
NoelJBpwnguin: because the last N times, people were waiting to see it posted.00:00
NoelJBThe release schedule page hasn't even been updated yet, just the actual drop.00:01
naught101openoffice.org package is still broken for everyone?00:01
NoelJBagain?  I had it working after the last OpenOffice packaging snafu.00:02
DanaGDang SCIM eats my space if I'm typing with Shift held down.00:07
SeveredC1ossMy friend next to me is actually just having SCIM issues too.00:08
naught101is the alpha 6 release in the repos? if so, how long has it been there?00:10
DanaGSCIM is cool, but not when it eats spaces, and not when ctrl-shift is the binding to change input methods.00:11
RAOFnaught101: alpha 6 isn't in the repos at all - the repository has no idea of the alphas.00:11
DanaGTry typing something like:  Ineed to go to ....00:12
DanaGsee, it ate the space!00:12
naught101RAOF, ok, let me rephrase: is alpha 6 using all the same versions of packages that are currently in the repos, or is it ahead (or behind)?00:13
DanaGIhate when SCIMeats the space.00:13
RAOFIt cannot be ahead; the alphas are just a snapshot of the repository at a specific point in time.00:13
naught101ok. is it already behind?00:13
RAOFnaught101: It's probably behind, in that running "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" will likely bring in updated packages.00:14
naught101this is killing me00:14
naught101not literally..00:14
RAOFThe alphas serve 2 main purposes: to test the installer, and to give new people a (pretty much) known-working way to install.00:15
RAOFIf you've already got Hardy installed, you don't care about the alphas at all.00:15
DanaGAlso try pressing and releasing 'ctrl' -- the SCIM thingy changes size.  It's quite distracting.00:16
J-_laptopIs there anyway to fix a panel that doesn't hide anymore? It usually gets stuck.00:19
DanaGBang on it, perhaps?00:19
DanaG(lame joke.)00:19
J-_laptopI know killall gnome-panel fixes it, but is there more of a fix that will last longer than 3 minutes. =P00:20
J-_laptopIt's probably a gnome issue anyway00:20
* J-_laptop shrugs00:20
cyphaseRAOF: i always reinstall anyway :)00:20
DanaGPanels don't slide very far out, either.  It looks more like they've slipped off the screen accidentally than like they're auto-hiding.00:21
cyphaseRAOF: of course, if i was using it on a physical machine instead of a VM, it would be different00:21
SeveredC1ossgnome-panel's auto hide is the shitties auto hide ever.00:22
J-_laptopholy smokes found another thing. I put my home folder on a panel and the icon looks all gross. Unless it's just my theme.00:23
J-_laptopnope it isn't00:25
J-_laptopevery theme.00:25
DanaGThe Places->Bookmarks thingy is fugly.00:25
* J-_laptop goes into gconf-editor and tweaks some stuff00:28
J-_laptopI also found that making a completely new panel in gutsy helped with the stickiness. Not sure why. Not sure if it'll work in hardy00:30
J-_laptopI'll try00:30
DanaGWow, that SCIM toolbar is distracting.  Try pressing and releasing 'ctrl'.00:37
DanaGAnd it doesn't snap to things.  That's annoying.00:38
sykeare there any estimates as to when ndiswrapper will be working with hardy's 2.6.24 kernel?00:43
J-_laptopDanaG: Yeah, I got rid of it after it got annoying =P00:43
J-_laptopah yeah, went to move an icon on the panel, and now there's a border around it like with that home icon ordeal. I shall restart and see if it fixes00:47
soul_reaver_ffxhi can any 1 help me on here00:51
soul_reaver_ffxjust wanting to kknow  if ya can change gui on ubuntu   ?00:51
Flannelsoul_reaver_ffx: What do you mean?00:52
pwnguinnautilus can finally run mplayer on files accessed by smb00:53
pwnguingvfs ftw00:53
soul_reaver_ffxi know on older verwsion  of linux etc  ya can put diffrent  user interfaces on like  gnome etc  can ya change the unbutu  or do ya  have to gnome ?00:55
Flannelsoul_reaver_ffx: Yes, you can do whatever you'd like with it.  You can have Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu (andmore) all sitting on the same Linux install00:56
rsksoul_reaver_ffx: you can change00:56
RAOFsoul_reaver_ffx: You can install KDE if you like.  Or XFCE.  Or E17, or whatever00:56
soul_reaver_ffx wasent sure weather ya could   im learning  is it easy to do ?   not used any version of linux for sume years  now  so it learning all againe00:58
Flannelsoul_reaver_ffx: its very easy.  After you install Ubuntu, if you want to add KDE to it, just install the "kubuntu-desktop" package.00:59
Flannelsoul_reaver_ffx: you probably shouldn't be on Hardy at the moment, as it's still alpha.  And also, general support is in #ubuntu01:00
SeveredC1ossBug 19356101:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193561 in rhythmbox "MTP plugin lacks proper permissions to interface with device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19356101:13
DanaGPidgin + Suspend == fail.01:27
DanaGIt shouldn't take 5 minutes for a chat application to realize I've been disconnected for the past 5 minutes.01:28
richard__ALPHA 6 FEVER!:D01:28
FlannelDanaG: you can probably change the timeout, its probably set to 300 seconds, thats fairly standard01:28
richard__is there a countdown timer? I have a small henkel trocken ready01:30
SeveredC1ossRhythmbox is sucking pretty hard on Alpha 6.01:31
richard__I tend to go with amarok since it allows me to que up podcasts for transfer and then move 'em when my player is connected01:32
richard__Also, I tried evolution for the first time yesterday and oh my, it's really really nice!:)01:33
DanaGWow, Ubuntu really does abuse my hard drive ... 2 load cycles in 30 seconds.01:33
mrsno__DanaG pidgin can be slow to realise you are offline sometimes, i find this varies on network though?01:33
richard__I don't see why it's been getting so much flack. Bad history?01:33
DanaGI'm hearing the drive load and unload literally every 5 or 10 seconds.01:33
DanaGpdflush and kblockd are one thing causing it.01:36
richard__alpha 6 isnt linked to the hardy heron release schedule wiki01:38
richard__or do the isos simply not exist yet?:)01:39
DanaG8 cycles in two minutes.01:39
richard__Oh btw... this SCIM thing01:40
richard__It just loves to switch my keyboard layout and character set to armenian01:41
J-_laptopmy brother came over, and I'm like, "check out my new laptop, watch these squirrels fight on youtube" and my brother goes, "you flippin(other word) geek, spend $1000 on a laptop to watch squirrels fight?".01:42
J-_laptopI had a chuckle over it.01:42
J-_laptopmy SCIM is disabled. =P01:43
ader10alpha 6 is released, correct?01:43
J-_laptopI'm not knowing. My lappy runs really nice right now. I don't want to update.01:44
J-_laptopWell, I do and don't. lol01:44
J-_laptopTis running very nicely now01:44
richard__ader10, if you find a link, please do share01:45
willis__i updated - and got some issues wity my nvidia drivers, and kernel now. :()01:47
TheArthurwhen I plug in a flash disk encrypted with dm-crypt/LUKS the volume manager decrypts it but dose not mount it, is there a way to do this automatically01:47
TheArthurand is there a gui for encrytping things like flash drives etc....01:48
NoelJBader10 and richard__: they're all there.  just not linked from the wiki.01:51
richard__alpha 6 fever!!01:52
NoelJBrichard__:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-6/01:52
ader10yeah, it's mentioned on the hardy release page01:52
richard__thank you! :D01:52
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
DanaGHere's something odd on my laptop: my hard drive won't spin down when idle.  Instead, it just unloads the heads.02:01
DanaGThere must be some ATA commands swapped in the kernel, perhaps.02:02
DanaGHere's something odd on my laptop: my hard drive won't spin down when idle.  Instead, it just unloads the heads.02:03
DanaGThere must be some ATA commands swapped in the kernel, perhaps.02:03
DanaG(sorry if I repeated it; I think pidgin may have been zombified.)02:04
NoelJBDanaG: how are you checking the drive status?02:13
NoelJBDanaG: and, if necessary, open a bug report.02:14
Nostah2hi all02:19
Nostah2what kind of fun stuff is the new hardy herron going to bring02:20
oldmonkswillhi, installed hardy last night (works great!) compiz works fine, i have the wall etc. but after installing advanced desktop settings manager, i don't get the option for 'custom' settings when right clicking the desktop, so though i have the cube etc set up, it is not activated, is this a known issue?02:25
dooglusafter installing hardy into a chroot using 'debootstrap', is there any way of booting it?02:30
dooglusit's not on its own partition02:30
J-_laptopdo I need pulseaudio on both my desktop and laptop to stream cesktop to laptop over internal ip, or can I do that with ssh as well?02:32
crimsundooglus: you wouldn't "boot" into it per se; you'd chroot into it and go about your hardy business.02:33
biggahed_hello there. Ive got a notebook which has a hotkey to disable/enable bluetooth/wireless and id like to know how to manually setup those, as theyre not working. kern log even shows that the event is captured, by enabling the wireless. The problem is that it only enables it, every keypress. Any clues?02:37
doogluscrimsun: what would I set "DISPLAY" to be?02:39
dooglus( Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0 )02:39
crimsundooglus: here, let me give you a reference from Debian.02:41
crimsundooglus: cf. at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-chroot02:42
dooglusno mention of DISPLAY there?02:43
dooglusoh, 8.6...02:43
dooglusI don't want ot run the hardy X server (I don't have it installed, even).  I just want to run X client programs.02:45
Milos_SDHi All ...I did the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy when it was in Alpha 5 stage ... will I be "up to date" by only doing ordinary update?02:46
Milos_SDOr it is necessery to do something else?02:46
Milos_SDto get Alpha 602:46
crimsunMilos_SD: using update-manager or dist-upgrade suffices02:47
bazhangMilos_SD: just keep upgrading til final ;]02:47
Milos_SDthanks :)02:47
bazhangonly 7 more weeks ;]02:47
crimsundooglus: even when you use xauth?02:48
NoelJBbiggahed_: which laptop?  I know where the toggle is for bluetooth on a Thinkpad.02:48
doogluscrimsun: I think I missed the first half of your question.  what even when I use xauth?02:50
crimsun21:39      dooglus > ( Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0 )02:50
doogluscrimsun: I don't know xauth02:50
crimsundooglus: i.e., with some xauth hackery between the chroot and host02:50
biggahed_NoelJB, its a poors man thinkpad.  a lenovo c20002:51
biggahed_but i think the kb scheme is the same02:51
NoelJBbiggahed_: then see http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_setup_Bluetooth02:51
biggahed_ive seen that, the problem is i dont have a /proc/acpi/ibm/whateaver listed :/02:51
crimsundooglus: xauth is the correct way instead of (ab)using xhost02:52
crimsundooglus: there's also ssh -Y localhost02:52
biggahed_and i couldnt find anything resembling bluetooth there02:52
biggahed_kernlog even shows that the event is captured and enables wireless. The problem is that it only enables it, every keypress... it doenst disable it and bluetooth is not mentioned at all02:55
biggahed_any clues? :)02:56
NoelJBbiggahed_: unfortunately, I can't reboot into Hardy to check until I've finished duplicating a 1TB drive.02:56
biggahed_but what would you check? im fine with just that info02:57
NoelJBI've a T61p, and would check against mine.02:58
biggahed_thanks anyway. ill bother you tomorrow or something :)02:59
NoelJBbiggahed_: FWIW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Lenovo3000C200_8922AZG03:01
NoelJBbiggahed_: also: http://www.nabble.com/Re:-how-enable-bluetooth-in-Lenovo-3000-C200-p14573383.html03:02
NoelJBWhich leads me to believe that there may be a support issue, and you will need to file bug reports and hope to get the right people's attention.03:03
biggahed_that second links seems promissing03:05
biggahed_i guess ill have to file a bug report03:07
biggahed_problem is, mine is a br variant... dont anyone will be able to help with that03:08
alteregoai got some problems with the Adobe Crash plugin03:11
alteregoa64bit Hardy03:11
NoelJBalteregoa: there is an existing bug for it.  but it ought to have been fixed.  Are you using Alpha 6?03:12
NoelJBoh wait ... the fix is a download from that bug report ... let me get you the link.03:12
alteregoathere is a gonzo blog, should i try it from it?03:18
NoelJBhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/177856/comments/13 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/179882/comments/1703:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177856 in nspluginwrapper "Gutsy 64: nspluginwrapper errors with flashplugin-nonfree 9.0.115" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:19
NoelJBgo for the latter of the two, if you don't already have at least that level.03:19
NoelJBalteregoa: or are you having a different crash with Adobe Flash?03:20
alteregoai still wait if it happens again03:23
alteregoamaybe logic03:23
alteregoawell, there are some fnords behind the closed source lines03:23
alteregoaBueno, recuerdo, Siempre contestan en espagnol, Senor Butthead: "como es juan" aammm? Burritos?, no senor butthead?! como es juan!? "Cruncumulle"03:28
emmaWhat more is here?03:36
Seveasemma, you just missed it :)03:36
naliothemma: ?03:39
emmaIs this channel also being recorded by the IRSeek corporation?03:40
naliothemma: you may assume all channels are03:41
naliothi see you're not using your 'real name' field to it's best advantage03:41
emmaI'll have to see how I can do that.03:42
emmaThat's a client thing?03:42
emmaDoes that show up to the corporate loggers?03:42
naliothyes, your 'real name' field03:42
naliothit shows up to everyone03:42
teethdoodI've never been able to get SCIM working properly, but man this past update made it work flawlessly03:44
teethdoodso yeah just wanted to say WOOHOO, so, WOOHOO!!!03:45
SeveredC1ossYeah, SCIM has never worked for me. I should re-install it so I can use it properly.03:49
emmaI don't see the IRSeekBot in here.03:51
emmaOh crap there it is.03:51
wastrelscim works yes03:56
wastrelit is pretty good03:56
wastrela bit buggy/crashy03:56
wastrelhaven't tried it on hardy yet03:57
MFenso, no fix for wifi out yet?03:57
wastrelwifi is broken?03:58
MFenwifi is broken03:59
wastrelwhat card?04:00
wastrelmine is fine04:00
MFeni installed regular updates this morning and my madwifi drivers broke04:00
wastrelah madwifi i dunno04:00
MFenit's an intel mumble mumble card04:00
MFen0b:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)04:01
SeveredC1ossMFen: Wifi's fixed.04:01
SeveredC1ossAnd it's not an Intel card, it's Atheros.04:01
MFenyeah, i thought it was intel04:01
SeveredC1ossOh, madwifi might be broken.04:01
SeveredC1ossNetwork-manager was broken earlier.04:01
MFenhow much earlier? this breakage occurred this morning04:01
wastreli have weird network b0rkage on my gusty04:02
MFeni just did another update now and nothing network-related came over04:02
wastrelbut my hardy's fine04:02
MFenmaybe i should downgrade back to gutsy04:09
MFentrying to run a macbook pro on hardy has just been a hassle04:09
MFenit works almost all the time, but i really can't be without network for another day04:10
J-_laptoppc went to sleep, it didn't start while I pressed any buttons but I pushed the power button and it woke04:12
lime4x4does hardy 64bit still use the modprobe/option file?04:15
lime4x4cuase it keeps bypassing or not using an option for the forcedeth module04:16
lime4x4which i need to networking04:17
RAOFYou're talking about /etc/modprobe.d/options, right?04:18
lime4x4this is what i have in that file options forcedeth msi=0 msix=004:19
lime4x4without my networking never connects04:19
lime4x4so once i'm in my desktop i have to issues the commands in a terminal04:20
lime4x4it worked in the 32 bit version of hardy04:20
teethdoodis app-level volume control going into hardy anytime soon?04:21
RAOFteethdood: It has been for ages.04:22
RAOFteethdood: And by "ages" I mean "since Feisty", or possibly earlier.04:22
teethdoodhmm I thought it's only possible due to PulseAudio04:23
lime4x4so i'm trying to figure out why04:23
