
Odd_Blokejelmer: Night!00:05
awilkinsipython is certainly... pretty00:05
blueyedwell.. revision-info isn't really the last commit though..00:43
blueyedbut that's ok as in "branch not updated (from both sides) in the last x minutes"00:43
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Pengjelmer: I don't have PQM access.01:16
* Verterok heading to bed01:31
ubotuNew bug: #199712 in bzr-stats "stats plugin crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19971202:40
justjeffGood morning / afternoon / evening, all. I'm seeking a little wisdom.03:53
justjeffSpecifically if I were to write a GUI front-end to Bazaar in C++, would be a great benefit to using Bazaar's Python API (through, e.g., Boost.Python), or would it be perfectly reasonable to interact with Bazaar repositories / working trees solely through the bzr tool?03:57
justjeff(Most GUI front-ends or IDE plugins for CVS, SVN, etc. do the latter, no?)03:59
jdong yes, IMO you should be using the API for serious programs03:59
jdongthe API has much more stability, command line output is subject to UI change03:59
justjeffDo you know of any other programs written in C++ doing so, and if so, what path they have taken? (That is, whether they're using Boost.Python to link into Bazaar, or some other method.)04:00
justjeffOr is somebody maintaining a C++ API already?04:01
justjeff(Back in about 30, have to get lunch.)04:03
scodeIs there any support for authentication/authorization with read/write 'bzr serve':s? I didn't find this mentioned in the docs, but perhaps I am missing it.09:47
james_wscode: no, I don't think so.10:02
asabilscode: use bzr+ssh:// if you want auth10:12
scodeasabil: Yeah, was hoping to avoid ssh though (to minimize need for integration with the host system)10:31
lifelessjdong: for ide's, we're now recomending xmloutput11:09
lifelessI'm about to go offline till back in au11:15
Odd_Blokelifeless: Have a good trip! :)11:16
lifelessyou too :>11:16
asabilis there any way to install bzr-svn with bzr 1.2 ?11:18
jelmernot yet11:18
beunohey lifeless, I think most of us are. Thanks for everything  :D11:18
Odd_Blokejelmer: Is there a plan for the next release yet?11:22
jelmerI was hoping to do it during the sprint but was distracted by other things11:22
beunojelmer, we just need the deactivate thing in nautilus, right?11:26
jelmerbeuno: yep11:26
beuno(I've been looking into it, but haven't gone as far as a patch yet)11:27
Odd_Blokebeuno: Stop distracting him! :p11:33
* beuno can't understand why his suitcase won't close if there are _less_ things than when he got here11:38
datobeuno: things ate a bit too much?11:39
beunodato, :p     english food seems to be fattening11:40
ubotuNew bug: #199801 in olive "Olive translations are not being used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19980112:31
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james_whi bialix. How are you?17:35
bialixhi kames_w17:35
bialixsorry, james_w17:36
bialixlooking for some one who help me write README for check eol pre-commit17:36
james_wbialix: I can probably do that.17:38
bialixI think this document need to describe format of .checkeol file17:39
bialixnow it sectioned17:39
bialixand I hope it's valuable improvements17:40
bialixhere is my branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~bialix/+junk/checkeol17:41
bialixI'm again starting to get English courses, so I hope to improve my skill during this year17:42
bialixjames_w: btw IPython project leaning to switch to launchpad and bzr17:43
bialixI read yesterday in their ML discussion about bzr vs hg17:44
james_wbialix: that would be cool.17:44
bialixit seems like launchpad is killer feature for them17:44
bialixVille Vanio who made request for check eol hook is winows maintainer of ipython17:45
bialixipython guys have unresolved question about migrating their Trac tickets base17:46
james_wthey should contact someone from the launchpad team, I assume there is a way for them to do it.17:47
james_wunfortunately I don't know who.17:47
bialixit seems like their already do17:48
bialixat least vcs-import mirrors their svn main branch17:49
jelmerjamesh is the person to talk to about migration of bugs to launchpad17:50
bialixhi jelmer17:52
bialixjelmer: what it means 'bzr-svn on Windows needs to rock' from brainstrom wiki page?17:54
jelmerHi Alexander17:54
jelmerbialix: Not sure, I don't think I was there when they had that discussion17:54
jelmerafaik bzr-svn on windows works as long as you're willing to install .exe's from various locations17:56
