
buksI cant install kubuntu-kde4 alpha 6 over a LAN, there is no option to install the desktop :(00:00
* buks thinks everyone is probably asleep because its 02:00 in South Africa00:06
nosrednaekimheh... this is fun, copying and pasting code from a GTK app to add features :)02:32
nixternalglad you think it is fun..I thought the gtk version was the ugliest code I have ever looked at02:45
nixternalbig time lack of documentation02:45
Jucatogood_morning_with_text(GOBJECT(nixternal), "Hello!!");02:47
nixternalyou know, one of my buddies does dev work with Gtk, and he told me that Qt/KDE tags are weird02:47
nixternalthat is because we document our code, they document their code in their tags02:47
Jucatoand I'm presuming he's using C anyway :)02:47
JucatoI was just browsing through a GTK programming chapter in an old (2002 or 2004?) Linux book and my head ached by the time I got past hello world :)02:48
* Jucato is still interested in GTK+ as a phenomenon... but really can't stand their C syntax... gtkmm maybe...02:49
nixternalahh, Visual Studio 200802:54
Jucatooh btw nixternal, I won't be able to make it to the meeting later. hope jpatrick makes minutes again :(02:54
nixternalI just gave Microsoft Expression Studio a try, and it is the new Frontpage it seems02:54
nixternalwhen is the meeting?02:54
nixternaloh, I definitely won't be there, that is 05:0002:54
Jucatomaybe next time02:55
* Jucato really feels out of the loop02:55
* Jucato is on stage 2 of writing a konvi feature...02:55
JucatoI think I'm one small reason why Konvi 1.1 isn't released yet :P02:55
* ryanakca just finished watching "Shake Hands With The Devil"... darn good movie. But I'll keep my political commentary to myself :)02:57
ryanakcaouch... early here too... 6:00... oh well, I'll just read the logs as usual :)02:59
nosrednaekimnixternal: uhhh oh, now its not fun....I have to modify the newprinter UI....03:17
nosrednaekimat least, I think I do.03:18
nixternalUI work is the most fun03:18
nosrednaekimnot when you have to try to make it identical to the GTK one so that all the copy and paste code works...03:20
nosrednaekimhrm... I'll work this tomorrow... getting a bit to late to work :)03:22
nixternalnever to late to code03:22
nosrednaekimI don't take caffeine ;)03:23
* nosrednaekim falls over into bed and goes to sleep03:38
coreymon77i use caffeine on my computer04:15
coreymon77its a useful little mac app04:16
n8k99i use kaffeine on my computer04:18
n8k99its a useful little kde app04:18
JucatoI use {c,k}affeine in my body04:25
Jucatoit's a useful little substance04:26
coreymon77kaffeine is a media player04:29
coreymon77caffeine is a little app that prevents your laptop screen from dimming or going to sleep, great when watching youtube videos etc04:29
coreymon77caffeine is also a little substance that prevents you from going to sleep, great when watchin youtube videos etc04:30
coreymon77wow, leave it to ontario to come up with wacko viral marketing campaigns04:32
coreymon77have you guys heard of the crazy obay ads04:32
nixternalin like 3.5 hours07:28
* Hobbsee may, or may not be, still awake by then07:29
nixternalI know I won't be..hehe07:29
mornfallAnyone recall what I promised for alpha 4? :)08:50
mornfallI've just done conffile handling, which is one of the major stumbling blocks with Adept 2.x.08:50
mornfall(I think Adept 2 will crash if you have a conffile conflict... which is pretty ugly.)08:51
mornfallAh, right, some error handling and dpkg --configure -a.08:55
Hobbseemornfall: yay!10:04
jpatrickmorning all10:33
jpatrickhi Lure_10:33
jpatrickJucato: minutes shall be done, in fact the templete is already ready10:34
jpatrickKubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 15 minutes.10:45
* Hobbsee is even on kubuntu!10:48
Lure_hi jpatrick & Hobbsee10:49
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
jpatrickLure: just in time :)10:49
Hobbseehi Lure!10:49
Luredid not have much time for foss in last weeks (or is it months already :-)), hope to be able to contribute some in near future10:50
jpatrickHobbsee: stop bashing the guy in -ops and join in ;-)10:50
jpatricksmarter_: #ubuntu-meeting11:06
smarter_I almost forgot :}11:06
jpatricknot much happening tho11:07
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Hobbseeso, at what point should i step down from the council? or should i wait until we get phased out anyway?11:19
jpatrickHobbsee: UDS probably11:20
