
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (Lars_G abusive)00:08
AmaranthLjL: soundray is just as guilty there00:10
nickrudhm, Jack_Sparrow was in the midst of a conversation with the guy that just got banned ....00:10
Jack_SparrowNo prob, I was typing when he got rude...00:11
Jack_SparrowDidnt see a thing until after the fact00:11
LjL[01:10:40] <Lars_G> nickrud: Sorry, it rubbed the wrong way, I'm sorry if it was misconstrued.00:11
LjL[01:11:00] <Lars_G> Jack_Sparrow: I installed from shell, with no X running.. heck I don't even have X running now.00:11
nickrudLjL: ok, I see you let him back in anyway00:12
LjLi never took him out00:12
LjLit was a mute00:12
nickrudheh. manner of speaking :)00:12
LjLand that's what he said while he was muted00:12
nickrudLjL: what do I set as a mode for myself to see muted comments?00:13
Jack_SparrowGive me an hour and I can come up with a funny answer00:13
deurytecan some one help please?00:14
nickrudJack_Sparrow: I'll give you all the rope you want :)00:14
Jack_Sparrowdeuryte, Sure , may we ask the problem00:14
LjLnickrud: +o00:14
LjLnickrud: and the channel must be +z00:14
nickrudLjL: ah. That would explain it :)00:15
LjLnickrud: +z = half-moderation, i.e. ops can see what's being said by moderated/muted users00:15
nickrudok. Wouldn't you know it that just when I commit to learning this stuff so I can be more useful I get busier in real life. I expect to be up to speed soon, though.00:16
deuryteJack_Sparrow:ok, i just got cloaked on tuesday, today before i entred a channel i logged in to make sure i was cloaked , then a person showed me this   > http://www.orkspace.net/owned/,  then i went to "auditmypc.com" and sure enough... he got it.. can you explain why ?00:16
Jack_Sparrowdeuryte, Sorry, I have no idea, but someone with more knowledge on that might..00:17
deurytewho do i see?00:18
LjLdeuryte, the issue is twofold. first, of course, you shouldn't be able to be exploited, whether or not you have a cloak...00:19
LjLdeuryte: second, you were exploited even with a cloak. i suppose it's this one you want to concentrate on?00:19
deuryteyes, and the proof is in the above link... is freenode supposed to prevent that? and isnt just for that reason we are able to be cloaked?00:20
naliothdeuryte: are you running linux?00:21
deuryteubuntu gutsy, w/firestarter fire wall00:22
naliothwell, a firewall is way overkill00:22
nalioththat person was just tryin to frighten you00:22
deuryteit shouldnt matter what im running, the protection belongs to freenode..00:22
naliothso long as you don't 'make a root account' or hand your user password around to newsgroups, you have nothing to worry about00:22
nalioththat has nothing to do with freenoe00:22
nalioththat is just somone trying to scare you00:23
deurytewhos software is doing the cloaking?00:23
naliothdeuryte: it's done on the server00:23
LjLdeuryte, first off, let us see if that thing might not just be a hoax, as nalioth says.00:23
deurytethats my point00:23
naliothand it's not in any way garuanteed to protect you from anything00:23
naliothLjL: it's a windows attack00:23
LjLdeuryte: secondly, yes, a cloak will prevent people from seeing your IP, *if* you identify yourself to services properly, *and* you don't send automatic DCC replies00:23
naliothdeuryte: i've been using linux since 1997 and never run an active firewall00:24
deurytei do nothing but talk in a #politics channel00:24
LjLdeuryte: *but* anyway, that's not the right way to protect you, because people will try to attack machines randomly (including your own) even if you're *not on IRC* -- and they will succeed, if your machine is vulnerable. it's just bound to happen.00:24
naliothdeuryte: i've never had any trouble00:24
naliothdeuryte: say what?00:24
naliothdeuryte: get out of here.00:24
LjLnalioth: that would explain it wouldn't it00:24
deurytehold on!! too many q's at same time00:24
naliothdon't bring your #politics problems out of #politics any more00:24
mc44deuryte: that page is dynamically generated. You've been had00:25
deuryteits a hoax?00:25
naliothdeuryte: read the following very carefully:  Everything that is said in #politics is a lie.00:25
LjLdeuryte, are you italian?00:25
deurytewell, i went to "auditmypc.com"  and lo...........  he was exactly right00:25
naliothdeuryte: you're fine00:25
naliothwe all have open ports00:26
deurytestop saying that00:26
mc44deuryte: because that gif is generated when you access the page.00:26
LjLdeuryte, are you italian or not?00:26
LjLdeuryte: ok - are you on drugs?00:26
LjLis this better?00:26
deurytelook, the ip , the date, the time, all match me, why is that?00:26
mc44You click on link -> server gets your IP and generates a gif -> you look at it and go "oh look its me"00:27
LjLdeuryte, if *i* access it, they match *mine*00:27
LjLwant screenshot?00:27
stdindeuryte: http://www.orkspace.net/owned/ is "fake"00:27
deurytemc44:  that would explain it00:27
LjLmc44: do you get "gruppi" in italian too? that's a nice touch00:27
TheSheep_besides, freenode cloak won't protect you when you're using your browser to open random pages -- it only hides your ip from other users of freenode00:28
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
deurytemc44:  so this person linked me to a place which shows ME all that info, not him ??00:28
naliothdeuryte: correct00:28
naliothyou've been (sorry to say) OWNED00:28
mc44deuryte: yes. However, if he owned the website, he would have your IP00:28
naliothnow stay out of #politics and you'll have a happier existence 00:28
deurytenalioth: what does that mean??00:28
naliothdeuryte: the joke is on you00:28
stdinyou've been made a bit of a fool of00:29
LjLdeuryte, they're right when they say the only thing to be afraid of is fear...00:29
naliothyou've caused 4 man hours of work trying to explain how you fell for a joke00:29
deurytewell, sacred me00:29
stdinthat was probably the point, deuryte 00:29
stdinsome people have nothing better to do00:29
deurytenalioth:well than i wont pay my taxes then u wont get paid..........  hows that?00:29
