
=== Gabz^laptop is now known as Gabz
bhuvanmdke, sommer: i've no clue when bzr section was removed from vcs.xml03:11
bhuvani'm sure we should put it back03:11
bhuvani'm checking when it got removed and why. based on log message, i'm unable to derive at conclusion; anyway i'll find out and keep you updated03:12
bhuvanmdke, sommer: looks like it was accidentally removed in r4349 by me. i originally added in r4113 under serverguide. in r4349 i sync'ed it with server version, by then we lost the original bzr related changes. i'm sorry about that03:17
mdkebhuvan: no worries, it's added again now :)09:44
mdkebhuvan: thanks for investigating09:45
posingaspopularhey j1mc, i just got your email18:23
j1mcposingaspopular: cool.  i just joined #ubuntu-chicago to talk about it if you want.18:24
j1mchi all, i appear to have goofed up some internal linking with my ulinks.  please see the "add applications" link at the bottom of this page: http://doc.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/music-video-photos.html18:43
j1mci like to an xml file, which is the actual doc file, but it looks like i should be linking to an html file.  also, it looks like i've gone a little too far down on the path tree...18:44
j1mcs/i like/i link18:45
mdkej1mc: that's due to the issues we discussed previously18:50
j1mcso the sed changes would fix things?18:50
mdkej1mc: yes, i think so. The path tree issue is probably because the html path doesn't include the "C" directory18:52
j1mcgood point.  thanks.18:55

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