
purepwnagefeedback: I dislike the menu event sounds, when you click on the clock for the calendar or choose an item from the main menu.00:07
teethdoodanyone else hate FF3.0 as much as me? Scrolling stutters, url autocomplete list is all crap, bookmark cannot be sorted easily, etc00:12
teethdoodnot to mention being greyed out so many times00:12
theacolyteInteresting, I can only boot into X if I go into recovery mode and manually init 500:14
theacolyteany idears00:14
bukshi, the powers that be over at #kubuntu-ops pointed me here (I feel I'm being watched), so let me ask: I am having a problem installing kubuntu-kde4 alpha 6 via the LAN. the option to install the desktop is missing00:18
lime4x4anyone else having issues with bluttoth disconnecting after screen saver is activated in hardy 64 bit?00:46
BaD_CrCnew_ubu_user: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo (for dual monitors) & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto01:44
new_ubu_useri was hoping someone here's been able to do ti01:44
new_ubu_useri have been all over those threads01:44
=== new_ubu_user is now known as SoNiC_Ubu
SoNiC_UbuBaD_CrC: have you done ad auth?01:48
BaD_CrCnot with ubuntu, but i have with fedora01:49
BaD_CrClike around FC5 or so01:49
SoNiC_Ubuthink you can help me get this PC to authenticate with ad?01:49
SoNiC_UbuI am dual booted right now01:49
SoNiC_Ubuand when I installed, i did do the admin and 1 domain user account i checked those when it asked about migrating01:50
SoNiC_Ubuand I am using hardy right now01:50
SoNiC_Ububecause it said it was built in01:50
BaD_CrCi would if i wasn't on my blackberry right now.01:51
emet!info hotwire01:55
ubotuhotwire (source: hotwire): Extensible graphical command execution shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.620-2 (hardy), package size 103 kB, installed size 816 kB01:55
=== mesillia1 is now known as mesilliac
naught102anyone know if there wasa  blueprint or a wishlist item relating to the new inclusion of the ~/Documents folder in Hardy?02:13
=== naught102 is now known as naught101
naught101or even if that was a new thing in hardy?02:30
pwnguinits not02:30
naught101pwn: when was it brought in?02:31
pwnguinnot sure. dapper?02:31
naught101no. I installed feisty from CD, and it didn't have it02:32
naught101I net-upgraded to gutsy02:32
naught101unless it came into feisty after the alphas02:33
naught101ah.. unless it's a gnome thing...02:35
pwnguini think its part of xdg02:35
naught101I don't know what that is02:36
pwnguinmaybe not02:37
pwnguinseems like gutsy02:39
pwnguini donno02:39
pwnguinive been using a documents folder for  ages02:39
pwnguinhave it linked to a seperate storage drive02:39
naught101I don't really care about the documents folder, I just want to find a wishlist item, or a blueprint relating to it02:42
naught101I'd really like to see a ~/,config, or ~/.prefs02:42
naught101to store all hidden preference files02:42
nomasteryodathey are starting to get that way... on hardy02:42
nomasteryodathe .config in !~02:43
nomasteryodamine has all sorts of good preferences02:43
pwnguinthere is02:43
pwnguina .config02:43
pwnguinwith exactly what you want02:43
pwnguinand this is XDG02:43
nomasteryodai just wish this Hardy would let my mouse work again... cause it stopped working with an update on might have been wednesday02:43
pwnguinnomasteryoda: tried an xorg.conf?02:44
nomasteryodatook my previous one that worked last week02:44
nomasteryodait has some custom stuff for wacom and synaptics pad02:44
naught101pwnguin: I know it's in XDG, but it isn't in (*)buntu02:45
pwnguinwas your wacom working without an xorg conf?02:45
nomasteryodait did02:45
pwnguinnaught101: why should every change require a blueprint?02:45
naught101pwnguin: I didn't say that. I was just trying to find out if there was one02:46
pwnguinnaught101: ubuntu's role is to direct a modicum of development efforts, represent their users to upstream, and generally take work done upstream back to users02:46
nomasteryodabut ... the touchpad would not do scroll or anything right except drag/drop... until i made a good xorg.conf... the input-hotplug is supposed to fix this stuff.. .but have not seen anything good from it yet02:46
jadamsI've got a Toshiba Satellite A510 (or thereabouts).  I'm using Hardy Heron, latest updates applied.  It's an AMD64 system, vanilla kernel.  My mic input is nothing but static.  What can I do to troubleshoot it?02:46
pwnguinall this said, i vaguely recall the spec02:46
nomasteryodawhat's it doing jadams ?02:47
jadamsmassive static02:47
nomasteryodaoh, duh... sorry02:48
nomasteryodadid you look at the pulseaudio settings?02:48
nomasteryodai've seen something like that before but on another distro...02:49
jadamswhich settings should I look at?  A config file somewhere, or an app, or what?02:49
jadamsI've looked at the volume control applet02:49
jadamswhich ties into pulseaudio fine in hardy02:49
jadamsand flipped through all the inputs02:49
lime4x4what is needed to get cnn videos to work in 64 bit hardy?02:49
nomasteryodai'm not in my hardy now.. due to bad mouse issues which seem to be xorg driver problem02:50
jadamslime4x4, have you looked at the nspluginwrapper? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172702:50
nomasteryodabut i have pulse panel here in gutsy too02:50
jadamsnomasteryoda, I love hardy, much better for me than gutsy on multiple systems02:50
jadamsgutsy was a bad release for me02:50
jadamsacross a wide range of hardware that I run02:50
jadamsI have to say though, hardy + ubuntustudio is nice02:50
jadamsif only my inputs would work02:51
nomasteryodaits very nice... but mouse not working... no mouse or pointer... it just sits there.. .keyboard ok, but no mouse02:51
lime4x4thanks i will give that a try02:51
jadamslime4x4, I run amd64 with flash, come back if you can't get it figured out02:52
naught101update-manager is designed for ubuntu, right?02:55
lime4x4now i get "you are currently using flash player 003:01
lime4x4i also get the message about  missing plugins do u want to download them03:01
darxhi how can i install the full kde4 hardy desktop on ubuntu hardy?03:02
darxanybody home?03:03
lime4x4i beleive this will do it sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop03:03
frozenherobladedarx, #kubuntu-kde403:04
darxalso I don't have xgl installed and am running fglrx so would the kwin work?03:04
darxor whatever the 3d whizz bang stuff is called under kde403:07
ethana2Any thoughts on this?03:08
ethana2I'm trying to get feedack..03:08
pwnguinim 99 percent sure thats impossible03:09
pwnguinwithout rewriting gtk03:09
pwnguinor at least every gtk app03:09
ethana2ok then03:10
ethana2on to xfce03:10
ethana2or maybe just waiting for 3.003:10
ethana2it's worth doing, whatever it takes, imo03:10
pwnguina billion dollars?03:11
pwnguingtk menus have tear off options03:13
pwnguinsee gimp for a fairly atrocious example03:13
pwnguinethana2: how would this worth with the gimp, which has multiple windows03:14
pwnguinor with rhythmbox which has multiple content windows03:14
ethana2how do the apple folks do it?03:15
pwnguindo what?03:15
ethana2the panel applet for menu bar03:15
ethana2would have the menu for the currently in focus window03:15
pwnguintight integration with the window manager03:15
ethana2you could do this and have everything be almost exactly the same03:15
pwnguinhow would mplayer work?03:15
ethana2the same way it does now03:16
ethana2unless i'm missing something03:16
pwnguingmplayer in particular03:16
ethana2should i install it and have a look?03:16
ethana2is it in hardy repos?03:16
ethana2just a minute03:16
nomasteryodasmplayer is the best03:17
nomasteryodajust my humble opinion03:17
ethana2i agree03:17
ethana2variable tempo playback03:17
ethana2crucial for classical music and rap03:17
ethana2...amarok still doesn't have it03:17
ethana2'fast forward' indeed03:17
pwnguini just use mplayer for mkv playback03:17
ethana2no gmplayer in hardy repos03:18
pwnguini think its part of mplayer now03:18
ethana2running mplayer...03:18
ethana2no menu bar?03:19
ethana2fine, no menu bar03:19
ethana2...but i would reccomend that they do provide one03:19
ethana2they probably don't because the way we handle them now sucks03:20
ethana2ask 'em ;)03:20
pwnguinmy question is, is this an attempt to provide osx like menus, or something bigger?03:20
ethana2much bigger03:20
ethana2that would be one of the many things it would allow is to simply and elegantly do03:20
ethana2it could very well involve rewriting a lot of stuff03:21
ethana2but it would become much more flexible and such.. so like i say, i think it'd be worth doing03:21
pwnguinunless you have an idea of what it takes to rewrite a lot of stuff, I don't really think you can make a valid assement like that03:21
ethana2what did it take to go from KDE 3.5.8 to KDE4?03:22
ethana2it may be about a third as much work03:22
ethana2...worst case scenario03:22
jadamswhat version of alsa is included with hardy?03:22
pwnguinbut lots of apps still don't use qt4 or whatever03:22
Exfili need help porting Photoshop cs2 to gusty, i have the adobe folder in the program files directory under wine but i cant seem to get the right registry key imported, when cs2 loads up it says it is unactivated, but it is activated on the xp machine03:22
pwnguinalsa-driver (1.0.16-0ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low03:23
pwnguinExfil: still the wrong channel03:23
lunksI have problems with my touchpad and an USB mouse on a HP dv6232br and Hardy.03:25
lunksAfter trying lots of things, I could make only one or other work. Right now, I have only USB mouse working and sometimes (after ghost-clicking with touchpad) both works.03:26
lunksMy xorg.conf is a little messed up, but doesn't have anything special... I can upload it if anyone who can help wants, though.03:27
