente: I can try; no promises though ;] [18:30] hallo [18:30] thank you bazhang.. could u also help me with my other problem? [18:30] VeNoM-work yes [18:30] oh sry [18:30] hi everyone, could u please help me? i want to play the phun-game (check out http://youtube.com/watch?v=0H5g9VS0ENM) and the README sais You need to get libSDL. Also, try to run the program like this: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./phun" ..... i have libsdl-image1.2 and libsdl1.2debian installed, is this enough? i tried to execute the above command in a konsole (using correct path) but nothing happened.. btw i'm ubuntu-n00b, using it for 3 [18:30] cya [18:31] credible: ok but im still getting the glitch wehere it jerks [18:31] hi all [18:31] there it is bazhang [18:31] oh [18:31] do you also have problem with KDE4 from ppa? [18:31] Cew27: does it happen when moving both left and right? [18:31] VeNoM-work "sudo /path/to/file.sh" === tempo is now known as fabio [18:31] thanks marx2k, dampfyente. [18:31] can someone get amarok to be default player? [18:32] how do I know the exact path? where do I start from? say I put the file on my desktop? [18:32] VeNoM-work, ~/ [18:32] bazhang, you seen anything that might've help? [18:32] Desktop/file [18:32] ~ = root? [18:32] user folder [18:32] ah. [18:33] how about to Install libxine-extracodecs [18:33] hischild hang on a sec [18:33] bazhang, i aint goin nowhere =) [18:34] dampfyente: did you try without LD_PRELOAD? [18:34] frank_ should i? [18:35] dampfyente: yeah. it worked for me [18:35] ok I installed samba and swat and neither of them will launch === thp_ is now known as thp [18:35] http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705996 dampfyente there you go === tatyawinchu is now known as Linux_Fresher [18:36] <-- better nick =) [18:36] thanks bazhang, ill read it [18:36] bazhang: very much impressed till now after 1 hour of Live CD .. I think there is no more need to check out linux mint i guess .. it would be almost the same right ? [18:38] Linux_Fresher, the same as what? [18:38] NinjaPlimsoles: umm almost same like ubuntu linux i guess [18:38] if i want to use vnc to access my computer over the internet, is it necessary to use ssh or is the vnc security enough [18:38] <[FT]Alex> does anyone have a straightforward howto for connecting ubuntu to windows workgroups? [18:38] Linux_Fresher, its the same as in its Unix-like :P [18:39] rinaldi_: vnc is no security (no encrytion at all) [18:39] what is the best solution without running dual boot WMCE to get my xbox 360 media center happening? I'm using 64 bit gutsy [18:39] HighNo: i see so all i have is the password right? [18:39] NinjaPlimsoles: also, i am trying to drop thinking in windows mentality, but still i have some Qs.. I know what system, system32 etc directories in windows are used for, similarly, what are the important system directories in linux? like bin, etc such and what are they used for .. or rather, where can i read such info ? [18:39] Anyone here use an HDMI graphics card in Linux (Ubuntu) ? [18:40] !hierarchy | Linux_Fresher [18:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about hierarchy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:40] hi, where can I go to learn about setting memory limits for users? if that it is possible [18:40] aw poo [18:40] must you have root account to run swat or not [18:40] rinaldi_: yes, but it's not very secure and vnc happended to have bad bugs regarding security in the past. Passwordhash is passed over the net... [18:40] sudo swat no good [18:40] hischild: what about this: dmesg | grep -i cpu [18:40] NinjaPlimsoles: you stumped ubotu !! [18:41] rinaldi_: toys like cain do crack the password if traffic is captured... [18:41] Linux_Fresher, just use google directory structure ubuntu [18:41] rambo3: roger that [18:41] Linux_Fresher, well if you want to look at the hierarchy, heres a link http://jamesthornton.com/linux/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/ other than that, in windows drivers are stored in system and system32... in linux ALL drivers (in a monolithic layoutl) are inside the kernel [18:41] HighNo: so you'd recomment ssh? its just that i can't work out how to do X forwarding with it [18:42] rinaldi_: it always depends on what you want to do with it - but yes, in all my szenarios ssh is involved [18:42] going with the regular south african spellage, is ubotu: oobotoo? [18:42] guys, if I connect to freenode twice using the same ip, what will happen? [18:42] rinaldi_: please explain what you want to do and I can make a suggestion [18:43] NinjaPlimsoles: also, i have some games installed in windows xp, now, if i give 5 gbs to ubuntu, do i have to reinstall the games through wine or i can directly start an installed game ? [18:43] NinjaPlimsoles: the only thing which would stop me from total ubuntu conversion is games =/ [18:43] HighNo: well i want to be able to access my desktop from windows and run apps from there [18:43] Linux_Fresher, you would need to set Wine up to use the correct directories and so on [18:43] Linux_Fresher, also remember not all games/apps are compatible with Wine [18:44] is there no need for samba on gusty? [18:44] is there a program like top but for hdd use? [18:44] !samba [18:44] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [18:44] bazhang, let me check [18:44] NinjaPlimsoles: ya .. someone here gave me a GOD website which lists all the appz n gamez which currently run in wine .. satisfies me .. guild war, wow , warhammer, counterstrike .. what I wish for is there !! [18:44] Linux_Fresher: if you're wondering about program X, you can see the wine app db [18:45] rinaldi_: do you need to access a running desktop or is that not needed? also good to know - what system are you running at work? [18:45] hdevalence: yeah thats the one =) [18:45] rinaldi_: doh [18:45] Linux_Fresher: http://appdb.winehq.org/ [18:45] bazhang, http://pastebin.com/f2200e087 =) [18:45] * NinjaPlimsoles is currently porting Linux to a dual-stack quad-loading Brevel sandwitch toaster [18:46] NinjaPlimsoles: okies, right now before this installation goes to my HD, gimmi some newbie basic exercise kinda thingy on this Live CD so that I know how to float a bit in linux sea [18:46] rinaldi_: just read the windows part of your post... ok, still it depends. it is less intrusive on the windows machine to use ssh/vnc to connect to a running desktop session at home... [18:46] Linux_Fresher, what would you like to know? [18:47] NinjaPlimsoles: umm basically windows was easy to use because i was really good at all dos commands .. so i knew what was happening behind the screen .. may be something similar for linux? [18:47] rinaldi_: is your home machine directly connected to the net or is it connected to a router that is going online? === juliank0 is now known as juliank [18:47] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58655/ help!!! [18:47] HighNo: its going through a router [18:47] is there one way to obtain more visited web pages using squid/access.log ? [18:47] Linux_Fresher, dir/p = ls [18:47] English help wanted. What does it mean "to host testing" as in "Intel hosted EHCI conformance testing"? (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OHCI) [18:47] rinaldi_: ok, so you already have configured the router to route incoming ssh traffic (port 22) to your machine? [18:48] allos_nerelin: install build-essentials [18:48] Linux_Fresher, using the command 'grep' you can search for things and pipe output to it, for example 'dmesg | grep bum' [18:48] allos_nerelin: umm install build-essential [18:48] NinjaPlimsoles: umm .. grep burn is something like find burn .. but what dmesg stands for ? [18:48] HighNo: no not yet, the only time i use ssh is over the internal network anyway, but i can do it now [18:48] how to safely remove hardware [18:49] vcxc [18:49] Linux_Fresher, dmesg prints out the kernel ringbuffer, basically anything in kernelspace thats spoken to the kernel directly gets logged [18:49] how to safely remove hardware [18:49] :-! [18:49] prashant: be more specific, what hardware?? [18:49] usb [18:50] pen drive [18:50] rinaldi_: you should do so to make your home machine be available from the outside. Also a machanism to find your machine from work would be great.You can use something like dyndns.org or just write down your ip and hope it won't change... [18:50] prashant: umount /dev/*** [18:50] Linux_Fresher: also, there are a *lot* of indepth guides and howtos at http://tldp.org/ if that would interest you [18:50] NinjaPlimsoles: ok i will meditate on that !! xD .. looks like lots of reading is coming my way !! just 1 above line for me is 3 topics !! kernel, kernel space , ring buffer !! and why not dmesg !! xD [18:50] prashant, right click > eject/unmount/remove/destroy/nuke or umount /dev/blabla [18:50] rinaldi_: next thing is to activate the buildin vnc server on your ubuntu box [18:50] prashant: or, umount /mountpoint [18:51] hdevalence: yes, i have 3 very bad exp in past with Mandrake linux .. may be because i was trying to think in windows mind set .. this time i am giving linux a try with no hangups .. as if this is the first OS of my life kinda thingy .. should work that way this time [18:51] Linux_Fresher, get reading matey :) [18:52] Linux_Fresher: I've been using ubuntu for 2 years and don't know what the kernel ringbuffer. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ has lots of info [18:52] HighNo: im running a netgear router, i have selected the inbound service as ssh. is the LAN server just my ubuntu pc's ip? [18:52] how to safely remove pendrive [18:52] rinaldi_: I think it should [18:52] how to safely remove pendrive [18:52] NinjaPlimsoles: i tried that and it still automatically booted into windows [18:52] eatatjoes, ok mate one second [18:52] Linux_Fresher: the bash shell is discussed here http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html [18:52] prashant: i told you. [18:53] plz again [18:53] Anyone here use an HDMI graphics card in Linux (Ubuntu) ? [18:53] eatatjoes, try this instead: 'sudo grub' then 'find /boot/grub/stage1' and then 'root (hd?,?)' the question marks are what were found with find stage1. then type 'setup (hd0)' and finally 'quit' [18:53] hdevalence: basically so bash and kernel are 2 different things? may be by bash it means the Terminal ? [18:53] hischild some in the forums have suggested checking the bios to see if amd cool n quiet is set and if so to disable it; others suggest add the kernel option "acpi=off" to menu.lst. [18:53] rinaldi_: ok, it works [18:53] \idont understand [18:53] prashant: umount /mountpoint [18:53] Linux_Fresher, by Bash it means BourneAgainShell, which is a terminal emulator [18:53] Linux_Fresher: bash is command promt, like the dos shell [18:53] rinaldi_: for your windows machine you need putty and vnc [18:53] where unmount [18:54] hdevalence: cool !! [18:54] bazhang, hmm ... i'll check those out ... [18:54] anyone know of a command line tool to monitor internal temperatures and/or fan speeds [18:54] bazhang, i got a pug to play :-) i'll report back in an hour .. .tnx! [18:54] hey guys. im running xubuntu, newest version, and it randomly freezes on me, to the point i need to hard reboot my laptop :(. does it both in xubuntu and regular ubuntu, seperate installs. [18:54] could anyone link me to the resolution fix? [18:54] brobos.......tell in brief [18:54] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554890&page=5 hischild from this thread [18:54] prashant scroll up [18:54] HighNo: ok done that, what vnc server do i install? [18:54] Linux_Fresher: the kernel is the lowest level, it communicates with the hardware, and you'll never really interact with it directly [18:55] prashant: run df -h in terminal, then find mountpoint of the drive, and then type umount /mountpoint, replacing mountpoint with the moiuntpoint of the drive [18:55] rinaldi_: no vncserver - just the vncviewer [18:55] Linux_Fresher, the Kernel is what processes I/O signals from hardware and drivers, even windows has one :P [18:55] hello [18:55] hello [18:55] does anyone know why i cant set my resolution past 800 X 600? [18:55] prashant: put sudo infront of those commands [18:55] kkkkkkkk [18:55] Karsyth: I have hte same prob [18:55] NinjaPlimsoles: this is what i did: console, then i typed sudo grub, then find /boot/grub/stage1 then it said hd(1,5) so i typed root (hd 1,5), then i did setup (hd1,5) then quit and restarted and it started to boot into windows [18:56] NinjaPlimsoles: yeah and one can crash windows kernel on the fly too !! xD [18:56] kkkkkkkkkkk [18:56] i need an ldap guru :) [18:56] anyone here? [18:56] except with Alt+SysReq+[emergency key] you can send it messages http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/linux/magic-sysrq-050503/page1.html but that's really only for emergencies [18:56] so should i have typed "setup (hd0)" instead of setup (hd 1,5)? [18:56] eatatjoes, sorry, setup (hd0) [18:56] HighNo: i have a windows pc with me at home, so i install putty and a vnc viewer on there right? [18:56] eatatjoes, you just set grub to install to your linux partition, not your MBR :P [18:56] haha okay [18:56] anyone know how to disable the lcd light adjustement ? [18:56] so hd0 is mbr? [18:56] eatatjoes, hd0 is your primary hard disk [18:57] i hope u anderstand :( [18:57] NinjaPlimsoles: oh btw 1. what happens if i forget to unmount the ISO image which I mounted 2. and i reboot the system [18:57] ohk [18:57] how do I mount a folder on a web server in a local folder on my ubuntu system? [18:57] [18:57] Someone knows that this is wrong?: Configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $ PATH [18:57] hello [18:57] Linux_Fresher, there are exeptions :P like the NT kernel is a microkernel, which means I/O drivers are OUTSIDE of its main code [18:57] NinjaPlimsoles: reboot the system without unmounting that iso file i mean [18:57] Anybody have any idea how to fix this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58657/ [18:58] demonspork: are you running apache? [18:58] Linux_fresher, it will remain mounted when you log in? lol [18:58] rinaldi_: you can do that for training the real thing, yes [18:58] ? [18:58] ? [18:58] NinjaPlimsoles: didn't tanenbaum have a rant about how nt was not a true microkernel? [18:58] how do you use theme engines? [18:58] Hi guys [18:58] hdevalence, lol not sure [18:58] NinjaPlimsoles: oh someone said dont forget to unmount it .. so basically it occupies some temp space on HD or ram kinda thingy ? [18:58] I was wondering if there are pre-built Xen kernels for Ubuntu (Hardy) [18:58] quarsaw, the web server is running IIS, but I would like to mount a folder from that server locally on my Ubuntu system [18:59] Hi, anyone has a link of article of Daniel **** of Ubuntu community about good ways to reply message(email)? [18:59] I have a trojen... help please [18:59] HighNo: so can you point me in the right direction from here? [18:59] MTecknology: you need to install evolution-dev maybe other things too idk [19:00] frank_, that, and others are installed [19:00] linux_freshner, indeedy :) [19:00] rinaldi_: sure, after installing you need to do two things (we will do them together now) 1. setup an ssh tunnel, 2. use the tunnel for vnc traffic [19:00] demonspork: oh I see, I don' tknow how to do that, I've recently done the opposite, serving a folder with apache [19:00] NinjaPlimsoles: btw today when i launched ubuntu, it didnt even ask me for my gateway ip .. it directly talked to my router and enabled internet .. i was so happily freaked out lol :) [19:00] Linux_Fresher, well it doesnt occupy any MORE space, it just mounts it for vfs access [19:00] NinjaPlimsoles: so thats HD space or Ram space ? [19:00] HighNo: ok thanks for this, although i only have about half an hour [19:01] NinjaPlimsoles: i hope vfs is virtual file system may be ? [19:01] MTecknology: and libtool? [19:01] Linux_Fresher, the iso is on your hard drive? :P and yes ALL volumes in Linux are virtual, you can boot and then change your root partition adhoc [19:01] frank_, just installed it and it got futher [19:01] further* [19:02] rinaldi_: for 1. you start putty, enter your ubuntu's ip, switch it to ssh version 2. then on the left side click on ssh, tunnels and enter the following: source port = 5901, destination= localhost:5900 [19:02] frank_, I'm installing intltool now too [19:02] NinjaPlimsoles: yup iso is on my HD .. i am a bit panicy to install linux just yet on HD coz of my old burnt fingers =) [19:02] rinaldi_: go back to the session, give it a name and save it so you don't need to reenter those values again [19:03] linux_fresher, well the #ubuntu doors are always open, start by dual-booting with windows for a bit till you get used to it [19:03] NinjaPlimsoles: actually i was more worried yesterday coz ubuntu.com should mention that its a live cd version which they dont .. thats something that should be there on their FIRST page !! [19:03] Hello, I am having issues adjusting the brightness of my laptop screen. I have scoured the ubuntu forums for answers but keep coming up with nothing that produces a result. I'm on a Sony Vaio VGN-FS550. Intel 915GM video card. Anyone have any ideas? [19:03] rinaldi_: then click on open, login to your ubuntu box with any valid account to complete step 1 === purity is now known as purity^ [19:03] test [19:03] anyone have any experince with mdadm RAID10 (-l 10, not 0 on 1) [19:04] * NinjaPlimsoles likes to get drunk and compile linux kernels in the dark [19:04] ok I need help, what do i need for a ubuntu machine to talk to a MS windows machine over WAN [19:05] NinjaPlimsoles: lol i am a sailor.. so brb getting a drink !! u reminded me of it !! now YOU are responsible for those few liver cells going bye bye !! B) [19:05] rinaldi_: step 2 is very easy: leave the ssh session open, don't enter any commands for the tunnel is open until the session quits. simply start the vncviewer and enter this to connect to: localhost:1 - you should now enter the vnc password of your ubuntu box, that's it. [19:06] HighNo: when i do "open" in putty i get a security warning, is that normal? [19:06] Linux_Fresher, if i had some morgans id be gleefully shouting 'I'm sailing with the captain!' but alas, i have no rum :( === Floxxx is now known as Guest1777527906 [19:06] rinaldi_: yes, if you connect for the first time. that's a ssh security mechanism. [19:06] I'm up to this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58658/ [19:06] frank_, ^^ [19:07] ok I need help, what do i need for a ubuntu machine to talk to a MS windows machine over WAN [19:07] NinjaPlimsoles: omg !! thats one thing which one should NEVER run out of !! RuM!! [19:07] Hello. Does anyone here use epiphany webbrowser? [19:07] MTecknology: you said evolution-dev was installed? === Guest1777527906 is now known as Floxxx [19:08] frank_, ya [19:08] linux_fresher, need any other info about linux? === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [19:08] * NinjaPlimsoles has a painful wisdom tooth [19:09] HighNo: ok, the ssh worked ok in putty, now i launch the vnc viewer.exe and enter "localhost:1" in the server box. i get "the connection was closed unexpectedly" [19:09] <[FT]Alex> maybe it's infected, ninjaplimsoles [19:09] [FT]Alex, its just breaking the gum..... WITH DYNAMITE [19:09] NinjaPlimsoles: and a way to get back into serious linux channel too !! yup .. website says 2 GB minimum .. but this channel said 10 gb minimum .. so .. [19:09] frank_, I'm going to head to class, but I'll be back on in a few minutes [19:09] I know this question is out-there: burning CD from the shell? Who knows a program which does this? [19:09] MTecknology: I don't know what else to do... [19:10] Linux_Fresher, for ubuntu installation/ [19:10] rinaldi_: in most cases that means your vncserver is not running as expected. Leave the ssh open and start the vncviewer and try to connect directly to your ubuntu box's ip:0 [19:10] NinjaPlimsoles: roger that [19:10] Linux_Fresher, anything upward of 3 gig would suffice really [19:10] komputes: cdrdao but I've never used it [19:10] HighNo: i get "connection refused" [19:10] NinjaPlimsoles: there is that first sweet icon which says INSTALL just waiting to be clicked =) .. can i install it on any partition or it has to be primary master HD ? [19:11] linux_fresher, any :) [19:12] NinjaPlimsoles: hmm ok .. i think i will take a break now , this ubuntu thing seems wayyy too good to be true .. these has to be some pitfall which is eluding me :-( [19:12] Linux_Fresher, get this.... you can even boot Linux REMOTELY... the install doesnt even need to be in your machine! :D [19:12] rinaldi_: ok, did you start the vnc server on ubuntu? you'll find it in settings->remote desktop. Set both of the upper options, and the last one and anter a proper password [19:12] rinaldi_: afterwards retry the direct vnc connection [19:12] thanks frank_ [19:12] NinjaPlimsoles: aha !! i aint falling for that one :D [19:12] komputes: np [19:13] Linux_Fresher, ?! [19:13] NinjaPlimsoles: that remote install thingy u said lol [19:13] Linux_Fresher: NinjaPlimsoles wasn't joking ;-) [19:13] when i go to mount a ISO what would the mountpoint be? [19:13] Linux_Fresher, its whats known as an 'exotic root' you can do a network boot to a machine that has it installed via a good old bit of cat5 [19:14] Okies >>>> p-0-p <<<< gone !! 