
rhineheart_mgreat faulkes :) can you recommend a server status monitoring web interface? like PHPSysInfo and nagios?00:03
rhineheart_mthe better and trusted one by ubuntu cannonical?00:03
faulkes-rhineheart: the canonical answer of course, would be landscape00:07
faulkes-I don't trust anything php that I didn't write myself00:07
faulkes-even then, I still don't trust it00:08
faulkes-nagios is your hot hot monitoring fun00:08
faulkes-it is well supported by the entire community, not just ubuntu00:08
rhineheart_mreally? that sounds interesting...won't it eat most of my memory? won't it congest my LAN traffic?00:11
faulkes-you have a production network?00:14
rhineheart_mah.. its not much of a production network. It is just an office with windows networking ( for files and printers sharing) and a web server where I'm planning to install the nagios. what do you think?00:16
=== joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ
faulkes-you'll see more network congestion from windows constantly spamming to the broadcast address than nagios will create00:17
faulkes-in short, you won't notice it00:18
rhineheart_mmmmm...are you using nagios?00:20
faulkes-although I just recently inherited this installation of it00:24
faulkes-however, you just aren't going to notice it, not network-wise00:25
faulkes-well, you will notice it, if you tell it to send you emails when a problem exists ;)00:25
rhineheart_myou mean.. you can recommend it than phpsysinfo?00:27
faulkes-thats subjective, it all depends on your needs and how concerned you are or may be about security or any of a dozen different factors00:28
faulkes-from what we know, you have a small business network you want to monitor00:28
faulkes-basicly anything will do at that level00:29
faulkes-if you dont like one, you can always use the other00:30
faulkes-it's not like you are going to be super glueing it to the cpu ;)00:30
rhineheart_mokay. I've read your post talking about windows constantly spamming to the broadcast address? what do you mean with it? thanks..00:31
faulkes-the smb protocol, to find stuff on the network, uses the network broadcast address00:32
rhineheart_mokay.. you're taking about samba right? please explain it to me.. I can't understand what are you talking about with "windows constantly spamming to the broadcast address"00:34
Kamping_Kaiserrhineheart_m, before you started asking in #ubuntu-* channels, have you ever administered anything before?00:46
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: what do you mean..administered before? Like Samba? or phpsysinfo? I tried both already but found out that Samba eats most of my network resources...00:49
Kamping_Kaiserrhineheart_m, no, i mean like been in charge of running a server00:49
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: Yeah. I have a web server up and running and it is ubuntu gutsy no GUI00:50
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: why?00:50
Kamping_Kaiserrhineheart_m, i'm asking before you setup the ubuntu box00:51
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: Are you asking if I tried any server other than ubuntu?00:52
nijabafaulkes-: I have put on the server-survey wiki page a few suggestions for shortening survey.00:53
Kamping_Kaiserrhineheart_m, not exactly, no00:54
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: please make it clear..I can00:54
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: I can't really get what you meant.. sorry..00:55
Kamping_Kaiseri dont know how much clearer i can make it. Have you ever  been in charge of running a server ?00:56
rhineheart_mnope. This is my first time to run a server..almost 2 months old..why?00:57
Kamping_Kaiserbecause you understand none of the concepts behind running a server (even server/client relationship), so i wondered00:58
rhineheart_mokay.. I admit that.. in that area maybe... so that's why I'm asking some of them here..00:59
rhineheart_mKamping_Kaiser: I have something to ask you.. hope you could shed light on this issue..01:01
Kamping_Kaiser!private message | rhineheart_m01:02
uboturhineheart_m: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:02
scoundrelhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/199708 - guys, please, anyone have an idea about this?01:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199708 in linux-source-2.6.22 "OOM killer kills all processes on an "empty" server" [Undecided,New]01:51
sommerscoundrel: do you have an issue with nagios?03:08
sommerseems like it's killing that process a lot03:08
scoundrelthis is only one of the processes.03:08
scoundrelAnyways, one process (nagios) just can't cause OOM in 32bit system03:09
scoundrelwith 16gb ram03:09
scoundreland this happens on 7 different servers with different sotware03:09
sommercan you just disable oom?03:09
* sommer not very familiar with oom03:09
Kamping_Kaiser32 bit with 16gig of ram? is that a hacked kernel?03:10
scoundrelOOM - how can I disable it? It is one of kerne's basic features.03:14
Kamping_Kaiserhacked - not stock03:14
sommerscoundrel: have you seen this article: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/11/30/linux-out-of-memory.html03:17
