
azeemwhat happens if I upload a source packages to PPA but forget the .orig.tar.gz?01:15
azeemI mean, will I have to bug people, or can I just rebuild the package with -sa and reupload01:15
azeemor do I have to bump version numbers01:16
slangasekit was rejected, then?01:16
slangasekor what?01:16
azeemdunno, it was only a few minutes ago01:16
azeemthis was the first time I tried to upload something to PPA01:16
azeemUnable to find distroseries: unstable01:17
slangasekah, really?  I have no recollection of using -sa when uploading a package to PPA; but maybe yours is an .orig.tar.gz that's not in the archive... oh, or it could be rejected for an unrelated reason ;)01:17
azeemslangasek: yeah, am trying to get the opensync-0.22 packages compiled for hardy01:18
azeembut apparently I have to add bogus changelog entries with "hardy" in it for that01:18
slangasekazeem: no, you just need a .changes that points at hardy01:18
azeemah, that'd work as well then01:18
soundrayHi, I've been assigned a bug and don't know why. What should I do?01:19
slangaseksoundray: well, you might want to mention the bug # for starters :)01:20
azeem Subject: [PPA debian-opensync] Accepted: opensync 0.22-2 (source)01:20
soundrayslangasek: #45724601:20
slangaseksoundray: um... is that a Debian bug number?01:20
slangasekit's not a Launchpad bug number01:21
soundrayslangasek: yes... but the email was sent to the address I use on launchpad.01:21
soundrayI guess it's just a mistake. I know hardly anything about netatalk :)01:21
azeemsoundray: what's your launchpad login and/or the address you use on it?01:22
soundrayazeem: soundray; ubuntubug@soundray.de01:23
slangaseksoundray: that's very strange, the only related open bug I see on netatalk source is bug #195011, which is not linked to the Debian version and not assigned to you01:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195011 in netatalk "netatalk fails assertion, afpd won't launch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19501101:23
slangasekoh, are you perhaps in the bugsquad group?01:23
soundrayslangasek: no.01:23
azeemsoundray: if it was a mail you got, maybe you can put it on a pastebin01:24
soundrayI've only ever reported a few bugs in feisty (unrelated)01:24
slangaseksoundray: ah, heh, there's the problem - you have a login named "ubuntubug" :)01:24
azeemslangasek: do you think there's a realistic chance in getting opensync-0.22 into hardy?01:25
soundrayazeem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58823/01:25
slangaseksoundray: so yes, someone mistook you for the Ubuntu bug squad; "ubuntubug" seems like a poor choice of a launchpad ID :)01:25
slangasekazeem: hmm, how do I answer that objectively... :)01:26
soundrayslangasek: okay, that would explain it01:26
soundrayI guess it's safe to ignore -- or should I pass it on to someone?01:27
slangaseksafe to ignore, it's already been reassigned to the correct party01:28
soundrayslangasek, azeem: thanks for your help.01:28
=== ^4nDr3s is now known as RoAkSoAx
Exfili need help porting Photoshop cs2 to gusty, i have the adobe folder in the program files directory under wine but i cant seem to get the right registry key imported, when cs2 loads up it says it is unactivated, but it is activated on the xp machine02:57
nixternalExfil: this is far from the correct channel to ask for such support, your best bet would be #winehq02:59
bddebianHeya gang03:16
emgentheya :P03:22
bddebianHi emgent03:29
bddebianHi protonchris03:36
LaserJockevening all04:40
bddebianHeya LaserJock04:41
LaserJockbddebian: dude, I'm doing some openGL programming04:42
LaserJockif this works I'll be pretty impressed04:42
bddebianLaserJock: Rock On man!04:56
LaserJockbddebian: in C++ no less04:59
LaserJockI haven't gotten it all figured out yet though04:59
LaserJockI'm learning about nurbs05:00
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
bddebianC++ makes my head hurt :)05:03
HobbseeScottK: it's not even binary mangling....06:51
HobbseeScottK: it only showed as core dev because you uploaded a source that said that's waht the maintainer was...06:51
sparr_is there a channel for help with apt pinning?07:06
Hobbsee#ubuntu, etc07:12
Hobbseesparr_: man dpkg, to the section on "set-selections" usually07:12
sparr_well, more with apt than with dpkg07:12
sparr_thanks though07:12
slangasekdpkg --set-selections lets you hold packages, it doesn't do pinning07:12
sparr_ok, how about a contradiction between the man page for apt* and the workings of current versions?07:13
sparr_forget it07:14
sparr_i give up07:14
Hobbseei wonder why we don't have "this is not another #ubuntu, we don't do general support here" in the topic07:15
=== tb1 is now known as tbf
slomosuperm1: what exactly is the reason why mythtv is in multiverse?09:18
superm1slomo, two things09:19
superm1and the ffmpeg that is shipped within it09:19
slomosuperm1: also you can give me debdiffs for new uploads, that's easier than mentors i guess ;)09:19
FujitsuArgh, more embedded ffmpeg?09:19
slomosuperm1: hm... couldn't those be stripped (and build against system ffmpeg)?09:19
superm1slomo, well whichever you'd prefer09:19
superm1well lame yes - it's a very ugly patch to do so, but a mandriva guy wrote one09:20
superm1the ffmpeg unfortunately can't use the system wide one09:20
slomosuperm1: i prefer debdiff ;)09:20
