
=== gary_ is now known as gary__
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Daisuke_IdoX9nLinux1: glad you haven't left00:10
Daisuke_Idoi think what you will have to do is use the livecd to resize and move those partitions00:10
Daisuke_Ido(since you can't move or resize them when they're mounted)00:10
X9nLinux1Yup, still here.00:10
Daisuke_Idoi don't know how OS X demands space though, so i can't guarantee anything00:11
Daisuke_Idoif OS X won't install on the freed space, it would probably be both quicker and easier to start from scratch, installing OS X first00:11
X9nLinux1Once 'something' is available it at least gives me a fighting chance to sort that part out00:11
Daisuke_Idoagain, i'm no expert in powerpc, so grain of salt and all that00:11
X9nLinux1this is a secondary machine, so I don't have to be in a warp speed hurry either00:12
Daisuke_Idothat's always a plus :)00:12
Daisuke_Idois that one of the old brightly-coloured berry imacs?00:12
X9nLinux1frankly, part of this is to get used to handling the two systems.00:12
X9nLinux1no, its a dark blue color.  Just a regular imac00:13
X9nLinux1I don't do those flower power things00:13
Daisuke_Idoheh.  that was just a complete side thing...  i'm considering acquiring an imac at some point00:13
X9nLinux1Well, do you like to work on your machine much?00:13
Daisuke_Idoi don't work on it much00:14
X9nLinux1if the answer is yes, I wouldn't do an imac ever again.  They are a royal pita to open up until you finally get used to them00:14
Daisuke_Idooh, no, i was just looking for an imac for fun00:14
X9nLinux1For working on them, I love the old beige boxes, whip the cover off and start throwing new stuff in and out.  Still running one (g3) right now even.00:15
X9nLinux1am seriously entertaining trying to see if I can get dapper to install on one of those even.  Maybe I like that kind of self flogging00:15
Daisuke_Idowhat i have now i built myself, and i wouldn't trade it, just playing with an imac would be interesting for me (i haven't actually *used* a mac since system 7)00:15
stondcan some one what to type in terminal to change premission of my removeable media device some how i changed it and now i cant move create or delete files on my PSP memomry card and i dont knoow what i did to change it00:16
stondcan some one what to type in terminal to change premission of my removeable media device some how i changed it and now i cant move create or delete files on my PSP memomry card and i dont know what i did to change it00:17
Daisuke_Ido!repeat | stond00:17
ubotustond: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience00:17
x_linkHi dear Kubuntu-users!00:17
x_linksudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new00:18
vinegaroonstond: you probably need to remount it00:18
x_linkThat has always installed the nvidia-driver for me.00:18
X9nLinux1Well, I'll go explore the live cd to see if it will behave.  If all else fails, there's always a reinstall.  Thanks00:18
X9nLinux1Warning: Gloating dad syndrome here!00:18
x_linkI just re-installed my system. But that doesn't install nvidia now for me.00:18
X9nLinux1oops, sorry about the extra00:18
x_linkDoes anybody know why?00:18
vinegaroonx_link: have you tried using the restricted drivers manager?00:19
x_linkBut this has always worked fine for me.00:19
vinegaroonx_link: try running the restricted drivers manager it's in the system menu00:20
x_linkOkey, I will try to find it.00:20
x_linkI don't find it.00:21
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murati've got some problems with firefox and opera. i couldn't connect any page. can somebody help me ?00:22
vinegaroonx_link: try looking in system settings00:22
stondcan some one what to type in terminal to change premission of my removeable media device some how i changed it and now i cant move create or delete files on my PSP memomry card and i dont know what i did to change it00:22
crxyemanyone ever use the upgrade wizard in adept for a dist update/upgrade ??00:23
vinegaroonstond: try replugging in the card00:23
vinegaroonmurat: are you connected to the internet?00:23
crxyemstond, the command is chown, sudo chown look at tha man pages for usages00:24
crxyemif in fact you change the owner00:24
vinegarooncryxem: I generally edit /etc/apt/sources.list and dist-upgrade00:24
crxyembut it's essentially the same thing correct.00:25
crxyemthat's what I've done in the past00:25
x_linkcrxyem: I'm in System Settings now.00:25
vinegaroonx_link: it might be in the advanced tab00:25
crxyemx_link what are you reffereing to ??00:26
crxyemI don't think I'm aware of your question00:26
x_linkcrxyem: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new, I have always used that to install the nvidia-driver. I just installed it as well. But when I restart X I don't get the nvidia-logo.00:27
muratyes i am connected to internet00:27
vinegaroonmurat: what is the error you're getting?00:28
bobby55x_link: if you want to test to see if the nvidia drivers have installed.. open a terminal and type    glxgears00:28
bobby55sorry for butting in mid-conversation00:28
vinegaroonx_link: you might need to update your xorg.conf, try nvidia-xconfig00:28
murati am not connecting some where00:29
x_linkForgot to change "nv" to "nvidia"00:29
muratit is just a blank page00:29
vinegaroonx_link: :)00:29
muratthere is nothing else00:29
crxyemis it all website or just one specific ??00:29
vinegaroonmurat: have you tried going to www.google.com or something?00:30
vinegaroonmurat: and it just gives a blank page?00:31
crxyemwell bbiab , going to do a dist-upgrade00:33
vinegaroonmurat: what release are you running?00:35
muratkubuntu 7.1000:35
vinegaroonmurat: what extensions?00:36
vinegaroonmurat: in firefox00:36
yao_ziyua1i feel that irc is a kind of productivity even greater than wiki and is ideal for product support00:37
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yao_ziyua1microsoft fears to use irc for tech support because it fears the users would exchange product keys00:37
vinegaroonmurat: well I don't know if it will fix it but you could upgrade your packages00:39
murathow can i do that ?00:40
murati need a true source.list00:41
vinegaroonmurat: open adept manager00:41
murati think mine has got some problems00:41
vinegaroonand go fetch updates00:41
IceGuest_75hi everybody00:44
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LuisCan someone please point me to a documentation to run kubuntu from a flash drive? I already have the iso.00:45
muratfetch updates are waiting on % 2400:45
muratis it normal ?00:45
vinegaroonmurat: it's probably fine00:46
vinegaroonLuis: I haven't used this but it looks right http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3089474.000:47
Luisvinegaroon: thank you, it looks exactly what I am looking for.00:49
vinegaroonLuis: no problem00:49
Daisuke_Idoaww yeah00:52
Daisuke_Idofinally got kde4 behaving the way i wanted it to :)00:52
muratit is still waiting on %2400:54
vinegaroonhmm maybe a different method would be better00:54
vinegaroonclose adept00:54
vinegaroonand run sudo apt-get update in a terminal00:55
murati am wondering that if there is something wrong in my source.list ?00:55
vinegaroonI could take a look if you want00:56
vinegaroonpastebin it00:56
muratE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:56
muratE: Unable to lock the list directory00:56
muratit is the error which the console is giving me00:56
vinegaroonah adept probably left some apt process running00:56
vinegaroonsudo killall apt-get00:57
muratapt-get: no process killed00:57
vinegaroonah what's the output of ps aux |grep apt00:57
muratexcuse me ?00:58
vinegaroonrun the command ps aux |grep apt00:58
sd32did you uncheck the cd rom as a source in the repository list?00:58
muratand ?00:58
vinegaroonwhat does it say?00:58
muratwhat should i say to you ?00:58
vinegaroonwhat does the console say after you run that command?00:59
muratthere are a lot of things00:59
muratmurat     5753  0.3  4.0  74852 31204 ?        S    19:17   0:07 kopete -caption Kopete -icon kopete -miniicon kopete00:59
muratmurat     5947  0.3  3.0  71540 23296 ?        S    19:20   0:07 konversation -caption Konversation -icon konversation -miniicon konversation00:59
muratroot      6959  0.0  0.2   5104  1772 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http00:59
muratroot      6960  0.0  0.2   5108  1800 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6961  0.0  0.2   5108  1772 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6962  0.0  0.2   5104  1768 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6963  0.0  0.2   5108  1776 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
vinegaroonah ok. Can you copy paste it into http://paste-ubuntu.nl.org ?01:00
sd32saw this  comming01:00
muratroot      6964  0.0  0.2   5108  1772 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6965  0.0  0.2   5104  1768 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
vinegarooninstead of pasting it here01:00
muratroot      6966  0.0  0.2   5104  1784 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6967  0.0  0.2   5104  1768 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/http01:00
muratroot      6968  0.0  0.2   4912  1580 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/cdrom01:00
muratroot      6970  0.0  0.1   4924  1544 ?        S    19:42   0:00 /usr/lib/apt/methods/gpgv01:00
muratmurat     7132  0.4  2.7  34784 21616 ?        S    19:48   0:02 d3lphin -icon d3lphin -miniicon d3lphin -caption Dolphin system:/media01:00
muratroot      7513  0.0  0.0   2972   748 pts/1    R+   19:58   0:00 grep apt01:00
muratthe console is saying me this01:00
Daisuke_Idodon't do that again01:01
Daisuke_Ido!paste | murat01:01
ubotumurat: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:01
vinegaroonok then. If you think your sources.list is bad put it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and I'll take a look01:01
muratUnknown host paste-ubuntu.nl.org01:01
muratit says me01:01
muratsorry again01:02
murati am new on this01:02
muratand i am really sorry01:02
sd32everyone does it once01:03
murati did it01:03
muratiam feeling silly. is it normal ? :)01:04
fIame`afkkubuntu > ubuntu ?01:04
Daisuke_IdofIame`afk: not an argument to be had here01:04
sd32your feeling akward01:04
Daisuke_Idobecause they have the same base system, which makes it into a kde vs. gnome flamefest01:05
fIame`afkim not that 1337 to understand: "kde vs. gnome flamefest"01:05
sd32murat: just learn by your mistakes and you will be fine :-)01:06
fIame`afkbut nevermind01:06
muratso what about my source.list ?01:06
murati am learnig this with hard way :)01:06
vinegaroongo to the pastebin link01:07
vinegaroonand paste your sources.list into the text box there01:07
asobihas anyone gotten real media to play in kaffeine?01:07
vinegaroonasobi: yes01:07
asobielaborate please01:08
vinegaroonasobi: oh do you mean real as in realplayer type stuff?01:08
asobi.rm etc01:08
vinegaroonno then01:08
asobiwhat did you think i meant?01:08
vinegaroonreal as opposed to imaginery01:08
asobidid you take your meds this morning? =P01:09
murati did it too01:09
vinegaroonmurat: so you pasted it in?01:10
vinegaroonok so do you have a link?01:10
vinegaroonmurat: that should be ok you've just got a few things twice01:13
vinegaroonmurat: but that shouldn't matter01:13
muratso what is the problem ?01:13
vinegaroonmurat: try running sudo apt-get update again01:14
murati did it this morning01:14
muratand it takes a lot of time01:14
vinegaroonnow sudo apt-get upgrade01:15
murat0 upgraded01:15
vinegaroonmurat: didn't you say you were running version of firefox?01:18
vinegaroonhmm ok I'm just editing a new sources.list for you01:19
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muratso thank you :)01:20
vinegaroondo you know what packages you have/want from "http://www.gnugadu.org" ?01:21
vinegaroonor why it's in your sources.list01:22
muratwhat language is this ?01:23
vinegaroondon't know01:24
muratme too01:24
vinegaroonanyway I don't think it should be in your sources.list01:24
muratso what should be in my source. list ?01:25
muratyou said you are editing a source.list for me, didn't you ?01:26
vinegaroonyes. Here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58824/01:26
muratok i pasted it to my source.list01:27
leo_rockwgreetings #kubuntu01:27
muratnow what should i do ?01:27
vinegaroonmurat: sudo apt-get update01:28
muratit gives me the same error01:28
muratcouldn't get lock bla bla01:29
vinegaroonok paste the errors into another pastebin01:29
vinegaroonnow paste the output of ps aux01:30
muratps aux ?01:31
vinegaroonyeah run that command01:31
muratok ok01:31
leo_rockwmurat: are you running adept?01:31
leo_rockwor synaptic? or installing smth else in another konsole (with aptitude or apt-get)?01:32
muratno i am not01:32
spirooHow do I fix, so I can watch quicktime inside firefox?01:32
murati mean not now01:32
leo_rockwmurat: ok, yeah i meant now.01:33
vinegaroonmurat: sudo kill 786001:33
muratit didn't make any change01:34
vinegaroonso it didn't say anything?01:35
vinegaroontry running sudo apt-get update again01:35
muratit is waiting on % 001:36
muratshould i wait ?01:36
muratok i am waiting01:36
muratplease look at tihs01:39
muratit is not finished01:39
muratbut it is saying tihis again and again01:39
leo_rockwmurat: can you browse sites without a problem?01:41
leo_rockwwell, i had a dns problem and i couldn't access any site and i used to get the same error messages01:42
leo_rockwit was just that dns couldn't be resolved01:42
muratat this time01:42
murati am connecting sites with konquerere01:42
leo_rockwand they work? you don't get a timeout there?01:42
muratkonquerere is working01:43
ubuntu_I am about to install 7.10 on my new system I just built tonight (on a live CD now)01:43
ubuntu_However, I have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse01:43
ubuntu_will that be a probblem?01:44
vinegaroonmurat: I think you have some bigger issue.. I don't think it should be saying security.ubuntu.com:80 with the port like that01:45
leo_rockwvinegaroon: port 80 is just the regular port01:45
vinegaroonleo_rockw: I know, but does it say the port for you if you run apt-get update ?01:45
ubuntu_does kubuntu support bluetooth keyboards and mice?01:45
vinegaroonand look at the IPs it is outputting01:46
vinegaroonubuntu_: do they work in the live cd?01:46
muratso what should i do ?01:46
vinegaroonmurat: how are you connected to the internet?01:47
leo_rockwvinegaroon: not when it works. i don't remember if it said it when i had the dns problem01:47
muratwith wired devices01:47
leo_rockwubuntu_: kubuntu comes with support for bluetooth, but if they are not working with the livecd then idk if they will work in your final installation01:48
ubuntu_I had to use a spare 10+ years old keyboard and mouse01:48
vinegaroonmurat: can you ping google.com ok?01:48
ubuntu_ok, I wanted to know for sure, cause I didnt really want to buy new ones01:49
ubuntu_spent enough on this machine01:49
soterohave peoples from brasil?01:50
leo_rockwubuntu_: i don't have any bluetooth device, so i  can't tell you for sure01:50
=== aaron__ is now known as seishinbyou
leo_rockwhi sotero01:50
ubuntu_well we are about equal, I have them and have never used them01:50
murathow could i ping it ?01:50
vinegaroonubuntu_: I've have got bluetooth to work in Kubuntu with my cellphone but I don't know about keyboard/mouse01:51
vinegaroonmurat: just run the command ping google.com01:51
muratnow ?01:52
soteroweb cam for kubuntu?01:52
soterognome in kubuntu is ubunut?01:52
vinegaroonmurat: pastebin what it is saying01:52
seishinbyouI have a Buffalo USB wireless plugin device, and whenever I remove it, the system crashes.  Is this a known issue with some USB wireless dongles, or just this?01:53
shadowhywindhay all question, i forgot how to turn it off. But say in kedit/kate when i hit tab, it leaves a little charecter behind. A) whats the name B) how do i turn it off?01:53
=== billytwowilly is now known as queenofFrance
vinegaroonmurat: that looks fine.. I'm not really sure how to help from here and I have to go.01:54
deathwirehi.  I have a problem with my kubuntu gutsy system where it doesn't detect when I insert usb devices such as flash drives and cameras, but on my kubuntu fiesty laptop, it works just fine.  (Note: my gutsy system is an upgraded fiesty system). any ideas?01:55
seishinbyouother question, bluetooth is not popular in Japan and I wonder what people use it for in the west.  Is it a type of wireless USB?01:56
soteroi need conected web cam to01:56
ubuntu_how can I mount my hd through a live cd?01:56
jhutchinsseishinbyou: Sortof.01:57
soterokubuntu no have vmware more?01:57
deathwireseishinbyou, I use bluetooth to communicate to my cellphone: transfering images, ring tones, using it as a modem, etc01:57
jhutchinsseishinbyou: It mostly connects headsets to cellphones, but there are a few other uses.01:57
seishinbyouThanks.  I've actually never seen someone use a headset on a cellphone, but knew there were other uses, just not what, really.01:58
ubuntu_?? How do I mount my hd using a live CD ??01:58
deathwireis there some group my user needs to be in to detect when devices are plugged in?  what is the program that should be running to check when the devices are plugged in?01:58
deathwireis there a way to downgrade to feisty?02:01
deathwireoh if I go to "media:/", everything is there02:05
deathwireso what's the name of the program that's supposed to pop-up when you plugin a device?02:05
leo_rockwdeathwire: it's in the tip of my tongue, and I can't remember it!!02:06
=== queenofFrance is now known as billytwowilly
jhutchinsI don't think it's a seperate program, I think it's an internal KDE function.02:10
leo_rockwjhutchins: yeah, but it has a name02:11
deathwireis there a setting for it somewhere?02:11
ubuntu_I get this error when  try to mount my HD ...02:12
ubuntu_"hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 999"02:12
nosrednaekimdeathwire: leo_rockw KDED02:13
leo_rockwnosrednaekim: thanks!02:13
deathwirelooks like I have kded running: 1000      5868  0.0  0.3  33700  7480 ?        S    Mar06   0:02 kded [kdeinit] --new-startup02:13
leo_rockwi knew it had a name, cuz mine was crashing when i upgraded to kde 3.5.9 and i had to fix it02:13
deathwireok now it's working for me02:15
deathwireand I didn't even change anything02:15
=== naught102 is now known as naught101
stupendo44how do I get KNetworkManager to stop automatically adding my router under DNS. It's slowing everything down. Everytime I restart, it's back in there02:29
jaweehow do I enable side scroll with my mouse02:35
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:39
ubuntu_I get this error when  try to mount my HD ...02:39
ubuntu_"hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 999"02:39
ubuntu_?? How do I mount my hd using a live CD ??02:40
jmichaelxi just downloaded the .tar.bz2 file for installing secondlife, but Ark is unable to unzip it. would anyone have an idea as to why? i am asking because i think this is more of an Ark issue than a seconflife issue.02:41
jaweejmichaelx: for now you can just do tar xfjv filename.tar.bz202:41
jaweeI never use GUI tools for extracting larger files as it hangs a bit sometimes02:42
jmichaelxjawee: are there any known issue with Ark/02:42
jaweejmichaelx: I'm not the person to ask, sorry. You can look on Launchpad though.02:42
jmichaelxjawee: ty02:42
* Jucato remebers having no trouble bunzipping the SL client before02:42
leo_rockwjmichaelx: sometimes i unpack with ark and i get and error saying it didn't work, but in fact it does02:42
Jucatobut that was long ago...02:43
jmichaelxleo_rockw: it didn't even give me an error02:43
leo_rockwooo, ok02:43
jmichaelxJucato: with the previous secondlife client, i had no issues.02:43
Jucatohm... must be new. did tar -xjvf work?02:44
jmichaelxjucato: yes, ithas only been out a few days02:44
jmichaelxJucato: yes, it is working02:44
stupendo44ubuntu_: I had the same problem initially. What I did was first load up the partition manager to find out what the hard drive was called02:47
stupendo44ubuntu_: then I loaded up a terminal and used "sudo mount -t filesystemtype /dev/hda2"02:48
stupendo44ubuntu_: filesystemtype would be something like ntfs if it's a Windows drive, or ext3 if it's Linux. And you have to mount it somewhere, so I created a folder with "mkdir" called hd1, then mounted it in there. just add the directory name to the end of the mount command02:49
jmichaelxweird that secondlife has no instructions for installing/upgrading except for the scant info inthe redme file02:49
stupendo44ubuntu_: my finished commands were like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58833/02:51
jmichaelxto upgrade something like secondlife, that is not installed via apt-get, should one just delete the dir it was installed to, and then just install again?02:53
leo_rockwjmichaelx: yes, unless the file you got is an upgrade and not a full install02:53
jmichaelxleo_rockw: ty much, it is afullinstall02:54
leo_rockwjmichaelx: np02:54
ubuntu_thanks stupendo4402:58
stupendo44ubuntu_: did it work for you?02:59
ubuntu_well, I typed "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 ~/hd1"02:59
ubuntu_and got command not found02:59
stupendo44you didn't use the quotes, did you?02:59
stupendo44you have to type it without the quotes02:59
stupendo44also, it may not be hda203:00
ubuntu_no quotes03:00
stupendo44and did you create the "hda1" directory?03:00
ubuntu_it says that device does not exist03:00
stupendo44it may not be hda203:01
stupendo44you have to find out first03:01
stupendo44first, is it a Windows partition you are trying to access?03:01
ubuntu_how do I do that?03:01
ubuntu_sorry, I'm a noobie03:01
stupendo44ubuntu_: which IRC program are you using?03:02
stupendo44let's talk in a PM for less noise03:02
stupendo44you should see a tab on the bottom with "stupendo44"03:02
Jucato(he can't PM/reply if his nick  is  not registered)03:02
