
ompaul nalioth  >> more of the same * TalikA (n=talik@ has left #ubuntu (requested by ompaul)00:03
ompaul* ompaul sets ban on *!*@
naliothompaul: does your client have the '10 minute quiet' setting?00:03
ompaulnot with you?00:03
Jack_Sparrowompaul, Think you should set one on the name TalikA too ?00:03
ompaulremvoe the ban after 10 cos it is klined?00:04
naliothompaul: it halps with the tab completion  :|00:04
naliothompaul: and yes00:04
ompaulJack_Sparrow, no it will use another name and proxy in 10 mins00:04
naliothor less than 1000:04
ompaulnalioth, na but I will look after it00:04
Jack_SparrowOk, thought it had repeated that name more than once00:05
ompaulJack_Sparrow, if so then feel free to do so00:05
ompaulJack_Sparrow, if that is the case op up once and hit all the nicks that it has cycled though today00:06
Jack_SparrowOk,    But it is time for a nap....   bbl00:09
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml00:12
ubotuSeeker` called the ops in #ubuntu (llama123456789)00:15
buksompaul: even though this is not a support channel, its nice to know someone is actually watching over me :), thanx00:22
bukswait, dont tell me... /part00:25
Seeker`Mez: Connection problems?00:26
Seeker`ompaul: Is tonight particularly bad for weird people, or do I usually not pay enough attention to notice them?00:27
ompaulSeeker`, the latter methinks - it is friday which is a good day for it00:28
Seeker`depends on how you define good :P00:28
ompaulSeeker`, I now have that nice person in pm00:29
Seeker`which nice person?00:30
Mezsorry about Floodbot2's downtime. it was planned00:33
* Mez yawns00:33
ompaulSeeker`, the one which was warned off then removed00:34
Seeker`ompaul: ah, fun00:36
Seeker`the guy that was asking about fedora?00:37
ompaulSeeker`, na the other party - the one who was not discouraging them00:37
ompaulSeeker`, then played both sides of a coin at the same time - baiting me which worked and tried to be good in channel at the same time00:38
ompaulSeeker`, yeap and I wonder was he one part of a double act00:39
ompaulsee last q for someone who is on their first day on ubuntu that is a rich question00:39
Seeker`ompaul: what makes you think that?00:39
Seeker`there was only 4 mins between them joining00:41
Seeker`ompaul: If you mean eatatjones00:42
Seeker`hmm, ninja just appeared in -uk00:42
MezSeeker`, popey can ddeal with it00:44
Seeker`Mez: I can deal with it too :)00:44
ompaulSeeker`, watch it00:44
MezSeeker`, but you're going to bed00:45
Seeker`am I?00:45
Mezi thought i saw you saying you were somewhere00:45
Seeker`Mez: I said i'm beginning to get tired - I'm going to be really geeky and wait up and watch star trek00:46
Mezah fair enough00:46
Mezi should go bed now00:46
Mezgot a long day on sunday00:46
Mezi didnt say i was going to00:46
Seeker`Mez: :P00:47
Seeker`Mez: good long day or bad long day?00:47
MezSeeker`, day in bed with new gf00:47
Mezso very good00:47
PriceChildpopey is back :/00:47
Mezyes, he is00:47
Seeker`Mez: oooh :P00:47
PriceChildI was getting excited when he quit, thought we were done with him.00:48
* Mez pets popey and hopes his server is ok00:48
MezPriceChild, nah, his server was being moved to a new Power supply00:48
Mezsame as me... i just came back quicker00:48
Mez<NinjaPlimsoles> is this channel considered to be offtopic? <-- sighs00:52
ompaulMez, do o4o that will help him go over the line and get banned ;-)00:52
Seeker`I reckon we have to be a bit careful with him00:52
Mezompaul, he's in a loco channel00:53
ompaulit works there too00:53
ompauland names that channel00:53
ompaul}:-> even00:53
* Mez pokes an o4o his way00:54
ompaulI am off out of there I figure you will get more obvious trolling now01:04
Seeker`lo LjL 01:20
LjL[01:18:07] <buks> hi, the powers that be over at #kubuntu-ops pointed me here (I feel I'm being watched), so let me ask: I am having a problem installing kubuntu-kde4 alpha 6 via the LAN. the option to install the desktop is missing01:20
Seeker`LjL: Is the floodbot source still "classified"01:22
PriceChildnickrud: I don't think there's need for a ban.02:19
PriceChildHe won't be back, and it just clogs the list.02:19
nickrudPriceChild: I clear all but the egregious ones after 24 hrs02:19
PriceChildk k02:19
PriceChildMy uni just elected a pirate as president.02:30
PriceChildwas announced an hour ago... there's already people shouting on the radio, a couple of facebook groups/petitions and just general angry people02:31
PiciSurely if s/he was elected, a majority voted for them02:32
PriceChild9,000 in the uni, 3,000 voted, he got 52%02:32
PriceChild(3 candidates)02:32
* PriceChild finds his manifesto02:33
nickrudsounds like more of a majority than a debian election anyway02:33
PriceChildcan't find it02:34
PriceChildbut they included... "cutlasses for all"02:34
PriceChild"destroy half of the central bridge across the lake, then force the lecturers to 'walk the plank'"02:35
nickrudsounds like the voters are fun-loving nihilists :)02:36
nickrudI'd probably have voted for him in my university days, the the usual candidates were so humorless and earnest02:51
Seeker`is tor only banned in #ubuntu?03:08
PriceChildSeeker`: it isn't banned in #ubuntu03:08
PriceChild!tor-gpg | Seeker` 03:08
ubotuSeeker`: You can use tor and still access #ubuntu and other channels that have tor blocked.  How? Read http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor to find out how to bypass all the tor hassles on freenode.03:08
Seeker`ah, I thought it was03:10
PriceChildits blocked, unless you set up tor-tpt03:11
