
tzbQuestion: How would I configure mythbuntu to start the frontend automatically upon boot?  Currently it starts into a XFCE desktop, where I need to manually launch mythfrontend.00:15
hitmegood evening00:16
hitmeis any1 able to help a linux&ubuntu&mythbuntu n00b some ? >(00:17
tzbhitme: sure00:20
hitmeresolution jumping back on every reboot, german layout dosn|T stay, dvb-t card problems(saa7134) .... :)00:21
hitme+ i am a real n00b with this :(00:22
hitmeUbuntu 8.0400:24
tzbon resolution, which type of display?00:24
tzbTV out or monitor?00:24
hitmemonitor for now00:24
hitme1024x768 i want00:25
hitme1280x1024 i get00:25
tzbpersonally, I always edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and hardcode only the resolution I want00:25
hitmeon every reboot00:25
hitmei can try00:25
tzbare you comfortable with editing files?00:25
hitmeif i find them yes00:26
hitmei grow up with dos .. so command line is np .. just the commands missing .. trying to learn ``00:26
tzbI must warn you, I'm a command line guy.  So often there is a GUI way to do things, but just prefer the terminal.00:27
hitme  modeline  "1280x960@60" 102.1 1280 1360 1496 1712 960 961 964 994 -hsync +vsync00:27
hitmei can remove that, right _00:27
tzbor comment it out with # at the start00:28
tzbmodelines are normally only needed for monitors/TVs that don't properly report their config info through EDID.  That may be the case with your flat panel TV for example.  But for a computer montior, it is not needed.00:29
hitmeok i removed or commented out there everzthing abouve 102400:29
tzbok can you paste the screen section?00:29
hitmewell i gave him the model of mz tft in config menu00:29
tzband montior and device too00:29
hitmedidn|T worked it seems00:29
hitme(cer F51)00:30
hitmebut did not work also00:31
hitmewhere i edi the keyboard layout .. its makes me crazy yu seek all keys00:31
hitmeOption"XkbLayout""us" ?00:32
tzbDid you choose that during install?00:32
hitmeyes, i choose german everywhare but he always jumps back00:32
tzbyeah, try to change that line00:33
hitmede now there00:33
tzbyeah, worth a try00:33
tzbyou on a laptop for IRC?00:33
hitmeno i can install and start on windows system ..00:33
hitmesecirc client00:34
hitmegahhh .. :P00:34
tzbok, you will need to restart X to test resolution change and keyboard change00:34
tzblogout and back in, or ctrl-alt-backspace, or you could also reboot00:35
hitmesec getting windows client on and in here then i reboot00:35
hitme666there we go00:36
hitmeok <(00:36
hitmelets trz restart grafic engine, never did that00:36
hitme666how i can restart ?00:37
hitme666strange on commandline i got german layout ^^00:40
tzbdifferent keyboard settings for that00:43
tzbrestart with "sudo reboot" in term, or select from menu00:44
hitme666well i did try to kill xserver myself .. endet up in giving up and reboot the pc now ^^00:44
hitme666but i was trying only reboot the xserver00:44
tzbor ctrl-alt-delete from a TTY (ctrl-alt-F1 to get to VT which runs a tty)00:44
tzbctrl-alt-backspace to reboot X server00:44
hitme666aha ;)00:45
hitme666ok booth changes seem to work00:45
hitme666display is 1024x768 now and layout german00:45
hitme666ok now my hardest problem ^^00:46
hitme666to get my Medion 7134 (saa7134) dvb-t card running ^^00:46
hitme666i googled like 10 hours, all i found didn'T help really since outdated ot incomplete or n00b unfriendly00:47
tzbok go to term. do you see anything in /dev/dvb/?00:47
hitme666dir not exist00:48
tzbDo you know if this card is supported?00:49
hitme666chipset is00:50
tzbok good00:50
tzbwhen you do 'lspci' do you see your card listed?00:50
hitme66601:06.0 Multimedia Controler: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)00:52
tzbok, try 'sudo lspci -v -s 01:06.0'00:53
tzbjust to get detailed info on the device00:53
hitme666Subsystem unknows device 00be:000300:54
tzbit seems that chipset might not be supported in the main kernel yet, you might need to compile a driver for it from the pre-release sources00:54
hitme666flags: bus master, medium devsel ...00:54
tzbok, fine00:54
hitme666so how hard this will be ?00:55
tzbnow:  lsmod | grep saa713400:55
tzbmedium hard00:55
hitme666showing a lot00:56
hitme666lemme get linux irc on to copy paste00:56
=== masterone is now known as hitme
hitme@Myth-TV-Server:~$ lsmod | grep saa713400:57
hitmesaa7134               142036  000:57
hitmevideodev               34944  3 saa7146_vv,tuner,saa713400:57
hitmecompat_ioctl32          2304  1 saa713400:57
hitmev4l2_common            12672  2 tuner,saa713400:57
hitmevideobuf_dma_sg        14852  2 saa7146_vv,saa713400:57
hitmevideobuf_core          19460  3 saa7146_vv,saa7134,videobuf_dma_sg00:57
hitmeir_kbd_i2c             11024  1 saa713400:57
hitmeir_common              38276  2 saa7134,ir_kbd_i2c00:57
hitmetveeprom               13316  1 saa713400:57
hitmei2c_core               24832  19 dvb_ttpci,ttpci_eeprom,tuner,tea5767,tda8290,tda18271,tda827x,tuner_xc2028,xc5000,tda9887,tuner_simple,mt20xx,tea5761,nvidia,saa7134,v4l2_common,ir_kbd_i2c,tveeprom,i2c_nforce200:57
hitmethere we go00:57
hitmei hope i don't destayed anything with my mods jet00:58
tzbok, so the module is already loaded00:58
tzbbut no /dev/dvb dir at all?00:58
hitmei inserted in 2 or 3 files options or that00:58
tzbwhat commands did you run since last reboot?  did you install any drivers yet?00:59
hitme666only the ones you told me00:59
hitme666all driver i load extra i inserted into files erly00:59
hitme666like i found on the how to's .. al least what i understand there01:00
tzbok, next step would be to look at /var/log/kern.log   (or alternatively the output of the dmesg command)01:00