superm1they have some enhancements that upstream hasn't accepted09:20
superm1not to mention now its built against faac/faad too09:21
superm1and liba5209:21
Fujitsusuperm1: Can't you kick upstream into being sane?09:21
superm1Fujitsu, i've tried.09:22
tbfso let's see if my inet is reliable enough today for uploading next gnome-lirc-properties iteration09:22
superm1so some of these things could be loosened, but the functionality of the app goes down greatly09:22
superm1tbf, i'm looking it over right now09:22
FujitsuI guess that does rely on ffmpeg upstream not being stupid, though L(09:22
RAOFFujitsu: Don't the ffmpeg developers recommend embedding it?09:22
slomosuperm1: ok, unless upstream is a bit saner it has to be in multiverse, yes ;) can't they go a modular way, having all problematic bits in another source package? ;)09:22
tbfsuperm1: how that? 0.2.4 upload failed09:22
superm1i just dget'ed it right now09:22
superm1it built09:23
superm1the one from march 5th09:23
FujitsuRAOF: Considering they don't have any kind of API stability, probably.09:23
superm1Fujitsu, RAOF yeah they regularly merge with upstream, but recommend staying away from the tree for ~2-3 weeks to sort out problems from API stability09:23
slomosiretart: what's the plan with experimental's ffmpeg (and ubuntu)? :)09:24
superm1slomo, well after hardy comes out, i'm going to redo all of the packaging09:24
RAOFBecause it's obviously impossible to have a fast multimedia library with a stable API >:(09:24
superm1during that time i'll see about loosening deps09:24
superm1and seeing how nicely it comes across09:24
slomoRAOF: not really... it just needs some work and thinking ;)09:25
RAOFThat obviously needed a <sarcasm> tag :)09:25
superm1but assuming that it keeps an embedded ffmpeg, this will still be a bit messy09:26
slomosuperm1: found the upnp-mythtv patch for totem?09:26
slomosuperm1: also, if you have a debian-compatible mythtv package please tell me ;)09:26
superm1slomo, i've been busy all week with some other stuff, it09:26
superm1's on my list for tomorrow :)09:27
tbfhah! i am smarter than this broken vodafone router with its aborted connections and than revu's ftp server with its do-not-overwrite policiy09:33
* tbf rsynched to his vhost and run dput from there :-D09:33
slomosuperm1: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51667209:34
ubotuGnome bug 516672 in Plugins "gmyth upnp" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]09:34
superm1ah thanks09:34
superm1i'll give that a go09:34
tbfsuperm1: uh, you commented in the meantime :-D09:35
tbfsuperm1: cool, debian/ubuntu also start to add homepage fields to control files now?09:37
superm1tbf, yeah09:37
slangasek"also"? who else is there? :)09:38
tbfsuperm1: always was missing that field when grabbing packages from packages.ubuntu.com/packages.debian.org :-D09:38
superm1slangasek, people who write srpms?09:38
superm1i'd guess09:38
tbfslangasek: gentoo too09:38
slangasektbf: I don't think gentoo uses control files? :)10:09
tbfslangasek: well, but they have ebuilds, and that ebuilds list the upstream homepage for ages10:10
tbfsuperm1: package updated, comment added10:16
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=== jekil2 is now known as jekil
geserTheMuso, ScottK, Hobbsee: does the ghc6 transition FFe exception also cover new upstream version of packages which are already transitioned but where the new version is a build-dependency of a package which didn't transition yet?12:39
cyberixIs it ok to start version numbering from 0ubuntu2? As I have already published 0ubuntu1 in my PPA and I'd like to avoid conflicting with that?13:01
IulianCan someone please check my debdiff, trying to fix genshi package (bug #199104) - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5436/plain/13:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199104 in qtparted "[Hardy] qtparted v0.4.5-cvs starts with kdesudo only" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19910413:31
IulianOups, actually its bug 19901413:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199014 in eric "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19901413:32
geserIulian: why did you remove the Uploaders line?13:34
geserIulian: why the change to B-D-I?13:35
geserIulian: and why the Python-Versions line?13:36
Iuliangeser: By mistake, because lintian complains about B-D-I13:37
geserIulian: about the -1? then remove it (>= 0.6b3)13:38
Iuliangeser: Ok, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/5437/plain/13:39
Iuliangeser: And about Python-Versions, should I remove that too?13:39
geserIulian: where have you read about Python-Versions?13:40
Iuliangeser: Actually RainCT told me to add that line to python-genshi13:41
geserI know python-central uses X[SB]-Python-Version in debian/control but python-support uses debian/pyversion for this13:42
Iuliangeser: pyversions file contains 2.3-13:43
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geserIulian: and while you are at fixing genshi, could you start with genshi 0.4.4-2 from Debian unstable? as it already contains some fixes (like Standards-Version)13:44
Iuliangeser: Sure13:44
geserIulian: change it then to 2.4- to accomplish what you want13:44
IulianOk, doing the changes right now.13:44
=== joejaxx_ is now known as joejaxx
IulianShould I mention in the changelog that I changed pyversions from 2.3- to 2.4- ?13:59