nalioth  #politics is a hell hole.  stay out of it00:29
LjLdeuryte: anyway, the hoax-independent lesson is, do NOT rely on cloaks or anything like that to "protect" you. rely on your computer being regularly updated, and not having installed anything you don't precisely know about.00:29
LjLdeuryte, are you a troll?00:30
deurytefire starter should do well ?00:30
naliothLjL: he's worried over nothing.  he's running major armor already (unnecessarily)00:30
naliothdeuryte: you don't need _any_ active firewall00:30
deuryteLjL: is every thing a joke to you?00:30
LjLfirestarter closes ports that you shouldn't have open to begin with00:30
LjLknow what you install00:30
LjLkeep your system up to date00:30
LjLand you will live happily00:30
LjLhope we've helped00:30
deurytemy system is only 1 wek old00:30
LjLand in fact, it wasn't hax0red.00:31
deuryteok, ill leave so you all can poke it till its dead, thanks for the relief.........00:31
nalioththat is interesting. opera can't access that owned page00:31
naliothlinks2 loaded it just fine and even gave me the custom gif00:32
naliothi want that page so i can put it on my website portal00:33
LjLnalioth, good luck getting the sourcecode i guess00:34
naliothi'm working on it00:36
nickrud  that is a nifty page. nalioth don't forget you gave all that up :)00:38
LjLnalioth, uhm, unless you hack into the site... i don't see the source being anywhere on google00:38
* nalioth whistles a happy tune00:42
* nalioth sshushss nickrud 00:42
LjLgave up what? :P00:43
naliothtime to go spelunking . . . 00:43
naliothi gave up philately to become an Ubuntu helper00:44
LjLnalioth, you could always ask the website owner nicely :P00:44
naliothi already have00:44
LjLapache vulnerability and then catting to /dev/tty1 is not "nicely"00:45
LjLnalioth: anyway i'd suggest *static* page, generated as instructed by the hoaxer, so it's not immediately clear to someone else clicking on it that it's a fake, and also checking the useragent for OS string, in order to give a list of open ports and groups that's credible for Ubuntu or whatever else00:50
LjLfunny how hoaxer looks pretty similar to haxor by the way00:52
naliothit's php driven (orked)00:53
* nalioth can't get at the underlying php00:53
LjLuhm, we still have a ton of "root_____"'s in #k00:55
LjLgonna kick some00:55
nalioththere was something similar back in the day that'd make a popup and it had a javascript that showed your root tree along with "HI! We know where you keep it!"00:56
LjLof course, it has to be php using gd00:56
LjLyeah but javascript is a cheap trick00:57
LjLonthefly generated gif is l3333t00:57
naliothwhat would be l3333ter is to actually have it call nmap00:58
LjLnalioth: yeah i thought about that, but which webhost allows you to do a portscan from php? (and doesn't kill you)00:58
LjLunless it's on your own machine that is00:58
* nalioth whistles a happy tune00:58
naliothanother time, perhaps00:58
LjLnalioth: should only call it on a couple commonly-open ports anyway, or it'd take way too long00:58
* Seeker` wonders how mad the release day for Hardy willbe01:12
PriceChildHey there ubuntu_.02:06
* PriceChild tries to put the hostmas to a nick.02:07
=== ubuntu_ is now known as xp-killer
xp-killerwho is in charge?02:08
PriceChildxp-killer: how can I help?02:08
xp-killersorry i cant write to fast cause the keys are not set be default for french keyboard02:09
PriceChildHow can I help?02:11
xp-killerits being more then 5months since i was ban.when do i get unban if possible.cause after 5;onth of not using linux i forgot a lot of stuff and i need help right now02:12
PriceChildWhat ban? Where?02:13
xp-killeri tink i ban from all distro whqt have to do with kubuntu02:14
xp-killeri forgot02:16
PriceChildI don't believe you are.02:16
xp-killerim not?02:16
PriceChildOnly #ubuntu-offtopic as far as I can tell.02:17
xp-killerso y i wqs redirected here?02:17
PriceChildxp-killer: please read the status window to tell me what channel you were redirected from.02:18
PriceChild#kubuntu ?02:19
PriceChildAha I missed that one.02:20
PriceChildodd, bantracker doesn't list it02:21
xp-killerare they still going leave it so?02:21
xp-killerim i realy ban for life?02:22
naliothxp-killer: please be patient02:24
nickrudany opinions on emma in #ubuntu?02:46
PriceChildShe causing trouble again?02:47
naliothshe's good02:48
naliothexpressing her (quasilegal) wishes02:48
nickrudit was F.U instead of get bent. astro76 pointed it out, she came back with that one02:48
naliothso poke her in PM about "doing it the right way" 02:48
PriceChildif she goes on about it again point here here02:48
nickrudshe is getting tiring02:48
nickrudnalioth: what's 'the right way' you're speaking of?02:49
naliothnickrud: the one not involving the 'eff' word02:50
nickrudshe's already got that message02:50
naliothi suspect a better way . . .02:51
mneptok*any* message like that is unacceptable, IMO02:51
mneptokwhat if everyone did it?02:51
mneptokand by allowing one person, you allow everyone.02:51
naliothso get her in here for a chat02:51
mneptoklet's do.02:51
mneptok /m emma please /join #ubuntu-ops02:52
* mneptok waits02:52
emmaHello? I was invited here?02:53
mneptokemma: it is unacceptable to add your little IRSeek comment to every line you send to #ubuntu02:53
mneptokor any official channel02:53
mneptokemma: if every user did it, it would be bedlam. which means that no users can do it. yourself included.02:54
emmaWhy is that?02:54
mneptokthat's why.02:54
emmaAre you getting paid by the IRSeek corporation?02:54
nickrudemma: it's about bulky fluff in busy channels02:54
emmaHow can I indicate in my post that I don't give the IRSeek corporation permission to publish my content?02:55
mneptokthat's a good question. good luck as you look for an answer.02:56
emmaBecause I really don't want to associate with a slimy disreputable Israeli corporation. And I don't give them permission to monitor me or violate me.02:56
mneptokbut "adding pointless disclaimers to every line i type" is not the answer02:56
PriceChildemma: /part #ubuntu then.02:56
mneptokthen don't /join #ubuntu02:56