2morrow !! [19:14] why i can't enable desktop effect?? it says desktop effects could not been enabled :S? [19:14] Hi, I have a new laptop (cloudbook) I'd like to install ubuntu on it, but it doesn't have a CD rom. How can I get this OS on to it? [19:14] HighNo: ok the direct one worked fine. [19:14] <[FT]Alex> teo - you probably don't have direct rendering enabled. I was having that problem yesterday :) [19:15] frank_, maybe he thought it was too good to be true? ;) [19:15] teo_: you may need to install a propritary driver [19:15] can sum1 help me please. [19:15] hello guys i have a question about the bot of the channel [19:15] Need to print task [19:15] Does apt maintain some sort of todo list? currently it's broken because it keeps crashing on trying to remove mono dependant packages. Maybe I can remove the removal jobs from that list [19:15] iphone [19:15] HighNo: and the localhost:1 worked too! [19:15] I can't print, the printer is picked up [19:16] its there under printer configuration, selected as default printer but not even the test page workds [19:16] rinaldi_: it should, use localhost:1 to make it an encrypted session. that way will work on your external machine too [19:16] [FT]Alex, i have intel gl95 card and when i install the driver i cant up my xorg server.. the whole ubuntu gui is down.. [19:16] rinaldi_: i have to go now. have fun! bbl [19:16] NinjaPlimsoles: maybe... but I don't think you should be so technical with a new linux user... some might be scared off by that [19:16] quarsaw, how to find one? [19:16] Is the QX9650 the best processor avilable to consumers right now? [19:16] HighNo: thanks for your help! [19:17] I'm using ubuntu on a laptop and am having a few problems with power setting set in gconf, the first is ubuntu doesn't seem to be obeying the power critical action which is set at 20% but ubuntu halts the system at 5% [19:17] teo_: do a search for your video card model + ubuntu [19:17] English help wanted. What does it mean "to host testing" as in "Intel hosted EHCI conformance testing"? (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OHCI) [19:17] frank_, nah he was asking me about Linux [19:17] please HELP!:D === Nick1 is now known as Goodwill [19:17] teo_: you should be able to find what driver in ubuntu will work for it [19:17] !helpme > ThRixXx [19:17] frank_, he was singing the praise of Ubuntu/linux, i thought id sing a bit more ;) [19:18] My printer dont work [19:18] NinjaPlimsoles: ;-) [19:18] !dontwork | ThRixXx [19:18] What would be the best method of allowing myself remote access for a server box? I've tried VNC and it's performance is horrible compared to RDP for windows. [19:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about dontwork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:18] how can i make openoffice calc also print the table? [19:18] !doesntwork | ThRixXx [19:18] ThRixXx: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [19:19] lol i hate you ! The printer is picked up in "printer configuration" but not even the test page works [19:19] it's switched on and everything. [19:19] Kopfgeldjaeger, select the cells you want to have a border [19:20] ThRixXx, How about make and model of printer which release you are using, something more to help us help you [19:20] Kopfgeldjaeger, right click > format cells, then click the 'border' tab [19:20] wow I just think I got some kind of phone scam [19:20] HP Deskjet 710c [19:20] hi. is there a howto how to copy&boot the ubuntu live cd from a usb stick?? [19:20] quarsaw, i get this when i run compiz Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found [19:20] hp:/par/DESKJET_720C?device=/dev/parport0 [19:21] does evolution show spammassassin results(scores) yrt? [19:21] its a deskjet 710 but it uses the 720's driver [19:21] Beererde, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-610/ :) [19:21] NinjaPlimsoles: thanks [19:21] is there a tool for ubuntu that will allow me to lookup an IP address (possibly on another network segment) given its mac? [19:21] ThRixXx, It isnt using any driver at the moment [19:21] Beererde, do you mean FROM the USB drive, or install TO one? [19:21] are there any alpha-6 isos out there yet? [19:22] thx, got it [19:22] or is there a way to pipe thunderbird through spammassassin? [19:22] teo_: idk how ot owrk from that, I take it you dont know the model name of the video card? [19:22] LordLimecat: possible on the same segment with arp, not possible on a different segment AFAIK [19:22] Kopfgeldjaeger, no problem :) [19:23] ThRixXx, Read this please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77940 [19:23] it said my credit rating has gone up and I am eligible for $2600.00 CAD [19:23] thanks [19:23] has any got itunes running? [19:23] * cjae hates the telephone [19:23] !ot | cjae, [19:23] cjae,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [19:24] NinjaPlimsoles: i want to install FROM a usb drive, i have no cdrom drive [19:24] Jack_Sparrow, does that mean I cant ramble about my wisdom tooth? [19:24] NinjaPlimsoles, :) [19:24] NinjaPlimsoles: or can i directly install from windows when i mount the iso? [19:24] Beererde, i think its possible to just extract the ISO to your USB and boot from it [19:24] whats the command to edit files agai n? [19:24] !install [19:24] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [19:24] Beererde: thats for gutsy http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ [19:25] ThRixXx, gksudo gedit [19:25] hey is a vx-3000 life (microsoft webcam)supported by ubuntu? [19:25] ahh [19:25] lordleemo: cool thx [19:25] does anyone know how to make a playlist and use that playlist on an ipod? === nox-Hand_ is now known as nox-hand [19:25] lordleemo: but it needs a cd drive too :( [19:25] does banshee have that ability or will I have to use a different program === nox-hand is now known as nox-Hand [19:26] I am trying to install gyachi and it needs 32 bit version of libgkthtml-2 and I guess the one I linked it to was 64 bit . How would I get the 32 bit version of the lib ? [19:26] hello! could someone help me to re-encode an avi? my set-top box (freebox) uses vlc when I stream from my computer, but can't play the avi, that I can play on the computer's screen [19:26] ciao a tutti [19:26] wich is the best program to emulate the mac ox launcher bar? [19:26] david__, I use cairo-dock [19:26] david__: are you referring to the dock? [19:27] isaacj87: yes, the dock [19:27] Jack_Sparrow: does it have the option for icons of open windows? [19:27] david__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock [19:28] david__: like Jack_Sparrow said...use cairo-dock or Avant Window Navigator [19:28] any differences? [19:28] david__, yes active windows show up in it.. I use the osx theme [19:28] what are the differences between cairo and avant? [19:28] NinjaPlimsoles: okay i tried that and still no prevail [19:28] frank_, I'm back [19:28] now it doesnt automatically boot to windows but error 21 [19:28] david__, I seem to see more people with issues on AWN [19:28] cjae: http://www.colinbaker.org/unix/microsoftwebcam http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=555172 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4162010#post4162010 use google! short answer: it's not worth it in 7.10. maybe 8.04 will be better. [19:28] im in ubuntu with live session (from cd) now [19:29] anyone here familiar with the setup of vlc ? I can't seem to get the hotkeys working [19:29] and another weird thing is that it shows the disk (where i installed ubuntu but doesnt show any other disks (my 2 other partitions on the external or my main hd, it says they are unable to mount, and gives instructions on a force mount) [19:30] Jack_Sparrow: i will try cairo, you where talking about an osx theme, where do i find it? [19:31] david__, It is included in cairo dock [19:31] nobudy who knows how the bot is set up? [19:31] oh, ok [19:31] i am installing libcairo2 and librsvg2-2 with apt-get, then i will find the deb for cairo? [19:32] david__: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/cairo-dock/ [19:32] s0u][ight: supybot, see http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots for more info [19:32] s0u][ight, What were you wanting to know? [19:32] david__: you can find the deb there [19:32] Where should I go to get help with fixing apt? [19:32] isaacj87: exactly, do i need to install cairo dock and also plugins or only the first one? [19:32] noob question: where can I find the Firefox installation directory? [19:32] on gutsy... [19:32] david__: install cairo-dock first...than the plugins [19:33] !fixapt | JC_Denton_ [19:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:33] what are the plugins for? [19:33] JonaTh: try /usr/bin or do a whereis firefox [19:33] How does the cairo-dock compare to the AWM? [19:33] Hi all, i googleize a lot but cannot find a resolution for my problem : PCTV 310i remote don't want to work ! Anybody want to help me ? === kinabalu is now known as Rainer [19:33] JonaTh: do you mean the directory for the FF binary, or the directory for the user setting? [19:33] !aptfix | JC_Denton_ [19:33] JC_Denton_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » === nrp_ is now known as nrp [19:33] david__, Here is a tutorial.. and some pics if you are interested.. http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/cairo-dock?s=cairo%20dock [19:33] user setting [19:33] omlette [19:34] david__: not sure. but my guess is extra stuff like battery monitor, weather...stuff like that [19:34] That would be inside your home folder. [19:34] Jack_Sparrow: thanks, you are very helpfull [19:34] isaacj87: thanks to you also [19:34] ~/.mozilla [19:34] david__, Only sometimes :) [19:34] you might have to enable viewing of hidden files to see it. [19:34] hey i'm having a problem: i installed ubuntu on my external hd (firewire) i have the ext hd divided into 3 partitions. so i installed it on the 3rd partition. when i boot it gives me error 21. so i booted from live cd and then did the sudo grub then find /boot/grub/stage1 then it said hd1,5 so i did root (hd1,5) then i did setup (hd0) and i still get error 21 (i have xp installed on the main... [19:34] ...hd)... any ideas? [19:34] Jack_Sparrow: you where today [19:34] mzuverink: try both! it wouldn't hurt === Rainer is now known as kinabalu [19:35] Omlette: Thanks. [19:35] <[FT]Alex> does anyone know why I can't see my windows workgroup from ubuntu? [19:35] [FT]Alex, HAve you setup samba? [19:35] Jack_Sparrow [19:35] Anybody know when the "alsa update breaks kernel ABI" bug will be resolved ? [19:36] frank_ thanks but that didn't fix it. It keeps crashing on trying to remove packages which are dependent on mono which I'm trying to reinstall [19:36] It still doesn't work :9 [19:36] hi, I want to add some graphic style to my Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 [19:36] dunno if openbox do that [19:36] ThRixXx, NOt sure if you need to restart to get that to work or not.. did you or not [19:36] backtracker: try cairo dock, ;-) [19:37] can anyone help me set up empathy to connect to freenode? I get a connection error (ubuntu 7.10) [19:37] cairo dock? [19:37] Graphic style? === _dewd is now known as dewd [19:37] Omlette: can't understand? [19:37] ill quickly restart :p === credible_ is now known as credible [19:37] backtracker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock [19:37] david__: thanks [19:37] <[FT]Alex> Jack_Sparrow - I think samba is set up. let me run through everything again and see if it helps [19:37] david__: how are you liking it? [19:37] david__, Did you look at those pics to see if that is what you had ion mind [19:38] backtracker: i just got helped on that one, dont thanks me, but Jack_Sparrow and isaacj87 [19:38] I have a Hauppauge 150 pvr, It there a how to to get it working with myth? [19:38] Jack_Sparrow: yes it was the right one, its great [19:38] cool [19:38] rather tv card [19:38] Hello! I have a question: i want to have an launcher which could run gnome-terminal with 2 tabs and a different program in each tab - how to do it? [19:38] it sats the drivers itv something and they are installed [19:38] Jack_Sparrow: just one problem, how do i launch it? [19:38] quarsaw, i fix the problem but now i dont have the windows border :S its only displayed when i run compiz in terminal [19:38] mzuverink, I think myth has their own room, but I may also have a tutorial if you need one [19:38] ? [19:39] david__: isn't in apt-get? [19:39] david__, I made a launcher for the taskbar... [19:39] Jack_Sparrow, that would be great! [19:39] Can anybody tell my what it says when you rightclick on my nickname, eg: user@user.net??? [19:39] backtracker: the libs are, but you need to download the 2 debs manually [19:39] mmkay [19:39] can anyone help me with installing ubuntu? [19:39] Jack_Sparrow: what would the command be? [19:40] * abstrak want to know a channel where I can ask for Pinnacle PCTV remote controller problem resolution [19:40] david__, make launcher for the upper taskbar, (Which I auto hide) and have cairo-dock as the command, you can also see this link for adding it to startup.. [19:40] !startup [19:40] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [19:40] david__: you're trying to run cairo? [19:40] isaacj87: yes, i think i need to run cairo-dock in terminal [19:40] <[FT]Alex> does anyone have a guide for setting up samba in gutsy? [19:40] david__, from terminal type cairo-dock [19:40] [FT]Alex, yes [19:40] eatatjoes, a bit more specific, please? Installing ubuntu is about as hard as eating cake :) [19:41] mzuverink, one more sec [19:41] david__: no, just press alt+f2 [19:41] https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking-introduction.html [19:41] a question: if a package in hardy universe gets a new release in the next couple of days.. is there any way to get this into hardy? [19:41] Jack, I reastarted and did everything [19:41] david__: then type: cairo-dock [19:41] hey i'm having a problem: i installed ubuntu on my external hd (firewire) i have the ext hd divided into 3 partitions. so i installed it on the 3rd partition. when i boot it gives me error 21. so i booted from live cd and then did the sudo grub then find /boot/grub/stage1 then it said hd1,5 so i did root (hd1,5) then i did setup (hd0) and i still get error 21 (i have xp installed on the main... [19:41] ...hd)... any ideas? [19:41] david,_try easylinux.info [19:41] perfect [19:41] But it sttill doesn't work [19:41] <[FT]Alex> thanks, VeNoM-work [19:41] david__: well you could run it from terminal if you want ;) [19:41] np. I was actually looking at that now, lol [19:41] The printer is picked up by ubuntu tho [19:41] what are you needing samba for? [19:41] mzuverink, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Edgy_Backend_Frontend is one of many [19:41] david__: check at the .deb packages ==> https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=14108 [19:41] when you click at .deb [19:41] :S [19:41] isaacj87 or Jack_Sparrowwould you know why i get a black background? [19:42] Anybody have a PCTV 310i with a working remote controller ? [19:42] Jack_Sparrow, thank you kind person [19:42] <[FT]Alex> VeNoM-work - I'm trying to access my windows workgroup from ubuntu and it just doesn't want to work [19:42] np [19:42] [FT]Alex, have you enabled windows networking? [19:42] Jack_Sparrow: does cairo-dock need composite support? [19:42] david__, black background behind the dock? [19:42] exactly [19:42] david__: are you running compiz? [19:42] mzuverink: what is the problem with your pvr-150? [19:42] how to change brightness of video [19:42] isaacj87, I dont think so, but I do use effects here [19:42] mmh, i disabled desktop effects [19:42] filthpig: any ideas? [19:43] can anyone tell me why Ubuntu doesn't recognize my RAID 0? [19:43] how to change brightness of video [19:43] [FT]Alex, Samba is not necessary to: [19:43] Access shared folders, drives and printers on a Windows computer (that is, act as a client with Windows servers), you only need a smbfs plugin. See MountWindowsSharesPermanently [19:43] david__: i thought cairo-dock needed compiz to be running [19:43] i will turn it on now and retry [19:43] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [19:43] how to change brightness of video [19:43] can anyone tell me why Ubuntu doesn't recognize my RAID 0? Fedora has no problems [19:43] Frankits on a desktop and I can seem to get the frontend to connect to the backend it days all the interfaces to the device are used [19:43] k, i put effects to normal and it works great [19:43] david__: check at the .deb packages ==> https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=14108 [19:44] Frank,^^^ [19:44] :S [19:44] david__: cool :) [19:44] Does someone know if it is possible to add the xorg Option "DontZap" "yes" to debian database from the console directly? [19:44] can anyone tell me why Ubuntu doesn't recognize my RAID 0? Fedora has no problems [19:44] have no sound after upgrade to hardy, can anyone help [19:44] ? [19:44] Jack_Sparrow [19:44] backtracker: get the latest version [19:44] paulo-falcao: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [19:44] eatatjoes, hw, not sure about that one.. I'd prefer an internal disk install than on an ext hdd, but it shouldn't be a problem either.. sorry bout that.. tried googling it? [19:44] paulo-falcao, Ask in #Ubuntu+1 [19:44] It still doesn't work, any other suggestions? [19:45] join #Ubuntu+1 [19:45] how to change brightness , contrass of video [19:45] !raid | carrera [19:45] carrera: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [19:45] how to change brightness , contrass of video [19:45] ThRixXx, Several things came up on that printer when I gogled your printer and ubuntu [19:45] filthpig: yeah, i was asking NinjaPlimsoles earlier but he must be busy, also, any idea on how to mount the other disks (main hds?) they said "unable to mount" (im in live session) on ubuntu [19:45] how to change brightness , contrass of video [19:45] mzuverink: when you start the frontend and hit watch tv, it says it can't connect to the backend? [19:46] Jack_Sparrow and isaacj87 this is exactly what i was looking for, i would like to tahnks you two again. The channel needs more people like you [19:46] thanks filthpig [19:46] I know, it all gives me the same thin [19:46] david__: no problem! enjoy :) [19:46] david [19:46] how to change brightness , contrass of video [19:46] I followd them and edited the file. [19:46] eatatjoes, whats up? [19:46] prashant, see monitor [19:46] frank_yes [19:46] filthpig, I forgot to say Ubuntu 7.10 doesn't recognize my RAID 0 at installation time [19:46] NinjaPlimsoles: okay i tried that and still no prevail [19:47] what see monitor [19:47] now it doesnt automatically boot to windows but error 21 [19:47] ThRixXx, then something you did prior to that may have messed things up.. sorry but I dont have any suggestions [19:47] prashant, adjust the settings on your monitor [19:47] and another weird thing is that it shows the disk (where i installed ubuntu but doesnt show any other disks (my 2 other partitions on the external or my main hd, it says they are unable to mount, and gives instructions on a force mount) [19:47] how [19:47] eatatjoes, how are your hard disks configured? [19:47] carrera, Are you using the live cd or the alt [19:47] ;/ [19:47] Thanks [19:47] through the menu. it's all hardware. [19:47] mzuverink: is the backend on the same computer and how did you setup mythtv? [19:47] venom ........ how [19:47] ntfs? [19:47] Jack_Sparrow, not sure [19:47] venom ........ how [19:47] i will go now, i need to study this new eye candy [19:48] ThRixXx, Think back about what else you tried that may have added to the problem [19:48] tahnks and bye [19:48] venom ........ how [19:48] it depends on your monitor [19:48] eatatjoes, 1 sata drive, a raid, ide? [19:48] We have started a religion that is, unfortunately, not related to Ubuntu. Gokee2 seems to be our God. We worship in #prog. [19:48] frank_default settings [19:48] internal ide [19:48] venom ........ how [19:48] and external ide [19:48] carrera, Does it boot to a gui desktop with an icon for installing [19:48] prashant, it depends on your monitor [19:48] Jack_Sparrow, i downloaded both the Desktop and Server, but both failed to recognize my RAID [19:48] eatatjoes, i cant see what the problem is, it just boots straight to windows? [19:48] mzuverink: try sudo /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart [19:48] bazhang, you're awesome <3 tnx [19:48] ok [19:49] eatatjoes, huh.. There's something far at the back of my mind concerning that.. What do you do to mount them? [19:49] Jack_Sparrow, I think it did boot to a GUI, that's what i was trying to remember [19:49] NinjaPlimsoles: no when i did the root and setup thing it now gives error 21 instead of booting directly into windows [19:49] !helpersnack | bazhang [19:49] carrera, I dont mess with raid any more these days.. but I seem to remember you had to use the alternatecd [19:49] bazhang: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [19:49] filthpig: i dunno? [19:49] fran_im not on that machine now, i am at work, but i loogeg this and will try it [19:49] Jack_Sparrow, ah... what's the alernate CD then? [19:49] !alternate [19:49] The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [19:50] yay [19:50] ThRixXx, success? [19:50] there was a program i needed to install!