lime4x4can no longer connect to my mythtv box when using terminal servcies. How can i reconfigure the vnc server on the mythtv box01:01
tzbbest to look at the output when the driver for your card is loaded. it should display some messages about creating the /dev/dvb devices.01:01
tzbI don't know how to do that on mythbuntu.01:02
tzbThere is a VNC server built into GNOME called vino, but mythbuntu doesn't run GNOME by default.01:02
hitmeMar  8 01:44:30 Myth-TV-Server kernel: [   36.495493] input: saa7134 IR (LifeView FlyVIDEO30 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.0/0000:01:06.0/input/input701:03
tzbThere is also something called X11VNC that can be a vnc server to any desktop, never used it.  mythubuntu may have another way, someone might know.01:03
tzbseems ok01:03
tzbcan you send me the entire file somehow?01:03
tzbdirect file transfer in IRC or something?01:04
hitmelsirc file transfer possible ?01:04
tzb   /var/log/kern.log01:04
tzbseems like it is blocked due to spam.. hmmm01:06
hitme666trying to send now01:06
tzbahh!   Paste logs @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com01:06
tzbI should read instructions.  ;-)01:06
tzbif you use that site, I can get your log01:08
hitme666i am a n00b but i am able to learn fast (i hope :D)01:09
tzbgive me a few minutes please01:12
hitme666np :)01:12
hitme666maybe i should say after instal, ho drivers for card was loaded at all.. al what is loaded is made by my mods01:13
tzbline 2564 and on are trouble01:13
tzbdid you compile or install any modules?01:14
hitme666not sure if its done right01:14
tzbthere may be some modules duplicated01:14
hitme666no errors while compile/install01:14
tzbor something else01:14
hitme666baybe becouse i call drivers with same options in 2 files01:15
tzbalso lines 2532-253401:16
tzbbut the first set of problems with the symbol versions should be fixed01:17
tzbhow did you get v4l-dvd drivers?01:17
tzbdvb sorry01:17
hitme666dl from website, untar make then make install01:17
tzbis there a configure script?01:18
hitme666hmm what you think, maybe a reinstall to get rid of my mods ?01:18
tzbyes, good idea to do that01:18
hitme666ok starting now01:18
hitme666but i can not install 7.1001:18
tzb  ./configure01:19
hitme666getting out of range error soon its enters xserver01:19
tzb  make clean01:19
tzb  make01:19
tzb  sudo make install01:19
hitme666inserted 8.04 cd, dled version from today01:19
hitme666choosing install mythbuntu01:19
tzbwell, 8.04 is still alpha01:19
hitme666at least i can install 7.10 won'T run01:20
hitme666becouse of grapfic01:20
hitme666launcing in whatever .. even my 21" crt can'T handle01:20
hitme666nor in vga mot or anything01:21
hitme666and i read a lot before choosing 8.04 alpha .. everyone saying its very stable01:21
tzbok - I'm sure we can get this card working, just a matter of installing the drivers properly01:23
hitme666install copying now01:23
hitme666i will do the myth backend config later (senceless anyway without drivers)01:24
hitme666but i will have to get all tools again (like editor) ^^01:24
NikasHello. I did it before but i cant remember how. I want to make mythweb NOT to ask for a password if i'm coming from the internal network (192.168.1.*). How? :)01:25
hitme666myth tv install is really very very basic ^^01:25
hitme666what infos you well need after install first ?01:28
tzbhitme: I don't understand your question.01:32
hitme666well ;) install dne lemme find and edit that x config fire first again01:33
tzb  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ?01:33
hitme666yes sec01:34
tzbnikas: Kind of a workaround, but you can save password in your browser.01:35
Nikastzb: i have :)01:37
Nikasbefore my clean install i did not have to enter password. i did add something in the config for apache but i dont know what01:38
lime4x4how can i tell if vnc is running a mythbuntu box?01:38
Nikaslime4x4: try lsof -i -n -P | grep Xorg01:44
Nikasyou should see something like "TCP *:5900 (LISTEN)01:44
lime4x4nothing shows up?01:45
lime4x4how can i restart the vnc server thru command line?01:45
Nikashow did you install vnc?01:45
Nikasdid you use mcc?01:45
lime4x4i enabled it thru mythcontrol center01:45
Nikasdid you have the cd in the drive when you did it?01:46
lime4x4it worked for a few days then stopped working01:46
Nikasoh.. ok01:46
lime4x4i can ssh into the box just fine thou01:46
Nikashave you changed something in xorg.conf?01:46
lime4x4not to my knowledge01:46
Nikastake a look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Look for VNC-stuff ;)01:47
lime4x4the only thing i c is the following01:48
lime4x4Section "Module"01:48
lime4x4        Load            "vnc"01:48
hitme666ok now install done01:48
tzbhitme: yup01:48
hitme666ard is still shown there01:48
rhpot1991does anyone here have comcast and more than one cable box from them?01:48
Nikaslime4x4: nothing more?01:48
lime4x4nope that's it01:49
lime4x4i'll post the whole file at pastebin01:49
tzbhitme: good. now 'lsmod | grep saa7134'01:49
Nikaslime4x4: check Section "Screen"01:49
hitme666nothing shown there now01:50
lime4x4Nikas here is the whole file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5421/01:51
Nikaslime4x4: Looks like it should01:51
Nikaslime4x4: try to restart X01:52
=== masterone is now known as hitme
hitme666want the kernel log again ?01:53
lime4x4did that01:53
=== masterone is now known as hitme
lime4x4still the same error when trying to connect no server found at this addres01:54
tzbhitme: no. you need to compile the driver from source and install it.01:56
Nikasyou could try to remove the vnc-server from mcc and then add it again01:56