emmaMaybe I could post that once and say it is in effect for the next 5 minutes kind of like Sudo?02:56
mneptokemma: why?02:56
mneptokemma: it is in no way legally binding.02:56
emmaWell who knows unless someone takes it to court.02:57
emmaI don't think you are a lawyer.02:57
nickrudemma: but we do control content on that channel. Your choice.02:57
mneptoki don;t think you are, either. and certainly not one specializing in Israeli free spech ethics.02:57
emmaIm not sure why the Ubuntu ops want to associate with a slimy disreputable Israeli corporation that has already proven that it cannot be trusted. 02:57
naliothemma: may i suggest you put your disclaimer in your 'real name' field of your irc client02:58
mneptokit's not our job to explain that.02:58
naliothemma:  you may /whois me to see what i'm talking about02:58
mneptokit is your job, as a memeber of the community, to follow the IRC guidelines.02:58
naliothmneptok: i think my suggestion is valid02:58
mneptokyou have been asked to stop certain behavior by the IRC ops. that's the issue now.02:58
emmaYou see, dear Ubuntu ops, it is really people with the social skills exhibited by mneptok here that does you all such harm. 02:58
naliothi was busy elsewhere and didn't get in on the beginning of this chat02:59
emmaHaving someone tell me what 'my job' is is pretty offensive to someone who is well known to care a lot about freedom. 02:59
emmaPretty oppressive behavior to tell someone what their job is. 02:59
mneptokemma: freedom comes with responsibilities02:59
emmaYou would make a good storm trooper with that bedside manner.02:59
* mneptok invokes Godwin02:59
nickrudemma: It appears that your social skills are limited to personal attacks.02:59
naliothemma: yes, well. i had the thought i proposed when i suggested you be invited here02:59
nickrudme seconds mneptok 02:59
naliothi think adding "no commercial entity may use my speech blah blah in the 'real name' field will work03:00
emmaOh nickrud - very disappointing. I generally think you are above most of this.03:00
emmanalioth,  yes maybe so. 03:00
nickrudemma: personal attacks in support of my opinions? Yes, I am. I've only seen you do this03:00
naliothemma: now you are 'personally attacking'.03:00
emmaI am not personally attacking anyone. 03:01
emmaI am followed all over IRC by Ubuntu ops and sent veiled threats by them so that's pretty rich.03:01
emmaI'm glad we can write this into your Ubuntu-ops log 03:01
emmaIt might be nice to have someone speaking truth to power now and then in this #ubuntu-ops-bat-cave03:01
nickrudemma , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem 03:02
emmaI'm very well aware of that ad hominem means. And I have not attacked anyone personally. 03:02
naliothemma: the bottom line is: if you continue placing your legalese after everything you say in #ubuntu, you won't be there long.  putting your boilerplate in your 'real name' field will work fine (and has been done before)03:03
nickrud<emma> You see, dear Ubuntu ops, it is really people with the social skills exhibited by mneptok here that does you all such harm.03:03
emmaYes, it is a fact that when you go around commanding people that does you all harm.03:03
emmaThat was not a personal attack that was a statement of fact. You are, a bit like police.03:03
nickrudand the storm trooper comment. I rest my case. Emma start your own server. Run it your way. Don't assume that simply because you're here it's gonna be run your way.03:04
emmaYou must understand that when some policeman go bandying their batons in situations where it is not called for, that makes all the police seem disgusting.03:04
naliothemma: was there anything else?03:04
emmalol was there anything else.03:04
emmaYou invited me to come here. I should ask you if you have anything else. 03:04
emmaDo you have anything else?03:05
naliothemma: i asked them to invite you to tell you about the 'real name' field.03:05
naliothi'm sorry i was not here when you joined, as i was taking care of other business03:05
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!03:49
ubotuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()03:49
Seveasdrderek is in -offtopic, already annoying me03:49
Seveasbut I'm heading back to bed03:50
Jack_SparrowOk.. will look into it03:50
mneptokSeveas: join the club.03:53
HobbseeSeveas: ?03:54
naliothHobbsee: we got it03:57
Hobbseeoh good03:57
Hobbseenalioth: so, why not kick irseek out, ignroe the fact that ubuntu does public logs under no set licence anyway, then just refuse to speak to emma?03:58
Hobbseeeihter way, it appears that irseek is not being used at all anyway03:58
Hobbseeif the irclogs.u.c is more palatable, then just keep that, and cut the whinging.03:58
Hobbseeirseek will, if not already, copy the content at irclogs regardless03:59
naliothyes, we have mentioned that03:59
Hobbseei know she doesn't care.  she likely won't be apeased until all logging is gone - so is somewhat of a lost cause.03:59
Hobbseebut the rest, however...04:00
Hobbseeif irseek is gone, then she has no leg to stand on.04:00
Hobbseethere's no tangible evidence that anyone is logging for commercial gain04:00
Hobbseeif she continues, or changes to a tirade about ubuntulog after that, then nuke her to kindom come, as she clearly isn't wanting to be a part of the channel.04:01
Hobbseenalioth: we seem to be getting no gain from it at all04:02
naliothyou have a point04:03
Hobbseeeven if it goes for a couple of weeks - i doubt we'll see any backlash from them at all04:03
Hobbseeer, from our irc people04:03
Hobbseeeveryone only looks at ubotu's or ubuntulog's logs anyway.04:03
naliothi honestly think that emma would be best served with the boilerplate in her "real name" field as logbots are sneaking in all the time04:05
Hobbseeyeah - but i think others who don't like it, but are less vocal about it, have a point04:05
Hobbseeyou're right, i don't think that emmma will ever be happy04:05
nalioththat may be true04:06
Hobbseenalioth: that being said, i wouldn't want to set a protocol that by people whining, they get what they want.  People are usually taught that that doesn't work from a young age, when they throw tantrums.04:09
