
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 19 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team
theunixgeekIs the meeting beginning? :)10:50
jpatricksoon (tm)10:50
Zic@schedule Paris10:55
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Paris: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers 12 Mar 22:00: Server Team | 19 Mar 22:00: Server Team | 26 Mar 22:00: Server Team10:55
Zic@now Paris10:56
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Paris: March 08 2008, 11:56:48 - Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers10:56
jpatricknoon all11:00
jpatrickwho's here for the meeting?11:00
Lurenoon confirmed here ;-)11:00
* Lure is here, but may need to run in half an hour11:00
jpatrickWe have one agenda item for today: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings11:00
jpatrickand dear apachelogger's disappeared again11:01
theunixgeekIs the meeting beginning? :)11:01
Lurejpatrick: we can reject his proposal in his absence ;-)11:01
* Hobbsee is here11:01
* xRaich[o]2x is here for the meeting. Just peeking.11:01
* Hobbsee is even on kubuntu atm!11:01
jpatricktheunixgeek: seems to be11:02
* stdin starts paying attention11:02
LureHobbsee: welcome back to sanity ;-)11:02
HobbseeLure: and bugs, yes.11:02
LureHobbsee: just right time to fix some ;-)11:02
jpatrickanyone have any items to discuss?11:02
* Hobbsee isn't exactly sure why some of the windows will refuse to raise from minimised, though11:02
Lurenothing to discuss then?11:04
jpatrickor any last minute member candidates?11:04
Hobbseeis Riddell here?11:04
Lurejpatrick: not sure if we have quorum11:04
Hobbseenixternal: might be around11:04
jpatrickHobbsee: he's out so I got leadership for meeting11:04
Hobbseejpatrick: eparse11:04
theunixgeekjpatrick: me11:05
jpatricktheunixgeek: do you have a wikipage?11:05
theunixgeekjpatrick: on wikipedia yes :P11:05
jpatrickLure: we can still mail the other council members with member requests11:05
jpatrickubotu: tell theunixgeek about member11:05
jpatrickwell, one apache's item, I'm all in for having Dragon Player as default :)11:07
theunixgeekjpatrick: without being a member I can't participate in the meeting?11:08
fir3__makes sense since it's the only qt4 player currently available11:08
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
Lurejpatrick: I also do not see better alternative at this point of time11:08
smartersmplayer is also available11:08
jpatricktheunixgeek: you can11:08
Hobbseetheunixgeek: you can participate11:08
smarterand kplayer(but not packaged)11:08
jpatricksmarter: don't see kplayer getting past Feature Freeze11:08
jpatrickand we'll need a MainInclusionReport for DragonPlayer11:09
Luretheunixgeek: membership is more a recognition of contribution, but we accept any contributions from anybody - so feel free to contribute on our meetings11:09
theunixgeekok :)11:09
Lurejpatrick: not really - kde4 will stay in universe11:09
Hobbsee-1 to dragon player.  does it do ogg?11:09
fir3__but people using kde4 at its current state should be able to pick a video player on their own anyway11:10
jpatrickLure: for ibex, but it's going to be part for kdemultimedia by then11:10
smarterlast time I checked you couldn't switch between DVD chapters with dragonplayer11:10
jpatrickHobbsee: yep, it's KDE 4 codeine11:10
smarterand I've seen lots of people complaining about the lack of features of dragonplayer11:11
smarteranother Qt4 player is the new VLC(beta atm)11:11
fir3__i'm for qt4 vlc, if it works well11:11
theunixgeekSo when will the meeting begin? :)11:12
Hobbseeeither the deps are wrong, or this player is very unstable.11:12
Hobbseeor it just doesn't like me11:12
* Hobbsee had one file where it crashed, and another with no audio11:13
jpatrickHobbsee: well, apache packaged it11:13
fir3__but it won't be possible to make kde4 a feature-complete desktop as kde3 at it's current state, so i think stability of the apps is more important, kde4 is buggy enough11:13
Hobbseeer, no *video*11:14
fir3__what kde4 version will hardy use, btw? 4.0.2 or later(svn)?11:14
Hobbseeoh, doesn't work with desktop effects enabled, at all, on intel cards11:16
jpatrickI've heard Debian will start uploading KDE 4.1 betas this month11:16
jpatrick(or at least they refused my dragonplayer package because of that)11:17
kwwiisorry for showing up late11:17
Hobbseelooks like a nice player, modulo that11:17
Hobbseehi kwwii11:17
kwwiihi Hobbsee11:17
fir3__jpatrick: i thought 4.1 would be released in summer?11:17
Hobbseebut i suspect that's a driver problem11:17
Hobbseefir3__: hence the betas11:17
jpatrickfir3__: snapshots and stuff11:17
fir3__nice :)11:18
* Hobbsee watches monty python in the background11:18
theunixgeekThis is the meeting? :) It's completely different than I thought.11:18
xRaich[o]2xSuse also is doing a KDE4.1 snapshot livecd.11:19
Hobbseetheunixgeek: it's rather relaxed today.  something with not much to do on the agenda11:19
jpatrickanyone have any topics we could discuss at UDS this May?11:21
kwwiihow about the website redesign, perhaps working on the wiki as well11:22
jpatrickkwwii: ryancak is working on the website and it's going on quite well11:23
jpatrick(Current UDS topics I have are http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58858/ btw)11:23
kwwiilooks like a good list :-)11:24
jpatrickI think JR changed it at one point tho, but other items are welcome11:25
kwwiiI had hoped taht stefan would be at the meeting to discuss the new themeing he put together11:26
jpatrickany url so we can all see it?11:28
kwwiiunfortunately it is all on his server, no idea where :-(11:32
