
biabia__I have a pc, it connects to my wireless network with 64bit wep in windows, but not in edubuntu. i followed the command line setup but dhclient wlan0 doesnt set the ip (yes i tried the gui, also with no luck)00:39
biabia__any ideas00:39
biabia__also, it connects fine to my neighbors unsecured networks although the signal strength is low so speeds arent so great00:40
serdarhi guys03:17
biabia__hi serdar03:36
biabia__im a little late, and i must admit my attention isnt strictly devoted to this one channel03:36
johnnyogra_cmpc, is there a reason that ltsp-build-cli05:10
allerbestIs this the right channel for n00bs who are not getting LTSP to run like the want? ;->14:09
stgraberallerbest: this one of #ltsp14:30
allerbeststgraber: thanks14:34

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