Hobbseenalioth: in which case, my preference woudl be to kick it out (we're getting no tangible benefit from it anyway - no one's disputing ubuntulog's logs as it is), and if emma complains again....well, so be it, and we'll deal with it, likely less favourably, when the time comes.04:13
naliothi guess it can be put on a meeting agenda04:13
Hobbseenalioth: if people *do* start disputing ubuntulog's logs, then it would probably be worth putting it in04:13
Hobbseeand when was the last meeting?04:13
* nalioth would have to look at the wiki04:13
Hobbseenalioth: all you need is a council quorum.  or one of us to kickban it, actually :)04:14
naliothyes, i know  :)04:14
ubotuCpudan80 called the ops in #ubuntu (pacifico)04:15
ubotuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (pacifico)04:15
Cpudan80If any of you have ops in ##linux, your help would be appreciated 04:18
Cpudan80pacifico is there too04:18
Hobbseenalioth: ^04:19
Cpudan80Fiedly got it04:19
nickrudshould get a kline (and I don't say that lightly)04:19
Cpudan80I'm watching ##windows04:20
Cpudan80Usually they go in a pattern04:20
nickrudthank you o great one ;)04:20
Hobbseeoh good04:20
* Cpudan80 sends gifts to nalioth04:20
Jack_Sparrownick  we got another nick is ops are fags04:20
nickrudpersonal insults I can handle :)04:21
Hobbseealready gone04:21
PriceChildI just found a voicemail on my phone from my cousin 'so i decided to check out ubuntu to see what its all about' - wooooo! 'but when it starts it goes on about a kernel panic, which seems a bit wierd, and then noacpi stuff... what should I do?'04:24
nickrudPriceChild: is your cousin a troll ?04:24
PriceChildlol no04:25
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, danbhfive said: !stats what is the stats command?04:27
naliothwhat is up with limcore?04:29
nickrudpissed at losing mail, letting off steam. I'll ask him to stop shortly04:29
no0ticnickrud, he simply doesn't listen :(04:32
Hobbseekmail sucks, anyway04:33
Hobbseei thought it had stopped losing mail though04:33
nickrudno0tic: true. 04:33
no0tickmail never lost a mail here... :)04:33
Hobbseeyay @ that bug.04:33
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, NeT_DeMoN_ said: !no stats is currently out of funding so is unavaliable at this time04:34
Hobbseeimap ftw, though04:37
nickrudevolution lost an imap mail just a couple days ago. Couldn't reproduce, but I switched to thunderbird. Too bad, I liked the calendaring04:39
Hobbseewasn't it still on the server?04:40
nickrudnope. Not in the trash, not in any folder04:40
no0ticnickrud, you can use lightning extension for thunderbird (https://addons.mozilla.org/it/thunderbird/addon/2313)04:40
nickrudluckily it was one of those friendly emails, nothing work related04:41
nickrudno0tic: I've used it, it's alright. I really like evolution though, it just feels right. Been using since beta days, and I'm really comfortable with it. But I can't chance losing an important mail.04:42
no0ticnickrud, I see04:42
* Hobbsee likes her thunderbird04:42
nickrudno0tic: I'm in the process of looking at all the extensions. I've got to rearrange many of my work habits. thunderbird has too many options :)04:43
no0ticI use very few of them: enigmail, lightning and contacts sidebar. I didn't find a tray icon extension.. it would be great04:49
Hobbseedoesn't work for !windows.04:49
nickrudI am finally able to completely remove windows from my machines. The company provided one :)04:51
no0ticHobbsee, I found one04:58
naliothnickrud: i'm glad to hear that04:58
no0ticHobbsee, mozilla new mail tray icon for linux04:59
Hobbseeah right.  that's different to what i was thinking05:00
Hobbseethere's some in the reops05:00
=== credible_ is now known as credible
ubotuIn ubotu, andre said: hi,what is your name05:55
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Taggard said: !abcd is efgh07:06
tonyyarussono0tic: The only option for minimizing thunderbird to the tray at this time is alltray, yeah.07:14
tonyyarussoor has been.  Hopefully new stuff works..07:15
no0tictonyyarusso, I found an extension that minimizes it and changes the icon if new mail arrives07:16
tonyyarussono0tic: what versions is it compatible with?07:17
Tm_TKmail <307:17
* Hobbsee wonders why we have 47 pepole in here07:17
no0tictonyyarusso, latest07:17
SeveasHobbsee, we seem to have picked up some idlers07:18
HobbseeSeveas: seems os07:18
no0tictonyyarusso, afaik07:18
Seveasat least emma and andre are unknowns to me07:18
Tm_Tandre: hi how can we help you?07:18
Tm_TSeveas: yup07:18
elkbuntuSeveas, pressent1r is a remnant of the romneybot precautions... 09:16
elkbuntuwhich since romney is no longer vying for presidency, are no longer needed?09:17
Seveasmaybe we'll see ronpaul bots09:17
elkbuntuSeveas, clearing the romneybot bans from the lists would give us back more space anyway09:18
elkbuntuiirc it should give back 6 more slots, if not more09:21
Hobbseejust create bigger banlists09:22
elkbuntuour ban lists are allegedly as big as they can go09:22
Seveasmaybe we should start expiring bans09:24
elkbuntuprobably a good idea09:35
elkbuntuonce i get my VPS, i think i might work on this09:40
elkbuntuoh, wrong channel09:40
* elkbuntu stabs her synaptics pad09:41
Seeker`why do they have limits on the size of ban lists?09:41
elkbuntuSeeker`, managability09:41
elkbuntuand, it forces us to clean out dynamic bans09:42
Seeker`how many ban slots are there?09:43
elkbuntunot a clue09:46
elkbuntucheck how many bans are in the ban list atm, it'd be close enough to the limit -- we always are09:47
Seeker`hmm, it would seem that there are 432 bans in #ubuntu10:31
jpatrickSeeker`: default: 5010:31
jpatrickSeeker`: if channel is +L by staff, no idea10:31
Seeker`so its just a little over the default then10:31
Tm_Thi kids10:41
jpatrickhey Tm_T 10:41
Seeker`lo Tm_T 10:43
elkbuntuSeeker`, that doesnt include +d bans either, which count towards the limit10:44
elkbuntui dont know how to explain them, but know they exist10:45
