
=== Verichip__ is now known as Verichip
amenadoIcemansan-> try it00:00
prince_jammysubuntu compatible gamepad00:00
mandrigCan anyone help me with my sound?00:00
AntiUSAi've been googling my ass off man00:00
Jack_SparrowTraveler8, Please try to add some more detail to your question.00:00
iceswordamenado, k00:00
purepwnageAntiUSA: search for gamepad on these pages: http://linuxconsole.sourceforge.net/input/hardware.html http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Hardware-HOWTO/other.html00:01
eguzkiahello i have problem i cannot surf in internet00:01
eguzkiabut i can use p2p progams00:02
Traveler8Jack_Sparrow, ok sorry : i want to share my internet connexion from a xp whit a boardcom card bcm43xxx to an ubuntu with intet wifi card (i dont have AP so i have to use adhoc)00:02
eguzkiasomeone can help me00:02
purepwnageAntiUSA: I would recommend searching the forums for what not to buy if all else fails00:02
TalikAme fucky fucky Fatima Zahra00:02
TalikAme fucky fucky Jesus' mom00:02
prince_jammysAntiUSA: form the looks of it it seems that a lot are compatible.  you're right though, it's not easy to find an actual list00:02
purepwnageAntiUSA: an example search would be "gamepad problems"00:02
Ax-Axi need help with cli.. how do i tell find to delete all folders (with conten) with the name "a" in a folder?00:03
purepwnageAntiUSA: http://linuxgamingtoday.wordpress.com/2008/01/24/install-and-use-usb-based-gamepads-in-ubuntu/ may help00:03
Traveler8rm a* ?00:03
gribouilledoes the version of openoffice distributed by ubuntu differ from the original ?00:04
AntiUSAthanks man, that is very helpful00:04
Traveler8need help: i want to share my internet connexion from a xp whit a boardcom card bcm43xxx to an ubuntu with intet wifi card (i dont have AP so i have to use adhoc)00:05
prince_jammysAntiUSA: go to the store, see one you like and then IN the store google "ubuntu model_of_gamepad" to double check :)00:05
iRRVi<-------- back00:06
AntiUSAi'm ordering online prince ;)00:06
prince_jammysah, even easier00:06
AntiUSAi was hoping to find one that is really high quality like the Saitek P320000:06
iRRVihow do i compile a kernel module i made myself? I am following a guide but when i run "make" it gives me errors about unknown processor family00:07
bloody`hey guys ,my laptop just froze, xubuntu, does it in ubuntu, for no reason i know of.00:07
ompaulbloody`, check your ram with a live cd and memtest00:08
bloody`I did, its fine. just bought it, too.00:08
Traveler8need help: i want to share my internet connexion from a xp whit a boardcom card bcm43xxx to an ubuntu with intet wifi card (i dont have AP so i have to use adhoc).00:08
bloody`runs vista fine(ram whore)00:08
beastis there any way i can get my atheros wireless card working in ubuntu 7.10 gutsy???00:08
AntiUSAJESUS! man, someone of these gamepads look like theyshouldn't exist00:08
iRRVibloody`: ctrl+alt+backspace ?00:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:08
bloody`irrvi: doesn't work. need to hold my power button00:09
purepwnageAntiUSA: yeah :P There's this pathetic joystick thing I saw at a store, you clip it to your keyboard over top of the directional arrow keys00:09
bloody`irrvi: it also lags at boot, takes a few mins to boot00:09
iRRVibloody`: don't know mine does that too sometimes...and i'd bet some driver isnt compat with you laptop00:09
beastis there any way i can get my atheros wireless card working in ubuntu 7.10 gutsy???00:10
bloody`can I check logs ? or make my boot not lag?00:10
NinjaPlimsolesbloody`, check which logs?00:10
bloody`to see why its freezing?00:10
D-UnitJack_Sparrow, its the default drivers there and it works for me 2 but for a certain period of time; it could be days or like 30 minutes00:10
prince_jammysAntiUSA: yeah that model you mentioned seems riskier since it's brand new00:11
gribouilledoes the version of openoffice distributed by ubuntu differ from the original ?00:11
bloody`grib: no00:11
AntiUSAyah none of the pads I want look like they are supported00:11
AntiUSAthis sucks00:12
NinjaPlimsolesbloody`, boot with the -v flag and it will display all the steps its doing to boot your system00:12
physiomanthey aren;t so advanced coders to even imagine to edit openoffice just for their ubuntu thingie00:12
bloody`just add -v to the end of the line in grub?00:12
NinjaPlimsolesbloody`, just hit F2 as its booting00:12
bloody`and what about the freezing?00:13
ryan_mandelbaumhow do i get gnash to work in fiesty ppc00:13
bloody`thanks, and the freezing?00:13
arcad3hi i use ubuntu server as router ...iptables with masquerade rule does not work please give me alternatives00:13
NinjaPlimsolesbloody`, youll then see why its freezing and we can help you further :)00:13
purepwnageNinjaPlimsoles: iirc f2 for verbose was disabled ubuntu boot00:13
bloody`it doesn't freeze at boot, it just lags00:13
bloody`it frezzes when im running in a gui00:13
NinjaPlimsolesbloody`, lags? O.o00:13
arcad3hi i use ubuntu server as router ...iptables with masquerade rule does not work please give me alternatives00:14
bloody`yes, it takes about 4 mins to boot00:14
n2diy Firefox locked up on me, what's the command to kill it?00:14
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles: hey i finally just went ahead and formatted my internal HD into 2 paritions and used one for XP and one for Ubuntu since i found out my laptop doesnt allow 'boot from usb' which could explain our problem. But do you have a list of good apps for Linux and/or how to actually install stuff in linux?00:14
Starnestommyn2diy: try kill $(pidof firefox-bin)00:14
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, LOL! nice to see you back dude! so THATS why you had error 21?00:14
bloody`n2: killall firefox will work00:14
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  haha yeah00:14
hitmegood evening00:15
arcad3nobody can help me?00:15
llama123456789i love to lick penis00:15
Seeker`!ops | llama12345678900:15
ubotullama123456789: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!00:15
iRRVianyone know why i cant compile my hello world module? gives me errors about unknown processor family and stuff00:15
hitmeomg where i joined here ...00:15
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles: so simple, yet so hard to detect00:15
Jack_Sparrowbloody`, Remove quiet and splash and look to see where it is lagging on boot.  Do the other things suggested to see why it is freezing.  Your experience is not normal.  Line after line complaining about freezing does not help you or us to help you00:15
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, you can install stuff in Linux by either downloading a Ubuntu .deb file, or use apt-get in a terminal emulator :)00:15
arcad3hi i use ubuntu server as router ...iptables with masquerade rule does not work please give me alternatives00:16
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, you can even install .rpm's :)00:16
bloody`jack: thanks, will do00:16
ryan_mandelbaumhow do i get gnash to work in fiesty ppc00:16
ompaul!hi | hitme00:16
orudieuwhich command is used for setting permissions for users ?00:16
ubotuhitme: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipmasq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:16
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  thanks, do u have any websites on "linux for idiots" and any for good apps for linux00:16
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:17
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  for example a good IRC program (since i'm using chatzilla right now)00:17
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview00:17
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, i personally use X-chat for IRC stuff00:17
ryan_mandelbaumorudie, go to the terminal and do "sudo nautilus"00:17
n2diykillall firefox didn't work, how do I find the pid?00:17
ompaulorudie, that was bad advice00:17
arcad3how can i share my inet connection from an ubuntu server?00:17
ompaulryan_mandelbaum, please never suggest that again thanks00:17
iRRVianyone know why i cant compile my hello world module? gives me errors about unknown processor family and stuff00:18
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, 'good apps' is very subjective to my personal taste :) open source is all about choice! so embrace being able to choose00:18
orudieompaul: how can i edit user permissions then ?00:18
hitmehmm is anz1 to help a mythbuntu/ubuntu n00b some ?00:18
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  okay thats why i was wondering on the whole install thing cause i was having issues installing x chat earlier00:18
ompaulorudie, chown as arcad3 said00:18
ryan_mandelbaumhow do i get gnash to work in fiesty ppc00:18
PriceChildryan_mandelbaum: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo00:18
orudieompaul: huh ?00:19
Seeker`hitme: I think the mythtv help channel is #ubuntu-mythtv00:19
hitmei am there also00:19
ompaulorudie, sudo chown if you have to - never touch the ones outside your own home directory - you will break your system -- man chown https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:19
hitmebut i think i also have fome general problems00:19
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, what kind of issues? :)00:19
hitmenor myth specific00:19
eatatjoes2i went to xchat website00:19
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles: then clicked the "fedora/linux" and all the rpms are dead links i think?00:20
arcad3ipmqsq should make the roting and internet sharing for me...00:20
Seeker`!ask | hitme00:20
ubotuhitme: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:20
ompauleatatjoes2, fedora applications are offtopic for here thanks00:20
hitmelike: resolution jumping back on every reboot, german layout dosn|T stay, dvb-t card problems(saa7134)00:20
NinjaPlimsolesompaul, please crawl back under your rock and dont topicjump.... 2nd time00:20
hitmesystem is ubuntu 8.04 aplha00:21
bloody`jack: well removing spash and quiet from grub sped it up to normal speed. now for the freezing? which logs could I check for errors?00:21
hitme(i think)00:21
arcad3is there any .deb or some soft that.s gonna help me?00:21
arcad3to share my interenet connectoin?00:21
Jack_SparrowNinjaPlimsoles, PLease stop that00:21
Jack_Sparrowbloody`, dmesg   I think.. but that isnt my area...00:21
Seeker`hitme: what version does it say in System-> About Ubuntu00:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about damn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:22
orudieompaul: how can i quit from man chown ?00:22
iRRVianyone know why i cant compile my hello world module? gives me errors about unknown processor family and stuff00:22
ompaulorudie, ctrl c00:22
darkcrabi have a question, every now and again i will go to close my browser window, and it will log me out of gnome. any ideas?00:23
Starnestommyorudie: type q?00:23
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  i keep getting a "XML Parsing Error: syntax error"00:23
prince_jammysorudie: Q00:23
darkcrabactually its any windows00:23
iRRViorudie: hit q00:23
Jack_Sparrowbloody`, dmesg | grep ee          seems close to what might work00:23
hitmeUbuntu 8.0400:23
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, dont mind the trolls, they appear every now and again and jump on people for illegitimate reasons :)00:24
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:24
Seeker`hitme: 8.04 isn't officially supported yet00:24
arcad3so ..nobody can help me with 2 line of code...00:24
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, try using sudo apt-get install xchat from a terminal00:24
pstvdoes anyone know how to install beryl?00:24
=== conn is now known as psyke83
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz00:24
gribouilledoes the version of openoffice distributed by ubuntu differ from the original ?00:24
rhineheart_mmmmm... poor ubotu....doesn't know about damn.. hehehehe... please respect the bot :)00:24
hitmewell 7.10 i can not install .. only getting out of range while first boot00:24
pstvJack_Sparrow: Yes00:24
arcad3i want to use iptables to share my interent connection00:24
arcad3who can help me00:24
Jack_Sparrowrhineheart_m, No one in here will know00:24
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  haha thanks, but i cant even download stuff keep getting "XML Parsing Error: syntax error" when i click any downloads00:24
orudiedoes this look like correct syntax ? sudo chown pmishuk /var/www00:24
NinjaPlimsoleseatatjoes2, thats more than likely the site you're downloading from00:25
bloody`jack: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58816/00:25
arcad3chown username:username /var/www00:25
pstvWhy is that00:25
eatatjoes2NinjaPlimsoles:  okay00:25
bloody`jack: no error :\00:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:25
pstvJack_Sparrow: why is that?00:25
Seeker`hitme: As Hardy is in testing, you wont get support here, because the software isn't stable yet - try #ubuntu+100:25
prince_jammysorudie: that's ok00:25
Jack_Sparrowpstv, Please ask complete question00:25
orudietnx all00:25
ompauleatatjoes2, that is not how you install, please click on the menu:  system -> adminstration -> synaptic package manager00:25
darkcrabsometimes I get automatically logged out of gnome and I dont know why, can some help?00:26
pstvJack_Sparrow: Why is it that no one in here would not know how to install beryl?00:26
NinjaPlimsolesompaul, tomato, tamato00:26
Starnestommypstv: try compiz-fusion instead00:26
Jack_Sparrowpstv, Because it is no longer supported.. read the link00:26
bloody`jack: any ideas?00:26
pstvStarnestommy: I already have compiz fusion i also need beryl00:27
darkcrab<darkcrab> sometimes I get automatically logged out of gnome and I dont know why, can some help?00:27
Jack_Sparrowbloody`, Did grep for ee show anythin..00:27
darkcrablol no you dont pstv00:27
pstvJack_Sparrow: ok I understand now00:27
darkcrab<darkcrab> sometimes I get automatically logged out of gnome and I dont know why, can some help?00:28
rhineheart_mI just want to hear comments about nagios in ubuntu server.. Can the people here recommend it for a production server?00:28
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:28
pstvdarkcrab: I believe I have comiz fusion..I installed it form synaptic..and was able to do some effects00:28
prince_jammysdarkcrab: when does this happen? randomly?00:28
darkcrabwell it "seems" every so often when I go to close a window00:29
eatatjoes2hey i'm new to ubuntu can someone walk me through how to install .rpm's?00:29
darkcrabbut not "often" no.00:29
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: is there no deb package for what you want?00:29
Jack_Sparroweatatjoes2, Bad idea to do that00:29
Seeker`darkcrab: I think I got something similar with 7.10 and "show desktop" - it would just randomly put me back to the GDM login - its so intermittent, I never bothered searching for help / bugs00:29
stev123ptsv try this link for berylhttp://www.pcworld.com/article/id,130923-page,1-c,linux/article.htmlhttp://www.pcworld.com/article/id,130923-page,1-c,linux/article.html00:29
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  not that i know of, trying to install xchat00:30
darkcrabyup, that is what it does Seeker.00:30
prince_jammys!info xchat00:30
ubotuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 300 kB, installed size 808 kB00:30
mandrigCan someone help me with installing ALSA?00:30
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: you don't need rpm for that00:30
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: sudo apt-get install xchat00:30
talonzanyone else getting a reading error when trying to connect to msn ?00:31
talonzi tried amsn kopete and pidgin and they all arnt connecting :S00:32
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  it gives me an error "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:32
eatatjoes2E: Unable to lock the download directory"00:32
talonzbut i can connect through a web messenger eg iloveim00:32
rhineheart_meatatjoes2: I will restart and box and try to do it again...00:32
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: do you have any package managers open? (synaptic, add/remove, or a terminal running aptitude)00:32
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: if you do, close them00:32
Starnestommytalonz: is your firewall, router, or ISP blocking msn?00:32
mandrigCan someone help me with installing ALSA?00:33
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  not that i know of but im a total noob to ubuntu, just installed it today00:33
talonzfirewall and router no isp i dont know ill have to give them a call00:33
D-Uniti like the default looks and everything of ubuntu but i wanna change the orange colour to another colour like black?...how would i do that? downlaod a human black theme? were is it?00:33
ompauleatatjoes2, log out and back in again - then try it00:33
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: ok, if you don't have any package management apps open, paste the following command00:33
prince_jammys!aptfix | eatatjoes200:34
ubotueatatjoes2: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:34
mandrigmy /lib/cpp fail sanity check00:34
karuna_bdchow come i dont get mucic in any linux games?00:34
karuna_bdcor sound00:34
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: and then do sudo apt-get install xchat00:34
jester7are there any negatives to using the 64-bit version of gutsy?00:35
jester7anything that doesn't work in 64 that does in 32?00:35
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: you MAY need to include the "universe" repository, which you do under System->Admin->Software Sources00:36
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  musta had something open00:36
ompauljester7, codecs are easier on 32 - i.e. multimedia stuff00:36
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  was installing updates for ubuntu and that finished and now its getting xchat00:36
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: good. avoid rpm00:36
jester7ompaul: is there any real advantage to the 64bit?00:36
ompauljester7, if you are doing big database material00:37
Wass|bloody` : are you there ?00:37
jester7ompaul: nah, simply getting a new laptop with amd64 processor00:37
jester7using it as a standard laptop, nothing special00:38
EchosideHello everyone. I'm having a bit of a problem with my xorg.conf. Every time I logout or reboot the computer the settings get messed up.00:38
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  i downloaded lm_sensors do u know how i can install that it was a tar.bzz00:38
eatatjoes2err bz200:38
ompauljester7, then get it and use the 32bit version on it00:38
ompaul!repos | eatatjoes200:38
ubotueatatjoes2: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:38
jester7ok, that was the plan :)  i just wanted to make sure i wasn't going to miss out on some awesome super cool feature that isn't there in the 32-bit00:39
Tu13esi just switched over to xfce and all my fonts look huge. any ideas?  DPI is 9600:39
Tu13eswhich is what it should be00:39
gb__hi guys00:39
prince_jammys!info lm-sensors00:39
ubotulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 496 kB, installed size 1520 kB00:39
Wass|to use a NS  created with bind9 on ubuntu on a  bougth domain name, I must register that NS on a registrar ?00:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about htaccess - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:39
gb__anyone working with htaccess files?00:40
Kumoolis there a way i can set a format to specifically open with something?00:40
BadSectorI'm running Ubuntu 7.10, and I have a Nvidia Geforce 6100... I have attempted to use the Restricted Driver the ubuntu suggested for me to use, but it seems to crash the system (screen becomes very messed up after a few mins, as to not be able to read anything).... does anyone here know the fix, or can point me in a good direction for a fix, or if i'm just screwed? :)00:40
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: don't download it - it's already in the apt repositories::: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors00:40
ompaulprince_jammys, they have been advised twice about repos and synaptic00:40
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  thanks, sorry for being such a noob00:40
=== arcad3 is now known as haskel
linuxchildHello, why i cant install amule now?  An error occured:             W: Failed to fetch http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amule/amule-common_2.1.3-3ubuntu1_all.deb00:41
Kumoolis there a way i can set a format to specifically open with something?00:41
linuxchild  500 Internal Server Error00:41
prince_jammysompaul: ok00:41
haskelhow i load00:41
haskelip forward module00:42
haskelto kernel00:42
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: if you install this way, it's easier to uninstall and update. only install outside of repositories if you absolutely must00:42
EchosideHello everyone. I'm having a bit of a problem with my xorg.conf. Every time I logout or reboot the computer the settings get messed up.00:42
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  okay ill have to read up more on repositories , last question how do u find the stuff that u install?00:42
mandrigI'm getting errors when I make and make install00:43
ompauleatatjoes2, it is put in /bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin depending on the package and lots of other places also00:43
bluefox83Echoside, what are you using to edit the settings?00:44
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: you can search for packages with "synaptic" (also with add/remove, but the package list is smaller).  System->Admin->Synaptic.   from a terminal, you can also search using::: apt-cache search mysearchstring (will find packages that contain "mysearchstring")00:44
prince_jammys!apt | eatatjoes200:45
ubotueatatjoes2: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:45
prince_jammys!synaptic > eatatjoes200:45
mexicanbanana"I was ready to switch from Windows to Ubuntu, but then it wouldn't let me!": http://www.anontalk.com/topic/60100:45
mw-homeMy laptop has a microphone jack, and I plugged in a microphone, but I can't record from it.  I'm sure I need to mess with alsamixer, but am getting nowhere.00:46
prince_jammyseatatjoes2:  get acquainted with all that, it's very easy once you're familiar00:46
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  thanks a lot, still having a problem finding the lm-sensors but im sure its aorund here somewhere00:46
Praticlehello, i have steam installed via wine and it works great, when i run a game it opens fine i join a server it downloads all the neccasary  files finishes "sending client info" then closes never to be heard from again (until i try again that is)00:46
* NinjaPlimsoles waves at eatatjoes200:47
darkcrabwell, i couldnt find anything on the ubuntu forums, anyone have any suggestions on the random logouts to the gdm screen?00:47
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: for lm-sensors check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278000:47
haskeli'm starting to think ubuntu is the problem itself00:47
ka2haskel: what problem?00:48
darkcrabyea, seems that way00:48
haskelshoult share my internet connection00:48
haskelits not00:48
haskeltryied all00:48
ka2haskel: firestarter?00:48
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: that seems pretty involved. i don't know what lm-sensors is00:48
haskeli have ubuntu server00:48
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  just looking for a program to monitor cpu temp00:49
haskelother firewalls? what should i try next?00:49
bluefox83mexicanbanana, http://www.anontalk.com/topic/601#reply_175500:50
biabia__I have a pc, it connects to my wireless network with 64bit wep in windows, but not in ubuntu. i followed the command line setup but dhclient wlan0 doesnt set the ip (yes i tried the gui, also with no luck)00:50
ompaul!firewalls | haskel00:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewalls - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:50
ompaul!firewall | haskel00:50
ubotuhaskel: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:50
haskeldint helped00:50
|SEF|Hello, is there a command to check the location of my dvd drive?00:51
bloody`firestarter is very nice00:51
darkcrab<darkcrab> well, i couldnt find anything on the ubuntu forums, anyone have any suggestions on the random logouts to the gdm screen?00:51
* bluefox83 stays away from firewall software, the router is more than enough for me :)00:51
bloody`its very easy to use00:51
bluefox83darkcrab, whats happening?00:51
darkcrabevery occasionally, I will get logged off back to the login screen.00:52
Praticle"Start steam by just typing wine Steam.exe after you changed to the directory you installed Steam."... im a linux noob how exactly do i "change to the driectory"?00:52
sidelilExcuse me I was trying to put on a DVD more then one bootable CD, like ubuntu, kubuntu SuperGrubDisk, RescueSystemCD etc., with a GRUB menu. Do you know what should I write on the menu.lst file in order to boot the right one? Thanks00:52
bluefox83while you are working, or like..only when you leave the machine idle?00:52
darkcrabwhile I am working.00:52
darkcrabalready checked the forum, and couldnt find an answer00:52
|SEF|Practicle: you type cd nameofdirectory00:53
|SEF|Practicle: in the terminal00:53
darkcrablike, I will go to close a window and just as I go to close that window bam I am back at the login screen.00:53
Praticle|SEF|: oh ok thx00:53
bluefox83darkcrab, that's rather odd...just to make sure no one is messing with stuff, change your password and don't tell anyone, then look around, make sure you haven't got the logout thing tied to a key combination00:53
|SEF|Practicle: np :)00:54
BadSectori'll bb to ask later :)00:54
darkcrabIts tied to ctrl alt delete, but I know I am not pushing ctrl alt delete.00:54
Seeker`bluefox83: I sometimes get something similar when my mouse goes near the "show desktop" button00:54
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: there's something called "computertemp" :: you can install it with sudo apt-get install computertemp  (by the way, if you ever want to uninstall you do   sudo apt-get remove name_of_package )00:55
prince_jammys!info computertemp | eatatjoes200:55
ubotueatatjoes2: computertemp (source: computertemp): computer temperature monitor applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 452 kB00:55
haskeliptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE + ip forward set to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf ifconfig eth1 up does not work00:55
haskelother ideas?00:55
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  thanks for all the help00:55
snypzzneed to play streaming audio and video with ubuntu00:56
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: here are screenshots, etc. but DONT download it from here, use apt. http://computertemp.berlios.de/00:56
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  is there a place u find all these programs names?00:56
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: i use a combination of synaptic (where you can search with keywords) and google, to get ideas/reviews/screenshots, etc (google: ubuntu cpu temperature, for example)00:58
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  okay thanks, last "?" (I swear!) is where can i find computertemp00:59
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: it's already at the repositories. all you have to do is:  sudo apt-get install computertemp00:59
dabbillI installed the startup manager, but removed it, how can i get the default loading screen back?00:59
Echosidebluefox83, Sorry it took so long to respond. I'm just useing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:59
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  i installed it just cant find where to open it at00:59
alfred_ssh skips a private key i have put in ~/.ssh and the file permissions are 0600. the file isn't listed when i do ssh -v01:00
alfred_any ideas why?01:00
Echosidebluefox83, The system finds my card and everything just fine. And when i restart X, all the settings work. But I restart and I lose resolution sizes.01:01
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: look around in the menus first, to see if it created an entry.  if it's not there, right click on your desktop panel and see if it appears under "add to panel".  and if it still doesnt show up, do ALT F2 and type "computertemp"01:01
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  hmm tried all 3 of those and nothing01:03
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: right click on panel, the "add to panel" and under "system and hardware" "computer temperature monitor" -- i just did it01:04
iceswordprince_jammys, hi01:04
prince_jammysicesword: hello01:05
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  sorry im still not seeing where u r talkin about01:06
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  nevermind, im retarded01:07
Praticlehi, im trying to use... cd ".wine/drive_c/program files/steam/" am i doing something wrong? because it keeps saying the directory doesnt exist01:07
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: which part are you missing?01:08
ghindoPraticle:  I think it's not working because there's a space in "program files"01:08
ghindoPraticle:  I'm not sure how to bypass that, though01:08
eatatjoes2prince_jammys:  nevermind i found it, i just clicked on it to add to panel, is there a way for it to be moved under "applications menu"01:08
iositdPraticle, there is a space, so add a \ before that, and it is Program Files, watcht he capitals =)01:08
Praticleiositd: k ill try that01:09
ghindoiositd:  so it'd be ".wine/drive_c\Program Files/steam/?01:09
iositdPraticle, it helps using tab completion01:09
anniku989I have dual boot of ubuntu/vista on same hdd, how do i view my vista partition on ubuntu?01:09
iositdghindo, no, escape the space so instead of " " you get "\ "01:09
Praticleiositd: tab completion?01:09
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: good question, i don't know. i don't normally use gnome, i use kde (kubuntu)01:10
Starnestommyghindo: .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/steam/01:10
iositdPraticle, yes.01:10
iositd!tab | Praticle01:10
ubotuPraticle: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:10
ghindoOk, thanks01:10
Praticleiosited: i see...\01:10
|SEF|anniku989: I'm not sure about the system partition, but if it's just data, and the filesystem is NTFS you can try getting ntfsconfig01:10
cjaeis there any way to probe usb devices or like a refresh option?01:11
anniku989I just want to be able to get my music/pics and such off of it01:11
anniku989|SEF| so i should go to package manager and install 'ntfsconfig' ?01:12
prince_jammysanniku989: first check if it's already mounted01:12
anniku989If by mounted, you mean able to see it on the desktop, then no, it is not01:12
prince_jammysanniku989: no, it could be mounted but with no icon on the desktop01:13
PhilcoBillA colleague at work told me that there are a small number of linux viruses and that linux needs at least some virus protection.  Is that true?01:13
anniku989how do i check this01:13
josspykeranniku989: use ntfs 3g01:13
|SEF|anniku989: I think you can just go to Applications>Add/Remove Programs if you are on Gutsy01:13
tbrockhey guys, what is the keystroke to decrease resolution in X01:13
|SEF|anniku989: but you will need to enable community maintained repositories or something01:13
prince_jammysanniku989: type ::  mount | grep fuseblk    and see if there's any output01:13
snypzzis there a streaming audio video program for ubuntu01:13
anniku989prince_jammys one sec01:13
StarnestommyPhilcoBill: the number of Linux viruses is currently so small that you can be perfectly safe without an antivirus01:14
Starnestommysnypzz: vlc?01:14
Praticleiosited: i am now putting cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam but it still says there is no directory, but it finds cd .wine fine :-/01:14
=== Charitwo is now known as kirby
snypzzhow do I get01:14
Seeker`PhilcoBill: I think there are very very few (if any) linux viruses in the wild, and I think they require the user to be particularly silly to do anything01:14
anniku989thats not doing anything01:14
iositdPraticle, you can use tab to find the directories as well01:14
Seeker`PhilcoBill: I would guess that in the region o 99% of linux boxes dont have AV01:14
prince_jammysPraticle: browse to the directory and double check the case sensitivity01:14
cubei need to know what control panel to install on gutsy server installation i have so i can access it via web browser01:14
prince_jammysPraticle: or use tab key to autocomplete, as above01:15
Starnestommysnypzz: sudo apt-get install vlc01:15
Praticleiosited i tried using the tab thing it changes Program to Program d Dos01:15
anniku989prince_jammys how do i tell if it is mounted01:15
josspykercube: you can try webmin01:15
prince_jammysanniku989: did anything appear?01:15
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.01:15
prince_jammysanniku989: if so, paste it here01:15
anniku989prince_jammys: I didn't get anything01:16
cubethankyou joss01:16
brownie17hi guys, i would lke to know something. i've heard that windows 64bit is quite difficult to run and driver availability is low, is this the same case for ubuntu? is 64bit ubuntu any more complicated than 32bit?01:16
anniku989::  mount | grep fuseblk right?01:16
ubotuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec01:16
prince_jammysanniku989: yes.  ok try::  grep ntfs /etc/fstab    and if nothing shows up, you can install ntfs-3g01:16
ghindobrownie17:  64 bit is more complicated primarily with things like flash - otherwise, I think it's fine01:16
Praticleok i got it, it needed to be cd /home/mackenzie/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam01:16
anniku989prince_jammys: Do i put the colon's too?01:17
josspykeranniku989: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700901:17
prince_jammysanniku989: no01:17
anniku989k, one sec01:17
aceraxonhey all, running hardy 64bit and suddenly I can't change my screen resolution.  I can open the window for it, but when I click apply, absolutely nothing happens.  Any way to fix this?01:17
brownie17ghindo, thanks, i don't reckon flash will be be needed. also i think i'll be running qemu so that's okay01:17
prince_jammysanniku989: grep searches for the string "ntfs" in the file /etc/fstab, which is a list of what gets mounted01:17
gokee2_I am trying to mount some files through nfs and all I seem to be able to get is "drwx------ 10 1005 users" its not even letting root change that.  If I make a user with uid of 1005 I an look at the files.  I am using (rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) on the server.  I want all users on this computer to be able to read/write to this shhare01:17
solexioushello all, all wmv files i play look blue... any ideas why?01:18
gokee2_Anyone know what could be wrong?  I think its somehow not picking on on no_root_squash?01:18
anniku989anniku989@anniku989-laptop:~$ grep ntfs /etc/fstab01:18
anniku989UUID=61F253FE7B5A14C9 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:18
prince_jammysanniku989: that's it -- it's mounted to the folder /media/sda101:19
prince_jammysanniku989: you can browse to that and view the contents01:19
anniku989alrighty, sweet01:19
anniku989Thanks man01:19
Pelosolexious, try opening synaptic and installing all the gstreamer0.10 packages you find , but be warned some wmv formats just don'T play well01:19
* Pelo iz a lil board 01:20
D-Unitwill a pentium 4 thats 64-bit capable be faster or just work with 64-bit?01:22
D-Unitintel 630 to be precise01:22
prince_jammysanniku989: or i should say it *should* be mounted there01:22
sfearsi know nvidia isn't officially supported: however, it used to work, after playing around with network settings after reboot it seems to give me an error about nvidia0.. i've completely removed & reinstalled all the nvidia packages & still get the same error.  Any ideas anyone?01:22
PeloD-Unit, 64bit ubuntu still has some package issues,  no flash and some drivers missing for nvidia/ati and such , we generaly recommend the 32bit unless you hvae a real use for 64 bit01:23
ghindoDoes anyone know why I get a "low-graphics mode" message at boot?01:24
D-UnitPelo, well i dont use youtube much if ever and dont encode much either but i do encode more than i use youtube so i c use for 64-bit in that sense but should my 32-bit dial-up modem driver work in it?01:24
sfearsno idea ghindo01:24
ghindosfears:  how could I find out?01:25
Pelosfears, I would review what you did when you "played around" see what might have messed up your nvidia settings,  I can't realy tell what migth have gone wrong but I know that resintalling a package doesn't reset settings and such01:25
sfearswhat part of boot ghindo01:25
ghindosfears right before the login screen01:26
sfearsdo you know what file i would have to delete to bring the settings back to default Pelo?01:26
PeloD-Unit, I think you should be fine01:26
Pelosfears, not realy,  what is it that is not working ? video ? sound ?01:26
D-UnitPelo, for 64-bit u mean, right?01:26
PeloD-Unit, yeah,  , what is your video card ?01:27
leo_rockwgreetings #ubuntu01:27
sfearsghindo.. when dealing with resolution issues.. sometimes.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg can help.. but theres a lot of settings in there and it's easy to leave worse than you started01:27
D-UnitPelo, ati saphire radeon x600 pro01:27
solexious[Q] How can i change the default player for wmv files?01:27
ghindoThanks sfears01:27
mandrigcan someone help me with some errors I'm encountering while installing alsa01:27
PeloD-Unit,  that is where you might have issues,  I am not sure there are ati video drivers for the 64 bit version,01:27
sfearsPelo, when i enable restriced drivers & reboot.. i lose the gui logon screen.. if i command startx.. i get an error about not finding /etc/nvidia0 or something & screens found with no useable configuration01:28
NuxisWhat is the programm to ad programms to the menu01:28
arcticpenguin380y cant i see my 8 gigs of ram?01:28
arrowWill someone please recommend a good game for me?01:28
soundrayNuxis: alacarte01:28
sfearsarrow.. frets on fire01:28
Nuxistnx soundray01:28
D-UnitPelo, well in like 4 months i was planning to buy a 8800 gt 512 mb so i should be good then?01:28
leo_rockwarcticpenguin380: did you install ubuntu 64?01:28
arrowsfears, "frets on fire" is the name of the game?01:28
PeloD-Unit, give it a try ,  if video is not an issue ther is always the vesa driver,  which should install by default anyway , if that doesn't work well for you , you'll know quickly enough,  and yuou can reinstall the 32bit one01:28
leo_rockwarrow: tremulous01:29
TommyHello, what is a program that i can use to speak written text? Like i type something and the computer reads it out + this read out can be saved (ie: an mp3 file)?01:29
arcticpenguin38032bit i think01:29
soundrayNuxis: accessed via System-Preferences-Main Menu01:29
leo_rockwarcticpenguin380: that's y then01:29
PeloD-Unit, consider checkingthis link out  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:29
soundrayTommy: there's festival01:29
leo_rockwarrow: tremulous is an fps/rts game. frets on fire is a guitar hero clone. both are good01:29
Dangermikeanybody know how to stop firefox from loading swf and of the like? Every browser i have seg faults when trying to load flash...01:29
solexiousTommy: fiesta01:29
cjaehello how may I access my external esata hdd?01:29
arrowthx leo_rockw and sfears01:29
solexiousTommy: festival*01:29
sfearsyup yup01:29
Dangermikecjae, is it mounted?01:29
D-UnitPelo, if video works well on live cd then that means ill have no video problems, right?01:30
Pelosfears, I'm not sure but did you say you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? that would be my suggestion01:30
solexious[Q] How can i change the default player for wmv files?01:30
cjaeDangermike, no01:30
PeloD-Unit, live cd uses vesa driver as far as I know01:30
leo_rockwarrow: np01:30
mandrigI'm getting errors while installing alsa01:30
cjaeDangermike, do I have to edit fstab for it to be?01:30
sfearsthat's the only way i can get back to gui.. is to set to vesa... when i try with nvidia i get the same error01:30
D-UnitPelo, y does it matter which driver i use?01:30
Dangermikecjae only if you want it to be persistent01:31
georgy_28sfears: try nv01:31
leo_rockwmandrig: use a pastebin to show us the errors01:31
PeloD-Unit, I don't realy have any experince with either 64 bit or ati cards,  I'm just spitting back what I've read other say01:31
Dangermikecjae it should auto mount but if it didnt open terminal and type in  dmesg  get the name of the device then if you dont have a mount point create a directory under /media and then mount the dev like  sudo mount /dev/xxx /media/whatever01:31
sfearstried that too.. nv works but it doesn't enable extra effects01:31
soundraysolexious: right-click - Properties - Open With01:31
D-UnitPelo, k, well thx for answering some stuff01:31
PeloD-Unit, depends how much you want out of your video card,  vesa is just a fallback driver, it won'T allow you to use 3d stuff and effect as far as I know01:31
sfearsis there some kinda of nvidia.d file i can delete to start it from scratch?01:32
Dangermikesfears, look in synaptic you should have them installed there01:32
mandrigleo_rock, http://pastebin.com/m3fda5c8001:32
* Pelo sucks , he's got a lame computer and can't answer any questions about snazzy hardware01:32
sfearsthey're installed.. they're just not working correctally01:32
Dangermikesfears right click-> remove completely01:32
solexioussoundray: it doesnt seem to keep that option tho...01:32
sfearsyup.. tried that01:32
Dangermikesfears, if you want to find if its anywhere else slocate nvidia01:33
soundraysolexious: it should -- does it report any errors when you set it?01:34
anniku989prince_jammys: Sorry for the delay, but that directory is the partition I have this ubuntu on, not my vista partition01:34
* Pelo notices soundray has no social life either 01:34
stormze1I'm building a firewall with a 300 GB drive.  (All I had)  Should I resize the (automatically) installed partitions to be much smaller in anticipation that the disk checking routing doesn't take forever when it kicks in?01:34
stormze1( or does it even check unused sectors? )01:34
leo_rockwmandrig: how where you installing it?01:34
prince_jammysanniku989: you have ubuntu installed on an ntfs partition?01:35
solexioussoundray: its added it to right clicking the fie but its not the default option01:35
stormze1OOps.  Wrong channel.  Sorry.01:35
mandrigleo, that was the feedback i got from make01:35
anniku989i'm 90% sure i formatted it as something else01:35
Dangermikeanybody know how to stop or disassociate swf files from the OS, specifically the browsers ?01:35
cjaeDangermike, ok I did dmesg | grep sata and cannot tell if it is my internal sata drive or external01:35
* soundray notices that Pelo draws the wrong conclusions01:35
cubehow do i burn an iso slow, the built in one on ubuntu doesn't let me select a speed01:35
BadSectorDoes anyone have any help or direction for me to try and fix my Ubuntu 7.10 + geforce 6100 driver problems?01:35
Dangermikecjae, type in mount and see what dev name the internal one is01:35
cubeis there a good app for  burning an iso?01:35
Dangermikecube, k3b01:36
phoenix5002I want to upgrade my video driver, but due to problems in the past I want to make sure I can get back to where I am now, so how would I do that?  Could I just reconfigure Xserver to get my current video driver back?01:36
Pelocube, try using gnomebaker01:36
anniku989actually, that might be my swap space01:36
cubethankyou both01:36
prince_jammysanniku989: can you do :  sudo fdisk -l     and see which devices are marked NTFS?01:36
PeloBadSector, what is the nature of the problem ?01:36
anniku989either way, its not the vista oen01:36
DangermikeBadSector, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:36
leo_rockwmandrig: i've compiled alsa many times and i've never seen anything like that... i'm not sure what could be the problem01:37
phoenix5002how can I get Ubuntu to install the same video driver that it gave me when I first installed Ubuntu?01:37
soundraysolexious: I can't reproduce your problem -- after going through Properties-Open With, I get the selected app as default01:37
anniku989255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders01:37
anniku989Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes01:37
anniku989Disk identifier: 0x4a414a4001:37
anniku989   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System01:37
anniku989/dev/sda1   *           1        8797    70656116    7  HPFS/NTFS01:37
anniku989/dev/sda2            8928        9717     6345675   83  Linux01:37
FloodBot2anniku989: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
cjaeDangermike, ok I did that but they are both seagate hdd's, how else do you mean to tell?01:37
soundraysolexious: are all your settings directories owned by you?01:37
solexioussoundray: dam, thank you for trying01:37
BadSectorPelo: I installed the "suggested" restricted driver, and it runs for a few mins, but then the screen completely messes up so as that i cannot read anything on it... i have been trying that binarydriverhowto as well.. (well, i guess i will try more, if that is the only fix)01:37
prince_jammysanniku989: ok in a terminal can you do:    cd /media/sda101:38
Dangermikethe internal *should* be sda the external should be sdb etc01:38
solexiousi belive so, only me and root01:38
anniku989whats with the floodbot?01:38
phoenix5002how can I get Ubuntu to install the same video driver that it gave me when I first installed Ubuntu?01:38
prince_jammysanniku989: you can't paste a bunch of lines01:38
PeloBadSector, you can always revert to the vesa driver if you need to with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   from the recovery mode01:38
DangermikeBadSector, i used envy when installing my nvidia drivers and i have not had any issues although its not supported by ubuntu at all01:38
leo_rockwanniku989: you need to use a pastebin for more than a couple of lines01:38
Dangermike!envy | badsector01:38
ubotubadsector: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »01:38
cjaeDangermike, open dialogue window?01:39
soundraysolexious: occasionally, config directories in your home become owned by root (side effect from invoking root shells in a bad way)01:39
anniku989oh, sorry01:39
georgy_28phoenix5002, : make a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file01:39
anniku989I get nothing from that command01:39
sidelilExcuse me I was trying to put on a DVD more then one bootable CD, like ubuntu, kubuntu SuperGrubDisk, RescueSystemCD etc., with a GRUB menu. Do you know what should I write on the menu.lst file in order to boot the right one? Thanks01:39
prince_jammysanniku989: do :   ls01:39
Dangermikecjae, when you type in mount the dev that has a mount point of / is your internal01:39
BadSectorthx Dangermike! I'll give that a shot01:39
aanabasis/j ubuntu+101:39
kevcoxCan anyone recommend the best GNU application that I can monitor my system logs?01:39
NW2190hey, how can I fix my JACK server if it keeps saying "hw0: is already in use"?01:39
prince_jammysanniku989: the cd command just changes directory, so it's ok if you get nothing01:39
soundraysolexious: 'sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME' should fix it (be careful not to mistype -- best substitute the real values for the variables)01:40
leo_rockw!best | kevcox01:40
ubotukevcox: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.01:40
NW2190What/Where is the "hw:0" playback device in ubuntu?01:40
mandrigHey guys, I'm getting an error when I make alsa-lib, http://pastebin.com/m3fda5c8001:40
anniku989prince_jammys oh, ok01:40
cjaeDangermike, no it is only /home but is no where near the same syntax as what  I get from dmesg01:40
zdux00tvhi I'm trying to create a bootable USB drive, I'm having trouble. I use dd to copy an image onto a UDB disk, the command was dd if=disk.img of=/dev/sdb1  Should I have used /dev/sdb instead?01:40
anniku989prince_jammys: now what01:40
new_ubu_useranyone wanna help me get my dual monitors working? :>01:40
prince_jammysanniku989: ls   lists the contents. is anything there?01:40
soundraykevcox: IMO, tail -f in a terminal is best01:40
anniku989prince_jammys: Just type ls in terminal? I don't get anything01:40
phoenix5002georgy_28 look at PM01:41
prince_jammysanniku989: ok now type:  cd  and hit enter, and then:  sudo mount /media/sda101:41
lachlanhow do i update my version of wine to 0.9.54? i heard that that version is in the ubuntu reps01:41
arrowso I just installed tremulous on my computer and its all blurry, I noticed it did that with starcraft also, but I thought that that was because of wine01:41
kevcoxThank you01:41
Dangermikecjae, yeah mount just shows you current mounted devices if you have ubuntu installed on your internal then it will say something like /dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)01:41
soundrayzdux00tv: no, the command looks all right. Were you following a guide?01:41
mandrigCan anyone help me with an error I'm getting when I 'make01:41
mandrig' alsa-lib, http://pastebin.com/m3fda5c8001:41
new_ubu_userI just installed Hardy with hopes that it would be cake to get dual monitors and Active directory auth working..can anyone assist?01:41
Dangermikecjae, if you see sda on your internal and you only have 1 other sata device it should be sdb just mount the device, along with its partition number, to a mount point in /media01:42
soundraynew_ubu_user: try in #ubuntu+1 for hardy01:42
anniku989prince_jammys: can you plz join channel #anniku989help real quick?01:42
zdux00tvsoundray: yes I'm getting an error PXE... which is a network card issue? So I think my usb device isn't getting detected01:42
ThreeFingerPetenew_ubu_user: dual monitor should be easy enough01:42
new_ubu_useryou'd think so :001:42
new_ubu_useri got cloned display on both monitors01:42
stormze1hmm.  couldn't get my question answered at ##linux.  Anyone know if the mandatory checkdisk routine checks unused sectors?01:42
new_ubu_userthis happens with my install of gutsy as well01:42
cjaeDangermike, no because everything is sdX and I have more than one internel drive01:43
soundrayzdux00tv: yes, it's either not even trying to boot from USB (which you should fix via BIOS setup), or there is no suitable boot sector. Some hardware won't boot off USB at all.01:43
Dangermikecjae, they follow logically as in sda sdb sdc etc look at the last device and your external will be the next lettering01:43
new_ubu_useri am on a dell optiplex gx62001:43
soundrayzdux00tv: did you partition and format the USB device before you used the dd?01:43
tokyoaheadhi guys.... how do I terminate a died wine-application?01:44
Dangermiketokyoahead,  wineserver -k01:44
cjaeDangermike, I am getting  away from the point here, I cannot distinguish the name from dmesg to create a dir in /media01:44
zdux00tvsoundray: the bios lists USB HDD as  first to boot. So maybe it's the image? I didn't format the USB, just using dd so I thought it was unnecessary01:44
soundrayDangermike: won't that kill all the running wine programs ( tokyoahead)01:44
Dangermikecjae, give me a sec let me find my external sata i will have to look at it01:45
scoundrelhi, guys01:45
zdux00tvsoundray: In gparted, it lists the card as fat and bootable01:45
blake__hi. i'm on ubuntu. my desktop just froze. i have an unsaved text document that i CANNOT lose. what can i do?01:45
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blake__please, i need help urgently... :-(01:45
scoundrelhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/199708 - any ideas?01:45
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hilikus`anyone good with ssh? :)01:45
soundrayzdux00tv: did you dd *from* a fat filesystem as well?01:45
Starnestommyblake__: find out what process is causing the lockup and end it01:45
soundrayhilikus`: just ask the question01:46
Starnestommyblake__: run 'top' in the terminal01:46
leo_rockwblake__: and then killall processname01:46
blake__how? the desktop is frozen01:46
blake__how could i get terminal01:46
leo_rockwblake__: ctrl + alt + F101:46
tokyoaheadDangermike: thanks01:46
hilikus`i made a .ppk with puttygen and how do i get that to the authorized_key id_rsa.pub and id_rsa files so it works01:46
blake__and that wont close my desktop leo_rockw?01:46
leo_rockwblake__: and ctrl+alt+F7 to go back to X01:46
blake__i have a text document i cant lose01:46
rbilhow is that going to save an unsaved document in his editor?01:46
leo_rockwblake__: nope, it won't close your desktop01:46
amenadoblake__-> do you have another pc you ssh in to your box?01:46
rbilmethinks  he's lost that document and there is no way to recover01:46
Starnestommyblake__: it won't.  It'll just switch control of the screen to a virtual terminal01:46
blake__no ssh is not enabled01:47
leo_rockwblake__: unless the frozen process is gdm itself01:47
leo_rockwblake__: maybe you can find the file in /tmp01:47
blake__no, i doubt its gdm01:47
blake__i think its vmware01:47
zdux00tvsoundray: well, this OS is ext, the dd image is fat (at least I think it is)01:47
soundrayhilikus`: copy the public part to the server and append it with 'cat publickey >>$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys'01:47
Bradleycan anyone hlep me?01:47
hilikus`do i juts copy the public key puttygen made to authorized_keys?01:47
blake__uh oh, ctrl alt f1 does nothing01:47
Bradleycan anyone offer any assiastance?01:48
soundrayhilikus`: no, append. Otherwise you will delete whatever is already there.01:48
zdux00tvsoundray: gparted lists the usb as fat16, and on it I see various files, so it looks  like it is not corrupted01:48
WhiteNerdjoin #unixpod01:48
hilikus`do i need id_rsa.pub and id_rsa ?01:48
StarnestommyBradley: what do you need help with?01:48
blake__CTRL ALT F1 does nothing...01:48
blake__is all lost?01:48
StarnestommyWhiteNerd: /join #unixpod01:48
Bradleyoh cool01:48
blake__i cant lose that text document01:48
leo_rockw!ask | Bradley01:48
ubotuBradley: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:48
Bradleyi need help with getting Ubuntu installed, duelbot01:48
soundrayzdux00tv: I think you should have a look at the install page -- it links to instructions for USB HD installations. Private message...01:48
hilikus`what _are_ id_rsa and id_rsa.pub01:48
soundray!install > zdux00tv01:48
NobleArcWhen I try to install Ubuntu on my Dell lappy, the partitioner gives me the following error message: File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k (1k expected); number of clusters is 24026 (47959 expected); size of FATs is 94 sectors (188 expected).01:48
blake__i will do anything to get what is on that text document, pleasE!01:49
NobleArcWhat's up with that?01:49
rbilblake__: what editor were u using with that doc?01:49
zdux00tvsoundray: also gparted reports that it is flagged as bootable01:49
blake__gedit, rbil01:49
blake__and i think vmware froze01:49
Bradleyi have tried many times, and it ended up messing up windows01:49
blake__but the entire desktop froze as well01:49
blake__the clock stopped01:49
blake__its stuck at 8:39 pm01:49
leo_rockwblake__: does caps lock work?01:49
phoenix5002I'm having trouble with some applications not responding to Ubuntu HotKeys01:49
blake__how would i know if caps lock works?01:49
zdux00tvsoundray: I'm using irssi (text based irc) not sure if I have private messages,, I'll go check the offical site and see if I missed a step01:49
blake__no, it doesnt01:49
soundrayzdux00tv: the bootable flag doesn't matter these days -- well, only to DOS MBRs. Which makes me think: did you install grub to the device?01:49
rbilblake__: problem is you won't be able to get back into gedit and its contents from another terminal session, be it a fullscreen console or ssh01:49
blake__caps lock does not light up01:50
soundray!install | zdux00tv01:50
ubotuzdux00tv: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:50
dabbillany one here use startupmanager? i cant seem to get any splash screens to work other then the ones for grub01:50
soterohave peoples from brasil?01:50
ryanzechow do i change file permission recursively from command line?  I have a bunch of folder i want to put into my apache localhost but need to change the permissions so apache can read it01:50
blake__rbil, caps lock does not light up01:50
blake__however, f lock works, but caps lock does not01:50
blake__very strange01:50
Starnestommyryanzec: chmod -R mode dir01:50
rbilblake__: were u editing an existing saved file or writing one from scratch?01:50
Dangermikecjae, this is what you should see with dmesg output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58829/01:50
soundrayzdux00tv: if not, the installation link ^^ will guide you01:50
blake__i was editing an existing saved file...01:50
NW2190is there a way to boot from an ISO located on your hardrive?01:50
blake__but it has an * next to the name01:50
blake__i think that means its not saved01:51
zdux00tvsoundray: the computer currently has gOS installed, and grub is installed01:51
soundrayryanzec: use chown/chmod with -R -- read the manpages so you know what you're doing01:51
DangermikeNW2190, use vmware else burn it01:51
zdux00tvsoundray: thanks for your help01:51
soundrayzdux00tv: you need grub on the USB HD as well01:51
rbilblake__: well then on the positive side, you'll only lose what you didn't get an opportunity to save. the one on the hardrive will still be there01:51
zdux00tvsoundray: ahh,, that might be it01:51
blake__no, thats what i need01:51
NW2190Dangermike: ok i'll try that01:51
blake__what i didnt save, is there nothing i can do?01:52
zdux00tvsoundray: any way to tell? I can see some files on it01:52
Dangermikeman im lagging horribly01:52
=== corny is now known as cornfused
blake__i will be in tons of trouble if i dont get that unsaved info01:52
rbilblake__: that only means the changes you made during that editing session haven't been saved. original file is still there01:52
blake__yes, i know.01:52
blake__its still a huge problem01:52
Bradleyanother question what is Ubuntu better on... FAT32 or NTFS01:52
soundrayzdux00tv: if you didn't consciously put it in the MBR, it won't be there. Use the link ^^01:52
blake__rbil, what can i do?01:52
DangermikeBradley, not NTFS rofl01:52
blake__is it lost for sure?01:52
zdux00tvsoundray: I think that's it then thanks01:52
blake__caps lock and num lock dont work, but f lock does01:53
rbilblake__: well if you can somehow get to a terminal session, which might not be possible if the whole system is locked up, you might be able to do a mem dump and get that stuff01:53
DangermikeBradley,  its best on ext3 or ext201:53
Odd-rationaleBradley: You mean install ubuntu on ?01:53
cjaeDangermike, brb company01:53
ryanzecthnaks, i actually found the way of doing in with the GUI01:53
Starnestommyblake__: I think some editors automatically save to a temporary file of some sort while editing, but I don't know if gedit does01:53
Bradleyi have windows vista and can it install fine with NTFS on the same harddisk?01:53
blake__Starnestommy, can you help me?01:53
rbilblake__: try some of the obvious now, like unplugging keyboard and replugging and see whether you can get back the keyboard01:53
Odd-rationaleBradley: Don't. Use ext301:53
Thingymebobblake theres agood chance theres an automatic save in the same directory (probably hidden precededwith a .) or with same ame and ending with ~01:54
Bradleyhow, all Windows Vista has is NTFS01:54
soundrayblake__: no invoking deities please. Didn't follow the whole conversation -- do you know about safe MagicSysRq rebooting?01:54
Dangermikeanybody know how to fix seg faults with all browsers when flash is loaded (specifically firefox)?01:54
Odd-rationaleBradley: You will create a nes partition with a ext3 format. Windows will still be on the ntfs partition01:54
blake__im so fucked01:54
leo_rockwBradley: ntfs == poo01:54
blake__i need to get that document01:54
blake__it was a password, i cant lose it01:54
leo_rockwblake__: try to keep the channel family friendly01:54
soterovista is bad01:55
soundrayblake__: don't let your frustration spoil your good manners01:55
blake__ok, i am sorry01:55
blake__just please if anybody has any ideas01:55
Bradleyok, but will Ubuntu's installer take care of this or do i need to?01:55
blake__i checked, and ssh is disabled01:55
rbilblake__: take a deep breath and don't turn off computer by hardware switch just yet01:55
leo_rockwBradley: you could take care of it, or you can use gparted on the ubuntu live cd01:55
Odd-rationaleBradley: The installed will take care of most of it.01:55
rbilblake__: possible the os is still running and only X has crashed01:55
soterobradley need swap01:55
soundrayblake__: which editor were you using?01:55
IndyGunFreak!dualboot | Bradley read this..01:55
ubotuBradley read this..: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:55
rbilsoundray: gedit01:55
dabbillany one familar with StartUp-Manager? the only startup screen i can get to work is the default one that comes with it01:56
blake__i was using gedit soundray01:56
rbilsoundray: desktop locked up01:56
IndyGunFreakblake__: what did you do?01:56
Odd-rationaleBradley: For starters it is best to use the slider option in the installer.01:56
blake__i was using vmware, and it went grey, and then the entire desktop froze01:56
soundrayrbil, blake__: no way of getting a text console?01:56
blake__i dont think so soundray01:56
blake__not without ssh, right?01:56
rbilsoundray: he says no01:56
Bradleyright, but the least it will take is 48 percent of my harddrive01:56
soundrayblake__: you've tried Ctrl-Alt-F2?01:56
Bradleyfor the partition01:57
alanlindsaycould anyone help me with triple booting mac/xp/ubuntu?01:57
blake__yes, all of those01:57
Bradleywhich, is way to much01:57
shadowhywindhay all quick question, When i am in a text edior, and hit tab it leaves a small little comma looking thing, How do i remove that?01:57
bullgard4What is the function of the process kondemand/0? It has a high priority.01:57
leo_rockwblake__: ctrl alt esc? (is that the correct combo for kill in gnome?)01:57
Odd-rationaleBradley: Try booting into windows and defragging before partitioning. And BACKUP!01:57
soundrayblake__: can you still do a VM snapshot?01:57
rbilleo_rockw: no it is not, anyway keyboard locked up01:57
blake__somebody told me to unplug my kbd and now it wont work01:57
Bradleyok, thanks01:58
blake__no, its not vmware thats frozen, its the host machine for vmware01:58
blake__well i think vmware is what did it01:58
leo_rockwrbil: oh, right...01:58
Starnestommyit sounds like the cpu or bios is hanging up01:58
Bradleyone more thing, is there any faster Defragger than Vista's cause that thing is SLOW01:58
Starnestommyif not just the os01:58
blake__does anybody know if gedit saves everything as i type?01:58
blake__or not/01:58
joshritgerhow do i change settings with compiz (I enabled extra effects under the appearance menu) and how do I choose a compiz theme?01:58
DangermikeHow does one stop seg faults, specifically in firefox, when going to a website that has some sort of flash embedded?01:58
Odd-rationaleblake__: not01:58
blake__their must be something i can do...01:58
Dangermikejoshritger, ccsm01:58
rbilblake__: as I said, might get to it looking at what's cached in ram, but you'll need to get to a terminal to do so01:58
blake__i dont think i can get a terminal01:59
leo_rockwBradley: linux doesn't need defraggers, so i doubt anyone knows about ntfs defraggers here01:59
blake__caps lock does not light up, nor does num lock, just F lock01:59
bullgard4Welche Funktion hat der Prozess kondemand/0? Er hat eine hohe Priorität.01:59
Odd-rationaleBradley: This is not really the place to be asking about windows stuff. I for one have no idea...01:59
bullgard4Welche Funktion hat der Prozess kondemand/0? Er hat eine hohe Priorität.01:59
blake__so much for linux stability01:59
Thingymebobblake - have you tried plain alt+f2 to see if  you can get a run application dialog01:59
Bradleyok thanks01:59
Dangermike!ccsm | joshritger01:59
ubotujoshritger: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:59
dabbillwhen i try to change usplash themes to any thing other then the default in startup-manager all i get is a black screen on shutdown and startup.01:59
soundraybullgard4: English please, and patience please02:00
blake__no, but i tried ctrl alt f102:00
blake__and now my keybd wont work at all02:00
Bradleyleo_rockw : why doesnt it need defraggers02:00
blake__cuz it is USB02:00
rbilblake__: something is really wrong because Ubuntu DOES NOT normally lock up like this.02:00
Odd-rationale!defrag | Bradley02:00
ubotuBradley: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.02:00
soundraybullgard4: I believe it scales your CPU frequency02:00
leo_rockwBradley: read this http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/items/defragment/index.php?lang=02:00
blake__well what can i do?]02:00
blake__this is horrible02:00
Bradleyoh, cool02:00
soundrayblake__: what OS is the host?02:00
joshritgerDangermike: Thanks, I was just about to ask what ccsm was02:00
=== corny is now known as cornfused
blake__the host OS is ubuntu, the guest is XP02:01
IndyGunFreakblake__: maybe you should actually dual boot, instead of vmware?02:01
blake__no, ubuntu is the host os02:01
blake__i was using vmware in ubuntu, and thats what froze i think02:01
sfearsdoes anyone know what the default attributes are supposed to be for the /dev/nvidia0 file?02:01
IndyGunFreakblake__: so what happens when you power down and restart?02:01
IndyGunFreaksorry i've not followed this.02:01
blake__i dont know, i cant try02:01
blake__cuz i will lose my text document02:01
rbilproblem is that blake__ 's X has locked up for some reason. possibly something with VMWare or video drivers02:01
soundrayblake__: do you still see it on screen?02:02
Gary_inNYCblake can you ctrl+alt+backspace and relog in?02:02
IndyGunFreakoh, well, you're probably hosed there, how important is this document?02:02
Gary_inNYCoh nvm you got a doc open02:02
blake__i see vmware on screen, but it went grey, just before the system locked up02:02
rbilGary_inNYC: that would kill gedit if he could do that02:02
tokyoaheadguys I have a SB audigy ZS but I wont hear ANY sound from it... any idea?02:02
soundrayblake__: what about your important document?02:02
blake__its in the tray02:02
IndyGunFreakblake__: is this text file in vmware, or on the host OS?02:02
blake__oh, on the host OS02:02
dabbillwhen i try to change usplash themes to any thing other then the default in startup-manager all i get is a black screen on shutdown and startup.02:03
rbilIndyGunFreak: it's in gedit, so what do u think?02:03
blake__he may not have heard that XP was the guest os02:03
IndyGunFreakrbil: well, if i needed a smartass answer, i'd have asked, i said a second ago i hadn't followed all of this.02:03
alanlindsayapple tripleboot anyone?02:03
blake__i cant believe it, this was such horrible timing02:03
IndyGunFreakblake__: well, this is probably gonna be a lesson in why you should make incremental savefs02:04
blake__i really need help02:04
rbilIndyGunFreak: didn't see what u said a second ago, as you didn't see what he'd said a few seconds prior to that I guess :-)02:04
soundrayIndyGunFreak: lol, don't be so sensitive, it was an honest enquiry about your opinion :)02:04
blake__i have the password for a steam account in that text doc, if i lose it i lost close to $200 worth of games02:04
IndyGunFreaksoundray: lol, trust me, i'm not the sensitive type, but i certainly need someone making smartass remarks to me, i listen tot hat crap all day02:04
blake__does gedit auto save every once in a while?02:05
IndyGunFreakblake__: geez man, don't you keep backups?02:05
IndyGunFreakblake__: pretty unlikely02:05
blake__should i leave the machine running? hope it auto saves?02:05
rbilblake__: no02:05
blake__i had just typed the password in02:05
blake__and then the machine crashed02:05
rbilblake__: it won't autosave, but it might give a little time recover enuf to get to a terminal02:05
ryanzecI am trying to delete eclipse project files but i can't see them, are they hidden?  if so how do i see hidden files?02:05
IndyGunFreakso how are you here now?02:05
blake__i would have to reboot for a terminal02:06
rbilblake__: it will still be sitting in your RAM02:06
blake__after i reboot?02:06
rbilblake__: then it'll be outta RAM02:06
rbilyou cannot reboot02:06
blake__well i dont think i can get terminal otherwise02:06
IndyGunFreakblake__: well, hopefully you learned your lesson02:06
blake__yeah, linux is no more stable than windows02:06
arrowI just installed tremulous and when I play it I get a really blurry screen, but everything else is fine, any help?02:06
rbilhey people, if he doesn't have sshd running, any possibility of telnet giving him access. I doubt it, but maybe?02:07
IndyGunFreakblake__: well, you've clearly not learned the intended lesson.. as thats horse crap02:07
leo_rockwblake__: that's not the lesson02:07
blake__this is just a default install of ubuntu rbil02:07
Dangermikedabbill, i used a program to manage my boot splash screens it went black on me because the file was no longer in the correct directory i used this program although its not supported by ubuntu http://www.qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QGRUBEditor?content=6039102:07
rbilblake__: i'm asking because I never use telenet and don't know if it's availabel and accessable via default install02:07
sfearsis anyone in here using nvidia drivers?02:07
blake__i just tried02:08
Starnestommysfears: I am02:08
leo_rockwarrow: can you show us a snapshot?02:08
david_im using n vidia drivers02:08
IndyGunFreaksfears: probably a lot of people are02:08
blake__if i lose that document i am so screwed02:08
sfearswill you "ls -l /dev/nvidia0" and let me know what the output is?02:08
Gary_inNYCspeaking of games, anyone here play warsow and can tell me how to install from the 0.42 "unified" zip?02:08
blake__$200 out the window, because of an unstable OS02:08
mandrigwrong window, lol02:08
leo_rockwblake__: yeah, you shoulda bought vista for that money... oh, wait, no... it's more expensive02:08
Starnestommysfears: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 0 2008-02-15 16:13 /dev/nvidia002:08
rbilblake__: I don't know wht to say at this point. I always have sshd setup for just such cases02:09
sfearsyeah.. that's what mine is too.. damn02:09
blake__i will have to run sshd from now on now as well02:09
blake__even if just behind an NAT02:09
IndyGunFreakblake__: an *unstable OS* has nothing to do with it, the problem is pounding on the keyboard complaining right now02:09
arrowleo_rockw: it won't let me use printscreen, is there another way?02:09
mandrigwhere is the trash dir in ubuntu?02:09
blake__well i just lost $20002:09
blake__because of ubuntu02:09
mandriglike what folder is it in?02:09
Starnestommyblake__: do you think you can remember the password?02:09
sfearsi'm getting an I/O error with that file when i enable nvidia drivers.. any have any idea what that could be?02:09
Starnestommymandrig: ~/.Trash02:09
blake__no, it was random numbers and letters02:09
soundrayblake__: try Ctrl-Alt-PrintScreen-R -- this should take the keyboard away from X. Then you can switch to a console.02:09
blake__so i wont remember it02:09
IndyGunFreakblake__: no, its not because of ubuntu, how many times do you have to be told that?.. you failed to make a proper backup02:09
leo_rockwarrow: why not? are you in full screen? try alt+enter02:09
dabbillDangermike, does that change the grub screen? or the ubuntu loading screen?02:10
rbilblake__: you'll have to contact whomever sold u the password, explain the prob and try to get them to help you with a reissue02:10
ggbsis compiz on the Ubuntu 7.10 CD?02:10
blake__its steam02:10
blake__they wont do anything unless you have the original credit card02:10
leo_rockwggbs: compiz comes with ubuntu 7.10 yes02:10
blake__which i dont anymore02:10
arrowleo_rockw, when I pushed alt+enter it went away02:10
IndyGunFreakggbs: desktop effects is, but you can install compiz settings pretty easily02:10
ggbswhat is the minimum video card req02:10
IndyGunFreakggbs: are you using Nvidia or ATI?02:10
leo_rockwarrow: it should switch to a window... how weird02:10
ggbsi have both actually02:11
arrowleo_rockw: I meant the blurryness02:11
ggbs2 systems02:11
blake__unfucking believeable, i just rebooted, maybe its still in their02:11
leo_rockwarrow: oh, kewl, haha02:11
blake__otherwise im done02:11
IndyGunFreakwell, which one are you wanting to run compiz w/?  nvidia will probably be easier.02:11
leo_rockwblake__: stop swearing. that's your 2nd warning02:11
ggbsboth :)02:11
lwizardlanyone using a dell dimension 2400 ?02:11
soundrayblake__: why didn't you listen to my advice?02:11
ggbsme and my bros02:11
RoAkSoAxno se todavia02:11
rbilblake__: well, sorry that you couldn't get more help here. When your system screws up like this, unless you've pre-planned some backup measures, I guess you just learned an expensive lesson.02:11
IndyGunFreakblake__: you're still blaming he OS i see?02:11
arrowleo_rockw, I think I'll just play it in a window, I'm lazy like that02:11
ggdbwhat is the minimum 128mb?02:12
arrowthx for help leo_rockw02:12
leo_rockwarrow: if that works for you, then fine lol02:12
ggdbor 64mb?02:12
leo_rockwarrow: my pleasure02:12
IndyGunFreakggdb: for the OS, or for the video card?02:12
ggbsto run compiz (video card)02:12
IndyGunFreakggbs: not 100% sure, i would imagine at least 6402:12
IndyGunFreakprobably 128 would be ideal02:12
Gary_inNYCanyone here play warsow?  i want to install from the "unified" zip file, but all I see are windows binaries02:13
mandrighow do you delete files in term?02:13
soundraymandrig: with rm02:13
soundray!cli > mandrig, please read the private message from ubotu02:14
readythis script migth be interesting for ppl using yakuake or konsole with tabs: https://dev.sitea.cc/Pub/scripts/tab02:14
IndyGunFreakblake__: any luck?02:14
leo_rockwready: what does it do? i use yakuake all the time02:15
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readyyou can config it to open eg 5 tabs with different titles executing different commands02:15
blake__it has the old password02:16
blake__this is so horrible02:16
blake__i am done with ubuntu, windows actually never did this to me02:16
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leo_rockwblake__: ok bye02:16
readyi hate it after every reboot open all the tabs and change the paths for my environment02:16
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blake__it may have gotten spyware, but thats because people actually wrote spyware for it because more than 0.00001% of the world used it02:16
leo_rockwready: i'll save it and take a look at it. thank you02:16
tokyoaheadguys does anyone else have problems getting rhythmbox to shuffle songs in a playlist?02:17
soundrayblake__: blame whoever you want to, but do stay on topic02:17
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blake__goodbye ubuntu, may you die a slow and painful death02:17
soundrayblake__: and do get in touch with the steam people, they must be flexible in a situation like that02:17
leo_rockwlet's not feed the troll, shall we?02:17
blake__not when the account didn't belong to you02:17
DOOM_NXhow do i install edubuntu on a kubuntu installation? sudo apt-get install edubuntu-dekstop ?02:17
blake__they're not flexible02:17
PriceChild!offtopic | blake__02:18
ubotublake__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:18
nickrudblake__: drop it, please. No one here is happy what happened, but there's nothing they can do02:18
blake__ubuntu is nothing more than a con02:18
leo_rockwDOOM_NX: if you want gnome, if you want kde it's edubuntu-desktop-kde02:18
IndyGunFreakblake__: once again, you complain about the OS, when your failure to keep a current backup, is the main issue.02:18
soundrayblake__: so, ask the person who the account belongs to to get in touch02:18
IndyGunFreakwell that was fun..lol02:18
Bradleyblake__: that sucks man... i feel you Ubuntu, wipped out one of my kernel files on my laptop... im trying to get it working now02:18
YouKnowM1I am having trouble making Evolution notify me of new mail, I get static. Help?02:18
DOOM_NXif i have Kubuntu and choose edubuntu-desktop-kde, it downloads less?02:19
readynp leo_rockw02:19
leo_rockwDOOM_NX: i would believe so, since you already have the qt libraries and not the gtk ones02:19
DOOM_NXi'm stupid02:19
tokyoaheadguys does anyone else have problems getting rhythmbox to shuffle songs in a playlist?02:19
chetnickhi, which program are you using for burning cd, dvd, image ?02:19
sfearsFIXED!.. i was getting I/O errors with the /dev/nvidia0 file.. couldn't boot unless i reconfigured xserver using vesa drivers.. i deleted the /dev/nvidia0 file & rebooted after enabling restriced drivers.. it recreated the file & now works fine.02:19
[sigh]how do I get ubuntu or X11 or whatever's in charge to never again use 24-bit depth? my display doesn't support it =/02:20
leo_rockwchetnick: i'm on kde, i use k3b. i heard brasero is good for gnome02:20
Gary_inNYCcan someone here help me install Warsow 0.42 in gutsy?  after flipping through screenies, i really wanna try out the game02:20
IndyGunFreakchetnick: use gnomebaker for Gnome... its good.02:20
YouKnowM1chetnick: I'm on Gnome and I use Gnomebaker02:20
leo_rockw[sigh]: you would have to edit xorg.conf02:20
chetnickthanks everybody :)02:20
[sigh]tried that, but it resets when I try to change the resolution02:20
YouKnowM1I am having trouble making Evolution notify me of new mail, I get static noise. Help?02:21
kexp903I need help with wireless can anyone help02:21
soundray[sigh]: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' -- you can permanently disable 24bit through there02:21
Bradleyok, i am installing linux on another computer now, and it will take no lower than 48% of its drive02:21
Bradleywhy is this?02:22
Stwangedoes 64 bit ubuntu have *any* advantages?02:22
DOOM_NXwhile it was downloading edubuntu-desktop i pressed Ctrl+C so it stopped. have i done anything wrong?02:22
leo_rockwStwange: if you have 4gb or more of ram, then yes02:22
sfears48% of the selected partition Bradley?02:22
soundrayStwange: faster memory I/O, access > 3GB02:22
[sigh]I tried dpkg-reconfigure, and it didn't use 24-bit anymore, but I couldn't change the resolution either02:22
Bradleyyep sfears02:22
kexp903My computer is right next to the wireless hotspot but it's at 70%02:22
YouKnowM1Stwange: For me video editing was much faster, thats just me though02:22
kexp903what should I do, is there a better wireless  manager out there?02:23
sfearssounds like you picked a small partition02:23
[sigh]whenever I tried to change it, the config would just quit with no message and no results02:23
Stwangeok, I'm not going to be video editing, I have 1GB of ram, and all it has done is cause me firefox issues. I might reinstall with 32bit02:23
Bradleyno i didnt have any it the partition manager sfears02:23
leo_rockwStwange: that's probably a good idea02:23
tokyoaheadguys does anyone else have problems getting rhythmbox to shuffle songs in a playlist?02:23
soundrayStwange: you might, although I personally don't have any trouble with 32bit programs in 64bit Ubuntu anymore since gutsy came out02:24
YouKnowM1kexp903: If you want true readings on signal strength then bust out a terminal and do "iwconfig" without the quotes02:24
sfearssounds like it's telling you it's going to take 500megs of a 1gig drive to install02:24
leo_rockwDOOM_NX: if you stopped it the installation never finished and you will have to end it properly02:24
Stwangesoundray, I upgraded to gutsy from 7.07 (ie. not a clean reinstall) and it just gave me a whole load of nightmares with firefox and vmware02:24
sfearseither get a bigger hard drive or format a bigger partition02:24
DOOM_NXleo_rockw, i want to cancel it02:25
Bradleyno the drive is 500 gvs sfears02:25
leo_rockwDOOM_NX: ctrl+c didn't work?02:25
kexp903-youknowM1 the signal is weaker now I think it is getting weaker by the seconds02:25
Bradleywould it just be a glitch or should i restart?02:25
orudiecan anyone recommend whoi i should register a domain name with ?02:25
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Exodus[sigh], your X server configuration file is in: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; inside the xorg.conf file is the configuration of your monitor and video card, I can send you a sample xorg.conf with so you can see how to set up a 16bit depth, 1024x768 800x600 alternative set up if you like.02:25
sfearsthat doesn't mean the partition is that big.. you may be tring to install onto a 1gig partition02:25
soundrayStwange: I definitely won't stop you from re-installing :)02:25
Bradleyok ill check that out but i never partitioned the drive sfears02:25
kexp903_youknowM1: the signal is weaker now I think it is getting weaker by the seconds02:26
=== kexp903_ is now known as kexp903
Stwangeorudie, 1and1 are cheap if you are just registering02:26
[sigh]I've editted xorg.conf already, including setting DefaultDepth, and if I change the resolution (from the gui at least), it tries to use 24-bit again02:26
sfearspartitioning is the first part of the install02:26
soundraykexp903: is it a Ralink Technology chipset?02:26
YouKnowM1kexp903: idk, then it might be your hardware. A driver issue or controller problem wouldn't cause that.02:26
sfearsyou have to format something before anything will install02:26
[sigh]it shows up correctly for now, but it goes back to 24-bit when I change the resolution02:26
kexp903YouKnowM1: broadcom02:26
Bradleywell it never did the partition, its just asking me to partition02:26
Exodus[sigh], in the xorg.conf, you have to make it so only 16bit exists, and 24bit is non existant02:27
sfearshow many partitions are listed?02:27
ExodusI'll pastebin the screen section, where the resolution and depth is held, for a 16bit configuration.02:27
Bradleysfears: well im using the first option the automatic one02:28
YouKnowM1kexp903, Sorry I really don't know how to help you. Except make sure your antennas are straight up and your aren't blocking any of them. Or you don't have a microwave running, halogen lamps ect. ect.02:28
sfearsis there anything on that drive that your trying to save?? or is it brand new?02:28
Exodus[sigh], don pay attention to the identifier and such, do pay attention to the default depth and modes: http://pastebin.com/m2514738f02:29
Bradleysfears: well, it has windows on it but thats all02:29
sfearsthat's your problem02:29
Exodus[sigh], See how there's only a 16bit depth configured, that's what you should have.02:29
sfearsit's saving windows.. which is more than likly using most of the space02:29
Bradleysfears: well i have used 100 gb out of the 500 gb harddrive02:30
sfearsit's trying to install on the little bit of space not being used by windows.. you either need to reallocate the windows partition to make some room for linux or erase the entire drive & repartition from there02:30
Bradleysfears: okay i think iget it, because windows is spread out on the drive02:30
[sigh]mine says "Defaultdepth 16", "Depth 16", and modes ranging from 800x600 to 1280x800@6002:30
Exodus[sigh], and no 24bit right?02:31
sfearsi could be wrong.. because i'm not looking at what your working with02:31
[sigh]correct, I edited that out weeks ago02:31
Exodus[sigh], so when does it go 24bit then? when you do what exactly?02:31
Bradleysfears: ill make the partition in windows, then come back and see what happens02:31
sfearsnah.. that's not how to do it02:31
Bradleysfears: what should i do?02:32
deadlyallance613what are the guidelines for partition sizes02:32
sfearswhen you use the linux installer.. it will bring you to a partition manager.. you have to either erase everything & use the automatic.. or use the manual and possibly move some things around02:32
[sigh]if I change the resolution, to say 1024x768 in system->administration->screens and graphics, the display shows up all wrong02:32
Exodusdeadlyallance613, no guidelines really, just a bunch of suggestions, like, /home on a different partition is always good.02:32
Bradleysfears: i have there is only one partition, but when i do automatic it want to take soo much space02:33
Exodusdeadlyallance613, / should have at least 5gb so you can install stuff.02:33
mouseboyxWhat are the tv capture cards that someone knows for a fact work with ubuntu or linux mce?02:33
sfearsuse the manual.. it should give you an option to resize the windows partition02:33
IndyGunFreakmouseboyx: I use a pVR150... it works well, but the remote doesn't work, so i change channels w/ a terminal script02:33
sfearsmanual instead of automatic02:33
IndyGunFreak!hardware | mouseboyx02:33
ubotumouseboyx: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:33
Bradleysfears: ok02:34
Exodus[sigh], change it from System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution02:34
mohadibeven mens02:34
Bradleyi wil02:34
soundraymouseboyx: Hauppauge works closely with free software developers -- most of their cards work02:34
deadlyallance613exodus i have about 68 gig and ive herd i should have 2x ram for swap and primery should be ext2 and extended should be ext3 right?02:34
IndyGunFreakyup, Hauppage is good.02:34
st1650How would I do a recursive bash script to chmod -R 1777 a folder ?02:34
Exodusdeadlyallance613, well, that depends, a swap partition is always needed, but how linux works, it will only use the swap when you're out of ram, or some programs use it, like the hibernating function02:34
sfearsi have no idea st165002:35
Bradleysfears: wow Ubuntu is installin fast... 48 percent already02:35
soundrayst1650: why? -R already tells it to recurse02:35
ka2deadlyallance613: primary should be ext302:35
Exodusdeadlyallance613, so, if you like to be able to "hibernate", keep your swap at least the size of your RAM02:35
sfearssounds like you have a pretty fast computer Bradley02:35
st1650soundray: I mean, like  1: chmod -R 777 /foo/bar  then GOTO102:35
[sigh]hmm, that's working this time... last time I tried changing it in preferences it had no effect02:35
soundraykalani: that hasn't worked02:35
kalani<- Sorry, Newb02:35
Bradleysfears: not that fast, but damn, faster than windows vista... that rebooted once when installin02:36
IndyGunFreakBradley: i doubt its 48% COMPLETE all ready, i think it installs the kernel, then installs all the software.02:36
soundraykalani: nope, can't read you at all02:36
Bradleysfears: lol02:36
kalanihow do i fix that?02:36
soundrayst1650: what are you trying to achieve?02:36
BradleyIndyGunFreak: maybe, i started a bit agot, but it say Installing System and the Copying Files02:36
soundraykalani: you're coming through faintly. Strike your keys harder02:36
sfearshi kalani.. i can read you02:37
IndyGunFreakBradley: ok, then you're actually installing now.. it usually takes about 10-15min for me..02:37
joshritgerhow do i get themes to work with compiz, I have ccsm installed, but how do i switch themes, do i need emerald02:37
soundraykalani: sorry -- just pulling your leg02:37
kalaniweird, this better?02:37
Exodusdeadlyallance613, if you have enough ram (say 2gb or more) and you don't really care much about "hibernating" with 1gb of swap is enough, all depends on what you plan on doing. If you're going to be encoding huge files, then well, you'll want to calculate all that.02:37
kalanihaha, i know, it's still fun though...02:37
soundraykalani: wow, now you're bold02:37
BradleyIndyGunFreak: Well its not moving as fast as b4 but its at 63... so yeah!02:38
st1650soundray: long story short; /storage1 is my /dev/sda4 partition for music storage. My hellanzb daemon downloads and transmission automatically downloads music from RSS scheduler; Now this music is automatically imported and indexed on ampache running lighttpd. My problem is this: lighttpd can't index the music unless I chmod 777 the /storage folder each time I get a new download, so I would fix the problem with some kind of auto-chmod every second02:38
BradleyIndyGunFreak: hey just wondering should i duel boot to windows, use a VM... and if so should windows be the host or guest OS?02:38
kalaniso, what happens here? never used this chat sys before02:38