ubotuIn #xubuntu, PlayBoy said: ubotu: My card is free driver since feisty version...03:57
Piciubotu: tell playboy about bot03:58
PriceChildjdong: down boy04:01
jdongPriceChild: you know what fevers do ;-)04:01
PriceChildnickrud: bossmanbeta is an -uncensored guy... not having this,04:40
nickrudok. glad you took over, personally04:40
PriceChildnot sure what channel he was invited from, cba to figure it out tonight04:51
PriceChildseems a sane guy04:56
PriceChildjust pulled into it04:56
nickrudit's not an insane position, just a futile one.04:57
PriceChildnickrud: if you see others like that, just mute and discuss it in PM/send in here. They are pulling people into that channel, and being alarmist.04:57
PriceChildIf it would have been me, I would probably have done the same as him.04:57
PriceChildA nice polite conversation in PM, remove the mute and everyone's happy.04:58
nickrudhm. I'm banned from it. Wanted to talk to emma before the last blowup happened. 04:58
tonyyarussoHobbsee:  I understand you did some web host research recently.  I'm feeling open to be talked to on the subject after tonight.06:04
Hobbseetonyyarusso: mmm?  OK06:49
ubotuIn #ubuntu, foo said: !ops Thanatos is spamming on join06:53
fooThanatos appears to be a troll, or a bot. /me tries to tell06:56
* Hobbsee doesn't seem to get the on-join spam...06:56
fooHobbsee: A part of me is thinking that he's a troll who grabbed my name on autojoin. I don't think he's a bot, his messages seem to be at irregular intervals. 06:57
Hobbseeit's showing as xchat.  starnge06:57
Hobbseeperhaps os06:57
fooHm, then yeah, I'm going to vouch for a troll. Anyways, I'll just /ignore him, unless you think it necessarily to take action (which I don't think you would in this case)06:58
nickrudI saw him in a pm, told him it wasn't polite to pm without permission. I haven't heard from him since. He's now andre07:04
* foo seconds that07:04
foo23:04 <foo> It's not polite to PM, please stop07:05
foo23:05 <andre> you fool07:05
nickrudditto, exactly07:05
foo23:05 <andre> you big fat07:05
nickrudjust now07:05
foo23:06 <foo> :/07:07
foo23:06 <andre> sia anjing07:07
foo23:06 <andre> you dog07:07
* foo thinking troll07:07
nickrud<andre> sia anjinga(YOU DOG)07:08
nickrudI think I'll kick, see what he does07:08
foonickrud: Thank you :)07:08
* Hobbsee tries pm'ing07:08
nickrudso I wait07:08
* foo loves the organization with ops for this channel07:08
nickrudpecking order foo07:09
fooI've been an op for #mandrake back in the day, and #mandriva, and I am with a few other smaller channels ... and I believe this is the way it should be done07:09
fooJono doesn't hang around in here does he?07:09
Hobbseehe does occasionally07:09
Hobbseebut not this channel07:09
fooah, nice. ohh, I see07:09
* foo has seen him at SCALE the past few years 07:10
nickrudmeant to make scale, but had to work on short notice07:10
fooah, nickrud, you in the area around SCALE?07:10
nickrudI work right by LAX07:10
nickrudplanned on leaving my car in the lot there (have a card) and walk to scale from there07:11
nickrudwas looking forward to his keynote07:11
fooAh, sweet. May I PM you?07:12
fooThanks 07:12
fooHm, don't think I should idle here. Catch you folks later :) Thanks again -07:16
Hobbseeubotu: ping07:17
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore07:17
* foo straps on parachute and bails07:18
Myrttihe's nice07:19
nickrudHobbsee: so, was andre reasonable?07:23
Hobbseehe was asking me what my name was, etc.07:23
nickrudhai what is yoor name  ?07:25
* Hobbsee has no name.07:26
nickrudsaves ink I guess07:26
nickrudok, silence until I said peanut butter, then I get back <andre> SIA ANJING KU AING 07:27
Hobbseeooookay then...07:27
sleepsterhaha wth is this place?08:59
sleepsteranyways.. I am bored09:00
sleepsterso I guess I should talk to an op09:00
sleepsterit's sort of ignorant of you guys to ban someone for saying RTFM.. especially since I help a lot of people in that channel09:01
ompaulthe way we help people is we rtfm and then we get the info and give it to them09:02
ompaulthat is all09:02
ompaulgive the specifics to the person09:03
ompaulyou google they don't09:03
ompaulthats all09:03
sleepsterthat's naive09:03
ompaulno that is the way the ubuntu help system has worked for the last couple of years09:03
sleepsteryou guys breast feed them..09:03
sleepsterthen they keep coming back for more questions09:03
ompaulthe good ones end up helping09:03
sleepsterpeople should learn to find answers... "learn" to find answers09:03
ompaulthat is not the way in this space09:03
ompaulthose who want to learn will 09:04
nickrudsleepster: I've been helping here for years, as as ompaul. We do know what works09:04
sleepsterwhatever you say chief 09:04
ompaulsleepster, I have been helping on irc in *nx channels since the early nineties 09:04
ompauleven in places called #nohelp :)09:05
ompaulsleepster, I'll let you back in, but if you are not going to give complete help then please observe09:06
ompaulmost of the everyday stuff is on the wiki09:06
sleepsterits ok.. u don't have you09:06
ompauldo /msg ubotu search foo and you will find a reasonable09:06
nickrudwe try not to chase away people by talking over their heads. or implying that because they are clueless they are useless09:06
ompaulsleepster, I have seen a guy go from no use to developer in there on more than one occasion 09:07
ompaulsleepster, we know what we are at - growing the GNU/Linux community one step at a time - it is not a private club where TLAs do the business - we try to lower the barriers  to access as much as possible09:08