leo_rockwstupendo44: only if he has a registered nickname03:02
stupendo44no way to PM unless he's registered?03:03
ubuntu_yeah, it wont let me talk03:03
stupendo44oh, well03:03
Jucatoyou can use the main channel. that's its purpose :)03:03
Jucatosecond life discussion is offtopic anyway03:03
stupendo44no prob03:03
stupendo44first question, what kind of drive are you trying to access? Is it a Windows drive?03:03
ubuntu_yes (for now)03:04
leo_rockwstupendo44: there's a way for him to talk to you. you have to allow getting non registered users' pm. i don't remember how, check freenode's site03:04
ubuntu_I just want to grab data off of it so I can install linux03:04
stupendo44leo_rockw: thanks03:04
leo_rockwstupendo44: np03:04
stupendo44ubuntu_: where are you going to put the data?03:05
ubuntu_I have kopete03:05
stupendo44ubuntu_: but you03:05
stupendo44you're running off a livecd right?03:05
ubuntu_flash drive to another pc03:05
stupendo44and that mounts fine, right?03:05
ubuntu_i guess I should ahve asked if flash drives work03:06
stupendo44generally they work fine03:06
stupendo44easiest things to get working, actually03:06
ubuntu_ok cool03:06
stupendo44ok, go to KMenu > System, and you should see KParted, I think03:07
stupendo44load that up03:07
stupendo44actually, it might be qtparted03:07
ubuntu_yep got it03:08
stupendo44ok, on the left what do you see?03:08
stupendo44no hda's?03:09
stupendo44if you select sda, what shows up on the right side?03:09
JucatoI think starting gutsy, either Ubuntu or the kernel switched to using sda instead of hda for everything03:10
ubuntu_my hd comes up03:10
stupendo44ok, and how many different partitions are there?03:10
stupendo44and which one says ntfs?03:11
ubuntu_looks like 203:11
stupendo44ok, tell me what they say03:11
ubuntu_strange though03:11
ubuntu_number 1: /dev/sda1 ntfs03:12
ubuntu_number 2: /dev/sda1 free03:12
stupendo44what's the size on each one?03:13
ubuntu_#1 233.75  &   #2 7.8403:13
stupendo44then go to a terminal03:14
stupendo44don't type any of the quotes, just the command03:14
stupendo44type "cd ~"03:14
stupendo44the tilde is to the left of the 103:14
Daisuke-Idowait wait wait...  /dev/sda1 is showing as ntfs *and* free?03:14
stupendo44Daisuke-Ido: thanks, I didn't notice that. Why would that be?03:15
cuzntchecking for GCC version... ./configure: 2732: Syntax error: Bad substitution03:15
cuzntany idea?03:15
stupendo44ubuntu_: type "mkdir windows"03:15
Daisuke-Idocuznt: try 'bash configure'03:15
stupendo44ubuntu_: type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 ~/windows"03:16
cuzntthank you03:16
Daisuke-Idocuznt: that worked?03:16
stupendo44Daisuke-Ido: maybe it was a typo?03:16
Daisuke-Idostupendo44: that's my guess03:17
Daisuke-Idocuznt: what are you trying to compile?03:17
Jucato(or an error in the configure script)03:18
stupendo44Daisuke-Ido: help me out here. Does he have to be root in order to copy files from the newly mounted partition, or can he just not write?03:18
Daisuke-Idoto copy *from*?  he shouldn't have to be root, no03:18
Jucatodepends on the permissions he used to mount though. specially if it's NTFS03:19
stupendo44ok, I guess we'll find out03:19
Jucatoiirc simply mounting an NTFS partition requires root to even read03:19
cuzntmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/bewofthe/alsa-test-0.9.4/support'make[1]: Nothing to be done for `first_rule'03:19
cuzntmy sound file03:20
cuzntfrom disk03:20
ubuntu_should I take a snapshot of my screen and show it to you?03:20
stupendo44ubuntu_: did something not turn out right? what happened?03:20
stupendo44ubuntu_: you can copy and paste the result on: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:21
=== patakraouzeck is now known as sputnick
cuznt/bin/sh: Syntax error: Bad substitution03:22
cuzntmake[1]: *** [sound.c] Error 203:22
ubuntu_I was waiting to hear from you03:23
stupendo44ubuntu_: oh, sorry03:23
ubuntu_:o)   no prob03:24
stupendo44ubuntu_: so what happened03:24
ubuntu_what do you mean?03:24
stupendo44after the sudo mount command03:24
ubuntu_oh crap03:24
stupendo44were there any errors or anything03:24
ubuntu_sorry I totally missed that line you typed03:25
stupendo44that's all right03:25
stupendo44just remember, don't type the quotes. It screws everything up03:25
ubuntu_ok, nothing happend03:27
stupendo44but no errors03:27
ubuntu_it just dropps down to the prompt again03:27
stupendo44no errors is good03:27
stupendo44type "cd windows"03:27
stupendo44then "dir"03:27
ubuntu_permissions denied03:27
* Daisuke-Ido grumbles03:27
nosrednaekimWindows support is NOT here BTW guys03:28
stupendo44ok, type "sudo konqueror ~/windows"03:28
Daisuke-Idois it really so much to ask for both kde and gnome to adopt a single location for their trash?03:28
stupendo44Daisuke-Ido: don't they both store it on the ntfs partition? :)03:29
ubuntu_allot of stuff03:29
Daisuke-Idostupendo44: i'm being serious.03:29
nosrednaekimDaisuke-Ido: they can't agree03:29
nosrednaekimdumb.. I know03:29
ubuntu_lots of errors03:29
stupendo44ubuntu_: that should probably allow you to copy anything you need to the flash drive. When you plug in your flash drive, an icon should appear on the desktop03:29
stupendo44ubuntu_: just remember that because this is a liveCD, you would have to go through these steps if you restart the computer03:30
stupendo44Daisuke-Ido: I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist03:30
ubuntu_lots of errors03:31
ubuntu_permissions denied03:32
stupendo44ubuntu_: lemme guess, denied accessing Documents and Settings?03:32
ubuntu_cd windows03:32
stupendo44ubuntu_: right, you have to be root03:33
stupendo44ubuntu_: you could do "sudo su"03:33
stupendo44then try accessing it03:33
stupendo44but either way, you'll probably be more confortable using konqueror to copy the files03:34
ubuntu_lol, oops.... wrong screen03:34
ubuntu_your right03:34
ubuntu_would you happen to know the password for root on the live cd?03:35
stupendo44um, is there one?03:36
stupendo44anybody else?03:36
ubuntu_I hope so03:36
stupendo44you can try ubuntu or kubuntu03:36
stupendo44sometimes, it's just blank03:36
nosrednaekimubuntu_: there is no password for root03:36
stupendo44I'm not really sure03:36
nosrednaekimsudo has no password though03:36
ubuntu_tried, blank, root and guest03:37
nosrednaekimso you can do "sudo passwd"03:37
nosrednaekimand enter a new passwrd or root03:37
stupendo44nosrednaekim: thanks03:37
ubuntu_cool, it worked03:38
nosrednaekim*password for root03:38
nosrednaekimok... later guys03:38
nosrednaekimgood luck03:38
ubuntu_I wonder why I cant access the drive from KDE Konqueror03:39
ubuntu_but I can in konsol03:39
stupendo44what happens in konqueror03:41
stupendo44you have to be root in order to access it03:41
stupendo44some reason I don't, though03:41
stupendo44it works fine for me, but then again, I'm not on a livecd03:41
stupendo44so if you just try loading konqueror from the desktop, you'll get permission denied03:42
ubuntu_actually now it shows up as mounted03:43
leo_rockwwhat about sudo konqueror ?03:43
Jucatoplease use kdesu, not sudo03:43
leo_rockwkonqueror should work w/o being root, tho. even on a live cd03:43
ubuntu_but gives me this...03:43
ubuntu_Could not enter folder /home/ubuntu/windows03:43
leo_rockwyeah, Jucato, you're right03:43
stupendo44Jucato: thanks. I was just about to recommend that03:44
Jucatostupendo44: perhaps you mounted your NTFS in fstab w/ the correct permissions/options03:44
leo_rockwi use kdesu myself, idk why i put sudo03:44
Jucato(or used ntfs-3g)03:44
Jucatoleo_rockw: reflex action :P03:44
leo_rockwJucato: most likely03:44
stupendo44ubuntu_: from the desktop, you can hit ALT + F2 and run "kdesu konqueror"03:44
stupendo44Jucato: no, I followed the same steps I gave him03:45
stupendo44I just added it to my fstab a second ago, but not until after I had tried what I told him03:45
stupendo44unless he ran "mkdir" under "sudo" for some reason. would that make a difference?03:45
leo_rockwthat would make a difference03:46
stupendo44it doesn't seem to, I just tried it03:46
stupendo44I can access just fine, even if I create the directory under sudo03:46
jombeeanyone else have a problem with the latest alpha of hardy where the right mouse button doesn't work at all03:47
stupendo44I wonder if the difference is that I'm not running off a livecd. I installed and created a password. granted, I'm not root though03:47
stupendo44where? console or konqueror?03:48
stupendo44how'd you load konqueror? using kdesu?03:49
ubuntu_hey could it be that I have it open in konsole?03:49
stupendo44ubuntu_: I think it should still work03:50
leo_rockwno, that wouldn't be the problem03:50
ubuntu_I opened konqueror through ALT+F2 and by clicking the computer next to the K-menu button03:51
ubuntu_niether one will open the drive03:52
stupendo44ubuntu_: what happens when you try to access ~/windows through the console03:52
Jucatoubuntu_: he said use "kdesu konqueror" in Alt+F203:53
stupendo44try using "sudo su" at the terminal and then "cd ~/windows"03:53
stupendo44not generally a good idea, but it's just a test03:53
ubuntu_its blank screen when I click on media03:54
ubuntu_I am in windows in terminal03:54
leo_rockwif you're in windows in terminal try running konqueror .03:55
leo_rockw(notice the "." at the end)03:55
ubuntu_but it gives me "no such fill or dir" error03:55
ubuntu_thats what I have been trying to do03:55
stupendo44ubuntu_: try "cd ~/windows"03:56
stupendo44notice the tilde03:56
ubuntu_ok now the error is gone03:56
ubuntu_when I clcik on the drive it gives me a blank screen as if the drive is empty03:57
stupendo44which drive? where?03:58
ubuntu_media:/sda1   through konqueror03:59
stupendo44ubuntu_: you won't be able to access it through there. only through "~/windows" or "/home/ubuntu/windows" (same thing)04:00
stupendo44ubuntu_: that's why we mounted it04:00
Kubuntu_does anyone here have problems with kopete hanging on msn and on devices?04:00
ubuntu_it just let me in04:00
ubuntu_I'm looking at my windows files04:01
ubuntu_too bad I cant burn a cd of my data04:02
stupendo44ubuntu_: you should be able to04:02
ubuntu_having only one dvd drive04:02
stupendo44ubuntu_: is it a burner?04:03
ubuntu_could i make a virtual drive in memory?04:03
stupendo44once you load the cd burning app (can't remember what it's called) you should be able to take the ubuntu cd out and put in a blank. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm pretty sure04:03
ubuntu_worth a shot04:04
stupendo44k3b would be the app04:04
stupendo44under Multimedia04:04
boblenyHey, is there a way to boot into my ubuntu via a flash drive?04:04
ubuntu_yes, I love that program04:04
ubuntu_yes bob through your BIOS04:05
ubuntu_if your flash drive is bootable04:05
stupendo44bobleny: http://www.pendrivelinux.com04:05
ubuntu_and your BIOS supports it04:05
stupendo44ubuntu_: let me know if it works out. If you change your username and register it, you can PM me04:06
boblenyThats not quite what i'm looking for.... I would like to boot into ubuntu, bypassing the bootloader. Is there a way to do that?04:08
Kubuntu_how slow is pendrive linux04:08
stupendo44Kubuntu_: faster than a cd, depending on the speed of your pendrive. some are slow, some are fast. usually based on cost04:09
stupendo44bobleny: I don't understand, how can you bypass the bootloader. Isn't it required in order to know what to boot?04:10
boblenyI guess I wanto to fake a bootloader... I installed ubuntu without a bootloader and know I want to say, burn one onto a cd or something so I can load into ubuntu.04:12
ubuntu_cool ok04:12
stupendo44bobleny: well, I'm not sure exactly, but however you got it to start you can probably just copy right over to the pen drive. That's basically what the guide on pendrivelinux.com has you do. Maybe you can try to follow the guide most of the way, and modify it for your setup04:15
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:16
Kubuntu_is there a specific date we should expect hardy?04:17
boblenyOK, thanks for the help. I'm off!04:17
Kubuntu_how do you uninstall something from source04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:21
Kubuntu_what exactly is a kernel04:21
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages04:22
Kubuntu_oh i spelled it wrong lol04:22
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages04:22
Erickj92how do i restart my window manager in gusty when you have no taskbar icon?04:22
biovoreErickj92: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart your X session.04:27
Erickj92i dont wanna restart x04:27
klobsteris there a kb shortcut to lock the session?04:38
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:38
Jucatoklobster: Ctrl+Alt+L04:38
JucatoErickj92: taskbar icon?04:39
Erickj92never mind, i got it04:39
klobsterk thx!04:39
moregreenhey im on gnome right now but when i try to log in KDE i get blueness and a mouse thats it..04:40
klobstersweet sweet blueness.04:42
klobstermoregreen: how are you trying to log into kde?04:42
moregreenthru the ubuntu login screen04:42
moregreenselect sessions04:43
klobsterhow did you install kde?04:43
moregreenim on gutsy btw04:43
klobsteri mean kde-desktop package?04:43
moregreenwell i dont really know04:43
moregreeni had it workin04:43
moregreentoday i tried and it stopped...04:44
klobsterdo you see the kde start up splash screen04:44
moregreenim thinking i should reinstall. how would i go about doing that04:45
klobsterapt-get -remove kde-desktop && apt-get -install kde-desktop04:46
klobsterbut I am not sure that's a very "linux" way to solve the problem04:47
moregreenthat && means "also do this line:"04:48
klobsteryeah it does04:48
moregreenE: Command line option 'r' [from -remove] is not known.04:49
moregreenmaybe try r?04:49
klobsterdoh! sorry no dash before remove or install04:50
moregreenyeah duh04:50
moregreeni just realized that04:50
klobstersorry, victim of syntax :/04:50
moregreenits not the code, its the syntax04:50
moregreenok im tryin to reinstall it but its not in any sources04:51
moregreenso what aliases could it go by04:51
moregreenthanks guys04:57
leo_rockwmoregreen: np04:57
ForgeAusleorock theres a minor issue you can't really use apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop because its a metapackage04:59
ForgeAusbut I do recommend an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:59
ForgeAusapt-get remove kubuntu desktop doesn't actually remove any apps just the kubuntu-desktop metapackage (which I guess you could essentially think of it as a wrapper)05:00
ForgeAusoops kubuntu-desktop05:00
ubotuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>05:02
moregreenso fresh and so clean clean05:03
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »05:03
ForgeAusJucato does the "pure" thing alter bootsplashes and DM's and stuff? (ie does an ubuntu install converted using kubuntu-desktop, then purified by removing ubuntu-desktop specific packages, show the same bootsplashes, and kdm as kubuntu?05:04
JucatoI think it removes kdm as well. not sure about usplash stuff05:05
ForgeAusok well sofar I've only had kubuntu and added ubuntu-desktop to it05:05
ForgeAusso I still booted in KDM and stuff05:06
ForgeAusI don't think I've tried GDM and Ubuntu's bootsplash before05:06
dorihas anyone experienced troubles with launching different profiles of firefox ( simultaneously on gutsy?05:08
ArwenI have a local APT repository on my machine05:11
ArwenI try to use "apt-get source" to copy sources from it05:11
Arwenit goes upstream and fetches a LOWER VERSIOn05:11
Arwenhow to fix?05:12
mei cant get a dvd to play without being choppy audio video05:12
meI added libdvdcss05:13
Stofferwhat's a good virtual drive that'll mount iso files?05:13
mesame prblem05:13
Y-TownEverytime I rebbot I seem to loose my bluetooth mouse and keyboard connection.  Is the a known fix for this problem?05:13
Jucato!iso | Stoffer05:13
ubotuStoffer: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:13
Jucato(in short, you don't really need a virtual drive)05:13
meanyone good w/ dvd problems?05:14
meon all players05:14
mehave tried everything from vlc, mplayer, Kafieene05:14
Stofferok...I did something wrong.  Anyone here ever use poweriso?05:15
StofferI tried converting a .daa file to a normal iso w/ poweriso, but it went from 800MB to 3.5MB...... something tells me that isn't right05:15
meanyone good w/ dvd playback issues?05:16
memy pron will not play.. this is an emergency... LMAO05:16
meI can't play my X-files dvd05:16
ali3n51how to restore the orignal login screen?05:18
Y-TownEverytime I reboot my computer or start from being turned off I seem to loose my bluetooth mouse and keyboard and have to sit there for a couple minutes trying to relink them.  Anyone else run into this or know a fix for the problem?05:19
=== Aresilek|Away is now known as Aresilek
ali3n51i can't activate kdmtheme05:20
RoeyI have a Geforce4 Ti4200 card and am running Gutsy Gibbon.  When I try to startx, X complains that it's using version 7185 where the Linux kernel module is at 7184.  I can't find packages to correct this.  What to do?05:21
ali3n51please help me to change my login screen05:23
moregreenhey guys05:31
moregreeni just restarted after installing kubuntu. it does the same blue screen stuff05:31
moregreenthis time looks a little cooler05:31
moregreenand before, i didnt see kubuntu all over05:31
moregreen>but still no icons or menus05:32
moregreenafter logging in05:32
leo_rockwmoregreen: does alt+F2 work?05:36
moregreenwhat does that do05:36
moregreenim not on k now05:37
leo_rockwit's the "run command" menu05:37
leo_rockwif you can do that then you can run kicker05:37
leo_rockwkicker is the kde bar05:37
moregreenah ok05:38
moregreenwell, get this05:38
moregreenwhen i mouse over where the bar would be05:38
moregreeni get a hand05:38
Arwenhttp://pastebin.ca/933255 <-- any idea why my sources are lower priority and without a package name?05:38
leo_rockwmoregreen: weird05:39
moregreenand another thing05:39
moregreenwhen using K programs, like amarok....the play button and all the buttons are blank05:39
moregreenlike default buttons05:39
moregreenam i missing a default button thing?05:39
leo_rockwi don't think so... that sounds so weird05:40
AresilekMy adept manager, add/remove programs and apt-get have ceased to function05:41
AresilekI get: Reading package lists... Done| Bus error (core dumped)e... 50%05:41
cicero123hello room05:42
moregreenhey cicero05:42
cicero123been using kubuntu for almost a month now. :)05:43
moregreendid you by any chance hear of an invisible kubuntu05:43
moregreenwhen you log in all you see is the blue desktop05:43
moregreenthats what i got05:43
cicero123i am trying to put it on  dell laptop, and i really goofed badly. i am used to mouses and not touchpads and need some help. in the middle of the install i cancelled and instead of restarting i hit the pad wrong and it quit. how do i restart the process without damaging the vista part of the disk?05:45
klobstermoregreen: do you have another user account you can log into kde with?05:46
moregreenyes i should try that05:48
cicero123does anyone know what i should do?05:50
chowderDoes anyone know how to change the default resolution for OpenGL?05:53
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.05:56
chowderi was playing the game Urban Terror, I changed the screen resolution and the game crashed.  terminal output points to too high of a resolution.  It set the default OpenGL resolution too high.  i just need to find that file so i can edit the default resolution05:58
chowdercan anyone help me?05:58
nanothiefchowder: the file should be in your ~ folder, something like ~/.urban_terror, if the game works like most apps06:07
nanothieferr nevermind06:07
nanothiefwhen replying to messages with kmail, the html seems to be stripped. Is there a way to disable this?06:12
leo_rockwnanothief: don't send html06:14
nanothiefleo_rockw: I don't want to send html, I want to reply to html06:14
sfearshow do i refresh the desktop icons?06:14
leo_rockwnanothief: there should be a link on top of the email that says "allow html" or smth like that06:15
sfearsi moved some files on the desktop in kde 3.. logged out and into kde 4.. all the files i moved off the desktop are still showing but unavailable06:15
sfearsis there some kind of desktop cache?06:15
nanothiefleo_rockw: yeah I see the html when viewing the email, but if I click "reply", it all disappears, and I cannot find an option to stop that06:16
leo_rockwnanothief: i'm not sure then... i just yell at the people that send me html. and i have an ascii ribbon campaign signature (http://www.asciiribbon.org/)06:17
nanothiefleo_rockw: I have too many non-nerd friends to be able to do that :P06:19
leo_rockwnanothief: that's why i put that signature06:20
sfearshow do i add widgets to the kde4 taskbar? i don't have any right click options06:27
leo_rockwsfears: drag and drop06:27
sfearsi also don't have a k menu anymore06:27
sfearsdrag & drop doesn't seem to work.. the icons just disappear behind it06:27
leo_rockwsfears: it took me a while to figure it out too....06:27
leo_rockwsfears: mmhh... now, that's not good06:27
crxyemok, just did a dist-upgrade and lost my wireless connection, ipw2200, my router is wpa06:28
leo_rockwsfears: i'm on kde 3.5.9 now, so i can't give you any other solution06:29
sfearsthanks anyway06:29
cicero123sigh. afk for an hour.06:30
ForgeAushmmm AndLinux leaves behind the XFCE packages (which isn't very much but its not professional) even if you get the KDE version06:41
ForgeAusand its odd how X passes through to Win32 as its display manager, running kwin is strange inside it06:41
sparr_how can i make a particular repository the top priority for the packages that it provides?06:47
* r11t is happy to discover that konqueror is a good smb file share client06:48
leo_rockwr11t: try fish:// now :-D06:50
leo_rockwi <3 konqueror and ssh06:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:50
r11tleo_rockw: Thanks.. I will try it out06:51
r11tlol i just realized the joke now06:51
leo_rockwr11t: you have many of those06:52
