[00:00] mathiaz: I would have expected them to be logged in say /var/log/cron [00:00] mathiaz: Mail on this server makes no sense. [00:01] owh: I don't think that cron would log the output of jobs to syslog by default. [00:01] mathiaz: Well according to the cron man page it does, only syslog needs to be appropriately configured AFAICS. [00:02] mathiaz: Ah /etc/syslog.conf has the cron entry commented out :( [00:02] Tsk, Tsk. [00:02] :) [00:03] everyone, i am setting up ubuntu server for the first time and i am editing the /etc/hosts file [00:04] what do i put as my localhost.local domain name for [00:04] mathiaz: So, once I've uncommented the cron entry in syslog.conf, which services do I need to restart? [00:04] and what do i put for my server's ip address server.example.com [00:04] i cant go further in the how to because i do not understand [00:05] owh: /etc/init.d/syslog restart [00:05] BizMAn8: Any particular reason you're editing /etc/hosts, rather than answering the installer questions? [00:05] mathiaz: I just wondered if there were others that also needed restarting. [00:06] BizMAn8: did you check the ubuntu server guide ? https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ [00:06] im done iwth the installer [00:06] owh: nope - only syslog [00:07] mathiaz: Hmm, all I have is /etc/init.d/sysklogd [00:07] im following a guide so that i can create a file and print server [00:07] and thats what i should edit next [00:07] i dont know what i need to put in a url address that includes my server? [00:08] is that for dynamic dns? [00:08] owh: that's it [00:08] BizMAn8: Is that guide a Ubuntu-server guide, seeing that what you're describing doesn't from memory require any such editing. [00:08] yes [00:08] mathiaz: Yeah, the man page for the two are the same :) [00:08] http://howtoforge.com/ubuntu-home-fileserver-p3 [00:08] tell me what u think [00:11] BizMAn8: Hmm, the first comment on that page indicates to me that the author is not a Ubuntu user doing things the Ubuntu way. Giving root a password is a really *bad* idea. [00:11] i didnt do tha tpart [00:11] just left as is [00:11] BizMAn8: From there the instructions seem to only get worse. [00:12] BizMAn8: Is this a workstation or a server installation? [00:12] server [00:12] 7.10 [00:12] well server on a desktop [00:13] BizMAn8: Uh, is it a ubuntu-server with a gui, a workstation that you want to use as a server, what is it? [00:13] eventualy iwant it to be a ubuntu server with a gui [00:13] but for now i jus twant to set it up properly, so that it can interact with windows through samba [00:13] then from there i want to make it a file and print server [00:13] do some media sharing, etc [00:14] BizMAn8: From which CD did you install it? [00:14] server 7.10 [00:14] BizMAn8: So, what's the bit about "(09:12:31) BizMAn8: well server on a desktop" [00:15] owh: I've read your conversation.. what do you mean with giving root a password is a really *bad* idea? === c_schmitz is now known as c_schmitz|away [00:16] rhineheart_m: There should never be a need to have a root user with a password. That's what sudo is for. [00:16] well im not installing it on a server [00:16] its a desktop [00:16] BizMAn8: Are you talking about hardware or software? [00:16] so my desktop will act as a server [00:16] hardware [00:16] Sigh [00:17] owh: really? honestly.. I've been accessing my server with root.. since I followed the howtoforge installation instructions [00:17] BizMAn8: Run tasksel, choose samba-server, follow the prompts. Ask questions. [00:17] rhineheart_m: I'm not saying that you cannot, I'm saying that it's a bad idea. [00:18] so i do not need to edit the hosts file [00:18] owh: I'm accessing my box with putty remotely.. with root the user... why you said it's a bad idea? [00:19] rhineheart_m: If you don't understand why remote access to the root user is a bad idea then I am unable to assist you. [00:19] owh: okay.. so how to remove the password set for root? [00:19] BizMAn8: The /etc/hosts file should already be fine and dandy. Leave it alone. [00:20] ok will do so [00:20] rhineheart_m: I suspect that all that needs to happen is deactivate the account, but I wouldn't do that before I checked that. [00:20] so install samba and run tasksel? [00:20] BizMAn8: tasksel will ask you what you want to install, one of the options will be to choose samba. Select it. Magic will happen. [00:21] Anyone here got comments on restoring the root user account back to the non-password state? [00:21] lol thanks owh [00:22] Yeah...I want to restore it to non-password state..anybody in the house has an idea? [00:22] ok samba is installed [00:23] BizMAn8: On your Windows box you will have a Workgroup "MSHOME" that