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml10:45
elkbuntui think it's like realname bans10:45
Seeker`elkbuntu: Yeah, it matches on realname10:45
=== no0tic is now known as gioppo
=== gioppo is now known as no0tic
ubotuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (clane)11:53
elkbuntu^^^ very foul picture :(11:55
MyrttiAmaranth: !12:27
AmaranthMyrtti: ?12:27
MezSeveas, ignore the message13:37
SeveasMez, ?13:43
Seveasyou mean the sms? :)13:43
MezSeveas, yes ... *13:45
* Seeker` wonders if any other countries refer to sms messages as "text messages" or "texts"13:46
MezSeeker`, they do over here...13:46
Mez(in the UK :)13:46
Seeker`Mez: Seeing as I'm in the UK, it doesn't really count as another country :P13:47
MezSeeker`, I know :P13:47
MezSeveas, the only reason I said it just now was cause I just had a delivery report saying it was recieved13:47
Seveasyeahm I just plugged my phone into some nice volts13:48
Seeker`Seveas: As opposed to "bad volts"?13:48
SeveasSeeker`, bad volts ar what I charge users with13:48
Seveasthey tickle more13:48
jdongSeeker`: the bad ones are the 19-36V flux when the line rings13:49
jdongSeeker`: and teach a lesson to people who try to siphon free power from the phone lines13:49
jribabout 10 copies of just joined #ubuntu14:00
jriband left14:00
LjLjrib: those might be the turkish spammers again...14:33
LjLthey were 88.232.*.*14:33
LjL<FloodBot1> WARNING: xhaCkeR_mi_S, aysemlue, Beyazz, hFyuve, boylessine, GORURSENe, canimm, urpertsici, arkadaus are all connected from
LjLthey seem to all have XXXXX as realname14:35
MezWhere'd my KOS script go14:35
LjLMez: your what?14:35
Mez"Kill on sight"14:35
LjLah :)14:35
MezThough that wont work here anyways14:36
LjLMez: are you an ircop on other networks?14:36
jpatrickguys, I'm going to clear ancient bans from the -motu list15:01
ubotujpatrick called the ops in #ubuntu (Sylvia- - spam bot)15:19
jpatrickoh, right, everyone /cycle-ing now15:19
Dave2Mez, can you please leave spambots so we can check 'em and K:line15:20
MezDave2, ah, sorry15:21
Mez-ChanServ- #ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there15:21
Mez-Sylvia-- Hello, play online with me , http //jugar-online.blogspot com/}15:21
jpatrickMez: hence my pastebin15:21
jdongcould we make it a policy to redirect !paste into people?15:40
jdongit tends to flood just as much as the original flood to begin with15:40
jpatrickjdong: !paste > jdong it?15:40
LjLjdong, wait for ubotu v215:40
LjLjdong: i think having factoids that only work on redirect may have its merits15:41
jpatrickLjL: yes, but how would the bot know who to redirect to?15:42
LjLjpatrick: well, it wouldn't, you'd need to know about it. i think the *caller* could get a PM saying "Sorry, that commands needs a target user to work, use !factoid > nickname"15:43
LjLjust an idea15:43
LjLi think you could also have factoids that give a brief summary in the channel, *and* more links and explanations in PM15:43
LjLto reconcile things that are handy to have everyone see, without flooding the channel too much15:44
stdinmaybe triggered by !list ;)15:44
LjLdoing !list should get you banned :P15:44
jdongis everyone allowed to !list??15:45
LjLjdong: why not?15:46
Seeker`what does !list do/15:47
stdinlist is just an alias to !ubotu15:47
LjLyeah, but it's the *intent* that should be banned for :)15:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:48
stdinon some "other" servers, it's a command for bots to send a list of files to download (usually illegally copied things)15:48
Seeker`ah, ok15:48
LjLstdin: like *all* other servers? :P15:49
stdinservers not as virtuous as freenode anyway15:49
jdongLjL: oh I thought !list would list all factoids15:50
LjLyikes no15:50
LjLthere is no such command actually15:50
nickrudvirtuous? Have any of you actually met nalioth :)15:50
PriceChilddoesn't it normally list all 'real' commands?15:50
ubotuAdmin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, Filter, FreenodeAuth, Lart, Mess, Misc, Owner, Services, User, and Webcal15:50
PriceChildlike that ^15:50
stdinhttp://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi lists the factoids15:50
LjLPici: not with !15:52
LjLnickrud: thank god not15:53
PriceChildnickrud: you know how there are a few people on the access list you've never seen before?15:54
nickrudPriceChild: yes, most15:54
PriceChildWell why do you think they aren't around anymore?15:54
nickrudah well. work calls. If you never hear from me again ...15:55
LjL#ubuntu banlist is full please, time to clean old bans16:24
* Mez just cleaned some of his16:35
LjLi just go and clean the non-nickname, non-ident bans that are more than a month old and don't obviously look like static addresses16:38
* Seeker` wonders how a static address looks different to a dynamic one16:39
LjLSeeker`, "l33t.hax0rs.box.sk" would be static.16:40
Seeker`fair enough16:40
LjLalso, "192-168-0-2.static.vericomcastaol.com" would be static16:40
Seeker`I thought you were referring to IPs16:40
* Seeker` gets an odd feeling about aharksparr in -offtopic16:41
Mezand "pokethesmot"16:44
Seeker`I think I've seen poke in there before, and didn't seem too bad16:44
Seeker`but aharksparr just seems odd16:44
Mezmmhmm... I've opped temporarily, it has a calming effect some times16:45
Seeker`Mez: You watching?16:48
MezSeeker`, :P16:48
Mezelkbuntu, around?16:49
ubotuIn ubotu, flipstar said: hello +this is a test17:30
PriceChildgrrr hit my head on the fireplace19:06
Seeker`PriceChild: that was silly19:32
=== credible_ is now known as credible
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (zokorasa)20:59
PriceChildWtf... why has the CC's email address disappeared?21:22
PriceChildIts not on the wiki, its not on lists.u.c, its not on the launchpad page...21:22
naliothPriceChild: ruh roh21:27
PriceChildFound it in my sent mails21:27
PriceChildbut that's a bit odd....21:27
PriceChildwatched a little of 'thought crimes' last night... and the woman who can read minds notices how the dashing male lead is always singing the scooby doo theme tune in his head21:28
PriceChildI guess nalioth is too.21:28
