
Ubuletteok, if they sell it with gutsy, it should be good enough for me :)00:00
asacthats ok00:06
asac3945 is fine00:06
Ubuletteseems i can have a decent config for a price within what I wanted to spend00:08
asacso dell? what model? insprion or XPS? or latitude?00:09
Ubuletteinspiron 1525, dual core 2G, 2x1GB, 1440x900, 250G HD, 9 cells battery00:11
Ubuletteno webcam, and no bluetooth00:13
Ubulettemaybe i should00:13
Ubuletteand of course no vista00:13
xhaker15", noooo00:14
Ubulettewhy ?00:14
UbuletteI want 1440x90000:15
Ubulettewell, I want 720p00:15
xhaker1440x900 in a 14.1" would be better00:15
xhakerdon't you think 15" is too big to carry around?00:15
Ubulettei already have the bags for that00:16
asacUbulette: the ubuntu XPS 1330 has a 1440x900 option here as well00:16
xhakerasac: really? 13.3" with 1440x900? where?!00:16
asacdell -> ubuntu ... XPS00:17
Ubulettecan't find it00:17
xhakerasac: I've got an m1330 but there was no option for 1440x90000:17
Ubulettesame here, the two options are 1280x80000:18
asacyeah i was wrong :)00:18
xhakerUbulette: my m1330 fits on my TechAir laptop bag horizontaly! hehe00:19
xhakereven with the 9cell bat :)00:19
asacyou can get a lenovo tablet X61 ... that has that resolution00:19
Ubulettei don't want to kill my eyes00:20
Ubuletteasac, is it still possible for me to have prism 0.9 in hardy ?01:01
UbuletteI have to figure out what to do with the webapps icons though01:01
asacnot sure01:01
Ubulette(as I got no answer from google)01:02
asacyou need to make a good point01:02
Ubuletteat least the xpm->png transition01:02
Ubulettetoday, it's broken, so it falls back to the default01:02
Ubulettethe small prism01:03
Ubuletteor I could just fix that in the same 0.8+svn01:03
Ubuletteis universe also frozen ?01:04
asacyes ... everything is FF01:07
asacbetter try to fix the current package i guess01:08
asacotherwise write down the reasons why a FF exception should be granted01:08
asacand file a bug ... subscribe universe-release to it01:08
Ubulettei was about to fix the current package, but 0.9 has been released today01:10
asacthere is a wiki document about the procedure and the requirements for FF exceptions01:10
Ubulettewell, i'll think about it for next week01:10
asactry to get the exception asap01:11
asacthe closer we get the harder it gets01:11
asacnext week is beta freeze01:11
asacyeah ... if those wireless folks could just include some facts in their post it would be so awesome :)01:13
asacnever heard of wired authentication :)01:16
asachmm X crashed here on my think pad01:22
Ubulettelenovo ?01:22
asacbad resolution ... but otherwise great :)01:22
asacthe keyboard is just fantastic (unfortunately i have no US layout)01:23
Ubuletteyou don't want a german keyboard ?01:24
asacits kind of a curse to live in a country that has enough inhabitants to crete its own keyboard layout01:25
asacyeah ... i don't want it01:25
asaci hate it01:25
Ubuletteyeah me too01:25
asacfor those i have to push alt-gr (right to space)01:25
Ubulettebut i'm now used to it01:25
asacso everytime have to move my whole hand in a crazy position01:25
asaci am pretty sure that there might be a good german layout01:25
asacbut not by adapting the US layout01:26
UbuletteI've used a real qwerty keyboard for several years01:26
asacand punching replacing essential keys with the letters that they don't have01:26
Ubulettetransition to french was difficult01:26
asacgerman keyboard layout is almost the same as us for alpha01:26
asaconly y and z are switched01:26
asachowever ... + is replaced by ö01:26
Ubulettefr is azertyuiop01:26
asacand there is äüß01:26
asacall those occupy precious space01:27
asachow many letters does the french alphabet have?01:27
asac26 ... i think thats the same as US01:27
asacwe 26 regular + 4 irregular01:27