DarkMageZhmm. when will a gui method of app-level volume control be available?04:23
RAOFteethdood: It is indeed.  Pulseaudio has been in Ubuntu since at least Feisty :)04:23
RAOFDarkMageZ: Again, already.04:24
DarkMageZhmm. when i get home i'm going to have to test your comment there. i don't recall seeing it.04:24
teethdoodRAOF: alright I guess I'll look up the package :)04:24
RAOFThe packages that everyone is after are pulled in by the 'paprefs' or somesuch package.04:24
RAOFThe one that you're particularly after is 'pavucontrol', which brings in the pulseaudio volume control.04:25
DarkMageZoh, so it's not part of the default install ?04:25
teethdoodRAOF: how come it's not installed by default?04:25
DarkMageZno-wonder i haven't seen it.04:26
RAOFBecause it's kinda evil on the UI front.04:26
DarkMageZlook @ how vista deployed it. awesomeness.04:26
teethdoodvista deployed PulseAudio?!?04:26
DarkMageZapp-level volume control on the gui front.04:26
teethdoodDarkMageZ: oh ok...never used Vista...people scared me away from even trying it :)04:27
DarkMageZpeople also tried similar scare campaigns against windows xp...04:28
teethdoodRAOF: I only see Adobe Flash in the list of apps in pavucontrol. How do I add more apps in there? hmm guess I'll hit the forums04:33
RAOFteethdood: While an app is producing sound, it goes in that list.04:33
RAOFIf you fire up rhythmbox and set it to playing, you'll get a rhythmbox entry there.04:34
teethdoodRAOF: ah yes...good man thanks04:34
RAOFNote that you can also do funky things from there, such as moving streams to different output devices - I use this to send rhythmbox to my server connected to the stereo, for example.04:35
=== credible_ is now known as credible
teethdoodRAOF: wow I read up on the possibilities of PulseAudio but didn't know it would be so easy04:37
teethdoodRAOF: well not THAT easy...I guess I would need to add a "Virtual Server" or something?04:38
teethdoodcuz I only see one device in the Output list04:38
RAOFteethdood: No.  You'd be looking for System->Preferences->Pulseaudio Preferences04:38
teethdoodRAOF: alright I need to hunt down that paprefs package then :)04:39
darkzerohey all04:39
RAOFteethdood: There are a variety of "enable network access" options.  Turn them on, on your machine and the server, and the server's sound device(s) turn up in the context menu.04:39
darkzerohow hardy coming along?04:39
darkzeroI haven't seen any theme changes yet04:40
teethdoodRAOF: so does that mean I can enable my 10 networked comps to play the same stream coming off of one computer? sweet04:40
RAOFteethdood: For that you'd need to use the multicast RTP output, but yes.04:42
RAOF(Otherwise it's a simple point-to-point mapping)04:43
lime4x4okay i'm i missing something silly what happened to system/administratio/login screen?04:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGis kde4.0.2 in the repo?04:47
teethdoodRAOF: ok silly question, but...say all 11 of my computers are all wireless. Does that stream have to be sent out to all 10 other comps? (meaning X10 bandwidth?)04:48
[Hardy]TuTUXGteethdood, it's not calculated like that actually..04:49
RAOFteethdood: Using the multicast sink, kinda.04:49
lime4x4how do u change the login screen in hardy?04:50
RAOFActually, that's a lie.  I'm not entirely sure how multicast interacts with wireless.04:50
RAOFIt's possible (and, in fact, probable if things are set up right) that it does, indeed, only go out once.04:51
teethdoodI need to track that answer down cuz I'm building an office right now, deciding whether to go GigE or WiFi04:51
RAOFGigE can be _substantially_ faster, but even 100Mbit/sec ethernet is likely to be faster than wifi - wifi is shared bandwidth.04:52
teethdoodwifi N is what, 300Mbits?04:53
RAOF450ish, theoretical or so.04:53
RAOFShared over /n/ computers...04:54
teethdoodRAOF: here's the thing, I don't want to run TV cable wires to put up TVs in each operatory (I'm a dentist), so I want to do audio/video over the network to computers instead04:55
teethdoodand I'm hoping to do streaming like how PulseAudio multicast, but with video also, so I can control all 10 monitors over what content I want played04:57
teethdoodquestion is, can wifi N handle the bandwidth?04:57
teethdoodthat's probably asking for too much04:58
RAOFteethdood: You'd be better off contacting a professional.  Wifi n could presumably, theoretically handle the bandwidth, but you'll obviously be pushing out compressed a/v to a local computer, which drives the TV.04:58
teethdoodRAOF: it won't actually be TV TV, but a DVD or something. I would play that DVD on one computer and have that streamed to all 10 other comps05:00
=== credible_ is now known as credible
RAOFThat seems possible.  Again, you'd want to contact a professional; you want to know this works before you pay for it :)05:01
teethdooda professional would push me toward running coaxial cables for TVs :P05:03
cinvokedoes anybody know how to open port 22?05:06
garrwoodHowdy all, I upgrd to Hardy (64b) frm 7.10 (64b). Nautilus is not running & asking for libbeagle. I see libeagle1 for Hardy but no libbeagle. Pls help!05:07
garrwoodsorry those should be libbeagle $ libbeagle1.05:10
* DanaG wishes his hard drive would stop load-cycling.05:12
DanaGOh hey, I think the suspend and sleep commands must really be reversed.  Do man hdparm, and look at -y and -Y.  The former spins down; the latter does not.05:15
WorkingOnWisehopefullly this is a simple fix. I have Sun Jave 6 plugin installed. I try to use java in firefox and am told I need o install the plugin. I tell it to go on, and it liste Icedtea, sun java 5 and sun java 6. I pick sun java 6 and am told it is already installed (DUHHH) and to restart the browser. I do, and same trouble. I pick sun java 5 this time, and let it install, and restart the browser. Same result....05:27
WorkingOnWiseand Firefox 305:27
FlannelWorkingOnWise: about:plugins, does it show java?05:37
WorkingOnWiseFlannel: no it doesn't. odd....05:38
FlannelWorkingOnWise: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-7f353d2f3fb1a09aac09cf1caee565e897319306  Try some of the manual .so linking methods there05:39
FlannelWorkingOnWise: (and file a bug)05:39
macogwok i know there's a bug where pausing one audio source doesnt allow you to play another, but i closed the first audio source (rhythmbox) and i still got no flash sound. and then i closed that tab in firefox and re-opened rhythmbox and stuff won't play...the progress bar won't even move.  anyone seen this?05:39
[Hardy]TuTUXGmacogw, i guess u have to kill one of them05:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGor murder both05:40
macogwi closed both though05:41
macogwdo you think their processes zombie'd?05:41
[Hardy]TuTUXGnot zombie'd05:41
macogwsorry cant type fast while i paint my nails05:41
[Hardy]TuTUXGclose != kill05:41
WorkingOnWiseFlannel: thanks05:41
macogwit should05:42
[Hardy]TuTUXGit shouldn't05:42
macogwwhy not?05:42
macogwhaving to pkill firefox after youve already closed it is annoying05:42
macogwbut after you close it if you try to reopen it it complains its already running...im sure that has to confuse people05:43
[Hardy]TuTUXGwhich mean's it's not killed05:43
macogwand thats dumb05:43
[Hardy]TuTUXGsudo killall -9 firefox05:43
macogwwhen you exit an app, it should die05:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGany try to play ur music05:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGi dont know im not developing ff05:44
macogwok now rhythmbox works, but killing ff shouldnt be needed to get flash to let go of the audio...but heck, flash never *had* the audio because rhythmbox never relinquished it to flash05:45
macogwthis is definitely a regression05:46
macogwthe "only one at a time" bug wasnt present on this hardware before05:46
[Hardy]TuTUXGmy flash works fine with rythmbox05:49
macogwmine used to05:52
macogwi guess while trying to fix some other hda chip mine got broke05:52
[Hardy]TuTUXGmacogw, actually if u open the flash first, then open rhythmbox, it would work05:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGmacogw, anyway, it's a bug05:53
teethdoodmacogw: audio is funky nowadays. It would work, then I closed the laptop lid (always on no hibernation), 5 min later audio is borked05:57
DanaGDamnit, my keyboard got b0rked again.05:59
teethdoodRAOF: wikipedia says wifi N is 300Mbit/s max :P I was right06:01
* RAOF goes to revise wikipaedia :P06:01
teethdoodHA! you know on average a vandalized wiki page gets reversed within 1 minute06:02
kyklonedoes KDE 4.0.2 included in Kubuntu-KDE4 alpha 6? (or still 4.0.1)06:03
* macogw spilled hot pink nail polish on the laptop06:03
teethdooddunno if that's true but someone said it in slashdot (pinch of salt)06:03
kyklonedoes desktop effects now work in Kubuntu-KDE4 alpha 6?06:09
RAOFkyklone: Probably.  Why don't you try? :)06:12
kyklone4 hours to download06:13
kykloneand i have only 2 CD-RWs for ubuntu alpha 6 and kubuntu alpha 606:13
RAOFIt's probably faster to upgrade, of course...06:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGkyklone, it should work06:15
hydrogenyoyu can install kde4 in either ubuntu alpha6 or kubuntu alpha606:16
FlannelIf they're RWs, why don't you try one, then try the other?06:16
macogwand then re-use them because thats what RW's are for06:17
FlannelIf you use one to install, then download the other's alternate CD, you can use the CD as a repository to add the second06:17
kyklone<hydrogen> this will be not "clean" expirience and i will not test what software supplied, since i will have all software06:17
* [Hardy]TuTUXG hates cd/dve rw s06:17
* [Hardy]TuTUXG hates optical drives generally06:18
kyklonewhat then? mmm, can you boot form memory cards? (not flash drives)06:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGkyklone, if ur doing a dist upgrade, all universe/3rd party apps will be removed anyway06:19
RAOF[Hardy]TuTUXG: Um, no.06:20
RAOF[Hardy]TuTUXG: 3rd party repositories will be disabled, certainly.  But it shouldn't touch Universe.06:20
* [Hardy]TuTUXG use the alternative iso to do a hd install always06:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGRAOF, sorry, my bad06:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGso medibuntu repo is considerd as a 3rd part repo then06:21
kykloneyou mean install from image directly to HD? is it as easy as burning CD?06:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGkyklone, it's a little bit faster, but u have to use the alternative iso with the text installer06:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGand install the gui manually06:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGwhich is easy just like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:22
danageis the network manager package broken?06:27
macogwdanage: vpnc on it is...06:27
danagei seen in the topic, but i cannot install it atm06:28
danagei'm scared something will break if i install the libraries without the nm06:28
=== boomer` is now known as boomer
J-_laptopIs the connection applet working in hardy? I can't access my desktop with it..06:30
macogwoh i cant do updates anyway06:30
macogwOOo is broken06:30
macogwthe writer2latex package needs to be synced from debian06:30
macogwyeah for a couple days now....06:31
macogwbug #19894206:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198942 in openoffice.org "[Ubuntu] [hardy] openoffice.org metapackage has unsatisfied dependency on openoffice.org-writer2latex" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19894206:33
skwashddoes anyone know why xfs has been dropped from the alpha6 amd64 server d-i?06:40
Aeroraptor-Mwhat happened to the quit menu?06:59
Aeroraptor-Mquit option in the system menu06:59
Aeroraptor-Mshutdown/restart are gone06:59
skwashdoh well bug report filed #19938807:01
J-_laptopweird, when I connect over ssh via "connect to server" applet it states that the location is not mounted. any ideas?07:13
J-_laptopAlthough I can go through nautilus, and connect through the location URL bar07:13
tonyyarussoJ-_laptop: No, but I've experienced that too.07:20
danagei know why that is07:26
danageit's the gvfs transition07:26
danagethey are working on it07:26
danagethough most bugs are reported upstream07:26
J-_laptopah cool, thanks =D07:34
J-_laptopAt least I can access it another way via the Nautilus 'Go' menu. Or, probably ssh in terminal.07:35
* J-_laptop curses, and runs back to the desktop.07:35
DanaGHint: bookmark.07:38
DanaGBookmark the ssh folder.  The first time it opens, it'll dump you to the root of the remote system, but then you can go to the bookmark again and it'll take you to the right place.07:38
J-_laptopah, makes sense. Thanks07:39
J-_laptopError: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.112 was not provided by any .service files07:42
J-_laptopPlease select another viewer and try again.07:42
mEck0god morning folks! I wonder if there is a command which can show which version of ubuntu i have installed? (I also want to see which alpha-version of 8.04 I have)?07:54
macogwmEck0: lsb_release -a07:55
mEck0macogw, that shows some info, but not which alpha version is currently in use. the description is just "Ubuntu hardy (development branch)).07:56
mEck0maybe it's not possible to see exact which alpha is in use?07:56
macogwif youre up to date, its 607:56
mEck0alpha6 is beeing installed right now (I think)07:57
macogwim a day behind on updates, so i guess mine's still 5 :P07:57
mEck0btw, have you tried kde4 yet? I haven't tried it since I tested one of the betas.07:58
macogwi dont like kde07:58
mEck0ok, gnome? or are you a minimalist which uses open-/fluxbox? :P07:59
macogwgnome usually07:59
macogwi like fluxbox quite a lot though07:59
macogwi spent the last month using fluxbox, but now that ive got my compiz-able laptop back, im back to gnome07:59
mEck0okay, I'm running gnome now too, indeed fluxbox is good07:59
macogwon the fluxbox laptop, i didnt have any gnome apps running08:00
macogwer well...oh hmm eye of gnome...nevermind08:00
macogwi guess i had 108:00
macogwtried to stick to plain gtk and not gnome so id only need to load the gtk libs not gtk and gnome08:00
mEck0thats a good idea yeah, I like flux too because of its minimalistic design, customizability and because its so memory/cpu efficient08:02
macogwi like the plain text config the best08:02
macogwi think editing the menus and startup that way is easier than using gnome's gui's08:02
mEck0macogw, yeah and you only add menuitems which you really need08:08
mEck0orion_, hi!08:10
orion_I'm on gusty, whats new in hardy ?08:10
orion_I mean.. new as encouraging to upgrade08:10
macogworion_: new theme based on the murrine engine08:11
macogwnew resolution dohikey08:11
macogwnew fully-open-source/free intel wireless drivers08:11
macogwummm pretty wallpaper08:11
orion_is there a dedicated webpage for hardy progress to look at these u've mentioned08:12
macogwnew hot-pluggable Xorg08:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGorion_, like a new feature list?08:13
orion_yeah if it contains screenshots08:14
macogwyou can cancel fsck on boot if you want to hold off for a while...08:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGorion_, im afraid u have to wait till the final release for those from official08:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGorion_, as i just googled, this one : http://ubuntuland.nireblog.com/post/2008/01/05/new-features-for-hardy-heron looks not bad08:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGbut it doesn't contains screenshot08:15
orion_will start with,08:15
mEck0orion_, here you have some features: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/30/in-depth-roadmap-analysis-for-ubuntu-hardy-heron-804/08:16
macogworion_: http://the-space-station.com/blog/?p=2908:16
orion_thanks for the help08:16
macogworion_: theres the new theme08:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGi remember there is a review on alpha4/5 on distrowatch.org has some screenshots08:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGbut things have changed so fast ...08:17
Seeker``In Gutsy, I could scroll up/down by running my finger up and down the side of my touchpad, but it doesn't seem to work in hardy - any ideas?08:17
