
hekatontarchosI'm somewhat new to Ubuntu (first time I've switched completely), and I'd really like to contribute, but I'm not really sure how to get started10:58
hekatontarchosWallpapers aren't really my thing - I'm a lot more excited about the idea of designing the 'theme'?  (not sure if that's the right word, but the window borders, whatever that's called)11:00
hekatontarchosI'd hate to have a nice design and butcher it with the coding or something like that, so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction, or let me know if there is some sort of cooperative work being done where one person can do part and someone else fills in the rest, I would really appreciate it11:01
kwwiione hour warning19:59
kwwii15 min warning20:47
kwwiimeeting soon20:47
mgunes*goes to make coffee*20:47
* mikemaccana looks at topic21:08
mikemaccanaIt sure does21:08
mikemaccanaSo it's 9PM UTC - isn't the meeting now?21:11
mikemaccanaoops, -meeting channel21:13
DanaGHmm, that channel doesn't mention which meeting is going on right now.21:13
DanaGI mean, the topic doesn't.21:14
CaioAlonsothe artwork meeting wasn't included in the schedule21:14
CaioAlonsono idea why21:14
mikemaccanaWhat's that state of fela kuti as a gdm screen?23:21
DanaGHopefully it'd be the remix, not the "bloody" version.23:28
DanaGThat reminds me of another thing: my mom described the background as looking like "baby puke".  Perhaps the background color could be tweaked a bit.23:29
DanaGHmm, random link you've probably seen me paste before: HP Japan's wallpapers.  http://h50146.www5.hp.com/products/portables/personal/zen_wallpaper/23:30
mikemaccanaDanaG: You're right about the bloody version23:31
mikemaccanaI never noticed until someone pointed it out, but now all I see is a bird with it's throat cut23:32
DanaGSame here.23:32
DanaGOh yeah, I didn't like how the remixed version ALSO changed the background and bird placement/23:32
mikemaccanaDanaG: hahaha23:32
mikemaccanaI'm actually using one of those now - I have an HP notebook23:33
DanaGIf that Heron becomes the default wallpaper for Hardy, I am so going to get a case skin of it when I get my next laptop (in the summer).23:34
DanaGBut I'll use the black-background version, and modify it to fit the lid color of the laptop (HP business, I'm considering).23:36
kwwiiboahahahaha! we be evil!23:49
DanaGThat was a bit random -- but hey, random is fun.23:54
kwwiino, random would be like sometimes we are not evil and sometimes we are...this time it is like we be evil23:56
kwwiithe secret truth is that I cut the neck of the poor heron23:56
kwwiibefore I even knew the artist who drew it23:56
kwwiiactually, I am surprised that nobody said it has breasts23:57

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