* nalioth is constantly processing21:28
jpatrickPriceChild: I think it's on https://lists.ubuntu.com/ - can't load pages right now21:29
PriceChildjpatrick: it isn't21:29
picard_pwns_kirkhello people21:50
picard_pwns_kirkI have a ban to appeal21:50
PriceChildHey there.21:51
PriceChildWhat channel?21:51
Seveaspicard_pwns_kirk, when, where and why was this ban set?21:51
picard_pwns_kirkset app. 1 week ago21:51
picard_pwns_kirkI ctcp'd the chan21:51
picard_pwns_kirkno one ever told me it was bad21:51
ubotuOdd-rationale called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:51
picard_pwns_kirkand i was bored21:52
Seveaspicard_pwns_kirk, did you appeal before?21:54
picard_pwns_kirklast week21:54
picard_pwns_kirkthe op got annoyed when I asked why it was bad21:54
picard_pwns_kirkand I left21:54
Seveaswho was the op?21:55
picard_pwns_kirkompaul, IIRC21:55
Seveas(having trouble with my logs atm)21:55
Seveaswell, you're not notoriouslt troublesome. Just don't do it again21:55
Seveasban removed21:55
picard_pwns_kirkthanks, man21:55
PriceChild!guidelines > picard_pwns_kirk21:56
Seeker`PriceChild: too late21:57
ubotuOdd-rationale called the ops in #ubuntu (soltaraefv)21:59
nickrudI'm assuming the staff is trying to track the troll coming in as soltaraefv and zokorasa and some others?22:01
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary,  I could use a bit of your time :)22:01
naliothSeveas: klined22:01
Seveasnalioth, he's been coming in from several IP's22:01
naliothwe'll just have to do what we do22:02
ompaulSeveas, nick?22:03
Seveas<nickrud> I'm assuming the staff is trying to track the troll coming in as soltaraefv and zokorasa and some others?22:03
ompaulSeveas, thanks22:03
nickrudnalioth: figured you would, wasn't sure if you were aware yet22:03
ompaullets see 22:06
ompaulband for life and evade 22:06
ompaulhow to impress22:06
band4lif1ompaul  huh?22:09
ompaulwork it out22:09
band4lif1im not really band for life am I?22:10
ompaulwell you call yourself that 22:10
band4lif1i find it whimsical22:10
ompauland you use evade as a name - you will inspire confidence in those you try to communicate with22:11
band4lif1what do you mean I use evade as a name?22:11
naliothband4lif1: don't play games with us22:11
band4lif1I dont see any thing that says evade.22:11
ompaulI do  evade@69-179-65-101.dyn.centurytel.net22:11
band4lif1I dont get email22:11
ompauland for taking me for a fool I thank you 22:11
ompaulor maybe not22:11
ompaulgo away22:12
band4lif1well Ill leave you to your amazing existence as a channel operator.  farewell22:12
ompaulits a chore but I do it for a community 22:13
ompaulso work that out22:13
ompaulhave a nice time 22:13
band4lif1how about I actually go to work22:13
Seveasgood idea22:13
ompaulwow - I been working for over 25 years at this stage .. so I know that gig don't impress me much22:13
band4lif1and as far as a community goes, I am part of it, whether you like it or not.  Now just because I ASKED about evading, doesnt mean I evade.  Sure I was angry and SAID I was going too, but I DID NOT.  so your ban is unjust, and most of you are pompous.  22:14
ompaulthe next comedy show is on in 30 mins22:15
Seveasband4lif1, err, namecalling doesn't really help22:15
SeveasLjL is not here atm so either cool down or leave please22:15
band4lif1seveas I am at a loss of ideas at the moment.  every time I come in here you lecture me on evading, and tell me to leave, without giving me any answers.  I am tired of searching for this op who has a personal vendetta against me for nothing but curiosity.  If I was against this community I would have begun my evading weeks ago, but I respect your rules.  And am trying to seek a positive end.  All I ask is for you to show me the respe22:17
band4lif1and help me get back in :-)22:18
Seveasband4lif1, I'm not at all interested in your situation so until LjL arrives, there's nothing I can do22:18
band4lif1thank you22:19
band4lif1have a good evening, farewell22:19
PriceChildmrunagi wants to come back into this channel.22:36
ompaullet's see, there are the many identities of mrunagi_ 22:38
ompaullet's see, there are the many identities of mrunagi_ 22:39
mrunagi__so how can i file a complaint against an op and when will my questions be taken seriously22:39
ompaulhow many do you want to talk about it?22:39
PriceChildmrunagi__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess22:40
ompaul!guidelines > mrunagi_ 22:40
mrunagi__and for the second half of my questioj22:40
ompaulthe question you asked is answered 22:41
Seveasthat would imply taking it seriously22:42
mrunagi__the question about filing a complaint was answered22:42
mrunagi__i had several other questions that were laughed at prior22:42
ompaulthe second part is a matter of opinion, you think you are not taken seriously, perhaps you are not right in that assumption22:42
Seveasmrunagi__, what were those questions?22:42
mrunagi__perhaps i am not but i still was laughed at instead of answered22:42
ompaulperhaps you don't understand just how seriously you were taken22:42
mrunagi__one of which was, who or what are you banning...22:42
mrunagi__i have several connections i _personally_ use......and the extension of my ban is based on something that didnt even happen22:43
mrunagi__such as the accused ban evading22:43
Seveasmrunagi__, my logs indicate that you are right now not only evading bans but also k-lines22:43
mrunagi__that is exactly my poinmt22:44
Seveasif freenode staff sees you, I have no doubt this IP address will be k-lined swiftly22:44
Seveaswhy do you keep evading?22:44
mrunagi__im not in my opinion22:44
Seveasyou are22:44
mrunagi__which is why i am asking what is being banned22:44
PriceChildmrunagi__: *you* are banned.22:44
Seveaslook up the definition of evasion22:44
mrunagi__PriceChild: exactly........so the day i was klined i shouldnt have had a ban extension22:44
mrunagi__because i wasnt even on irc in the 2 days prior22:45
PriceChildmrunagi__: you claim.22:45
mrunagi__i understand that you have nothing to go on but i have nothing to do with the camserver here22:45