ompaulthe motivation is simple - get people on the platform then they are empowered09:08
ompaul!bug 109:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109:09
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents09:09
nickrudompaul: you're talking over my head, what's a TLA09:09
ompaulthree letter abbr09:09
* nickrud throws bricks09:09
* ompaul gathers nickrud's lego and gives it to bazhang09:09
ompaulsleepster, there ya go09:10
ompaulI'll remove that ban now09:10
ompaulsleepster, done09:10
sleepsterthanks.. but I am still banning me from #ubuntu until I learned the ubuntu ways09:22
sleepsterand until sleepster learns those rules..09:22
sleepsterI am keeping him away from the innocent feeble minds of ubuntians09:23
ompaulis there anything else we can help?09:23
sleepsterno.. I am fine thanks09:24
* ompaul points to the topic 09:28
ompaulI'm off out for breakfast09:29
ubotubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (jonathan2)09:44
ubotubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (jwdnho)10:19
Garyjust set a ban on jwdnho for - < jwdnho> archman: i have a hardon for your mama <--- someone might wanna log it in your ban tracker10:21
ubotuMoshe called the ops in #ubuntu (Flynsarmy)10:28
ubotuMoshe called the ops in #ubuntu (archman)10:28
ubotuMoshe called the ops in #ubuntu (bazhang)10:28
LaughedI have a ban that I would like lifted. 10:28
theunixgeekdisturbance in the chat room10:29
theunixgeeksomebody named Moshe keeps calling !ops on everyone10:29
Garytheunixgeek: I see10:29
MezI kf'd herer10:29
Moshe!ops | Ljl10:31
ubotuLjl: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:31
ubotuMoshe called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Ljl)10:31
HobbseeMoshe: yes?10:32
Moshe!ops | me10:32
ubotume: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:32
ubotuMoshe called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (me)10:32
Moshe!ops | Moshe10:32
MezMoshe, wtf are you doing?10:32
Mez!botabuse > Moshe 10:32
Laughedmez are you an OP, cause that is no way to talk to anyone10:32
MezLaughed, an we help you?10:32
Mezcan *10:33
LaughedI have been wrongfully banned and I would like it lifted10:33
Hobbseestrange.  i wonder if the guy has had a bit too much red cordial or something10:33
MezLaughed, who banned you10:33
LaughedDOn know, one of your ops who wanted to flex his muscles. apparently he didnt like that I was an ATI user10:34
theunixgeeklol one of the free software crusaders10:34
LaughedI dont know what that means, ugeek10:34
Hobbseea *lot* too much red cordial, it looks like10:35
* Hobbsee looks up Laughed's ban10:35
HobbseeLaughed: under what nickname / IP was the ban?10:35
theunixgeekLaughed: ATI won't open up its drivers. Some people hate that.10:35
Laughedthis one10:35
LaughedI just needed help. it turned out it wasnt an ATI issue10:35
stdintheunixgeek: if there's nothing else we can do for you, we like to keep the channel free of idlers10:35
Laughedit was actually somethign else10:35
LaughedI needed to remove splash from the boot line10:36
theunixgeekstdin: okeydoke10:36
LaughedSomething Sparrow, jack10:36
* Hobbsee sighs, looks up full logs10:36
Hobbseeyeah, i found the quiet.  which is a) not a ban.10:36
Hobbseeand b) appears to already be removed.10:37
Laughedwho me???10:37
Hobbseeyes, you.10:37
LaughedI just tried to log in and it said i was banned10:37
Hobbseeah, hang on10:37
Hobbseeit's swapped from a ban to a quiet10:37
Hobbseeer, other way aorund10:37
Laughedis your nick a play on calvin and hobbs10:38
Mezno, its a play on her surnam10:39
Laughedk, brb10:39
Hobbseeno, it's not.10:40
* Hobbsee sigh10:43
HobbseeLaughed: i'd suspect that most people's ATI cards work, by the way.  No need to say that they all don't, when you've only tried yours10:43
HobbseeLaughed: also, senses of entitlement "you must help me, because i dared to install your operating system of choice" also don't go down well10:43
Laughedhmm, thats all good and well. but I never said that, implied or otherwise10:44
Hobbsee[22:02] <Laughed> I came here for help10:45
Hobbsee[22:02] <Laughed> I came here for help10:45
Hobbsee[22:02] <l815> Laughed, if everyone was as demanding as you, no one would be helped10:45
Hobbsee[22:02] <Odd-rationale> gralco: Hold on...10:45
Hobbsee[22:02] <Flare183> kenro: you got that right10:46
Hobbsee[22:02] <Laughed> 1815 ive been here for an hour10:46
Hobbsee[22:02] <Laughed> I didnt realize there was a number i was supposed to take10:46
Hobbsee[22:02] <l815> Laughed, and there are 1246 people here10:46
Hobbsee[22:02] <Laughed> or a line i was supposed to get10:46
Laughedyour missing entries10:46
Hobbsee[22:03] <Laughed> okay where is the line10:46
Laughedand I came here for help10:46
Hobbseeyeah.  want the full log?10:46
Hobbseeso did most of the other poeple there.10:46
Hobbseeyou got at least some help.10:46
Laughedso why am / was I being given a hard time for it10:47
* Hobbsee didn't want to spam out the channel with too many lines10:47
Laughedit seemed I was being givne a hard time because I am an ATI user10:47
Hobbseebecause demanding people help you won't get you overly far.10:47
Hobbseeno, not really.  how many people in that channel do you think know about advanced ati issues anyway?10:47
Hobbseemost cards just work10:47
Laughedhow many people would have been able to figure out it was just a matter of deleting plash"from the boot line10:48
Hobbseeprobably not a lot - especially as that only works for some people.10:48