contains your server. [00:23] i have a workgroup alreadt [00:23] and will gie it that name [00:24] what do i do after that owh? [00:24] BizMAn8: Set up some shares. [00:25] BizMAn8: You'll also need to set up some samba users and passwords. [00:26] is that all in the smb,.conf file? [00:27] BizMAn8: The shares yes, the permissions yes, the samba users no. [00:28] where are the shares in the conf [00:29] rhineheart_m: Yes, it appears that locking is the way to go: sudo passwd -l root [00:29] BizMAn8: At the bottom. [00:30] BizMAn8: The items starting with [Thing] are shares. [00:30] BizMAn8: You can also comment out the home directories directive for example. [00:32] owh, do i need a create mask = 0777 [00:32] and directory mask = -0777 [00:33] BizMAn8: The comments in the file should explain that to you. Read from the top. [00:37] owh: I have another username in the system. how could I change its password? [00:37] rhineheart_m: sudo passwd {user} [00:38] owh [00:38] when i try to create a user [00:38] it says fialed to modify password entry [00:39] BizMAn8: man smbpasswd [00:40] BizMAn8: Specifically the -a option. [00:40] i did sudo smbpasswd -a username [00:40] entered my password [00:40] retyped it [00:40] and go that error [00:43] BizMAn8: Does the user exist on your system? [00:45] no, i just read up on that [00:45] how do i add a user [00:45] BizMAn8: man adduser [00:46] BizMAn8: And in case you wonder about the difference between useradd and adduser: http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2004/09/msg00215.html [00:47] owh: I did it already.. But I noticed that I cannot even update the system.. with this command.. sudo apt-get update.... m now in the terminal (putty) with another user [00:47] *username [00:47] rhineheart_m: Is that user allowed to use sudo? [00:48] ok i got in [00:48] thanks man [00:48] appreciate it [00:48] the system just tell me its not in the sodoers file [00:49] *sudoers [00:50] rhineheart_m: Is this a server or a workstation? [00:50] owh: server [00:50] Hmm. [00:51] rhineheart_m: Ah: udo adduser $user admin [00:51] Uh [00:51] sudo adduser $user admin [00:52] you mean.. like sudo adduser $user bert? [00:52] No, like sudo adduser bert admin [00:52] That is add user bert to the admin group. [00:53] rhineheart_m: In most server environments I'd be going with on sudo user IMHO. [00:53] that's the problem then.. I cannot sudo my box.. it will tell me m not in the sudoers list [00:54] rhineheart_m: Huh? [00:54] rhineheart_m: Which user installed the machine? [00:54] yeah [00:54] rhineheart_m: Also, the group membership only happens after you login, so you need to logout and back in again. [00:55] s/you/the user/ [00:56] m the admin.. [00:56] I was the one who installed it.. but forgot my pass [00:57] * owh shakes head. [00:59] * foo shakes head at owh [00:59] rhineheart_m: You likely haven't noticed yet, but if the "new" user isn't a member of admin already and you cannot log in as the original installer and you locked the root user, you won't be able to gain root privileges without rebooting into single user mode and clearing the original installer's password. [00:59] foo: Huh? [00:59] owh: I don't know if there is room for two 3 letter nicks. :) [01:00] foo: Look around you, there's more than two. [01:01] owh: okay..so what should I do then? [01:01] rhineheart_m: First of all, is what I describe the exact state of affairs, or are the other salient details you didn't mention? [01:02] owh: you mean.. I messed up already my root user? [01:02] owh: and no turn-about? [01:03] rhineheart_m: I don't yet have enough information to answer that. [01:04] owh: ohhhh....well can you tell me how to change the installer username? if ever I could manage to get into the machine?? [01:05] rhineheart_m: Lets start at the beginning before we start getting excited. Where is the server, as in, is it in the same room as you? [01:06] yeah.. it is [01:06] I can't get much help on the regular ubuntu channel. it was suggested this might be better. I got some help last night but not a solution yet. I need some help solving a software RAID 1 setup problem. The explanation is too long to post here. I posted it at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/26489 my thanks to anyone willing to read it and help me. [01:06] rhineheart_m: Is it mission critical, that is, are other users currently using it? [01:08] I dunno... our company's website is running there.. [01:08] rhineheart_m: Are you the administrator? [01:08] yeah.. I am [01:08] rhineheart_m: Does it have a console/keyboard attached? [01:10] owh: nope.. but I have here [01:10] rhineheart_m: Are you currently connected to the server? [01:12] yeah..but