ethana2pwnguin: http://senduit.com/db9a6a one possible configuration03:27
cyphaseDoes anyone know why Tomboy and Stick Notes are both included in Hardy, especially since Tomboy can import sticky notes?03:28
cyphaseis it just for people who want something simple?03:28
pwnguinyou're hosed03:28
pwnguinto know why, we need to learn what a window manager does versus the application03:29
pwnguinwindow managers draw the window decorators. if you've ever crashed gtk-window-decorator, what's left is what the program draws03:30
ethana2the window decorator does that03:30
ethana2...and i'm saying hand off everything but window /content/ -to- that window decorator03:30
ethana2...which will be the same code that draws desktop panels03:31
lunkssomeone? =~03:59
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
dbmoodbany major bugs in hardy atm  that i need to worry about ? (i have a working system -debian etch to complement it on the same system)05:12
dbmoodbcan you apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade or do you have to use the update manager ?05:13
DanaGArgh, Ubuntu abuses my hard drive.05:13
DanaGLoad. Unload.  Load.  Unload!05:13
Flanneldbmoodb: You can.  If you're doing it from dapper, theres one or two extra steps, but yes.05:14
DanaGHow about either leaving the drive active, or leaving it idle?  Don't keep repeatedly idling and unidling.05:14
dbmoodbi am leaving debian there05:14
dbmoodbhdparm -B 254 /dev/sda05:14
* DanaG ponders making a script that writes "load" and "unload" so some IRC channel every time it happens.05:14
DanaG254 doesn't eliminate it.  Neither does 255.05:14
dbmoodb254 should....05:15
dbmoodb- doesn't always for me but .... it should05:15
DanaGAlso, the drive never spins down, even if I set the spindown time to 5 seconds.05:15
DanaGI can manually spin it down and it'll stay down for at least 30 seconds, so the failure to automatically spin down makes no sense.05:15
DanaGPerhaps it's unloading instead of spinning down.05:19
DanaGThat makes no sense either, though.05:19
FlannelIsn't there a log?05:19
dbmoodbit does danag05:20
DanaGArgh, I downgraded from git compiz to the packaged one, and it trampled all over my config.05:20
dbmoodblinux doesn't have full support for it05:20
DanaGMy drive is the Hitachi Travelstar 7k200-20005:21
dbmoodbi think i have that one or something similar05:21
dbmoodbit only matters if it is "putting it down"05:21
dbmoodband up constantly05:21
dbmoodbsmartctl -a /dev/sda|grep 19305:21
dbmoodbsmart should tell you stuff :) - as you already know :)05:22
DanaGI grep for Count.05:22
DanaGOh, and another thing pissing me off:  SCIMkeeps eating my spaces after CAPITALletters.05:22
DanaGIend up looking rather stupid when SCIMdoes that.05:22
dbmoodbis this in hardy ?05:23
dbmoodbnew "features" ?05:23
DanaGIlike using SCIM, but Idon't like how it keeps eating my spaces.05:23
DanaGShift-space..... does nothing whatsoever.05:24
DanaGWhat it SHOULDdo is give me a SPACE!05:24
dbmoodbDanaG: tried running hdparm -- and get that to get hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda05:24
dbmoodbdon't follow why you would want to shift space - for some applications or indentation ?05:25
DanaGNo, I want to shift-space so I don't have to explicitly let go of shift before hitting space after an all caps word.05:26
DanaGAah, fix: under "Generic Table", delete the Shift-Space binding.05:26
dbmoodb-- just for fun05:26
dbmoodboh ... good05:26
DanaGCAPS LOCK IS CRU<gerk, you've probably heard that one.>05:27
dbmoodbi take it hardy is insane by default ?05:27
dbmoodbso can one apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade for hardy ? from gutsy ?05:29
Flanneldbmoodb: yes05:29
dbmoodbreally ...05:29
Flanneldbmoodb: Of course.  Nothing special about hardy05:29
dbmoodb- assumed that there were scripts05:30
dbmoodbor something attached to the update manager in this case05:30
Flanneldbmoodb: update manager just automates the process, and does some sanity checks (metapackage installation, etc)05:30
dbmoodbso i should use that05:32
DanaGWhat the hell?  I just switched to a console and back to Xorg, and now all my keybindings are broken.05:33
DanaGI can't use ctrl-alt-arrow keys, and I can't alt-f4 or ctrl-w.05:33
DanaGAnd ctrl-a just gives me the letter 'a' once before doing a select-all.05:33
DanaGA piece of advice: if you value your sanity, don't upgrade to Hardy until this bug is fixed:  vhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/124406 -- oh, and there it goes giving me the letter 'v' before the paste!05:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy) (dup-of: 194214)" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]05:35
DanaGANother related bug:  vhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/19093405:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190934 in libgnomekbd "[hardy] keyboard modifiers randomly forgotten" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:36
DanaGSorry ઺򯫭05:36
DanaGargh, now it randomly switched to RAW CODE mode in SCIM.05:37
DanaGThat bug is really really irritating.  I could spew thousands of swear words at it, but I won't do that here.05:39
DanaGBesides, I don't know that many separate swear words.  (heh.)05:39
DanaGArgh, and it also makes it really dangerous trying to copy and paste, since you tend to just replace whole blocks of text with the letter 'c'.05:41
DanaGWhen I press ctrl-alt-rightarrow, I get the SCIM menu, for some reason.05:43
DanaGyes $EXPLETIVE > /dev/null05:50
DanaGI wish some developer would comment on those bug reports.05:52
naught102AGRGH!!! open office is STILL breaking!05:54
DanaGHow so?  Mine works.05:55
DanaGWhat's broken?05:55
naught102I can't install it because it needs writer2latex05:55
naught102and that's screwing up the style (I can't install adromeda, nor default style05:56
naught102openoffice.org-writer2latex to be exact05:56
DanaGCan't you just use another style?05:57
naught102yes, but base is also missing05:57
naught102maybe it's .au I might try another country05:58
naught102I mean main05:58
naught102DanaG: your is installed fine?06:00
naught102with writer2latex?06:01
DanaGI don't even see a writer2latex.06:02
DanaGaptitude search 2latex06:02
DanaGp   gnuhtml2latex                   - A Perl script that converts html files to  (... end of terminal)06:02
FlannelDanaG: use apt-cache search06:03
DanaGNothing for writer2latex.06:03
FlannelI meant to end the truncation06:04
DanaGaptitude show:    gnuhtml2latex is a Perl script that converts html files to latex files. It takes list of .html files as arguments and make .tex ones. Can also convert html stdin to latex stdout.06:05
DanaGaah, I see: I don't have the full metapackage installed.  I just have the individual parts I need, such as core and specific apps.06:09
naught102yeah, but the default theme won't install anyway06:11
naught102I got the debian package as well06:11
Nubbiehi, i'm having issues with hardy... upon boot, i am met with an error that stat's something roughly like this: acpi_ec_wait, and it hangs there. i am able to boot the recovery kernel though... any thoughts?06:12
Nubbiei'm also having keyboard locks, i believe it is related.06:12
Nubbiei'm baffled.06:13
pax``Hi I have a problem with gnome-session. It seems to run the programs set to run on startup after 1-2 minutes after gnome-panel and everything is loaded up. Metacity also doesn't load at startup on it's own so I had to put it there manually, so I also don't have a window manager for 2 minutes. I'm doing something wrong or is this a known bug?06:39
DanaGHmm, somebody try this in bash:  touch \ spacey06:50
DanaGthen less \ <TAB>06:50
DanaGI get this upon holding tab:  less \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\06:53
DanaGIt goes on forever, or until the system grinds to a halt due to memory usage.06:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGrecent updates messed up my font rendering07:33
pwnguincheck your dpi07:34
macogwtrue of everyone but me07:35
macogwbecause i *still* can't update07:35
macogwthe bug report says it was fixed 18 hours ago...07:36
[Hardy]TuTUXGpwnguin, i always use 92, but seems like it's too small now..07:38
[Hardy]TuTUXGDanaG, thanks07:41
[Hardy]TuTUXGso ppi = dpi?07:42
[Hardy]TuTUXGDanaG, how do i use that?07:43
DanaGEnter your screen size and resolution, and it'll tell you the actual DPI of the display.07:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGDanaG, k07:45
Raspberrywho ordered the pizza?08:05
RaspberryI'm really hoping the package the MESA library fix soon08:05
macogwRaspberry: i forgot to order the pizza. now im hungry too though :(08:43
karllenzhey does hardy support the new macbook08:57
karllenzie its wifi?08:57
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=656077 karllenz08:58
karllenzidk if that works09:05
karllenzhow do i remove ndiswrapper09:06
oxigenhi all!09:29
oxigen8.04 is really nice distro! i can finally use blender & compiz together too!09:30
oxigenbut there are still issues with sound..09:30
sigp239I downloaded alpha 6 and it will not work on one of my computers.09:36
sigp239I can actually boot from the CD and get to the screen where I choose my language (English) and then I choose to boot from the Live CD. The screen goes black and there is some white text that says some stuff about the kernel mapping (I think this is normal) and after that it just goes totally black and never loads Ubuntu.09:37
sigp239I tried the same CD on my wife's Dell computer and it works fine. Can anyone help please?09:37
oxigensigp239: on which hardware?09:38
sigp239GeForce 8800GTX09:39
sigp239Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz09:39
sigp239Asus P5B Deluxe motherboard09:39
sigp239NEC 20WMGX2 20.1" widescreen monitor09:39