kwwiihe'll miss the beta and after that it will be too late .-(11:32
jpatrickhrm.. :-(11:34
jpatrickI suppose there's always Ibex, or is it KDE 3 themeing?11:35
xRaich[o]2xI saw that you guys consider to pick up koffice for the kubuntu-office-suite. Are we talking about Ibex Office here?11:37
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: those ideas are all for ibex11:38
xRaich[o]2xjpatrick: I just tested Krita and it's still in unusable state. And I don't think it'll be any better when Ibex comes out. When are they planing to do the final?11:39
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: no idea, maybe by summer11:41
jpatrickhey, we could get _czessi up for membership (as he's in the ~kubuntu-members queue)11:41
xRaich[o]2xHmm. Maybe they'll hit that date. If they do it would be a cool alternative for openoffice.11:43
jpatrickso, anything else to discuss?11:46
Hobbseenot from me11:47
xRaich[o]2xjpatrick: Just checked the koffice site. They are planning to release it in june.11:47
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: awesome :)11:48
xRaich[o]2xMay 16 RC1. I'll be sure to Test the beta ^^11:48
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: well the final will probably get into Ibex11:49
jpatrickwell, meeting over I guess..11:50
jpatrickand thanks for coming :)11:50
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 19 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team
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=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
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shadowh512it the ubuntu art meeting soon?18:40
CaioAlonsohttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/event look at the calendar18:41
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dsargeanttouchpad and trackpoint (lenovo laptop)19:57
dsargeantoops, wrong window20:12
dsargeantare people here for the art meeting?20:13
CaioAlonsono idea20:14
fruchtschwert45 minutes to go20:15
fruchtschwerti think ..20:15
andrea-bsthe art meeting is not scheduled, are you sure to be in the right channel?20:16
dsargeantsorry, I was just making sure that art meeting was up next.20:16
dsargeantandrea-bs: that's what I was trying to check, I'm not sure20:16
dsargeantandrea-bs: I noticed it wasn't on the schedule20:17
andrea-bsdsargeant: sometimes there are also some non-scheduled meetings20:17
dsargeantI guess I'll find out in 45 mins20:19
andrea-bsI think it will be took here: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Meetings>20:19
steph_and now it's 20:22 UTC ?20:20
steph_I mean gooooooood20:21
steph_it's late :(20:22
steph_I've got to go at a party with friends next20:22
steph_but for me, meeting is at 22:0020:22
steph_if you wanna know much more about my exciting life, mail me.20:22
Jtsukishirosomeone speaks Spanish?20:28
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
steph_ten minutes remaining.20:47
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: March 08 2008, 20:48:04 - Next meeting: Server Team in 4 days20:48
kwwiiart meeting soon20:48
kwwiieven if it is incorrectly planned :p20:48
laughing_manincorrectly planned?20:52
dsargeantit wasn't on the schedule http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event20:53
laughing_manahh, yeah i noticed that too. But it was on the "artwork" section of the site. So you know, we're here.20:54
dsargeantno harm done20:55
kwwiiok, let's give people a few more minutes to join and then start things up20:58
kwwiiok, so everyone/anyone here for the art meeting?21:01
laughing_mani am21:01
dsargeantme too21:02
kwwiiok, so let's go through the points21:02
kwwii * GDM:  getting the bg inline with the wallpaper; new icons21:02
kwwii * GTK:  tweaking the gtk themes and discussing clearlooks vs. murrine21:02
kwwii * DESKTOP: Wallpaper tweaks. Discussing current state, ideas for moving21:02
kwwii * ICONS: Needed! Update icon in Human style for panel; Scale and Expose21:02
kwwiiicons; General state of human refresh21:02
kwwii * 8.10: Discuss current ideas, how to move forward21:02
kwwii * 8.10 DeviantArt Theme Competition:  A way to engage with the wider21:02
kwwiicommunity of creative-commons artists.21:02
sam7hello, i'm here this time21:02
kwwiiwell, that did not work as well as I thought it could21:02
kwwiilet's start at the top; GDM21:03
sam7the GDM must look like the main theme21:03
gp[]hello everyone people21:03
kwwiibeen thinking about using a heron-like bg for the gdm21:03
kwwiihi gp[], sam7 laughing_man, dsargeant21:03
sam7yes, the hardy heron, with only one button in the left corner21:04
fruchtschwertmaybe it should match with the wallpaper .. ?21:04
laughing_mancan we refrain from acyronims for the time being.21:04
kwwiifruchtschwert: that is the point, really21:04
steph_kwwii, you mean changing GDM at each release ?21:04
laughing_manwhat is GDM?21:04
steph_Gnome Display Manager21:04
steph_you connexion screen21:04
kwwiisteph_: I would like to see the bg in gdm at least match with the desktop21:05
kwwiiit does not have to be exactly the same21:05
sam7it must be the same as the theme used by default21:05
dsargeantare we decided on the wallpaper then?21:05
sam7of course21:05
kwwiijust using some elements from the wallpaper would be enough  I htink21:05
sam7but it must look like21:05
sam7sorry for my bad english21:05
kwwiiwe are very close to being certain that some form of the heron will be default21:05
kwwiieither the heron or elephant21:05
dsargeantmy vote's for the heron21:06
fruchtschwertwhat about this kutie fela wallpaper ?21:06
sam7the 2 will be instaled by default21:06
fruchtschwertwhy elephant ?21:06