lime4x4tried that tonight with no luck either01:56
hitmetzb: how ^^01:56
lime4x4the only thing that is odd is i use wireless on that box but when i run ifconfig it only shows eth0 and lo01:57
hitmeuhm you chould really check the kern log01:57
hitmelook 542201:57
Nikaswell. i dont know then.. :)01:57
lime4x4but yet i can ssh into box no problem01:58
hitmelines 1212 - 122501:58
hitmesymbols still there01:58
hitmelooks like kernel trying to install the card01:59
tzbyou are right!01:59
hitme666but where to go from here ^^02:00
tzbhitme: did you install any driver yet, or is this stock install?02:00
Nikaslime4x4: When you re-added vnc, did you have the installation-cd in the drive?02:00
hitme666this is fresh clean install02:00
lime4x4i'm starting to think for some reason vnc is only looking at the eth0 card02:01
tzbhitme:   hg clone http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb02:02
hitme666tzb join mythtv-hitme so we ain'T crosstalk02:02
tzbhitme:  cd v4l-dvb02:03
Nikaslime4x4: You need to see something listening at port 590002:04
tzbhitme: ok - sorry about that everyone02:04
Nikasor else vnc most are most likely not running02:04
hitme666installing hg02:04
Nikaslime4x4: lsof -i -n -P | grep -v
lime4x4will i looked in /etc/network/interfaces and eth0 is my wireless card02:05
lime4x4mtd     5504 john    4u  IPv4  17899       TCP *:2442 (LISTEN)02:06
lime4x4and that's all that shows up02:06
Nikaslime4x4: are you su? Try sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep -v
lime4x4that brought up al;ot more but no vnc or a 5900 port02:08
Nikasno, it should be "Xorg" at port 5900. Don't look for vnc ;)02:08
lime4x4no xorg either02:09
lime4x4is it possible to start it manually?02:09
Nikasi dont know02:14
lime4x4has anyone upgraded to the hardy version?02:21
MythbuntuGuest53is there a place to talk about 8.04 installs?03:58
boykillsworl3hey got mythtv working great and commercials are flagged just can't figure out why autoskipping doesn't work04:14
lime4x4is it possible to increase the sound of a video file?04:15
boykillsworl3well in order to do that you usually have to demux the sound increase the volume then mux it back on and if you don't do it right the sound wont line up04:18
lime4x4well that sucks04:19
lime4x4even at max volume the sound is pretty hard to hear04:19
lime4x4wether it's a video or watching live tv04:20
boykillsworl3mythtv usually records at a pretty standard volume04:20
boykillsworl3do you have rca in or coax for recording04:20
boykillsworl3when you play music is it loud enough04:20
lime4x4i have my mythbox tied into a sound around system. if i'm not with 4 feet of the speakers i can't hear anything04:21
lime4x4i have the myth box set to max volume04:22
lime4x4and my surround set to max volume04:22
boykillsworl3just wondering if it's all sound on your computer or just the vidoe04:22
boykillsworl3from myth04:22
lime4x4i get the same level of sound no matter what a play, live tv a recorded show a dvd04:23
lime4x4so i'm going to assume it's something with mythtv04:24
boykillsworl3what about when you run other apps04:25
boykillsworl3like rhythmbox for playing mp3s04:25
boykillsworl3try opening up a commandline and type alsamixer04:26
boykillsworl3then crank everything04:26
boykillsworl3you still here04:29
lime4x4that worked thanks04:31
boykillsworl3yeah hope you didn't blow out your system when it worked04:31
boykillsworl3now anyone got commercial autoskipping working I know I got it flagging right04:34
boykillsworl3guess I'll just map the z key and call it a day04:35
boykillsworl3I always space out and end up watching commercials04:36
boykillsworl3well auto skip works now guess I just needed it enabled as I was recording the show04:56
Koffa"Found channel, but it doesn't match existing tsid." - tried deleting all channels for that vid source, but keep getting the same error08:03
Koffacan it be because adding a new tuner put it in as 0 and the old one is 1? but what has that got to do with tsid?08:05
Koffaremoved all channels and transports, still the same error...08:08
myth-newbcan anyone help me with a compiler error?11:52
myth-newbconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $path11:53
directhexmyth-newb, and you have which c compiler installed?12:04
directhexand, more specifically, why is that a mythtv-related question?12:05
versushi, Im configuring my mythbuntu right now and wondered if someone knows a way to change the mythbuntu  bootsplash?13:04
directhexusplash. ubuntu uses usplash for splash screens13:04
directhexyou need the "startupmanager" package, really13:05
versusjust apt-get startupmanager?13:06
directhexand to compile a new .so file with the splash screen in it, of course13:06
versusI wanted to save an animation as mng file and play it everytime the htpc starts, is that possible?13:08
versusby the way whoever helped to build mythbuntu did a great job, its much easier to configure than knoppmyth!13:11
directhexi wasn't aware usplash supported animation13:13
directhextry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto13:13
versusThere is no special usplash channel, right?13:16
versusAm I able to play some kind of video instead of the bootsplash?13:26
versusP.S.: when I talk about the bootsplash I actually think about the one immediately following grub (not just before login)13:31
=== joejaxx_ is now known as joejaxx
myth-newbdirecthex: sorry i was messing with myth still no joy14:27
myth-newbdirecthex: my question is - how do i get my lcd operating it works if i run sudo LCDd -f -r -4 i get "lcdproc server" displayed on it14:29