sigp2394GB Crucial Ballistix memory09:39
oxigenhmm, i'm just a user..09:40
oxigenbut this graphics card is quite new, huh?09:40
oxigendid you try to boot in safe mode or something?09:41
oxigenlooks like problem with default 'nvidia' driver09:42
sigp239could be09:43
sigp239how do I boot in safe mode?09:43
oxigenhuh, i don't remember, but i think there's an option..09:43
c_sokunlook like hardy 6 come with mysql pre-install is it true?09:44
sigp239I dont have ubuntu installed...I'm just trying to boot from the live cd09:44
c_sokunI just finished installation of alpha 6 and I got 79 update which include mysql-common :D09:44
bazhangneed an op in #ubuntu09:46
oxigenbazhang: sudo su :P09:46
sigp239oxigen:  this video card has been out for at least 8 months09:51
oxigensigp239: well, that's still young, i guess..09:51
sigp239I suppose09:53
oxigenyou know there is no open info about this card, people need to do reverse engineering..09:53
sigp239ubuntu does not support nvidia cards?09:53
oxigenwell this take time09:53
oxigencheck also ubuntu forums about this card issues..09:54
sigp239so I cannot use nvidia cards with linux?09:54
oxigeni have 7600 and it work great09:55
sigp239so I have installed linux with my card before, it should work09:57
oxigenwell, as i said, i'm just a user here, i can only guess..09:58
oxigendid you check ubuntu forums?09:58
oxigeni waited more than one year for the 64 bit distro which i can install on my hardware. 8.04 finally work as it should10:00
sigp239I am using 64 bit also.10:01
oxigenyea, but you have newer graphics card10:01
macogwsigp239: try getting the driver from nvidia.com10:01
macogwsigp239: idk if it works on 64bit or not though10:02
sigp239how do I do that?10:02
sigp239I'm just trying to boot the install CD10:02
macogwgo to nvidia.com and download it10:02
oxigensigp239: you should report a bug10:02
macogwdo that oonce its installed then10:02
sigp239macogw:  I can't install10:02
macogwyou can just use safe graphics mode for installing...just wont have 3D10:02
macogwsigp239: use the altnerate CD if safe graphics mode is failing10:02
oxigenyea, safe graphics mode is the way..10:02
macogwit's a text-based installer (has a gui once its installed though)10:03
sigp239macogw: How do I use safe graphics mode?10:03
oxigensigp239: i think there's an option (lower left corner iirc)10:05
sigp239didn't work10:13
sigp239It tried to go into text mode but then I just got a black screen forever10:13
oxigenwell, all i can suggest you now is to report a bug with added your hardware conf and wait for the next alpha.. :(10:14
sigp239this is not right.10:16
sigp239it should work on my computer10:16
sigp239I just checked, the geforce 8800 has been out for 2 years now10:16
oxigenbut you will see how happy you will be once it will work! :)10:16
oxigenas i am now! \o/10:17
sigp239I don't think anyone will see my bug10:17
oxigenof course they will!10:17
macogwsigp239: try alpha 5 maybe?10:17
macogwthere was some bug recently with nvidia, wasnt there?10:17
sigp239macogw: I tried alpha 5 before, it has the same problem10:17
oxigeni have alpha 5 installed actually10:18
macogwwell you can still try the alternate cd to install10:18
sigp239what does the alternate cd do?10:18
macogwand then the bug's just on the live cd10:18
macogwit's a text-based installer10:18
macogwyou'll have a gui on the installed system10:18
oxigenyes, try that10:18
macogwbut you use the arrow keys, tab, and enter to do the install10:18
sigp239macogw: I tried to go into text mode just now, and it didn't work10:18
macogwyou cant do that from the live cd10:19
macogwits a completely separate disk10:19
macogwsafe graphics mode means low resolution, no 3D. that's what you just tried.  alternate means text10:19
sigp239macogw: I didn't see safe graphics mode10:20
macogwshould be the 3rd option maybe on the boot menu10:20
sigp239I just saw something like F6 Boot Options10:20
sigp239nothing that said safe graphics mode10:20
macogwit used to be the 2nd option but then they added "just install, no live environment"10:21
macogwhmm leme se..10:21
macogw*lemme see10:21
* macogw boots the other laptop from hardy alpha 6 disk10:21
macogwwoah it did poof10:22
macogwsigp239: ok text mode interface isnt an installer at all10:22
macogwthats for you to specify boot parameters10:22
sigp239oh.  well it didn't work anyway.10:22
macogwdang whered safe graphics go?10:23
macogwdid they trash it under the assumption that X will ever always work 100% of the time? i hope not...10:23
macogwsigp239: try vga=771 for the option10:23
macogwthats what the help thing suggested :P10:24
sigp239I'm downloading the alternate cd right now10:24
coz_hey all10:27
sigp239so why is there no safe graphics mode in alpha 6?10:27
oxigenreport a bug! :P10:28
oxigenyou know that's also one way of supporting ubuntu!10:29
macogwthere's no OEM mode on hardy either10:29
macogwi want to report a bug to Backtrack (Slack-based security distro) for releasing a 701MB iso10:29
oxigendevelopers like good bug reports!10:30
macogwi just submitted two bug reports10:30
macogwbug #19977110:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199771 in kdeedu "Half the words in KTouch aren't real words or are incomplete" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19977110:30
macogwand bug #19977310:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199773 in kdeedu "KTouch doesn't have a way to measure wpm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19977310:30
macogwktouch is how *not* to spell words10:31
oxigenhmm, 701MB iso is tricky one indeed! :)10:32
macogwone better: at a security conference they gae out live security toolkit dvds that also had some mp3's...and no mp3 decoders10:33
macogwoxigen: ^10:34
Ayabaraanyone using FF3.0 and a dark theme? the userContent.css I had to make this nice in FF2 doesn't seem to do the trick anymore10:34
oxigenmacogw: haha10:34
isaachi there10:43
isaacjust dist-upgraded today (my last dist-upgrade was two weeks ago or so)10:43
isaacand now gnome is completely broken from my user10:43
isaacbut a new user work flawlessly10:43
isaacgnome-panel freezes after loading the menu and the logout applet10:44
isaacand any other gnome app I try to launch freezes too10:44
isaacany idea? :)10:44
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savvasisaac: did you use update-manager -d ?10:55
savvasdist-upgrade usually breaks stuff :\10:56
muszekI just got external sound blaster mp3+ (usb sound card)... anyone got something similar to work?10:57
muszekthe only sound I get out of it is those "bells" (the ones you hear after you log in to gnome) when I plug this card in (even if I plug it 5 minutes after logging in).10:58
muszekI haven't heard it make any other sounds yet...10:58
savvasmuszek: try volume control -> file -> change device10:58
muszekdone that10:59
savvashm.. there was a kernel module for sound blaster..11:00
muszekone other weird thing: if I even touch the master slider, the left channel goes all the way to the bottom and can't be raised.  I can move the right channel.11:00
savvassudo modprobe snd-sb-common ?11:01
muszekI've entered "modinfo soundcore" according to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-usb-audio and I have it loaded11:01
savvasah ok, I'm not very familiar with these11:02
muszekI've done what you said - it didn't do anything11:02
muszekat least there was no output11:02
savvashave you tried with OSS?11:02
muszekhow do I do that?11:04
savvaswell no idea, from what I see on my soundcard, i have hda intel on alsa and realtek on oss11:05
savvasalsa-oss ? :\11:07
muszekwhere do you have those options?  volume control -> file -> change device?11:07
muszekI have... 9 different options there - went through all of them with no luck11:07
muszekI guess I'll start by booting to gutsy to see if it worked fine before pulse audio came11:08
savvastry the live cd, it'll save you some time instead of installing everything back11:09
savvasunless you have a dual boot :)11:09
muszeksure :)11:09
muszekthanks for your help, bye11:10
savvasoh god11:32
savvas37.3mb of a firefox crash report11:32
savvashow the heck am I supposed to upload this one?!11:33
savvasfirefox crashed with SIGSEGV in NS_InvokeByIndex_P()11:34
Amaranthsavvas: Yeah, I can't help you11:40
AmaranthAnd please don't PM people without asking11:40
savvasah you were here11:42
savvasdidn't see you, i saw Amaranth_ leaving11:42
gilster32anyone here got experience using DVD-RAM discs in any ubuntu release? i am trying to get some native gui support for them11:48
timinghowly! haha12:02
timingpressing shift and some chars give's me weird characters12:02
timinghello how are you: HELLOሕኦAREውይኦኡ?12:03
timingስሂት ምይ ተርሚናል ኢስ ብሮከን ኖw12:04
rsktiming: me212:04
rskchange i the gnome panel back to english12:04
timinghello test12:05
timingso why is this auto ?12:05
timingshift +space is doing this12:05
rsksome new default afaik12:06
rsknoticed it also12:06
timinghow do i disable the thing?12:06
timingit's not in the services gui thing12:06
rski closed the app in the menu12:07
rskrightclick exit12:07
timingit starts up again12:07
yemuhi i have problem with mounting nfs shares in hardy12:08
yemuthe shares are on a servr running gutsy12:08
yemuit's been broken for a couple of days12:09
yemuearlier it worked ok12:09
yemuand even mounted autmatically12:09
yemunow it doesn't neither automatically nor from command line12:09
amikropIn Battle for Wesnoth, why the Campaign button does nothing (I can't start a new campaign)?12:15
rskamikrop: do you have the campaingns installed?12:22
rskthey might be separate packages12:22
mooboo1yesterday i got updates, then turn off computer, go sleep. today i wake up, and start computer, and file system icons from disk2 is not on desktop12:24