steph_yes, I must admit GDM is a little too 'simple'21:06
gp[]i agre with you kwwii for the gdm, i vote for heron21:06
steph_we could tweak it a littlt21:06
kwwiifruchtschwert: feta kuli is the heron I am talking about21:06
sam7GDM & wallpaper21:06
sam7heron & elephant21:06
kwwiianother point in gdm is the icons that come with it21:06
kwwiiwe need to make new ones (I cretaed one quickly to fix a bug)21:07
dsargeantare we using the same gdm layout?21:07
kwwiidsargeant: bascially, yes21:07
sam72 colours : brown/orange for gnome and blue for KDE21:07
kwwiidsargeant: unless we can think of some worthwhile change21:07
sam7yes, new icones is a good idea21:07
sam7more modern21:08
steph_kwwii, the one you've done is quite nice :)21:08
kwwiiso if anyone is interested in working on either of those points, let me know21:08
steph_I want to learn icon creations. This doesn't mean I can do it :)21:08
kwwiisteph_: the general style of those icons is nasty though21:08
steph_old fashionned21:08
sam7i dont know how to do it, but it must be interesting21:09
steph_I'd like to have a look, but I'm gonna be disconnected :]21:09
steph_by the way, just a question21:09
laughing_manwhat icons in particular are we talking about? i'm soooo lost.21:09
kwwiiso moving on to the next topic21:09
steph_is there a way to make a better transition between GDM and Desktop21:09
kwwiilaughing_man: the restart, shut-down, hibernate, sleep icons in the menu at the bottom left of gdm (after you click on the system icon)21:09
steph_how'd you say the word...it's not gradient21:09
kwwiisteph_: that is one thing that we are pretty much always looking into21:10
kwwiibut it is not something that will happen soon21:10
sam7why not create a new usplash21:10
fruchtschwertand a nice grub ..21:10
kwwiisam7: feel free to make a proposal21:10
fruchtschwerti'm not the big developer .. just asking ..21:10
sam7yes, all the icones must be changed, and more modern21:11
dsargeantshouldn't those icons be the same as are displayed when you click on system quit in gnome?21:11
kwwiiso, next topic21:11
kwwiiI tweaked both the themes a bit21:11
steph_Can't find the word21:11
sam7i dont know how to do21:11
kwwiithat should be apparent by now...I have another change ready, getting the orange color correct is somewhat hard and took some testing21:11
sam7i think the new LTS must be the occasion to change icones by defaul21:11
laughing_manis there a visual database of all these proposals? or is this all conceptual/descriptive at this point?21:11
kwwiidsargeant: ideally yes, all the icons for that metaphor should look the same21:11
mguneskwwii, do you submit your changes to a bzr repo anywhere?21:12
sam7i'd like to learn to do it21:12
kwwiimgunes: yes, I put the changes in human-theme on launchpad21:12
kwwiibut it should already be in the repo I guess21:12
mikemaccanaAnd there I was in -artwork wondering why everyone was so quiet21:12
kwwiimgunes: I will be commiting some more changes either later or tomorrow21:13
kwwiimikemaccana: :-)21:13
sladensb end21:13
mguneskwwii, thanks21:13
dsargeantI think the color selection ability in the gtk should be a priority.21:13
kwwiiI think that if we are going to change the theme engine murrine looks like the more flexible engine21:13
kwwiidsargeant: I agree with that too an extent21:13
sam7yes, the colors are important21:14
kwwiithe idea behind the color select stuff is great, but if I cannot easily make a theme which looks like I want it to, I will happily lose that option for this one theme21:14
dsargeantso far the clearlooks is the only one that has the ability, correct?21:14
sam7something between brown and orange for example21:14
kwwiithere is a suggested murrine as well21:14
kwwiiI thought about playing with that for a bit to see if I could fix things up21:14
mguneskwwii, human-murrine-mod?21:15
gp[]yes, I agre with the idea to swith at murrine engine21:15
kwwiimgunes: yes21:15
laughing_manall right, well as much fun as this is.. i think i'm just going to bow out now because i'm just an artist i got no idea what you people are refering to with all your GTK GDM etc. talk.. Good luck with everything! i'll just submit a wallpaper or something on deviantart.21:15
sam7with black and or grey21:15
steph_kwwii, at the moment, I'm using a theme I found yesterday on the Web, wich is MurrinaTango21:15
fruchtschwertis the gradient between menubar and symbolbar available in murrine too ?21:15
fruchtschwertthis hack by xlcheese ?21:15
steph_I think we should do something in the style21:15
steph_give you a screenshot21:15
sam7for the "tableau de bords"21:15
DanaGHmm, I currently use an orange Aurora theme I assembled myself.  Somebody else described it as "another unnecessary fork of Murrine", but it looks way different to me.21:15
kwwiifirst off, we will not be using any hacked themes21:15
kwwiiit is too late for that now21:15
dsargeantlaughing_man: are you subsribed to the ubuntu-art mailing list?21:15
kwwiiso if we pick a theme engine it is between clearlooks and murrine21:16
kwwiior ubuntulooks, naturally21:16
kwwiiI get the feeling that just trying to tweak things in an existing theme is not the right way to go about this21:16
dsargeantlaughing_man: people seem to be submitting artwork there21:16
DanaGMy current theme also uses the Tropic metacity theme without the red button.21:16
DanaGwww.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot.png   -- can you make Murrine look like that Aurora, too?21:16
fruchtschwertbut i heard murrine has more modern features than clearlooks without hacks21:16
gp[]the murrine is a good a flexible engine21:16
fruchtschwertso probably choose this one21:16
