
DreamlessSo how is the new theme for Hardy going? I really look forward to ubuntu getting a "makeover"! But the old is still quite good compared to alot of other themes!06:30
DanaGI think Ubuntu should package (or at least release officially on the wiki) an Aurora-based theme.07:14
DanaGExample: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot.png07:14
psyke83hi, I've created two modified themes that I think may be worth checking out as candidates for testing, Human-Clearlooks-Mod and Human-Murrine-Mod. I'd appeciate any feedback! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=716133 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71553017:22
_MMA_psyke83: I'm sure the necessary people saw it on the ML as well. Most of the time that's the best place.17:28
psyke83_MMA_, that's grand, then. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to chat here when the meeting happens (I'm preparing to move from Brazil -> Ireland), thanks17:29
psyke83_MMA_, I didn't know what the standard practice was, e.g. to start an /Alternative wiki page, a Launchpad bug, etc17:30
_MMA_AFAIK, the default theme is set. I don't know if the alt theme pack ever gained momentum.17:30
psyke83_MMA_, that's good news. Cimi seems opposed to shipping murrine's stable release, but on the other hand, the Ubuntulooks engine appears to be unmaintained17:33
psyke83I noticed that the bugs aren't getting attention on Launchpad, but are for Murrine and Clearlooks (part of GNOME), at least17:34
Cimikwwii, ping18:22
xhakerCimi: hello, how are you?21:53
Cimiwell thx21:53
xhakerCimi: I would like if you could add inconsistent state for radio buttons in murrine21:54
xhakerCimi: I thing you have commented the code with something like *Lacks inconsistent*21:55
Cimiwhat do you mean with inconsistent?21:55
CimiI have to go21:56
xhakerDo you know the applet that manages Appearance: Go to the tab Fonts, click Details.. select slight hinting.. close the details view. All radio buttons are in an inconsistent state.. None of them is selected!21:57
xhakerCimi: could you please try this procedure.. you'll get what I mean.21:57
xhakerCimi: Clearlooks shows a dash for inconsistent radio buttons. instead of the bullets21:58
_MMA_xhaker: On the "Font Rendering Details" page?21:58
xhaker_MMA_: glad to see someone get interested. only seb128 was21:59
_MMA_I have various options selected here. A screenshot from your end would help.21:59
xhakerthat's my fix for ubuntulooks.. not really a fix.. more like a proof of concept22:00
xhakerIt is not hard to understand.22:01
_MMA_Lemmie grab the Ubuntu theme. Im using Ubuntu Studio here.22:01
_MMA_Doesnt happen here.22:01
xhakerSubpixel smoothing => subpixel lcd + full hinting22:01
xhakerif you have Subpixel smoothing selected.. but change in the deatils to Slight hinting22:02
xhakerit is no longer the Subpixel smoothing option22:02
xhakerit is a custom setting22:02
xhakerso.. on the page that lets you choose the size of the fonts, it shows the 4 checkboxes selected22:03
xhakerwhich is bad22:03
xhakernone of them is selected. so some other visual hint should happen22:03
xhakerlike in the clearlooks theme22:03
_MMA_Hmm.. I got it to do it here. Odd.22:04
xhakerthe bullets from the standard radio button selected drawing.. are replaced by dashes22:04
xhaker_MMA_: that's not a bug of the applet22:04
_MMA_I get them all being selected.22:04
xhakeryes.. thats because the themes are buggy22:04
xhakerchange to clearlooks22:05
_MMA_"theme" or engine"?22:05
xhakerand you'll see22:05
xhakertry clearlooks. you'll see how it handles this situation better22:05
_MMA_I know. Since Cimi writes both he should have a solution.22:06
xhaker_MMA_: That's why i'm bugging him22:11
_MMA_xhaker: I doubt we will see a solution unless we pull the code from CVS because he's waiting for other things to be done before a "official" release.22:12
Cimixhaker, http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/murrine?view=revision22:37