yotuxI am running ubuntu 7.10 wanting to add mythtv15:32
hitme666just add from packatmanager i think15:32
yotuxusing the wiki as a guide15:33
yotuxsays I will install mythbuntu control panel15:33
hitme666can'T help you mutch there anyway, i am a newbie in lunux/ubunti/mythtv myself ^^15:34
hitme666i just installed mythbuntu and added ubuntu desctop uptop15:34
yotuxI am going the opposite15:35
yotuxinstalled ubuntu 7.1015:35
yotuxnow installing myth15:35
yotuxwelcome to ubuntu though15:35
hitme666one sec i think a way was called in a magazine i got here .. melle check15:36
hitme666they just link there15:37
hitme666seems just add an anuther packet server and you nerly good to go15:38
hitme666and i have to say its still not easy for a windows user to switch to linux/ubuntu15:43
directhexor vice versa15:45
directhexdifferent things in "not the same" shocker15:45
myth-newbI am running mythbuntu 7.115:45
myth-newball set up and working15:46
myth-newbexcept my lcd :-(15:46
hitme666i run 8.04 alpha .. but had lots of trouble with my saa1734 tv card ...15:46
myth-newbno wonder you go problems15:46
hitme666cound't install 710 on my system becouse of lcd ^^15:47
myth-newbwhat lcd you have15:47
myth-newbI have mine running15:47
hitme666acer f5115:47
myth-newbbut alli can display is lcdproc server15:47
hitme666when i start the install .. no matter in what mode, lcd runs out of range with 7.1015:48
tgm4883hitme666, you could try a ubuntu command line install then install mythbuntu-desktop from the command line15:52
hitme666well 8.04 is up and running now, i hope :P15:53
tgm4883was there a problem?15:57
hitme666for me yes, had tzb here from irc who helped me in config of my tv card15:58
hitme666and had 2 little other problems (resolution alwas changed back after reboot and keybord language wasn't running in xserve)15:58
hitme666right now i am trying to play a youtube video there16:01
hitme666but ain't working ^^16:01
zabadappOn my mythbuntu 7.10 install, the HD-led is flashing at an interval of 1Hz even if it is idle. I have tried turning off hal-polling and run strace but no process is responsible (kjournald is way less frequent). If I boot failsafe into root, it stops. A friend has the same issue on his mythbuntu box. Anyone else with this? Or maybe suggestions?16:01
tgm4883flashing at an interval of 1Hz?  did you measure this, or are you going to make me figure out how fast that is16:02
hitme666Gnash won't run like it should and adobe flash i dunno how to install ^^16:02
tgm4883hitme666, what are you using to play the youtube video?16:02
zabadappby looking at the : in the clock on the vfd-display, there seems to be very little drift ... and the flashing are very small bursts at a time16:03
tgm4883hitme666, are you trying to do youtube in a browser?16:03
hitme666yes in mozilla firefox16:04
tgm4883hitme666, AFAIK you can't use it at the moment, but mythstream has a youtube parser16:04
zabadappKilling lcdproc doesn't help :-) it was my first suspect16:05
hitme666hmm same for other video websites also ?16:06
tgm4883hitme666, there is a list of the parsers on the authors website.  if you google mythstream you can find it.  Hint, it's not the same as mythstreamtv16:06
hitme666i got it installed erly, how to use ? :P16:08
tgm4883well 2 things.  1st, i think the parsers need updated.  Second, try to go into mythstream from the media menu in the mythtv frontend.  It might say that it was compiled against the wrong ver of myth16:09
hitme666yes its does16:10
hitme666"sudo make distclean" first ?16:10
hitme666hmm no ^^16:11
hitme666grr i hate it beeing a noob ^^16:11
tgm4883nah it should be fixed soon16:13
hitme666"no rules to make target 'distclean'"16:13
tgm4883hitme666, sec16:15
tgm4883looks to be fixed in mythstream - 0.18.1-0ubuntu616:16
tgm4883!bug 19895616:16
* tgm4883 secretly hates ubotu16:16
tgm4883so once that hits the repos you will be able to upgrade to it16:17
hitme666any way to get and install by hand ?16:21
tgm4883hitme666, perhaps, let me grab my laptop, it has the link on it16:24
hitme666k thanks :)16:25
hitme666getting linux irc in also16:25
hitme666https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/mythstream/0.18.1-0ubuntu6/+files/mythstream_0.18.1.orig.tar.gz mayyyybe ?16:29
tgm4883technically, those 3 files are the ones you would want16:30
directhexdget -x http://path/to/file.dsc16:30
tgm4883but i would think that it would be in the repos by the end of the weekend16:30
tgm4883i could be wrong though16:31
hitme666directhex, ain'T work i don'T have the ssl certificate16:34
Johannes_Hi Where can I find a list of the new features that will be include in 8.04?16:38
directhexthe ubuntu 8.04 and mythtv 0.21 release notes16:39
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:42
tgm4883_laptophitme666, read that^^16:42
hitme666a lot of input :P16:45
nettow0822_can you enter the channel data ie 432:5550000:qam_256:2048:2049:1 by using 'New channel'?16:58
hitmecan tvtime show dvb-t or only analog tv ?17:27
directhexanalog only17:29
directhextvtime is enormously framegrabber-centric17:29
hitme666ok ty17:30
hitmehow to remote desctop the mythbuntu machine from a windows pc ?17:32
hitmenvc was enable in backend config17:32
adaptryeah... backend17:35
hitme666woot wirks :D17:41
lime4x4how do u enable optical sound output?18:00
famicom_learn how to ask a proper question first18:10
famicom_I'm sorry, but coming in and asking something along the lines of "how do i do" is like walking into a room and asking "how do i get laid"18:28
lime4x4sorry it uses a built in nvidia sound card that is built into the motherboard which has digital ouput for sound18:41