Hobbseeand why mangle with the options, if it happens to work for them10:48
LaughedI dont get the last point10:49
Hobbseeyou ceratinly got help, from those forum threads you were given.  apparently they worked.10:49
Hobbseemangling with grub.conf, with taking out splash 10:49
LaughedI actually found the answer in a thread that was  a year old. It was a thread / post I created10:49
Laughedwhen I first tried using ubuntu a year ago10:49
LaughedSo I am not sure what articles you think helped me10:50
Laughedand no one in this chat room gave me a thread to the forums10:50
Hobbseewell, you clearly got your answer somewhere10:50
Laughedyes i did10:50
Laughedand I have more questions10:51
Laughedis this not where I should be to get those questions answered???10:51
ubotuStuar[T] called the ops in #ubuntu (Lartza_)10:51
ubotuStuar[T] called the ops in #ubuntu (prince_jammys)10:51
LaughedDealing with Sparrow,Jack was more about him exhibiting power, control... not about finding a resolution or common ground... not like our conversation here10:52
ubotuStuar[T] called the ops in #ubuntu (Javid)10:52
Hobbseedamn people on the koolaid again10:52
Hobbseeare moshe and stuar[t] the same person, btw?10:53
Hobbseethey're acting in the same brain-deaded way10:54
* Hobbsee pinches the alcohol.10:56
Laughedyou should dry your fingers off. You dont want to mess up your keyboard10:56
LaughedYou are banned from #ubuntu10:58
Seveas--> MohammadBoozary (n=Mohammad@ has joined #ubuntu10:59
HobbseeLaughed: i'm happy to lift the ban, but please remember that a lot of people wan't help, most people in there don't know the answers to all problems, and that you may find a better solution using another method of support (see ubuntu.com/support)10:59
HobbseeSeveas: hah.  i thought that might be coming.11:03
SeveasHobbsee, :)11:03
HobbseeSeveas: especially after the mac sales....11:03
ubotualabamas called the ops in #ubuntu (prince_jammys)11:11
jpatricknot again!!11:12
Hobbseewhat is *with* these people today?11:12
* Gary passes Hobbsee a mug of hot chocolate11:12
Hobbseehehe, thanks11:12
Hobbseei think i'll get my kickban quota for the next month doing this11:13
HobbseeGary: is this guy just using continuous proxies?11:13
Garyyeah, he'll be next to impossible to keep off the network, by the looks of it11:14
HobbseeGary: want to start klining him or something then?11:15
* Gary cannot do them yet :'(11:15
ubotujohnhoseloa called the ops in #ubuntu (mnemo)11:32
ubotujpatrick called the ops in #ubuntu (johnhoseloa)11:32
ubotujohnhoseloa called the ops in #ubuntu (jpatrick)11:33
Amaranthshit ban list full11:33
Amaranth!ops | clear ban list11:33
ubotuclear ban list: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:33
ubotuAmaranth called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (clear ban list)11:33
jpatrickAmaranth: he's back11:33
Amarantharg fucking xchat-gnome and it's lack of banlist11:34
jpatrickAmaranth: +R the channel11:34
AmaranthI am taking extreme measures here while I install xchat11:35
AmaranthWhere the hell did the other ops go?11:35
Garymario galaxy?  Seveas hehe, thats like for ten year olds11:38
AmaranthSeveas: I feel sorry for those irssi users11:39
jpatrickAmaranth: why?11:39
Amaranthban management11:39
Garythats the problem I have11:40
Garyirssi wins on so much, yet fails at a few things11:40
Amaranthxchat-gnome is the same :P11:41
Amaranthi now have Amaranth_ in #ubuntu with xchat11:41
Garyi'm on the work laptop (windows) irssi in putty/screen11:41
Garywork lappy is ultraportable :-)11:42
GarySeveas: can you write a chanserv.py for irssi please :-)11:42
Hobbseethere's already ban.pl11:43
GaryI have auto_bleh.pl, but no idea except /ab and /at on how to use it11:44
jpatrickGary: what version of auto_bleh.pl?11:45
Garytomaws one11:45
jpatrickGary: I use no0tic's and it's pretty useful: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58861/11:46
XiXaQcould someone please unban me? I was kicked and banned yesterday because of a tab completion error.11:48
Garyjpatrick: they still don't seem to have a unban optio :'(11:49
ubotuAranel called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:49
SeveasXiXaQ, ctcp's should not be sent to channels 11:49
Seveasany channels11:49
Seveasso if you think it's a tab completion error, think again11:49
XiXaQmuch better to use a target list you mean? 11:49
Seveasno, just don't send ctcp's 11:50
Seveasit's mostly useless11:50
XiXaQreally? 11:50
Seveasexcept for CTCP action ofcourse11:51
AmaranthCTCPs just annoy people11:51
XiXaQhehe, ok. I don't mind. 11:51
HobbseeXiXaQ: are you using irssi?11:51
XiXaQHobbsee, you know that.11:51
Hobbseeyeah, ctcp lagged.11:52
XiXaQwhy are you wasting my time asking which client I'm using? You know my client will respond to that question for me.11:52
XiXaQbut that's ok. Cursing and making fun of people leads to a warning. A ctcp leads to a kickban. Weird policy. 11:57
Hobbsee....because my client lagged.11:58
Hobbseefail @ reading comprehension, apparently.11:58
XiXaQperhaps someone should consider documenting the rules for the channels... 12:03
jpatrick!guidelines > XiXaQ 12:03
XiXaQI've read that.12:03
XiXaQit doesn't say anything about ctcps being a permban offence.12:03
Amaranthoh jeez, not this again12:05
AmaranthXiXaQ: There are no hard rules12:05
AmaranthXiXaQ: It is just a general "use common sense and don't be a jerk"12:05
jpatrickSeveas: -b nzk*!*@* ?12:05
AmaranthCTCP to the entire channel is being a jerk12:05
XiXaQwow.. 12:06
Seveasjpatrick, /cs autorem #ubuntu list :)12:06
jpatrickSeveas: right12:06