Seeker``I'm on a toshiba portege A200 laptop08:18
macogwSeeker``: bug08:18
macogwi got it too08:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, it's a bug that xorg doesnt configure touchpad right08:19
macogwyou could fudge with xorg.conf and maybe make it work08:19
macogwbut there was also talk about new stuff with synaptics and the new xorg08:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, if u have ur old xorg.conf u can just copy the touchpad part over and make it works correct08:20
Seeker``I dont have my old Xorg08:20
Seeker``is a fix likely to be released with Hardy?08:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, hope so08:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, probably a yes but im not sure when08:21
Seeker``As long as it isnt delayed until Ibex, I can cope08:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, i dont think so08:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGthey wont leave a bug like this with a LFS release08:23
* Seeker`` wonders if people will start calling 8.10 "Ibex" instead of "Intrepid", as it is so much shorter08:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGjust call it ii08:23
Seeker``[Hardy]TuTUXG: yeah, I suppose so08:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, if u have a gusty live cd, it maybe useful08:24
Seeker``I dont, but I can get one easily08:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGTry to boot the live cd (when u get it) and if ur touchpad works with the livecd, u can just use the xorg.conf file from it08:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGSeeker`, but if u are not familier with that file, u may want to backup ur current on in case that the new one is not working08:28
regeluh, why are my ntfs-partitions automounted, even if I have commented them in fstab08:30
Seeker``[Hardy]TuTUXG: I've had to play with xorg a few times before :)08:31
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:31
[Hardy]TuTUXGregel, it may be detected as a plug n' play hd08:35
ph8Hey all, has anyone found a way to stop Hardy's (and Gutsy, i believe) screen going blank after ~ten minutes of inactivity? I can't find a setting anywhere so i'm assuming it's some hard coded constant somewhere08:47
Seeker``I managed to fix the touchpad with "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"08:48
tonyyarussoWhere could I find a list of the "automatic server" options supported in Hardy?08:48
ph8what do you mean by automatic server tonyyarusso ?08:49
Seeker``hmm, ctrl+alt+Bspace doesn't always restart X, it occasionally just gives me a blank screen, with no disk activity08:49
RaspberrySeeker` since I started using Hardy, I've learned about ALT + SysRq + K08:56
Mohero|Work'lo all09:11
timmysmithWoooooot!!!! I just tried out 8.04 alpha6 and finally after many years of hoping and waiting my computer boots out of the box without freezing when my video card is installed and my USB wifi adapter works out of the box. 8.04 rocks!! My most sincere thanks to anyone here who's helping make ubuntu what it has become.09:45
J-_laptopwhere are mounted drives usually stored? I mounted a computer which I'm using the external drive from.09:58
pwnguin/media and /mnt10:00
pwnguinnautilus should be able to see them under "Computer"10:00
pwnguinas best i can tell10:00
mrtimdogIs it possible to have network-manager-vpnc auto-restart vpnc when vpnc dies?10:01
annikydoes anyone know where I can find a mirror of the hardy alpha6 .ISO?10:12
annikypreferably australian10:13
annikycdimage.ubuntu.com is going really slowly...10:14
annikyand the bittorrent isn't going at all10:15
henkjananniky: au.releases.ubuntu.com10:16
thefishis iwl3945 not in the latest restricted modules? after the last kernel update i dont have wireless10:17
thefishis it even in restricted-modules?10:17
annikycheers henkjan10:19
annikyhenkjan: actually, that doesn't have hardy...10:19
annikyahhhh.... au.cdimage.ubuntu.com10:21
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pwnguinthefish: iwl works for me10:28
pwnguinthefish: its not part of restricted i dont think10:29
thefishpwnguin, ye just checking in my config10:29
pwnguini had to undo a hack i made10:29
thefish cat /boot/config-2.6.24-11-386 | grep IWL10:29
thefish# CONFIG_IWLWIFI is not set10:29
pwnguinor generic?10:30
thefishuname -r10:30
J-_laptop!info daap10:30
pwnguingrep IWL /boot/config-2.6.24-11-generic10:30
thefishits the same with the generic config though10:30
pwnguin# CONFIG_IWLWIFI is not set10:30
ubotuPackage daap does not exist in hardy10:30
thefishis it a module then?10:30
* J-_laptop grumbles10:31
thefishdid you make that? cos i dont have it10:31
thefishbut.. CONFIG_IPW2100=m10:31
thefishthe old ipw stuff is there10:31
pwnguini have it in /etc/modules10:31
thefishok i dont10:32
thefishbut i cant modprobe ipw394510:32
thefishits just not there10:32
pwnguincan you run -generic?10:32
pwnguinoh rihgt10:33
pwnguinipw is gone10:33
pwnguinno more evil closed source stuff for the wifi10:33
pwnguiniwl is your guy now10:33
Seeker`are there known issues with laptop screen brightness?10:33
thefishye, but its getting hold of it10:34
thefishdid you need to do anything to get it?10:34
pwnguinget what?10:34
thefishlike i said, in alpha 5 initial install, it worked fine (im pretty sure it was iwl), then after a kernel upgrade it vanished like an old oak table10:34
thefishget the iwl module i mean10:34
pwnguini dont think so..10:35
pwnguinbut i dont install from cd anymore10:35
thefishare you running 2.6.24-11?10:35
thefishdid you upgrade?10:35
pwnguin 2.6.24-11-generic10:35
pwnguini upgraded long before the alphas started10:35
thefishye ive been doing that for a while, decided to try a fresh install since /home is on a different lv10:36
pwnguinwell, maybe not long before10:36
pwnguintry running a -generic kernel10:36
thefishye was thinking that10:36
thefishany idea what -modules package it may be in10:37
thefishi guess it wont be restricted any more10:37
pwnguinprobably just the linux-ubuntu-modules10:37
thefishi dont have linux-ubuntu-modules for 386 installed...10:39
pwnguinive noticed that -386 takes longer to boot10:40
pwnguinif you have iwl you probably want -generic anyways10:40
thefishok ill swap over10:41
thefishwhats the difference?10:42
pwnguin386 is compiled for 386's10:42
pwnguingeneric for 68610:42
pwnguinim assuming you have a computer less than five years old10:42
thefishok cool ill do that10:42
thefishbtw, it was in ubuntu-modules10:43
thefishmodprobe iwl3945 and network manager picked it up straight away10:43
thefishthanks pwnguin10:43
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:44
thefishproblem with #ubuntu is the signal/noise is not great...10:45
thefish[Hardy]TuTUXG, actually lets get that sorted out, was that a hint that hardy support should actually go to #ubuntu?10:48
pwnguinso what exactly does the system->admin..->10:51
pwnguinso what exactly does the system->admin..->login->accessilbity tab accomplish?10:51
thefishguess its an attempt at helping disabled users10:53
thefishspose with the sounds its a non-visual hint that they can log in10:53
pwnguini cant discern any difference between the box being checked and not10:53
thefishnot tried it..10:53
pwnguini saw a request a few days ago for a gdm onscreen keyboard10:55
pwnguini thought it might support it, but i cant figure out how10:55
[miles]good morning #ubuntu+111:00
thefishthere goes the neighborhood11:00
[miles]guys, on my laptop I have 8.04 installed and all updates etc ....11:00
[miles]when in Gnome, and booting, I have to press ALT or another key to keep it going11:01
[miles]I assume it's an ACPI issue11:02
[miles]btw, it's a Samsung R20 if that helps ;)11:02
Ayabaracompiling vmware server fails on hardy. is there an any-any patch or something for this?11:25
TheInfinityAyabara: i know about vmware tools that its an official bug from vmware11:26
TheInfinityfor vmware server i dont know11:26
AyabaraTheInfinity: I found a post to follow so now I can at least compile :-)11:30
kaarelis there a way i can set displayconfig-gtk NOT to change my xorg.conf? all modifications are lost after restart and I can't use my desired resolution/refresh rate?11:36
amikropHow GNOME determines what items are in the main system menu (e.g. About GNOME, or Help and Support)?11:49
amikropAre the Desktop Entries places in a special directory, or are the item names written in some configuration file?12:15
wayne_I use kubuntu hardy but KDE3 apps sometimes don't seem to be able to establish network connections. Any non-KDE apps can do networking.12:15
TheInfinitywayne_: switched of ipV612:16
TheInfinitytry it ;(12:17
wayne_How can I do that?12:17
amikropwayne_: don't do that12:17
wayne_Seems reasonable12:18
wayne_So what can i try instead?12:18
_rubeninvestigate why knetwork (i think) thinks you arent online12:19
wayne_mmh what's knetwork12:19
dejv_ntbconcerning NM12:20
dejv_ntbwhere does it store information about saved connections?12:20
_rubenknetworkmanager even .. the kde frontend for managing your network connections12:20
dejv_ntbOne of my wifi connections changed details and NM tries to use old ones and therefore fails to connect...12:21
wayne__mmh, okay - I restarted eth0 in  KNetworkManager12:24
wayne__and now it seems to work.12:26
wayne__Well, it's alpha software so I don't think I really need to find the cause of this serious problem.12:27
amikropAnyway, where can I regularly find Hardy news?12:36
amikrope.g. daily or weekly12:37
ikkinuhi all, I'm using 8.04, and I have a problem with, shares-admin, services-admin, *-admin: it says I could not authenticate; does anyone have the same problem or fixed it, or know how to solve it?12:38
dholbachMOTU Q&A Session in 7 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:53
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tonyyarussoOkay, so perhaps network manager is fixed now, but it appears network-admin/policykit is broken instead, so I can't test it.13:13
jandemis the rewritten gdm 2.21 planned for hardy?13:16
AmaranthIt got bumped from the GNOME 2.22 release too13:16
jandemAmaranth: okay, thank you13:17
Amaranthjandem: it is...unready13:17
tonyyarussois anyone else experiencing something like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/188349 today?13:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188349 in gnome-system-tools "[Hardy] Unable to save manual network configurations using network-admin" [High,Confirmed]13:19
slytherinSadly it looks like ekiga 3.0 also won't go in hardy. :-(13:21
tiagoboldtSome recent update (hardy), has changed my fonts in almost all my apps.. firefox, thunderbird, xchat's channel list, lots more.. Anyone noticed the same?13:25
Milos_SDAfter todays updates, my Applicatin fonts are ugly :(13:26
Milos_SDhow can I fix that ?  :)13:26
tiagoboldtHi Milos_SD :D13:26
tiagoboldtSome recent update (hardy), has changed my fonts in almost all my apps.. firefox, thunderbird, xchat's channel list, lots more.. Anyone noticed the same?13:27
tiagoboldtjust some seconds before you13:27
tiagoboldthappy to know that it's not just me :D13:27
Milos_SDand I can not Force version ... :S13:27
tiagoboldtso a fix should be released soon :)13:27
Milos_SDdid you reported the bug?13:29
tiagoboldtnot yet, and I have to go, would you? :)13:29
pdlnhr2does anyone know how to turn off scim ?13:29
Milos_SDpdlnhr2, Add a hotkeys for Turn on and Turn off in SCIM Setup13:30
Milos_SDyou have that in Global Setup13:30
pdlnhr2Itried to turn off in setup13:30
Milos_SDadd hotkeys, and press hotkeys for turn off ... :S13:31
pdlnhr2it wont let me input a hotkey13:32
Amaranthi just deleted all the hotkeys13:33
pdlnhr2man.. i can not get it to go away... is there a gconf setting?13:35
pdlnhr2i can see that being a major confusing issue13:36
AmaranthI can also see that being a bug that will be fixed before release13:38
pdlnhr2is there a way to kill it?13:38
pdlnhr2its gone now.. but the average user will not be able to do that13:39
pdlnhr2(sorry for venting)13:39
pdlnhr2 sudo apt-get remove scim  seemed to work pretty well13:42
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emilis_info(offtopic) do you know how I can contact ircops? There's one user flooding another channel13:55
savvasemilis_info: tried #freenode ?13:59
emilis_infonow trying :)13:59
savvasn/p :)13:59
tonyyarussoemilis_info: if it's an Ubuntu channel, #ubuntu-ops.  Otherwise, #freenode.14:07
emilis_infotonyyarusso, thanks :)14:07
tonyyarussoemilis_info: Additionally, /quote chanserv access #somechannel list will tell you who has access in any given channel.14:07
Seeker`my laptop doesn't shut down properly - the screen goes blank, but the powe rlight stays on. I have to press and hold the power button to get it to turn off14:20
Milos_SDhow have problem with fonts after latest update, just change size of fonts from 10 to 9 ... :)14:29
richard__how can I kill SCIM? I MEAN MURDER14:30
pdlnhr2sudo-apt remove scim14:30
richard__and molest14:30
Milos_SDcomlitly remove from synaptic14:30
pdlnhr2sudo apt-get remove scim  worked awesome for me14:31
pdlnhr2made my morning14:31
kyklonehaha murder, they should add that option to gnome monitor14:31
pdlnhr2i tried every combination to turn it off.... removing it was the only optoin14:31
ccookerichard__: well... you could, say, sudo 'apt-get --purge remove scim'14:31
ccookeer. Except with the ' in the right place :-)14:32
richard__inflict pain14:32
ccooke(and even if you've already apt-get removed it, 'sudo dpkg --purge scim' will work)14:32
pdlnhr2ccooke:  good to know. i will rerun it14:32
richard__dpkg --rearrange_and_remove_genitalia scim14:32
richard__thank you, fellow humans14:33
ccooke--purge will remove any existing configuration files (etc) that packages can leave lying around14:33
pdlnhr2ccooke:  yup... it cleaned up some stuff14:33
ccookerichard__: that'll fail, you know. You should rearrange *after* removing.14:33
richard__you sound like you know the anatomy of SCIM. are you a collaborator???14:34
ccooke('dpkg -l | grep -v "^ii"' will tell you everything that's been uninstalled but may still have files present)14:35
pdlnhr2if so we should draw him out and quarter him... that was a huge disappointment on upgrade14:35
ccooke(anything that has the flags "rc" at the beginning has been (r)emoved, but still has (c)onfig files present :-)14:35
ccookerichard__: No, I just attempt to use my common sense.14:36
ccookeWhat actually went *wrong*?14:36
ccooke(and have you reported a bug yet?)14:36
Seeker`ccooke: I found that it was way to easy to change the keyboard language to egyptian14:37
pdlnhr2hey ccooke:  when i run dpkg -l | grep -v "^ii"   i get a lot of responses... should i worry about it or is there a way to clean them easily?14:39
ccookepdlnhr2: you shouldn't worry14:39
pdlnhr2ccooke:  i figure running 8.4  has part to do with it14:40
ccookepdlnhr2: yeah14:40
pdlnhr2but i have logged a lot of errors... i hope this release is the best yet14:40
matjan_workwhen selecting a file on my desktop, it turns black... but i have a black background, so i end up seeing nothing... is it possible to change the color when selecting a file on the desktop?15:00
Daveeeycan anyone tell me the advantage of 64bit?15:08
Daveeey(I have core2duo @ 3ghz (its 64bit ofcourse) and 1gb ram)15:08
DaveeeyI encode audio often, flac> mp315:08
Daveeeydo i have a reason to get 64bit?15:09
Daveeeyanyone alive? :P15:11
h3sp4wnI don't think you have a particular disadvantage for 64 bit15:12
Daveeeyso ... go for 64bit?15:13
h3sp4wnIf you wish but the old issues still apply (that always applied)15:18
h3sp4wnSo why with this X automagic stuff does my meta key not work (Sun keyboard plugged into a thinkpad X31)15:20
arcticpenguin380is hardy patched for DST?15:25
Infecto hi15:28
Infectoi try to install alsa-source15:28
Infectoi mwan build packages but i have error15:28
Infectois this known prolem?15:28
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DanglyBitscan anyone tell me how to install NX Server or FreeNX into hardy?15:29
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stdinDanglyBits: hardy support in #ubuntu+115:36