mooboo1and they're not mounted by default12:24
Amaranthmooboo1: gvfs was changed to not show mounts unless they're mounted in /media or in $HOME12:29
mooboo1Amaranth, ah, okay thanks12:29
mooboo1but before partitions where automounted, now not anymore12:32
mooboo1i have my mp3 on the other disk that dont get automounted12:32
mooboo1so when i must mount it, before i can play music12:32
mooboo1how can i fix this?12:32
mooboo1they got automounted before, not anymore12:32
Amaranthmooboo1: you have to set it up to mount in /media12:33
Amaranthmooboo1: in your fstab12:33
mooboo1but before i didnt need edit fstab, it mounted it anyways on bootup, without i have to ask?12:34
mooboo1/mnt/ Temporarily mounted filesystems.12:37
mooboo1- /media/ Mount points for removable media such as CD-ROMs (appeared in FHS-2.3).12:37
mooboo1- /mnt/ Temporarily mounted filesystems.12:37
mooboo1wow this is strange, "removable media" are "temporarily mounted"12:37
mooboo1and where is permanently mounted file systems?12:38
mooboo1i have 2 hard disk in my computer, both are more or less permanent12:38
KrimZoni updated and my fonts have changed12:44
KrimZonits either taller or actually using vera instead of something else12:44
mooboo1KrimZon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4471427#post447142712:45
KrimZonah, thanks12:46
KrimZonback to normal12:47
mooboo1great :)12:47
amikroprsk: aha. ok.12:52
KrimZonahh... it's not changed for apps run as root such as synaptic12:52
KrimZonpresumably thats just a case of the .fonts.conf being put somewhere else12:53
Milos_SDKrimZon, and also it is not changed in GDM login screen ...13:04
DrHalanhey guys do hyperlinks in pdign work for me. cause here i click them and firefox doesnt open them or anything13:15
mooboo1try rightclick on them13:15
KrimZon"right click -> open link in browser" is what i normally use13:16
bardyrHey, how can i reinstall grub/mbr, i've have tried installing grub2 in Ubuntu Hardy but it killed a kernel upgrade so i reverted back to the stable release of grub but it wont update the boot loader on boot, but the menu.list in /boot/grub is updated13:19
katcitaI've just installed hardy6, it works fine but I don't see restricted driver manager, hi KrimZon13:20
mooboo1maybe ask in #grub, idk13:20
katcitaI mean alpha613:20
mooboo1or try 'man grub'13:20
mooboo1im a noob, i dont know anhything13:20
darxhow can i monitor the disk IO? is there something like top for that?13:21
dr_WillisWeirdness.. updated.. and my xorg configs got all confused-ified :)13:23
KrimZoni'm having worse problems with power management now - the gnome panel isnt detecting that ac power has been plugged in, and it keeps dimming the screen every 5 minutes13:24
KrimZonbut the command line acpi program correctly detects everything13:26
DrHalanmooboo1, right click "open link in browser" doesnt work either13:26
TheInfinityDrHalan: perhaps  you have to set your browser in pidgin settings13:27
DrHalanah tahts nit xd13:29
DrHalannow it works thanks guys13:29
AnRkey_can i upgrade to hardy from gutsy using a iso burned to cd?13:32
AnRkey_if so then how?13:32
willis_I think you can. but   theres so many updates a week.. it may be faster to just upgrade over the internet.13:32
TheInfinityAnRkey: alternate cd is your option. but if you ask this you should not use hardy. its really alpha13:33
willis_I always do clean installs instead of dist upgrading.13:33
AnRkey_i am in south africa and our wonderful internet access here is capped at 3gb/month13:33
AnRkey_TheInfinity, thanks, but I think i'm ok :)13:34
bardyrAnRkey, damm that is depressing13:34
AnRkey_bardyr, it's pretty depressing yeah13:34
TheInfinityAnRkey_: you know that alpha software has lots of updates almost every day? ;)13:34
bardyrAndrewB, i have a 20mbit flatrate uncapped for 20 euros/month here :/13:34
AnRkey_TheInfinity, yes i do know13:34
willis_Yep. Im thinking ive seen like 100mb of updates here in the last 2 days.13:34
bardyrAnRkey_, *13:34
AnRkey_bardyr, i had a 10mb fibre line at work in london13:35
AnRkey_bardyr, thanks for cheering me up! :D13:35
bardyrnp ;)13:36
AnRkey_i commented out my repos in the sources.list file13:36
AnRkey_then added the cd with apt-cdrom13:36
AnRkey_then i did sudo update-manager -d13:37
AnRkey_and it shows 2 updates13:37
h3sp4wnbardyr: upload as well as download for that price ?13:38
bardyrh3sp4wn, 2mb upload13:38
AnRkey_the japanese have gbit links i hear13:39
h3sp4wnI have 10/10 here13:39
* AnRkey_ bursts into tears13:39
willis_Of coruse whats the point of these uber-fast links.. if the isps yell at you for maxing them out. :)13:39
h3sp4wnBut its a uni network13:39
willis_or if you can never find a site that gives you the data you want at the higher speeds. :)13:39
AnRkey_that's right willis_ complain about the fast lines!13:40
h3sp4wnMine can be maxed download using most mirrors - and I get about 1/2 of my upload speed to the US13:40
h3sp4wn(where I have a vps)13:40
willis_AnRkey,  :) we had this debate yesterday in here i think.13:41
AnRkey_we have it daily here13:41
AnRkey_in south africa that is13:41
willis_My isp  sent me email; about the higher up/down speeds I get now.. followed by a letter warning me about execssive bandwith ussage.13:41
AnRkey_9 billion rand profit last year is what our Telkom made13:41
AnRkey_woohoo, food is ready13:42
h3sp4wnwillis_: What is excessive ? (My vps comes with 100GB for $20)13:43
h3sp4wnSo bandwidth isn't even that expensive13:43
willis_h3sp4wn,  aparently whatever they  want to call it.13:43
willis_Yea... the samba networking browser stuff is working now !13:44
h3sp4wnChange isps then I guess13:44
willis_ h3sp4wn   others in area are even more limited. :)13:44
willis_gotta love locked in markets.13:45
willis_Hmm Gnome is calling this share 'Windows Shares On mshome'  - thats a bit of a legenty name to call it. :)13:45
willis_its not even on a windows machine.13:45
h3sp4wnThe new sun cifs server is nice13:46
h3sp4wnDunno whether anyone ported it to Linux or bsd yet13:46
DrHalanis flash using oss?13:59
h3sp4wnNo but it can14:00
h3sp4wn(flashsupport.c from 4front)14:00
bardyri get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58876/ when im trying to install grub2, does anybody know how i can fix it?14:05
DrHalanhow can i se flash'S sound device?14:09
nomasteryoda|win not grub2 experimental at this stage?14:12
timinghey, why are mp3players removed from the removable drives and media settings window?14:39
timingnow rhythmbox is starting again14:39
timingwhich i disabled a while ago14:39
timingand now the option is gone14:39
timingo wait14:40
timingthat was [preferred applications ofcourse :-)14:40
amikropBattle for Wesnoth problem solved. The wesnoth-music package is required, although it is not a package requirement. Proposed fix: make wesnoth-music a package requirement for the wesnoth package (like wesnoth-data).15:02
amikropSo, the Canonical guys (or maybe just MOTU?) must make the wesnoth-music package, a requirement of the wesnoth package.15:03
amikropOr merge the wesnoth-music package with the wesnoth-data package.15:04
amikropOh, I noticed that there is a wesnoth-all package.15:10
amikropI really believe that the wesnoth-all package should replace the wesnoth package.15:10
amikropThere is no reason why someone would want to install wesnoth but not wesnoth-all.15:11
amikropSo, the wesnoth package should be like the wesnoth-all package is now.15:11
amikropPlease, consider replacing the wesnoth package with the wesnoth-all package.15:13
amikropOr, in other words, rename wesnoth to wesnoth-core and wesnoth-all to wesnoth.15:14
* ccooke discovers why people were ranting about SCIM15:14
ccookeit isn't at all hard to make it stop being annoying, though15:14
wodenWhen I start Ubuntu I get a black screen, but if start in "recovery" mode and then choose to do a "normal" boot, I can get to the GDM login screen.15:16
wodenAnyone know what the problem is?15:17
wodenAlso, when I did an install of Ubuntu, it would go to a black screen forever, unless I pressed F6 and took out the quiet and splash options.15:17
wodenHow do I get rid of the stupid SCIM thing that keeps switching my keyboard to English/European?15:22
rskclose it15:29
KrimZoni uninstalled scim it with synaptic because i kept getting a completely random charset come up15:29
KrimZoni think it was some key combination that's too easy to press while typing15:29
wodenrsk:when I close it, it launches again automatically.15:29
wodenhow do I get rid of the european mode?15:29
rskuninstall it woden15:30
protonchrisOn hardy in a gnome terminal, mutt show us with a grey background.  Do anyone know how to change the background to black.15:31
wodenHow do I add the horizontal and vertical sync lines to my xorg.conf?15:37
instabinWarsow needs updated its an old version15:39
askandHi, If I write in terminal for example "sudo apti" and then press tab to autocomplete, it doesnt work.. can someone confirm that bug?15:49
morphir|desktrackerd are eating cpu15:54
morphir|deskit's evil ^^15:54
wodenWhere is the trash icon?16:00
morphir|deskwoden, in your trashbin?^^ (i dunno)16:01
wodenI don't have a trashbin anywhere on my screen16:02
hyderomhey guys, i can't enable compiz for some reason. it's automatically deetected in fedora and mandriva.  http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1128842374.1204992069@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdjadedhjdmmdhcflgceggdhhmdgmi.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=823514&category_oid=16:02
hyderomcan anyon help please16:05
hyderomanyone here?16:08
bazhangwhat is that link?16:09
askandHi, I installed ubuntu with wubi and now I get this when trying to boot " SDB: assuming drive cache: write through" and some kind of commandline called inittram something...what can I do?16:14