sommerthere are some ways to manage oom towards the end03:18
scoundrelit is ubuntu kernel.03:18
scoundrelubuntu server official kernel.03:18
faulkes-"towards the end"03:18
sommerscoundrel: you might also ask in #ubuntu-kernel03:19
sommerhey faulkes03:19
faulkes-that sounds so, final ;)03:20
* scoundrel is going to #ubuntu kernel03:20
sommerfaulkes-: me?03:20
faulkes-no, sommer's comment03:21
sommerwoops didn't mean for it to be final... just that someone in kernel may no more, heh03:22
faulkes-well, no, it made it sound like you were easing the kernel's pain towards the OOPS03:25
sommerI'd like to think that I always ease the pain :-)03:26
sommerthe pain and the tension03:26
mralphabetI am looking at the meeting notes from earlier this week and there is a comment for "Windows Integration: Dendrobates is waiting for an upstream release", is this referring to likewise-open?03:29
sommermralphabet: I believe so03:30
sommerearlier today he mentioned that a new version of the package is almost ready as well03:30
mralphabetsommer: thanks for the confirmation03:31
faulkes-sommer: you're the morphine that keeps the channel alive eh? ;)03:32
sommerfaulkes-: heh... I can't claim the fame03:33
rhineheart_mhello... can Portsentry be installed remotely? Can't it block the ssh server? thanks..04:51
zero_good morning08:43
zero_ssh public key auth - anyone?08:46
=== jougukny__ changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support || For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu || Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved || Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html || http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html || Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. || server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/
XiXaQhow do I make /tmp use tmpfs?09:10
replicant_anyone here works with dell PE1950? Do Xeon's Quad-Core support Xen? What about 8Gb Ram...? Will this work with Ubuntu Server to implement Virtualization?10:48
spiekeyi have changed my network cards in my box...now i have eth2 but only one network card installed11:17
spiekeywhere does it assign the eth name to the network card again?11:17
nijabaspiekey: man interfaces should tell you all you need to know11:20
spiekeywas it not /etc/iftab?11:20
nijabaspiekey: in dapper, yes11:22
spiekeyand in gutsy?11:22
nijabaspiekey: /etc/nework/ contains all the network related stuff11:23
nijaba* /etc/network11:23
nijabaspiekey: oops, sorry, in gutsy iftab was converted to /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules11:26
spiekeyhehe, yep. :)11:28
Nafallothe last update to ntp... WHY?!11:39
Nafallostop restarting my bloody daemons automatically just because I'm in the DC and want to use cross over to grab data.11:52
NafalloNOT a reason to restart ntpd and reset the poll intervalls.11:53
* faulkes- yawns13:35
* faulkes- looks at pile of pdf's that need reading13:35
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faulkes-hrmmm, supposed to get 50cm of snow today13:41
MenZafaulkes-: sweet13:44
MenZafaulkes-: I wish I was :(13:45
faulkes-we already broke record snowfall in feb., most since 195613:45
faulkes-march is gonna be another record breaker13:45
und3vacould i talk to somebody about an ubuntu server installation?14:54
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:58
und3vaanybody here from whom i can request some help regarding ubuntu server?15:00
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:00
und3vai've installed ubuntu server, then i'set up my ip address for my internet connection and then for my secondary lan card like this :, then i connected my windows machine to the secondary lan card. but when i try to ping it i get no reply, i've also installed ssh on my server15:01
faulkes-from side do you try to ping, linux->windows or windows->linux?15:02
und3vawindows - linux15:02
faulkes-and does the windows machine have a matching ip addr set to the same network15:03
und3vawindows has ip and as gateway15:03
faulkes-did you install any additional packages, such as firewall'ing we should be aware of?15:04
faulkes-and how are you connecting the windows/linux box together (via cable? via switch?)15:05
und3vai've installed  ubuntu server , then php-cli , mcrypt , mc, and ssh15:05
und3vaonly lamp and i connect with cable15:05
Kamping_Kaisercrossover or strait through?15:06
Kamping_Kaiserpositive? :)15:07
faulkes-I would first check cabling15:07
Kamping_Kaiserand make sure you have it in the correft rj45 port15:08
und3vai'm a newbie in linux and i'm trying to share my internet connection, but it's pretty hard :) the cable is ok, i've tried it before win- win and also now i see that i'm connected on windows15:08
und3vato linux but i can't ping it.15:08
Kamping_Kaiserund3va, does `sudo iptables -L` give you any output other then empty chains?15:09
faulkes-I was just going to suggest doing -F15:10
faulkes-blow away anything that might be there temporarily15:10
und3vano only empty stuff15:10
und3vado i need to add something in hosts?15:11