leo_rockwBradley: do you really need windows?02:38
IndyGunFreakBradley: if you need windows, i would recommend dual booting02:39
nickrudkalani: bunches and bunches of channels, this is the help channel for ubuntu. #ubuntu-offtopic is for chatter, and   ircsearch.com will find you just about any group you want to talk to02:39
sfearswell kalani this is an ubuntu help channel.. if you have an issue.. type it in and if someone here can help you out they will02:39
Bradleyleo_rockw: lol, yes... for about everything i do... I Luv Microsoft Word... Powerpoint... Itunes, C++ etc02:39
soundrayst1650: I see. 'while true ; do chmod -R 777 /foo/bar ; sleep 1 ; done'. Dirty hack, though02:39
IndyGunFreaki personally haven't had much luck w/ Vmware... blake___ left, but you might want to search the logs for his issues..lol02:39
lazerquestionyo!! i got a laser printer quesiton. has anyone here personally used one with linux?02:39
leo_rockwBradley: openoffice, amarok. C++02:39
st1650soundray: I know, but believe me I tried everything02:39
IndyGunFreakBradley: there's some Linux alternatives to Itunes02:40
lazerquestioni'm debating whether to go with one that goes directly to the computer, (usb or parallel) or just go right out and buy a network laser printer.02:40
BradleyIndyGunFrek: yeah i saw him, he was talkiing about that for a while02:40
st1650And unless I run httpd as root (very very bad idea)02:40
IndyGunFreakBradley: yes he was..lol02:40
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, if you already own a printer, you can just purchase a small print server (allows a non-network printer to be addressable via ethernet)02:40
sfearskalani.. this whole network is pretty much just a chat/help network.. but there are lots of networks out there that easilly help you violate international copywright laws... those are the fun ones02:40
leo_rockwIndyGunFreak: lol02:40
UnknownyHello ubuntu users!02:40
soundrayst1650: that bash loop should work, though.02:40
Bradleyleo_rockw: right, but Visual C++ is a must, for stuff im doing... im just trying to test some applications under multibal OS's02:40
IndyGunFreakleo_rockw: it was kinda hard not to laugh at him, i know he was frustrated, but geez.. it was his own ignorance.02:41
kalanieven cooler02:41
BradleyIndyGunFreak: that sucks that Steam coudnt give him the password, but i feel his pain02:41
lazerquestioni guess noones used a laser printer with linux?02:41
IndyGunFreakBradley: do you use Itunes to buy music, or do yo steal it like the rest of us, adn just use itunes to sync your ipod?02:41
nickrudusing a password that wasn't even his, that's where I pretty much lost sympathy02:41
soundraylazerquestion: don't make assumptions, just ask your question02:41
leo_rockwIndyGunFreak: yeah, i know. you can't err and blame the OS02:41
lazerquestionsoundray, i did02:41
IndyGunFreaknickrud: yup02:41
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, I answered u02:41
sfearskalani.. try typing "/list" it will list all the possible chat rooms on this particular network02:42
lazerquestionsoundray, i asked wh02:42
drcreZo: Blake__ Not to mention he was mad 'cause he lost out on USD200 of someone else's games :)02:42
lazerquestionoh sorry, scollback got ahead of me02:42
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, apparently.02:42
orudiewhich command is for searching a particular file ?02:42
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, the type of printer is not relevant. You can get a print server for little $ and it's about the size of a book02:42
BradleyIndyGunFreak: i buy some stuff, and limewire some... but i have an Iphone, and im not sure that it sinks with anyother piece of software but Itunes yet.... also im not too much into opensource, i like the Microsoft, and thrid party touch02:42
soundraylazerquestion: go for a PostScript printer. HP are the most reliable and supportive of free software, but not the cheapest (purchase & maintenance)02:42
osotogariwhen creating multiple partitions should they be all primary?02:43
leo_rockwBradley: frostwire > limewire02:43
IndyGunFreakBradley: yeah, it might be best to dualboot in that situation...02:43
kalaniso, what is a ubuntu02:43
ryanzeci have downloaded a login screen from gnome-look but can't seem to install it.  I go to login from system->administration and when i click add it does not show up02:43
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Bradleyleo_rockw: what is the diffrence, dont they use the same network02:43
soundrayosotogari: no.02:43
lazerquestionsoundray, YES! i'm not fully aware of what postscript is all about, or cups, or if any of it is realted. i'd love to shoot for a network laser printer so i can print stuff to my parents who live ~ 30mins away via vpn.02:43
[sigh]dualboot is a pain (to me anyway)02:43
IndyGunFreakBradley: i've gort a GPS device, that as hell getting to work under LInux... so after a year and a half of being windows free, I had to give Windows 20gigs fo my 200gig hard drive.. i probably boot it 2x a month02:43
sfearslogical partitions can't be booted into or read without the primary partition active i think02:43
leo_rockwBradley: limewire is capped, unless you get pro02:43
Dangermike!ubuntu | kalani02:44
ubotukalani: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:44
IndyGunFreak[sigh]: really?.. its easier/more stable than vmware02:44
BradleyIndyGunFreak: can you do both, a duel and a VM?02:44
osotogari@soundray: should i only have one primary partition and the rest logical?02:44
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, linux has a robust print driver library .. direct-print or IP-based02:44
[sigh]I hate rebooting :-p02:44
IndyGunFreakBradley: i don't see why you couldn't02:44
soundrayosotogari: that's a reasonable thing to do.02:44
IndyGunFreakBradley: might be a bit redundant02:44
xecisyou could, but why would you?02:44
kalaniahhh, i'll check it02:44
osotogari@soundray: thanking you :)02:44
nickrudah, IndyGunFreak I'm finally getting rid of my windows partition after booting it about 2x a month, don't need it anymore02:44
lazerquestionsweet. i'm tired of inkjet, they always dry up when i'm in the need to rpint something, since i print quite rarely. but i'm new to the laser world, and espeically the print/linux combination.02:45
soundrayosotogari: you can have a maximum of four primary partitions, or three primary ones plus one extended. The extended holds the logical ones (I think up to 10 or 15)02:45
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol, wish i could say that, but until Ubuntu has better support for TOMTOM, i'll have to use it02:45
sfearskalani.. ubuntu is a flavor of the OS (operating system) linux.. it's sort of like windows.. but it's not windows.. it's linux.. and it's not vista windows. it's ubuntu linux02:45
BradleyIndyGunFreak: cool, hey btw linux, just found XP which i thought i didnt have anymore02:45
IndyGunFreakBradley: well, apparently you do02:45
nickrudgot really close once, but it sucked me back in02:45
soundrayosotogari: but one primary plus one extended is a fairly standard scheme02:45
lazerquestionBossmanbeta, so postscript is like cups, or they're not even related?02:45
Bradleyleo_rockw: wow, that sucks... frostwire it is... lol, does it02:45
jadamsI've got a Toshiba Satellite A510 (or thereabouts).  I'm using Hardy Heron, latest updates applied.  It's an AMD64 system, vanilla kernel.  My mic input is nothing but static.  What can I do to troubleshoot it?02:45
kolbyjoin #ubuntu-offtopic02:46
IndyGunFreaknickrud: like i said, i was free for quite a while, but.. alas, had to come back.02:46
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, they're not related... but you can buy just about any printer on the market and linux will be able to print to it02:46
nickrudjadams: try asking on #ubuntu+1, that's hardy questions02:46
osotogari@soundray: great stuff, thanks for the help!02:46
sfearsyou have a dual boot system Bradley.. you might have to add a couple lines to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.. but when you start your computer it will ask if you want to boot into linux or windows02:46
BradleyIndyGunFreak: nm, it was just an Acer recovery thingy... but Windows Vista, is still there02:46
IceWewehello, I'm trying to transition from an IDE hard drive to a SCSI hard drive on a workstation and I'm getting a grub error 21 or "disk not found" yet the disk is set to boot in BIOS, and I've installed and updated grub...02:46
jadamsnickrud, thanks02:46
sfearsit will proally set up the dual boot by itself02:46
usse1 lazerquestion: postscript is one of the languages that allows pc to communicate with printer in order to format/print page.02:46
soundraylazerquestion: postscript is a page description language. Most Linux applications generate postscript, so if you have a printer that understands it, nothing can get Lost in Translation(tm)02:46
Dangermikecan anybody help with a firefox bug thats *possibly* flash related i have tried: moving the .mozilla folder, starting with new profile, -safe-mode after all of this i had to reformat for a different reason and with a new install of Gutsy this issue still persists i have tried firefox versions,, and firefox beta3. This also happens with epiphany and any other browser i install but i am focused on firefox since i have th02:46
usse1lazerquestion: its usually only implemented in expensive models, cheap ones are usually win printers02:47
Bradleysfears: it does, it was just an Acer Recovery thing that used an Win XP shell i think02:47
lazerquestionwow, crazy help. apprecaited for the info. is usb supported as good as parallel? or vice versa?02:47
IceWeweanyone for help with grub?02:47
lazerquestionusse1, that's what i'm worried about, i don't want to get a 'winmodem' equivlant in the printer world.02:47
sfearsDangermike, sounds like it might not be a firefox issue.. but an issue firefox is having with some other program02:47
ExodusIceWewe, what's the problem?02:47
Dangermikee bug report for it. Whilst testing no flash plugins (or any plugins) were installed but i have just installed the flash plugin and its still seg faulting heres the bug report link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/19830102:47
sfearswhat's up IceWewe02:47
soundraylazerquestion: it'll be hard to get a new parallel printer these days02:47
IceWeweExodus: I'm trying to transition from an IDE hard drive to a SCSI hard drive on a workstation and I'm getting a grub error 21 or "disk not found" yet the disk is set to boot in BIOS, and I've installed and updated grub...02:47
Bradleysfears: linux doesnt want to enable desktop effects02:48
usse1lazerquestion: go with hewlett packard02:48
Bradleysfears: any work arounds02:48
sfearsyou might need to install nvidia drivers02:48
IceWeweExodus, sfears: I've edited /etc/fstab to reflect the change from02:48
sfearswhat kind of video card do you have?02:48
lazerquestionso i'm assuming usb is quite supported for printers, and lasers specically?02:48
ExodusIceWewe, what's your grub.conf (menu.lst) look like?02:48
usse1lazerquestion: and if you going with lazer get a one that has network port not usb or parallel02:48
lazerquestionusse1, my idea ;)02:48
ExodusIceWewe, do you get a grub console at least? (like the one indicating what kernel to launch)02:48
IceWeweExodus, sfears: sorry about that, I've changed it from 'hda' to 'sda' and the same thing with /boot/grub/devices.map and /boot/grub/menu.lst02:48
sfearsi wouldn't think fstab has anything to do with booting into a scsi drive02:49
IceWeweExodus: no, I don't get to a grub console02:49
Dangermikesfears, yes i assume its something else but after a fresh install it began happening so i doubt its an issue with Gutsy in general or more people would be reporting problems  i was hoping to shead more light on what could be causing it to happen...There are about 8 bugs that are similar to mine that were closed due to a "buggy" version of gutsy being released with no other info so i dont know where to go next :\02:49
Bradleysfears: will it tell me, and also the computer i installed it on has ATI this one which im about to install on is a Nvidia, is there any prob. with ATI???02:49
ExodusIceWewe, did you do a grub-install /dev/sda ?02:49
rrmhi room... i did a minimal install  how can i access my usb drive?02:49
soundrayDangermike: you may have more than one flash player installed. Remove all flash-related packages, do a 'locate libflashplayer.so', delete them all, and re-install with apt-get.02:49
usse1lazerquestion: it's the only true interface anyway :P02:49
sfearsnot problems Bradley but you have to download and install restricted drivers02:49
Dangermikesoundray, theirs no trace of that on my system02:49
IceWeweExodus: yes, multiple times02:49
IceWeweExodus: all met with "success"02:50
iceswordrrm, you said hi room? ohh,how to access your usb,is it attached02:50
Bradleysfears: at the ATI site?02:50
lazerquestionusse1, that's what i'ms hoting for, network printer. i got everything installed, from win2k, winxp, linux, free and openbsd, and also got i386 and sparc64 in the mix, so, i think i need a network only printer, hehe02:50
soundrayDangermike: also remove any gnash or swf-player packages02:50
ExodusIceWewe, so basically when you boot that hard drive you get an inmediate black screen with an error? what does it say?02:50
sfearssearch synaptic for nvidia or ati.. whichever one you need.. and make sure  you also install the restricted drivers manger.. once installed system/administration/restricted drivers manager.. and make sure nvidia/ati is enabled.. reboot &  your extra desktop effects should work02:50
IceWeweExodus: Grub loading stage 1.5 ... Grub Error 2102:51
rrmicesword... i do not have the graph... i did server install with x and fluxbox only02:51
lazerquestioni'd just hate to buy one and find out it doesn't work.02:51
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, what you using the BSD boxes for? (curious)02:51
iceswordrrm, k,that is ok,now,is it attached to machine02:51
usse1lazerquestion: don't worry hp will work02:51
lazerquestionBossmanbeta, freebsd's my fileserver, 4tb, and i have 2 openbsd boxes, ones for tcp/ip routeing/firewalling, and the other one is a transparent bridge between the firewall and my cable modem.02:52
Bradleysfears: ok02:52
sfearsi don't think i'd be much help IceWewe i don't know anything about scsi.. i'd say /dev/sda would be the setting to use though02:52
IceWewesfears: ok, thanks!02:52
Bossmanbeta4tb fileserver, ... what you serving? :)02:52
iceswordrrm, usually sudo mount -a02:52
sfearswith 4tb.. what isn't he serving02:52
lazerquestionhehe, hash tables. and i also like to keep a hawks eye on what's going in/out of my network.02:53
ExodusIceWewe, well, error 21 is when a hard drive was not detected by bios, or was called incorrectly.02:53
Bossmanbetahash tables? You running chess-servers? hash tables for what?02:53
ExodusIceWewe, you could possibly have a bad grub.conf / menu.lst02:53
usse1lazerquestion: what do you use for vpn?02:53
lazerquestionusse1, openbsd;;; Bossmanbeta  wpa ;)02:53
soundrayBossmanbeta: no drugs related discussion please02:53
lazerquestionhaha, hash02:54
Bossmanbetasoundray, very funny :P02:54
soundrayBossmanbeta: (just kidding)02:54
IceWeweExodus: I doubt it, as the same one works correctly with the IDE drive02:54
lazerquestionso you guys think HP all the way?02:54
zdux00tvHi, how should I partition a hard drive for duel boot (gOS + Ubuntu)? Currently I have a swap and 1 ext partition.02:54
orudiebazhang: are you there?02:54
Bossmanbetahash tables for wpa... so you hacking wifi?02:54
sfearswell a scsi drive isn't an ide drive.. so that might be your problem02:54
nickrudlazerquestion: it's the only printer I've bought for years, they work hard at linux drivers02:54
BossmanbetaI would think 4tb of hash tables would be overkill for that02:54
sfearsyour grub is looking for an ide & not finding it because the scsi is plugged in?02:55
orudiewhich command do i use to edit .conf files?02:55
ExodusIceWewe, what does you menu.lst look like exactly? www.pastebin.com02:55
usse1lazerquestion: well brother has some linux support for some of their printers but you never hear about brother these days02:55
jm_Can't open /etc/init.d/functions  ?02:55
soundraylazerquestion: the fewer hassles are worth the extra pounds/euros/zlotys02:55
ryanzeci have downloaded a login screen from gnome-look but can't seem to install it.  I go to login from system->administration and when i click add it does not show up02:55
sfearsorudie, gedit,kate,vi02:55
jm_Trying to install slmodemd firmware02:55
jm_Any clues about  /etc/init.d/functions02:55
nickrudryanzec: try unpacking it into /usr/share/gdm/themes02:56
sfearsno idea jm_02:56
lazerquestionBossmanbeta, well, not ONLY for hash tables, i have a shitload of reference material in pdfs and text, chm, etc etc. ranging from networking, os, construction guides, even automotive repair and transmission break downs, i do construction and have my own garage for money on the side.02:56
jm_sfears: Can't seem to find much googling either....?02:56
orudiecan anyone recommend who i should register a domain name with ?02:56
IceWeweExodus: http://pastebin.com/m5870cae202:56
sfearsgodaddy.com orudie02:57
jm_sfears: Do you have /etc/init.d/functions ?02:57
Bossmanbetaah... no doubt some .vobs and .mp4's and .mp3's on that same 4tb server <smirk>02:57
sfearsno i don't jm_02:57
jm_orudie: What country are you in?02:57
lazerquestionhehe, a few here and there.02:57
IceWeweExodus: yes, it's Debian, I'm asking in that channel too...02:57
lazerquestionalot of is is 720 and 1080, that stuff is quite large sometimes.02:57
=== nill is now known as apt-nuke
jm_orudie: I use godady too, works for me, easy and affordable.02:58
soundrayBossmanbeta: unreleased blockbusters in full HD02:58
lazerquestioni got 8x500's stuff in it, but i'm gonna setup gmirror and have it backup.02:58
soundraythere you go02:58
Bossmanbetalol soundray02:58
ExodusIceWewe, well, that looks ok, and you sure you got the bios right?02:58
ryanzecnickrud, thanks02:58
IceWeweExodus: positive, the SCSI hard drive is the first thing to boot and the SCSI card is setup for it02:58
jm_anyone know what to do about /etc/init.d/functions  ?02:59
Bossmanbetaunfortunately... 4TB would only hold about 600 dvd's02:59
zdux00tvHi, how should I partition a hard drive for duel boot (gOS + Ubuntu)? Currently I have a 1 swap and 1 ext mounted at "/" .02:59
Bossmanbeta(standard...not blueray)02:59
jm_What package do I install to get  /etc/init.d/functions ?03:00
lazerquestionBossmanbeta, yeah, i shoot for xvid/divx. it all looks good on a 52" from 15ft away. i'm not a pixel freak, most people put the face into the screen and say "oh! i see rough edges!!" but seriously, who sits that close and points that out?03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about functions - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about function - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:00
xp_prganyone know how to make a service startup on bootup in ubuntu when you start it like this :  /etc/init.d/ddclient start?03:00
smackyis it hard to transfer files from one hard drive to the other without the other having a os on it03:00
sfearswhat does that have to do with jm_03:00
sfearsno smacky as long as it's formatted with the correct file system it should work03:01
jm_xp_prg: You can add to /etc/rc.local03:01
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, usually Star Wars nerds, and Star Trekkers... that ould compromise about 96.7% of all nerds in the industrialized world :-)03:01
nickrudjm_: according to apt-file , there is no /etc/init.d/funcitons , what do you expect from it?03:01
zdux00tvjm_: the only thing I could tell you about it is /etc/init.d is where the start up items are located, I've never heard of anything called "functions"03:01
smackyright on thanks03:01
lazerquestionBossmanbeta, hahaaha03:01
nickrud*functions that is03:01
lazerquestionis 600x600 decent? i mean, does it look crisp without attacking it with a magnifying glass?03:01
soundraylazerquestion: yes03:01
xp_prgjm_ but what exactly do I put in there?03:02
ExodusIceWewe, and that hard drive in linux is detected as sda ?03:02
IceWeweExodus: yes03:02
lazerquestionsoundray, yes it's decent, or yes it's rough?03:02
apt-nukecan x-chat use samba file shares as a target for file downloads?03:02
orudiehow long will it take for them to get my domain set up for me once i pay them ?03:02
=== lipsinVOTING is now known as lipsin
zaid hello03:02
zaid i need some help in a C++ project03:02
sfearsi wouldn't see why not apt-nuke03:02
jm_I see /lib/lsb/init-functions03:02
soundraylazerquestion: I printed my thesis on a 600dpi laser, including line-art images of cannulas that were just beautiful.03:02
Bossmanbetaapt-nuke, should be able to... it's a mountable resource like any other03:02
jm_Wonder if that's it?03:02
nickrudzaid: probably ask on ##c++ or ##c03:02
lazerquestionhmm, not worth the extra $ to get 1200?03:02
sfearswhy would there be two ## in a channel name?03:03
Bossmanbetalazerquestion, unless yer printing out some pics of Jenna Jameson03:03
zaidnickrud: thanks03:03
lazerquestionhehe that 4tb isn't all reference and movies.03:03
nickrudjm_: that provides wrappers for use init.d scripts03:03
ExodusIceWewe, well, if you configuration files are ok, and your grub gets loaded to the master boot record of your hard drive without any problems, then the problem resides in your scsi controller configuration and your BIOS.03:03
IceWeweExodus: ok, well the HDD is set to boot in BIOS and the only other thing I can think of is the SCSI controller setup, but I can't change the boot flag on the device...03:04
orudiehow can search for some particular text once i'm in vi ?03:04
jm_nickrud: Well, I dono.  slmodemd sctip looks for /etc/init.d/functions and does not find it, is all I know.03:04
tinmanorudie: i think it's /searchstring03:04
soundrayjm_: how did you install slmodemd?03:05
nickrudjm_: hm. I think I should try to get my modem working ;)03:05
orudiehow can i quit from vi ?03:05
iceswordnickrud, hello03:05
zdux00tvhow should I partition a hard drive for dual boot (gOS + Ubuntu)? Currently I have a 1 swap and 1 ext mounted at "/" . Where should I set the second mount at, do I need to create this directory first?03:05
vigneshorudie, exit03:05
Bossmanbetaorudie, type   :q03:05
jm_nickrud: Wonder if I could just ln -s /lib/lsb/init-functions /etc/init.d/functions  ?03:05
leo_rockworudie: or :q!03:05
soundrayjm_: how did you install slmodemd?03:06
vigneshorudie, to save and quit :x! , to discard and quit  :q!03:06
Bossmanbetaor to save and quit, you can type :wq!03:06
zdux00tvorudie: you might try nano, some features are that the arrow keys work, and the buttons type letters, control things (saving, opening) are all Ctrl+ button03:06
bruenigzdux00tv: swap, 2 root partitions03:06
nickrudjm_: better to answer soundray's train of thought first03:06
leo_rockworudie: nano is simpler, vim is better (imo)03:06
bruenigarrow keys work in vim03:06
jm_soundray: nickrud So far, I've just downloaded and unpacked SLMODEMD.gcc4.1.tar.gz03:06
ArrPiratecan someone help me please? I want my ntfs partition to automount upon login. I've been told to alter fstab and I tried to the best of my abilities but I can't get it to work. What should I add to fstab? The disk is at /dev/sda3 and normally mounts to /media/disk03:06
Exfili need help porting Photoshop cs2 to gusty, i have the adobe folder in the program files directory under wine but i cant seem to get the right registry key imported, when cs2 loads up it says it is unactivated, but it is activated on the xp machine03:06
Bossmanbetathen there's gvim if you want vim in GUI form03:06
soundrayjm_: there's your problem.03:06
bruenigI don't think ubuntu puts a lot of work into making vim usable though03:06
zdux00tvbruenig: so both mounted to "/" ?03:07
bruenigevery other distro I have used it on, the arrow keys are success03:07
bruenigzdux00tv: yes03:07
jm_soundray: ?03:07
ExodusIceWewe, well you have to make sure that your scsi controller can boot from that hard drive03:07
soundrayjm_: you should install software the ubuntu way. Watch out for private messages from ubotu03:07
soundray!software > jm_03:07
leo_rockwbruenig: arrow keys work on my vim03:07
soundray!modem > jm_03:07
zdux00tvbruenig: I didn't know that was possible03:07
soundray!repos > jm_03:07
KrumarArrPirate, what have you done in fstab so far?03:07
vigneshi am using ubuntu 7.04... the update manager shows that an higher version of ubuntu is available.. if i upgrade to 7.10 through the upgrade manager, will all the applications i have installed be retained?? and how big will be the download size for 7.10??03:07
zdux00tvbruenig: I was just making a joke. After I found nano, I forgot about vi, it was too complicated for me03:07
bruenigzdux00tv: / is an imaginary thing03:08
Bossmanbetavignesh, yep it will upgrade seamlessly03:08
sfearsArrPirate, your ntfs drive proally does automount.. do you mean you want it to show on your desktop?03:08
vigneshBossmanbeta, seamlessly in the sense??03:08
t0dk0nhello, I have a problem with my xorg.conf... when GDM starts,  it starts in some awkward 1024x1140 or something resolution,  but I have xfce-mcs-manager restoring it to 1280x1024 when  Openbox starts03:08
bruenigzdux00tv: partitions are real, / is created essentially at boot03:08
zdux00tvbruenig: I thought I would need something like /boot ?03:08
lazerquestionsoundray, a thesis?03:08
nickrudhm. can't find slmodem in gutsy03:08
soundrayjm_: slmodem is easiest to install through System-Administration-Restricted Drivers03:08
deadlyallance613what should my mount point be ?03:08
Bossmanbetavignesh, ...in the sense that there will be no seams... no problems........ no issues........ no problems... A OK, great.03:08
zdux00tvbrunig: do I need to do something with grub ?03:08
vigneshBossmanbeta, ty ..03:08
soundraylazerquestion: yes, on ultrasound-guided chest biopsies03:09
vigneshBossmanbeta, and how big will the download be?03:09
mariamystarcrimsun: you helped me with a soundcard problem a while back03:09
KrumarArrPirate, what have you done in fstab so far?03:09
mariamystarcrimsun: i was hopinfg you could help me again, i re-iinstalled with ubuntu studio03:09
lazerquestionwoah, went over my head quicker then a f16.03:09
vigneshBossmanbeta, because i have a limited download broadband connection..03:09
tokyoaheadguys whats the best bittorent client for linux? one that can read RSS feeds?03:09
Bossmanbetasoundray, US guided?? Fluroscopy scares you? Little photons? ...interventional med student?03:09
ArrPirateI added "/dev/sda3        /media/disk ntfs auto defaults 0 0", saved, and rebooted... I did that because I saw something very similar in a forum post03:09
deadlyallance613should /boot be my mount point ?03:09
Bossmanbetavignesh, the DL is a few hundred megabytes... I'd guess around 450megs or so03:10
ryanzecanyone recommend a good FTP with a descent GUI for 7.10?03:10
ArrPiratebut it didn't work03:10
sfearsArrPirate, "ls /media/disk"03:10
vigneshBossmanbeta, okie.. ty..03:10
nickrudArrPirate: as in didn't work, what does that entail03:10
soundrayBossmanbeta: US is more flexible and accurate for pleura. This was 12 years ago anyway03:10
KrumarArrPirate, what exactly is your problen?03:10
Bossmanbetaryanakca, try FileZilla03:10
vigneshBossmanbeta, wat about beryl?? will that also be retained??03:11
Bossmanbetasoundray, interesting... I hear about MR internventional.... the whole room in a magnet03:11
NW2190Hey, I'm installing Ubuntu Studio as a second distro on my computer, how do I go about partitioning without losing any of my existing data?03:11
Bossmanbetavignesh, you should have no issues.... but feel free to ask the others.03:11
vigneshBossmanbeta, ya ok ..03:11
xp_prgjm_ you herje?03:11
jm_xp_prg: Yes03:12
xp_prgwhat exactly do I put in the rc.local?03:12
bluewraithanyone know how to get to the physics settings for kiba-dock? I dont see them under the rest of the settings03:12
jm_soundray: Installing  sl-modem-daemon  :(03:12
soundrayBossmanbeta: better to leave your steel scalpel behind03:12
soundrayjm_: frown?03:12
ArrPiratels: /media/disk: No such file or directory03:12
Bossmanbetasoundray, lol ... plenty of metals that are not magnetic :-)03:12
sfearsNW2190, there is always a chance you will lose data when playing with partition tables.. if you already have ubuntu installed you don't need to install to a different partition.. just create a new user & download the appropriate packages03:12
deuryteI lost the ability to change desk tops, what can i do to fix this.03:12
nickrudArrPirate: ok, first you want to   sudo mkdir /media/disk  (so there's somewhere to mount)  and then the line you have will mount your ntfs partition read only03:13
ArrPirateMy problem is that I want my ntfs storage partition to mount upon logging into my system. Right now I have to open up Places/Computer and double click on the icon for the partition and enter my password for it to mount.03:13
soundraydeuryte: reinstall the Workspace Switcher panel applet03:13
sfearsdeuryte, alt+f2 kcontrol & change the settings under desktop/multiple desktops03:13
NW2190sfears: well the main problem is that I can't get the JACK audio server to work.03:13
deuryteok tx ill try03:13
sfearsi have problems with jack myself03:14
ExxonValdeezwhat are the default groups a user is put into on ubuntu?03:14
ArrPiratewhy would I want to mount it read only?03:14
Exfilcan anyone help with a port to wine?03:14
ExxonValdeezcan anyone run and 'id' and tell me?03:14
dabbillis there any way to get the default load screen back, not sure what i have done to mess it up, all i get is a black screen on startup now03:14
LimCoreExfil: what port to wine?03:14
sfearsthere's a lot of configs to do to get jack working properly.. the only thing studio will do to help is install the low-latency or real time kernel03:14
NW2190sfears: ya and since I can't start Jack I can't use Ubuntu to record which stinks03:14
nickrudArrPirate: then your fstab line should have   ntfs-3g    defaults,umask=007,gid=46   instead of  ntfs defaults if you want to write03:14
Exfillimcore: photoshop cs203:14
sfearsare you getting underrun errors?03:14
LimCoreExfil: best as #wine-hq03:14
Exfilthx m803:15
ArrPiratenickrud: Ok, so now a reboot should fix the problem?03:15
LimCoreExfil: best ask #winehq03:15
Exfillimcore: thanks03:15
nickrudArrPirate: after those changes, you can test  with   sudo mount /media/disk03:15
NW2190sfears: I think that was one of my problems a while ago but the main one is that "hw:0 is already in use"03:15
dcsquareI'm using edubuntu 7.10, and i hanged while doing updates. I reset the system and now, after successfully logging in, the desktop/icons etc do not load. The mouse is functional, but the rest of the system is iddle03:15
mariamysta1i am have a soundcard issue. i need to run my SB! Live sound card and ubuntu isn'03:15
LimCoreExfil: best ask #winehq :)  not wine-hq I mistaken03:15
mariamysta1tdoing it by default03:15
nickrudArrPirate: if you get the right behavior with that, then every time you boot you'll have the same behavior03:16
NW2190I don't really understand how sound works in Ubuntu so I haven't had any luck fixing the problem03:16
ArrPiratedidn't work03:16
LimCoremariamysta1: linxu sounds support sucks03:16
Exfillimcore: thanks03:16
mariamysta1LimCore: i had someone in here fix it before03:16
ArrPiratebut Places/Computer isn't registering the partition at all, so I'll try a reboot. BRB03:16
sfearsdid you get into the jack ctrl & change the interface?03:16
nickrudArrPirate:    ls  /media  put that on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and /etc/fstab also03:16
mariamysta1limcore: they had me run a script and then gave me terminal code that set my soundbblaster as default03:16
snypzzreally nice channel03:16
LimCoremariamysta1: you may ask #alsa . Ther are some read-the-man-page geeks.  but they will help with time ;)03:16
NW2190ya I tried almost everything with qjackctl03:16
dcsquarewhere can I check where the system hangs so I get an idea of what is broken?03:17
LimCoredcsquare: what are you doing more or less when it hangs?03:17
sfearsdcsquare, when it starts to boot press ctrl+alt+f103:17
serdarhi guys03:17
sfearsthat will show you boot in the terminal screen instead of the gui splash03:17
dcsquareI had the update manager running (I installed a fresh edubuntu 5 hours ago)03:17
dcsquareand firefox03:18
sfearshello serdar03:18
serdarI have a strange problem with groups, a change dous not effect03:18
jm_soundray: :-)  not :(    typo  ...03:18
soundray!yay | jm_03:18
ubotujm_: Glad you made it! :-)03:18
nickrudserdar: you have to log out completely and back in for group changes to register03:18
Dangermike firefox03:19
DangermikeSegmentation fault (core dumped)03:19
serdarI tried it with this users and groups stuff in the panel03:19
dcsquareserdar: I can kill X, no problem. Now the system is not frozen, it's just that X does not finish loading03:19
serdardcsquare: that's not for me?03:19
dcsquareserdar: yep, sorry :) It was meant for sfears03:20
ArrPirate_Thanks everyone who helped me. My ntfs partition automounted with read/write upon the reboot. Thanks!03:20
sfearsmy default with any kind of display issues is "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" & set to vesa drivers @800x600.. that has always gotten me back into x to make changes from there03:20
dcsquaresfears: I can kill X, no problem. Now the system is not frozen, it's just that X does not finish loading03:20
ArrPirate_This has been irritating me for weeks!03:20
sfearsmy default with any kind of display issues is "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" & set to vesa drivers @800x600.. that has always gotten me back into x to make changes from there03:20
lazerquestion!!! HP's printer site is overwhelming! what should i choose!03:21
jm_xp_prg: what were you trying to do?03:21
sfearsboobs lazerquestion always go with the boobs03:21
orudiehow would i restart apache ?03:21
ryanzeci installed filezilla but i can connect to the server but it will not let me go to the root directory of the server and i should be able to because i can form winscp03:21
nickrudorudie: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart03:21
serdarnickrud: what do you mean by that? I opened this preferences of users and clicked there at managed groups to change settings of vboxusers03:21
xp_prgjm_ I think it is ok, I see a S20ddclient in my /etc/rc3.d03:21
jm_thx alot soundray03:21
dabbillany one got a link for customizing the splash screen right after grub03:21
serdarbut the changes don't apply03:22
soundraysfears: good hint -- I'm off :)03:22
nickrudserdar: it's a limitation of linux. When you add a user to a group, that user has to log out completely and then back in to have it register03:22
lazerquestionLjL, why did you send the ubotu to msg me?03:22
serdarand I have there now over 10 root03:22
jm_xp_prg: Good03:22
prince_jammys!usplash | dabbill03:22
ubotudabbill: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:22
sfearsgood luck03:22
mutablehi guys, i need to create test enviroment for my application, i need some very simple smtp server which will just listen on port 25 and store it to local mailbox or relay it to procmail. does anybody know some?03:22
Kirawould it be wise or not to make apache2 controlled by xinetd?03:22
Dangermikeno flash or swf of anything installed i also removed the swf file handling for firefox and it still seg faults03:22
Dangermiketrying to load speedtest.net03:22
lazerquestionsfears, boobs?03:22
sfearshell yeah.. they never fail03:23
=== ArrPirate_ is now known as ArrPirate
ArrPirateAlso, I'm happy with Ubuntu! I just built my new computer, a gaming rig, and everything is great! I had no driver issues, Ubuntu discovered everything properly and everything just works, even my psp and ipod works. The only reason I used Windows now is for gaming.03:23
livefoniksBoobs are what run HP's website.03:23
sfearsohhh.. well that's what you think03:23
serdarnickrud: I don't understand, you mean register logging at syslog or something?03:23
leo_rockwArrPirate: what my friends like to call "Wintendo" lol03:24
=== Charitwo_ is now known as kirby
nickrudserdar: by register I mean be able to have the permissions being in that group gives03:24
ArrPirateanyone know of a good game for linux to stress my hardware? I want to see how my hardware holds up in linux (it plays Crysis with maximum settings with no glitches aside from when there's frozen zones with lots of fog)03:24
sfearsArrPirate, frets on fire03:24
sfearsi bet it will be lagged03:24
leo_rockwArrPirate: tremulous, world of padman03:25
NW2190sfears: is there an alternative to Jack?03:25
KrumarArrPirate, i second Tremulous, lots of fun03:25
solid_liqanyone know what program draws the background for the gnome desktop?03:25
ArrPirateif anyone wants to see my hardware list: heatherhacks.tiddlyspot.com03:25
serdarnickrud: hmm, I want to try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59351203:25
sfearsmaybe.. but most of the good recording software needs jack03:25
usse1ArrPirate: get quake wars linux demo03:25
leo_rockwArrPirate: there's unreal tournament for linux...03:26
usse1ArrPirate: that'll push your hardware to the max03:26
sfearswhat jack error are you gettings NW2190 ?03:26
xp_prgI can't seem to find the stupid command to run ddclient manually to test that it is working :(03:26
xp_prgI had it then lost it03:26
nickrudserdar: like it says, log out and back in03:26
* Kira badly wants a new machine with C2Q, Radeon 3870 Dual, and 4 GB ram for gaming.03:26
NW2190"the playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again"03:26
sfearsKira.. i've heard there's big profits in drug dealing03:26
sfearsNW2190, do you have jack control?03:27
sfearsthe application jack control?03:27
ArrPiratemy computer has dual core intel 1.8ghz cpu, 8800gts 320mb 320bit nvidia graphics card, 4gb ram, 7200rpm 300gb hard drive03:27
NW2190sfears: what do you mean?  I usually use the qjackctl command to work with it.03:28
Kirasfears: sigh, I don't have spare resources. all my money is in my child labour and prostitution business right now.03:28
serdarah, okay03:28
ArrPirateit plays all the games I've thrown at it with almost no lag except for Crysis with lots of fog in an area or Supreme Commander when I was stupid enough to build 50+ force fields on a tiny island03:28
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KrumarArrPirate, you should try #ubuntu-offtopic for general conversations03:28
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sfearsahhh.. see Kira, you need to broaden your portfolio, you don't have you assets spread enough03:28
mariamysta1okay so #alsa hasn't responded to my queries. i need a way to set my sb! live as my default soundcard03:28
Kirasfears: true03:28
li-pluswhere can i find xwinwrap for amd64 architecture03:29
sfearsyeah NW2190 open that.. go to settings & change the interface03:29
* Kira contacts his stocks agent for more inside trading.03:29
sfearsthat's the ticket Kira!03:29
* nickrud considers kicking Kira for setting a good example03:29
NW2190sfears: there are four choices: hw:0  hw:0,0  hw:0,1 and /dev/dsp03:30
=== Verichip__ is now known as Verichip
sfearsyeah.. try one of the other ones.. restart jack & see what happens03:30
KiraIs anybody have issues accessing google lately?03:30
DangermikeSegmentation fault (core dumped)03:31
Dangermikeno flash or swf of anything installed i also removed the swf file handling for firefox and it still seg faults trying to load speedtest.net03:31
Dangermikeor any other flash site03:31
sfearsnot I Kira03:31
Kiraprobably something is messed up with the HK gateway.03:31
Kiragoogle doesn't always respond (from home and office)03:31
sfearshave you tried using something other than firefox Dangermike mabey it's a flash issue?03:31
fernandoWhat should I make to get ALSA updated?03:32
Stwangefernando, what's it doing/not doing?03:33
drakodeas convert a deb for amd64 for a machine i386?03:33
NW2190sfears: all the same message... is there any where you know of where I could just learn what hw:0, hw:0,1, etc are?03:33
fernandomy system is ubuntu 7.1003:33
sfearsummm.. let me try and find a better chat room for you... brb03:33
drakodehi, who whant helpme?? as convert a deb for amd64 for a machine i386?03:33
NW2190sfears: ok03:33
fernandoit is conflicting with  NetBridgeVu.exe, under wine03:33
sfearstry #ardour.. you'll be able to find some better help in there03:34
NW2190ok thanks03:34
icesworddrakode, what is it03:34
li-pluswhere can i get xwinwrap from for amd architecture03:34
li-plus64 bit i mean03:34
serdaryes I did it well, users-admin does not start anymore :)03:35
drakodeicesword: Convert as a file. Deb for AMD64 one machine to machine i386 can install? This is the file http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ubuntu+AMD64+debs+for+Nimbus+themes?content=7581603:35
fernandoStwange,  it is conflicting with  NetBridgeVu.exe, under wine03:35
Kiraback to what I wanted to ask03:36
serdarany ideas :)03:36
icesworddrakode, you checked the README03:36
KiraWhy is apache2 running as www-data? When was this www-data user created anyway?03:36
drakodeicesword: what readme?03:37
nickrudKira: it was designed to allow apache2 to write to /var/www without running as root03:37
fernandowhat shall I do to update ALSA?03:37
icesworddrakode, i think it must some directions like readme or note or something in that package or on that website page03:37
Kiranickrud: I see. In which file is the running user of apache2 decided?03:38
icesword! info lsof03:39
fernandoIs there other MS windows emulater other than wine?03:39
ubotulsof (source: lsof): List open files. In component main, is important. Version 4.78.dfsg.1-2 (gutsy), package size 202 kB, installed size 360 kB03:39
Bradleyhey Linux cannot see the windows partition... why is this?03:39
nickrudKira: /etc/apach2/apache2.conf03:39
serdarcan I force, that I get reinstalled all installed packets at one?03:39
biabia__is anyone aware of a text filter for xchat03:39
iceswordBradley, is it ntfs?03:39
nickruderm, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf kira I mean03:39
biabia__like an add on script03:39
serdarsomething like emerge -eD world03:40
Bradleyicesword: yep03:40
drakodein that website page something a readme03:40
iceswordBradley, coz ntfs is a complex struture,you know03:40
icesword!ntfs-3g > Bradley03:40
fernandoany emulator of windows other than wine?03:41
Bradleyicesword: so what do i do03:41
icesword!ntfs-3g | Bradley03:41
ubotuBradley: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:41
serdarany ideas?03:41
Kiranickrud: I'm sharing a Gutsy box with a bunch of friends and I'm the admin (I'm no linux or ubuntu guru, but I'm the one with the most unix and general computer admin knowledge already). I'm thinking of isolating each human user's websites by only allowing them to put their website scripts and files in their ~/Websites folders03:41
iceswordfernando, what do you want ?play games?03:42
fernandoit is a specifig game available on Bridge Base Online03:42
fernandoand i get booted because of a conflict of sound03:42
Bradleyubotu: okay, but my linux has very littile space and wont install drivers03:43
Bradleyi dont think03:43
Bradleyi say something abou t them03:43
KiraIf I chgrp all the ~/Websites to www-data, and chmod them to 770, the websites are guaranteed to work as long as I leave apache2 to run as www-data, right?03:43
drakodeicesword: In this web site something exists of readme :D mm i am spain speak =(03:43
fernandoicesword , got it?03:43
lazerquestionfor my laser printer question, will someoen check out http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/product_detail.do?storeName=storefronts&landing=printer&category=LaserJet&orderflow=1&a1=Networking&v1=Wired&product_code=Q6455A%23ABA&catLevel=2 and let me know what yo uthink03:43
iceswordfernando, if wine doesn't work,what about virtual machine,like virtualbox or vmware03:43
serdarthat must be possible , or not?03:44
nickrudKira: you can do that with   sudo a2enmod userdir , then they can put their stuff in ~/public_html03:44
fernandook ....what shd be better?03:44
dcsquareOK, reconfiguring the xserver did not solve anything (x loads just fine and I can login), but after that it does not load the desktop image/icons etc. Where can I find the logs for x?03:44
fernandovmware or virtualbox?03:44
Kiranickrud: heh, I was wondering where the public_html convention came from.03:44
fernandounder 7.1003:44
nickrudserdar: sudo aptitude , highlight the  installed packages, press shift-L , and then gg03:44
iceswordfernando, this is it,vmware is powerful,but vmware workstation is payware,virtualbox is free03:45
nickrudserdar: that won't replace the config files in /etc/ if they are modified , that's a feature03:45
fernandothx icesword03:46
Kiranickrud: I see a similar public_ftp directory on the shared hosting that I used to use. Where does that one come from? not the apache2 mod_userdir, right?03:46
serdarnickrud: ah nice, thanks03:46
nickrudKira: I don't think so. Not familiar with that dir03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:47
snapemikencan anybody help me pls? newbie03:47
Bradleysnapemiken: with what?03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xwinwrap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
nickrudsnapemiken: ask away, if someone knows they'll speak up03:48
snapemikenI try to install realplayer on Ubuntu but it didn't work03:48
icesword! ask | snapemiken03:48
ubotusnapemiken: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
nickrudsnapemiken: what was the problem?03:49
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=== __mmurdock is now known as _mmurdock
Tasohey guys, I have two serious issues03:49
Tasoin windows, you press "Alt" and you can move around the menu options, how do you do this in Ubuntu w/ Gnome ?03:49
snapemikeni used alien to convert (?), then install the DEB package03:50
nickrudTaso: right click the menu button, select edit.03:50
IceWeweTaso: have you tried using alt?03:50
TasoI don't want to use my mouse03:50
IceWeweTaso: nvm, disregard that...03:50
Kiranickrud: I think Taso means navigating the menus using only the keyboard.03:50
KiraTaso: if I recall correctly, Ubuntu menus have underlined letters03:51
nickrudsnapemiken: ah, not the right way.  download the file ending  in  .bin to your Desktop, then run   sudo sh ~/Desktop/<downloaded-file> . Tell it to install in /usr/local/RealPlayer03:51
Kirasay the File menu has an underlined 'F'03:51
TasoKir: yea, you're correct03:51
Kirapressing alt+f would activate that menu and then you can navigate the menus03:51
Tasothere's no way to edit that though? so I can nav around?03:51
snapemikennickrud, thanks, ill try it now03:52
IceWeweTaso: how can you not navigate now? It's the same as in Windows...03:53
TasoI chagned it to the windows key03:54
mandrigIs anyone familiar with Avant Window Manager?03:55
wam_hey everyone... I'm having difficulty reaching ubuntu repositories (e.g. security.ubuntu.org) from my home network (RoadRunner). I can (ICMP) traceroute to the destination just fine, but attempts to tcptraceroute (port 80) result in packet droppage. I've dropped in output of the two traceroutes at http://pastebin.org/22825  Anyone have any suggestions?03:55
snapemikennickrud, I receive this    /home/snapemiken/Desktop/realplay- 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected03:56
IceWewemandrig: nope, sorry. I just use E17 or fluxbox...03:56
nickrudsnapemiken: a sec, let me check that file03:57
Tasoso how do you move something from one workspace to the next w/ Keyboard only?03:57
IceWeweTaso: Ctrl + Alt + -> or <-03:57
pingudoes anyone know how to change the size of your max image size for gimp03:57
TasoI mean03:58
Tasomove an application03:58
Tasonot me03:58
IceWeweTaso: not off the top of my head, sorry...03:58
Tasono worries.03:58
nickrudsnapemiken: you should be getting a file RealPlayer10Gold.bin , if you go to real.com and press the yellow buttons (assuming you're running ubuntu right now)03:58
IceWeweI'm gonna go... laters03:58
wam_Taso: I set a keybinding... so that ctrl-alt-arrow-key takes my current window to the direction of the arrow button I hit. Is that what you're looking for?03:59
snapemikennickrud, let try it03:59
nittanylion(it was shift + Ctrl + -> or <-)03:59
lazerquestionwhere are printer drivers located at?03:59
AdylassHello, I need to denied a driver to load, its in my initrd, Can I do this with the kernel command line ?03:59
Sandra24Is it possible to send stdout to a file with > some_file.txt and see it in the console?03:59
lazerquestionor ,how would i check to see what printer drivers i have installed?03:59
nittanylion(whoops: ctrl + alt + shift + --> / <--)03:59
Tasono no no no n03:59
Tasooh shit03:59
Tasothat that works!03:59
isaacj87is there any way to get the Amazon MP3 Downloader working on Feisty?03:59
Tasogo nittanylion!03:59
FloodBot2Taso: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:59
mandrigUmm... My desktop isn't working04:00
wam_whats' the problem mandrig?04:00
wam_and which desktop are you using?04:00
mandrigwam, nothing is showing, gnome04:01
mandrigthe file browser works04:01
pingudoes anyone know how to change the size of your max image size for gimp04:01
wam_mandrig: how can file browser work if nothing is showing? Could you elaborate on exactly what you mean by 'nothing'?04:01
mandrigblack background with no icons04:02
snapemikennickrud, same message   /home/snapemiken/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected04:02
mandrigbrb, going to restart X04:02
wam_mandrig: panels?04:02
demonsporkhow do I enable the extra buttons on my mouse? I have the normal 3 buttons (middle is a scroll wheel) but then I have 2 buttons on either side of the mouse that just duplicate the functions of the other buttons.04:02
nickrudsnapemiken: exactly what command are you running?04:02
snapemikennickrud,  sudo sh ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin04:02
wam_mandrig: did that help?04:03
mandrigwam, It was an applet error with Avant Window Manager04:03
mandrigAll better now.04:03
nittanyliondemonspork: used btnx to do mine -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45565604:03
mage__is there an easy way to ignore depends for something? I'm having trouble with apt-get after forcing a deb thats just a few python scripts04:03
nickrudsnapemiken: ok, maybe realplayer doesn't like that version. Try running   chmod +x ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin && ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin04:03
mandrigthanks for the help though wam :)04:04
wam_/mesg mandrig, Hey, I notice you're on from cinci.rr.com as well... mind if you help me debug something here?04:04
wam_err.. damn, sorry meant that to be a private (obviously)04:04
isaacj87wam_, lol04:05
Bradleydo any of u use compiz fusion04:05
mandrigwam, sure04:05
lazerquestionwhere do i check to see what printer drivers i have installed?04:05
isaacj87Bradley, yes, I do04:05
nickrudsnapemiken: looking at those commands, I forgot something:   chmod +x ~/Desktop/RealPlayerGOLD.bin && ~/Desktop/RealPlayerGOLD.bin  , screwed up the paths04:05
Bradleyisaacj87: how does it install04:05
ryanzecI have connected to a server with ssh through command line, how do i transfer a file form the server to my computer?04:06
snapemikennickrud: I tried   chmod +x ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin && ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin   then receive    chmod +x ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin && ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin   then i tried   chmod +x ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin && ~/RealPlayerGOLD.bin  and receive   chmod: cannot access `~Desktop/RealPlayerGOLD.bin': No such file or directory04:06
isaacj87Bradley, are you on Gutsy?04:06
nickrudlazerquestion: /usr/share/ppd will give you a pretty good idea04:06
nickrudsnapemiken: yeah, I saw that. Look up, I fixed the paths04:06
Starnestommyryanzec: scp user@server:/path/to/file target04:06
wam_ryanzec:  rsync server:/path/to/filename .04:06
Bradleyisaacj87: i dont know what that is04:06
jan-erikHey guys, I've been trying to get xserver xgl up and running, and I've done so aswell, but my problem is that xserver-xgl doesnt read my xorg :S it even uses another  charset than stated in Xorg, tried to google it with no luck, anyone who knows what it might be :)?04:07
leo_rockwBradley: ubuntu 7.1004:07
lazerquestionnickrud, thx04:07
isaacj87Bradley, what version of Ubuntu are you using?04:07
Bradleyisaacj87: the newest version04:07
isaacj87Bradley, Compiz Fusion is installed by default. Look in "System" and then "Preferences" and lastly "Desktop Effects" of the menu04:09
isaacj87Bradley, and turn on Compiz Fusion04:09
Bradleyisaacj87: ok, and what about the kiba dock thing04:09
snapemikennickrud, tried   chmod +x ~Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ~Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin   and receive     chmod: cannot access `~Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin': No such file or directory04:09
nickrudsnapemiken: you made a typo , chmod +x ~/Desktop  not chmod +x ~Desktop04:10
snapemikennickrud, sry I am totally new to linux04:10
isaacj87Bradley, not sure of any repos that have Kiba. You're probably gonna have to compile it. Visit here: http://www.kiba-dock.org/04:11
isaacj87Bradley, on the left side, click "Wiki"04:11
nickrudsnapemiken: no problem, ask any question you need. We all started knowing nothing, some people forget it though ;)04:11
Bradleyisaacj87: compile???, is that what happens insead of installing?04:11
isaacj87Bradley, and find the instructions on how to install kiba.04:11
ImSmaybe snapemiken should sit on the sidelines04:11
le_renouveauHi, can anyone help me with a problem reading video files?04:11
Cpudan80le_renouveau: What kind of problem?04:12
Cpudan80And what kind of file04:12
le_renouveauScreen flickers to white many times per second04:12
jan-erikAnyone who can give me some pointers on how to configure xserver-xgl? it doesnt't read my xorg.conf :( (hence not loading my ati drivers which are binary)04:12
le_renouveau.avi, .wmv, etc04:12
Cpudan80le_renouveau: what video proggies have you tried?04:12
snapemikennickrud, okay another error, tried     chmod +x ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin    receive      /home/snapemiken/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:12
le_renouveauI installed the restricted package04:12
isaacj87Bradley, here's a direct link to the Wiki: http://www.kiba-dock.org/components/com_mambowiki/index.php?title=Installing_Kiba-Dock04:12
mlLKdoes wine work w/ WoW04:13
nickrudsnapemiken: ok, they still haven't built against new libraries (don't worry if that doen't compute, it will later ;)     sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 , then try again04:13
isaacj87mlLK, i think it does. check the appdb on the WINE website04:14
ImSI got a question, why doesn't ubuntu7.10 destop work with Java in the browsers firefaox04:14
ImSi get errors04:14
Bradleyisaacj87: so you have to compile just as if you were making the program, linking everything and all?04:14
nickrudsnapemiken: a useful trick is hitting the up arrow on the command line, it works through the commands you've already typed04:14
mlLKcan i mount my windows Program Files directory thru ubuntu?04:14
cdubyaI can't seem to get any sound input from the mic input on this laptop......I don't know how to tell in Audacity or anything else for that matter what, if any, settings need to be looked at to see if maybe the right system isn't being used, etc...or where to begin troubleshooting this. Is there any pretty good sound documentation that's not totally jargon that you know of?04:14
nickrudImS:   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin , it should work after that04:15
ImSnickrud, k04:15
snapemikennickrud, thanks, it's installing the library04:15
nickrudcdubya: don't we wish04:17
mlLKdoesn't anyone read any documentation?04:17
cdubyanickrud, so I'm basically going to wish I didn't have this issue.04:18
demonsporkhow do I enable the extra buttons on my mouse? I have the normal 3 buttons (middle is a scroll wheel) but then I have 2 buttons on either side of the mouse that just duplicate the functions of the other buttons.04:18
mlLKubuntuguide.org for first installers04:18
ImSPackage sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:18
ImSThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:18
ImSis only available from another source04:18
ImSE: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate04:18
nickrudcdubya: people that know sound come thru here regularly. don't know if ubuntu guide covers that04:18
DracomlLK: It -may- be possible by symlinking things around, but it's unlikely04:18
booster_614hey guys im having problems with playing games. just about every game i try to play says my graphics card is to old or i dont have the correct drivers installed...any help with this would be great04:18
nickrud!gutsysources | ImS (you need multiverse in particular)04:18
ubotuImS (you need multiverse in particular): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:18
cdubyanickrud, any idea who some of them are?04:18
cdubyaI tried to test the sound capture, but in the preference test it fails.04:19
cdubyaPlayback works fine, it's the capture that doesn't04:19
jan-erikAnyone who can give me some pointers on how to configure xserver-xgl? it doesnt't read my xorg.conf :( (hence not loading my ati drivers which are binary)04:19
nickrudcdubya: courtesy says let people speak up for themselves04:19
cdubyanickrud, true.....kind of in a pinch for time, though, so my apologies for my lack of tact.04:20
snypzzanyone play guild wars out there with linux...?04:20
nickrudcdubya: don't sweat it04:20
tehpunkprodigyDoes anyone know a way to go through about 100 folders all contained in 1 folder and copy out all files ending in a certain file extension04:20
snapemikennickrud, installation complete but how can i open the player?04:20
_rockwhere would i find ubuntu install instructions for a computer that has a nvidia 8800 gts?04:21
nickrudsnapemiken: it should be in the menu now, not sure exactly where it shows up. If all else fails, try   alt-f2 realplayer04:21
ryanzeci have tried about 3 different ftp client and none of them are letting me go out of the users root directory and it has the access to do so(i do it all the time on windows in winscp) any know why this would happen?04:21
mlLKtry http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#NVidia_Driver04:21
Dracoryanzec: winscp is not ftp04:22
snapemikennickrud: could not open location file:///realplayer04:22
mlLKman ubuntu's bittorrent makes so much more sense than windows04:22
ryanzecbut is has a sftp portion to the program04:23
Dracoryanzec: err, scp is remote file copy which uses SSH for transfer04:23
nickrudtehpunkprodigy: find /path/to/source/folder -iname '*pdf*' -exec cp {} /path/to/dest/folder  \;04:23
ryanzeci want to figure out how to transfer a file from a server to my computer without have to setup a ssh server on my computer, i don't have to on windows04:23
Dracoryanzec: sftp also uses ssh as a transfer. you have an sftp client called sftp already installed04:24
nickrudtehpunkprodigy: for pdfs, for example04:24
Dracoryanzec: you install an SSH -client-, not a server.04:24
_rockmlLK, i meant for installing ubuntu itself04:24
booster_614can anyone in here help me with a graphics card issue ??04:24
nickrudsnapemiken: try typing   realplayer in a terminal04:24
tehpunkprodigymuch thanks nickrud04:24
Dracoryanzec: by the way, regular old ftp is a real big pain to install, messing with xinetd configurations, etc04:24
_rockI cant install it because the installer doesnt seem to recognize my videocard04:25
snapemikennickrud: when it ask me to enter directory, i put   Directoty: [home/snapemiken/RealPlayer]: /usr/local/RealPlayer04:25
Dracoryanzec: does the server you are referring to have SSH server installed?04:25
ryanzecright i can can log inot the server by doing ssh username@server but then i was told i have to do scp on the server to transfer the file which basically requires me to setup a ssh server on my computer04:25
nickrudtehpunkprodigy: you want to leave off the second * in that '*pdf*' for endings, sorry04:25
nickrudsnapemiken: when it asked if you wanted it to integrate into the system (or some words to that effect) what did you say?04:26
cdubyaryanzec, what are you trying to do?04:26
ryanzecI want to get a file on a server on to my computer04:27
cdubyaryanzec, what have you tried?04:27
snypzztrying to setup the cube insert 3 to 4 desktop screens04:27
Bradleyi have ubuntu 7.10 and i cannot get the GNOME partition Editor installed04:27
Bradleyform the add/remove application list04:27
snypzzcan anyone tell me where to get the info or screencast to do it...04:28
ryanzecI have tried to do ftp but that does not work.  i was going to try to ssh into the server and then do scp but i don't want to have to setup a ssh server on my computer to download a file04:28
frailmageHi, I am having a problem trying to install Ubuntu, I go through the wizard on my boot disk, but I keep getting the error that there is not root file system, so it will not let me create a new partition, how can I fix this?04:28
cdubyasnypzz, right-click the panel, then add desktop switcher?04:28
Dracoryanzec: scp draco@localhost:there here04:29
snapemikennickrud: chmod +x ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ~/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin   receive    Setup will help you get RealPlayer running on your computer.Press [Enter] to continue...       press enter then receive     Enter the complete path to the directory where you want04:29
snapemikenRealPlayer to be installed.  You must specify the full04:29
snapemikenpathname of the directory and have write privileges to the chosen directory.Directory:  [/home/snapemiken/RealPlayer]     what should I enter??04:29
cdubyaryanzec, why would you think you would have to do that?04:29
cdubyajust curious04:29
Dracoryanzec: then again I have a ssh server, though it really should work without04:29
cdubyaryanzec, you shouldn't have to setup an ssh server04:30
nickrudryanzec: I don't have an ssh server on my machine, but scp stuff to/from servers all the time04:30
cdubyaryanzec, what nickrud said04:30
frailmageHi, I am having a problem trying to install Ubuntu, I go through the wizard on my boot disk, but I keep getting the error that there is not root file system, so it will not let me create a new partition, how can I fix this?04:30
Bradleyi have ubuntu 7.10 and i need help installing drivers, and software04:30
cdubyasnypzz, that what you were talking about?04:30
Dracoryanzec: alternatively Konqueror has really nice things like fish protocol built in. It require a Bourne shell on the server04:31
Dracoryanzec: and Midnight Commander04:31
cdubyaryanzec, have you tried using the Connect to server under places?04:31
snapemikenfrailmage: click on the roaster of the partition then type     /04:31
snapemikenfrailmage: i think that will work04:31
=== fu is now known as acecase
snypzzI am trying to see the Cube on one screen with several other screens or desktops inside it04:31
livefoniksBradley:  What do you need?04:32
frailmagesnapemiken: Roaster? that is the name of the partition right? (sorry if it is an idiot question I am brand new at this)04:32
|seb|does aptitude remove do purging too? ...as in apt-get --purge remove ?04:32
Thirstehfrailmage, "mount location" or "mount position" or similar, yes04:32
bluecakehow to uninstall apache?04:32
Thirstehfrailmage, a mount with location '/' is the root partition04:32
Bradleylivefoniks: i cannot get my ATI graphics card driver instaled04:32
snapemikenfrailmage, :D sry, that just the area for you to type a the bottom04:32
cdubyabluecake, sudo apt-get remove apache204:33
acecasecan I safely delete /var/log/kern.log.0, /var/log/messages.0 and /var/log/syslog.0? they are collectively eating my entire drive.04:33
livefoniksBradley:  Which card?04:33
frailmageokay thanks04:33
bluecakecdubya, done that, rebooted. apache still runni ng04:33
Llewxamanyone know how to install guild wars under wine? got the latest version and every time i run the setup i get a: can't connect to arenanet error.04:33
|seb|cdubya: what about --purge?04:33
nickrudbluecake:  dpkg -l '*apache*' | grep ^ii , then apt-get remove <all packages listed>04:33
Bradleylivefoniks: a moblity radeon (ATI) 140004:33
snapemikenpathname of the directory and have write privileges to the chosen directory.Directory:  [/home/snapemiken/RealPlayer]     what should I enter??04:34
|seb|nickrud: what about --purge?04:34
cdubyabluecake, what does ps ax | grep apache2 say?04:34
nickrud|seb|: a personal habit, I leave conf files behind for whenever I want to reinstall04:34
acecaseLlewxam: I have no idea that guild wars is to be honest, but I can say from experience that winex is worth the time04:35
limphey guys i was just wondering if there's news about adobe flash player for gutsy (adobe flash player does not work as you may know). Because the alternative flash player is really bad and most of the flash applications will not load04:35
cdubya[seb], sorry, what?04:35
Bossmanbeta:: Is it true that #ubuntu records all chat in #ubuntu (IRseek) for potential publishing on the net ??04:35
Bradleylivefoniks: a moblity radeon (ATI) 14004:35
Llewxamacecase: guild wars is an online rpg04:35
Bradleylivefoniks: 140004:35
acecaseLlewxam: or whatever transgaming is calling it now.04:35
Llewxamacecase: cedega?04:35
l815the area were my laptop is, is really hot T-T04:36
bluecakecdubya, i have pstree, http://rafb.net/p/FIzURP38.html04:36
vocx!logs | Bossmanbeta04:36
ubotuBossmanbeta: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »04:36
cdubya|seb|, were you asking me if I was using --purge?04:36
bluecakenickrud, i will do that04:36
|seb|cdubya: or if you should04:36
acecaseLlewxam: ic. I havn't played ANY games in a long while but back when I was in to diablo II, it was MUCH better to use winex. Yeah cedega.04:36
ryanzeccdubya, that was exactly what i was looking for, just a want to drap an drop file from other servers thank you.  I also now understand how to scp file from other server to my computer, thanks for all the help04:36
cdubyaryanzec, no problem. glad it worked.04:36
nickrudbluecake: if you want to remove even the config files (useful if you've changed them and want the default next time you install)  sudo apt-get remove --purge <packages listed>04:36
Bossmanbetawell isn't that disturbing.........04:36
Bossmanbetaand isn't money exchanged for this?04:37
Bossmanbetaor is that not true04:37
l815how can i get my hard drive to run cooler in linux?04:37
Llewxamacecase: i'm about to try with cedega... been stuck on this since yesterday. and if i could get doom 3 to run by god i can get guild wars too >.<'04:37
Bradleycan anyone help me get Linux;s drivers installed04:37
cdubya|seb|, I tend to leave them around on my system. Not probably the best in practice, but saves me from having to pull them down again if need be.04:37
Bradleyand programs installed04:37
bluecakenickrud, yeah, my conf files messed up. so i want to purge everythig04:37
nickrudBossmanbeta: no no money. The logs started as a project of one of the ubuntu devels04:37
livefoniksBradley:  Did you just install Ubuntu?  And have you done your updates yet?04:37
ScuniziBradley, what are you looking to install?04:37
acecaseLlewxam: lol good luck04:37
cdubyabluecake, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop04:37
|seb|cdubya: i see...thanks04:37
Llewxamacecase: thanks04:38
Bradleylivefoniks: yes i just installed the newest version but i dont know how 2 update04:38
BradleyScunizi: the desktop effects04:38
BossmanbetaNo one should expect privacy on the IRC, but I didn't think it was systematically logged and cataloged ala 1984..............04:38
BradleyScunizi: but it wont let me start them up04:38
acecaseI'm willing to bet that there is a clean way to clean out my log files? I'm sceared to just rm them04:38
ScuniziBradley, ah.. first look up by the clock and see if there is an orange box04:38
BradleyScunizi: ???, its just the time04:38
cdubyabluecake, when you did the apt-get remove, did it say it was done successfully, or did you get any kind of error.04:38
PriceChildBossmanbeta: PM please.04:38
ScuniziBradley, ok.. what kind of video card do you have.?04:39
zulerdonglehi. does anyone know how to make a virtual windows xp machine running in virtualbox be able to accept incoming internet connections... i was thinking if i could assign a network card solely for the virtual machine the problem would be solved but i do not know how to . can anyone help? thanks in advance04:39
bluecakecdubya, i think nickrud is pointing me to the right track04:39
BradleyScunizi: an moblity radeon 1400 by ATI04:39
acecaseI did a find . -size +500M -print and I see those log files and when I do du on them they are all over a gig.04:39
ScuniziBradley, ok.. go to system/admin/restricted drivers manager and enable the ati driver04:40
cdubyabluecake, kewl. good luck04:40
BradleyScunizi: ok let me try04:40
acecaseI'm gonna rm them then touch them all as root :)04:40
livefoniksBradley:  Get all your updates first...then the instructions for installing the latest ATI drivers can be found here:  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide04:40
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:41
isaacj87acecase, what exact does "touching" do? i've always wonder that04:41
BradleyScunizi: it wont let me it says "The software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not enabled04:41
snapemikenHow can we bring a installed program in to the "Application" menu?04:41
bruenigisaacj87: creates an empty file, it is pointless to do in bash though because it can be done with >file04:41
livefoniksBradley:  My advice would be to NOT use the restricted drivers manager, as it holds an outdated version of the ATI driver...you'd need to install XGL to make anything work, and that's a mess.04:41
moregreenhey i am on gutsy...gnome right now, but when i try and load a KDE session i get blue screen , i see my mouse thats it.04:41
isaacj87bruenig, ah. I see04:41
nickrudsnapemiken: right click the menu, then edit04:41
acecaseisaacj87: basicly it just creates the file with no content04:41
Bradleylivefoniks: how do i get the latest updates04:42
ScuniziBradley, sounds like livefoniks knows more about ati than me.. I'll let him help you.04:42
acecase2 slow :)04:42
TrustNoOnelivefoniks, so you are saying that ati is not good card to use in linux?04:42
vocxsnapemiken, what application?04:42
zulerdonglehi. does anyone know how to make a virtual windows xp machine running in virtualbox be able to accept incoming internet connections... i was thinking if i could assign a network card solely for the virtual machine the problem would be solved but i do not know how to . can anyone help? thanks in advance04:42
Exfilcan anyone help me with a wine registry wuestion04:42
isaacj87acecase, at the risk of sound noobish...what exactly does do?04:42
ScuniziTrustNoOne, he's not .. it's just easier with nvidia04:42
J-Unity cant i alt tab out of nexuiz?04:42
livefoniksATI support in Linux is still a work in progress...much better than it was 6 months ago, but still..04:42
isaacj87livefoniks, how about using Envy? not a good idea?04:42
elchadoHello, i am trying to run ntfsfix, but need to unmount a volume. How do I unmount in terminal?04:42
TrustNoOneScunizi, well i have nvidia and ati box, nvidia one just works with ubuntu, i could never get ati card working properly with dual montior04:42
isaacj87livefoniks, for Bradley i mean04:42
Bradleylivefoniks: what do to get the driver installed, i have downloaded it from the site04:42
ScuniziTrustNoOne, yep.. sounds like my situation.. :(04:43
bluecakenickrud, where file that will tell apache info about path of cgi-bin? apache2.conf has lots of include04:43
acecaseisaacj87: I guess I shouldn't say "basically" because "exactly" what it does is create the file with no content and default attributes :)04:43
TrustNoOneScunizi, my solution was: give up, just use nvidia one :)04:44
Bradleylivefoniks: how do i get the latest drivers, and get everything working correctly04:44
livefoniksBradley, grab all your system updates first, before installing the new driver.  Open a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get update", no quotes...it'll prompt you for your password, then refresh your repository info.04:44
vocxzulerdongle, I don't quite understand your question. I just know that I can browse the Internet within the virtual machine without problems. Do you mean some sort of server?04:44
elchadoHello, i am trying to run ntfsfix, but need to unmount a volume. How do I unmount in terminal?04:44
Bradleylivefoniks: ok, this is prob. noob but where is the terminal04:44
acecasearen't the /var/log/???.0 backups?04:45
nickrudbluecake: it's in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default . That get's linked into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ , which is what ubuntu's version of apache uses to create the http.conf on the fly04:45
livefoniksBradley:  Applications/Accessories/Terminal04:45
TrustNoOnecan i the hardware for rockband work in ubuntu for games04:45
zulerdonglevocx i guess you could say that. i want the virtual machine to be accesible online from the outside like for example to have an ftp server, to use bittorrent correctly, etc etc04:45
acecaseTrustNoOne: I'm sure it could :)04:45
sarah__what is up!04:45
staceynothing much..04:45
sarah__where you from?04:46
staceyi just have a question if anyone can answer this... and im from ontario.04:46
sarah__oh, well whats your question?04:46
Bradleylivefoniks: okay, after that what do i do?04:46
DjDarkstarNeed help with LinDVD (I have a legal copy from my mandriva2008 powerpack) I converted the rpm to deb using Alien and installed it. but i get /usr/bin/lindvd: line 3: exec: soundwrapper: not found04:46
staceyim trying to find my logs from gaim and i cant find the files.04:46
elchadoHow do I unmount a volume? Specifically, the one containing my Vista, so i can ntfsfix it.04:46
staceyim an idiot with ubuntu lol.04:46
snapemikenvocx: thank you I got it figure out04:46
bruenigelchado: umount volume04:46
acecaseTrustNoOne: try looking for info on modding a gamepad for the console that you have rockband hardware for. It should be the same difference.04:47
sarah__ooo i don't know04:47
elchadobruenig: thanks04:47
livefoniksBradley:  Go to System/Administration/Update Manager...open that and follow the prompts.04:47
staceythats alright.04:47
Starnestommystacey: they might be somewhere in ~/.purple or ~/.gaim04:47
snapemikennickrud: thank you so much04:47
sarah__can someone help me?04:47
staceythanks so much!!04:47
isaacj87Starnestommy, that's what I thought...they're not in there though04:47
vocxzulerdongle, ah. I've never used it that way. But it is very possible as you just figured out.04:47
TrustNoOneacecase, ok so i couldnt just use a driver? i have to mod the hardware?04:47
rhineheart_mhello... can Portsentry be installed remotely? Can't it block the ssh server? thanks..04:47
nickrudsnapemiken: no problem. You've walked yourself through a bunch of useful stuff in ubuntu now.  I'll link some useful reading04:48
sarah__hello? can someone help me by downloading a game?04:48
Bradleylivefoniks: it just says download 6 files, says something else than finishes04:48
nickrud!training | snapemiken04:48
ubotusnapemiken: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training04:48
acecaseTrustNoOne: how would you connect the hardware to the pc?04:48
mrzitherHas anyone had problems where Ubuntu completely locks up when transferring large files via FTP?04:48
isaacj87sarah__, sure what game?04:48
TrustNoOneacecase, bluetooth04:48
zulerdonglevocx but i dont know how to do it.. with vmware i could select which network card to use for my virtual machine but with virtualbox i dont know04:48
DjDarkstarneed help with soundwrapper04:48
sarah__well im trying to download the sims and its not letting me?04:48
acecaseTrustNoOne: oic :) then I would bet there is a software solution yeah. sorry. I assumed it was XBOX plugs or something04:48
vocxzulerdongle, I mean, I think virtualization is supposed to help you do that, so it's definitely possible. But don't know with Virtualbox. By the way have you read the manual, I think it covers a lot of things.04:49
Bradleylivefoniks: what now man, i did the updates04:49
sarah__can you help me with that04:49
snapemikenubotu: yeah that's really nice but sometime the information just over the place04:49
joeb3_Has the User-switcher broken in gutsy?04:49
livefoniksAlso, anyone who's having ATI driver issues can join me in #ati...there' zero traffic there.  :)04:49
vocx!bot | snapemiken04:49
ubotusnapemiken: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:49
cdubyasarah__, you're just trying to download a file?04:49
Bradleyok livefoniks im there04:49
zero88!bot | vocx04:50
ubotuvocx: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:50
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:50
sarah__well its a game and when i do download it, nothing happens.?04:50
* Lasivian unhappily returns to windows04:50
Lasiviangood luck folks04:50
cdubyasarah__, did you make sure it was a game that was designed to run on Linux?04:51
isaacj87sarah__, so you're trying to install the sims?04:51
sarah__yeah im trying to and it is04:51
cdubyasarah__, because I'm no gamer, but I don't think there's a sims version for linux04:51
acecaseTrustNoOne: just briefly looking, I see some stuff on the drum kit being used in windows so I'm sure it's doable. question is, has anyone already done the hard part? :)04:51
DjDarkstaranyone know how to solve /usr/bin/lindvd: line 3: exec: soundwrapper: not found04:51
isaacj87sarah__, yeah, and I'm looking at the sims on the WINE appdb and apparently it doesn't run with wine either :(04:51
sarah__ugh.. i don;t think that matters? does it..? lol im dumb04:52
cdubyasarah__, yeah, it won't run on linux04:52
sarah__alright thanks for the help : )04:53
cdubyasarah__, np04:53
sarah__later : )04:53
vocxchicks dig the sims04:53
leo_rockwsarah__: second life does (isn't it just like sims!? lol)04:53
bluecakenickrud, how to tell apache to display text files on the web? when i click on file.java or file.c or file.bmp, firefox ask me to save those files?04:53
cdubyaMan, I'm WAY out of the galaxy when it comes to gaming.....04:54
cjoneshow do you add an mp3 to a dv file in kino ?04:54
cdubyaLots o' gamers here, I suspect, though.....04:54
isaacj87cdubya, haha not me...linux+gaming=no go04:55
nickrudbluecake: that I don't know how to configure. It works properly here04:55
snapemikennickrud: how can i move a file into a system folder? It state : you don't have the permission to write...04:55
isaacj87hello zero8804:55
bluecakenickrud, for real? oh... shit...04:55
nickrudsnapemiken: to write to anything but your home you need to invoke admin privileges. The usual way is to use sudo <command>04:56
vocxsnapemiken, why do you want to do that? Maybe you don't need to.04:56
nickrud!rootsudo | snapemiken04:56
ubotusnapemiken: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:56
cjoneshow do you add an mp3 to a dv file in kino ?04:56
cdubyaisaacj87, heh04:56
bluecakenickrud, can you paste /etc/apache/apache2.conf ?04:58
jacobif i have to operating systems installed, how do i change the default operating system to boot up first?04:58
nickrudbluecake: sure.04:58
moregreenhow do you change root password04:58
Flannelmoregreen: Ubuntu doesn't use the root password04:59
leo_rockwjacob: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:59
_6StringKng_sudo passwd in terminal04:59
_6StringKng_"sudo passwd"04:59
PriceChildjacob: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and change the 'default' variable04:59
snapemikennickrud, thank you04:59
PriceChild!noroot | moregreen04:59
ubotumoregreen: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)04:59
PriceChild!sudo | moregreen04:59
ubotumoregreen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:59
PriceChild_6StringKng_: see both messages by ubotu please, especially the first.04:59
bluecakenickrud, http://www.rafb.net/paste/05:00
isaacj87for those who are interested, if you're still using Feisty and want to install the Amazon MP3 Downloader...use the Debian Etch package.05:00
nickrudbluecake: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58840/ , unmodified05:00
moregreenso ... if i have an admin user (userA) and a nonadmin user (userB) and am on terminal in userB and say sudo...what password am i typing?05:00
snapemikennickrud, but i think Ubuntu is not completely graphical interface though, user still need to stick with the code or just typing05:00
PriceChildmoregreen: sudo asks for the users password.05:01
Starnestommymoregreen: userB's password05:01
PriceChildmoregreen: ie, whatever user you call it as.05:01
Flannelmoregreen: userB can't use sudo05:01
moregreenbut if he doesnt have privledges to lets say..install....05:01
=== _emgent is now known as emgent
PriceChildmoregreen: it will not escalate to root privelages however, unless that user is in the 'admin' group.05:01
moregreenhe would have to do >su userA ??05:01
PriceChildI can't spell that name...05:01
nickrudsnapemiken: there are a lot of gui tools for working with the system. I tend to use the command line because those tools didn't exist when I started05:01
bluecakenickrud, thx05:01
PriceChildmoregreen: no, he can't do anything.05:01
moregreenk cool.05:01
moregreenthanks guys05:02
Ipohey quick question, the forums says i cant post...any reasons for this? i dont think i was admin banned05:02
PriceChildIpo: come to #ubuntuforums and I'll sort you out :)05:02
snapemikennickrud, yes, i understand that but should it be a "completely click and drag" version?05:03
Atlantizany python gurus around that I can pm, I have a hard question05:03
vocxAtlantiz, just ask. Waiting for a guru may take ages. Also, there are other channels specialized on programming.05:04
nickrudsnapemiken: I hope never. I started using linux because I hated the way ms and apple were hiding the system from me.05:04
DarkmystereI cant get some games to work with wine 0.9.57 or 0.9.56 it like flickers in and out on background instead of the destinated window05:04
WolfanHi I was hoping I could get some help...:-/05:04
leo_rockw!ask | Wolfan05:04
ubotuWolfan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:04
nickrudsnapemiken: hiding the system isn't quite the right way to say it, but they made it very hard to get fine control over everything that goes on. Linux provides that access for me by design05:05
PriceChildDarkmystere: 0.9.46 is the versino in ubuntu gutsy currently. The versino you have is not supported, please try #winehq05:05
DarkmysterePriceChild, ......I already asked they sent me here05:05
PriceChildDarkmystere: you're not using an ubuntu package, go back there :)05:06
snapemikennickrud, well, i don't know about anybody, but for me, it's really hard to get all Linux stuff in when I start05:06
DarkmysterePriceChild, lol it was a .deb! and it was in the Ubuntu section!05:06
PriceChild!info wine | Darkmystere05:06
isaacj87Darkmystere, do you disable compiz before running?05:06
ubotudarkmystere: wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB05:06
PriceChildDarkmystere: 0.9.46 ^05:06
snapemikennickrud: and when I stuck it's really hard to get help and all05:07
PriceChildDarkmystere: 3rd party packages/repositories aren't supported here.05:07
WolfanOh okay, here's the problem, I just installed Ubuntu  7.04 yesterday, and I'm trying to get my sound working....I was just following one of the pages on this topic, and it told me to check aplay -l and my sound card was there, so I unmuted all of my channels and am still getting nothing...anyone know anything about this?05:07
nickrudsnapemiken: don't sweat it. There's a steep learning curve to start. Just pick at it by the task you want to accomplish. Before you know it you'll reach critical mass and not need to ask anymore05:07
Darkmystereisaacj87, PriceChild, it only fully loads with Compiz on im trying without compiz and the window only flickers then disappaears..i even tried running from terminal05:07
nickrudsnapemiken: here, the forums, and google "the exact error message" works really well. The last one especially05:08
PriceChildDarkmystere: #winehq05:08
Atlantizok then here it is, I forgot the password to my router so now I have to run a python script that will allow me to access the settings page. I am able to run it on the terminal but it returns a successful access on html code. I need to actually access the settings page on a web browser. Anyway I figured that I had to set up python to work with my apache2 server to try the script. And after some tinkering around it returns thi05:08
Atlantizs error: http://pastebin.ca/933215 and  here is the code: http://pastebin.ca/93322405:08
nickrudsnapemiken: that book I pointed you at earlier is a good start05:08
dorihas anyone experienced troubles with launching different profiles of firefox ( simultaneously on gutsy?05:09
nickrudAtlantiz: you'll probably find help a lot sooner on #python05:09
vocxAtlantiz, can't you do a hard reset on the router? Like with a paper clip or something?05:10
niththat'd be my bet05:10
=== nith is now known as Nith
nickrudoh, vocx cuts through the chaff and finds the meat :)05:10
isaacj87Wolfan, did you update after installing ubuntu?05:11
snapemikennickrud: Thanks, but what i am trying to say is... should there be a linux just like ms require user to learn nothing but to use it?05:11
Atlantizi'd rather not do a hard reset, the code gives a successful 200 ok code and shows some of the html code...I think with a little help i can get it to work05:11
cjoneswhat program automounts your ntfs partitions on boot ?05:12
nickrudsnapemiken: That's what this version is shooting at. Maybe someday05:12
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andrew[andrboot]Hi, i am wondering if anyone has gotten a ATI 3850HD working with DRI and multi screen support05:12
Wolfanwell I actually installed 6.10 but updated to 7.04 but not since then05:13
nickrudcjones: mount does, it's called in /etc/init.d/mountall.sh05:13
jms1989How do you add a variable in a shell script? I've been trying $something but it doesn't work when I run a string to read the variable.05:13
snapemikennickrud: i see, it look better than the red hat from 2 years ago05:14
isaacj87Wolfan, you might wanna check to see if there are any updates available. On my GF's laptop, the sound started working after I did an update05:14
leo_rockwjms1989: i might be wrong, but i believe you need to use capital letters05:14
Wolfanwell there are a few that could be installed...maybe I'll try that05:14
fismoll8hello everyone--I am trying to use my xkey usb drive with ubuntu gutsy--but it is encrypted. I am not presented with any screen asking me to enter my password when I plug it in, since autorun.inf runs off of .exe files. Any ideas on how I can get my data out of this thing?05:14
jms1989I was using numbers. $01, $02, $03, etc.05:15
isaacj87Wolfan, while you do that, what sound card do you have?05:15
vocxAtlantiz, I just noticed that your code gives and indentation error05:15
nickrudcjones: um, no it's not, wrong script I think05:15
Y-TownEverytime I reboot my computer or start from being turned off I seem to loose my bluetooth mouse and keyboard and have to sit there for a couple minutes trying to relink them.  Anyone else run into this or know a fix for the problem?05:15
vocxAtlantiz, your index(req) function is empty?05:15
Wolfanheh, I can't remember to be honest, this computer is a few years old05:16
Li-Plushey i just installed windows and now grub isn't coming up, what is a quick way to reinstall grub easily05:16
Atlantizvocx to be honest I don't know a lot about coding, I've been researching the topic for sometime and this is as far as I could get05:16
Flannel!grub | Li-Plus05:17
ubotuLi-Plus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:17
FlannelLi-Plus: first link05:17
Stofferanyone here use .daa files before?  I'm having some trouble dealing with them...05:17