I have webmin..and ssh server has its menus there..I got an access to webmin [01:12] rhineheart_m: ssh into the server [01:13] okay...I can.. but the thing there the user I remember is not a member of admin [01:13] and I forgot the admin username and pass [01:13] rhineheart_m: The /etc/passwd file contains all the users on the system. By running "grep 1000 /etc/passwd" you will find the first user that was created, generally by the installer. [01:14] rhineheart_m: You shouldn't need administrator privileges to find out which users there are on the system. [01:16] owh: Okay I got the username.. but the password [01:17] rhineheart_m: Does the username jog your memory? [01:18] owh: is this only more on remembering? what if...I can't really remember? [01:19] rhineheart_m: You can attempt to "become" that user by trying several passwords using "su - {user}" [01:19] rhineheart_m: If that is unsuccessful then you will need to reboot your server and do some magic. It's not invasive, but you will bring the server down during that time. [01:20] rhineheart_m: Before we get to that, I wonder something. Does webmin allow you to add users to a group? [01:21] rhineheart_m: If it does, then you should be able to add the user you're using to ssh in to the admin group. If you then login as that user, you should be a member of the admin group. The "groups" command will tell you what you are a member of. [01:22] owh: okay. I got it.. it has a capacity to change a user password....but it's not encrypted.. I will just change it later in the console... [01:23] owh: mmmm....webmin rocks! I got an access back to administrator which is the superuser [01:23] rhineheart_m: Excellent. The sudo will normally work. You can then set the password for that user from a console. [01:23] s/The/Then/ [01:24] owh: thanks for the assistance... [01:24] s/The/Then? what do you mean? [01:24] rhineheart_m: I'm just glad you didn't have to ruin your uptime :) [01:26] owh: yeah.. Thanks a lot... :) [01:26] NP [01:29] musashi_: Hmm, that's a bit of a pickle you made yourself there. At this point I can only commiserate rather than offer actual assistance. Perhaps by far the quickest would be to boot off a CD, backup the system, rebuild it, but because I don't know what's actually broken, other than the symptoms you provide, I cannot advise you if that approach is akin to selling a car because the ashtray is full. That is, it will work, but i === joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ [02:14] owh yeah, i'm not too keen on reinstalling just yet. it's all good and should work fine... if it would just boot. i know there is a simple fix out there. i just don't know what it is === musashi_ is now known as musashi === gcleric is now known as newnic === newnic is now known as gcleric === gcleric is now known as ronin5150 === ronin5150 is now known as gcleric [03:26] * faulkes- yawns [03:27] it has been a very long day [03:39] what up faulkes- [03:40] that's why I take a nap after work :-) [03:46] which would have been what I would have done, had this not been my first day on a new job and having a pm exam right aftewards [05:54] hey all, is there an apparmor profile for ldap-utils? === joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ [06:32] anyone around I am thinking about using ubuntu in a production envirornment but would like to chat with some others who are currently using ubuntu-server [06:53] josh1857: I am using it.. it works great! === nijaba[away] is now known as nijaba === \sh_away is now known as \sh [08:06] moin === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh [08:21] møjn === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh [10:40] I am running ubuntu gutsy server edition. I just want to ask if there's a script or software for ubuntu that will show the server status and information to the public in a safe way that can be accessed through http. [10:55] "server status"? [10:55] If you just install apache, the default page is one that just says "It works!". That sums it up pretty well, I find. [10:59] <_ruben> hehe [11:00] I'm talking about how to show to the public the server status on real time] [11:00] Yes... [11:00] So am I. [11:00] If it responds and says "It works!", that's because it works. If it doesn't respond, that's because it doesn't work. [11:00] If you want more info than that, you need to be more specific. [11:03] soren: m not asking here about how to know if the apache server is running.. of course without apache php based website can't run. What I asked about.. if there's a script or software for ubuntu that will show the server status and information to the public in a safe way that can be accessed through