Danie4I'm trying to config xorg.conf16:33
Danie4in Hardy Heron16:33
Danie4but it's a minimal cofign file16:33
Danie4Can anybody help me?16:34
pushaxIf anyone hasn't got Java working in Hardy Heron then here's a solution. ; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/17396616:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173966 in sun-java6 "java not working in firefox on kubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:37
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lime4x4anyone have any luck getting flash to work in hardy 64 bit? I tried a few of the guides for gutsy 64 which didn't work17:30
ikkinuhi all, when I run time-admin, I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58900/ . It happens with every *-admin command. Does anyone have the same problem and/or fixed it?17:33
J-_laptopdo any of the new current 50 packages break wireless?(last update)I guess it's kind of a stupid question since everyone doesn't have the same hardware17:40
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getoois it safe to uncomment canonical from /etc/apt/source.list17:52
getooor not yet :X17:52
bjwebbmy question is screenlets17:53
bjwebbare they going to be included in hardy if your card can do compiz fusion?17:54
bjwebbwill they even be in repos?17:54
J-_laptop!info screenlets hardy17:54
ubotuscreenlets (source: screenlets): Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.12-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1936 kB, installed size 7816 kB17:54
J-_laptopLooks like they're in the repos, bjwebb17:55
mEck0hi! i'm running 8.04 alpha6 and have a problem with display dim when the laptop is running from AC-power. Under Power Management, I don't have checked the box "dim display when idle", and display brightness is set to 100%, so I suspect that it's a bug17:55
bjwebbi just want to build ammunition agains t vista fanboys17:55
bjwebbi should imagine most people don't really want screenlets, so no point having them by default17:56
mEck0and it is very annoying, because several times a minute I must set brightness to 100% via my laptops keyboard fn+f10 manually...17:56
* ikkinu is away: help, please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58900/ :)17:56
J-_laptopmEck0: It was bugged in alpha5 too. They probably haven't fixed it yet.17:56
mEck0J-_laptop, ah ok :/17:57
mEck0do you know if it is possible to do some kind of workaround to get it work?17:57
J-_laptopI don't know, the dimming doesn't work with my laptop either.17:58
mEck0okay, hope they will fix it soon17:58
J-_laptopmEck0: check the forums, or google. Make sure they're tlaking about Hardy and not some other distro, or codename.17:59
mEck0J-_laptop, yeah will do, thx17:59
wodenI have no sound...How do I setup my sound card in Ubuntu?18:41
musashii broke my gutsy install playing with raid. i was thinking of installing hardy. are there any showstoppers right now? would it be fairly safe as a main os? I do have another install of gusty to fall back on. i can survive some breakage but would like to avoid "a lot" of issues. thanks18:46
dsargeantmusashi: It works for me right now, but there is no guarantee it won't break with future updates.18:48
DanaGI have major keyboard breakage that drives me batty, sometimes.18:48
dsargeantDanaG: is it because of scim?18:49
hackelWith the new b43 wireless driver, my wireless interface is now "wlan0_rename" and I have a dummy interface called "eth1" that seems to do nothing.  Anyone know what the reason for this is, and/or how to get it set back to eth1?18:49
musashidsargeant, yeah, i'm familiar with that scenario. i've run every release since dapper (except gutsy - i'm getting lazy) in it's alpha state. i'm just as adventurous as i used to be. thanks for the info.18:50
DanaGNot just that eating spaces issue; that's easy to fix in the SCIM settings.18:51
ryanpganyone experiencing weirdness/badness with font rendering currently? Seems like the "native" or bytecode interpreter is somehow goofed up18:53
h3sp4wnHas anyone noticed firefox 3 just feels dog slow18:54
h3sp4wn(firefox feels faster running over NX on a vps on another continent18:55
DanaGFirefox 3 sucks when typing in any sort of dropdown box, such as the Google search box -- you have to play "dodge the dropdown", or when you press enter, it'll disregard what you've typed and just use the entry you were hovering over.18:56
DanaGAnd the address bar freezes Firefox too often.18:56
ryanpgI actually haven't had that much trouble with FF18:57
ryanpgdo you guys thing your issues may be related to the theme?18:58
ryanpgsince 3 has more gnome theme support built in18:58
h3sp4wnDon't know it doesn't display some sites right either18:59
wodenHow do I get my Creative Labs SB X-Fi to work in Ubuntu?19:00
h3sp4wnwoden: www.opensound.com19:00
h3sp4wnDon't know of any other drivers with source19:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190934 in libgnomekbd "[hardy] keyboard modifiers randomly forgotten" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy) (dup-of: 194214)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]19:01
* DanaG has only ever bought one Creative sound card, and won't ever buy any others: the cardbus Audigy2. 19:01
wodenh3sp4wn:  can I get it to work with Ubuntu supported way?19:02
h3sp4wnwoden: No19:02
h3sp4wnYou can use the deb version of oss19:02
h3sp4wnthats as close as you can get (Unless the binary alsa drivers from creative were fixed)19:03
DanaGWhat the hell?  I did a vt-switch, and my keyboard settings broke!19:03
h3sp4wnDanaG: The xfi hardware is not bad19:03
DanaGYeah, but Creative as a company sucks.19:03
DanaGJust look at their attitude towards customers: buy our stuff, and then we abandon you and ignore you.19:03
h3sp4wnemu cards are alright technically I just go on what works well with 4front19:03
DanaGEven if you don't use Vista, take a look at their Vista forum to see why I think the company deserves a boycott.19:04
h3sp4wnmaudio is no better for vista (64 bit)19:04
DanaGvaaarfgh, I tried hitting ctrl-v and got the letter v, and then tried hitting ctrl-a 3 times and got the letter 'a'.19:04
DanaGv(10:52:09 AM) DanaG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/19093419:04
DanaG(10:52:36 AM) DanaG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12440619:04
h3sp4wnalsa with ice1712 / ice1724 is a farse19:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190934 in libgnomekbd "[hardy] keyboard modifiers randomly forgotten" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy) (dup-of: 194214)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]19:04
DanaGThose two or three bugs are all related.19:05
DanaGNow I have to restart X.19:05
ryanpgI don't know... I had no trouble with my maudio delta19:09
ryanpgworked great in fact19:09
gilster32can someone give me a hand with java6 in heron?19:10
JoshOvkihi there. just a quick question. Ive been using kde4 on gutsy, now im upgrading to hardy will i need to reinstall it?19:10
ryanpgso no one is getting ugly fonts all of a sudden eh?19:10
ryanpgJoshOvki, how did you get kde4 on your system?19:11
JoshOvkippa repositoys then apt-get install kde4-core19:12
ccookeryanpg: oddly enough, when I rebooted this morning the fonts looked much, much better than they did before19:12
ryanpgJoshOvki, right... which ones19:12
ryanpgccooke, lol, laptop LCD or cathode ray?19:13
ccookelaptop lcd19:13
JoshOvki deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main19:13
ryanpgJoshOvki, then you're asking for trouble I'd guess19:13
* JoshOvki smacks forhead as he see's the gutsy part19:14
ryanpghardy has some kde4 packages in it already19:14
ryanpgit may be an ugly (and kinda pointless) upgrade or it may be fine19:14
JoshOvkii hope it will be fine. else its just a reinstall19:15
ryanpgpointless because IMHO it's going to be pretty hard for you to do much testing and bug reporting with 3rd party kde stuff wedged in there19:15
JoshOvkiyeh i think i might start from scratch again19:15
dsargeant!question | gilster3219:17
ubotugilster32: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:17
DanaGI like the changed font rendering ... it's like I have the "legacy" LCD filter back!19:18
ryanpgwell... whatever changed I hope it changes back soon... it looks the crap to me19:18
ryanpgthe line thicknesses are all over the place and I've got some insane blue fringing19:19
gilster32yes yes no asking to ask. i got it. I am trying to run jar app and it isnt starting up, i am not sure if i need some policiy permission to run java apps19:19
DanaGWell, I hope they give us a CHOICE in fontconfig.19:19
ryanpgDanaG, you should already have one... Native or Autohinter19:20
DanaGThey did for a while, but then they broke it so only the Cleartype-esque hinting was available.19:20
ryanpghuh, dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config gave me that option anyway19:20
DanaGThat's not it.19:20
DanaGI've tried it both ways; it's not the same.19:20
DanaGMake sure Xorg is showing the correct value for your screen's DPI rating.19:21
ryanpglol, if I type "if" the "f" is tall... if I type "fn" the "f" shrinks19:21
ryanpgI need to make a screenshot of this crappiness :P19:22
DanaGMy screen is 99.89DPI; oddly enough, changing between 99 and 100 in the gnome font thingy makes a rather large difference.19:22
ryanpgnot surprised, font and color handling on the FOSS desktop is IMHO pretty poor still19:23
dsargeantgilster32: is it maybe related to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxcb/+bug/87947 ?19:23
gilster32dsargent: yes i think it may be. i am looking at output now. give me a sec19:26
ryanpgnot all f's are created equal, some are a pixel taller19:26
ryanpg(or two)19:27
ryanpgubotu, fontconfig19:27