AmaranthXiXaQ: An exact statement of what to do and what not to do would be a book12:06
XiXaQif channel ctcps are such a bad thing, I wonder why no ircds implements any way of blocking them like they do for colors and such. 12:06
AmaranthThey do, actually12:07
Amaranthfreenode has a mode to let users block CTCPs12:07
XiXaQthat's not a channel mode is it? 12:07
XiXaQchannel mode c is fairly common. Which mode is used to block ctcps?12:07
jpatrickXiXaQ: for users, it's +C12:08
jpatrickthere is no channel mode for it tho12:08
XiXaQwhy is that?12:09
AmaranthBecause we don't expect people to be stupid12:09
SeveasXiXaQ, because the /me command also is a ctcp12:09
AmaranthThat too :P12:09
XiXaQah.. Good point.12:09
AmaranthAlthough it would be possible to block everything except that12:10
Seveasof course12:10
Seveasyour point is more reasonable12:10
XiXaQwow, I'm a jerk and I'm stupid... This just keeps getting better and better.12:10
Seveaswe expect people not to annoy others12:10
SeveasXiXaQ, someone a jerk if he/she thinks it's ok to annoy everybody in a channel with a useless ctcp12:10
Seveasand given your answers so far, you seem to think that's ok12:11
XiXaQI do think it's ok to send a ctcp to a small channel, yes. I see no problems with that as long as it's for a reason. 12:11
Seveasthere's no good reason12:12
XiXaQhow do you know?12:12
Seveasname one12:12
AmaranthXiXaQ: What reason do you have for knowing my latency, what time it is, or what IRC client I'm using?12:12
Seveasgive me one good reason why it's ok and I'll unban you12:12
SeveasAmaranth, client could be useful for support12:13
Seveasbut you don't need to know everybodys client12:13
XiXaQI didn't send a version. I sent a time. 12:13
Seveaswell that's even more fricken useless12:13
Seveasseriously, name one good reason and I'll unban you. If you can't think of one: please leave this channel, we have a no-idlers policy12:14
AmaranthWhy do you need to know what time my computer thinks it is?12:14
XiXaQno, it's not. I knew the channel was small and that most people would have ntp enabled. A CTCP TIME would reflect the correct time. Of course, I could have sent a message asking someone with ntp enabled to tell me what time it is, but that would not be an accurate reply. 12:14
XiXaQhow is that?12:15
Seveasyou forgot lag12:15
Seveasand you forgot that you can simply use ntp12:15
XiXaQno, I didn't. That's why I used a channel ctcp instead of sending it to someone I know uses it. The most common time will be the correct one. 12:16
Seveaslast chance, come up with a food reason12:16
Seveasgood even12:16
XiXaQcan an unprivileged user install ntp? 12:16
Amaranth<ubotu> Error: Please don't use @schedule during a meeting12:16
AmaranthI can't use @now anywhere because the kubuntu guys are in a meeting12:17
Laughedlol, that was kinda funny12:17
Seveasthat's bad12:17
Seveasubotu2 has that fixed :)12:17
jpatrickAmaranth: we finished12:17
Seveasjpatrick, ubotu doesn't know that yet :)12:18
jussi01Hobbsee: you around?12:18
jpatrickjussi01: /whois says not12:22
jussi01jpatrick: yeah, i know. she was 25 mins ago, but all is good. :)12:25
jpatrickjussi01: is it related to "Gave your name" ?12:25
XiXaQthere is an interesting document located at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct which I feel is fairly relevant.. 12:28
jpatrickXiXaQ: yes, we've all read it before several times and signed it12:30
XiXaQsaying that people are stupid and jerks because they disagree with unwritten rules is certainly in direct contrast with the second paragraph. Kicking and banning people without any warning, does that help people to feel secure and and comfortable? 12:31
jussi01jpatrick: yes and no. I would have mentioned that, but I wanted to speak to her about something else also. :)12:31
jussi01XiXaQ: I havent participated in this conversation, as I have only been here for part of it. But from reading back a little, I see you ctcp'd a whole channel, just to get an "accurate" time. As you have been told, there is absolutely no need for thas, as accurate times are available in many other places. To me, it is clear you are now trolling, please now remove yourself from the channel.12:44
ompaulXiXaQ, there is no good reason to use ctcp to a channel other than if you are all the people in it alone - anything else is somewhere between rude and invasive of other peoples privacy - please leave this channel now13:10
XiXaQI am not trolling, and I think you're misunderstanding. What happened yesterday is fine. I accept and respect the rules of the channel. After all, it's a very big channel and all big channels must have rules. What I'm saying, is that I think a user should get a warning the first time he or she violates an unwritten rule. 13:10
ompaulXiXaQ, and a user should bring their common sense with them to irc13:11
XiXaQyes, of course. 13:11
ompaulXiXaQ,  now I ask again - please leave this channel now13:11
XiXaQI still feel that sending a ctcp time is a good way of knowing what time other users have, but I respect that you don't like it. 13:12
XiXaQok, I'll send an email instead.13:12
Jack_Sparrowompaul, a guy I banned on the 5th that you banned again for evading soon after "Laughed" is back and my ban has been removed (by someone) did you speak with his earlier.  You suggested that I not lift it and that we let it expire naturally?13:19
ompaulno I did not13:19
ompaulJack_Sparrow, there was a call for bans to be removed earlier the ban list was full13:20