Hobbseejpatrick: i won't be there11:21
* Hobbsee didnt' get an invite, probably due to being distractive, and being otherwise inactive11:21
jpatrickHobbsee: I think it's one of JR's topics for discussion there11:21
Hobbseeyeah, true11:21
Dekanshello all11:32
DekansI have an issue with kde3.5.9 and usb devices11:33
Dekanson both gutsy and hardy11:33
Dekanswhen I plug in a usb key, kded takes all the cpu resources11:33
Hobbseeoh, frig.11:52
* Hobbsee curses the kde4 data loss.11:52
Hobbseeit's done it *again*11:53
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Add ideas https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuSummerOfCodeIdeas | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Next meeting: Wednesday 19th 23:00UTC | Hug Day! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080228/KDE
Hobbseeif kde4 can't stop deleting the majority of my akregator feeds every time i run it in kde4, then i either won't run kde4, or won't run akregator in it11:57
* jpatrick publishs http://alioth.debian.org/~jpatrick-guest/minutes/11:57
Hobbseebecause this is ridiculous.11:57
nareshovwhat's CategoryHomepage on the wiki?12:04
jpatrickhi nareshov12:04
jpatricknareshov: for personal pages12:05
nareshovwhy did the change I made to my own page got mailed to 5 others?12:05
jpatrickit doesn't matter12:05
jussi01jpatrick: hei, what was the out come of the dragon player idea at the meeting?12:15
jpatrickjussi01: "meh"12:15
jussi01hehe... right12:15
* jpatrick loves rsync12:17
keffie_jayxis kubuntu+1 under feature freeze ?12:19
jpatrickkeffie_jayx: noone's begun work on ibex12:19
keffie_jayxjpatrick,  let me see if I understand. the only work that can be done for ibex is specs for next uds12:20
jpatrickright now, bug fixes12:21
nosrednaekimgah... missed the meeting13:07
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mornfallPoke. Anyone with knowledge of software-properties thingy, does it do apt-get update when things change?14:15
smartermornfall: adept_batch update iirc14:19
mornfallI should probably implement update in adept then.14:21
nosrednaekimmornfall: hows the qt4 port going?14:22
mornfallWell, s/port/rewrite/ :).14:22
mornfallIt... does things.14:23
mornfallnosrednaekim: Get it at https://launchpad.net/~mornfall/+archive14:23
nosrednaekimawesome.. I will :)14:25
nosrednaekimoh, rewrite? thats good!14:25
mornfallI am just permanently short on time...14:30
nosrednaekimah... can't test it, it needs a newer version fo QT...14:35
nosrednaekim(i'm still on gutsy)14:35
mornfallIt's built on current development (whatever was it called).14:35
mornfallNo I mean the distro. Hoary?14:37
mornfallWhatever :-).14:38
mornfallHoary was some time back maybe...14:38
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nosrednaekimoh yeah,.... hardy14:40
nosrednaekimI'm going to have to load hardy for some testing thing14:41
mornfallWell, you could install it into a virtual machine or a chroot or something :-).14:41
nosrednaekimnah, i have extra partition for testing14:41
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
n8k99silly question ti8me15:29
n8k99ok if i build kde4 from anonsvn should i remove the packages which are install from the launchpad ppa?15:44
ryanakcan8k99: most likely, but #kubuntu-kde4 would be a better place to ask15:46
Jucatobasically depends on how you've setup the KDE 4 environment and where you're installing KDE 4 to15:47
* n8k99 used aptitude install 15:48
Jucatoum.. you said build from svn, so I presumed compiled15:48
n8k99not yet15:48
n8k99am getting ready to do that15:49
Jucatoyou can build KDE 4 from svn and leave distro-specific packages intact if you follow the techbase guide15:50
n8k99checking it out right now15:50
katcitaI asked in #kubuntu but nobody could answer so I'm trying here, everytime I restart my computer or my network, my extra dns are removed from resolv.conf and I  have to add them manually, anyway I can get them to survive a restart?15:52
n8k99Jucato: so if i follow the techbase instructions verbatum, i do not need to remove the ppa packages15:54
n8k99and i'll be able to play with the bleeding edge15:55
Jucaton8k99: yep. coz you'll be basically 1. using a different user for KDE 4 and 2. installing in that user's home15:55
Jucatofatally bleeding :)15:55
* n8k99 needs/wants development packages in order to, um, develop15:56
Jucatofor your GSoc? :D15:56
n8k99for my hope of GSoC15:57
