
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2550 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.7.1700:05
cjwatson... since 1.7.16 was hosed by the partman-target breakage00:08
TheMusoOk. Ubiquity is now doing its bit, this is onto a Windows FAT32 partition thanks to wubi, suing a modified initramfs-tools to copy if hardlinking fails...00:26
* TheMuso waits.00:26
CIA-24partman-auto: cjwatson * r258 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 73ubuntu400:28
CIA-24partman-auto-lvm: cjwatson * r200 partman-auto-lvm/debian/control: let's have a proper dependency00:29
CIA-24partman-auto-lvm: cjwatson * r201 partman-auto-lvm/debian/changelog: releasing version 24ubuntu200:30
CIA-24clock-setup: cjwatson * r188 clock-setup/debian/ (changelog control): * Add lpia to architecture list.00:36
CIA-24clock-setup: cjwatson * r189 clock-setup/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.92ubuntu200:37
TheMusoevand: Sorry to ping you like this, but I don't know where I can file wubi bugs. I've found a pretty nasty one. It seems that wubi doesn't check the max file size for the disk images. This is important as FAT32 only allows 2GB maximum, which is why my wubi install was breaking. I chose 10GB to be used, dispite the fact I was using FAT32.06:25
TheMusoevand: If you'd rather this in a bug, just let me know where/how to file one, and I'll do it tomorrow morning, so its not forgotten.06:25
superm1TheMuso, how do people get away with say doing a dvd rip on a FAT32 partition?06:34
superm1is that a hard limit?06:34
superm1TheMuso, at least according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table: "The maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GiB minus 1 Byte (232−1 bytes)."06:36
evandTheMuso: http://launchpad.net/wubi/+bugs06:54
evandMSDN confirms the above.06:56
evandbedtime, g'night all06:57
TheMusoevand: Thanks, I'll do some proper testing on Monday,. to be sure I have things correct with my thoughts, and will file a bug if there is an issue that needs resolving.08:35
tjaaltoncjwatson: relatime still not enabled on a fresh install, correct busybox this time09:10
cjwatsonyou know what I'm going to ask for :)09:10
tjaaltonsame url :)09:10
cjwatsontjaalton: manual or automatic partitioning?09:12
tjaaltonwas the "purge_lvm" preseed option just removed or renamed?09:12
cjwatsonah, maybe I screwed up and made it manual only09:13
tjaaltonhehe :)09:13
cjwatsonwhat was the full name of that preseed question?09:13
tjaaltonI couldn't find an equivalent09:15
cjwatsonI'll look it up09:16
tjaaltonok, thanks09:16
tjaaltonah, blindness09:19
cjwatsonok, I'll sort out the autopartitioning recipes09:22
tjaaltondo I need to modify mine?09:22
cjwatsonyeah, add options/relatime{ relatime }09:27
cjwatsonto each stanza specifying a real filesystem09:27
tjaaltonok, thanks09:28
xivulonI can confirm that suspend works in Wubi!10:13
CIA-24partman-auto: cjwatson * r259 ubuntu/ (56 files in 19 dirs): * Add relatime to all autopartitioning recipes.10:19
CIA-24partman-auto: cjwatson * r260 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 73ubuntu510:22
xivulonI have amended the related bugs: #176112 and #18746310:25
xivuloncjwatson there is still some code in pmi.acpi to disable suspend/hibernation that can be eliminated (grep host)10:26
xivulonnot sure if it does have any effect at this point10:26
xivulonhibernation didn't work for me might well have been my machine (some error with the webcam), not sure if hibernation is possible at all with a swap file10:28
xivulondo I need to do anything for the vfat hardlink issue raised yesterday?10:28
xivulonwrite bug report/look at code?10:29
xivulonevand, have amended the caveats in the hardy 6 wiki, and the text in umenu (see rev 18)10:31
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
evandxivulon: Alpha 6 was already released at that point and the release notes were published to http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha614:09
xivulonevand I noticed, doesn't matter14:25
xivulondid you test suspend by the way?14:26
evanddidn't get a chance to try it on real hardware, will try for today14:28
xivulonworked for me but hibernation did not. not sure if it is swap on file or my crappylappy...14:28
xivulonto test hibernation you have first to resize /host/disks/swap.disk to something reasonable14:29
xivulonI'd also think it is worth to follow up with 19916114:31
cjwatsonpitti already did?14:32
xivulonah hadn't seen the new comments!14:32
xivulonYou guys are too fast :)14:34
xivulonwith a bit of luck that might also address 18611714:35
xivulon^^ /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk14:43
xivulonalpha6 does not containg the hardlinks-on-fat fix I assume, correct?14:49
evandcorrect, it does not14:49
xivulongood to know, I'll prepare a faq for that...14:52
xivulondo I need a bug report?14:52
evandI believe TheMuso already has the fix in his local branch.  So no, I don't think a bug report is necessary.14:58
xivulonTheMuso, thanks!14:58
xivulonDidn't know Mark had bet his house on Wubi... http://www.itwire.com/content/view/17010/1090/1/1/15:03
* xivulon \o/15:05
xivulonnot a literal quote, mind you...15:10
* xivulon going to ladbrokes...15:10
evandheh, ah creative journalism.15:13
* xivulon loves journalists15:13
evandvery nice though!15:13
CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2554 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): Bump to 1.7.1815:24
CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2555 ubiquity/debian/changelog: Fix up jriddell's changelog entry.15:25
CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2556 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py):15:27
CIA-24ubiquity: * Move cancelButton.hide() to after setCancelButton in the KDE frontend as15:27
CIA-24ubiquity:  the latter function causes the button to be shown again.15:27
evandxivulon: fwiw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-March/003481.html15:33
xivulonI thought strings were out of that15:35
xivulonAnyway only new text is in umenu because the 1) the old one was overflowing 2) suspend mention was not accurate 3) distro code was hardcoded15:35
xivulonnot to mention that rosetta is not up yet...15:36
xivulonby the way how do I send an email to a team in launchpad? teamname@launchpad.net?15:37
xivulontime to nag lupin translators...15:37
evandI don't disagree that it was necessary, but you might want to email that list just so they know what's going on.15:37
evandNo idea.15:37
xivulonwill do, but will have to wait till monday, is in my todo list already15:38
evandok, great15:38
xivulonwould be nice if you could test hibernation, that might involve another translation change15:38
xivulonI still think current text is a bit too long and might overflow in some language15:41
xivulonfeel free to amend the source15:41
cr3in my hardy preseed file, I have: d-i preseed/late_command string chroot /target; echo "deb http://$server/apt-cacher?/ubuntu hardy main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update;...16:38
cr3the problem is that the installation seems to stall on "running preseed" and, when I login, sources.list doesn't even contain my url16:39
evandcr3: are you exiting back out of that chroot?17:54
evandin fact, I don't think that would work at all17:57
cr3evand: I'm not exiting but the first echo is not even appearing in my sources.list, so something wrong is going on very early18:33
evandcr3: you should use chroot /target echo ...; chroot /target apt-get update... .  Otherwise you're spawnning an interactive shell.18:36
cr3evand: aha! that must be it, thanks man! perhaps should I be using in-target?18:37
evandthat would have the same effect.  You could enclose the commands in parens if you don't want to keep calling chroot, I believe that would work.18:38
cr3evand: interesting! I used to do a wget to get a late-command script and then execute just that with in-target. in a way, that was simpler but in other ways, that was more complex :)18:39
evandwell if the commands are all in a single script, then you can pass that and it will all run in the chroot.  The problem with what you were doing is that chroot without arguments spawns an interactive shell.18:40
cr3yeah, understood.18:41
cr3can I really do: in-target (cmd1; cmd2)?18:41
evandpossibly.  I haven't tried it myself tbh.18:41
cr3I don't know how the installer works so I suspect I might have to backslash the parens, I should know in about 20 minutes18:42
mebrownevand, ping: are your fixes in today's daily?19:13
evandmebrown: hrm, there wasn't a new daily yet today.  I'm on it, I'll let you know as soon as one is out.19:22
evandmebrown: my first attempt at generating new CDs failed as a new compiz is making its way through the buildds and into the archive and this has left the live filesystem uninstallable.  I'll keep an eye on those packages and issue another cd build once they're in the archive and the cdimage server has had enough time to update.20:04
evandShould be about two more hours if I'm lucky.  I'll keep you posted.20:05
mebrownok, thanks evand20:06
evandyou're welcome20:07
mebrownevand, ping... remembered what I was going to ask yesterday20:59
mebrownwe have a small problem with our reinstall20:59
mebrownubiquity will create and format partitions21:00
mebrownand sets the partition containing / as active21:00
mebrownwe need to let it do all that except the last part (making / active)21:00
mebrownthe problem that happens is that if the machine is rebooted before the install is finished, it will try to boot the non-bootable / partition.21:01
mebrownwhat we would like to do is ensure that our / partition isnt made active, we will do that in our post-install scripts21:02
mebrownso that, at any point during the install, if the machine reboots, customer will have a bootable system21:03
evandmebrown: I'm slightly confused.  Are you saying if you do not provide bootable{} in your recipe, the partition still ends up with the boot flag?21:12
mebrownno bootable anything in my preseed.21:13
evandmebrown: Ok, I'm looking into it.21:20
mebrownI'm thinking partman does it, as the grub install stuff doesnt happen until the end of the install21:21
evandmebrown: actually, grub-installer does it21:35
evandit automatically marks the partition that grub is being installed to as active.  I'm going to have to confer with cjwatson_ on this one.  He'll have a better handle of the consequences having made the change in the first place.21:36
evandI imagine in the worst case we can add an option to preseed around it, but I'll get back to you on that.21:37
evandworst case scenario*21:37
mario_limonciellevand, how else would you implement it *other* than preseeding around it?21:37
evandargh!  He disappeared.  mario_limonciell: it was previously handled before you got to grub-installer, but adding a preseed option definitely seems like the best option.21:39
evandworst case scenario was a poor choice of words21:39

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