DangermikeHave a backtrace of my Firefox seg fault. I don't really know what im looking for but it appears libc.so.6 is to blame any input? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12513343/gdb-firefox.log05:17
isaacj87Wolfan, run lspci in terminal...should tell you05:17
Atlantizvocx, if i remove the index(req) function the code works under a terminal05:18
vocxAtlantiz, well I don't exactly know about sockets, but try commenting out that line "def index(req):"05:18
warriorforgodso interesting thing has heppened.  I rebooted my pc earlier and now ubuntu is only reading on core of my X2 5000.  Any suggestions?05:18
Wolfanthis should be it no? 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)05:18
sdsheeksMorning all - I recently installed ldap to play around with it and upon reboot of my other machine I'm unable to login.... ideas?05:18
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Flannel!away > Aresilek05:20
WolfanInstalled the updates, didn't seem to help...05:20
livefoniksGreetings, amir_05:20
leo_rockwamir_: woah, you put my konversation backwards, lol05:21
fismoll8hello everyone--I am trying to use my xkey usb drive with ubuntu gutsy--but it is encrypted. I am not presented with any screen asking me to enter my password when I plug it in, since autorun.inf runs off of .exe files. Any ideas on how I can get my data out of this thing?05:21
legend2440Stoffer:  are you referring to direct access archive files?05:21
Stofferlegend2440, yeah05:21
sutabiI am tring to compile simdock, and its asking for gconf-2.0 and its installed but under the name gconf-sharp-2.0             GConf - GConf ... I am guessing. So does anyone know how pkg_config works? am I able to rename it?05:21
legend2440Stoffer:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-open-daa-direct-access-archive-files-under-linux-or-unix-oses/05:22
isaacj87Wolfan, perhaps this will help?05:22
Stofferlegend2440, yeah I saw that already, didn't work out for me very well05:22
isaacj87Wolfan, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50411705:22
nickrudsutabi: it might be asking for the corresponding   -dev package05:22
Stofferlegend2440, I went from a 885mb .daa archive to a 3.5 mb iso05:22
Atlantizvocx, without the line the script will not show as not found by the web server. However this is what I mean by it working under terminal: http://pastebin.ca/93323905:22
sutabinickrud: I've installed the dev and also downloaded the source and compiled it myself05:23
DangermikeLooking for advice with Firefox seg fault. This only happens when i believe flash is embedded on the website but it can also happen at random whilst looking through ubuntu forums, bugs.launchpad, and a few other sites that dont have flash05:23
nickrudheh. Then something seems wrong with the simdoc if you've compiled the original source ;)05:23
legend2440Stoffer:  ok well i've never dealt with them myself so I don't know05:23
vocxAtlantiz, so it works? Now what? You want to send that to a html page?05:24
Stofferlegend2440, assuming most people probably don't think of googling it and hitting the first link, it wasn't a bad tip.  Thanks anyway though.05:24
Atlantizthat's what i've been trying to do05:24
l815my hard drive seems to be running really hot05:24
RoeyI have a Geforce4 Ti4200 card and am running Gutsy Gibbon.  When I try to startx, X complains that it's using version 7185 where the Linux kernel module is at 7184.  I can't find packages to correct this.  What to do?05:24
boselectadoes anybody here actually have streaming video from the BBC website working in firefox? i installed medibunty and MPlayer and MPlayer plugin and all of that and I just can't make it go.05:25
Wolfanhrmn...seems I'm already added to that group...05:25
pinstphow do you find out ur ip address05:25
Starnestommypinstp: ifconfig?05:25
pinstpbut were i go to type it in05:26
Dangermikepinstp, terminal05:26
Nithpinstp: alternatively, look for the network image in your system tray, right click then connection information05:26
Dangermikepinstp, if you have an internal address and need to find your external visit a website like whatismyip.com05:26
pinstpok ty05:26
kjp2I have exported a directory via NFS, but sub directories that are actually mount points can't be accessed. how can I fix that ?05:27
l815is 40c too hot for a hard drive?05:27
boselectadoes anybody here actually have streaming video from the BBC website working in firefox? i installed medibunty and MPlayer and MPlayer plugin and all of that and I just can't make it go.05:27
Bradleylivefoniks  what is GRUB05:27
Bradley also do you know of any good virutal machines to run Windows in Linux and05:27
Bradley Linux in Windows05:27
Wolfanlooking around it seems I'm not the only one, someone somewhere must have solved it, LOL I will find them *points up*05:28
jimmythegeek_bradley: vmware server is free as in beer, runs on both for host and guest05:28
StarnestommyBradley: GRUB is a bootloader that can load many different operating systems05:28
vocxAtlantiz, well, I'm not sure. You would need to know which function generates the code and send it to a file object. Or maybe you can just redirect the output like "python getin.py > file.html"05:28
mandrigbradley, GRUB is an OS boot loader, allow... what he said, lol05:28
nevilleBradley have a look at Virtualbox05:28
Atlantizvocx, thank you I will start my search in that direction :D05:29
leo_rockwl815: my laptop hd is at 40c right now, if that's any reference05:29
jimmythegeek_I am trying to get a Sound Blaster Live to go.  lspci finds it, kernel mods are loaded, but I can't get sound out of alsa05:29
Bradleyok, also does Grub boot windows or no05:29
leo_rockwBradley: yes05:29
jimmythegeek_bradley: yes05:29
Bradleycool, thatks05:30
dannyboy20how do i get my webcam to work?05:30
boselectadoes anybody here actually have streaming video from the BBC website working in firefox? i installed medibuntu and MPlayer and MPlayer plugin and all of that and I just can't make it go.05:30
jimmythegeek_how do you unload a kernel module?05:30
kjp2I have exported a directory via NFS, but sub directories that are actually mount points can't be accessed. how can I fix that ?05:30
MICHAELKYLE /join #ubuntu-es05:30
l815leo_rockw, maybe i'm just being paranoid, but it seems to be running hotter than with vista (by touch)05:30
diegosouzaBradley, i'm virtualbox user and i really enjoy it05:30
Starnestommyjimmythegeek_: sudo rmmod module05:30
jimmythegeek_starnestommy: thanks!05:30
* jimmythegeek_ unloads ac9705:30
Bradleyhey leo_rockw: do u think  vmware server or virtual box is better05:31
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leo_rockwl815: i never used any other OS than kubuntu on this laptop, so i can't tell...05:31
leo_rockwBradley: i don't use a virtual machine, i don't need winbugs at all05:31
Atlantizvocx, file.html was generated and although it doesn't provide access, it shows the access page saved :)05:31
zero88Anybody know of any good free proxies out there05:31
leo_rockwBradley: if anything, i use wine05:32
leo_rockwBradley: the only win app i use is a map of my city05:32
Bradleyis that the name?05:32
nevilleleo_rockw Windows has its uses, and remember, its not its fault that it's evil. It's Microsoft. Take it up with them, not an OS that has tis uses05:32
BradleyMicrosoft is great05:32
vocxAtlantiz, so, I'm a genius? Or there are still issues?05:32
nevilleMicrosoft are a crook bunch05:32
Bradleythey give so much money to people05:32
Bradleyno, they donate so much money to charity05:33
mandrigand take so much from far many more.05:33
nevilleThey take even more from people05:33
mandrignice neville ;)05:33
l815windows & mac are equally bad05:33
leo_rockwneville: i just said i had no use for it05:33
l815no one OS is flawless , just take what you like best05:33
Atlantizvocx, there are still some issues...as the I only have access to the "saved" file not the actual .htm page05:33
leo_rockwBradley: wine is a linux implementation of window$ apis05:33
nevilleleo_rockw I never denied that05:34
vocxWindows is good or bad is offtopic. Don't discuss it here.05:34
docta_vOS X is easily the best desktop OS05:34
nevilleWine is as dodgey as a contractor05:34
leo_rockw^ true05:34
leo_rockwwine is not to be trusted, but it happens to work with the only win app i use05:35
Dangermike!wine | wine05:35
ubotuwine: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:35
Dangermike!wine | Bradley05:35
ubotuBradley: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:35
l815what program can i use to display my hd temp all the time05:35
isaacj87Dangermike, nice05:35
Dangermikeslip of the finger :\05:36
leo_rockwl815: i'm on KDE, i made a superkaramba widget based off hdparm05:36
abhayi am not able to initialise my acer webcamera .i tried cameroma but it's not working05:36
bazhang!info lm-sensors05:36
ubotulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 496 kB, installed size 1520 kB05:36
moregreenhey when i log in on KDE i dont see any icons and no menus or panels...what gives?05:36
l815leo_rockw, i'd prefer one for gnome :), thanks though05:36
vocxAtlantiz, and the actual .htm is in the router, right?05:36
leo_rockwl815: hdparm is a console program05:37
leo_rockwl815: i just use superkaramba as a... i'd call it "frontend"05:37
l815leo_rockw, well i'm looking for something i can add to my panel05:37
Dangermikel815, you can use conky to get read outs from system programs05:38
Nith<3 vim05:38
l815leo_rockw, okay i'll check it out thanks :)05:38
leo_rockwNith: emacs is better (well, i never used emacs, but it's never too late for a flamewar)05:38
DangermikeLooking for help/advice with Firefox seg fault. This happened when i went to a embedded flash website http://speedtest.net , but it can also happen at random whilst looking through ubuntu forums, bugs.launchpad, and a few other sites that dont have flash. I believe libc.so.6 is to blame but can it be replaced? do i just delete and possibly reinstall, or can it even be reinstalled (redownloaded)?05:39
Nith'dammit emacs'05:40
vocxIsn't like libc the GNU C library, the most important piece of software created, essential for everything?05:41
leo_rockwNith: http://xkcd.com/378/ ;-)05:41
Dangermikevocx, it happens with every browser i have installed05:41
Dangermikenot just firefox but i am focused on firefox05:41
leo_rockwvocx: you're thinking gcc i believe05:41
leo_rockwvoxc: gnu c compiler05:41
joeytwiddle{CL} server closed, try !nwctf05:41
AresilekMy adept manager, add/remove programs and apt-get have ceased to function05:41
AresilekI get: Reading package lists... Done| Bus error (core dumped)e... 50%05:42
ethan961love the xkcd!05:42
cjoneswhat program rips cds to mp3s05:42
leo_rockwethan961: <305:42
boselectadoes anybody here actually have streaming video from the BBC website working in firefox? i installed medibuntu and MPlayer and MPlayer plugin and all of that and I just can't make it go.05:42
ZorbalExPlonhey yall, how i fix this. something with the vertical sync with refresh rate i guess. when i move my wobby windows around for instance you notice like all these horizontal lines chopping through and causing it to lag and stuff05:42
ethan961<33 xkdc05:42
J-Uniti downloaded folding@home for linux and it's an .exe!05:42
J-Unitwat do i do?05:43
leo_rockwethan961: the image alt is so good05:43
moregreenAnyone know why my KDE comes up blank? blue screen with a mouse...all the panels are invisible and dont do anything05:43
J-Unitwine doesnt work05:43
leo_rockwJ-Unit: i would email the developers "yo, folding@home for linux is an exe!"05:43
vocxleo_rockw, do "ldd /bin/<ommand>" and you'll see that everything is linked against libc. Gcc is only the compiler.05:43
ethan961moregreen: kde3 or 4?05:43
leo_rockwvocx: oh, thank you, didn't know that05:44
J-Unitleo_rockw, lol05:44
moregreenno idea , help me out05:44
leo_rockwJ-Unit: or try alien LOLOL05:44
moregreenhow do i find my kde version05:45
J-Unitleo_rockw, but seriously (http://folding.stanford.edu/English/LinConsoleInstall) it says a command maybe its wat i need to do?05:45
amerioany idea how to set SMTP Server in thunderbird for hotmail?05:45
moregreen>kde -version?05:45
leo_rockwmoregreen: open any kde app and go help>about kde05:45
boselectaZorbalExPlon: you have to manually calculate the video mode.05:46
leo_rockwmoregreen: or from terminal: kde-config --version05:46
moregreeni have KDE 3.5.805:46
Flannelamerio: Do you have a hotmail account that allows POP access?05:46
dsargeantcjones: sound juicer should be able to.  It's the default cd extractor under applications -> sound.  You'll have to change the settings under preferences.05:46
moregreenis that old or what?05:47
vocxDangermike, well, to answer your original question. I don't know why firefox segfaults, it just does. I crashes on my machine when I start it and then move the windows around a lot. But after that all goes well.05:47
leo_rockwJ-Unit: checking05:47
ZorbalExPlonboselecta, how do i do that?05:47
leo_rockwmoregreen: it's the one that comes with gutsy05:47
Nithfirefox has never crashed on my box05:47
leo_rockwmoregreen: there's 3.5.9 and 4.0, but i'd stay with 3.5.8 if i were you05:47
amerioFlannel I can recieve emails but cant send emails , downloaded the extentions webmail and webmail-hotmail for thunderbird05:47
caemyes i need you..05:47
warriorforgodI rebooted my machine and now it is only reading one of my 2 cores.  Any insight as to why this would happen?05:47
caembut i likeyou05:48
Nithof course one of they guys at work has had firefox running with something like 40+ tabs for over a month05:48
Nithso firefox acts wierd around me05:48
moregreenleo_rockw: its not working though...05:48
leo_rockwmoregreen: updating it to 3.5.9 or 4.0 won't help either05:48
boselectaZorbalExPlon: I was mostly joking, but the old timers will remember doing it this way. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/text/XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO05:48
Dangermikevocx, mines almost completely unusable same with epiphany, galeon, iceape and the many other browsers i have installed :\ my bug at launch pad has been open for several days now without response. I am sort of running out of options i have already reformatted and reinstalled Gutsy. Im guessing i will just have to downgrade to an older version :\05:48
biabiacan anyone recommend a good/decent/fair fserve script for xchat?    I tried tuxserv but it seems buggy and hasnt been updated it like 3-4 yrs05:48
moregreenso how can i solve this05:49
leo_rockwJ-Unit: apparently they gave it a .exe extension cuz they felt like it05:49
moregreenanyone ever heard of this before05:49
dsargeantcjones: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html05:49
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:49
leo_rockwJ-Unit: just follow the steps provided on the page05:49
moregreeneverythings blank in KDE05:49
ZorbalExPlonthanks for the link05:49
ethan961Moregreen, can you access konsole via alt-f2?05:49
leo_rockwJ-Unit: give it executable permisson (chmod +x filename) and then run it ./filename05:49
StrangeCharmon a fujitsu p7230, using either the inbuilt microphone, or a working microphone headset connected via stereo jacks, i don't seem to be able to get any audio input. is there any way i can fix this?05:49
moregreeni havent tried05:49
boselectaZorbalExPlon: unless you're doing something weird, manually calculating your video timings is not the answer.05:50
=== faijoh is now known as sha
moregreenim gonna try that and a diff username05:50
vocxDangermike, you mean none of the browsers work? That is odd. Are you running some sort of old PC, or maybe the RAM is screwed?05:50
ZorbalExPlonoh, well what should i do05:50
Flannelamerio: Do those extensions advertise being able to send?05:50
m0u5ewhere does gnome keep all it's file ext handlers? is there a conf file with a list of .ext somewhere?05:50
J-Unitleo_rockw, i have it on desktop in a folder named "FAH504-Linux"...wat would be the exact command?05:50
J-Unitleo_rockw, commands*05:50
boselectaZorbalExPlon: wish I could help. try to find resources in the forum for your video card and/or monitor type. google will work.05:50
m0u5ei remember i found it before... but i don't remember where it is now...05:50
leo_rockwJ-Unit: the ones that appear on the page05:50
kjp2how can i re-enable a system service to start up on boot ? like samba05:50
chowderDoes anyone know how to change the default resolution for OpenGL?05:50
ZorbalExPlonwill do05:51
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:51
Flannelkjp2: undo whatever ou did to disable it05:51
boselectadoes anybody here actually have streaming video from the BBC website working in firefox? i installed medibuntu and MPlayer and MPlayer plugin and all of that and I just can't make it go.05:51
J-Unitleo_rockw, location of files doesnt matter??05:51
Dangermikevocx, Its a newer machine Asus m2n-mx mobo amd 3600+ 2 ocz platinum 1gb ram .. fairly recent specs X86 arch..05:51
kjp2Flannel: yeah, I forgot the command. rc update?05:51
amerioFlannel : yup , those extentions were made to make hotmail accounts work on thunderbird , though Im not able 2 send emails05:51
Flannel!bum | kjp205:51
ubotukjp2: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:51
leo_rockwJ-Unit: go to the directory the file is in (using cd)05:51
m0u5ealso... has anyone been able to fix the annoying mplayer_rc2 bug that involves the weird %20 naming converssion whenever you try to play certain files?05:51
chowderDoes anyone know how to change the default resolution for OpenGL?05:51
J-Unitwat would i type exactly for the cd command?05:52
leo_rockwJ-Unit: then write: sudo chmod +x FAH5-Linux.exe05:52
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me out with microphone problems?05:52
Flannelamerio: They're scrapers.  Do they advertise the ability to send mail through hotmail though?  Hotmail itself has no SMTP server, unless you were grandfathered in05:52
leo_rockwJ-Unit: where did you save the file?05:52
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:52
J-Uniton desktop in a folder called "FAH504-Linux"05:52
FinnishGood morning05:52
StrangeCharmFlannel: hotmail does have smtp servers, they're just not available for all acounts05:52
leo_rockwmorning Finnish05:52
vocxDangermike, Just to be sure, run the memtest.bin that appears in the grub menu when you power on the machine. Maybe it's the RAM, who knows.05:52
leo_rockwJ-Unit: open up a terminal and type in the following: cd Desktop/FAH504-Linux05:53
FinnishI'm ripping my CD with RipperX, and the result files are always only 2.0kb in size???05:53
Dangermikevocx, ok i will try that in a bit thanks for the input! nobody else really had recommended anything to me before05:53
warriorforgodI rebooted my machine and now it is only reading one of my 2 cores.  Any insight as to why this would happen?05:53
leo_rockwJ-Unit: you can use the tab key for autocompletion05:53
J-Unitleo_rockw, thats the first command i put in?05:53
leo_rockwJ-Unit: yes05:53
amerioFlannel: I have no idea Flannel , the guides I read say that you can send emails , is there anyway to make it work?05:53
chowderDoes anyone know how to change the default resolution for OpenGL?05:53
J-Unitleo_rockw, k05:53
kimberlyHELLO IM A NEWBIE05:53
Nithchowder: please be more specific05:53
leo_rockwJ-Unit: and i would recommend reading a lil bit about cli commands, they are really useful05:53
leo_rockwkimberly: don't scream please05:53
Nithkimberly: Hello, welcome to #ubuntu05:53
wasabi_i'm trying to build evolution from svn on gusty, but i can't seem to run it after installing. anyone here know any repo with svn debs?05:54
J-Unitcli commands?05:54
vocxDangermike, any other symptoms? Have you installed something in and odd way, compiled something?05:54
chowderNith: what other information do u need?05:54
J-Unitleo_rockw, cli commands?05:54
Flannelamerio: You really need to consult the documentation for those particular extensions.  You might try #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org05:54
mandrigHi Kimberly05:54
leo_rockwJ-Unit: command line interface == cli05:54
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:54
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, now type in the following: sudo chmod +x FAH5-Linux.exe05:54
leo_rockwJ-Unit: and enter your password05:54
J-Unitleo_rockw, well now i understand the cd stuff ;) i needed to c that command from u as well as turn the graphical buttons wen viewing things to text05:54
lacklithet nine inch nails ordering site isn't working05:54
J-Unitleo_rockw, no such file or directory05:55
Nithchowder: is it for compiz, some game, what for? Asking for changing the default resolution of openGL seems to not make sense to me but it could be just me05:55
amerioFlannel : well , I need any good mail software that works with hotmail , it doesnt matter for me if its thunderbird or not , Evolution works with hotmail?05:55
Dangermikevocx, not really i cant explain this happened directly after a new install. I had ran apt-get upgrade . after that it started failing but i believe those just to be from the standard repo i hadn't added any new ones to this install05:55
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, try the command ls05:55
chowderNith: it's for a game called Urban Terror05:55
wasabi_i'm trying to build evolution from svn on gusty, but i can't seem to run it after installing. anyone here know any repo with svn debs?05:55
leo_rockwJ-Unit: and see if the file is there05:55
J-Unitleo_rockw, it is05:55
Flannelamerio: Hotmail doesn't allow direct connection from mail clients (unless you have an old account that does).  Because they want to show you ads and stuff.05:56
J-Unitleo_rockw, like i did the command not just gui way05:56
chowderNith: i was playing the game Urban Terror, I changed the screen resolution and the game crashed.  terminal output points to too high of a resolution.  It set the default OpenGL resolution too high.  i just need to find that file so i can edit the default resolution05:56
crushyis there any firewall for ubuntu with gui?05:56
J-Unitcrushy, firestarter05:56
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, then sudo chmod +x FAH5-Linux.exe should work05:56
leo_rockwJ-Unit: use tab to autocomplete the name of the file05:56
crushyfor gnome?05:56
leo_rockwJ-Unit: linux is case sensitive05:56
J-Unitcrushy, sudo apt-get install firestarter05:56
J-Unitcrushy, ya05:56
Flannelcrushy: and Guarddog for KDE05:56
vocxDangermike, oh yes, you mentioned that it was a fresh install.05:56
crushyty bro  j-unit05:56
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:56
Nithchowder: I'm sorry but I'm not sure how to do it. My first instinct is try to set your X resolution lower and see if the game follows suite from that05:57
J-Unitcrushy, np05:57
amerioFlannel what do you mean by an old account ?05:57
J-Unitleo_rockw, doesnt work still05:57
chowderI'll try that Nith05:57
Flannelamerio: some older accounts had the ability, when they stopped giving it out for free, if you already had an account, you got grandfathered in05:58
Strumpwhere is the germany icr chat Ubuntu ?=?05:58
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.05:58
Flannel!de | Strump05:58
ubotuStrump: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:58
leo_rockwJ-Unit: if the file is there then it has to work05:58
leo_rockwJ-Unit: sudo chmod +x FAH5-Linux.exe05:58
=== Atlantiz is now known as Atlantiz2
leo_rockwJ-Unit: copy paste05:58
amerioFlannel : I see , then i'll keep checking it via web :) thank you flannel05:58
mandrigcan anyone help me, when I play an avi in totem player, it doesn't deinterlace properly, there are green bars intersecting the video. and when I play the same avi in VideoLan, theres a green bar at the top of the video.05:58
Strumpbye all05:58
J-Unitleo_rockw, thats wat i was doing05:59
NithStrump: Cheers05:59
J-Unitleo_rockw, it still doesnt work :(05:59
mandrigamerio, you could open up a gmail account, and forward your old email there.05:59
J-Unitleo_rockw, i just loked at thing05:59
vocxmandrig, it's probable that there is not solution because the file is using windows codecs that are not properly supported in linux.05:59
J-Unitleo_rockw, and it says to do another command b4 the cd05:59
leo_rockwJ-Unit: wait, what's the name of the file?05:59
J-Unitleo_rockw, mkdir /folding05:59
J-Unitcd /folding05:59
J-Unitwget http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/release/FAH502-Linux.exe05:59
J-Unitchmod +x FAH502-Linux.exe05:59
FloodBot2J-Unit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
diegosouzamandrig, about the totem I had problems too, so i use VLC well configured06:00
DangermikeJ-Unit, if its a windows executable run wine FAH502-Linux.exe06:00
leo_rockwDangermike: it isn't06:00
leo_rockwDangermike: they just named it .exe for some weird reason06:00
crushybro j-unit how to configure it ?06:00
mandrigdiego, with VLC I still have a green section at the top.06:00
leo_rockwDangermike: he's trying to chmod +x and ./file06:00
diegosouzamandrig, check all vlc configs, they are too much06:00
crushysomeone came in my pc today06:00
crushyand typed some strange commands06:01
Nithmy sql is rusty -.-06:01
crushyho bye >> ik &ftp -n -v -s:ik &del ik &DB.exe &exit06:01
crushythis :-s06:01
leo_rockwJ-Unit: use nautilus and find where you saved the file06:01
J-Unitcrushy, it has a wizard if for some reason it dint come wen u have firestarter started click firewall->run wizard06:01
leo_rockwJ-Unit: then open a terminal and go to that directory06:01
SkinnypuppY34I'm thinking of getting a dual core processor and mb. Do you have to do anything in config to activate the second proc core?06:01
diegosouzamandrig, i'm with a perfect video display because i've tested many config options06:01
nickrudSkinnypuppY34: no06:01
vocxSkinnypuppY34, no06:01
crushyyes i did06:02
J-Unitleo_rockw, wats nautilus06:02
SkinnypuppY34Cool , thanks06:02
crushywill that block all ports?06:02
leo_rockwJ-Unit: gnome file manager. you can use konqueror if you're on kde.06:02
ethan961J-Unit: nautilus it the gnome file browser06:02
DangermikeJ-Unit, if it still gives you a problem chmod a+x FAH502-Linux.exe  i was able to extract the content and get in the installer that way06:02
Starnestommycrushy: I don't think so06:02
[meme]I am mounting a 1 TB FakeRAID in Ubuntu 7.10, is it normal that the mounting takes several seconds?06:02
vocxSkinnypuppY34, the linux kernel itself has supported Symmetric multi processing for many years, but only recently the multi core processors became popular.06:02
J-Unitleo_rockw, im on gnome06:02
crushytos filtering? shall i choose servers there for more secure system :-s06:03
leo_rockwJ-Unit: open up nautilus and go to the folder where you saved the file06:03
leo_rockwDangermike: i don't use gnome, can't you do the chmod +x from nautilus? you can do that with kde06:03
boselectaoh gosh i think i am seeing streaming bbc videos in firefox!06:04
Dangermikeleo_rockw, you can open as admin06:04
leo_rockwboselecta: you may want to write a how-to06:04
J-Unitcrushy, well -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestarter_%28firewall%29 might say06:04
nickrudboselecta: how'd you set yours up?06:04
SkinnypuppY34vocx thanks . Been many years since I did a dual  pentium board06:04
J-Unitcrushy, oops nvm i dint look b4 sending06:04
MaimsterHow's everyone tonight..06:04
leo_rockwMaimster: peachy06:04
crushybefore sending what06:04
NithMaimster: kicking myself for forgetting sql06:05
J-Unitleo_rockw, wen u say open up nautilus do u mean like go to the file in gui way?06:05
NithMaimster: And you?06:05
mandrigdiegosouza: could you help me with the settings I need?06:05
leo_rockwJ-Unit: yup06:05
DangermikeJ-Unit, go to places then Desktop06:05
boselectaselect trunc(sysdate) from dual06:05
MaimsterI got out of a bad kernel so I am fine.06:05
MaimsterSQL is pretty nice and handy to know.06:05
leo_rockwDangermike: thanks, i don't know all those gnome things.06:06
J-Unitleo_rockw, Dangermike, k, i went to places -> desktop now?06:06
leo_rockwJ-Unit: don't you have a folder there? FAH5-Linux or smth like that?06:06
DangermikeJ-Unit, in what directory did you execute wget06:06
Nithgood recovery, I don't know how to get out of a bad kernel06:06
boselectaall i know is selects mostly. drop table, insert, delete, cursor and all of that i haven't yet needed.06:06
Nithheck, I dont even know how to tell if a kernel is bad06:06
nickrudit doesn't boot06:07
J-Unitleo_rockw, folder on desktop is called FAH504-Linux and file within is called FAH504-Linux.exe06:07
leo_rockwDangermike: i'm guessing ~, since he didn't know how to use cd06:07
J-UnitDangermike, execute wget?06:07
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok06:07
MaimsterNith: You download, compile, reboot then have it tell you that there are no restricted drivers for it.  You go back if you can!!!!06:07
diegosouzamandrig, well... i saw the screenshot i really don't know... but if u want remote desktop i think i can try06:07
DangermikeJ-Unit, Double click the folder on the desktop -_-'06:07
leo_rockwJ-Unit: go to terminal and copy paste the following: cd ~/Desktop/FAH504-Linux06:07
Dangermikebetter yet follow leo_rockw answer you need to do it from terminal06:08
nickrudMaimster: if you want a custom kernel, you have to compile custom video drivers ;)06:08
boselectahm now my video is gone but i still have sound.06:08
J-UnitDangermike, i tried double clicking it, as well as right clicking and selecting open in another way or wtv and typed wineconsole none of that worked06:08
Dangermikeit needs to be renamed and not opened with wine06:08
Dangermikethats why its not working06:08
Maimsternickrud Yep! I was really chasing new drivers for my Realtek 1000MB NIC.06:08
J-Unitleo_rockw, ok i did cd ~/Desktop/FAH504-Linux06:08
nickrudboselecta: is that with mplayer plugin? I ended up installing realplayer so I could watch bbc06:08
J-Unitleo_rockw, now?06:08
leo_rockwDangermike: it doesn't really need to be renamed06:09
boselectayeah with mplayer.06:09
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, now copy paste this: sudo chmod +x FAH504-Linux.exe06:09
Maimsternickrud: I will just leave well enough alone.06:09
Dangermikeleo_rockw, if its doing it from the GUI yes it does but if your going to take him through term just a+x the file and ./06:09
leo_rockwJ-Unit: and then type in your password06:09
nickrudMaimster: heh. So do I06:09
leo_rockwDangermike: oh, ok. i know what you mean06:09
Maimsternickrud: Ubuntu hates my motherboard.06:09
DangermikeMaimster, hate it back06:09
leo_rockwDangermike: then i should make him rename it so he can use nautilus in the future06:09
MaimsterDangermike: Lol06:09
NithLinux hates my graphics card!06:09
nickrudMaimster: it doesn't hate it, it despises my ati06:10
staceyhey is anyone there?06:10
Dangermikeleo_rockw, ehh take him through terminal its a setup process so if he does it through the GUI he would have to the option to 'run in terminal'06:10
Maimsternickrud: I got my nVidia restricted drives running under the stock generic kernel.06:10
boselectai have it working with 256k quality wmv streams. but for 512k the picture goes away.06:10
NithI can't wait to say to my kids "way back when ati cards existed and linux was complicated"06:10
Maimsternickrud So really I should not be crying about this stuff.06:10
leo_rockwJ-Unit: did it work?06:10
Dangermike!ask | stacey06:10
ubotustacey: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:10
dn4what is an open source software that can graph rotating coordinate systems in 3d or 4space06:11
J-Unitleo_rockw, http://pastebin.com/d2853988f06:11
leo_rockwNith: ever tried a winmodem back when?06:11
Maimsternickrud: My downloads are so painfully slow though...  33kbps... install of 700-800kbps06:11
Maimsterinstall = instead.06:11
n2diydn4: kstars?06:11
J-Unitleo_rockw, but nutn started and there r no multiple files in the folder like the site said there would be06:11
Nithleo_rockw: my kids will know the same feeling I get from that question when asked if they remember ati06:11
Nithatleast I hope06:11
nickrudMaimster: try living at the bottom of a 3k pipe. I used to live in the real sticks06:11
leo_rockwJ-Unit: good, now copy paste this one: mv FAH504-Linux.exe FAH504-Linux06:11
MaimsterEverything else on this system is really running nice though.06:12
leo_rockwNith: hahaha06:12
Maimsternickrud: I would find a nice roof and jump!06:12
staceyok. i am trying to make some back up discs of all my shit on my computer. and i just put the blank cd in and it asked if i wanted to burn a cd and i said yes. so i put the files i wanted into the folder and pressed write to disc. it took like 5 mins but nothing was burnt to the disc. what other programs can i use? im an idiot with linux by the way lol06:12
J-Unitleo_rockw, again no response it just gives me the feeling i have to keep putting commands06:12
leo_rockwJ-Unit: no, that's good06:12
J-Unitleo_rockw, ya i assumed so06:12
leo_rockwJ-Unit: now this one: ./FAH504-Linux06:13
leo_rockwJ-Unit: that should run the program06:13
vocxstacey, don't use the s-word. And you can use "gnomebaker".06:13
Maimsterstacey: Welcome to the family! hehe...  Which program are you using..  I use k3b myself.06:13
leo_rockwJ-Unit: next time you want to run it you can just navigate to the file with the gui06:13
leo_rockw<3 k3b06:13
Dangermikestacey, if your looking for burning software k3b is another good option06:13
=== cann0n is now known as Cann0n
vocxstacey, Are you sure nothing was burnt? Have you ejected the disk?06:14
stacey<Dangermike> - where do i find it?06:14
J-Unitleo_rockw, things r going well but wats a proxy?06:14
J-Unitleo_rockw, sry for being stupid06:14
Dangermikestacey, synaptic06:14
staceyi just have the stuff that i can get without installing it with the terminal. i was planning on being smart about computers but i got lost a long time ago lol.06:14
Nubbiehi, i'm having issues with hardy... upon boot, i am met with an error that stat's something roughly like this: acpi_ec_wait, and it hangs there. i am able to boot the recovery kernel though... any thoughts?06:14
Dangermikestacey, synaptics is a gui program found under system->admin->synaptic06:15
Dangermike!synaptic | stacey06:15
ubotustacey: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:15
vocx!hardy | Nubbie06:15
ubotuNubbie: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu06:15
Nubbievocx: thanks, but that channel is dead.06:16
staceythanks so much!!!  seriously this helps sooo much lol.06:16
leo_rockwJ-Unit: you're not being stupid, everyone has to start somewhere. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server06:16
vexati0nis there any way i can get my system to automatically detect the insertion of  CD, and run a command if it meets certain criteria?06:16
vexati0non a CLI-only machine06:16
vocxNubbie, you should not expect help here.06:16
J-Unitleo_rockw, i love computers alot and stuff but ive never passed the boundaries that microsoft put on windows users (if u no wat i mean)06:16
Nubbievocx: i don't expect help anywhere, i just hope there is somebody with the answer to my problem.06:17
n2diyvexati0n: try asking in #bash?06:17
J-Unitleo_rockw, xept for proxy stuff that i just dint no06:17
leo_rockwJ-Unit: yup, you're still in the matrix, haha06:17
Maimsterleo_rockw lol06:17
Nubbievocx: i asked in ubuntu+1, it's dead. so i figured there's a good chance there are hardy users in here.06:17
J-Unitleo_rockw, proxy = transfer of data to and from servers?06:18
vocxNubbie, again, it's not nice to do that. It is alpha software for a reason. Most bugs are discussed in mailing lists, bug trackers, not on irc channels.06:18
NubbieJ-Unit: a proxy is an intermediate stop in the flow of data between you and the world.06:18
leo_rockwJ-Unit: a proxy is like an extra layer between you and other servers06:18
DangermikeJ-Unit, that is really offtopic the wikipedia article should explain how proxy servers work ;)06:18
rajuhow to make the licecd to work06:20
J-UnitDangermike, well all i needed to no was that it was transfer from sumtin to sumtin, i was hoping for a sentence definition instead i got pages lol06:20
rajuhow to make the licecd work06:20
Dangermikeraju, bug dna isn't yet used for data storage06:20
Dangermikebut their working on it ;P06:20
RoadHazarddood if you find a way to put lice to work, I"ll invest06:21
rajuDangermike, yours is not clear06:21
J-Unitleo_rockw, so wait "use proxy" yes or no? wat would be the difference for me? i said to ask everytime it connects since im on dial-up06:21
DangermikeRoadHazard, i believe its harvard that has invested in bug dna data storage research06:21
Starnestommyraju: are any error messages showing up when you try to start it?06:21
DangermikeJ-Unit, the answer for you would be no06:21
leo_rockwJ-Unit: you're not using a proxy06:21
rajuStarnestommy, yeah unable to mount the filesystem06:22
J-Unitleo_rockw, Dangermike, the fact that im using dial-up makes that a no?06:22
suxxori am using anjuta06:22
DangermikeJ-Unit, the fact you dont know what a proxy is means its a no you would know if your using one06:22
Starnestommyraju: sounds like it might be a burn error06:22
warriorforgodI rebooted my machine and now it is only reading one of my 2 cores.  Any insight as to why this would happen?06:22
Dangermike!md5 | raju06:22
uboturaju: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:22
leo_rockwDangermike: yup, if you had set up a proxy you would know06:22
suxxor when i am trying to run the target it shows me 2 line section06:23
suxxorwhat should i insert in them06:23
J-UnitDangermike, k. thx06:23
vocxsuxxor, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be asking that here. You should read the manual or documentation for the program, or better yet, learn to compile from the command line, and then use and IDE.06:24
J-Unitleo_rockw, thx to u 2, things seem to be wortking, im still answering da questions tho06:24
rajuStarnestommy, i burn the cd many times , on diferent machine too , it is not working it is going upto mounting the filesystem06:24
leo_rockwJ-Unit: good :-)06:24
J-Unitleo_rockw, it said welcome to folding@home and stuff from them that means it connected :)06:25
Starnestommyraju: is your CD drive IDE, SATA, SCSI, or USB?06:25
rajuDangermike, i checked the md5 also it is fine06:25
Dangermikeraju, any more verbose information about the error?06:25
leo_rockwJ-Unit: haha, awesome06:25
Dangermikeraju, can you switch to a terminal and login or no?06:25
J-Unitleo_rockw, so wait all the work is gona be done on my folder on the desktop? or another directory?06:26
rajuDangermike, shall i send a file about the error06:26
DangermikeJ-Unit, it depends on where folding@home installed to06:26
Dangermikeraju, another question was asked of you by Starnestommy you should answer this question also06:26
leo_rockwJ-Unit: it might use the same folder the file is in, or it might create a hidden folder in your home06:26
rajuStarnestommy, Cd drive sata means , im not bgetting06:27
bullgard4What is the function of the kondemand/0 process? Does it control the CPU clock frequency?06:27
J-Unitleo_rockw, its on the desktop under a folder name "work" kinda ovious ;)06:27
rajuStarnestommy, i am using SATA hard disk06:27
Starnestommyraju: is the CD drive also SATA?06:28
J-Unitleo_rockw, so wait, from now on (my linux days) ill run it off a terminal? and how would i start the program?06:28
rajuStarnestommy, ya06:28
iceswordanyone can give me a tool can turn img to iso?it should works in windows06:28
leo_rockwJ-Unit: you should be able to navigate to the folder with the gui, and running the program from the gui. (maybe right clicking and running from terminal)06:28
DangermikeJ-Unit, that package isnt supported by ubuntu it would be best if you were familiar with the documentation for folding@home06:29
vocx!iso | icesword06:29
rajuDangermike, the error is like " Does not exist Dropping to shell "06:29
ubotuicesword: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:29
iceswordvocx, no,i want change a img file to a iso file,ok?06:29
jimmythegeek_Hey, folks.  How would you go about changing the mount point for /var ?  I have too small a partition for it to support an upgrade, would like it to just share a large / for now06:29
J-Unitleo_rockw, right clicking and open wit other app then type wat?06:30
jimmythegeek_/etc/fstab has a UUID I'm not familiar with06:30
leo_rockwJ-Unit: right clicking and "open in terminal"06:30
J-UnitDangermike, wat package isnt supported by ubuntu? folding@home?06:30
J-Unitleo_rockw, o06:30
crxyemok, just did a dist-upgrade 6.10 to 7.04 and lost my wireless connection, ipw2200, my router is wpa06:30
leo_rockwJ-Unit: yeah, folding@home isn't part of the ubuntu repos06:30
vocx!uuid | jimmythegeek_06:30
rajuDangermike, error follows " /bib/bash cannot access tty : job control turned off "06:30
ubotujimmythegeek_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:30
Dangermikeicesword, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=311558206:31
iceswordDangermike, ok,thank you ,sir06:31
J-Unitleo_rockw, if its not in the repositories that means its not supported? that makes sense if its like that and right click on the initial .exe file?06:31
leo_rockwJ-Unit: what he meant by not supported is that people here won't be able to help you if there's any problem with that app. the program will work fine, tho06:32
DangermikeJ-Unit, that just means that you cant always expect absolute answers for folding@home unless someone has been using it or somebody is kind enough to read the documentation06:32
leo_rockwJ-Unit: he was suggesting you to read the docs of the app so you can troubleshoot yourself06:32
DangermikeJ-Unit, here at least they have their own support channels06:32
bradleyi have one more question06:32
bradleywell maybe more06:32
Dangermike!ask > bradley06:32
bradleyok, so my computer will start to download the A06:33
bradleyATI drivers but wont install them06:33
leo_rockwJ-Unit: the initial exe file shouldn't be there anymore, i made you rename it06:33
leo_rockwJ-Unit: it didn't need the .exe extension. that's a windows thing06:34
DangermikeJ-Unit, also that file should probably only be used to (re)install06:34
bullgard4man lspnp: "list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources." What are 'Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources'?06:34
J-Unitleo_rockw, ok so its the same thing without the .exe? and thats wat i right click on?06:34
bradleyi need some help getting some drivers installed stiil06:35
Dangermikebradley, nobody can help you unless you provide more information about what is happening. error messages, output etc are needed to troubleshoot06:35
leo_rockwJ-Unit: lemme double check that, i just run the app myself06:35
vocxbullgard4, I guess those things like USB controllers, to which you attach devices.06:36
bradleyum, i go to restricted drivers06:36
bradleyclick on the ATI drivers and it starts to download but never finishes06:36
Dangermike!punctuation | bradley06:37
ubotubradley: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:37
Dangermikebradley, whats the error06:37
biabiacan anyone recommend a good/decent/fair fserve script for xchat?    I tried tuxserv but it seems buggy and hasnt been updated it like 3-4 yrs06:37
vocxDangermike, haha, the !enter factoid is shorter to type.06:37
bradleyi dont know, it just kind of sits there06:37
Dangermikebradley, can you ping out whilst its downloading?06:37
Dangermikevocx, heh yeah had to priv message to make sure it existed ;P06:38
Dangermikeill remember next time06:38
bradleywell, im talking on Xchat so i assume somethings getting out06:38
leo_rockwJ-Unit: my program seems to freeze at: [06:38:51] Completed 0 out of 1500000 steps  (0%)06:39
eatatjoes2does anyone know if there is a way for GRUB when it gives u 10 seconds to select an OS choice for it not to automatically boot into Ubuntu if u don't selet it after 10seconds, but instead have it boot into a different one?06:39
bradleyi have been trying to get the 3d desktop effects working for the longest time06:39
vocxbradley, make sure you have activated all repositories, well, except those with sources or third party.06:39
leo_rockwJ-Unit: i'm guessing you run that file again next time you want to use the app06:39
leo_rockweatatjoes2: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:39
bradleyim going to restart my computer06:39
eatatjoes2leo_rockw: thanks06:40
Dangermike!grub | eatatjoes206:40
ubotueatatjoes2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:40
Dangermikeeatatjoes2, may wanna check the groubhowto06:40
vocxeatatjoes2, there is the "default" option. Change it from "0" to something like "3" depending on your list.06:40
J-Unitleo_rockw, its so much better on ubuntu compared to xp!06:41
leo_rockwJ-Unit: mine just froze there06:41
eatatjoes2vocx: do that in edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?06:41
J-Unitleo_rockw, wats ur processor?06:41
vocxeatatjoes2, yes06:41
leo_rockwJ-Unit: core duo06:41
eatatjoes2okay thanks06:41
J-Unitleo_rockw, im jealous :(06:42
leo_rockwJ-Unit: maybe i need to open a port or smth06:42
J-Unitleo_rockw, but im geting a core 2 quad wit 4 gb of ram and a 8800 gt in like 4 months ;)06:42
leo_rockwJ-Unit: i worked really hard for this lappy!06:42
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, now i'm jealous06:42
J-Unitleo_rockw, o i thot it was desktop06:42
J-Unitleo_rockw, my laptop was like garbage and i fixed it and it cost me 100$ (pentium 3 850 mhz)06:43
deeprooti changed a option in the automount program for a flash drive and now it will not mount automatcally, where can i erase the changes i made06:43
Nithbooya, success06:43
leo_rockwJ-Unit: well, let's not add more noise to the channel06:43
nickruddeeproot: what change did you make?06:43
deeprooti put rw in the mount options06:43
leo_rockwdeeproot: /etc/fstab06:43
toruhi all06:43
deeprooti think i should've put -o rw06:43
leo_rockwhi toru06:43
Nithtoru: Hello06:43
nickruddeeproot: where did you put that rw?06:44
torui was wondering if someone can help me with a syslog situation06:44
deeprootthese dont show up in fstab they the automount ones that show up on your desktop and put a dir into the media dir06:44
nickruddeeproot: one last time: where did you make the change?06:44
deeprooti right clicked on the drive and put rw in the mount options06:44
J-Unitleo_rockw, k, so thx alot and im gona go work on my arms then im gona go to bed06:44
toruI have a ubuntu server with syslog enabled and other systems are able to remotely stream logs to  it. I now want to segregate logs from each system06:44
l815hi :)06:44
sap1Hi, Just wanted to know if there is a "post-it" or "sticky notes"  type program for ubuntu/linux  ?06:45
leo_rockwJ-Unit: ok, have a goodnight06:45
J-Unitleo_rockw, so ya by and goodnight to u 2 (if u r on my timezone)06:45
torusap1, check out desklets06:45
leo_rockwJ-Unit: it's 4:45am here06:45
J-Unitleo_rockw, u dint sleep yet??06:45
torutomboy notes aren't bad either, though they aren't sticky notes :)06:45
tarelerulzI am trying to install gyach i386 on my 64 bit system  I have every thing ,but  one library so I system linked it where the program looks ,but it says it 64 bit  lib .  How do I get the 32 bit version of the lib ?06:45
Dangermikesap1, have you checked out tomboy notes06:45
leo_rockwsap1: there's knotes for kde06:45
J-Unitleo_rockw, here its 1 45 am06:45
l815tomboy notes are great06:45
deeprooti can still manually mount the device usin the term06:45
nickruddeeproot: gconf-editor /system/storage/volumes , you'll see some _org_freedesktop* folders, one of those will be the usb flash., remove the option06:45
leo_rockwJ-Unit: i have jetlag, i was in 1:45 a couple of days ago06:46
fraseri just installed the latest version of ubuntu. should it come with WLAN capability out of the box?06:46
sap1hmm.. wow lots of choice, so which one is the recommended ?06:46
deeprootnice, thank you06:46
leo_rockwsap1: not knotes, unless you have kde06:46
Dangermikesap1, you'll probably need to try a few out to see which works best for your needs06:46
J-Unitleo_rockw, k, anyway bye and thx again06:46
leo_rockwJ-Unit: yup, np, gnite06:46
amenadofraser yes, but it depends on your wifi card..some works right away some dont06:46
vocxtarelerulz, maybe you get the source and compile it yourself.06:46
toruso is there anyway to isolate streams of syslog coming to a syslog server to different files?06:46
l815is there a linux game channel?06:46
sap1k ty , i have gnome , so i guess i'll try tomboy or desklets06:46
fraseramenado, i have a toshiba laptop with an atheros wirelass card. where can i find out if this is supported?06:47
deeprootthats a nice tip,  Thank You nickrud06:47
Dangermikesap1, tomboy should already be installed06:47
sparr_how can i make a particular repository the top priority for the packages that it provides?06:47
Dangermike!madwifi | fraser06:47
ubotufraser: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:47
Dangermikefraser you need the restricted modules installed06:47
leo_rockwl815: idk, but that's a good idea06:47
nickruddeeproot: gconf-editor is a nice tool, it exposes a lot of internal settings as well as nearly all the gnome app preferences, even the hidden ones06:47
amenadofraser-> i believe that is supported, check your /lib/firmware/`uname -r`  and should see the athxxx06:47
crxyemso anyone here have offer any help on wireless in 7.0406:47
toruI have 7.10 wireless06:48
deeprooti've never heard of it before but its looking awesome06:48
vocxfraser, I would also suggest you to check ubuntuforums.org for your laptop, and read the comments from people with laptops similar to yours.06:48
Dangermike!info madwifi-tools > fraser06:48
sap1Umm.. anotehr bigger prob is that: My x-sane runs only as a root with my hp-PSC 1510 ? any ideas/suggestions?06:48
l815leo_rockw, i'm not a big gamer, but the way linux works has brought my interest back into mmo's :D06:48
tarelerulzvocx , I did source compile and I get some wine error .  would it help if you saw the error ?06:48
nickrudsparr_: you need to define your need a little better06:48
torusyslog anyone?06:48
leo_rockwl815: there's regnum online in 3d, the mana world in 2d06:48
toruis there anyway to isolate streams of syslog coming to a syslog server to different files?06:48
nickrudtoru: you might want to look at some replacement syslogs, like syslog-ng06:48
macogwnickrud: insert oblig reference to linus, gnome, and hidden features06:49
friedtofusap1 - add yourself to the scanner group06:49
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
toruso then should I assume syslog can't do that? eh nickrud?06:49
vocxtarelerulz, I'm confused. You downloaded a 32-bit Windows program for your 64-bit system, and now you want to run it with wine?06:49
fraserDangermike, amenado, thanks06:49
leo_rockwl815: altho i believe regnum online doesn't have a big community of english speakers (i speak spanish)06:49
macogwtoru: syslog-ng is the newer nicer syslog06:49
l815leo_rockw, i tried it, but i keep running into problems06:49
nickrudmacogw: I plead the fifth06:49
sparr_nickrud: i have added third party repositories that provide newer versions of packages that the ubuntu repositories provide.  apt-cache policy tells me that the ubunto repos have priority 990, while my new repository is priority 500.  how can i get the packages from the new repo?06:49
nickrudtoru: not simply06:49
l815leo_rockw, i speak portuguese :D06:49
sap1friedtofu: umm.. i think i tried that but it didnt help (i hope i tried it the corrrect way :) )06:49
macogwtoru: Syslog: the Next Generation :P06:49
toruI know about syslog-ng but I wanted to make sure before switching over that syslog can't do this06:49
Li-Plushow do i use emerald theme manager for my window bars06:50
friedtofusap1 can you go in terminal and type in "groups" just to be sure?06:50
macogwLi-Plus: have to be using compiz06:50
leo_rockwl815: i don't know of any other mmo06:50
nickrudsparhawk__: the packages should have higher version numbers, if they do they will be preferred. You can investigate apt pinning , it's a black art for wizards06:50
tarelerulzvocx, Gyachi  yahoo linux client use wine for the voice chat on yahoo and  when I compile it I run into any error .06:50
l815leo_rockw, i'll try reinstalling06:50
zdux00tv_hi I'd like some advice setting up a dual boot OS. I already have 1 linux distro installed gOS, and Id like to set ubuntu as the second06:50
Li-Plusmacogw: i am using compiz but it says there aren't any themes in emerald06:51
leo_rockwl815: but regnum did give me some problems before ATI worked on their drivers06:51
Dangermike!dual-boot > zdux00tv_06:51
nickrudsparhawk__: sorry, sparr_ that last was for you06:51
macogwLi-Plus: note that emerald is sort of a hack with a tendency to crash in general (i have to restart emerald a few times a day) and to slow down nvidia in particular06:51
macogwLi-Plus: you have to add themes to the theme manager06:51
l815leo_rockw, unfortuneatly i have intel graphics T-T06:51
sap1friedtofu: ya the user is in the group "scanner"06:51
foohmm, I'm printing in firefox and it's printing with weird margins and the text is small. Any ideas?06:51
macogwl815: intel?06:51
torusparr_, add the new repository link in /etc/apt/sources.lst06:51
m0u5eintel rocks with compiz06:51
sparr_nickrud: they do have higher version numbers.  but they are not from a target release (read: ubuntu), and thus they get a 500 priority instead of 99006:51
macogwm0u5e: verily06:51
m0u5eas long as its not too lold xD06:51
leo_rockwl815: check out the regnum forums, they might be able to help you out06:51
sparr_toru: i am beyond that step06:51
friedtofuhm. i really cant find the reason - my scanner wasnt working in the first place - - hplip installed and root can see it?06:51
vocxtarelerulz, well, that's even more complicated. I'm sorry I'm no help. Besides, I'm off.06:52
l815leo_rockw, i was just heading over there, thanks :)06:52
fraserDangermike, amenado. i know my chipset, how do i find out my vendor?06:52
deeprootnickrud: the device is a vfat sdcard how can i get it to mount rw, i just tried -o rw and it gave same error06:52
torusparr_, then what is the problem? where are you stuck06:52
Nithwallpaper-tray, gdesklets and awn are a good combination06:52
sparr_nickrud: i am above-averagely versed in pinning already, but this bit evades me06:52
macogwm0u5e: my mum's 855 works fine with compiz...except for the fact that the chip is nearly dead and occasionally stops talking to the monitor06:52
m0u5emacogw: :(06:52
nickrudsparr_: and you're telling me that apt-get upgrade doesn't upgrade to the new one? That's very odd06:52
amenadofraser  lshw  or lspci maybe even dmesg06:52
shinas_how video chat is possible?06:52
friedtofusap1: if root can see it, and you're a user under scanner group - try restarting your computer and test it again06:52
torusparr_, all you have to do after that is something like "aptitude update" and this will update list of files available in that new link you added06:52
sparr_toru: the packages wont install because the ones from the ubuntu repo have priority 990 while the ones from the new repo are priority 50006:52
Li-Plusmacogw: ok how do i know if it's using an emerald theme or a gtk one06:52
m0u5emacogw: i have a 845, and it works pretty smoothly except for the occassional hiccup06:52
sparr_nickrud: not odd, as-designed.06:52
macogwshinas_: ekiga or wengophone can talk to Windows Live Messenger06:52
sap1friedtofu: and my "stupid" hp printer-scanner always wants to print a test page whenever it is started06:53
macogwshinas_: Kopete for yahoo or MSN06:53
macogwshinas_: aMSN also works for MSN06:53
tarelerulzvocx: Well, that is cool I just thought you might know the right dicrection to point me into. That is ally I wanted .  Have a good on man06:53
foo!ops Thanatos is spamming on join06:53
m0u5emm anyone know how to fix the mplayer file URL bug for mplayer_rc2?06:53
shinas_thank you i will try that06:53
macogwLi-Plus: run "emerald --replace" to run emerald06:53
arang2anyone could give me an option for pyneighborhood?  i need something like that (no nautilus pls i need real mounting)06:53
sap1friedtofu: ya i tried restarting when i did all that06:53
Dangermikefraser, glxinfo | grep vendor06:53
m0u5eand does anyone know where gnome stores its list of file assocation extensions06:53
nickrudsparr_: do you have a preferred release set in apt.conf ?06:53
tarelerulzHow do you tell apt-get to get a 32 bit lib ?06:53
macogwm0u5e: its not gnome. its in etc06:54
torusparr_, then temporarily comment out the ubuntu sources and then try it06:54
zdux00tv_for a dual boot linux/linux should I partition the hard drive before the live CD? Where should I set the mount point?06:54
m0u5emacogw: oh, do you know where/06:54
friedtofuhm. well - i really have no clue then :/ it works for my psc 2350... good luck on trying to get it to work06:54
macogwm0u5e: /etc/mime.types06:54
m0u5eah thx06:54
Li-Plusmacogw: how do i make it so it uses it from startup06:54
macogwLi-Plus: speak of the devil, eemerald just died....06:54
owen1what ftp server is recommended?06:54
macogwLi-Plus: do you have compizconfig-settings manager06:54
Li-Plusmacogw: what card is it?06:54
bradleyok, i managed to get my graphics card driver installed, but how do i activate the Berly/Compiz Fusion stuff06:54
Dangermikeowen1, ssh ftw06:54
Li-Plusmacogw: yes i do06:54
macogwLi-Plus: i have intel 94506:54
sparr_nickrud: yes06:54
toruso then should I assume syslog can't store streams coming in from seperate servers to seperate files? I should switch over to syslog-ng for that?06:54
sparr_toru: no06:54
owen1Dangermike: cool. thanks06:54
Li-Plusmacogw: intel sucks i just escaped my 855 by buying this new computer with both ati + nvidia graphics cards ^_^06:55
sap1friedtofu: the thing is that i have to start it from terminal by typing "sudo xsane". but if I only type "xsane" it says "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"06:55
macogwLi-Plus: haha intel rocks for compiz06:55
m0u5emacogw: do you know where the associated list for mimetypes to programs are stored?06:55
macogwLi-Plus: and for linux in general06:55
nickrudsparr_: any particular reason for that?06:55
macogwLi-Plus: intel graphics never die on linux06:55
owen1Dangermike: what about vsftpd?06:55
m0u5efor example, like what programs are to be opened by default with mplayer06:55
rajuDangermike, your link is not helping me06:55
macogwm0u5e: no06:55
torusparr_, you said no to my presumption about syslog?06:55
sap1friedtofu: anyway, it's ok . i'll keep on trying to find a solution :)06:56
macogwm0u5e: just right clickthe file and go to properties and you can set it06:56
macogwm0u5e: probably in gconf though. everything gnome is in there06:56
sparr_nickrud: not my doing06:56
Dangermikeowen1, i would recommend not using ftp if you dont have to ssh is a better option in my opinion06:56
m0u5ebecause mplayer_rc2 can't open certain files by default, and i have to specify use of gmplayer06:56
m0u5erather than the mplayer int he app list06:56
friedtofusap1: try doing "sudo scanimage -L" and see what comes out06:56
sparr_toru: no, i said no to your "comment out the ubuntu repos" suggestion06:56
toruoh ok06:56
m0u5emacogw: okay i'll check gconf, thx06:56
torusparr_, the commenting out also didn't work?06:56
sparr_toru: i rejected the idea06:56
toruoh :D06:56
l815what's the best looking/rendering font to use in linux?06:57
macogwLi-Plus: in ccsm, go to "window decoration" and tell it the command is "emerald --replace"06:57
=== Thanatos is now known as andre
bradleyok, i managed to get my graphics card driver installed, but how do i activate the Berly/Compiz Fusion stuff... when i go to turn it on it says "The Composite Extension is unavialble"06:57
sap1friedtofu: gives the error "sudo: scanimage: command not found"06:57
leo_rockw!best | l81506:57
ubotul815: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.06:57
nickrudsparr_: it's not default. Try removing it06:57
toruanyway I guess there is on confirmation on my syslog query so I will try to switch over to syslog-ng06:57
friedtofuhuh. strange - i thought that came with xsane. ah well06:57
owen1Dangermike: i want to get files from a windows laptop over a wifi.06:57
l815lol i should have seen that comin06:57
owen1Dangermike: can i do it with putty over ssh?06:58
sap1friedtofu: is that necessary to install for xsane to work. i mean like a dependency ?06:58
sparr_nickrud: its set to 7.10, which was the last release i dist-upgraded to06:58
macogwLi-Plus: the reason emerald dies all the time is simply because it's poorly coded.  the developer told me she needed to rewrite the whole thing because its a big messy hack.  the compiz team doesnt support it at all anymore and is in the process of deciding if they should replace it and with what06:58
mandrigbradley: Google is your best friend.06:58
Dangermikeowen1, ssh will still work for this and it is more secure06:58
Dangermike!ssh | owen106:58
ubotuowen1: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:58
sparr_nickrud: and removing it does not affect the policy problem06:58
friedtofusap1: not really sure - not in ubuntu atm06:58
=== Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san
omarGuys I have a problem with screenlets, it never starts06:58
bradleyI require some assistance.... ok, i managed to get my graphics card driver installed, but how do i activate the Berly/Compiz Fusion stuff... when i go to turn it on it says "The Composite Extension is unavialble"06:58
macogwomar: do you have your screenlets set to autostart?06:59
nickrudsparr_: what file is it set in, I don't have a release pin anywhere that I see06:59
sparr_nickrud: it was in /etc/apt/apt.conf06:59
owen1Dangermike: i didn't know i can download files with ssh.06:59
sparr_nickrud: now it isnt, and i still have the priority problem06:59
sparr_nickrud: http://rafb.net/p/ctQP7134.html06:59
Dangermikeowen1, yeah scp06:59
omarmacogw: yes I tried to cancel that but it didn't work either06:59
Li-Plusmacogw: yeah i'm running it on a robust 64amd with nvidia card atm06:59
owen1Dangermike: can i give ssh acess only to a specific folder?06:59
nickrudsparr_: strange, I don't even have an apt.conf , I've got the new apt.conf.d structure06:59
sparr_nickrud: I have ubuntu packages intentionally pinned to 99507:00
Dangermikeowen1, you can set permissions to specific folders to limit access or create a jail for users this would better be described in the howto though07:00
macogwLi-Plus: that doesnt change emerald being an unstable piece of junk07:00
macogwLi-Plus: its nothing to do with the card07:00
dsargeantbradly, on my machine with an ati card, compiz works without the restricted driver but not with it.  Using the restricted driver I believe you have to use xgl to enable compositing.07:00
owen1Dangermike: great. thanks07:00
Natal2008boa noite07:00
nickrudsparr_: ah. Then it is your doing :) You'll have to specifiy version then, or pin the specific packages or origin for the git stuff.07:01
omarmacogw: yes I tried to cancel that but it didn't work either07:01
macogwLi-Plus: except that one of my friends has a very nice nvidia card which my intel chip out-performs if he uses emerald07:01
zdux00tv_for a dual boot linux/linux should I partition the hard drive before booting the live CD? Where should I set the mount point?07:01
macogwomar: why would you cancel it if you want them to run?07:01
sparr_nickrud: how do i know the origin to pin?07:01
frasera wireless network is not even available in my 'network-admin' dialog. why is this?07:01
Dangermikebradley, yeah i agree with dsargeant you need xserver-xgl and probably ccsm installed07:01
macogwfraser: because you dont use that07:01
Li-Plusmacogw: i had an intel card ubuntu crashed alot when i used compiz07:01
macogwfraser: use network-manager07:01
Li-Plusmacogw: so i had to use gentoo07:01
macogwLi-Plus: recently?07:01
omarmacogw: because I thought that was the problem.07:02
Li-Plusmacogw: i still have the laptop it was just a few months ago07:02
macogwomar: you said you want it to start though07:02
sparr_nickrud: apt is poorly documented in this respect  :(07:02
frasermacogw, "network-manager: command not found"07:02
Li-Plusmacogw: i settle for freebsd on that but my cd drive broke07:02
omarmacogw: now can u please help me?07:02
macogwfraser: no no its the applet in the top right of your screen07:02
DangermikeLooking for help/advice with Firefox seg fault. This happened when i went to a embedded flash website http://speedtest.net , but it can also happen at random whilst looking through ubuntu forums, bugs.launchpad, and a few other sites that dont have flash. I believe libc.so.6 is to blame but can it be replaced? do i just delete and possibly reinstall, or can it even be reinstalled (redownloaded)?07:02
nickrudsparr_: hopefully the repo has defined it, you'll see it at the head of the Release file for the repo in /var/lib/apt/lists07:02
Dangermikeit happenes with every browser BTW07:02
macogwomar: can you execute the screenlet?07:02
omarmacogw: Yes I do want it to start. :)07:02
omarmacogw: Huh?07:03
macogwomar: you downloaded some screenlets right?07:03
leo_rockwwell, gnite everyone. c u l8r07:03
frasermacogw, that opens the same thing as 'network-admin'07:03
omarmacogw: Yes I did.07:03
macogwomar: well screenlets the package is just a thing to let you use screenlets. you have to add others07:03
sap1umm.. been wondering what's the difference between "terminal" and "terminal emulator" under applications>accessories ?07:03
macogwfraser: what?07:03
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frasermacogw, and wireless is till not available07:03
dsargeantDangermike: are you using 64 bit?07:03
macogwfraser: it should have a dropdown list of wireless networks07:03
frasermacogw, nope.07:03
Dangermikedsargeant, not at the moment07:03
synthI'm setting up LVM on Ubuntu Server, if I pick largefile or one of the other inode options, I should only have files that are megabytes+ right, I cant, say, mix in some normal files right?07:03
Li-Plushow do i create a simlink to /space07:03
synththey'd waste space right?07:03
macogwfraser: http://kirsten.urbanzone.com/blog/uploads/misc/ubuntu_network_manager.png07:04
tarelerulz How would I install libgtkhtml-2  the 32 bit version ?07:04
macogwfraser: make sure in network-admin you're set to roaming. then you should see that if you left click the applet07:04
Dracomacogw: some wifi cards don't play well with NetworkManager07:04
Dracofraser: ^07:04
Dangermikedsargeant, thinking about changing to gutsy X64 but running 32 now. i hate setting up 32 bit environments :\07:04
omarmacogw: Yes but the management window of which I can add\remove screenlets never appears.07:04
macogwomar: its broken anyway07:04
sparr_nickrud: first, it doesnt seem to be defined.  second, the apt_preferences man page says that "Pin: origin ..." is unrelated to the package "Origin:"07:04
synthanyone do large file stuff on LVM?07:04
frasermacogw, i think draco is right, there's no option to enable roaming mode for wireless networks07:04
sparr_synth: define "large"07:05
Dracofraser: macogw: it seems like it wouldn't affect things, must be timing or something. on my Ralink NetworkManager never connects07:05
synthsparr_, have you optimized yor LV's for large files, ie the 'largefile' option in the Ubuntu server installer07:05
macogwfraser: in network-admin there should be a checkbox for roaming mode...unless you're using dapper or edgy?07:05
omarmacogw: Yes that's what I'm saying, I tried to reinstall it many times but it didn't fix the problem.07:05
macogwomar: the gui thing to pick out screenlets is broken overall07:05
frasermacd, i only downloaded this distro 2 hours ago. it is the newest. i don't know what it's called07:05
Dracofraser: macogw: you must kill it and use iwlist/ifconfig/iwconfig, if it can't07:05
macogwomar: just copy and paste the screenlets you want into your ~/.screenlets07:06
macogwfraser: thats gutsy07:06
dsargeantDangermike: I ask becauese I'm having an issue with flash on 64 bit, npviewer, the wrapper for 32 bit flash, crashes.  firefox isn't seg faulting though.07:06
sap1ty for the help , cya07:06
bradleyhey, who was i talking to b407:06
omarmacogw: Can we fix the GUI?07:06
bradleydid the backspace key thing07:07
synthI cant boot off of LVM right? I need a /boot that is ext3 for Ubuntu kernel to be happy I assume?07:07
nickrudsparr_: hm. I have at the top of Release for gutsy-partner (easiest to type) Origin: ubuntu07:07
zdux00tv_for a dual boot linux/linux: Where should I set the second mount point? Can they both use the same swap?07:07
macogwomar: umm if i wanted to do some programming i could....07:07
synthzdux00tv_, no they cant use the same swap, second mount point?07:07
frasermacogw, there is a checkbox for roaming mode on wired connections, but there is no mention AT ALL of wireless connections in network-admin07:07
nickrudsparr_: but it's been a long time since I did any pinning (experimental days) so I've suffered serious bit rot07:07
amenadozdux00tv_-> yes they can both use same, swap,  i have done it07:07
macogwfraser: is your wireless card even visible in network-admin?07:07
synthreally amenado07:07
=== lipsin is now known as lipsinAway
frasermacogw, no07:08
synththat's.. interesting :)07:08
macogwfraser: ok thats your first problem07:08
amenadosynth affirmative07:08
macogwfraser: get that fixed first07:08
Dracosynth: zdux00tv_: they CAN use the same swap07:08
Dracosynth: zdux00tv_: UNLESS you want to have hibernate to disk07:08
frasermacogw, okay. how?07:08
omarmacogw: OMG you're saying that we're gonna be playing with the source code??07:08
macogwfraser: figure out what wireless card you have07:08
sparr_nickrud: im looking at /var/lib/apt/lists/download.tuxfamily.org_shames_debian-sid_desktopfx_unstable_._Release07:08
frasermacogw, toshiba atheros07:08
Dracosynth: yeah assuming only one is booted at the same time, swap should never maintain itself (since it's supposed to be a backup incase of ram getting low)07:08
synthDraco, Windows can use a partition instead of a file?07:08
synthDraco, yeah07:09
Dracosynth: well this was dual boot linux/linux07:09
macogwfraser: i thought those worked all magic-like... umm ok now's when you go "hey i need help getting an atheros wireless card to work!" and wait for people with experience with that chipset to help07:09
Dracosynth: windows can use a partition, and linux can use a file :P07:09
zdux00tv_synth, Draco, amenado: I just want to make sure the new OS works then I would reformat to having just Ubuntu07:09
frasermacogw, thanks heaps. will do07:09
macogwomar: im not so hot on python, but i guess i could give it a shot...07:09
synthDraco, I just saw the file swap thing earlier, made me happy, I can put it on top of LVM07:09
amenadozdux00tv_-> you can always add swap spaces07:09
synthDraco, rather than try to distribute my swap amongst disks for speed, and then get memory corruption when I have a disk fail07:10
fraserHi everyone, i recently installed ubuntu and my wireless card (Atheros) in my toshiba laptop does not appear in 'network-admin'. how do i install it?07:10
Dracosynth: err, if a disk fails you probably have bigger problems07:10
synthzdux00tv_, if its 1 hd, then each has its own partition07:10
Darkmysterefraser, Whats your card?07:10
synthDraco, it's raid10... :D07:10
zdux00tv_what about the mount point? the 1 and only drive has swap and ext mounted to "/", I want to split the ext into 2, what should the new mount point be?07:10
Dangermike!info linux-restricted-modules > fraser07:10
fraserDarkmystere, all i know is that it's in a toshiba laptop and it's an atheros card07:11
omarmacogw: By the way, when I first installed it, it worked like a charm, but suddenly it just stopped working.07:11
Darkmysterefraser, lspci -v07:11
amenadofraser-> if you just ifup wlan0  do you get an ip address assigned?  iwconfig  to check it07:11
Darkmysterefraser, i have a Toshiba too with an atheros card.07:11
karllenzis there a network bridging gui?07:11
Dracosynth: yikes. have failures a lot?07:11
synthDraco, but if a disk failed, in raid, I dont want it taking swap w/it07:11
synthDraco, oh yes 3 WD 500's in 1 month07:11
DarkmystereDraco, Network-manager or Wicd07:11
synthDraco, I think a bad batch but still scared me straight07:11
zdux00tv_synth, Draco, amenado: it's a new laptop, and I don't like the distro it came with (gOS)07:12
synthDraco, I manage servers for a living.. boxes with 64 gigs of ram...07:12
macogwomar: odd... i never had it work. i could launch screenlets from it, but not do autostart or install any new ones. it says they've done some updates since then though07:12
fraserDarkmystere, no i do not, it says like 'failed to open statefile'07:12
sparr_nickrud: oooh, heres a great one...  im trying to "Pin: version 0.6.99*" and i get this: W: Did not understand pin type version07:12
synthDraco, RAID5 on md is stupid for the math, and concurrent writes on RAID10 plus DP = WIN07:12
Dracosynth: wow, amazing. And it -still- has to swap?07:12
synther RAID1007:12
fraserDarkmystere, apparently no wireless extensions ecist07:12
AudioMallhi guys help me how do i start the UBUNtu without X Server i just need to instal the Nvdia Update driver07:12
synthDraco, no, this is my home machine :)07:12
nickrudhahahahha sparr_ bit rot exists besides my brain :)07:12
Darkmysterefraser, :/.... try iwconfig07:12
Dangermikezdux00tv_, its ubuntu you can install a different windows manager if you dont like enlightenment, just install KDE or GNOME07:12
synthSorry I did mean RAID5 at first in that statement07:12
synthI need coffeee.07:13
fraserDarkmystere, no wireless extensions07:13
Darkmysterefracer, also did you try enabling the driver in the restricted driver manager?07:13
DanaGOh hey, I'm using hardy, and wanted to ask somebody on Gutsy to try something for me for comparison:  If you make a file that starts with a space (i.e. 'touch \ file_with_space'), and then try to 'less \ fi<tab>', what happens?07:13
Dracosynth: from what I read using a file is less efficient, but efficiency is pretty much gone once you start using disk anyway07:13
amenadoAudioMall-> how much do you really save by not going through a gui boot?07:13
omarmacogw: Maybe I can find another screenlets package out there in the net that works.07:13
slimjimflimwhen i try to download a file from ubuntuforums i get a vbulletin error saying i don't have permission....can anyone help?07:13
zdux00tv_Dangermike: I don't  like anything about gOS, the application menu has lots of links to websites as if they were applications, I don't trust that google isn't tracking me on that os07:13
cheesebobHi wifi adapter that isn't working, it looks like DHCP is failing, but that works on a windows box any ideas?07:14
macogwomar: there's a facebook screenlet (why i started using them) and lots of posts on its page going "i cant figure out how to install this. where's the Setup.exe?" hehe ^_^07:14
Aurelistry registering slimjimflim07:14
synthDraco, on my desk I manage just fine w/2 gigs but my next build will have 4, I have them right here07:14
AudioMalli dunno i'm a newbe on ubuntu07:14
macogwomar: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gilir/ubuntu/pool/main/s/screenlets/07:14
slimjimflimaurelis i am and logged in07:14
DracoDanaG: opens the blank file07:14
Darkmystereamenado, its not really noticable matter fact my computer boots slow as h*** when i do non GUI boot..07:14
Dangermikezdux00tv_, its not a google os -_-'07:14
Aurelisnasty o_o07:14
Aurelisin that case, dunno :D07:14
Dangermikezdux00tv_, it stands for GreenOS07:14
zdux00tv_DangerMike: also the menus strech past the width of the screen 800x48007:14
AudioMallamenado i dunno i'm a newbe on ubuntu07:14
omarmacogw: Yes I used that screenlet too! It's great! :)07:14
AudioMallamenado: i dunno i'm a newbe on ubuntu07:14
Dangermikezdux00tv_, that is all fixed with a different windows manager07:14
Darkmystereamenado, but when i use the Bootsplash it takes like 1 1/2 mins07:14
synthhey guys does that JeOS work well on real hardware too?07:14
zulerdongledfhello there, i wanted to know if basically all ports are open in ubuntu so my computer is accessible from the outside? thanks07:14
Darkmystereamenado, instead of 15..07:14
amenadoAudioMall-> so dont worry about it, go full gui boot then install what ever you need07:15
DanaGOn mine, I get this:  less \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (and it goes on and on.)  Thanks, now I know that it IS a Hardy issue, so I can ask about it in #ubuntu+1 and know that it doesn't happen in Gutsy.07:15
omarmacogw: And this is when I started loving them. :)07:15
slimjimflimaurelis, can you try the link?07:15
Aureliszulerdongledf, should be, im not aware of any firewalling in ubuntu07:15
Dracoamenado: Someone said gui boot was actually faster07:15
zdux00tv_Dangermike: I know, but it's just that I'm overly paranoid, WTC7 thermate and all that mess07:15
zulerdongledfaurelis thanks07:15
macogwomar: someone asked "can i install this on a MacBook?" and i said "Yes, as long as the MacBook is running Linux"07:15
Dangermikezdux00tv_, lol well if you download gutsy heres your md5's http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/MD5SUMS07:15
fraserDarkmystere, google indicates i may have to install ndiswrapper. does this sound correct?07:15
amenadoDraco-> i just go to init level 1 if i do not need X07:15
AudioMallamenado: but i got the error when i'm updating the Nvdia Grapichs Driver --- close the X Server07:15
synthndiswrapper noooooooo07:15
Dracomacogw: omar: run what?07:15
fraserDarkmystere, is it also reelvant to mention i am using amd64 architecture?07:16
* synth runs crying07:16
Aurelisslimjimflim, doesnt work for me either, though my account is pretty ancient, dunno if that changes things :)07:16
macogwDraco: a facebook screenlet07:16
* Dangermike holds synth in fetal position 07:16
amenadoAudioMall-> then  sudo telinit 1  to bring you down to init level 107:16
synthtainted.. kernel.... want mommy...07:16
macogwDraco: the screenlets preferences thing is broken for him and i recall it being horribly borked, so we're going to go bug-hunting and attempt to apply nearly-non-existent python skills to the problem07:16
zdux00tv_Dangermike: I'll be checking the MD5, I stopped windows when I found out about the Random Number generator backdoor, also google has admitted to helping homeland "security"07:16
omarmacogw: Hmm?07:17
zulerdongledfaurelis well when i check ports with canyouseeme.org it says the connection is refused on every port i try07:17
Darkmysterefraser, correct if your card isnt supported but it surpises me that your card isnt supported i have a Toshiba A105 with an atheros card supported...by default...usualy Atheros is always supported by  linux, Also could you pastebin your lspci -v?07:17
synthrandom number generator... back.. door?07:17
Dangermikezdux00tv_, look up advapi.dll rofl its a backdoor for the NSA found at a security conference07:17
bradleyUbuntu, just tells me that "desktop effects" cannout be started07:17
DanaGNew Atheros AR500 cards don't have Linux support right now.07:17
Dangermikezdux00tv_, that dll is a sys dll used with notepad, IE etc.07:17
Dangermikeanways away for fooood07:17
synthDanaG, hopefully soon considering how well the rest is07:17
Darkmystere!pastebin | fraser07:17
ubotufraser: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:17
zdux00tv_I'm running out of tin foil overhere07:17
synthwhat bot is ubotu?07:18
synthubotu, version07:18
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell07:18
bradley Ubuntu, just tells me that "desktop effects" cannout be enabled <--- can i get some help with this07:18
AudioMallamenado:that's all buddy ? how bout if i got error again07:18
Starnestommysynth: I think it's a supybot with a factoid plugin07:18
bradley Ubuntu, just tells me that "desktop effects" cannout be enabled <--- can i get some help with this????07:18
macogwbradley: video card model, current driver in use, and output of "glxinfo | grep direct" will be needed to diagnose the problem07:18
zdux00tv_synth, <off topic> start with wtc7, then look into MIT's study of forensic evidence of thermate</off topic>07:18
synthStarnestommy, ahh my friend ran a supy in our channel07:18
macogwomar: k i just installed the screenlets deb07:19
MrEgg964Hi all. I have a separate /home partition. If I want to re-install Ubuntu from scratch, how do I preserve my existing /home ? Tia.07:19
fraserDarkmystere, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58847/07:19
macogwomar: did you grab the one from that PPA? thats the most up to date one07:19
synthzdux00tv_, please, I can debunk any 9/11 conspiracy shit you can throw at me07:19
amenadoAudioMall-> init level 1 is without X07:19
bradleyAti Mobilty Radeon 1400, and i dont know how to do the second 207:19
synthzdux00tv_, </off topic> :)07:19
synthpardon my french btw.07:19
Dangermike!language | synth07:19
ubotusynth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:19
Dangermikerofl im out07:19
synthyeah sorry Mike :D07:19
amenadoMrEgg964-> just do not repartition or touch that /home  when installing07:19
DanaG"Debunking Loose Change"  -- google it, rather than asking here.07:20
Dracomacogw: if it's just a bad Ubuntu package you can just recompile07:20
bradleymacogw  Ati Mobilty Radeon 1400, and i dont know how to do the second 207:20
DanaGOh, and about the /home thing: make sure to set it to mount but not format.07:20
nittanylionMrEgg964--> You're also going to have to edit your fstab on the re-install07:20
* synth nods to DanaG. The video debate is the most telling...07:20
zdux00tv_synth: I'm using a text based irc so I can't pm you or receive pm. Debunk this: http://www.journalof911studies.com/articles/WTCHighTemp2.pdf07:20
Dracomacogw: of course it wouldn't be surprising, both gnome and kde's fancy stuff is seriously buggy07:20
Darkmysterefraser, Err your card is deffinantly supported i have the same exact card...07:20
macogwDraco: bradley well the third is "copy and paste this command into the terminal and see what comes out"07:20
AudioMallamenado: thx buddy07:20
macogwDraco: its an immature project07:21
amenadoAudioMall-> you're welcome07:21
MrEgg964amenado: you mean, not declaring a separate /home at all during new install ?07:21
amenadoMrEgg964-> affirmative07:21
macogwDraco: the version number is 0.12 in hardy's repo and 0.13 is the project's most recent release07:21
DanaGWTC is OFF TOPIC.  Plus, politics is one of those things you just don't talk about when trying to make conversation, because it can get people very angry.07:21
Dracomacogw: yeah, I'd rather use something that actually halfway works07:21
fraserDarkmystere, hey i'm probably just making a retarded mistake. did it literally work out of the box because i am really inexperienced07:21
amenadoMrEgg964-> actually you just want to mount it not format and repartion the old /home07:21
macogwDraco: the preferences thing is crap, but the screenlets themselves work well...unlike gdesklets07:21
* synth nods to DanaG, tahts why I havent said anything else07:21
Darkmysterefraser, litterly i could pop the live cd in and have internet..07:22
bradleymacogw it says yes07:22
Darkmysterefraser, without messing with anything but Network manager to select my AP..07:22
fraserDarkmystere, okay awesome. well i have to restart to fix some graphics drivers, i'll br in ten seconds to speak again.07:22
macogwbradley: ok then try running "compiz --replace" from the command line07:22
slimjimflimaurelis, i think the staff took it down, ty07:22
* synth gives DanaG an apple pie. you have a tough job07:22
macogwomar: did i lose you?07:23
AudioMallamenado: be back again tonite i'm rite here in my office i left my Desktop away from home time here (3:36PM Phils.) thx again07:23
zdux00tv_so where should I put the second mount point?07:23
bradleymacogw the output is as follows: Checking for Xgl: not present.07:23
bradleyNo whitelisted driver found07:23
bradleyaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity07:23
DanaGJob?  Actually, I don't have any sort of official position in the chat room or the bug tracker or anything.07:23
macogwbradley: ooo right ati is stupid and needs xgl07:24
synthzdux00tv_, ok, one hard drive, and windows/ubuntu?07:24
bradleyso what do i do?07:24
macogwomar: hey! the screenlets thing can now install the facebook screenlet instead of you doing it manually!07:24
zdux00tv_synth: it's linux/linux07:24
synthzdux00tv_, on two diff partitions?07:24
bradleymacogw is there anything i can do?07:24
zdux00tv_synth: yes 1 hard drive currently with swap and ext07:24
MrEgg964amenado: absolutely ; so do I then edit fstab in rescue mode ?07:24
Aurelisya know.. i do like ubuntu.. i really do.. but xandros + eeepc is pretty wicked07:24
macogwbradley: i cant suggest my usual course of action: avoid ati. others here know ati better than i do07:24
synthzdux00tv_, ok so you wanna dual boot?07:24
nittanylion@bradley: have you installed any sort of 3rd party drivers for your ati card?07:24
macogwAurelis: except its vpnc is broken :(07:25
ere4sisudo synaptic in a terminal will let me d/load stuff - sudo synaptic from a launcher won't - says starting without admin privileges?07:25
zdux00tv_synth: yes, to try out the hardware over time then fully switch to ubuntu07:25
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:25
Dracomacogw: bradley: avoid ati, nvidia, and intel07:25
synthAurelis, I cant wait to get my hands on an Eee but I have so many laptops ALREADY07:25
bradleynittanylion: no just the standard driver07:25
macogwere4si: gksudo synaptic07:25
macogwDraco: haha what do you suggest then?07:25
macogwDraco: i quite love my intel graphics07:25
bradleyDraco: i like nvidia... but if not any of those than what... Nvidia is fastest now07:25
macogwDraco: the dapper blackout had no effect :)07:25
dsargeantbradley: in command line run: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl07:25
synthzdux00tv_, ok, so edit /boot/grub/menu.lst (back it up first) and duplicate your entries for each partition07:25
ere4simacogw, still get the same response07:25
amenadoMrEgg964-> why do you even go to rescue mode? near the end of install before it asked you to  reboot, you can modify it right there and then07:25
omarmacogw: Which one is the most up-to-date one?07:26
nittanylionbradley: you do not need xgl if you run the latest fglrx drivers07:26
macogwomar: 0.13 choose the gutsy one07:26
synthzdux00tv_, but look in each linux installs' partition to confirm that the kernel you are booting and all the files it wants w/it are there07:26
ere4simacogw, tried gksu as well07:26
sparr_has anyone ever considered the apt is a sort of web spider?  and it doesnt obey robots.txt07:26
macogwomar: did you get the link?07:26
macogwere4si: do you not have sudo rights?07:26
macogwsparr_: how?07:26
bradleynittanylion, how do i do that07:26
synthzdux00tv_, basically just compare that files config (the real files it references in it) to the other OS's install and change names where necessary07:26
macogwsparr_: its only able to go to apt repositories...07:26
sparr_macogw: which are usually web sites07:27
nittanylionbradley: ATI cards are closed-source and hard to integrade with Ubuntu (and linux in general) .. ATI has been (slowly) developing drivers for linux, and with a little patience it'll work07:27
* DanaG wonders how ATI will be by June.07:27
ere4simacogw, yep - that's why it works in a terminal07:27
amenadohow to fix this during boot of a liveCD iso from a harddisk? EXT3-fs: mounted file system with ordered data mode07:27
amenadokjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds07:27
macogwsparr_: ok... why would you have a robots.txt that says "no apt!" in an apt repo?07:27
synthDanaG, lets hope they can get some business from Linux now that the specs are out07:27
bradleynittanylion: so wait... no work around known?07:27
nittanylionBradley: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.3_Driver_Manually07:27
macogwomar: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gilir/ubuntu/pool/main/s/screenlets/screenlets_0.0.13~bzr182-gutsy1-1_all.deb07:28
synthIm tired of nvidia cards they break quick07:28
macogwomar: install that one07:28
DanaGI know I'd like to support them, as long as I won't be getting any significant downgrade in terms of stability from my current nvidia.07:28
zdux00tv_synth: ok, thanks07:28
Dangermike!info xserver-xgl > bradley07:28
sparr_macogw: thats a very good question.  but i just found one that says "no anything!"07:28
synthDanaG, same here.. their drivers seem more mature these days07:28