Jack_SparrowLaughed@00l-4355.eaeb.dyn.optonline.net  . np he seems to be behaving himself, just wanted to understand...13:21
ompaulJack_Sparrow, scroll back is your friend ;-)13:22
* ompaul runs13:22
ompaulohh you joined after I did13:22
ubotuati is <alias> binarydriver - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 00:21:1513:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:31
ubotunvidia is <alias> binarydriver - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 00:21:1013:32
ompaullong living ;-)13:33
jussi01 !no, binarydriver is <reply>To install the Ati/NVidia/Matrox drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:33
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jussi01 said:  !no, binarydriver is <reply>To install the Ati/NVidia/Matrox drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:33
ompaulyou are not logged in13:33
ompaulehh 13:33
ompaulreally though I think maybe there is a better way13:33
ompaullet me think for a moment13:33
jussi01no, I thought the space in front would tell the bot not to do anything...13:34
jussi01now i am :)13:34
ompaulokay let me make it a little shorter13:35
jussi01go right on ahead :)13:35
ompaulFor these video Ati/NVidia/Matrox cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:36
ompaulFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:36
ompaulthat I like13:36
ompaulshort as can be13:36
ompaul!no binarydriver is <reply> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:37
ubotuI'll remember that ompaul13:37
ompaulI know you will 13:37
ompaulI hate factoids that are more than a line long with more than two urls in them13:37
jussi01I was thinking more like, "ypu'd better" :D13:37
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:38
jussi01gah, I hate my own typos13:38
ompaulI wish that help.u.c was community.ubuntu.com13:38
jussi01ompaul: did I tell you what Ive been doing for the last few days? :D 13:43
ompaulbut I guess you may do now ;-)13:43
* ompaul has been busy with family issues13:44
jussi01ompaul: http://lifematta.com/jussi01/photos/13:44
jussi01no need for explanations...13:45
Myrttipicard_pwns_kirk claims to be 13 yo...15:46
ompaulwe noted that15:47
ompaulwe don't think so15:47
Myrttineither do I...15:47
Myrttibut I'm a bit tired of complaining about the language 15:47
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, __mikem said: !dangerous is <reply> Some root shell commands are potentially dangerous and should not be typed in the chat room. Newer users might attempt to run them and end up hosing their machines. Therefore, please refrain from typing such commands in ANY of the Ubuntu channels.16:59
ompaul<ompaul> __mikem, refused - would cause more questions than it answers17:02
ompaulvis that !dangerous17:02
ompaulhowever the sentiment is good17:02
nickrudompaul: wrong channel for __mikem ;)17:02
ompaulnickrud, no17:03
ompauljust saying block it17:03
ompaulpming mike on it17:03
Myrttilet's consider a use case17:04
nickrudthe guy started out asking reasonable questions about how to repair, then it shifted into resignation and description. Was about to ask him if he still wanted help17:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tctk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:05
ompaul!info tctk17:05
ubotuPackage tctk does not exist in gutsy17:05
ompaul!search coroners17:05
ubotuFound: 17:05
ompaulohh well 17:05
Myrttiompaul: are we contemplating on the issue "some root shell commands? which exactly so I can avoid saying them here :-P" kinda questions?17:05
ompaulMyrtti, rm -rf / in particular    -- checked the channels population before I said that17:06
Myrttibecause if we can think up some use cases for that factoid, we might be able to rewrite it in a matter that won't cause more questions to arise17:07
ompaultut tut tut17:07
ompaulyou are not in #ubuntu17:08
Arfeewhat ya mean?17:08
ompaulI redirected you to #ubuntu-ops17:08
ompaulwell that would be the last nick before yours17:09
ompaul!guidelines | Arfee 17:09
ubotuArfee: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:09
Arfeelook at my nick now17:09
ompaulread that 17:09
ArfeeI appreciate that and I never do anything to cause problems17:09
Arfeebesides I never said anything wrong, I understand the name was wrong hence the change17:10
ompaulehh you were banned before you changed it17:10
ompaulso I don't concur17:10
ArfeeWell if someone would have let me know17:10
ArfeeI wouldn't have had any problems17:10
ompaulI did by removing you and advised you to read the guidelines - have a look at that please17:11
ArfeeI have17:11
ArfeeDoesn't anyone have a remote sense of humour at all, I have been an Ubuntu member for many years and included helping beta testing a lot and this is what I get, banned for a name without warning?17:12
ompaula ubuntu member for years17:12
ompaulwhat is your LP id?17:12
Arfeeyes someone who used it for years17:12
ompaulthat is not a ubuntu member17:12
ompaulthat is a userr17:12
Arfeefine user then17:13
Arfeebut for years17:13
ompaulbig difference - a member would have signed the code of conduct and never would have done that17:13
ompaulthey work hard to make a strong community 17:13
ArfeeI am part of that community17:13
ompaulyou on the other hand thought that you could (a) troll the irc aspect of that community and then tried to ban avoide17:14
ompaulyou have not read the guidlines17:14
ompaulI suggest you do so we can have a more informed conversation17:14
ArfeeWe can but lighten up a bit, my name is changed now...ok?17:14
Myrttiompaul: back to the factoid17:17