DanglyBitsis that not where I am in #ubuntu+1 ?15:36
DanaG... you mean, here?  Heh, This is that channel.15:36
bazhangstdin: /topic ;]15:37
DanglyBitsanyhoo....can anyone tell me how to install NX Server or FreeNX into hardy?15:37
stdinyeah, my tab width isn't wide enough, I have 2 #ubuntu's here :p15:37
h3sp4wnDanglyBits: Just get the deb's and install them15:38
Daveeeyquestion: why do you guys use ubuntu actually? :)15:38
h3sp4wnDaveeey: No idea15:39
Daveeeyi mean ... why u chose ubuntu and not .. ehm .. gentoo.. debian ..arch.. suse..fedora15:39
DanaGThis distro has everything I need alreay packaged.  I also like the color orange.15:39
Daveeeywell thats a very good reason .. because you like orange :P15:39
h3sp4wnDaveeey: If I was choosing again I guess I would use sid again15:39
h3sp4wnWhy not - more packages15:40
Daveeeydebian sid?15:40
stdinDanglyBits: I guess you just go to http://www.nomachine.com/select-package-client.php15:40
* jpatrick would use Debian testing if there were no Ubunut15:40
h3sp4wnyep I have run it before for a long time15:40
h3sp4wnsid gets less of the really annoying bugs than ubuntu+1 in my experience15:41
Daveeeysid = unstable they say .. but what do they mean with unstable? :P15:41
h3sp4wngets frozen less15:41
Daveeeyi mean .. does unstable mean that it crashes every program thats in the distro??15:41
Daveeeyor is it just not tested yet..15:41
h3sp4wnIts no more unstable than ubuntu+115:42
jpatrickDaveeey: http://www.debian.org/releases/unstable/15:42
h3sp4wnat least prior to alpha 3 or so15:42
ccookeh3sp4wn: actually, it's usually less.15:42
h3sp4wnccooke: sid is more stable . yep15:43
Daveeeyoh and one more question .. CAN i make ubuntu my main distro .. for day to day things ... (not really bothered by the bugs I guess, they all can be fixed ;))15:43
h3sp4wnDaveeey: They can be whether they will is a different thing entirely15:43
h3sp4wnPerhaps LTS means something different this time around15:43
Daveeeyi mean .. if i instsall alpha 6.. can i upgrade to beta + final later .. or do i have to reinstall?15:44
h3sp4wnnever reinstall15:44
macogwhow long does it normally take for new packages to be built & propogate?15:44
h3sp4wn(thats the advantage of sid / ubuntu+1 / gentoo etc15:44
Daveeeyi guess im going for alpha 6 64bit then :P15:44
h3sp4wnIf you are really careful you can go from ubuntu+1 -> sid -> ubuntu+115:45
h3sp4wn(If you wait a suitable amount of time)15:45
macogwthat sounds slightly scary...15:45
Daveeeyim not very careful :P15:45
macogwthough i do pull stuff from the sid repos if theyre not in ubuntu15:46
Daveeeyya but it stays ubuntu ;)15:46
ccookeh3sp4wn: damn, had to send email. What I mean is: Sid *should* be more stable.15:46
Daveeeybut why not use ubuntu instead? or is it because it makes a REAL difference15:46
ccookeSid is used - day-to-day - by many people.15:47
h3sp4wnccooke: yeah you can get stuff like broken pam or perl (I did try it once around Woody)15:47
macogwi know it is but...its still unstable...15:47
ccookeSid is a long-cycle stable.15:47
h3sp4wnIts a question of where the bounderies are15:48
Daveeeywhere can I download a sid iso? or dont they make isos?15:48
Daveeeycant find it at the debian site .. only testing15:48
h3sp4wnThey don't make iso's of sid changes too fast15:48
macogwthey dont make sid isos15:48
macogwyou install testing and upgrade15:48
Daveeeybtw .. im on a wireless connection .. so I guess i cant install sid at all ..15:48
h3sp4wndebootstrap / cdebootstrap - debian2hd15:49
Daveeeyi also cant use network install ;)15:49
macogwCD drive to install lenny,then dist-upgrade..15:49
h3sp4wnYou can install any Debian based distro from grml with their wrappers around debootstrap15:49
h3sp4wnIf you need wireless straight away you can use a sidux or grml kernel15:50
macogwor put your wireless drivers on a flash drive15:50
h3sp4wnIf you like gnome then maybe ubuntu is better15:51
Daveeeyand .. how reliable is lenny > sid ... ?15:51
Daveeeyya i like gnome15:51
Daveeeydont really like kde15:51
h3sp4wnbut I have realised actually I hate it15:51
macogwDaveeey: its the only way to install sid15:51
Daveeeyoh ok :P15:52
h3sp4wn(Other than Sun's JDS - they just seem to add the things that make it nice)15:52
Daveeeyso i just point the repos to sid .. then dist-upgrade?15:52
ArelisI know that Ubuntu Hardy isn't ready for use yet, but it has a handy Wubi installer that i can use to install Ubuntu onto my existing windows partition. AND it has support for my tablet, AND it has much much more. Is it safe to use? Is alpha 6 far enough to be used daily?15:52
Daveeeyokay gonna download lenny cd1 now ! :P15:52
h3sp4wnanother thing use sid and you are mostly on your own you won't get detailed help in #debian maybe a line or two15:52
DaveeeyArelis: wubi is far from stable ..15:53
Dr_Williswubi scares me. :)15:53
h3sp4wn(Unless its from me I am not really bothered about those rules but I am not running sid it atm)15:53
macogwArelis: there's Wubi for other versions of Ubuntu, and Wubi has a tendency to break15:53
macogwDr_Willis: well you know at one point if you installed your security updates and werent careful to tell it to not update hal, wubi would die and be unbootable...cant remember if that was feisty or gutsy15:54
Arelismacogw: so it has a tendency to break Wndows?15:54
DaveeeyI dont really like ubuntu 7.10 .... it RANDOMLY fails the install .. on ALL cd's I have tried ...15:54
macogwArelis: no to break itself15:54
macogwDaveeey: feisty's still the best on my laptop15:55
Daveeeynot for me :P15:55
macogwDaveeey: even if they did have to release a new kernel 2 weeks after release to make my SD reader work15:55
macogwgutsy's "issues" were probably my dying hard drive's fault15:55
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  ive had the alternative installer cd work much better for me.. I have had a few odd machijnes that ubuntu live cd failed to work. but xubuntu did work.. which is weird.15:55
macogwthat is weird15:55
DaveeeyBut .. I have a 64bit core2duo @ 3ghz .. I use it for music,music,music,msn,games,video ... and GNOME! what do you recommend ... debian sid or alpha 6?15:55
h3sp4wnThis laptop works best with Centos and the XiG xserver15:56
setuidAnyone here involved in the "Wubi" project?15:56
Arelisis Debian Lenny just as good as Ubuntu Hardy?15:56
setuidTheir latest installer and their FAQ claims to support 8.04, but it installs 7.0415:56
Arelisbecause i've been using Debian Etch but it had poor support for my hardware15:56
Daveeeysetuid: hardy has some extra's I guess .. plus its a complete OS after the intstall ..15:56
h3sp4wnArelis: You probably get a backported kernel if that is the only issue15:56
h3sp4wn*can probably get ...15:57
setuidDaveeey, Not sure how that relates.15:57
Daveeeysorry! was ment for Arelis :P15:57
Arelish3sp4wn: i only need the new kernel for my tablet to work. it has the newest linuxwacom release, which makes my Bamboo Fun work.15:57
h3sp4wnArelis: try backports.org then15:57
ArelisDaveeey: Thanks :). Isn't Debian, then?15:57
Daveeeydebian is more .. custom15:57
Daveeeyyou decide the packages15:58
macogwdebian doesnt kernel panic if you do a text-only install15:58
h3sp4wnYou do with ubuntu if you just do a cli install15:58
h3sp4wnits the same installer15:58
macogwthey fixed that on hardy server, i hope?15:58
Daveeeynot sure what im gonna get now ..... hardy or sid ..15:58
Arelisdoes Debian Lenny (not Etch) have good support for my ATI Radeon 9600?15:58
Daveeeyim not THAT experienced ..15:58
h3sp4wnArelis: yep15:59
prasannahas anyone successfully installed acrobat 6 or 7 on ubuntu?15:59
macogwreferring to bug #15194215:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151942 in linux-source-2.6.22 "PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15194215:59
Arelish3sp4wn: how much farther is Lenny compared to Etch?15:59
Dr_Willisif you want constant updates go with sid. if you can handle  6 month release go with ubuntu. in either case  its best to learn the fundamentals of linux. :)15:59
macogwhahah wow i love the last comment on that bug15:59
h3sp4wnArelis: Its more upto date than gutsy16:00
macogw"Shall we close this? We can fix this The Ubuntu Way (TM) - look the other way until Debian have it fixed, then tell people to upgrade."16:00
macogwif you dont have PAE hardware, gutsy server just kernel panics.  its really fun to get the kernel telling you your Pentium M is too old16:00
Arelish3sp4wn: So Lenny is a balanced distribution - between stable and unstable. So it has "rolling releases" (constantly gets updated), but is not as unstable as Sid?16:00
DaveeeyBut I think it's best for me to take Debian .. because when I install Ubuntu, I learn Ubuntu, and when I install Debian, I learn linu?16:00
* ccooke makes a note to himself: When being distracted at work, don't try to make points on high volume irc channels :-)16:01
macogwArelis: no its not rolling releases16:01
h3sp4wnArelis: lenny will be the next stable16:01
macogwArelis: if you want it to roll, put "testing" in your sources.list16:01
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  theres not much 'ubuntu' to learn.  gnome is gnome.16:01
macogwlenny is the current testing16:01
macogwDr_Willis: there's still the command line...16:01
h3sp4wnArelis: You don't want testing just after a release16:01
Dr_Willislinux is linux. :) go read/learn about Linux. and  then the disrto wont matter.16:01
macogwDr_Willis: unless you mean separate from other distros16:01
macogwDr_Willis: but Upstart is an ubuntu thing16:01
h3sp4wnArelis: Thats worse than even unstable at the same time16:01
ArelisDr_Willis: try Arch Linux for learning it16:02
DaveeeyArch Linux is VERY good16:02
Dr_Willismacogw,  yep. amazing thing about upstart is how ive never had issues with it.16:02
macogwDr_Willis: and thats not totally true.   red hat runlevels and debian runlevels are wayyy different16:02
Arelish3sp4wn: so " testing" is worse than Sid?16:02
mohbanahow can i get the noduka fedora theme in ubuntu?16:02
h3sp4wnArelis: At a certain time16:02
Arelish3sp4wn: what about Lenny?16:02
DaveeeyDr_Willis: You can try Arch Linux, it's very custom .. and you decide what packages are in it and what not..16:02
macogwArelis: right after a release, when sid is just copied over and they start hacking madly at it to get it into shape16:02
Dr_Willismacogw,  I have been impressed with how little problems i hear with upstart.. of course thats oly one facet of linux.16:02
h3sp4wnArelis: Should be fine now16:02
DaveeeyDr_Willis: and the package manager is AWESOME16:03
macogwDr_Willis: its not really in much use yet16:03
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  thats not a big deal for me.16:03
macogwDr_Willis: theyre still in SysV compatibility mode16:03
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: I have been impressed by how useless upstart is16:03
Arelish3sp4wn: but Lenny doesn't frequently update?16:03
prasannatryin to install acrobat with wine16:03
prasannahaving a hard time16:03
h3sp4wnArelis: It does for now16:03
Arelish3sp4wn: and if i want it to constantly update, but not break?16:03
h3sp4wnArelis: But stuff has to have been in sid for a certain time first16:04
h3sp4wnArelis: But if it does break it breaks for longer16:04
h3sp4wnSo you have the choice if it breaks take some stuff from sid or switch to sid or etc16:04
DaveeeyQuestion: Which distro has the newest packages, sid or arch linux?16:04
h3sp4wnArch probably but they are not of the same quality16:04
macogwprasanna: er...there's an acrobat for linu16:04
h3sp4wnSometimes you get some stuff in experimental16:05
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  if you want cutting edge.. gentoo may be the way to go.16:05
h3sp4wnsid + experimental is pretty uptodate16:05
h3sp4wnrawhide is the most upto date16:05
Dr_WillisGent-Ewww :)16:05
ccookeh3sp4wn: wouldn't trust it, though16:05
DaveeeyDr_Willis: gentoo doesn't boot at ALL for me :P16:06
Daveeeynot even the livecd ..16:06
prasannaacrobat pro?16:06
h3sp4wnccooke: rawhide ? me neither16:06
DaveeeyI only see a dash ...   like this      _16:06
ccookeI really like the ideas behind gentoo, but the implementation is dissapointing.16:06
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  Shame! You are not leet enough for gentoo then!16:06
ccookeh3sp4wn: experimental.16:06
h3sp4wnccooke: I sometimes use bits from there but only if i have a reason to16:06
Dr_Willisim tempted to try gentoo on my laptop again.. but i dont feel like spending a week installing it. :)16:06
prasannasomething lets me modify pdf files? i know theres a a few good ones, but none as good as adobe acrobat pro. got adobe 6 and 7 pro hoping to install it using wine16:06
savvas!offtopic ?16:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:07
DaveeeyDr_Willis: I can install it on VMWare .. but not when I do it for real .. it just doesn't do anything at all :P16:07
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: If you do go to paludis as package mangler16:07
h3sp4wn*go for16:07
Dr_Willisvmware is darn handy tool for testng out all these disrtos. :)16:07
Arelish3sp4wn: Isn't it safe to  do this: Use Lenny for now, then when it stops updating, upgrade to the next testing release?16:07
mohbanahow can i get the noduka fedora theme in ubuntu?16:07
Dr_Willismohbana,  Check at gnome-look.org for it?16:08
h3sp4wnArelis: No you have to wait for it to settle a bit the thing is just after a release everything that has been queued up for ages goes in all at once16:08
Infectohmm, i build by my own alsa-source but i dont have new version of alsa-tools wtf?16:08
h3sp4wnArelis: and because of the wait before things propogate things end up broken16:08
DaveeeyDr_Willis: I would really like to try a stage3 but I only see a dash.. when I but up the livecd ..16:08
Arelish3sp4wn: So then like this?: Use lenny for now, then when it stops updating, wait for about a month, then upgrade to the next testing release?16:08
DaveeeyDr_Willis: btw .. why livecd? because netinstall doesnt support wireless16:08
h3sp4wnArelis: wait until the new toolchain is in to testing and its settled a bit16:09
Dr_WillisDaveeey,  ive only used stage3 but that was proberly 2+ yrs ago.16:09
h3sp4wnNo real reasons to not use FreeBSD again though now16:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192382 in alsa-driver "alsamixer broken in hardy - intel hda" [Undecided,Fix released]16:11
Infectowhere is the fix?16:11
Dr_WillisWouldent that mean that a fix is beeing put into the packages, for the next bach of update/upgrades?16:13
InfectoAlready fixed in alsa-source. Adding lum task.16:15
Infectoso? what that means?16:15
ArthurArchnixIs the issue concerning distorted sound on Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) known? I haven't investigated too closely yet, because it makes my ears bleed. Quite the regression from Gutsy too.16:15
AmaranthArthurArchnix: Dude, that's pretty worthless info there16:16
h3sp4wnMine is ich8m and it is a bit distored my issue is it gets unmuted all the time16:16
AmaranthArthurArchnix: _everyone_ has ' Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)'16:16
Amaranththat's like saying 'PCI'16:17
h3sp4wnThe soundcard I use uses OSS 4.116:17
ArthurArchnixAmaranth: Didn't mean to give worthless info... though that explains why I can't find any useful bugs on Launchpad...16:17
ArthurArchnixIt's what gets spit out when I lspci | grep Audio16:17
h3sp4wn(and they actually fixed it so I can use +4db outputs)16:17
ArthurArchnixwhat would you recommend I look under when searching for bugs about distorted sound...16:18
Amaranth00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)16:19
AmaranthSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 30a516:19
Amaranththe Subsystem bit is the important one16:19
Amaranthwell, more important anyway16:19
Amaranthlspci -v16:19
ArthurArchnixWell, we have the same card then. I take it your sound is ok?16:20
ArthurArchnixI'm not sure if you recall, but you helped me on #ubuntu manually edit the menu when changes in "main menu editor" failed to stick. I reinstalled Gutsy since then and either I failed to break something or some updates got pushed down in that time, because editing worked fully.16:22