Seveasmrunagi__, staff s good at looking through disguises22:45
mrunagi__apparently not22:45
PriceChildI'm pretty confident we have logs of you thanking someone for access to camserver...22:46
ompaulmrunagi_,  your say so and we tend to agree with staff22:46
mrunagi__thanking someone for access to camserver?22:46
mrunagi__my understanding is that someone hopped from the camserver to this pc trying to resolve a problem on the camserver pc22:46
Seveasah, the 'innocent baby' pose22:46
PriceChildI cannot confirm personally.22:46
Seveaswon't work22:46
PriceChildOh so it was someone else using your nickname? Brother? Cousin?22:47
mrunagi__this is exactly the problem22:47
mrunagi__i have said on many occasions that this is a business trying to convert over to linux22:47
ompaulwhat is 22:47
mrunagi__there are 3 connections and 8 computers here22:47
mrunagi__and 7 employees22:47
ompauland in this business people all use irc22:47
ompaulno work being done then22:47
Seveasand they all have the same rotten behaviour on irc22:47
mrunagi__that isnt of your concern ompaul22:47
Seveasbad company to work for22:47
mrunagi__keep going22:48
mrunagi__this is why i have a problem with ops22:48
mrunagi__you are now involving yourself in something that isnt of your concern22:48
mrunagi__no one here has 'rotten' behavior except for me22:48
Seveasno, this is why ops have a problem with you, always blaming things you do on others22:48
PriceChildIf it isn't of our concern then we can't help?22:48
mrunagi__my ban was extended for having 'ban evaded' which i did not do22:48
ompaulmrunagi_, well it has bad it security - harassing people on irc should be forbidden by a good it security policy22:48
mrunagi__Seveas: if you all would calm down and actually read my words22:48
mrunagi__i never claimed i did nothing wrong22:49
* PriceChild steps back22:49
Seveasmrunagi__, ahem22:49
Seveas<mrunagi__> no one here has 'rotten' behavior except for me22:49
mrunagi__now i cant even admit to my own wrong doing/22:49
* ompaul reads that last line 22:49
Seveasyou admit to having rotten behavior and want to be unbanned?22:49
Seveasnever going to happen I think :)22:49
mrunagi__yea i guess not because non of you are listening22:49
Seveasoh we are22:49
mrunagi__my ban was to be lifted after 2 days22:49
mrunagi__why was it not22:49
ompaulwe do a lot of the time22:49
mrunagi__just not in this case?22:50
SeveasI'm listening to the k-line train due to arrive at this station any minute22:50
ompaulmrunagi_, the sequence here is misleading22:50
mrunagi__you are all impossible to deal with22:50
ompaulit should be22:50
ompaul<mrunagi__> yea i guess not because non of you are listening22:51
ompaul<Seveas> oh we are22:51
ompaul<ompaul> we do a lot of the time22:51
ompaulbut you got a comment in there - mores the shame22:51
naliothso, mrunagi__ after you were klined the first time, what were all the subsequent mrunagi_s doing arriving here threatening to 'do this all day' ?22:51
mrunagi__i was accused of ban evading on a nick 'camserver' and that never happened22:51
mrunagi__when i was treated unfairly i lost it22:52
Seveasah, revenge22:52
Seveasbest served cold22:52
ompaula great motive 22:52
mrunagi__it wasnt revenge22:52
Seveasmrunagi__, if you had followed the correct appeal procedures your ban might have been lifted by now22:52
Seveasas it stands, you're evading several k-lines, reducing the chance to that happening to below zero22:53
ompaulor less22:53
mrunagi__am i evading?22:53
SeveasI didn't say how much below zero22:53
mrunagi__or am i on a connection 25 miles away from the one that was klined22:53
mrunagi__when i asked the first time i got laughed at22:53
mrunagi__apparently thats how ops do thing22:53
mrunagi__sarcasm, facetious attitudes22:54
Seeker`mrunagi__: The problem is, its people that are banned / klined, not connections22:54
mrunagi__that is exactly my point22:54
mrunagi__so my ban shouldnt have been extended22:54
mrunagi__because _i_ wasnt on irc22:54
naliothmrunagi__: there are at least 6 IPs you used to access this network in the past week22:54
mrunagi__nalioth: i understand that i evaded the ban on the kline im not denying that22:54
mrunagi__in my email i explained my thought process and i was wrong22:54
Seeker`mrunagi__: Whatever was done was done by you, not your connection, so when the connection is k-lined, that is a message to you, from the staff that you should not be on the network. By joining from  a different address, you are evading the kline22:55
Seveasno need to speak in the past tense when you're continuing to break the rules22:55
mrunagi__but had my ban not been extended i wouldnt even be in this situation22:55
ompaulmrunagi__, you got two connections here for some reason22:55
mrunagi__if i wanted to evade i would have changed my nick22:55
ompaulsame ip22:55
Seveasmrunagi__, no, if you had behaved properly you would not have been in this situation22:55
mrunagi__Seveas: if your op hadnt gone against code of conduct i would be here22:55
naliothmrunagi__: you _did_ change your nick22:55
Seveasmrunagi__, remember that this all started with you misbehaving22:56
mrunagi__nalioth: i mean i would change it to one not resembling any others22:56
mrunagi__Seveas: all of this started because i joined in on an already conversation about microsoft22:56
naliothmrunagi__: why not come back and see us in 30 days22:56
mrunagi__if you want to ban me from the ubuntu channels for life then tell me ill never come back but you have banned 6 other people here that are trying to run a business22:57
* jrib is getting bored of this spam22:57
ompaulmrunagi_, and being on irc stops that business22:57
ompaulwow that is some business22:57
mrunagi__and that is allowed?22:57
mrunagi__making fun of someones business?22:57
Seeker`mrunagi__: Canonical provide support if your business wishes to pay for it.22:57
Seveasmrunagi__, yes, if all people are you22:57
naliothmrunagi__: come back April 7th, please22:58
mrunagi__Seveas: i dont understand your statemennt22:58
mrunagi__30 days....youre serious22:58
Seveasand the circle is round :)22:58