kwwiiwe should know what we want in advance and then get a theme written which does that21:16
laughing_mandsargent: i'm not a hardcore linux user i just use it for basic things.. i wanted to help out with the art, but i'm just too confused by all this technical speak to keep up, or really contribute.21:17
sam7murrine is a good idea21:17
kwwiilaughing_man: it will not all be this technical21:17
fruchtschwerti also read, murrine can do transparency .. this would be great21:17
dsargeantlaughing_man: yeah, don't be discouraged.  The deviant art topic is on the agenda too.21:17
andreasnsorry for the late arrival, had some technical issues21:18
sam7yes, its great transparency21:18
gp[] I saw the color scheme used in Alpha 6 for murrine and it very nice21:18
kwwiiI think that the way forward is to try and use murrine with the intent to create a theme of our own based somewhat on that for hardy+121:18
gp[]I agre with you (kwwii)21:18
laughing_manwell if you could point me to screen shots like danaG i can give an opinion.. :-)21:18
sam7why not for the 8.04 LTS21:18
gp[]murrine is very flexible21:19
dsargeantis it possible to add the color selection to murrine?21:19
kwwiikeep up the discussion on the list about this stuff21:19
mguneskwwii, I reckon what we want to do is get rid of the blandness of Ubuntulooks and introduce a tiny bit of vividness and contrast with a new engine, without drifting too far from the theme of the last three releases21:19
steph_kwwii, what do you think about the menubar ?21:19
fruchtschwerti agree with mgunes21:19
sam7The menubar must be more modern21:20
sam7more fluide21:20
kwwiimgunes: I think that things like the ubuntulooks scrollbars and progress bars are pretty cool and that we might want to evolve that style a bit instead of just pitching it because an existing theme doesn't do it like that21:20
steph_I like the stripes in menubars21:20
kwwiiso, the next subject is the wallpaper21:20
kwwiiit seems like we have almost covered that already21:20
fruchtschwertare these bars not possible with murrine ?21:20
dsargeantThe animated progress bars look strange in network manager.21:21
laughing_mani think it's important to perserve the colorscheme of ubuntu.. :-) and i do like the stripes in the menubars.. it's simple but looks polished and slick.21:21
fruchtschwerti like them21:21
kwwiifeta kuli (the heron pic) is very popular21:21
sam7the systeme menu must be reorganised21:21
kwwiiI will probably edit the background parts a bit to reduce the contrast21:21
fruchtschwerti think its a great idea to make a connection with the distribution naming21:21
laughing_mankwwi, what are you reffering to when you say you'll edit?21:22
laughing_mando you have a screen image i can see?21:22
DanaGIf the (tweaked not to look bloody) heron pic ends up as default in Hardy, I am so going to get a case skin of it (with a black background) for my next laptop.21:22
kwwiilaughing_man: what I miss most in the murrine progress bars is the little lines showing percentage or whatever21:22
mgunesthe problem is that "Hardy Heron" isn't the release name. it's the development codename21:22
andreasnI noticed some issues with the background on some screens with 16 bit systems, anyone else ran into that?21:22
mgunesbesides, most non-English speaking people won't associate the picture with a "Heron"21:22
andreasnerr...16 bit color depth21:22
kwwiiandreasn: probably with the gradient and the transparent things on top21:22
kwwiicolor-banding or whatever it is called21:23
fruchtschwertdoesn't mark shuttleworth give guidelines concerning the wallpaper ? or at least an opinion ?21:23
laughing_manwhat is the murrine progress bar? lol i don't know the technical names of anything... sorry21:23
kwwiifruchtschwert: yes, he does, to me :-)21:23
andreasnkwwii: did you settle for either murrine or clearloooks yet?21:23
fruchtschwertso, what does he say :-)21:23
dsargeantlaughing_man: murrine is the engine used to draw windows.21:23
kwwiiandreasn: nope, not sure yet21:23
fruchtschwertmaybe we should rewind to engine once more21:24
kwwiiandreasn: it will either be murrine or ubuntulooks again21:24
fruchtschwertto gtk i mean21:24
kwwiiif you ask me, that is ;-)21:24
andreasnkwwii: ah, ok21:24
kwwiidsargeant: nope, murrine is used to draw all the things inside windows, metacity is used to draw windows :D21:24
DanaGAre murrine and clearlooks the only two choices?  I'd hope to also see Aurora and Fedora's Nodoka engines packaged, at least, even if not used by default.  Both theme engines look nice to me.21:24
steph_and metacity theme have to be reviewed21:25
kwwiiDanaG: they could certainly be packaged, have you ever done that kinda stuff before?21:25
andreasndid either of those (ubuntulooks or murrine) have any issues with the firefox3 betas? I know Nodoka ran into some issues21:25
steph_cause I think this is the most old-fshionned of the theme21:25
fruchtschwertthe developer of murrine quite critized these alternative engines21:25
dsargeantkwwii: sorry, that's what I meant, the insides21:25
DanaGHere's a theme I used for a while, until I realized it was making me gloomy:  http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-dark.png21:25
laughing_manI had read that artist were asked to use open-source graphics software to create the wallpaper? Is that set in stone? because frankly OSS graphics software is nowhere near as good as Adobe software. can someone explain were we're at on that?21:25
fruchtschwertas useless forks :-)21:25
kwwiilaughing_man: no, that is not really true21:26
gp[]why not use a new metacity theme? xl_cheese posted a very nice metacity theme in mailinglist21:26