gilster32dsargeant: yes it is. I got the xcb error. This is huge. I need to run java apps ;-(19:27
ryanpggilster32, there's a workaround though I think19:28
ryanpgexport LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=119:28
dsargeantgilster32: I followed these instructions to fix it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/192761/comments/419:29
gilster32yes i just did it19:29
ryanpgI would suggest you try the environment variable first gilster3219:29
gilster32the lock export19:29
ryanpgoh :)19:30
ryanpgdid it work after that?19:30
gilster32yep. man that is a huge bug. not having java run properly after standard install.19:30
ryanpggilster32, java says it's an X problem, X says it's a java problem19:30
gilster32man i hop cannonical is taking it serious19:31
gilster32i am assuming it will be fixed by beta release time19:31
ryanpgwell, if it's a java issue then cannonical wont have much to do with it19:32
ryanpgbut I don't know enough to guess really19:32
gilster32i hear ya. eitherway. java  and java plugings are one of those things that the average new user wants working out-of the box.19:33
ryanpgI'd agree gilster3219:33
gilster32dsargeant: thanks for the bug link. the export lib worked fine19:34
ryanpgI think the bigger issue is "X"19:34
gilster32do you mean X in general?19:34
gilster32i have only been using heron the last few days. What problems are you having?19:35
ryanpgjust a lot of changes happening in general, performance is very poor, the driver situation is potentially improving but even hardware with docs is flakey19:35
ryanpgI've been on linux for more than 13 years now - I can tell you for the first decade I used X I heard over and over and over "If we had documentation we'd have better performance than windows. But those mean companies wont give us what we need."19:36
ryanpgwel... I want my "better than windows" now please :)19:37
gilster32indeed. X config is still the universal drawback for the virgin unix person. I was over at a friends house the other day. he has feisty i think. either way he just wanted dual screen working properly. what a headache. that stuff should be so much more intuitive and ingrained into the gui19:38
dsargeantgilster32: no problem19:39
TheInfinitygilster32: exacly my opinion19:39
gilster32yep. I am glad that the new ATI drivers work with AIGLX19:40
ryanpggilster32, they're trying to get rid of it all together19:40
ryanpghave a config file free X19:40
ryanpgbut that work has been delayed19:40
gilster32man that would be the day19:40
gilster32basic video config should be the config. We need a basic screen config  just like in, please forgive me. windows.19:42
dsargeanthow would that work? x would auto-configure?19:42
gilster32well i dont know if i am in favour of eliminating the .conf file all together, but the configuring should be so much more intuitve and straight forward.19:43
gilster32this new 'Monitor Resolution' thing they got on the go here is completely inept.19:43
WorkingOnWis1while trying to compile the vboxdrv module I ger the error "Makefile:75: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again.  Stop." in the log file. I have done " KERN_DIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-11-generic/",  KERN_DIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-11/" and still get the eror.19:44
gilster32why does it not let me change the resolution for the love of god....19:45
dsargeantgilster32: which monitor resolution thing?  Screen resolution under preferences or screens and graphics under administration?19:46
gilster32Screen Res. I am trying to tell this thing to go to 1600X1200 and it wont do it.19:47
dsargeantyeah, It's limited by xorg.conf19:48
gilster32so i can only change res in the screens and graphics. ?19:49
dsargeantthe screens and graphics can be used to change xorg.conf, but not dependably; I've broken x with it.19:49
gilster32me too. mannnnnnny times19:49
gilster32oh well. will do it manually. again.19:49
dsargeantthings seem to be improving with xorg 7.319:51
gilster32on an offshoot topic19:51
dsargeanti haven't had to hand edit xorg.conf in a while19:52
gilster32has anyone gotten xgl working in heron19:52
DanaGnvidia-settings and ATI's ccc can do multi-monitor config.19:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87947 in libx11 "xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed." [Unknown,Fix released]19:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fontconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192761 in sun-java6 "Java JVM 6 Swing Crashes  (dup-of: 87947)" [Undecided,Fix committed]19:54
dsargeantwow, why is ubotu so slow?  I posted those bugs a long time ago.19:55
Flanneldsargeant: sometimes ubotu has lag spikes (either in network, or in program), and looks like he just caught up19:56
FlannelSee?  quick again19:56
ryanpgdsargeant, do you use a mouse and a touchpad?19:56
ryanpgI had to do some big time acrobatics to get that working :P19:57
dsargeantryanpg: touchpad and trackpoint (lenovo laptop)19:58
dsargeantit worked out of the box19:58
ryanpgdsargeant, nice... with a usb mouse connected too?19:58
dsargeanti'm connecting one now, i've never tried it19:59
dsargeantit seems to work fine20:00
ryanpgvery good20:00
ryanpgwas not so fine for me - but that's the point really - experiences differ so greatly20:01
dsargeantI wish my thumb buttons worked automatically, though20:01
* ikkinu is back (gone 02:06:01)20:02
dsargeantryanpg: what kind of system did you have trouble with?20:02
ikkinuhi all, when I run time-admin, I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58900/ . It happens with every *-admin command. Does anyone have the same problem and/or fixed it?20:02
ryanpgperhaps it is/should be the job of the distributions to create flexible configuration options20:02
ryanpgacer travelmate with a touchpad and a usb mouse20:03
ryanpgI also wanted to be able to configure my touchpad20:03
ryanpgseems like ideally X should be able to query (basic) hardware and configure it for optimal use20:04
ryanpgI don't know if that's impossible based on how peripherals work or not though20:04
dsargeantyeah, probably depends on the peripheral's support of linux20:05
ryanpgright now is not the best time to benchmark usability though, I mean, I don't even know what acceleration architecture will be "king" in the future20:06
ryanpgglucose, EXA, XAA, some-new-thing20:06
ryanpgwe're getting dri2 and an in-kernel memory manager, input hotplugging (which should address some of the issues above), new more featurific xrandr20:07
dsargeantI think that goes for most of linux :)20:07
ryanpgdsargeant, and has been true for more than a decade - I suspect will be true for decades to come20:07
ryanpgit's all about lowered expectations :P20:08
dsargeantI still have high hopes! Linux ftw!20:09
ikkinudoes anyone have problems with "unlocking" *-admin appz?20:09
ryanpgmaybe IBM will buy cannonical and Big Blue will be able to try to gain desktop marketshare again (learning lessons from OS2)?20:10
ryanpgikkinu, I had trouble "unlocking" gnome network settings for a while20:10
ryanpgseems to work for me now though ikkinu20:11
ikkinuryanpg, I saw someone fixed with correct version of policykit-gnome20:11
ikkinuthe problem is that I have correct versions, and still errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58900/20:11
ryanpgikkinu, when do the last two messages appear in the console?20:14
ryanpgI mean the Gtk-Message: one and the CRITICAL one, after or before you click the "unlock" button?20:14
ikkinuryanpg, when "unlocking"20:14
ikkinuI run *-admin and after unlocking ... here the message20:15
ryanpgis gnome-setting-daemon running ikkinu ?20:16
anonymous111Hi. Is the new artwork still planned for Hardy, or has it been delayed until Intrepid?20:16
* DanaG hopes input-hotplug will still allow me to configure my touchpad.20:16
DanaGOh, and evdev for keyboard == pain.  Very much pain.20:16
DanaGTry doing ANYTHING with shift-super stuck.20:17
ikkinuryanpg, how can I know it?20:17
ryanpganonymous111, I think a new theme is delayed for post hardy20:17
ryanpgin a terminal type:20:17
ryanpgps cx | grep sett20:17
anonymous111ryanpg: ok thanks for your help20:18
ryanpgsheesh... hope I was correct20:18
ikkinuryanpg, it's running20:18
ryanpgikkinu, is dbus-daemon running?20:19
ryanpgikkinu, btw I'm mostly guessing here :D20:19
DanaGSome time I should post the theme I've made up for myself.20:20
ryanpglol, speaking of stability20:21
ikkinuryanpg, yes it is; I saw on launchpad someone asking the same; dbus is running :)20:21
ryanpghrm... my fonts look better now20:21
ryanpgpretty avante guard theme there... I like the black and grey monolith DanaG20:22
ikkinufirstly I thought it was because of f_print (for fingerprint), but I wasn't right :p20:23
chrisbudden14hey there.  I've upgraded to hardy yesterday, and im stumped trying to get compiz to work!  http://pastebin.com/m413aec35 That is the output I am getting.  Fglrx is installed and working20:24
spiderfirehello there20:24
ryanpgikkinu, try typing this in the terminal: ls -l /etc/sudoers20:25
DanaGThe black thing is a glitch, actually.20:25
DanaGI think you were probably joking about that, though.20:25
ryanpgit wont change anything just provide information20:25
ryanpgDanaG, I was yes :P20:25
ikkinuryanpg, -r--r----- 1 root root 546 2008-01-29 18:00 /etc/sudoers20:25
DanaGI also was using this thing for a while, until I realized it was making me feel rather gloomy:20:26
ryanpgikkinu, that looks wrong to me20:26
Flannelryanpg: looks right to me20:27
ikkinuryanpg, how should it look like? ;)20:27
dsargeantDanaG: looks like the fedora metacity theme20:27
dsargeantDanaG: the gloom might have something to do with the background :) ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder?20:29