zdux00tv_synth: it looks more complicated than I though07:28
DanaGI used to get this bug all the time with my nvidia    *blink*    *blink*                     *twitch*                           *flicker*07:28
synthzdux00tv_, its very manual but I think if you read the file it is self explanatory07:28
macogwsparr_: O_o07:28
synthDanaG, every now and then I got that, I have a 2 head display07:28
synthone monitor would go out07:28
amenadosynth-> just curious, of the many laptops you got, they all use same root passwords?07:28
zdux00tv_synth: thanks a bunch07:29
ShaffoxI've just deleted a file, how can I get it back?07:29
synthcome back, and the screen has a 1 inch black bar on the top07:29
DangermikeShaffox, check the trash07:29
nickrudShaffox: if you used rm , you won't07:29
Dangermikehopefull you didnt rm -rf07:29
MICHAELKYLEhi i have a problem with xorg, ive tried every single configuration in xorg.conf and nothing seems to work, i have an BenQ V551 monitor that supports 1024x768 at 65Hz, the thing is that xorg seems to not allow my monitor to show it, cause i even put 1024x768 as the only resolution available in xorg.conf, and still i cant set it on the screen, it just keeps 800x600, but my monitor does support 1024x768 and yes im setting it to the right Frequency (60Hz),07:29
MICHAELKYLE and i had debian before xubuntu and in debian i do had 1024 as my dsktop resolution, but now i cnt on xubuntu, is xubuntu using a different version of xorg? or its something else i need to modify. help pls07:29
synthamenado, hahaha I have probably 6, I use 1, and no not a one has the same password for root07:29
iceswordhmmm,rm -rf /07:29
ShaffoxDangermike, how can I check the trash?07:29
DracoDanaG: *ALL* the time, and triangles randomly flashing through OpenGL windows07:30
synthamenado, some still have Windows as I have yet to integrate them into my environment :)07:30
synthamenado, some I should sell07:30
DangermikeShaffox,  its down in your lower right hand side has a picture of a trash or check ~/.Trash07:30
amenadosynth-> oh okay..07:30
synthamenado, why do you ask07:30
omarmacogw: I yes I did install the .13 but I can't find the screenlets icon in the start menu.07:30
MrEgg964amenado: Say I already have /home/jdoe, on a separate partition. I then reinstall Ubuntu, and provide jdoe as username : this will create a /home/jdoe directory in /. Mounting /home/jdoe (on /home) will just 'cover' /home/jdoe (on /), without any risk of conflict due to the fact that they both have the same name ?07:30
macogwomar: system -> preferences -> screenlets?07:30
nickrudicesword: you know better07:30
iceswordnickrud, hmm,i am sorry,:(07:30
bradleynittanylion: so just install it manually or what and also... can this work or no?07:31
macogwicesword: bad kitty!07:31
synthheh on my conf calls for work if you screw up the process you have to apologize ont he conf call07:31
nittanylionbradley, are you getting my msgs?07:31
* macogw is a hypocrite07:31
amenadosynth-> because i like to somehow  manage it the right way too, having too many pc/laptops around, cant remember which is which07:31
fraserDarkmystere, i'm back. it's still not working and the install for ndiswrapper looks complicated07:31
synthand now apparently bake our availability manager a pie07:31
omarYES!!! Thanks man!! It's AWESOME!!07:31
nickrudaren't we all macogw07:31
macogwnickrud: that used to be my email sig. it included "type this in the terminal! it's really fun!"07:31
bradleynittanylion, no07:31
macogwnickrud: i took it out after my bass teacher did it on his mac07:32
nittanylionok.. sry07:32
Darkmysterefraser, your card should work go to System->Administrator->Restricted Drivers Manager07:32
DracoMrEgg964: You can switch the home directories, yes, and you can mount on top of something that already has files (which won't affect those files)07:32
synthamenado, if you have too many passwords than pick a password scheme that allows you to remember each seperate machines passwd07:32
bradleynittanylion: was i supposed to do something07:32
nittanylionI've had great successs using the fglrx driver for my ati card -- using compiz / desktop effects right now07:32
Shaffoxhow do I check the hidden files with the terminal?07:32
macogwnickrud: he didnt enter his password when prompted though because he figured something was shady about that07:32
omarmacogw: YES!!! Thanks man!! It's AWESOME!! XD07:32
amenadoMrEgg964-> then you can remove the newly created  home/jdoe from the new /  and make sure the old /home/ is mounted07:32
prince_jammysShaffox: ls -a07:32
fraserDarkmystere, yeah it's in there but it says it's enabled and in use07:32
DanaGUgh, 28 load cycles in an hour.  Better than the previous one every 5 seconds.07:32
nickrudmacogw: must have considered the source07:32
arvind_shaffox::ls -a07:32
macogwomar: im surprised it actually works now....07:32
nittanylionthe link I pasted before has step-by-step instructions and a troubleshooting section for known problems07:32
synthamenado, thats' what I do... my passwds are similar but not word based, with some #'s etc but similar enough that I remember them based on a scheme I use.. I put a letter of the hostname in07:32
bradleynittanylion: cool, how do i get it set up07:32
DracoMrEgg964: it's extremely confusing though, so move it over or something. it's easy for it to not mount and you wonder why *every file is gone*07:33
amenadosynth okay thanks for the tip07:33
fraserDarkmystere, i'm gonna try one more thing. brb 2 mins07:33
AntiUSAdoes anyone know of free software to convert a doc to PDF?07:33
bradleynittanylion: can u go to the #ati chat room, so its easier to see07:33
macogwnickrud: well after that i put in apt-get moo.  now it says "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda \n don't do this unless you know exactly what it does"07:33
Darkmysterefraser,Maybe you need to download a newer driver07:33
arvind_the files in the drives cant be accessed aftr some time!!!!07:33
synthamenado, google "mnemonic memory tricks" +passwords07:33
synthmaybe w/out the quotes07:33
DarkmystereFraser, Download Madwifi Stable 0.9.4 and then compile from source07:33
arvind_i took a screenshot of the error07:33
amenadosynth-> what i like to do, is have one of these usb pen drive to be read by login so my password is there :P07:33
synthamenado, KeepassX is great too07:34
omarmacogw: Why being surprised? isn't that one of the main concepts of software development? making things work better and easier? :)07:34
Shaffoxand what command to recover the file? 'open x' doesn't work.07:34
Dangermikesynth, until your db corrupts07:34
nickrudmacogw: I think I'm gonna put back my old one, First impressions are bunk. and modify it to (except for macogw :)07:34
synthDangermike, yeah... lvm snapshots!07:34
macogwomar: last i tried it was junk07:34
dsargeantAntiUSA: you cans use open office writer to save as pdf.07:34
macogwnickrud: huh?07:35
synthI need to make a LUKS part07:35
MrEgg964Draco: yes, but df will list your mount points, so it shouldn't be a problem seeing what comes from where.07:35
AntiUSAwow, really?07:35
synthfor my sensitive pics07:35
AntiUSAlemme try07:35
prince_jammysShaffox: type:: ls -a ~/.Trash07:35
nickrudmacogw: a bad attempt at a joke. My usual level of success07:35
macogwomar: it also didnt appear to be in very active development at the time07:35
AntiUSAehm... does office writer come with Ubuntu?07:35
synthI need to get rid of the Trash concept in my KDE desk07:35
arvind_anybody for help!!!!07:35
synthi hate it... rm means rm...07:35
prince_jammysAntiUSA: yes07:35
AntiUSAall I see is Word Processor07:35
dsargeantAntiUSA: that's it07:36
Shaffoxprince_jammys, yes, I've done that already, and I've found my file, but what now to recover it?07:36
omarmacogw: LOL! Yeah, but that doesn't mean nobody's working on it at all, does it? ;)07:36
MrEgg964amenado: removing /home/jdoe from / after the mount point is created in fstab makes total sense. I got it. Thanks all.07:36
prince_jammysAntiUSA: gnome likes generic names in the menu07:36
nickrudAntiUSA: on the file menu, there's an export as pdf option07:36
Dangermikesynth, yeah i know you would think it would read your mind through the keyboard just to make sure you meant it ;P07:36
DanaGHere's a fun thing to do: cat random partitions, piped into aplay -fcd07:36
cheesebobdamn it07:36
arvind_anybody for help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:36
prince_jammysShaffox: cp ~/.Trash/yourfile ~/Desktop07:36
cheesebobstupid school and their requiring me to input a password for network access07:36
fraserDarkmystere, back. it didn't owrk07:36
Dangermike!ask > arvind_07:36
Shaffoxoh, just copy? oke, thanks07:36
Darkmysterefraser, you get newest driver?07:37
arvind_am nt able to see the files after sometime in my local drives!!!07:37
prince_jammysShaffox: do mv instead of cp07:37
synthhas KDE4 gotten stable yet in .deb's for us?07:37
macogwomar: true.  it just looked like that part was dead and all development was in terms of making screenlets for it07:37
arvind_i hav got a screenshot of the error07:37
amenadohow to fix this during boot of a liveCD iso from a harddisk? EXT3-fs: mounted file system with ordered data mode07:37
fraserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD64 on this page but the instructions don't match the files that i got in the ndiswrapper tarball07:37
amenadokjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds07:37
prince_jammysShaffox: moves it, instead of copying07:37
Dracosynth: personally I alias rm to mv somewhere like a global trash folder07:37
Dangermikearvind_, lets see the picture07:37
nickrudarvind_: so, what's the link?07:37
synthamenado, that is entirely normal?07:37
omarmacogw: Oh, okay. :)07:37
arvind_i hav it on y system07:37
arvind_how do i send it here07:38
synthDraco, really?07:38
amenadosynth-> nope, it just cycles through that, and give the initramfs prompt(busybox) after07:38
Darkmysterefraser, Here is link http://downloads.sourceforge.net/madwifi/madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz07:38
Dangermikearvind_, imageshack.us or some hosting site07:38
AntiUSAthanks guys07:38
synthDraco, I set my vi to backup my work but that I trust my rm... I once had a space infront of a * and screwed myself slightly07:38
Dracosynth: yeah, and when I want to delete something I am usually in "sh" so it doesn't matter07:38
synthDraco, but zsh is good for catching that07:38
zcat[1]I hate it when I 'delete' files to make space on my mp3 player and they just get moved to .Trash though... and emptying the desktop Trash doesn't seem to remove the mp3-player thrash either07:38
synthso zsh is my padded helmet07:39
fraserDarkmystere, oh thanks. how do i use this?07:39
synthzcat[1], .Trash can exist in the media player volume07:39
synthis it mounted under /media?07:39
Dracozcat[1]: solved by the rm->mv alias, but tricking a filemanager to do that is harder07:39
dsargeantzcat[1]: You aren't prompted to delete the trash when you unmount the mp3 player?07:39
synthgo into its dir, and: find . -iname .Trash\*07:39
MICHAELKYLEhi i have a problem with xorg, ive tried every single configuration in xorg.conf and nothing seems to work, i have an BenQ V551 monitor that supports 1024x768 at 65Hz, the thing is that xorg seems to not allow my monitor to show it, cause i even put 1024x768 as the only resolution available in xorg.conf, and still i cant set it on the screen, it just keeps 800x600, but my monitor does support 1024x768 and yes im setting it to the right Frequency (60Hz),07:39
MICHAELKYLE and i had debian before xubuntu and in debian i do had 1024 as my dsktop resolution, but now i cnt on xubuntu, is xubuntu using a different version of xorg? or its something else i need to modify. help pls07:39
synthohhhhhh I wanna murder you07:40
synthsorry mental lapse07:40
bullgard4man lspnp: "list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources." What are 'Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources'?07:40
zcat[1]synth: I usually just pop a terminal and rm the fiiles.. although I know there's an option to delete without using .Trash as well07:40
DangermikeMICHAELKYLE, have you tried using the vesa video driver and choosing the simple setup when reconfiguring xorg?07:40
synthzcat[1], yeah I do too :) I just want the Trash concept just "gone" completely.. I know I can I just need to look it all up07:40
DracoMICHAELKYLE: debian almost always uses an older version of xorg07:40
synthzcat[1], I still at times dont care for icons on the desk even07:41
synthzcat[1], I'm oldschool even if I run compiz :D07:41
DracoMICHAELKYLE: (or anything else)07:41
zcat[1]I keep my computer desktop pretty tidy.. my real desktops are a total mess07:41
Darkmysterefraser, open terminal -> type cd then drag that file into terminal -> type make wait for it to finish then -> type sudo make install you may have to type your user pass "because you need to be admin to do this'  and let that finish then reboot07:41
synthoh both of mine are clean, I cant survive w/out organization my job would drown me07:41
Dangermikearvind_, i have never seen that before is this an external drive or internal?07:41
zcat[1]sue has icons piled on icons on her desktop :)07:41
nickrudarvind_: ls /dev/hda5  in a terminal, can you see them there?07:42
MICHAELKYLEDraco, ive tried with all the different drivers that xorg has for default, in fact i choose all of them and nothing, but i dont remember seeing vesa. xorg comes with vesa or i have to install it?07:42
arvind_yeah everything is there on the display!!!07:42
arvind_its happening since few hours07:42
DangermikeMICHAELKYLE, vesa is already there07:42
MICHAELKYLEDangermike,  if its there i surely did then07:42
arvind_it happens with all the drives07:42
synthzcat[1], the one thing I cant stand is seeing a Windows desktop COVERED in icons07:42
Dangermikedid you choose simple setup for the monitor and just choose the size?07:43
zcat[1]same.. although in sue's case it's a gnome desktop07:43
nickrudarvind_: have you exited the desktop and logged back in?07:43
Darkmysterefraser, you get that sorry about disconnecting was playing with modes and accedentally killed my Main Managed VAP07:43
MICHAELKYLEDangermike,  i choose simple, medium and advanced07:43
arvind_when i restart it resumes!!!07:43
zcat[1]her login though.. not my problem :)07:43
Dracosynth: zcat[1]: I only like 2 types of icons. launchers and for minimized apps07:43
MICHAELKYLEall of those, i spent like three hours choosing the differenbt options and nothing, just one time i think i managed to do it but maybe at a higher frequency cause the monitor went down07:44
fraserDarkmystere, right going for a reboot now on that madwifi07:44
Dracosynth: zcat[1]: app icons and compiz rocks, switch desktop open window, you don't have to remember to hold the "drag the window with me" key07:44
sarthorvmware installed on gutsy, its working fine, but in only can start it from terminal, to write there vmware, when i click on vmware in side the manu----system tool---vmware...... Nothing happeds. How can i fix this problem?07:44
zcat[1]hmmm.. ontopic question.. guy today had compiz-fusion running OK except all the options in compizconfig-manager were greyed out and he couldn't change any settings.. anyone know how that would have happened?07:45
Dracosarthor: add a vmware menu entry, and open in terminal if need be07:45
arvind_wat shud i do???07:45
nickrudarvind_: try creating a new user, and log in as that user. See if the problem still happens. This will tell us if its a problem in the system , or your user config07:46
nickrudarvind_: if it's a system problem, I won't have a clue07:46
fraserDarkmystere, that did not fix the problem.07:46
fraserDarkmystere, maybe i should instal ndiswrapper?07:46
MICHAELKYLEDangermike,?  do u imagine what this could be?07:47
Darkmysterefraser, i dont get it i have same exact card..im betting its something stupid..07:47
fraserDarkmystere, which is all the more frustrating07:47
Darkmysterefraser, open terminal and type sudo modprobe ath_pci07:47
rhineheart_mIs there a way to know when an ubuntu system has been installed?07:47
fraserDarkForest, done, no output07:48
LetterRiphi all i have a load cycle count question - what is 'normal'?07:48
LetterRipmine is sudo smartctl -a /dev/hda | grep Load_Cycle_Count07:48
zcat[1]rhineheart_m: when a window pops up saying 'all done, reboot now?"07:48
LetterRip0x0032   095   095   000    Old_age   Always       -       10583707:48
arvind_i can see it in the other userid07:48
arvind_*user id07:48
prince_jammysi think he means the installation date07:48
LetterRipi keep getting what i thought was a load cycling but the number isn't increasing07:48
Darkmysterefraser..., How exactly do you know its not working..?07:49
LetterRipi'm getting a click every 3-5 seconds07:49
n-ratedI got a Ubuntu live CD, is there someway to install that? or do I have to get the whole thing some how?07:49
LetterRipthat is driving me nuts07:49
omarmacogw: I also LOVE the radio screenlet. :D07:49
zcat[1]I guess date of earliest-created file on the box?07:49
prince_jammysn-rated: you can install from the live cd07:49
fraserDarkmystere, the madwifi? because no wireless card is recognised in 'network-admin'07:49
n-ratedI can't see how?07:50
zcat[1]n-rated: double-click the 'install' icon on the live desktop.07:50
prince_jammysn-rated: there isn't an "install" icon on the desktop?07:50
n-ratedI would if there was one07:50
zcat[1]hmm.. weird07:50
bazhangn-rated click install icon on desktop07:50
Darkmysterefraser, hrm.... try ifconfig ath0 up07:50
arvind_nickrud::i can see it in the other user07:50
prince_jammysn-rated: you're currently running the cd?07:50
zcat[1]n-rated: nobody here believes you :)07:50
fraserDarkmystere, ath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device07:51
n-ratednope, it is an older version of that helps07:51
zcat[1]how old?07:51
bazhangn-rated what version07:51
n-rated5 or something07:51
zcat[1]if it's that old you might be better off getting a newer version..07:51
Darkmysterefraser, lol maybe its try this sec...getting command07:51
nickrudarvind_: see the error, you mean?07:51
n-ratedI just want to test it out if full before I do a download that big07:52
zcat[1]n-rated: yes, early versions had an install disk and a live disk that didn't install..07:52
arvind_no i can the drive contents i mean07:52
bazhangn-rated that wont help you that system is no longer supported and has none of the features of the current version07:52
zcat[1]n-rated: later versions (anything after 5.10 I think) had the live-installer disk07:52
rhineheart_mzcat[1]: thanks..but that's not the one.. I mean.. is there a way to know what date time and month ubuntu gutsy has been installed? like a history07:52
arvind_nickrud::i can see the contents of the drive07:52
Darkmysterefraser, wlanconfigh ath create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode managed then ifconfig ath0 up07:53
zcat[1]rhineheart_m: actually I think it writes an install log somewhere.. /var/log perhaps? I'd have to look07:53
Darkmysterefraser, sorry * wlanconfig07:53
n-ratedis there such think as a cut down CD, something that does not have all the apps on it07:53
zcat[1]Ohhh.. /var/log/installer :)07:53
fraserDarkmystere, wlanconfig: unknown create option then07:53
nickrudarvind_: but you have no errors, right? Use it for a while, see if it stays good.07:54
bazhangDarkmystere: those are not valid commands07:54
fraserDarkmystere, hahah i'm dumb07:54
Dangermikenickrud, possibly you could help or have input.. I get seg faults with any browser on  Gutsy mostly whilst loading websites with flash but it will also happen at random on the ubuntuforums, pastebin, bugs.launchpad etc. I think its a problem with libc.so.6. I am focused on Firefox and this is the debugging info from firefox http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12513343/gdb-firefox.log any ideas on how to Troubleshoot/possibly fix this problem?07:54
fraserDarkmystere, wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device07:54
Darkmysterefraser,bazhang, i use them all the time to turn my thing monitor mode on and off07:54
arvind_nickrud::hmmm...i have got lots of other prob too,this version aint stable...the same on my pal's laptop is fine07:54
Darkmysterefraser, i think linux might be seeing your wireless card as something else.07:55
nickrudDangermike: I've been seeing your issue this evening. This happened on a fresh install iirc07:55
fraserDarkForest, dang. gtg07:55
bazhangfraser the command you are looking for is ifconfig and iwconfig07:55
Darkmysterefraser, lol i always do this...i be real mad no internet did you flip the switch...07:55
nickrudarvind_: do you have any packages installed from repos other than ubuntu?07:55
Dangermikenickrud, yes it happened with a pre-existing install and it was fine for several months i reformatted and now the issue came back day 1 of the new install07:55
ubuntu__Hello. I just have a quick question about installing Ubuntu on a USB connected hard drive. If I choose "Guided - use entire disk" and choose the hard drive I want to install on, will it not touch my internal hard drives?07:55
arvind_yeah,there are some drivers,Anjuta07:55
zcat[1]rhineheart_m: the date of the files in /var/log/installer will be a fairly accurate indication, if the clock was correct at the time..07:55
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Darkmysterefraser, i have a lil switch on side of my labtop to turn wireless card on and off...somtimes i have it halfway on and linux still seeś ap's but i cannot connect :/ well try flipping it on and off07:56
nickrudDangermike: I really don't have a clue, and all my troubleshooting code was done in the 80's. I am rust.07:56
n-ratedLinux moves so fast, something from 2005 is called "That old" but if it was windows that would be "real new"07:56
Dangermikenickrud, ok though i would check ill wait and hopefully the bug report will be picked up soon :)07:57
bazhangfraser the commands Darkmystere are giving you are not valid commands that is why they are not working07:57
Darkmysterebazhang, give me one reason why they arent valid07:57
rhineheart_mzcat[1]: just like this one? Feb 17 09:05:40 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.307:57
zcat[1]rhineheart_m: yes, and "ls -l /var/log/installer" will give you the year as well07:58
nickrudarvind_: try using it for a while. If it stays clean, you can either clear out all the nautilus/gnome configs on the first user, or move all your data to the new user and keep using it.07:58
Darkmysterebazhang, hello..07:58
rhineheart_mzcat[1]: thanks.. that helps.. :)07:59
killownhigh-freq, how I do to secure delete folders ?07:59
DangermikeAlright well off to reformat and hopefully track down this bug :\07:59
zcat[1]killown: shred ?07:59
Darkmysterebazhang, iwconfig monitor and managed doesnt work with my card..08:00
Darkmysterebazhang, only wlanconfig..08:00
zcat[1]!info shred08:00
ubotuPackage shred does not exist in gutsy08:00
killownzcat[1] shred delete folder?08:00
nonix4zcat[1]: part of coreutils08:00
zcat[1]rm -rf folder/ deletes a folder.. shred overwrites the contents with random garbage several times first, so it can never be recovered08:01
ynefzcat[1]: well, "never" is not quite right... but it does make it harder08:01
arvind__nickrud::yeah,there are some drivers,Anjuta08:02
Darkmysterebazhang,fraser, if you dont beileave me ill get yall the manual link to madwifi\08:02
nickrudif you're worried about someone reading shredded files, you're in deep trouble anyway08:02
bullgard4man lspnp: "list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources." What are 'Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources'?08:02
zcat[1]ynef: for all practical purposes .. most people aren't of interest to the NSA ..08:02
killownzcat[1] I want secude delete and not a fake delete08:02
nonix4ynef: yeah, w/ modern hds even shred over the full capacity isn't 'nuff... because of relocating happending behind the scenes08:02
nickrudarvind_: what drivers?08:02
arvind__drivers for my graphics card and webcam08:03
zcat[1]killown: can't really be done on a single file or folder.. you can zero an entire drive pretty easily08:03
bloo`hi <.<08:03
nonix4zcat[1]: umm, only if you trust the "secure erase" features of the hds to empty the relocated parts too08:04
zcat[1]killown: for individual files, there is always the chance that copies exist elsewhere due to filesystem mantenance, etc08:04
arvind__nickrud::drivers for my graphics card and webcam08:04
shishirm1i am not able to see the gui interface of my ubuntu installation08:04
suncyduNetwork problem. Have a toshiba laptop. The inside wificard does not show on network devices. It sais its a rtl8187b wlan adapter. Its listed at lshw usb.08:04
RoadHazarddo any of you know egroupware or a chat I can goto that might help?08:04
shishirm1there is some error in the xserver08:04
nickrudarvind__: they shouldn't matter with nautilus.08:04
Darkmysterebazhang,fraser, Here you go http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/ChangingMode08:05
zcat[1]nonix4: it's more than enough for most people... casual ebay file-recoveres won't get anything off the drive.08:05
shishirm1please help and tell me how to reinstall xserver08:05
RoadHazardapt-get install xorg-xserver*08:05
nickrudshishirm1: did it work before?08:05
shishirm1ya it did08:05
arvind__shishir:sudo aptitude reinstall xorg-xserver08:05
nickrudshishirm1: what did you do that broke it?08:05
suncydutryed ndiswrapper and installed the rtl8187b win driver. But somehow the usb wont show up on network08:06
nonix4zcat[1]: Umm, I though they're accessible pretty easily if you can find 2nd logic board for the hd & swap them parts...08:06
nickrudshishirm1: or, what did you do recently ;)08:06
zcat[1]shishirm1: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop probably ..08:06
zcat[1]nonix4: yes, but very, very few people would go to that kind of effort08:06
arvind__nickrud::am next to be crying...08:06
shishirm1nickrud: i upgraded some stuff... may be i upgarded my 6.10 to gnome 2,2108:06
nickrudarvind__: it broke again?08:06
arvind__nickrud::not now,but am having lots of other probs too08:07
zcat[1]nonix4: and even then, they get a block here or there, most likely part of the OS or some big mpeg file.. very unlikely to be anything interesting08:07
nickrudshishirm1: you tried to upgrade from 6.10 to 8.04 ?08:07
arvind__nickrud::am jus hoping tat Hardy is more Stable like Fiesty08:08
shishirm1no i wanna keep 6.1008:08
nickrudarvind__: I seem to have no problems with gutsy. But then, I avoid third party stuff like the plague08:08
b_eccadoes anyone here know how to build iphone sdk on ubuntu?08:08
nickrudshishirm1: how do you mean, upgrade gnome to 2.21 then?08:08
arvind__nickrud::i cant play vidoes on youtube without the third party!!!08:09
arvind__nickrud::i find gutsy very unstable ...08:09
shishirm1gnome 2.16 to gnome2.2108:09
nickrudarvind_: ok, I also use that and w32codecs :)08:09
zcat[1]flash annoys me .. one in ten movies it just utterly locks up for ages, and I have to kill and restart firefox. and there's nobody I can even send a bug report to..08:09
rhineheart_mzcat[1]: how about the times the system has been shutdown?08:10
nickrudshishirm1: you compiled it? Did you do anything with your drivers as well?08:10
arvind__nickrud::the latest version of gnome too is very unstable08:10
zcat[1]rhineheart_m: somewhere in syslog.. not sure exactly how it logs shutdowns but bootups should be pretty obvious08:10
arvind__i feel logging off and re-installin is the best option!!!!08:11
eX_hi, how i can to uninstall kde 4 from ubuntu?08:11
nickrudarvind_: might be. I installed more than a handful of times when I first started learning08:11
arvind__nickrud::thanks for all the support08:12
nonix4zcat[1]: yeah... all that said, freespace wipe w/ shred or the other workalikes is pretty efficient08:12
zcat[1]istr there was a big list of packages somewhere that you could apt-get remove to get rid of kde ...08:12
eX_where i can to saw this list?08:13
bazhangzcat[1]: kde-base would likely do that08:13
bullgard4man lspnp: "list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources." What are 'Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources'?08:13
zcat[1]nonix4: I have an encrypted FS anyhow.. anyone gets my old drive isn't going to get squat from any part of it ..08:13
dsargeanteX_: did you try sudo apt-get remove kde4*08:13
nickrudzcat[1]: have I got a link for you. One sec08:14
zcat[1]nickrud: seen it..08:14
zcat[1]nickrud: I never leave my laptop sleeping, it goes right off :)08:14
nonix4zcat[1]: I'm actually trying to break one encrypted FS of my own - forgot password couple years ago... so far my research shows that it is feasible.08:14
nickrudzcat[1]: ok ;)08:14
zcat[1]nickrud: I actually want to try that technique sometime and see how well it works.. looks pretty doable.08:15
nonix4zcat[1]: ... so ordering a 3 terabyte raid array & 8 gigs of ram to do it :)08:15
nickrudzcat[1]: yeah, another laptop and a can of air. Oh, the low tech solutions are the best08:15
zcat[1]nickrud: I think they posted up all the tools too08:16
cromagdoes anyone have a link for adding a harddisk with windows on it and adding it to grub for boot ?08:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE08:16
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nonix4cromag: as a 2nd hd? besides chainloading you need to convince that silly of that it wants to boot... is running it in a VM an option? ;)08:18
bazhangstartupmanager is a little gui app to manage grub cromag08:20
cromagbazhang: i will have a look at that,08:20
cromagnonix4: thanks for input :)08:20
bazhangcromag: have you tried plugging it in, editing your fstab and then see if that works? startupmanager might come in handy too08:21
cromagbazhang: not tried yet, a friend of mine with the "hurdle".08:22
karllenzi need some help wit ndiswrapper08:22
karllenzand my macbook08:22
bazhangcromag: aha well let us know if you need more assistance08:22
cromagbazhang: thanks for your help :)08:22
bazhangno worries cromag ;]08:23
karllenzi get to the part where i type sudo ndiswrapper -l08:23
karllenzand it says bcmwl5 : invalid driver!08:23
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook karllenz you might take a look here08:23
karllenzim there08:24
sorryamnew1what do they mean by saying working in linux ntfs is not safe08:24
bazhangsorryamnew1: who is they and could you give more info please08:24
nickrudsorryamnew1: that was very true for a long time, but the driver is very mature now08:24
karllenzanyone? it to get wifi to work08:24
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/24/how-to-enable-wireless-networking-on-the-macbook-ubuntu-710/ karllenz what about this?08:25
karllenzwell the other link has steps08:25
cromagkarllenz: it says on the page...08:25
karllenzand i get to one command an it messes up08:25
sorryamnew1how can i disable the disk error check when ubuntu starts08:26
bwaynesorryamnew1: edit fstab.08:26
bwaynesorryamnew1: or tune2fs.08:26
cromagkarllenz: that is for windows drivers.08:26
destinedtune2fs -c 1000 /dev/?08:26
bwayne1000 is pointless.08:27
destinedbwayne: that's the point?08:27
bwayneit needs to be checked sometimes.08:27
=== d is now known as eX_
karllenzwell yea08:27
eX_well it's works08:27
destinedset it to 100 then?08:27
karllenzmy chip set is Broadcom 432808:27
bwaynethat's a nice round.number.  :-)08:27
eX_how i can to uninstall gnome?08:28
karllenzits not supported by bcm43xx08:28
rajulive cd booting ,but throwing  the error is like " Does not exist Dropping to shell "08:28
eX_sudo apt-get remove gnom* ?08:28
bazhangeX_: what replacement or you want straight cli08:28
ompauleX_, sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome << be prepared to break upgrades and also remove local . files08:28
destinedtune2fs -c 100 /dev/nameofhd should work08:28
rajuanyone please answer to my query08:28
bazhangraju first ask ;]08:29
rajulive cd booting ,but throwing  the error is like " Does not exist Dropping to shell "08:29
cromagkarllenz: so you checked that you HAVE to use the windows driver ?08:29
rajubazhang, live cd booting ,but throwing  the error is like " Does not exist Dropping to shell "08:29
eX_bazhang: kde 308:29
ompaul!bootoptions > raju (however if the disk is not starting at all - burn a new one slowly)08:29
karllenzthats what the wiki says08:29
nickrudeX_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde08:29
bazhangraju what does not exist?08:29
rajubazhang, root filesystem is not mounting08:30
cromagkarllenz: for macbook pro ?08:30
ompaulraju, you need to burn a new disk - do it really slowly08:30
karllenznope macbook santa rosa08:30
RoadHazard"pure KDE" sounds like something with the government involved08:30
eX_nickrud: thank's!08:30
sorryamnew1who can i disable the disk error check ..... i opened fstab this is a sample line what should i do : UUID=1EE9-2363  /media/hda5     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       108:31
cromagkarllenz: ok, and it installs ndiswrapper fine ?08:31
karllenzjust cant get the driver installed08:31
karllenzi think thats the issue08:31
bwaynesorryamnew1: replace that final 1 with a 0 to disable completely.  follow destined advice otherwise.08:31
karllenzi run sudo ndiswrapper -l08:31
karllenzand it says invalid driver08:32
cromagkarllenz: and you did the other ones completely ?08:32
karllenzi got up to that step on the wiki08:32
karllenzthe skipped it and ran the next two commands08:32
cromagkarllenz: yes, but did you do all the steps before ?08:32
bwaynesorryamnew1: but ... do that to the line that has "/" where that line has "/media/hd5".08:32
cromagand no erros ?08:33
karllenzis there a way i can start over from scratch and try it again08:33
karllenzin case i missed something08:33
sorryamnew1thx bwayne08:33
Nostahlis it possible to add function to your bios? ie my built in card reader is not bootable08:33
rawbeefDoes Beryl have high spec requirements?08:34
bwayneNostahl: yeah.  it's called a BIOS update.  look to the manufacturers of your MB>08:34
rawbeefI"m just trying to get a os x-esque dock08:34
bazhangrawbeef not beryl anymore08:34
Nostahli have the latest bwayne08:34
nevillerawbeef Beryl could run just fine on my 450MHz Pentium 3 with Geforce 408:34
cromagkarllenz: i dont know.08:34
Nostahlare there any custom bios's out there?08:34
nevilleBut, as he said, not Beryl anymore08:34
bwayneNostahl:not that I know of.08:35
rawbeefIs compiz-fusion necessary to use?08:35
karllenzthat sux lol08:35
rawbeefi was just oging to use beryl08:35
rawbeefAre there any guides out there for an os-x looking gui?08:35
destinedbwayne: do you mean instead of -c 100, just a zero?08:35
bazhangrawbeef no longer supported08:35
nevillerawbeef have you had a look at kooldock?08:35
cromagkarllenz: ok ehm... just try to delete the driver and the dir it is in and try the steps again and paste ALL of it to pastebin08:35
bwaynedestined: no.  0 is for fstab entry, not tune.08:35
zcat[1]was running compiz-fusion nicely on a 1ghz chip with nvidia mx440 a few months back ..08:35
karllenzit wont let me delet the folder08:36
zcat[1]things like 'water' were a bit sluggish though08:36
nickrudcompiz runs like crap on my dual 1.6 amd64 (with ati)08:36
cromagbe more specific ?08:36
marco92302bit of a noob here, i need some help though i tried installing restricted drivers in gutsy and it will no longer boot into gui just cl08:36
zcat[1]ati's are crap :)08:36
rawbeefneville:  nope let me check it out08:37
RoadHazardhere ya go sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:37
sorryamnew1what is the minimum ram for running ubuntu gusty08:37
bullgard4man lspnp: "list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources." What are 'Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources'?08:37
zcat[1]marco92302: log into cl and less /var/log/Xorg.0.log (I think.. something like it) to see where it's failing08:37
bwaynesorryamnew1, I'd recommend 512.08:37
rawbeefneville:  is kooldock only for kde? i use gnome08:38
bazhangsorryamnew1: just running or with all the bells and whistles?08:38
RoadHazardchange the driver back from fglrx and life goes on08:38
sleepsternickserv identify igotbignuttz08:38
karllenzfiles deleted08:38
karllenzno ill start over08:38
sorryamnew1running whith lets say openoffice ... whith no hanging08:38
omar_Guys where can I find good add-ons for the panels, like the dilbert add-on for example08:38
zcat[1]rofl... nice password sleepster .. no go change it :)08:38
nickrudsleepster: consider yourself advised to change your password ;)08:38
RoadHazardI run gutsy on a 233 mmx with 64m of ram, its my little juke box laptop08:39
sleepsterI was just kidding..08:39
sleepsterthat's not my password08:39
sonicreindeerGood morning to all. Have a bootloader issue re: Feisty PPC08:39
BernardBTann3h, is flooding?08:39
RoadHazard"thats the combination for my luggage, 12345!"08:39
RoadHazarddefine problem sonic08:40
sleepsteranyone know of good grammar checkers for linux?08:40
nickrudBernardB: in pm?08:40
BernardBYes nickrud08:40
sleepsterI haven't found anything good08:40
BernardBLooks like on-join nickrud08:40
omar_Guys where can I find good add-ons for the panels, like the dilbert add-on for example?08:40
zcat[1]sleepster: post it on slashdot.. the grammar nazis will pick up anything less than perfect in it08:40
marco92302road hazard: thankyou so much it worked took two minutes08:41
sleepsterridiculous.. serious08:41
nickrudany new joiners getting pm spam?08:41
sleepsterompaul: it's not like this channel is any good or anything... what are you protecting it from?08:42
ompaulvery and you are offtopic with the likes of that08:42
bazhangomar: perhaps gnome-look.org not sure about that08:42
karllenzis this all one command??????      unzip -a R151517.EXE -driver/08:42
karllenzcd driver/DRIVER/08:42
BernardBnickrud, what shall I do with it for now?08:42
jaggz-Does anyone see anything wrong with my partitions?  http://bdh.voyager.com/ptable.txt08:42
nickrudBernardB: still getting spam?08:42
RoadHazardmarco92302, what took 2 minutes? I am getting lost here08:43
BernardBNo, only on-join08:43
bwaynejaggz-: other than the fact you're drives are identical.  RAID?08:43
jaggz-dmraid is saying " ERROR: dos: partition address past end of RAID device"  .. I'm not sure why though.  the partition table seems fine to me08:43
bazhangsleepster: best step back there08:44
jaggz-bwayne, yeah.. raid mirror.. using the motherboard's onboard promise (fasttrak 378) sata support..08:44
RoadHazardwell thats pretty straightforward ERROR: dos, nuff said08:44
sorryamnew1is it true that external modems don't need a driver08:44
jaggz-dmraid recognizes it.. and shows me the first 3 partitions fine.. but it doesn't show me the last partition (my ext3fs)08:44
nickrudsorryamnew1: yes08:44
olejorgenbhow do I control volume, when I use the OSS sound driver?08:44
RoadHazardsorryamnew1, external modems are for the most part smart and do not use drivers08:44
olejorgenbadjusting front works, but it's still too loud when front is set to minimum08:45
jaggz-that is, I get /dev/dm-0 through 4.. dm-0 is the drive (mirror of sda and sdb) .. and 1 is ntfs, 2 is swap, 3 is ext2 (my boot partition), and 4 is.. there is no dm-4 :)08:45
RoadHazardolejorgenb, I would get ossmixer08:45
zcat[1]nitpick.. I have seen external USB winmodems..08:45
olejorgenbRoadHazard: not in the repos?08:46
zcat[1]externam serial modems generally don't need drivers though.. and some smart PCI modems don't either08:46
RoadHazardgoogle is your freund08:46
jaggz-sorryamnew: the difference is if software handles some of the modem features or not08:46
bazhangRoadHazard: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet ;]08:47
RoadHazardI didnt say jfgi did I?08:47
nickrudbazhang: oh, that's gotta become a factoid08:47
ompaulyou did now ;-008:47
sorryamnew1mmmm can u explian the word Serial pls08:47
olejorgenbhehe, man I have to install tons of kdelibs just to adjust my oss volume08:47
marco92302roadhazard: reconfiguring it fixed it08:47
marco92302i have a gui08:47
marco92302thank you08:47
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux08:48
bazhangnickrud: haha thanks08:48
zcat[1]sorryamnew1: modems that connect through 9-pin or 25-pin D connector are serial...08:48
jaggz-RoadHazard: well.. it's not a warning.. it's an error.. do you think it's unrelated to the actual problem I'm experiencing -- ie. that my last partition is not coming up as /dev/dm-4 ?08:48
RoadHazardthe xserver-xorg thing? I was in 3 channels08:48
flowOverany reason why ubuntu would system halt my machine 2min after startup?  ctrl-alt-bs nor ctrl-alt-f* work08:48
zcat[1]who the heck still uses modems these days anyway :)08:48
bazhangflowOver: this is the installer or the livecd08:49
sorryamnew1does the usb modems need no drivers like the serial ones08:49
jaggz-I was tempted to setup a voicemail system on my computer instead of an answering machine (w/phone co)08:49
flowOverit happens usually while i'm surfing for about 30min then x will flash off and on, then another 10min will pass and it freezes.  just now it happened on boot08:49
flowOverbazhang: this is a full install that i've configured with my drivers08:49
bazhangflowOver: what drivers are you referring to please08:49
sorryamnew1zcat : in my country we still use it08:50
ompaulbazhang, pm the bot google - is it changed a lot08:50
zcat[1]sorryamnew: no, USB external modems need drivers..08:50
flowOvernvidia and i changed to alsa mixer for the sound since i had even more freeze ups without it08:50
bazhangompaul: will do ;]08:50
flowOveris there a log i can look at somewhere that would show why it freezes?08:50
zcat[1]NZ has only just reached the point where there are more ppl on BB than DU :)08:51
jaggz-okay.. so then my question is:  "Why is my 4th partition (root fs, ext3) not showing up as /dev/dm-4 while the other 3 partitions show up as dm-1, 2, and 3?"08:51
ZirodayI have a nvidia 8800GTS that can not be used with the nvidia drivers, it will only ever work with the vesa drivers08:52
sleepsterflowOver: check dmesg08:52
nickrudompaul: I'd only suggest a period in place of the second ;08:52
howtohow to scan all mac address in my network?08:52
zcat[1]Ziroday: yeah, you have to use nvidia's binary installer..08:52
sleepsterflowOver: it should point to any good leads..08:52
flowOverwhat's demesg?08:52
sleepsterflowOver: if it doesn't say anything of interest.. check out var/logs08:52
dougskohowto: nmap!08:52
sleepsterflowOver: type 'dmesg'08:52
sleepsterflowOver: rtfm  man dmesg08:52
karllenzok i got the same error08:53
nickrud!rtfm | sleepster08:53
ubotusleepster: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.08:53
flowOverthe man for ubuntu is a community forum08:53
flowOveraka useless08:53
karllenzrunning sudo ndiswrapper -l08:53
howtodougsko: the nmpa command please08:53
sleepsterhow come this channel is so uptight08:53
howtodougsko: the nmap command please08:53
flowOveruptight?  wasn't he the one who told me off with rtfm?08:53
dougskohowto: im a sherpa, not a hand-holder. google on brotha08:53
majikinshi-is there a way to change window manager for each user?08:54
karllenzhow can i put something into a pastebin08:54
flowOveranyways.  dmesg echo'd more information than the terminal buffer will hold08:54
flowOverand it's all greek to me08:54
majikinssay I want to run kde for user1 and gnome for user2?08:54
nickrudflowOver: dmesg | less , you can page thru with that08:54
zcat[1]majikins: in theory.. but it tends to get messy08:54
zcat[1]majikins: it's much easier if everyone just uses gnome :)08:55
majikinsI know but one of my family likes kde better08:55
bazhangflowOver: how about installing pastebinit and cat it there08:55
majikinsand I want them to use linux instead of winbugs08:55
karllenzdoes hardy support the new macbooks08:55
bazhangkarllenz: best to ask in #ubuntu+1 ;]08:56
flowOverthis all seems like pretty specific system information though.  i dont really want to publish it08:56
biabiacan anyone recommend a good/decent/fair fserve script for xchat?    I tried tuxserv but it seems buggy and hasnt been updated it like 3-4 yrs08:56
bazhangflowOver: oh okay, well you can edit out the sensitive stuff with nickrud's command and paste that08:57
nickrudflowOver: it's pretty generic, nothing in there that's going to give someone a hacking tool08:57
ompaulflowOver, then you can't really get value out of here - help is nothing you can get if you don't ask the right questions or give enough of the right information08:57
nickrudflowOver: it just talks about hardware08:57
zcat[1]majikins: yes, just install kubuntu-desktop .. gdm will let you use gnome or kde for your default session08:57
dougskobazhang: whats pastebinit?08:58
zcat[1]Ican't stand KDE .. I used to prefer it but I'm so used to gnome now..08:58
flowOverditto.  or more along how can i install it?  is it in synaptic?08:58
kcyniceanybody would like to tell me why my system is no-sound if i log using the other user account?08:58
bazhangdougsko: it is a nifty little app that sends stuff you cat and pipe directly to pastebin and returns the url08:58
RoadHazardsudo apt-get install kde-core08:58
majikinsso user1 does not have to select kde - it gets loaded automatically upon his login?08:59
RoadHazardif you check the box it does08:59
Maimster2 gnome or NOT 2 gnome that is the question.08:59
flowOveryess it is.  okay so how do i use it to pastebin the dmesg?08:59
kcynicethis user account is created when the system installed,and the other user was created later in the terminal08:59
zcat[1]majikins: they select it once, and get asked if they want to make it the default.. from then on it will always log them into kde08:59
dougskobazhang: thats what i thought. i actaullt wrote an identical script in ruby for use in IRC. take a looksy if you wanna --> http://pastebin.ca/93336509:00
bazhangdougsko: very elegant thanks!09:00
dougskoit takes stdin or a file name09:00
majikinsis there a file that this setting gets changed in?09:00
majikinsI've read about xinitrc09:00
zcat[1]majikins: I think .xsession from memory..09:00
majikinsthanks for the information09:01
sonicreindeerGot locked out, booted from the server, then spent a good 30 minutes logging back on this channel. No fun:(09:01
dougskobazhang: i use pastebin.ca becaue the author of the site was awesome enough to specifically allow API access. something which is lacking from 99% of pastebins (including the ubuntu one)09:01
flowOverhow do i use pastebinit with dmesg?09:01
sonicreindeerAnyway, bakc to the bootloader issue at hand.09:02
zcat[1]flowOver: "dmesg | pastebinit" ?09:02
bazhangdougsko: how long to do that? and how long to learn ruby? sorry for the offtopic09:02
sonicreindeerI am attempting to repair a broken Xubuntu Feisty system. I was testing a dual-boot scenario last evening within my Mac Jaguar partition while loading OS 9.2.2 on top of the desktop as a separate app( ie; running Classic on top of Jaguar ). Little did I realize how the Classic sys files overwrote the files within the bootloader in the MBR for me to access my Feisty drive separate from my Mac drive. Can't boot to Feisty.09:02
flowOverhttp://paste.stgraber.org/1283  << my dmesg09:03
flowOverwhat exactly is the nature of the |?09:03
dougskobazhang: not long at all. ruby is very easy and VERY worth while09:03
bazhangdougsko: thanks!09:03
sonicreindeerPS- I explained this exact issue with the #xubuntu folks and was referred here.09:03
zcat[1]flowOver: pipe, it takes the output of the preceeding command and uses it as input for the next command09:04
sonicreindeerHere are the box specs:  1st Generation G4/ 400 PPC( Sawtooth ) w/ 896 MB of RAM, a factory 20 Gig drive is running Jaguar w/ a separate 40 GB Maxtor runing my beloved Feisty. Attempted the upgrade from feisty iinto Gutsy, but, my box didn't like it much.09:04
dougskobazhang: np09:04
flowOverruby is a nice language tho rails is a horribly bloated framework that doesn't allow flexibility at all.  it's either you make it their way or don't.  every ruby environment i've ever encountered is saturated in rail'isms that i've never bothered to invest alot of time into the language myself.09:04
sonicreindeerI spent overthree months configgin' Feisty the way I personally want for it to run. Although the upgrade has crossed my mind several times over, I'm keepin' Feisty. Convince me otherwise w/ the right ISO link w/ all of the first-run bugs worked out of Gutsy, I'll hop on boar?d09:05
flowOverzcat[1]: thank you for explaining that09:05
sonicreindeerI spent overthree months configgin' Feisty the way I personally want for it to run. Although the upgrade has crossed my mind several times over, I'm keepin' Feisty. Convince me otherwise w/ the right ISO link w/ all of the first-run bugs worked out of Gutsy, I'll hop on board.09:05
dougskoflowOver: rails != ruby. its just a web dev framework that uses it09:06
flowOveryes i know09:06
cdubyasonicreindeer, grub-install ??09:06
flowOver" every ruby environment i've ever encountered is saturated in rail'isms"09:06
dougskoflowOver: i dont know what youve been doing with it, but ruby is basically the most awesome scripting language around09:07
cdubyasonicreindeer, I was wondering if that were in order in your case....09:07
flowOverruby is a great language.  i'm guessing that 3/4 of ruby that's on the web is rail's based09:07
flowOverand rail's is what makes it not worthwhile for me to learn ruby09:08
flowOvermore so than i have09:08
RoadHazardheh, php, cause newbs wanna www too!09:08
dougskoflowOver: not even close09:08
sonicreindeerStill here, cdubya09:08
dougskoflowOver: ruby pwns python and perl (imo). it has nothing to do with web dev09:08
dougskoflowOver: its for /antyhing/09:08
dougskoweb dev is for chumps anyway09:09
flowOverso it wasn't webdev that put ruby into the spotlight?  it was barely supported before rails was the hype 2 years ago.09:09
flowOverit pays the bills09:10
dougskoflowOver: web dev made ruby popular in the US. its been the #1 language in japan for years09:10
ompaul!offtopic | flowOver (this is not a programming channel)09:10
ubotuflowOver (this is not a programming channel): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:10
dougskoflowOver: and as a general programmer, itll make you smile. trust me09:10
flowOveri'm not aloud to comment anymore on it09:11
RoadHazardcobol programmers do not bellyache about how wordy it is if thats the only language they know09:11
tpyoknigI need help I moved a file, nautilus says its on the filesystem but doesnt show up under terminal with ls -la or in nautilus09:11
flowOverso has anyone looked at my dmesg at all?  my system has a tendancy to lock up.  doesn't respond to anything09:12
nickrudflowOver: the only thing I see is your cdrom error09:12
RoadHazardhave you tried flowers and maybe a nice dinner?09:12
RoadHazardsorry, I'm getting giddy09:12
cdubyasonicreindeer, I guess I was thinking if you know which drive you had the bootloader installed on, boot the system to a liveCD and try to run grub-install on that drive again to reinstate the boot loader, but I'm prolly just wacked as it's extremely late and far beyond my limit for being able to stay awake well.....09:12
flowOvernickrud: yeah i saw that too... but had no clue what it ment09:12
dougskoRoadHazard: cobol dudes are very specialized. dying breeds tend to be be touchy about their own mortality09:13
GastroI'm trying to make a customized ubuntu live-cd. I want to install kde/kubuntu-desktop instead of gnome. But i get some errors. http://rafb.net/p/VzDqgb82.html09:13
Ziroda1Hi, can I have some help getting my Nvidia 8800GTS working please09:14
nickrudflowOver: neither do I09:14
sonicreindeerAin't that the truth here, Cdubya. I've been rackin' my braincells futilly in an effort to rescue Feisty.09:14
MaimsterZiroda1 Nice freak'in card man.09:14
Ziroda1Maimster: would be even nicer if it worked :)09:14
ompaulflowOver, --  EXT3-fs: hda1: orphan cleanup on readonly fs  -- tell me do you turn off the machine with the shutdown icon or the power switch ??09:14
RoadHazardI made a good living doing cobol in 199909:15
MaimsterZiroda1 I cheated, I just install with the card inserted. All went perfect.09:15
flowOverompaul:  well i shut down usually, but the machine tends to freeze up right.  so it's hard to do it most of the time.09:15
Ziroda1Maimster: what card do you have?09:15
dougskoRoadHazard: specialized knowledge is usually lucrative09:15
cdubyasonicreindeer, I was just thinking anyway....I better sign off and try to get some sleep. Good luck09:15
RoadHazardI also have a t-shirt that says "ask me about old hardware"09:15
bazhangZiroda1: is that the 512MB card? I believe the latest drivers on nvidia site now support it09:15
flowOvermost of my boot up's are because of lockups09:15
flowOverit happens that often09:15
MaimsterZiroda1 I have the nVidia 6600Utra09:15
ompaulflowOver, that tends to be a ram issue- try the ram tester09:15
flowOveri have.  ran it all night long.  no problems09:15
Ziroda1bazhang: yeah it is, damn I was hoping there was another way around, besides having to install from nvidia.com09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blackbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:16
MaimsterZiroda1 I left the 8800GTS in the windows box for gaming.09:16
dougskoRoadHazard: the bummer is that it becomes less relevant over time09:16
Ayabarathe adobe flash installer fails for firefox-3.0 beta 3. anyone know how to fix this?09:16
sonicreindeertrust me when i say i have already attempted to load the grub from the live disc to no avail. Since i do have two separate drives in my G4 for obvious reasons( Mac is a bully just like Windows for space ), feisty is on my 40 GB Maxtor. The grub is located in the drive's MBR.09:16
Ziroda1bazhang: does envy install from the nvidia site?09:17
MaimsterZiroda1 I just didn't think 640MB was needed to spin a compiz cube.09:17
bazhangZiroda1: pm?09:17
flowOverhow can i test the video ram?09:17
Ziroda1bazhang: no pro09:17
tpyoknigI need help I moved a file, nautilus says its on the filesystem but doesnt show up under terminal with ls -la or in nautilus09:17
ompaulflowOver, ignore the video ram09:18
flowOverthat wouldn't cause lockups huh?09:18
archmanhi guys, how to turn off automatic nm connection to any ap's; but not turning off roaming mode?09:18
flowOverif it's any help.. the last lockup happened when i went to google reader.  while it was loading.09:19
flowOveras far as i can tell it happens mostly while firefox is open09:19
sonicreindeerI may have to go back to edgy and perform an upgrade via Software Updates in my Apps menu in Xfce to reinstall Feisty if I am unsuccessful in rebuilding the grub. I've already removed allo f the sys files along with the app/ desktop files for Classic in Jaguar.09:19
RoadHazarddougsko, theres still a bunch of shops that run cobol, the as400 crowd still run it09:19
ompaulflowOver, that works or fails never saw an in between option - what you can do is remove the video card if it is a discrete item - after that you will most likely need to run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" if that stops the problems then you got a video card issue - as for firefox that says it is when the machine is stressed - so you got to look at your ram09:20
sonicreindeerAfter sacking those files, I was able to boot back into Jaguar without an issue.09:20
bazhangziroda1 you still there?09:20
bazhangheh guess not09:20
flowOverrunning memtest86 overnight isn't sufficient?09:20
dougskoRoadHazard: im not saying that *no one* uses it. but you have to admit, its use is not exactly on the uprise09:21
Wolffsaluuut !09:21
bazhanghello Wolff09:21
flowOveri don't want to but i'm almost willing to reinstall xp.  it's less buggy09:21
Wolffca fait deux jours que jme demande comment jvais pouvoir trouver de l'aide a propos d'ubuntu09:21
ompaulflowOver, be happy with your loss of freedom in that case09:22
Wolffje débute et j'auaris besoin de quelques petites aide09:22
flowOverlockup's never happen.  i don't see how it could be my ram when this would never happen on another os09:22
ompaul!fr | Wolff09:22
ubotuWolff: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:22
bazhangWolff: /j #ubuntu-fr ;]09:22
Wolffa merde09:22
flowOveri came to ubuntu because vista was buggy09:22
flowOverbut now ubuntu is more buggy than vista09:22
flowOver2 seperate machine's in this house.  i already wiped it off the other09:22
bazhangflowOver: cmon give it a rest09:22
dougskoRoadHazard: its one of those legacy langauges that we'll most likely see in use for much longer than anyone probably should09:23
Ayabarais there a way to make "Image Viewer" open maximized by default?09:23
sonicreindeerCdubya, here are a couple of URLs I have referenced thusfar:  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/powerpc/rescue.html and  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/powerpc/boot-usb-files.html ( Prepping/ Booting from a USB flashdrive and reparing a broken system ).09:23
dougskoAyabara: if you use fluxbox as your WM, edit your ~/.fluxbox/apps file09:24
Ayabaradougsko: ok. I'm using gnome wm.09:25
sonicreindeerI have attempted to reboot the box only to come up way short from getting close to excercising the recommendations given on the doc links.09:25
dennisonicubuntu is the hackers operating system.09:25
dougskoAyabara: switch to flux? heh i dont do gnome so thats all i got09:26
bazhangdennisonic: support question?09:26
Ayabaradougsko: :-). thanks anyway09:26
sonicreindeerWould you have a link to the PPC build of gutsy? If so, I'll be willing to give it a shot to see if that will do the trick.09:27
=== lipsinAway is now known as lipsin
oxigenhi, where is channel for ubuntu 8.04?09:27
ForsakenSoulhi i just want to as ... how do I make a file on root with write permissions for the user ?09:28
sonicreindeerThx, cdub. nighters.09:28
sarthorCan i use my Nokia N73 as my Webcam under my gutsy via bluetooth??09:28
JC_Denton_My apt is broken (error messages here: http://pastebin.org/22761 , http://pastebin.org/22760 ) and apt-get -f install doesn't solve it09:28
bazhang#ubuntu+1 oxigen09:28
dougskoAyabara: if you dont end up finding a good solution, you might want to consider checking out flux. its extremely configurable, and awesome :s09:28
icesword! vdi09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vdi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:28
oxigenbazhang: thanks09:28
sonicreindeerAny other takers out there for the PPC bootloader issue?09:28
dougskoForsakenSoul: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3127/09:28
Ayabaradougsko: I'll remember that. Right now I'm trying too see if I can fix it with a compiz window rule09:28
bazhanghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-powerpc.iso sonicreindeer09:29
dougskoAyabara: i hear ya. when you trade in eye candy for functionality, lemme know09:29
dougsko'night yall09:30
bazhangcya dougsko09:30
MaimsterI'm about to do the same...09:30
sonicreindeerRight on, bizhang. Kudos all the way, man. I am forever indebted to your help. I'll let you know how the link works out( if I don't fall asleep first ).09:30
sonicreindeerHere's a question, bazhang. Where did y'all find that link. I thought the main community killed all s'pport for the PPC architecture a month or so after Gutsy's release?09:33
bazhanghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/ sonicreindeer plus teh google ;]09:33
eth01what a bizzare /part message09:34
bazhangnot really the channel for that eth0109:34
bluecakehttp://rafb.net/p/I2uNDm51.html  help09:35
bazhangoh sorry eth0109:35
eth01bazhang, "not really the channel for that" shush.09:35
eth01welcome to my ignore list :)09:35
=== lem_ is now known as lem
JC_Denton_How does one fix one's apt? (error messages here:  http://pastebin.org/22761 , http://pastebin.org/22760 )09:35
RoadHazardwow, smackdown09:35
eth01yup, its the way to be.09:35
sigp2398.04 Alpha 6 will not work on my computer09:36
bazhangsaid I'm sorry ;[09:36
sonicreindeerI've been bustin' my chops all bloody day and eve locating the darned link on the Ubuntu site. I'm not complaiining. Just wondering why s'pport was dropped from the community( ie; documentation, man pages, etc. ). Makes me wonder.09:36
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that sigp239 thanks ;]09:36
sonicreindeerWhen will PPC s'pport be reactivated, if at all?09:37
eth01it won't09:37
jimhow do I change default port settings in evolution ?09:38
sonicreindeerAnyway, amny thx to ya, bazhang. I'm out. Nighters.09:38
archmancan someone help?09:38
bazhangcya sonicreindeer09:38
bazhangask away archman09:38
archmanbazhang: how to make networkmanager not to auto-connect on login?09:39
archmandon't want to turn off roaming09:39
maratHi all! I have a problem with Wacom Bamboo on Hardy.. Can somebody help me? Please..09:40
cromagspecify the question and it will be easier to tell.09:40
bazhangarchman: I have always had trouble with network manager; I tend to just use the cli for that09:40
sarthorCan i use my Nokia N73 as my Webcam under my gutsy via bluetooth??09:40
archmanbazhang: can't find it on add/remove; is cli full name?09:41
maratSo, ubuntu mount wacom as /dev/input/mouse4.. it don't want plug it as /dev/input/wacom09:41
c_sokunjust finished Hardy Alpha 6 installation09:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:41
c_sokuncool, only one problem with location selection09:42
bazhangarchman: sorry I just use the terminal (command line) to do that--I usually remove network-manager right away and then just do it via the command line09:42
jonathan2yes hello #ubuntu09:42
jonathan2say hell0 johnny silv09:42
jonathan2we best friends09:42
jonathan2me n ubuntu09:42
jonathan2thats my n*gga09:42
bazhangc_sokun: #ubuntu+1 for that please ;]09:42
c_sokunbazhang: thx :)09:43
=== flapke is now known as dirk2_
maratI was install all drivers and I setup xorg.conf.. but my wacom doesn't work.. please help, guys09:43
jonathan2marat: wacom what09:43
RoadHazardevil modems09:43
maratyep, bamboo A509:43
bazhangjonathan2: watch the language please09:44
jonathan2did you follow a guide09:44
jonathan2bazhang: this amrika i say what i want!!!! YAH YAH09:44
bazhang!ops | jonathan209:44
ubotujonathan2: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!09:44
maratyes, I also have a graphire4 at ubuntu 7.10 and it work great09:44
jonathan2plz evict this helpful man09:44
jonathan2come on dude09:44
Linux_Fresheri am running ubuntu in vmware in windows xp pro sp209:45
jonathan2Linux_Fresher: that's pretty chill09:45
jonathan2like a little OS in an aquarium09:45
jonathan2okay i'm officially sorry for my language09:46
jonathan2i won't sass any more on my honor09:46
cromagnot just an alpha excuse ?09:46
kloerijonathan2: please watch your language and stick to channel topic09:46
jonathan2please please09:46
jonathan2okay letz focus09:46
archmanwhen i try to enter passphrase in wifi-radar, do i have to enter ascii or?09:46
sarthorCan i use my Nokia N73 as my Webcam under my gutsy via bluetooth??09:46
jonathan2time 2 skin irssi09:46
AyabaraIf I open a pic in a folder with eog, it will do it's best to show me 100% zoom level, but if I press pgDn to get to the a bigger image, the eog window stays the same size. is there a way to make it resize itself?09:47
bullgard4Synaptic says: "The GNOME 2 Session Manager: The DEB program package 'gnome-session' contains an X11-compliant 'session manager' (similar to xsm) with GNOME extensions. When you log out, the session manager will save the state of all your GNOME 2 apps. When you log back in, the session manager will restore your session." Is the Ubuntu session manager the file /usr/bin/gnome-session or what file?09:49
MaimsterI can't keep my eyes open any longer...   Take care guys....09:50
synthhmm, how can I get lvm's mapper to create the new device names instantly?09:54
=== Fersure|Away is now known as Fersure
nautWhere do you go to find source packages for ubuntu?09:54
nautsynth, ty09:55
synthyou have to apt-get that and its kinda like apt-get09:55
eth01sudo apt-src *09:55
RoadHazardthats sort of a catch2209:55
nautwhat package is apt-src in09:55
nautit is a package, is see09:56
bwayne_wouldn't apt-get --src pull it in?09:56
eth01E: Command line option --src is not understood09:57
patrickvaWhat should I install grub on if I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a USB external hdd?09:57
eth01in reply to your failing answer09:57
bwayne_patrickva: install it on the partition itself.09:57
eth01patrickva, hdd? :D09:57
synthphew.. md found my almost lost raid09:57
patrickvaEh, whatever.09:58
synthgota reboot for lvm tho09:58
patrickvaWell I can bwayne.09:58
bazhangnaut: try apt-cache search source and look there or search in synaptic; if you mean the sources libraries then that is enabling them in the repos09:58
eth01patrickva, whatever? isn't that that moody teenagers say?09:58
patrickvaBut it wants to install a bootloader on hd009:58
eth01what, even09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about medi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:58
patrickvaI'm just afriad that it'll mess up my internal hard drive.09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about meadi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:59
pro-rsoftHi all09:59
patrickvaOr the master boot record.09:59
bwayne_patrickva:  the most it'll do is overwrite your MBR, which can be easily replaced.09:59
pro-rsoftWhat are the requirements for a package to enter the repositories?09:59
anthony_schhello! I have a problem - I have 3 diffirent linux distros + now I installed 1 Windows XP (i need some progs for work there). And - windows just deleted my GRUB and now I can't access my linux! How can I recover my GRUB now in Windows???09:59
anthony_schThanks in advance!09:59
bazhangvallhalla81: what are you looking for10:00
bwayne_patrickva: your problem is, how're you going to your comp there's a boot slice on your thumb drive.10:00
bazhang!grub | anthony_sch10:00
ubotuanthony_sch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:00
bwayne_anthony_sch: google super grub disc.10:00
synthanthony_sch, boot from a Linux cd, one that can see your first hard drive, and grub-install /dev/harddrive10:00
vallhalla81bazhang:  its a list of media pakages now in ubuntu standard10:00
anthony_schbazhang: thanks once again! The 3rd time :)10:01
bazhang!google | bwayne_10:01
ubotubwayne_: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux10:01
vallhalla81bazhang:  sorry should read not in ubuntu10:01
bazhangvallhalla81: you mean medibuntu? or ubuntu-restricted-extras? not sure there sorry10:01
bwayne_bazhang: that's so gay.10:01
vallhalla81ubuntu medical or somthin like that10:02
vallhalla81medibuntu thankyou10:02
bazhangbwayne_: pm please?10:02
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:02
vallhalla81bazhang:  thank you10:03
bazhangsure vallhalla81 ;]10:03
=== cpk1_ is now known as cpk1
chhinmayzenguys i'm having probs installing wine..10:05
talonzi cant seem to connect to msn through pidgin or any other chat client but it was working fine yesterday10:05
patrickvaGuys, I'm having a problem with my erection..10:05
patrickvao hai10:06
funda3does the ubuntu livedvd come with the binary nvidia/ati drivers?10:06
chhinmayzenpatrickva do u think u konw this thing here http://pastebin.ca/93344210:07
troxorhas anyone else noticed the current hardy background looks like the heron's throat's been slit?10:07
dsargeantfunda3: no10:08
troxorit's a really neat image, but the bleeding jugular doesn't look reassuring ;)10:08
patrickvaNah trollboy10:08
patrickvauh troxor10:08
pro-rsoftWhere can I request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:08
troxorthe red doesn't look like blood?10:08
troxorin an abstract way10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oftopic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:09
pro-rsoft!offtopic |vallhalla8110:09
ubotuvallhalla81: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:09
Ayabarais there a good image viewer with a bit more options than eog out there?10:09
pro-rsoftAyabara, there is, gThumb10:09
vallhalla81i just cant type today :)10:09
pro-rsoftAyabara, gThumb is by default installed in ubuntu10:09
boris_hey, i wanna transfer file from my brothers computer (with ubuntu ) in a home network to my computer in a home network10:10
pro-rsoftGuys, Where can I request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:10
dsargeantfunda3: actually, i'm not sure about the nvidia, but the restricted ati doesn't10:10
boris_pls guide me how to do it10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:10
chhinmayzeni cant install wine, it's sayin some packages have unmet dependnces10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sharing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:10
RoadHazardboris are they on dhcp or static>?10:10
funda3dsargent: is there a distro that does?10:11
boris_i tried right clicking and Share folder10:11
cpk1boris_: are they both using linux?10:11
RoadHazardas long as you know the ip addy just install proftpd and ftp it over10:11
cpk1boris_: you could also scp it if it is just one file10:11
boris_something more simple ?10:11
boris_its 1 folder i wanna share10:11
dsargeantfunda3: sorry, no10:12
boris_let me ask it this way : is it simple to set up ? im in a hurry10:12
RoadHazardyou want to share it on an ongoing basis?10:12
funda3dsargent: thanks10:12
pro-rsoftGuys, Where can I request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:12
boris_i just wanna transfer it between 2 computers10:12
RoadHazardsudo apt-get install proftpd10:12
RoadHazardinstall in standalone10:12
chhinmayzenoops this is the one.. http://pastebin.ca/933443 .. guys i'm in real shit..10:12
cpk1well in kde you can just right click a folder and share it and then bam its ready to go10:13
RoadHazardthen from the donor computer just put ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with the x's being the ip addy of the recipient, itll ask you for a username and password and there ya go10:13
boris_RoadHazard: i only wanna transfer file once10:13
pro-rsoftGuys, Where can I request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:13
boris_RoadHazard: what ?10:14
RoadHazardok 1: sudo apt-get install proftpd10:14
boris_RoadHazard: my IP is, his is
RoadHazard2: open a browser on the donor computer10:14
boris_donor ?10:14
boris_i wanna transfer a file from his to mine computer10:15
archman when i try to enter passphrase in wifi-radar, do i have to enter ascii or?10:15
RoadHazard3 in the address bar put in ftp://192.168,100.1410:15
pro-rsoftGuys, Where can I request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:16
Ayabarapro-rsoft: better, but still lacks the option I want, which is to resize the viewer window if I browse to an image that is bigger than the last one10:16
RoadHazardactually would it be easier to get it then send it?10:16
pro-rsoftAyabara, try f-spot. not sure though10:16
Ayabarapro-rsoft: thanks for the tip10:16
pro-rsoftNobody knows where I can request a package to be added to the repo's ?10:17
archman when i try to enter passphrase in wifi-radar, do i have to enter ascii or?10:17
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:17
boris_RoadHazard: tnx, did it10:17
dsargeantpro-rsoft: you could start at brainstorm.ubuntu.com10:17
pro-rsoftokay thanks10:17
RoadHazardit workie?10:17
boris_it works10:18
_6StringKng_how do I remove the mounted hdd icon from my desktop?  I can't remember how, I know I did it through some config editor...just cant remember the exact name10:18
RoadHazardyou will probably wanna uninstall that after youre done10:18
boris_RoadHazard: thank you for your help. i will uninstall it after it's done10:18
RoadHazardno problemo,10:18
boris_10658 KB/sec :)10:19
jwdnhoRoadHazar: get the fuck out of this channel10:19
jwdnhoRoadHazar: go fuck yo mama10:19
archmanwhere is the wifi-radar conf file stored?10:19
jwdnhoarchman: i got a hardon for your mama10:19
jwdnhoarchman: i have a hardon for your mama10:19
bazhang!ops | jwdnho10:19
ubotujwdnho: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:19
Ayabarapro-rsoft: the fullscreen rule in compiz made my day, so now both eog and gthumb are good enough for me :-)10:19
brainfish Forum for Linux newbies .... http://mansur.in10:19
pro-rsoftAyabara: kewl10:20
Ayabarathat's what I thought too ;)10:20
FlynsarmyWhat happened to gmail-notify plugin? It used to have so many options but now it has close to none10:20
Flynsarmyapplication, not plugin10:20
archmanjwdnho: fuck off, motherfucking asshole10:21
bazhanglanguage archman10:21
bazhangarchman he got kicked10:21
archmanbazhang: ok, thanks10:21
bazhangand banned ;]10:22
Garyarchman: dealt with, please move on, thanks :-)10:22
archmanbazhang: do you know where are confs of nm-applet and wifi-radar10:22
AyabaraFlynsarmy: have you tried checkgmail? don't know if it has more options, but I like it better than gmail-notify10:23
bazhangarchman: heh, well I hate to say this but wicd always gave the best gui not sure about the confs of those sorry not to help10:23
theunixgeekIs there such thing as a secondary partition?10:23
archmanbazhang: ok, tnx, i'll try...10:23
etfbFirefox is crashing a lot when I have Flash videos running (eg YouTube).  Any suggestions for bug fixes?10:24
bazhanghttp://wicd.sourceforge.net/ archman10:24
FlynsarmyAyabara: That's the one! thanks :)10:24
archmanbazhang: got it already, thanks10:25
dsargeantpro-rsoft: you can also file a bug at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ set importance to wishlist and give it a needs-packaging tag10:25
AyabaraFlynsarmy: np. I think you need to install the latest from svn instead of the repo one, because some authentication stuff on the gmail server has changed. see the bottom of this post: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59954710:26
Moshehi my swap is broken10:27
FlynsarmyAyabara: Thanks for the info. I'd just installed it and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't accept my password10:27
AyabaraFlynsarmy: I live to serve ;-)10:28
archmanbazhang: i have to remove nm and wifi-radar ?  :-( :-(10:28
Moshe!ops | Flynsarmy10:28
ubotuFlynsarmy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:28
Moshe!ops | archman10:28
ubotuarchman: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:28
bazhangMoshe: why?10:28
Moshe!ops | bazhang10:28
ubotubazhang: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:28
Moshejust like that10:28
GaryMoshe: ???10:28
cpk1lively in here tonight eh?10:29
theunixgeekWhat's Moshe doing?10:29
bazhanggoing off it seems10:29
theunixgeekThat Moshe was from Iran.10:30
bazhangarchman: the FAQ says yes--> http://wicd.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=faq10:31
FlynsarmyAyabara: I tried that wget line in the code provided but it says wget doesn't support wildcards10:31
AyabaraFlynsarmy: let me test it here10:31
KEBAive installd a new nvidia driver, how can i check that THIS driver will load the next boot time10:32
bazhangKEBA: how did you install it please10:32
fismoll8hey guys--using ubuntu gutsy, and trying to delete a half gig directory from my backup hard drive. However, it is taking a very long time to do so. I typed in rm -r <name of directory> and after 2 hours it is still going. Is this normal?10:33
FlynsarmyAyabara: Nevermind. I copy-pasted rather than typing it in myself and it worked. Must have just made a typo.10:33
AyabaraFlynsarmy: works here with wget 1.10.210:33
AyabaraFlynsarmy: ah. good :-)10:33
JC_Denton_How does one fix one's apt? (error messages here:  http://pastebin.org/22761 , http://pastebin.org/22760 )10:33
archmanbazhang: any other manager you can recommend?10:34
bazhangarchman: well if those three fail you might consider the command line10:35
Mitsikui really need some help please10:35
bazhangask please Mitsiku10:35
RoadHazardwhat seems to be the problem?10:36
Mitsiku tired a live version of ubuntu on my laptop and then near the end there was an x server problem10:36
loca|hostwhat does the /dev/mapper/rootfs stand for ? used to ?10:36
RoadHazardget the alternative cd10:36
Mitsikuwat you mean?10:37
Mitsikuit is and acer10:37
bazhangMitsiku: aye that would be a good choice10:37
Lartza_i cant get any music to amarok collection10:37
cpk1Mitsiku: X server is huge. with an actual error we might be able to help you10:37
archmanbazhang: any tutorial you got for me to learn that? some link?10:38
Mitsikuthat was like version 5 ubuntu10:38
macogwversion 5?10:38
Mitsikuyah, found an old disk10:38
cpk1JC_Denton_: did you try ftp:_ftp.lfs-matrix.net_pub_lfs-livecd_ like it said?10:38
bazhangarchman: with what encryption or all?10:38
macogwMitsiku: the 5th one was edgy10:38
archmanbazhand: wep encryption10:39
Mitsikutwo more questions, will ubuntu work on all computers?10:39
bazhangI think he means 5.1010:39
archmanbazhang: wep encryption10:39
macogwbazhang: thatd only be #210:39
bazhangarchman: hang on10:39
archmanbazhang: tnx10:39
bazhangmacogw: just guessing ;]10:39
RoadHazarddefine "all computers"10:39
macogwbazhang: he could also mean warty though...itd make more sense since warty had a 0 after the ., albeit followed by a a 410:40
Mitsikuall computers that are origanally installed with windows10:40
macogwMitsiku: not if you use dialup10:40
macogwMitsiku: winmodems are evil10:40
macogwMitsiku: it should work on *most* though10:40
RoadHazardubuntu will run on justabout anything pentium 1 and up of the intel flavor10:40
Mitsikui got wireless10:40
macogwMitsiku: you might need to install wireless drivers after you install ubuntu10:40
Lartza_does ubuntu run on mac?10:40
cpk1Mitsiku: you can get most wireless cards to work10:41
RoadHazardit will, but why?10:41
Mitsikulast question, wat program can i get on ubutu to run windows programes10:41
Lartza_Mitsiku: wine10:41
JC_Denton_fraid your comment got lost on me cpk1, your link is broken too10:41
RoadHazardwine, cedega, or crossover10:41
cpk1or cedega or crossover10:41
Lartza_you need to add the repository though10:41
Mitsikuthanks. btw where is ubuntu based?which country?10:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 ultimate how to archman ;]10:42
Lartza_ubuntu is debian based10:42
isaacuhm, just dist-upgraded on hardy and I can't no longer login with my user, gnome-panel freezes without loading most applets10:42
isaacand every gnome app freezes before actually doing anything useful10:42
cpk1JC_Denton_: my bad wrong paste =P10:42
isaacbut everything works with a new user10:42
bazhangisaac: #ubuntu+1 please10:42
isaacany idea?10:42
cpk1JC_Denton_: meant to say apt-get -f install10:42
isaacbazhang: oh, ok, sorry10:42
Lartza_isaac: Donät excpect much from alpha10:42
Mitsikui stay in South Africa10:42
isaacLartza_: I know what to expect from an alpha :)10:43
archmanbazhang: thanks ;-)10:43
Lartza_new bugs and features10:43
RoadHazardalpha as in testing or alpha as in dec?10:43
bazhangarchman: no worries and come back if it looks like gibberish ;]10:43
Mitsikuthe word ubuntu doesnt have a proper english word for it10:43
=== lipsin is now known as lipsinAway
Lartza_dont know10:43
Lartza_ubuntu is an african word10:43
Mitsikuyes, i live in africa10:43
MitsikuSouth Africa10:44
Lartza_ubuntu means humanity to others :D10:44
JC_Denton_cpk1 no, apt-get -f install doesn't fix it, I'm afraid10:44
Mitsikunot directly10:44
Lartza_reads in the cd case :P10:44
Mitsikuit hasnt got a proper translation10:44
Lartza_well "humanity to others"10:44
Lartza_says the cd10:44
jpatrick!ot | Mitsiku10:44
ubotuMitsiku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:44
MitsikuThats wat people say but if you know it doesnt have a proper english translation10:44
Lartza_CD know the truth! :D10:45
MitsikuCD lies10:45
jpatrickubotu lies10:45
ubotuMostly just statistics, but yeah.10:45
archmanbazhang: i'm used to terminal, i love it; i'll be no problems; thanks for the great support !!!10:45
Mitsikuubuntu means sortof that : we are who we are because of all other people10:45
Lartza_Don't... questimate(?) the power of the cd cases! :P10:45
Lartza_Don't... questimate(?) the power of the cd cases! :POr wisdom of the cd cases10:46
Mitsikuthats still not a proper translation though10:46
Mitsikubtw im white all10:46
Lartza_oh right10:46
Mitsikuwell most people asume because i live in africa im black10:47
prince_jammyssouth africa ....10:47
Mitsikuyah South Africa10:47
Lartza_wel maybe you should say i have moved to africa10:47
Mitsikui havent moved10:47
Mitsikui was born here10:47
Lartza_my bad :)10:47
prince_jammysthen most people don't know much about south africa10:48
JC_Denton_I never met a white person in South Africa but that's misleading b/c I've never been there10:48
MitsikuSouth Africa is mostly white due to the "dark aparthied days"10:48
Lartza_well someone of your family HAS moved though10:48
Lartza_I know it's in south Africa10:48
JC_Denton_cpk1: this is what happens when I run -f install : http://pastebin.org/2284010:48
MitsikuNo, dont you guys know yur history. South Africa used to be run by whites10:48
MitsikuBtw are iMacs good?10:49
JC_Denton_The British and the Dutch had 2 wars over there, middle 1800's and end of the 19th century10:49
Lartza_I don.t know much about Africas history10:49
MitsikuYAY.WAY TO GO JC10:49
JC_Denton_I read, sometimes :)10:49
Hobbsee!offtopic | South Africa and other countries10:49
ubotuSouth Africa and other countries: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:49
Lartza_What are the countries runned by British, I'm not english and from my country they would be "movelands"10:50
Lartza_i mean word to ford translation10:50
Mitsikuwell, We dont ride elephants and live in huts in this country. only the inlanders10:50
Javidoh god offtopic time to have a hisdy10:50
MitsikuWe got great cities10:50
Lartza_like you would translate ambu and the lance10:50
HobbseeLartza_: #ubuntu-offtopic is probably a better place for this :)10:50
Stuar[T]Javid: kose nanat10:50
prince_jammysif by "most people" you mean 10 percent of the population, then yeah South Africa is "mostly" white10:50
Mitsikuambu and lance?10:50
Lartza_or maybe not :P10:50
Stuar[T]Javid: kose nanat10:50
Lartza_what were countries callled?10:50
archmanbtw; my compiz-config settings manager is VERY buggy10:50
Mitsikuwtf, it ant 10%10:51
JC_Denton_And Zimbabwe used to be Rhodesia, their army had a pretty good reputation for their skills.. also there was the Rhodesian SAS..10:51
Stuar[T]Javid: kose nanat10:51
Lartza_slaves and was runt by british german and france10:51
Lartza_leopold II etc10:51
Mitsikuit like 30%10:51
prince_jammys9.2 % actually10:51
lordleemoLartza_: commonwealth10:51
JavidStuar[T], what10:51
prince_jammysaccording to census10:51
Stuar[T]!ops | Lartza_10:51
ubotuLartza_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:51
Stuar[T]!ops | prince_jammys10:51
ubotuprince_jammys: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:51
HobbseeStuar[T]: yes, i know.10:51
Mitsikucensus probably wrong, they can never do that stuff right10:51
jougukny_thought this was a support channel10:51
RoadHazardhey, who set us up the bomb?10:51
Lartza_not commonwealth10:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:52
cpk1JC_Denton_: it looks like all those -sharp packages are causing the problems10:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:52
Stuar[T]Javid: prophet Muhammad/Zarathustra sucks dick10:52
Stuar[T]Javid: prophet Muhammad/Zarathustra sucks dick10:52
Stuar[T]!ops | Javid10:52
ubotuJavid: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:52
HobbseeJavid: offtopic.  please don't ignore the warnings.10:52
HobbseeJavid: (a whole bunch got kicked)10:53
Mitsikuwat warnings?10:53
JC_Denton_cpk1 I would be happy to remove them but seeing as apt is broken I don't get very far10:53
Javidoh god no, not an intelligent conversation! get the hose!10:53
Hobbsee[21:49] <ubotu> South Africa and other countries: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:53
_6StringKng_what software could I use to manage my MP3 player in Ubuntu 7.10?  its a Sansa c240 btw10:53
HobbseeMitsiku: the ones in the chat.  if you'd read them, it would help you10:53
Javidi want to know why that guy was saying nonsense at me.10:53
Mitsikuwill ubuntu run on acer aspire10:53
nonix4Mitsiku: boots on most of them at least...10:54
SeveasJavid, because he's a troll. He's banned now so ignore :)10:54
Mitsikubecause a live version of ubuntu 5.10 doesnt want to10:54
HobbseeMitsiku: that's kinda old now...10:54
HobbseeMitsiku: tha'ts unsupported, too10:54
Lartza_i cant create collection in amarok10:54
_6StringKng_hmmm, ever think of trying 7.10?10:54
Mitsikuit comes with this dum xserever10:54
Mitsikui ordered the disk'10:55
RoadHazardwhat error would that be?10:55
PalmERJavid: I got a hardon for prophet Muhammad's daughter (Fatima Zahra)10:55
jougukny_nooby wants to know the format of this media......[time] i get it........<nick> i get that too10:55
Mitsikusomething bout graphics10:55
jougukny_what's with the BOLD10:55
pajamianMitsiku: 5.10 is pretty old, over two years old in fact.  I'm sure 7.10 would run much better.10:55
Hobbseenote to all people in the channel - don't bother spamming, or saying random crap, when the are ops watching.10:55
jougukny_and the colours with ip #s10:55
Lartza_Sorry(last offtopic): Mitsiku: the word was colony :D10:55
_6StringKng_MP3 player help anyone?10:55
Lartza_i cant create collection in amarok10:55
RoadHazard...random crap?10:55
Mitsikuhow many cd's can i order?10:56
Javidi think the troll thinks i'm a sand person.10:56
HobbseeRoadHazard: like the one that just got banned10:56
Mitsikui want to order about 20 so i can spread10:56
cpk1JC_Denton_: apt wont let you remove them either? neither will aptitude?10:56
RoadHazardoh I see10:56
pajamianMitsiku: you don'thave a CD burner?10:56
RoadHazardlartza what is causing you the difficulty?10:56
Mitsikui do10:56
pajamianMitsiku: why not download the ISO and bur your own?10:57
Mitsikubut lets just say internet a bit slow in South Africa10:57
Mitsikuthe fastest here is about 3 mb/s a second10:57
Lartza_RoadHazard: You mean with AmaroK? I jsut can't create collection10:57
SeveasMitsiku, it's still faster than waiting for a cd ;)10:57
_6StringKng_I have 1.5Mbps...fastest where I live, wish they had like I dunno 15, lol10:57
pajamianMitsiku: ahhh, ok, well if you don't want to download the ISO I would recommend ordering one disk and copying it.10:58
jamil_11020429is their any thing like Task manager in ubuntu ?10:58
Lartza_Mitsiku: I have a 512kb internet10:58
jougukny_so what are the BOLD names in the conversation?  and what are the coloured domains and ip addresses10:58
Mitsikunot really hey. its not like im in a hurry for it anyway10:58
Seveasjamil_11020429, system -> admin -> system monitor10:58
_6StringKng_and yes, the cds you can get for free take forever, I've gotten some long after I've forgotten about them, lol10:58
Lartza_i cant create collection in amarok10:58
Mitsikuit just gana be a second os on another partition10:58
Mitsikuwenzani kusasa?10:59
MohammadBoozaryHi All10:59
JC_Denton_cpk1 errors encountered when tyring to remove the -sharp packages : http://pastebin.org/2284110:59
pajamianMitsiku: there are also outfits that you can pay a small fee to (like 5 or 10 USD) and they will mail you a CD much faster than the one you get for free from Ubuntu.10:59
MohammadBoozarywhat is all GTK+ packages for GTK programing in ubuntu? pleas help me10:59
Mitsiku10 usd = 70rand kinda cheap10:59
Mitsikuyah maybe i will11:00
RoadHazardheck,  send me ten bucks, I'll burn you one11:00
jamil_11020429Seveas  how can i associate system moniter with alt+ctrl+del keys as in windows ?11:00
spark_hey guys11:00
SeveasMohammadBoozary, you wnat libgtk2.0-dev and build-essential11:00
jougukny_Hello MohammadBoozary11:00
Lartza_what would be a good music player with eq and a library like amarok and rhythmbox11:00
Seveasjamil_11020429, dunno, it's probably written somewhere on help.ubuntu.com :)11:00
pajamianMitsiku: again, I would recommend you either dl the ISO and burn your own, or buy one CD and copy it.11:00
RoadHazardamarok, or rhythmbox11:00
Mitsikuan iMac here costs 13 000 rand = 1857USD11:01
_6StringKng_anyone know of a program I can use to manage my MP3 player?  when I plug it in, it says unabled to retreive data or something like that11:01
cpk1JC_Denton_: you could try to satisfy apt by installing all those depends and then trying to remove them later?11:01
Mitsikuis that cheap?11:01
Lartza_RoadHazard: rhythmbox doesnt have eq and amarok stopped working11:01