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [19:50] thanks Mr. Jack_Sparrow! [19:50] np [19:50] Jack I owe u one man!!! <3 :p [19:50] ik kan het niet meer volgen allemaal. [19:50] chrz!! greets here from SA [19:50] ThRixXx, any time.. glad to help [19:51] if I want to change dir in terminal to desktop i just type cd ~/desktop right? [19:52] VeNoM-work, Cap D [19:52] VeNoM-work: Desktop [19:52] Hello everybody! [19:52] VeNoM-work yes [19:52] k, just how in the world does one get spdif output working with intel HDA ALC880 audio anyways? is it even possible? [19:52] VeNoM-work, Linux is case sensitive [19:52] thanks [19:52] !intelhda [19:53] For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [19:53] thanks, looking [19:53] NinjaPlimsoles or filthpig any ideas? [19:53] [19:53] I am open to the editor, as the data unless I wrote it? [19:53] havenless, See also the #Alsa channel [19:53] mzuverink: join #ubuntu-mythtv when you can ;-) [19:53] eatatjoes, so you have 1 internal HDD on IDE channel 1 and an external drive? [19:54] yes [19:54] ok, i dont know here to ask, but anways: i have a small c-program that runs system("script.sh"); and script.sh runs whoami; the c-program i chmodded +s and owned by me. if i do sudo -u www-data ./c-program i get "www-data" not my username [19:54] (laptop) [19:54] Hey all [19:54] external is connected via firewire [19:54] have I unsterstood this with setting the S bit wrong? === lordmetroid__ is now known as LordMetroid [19:54] Hey guys whenever I'm trying to boot up ubuntu I get "/dev/disk/dyuvid/73e30d0-9b6d-449db-bbgf-f80cf-ed28c32 does not exist, dropping to a shell, and get to a busybox shell... Any ideas? [19:54] and partitioned into 3 sections [19:55] hey guys. im running xubuntu, newest version, and it randomly freezes on me, to the point i need to hard reboot my laptop :(. does it both in xubuntu and regular ubuntu, seperate installs. [19:55] qzio, You might want to look into the C programming channel [19:55] eatatjoes, when you reply to me, type my name at the beginning so i know your talking to me, all users do this [19:55] NinjaPlimsoles: sorry [19:55] Jack_Sparrow: thanks.. [19:55] Right I got a strange problem. Im using ubuntu server with a samba share to some windows machine. The machines can create files on the share, however after 48hrs have passed those files cannot be edited or deleted. [19:55] eatatjoes, no problem, just in case you thought i was ignoring you :P [19:56] hey guys. im running xubuntu, newest version, and it randomly freezes on me, to the point i need to hard reboot my laptop :(. does it both in xubuntu and regular ubuntu, seperate installs. [19:56] bloody`, Which version? [19:56] "Sudo vim / etc / xinetd.d / ircd" I am open to the editor, wrote data in this file, except as what I wrote on it? [19:56] eatatjoes, so you followed my instructions and its giving an error 21? [19:57] NinjaPlimsoles: correct [19:57] 7.10 [19:57] NinjaPlimsoles: im in ubuntu live and it didnt mount my other drives (not sure if that mattered) === marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_- [19:57] bloody`, Please provide hardware info [19:58] how do I mount a folder from a remote web server in a local folder on my ubuntu system? [19:58] eatatjoes, try this method instead: boot the ubuntu live CD, 'sudo su' then 'fdisk -l' find the linux partition/hd [19:58] Can someone recommend virtual machine for ubuntu? [19:58] eatatjoes, then do 'grub-install /dev/hdx' x being your hard drive number [19:58] Repentinus, vbox [19:58] to install ubuntu into, or to run other OSes onto ubuntu? [19:59] what does the sudo do? [19:59] VeNoM-work, sudo grants superuser access [19:59] Jack, would you be so nice to give me link for download? [19:59] so it's like su in other distros NinjaPlimsoles? [19:59] Run other OSes on Ubuntu [19:59] NinjaPlimsoles: can we pm so i can send u what the fdisk -l said? [20:00] eatatjoes, sure [20:00] !info vbox [20:00] Package vbox does not exist in gutsy [20:00] VeNoM-work, No it only runs the command that follows it as superuser [20:00] jack: its a trendnet tew , onboard on a dell ml3706 [20:00] Repentinus, vbox has a channel here [20:00] ahh, thanks fibres [20:00] hi [20:00] since i got the wine update yesterday it has been running wineserver at 100% CPU and will not allow me to kill it. Any suggestions ? [20:00] VeNoM-work, nw [20:00] uhm... why would sysinfo tell me i have debian lenny/sid when i'm on ubuntu gutsy? :o [20:00] lol [20:01] NinjaPlimsoles: it says unregistered cannot pm [20:01] anyone speak french here ? [20:01] Ceil420, Ubuntu is based in Debian, as far as I know. [20:01] any1 now a cool list of repositories [20:01] !fr [20:01] eatatjoes, you must register :) [20:01] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [20:01] francais? [20:01] or wher i can read a lsit of apps and stuff [20:01] sudo killall [20:01] VeNoM-work, su is user substitution, so if you do sudo su it will sudo you without prompting a password, and then convert your term session into superuser [20:01] oops [20:01] ok thanks a lot [20:01] oui [20:01] Seb962, when i had Feisty, it told me so. this is the first time i've looked at it since upgrading to Gutsy, and now it thinks i'm on debian :o [20:01] Can anyone recommend a good XBox or Playstation2 to PC joystick converter for Linux? (USB) [20:02] Ceil420: Ouch lol. Is that causing any kind of concern, though? [20:02] NinjaPlimsoles, I'm not sure what that means to me [20:02] Right I got a strange problem. Im using ubuntu server with a samba share to some windows machine. The machines can create files on the share, however after 48hrs have passed those files cannot be edited or deleted. [20:02] VeNoM-work: it keeps saying erroranoues nick [20:02] fibres, have you installed smbfs? [20:02] I've heard that has been an issue [20:02] Seb962, not particularly. it amuses me more than anything. I was just surprised to see the Debian logo there instead of Ubuntu lol [20:02] Anyone know why wineserver is running at 100% CPU with no wine apps open ? [20:02] At the installation process of Cairo Dock I have this instruction --> Download and decompress the source .tar.bz2, move to the newly created directory (cd opt/cairo-dock/cairo-dock) and type: === eatatjoes is now known as eatatjoes2 [20:03] Ceil420: A conspiracy, in my opinion. [20:03] how do I switch totem to x11 rendering ??? [20:03] what does it mean [20:03] Thank you and bye bye. [20:03] :p [20:03] danand: You there? [20:03] eatatjoes, /msg nickserv register [20:03] VeNoM-work, not sure Its a ext3 formatted partition I believe [20:03] ok, I have been looking, but there is no clear, simple guide I can find to fix the uuids of your drives changing and causing you not be able to boot. They say useful-sounding things like "edit your grub config" -- but it doesnt say how to identify which of the 3 uuids, that show up in dev is your partition, or how to edit the file without vi. :) any help? Or a link to a useful recovery guide? [20:03] ceil420, Did you add a Debian repo to your sources for something you wanted to load? [20:03] I did an apt-get install samba I think [20:04] ceil420, sysinfo on mine also says lenny/sid, all this has ever had on it is ubuntu [20:04] I've been doing some research on samba, let me see if I can find some of those links fibres [20:04] mrpoundsign I found this i. :) any help? Or a link to a useful recovery guide? [20:04] ceil420, Did you add a Debian repo to your sources for something you wanted to load? [20:04] Lol, sorry. [20:04] dgjones, weird :o [20:04] * ceil420 looks at sources.list [20:04] I found this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=679139 [20:04] mrpoundsign, for editors you can sudo nano... for uuid of a partition that is easy as well.. one sec [20:04] What the package name for the VMWare player? [20:04] Cluebuntu: Captain Sanders, in the server hall, with a 1.5m patch cable [20:04] VeNoM-work, Thanks this is causing real problems as it is a production server at a community based radio station on their main studio system [20:04] Anyone -- I've installed fluxbox, but when I run and try to use it, I get nothing on right click. Any ideas? [20:05] Seb962, everything's from ubuntu.com [20:05] Ceil420: I apologize I pasted the wrong thing :) [20:05] Brb. [20:05] fibres, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba [20:05] I don't know if that will help you] [20:05] is it possible to download an older release from apt-get [20:05] ew, smb [20:05] mrpoundsign, sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda7 select partition of your choice [20:06] you need to make sure that you've installed the smbfs IIRC [20:06] I just put a new vid card in, (geforce 7200) and it wont boot, tried xorg, it says xserver is not installed, what can I do? [20:06] install xserver? [20:06] fibres: don't use smbfs, use cifs instead [20:06] how [20:06] oh right. yeah, cifs is better [20:07] XceII, recovery mode at cli sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [20:07] fibres, this is a better link [20:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [20:07] it tried it comes back (xserver is not installed, again [20:07] I always use cifs... smbfs is buggy and inconsistent [20:07] Ok any guides on installing cifs? [20:07] fibres, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [20:07] !cifs [20:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:08] XceII, Something more than changing the video card has happened. [20:08] Jack_Sparrow: thanks. [20:08] mrpoundsign, np [20:08] eatatjoes2, check your PM's [20:08] fibres: google: "site:ubuntuforums.org cifs howto" [20:08] jack-sparrow: when using on board graphics, it works [20:09] and kubuntu picked it up no problem [20:09] Jack_Sparrow: ok, in my fancy pant initramfs, there is no vol_id or sudo. [20:09] Jack_Sparrow: or nano, or anthing useful. :) [20:09] ceil420, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysinfo/+bug/121068 [20:10] ill try that again jack, thanks for the help [20:10] hi :) how can i add users to samba? and: is there a gui? :D [20:10] mrpoundsign, arrgh.. No tools, no fix.. [20:10] howdy, could anyone "remind"me how to check which kernel (and architecture) I have?:) [20:10] fibres, you can also check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280473&highlight=cifs+samba+share [20:10] i tried smb but there isn't any suitable app [20:10] VeNoM-work, Thanks but im using a linux machine as a fiel server for a windows network. It is a linux smb share which im connecting to from a windows machine [20:10] using the command line [20:10] fibres, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [20:10] fibres: i hope to try that soon :) [20:10] fibres: cifs works as smb shares [20:10] dgjones, heh thanks :) [20:10] and i don't want that samba users are system users :) [20:10] richard__, uname -a [20:10] just gotta get that sound working first [20:10] er sorry fibers [20:11] thanks, captain! [20:11] I was trying to send that to someone else [20:11] fr0nk_, use the link above [20:11] np [20:11] dgjones, i figured it was something to do with Gutsy itself and not something else i installed, cos i haven't installed much else :p [20:11] !Screen [20:11] screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen [20:11] Jack_Sparrow: so, when people made the decision to use these uuids -- were they aware that they randomly change? Does linux use a new algorythm for generating ids every 2 months or do? I had the same problem upgrading my desktop machine -- same HDD, but the uuid changed. [20:11] but unlike that bug report, i get the Debian logo instead of the Ubuntu one :p [20:12] ceil420, i do get the ubuntu logo :) [20:12] mrpoundsign, uuid's are a double edge sword, they fix some things but cause other problems. They dont randomly change. But editing or adding partitions does cause us grief [20:12] dgjones, http://ceil.is-a-geek.org/temp/sysinfo.png [20:13] :p [20:13] Is it normal for Xorg to be using up to 80% of my CPU when running an Adobe Flash movie? [20:13] bonsoir a tous; est ce que quelqu'un connait bien dotclear ? [20:13] can someone help me with a wineserver issue? its taking 100% of my CPU, but i have no wine apps open and I cannot kill the process. [20:13] good evening [20:13] chadse, try #Winehq [20:14] its dead over there, but ill try again [20:14] Jack_Sparrow: ok, fixed it in the grub boot (once) -- will try the fancy tool to fix. :) and I much prefer sd[*] [20:14] willy_: essaie #ubuntu-fr [20:14] !fr | willy_ [20:14] willy_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [20:14] how do I switch totem to x11 rendering ??? [20:14] merci j'y vais [20:14] i currently have vista inatalled on 1 partition of a raid0 array on the Intel ICH8R controller of my asus p5b deluxe, now i want to install ubuntu 7.10 on the other partition of the raid0 array, whats the best way to do this? i installed ubuntu several times but never with raid (i have a new system) [20:14] join /ubuntu-fr [20:14] !paste [20:14] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [20:14] open up 3 firefox tabs and my x restarts, firefox blows [20:14] is there a way to throttle update-manager? [20:15] lol flood? its my story / question... [20:15] adamb: i have about 20 FF3 windows open right now ... maybe your machine [20:15] chadse: no happens on every person is the office. [20:15] to test, open up 4 random myspace pages, and your firefox will crash, or x will restart on its own. [20:16] hdevalence: cpu usage or download rates? [20:16] macogw: download rates [20:16] hdevalence: oh umm yes, look up network shaping [20:16] adamb, link 4 pages for me [20:17] hey guys. im running xubuntu, newest version, and it randomly freezes on me, to the point i need to hard reboot my laptop :(. does it both in xubuntu and regular ubuntu, seperate installs. [20:17] macogw: I have conrol over only my machine though [20:17] not the router [20:17] adamb: very strange ... 4 linux boxes here in front of me ... i dont have that issue at all .. are you on FF3B3 ? [20:17] could someone answer some very basic questions for me with Linux, please? [20:17] hdevalence: should still be a way i think... [20:17] not strange, it happens to everyone in office, lol [20:17] we all run diff linux versions of ubuntu/kubuntu [20:18] <[FT]Alex> depends on the myspace page you're loading, probably :p [20:18] I'm interested in getting Linux, Mint...is it a good OS and how do I boot from a CD? [20:18] I realize this is for Ubuntu, which I am currently using, but I have no idea where to turn for some guidance [20:18] adamb: ive got 4 myspace pages open, no issues for me [20:18] Jack_Sparrow: any random myspace pages... it chokes up on the ones with loading all that crap, like images, js, embded songs/vidoeos.. [20:18] adamb, maybe The Boss has decided that going to MySpace during business hours is Not A Good Idea? [20:18] adamb: try installing noscript on them [20:18] Downsay, i would recommend joining Linux Mint's IRC room for those kinds of questions :) [20:19] i currently have windows inatalled on 1 partition of a raid0 array on the Intel ICH8R controller of my asus p5b deluxe, now i want to install ubuntu 7.10 on the other partition of the raid0 array, whats the best way to do this? i installed ubuntu (including multiboot) several times but never with raid (i have recently bought a new system) [20:19] drc: I am the boss [20:19] ok, which is where? === |muelli| is now known as Muelli [20:19] Downsay, Mint has little support [20:19] adamb: how did you do these FF installs and did you have FF2 installed before ? [20:19] I'm really a newbie with all this stuff [20:19] all I need is pointing in the correct direction [20:19] and thank you for the help! [20:19] noscript? [20:19] Downsay - check your machine can boot from CD by checking in the bios. the cdrom should be before the hard disk in the boot order. [20:19] Ok I have a big problem [20:19] default ff installs [20:19] thanks danand [20:19] Downsay - then just pop the cd in the drive and start the machine [20:19] does anyone know what the server is for mint's help? [20:19] It says that my Ubuntu File System is read only, I have installed Ubuntu [20:20] wow.... screen is NICE. [20:20] how did you install FF3 though ... via apt or via compile ? [20:20] k, danand, you've been a huge help [20:20] I'm going to go ahead and do that [20:20] thanks a lot! [20:20] Downsay - read all the install info before you do that though [20:20] ok [20:20] :P [20:20] who said I had ff3? [20:20] then maybe I should stay here [20:20] lol [20:20] Downsay - luck [20:20] Downsay - ubuntu is better :P [20:21] ubuntu is the bets [20:21] *best [20:21] Hello. What do I need to create a tap device for using with qemu? [20:21] sorry i misread an earlier post ... i havent used FF2 in months ... [20:21] there ff goes with the graying out.. rolls his eyes... [20:21] NWH_Ed depends on your needs [20:21] Could someone help me? I'm having an issue with sound. [20:22] also with google toolbar, ff crashes after 3 windows open... you can test that.. [20:22] danand, pm, please [20:22] do you notice the issue on js pages .. or pages with embeded video .... what happens if you just open 4 pages of google.com [20:22] Use Opera :) [20:22] My ubuntu install is saying that it is a Read Only File System [20:22] max_ - if thats an intel card that uses the snd-hda-intel driver then NO :P [20:22] NWH_Ed: Are you currently running the LiveCD or something? [20:22] no its just pages with lots of embeded crap.. [20:22] !info alsa-firmware [20:22] Package alsa-firmware does not exist in gutsy [20:22] Downsay - ok [20:22] it's possible to install ubuntu server from internet without burning a CD ? [20:22] i can open 20 with pages thats not doing anything.. [20:23] hello [20:23] danand ... it is an Intel card ... but why wont it work? [20:23] abstrak: I dont know if there's a network install for Ubuntu [20:23] I install ubuntu a while back, mark [20:23] It works, but not in apps like Wine. [20:23] adamb: noscript might make it work ok [20:23] adamb: no js or flash will run on its own. user has to allow it [20:23] adamb ... your problem sounds like a plugin issue then and not FF ... do an about:plugins and make sure there is a plugin listed for Java and for the media types ... esp flash [20:23] You see, sometimes the sound works in programs like wine, sometimes it doesnt. [20:23] abstrak: what's said server running now? [20:23] danand, can you see my msg? [20:23] I have installed a program from source and i want to remove this program but i dont know since its not a package [20:23] adamb: but maybe upgrading to ff3 would be a good idea. ff3 is not the mem hog the old ones were [20:23] abstrak: http://www.wrigley.me.uk/wp/?p=71 [20:24] i cant either remove using "apt-get remove xxxxx" [20:24] how do I type directly to someone in Xchat like danand is doing? [20:24] I'm browsing through the "Add/Remove Applications" app, and I'm seeing two "NVidia binary X.Ord driver"s... one by that name, and one that says ('new' driver). The descriptions are the same. What's the difference? [20:24] noscript is a package a ff addon, or? [20:24] max_ - oh no - if you search the forums there is help available - just that i've seen _alot_ of people have problems with those cards [20:24] cmoputer does not find [20:24] !install | abstrak [20:24] abstrak: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [20:24] Downsay: /msg [20:24] ty very much [20:24] yeonhoo: you need to remove where it installed to [20:24] how can i remove a program that i install from source code??? [20:25] ah.. [20:25] yeonhoo_: that's on you [20:25] jim, no it isnt [20:25] Downsay - if your not registered with Nickserv i don't think you can pm :( [20:25] yeonhoo: Look for the firectory it installed to [20:25] I used to be registered...hrm [20:25] how do i install ubuntu on a partition of my raid0 array on a * Set by Seveas on Fri Feb 01 00:59:44 [20:25] ik heb momenteel vista op mijn pc staan op een van men 2 partities van men raid0 array op men asus p5b deluxe moederbordje (op de Intel ICH8R chip), nu zou ik graag ubuntu 7.10 op de andere partitie installeren en multibooten, heb ubuntu al een aantal keer geinstalleerd maar nog nooit met raid, hoe kan ik dit best doen? [20:25] tzijn trouwens 2 raptors :D [20:25] * Petrov (n=Petrov@138.116-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #ubuntu-nl [20:25] strange [20:25] * fransman (n=frans@a80-127-14-241.adsl.xs4all.nl) has joined #ubuntu-nl [20:25] Ward1983: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:25] yeonhoo_, do you still have the directory where you compiled it? [20:25] Wordt er al ergens over een Hardy Heron release party geschreven? [20:25] yeonhoo_, Look into make uninstall [20:25] how to register? [20:25] flood =O [20:25] NinjaPlimsoles, yes i think i have [20:25] //////////////////////// [20:26] NinjaPlimsoles, im not sure about that [20:26] redneck, Please dont do that [20:26] Also, for future source compiling, you can always make a deb of your made binaries using.. uh... damn, forgot the name of the app... is it 'makeinstall'? [20:26] i'm on hardy and want to get back on gusty... what's the better way ... my system is well configured now... a lot of time ! [20:26] yeonhoo_, cd to that directory and type make uninstall [20:26] Downsay - do you want to go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss? [20:26] yes [20:26] sorry Jack.. just tested this thing [20:26] Downsay - k, see you in there [20:26] NinjaPlimsoles, ok i try [20:26] checkinstall - installation tracker [20:26] <||COSTA||> is there anyone here who could help to syncronize a pocket pc with ubuntu? [20:26] yeonhoo: look at the package called checkinstall [20:27] !Checkinstall [20:27] checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! [20:27] sorry about that, accidentally cut a piece of irc channel [20:27] i meant to paste something else [20:27] marx2k, hes trying to UNINSTALL not make a .deb, please dont topic jump === testyghgh is now known as ioxer [20:27] NinjaPlimsoles: read above. I said "in the future, use..." [20:28] i'm on hardy and want to get back on gusty... what's the better, simple and faster way ? [20:28] abstrak, You cant downgrade [20:28] you cant really downgrade [20:28] NinjaPlimsoles: one way to uninstall is for him to find out everything make install did, and remove what it placed [20:28] ok [20:28] abstrak, Insert Gutsy CD and hit install [20:28] i have to reinstall [20:28] Jack_Sparrow: alright, I am booted, and that command spits out the ID -- which is great, but how do I fix my booting issue? What /file/ do I need to edit/add that to? [20:29] I hope you created a seperate /home partition ;) [20:29] what's the big differences between desktop and server version ? [20:29] of ubuntu [20:29] mrpoundsign, Not sure if you are looking for /boot/grub/menu.lst or /etc/fstab [20:29] where are keyboard button actions mapped for special laptop keys ? [20:29] abstrak: the GUI [20:29] I thought server version was CLI only [20:29] somebody with experience with hidden partitions, laptops and installing ubuntu prv me [20:29] pls pls [20:29] how can i install ubuntu 7.10 on a partition of my raid0 array, working with a intel ICH8R [20:29] reflexivu just ask in the channel [20:29] jim, yeah but thats very arduous :P [20:30] !keys [20:30] Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [20:30] abstrak: if you didn't make a separate /home, you can do that if you have some unpartitioned space... it would be a good thing for you to do that before reinstalling if you have stuff in /home you want to keep [20:30] hi! using transmission, i know there are 2000+ seeders