ArthurArchnixWell anyway, I can't find a bug report on this... next time I reboot into Hardy I'll play around with alsamixer.16:26
DaveeeyCan anyone tell me the use of PulseAudio ... why they built it in?16:42
DaveeeyAlready checked PulseAudio site btw )16:42
mikademusHi. I've spent tha last hours on #kubuntu trying to get the 8.04a6 to work, but it seems very, very flaky. Then I was referred here. Basically, for at least some stability, would I be better off with gutsy?16:46
pvandewyngaerdeDO NOT RUN HARDY16:48
mikademusYou forgot some exclamation marks, but I understand what you're trying to communicate16:49
Daveeeymikademus: for stability .. go 7.10 ...16:50
mikademusAnyway, some observations I can share, to quote Tom Lehaer (sp?), that "might be os help to someone under a quite bisarre set of circumstances"16:51
mikademusI have done two reinstalls from scratch today. The first one did not install any proprietary ATI drivers by default (which I suspect is the way it should be), and also failed on trying to install them (cryptical konsole errors); the second DID install the ATI proprietary drivers by default, but the hover message was "not enabled"16:51
mikademusAm also having quite severe issues with the X server. Acting up in ways that makes me understand the psychology behind cargo cults.16:52
* mikademus is off praying to Wiki gods16:52
* mikademus meant "TIKI" gods16:53
mikademusOh, I can also report that Amarok bugs under hardy when installing MP3 support, in that the support isn't really installed. You're prompted to restart the app, but the codecs haven't been updated.16:58
miiranyone know how to get the nvidia driver up and running ? it's selected from start but not activated17:25
flipstarusing jockey ?17:26
miirjockey ? hm should I ? =)17:26
kyklonehello anybody home17:27
flipstarmiir: how else did you installed the drivers ?17:27
J-_laptopthis morning I had a kernel panic =( I had exaile running, closed the lid. The lappy didn't go to sleep so I  openned'r back up and black screen/ kernel panic17:27
J-_laptop=0 first time that happened to me17:27
miirI didn't , I'm trying to use the restricted one that was pre-selected after install ...17:28
kyklonei has kernel panic at startup, must be one of new 2.6.24 kernels17:29
J-_laptopDon't know, scared teh crap out of me though since this is a brand new lappy.17:29
kyklonebut you shouldn'w worry its still alpha! its ok! and dont think about that no time left and beta soon17:30
macogwJ-_laptop: whatd the kernel panic say?  im still amused by the one i mentioned earlier...."CPU is too old"17:30
J-_laptopmacogw: It was my first one so I paniced myself and powered it off.17:30
miirgot it working :) found someone with same problem17:31
J-_laptopwas a asap type thing for me. seen the warning, and shut it down and went to sleep17:31
macogwJ-_laptop: dont think there's anything you can do besides power off.  im sure youve had a kernel panic before though.  what do you think a BSOD is?17:31
zeno____this bug apparently doesnt exist in 7.10 but does in 8.04 http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=653237317:31
J-_laptopmacogw: nope never had it before17:31
macogwJ-_laptop: you never got a BSOD?17:32
macogwnever used Win95?17:32
J-_laptopno, just this once17:32
J-_laptopbkue screen of death17:32
J-_laptopmany times in 98 and xp17:32
J-_laptopnone in linux though17:32
macogwthe blue screen is windows's "pretty" kernel panic17:32
kyklonenow you have17:32
J-_laptopwhat scared me most is, I just powered the lappy up, and the backlight wasn't on too bright if not at all.17:33
J-_laptoprestarted and it went back to normal =P17:33
* J-_laptop worries a little17:34
zeno____XP wont even start for me, says some DLL wasnt detected17:34
kyklonecan linux draw a little pony every time it have kernel panic?17:34
kykloneit will help a lot17:34
kyklonewell maybe it just me17:35
kyklonePony Of Death17:35
* flipstar never had a kernel panic17:35
AnswerGuyA bitmap of a little crying girl with the caption:17:36
J-_laptopPOD YES!! lol17:36
AnswerGuy   "No!  You can't have a pony!"17:37
DaveeeyDoes 64bit use more memory?17:44
macogwDaveeey: pointers do17:45
Daveeeywhat are pointers?17:45
macogwthey're 64bits long instead of 32bit17:45
kyklonedont care about pointers17:45
Daveeeyso go 32bit with 1gb?17:45
macogwparts of memory that tell the program where the other stuff is stored in memory17:45
Daveeeyuuse 32?17:45
macogwthere's no reason to use 64bit unless you have 4GB of memory17:45
macogwor you're doing crazy graphics rendering17:46
Daveeeywell.. video encoding is 1 reason17:46
kykloneactually games are faster with 32 bit, so dunno what you mean about rendering17:46
Daveeeymaking the games is faster in 64bit ;)17:46
macogwkyklone: i mean rendering like rendering animations for Blender17:47
Daveeeyso .. any peeps using alpha6?17:47
macogwDaveeey: pretty much everybody17:47
Daveeeyyou guys like it?17:47
macogwall you have to do to get to alpha 6 is remember to install your updates17:47
macogwexcept me that is.  i have package update "issues"17:48
macogwwonder if the repo is fixed yet...17:48
crimsunerr, repo? fixed?17:48
macogwcrimsun: bug #19894217:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198942 in openoffice.org "[Ubuntu] [hardy] openoffice.org metapackage has unsatisfied dependency on openoffice.org-writer2latex" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19894217:49
macogwcrimsun: hey since you're around, can i ask for audio help, or are you busy?17:49
macogwhardy's the first one to break my audio since edgy :(17:49
crimsunI'm busy, but you may ask.17:50
nemomacogw: audio recently broke for me too17:50
nemomacogw: had to switch from PulseAudio back to ALSA17:50
crimsungal/guys, I need something far more verbose than "broke for me"17:50
macogwwokring on typing :P17:50
nemocrimsun: I'm going to link to the bug :-p17:50
nemocrimsun: oh impatient one17:50
crimsunmake sure it's not a dupe of the socket permissions one.17:50
crimsunI know about that one and will be looking tonight when I arrive home17:51
macogwthe thing where 2 outputs cant go at once never affected me before.  now if i pause rhythmbox, i cant get audio in firefox. i have to kill -9 both rhythmbox and firefox to get sound back17:51
macogwis socket permissions what i just described?17:51
nemomacogw: there is an old firefox bug that works kind of like that17:51
nemobut. since you mention rhythmbox. n/m17:51
macogwoh i left something out17:52
crimsunnemo: ls -la ~/.pulse*17:52
macogwi cant get sound back in rhythmbox either17:52
zzatsany idea how I can get my LCD tv working with intel chipset and laptop_ >(17:52
crimsunmacogw: fresh install of a6 or a dist-upgrade?17:52
macogwi paused rb, then tried to watch a youtube video, exited youtube, and then couldn't play anything in rb17:52
macogwfresh install17:52
macogwwell...i installed last week17:52
crimsunmacogw: do you have both flashplugin-nonfree and libflashsupport insatlled?17:53
nemocrimsun: had to connect into her machine to do that17:53
nemooooone sec17:53
macogwhmm not libflashsupport. i installed flash from adobe.com.  flash audio works fine if i havent just been using audio from another app17:53
crimsunmacogw: see 18391717:53
macogwbug #183917 (so i can grab the link :P)17:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183917 in pulseaudio "Sound stops working in Firefox once other applications (Pidgin, Rhythmbox) have played sound" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18391717:54
nemocrimsun: http://m8y.org/tmp/pulse.txt17:54
macogwcrimsun: is it normal for the other applications to not be able to play sound either once firefox is done trying?17:54
crimsunnemo: ps -C pulseaudio17:54
crimsunmacogw: no, abnormal.17:55
macogwi mean normal in that bug17:55
crimsunmacogw: right, that's the complaint in that bug report17:55
nemocrimsun: refresh17:55
crimsunnemo: "gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///usr/share/sounds/startup.wav"17:56
macogwcrimsun: ok17:56
* macogw goes to test17:56
nemocrimsun: refresh17:56
macogwer...rb wont make any noise now17:56
pax```Hello I've a problem with dns under chroot, i installed gutsy with debootstrap, upgraded to hardy(it boots fine). /etc/resolv.conf points to the dns this laptop is using, yet apt-get install metacity says "could not resolve...". what am i doing wrong?17:56
crimsunnemo: sudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/*17:57
macogwwell, the little progress bar for the song doesnt move either17:57
nemocrimsun: again...17:58
macogwok theres gotta be a way i can start mysql and mythbackend when i lauch mythtv instead of at boot without needing to sudo it....17:58
macogwhuh... O_o freakish17:58
macogwcrimsun: mythtv can make noise, but rhythmbox can't17:58
kyklonewhat a mess17:58
macogwok so myth followed by flash...the flash sound now works.  wtf is wrong with rhythmbox18:00
macogwand myth resumes playback just fine18:00
macogwi can play from both myth and flash at the same time18:00
crimsunnemo: gconftool-2 --get /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosink18:00
macogwwow this sounds weird.... MC Chris rapping Nrrrd Grrrl and the Cruxshadows singing Dragonfly at the same time18:01
crimsunmacogw: same command as nemo, please18:01
crimsuni.e., I need to know if mythtv is using ALSA directly18:01
kyklone<macogw> try mozart instead of MC chris18:01
crimsunmacogw: good, and with mythtv running but all Web browsers and Rhythmbox closed?18:02
crimsunmacogw: err, sorry, the lsof command18:02
nemocrimsun: refresh. but yeah, is auto - I only switched her account18:02
nemonot the whole system18:02
nemocrimsun: if you want hers (alsa) I can rerun in her account18:03
macogwwith ff closed and myth going the second command is still autoaudiosink.  the lsof one....will need pastebin18:03
crimsunnemo: I need this under the account with the problem18:03
macogwcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/93235418:04
nemocrimsun: again18:04
crimsunnemo: I mean all the information.18:05
nemoI ran the command you requested18:05
crimsunnemo: I asked for ls -la ~/.pulse* and gst-launch-0.10 ..18:05
nemoall except for the lsof were under that account18:05
nemothe one with the problem18:05
nemothe lsof you requested as root18:05
crimsunher acct is 'fred'?18:05
nemoall the others were not run as such18:05
nemocrimsun: she's lazy. she runs under her boyfriend's account18:06
crimsunnemo: ok18:06
nemocrimsun: I've never gotten them into switching users18:06
nemocrimsun: anyway. before I switched her to alsa, was also "auto" - the sys default18:06
crimsunnemo: what about "paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav" ?18:06
nemocrimsun: done18:07
crimsunnemo: ok, kill pulseaudio, then run it manually with pulseaudio -vv18:09
crimsunmacogw: ok, that's as expected.  mythtv hogs the alsa device by doing a plughw open.18:10
crimsunmacogw: s/mythtv/pulseaudio/18:10
nemocrimsun: aight18:10
nemocrimsun: guess I'd better fire up screen at this point18:10
mooboo1hmm... i updated ubuntu, then i shut off computer, and go out, then i came back, and now my computer has other fonts?18:11
crimsunmacogw: so if you run pulsesink as the default GSt audiosink, then you need libflashsupport.  Have you installed that?18:11
mooboo1does anyone know this?18:11
mooboo1the fonts look now more bold and thick and more smooth and round18:12
kyklone<mooboo1> congratulations, you was hacked18:12
mooboo1kyklone, :(18:12
macogwcrimsun: it seems its all working right now18:13
mooboo1anyone noticed fonts is different since today?18:13
macogwcrimsun: thanks18:14
crimsunmacogw: after you installed libflashsuppor, correct?18:15
Oli```Every so often X locks up. It's just a fact of life that I'm learning to live with running on an in-development operating system. However, I'm positive that 9 times out of 10, the underlying system is fine and I just need to kill X and restart it - the problem being that X has eaten the keyboard and mouse. Would it be possible to hook up something like a USB button (other suggestions welcome) at a lower-level than X so X couldn't make them inoperable when i18:15
Oli```t dies to trigger a X-restart? Discuss...18:15
macogwcrimsun: yep18:15
crimsunmacogw: excellent.18:15
mooboo1Oli```, i agree18:15
nemoworkmates dropped by. running crimsun's request now18:15
mooboo1Oli```, i hate when mouse and keyboard dont work and x is flacked but linux kernel works18:15
macogwOli```: i hate that18:15
nemocrimsun: btw. would pulseaudio have dumped anything to any log files before I kill it?18:15
macogwOli```: that's what my *real* problem is when i say "Debian Stable crashes on my computer" i think18:15
mooboo1anyone noticed that since the update today, the fonts look different?18:16
Oli```Hmm... I guess the easy alternative would be setting up an SSH server so when X does kick the bucket, I could use another computer here to kill X...18:16
crimsunnemo: possibly ~/.xsession-errors18:16
Oli```Not as cool as having a USB missile-launch button to do the same job though...18:16
nemocrimsun: nope. killing it off.18:18
nemocrimsun: piping it to tee of course :)18:19
nemolast message is Device suspend and if I try paplay again I get connection refused18:19
Oli```mooboo1: gah - I've just restarted (X chrashing) and fired up firefox and the fonts are all massive in the menus >_<18:22
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mooboo1Oli```, yes, exactly and they're bold18:23
mooboo1im glad im not only one with his problem18:23
mooboo1its confusing18:23
nemocrimsun: should I attach the debug output to the bug? would it help at all?18:23
macogwas soon as OOo is fixed and i can update again, ill let you know if my fonts get jacked18:23
crimsunnemo: all of it, yes.18:23
Oli```mine aren't bold but they're a lot larger than they used to be18:23
mooboo1oh mine arent larger.. but they're bold18:23
mooboo1and they look different typefac18:23
crimsunnemo: I have a feeling it's the suspend (module-suspend-on-idle) kicking us in the arse18:24
crimsunnemo: or - the actual codec suspending.  For that, I'd need dmesg18:24
Oli```And why does SCIM (the kayboard layout changery thing) load on boot now?18:25
nemocrimsun: http://m8y.org/tmp/pulse.log  - output from -vv18:25
nemocrimsun: unfortunately Hardy pollutes dmesg18:26
nemocrimsun: there is a bug on the wireless driver I'm using that does that18:26
nemocrimsun: well, it is a laptop. suspend on idle could be at fault...18:26
nemoanyway. attaching those two files...18:26
crimsunnemo: lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]18:28
crimsunalso, it's nearly time for me to go back to the conference, so I'll be scarce for the rest of the afternoon and evening18:29
nemocrimsun: done18:29
nemocrimsun: 'sok. I need to get some work done18:29
nemothanks for your help, anyway the ALSA workaround is doing the trick18:29
rambo3new alpha?18:30
rambo3i just got dist upgrade ..18:32
kyklonenew alpha.18:32
macogwcrimsun: conference?18:34
Milos_SDis the font bug reported?18:38
kyklone <Milos_SD> yes, see bug 4745418:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 47454 in yelp "Fonts Too Small" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4745418:41
Milos_SDwell ... here font are not small ... they are bolded, or w/o antialiasing18:43
nemocrimsun: btw. what was that lspci supposed to reveal? the thing it matched was rather cryptic18:43
macogwnemo: he went back to his conference18:44
kyklone<Milos_SD> wow another font bug18:44
nemomacogw: I figured. that was queued up for his return :-p18:47
macogwnemo: oh18:48
mooboo1nobody noticed fonts are different since the update today?18:48
macogwi cant update18:49
kyklone<mooboo1> make a screenshot18:50
Oli```mooboo1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71766918:52
mooboo1Oli```, thanks18:52
mazzencan anyone use his ati card under current hardy version? i have to run the vesa drivers, ati gives me a whit screen, fglrx freezes18:55
mazzenmy card is a ati mobility 960018:55
macogwthey can work but there are tricks needed...something like that18:55
macogwi think PriceChild said it doesnt redraw right and you get the white screen if you switch from a console to X but not if X is still going18:56