leo_rockwr11t: fish:/ smb:/ are just some06:52
r11tahh i see :)06:52
leo_rockwyou can even create alias06:52
leo_rockwlike i use g: for google06:53
leo_rockwor wp: for wikipedia06:53
r11tthat sounds like a sweet feature06:53
r11twhat is fish:/ for?06:54
leo_rockwr11t: preferences > configure konqueror > quick web access (or smth of the like, mine is in spanish)06:54
leo_rockwfish:/ is for ssh06:54
r11twhoa..I never knew ssh too is integrated06:54
leo_rockwr11t: you also have man:/06:55
leo_rockwr11t: and help:/06:55
r11tleo_rockw: yeah..06:56
leo_rockwr11t: and there are mouse gestures, in case you want them and didn't know they existed06:56
r11tleo_rockw: I have not tried using it with konqueror ...even though I have used it with opera06:57
leo_rockwoh, you were an opera user, huh? me too06:57
r11tleo_rockw: yeah i used to be one06:58
leo_rockwkcontrol > regional and accesiblity, introduce actions, general preferences, import new actions > /usr/share/apps/khotkeys/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys06:58
leo_rockwthe words might not be exact, but that gives you a general idea if you want to enable them06:59
r11tleo_rockw: thank you very much , I will take a look at it06:59
leo_rockwr11t: yup, np06:59
djdarkmandoes ubuntu`s apache enable .htaccess by default?07:01
leo_rockwhave a good night everyone, take care07:04
alucardromeroI come to thy channel in need of help with compiz.07:06
noaXess_kubuntumy sound won't work on the integrated speakers.. only headphone jack.. its a card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC883 Analog/Digital.. alsamixer seems to be ok.any idea?07:06
noaXess_kubuntuheadphone works..07:06
alucardromeronoaXess_kubuntu: I'll find you a tutorial.  What kind of laptop are you using?07:06
alucardromerocompiz seems to only work properly when I use "sudo compiz --replace".07:08
noaXess_kubuntualucardromero: asus r2e.. :) ultra mobile. see on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LaptopTestingTeam/AsusR2E07:08
alucardromeronoaXess_kubuntu: I know there's a line you have to edit to enable the sound driver.  I'm looking it up.07:09
isaac_so I'm trying to edit my "blacklist-restricted" module07:09
noaXess_kubuntualucardromero: but why does headphone work?07:10
isaac_I'm attempting to follow the manual install guide at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide07:10
ForgeAusahh replace! thats it! thats what I should use for fluxbox, if I can07:11
noaXess_kubuntuForgeAus: ?07:11
isaac_I have an X1600XT and I'm attempting to install the 8.3 Linux cats, I'm running the AMD64 version of Kubuntu 7.1007:11
isaac_any ideas on how I can edit " /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-restricted "?07:12
isaac_kate refuses to do so07:12
noaXess_kubuntuisaac_: uss vim07:13
isaac_trying now07:13
noaXess_kubuntualucardromero: any idea?07:17
isaac_hmm blacklist-restricted file seems to be empty.  Is that normal? (fresh install)07:17
isaac_and then how do I exit out of vim?07:18
noaXess_kubuntuisaac_: .just a mom07:18
isaac_thank you07:18
noaXess_kubuntuisaac_: i have no blacklist-restricted07:19
isaac_I appreciate it07:20
isaac_a little help for this poor nub07:20
enwenoaXess_kubuntu : int speaker n headphone has same output line07:29
enwenoaXess_kubuntu : try unplug hedphone n check kmix07:30
noaXess_kubuntuenwe: it should but ext speaker won't work07:30
noaXess_kubuntuenwe: headphone are unpluged07:31
pushaxhi all07:42
pushaxcan someone as a favor DCC me the San Serif font?07:43
pushaxcan someone as a favor DCC me the San Serif font?07:47
noaXess_kubuntuenwe: some screenshots http://files.wmx.ch/upload/png/70_snapshot1.png http://files.wmx.ch/upload/png/70_snapshot2.png http://files.wmx.ch/upload/png/70_snapshot3.png07:48
enwenoaXess_kubuntu : try unactive headphone or iec958 --- yellow led07:54
CorporateMuskI've installed thunderbird, and I want to be able to launch it from the terminal by just typing 'thunderbird' rather than the whole path, how do I do that?07:59
aileanhey - can anyone tell me how to get my creative vision W to work on amarok?  I have it working through gnomad2, but it's not the easiest to use program.08:03
storbeckCorporateMusk, How did you install it?08:06
pushaxailean what is a creative vision? is that a hdtv card or sound card?08:07
CorporateMuskstorbeck: I downloaded the tar.gz from the website, and un packed it.  I should've used aptitude or apt-get, but I wasn't thinking at the time08:07
CorporateMuskstorbeck: thunderbird is working fine, I just have to type the full path to launch it, and I'm lazy08:08
storbeckDid you make install?08:08
storbeckie. sudo make install08:08
CorporateMuskstorbeck: no, just unpacked it and ran it08:08
storbeckAh, is it just one file?08:09
noaXess_kubuntuenwe: just tried that before.. no change :(08:09
noaXess_kubuntucome back later08:09
storbeckCorporateMusk, You can put it in /usr/bin but make sure it still can find the other files/folders08:09
aileanpushax, mp4 player08:09
CorporateMuskstorbeck: It's a directory full of stuff, if I invoke the file 'thunderbird' in that directory thunderbird starts08:09
pushaxailean: are the zen player08:10
storbeckYou could make a link to /usr/bin08:10
CorporateMuskstorbeck: can I just create a sym link in /usr/bin08:10
prince_jammysmove it to /usr/local08:10
prince_jammysbetter to separate manually installed stuff from the rest08:10
pushaxailean I hear you need to seek out the lib to make it read first.  have you got it reading th ememory and up and downign songs?08:10
CorporateMuskprince_jammys: It's in /usr/local/thunderbird/08:10
pushaxailean: and vids08:11
prince_jammysoh, then you can add /usr/local to your path08:11
aileanpushax, ah i got it!08:11
aileanthanks :)08:11
prince_jammysso you can just type "thunderbird"08:11
CorporateMuskprince_jammys: how do I add it to my path?08:11
prince_jammyslemme see08:11
pushaxhas anyone worked out how to get java working on firefox 3?08:13
storbeckI still vote to just make a sym link to /usr/bin08:13
prince_jammyssym link is fine, but you'll have to do it over every time you install something like this08:14
CorporateMuskstorbeck: I will add the sym link for now, but I am curious how to add things to my path08:15
prince_jammysit's easy as hell, i just can't remember08:15
prince_jammysi thought /usr/local was in your path by default08:16
nanothiefCorporateMusk: in your ~/.bashrc file, put something like export PATH="$PATH:/my/new/path/"08:16
nanothiefand /usr/local shouldn't be in your path, I don't think08:16
prince_jammysi guess i added it a long time ago08:17
CorporateMusknanothief: why not?08:17
pushaxhas anyone worked out how to get java working on firefox 3?08:17
nanothiefCorporateMusk: well there shouldn't be any executable files in there (they would be in /usr/local/bin)08:17
nanothiefso there isn't need08:18
prince_jammys::: /home/tantalus/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games08:18
nanothief*isn't any need08:18
prince_jammysyeah /usr/local/bin08:18
prince_jammysis there a bin subdir in your thunderbird?08:18
prince_jammysbetter yet, why not apt-get install? you can save your settings, and then get updates, etc08:19
CorporateMuskprince_jammys: I could apt-get install, but I don't want to download the whole thing again, I'm on a limited GPRS connection08:20
CorporateMusknanothief: so I should move my thunderbird executable to /usr/local/bin08:20
CorporateMusknanothief: should I move the whole thunderbird dir, or just the executable?08:20
prince_jammysahem symlink is looking good now08:21
nanothiefCorporateMusk: that should have been done for you, I don't know what went wrong08:21
nanothiefdid you do sudo make install?08:21
CorporateMusknanothief: no, I downloaded it, unpacked it, and ran it08:21
CorporateMuskI know, not the right way08:21
nanothiefoh right08:21
nanothiefwell I'm not sure if it will work if you move the executable08:22
nanothiefyou could do what prince_jammys suggested (ln -s ...)08:22
prince_jammysright, it may expect files to be in the same dir08:22
CorporateMuskis there any reason I shouldn't sym link?08:22
prince_jammysnah that was storbeck, i introduced the path confusion08:23
prince_jammyssymlink it up08:23
prince_jammysand sorry08:23
CorporateMuskthen storbeck has the short and sweet08:23
CorporateMuskmaybe I'm looking for the difficult, hence why I didn't use aptitude08:23
prince_jammysi personally can't stand it when some dweeb introduces a new faulty "solution", just like i did :P08:24
nanothiefprince_jammys: well it would have worked anyway :D08:24
prince_jammysmaybe not08:24
CorporateMuskI was originally looking for how to add things to the path, but now I think that might not be a good idea08:25
prince_jammysdepends on where it expects to find the files08:25
CorporateMuskputting things in the right place sounds better08:25
nanothiefnah you should try to keep you path as small as possible08:25
prince_jammysi misread and thought you were COPYING to /usr/bin08:25
prince_jammysnot linking08:25
nanothiefI don't think it would make a difference though, copying as compared to symlink08:26
prince_jammyscould make a mess if he ever installs through apt08:26
nanothiefI find that I avoid installing anything without using apt, as it makes everything so much easier08:27
nanothiefanyway... does anyone know a way to get kmail to store mail messages from imap servers for offline usage?08:28
prince_jammysi store them locally08:28
prince_jammysbut i didn't configure anything that i recall08:28
prince_jammysyou mean grab ALL messages?08:28
storbecknanothief, If he copied it, he would have to copy all the folder contents, which isn't a good practice08:29
storbeckWhich is why I suggested to symlink it08:29
nanothiefno, I don't want to move files to local inbox, so that on my gmail account, the mail is sorted as well08:29
nanothiefstorbeck: oh I didn't realize he had to copy te folder contents08:30
prince_jammysit was indeed the simplest solution08:31
nanothiefwell the simplest solution was sudo apt-get install thunderbird :P08:31
storbeckDidn't your teachers every introduce the KISS method? :P08:31
prince_jammysi thought it was KISS until the problem started unravelling08:32
storbeckw00t! Full Metal Alchemist is on08:32
prince_jammyssymlink is best08:32
storbeckI finally figured out why my keys were sticking :D08:33
storbeckThere was a small pebble inside my keyboard08:34
cicero123reHello room.08:35
cicero123i need help with a laptop that got interupted installing kubuntu08:35
storbeckHi, cicero12308:35
cicero123hey storbeck08:35
nanothiefcicero123: so you just can't restart the installation?08:36
cicero123no, it is frozen08:36
CorporateMuskgotta love flaky gprs connections08:36
cicero123i am afraid to restart it. it was partitioning the disk (1/2 vista, 1/2 kubuntu08:36
nanothiefcicero123: did you have anything important on the disk before you started?08:37
cicero123the intstaller is frozen but the kubuntu that is running from the disk is working08:37
CorporateMuskthanks storbeck, prince_jammys, and nanothief08:37
storbeckYou're welcome, CorporateMusk08:37
nanothiefCorporateMusk: np08:37
prince_jammysmy pleasure08:37
nanothiefcicero123: what do you mean by interupted?08:38
storbeckcicero123, You may have to reinstall everything. =/08:38
cicero123i was frustrated and hit the cancel key (i am not used to laptop cursor pads) and started tapping on the dumb thing, and cancelled the install08:38
cicero123i didnt mean to hit it, i was trying to move the mouse over.08:39
storbeckYou canceled it in the middle of partitioning?08:39
cicero123the cursor over08:39
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cicero123now i cant get it to go back to partitioning08:39
cicero123and i am afraid to touch anything else08:39
storbeckcicero123, Try closing the installer and start it back up08:40
prince_jammysyou're currently on the live cd right now?08:40
prince_jammysredundancy ahem08:40
cicero123k. started the install and the cursor that is the dots chasing themselves in a ciricle is going08:42
storbeckLOL @ curser that is the dots chasing themselves08:43
VilleViciousI installed Kubuntu today and the only problem I've had is with my monitor: it has optimal resolution of (1680x1050) and I can select it from system settings> Monitor & display but it leaves black bars on the sides of my screen08:43
cicero123the installer wont turn off, though. it just blanks out white in the background though.08:43
wyfdhuhow to use gcc?08:43
janii am about to buy a new computer, but do not understand any of those cryptic mobileprocessor cpu names... what is a good mobileprocessor nowadays? is amd tk or tl serie beter? is intel core duo better than amd series?08:44
storbeckwyfdhu, gcc source.c -o program.exe08:44
wyfdhucan it debug c++?08:44
nanothiefVilleVicious: I would recommend downloading the nvidia or ati drivers (the same as your graphics card), and seeing if they fix it08:45
nanothiefwyfdhu: no you use gdb for that08:45
storbeckwyfdhu, Read the man pages.08:45
storbeckThere's a whole section on debugging options08:45
wyfdhuoh~ got it~~thank u08:46
nanothiefjani: for the most part, higher cost --> better chip08:47
mornfallHm. Wrong channel.08:48
cicero123it is hard to describe. there is the window labelld "install" that is all white and larger in the background, and there is a small blue window labelled "installing system" that is blank in the inside also. when the cursor is on the little blue window it is an arrow. when the cursor is on the white window it is "busy (rotating dots in a circle). nothing else is happenning08:48
cicero123i really goofed, didnt i?08:49
storbeckJust try restarting into the livecd08:50
cicero123like reinsert the cd?08:51
storbeckYou took the livecd out?08:51
cicero123no, it wont eject08:52
storbeckWell, just leave it in and restart08:52
cicero123like reboot08:52
cicero123it showed a text screen that read, KDM not running. it gave an angry beep, and now the black kubuntu splash screen is on with instructions to remove the disk08:55
cicero123and press enter to continue. shall i leave the disk in or out?08:56
storbecko.O; Did it boot from CD or the HD?08:57
cicero123it booted from the cd, but i shut it off. and that is when i got the kdm message and the instruction to restart the computer without the disk.08:58
cicero123during the shutdown phase08:58
cicero123the computer is now off and the cd tray is open08:59
cicero123should i restart with the livecd?09:00
storbeckWait, let me see if I'm following. You rebooted - after it started back up, you got that error message - it popped out the CD - and you turned it off again?09:00
storbeckOr did it give you that message while it was shutting off the first time?09:00
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ubuntu__898
cicero123i defragged the hd on the laptop that had vista on a dell laptop. i ran kubuntu from the livecd and started partitioning. i tried to move the cursor as it was partitioning the disk and instead it asked if i wanted to cancel. i tried to move the cursor away but instead in my frustration hit the pad with my finger and it i shut down the process. the installer gui than froze in the background but the rest of the live cd still worked.09:02
storbeckYes, I've got all that but I'm talking about if you got the error message after you rebooted and it started back up, or while it was rebooting in the shut down process09:03
cicero123i then tried to restart the installer from the live cd and got only a "busy" cursor and a smaller box that was also blank labelled "installing system". when i turned off the computer as kubuntu was giong thru the shutdown process a text screen appeared as the background and one of the lines read, "KDM not working" and it beeped. the black spash screen with the blue kubuntu logo and the process bar that runs backwards showed up with09:04
cicero123instruction to remove the cd and press enter.09:04
cicero123sorry. i got it during the shutdown process.09:05
cicero123i havent restarted the computer yet.09:05
storbeckAh okay, yes just restarted with the CD in. (Start the whole process over from scratch)09:05
storbeckHopefully the partitions weren't messed up too bad and it will be recoverable09:06
noiseideahello, does anyone know a way to make Kubuntu's Konsole to copy text to clipboard once you highlight it? Like Putty etc.09:06
storbecknoiseidea, It does09:06
storbeckUse the 3rd mouse button.09:06
cicero123k. i got the live cd decision screen with all the options09:07
storbeckJust choose install09:07
cicero123storbeck: k09:07
noiseideastorbeck: that's the trick, I don't want to push any buttons, I want Konsole to copy it automatically.09:09
noiseidealike Putty09:09
storbecknoiseidea, It does. I mean use the 3rd mouse button to paste it.09:09
cicero123storbeck: it is loading. got some sort of microcode error like 750000 and then it wen blank09:09
storbeckcicero123, Eek09:10
cicero123now i got lighter blue loading screen09:10
cicero123storbeck:  now the kde livecd desktop is loaded.09:11
VilleViciousI went and installed installed new drivers using system settings>restricted drivers, now the black bars are gone but the best reoslution available is 1280x102409:11
cicero123i am plugging a spare mouse into the back port so i dont make any more stupid mistakes with the laptop mousepad09:11
Dorwin6hi guys : can anyone tell me how to install codec to play avi with kaffeine09:11
storbeckHehe, good idea cicero12309:12
noiseideastorbeck: but if I want to paste it to let's say Google, the 3rd button doesn't work there09:12
Dorwin6i cant seem to play avi files09:12
storbeckDorwin6, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:12
Dorwin6thanks storbeck09:15
VilleViciousany ideas how to get good resolution without the black bars on the side09:15
cicero123storbeck: doh. i need a usb mouse. oh well. the live cd part is working, and it is on as ubunut_09:15
storbeckcicero123, Awesome :D Try and see if it can still repartition and keep your vista intact09:16
Dorwin6cicero123 : of course live cd will always allowed u to work, are you planning to install it ? :)09:16
cicero123storbeck: yes09:16
cicero123storbeck: re-run the install>?09:16
cicero123storbeck:  i went to the manual partition part and have 5 partitions listed, sda 1-5. one is fat 16, one is ntfs, one is ext3 one is swap and the last is fat 3209:19
pushaxhas anyone got java working in firefox3 ?   I've looked and tried many said solutions but none work.09:19
storbeckcicero123, You shouldn't have to manually partition it09:22
pushaxThis is ridiculous a said professional OS and Java wont work in browsers.  Now I'm in Alpha 5 Hardy but still, this should not be an issue.  The problem is it seems no one is addressing the interface of java to Firefox3.09:22
cicero123storbeck: right, but if i let it run automatically it will further partition the hard disk.09:23
cicero123storbeck: or is that an incorrect assumption?09:24
storbeckAh, so it installed linux partitions?09:24
Dorwin6storbeck : i installed the updates, however, still have not be able to see the movie09:24
cicero123storbeck: it looks like the partitions installed. but i dont think the os did.09:24
storbeckYes, if it was still in the partitioning section, it wouldn't have installed anything09:25
storbeckJust delete all the linux partitions and then partition it manually :)09:25
cicero123storbeck: delete ext3 and swap?09:26
warren_can someone give me a kde program to convert an avi to dvd easily?09:27
storbeckwarren_, Convert avi to dvd?09:27
warren_my dvd can't read avi and divx09:28
Dorwin6warren_ : are u able to play avi ?09:28
cicero123storbeck:  k it they are now listed as one file "freespace"09:28
Dorwin6I have this issue aswell, cant play avi09:29
cicero123storbeck: shall i go back and let it partion automatically now?09:29
storbeckcicero123, Do you know how to partition for linux?09:29
warren_i mean on my home dvd player (on tv)09:29
storbeckwarren_, DeVeDe09:29
cicero123no, the last time i was into computers fat32 was the latest thing09:30
warren_but i would like to use a kde program09:30
storbeckHow many GBs do you have to work with?09:30
swattomorning all09:30
cicero123it is an 80 gig hd but vista is hogging 56 g09:31
Dorwin6warren_ : try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:31
storbeckOk, you could do this then. This is what I use09:31
storbeckRoot / (10GB)               Home /home (10GB)         Swap swap (1GB)09:32
cicero123the partitioner wants 1 gig for a swap file and 23 gigs for ext309:32
storbeckBut you can do it however you like09:32
ubuntu__Quick question: How do I deleted a linux-swap partition? It will not give me the option to do so.09:33
cicero123i think i will follow the partitioners recommend for 23 gigs09:33
ubuntu__Doing this from the the live disk fyi.09:33
storbeckIt wants 23 because that's how much you have left on your HDD. :] You're welcome to use it09:33
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Harley
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cicero123storbeck: the family that uses the laptop will eventually be migrating to kubuntu full time so i want up to half. there will be three user accounts.09:34
noaXesshi all..09:34
storbeckYou should have plenty of room :)09:34
Harley_VAnyone mind helping me with my issue?09:35
noaXessi get QSettings: failed to open file '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc' if i run any qt app.. any idea? the file exists..09:35
storbeckubuntu_, Is the drive mounted?09:35
Harley_VYes, but I can't unmount it currently09:35
Harley_Vin QTparted it won't let me "unmount"09:35
^V^noaXess: do you have read access to that file?09:36
^V^can you view it ina text editor?09:36
storbeckHarley_V, Are you in the LiveCD?09:36
noaXesscan't read it.. ok.. then i need to have read right to it.. correct?09:37
Harley_VI've tried going into sudo and still nothing useful happens.09:37
storbeckThe LiveCD uses the Swap. Download gparted from the website (it's an iso) burn it to a cd09:37
storbeckThen delete the swap09:37