directhexrun alsamixer, mute/unmute the iec958 control18:43
hitme666hmm i enabled the start splash screen and now i can'T get to desktop anymore after boot18:43
hitme666just seeing mythbuntu loogo and below is just standing starking workspace18:44
lime4x4Ok how do i enable it? I found it but the arrow buttons do nothing18:45
hitme666i enabled it in system managment18:46
famicom_hitme666 check your xorg config18:46
directhexlime4x4, "m" to mute/unmute18:46
hitme666kk whats a name of a command line editor ?18:46
famicom_you heathens118:47
lime4x4thanks one last ? anything i have to do in mythtv to make full use of the optical audio?18:49
directhexfamicom_, lovely. now, you feel like teaching him the nuances of insert mode vs overwrite mode, rather than just using a "normal" self-evident editor?18:53
directhexlime4x4, yeah. two tickboxes hidden somewhere18:53
directhexlime4x4, to make it pass ac3 or dts audio straight to your amp. applies only where you have ac3/dts to pass through, of course18:54
hitme666how to kill the xserver ? he is sucking the whole cpu while blocking :/18:55
directhexor, from a console, invoke-rc.d gdm restart18:56
hitme666then the system crash, just tryed that ^^18:56
lime4x4well i have the optical cable from my mythtv box connected to a surround receiver19:00
hitme666where i find the xserver autoruns für the desctop ? like the mythbuntu front end?19:14
lime4x4this the sound card i have  NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1: ALC883 Digital [ALC883 Digital]19:20
lime4x4but alsamixer only shows a IEC95819:21
zabadapphitme666: apps menu --> settings --> autostarted applications19:34
hitme666and per command line ?19:34
hitme666i can't get the desktop up right now, i am not sure why so i want to remove the auto start entrys from mythtv19:35
zabadapplook in ~/.config/autostart/19:36
hitme666or any idea ? i enabled the start spash screen and now system stucks at starting desktop19:39
hitme666or any idea ? i enabled the start spash screen and now system stucks at starting desktopsucker19:52
hitme666was for im ^^19:52
hitme666good evening tzb20:05
lime4x4is there a setting some hwere that controls the volume of the optical digital output connection?20:17
superm1lime4x4, you change that on your receiver20:20
superm1not on the computer20:20
superm1the raw digital data is passed over optical20:20
lime4x4that's what i thought but when the volume is turned all the way up on the receiver it isn't very loud20:21
lime4x4unless there is another setting on my receiver somewhere20:21
superm1it is a digital source right20:21
superm1lke a dvd20:21
lime4x4no watching live tv20:21
tzblime4x4, I thought the same thing. I have a digital SPDIF connection to my receiver, but I can change volume in myth and it will affect the volume.20:21
lime4x4i have the volume in myth set to max20:22
superm1lime4x4, well depending on your card you may be able to change some mixers in alsamixer20:22
superm1and have them affect it20:22
superm1if its a non digital source20:22
lime4x4i have everything in alsa set to max also20:22
superm1hm i'm not sure then.20:23
lime4x4i'll have to dig out the manual for the receiver and c if there is another adjustment somewhere20:23
tzbI am using ALSA with snd_hda_intel driver.  Myth settings:  Audio output device: ALSA:default.  Passthrough: ALSA:iec958 .  Mixer: ALSA:default.  Mixer Controls:PCM.20:26
tzbmaybe using ALSA vs OSS is the difference, or perhaps it varies depending on your sound hardware.20:27
hitme666why i can find tv stations with kaffeine but not mythtv ? ^^20:28
tzblime4x4, compare your setup to this, then use [ and ] in mythfrontend to adjust volume and see if it makes a difference20:29
lime4x4this is the device i'm using card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1: ALC883 Digital [ALC883 Digital]20:30
lime4x4but i will try your suugestion20:31
tzblime4x4, maybe "ALSA:default" is the difference?20:31
lime4x4i think i have mine set to alsa:digital or alsa:spdf20:31
tzbhitme666, what signal strength are you getting?20:32
lime4x4the other thing i noticed was if i set the sound 5.1 i get no sound at all20:33
tzbhitme666, I recall an option in myth to not add channels less than a certain strength, checking....20:35
lime4x4come to think about it i also had to install linux-backport-module to get the sound to work..hardware too new for linux20:35
tzblime4x4: maybe passthrough options?  I have AC3 and DTS to SPDIF passthrough enabled.20:35
lime4x4so do i20:35
hitme666tzb, help lime first ;) i try to find a better antenna spot :).. muiltitacking is stess :P20:36
lime4x4maybe i'll try and upgrade to the hardy version and c if it supports my sound card better20:37
lime4x400:09.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 07fc (rev a1)20:38
lime4x4just about everything shows up as "unkown" under lspci20:38
tzblime4x4, did you try the speaker-test command?  it has options to select alsa output device (default or digital in your case), and number of channels with -c  (stereo is 2 channels).  I've found it useful for testing/debugging.20:42
tzbsorry,   -D default   or    -D spdif20:45
lime4x4i will give that a try thanks20:45
* hitme666 just build an antenna by himself ... now testing signal21:04
hitme666perfect pictures and all channels found now in koffeine .. trying mythtv21:06
hitme666tzb, thanks for helping me with card setup again, seems card and tuner was perfect, koffeine had everything tuned in21:10
tzbgood stuff21:16
hitme666myth found channels21:19
tzbok, working in watch tv now?21:26
hitme666no ^^ somehow i killed my fronend, reinstalling it now ^^21:26