DanaGIf you can reproduce them with Murrine, then they're useless, but otherwise, they seem different to me.21:26
mgunesandreasn, see bug 19277821:26
laughing_manDana, this is gloomy... we don't want people to get depressed!21:26
kwwiigp[]: because that would change the look of the last of the cycle, a long term support product21:26
DanaGBut just look at the engine and ignore the wallpaper and colors.  Fedora 8 uses that engine with a ridiculously-bright blue.21:26
kwwiiwe will change things up after hardy21:26
sam7metacity is beautifull too21:26
andreasnmgunes: gnome bugzilla? mozilla or launchpad?21:26
steph_DanaG, it looks a little KDE-like, but nice21:26
mgunesandreasn, sorry, LP21:27
gp[]kwwii: ok ok21:27
laughing_manOkay so it's my impression that we're working to design the default graphics on this, but everything will still be as customizable a ever right?21:27
kwwiilaughing_man: yepp21:27
fruchtschwertwe should copy fedora21:27
fruchtschwertwe should not21:27
steph_laughing_man, free graphical softwares are quite powerful...if you know how to use it21:27
fruchtschwerti wanted to say21:27
sam7no, we mus'nt copy21:27
DanaGI'll screenshot that theme with orange.21:27
* kwwii runs to the bathroom at the half-way point21:27
fruchtschwert.. so somebody knows a good joke ?21:28
laughing_mansteph, i'm sorry to say for professional purposes, FOSS graphics programs don't hold a candle to photoshop.. hate to say it, but it's true.21:28
steph_Really high professionals, in this case21:29
laughing_mansteph: some of us are that ;-)21:29
kwwiiok, sorry for that21:29
laughing_manyes dana please screenshot the theme you're talking about.21:29
kwwiiso next up....21:29
dsargeantlaughing_man: My opinion is you can use whatever you want to create the art as long as it can be opened with foss.21:29
kwwiiwe hae several icons which need to be made, anyone here want to make an icon? :-)21:30
kwwiipretty please?21:30
laughing_mangood opinion dsargent.. :-)21:30
mguneskwwii, what's the status of your panel icons?21:30
laughing_manwhat do you want the icon to be made for?21:30
steph_I don't know if someone noticed21:30
steph_but in your home folder21:30
steph_default view21:30
sam7why not, if someone tell me how to do21:30
laughing_manand what type of file should it be to be useable?21:30
steph_folder icons don't look really nice21:30
steph_but just type Ctrl + (increase icon size) and they look really great !21:31
steph_too bad it's not the same effect at normal size.21:31
kwwiimgunes: a few of them are done, kinda hoping that others would pitch in as well :-)21:31
fruchtschwertthats nice dana21:31
kwwiiwe found that we need to make them smaller, the same size as the text21:31
kwwiithe clock text, I mena21:31
laughing_mandana: i don't see the difference between this one and the first SS you posted.21:31
fruchtschwertcan we have that stripe with murrine or clearlooks ?21:31
mguneskwwii, are they in bzr too?21:32
andreasnkwwii: did you have the monocrome stuff in launchpad somewhere? I would like to do some more experiments for that as well21:32
kwwiimgunes: yepp, human-panel-icons or such21:32
mgunesthere's the issue of Firefox 3 using the standard folder icon at a very small size, making it look cramped, especially on small displays21:32
DanaGThe difference between that and the first is that the first is Aurora, and that is Nodoka.  Same color settings on both.21:32
kwwiiso beyond that we have the 8.10 stuff21:33
mgunesthe fact that it uses GTK theme elements is great, but this is an unfortunate side effect21:33
kwwiimoving forward, I think that we will see things really heat up soon21:33
kwwiias hardy stuff clears up we will see more work towards the hardy+1 stuff21:33
kwwiiwe have a bunch of stuff on the wiki, some of it very interesting21:34
laughing_mancan you link the wiki21:34
kwwiigetting that information and looking into alternatives is still at hand21:34
andreasnmgunes: is this with human-icon-theme? I haven't ran into this issue with the regular gnome set, so I would consither that a bug in the icon set.21:35
mgunesandreasn, yes, it's with the default icons we use21:35
kwwiibecause we have so much new stuff with new code it will have to start very early in the cycle21:35
kwwiimgunes: is it a reported bug? if not, please create a bug21:36
mguneskwwii, I will.21:36
fruchtschwertso which icons are missing ?21:37
fruchtschwertonly for the panel ?21:37
kwwiifruchtschwert: there are two icons missing which appear in a menu on the desktop (scale and expose)21:37
dsargeantkwwii: laughing_man: is this the stuff of the wiki you were referring to? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate21:38
kwwiiI have an expose icon almost finished, if someone wants to help with the scale icon let me know21:38
sam7i'd like to create an icon for the GDM, but i don't know how to do21:38
kwwiiin addition we need a new update icon for the panel21:38
kwwiidsargeant: yes21:38
sam7i agree, this one wasn't interesting21:39
mguneskwwii, any guidelines for the update icon? monochrome? exclamation mark or none? bright colors?21:39
fruchtschwertare you considering using color for important icons ?21:39
sam7it must be more modern21:39
laughing_mandsargeant! yes, images! i can see these, this is what I need to understand what you guys are talking about!21:39
kwwiimgunes: it should fit with the other human icons, and it does not necessarily have to be a star21:39
kwwiisome have an up arrow for update21:39
dsargeantlaughing_man: :)21:39
sam7an icone whit 2 colors21:39
laughing_manreferences... like i said i'm not a hardcore terminal using linux user!21:39
fruchtschwertup-arrow sounds nice21:40