^V^noaXess: hmmm09:37
^V^noaXess: what apps are you trying to run?09:37
Harley_VI can't make fdisk work?09:37
storbeckThe LiveCD uses the swap so you won't be able to delete it.09:38
noaXess^V^: why do you have a nicknam like this.. :)..09:38
^V^noaXess: Why not?09:38
Harley_Vbut I CREATED the swap disk a minute ago09:38
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noaXess^V^: i run eg gconf-editor09:38
Harley_VHow about I run through my full issue.09:39
noaXessnow i set chmod +r to the file.. before it was rw-rw---- 1 root root and now it is rw-rw-r-- 1 root root.. all other files in /etc/qt3 has rw-rw-r-- 1 root root09:39
Harley_VI created a swap partition of 2gigs and an ex3 partition of 38gigs and installed kubuntu to it respectfully.09:39
Harley_VUnfortunately, Kubuntu will not boot, only the Windows MBR is working09:40
Harley_Vand, even more unfortunately, the windows will no longer boot either-it's missing a file now09:40
Harley_VSo I'm stuck on this live disk until I figure out how to solve my problems.09:40
noaXessHarley_V: a tipp. install only kubuntu to the whole hd.. then install virtualbox.org and install a virutal windows.. i do that and it works.. also with external hd's, usb, and and and09:41
storbeckHarley_V, Did you make a /boot ?09:41
Harley_VNot an option, noaxxess09:41
Harley_Vand no, stor09:41
Harley_VI mounted it to /09:41
storbecko.O Why?09:41
Harley_Vbecause I didn't have space for a boot partition09:42
Harley_VI had too many partitions to introduce a boot09:42
Harley_Valready on that HDD*09:42
Harley_VSo, basically, I'm just trying to get rid of this swap for now and then start new09:43
storbeckJust resize it, no need to delete it09:43
Harley_VI can't do ANYTHING with the swap09:43
Harley_VEverything is greyed out09:43
Harley_VMinus the "property" window09:44
^V^noaXess: did chmod'ing the file help?09:45
storbeckHarley_V, Try using gparted09:45
noaXess^V^: jep .. it was only the png file for the compiz cube plugin..09:45
Harley_VGood news: swap drive deleted using the instlaler09:46
storbeckWhat was the problem?09:46
Harley_VNow...to fix my windows AS WELL AS somehow install Kubuntu09:46
Harley_VIt wouldn't let me delete the swap drive in QTparted09:46
cicero123storbeck:  sorry. i am pretty slow. i get the error mp rppt fo;e suste, os defined. please correct this from the partitioning menu09:46
Harley_Vso I used the installer to delete it09:46
cicero123storbeck: * no root file system is defined. Please correct theis from the partitioning menu09:47
storbeckcicero123, Did you make a /  partition ?09:47
cicero123storbeck:  ic. i just did09:48
cicero123i have a warning: file system doesnt have expected sizes for windows to like it. cluster size is 2k (1k is expected); number of clusters is 24026 (47959) expected);; the size of FATs is 94 sectors (1.88 is expected).09:50
cicero123storbeck:  maybe i had better undo the changes and go back to automatic09:51
storbeckAs long as you deleted the old partitions, you'll be just fine with automatic :]09:51
storbeckI'm glad that your windows partitions are still there :] everything seems to have worked out09:55
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cicero123storbeck:  50% resizing partition mark.09:59
cicero123i cant believe that vista needs 56 gigs in order to operate09:59
cicero123storbeck: done. now it wants to know who i am ***paranoia***10:00
cicero123:) thanx10:00
storbeckHaha yeah, it sure is big.10:00
storbeckI'm only using 1 gig of my HDD :]10:00
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cicero123storbeck:  i did have a question about user accounts. i am the only one that uses this computer so i am my user account. with this laptop that three people share (a mom and 2 kids), should i have the first login name as the mom or should i set up four acounts with one being an admin thing for the mom to use when she needs to tweak the system.10:03
Harley_VWhat spot should I put grub in?10:04
cpk1_cicero123: you dont need an "admin" account, the user specified during install gets put in sudoers which effectively makes it an admin10:04
cpk1_only when using sudo though10:05
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storbeckIf the mom is going to be the main user/admin I'd set hers up during the install10:05
cicero123storbeck:  keen. thanx10:06
storbeck(cpk1 is 100% right ;])10:06
Harley_VI need some assistance on Grub10:06
Harley_VLast time I shoved GRUB into (hd0) it didn't load, but then again I didn't have a boot partition10:07
cpk1cicero123: later on if you want someone else to also have power just put that user in the sudoer group and then they can do anything root can when they use sudo10:07
cpk1first linux install cicero123?10:09
cicero123cpk1: first for a laptop with a vista partition. i have used linux for about a month on my desktop with another disk running win2k10:10
cicero123the laptop is for a friend who liked the concept of ubuntu/edubuntu. i told her i would put it on her laptop, and i am on needles and pins not wanting to make a mistake.10:11
cpk1well thankfully ubuntu seems to be easy than windows in my opinion10:12
cpk1should go smoothly as long as windows was installed first10:12
cicero123cpk1: i think she will really like it. i am using the kubuntu disk, and dl the edubuntu packages she wants to use10:12
cicero123i accidentlally stopped the install during partitioning. :(10:13
cicero123storbeck has been very kind in helping me10:14
storbeckcicero123, What wireless card is it?10:14
storbeckYou might need to manually install the drivers.10:15
cicero123storbeck: i am not sure which wireless card. i can look it up in a bit. i got a ready to install screen but insteadof installing in partions #3 (ext3) and #4 (swap) it wants to make partition #7 ext3 and #8 as swap. is that to be expected?10:17
storbeckeek. I don't think you deleted the old partitions10:17
cpk1if you have 6 other partitions i suppose it is10:18
storbeckYou should be alright though10:18
cpk1cicero123: did you write the changes to disk when you deleted the partitions10:18
cicero123cpk1: :( i guess not.10:18
cicero123cpk1: i thought so.10:19
cicero123storbeck: can i erase the duplicated partions later?10:19
cicero123storbeck: and add them to the ext3 space?10:20
cpk1might as well just do it now10:21
cicero123storbeck: participate in the package usage survey? that helps them figure out what hardware and software is bein used?10:21
cpk1if you havent even formatted to ext310:21
storbeckcicero123, It's up to you10:22
cicero123if it helps. yes10:22
cicero123cpk1: how do i delete the duplicate particitons?10:22
cicero123storbeck: she likes to participate in stuff like that10:22
cpk1I use fdisk, which is a command line tool10:23
cpk1it would be "fdisk /dev/hda" if hda was where the hard drive is10:23
cpk1and then "p" would print out your partition table10:24
cicero123cpk1: i dont want to loose vista10:24
cpk1d deletes10:24
cpk1so dont delete any partition that is non ext310:24
etfbHaving a problem with Firefox: the button on the Downloads window, that's supposed to open the folder that all downloads are put into, doesn't do anything.  Any ideas?10:25
cpk1once you have told it to delete the partitions  you tell it to write this to the partition table with "w"10:26
storbecketfb, You might get better luck in #firefox10:26
etfbstorbeck: Cool; thanks.  Byeeeee!10:26
storbeckcicero123, You can also use gparted10:27
storbeckIt's a bit more noob friendly. :P10:27
cpk1I forgot the gui partitioners =P and I always have had problems using them with sata10:27
storbeck(You're going to need to apt-get gparted)10:29
cpk1or qtparted since this is the kubuntu channel =)10:30
storbeckHehe, I suppose so10:30
etfbstorbeck: Looks like #firefox is dead.  Anyone here using Firefox with the "Save files to..." option set?  Can you do an experiment for me?10:31
mauriciohi list10:31
mauriciotoday i install ubuntu10:32
storbeckWhat is the experiment? :P10:32
cpk1the button doesnt do anything for me either10:32
cpk1doesnt seem like too big of a deal anyways10:33
etfbstorbeck: Open the downloads window and click the button at the bottom.  If it does nothing, you have the same bug I have.10:34
mauriciosomeone could say me how can i set Adep to install the new modules in my /opt partition?10:34
cicero123storbeck: i wrote gparted down to get. :) thanx10:34
cpk1etfb: seems like it would be more of a firefox problem not a kubuntu problem10:34
cicero123i see what it did. partition #7 and #8 have replaced partitions #3 and #4 so they arent duplicated10:35
storbeckNope, doesn't do anything.10:35
storbeckYou might want to write a report to firefox :P10:35
etfbcpk1: I think it's actually a KDE-specific issue related to Firefox assuming the existence of Nautilus under Linux.  Because KDE uses Konq instead, it's silently failing.  That's my guess10:35
storbecketfb, I'm on Fluxbox10:36
etfbI was just hoping other KDE users might have debugged it and found an explanation.10:36
etfbstorbeck: Does fluxbox use KDE?10:36
etfbstorbeck: What's the standard file manager?10:36
cpk1if I browse my directories I either use konq or terminal10:36
storbeckthere is no "standard" file manager, but I use Rox10:36
storbeck(although I rarely use it)10:37
etfbstorbeck: Could still be the same issue then.  They test Firefox in Gnome, and it works, so they think it's fine.10:37
etfbMaybe I should try installing Nautilus (or whatever the Gnome one is) and see if it magically works...10:37
storbeckWell yes it's the same issue, but I don't think it's a KDE problem. It's a firefox problem10:37
storbeckIn all my years of using Firefox, I've never used that feature anyway so I'm not too worried10:38
etfbI just tried it on my wife's computer (she uses Ubuntu, I use Kubuntu and our daughter uses Xubuntu) and it works for her.10:39
pauloeloy/say $whois $me10:39
etfbSo yes, it's a FF problem.  But the good thing about FF is that you can usually override the defaults, which is why I'm asking among the KDE users first.  Next trick is to check the FF bugzilla...10:39
theunixgeekHow do I make an extended partition in GParted?10:40
pauloeloyLinux orion 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:40
storbeckWhat's with all the partitioning questions today? >_>10:41
jpatrickpauloeloy: ?10:41
theunixgeekstorbeck: I need an extended partition :)10:41
emilsedgh(Firefox is Fx, not FF)10:41
theunixgeek^ that's what's with the questions today ;)10:41
etfbemilsedgh: Cite?10:42
VilleViciousWhen I run Adept manager, it informs me that another process is using the packaging system database even when I'm not running any other programs. How do I get the database free?10:43
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:43
cpk1VilleVicious: that command10:43
=== Harley_V is now known as Harley_
storbecktheunixgeek, partition -> new10:44
Harley_New slightly large problem..10:44
theunixgeekstorbeck: "it is not possible to  create more than 4 primary partitions"10:45
Harley_Whenever I try and mount ANY Partition I get this error: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 99910:45
sbucatHello World LOL10:45
theunixgeekstorbeck: I need to create another extended one.10:45
jpatrickKubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 15 minutes.10:45
emilsedghetfb: Wikipedia ?10:45
theunixgeekjpatrick: yay I'm finally gonna be able to attend a meeting! :D what's it about?10:45
jpatricktheunixgeek: join and see10:46
Harley_@ anyone: I could really use some assistance.10:46
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:46
cicero123storbeck: the install app is scanning the mirror for an awfully long time...10:46
Harley_<Harley_> Whenever I try and mount ANY Partition I get this error: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 9910:46
storbeckcicero123, Is it connected to the internet?10:47
Harley_So nobody knows the answer?10:47
cicero123i have a dsl router and i plugged it in with a cable10:47
Harley_I literally cannot boot into my computer anymore.10:48
Harley_All I can boot into is this Live CD.10:48
storbeckHrm, try going into your router configs and set up that computer to be in the DMZ10:48
cicero123i would get that harley because i wasnt in the user settings with admin permissions changing it there10:48
cpk1a normal router configuration should allow it10:48
Harley_Unfortunately I am on a Live CD though10:49
Harley_I cannot gain admin access..10:49
cicero123storbeck: update-grub failed. this is a fatal error. :(10:49
cicero123all it will let me do is press [okay]  :(10:50
storbeckI've never heard of someone having so much trouble with installing kubuntu as you have XD10:50
cpk1Harley_: you can chroot into it10:50
storbeck(Although it's understandable considering the circumstances)10:50
Harley_cpk1: How would I go about doing that?10:51
cicero123its my fault, i got frustrated and started tapping the mousepad that stopped it in the middle of partitioning the disk10:51
Harley_Whenever I try and boot into windows I get a missing hal.dll file in my system32 folder.10:51
Harley_and now I get the  error: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 9910:51
Harley_*when attempting to mount the partition so that I can check my system32 folder.10:52
storbeckHarley_, Boot into a LiveCD, mount the windows drive, download the hal.dll from somewhere online and put it in your system32 folder10:52
Harley_that's what i'm saying-it won't work10:52
Harley_I'm in LiveCD since this is the ONLY thing I can get into.10:52
cpk1Harley_: can you mount the drive from the live cd?10:52
Harley_I CANNOT access my windows partition since it will not let me10:52
Harley_No, Cpk110:52
Harley_it gives me that error that I've posted10:52
Harley_error: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 9910:53
storbeckWhat command are you giving?10:53
Harley_right click, mount10:53
storbecksudo mount it10:53
cicero123i am about ready to cry. :( i got a minimal bash grub line. whatever that means.10:54
Harley_storbeck: Having no success in sudo mounting10:54
VilleViciousWhen I use the aptfix command, Konsole gives me command not found text10:55
nanothiefVilleVicious: I'm guessing use apt fix instead10:55
cpk1!aptfix | VilleVicious10:55
ubotuVilleVicious: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:55
storbeckVilleVicious, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:56
storbeck(without the >>) ;)10:56
cpk1Harley_: is that partition in your fstab?10:57
Harley_I don't actually know what that is.10:57
cpk1Harley_: try this, open dolphin and then right click the partition and then go to properties then mounting and uncheck mount as user10:58
cicero123what do i do with a grub prompt? :(10:58
cpk1cicero123: during boot up?10:58
cicero123yeah. when i was installin i got a grub fatal error10:58
cicero123when i went to boot, all i get is a command prompt with grub:_10:59
cpk1and then you rebooted?10:59
* cpk1 headesks10:59
storbeckHe didn't reboot. He was installing and grub failed during the install so it brought him to a grub prompt11:00
cicero123it went to the kubuntu splash screen, popped open the disk, and told me press enter. and now i have a grub prompt11:00
cicero123with minimal bash like line edition support.11:01
cicero123*line editing11:01
storbeckcicero123, Are you sure you're not installing Gentoo? *chuckles*11:01
cpk1you are going to have to boot from the live cd most likely11:01
cicero123go back to the live cd?11:01
cpk1did it have a more specific grub error?11:02
storbeckcicero123, Why don't you do this. Boot into the livecd, install qtparted or gparted, delete all the linux partitions. then reboot and start from scratch11:02
cicero123update-grub failed. this is a fatal error. was all it said11:03
cpk1probably dont need to go that overboard11:04
cicero123what is the exit command for grub, or should i just turn it off?11:04
cpk1reboot will work11:04
storbeckcpk1, Probably not, but I think it might help him simplify things11:04
cicero123storbeck: k. kubuntu is loading from the livecd...11:07
cpk1!show liboggflac311:07
cicero123i am not cut out to be a computer techie...11:07
storbeckDon't confuse computer techie with linux guru :P11:10
storbeckEveryone started somewhere. Don't give up :]11:10
cicero123critters like me, technology blows up in my face.11:10
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cicero123i had a toaster once... it hated me.11:11
cicero123storbeck: okay. qp parted is up and running11:11
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cicero123just delete all the penguins?11:12
cpk1aww poor tux11:14
cicero123dont worry, tux will be back. it is okay to delete, i dont need to resize or anything>?11:15
cicero123storbeck: k.11:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:16
cpk1i'm confused how does amarok not play my ogg files when it used to before11:17
harmentali wish xemacs were prettier in linux....:'o(11:18
Dekanshello all11:18
DekansI have a problem with kde3.5.911:18
Dekanswhen I connect a usb device, kded takes all the cpu11:19
DekansI'm on kubuntu hardy but it was the same on gutsy11:19
harmentalDekans...i had the pb....11:19
harmentali solved it by deleting the ~/.kde/share/config/medianotifierrc file11:20
cicero123storbeck: some of them deleted okay, some of them are mounted. how do i unmount them11:20
* Raize uses Vista11:20
harmentalyou should NOT set the usb drive to automount (otherwise the problem returns)11:21
storbeckumount -a /dev/hd11:21
storbeck(change hd with the one u want to unmount11:21
harmentalDekans: i guess its a bug that will be promptly solved by the magic of open source.... ^_^11:21
Dekanslet's hope :p11:22
harmentalDekans: btw you shoulld also remove your usb HDD from the fstab11:22
DekansI don't have any ~/.kde/share/config/medianotifierrc11:22
DekansI have a mediamanagerrc11:22
harmentaltype this: locate medianotifierrc11:22
Dekansharmental: I don't have any config of usb device in my fstab11:23
harmentalDekans: i assume you are using kde?11:24
Dekansno medianotifierrc found !11:24
Dekansyes ^^11:24
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harmentalyou got me there....when in my case the problem was solved as soon as i eliminated all default params for my usb drives...11:25
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harmentalDekans: maybe you can also remove all references to those drives in "Disk & Filesytems"?11:26
harmentalif that doesnt work.....i dont know.....light up some candles maybe?11:26
DekansI'll speak of this on kubuntu-devel11:27
harmentalif you find a bug-solver please keep me updated....its kinda dull to use dolphin just to mount a usb drive...11:27
cicero123storbeck: qparted appears frozen11:28
storbeckI'm just curious, what are the specs of the laptop11:29
cicero123i dont think it liked the umount command.11:29
cicero123it is a dell inspiron E1505 made for windows vista. 80 gig hd, 2 gig memory11:30
cicero123it has dell's media direct package layered in a fat32 layered under vista somehow11:30
cicero123intell core2 duo processor11:31
cicero123slower than snot in winter11:32
Dekansharmental: everyone is sleeping :(11:40
storbeckcicero123, Did you get it figured out?11:40
cicero123storbeck: it is 4 am and i am really tired. i keep getting a microkernel error on booting11:40
cicero123but kde loads11:41
storbeckSo it installed?11:41
harmentalyou could some channel in Europe...its noon here11:42
cicero123no, if id ont use the livecd i get a grub line11:43
cicero123and i cant get to m$ vista11:43
storbeckSo where are you at in the install process?11:44
cicero123storbeck:  one of the larger linux partitions is active, and the command to unmount only freezes qparted11:44
storbeckHave you tried closing gparted, then unmounting?11:45
Raizevistakiller, lost.servehttp.com :)11:46
RaizeOh, wait. His box runs XP.11:46
Raizelost.servehttp.com:8080 is forwarded to me :)11:47
cicero123storbeck: i really appreciate all your help. but it looks like i rally goofed.11:47
storbeckMehhhh I'd hate to see you walk away with no linux and no windows =/11:48
RaizeJust stick a windows disc in and hit go.11:48
RaizeOr stick an ubuntu disc in and hit go.11:49
RaizeUnless you really foobared the disc I guess.11:49
storbeckTry downloading the gparted iso and burning it to a cd, then try deleting all the linux partitions11:49
storbeck(by using the gparted livecd)11:50
storbeckThat -should- work11:50
RaizeA windows XP disc should be able to do that by itself too, if not then i'm sure an ubuntu discs setup deal would.11:50
RaizeThink I remember gparted being like gOS though, annoyed the shit outta me.11:50
cicero123storbeck: i need sleep very badly. if i come back after about 8 hours of sleep, i should be thinking clearer11:51
storbeckOkay, have a good night11:51
cicero123storbeck: will you be on in about 8 hours?11:51
pipatronHey folks, I'm trying out some USB speakers, but I can't figure out how to actually send the sound to the speakers instead of the internal soundcard in my laptop from KDE11:51
storbeckNope, I'll be at work unfortunately11:51
cicero123storbeck: k. i do thank you for all the help you have given so far.11:52
storbeckYou're welcome :] Sorry I couldn't help you that much11:52
cicero123storbeck: i am sure if i get rid of the linux partitions and get vista going i can start over again.11:52
storbeckHopefully :]11:53
cicero123storbeck: what is grup error 17?11:53
storbeckcicero123, Here's a howto on how to fix error 1711:54
storbeckNote: I'm not sure it will work 100% since you don't have Kubuntu fully installed11:54
asobipipa: google it. there's alot of help on playing sound on laptop.11:55
cicero123i just made a pot of coffee... i will hang on a few more minutes. going to the help thread right now11:55
asobisomething to do with changing mixer settings i think11:55
storbeckI believe error 17 means that the partition exists but the filesystem type isn't recognized by grub11:56
storbeckOr was it installed?11:59