hitme666now i watch ^^21:28
hitme666hw to watch on other pc?21:29
tzbI'm not very familiar with mythbuntu control centre, but in general there are a few things you need to setup or at least check...21:37
tzb1. Make sure mysql is set to listen on your Ethernet card as well as the loopback.  This usually involves editing /etc/mysql/my.cnf and commenting out the "bind-address" line.  Good security practice would dictate setting a mysql root password at this point, but if you have a router/firewall and trust the machines on your LAN, it is not strictly necessary.21:39
tzb2. In mythtv-setup, make sure you use non-loopback IP address for backend and master backend under general.  So not, but the address of your network card.  At this point, you should make sure to either use static IP addresses, or that your router/DHCP server always hands out a consistent dynamic address to your machines.21:41
tzb(really only necessary for your backend myth machine - your other box can use dynamic because it is just a client)21:41
tzb3. Install mythfrontend on your other PC.  Make sure to use the same version of mythtv.  Doesn't need to be exact same distro, but don't try mixing 0.20 with 0.21 or it won't work.21:42
hitme666root pass is set anyway21:43
hitme6661 check21:44
hitme6662 check21:44
hitme6663 ??? i wanted a network stream that also windows machines can read ^^21:44
hitme666like watching with web browser or like that21:45
tzb4. Edit /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and setup DBHostName to match IP address of your mythbackend.  Technically it should be set to the hostname or IP address of your MySQL server, but that usually runs on the same box as the master backend.  Set the DBPassword to match the password of the mythtv MySQL user.  See the same file on the master backend.  If you are having trouble, delete/rename any...21:46
tzb....mythtv/mysql.txt in your home dir of the user launching the frontend (normally I just let it access the /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt one.21:46
tzboh -sorry!21:46
tzbI think mythweb in 0.21 supports streaming of your recordings, but I haven't tested it yet.21:46
tgm4883_laptopyou can stream from .21 mythweb21:47
tgm4883_laptopthere is also a windows frontend21:47
tzbbasically if you have mythweb installed on your backend box, open web browser to that machine, and enter mythweb.21:47
tzbI think apache2 by default listens on all interfaces, so it should just work if the mythweb plugin package is installed.21:49
tzbI know nothing about windows frontend, but it's probably worth a try.21:49
hitme666webprowser / options there give out an error21:50
hitme666Error at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/settings/tmpl/lite/welcome.php, line 29:21:50
tzbwhat's the rest of the msg?21:51
hitme666Invalid argument supplied for foreach()21:51
hitme666line is foreach ($Modules['settings']['links'] as $link => $name)21:53
hitme666    foreach ($Modules['settings']['links'] as $link => $name) {21:56
hitme666echo '    <li><a href="', root, $Modules['settings']['path'], '/', $link, '">', html_entities($name), "</a></li>\n";21:56
tzbNever seen that.  Do you have any recordings made?  You can press "R" in Live TV mode to make a recording on the spot.22:04
hitme666not that i know of22:04
tzbyeah, so try it. I'm just guessing maybe there is a bug that crashes mythweb if you have nothing there.22:06
hitme666now even set the recording dirs jet becouse i don'T know where they have to be22:07
tzbdefault is /var/lib/mythtv/recordings  This is fine if you have a single partition for the OS and the recordings.22:08
Nikason one of my frontend-machines xorg uses 90% CPU... known problem?22:21
Nikasusing 0.21-fixes (trunk from mythbuntu.org)22:22
superm1not that i know of22:24
superm10.21 is being pushed around right now(final build)22:24
superm1so try with that as it hits mirrors tomorrow22:24
Nikassay what? :) final? Can i stay with trunk and do the upgrade from that?22:25
=== henrik_ is now known as extasy
Nikasextasy: ;) Welcome!22:27
extasythx :)22:27
extasyI hope the final will get rid of the  WriteAudio: buffer underrun I'm experincing now.22:28
extasyI'm on the weekly trunk now.22:28
Nikassuperm1: I'm using trunk now. How do i change to .21 final when it comes?22:29
superm1Nikas, we're discussing it right now22:29
superm1it will be announced on mythbuntu.org as we figure out the best way to do it for people22:30
superm1there will be an official backport, and also a second method22:30
extasySounds good I'm removing the trunk from sources.list for now so I don't by acciedent get 0.22 svn ;)22:31
* hitme666 is on phone22:31
superm1extasy, yeah see i think this is going to be a big source of confusion22:32
superm1i'm not sure the best way to attack the various different possible sources22:32
NikasJust remove the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?22:35
extasybut I would expect that the final will be available in the usual repros?22:36
superm1well as users tell me what makes more sense to you22:37
superm1or most sense22:37
superm1having the normal -fixes suddenly get 0.21?22:37
superm1having a backport show up a few days from now?22:37
superm1having it show up on -trunk?22:37
extasywell I would be scared to install a trunk after the 0.21 release is out, I would not want to try the 0.22 before I had the 0.21 on my system and was getting sick of it. I would prefere either a backport or a dedicated source for the final update.22:40
extasyBut as long as the info is out there on our second home from home mythforum I guess I'm fine ;)22:41
superm1hm okay22:42