http? [11:13] thanks soren for fixing xen-meta :) [11:14] rhineheart_m: And I'm asking you what you mean by server status! [11:14] Whether it's running or not *is* the server's status. [11:14] If you want more information than that, you need to tell me what you want to know. [11:14] * soren goes to lunch [11:14] soren: no problem.. I found this.. http://info.shallax.com/index.php === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [12:16] I am running ubuntu gutsy server edition. I just want to ask if there's a script or software for ubuntu that will show the server status and information to the public in a safe way that can be accessed through http. [12:17] rhieheart: nagois, zabbix, zenoss [12:32] hey faulkes-, good morning. I guess you meant nagios? ^ [12:40] is nagios supported by ubuntu? [12:46] rhineheart_m: by supported, do you mean is it in the package tree? [12:46] rhineheart_m: or installable? [12:47] rhineheart_m: or do you mean, does canonical support it as a product? [12:48] nawty: there are nagios packages available for ubuntu, which are installable [12:48] faulkes-: of course, but I'm just checking with rhineheart_m what he meant by that :) [12:48] nawty: sorry.. yeah..that's why I meant.. [12:48] rhineheart_m: what version of ubuntu are you using at the moment? [12:49] nawty: gutsy [12:49] rhineheart_m: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/nagios [12:49] and, http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/gutsy/nagios [12:52] rhineheart_m: does that answer your question? [12:55] nawty: thanks..looking. [12:56] rhineheart_m: np === crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy === \sh is now known as \sh_away [14:26] dendrobates: I was wondering if you have any opinions on bug #196809? [14:26] Bug 196809 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/196809 is private [14:28] sommer: yes I do. You have been doing a good job with the debuging. I am packaging a new version today, that has much better error handling. [14:28] sommer: I will get it in my ppa, and put a comment in the bug. [14:28] dendrobates: cool, I just wanted to double check that you'd seen it ;-) [14:29] thanks [14:29] sommer: he needs to make sure he is using the fqdn of the DC. [14:30] dendrobates: ya, from his replies I think he was. [14:30] is it the fqdn of the dc or of the domain? [14:30] from my testing I needed to use the fqdn of the domain [14:31] I believe he did add the fqdn of the dc to the /etc/hosts file at some point, though [14:52] anyone here with Juniper firewalls? :-) [14:54] Netscreen you mean? [14:59] <_ruben> from what ive seen of netscreens im not very fond of them .. have had to help some customers to configure their netscreen to interop with our openswan vpn installation [14:59] does anyone know can u run a VOIP service with ubuntu server? [15:00] <_ruben> sure [15:01] <_ruben> collegue of mine is installing a new voip server (asterisk) on ubuntu as we speak [15:01] could I make a server and then have it run 4 phone #'s to about 10 throughout our offices with viocemail for about 8 people [15:02] Nafallo: i do have a few here [15:02] <_ruben> frame45: depending on your hardware and other requirements i dont see any problem with that [15:04] would there be a wiki page or anything where I can do some reading up and check out some hardware [15:05] henkjan: solved it :-) [15:05] thanks anyway [15:05] np [15:11] <_ruben> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+hardware+recommendations [15:18] _ruben: Thanks I'm going to have to do some research. [15:26] hi [15:27] how do i know which driver interface type (hostap/wired/madwifi/prism54) i am using for wlan0? [15:34] lsmod [15:35] <_ruben> no modules loaded [15:36] <_ruben> erm .. that looked semi-apropriate but was in fact my irc client stealing the focus [15:38] ufw++ [15:38] never typing iptables again [15:39] priceless? [15:39] heh... kinda sounded like one of those master card commercials ;-) [15:41] one general question: is it safe to give an user the possibility to use chroot /new/chroot via sudo as root? i am using a grsec-patched kernel, so it's not possible to mknod devices within the chroot. [15:43] i owe jdstrand a beer [15:44] henkjan: glad you like it! :) [15:48] jdstrand: btw, currently i'm using ufw on a gutsy server [15:48] hi all [15:49] henkjan: you should know that on reboot it may not be enabled on gutsy because of the way the initscript handles ipv6. [15:49] henkjan: this will be fixed in the next upload [15:49] (gutsy only) [15:51] ah, okay [15:52] well, nobody's using ipv6 nowadays :) [15:52] exept we at bit.nl [15:52] henkjan: well, it may not start properly (it is still enabled). so you may need to do /etc/init.d/ufw force-reload after a reboot [15:52] it'll be fixed soon though [16:33] i'm looking for some help uploading to my ppa in launchpad [16:33] i found this page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess/ppaput which talks about ppaput, but it doesn't look like there is a ppaput in hardy [16:38] kirkland: gimme a sec [16:39] kirkland: you want to put something like this in your /etc/dput.cf file http://pastebin.com/m27809a75 and then do dput ppa *.dsc [16:39] of course change my userid for your userid ;) [16:39] zul: ;-) cool, thanks. [16:39] help.launchpad.net also :) [16:41] mathiaz: ping when you are around [16:56] kirkland: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart [16:57] mathiaz: awesome, thanks. [17:51] hi foolano [17:53] mathiaz: got a sec for that samba stuff? [17:59] zul: sure [18:00] mathiaz: for the no network bug there is a fix for it upstream in samba's bug tracker [18:00] https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5267 [18:00] bugzilla.samba.org bug 5267 in nmbd "nmbd shuts down when network interfaces go down" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [18:00] zul: yop - saw that - I'm about to check this out [18:00] which basically means we can backport that patch [18:01] but other than that Im ready to upload [18:01] after ffe of course :) [18:04] zul: the patch looks good. [18:04] zul: I'd backport it to our current version of samba [18:05] yep [18:05] zul: and ask slangasek what he thinks about the patch - he suggested to use an ifup hook to fix the issue [18:05] i was going to do that after lunch [18:05] I will do that [18:06] zul: if upstream provided a patch, he shouldn't see any problem with that [18:06] not a problem === nijaba is now known as nijaba[away] === nijaba[away] is now known as nijaba [20:33] faulkes-: I have reordered the questions quite a bit according to owh suggestion (allmost all of them). === c_schmitz|away is now known as c_schmitz [22:07] nijaba: nods, understood, will look at it === c_schmitz is now known as c_schmitz|away [23:31] IS there a command that will free some RAM in gutsy? [23:32] you don't need to free ram! [23:34] thansk kraut. But is there a way to do it manually? [23:34] not without risking a kernel panic [23:35] or identify the process which consumes ram [23:35] what do you mean with risking a kernel panic? [23:35] but "cached" ram is ok and shouldn't be changed [23:35] you know "kabooom"? [23:36] nope..what I know about kabooom ---like cards. what is it? [23:37] when you delete ram-pointers in the kernel-stack, the kernel will crash [23:37] rhineheart_m: if you type "free" on the command line, how much cached memory does your system have? [23:37] ie [23:37] total used free shared buffers cached [23:37] Mem: 2075184 2026908 48276 0 270980 1610524 [23:38] total used free shared buffers cached [23:38] Mem: 255904 251628 4276 0 69720 42656 [23:38] -/+ buffers/cache: 139252 116652 [23:38] Swap: 746980 30776 716204 [23:38] Is it possble to install a LAMP server, while hosting an external drive on the server to stream the media? [23:39] well, you only have 256mb of memory . .. what exactly were you expecting to have happen? ;) [23:39] J-_laptop: sure [23:39] storage is storage [23:41] its a server without GUI... no monitor...keyboard..and mouse.. [23:41] mralphabet: cool, I just find that having having my desktop on all the time doing nothing is a waste of hydro when I can use my server instead which is clocked a lot lower and will be less harsh on the hydro [23:41] online one website hosted there... do you think its not enough? [23:42] *only [23:43] my server only has 256mb ram, and drupal/ wordpress run awesome on it [23:43] so what can you say mralphapbet? [23:43] rhineheart_m: well, it depends on how much traffic the one site is getting, but I can tell you that you still have memory available to other apps (which is what the cached memory is, available for other uses) [23:44] It would be nice to have LVM partitions to act as swap. More than one, but I don't know if it'd work how I am thinking [23:44] so if you still have memory available, and the performance is acceptable, why would it not be fine? [23:47] its okay.. m just curious knowing about hows [23:51] and that's fine, but you should just trust the kernel to handle the memory allocation, it does so quite well. [23:52] mralphabet: do you know about nagios? [23:55] I am familiar with it [23:55] can you recommend it for a production environment? [23:58] it depends on the features you need it to provide but in general, it will support a production environment just fine [23:59] unless you have some whacked out, one off no name vendor equipment nobody has heard of