cicero123i am sorry. i thought i could stay awake, but i will try again when i wake up. again you have been very helpful even though it was my stupidity that caused the problem in the first place. after some sleep, a shower and some breakfast i will be ready to go with whomever is here.11:59
cicero123it says it installed but their was a fatal grub error.11:59
storbeckDid you see that link I sent?12:00
VilleViciousHow do I make Kubuntu understand that I have a 16:9 screen?12:00
cicero123storbeck: yes. i have it bookmarked12:01
cicero123goodnight all. bbl. afk...12:01
AranelHow can I test OSS output ?12:03
pushaxVilleVicious: have you inspected the Monitor Select area?12:09
pushaxVilleVicious: do #kdesu kcontrol12:09
VilleViciousCould somebody give me the command to free package database? I tried to change my monitor settings and lost all visual and had to re-install Kubuntu.12:20
pushaxVilleVicious: the monitor and vid card settings are held in xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ dir12:23
pushaxVilleVicious: if something goes wrong like that yu can usually revert  to an older file to reset the changes.12:23
pushaxVilleVicious: what do you mean by free package database ?12:24
pushaxVilleVicious: which version of Kubuntu are you using?12:26
VilleViciousafter re installing I tried to run adept manager it says the package system database is being used by other processes12:26
pushaxdo a Ctrl Esc to get process list and see if it's running in background... crashed...12:27
pushaxAlso in a comand line do # sudo dpkg --configure -a    to clean up any previously bad installing processors12:28
VilleViciousOk now advice on the monitor problem: I tried changing  the monitor setting from monitor&display> hardware and it said that the change need a reboot to take place, and after the reboot it just showed a black screen12:37
VilleViciousI decided to reinstal to get it working at all12:38
pushaxVilleVicious: maybe it picked a frequency your monitor couldn't display.12:40
pushaxVilleVicious: what moniotr do you have and what video card?12:41
pushaxVilleVicious: good advice is to get used to using Kate and a program called Krusader.  both allow you to edit and manipulate files in root mode.  to get root mode you can start them from shell with kdesu kate   or kdesu krusader12:42
pushaxold versions of linux used to default to 24bit graphics which also caused programs with monitors and vid cards.12:44
VilleViciousI have a Lg flatron wide 20" and ati radeon 9600 card12:45
pushaxUse Krusader to reinstate the older files where a configuration doesn't work.12:45
pushaxwhat res is the LG?12:45
nanothief_VilleVicious: did you try installing the ati drivers?12:46
pushaxVilleVicious: yeah goto ADept and search for 'xserver'  you'll see drivers for ATI and ATI HD cards.  install both of them12:47
murati've got a problem with display12:49
muratcould somebody help me ?12:49
pipatronmurat: Not unless you ask your question12:50
muratmy screen size is 640x480 and i could not do it 1024x76812:50
VilleViciousI found xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-ati-dbg the first one is installed allready12:51
pushaxreinstall the first and then install the second12:52
pushaxthat may help but least you'll know you ahve the base ATI drivers.12:53
pushaxVilleVicious: did you want my xorg.conf file?  I have the same sysmtem in most respects.  same res mlcd monitor and x700 ATI which will work witht eh driver I ahve chosen as yours12:54
pushaxthen you can simply replace the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 and reboot.12:55
pushaxany java programmers here?12:58
pipatronI hope not :)12:59
pushaxjust wondering what they think of IcedTea Java12:59
pushaxmurat did you fix the monitor?13:00
VilleViciouspartial succes,now I ha the system running on 1440*90013:14
skoleHi. I want to resize a avi file by changing the resolution . Is there a movie converter for linux that can do this?13:16
llutzskole: avidemux, ffmpeg, mencoder, and lots more13:17
skolellutz: How do I do this in avidemux? I have tryed13:18
llutzskole: look at their homepage, there's a tutorial13:18
|Dreams|avidemux is in add/remove programs13:19
|Dreams|or use synatpic13:19
llutzskole: http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Main_Page13:19
pushaxVilleVicious: pick a generic lcd monitor for 1680x105013:19
skolellutz: Thanks!13:21
VilleViciousthose damn black bars reappeared, like some perverse reverse letterbox13:24
jussi01VilleVicious: which black bars? I missed earlier conversations, sorry?13:24
VilleViciousthose damn black bars reappeared, like some perverse reverse letterbox13:25
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VilleViciouswhen I try to use 1680*1050 reolution the picture I get is sharp but the screen area appears to be the best 5:4 fit and leaves black areas on the sides of the screen13:27
VilleViciousa bit like trying to watch wide-screen movie wit a 5:4 tv in letterbox mode13:28
jussi01VilleVicious: which graphics card?13:28
VilleViciousAti Radeaon 960013:28
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andreaciao a tutti13:29
jussi01!it | andrea13:29
ubotuandrea: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:29
jussi01VilleVicious: you need the fglrx driver.13:29
jussi01!ati | VilleVicious13:29
ubotuVilleVicious: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:29
VilleViciousOk I installed the driver so I'll restart and see what happens13:32
admI've got a problem with my Asus M51SN13:35
admThe sound volume won't get over 11%13:35
jussi01adm: could you go to konsole, and pastebin the out put of the command: lspci13:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:36
admok, sec13:36
admEvery mixerlevel is full, its only the thing that appears when i press Fn + volume that wont get over 1113:37
matthias@adm: Got the same problem with 2.6.22. Try 2.6.24 from the hardy-sources.13:38
jussi01!intelhda | adm13:38
ubotuadm: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:38
admah, was actually thinking about that13:38
jussi01adm: its a known bug13:39
admubotu: I already did that13:39
jussi01!bot | adm13:39
matthiasadm: This problem is solved in
ubotuadm: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:39
nosrednaekimadm: go into Kmix->configure global shortcuts and set the raise and lower buttons to your hotkeys13:39
=== matthias is now known as djd92l
nosrednaekim*raise and lower master channel shortcuts13:40
admok, will try13:40
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johannes1help nick13:45
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villeviciousNow (after installing the drivers) the screen went totally black13:46
admnosrednaekim: it didnt work, still only maximum 11%13:46
skoleHow to reduce image size with avidemux?13:46
storbeckadm, Did you set the master channel?13:46
admbut the thing is that it seems that the master channel is already max13:47
admand when I press the volumekeys it is only 0% or 11%13:48
storbeckadm, try using different hot keys13:49
admI already tried13:49
storbeckWhat soundcard do you have13:50
storbeckI had that problem once13:50
admDunno, intelsomething? ;D13:50
storbeckOk, so you can use alsa =/13:50
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storbeckwhat is your master set to?13:51
willis_oh for the days of 'soundblaster 16' compatiable :013:51
admIts full13:51
admIn the tray or what to call it13:51
admPCM is full13:51
storbecki mean, what is it set to. ie. front / pcm13:51
storbecktry setting it to front13:51
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admsame thing13:52
storbeckSorry, I didn't catch the first part of your conversation. Is that the only problem or is there something else?13:53
admstorbeck: the problem is that the settings in kubuntu is full, but the settings on the laptop seems to be max 11%13:55
storbeckSo the sound is only playing at 11% as well?13:56
admIf I run my speakers in the bottom I can hear just a little sound13:56
admWhere can I find the sources for hardy?13:59
storbeckAnd you're sure it's set on alsa and not oss?14:00
admpretty sure yes14:00
admAutoidentify I think14:00
admI'll try to change it to alsa14:00
admNo change storbeck14:01
admBut I do have sound, it's just very little :P14:02
storbeckIn kmix, is the green circle lit up? (this might seem stupid)14:02
admare you talking about kde3 or 4?14:02
admyes it is14:03
storbeckI wish I could remember how I fixed it when I had the same problem =/14:04
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admBut will the problem get solved if I upgraded to hardy?14:05
storbeckIt's possible, but that seems pretty extreme14:06
storbeckHave you tried installing alsa-base and alsa-utils?14:06
__-osh-__I must be more stupid than most but how the hell do I rename a file that starts with a "-"? It won't accept a 'mv \-duh duh' nor does it like 'mv "-duh" duh'  or 'mv --duh duh'. I'm running out of ideas.14:07
admstorbeck: already installed14:07
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.14:08
prince_jammys__-osh-__: use the -- switch14:08
storbeckTried installing alsa-sources?14:08
cuznt!dpkg help14:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpkg help - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:08
admstorbeck: no, will try14:08
storbeckalsa-source *14:08
prince_jammys__-osh-__:  mv -- -badname goodname14:08
admstorbeck: it's installed now, but I'm not noticing any difference14:09
admDo I have to reboot?14:10
__-osh-__prince_jammys: Thanks and hrmpf. I thought I did that but looking back in my history it's mv --duh duh which obviously didn't work. :-/14:10
__-osh-__prince_jammys: Thanks again for your help and it's slightly annoying that this isn't in the man page... :-/14:11
prince_jammys__-osh-__: :)14:11
prince_jammysi did it once, it's pretty annoying14:11
blizzzekhow can i handle following error? it occurs on line "from PyKDE4 import kdeui, kdecore", and worked before latest update.14:11
blizzzek  ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/kdecore.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8KService18accessServiceTypesEv14:11
lewardBonjour :)14:12
storbeckadm, try aplay -l14:12
__-osh-__blizzzek: I've seen those errors while doing python work. That's something wrong with the python module you're using. Unsatisfied deps or something.14:12
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blizzzek__-osh-__: i realized this after last update, so something has been brokened(right word?), hasn't it?14:14
storbeckadi, Try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source14:15
admstorbeck: done14:16
storbecknow use alsamixer and make sure everything looks good14:17
storbeck(nothing says MM)14:17
admstorbeck: offhook says14:17
__-osh-__blizzzek: yep. compilation error or unsatisfied dependancy while compiling the module. I spent way too much time trying to compile a math-module for python so your question there almost gives me the shivers. :-)14:17
__-osh-__blizzzek: Who the hell needs to do FFT's anyway. =)14:17
admTheres this Off-hook thing to the left that says MM14:18
storbeckI've never seen an off-hook lol14:18
admto the right*14:18
blizzzek__-osh-__: so, it is gonne be fixed some time? FFTs?14:18
admIt's also in Kmix under switches14:18
admstorbeck: however, it is on now14:19
storbeckTry running some sound14:19
__-osh-__blizzzek: Probably. But you should probably report it to the devs (launchpad.net?) just to be sure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FFT14:19
admsound is running14:20
* __-osh-__ has to go.14:20
admBut if I've had my speakers here I would have heard a small sound with the speakers turned to max14:20
blizzzek__-osh-__: a usual bug report you mean? gonna file it. ty14:22
blizzzekand bye ;)14:22
admI'm thinking of giving hardy a try14:22
infblisswhen trying to boot I get an error saying that "kinit: trying to resume from boot image"14:22
infblissis there any solution for this14:22
storbeckadm, What does aplay -l say?14:23
djd92l@infbliss: It is no error...14:24
admstorbeck: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58877/14:24
infblissdjd92l: yeah i am able to boot. But the boot sequence gets stuck in that line for long time14:25
ads_hi im trying to setup tightvncserver with the correct font path in hardy.. any ideas pls?14:25
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djd92l@infbliss: what version of linux do you use?14:27
infblissdjd92l: gutsy gibbon14:27
ads_how do i stop the vncserver after i've started it with vncserver :1   ??14:27
djd92lMeans 2.6.22 ? *g*14:27
ads_vncserver -kill :1   doesnt work14:27
infblissdjd92l: you mean the kernel.14:27
infblissdjd92l: 2.6.22-1414:28
djd92lyes. Gutsy Gibbon is only the codename for the version 7.10 of ubuntu...14:28
infblissdjd92l: 2.6.22-1414:28
storbeckadm, Try restarting14:28
Greg_new here - not sure about how things are done... but is there a diver help page for video cards [x1550 radeon 64bit pci-x]) - apologies if i'm busting hte #@#$ out of a conversation14:29
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications14:29
djd92l@infbliss: you could try a suspent to disk, rebooting then and checking whether the step coasts a lot of time..14:29
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:29
infblissdjd92l: no the problem is suspend/hibernate is non-functional in my laptop14:30
Greg_ty for the links, nosrednaekim14:31
djd92l@infbliss: Oh. Did it function with earlier versions of kubuntu or other distris?14:31
ads_storbeck: i appreciate that will work but i need to be able to start and stop the server remotely without restarting..  im also looking for the correct fontpath for hardy    .. when i connect to the server i receive no desktop just an xwindow and a terminal inside??14:31
infblissdjd92l: this is the first ubuntu distro I am trying. I previously had Zenwalk14:31
storbeckads_, I wasn't talking to you14:31
djd92l@infbliss: Did it function there?14:31
ads_storbeck: sorry dude  !!14:32
infblissdjd92l: yes it did. can I file this in launchpad as a bug14:32
djd92linfbliss: Yes, of course!14:34
admstorbeck: done14:34
storbeckStill no sound?14:34
admThe volume-meter doesn't appear at all now14:34
admThe one that comes when I use Fn +F1214:35
djd92l@infbliss: It is possible that the bug will not be in Linux 2.6.24. To install it activate the hardy repositories, install the new Kernel and *deactivate (!!)* the repos then!!14:35
storbeckCheck the master, make sure it's still selected14:35
admMaster is Front, and it's still at max14:36
storbeckHrm, try it on PCM again :]14:36
djd92l@infbliss: have to go offline..14:36
admstorbeck: what is that Digital thing then? It is always in the bottom when I restart14:37
infblissdjd92l: ty14:37
storbeckWhat do you mean it's at the bottom?14:37
admit's zero14:37
storbeckCould you get a screenshot?14:37
admi think its working14:38
storbeckYour soundcard appears to support both analog and digital14:38
dewitt? i am runing kubuntu 7:04 at full speed on DSL  ubuntu and kubuntu 7:10 runs at snail pace ?14:38
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admstorbeck: the PCM rises up and down now when I press the Fn keys, but still no sound14:39
storbeckTry plugging headphones or speakers in14:40
storbeckHear anything?14:41
admstorbeck: no :(14:42
storbeckAre you able to switch between analog and digital?14:42
admHow would I do that?14:43
asobiregarding kde 4: A new multimedia interface (Phonon), making KDE independent of any one specific media framework <--- what does that mean?14:43
storbeckClick on switches14:43
admTheres headphone, IEC958, Caller ID and Off-hook14:44
nosrednaekimasobi: any KDE application simply calls phonon to play any sounds/video and then phono contacts the backend (gstreamer, DirectShow, xine, etc)14:45
asobihmm, so how does it work in kde3?14:45
storbeckWhat type of sound are you trying to play?14:45
admSome testsong in amarik14:46
storbeckAre you added to the audio group?14:47
admI don't know? :D14:48
admWhat's the audio group14:48
storbeckAre you the only user?14:48
olimpicoSince the last upgrade, I'm having problems with my sound card, can someone please help me??14:50
storbeckTry installing alsamixergui14:50
storbeckIt's a long shot =/14:51
admstorbeck: installed14:51
storbeckTry running it14:51
storbeckAnd make sure everything is up14:51
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admstorbeck: Everything that is possible to change is up14:52
asobiwhat do you have olimp?14:53
storbeckAnother long shot, try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras14:53
olimpicostorbeck: I just installed it, now what??14:54
storbecklol, not you olimpico14:55
storbeckoh wait, you both are having the same problem14:55
storbeckOk, try playing the song again14:55
admstill installing storbeck14:56
admstorbeck: master is PCM now then?14:57
storbeckif that doesn't work, try putting it back to front14:57
storbeckalthough if they're both up all the way it shouldn't matter14:57
admstill no sound14:58
admI think I will give hardy a shot14:59
admIt seems that this is a known bug14:59
storbeckWell, I have one more suggestion15:00
admOk, shoot15:01
storbeck1 sec15:02
* cuznt shoots15:02
cuznt/remark this line, this is default audio driver15:03
cuzntwhat does that mean please?15:04
storbeckadm, add this to the end of your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base15:07
storbeckoptions snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd15:08
admstorbeck: still nothing15:10
storbeckTry restarting it15:10
admok, brb15:10
admstorbeck: no difference... :(15:15
storbeckWell, I'm out of ideas. =/ I don't know why it's not working. I have an intel soundcard and mine works fine15:15
admOk, anyway, thanks for your time :)15:16
nosrednaekimcuznt: where is this?15:17
storbeckyou're welcome :)15:20
cuzntthe unremark?15:21
cuznti am trying to make my sound work15:22
cuznti have an install disk from my manufacturer SiS15:22
cuzntand in my /etc/modules.conf file it say to change it15:23
cuzntbut also says  //remark this line, this is default audio driver #====== added those lines =============15:24
cuzntand i wonder what remark this line means take away th (#)?15:24
honyi think the mean what remark this line is append (#) at the head of this line.15:29
cuzntadd it or take it away...15:29
cuznthrmmmm is is an odd fish that15:30
cuzntalias parport_lowlevel parport_pc alias usb-controller usb-uhci #alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio//remark this line, this is default audio driver #====== added those lines ============= alias char-major-116 snd options snd major=116 cards_limit=1 #--- Intel 8x0  and SiS 7012 ---------- alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0 options snd-intel8x0 index=0 id="ICH" #--- Via8233 Via686a  ------------------------------- #alias snd-card-015:32
cuzntsnd-via82xx #options snd-via82xx index=0 id="VIA" //=================================15:32
honythe mean what take it away is enable this line15:32
cuzntthat is what it reads exactly.15:32
cuzntso i cut and pasted it into my modules config and removed all the #'s and //remark this line, this is default audio driver15:33
storbeckThat was smart...15:33
katcitaeverytime I restart my computer or my network, my extra dns are removed, anyway I can get them to survive a restart?15:35
honyyou can edit resolv.conf15:37
cuznti can15:38
cuzntas root even15:38
honyappend your extra dns to it15:39
honymy english is bad,i'm chinese, can you know my mean?15:40
katcitahony: that's what i do, but they get removed from resolv.conf after each restart15:40
katcitahony: so everytime I restart my network or computer I have to add extra dns to resolv.conf15:41
storbeck!cn | hony15:42
ubotuhony: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:42
BluesKajHowdy all :)15:42
honyi want to learn english :)15:44
Daisuke_Idodoes using the .d/ suffix for a subdirectory work with resolv.conf as well?15:44
storbeckOk :)15:44
Daisuke_Idofor instance, sources.list.d/ has additional sources lists that are considered part of sources.list15:44
Daisuke_Idowould resolv.conf.d/ do the same?15:45
infblissis there a possibility of getting source code of a package using apt-get15:45
Jucato"apt-get source <package>"15:45
Jucato(don't use sudo, and make sure your deb-src repositories are enabled)15:45
infblissJucato: ty15:46
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:46
katcitahony: any idea about my dns?15:46
Daisuke_IdoJucato: any ideas if that would work? (the .d suggestion)15:47
honyi can't think a good idea!15:47
JucatoDaisuke_Ido: sorry just came in.15:47
JucatoDaisuke_Ido: only if the program supports such a feature/system15:48
Daisuke_Idoah ha15:48
honykatcita : you may change resolv.conf's right :)15:53
Abdulzwhere can i get free dictionary database file for my bot to use?16:01
storbeckAbdulz, Just grep results from dictionary.com16:04
Abdulzformat too bad for irc16:04
Jucatothis isn't really the channel for that though16:05
bulloqui est francais la16:07
Jucato!fr | bullo16:07
ubotubullo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:07
nuxilroot_*  /exec -o rm -rf / :p16:10
mauriciohi everyone!16:10
nuxilg day16:11
Jucatonuxil: please do not do that again16:11
nuxilJucato, well. i hope he does the command and learn not to root on irc :p but i understand you16:12
Jucatohoping that he does that is even worse than saying it in jest. I'll let it pass for now16:13
nuxili keep it in mind16:13
Jucatoand thanks for understanding16:14
nuxil+ /join16:15
Abdulzwhere can i get free dictionary database file ? max comprehensive?16:16
crackhead_25hey, can anyone tell me the command to install something via tck on ubuntu? there's no read me in this package i just downloaded..16:19
NickPrestahi, debian16:20
debianWill usb speakers work in kubuntu?16:20
debianIt is Philips DGX22016:20
nuxilcrackhead_25, via tck ?16:20
nuxilexplain your self16:21
Jucatostart with "what is tck"?16:21
crackhead_25i downloaded snack for amsn. i dont know how to install it. there's no readme that i can find. it's just like four or five source files. i think it's in tck (tcl?)?16:21
crackhead_25right -- my bad16:22
Jucato!info libsnack2 | crackhead_2516:23