* n8k99 quit counting chickens in the embroyo stage a long time ago15:58
Jucatomornfall: software-properties itself doesn't run apt-get update (or any apt command iirc) when it changes the sources.list. it relies on the app that calls it to do that15:58
Jucatomornfall: that was one of the problems with adept_installer, which doesn't have an update() member function (which I tried to implement, but sort of gave up along the way :P)15:59
glatzorJucato: no, s-p detects if it runs as child window or not.16:01
glatzorJucato: if not it calls synaptic or adept16:02
Jucatoglatzor: hm.. ok... I was probably only looking at it from the point of view of being called from Adept Manager or Adept Installer16:02
smarterkatcita: sudo chmod -w /etc/resolv.conf16:03
JucatoI forgot the details (like I said, I dropped it a whle back), but in Adept Manager, if the process calling s-p ended (with a certain return status), Adept Manager would run it's update() function (apt-get update).16:03
Jucatobut Adept Installer (which previously didn't have a way to call s-p) doesn't have an update(), so apt-get update is never run (even if you're asked if you want to Reload and you chose that action)16:04
smarterI also tried to include an update() function in adept_installer one day16:05
JucatoI was *almost* successful in that I was able to call apt-get update and display the "Fetching Updates" view...16:06
smarterI only achieved to add dcop calls to adept_manager :}16:06
Jucatobut I got stuck into returning to the first/default view of application lists :(16:06
Jucatothen saw mornfall's revived work and porting of Adept, so I basically called it quits :)16:07
* ryanakca wonders if there's any backports needing some love?16:53
ryanakcaAnd do we still need last week's hugday link in the topic?16:54
nosrednaekimRiddell: i've been making some fairly significant chnages to the system-config-printer program, should I create my own branch? I rellay don't want to mess up your branch.17:37
nosrednaekimhey nixternal.....not exactly morning though17:39
nixternal20 minutes until noon here17:39
nosrednaekimoh... guess you still have 20 minutes left where you are.17:39
nixternalwent to a great software development forum today, all free software, and heard some great talks17:40
nixternalwith that said, no more concentrating on PyQt4, or Python in general, back to working in C++17:41
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ryanakcawoah, 27936 ryan      20   0  128m  15m 9996 R 34.3  3.1   2324:35 kwin ... 34% CPU18:01
nosrednaekimryanakca: my Xorg is using 22% of my memory18:03
ryanakcanosrednaekim: kwin at 48.7% now... hmmm. Wonder why it decided to hog a lot all of a sudden... trackerd is following with 30% :S18:06
ryanakcanosrednaekim: KDE3 or KDE4?18:06
ryanakcaoooh, new icons on the 'leave' pannel of kickoff :)18:09
coreymon77well, theres definitely one thing that ive noticed thats much better on kde418:09
coreymon77dolphin sure got a hell of a lot of work18:09
nosrednaekimyeah.... its actually quite nice18:09
coreymon77nosrednaekim: d3lphin was not that good18:13
coreymon77but dolphin, im impressed18:13
coreymon77plasma needs work though18:14
nixternalyou want impressive, do a trunk build of KDE 418:18
coreymon77my linux box prob couldnt handle it :P18:19
coreymon77hardy+1 better be an lts, because im gonna have to stop upgrading soon18:21
nosrednaekimryanakca: some guys complaing about the same thing in 0kde418:22
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nixternalhardy+4 will be the next LTS18:24
ryanakcanixternal: I could do that :)18:26
ryanakcahow different is it from 4.0.2?18:27
nixternalbig time different18:28
nixternalnot as buggy for one, more functionality18:28
* ryanakca guesses he might as well go from source18:30
fftbnixternal: do i need to compile qt-copy for trunk?18:37
nixternalqt-copy from trunk is Qt 4.418:38
fftbnixternal: hmm, compiling doesnt work for me here today, is qt-copy often broken? should i simply wait a revision or two?18:39
nixternalsomething is wrong with your configuration...the current qt-copy builds fine18:39
fftbhmm, i'll take a look18:40
tlaytonnixternal: are you using the kdesvn-build script?18:54
nixternalno, I use the cmakekde and a simple little bash script that runs through the modules in order18:54
nixternalactually isn't even a bash script18:55
nixternalcd $module && svn up && cb && make install18:55