superm1that's why i was reluctant to push it to say the normal trunk repo22:42
superm1and have people suddenly start getting trunk builds22:42
extasyI can understand that, but I do beleve that 0.20.2 users will be wanting to update to the 0.21 even thou they are not on the fixes nor the weekly list.22:43
superm1which is why an official backport should be the way to go.22:46
superm1well i think this is the plan then22:46
superm1push *one* build to trunk w/ final 0.2122:46
superm1and then do an official backport after its verified functional22:46
extasysounds perfect22:47
superm1and then continue on with 0.22 builds on trunk22:47
extasyWill be more job for you.. but a better solution for us!22:47
superm1well even getting it to build on gutsy is bad enough.  there are some hardy specific things in the build already :)22:47
extasynot good :) one of my components I use for reading the subscription card for my tv service provider does not work for the 2.6.24 kernel :)22:49
extasyand can not be maipulated and still work ;)22:49
superm1why is htat?22:49
extasysasc-ng will not compile on newer kernel then 2.6.2222:50
extasyand without it I can't watch the shows I'm paying for...22:50
superm1well you might want to talk to those folks then.22:51
extasythe only free2air we have here is the regime tv.22:51
NikasI got it working. :)22:51
hitme666looks like i need this: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=44044522:52
extasynot really..22:52
=== MythbuntuGuest50 is now known as MnDBnDr
Nikaswell.. ok... i experienced hard locks but i dont know if that had to do with sasc-ng. :)22:54
tzbhitme666: I think mythweb is supposed to support streaming out of the box.22:54
tzb(with 0.21)22:54
tgm4883_laptop.21 does support streaming out of the box22:55
tgm4883_laptopvia mythweb22:55
superm1well you need to have ffmpeg22:56
superm1that does mp322:56
hitme666well tgm, how, i only able to stream my recordings22:56
tzbMythStreamTV looks like it has been abandoned, or perhaps moved to new site.22:56
tzbQuestion... It seems lirc 0.8.2 has a broken Serial IR Transmitter implementation, which fixed in the 0.8.3 pre-release.  On the boxes I support, I've been manually compiling lirc modules.  It works, but breaks with kernel upgrades, until it is recompiled.  Any other way to solve this?  Any plans to put new lirc modules into gutsy-updates or -backports?22:57
superm1tzb, actually yes22:57
superm1if you grab lirc-modules-source from hardy22:57
superm1it will rebuild itself on gutsy when you install it22:57
superm1via dkms22:57
extasysuperm1, you are the dictonary when it comes to mythtv in my world, what would you say, Intel or AMD? and what do you thing about the X4500 GMA? would you think that the GM45chip from intel would be enough to run a box, or should I use nvidia instead?22:57
tzbsuperm1, I tried that, but it doesn't like the debconf version on gutsy.22:58
hitme666well if i would know how to, i even installed the windows mythtv player on my system now22:58
superm1extasy, i don't recommend hardware at all tbh.  that's why this thread was started: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56652922:58
hitme666he finds & played recordings but no live tv option22:58
superm1tzb, oh that's shameful.22:58
tzbsuperm1, I agree module-assistant is the way to go.  maybe I can hack around with it a bit.22:59
superm1tzb, well m-a support is gone in hardy22:59
superm1its only via dkms from then forward22:59
tzbsuperm1, I'll have to read up on dkms. thanks.23:02
superm1tzb, not much to read on it.  it does it all for you :)23:02
hitme666hmm somehow my web access hase problems with some stuff ...23:04
Nikassuperm1: Do you know how to make mythweb not to ask for a password when i connect from the internal network? 192.168.1.*23:05
tzbhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/admin/dkms  ... nice "Homepage23:05
Nikasor.. does someone know? :)23:05
superm1Nikas, i dont know23:06
superm1i dont mess with that stuff :)23:06
Nikashehe ok23:06
fuhgawzi think that u should edit your .htaccess file23:06
tzbNikas, you got me curious now. I might take a look. How did you setup the password in the first place?23:07
Nikaswith mcc :) I got it working before my clean install but now i cant remember how.23:07
Nikasnot using htaccess..23:07
hitme666tzb, i found the errors on web access, i changed the template from default to grey/lite .. who came with it23:07
Nikasi'm using mythweb every day and i want to get rid of the password box and the extra click needed to get in ;)23:08
tzbhitme666, so working now?23:08
Nikasand i need password for external access.. i dont know if i switched to .htaccess/.htpasswd to make it work the last time.. it has to be any solution to make it work with apache's protection?23:09
hitme666only web access, no live tv stream23:09
hitme666but web access itsself is fixed (the errors i had)23:09
NikasWith htaccess: http://home.golden.net/htaccess.html (Restricting by IP Address)23:11
tzbNikas, you are using a password in the .htaccess inside /var/www/mythweb/ ?23:12
Nikastzb: hmmm23:13
NikasAuthUserFile       /etc/mythtv/mythweb-digest23:13
Nikasbut yes.. i have .htaccess at that location23:14
tzbNikas, I'm just asking. trying to understand what you did to get to this point.23:14
hitme666well my status now: no live TV streams to other systems and webbrowser stream of recordings = no sound23:16
tzbso, all you did was edit the .htaccess in that directory to setup the password.  do you have a <Limit GET POST>  require valid-user  </Limit>  ?23:16
Nikasi dont remember :D23:17
Nikasbut no.. i dont have23:17
Nikasthat one23:17
Nikasor.. yes23:17