kwwiiothers want a down arrow for "download new updates"21:40
mgunesyou mean UPdates? :)21:40
fruchtschwertwhat about a small ubuntu logo for updates ?21:40
andreasnthe default have a pretty clear metaphor, so it coult be a idea to just restyle that a bit21:40
kwwiifruchtschwert: because we already have one of those in the panel21:41
mikemaccanafruchtschwert: I think we might want to avoid over-using the ubuntu logo21:41
sam7ok, but different of the main menu21:41
andreasncan't remember from the top of my head what we used for firefox3 right now :/21:41
fruchtschwertyeah, OK21:41
mgunesusing the ubuntu logo is probably not a good idea for derivatives21:41
sam7with a scren in the midle21:41
kwwiiif anyone thinks of anything, let me know :-)21:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192778 in human-gtk-theme "Form buttons in Firefox 3 should have transparent corners (dup-of: 195929)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19277821:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195929 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Cosmetic bug: rectangular white outline surrounding rounded buttons" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19592921:42
kwwiior just draw the icons and then let me know, however you want :p21:42
sam7wy not, make othe icones for the derivative21:42
dsargeantlaughing_man: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GetInvolved21:42
fruchtschwertwhat about a + symbol ?21:42
fruchtschwertfor "making things better" ?21:42
sam7ok, verry good21:42
kwwiinot a bad idea, perhaps with something in the bg21:43
sam7yes !21:43
fruchtschwertdo we have space for BG ? :-)21:43
kwwiiso, last but not least is the DeviantArt Theme Competition stuff21:43
mikemaccanaWhat abotu the existing hardy update logo21:43
mikemaccanaThe orange star-type shape with down arrow?21:43
kwwiimikemaccana: which one do you mean?21:44
fruchtschwertthere is a down arrow in it ?21:44
mikemaccanakwwii: orange colored21:44
kwwiiyeah, that is the one that we were asked to work on21:44
fruchtschwerti never recognized it21:44
sam7why not ?21:44
mikemaccanaAh. I quite liked it. It coneyed 'new' (the star shape) and 'downloads (the down arrow)21:44
* mikemaccana doesn't associate 'up' with updates the same way down is with downloads21:45
dsargeantI liked it too; it got my attention.21:45
fruchtschwertmaybe I did not look close enough21:45
fruchtschwertit wasn't that bad, though21:45
kwwiimikemaccana: quite a few people said the same thing to me21:45
mguneskwwii, is this what we're talking about -> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/384/ ?21:46
mikemaccanathat they liked it? or that 'up' doesn't mean 'updates'?21:46
dsargeantis the objection becuase it looks like the application crashed icon?21:46
kwwiibut let's get to the last topic and keep this meeting under and hour21:46
kwwiimgunes: yes! good start :-)21:46
kwwiimikemaccana is the originator of the idea21:47
mikemaccanaHey guys21:47
laughing_mani think the deviantart idea is a good one. There are allready tons of Linux screen shots all over that site from users who customize the desktop how they like it.21:47
laughing_manI think it's nice because it shows a full image and actually allows those who don't know all the techno-speak to see the product for themselves and weigh in on the details.21:47
mikemaccanaThe basic idea is that there's a wider community of creative commons artists that aren't currently ubuntu contriutors21:47
laughing_manI guess i'm just attracted to the graphical element of the idea.21:48
kwwiiI think that reaching out to a group of artists like deviantArt is interesting21:48
fruchtschwertyou should additionaly say which engine is to be used21:48
kwwiibut there are several issues at hand21:48
fruchtschwertor several engines21:48
laughing_mankwwii, such as?21:48
mikemaccanaWe could engage them to make something great for 8.10 - and draw attention to ubuntu in that community as well21:48
mgunesthe obvious objection would be the "too many cooks" syndrome21:48
kwwiimaking a theme and designing it over the course of years is more than can be dealt with in the course of one contest21:48
mikemaccanamgunes: I understand what you're saying, but it's a simple competition, with the intention that mark shuttleworth choose the winner21:49
mikemaccana(a few months out)21:49
kwwiibeyond all the normal things which could go wrong there is a lot of responsiblity taken when making such decisions and they are made long term, not short term21:49
mikemaccanaDeviantart are interested, and I have a meeting with them in the next few days21:49
laughing_mandeviantart is brimming with talent.21:49
mikemaccanakwwii: Yep - per your suggestion I've limited the comp to wallpapers21:50
kwwiiI would be more interested in seeing some parts of things done by such a process first21:50
fruchtschwerti think the people on the art list are not all brilliant designers .. they simply do their best, but with deviantart we could reach real professionals21:50
kwwiimikemaccana: comp?21:50
mgunesif this is to happen, we'd need to have a very well coordinated art direction process.21:50
laughing_manI agree with fruchtschwert...21:50
mikemaccanamgunes: Yup indeed21:50
kwwiimikemaccana: duh, right...english21:50
laughing_manyou people have spent alot of time learning linux... artist like myself have spent alot of time learning design.21:50
dsargeantlet our powers combine!21:51
mikemaccanakwwii: I've updated https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/deviantart-theme-competition21:51
laughing_manyou may find the rare artist who is also a computer guru, but it's rare..21:51