mrunagi__because ljl decided to go against guidelines i get 30 days22:58
Seeker`mrunagi__: I suspect they will extend it if you protest22:58
mrunagi__he never even gave me steps or the url for resolution22:58
naliothmrunagi__: you decided to 'go against the guidelines' in a major way22:58
Seveas♪ The weels on the bus go round and round, round and round ♫22:59
mrunagi__i understand this.......but that is AFTER i was treated unfairly22:59
mrunagi__you are telling me that ops are allowed to make fun of users22:59
naliothmrunagi__: 30 days please.  try to stay out of sight until then . .22:59
* nalioth starts the countdown22:59
Seveasmrunagi__, you were never treated unfairly as far as my logs show22:59
Seeker`its a vicious circle22:59
mrunagi__Seveas: keep looking22:59
* jdong kinda likes this highlight23:00
Seveasand there come the PM's!23:00
Seveas<mrunagi__> jesus christ i cant even read suggestions given to me??!23:00
Seveasno idea what he meant there23:00
ompaulI don't know - can't he read:?23:00
Seeker`he thinks he is treated unfairly, so he complains, doesn't get the answer he wants, so gets more angry about being treated unfairly23:00
jdongI believe the suggestion was:23:00
jdong17:59 -!- mrunagi__ [n=mrunagi@68-243-54-222.area7.spcsdns.net] has left  #ubuntu-ops [requested by ompaul: "bye"]23:01
jdongwhich means umm.... what it says23:01
* ompaul wonder will he turn up again if I remove the ban on that ip23:02
Seveaseven if you don't23:02
Seeker`ompaul: you should take bets23:02
ompaulSeeker`, na23:02
ompaulthat would be boring23:02
ompaulwe know he will one way or anothter23:02
Seeker`but the question is when - each person bets on a number of days < 3023:03
Seeker`whoever is closest, wins23:03
ompaulehh no he don't23:03
Seeker`either that or ban him for 1 year for every day before 7th april he turns up23:03
ompaulSeeker`, he is nearly there23:04
Seeker`you may want to look out for jinsomnia, just started spamming a load of rubbish in -uk23:05
Seeker`-23:04:34- :jinsomnia : me wants Fatima (prophet Muhammad's daughter) so bad23:05
Seeker`-23:04:35- :jinsomnia : me so horny23:05
Seeker`and worse23:05
ompaulSeeker`, na - he only does that in -uk23:05
ompaulwhatever his beef is23:06
PriceChildnalioth: that's the same guy as earlier in #ubuntu ^23:06
ompaulPriceChild, I only ever noticed him in -uk before23:06
ompaulnew pattern of behaviour hmm23:06
PriceChildompaul: i think nal klined him earlier23:06
Seeker`Does anyone want his host?23:07
ompaul* Seeker` sets ban on *!*@
naliothi've klined several of those trolls today23:08
jribmy last 3 or 4 bans have been that same crap23:08
Seveassomeone please send that guy a prostitute to get rid of his frustration...23:08
naliothSeveas: trolls will use any concept, religion, etc to troll23:09
SeveasI know23:09
nalioththey don't require sex, just chaos and consternation23:09
Seveaswell, sex will keep them occupied23:09
Seeker`they require a trip on the clue train23:09
nalioththat bloody fool was not only in -uk doing it, but -ir also23:09
PriceChildwhat is -ir?23:10
Seveasah, next he'll turn up in -va annoying the pope23:10
naliothmost likely23:10
Seveas(iff -va means vatican, dunno)23:10
Seveasor -il being antisemitic23:10
Seeker`Vatican City has the highest crime rate per capita anywhere in the world23:10
Seeker`They also have 2 popes per square KM23:10
PriceChildwhat is it with vatican facts lately23:11
Seveasis it really that small?23:11
Seeker`Seveas: 0.5 square kilometers23:11
SeveasPriceChild, Seeker` wants to be the next pope23:11
Seeker`PriceChild: Those are the only two I know :(23:11
SeveasSeeker`, yeah I understand that, thought it was bigger though23:11
Seeker`Well, I also know that there are only about 500 people with a Vatican City passport, and the pope always has the passport with ID number "1"23:12
Seeker`but thats about it23:12
ompaulSeveas, would you believe that the word: antisemitic had a different meaning, a broader one in 1928, it was some thing like  "against people from the middle east" it did not discriminate by way of nationality or religion23:13
Seveasi would23:13
Seveasthough the 'sem' in antismetic is a jewish reference23:14
ompaulI have a book around here somewhere on the origin of words23:14
* ompaul needs a bigger house with more book shelves :)23:15
SeveasI know the feeling23:15
mc44[Origin: 1870–75; < NL sémīta < LL Sém (< Gk Sm < Heb Shém Shem) + -īta -ite1] 23:17
ompaulmc44, source23:19
* ompaul likes to read the source and check it for blobs 23:19
ompaulohh the pain of the puns23:19
mc44ompaul: the dictionary23:20
elkbuntuSeveas, ompaul http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic23:33
elkbuntuassyrians and hebrews are the only sematic races still tracable afaik23:35
elkbuntuthe roman empire did it's job well23:36
ompaulelkbuntu, empires tend to do that kind of thing23:37
ompaulfunny enough that is how they became empires ;-)23:37
elkbuntuompaul, yep23:37
ompaulbuks, how can we help you?23:46
bukswell, I have a problem installing kubuntu-kde alpha 6 via the LAN23:48
Seveasbuks, this is not a support channel23:48
buksoh, thanx, i am reading the wiki to see what this channel is about :)23:49
Seveasbuks, for operator matters23:49
Seveasif you have nothing to discuss with the operators, please read the topic for a hint on what to do next :)23:49
ompaulseanw, is there a #kubuntu+123:49
ompaulSeveas,  is there a #kubuntu+123:50
PriceChildnot afaik23:50
naliothompaul: there shouldn't be23:50
ompauloka 23:50
ompaulbuks, then you need #kubuntu23:50
buksthanx, i am there already, first time using kapote, i will figure out how to leave soon :)23:51
PriceChildompaul: #ubuntu+123:51
ompaulbuks, use /part23:51
PriceChild#ubuntu and #kubuntu are only releases, #ubuntu+1 deals with all of hardy23:51
ompaulahh well he can be redirected from there23:51
* nalioth gives ompaul the heimlich23:51
ompaul<tgfm> me wants Fatima (prophet Muhammad's daughter) so bad23:53
ompaulnalioth, ^^23:53
Seeker`ompaul: same guy?23:53
ompaulyeap or one of a club23:53

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