soulcwhere can I get some help with fail2ban I am getting this error message in my logwatch file15:11
faulkes-win-win is not a garrauntee of win-lin with cabling, depending on the card configurations15:11
Kamping_Kaiserlast minute sugestion - recheck ethernet ports, and try telneting to port 22 on the lin box15:11
* Kamping_Kaiser goes to sleep - night all15:11
und3vait doens't work telneting15:12
faulkes-soulc: I would hazard a guess it doesn't like the regex, I'm not a f2b expert15:14
faulkes-und3va: if you cannot telnet on the linux machine to 22, then more information is needed15:14
und3vatell what to tell you15:14
soulcok back to the conf fils15:15
faulkes-I would past the output of /sbin/ifconfig to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15:15
und3vaet0 is  my internet connection; eth1 is my other card . it has the following configuration : Address 15:18
und3vaNetwork 15:18
und3vaNetmask 15:18
und3vaBroadcast 15:18
faulkes-send the actual output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15:18
Nafallothere we go! :-)15:19
Nafalloto quick for me ;-)15:19
faulkes-was already in my copy bufer ;)15:19
und3vait seems that i can't ping my linux machine.15:20
faulkes-yes, but we need to see what's happening, which means, config information, and the easiest way to do that is to put it into the web paste url I provided15:25
faulkes-can you access the internet from the server you setup?15:26
und3vait doesn't have iternet connection15:26
und3vai'm on windows machine now15:27
faulkes-do you have a usb dongle you can put on the server and save output to it?15:27
und3vai have an usb stick but how can acces it in ubuntu server?15:28
faulkes-attach it to the server15:29
faulkes-if it doesn't mount automagically, it can be mounted relatively easily15:29
und3vawhere does it get mounted?15:30
und3vaby default?15:31
faulkes-usually /media/disk iirc15:31
faulkes-just use a df command and look for that15:31
und3vajust a sec15:33
soulcso what is failregex?15:34
und3vai got something la like this [sdb] assuming drive cache15:36
und3vawhen i've inserted it15:36
und3vaan then what should i do?15:37
faulkes-dmesg | grep sdb15:37
faulkes-look for the partition #15:37
faulkes-for me, it looks like:15:37
faulkes-[61135.334159]  sda: sda115:38
faulkes-that's when I insert my usb dongle into the server15:38
faulkes-once you know the partition #, you can "sudo mount /dev/sdb# /mnt"15:38
faulkes-# being the partition it sees there15:39
und3vai have 119.772104 sdb: sdb115:39
faulkes-so "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt15:39
faulkes-you can then do commands and echo the output there15:39
faulkes- /sbin/ifconfig -a >/mnt/ifconfig.txt15:39
faulkes-dmesg > /mnt/dmesg.txt15:40
faulkes-netstat -nr >/mnt/routes.txt15:40
und3vai get permision denied15:41
faulkes-preface the commands with sudo15:44
und3vai triedthe same permision denied15:45
faulkes-sudo umount /mnt ; mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /mnt15:48
und3vait works now15:50
und3vaso now what do i need to do, i copied the files to windows15:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:56
faulkes-that ;)15:56
und3vaanything faulkes?16:04
faulkes-you have to be patient, I'm working on several things currently16:06
faulkes-"sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask"16:08
faulkes-then try to ping the windows machine ip16:08
und3vadoesn't work16:12
faulkes-try to ping
und3vai get reply16:13
faulkes-put the usb dongle back on the server (it may have automatically unmounted, check using df, remount per previous if required)16:15
faulkes-output again of "/sbin/ifconfig -a >/mnt/ifconfig.txt", "netstat -nr >/mnt/routes.txt", "arp -a >/mnt/arp.txt"16:16
faulkes-make sure the cable is plugged into both machines properly16:17
faulkes-ok, first issue was eth1 didn't have an ip address16:24
und3vaand from arp i got nothing16:24
faulkes-now it does16:24
faulkes-make sure the cable is plugged into the right ethernet card, I know that may sound silly16:24
henkjan16:27 < bitrot> Link change: FastEthernet3/15 (Tendernet Rack) on rbfs1.kelvin.network.bit.nl went DOWN (UP).16:26
und3vait is16:28
faulkes-ok, well, eth0 is getting an ip from somewhere, did you manually configure eth0?16:30
und3vaand it is my internet connection16:31
und3vaand it works16:31
faulkes-on the server?16:31
und3vawhen i plug the cable16:31
faulkes-well, again, eth1 is up, if it has status led's on the card at the back, I would look at them to make sure it thinks it's connected16:32
und3vait works now16:32
faulkes-well then, life is good16:32
faulkes-however,eth1 does not appear to be configured to start at boot16:32
faulkes-I would look at /etc/network/interfaces16:33
und3vaand then?16:34
und3vaset auto?16:34
faulkes-or something like that;)16:34
und3vai made it run16:35
und3vathanks  a lot16:35
soulcso how do I fix that failregex error in the fail2ban log file17:02
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sommerjdstrand: I noticed that apparmor won't let slapadd -l file.ldif import entries in enforce mode20:37
sommerjdstrand: any advice?20:37