=== sooty is now known as bod_
RoadHazarddefine stopped working11:01
MohammadBoozarySeveas: ThanQ :)11:01
SeveasMitsiku, this is an ubuntu support channel, not a mac sales help channel11:01
jamil_11020429Seveas: ok11:01
Lartza_Can't create collection11:01
Mitsikujust asking11:01
Lartza_all mysql settings right11:01
RoadHazardand what kind of error is it giving you?11:01
Lartza_and server and database exist11:02
trentsterhey all, bit of a strange problem,, probably something really simple....I am running combiz all is working well except for the little windows that shows the workspaces on the bottom right, dont show the open windows on each desktop, it just is black, and if I click on it, it shows all the windows. Also when I launch any program it is automatically minimized...any ideas?11:02
JC_Denton_cpk1 How would I install those when apt is broken?11:02
Mitsikuhow about a sell yourself channel11:02
Seveastrentster, try #compiz if nobody in here knows11:02
bazhangMitsiku: offtopic11:02
Lartza_It starts to search music from selected folders and finishes11:02
Lartza_but doesnt make collection11:02
bod_hey guys, got a major problem,.,. i have ubuntu gutsy installed on 1 of my hard drives, i then installed windows (*sigh*) for gaming, however now i cannot boot my ubuntu drive, i get an error message saying "Error with Operating System" ive tried disconnecting the windows HD and i still get this error, plz help11:02
cpk1JC_Denton_: because hopefully that will fix it11:03
RoadHazardxp or vista?11:03
Seveas!grub > bod_11:03
pajamianbod_: you need to boot to the live CD and run grub_install11:03
bod_pajamian, is that a terminal command? or a program?11:04
Lartza_is there any musci player like amarok and rhythmbox?11:04
spark_hey guys, got a problem with my soundcard. since yesterday it doesn't play 5.1 sound anymore. i got a terratec aureon fun 5.1.. ages ago i solved this prob with a asound.conf. anyone can help me?#11:04
trentsterSeveas: thanks11:04
SeveasLartza_, there's a player called listen11:04
Odohi folks11:04
Lartza_Seveas: Does it ahve an EQ and a library? iPod playing support?11:04
LaughedBid its a boot loader / program11:04
JC_Denton_cpk1 , I'm convinced your solution will work , but seeing as apt breaks on any install I'm not sure on how to proceed installing those packages11:04
bod_pajamian, or an option before live cd boot?11:04
SeveasLartza_, I really have no idea, my music player is mpd + sonata but that's rather unusual :)11:05
Laughedbod: is there vital information on the Ubuntu drive11:05
pajamianbod_: sorry: grub-install (dash instead of underscore).  It's a terminal command, "man grub-install" will tell you more.11:05
RoadHazardlartza, btdt sudo apt-get remove --purge amarok and reinstall11:05
Odoanyone can suggest me, any apps to use with ndiswrapper and wpa, not wicd :)11:05
cpk1JC_Denton_: it wouldnt install those either?11:05
Laughednice paja11:05
bazhangOdo: cli11:05
Odobazhang, command line interface?11:06
Lartza_RoadHazard: Is that same than remove completely from synaptic? I f it's it doesn't work11:06
bazhangOdo: aye11:06
bod_pajamian, thanks m8, appreciate it, im gonna run upstairs and give it a go, il be back in a few mins,.,.thanks for your help,.,.just out of interest, what has caused this? the specifics, not just "installing windows broke it" ;~) thanks11:06
RoadHazardI would use terminal with the --purge11:06
Odobazhang, it seem cannot use iwpriv, to set the key11:06
mettao87how can i check the driver of my audio card?11:06
kane77how do I set up grub to have two ubuntu installed?11:06
pajamianbod_: what happens is that when you install windows it overrides the master boot area with the windows bootloader and that will only boot windows.  grub-install will put the linux boot loader back which is able to boot to either linux or windows.11:07
JC_Denton_cpk1 no those won't install . this is what is returned: http://pastebin.org/2276011:07
RoadHazardalways install windows first then ubuntu if you are going to dual boot11:07
bod_pajamian, but there on seperate hard drives, is the boot area something to do with the bios?11:08
bod_RoadHazard, im aware, but it couldnt be avoided this time11:08
pajamianbod_: yes, but the BIOS will always boot to the first hard drive.11:08
bazhangOdo: what card?11:08
RoadHazardyeah I know, sometimes it just bites us on the tooshie11:08
RoadHazardpajamian, orly?11:08
bod_pajamian, but its corrupt the linux boot area,. ok cool cheers m8,. ;~)11:08
Odobazhang, us.robotics wireless maxg usb 542111:09
pqoqwfpwjfMohammadBoozary: kose nanat11:09
RoadHazardmy bios will boot off any drive I tell it to11:09
pajamianbod_: it jsut put the windows boot loader in there.  grub-install will put the linux one back, though.11:09
pqoqwfpwjfMohammadBoozary: kire khook agheshte be sendeye sag too kosse dokhtare peyghambar11:09
pajamianRoadHazard: ???11:09
pqoqwfpwjfMohammadBoozary: kire khook agheshte be sendeye sag too kosse Fateme Zahra11:09
cpk1dependency hell it almost seems like11:09
pajamianRoadHazard: yes, I was simplifying a bit.11:09
bazhangpqoqwfpwjf: english please11:10
prince_jammysHobbsee: pqoqwfpwjf11:10
bazhangOdo: aha a usb dongle11:10
pqoqwfpwjfbazhang: ok kose nanat11:10
prince_jammysno, this is the "virgin" mary guy11:10
Odobazhang, right11:10
prince_jammysi mean "virgin mary" guy11:10
pajamianRoadHazard: technically the bios will boot wherever it's told, but it is always the same disk unless you go into the CMOS setup and change it.11:10
Hobbseeprince_jammys: ?11:10
FlynsarmyIs it possible to pick up radio with a regular wifi card?11:10
RoadHazardcmos is where the bios lives11:10
=== pqoqwfpwjf is now known as alabama
=== alabama is now known as alabamas
Hobbseeprince_jammys: he's already gone11:11
pajamianRoadHazard: CMOS is the part of the bios that holds the battery backed settings.11:11
spark_hey guys, got a problem with my soundcard. since yesterday it doesn't play 5.1 sound anymore. i got a terratec aureon fun 5.1.. ages ago i solved this prob with a asound.conf. anyone can help me?11:11
JC_Denton_cpk1 you able to help me any further? otherwise I'll be afk11:11
prince_jammysHobbsee: the Fatima reference gave him away: religious nut, shows up often11:11
alabamas!ops | prince_jammys11:11
ubotuprince_jammys: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:11
Hobbseefor the love of...11:12
bazhanglively day ;[11:12
Laughedgetting alot of that tonight11:12
RoadHazardactually the cmos is a ceramic metal oxide silica chip that is backed up by battery, upon which lives the bios, its a prom11:12
pajamianRoadHazard: heh, yes, true.11:12
RatsUIHi. How do I make an application start at boot ? (KDE)11:12
cpk1JC_Denton_: probably not, brain is mostly fried this late at night and I am in and out of irc11:13
JC_Denton_cpk1, ok , thanks for your efforts11:13
pajamianRoadHazard: but not all the bios is backed up by battery, just the portion that holds the settings and that's the CMOS.  Nowadays the CMOS lives in the same chip as the rest of the BIOS, but about 10-odd years ago it was a seperate chip.11:13
RoadHazardwhen I started working on boxes, we used to pull out the bios chip and put a diagnostic chip in its place....bad days that11:13
pajamianRoadHazard: I think we're getting off topic, go to #ubuntu-offtopic?11:14
RoadHazardI beg to differ, bios has been backed up by battery since christ was a corporal11:14
user99Hi everyone.11:14
prince_jammysRatsUI: i think you have to add an autostart script to the .kde/Autostart directory11:15
archerhi, need help on cairo clock at the startup.. i put the command oin sessions but cairo seems to start BEFORE compiz, so comes an advice " cairo need compiz".. any idea??11:15
user99my X server is not starting up properly (Gutsy). It is showing empty black screen. If I press Ctrl+Alt+Del then the login prompt is coming. Please help11:16
user99Today I reinstalled Suse. May be that has changed some file type in superblock. Because that is the error I am getting when I try to restore11:17
user99How do I rebuild the settings?11:17
user99archer, I also faced that. I suggest you try screenlet clock. I feel It's same.11:18
hspaansuser99: superblocks only contain inode information11:18
LaughedHow come I dont see some users talking???11:19
spiekeyi have changed my network cards in my box...now i have eth2 but only one network card installed11:19
spiekeywhere does it assign the eth name to the network card again?11:19
SeveasLaughed, because they don't say anything or you ignore them11:19
LaughedHey spiekey11:19
prince_jammysLaughed: i was about to ask that myself, since he responded to archer, who i can't see11:19
user99hspaans, first of all thanks for your response. I am a noob. I just want a smooth loading of X which is not happening now and the reason might be that what I specified.11:19
Laughedprince: there he goes again11:20
user99This has started only after I reinstalled suse.11:20
prince_jammysis he kidding, or are our clients broken?11:20
Seveasspiekey, look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules11:20
LaughedHeś serious, Im using pidgin11:20
prince_jammysKonversation here11:20
hspaansspiekey: thats because linux distro's nowadays stick to to mac-address to make sure eth0 is always eth0 and eth1 is always eth111:21
FlynsarmyIs there a good notepad++ equivalent for ubuntu. lightweight and fast but supports heaps of languages with coloured syntax? (Besides gedit)11:21
Seveasuse a real irc client, both of you ;)11:21
SeveasFlynsarmy, vim :)11:21
user99When I press ctrl+alt+del, I get the login prompt.11:21
Laughedthis came as a default with Ubuntu (thats my excuse)11:21
prince_jammysback to normal11:21
RoadHazardFlynsarmy, kate11:21
=== donghua is now known as Guannan
FlynsarmySeveeas: Vim sucks. I'm talking about a NORMAL persons program11:22
user99Should I run the Live CD once and then try?11:22
SeveasFlynsarmy, watch your language.11:22
prince_jammysFlynsarmy: vim, kate, emacs11:22
HobbseeFlynsarmy: nano?  :)11:22
HobbseeFlynsarmy: kate's pretty good11:22
FlynsarmyHobbsee: :P11:22
spiekeyhspaans: yes, thats fine. But i would like to modify it. I cant find /etc/iftab. I think it used to be there11:22
archeruser99: screenlet clock sucks.. i can't understand why cairo clock starts before compiz.. does the developers try the program before release it?11:22
Laughedthere is quite a few of you I am not seeing. I better take your advice Sev11:22
FlynsarmyHobbsee: prince_jammys RoadHazard Thanks11:22
prince_jammys!editors | Flynsarmy here you go11:22
ubotuFlynsarmy here you go: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code11:22
FlynsarmyOh sorry guys i'm using Gnome not KDE11:22
HobbseeFlynsarmy: you can run kde stuff on gnome11:23
prince_jammysdoesn't matter11:23
HobbseeFlynsarmy: gedit probably does syntax highlighting, too11:23
user99archer, that's correct. I just find a way out which may not be that good.11:23
romyanyone there?11:23
Laughedhey romy11:23
user99archer, may be cairo-clock developers will look into it later.11:23
FlynsarmyHobbsee: Yea but it doesn't keep my cursor position when i hit newline and it also doesn't highlight the brackets the way notepad++ does11:23
Seveasromy, no, we're all out.11:23
kane77Flynsarmy, gedit is great...11:23
Keefhey, what's the easiest way to get the hand drive list from the console?11:23
hspaansspiekey: why change it?11:23
SeveasKeef, fdisk -l11:24
Seveas(might need sudo fdisk -l)11:24
silverbladenow that ntfs support is better, is it possible to have an ntfs partition as /home ?11:24
kane77Flynsarmy, it does all that you mentioned, plus much more.. just look at package gedit-plugins11:24
silverblade(this would be on a personal desktop)11:24
Seveassilverblade, not really, many things break if they can't set appropriate permissions11:25
silverbladeah ;)11:25
spiekeyhspaans: beause i want eth0 not eth2 when i have only one network card physically installed11:25
Flynsarmykane77: Thanks for the info, appreciate it :)11:25
Laughedis there anyone familiar with the grub edit that deletes plash"and allows people to boot up successfully, is there another work around for that. I kinda want to see the splash11:25
spiekeyhspaans: all my firewall and config rules are gonne be messed up if i use eth211:25
archeruser99: i'm looking for a script like autostart.sh11:25
Seveasspiekey, look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules11:26
archeruser99: i mean, startup.sh11:26
Seveasyou can edit it there11:26
Mushroomshi everyone i'm looking for advice on how to set up remote desktop for ubuntu11:27
SeveasMushrooms, system -> preferences -> remote desktop11:27
AmaranthMushrooms: Oh, that's easy. System->Preferences->Remote Desktop11:27
AmaranthMushrooms: Then you can use Applications->Internet->Remote Desktop Viewer to connect to it11:28
Mushroomsah thanks, but actually i was after how to use my ubuntu system to access a windows computer11:28
silverbladewhat sort of size should a /home partition be if it will just contain the "dot" files?11:28
AmaranthMushrooms: then you want the last thing i said :)11:28
spiekeySeveas: thanks!11:28
LaughedAmaranth: It was the extra time you took to right Öh, thats easy...11:28
MushroomsAmaranth: hmm i don't think i have that installed... or do i? i'll go have a look around first ^-^11:28
AmaranthLaughed: I need caffeine11:28
bobbydhow do I upgrade just one thing using aptitude? I tried aptitude upgrade <blah> but that doesn't work...11:28
SeveasMushrooms, it's installed by default11:28
AmaranthMushrooms: hrm, i am using hardy..11:28
Laughedits 630 am, dont we all11:28
AmaranthMushrooms: Oh, maybe you want Terminal Server Client11:29
Amaranthyeah, that's what you want11:29
AmaranthHorribly named11:29
silverbladeit sounds like a computer grabe.11:29
Laughedwhere were yo on that one Seve, huh?11:29
trentsterhey all, bit of a strange problem,, probably something really simple....I am running combiz all is working well except for the little windows that shows the workspaces on the bottom right, dont show the open windows on each desktop, it just is black, and if I click on it, it shows all the windows. Also when I launch any program it is automatically minimized...any ideas?11:29
MushroomsAmaranth: ah i see, so that's what that's for, actually i thought that was a telnet client sort of thing11:29
AmaranthMushrooms: Well, it does RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) which is usually used with something called a Terminal Server from Citrix/Microsoft11:30
MushroomsAmaranth: i see, so i should choose the rdp protocol if i'm connecting it to a windows machine?11:30
* Laughed passes Amaranth a cup of Joe11:30
AmaranthMushrooms: Most likely11:30
AmaranthI believe RDPv5 is only using in newer Terminal Server versions and probably Vista11:31
LSD|NinjaVista is RDPv6, no?11:32
rnue035 [12:30] [rnue035(+i)] [4:#ubuntu-offtopic(+Lcntz)] [Act: 1,2,3]11:32
mnemoif I have navigated to a specific directory using a terminal shell, how can I open this current folder as a GUI folder window??? in window I do this using "start ." command11:32
LSD|Ninjarnue035: select the wrong part of your terminal? :P11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
ubotumnemo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
johnhoseloa!ops | mnemo11:32
FloodBot2johnhoseloa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
jpatrick!ops | johnhoseloa11:32
ubotujohnhoseloa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:32
rnue035LSD|Ninja: eh.. yep :(11:32
iceswordwho is bot11:33
johnhoseloa!ops | jpatrick11:33
ubotujpatrick: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:33
johnhoseloa!ops | jpatrick11:33
mnemowhat happened? why did he flood with my nick?11:33
stdinmnemo: troll11:33
Flynsarmywhat does ops do anyway?11:33
stdinFlynsarmy: calls all the ops11:33
LSD|NinjaFlynsarmy: I think it highlights every op at once11:33
prince_jammysmnemo: try nautilus /path/to/dir11:33
AmaranthIt's a good way to get a lot of people annoyed at you :)11:33
johnhoseloamnemo: GO FUCK YO MAMA11:34
johnhoseloaim an idiot11:34
Kleggenmnemo: "nautilus ."11:34
johnhoseloai'm Iranian11:34
johnhoseloaI'm from Tehran11:34
bluecakehow to 'touch' recursively? or touch a folder?11:34
AmaranthNo one can see what any of you are saying except me11:35
AmaranthI am trying to clear out the ban list so I can ban this moron11:35
AmaranthI cannot ban him11:36
AmaranthThe ban list is full11:36
AmaranthI am working on clearing out old stuff form the ban list11:36
AmaranthBut my client is fighting me11:36
AmaranthLaughed: Unfortunately11:36
Seveasquick fix11:37
prince_jammysbluecake: you mean create a directory? mkdir11:37
SeveasSorry Amaranth, I was playing mario galaxy11:37
AmaranthSeveas: My client does not do ban management :P11:38
bluecakeprince, touch a folder, update folder time&date11:38
LSD|NinjaWhat's the ban limit, 450?11:38
jamil_11020429my mplayer give this error : Could not find free Xvideo port - maybe another process is already using it.11:38
RoadHazardthe princess is in another castle11:38
jamil_11020429Close all video applications, and try again. If that does not help,11:38
jamil_11020429see 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers.11:38
bod__can anyone help me with the   grub-install command? what parameters do i need to set?11:38
SeveasAmaranth, xchat-gnome sucks for more than one reason11:38
Laughedr u guys modding for free???11:38
martyvisbluecake: find . -name  -exec touch {} \;11:38
* LSD|Ninja kills Toad and moves on to the next World11:38
SeveasLaughed, we're all volunteers, yes11:38
RoadHazardbod_, grub-install (hd0) for the first hdd11:39
prince_jammysbluecake: touch dir_name doesn't do it?11:39
bod__RoadHazard: im in live cd because cannot boot from hd, how can i confirm my sata drive name?11:39
Laughedwhat does "gk" do when placed in front of sudo11:39
bluecakePriceChild, no. martyvis thx11:39
arcad3grafical sudo11:40
bod__Laughed: its meant to be used for graphical programs,.sets permissions or summit better then sudo does11:40
RoadHazardfdisk -l11:40
DaverocksLaughed: gives you a graphical sudo prompt11:40
pajamianLaughed: it has a graphical popup when asking for your password instead of a text line on the console.11:40
Laughedwhoa.... lol, ty e111:40
RoadHazardbod_, open terminal, then fdisk -l11:40
FlynsarmyOK i typed gksudo nano to see what would happen and now it won't let me out of nano11:41
pajamianLaughed: it's good for when you have a shell script that uses sudo that you run from your desktop (as opposed to running the script from the terminal)11:41
arcad3i have a problem and i blame ubuntu ...i cant share my internet connection (ubuntu as router)11:41
Seveasarcad3, apt-get install firestarter. It has a tickbox to do that11:41
RoadHazardwhy would you want to, let them get their own internets11:41
Amarantharcad3: Install firestarter and dhcp3-server11:41
arcad3its ubuntu server11:42
rnue035I get this each time I boot: http://tinyurl.com/ypgq7c what do I do about it?11:42
kerberos-jenahey there11:42
arcad3dhcp3-server is configured and working11:42
prince_jammysrickroll alert11:42
Amarantharcad3: iptables syntax is ...hard11:42
Seveasarcad3, familiarize yourself with iptables or install shorewall11:42
arcad3ipmqsq installed as well11:42
SeveasAmaranth, not at all :)11:42
Laughedk, ty paj11:42
bod__RoadHazard: when running     sudo grub-install /dev/sda1      i get this error  -- Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.      also fdisk -l doesnt show my hard drives, only my memory stick,.,.,.???11:43
dirkg3nt1yI had to force a restart of my computer today, when it started up the filesystem wasn't checked, is that a problem?11:43
arcad3ipmasq does the firewall for you PREROUTING inluded11:43
arcad3but still not working11:43
RoadHazardbod_, sudo grub-install (hd0)11:43
mnemoarcad3, Amaranth: there is a new simpler firewall in hardy called "ufw" (it stands for "uncomplicated firewall") :->11:43
rnue035oops.. that was the wrong thing... i meant this: http://pastebin.com/m3b2fb15811:43
arcad3i know iptables11:43
arcad3i use it daily ...11:44
bod__RoadHazard: im not using an ide drive, does that matter? how do you know its (hd0)  ??11:44
RoadHazardrnue035, I was wondering if it played games every time you booted11:44
arcad3im not newbie the rules are made11:44
gilster32does anyone here know if there is a way i can get some GUI support for DVD-RAM discs. ?11:44
Daverocksdirkg3nt1y: assuming you're using ext3, it's journalled so it generally doesn't need to, but it does check every so often unless you've messed with tunefs11:44
RoadHazardhd0 is the first one11:44
FlynsarmyWord of caution: Don't gksudo nano. It won't let you out :)11:44
Ergo^i have a wifi card that lspci identified as marvel w8300 - but it doesnt show up in network manager11:44
RoadHazardFlynsarmy, thats nothing, vi wont let you out just USING it11:45
dirkg3nt1ythanks Daverocks, i just wondering if i had gotten the setting wrong but it does check every so many mounts11:45
Ergo^are there any drivers natively or do i have to play with the ndiswrapper thingie ?11:45
AmaranthAlright, that should be enough room11:45
martyvisErgo^: what does google say?11:45
pajamianipmasq does better NAT routing than just about any home router I've seen, I used to use it back in the days of ipchains (before iptables) I think back then NAT routers were barely even known at all, Linux was one of the first to do it.11:45
rnue035RoadHazard: no it doesn't play games :), but how do I fix the other thing? it halts there for about 20s each time11:45
bullgard4How differ the files /var/lib/dpkg/algternatives/x-session-manager and /usr/bin/gnome-session in their function?11:46
gilster32anyone here ever use DVD-RAM discs in ubuntu?11:46
Ergo^martyvis: google from 2007 says - ndiswrapper , but that may be outdated11:46
Laughedlol, thanks Flyn11:46
arcad3ipmasq is installed and running11:46
arcad3but stiil no internet on client PC11:46
bluecakemartyvis , can explain that does line does? part for part? find . -name  -exec touch {} \;11:46
martyvisErgo^: google is never out of date ;-)11:46
mohamed_how to remove gnomad2 using terminal window11:46
Daverocksrnue035: sure it's an ubuntu thing?11:46
jackalanyone used xenman or convirt ?11:46
Ergo^posts on ubuntu forum from 200511:46
RoadHazardrnue035, I would definitely look into a backup solution and ffr11:47
arcad3who want to help me im out of patience11:47
AranelMy motherboard gives an annoying "beep" in most of games. But it isnt a "error beep" , Its trying to give the game's musics using an "old arcade game"-like way. How can I stop this beeping ?11:47
mohamed_sudo aptitude purge is the command to remove a program11:47
LaughedOn a fresh install should I install teh ATI Restricted drivers first, then Envy or vice versa11:47
arcad3i giveuser to my box11:47
martyvisbluecake: type there - try first "find ./ -exec ls -l {} \;"11:47
Amaranthbullgard4: that x-session-manager starts /usr/bin/x-session-manager which is a symlink to gnome-session11:47
RoadHazardwhat would you like help with?11:47
Amaranthbullgard4: so there is no difference11:47
prince_jammysbluecake: find dot (starting at current dir) -name (not necessary) -exec (do this for everything you find) touch {} (brackets will be replaced with each item found \; (semicolon must be escaped as part of exec so as not to be mistaken by shell)11:48
martyvisbluecake: that will run ls -l on all files under current directory11:48
ElkoWhat's the best way to uninstall everything related to GNOME and X?  Is there a shortcut instead of searching for all related files individually?11:48
RoadHazardarcad3, what are you experiencing difficulty with>?11:48
martyvisbluecake: find ./ starts at current directory - you could have find /some/dir11:48
rnue035Daverocks: I'm not sure, but I get it when booting ubuntu... hte thing is I was tryinig to repair my windows installation and it messed up grub.. so I restored the grub and since then I'm getting this...11:48
AmaranthElko: If you uninstall libx11-6 it'll wipe out most everything X11:48
AmaranthElko: and GNOME is an X thing so it'll go away too11:48
arcad3with.. internet connection sharing11:48
arcad3dhcp server + ipmasq11:49
ElkoAmaranth: Thanks for that hint.11:49
MushroomsAmaranth: Yays! thanks for your help i got the remote desktop working11:49
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:49
AmaranthAranel: I already banned him11:49
RoadHazardgood job shrooms11:49
AmaranthMushrooms: awesome11:49
AranelAmaranth:  ok, thanks :)11:49
martyvisbluecake: -name *.c would only find c files11:49
gilster32so folks, no one here has any experience formatting DVD-RAM discs in ubuntu?11:50
martyvisbluecake: then -exec uses the following shell commands to execute11:50
martyvisbluecake: {} is the name of the found file11:50
Amaranthgilster32: I've never even seen a DVD-RAM, didn't they die out like 6 months after they were introduced?11:50
martyvisbluecake: the \; ends the shell string11:50
mohamed_hi anybody tell me how to remove gnomad2 from ubuntu 7.1011:50
martyvisbluecake: man find - and it is all there11:50
bluecakemartyvis, thx11:51
bluecakePriceChild, thx11:51
prince_jammysbluecake: if you want to only touch dirs:  find . type -d ....11:51
GwaiLoHi All, doing a ls -lash on a file... I get the following:   0 -rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 347M 2008-02-24 13:56 blahblah11:51
GwaiLoWhat does the 0 at the start represent? the file isn't reading properly and I think it should. It is an NTFS volume11:51
GwaiLo(the file was written under win32 originally)11:51
prince_jammysbluecake: excuse me -type d11:51
gilster32Amaranth: yes they werent very popular. In either case i got like 10 of them here and they are great for easy click and drag. But i need to format them and the only thing i have found so far is udftools in cli11:51
gilster32i can use it11:52
gilster32but wanted something in the gui interface11:52
Amaranthgilster32: afaik the 0 is size on disk11:52
Amarantherr, wrong person11:52
AmaranthGwaiLo: afaik the 0 is size on disk, but that doesn't make sense here11:52
AmaranthGwaiLo: but it seems you've mounted the partition incorrectly, only root and users in the plugdev group have access11:53
=== Daverocks_ is now known as Daverocks
GwaiLoAmaranth: hmm, that really doesn't given it says 347mb there11:53
SeveasAmaranth, 0 makes sense for a device file because the device file itself takes no space11:53
AmaranthSeveas: ah, right11:53
pajamianGwaiLo: I think the 0 will be the size calculated from the number of blocks that the file occupies, but the 347M is the size according to the file's directory entry.11:53
arcad3who wats to help with a prob.11:54
GwaiLoUUID=2A60FD7360FD465B /media/sde1     ntfs    defaults,force,umask=007,gid=46 0       111:54
GwaiLothat's the fstab entry11:54
arcad3i give user to my box (root)11:54
GwaiLopajamian: oh... so that's really bad yes?11:54
bod__RoadHazard: i get the same error -- im trying to reinstall grub onto a hard drive because i installed windows and it broke my ubuntu drive11:54
archmanis there any program that can crack password-protected rar file?11:54
AmaranthGwaiLo: yeah, that would mean the file is broken11:54
Amarantharchman: Discussion of such things is not allowed here11:55
bod__archman: theres things like that in repo's search for password11:55
RoadHazardok windows and ubuntu are on separate drives or partitions within the same drive?11:55
GwaiLowell... crap then11:55
pajamianGwaiLo: well it's a bit of a guess, but yes, it would mean that the file was truncated improperly without updating the directory entry (probably by turning the computer off when the file was open).11:55
bod__RoadHazard: Seperate drives11:55
prince_jammysarchman: rar passwords are extremely difficult to crack.11:55
prince_jammysoh, excuse me11:55
RoadHazardk you want the boot sector for grub to be ON the linux drive then point the bios at that11:55
GwaiLopajamian: hmm, almost everything on the disk is like that11:55
GwaiLoI guess I could use find to locate all the 0 sized files11:56
bod__RoadHazard: im not sure, i just want to be able to use my linux drive again, atm if i try to boot from my ubuntu drive it says @Error with operating system@11:56
RoadHazardso perhaps it may be sudo grub-install (hd1)11:56
pajamianGwaiLo: then I would venture to say it's not mounted properly or something.  Can you read the files from windows?11:56
arcad3how i make mysql server to be accessibile from outside ?11:56
bod__RoadHazard: no, i no its hd1 (does it have to be in brackets?11:56
GwaiLopajamian: I could before reinstalling... but I don't have a win32 install at the moment. Files that I've written to the disk post-install are all readable fine... it's the ones that were there pre-install that aren't11:57
AmaranthGwaiLo: If you are not root and not in the plugdev group you may not have permission to see how much space the file is actually taking on disk11:57
myth-newbconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $path.... can someone help11:57
RoadHazardyes it needs to be in (hd1)11:57
GwaiLoAmaranth: hmm, so I'll do another ls as root, sec11:57
AmaranthGwaiLo: Then again I don't think you'd be able to get a directory listing either...11:57
Seveas!compiling | myth-newb11:57
ubotumyth-newb: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:57
bod__RoadHazard: ok, lemme give it another go ,.this command -- sudo grub-install (hd1) -- is that right?11:57
RoadHazardbod_, give it a swing11:58
arcad3how i make mysql server to be accessibile from outside ?11:58
Seveasbod__, '(hd1)'11:58
Seveaselse your shell will want to interpret the ()11:59
Seveasarcad3, let it listen on instead of in /etc/mysql/my.cnf11:59
bod__Seveas: ah, cool,. cheers11:59
AmaranthSeveas: All yours, I have work to do. P11:59
AranelHow can I stop my motherboard beeping in most games ?11:59
SeveasAmaranth, :)11:59
AzarbaycanlI@Seveas: GO FUCK YOUR MAMA11:59
AmaranthGood timing...11:59
GwaiLoAmaranth: hmm, the results of ls are exactly the same as root :(11:59
Seveassaw that one coming from 3 miles11:59
prince_jammysi saw that one coming11:59
RoadHazardits probably listening on 3306 on all ip's anyway11:59
bod__RoadHazard: Seveas: same error -- Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.12:00
Seveashad the /cs kb AzarbaycanlI already in the paste buffer :)12:00
LaughedI was given advice on the forums and I am hoping someone here can make heads or tails out of this cause I am confused12:00
RoadHazarduno momento bod12:00
pajamiangood lord, they are really coming out tonight.12:00
prince_jammysSeveas: i had it ready to notify you guys :)12:00
bod__RoadHazard: ok cheers12:00
pajamianis it a full moon or something?12:00
Seveasprince_jammys, :)12:00
prince_jammysirc sixth sense12:00
LaughedSince I am unable to boot up with a splash screen (the screeen goes blank and hangs) and this is the response i got:12:01
bod__Seveas: doin alot of house cleaning today ;|)12:01
LaughedOpen a terminal and edit the first file to be 1024 768, then add "vga=791" to the end of your grub boot string:12:01
LaughedCode: 12:01
Laughedgksudo gedit /etc/usplash12:01
Laughedsudo update-initramfs -u12:01
Laughedgksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:01
FloodBot2Laughed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:01
anetacould help me to find a way to switch form us keyboard to another. I am using gnome12:02
RoadHazardbod_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50467812:02
Amaranthaneta: System->Preferences->Keyboard, Layouts tab12:02
myth-newbconfigure: error *** you need to have the Linux kernel source installed for this driver.... anyone :-)12:02
SprutnikCant use my webcam with aMSN12:02
prince_jammysLaughed: what's the problem?12:02
Laugheddoes the above make sense to anyone cause its not working and I am not sure where this first file is supposed to be12:02
Amaranthmyth-newb: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`12:02
bod__RoadHazard: cheers, il have a read12:02
myth-newbcheers will try that12:03
SprutnikI says error driver not loaded12:03
boris_i got a biiiiig file, 8 GB, and am looking to somehow extremely compress it, so it is like 600 mb or something.is that possible ?12:03
SprutnikPLZ somebody help12:03
LaughedHey prince: I was given advice on the forums for a work around and I dont understand the directions12:03
NuxisHey, I just compiled alsa (needed for hda-intel) sound is working but now my driver of madwifi ... well my card just vanished .. anyone an idea ?12:03
prince_jammysLaughed: yes. i have seen those directions. they work for most people12:03
Iceronbori_: 7z ?12:03
bullgard4Amaranth: I confirm that in Ubuntu 7.10 that /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-session-manager will start /usr/bin/x-session-manager (among other things). I found out that /usr/bin/x-session-manager is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager but not to /usr/bin/gnome-session. This is in contrast to what you said. Can you enlighten me, please.12:03
=== epifanio_ is now known as epifanio
Amaranthbullgard4: I skipped a step12:04
RoadHazardbod methinks that will do what you want12:04
prince_jammysLaughed: if i remember right, they involve editing two files12:04
Amaranthbullgard4: check out what /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager is symlinked to12:04
myth-newbcouldnt find package linux-headers-uname -r12:04
Laughedwhere is this first file he mentions???12:04
Seveas!cpas | Sprutnik12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpas - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:04
Seveas!caps | Sprutnik12:04
ubotuSprutnik: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:04
prince_jammys!dk | Sprutnik12:04
ubotuSprutnik: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.12:04
joeytwiddle>< no record12:04
Sprutnikuboto hvordan gør jeg det12:05
arashHi, anyone know any easy (GUI preferably) to use .ogg to .mp3 converter?12:05
prince_jammysSprutnik: /join #ubuntu-dk12:05
Laughedprince: I went to File: /boot/grub/menu.lst   but I dont see anyplace to put his first line 1024 768, then add "vga=791"12:05
pajamian!dk | Sprutnik12:05
ubotuSprutnik: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.12:05
joeytwiddle>< no record12:06
prince_jammysLaughed: let me find the directions and see, i have the link12:06
dirkg3nt1yarash, soundconverter is the most popular, btw... copying from ogg to mp3 is considered an unclean conversion, its not very literal12:06
myth-newbAmaranth tried sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` but i get couldnt find package linux-headers-uname -r12:06
bod__RoadHazard: cheers for that link,. im onna reboot now and have a look if it worked,. could you plz hang on to that link for a few mnins for me, as i cant save it,. ;|)12:07
bluecakePriceChild, strange, i touched it, but the apache time remains the same. old date. while ls -alh shows new date. flush firefox cache and rebooted linux box.12:07
pajamianarash: I don't know of a gui converter, but you can easily pipe the output of oggdec (decodes the ogg) to lame (encodes as mp3)12:07
RoadHazardbod_, I got it open here12:07
Seveassorry for the noise, just some housekeeping :)12:07
prince_jammysLaughed: ah ok i was looking at this:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen12:07
LaughedPrince: also my resolution is 1920 1080, so shouldnt i use that instead12:07
LaughedPrince: Im sorry I gave you the link to my post12:07
Amaranthmyth-newb: those are backticks, not quotes12:07
LaughedIll look at the one you just listed maybe its clearer12:07
boris_im looking for a program that could compress 8 GB file into 700 MB is that possible '12:07
Amaranthmyth-newb: ` vs '12:07
Amaranthboris_: Not unless the 8GB file is text12:08
prince_jammysLaughed: yes12:08
boris_Amaranth: ISO file12:08
RoadHazarddoggone seveas, you've been busy12:08
Amaranthboris_: Yeah, not going to happen12:08
prince_jammysLaughed: check my link, it's more detailed and i think it's for the same problem12:08
boris_what about 8 GB to 4 GB ? so it's enough for a DVD ?12:08
pajamianboris_: generally not, though you can do lossy compression if it's something like a picture or sound file or video, but you will loose lots of quality.12:09
Amaranthboris_: Nope12:09
legend2440arash:  http://gnormalize.sourceforge.net/12:09
Laughedyeah, Prince: nice... so much better than the instructionsI was given.12:09
RoadHazardyou can use that dvd9-5 thing12:09
Amaranthboris_: You could pull the video out of the ISO and reencode it to make it smaller, you'd lose a lot of quality though12:09
pajamianboris_: 8gb sounds like the size of a DVD, are you trying to copy a DVD to a vcd?12:09
RoadHazardand ALOT of your precious time12:09
prince_jammysLaughed: i keep it around since your problem is pretty common. you probably have a laptop right?12:09
boris_8 GB is a game12:09
pajamianboris_: you want k9copy12:09
RoadHazard4.3gb = dvd12:10
boris_tiberium warz to be exact12:10
pajamianfor a video12:10
myth-newbamarath sorry for beeing a plonker but i changed it to quotes and i get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token '('12:10
spark_hey guys!12:10
pajamianfor a game ... well you're out of luck.12:10
Laughednope, fresh install on an old 40gb drive.12:10
myth-newbsorry changed it to brackets even12:10
Laugheddual boot / xp12:10
talonzhow many ppl are running hardy now ?? is it worth getting or waiting for the official release ?12:10
prince_jammysLaughed: well, check it anyway. i think it may be what you want12:10
spark_got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again?12:10
Amaranthboris_: So, let me get this straight. You downloaded a copy of C&C 3 illegally but then found you don't have any dual layer DVDs to burn to so you want us to help you do something impossible so you can play your illegally downloaded game.12:11
AmaranthPlay it on Windows, no less.12:11
boris_i need to compress a 8 GB iso file to something i can put at least on a DVD12:11
Amaranthboris_: Go away.12:11
Laughedyeah, it looks right/// the resolutions codes in that link, is there a fuller list I dont see my monitor size 1920X108012:11
boris_Amaranth: im not going to play it12:11
RoadHazardl o s e r12:11
RoadHazardseveas layeth the smack down12:12
pajamianboris_: go out and buy a dual layer dvd+r disk (assuming your dvd burner supports it)12:12
GwaiLopajamian: Amaranth: thanks guys, I guess I'll do some more experimentation12:12
prince_jammysLaughed: i don't know. i recall someone else had this issue, but i don't remember the fix. you can try a lower supported res, since it will only affect the boot process12:12
bullgard4Amaranth: I confirm that /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager is a symlink to /usr/bin/gnome-session. Thank you for explaining me that. --  So one can say that the functionality of /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-session-manager includes all functionality of /usr/bin/gnome-session but the opposite is not true. Right?12:12
prince_jammysLaughed: it will only affect the resolution while booting, i mean12:13
myth-newbamarath sorry for beeing a plonker but i changed it to brackets and i get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token '('12:13
Amaranthbullgard4: No, the alternatives stuff makes it possible to just call /usr/bin/x-session-manager and always get the session manager the user has configured12:13
GwaiLopajamian: Amaranth: hmm, could it mean anything if cat file sits there doing nothing? surely if it's a 0 byte file it should just return nothing rather than sit there...?12:13
Amaranthbullgard4: you can change it to something other than gnome-session with sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager12:13
netsrotHi, how do I get swedish chars working in terminal(ctrl+alt+F1) in an english environment(so programs still write their own text in english). I'm using ubuntu7.04.12:13
arashSound converter is a very good tool. Extremely easy to use12:14
MushroomsAmaranth: ^-^ I can now use matlab without having to install it on my ubuntu box ^-^ yayas thanks heaps! again!12:14
AmaranthMushrooms: Cool, glad I could help12:14
hyderi was trying ubuntu livecd last week but since i coudn't get the wireless to work i gave up, i couldn't even get that compiz effects working whilst it was working on fedora and mandriva.  The gfx card is; "Graphics Card Type  INTEL GMA X3100"12:14
myth-newbamaranth: sorry for beeing a plonker but i changed it to brackets and i get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token '('12:15
hyderI have a TOSHIBA EQUIUM A200-1VO12:15
pajamianGwaiLo: sorry, don't know any more about that.  usually cat only hangs when it's waiting for input (such as if it's reading from stdin)12:15
hydercan anyone help?12:15
spark_got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again? can anyone help me?12:15
Amaranthmyth-newb: brackets? I said backticks12:15
amikropIn Battle for Wesnoth, why the Campaign button does nothing (I can't start a new campaign)?12:15
GwaiLopajamian: yeah, that's what I thought as well... seems really odd12:15
Amaranthmyth-newb: ` is the key next to the 112:15
myth-newbi got it12:15
myth-newbslap me with a kipper12:15
GwaiLopajamian: weird, I can copy it and it ends up with the same properties... ie. 0 bytes but reported size as 350mb12:16
Yodudehey is there any trouble in connection a gutsy laptop to a projector for oing a presentation ? Or will it run just fine /12:16
boris_Amaranth: i just wanna tell u12:16
boris_Amaranth: i havent got windows on this comp, none of my family members has12:16
boris_Amaranth: so no, i cant play it12:16
boris_Amaranth: im just looking to put it on a DVD. _compressed_12:17
RoadHazardYodude, shouldnt be an issue, its just a d-shell 1512:17
Amaranthboris_: You cannot, no go away before I report you to your ISP12:17
boris_Amaranth: ok ok i wont12:17
hyderi was trying ubuntu livecd last week but since i coudn't get the wireless to work i gave up, i couldn't even get that compiz effects working whilst it was working on fedora and mandriva.  The gfx card is; "Graphics Card Type  INTEL GMA X3100".  I have a TOSHIBA EQUIUM A200-1VO.  can anyone help?12:17
YodudeRoadHazard: what do you mean by a D-shell ?12:17
boris_Amaranth: i give up. happy ?12:18
Amaranthboris_: What you are asking is physically impossible anyway12:18
RoadHazardthe outer rim of the vga connector, shaped like a d12:18
LaughedPrince: Sorry : I copy, trying to work through it.12:18
AmaranthWell, actually it's mathematically impossible12:18
boris_Amaranth: so you could just tell me that. without arguing12:18
SeveasAmaranth, depends very much on the content12:18
RoadHazardAmaranth, so is me getting a date...12:18
Amaranthboris_: I told you that 5 times now12:18
boris_Amaranth: besides, when i asked my question, i added "is that possible" ?12:18
AmaranthSeveas: he has an illegally downloaded game iso12:18
SeveasAmaranth, I've seen a 300mb excel file compressed to 412:18
SeveasAmaranth, I know, he should be shot12:18
hyderhello? anyone get my question12:19
rausb0what's wrong with this debmirror tool? it doesn't show any error messages, but it downloads nothing. http://phpfi.com/30126012:19
YodudeRoadHazard: and is it ok if i keep compiz-fusion running ?! i'd love to show that off12:19
bod__RoadHazard: hey dude,. that fixed the problem, cheers, however now when i try to boot from grub loader it says "Cannot mount selected point"        any thoughts?12:19
Amaranthhyder: compiz does not work on your system in 7.1012:19
spark_hey guys: got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again? can anyone help me?12:19
Amaranthhyder: It will hopefully work in 8.0412:19
hyderAmaranth, yes nor the wireless card12:19
RoadHazardsure, compiz isnt monitor dependanty12:19
Amaranthhyder: If it is intel wireless it should work fine12:19
larson9999i've been battling with lockups in ubuntu at least since gutsy rolled out.  i finally got it down to where it'd only lockup about 1 every few days.  i've been using nvidia for a good decade i think so i don't think it's newbie stuff.  i thought it was the driver though as that seems to be the favorite thing to point the finger at.12:19
SeveasRoadHazard, it is gfx card dependant though12:20
RoadHazardbod check your fstab12:20
Amaranthlarson9999: compiz is exposing bugs in your nvidia driver12:20
hydercan someone please help, i want to install it quickly as my cousin is leaving today12:20
Amaranthlarson9999: disable visual effects12:20
Amaranthhyder: If it is intel wireless it should work fine12:20
RoadHazardSeveas, yes but he's just plugging the puter into a projector, not changing out the vid adapter12:20
Amaranthhyder: But basically if it didn't work right away and it isn't broadcom it probably won't work, period12:21
bod__RoadHazard: im a bit n00b, could you be a bit more specific please, like where is the file, what am i looking for?12:21
hyderwhen i go to restricted drivers manager it says "your hardware does not need restriced drivers are needed"12:21
Amaranthhyder: pastebin the output of lspci12:21
Amaranth!pastebin | hyder12:21
ubotuhyder: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:21
RoadHazard/etc/fstab pastebin it12:21
hyderAmaranth, http://pastebin.com/m478a65bb12:22
larson9999now i'm pointing the finger at ubuntu.  i switched one of my machines that has this issue to arch linux and hit it like crazy with the main things that seemed to cause the lockups in ubuntu.  flash on ff.  i mean i've been having a week long flash marathon and not one lockup.12:22
bullgard4Amaranth: Thank you for explaining. To fully appreciate what you told me but I will need to study 'man update-alternatives' and what it writes about the 'Debian alternative system'.  --  Thank you for your competent help.12:22
larson9999Amaranth, disabling visual effects is the first thing i do.  i hat them.12:22
bod__RoadHazard: that file dir doesnt exist12:23
Amaranthlarson9999: then it's just the driver (or your video card)12:23
Amaranthhyder: this doesn't even list a wireless card, did you turn the killswitch on?12:23
hyderAmaranth, yes the wireless light is on the laptop12:23
larson9999Amaranth, yeah, the only thing is same driver and card and arch has no issue.12:23
Amaranthlarson9999: same kernel?12:24
RoadHazardbod sudo nano /etc/fstab12:24
Amaranthlarson9999: nvidia is known to...suck12:24
RoadHazardcopy all of it and pastebin it12:24
Amaranthhyder: i dunno what to tell you, according to lspci your laptop does not even have a wireless card, let alone a driver for said card12:24
RoadHazardif you dont have an fstab, that could definitely be an issue12:24
Amaranthhyder: pastebin lsusb12:24
larson9999Amaranth, tried lots of kernels in ubuntu.  enough to make me think it's not that.  but here is what arch says 2.6.24-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT12:25
hyderAmaranth, http://pastebin.com/m5818617812:25
Amaranthlarson9999: and you have 2.6.24 in ubuntu?12:25
rausb0Amaranth: some cheap notebooks have internal usb wireless cards12:25
Amaranthlarson9999: and the same X server?12:25
Amaranthhyder: well that doesn't help :/12:26
larson9999Amaranth, that's my point.  i wonder how much of the 'arch has been known to suck' is really nvidia and not ubuntu.12:26
bod__RoadHazard: would this be the file path (because im on live cd) sudo nano /media/disk-1/etc/fstab?12:26
RoadHazardyes I think it would12:26
spark_got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again?12:26
Amaranthlarson9999: the problem with nvidia is things change in the kernel and X server and nvidia probably just does the minimal amount of work to make the driver load again12:27
Amaranthlarson9999: so something might have semantically changed that they break on12:27
hyderis Realtek the wireless?12:27
Amaranthhyder: most likely12:27
Amaranthhyder: but we have drivers for some of those12:27
rausb0hyder: rtl8197 is not supported yet. i just checked the rtl8187 driver in kernel 2.6.2412:27
Amaranthhyder: and basically if a driver exists it is in ubuntu so a driver most likely does not exist for your wireless12:28
EdwardXpdoes anyone know where i can get ahold of a subseven account where i can put on my website?12:29
larson9999Amaranth, i hear you but i'm a little less inclined now to blame nvidia :)  i suppose theres a decent chance i'm doing something differently in arch i'm not aware of that is at fault.12:29
EdwardXpso i can update my source.list file and download my essential apt-get's ???12:30
myth-newbis aclocal a command?12:30
hyderbut why isnt compiz working wih Graphics adaptor12:30
hyderIntel® | Intel® GMA X3100 ?12:30
RoadHazardhow goes it bod?12:31
Amaranthhyder: because the driver cannot do compiz and Xv (video playback) at the same time12:31
bod__RoadHazard: here ya go -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58864/12:31
ttt--is there a program that monitors network transfers (the amount over time)?12:31
rausb0hyder: the composite extension is blacklisted for that card. 3d accel works, but compiz additionally need the composite extension.12:32
hyderok since the wireless is vital, does anyone know of any distro that will support the realek 819712:32
Amaranthhyder: no, because a driver for it does not exist12:33
RoadHazardbod, what do you have going on in sda2 through 4?12:33
spark_got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again? noone has a clue what i can do?12:33
rausb0hyder: if 0bda:8197 is just another usb-id for the rtl8187 chipset, i should be enough to patch the id in the existing driver. but maybe it's a different chip, i don't know.12:33
bod__RoadHazard: do you mean what partitions are on it?12:34
myth-newbamaranth: I just the command "sudo aclocal && automake && autoconf" and i get an error saying permission denied any ideas?12:34
kris_phHi! How to change the time format of gutsy server to 12H (AM/PM) instead of 24H?12:34
RoadHazardyes, because they are not referred to in your fstab12:34
Amaranthmyth-newb: you should not run those commands with sudo, you've just busted your build12:34
Amaranthmyth-newb: delete that directory and start over12:35
bod__RoadHazard: how would i find out?? sorry for the n00bishness12:35
flapkehi, I've a new user, but I think I messed up my permissions a little bit. I don't have to give a passwd to become root!@#???12:35
myth-newbthe command did nothing anyway12:35
RoadHazardno problem, its how we learn12:35
RoadHazardgoto terminal, type parted and then we'll find out12:35
myth-newbamaranth: the command did not do anything anyway12:35
Amaranthmyth-newb: what are you trying to compile, anyway?12:35
Amaranthmyth-newb: sudo apt-get install lcdproc12:36
Amaranth!info lcdproc gutsy12:36
ubotulcdproc (source: lcdproc): LCD display driver daemon and clients. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 325 kB, installed size 1020 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)12:36
myth-newbit doesnt support the imon vfd oem on antec black fusion case12:36
bod__RoadHazard: erm, i think something went wrong -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58865/12:36
Amaranthmyth-newb: well that is the latest release so compiling from source will not help12:37
myth-newbi have a patch12:37
Amaranthmyth-newb: oh12:37
Amaranthmyth-newb: well you'll have to find someone else to help you, i have to get back to work12:37
jtsladeHey guys, what's the best player (decoder) for quicktime videos? I am trying to watch some quicktime screencasts but I can't use the timeline properly, each time I move the timeline, it doesn't jump to the right segment.12:37
myth-newbok cheers for the help so far12:37
bod__!best > jtslade       please read pm from ubotu12:38
RoadHazardbod sudo parted12:38
myth-newbanyone else help me with compiling lcdproc?12:38
jtsladebod__, thanks.12:38
bod__RoadHazard: this is the only thing listed, and i have a 'parted' prompt -- Using /dev/hda12:39
RoadHazardtype print12:39
exxeccan anyone help with a partition-issue ?12:39
NBrepresenthi, i'm on xubuntu and noticing that the help for gnome applications doesn't work... i guess i need a package (something like gnome-help) but i can't find anything like that in synaptic... what do i need to get help working for gnome apps?12:39
Squawk!anyone | exxec12:39
ubotuexxec: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:39
bod__RoadHazard: it only shows hda which is a 40gig drive, my windows drive,.,.its not showing my 80ig ubuntu drive sda12:40
bod__jtslade:  ;-)12:40
RoadHazardselect /dev/hdb12:40
bod__RoadHazard: type that?12:40
RoadHazardthen print again12:41
bod__Doesnt exist12:41
exxeci have a disk with an error on, but it works, and has some data on that i need. when i started ubuntu the was some disk-check program that said i could run a command which i dont remember was, and said i could ruin the partition. now the partition is unknown. is there any way i can specify what partition that SHOULD be, and access the data?12:41
bod__RoadHazard: although if i type select /dev/sda i get loadsa info on my 80gig drive ;-)12:42
bod__oh, then print12:42
RoadHazardok what is the partition info on hda>?12:42
myth-newbautom4te: cannot openautom4te.cache/requests: permision denied12:42
RoadHazarderr sda12:42
NBrepresenthi, i'm on xubuntu and noticing that the help for gnome applications doesn't work... i guess i need a package (something like gnome-help) but i can't find anything like that in synaptic... what do i need to get help working for gnome apps?12:43
RoadHazardbod this is curious, do you have a swap on that drive?12:43
r45c4lhey friends..i was thinking is it posible that i can install another linux distro on my present one without formating my HD and witthout loosing its contents12:44
bod__RoadHazard: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58866/12:44
bod__r45c4l: you could partition the drive 2 have 2 OS's yes12:44
Dr_willisr45c4l,  you can do a LOT if you know the ins and outs of linux.. :) just it may be more work then its worth.12:44
pajamian!xubuntu | NBrepresent12:44
ubotuNBrepresent: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:44
bod__RoadHazard: yes theres a 3 gig swap file12:45
myth-newbautom4te: cannot openautom4te.cache/requests: permision denied   aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 112:45
r45c4lDr_willis: i dont want a dual boot brother12:45
bod__myth-newb: run with sudo12:45
GwaiLoI have installed kde4... it works great inside Xephyr, but if I select it from KDM... it crashes (well, doesn't finish loading) and I need to ctrl-alt-backspace to restart x... any ideas where I could look for clues?12:46
Dr_willisr45c4l,  keeping a seperate /home partion comes in real handy in cases like this.12:46
bod__r45c4l: you can have a dual boot with 1 hard drive??12:46
pajamianbod_: yes, of course.12:46
bod__RoadHazard: what are you thinkin?? ;-)12:46
r45c4lactually i have ubuntu 7.10 on my present disk ....i downloaded mint...and i wantt to try it12:47
bod__pajamian: if only i had the space ,.,.;-)12:47
pajamianbod__: well there is that ;-)12:47
r45c4lthe problem is mint is nott in the formate of live cd12:47
RoadHazardI dont see a problem with it yet, gimme a sec12:47
myth-newbbod_: i get about 5 permission denied errors now and autom4te: cannot open autom4te.cache/requests: permission denied and automake: autoconf failed with exit status: 112:47
bod__myth-newb: you shouldnt have that if you run as root12:48
exxecanyone, is there a way to specify ext2 partition to a disk with data on it, where partition is "unknown" to gparted ?12:48
RoadHazardbod, your fstab pastebin cuts off at defaults, erro$ does it really say something like defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1?12:49
pajamianexxec: mount -t ext212:49
bod__RoadHazard: il have annother look12:49
myth-newbbod_: i am running "sudo aclocal && automake && autoconf"12:49
pajamianmyth-newb: only aclocal is running under sudo, then12:49
Kopfgeldjaegermpd is very unstabel here :/12:50
GarethAdamshey :)12:50
bod__RoadHazard: yes it does....................12:50
bod__myth-newb: yer, but run all the commands as sudo, not just the first one12:50
exxecpajamian: with that command terminal doesnt reply anyhing. can u specify a little more, as i'm rather new to this ?12:50
GarethAdamsif I `sudo adduser me a_group` is the only way to appear with that group to logout and log back in?12:50
FlynsarmyIs there any way to add alt+tab functionality to gedit so that you can change tabs easily?12:51
Daniel88does anybody know how to get flash working on firefox?? everytime when i am entering a flash site firefox is breaking down.. i need som help please!!!12:51
myth-newbbod_: so "sudo aclocal && sudo automake && sudo autoconf"?12:51
kaxi2i have changed my DNS server to opendns and despite this my ISP (college) is intercepting my requests to that server. does secure dns exist?12:51
=== wankev2 is now known as wankev
bod__Daniel88: install the non-free flash plugin in the repo's12:51
bod__myth-newb: yep ;-)12:52
pajamianexxec: that was only part of the command, "man mount" to see how mount works.12:52
=== Daniel88 is now known as ubuntu_newbie
exxeck, will do12:52
RoadHazardin parted is the boot flag set to on on /dev/hda1?12:52
bod__myth-newb: you could do   sudo -su        (becoming root) then run the commands without the need of sudo12:52
RoadHazardnot recommended practice12:52
myth-newbbod_: i am still getting permission denied, could i have screwed my build maybe i should recompile12:53
pajamiankaxi: how do you know your college is intercepting the requests to opendns?12:53
bod__RoadHazard: yes12:53
cesar_boHello, I am havins problems trying to do $sudo apt-get update, on a laptop I get Conection errors on every repositorie address, but I can browse on firefox, and get reponse doing ping to the servers on the source.list, What happens? I am very confuse :(12:54
ttt--are there any programs that measure internet traffic?12:54
beautifulsnowNo one is available at #winehq so I thought I'd post here: I never had this problem with Wine+Guild Wars before, and I haven't made any changes to my system or Wine. I *THINK* I ran GW twice by accident (there can only be one copy at a time) and now when GW launches, it goes on the background, hidden from view, can't make it come on the screen, doesnt show on taskbar at all... but it is running (shows on system monitor) and I can12:54
beautifulsnowHEAR it in the background :P Help? ^_^;12:54
RoadHazardhave you tried unplugging the windows drive and booting?12:55
RaVen478ny south-africans?12:56
myth-newbbod_: does this look like it worked? "server/drivers/Makefile.am:80: compiling `IOWarrior.c' with per-target flags requires ` AM_PROG_CC_C_O' in `configure.in'12:56
bod__RoadHazard: not since i fixed grub no,.,.do you think i should? the weird thing is, it says it cant mount it, but i can mount it from live cd....??...12:56
bod__myth-newb: no12:56
RoadHazardsudo nano /etc/mtab and pastebin it please12:56
pajamianbeautifulsnow: try creating a new .wine directory and re-installing your app.12:57
RoadHazardor wherever your hard drive is living these days12:57
myth-newbbod_: any ideas, I am compiling lcdproc if that helps with the codeka patch v312:57
ubuntu_newbiei did installing non-free, but my firefox is still breaking down..12:58
bod__RoadHazard: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58867/12:58
bod__RoadHazard: wait12:58
bod__RoadHazard: thats not the right one thats the live cd one,.,.hang on12:58
hostnameis there a ubuntu package /pptpd +openvpn + firewall+router/ with web interface?12:59
Laughedprince: you still here12:59
bod__RoadHazard: here u go - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58868/13:00
LaughedHey guys, is this supposed too be blank: /etc/usplash.conf13:00
v3ctormine isnt13:01
xanderhey how do i mkae kde appn's run on gnome13:01
JC_Denton_unable to run monodevelop 0.19: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for MonoDevelop.Core.Gui.Services ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Extension node not found in path: /MonoDevelop/Core/PlatformService13:01
xanderis there any package to be installed???13:01
bod__Laughed: i suppose it might be if you havent installed usplash13:01
v3ctorxander: you just need the kde apps installed13:01
legend2440RoadHazard:  I saw in an earlier post you said boot flags on is a bad idea. Why is that?13:02
Laughedbod:  shouldnt that have installed on a fresh install of the OS13:02
xanderok i have some pre-installed kde appn's but they arent running in gnome13:02
xanderis there any soln for t??13:02
RoadHazardI dint say that, its gotta be on to boot13:02
BernardB<rnue035> http://tinyurl.com/ypgq7c13:02
BernardBVery nice13:02
Laughedbod: Im still learning whats the cmd to install usplash13:02
v3ctorxander: run them from a terminal and see what errors you et13:03
legend2440RoadHazard:  ok  thx13:03
RoadHazardlaughed: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-usplash13:03
pushaxwhat do people think of Icedtea-Java over Sun-Java?  Not sure which one I should elave on machine or use to start learnign Java.13:03
hostnamegive me a tutorial plese on how to have internet on a second pc13:03
Laughedty hazard13:03
xanderits working...13:03
xanderthank u..13:04
DJAdmiralHey, is there any utility for creating self-extracting archives in Linux?13:04
Laughedty to bod13:04
ompaulpushax, what you do is try one evaluate it, and then try the other, evaluate that, then you make your own choice13:04
RoadHazardnothing appears to be wrong with your mtab bod, try unplugging the windows drive13:04
DJAdmiralpushax, use the official Java package. Other Java implementations are stable, but sometimes a little quirky, and don't always work as expected13:04
co_cutehai...gabung boleh13:04
RoadHazardbut its hy00ge!13:04
pushaxompaul: the problem I have is that I want to only have one on my system while I do my hardest to eht firefox3 working with one.13:04
bod__RoadHazard: ok, cheers for helpin,.,. il be back in a bit ;-)13:05
LaughedHey, RHazard: I got this - E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-usplash13:05
RoadHazardI'll be here13:05
DJAdmiralIf you want your Java applications to truly run crossplatform, go for the official Java implementation. What other languages do you know, btw?13:05
ompaulDJAdmiral, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression13:05
pushaxDJAdmiral: thanks.13:05
RoadHazardapt-cache search usplash13:05
LaughedHazard: and the file is still empty =(13:05
RoadHazardI might be off on the name13:05
DJAdmiralThanks ompaul13:05
pushaxis there any easy way to get Firefox3 working with Java?13:06
v3ctorLaughed: sudo apt-get install usplash-theme-ubuntu13:06
utgyuruhi all13:06
pushaxFirefox3 naturally looks for java in /usr/java which dosen't even exists13:06
ompaulpushax, your if you install it and you will be done with it and then the browser can pick it up13:06
Laughednice vector: ty13:06
utgyurusomeboy help me plz13:06
RoadHazardLaughed, sudo apt-get install usplash-theme-ubuntu13:07
ompaul!helpme | utgyuru13:07
ubotuutgyuru: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:07
Laughedask away utgyuru, if these guys can help they will13:07
utgyurui have ubuntu 7.10, and i have a 5.1 sound system with creative SB live! sound card13:07
DJAdmiralompaul, I'm looking for self-extracting archive creation utilities on linux13:07
pushaxompaul: noep it doesn't find it for Java programs.13:07
utgyurubut i hasn't any sound :S13:07
DJAdmiralnot plain old archives13:07
LaughedTY hazard13:08
LaughedImtrying it now13:08
DJAdmiralpushax, you could create a symlink from /usr/java to wherever java is installed.13:08
LaughedHazard and Vector: Success, ty13:08
ompaulDJAdmiral, well then I guess you have to scipt it yourself - i.e. no - because other than tar there is no reasonable expectation that tools will be there for you - and you can point and click on most archives these days13:08
pushaxDJAdmiral: tried that but I don't understand Java enough to know what level of the directory to do.  Should I do the base dir of Java or right uptot the javaplugin file?13:09
LaughedBut the friggin usplash is still blank, do I have to so somethign else13:09
pajamianDJAdmiral: I'm not aware that Linux has any, but then they're not really needed, pretty much everyone has tar and can open a .tar.gz file.13:09
DJAdmiralpushax: try the basedir. If that doesn't work, try another.13:09
pushaxI also tried messing with the /etc/Alternatives but no luck.   I'm using Hardy Heron13:09
Laughedthere it is.13:09
ttt--hi, how do i fix this? ValueError: the symlink /usr/bin/python does not point to the python default version. It must be reset to point to python2.513:10
DJAdmiralpajamian, ompaul: I do understand that, yes, but I just wanted to know if there is such a utility13:10
RoadHazardDJAdmiral, get winrar/linux13:10
pajamiananyways, goodnight everyone13:10
DJAdmiralwinrar makes SFX archives for linux?13:11
v3ctorttt--: ls -l /usr/bin/python13:11
DJAdmiralGood night, pajamian13:11
ttt--lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 2008-02-13 10:05 /usr/bin/python -> /etc/alternatives/python13:11
v3ctorttt--: ls -l /usr/bin/python2.513:12
Laughedgusy, if I set the kernel to display at 1280x1024 and I set the usplash to display at 1920x1080, will  I have a problem13:12
Laughedgusy = guys13:12
ttt---rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1158452 2007-10-05 16:17 /usr/bin/python2.513:12
LaughedHey night paja13:12
RoadHazardDJAdmiral, http://www.filesland.com/companies/RARLAB/products.html13:12
v3ctorttt--: `rm /usr/bin/python ; ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python`13:13
DJAdmiralalright, thanks guys13:13
jonathan_anybody know how to install a new font?13:13
v3ctorttt--: `sudo rm /usr/bin/python ; sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python`13:13
v3ctorsorry, forgot the sudo13:13
jonathan_I want to change desktop font style13:13
ompaul!fonts | jonathan_13:13
ubotujonathan_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:13
Laughedrebooting brb13:13
RoadHazardlaughed that might cause headache and heartache, yes13:13
ttt--thanks a lot v3ctor!13:14
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:14
hostnamewhat is kerberos5?13:14
hyder_ok i've got a wireless usb beklin adapter instead of trying to get the realtek 8197 working13:15
RoadHazardits the evil encryption of the microsoft clan13:15
hyder_it says Bus 007 Device 004: ID 050d:7051 Belkin Components13:15
hostnameplease pay some attention to me13:15
hostnamei have a prob and i cant figure it out13:15
* RoadHazard pats hostname on the head13:15
hostnamemaybe with ur help13:15
RoadHazardwhaddya got?13:15
v3ctorhostname: what is the problem?13:15
hostnameso i got dhcp that give Ip to my second ip13:16
nephtesHi folks, I've got a really trick problem...  I have xubuntu installed on an oldish Thinkpad (1066 Mhz Celeron, 256M RAM) and for some reason performance varies wildly13:16
hostnameand ipmasq13:16
hostnameand i want to have internet on my 2nd pc13:16
nephtesSometimes it's nice and snappy, and others (like now) it's horribly slow13:16
hostnameadvices ..questions13:17
nephtesIt's not because of swap thrashing either, the hdd is nearly idle13:17
hyder_can anyone please help?13:17
RoadHazardhostname, static ip13:17
hostnameits static13:17
RoadHazardit cant be both dhcp and static13:17
hostnameor whaut u meen..13:17
nephtestop doesn't show anything helpful, just the usual apps (mainly Firefox and Xorg) taking up way to much CPU% even at idle13:17
nephtesI've no idea how to attack this... any ideas?13:18
RoadHazardwhat is the ip thats being given to the second puter  by dhcp?13:18
hostname192.168.234.1 eth113:18
hostnameXX.XX.XX.XX eth0 (internet comes) configured by DHCP from ISP13:19
RoadHazardok sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and pastebin it wouldja?13:19
ompaul!it | bl4ckh3r013:19
ubotubl4ckh3r0: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:19
RoadHazardoh you are trying to get 2 machines to work without a router?13:19
flowOveri'm back to say my problem was that the nvidia-glx-new drivers were the problem.  after i installed nvidia-glx it has gone away13:19
hostnamei machine13:19
bod__RoadHazard: hey dude, ive got a new error for ya,.,.hehe,.,. Error21: Selected location does not exist   !!!!13:19
hostnamein intercafes i have auto lo13:20
hostnameeuto eth013:20
flowOverit was not my ram.  just the wrong restricted driver installed by default.13:20
RoadHazardok you did grub install on the windows boot sector bod13:20
hostnameiface eth0 inet dhcp13:20
mohbana__are you guys robots13:20
hostnameand eth113:20
RoadHazardnope I'm real live geek13:20
hostnameiface eth1 inet static13:20
hostnamenetmask ...13:20
bod__RoadHazard: what? i dont know? i never managed to get that damn command to work13:20
RoadHazardhmmm and which interface is plugged into the net?13:21
mohbana__how comes you guys type so quick13:21
hostnameeth 013:21
bod__RoadHazard: could the super grub disc help me here?13:21
RoadHazardit could but that would be going overboard13:21
bod__RoadHazard: is my problem easily fixed then?13:21
hostnamewhat shall i do?13:22
hostnameshall i confgure eth0 fron interfaces and not from dhcp?13:22
mohbana__hu has an msn here13:22
mohbana__who has a msn13:22
ompaul!offtopic | mohbana__13:23
ubotumohbana__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:23
FloodBot2mohbana__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:23
sigp239Hi I can't install ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd6413:23
bod__RoadHazard: ???13:24
bod__!elaborate > sigp239       please read pm from ubotu13:24
RoadHazardboot it with the livecd without the windows disk and follow the instructions on this page http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-258284.html13:24
azukilinux security issue question --> system slowdown...13:24
bod__RoadHazard: i am booted without the windows drive,.,.will do the reading now ;-)13:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dchp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:25
azukiI installed a new HD and wireless adapter, then system slowed down, turned of wireless still does it13:25
hostnameazuki check if ur box was hacked13:25
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP13:25
azukihow can I check that13:25
hostnamelook in var log13:25
RoadHazardazuki, try removing the wireless adapter13:25
sigp239When I click Start or Install afer booting from the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64 CD, the screen goes black forever.  I also tried the safe graphics mode, and it has the same problem.13:26
marx2kIf I want to run "par2 r" on every file that matches *.par2 in a directory, how would I do that?13:26
RoadHazardsigp239, what type of graphics adapter do you have in that box>13:26
RoadHazardpar2 r *.par213:26
marx2kRoadHazard Hmmm... Im not sure if thats what I want to do though.. let me check13:27
hostnamei found my prob13:27
sigp239RoadHazard:  I have a GeForce 8800GTX13:27
hostnamein syslog ..13:27
hostnameKernel fell off input ...13:27
marx2kHm... ok... I need par2 to work on those files one at a time, so the actual program par2 cannot take wildcards13:28
ePaxIs there some kiba-dock howto that works on Gutsy?13:28
azukiI should check the kernel log?13:28
RoadHazardsigp239, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66501813:28
marx2kso I need to somehow redirect *.par2 to the par2 program so it does it one at a time13:28
hostnamecat /var/log/sylog |grep sshd:13:28
RoadHazardI use parbuddy and wine13:28
marx2kRoadHazard yeah... I like par2, and it's fast in bash :)13:29
marx2kSo... how do we have a program act on all the files of a specific wildcard in a directory, but one at a time?13:29
prince_jammysmarx2k: files=(*); for file in "${files[@]}; do par2 "$file"; done13:30
marx2klike how do we have the 'rm' command delete all files in a directory without doing "rm *"?13:30
marx2kprince: whoa...13:30
hostnameso i i do iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE13:30
magicis it ubuntu ultimate good or bad stuff?13:30
hostnamei should have internet on client pc?13:30
prince_jammysmarx2k: files=(*); for file in "${files[@]}"; do par2 "$file"; done    i was missing a quote13:30
RoadHazardhostname, can you ping an ip address?13:31
RoadHazardcan you ping google.com?13:31
marx2kprince: that brings me to a > prompt13:31
azukiso.. I checked the syslog and the kernel log13:31
sigp239RoadHazard:  I can't see anything on that link that is helpful to me.13:31
hostnamefrom client pc no13:31
hostnamefrom ubuntu yes13:31
azukiwhat should I look for13:31
prince_jammysmarx2k: because i was missing a quote in the first one i posted13:31
hostnamea successful login13:31
RoadHazardset the client to static ip of
bod__RoadHazard: the link you ave me was for a diff problem, but i googled about and found an ubuntu forums post,.,.looks usfull and im following the link thats on the forum -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47834913:32
RoadHazardsorry just caught the beginning of it13:32
Otacon22mi pare13:32
marx2kahhhhhh there we go... that worked :) Thanks prince_jammys ;) Perl to the rescue13:32
prince_jammysmarx2k: what's par2?13:33
magicis it ubuntu ultimate good or bad stuff?13:33
willis_magic,  i dont see much need for it.,13:33
marx2kParity Archive Volume Set, for checking and repair of fil13:33
RoadHazardits down with the goodness man13:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about par2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:33
willis_magic,  its ubuntu + tons of stuff that you proberly dont need.13:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about par - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:33
prince_jammys!info par213:33
ubotupar2 (source: par2cmdline): Parity Archive Volume Set, for checking and repair of files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-9 (gutsy), package size 107 kB, installed size 284 kB13:33
FloodBot2marx2k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:33
magicso its ubnuntu gutsy best of it ?13:33
Otacon22mi pare13:33
azukifound user?13:34
willis_magic,  best depends on your needs. :) i perfer to download a 700mb cd.. instead of a 4gb dvd image13:34
RoadHazardI am assuming here that marx is grabbin off the usenet?13:34
azukiit says found user and then a username I don't know13:34
magicyes i know but is it best ubuntu gutsy or ultimate whats tha difrents ?13:35
geirha!gutsy | magic13:35
ubotumagic: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents13:35
sigp239When I click Start or Install afer booting from the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64 CD, the screen goes black forever.  I also tried the safe graphics mode, and it has the same problem.13:35
willis_magic,  i would say read on the ubuntu ultimate web page.. last i looked they just included tons of packages.. of which most people dont need by default anyway13:35
hostnameok i got on client now ..no dhcp13:35
RoadHazardwelcome back hostname13:35
magici got gutsy on pc but im lookin at images of ultimate13:35
marx2kprince_jammys basically, if you download from newsgroups a lot, you get a a bunch of rar files along with their corresponding par files. if any of those rar files are damaged, you can run par2 (or any parity checking program) on those par2 files, it will then scan the rar set and repair any broken files and even create missing files if you have enough par files13:35
RoadHazarddoes it work?13:35
prince_jammysmarx2k: the loop should have been files=(*.par2) now that i reread your question13:35
marx2kprince: It's fine, it seems to be working13:36
RoadHazardI thought that dhcp was giving you
hostnameno it gave me .1313:36
prince_jammysmarx2k: i see13:36
azukihow can I protect myself from hackers?13:36
hostnameRoadHazard would u Pm me pls?13:36
marx2kazuki: use linux ;)13:36
hostnamefilter port 22 ssh13:36
RoadHazardpull the network cable out13:36
willis_wear body armour :)13:37
os2macmy audio has quit working.... any ideas on t/s?13:37
brobostigonazuki: use unix/linux, and a good setup firewall13:37
hostnamelook on google how to filter port 22 or change it13:37
bod__RoadHazard: right im rebooting to find out if its worked this time,.,. il keep you posted on my proress,. and il possibly make a forum post of my adventures if i get it fixed ;|)13:37
azukihostname: how would a login generally look in the syslog?13:37
RoadHazardgood deal13:37
marx2kI say use linux and close all ports on your router13:38
peppegaiaciao a tutti13:38
LaughedI am using an ATI Card: Should I install the restricted drivers first and enable them, than install envy, or should I enstall envy first then the restricted drivers, or should I just install one?13:38
=== Naota is now known as Cosmo-san
geirhaazuki: logins are logged in /var/log/auth.log13:38
marx2kLaughed: I would not use envy13:38
IndyGunFreakLaughed: well, thats easy,k DO NOT use envy13:38
ompaul!envy | Laughed13:38
ubotuLaughed: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »13:38
Jack_Sparrowos2mac, It seems alsa needs to be compiled after a kernel update..13:38
brobostigon!envy | Laughed13:38
jribLaughed: use restricted drivers and never bother with envy13:39
ompaul!it | peppegaia13:39
ubotupeppegaia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:39
IndyGunFreakok, i think he gets the point...lol13:39
Laughedtys for the feedback guys.13:39
os2macJack_Sparrow: how does one go about doing that?13:39
ompaulRoadHazard, a bit previous ;-)13:39
hostnameRoadHazard my IP is
hostnamei make u a user on my box13:39
peppegaiaaiutami come devo fare13:39
hostnamelook around13:39
Itakuhelp im on live cd and i forgot my root pass and username how do i reset it i know there was a way like chmod or chroot or whatever the command is.13:40
v3ctorhostname: are you still just trying to share you connection?13:40
LaughedI do want to use comp fusion, would that be enough for 3d rendering13:40
Jack_Sparrowos2mac, #Alsa channel has been very helpful...  There are scripts being worked on to help automate the process...13:40
hostnameyes :)13:40
jribItaku: ubuntu doesn't have a root password set by default13:40
willis_Itaku,  you can 'chroot' to the mounted/installed system then use the passwd command.13:40
v3ctorthat is what i use13:40
brobostigonItaku: well you shouldnt have a root password anyway, you should be using sudo.13:40
Itakupl ty13:40
ompaul!sudo | Itaku13:40
ubotuItaku: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.13:40
azukireinstalling the kernel, would that fix any damage?..13:40
v3ctorhostname: you will obvioously need to change the interfaces13:41
marx2kprince_jammys haha ok you may have been right with the loop modification needed since it was doing the same files over and over and over13:41
ompaulItaku, read that page it may help you13:41
Laughedis prince jammys here???13:41
prince_jammysmarx2k: files=(*) makes an array of all files and subdirs in the current dir13:41
Itakuits my computer i can do whatever i want with it13:41
prince_jammysLaughed: yeah13:41
Laughedthere he is.. whats up prince J.13:41
RoadHazardhostname, and you can get out on that ip?13:42
FlynsarmyCan anyone recommend a good IRC client besides Chatzilla? I used the pidgin one for a little but but i don't htink it beeps you when your name is mentioned the way Chatzilla does13:42
marx2kprince_jammys: Ah I didnt know * did recursive13:42
prince_jammysmarx2k: no, not recursive13:42
marx2kFlynsarmy Xchat13:42
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, THere are lots  Xchat, Konversation  are both popular13:42
lesshastehow do I get wireless networking setup? Running nm-applet doesn't seem to do anything13:43
prince_jammysmarx2k: i meant files and directories, but not the directories' contents13:43
marx2kprince_jammys ah ok13:43
hostnamethat example did not helped ..13:43
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow: marx2k Thanks i'll check them out13:43
prince_jammysmarx2k: so you want *.par2 so it does it only on dotpar2 files13:43
RoadHazardhostname, you can be pinged from here, thats curious, do you have dns set up?13:43
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, both can be added with sudo apt-get13:43
marx2kprince_jammys : indeed13:43
brobostigonlesshaste: run dmesg and lshw, to see if you adaptor is actually recogmized.13:43
hostnamethat,s the ip of the ubuntu box13:43
RoadHazardand it will ping an IP address?13:43
hostnamepm me i give u user13:44
hostnameso u can see all its correct13:44
hostnamebut not working13:44
prince_jammysmarx2k: if you want recursive:  find . -name '*,par2' -exec par2 {} \;     i think13:44
ompaulhostname, that is a bad idea as you don't know who or what you are letting onto your machine13:44
lesshastebrobostigon,  product: PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection13:45
marx2kprince_jammys how long have you been working with perl13:45
prince_jammysmarx2k: it's not perl, bash13:45
lesshastebrobostigon, I don't even have an icon showing the wired networking....which is working13:45
hostnamei dont mid he can erase all ..13:45
marx2koh thats just bash scripting?13:45
brobostigonlesshaste: what its assigned /dev/*** file??13:45
prince_jammysmarx2k: that's regular old bash13:45
hostnamei just wanna know why it dint worked13:45
ryanzeci am running ubuntu 7.10 and i just downloaded an icon set, but how do i install it?  I check in apperance but nothing there shows up for icons?13:45
prince_jammysmarx2k: should be .par2 (i typed a comma instead)13:45
RoadHazardcould you pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces from the disfunctional machine?13:45
hostnamei use irssi13:46
marx2knah i dont need to do recursive13:46
lesshastebrobostigon, [   15.456000] iwl4965: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN driver for Linux, 1.1.013:46
lesshastebrobostigon, so all looks good in dmesg13:46
lesshastebrobostigon, maybe it would work if I knew the right app to get it started?13:46
Jack_Sparrowryanzec, drop tar onto the theme window and go to customize13:46
hostnamekernel: [ 4543.504409] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode13:47
brobostigonlesshaste: what is its assigned dev file, and try wifi radar13:47
JacksDepressionWhats the name of a fun deb that will add desktop effects to my KDE UI?13:48
prince_jammysJacksDepression: kooldock is an animated dock13:48
JacksDepressionthanks prince_jammys13:48
RoadHazardhostname, that ip address is a real live routable ip from  your ISP I'm thinking, you're trying to run 2 machines? is there a router in the play?13:48
lesshastebrobostigon, wifi-radar seems to work and see my network13:48
spark_hey guys13:49
spark_got a problem with 5.1 sound and my terratec aureon 5.1. since i tried to install my dvbt stick i got only stereo sound. anyone knows how i can get 5.1 sound again?13:49
RoadHazardwell theres an issue, something is going to have to route for 2 machines13:49
prince_jammysJacksDepression: it's one of those mac style docks that zooms in on the icon13:49
brobostigonlesshaste: thats promising13:49
ryanzecjack_sparrow, i drop it in the for tab(theme) and it tells me the file format is invalid and it is a .tar13:49
Na-FiannHi, does anyone know how i can install something from source in such a way that it can easily be removed again? for example through aptitude?13:49
lesshastebrobostigon, shouldn't nm-applet work?13:50
Jack_Sparrowryanzec, What kind of an ivon theme is it and where did you get it13:50
marx2kNa-Fiann Yeah you can use... uhh... hang on13:50
RoadHazardNa-Fiann, ./configure then checkinstall13:50
brobostigonlesshaste: its doesnt work for me, i just hardcode my settings into interfaces13:50
Na-Fiannill see what it is, thanks:)13:50
prince_jammys!info checkinstall | Na-Fiann13:50
RoadHazardyup, you might need to install checkinstall first though13:50
ubotuna-fiann: checkinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 113 kB, installed size 544 kB13:50
ompaulNa-Fiann, that is correct13:50
ryanzecblack and white 2 neon from gnome-look.org, does it matter i am using compiz?13:50
lesshastebrobostigon, or is there some other tool... it works on my other laptop :)13:50
marx2kyes, checkinstall13:51
hostnameRoadHazard pm me13:51
ompaul!checkinstall | Na-Fiann13:51
ubotuNa-Fiann: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!13:51
prince_jammysah, even better13:51
brobostigonlesshaste: wifi radar is probebly your best choice13:51
RoadHazardI have been13:51
Na-Fiannty everyone:) ill install it:)13:51
lesshastebrobostigon, ok... but it doesn't show a little icon in the bar at the top right?13:51
Laughedprince: you wouldnt know of any other fixes for the splash screen, the link Im using didnt work out13:52
Jack_Sparrowryanzec, thems behave differently when using compiz yes...  you may want to /join #Compiz   to fine tune that13:52
marx2kcheckinstall works "Most Of The Time", but works well when it does13:52
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brobostigonllesshaste: thats correct13:52
lesshastebrobostigon, also I don't understand the "Driver" question in the WPA section of wifi-radar13:52
FlynsarmyIs there a way to hide joine/leave messages in XChat? Chatzilla wasn't showing htem but this one is13:53
brobostigonlesshaste: read wifi radars man page, run man wifi-radar in terminal13:53
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, right click the tab and hide them,  (I use tabs in xcaht)13:53
RoadHazardoh hostname, I'm pm'ing you13:54
marx2kIve totally stopped using gui irc clients and went back to BitchX13:54
lesshastebrobostigon, that looks like a pain!13:54
ryanzecacutallu i figured it out, the .tar file hade a .tar.gz which was teh file i needed to drap into the theme window, that worked, thanks13:54
marx2kWhy would they tar a tar.gz file?13:55
Jack_Sparrowryanzec, Glad you got it13:55
brobostigonlesshaste: however reading wifi radars manual will give yu the info you need13:55
Itakuhow can i look in the history of the terminal. nit .bash_history but like everything typed even in the passwd command?13:55
prince_jammysItaku: type "history"13:55
marx2kItaku: !history13:55
joe__Hi all, i had a question.  When switching between users on ubuntu 7.10 I frequently either get a white or brown screen with only the mouse, doesn't bootup taskbar, icons, etc.  Anyone know what the problem could be?13:55
marx2kyou can also re-issue commands by their history number13:56
Jack_Sparrowmarx2k, Agreed, it does not make sense13:56
jribItaku: pretty sure you can't13:56
lesshastebrobostigon, I mean getting wpa-psk to work in wifi-radar looks like a pain13:56
Itakusee i got someone who changed my pass13:56
Itakui want to know who13:56
Itakuand what to13:56
prince_jammysItaku: oh, you can't do that with history13:56
marx2kItaku: You would need a keylogging program13:56
brobostigonlesshaste: i use wep,13:56
lesshastebrobostigon, you might as well use nothing :)13:56
ompaul!offtopic | Itaku13:56
ubotuItaku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:56
lesshasteI am trying to run nm-applet but it does nothing, i mean no app comes up and no icon appears13:57
sigp239When I click Start or Install afer booting from the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64 CD, the screen goes black forever.  I also tried the safe graphics mode, and it has the same problem.13:57
Jack_SparrowItaku, We talked about that yesterday, you are not going to be able to find out the password, only change / reset it or add another user with admin rights13:57
lesshastethis is on a fresh gutsy install13:57
lesshasteany ideas?13:57
RoadHazardlesshaste boot into recovery mode and use the root account to reset the pw13:58
umchello. can someone recommend a nice player that works with subtitles ?13:58
Itakuim trying to get what was typed in the passwd command13:58
lesshasteRoadHazard which password? I have the sudo password if that is what you mean13:58
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow: Right clicking '#ubuntu' on the left just brings up leave, close, autojoin, find. I'm using xchat-gnome13:58
Itakuthere has to be a way13:58
marx2kItaku: There isnt13:58
v3ctorItaku: not possible13:58
geirhalesshaste: then it probably can't find any network cards (I think it won't show up in such a case)13:58
marx2kYou would have had to have had a keylogging program running at that time13:58
lesshastegeirha, oh.. that's pretty poor!13:59
ompaulItaku, not possible -  you would need the password if there was a way13:59
RoadHazardlesshaste then you have no worries13:59
amenadoItaku no, the function on C to get that passwd keeps that display blank13:59
geirhalesshaste: does ifconfig -a list anything other than the lo device?13:59
Itakuompaul i have my password13:59
