
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
eddyMulHi. I'm testing a Dell Inspiron 1420 laptop. I'm aware of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspiron1420, but that page describes a laptop with nVidia graphics. I'm testing one with an Intel graphic card. How should I enter my information to the page? Or do I make a new wiki page (DellInspiron1420-2?)17:55
BrunoXLamberthello, am I at the good place if I have a brand new laptop that would not startx a X session? (and acutally, Hardy is the only distro that would see my ethernet card)18:45
eddyMulBrunoXLambert: have you tried asking for help in #ubuntu?18:49
BrunoXLambertnope, I guess I will18:50

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