sommerjdstrand: ah... I added: /home/sommer/file.ldif r,20:42
sommerjdstrand: to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd then reloaded the profile and it worked20:43
sommerjdstrand: garr... that's kind of a conundrum20:44
sommerjdstrand: I stumbled on the issue while updating the openldap docs... if need be I can document it to set slapd to complain mode while using slapadd20:47
sarthorHi, I am using ubuntu server 7.04, i have 80 Clients on my LAN (UTP cable + Wireless), Can i create user passwords for that users to dial my server? if yes what i will need to install and configure on my server? my clients are using windows xp, 2000 and some Linux also22:59
krautwhat exactly do you want and what do you mean with "to dial my server"?!22:59
sarthorkraut, I want to my user to athunticate by user name password for accessing internet.23:01
craftonHi, I have a VPS hosting and for other band a domain registered on dreamhost, is needed to install a bind server on my vps for make subdomains?23:01
krautoh dear23:01
craftonexcuse my ignorance, i'm totally newbie23:02
krautcrafton: please learn first some domain-basics, before you want to start23:04
craftonok. pardon me.23:08
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, yes you can, if you have the right hardware for it. you'll look at radius for authentication i expect23:40
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, although your second line makes it sound like you want an authenticating proxy, which i expect squid could provide23:40
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, I am not much expert, so please can you help more23:40
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, No. i dont want to athenticate clints only for squid.23:41
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, if you give us more information perhaps23:41
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, same like dsl dialer do, i need that.23:41
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, Like after dialing to my server, my server will check the user name and passwd and will assign the ip to that client, and if there is not login, passwd, my client shuld be in dark.23:43
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, tell us about what your trying to setup. where are the clients? internal/external? do you have special hardware? is it a private network? etc23:43
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, there in dsl of 4 mega in my home, and i have 1 p4 computer having 2 lan cards. 1 is connected to dsl modem, other to switch, and my clients are connected to that switch, out side of my home, in the near by plazza.23:47
nealmcbI'm trying to set up ubuntu server gutsy on an old machine with 64 mb, and it worked fine until doing an upgrade, at which point I got an error about running out of space in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile which is mounted as tmpfs23:47
nealmcbI'm not having much luck finding out what that is mounted that way and how to disable it.  any tips?23:47
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, so thier connecting to the gateway over an internal network?23:48
Kamping_Kaisernealmcb, put more ram in23:48
nealmcbwell I guess it is mounted that way for speed.... but I don't know where it is mounted.  it is put in fstab in /etc/init.d/mtab.sh I guess23:48
nealmcbKamping_Kaiser: yeah  - well it's my brother's old machine, and I doubt that would be easy23:49
sarthorin my server, i am using squid for sharing net, dhcp for assigning ips, and iptables.. masqurading..23:49
sarthorMy linux is working same like a router23:49
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, now look at squid authentication, or perhaps mac address filtering in iptables23:50
Kamping_Kaisernealmcb, :( i see23:50
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, clients can spoof mac address easily,, so my mac are already binded by dhcp as will as by iptables, and if i am athenticating clients via squid, so there is a lot of data traveling whick the squid do not know about that, like voice cam.23:51
sarthorand 1 thing more.23:52
sarthorsome my client have virus in there computer, .. some time, the virus assign my server ip forcfully to the client pc,.. so my network stop working.23:52
Kamping_Kaisertheres nothing you can do about clients who steal IP addresses, unless you have a proper switch which lets you lock them out23:53
Kamping_Kaiserso i'll say again - you may want to look at radius.23:53
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, if you want that radius is good in my scenario, so i will like to install that, Can you please give me good link about that ?23:56
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, no i cant especially. its a long time since i've used it. i have to stress though - *read the provided doco*. it *does* help a lot, and it contains links23:57
sarthorKamping_Kaiser, Ok, thank you brother, you guided me, let me google . thanks again23:58
Kamping_Kaisersarthor, good luck with it23:58

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