DanaGOh yeah, and that IS the Fedora theme, with the color changed to be less omg-so-bright-I-need-sunglasses.20:31
ryanpgikkinu, sorry, away for a second20:31
ryanpgikkinu, does sudo work for you?20:31
ikkinuryanpg,  yes20:32
dsargeantDanaG: do you participate in ubuntu-art?20:32
ryanpgok, then that's probably not the problem anyway20:32
wodenanyone here get neverwinter nights working with 8.04?20:32
ikkinuryanpg,  having fingerprinting working and can't authenticate could be very frustrating :D20:34
dsargeantDanaG: There's an art meeting in 26 min in #ubuntu-meeting that you might be interested in.20:34
ryanpgikkinu, I'm pretty much at a loss to help, though the message before the last is related to your theme I think "GtkButton::displace-focus"20:37
ryanpgit's a loooong shot, but you might just for the heck of it try a different theme (that message may go away and be ruled out as part of the problem anyway)20:38
ikkinuuh, Iìll try; thanks anyway, ryanpg20:38
wodenUbuntu 8.04 desktop made to look like GNOME 2.22 proper...20:38
woden http://i27.tinypic.com/1zw4ll.jpg20:38
ryanpglol, you're welcome... I guess :P20:38
ryanpgI actually had a lot of really strange and unpredictable errors when I was running the aurora theme20:39
wodenlike it?  http://i27.tinypic.com/1zw4ll.jpg20:40
ryanpgI don't woden20:40
sdrrhi all, how can I upgrade on a text only system to hardy? I don't have "update-manager -d" installed, ...20:40
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
ikkinuryanpg, I'm not lucky; human sucks, too :D20:41
dsargeantanarkia: I've never tried it, but I think: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade20:42
dsargeantanybody know?20:42
wodenryanpg: you don't like GNOME 2.22 proper?20:42
ryanpgikkinu, lol, does that message (the `GtkButton::displace-focus' of type... one) go away though? Just curious.20:42
Mark_MillimanAnyone have any idea on how to delete a mime type installed by Amazon MP3 downloader in Hardy?20:43
ryanpgwoden, I think gnome and kde are exceedingly ugly actually20:43
Mark_MillimanI want to get back to all of the MP3 files as audio/mpeg20:43
dsargeantlol, I guess anarkia quit before I responded; just talking to myself20:43
ryanpgthe most recent version of the clearlooks engine helps a bit - some new options improve things marginally20:43
ikkinuryanpg, just "Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items" :D20:43
ryanpgapt-get dist-upgrade20:43
wodenryanpg:  so you are what, a console only user?20:44
ikkinuI'll try :D20:44
ryanpgwoden, nope - I would love it if my FOSS desktop looked good20:44
ryanpggraphic designers and GUI designers seem to be reluctant to work for free it seems20:44
wodenryanpg: so what are you saying?  xfce?  fluxbox?20:44
ikkinuryanpg, clearlook sucks, too^2 :D20:45
ryanpgwoden, err... I'm saying the state of affairs on the open source desktop is a pretty ugly one all around20:45
SeveredCrossPlenty of open source desktops look nice.20:45
SeveredCrossGNOME generally looks fairly nice.20:45
ryanpgthemes can only go so far, there's some stuff with the widgets that need to be done20:45
ryanpgSeveredCross, yeah if you're the kind of person that thought windows 3.1 looked pretty nice :P20:46
SeveredCrossNicer than Windows anyway, and even more so with EMerald/Compiz/AWN/etc.20:46
SeveredCrossryanpg: What the hell are oyu using twm? for a window manager?20:46
ryanpglipstick on a pig20:46
SeveredCrossWhat do you think looks good then?20:46
ryanpgI'm using gnome with a theme I made myself (and also compiz et. all)20:46
SeveredCrossOS X?20:47
TheInfinityos x :D20:47
ryanpger... et. al.20:47
ryanpgosx does look good to me for the most part20:47
TheInfinityhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/196242 <-- can anyone help me to isolate the reason of this bug?20:47
ryanpgthough I get sick of all the "gummy buttons" sometimes :D20:47
SeveredCrossYou can almost exactly mimic that look with emerald themes and AWN.20:47
DanaGoh yeah, I was eating lunch.20:47
ryanpgSeveredCross, here's the deal... with commercial gui's people are obsessive _to the pixel_ about things, in FOSS we're just not at that point yet20:48
SeveredCrossSo what imperfections are you seeing?20:48
TheInfinityhey stop arguing about desktops help me finding the reason of this bug :p20:48
DanaGI like the Aurora engine.20:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196242 in xorg "[Hardy] bulletproof xorg fails completely with mbp rev3" [Undecided,New]20:48
ryanpgit's like (IMHO) the open source desktop is painted with a pretty broad brush - others (yes osx is an example) are just more refined20:48
SeveredCrossWhat exactly is wrong with the open source desktop.20:49
* ikkinu is away: c u20:49
mgunesAurora is just another unnecessary Murrine fork.20:49
* DanaG is glad not to have Apple's weirdness.20:49
TheInfinityryanpg: watch kde4 if you want an eyecandy desktop concept20:49
DanaGUnnecessary?  Why?  It looks significantly different, to me.20:50
Mark_MillimanAnyone have a clue on how to revert to the system MIME type for MP3?20:50
ryanpgwell.. ok, visual inconsistencies. For example, I have xchat open now - it has two scroll widgets, one has a pretty broad pixel border, the other is "embedded" in it's parent widget20:50
ryanpgTheInfinity, it's not that I want a ton of bling/eyecandy, it's the little inconsistencies and details I want addressed20:50
SeveredCrossryanpg: Hmm, I see what youmean now.20:51
TheInfinityryanpg: kde4 tries to make it - but until now its a large techdemo, so hope for 4.1 ;)20:51
spiderfireim upgrading to hardy. my update manager seems stuck20:51
SeveredCrossI thought you meant the general theming and stuff was wrong. There are little inconsistencies, yes, but on the general it's not that bad.20:52
spiderfirecan i do this old school console style?20:52
Flannelspiderfire: you can20:52
SeveredCrossYes, but it's not preferable.20:52
spiderfirejust sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?20:52
DanaGI used aptitude instead of apt-get.  If you run aptitude with no parameters, you get a nifty ncurses UI.20:52
SeveredCrossapt-get dist-upgrade won't work unless you change sources.list first?20:52
ryanpgDanaG, I get confused by aptitude, apt-get is pretty flawless for me20:53
spiderfireit seems theyre changed20:53
spiderfirei always get crazy lockups with the gnome gui20:53
SeveredCrossapt-get is a little better in hardy, it actually has purge as a command rather than apt-get --purge remove and stuff.20:53
FlannelEh?  How random20:53
spiderfireor is it metacity20:53
spiderfireno its gtk i think20:53
ryanpgapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade20:53
FlannelSeveredCross: it still has --purge, right?20:53
SeveredCrossFlannel: Now you can just do apt-get purge package rather than --purge rmeove package20:54
FlannelSeveredCross: dist-upgrade works without changing sources.list, it just wont change your version, it still does plenty (new kernels, etc)20:54
FlannelSeveredCross: right, but does remove --purge still work?20:54
SeveredCrossOh really? I didn't know that actually.20:54
SeveredCrossFlannel: Yeah, I believe slo.20:54
SeveredCrossHaven't tried it, I'm on Windows right now (wanted to play some games)20:55
Flannelspiderfire: Make sure you have your metapackages installed20:55
Flannelubuntu-desktop, linux-generic, ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard20:55
Flannelthose are the important ones20:56
spiderfireall of them or just the one i have?20:56
Flannelthen, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then change your sources.list, then update/dist-upgrade again20:56
wodenanyone play neverwinter nights on ubuntu?20:56
Flannelspiderfire: do you have ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu?20:56
Flannel(or edubuntu)20:56
DanaGWatch out: if you use Wine, lock the version first.20:56
Flannelspiderfire: then all of those should be installed20:57
DanaGThe Hardy one is broke, or at least, it was the last time I tried.20:57
DanaG(I hit the 'n' key, I swear.)20:57
spiderfireFlannel: yep they are20:57
ryanpgDanaG, really it is? hrm... but the ubuntu version of wine is often broken isn't it20:58
Flannelspiderfire: do you have any third party repositories?20:58
ryanpgDanaG, I have had better luck using the versions from winehq20:58
spiderfireFlannel: i removes those20:59
Flannelspiderfire: Alright, update/dist-upgrade to make sure you have latest gutsy stuff, then change sources and do it again21:00
sdrrhm I have installed hardy, ... but I can't seem to locate the linux-xen package, ...21:00
ryanpgwhen I upgrade I usually do a dpkg-reconfigure -a afterwards - though I think it's probably overkill for most users21:01
Flannelspiderfire: but, you should also (perhaps before this) check out launchpad and post a bug about update-manager not workng21:02
ryanpgI meant, of course, upgrade to a newer OS release :P21:02
spiderfirehow do i check launchpad?21:02
ryanpgspiderfire, to use launchpad you must first kill a chicken and scatter it's bones...21:03
spiderfirethat makes sense thanks21:03
spiderfirei owe you one21:03
ryanpgyes... then visit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy21:04
ryanpgoh wait... you have  a gutsy bug21:04
ryanpghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/ search for your bug21:05
ryanpgI win! my URL is longer!21:06
ryanpgnot to the swiftest, but to the most verbose... and on that note, I'm off for now21:06
ryanpgthanks and later all!21:06
derekshi. How do i turn off compiz?21:18
anabasis/msg nickserv identify kodachrome21:18
mellerywierd, system input method just changed to something not english21:33
DanaGctrl-shift and shift-ctrl will do that.21:34
DanaGTake a look in the SCIM settings.  Also unbind shift-space, or SCIM will eat spaces after capital letters.21:34