available for a torrent. but transmission is only connected 50 of them. i'm using ~5% of my bandwidth. how can i increase the number of seeders i DL from? [20:30] yep ... === FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 [20:30] how many screen sessions can I have open at once?! [20:31] during the update from 7.04 to 7.10 my custom motd was lost.. if i'm to replace it with a new one i put that in /etc/ or in /var/run/? [20:31] <[FT]Alex> magnetron - tried forwarding the ports on your router? [20:31] marx> what channel? :| [20:31] NinjaPlimsoles: it might be his only choice... make uninstall may or may not work if it even exists for the thing he installed [20:31] reflexivu this one [20:31] i mean for FN keyboard shortcuts [20:31] Does anyone have a tutorial to set up a mail server they really like, by any chance? [20:31] !Sendmail [20:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about sendmail - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:31] !Mail [20:31] mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com [20:31] [FT]Alex: i'm seeding twice as much as i download [20:31] blah [20:31] !Keyboard [20:31] To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts [20:31] is it possible to resize windows partitions in the ubuntu installation process? [20:32] !msgthebot | marx2k [20:32] marx2k: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [20:32] l3dx, yes [20:32] marx2k: the ubuntu server guide mentions how to set up a mail server [20:32] Just curiously, how to describe to a newbie where to find vino in Ubuntu? [20:32] l3dx, Strongly suggest you defrag twice first though [20:32] <[FT]Alex> magnetron - sounds like a port forwarding problem. are you using a router? [20:32] !shortcuts [20:32] Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [20:32] marx2k: thanks [20:32] magnetron: really? is that on the wiki? [20:32] i'm talking about FN key shortcuts [20:32] <`David> at the rate i'm here i should just stay here lol [20:33] [FT]Alex: i have direct access, no router. [20:33] i want to make my desktop pc a server (web, mail, ssh) and a mythtv backend and frontend... I want compiz to ... what's the best distro choice for all that? [20:33] Yasumoto: yes [20:33] <`David> i need some help finding drivers for my broadcom 56k modem for ubuntu [20:33] ok... i have an aspire 5102WLMi acer notebook... my internal hdd is split into 3 partitions, from which two are normal usuable windows partitions, and the las one is hidden, fore recovery etc [20:33] could some Ubuntuspecialist tell me how to configure the fan button? my laptop is FSC Amilo Li1718 [20:33] is there an alsa-firmware package installable on ubuntu? I would like to port it to debian [20:33] <[FT]Alex> magnetron - what are you downloading? is it on a private tracker you don't have access to? watch out for moviex [20:33] <`David> i need some help finding drivers for my broadcom 56k modem for ubuntu [20:33] [FT]Alex: private tracker [20:33] `David, Probably a softmodem ugh.. good luck [20:34] [FT]Alex: this is on a public tracker [20:34] <`David> it is [20:34] reflexivu: its probably just hiding from windows. i dont think they can truly hide [20:34] i wish to instal the ubuntu 7.10 for 64bit amd turion cpu, on an external hdd drive, on usb [20:34] Jack_Sparrow, ok thanks! :) [20:34] broadcom isn't the most supportive either [20:34] well [20:34] abstrak: you shouldn't use a desktop for server purpose... [20:34] <`David> broadcom BCM4212 V0.90 56K [20:34] why ? security ? [20:34] <`David> i cant find ANYTHING [20:34] abstrak: yes. [20:34] `David, http://www.debianadmin.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html [20:34] magnetron: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer thanks :D [20:34] Hello all [20:34] the partition holds my licensed windows copy, with all the drivers and license key [20:35] I have a bug report for Ubuntu Dapper LTS 6/06 x64 [20:35] but I dont know how to submit it [20:35] so i do not wish to destroy it or render it unusuable when i install ubuntu [20:35] any help? [20:35] windvogel: so ubuntu-server ? debian ? i want a debian based distro ... [20:35] there should be a package called reportbug [20:35] windvogel: why? [20:35] tek-ops: use launchpad please [20:35] how do I remove kubuntu desktop(originally ubuntu gnome) [20:35] !launchpad | tek-ops [20:35] launchpad? [20:35] tek-ops: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [20:35] !bugs | tek-ops [20:35] tek-ops: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [20:35] anybody :| [20:36] abstrak, ubuntu is pretty user friendly, and also pretty much takes care of all issues for you [20:36] oh right [20:36] hah, i remember being impressed with this when i read up on it [20:36] windvogel: is it bad to use a desktop as a server? aside from that thing where they made gutsy's kernel have panics on boot if you put it on non-PAE hardware? [20:36] how did I forgot, sorry, and thanks guys [20:36] hey all, i have a dell inspiron e1505 and my wireless is not working. i followed the HOWTO on the forums yet that did not fix my wireless issue. [20:36] reflexivu: is it windows XP? [20:36] Hello. Is it possible to use OpenVPN in TAP mode with the generic kernel? [20:36] abstrak and macogw: because on a server only the services you REALLY NEED should run - nothing else. everything you don't need on a server is a risk [20:37] windows vista [20:37] <[FT]Alex> VeNoM - user friendly as ubuntu is, I still can't see my bloody workgroup :p [20:37] really complex recovery system [20:37] also the xserver with gnome, kde, xfce or what ever... [20:37] hello, guys when I try to install a deb package it says "Failed to satisfy all dependencies (broken cache)" [20:37] can I fix that? [20:37] reflexivu, it would be easier for people to reply if you kept your question on one line [20:37] windvogel: so ubuntu-server + gnome | kde + mythtv + compiz ? can work all together ? [20:37] hey all... any of you have experience with getting IEEE1394 working with a mini-DV? [20:38] reflexivu; with all dual boots i've ever encountered you'll need the windows cd to do a repair.. windows puts files all over a partition and some of your system files is likely to be erased if you resize your partition [20:38] <`David> any1 help me find a site for drivers? [20:38] bastid_raZor: not true [20:38] read what Goodwill said as "firewire" [20:38] i know, but my wuestion is reallly large :P [20:38] i think [20:38] so prv would be good [20:38] yeah [20:38] magnetron; with my experience it is. like i stated 'that i've encountered' [20:38] oops sorry macogw [20:38] yay. just got a shell on a client without portforwarding over remote ssh port forwarding [20:39] reflexivu: got a web site? [20:39] lastelement0: what brand of wireless card do you have? [20:39] Goodwill: we might be a bunch of techies but normal names are cool too :P [20:39] lol indeed macogw... [20:39] abstrak: ANY server plus gnome or kde is a no no [20:39] spideylinux: broadcom [20:39] reflexivu: you are advised to make a backup, but in any case i've seen, ubuntu resizes the windows partition just fine [20:39] jim: yeah.. why? [20:39] if you give something on the security [20:39] windvogel: ? [20:39] or hang on the inet... [20:39] so... Firewire, anyone? [20:39] lastelement0: are you running gutsy? [20:39] reflexivu: good :) put your question there on some page... as you get answers or more questions, add them to the page [20:40] how can i install ubuntu 7.10 on a partition of my raid0 array, working with a intel ICH8R [20:40] NinjaPlimsoles, i know the command to execute the program but i coudnt find the dicrectory [20:40] post url in places like this where you want to try getting help [20:40] jim: or he could just ask here [20:40] spideylinux: yes i am. i had just done a fresh install, i had dual booted with windows and had it working. but with my fresh install it doesnt work [20:40] NinjaPlimsoles, how can i find the installed directory knowing just the command? [20:40] NinjaPlimsoles, command to execute that program [20:41] !enter | yeonhoo_ [20:41] yeonhoo_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [20:41] magnetron: or whatever he wants. I'm just offering him an additional choice he might not have though about [20:41] thought about [20:41] lastelement0: I have a similar laptop and had to use the ndiswrapper to have a stable wireless connection [20:41] reflexivu, make a backup of your Windows install and reformat the hard drive...? [20:41] windvogel: my uses : a desktop to develop + mythtv 24/24 [20:41] hello, guys when I try to install a deb package it says "Failed to satisfy all dependencies (broken cache)" [20:41] lastelement0: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware [20:42] white_eagle: find out what it needs. install those. try again. [20:43] jim: no, it does that with ANY package [20:43] jim: all dependencies for every package I try are installed [20:43] maybe you're mixing? [20:43] http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=security+server+kde&btnG=Search [20:43] jim: ? [20:44] what's one dependency you see that most attempted installs complain about? [20:44] white_eagle, I think there's a way to install stand-alone deb packs with apt, have you tried that` [20:44] filthpig: I need the newest one [20:44] filthpig: pidgin 2.4.0 [20:44] oh, so you are mixing [20:44] I have removed the old one [20:44] first [20:44] you probably have to backport [20:44] im trying to remove a program that has been installed from source code. I know a command to execute a program but i dont know how to remove [20:44] any idea? [20:45] ok [20:45] I fixed it [20:45] with running apt-get update [20:45] white_eagle, as I said, you can install /stand-alone/ debs with apt, and apt will take care of deps [20:45] newest pidgin is available at http://www.getdeb.net/ [20:45] polter: yes [20:45] are the main video encoding apps multi-threaded? I'm wondering if a quad-core is a better deal than OC'ing a core 2 duo box [20:45] polter: I know [20:45] im trying to remove a program that has been installed from source code. I know a command to execute a program but i dont know how to remove [20:45] spideylinux: i followed the steps there and that did not work [20:46] yeonhoo_, You have been given the answer a few times... INsatalling from outside the repos does have a serious down side [20:46] hi world [20:46] eatatjoes2, im back :) [20:46] yeonhoo_: find out what it installed, remove all those. [20:46] How do I find out what version of a particular pices of software im running on ubuntu server? [20:47] yeonhoo_, http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ [20:47] jim, but i cant find a directory that are installed files [20:47] maybe "make install > install.log 2>&1" will help [20:47] Jack_Sparrow, i installed from source code not from package [20:47] yeonhoo_, You dont need to know that if you follow the direction [20:47] ok. i recompiled alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-utils, edited /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base (6stack-digout), tried all the mixer options and all, still no sound (over spdif)... [20:47] NinjaPlimsoles: so should i proceed with the install? [20:47] No package 'glitz-glx' found [20:48] been poking at this for like 2h so far, still no sound :( [20:48] when installing the b2.gz [20:48] fibres: try "dpkg -l | grep name_of_your_software_package [20:48] I love how apt handles packages [20:48] yeonhoo_: then read install.log [20:48] the tar2.bz [20:48] Hi. I'm trying to compile a rt2561 wifi chipset driver for 2.6.24 kernel (ubuntu 8.04) and I get some errors. the first one is : "error: implicit declaration of function ‘SET_MODULE_OWNER’". [20:48] its way better than yum [20:48] any help [20:48] ? [20:48] !hardy | prodigel [20:48] prodigel: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [20:48] white_eagle, See also aptitude.. [20:48] fibres, is it what you need? === VeNoM is now known as VeNoM-work [20:49] prodigel: my guess is thats because hardy isn't really stable yet [20:49] white_eagle, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205766 [20:49] white_eagle: I think it has something to do with the new kernel version, I've compiled it previously with 2.6.20 and it worked [20:50] Jack_Sparrow: what is that for? [20:50] <`David> lol someone point me to a site where i can dl drivers for my 56k broadcom modem? [20:50] white_eagle, I like apt-get but wanted you to see a better alternative [20:51] hi [20:51] is it possible to build a table of contents in abiword ? [20:51] hi! can anyone tell me how can i launch a program automatically after a system start? (like pidgin).. [20:52] qxxx: add the program in System>Preferences>Session>Startup Programs [20:52] !startup [20:52] thanks!! [20:52] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [20:52] hey folks. I'm running sourcemage gnu/linux. No one i my distro rooms seems to know the answer to this one. I am trying to get eve running on a 64-bit system. It seems to want a lsb_release. Looking over the web page for that i see a number of large packages. I'm not sure where i can grab that file from. Does anyone know what i speak of? [20:52] :) [20:53] ok Jacc-sparrow, got it running, thanks [20:54] jack [20:54] <[FT]Alex> wah! I just hit windows+r accidentally and it zoomed in! how do I zoom out? [20:54] <[FT]Alex> oh nm [20:54] Bearcat_work, lsb_release -a works in ubuntu if that is what you mean.. it returns the current distro you are running. [20:54] [FT]Alex, What is the command to unzoom [20:54] damn, me too WIn+R, now what? [20:54] lol [20:54] <[FT]Alex> it's windows+1 [20:55] Ok any ati ppl around, I have great working xorg.conf for a nvidia card and would like to set it up for tv out on an ati carded machine. I should only have to change the driver from nvidia to ati and set the proper pci address eg. BusID "PCI:X:X:X" to whatever new machine says and load the proper and edit it for ati modules instead, right? [20:55] <[FT]Alex> or 2 or 3 for various zoom levels [20:55] cool, thx [20:55] Hi, while trying to update from gutsy to hardy (update-manager -d) I think I have a problem as the update-manager wants to remove ~100 packages, some of them being xrandr, xmodmap, xman, xhost, xkill, system-config-printer, openoffice.orgm, gpgp... that does not sound sane to me, should I update anyway? [20:55] Jack_Sparrow: thanks. What i need to figure out is how to install it on my (non-rpm using) system. So i'd really like the app and it's associated files in a tarball. But to start with here: http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/Downloads it is not at all clear to me which one of these contains lsb_release [20:55] *proper modules [20:56] !info lsb_release [20:56] Package lsb_release does not exist in gutsy [20:56] hey whats the best way to watch vides and or listen to music from any machine in the world on kubuntu> is it through samba and ssh or a media server like jinzora? [20:57] Jack_Sparrow: yeah, thats what gets me [20:57] BizMan, twonkymedia. let me find you a link to the tutorial [20:57] thanks Jack_Sparrow [20:57] bye [20:57] Bearcat_work, It isnt a package... [20:57] BizMan, http://scrambled.wordpress.com/2008/01/06/howto-stream-music-pictures-and-movies-to-an-xbox-360-with-linux/ [20:57] BizMan: you might try Ampache. It's been around for 12 years and is well developes [20:57] whitman, Thanks for reading that.. good eh [20:57] it says xbox360 but the server works for anything to connect [20:57] here is the working xorg http://pastebin.ca/930803 [20:57] oin #ubuntu-de [20:58] `David, http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2007/07/ubuntu-plus-dell-equals-better-support.html may be helpful [20:58] Jack_Sparrow: right. I'm just needing to get the command 'lsb_release' to do something on my computer so Eve will start up. [20:58] venomwork.. now this doesnt make it flash video or aynthign right [20:58] i can just stream stuff from vlc? [20:58] the ati fglrx module is already loaded and direct rendering enabled [20:58] no BizMan, you can stream using this program [20:59] anybody using netspeed_applet2. It wrongly reports the download and upload speed. Anybody having the same problem [20:59] !info lsb [20:59] lsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 3.1 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 3.1-23.1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB [20:59] like free sotware! ;p [20:59] <[FT]Alex> oh oh, so I just connected to a windows computer by typing the ip, and its name is " on (null)". Is this why I can't browse my workgroup? does anyone know how to fix that? [20:59] Bearcat_work, See that...? [21:00] afaik BizMan you can't stream using vlc [21:00] cvasilak; i use it.. you have to set it to which Network device you're using .. mine is eth0 . [21:00] Hello again! .. currently in Live CD session .. starting my Ubuntu installation to Hard Drive [ watch over me you Geeks !! ] [21:00] <`David> Jack_Sparrow [21:01] Linux_Fresher: good luck [21:01] anyone to help me with CairoDock installation? [21:01] `David, What... arrrggggh [21:01] VeNoM-work: you can. The server part of vlc will do that [21:01] bastid_raZor, I selected ath0(my wireless connection) but its still the same :( [21:01] HighNo, I was not aware [21:01] <`David> Jack_Sparrow would any of the drivers on http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ work for my broadcom modem? [21:01] cvasilak; you also have the option to use KB or kbit.. those will surely throw you off if you're not careful [21:01] hi, how do I start netspeed, cvasilak ?? [21:01] backtracker, should be a no brainer.. what is the prob [21:01] Jack_Sparrow: yeah, i did. Now, i could grab that on my kubuntu laptop and install it, then copy over the files to my main machine. Of course i need a 64-bit version and my kubuntu laptop is 32...*sigh* [21:01] `David, yes, but speed will be limited [21:01] hi [21:01] Can anyone tell me how to stop ubuntu from looking to the install cd when running apt-get? [21:01] iNeo: currently because of little low free space on HD, assigning 5 GBs to ubuntu .. that wont be a problem right .. because website requirement says 2 GB , documentation on CD says 10 GB .. lot of difference [21:02] Jack_Sparrow: well I got this error at TEH 'By compiling it' step [21:02] fibres, easy.. system admin software sources and uncheck cd [21:02] Linux_Fresher: 2 is the minimum [21:02] it is not in system->preferences->Sessions, cvasilak ... [21:02] No package 'glitz-glx' found [21:02] iNeo: so 5 GBs is ok ? [21:02] Jack_Sparrow, im running ubuntu server with no gui. [21:02] backtracker, Why compile something that has a drb [21:02] chickenFuego, http://www.gnome.org/projects/netspeed/ [21:02] Linux_Fresher: for basic install I say yes [21:02] drb? or deb? [21:03] If setting up encrypted LVM from the Ubuntu Alternate Install CD, can one change the passphrase at a later date, or is it set in stone? [21:03] fibres; edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD portion of it [21:03] iNeo: btw i am as fresh in linux as they come .. BOX PACKED .. so when you say for "basic", is that the one i am doing ? later on if it says "Advanced" i will be totally stumped [21:03] how do i streem video [21:03] bastid_raZor, thanks [21:03] fibres, sudo nano /ect/apt/sources.list rem out the cd [21:03] venom?> [21:03] if I watch a youtube video, and then after the video is done, if I leave any firefox window open and I attempt to listen to streaming audio with xmms it says sound is busy. [21:03] Jack_Sparrow: so I just download .deb file and install it that's all? [21:03] sorry, I'm at work, had something to do [21:03] backtracker, yes [21:04] Linux_Fresher: Don't select to many packages, you can add them later [21:04] and where do it install it? [21:04] Linux_Fresher, my / partition is 5 gb and there's no problem, prolly got 3 or 4 gb in use.. then again, I have 240 gb on /home :) [21:04] okay BizMan, if you follow the link I gave you, it will help you to install and set up the program. once installed, you can connect to it from any other computer, and you can stream from the linux computer [21:04] backtracker, Do you want a link or do you have it.. `David may be able to help too.. :) [21:04] Jack_Sparrow: thx [21:04] there are other options out there, but I have found that this workes the easiest for me [21:04] filthpig: erm .. so home has to be another drive than the OS installation drive? =/ [21:04] salut? [21:05] anyone know of a way to get around this annoying thing? right now what I have to do is close all firefox windows and then the audio will stream [21:05] no, but it's recommended [21:05] is there a way to use see a physical hard drive in a virtualbox guest os? [21:05] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> brophat, change the audio device in xmms' preference [21:05] it's ugly [21:06] I have a black area out of the Dock [21:06] filthpig: ok before i get confused and drop the plan, i have one 80 GB hard drive .. 