Ubulettewe have accents01:27
asacyeah ... we can type them as well :)01:27
asacwith dead keys :)01:28
asacbut öäü are no accents01:28
asacreal letters01:28
asaci never type them and most germans hate me for raping their language :)01:28
asaci type ae for ä and oe for ö ... and so on01:28
asacß is ss for me :)01:28
Ubuletteéèëêîçàù etc01:28
asacyeah ... do you type those with dead keys?01:28
asac(or at least some)?01:29
asacso they are included in 26?01:29
Ubulettei have real keys for éçàù01:29
Ubuletteî = ^ + i01:29
asacok ... so the situation is most likely similar01:29
asachopefully they arranged the key combination at least in a way that you can use two hands to combine them01:29
asaci disabled dead keys here :-D01:30
asacluckily i don't miss any important sign by doing that01:30
Ubulettebut it's difficult for me to type é, i keep typing a regular e01:30
asacyeah ... just go for the regular e :)01:30
asacits wrong in german to use ss instead of ß as well :) ... but i refuse to type that letter :)01:30
asacgo for boykott ;)01:31
asacno idea if you could mess up the meaning in french by introducing redundancies when doing that though01:31
asacbut i guess that native speakers shouldn't have a problem to understand some redundancy ;)01:31
Ubuletteused to when i had a us keyboard, now I try to fix this bad habit as this is bad french01:31
asaci gave up on that01:32
asac"fixing my bad habit"01:32
asaci would immediately switch to US layout ... if not the germans had moved one key somewhere else01:32
asacthe  | went down to the bottom left01:32
Ubuletteyou could remap your keyboard completely01:32
asacand the enter key is huge :) ... e.g. two rows01:33
asaci could ... but the enter physical layout is slightly differnent01:33
asacthats what really turns me off01:33
asac(even though we have the same amount of keys in total i guess)01:33
asacbut i think the en_GB keyboards have a similar mess as the german ones (and honestly, i don't understand why britain needed their own standard)01:34
Ubulette105 on a regular (big) keyboard01:34
Ubulettesame here with fr_FR, fr_BE, fr_CA01:34
Ubulettefr_CH and more01:34
asacwhy ... isn't just "french" ... or just "en" ... or just english patriotism enough ;)01:35
asaci am not sure if there is a different keyboard for de_CH :)01:35
asacor de_AT01:35
Ubulettelol "sudo sed -i 's/XINERAMA/FAKEEXTN/g' /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-"01:38
Ubulettei find it weird to use a text stream editor to fix binaries01:39
Ubulettebug 17396601:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173966 in sun-java6 "java not working in firefox on kubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17396601:39
asacdoes sed look at the file size instead of stopping at \0?01:46
Ubulettenot sure01:46
asacotherwise its unlikely to succeed ;)01:47
Ubulettei guess it does otherwise it would not have worked for those gues01:47
asacwho knows01:47
asacis that a comment?01:47
Ubulettejsut read the bug01:48
asaci don't see the first proposed solution01:48
asacin that bug at all01:48
asacmost likely the sed expression does nothing because it hits a \0 up front01:48
asacand its the link01:48
asaci thought i already fixed the links/alternative01:50
asachmm ... no i didn't. doko was supposed to do that i guess01:50
armin76[reed]: why isn't there a tarball for sunbird-0.8rc1? :(11:41
[reed]sorry, kinda busy11:41
* armin76 blames asac instead11:44
asacarmin76: online first-class-citizen applications get source tarballs for RCs at mozilla12:37
asacs/online/only/ .. obviously12:44
armin76asac: oh...14:35
phoenix24asac: I need to confirm, if "Apache 2.0 license" is absolutely acceptable for pushing an ff3-extension.16:10
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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