jelmerbut that's nothing new on Windows afaik17:56
bialixjames_w: I wrote some text or README. Could you look at it?18:28
james_wbialix: it looks good to me.18:35
bialixgood :-) thanks18:36
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nehhi all... I've got a bound repo that I had forgotten about, so I went and moved the remote repo. I have changes in my working tree, and need to switch to the new location of the remote repo. What's the best way? I'm thinking I should do commit --local on my changes, then do a bzr switch, then commit normally. Should that work?19:25
awilkinsAdd a --remember to your next pull/merge19:27
nehAh, that will set the bound location as well? So, can I just pull --remember from the new location without losing my new changes?19:31
awilkinsMaybe unbind / bind?19:33
nehI was just thinking that might be simplest...19:34
nehthanks, awilkins19:36
nexus10hi - I'm getting myself tangled up with permission/owner/group problems on an sftp repo -- can anyone suggest some best practices?20:33
nexus10I set the repo up to be g+w on everything -- and I have a cron script that commits to this repo as user cronbot group cronbot, these being the user and group who own all files in the repo20:35
Odd_Blokenexus10: The Bazaar sprint has just finished, so the majority of the bzr development team and community are heading home or sleeping (or both) ATM.20:36
Odd_BlokeYou'd probably be best off either waiting until Monday, or sending an email to the Bazaar mailing list. :)20:36
nexus10Odd_Bloke: great, thanks -- I'll direct this to mail then20:37
ubotuNew bug: #199935 in bzr-dbus "bzr-dbus doesn't give its hooks names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19993520:47
jelmerthat reminds me20:50
jelmerany debian developers around that could sponsor an upload of bzr-dbus?20:50
awilkinsjelmer: 0.4 r 945 isnt' comatible with 1.2 anymore because of the "hardlink" parameter21:10
jankeesvwoezikHi Guys, Can I ask a question thats been asked a million times before?21:12
Odd_Blokejankeesvwoezik: Don't ask to ask. :)21:12
jankeesvwoezikis there a Gui for Bazaar for Mac?21:13
jankeesvwoezikI searched but i didn't find any21:13
jankeesvwoezikonly windows and linux21:13
Odd_Blokejankeesvwoezik: The main GUI project is bzr-gtk, which I know can work on Mac (though doesn't look native).21:13
awilkinsDoes the gtk stuff work on mac?21:13
* jdong grumbles21:13
jdonga combination of merging and rebasing ruined a bzr-svn mirror21:14
Odd_Blokeawilkins: Well, phanatic uses a Mac, so I expect so. :p21:14
jankeesvwoezikOdd_Bloke: Can you give me a clue how to get it runing21:14
jdongmore conflicts than a Ballmer-Theo De Raadt meeting.21:14
Odd_Blokejankeesvwoezik: I'm afraid I really have no idea how to go about it.21:14
Odd_Blokejelmer might have a better idea. (IMPLICIT PING)21:15
Odd_Blokejdong: Rebasing has that effect. :(21:15
jdongOdd_Bloke: aye, but when tracking and pushing back to svn I got to a point where I had to use rebase to push it back into svn21:16
jdongOdd_Bloke: I wish bzr-svn had a "git svn dcommit" type feature to prevent that21:16
jdong(implicit ping :D)21:16
jdong(implicit Launchpad bug)21:16
jelmerawilkins: the 0.4 branch is meant to be used with bzr.dev21:16
jelmerawilkins: the 0.4.8 branch is meant to be compatible with 1.221:17
awilkinsjelmer: Ah21:17
jankeesvwoezikdoesn't anyone uses a mac over here :)21:17
jankeesvwoezikthats funny21:17
jelmerjankeesvwoezik: there are a couple of people that do21:17
jelmerjankeesvwoezik: but afaik most use bzr-gtk on the mac21:17
Odd_Blokejdong: Could you describe what dcommit does for me?  Hard though it may be to believe, the git docs aren't helping me out.21:18
jankeesvwoezikbut not to many21:18
jelmerjdong: ruined in what sense?21:18
jdongjelmer: well I rebased 3 times successfully, then I believe I did a merge afterwards and attempted to rebase again...21:18
Odd_Blokejdong: NM, jelmer is vastly more qualified to talk about bzr-svn than I am. :)21:18
jelmerjdong: rebase rewrites your history so it has to be used with care21:18
jdongjelmer: and rebase seemed to try to start at the beginning of history21:18
jdongjelmer: and every step seemed to result in error21:18
jdongconflict that is21:18
jdongwith it pulling what seemed to be arbitrary revisions of my code in history21:19
jdongjelmer: I'm quite sure it was user error on my part21:19
jelmerjdong: what does git svn dcommit do?21:19
jankeesvwoezikhow do you run gtk on mac? Does anyone know?21:19
jdongjelmer: I believe it commits to svn by diffing each "missing" commit and pushing that commit into Subversion21:20