melleryHow can I fix my sound in hardy? Pulseaudio doesnt make any noise, and ALSA gives static, OSS works but not in most programs21:34
mellerythanks, just removed all the scim hotkeys21:35
spiderfirehow can i list system specs for reporting bugs?21:38
spiderfirebug buddy?21:39
spiderfireor is there something better21:39
spiderfirei dont see bug buddy on here21:40
nemoone of my CPUs has vanished in recent hardy21:49
nemoanyone else noticed this?21:49
Picinemo: make sure you are using the generic kernel, not i38621:50
nemoPici: hm. waddaya know...21:51
nemowhen did *that* happen21:51
Picinemo: I've seen it a few times on upgrades, dunno why it happens21:51
spiderfirehow do i make sure im using generic kernel...i see im using i38621:53
nemoPici: odd too. Synaptic swears I have linux-generic enabled, and linux-386 disabled21:53
* nemo reinstalls21:53
nemooh well. time for another reboot I guess21:53
spiderfireuname -a shows i38621:53
NickPrestaAlpha 6 is the last of the Alpha phase, correct?21:55
NickPrestaOkay, thanks. I can't wait to play around with Hardy.21:56
heartsbloodHas hardy been updated with the compiz release?22:07
rskheartsblood: yes22:08
heartsbloodwoot 3d desktop again22:08
heartsblooddo you know if that will make it's way in gutsy or will it be hardy only considering it's only a RC?22:09
rskprobably hardy only22:15
crdlbheartsblood: it's not possible to use compiz 0.7.x on gutsy without patching it to remove the requirement on x11-xcb22:17
bmk789_sometimes i forget im running hardy because its so stable......22:21
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
oxigenhmm, i wonder is it useful for you guys to send all collected crash data (31mb)?22:25
wraundis anyone else having trouble with the keyboard locking?22:32
DanaGYup, keyboard issue is a big huge pain.22:34
wraundDanaG: not exactly like mine22:36
wraundmine is slightly different :P22:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190934 in libgnomekbd "[hardy] keyboard modifiers randomly forgotten" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy) (dup-of: 194214)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]22:36
naught101why are those undecided??22:37
khusseinI have ubuntu with successful wireless connectivity wlan0. However, after installing VirtualBox the wirelss connectivity is gone. I can't find wlan0 anymore22:39
khusseinCan someone help me with this please?22:39
wraundhardy heron release khussein?22:40
naught101is there any way (or reason not) to remove the scim icon from the system tray?22:40
khusseinYes it is hardy22:40
spiderfireare there visible changes in hardy?22:40
wraunddepend on what you use22:41
wraundKDE yes22:41
wraundotherwise they are discreet22:41
oxigenhmm, probably not, bad gateway :)22:41
wraundalso am I the only one that has noticed the MAJOR security flaw when you boot into recovery? you get the choice to drop straight into root terminal :/22:42
khusseinHow can I enable the wireless detection?22:42
khusseinThe card is found with lspci22:42
RAOFwraund: That gets broght up every now and then, yes.22:42
wraundRAOF: seems really daft :/22:42
spiderfirei thought you need password though22:43
wraundthats why i changed grub so you have to modify the root hd(0,0) part22:43
wraundand you have to change before starting it up22:43
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
RAOFwraund: Or you could just put a GRUB password in.22:43
wraundzomg you can do that?22:43
wraundoh yeah :P22:43
wraundcourse you can its in menu.lst :P22:44
RAOFwraund: But for that to be worth anything, you need to have disabled booting from anything but harddrive, and set a BIOS password, etc.22:44
spiderfirewhat i couldnt figure out is why i have no console22:44
oxigenbut memory handling looks much better!22:44
spiderfirejust a flashing _22:44
moope1hullo, kubuntu is taking ages to load on boot. It seems to spend a long time looking for resume images. Any one know how to fix?22:44
spiderfiremaybe it is fixed in hardy22:44
wraundspiderfire: that is the topic here :P22:46
kfbishopSo, the MOTD says the Network Manager problem is fixed and available..   My questions are: A) is this the fix to 0.6.6 breaking wireless connections (atheros), and B) where can I find it?  Does not appear to be in any of the repos.  Am I just impatient?22:47
spiderfirefor me? I have no console outside X22:47
darxhi i'm trying to get a backtrace of yelp to submit a bug. after i install yelp-dbgsym, i cannot find a program named yelp-dbgsym anywhere in my $PATH when i try to backtrace yelp, i get no stack, no register prompts. what is the correct way to get a backtrace?23:00
darx(gdb) backtrace full23:01
darxNo stack.23:01
darx(gdb) info registers23:01
darxThe program has no registers now.23:01
RAOFdarx: Ideally apport would pop up offering to report the crash - that should have a backtrace.23:02
darxRAOF: yelp doen't crash but the CPU usage goes 100%23:03
RAOFOh.  So why would gdb help?23:03
RAOFYou've killed yelp, and then tried "backtrace full", haven't you? :)23:03
darxi'm a noob23:03
darxjust trying to be helpful23:03
RAOFWell... you've killed yelp.  The process no longer exists, so it has no state, backtrace, or registers :)23:04
RAOFAlso, yelp-dbgsym isn't a separate program.  It just installs the debug symbols we strip from the binary into a location that gdb can find them.23:04
darxhere is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+bug/19986023:05
RAOFA program that sits there, spinning at 100% CPU is more annoying to debug than one that crashes.  I'm not entirely sure how you'd go about it.23:05
RAOFdarx: I'd ask in #ubuntu-bugs for help.23:07
darxcool thanks23:07
oxigenthis alphas are cool, reminds me on a good old funky debian :)23:08
oxigendoh, i cant shut down nice... should go ctrl-alt-backspace..23:12
darxRAOF: no ones answering me there. do you know how i can install the sysprof-module so i may be able to profile yelp?23:17
RAOFPossibly with module-assistant?23:17
darxthere is only the sysprof-module-source package in the repos would i have to compile it myself and if yes can you give me some directions23:17
RAOFI'm not really sure.23:17
RAOFI'd try starting with module-assistant, which is the tool designed to build such kernel modules.23:18
ccookeHmm. I think I could really get to like the new theme stuff I'm seeing.23:19
darxyes it pretty cool also gnome is shaping up good23:19
darxpreviously a lot of space was being wasted imho.. it used to feel cramped when compared to windows or osx23:20
darxsmall fonts are also bearable in LCDs23:20
WorkingOnWis10 people?????23:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199860 in yelp "High CPU usage by yelp" [Medium,Incomplete]23:29
naught101grrr.... why do we have SCIM?23:30
ethana2so i can type in japanese23:30
KrimZon...by accident23:31
naught101but if we don't need to type in japanese, then we don't need scim, right?23:31
ethana2oops, nevermind23:31
ethana2i killed that23:31
ethana2in various ways... but you get the point23:31
ethana2lol, yes23:31
naught101so why is there no Quit option in the contecxt menu??23:31
ethana2or other languages23:31
ethana2hindi and stuf23:31
ethana2i have no idea23:31
naught101oh.. exit... hehe23:32
ethana2you mean in the tray?23:32
naught101yeah, never mind23:32
ethana2ok, yeah, i thought you were missing something ^_^23:32
KrimZonwhat did i keep pressing to accidentally enable it while typing?23:32
DanaGSCIMalso likes eating spaces if you don't disable the shift-space binding.23:33
DanaGAnd do yourself a favor by removing the left-alt and left-shift and such bindings.23:33
KrimZonahh, shift space... that used to annoy me in pspad23:34
KrimZontyping spaces between shifted characters and then bam, i get a bit of code inserted where i didnt want it23:34
rgreeningSCIM is part of LSB (Linux Standards Base) and being consistant is a good thing :)23:35
rgreeninghough perhaps some better sane defaults are warranted for SCIM23:35
DanaGDefinitely.  The current defaults drove me batty.23:36
frandavid100hi all23:42
DanaGANother annoying thing: when you press ctrl, the toolbar changes size.23:42
naught101YAH! scim is killing open office!23:42
DanaGIt's extremely quite very distracting.23:42
DanaGUgh, I have this wiggling thing in the corner of my screen.23:43
nemohow come I don't see japanese even after installing it, killing and restarting all scim processes?23:43
nemoit shows up in scim config23:43
RAOFDanaG: How did you got the latex scim modlue again?23:43
naught101can I remove scim completely?23:43
nemonaught101: you're using ubuntu and you don't know how to uninstall something?23:43
nemoand hardy, at that?23:43
DanaGLet me look for that one.23:43
* nemo looks at naught101 askance23:43
pwnguinim pretty sure you can remove scim completely; i'm not having these scim troubles23:43
naught101memo: non, I didn't say that23:43
naught101I was asking if I can remove it, I meant do other things depend on it23:44
pwnguinhelpfully, i dont speak asian languages23:44
pwnguinor anything else that isnt english23:44
rgreeningIf you install lsb then you get SCIM. If you don't care about being lsb compliant, remove SCIM (and consequently lsb)23:44
naught101a qustion which I obviously didn'tneed to ask23:44
DanaGIt's cool for doing stuff like this:  200 μF.  300 Ω.  300 Ω. ← wtf?  there are two omegas.23:45
DanaGor rather, Omegas.23:45
pwnguinwhcwhich notably breaks my screen session23:45
oxigennaught101: did you try to disable it with SCIM setup?23:49
oxigenoh, he's gone23:49
nemopwnguin: um. how would that break screen?23:50
nemopwnguin: I'm using screen too actually23:50
nemoyou have a crappy terminal that can't grok unicode?23:50
^4nDr3shello all!! does anyone of you have a link to download hardy iso image?23:54

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