Myrttiwhat if it were "that particular command... blahblah"17:18
Myrttibecause honestly the only time it should be used is *after* someone has made a brainfart17:21
Myrttiwarning people in beforehand raises that "which commands exactly" issue17:22
Myrttiand of course there should be a warning for everyone else NOT to enter that command17:23
ompaul is there a way to put someones nick into the answer17:24
Myrttiompaul: pipe?17:25
ompaulno 17:25
ompaul!bot | Myrtti 17:25
ubotuMyrtti: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:25
MyrttiI know17:25
nickrudwith the pipe , something like  YOU GAVE BAD INFO! don't anyone listen to this idiot17:26
Myrttibut I mean like17:26
Myrttiompaul: that particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: WARNING WILL ROBINSON! DO NOT ENTER THAT COMMAND17:26
ompaulMyrtti, ahh yes but !!!!17:27
naliothi can see that being abused within minutes17:27
ompaulthat particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU:  -- DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER! DO NOT USE THAT COMMAND17:27
naliothit's a good idea17:28
ompaulnalioth, so should we do it17:28
ompaulbtw I have to go out for a bit17:28
ompaulback shortly17:28
naliothwe could run with it for a while17:28
naliothbut again, i see somebody abusing it in a fit of pique (or just plain trollery [moshe])17:29
=== credible is now known as crdlb
nickrudguns don't kill people, people kill people. Come down hard on the person17:29
ompaul!Danger is <reply> (Use only in emergency!) That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: WARNING WILL ROBINSON! DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND17:30
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul17:30
ubotu(Use only in emergency!) That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: WARNING WILL ROBINSON! DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND17:30
PriceChild'warning will robinson' ?17:30
nickrudheh. Showing our age17:30
ompaul!no Danger is <reply> (Use only in emergency!) That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER! DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND17:30
ubotuI'll remember that ompaul17:30
Myrttirephrase at will17:30
naliothPriceChild: i'm ashamed of you17:30
Jack_SparrowPriceChild, It is cute..17:30
ompaulI am away17:31
Myrttishould be surprise __mikem ;-)17:31
Jack_SparrowRobbie the robot.. our hero.. he invented the internet17:31
MyrttiI think I'll surprise him17:32
PriceChildohhhhhhhhh sorry misread it, with the 'danger will' it make sense :)17:33
PriceChildwhat i said doesn't make sense either17:37
nickrudeh, with some allowances for country of orgin, it did17:38
MyrttiI feel like too american now17:39
MyrttiI've never seen even five minutes of that tv show17:39
Myrttishould I clear up those bans I've got in effect in -ot?18:41
naliothMyrtti: are they still needed?18:44
Myrttilet me see the calendar18:44
MyrttiI wonder why the bans don't show up in the bantracker as removed18:46
TheSheepexcuse me, but how do I login to the bantracker?18:51
jussi01TheSheep: like you tried earlier, @btlogin - ubotu should then pm with a url (afaik)18:55
TheSheepok, so how do I gain access to bantracker?18:56
TheSheepit pm'd with 'access denied'18:56
jussi01TheSheep: I think you need to speak to someone in the irc council for that. Im not sure.18:57
TheSheepI'm an op on #xubuntu only, not sure if I should have the access, if not then ok18:57
Myrttioh, the bantracker has lag. ok19:03
ompaulna naaa na na na na naaaaaa na na na na naaa naaa19:04
ompaulohh did I mention I got back19:04
ompaulMyrtti, you dandered __mikem :)19:05
ompaulMyrtti, you dangered __mikem :)19:05
Myrttiso I did19:05
ompauland it was good19:05
PriceChildgrrr forgot to delete original message on a ML.19:15
PriceChild*reply to a19:15
naliothdirty spammer  :/19:28
nickrudaren't they all19:30
naliothnickrud: i was referring to PriceChild this time19:31
ompaullets see the lag on the reply19:31
nickrudnalioth: I'll bow to your experience :)19:34
naliothnickrud: he admitted doing it19:35
ompaulguys watch this one:  <Linux_Fresher>  19:50
ompaulgals too ;-)19:51
ompaulit was reported to me they had exactly the same questions all week as I got just now19:51
jussi01hmmm, is the bot ultra laggy? or just plain dead?19:51
jussi01if the latter, could we now bring in the back up?19:52
ompaulvwery vwery vwery carefullly19:53
Myrtti idle     : 0 days 0 hours 34 mins 30 secs [signon: Thu19:53
Myrtti34 MINUTES?!19:53
ompauls [signon: Thu19:53
ompaulit is SAT19:53
jussi01back up bot time?19:53
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
Myrttiit's dead jim19:54
naliothit's dead.19:54
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:54
ompaulit is well lagged19:54
Myrttito say the least19:54
nalioth1205004736 13:32 <+ompaul> !dualboot19:55
Myrttiwhat date format is that? unix time?19:55
naliothubot3: dualboot19:55
ubot3Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:55
naliothMyrtti: yes, unix time and my local time19:55
ompaulokay so 19:56
ompauldo we kick it off the network and have it come back 19:56
ompaulor do we do something else19:56
naliothMyrtti: date -d @1205004736     will get you your time19:56
naliothit might take it 30+ minutes to come back19:56
ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu (master_alvaro)19:58
ompaulMyrtti, pm19:59
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
jussi01Can we please bring ubot3  in? or if no one has power, then ubot5 (my bot?)20:44
* jussi01 wonders where everyone is?20:47
* PriceChild waves20:47