mikemaccanaafter our last conversation21:51
kwwiimgunes: agreed, and in the end, with artwork, it is always a very tricky act to make things work well21:51
mikemaccanaEntrants would submit an original wallpaper to DeviantArt, marking them with the tag 'ubuntu810'. Entries must be:21:51
mikemaccana* Beautiful.21:51
mikemaccana* Distinct.21:51
mikemaccana* CC licensed21:51
mikemaccana* Submitted by their artist21:51
mikemaccana* Work well as a wallpaper, with good contrast against white icon text, and not being too 'busy' to distract from the desktop contents21:51
mikemaccana * Include a picture of the wallpaper on an Ubuntu desktop, with the entrant's preferred combination of icon / application / window themes.21:51
mikemaccana* Editable in Open Source tools (Inkscape or Gimp). This means Photoshop files are OK, but may not use layer effects.21:51
mikemaccana(suggest any other requirements in this meeting)21:51
mguneskwwii, actually, as you'll probably confirm, we need a much better defined and communicated art direction process -in any case-.21:52
kwwiimikemaccana: that looks pretty good as far as I can see21:52
fruchtschwerthow do other OSs make their themes .. where do they get their professionals ?21:53
mikemaccanakwwii: Do you know if mark wouldbe OK to judge a winner?21:53
mgunesmikemaccana, limiting to wallpaper is a good idea that will cut down on the broken hearts and fuss :)21:53
laughing_manfruchtschwert, they hire professional graphic designers.21:53
mikemaccanamgunes: Aye indeed, thank kwwii tho, that was his idea21:53
laughing_manthey give them limits, and or a general theme.. and then sit back and see what they come up with21:54
laughing_manand veto or confirm from there.21:54
laughing_manit's the same process in all companies really..21:54
mikemaccanalike fruchtschwert said, there's professional artists that use deviantart to promote themselves21:54
laughing_manmikemaccana, i disagree21:54
mikemaccanafor example, if anyone likes dance music, the guy that does all the artwork for 'hed kandi'21:55
laughing_mani disagree completely.21:55
sam7only 6 wallpaper is a good number, and 3 GDM by default (Heron, elephant and one other / orange and blue)21:55
mguneskwwii, I assume you'll be at UDS? do you plan to re-discuss the art-team spec?21:55
laughing_mansorry mike, i read that wrong.21:56
mikemaccanaThe artists get the benefit of having their work in front of 10 million-ish people, and the intention is to get some hardware prizes too21:56
kwwiimikemaccana: to be honest, I am not sure how Mark will react to the idea...I guess it depends on how it is presented and on which terms... I think that perhaps even something like our promise to "include the pic in Ubuntu with the inclusion in the default wallpaper selection" or such21:56
sam7why not using the starting music of ubuntustudio for the new LTS21:56
mikemaccanalaughing_man: ok, no probs21:56
kwwiimikemaccana: and in any case I will have to discuss this with Mark to get the permission to think about it :-)21:56
mikemaccanakwwii: Sure. Please do. :^)21:57
fruchtschwertare we talking about themes or wallpapers ?21:57
kwwiimikemaccana: I'll stay in touch with you on this21:57
kwwiimgunes: yes, I will be at UDS21:57
mikemaccanafruchtschwert: comp is for wallpapers, but they must be submitted with a suggested set of other theme elements21:58
kwwiimikemaccana: I actually like that idea very much21:58
mikemaccanafruchtschwert: so we know what it looks like as a theme21:58
kwwii as it offers more than just, what should the wallpaper be to the whole idea21:58
gp[]sincerely at the moment, I don't know if a deviantart contest is a good idea....I think it is not simple21:58
laughing_manfirst question they'll ask is21:58
laughing_man#1. do i need to have a complete theme laid out in a screen shot? or just have the elements fixed together with the wallpaper?21:59
mikemaccanakwwii: Asides from 'good contrast', 'not too busy', do we have any other stylistic guidelines?21:59
dsargeantinkscape used deviantart successfully for their about page, seems similar21:59
sam7each theme mus have its own icons (heron / elephant / other)21:59
kwwiilaughing_man: naturally, all of that would be explained21:59
laughing_manwell you didn't explain it well here :-P21:59
mikemaccanadsargeant: ah good - I might borrow some ideas from inkscape's cmp then21:59
mikemaccanaThat's probably helped inkscape get popular with artists in general22:00
kwwiimikemaccana: yeah, plenty...the technical limitations aside things have to fit all across the computer experience (boot to shutdown), certain ubuntu specific things are definitely desired, etc22:00
kwwiiand sometimes just explaining all that is enough to ruin things :-D22:00
dsargeantmikemaccana: see http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/journal/16001755/22:00
mikemaccanakwwii: Does the theme need to reflect the 'linux for humans' concept in some way (I guess not since fela kuti doesn't)22:01
fruchtschwertcan't ubuntu search for professional designers wich are known to be good and willing to do some work without money ?22:01
fruchtschwertthat would be great but probably not easy22:01
mikemaccanafruchtschwert: DeviantArt is a great way for them to come to us.22:01
kwwiifruchtschwert: unrealistic22:01
laughing_mankwwii.. not really22:01
sam7fela kuti is werry good (i name it "heron" in this chan)22:02
kwwiimikemaccana: no, that is a general idea behind things but not too be taken too literaly22:02
DanaGOh yeah, I have another idea about artwork:  have any of you seen the wallpaper-slideshow thing Fedora 8 does, where the wallpaper gradually fades over the day to match sunrise, noon, sunset, and night?  I'd love to see that implemented in Ubuntu.22:02