xhakerCimi: that is Super. you're fast!22:44
Cimi_MMA_, yesterday I've added --disable-rgba @ the configure22:47
Cimiyou can pull from svn and make packages with --disable-rgba22:47
_MMA_Cimi: Nice. Ill see if I can get it updated. Is it pretty stable?22:51
Cimi_MMA_, more than 0.53.1, I have fixes several bugs22:51
Cimiand rewritten most of the code22:52
Cimithe problem is that I'm not sure to pull all of that code without howtos for themes and things like this22:53
_MMA_Ok. Ill work with the guys tomorrow to get something going.22:53
Cimiit features 26 options :)22:53
_MMA_I think for now, its just to fix bugs.22:53
_MMA_Your official release will be the big deal. :)22:53
Cimino time22:54
_MMA_My point is though we update, It wont be a big deal until you officially release.22:55
CimiI'd prefer, for marketing decisions :) to release when it is really done22:55
Cimialso releasing for hardy +122:56
Cimicould be better for all the options that are useful to customize the gradients22:56
Cimi(the new murrine can emulate other engines)22:56
_MMA_We won't be making a big deal about the update. We'll leave that for you. ;)22:57
_MMA_We'll have to test. Might not make it really. I wont know until tomorrow.22:57
kwwiiCimi: pong23:04
Cimikwwii, ping pong23:05
Cimikwwii, i've seen some alpha 6 screenshots, they are using murrine23:05
kwwiiCimi: because we wanted to try it out23:05
Cimikwwii, but for test or for default23:06
Cimianyway seems better then the first tries23:06
kwwiiCimi: it is very, very likely that we will use ubuntulooks in the end23:06
CimiI like the colors23:06
kwwiiyeah, it is getting a bit cleaner as well23:06
Cimimetacity theme is horrible23:06
_MMA_It's awesome.23:07
kwwiiI think that for hardy there is little reason to go out on a limb and change things for the sake of change23:07
kwwiihardy+1 is the perfect time for that23:08
kwwiiI am not sure how bug free murrine is compared to ubuntulooks23:09
Cimikwwii, muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more23:10
Cimikwwii, ubuntulooks is unmaintained23:10
_MMA_Like asking a cook who's food is better.23:10
CimiI'm a clearlooks developer23:10
Cimii develop for gnome, I receive all the bugs of gnome23:11
Cimiand I have fixed them to murrine too23:11
Cimimurrine is stable as clearlooks23:11
Cimiother engines are a step behind23:11
* _MMA_ loves Cimi's modesty.23:12
* xhaker thinks clearlooks + ubuntulooks-scrollbars would do the trick23:16
kwwiixhaker: you waited until cimi left to say that23:17
* _MMA_ knows that kwwii is scared to mix engines. ;) (chicken)23:18
xhakerkwwii: he hacked on murrine for me today already23:18
xhakeri would feel bad if I asked him to do this too23:19
xhakerkwwii: did you see the screenshot?23:19
xhakerkwwii: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/9839/20080307233824602x490sczo8.png23:19
xhakerhint: radio buttons23:20
kwwiixhaker: I find the orange buttons look to instense23:20
kwwiithey all seem active to me23:20
xhakeron clearlooks i presume23:22
_MMA_shhh, shhhhh23:23
kwwiiCimi: _MMA_ has some crack idea about using two engines in one theme23:23
Cimijust do it for clearlooks23:24
* _MMA_ goes off to mix a ubuntulooks/murrine/pixmap/Nodoka gtkrc.23:25
kwwiiclearlooks with ubuntulooks for the scrollbars23:25
* Cimi died23:26
* _MMA_ laughs at Cimi's death. :P23:26
xhakerCimi: what if someone takes the current clearlooks, and changes the drawing code for scrollbars for instance, and then call it ubuntulooks?23:28
* _MMA_ goes to be with the family.23:28
kwwiiyeah, I am heading out for the night as well23:28
xhakerit thought of doing that, but i'm not very capable in cairo23:29
Cimiwhy to do this?23:31
xhakerCimi: why not? what would be a better option in your opinion?23:46
* xhaker has yet to read the followups on ubuntu-art ML.23:46
CimiI don't like them23:46

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