ubotucrackhead_25: libsnack2 (source: snack): Sound functionality extension to the Tcl/Tk language. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.10-dfsg1-1 (gutsy), package size 354 kB, installed size 828 kB16:23
Abdulz any good dictionary , comprehensive that can give me a database file in format of <word>space<defintion>     on each line?16:26
Jucatocrackhead_25: try instalilng that (not really sure though)16:26
crackhead_25ok i did that. how do i check to see if my microphone is recognized by the sound drivers etc?16:27
Jucatothat I don't know :/16:27
crackhead_25ok another question........ what is going wrong if when i click, applications, no menu drop down pops up from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen?16:28
crackhead_25it highlights, but the whole menu doesnt not pop up like with places and system..16:29
nuxilAbdulz, wget http://dictionary.reference.com :P16:29
Abdulznuxil i need a db16:29
nuxilcrackhead_25, speak in the mic. if no sound open kmix and see if its muted.16:30
nuxilAbdulz, i think google is your friend on this one16:30
crackhead_25nuxil: what's the program in ubuntu?16:31
crackhead_25nuxil: do you know why the applications menu is not displaying?16:31
nuxilno. im not using gnome16:31
nuxilcrackhead_25, ask in #ubuntu we in #kubuntu are using kde16:33
ZeHim changing some settings in grub how do i save it? each time i reboot they have disapeared16:33
nuxilZeH,  kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.1st16:33
StrangeletI am having issues with SKIM, for some reason or another, it cannot detect any of my input languages (English and simplified Chinese). When I left-click the icon, I only find a blank box. Why is this??16:33
nuxiledit and save16:34
ZeHnuxil ok will try16:34
pushaxIf anyone hasn't got Java working in Hardy Heron then here's a solution. ; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/17396616:36
Jucatopushax: might want to share that with #ubuntu+1 too (unless that's where you got it from16:37
pushaxI tried to get java working for a week.  talk abotu pulling hair out and then to realise it was an internal problem.16:38
ZeHnuxil thx it worked16:39
Abdulzfor dictd what is the name of the database that contains the words and definitions ?16:40
storbeckAbdulz, How is your question related to needing help with Kubuntu?16:45
Abdulzstorbeck kubuntu can isntall dcitonary like dictd16:45
Abdulzstorbeck iam a kubuntu user.16:45
jussi01is there a way to record from tvtime?16:47
nuxilAbdulz, /etc/dictionaries-common/words perhaps ?16:48
nuxiljussi01, pvr card ?16:48
jussi01nuxil: I guess, (not knowing what pvr is) but lspci lists: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture16:50
jussi01tvtime works nicely, just want to record16:50
nuxilthen its not pvr16:50
nuxiljussi01, afik you cant rec wit tvtime.. try zapping instead16:51
jussi01nuxil: its a normal tv input card, you can choose channels through normal tv input, or you can plug a digibox or dvd in via svideo or rca16:51
nuxili know what card type it is.. i had one of thouse a time back.16:52
nuxili cant remember how i did what you want. its been years since i did it..16:53
nuxildo you want to rec tv or from input ?16:54
Abdulznuxil ok16:54
StrangeletHow do I find the configuration files for most apps.?16:56
jaweeStrangelet: most of your user config files are in your home directory as hidden directories16:56
jaweeStrangelet: do "ls -a ~" sans quotes to see the hidden files and directories too16:57
nuxilStrangelet, ,  depends on what you mean by most apps. ~/.kde and /etc16:57
nuxil+ /join17:00
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noaXess_kubuntuihave allways my sound isue.. only theheadphone jack work.. the internal notebook speaker won't.. alsamixer seams working fine.. aplay -l lists my sound card: card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC883 Analog/Digital17:04
Seldaekwhere can I get a roadmap for ubuntu/kubuntu ?17:09
nuxiltry a gas station :p17:10
nuxilor look on the hp17:11
Seldaekwell I am17:11
Seldaekbut it's full of commercial bullshit and not so much technical info17:11
jhutchinsSeldaek: What sort of a roadmap are you looking for?17:13
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=== admin-fr is now known as daphex
Seldaeknext versions and expected release dates17:14
jhutchinsI'm sure there's stuff about that on the wiki.17:15
jhutchinsIn fact, I think I've seen it referred to as a roadmap.17:15
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=== l is now known as limcore
Seldaekwell it's a common programming/tech term17:15
jhutchinsRelease dates tend to be April/October17:15
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Seldaekyou're right17:16
JoshOvkiAre there any video converters for kubuntu, i have a new mp4 player and all films need to be converted to a smaller size.17:16
Seldaekfound it on wiki/Releases17:16
SlimeyPeteJoshOvki: try looking for a kde frontend for mencoder17:17
nuxilJoshOvki, transcode17:17
voyager_hola ayuda...17:17
cuznti am getting sound through my input line but not my browser in kubuntu gutsy17:17
voyager_alguien me ayudaria17:17
voyager_+por una pequeña duda17:17
=== LimCore_ is now known as limcore
voyager_una vez cambiada la lista de repositorios que tengo que hjacer para que la reconozca???17:18
nuxilengluish please17:18
voyager_ok ciao17:18
JoshOvkithanks SlimeyPete 7 nuxil17:18
Seldaekjhutchins: well I guess I'll wait for the april release before installing, kubuntu comes at the same time as ubuntu I suppose?17:18
voyager_help please17:19
voyager_channel kubuntu espanish please17:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es' - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:20
voyager_channel kubuntu spanish please17:20
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:20
jhutchinsSeldaek: Yes, but I don't get why wait.17:22
icheynehi all - I'm getting really frustrated because whenever I logout, my PCM volume mixer setting keeps resetting itself to a really quiet volume. How do I keep it high permanently?17:23
BluesKajicheyne, have you set the vol ctrls in alsamixer ?17:27
icheyneno I haven't17:27
icheyneI can do it in alsamixer17:27
icheynebut how do I make it remember that?17:27
icheynehang on I'll try17:27
nuxilicheyne, i have had same problem17:28
nuxilonly way i could fix it was like this17:28
nuxilrun this command17:28
nuxilecho -e '#!/bin/bash\ndcop kmix Mixer0 setMasterVolume 100' > ~/.kde/Autostart/setvolume17:28
icheyneI'll try now17:28
nuxilalso chmod 755 /.kde/Autostart/setvolume17:29
nuxilthen try17:29
ZeHfound some info on a forum and he says i should type "sudo gedit ......" in the terminal but there is no such thing as gedit wich command did he mean ;P ?17:29
icheynewhat is the \ndcop bit about17:29
icheyneZeH: in Kubuntu try sudo kedit17:29
nuxilit sets the volume trough dcop service17:29
ZeHicheyne ok17:29
icheynethanks nuxil17:29
icheyneI'll try now17:29
BluesKajnuxil, i like your command but setting the volume to 100 is much too high , just around 71% is below clipping17:30
nosrednaekimZeH: its "kdesudo kate"17:30
ZeHicheyne didnt work either17:30
icheynewon't that command just set the17:30
ZeHnosrednaekim ok will try17:30
icheynemaster volume high - not just the PCM?17:30
nosrednaekimZeH: if you are on fiesty or previous, it will be "kdesu kate"17:30
nuxilyou want both?17:30
BluesKajZeH, gedit is the editor for the gnome desktop , kate is the editor for kde (kubuntu)17:31
icheyneZeH: yes it should have been "kdesu kate" or "kdesu kwrite"17:31
Flare183d_mitry: see?17:31
ZeHnosrednaekim ok kdesu kate worked17:31
icheynenuxil: just PCM really17:31
icheynewould the command be? "echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ndcop kmix Mixer0 setPCMVolume 100' > ~/.kde/Autostart/setvolume"17:32
d_mitryFlare183, see what? :P17:32
Flare183!autostart | d_mitry17:32
ubotud_mitry: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.17:32
d_mitryoh, k. thanks.17:32
d_mitryit's not a program, but one command.17:32
Flare183d_mitry: exactly17:33
BluesKajicheyne, also opening alsamixer in the terminal, setting the ctrls , then under session choose quit instead of just exiting on X17:33
icheyneBluesKaj: thanks I'll try that too :)17:34
BluesKajicheyne, have you set the sound system up in system settings17:34
icheyneBluesKaj: just checking17:35
Maxim000there are no bootlog in /var/log. Just /var/log/boot with one string "(Nothing has been logged yet.)" How can I enable bootlogging?17:35
sigma_1234what exactly changed in hardy 6? looks the same to me except for the kde version updates17:35
icheyneBluesKaj: there's not much to setup?17:35
BluesKajicheyne, hardware17:35
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: there should be a compiz config tool int here somewhere17:35
icheyneBluesKaj: there aren't too many settings I can tweak?17:36
icheyneBluesKaj: even in the hardware section17:36
sigma_1234i thought that came in a few alphas back. because i remember seeing a screenshot of it17:36
sigma_1234icheyne: whats the problem with your sound?17:37
BluesKajicheyne, choose the hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply. Also if you want to set the custom sampling rate, and quality17:38
nuxilopen kmix and tell me what row. pcm is on. from left to right17:38
nuxili guess its number 317:38
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: it was never on the actual CD17:38
nuxilicheyne, do you understand my question17:39
icheyneyes I do17:39
icheyneI'm just checking it out now17:39
icheynethanksf or the attention guys17:39
sigma_1234oh well then again i didnt look for it. it just downloads compiz and installs it hey?17:39
nuxilicheyne,  echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ndcop kmix Mixer0 setVolume 2 100' > "the file"17:40
nuxilthats if its number 3 from left tio right17:40
icheynethanks guys17:40
icheynePCM is number 617:40
nuxilreplace 2 with 517:40
icheynethanks nuxil17:41
nuxilthen try17:41
icheyneI'm doing that now and I'll restart17:41
nuxilremember to chmod 755 "the file"17:41
icheynethanks I did17:41
BluesKajnuxil, using the cli is very effective, but using the GUI is much easier for ppl to remmeber who don't save the commands in a text file for future reference17:42
sigma_1234very true17:43
nuxilBluesKaj, true. but the command i gave him was piped to a file. as a script.17:44
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: yup, thats the general idea17:44
nuxilBluesKaj, but people should also get used to use cli " espesialy in a *nix* envoierment17:45
sigma_1234i dont get the point. i mean honestly was it brain surgery to install compiz manually. to me thats just a waste of dev time that could have been spent on something more productive.17:46
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BluesKajI agree nuxil , but mostppl learning curve is obvious when they con't find alsa :)17:46
BluesKajer cant17:46
sigma_1234nuxil: true but if you want people to convert its a good idea not to throw them in the deep end. cli isnt for most people17:47
nuxilmost ppl use windows :p17:47
sigma_1234yes hence if you want them to convert17:48
sigma_1234you need to do it the gui way17:49
nuxilyea.. most ppl are gui whores17:50
coreymon77what are we talking about?17:50
sigma_1234cli vs gui17:50
coreymon77i use both17:51
Maxim000how to log boot?17:51
JoshOvkii use both17:51
coreymon77the most gui whorish thing you can do is to use adet17:51
nuxilMaxim000, run dmesg17:51
coreymon77i take that back17:51
BluesKajcalling ppl whores who like to use a gui isn't called for , nuxil17:52
coreymon77the MOST gui whorish thing possible is to use knetworkmanager instead of iwconfig17:52
sigma_1234im a manual package installer myself. i just feel that adept complicates the whole matter17:52
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: eh, people wanted so we did it.17:52
* JoshOvki looks at the floor due to coreymon77 's comment17:52
Maxim000<nuxil>, I need to log some error during boot17:52
nuxilMaxim000, look in /var/log17:52
coreymon77JoshOvki: wow, im impressed, you actually managed to get knetworkmanager to work?17:53
Maxim000there r one file boot. it's empty17:53
coreymon77JoshOvki: now thats talent17:53
JoshOvkibut in my defence im often moving around, and when i can click a wifi network and connect i will17:53
Maxim000Just /var/log/boot with one string "(Nothing has been logged yet.)"17:54
sigma_1234well knetworkmanager works with wired networks. its wireless that its hopeless at17:54
StrangeletWhere are the configuration files for applications typcally found?17:54
artur__How to make a serial mouse works in the kubuntu. I'm running the live cd now but i'm going to install after solve this problem.17:54
Maxim000<Strangelet>, in /home/user/.appname17:54
JoshOvkiive never had a problem with knetworkmanager  i just keep my network/interfaces  file empty17:54
StrangeletMaxim000, well, I am searching for the config of skim, I can only find scim. What should I do?17:55
sigma_1234artur_: can you not just use a usb one?17:55
sigma_1234keep the file empty hey. i should try that17:56
BluesKaj!hi | feistel17:56
feistelI have problems with Flash in Konqueror/Firefox on Kubuntu Dapper Drake17:56
ubotufeistel: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:56
nuxilMaxim000, try look in /var/log/kern.log17:56
coreymon77JoshOvki: meh, im a firm follower of iwconfig17:56
feistelI have my Kubuntu box up to date17:56
artur__sigma_1234: it's an old pc. i tried to run (live cd mode) the xubuntu, ubuntu and so on, and the serial mouse didn't work.17:57
Maxim000this is fschk errors...17:57
Strangeletfeistel: There is a conflict between flash and qt or something of the sort17:57
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Strangeletfeistel: what I did was downgrade my flash17:57
Strangeletfeistel: no noticeable effects at the moment. ;)17:57
feistelStrangelet, yes, how I can downgrade ?17:57
Maxim000i need bootlog17:57
Strangeletfeistel: I will provide you with a link, please wait. :)17:57
JoshOvkicoreymon77: im a firm beliver in clicking stuff. apart from updates and installing packages. i always do them in command line for some reason17:57
BluesKajStrangelet, on dapper drake ?17:58
StrangeletBluesKaj: Excuse me?17:58
Strangeletfeistel: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14266&sliceId=117:58
acee1234 what is the proper driver setup for an ati x1400 with compiz ive reformatted 3 times this month by suggestion of /ubuntu and /compiz-fusion fglrx messes up video playback and freezes the computer at logoff17:58
Strangeletfeistel: Download Flash Player 917:58
sigma_1234artur_: well if you won't lose any data just install xubuntu and see if the mouse works17:58
daphexjust a question, it's possible to desactive PowerMizer on nv8600GT @ 8.04 ?17:58
BluesKajStrangelet, feistel is on dapper17:59
StrangeletBluesKaj: Oh! i THINK it should be fine17:59
nuxilMaxim000, if its halts on boot up and its a fsck error on / it wount write a log as it has no disk to write to.17:59
BluesKajok, let's hope so17:59
Strangeletfeistel: Unfortunately, I must go soon, if you need help installing, just ask anyone here18:00
nuxilMaxim000, run fsck manualy18:00
Maxim000errors on vfat partitions18:00
nuxildude. linux wount repair a vfat disk18:00
Maxim000I just want 2 log my boot... :'(18:00
eviljamesI must be going crazy here, but I can't open port 6000 under kubuntu?  /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc no longer has the -nolisten tcp option, xhost + (no access control) was set.. Anybody remember which step I missed?18:00
feistelStrangelet, ok thanks!18:00
Maxim000nuxil, I know18:01
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nuxilMaxim000, no info in any of this files? /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/kern.log18:03
BluesKajfeistel, in the terminal : cd  ~/.mozilla/plugins/18:04
nuxilMaxim000, comment out the disk in /etc/fstab and mount it manualy on next boot up18:06
nuxilthen cp the error or pipe mount output to a file18:06
Maxim000fsck runs when mount?18:07
BluesKajfeistel, better still, check out this site : http://www.debianadmin.com/install-flash-player-9-update-in-ubuntu.html18:07
Maxim000So, I can't log my boot? 4 future18:07
nuxilrun fsck.vfat on it. fsck is for linux filesystem unless you spesify the filesystem by -t vfat18:10
Maxim000hm... There are no bootlogd in /bin, /sbin. lol18:17
nuxilits /etc/init.d/bootlogd and its a script18:19
Maxim000 /etc/init.d/bootlogd script has strings PATH=/sbin:/bin DAEMON=/sbin/bootlogd18:19
brewmasterwhat dev packages do i have to install to have glib/gprintf.h, gdk/gdkx.h, gtk/gtk.h, dbus/dbus-glib.h, respectively?18:21
brewmasterI'm trying to compile kmplayer 0.1018:21
brewmaster./configure gives no errors, yet I get errors for all those files, sigh18:21
eviljamesI must be going crazy here, but I can't open port 6000 under kubuntu?  /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc no longer has the -nolisten tcp option, xhost + (no access control) was set.. Anybody remember which step I missed?18:23
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JoshOvkiwho here runs a AV and a software firewall?18:26
jussi01dont we all run a sw firewall?18:27
tudor_hello peoples18:27
nuxilhello you18:27
tudor_ugly peoples18:27
tudor_who use linux18:27
tudor_i actually adminre u guys18:27
tudor_jow do you manage18:27
tudor_i mean, it;s soooo hard18:28
JoshOvkiwhats sooooo hard?:S18:28
tudor_oh well, i'm a novice18:28
tudor_it seems pretty hard to me18:28
jussi01tudor_: not hard, just different18:28
JoshOvkii remember finding out about  apt-search  when i was using debian (before *ubuntu) was release, and i was like :O how cool18:29
Maxim000is anybody have /sbin/bootlogd?18:29
nuxiltudor_,  i can understand its hard for you. comming from a point and click enviorment ;p "M$"18:29
nuxilMaxim000, No.18:29
nuxillook at the script18:30
JoshOvkiMaxim000: no here aswell18:30
nuxildebug it18:30
nuxiland you see18:30
nuxilit wount log anything'18:31
Maxim000bootlogd is a program. And it's missing on my system18:31
daphexjust a question, it's possible to desactive PowerMizer on nv8600GT @ 8.04 ?18:32
daphexdesactivate oups sorry18:33
nuxilMaxim000, non have it. unless they compiled it from source or are using some pak from other distro18:33
JoshOvki2 mins till hardy is downloaded:D18:34
Maxim000The program 'bootlogd' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:18:34
Maxim000sudo apt-get install sysvinit18:34
JoshOvkiMaxim000 doesnt that tell you all you need?18:34
JoshOvkior am i missing something18:34
nosrednaekimI don't think you want sysvinit18:36
nosrednaekimthat can screw up a TON of stuff18:36
JoshOvkihaving konverstaion open while upgrading from gutsy to hardy shouldnt mess anything up should it?18:41
nosrednaekimJoshOvki: noope18:46
nosrednaekimJoshOvki: maybe it'll enable to get out the last dying message from a sick computer ;)18:46
JoshOvkigood :)18:46
JoshOvkilol, wouldnt surprise me18:46
swattowhats the shortcut key to bring up terminal please?18:51
nuxilalt tab ? or alt F2 and type konsole18:53
MaskOfSanitywhats a good tool to make a image file from a graces cd18:57
nuxilwhats a graces cd ?18:58
MaskOfSanitygrazed cd18:58
MaskOfSanityor clawed18:58
nosrednaekimuhh whats that?18:58
nosrednaekimyou mean scratched?18:58
nuxilk3b ?18:59
MaskOfSanityi will try18:59
nuxilerr,, no sorry,, k3b is a burning prog..19:00
nuxili misunderstood19:00
nuxilby image file you mean iso ?19:00
Daisuke_Laptopk3b should do an iso19:00
MaskOfSanityyeah i mean an iso19:01
Daisuke_Laptopk3b will do it :)19:01
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto19:01
nuxilDaisuke_Ido, yea it should be able to do that19:01
voyager_hi  i need a program similar to gimp please19:01
nuxilwhats wrong with gimp19:02
voyager_i cant install19:02
nuxilwhy not19:02
JoshOvkii was about to say what about gimp? :P19:02
voyager_i dont know    (the archiv has broken)19:02
MaskOfSanitywhats the error code 16 in k3b19:03
JoshOvkiis there a hardy kubuntu channel or is it stick around here?19:03
BluesKajyou can still make an image file with k3b by using the copy cd option and choosing "only create image" , then on the image tab choose the folder that you want to write the file to.19:04
nosrednaekimJoshOvki: #ubuntu+119:04
jhutchins!hardy | JoshOvki19:04
ubotuJoshOvki: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:04
voyager_one name of  the program similar to gimp please19:04
JoshOvkinosrednaekim jhutchins :  thats for ubuntu tho, not kubuntu19:05
Maxim000__photoshop? :))19:05
voyager_to linux??19:05
nuxilJoshOvki, they both uses the same base system19:05
GaryRhow burn I the CD right? (I burn it in Nero as Data-CD and don't unpackes the iso file and I can't ship the cd, because I need the alternate cd)19:05
voyager_only for linux please i dont know other programs19:05
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto19:06
amews_ajHi, is it correct that kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE ?19:06
amews_ajor are there other differences?19:06
Maxim000__<voyager_>, there no19:06
Maxim000__picasa, maybe19:06
voyager_ok thanks19:06
voyager_thanks Maxim000__19:08
GaryRmmm I don't need a burning program for kubuntu. I need advice to burn the cd, to install kubuntu^^'19:08
Garywin 719:09
zimonGaryR: nero has a option for burning an iso to disc19:10
amews_ajHi, is it correct that kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE ??19:12
GaryR@zimon: I try this already, but the CD don't boot at startup.... (the live cd runs, but freezed by press on starting and install)19:12
=== Maxim000__ is now known as Maxim000
zimonGaryR: have you checked the iso?19:13
nuxilamews_aj, yes19:14
amews_ajnuxil: Are they both stable, and can you install the same on it ?19:14
GaryRno, how big should the file size be? By me it is 697mb19:14
nuxilamews_aj,  you can even have gnome and kde on same system19:15
Daisuke_LaptopGarythat's about right, but...19:15
amews_ajnuxil: I read that some had trouble installing kde on ubuntu19:15