macogwor if you screensaver's on when you come back...something like that18:56
macogwi dont remember exactly as i have a fear of ati cards :)18:56
Andre_Gondimis there any tips to do java works in hardy?18:57
* J-_laptop wishes he go to hardy earlier, bug reporting <318:57
mazzenmacogw: thanks! huh! that's sounds... disillusioning ....18:59
mazzenAndre_Gondim: yes, install icedtea18:59
Andre_Gondimmazzen, thanks i'll try19:00
TheInfinityhmpf. alpha6 still has no xorg19:01
TheInfinitytheres also no answer in launchpad on my bug report ... :/19:01
J-_laptophttp://www.xshot.org/screenie/64070308 =)19:06
mooboo1TheInfinity, no xorg? wow damn thats strangte19:07
TheInfinitymooboo1: bulletproof xorg completely fails19:08
mooboo1not very bulletproof then19:08
J-_laptopI assume that with the updated Hardy, it turns into alpha 6 no?19:09
TheInfinityyes i just tried alpha619:09
wastreli have hardy19:09
J-_laptopwastrel: hardy is nice, eh? =)19:09
TheInfinityi think with nvidia css drivers it will work19:09
wastrelit's fine19:09
Raspberrybrightness adjustments are still broken :P19:09
Raspberryworked until Alpha519:09
J-_laptopRaspberry: yeah19:09
TheInfinitybut a newbie will never solve this via command line19:10
RaspberryThe new Kernel changes a bunch of stuff around19:10
Raspberrywith /sys instead of /proc19:10
Raspberrysome of these updates should be coordinated19:10
RaspberryI know it's alpha :)19:10
Raspberryshould probably have the gnome people updating the brightness adjustment behavior when pushing a new kernel and changes that change the way brightness adjustments behave :)19:11
J-_laptopI can say that this beta is a whole lot better than Dapper. I did the same thing with installing Dapper in alpha stage. I also probably complained that I should have went to it earlier to report bugs19:11
RaspberryGutsy is horribly buggy19:12
RaspberryI feel that the Hardy alpha is better than the Gutsy final19:12
Raspberrywhich is good19:13
TheInfinityhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/196242 - i meant this - until now no reaction ;)19:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196242 in xorg "[Hardy] bulletproof xorg fails completely with mbp rev3" [Undecided,New]19:13
J-_laptopzniavre: Man, that's a beautiful theme.19:13
Raspberrythis week they fixed the bug with the gnome panel / world clock that locks the panel if you click on the date / time on the panel more than 2 or 3 times :)19:13
zniavreJ-_laptop: :o)19:14
RaspberryI think the fact that Linux / Ubuntu alpha and beta testing is open to the public creates a much better "product"19:15
Raspberrybefore they finalize Hardy they really need to fix the dual screen desktop overlay issues in KDE419:16
oliver_g1so, is it really necessary to put a separate "network manager editor" entry into system -> settings menu?19:16
J-_laptopRaspberry: Indeed about the Hardy alpha being better. But that's how it should work, no? Last Gutsy bugs shouldn't be plausible in Hardy as their already solved? But I guess with the releases being on a similar release to Gnome, things get messed up with the advances.19:17
Raspberrythe Display functionality in System Settings knows what resolution / et al the displays are set to, but you can't get the desktops to quit laying on top of each other19:17
RaspberryI have one 1400x1050 and one 1920x1200 display... and the 1400x1050 is the primary display (laptop LVDS) and it lays right on top of the secondary 1920x1200 desktop ... with the task bar being ~2/3rds of the way down on the screen instead of at the bottom...  It's really kinda odd19:18
RaspberryI'd like to try logging into a KDE4 session with the LVDS turned off, but I can't make the call to Xrandr from the gdm screen19:19
J-_laptophmm, I should download kde419:19
J-_laptop!info kde4 hardy19:21
ubotukde4 (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB19:21
oliver_g1err, wow... just noticed that there's yet another "network manager editor" icon installed, in applications -> internet...19:22
h3sp4wnRaspberry: Good luck19:22
oliver_g1now that's two icons too much19:22
Andre_Gondim!info bash19:23
ubotubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-0ubuntu15 (hardy), package size 551 kB, installed size 1200 kB19:23
h3sp4wnsucks bash is still priority require19:23
Andre_Gondimውሃትስት ትሀ ማትተር ዊትህ ምይ ከይቦራር?19:24
J-_laptopwow cool19:25
wastrelok that's tamil19:25
RaspberryJ-_laptop: the reason I moved to hardy was bugs with gutsy and the launchpad entries claiming these were fixed in hardy... only to find that they're not -- however it is good because I have been getting some major issues fixed that would have made it to launch :)19:25
wastrelso the first one is ethiopian i forget what it's called19:25
tritiumh3sp4wn: bash being required is a good thing19:26
h3sp4wntritium: Why so people don't fix their scripts to work with something provided by POSIX19:26
Andre_Gondimwhat's the matter with keyboard in hardy?19:26
J-_laptopRaspberry: Cool. Yeah, I do agree Gutsy is meh. Thinking about installing Hardy on my desktop too now. But that might be too far right now.19:26
J-_laptopAs Hardy is in alpha stages19:26
tritiumh3sp4wn: that sort of looks like a question, but it's not punctuated that way...not sure if you want me to respond19:27
wastrelgusty is fine, hardy is fine19:27
wastrelbuggy still hardy19:27
J-_laptopI had to install Hardy on my new lappy to get it working proper iwth the hardware.19:27
wastrelAndre_Gondim: did you install scim?19:27
J-_laptopisn't scim already preinstalled?19:27
Andre_Gondimwastrel, come with hardy19:28
h3sp4wntritium: I don't see the point in mandating bash when /bin/sh is dash19:28
wastreli dunno i thought you had to install it.  you did in gusty19:28
nanonymeh3sp4wn, seconded19:28
h3sp4wntritium: perhaps mandate a ksh alternative19:28
h3sp4wn(and use POSIX ksh scripts)19:28
tritiumh3sp4wn: bash is the de-facto standard.  I don't really care, however.19:28
nanonymeit's only de-facto for bash users19:29
h3sp4wnPOSIX is the standard19:29
nanonymenot for the rest of the world19:29
RaspberrySCIM is now preinstalled19:29
Raspberryand annoying :)19:29
h3sp4wn(least common denominator that everybody uses)19:29
wastreldash is sh-er than bash19:29
wastrelsh-ier, even19:29
wastrelannoying yes.  since htere's no easy way to turn it off19:30
wastreland it's got secret activation keys that you can hit accidentally19:31
wastreland suddenly your'e typing amharic!19:31
wastrelalso it was buggy in gusty.  crashed, locked up keyboard.19:31
wastreldunno in hardy haven't tried it yet19:32
h3sp4wnIt was annoying in kde for me for a time19:32
h3sp4wna few years ago19:32
GhotiPhudI end up typing in Latex all the time19:33
GhotiPhudah ha19:34
GhotiPhudI figured out a way to make the SCIM thing go away19:34
makaveli8hey guys, i'm tryin to get acrobat 7 pro working on ubuntu, i tried both wine and crossover office. anyone actually successful?19:34
macogwanyone having massive failure with brasero? ive made 3 coasters in the last 5 minutes19:35
GhotiPhudhaven't tried it19:35
RaspberryI used k3b19:35
GhotiPhudme too19:35
macogwim gonna try gnomebaker then19:36
J-_laptopmacogw: while in Gutsy I made coasters too. I tried making an iso and didn't completely work. I just use nautilus to do that now.19:37
* J-_laptop notes the +119:37
h3sp4wnAny recommendations for what to put in a bug report about - Sun Type 6 USB keyboards being broken19:37
GhotiPhudI'm running Gnome, but I find K3b to work the best19:37
wastrelin gusty i'm completely unable to burn a cd19:38
wastreli made 6 or 7 coasters the otehr day before i gave up and used hardy19:39
wastrelmight be my hardware iono19:39
makaveli8any ideas on how to get acrobat 7 pro working on ubuntu? tried google, tried wine and crossover office19:40
savvaswastrel: what app are you using?19:40
savvasmakaveli8: virtualbox19:40
h3sp4wnmakaveli8: use pdflatex19:40
macogwh3sp4wn: hehe that only helps if he's willing to learn LaTeX19:41
macogwbut OOo makes PDF's naturally...why do you need Acro Pro?19:41
zeno____how do i tell if i have direct rendering?19:41
makaveli8virtualbox seems like a lot of work jus for acrobat19:41
savvaszeno____: glxinfo | grep -i direct19:41
macogwzeno____: glxinfo | grep direct19:41
J-_laptopLaTeX would be nice. Probably the best thing to do instead of learning how to use OOo19:42
macogwLaTeX's all i use19:42
J-_laptopI haven't delved into that realm yet. >.>19:42
macogwmy sysadmin prof was all O_o wtf when i said "heh using LaTeX makes it really easy to take a chunk of a beamer presentation and turn it into a pdf page of its own19:42
zeno____makaveli8: what do you need acrobat for? ( i remember it being horribly slow)19:43
savvasmakaveli8: why do you need adobe acrobat?19:43
J-_laptopmacogw: haha nice19:43
savvasman, I'm psychic today, I'll go buy me a lottery ticket :P19:43
makaveli8zeno, i use it for university lectures19:44
macogwbut..for what?19:44
macogwwhat task19:44
makaveli8all notes are posted in pdf form, i constantly add comments to it19:44
macogwin what format do you type the notes?19:44
macogwif you do it in OOo, it has a PDF export button19:44
J-_laptopI thought the default pdf reader did notes too19:44
macogwand CUPS-PDF lets you print anything from any app as a PDF19:45
makaveli8its very limited, not as flexible as acrobat19:45
savvashm.. acrobat reader adds nots doesn't it?19:45
makaveli8jus reads19:45
J-_laptopOOo export to pdf is nice to as macogw said19:45
macogwwait when did Nautilus burner stop being able to burn at 2x? 9.4x is the lowest speed i'm offered now19:45
nemoJ-_laptop: yeah. I'm a fan19:45
nemoJ-_laptop: I like the fact it allows forms19:45
makaveli800o exports to pdf19:45
savvaswastrel: try using brasero or k3b19:46
macogwnemo: too bad we dont have a way to *fill in* forms19:46
nemoalthough. gnome *does* have a "print to pdf" option19:46
makaveli8but i have it in pdf form, and wnat to add comment boxes on top19:46
h3sp4wnmacogw: I don't know loads about it but writing pages of calculations in the oo equation editor (or ms for that matter) is massively painful19:46
nemomacogw: yes. Adobe does tightly control that one19:46
macogwh3sp4wn: which is why i do everything in LaTeX :P19:46
nemomacogw: of course, it isn't a very reliable feature. Adobe has like 2 official ways of doing it, and there are some unofficial ones too19:46
makaveli8i heard acrobat 5 works perfectly, but i cant seem to find it anywhere since its rather old19:46
macogwmakaveli8: oh...hmm :-/19:46
h3sp4wnmacogw: I did one line before switching it to latex19:46
makaveli8no where on newsgroups, or torrents19:46
nemomacogw: I usually just dump the filled in form to another postscript or PDF :-/19:46
makaveli8anyone know of any ftps :)?19:47
nemomacogw: single copy19:47
makaveli8or willing to upload? i'd pay :P19:47
macogwnemo: but i cant fill it in in general. evince doesnt let you fill it in at all. printing to pdf would be dandy if i could get text into the lines to start with19:47
macogwsavvas: was that at me since i talked about Nautilus?19:47
macogwsavvas: Brasero made 3 coasters and GnomeBaker just made one too so i'm trying nautilus now19:48
savvasmacogw: no, wastrel wanted something before :)19:48
macogwnautilus has gotten much further than the rest19:48
macogwoh ok19:48
J-_laptopNautilus is quite nice19:48
makaveli8anyone? a link or access to it would be appreciated, i'd even pay19:48
nemomacogw: huh?19:48
J-_laptopfor burning and everything else that is19:48
nemomacogw: evince allows form editing19:48
nemomacogw: so does adobe reader actually19:49
nemomacogw: what version of evince are you using?19:49
nemoheck. it worked in ubuntu gutsy's version19:49
J-_laptop'what the heck, I knew it! I seen the damn iotion before with evince. =P19:49
savvasmakaveli8: you could've set up a windows virtual machine in virtualbox by now :)19:49
makaveli8ya but doens't virtualbox run rather slow and laggy?19:49
nemomacogw: although, I admit for PDF of images I often import into GIMP, then save as an XCF with text field overlays :)19:50
savvasno makaveli8, it's rather fast and quite fine if you have memory to spare19:50
savvasI use 512mb and it's great19:50
makaveli8got 3 gigs in the laptop, is that enough for both ubuntu and virtual box?19:50
makaveli8oh only 512?19:50
nemomakaveli8: windows can run fine in 512 so long as you aren't doing too much with it19:51
Andre_Gondimmay i uninstall scim?19:51
nemomakaveli8: don't install antivirus or anything :)19:51
makaveli8ok, i jus need it for acrobat19:51
makaveli8so guess i'll do that then19:51
macogwnemo: really? i dont think it did forms on gutsy....19:52
macogwmakaveli8: vbox is faster than vmware19:52
makaveli8512mb is enough?19:53
macogwi had XP running on 192MB :P19:56
macogwthat was painful19:56
macogwbut it worked19:56
* h3sp4wn wonder if paravirtualised vmware is faster (couldn't care less about windows anyway)19:57
J-_laptopwhen I got this lappy I should have asked levono not to ship the lappy with Vista on it, and seen if they would have dropped hte price.19:57
oliver_g1anyone here has Hardy installed but never started evolution so far?19:58
RaspberryI've never started Evolution19:58
macogwJ-_laptop: the site says vista home $0, vista business: add $xx, suse linux enterprise desktop: subtract $8919:58
macogwoliver_g1: ive never started evolution. i hate it.19:58
J-_laptopmacogw: I didn't have that option as I'm Canadian, and went to the canadian part of the site to purchase it.19:58
macogwJ-_laptop: when you go to configure some of the laptops.  the R61i was one of them when i looked19:59
oliver_g1could you start Evo, for test? For me, it came up with a "welcome" assistant, and the window is too large for my 1024x786 screen :-)19:59
oliver_g1could you test if it comes up that big for you as well?19:59
J-_laptopI have a R61e too so that might have been the problem19:59
J-_laptopalthough Hardy runs quite dandy on it20:00
macogwhow do i start it20:00
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macogwclicking the clock doesnt start it20:00
oliver_g1macogw: I used Applications -> Internet -> Evolution20:00
macogwoh got it20:00
macogwoliver_g1: oh i dont have that anymore20:00
macogwi dont have much in my menus20:00
macogwclicking on thngs in the menu opened it20:00
macogwwell the welcome screen fits on my screen, but i dont use 1024x768 because my lappy is widescreen20:01
oliver_g1macogw: how big would estimate the dialog?20:01
oliver_g1(I sense a bug report coming up :)20:01
macogwabout 600px high20:01
Raspberrythis npviewer is really causing problems20:01
oliver_g1height is ok, but it's too wide20:01
oliver_g1the "Next ->" button isn't even visible20:02
oliver_g1have to move the dialog to see it20:02
Raspberrythey've changed the default font in Alpha620:02
oliver_g1Raspberry: what is npviewer?20:02
Raspberrynpviewer is the flashplugin stuff for Firefox I believe20:02
macogw679x567 when i cropped to that size on a screenshot in gimp20:02
J-_laptopWill I be affected by the alpha 6 changes since I installed using alpha 5?20:02
macogwshould fit on 1024x768 just fine20:03
oliver_g1macogw: well ok then20:03
macogwJ-_laptop: of course20:03
J-_laptopI'm guessing updating would do so20:03
macogwJ-_laptop: just install updates and youll be alpha6 level20:03
J-_laptopmakes sense =)20:03
oliver_g1macogw: ok, just found this with xprop:20:04
oliver_g1                program specified minimum size: 1467 by 59520:04
oliver_g11467 is a bit too wide :-)20:04
macogwhaha but my screen is 1280x80020:05
macogwso that shouldnt fit on mine either20:05
oliver_g1macogw: do you have the dialog still open?20:05
oliver_g1is so, go into terminal and run "xprop | grep size", the click on the dialog20:06
macogwoliver_g1: lemme try20:06
macogwoliver_g1: program specified minimum size: 665 by 53420:06
oliver_g1macogw: now that's weird :-)20:07
oliver_g1macogw: what language do you use on your system?20:08
oliver_g1macogw: that's it20:08
macogwwhat language are you using? one with REALLY LONG words for what is short in english?20:09
oliver_g1macogw: I use german - the language with XXL words :-D20:09
J-_laptopengrish here. =D20:09
oliver_g1that kinda explain, huh?20:09
