
wbradycan anybody please help me with question #25435 in launchpad itself?01:13
wbradyI'm trying to make one of my projects a super-project01:13
asabilhi all10:59
asabilhow can I get an svn repository code imported as a bzr branch in lp ?10:59
kikoasabil, register the product, and then edit the source on the trunk page11:05
asabilkiko: already done : https://launchpad.net/waf/11:05
asabilit has been saying: The current import status is: Testing. for ages11:06
kikoasabil, ok, now /waf/trunk/+source11:06
kikoah, it's there11:06
kikoasabil, googlecode :-(11:06
kikothose often fail at first attempt11:06
kikoasabil, ask a Launchpad Question (see /topic) to get it some attention11:07
fbondHi, I need a tarball removed from my PPA, to be replaced by a fixed tarball (this one is broken).13:15
fbondI have a new package release to go along with it.13:16
fbondI guess the whole package needs to be removed, if the tarball is borked?13:16
desertcHi - could someone delete my creation?  It is getting in the way of search results for the page that I really wanted to make.  :)13:52
fbondcancel my request; I have a new version to release, anyway...14:32
fredreichbieri had to abort the `bzr push` call, and now it says that there is a lockfile. is it possible to remove or reset that?16:09
fredreichbierbzr break-lock?16:22
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ACSpike[Home]is there any place one can go to read technical information about how launchpad was built? such as which OSS components it is built with and which standard APIs it implements?18:53
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kikobikoCan someone here help me to reset a password in Ubuntu?20:46
kikobikoThe web site, that is.20:46
Fujitsukikobiko: Which Ubuntu website?21:00
kikobikolaunchpad, I think21:00
kikobikoAm ultimately trying to get back into bug reports21:01
FujitsuDoes the forgotten password link not work?21:01
kikobikoI don't remember which email address I used.  I can msg you the domain portion however.21:01
FujitsuI can't do anything with it.21:02
kikobikook, I've tried finding a couple of bugs I reported way back to get my username, but it's not finding them, or I'm not using the right searches.21:02
FujitsuYou might be able to achieve something by asking a question on Launchpad itself (see the link in the topic).21:02
kikobikoAre all the bugs still in the database?21:03
FujitsuSome of them will be hidden from searches, however.21:03
FujitsuIf they have the status Fix Released, Invalid or Won't Fix.21:04
FujitsuIf you perform an advanced search, and select all of the statuses, you will be able to find every bug.21:04
kikobikook, thanks21:04
kikobikoI'll stick here for a while and let you know if I come up with anything21:04
kikobikoWhat's CVE, BTW?21:05
FujitsuCommon Vulnerabilities and Exposures. CVEs are identifiers assigned to security issues.21:06
FujitsuSo they can be uniquely identified everywhere.21:06
kikobikoah, ok, good idea21:07
kikobikoUgh, found the right email finally.  The reset by domain wouldn't have worked anyway.21:42
FujitsuDo you still have access to that address?21:43
kikobiko_Fujitsu: Yes, still have access to the email (surprisingly), and I've already update the address.  Now I just need to kill off the old address completely.  Thanks for your help!22:42
Fujitsukikobiko_: Great! You should be able to remove the old one easily.22:43
kikobiko_It's done.  I've got to clean out the old account, however, which is irrelevant to Ubuntu...22:43
kikobiko_Hey, if NickServ says the last time somebody logged in was over a year ago, can I claim the nick?  I'd like to be as consistent as possible, and I'm not familiar with NickServ.22:45

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