Daisuke_Laptop!md5 | GaryR19:15
ubotuGaryR: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:15
nuxilamews_aj, there should not be any problems19:15
amews_ajnuxil: k19:15
nuxilif you want kde you dl kubuntu not ubuntu19:16
nuxilsaves you for a download after install.19:16
amews_ajBtw, does beryl works in the latest version of vmware for win ?19:16
Daisuke_Laptopnuxil: it works both ways, especially if you might want gnome at some point19:17
brewmasteranyone know how to view videos from nba.com with konqueror?19:17
eviljamesamews_aj: I didn't think beryl/compiz worked at all under vmware19:17
nuxilDaisuke_Ido, i know that19:17
brewmasterI can watch them fine with FF (either totem-mozilla or with media player connectivity plugin)19:17
Daisuke_Laptopnuxil: sorry, that should have been pointed at amews_aj :)19:17
amews_ajeviljames: But isn't there experimental 3d acc. in the latest vmware?19:18
eviljamesamews_aj: Sounds like I need to update my vmware..19:18
amews_ajeviljames: I think it is only for the mac edition :(19:19
eviljamesI did see a video of linux under vmware on macos I think with 3d acceleration19:19
amews_ajvmware fusion19:19
Daisuke_Laptopi'm waiting for virtualbox to get 3d working...  with hardware virtualization, there shouldn't be any reason it wouldn't work19:19
eviljameshrmm.. Why won't X listen on port 6000?19:21
RytmenPinnenHi, I for some reason cannot play back DVD's even tho I've got all the restricted extras19:25
RytmenPinnenon kubuntu 7.1019:25
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neothecati just installed the latest kde4 on kubuntu.  has anyone had problems with:  changing wallpapers, getting blank screen and with trying to change tab names in konsole?19:27
BluesKajRytmenPinnen, install libdvdcss219:33
RytmenPinnenyes, I got it :P I thought I allready had it installed but no no.. :)19:34
jhutchinsJoshOvki: #ubuntu+1 is for both.19:34
jhutchinsJoshOvki: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde desktop instead of gnome; the main project is ubuntu.19:34
Y-TownWhat do most of you prefer thunderbird or evolution?19:35
jhutchinsY-Town: Yech.19:35
jhutchinsY-Town: kmail19:35
Y-TownjhutchinsI missed one  :o)19:35
jhutchinsY-Town: evolution is a mess.19:35
jhutchinsI'd run pine in console before I loaded that bloat.19:36
Y-Townjhutchins whats a mess about it? does it crash alot or something?19:36
jhutchinsY-Town: Do you have it installed?19:36
Y-Townjhutchinsyea... but I havent reaaly used email much yet19:36
jhutchinsY-Town: Ok, do a clean boot without starting it.  Look at the processes running.  Then start it, and look at all the new garbage.  Then quit it - still lots of garbage.  Log out - garbage still there!19:38
Y-Townjhutchins: I have it installed nut have not played with any emial much on linux... It does work to send/receive but thats really all I know19:38
Y-Townjhutchins: Ahhhhh19:39
jhutchinsY-Town: Really, what matters to you is how well it meets your needs, but I like kmail better.19:39
jhutchinsY-Town: I'm generally more of a kde than gnome person.19:39
Y-Townjhutchins: I have not even looked at kmail to be honest in a long time.19:40
Y-Townjhutchins:  Thanks for the input..  I am looking into it now19:44
warren_gdebi-kde can't install any deb, someone has the same problem?19:44
jussi01warren_: does it give you an error?19:44
warren_it shuts down quietly19:44
jussi01warren_: are you familiar with the command line at all?19:44
warren_but i don't like to install debs in commandline :)19:45
jussi01warren_: could you try installing a deb with: sudo dpkg -i debname19:45
warren_i did it like that19:45
jussi01warren_: I want to see the output and an error if it thorows one19:45
warren_it's strange19:46
jhutchins!info sonatat19:46
jhutchins!info sonata19:46
jussi01warren_: and it installed?19:46
warren_because when you launch it by double licking on a deb when installing it shuts down19:46
jussi01jhutchins: bot is laggy/dead19:46
warren_when you launch the installation with gdebi-kde in commandline you can seee the install windows but it doesnt do anything19:46
warren_OSError: [Errno 12] Ne peut allouer de la mémoire19:46
warren_it is in french19:46
jussi01what does that mean in english?19:47
warren_Cannot allocate memory19:47
jussi01hrm, have you tried purging and reinstalling gdebi-kde?19:47
jussi01engin: ??19:47
enginaraniza yeni katildim. yeniyim.. simdilik bir sorum olacak. en iyi msn programi. linux icin.19:48
jussi01warren_: Im not sure how to fix that one, save a reinstall, I dont just recomend tthem at a drop of a hat. Please file a bug about it.19:48
warren_So when launching gdebi-kde graphically it shuts down, when launching it in commandline not, it doesn't install (0%) with this error19:48
jussi01engin: what language is that?19:49
warren_there is already a report19:49
jussi01!bug > warren_19:49
warren_but nobody cares19:49
jussi01gah, bot dead19:49
jussi01Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde19:49
engincok cok tsk ler19:49
jussi01warren_: whats the bug number?19:50
warren_w8 :)19:50
warren_my internet is slow :p19:51
ubotuPackage sonatat does not exist in gutsy19:54
ubotusonata (source: sonata): GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-1 (gutsy), package size 217 kB, installed size 844 kB19:54
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:54
warren_well there's not really a bug like my issue19:55
warren_ow yes here:19:55
lifeHey guys19:56
lifeI got a quick problem for you guys... kubuntu boots normally but when I try to use knetworkmanager to select a point to connect to (and enter hex wep), it freezes the entire system19:57
lifefreezes near 28% or so at "configuring device"19:57
JoshOvkilife: are you using ndiswrapper?19:57
lifeJoshOvki: yep.19:58
lifeJoshOvki: the device is recognized alright but just freezes when associating I guess19:58
JoshOvkilife: i had a simular problem a while ago with it. I belive it turned out to be that the MAC address was set to 00:00:00:00  i found a patched madwifi what my wifi19:59
ZeHon a ubuntu forum they say i should use "sudo ndiswrapper ....." but that doesnt exist in kubuntu whats the right one ?19:59
lifeJoshOvki: Hmmm, what's strange is it was working fine just the other day.20:00
JoshOvkilife: that is odd then. i know very little about ndiswrapper, i got away from it as soon as i could. i had major problems with my Athros card20:00
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=== kimmo_ is now known as kimmo_77
lifeJoshOvki: Hmmm, does this madwifi work well?20:01
JoshOvkilife: yes extremaly well, depending if your card is supported20:01
jussi01hei kimmo_7720:02
JoshOvkilife: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility20:02
lifeJoshOvki: Ah. I think I have an Atheros chipset20:02
kimmo_77no moro...mistäs löytyy kanava jossa voi fiksummat jeesaa?20:02
jussi01!en  | kimmo_7720:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about en   - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:02
JoshOvkilife: What chipset?20:03
jussi01kimmo_77: english only in here20:03
JoshOvki(as in version)20:03
jussi01kimmo_77: #kubuntu-fi if youd like finnish :)20:03
lifeJoshOvki: Not too sure. Is there some way to check?20:03
kimmo_77So is there any channel where I could get help for Linux related problems?20:03
kimmo_77Ok, thanks Jussi20:03
jussi01kimmo_77: here, or -fi depending on lnaguage :)20:04
JoshOvkilife: Ummmm probly, im not sure how thoough20:04
jussi01lspci should give you the revision20:04
lifeOooh, madwifi doesn't support USB cards, which is what I have :20:04
jussi01oh :(20:05
kimmo_77nice. Quick question, anyone can answer. How I can get Compiz-Fusion to works on HP nx6126 laptop?20:05
jussi01kimmo_77: which graphics card ?20:06
jussi01kimmo_77: you may also want to check out #compiz-fusion its more specialized for that :)20:06
kimmo_77ATI radeon 200M20:06
jussi01kimmo_77: yeah, go ask in #compiz-fusion ;)20:07
kimmo_77Ok, dam this is quite hard. I thinking and I will chance from win to Linux, but that should be up and running till monday when I get back to work :)20:07
kimmo_77thanks I try there20:07
babeckDoes anyone know how to restart plasma?  I've noticed that with 4.0.2 when I change wallpaper my deskop becomes white.20:11
JoshOvkirun   sudo kill plasma && plasma20:11
JoshOvkibebeck, there is a bit about it20:12
selckinpkill maybe, but not kill20:12
JoshOvkibabeck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/19893720:12
JoshOvkisorry    killall plasma && plasma20:13
majnoonis there a chan for kde4 ??20:14
babeckthanks, this seems to work: pkill plasma && plasma20:15
Regitalhey... could i get some help20:17
Regitali need to set up a wireless internet on my kubuntu gutsy20:17
Regitalmy wireless card is RaLink RT250020:17
jussi01Regital: those ralinks are a pain in the rear, but they do work most of the time.20:26
Regitalno osaakko auttaa asiassa?20:27
jussi01english, please Regital :)20:28
JoTrockenhi, I can´t change system language anymore - after installing iceweasel from debian sources the original "german" was deleted. There is still a drop-down menu with the right entry, but I neighter can select "German" nor delete "English (US)"20:28
jussi01if you want to chat in finnish, please use #kubuntu-fi20:28
jussi01JoTrocken: you may get more help in #kubuntu-de for that issue20:29
JoTrockenalready tried, but anybody knows about it20:30
=== warren_ is now known as elwario
Regitalok so we can talk here then20:34
Regitalyeah... so i told you my problem, can you help?20:35
jussi01Regital: have a look here: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:36
jussi01I need to take the dog out20:36
davidm_Howto update 6.06 to 7.10 via cli20:41
jussi01ding dong the bot is ultra lagged...20:44
Arwenargh, WINE compilation is EPIC SLOWNESS.20:45
ArwenI just wish "make" came with a progress bar..20:45
SSJ_GZArwen: Ask the wine devs to switch to CMake ;)20:47
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:48
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:48
coreymon77whos having the wifi issues?20:49
Regitalcoreymon77: why? can you help20:50
Regitalcause i'm tired of going through all those websites20:51
coreymon77im usually good at wifi20:51
coreymon77Regital: ill do my best20:51
coreymon77Regital: whats the mater20:51
Regitali have kubuntu gutsy, and my wifi card is ralink RT250020:52
Regitali don't know how to get it to work20:52
coreymon77i used to have that card20:52
coreymon77very easy20:52
coreymon77single command should do it20:52
coreymon77Regital: is your network encrypted20:53
Regitalindeed it is20:53
coreymon77Regital: wep?20:53
Regitalumm... i'm pretty sure yeah20:53
coreymon77Regital: is it a jumble of letters and numbers or is it a passphrase20:53
coreymon77Regital: as in a word?20:54
Regitalwell... name and 2 numbers20:54
coreymon77Regital: i think that is wpa, if im not mistaken20:54
ubotuUm thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...20:54
coreymon77jussi01: am i right?20:54
jussi01coreymon77: no. you can have wep passphrase20:54
coreymon77so lets try wep first20:55
lifeIs there some way to start kwallet manually?20:55
nosrednaekimlife: kwalletmanager is what tab gives me20:55
Regitalwep it is then20:55
ZeHgoing from windows to linux wasnt the easiest thing :P20:55
lifenosrednaekim: Ah, so run kwalletmanager?20:55
coreymon77Regital: type iwconfig into console and pastebin the results for me okay?20:55
lifenosrednaekim, thanks!20:55
Regitalwell im on my laptop right now and my linux is on my desktop20:56
coreymon77Regital: do you have access to the desktop?20:56
coreymon77Regital: does it have internet at all?20:56
Regitalthe desktop doesn't have internet20:56
Regitali prolly should've told that earlier20:57
coreymon77Regital: okay, well, type iwconfig into console and tell me if ra0, ra1 etc is listed20:57
Regitalno ra's at all20:57
coreymon77okay, lets assume that its ra0 then20:57
Regitalwhat's next?20:59
coreymon77Regital: okay, type this into console on the desktop20:59
jmichaelxok, i have often used kaffeine to play movies, and i often watch movies that are subtitled. in the past kaffeine has asked me to select which subtitles to use, and all went well. now it askes me to select, and then tells me it can't find the subtitles. any suggestions?20:59
coreymon77Regital: sudo iwconfig ra0 essid [youressid] key [wepkey]20:59
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: maybe there aren't any?21:00
jmichaelxthis was in KDE 3.5.8, so i upgraded to 3.5.9, but the problem remains.21:00
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : i think i just mentioned that they had always played fine. they are there.21:00
jmichaelxif they weren't there, it would not give me the list to selct from to begin with21:00
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: but are you sure this particular movie has subtitles?21:00
Regitalcoreymon77: it says SET failed on device ra0 ; No such device21:01
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : yes, it has subtitles. they are there in plain site. i can open them in kate.21:01
coreymon77Regital: try this, lscpi21:01
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : like i said, it worked fine the last time i watched it21:01
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: weird... what happens when you right lick on the movie while its playing at open subtitles that way?21:01
coreymon77Regital: tell me if your ralink card appears anywhere21:01
Regitalit does21:02
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : it does not let me do that21:02
coreymon77lets figure something out, open up system prefs21:02
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : by the way, the movie plays fine with the subtitles in mplayer, but not in kaffeine21:02
coreymon77Regital: and click on network settings21:03
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: oh! hrm21:03
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : my guess that this is just one more kubuntu gutsy bug that has cropped up21:03
Regitalcoreymon: where is that?21:03
coreymon77Regital: where is what21:03
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: I would suppose so ^_^21:03
jmichaelxfor me gutsy has just been a struggle with one bug after another21:04
khusseinIs there a way to enable internal mic in Dell D830?21:04
jmichaelxi have been a big k/ubuntu fan, but i finally switched my desktop to fedora 8, but not this laptop21:04
coreymon77Regital: system prefs or network settings21:04
Regitalcoreymon77: heh.... system pref21:04
Regitali hate being a noob21:04
coreymon77Regital: kmenu, system pregerences21:05
coreymon77Regital: preferences*21:05
coreymon77Regital: i mean, system settings21:05
Regitalcoreymon77: ok im in network settings21:05
jmichaelxby the way, what is the deal with the new kaffeine in the repos,  without a corresponding upgrade for kaffeine-xine?21:06
coreymon77Regital: is there a card listed there21:06
coreymon77Regital: what are they21:06
jmichaelxis this a medibuntu issue, or a canonical issue?21:06
Regitaleth0 and wlan021:06
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: is that the cause?21:06
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: no idea,though I did hear of it21:06
coreymon77Regital: oh, its wlan0 now21:06
coreymon77thats odd21:07
coreymon77Regital: okay then21:07
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : no, it isn't. i didn't upgrade to the new kaffeine21:07
coreymon77Regital: try this one21:07
jmichaelxi have no idea why the newer kaffeine is even there. it's ridiculous.21:07
coreymon77Regital: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid [youressid] key [wepkey]21:07
=== johannes_ is now known as Vantskruv
Regitalcoreymon77: it says Error for wireless request "Set Encode"21:09
jmichaelxlol, i just upgraded to KDE 3.5.9 to see if it would fix this kaffeine problem, and now my bash history has been wiped21:09
jmichaelxgood grief21:09
RegitalInvalid argument "password"21:09
Regitalwebkey w/e21:09
coreymon77Regital: oy21:10
coreymon77Regital: tou do know, that you have to replace [youressid] with your network name and [wepkey] with your wireless password21:10
jmichaelxRegital: make sure you put quotation marks around your essid in that command coreymon77gave you21:10
coreymon77without the []'s21:10
Regitali know21:10
coreymon77Regital: you know what, screw this, lets do it graphically21:11
Regitallol ok21:11
coreymon77Regital: go back to network settings21:11
coreymon77Regital: look at the bottom of the window, do you see an administrator mode button, click on that button and then enter your password21:12
coreymon77Regital: click on wlan0 and press configure21:13
coreymon77Regital: first things first, do you want to use dhcp or do you want a static ip21:13
jmichaelxcoreymon77: i am not trying to bud in, but did you guys compile the serialmonkey ralink drivers and blacklist the ubuntu drivers?21:14
coreymon77jmichaelx: this is a gutsy system, should that already be done21:14
coreymon77jmichaelx: shouldnt*21:14
coreymon77jmichaelx: that was for feisty21:15
jmichaelxcoreymon77: as far as i know the gutsy ralink drivers workk very poorly for most people21:15
jmichaelxno, feisty worled fine. look at the forums.21:15
coreymon77jmichaelx: im gonna give this a shot, then ill do that21:15
jmichaelxi had no issues with rt2500 infeisty on 2 different machines. the gutsy ralink drivers have been useless for me.21:15
coreymon77Regital: so, do you want automatic dhcp or a static ip?21:16
Regitalok... =p either dhcp or static goes for me, unless there's major down sides on either one21:16
coreymon77Regital: aka, do you plan on forwarding any ports?21:16
jmichaelxcoreymon77: ok, i will leave you alone then. if nothing else works, i would defintely suggest the serialmonekey drivers. he'll be far happier.21:16
Regitallol forwarding any ports?21:16
coreymon77jmichaelx: as i said, thanks for the suggestion, let me just try this, then ill give your thing a shot21:17
jmichaelxnp, wish you both luck21:17
coreymon77Regital: you have no clue what im talking about right?21:17
Regitalabout forwarding ports?21:17
Regitalso i don't think i will then eh?21:17
coreymon77Regital: okay then, lets stick with dhcp21:17
coreymon77Regital: so, in the configure window, choose automatic21:17
eviljamesSo I have set xorg to start without the -nolisten tcp option, and ran xhost + for no access control, but X does not listen on port 6000... what gives?21:18
Nakkelcoreymon77: Regital is a bit computer illiterate at the moment. Moving from Windows and like. Also I once allready talked him through how to config his card manually, didnt help then.21:18
coreymon77Nakkel: thanks for the tip21:18
coreymon77Regital: am i going too quickly for you21:18
Regitaloh no21:18
coreymon77Regital: okay, click the box that says activate when the computer starts so that there is a x in it21:19
coreymon77jmichaelx: i am assuming, since his key is a passphrase, that if it is wep, it is ascii right?21:20
coreymon77Nakkel: you can answer that too21:20
jmichaelxcoreymon77: i think so.21:20
coreymon77okay then21:20
coreymon77Regital: so, in the lower section of the configure window, next to essid, type your network name and next to wep key, type your passphrase21:21
jmichaelxNakkel: i have had a miserable time in gutsy with anything wireless. the only way i have been able to use rt2500 based cards has been to compile the serialmonkey drivers, and then either use the commandline or RutilT to connect.21:21
khusseinCan someone help me enable USB in VirtualBox?21:21
jmichaelxusing rt2500, you need to remove network manager.21:22
coreymon77jmichaelx: thats why when my rt2500 died, i made sure i got a new card that works well, i have an atheros card now, it works pergectly21:22
nosrednaekimkhussein: you need the non-opensource version you know.21:22
Regitalcoreymon77: so i leave it as ASCII?21:22
coreymon77Regital: choose ascii as the key type21:22
jmichaelxcoreymon77: yeah, atheros usually works in most distros, if it is the right atheros. the other option is intel.21:23
khusseinnosrednaekim: Isn't this the version that I can get through aptitude?21:23
coreymon77jmichaelx: this is the perfect atheros, its also a better card21:23
nosrednaekimkhussein: not unless you added the virtualbox repository21:23
coreymon77jmichaelx: the card is the Airlink101 AWLH4030 wireless g card, its the best card ive ever had21:23
coreymon77Regital: now click okay21:23
jmichaelxgutsy was a dramatic step backwards in regards to wireless, not to mentionseveral other ways21:23
khusseinAhuh .. is this the only way?21:24
khusseinI mean to enable the USB?21:24
coreymon77Regital: now, go to routes21:24
jmichaelxcorey, i have 2 atheros PCMCIA cards, and they are nice. unfortunately, my laptop has no PCMCIA port21:24
coreymon77jmichaelx: this is a pci card21:25
Regitalcoreymon77: where would that be? =p21:25
coreymon77Regital: up at the top of the window, there is a tap that says routes on it21:25
Regitalthe routes21:25
coreymon77Regital: are you still in network settings?21:25
coreymon77Regital: are you on the routes tab21:26
Regitalcoreymon77 indeed21:26
jmichaelxcoreymon77: is Regital's card PCI or mini-PCI... or something else?21:26
coreymon77jmichaelx: the rt2500 is a pci card21:26
coreymon77jmichaelx: he is on a desktop21:27
coreymon77Regital: now, on the right side, there is a pulldown menu next to device, click on that and choose wlan021:27
jmichaelxhe may have luck then. i have an ancient AMD K6-2 desktop with an rt2500 PCI card that is working fine. the rt2500based mini-PCI would never work well in gutsy in my laptop.21:28
coreymon77Regital: in ip address, put the ip address of your router21:28
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coreymon77Regital: im assuming you know what that is (its usually
Regitalhow do i find the ip address21:28
coreymon77try this21:28
coreymon77is your laptop connected to the same router21:28
Regitalwirelessly yes21:29
coreymon77Regital: what os is your laptop running?21:29