Itakuand root password13:59
lesshastegeirha,  ifconfig -a list13:59
lesshastelist: error fetching interface information: Device not found13:59
lesshastegeirha, wifi-radar can see my home network13:59
marx2kif you have root password, just use it to change your password to what you want13:59
ompaulItaku, then if someone else changed them you need to change them and then please drop the subject13:59
lesshasteRoadHazard, nm-applet doesn't do anything14:00
geirhalesshaste: "ifconfig -a", sorry14:00
lesshastegeirha, it shows lots of things including wlan014:00
v3ctorItaku: to change your password, they need to have either 1) your passwd 2) root access14:00
Itakuthey hacked me14:01
Itakutheres this one hacker out for me14:01
prince_jammysthen you have bigger problems14:01
geirhalesshaste: oh, then it seems to have found your wireless card. "ps -ef | grep nm-applet" does this show nm-applet running?14:01
lesshastegeirha, http://pastebin.ca/93379314:01
nei_raunihow i active the gd14:02
RoadHazardif you got hacked its time to ffr14:02
v3ctorItaku: if you have been hacked, you need to reinstall14:02
Itakuthey just changed the pass14:02
lesshastegeirha, hang on... shall I run "nm-applet &" ?14:02
v3ctorItaku: that you know of14:02
RoadHazardand root kitted you14:02
ompaulItaku, __if__ you have been hacked then reinstall from known good media nothing is secure, anything else is fruitless, you are now offtopic14:02
Itakuill do a search14:02
nei_rauniit already installed, but not active14:02
geirhalesshaste: sure, try before and after14:02
hostnamehow i pm on irssi?14:02
sigp239After booting from the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64 CD and clicking Start/Instal, the screen turns black forever.  Same thing happens in safe graphics mode.  Anyone know what the problem is?14:02
jribhostname: /msg14:02
v3ctorhostname: /msg <user>14:02
Itakuhostname: /msg14:02
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hottiumsigp239: have you checked if the cd was correctly burned?14:03
v3ctorhostname: is your nick registered?14:03
Jack_Sparrowsigp239, Start with this.. at start or install press F6 and remove splash and quiet from the command line.14:03
v3ctorthen you can't pm14:03
bloonywhich program do I need from the vmware site to run linux on windows host? I've looked at the site, but its so many different things to dl there14:03
=== DigiMasTer is now known as oaa
amenadoompaul maybe just to prove it to himself that he cannot retrieve the root password, let him continue the struggle, experience is best teacher sometimes14:03
audiosensecdhi there guys i've got still the same common prob. here14:03
sigp239hottium>  yes the CD is correctly burned, it works on my wife's Dell computer.14:04
audiosensecdmy monitor seem work on 800x60014:04
hostname /msg nickserv register ..or ?14:04
Jack_Sparrowsigp239, Do you get to start or install screen14:04
jrib!enter | audiosensecd14:04
ubotuaudiosensecd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:04
lesshastegeirha, clifford  8562  7909  8 14:04 pts/1    00:00:00 nm-applet14:04
sigp239Jack_Sparrow>  how do I remove splash and quiet from the command line?14:04
Itaku!register | hostname14:04
ubotuhostname: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.14:04
=== hostname is now known as Costel
sigp239Jack_Sparrow>   yes I get the first menu screen with the choices to Start/Install, Safe Graphics Mode, etc.14:04
RoadHazardsudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst14:04
geirhalesshaste: ok, so it's running, but you don't see it on the panel ... hm14:04
RoadHazardthats where it lives isnt it?14:05
lesshastegeirha, exactly14:05
Jack_Sparrowsigp239, At start or install press F6 and remove splash and quiet from the command line.14:05
audiosensecdamenado:  buddy how do i solve this kind of common prob14:05
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sigp239Jack_Sparrow>   I'll try that and then come back. Thanks.14:05
Jack_Sparrowsigp239, one sec14:05
geirhalesshaste: right click the panel and select add to panel. Then add the "notification area" in case it somehow has been removed14:06
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  help me pls14:06
mattaexxciao raga14:06
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, What is the question14:06
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  I got on low resulotion again14:06
RoadHazardaudiosensecd, what is the maximum resolution of your monitor>14:07
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, Silly you.. dont do that...  Sorry.. a little humor...14:07
myth-newbhelp with my lcd i can get it to display "lcd proc server" and it displays the time when it is shutdown. But i cannot get it to do anything else and i have set it up in mythtv set>appearance>enable lcd14:07
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  800X60014:07
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, Please post your xorg.conf to the pastebin...14:07
RoadHazardand your resolution is at 640x480 now?14:08
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, You can make that process easier by sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:08
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  how? i'm a newbie ubuntu user14:08
PulicaRoadHazard u got my pm?14:08
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, you do that in a terminal..   after that type or paste this into terminal and it will give you a link to give me   cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit14:09
RoadHazardyes I did, what would you like me to do with that information?14:09
Pulicaif u want14:10
Pulicalog in with shh14:10
Pulicainto y box and look around14:10
marx2kits be nice if linux had a rar program with the gui niceness of WinRar :(14:10
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  done know nothing happen14:10
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, type or paster the second command14:11
Pulicamarx2k it does have14:11
marx2kPulica: Oh yeah? Which one?14:11
geirhamarx2k: there's Q7Z, but it's not in the ubuntu repositories14:11
Pulicaarchive manager14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about p7zip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  this one ----at /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit14:11
marx2kPulica: I think archive manager has an awful gui14:11
Jack_SparrowIinfo p7zip14:11
marx2kgeirha: does the homepage have a deb?14:11
Pulicaits useful14:11
Jack_Sparrowarrrgh sorry14:11
Jack_Sparrow!info p7zip14:12
ubotup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.51~dfsg.1-1 (gutsy), package size 304 kB, installed size 900 kB14:12
marx2kPulica: Yeah, but the GUI is just a bar scrolling left to right and back again when it decompresses..14:12
geirhamarx2k: yes. First hit on google14:12
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  this one ----cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit this one i mean14:12
marx2kgeirha: Ill try it out right now, thanks!14:12
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, yep please14:12
bullgard4Does Ubuntu provide other session managers besides /usr/bin/gnome-session?14:13
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, Use shift to paste into a terminal14:13
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  it responses like this ---- at /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit14:13
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  it responses like this ---- http://paste.stgraber.org/131114:13
PulicaRoadHazard u can use sudo too...my client ip =
Jack_Sparrowthat is what I wanted14:14
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myth-newbLCD problems if I type "sudo LCDd -f -r 4" i get "lcdproc server" displayed on my lcd. But that is about all i can do no mythtv output.14:14
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  sorry14:14
marx2khaha damn, Q7Z wont install on 64 bit architecture :/14:14
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, what is your monitor type and do you have a link to a spec sheet on it14:15
gujahi i'm wondering how do you change the java stack size14:16
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow: yes i have a link14:16
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  it responses like this ---- http://paste.stgraber.org/131114:16
ompaulguja, ask in #java14:16
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, I got the link to your xorg...  need one for your monitor14:16
Na-FiannThe xmms2 version in the ubuntu repositories is very old, where can I ask to have this updated?14:16
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, look that up and I will be right back14:17
gujaok sory14:17
magicany from slovenia?14:17
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  my monitor got compaq V570 15"14:17
ompaulNa-Fiann, it won't be as development of xmms has stopped in its place are several other audio tools - use your favorite tools to search for audio14:17
gujamagic: I am from slovenia14:17
Eulexompaul, xmms != xmms214:18
le_renouveauHello, anyone familiar with VMWare? I try to power on my first virtual machine it flashes black a second then back to the regular screen.14:18
Na-Fiannthx eulex14:18
danand_Itaku - you there?14:18
magiccan i ask u somethin.... bout my graphic14:18
marx2kle_renouveau run vmware from shell and see what debug messages come up14:18
le_renouveaukk 1 sec14:18
Eulexompaul, xmms_2_ is actively developed14:18
PulicaRoadHazard u saw whats my prob?14:18
gujamagic, ask doubt i can help14:18
paolo969ithi all14:18
magicguja: gorenjska?14:18
ompaulEulex, ahh14:18
paolo969itsorry but i need help14:18
magicin slo ?14:19
gujamagic, ne primorska14:19
RoadHazardI believe so, I edited your interfaces file, copy it to /etc/network14:19
ompaulNa-Fiann, in that case, given I have been corrected, get it into debian then it will trickle into ubuntu14:19
paolo969iti was looking for italian chat but i couldnt find14:19
magicej mam problem14:19
Na-Fiannit already is in debian:p14:19
paolo969itthis is the problem14:19
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:19
magicprej je bla res. 1600* zdej je pa sam 120014:19
le_renouveaumarx2k: No error message...14:19
Na-Fiannguess i dont understand the trickle part then:p14:19
danand_Does anyone know if Itaku managed to reset his password?14:19
marx2kle_renouveau time to start googling ;)14:19
paolo969iti dont know exactly what i touched or changed but14:19
ompaul!sk | magic14:20
ubotumagic: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.14:20
magiclol ok :D14:20
paolo969iti cant see the icon of the window on the bar below14:20
ompaulNa-Fiann, join #ubuntu-motu and get help there in working out how to do such a trick14:20
paolo969itwhen i minimize a window that window disappears14:20
paolo969it(sorry for my bad english)14:21
ompaulNa-Fiann, before you do get a logon to launchpad.net14:21
paolo969itand then i lose each window when i minimize it14:21
paolo969itwhat happened?14:21
le_renouveaumarx2k: I just noticed that my cdrom, floppy and ethernet icons at the bottom right have a red X on them14:21
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd,    "COMPAQ V570" HorizSync 30.0 - 70.0 VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0             your settings are wrong...  they should look more like these  http://paste.stgraber.org/131614:21
bullgard4Does Ubuntu provide other session managers besides /usr/bin/gnome-session?14:21
dsl_paolo969it: you need to right click on the bottom panel and add it14:21
marx2khey Jack_Sparrow, I need your expertise again... here's what you gave me last time.. files=(*.par2); for file in "${files[@]}"; do par2 r "$file"; done14:21
paolo969itwhat please14:21
marx2khow do you get it to do *.par2 but not *01.par2?14:22
prince_jammyspaolo969it: do you have a panel?  right click on it and add the taskbar14:22
dsl_paolo969it: i forgot what its called ...sorry14:22
prince_jammysmarx2k: that was me14:22
dsl_paolo969it: look through all the things you can add to the panel14:22
marx2koh sorry prince_jammys14:22
paolo969itthe bar is there ( i mean the bar below)14:22
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, from terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      and make those changes14:22
paolo969itbut the icon of the windows dont apper14:23
dsl_paolo969it: yes yes , you need to add an app that will show you all the windows you are running14:23
prince_jammysmarx2k: it gets a bit more involved then14:23
paolo969itthey are not shown14:23
geirhapaolo969it: you might have somehow removed the applet that displays the window list. Try right clicking the panel, add to panel, then add the window list applet14:23
prince_jammysmarx2k: ask at #bash , you need to use extglob i think14:23
Jack_Sparrowmarx2k, Correct, I did not give you that..  You need to move it to private chat or ot.. it is getting busy in here14:23
dsl_paolo969it: window list applet! thatnks geirha14:23
marx2kprince_jammys: ahh ok :) Because I even need it a little more involved than THAT :)14:23
paolo969itok now i try wait please14:23
paolo969it(thanks for your gentle)14:23
marx2kprince_jammys: Oh man.... haha ok thanks :)14:24
RoadHazardhostname did you get that done?14:24
magici wanna have 1600* but my disp. its only 1200*14:24
amenadois apparmor related to SELinux? so if its remove would the system still be stable?14:24
Jack_Sparrowpaolo969it, Do you mean.. you dont see open, close or minimize buttons in your windows ?14:24
kfbishopGreetings all -- Any info on Hardy's latest NetworkManager (0.6.6) breaking wireless connections?  (atheros at least)14:26
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  in the monitor section???14:26
geirha!hardy | kfbishop14:26
ubotukfbishop: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:26
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, see lines 52 and 5314:26
yzedquery olala14:26
paolo969itok boys maybe now it works...14:26
paolo969itoh my god14:27
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, http://paste.stgraber.org/131614:27
paolo969itnow all ok thanks very much14:27
archmanhow do i make an application to run this commands in terminal, so i don't have to do it everytime all over again: sudo ifconfig <interface> down14:27
archmansudo dhclient -r <interface>14:27
kfbishopthx...  sorry for the spam14:27
archmansudo ifconfig <interface> up14:27
archmansudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES"14:27
archmansudo iwconfig <interface> key HEX_KEY <<<-------- If using ASCII Equivalent, this is s:ASCII_KEY (please make note of the prefix s:)14:27
archmanuuuupss, sorry14:27
FloodBot2archman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
paolo969iti became crazy since one week to understand what was the reason14:27
paolo969itthanks boys14:27
dsl_paolo969it: all the best14:27
paolo969iti am new about ubuntu than i could not image14:28
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  then i edit now i done14:28
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, log out and in and see if it helped14:28
archmanhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58878/ how do i make an application to run this commands in terminal, so i don't have to do it everytime all over14:28
paolo969itciao to all14:28
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  so do i have to save it first14:28
cromag!it | paolo969it14:28
ubotupaolo969it: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:28
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, yes please14:28
cromagwas that better ? :)14:28
paolo969itbuy to all14:28
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  be rite back thx14:29
geirhapaolo969it: bye! glad you got it fixed :)14:29
binarydigitarchman: put it in a text file put #!/bin/bash at the top, save it, set chmod +x on the file14:29
paolo969itbye sure bye14:29
danand_Itaku - you there ???14:29
archmanbinarydigit: thanks!14:29
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  how about this one ------ Jack_Sparrow> audiosensecd, http://paste.stgraber.org/131614:30
thehumanerrorI've just installed Ubuntu 7.10 Server, and done apt-get update and apt-get upgrade14:30
myth-newb my question is - how do i get my lcd operating it works if i run sudo LCDd -f -r -4 i get "lcdproc server" displayed on it14:30
thehumanerrorbut how do I know if I need to reboot? It appears to have restarted relevant services14:30
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, That was just an example for you..  if you made those changes, cross your fingers and go for it14:30
jribthehumanerror: you need to reboot if you installed a new kernel14:31
archmanbinarydigit: so i put #!/bin/bash on the beginning of text file? you got any link with tutorial for that kind of stuff? tnx14:31
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow: thx buddy be rite back14:31
binarydigitarchman: just google bash scripting14:31
prince_jammysarchman: linuxcommand.org  for basic shell tutorial14:32
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  yes it works14:32
archmanthank you, guys!14:32
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, Great..14:32
thehumanerrorright, so I'm just supposed to know that, and read the output of apt-get, and then cause a reboot?14:32
jribthehumanerror: yes14:32
aspirewhat can I do to resolve this error?14:32
aspireconfigure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available14:32
thehumanerrornice of it to tell me14:32
magici got ati radeon 9800 pro and multiscanG400 befor i install drivers whose 1600* now its 1200 what can i do?14:32
le_renouveauHi again, is VMWare able to run from a NTFS drive?14:32
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  so now how do i activate my 3d desktop14:32
jribthehumanerror: file a feature request if you want14:32
thehumanerrorokay, and from reading the web about it, I get the impression that the *only* thing that needs a reboot is a kernel update14:33
Itakuwhats a good program to host domains on ubuntu or any linux system?14:33
thehumanerroris that correct?14:33
thehumanerrorokay, I might just do that14:33
jribthehumanerror: afaik, yes14:33
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, Now you are really pushing your luck  :)    have you enabled restricted drivers?14:33
prince_jammysthehumanerror: no, there are others that require reboot14:33
RoadHazarditaku web domains?14:33
Itakulike google.com14:33
thehumanerroroh right, like what? It's just configured for SSH at the moment14:33
nonix4magic: parse_error(input_not_english);14:33
prince_jammysthehumanerror: i've seen a locale change that required it14:33
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow: yes ive done it14:34
thehumanerrorah right14:34
dsl_le_renouveau: what do you mean?14:34
Itakuwhats a good program to host domains on ubuntu or any linux system????14:34
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, system  pref  appearance  tab-visual effects14:34
amenadothehumanerror-> if your system freezes ..you need to reboot14:35
jribItaku: apache? lighttpd?14:35
danand_Itaku - did you solve your password problem?14:35
Eulexhello, I get an error suggesting that mount is trying to use the ntfs-3g driver to mount the ntfs partition I'm trying to mount (fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied) -- can I make it use the old plain read-only kernel ntfs driver? I haven't told it to use ntfs-3g, I've set ntfs as fs type.14:35
thehumanerrorit would be much better if the apt-getter was told whether or not a reboot was necessary, à la... whatever it's called in GNOME that prompts for a restart14:35
thehumanerrorI'll propose that14:35
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  3d effects could not be enabled14:35
thehumanerroramenado: I am aware of that, thanks :)14:35
kris_phanybody here has basic knowledge on javascript? I want to show something on my php server powered by ubuntu?14:35
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, double check restricted drivers14:35
prince_jammyswrong channel, sir14:36
Itakuwhats a good program to host domains on ubuntu or any linux system???????14:36
jribkris_ph: ask in ##javascript14:36
macnusHi can any one help me? I want to synchronize mac os 10.4 and ubuntu 7.10. Is that possible. I would love if it could be automatic.14:36
prince_jammys!lamp | Itaku14:36
ubotuItaku: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:36
jribItaku: we've answered your question14:36
audiosensecdJack_Sparrow:  Got on check enabled14:36
prince_jammysItaku: that's to install a web server14:37
prince_jammysItaku: it's possible to host several domains14:37
Jack_Sparrowaudiosensecd, I would suggest you /join #Compiz and have them take a look....14:37
audiosensecdk k14:37
und3vacould i disturb somebody with some questions about ubuntu setup?14:38
thehumanerrorgo for it14:38
Itakuso can it host domain names like godaddy.com does?14:38
prince_jammysplease disturb us14:38
le_renouveaudsl_ :  I have my virtual machine sitting on a NTFS disk with the ntfs 3g(?) and I can't start the virtual machine14:38
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prince_jammysItaku: yes14:38
thehumanerrorin aptitude, how do you bring up the history of your changes to the package system?14:39
und3vai've just installed ubuntu server on my pc to use it as a router14:39
ompaul!expert | und3va14:39
ubotuund3va: one persons expectation of expert is different to that of another, why not ask the question with lots of useful information on one line and see what happens14:39
Itakusudo apt-get install lamp?14:39
und3vaand from my windows pc i can't seem to ping it14:39
jribItaku: no, you need to read the link ubotu gave you14:39
prince_jammysItaku: no, it's more involved than that. it's not a quick apt-get install. check the link above14:39
ompaulund3va, when you type "ifconfig | grep inet" what is the first four digit number you get back?14:40
joshritgerHow do I get ubuntu 7.10 to remember my wifi password?14:40
dsl_le_renouveau: should work : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-mount-ntfs-vmware-virtual-disk-image-vmdk-readwrite.html14:41
Prefixjoshritger, keyring manager14:41
amenadojoshritger-> you put the correct entry in /etc/network/interfaces14:41
qenseediting files can be too hard for beginners14:41
und3vai get my internet ip address14:41
le_renouveaudsl_: I'll try that thanks14:41
prince_jammysund3va: put your question all in one line, or it gets lost14:41
cwillujoshritger, you upgrade to 8.04 in april :p  (better support coming)14:42
prince_jammys!tr | gizemli14:42
ubotugizemli: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:42
und3vaok i'll start from the beginning14:42
prince_jammysund3va: all on one message14:42
thehumanerrorjoshritger: did Ubuntu ask you to make a keyring?14:42
joshritgerI opened the keyring manager and it asked me if i wanted to save it, but after rebooting it keeps asking me for my wifi passkey14:43
ompaulund3va, and it is public space or private space, is it 192 or or 169 or something else14:43
Prefixis the entry in your keyring manager?14:43
joshritgerYes, there is an entry for: passphrase for wireless network "name"14:44
joshritgerIf I show the key it is a bunch of numbers and letters14:45
und3vai've installed ubuntu server, then i'set up my ip address for my internet connection and then for my secondary lan card like this :, then i connected my windows machine to the secondary lan card14:45
Prefixthen it should work :<14:45
joshritgerwhat should the application be that it is working with?14:45
joshritgerunder the application tab?14:45
joshritgermine says nm-applet14:46
myth-newbMy lcd device will display lcdproc server and the time but how do i get it to do anything else?14:46
patogen"Dumb question" but I create a simple script in nano to be run daily in cron14:46
patogencan I put comments with #14:46
patogenin it?14:46
cwillupatogen, probably, but it depends on the language;  presumably bash or sh?14:46
patogencwillu: bash14:46
cwillupatogen, ya, # will work for comments14:47
prince_jammysthen yes14:47
patogenthank you :)14:47
patogencron was waaaay easier than I thought :)14:47
neztitiguys any one use mythtv ???14:48
cwilluneztiti, yep14:48
XceIIFolks: After following this forum (and directions) I now have a very nice looking desktop: That being said, I think it's time we thank the folks @ canonical with a donation from the heart of us folks who reveived this system for free. Thank you for donating to the (best) system on the plenet.14:48
neztiticwillu:  please help me14:48
neztiticwillu: no upnp backends found14:48
cwilluneztiti, how did you install it?14:49
neztiticwillu:  from synaptic14:49
cwilluneztiti, which package?14:50
neztiticwillu: 2114:50
cwillunot which version, which package14:50
neztiticwillu:  sudo apt-get install libmyth-0.21-0 libmyth-dev libmyth-perl libmyth-python mythtv-backend-master mythtv-backend mythtv-common mythtv-database mythtv-doc mythtv-frontend  mythtv-transcode-utils mythtv ubuntu-mythtv-frontend14:51
cwilluneztiti, uninstall all that (just change install to remove;  the files' will still be cached for later)14:51
=== Spack971_ is now known as Spack971
cwilluneztiti, now while that's running, is it a dedicated box, or is still going to be a desktop in some way?14:52
neztiticwillu:  how ?????14:52
cwilluneztiti, rerun the line, but change 'install' to 'remove'14:52
neztiticwillu: ok14:52
cwilluneztiti, we're going to do this the easy way, but first we're going to clean up the mess :p14:52
neztiticwillu: thank u m8 4 ur help14:53
neztiticw done14:53
cwilluneztiti, okay, now, is this computer going to be only for a tv?14:54
neztiticwillu: lets go 2 privite room pls14:54
blindNautilus seems to have some problems copying files to my PSP.. is this normal?14:54
neztiticwillu: yes14:54
monziehi all14:54
cwilluneztiti, /msg me14:54
monziemy laptop over heats on Ubuntu 7.1014:54
legend2440i enabled network monitor plugin in xchat. What is it supposed to be doing?14:54
monziecan someone help please?14:54
blindmonzie, is it only Ubuntu that overheats it? Have you tried cleaning out your fans?14:55
le_renouveauI just created a new ext3 partition with GParted but I can't do anything to it. (New Folder, Copy Files, etc.)14:55
monzieblind: yes only ubuntu. It stays cooler on Opensolaris. Completely cool on windows ( i triple-boot)14:55
cwillumonzie, define overheat14:56
monziecwillu: it gets and stays at the 48-50C mark.. Fans only start after 55C or so14:56
rrplayla_renovuveau: check to see /etc/fstab14:56
marx2kWhat's the grep to show lines with ".nfo" but not lines with ".nfo" with "Re:" in them?14:56
marx2k(.nfo should be at the end, Re: should be at the beginning of the line)14:57
gvsa123how come my login screen is smaller now?14:57
joshritgerI need some help with ntfs-config. Everytime I restart a drive with a different name takes the mount spot of the drive that I want to mount.14:57
jribmarx2k: -v tells grep to discard things so you would do: grep .nfo | grep -v Re:14:57
marx2kerr, whats the regex, not the grep :)14:57
cwillumonzie, fans start running earlier on win/bsd, or not at all?14:57
monziecwillu: they work just fine on windows14:57
jribmarx2k: does not exist14:57
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU14:58
marx2kjrib: that must exist. that's what regex is all about :) I just dont know regex well :)14:58
cwillumonzie, but do they run, or does it stay at that temperature without the fans running?14:58
jribmarx2k: you would do it the way I said with grep14:58
wodenwhat is the default theme for gnome?14:58
kane77how can I use tor with irc in ubuntu?14:58
Odd-rationalekane77: Pidgin?14:59
marx2kjrib: nah, KLibido has a filter function to list only articles to my specifications, and it uses regex as the filter14:59
monziecwillu: fans do not run normally. Only when the laptop gets really hot. They stop when the temp gets down to 50C, which is uncomfortable14:59
brobostigonkane77: if you try to connect to freenode with tor, it will refuse connection14:59
kane77brobostigon, oh.. didn't know that...14:59
brobostigonkane77: freenode will not let you connect to freenode through tor15:00
cwillumonzie, so generally on the windows side (just for example), it doesn't need to keep the constantly fans running to stay at a reasonable temperature?15:00
prince_jammysmarx2k: ending in .nfo ?15:00
drewbyHallo, I'm try to write script that will ssh into a server and do a subversion update so that I can easily preview my code online.  How would I pass a password to ssh if I were writing a script?15:00
Eulexmonzie, what brand is this laptop?15:00
marx2kprince_jammys yep15:00
kane77brobostigon, nevermind.. I'm sometimes paranoid for no reason... :)15:00
marx2kso some lines are like "blah blah blah.nfo" while others are "Re: blah blah blah.nfo"15:01
monzieEulex: Acer Aspire 292015:01
marx2kI only want to see the first kind of lines, not the latter15:01
wodenWhen I start Ubuntu I get a black screen, but if start in "recovery" mode and then choose to do a "normal" boot, I can get to the GDM login screen.15:01
brobostigonkane77: it works for most other things, but that was one thing i found that it never works,15:01
joshritgerI just installed gutsy after building a new pc, I had previously used fiesty. I am having some issues with ntfs-config, how do I reset fstab to its defaults?15:01
monzieEulex, cwillu:15:01
monziemanish@freedom:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZS0$ cat temperature15:01
monzietemperature:             43 C15:01
le_renouveaurrplay: Hi, what should I see in fstab?15:01
monziethis is hot, and fans are not on right now15:01
amikropBattle for Wesnoth problem solved. The wesnoth-music package is required, although it is not a package requirement. Proposed fix: make wesnoth-music a package requirement for the wesnoth package (like wesnoth-data).15:01
rrplayrenouv: check to see the neew partition is there and mountable15:02
cwillumonzie, is there anything running (run top from a terminal) that's pegging the cpu?15:02
drewbyI have wesnoth working and I do not have the music package.15:02
monziecwillu: nope15:02
le_renouveaurrplay: I'm completely new to linux, I have no clue how to do that15:02
polteranyone else having issues booting up using the RT-kernel?15:03
rrplayrenouv:look at newbiw guides in forums before you play arounf with etc/fstab15:03
kfbishopdrewby: Look at ssh-keygen locally, and put results into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote system15:03
le_renouveaurrplay: thanks, will do15:04
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter15:04
ks3marx2k: ^[^R][^e][^:].*\.nfo will kinda work15:04
rrplayrenouv: take your time and good luck15:04
elphiascan anyone help me configure irssi? i have no clue how to adjust the config file to connect to the servers i want them too15:04
drewbythanks kfbishop15:05
* N3bunel saluta15:05
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.15:05
polteralso #irssi may provide better help15:05
XceIIIrssi is tex based15:05
myth-newbcan someone help me my lcd just displays the time nothing coming from myth or anywhere else15:06
elphiasthank you for your help15:07
IdleOneelphias, irrsi.org has agreat FAQ15:07
wodenWhere is the theme chooser in Ubunut?15:07
elphiasthanks becasue i have one heck of a time with these howtoos XD so much work to connect to only a few channels and servers15:07
Sinnermanwoden, system, preferences, appearance.15:08
elphiasi found the irssi config script that you get when you instal it via apt-get15:08
elphiasbut other than that i have no idea how to adjust it to auto log and provide passwords15:08
blindyou can customize the script from within irssi15:08
Sinnermanwoden alternately, you can right click on the desktop, choose change background, and instead, choose the 'themes' tab.15:08
archmanhow can i view my wireless connection status in terminal? (duration, sent/receiver etc)15:08
blindelphias: autolog is easy. check /help15:08
blindelphias: passwords, if it's not available, there'll be a script for it. There's a bunch of scripts at irssi.org15:09
wodenSinnerman: Where can I choose the icon set?15:09
mEck0hi! I wonder if Quake Wars - Enemy Territory and Unreal Tournament III works in linux now?15:09
Prefixnot yet15:09
mEck0Prefix, none of them?15:10
elphiasright but lets say i want irssi to join x channel on quakenet and x channels on freenode and do passwords and correct nick assignment15:10
XceII irrsi.org15:10
Sinnermanwoden once you're on the theme tab, choose customize. there's another tab in the dialog that comes up for icons.15:10
rrplayle_renouveau: for example fstab guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313115:11
bazhangarchman: you got wireless going?15:12
Glock7anyone know where i can download linux-header-generic15:13
archmanbazhang: yes, now.15:13
brobostigonGlock7: synaptic15:14
bazhangarchman: nice! how did you do it?15:14
archmanbazhang: running from terminal15:14
shishirmkguys can you name a good clean and clear php ide in ubuntu15:14
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bazhangarchman well done ;]15:14
wodenWhere can I set the horizontal and vertical sync for my monitor?15:14
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:15
archmanbazhang; dhclient; up; iwconfig essid; key (s:ASCII); managed mode; sudo dhclient   --up and running15:15
Glock7brobostingon., i don't have internet connection with my linux computer15:15
Kleggenshishirmk: geany works fine...15:15
longtimeuseri see the problem is Pici or any1 who can speak to me just speak15:15
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shishirmkgeany is only a text editor how do i do the testing?15:15
brobostigon!aptoncd | Glock715:15
ubotuGlock7: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers15:15
wodenWhere can I set the horizontal and vertical sync for my monitor?15:16
archmanbazhang: hot to disconnect? is there another way instead of ifconfig ethX down?15:16
Kleggenshishirmk: You will need a installation of php or a server with php.15:16
wodenWhere can I set the horizontal and vertical sync for my monitor?  I don't see anything in my xorg.conf file.15:16
XceIIHave a super day folks.15:16
archmanbazhang: also, how to see status of connection?15:17
shishirmkKleggen: i have a server with php but dont want the pain of going there and pasting it there running it from there and stuff15:17
bazhangarchman hang on a sec15:17
evilofishoHi, I recently installed the Nvidia driver and it -COMPLETELY- messed up my display, when I set the monitor and the graphics card to the ones I use the screen just turns black and remains like that. D:15:17
rrplaywoden: do you know the sync rates for you moniitor?15:17
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longtimeuserkernel = linux is a problem . you say windows is a  problem i can say windows can understand post processing duration between clicks and rejects over reaction to the system while ubuntu doesnt and just lags with a conflict in some occasions of what im talking about .15:17
wodenrrplay: Yes I know what they are exactly.15:17
Kleggenshishirmk: There is no program allowing you to test php applications without a server.15:17
shishirmkKleggen: what about bluefish?15:18
rrplaywoden: what vid adapter do you have15:18
jaeming_best way to install nvidia is download the binary from their website and run it, without X being on I might add15:18
wodenrrplay:  But I don't see any existing sync lines in the Section "Monitor" part of my xorg.conf and I am unsure of the proper formatting.15:18
wodenrrplay:  GeForce 8800GTX.15:18
aspirecan any one tell me which packages I need to get to run a python script?15:18
Kleggenshishirmk: Guess it work.15:18
rrplaywoden what vid adapter do you have15:18
shishirmkok fine i will give it a try15:18
wodenrrplay:  GeForce 8800GTX.15:18
erUSULaspire: python is already installed15:18
evilofishojaeming_, How do you "Close down" X? I've tried it before, it just starts up again.15:19
brobostigonaspire: all you need is the main python package15:19
rrplaywoden: do you geet an nvidia logo at boot ?15:19
jaeming_yeah, try alt ctrl f3 or f215:19
jaeming_then have to close it15:19
aspirebrobostigon: I belive that this is what I need15:19
rrplaywoden: nvidia-settings in the terminal15:19
wodenrrplay:  I installed the proprietary nvidia driver.15:19
bloody`hey guys, my ubuntu on my laptop freezes on me, for no obvious reason, running different apps. it requires me to hold my power button and hardreboot. it is not the ram, ive run memtest for 24 hours15:19
bullgard4What is the funktion of the process kondemand/0?15:20
maz_hello ... can anyobe help me with keyring please :)15:20
evilofishojaeming_, did that.. it just forces me to the login screen.15:20
jaeming_then login15:20
brobostigonaspire: look in synaptic15:20
bloody`maz_, what do you need?15:20
izinucsevilofisho: ctrl+alt+f2 then log in and type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     that stops the x server15:20
Kleggenevilofisho: You could stop the X server process...15:20
rrplaywoden: nvidia-settings in the terminal15:20
aspireyes the problem is that it returns a whole lot of results?15:20
jaeming_telinit 315:20
wodenrrplay:  That program is not installed.15:20
aspireis there any package that I can get that would resolve my problem in particular?15:21
maz_he bloody, how can I get Keyring to automaticly connect my wireless without asking for the password :)15:21
rrplaywoden do you geet the nvidia logo at boot ??15:21
evilofishoIzinucs, Kleggen, Jaeming_, Okay.. Thanks.15:21
jaeming_oh my!, I'm out of alchohol and it's already 4:21 am, where to get more? :(15:21
aspirebrobostigon: I need two things, one is phyton and the other is WXphyton15:22
ompaul!offtopic | jaeming_15:22
ubotujaeming_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:22
bazhangarchman you want this in gui or cli? as far as checking the dl/ul speed of your connection; I know conky for the gui (superkaramba for kde)--let me check further for cli15:22
wodenrrplay:  No I don't but that could be another problem I am having.  I can't boot Ubuntu normally.  It just goes to a black screen forever.  I have to choose "recovery" mode and then choose "normal boot" in order to get to the GDM login screen.15:22
bloody`maz_, the application you want to use is 'nm-applet'15:22
bloody`maz_, set the keyring up for that15:22
archmanbazhang: i'm using gnome15:22
jaeming_warned. okay. I did try to help with the nvidia at least15:22
fraserhi guys, for some reason network-admin does not seem to be able to recognise my wireless card. i am on a toshiba with an atheros wireless card with an AMD6415:22
rrplaywoden : that's because you do not have them installed properly15:23
bazhangarchman thus my suggestion of conky for gui15:23
archmanbazhang: but i would like to see status in terminal; also, how to disconnect?15:23
archmanjust ifconfig ethX down?15:23
wodenrrplay:  Have what installed proplery?  My nvidia driver?  I was having the same problem even before I installed the proprietary driver.15:23
=== perisa is now known as cari
Kleggenfraser: It may be lack of driver. Also Asus Eee comes with atheros wireless card, and there is made a eeeXubuntu to ship the correct driver.15:24
Glock7could i install linux-headers-generic from a ubuntu cd15:24
phoenix5002can someone please help me get suspend working on my laptop?  I am desperate I've been trying to get it working since the day I installed Ubuntu.15:24
rrplaywoden: here you go see posst here from cappy http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-481650.html get the lates from nvidia 1st and follow15:24
=== cari is now known as CWunpas
rrplaywoden: make a text file of dcappy post so you can read it in a terminal and go from there15:25
fraserKleggen, thanks for the hint but i know a guy who has the exact same driver and runs ubuntu and wireless worked out of the box, no installation it worked from the live cCD15:25
wodenrrplay:  But I'm not using the drivers from nvidia.com.  I am using the ubuntu nvidia drivers...15:25
rrplaywoden: this will give a full nvidia accel for your card15:26
wodenrrplay:  It's working right now though.  I have wobbly windows and everything.  3D desktop effects..15:27
crampani need some help installing real player on gutsy15:27
rrplaywoden: if you use ubuntu  get the nvidia-glx package see if you got it installed15:27
=== xxx is now known as fat-head
crampani downloaded realplayer10 gold but when i try to install it i get an error15:27
bazhangarchman dstat sudo apt-get install dstat15:27
wodenrrplay:  Yes, nvidia-glx-new is installed15:27
crampan./realplay- error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:28
izinucswoden: if its working .. it's working.. if your happy with no problems don't fix what's not broken...15:28
Kleggenfraser: Have a lock at http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu15:28
crampancan anyoe help please15:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:28
rrplaywoden: that post i gave you save it in case15:28
wodenizinucs:  But there is another problem.  When I boot Ubuntu in normal mode, my screen stays black forever.  I have to boot in "recovery" mode and then choose "normal boot" to get to the desktop.15:28
rrplaywoden: wanna OC that card   nvidia-xconfig --cool-bits=115:29
Jack_Sparrowwoden, HAve you posted your xorg in the pastebin?15:29
wodenJack_Sparrow:  Nope but I can.  It's just the default xorg.15:30
wodenwhere is the pastebin?15:30
Jack_Sparrowwoden, I gotta go, but people will want to see it..15:30
prince_jammyswoden: is the problem that ubuntu takes forever to boot (with black screen)?15:30
archmanbazhang: GREAT maaan !!!15:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:30
archmanbazhang: how to disconnect?15:31
prince_jammyswoden: do you see the splash screen when you start up?15:31
bradleycan any one help me get compiz fusion set up?15:31
bazhangarchman been a while for me but I though it was sudo interfacename(wlan0,etc)ifdown; others feel free to correct me15:31
wodenprince_jammys:  Well technically I haven't waited forever.  But I did wait a full 5 minutes and nothing happened.  It just sits there with a black screen with no hard drive activity.15:32
wodenprince_jammys: Nope, no splash screen at all.15:32
prince_jammyswoden: is this a laptop?15:32
Jack_Sparrowwoden, What version of ubuntu are you using15:32
bazhangbradley: you got the card to support it and the correct 3D drivers?15:32
bradleybazhang: yes15:32
wodenprince_jammys: No it's a desktop.  GeForce 8800 GTX video card.15:32
bradleybazhang: the effects work, i just need help making it look like those videos15:32
archmanbazhang: yeah, but it's, like, turning the card off...15:32
wodenJack_Sparrow:  8.04 Alpha 6.  But I had the same problem with 7.10.15:33
bazhangbradley and you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed?15:33
bradleybazhang: yes15:33
bazhangarchman oh you just want to break that particular connection?15:33
Jack_Sparrowwoden, You still need to be in +1 if you are using hardy15:33
archmanbazhang: yes15:33
wodenOk.  But it's a common problem with 7.10 also...15:33
prince_jammyswoden: this *may* be relevant (maybe not) http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen15:34
Jack_Sparrowwoden, If you are running Hardy...  you questions need to be asked in hardy15:34
bradleybazhang: yes, but i cannot get it to do anything15:35
archmanbazhang: how to do that?15:35
bazhangbradley you can type alt f2 compiz --replace to get it going; if you want the 3D cube or whatnot you can check the plugins and their keybindings to get that going15:35
katcitaeverytime I restart my computer or my network, my extra dns are removed, anyway I can get them to survive a restart?15:35
izinucsbradley: you have to install compiz config settings manager from synaptic.15:36
bazhangarchman you want to auto switch wireless connections midstream via the cli? something like that? not sure that I have ever done that not sure let me check15:36
archmanbazhang: i just want to end connection, to disconnect from particular wireless network.15:36
* delcoyote hi15:37
archmanvia terminal15:37
katcitaany idea about my dns?15:37
xxxhas flash been fixed?'15:37
=== xxx is now known as pie-face
cwilluxxx, afaik15:37
bazhangarchman hang on a sec15:37
pie-facein repo's?15:37
cwillupie-face, ^^^15:37
cwillutry it15:38
archmanok bazhang15:38
sotoAnyone familiar with httrack? How do I only mirror subdirectories? -D doesn't seem to do it...15:39
=== Netch7 is now known as Dima
phoenix5002I'm having a problem with some games not working with Ubuntu Hot-Keys.  and the games ARE native linux NOT using wine.  Even if I run it in a window it still won't let me do Alt+F4, Alt+TAB, Ctrl+Alt+Del, nothing....15:39
amenadoarchman just iwconfig wlan0 essid ""15:39
archmanamenado: ???15:39
archmani want to disconnect from essid15:40
amenadoarchman response to your question15:40
=== Dima is now known as Netch7
myth-newbIs anyone familiar with LCDproc? I am having troubles displaying anything other than "LCDproc server"15:40
amenadoarchman that effectively connects you to "" which dont exist15:40
archmanso i just iwconfig eth1 essid "<>" ?15:40
instabinWarsow need updated its an older version15:40
amenadoarchman-> try that15:40
archmanfake disconnection15:40
bazhangarchman I just usually put my laptop to sleep that does it for me ;]15:41
wodenWhat is the syntax to add vertical and horizontal sync lines to the "Monitor" section of my xorg.conf?15:41
archmanbut is there a real command for disconnect?15:41
archmanlol guys15:41
amenadoarchman ifdown eth115:41
izinucsinstabin: you can download a unified version directly from their website. unpack and run the executable without installing anything.15:41
archmanall good, thanks for the support !15:41
bazhangarchman bring down the nic15:41
ompaul!enter | archman  (  ;-)  )15:41
ubotuarchman  (  ;-)  ): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:41
brobostigonarchman: just, sudo ifdown wlan* stop15:41
derreckI have to sync a file on 2 servers. In this file, one line must not be synchronized. How can I do ?15:42
archmanamenado: yeah i know that one, not looking for it15:42
instabinizinucs ty15:42
archmanbrobostigon: ok, tnx15:42
rrplaywoden: same que as before nvidia-settings  in terminal15:42
crampanhello trying to install something but its complaining about not finding libstdc++.so.515:42
crampandoes anyone know how i can get it on my system #/15:43
Ward1983i want to multiboot between vista on a fakeraid raid0 partition and ubuntu 7.10 on another disk, but after install i got a grub error 17, offcourse it cant mount my fakeraid array... any solutions?15:43
ompaulcrampan, what are you trying to install, and how?15:43
madsporkmurdererI am having a few minor problems with my keyboard layout- it's set to uk and seems to be correct (quote and @ are the uk way round etc) except 2 minor things: the windoes key doesnt work and SHIFT+3 gives a 3 not a pound sign15:43
izinucsWard1983: you need to reinstall grub.. it was put on the wrong drive.  I'm on a win box now so I can't referance my notes..15:44
wodenrrplay:  I don't see any place to edit the sync15:44
bloody`hey guys, my ubuntu on my laptop freezes on me, for no obvious reason, running different apps. it requires me to hold my power button and hardreboot. it is not the ram, ive run memtest for 24 hours15:44
Ward1983izinucs, but i setup the correct drive15:44
rrplaywoden" and you typed nvidia-settings in the terminal ?15:45
joshritgerhow do i change the background color of my splash screen, I know how to change the splash screen, but the background behind it is still tan and i want it blue15:45
Sinnermanbloody` acpi issues? i don't know, i've not had that problem recently, but that might be worth looking into.15:45
ompaulmadsporkmurderer, check in menu: system preferences keyboard - as for the win key - no matter you can search for dead keys later15:45
wodenrrplay:  Yep.  I don't see any place to edit the horiz vert syncs15:45
izinucsWard1983: when you have multiple drives it sometimes happens that grub gets put in the wrong place..15:45
bloody`!acpi | bloody`15:45
izinucsWard1983: grub install is automatic.. you didn't do it..15:45
Ward1983izinucs, correct15:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:46
rrplaywoden: you got and gui for nvidia-settings it there15:46
izinucs!grub | Ward198315:46
ubotuWard1983: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:46
Ward1983izinucs, i qssumed it would be installed on the correct partition, the one i selected, apperantly the installer sucks :s15:46
ompaulmadsporkmurderer, btw win + 3  and win +1 are interesting15:46
Ward1983izinucs, thats the other way around15:46
Ward1983izinucs, i installed ubuntu after windows15:47
bloody`sinnerman, i dont use it . i keep it plugged in and running15:47
rrplaywoden:Xserver display configuration15:47
madsporkmurdererompaul: I cant find any useful settings to change in there- its already set to uk15:47
ompaulmadsporkmurderer, test with another keyboard15:48
izinucsWard1983: no.. you installed the system correctly. Grub needs to be in the mbr.. with multiple drives... if they are tagged as bootable the system chooses (I think) based on actual interface number ie ide channel 0 or 1, sata 0,1,2,3  and not by how the bios is configured15:48
wodenrrplay:  I'm there.  Says nothing about vert/horiz syncs15:48
Sinnermanbloody` like i said, i ain't too sure, but google kernel options, and acpi/noacpi or whatnot. i sort of came across that googling a somewhat slightly different issue. might be worth investigating.15:48
joshritgerhow do I change the background color behind the splash screen?15:48
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
rrplaywoden:: here you go   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:49
|Zippo|i can't delete a directory...15:49
|Zippo|?---------  ? ?        ?             ?                ? Templates15:49
madsporkmurdererompaul: nope- exactly the same15:49
|Zippo|what should I do?15:49
wodenrrplay:  I just did it manually.15:49
differentrealityhi... if i have installed ubuntu on a language, let's say greek.... that means that applications menu for example is in greek... can i change th language without formating ?15:49
rrplaywoden pick you res15:49
prince_jammysmadsporkmurderer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55068015:49
izinucsZippo is it in your home directory? or below it in files?15:49
|Zippo|my home15:49
ompaulmadsporkmurderer, well those in #ubuntu-uk  may know more15:50
Ward1983izinucs, oops, my mbr is on the raid0 array :s15:50
legend2440joshritger,  using gnome right?15:50
joshritgerI know how to change the splash screen, but not the background color15:50
izinucs|Zippo|: then rmdir -rf /home/<username>/<directory>15:51
chuckcan someone please fix the bcm43xx-fwcutter package...15:51
Odd-rationalejoshritger: Is that the background color after gdm and before the desktop?15:51
rrplaywoden did what manually  ???         run nvidia-settings15:51
chuckit's trying to download a nonexistant file during configuration, so it's hard to install15:51
joshritgeryes, it is still tan15:51
|Zippo|vinicius@mediacenter:~$ rmdir Templates15:51
|Zippo|rmdir: Templates: Device or resource busy15:51
joshritgereverything else is themed15:52
wodenrrplay:  I just edited my xorg.conf and added the horizsync and vertrefresh lines to the "Monitor" Section15:52
legend2440joshritger,  ok on top panel system>administration>login window>local15:52
Odd-rationalejoshritger: Try this: do "sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default"15:52
amenado|Zippo|-> how did get that anyways?  did your mount command failed? or wrong options?15:52
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, use gksudo gedit please15:52
Odd-rationalejoshritger: Near the end of that file you will find a hex code color. change that to whatever you want.15:52
rrplaywoden can you run nviidia-xconfig -A    and then read the options15:52
|Zippo|I really don't know how it became unreadble15:52
Prefixwhats the difference between sudo and gksudo?15:53
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: OK. Is that to be standard now?15:53
|Zippo|?---------  ? ?        ?             ?                ? Templates15:53
bloody`prefix, gksudo is graphical15:53
joshritgerlegend2440 I have tried that so i will have to try odd-rationale's tip15:53
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, gksudo has always been the std for gui aps15:53
|Zippo|it has no permission, no user, no group, no size...15:53
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:53
amenado|Zippo|-> you noticed that 1st time or all the time now after several reboots?15:53
madsporkmurdererPrince_jammy's link fixed the £ issue, thanks15:53
wodenrrplay:  what does nvidia-xconfig -A do?15:53
madsporkmurdererany ideas on the win key?15:53
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: What about gksu ?15:53
|Zippo|amenado: 1st time15:53
|Zippo|i'll reboot computer to check15:54
rrplaywoden: just type it and read please15:54
amenado|Zippo|-> try to reboot once more..15:54
|Zippo|i'll do that15:54
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: When I first started out, everyone told me to use sudo, so I kind of got used to it lol15:54
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, I never have needed to use gksu15:55
wodenrrplay:  That's a lot of reading...like pages and pages and pages...15:55
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: Is gksu graphical su and gksudo graphical sudo ? what is the real diff ?15:55
rrplaywoden: those are the option from nvidia   and your card if needed15:55
joshritgerOdd-rationale: Thanks, I think that will work.15:55
Odd-rationalejoshritger: np15:55
izinucsJack_Sparrow: what's the difference between gksu and gksudo.. or  is there a difference?15:56
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, Im a bit busy, someone will be able to wxplain the diff15:56
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: ok15:56
rrplaywoden: they will be necceassry from time to time if you want to optimize that 8800 carg15:56
wodenrrplay:  Ok thanks.15:56
rrplaywoden: esp with compizz magor hint in there15:57
Glock7anyone know how to add the ubuntu disc to synaptic?15:57
nickrudOdd-rationale: try:  ls -l /usr/bin/gksudo15:57
bazhangGlock7: did you initially install with a cd?15:58
Odd-rationalenickrud: So same ?15:58
Odd-rationalenickrud: gksudo links to gksu ?15:58
nickrudOdd-rationale: yes. they were slightly different (the details I'm not too sure of) but not any more15:58
Glock7im using a xandros distro of linux and i need linux-headers-generic15:58
bazhangGlock7: then why would you want it as an install resource15:59
Glock7i was trying to pull it from a ubuntu disc15:59
Odd-rationalenickrud: OK. I got it.15:59
Glock7i have no internet connection on the xandros machine15:59
nickrudOdd-rationale: and now, gksu-properties15:59
|Zippo|amenado: it's ok now15:59
|Zippo|amenado: thanks15:59
bazhangGlock7: #xandros? then you should head to their channel15:59
Notamisfitjust find the package in /pool and use dpkg -i15:59
fmooHey, is there a gtk tool to edit my path ?15:59
amenado|Zippo|-> okay you're welcome15:59
Glock7baxhang - someone suggested here because of the package i was trying to download16:00
nickrudfmoo: yes, gedit ;)16:00
=== horst is now known as RotzeKopf
Abdulzwhere can i get free dictionary database file for my bot to use?16:00
bazhangGlock7: this is for support of #ubuntu16:00
Glock7i understand - linux-headers-generic is a ubuntu package16:00
NotamisfitGlock7: The package should be in /pool/l or something like that. Just use dpkg -i to install it16:01
fmoonickrud: so you're saying edit .bashrc?  will binaries the added path be available to "Run Application"?16:01
bazhangGlock7: just go to packages.ubuntu.com and download it there16:01
nickrudGlock7: you can find the various -generic packages on packages.ubuntu.com16:01
Glock7thanks guys16:01
prince_jammysfmoo: yes16:02
nickrudfmoo: no. You can set that path in ~/.gnomerc for individual users (create it) or add them to the one in /etc/evironment for all16:02
DASPRiDwhich is the best way to crypt a root device >>after<< an installation (using dm-crypt)? i wouldn't like to reinstall the system16:02
fmoonickrud: thanks a bunch16:03
Odd-rationaleDASPRiD: Did you create a separate /boot partition ?16:03
DASPRiDOdd-rationale, sure16:03
Odd-rationaleDASPRiD: Actually, there is no way to do it without destroying all the data on the partition.16:04
DASPRiDOdd-rationale, some trick with backuping the root partition, crypting the partition and then copying the root back?16:04
DASPRiDwith a live-cd or so?16:04
killownhigh-freq, how I do to install oss4?16:05
Odd-rationaleDASPRiD: I'd rather reinstall than do that. But might be possible.16:05
killownops hi*16:05
nickrudDASPRiD: it'd probably be faster to clone your os then reinstall16:05
nickrud!clone | DASPRiD16:05
ubotuDASPRiD: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:05
lotiaany shell gurus on?16:06
DASPRiDnickrud, this still requires me to do all configs again16:06
bazhanglotia #bash shell?16:06
lotiaif so, how do i change this command find ./tool \( -name uploads -o -name config \) -prune -o -print0 | xargs  -0 -n1 -i cp -r {} stuff/ so that it preserves directory hierarchy16:06
DASPRiDthere's no way to clone the root paritiion and copy it back?16:06
nickrudDASPRiD: personal? or system?16:06
v3ctorlotia: all gurus are on holiday...try just asking a question16:06
DASPRiDnickrud, system, it's a server16:06
lotiav3ctor: nice :)16:06
nickrudDASPRiD: there is, but I'm not clueful on it myself16:07
prince_jammyslotia: #bash16:07
lotiaprince_jammys: k16:07
wodenHow do I move the trash bin off the panel and onto the desktop where it's supposed to be?16:07
prince_jammyslotia: if noone is around, type !find16:07
DASPRiDnickrud, well i will have to ask google then :)16:07
nickrud!google | (courtesy of bazhang :)16:08
ubotu(courtesy of bazhang :): google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux16:08
bazhangnickrud haha16:08
axzGuys how to burn a img file to the dvd?16:08
izinucsaxz: use k3b16:08
axzi 'm on Gnome16:08
bruenigaxz: use cdrecord16:08
bruenigor wodim16:08
prince_jammyshow come joey always repeats the google link?16:08
brueniggrowisofs is a front end for those16:09
nickrudprince_jammys: he's don that before?16:09
izinucsaxz: doesn't matter still works16:09
ubotugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux16:09
wodenI need help adding vertical and horizontal refresh for my xorg.conf.  Can anyone help please?16:09
nickrudwhatver google16:09
stefan_woden: try the xorg reconfigure and let it estimate? usually works just fine :)16:09
nickrud!google joeytwiddle is a bot16:09
DASPRiDnickrud, this sould work, shouldnt it? cp -a `find / -maxdepth 1 \( \! -name proc -a \! -name sys -a \! -name dev \) -print`16:09
DASPRiDwhen on a live-cd16:09
wodenstefan_:  But I know the exact numbers.  I want to do it manually.16:10
rrplaywoden: s ee this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26273.html  re shakin post16:10
stefan_woden: then sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -> edit -> save -> Ctrl + Backspace to restart X16:10
fmoomy display isn't supported by Ubuntu, but I have a modeline that "just works"16:10
wodenstefan_:  How do I edit?  I don't know the syntax.16:11
nickrudDASPRiD: I'll take your word for it, I'm a real low level find user16:11
stefan_woden: the link rrplay gave you should explain it all :)16:11
rrplaywoden: that was for your trash bin16:11
fmooshould I be giving it to the xorg people or ubuntu?16:11
wodenrrplay:  Got it thanks.16:11
stefan_wode: though you can use any graphic editor yo edit the file if you want16:11
rrplaywoden: you can also kinda google that que16:12
wodenstefan_:  I'm comfortable with vi.  I just need to know the syntax to add the vertical/horizontal sync numbers to my "Monitor" section in the xorg.conf16:12
Jack_Sparrowfmoo, At this point I dont think it matters as the HArdy Xorg will be entirely different and your change is unlikely to be incoporated16:12
stefan_woden: ah, your current xorg.conf doesn't have a monitor section with preset refreshrates at the moment?16:13
nickrudfmoo: you should document it carefully (include /var/log/Xorg.0.log with and without and /etc/X11/xorg.conf) in a bug on bugs.ubuntu.com16:13
wodenstefan_:  That is correct.16:13
stefan_woden: ok, hang on :)16:13
prince_jammys   HorizSync       30-10716:13
prince_jammys        VertRefresh     48-16016:13
wodenstefan_:  Thanks.16:13
ben__hey i am new to ubuntu and linux in general, i need to learn how to locate my applications in the filesystem16:13
wodenprince_jammys:  Not quotes around the numbers?16:13
stefan_woden: ah, jammy beat me to it ;)16:13
prince_jammyswoden that's what i have16:14
askandHi, I installed ubuntu with wubi and now I get this when trying to boot " SDB: assuming drive cache: write through" and some kind of commandline called inittram something...what can I do?16:14
wodenDo I put that in section "screen" or section "monitor" ?16:14
Notamisfitben__: executables are in /bin or /usr/bin16:14
DASPRiDnickrud, but yeah i'm going to do it your way16:14
prince_jammyswoden Monitor16:14
izinucsben__: did you install something that  you can't find now?16:14
ben__thank you very much16:14
rrplaywoden: again on a deb based sys you may need to run ifi you havent  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:14
nickrudDASPRiD: just back up /etc and all your data in /var I'd guess16:14
DASPRiDreinstalling the system with the dpkg clone method, but backuping /etc, /var and /home16:14
stefan_woden: you may want to do as rrplay said and edit the refresh values after yourself if required16:15
ben__well i have azurues installed and to use it i need to tell the torrent file to use azureus not transmission16:15
wodenprince_jammys;rrplay;stefan_:  Do I put that in section "Screen" or section "Monitor" ?16:15
prince_jammyswoden: in Monitor16:15
wodenok thanks16:15
DASPRiDnickrud, have to do it for my desktop system anyway, because i dont have splitted the boot/root partition here :)16:15
rrplayprince   your a prince thakx16:15
Abdulzwhere can i get free dictionary database file ? max comprehensive16:16
stefan_has anybody tried the latest ati drivers (manual compile) with the repository compiz fusion?16:16
Abdulzwhere can i get free dictionary database file ? max comprehensive?16:16
nickrudDASPRiD: I don't split out /boot anymore (I have had both 32bit and 64bit ubuntu on the same machine and having a separate shared boot won't work for that) , but I do keep a separate home16:16
ompaul!repeat | Abdulz16:17
ubotuAbdulz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:17
DASPRiDnickrud, when encrypting root you need seperated boot ;)16:17
nickrudDASPRiD: ding! ding! the winna !16:17
debianI want my DGX220 Philips usb speakers to work, how?16:17
prince_jammysDASPRiD: careful with just copying using cp like that (unless you already know it works) -- i was reading online about problems when the dirs contain hard links16:17
BadSectorHas anyone has any success with running Ubuntu on a geforce 6100 card?  I have tried Evny (all 3 drivers) and the suggested one, all with no luck... anyone got any more help for this?16:18
DASPRiDprince_jammys, i know that there are no hardlinks, that's fine16:18
wodenprince_jammys:  Does this look correct?16:18
woden  Section "Monitor"16:18
woden        Identifier      "Configured Monitor"16:18
woden        HorizSync       31.5-81.016:18
woden        VertRefresh     56-6016:18
FloodBot2woden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:18
NotamisfitBadSector: not since edgy16:18
ompaul!paste | woden (please don't do that again)16:19
ubotuwoden (please don't do that again): pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:19
Jack_Sparrowwoden, Numbers look a bit generic, are they for your specific monitor16:19
izinucsBadSector: the 6000 series cards are very stable.. not sure why you're having an issue.. I used the restricted graphics manager to install the right driver. Never used envy.. I think it installs the latest and greatest which isn't always what you need.16:19
debianIs it possibole to use usb speakers in ubuntu?16:19
wodenJack_Sparrow:  yes it's for my monitor http://www.necdisplay.com/Products/Product/?Product=437c10b5-a864-4f76-a011-5113f615794016:19
prince_jammyswoden: did you look at the other link i posted some time ago?16:20
stefan_BadSector: I take it you're tried the restricted drivers?16:20
wodenprince_jammys:  For the trash icon on the desktop?  Or was it something else?16:21
prince_jammyswoden: for the splash screen and black screen on startup16:21
ArmyMan007hi all16:21
wodenprince_jammys:  I may have missed it.  But that is still a problem.16:21
ArmyMan007I need some help with how to configure my Xubuntu network16:21
prince_jammyswoden http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen16:22
ArmyMan007preffer privet chat16:22
wodenprince_jammys:  Thanks I will check it out right now16:22
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:22
nonix4BadSector: Umm, google search shows signs of evil monopolistic behaviour - planned obsolesence of 6100 :/16:22
wodenprince_jammys:  I'm not using any of those resolutions.  I'm using 1680x1050.16:23
wodenprince_jammys:  But I know I can take out the "quiet" and the "splash" from the end of the kernel line and that will fix the problem.16:24
ShaffoxHow can you see which ip adresses are up in your lan?16:24
ArmyMan007can anyone still help me out? please?16:24
hermeshey, how can i resize and split a md raid 0 partition on 2 drives, the raid partition is running raiserfs16:24
* nonix4 hopes that isn't the case tho...16:24
hermesgparted wont do it16:24
brobostigonShaffox: nmap16:25
BadSectornonix4: so you think that i'm just screwed w/ this card?   I have tired the suggested Restiricted driver, no luck.. and the other 3 driver going by Envy have done teh same thing... so sad... guess no ubuntu on this machine :(16:25
nonix4hermes: resize and split? well if you're not already using lvm, that thing will get tricky - easiest way is copying to another partition & recreating16:25
Shaffoxbrobostigon, you need nmap just to check how many pc's are connected to your lan?16:25
ArmyMan007i need help with configuring the network on Xubuntu (version 7.04) don't know how...16:25
kingDiamondce faci mah pe aci?16:25
NotamisfitBadSector: what kind of error are you getting?16:25
kingDiamonde careva din romania?16:25
hermesnonix4, yea i thought so, btw can i run LVM and raid0 ?16:26
nonix4BadSector: there could be a way to get them restricted drivers working too...16:26
Abdulz any good dictionary , comprehensive that can give me a database file in format of <word>space<defintion>     on each line?16:26
prince_jammyswoden here is a xorg.conf from somebody with your monitor : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=694162&page=416:26
=== ArmyMan007 is now known as please_help_me_w
BadSectorNotamisfit: the screen just freaks out after a few mins... all wavy, can't read a thing...16:26
brobostigonShaffox: nmap will not just check the ip on your lan but the details of all the machines on your lan, read the tutorial on nmap website for full details16:26
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nonix4hermes: sure, although lvm can do striping on its own w/out raid0 code if wanted...16:26
BadSectornonix4: do ya have a link for help on it?16:26
hermesnonix4, thats wanted :)16:26
wodenprince_jammys:  Thanks.  I see that in my menu.1st the kernel loads with "splash" and "quiet".  I know if I take off those 2 my system will boot fine.16:27
Shaffoxbrobostigon, oké, thanks16:27
ArmyMan007I could still use some help... please...16:27
nickrud!ro | kingDiamond16:27
ubotukingDiamond: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro16:27
NotamisfitBadSector: that's kinda odd; if the card isn't supported, usually it'll just fail right off the bat16:27
stefan_ArmyMan007: ifconfig configures your network connections :)16:27
ArmyMan007stefan: I don't know how to use ifconfig16:27
ArmyMan007stefan: n00b with Xubuntu16:28
BadSectorNotamisfit: i know... i have compiz running, and it looks very nice.. but after a few mins, it will go all like "squelched" on me...16:28
stefan_ArmyMan007: It's a command line program, google knows all about that one.16:28
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nickrudArmyMan007: a wired connection16:28
NotamisfitBadSector: how does the card work with compiz turned off?16:28
nickrud!google | stefan_16:28
ubotustefan_: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux16:28
BadSectorNotamisfit: i will attempt that next i guess.. but I do really want the fluff :)16:29
ArmyMan007stefan: will it help me to setup my wireless internet connection?16:29
nickrudArmyMan007: that was a question, and obviously not :)16:29
NotamisfitBadSector: yeah I know, but compiz/aiglx do some weird shit with video cards sometimes16:29
stefan_ArmyMan007: wireless is a different story16:29
stefan_ArmyMan007: you'll need iwconfig for that :)16:29
wodenprince_jammys:  what is the code for vga= if my resolution is 1680x1050?16:29
Notamisfitdoes xubuntu not ship with network manager?16:29
ArmyMan007stefan: well16:29
Odd-rationaleNotamisfit: It does.16:29
ArmyMan007stefan: I need to setup my wireless connection16:29
rausb0Notamisfit: xubuntu 7.10 does16:30
BadSectorNotamisfit: so i should go thru the synaptic manager and uninstall the compiz stuff?16:30
Notamisfituse that then, it works better16:30
ArmyMan007stefan: I don't know how to do so16:30
zbigniew_Dzień dobry16:30
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
prince_jammyswoden: i don't know. maybe you can try a lower res that's supported for the startup screen.  then X will take over with your other settings16:30
stefan_ArmyMan007: well what is the problem exactly16:30
stefan_ArmyMan007: is the wireless card detected?16:30
NotamisfitBadSector: shouldnt be necessary System->Preferences->Appearance has a panel to turn it off16:30
choix-du-jourHi all, I had a problem upgrading to Gutsy Gibbon, how can repeat excluding the !st attempt?16:30
ArmyMan007stefan: there is no specific problem. I need guideness on how "to do" it all16:30
knoppixalguna chica16:31
BadSectorNotamisfit: thx for the help, i will give that a shot16:31
stefan_ArmyMan007: well in that case... look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo16:31
prince_jammys!es | knoppix16:31
ubotuknoppix: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:31
NotamisfitBadSector: k16:31
prince_jammysand !ot16:31
ArmyMan007stefan: hope this helps16:32
stefan_ArmyMan007: good luck :)16:32
ArmyMan007stefan: be back in a bit... l8er :-)16:32
mortal1does anyone know where you set midnight commander's "open with" functionality?16:33
stefan_can anybody enlighten me on the latest ati driver's (non repository) compatibillity with the repos. compiz?16:33
rausb0mortal1: ~/.mc/bindings16:33
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mortal1rausb0: I see tree, history and ini16:34
crackhead_25what is going wrong if when i click, applications, no menu drop down pops up from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen?16:34
nickrudstefan_: it works without xserver-xgl. If you use http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide it should integrate reasonably well16:35
prince_jammyscrackhead_25: you can't access the applications menu?16:35
isaacj87hey everyone, does anyone know where I can find online radio stations to add to Banshee?16:35
rausb0mortal1: cp /etc/mc/mc.ext ~/.mc/bindings16:35
rrplaystefan: look here as well as compiz for new info http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-488385.html16:35
amenadoisaacj87-> dont know if banshee plays these  shoutcast.com16:35
stefan_thanks guys16:35
isaacj87amenado, I'll give it a shot :)16:36
stefan_using the repos version now, looking to update the driver but was wondering about the system-break chance :P lol16:36
nickrudstefan_: hm, it's saying that the 8.3 version won't work with gutsy, it needs a more recent X. That's new16:37
isaacj87amenado, thanks! i think banshee can16:37
rrplaysetfan: hang on i ll check compiz16:37
amenadoisaacj87-> good to know that16:38
stefan_I've got it working with xgl at the moment :)16:38
isaacj87amenado, yeah, apparently banshee can handle any *.pls file16:38
isaacj87amenado, well, we'll see ;)16:38
stefan_rrplay: kk, will be here16:39
rrplaysefan: what card ?16:39
stefan_x700 mobillity16:39
stefan_in the mean time: if anybody can suggest an irc client less unorganized than xchat I'd be a happy camper XD16:40
Abdulzfor dictd what is the name of the database that contains the words and definitions ?16:40
fahadsadahI typed "sudo rm -rf /". Is there any way to repair the damage? (I stopped it at around /dev)16:40
amenadotoo late16:41
prince_jammysoh boy16:41
bazhangruh roh16:41
amenadothe only way to repaits is install16:41
fahadsadahLoad's of settings were lost, but that's about it16:41
prince_jammysreinstalling is faster than repairing that16:41
KwisatzHaderac1stefan: I use pidgin for my IRC client16:41
=== KwisatzHaderac1 is now known as KwisatzH
fahadsadahIt still works16:42
stefan_thanks KwisatzH16:42
prince_jammysfahadsadah: what did you delete?16:42
rrplaystefan: a lot of upgrade maybe look here ?? http://www.chr05210084.com/content/install-compiz-fusion-ubuntu-gutsy-using-ati-video-card16:42
fahadsadahWell, the /bin and /boot seem to be well stocked16:42
fahadsadahAnd they are first up16:42
prince_jammysfahadsadah: what settings were you talking about?16:43
ipefahadsadah: save your data then reinstall16:43
fahadsadahI can't open a terminal16:43
macncheez3000what is a good strandalone rss reader16:43
stefan_rrplay: I actually have it working buddy :) Was just looking for the bleeding edge driver compatibillity with compiz16:43
fahadsadahOpening an xchat lost my default network16:43
stefan_rrplay: the second link you gave me told me everything I needed to know :)16:43
prince_jammysfahadsadah: backup and reinstall16:43
stefan_rrplay: thanks a lot :)16:44
MenZaI'm getting the "timestamp too far in future" error whenever I use sudo. How is it I fix this again?16:44
rrplaystefan" sure16:44
=== yasuo is now known as yasuo|kara
fahadsadahWhen I've successfully backed everything up, can I finish the job?16:44
Eulexhello, how is nvidia.ko installed on ubuntu? it doesn't appear to be in any installed package... but I've got it.16:44
prince_jammysfahadsadah: sure16:44
prince_jammysfahadsadah: for fun?16:45
credibleEulex: it comes from linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)16:45
AdamNessAnyone here using Monodevelop from Gutsy?16:45
nickrud!clone | fahadsadah (this might help speed up the reinstall)16:45
ubotufahadsadah (this might help speed up the reinstall): To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:45
Eulexcredible, I'll check, but odd then that dpkg -S doesn't find it16:45
stefan_MenZa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17350516:45
MenZastefan_: thank you.16:45
credibleEulex: that's because it's linked at boot by an init script16:46
wodencan I mount an ntfs drive and copy data from it back to my ubuntu partition?16:46
AdamNessMy Monodevelop dies every time I try to save a project with menus in it.16:46
prince_jammyswoden: yes16:46
stefan_MenZa: last post on page one seems to have all you need :)16:46
fahadsadahI can't execute that command16:47
fahadsadahTerminal won't open16:47
Eulexcredible, wow, why is that?16:47
prince_jammysfahadsadah: do you have another computer?16:47
nickrudfahadsadah: try clt-alt-f2 , log in there16:47
fahadsadahNo good, the shell won't load16:48
RoshanHello all, can anyone tell me if there is any way I can increase my latency while playing online games like WoW? I seem to be having very high lag16:48
lonejackhi, what is the best family of RAID controllers ubuntu compatible?16:48
fahadsadahBash is in /bin16:48
prince_jammysfahadsadah: do you have another computer?16:48
KwisatzHRoshan: you mean decrease your latency right?16:48
stefan_backup the data in home and reinstall? rm - rf = ouch16:48
RoshanSorry :)16:48
AdamNessHow do I update Mono to a cutting edge (1.2.6) version in Ubuntu?16:48
prince_jammysfahadsadah: does your other comp run linux?16:48
fahadsadahWhen I tried it on another computer, it stopped16:49
wodenprince_jammys:  How do I do it?16:49
fahadsadahprince_jammys, no16:49
onesup every116:49
prince_jammysfahadsadah: is there another partition in your current computer?16:49
beautifulsnowHi, no one is winehq is able to help so I figured I would ask here. My game is fully compatible with Wine, and always runs perfect (been running it for months) but now the game just runs in the background... I can't bring it to the foreground. Even if I say: wine Gw.exe --windowed, it just disapears into the background. Would apreciate any advice you may have.16:49
wodenHow do I mount my ntfs drive?16:49
fahadsadahI've got another disk16:49
KwisatzHRoshan: I would suggest get a higher tier broadband service if that's an option16:49
fahadsadahwoden, install ntfs-3g16:50
prince_jammysfahadsadah: you could then boot from live cd and mount the disks and copy the files to back up16:50
fahadsadahBacking up is not an issue16:50
prahal_hi do you have patch for gnome-cups-manager to get it to support "dynamic ppd" (hpijs.drv) ? I saw that you used hplip 2.8 which provides this dynamic ppd generator16:50
stefan_AdamNess: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17350516:50
fahadsadahI can do that easily16:50
wodenfahadsadah: it's already installed how do I use it16:50
prince_jammysfahadsadah: what's the issue?16:50
fahadsadahDo I absolutely have to reinstall?16:50
rrplaywoden: then check you /etc/fsatb file ntfs-3g in that line16:51
=== rencore__ is now known as rencore_
RoshanKwisatzH: Unfortunately I cant do that, but WoW seems to be working better on windows, so there must be some way to make it work better on ubuntu too16:51
fahadsadahThere isn't some sorta "repair" function like in XP?16:51
prince_jammyswoden: grep ntfs /etc/fstab and paste here16:51
fabiodont't paste here16:51
prince_jammysits only one line16:51
wodenUUID=861CEC081CEBF15B /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       116:51
fahadsadahYh, pastebin.ca16:51
rrplaybeautifulsnow: that may be a que for  chat#wine16:51
_moro_bana_hello everyone! i  have problem with changing into a differnt directory here, have "mysite " inside "bkcode" . cd ~/bkcode worked but i failing to move int mysite16:51
prince_jammyswoden can you browse to /media/sda116:52
shadowh511if yiu want to repair it reinstall with your current installation as root16:52
stefan_cd mysite?16:52
wodenprince_jammys:  yes :)16:52
beautifulsnowrrplay: Im aware of that, I also sayd they are not responding there, so I figured I'd ask Ubuntians16:52
prince_jammyswoden: that's it16:52
fahadsadahshadowh511, it's not like that16:52
wodenprince_jammys: sweet16:52
Odd-rationale_moro_bana_: Try cd ~/bkcode/mysite16:52
fahadsadahI ran sudo rm -rf /16:52
nickrudfahadsadah: you could manually unpack libc6 and coreutils and dpkg into the disk, that should get you back to a point where dpkg works again. Depending16:52
__mikemfahadsadah, you can't say that!!!16:53
_moro_bana_Odd-rationale: cd mysite worked16:53
Odd-rationale_moro_bana_: ok16:53
bazhang__mikem: he did it16:53
fahadsadahI did it16:53
__mikembazhang, WHY DID HE DO IT?16:53
fahadsadahJust testing16:53
bazhangnot clear __mikem16:53
rrplaybeautifulsnow: which game  the game config ??16:53
_moro_bana_stefan_: so what the use of ~/16:53
Odd-rationale_moro_bana_: ~ == home directoty16:53
fahadsadah_moro_bana_, ~ means /home/`$USER`/16:54
Eulexcredible, as the nvidia-glx-new package does not contain the kernel module, how come it is versioned 100.14.19+
* nickrud did it (without the /) thinking he wasn't in a root termihnal. He started using sudo right afterwards16:54
beautifulsnowrrplay: It's Guild Wars16:54
fahadsadahnickrud ran "sudo su"?16:54
credibleEulex: I have no idea. To suggest which kernel version to use?16:54
fahadsadahOr used "sudo passwd"?16:54
Eulexcredible, perhaps.16:54
beautifulsnowrrplay: I have been playing it full screen for months, but now... it runs but doesn't show on the screen :P16:54
MenZafahadsadah: If you've deleted your root, there's not much you can do.16:55
_moro_bana_Odd-rationale fahadsadah: thanks , triying to start on building a website here16:55
rrplaybeautifulsnow: where is the game config file ??16:55
=== KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat
fahadsadahOK, I'll go backup16:55
nickrudfahadsadah: no, sudo rm -r , wrong terminal. Happened to be in share16:55
phoenix5002can anyone PLEASE help me get suspend working on my laptop? I'm desperate....16:55
fahadsadahI was bored so I ran "sudo rm -rf /"16:55
beautifulsnowrrplay: There is no game config file, I believe. It only consists of Gw.exe, Gw.dat (contains the game itself) and a Gw.tmp which is where temporary data goes.16:56
fahadsadahLast time I tried it (non-ubuntu machine), it didn't work16:56
RoshanI am having extermely high latency while playing WoW. Any idea what could be the problem? It seems to be working well on windows16:56
nickrudfahadsadah: actually rm . I'm ingrained to use sudo when I think system files now. Saved my life since16:56
prince_jammysfahadsadah: you should have done sudo rm -rfv / , more fun16:56
fahadsadahI don't use the root login16:56
rrplaybeautifulsnow:  got you habg almost there16:57
prince_jammysfahadsadah: there's a youtube video of it16:57
MenZa!offtopic | prince_jammys16:57
ubotuprince_jammys: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:57
beautifulsnowrrplay: habg? ^^16:57
fahadsadahOK, I'll do the verbose one with stdout set to a cli IRC client16:57
beautifulsnowoh ^^16:58
rrplaybeatifulsnow: hang on    sorry 32 or 64 bit ?? please16:58
fahadsadahNow my mouse isn't moving16:58
beautifulsnowrrplay: I gotcha, thanks ;)  it's 32 bit, thanks for helping out16:58
rrplayyou bet16:58
ompaulfahadsadah, you seem to be a tad offtopic16:58
rrplaybeautifulsnow: look here last post ?? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-541633.html  ??16:59
stefan_crazy people17:00
__mikemisn't this the part where someone banns fahadsadah for flagrent trolling?17:00
stefan_" hey, I'm bored.. let's rm -rf" O_o17:00
ompaulThat conversation is OVER, I have the keys to the door!17:01
__mikemompaul, did you get my factoid addition request?17:01
ompaul__mikem, refused - would cause more questions than it answers17:02
beautifulsnowrrplay: Yes I have tried those arguments, they don't apply to this situation (GW has always worked A+ in Wine for me, with or without these options)17:02
__mikemompaul, understood.17:02
rrplaybeautifulsnow: ok got you now17:02
rrplayhang on17:02
orudieso far i have apache server setup, and a registered domain name, how can i make it so that my domain name will be pointed to my server ?17:04
stefan_you need a DNS service17:04
me_does anyone here use gutsy with amd64?17:05
orudieme_: i do, but i'm a noob17:05
bazhangme_: likely so; what is your question17:05
orudiebazhang: good morning !17:05
stefan_orudie: you need a DNS service, if the companny selling you the domain doesn't offer one, check here: http://www.zoneedit.com/17:06
suckmynipplehey hey hey17:06
me_well the eye candy (effects mgr) seems to have a nasty habit of not earasing windows when the programs shut down, or will leave a shadow where they were....ant tips?17:06
orudiestefan_: what about DynDNS.com ?17:06
rrplaybeautifulsnow: look for directx 9 issues here   ?? http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2007/11/directx-90c-on-linux-with-wine.html17:06
stefan_orudie: doesn't DynDNS give you a domain name? like name.dyndns.com or something17:07
wodenhow do I change the Applications menu so it uses the default GNOME foot instead of the Ubuntu logo?17:07
FXRSHey got a question when booting up. I want to get rid of the ugly brown between my log in and splash screen is there anyway of doing that?17:08
me_are there any issues between gnome and x11 sessions?17:08
Nasrahi, I have silly...what is the program to burn iso images...seems to have problem ....it says like loading kernels and then scroll a massage saying is corrupted...thanks for your help....17:08
phoenix5002can anyone PLEASE help me get suspend working on my laptop? I'm desperate....17:08
me_yes preferences, splash,17:08
orudiestefan_: i dont know i'm going to use what you gave me. in the middle of creating an account17:08
FXRSI have splash changed but still there is some of the ugly brown you see17:09
me_you  can change the beckground color there too17:09
Nasrawhat is the best program to burn iso images?17:09
prince_jammyswoden as far as i know, that's not easy to do.  the name of the icon file is "start-here" and "distributor-logo" (located in /usr/share/icons somewhere)17:09
me_k3b by a long shot (iso to hd also)17:10
ompaul!suspend | phoenix2417:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:10
ArmyMan007hi all17:10
stefan_got the network working :) ?17:10
ArmyMan007stefan: no17:10
ArmyMan007stefan: and god knows how am I going to do so...17:11
martinjh99Guys anyone know UK ubuntu.com mirror server?17:11
me_can anyone explain in english what x-11 is?17:11
bloody`armyman: you really enlisted?17:11
bazhangNasra: you can right click on the iso and open with cd/dvd creator; brasero gnomebaker and k3b are all nice (though the last is kde)17:11
prince_jammys!X | me_17:11
phoenix24ompaul: what does suspend do ?17:11
ubotume_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:11
ArmyMan007stefan: I need help.. as in step-by-steo guide17:11
Nasrame_....> I am withing windows right now...any other suggestions?17:11
phoenix24!X | phoenix2417:11
ompaulphoenix24, I was asking the bot17:11
me_will x-11 and gnome work together??17:11
ompaulme_, they do17:12
prince_jammysme_:  yes17:12
ArmyMan007not a guide, person... a live one too17:12
stefan_ArmyMan007: the link I gave you was pretty step by step wasn't it?17:12
me_i have display issues that are getting annoying17:12
rrplaybeautifulsnow:: do o have  your directx 9 setup properly?17:12
LeChacalif i only have a cli install is there  away to copy a bunch of text from a command out put? I am not in nano or vi just strait cli.17:12
bazhangArmyMan007: gui or cli?17:12
ArmyMan007stefan: step by step and still confusing... could use a live help17:12
Sep1I've been searching and experimenting for ages, but I can't for the life of me get the firefox menus transparent through compiz. Any advice?17:12
ArmyMan007bazhang: how can I tell?17:12
prince_jammysLeChacal: commmand > destinationfilename17:12
stefan_ArmyMan007: hm, that will conflict with my dinner. lol. I'll be back lateron to help if you need it. If not: good luck.17:13
bazhangArmyMan007: sorry my question was not clearer; the step by step can be for the command line (cli)?17:13
me_well i cant change my nvidia setting if thats what you mean... it says it cant open the backup config file (using nvidia glx-new)??17:13
LeChacalprince_jammys: does that work with any command?17:13
ArmyMan007stefan: I don't mind waiting, but I need to do so with a live person, not with a guide17:13
ArmyMan007bazhang: does it matter?17:13
Odd-rationaleDoes anyone know of a good course for learning glade and pygtk ?17:13
prince_jammysLeChacal: only ones that output to stdout (standard output)17:14
me_how to think like a computer scientist is a goos tart. google it17:14
eatatjoes2hey i am trying to edit "/boot/grub/menu.lst" so that if i dont select anything at the boot menu screen (at grub) that it automatically boots into something different than ubuntu but it says "no write permission"17:14
LeChacalprince_jammys: ok thank you17:14
phoenix5002When I try to hibernate, my USB mouse stops working, is there a command I can run or something to get it to work again?17:14
prince_jammysLeChacal: what is the command you want output of?17:14
me_use sudo17:14
ArmyMan007bazhang: does it matter?17:15
Roshanis it a good idea to search for drivers for my network card (Dlink DWL 520 rev.b) even though my internet is working?17:15
ArmyMan007stefan: I don't mind waiting, but I need to do so with a live person, not with a guide17:15
bazhangArmyMan007: whether gui or cli, best to read up before you attempt in channel live with a person-->good link-->command line here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118817:15
orudiestefan_: created account on zoneedit, whats the next step ?17:15