13 GBs free .. can give 5 gbs to Ubuntu .. second hard disk is 40 GB divided as 20 gb and 20 gb .. filled with windowz programs and videos movies etc .. cannot be emptied or used right now [21:06] Linux_Fresher, all I'm saying is that it'll work just fine, as long as you dont intend to save tons of stuff on the partition :) [21:06] or if not even a physical folder of a drive [21:06] [Hardy]TuTUXG hmm ok any idea what to change it to? [21:06] Jack_Sparrow: I have a black area out of the Dock [21:06] filthpig: :) that would do [21:07] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> brophat, u have to try each one, dont know which one is working for u [21:07] iancp; i use vmware but yes it is.. in vmware i set a shared folder then in side the guest os i goto network and find it there. [21:07] backtracker, easy to fix... go into the settings and try a different theme.. [21:07] ok thanks [21:07] cvasilak, what do you use to compare? I would suggest to run sudo iptraf. [21:07] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> brophat, there shouldn't be many options anyways [21:07] Linux_Fresher, and you CAN read/write on NTFS/FAT disks from ubuntu, so there's no big problem.. [21:07] filthpig: okies !! clicking on the install icon !! hopefully this chat doesnt get stopped while installing .. will u be around for next 30 mins or so ? [ how long it would take for this install with default basic packeges ] [21:08] Jack_Sparrow: yep, I've tried but still [21:08] backtracker, It is in there, keep looking [21:08] bbl, everyone play nice... [21:08] Linux_Fresher, depends on your hw, but I'd say about 20-30 mins or so.. And everything will work as it should during install :) [21:08] filthpig: oh NTFS cant be used to write .. thats what the CD documentation said .. so ubuntu loads NTFS as read only .. fat32 is no problem for linux [all this from documentation that comes with cd] [21:09] Linux_Fresher, You can write to ntfs... [21:09] filthpig: cool !! but now remember !! u r my basic support pillar !! dont run away please for next 1/2 hour [21:09] chickenFuego, well when firefox say 110kb/sec and netspeed2 applet says 466kb/sec. Is this reasonable? [21:09] Linux_Fresher, yes it can, I've done it several times. That should be default from 7.10.. [21:10] chickenFuego, i have only firefox open no bittorent no streaming nothing [21:10] Jack_Sparrow: but .. but .. the documentation that came with CD cant be wrong .. i can copy paste it if u want [21:10] cvasilak; are the update times the same? if netspeed updates slower or fast it'll report different speeds [21:10] !ntfs-3g [21:10] ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [21:10] Linux_Fresher, I'll hang around, but I don't expect any problems for your install [21:10] cvasilak; i have mine set at 500 millisecond [21:10] filthpig: thanks m8 [21:10] [Hardy]TuTUXG seems to have worked thanks. [21:11] np [21:11] cvasilak; and mine isn't the same as firefox either.. [21:11] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> brophat, np === ikks is now known as ikks2 [21:11] Jack_Sparrow: wanna see a Print Screen of my Cairo-Dock? [21:11] [Hardy]TuTUXG turns out I only had one option called "alternate device" [21:11] backtracker, not really... off to lunch [21:11] backtracker; i would.. i use Avant and would like to compare [21:11] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> brophat, that's reasonable [21:12] bastid_raZor: mmkay, wait I'll upload it [21:13] backtracker; /msg me with the url please [21:13] filthpig: just before i start, could we clear the disparity about NTFS please? how can be the documentation that came with this downloaded iso image CD is wrong ? its downloaded from a very proper source given on www.ubuntu.com .. no issues there .. i mean its not a fake ubuntu installation i think [21:13] hi. I wanna setup a ubuntu fat client system. How do i do it? [21:13] bastid_raZor, Ok i set it to 500ms but it doesn't work firefox says 172kb/s and netspeed2 reports 420kb/sec [21:13] bastid_raZor: mmkay [21:13] <[T]an1> anyone here using innotek virtual box? [21:13] if no but vmware works good [21:14] !compiz [21:14] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [21:14] Would anyone know of a good link to getting a 8800GT working in Gutsy? Tried so many tutorials and still not workie.. (q6600 intel) 64bit.. any help would be appreciated [21:14] <[T]an1> virtualbox=free [21:14] cvasilak; in preferences do you have show bits/s (b/s) instead of bytes (B/s) checked or unchecked? [21:14] Linux_Fresher, it's probably just a slip up when updating the documentation from 7.04, ntfs-write wasn't enabled back then [21:14] bastid_raZor, I found this http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=447669 probably some other people have the same problem [21:15] filthpig: ah ! np .. starting installation now [21:15] bastid_raZor, bytes [21:15] if im trying to set up my apache server, where in the unix directory structure is a good place to put the server files? [21:15] like html content [21:16] xim, by default apache will use /var/www you don t like it? [21:16] xim: I have always seen /var/www [21:16] cvasilak; i don't have that option checked.. and i'm using version 0.13 .. possibly you're having the same issues as those others. [21:16] hi freaks [21:17] Linux_Fresher, I've used the ntfs-3g driver for, well, at least a year, and never had any problems reading or writing to ntfs.. but there's no guarantee, though, so be sure to back-up your essentials from the ntfs drives as a precation [21:17] bastid_raZor, :( thanks anyway :) [21:17] bastid_raZor: priv [21:18] cvasilak; good luck :\ [21:18] backtracker; thanks [21:18] ah ok, i hadnt started the install yet === dmlb2000_ is now known as dmlb2000 === zumo is now known as langeweile [21:18] but thanks thats good [21:19] is there a way to see the boot messages during boot, [21:19] zippytech, try ctrl-alt-F1 [21:19] remove the splash screen [21:19] cool [21:19] im still having problems with GRUB anyone good with installing Ubuntu onto an external HD (with Windows on the main internal one)? [21:20] starting drive partitioner .. its massively going through my hard drives i think === [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia [21:20] does anyone use 7Zip to extract multi-part archives, here, in Linux? I'm trying to figure out the MAN page for 7zip & there is a cryptic switch. Does anyone know how to read the switch combinations (or what is it called) in Linux? [21:21] nice thanks [21:21] Just wonder if LVM is an option, especially if one wants to use one of the volumes for a LUKS container? [21:21] So I want to install the recent JAVA on my 7.10 machine.. one of the prerequisites is "gcc base 3.3".. The install coudn't possibly disturb my gcc 4.13, now could it ?!? [21:21] teat3r: 7Zip --help [21:21] teat3r: 7Zip -help [21:21] teat3r: 7Zip -h [21:22] Anyone watch Unstarved in here? [21:22] greets peeps [21:23] -_- [21:23] i have an ubuntu upgrade x server issue.. i'm patient though.. thanks [21:23] ChickenF > yes I've read that info in the Man page. its the first switch that I need for a multipart archive I think. it is " -ai[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: Include archives ". What is that supposed to mean? [21:23] filthpig: just till the install procedure can i please pm you ? chat is not full screen and is scrolling real fast [21:24] You all know that Ubuntu blows right? [21:24] Gentoo is so much better [21:24] hahha [21:24] I mean, things actually work [21:24] what arepeopleusingas anIRC clientother thanthe'BuddyList'application? [21:24] guys whats the best way watch my movies on my home machine from any pc in the world? [21:24] yeah [21:24] Ozymandius: and takes 3 days to get them all compiled and running..yeah great [21:24] Rods_Tiger, i have Konversation, which even lets me type spaces [21:24] Everything you think should work in Ubuntu just dies [21:24] but i already installed it..and i need it to work nevertheless [21:24] Strange [21:25] macogw: Really? I can get a system up in 3 hours max [21:25] maybe you're in the wrong chan ozy [21:25] I typethespacesbut mostofthetimethey don'tturnout.# [21:25] Only 3 hours? [21:25] No, it says ubuntu in here [21:25] I can find most any desktop appearance font,etc. setting. where do I find the # of desktops setting please? [21:25] Yeah [21:25] Rods_Tiger: time for a new keyboard [21:25] 3 hours [21:25] Ozymandius: you have no gui then huh? [21:25] ion [21:25] It's gui [21:25] he might just be a gentoo god. who knows? [21:25] Ozymandius: unless youre using sabayon or have a supercomputer, no way you're compiling everything in that time... [21:25] No matter what OS you run, you need ion [21:25] Linux_Fresher, sure, but I'm on the phone atm [21:25] Ozymandius, Please stop trolling [21:25] yes.Thisoneisaspareone- aMicrosoftNatural one [21:25] Hey i have a legitimate support question! [21:25] thanks for the Gentoo plug ozy [21:25] i have a liveCD..i'll check it [21:26] ok, i'm tired of wasting time with alsa [21:26] I just bought a used laptop, and .. it came with Office 2007. before I wipe it and install Ubuntu is there a way to get what the product key was for that in case it may come in handy in the future? [21:26] Ozymandius: lets have a race. my apt, your emerge. which do you think will be faster? [21:26] macogw: Default install now isn't compile, just install new things with compile [21:26] this stupid HDA audio just won't work [21:26] andit's a foreign language onefrom a foreign country [21:26] would OSS fix the issue? [21:26] im having problems with GRUB anyone good with installing Ubuntu onto an external HD (with Windows on the main internal one)? [21:26] macogw: Probably apt, since I don't even use emerge [21:26] Ozymandius: O_o thats not even gentoo then....thats like...O_o dang dan's gonna be going for LFS soon [21:26] havenless, Spend a few minutes in #Alsa before you give up [21:27] k, thx [21:27] I use paludis [21:27] Alternative package manager [21:27] Ozymandius: so basically not gentoo at all, really [21:27] Actually, its completely gentoo, uses the same tree [21:27] Hello [21:27] Ozymandius: all linux uses the same upstream sources [21:27] I just use a slightly different manager - it's like the difference between synaptic and apt [21:28] Same thing, just different viewing === nevermore_ is now known as nevermore [21:28] I have a gateway laptop. "600YG2" installed Linux ubuntu-laptop 2.6.10-16-386#2. After I upgraded to the "newest version" My Xserver is broken: says "Failed to start the X Server... view server output" ?.. using a ATI Mobility RADEON 9000 graphics card. [21:28] any help would be greatly appreciated [21:28] the space bar seems to work if I use my left hand and hit it from the left side, but that's tedious having to stop and do that after each word. eg, this line took ages to type [21:28] Anyway, I'm in Ubuntu, I should talk more about that [21:28] good show! [21:29] What's new in the latest distro that's good? [21:29] fireoflife77 Try reinstalling your video driver? [21:29] um..okay..I think i did that a couple times.. [21:29] fglx [21:29] :/ [21:29] the proprietary or the open source? [21:29] Ozymandius, Please take discussions to #Ubuntu-offtopic [21:29] hi [21:29] this room is great, thanks guys [21:29] Switch to vesa and see if you get at least 2D display [21:29] all i get is the command prompt on recover mode [21:29] Jack_Sparrow: Sorry, forgot this was the support channel [21:30] i tried reconfiguring xserver-xorg [21:30] witam [21:30] dawno mnie nie bylo:) [21:30] Boot normally [21:30] neville: how do I swittch to Vesa? [21:30] ok [21:30] And when it dumps you on the black screen, control + alt + F1? [21:30] So it switches you to a login prompt [21:30] How can I change the user level with INIT in gOS 2.0 ? [21:31] ok i'm getting there [21:31] Brian323, in /etc/inittab? [21:31] or does anyone have a spare minute or too for tech support lol in PM ? [21:31] nvidia-settings allows me to adjust digital vibrance but it will not save when i logout.. what gives? [21:32] is there a support channel for evolution ? [21:32] I think you need to change it as a higher power taime1 [21:32] neville: oh yeah, duh.. [21:32] neville: ok i'm at the login prompt [21:32] :P [21:32] it saves to xorg.conf after all right? [21:32] chickenFuego, I can't seem to switch to a userlevel that lets me install the NVIDIA driver [21:33] Yes [21:33] taime1: as long as you click the save or apply button .. yes [21:33] yeah.. i am.. just not as root [21:33] mine will not save settings unless you do it as root ..... sudo nvidia-settings [21:33] fireoflife77 login, do you know if you have a text editor like, say, nano? [21:33] Brian323, what exactly is a userlevel? root? sudo apt-get? [21:33] k, where can i discover the problem that i am having: when i logout, it takes forever to log back in, sometimes it wont at all... [21:34] Or maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will suffice [21:34] yeah..i forget my pass for root (DOH!) i set this up..as a test install..with easy user/pass for user..but forgot my root pass [21:34] Use that first, try setting the driver to vesa, then startx [21:35] Userlevel ?? I think it's like #1 is root, no xserver 3 is with xserver. They seem to change from distro to distro. I'm just learning myself. [21:35] You shouldn't need root if you use sudo? [21:35] Brian323: hit clt-alt-f2, login. run sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed [21:35] i can do the reconfigure if i start up in recovery mode [21:35] i'll try that [21:35] thanks! [21:35] Could some one help me i cannot get compiz-dev package to install. it gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58677/ [21:35] plus you can change the root password with sudo [21:35] Brian323: forgot the start on the end of the last invoke-rc.d gdm start command [21:35] spideylinux: But theres no reason to. [21:35] Brian323, you mean runlevel. And I dont think you should have to change run level to install anything [21:35] fireoflife77, try this: "sudo su" and then "passwd" [21:35] it tells me i have the wron pass..when i try to run any sudo command...but i know my pass is right! === osxdude is now known as osxdude|laptop [21:36] ok thanks chicken Fuego [21:36] brb [21:36] NEW UBUNTU SKILLZ: FIREFOX CANT PROPERLY USE GMAIL. GG PWND [21:36] fireoflife77: the "sudo" password is your user password. Root's password is different entirely (and not-set unless you did it, which you really should think twice about doing) [21:36] what's that factoid, if you tell someone how to set up root be prepared to provide support [21:36] !noroot [21:36] We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [21:37] fireoflife77: sudo -i is better than setting a root password [21:37] Jack_Sparrow to the rescue, again! [21:37] what are some examples of support issues after putting a password to the root account? [21:37] fireoflife77: or at least better in terms of the ubuntu security model [21:37] nickrud, Im here just trying to down some lunch [21:38] komputes: Forgetting it [21:38] here [21:38] Flannel: that would be quite an issue... wouldn't you have to spend days running jack to get the password back? [21:38] komputes: It also adds an extra few minutes where we have to help, and then you reveal that you've set a root password, and we have to do stuff different. [21:38] komputes: someone forgetting which terminal they've been working as root in (say /etc) and running rm , meaning to do that in a terminal somewhere in home. A common new user scenario [21:39] how do you *unset* the root password? [21:39] Squawk.. yes. I mean runlevel... thanks... err.. It seems I have to be in root without and xserver running to install the NVIDIA driver [21:39] Squawk.. yes I mean runlevel.. thanks. It seems I have to be in root WITHOUT an xserver running in order to install the NVIDIA driver. [21:39] prince_jammys: sudo passwd -l [21:39] prince_jammys: (thats a lowercase L) [21:39] Flannel: thank you sir [21:39] Brian323: hit clt-alt-f2, login. run sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed [21:39] Flannel: or ma'am :) [21:39] Does anyone know about using Evolution on exchange ? [21:40] Flannel: wouldn't you need to specify a user like sudo passwd -l root [21:40] THanks nickrud, I'll try that. [21:40] hello guys ! does anyone know how is determined the default graphic mode (i mean the one seted up uner X after boot) ? [21:41] is 40 MB / sec a decent transfer rate for a hard drive? it is a set of 4 old 250G raid disks copying to another set of 4 new 750G disks [21:41] gafatoa: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [21:41] not sure if i should be happy or sad about that one [21:41] ooooh! maybe there is no password! lol [21:42] that's wierd..i set my password and user as ubuntu and it still don't work [21:42] i'll try again..i just want to get x to work [21:42] yo [21:42] komputes, prince_jammys, you're correct. sudo passwd -l root [21:42] don't need to mess with root and stuff [21:42] so i have btnx to make the scroll wheel on my mouse work [21:42] hdparm says 100MB/sec === gregorovius_ is now known as gregorovius [21:42] Flannel: yeah i had assumed that [21:42] where to for advice on evolution mail software? [21:43] Flannel: it's the -l i didn't know about [21:43] only thing is it only works when i turn the computer on while the mouse is switched on [21:43] BIOS Bug #B1(49435000) found ! [21:43] can anybody help me with this error...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58678/? [21:43] please help [21:43] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58678/ [21:43] first link bad, sorry [21:43] komputes, I've looked in it and search around the web: if the xorg defines different modes which one is "chosen" on startup ? [21:44] if the mouse is turned off anytime while ubuntu is running, the scroll wheel won't engage it's different modes nor be recognized as a button when i push it [21:44] (yes i turn it back on again) [21:44] gafatoa: ah I see what your saying, let me look into it - Default Resolution [21:44] is there somehow i can refresh btnx to detect the mouse again, rather than reboot? [21:44] ?? [21:44] is there somewhere I can go to specifically? (Evolution mail) [21:44] yes, sorry ... my poor frenglish ... [21:44] can anyone help me figure out why im getting this error ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58678/ ?? [21:45] ok thanks all the chan! [21:45] I accidentally got rid of my desktop. How do I show desktop? [21:45] didn't need to set any passowrd stuff in the end..i got the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg working [21:45] so i should choose VESA? [21:45] i'm at "Configuring xserver-xorg [21:45] np, got it [21:46] Can someone tell me how to "Show desktop?" [21:46] I unchecked the box [21:47] gafatoa: in your xorg.conf file do you have a line which look like: [21:47] Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" [21:47] jonathan_: there is a gnome bar applet that does "Show Desktop" [21:47] jonathan_: right click on the bar and add to panel [21:47] don't know.haven't looked at xorg.conf yet [21:47] anyone good with installing wine? im getting this issue http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58678/ [21:47] BIOS Bug #B1(49435000) found ! ? [21:47] how do I find the gnome bar? [21:47] i'm trying to perform a certain operation on all my mp3 files, now, my command is as follows: "find -P ~/Music/ -name "*.mp3" -exec a2mp3 -d %h '{}' \;". according to the find man pages, %h is the path to the file, only problem is that it doesn't work (creates a folder called h at my home dir). [21:47] laptop froze...rebooting.. [21:47] jonathan_: right click a panel bar [21:47] komputes, got this one: Option "metamodes" "DFP: 1680x1050 +0+0, TV: 1024x768 +0+0;DFP: 1024x768 +0+0, TV: 1024x768 +0+0" [21:47] laptop error in boot! [21:47] to sum up, my mouse's scroll wheel and buttons will only work properly if the mouse is turned on before ubuntu starts up. if it is turned on while ubuntu is already started, it only works as standard mouse [21:48] how can i get trackerd to stop eating my CPU? [21:48] hey guys... how can i get flash to run well on opera? to explain: installed the codecs/plugins but i can't stream vids off youtube and such. [21:48] busy chan today! i'll bow out..i have to go run an errand..i'll be back in about half an hour [21:48] peace! [21:48] gafatoa: ooo, tricky, i would make a backup copy and remove the modes you don't want as default, or try to rearrange them [21:48] No, I literally hid the desktop. [21:48] thanks for all the help peoples! [21:48] Can someone tell me how to make the fonts larger in firefox before my eyes die irl? >> http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1eu6.png [21:48] blessings! [21:48] for some reason when I press ctrl+alt+bkspace, log back into ubuntu the top/bottom bar don't show up would anyone know why that is? [21:48] Anyone here know how to set the default resolution can help me and gafatoa [21:48] komputes: nvidia-settings wrote those lines ... [21:49] you should be able to hold control and scroll to fix the font size [21:49] Karsyth: try sudo apt-get -f install [21:49] gafatoa: yes, thats fine, i just don't want you to mess things up [21:49] ffd [21:49] Karsyth, : every website I change i need to play like an idiot with the ctrl button!? [21:49] gafatoa: how experienced are you in linux? [21:49] komputes: by default my screen is at 1024x768. I can make a "xrandr" to switch upper without problem [21:49] to repair [21:50] komputes: I'm not a newbie [21:50] gafatoa: have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [21:50] Copies: yes. this is because it is up to the webmaster to set the default font size [21:50] o [21:50] BIOS Bug #B1(49435000) found ! [21:50] please help :-( [21:50] komputes: no [21:50] archman: im still getting the same error :-/ [21:51] gafatoa: write that line down, and do alt+ctrl+F1 and try that line [21:51] gafatoa: make a backup of xorg.conf first [21:51] Karsyth: you repaired? [21:51] slipttees: can you provide maybe a little less context? [21:51] ok, i already have got many backups [21:51] gafatoa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [21:51] flow0ver: yet under windows xp I dont need to go mental with any ctrl buttons to view the site such that my eyes stay intact :D === robert__ is now known as warp4 [21:51] archman: how do i repair [21:51] hi all [21:51] hi all [21:51] copies: there's a menu in preferences > content > advanced . you might end up uglifying the web though. it's easier to just enlarge what font's the webmaster has specified [21:51] Karsyth: try sudo apt-get -f install [21:51] not sure [21:52] gafatoa: when you do ctrl+alt+f1 to come back to GUI do ctrl+alt+f7 [21:52] has anyone else tried installing 8.04 hardy heron onto a dell vostro 1500? [21:52] copies: you probably had a lower screen resolution [21:52] Could some one help me i cannot get compiz-dev package to install. it gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58677/ [21:52] komputes, I try this, thanks [21:52] archman: yep, still getting the same error after doing that [21:52] gafatoa: good luck, when it asks you possible resolutions, just chose the one you want only [21:52] flowOver: im on 1280x1024 with a CRT 17" monitor [21:52] Karsyth: are you building from source? [21:52] Is it possible to mount an ISO file so it seems to be in a CD ROM drive? I know I can use the mount command to mount it, but I dunno if it'll trick programs into thinking it's in the drive [21:52] archman: im not sure, im still pretty new to linux [21:53] I cant change to 1024x768 because when i press test, i cant see shit :p [21:53] Just FYI: to a MS guy a glass is already half empty, to a Ubuntu guy its twice as big as it needs to be ;) [21:53] ms guy's are pesimists? but ubuntu guys are the ones that say it all sucks and refuse to admit the flaws in their own [21:54] Karsyth: what are you installing [21:54] ? [21:54] archman: wine [21:54] Karsyth: you can install it in add/remove [21:54] gOS 2.0 or GOS ROCKET.... I'm not having much fun tweaking this OS... can't ctrl-alt f2, can't sudo this or sh that... Should I go back to Fedora 8 ? or recommend something else for a newbie ?!? [21:54] ouch! lol === edistar_ is now known as edistar [21:55] archman: you mean synaptic? [21:55] komputes: done it, I restart [21:55] hmm, what's the command tht basically emulates the 'for x in *; do' loop I always run? Someone whowed me a tool that automates that. :) [21:55] Karsyth: no, applications --> add/remove [21:55] good to know, me too [21:56] Brian323: gOS... isn't that a completely open and completely free distro? If it is, then I recall reading something about how it was definitely not for newbies... [21:56] gOS is the walmart sponsored distro built ontop of ubuntu [21:56] archman: alright , thanks [21:56] ahh flowOver thanks. [21:56] Karsyth: solved? [21:56] mrpoundsign: what's inside the loop? [21:56] gOS is free to download, and use. but its not really 'completly' free. since it has a lot of the google apps I belive. they made a deal with google to include them [21:56] it's made for the ultra newbie [21:56] the type who would buy a computer at walmart [21:56] archman: i hope so, my dads yellin at me to help him with somethin. im gonna try it in a second [21:56] gOS is neat.. but really lacking in some ways [21:57] ArthurArchnix, nope. gOS is supposed to be for newbies.. or so I thought. It seems very limited [21:57] I must be thinking about something else that sounds like gOS.... [21:57] It does come with a $200 PC. :) [21:57] i cannot get compiz-dev package to install. it gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58677/ [21:57] ArthurArchnix, theres also the geubuntu variant thats almost the same. [21:57] filthpig: < ---- OWNZ .. just saved me from massive data loss .. have burnt my fingers bad in linux installation before .. it almost happened again [21:58] I have the gOS instaled on another PC, not the walmart $200.. :) [21:58] anyone want to help me with making my mx revolution behave as it should with btnx? [21:58] You can enable the gOS repos and install their desktop on normal ubuntu. [21:58] Hi all - can anyone help me with some networking (ra2500...) issues? [21:58] I recently tried to run Ventrilo through Wine, and I got an error claiming my video card doesn't support hardware video overlay. Is this a Wine problem or a configuration problem? And does anyone know what I can do about it? [21:58] Karsyth: ok, tell me if it's installed or not [21:59] willis... everytime i try to install Ubuntu it freezes.. gOS, based on Ubuntu, does not freeze [21:59] Brian323, you can check out OpenGEU, it's also ubuntu with e17, and gOS kinda sucks :) [21:59] komputes: same problem, X starts in 1024 ... here is the xorg.conf "modes" line: Modes "1680x1050" "1024x768" "800x600" [21:59] Brian323: try the alternate cd [21:59] filthpig: is there some linux utility which allows resizing ? dont want to reboot into windows i guess [21:59] Brian323: install with the alternative cd. the live cd would freeze for me repeatedly as well. [21:59] Brian323, i had an odd issue like that once.. Kubuntu/Ubuntu locked up the pc. but xubuntu worked.. I tend to use the alternative cd's it tends to work better then the live cds [22:00] flowOver: does the mouse work if you restart the X session? === john_ is now known as teqsun [22:00] prince_jammys: that's a window's solution and if it did work i wouldn't settle for it [22:00] Linux_Fresher, gparted [22:00] !gparted [22:00] GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ [22:00] Does Evolution have imap issues? I'm connected to my GMail account via imap and deleted emails just seem to disappear. They don't move to my imap Trash folder nor do they move to the local Trash folder. Any ideas? [22:00] I need to compile php in ubuntu with pgsql support but my postgres server is outside... what do i have to type in --with-pgsql[DIR] ?? [22:00] but no. it does not work when i restart x [22:00] flowOver: that's not a windows solution, but whatever. good luck === mowgli is now known as openSea [22:00] filthpig: okidoki [22:00] restarting isn't a windows solution? [22:00] Brian323, OpenGEU is the new name for that 'geubuntu' varient. :) i rember they changed names recently. I grabbed the latest live cd from them last week. [22:00] flowOver: the X session, not the computer [22:01] Thanks Filthpig, Prince_jammys, Flowover, and willis [22:01] all my programs get wasted though. the effect is the same on the front end [22:01] prince_jammys: any command like 'ls $x -foo' === nith is now known as Nith [22:02] http://gparted.sourceforge.net is the same ? its directly available from "add remove" option in this Live CD session [22:02] restarting x everytime i sat down would be a retard solution [22:02] so the alsa-firmware-loaders package seems to have come from sources that upstream calls alsa-firmware, yet debian calls those same sources alsa-tools... how would it be possible to trace that change? what do users do to get the firmware and place it where it goes? [22:02] but it doesn't work anyways. i'm just surprised you would suggest it [22:02] Does anyone know why Outlook would not properly parse incoming e-mail? I have tried switching e-mail servers so I know that isn't the reason, created a new PST file and worst of all it only happens once a week. Today since 1am 1000 messages have bee produced with the same headers, yet telnet to the mail server shows none of those e-mails? I am at my wits end on this one? [22:02] flowOver: /ignored === live_CD is now known as hendrixski [22:03] The from and subject and body are blank but the headers have incomplete HTML in them? [22:03] Gparted is already installed in Live CD !! weee !! [22:04] jtld, weird. You sure there aint some windows box/virus/zombie on the network doing somthing nasty? [22:04] i didn't [22:04] anyone knows if i can just delete the libbluetooth2? cause it wants to remove alot of other stuff with it like "ubuntu-desktop", "gnome-pilot", "evolution-exchange" and more [22:04] i didn't "suggest" anything by the way, i asked a question. clown [22:04] lnames #sabayon [22:04] Yes, actually. I did a very deep scan in safe mode with two programs and the computer is very clean. [22:04] julian_: would you be trying to install packages from a different version of the os? [22:05] That was my first thought also? [22:05] jtld: soons like you a got bot or two on your network [22:05] in Gpartition, what MiB stands for ? [22:06] jtld, I am thinking like zhanx also. There may be some thing odd on the network. Could put in some sort of network monioring/logging and see where the ip of the mail is comming from. but this is all over my head now. [22:06] I would agree normally but I have personally checked every computer on the NW 5 at that office and all were clean except one which didn't have anything too serious. [22:06] jim: what do you mean? [22:06] for example .. New Size (MiB) .. what is MiB ? [22:06] I ran low level scans on all computers and they were actually cleaner than average. [22:06] jtld, could unplug one machine at a time :) or unplug them all.. and then watch, plug in each one.. see if one seems to be doing it. [22:07] jtld: you do a scan for open smtp ports on teh network? [22:07] jim: what where you talking about? [22:07] hi, all! is there any way i can get the latest release of Wine on ubuntu/kubuntu? the best i can do from the repos is v.0.9.46, while at sf.net they are at 0.9.56. any suggestion? [22:07] these new bots are out there on the tricky scale [22:07] !MiB [22:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about mib - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:07] No - I didn't. What program would you use for that? [22:08] !wine [22:08] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [22:08] I need to compile php in ubuntu with pgsql support but my postgres server is outside... what do i have to type in --with-pgsql[=DIR] ?? [22:08] jtld wireshark [22:09] free space preceding MiB and Free space Following MiB .. what is MiB ? [22:09] zhanx - thank you. does it make sense that it is only attacking one computer on the NW? [22:09] Linux_Fresher: megabytes [22:09] zhanx: thats MB [22:10] Linux_Fresher: one mebibyte 1 MiB = 220 B = 1 048 576 B [22:10] Linux_Fresher: 2 to the 20th power, that is, not 220 [22:10] julian_: oh, I remember you from like 2 hours ago... I have no idea, was busy with other things [22:10] jtld: it the computer happens have a commercial ip adress that matches a targer [22:10] any one installed unreal irc? [22:11] zhanx: it is typical 192.168.1 scheme [22:11] how can i view encripted dvd movies? [22:11] prince_jammys: erm ok .. then how much to keep in preceeding window ? i just reached to the brim of massive data loss and was pulled back by filthpig but now he is gone [22:11] patrick_: perhaps the actual question you would ask... specific on-topic concise complete informative [22:11] !medibuntu | dannyboy_ [22:11] dannyboy_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [22:11] target or it happens to meet the predefined parameters for the bot... i.e open ports [22:12] i wasnt here 2 hours ago [22:12] jtld: the last one i had looked for citrix [22:12] jim: wasnt here two hours ago?! ;/ [22:12] anyone here using tomboy notes? just gonna ask if someone know how to work with plugins in tomboy? [22:12] ok i have installed unreal irc but i cant find where i installed it. where would it be is there a way to find it? [22:13] later off to work [22:13] hi [22:13] hello everyone@! [22:13] oh, well... that just goes to show you, it's always something... [22:13] maybe you could remind me of what you're trying to accomplish [22:13] i can't to see files .rmvb [22:14] hi all... anyone know about integrated SIS sata raid controller problems? [22:14] you talking to me jim? [22:14] zhanx: while I cannot rule out this possibility especially since I have nothing else to go on - typically when I have found viruses on a computer or a NW the computers have files and other entries that come up in low level scans. Even if you don't get the main item you will find an indicator that something is there. This computer was totally clean when I scanned it. [22:14] anyone using tomboy notes? [22:14] where is the apache files located after i apt-get it? [22:14] Evil_: by the apache files do you mean the website? [22:14] Hi all. What is the closest equivalent to something like Ghost on Ubuntu? I'd like to back up my laptop onto an external USB drive without requiring a network server like Clonezilla does. [22:14] Encrypted LVM support on both the source and destination drives would be good. :-) [22:14] or the configs [22:14] someone that can put out a hand [22:14] I'm basically looking for the stuff that appears from going to localhost in the browser [22:15] /var/www by default I believe [22:15] Nith: actually, I wouldn't mind looking at the configs as well [22:15] patrick_: not specifically... but I don't exactly remember what you're after either... you'd have to remind me [22:15] anybody here know anything about opengl on ubuntu? [22:15] I am trying to install ubuntu on 80 GB hard drive .. FULLY formatted to NTFS .. 13.5 GB FREE, want to give 5 GB to Ubuntu .. Hence need to resize and free 5 GB of NTFS .. there it asks "Free space preceeding MiB, New size MiB, Free space Following Mib" and I am not getting any of it .. LAST THING I WANT is data loss [22:15] Evil_: /var/www [22:15] thanks :) [22:15] Evil_: Apache2 installs to /etc/apache2 [22:15] you all are really helpful, thanks :D [22:15] wow... this is a very confusing forum [22:15] ;) [22:15] jim : i am looking to find where i stalled unreal irc, or is there a comman which will search for it [22:15] MadMick_BowenQLD: this is a chat !! :P [22:15] Some could help me compiling php? [22:15] whoops... User error, lol. (Note to self: Never try to restart X in a VM using keyboard cambinations) [22:16] LINUX_FRESHER: if you have windows installed why not use the Disk Management console? [22:16] patrick_: how did you install it [22:16] ElDiego: Why not install it from the repos? [22:16] ./config then make [22:16] Who knows how to play the files. Rmvb in ubuntu [22:16] opengl info anyone? [22:16] Linux_Fresher... and a big chat at that.. [22:16] MadMick_BowenQLD: Hello fellow Queenslander! What's so confusing about this chat? [22:16] because i need some options diabled and some enabled [22:16] I am trying to install ubuntu on 80 GB hard drive .. FULLY formatted to NTFS .. contains windows XP and softwares .. 13.5 GB FREE, want to give 5 GB to Ubuntu .. Hence need to resize and free 5 GB of NTFS .. there it asks "Free space preceeding MiB, New size MiB, Free space Following Mib" and I am not getting any of it .. LAST THING I WANT is data loss [22:16] Hello! A long time ago when i was using windows, there was a firewall program called BlackICE which showed in a tab realtime network events such as portscans, probes and so on. Here's a screenshot: http://www.malavida.com/imagesmalavida/944_1.jpg . Is there a way to see this kind of information in Linux? How? [22:16] and my problem is with "--with-pgsql" [22:16] ElDiego: read the documentation files in the php source distribution, satisfy any requirements, follow build instructions [22:17] my database server is outside [22:17] archman: you still here? [22:17] ElDiego: outside of...? [22:17] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu [22:17] blahdeblah.. First IRC that i've used in 15 years.. maybe I'm just getting old [22:17] thanks, ubotu!! === credible_ is now known as credible [22:17] MadMick_BowenQLD: must be ;-) [22:17] cheers [22:17] good evening together :) [22:17] anyone know what the command to uninstall wine is? im having a conflict between add / remove and whatever wine i have installed [22:17] my database server is in another computer [22:18] ubotu, sicco [22:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about sicco - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:18] zhanx: you still there? [22:18] filthpig: soz .. i didnt notice u jumped back in channel and pm ( i am a a slow dude ! ) [22:18] For some reason I'm having trouble creating a symlink to a hidden directory. In gnome I just right-clicked and said, create link, but on xfce I can't so I'm messing with ln -s /path/to/file /where/you/want/link but everytime I create it is says it's a broken link. They're on separate partitions, but its a soft link, and I own both partitions. [22:18] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu [22:18] any X/graphics people here? [22:18] jim: i untared the folder the cd into it then done ./config and then once that was done i done make [22:18] FLUXxXx: What you probably want is an iptables configuration that uses ULOG - i know Shoreline Firewall (http://shorewall.net) has this, but i'm sure others do as well. [22:18] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu [22:18] Karsyth: yes [22:18] ElDiego: Sorry I have no experience doing that . You can specify in your php files where the db is tho [22:18] can anyone hear me? [22:18] archman: how do i uninstall anything i have with wine? it says there is a conflict [22:19] manic12: yes [22:19] manic12: we hear you [22:19] patrick_: ok, that has nothing to do with ubuntu packaging... you're going to have to find out by reading the docs and probably reading th makefile [22:19] archman: i need to uninstall wine first to add it in add/remove [22:19] the problem is i cant compile php with pgsql support.... so i cant test in my php files [22:19] ok... Ubuntu 7.1 installation DVD doesn't seem to know I have hardware raid arrat via SIS chip... linux seems to pry to far and grab the individual discs.. anyway around this? [22:19] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu [22:19] jim: ok cheers [22:19] ArthurArchnix: can you paste the full command you tried? [22:19] got a new laptop to learn to use linux on, it's got bluetooth built in, so I'm thinking of getting a bluetooth mouse, there anything I should be aware of? are they a pain? any brands I should avoid? [22:19] im having a (hopefully) litte problem during ubuntu installation... when configuring apt it keeps telling me that some mirror is not valid ... [22:19] Karsyth: you want to uninstall wine or what? [22:20] bluetooth draws on batteries? [22:20] archman: i want a clean install of wine. when i try to add it in add / remove it says there is a conflict with files. so i want to remove any wine files i have [22:20] ln -s /data/Settings/.exaile /home/arthur/ <-- prince_jammys [22:20] hmm.. KTorrent is taking up 350MB of memory [22:20] ls [22:20] is there a way i can run fsck from grub [22:20] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu someone that can put out a hand [22:20] link me to the official oss channel plox someone [22:21] Camaban: Avoid non-common brands as support for those won't be as good. [22:21] I've had pain on pairing bluetooth on windows (Sorry rude word I know), especially after deleting a pairing.. [22:21] ArthurArchnix: try ln -s /data/Settings/.exaile /home/arthur/link_name [22:21] jim: I meant issues with setting up/using a bluetooth mouse on linux, I don't want to screw up like I did when I tried running ubuntu on my desktop with unsupported wireless card a while ago [22:21] rencore_: use a live cd [22:21] Frogzoo, ok [22:21] Karsyth: try in synaptics [22:21] hiiii who knows how to play the files .rmvb in ubuntu someone that can put out a hand [22:21] archman: im in synaptics, theres no trace of any wine installed [22:21] Snowsfer21 please... dont spam, and learn how to google http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/ [22:21] jtld: so anything like logitech, MS should be usable? [22:22] Camaban: best way for that, is do not buy until you know IF and HOW your hardware will be supported on ALL operating systems you want to use [22:22] Excellent work seb962 [22:22] Lol Mad, submitting a google search is not a good job lol. Wish I could be more helpful. [22:22] anyone knows the command that shows the version of my distro? [22:22] prince_jammys: No need. I just had to close thunar and come on here to vent. I guess I gave some bad commands before stumbling on to the right one, and it messed up thunar. Deleting the broken link and closing thunar resulted in that command I just pasted working. Oops! Thanks though. [22:22] Karsyth: try to cd to extracted source and then in terminal make uninstall [22:23] seb962 I was going to suggest it myself... [22:23] any ideas on my installation problem? [22:23] Camaban: Yes this should be fine - go the forums though just to check if any particular models have given trouble. [22:23] nastas: Check your sources file, it will have your distro's name written all over the place [22:23] jtld: cheers [22:23] Snowsfer21 it might be a realplay but Mplayer runs it [22:23] I'm poking my way around xubuntu right now. There's much that's familiar and much that is not. I learned on ubuntu + gnome. [22:23] nastas: lsb_release -a [22:23] nastas: lsb_release -a [22:23] seb962: That does not work [22:23] thnx [22:23] snowfer21: go to this link - http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/ [22:23] How come does not work? Would you please tell us more about it? [22:24] I'm going to scan Ubuntu forums again... just keep in mind guys "hardware SATA raid installation problems" with partitioner.. be back shortly [22:24] archman: i dont know where the wine files are located [22:24] Karsyth: ~/.wine/ [22:24] Simply does not work follow a guide identical to that and I can not see any file .rmvb [22:25] Karsyth: how you installed wine? [22:25] Snowserf21, can you add more information to that? What guide did you follow? Do you get any error message? [22:25] ok [22:25] archman: i tried the command sudo apt-get install wine [22:25] so here's an interesting one [22:25] btw: whoever invented this liveCD Stuff - im impressed. ChatZilla Firefox Plugin works perfectly :) [22:25] http://joshuataylor.info/ubuntu-rmvb/ [22:25] i mount /home with nfs [22:26] Karsyth: try sudo apt-get remove wine [22:26] Karsyth: Your "c drive" is ~/.wine/drive_c/ [22:26] oh you're trying to remove it [22:26] but on every client, the terminal doesn't replace /home/tma/ with ~ [22:26] yeah, do what archman says [22:26] Quick brb [22:26] tma@borboletta:/home/tma/downloads$ [22:26] any idea why? [22:26] Nith: he wants to remove wine [22:27] yup, my mistake [22:27] archman: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58692/ [22:27] seb962: The only difference with this guide that you gave me, ended up installing some libstdc++5 && libstdc++6 [22:28] Karsyth: close synaptics!!! [22:28] archman: should i close any windows that might be using it? [22:28] k [22:28] MadMick_BowenQLD, http://www.sis.com/support/support_faqs_16.htm not saying it is what you want but it might be worth looking at that and http://www.launchpad.net to see if anyone there suggests anything [22:28] the libstdc++6 i can't install [22:28] im having a (hopefully) litte problem during ubuntu installation... when configuring apt installation searches CD an later online (i think) but finally it keeps telling me that some mirror is not valid ... [22:29] any one here ever setup ldap [22:29] an wont go on :( [22:29] archman: it says theres nothing to un-install [22:29] archman: and when i go into add/remove it says this Cannot install 'wine' This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'wine' the conflicting software must be removed first. Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. [22:30] how do i kill my x session and go to a shell? [22:30] can't say I've seen that message [22:30] Karsyth: wait a sec... [22:30] yeah, i cant figure it out [22:30] zippytech: this is an older link but should get you going - http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/HOWTO:_Configure_Ubuntu_for_Active_Directory_Authentication [22:30] manic12: If you go to the shell, then invoke-rc.d gdm stop [22:31] i have absolutely nothing with wine on my computer, yet something is conflicting [22:31] manic12: ctrl alt f1 goes to a shell. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop <-- thatll kill X totally [22:31] manic12: use ctrl+alt+f1 to go to the shell [22:31] cool thanks [22:31] Someone who can help [22:31] cool thanks [22:31] invoke-rc.d == /etc/init.d/ for anyone confused [22:31] how do i check what versioon of oss i have installed? [22:31] where is the gnome menu file kept? (like the menu.xml or the thing like it) [22:31] !sound | xxx_ [22:31] xxx_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [22:32] snowserf21: I don't have a box at the moment to emulate this one - but I recommend [22:32] - [22:32] Karsyth: download http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6241&package_id=77449&release_id=578675 [22:32] solving the steps that don't work. [22:32] OK.. back nothing in forums.. on install should Ubuntu be able to see a hardware raid array.. is maybe my problem related to the shittyness of the SiS integrated sata raid controller chip? [22:32] ompaul i want to know if i have osss v4 becouse that supports creatives x-fi [22:32] !language | MadMick_BowenQLD [22:32] MadMick_BowenQLD: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [22:32] oss* [22:32] Karsyth: wine-0.9.56.tar.bz2 download [22:32] sorry [22:33] how do i caheck what version off oss i have ? [22:33] jtld: do u see the guide http://joshuataylor.info/ubuntu-rmvb/ [22:33] MadMick_BowenQLD: are you using the alternate (text based) installer? [22:33] couldn't think of an appropriate synomyn... getting a bit wild.. [22:33] archman: how do i properly install this [22:33] <`David> im trying to compile and it says i need g++ where can i get g++ i have ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/pub/mirrors/gcc.gnu.org/gcc/releases/gcc-4.3.0 but wich one do i download? [22:33] Karsyth: extract it on desktop [22:34] didn't see option for text based installer.. that would be more my cup of tea [22:34] Why not install the latest package? libstdc++6 [22:34] snowserf21: Pulling it up [22:34] Nith, thanx, but how do i spawn a shell in the non-X state? [22:34] using ubuntu-DVD-installation [22:34] what's the linux equivalent of ipconfig? [22:34] MadMick_BowenQLD: yeah you need to use the alternate install cd... but I believe that should be on the dvd too [22:34] For some reason my links won't work could someone walk me through a solution? I have a link to a windows app that should be opened with wine but clicking it does nothing. [22:34] ifconfig [22:34] Evil_: ifconfig [22:34] ok, thanks [22:34] Karsyth: rename folder to wine [22:34] mmm [22:34] Karsyth: cd Desktop/wine [22:35] aptitude? [22:35] ctrl-alt f1 [22:35] anyone an idea for my install prob? [22:35] manic12: f1 - f5 or so are all shells, getty handles those [22:35] (answering my own question) [22:35] Astro76.. is it an option as the DVD boots up??? [22:35] MadMick_BowenQLD: I've never used the dvd [22:36] Karsyth: you still there? [22:36] archman: i have it in the right directory, now what do i want to run? [22:36] how can i do the check that it does every 30-mounts manually [22:36] snowserf21: latest package should work - try booting into a live CD put your file on a flash drive, then follow the steps to see if they work, this will at least check if it works under a default installation with nothing else changed. [22:36] archman: yes [22:36] ty for all [22:36] astro76.. well my ISP let's me download free a whole ubuntu mirror.. which CD or DVD should I get? [22:36] maybe to try [22:36] Karsyth: have you cd to wine? [22:36] archman: yes [22:37] Sure. === Fersure is now known as Shinigami [22:37] <`David> im trying to compile and it says i need g++ where can i get g++ i have ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/pub/mirrors/gcc.gnu.org/gcc/releases/gcc-4.3.0 but wich one do i download? [22:37] Karsyth: now type ./configure [22:37] MadMick_BowenQLD, if you're looking for a text based ubuntu cd/dvd, look for the installer. [22:37] how can i do the check that it does every 30-mounts manually [22:37] Karsyth: then make [22:37] `David, in console, type << sudo apt-get install build-essential >> [22:37] archman: it says i need to install the flex package [22:38] Karsyth: sudo make install [22:38] `David, that will install the basics [22:38] <`David> i'm on windows [22:38] archman: configure: error: no suitable flex found. Please install the 'flex' package. [22:38] <`David> cause i cant connect to internet with ubuntu [22:38] !wine @ Karsyth [22:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about wine @ karsyth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:38] `David, and you're trying to compile a linux package? [22:38] <`David> thats why i'm trying to compile aol dialer peng [22:38] Karsyth: sudo apt-get install flex [22:38] ICQnumber: use | or use > to send ubotu's message as a pm [22:38] !wine > Karsyth [22:38] Karsyth: ok? [22:39] man my wireless is all wack [22:39] hischild... i've got the installer on the DVD.. but I run it via the live GUI desktop... is there another text-based installer in there [22:39] it wont connect to the open network behind me, [22:39] it says something might be using it [22:39] archman: nvm, im installing flex [22:40] MadMick_BowenQLD, if you can download the alternate cd (it's called that way) you have only a text based install. I think that the desktop cd (the one you have) also has an option for text based install. (cd/dvd can be switched if you want) [22:40] Eh what? [22:40] Karsyth: install flex; then ./configure; make; sudo make install [22:40] archman: now it says i need bison, same command except with bisn? [22:40] yes [22:41] im having a problem during ubuntu installation... when configuring apt it keeps telling me that some mirror is not valid ... [22:41] Any idea how to make an udev rule that creates /dev/name and /dev/name-p1? (%n just creates /dev/name and /dev/name1 :( ) [22:41] hischild.. cool, I'll go search my FTP repository... text-based is good for this old dog.. [22:42] Two seperate rules? [22:42] MadMick_BowenQLD, good luck :-) i love the alternate (i can install blindfolded on it :P ) [22:42] well, it's been fun [22:42] cheers [22:42] amaridian: try scanning this list and correcting the mirror based on what you find - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors [22:42] archman: i think it finished, and no errors :D [22:42] Karsyth: wine? [22:43] archman: yes [22:43] Karsyth: it's working? [22:43] why does gcc produce this error: test.c:1:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory [22:43] archman: ./configure did [22:43] jfld -> how is that done? correcting the mirror ? [22:43] Karsyth: make? [22:43] archman: whats the command again.. just make? [22:43] Karsyth: yep [22:44] can anyone tell me why does gcc produce this error: test.c:1:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory [22:44] carrera_: do you have build-essential installed? [22:44] LjL, i've no idea. i'm new to Ubuntu [22:44] LjL, probably not [22:45] Karsyth: then sudo make install [22:45] carrera_, sudo apt-get install build-essential [22:45] amardian: Modify /etc/apt/sources.list [22:45] archman: k, ill let yuou know when its don [22:45] LjL, I remember having to install it on a friends laptop to compile VMware for him [22:45] thanks LjL and Pelo [22:45] !avn [22:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about avn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === gregorovius_ is now known as gregorovius [22:45] !avant [22:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:46] why doesn't it come with Ubuntu 7.10 desktop. gcc did [22:46] im running from live CD... does this have effect on the installation? [22:46] <`David> ok ok how do i set up linspire aol dialer? [22:46] <`David> i have all the files [22:46] <`David> on my ubuntu [22:46] carrera_, I don'T think it did [22:47] `David, try checking in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org [22:47] amaridian: why not just install from the cd? 7.10 will have correct mirrors. [22:48] well, im installing from the live CD... [22:48] archman: still running make... [22:48] hd is empty [22:48] Karsyth: ok [22:48] Karsyth: then sudo make install [22:49] where can I get a nintendo 64 emulator?? [22:49] Where can I find backports of dcraw for Ubuntu? I would like to get a version that is at least 8.76. [22:49] dn4ia: theoldcomputer.com [22:49] tdn, googling for the source code [22:49] <`David> where can i get g++ for my ubuntu and how can i install it? [22:50] Hi, I need to write a script to manage Compiz Fusion state. What changes does the gutsy appearance dialog makes when you change Visual Effects? [22:50] tdn: hardy will have 8.80 it seems [22:50] `David, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager , search for g++ [22:50] david: Try sudo apt-get install g++ [22:50] david: Worked on my system. [22:51] jtld, the nintendo 64 version is to new [22:51] <`David> i dont have access to internet on my ubuntu [22:51] soundray, ok. I use Gutsy. Is it possible to upgrade only this package to the hardy one? Or is there some backport so that I can get 8.80 in Ubuntu? [22:51] !b-e | `David [22:51] `David: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [22:51] sources.list.d is empty :( [22:51] david: The CD should have it then. [22:51] Help, no sound [22:51] <`David> what cd? ubuntu live? [22:51] amaridian, are you running the live cd right now ? [22:51] <`David> it doesnt [22:51] Karsyth: ??? still building? [22:51] amaridian: try adding a mirror from the site I gave you. [22:51] i nHi [22:51] yes [22:51] there was a trick to have a launcher that you could drag n drop onto to open things with sudo rights ... it was along the lines of << gksudo 'gnome-open ' >> .... but what was it === root__ is now known as Bryan_sierra [22:51] david Yes the 7.10 [22:51] archman: yep [22:51] Just copy and paste it. [22:51] <`David> this is my 3rd day trying to configure internet for ubuntu [22:52] david checking mine now. [22:52] <`David> Maimster it doesnt [22:52] Pelo, that does not give me backport packages, does it? :) [22:52] archman: pentuim 4 ftw [22:52] ok, i'll try adding some mirrors... one per line? [22:52] Okay, my laptops master volume doesn't control the volume, but PCM does. [22:52] David: I assume you have set your DNS entries? [22:52] Karsyth: it should be nearly done [22:52] tdn, backport packages are just bleeding edge versions precompiled for ubuntu by some community members , as opopse to the well suported ones in main and universe [22:52] Pelo, 7.10 desktop did come with gcc [22:52] <`David> jtld i need to compile aol dialer [22:52] `David I take it you looked? [22:52] Is there either a way that I can change the PCM to the volume controls, have the master control the actual volume [22:53] <`David> wich i need g++ for [22:53] tdn: looking at the dependencies, it seems that you should be able to install the hardy package. Download it from archive.ubuntu.com and install with sudo dpkg -i [22:53] <`David> i've looked several times [22:53] Pelo, I know. And I want to find someone that has done the work and build a package. [22:53] soundray, ok. I'll try. Thank you. [22:53] `David Then couldn't I give you mine from the archive? [22:53] `David, did you check in synaptic ? [22:53] Pelo, here's my version gcc version 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2) [22:53] <`David> when i try to compile it says cannot find /bin/sh and g++ [22:53] Karsyth: btw: it's installing from source what you do now... [22:53] David: get the package from another computer and manually install it using apt-get. [22:53] tdn: oops, sorry [22:53] Okay, my laptops master volume doesn't control the volume, but PCM does. Is there either a way that I can change the PCM to the volume controls, have the master control the actual volume [22:54] soundray, huh? [22:54] tdn: I looked at the wrong package for the dependencies [22:54] `David, if you are compiling from source you often have to add the -dev packages of the dependencies requested [22:54] <`David> what? i'm new to ubuntu and this is all confusing the heck out of me [22:54] archman: what exactly does it mean to install from source [22:55] `David: isn't sudo apt-get install build-essential enough? [22:55] i need stuff from the Debian repositories and i have add them to my sources.list and now getting GPG key errors can i just issue apt-key update to fix this error or no because they arent normal ubuntu repositories? [22:55] `David, sudo apt-get install g++.4.1 [22:55] tdn: dcraw depends on libc6, so you will probably have to upgrade that... and if you do that, you might as well go all the way and upgrade to hardy. Not that I would recommend it at this stage. [22:55] soundray, okay? So it is not safe to just install the hardy package in gutsy? [22:55] tdn, no [22:55] soundray, ok. Then I guess I will not to the upgrade. [22:55] <`David> Pelo that only works if i have internet on my ubuntu? [22:55] well, seems as if i cant edit the file you gave me... [22:55] hi im trying to configure vnc over ssh over the internet. over LAN it works fine. i've set up a dyndns host which updates through my netgear router and opened up the port 22 for ssh. when i do "domain.dyndns.org" in putty (running windows) i get "connection refused" any ideas? [22:55] Karsyth: means you are compiling raw code... [22:55] archmah: ah so thats probably why its taking so long [22:56] `David: simple, many if not all packages have a compagon package call NAME-dev, that contains stuff needed to compile stuff against the given package. [22:56] Karsyth: depends, yes... [22:56] `David, put in the install cd , then , meny > system > admin > software sources, on the first tab , check the box with the cd listed toward thebottom of the dialog [22:56] please i want help [22:56] pelo, yes, im runnung the live CD atm - and trying to install from it [22:56] ahmedh724, state your problem [22:56] `David: E.g. libc => that's the package containing the files needed to run the C library (needed basically for everything). libc-dev contains the files needed to compile a program against the C library. [22:56] <`David> i have to boot from my ubuntu live cd? [22:57] amaridian, what are you tring to install ? ubuntu or some specific package ? [22:57] rinaldi_, are you trying to connect from a windows machine on the same LAN as the ssh server, but via a public ip? if so you can't (not entirely sure why). If its from an external ip then we can take it further [22:57] ubuntu for ppc [22:57] Could someone help me, i have no sound [22:57] tdn: you can do a backport yourself. Search ubuntuforums for "Backports developer cheat sheet" [22:57] `David, no you don'T need to boot, you just need to use the cd as a repository of packages [22:57] does ubuntu for pc run on ps3 or ther is a specific copy for ps3 and does that run everything that the one on pc do [22:57] on PowerBookG4 [22:57] amaridian, and just clicking the install icon on thedesktlop dooesn't work ? [22:58] <`David> so i get on ubuntu open the cd up and i do what you said? [22:58] soundray, ok. [22:58] ahmedh724, google for ps3ubuntu , they had their own iso last i looked. for the PS3 [22:58] works fine until the error message containing the invalid mirror [22:58] !ppc [22:58] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [22:58] <`David> pelo so i get on ubuntu open the cd up and i do what you said? [22:58] Squawk: oh ok il try to get to a diff network and see (i'l' have to chance it for work tomorrow) [22:58] PS3 j has its own, ppc has its own, and the intel type hardware has its own. :) [22:58] rinaldi_, if htat is the case, I can check check your ssh server for you if you gimme the ip, but obviously dont gimme a login/pass. That isnt as unsecure as it shounds, if you do run an ssh server open to the internet get ready for a lot of logs [22:58] archman: while this is building, do you know where ubuntu sounds are located? im trying to set up gaim to make a sound whenever my name is mentioned [22:58] <_ba> any ideas on a new install when trying sudo apt-get install openssh-server it's saying the package maybe missing? [22:58] Im using gnome irc-chat and I cant see who is in the channel, is it right? [22:59] !info openssh-server [22:59] openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB [22:59] `David, you don'T need to open the cd, once you have put it in , you will get a dialog box asking you if you want to use the cd as a repository [22:59] Karsyth: dunno... [22:59] you guys know, the right frame with all the names [22:59] _ba, do a apt-get update, then upgrade, and try installing it again [22:59] <`David> i dont though Pelo [22:59] maybe someone else... [22:59] Okay, my laptops master volume doesn't control the volume, but PCM does. Is there either a way that I can change the PCM to the volume controls, have the master control the actual volume [22:59] victorribeiro: click on "1238 Users" [22:59] <`David> it puts a cd icon on the desktop and thats it [22:59] does the one for ps3 run programs and internet and media as the one for pc [22:59] Does anyone here know of a good nintendo 64 emulator for ubuntu? [22:59] I cannot find one in the repositories [22:59] `David, then goto , menu > system hey guys [22:59] Squawk: should i give you the dyndns name? [22:59] <`David> ok i'll try [23:00] <`David> brb [23:00] hi, i am having serious problems removing cinelerra, after a failed install from apt-get now my apt-get is broken [23:00] rinaldi_, up to you, but do it in pm (if you are registered, if not pm wont work) [23:00] soundray: thanks man [23:00] archman: brb, dad needs help [23:00] I need a cross compiler on my gutsy box that will compile c for palm TX running Angstrom Opie [23:00] <_ba> when i do apt get and upgrade says 0 upgraded and 0 installed [23:00] rinaldi_, for security reasons prob best to gimme the ip, from your point of view at your next reboot I then cant possibly get access [23:00] Karsyth: tell me when it's over... [23:00] i hade already try to force remove and made dpkg reconfigure and still the same [23:00] <_ba> it looks like when tryin apt get its looking for the cdrom how do i point it to the inet? [23:01] _ba, that means there were 0 upgrades available and so 0 new packages were installed [23:01] scuderia: try 'sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a' twice. If that doesn't help, please pastebin the output from 'sudo apt-get -f install' [23:01] !info kamefu | dn4ia [23:01] dn4ia: kamefu (source: kamefu): KDE All Machine Emulator Frontend for Unix - binary files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 78 kB, installed size 296 kB [23:01] ex-chat [23:01] Okay, my laptops master volume doesn't control the volume, but PCM does. Is there either a way that I can change the PCM to the volume controls, have the master control the actual volume [23:01] !aptfix [23:01] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [23:01] I need a cross compiler on my gutsy box that will compile c for palm TX running Angstrom Opie. could somebody help me pls? [23:01] dn4ia: mmm. maybe that's just a front end. [23:01] How can one setup apache2 to stream media instead of downloading and then playing? [23:02] prince_jammys, hmm it seems that the repositories are missing a nintento 64 emulator, but they have one for the DS [23:02] :( the DS was out after the 64 [23:02] soundray i made apt-get -f install , apt-get -f remove without package name and after with package name (cinelerra) [23:02] I need a cross compiler on my gutsy box that will compile c for palm TX running Angstrom Opie. can I please get some help [23:03] made dpkg --configure -a once wich took me about 1h [23:03] I am trying to compile my text RPG game to work on my palm tx [23:03] hi [23:03] made dpkg -r package [23:03] cookie_, check in synaptic , search for palm see what comes up [23:03] does buid-essential include the Apache APR lib? [23:03] Pelo: I will. thanks. brb [23:03] made dpkg --purge package , dpkg --force-auto-select package and dpkg --force-all package [23:03] !enter | scuderia [23:03] scuderia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:03] archman: back and still building... [23:03] carrera, build essentials just contains packages needed to generaly compile a source, no dependencies [23:04] <_ba> http://pastebin.ca/931071 still saying now package available [23:04] scuderia: pastebin the output of apt-get -f install [23:04] im trying to install ubuntu on a raid0 array on a fakeraid controller, and i've ran out of ideas [23:04] ubuntu sees 2 drives [23:04] !raid | Ward1983 [23:04] Ward1983: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [23:04] and it doesnt sqy striped but group when i do sudo d;raid -r [23:04] Ward1983, fyi you need to use the alternate isntall cd to install on a raid [23:04] this is new. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu [23:04] that wasn't there yesterday [23:05] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:05] Pelo, i know i looked in all those links, except the first one because its for a very old ubuntu version [23:05] anyone know if you can run Dark Age Of Camelot on ubuntu [23:05] soundray - http://pastebin.com/m327e8944 (and sorry for punctuation) [23:05] flowOver: general chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please [23:05] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:05] Pelo, aha i didnt read that, it said to choose install in the last link that obotu just said [23:06] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:06] Pelo, it says: "#Boot the Ubuntu CD and select Start or Install Ubuntu" [23:06] codename, you will need to install them seperately either install compiz or beryl [23:07] No Help [23:07] Beryl is no more... [23:07] szf [23:07] That's why I was asking, since beryl merged with Compiz. [23:07] scuderia: do a 'gksu gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/cinelerra.postrm'. Find the line where it's trying to remove /usr/bin/Cinelerra and comment it out with a #. Save and rerun 'sudo apt-get -f install' [23:07] Repos don't work. [23:07] codename, but it was the dominating package back in the day of dapper [23:07] Pelo: I am not trying to run them on the Palm OS. I am trying to get a crosscompiler that will compile C for ARM [23:07] compiz-fusion it is nowadays [23:07] k [23:07] cookie_, then try searching for arm [23:08] ok [23:08] Ward1983, I was just saying that there are effects by default in dapper , so you will need to install a package [23:08] can anyone help me install enemy territory? [23:08] there is a linux ET? [23:08] yeah [23:08] wow, sweet [23:08] lol [23:09] everytime I try to reboot/shutdown the machine, the screen just sits on Shutting down ALSA..., if I go shut down, it kicks meback to the login screen... would anyone know why ubuntu does this? [23:09] i installed it.. dunno how to run it [23:09] Lowke1, type enemyterritory in the terminal or try just typing et [23:09] amaridian, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel [23:09] Lowke1: just type et [23:09] sorry :) [23:09] Pelo, sure i just sqid the nsmqe because i didnt reqd it on screen, just wanted to give info [23:09] Pelo: Nothing That suits my needs [23:09] soundray is here the source (http://pastebin.com/m247ecc2) can u say me wich line is please? I think but i don't really remember that i manualy erased the directory, but from now on i don't want that program at all so if is there any way of removing the program i would appreciate [23:09] sorry for the annoying typos btw [23:09] Pelo: don't you know how to compile with gcc for ARM [23:09] any idea how to solve my installation? [23:10] cookie_, you might want to give the forum a search www.ubuntuforums.org [23:10] didn't work.. [23:10] Nothing there either [23:10] cookie_, I don'T no , sorry [23:10] Pelo, but are you sure i need the alternate install cd for my fakeraid controller? [23:10] neosix: didn't work [23:10] Anybody Knows a cross compiler that will compile c for arm architecture [23:10] ? [23:10] scuderia: line 33 [23:10] Lowke1: go to directory where you installed it and then type et [23:11] cookie_, zhqt qre you trying to do? [23:11] i dont know where i installed it [23:11] the .run file was on the desktop [23:11] i installed it in terminal [23:11] Ward1983 Yes, that is my understanding as well [23:11] cookie_, sorry for the typos in advance, resently changed keyboard layout [23:11] Ward1983, as I recall , alt-cd or livd dvd, you need to do some command before you start the installer, but I have never done this myserlf, I'm just recalling things I've read in this channel [23:11] Lowke1: /usr/local/games [23:11] cookie_: I think gcc can do it [23:11] Jack_Sparrow, what is? [23:11] archman: still building....... [23:11] lowkey@lowkey-laptop:/usr/local/games$ et [23:11] bash: et: command not found [23:12] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:12] lowkey@lowkey-laptop:/usr/local/games$ enemyterritory [23:12] bash: enemyterritory: command not found [23:12] Lowke: ./et [23:12] ok [23:12] ./et [23:12] Lowke1, try ET [23:12] Pelo, ah ok, im in the livecd, but can isntall stuff on the ramdisk [23:12] none worked [23:12] :( [23:12] maybe i installed it wrong? [23:12] Lowke1: find in the same dir binary file [23:13] speaking spanish right now =[ [23:13] Starnestommy: I know gcc can do it. But after man gcc I can't figure it out how [23:13] cookie_, are you trying to compile something liek compiz or beryl on your pda? [23:13] i mean for your pda [23:13] is the amd64.iso also for Intel quads ? [23:14] Lowke1: do you see any binary file [23:14] Ward1983: no [23:14] sme^: yes [23:14] Ward1983: I am trying to compile my text rpg game [23:14] Thank you soundray :)) [23:14] Ward1983: and some other stuff like nmap, etc [23:14] now I'll go get it :)) [23:14] soundray here is the output and also has a comment http://pastebin.com/m4282e9ad [23:14] cookie_, ah ok :) i know a post about crosscompilers for arm on some forum, let me go look for it [23:15] Ward1983: Please [23:15] cookie_, http://undcon.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=62 [23:16] I will look it up [23:16] can anyone help me with the mxrevolution? i got it working partially, but if i turn it off and on, or even start up with it turned off, it won't configure properly. it only works when the mouse is on the whole time the computer is on [23:16] THANKS Ward1983 [23:16] it has a few usefull links [23:16] no prob [23:16] also read about EABI [23:16] if you are using a ARM CPU [23:17] i tend to leave my computer turned on when i leave and i dont like to leave my mouse turned on to drain while i'm afk. restarting the computer is not an option. this is all the help i've got so far [23:17] scuderia: no, try commenting out line 35 first [23:17] neosix: i cant even find et in games [23:17] archman: is it supposed to take this long? [23:18] neosix: /usr/games [23:18] Ward1983: I am using a palm TX with ARM Xscale CPU, and I am running Angstrom Opie, a linux flavor with a Qt based interface [23:18] Ward1983: Thanks. I will try the first one. [23:18] Lowke1: /usr/local/games [23:19] Pelo, ive found a forum post describing my problem... [23:19] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=645242&highlight=wrong+mirror&page=2 [23:19] cookie_, nice, i run debian on my pocket loox 720 :) and i like matchbox and fluxbox most [23:19] soundray http://pastebin.com/d72fc012c [23:19] but the solution doesnt work [23:19] 0 items [23:19] >.< === [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia [23:19] im connected to internet... as you can obviously see :) [23:19] in /usr/local/games [23:19] Lowke1: well then installation failed [23:19] hmm [23:19] can you help me with the install [23:20] Lowke1: something wrong === [1]VeNoM-work is now known as VeNoM-work [23:20] good evening all [23:20] cookie_, no problem, good luck, and dont forget to read about EABI, you will probably love it (think performance boost) [23:20] Lowke1: what file do you use (sorry for english) :D [23:20] general question, for people who have installed wine, does it usually take 10 mins+ to "make" the file? [23:20] i have etf_1.6-english-5.run - wolf-linux-1.4-full.x86.run - and wolf-linux-1.41-3.x88.run [23:21] 88 --- 86*** [23:21] Lowke1: how did you install it for the first time [23:21] sudo [23:21] Karsyth, i never did but some progs can take much longer even [23:21] to make [23:21] !yay | scuderia [23:21] scuderia: Glad you made it! :-) [23:22] Lowke1: only sudo === [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia [23:22] hold on [23:22] Karsyth: I did a bisect of wine the other day to track down some regressions. 8 wine compilations must have taken about 3 hours. [23:22] as long as its normal [23:22] i didnt know if it was looping some error or something [23:22] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:23] Karsyth: For most wine things, it's just better to support the wine development community and buy a copy of crossover. [23:23] Ward1983 I did some reading and there seems to still be issues with installing on existing raid array [23:23] anyone use moto4lin? my w385 is not being recognized as a usb device neither is my mp4 player [23:23] how do i change my encoding from utf-8 to latin? [23:24] Jack_Sparrow, that doesnt sound very good, do you have a url? [23:24] where can i find rmod source list? [23:24] thanks soundray [23:25] Ward1983, I did a google search for ubuntu install existing raid and found a lot of info [23:25] does anyone use a Intel D975xbx2 with gutsy? [23:26] arg [23:27] neosix: can you just walk me through reinstallation [23:27] i kept ./cd file-flsun.run ing it [23:27] i cant find the tut i read ;9 [23:27] Hello, what is the difference between icescape and seamonkey? [23:27] Lowke1: well tell me first how did you install it first time [23:27] Lowke1: I want to see where is the mistake === [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia [23:28] Ward1983: wow, buildroot is so hard to use [23:29] cookie_, like the poster says: its not trivial lol [23:29] neosix: @ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./etf_1.6-english-2.run [23:29] like that [23:29] Jack_Sparrow, do you have a link / url? [23:30] Lowke1: Lowke1: did you set chmod for that file [23:30] could anyone here help me with getting virtual box to work with windows (I'm running FEISTY) [23:30] mmhh... forum doesn seem to know the answer :( [23:31] ok, i think i screwed up my xorg.conf file [23:31] how can i change the mirrors of the installation? [23:32] now i can't seem to get to a shell [23:32] neosix: yeah i did the +x thing [23:32] sup [23:32] amaridian: System-Administration-Software sources [23:32] I'm needing some help configuring Virtual Box with Feisty, could someone help ? [23:32] Lowke1:hmm, I don't understand... At my system works fine [23:33] My NIC still doesn't work in Lin, but it now works in Win (after updating drivers and flashing BIOS) [23:33] (atl1) [23:33] hmmm [23:33] Anybody in here knows the status of Ubunut-Mobile? or is that another channel? [23:33] Lowke1: although I'm using Debian but that the sam thing :) [23:33] neosix: maybe i can try reinstalling from the usr/local/games [23:34] hi [23:34] please o meed help [23:34] need help [23:34] Lowke1: no, installer install it by default in that dir [23:34] from all o f u [23:35] smb [23:35] neosix: weird.. [23:35] audrius: ask a question [23:35] Lowke1: did you have all dependencies [23:35] it is with grafics [23:35] video card [23:35] neosix: i dont know [23:35] i have asus geforce 8600gts [23:35] !enter | audrius [23:35] Lowke1: well check that [23:35] audrius: have you checked the various guides on the forum? [23:35] audrius: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:35] can you still use desktop effects on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper [23:35] idk what it is [23:35] neosix: [23:35] and when i allow restricted dirver my comp crasehe after rrestart [23:36] i write slowly [23:36] have you checked the various guides on the forum? yes i did [23:36] Lowke1: go to official web site and check deps [23:36] audrius not asking the question the first time may cost you....first born, arm and possibly a leg... but seriously write it all out and then hit enter once :) [23:36] lol LinuxMonkey [23:37] Hi, my server uses a LOT of ram but no swap. Is there a way I can configure it to use more swap? [23:37] ok [23:37] archman: alright i think its done, i dont see any errors. last thing i did was sudo make install [23:37] archman: where do i go from here? [23:37] Smartface it only uses the swap it needs, ram is much faster than swap [23:38] Ok [23:38] smartface its always better to use ram than swap. if you want to use more swap you can always put more memory intensive load on the server [23:38] And is there some way I can see (from SSH) what's using up all the ram? [23:39] smartface: top [23:39] And is it bad to constantly be using 98% of the ram? [23:39] thanks [23:39] or ps [23:39] smartface: no, it's not bad. [23:39] * cmpsalvestrini thinks it's a good thing linux is not the other os from redmond [23:39] cool [23:39] thanks a lot guys [23:39] smartface: Linux doesn't leave RAM lying about unused -- it uses it for buffers and caches whenever possible. [23:39] cmpsalvestrini: that would be osx :P [23:39] ps -Ao pid,tt,user,fname,size | sort -n -k5 [23:40] lol djviper [23:40] smartface: ^^... bah [23:40] hello [23:40] haha, 'vistakiller' [23:40] nice name [23:41] how do I shutdown a ubuntu box to console only [23:41] archman: whats next? [23:41] flyback-: ctrl+alt+backspace [23:41] I guess ubuntu doesn't have the normal runlevel stuff [23:41] !hostname [23:41] Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [23:41] flyback-: 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop' [23:41] flyback have you tried sudo init 3? [23:41] dj DOESN'T work on remote and that just restarts X anyways [23:41] hello i m new in ubuntu [23:41] flyback-: ah okay [23:41] Hey guys, any ideas on how to restrict writing but allow reading between a windows and a ubuntu partition?? [23:41] thx soundray [23:41] flyback-: you should have specified ;P [23:41] Pedro, welcome to the best community ever [23:42] good morning! [23:42] may i ask please... why is it that my folders keep saying "Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "My Music"" [23:42] thanks [23:42] f0rmat [23:42] yes [23:42] anyone know what i do after sudo make install for wine? [23:42] F0rmat if im not wrong, thats a nautilus issue [23:42] oh [23:42] ok [23:42] well i reinstalled [23:42] and it says it again [23:42] i have to reboot [23:42] f0rmat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:42] Try to use killall nautilus, and to put your default view in icons, not list. [23:43] seb962, You should be able to edit fstab to set that to read only [23:43] jack_sparrow Hey there mr :D [23:43] greetings. I've used Gmount-iso to mount .iso file, but was unable to unmount it later (gmount-iso just ignored that button) then I've inserted cd and contents of /media/cdrom0 change dapropriately. BUT now i can't get my cd back, unable to unmount it wis gmount-iso (it still thinks that there's a iso on cdrom0) and nable to unmount it with nautilus (it tells umount: it seems /media/cdrom0 is mounted multiple times) [23:43] seb962: you want to deny write access to the ntfs partition from ubuntu, right? [23:43] any ideas what should i do now? [23:43] seb962, HOw id the format and install do on the bad drive? [23:43] o btw guys, i've come acros some weirdness with the rt kernel in gutsy [23:43] Awfully well, man... Thanks so much for your moral support hahaha. [23:43] seb962: check /etc/fstab win part mount read only ro [23:44] Everyone: Thanks, i'll do some research on the fstab file. [23:44] Quick brb. [23:44] Mezriss: in a terminal 'sudo umount /media/cdrom0'. Any errors, put them on the pastebin for us to see. [23:44] is there any virus for ubuntu? [23:44] !virus | pedro__ [23:44] pedro__: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [23:44] cmpsalvestrini, hi [23:44] pedro__: only in laboratories [23:44] pedro_: there are no unix/linux virii [23:45] *begin argument* [23:45] ok [23:45] If anyone can tell me or help me understand why my desktop is not rotating with compiz? [23:45] hi icesword [23:45] cmpsalvestrini, you are from potaoya? [23:45] seb962: thankyou [23:45] cmpsalvestrini: viruses [23:45] hello again guys [23:45] no icesword i'm not [23:46] soulrider, thanks, that was enough to fix it. still I have no idea why Gmount-iso was unable to unmpunt it [23:46] I'm trying to mount a samba file server in my fstab but I can't find what the type should be [23:46] thank you soundray [23:46] nikolai, Did you install ccsm? did you set it to 4,1,1 etc [23:46] cmpsalvestrini, but you know your ip points to beijing === darkstorm^ is now known as darkstorm [23:46] I currently have "smbfs" for the type but it is giving an error [23:46] well that's odd icesword === darkstorm is now known as darkstorm^ [23:46] i'm currently in lispon portugal [23:46] i meant lisbon [23:47] cmpsalvestrini, proxy [23:47] nikolai, How are you trying to spin it [23:47] Mezriss: I've seen idiosyncratic behaviour like that, but it can be fixed on the command line most times. [23:47] nikolai, ctrl alt left mouse button move mouse [23:48] where can i find rmod source list? [23:48] icesword, i have no proxy set up, i'm connecting directly to the net via dsl [23:48] cmpsalvestrini, ohh,i see,maybe it is dns error [23:48] Hi all, Good evening [23:48] maybe. anything is possible icesword [23:48] fernando, hi [23:49] good morning fernando [23:49] I am a bridge player on BBO (Bridge Base Online) [23:49] nikolai, доброй ночи [23:49] nikolai, Try /j #Compiz for troubleshooting effects [23:49] I always used their software uner windows and it is right [23:50] But in Ubuntu FF it blocks several times [23:50] !ru > niketas [23:50] niketas, double click cube in ccsm [23:50] Is there any CAD-applications for Ubuntu? [23:50] Anyone has an idea why or has had similar problems? [23:50] can anyone help me with my fstab issue? [23:50] Zambezi, try QCad, it's in the packages [23:50] it runs under wine , of course .. [23:50] JonZenor: what's wrong? [23:50] niketas, sorry that was wrong one sec [23:51] Jack_Sparrow, what do you mean? [23:51] BG? [23:51] nikolai, double click desktop options [23:51] cmpsalvestrini: Thanks. [23:51] mneptok, I'm sorry, what was this? [23:51] you're welcome zambezi [23:51] then desktop size [23:51] Jack_Sparrow: I've given nikolai the factoid in #compiz-fusion already :) [23:51] prince_jammys: I'm trying to add a samba folder to my fstab, and it is complaining about the type which I currently have set as "smbfs" [23:51] how do i setup software raid when im installing? [23:52] Anyone know if there is a Dapper theme [23:52] JonZenor: ah, samba. sorry, i don't know [23:52] so i can make gutsy look like dapper [23:52] oh wow hes right [23:52] you can ;ake it look like anything you want [23:52] my Bridge Base Online program running under wine emulator is locking several tmes ...what can I do? [23:52] the 4,1,1 rule was wrong [23:52] sorry for this and thank you [23:53] JonZenor: paste the line here, it might help somebody.:: grep smb /etc/fstab and paste here [23:53] has anyone used fuseiso? i've mounted imageg with it for a change but for some unknown reason I'm able to acces it as root on;y/ is there a way to fix it? [23:53] all my panels are gone..... what happened? is there a way to get them back? [23:53] //delllappy/Files /mnt/Files smbfs username=jon,password=znx587 0 0 [23:53] oops :D [23:53] cmpsalvestrini: That's not a easy application. :-) But I'll give it a shot. [23:54] JonZenor: :) [23:54] zethero1, restart x-server if that was a crush (ctrl+alt+backspace) or add new ) [23:54] guess I'm changing my password today lol [23:54] JonZenor: Thanks. Your firewall is screaming like a mad now. :-P [23:54] my Bridge Base Online program running under wine emulator is blocking several times ...what can I do? [23:54] i agree zambezi [23:54] any ideas how i can mount a directory on another ubuntu box? they are on the same network. [23:55] Mezriss: restarting X does nothing for me.... ho do you add a new panel when there is none there? [23:55] fernando, /j #Winehq for assistance with wine apps [23:55] hmm [23:55] thx [23:55] Can somebody tell me Can I set fixed position for line in chat window? Every time when somebody with big nickname said something Line moves and that is annoying. [23:55] can someone help? I need stuff from the Debian repositories and i have add them to my sources.list and now getting GPG key errors can i just issue apt-key update to fix this error or no because they aren't normal Ubuntu repositories? [23:56] in Xchat [23:56] cmpsalvestrini: I haven't even manage to draw a stupid line. But some reading and then I'll go for it. [23:56] what is the best dvd ripper for ubuntu? [23:56] LeChacal, PUlling from Debian Repos can lead to a seriously broken system [23:56] <^Juan^> is there any way to play mobile jar games on ubuntu? [23:56] this is what I get when i compile with gcc [23:56] gcc fightserv.c -march=arm -o fightarm [23:56] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -march= switch [23:56] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -mtune= switch [23:56] spork: try k9copy [23:56] spork969: probably k9copy, but see !best [23:56] pass changed, now, can someone help me with that file? [23:57] where can i find xchat-gnome plugins? [23:57] anybody knows why? [23:57] regarding my question, when i load a realtime kernel in gutsy amd64 the linux version for second life causes a *hard* freeze as soon as i open the inventory and start typing to find. [23:57] !best [23:57] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [23:57] Lack_Sparrow, Thank you [23:57] anyone got Phun -32bit running? Ive not been able to get it to run [23:57] the problem does not happen with a default kernel [23:57] fernando, ? [23:57] Jacl_Sparrow: i know but the dependence for the Debain Cluster Componits are only in there [23:57] >.< I need help with compiz [23:57] good lick zambezi :) [23:58] could somebody help me with this? buildroot is too hard to use [23:58] gcc fightserv.c -march=arm -o fightarm [23:58] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -march= switch [23:58] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -mtune= switch [23:58] LeChacal, Understood... Hope you have a valid full system backup [23:58] !gpg [23:58] gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts [23:58] <^Juan^> is there any way to play mobile jar games on ubuntu? [23:58] evening === lipsin is now known as lipsinOffline [23:58] i have problem with with my graphics card asus geforce 8600 gts in asus official page i didn't found special drivers... any suggestions...? [23:59] I'm having problems with rxvt and urxvt segfaulting when I try to start them. Anyone heard of this issue before? As an aside, is there a way to force-reinstall all dependencies for a given package (like gentoo's --emptytree ) ? [23:59] could somebody help me install compiz-fusoin/beryl? [23:59] please somebody help. somebody who knows how to use gcc for cross compiling please [23:59] gcc fightserv.c -march=arm -o fightarm [23:59] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -march= switch [23:59] fightserv.c:1: error: bad value (arm) for -mtune= switch [23:59] Jacl_Sparrow: dont need it this is the 4th reload 3ed was trasshed because some issued apt-get upgrade will have Debians in the sources.list but i wasnt getting the GPG key error then for some reason [23:59] anybody know the fstab answer? [23:59] cookie: what's the processor ? arch ?