anolishey how do i get rid of this annoying SCIM thing that appears if i press shift and space at the same time, i don't want it on my computer20:09
macogwjapanese and chinese must get super small windows then...20:09
oliver_g1well, in this case it's probably not the language itself, but a missing linebreak somewhere I would guess20:10
J-_laptopanolis: right click on it. I forget what I did, it was either I right clicked chose preferences, and unchecked all languages, or I fooled around with the language support in the menu20:11
h3sp4wnWhat did they do to GNU Chess to make it suck ?20:11
h3sp4wn(for gnome chess)20:11
anolisyea.. seems pretty useless.. whats the point of it20:11
h3sp4wnin terms of playing badly20:11
oliver_g1anyone here know a _comfortable_ way to edit already-installed translation files?20:11
anolisyay its gone20:13
J-_laptopGlad it helped20:13
macogwdoh! figured out the problem.  Backtrack 3 is 701MB.  CDs are 700MB20:16
J-_laptopthey had to add one mb. hehehe20:17
oliver_g1macogw: and the burn app doesn't detect that??20:17
macogwwhy is the beta over 700MB? bahh20:17
macogwoliver_g1: not before i start...waits til it coasters20:18
oliver_g1macogw: ouch :-(20:18
macogwat Shmoocon they gave out hacking toolkit live disks that had some mp3's on them too so you can listen while you hack i guess...and no mp3 decoders20:19
pkhi've got a problem with firefox3b3 on hardy that doesn't make any sense to me.  I'm using a mobile-broadband modem and have setup ppp0.  If I run ff it can't find the network (I've checked all the settings and they seem fine -- no proxy etc.) but if I install and run swiftfox (3b4 based) then it works.  is there a hidden setting somewhere that might be causing this?20:20
oliver_g1oh well... did you ever notice in nautilus the menu point Edit -> Backgrounds & Emblems?20:21
oliver_g1just looked there, and seen a window I've never seen before20:21
pkhis this the right place?  might be ff problem, but also might be deb config issue...20:21
macogwoliver_g1: yeah thats been there20:22
oliver_g1macogw: yes, but apparently nobody actually uses it - at least, half of the emblem icons are broken :-D20:22
macogwthe background thing is just weird20:23
macogwif you could set a different background for each directory it might make sense20:23
SeveredCrossAnd you have to just accept that fact. :)20:23
SeveredCrossAnd you have to just accept that fact. :)20:23
SeveredCrossWrong button. <__>20:23
oliver_g1pkh: does internet work if you try if with some other app (like ping?)20:23
pkhyep, this works (xchat) wget curl, samba, etc, etc, etc20:24
oliver_g1pkh: also, under System -> Adminstration -> Network Diagnosis (?) there are some more tools20:24
pkhonly ff3b320:24
oliver_g1ah ok20:24
oliver_g1maybe an MTU problem?20:24
oliver_g1what does FF does when it fails?20:25
macogwpkh: the proxy settings in ff?20:25
pkhthat's what's weird, _everything else_ is perfect, just ff...20:25
pkhhang on i'll look20:25
gjanyone here using ubuntu hardy on a hp laptop??20:25
oliver_g1does it keep loading, or is there an error message?20:25
gilster32is there something going on today with updates. i cant get anything to work or connect on the canada server20:26
pkhimmediate (i.e. no net timeout) "page load error"20:26
pkhoh bugger20:26
pkhit was in 'offline mode'20:26
pkhnow working perfectly!!!20:26
gj anyone here using ubuntu hardy on a hp laptop??20:26
SeveredCrossgj: Can't say I am. Can't say I'd EVER buy HP.20:27
oliver_g1FF says "load error" instead of "duh - you're offline"?20:27
SeveredCrossAfter following Planet Gnome long enough to see all the trouble people have with them.20:27
pkhuh huh20:27
pkhnever understood 'offline mode'20:27
oliver_g1SeveredCross: wrong channel?20:27
SeveredCrossoliver_g1: Hrm?20:27
pkhwhat on earth can you do with a browser if you're offline anyway?  and how is clicking the button going to help...20:27
SeveredCrossIn regards to my earlier messages? Yes.20:27
SeveredCrosspkh: Cached pages might work?20:28
pkhah, that makes sense i guess.20:28
SeveredCrossNo idea though, never tried it.20:28
SeveredCrossI really think today might be a staff holiday here at the lab.20:28
h3sp4wnpkh: look at cached pages or downloaded flash games maybe, web development on a train20:29
h3sp4wnthere is a few use cases20:29
gjno one else using hp laptop here?20:29
h3sp4wnI am20:29
oliver_g1ok, now I got curious... What exactly is the Emblems sidebar in nautilus good for??20:29
h3sp4wn(and a thinkpad X31) 8710w20:30
gju got heating problems? h3sp4wn?20:30
h3sp4wnFan seems to be on more than it should be recently20:30
gjme 2...you use acpi or apm?20:31
h3sp4wnIts not hot to the touch (by any stretch)20:31
h3sp4wnquadro 1600m (with its powermizer thing)20:31
gjok.. it used to be no problem to use the laptop on my lap without overheating..not any more20:32
gilster32are the update servers in canada down?20:32
gilster32i am getting nothing here20:32
gjso powermizer is a daemon?20:32
h3sp4wnNo its part of the nvidia drivers20:32
gjok..i got ati20:33
h3sp4wnNo actually it is pretty damn hot20:33
GhotiPhudwhat is yours running at?20:33
h3sp4wnbecause the cpu is at full speed :/20:33
h3sp4wn2.4ghz right now20:33
gji think im gonna try apm see if it runs cooler then20:33
h3sp4wnbecause of some evolution-data crap20:34
gilster32r the repos down?20:34
GhotiPhuddownload computertemp from the repos20:34
gji dont have an application yet showing cpu speed which are u using?20:34
GhotiPhudand see what temp your laptop is running at20:34
gjthat one works for intel?20:34
oliver_g1gilster32: maybe try a different mirror for now?20:35
GhotiPhudyou can add temp and cpu speed applets to your panel20:35
h3sp4wnIt works for everything shows current mhz20:35
gjok let me do that brb20:35
h3sp4wnNo python junk for me for the sake of it20:35
GhotiPhudjust to get the temp20:36
h3sp4wnI can setup lmsensors20:36
GhotiPhudoh, okay,   run  acpi -V20:37
GhotiPhudthat'll give you all the same data20:37
gilster32oliver_gl: how do is set that up in hardy. i dont see the sources icon anymore.20:37
h3sp4wn53 43 27 30 50(active)20:37
h3sp4wn(I need to serial console my router so that laptop is not online unless I switch the cable)_20:38
GhotiPhudthis is what I get " Thermal 1: ok, 38.0 degrees C"20:38
nemohm. the beta freeze is only a few days away?20:38
h3sp4wnGhotiPhud: I have the same for thermals 1 -> 620:39
h3sp4wn(The reason why mine was hot then was that evolution data thing maxing a cpu at 100%)20:39
gjGhotiPHud, i installed computertemp..../proc/cpuinfo command not found20:39
GhotiPhudfound another way to get it20:40
h3sp4wn(But the above data) Its not an issue I don't think20:40
GhotiPhudrun acpi -V20:40
GhotiPhudjust curious how hot it's running20:40
gji use apm now instead of acpi20:41
h3sp4wnI am not sure how reliable the monitoring of such things is20:41
gjso cant do acpi -V20:41
h3sp4wn(I have had motherboards that after a bios update change the readings by 10 C)20:42
nemoyou can check your chip/mobo info to get a feel for accuracy20:42
nemomy vals come off of the chip and over 8 years or so, well, seem pretty ccurate20:42
nemo# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature20:43
nemotemperature:             47 C20:43
oliver_g1gilster32: the software sources icon was accidentally not installed on new Hardy installations :-/20:43
h3sp4wnThis was from an athlon x2 providing it from the chip theoretically20:43
GhotiPhud No such file or directory20:43
h3sp4wnabove 65 C I guess I wouild be worried20:44
nemoGhotiPhud: your thermal zones will vary :-p20:44
J-_laptopnemo: will that work with almost all if not all computers?20:44
oliver_g1gilster32: you can manually download it from packages.ubuntu.com, though20:44
nemoJ-_laptop: if ACPI is enabled there will be something in there. it might even have a temperature entry that might even have a non-zero value :)20:44
oliver_g1gilster32: install this one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/python-software-properties and this one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/software-properties-gtk20:44
nemo# find /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ -name temperature -exec cat {} \; -print20:44
nemotemperature:             47 C20:44
nemothat might work better20:45
J-_laptopnemo: hmm, so what command should I do first?20:45
h3sp4wnYeah I have 5 directories in there20:45
nemoI only have one20:45
nemoand mine *is* off the chip, and AMD had a pretty good rep with it20:45
nemochip temp is probably the most important :)20:45
GhotiPhudmine's giving the exact same as the little applet20:45
h3sp4wnwith zsh - cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/**/temperature20:45
nemoGhotiPhud: applet probably reads same val :)20:46
nemoh3sp4wn: heh. I wasn't positive about the directory structure ;)20:46
J-_laptop     Battery 1: charged, 97%20:46
J-_laptop     Thermal 1: ok, 40.0 degrees C20:46
J-_laptop     Thermal 2: ok, 39.0 degrees C20:46
J-_laptop  AC Adapter 1: on-line20:46
h3sp4wndunno if bash does **20:46
nemo# cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/temperature20:46
J-_laptopis that too hot?20:46
nemothat'll work in bash too, if only one dir down20:46
GhotiPhudno, that's pretty cool20:46
gjany way to figure out cpu temp when using apm??20:46
nemohm. bash does do **20:47
GhotiPhudI think if my hard drive is spun down and all things are on their lowest powerstates I get around 32 C20:47
nemoJ-_laptop: I spent a lot of timing poking around in /proc when I was figuring out how to do something fun with the USB snowman my SO bought me for Xmas20:48
J-_laptopi can't believe the battery is charged 97%, the darn thing has been plugged in all day20:48
h3sp4wnnemo: does it do the same thing (matching one or more dirs)20:48
nemoJ-_laptop: I was like. ok... you plug it in, switch it on and it makes robot noises with a moving LED... hm.20:48
h3sp4wnJ-_laptop: Mine says 97% also20:48
h3sp4wn(and has not been used on battery for weeks)20:48
nemoJ-_laptop: was more fun to use the new kernel APIs to power on/off the port it is on :)20:48
GhotiPhudtry to spook anyone?20:49
nemoJ-_laptop: ... unfortunately I had to buy a USB hub to do that, since my machine's ports did not support selective powering20:49
nemoGhotiPhud: I used it as a computer alert.20:49
bratscheWhen I run "update-manager -d" then at some point the update-manager seems to just stop.  It ceases to repaint the window, and top tells me it's using 0% cpu (not sure if there's a better way to tell if it's actually still running).20:49
GhotiPhudthat's fun too20:49
J-_laptopnemo: crap I wonder if mine are powered. son of a gun...20:49
J-_laptopI have a hug anyway20:49
J-_laptopwell that too but a hub20:49
h3sp4wnSurely someone here uses a sun keyboard ? (They are great) dunno what Ubuntu does to break meta though20:50
nemoif [ $1 == off ] then /home/nemo/bin/hub-ctrl -h 0 -p 020:50
bratscheAnyone know if that's normal, or what should I do?20:50
nemothat kind of thing20:50
GhotiPhudbratsche: I don't think that's normal20:50
bratscheGhotiPhud: Should I try to update using apt-get instead then?20:51
nemoJ-_laptop: ... and everyone needs a hug. glad you have one.20:51
GhotiPhudif I ever have problems I usually Ctl+Alt+F1 and do apt-get20:51
bratscheSo what, "apt-get --dist-upgrade" or something?20:52
GhotiPhud"apt-get dist-upgrade"20:52
bratscheErr.. yeah, that's what I meant.20:52
GhotiPhudapt-get update first20:52
bratscheNobody else has seen the update-manager freeze like this?20:52
GhotiPhudI've frozen my computer while updating20:53
GhotiPhudnot quite the same20:53
* J-_laptop huggles nemo20:53
amikropyelp ghelp:foo gives an "invalid url" error20:54
nemoamikrop: that doesn't seem unique to hardy20:55
nemoI imagine that is because it doesn't exist...20:57
amikropnemo: It used to work once, as I can recall.20:57
nemothey may consider a non-existent document to be "invalid"20:57
amikropThe main links in the yelp "frontpage" are "broken" (if I may borrow this terms from the web).20:57
nemoyelp ghelp:gcalctool20:58
nemoseems to work20:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 138770 in yelp "fails to open valid links" [Medium,Triaged]20:58
amikropyelp ghelp:desktop-effects20:59
h3sp4wnIronic that the most useless key on this keyboard works (the help key)21:00
oliver_g1h3sp4wn: well, if it works, it should help you, no?21:00
amikropAlso, I don't know if this has any correlation with the fact that since I upgraded to Gutsy (and then to Hardy), I don't have the "About Ubuntu" menu option in the System menu.21:00
h3sp4wnoliver_g1: Gnome help ?21:01
amikropIt disappeared.21:01
oliver_g1h3sp4wn: if the help button works, it should be able to help you get the other keys to work. But if it doesn't help you, it obviously doesn't work21:02
oliver_g1duh, it's logic ;)21:02
oliver_g1amikrop: yes, it seems they sometimes loose some icons during upgrade :-/21:03
oliver_g1amikrop: I suppose upgrading is just not reliable - if I can, better do a reinstall21:03
h3sp4wnoliver_g1: Not the logic I am used to unfortunately21:03
oliver_g1ah, ok... you indeed have to get used to the logic I use...21:04
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
amikropoliver_g1: indeed21:14
amikropActually, in /usr/share/applications I can see the "About Ubuntu" launcher (ubuntu-about.desktop) and the icon is fine.21:15
amikropWhen I run it, though, there is a "yelp ghelp:foo - invalid location" problem.21:15
amikropDoes anybody know how can I put it back to the menu?21:16
oliver_g1amikrop: maybe create a new user (temporarily) and see if it appears there correctly?21:16
amikrop(e.g. by copying the launcher to a special directory, or by setting a configuration file)21:17
amikropoliver_g1: I have done it. It does not appear.21:17
J-_laptopman, the network monitor applet for gnome-panel rocks!21:17
amikropSo, can I put it back to the System menu, e.g. by copying the launcher to a special directory, or by setting a configuration file?21:18
oliver_g1amikrop: ubuntu-about.desktop comes from the gnome-panel-data package... Maybe try reinstalling that pkg, and also related gnome-panel-* pkgs?21:24
amikropoliver_g1: Thanks, I will.21:26
fir3_i heard that pulseaudio is now activated, but i didn't try the alphas yet. how well does pulseaudio work with standard apps/oss games?21:27
h3sp4wnNot as well as OSS21:27
h3sp4wnfrom opensound (given the last oss is for OSS)21:27
fir3_so, playing quake with pulseaudio is not possible yet?21:28
amikropoliver_g1: Done. Nothing changed. Do I need an X restart?21:28
oliver_g1amikrop: yes, try logging out and back in21:28
h3sp4wnfir3_: You can use it - to say it just works with all apps would by lying though21:28
oliver_g1h3sp4wn: what doesn't work at the moment?21:29
fir3_h3sp4wn: if it works with one oss app it should work with the most, which did you try?21:29
h3sp4wnworks alot better with 4front oss than anything else21:30
fir3_i get the feeling that pulseaudio won't fix the audio mess on linux :/21:31
DanaGI find OSSto be confusing.  I can handle the ALSAmixers, but OSSis a mystery.21:32
DanaG(wondering where my spaces went?  SCIMate them.)21:32
amikropoliver_g1: Done. No success.21:34
oliver_g1amikrop: :-(21:34
amikropoliver_g1: Anyway, thanks a lot :-)21:34
oliver_g1amikrop: which icons do you have in the System menu?21:34
amikropI really appreciate that you try to help me :)21:35
oliver_g1amikrop: no prob21:35
amikropPreferences, Administration, Help and Support, About GNOME, Quit21:35
oliver_g1amikrop: so "yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu" doesn't work?21:36
amikropoliver_g1: nope21:38
oliver_g1amikrop: well then maybe the help files are not correctly installed or registered; and that goes into the realm of Scrollkeeper, which is quite dead and unmaintained anyway...21:39
oliver_g1amikrop: so, now idea here21:39
oliver_g1amikrop: how important is that functionality for you? :-)21:39
amikropoliver_g1: OK. Let's hope it is an upgrade problem, and it will be solved if I install the stable Hardy (in April) by a CD. Thank you, again.21:40
Infectoi have ups in21:40
Infecto[   28.920639] sysfs: duplicate filename 'pcspkr' can not be created21:40