sam7what do you think about my propositions ?22:03
kwwiiDanaG: yes we have looked into it and it does not look like we can do it for a couple of reason22:03
kwwiimy s ran on there :-(22:03
sam7werry good idea DanaG22:03
mikemaccanakwwii: Do we allow an unlimited palette (keep in mind the winner would still be determined by mark) or limit it to existing colors?22:03
DanaGFedora doesn't use gnome-settings-daemon, I think.  I haven't any clue what they DO use, though.22:03
kwwiimikemaccana: nope, there would be a defined palette22:03
fruchtschwertfixed palette is better ..22:04
kwwiimikemaccana: I have a palette at hand which I can give you22:04
kwwiiI need to make installable versions for inkscape and gimp22:04
mikemaccanakwwii: Thanks, please email.22:04
laughing_mankwii i'd like the palette as well.22:04
kwwiilaughing_man: once I get the files ready I will post them to the list22:05
sam7Is it possible to do something for dualscreen ?22:05
kwwiiand put them on the wiki22:05
laughing_manwhat list?22:05
gp[]yes, fixed palette is better for a contest22:05
kwwiilaughing_man: the email list ;-)22:05
mikemaccanalaughing_man: mailing list22:05
laughing_manokay i'll sign up for the mailing list22:05
mikemaccanaI gather the palette is more orange than brown these days?22:05
DanaGOh yeah, can somebody link me to a mailing-list discussion of that slideshow thing, if in fact there is one?22:05
fruchtschwertlist https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art22:05
kwwiilaughing_man: check out the wiki for all the iformation on joining the list, other stuff, etc22:05
sam7for exemple, 1 theme in 1 desktop, and an other 1 in the other desktop / screen22:06
laughing_mankwwii, i will and i'll have my students do the same.22:06
dsargeantlaughing_man: extra credit for a winning design?22:06
laughing_mandsargent. A winning design for their portfolio is all the extra credit they need really.22:07
gp[]sam7: it's another question22:07
kwwiilaughing_man: let me know if there is any way I can help with that :-)22:07
sam7is ti possible to make different theme and wallpaper for different desktop and for dualscreen ?22:08
laughing_mankwwii: just get me details about the palette and the specifications.22:08
laughing_manthat you're looking for.22:08
kwwiisam7: dual screen situations are very hard to deal with22:08
laughing_manand a deadline.22:08
fruchtschwertsam7: don't think thats a good idea .. maybe a wallpaper, which spans across the screens22:08
fruchtschwertbut theme should be unique22:08
sam7why ?22:08
sam7too difficult to make ?22:09
sam7i dont know how to make it22:09
kwwiilaughing_man: 8.10 is October 2008 so sometime by the middle of September is the cut-off22:09
andreasnI'm sorry but I have to run off really soon22:09
fruchtschwertit has to be professional .. and not polarizing22:10
kwwiiandreasn: thanks for stopping by22:10
laughing_mankwwii, i'm going to join the mailing list now.. :-)22:10
fruchtschwertand i think 2 themes are polarizing a bit22:10
kwwiiI think that we are pretty much done here for tonight22:10
fruchtschwertis that the right word ?22:10
kwwiilaughing_man: cool, you can ask pretty much anything there22:10
kwwiiso, thanks everyone for coming22:10
kwwiiI'll post minutes to the meeting in a bit22:11
andreasnkwwii: sorry for arriving a bit later22:11
fruchtschwertthank you for inviting the community22:11
kwwiinext time will be more organized, I promise22:11
DanaGOh hey, is the mailing list also available as a newsgroup?22:11
sam7the  minimum is one wallpaper for one desktop (i think)22:11
andreasnkwwii: have a date for the next meeting?22:11
kwwiiandreasn: in one month22:11
andreasnok, great22:11
kwwiisee you soon22:12
kwwiinight all22:12
andreasnI have to run! later!22:12
laughing_manokay i've signed up for the mailing list, and i'll look into it further later tonight.22:12
mgunesgood night22:12
sam7the week en like today is good for me22:12
fruchtschwertgood night22:12
mikemaccanabye all22:12
gp[]It has been a pleasure to be here22:12
dsargeantsame here22:12
gp[]good night22:12
sam7on satursday at 21UTS like today is good i think22:13
DanaGAlso, what were the reasons for not being able to do the slideshow thing?  (The mailing list isn't searchable, at least from the list-info page.)22:13
sam7im happy to be here today22:13
PicklesworthI have a vague recollection of GNOME working to have that functionality either for 2.22 or 2.24...22:14
sam7thank you Kwwii22:14
Picklesworthforget what they call it, though!22:14
kwwiierm, if anyone has a log of this, send it to me22:14
DanaGThat Fedora Infinity thing is quite cool, and doesn't even require the extra system resources a video would.22:14
kwwiiI forget how to get irssi to show me the last stuff for copying22:15
sam7if someone could tell me how to make icones, i will try to make one for GDM22:15
mgunesDanaG: http://www.nabble.com/ubuntu-art-f12728.html22:15
gp[]kwwii: i have the log22:16
DanaGHmm, I meant, to use it with Thunderbird via nntp.22:17
DanaGOh, but at least that gives a search.  Thanks!22:17
DanaGHmm, that human-clearlooks-mod linked here reminds me of tangerines (the fruit):  http://www.nabble.com/Alternative-gtk-themes-td15898786.html22:19
mgunesDanaG, http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.artwork22:20
gp[]good night...good bay22:21
kwwiiyepp, goodnight all22:21
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sam7Someone could help me to make icones ?22:25
bmk789@schedule EST22:26
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