tlaytonnixternal: installing it locally to the user, or globably like /usr/lib/kde4?18:56
tlaytonthx. think i may build it again. been a couple of months18:58
ryanakcawould there be any point in packaging kdesvn-build?19:36
nixternalryanakca: probably not19:45
fftbnixternal: hey, i really must have screwed up my qt-copy configuration somehow... now builds fine now19:54
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jjessewow its sunny outside20:56
jjessebut way cold20:56
coreymon77blizzard here20:56
jjesseohio area?20:56
nosrednaekimits just raining here... and its not too cold20:57
khusseinIs there a way to enable the internal mic in Dell D830 ?21:02
nosrednaekimkhussein: support in #kubuntu21:03
khusseinOK Thanks21:03
nixternalanyone here use editmoin?21:06
coreymon77jjesse: no, what americans call the frozen north21:09
coreymon77jjesse: even though we are farther south that some american states and cities21:09
jjessecoreymon77: was just curious as i was flying out of cinci on friday morning21:09
jjesseand i caught the last flight before they closed the airport21:09
jjessecoreymon77: so you in toronto?21:11
coreymon77jjesse: yup21:11
jjessei think where i live grand rapids, mi is farther north then toronto21:12
coreymon77jjesse: howd you guess?21:12
emunixternal: Will you (or another guy) publish the alpha 6 announcement?21:12
nixternalemu: hrmm, I thought it did get published by yuriy21:13
emunixternal: there is no message on www.kubuntu.org21:14
nixternalthat is Riddell who posts those, he is the only one with access21:14
emunixternal: ok so it will be no problem if we publish our german announcement on www.kubuntu-de.org21:15
emuand link it from wiki.kubuntu.org?21:15
nixternalya, go ahead21:15
nixternalthat is fine21:15
emuand its no problem if its no "exact" translation but a bit more "text"?21:16
nosrednaekimok, so I made a branch on launchpad, and uploaded code that I had checked out from another repository to it. now how di I commit to my new branch? as soon as I push does it switch the address for "bzr commit"?21:27
jjessenosrednaekim: i think you need to do a bzr bind to bind it to the new address21:27
nosrednaekimjjesse: thanks, that worked21:30
jjessenosrednaekim: np, the guys/girls on #launchpad helped me out with that once21:30
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blueyedHow is running a program from alt-f2 different then starting it from a konsole? (in kde 4.0.2) Running e.g. "firefox" from alt-f2 gives a nice theme, from konsole or with the .desktop menu link from K-menu does result in a more ugly gtk theme.21:46
smarterdoes someone know what causes https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/199145 ?21:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199145 in kde4libs "kbuildsycoca4 aborts after upgrade KDE 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 " [Undecided,Confirmed]21:47
nosrednaekimblueyed: I've wondered about that... same thing happened to me21:47
blueyednosrednaekim: thiago told me on #kde-devel, that it's probably the different environment (shell's vs kdeinit's)21:50
nosrednaekimblueyed: ah, ok21:50
blueyednosrednaekim: what's "echo $GTK2_RC_FILES" from your konsole?21:54
blueyednosrednaekim: unsetting this then probably gives a "nicer gtk theme" for you, too..22:13
blueyed..this setting is probably used by the .desktop menu file, too.. and therefore "run command" and using the menu entry are different.22:13
nosrednaekimwhat setting blueyed?22:16
nixternalScottK: found a funny for you:22:25
nixternalWhat is Launchpad? Launchpad is a free software hosting and development website.22:25
nixternallaunchpad is hosted on a free software hosting and development website :p22:25
gribelusmarter: i submited a comment to bug 199145 that might help22:27
smartergribelu: I just found a fix22:27
gribeluah cool22:28
gribeluwas it the same problem that i mentioned?22:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199145 in kde4libs "kbuildsycoca4 aborts after upgrade KDE 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19914522:36
smarterRiddell: could you please have a look at bug #199145 and the proposed patch backported from trunk?22:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199145 in kde4libs "kbuildsycoca4 aborts after upgrade KDE 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19914522:38
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