jdongjelmer: so all the commits get into Subversion but not the ancestry of merges21:20
jelmerjdong: that still won't work if you have used rebase21:20
jelmerjdong: also, it breaks roundtripping21:20
jdongjelmer: well.. I used rebase because bzr-svn suggested that I use rebase21:20
jelmerjdong: Where does it suggest that?21:20
jdongjelmer: it refused to push into svn after a few merge cycles21:21
jelmerjdong: that's incorrect21:21
jdongjelmer: it said something along the lines of needing to rewrite revision history21:21
Odd_BlokeSo does it essentially rebase the missing revisions on top of trunk?21:21
jdongand that I needed to either rebase or push into a non-repository-root21:21
Odd_BlokeWhere 'it' == 'dcommit'.21:21
jdongOdd_Bloke: yeah pretty much21:21
jelmerjdong: ah, you're not using branches in Subversion?21:21
jdongjelmer: correct21:21
jelmerjdong: I wouldn't object to supporting something like dcommit but keep in mind that you could then only push into subversion, never pull from it (you'd get a Branches diverged error)21:23
jdongjelmer: hmm, well I have no reason for wanting dcommit except for the circumstance I arrived in. Do you have a better suggestion for how I could've avoided my initial error in the first place?21:24
jelmerjdong: Actually, suggesting rebase is correct21:24
jelmerjdong: Don't use merge21:24
jdongjelmer: ok so I should use rebase instead of merge for all workflow?21:24
jelmerjdong: yes - or use branches in your subversion repository21:25
jdongjelmer: ok, gotcha21:25
jdongjelmer: does the rebase help information forewarn my disaster?21:25
awilkinscd svn21:27
jelmerjdong: maybe it should have a warning about not being a good idea in general to use rebase21:28
jdongjelmer: :)21:28
nexus10 I was just about to start using bzr-svn to allow topic branching, disconnected commits etc for a primary repo that needs to stay as svn -- ant pointers re rebase /merge etc? What else should I read?21:37
Odd_Blokenexus10: If you only want a single commit in the SVN repository for each of the feature/topic branches (and are happy for them not to be stored in SVN while under development) you shouldn't need to worry about merge/rebase.21:39
Odd_BlokeYou'll use merge, but you won't need to worry. :p21:39
nexus10Odd_Bloke: and if I'd like to keep the commit messages for each bzr commit, and shove them all into svn, then what's the best plan?21:40
Odd_Blokenexus10: Rebasing onto SVN trunk, I believe, but IANA bzr-svn user so am probably not the best person to let you know.21:41
nexus10Odd_Bloke: ok, thanks21:43
distaticahey folks, I'm trying to remember here, there's a way to do something similar to trac + subversion, with bzr, but it's not the trac bzr plugin..22:20
distaticaloggerhead, there we go22:28
Odd_Blokejelmer: My concern with hiding hooks under the covers is that they can be used to do quite a lot of stuff which the user might object to.  At least being able to see that _something_ other than bzrlib is doing stuff when $ACTION is performed could be valuable.22:52
jelmerOdd_Bloke: At the very least, the command should be hidden imo.22:53
jelmerOdd_Bloke: Except for user-specific hooks, I think hooks are an implementation detail22:56
awilkinsjelmer: 0.4.8 test log from win3222:57
Odd_Blokejelmer: Well, currently, the only hook I have is being provided by a plugin (bzr-dbus, in this case), so all hooks are, to an extent, user-specific.22:57
jelmerOdd_Bloke: It could be useful to know that commit notifications by email are enabled but the fact that there is a Python "set_rh" hook registered by the "email" plugin is not all that interesting22:57
jelmerOdd_Bloke: With user-specific I mean site-specific hooks, such as the shell hooks22:58
Odd_Blokejelmer: Sure.22:58
Odd_Blokejelmer: So are you saying that this command in its current form should be hidden, or that any command which describes what hooks happen on particular actions should be hidden?22:59
jelmerOdd_Bloke: The command in its current form should at the very least be hidden imho23:00
Odd_BlokeOK, I accept that.23:01
jelmerOdd_Bloke: But I'd prefer to have "bzr commit" be more vocal about what hooks it's running23:01
jelmerOdd_Bloke: I guess to word it a bit better, I think this is internal data that shouldn't be exposed to the user like that but I think it's perfectly fine to have a hidden command to aid developers.23:03
Odd_Blokejelmer: Sure.23:05
Odd_BlokeThanks for the review. :)23:05

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