tzbhitme666, I don't think you can stream live via mythweb 0.21.  You should use a frontend for that.23:18
tzbhitme666, for the sound issue, did you install ffmpeg?23:18
hitme666i used the windows fronend, only able to play recorings23:19
tgm4883_laptophitme666, there is live tv support23:19
hitme666ffmpeg is there, not sure if config23:19
* tgm4883_laptop honestly doesn't know why people watch live tv anymore23:19
tgm4883_laptopit's so last century23:19
tzbtgm, live tv in mythweb?23:19
tgm4883_laptoptzb, sorry23:20
tgm4883_laptopthat comment was unfinished23:20
tgm4883_laptopin the windows frontend23:20
tzbah yes. ok23:20
tgm4883_laptopi believe it is 5.123:20
tzbnikas, I see where auth is enabled in .htaccess.23:20
hitme666i have mythtv player 0.4.1 for widnoes now, is there a another application ?23:21
tzbbasically a symlink to /etc/mythtv/mythweb-htaccess. this is good.  now, I have an idea.23:21
Nikaswell.. got it working23:21
rhpot1991hitme666: live tv is in 0.5.023:22
rhpot1991there is a link on the main page to the forums where you can get a zip file23:22
hitme666got a link somewhere ? ^^23:23
tzbnikas, what did you do?23:23
tgm4883_laptophitme666, I have a link, google.com23:23
hitme666lol ;)23:24
rhpot1991hitme666: the author has told me there are some bugs in it that he never got a chance to work out23:24
Nikastzb: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5451/23:24
rhpot1991hitme666: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Play_Recordings_On_Windows_From_MythWeb23:24
rhpot1991that might be of interest to you23:24
extasysuperm1, I presume there will still be a weekly fix release for 0.21?23:25
superm1extasy, well that is where things get confusing23:25
superm1probably not until we start hardy weekly fixes23:25
hitme666thanks :D works! ^^23:25
tzbnikas, good stuff. you might want Limit POST GET.  (POST as well as GET)23:26
extasyokej. so they will not be made for 7.10? or will they be ported?23:26
Nikastzb: True :)23:26
tzbnikas, so that works for remote sites - asks password, but no password for local sites?23:26
tzbsorry connections I should say23:27
Nikastzb: yep.. tried that from one of my remote servers on another provider :)23:27
Nikasthe thing is that mythweb are saving the personal settings with the username that i used when logging in23:27
tzbnikas, saves in cookies for me23:28
superm1extasy, weeklies of 0.21 will not be made for 7.10.  there will be one 0.21 for 7.1023:28
extasyrodger that!!!! I need to try to file a ticket for this kernel issue then somehow..23:29
Nikastzb: not for me. When i'm using my phone it sets the wap-theme and when i returns home and tries mythweb with my normal browser it's using the wap-theme. i have to go in to the db and change the theme there23:29
superm1extasy, file it with upstream, that product isn't discussed or supported in ubuntu okay?23:30
tzbnikas, still now with the change?23:30
extasyyes I know, I will not mention it again here...23:31
extasyIt is however a nessessity to watch chanels here and it's not disallowed by law here..23:31
Nikastzb: i dont know.. i have to login with my phone and the settings gets saved in mythweb_sessions in the db :/23:31
extasynot even breaking the contract with our tv provider.. :)23:31
Nikasid = user:niklas23:32
bazhangany PPC builds for Mythbuntu?23:36
superm1bazhang, we dont have hardware to develop on to do them23:39
superm1so unfortunately not23:39
bazhangsuperm1: aha well thanks ;]23:39
superm1bazhang, if you want to help with the port though....23:39
tzbmore than just myth, does ubuntu still have ppc ports?23:40
bazhangsuperm1: be happy too--just need to learn how to code first ;]23:40
bazhangtzb sure23:40
superm1bazhang, well a majority of it is actually architecture independent23:41
superm1its mostly the build scripts that would need porting23:41
superm1which are mostly shell23:41
bazhangsuperm1: well I would love to help anyway I can; I have several PPC boxes lying around; just have no real clue on to do that--though very willing to learn if pushed in the right direction ;]23:42
tzbbazhang, I don't see PPC on Ubuntu's download page for the past couple of releases. I thought it was dropped.23:42
superm1bazhang, okay well for starters, you ever used bazaar?23:42
superm1eg bzr23:42
bazhangtzb you need a link?23:42
bazhangsuperm1: well I did sit in on #ubuntu-classroom ;]23:43
superm1bazhang, okay so using bazaar you can download a copy of our livedisk branch23:43
superm1its how the livedisk gets built23:43
bazhangthe bzr tutorial that is23:43
superm1and you can try to run it and see where it's broke on PPC23:43
superm1for all we know it might just work already23:43
tzbbazhang, sure, although I am mostly just curious.23:43
superm1i made the seeds ppc supported23:44
superm1and mythtv builds buildfor ppc already23:44
bazhangsuperm1: okay thanks; will google for it cheers ;]23:44
superm1bazhang, code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu23:44
superm1you'll find the branch there23:44
superm1directions on howto build the live disk are included in the README on the branch23:44
bazhangsuperm1: sweet! thanks for the link! ;]23:44
bazhangdownloading now ;]23:44
superm1bazhang, please keep a log of the build if you'd like to debug it (and it doesnt work off the box)23:45
superm1but if it does, drop in #ubuntu-mythtv-dev and let us know23:45
bazhangsuperm1: okay will do! ;] thanks!23:45
hitme666ok another dumb question, hot to create file acciations (like opening avi's with vlc)23:47
tzbbazhang, nevermind I found the ports page.  also HP PA-RISC, IA-64, PS3 - wow!23:48

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