azeemI guess, yeah13:59
IulianI don't know why it complains about debian/rules, actually there is that line - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5438/plain/14:08
IulianAnd there is no python-central.14:09
azeemyou need to install cdbs14:10
hellboy195LucidFox: around?14:25
Na-FiannHi, I noticed that the version of xmms2 in ubuntu reps is old and that the newer version is in debian reps. will it make it into ubuntu reps as well?14:26
Na-Fiannor can I do something to get it in there?14:26
hellboy195Na-Fiann: it does need a FFE14:27
Na-Fiannwhat is a FFE?14:27
bobboFeature Freeze Exception14:27
hellboy195Na-Fiann: Feature freeze Exception but I'm not sure if it gets accepted14:27
bobboNa-Fiann; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze?highlight=(Feature)|(Freeze)14:28
Na-Fiannso.. I run gutsy, and for gutsy it needs an approval to be updated? is that what it means?14:31
Na-Fiannor does this apply to the upcoming release?14:31
Iulianazeem: cdbs is already installed but quilt wasn't14:33
IulianI think it's ready now - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5439/plain/14:37
hellboy195Na-Fiann: what xmms version does gutsy has?14:37
Na-Fianngutsy has 0.2DrJekyll the latest is 0.4DrKosmos14:39
Iuliangeser: Do you mind to take a look at it again?14:39
hellboy195Na-Fiann: 0.4 won't even make it into hardy (for now). So I suppose it won't be backporte14:40
Na-Fiannoh thats too bad.. any reasons why not?14:41
Na-Fiannnot that i need to approve of it or anything:p just curious14:41
hellboy195Na-Fiann: dunno. no one worked on it so far. The problem is that we are now in FF (Feature Freeze) and I don't think xmms is important enough to get an exception. Besides that xmms2 is still alpha/beta14:44
bobboDebdiff for Bug #199014 (in pyslide) up if anyone has any spare time14:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199014 in eric "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19901414:45
Na-Fiannahh thats a shame. thanks for the answers hellboy19514:45
hellboy195Na-Fiann: You're welcome. If it's urgent you can try to use the debs from debian though we don't recommend that ;)14:47
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
geserIulian: no, where is the last version?14:53
geserIulian: s/no/sure/ :)14:54
Iuliangeser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5439/plain/14:58
Iuliangeser: I just want to make sure it's correct before I submit it to the bug report. In this case I won't make noise :)14:59
bddebianHeya gang15:14
hellboy195bddebian: yeah :)15:15
bddebianHello hellboy19515:15
cyberixpersia: Is it ok to start version numbering from 0ubuntu2? As I have already published 0ubuntu1 in my PPA and I'd like to avoid conflicting with that?15:17
geserIulian: looks very good15:56
geserHi bddebian15:56
bddebianHeya geser15:57
Iuliangeser: Sorry, I was watching TV. Ok, I will attach it to the bug report.16:18
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
IulianI've got another debdiff for you guys to take a look at please - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5440/plain/ (for opendict package - bug #199014)17:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199014 in eric "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19901417:14
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DktrKranzgeser, new dietlibc revision is available on my PPA for testing. If you want to try it on amd64, it would be great.18:25
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
zigo--"Next, ask the REVU admins in #ubuntu-motu to re-sync the REVU uploaders keyring, which grants you upload rights to REVU."19:32
zigo--Can someone do that ???19:32
fdrhello! I was wondering if it is possible to have flightgear 1.0 under ubuntu 7.10 ...19:49
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Amaranthhad to watch a toddler for a bit21:40
Amarantherr, wrong window21:40
Amaranthweird compiz focus bug there21:40
slangasekanybody can photoshop a pic like that, you're not getting any blackmail money out of me21:42
slangasekerr, wrong window21:42
sistpotyhi folks22:02
=== tiagoboldt_ is now known as tiagoboldt
siretartslomo: well, the plan is to update it to a later upstream release22:08
RainCTzigo--: still need a keyring re-sync?22:10
RainCTslangasek: I don't want to know in what sort of channels you are ;)22:12
gesersistpoty: Hi22:19
gesersistpoty: does the ghc6 transition FFe exception also cover new upstream version of packages which are already transitioned but where the new version is a build-dependency of a package which didn't transition yet?22:19
sistpotyHi geser22:20
sistpotygeser: I guess it would make sense that it covers it, though ACK from me on this ;)22:20
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geserthanks, I'll file the needed sync requests then. The transition is nearly completed now.22:23
sistpotygeser: thank you very much for working on this! :)22:24
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
Iuliansiretart: ping23:00
protonchrissistpoty: Thanks for the bug comments23:29
protonchrissistpoty: Bug 19074423:29
sistpotyprotonchris: you're welcome... thanks for working on the bug23:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19074423:30

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