Infecto[   28.920643] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/fs/sysfs/dir.c:424 sysfs_add_one()21:40
Infecto[   28.920648] Pid: 2935, comm: modprobe Not tainted 2.6.24-11-generic #121:40
Infecto[   28.920663]  [<c01d39bf>] sysfs_add_one+0x9f/0xe021:40
Infectosomething familiar?21:40
Infectoknown bug?21:40
oliver_g1amikrop: yes, in the Hardy alpha 5 I installed it works21:40
Ngis anyone seeing very bad panel behaviour atm?21:43
gordonjcpis there a way to install firefox 2 with java in Hardy?21:43
gordonjcpinstalling the j2re plugin installs a broken version of ff321:44
DanaGDamn you, SCIM! SCIMkeeps eating my spaces after CAPITALletters.21:46
J-_laptopDanaG: disable it21:48
tomd123So I right click-> eject on my ipod icon on the desktop and it says unable to mount media, there may be no media in the drive, and it removes the icon but the ipod is still not disconnected, the only way to disconnect it safely is to do eject /dev/sdb through the command line, any ideas or is this a bug in alpha6?>21:49
DanaGBut I like SCIM.  It lets me do things like this:21:49
DanaGI R ⋙ U.21:49
DanaGStuff like that.21:49
J-_laptop>>> woah21:49
J-_laptopi only seen I R >>>U21:50
J-_laptopthe arrows closer together21:50
tomd123wow he used 3 >21:50
DanaGIt's the "Latex" input method.  Hit backslash and see what pops up.  It's a "much greater than" symbol.21:50
oliver_g1hmm, now if SCIM would offer an "emoticon" input mode... that would be cool ;-) :-D :-)21:50
DanaGANother funny one is this:  ⋚21:51
DanaGRoads in USA: ⋚--------------⋚     Many other places:  ⋛------------⋛21:52
oliver_g1DanaG: you're from UK?21:53
DanaGUSA, actually.21:53
nemoI wish I was back under Linux where the fonts weren't crap :-/21:54
oliver_g1DanaG: well ok... it's just that "Roads mostly everywhere: ⋚--------------⋚  UK and some friends: ⋛------------⋛"21:54
nemomy windows font sucketh at unicode21:54
nemo(and I'm stuck in putty.exe until this copy completes)21:54
oliver_g1nemo: there was a font update today, now fonts under Hardy are crap as well :-)21:54
nemooliver_g1: http://m8y.org/js/chess.xhtml <- I'm a fan of James Kass'  complete unicode font21:55
nemooliver_g1: it even has tengwar!21:55
nemo... yes, tengwar isn't official yet21:55
oliver_g1(ok, Unicode still works, but crisp Bitstream Vera has been replaced by the Linux-usual blurry font)21:55
nemooliver_g1: http://m8y.org/tmp/tengwarkbd.html21:55
nemooliver_g1: hm. and you can't switch it back or rebuild the font db?21:56
nemoguess I'll find out when I get home21:56
oliver_g1nemo: dunno... I guess it's mean to look this way...21:56
gordonjcpfirefox 3 is hopeless21:56
nemogordonjcp: ?21:56
oliver_g1maybe the artwork ppl have other ideas about fonts :-/21:56
nemooliver_g1: you *are* able to override fonts you know :-p21:56
nemono matter what "artwork" people think21:57
oliver_g1at work everybody is still using Luxi Sans (from RHEL4 times) which looks _really_ bad21:57
gordonjcpoliver_g1: nightmare21:57
nemogordonjcp: ??21:57
gordonjcpnemo: you must remember Luxi Sans21:57
oliver_g1nemo: I could change it, but I'd rather have sane fonts per default21:57
gordonjcp"Hinting, who needs hinting?"21:57
nemo16:56 < gordonjcp> firefox 3 is hopeless21:57
nemo16:56 < nemo> gordonjcp: ?21:57
* nemo prods gordonjcp again21:57
* DanaG throws a(n) ✈ at somebody, randomly.21:58
DanaG... and runs with ✂  ✄21:58
gordonjcpnemo: java doesn't work, firebug doesn't work, webdev toolbar doesn't work, adblock doesn't work, it's slow and they've done something truly horrific with the URL dropdown21:58
* oliver_g1 can do that too: ✈21:58
nemogordonjcp: firebug works21:58
nemogordonjcp: http://getfirebug.com - they released the beta21:58
gordonjcpI will actually pay Canonical to *not* have FF321:58
nemogordonjcp: and it isn't firefox' fault that the extension authors haven't updated :-p21:58
oliver_g1(can't really type the plane, put copy/paste still works)21:59
nemogordonjcp: the URL dropdown I rather like actually21:59
gordonjcpnemo: can you turn it off?21:59
nemogordonjcp: dunno. at one point it was an addon21:59
nemothey just incorporated it21:59
nemogordonjcp: check about:config :-p21:59
oliver_g1gordonjcp: to me it seemed that ff3 is less unstable and less slow that ff2...21:59
nemooliver_g1: ah-yup21:59
nemooliver_g1: I'm still debugging one thing though, so don't click on a large about:cache entry ( say, over 10 megabytes) until I figure it out ;)22:00
nemooliver_g1: I think it is related to biesi's hex dump he added, but not sure22:00
oliver_g1nemo: ?22:00
oliver_g1nemo: you mean ff3 now?22:00
nemooliver_g1: you know how it used to be sane to grab FLV videos from the disc cache in firefox? :)22:00
nemonot such a good idea anymore22:01
nemo... yet.22:01
oliver_g1isn't there this youtube-dl script in the repos for that?22:01
nemooliver_g1: that only works for youtube22:01
gordonjcpis there some magic I'm missing for getting Java to work then?22:02
nemogordonjcp: java WFM22:02
gordonjcpj2re1.4-mozilla-plugin is installed22:02
nemohere's the thing22:02
nemothis is kind of ubuntu's insanity22:02
gordonjcpbut sites that require java whine about not having a jre22:02
nemowhy the hell are there 12 XULRunner directories for plugins?22:02
nemogordonjcp: the JRE (and you should be using v6 anyway :-p) does not seem to install in the right one-of-12 directories that ubuntu has22:02
oliver_g1anyway, the worst thing about ff (gecko actually - shows in epiphany as well) is that it starts showing pages in new windows after using the browser a few days :-( so I don't use ff2 anymore for regular work22:03
gordonjcpoh dear ghod22:03
nemogordonjcp: if they don't give me a good reason for it, I *will* symlink them all together22:03
gordonjcpnemo: are you the maintainer?22:03
nemogordonjcp: of ubuntu? no.22:03
nemoI'm a user puzzled as to their logic22:03
gordonjcpno, of the ubuntu ff3 package22:03
oliver_g1nemo, gordonjcp: the iced-tea java in Hardy seems to work correctly out of the box22:03
nemoI mean, thinly, it seems to be to separate plugins by generic xulrunner various xulrunner products, and some versions22:03
nemogordonjcp: that either22:03
nemogordonjcp: I kinda see *what* they are doing, but it still seems silly22:04
nemogordonjcp: anyway, what I did was look on the about:plugins page22:04
nemosee what libs were installed22:04
gordonjcptime to go and find the package maintainer of nekobee and stab him22:04
nemothen symlink to that22:04
nemogordonjcp: I am considering the more drastic approach though, as much as I hate screwing with package systems22:04
gordonjcpok, so they've packaged 0.1.6, but ever so slightly wrongly22:04
gordonjcpthere must be some way to usurp a package maintainer22:05
nemogordonjcp: ls -d /usr/lib/*/plugins22:07
nemoor even ls -ld /usr/lib/*/plugins22:07
nemoto see the symlinks22:07
nemoannoying huh?22:07
nemoI hope a dev drops by here to justify this22:08
nemogordonjcp: I think actually I was complaining on here about a month ago :)22:08
gordonjcpnemo: admittedly some of the plugins in there are *not* FF plugin dirs22:08
gordonjcpfor instance /usr/lib/kicad/plugins22:08
gordonjcpbut yeah, it's a shambles22:08
nemogordonjcp: I know, but most of 'em are22:10
nemogordonjcp: I just didn't feel like filtering and was sure you'd be able to tell the diff :-p22:10
nemogordonjcp: IMO most of those should be symlinks to /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins22:11
nemoand *IF* a particular xulrunner app needs its own set of plugins, it should create its own dir and maintain its symlinks22:11
nemobut the default should be to include plugins22:11
gordonjcpoh, I give up22:13
gordonjcpthis is just a mess22:13
gordonjcplooks like sound doesn't really work either22:14
nemomaybe you ran into the pulseaudio bug I ran into too22:15
nemogordonjcp: you might want to try alsa22:15
gordonjcpargh, not pulseaudio22:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191027 in totem ""Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"" [Low,New]22:15
nemoI think the priority on that one should be kicked up22:15
gordonjcpnemo: that could be it - yet another thing to remove22:15
tomd123this is wierd whenever I plugin my ipod, rhythmbox opens up and keeps adding all my songs to the local library but keeps on going into infinity adding multiple versions of the same song, any ideas?22:16
anonymous111Hi. I'm looking forward to the new artwork in Hardy. Are there any preview screenshots available yet?22:16
gordonjcpnemo: I'm not too bothered about pulseaudio as long as I can permanently remove or disable it22:16
nemogordonjcp: well, the sound sink is certainly overrideable22:17
gordonjcpnemo: totem is a hoax anyway22:17
nemogordonjcp: I prefer mplayer and audacious22:17
gordonjcpI've yet to find any media format that totem will play22:17
gordonjcpit doesn't even seem to want to play most .wav files22:17
nemogordonjcp: hm. haven't had *that* much trouble22:17
nemogordonjcp: oh. in terms of WAV - are you trying to play 8bit wav samples?22:17
nemogordonjcp: also, you *have* installed the restricted plugins for totem right?22:18
gordonjcp8 bit, 16 bit, and 24 bit22:18
gordonjcpI shouldn't need restricted plugins for wav files22:18
nemomm. only had trouble with 8bit myself, and wasn't restricted to totem22:18
nemoI know22:18
nemogordonjcp: that was the whole "any media" I was addressing22:18
nemocan you link me to a wav that failed?22:18
nemoI want to see if WFM22:18
gordonjcplet me see if I can find it22:19
gordonjcpit *may* be on a drive that's not plugged in22:19
gordonjcpnemo: odd, at least two of the .wavs I was having trouble with now work in totem22:21
gordonjcpI think I'm going to have to set this computer up as dual-boot22:21
oliver_g1wheee... new updates22:21
oliver_g1third time this evening :-)22:22
nemogordonjcp: virtualbox :)22:22
gordonjcpnemo: hmmm22:22
gordonjcpit's a thought22:22
nemogordonjcp: has some nice features22:22
nemoone I learned about this week - you can tag a drive readonly22:22
nemo(after setting it up just right of course)22:22
nemothen it resets itself after every reboot22:23
gordonjcpbefore I do that, can anyone confirm if new firmware iPod Nanos work with the libgpod in hardy?22:23
nemogreat for experimenting with hazardous stuff22:23
oliver_g1gordonjcp: yup, using virtualbox as well, and it's nice22:23
=== arnl is now known as Aranel
gordonjcpnemo: wonder if I'd be better installing virtualbox in hardy and installing gutsy as a guest OS, or the other way round?22:24
tomd123netbeans 6.0.1 fails to install on 8.04, assertion failure/ core dumped, on 7.10 it works, is this something normal for alpha tests?22:24
gordonjcpnemo: probably hardy as a guest OS, I'd think22:24
nemothat'd make more sense I guess22:25
oliver_g1tomd123: maybe not normal, but to be expected...22:25
oliver_g1tomd123: did you check if there's a bug report for that already?22:25
oliver_g1btw. does apport catch and handle Java exceptions as well?22:26
tomd123oliver_g1: never mind, I just found out that the installation is in the repository, the 7.10 repository had netbeans 5.5, the netbeans.sh failed so meh22:26
gordonjcpnemo: I've used qemu in the past for testing autotools scripts22:27
gordonjcpnemo: specifically, making sure they fail on missing deps22:27
tomd123k so I'm filing a bug, I did a netbeans install through spm and its spitting out assertion failures when i run it through the command line22:31
melleryanyone have static instead of normal sound when using pulseaudio?22:34
nemogordonjcp: qemu is pretty good for linux.22:54
nemogordonjcp: vbox is just more flexible22:54
gordonjcpnemo: it's mostly Linux it will be running, possibly Haiku occasionally22:55
nemoalso examples of stereotypes22:56
gordonjcpwhat do you expect, he's English22:58
gordonjcpprobably too busy being rude to foreigners and drinking crap overchilled beer22:58
oliver_g1not to mention the bad food in england... boar in peppermint sauce and such stuff...23:00
gordonjcpyeah, they don't really "get" food in England23:01
gordonjcpthey're nearly as bad as Americans23:01
oliver_g1well yes, but with americans its more a matter of intelligence23:03
* oliver_g1 ponders how to weave Microsoft Works, French Resistance, Simple Woman into the conversation as well23:04
* nrp goes to eat something large and deep fried23:04
gordonjcpnow if you were an American it would be something large, deep fried, tough, and covered in hot sauce23:05
oliver_g1fried boar in peppermint sauce?23:05
gordonjcpI must admit though23:05
gordonjcpI really do fancy trying to deep fry a turkey23:05
RAOFWe'll need a vat... big enough to hold a small family sedan...23:06
gordonjcpRAOF: I have an old heating oil tank23:06
gordonjcpI can cut the top off23:06
oliver_g1RAOF: yes... put the sedan in and bake at 450° for 30 minutes23:07
gordonjcpoh that's easy, that's just a paint oven23:07
RAOFCrazy farenheigt users ;P23:07
oliver_g1RAOF: ugh... how much would 450°F be in C?23:08
gordonjcpabout 200C23:08
RAOFProbably somewhere in the 200~240 range.23:08
gordonjcp230 maybe23:08
J-_laptopHey, is there anyway to get my wireless icon back that was in the notification area? I did a "killall gnome-panel23:08
oliver_g1now that's too cold... that's just good enough for pizza...23:08
gordonjcp232C according to Goooooooooogle23:09
oliver_g1good idea23:09
oliver_g1J-_laptop: try running nm-applet23:09
oliver_g1J-_laptop: or, log off and back on (guess that would work)23:09
J-_laptopoliver_g1: the first one worked. thanks man.23:10
J-_laptopthe other would too =P23:10
gordonjcpI asked earlier but didn't see an answer - can anyone confirm whether or not new iPod Nanos work with the version of libgpod in Hardy?23:11
J-_laptopI wonder if gnome devs will fix this panel situation. Hidden panel always freezes.23:11
RAOFJ-_laptop: Do the gnome devs *know* that hidden panel always freezes? (ie: is there a bug filed?)23:14
J-_laptopI don't know. they probably do. Since it happens to other people too and it happened in Gutsy23:15
J-_laptopSame deal with Hardy23:16
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=== TingTong_Macaden is now known as Balaams_Miracle
macogwgordonjcp: they do23:20
macogwgordonjcp: the fix for them on gutsy is to use hardy's package :P23:21
gordonjcpmacogw: what do?23:21
macogwnew ipod nanos23:21
gordonjcpah right23:21
gordonjcpyeah ok, so basically switch back to gutsy and stick the hardy libgpod package in?23:22
* DanaG prefers stuff to be more open.23:22
DanaGMy iAudio6 plays ogg; that's cool.23:22
gordonjcpDanaG: my Mum is unlikely to be able to use an iAudio623:22
DanaGOdd: seems like font rendering changed a bit today.23:22
DanaGDifferent target market.23:22
macogwgordonjcp: well someone compiled them for gutsy23:22
macogwgordonjcp: http://lilserenity.wordpress.com/2007/12/22/virgin-mobile-praise-ubuntu-and-ipod-nano-3g/23:22
gordonjcpmacogw: if it came to it, I could just grab a tarball and roll my own package23:23
DanaGI don't buy Apple stuff because none of their things offer what I'd want in their respective product markets.  However, that doesn't mean they're bad. in23:23
macogwgordonjcp: site has a link to the debs and instructions23:23
gordonjcpmacogw: cool23:23
DanaGHmm, is it just me, or did font rendering change a bit today?23:36
J-_laptopYeah it did23:36
oliver_g1DanaG: didn't they just change the default font?23:36
DanaGI've had DejaVu specifically chosen for a while, though.23:37
DanaGOdd: when I press ctrl-alt-rightarrow, Iget the SCIM menu.23:41
DanaGAnd SCIM likes to eat spaces.23:42
DanaGWTF?  I press shift, it changes something in SCIM.23:42
theacolyteSo I'm guessing that 8.04 still doesn't do nvidia 8800's since I just booted into a black screen again (23:44
Oli``is there like a multi-core version of gcc? compiling wine takes too long and it's only using one core >_<23:54
Oli``theacolyte: I'm on a 8800...23:55
theacolyteOli``: interesting, I'm getting a blank screen when booting23:55
Oli``Can you get in through the VESA/safe mode to install the restricted driver?23:56
theacolytewell, I was planning on using wubi23:57
theacolyteto give it a whirl23:57
theacolytegetting nothing but blank screen23:58
Oli``I've not tried wubi - does the livecd work?23:59

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