jussi01PriceChild: its been having issues for a while, see the scrollback. 20:47
PriceChildjussi01: wanna shove yours into #ubuntu?20:48
jussi01sure, coming tight up20:48
PriceChildif nalioth isn't around?20:48
jussi01Ill pop it into #k also20:48
ompaulmute ubotu20:48
* jussi01 waits a moment20:48
PriceChildor is ubotu about to appear...20:48
ompaulthat is not to badd20:48
PriceChildjussi01: wait up... ubotu'll be fine in a second I guess.20:49
jussi0122 minute lag...20:49
ompaul22 or 10 seconds20:49
jussi01did that last time we talked about it to, a whole lot of factoids all in one burst20:49
ompaul2 mins20:49
ubotuLeave the ops alone!20:49
PriceChildit seems fine now20:49
jussi01hmmm, we hope :)20:50
ompaullets try three factoids at 10 second intervals and see what happens20:50
jussi01here we go again...20:50
PriceChildok it stopped again? :/20:50
ompaul!info emacs20:50
crdlbclearly he's broken :)20:50
ubotuemacs (source: emacs22): The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 22.1-0ubuntu5.1 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB20:50
ubotuLeave the ops alone!20:51
jussi01!botabuse | ompaul 20:51
ubotuompaul: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:51
ompaul!danger | jussi01 20:51
ubotujussi01: (Use only in emergency!) That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER! DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND20:51
jussi01seems ok. 20:51
jussi01!stop | ompaul 20:51
ubotuompaul: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.20:51
ompaulit may be laggy 20:51
ompaulbut lets not announce it is back for a bit20:52
ompaullet people work it out for themselves20:52
* nalioth is always around if you say his nick three times . . .20:52
nickrudwatch out if you say it five times20:54
ompaulnickrud, say what?20:54
* ompaul chuckles20:54
ompauledgar alan poe or franz kafka20:55
nickrudompaul: an obscure reference to a horror flick, if you said candyman 5 times you were dead20:55
ompaulnickrud, you used my nick 20:55
ompaulnickrud, this scares most ordinary mortals but not me ;-)20:55
nickrudI did '|20:55
ompaulits gone away 20:56
ompaul@unload mess20:58
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, recon said: !rmrf is <alias> danger21:01
ompaulNo aliases for danger methinnks21:02
ompaulnickrud, Myrtti jussi01 nalioth a little test of danger did not work 21:06
ompaulI got a new edit in mind21:06
* nickrud waits with bated breath21:06
ompaulDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! (Use only in emergency!)21:07
ompaulDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! 21:07
ompaulnickrud, comment?21:07
ompaulchange that my dear21:08
nickrudompaul: potentially dangerous, most of those have some usage21:08
ompaul!no danger is <reply> DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! 21:08
ompaulnickrud, if you know the use you will not call it to anyone 21:08
ompaulyou may take them to one side21:09
nickrudompaul: but for the rest of them, I was thinking. But I am  a nitpicker by nature21:09
ompauland I really don't want it uttered a second time21:09
ompaulnickrud, the item is dangerous and needs care in handling no matter even if it is the intended use21:10
nickrudompaul: true. Like I said, I'm a nitpicker, and can get too involved in the tree section21:11
PriceChildheads up on mailing list incase people haven't seen it yet21:11
ompaulPriceChild, how nice21:17
ompaulwell answered btw21:17
ompaulPriceChild, in particular I like the fact he missed:  there is no good reason to use ctcp to a channel other than if you are all the people in it alone - anything else is somewhere between rude and invasive of other peoples privacy  << is not asking me what my client is can be a prelude to some kind of attacks21:25
ompaulanyway 21:25
* ompaul sits back 21:25
seanwompaul, I think ubotu is broken21:28
seanwIdle 20 mins and I just make a query21:28
naliothseanw: scrollback21:31
PriceChildompaul: are you in awe of my word smithing?21:33
ompaulPriceChild, I thought it was very well done21:33
ompaulit said in very few words: way more went on here21:34
ubotuI'll remember that ompaul21:41
ompaulwow that is a 40 min lag21:42
naliothwho's got the keys to ubotu ?21:45
naliothsomebody needs to shut it down21:45
naliothi don't think a /kill will help21:45
PriceChildI think LjL does, but he's off skiing again?21:46
LjLeh no i wish i was21:47
LjLwhat's with ubotu21:47
LjLi'm just in alcoholic coma, not skiing21:47
LjLi can't shutdown ubotu anyway21:47
MezLjL, but you should be able to restart22:02
Jucatois ubotu down?22:56
Jucatosuper :)22:58
ompaulhmm 22:59
ompaulsee above22:59
Jucatohe'll die of hunger before he even gets the cookies :)22:59
ompaulhow apt22:59
* ompaul goes slowly insane23:00
* Jucato steps away...23:00
ompaulif my sed was any use I would become madder sooner 23:00
ompaulpun warning23:01
ompaulmy sed is awkful23:01
Jucato!lol > Jucato23:01
ompaulthat was a legit use of lol23:01
ompaulas was mine23:01
Jucatojust making sure. :P23:02
ompaulbut it is people who say "my machine fails to boot lol" they are the enemies of society23:02
ompaulthey are the ones who need doses of Mr T23:02
MezPriceChild, fail23:19
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore23:29
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:29
Jucatoheh :)23:29
Jucatoit's back :)23:30
naliothJucato: no23:30
naliothit's way lagged23:30
Jucatonalioth: that's what I meant :)23:30
mneptoklol we're having pasta lmfao23:59

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