=== LimCore is now known as l
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jribOdd-rationale: http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/index.html and http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/index.html for pygtk.  If you learn pygtk, using glade should be pretty straightforward from the docs17:16
eatatjoes2prince_jammys, hey i tried to change the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and it wont let me, any idea why?17:16
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amenadothe magic word is please17:16
wodenHow do I remove the "209.7 GB Media" icon from my Desktop?17:16
LeChacalprince_jammys: i am trying to make a striped down version of ubuntu for the Eee PC and when i do install ubuntu-desktop it list all the packages that it is going to install and i want to sort through them in a GUI envorment for just the ones that i want17:16
me_disconnect the media17:16
bazhangLeChacal: the eeepc has a channel #eeepc and a wiki17:17
me_go to the settings mgr if you run kde17:17
Odd-rationalejrib: Thanks.17:17
LeChacalbazhang: i know17:17
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: it's own by root. you have to use sudo (or gksudo for graphical editors) to edit it17:17
prince_jammyseatatjoes2: *owned.  eg:  gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst17:17
=== LimCore_ is now known as limcore
me_sudo pico example.list17:17
phoenix5002./year "2 && cat .rtb3_password"17:18
Roshanis it a good idea to get drivers for my network card (Dlink DWL 520 rev.b) even though my internet is working?17:18
wodenHow do I remove the "209.7 GB Media" icon from my Desktop?17:18
bloody`roshan: no.17:18
bloody`roshan: leave it alone if it works :)17:18
orudieneed help with zoneedit, anyone used this service before ?17:18
me_wooden what is the device its refferring too?17:18
Jack_SparrowRoshan, If you dont have a problem, dont try to fix it17:18
beautifulsnowrrplay: Thanks but it's not a issue with the game (it runs flawlessly)17:18
Roshanbut I do have a problem mr. sparrow, WoW is lagging like hell for me17:18
killownI am trying install oss4 and  I get it error  Error: "OSS driver modules do not match the current kernel"  but I have compiled oss4 make install without errors can anyone help me?17:19
me_woden whats the media??17:19
prince_jammysLeChacal: what you need is the command that will list those packages noninteractively (not like apt-get that asks for input). otherwise what i suggested will probably not work17:19
Jack_SparrowRoshan, It isnt the netword cards fault.. ask the people in #WIne17:19
beautifulsnowrrplay: I mean, it runs flawlessly (eek, even much much better than on windows, even if its at the best graphic rendering, under linux + wine it runs best :D)17:19
rrplaybeautifulsnow: so if its flawless then what's the problem ?17:19
Wolvezsomebody use ldap + samba here17:19
beautifulsnowrrplay: The problem is wine is *no longer*  launching GW fullscreen >_>17:19
LeChacalprince_jammys: that is what i was kind of worried about i was going to try it right now to see what happened17:20
RoshanJack_Sparrow: thanks alot, I think it is because I used sudo apt-get install wine17:20
prince_jammysLeChacal: for starters you can do::  apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop > myfile17:20
tim167hi, I want to buy a blootooth dongle, which one is well supported on ubuntu ? thanks17:20
me_ok heres one for the gurus...how do i load windows vista to run inside a window on my gnome desktop?!?17:20
rrplaybeautifulsnoe: i thought that 1 st link i sent would resole that info17:20
Roshanperhaps I should have got it directly from their website17:20
brobostigon!hcl | tim16717:21
beautifulsnowme_ search google for VirtualBox17:21
ubotutim167: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:21
wodenme_: I don't know, I guess it's just my hard drive.17:21
prince_jammysLeChacal: then take a look at the file. it's probably what you need17:21
Jack_SparrowRoshan, Nope, that is the right way to install wine..  even though WIne insists on you using the newer version17:21
wodenme_: I don't know why it's an icon on my desktop though.17:21
LeChacalprince_jammys: i forgot about `show` that probably would work better.17:21
ArmyMan007bazhang: sorry, guide is usless to me... n00b to linux (keep in mind it's Xubuntu)17:21
me_woden why do you want to get rid of that icon??17:21
Jack_Sparrowwoden, You just want to get rid of a mount that shows up on your desktop.. use gconf-editor17:21
me_thanks beautiful17:22
wodenme_:  Because it's not a proper GNOME icon.  It's some extra thing that Ubuntu added/changed to the default GNOME.17:22
Jack_Sparrowwoden, Mounts in media will show up on the desktop17:22
XJamesXanyone alive?17:22
bazhangArmyMan007: more the reason to familiarize yourself with the terminology--few will want to teach the terms and get you connected live in one session--if you are well informed you can ask good questions and understand instructions more clearly17:22
me_change them in appearancees in prefrences....you can add new icno themes that are dl'ed at gnome-look.org17:22
wodenJack_Sparrow:  That must be an Ubuntu thing, because default GNOME desktop does not show this media icon.17:23
* amenado second bazhang17:23
me_gutsy has it auto matically17:23
ashitakaanybody, let me know to set up the lxr, please17:23
bazhangArmyMan007: getting to know wireless is a bit of a process from first to last--took me two weeks of intensive reading without IRC to start to understand17:23
Jack_Sparrowwoden, If you dont want it, remove it with setting in gconf-editor  volumes_visable or close to that17:23
Burti have installed GaG boot loader, after installing windows xp on a new partition...i can boot xp from it but it says it cannot find the ubuntu/linux boot sector17:23
Burtany way i can fix this?17:23
wodenJack_Sparrow:  I want removeable media to show up as an icon....Just not my main hard drive.17:24
brobostigonBurt: yes install grub17:24
Jack_SparrowBurt, reinstall grub17:24
Flare183Burt: you shouldn't have install another boot loader17:24
Flare183Burt: grub is perfect for both ubuntu and Windows17:24
Jack_Sparrowwoden, then change how it is mounted...  see man fstab17:24
amenadoamazing all these varieties of boot loader people want to customize17:24
rrplaybeautifulsnow: do you have compiz effect turned off ??17:24
Sep1I've been searching and experimenting for ages, but I can't for the life of me get the firefox menus transparent through compiz. Any advice?17:25
Flare183amenado: yeah17:25
wodenJack_Sparrow:  It's my primary hard drive, it must be mounted there is no option.17:25
BurtFlare183, will it be pretty simple?17:25
ArmyMan007bazhang: appriciate the fact that you are willing to read and work with it, but I'm affriad time is a factor to me. I have a lot of respect to people like you, but it's usless to hand out manules to me, since I have no idea how to work with such. A one on one conversation get's me to know better what I'm doing, not a manual...17:25
Jack_Sparrowwoden, it does NOT need to be mounted in /media17:25
Flare183Burt: should be if you have the ubuntu live cd17:25
ArmyMan007bazhang: If I've hurt you in anyway, please forgive me...17:25
BurtFlare193, i have an old dapper one.17:26
me_i use grub for a dual boot, but you have to be carefull...the easiest way is to add linux (live cd) to already existing windows hd. partition it in the editor and install. win xp is defferent, though, you have to reinstall a dll file after grub loads17:26
icheynehi all - I'm getting really frustrated because whenever I logout, my PCM volume mixer setting keeps resetting itself to a really quiet volume. How do I keep it high permanently?17:26
wodenJack_Sparrow:  Where should it be mounted then?  Where does Debian Stable mount hard drive?17:26
beautifulsnowrrplay: It's been turned on for months, pretty much just as long as I have been playing guild wars on Wine (first things I did when I installed Ubuntu months ago was instal compiz + wine + virtual box + guild wars)17:26
Flare183Burt: then use it17:26
ArmyMan007bazhang: my intentions are not to harm, but to be assisted17:26
bullgard4What is the function of the process kondemand/0?17:26
rrplaybeautifulsnow: just checkking out some other pages    we will get it soon17:26
bazhangArmyMan007: no problem; just telling you my experience and that it would be a good idea to at least a bare bones idea before doing it in here live17:26
amenadoArmyMan007-> you're in a hurry because you are in the war theatre?17:26
LeChacalprince_jammys: i just tried it with some other packages and if i do an install and if it stops to ask anything it get stuck but with show it works so thank you17:26
me_kondemand is a KDE feature...17:27
Jack_Sparrowwoden, Ask then.. you can create a mount point anywhere you want.. read man mount   mkdir /data/sda1         or whatever you want17:27
prince_jammysLeChacal: cool17:27
wodenJack_Sparrow:  Okay got it17:27
me_\maybe it loads something for you off the internet?17:27
ArmyMan007amenado: I'm in a hurry because I've got an army to go to (more likley IDF) and I'm the only one around my house to actually help people...17:27
wodenHow do I change the hostname of my Ubuntu installation?17:28
amenadoArmyMan007-> okay..lets see what we can do to assist17:28
Flare183woden: on the network window17:28
ArmyMan007bazhang: I appriciate your share...17:28
amenadoArmyMan007-> check if you a file called  /etc/network/interfaces17:28
ArmyMan007amenado -> is it possible to move this into a PM?17:28
jribwoden: system -> administration -> network17:29
wodenFlare183:  Where is the network window?17:29
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amenadoArmyMan007-> nope, because am not registered17:29
prince_jammyswoden: i *think* you can do that with : sudo hostname yournewnamehere17:29
_Oz_Happy Saturday, Ubuntu friends.17:29
d_mitryhow to set a command to run at start-up?17:29
jribprince_jammys: that won't be permanent though17:29
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amenadoArmyMan007-> i think freenode dont allow us unregistered to get pm17:29
Flare183woden: I think... System, adminstration, network17:29
jrib!startup > d_mitry (read the private message from ubotu)17:29
bazhang!yay | _Oz_17:29
ubotu_Oz_: Glad you made it! :-)17:30
prince_jammysjrib: what should he do?17:30
jribprince_jammys: system -> administration -> network17:30
d_mitryjrib, thanks. :)17:30
* _Oz_ grins, quietly pleased that he has been welcomed as such by bazhang.17:30
Flare183!autostart | d_mitry17:30
dannyhey hello17:30
ubotud_mitry: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:30
BurtFlare183, would this install over gag?17:30
prince_jammyswoden: scrap that, see the other responses17:30
amenadoArmyMan007-> check if you a file called  /etc/network/interfaces   am using gnome, so maybe sllightly different than xubuntu17:30
Flare183Burt: yeah it should17:30
ArmyMan007amenado -> I'm in the interface part17:30
d_mitrywait, what if i'm not using gnome? shall i go to #kde and ask there?17:30
d_mitrythat question is for Flare183 and jrib ^17:31
Flare183d_mitry: no goto #kubuntu17:31
bazhangd_mitry: that would be #kubuntu17:31
Flare183d_mitry: i'm in there too17:31
BurtFlare183, is it safe to partition like I did? give a few gigs more to my huge ubuntu install and make the rest a new partition for xp?17:31
prince_jammysd_mitry: in kde you can add a startup script to .kde/Autostart17:31
amenadoArmyMan007-> so you do have it,, can you do this please,  paste in pastebin results of ifconfig;  iwconfig;  route -n  and the interfaces file content17:31
ArmyMan007amenado -> I'm in the interface part17:31
Flare183Burt: yeah just don't use any other bootloader17:31
d_mitryprince_jammys, what form would that script have? all i need is one command executed.17:32
Ward1983i installed ubuntu 7.10 on a regular partition of one of my harddrives while vista was allready installed on a fakeraid raid0 array, now grub gives error 17 because of the raid0 array, what can i do and how can i boot vista again? i can allready mount the fakeraid array, using dmraid17:32
BurtFlare183, would there be any special reason that windows xp has trouble booting every couple times?17:32
ArmyMan007amenado -> no internet connection... how do you expect me to paste it all?17:32
amenadoArmyMan007-> btw, i hope you dont have the infamous bcm43xx chip, that one, i can not assist, thats a monster to make work17:32
BurtFlare183, would it be xp's boot loader freaking out?17:32
Flare183Burt: I don't think so17:32
harushimoquick question17:32
amenadoArmyMan007-> you do have an internet connections, as you can chat with me on irc..17:32
BurtFlare183, huh17:32
prince_jammysd_mitry: make a text file with only that command in it. save it, and make it executable with :  chmod +x nameoffile.  then place it in .kde/Autostart17:33
Jack_Sparrowamenado, I have had nothing but good luck with the bcm43xx using fwcutter..17:33
BurtFlare183, thats not good.17:33
harushimoI install my new hd but it is reading 465 not 50017:33
KalElhi, how can i increase my screen resolution? the 'Screen and Graphics' is only showing upto 800x600, but i know it can be set at 1152x86417:33
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> you are one lucky guy17:33
Flare183Burt: Xp's boot loader sucks and it doesn't likes Ubuntu17:33
d_mitryprince_jammys, excellent! thanks :D17:33
Flare183Burt: What is it?17:33
prince_jammysd_mitry: name the file with extension .sh17:33
harushimoits feel like I'm losing memory17:33
Jack_Sparrowamenado, I think I have done 4 different ones.. pcmcia, usb etc17:33
ArmyMan007amenado -> talking with you since I'm using another computer, not the problematic computer... going to eat and will be back...17:33
BurtFlare183, it just locks up right before user select alot17:33
amenadoArmyMan007-> alright, if am here..i will try to assist17:34
Flare183Burt: oh crap that's not good17:34
ArmyMan007amenado -> thanks! :-)17:34
nickrudharushimo: MB is not MiB , drive manufacturers lie17:34
Jack_Sparrowharushimo, Symantics...  and how they market the drives and post formatting sizes etc17:34
Flare183nickrud: hehe17:34
harushimoI figured17:35
harushimoI've been noticing this more and more with hd17:35
d_mitryprince_jammys, thanks again.17:35
Flare183!language > harushimo (funny but againest policy)17:35
Jack_Sparrowharushimo, yep  1024 is one k or is it 1,00017:35
archandreiвсем привет17:35
archandreiНарод как настроение!17:35
nickrud!ru | archandrei (hopefully russian)17:35
ubotuarchandrei (hopefully russian): Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:35
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:35
crackhead_25hi, anyone have thoughts on my question about why i can't see the dropdown menu from the applications section of my ubuntu main menu bar?? system and places works fine, but the applications just highlights and no menu pops up????????????17:35
Flare183or greek hehe17:35
BurtFlare183,not sure why it wouldd do that......17:35
prince_jammysd_mitry  you're welcome. let me know if it works17:36
Flare183Burt: I don't know either17:36
wodenJack_Sparrow:  I changed the location that it was mounted in from /media/sda1 to /home/woden/sda1, but I still see the icon on my desktop.17:36
rrplaybeautifulsnow have you checked out the wine reg ?? http://wiki.winehq.org/UsefulRegistryKeys also wine wiki ?17:36
wodenprince_jammys: I changed the location that it was mounted in from /media/sda1 to /home/woden/sda1, but I still see the icon on my desktop17:36
Jack_Sparrowwoden, did you edit fstab as well?17:36
wodenJack_Sparrow:  yes I edited fstab and then restarted17:36
prince_jammyswoden: so the icon is the only problem, correct?17:36
bazhangarchandrei: russian?17:36
wodenprince_jammys:  yes I do not want that icon on the front of the desktop.  If I want to see that hard drive, I will open up Computer and see it there.17:37
prince_jammyswoden OK that is a gnome thing - ask the channel because i use kde17:37
archandreiда я Русский17:37
pinstpi am having trouble controling my laptop from my desktop can someone help me17:37
bazhangarchandrei: type /j #ubuntu-ru  ;]17:38
carpediempinstp: that's not very specific, be more specific, and maybe we can help17:38
bullgard4jrib: [Gnome] System > Adminstration > Network opens the 'Network Preferences' window. > tab 'General' shows an entry in the 'computer name' field but nothing in the 'domain name' field. What situations require that I fill in a name in the 'domain name' field? (My Samba LAN works all right.)17:39
pinstpusing tsclient i want to control my laptop that has windows xp on it17:39
prince_jammyswoden here you go, i think this is it: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/17:39
carpediempinstp: okay, and what's your problem?17:39
IndyGunFreakwoden: all you ahve to do is uncheck it in gconf-editor17:40
prince_jammyswoden: the url says it all :)17:40
beautifulsnowrrplay: What do you expect I should change there? I searched my local copy to see if there was anything I could change that would help, but it seems it's just a bunch of: "install path17:40
wodenprince_jammys;IndyGunFreak:  yes but I still want my removeable drives to show up.  Just not another partition on my SATA hard drive.17:40
pinstpevery time i type in my ip for computer in tsclient it gives me an error saying no host17:41
beautifulsnowrrplay: a bunch of strings showing where the game is located, etc,17:41
Jack_Sparrowprince_jammys, Wonder what   sudo mount | grep media            would show for woden17:41
IndyGunFreakwoden: does it only show up when mounted?17:41
artur__How to make a serial mouse works in the ubuntu. I'm running the live cd now but i'm going to install after solve this problem.17:41
carpediempinstp: have you RDPd to that machine before?17:41
crackhead_25Jack_Sparrow: do you have any thoughts on that question? it's very puzzling ot me17:41
wodenIndyGunFreak:  I don't know....I have it set to automount in my fstab.17:42
prince_jammyswoden: well, a round-about  way would be to remove them and then add the ones you want back by making symlinks on your desktop17:42
getooi am looking for a gui app to share my internet connection (internet = eth0 and wanna share it using wifi with eth1 ) i already did the dnsmasq ipmasq , but i am looking for a gui app :P17:42
IndyGunFreakwoden: ok17:42
getooi dd google17:42
Jack_Sparrowcrackhead_25, Which question.. I'm only here for a few while I dl some stuff for the wife17:42
getoono help there17:42
carpediempinstp: well, have you turned on RDP (Right click My computer, Remote tab)17:42
BurtFlame183, could you walk me through reinstalling grub?17:43
rrplaybeautifulsnow: the screen settings etc17:43
brobostigon!grub | burt17:43
carpediempinstp: first, try pinging that machine "ping"17:43
ubotuburt: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:43
farruinnHow do I grow an ext3 partition to fill the partition containing it? (The partition thinks it is 6GB but the partition is 15GB)17:43
pinstpok hold on17:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about halo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:44
prince_jammyswoden: in other words, follow that link to remove all the "removable media" icons, and then create links with ln -s /mount/point ~/Desktop/nameoficon  and then change the icons on the desktop to whatever you want by right-clicking on them17:44
Flannelfarruinn: You have an 6GB logical partition inside of a 15GB extended partition?17:44
ubotuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.17:44
Burtbrobostigon, is it okay to use dapper live cd?17:44
Srikarunsoved mistery17:44
IndyGunFreakBurt: why wouldn't it be?17:45
Srikarplzz help me out17:45
farruinnFlannel: No, I used dd to copy my root from my old hard drive to my new hard drive17:45
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Srikarthis is my problem17:45
pinstpit says successful packets 100%17:45
brobostigonBurt: to install grub, i suppose so, and then follow intructions from help.ubuntu.com17:45
Flannelfarruinn: Ah, ok.  Well, fire up a liveCD, open up Gparted, and see what thinks it's where.17:45
EdwardXpim trying to do a udevtest; and im not sure what device path i should use.. heh i don't even know what device path is??17:45
rrplaybeautifulsnow: wine reg X11 Driver ??17:45
farruinnFlannel: gparted, parted, and fdisk all see the 15 gb hard drive17:45
farruinnFlannel: s/hard drive/partition17:45
carpediempinstp: that means you are able to connect to it.  now try telnet 338917:46
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EdwardXpcan someone help me out with udevtest?17:47
pinstpok then what17:47
carpediempinstp: you didn't get connection refused?17:47
amortvigilhey im running steam and i get this error that i have not enough diskspace... what should i do?17:48
carpediempinstp: hmm, that's surprising.  If you were having problems with Windows firewall, that should've failed.....17:48
saxofoneramortvigil: running steam in wine?17:48
IndyGunFreakamortvigil: uh, give it more disk space?17:48
saxofonerhow much disk space do you have?17:48
Flannelfarruinn: you dded a partition to a partition? or a drive to a partition? or a drive to a drive?17:48
EdwardXp<--- uses crossover :)17:48
amortvigilIndyGunFreak, i got enough more than enough17:48
saxofoneryou can't run steam apps from an ntfs partition, I know that much17:48
LeechzillaIs there a command I can use to find the length of a video?17:48
pinstpso is there anyway to get it to work17:49
* IndyGunFreak just uses Linux native games, or games I know work w/ wine17:49
carpediempinstp: what happens when you "rdesktop" ?17:49
amortvigilsaxofoner,  its on my ext317:49
amortvigili think17:49
beautifulsnowrrplay: I find this line : "RelayFromExclude"="winex11.drv;user32;gdi32;advapi32;kernel32" as well as "[Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] 1204996416" at the end of file. No idea what that means ;P17:49
farruinnFlannel: I did 'dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda3, but I think I found my answer: 'resize2fs /dev/sda3'. The page I'm looking at says that will resize the filesystem to fill the partition, so I'll look into that.17:50
rrplaybeautifulsnow: what you are experincing is a poss problem with a display extension17:50
amortvigilIndyGunFreak, and im sure installing it from orangedisk will work ... did its yob yes day... but i need hl2 deathmatch wich not on orangebox17:50
Flannelfarruinn: sounds good.  Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too, just couldn't find the exact command.17:50
saxofonerwhat's the name of the channel for ubuntu off topic?17:50
rrplaybeautifulsnow : you are able to render directxp ok17:50
farruinnFlannel: Ooh, the man page says it can even grow an ext3 filesystem while it's still mounted :)17:51
pulicawho knows how to make my ubuntu box into a router for my desktop pc?17:51
starkedDoes anyone here know how I'd change the axis designations on my joystick?  I'm trying to use one of those "universal USB converters" to hook up a PS2 controller, and it's assigning the D-pad to the 9th and 10th axes.  This makes it so that any program I try to use the joystick with doesn't recognize it.  Any help?17:51
rrplaybeautifulsnow: and you have the proper extension avail even though you disable compiz??17:51
stephantomhey there! anyone here skilled with sox? I'm looking to downsample an audio file to about 100hz, better 50. ffmpeg allows this, sox just gives empty result files. I'd really like to use sox.17:51
rrplaybeautifulsnow: no we getting somewhere17:52
ke1im trying to figure out how to share a printer,  but i cant seem to get it to work. i did what this tutorial i found said to do but the computer still wont find the printer.17:52
rrplaybeautifulsnow: cjeck out your X11 xorg.conf and see if composite is true or false ??17:52
Flannelfarruinn: usually its better to use `find . -xdev | cpio -padm /mnt` (or something of that ilk, with find/cpio)17:53
boiwanderHello... I have what is probably a simple question. I'm wanting to install 7.10 on an external 2.5 hdd. If I choose "Guided - use entire disk", and I choose the external drive", will it leave the internal drives alone?17:53
beautifulsnowrrplay: even if I kill compiz or make sure it doesnt load when I login, Guild Wars still disapears from the screen17:53
brobostigonke1: what platform is this printer going to share to??17:53
farruinnFlannel: For copying a partition?17:53
Flannelfarruinn: yeah17:53
bazhangboiwander: just make sure it is the correct disk ;]17:53
rrplaycheack out xorg.conf for composite true or false please17:53
farruinnFlannel: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.17:54
ke1brobostigon: windows xp/vista17:54
brobostigonke1: have a look at samba17:54
ke1brobostigon: how?17:54
brobostigon!samba | ke117:54
ubotuke1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:54
LeechzillaIs there a command I can use to find the length, codec etc of a video?17:54
rrplaybeautifulsnow: when you stop compiz you no loger need composite enabled17:55
ke1brobostigon: i think i editted the smb.conf file right, but how do i restart the service?17:55
boiwanderboiwander: Here is the screenshot of what I would be choosing.... http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/vyco10/Screenshot-Install.png17:55
ke1brobostigon: sudo service is an unknown command17:55
boiwanderOopps, I meant to address that toi bazhang17:55
brobostigonke1: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart17:55
acee1234what is the proper driver setup for an ati x1400 with compiz ive reformatted 3 times this month by suggestion of /ubuntu and /compiz-fusion fglrx messes up video playback and freezes the computer at logoff17:55
stephanshigh-freq, I have NTFS 3g loaded to access a external hard drive... but i cant copy files larger than 4 GIG to it! Whats up? I know that is not an NTFS problem...17:56
BurtFlame183, this windows half booting problem is ...well a problem...should i attempt to fix that?17:56
EdwardXpwhy didn't anyone tell me this localhost existed???17:56
boiwanderbazhang: sorry, I flubbed the URL - http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg122/vyco10/Screenshot-Install.png17:57
Ward1983ok last attempt: i spent the whole *!@#$@* day trying to install, the only non standard thing is that i want to multiboot with vista thats installed on a fakeraid array, can anyone help me out?17:57
beautifulsnowrrplay: Ok so I open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and do a search for "composite" or just "comp" to see if it comes up?17:57
ke1brobostigon: it wont even find the printer or anything on the computer17:58
rrplaybeautifulsnow: what graphic card pls17:58
dahumpHas anyone experienced all their videos playing in black and white instead of color?17:58
starkedDoes anyone here know how I'd change the axis designations on my joystick?  I'm trying to use one of those "universal USB converters" to hook up a PS2 controller, and it's assigning the D-pad to the 9th and 10th axes.  This makes it so that any program I try to use the joystick with doesn't recognize it.  Any help?17:58
IndyGunFreakdahump: nope.17:58
saxofonerdahump- what's your graphics driver?17:58
orangeyhey all!17:58
beautifulsnowrrplay: nvidia nvs 110 quatro17:58
voicihi, i accidently deleted the apache config files. how can i force apt to recreate them? after apt-get remove/install apache2 they arent recrated. thanks17:58
orangeyDoes anybody have any idea how I could record outputted sound?17:58
YashHello, I would like to contribute to ubuntu as a developer.17:58
dahumpintel onboard chip17:58
rrplaybeautifulsnow : xorg.conf composite false17:58
saxofonerdriver dude17:58
orangeylike within a skype session or such?17:58
saxofonernot card17:58
YashCan someone please guide me?17:59
wodenHow do I change Nautilus to the default spatial mode?17:59
IndyGunFreak!develop | Yash17:59
ubotuYash: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment17:59
bazhangboiwander: is sdc the external hard drive? should be fine then17:59
beautifulsnowrrplay: when I search etc x11 xorg.conf for the work 'comp' nothing comes up17:59
brobostigonke1: sorry, but ask for someone more experiences, or look on samba website they have long tutirials on there to set this up, you may want to have a look on tldp.org too.17:59
dahump82945G/GZ Integrated18:00
boiwanderbazhang: Yes, that's the external. Thank you for your help.18:00
DjDarkstarAnyone familiar with soundwrapper18:00
rrplaybeautifulsnow   nvidia-xconfig -A | less    read     and then   nvidia-xconfig -- no-composite   also read about extensions18:00
saxofonerdahump: just a sec, I'm going to dig through my bookmarks18:00
dahumpIt wasn't always like this.....18:00
chi11yI have no sound on ubuntu gutsy18:00
dahumpall my screensavers, alien arena, all that stuff works great.18:00
beautifulsnowrrplay: Whats that do?18:01
dahumpvideos used to work fine, this is a new development.....18:01
chi11yI'm using logitech X-530 speakers18:01
IndyGunFreakdahump: is that an intel chipset?18:01
beautifulsnowrrplay: I mean, I haven't made any changes to the x file18:01
chi11yWhere can I get drivers?18:01
saxofonerdahump: have you pinpointed what video codecs/players have trouble?18:01
rrplaybeautifulsnow{ when you no longer use compiz you no longer need the --composite switch18:01
IndyGunFreakchi11y: how do you know its the speakers that aren't working(which seems pretty unlikely)18:01
beautifulsnowrrplay:  dont we have to check if its on first?18:01
BurtJack_Sparrow, is there a way I could reinstall grub, but not make it the default so my boot manager can use it..?18:01
dahumpwell, it appears to be all of them. I just installed VLC thinking that would solve, but no luck.18:01
DjDarkstarneed help with soundwrapper please18:01
chi11yIndyGunFreak, they work under windows18:01
IndyGunFreakchi11y: thats totally irrelevant, and not what i asked18:02
Spud_i need help with pidgin18:02
Spud_can anyone help?18:02
beautifulsnow!ask > Spud_18:02
chi11yIndyGunFreak, oh, sorry, I misread the question18:02
knoppixalguien habla español para ayudarme?18:02
brobostigonSpud_: fire away??18:02
IndyGunFreakSpud_: just ask, or join #pidgin18:02
chi11yIndyGunFreak, well, I'm not very sure18:02
dahumpYes, IndyGunFreak, it's Intel chipser.18:02
saxofonerdahump: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/149791 similar issue18:02
Spud_when i try to start it18:02
Spud_it doesnt connect18:03
Spud_but firefox and all that works18:03
knoppixnecesito ayuda con particion18:03
chi11yIndyGunFreak, but there is no sound on flash, and gstreamer just complains and refuses to work18:03
IndyGunFreakchi11y: open a terminal, and type "lspci" no qutoes, and see how it identifies your sound device.. don't paste the whole freakin output here.18:03
chi11yye ok (:18:03
beautifulsnow!es knoppix18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es knoppix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
chi11yIndyGunFreak, 04:01.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi18:03
beautifulsnow!es > knoppix18:03
DjDarkstarhow do i make sure that bash is my default shell ... i don't want dash18:03
IndyGunFreakchi11y: are there any others listed there?.. like do you havfe two sound devices?18:04
chi11yIndyGunFreak, nawh, well18:04
jribDjDarkstar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash.  Why don't you want dash?18:04
chi11yIndyGunFreak, 04:02.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)18:04
lee112hi does anybody no if its possible to dual boot ultimate edition and linux mint?18:04
chi11ybut no other device18:04
DjDarkstarfrostwire/lindvd etc18:05
wodenHow do I change Nautilus to the default spatial mode?18:05
IndyGunFreakchi11y: don't think thast it.18:05
jriblee112: probably18:05
tchaskaAfter update ubuntu my windows network has stoped working... I can see windows networks but there is no workgroups inside.  Anybody know how to fix that?18:05
bazhanglee112: as neither of those are supported here you best ask in their channels18:05
saxofonerdahump: sounds like some setting that sort of changed itself, if you read those last dozen or so  responses18:05
chi11yIndyGunFreak, well, I cant find nothing more18:05
saxofonervery interesting18:05
DjDarkstarthx jrib18:05
MatBoywhen I have XFCE installed and want to install KDE also, what packages do I need to include in apt-get to get it running at once ?18:06
harushimothanks everyone18:06
jribDjDarkstar: dash should work fine though :/18:06
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harushimoI appreciate the help18:06
MatBoyI think I need more than just apt-get install kde18:06
jrib!kde > matboy (read the private message from ubotu)18:06
amenadoit escaped me for a moment, how do i check what type of filesystem is on a partition,  an external drive ?18:06
beautifulsnowrrplay: if i still use compiz, wont writing --no-composite to the x config going to make it impossible to launch compiz18:06
jribwoden: there is probably a setting in gconf-editor under /apps/nautilus/preferences18:06
MatBoyjrib, thanks18:07
beautifulsnowrrplay: I dont mind trying it to make sure compiz is the problem, but why would compiz be the problem when it never ... gave problems?18:07
FlannelMatBoy: kde is the vanilla kde, you may want kubuntu-desktop instead18:07
IndyGunFreakchi11y: i knew i'd read that somewhere... try following the instructins in post 3   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56497218:07
carpediemwoden: you uncheck Always Open In Browser Windows18:07
lee112how do i change channels?18:07
MatBoyFlannel, installing that one right now18:07
prince_jammyslee112: /join #yourchannel18:07
MatBoyXFCE is buggy at the moment18:07
giacomomsg p-mp3-sophia xdcc send #118:07
wodencarpediem:  where is that check box located?18:08
rrplaybeautifulsnow: you may have to switch it bak to --enable-composite   that why you have the nvidi-xconfig file to study a bit because thats key for info on forums wiki etc to config your particular card ans screen18:08
carpediemwoden: Behavior tab in prefs18:08
ttt--how come the x system is under ctr+shift F7 ? is there a reason for this, or is it just random18:09
wodencarpediem:  Where is behavior tab in prefs?18:09
beautifulsnowrrplay: I'm only wondering why do all this because  I havent made any changes to my system recently. Any at all.18:09
DeeppactHello, I have a sound issue the music in Totem Movie Player 2.20.0 works but elsewhere it just does'nt any answers?18:09
carpediemwoden: can you open Preferences in a nautilus window?18:09
carpediemwoden: Edit > Preferences18:09
wodencarpediem: thanks.18:10
rrplaybeautifulsnow:: because it things worked as they did before then something changed18:10
DjDarkstarAnyone using LinDVD (yes i know it's not free) I converted a copy from my mandriva disc to deb and it works on my laptop but not my desktop. I get an error.... why would it work on one and not the other?18:10
chi11yIndyGunFreak, nope, sorry, there isnt even a switches tab :P18:10
orudiecan anyone recommend a DynDNS client ?18:10
DeeppactHello, I have a sound issue the music in Totem Movie Player 2.20.0 works but elsewhere it just does'nt any answers?18:11
beautifulsnowrrplay: alright, rebooting18:11
EdwardXpwhere can i get the defenition for var share bin etc ... ???18:11
carpediemwoden: Also, in gconf-editor under apps > nautilus > preferences, there is an option no_ubuntu_spatial.  I don't know what that does, but just in case spatial doesn't work like you expect, maybe that's something to play with18:11
EdwardXpso i know that the root folder is organize properly for me to understand it18:11
IndyGunFreakchi11y: i have no logical explanation, there's others in that thread who claim to have found the fix by downlloading a driver from Creative, try reading throiugh that thread18:11
prince_jammysEdwardXp: you mean understand thw linux file system?18:11
chi11yIndyGunFreak, okey, well thanks anyway (:18:12
Flannel!files | EdwardXp18:12
ubotuEdwardXp: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview18:12
MatBoyFlannel, does gnome also has a ubuntu version ?18:12
MatBoyso not a vanilla ?18:12
FlannelMatBoy: yeah, ubuntu-desktop18:12
DeeppactHello, I have a sound issue the music in Totem Movie Player 2.20.0 works but elsewhere it just does'nt any answers?18:12
MatBoyFlannel, ok, better than KDE I guess, I don't dislike KDE, but I took XFCE for speed18:12
Mingysneed quick help18:13
Mingyswhen i do $file filename.tar18:13
IndyGunFreakMingys: well, we all failed mind-reading 101..18:13
carpediemDeeppact:  don't really understand what you are saying18:13
Mingysit says to me that this TAR file is a HTML file18:13
Mingysand i know that it is rly a TAR file18:13
carpediemDeeppact: are you saying sound works in totem but not elsewhere, or that it works everywhere except totem18:13
Mingyshow can i change its header from HTML to TAR ?18:14
Deeppactcarpediem, look my music in Totem player the normal media player works18:14
orudiecould anyone please recommend a dynamic dns client18:14
Deeppactcarpediem, but if i try to use Amarok or VLC player it does'nt work18:14
carpediemDeeppact: go into System > Preferences > Sound, and change the settings for sound playback, hit test on each one, until one works.18:15
Deeppactcarpediem, it worked a while ago didnt made changes18:15
Deeppactcarpediem, ok il try that18:15
carpediemDeeppact: I had this same problem, I am trying to remember what I did....but I think what I just told you was it18:16
lee112which is better limewire or frostwire?18:17
Antonio_hi everyone18:17
Deeppactcarpediem, i get some beeps with 2 or 3 of the options - I selected one now il try VLC player18:17
DRebellionMingys, file doesn't lie18:17
lordleemoorudie: no-ip   http://ubuntulinuxhowto.blogspot.com/2006/06/dynamic-dns-no-ip.html18:18
NattyTuxQuestion : where is the best place to install softwares??? (directory)18:18
DRebellionlee112, no polls go to ---> #ubuntu-offtopic please18:18
amenadoMingys-> i do not know of a way to manipulate magic numbers18:18
Deeppactcarpediem, Dude ur the man it works thx alot18:18
carpediemDeeppact: great18:18
DRebellionamenado, Mingys, you could techically probably use a hex editor to fool file but then the the file just won't work18:18
amenadoNattyTux-> in a partitions where you have alot of spaces18:19
Antonio_i have a problem with the wireless adapter18:19
wodenIs this the correct kernel for my processor (Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz)?  /home/woden/NeverwinterNights/nwn/dialog.tlk18:19
wodenLinux valhalla 2.6.24-11-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 29 21:26:31 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:19
carpediemlee112: frostwire is open source, limewire is not, enough said.18:19
amenadoDRebellion-> i cannot disagree18:19
NattyTuxamenado: I meant, in which directory??? programs which I compile from source18:19
rskyea woden18:19
* sdsheeks hugs his astaro setup18:19
amenadoNattyTux-> create a directory called /mysource  and dump it there?18:20
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NattyTuxamenado: in the root dir? or under /home/USERNAME ....?18:20
sdsheeksWell folks today marks 30 days from the date i switched from gentoo and I'm loving it.18:20
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NattyTuxamenado: I ask it because I was told , by a tutorial to install it under /usr/local/bin , but it makes no sense, since it requires using the18:21
wodenhow do I get sound working?  It's not working atm18:21
amenadoNattyTux-> wherever you have plenty of spaces, if /home is a separate partition, sure go ahead and create a subdir within that18:21
abelabelhi, I'm trying to recover data from the hard disk of a laptop that has boot problems. I'm now using an old live cd. The disk I want to recover is listed in the Sytem-> Disks Manager menu but has status 'inaccessible'. Is there still a way to access the disk? Would using a recent live cd be better?18:21
NattyTuxamenado: thanks18:21
DG19075is having fun with Ultimate Edition 1.718:21
orudiethe installation of ddclient is prompting for the interface for DNS client.. what do they mean by that ?18:21
FlannelDG19075: Ultimate Edition is a cheap knockoff.  Suggest you use the proper one, as it contains everything anyway, without the brokenness18:22
gralcohi guys18:22
farruinnNattyTux: That tutorial mean you should use '--prefix=/usr/local' when running ./configure. The source can be anywhere.18:22
amenadoorudie-> on ubuntu?18:22
orudieamenado yup18:22
IndyGunFreakFlannel: you should make that an ubotu trigger..lol18:22
Brownigani get "GRUB _" on bootup and tried reinstalling grub, only to get the same error18:22
amenadoorudie-> i dont use ddclient, which package that came out of?18:22
SpunkyHey guys I have a problem with the add/remove list when I try to install something. I keep getting a window that says "The list of applications is not available. To refresh you need a working internet connection." And I even tried the apt-get install command and it won't work either. Any idea on how to fix?18:23
Brownigangrub is not installed to the mbr, since i'm chainloading it from rEFIt on a macbook pro18:23
orudieamenado: just did sudo apt-get install ddclient18:23
lesshastegeirha, wireless is working now :)18:23
amenadoorudie-> why? dhclient is stock, you dont like dhclient?18:23
NattyTuxamenado: I see, thanks alot18:24
orudieamenado: didnt know about dhclient18:24
farruinnSpunky: try running 'sudo apt-get update' to update the package list18:24
orudieamenado: i just need anything that would point my domain to my ip18:24
orudieamenado: dynamic ip that is18:24
SpunkyAlright will do sir.18:24
amenadoSpunky do you have internet access ?18:24
amenadoorudie  dhclient eth0  assuming your nic is eth018:25
stefan_oh god18:25
KalElassuming both work, what is preferable, generic linux kernel or i386 linux kernel?18:25
stefan_that's one for bash.org18:25
FlannelKalEl: generic18:25
KalElok thanks18:25
FlannelSpunky: do `sudo apt-get update` and pastebin the output (see !paste for pastebin)18:25
KalElalso why is generic preferable?18:26
FlannelKalEl: 386 is for people who have problems running generic18:26
Spunkysam@sam-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get update18:26
SpunkyIgn cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/main Translation-en_GB18:26
SpunkyIgn cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/restricted Translation-en_GB18:26
SpunkyReading package lists... Done18:26
Spunkysorry for that long crap but that's all i got actually18:26
orudieamenado: a little more specifics please? i'm a noob18:26
Flannel!paste | Spunky18:27
FlannelSpunky: alright, well, your problem is you have no internet sources.  Which is odd, but thats ok.18:27
MingysHow can i download the file from this link? http://palabre.gavroche.net/download/?getFile=218:27
stefan_that happens if ubuntu can't find internet acces at install time18:27
Mingysi tried Links18:27
MaimsterGood afternoon to all ubuntoonians...18:27
Mingysbut it returns me a html18:27
amenadoorudie on a terminal type   sudo dhclient eth0  assuming your nic is eth018:27
stefan_you can enable the internet sources manually :)18:27
danandSpunky - pastebin the file /etc/apt/sources.list18:27
Spunkyah ok18:27
KalElwell... my pc is only working with i386 after i installed the alpha 6 of HH18:27
MaimsterI have to wait my lag out.18:28
danandspunky - is this a new install?18:28
KalEli'll look out for an update for generic then... thanks for the information18:28
Spunkyso i can hopefully just ajust the network tools list, and make it recognize my network, and it should be fixed right?18:28
Spunkyand yes it is18:28
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FlannelSpunky: Go to System > Admin > Software Sources, and you'll be enabling them there.  main, restricted, universe are the three main ones, multiverse is ok too.  You want gutsy, gutsy-updates, and gutsy-security, but not gutsy-proposed, or gutsy-backports18:29
orudieamenado: ok did that, what was that supposed to do ?18:29
lubenhi everybody...can anyone help me with a soundblaster audigy se 7.1? (alsa don't detect it)18:29
FlannelSpunky: (and I'm sorry I can't be more specific, I don't know what the dialog looks like)18:29
SpunkyIts fine flannel, I think i can take it from here hehe18:30
danandspunky - pastebin that file. you may need to edit it - no internet sources for packages can be due to a bug in the gutsy installer18:30
stefan_he can just use the graphic tool for it like flannel suggested18:30
amenadoorudie-> did it assign an ip address to your interface card?  check with ifconfig18:30
Spunkythat's interesting18:31
FlannelSpunky: if youre fine with editing things by hand, you can do that too.  Its faster as far as I'm concerned18:31
lubensomeone knows how to config a ac0106 chipset?18:31
SpunkyI like editing it with my hands lol18:31
NattyTuxOk I have an issue with pidgin 2.4.018:31
thedman^Does anyone have any experience with joysticks in gutsy?18:31
amenadoMingys-> just doubleclick on it18:31
amenadoand save it18:31
dominois this the right channel to ask about spanning/raid/partitions?18:31
NattyTuxJust installed it from source, and I ge this messge when trying to run it : "pidgin: symbol lookup error: pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_account_get_current_error18:31
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NattyTuxnow I have a solution which is runing it with 'sudo pidgin'...18:32
FlannelSpunky: deb [URL of a mirror (see !mirrors)] gutsy main restricted universe multiverse, is the line, then make two more for gutsy-updates and gutsy-security18:32
FlannelNattyTux: why are you installing pidgin from source?18:32
NattyTuxbut I dont want it to have root permission18:32
NattyTuxFlannel : latest version18:32
* sdsheeks prays the snow stops soon.18:32
Itakuhow do i set up a round robin on ubuntu? i got a domain name already.18:32
thedman^I have three different usb joystics, all work great in jscalibrator, but in all games only the buttons work not the d-pads.  Any clues?18:32
NattyTuxI dont want it to have root permissions...18:32
NattyTuxso how to I solve this?18:32
danandFlannel - enabling sources through synaptics etc will work, but it can produce a messy /etc/apt/sources.list file - guess i'm a bit pedantic about things like that - with loads of entries that file can become difficult to read18:33
amenadoItaku can you clarify that please? what is your network layout, elaborate18:33
polterI wish someone would write a song about the wonderful excitement of dist-upgrading18:34
stefan_would be one agressive song, lol18:34
Flanneldanand: We always try the GUI stuff first, since a lot of people are afraid of editing config files, even though yeah, manual editing is faster and cleaner18:34
bruenigpolter: you should use a distro that doesn't require such absurd error prone discrete jumps18:34
polterI like dist-upgrading.. it's fun!18:34
bruenigif russian roulette is fun18:35
danandFlannel - naah - dive in at the deep end... you can learn a lot more about your system that way :)18:35
polterI very rarely have problems that aren't fixable within 5 minutes18:35
* MatBoy should be banned form the xubuntu channel now... gnome is nice !18:35
danandFlannel - course you can also screw it up that way too :)18:35
thedman^I have three different usb joystics, all work great in jscalibrator, but in all games only the buttons work not the d-pads.  Any clues?18:36
stefan_NattyTux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=443116218:36
tim167I inserted my bluetooth dongle, it is listed in lsusb, but nothing happens when i turn on my phone's bluetooth, how do I connect to a bluetooth device ?18:36
MatBoydoes gnome has a rightmousebutton menu as XFCE has ?18:36
Flare183MatBoy: If some needs to be banned then just ask in the channel18:36
TigerplugIm trying to install PHPmyadmin on a new Ubuntu VPS (I have already set up vhosts for two domains), when I go to http://serverip/phpmyadmin its not there18:36
Flare183MatBoy: I think so18:36
MatBoyFlare183, hehe18:36
Tigerplugany help?18:36
stefan_MattyTux: a valid .deb package of Pidgin 2.4.0 is available via getdeb, also.. check here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=443116218:36
MatBoyFlare183, why not indeed... I can;'t find it at " backgrounds"  or so18:36
dominoTigerplug u sure u've put it in the correct folder? :>18:37
danandMatBoy - no... not in the same way as xfce does.18:37
NithTigerplug: did you install it from the repos?18:37
karterhallo has anyone openliebereis for hardy as a .deb file?18:37
xqMatBoy: Nope, XFCE is the best for that menu style (the right click / drop down menus / kind of like CSS-y).18:38
xqMatBoy: I have never come across a program that does that in Gnome. Gnome just uses it's panel app for program management.18:38
karterhave problems to compile18:38
polterkarter, what's the compile-errors?18:38
MatBoydanand, ok, because I have 2 screens above each other and my top screen is recognized as the top of my screen, so I miss the window bar when I place it at the top of the lower screen... it overlaps18:38
rafaelscjhi all18:39
danandMatBoy - gnome is a more windows centric desktop. icewm and xfce tend to be more nix centric - ie right click gives you a menu of apps to choose from. do think you can configure rclick to behave like that in gnome though18:39
xqMatBoy: Are you using an nvidia card? You can use nvidia -settings to try to fix it?18:39
kartercontent_handler_libxml.cpp:61: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '*' token18:39
kartermake[4]: *** [libopenpluginlib_pl_la-content_handler_libxml.lo] Fehler 118:39
MatBoyxq, yep, nvidia, 2 of them for 4 monitors18:39
wodenI have no sound...How do I setup my sound card in Ubuntu?18:39
karterwhan i try to do the make..18:39
ArthurArchnixMatBoy: That sounds like fun. I'll join your quest.18:39
ArthurArchnixMatBoy: I get to be the mage.18:39
danandMatBoy - nice :)18:40
NithTigerplug: I did phpmyadmin last week, if you installed it from the repos, you need to move the config file from /etc/phymyadmin/apache.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin18:40
polterkarter, you got all the required packages?18:40
StwangeI'm trying to install IE6 on gutsy using IEs4linux. Has anyone else managed this? Because I'm getting the following error: http://pastebin.com/d441ea47018:40
NithTigerplug: Then run a2ensite phpmyadmin18:40
xqMatBoy: Yeah, Ubuntu is annoying with multiple monitors....nvidia offers a better management tool if you have it installed :) Don't use Ubuntu's management interface, it will most likely screw you.18:40
MatBoyhaha, ow I have this already for 2 years... yes it works quite nice18:40
polterStwange, use wine-doors for that18:40
karterja is not komplaning about packeges18:40
MatBoyxq, yap18:40
karterhave you iunstalled jahshaka on hary18:40
xqdanand: And yep, xfce = <318:40
compu73rg33kI have amd_64 architecture ubuntu 7.10 installation, but how can I run firefox in i386 (so I can use adobe flash)?18:40
polterjashaka? is that still being developed?18:40
=== aasics is now known as aasics21
ngabrielanyone every setup an ubuntu box as a wireless network bridge?18:41
karterthink so18:41
karteris great18:41
MatBoyI have the idea that gnome is faster tahn XFCE these days18:41
TigerplugNith - thankyou... just to check its sudo apt-get install mysql-server for mysql but how do I set the root password18:41
Stwangecompu73rg33k, you have to use either ndiswrapper, or (easier) installed firefox32. Google for either of those "ndiswrapper" or "installing 32 bit firefox on ubuntu 64"18:41
polterMatBoy, well if not, almost.. xfce really isn't light at all anymore18:41
rafaelscj!rm | rafaelscj18:42
compu73rg33kthanks Stwange18:42
MatBoypolter, indeed, I see the same18:42
fabioi didn't know ie4linux was a python script...18:42
wodenI have no sound...How do I setup my sound card in Ubuntu?18:42
danandMatBoy - imo xfce has tried to become too much like gnome - it used to be _alot_ lighter .... and better for it18:42
MatBoydanand, indeed, that was I thought too18:43
Stwangefabio, I just followed the instructions at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu18:43
fabioto install ie6 on linux you need to grab some cab files.18:43
NithTigerplug: yes, although I don't remember about the root password18:43
NithTigerplug: I think its blank by default18:43
MatBoybtw, nvidia settings removes my nvidia-glx-new.... I think I will run into troubles again18:43
polterinstalling ie for linux is easiest done through wine-doors..18:44
fabiothere is something wrong in your python installation18:44
polterclick the checkbox, click install.. done18:44
rafaelscjis ubotu here?18:44
Tigerplugthanks Nith18:44
lubenwoden: which soundcar do you have?18:44
NithTigerplug: np18:44
wodenluben:  I have 2.  One is a Creative Labs X-Fi XtremeGamer, the other is my onboard sound chip that came with my Asus P5B motherboard.18:44
rafaelscjwhere is ubotu?18:45
caneri have a geforce go 7200 (hp-dv6000) and using ubuntu7.10 .but the screen blinks and finally freezes when using nvidia driver. should i lower some settings??18:45
tim167how do i send a file over bluetooth from phone to computer ? I try to connect and it fails. can anyone help ? thanks18:45
danandwoden - need a bit more info than that for people to be able to help. find out the make and model of you sound card first - type lspci in a terminal to see a list of your hardware. either that or look through the output of lshw. if your not comfortable with cli stuff look at system -> preferences -> hardware info18:45
stefan_caner: are you using the repository driver?18:45
poltertim167, I don't really know but I have heard of people using the obex-protocol for that18:46
MatBoyman, gnome is 100% faster here, no joke18:46
canerstefan_ : yes18:46
bartwehow can i set a higher refresh rate for the texmode console ?18:46
MatBoyand that on a Q6600 on 3,4 Ghz18:46
stefan_caner: have you tried to reconfigure x?18:46
fabiohow about kde 4 ?18:46
canerstefan_ : i mean the one which comes with restricted drivers manager18:46
wodendanand:  Does ubuntu support the Creative Labs SB X-Fi18:46
stefan_caner: yeah, that's the one I meant :)18:46
tim167polter, i used hidd --connect, and it looks like its connecting, then on the phone i can discover the computer, and do a send, but then it says it fails18:46
Stwangepolter, I've installed wine-doors, but I'm not sure what you mean - do I just download the .exe straight from MS?18:47
canerstefan_ shoul i do something with nvidia-settings program?18:47
poltertim167, sorry dude, but I don't really use bluetooth18:47
danandwoden - yes ... that should use the emu10k driver...18:47
wodendanand:  Well it didn't get setup by the default ubuntu install....I have no sound...what do I need to do to get it to work?18:48
danandwoden - in a terminal type  asoundconfig list  to see what audio cards your system can "see"18:48
stefan_caner: I've never used that program, I think you have a configuration problem.18:48
wodendanand:  bash: asoundconfig: command not found18:48
wodendanand:  Names of available sound cards:18:48
Nithtime to do dishes -.-18:48
=== Nith is now known as nith
wodendanand:  I think that's my USB webcam microphone though.18:48
danandwoden - sorry - asoundconf list18:48
stefan_caner: are you using compiz?18:48
canerstefan_ i disabled most of the options in the program and favored performance for quality but it still keep blinking18:49
tim167polter, that's ok, maybe someone else here ? i followed these steps : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup, but it doesnt explain how to actually send / receive something, or what to do if bluetooth device says it cant connect...18:49
=== ^4nDr3s is now known as RoAkSoAx
wodendanand:  lspci shows my Creative Labs SB X-Fi though.18:49
canerstefan_ no i do not use compiz because compiz goes to freeze much faster18:49
danandwoden - did you try asoundconf list?18:49
polteris X-fi support now? I while back it wasn't18:49
polterman I just can't seem to spell right18:50
wodendanand:  Names of available sound cards:18:50
danandwoden - hmmm .... wait one18:50
stefan_caner: have you tried to reconfigure x?18:50
tim167how do I receive a file over bluetooth ? i followed this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup but it doesn't say how to send/receive thanks18:50
wodendanand:  I believe that is my USB webcam...18:51
danandwoden - what is the output of cat /proc/asound/modules18:51
polterwow.. "could not install: nautilus".. that'll be fun to fix18:51
wodendanand:    1 snd_usb_audio18:51
danandpolter - :O18:51
wodendanand:  I think I have my onboard sound chip disabled in the BIOS.18:52
polterI better close Xchat.. I shouldn't have it running while updating anyway18:52
wodendanand:   But my X-Fi should be available.18:52
danandwoden  - is the audio card your using usb external?18:52
BrunoXLambertHello, I have a brand new LG laptop that have some weird hardware I guess. my ethernet adapter is only reconsied by ubuntu hardy (I guess the driver is only in 2.6.24...), but I can't get X to work. I have an error: no screen found18:52
DaveEnglandhello! can anybody help me, how can i make, that sound will work on ubuntu? :S18:53
karterWe are pleased to announce that the jahshaka project has been liberated from its evil benefactors and is now free to get back to its roots and start building the high end visual effects tools it set out to deliver!18:53
karterFor the past 2 years our project has been held up by a group of sponsors who had alternative goals when they took the project over, and these goals have resulted in very little progress and traction. As a result, instead of delivering the V3 that we set out to build, we were only just able to get Jahplayer v3 out the door.18:53
sgtpepper729if anyone can help, this is a very small issue, but when I run amarok, the notification icon does not show up on the taskbar anymore, I have the preferences in amarok set right, does anyone know why that might be happening?18:53
Odd-rationaleBrunoXLambert: have you tried reconfiguring X?18:53
wodendanand:  The audio card is a USB webcam.18:53
johHi, I'm having trouble booting the 7.10 64bit live-cd - after the kernel is loaded, the screen goes blank and doesn't receive any signal. Any way to run a text-based install?18:53
ArthurArchnixI wonder, would it be possible to put a script in .gnome2/nautilus-scripts and all it does is call the 'main menu' panel applet?18:53
kartertry restart x18:53
karterrun it from terminal18:54
wodendanand:  Yes, external USB webcam.  It's not really an audio card.  I think Ubuntu is picking up the microphone.18:54
ArthurArchnixwhat is the main menu applet, where can I find that?18:54
stefan_caner: nvidia-xconfig might also be of help :)18:54
danandwoden - eh??18:54
BrunoXLambertOdd-rationale, sure, made quite a lot of test (with debian, ubuntu and slackware). actually Debian add more option when doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but nothing worked18:54
danandwoden - can you pastebin the output of lspci and lsusb?18:54
stefan_joh: text based install can be done with the alternate install cd18:54
wodendanand: sure 1 sec18:54
Odd-rationaleBrunoXLambert: hmm. sounds like something's not right with your srceen section of your xorg file?18:54
canerstefan_ the computer just froze i had to reboot. could you please help me to reconfigure x18:54
danandwoden - k18:55
johstefan_: But not from the normal CD?18:55
stefan_joh: not that I know about18:55
johstefan_: Ok thanks18:55
xyblorhow do I install grub onto a drive without disturbing the /boot directory of that drive?18:55
wodendanand:  here is lspci http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58906/18:55
inSanity_hi ppl18:55
stefan_caner: nvidia-xconfig can generate an xorg.conf file for you18:55
Bradley_i have now settled on Virtual Box runnig Ubunto from windows18:56
danandwoden - k - taking a look ....18:56
canerstefan_ i did is that all?18:56
BrunoXLambertOdd-rationale, yeah, I jsut don't know what to throw in there. It's a LG-R405 laptop with a 14.1'' display18:56
wodendanand:  lsusb  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58907/18:56
canerstefan_ it keeps blinking :::(18:56
inSanity_I can't create files in a davfs mounted directory, anyone a clue ( I CAN make folders though )18:56
stefan_caner: you let that tool create a new xorg.conf file for you?18:56
xyblorI just need to install grub to the boot sector of a drive18:56
BrunoXLambertOdd-rationale, and google doesn't know what to do!!! hehe18:56
sdrris here anyone running hardy already ?18:56
inSanity_sdrr : yes I'm18:56
inSanity_hardy runs ok! :)18:57
Odd-rationaleBrunoXLambert: I really don't know, then. Sorry :(18:57
ahmedh724please i need help18:57
inSanity_we al do ;)18:57
ahmedh724i have 256 ram18:57
canerstefan_ it says it made a backup. and new x configuration file written to ...18:57
sdrrinSanity_: sounds good, do you know by accident if xen 3.2 is available for hardy?18:57
ahmedh724i can't run the live cd18:57
johstefan_: Seems to work with the nosplash option18:57
Odd-rationaleahmedh724: Have you tried the alt cd ?18:57
stefan_caner: you have to restart your X session then18:57
BrunoXLambertOdd-rationale, yeah it's okay, i guess i shouldn't have bought brand new hardware18:57
dominoanyone, this is an easy question, i'm new to unix :>, how do i - from terminal - set up partitions? im looking to set up 5 partitions, one on each harddrive, then put them together as one in LVM/ combine as raid18:57
stefan_caner: cane be done by rebooting or by doing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace18:57
Bradley_ahmedh724: did you burn it from the ISO or just unpack it and then burn that18:57
stefan_joh: never knew that, thought that only removed the splash18:58
canerstefan_ ok let met try18:58
ahmedh724the live cd opens busybox initramfs and   things i don't understand18:58
ahmedh724i think it is something like command prompt in windows18:58
johstefan_: Yeah, and without 'quiet' you can see that it actually boots :P;18:58
acee1234how do you change conky themes?18:58
inSanity_sdrr: yes it is18:58
ahmedh724i burnt it from the iso18:58
stefan_joh: ^_^ good luck then18:58
inSanity_sdrr: installing it now :)18:58
Bradley_ahmedh724: go to this room and ill help #livecd18:58
johstefan_: Thanks :-)18:58
ahmedh724ok thanks18:59
alex___hi guys. is there a way to name the home partition in ubuntu so that in os x it's not called "UNTITLED"?18:59
sdrrinSanity_: ok ic, my god I'm download the hardy iso and it takes 14 hrs ,.. :(18:59
inSanity_sdrr: I upgrade from 7.1018:59
tim167i try gnome-obex.send and it asks me to select bluetooth device but none is listed18:59
sdrrinSanity_: aha18:59
wodendanand:  got anything?18:59
sdrrinSanity_: ok thanks for the tip18:59
brobostigondoes the network/smb printer hosted by a win2000 machine, i am trying to print too, need to be in the same domain/workgroup as me, or doesnt it matter??18:59
inSanity_sdrr: update-manager -d18:59
inSanity_should able to do it19:00
wodenHow do I get my Creative Labs SB X-Fi to work in Ubuntu?19:00
=== beefybefay is now known as nikitis
dominoalex___ maybe u can help me out? :>19:00
ubotuSpunky: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:00
alex___domino, what's your question?19:00
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:01
ArthurArchnixhow do I run an applet from the terminal? Do I have to use the panel, or can I call it from the CL?19:01
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:01
inSanity_DAVFS2 , anyone familiar with that?19:01
dominohow to set up a partition from terminal/console/"cmdpromt"19:01
kenisaican anyone help me with running ubuntu?19:01
nikitisQuestion i'm having an issue.  I do not have a visual effects option in preferences.  Compiz is enabled and 3dfx are working but i wish to configure them.  What package do i need installed to get this option?19:01
xybloris there a gui for grub?19:01
alex___domino, i use gparted.... never tried from terminal19:01
stefan_nikitis: are you using ubuntu?19:01
nikitisstefan_, yes, I am19:02
danandwoden - think your card should be supported - theres even a 64bit driver available on creatives site which is unusual... are you using 64bit?19:02
stefan_nikitis: compiz-settings-manager19:02
wodendanand: yes19:02
nikitisstefan_, says couldn't find compiz-settings-manager19:02
canerstefan_ : it keeps freezing. i opened two web pages with flash apps and it started blinking and froze19:02
crdlb!ccsm | nikitis19:02
ubotunikitis: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:02
dominoi dont run ubuntu with GUI alex___, but ill try gparted. maybe it'll run19:02
crdlbstefan_: not quite right :)19:02
stefan_sorry, compizconfig-settings-manager :) installable via apt19:03
kenisaiI just installed ubuntu and I dint install any extra components when asked, Now i dont have an interface only a command interface... what should i do? im new to ubuntu and i need help19:03
stefan_yay bot ^^19:03
dallasfor some reason my sound only works every once and a while and to get it back i have to restart but is there a process i can kill and then just restart again so i dont have to do a complete reboot?19:03
stefan_crdlb: I noticed too late, thanks :)19:03
alex___domino, ah. i've never tried that... it should be doable from command line with gparted tho19:03
danandwoden - can you just check to see if you have the emu10k driver in your modules list first ... do lsmod | grep emu10k and see if it shows up19:03
acee1234how do i change conky themes?19:03
nikitisstefan_, crdlb, Thanks19:04
nikitiscrdlb, thanks19:04
NET||abuseHey guys.. i'm trying to use a download accellerator, i'm downloading some big files from a newsgroup, but DownThemAll! plugin for firefox, won't increase the chunks it's downling in, so i'm stuck at 40kb/s , when i should be up at 160 at least19:04
kenisaiI just installed ubuntu and I dint install any extra components when asked, Now i dont have an interface only a command interface... what should i do? im new to ubuntu and i need help19:04
NET||abuseIs there a download accellerator that'll download in multiple chunks to speed up per connection limited speeds and allow me to enter a user/pass for a download, as in the newsgroup login.19:04
kenisaiis there anyway i can reinstall ubuntu using a command?19:04
dallasdid you not have a live cd kenisai?19:05
Jowikenisai, you installed the server version?19:05
stefan_caner: hm, have you tried to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?19:05
ionsorry my silly question but how shall install a program that is in tar.gz format or whatever ?19:05
dallasfor some reason my sound only works every once and a while and to get it back i have to restart but is there a process i can kill and then just restart again so i dont have to do a complete reboot?19:05
kenisaii installed using the one with no cd or anything19:05
stefan_caner: note that this will require you to input some advanced information :) but it might help you out here19:05
alanbshepard70How can I force a fullscreen application to run on a second monitor with a dual screen setup?19:06
ionsorry guys anybody can help me ?19:06
wizohey, hwo can i check that i'm using dhcp19:06
dallasdo you have an internet connection wizo?19:06
wizoerr nope19:06
Bradley_ion: with what19:06
danandwoden - you get anything from that?19:06
stefan_ion: you've probably downloaded a source package :)19:06
IndyGunFreakalanbshepard70: i wish i knew the answer to that as well.19:07
Bradley_!ion | ettiuqutte19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ion - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
dallasdo you have wireless or wired connection?19:07
acee1234if no one knows how to change conky who or where might i ask19:07
stefan_ion: have you tried looking for the program in the repositories?19:07
ionstefan_: yeah but what I've to do ?19:07
Bradley_ion: with what19:07
wizodallas, im running it on vmware server, and i cant get it to have internet access, so im trying to figure out what's wrong19:07
dallasgoogle acee123419:07
wodenI enabled my onboard sound card and now Ubuntu can see it, but I still can't hear any sounds.  can anyone help please?19:07
Bradley_woden: have you run the update manger19:07
rskwoden: chek alsamixer if it's muted19:07
acee1234dallas: tried it19:07
prince_jammysion: what is the name of the program?19:08
PriitM_I got trouble with my WiFi connection going idle and I can't get it 'out' of there, could please anyone tell me which actions should I take? Picture of iwconfig, iwlist scan, init/networking restart and such: http://priitm.planet.ee/1/prob.png19:08
wodenBradley:  the update manager?  nope.19:08
alanbshepard70IndyGunFreak: I want to run fceu fullscreen on my TV, I hope I find an answer :-\19:08
stefan_ion: the program might be available from the ubuntu repositories... use the package manager to see if it's available :)19:08
ionBradley: I would like to know how shall I install a program that is in taz.gz19:08
wodenrsk: alsamixer looks confusing...how do I tell if it's muted there?  My gnome sound applet doesn't say it's muted.19:08
ionI've got a few of them here...19:08
wizodallas, should be on a ethernet if it's running in vmware i think19:08
danandwoden - did you check the output of lsmod | grep emu10k ??19:08
ompaulion, what program are they?19:08
wodendanand:  that output is null19:09
kenisaii installed ubuntu but i dint install a desktop environment19:09
kenisaiis it possible to reinstall?19:09
alanbshepard70ion: tar -xzvf /package.tar.gz, then cd /packagedir then ./configure then ./make then ./make install19:09
amews_ajHi, is it correct that kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE ??19:09
rskwoden: how is it confusing? use m to mute and unmute19:09
Linux_Fresheris it REALLY true that viruses are there for LINUX ?19:09
kenisaior install a desktop environment?19:09
danandwoden - k, just to check again your running a 64 bit system ?19:09
IndyGunFreakamenado: maybe a few other subtle differences, but more or less, yes19:09
Linux_Fresheri thought linux was like virus proof thing =(19:09
wodenrsk: no they are not muted.19:10
ompaul!virus | Linux_Fresher19:10
ubotuLinux_Fresher: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:10
PriitM_Linux_Fresher, there are very few, like 40 perhaps, but they aren't spreaded much.19:10
wodendanand: yes 64 bit I believe.  Linux valhalla 2.6.24-11-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 29 21:26:31 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:10
dallashow can you kill the sound process?19:10
RabidWeezleis there a bash command similar to dos'es "pause"19:10
ionhold on guys let my try some stuff that some of you guys told me...19:10
IndyGunFreakLinux_Fresher: viruses are just malicious code.., Linux is not immune to malicious code, but if you practice proper security, damage will be severely limited..19:10
qenseit is very hard to get your pc infected with a virus when running linux19:10
RabidWeezleas in a command that says "Please press any key to continue"19:10
prince_jammysion why don't you tell us the program names? maybe packages are available19:11
qenseyou have to use old code or be in root all time19:11
RabidWeezleI'm trying to make a script for it19:11
kenisaiis it possible to reintall ubuntu or download a a desktop environment? cuz i dint install one.... now i have a black screen with just text on it/////19:11
kenisaican anyone help please?19:11
ionand many thanks for you guys19:11
danandwoden - ok ... see if you get any output from modprobe -l | grep emu10k19:11
qensekenisai: type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:11
prince_jammyskenisai: you can install a desktop environment, and X if you don't have it19:11
kenisaiok thanks!!19:11
Picikenisai: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop19:11
kenisaiill try19:11
Linux_FresherIndyGunFreak  .. ok i just googled .. there are 874 known viruses/worms for linux .. as u say, "practice proper security" , what it means in terms of linux ? [other than not logging in as root?]19:11
wodendanand: yes but it's too much to paste here want me to put it on pastebin?19:11
bluebananahow do i add a "sudo command" every time I start-up the computer (that is, when a new session starts) and have it run automatically?19:11
danandwoden - k19:12
dallashow do you check and see what all services are running?19:12
IndyGunFreakLinux_Fresher: thats the most major thing right there, not logging in as root.19:12
wodendanand:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58908/19:12
danandwoden - k ... just lookin...19:12
canerstefan_ i did it but a little randomly. and it made no help still slows down and freezes19:12
Linux_FresherIndyGunFreak  so thats all that needs to be done ?  setup as root and never go again there as root ? [my 1st day of linux]19:12
ionprince_jammys: because I don't know :( how to install using my terminal and I wanna know that as well...I few stupid becauce I can't do it...as you guys can see I'm  newuser...so I came from windows...19:12
IndyGunFreakLinux_Fresher: and still most linux viruses, dont' effect the linux box, they are made to attack vulnerable linux servers, which then exploit windows machines(most of the time)19:12
stefan_caner: you restarted after changing the xorg.conf file?19:12
canerstefan_ yes19:12
acee1234im cant seem to get the file browser seach fuction to work properly19:13
IndyGunFreakLinux_Fresher: not really *never go there again*, but don't do every day tasks from root... with ubuntu, you don't do that anyways19:13
danandwoden - did you install from the standard 7.10 cd?19:13
IndyGunFreak!sudo | Linux_Fresher19:13
prince_jammysion: the names of the programs that you downloaded are ...19:13
ubotuLinux_Fresher: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:13
canerstefan_ restarted gnome with ctrl+alt+backspce19:13
wodendanand:  yes I think so19:13
amews_ajHi, is it correct that kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE ??19:13
usse1amews_aj: pretty much yes19:13
stefan_caner: try a system reboot :)19:13
Linux_FresherIndyGunFreak would it be just matter of time ? when [if] world shifts to linux, all people writing viruses for windows will start coding viruses for linux? =/19:14
wodendanand:  No wait I installed from the standard 8.06 I think19:14
Bradley_is there any way to reset your display settings from the terminal19:14
amews_ajusse1: Are they both stable, and can you install the same on it ?19:14
qensethe most virusses/exlpoits for Linux I know are in closed source19:14
danandwoden - in that case, i think your running a 32 bit system, even though your hardware is 64bit ... this is no bad thing though....19:14
IndyGunFreakLinux_Fresher: some say yes.. but i've yet to get anything in 2yrs19:14
ompaulLinux_Fresher, no it would not be and this is not a discussion channel you can join #ubuntu-offtopic this is strictly for support issues not discussion19:14
usse1amews_aj: yes all the same software goes for both19:14
qenseit's very hard to find bugs there if you're not a developer and there are less people who can contribute to the coee19:14
inSanity_for those of you who want to use davfs with ubuntu19:14
amews_ajusse1: And ubuntu isn19:14
amews_ajisn't more stable than kubuntu ?19:14
danandwoden - try typing sudo modprobe snd-emu10k119:14
Bradley_Is there anyway to reset your resoultion from the terminal???19:14
wodendanand:  I am?  I wanted to run 64 bit system....19:14
wodendanand:  nothing comes up with that command19:15
Linux_Fresherqense  .. erm .. ok .. i know open source where the code is given to people , closed source is that they dont code to people .. how does that matter ? i am confused19:15
chris1i did something stupid, i hit a few buttons before reading what they do.. ctrl+alt+f1 creates a ttyl but i did not read how to undo it.. help?19:15
ionprince_jammys:skype, amsn..azureus and so on..19:15
lordleemoIndyGunFreak: were did you get 874 from19:15
macncheez3000one could make the argument that linux bases systems are harder to write viruses for19:15
IndyGunFreaklordleemo: i didn't, he spewed that number..lol, it sounded like crap to me, but i let it go19:15
danandwoden - ok ... thats ok.... type lsmod | grep emu10k again and see if you get any output19:15
qenseLinux_Fresher: open source means more people who can look at the code, and can find bugs19:15
macncheez3000leading to a reduction in script kiddies19:16
usse1amews_aj: I found kubuntu to be less stable/usable than ubuntu19:16
anniku989prince_jammys: hi19:16
prince_jammys!info amsn | ion19:16
Linux_Fresherlordleemo ..  i got it from wikipedia19:16
ubotuion: amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97RC1+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3371 kB, installed size 10956 kB19:16
qenseand there a lot of those people will write often a patch19:16
Linux_Fresherlordleemo .. brb getting the link for u19:16
macncheez3000ussel: as did i19:16
lordleemoIndyGunFreak: wikpedia ha ha ha typical eh19:16
wodendanand:  yes there is output19:16
Bradley_HEllo, is there any way to reset your resoultion from the terminal19:16
prince_jammysion these packages are available through repositories, you don't need to deal with tar.gz19:16
Linux_Freshersoz its 86319:16
ompaulLinux_Fresher, you are a victim of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt please drop the subject join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to chat19:17
wodendanand:  here is output of that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58910/19:17
prince_jammysion: except maybe skype19:17
qenseBradley_: you can edit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf manually19:17
bluebananaHow do i add a sudo command into my session?19:17
qenseor type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select other resolutions19:17
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danandwoden - ok ... that means that modules been inserted into the running kernel ... that output looks good19:17
Bradley_my resoultion is too high19:17
Linux_Fresherompaul .. soz .. i will just give him the weblink and go to that channel19:17
IndyGunFreakBradley_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   just take generic defaults, until your back toa  GUI..19:17
Bradley_and i cant see anything19:17
Linux_Fresherhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses    .. thats where it says 86319:17
wodendanand:  great.  So what's the next step?19:17
prince_jammysion: have you installed them already? ie did you do the commmands the someone posted to you above?19:17
prince_jammysanniku989: hi19:18
danandwoden - now type sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart ***Note ... no implied warranties ... :) ****19:18
canerstefan_ it got worse firefox slows down the system incredibly19:18
ionprince_jammys: not yeat, I gonna do right now..19:18
prince_jammysion don't19:18
ionprince_jammys: no19:18
wodendanand:  my computer sparked and smoke came out19:18
wodendanand:  just kidding.  It says Loading additoinal hardware drivers [OK]19:19
prince_jammysion type this in a terminal::  sudo apt-get install amsn azureus19:19
canerstefan_ it blinks especially when scrolling thruogh a page19:19
rencore_any ideas as to why when i go to another tty it just flashes _ and doesnt load?19:19
fismoll8hi everyone--I am backing up my hard drive, and have heard that all I really need to back up are my /etc and /home folders. But don't I also need to back up /usr? It seems vital19:19
stefan_caner: I've been checking google, it seems to be a problem with the current driver / your card19:19
prince_jammysion: that will automatically download and install those packages19:19
Linux_FresherAlso, i tried to install Ubuntu , but it tried to over write all the USED portion of hard drive .. is it a bug in installation program ?19:19
stefan_no bug: you can choose the partitioning type at installation time19:19
danandwoden - that sounds promising ... now type sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart .... btw you  just gave me a heart attack :)19:19
canerstefan_ do you think i should keep with the generic driver? or could it have a solution?19:20
ionprince_jammys: yeah is true and whe I have as a binary that the other issue19:20
ompaulLinux_Fresher, no it is your call if that is what you want to do now I have said several times you are offtopic this is chatter not direct support issues19:20
wodendanand:  last command went through just fine.19:20
prince_jammysion: i don't understand the question. what is it?19:20
stefan_caner: for now, stepping down to the generic driver and waiting for a driver update seem the best approach :)19:20
tim167I try to send a file from my phone over bluetooth to my computer, it sees my computer, it tries to connect, then fails. any ideas ?19:21
Linux_Fresherstefan_  .. it gave me an option to choose partitioning type .. but it kept changing the space needed back to exactly the USED value of the hard drive19:21
bluebananawhat's the terminal command for "appearance preferences"?19:21
danandwoden - ok ... just a quick check ... type asoundconf list again and see what you get19:21
stefan_caner: also, create a forum topic and inclue your xorg.conf file :)19:21
ahmedh724please how can i install ubuntu from the live cd although i have only 256 mb ram the cd opens busybox initramfs screen.any suggestions?19:21
caner<stefan_> thank you. a last question. how can i know when the next driver will be released?19:21
ionprince_jammys:right, when I download a binary and I have to install it...that's what I mean.19:21
stefan_Linux_Fresher: O_o never had that problem19:21
wodendanand:  output of asoundconf list  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58911/19:21
stefan_caner: the update manager will blink :)19:21
ompaul!dualboot > Linux_Fresher (read the message from the bot you are not reading that screen correctly)19:22
wodendanand:  ignore prior.  here is output.  Intel19:22
canerstefan_ thanks for help19:22
amenadoahmedh724-> do you currently have linux already or ubuntu would be your first?19:22
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stefan_caner: also, a forum topic might lead to a better sollution, compiling the latest driver by yourself might solve the problem19:22
stefan_caner: as the repository driver you used isn't the latest available :)19:22
ahmedh724i am new to linux but now i am running pclinuxos19:22
danandwoden - and the output of cat /proc/asound/modules ?19:22
stefan_caner: that, however, is a more difficult process you will probably be better helped with via the forums :)19:23
magicor mount19:23
ahmedh724but installing software is awful on it so i would like to try ubuntu as it has build essential19:23
woden   0 snd_hda_intel19:23
woden 1 snd_usb_audio19:23
ompaulahmedh724, then do it19:23
amenadoahmedh724-> would you like to experiment with me, using the liveCD iso from a hard disk?19:23
caner<stefan_> allright i will try to read about them19:23
prince_jammysion: ok look, go to the menu and go to add/remove19:23
stefan_caner: I'll do some more research and reply to your topic if I find something :)19:23
magichow to extract or mount daa file in ubuntu amd6419:23
magicacetoneiso aint working19:23
Linux_Fresherstefan_ .. details:  80 GB HD sata --> 13.5 GB free --> contains windows XP and other programs in used space [total HD is NTFS formatted]--> wanted to give 5 GB to Ubuntu --> started installation program19:24
prince_jammysion: and search for the packages you want (amsn, azureus, and so on) -- install them from there. you DON'T need to download them19:24
ahmedh724now therei sno problem with the cd i got the cd  from ubuntu itself i recieved it post19:24
danandwoden - do you have an on board sound card?19:24
Linux_Fresherstefan_  Now, on step 4 of installation it gives 3 options .. i chose "manual"19:24
rencore_any ideas as to why when i go to another tty it just flashes _ and doesnt load?19:24
amenadoahmedh724-> am offering you a chance to experiment with livecd iso on your hard disk19:25
stefan_Linux_Fresher: hm hm :)19:25
ompaulLinux_Fresher, and where did you want to install it - of course it wants some disk space19:25
magicany alive???19:25
ionprince_jammys:but sometimes times I need to download and instal so when I face up that situation what can I do then ?19:25
ahmedh724how i have also the iso on windows and i burnt it so what i can do19:25
wodendanand:  Yes, onboard sound chip.19:25
wodendanand:  that's the  0 snd_hda_intel19:25
Linux_Fresherompaul .. same HD , it has 13.5 gb free .. wanted to make a partition of 5 GB and install ubuntu on it19:25
amenadoahmedh724-> are you paying attention to what i have been telling you yet?19:25
ionprince_jammys:I have to be a full user now I half user if you know what I mean...19:26
DonkeyKong101any1 know y my system sounds dont work......i cant handle the silence.....19:26
ompaulLinux_Fresher, it has to "push the formatted space around" so as to work19:26
ahmedh724no please what do you mean by expirement by iso live cd19:26
ompaulLinux_Fresher,read that url the bot sent you19:26
eddyMulAnybody got Hardy Alpha 5 ISOs booting under Gutsy's KVM?19:26
prince_jammysion then you follow the directions from the website you got them from, or search in the ubuntu forums, or come here.  But of the three packages you mentioned, two are available without having to compile them or download them from the web19:26
ionprince_jammys: like I've to know how do deal with situations..19:26
danandwoden - hmmm... yeah .... can you try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio to see if you can hear anything. type control+C to stop that if you do19:26
amenadoahmedh724-> well you make a copy of that iso to your hard disk and boot it from a hard disk..good enuff?19:27
Linux_Fresherompaul .. the issue that happens is that when i choose manual, it asked me how much space i want to give for ubuntu .. so i chose 5120 MB (5 x 1024)..it accepts manual typing there19:27
wodendanand:  I hear nothing19:27
ionprince_jammys: alright but thanks anyway...19:27
ompaulLinux_Fresher, yeap well here is a clue - read the url it tells you all about that much better than IRC ever will19:27
Linux_Fresherompaul  but when i go to the next field of "type of format" [like fat 32, ext3 etc] , the first field reverts back to 64700 which is EXACTLY the used space on the HD19:27
amenadoahmedh724-> and learn a few stuff along the way too19:27
ahmedh724so i have to boot the iso image from the hard disk before entering windows or pclinux19:27
danandwoden - :( ... ok type alsamixer in a terminal .. can you tell me the card and chipset that it says its using19:27
prince_jammysion: what to do depends on whether they are debian packages (.deb) or software you have to compile. the thing i'm telling you is get as much as you can from the repositories.  if you don't see it in add/remove, go to your menu and look in "synaptic"19:27
magichow to extract or mount daa file in ubuntu amd6419:28
ompaulLinux_Fresher, are you going to read the URL the bot has sent you?19:28
amenadoahmedh724-> forget it, you dont seem to show interest19:28
ahmedh724but please how can i boot from an iso image19:28
danandwoden - that will be output at the top left of the screen19:28
prince_jammysion: this makes sure you get updates in the future, and that you can uninstall with no problem19:28
Linux_Fresherompaul i am searching the chat, but there is no url that the bot sends19:28
ArthurArchnixdaa is proprietary. You need magic iso I think magic19:28
Linux_Fresherompaul could u please pm it to me ?19:28
NW2190Hey, where does Ubuntu get the name of the mounted devices under Places?19:28
ompaulLinux_Fresher, the bot did19:28
wodendanand:  Card is HDA Intel, Chip is Analog Devices AD1988B19:28
ionprince_jammys: sure...I will do it.19:29
magicmagic iso?19:29
amortvigilWhat is THE ubuntu laptop or pc?19:29
NW2190And how can I change the names?19:29
Linux_Fresherompaul nope, no pm or no url here on chat screen19:29
amenadoahmedh724-> im going to ask you once more, would you like to work with me to get a working ubuntu system booted from a livecd copied on your hd?19:29
ionprince_jammys: thanks for your help.19:29
ArthurArchnixmacic sorry, poweriso.  http://filext.com/file-extension/DAA19:29
ompaulLinux_Fresher, guess this is not for you if you can't find a pm from the bot then19:29
ahmedh724yes i am ready now i am on pclinuxos and i have the iso image19:29
ahmedh724then what?19:30
prince_jammysion no problem. you'll find that most of what you want (very few exceptions) is already available through repositories19:30