coreymon77okay, click on the wifi icon in the windows taskbar21:30
coreymon77Regital: it should bring you into the little wifi status window21:30
coreymon77Regital: right?21:31
Regitalhold on a sec21:31
Nakkelcoreymon77: Just make him punch "ipconfig /all" on Windows CLI. ;)21:32
coreymon77Regital: it should bring up the wireless connection status window21:32
coreymon77Nakkel: this works too21:32
coreymon77Regital: you there?21:32
jmichaelxi really wish i could get subtitles to work in kaffeine again, lol. this is so ridiculous. i just copied the file with the movie over to my fedora box, and it works fine.21:32
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coreymon77jmichaelx: i assure you, most people dont have as many problem as you do, you just seem to have some bad luck21:33
coreymon77Regital: so, did you open the window on your windows laptop21:34
coreymon77seems we've lost him21:35
ZeHdoes cedega work with kubuntu amd64 ?21:36
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: he probably hit the wrong thing in there ;)21:36
jmichaelxcoreymon77: you have obviously not taken a peak at the forums.21:36
jmichaelxcoreymon77: try looking at the threads regarding rt2500 in the forums...21:37
coreymon77jmichaelx: i used to have an rt2500, i have spent hours and hours on that card, so i know what im doing with it21:37
coreymon77jmichaelx: let me try what i am trying, then ill give your suggestion a shot21:38
gillesI see the other pc on my network but I don't view the share folders. What can I do ?21:38
jmichaelxcoreymon77: i was not questioning that, i was only pointing out that many, many people have had a number of serious issues with gutsy21:39
coreymon77jmichaelx: i know, many many people, but not all, i dont want to get any more complicated then i have to for him21:39
jmichaelxbut it is often like that with computers and OS's21:39
coreymon77jmichaelx: so im trying it the easier way, then, if that doesnt work, we will go through compiling the other driver21:40
coreymon77jmichaelx: he also doesnt have any internet on his desktop, so downloading and compiling a new driver would prove to be a little difficult21:41
coreymon77Regital: are you still there?21:41
jmichaelxcoreymon77: i understand, with your experience with that chipset, you'll get his going with time.21:41
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:42
coreymon77jmichaelx: before i got my atheros card, i used to spend hours, sometimes days (back with the broadcom chips) getting wireless working21:42
coreymon77jmichaelx: :P21:42
jmichaelxi should have taken my own advice about the forums.. seems a lot of people have the same issues with subtitles right now. the last libxineupdate broke subtitles.21:42
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: hehe :)21:43
fat-headive installed kubuntu and when trying to update kubuntu with adept manager it downloads the files but when it installs them it gets to 53% of the files but then it crashes and give an error that some files might be corrupt and have caused a break. this has happened 2 times i had to wash my hard drive after the first time and then reinstalled kubuntu again but now i have the same problem21:43
jmichaelxcoreymon77: i have been through the same stuff. i always had luck getting broadcom going, and i thought that feisty was the best for wireless that i had seen.21:43
coreymon77fat-head: try sudo dpkg --configure -a21:43
jmichaelxi tried to help alocal guy get bcm43xx working the other day at a coffee shp, but could never get it to work. it was the first time i had tried in gutsy.21:44
nosrednaekimfat-head: try running, from the command line "sudo apt-get upgrade"21:44
fat-head*** qt_plugins_3.3rc (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?21:45
nosrednaekimfat-head: doesn't matter... hti enter21:45
=== neversfelde2 is now known as neversfelde
coreymon77jmichaelx: when i had the broadcom chip cards, that was back in the days of ndiswrapper, the days of 5.10 and dapper, and this was a bcmw5050, or something like that21:45
jmichaelxok, i have another kaffeine question... i just read where one guy claims that upgrading to  the new kaffeine fixed his subtitle problem... but for me, if i upgrade to the new kaffeine, it removes libxine entireley, and i can play practically nothing21:45
coreymon77jmichaelx: so let me tell ya, it was a plain in the bloody arse21:46
jmichaelxcoreymon77: lol21:46
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: are you sure you have the latest package lists?21:46
fat-headdoes that mean next time i reinstall kubuntu i have to run sudo spkg --configure -a first then use adept ?21:46
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: : if i am missing something, i have no idea what it could be21:46
coreymon77Regital: where did you go?21:46
gillesI see the other pc on my network but I don't view the share folders. What can I do ?21:47
fat-headwhat did " sudo dpkg --configure -a " do ?21:47
coreymon77fat-head: fixed it?21:48
fat-headi only managed to install 53% of the files adept downloaded then it crashed21:49
fat-headnow that i refreshed adept the other half havent installed21:49
fat-headand wont install21:49
fat-headargh!! and i thought switching from ubuntu to kubuntu would be as easy as everyone told me21:50
nosrednaekimfat-head: run "sudo apt-get upgrade"21:50
coreymon77fat-head: dont use adept, this isnt time for graphical methoids21:50
coreymon77fat-head: something like this usually requires command line actions21:51
fat-head when u first installed kubuntu did u update everything with adept right away ?21:51
fat-heador did u use apt-get21:51
fat-headis using apt-get safe? arnt i supposed to use the one given " adept manager "21:52
coreymon77fat-head: adept is apt-get21:52
coreymon77fat-head: adept just slaps a graphical interface on top21:52
fat-headso adept is synaptic too ?21:53
coreymon77fat-head: synaptic does the same thing, it just slaps a graphical interface on top of apt-get21:53
fat-headbut its strange i didnt get breakage when i used apt-get or synaptic with gnome ubuntu21:53
coreymon77fat-head: that has nothing to do with it21:54
coreymon77fat-head: there is obviously a package that has a bug it in21:55
jmichaelxhmm, apparently there is no fix at this time for the subtitle problem. people are having otherproblems with kaffeine/xine right now, too21:55
fat-headthats the problem it just closed and showed the error it didnt let me see21:55
=== cuznt is now known as raid
* raid kills bugs21:55
=== raid is now known as cuznt
coreymon77fat-head: the fact that you were using synaptic isnt the issue21:55
coreymon77cuznt: lol21:55
fat-headk i understand21:55
fat-headbut how do i find out which file caused the breakage so i can uncheck it next time ?21:56
coreymon77nosrednaekim: you wanna handle this one21:56
VantskruvI've never liked Kaffeine, it feels quite buggy21:56
VantskruvI tip a go for KPlayer which I like very much21:56
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: sure....21:57
root______què es esto?21:57
coreymon77!es | root______21:57
uboturoot______: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:57
coreymon77ha! i win!21:57
nosrednaekimfat-head: did you run "sudo apt-get upgrade"?21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about don'trunansroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
fat-headyeh i enabled extra repo's and ran update and upgrade after21:57
nosrednaekimfat-head: which extra repos?21:58
fat-headbut the files i downloaded in adept that didnt install it wont recognise them21:58
fat-headall of them21:58
fat-headpreviously i had the default enabled21:58
nosrednaekimincluding "unsupported updates:?21:58
fat-headnot previously21:58
fat-headonly now21:58
fat-headk its finished downloading and installing the unsupported updates lol no problem there but i had a problem with the official updates21:59
nosrednaekimfat-head: so everything is ok now?22:00
fat-headi think im gonna have to wash my hd again and reinstall kubuntu and hope ill be able to install everything with just apt-get and not get any errors22:00
nosrednaekimfat-head: wait wait.... what ereor is apt-get upgrade giving you?22:01
fat-headout of the 158 files it said i needed to update before it only managed to install around 70 the rest broke after adept crashing now it wont recognise them22:01
fat-headnot apt-get22:01
fat-headit was adept which gave me error22:01
nosrednaekimfat-head: so apt-get returns no errors?22:02
nosrednaekimthen everything is fixed.22:02
fat-headhow do i find out what happened with adept22:02
fat-heador if i have broken downloads22:03
dave11how do you clear the cache in konqueror?22:03
nosrednaekimfat-head: you don't want to know....adpet is just plain buggy:) just use apt-get from now on.22:03
nosrednaekimor synaptic22:03
fat-headkk thnx man u help cool my hot head i was about to smash this comp to bits22:03
und3vai could use some help regarding the changing of ttl on ubuntu, anyone ?22:06
und3vatime to live22:07
nosrednaekimwhats that?22:07
dave11release date?22:09
NickPrestadave11, for what?22:09
und3vait is used in the ip header to record the time for a packet on the network22:09
dave11guess the next ubuntu release22:09
NickPresta!hardy | dave1122:09
dave11not me, und asked22:10
und3vacan anyone help me with the ttl?22:10
NickPrestadave11, ah okay. sorry :)22:10
dave11lol, np22:10
nosrednaekimund3va: fraid not.... usually when I don't even know what something is, I don't have a clue how to change/fix it:)22:10
NickPrestaund3va, does ttl have an official support forum or channel? You would probably get better results there22:11
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khusseinKubuntu detected my wireless and it was working fine untill I installed VirtualBox. Now the wlan0 isn't detected. Can someone help me fix this problem?22:26
bmk789could anyone explain why one of my built in NICs which is a marvell yukon wouldnt even show up under lspci?22:27
nosrednaekimbmk789: yukons aren't supported wekk at ALL IIRC22:29
inaetyhow can i give permission to k3b to open discs when wrtiting cd's.   after i start burning a cd it gives me an error it has no permssion to open the disc22:29
bmk789the yukon in my laptop worked without any problems22:29
nosrednaekimbmk789: might be a differnt revision... in any case, the correct driver is the sky2 drivers, look'em up.22:30
khusseinKubuntu detected my wireless and it was working fine untill I installed VirtualBox. Now the wlan0 isn't detected. Can someone help me fix this problem?22:30
bmk789nosrednaekim: ive tried loading the sky2 module at boot, nothing22:30
nosrednaekimkhussein: wlan is probably still around, but the vmware net module is probably blocking it22:31
khusseinnosrednaekim: how can I fix that?22:31
nosrednaekimkhussein: do you need networking for virtulabox?22:31
khusseinI installed the not open source one  and the USB works now22:32
nosrednaekimkhussein: ask in #vbox ... they probably know how to fix that22:32
khusseinnosrednaekim: I looked into menu.list (the new one that is added by virtualbox), there are two versions of the kernel. 2.6.24-11-386 and 2.6.24-11-generic. The default now is the 386. When I try the generic the wireless works22:34
nosrednaekimkhussein: that is hardy....22:35
khusseinYes, I know22:35
ubotudave11: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:35
nosrednaekimdave11? wth?22:36
nosrednaekimok... I have to go guys.... good luck22:36
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:36
khusseinnosrednaekim: thanks for helping22:37
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icewatermananyone using ati's binary driver with tvtime?22:38
icewatermani get this error: xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images.22:38
bobwhoopshi all, I'm running kubuntu on a pretty slow machine, and some things are ridiculously sluggish. Are there any "low hanging fruit" I can disable to make things speed up?22:39
NickPrestabobwhoops, you can disable transparency, large bubble tooltips22:41
NickPrestabobwhoops, how slow is the machine?22:41
bobwhoopsNickPresta: the actual ghz is pretty good (2.8), but it's kinda misleading since the cache is practically non-existant and there's a built-in intel graphics22:42
moope1hullo, ubuntu is taking ages to load on boot. It seems to spend a long time looking for resume images. Any one know how to fix?22:43
NickPrestabobwhoops, still, it should be fine for the most part. Perhaps it is a RAM problem?22:43
moope1I mean kubuntu....22:43
bobwhoopsNickPresta: no problems on my previous distro22:43
NickPrestabobwhoops, hmm. Strange.22:44
bobwhoopsNickPresta: where do I disable transperancy?22:44
NickPrestabobwhoops, K Menu > System Settings > Window Behavior > Translucency. Similarly, you can try disabling GUI effects (System Settings > Appearance > Style > Effects)22:46
bobwhoopsNickPresta: translucency was disabled by default, and I've already turned off the GUI effects. No change22:47
NickPrestabobwhoops, are there any applications specifically or does KDE and the whole system feel sluggish?22:47
bobwhoopsNickPresta: it's only for some things though. mostly it runs snappy, but things like adept are ridiculously slow22:47
NickPrestamoope1, perhaps this can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42287522:47
NickPrestabobwhoops, Adept runs snappy for me (less than 3 seconds to start up) see if something like 'sudo apt-get install` takes a long time to run.22:49
bobwhoopsNickPresta: no, running it from the CLI is fine. It's just things like clicking on something in adept can take 10+ seconds22:50
NickPrestabobwhoops, oh. I have no idea what the problem could be. Sorry. Perhaps ask again later.22:51
katjadoes kubuntu @ kubuntu.org have KDE4 per default?22:53
bobwhoopskatja: hardy heron (which is still in alpha) will ship with both 3.4 and 4.022:54
ZeHwhere does programs install for example wine22:55
NickPrestakatja, in Gutsy, no. You have to add a repo. line to get 4.0. In Hardy, you have 4.0 available to you by default (along with 3.5)22:55
katjaokay, but I can install kde4 in gutsy, right?22:55
NickPresta!kde4 | katja22:55
NickPrestaZeH, most programs install to /usr/bin22:55
=== catia is now known as catia_
catia_alguem aki pode me ajudar com java? =D22:56
NickPresta!es | catia_22:56
bobwhoopsZeH: you could always run the command "which wine" for example22:56
ZeHbobwhoops ok22:58
ZeHfirst time im using linux but have managed pretty well now :D22:58
bobwhoopsZeH: why do you want to know where it is anyway? it usually doesn't matter22:59
ZeHye but i installed a program and didnt make any shortcuts22:59
ZeHbit hard to start it then :)22:59
catiacomo me registro aki?23:02
Jucato<ubotwo`> Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:03
catia!es | catia23:04
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ubuntu_IM ABOUT TO RM -RF /23:15
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foibleswhat bit torrent program do you guys use?23:19
catia__como me registro??23:20
ubotukatja: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde423:29
ubotucatia_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:29
michael__hey folks23:29
ibouis it possible to lose quality on my audio files by making a compressed image of my hard drive ("ghost") ?23:29
michael__I just built a quad core system, which would be the best version to use? 32 or 64 bit version?23:30
killermachwhere are the compiz settings?23:31
tom_ 23:32
killermachfound it.. ccsm23:32
killermachhmm.. I used beryl for months,it seems to have more options/features than compiz23:34
killermachhow do I rotate the compiz cube?23:34
kralturk yokmu23:35
michael__never mind23:36
michael__going for the 3223:36
adz21cmichael__: either is good, I think for none servers 64bit doesnt have much to offer (unless u got more ram than 32bit works with)23:36
kralak ubuntuya sattiz bizi d23:36
adz21cmichael__: although i use 64bit and i have no issues. If your in doubt/novice i would say stick with 3223:36
michael__kubuntu seems to work with AMD chip when dealing with 64 bit23:37
adz21cit does for intel too23:37
michael__I chose Intell (first time in 10 - 15 years) for the Quad core23:37
adz21cyea, i usually stick to amd, but at the time of my pc upgrade i got more for my money with intel :-)23:38
michael__Intel spanked AMD with the Quad core23:38
JESUSfreak_hey which one is more efficent amd or intel?23:38
adz21cdepends what u mean by efficient23:39
michael__you might as well draw a line through the middle of the room and tell the crowd to pick a side23:39
adz21cnot exactly an easy question to answer23:39
michael__not easily done23:39
JESUSfreak_if i want to run a vista on my pc which processor should i use23:39
JESUSfreak_do both have the same technology23:40
adz21cnot in every respect23:41
michael__both have there version of the same tech.23:41
gttanyone got a quick tip on a command that'll delete only empty directories?23:41
JESUSfreak_ok are any of you professional programmers?23:43
JESUSfreak_i mean like full time23:43
adz21cJESUSfreak_ making my way there ...23:43
rgreeningI have my BSC in Comp Sci, but don't program professionally :P23:43
adz21cJESUSfreak_ 3 months and yea23:43
rgreeningIm into networking23:43
adz21ci am in Soft Eng. :-)23:44
JESUSfreak_i was wondering can you get a decent job with an associates degree?23:44
adz21ccouldn't say i don't know anyone who has done an associates degree23:45
michael__I would have had one, but I quit to make more money23:46
michael__so I guess its 'to each his won'23:46
adz21csince it says its apparently called a "foundation degree" in the uk then i lied lol23:46
adz21ci do know someone and they got an ok job, but i think they were doing the work part time will doing a top up to Bsc23:47
gttJESUSfreak -> with 10 years of networking experience and a fresh associate's with honors in CIT I've had trouble finding anything competitive with my current position.23:47
SeldaekI was wondering, if I install kubuntu, then want a dual boot with winxp, is it easy to restore grub or whatever boot loader after windows puts his crap over it ?23:47
gttoh, and I'm Network+ and a Zend Certified Engineer.23:47
adz21cSeldaek: Yes, CD does it23:47
Seldaekdvd as well I suppose ;)23:48
adz21cSeldaek: can't remember the ins and outs of it but when i did it a while back it wasn't a chore23:48
adz21cSeldaek: you'd hope so :-)23:48
wswindellhow do i use the dpkg23:48
sputnickya des utilisateurs de pidgin/myspaceim ici ? comment on fait pour creer un compte IM ?23:48
wswindellin konsole23:48
michael__speaking of boot loader...23:48
Seldaekadz21c: thanks, what does the dvd have compared to the cd btw ? just a shitload of packages ?23:48
sputnicksorry, English channel23:48
adz21cwswindell: what you trying to acheive?23:48
gtt(anyone wanna hire a PHP programmer with a strong background in Object-Oriented Design and 10 years of network experience but little professional programming experience)23:48
sputnickhi thete23:48
sputnickhi there23:48
adz21cSeldaek: i don't know i never used DVD but i would assume so yea23:48
wswindellinstall REALbasic from my desktop through console23:48
michael__how can you switch the order of OS's (say.. windows & linux)23:49
adz21cwswindell: you should just need to right click and use GDebi23:49
sputnickwhat is the way to create a new account for pidgin/myspaceim ?23:49
wswindellmy GDebi will not run properly23:49
adz21cmichael__: /boot/grub/menu.lst23:49
gttmichael__: edit GRUB's configuration23:49
michael__Linux always lists first, and a customer of mine wants windows to be listed 1st23:49
Seldaekadz21c: okay thanks, well I'll kill xp and we'll see about reinstalling it later then23:49
michael__oh great ok23:50
adz21cSeldaek: good luck :-)23:50
wswindellshould it be sudo dpkg /home/desktop/ FILENAME23:50
adz21cwswindell: use -i switch23:50
wswindellwhats that23:50
adz21cwswindell: otherwise yea your there23:50
adz21cwswindell: dpkg -i /your/hile23:51
JESUSfreak_hey i was trying to install an xp pro on this pc but after it copies the files and reboots it ends up with a blue screen saying there is something wrong with the driver23:51
JESUSfreak_hey i was trying to install an xp pro on this pc but after it copies the files and reboots it ends up with a blue screen saying there is something wrong with the driver23:51
gttdo we support windows here?23:52
adz21cJESUSfreak_ unlikely u will get much of a response in a linux room23:52
coreymon77JESUSfreak_: umm, this is the kubuntu linux channel23:52
ZeHthat made me laugh :)23:54
Dr_WillisHay all - My isp switched, now i seem to be having connection issues. im wanting to ping google.com every 5 min or so, and logg if im connected, or not  to see if the isp is goofing me up.23:54
wswindelladz21c: tell me the command for a file called REALbasicLinux.deb23:54
adz21cwswindell: cd to its directory then put dpkg -i REALbasicLinux.deb23:55
Red_Tear4 ever23:55
michael__ok 32 bit downloaded23:56
adz21cwswindell: cd [path to directory]23:56
michael__here goes the instal see you on the other side23:56
Red_Teari am on the other side23:56
Red_Tearbreak on through23:56
ZeHmichael__ 64 bit pwns 32 bit :P23:56
Red_Tearfor discordia23:56
charwoodI just installed Hardy Heron Alpha 6 on my new notebook.  I'm trying to get wireless to work.  It has the Intel 3945 card in it.  I am using the ilw3945 and iwlwifie_mac80211 modules and it seems to be working-ish.  KWifiManager sometimes sees my access point and sometimes doesn't.  (It's 2 feet away).  But it won't connect.23:57
Red_Tearthere is just chaos in the world23:57
wswindellshould i type in home or desktop23:57
ZeHmichael__ nvm go ahead and comeback on the bright side23:57
adz21cwswindell: i don't know, where is the file?23:57
Red_Tearallways look on the bright side of death23:57
wswindellmy desktop23:57
michael__ha later23:57
adz21cwswindell: dpkg -i /home/[user]/Desktop/REALbasicLinux.deb23:58
adz21cwswindell: replace user with username23:58

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