danandwoden - at the mo the system is using your onboard sound card ... we'll sort that out hopefully ... just need to try and get your SB card identified by the system19:30
shawn_selig29hi guys19:30
shawn_selig29i got a quick question19:30
amenadoahmedh724-> okay you have a pclinuxos right? does it uses  /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?19:30
magicArthurArchnix: thx :)19:30
stefan_Lipoweriso can open .daa files and is available for linux :)19:30
danandwoden - wait one....19:30
wodendanand: alrighty19:30
shawn_selig29u now in windows how you can press the back button while browsing the net to go back a page.......well how can i set this up for linux?19:30
amenadoahmedh724-> ls -la /boot/grub/menu.lst  on a terminal19:30
prince_jammysion: skype should have directions at their website19:31
Linux_Fresherompaul .. erm .. i can see the url here which ArthurArchnix typed .. but no msg from bot .. may be bot hasnt identified itself to nickserv [which is VERY unlikely]19:31
amenadoahmedh724-> also you need to respond to me with my nick in the front okay? or else i will miss what your responses are19:31
ompaulLinux_Fresher, ehh maybe the bot is lagging a little bit lets sit back and wait a moment19:31
ahmedh724ok i did it19:32
Linux_Fresherompaul its more than 30 secs by now .. it shoulda come19:32
amenado!who | ahmedh72419:32
amenadoyep bot is kaput, its not responding19:32
ionprince_jammys: cool.19:32
Azodonsometimes i find the applications in the repos are older then current versions and seem outdated.  Programs that link to server and require an same client version for all users19:32
Y-TownQuestion:  Everytime I start up my computer or reboot it looses my wireless keyboard and mouse which is on a bluetooth usb stick (logitech MX5000).  Anyone know how to fix this from happening?19:32
amenadoahmed do you notice i have your nick in front all the time? do the same when you answer back to me okay?19:33
magicArthurArchnix:  power iso its made for Windows98/Me, Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista operating system or above.19:33
ahmedh724i opened the konsole and typed ls -la,,,,,,,,,,,,19:33
ArthurArchnixmagic Yup.19:33
ompaulLinux_Fresher, you have a point there --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot19:33
stefan_magic: there's a linux version :)19:33
magici need for ubuntu19:33
amenadoahmed if you dont do this, i will not be able to help you..19:33
Linux_Fresherompaul tx19:33
ionprince_jammys: as you said I'll have a look I should have done more research before come around and ask you guys.19:33
ionprince_jammys: as I said I mean.19:33
afabianHi.  I'm trying to reinstall grub in my MBR but I can't figure out how to do it.  Can anyone help out?  It's a serial ATA drive.  I can mount the root, say, with mount /dev/sda8 /mnt, but once I chroot, the "sda" isn't a valid block device anymore and I can't grub-install.  If I don't chroot, and try 'find /boot/grub/stage1', it always says 'file not found.'19:33
magicon amd6419:33
ahmedh724i typed in the konsole what you told me19:33
prince_jammysion: no, it's good because i was able to stop you :)19:33
stefan_magic: http://www.poweriso.com/download.htm scroll down for the linux version :)19:34
amenadoahmed do you notice i have your nick in front all the time? do the same when you answer back to me okay?19:34
ahmedh724i got rw-r r root root march.........grub/menu.lst19:34
v3ctoramenado: if he won't listen, then don't bother19:34
amenadoahmed724 do you notice i have your nick in front all the time? do the same when you answer back to me okay?19:34
danandwoden - can you see what the output of: aplay -l is for me?19:34
ionprince_jammys: :)19:34
magicstefan_:  thnx19:34
prince_jammysion: if you ever have doubts, you can also google "ubuntu gutsy howto install the_name_of_your_software"  (don't forget the "ubuntu" and "gutsy" ) and you will usually get links to the ubuntu forums19:34
ahmedh724amenado:i typed in the konsole19:34
wodendanand:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58912/19:34
stefan_magic: np =)19:35
amenadoahmedh724-> okay thats more better, i can read your answer19:35
brobostigondoes the network/smb printer(win 2000 server) i am trying to print too, need to be in the same domain/workgroup as me, or doesnt it matter??19:35
ArthurArchnixstefan_: Wow... thanks also.19:35
Odd-rationaleahmedh724: Hint. You can use <TAB> to autocomplete names e.g. ame<TAB>19:35
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ArthurArchnixstefan_: I'd given up.. umm.... acquiring daa files.19:35
amenadoahmedh724-> how many hard disk do you have?19:35
ionprince_jammys: that's good.:)19:35
ivan_hi, i have problems wiht my broadcom WiFi in ubuntu, is there any new kernel release that fixes this issue, the issu is that i get packetlosts, and signal level drops at random points19:35
ahmedh724amenado: i have one 160 gigs19:36
ahmedh724amenado: partitioned two for windows and the linux drives for pclinux19:36
amenadoahmedh724-> how many partitions do you have? and do you have room for ubuntu?19:36
arang2guys i need an alternative to pyneighborhood please19:36
wodendanand: should I be using ALSA or OSS?19:36
danandwoden - k .. ALSA19:36
ahmedh724amenado: what is room please?19:36
Falstiushow do I change where the temporary file image is created for the gnome cd/dvd creator?  Or set any of the preferences for it?19:36
danandwoden - ALSA can support OSS stuff too...19:37
amenadoahmedh724-> space is same as room, what language do you speak ?19:37
arang2guys i need an alternative to pyneighborhood please19:37
wodendanand:  alrighty.  I went to System > Preferences > Sound, and tried the "Test" button for playback, and nothing comes out.19:37
Linux_Fresherompaul can i pm you plz ?19:37
ahmedh724i am arabic but i know english19:37
amenadoahmedh724-> i should charge you triple for making my gasoline very expensive.. :P19:38
wodendanand:  hey, I have an admission to make.19:38
wodendanand:  please don't slap me upside the head with a fish...19:38
ompaulLinux_Fresher, please do it in channel in case I give wrong information so someone can pull me up19:38
danandwoden - what ??? - speakers not turned on??19:38
amenadoahmedh724-> anyhow, how big are the partitions?  what sizes?19:38
ahmedh724ok then i can delete pclinux and install ubuntu in that space19:38
wodendanand:  I had my speaker plugged into the Creative Labs X-Fi, not the onboard sound card *DOH*19:38
wodendanand:  sorry to run you around like that...19:39
arang2guys i need an alternative to pyneighborhood please19:39
Pirate_Hunterhello all19:39
yerutihow can i test if my wireless card is connecting to my wireless net?19:39
orudiehow can i upload a file using putty to my linux box ?19:39
Linux_Fresherompaul this is little complicated Q, i will try to simplify it to the best of my abilities.19:39
danandwoden - np ... i would have thought you wanted to run your sound with that card any way....19:39
v3ctororudie: you would be better off using winscp for that19:39
amenadoahmedh724-> you dont pay attention well, i asked you several times to put the nickname in from and you have not done so,19:39
ahmedh724one  for windows and one 100 ntfs for windows files and the rest are partitioned automaticly by pclinux installer into 2 drive 8 and 11 and the swap19:39
Azodonyeruti : try to access your router , see what the net manager syas19:39
drewbyI use gnome.  what's a good front-end for subversion?19:39
ahmedh724amenado: sorry19:40
danandwoden ... thats what i've been trying to do at least ...19:40
ompaulorudie, there is a pscp with is a putty program to do that or psftp also iirc19:40
PriitM_I got trouble with my WiFi connection going idle and I can't get it 'out' of there, could please anyone tell me which actions should I take? Picture of iwconfig, iwlist scan, init/networking restart and such: http://priitm.planet.ee/1/prob.png19:40
wodendanand:  I forgot it was plugged into the X-Fi, because that's what I use when I'm in Vista.....19:40
danandwoden - do you get any output if you plug the speakers into the onboard sound19:40
wodendanand:  yup I sure do it's working great.19:40
_6StringKng_how do you disable the scrollback thing in konversation?19:40
drewbysomething similar to tortoise in terms of functionality, but I'm comfortable with command line.  rapidsvn isn't really doing it for me.  do you guys have any recommendations19:40
_6StringKng_err, nvm, got it XD19:41
danandwoden - that's not quite ideal though... you really should be able to use your X-Fi card....19:41
ahmedh724amenado: ok what then can i do with command i typed?19:41
yerutiwhen a ping to my router ip, de ethernet IP can connect, but when i plug off the ethernet the ping does not work19:41
wodendanand:  from what I hear, x-fi is not officially supported by ubuntu19:41
arang2guys i need an alternative to pyneighborhood please19:41
DJDarkstarhaving an issue getting dvd playback to work, it downloaded the codecs and plugin's but totem doesn't want to play ... i get this : Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc.19:41
amenadoahmedh724-> what command? i did not see it, you did not put my nick on the front19:41
DJDarkstaram i missing something?19:42
ArthurArchnix!medibuntu | DJDarkstar19:42
danandwoden - from what i've seen you could be right... thats a very new card19:42
_6StringKng_DJDarkstar -- search for restrictedextras in synaptic19:42
ArthurArchnixwait... bot is dead. Go google medibuntu DJDarkstar19:42
ahmedh724amenado: ls -la...........grub/menu.lst19:42
Linux_Fresherompaul I *know* that installaton program is NOT a RESIZER.. its just partition MANAGER, now, my Q is, 80 GB HD, 64700 MB *USED* space .. the "space allocation for Ubuntu text field" on step 4 of installation ALLOWS manual editing [ i put 5120 there ] but reverts back to 64700 when i go to next field .. so my Q is why it considers the USED space as MINIMUM space ?  [ the document you gave also comes on CD and i have gone through it]19:42
wodendanand:  very new at least by linux standards19:42
amenadoahmedh724-> okay, you do have menu.lst19:42
DJDarkstari have even tried to install libdvdcss2 (don't to add mediabuntu)19:42
eddyMuldrewby: I searched around GnomeFiles, and found: http://gnomefiles.org/app.php/GnubVersion19:42
ahmedh724amenado: yes19:42
Linux_Fresherompaul firstly is the Q clear ? else i will try to screen shot it or something19:43
yerutiazodon:when a ping to my router ip, the  ethernet IP can connect, but when i plug off the ethernet the ping does not work.19:43
arang2anyone having issues with AIM????19:43
danandwoden - wait one ... i'll see if i can find out the list of cards that emu10k1 driver supports ... you never know...19:43
eddyMuldrewby: disclaimer: I never tried it. I personally switch back and forth between Eclipse+Subclipse and Emacs' SVN-mode.19:43
drewbythanks eddyMul19:43
amenadoahmedh724-> what happens when you boot the liveCD ?19:43
wodendanand:  roger19:43
ahmedh724amenado: it opens initramf busybox screen19:44
drewbyI use gedit for most of my programming cause I'm lazy like that.19:44
amenadoahmedh724-> any other lines before that intramfs is displayed?19:45
Linux_Fresherompaul  btw, i say MINIMUM because if i dont manually edit it and hold the small lower arrow provided in the text field, it stops at 64700 [up arrow stops at full 80 gb]19:45
magicStefan_AFK: i download the power iso.tar but its .exe insight.... whot now ?19:45
ahmedh724amenado: it opens initramfs and automatically types 00x......data...... and then stops something like that and before the initramfs i can't remember19:46
amenadofyi, for those wanting to run  liveCD iso copied contents into a partition,  it does not seem to like ext3 only ext2 FS19:46
Stefan_AFKmagic: euh, I just downloaded it and there's a normal executable file there19:47
amenadoahmedh724-> try to do it again and remember what what was displayed before the initramfs19:47
ompaulLinux_Fresher, do this with the install CD open a terminal and do this "sudo fdisk -l" and take a screen shot of it or a clear photo -- and then do the same with the other tool get to the point and have a look at it - what I would say is copy some stuff off that h/d anyway it is too full for that other thing to run reasonable19:47
Pirate_Hunterif i wanted to compile irssi do i really need to use the --prefix so it doesnt install with root privilege?19:47
=== Stefan_AFK is now known as Stefan_
magici just wrote that to you :DD19:47
magicsomething its wrong19:47
Pirate_Hunter* root permissions19:47
magicbut im surfin the net now there is one poweriso in terminal mode :D19:48
ahmedh724amenado: iwill boot it again and i will tell you what is typed after few minutes19:48
kestirPirate_Hunter: what do you mean "--prefix"?19:48
Stefan_magic: I mean, it's not a .exe file.. did you download the right archive?19:48
amenadoPirate_Hunter-> i believe --prefix is for where it gets installed, so if its installed in a directory where you need root access, you have to be root19:48
Linux_Fresherompaul currently i am in windows, should i reboot to Live CD session or will it work through vmware [easier atm]19:48
magicjes i am19:48
nickrudPirate_Hunter: that doesn't intall it with root permissions, just installs it in a root owned directory like /usr/local19:48
magicit whose power iso linux ........ download hire19:48
ompaulvmware has its own issues19:48
kestirstock issues19:48
ahmedh724amenado: but please tell me if the live cd can run with 256 ram as i read on the cd cover that it needs at least 384 mb of ram19:49
Pirate_Hunterkestir: amenado answered it19:49
Linux_Fresherompaul ah .. tx for your time  .. i will have to do it later sometime19:49
obnibolongokestir: stock.... issues...?19:49
amenadoahmedh724-> runs fine on 256meg19:49
ahmedh724amenado: the live cd ?19:49
desert_ratHello people. Quick question.... I want to install ubuntu, but I want to be able to play mp3s and all sorts of movies, and have flash player ready to go, etc etc... But I have a 64 bit quad core... And know that I need 32 bit flash and firefox... I heard of medibuntu, or something like that which is supposed to have things figured out... Any ideas on what I should download?19:49
Stefan_magic: you need this file ->http://www.poweriso.com/poweriso-1.2.tar.gz19:49
amenadoahmedh724-> yes, it worked for me19:49
kestirobnibolongo: vmware too a pretty big hit on the market not too long ago19:50
lonranis there any app to display ram usage in the way beobab does for gnome?19:50
Stefan_magic: extract that... then you can use the file inside from a terminal19:50
magici got that19:50
ahmedh724amenado: ok thanks i will go now to see19:50
magicbut its exe insight19:50
obnibolongodesert_rat: install 32 bits if you want it working fast with no problems...19:50
Pirate_Hunternickrud: yeah thats what I thought but do I really have to give a directory if I left it as default (putting in mind I have no clue where it would be installed by default)  would i need to be root all the time to use irssi?19:50
desert_ratobnibolongo: So dont bother with the 64 bit version?19:50
danandwoden - :( ... bad news ... your X-Fi card is not yet supported by alsa at least ... but it looks as though creative have at least released a driver for 64bit gnu/linux platforms (albeit a proprietry driver)... looks like your stuck with your onboard for a little while19:51
desert_ratIs there a mediaubuntu for 32 bit? is that whats recommended?19:51
nickrudPirate_Hunter: no, the stuff will get installed under /usr/local. The bin in /usr/local/bin which is already on your path19:51
Stefan_magic: by doing ./poweriso -? you can use the file19:51
obnibolongodesert_rat: IMHO, no; do note I'm lazy, for that same reason I've installed Ubuntu 32 bits on my laptop instead of 64 bits19:51
yuji_can somebody reccomend a lightweight web browser for me? I find it useful to have one other than firefox19:51
DonkeyKong101any1 know a way of getting everything to be smaller on my screen, running at 1024*768, but its just 2 big, and i find the screen gets soo full,any1 got an idea?19:51
Stefan_magic: from a teminal, ofcource :)19:51
magicyes i know but its exe insigt :(19:51
Flannelyuji_: dillo19:51
wodendanand:  yes yes.  I am wary to use the proprietary stuff I believe it's unstable/buggy19:51
obnibolongodesert_rat: that was my personal opinion19:51
yuji_thank you flannel19:51
desert_ratobnibolongo: Good. Because Im lazy too. :)19:51
magicthe same link u paste it it hase .exe19:51
ralphzDoes anyone know light weight text editor with regex find /replace feature ?19:52
Pirate_Hunternickrud: thanx so i can go ahead and compile it without worrying about using --prefix19:52
obnibolongodesert_rat: regarding medibuntu 32 bits, I *think* so... just check the download page19:52
Stefan_magic: eh, not for me19:52
desert_ratOk, thanks.19:52
magistrumcan anoyne help me pls19:52
danandwoden - from the bug reports and stuff on the web i've seen, you could be right ...19:52
obnibolongodesert_rat: you welcome ^^19:52
nickrudPirate_Hunter: exactly. You'll just have to run   sudo make install to get it installed in /usr/local (although I suggest checkinstall)19:52
magistrumhow can i open this iva_srnicka@hotmail.com19:52
magicsomethin smells fishy :D19:52
magistrumi mean this19:52
danandwoden - on the bright side, at least you have sound through the onboard :)19:53
amenadoI am able to boot liveCD contents copied into a partition, but the requirement is it must be an ext2 partition ?  and it will not boot from an ext3,  it hangs on that kjournald starting 5 secs, EXT3-fs ...19:53
Stefan_magic: how did you extract the archive19:53
wodendanand:  I'll just have to switch the speakers each time I boot between vista/linux...19:53
Pirate_Hunternickrud: oooh nearly forgot that one, just learnt about that command im so newbie :D19:53
wodendanand:  yes yes, thank you for all the help :)19:53
nonix432-bitness is only needed for vir...blob compatibility :/ therefore I'm staying in 64-bit land, even it is a futile attempt to slowly get rid of them blobs19:53
Stefan_magic: and it gave you poweriso.exe O_o ?19:53
Flannelmagistrum: .package is autopackage, Ubuntu doesn't use autopackage, it uses deb files instead19:53
obnibolongomagistrum: search google for autopackage19:53
danandwoden - not ideal but ...yeah ... and no problem :D19:53
mage__!ask > mage__19:53
obnibolongomagistrum: or follow Flannel's advice :)19:53
magicstrange ...19:53
danandtime for dinner ... bye19:53
Stefan_magic: what the...19:53
Stefan_magic: ok, hang on19:54
magistrumcan i get some help pls19:54
kestircan someone recommend a unix like distro to play around with? Got ubuntu now, want to install something else to play around with19:54
Parsec300magistrum: If you want to use autopackage.19:54
ubotuahmedh724: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:54
ubotuDJDarkstar: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:54
amenadokestir-> opensuse19:54
DonkeyKong101is there a way of getting more to fit on my screen...as if i was running a higher resolution?19:54
amenadokestir-> dsl - damn small linux and knoppix19:55
usse1kestir: try pc bsd19:55
Pirate_Hunterkestir: puppy, rehat, BDSM etc there are many i.e. rock19:55
nonix4kestir: got an usage scenario in mind?19:55
Parsec300magistrum: Then right-click on the package and select properties. Make it executable. Then double-click it and Ubuntu will ask you if you want to install autopackage.19:55
Parsec300magistrum: You can install aMSN 0.97 this way for instance.19:55
obnibolongomagistrum: why not apt-get install amsn instead?19:55
magistrumParsec300 thank you very muchhh19:55
kestirnonix4: just gonna toss it into vmware19:56
mohamed_hello all, is it easy to install new system on temp directory while the current one running ?19:56
wodencan anyone send me their /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png19:56
amenadomohamed_-> yes easy19:56
nonix4kestir: OpenBSD is nice contrast to Ubuntu - totally minimalistic approach :)19:56
lotiafolks can anyone point me an upstart management guide or a thread in the forums that discusses it. my first attempt at a forum search didn't yield any particularly fruitful search results.19:56
wodenI accidently deleted my gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png file, can anyone send it to me please?19:56
mohamed_amenado, is there a doc for this ?19:57
Flannel!upstart | lotia19:57
ubotulotia: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:57
Flannellotia: also, #upstart19:57
nonix4kestir: well, DSL has some advantages too... OpenBSD has a little bit of the _ancient_ things left still19:57
DILkestir: there are linux based worlds already built just download fro vm site19:57
Pirate_Hunternickrud: do i have to install checkinstall cause i just did and it is giving me options i have never seen, is that normal19:57
amenadomohamed_-> you are speaking of, a running linux system yes?19:57
Stefan_magic: try grabbing this file then -> http://stefanwilkens.eu/files/poweriso19:57
macncheez3000kestir: pc-bsd19:57
magistrumthnx ALOT GUYS19:57
obnibolongononix4, kestir: use Gentoo ;) ^^19:57
mohamed_amenado, yes19:57
BlueLagunaHigher numbers have lower priority with the "nice" command.  Right?19:57
master_alvarohave anyone used ubuntu realtime for multimedia (flash creator, and movies)?19:57
amenadomohamed_-> okay, do you have two hard disk?19:58
nonix4obnibolongo: wondering how much disk space he'll devote to that vmware stuff - that'd require far more :)19:58
Flannel!ops | master_alvaro19:58
Linkcan someone help me with a wifi problem??19:58
ubotumaster_alvaro: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!19:58
master_alvarook, sry19:58
wodenI accidently deleted my gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png file, can anyone send it to me please?19:58
obnibolongononix4: the real problem would be the CPU power required for compiling ^^19:58
mohamed_amenado, i have two computers, unfortunatly everyone have only one hard disk19:58
RabidWeezleI am looking to make a data cd iso from scratch (not from another disk), what tools should I use (looking for something in X, not bash)19:59
nonix4obnibolongo: how did you do the emerge equivalent of "make world"? :)19:59
amenadomohamed_-> i was going to ask you to experiment with me, running a copy of livecd from a hard disk..would you like to assist me?19:59
mohamed_amenado, i have running ubuntu-server that i install vdr system on it but something wrong happen with me then everything become slow , i want want to install parrelle system till i become sure that is running well19:59
bartmonHi! I'm adding an user via the graphical interface and there are so called profiles which i can assign to a new user. The options are Administrator, Desktop User and Unprivileged. Do these profiles just define which default groups the user joins?19:59
Linki need to know if i can share my internet to my pocketpc19:59
Linkinternet is from eth0 and i want to share it to my pocket pc wlan019:59
kestirDIL: wow...microsoft allowed a server 2003 machine?19:59
Linkis that possible???19:59
hellboyi have a prob with my network setting resetting everytime i load ubuntu20:00
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag20:00
mohamed_amenado, but i feel that i make something wrong on my current system this is why i want to install new system20:00
obnibolongononix4: ?? emerge -uDn world?20:00
nickrudPirate_Hunter , dang, i havene't used it for a while, iirc its  checkinstall make install20:00
wizohey, anyone has any idea why i'm not getting a correct ip address when i'm running ubuntu in vmware with bridge selected as the internet connection?20:00
amenadomohamed_-> i dont think you can run two linux systems in parallel unless one is on a virtual20:00
mohamed_sorry amenado  i don't mean that two run parrellel :)20:00
farruinnbartmon: as far as I know, yes. Also, administrators get sudo privileges I believe20:00
ralphzDoes anyone know light weight text editor with regex find /replace feature ?20:01
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ive just tried manually and got an error Terminfo/termcap not found - install ncurses-devel package, which packages are those?20:01
mohamed_amenado, i mean that the new system will not run till i complate it20:01
nonix4obnibolongo: ie just about to install gutsy & 3+ other distros on a 8GB / 3 TB E8400... wondering if that'd be 'nuff to do that in sane time20:01
amenadomohamed_-> okay, are you up for it? like to experiment with me?20:01
mohamed_yes, amenado20:01
nickrudPirate_Hunter: install libncurses5-dev20:01
arang2guys i need an alternative to PYNEIGHBORHOOD20:01
farruinnralphz: vim? :)20:01
wodenobnibolongo: I overwrote it when I was trying to change my Applications icon to the GNOME foot.  I did the sudo cp command backwards :20:01
amenadomohamed_-> okay you have the livecd too?20:01
Flannelbartmon: admin gives access to the admin group, desktop is a regular user (all groups, minus admin, that your first user was part of), and unprivledged is... I think just login, but can't access internet, audio, etc.  But I still believen unprivledged can still login (as opposed to /bin/false as their shell)20:01
Parsec300link, it should be possible to share it.20:01
Flannelralphz: sed20:01
mohamed_amenado,  have livecd, and ubuntu-server cd this is what i will use20:02
Linkhow can i do it?20:02
Pirate_Hunternickrud: kk will do so20:02
ralphzFlannel: sed is not gui based :P maybe some plugin for gedit ?20:02
Parsec300link, If you download firestarter, I believe it has provisions for this.20:02
cerberushello, i installed another keyboard layout on my Ubuntu . how can i toggle between the layouts ?20:02
amenadomohamed_-> lets try that,  how much room or space do you have in your hard disk? enuff for lets say 6 gig?20:02
Parsec300You can connect via Ethernet and share via wifi. I think. Although I've never tried this. It should be possible.20:02
magicdamnd lag !!!! 1 min20:02
wodenCan anyone send me /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png please?20:02
zoomboot8woden: is this is? http://ret3.obec.go.th/img/22x22/apps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png20:02
bartmonFlannel: Thanks. I see that selecting different profiles has an effect in the User Privileges tab where common privileges are listed20:03
Flannelralphz: theres gvim.  But, gedit can't f/r with regexps?  Are you sure?  And you never specified GUI20:03
wodenzoomboot8: nope...20:03
=== kirby is now known as Charitwo
magicstefan_: im gona chk ur past :=)20:03
mohamed_amenado, yes there is enough space, only the system is old P320:03
wodenzoomboot8:  it's here /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png20:03
Flannelbartmon: Right, thats what it affects.  Just a default checkbox setup20:03
arang2guys i need an alternative to PYNEIGHBORHOOD20:03
arang2guys i need an alternative to PYNEIGHBORHOOD20:03
Jack_Sparrowarang2, Please do not repeat20:03
bartmonarang2: what is pyNeighborhood?20:03
stefan_magic: hm :) ?20:03
amenadomohamed_-> okay, then repartition your hard disk and provide a space for at least 6 to 8 gigs if possible20:03
eddyMularang2: have you tried GNOME's "network browser"?20:04
Parsec300Jack_Sparrow: I think he's been asking his question for over 10 minutes now.20:04
magicdont know my connection drops :(20:04
amenadomohamed_-> is that okay?20:04
mohamed_amenado, the hard disk is already have working linux20:04
arang2eddyMul: yes i tried it and i want something that MOUNTS the shares if possible20:04
Pirate_Hunternickrud: should i enable ipv6 on my install command or leave it as default also what is the benefit of doing so20:04
Jack_SparrowParsec300, That is fine but not when he duplicates like than and is running CAPS20:04
mohamed_amenado,  is it possible to repartation it  ?20:04
amenadomohamed_-> its okay, you can add another partition, if you have the space, or repartition ie moving resizing with gparted20:05
nickrudPirate_Hunter: not much advantage yet20:05
bartmonarang2: try smbnetfs. There is also fusesmb but i could only get smbnetfs to work20:05
eddyMularang2: I usually mount the shares using the "connect to server" thing...20:05
eddyMularang2: I'd imagine you've tried that, too...   :(20:05
davidwdudes - know a way to not make it run fsck on dos partitions on boot?20:05
mohamed_amenado, ok i will do this then tell you about the result20:06
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:06
amenadoPirate_Hunter-> actually for now, you want to disable ipv6, it will slow down your ipv4 lookups..ipv6 1st priority, next is ipv420:06
cerberushello, can someone help me please .. how can i toggle between keyboard layouts on Ubuntu ?20:06
Pirate_Hunternickrud: so I wont lose anything by leaving it as default than20:06
zoomboot8woden: did that work?20:06
arang2eddyMul: yea it works BUT not as good as pyneighborhood which is discontinued and the guy who made it said that there are better alternatives so i just ask20:06
amenadocerberus-> maybe in  gconf-editor  look for the keyboard?20:06
wodenzoomboot8:  yes but that is not the correct logo20:06
ahmedh724amenado: busybox v1.1.3(Debian)1:1 1.-5ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)enter "help" for list of built in commands20:06
wizohey, anyone has any idea why i'm not getting a correct ip address when i'm running ubuntu in vmware with bridge selected as the internet connection?20:07
nickrudPirate_Hunter: no you won't20:07
Pirate_Hunteramenado: thanks for the info but I thought ubuntu used ipv6 by default20:07
arang2eddyMul: think as if gnome doesnt exist20:07
wodenzoomboot8:  look here /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png20:07
bartmonarang2: try smbnetfs. There is also fusesmb but i could only get smbnetfs to work20:07
wodenzoomboot8: that should be the correct one.20:07
amenadoPirate_Hunter-> it does, but i disable because of that reason20:07
cerberusamenado: sorry i am new to Ubuntu, what is gconf-editor ?20:07
Pirate_Hunteramenado: ok20:07
eatatjoes2is there a way in ubuntu to have 'kde' as an enviroment instead of 'gnome' without installing kubuntu?20:07
arang2bartmon: thanks is it gui based ?20:07
amenadoahmedh724-> can you try to select the low resolution, vga  i believe its F4 during boot to select it20:08
bartmonarang2: No, cli20:08
Pelocerberus, type gconf-editor in the terminal, it will give you a regedit like app to change gnome settings20:08
eddyMularang2: I don't think I'll be of much help, then. The only thing that came to my mind is `smbtree`  :)20:08
Flanneleatatjoes2: yes.  Those two are metapackages in universe20:08
zoomboot8woden: i have uploaded that exact file to here: http://int.main.return0.googlepages.com/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png20:08
nickrudcerberus: it's  a tool that lets you browse the gnome configuration tree. Apps, Desktop, volumes mounted on the desktop, wireless setup and more20:08
ahmedh724amenado: (initramfs)[76.306898] ata 1.01 exception emask 0x0 frozen20:08
eatatjoes2Flannel, how do u install those?20:08
amenadocerberus-> on a terminal type that   gconf-editor  and it will show you lots of settings, like registry in dos20:08
nickrudPelo: please don't say regedit, it has no control over the actual system20:08
ahmedh724amenado: ok any other suggestions bec i think i have tried that20:08
nickrudPelo: ;)20:08
wodenzoomboot8:  you are a life-saver thanks!20:08
Flanneleatatjoes2: just install the packages.20:09
Pelonickrud, read again20:09
arang2eddyMul: hugenormous sigh20:09
davidwJack_Sparrow, the problem is that I don't want to skip *all* the file system checks, just the vfat ones.  Windows can deal with that.20:09
* Pelo gives nickrud a hug anyway 20:09
zoomboot8woden: no prob20:09
amenadoahmedh724-> what type of hardisk? SATA or older ATA?20:09
cerberusnickrud: i need to know how i can toggle between keyboard layouts does Gconf-editor can help me ?20:09
Jack_Sparroweatatjoes2,  you mean like sudo apt-get install kde  ?20:09
nickrudPelo: I did, I just object aesthetically equating the two :)20:09
ahmedh724amenado: older ata20:09
eddyMulcerberus: right click on panel, choose "Add to Panel...", Search for "Keyboard Indicator"20:09
martyn_Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question - but has anyone got any recommendations for an20:09
martyn_ Ubuntu book. I have been using the system for about a year (Ubuntu, Xubuntu, server) on different system so am pretty confident with the command line but am also aware that there may be big gaps in my basic knowledge.20:09
bartmoneatatjoes2: Yes. Just do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. When you're at the login screen next after that, select a different session (KDE, not GNOME).20:09
Flannelmartyn_: there's an official ubuntu book20:09
davidwonce upon a time, "Unix for the Impatient" was a great intro to the world of the command line20:10
davidwbut I'm probably dating myself...20:10
Flanneleatatjoes2: he means install kde or install gnome20:10
JouvaAre there any known progams to emulate Mac OSX or otherwise allow one to run Mac OSX binaries under Ubuntu?20:10
Jack_Sparrowbartmon, I thought he just wanted kde not the meta package20:10
nickrudcerberus: right click the panel, add the keboard indicator. Then, in system->prefs->keyboard, layouts tab, add the layouts you want20:10
amenadoahmedh724-> if you have tried those, then this time try the alternate cd20:10
farruinncerberus: You should look at System > Preferences > Keyboard Preferences. Go to the layout options and choose your method under the Group shift/lock behavior20:10
Pirate_Hunternickrud: got another error but this time its pearl that is complaining - http://pastebin.ca/934370 - well ipv6 is enabled by default as well as other stuff and I dont know how to turn it off20:10
farruinnnickrud: or what nikrud said, that sounds easier :)20:10
eddyMulcerberus: then click "Add". In my panel, I then see a "USA" thing. When I right click on it, and choose "Keyboard Preferences", I get to add/remove keyboard layouts..20:10
ahmedh724amenado: i don't know how to use it20:10
martyn_Flannel and davidw - thanks - I am most interested in the Official guide...20:11
bartmonJack_Sparrow: oh. Well I thought that was the easiest way to get kde on a ubuntu install.20:11
eddyMulnickrud:    ;-)20:11
amenadocerberus-> and as an fyi, those get reflected on that gconf-editor if you check later..20:11
JouvaI don't know the full technical specs behind Macs these days but my understanding is that Macs these days run on Intel-based CPUs and OS X is BSD based so I wouldn't see it being that hard for somebody to make an emulator20:11
amenadoahmedh724-> same thing with liveCd  insert it and reboot the machine20:11
Jack_Sparrowbartmon, there is kde  and there is kubuntu-desktop... the desktop has all the stuff from kubuntu20:11
Flannelmartyn_: http://www.amazon.com/Official-Ubuntu-Book-2nd/dp/013235413620:11
Jack_Sparrow!info kde20:11
ubotukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:47 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB20:11
cerberusok thanks it working20:12
cerberusthanks all for the help20:12
Jack_Sparrow!info kubuntu-desktop20:12
ubotukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.59 (gutsy), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB20:12
ahmedh724ok thanks i will try20:12
nickrudPirate_Hunter: hm,20:12
* Pelo wonders if compiz is needed to get a transparent terminal window20:12
zoomboot8Pelo: no it isnt20:12
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ive just used command ./configure20:12
stefan_44 kb installed size? lolol20:12
magic__stefan_, can u past that link  again?20:12
bartmonJack_Sparrow: Makes sense, thanks for clearing it up for me.20:12
Pelozoomboot8, gnome-terminal ? more info please20:13
Pirate_Hunternickrud: got any suggestions20:13
martyn_Flannel - thanks.20:13
Jack_Sparrowstefan_, Obviously that isnt everything it installs.. :)20:13
zoomboot8Pelo: in gnome-terminal, click Edit>>Current Profile>>Effects20:13
=== Greyhound is now known as Greyhound-
amenadoI am able to boot liveCD contents copied into a partition, but the requirement is it must be an ext2 partition ?  and it will not boot from an ext3,  it hangs on that kjournald starting 5 secs, EXT3-fs ...and hangs20:13
Pelozoomboot8, thanks20:13
nickrudPirate_Hunter: first thing I'd try is installing libperl-dev20:13
farruinnJouva: I think qemu is used for that. I've never done it, but that might be a place to start20:14
stefan_Jack_Sparrow: obviously... I'm a tad tired and trolling a bit :) sorry20:14
nickrudPirate_Hunter: second thing is look at the configure code, see what it's looking for20:14
Greyhound-what's a good movie player to play x264, 720 and 1080i? (.mkv files)20:14
lotiais there a console app for managing init scripts that anyone can recommend?20:14
nickrudlotia: sysv-rc-conf20:14
Jack_Sparrowstefan_, I am ready for a nap myself..  I agree that was misleading20:14
lotianickrud: thanks20:14
Pirate_Hunternickrud: kk lets see if that works and looking at the config code i have no clue whats its doing except when i see the word error :(20:14
stefan_-magic__-: http://stefanwilkens.eu/files/poweriso20:14
Pelozoomboot8, thanks , interestingly it shows the wallpaper but not the app it is sitting on top of , very qaint20:15
arang2guys quick i need to test the speed of the ethernet connection i remember there was a package to do so anyone remember the name?20:15
anonymous111is the new artwork going to be included in Hardy or has it been delayed until Intrepid?20:15
bartmonarang2: wget?20:15
Flannelanonymous111: #ubuntu+1 would be a better place to ask20:15
Greyhound-what's a good movie player to play x264, 720p and 1080i? (.mkv files)20:15
nickrudPirate_Hunter: somewhere in there it tries to compile something as a test, look for something that echo's that error (what I usually did, probably not the best way)20:15
arang2bartmon: no man it threw UDP packets to test speed20:16
anonymous111Flannel: Thanks - I'll got there now20:16
zoomboot8Pelo: yeah, it's just the wallpaper... if you want TRUE transparency that sees the apps behind it, then you DO need compositing I think20:16
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok will try20:16
arang2bartmon: and also it had installable soft for windows too20:16
geniushello world! I have notebook with two video adapters. Nvidia 7400go and Intel GMA 950. I experience problems with Nvidia. Often my Compiz become unresponsive and i loose my work(nvidia driver). Does Intel has better support on linux? I use external LCD monitor for my everyday work.20:16
nickrudPirate_Hunter: I'm really rusty on compilation, I haven't done much since 2003 or so. I like packages cuz I'm lazy20:16
drcarang2:  http://www.speedtest.net/  ... if you can't find an app itself20:17
Pirate_Hunternickrud: funny enough a large amount of programmers say that even at uni I hear that :D20:17
joe__does anyone know why swiftfox crashes when playing certain video's?20:18
geniuscan you point me at modern documents about Intel GMA 950 installation? Google shows me lots of outdated cr*p...20:18
arang2drc: thanks drc i want to test the ethernet connection between 2 local PCs not my internet speed (i already know it sucks lol)20:18
Flannelgenius: what version of ubuntu are you running?20:18
geniusFlannel: the lastest20:19
ConstyXIVyou don't lose anything transcoding between lossless formats (ALAC<->WAV<->FLAC<->CD), correct?20:19
usr13arang2: Just transfer a large file back and forth and watch the reported speeds.20:19
Pirate_Hunternickrud: didnt find any errors but could you just look at it please - http://pastebin.ca/93438320:20
wodenanyone want to see my Ubuntu 8.04 desktop that I turned into a default GNOME 2.22 desktop?20:21
bartmonwoden: hit us!20:21
geniusarang2: use video file for testing transfer speed. because other files could upload faster if they are not compressed20:21
arang2usr13: yea but that would add the protocol overhead20:21
geniuswoden: show me20:21
nickrudPirate_Hunter: that looks clean. I'd look up the proxy thing and find out exactly what it is, decide if I wanted to enable it. Also, disable ipv620:21
zoomboot8woden: ok20:21
wodengenius:  http://i27.tinypic.com/1zw4ll.jpg20:21
wodenzoomboot8:  http://i27.tinypic.com/1zw4ll.jpg20:21
spiderfirehello there20:22
beautifulsnow#winehq is not able to help so I am asking Ubuntians: Wondering if anyone could help me make this program work with Wine again: I havent made any changes to my system but now I can't make this program run: it always hides on the background when it's time to make it full screen, and System Monitor tells me the application is running, and there is sound on the background (And I have ran this program flawlessly for months now,20:22
beautifulsnowhaven't made any changes on the system -- that I know of)20:22
spiderfirewhat will the next ubuntu release version be?20:22
zoomboot8woden: what is the third panel launcher?20:22
faragellooguys in installing ubuntu 7.10 it gave me a message that the vga card is not known ( it is S3 built in on an asuss motherboard) then it blanked! any answers please?20:22
ConstyXIVspiderfire, 8.04, probably20:22
wodenzoomboot8:  what 3rd panel launcher?20:22
geniuswoden: looks standard20:22
spiderfireConstyXIV: are you running it?20:22
snypzzunable to connect to win network20:22
zoomboot8woden: the button beside the epiphany button and the terminal button20:22
ConstyXIVspiderfire, not yet20:22
Pirate_Hunternickrud: i dont use proxy to connect and havent got one at least pidgin uses gnome proxy is that the same and i want to disable ipv6/proxy but have no clue how to go about doing so20:23
ConstyXIVspiderfire, ask in #ubuntu+1 if you have questions about it20:23
wodenzoomboot8:  UrbanTerror.  www.urbanterror.net20:23
spiderfireConstyXIV: ok thanks :)20:23
nickrudPirate_Hunter: ./configure --help will tell you, and the proxies will be different that much I'm sure of20:23
wodenzoomboot8:  it's a native linux free first-person shooter20:23
zoomboot8woden, ah ok. That is default in Gnome now?20:23
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok20:23
bartmonarang2: i may have found sth useful: http://3d2f.com/programs/0-908-axence-nettools-download.shtml20:24
snypzzwhat about guild wars...?20:24
wodenzoomboot8:  hehe nope.  I should have taken that out for the screenshot, just ignore it hehe.20:24
ConstyXIVsnypzz, hell is still pretty warm :)20:24
Bradleyis it possible to run the desktop effect in a VM?20:24
wodenzoomboot8:  otherwise, any other things out of line?20:24
snypzzanyone using linux for it?20:24
ConstyXIVsnypzz, you could try it in wine20:24
snypzzwhat is wine20:25
BradleyHello, is it possible to use a VM with desktop effects20:25
ConstyXIV!wine | snypzz20:25
snypzzI am hearing a lot about it....20:25
ConstyXIVsnypzz, it's a windows compatibility layer for linux20:25
snypzzwhere do I get it...20:25
Flannelgenius: You should already have your intel drivers installed, you can check to see if you have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed.20:25
marckieI think not Bradley20:25
DeeppactHello, does anyone know a good java compiler for beginner beginners?20:25
marckieas far as I have tried20:25
zoomboot8woden, nah, it looks good. I like Clearlooks, and it seems that the latest version of it uses blue highlighting on selected buttons instead of the nasty dotted line box thingy20:25
frost0i made a new partition for a diff os...and when i boot ubuntu, it shows that partition on the desktop as "disk" how can I not make that specific disk show on my desktop?20:25
marckieDeepact: use Netbeans20:26
ConstyXIVsnypzz, install it from the repos (synaptic or sudo apt-get install, your choice)20:26
DILBradley: doest vm use the system resources including video so............20:26
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frost0Deeppact, Eclipse20:26
coinbirdwine lets you run windows apps in linux. or tries to20:26
Bradleydil: so would it or no?20:26
Flannelgenius: Also, 915 resolution is a helper utility for intel graphics.  And yes, intel releases source for their graphics drivers, much better support (usually out of the box)20:26
frost0Deeppact, google it :)20:26
Deeppactfrost0, thx alot20:26
marckieDIL: I think not... it creates only virtual devices20:26
wodenzoomboot8:  yea, I like clearlooks too.  But I notice that a lot of the icons are still using orange, like the Tracker icon, etc.20:26
geniusFlannel: i don't have it. I used Nvidia. I have switch that can switch Nvidia and Intel. So i never used Intel.20:26
Bradleymarckie: with WINE do i have to have windows, cause im am trying to find a way to run windows and linux stuff at the same time20:26
DILusing the system20:26
jester7ok...wine + windows media player 11 + xbox360 sharing....possible?20:26
Jack_Sparrowfrost0, gconf-editor and turn off volumes_visable20:26
Flannelgenius: ah. well, intel does play well with linux20:26
ConstyXIVDeeppact, either eclipse or netbeans, you've probably used both if you did java on windows20:27
Pelojester7, ask in #winehq20:27
geniusFlannel: so xorg and 915 reso - will be all that i need? i've read about them. But i prefer to read documentation, but can't find :(20:27
DILBradley: creta a vm and tell us20:27
jester7Pelo: thx20:27
Ergo^im having trouble with file sharing under ubuntu - what should i choose ? NFS or samba ?20:27
ConstyXIVBradley, nope, runs w/o windows20:27
stefan_Bradley: if you mean apply compiz effects to a VM like virtual box... then no, don't think so20:27
DeeppactConstyXIV, i never did Java before but were gonna start doing it on school so i want to know basics so i dont look so nooby =P20:27
Bradleystefen: ok thanks20:27
PeloErgo^, I beleive samba is for creating a local network and talking to window machnes on said netowrk, but I am no expert on this bit20:28
Pirate_Hunternickrud: in ./configure --help i found command enable-ipv6 and --with-proxy, i can guess to disable ipv6 "disable is needed" but what about proxy?20:28
geniusFlannel: I am digging ubuntu site for Intel docs - but still no luck20:28
BradleyConstyXIV: cool, so Micrsoft Word can run with WINE20:28
* Pelo goes back to inexpertly playing with conky20:28
Flannelgenius: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/user.html http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/xserver-xorg-video-intel20:28
zoomboot8woden, true. I'd use the gnome icons probably if the folder icons didn't look so drab and old.20:28
Pirate_Hunternickrud: cna you suggest anythign i could try20:28
ConstyXIVDeeppact, you're going to end up using either one of those, so may as well poke both20:28
Bradleylatter can someone help me get Linux looking like Windows?20:28
nickrudPirate_Hunter: like --with-prox=yes20:28
bartmonDeeppact: Then i do think you won't be the only one without any clue. The teacher will surely teach you how to compile  Java code20:28
wodenzoomboot8:  what icons do you use with clearlooks?  I don't think the default ubuntu icons would match with clearlooks...20:29
snypzzhow to find wine????20:29
brobostigonBradley: use kde, thats like windows20:29
Pelosnypzz, www.winehq.org20:29
ConstyXIVsnypzz, sudo apt-get install wine20:29
Bradleyill look it up20:29
xyblorhow do I install grub to the boot sector of a disk without changing the /boot directory on it?20:29
BobPenguinsnypzz have u tried using synaptic?20:29
Jack_SparrowBradley, go to gnome-look.org  and look for the vista automated theme.. it isnt fulloy automated but the parts are all there20:29
stefan_Bradley: there are a lot of guides to be found online :)20:29
stefan_Bradley: place to start -> http://gnomestyle.blogspot.com/2007/05/make-ubuntu-look-like-vista.html20:30
Pirate_Hunternickrud: this is all I get --with-proxy            Build irssi-proxy but will try your way20:30
geniusFlannel: thnx. so i see i have to test20:30
zoomboot8woden, heh, I use clearlooks with the human orange icons :)  ... they are good icons, but I'd like a nice blue theme, bluer than tango, but not as dark as the blue mod of Human20:30
DeeppactConstyXIV, at school we are going to use Java Compiler20:30
snypzzthank you....20:30
Flannelgenius: no documentation because it Just Works.  Here's some, although the first two may be dated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i810?highlight=%28Intel%29 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver?highlight=%28Intel%29 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SupportedHardware?highlight=%28Intel%29  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX?highlight=%28Intel%2920:30
Bradleystefan_: i have looked but it always starts using some program i no nothing abour20:30
Deeppactbartmon, yes i already know how to compile but i want to know basics like Hello world etc20:30
Jack_SparrowBradley, that theme has the login, the wallpaper icons even the theme music.20:30
zoomboot8woden, although, the icons that come with ubuntu called "Mist" are actually not bad20:30
Flannelgenius: acutally, ignore the Supported Hardware link, wrong kind of intel20:30
nickrudPirate_Hunter: hm, how about puttting the output of ./configure --help on the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org . Better yet, try reading any readme's in the source dir, might explain it clearly (if you're lucky)20:30
Deeppactbartmon, i knew Html already so i got a A+ and i like that :P20:31
BobPenguinHey guys, I got a Zyxel wireless router, and my traffic is kinsd of slow for a while now. I fear there might be someone using a laptop to steal my bandwith. Is there any soft I can use to lock access to my router?20:31
BradleyJack_Sparrow: thanks, looks like ill have to delete my Virtual Machines, and make a commitment :(20:31
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok20:31
yassinehi how can overwrite a config files of an already installed package (asterisk) again with the default configs please?20:31
Jack_SparrowBradley, dual boot.. works just fine20:31
ConstyXIVBobPenguin, do you know how to get into the config pages for your router?20:31
Flannelyassine: reinstall the package, or remove it (with --purge, or "complete removal" in synaptic) and then install it again20:31
Deeppactow and what is a good compiler for C++20:31
wodenzoomboot8: I'll have to experiment, although I love using GNOME default proper.20:32
BobPenguinNo, Constyxiv, I don't have a clue on how to confing my router20:32
bartmonDeeppact: Well then try googling "java basics" or sth. Java has a huge API but don't be intimidated, ignore it for now. :)20:32
ConstyXIVBobPenguin, go to in your browser20:32
brobostigonDeeppact: gcc20:32
BradleyJack_Sparrow: right, but i dont want to be stuck having to switch between OS's... what i think ill do get WINE and use it to run all my Windows stuff in Linux, and maybe have a duel boot if i need the perfomace20:32
Pirate_Hunternickrud: http://pastebin.ca/93439520:32
BobPenguinthanks a lot constyxiv20:32
zoomboot8woden: the "Mist" icons seem to be the same as "Gnome", but with blue folders that match Clearlooks... they either come installed in ubuntu, or they are in the package manager20:33
Jack_SparrowBradley, Look at the appsdb to see what runs and what does not...20:33
Peloanyone know of a freestanding colour sampler,  such as the one in the gimp but just the sampler ?20:33
Bradleyoh wow... only games20:34
ConstyXIVBradley, appdb.winehq.org20:34
nickrudPirate_Hunter: use --disable-ipv6 and --enable-proxy (see at the top of the optional features, that obscurely explains)20:34
PeloBradley, where ?20:34
Bradleylook like ill need to install a VM under Ubuntu20:34
wodenzoomboot8: I'm looking at gnome vs. mist right now.  They look the same except one is like tan/brown and the other is blue20:34
BradleyPelo: ???20:34
PeloBradley, nvm20:34
nickrudPirate_Hunter: you have looked up irssi's proxy stuff, understand and want it?20:35
BobPenguinconstyxiv, I don't have the password, and somehow I suspect my service provider won't give it to me. I'm gonna call them anyway, but do u know if there is a way to hack the password?20:35
wodenanyone here play neverwinter nights on ubuntu?20:35
Pirate_Hunternickrud: not trying to be stupid but which optional features and isnt that command to enable the proxy? please remember im newbie20:35
ommegangis there any nero type disc writing software for ubuntu?20:35
stefan_there's nero for linux, actually20:36
geniusFlannel: i've tryed to switch once  on Intel but X server refuses to start. how to make it to detect hardware?20:36
ommegangstefan: any good?20:36
Jack_Sparrowommegang, If you have a serial for the WIndows nero it works in the linux nero20:36
Flannelgenius: I think you need to install that, then maybe reconfigure your xserver-xorg20:36
wodenhow do I add a new protocol for empathy?20:36
ommegangstefan: prolly need to buy it right20:36
stefan_extremely simmilar to the windows version :)20:36
nickrudPirate_Hunter: Line 65 of the paste, and features are things that may or may not be compiled in: ipv6 , proxy, the bot, perl support, those things that you are told about at the bottom of the completed configure20:37
stefan_yeah, if you want to be legal :)20:37
D-Uniti had folding@home runing perfectly yesterday (i installed it yesterday) and the person told me to right click on the "FAH504-Linux" file and click open in terminal but it doesnt show open in terminal, so...how do i run folding@home now?20:37
ommegangstefan: is there any free software similar to nero?20:37
stefan_I hear k3b is good :)20:37
pause11It's excellent!20:37
racartersudo useradd -d /home/nuser -m -g nuser -s /bin/bash20:37
racarterwhat's wrong with that line?20:38
mnemoommegang: for windows you can try infrarecorder, for gnome try brasero20:38
Flannel!burning | ommegang20:38
dompedroquestion for anyone - does someone have a link or answer on how to setup "switch user"?20:38
dompedroI can currently use the switch user icon, but it takes me straight to the xserver logon page and not the logon chooser, if two people are logged onto my ubuntu 7.10 box.20:38
Mark_MillimanThe Amazon MP3 downloader changed the mime-types of all of my MP3 to application/x-extension-mp3.20:38
LOWLUXhow would i connect to a windows laptop ? so i can upload files to it?20:38
Mark_MillimanNow I can't import anything into Banshee20:38
BobPenguinommegang, if u want to burn disks.I'm wuite happy with Brasero20:38
Mark_MillimanHow do I return the mime type to audio/mpeg?20:38
marckieLOWLUX: Install Samba20:38
ConstyXIVBobPenguin, you can try admin/default20:38
nickrudracarter: no nuser (the actual user) at the end :)20:38
LOWLUXwhat is Samba?20:38
LOWLUXis that for windows?20:38
Pirate_Hunternickrud: yeha i saw that got a rough idea of what to do lets see if it works, do i have to use ./configure command again or is there a faster way20:38
cerberushello, can someone recommend me on good download manager for Ubuntu ? (like Flashget on windows system)20:38
stefan_LOWLUX: System -> manage -> shared folders20:39
sdrrcan I update to hardy on a text based system? I don't have "update-manager -d" installed, ...20:39
nickrudPirate_Hunter: ./configure20:39
ConstyXIVBobPenguin, google your router brand/model#, and find out what the default is20:39
mnemoLOWLUX: select "Connect to Server" from the "Places" menu and choose service type "Windows Share"20:39
marckieLOWLUX: !Samba20:39
stefan_samba is required to communicate with windows shared folders :)20:39
BobPenguinthanks a lot constyxiv20:39
anarkiahelp ?20:39
dompedroLOWLUX: SAMBA is file storage space for "Microsoft" "Windows" users to save files and get files from a linux/unix computer20:39
racarteris there a way to force someone to change their password the next time they login?20:39
Pirate_Hunternickrud: kk20:39
nickrudsdrr: yes, ask for help on #ubuntu+120:39
marckie!samba LOWLUX20:39
racarterin linux20:39
nonix4Umm, what was trackerd used for again?20:39
snypzzwhat is the sudo command???20:39
mnemononix4: it indexes stuff for fast searching20:40
D-Unitcan samba be used to share files between ubuntu and virtual xp?20:40
nickrud!sudo snypzz20:40
aut0matasnypzz: its like administrator20:40
jeniquetamerewhere can i find the whis-key on my keyboard?20:40
frost0Jack_Sparrow, is there a way to not make a certain disk icon show up on my desktop....like a partition?20:40
snypzzthank you20:40
TpyoKnigI need some help, I move a file with terminal from my /home directory to /mnt/hda5, ls -la doesnt show its there, but nautilus says 2.5gb is used but doesnt show anything..help plz20:40
mrzitherhi, has anyone had a problem with kernel panics when sending large files via FTP?20:40
dompedroLOWLUX -- http://us1.samba.org/samba/what_is_samba.html20:40
mandrig!sudo |snypzz20:40
nonix4mnemo: ... by an UI that I never use ... if I search local stuff I use locate or find :/20:40
ConstyXIVBobPenguin, admin, 123420:41
jeniquetameredoes nobody know where i can find the whis key?20:41
nickrudracarter: I think  passwd -f <name> does it20:41
stefan_D-Unit: yes, but if it's in a virtual machone you can probably use some kind of sharing setting in the virtual software (VMWare / virtualbox have the feature)20:41
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jeniquetamerehelp me please!!!20:41
snypzzcan I install symantec with it???20:41
ConstyXIVjeniquetamere, whis key?20:41
jeniquetamerei need to press alt and whis key20:41
ConstyXIVsnypzz, you don't need symantec20:41
mnemononix4: select "Add/Remove" in the applications menu and uninstall tracker... i did that actually20:41
D-Unitstefan_, ya but i had tried and couldnt do anything succesfully20:41
johHow do I manually enable the restricted nvidia driver?20:41
ConstyXIVjeniquetamere, maybe the win key?20:41
snypzzis there an antivirus in ubuntu20:42
stefan_D-Unit: what virtual software are you using20:42
frost0snypzz, not required.20:42
ConstyXIVsnypzz, yes (clamav), but you don't really need it20:42
Stwangejoh, System -> Administrative Tasks -> Restricted Drivers Manager20:42
TomaszDdoes anyone know how to assign running a script to a keypress in GNOME?20:42
Chousukesnypzz: yes, but are you running a mail server?20:42
frost0snypzz, or bitdefender20:42
jeniquetamereConstyXIV, i doesn't work... anyone else know the whis key?20:42
ValpatineI installed the restricted drivers for my graphics card in ubuntu but now when I boot up the screen is black, what do i do?20:42
Pirate_Hunternickrud: just type disable proxy/ipv6 and it worked it dont show no more in the output and no i havent looked at irssi proxy stuff20:42
jeniquetamereprobably that strange thing?20:42
bruenigthe bot is fail apparently20:42
snypzzdo I need to install bitdefender20:42
nickrudPirate_Hunter: then that sounds like a good idea :)20:43
ConstyXIVsnypzz, you really only need a virus scanner if you want to keep from passing on virii to others by accident20:43
johStwange: It reports there is no restricted drivers needed - it doesn't recognize my nvidia 8600 GT card.20:43
jeniquetamereburn in hell, motherfuckers20:43
davidm_I have a 6.06 kbuntu and need to upgrade to 7.10 via cli. Any clues?20:43
johStwange: 8800 even20:43
drcjeniquetamere:  probably your dad's liquor cabinet :(20:43
ConstyXIV!ohmy | jeniquetamere20:43
mandrigso, my termingal keeps freezing, anyone know why? or what can help?20:43
StwangeI have no idea sorry joh, I only know the basics20:43
D-Unitstefan_, virtualbox ose sum1 said but i doubt its ose since synaptic says it not and the file name doesnt have ose and i dint choose ose on download page and im running windows xp pro no service packs20:43
Chousukemandrig: do you accidentally press ctrl-s ?20:43
ConstyXIVubotu ohmy20:43
Pirate_Hunternickrud: hmm true that but i thought proxy was more if you want to be anonymous and for encryption but the last part might be wrong20:43
frost0Jack_Sparrow, nvm...google is a wonderful thing :)20:43
kalleperssonDo you know how WoW works on ubuntu nowadays?20:44
ValpatineI have a 8600gts and when I installed Ubuntu it installed my drivers but when I boot into Ubuntu now all I get is a black screen, can someone help me?20:44
nickruddavidm_: you can't go from 6.06 to 7.10 without going through 6.10 and 7.04 , you're better off doing a fresh install or waiting till april. 6.06 to 8.04 will be supported20:44
Chousukemandrig: that stops terminal output. ctrl-q restores it20:44
ConstyXIVsomeone kick ubotu in the pants so he wakes up20:44
TpyoKnigjoh: lspci | grep nvidia ?20:44
Jack_Sparrowdavidm_, A fresh install ...  else you will be dapper to edgy to feisty to gutsy20:44
Bradleyhello, i have sevreal partitions that i already made in windows for linux, but it wont show when i want to install linux20:44
baali have a problem with ./configure, in config.log file i get line including : checking for special C compiler options needed for large files , result: no.20:44
stefan_D-Unit: ose means open source edition, you're probably using that yeah :)20:44
jeniquetamereConstyXIV, epic fail.20:44
baalmaby somebody can help me ?20:44
frost0thx all20:44
nickrudPirate_Hunter: I agree, but I usually used those things as guides to what to study.20:44
snypzzwhere do I find linux virus scanner20:44
Chousukesnypzz: you don't need one.20:44
cerberushello, i need help please ,  can someone recommend me on good download manager for Ubuntu ? (like Flashget on windows system)20:44
Jack_Sparrow!virus | snypzz20:44
davidm_nickrud: Tnx20:44
stefan_D-Unit: Virtualbox has a shared folder option to share folders with the virtual machine and the host operating system :)20:44
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mandrigbaal: sudo apt-get install gcc20:45
D-Unitstefan_, well i dont think im using ose20:45
davidm_Jack_Sparrow: Yes, tnx20:45
ValpatineCan anyone help me?20:45
rawrakittenAnyone here can help me getting a BFG 7800GTX running properly in Gutsy Gibbon?20:45
baalthx :)20:45
snypzzthank you....20:45
D-Unitstefan_, but there is no usb mode thing so that means its ose20:45
johTpyoKnig: It's there, but reports that it's unknown.20:45
davidm_hats like forever!20:45
Chousukesnypzz: a Linux virus scanner will only find Windows viruses. No active linux viruses exist :)20:45
Pirate_Hunternickrud: i just googled irssi proxy not much comes up cna you explain to me how useful it is or if it works different in irssi20:45
D-Unitstefan_, i dont no wat to believe anymore :'( lol20:45
jeniquetamereburn in hell again, motherfuckers20:45
stefan_D-Unit: yeap :)20:45
mandrigChousuke: And no, it wasn't ctrl s20:45
nickrudPirate_Hunter: nope, don't use irssi20:45
ttotallybaal, did you install the additional software needed to build a package from source?20:45
Chousukemandrig: then I can't help. :/20:45
nonix4rawrakitten: they named a gfx controller after a weapon in doom some 15 years ago? ;)20:46
stefan_D-Unit: easy to find out buddy20:46
stefan_D-Unit: start virtual box -> Help -> about virtual box20:46
D-Unitdoes any1 no how i can add the "open in terminal" selection when i right click on a file?20:46
mandrigChousuke: it's cool, thanks20:46
D-Unitstefan_, k, ill check :)20:46
davidm_Thank you everyone. Will consider backing up my data and jumping stright to 7.1020:46
dompedrosnypzz --> if you search for an application or the net you will find clamAV which is a free antivirus solution for linux - linux is pretty much like MAC OS X where you do not need to worry about antivirus software...on the other side of the coin, you are more likely to experience a script that will perform a buffer overflow or memory write which will compromise your linux workstation and that will not be detected by your major antivirus companies, so just20:46
Pirate_Hunternickrud: what do you use, I'm just trying to compile it cause a majority of users are hyped about it.. I want to know what the fuss is all about20:46
nickrudPirate_Hunter: heh. I thought you were using it as a learning tool :)  sudo apt-get install irssi ;)20:47
one_matthiashi bluetooth or ati x1400 help ..20:47
snypzzthank you...20:47
ubotusnypzz: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.20:48
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:48
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org20:48
Bradleyhello, i just installed Ubuntu, but i cant see windows20:48
Bradleyhow do i set up GRUB so i can see windows20:48
baalttotally i don't know where i can find additional software ?20:48
ubotuommegang: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about samba lowlux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:48
maybeway36Bradley: can you see a FAT or NTFS volume in fdisk -l?20:48
D-Unitit says virtualbox virtualbox graphical user interface version 1.5.6 (2004-2008 innotek GmbH)20:48
Pirate_Hunternickrud: if I do that all this effort was done for nothing and yeha ive been wanting to stepup my ubuntu skills so thats why im compiling from source.. some would say its just madness20:48
stefan_D-Unit: okido20:49
one_matthiasBradley:  what do you mean windows ???20:49
stefan_D-Unit: have you set-up a shared folder in virtualbox?20:49
Bradleymaybeway36: what do u mean, in linux under the live CD i was just testing it out... but now it wont boot WINDOWS20:49
maybeway36Bradley: you installed ubuntu?20:49
nickrudPirate_Hunter: not madness at all, or I wouldn't be paying attention at all this afternoon20:49
D-Unitstefan_, i dont no wat happened but now i cant even boot the virtual xp!20:49
ttotallybaal, there's some package called basic-files, not that but something like that --- does anyone know what it's called20:49
Bradleymaybeway36: i am trying to get it to see a partition i made for it, but now Windows wont boot.... no i just ran the LIVE cd20:49
Bradleymaybeway36: can we talk here #livecd20:50
dompedroChousuke --> you are incorrect about viruses, please try to open your mind and not confuse newbie's trying linux.  active viruses exist in linux and are commonly called shell scripts, root kits, trojans, etc....notice i did not say "worm"20:50
maybeway36Bradley: weird... sure20:50
one_matthiasanyone that can help with bouetooth or ati x1400 ...20:50
helluescompiz doesnt wokr20:50
Chousukedompedro: those are not viruses.20:50
hellueshow can i fix this error20:50
wodenHow do I tell if I am running 64-bit Ubuntu?20:50
Chousukedompedro: they're just malware.20:50
stefan_D-Unit: lol, you broke it?20:50
Azodonwill the 64bit ubuntu 7.10 runn the same appps i have now on my 32 bit install, i have dual core 64-bit, currently it uses both cores in 32bit. At least according to the gnome system monitor20:50
Pirate_Hunternickrud: true say, just found this online im guessing it way more than what im going to use my client for but could you explain in plain newb english why would anyone want that - http://garion.org/irssi/irssi-proxy.php20:50
stefan_D-Unit: anyway, you can set-up a shared folder in virtualbox, then acces the shared folder inside the xp virtual machine20:51
baalthx i try to find something like that20:51
Chousukedompedro: there's nothing inherently dangerous about shell scripts either. I use them a lot20:51
D-Unitstefan_, well i did erase my 32-bit 7.04 and put 64-bit 7.10 (now im on 7.10 32 bit)20:51
FlannelAzodon: You will.  The only issues you'll have are things that aren't Free.  Flash, etc.  Although there are workarounds for that too20:51
PeloAzodon, same apps shold work but be aware that 64bit does not have flash and there are missing restricted drivers20:51
julian__hi anybody here can help me with some asoundrc config? http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/74113/ there is my asoundrc and after putting that, and trying speaker-test -D 6 its working every channel is seperated, BUT the OSS emulated dsps are not isntalled... how can i get them to work?20:51
wodenHow do I tell if I am running 64-bit Ubuntu?20:51
Chousukedompedro: in fact, you're using them too, as many are part of the core system :)20:51
stefan_D-Unit: the virtualbox help file explains how to adress the shared folder in the virtual xp machine :)20:51
Azodonhrm , i uses flash alot, and gave not had luck with gnash20:51
Pelowoden, did the install cd say amd64 ?20:51
Pirate_Hunternickrud: for me to pull that off I thought an actual proxy is needed liek one you own (if thats even possible) or one found online except for those public ones20:51
D-Unitstefan_, k, ill check it later? i have to eat like soon..so ya by and thx20:52
aut0mataAzdon: gnash isnt quite there...i'd stick with adobe20:52
stefan_D-Unit: enjoy :) bye20:52
PeloAzodon, I know there is a work around installing 32bit ff and libs but I have never tried it20:52
Ergo^im having problem with firewall (firestarter), cant share samba resources when firewall is on (i added SMB ports in firewall)20:52
usse1woden: uname -m20:52
Azodonpelo : thankyou i will look into it20:52
nickrudPirate_Hunter: it is a proxy itself, you can connect instances of irssi to it as needed, locally or remotely. I guess it'd be nice on a net machine that's always up, so your connection to a server is permanent20:52
usse1Ergo^: firestarter is a bit quirky with samba20:53
FlannelAzodon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins20:53
wodenusse1: x86_6420:53
Ergo^the share doesnt show up in places/network  - when i disable firestarter it shows up20:54
Pirate_Hunternickrud: hmm i guess maybe in the furture but not now, I dont think i'll be able to afford my electricity bill especially since it has gone up once again and dont forget the uni debt that must be paid back :(20:54
wodenusse1: so what does that mean?  my kernel is 64-bit?  but what about all my programs?20:54
usse1Ergo^: try disabling broadcasts from external networks in preferences->advanced options20:54
holycowdoes ubuntu have backports, particularly for broadcom an dother drivers?20:54
ttotallybaal, "first install the build-essential and checkinstall packages" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/FAQ20:54
usse1woden: your kernel and all your programs are 64bit unless you manually installed 32bit programs not from repositories20:54
Ergo^usse1 should i diable or enable ? its disabled now...20:55
Pirate_Hunternickrud: my pass is not recognised when using su whats the otherway to go root?20:55
maybeway36sudo -i20:55
mandrigPirate_Hunter: sudo20:55
dompedroChousuke --> a virus is code, or more simply a piece of code meant to run a specific function, those pieces of code exists for every operating system on Earth, anyone ignorant of that fact is well...you get the picture.  The reason more viruses exist for Microsoft Windows is due to the fact that there are MORE Windows machines than linux machines, people who do not understand what a virus is or what to watch for will only have a zombied linux box within n20:55
wodenusse1:  hmm ok I guess if you say so20:55
SeanInSeattleGood afternoon all!  Does anyone have experience with the linux equivalent to a Windows Startup folder (to start apps upon login)?20:55
baalttotally, thx20:55
Pirate_Huntermandrig: on its own its not acceptable20:56
usse1Ergo^: it should be disabled20:56
SeanInSeattleGood afternoon all!  Does anyone have experience with the linux equivalent to a Windows Startup folder (to start apps upon login)?20:56
holycowdon't listen to dompedro20:56
Chousukedompedro: no. a virus must also replicate itself.20:56
holycowthats wrong20:56
usse1Ergo^: there was a thread on ubuntuforums about firestarter and samba20:56
Azodonthe download says ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso , but the website said AMD/Intel . will this "ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso" work on my Intel?20:56
nickrudPirate_Hunter: sudo -i , better20:56
marko-_-how do i send messages through ssh to others users who are logged in ?20:56
Chousukedompedro: it also attaches itself to other files. Most linux malware doesn't do that.20:56
holycowthe reason most viruses for windows are because users have always run those systems as root20:56
steve__hello i need help installing flash player for xubuntu..20:56
wodenanyone play neverwinter nights on ubuntu?20:56
steve__it wont install properly using terminal as root20:56
mandrigPirate_Hunter: I thought you would be running a command, like sudo apt-get, immediately after.20:56
holycowif you run windows as restricted user the viruses don't go away, but you get pretty close20:57
Ergo^usse1: thank you it worked fine20:57
Chousukedompedro: most linux malware consists of trojan horses.20:57
Chousukedompedro: which are not viruses.20:57
dompedroChousuke --> shell scripts are bad in the hands of malicious people, just like...guns are used by good people, but are used at times by bad people to take someone's property very quickly without a fight....a shell script can accomplish just that.20:57
Chousukedompedro: I know this.20:57
holycowalso the only difference between a virus and regular code is that a virus by definition wants to replicate20:57
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: system prefrences sessions20:57
rawrakittensteve , Yes, and microsoft developers are idiots because they make it so you can't go root temporarily.20:57
holycowif it doesn't replicate its not a virus20:57
holycowthen its classified by its utility20:57
Pirate_Hunternickrud: yeha thanx i was trying si which is complete gibberish and mandrig even knowing I said that i still used it to run command make install20:57
usse1Ergo^: did it? take a look here second post from the top http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190542&highlight=samba+windows+unauthorized+access20:58
holycowthe generic categorization is if the code works against the user and for the benefit of the author its called malware20:58
usse1Ergo^: cause fix I gave didn't work for me20:58
Chousukedompedro: any piece of software you run on a computer can do that also.20:58
holycowotherwise its called software20:58
holycowthus windows is malware as well20:58
Jack_Sparrowdompedro,  Chousuke   can you move that discussion to offtopic room..20:58
steve__can somebody help me install swf-player?20:58
* nickrud backspaces20:58
ttotallysda1 is bootable and has xp on it, and sda2 is another xp partition, i installed ubuntu on sda3 and set it as "/" in the partitioner. but the default grub is trying to find the kernel on sda1/boot/ which doesn't exist20:59
miranda82is there any way, to mount as a drive, a camera that is connected via usb? i need to access the memory card20:59
dompedroChousuke --> you are a freaking troll - something that replicates itself is a worm...god-dangit - I hate ignorance!20:59
Chousukedompedro: I'm not ignorant.20:59
nickrud!stop | dompedro Chousuke20:59
xsystemxjrib - thanks !20:59
holycowdompedro: wrong20:59
CapaHI am about to buy an Iphone. My question is, does anyone know if wine+itunes will successfully activate it? I have been told I need either a MAC or WINDOWS to activate the iphone. Anyone?20:59
stefan_offtopic guys =)20:59
Stwange!stop | Stwange20:59
nickrudstill dead. holycow Chousuke dompedro last warning20:59
Jack_Sparrowdompedro,  Chousuke   can you move that discussion to offtopic room..   NOW20:59
ttotallyi edited grub so it looked on (hd0,2)/boot and then the ubuntu logo came up but then nothing20:59
stefan_steve__: you mean flash for say, firefox :) ?20:59
ttotallyany ideas?20:59
CaymanAlligatorworms duplicates itself through a network, specifically20:59
holycownickrud: or what?21:00
CaymanAlligatorviruses generally through files21:00
Chousukedompedro: if you want to present an argument, move to offtopic and I will counter you.21:00
xsystemxAnyone here ever had problems getting VirtualBOx to detect dvd rom drive?21:00
Jack_SparrowCaymanAlligator, Stop21:00
miranda82is there any way, to mount as a drive, a camera that is connected via usb? i need to access the memory card21:00
CaymanAlligatoroops, okay. sorry21:00
Thirstehmiranda82, after inserting the camera, type 'dmesg' and look for any indication of the device address (something like /dev/sda1), then do something like 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/some-folder'21:00
nickrudholycow: the big sweeping boot comes into play. I hate that with a passion21:00
miranda82Thirsteh, thx for replying, the problem is that dmesg does not show anything like that,21:01
holycowleave me out of your comments, i wasn't talking to you and i only made 2 or 3 statements21:01
Pirate_Hunternickrud: after running sudo make install i get some error at the end but have no clue what it means, could you look at it please  - http://pastebin.ca/93443021:01
miranda82Thirsteh, shows: [  860.544000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:19:d2:35:b3:23:00:1c:10:4e:1e:74:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=56999 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=42576 DPT=49643 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=021:01
andy_who me21:01
SeanInSeattlelordleemo:  I'm running IceWM, Is there a file that I can edit?21:01
ttotallyin the partitioner, am i supposed the set the root partition as /media/sdax/ or just delete the /media/sdax entry and replace it with "/"21:01
dompedroJack_Sparrow --> kindly ask others not to provide new Ubuntu/linux users with wrong information, such as there is no need for AV in linux and that none exist21:01
ArthurArchnixrather than opening up a terminal, running gconf-editor, and browsing to the key of interest, is there some way to cat the key?21:02
bartmonHi again. For Java devs out there: NetBeans or Eclipse? TY!21:02
Thirstehmiranda82, if dmesg doesn't show anything at all, then I'd guess either USB is disabled in your BIOS or your camera is inserted in a USB slot that doesn't work (if you're using a USB hub on the front of the case, try the USB ports on the motherboard instead)21:02
cbrake_awaycan someone suggest how to build and install zaptel-source?21:02
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sohoi want to run a script at startup. where should i put it that it is loaded?21:02
miranda82Thirsteh, the camera works i am able to download the images usign gnome importer, the problem,  is to mount it as a drive21:02
phoenix5002Is it possible to somehow revert to the same video driver that Ubuntu gave me originally when I installed it?21:03
Jack_Sparrowdompedro,  Not another word...21:03
ArthurArchnixI want to type one command in the terminal that will return the value of this key: /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default21:03
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stefan_phoenix5002: what did you install to replace that21:03
dompedroJack_Sparrow --> fine.  issue closed for me...back yo why I was here originally then...thanks.21:03
holycowwhere does broadcom firmware need to reside if i extract it out of their packages?21:03
stefan_phoenix5002: restricted? compiled your own driver?21:04
_Oz___does anyone know a way I can restart and send a command to grub (at the time I hit restart) that I want to restart in a certain OS, rather than waiting for GRUB?21:04
phoenix5002stefan_ I havn't yet, but I had trouble in the past with other drivers so I want to make sure I can get back to where I am now if it happens again21:04
Thirstehmiranda82, it'd need to be mounted for you to be able to get anything off of it. Try typing 'mount' in a shell and check if it's on that list and is already mounted (probably at the bottom of the list)21:04
Chousukedompedro: I can tell you why you're wrong if you move to offtopic.21:04
bartmonsoho: put your script in /etc/init.d/ and then create a symlink to it from /etc/rcX.d/ where X is the runlevel you want xyour script to execute on21:04
ttotallycbrake, won't the usual way work?21:04
nickrudPirate_Hunter: here's where you learn how to look for files and the packages they live in, on packages.ubuntu.com21:04
miranda82Thirsteh, it's not21:04
cbrakettotally: which is .. :-)21:04
Azodonthe download says ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso , but the website said AMD/Intel . will this "ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso" work on my Intel?21:04
phoenix5002stefan_ but I will be installing the ATI linux mobility drivers21:04
cbrakettotally: dpkg-buildpackage?21:04
stefan_phoenix5002: backup your current xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/21:04
amortvigilhow can i kill the firefox browser?21:04
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok21:05
sohobartmon; thanks, which is a good runlevel, can i put it in runlevel 1?21:05
stefan_phoenix5002: if things break, just put that file back :)21:05
holycowkillall firefox-bin21:05
holycowits dumb yes21:05
codyzapphi, hate to bother, my buddy has a problem with his system, he has basic ubuntu. when he installed the reccomended updates it told him to reboot and when he hits the ubuntu loader it loads the kernel and goes black on the screen. any of this yall head of before? help is appreciated.21:05
bartmon_Oz___: How can you expect to interact with a program that is not yet running?21:05
phoenix5002stefan_: I've already done that, but will that actually revert to my previous Driver?21:05
Thirstehmiranda82, 'tail -f /var/log/dmesg' then disconnect and reconnect the camera, there really should be a message21:05
ttotallycbrake, have you got the tar.gz file?21:05
dompedro*anyone* - "switch user"21:05
dompedroI get the logon screen for xerver without getting the option to switch to a different account already logged on...the option was working with ubuntu 6.06 but is not working in ubuntu 7.10...is there something i need to configure, does anyone have a link to a forum post, internet link?21:05
miranda82Thirsteh, the message is: [  860.544000] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=00:19:d2:35:b3:23:00:1c:10:4e:1e:74:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=56999 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=42576 DPT=49643 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=021:05
_Oz_bartmon: I expect it via the magic of simple code21:05
Pirate_Hunternickrud: the problem is what package am i looking for how do i identify it?21:05
phoenix5002stefan_: just seems like it will reset video settings not driver, but if it will reset the driver than that is excellent :)21:05
Thirstehmiranda82, that has nothing to do with USB21:05
cbrakettotally: /usr/src/zaptel.tar.bz221:06
miranda82i know21:06
_Oz_bartmon: for example, send a little code to GRUB that GRUB looks for on reboot and auto-selects an OS21:06
nickrudPirate_Hunter: see the file that it said it couldn't find, at the end of the pastebin? that's the one you're looking for. Use the find files in packages21:06
_Oz_bartmon: can't possibly be that hard21:06
stefan_phoenix5002: xorg.conf holds the configuration for which driver to load for the video card21:06
sohobartmon; is this also working with a script that should run on shutdown?21:06
bartmonsoho: I don't really know. You should consult a wiki or the forums for that21:06
phoenix5002stefan_ so when I install a new driver it doesn't overwrite my old one?21:06
MikeTI've, for a while now, been trying to get my microphone working. Which a couple days ago i did. but when i restarted my computer it just stop working, all i get is static... Any ideas? I mainly use it inside of woW to talk to friends. If you need any more information just let me know...21:06
Flannelsoho: What does the script do?21:06
bartmonsoho: Yep, i think runlevel S is the one21:06
stefan_phoenix5002: ah, you're planning to update the ati driver?21:07
miranda82Thirsteh, dmesg does not show anything, but I get the gnome asistant to import the pictures, that is the problem21:07
dompedro*anyone* - no sound21:07
dompedrohow can I re-initialize sound under ubuntu - all hardware is found correctly and drivers installed in ubuntu 7.10, but no audio, after some updates my audio quit21:07
ttotallycbrake, unpack it with bunzip <xxx.bz2>, then tar xvf <xxx.tar>, cd to to the zaptel directory and read the README ... it's easy from there21:07
Pirate_Hunternickrud: you mean glib 2.021:07
ttotallycbrake, oops .. use bunzip2, not bunzip21:07
codyzappanyone had loading issues after installing the reccomended updates?????21:07
cbrakettotally: ok, thanks21:07
nickrudPirate_Hunter: no, settings.c:30:28: error: default-config.h: No such file or directory21:07
bartmon_Oz___: oh, you should edit menu.lst then! It's in /boot/grub/. Then change the timeout value to 0 and be sure to select the correct entry to boot.21:07
sohoFlannel; because of the lack of /dev/random to create random numbers when no mouse/touchpad is moved i need some entrophy pool information to be carried across shut-downs und start-uos21:08
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mandrigdoes anyone have problems with firefox running ungodly slowly?21:08
bartmonmandrig: Yes, if you have a gazillion tabs open :)21:08
dmiles_Hi, everybody. I just set up a dchroot environment using instructions on the ubuntu forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575) but I'm getting "Error: Can't open display:" when I try to run firefox (or xclock)21:08
dmiles_anybody run into that before?21:08
sohoFlannel; otherwise /dev/random secured swap hangs until some action is being made21:08
mandrigbartmon: Nope, no extra tabs open.21:08
sohobartmon; thanks21:09
Darkmystere__dompedro, would you happen to have a Toshiba labtop with digital sound..?21:09
Pirate_Hunternickrud: i saw that but it cnat find it but what is supposed to be there and what cant it find I actually dont get the output21:09
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: sorry mate was away whats up21:09
dompedroi have two HPs and a Thinkpad with sound21:09
dompedrono Toshibas21:09
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bartmonsoho: Found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InitScriptList21:10
miranda82Thirsteh, the only thing i can get, from kern.log that might give a clue is: http://pastebin.com/m4a6d5fe121:10
nickrudPirate_Hunter: did you use the 'search the contents of packages' for the file it said didn't exist21:10
bartmonsoho: also, runlevel S isn't for shutdown, sorry.21:10
sohobartmon; well, but thanks for the info i'll take a look at that21:11
Pirate_Hunternickrud: you mean this is the file settings.c:30:28:?21:12
beautifulsnowHello, I've had this game working under Wine 100% for months, and just today it won't work anymore (I haven't made any changes to my system and I also played GW yesterday night so....) (Yes Ive checked with #wine but they cant help)21:12
SeanInSeattlelordleemo:  I'm running IceWM, Is there a file that I can edit?21:12
stefan_wine updated... I'm having the same problem21:12
nickrudPirate_Hunter: what file is it saying it can't find? default-config.h21:12
stefan_apparantly, the update broke something21:12
SeanInSeattlelordleemo:  I found the x windows startup file, I think:  http://www.linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/XWindow-User-HOWTO-5.html21:13
stefan_you can try to revert back to the previous version21:13
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: i dont use it hang on ill google m821:13
beautifulsnowstefan_:  the same problem as me regarding Guild Wars?21:13
miranda82Thirsteh, any clue?21:13
beautifulsnowstefan_: I haven't made any updates.21:13
stefan_uninstall wine, grab the previous version from winehq.org and try again21:13
* RabidWeezle finishes installig all of windows 3.11 for workgroups in vmware21:13
RabidWeezleyes I was THAT bored21:13
stefan_beautifulsnow: hm, I had the problem after the update21:13
usr13need to make copy of CD... ?21:14
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BizManhey guys, im running an apache server, on ports 80 and 443, and i ahve portfowarded those ports.... i can access the page no probelm on my internal network21:14
BizManoutside i cant21:14
BizManany ideas21:14
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: is that the  ~/.xinitrc file21:14
Thirstehmiranda82, no, sorry, I'd look through available devices in /dev or any references to new devices in the kernel log, but right now I'm not in Linux so can't give you anything concrete off the top of my head21:14
beautifulsnowstefan_:  but thats the most logical help ive got today, so Im gonna check it out anyway lol thanks  *wink*21:14
_Oz___bartmon: now you're talking.  Now to complete the circle, I simply need to find a little program that will do that for me automatically in the GUI.21:14
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok now i get it, its that i actually dont know how to read it which makes understanding of what is happenign seriously hard and I went to packages and no match for that so that means its something that was left out on the install but now how can I find it21:14
nickrudBizMan: does your isp block those? (assuming the forwarding is good)21:14
SeanInSeattlelordleemo:  Yep.21:14
stefan_beautifulsnow: good luck :)21:14
usr13How's the easiest way to copy a Ubuntu CD/21:14
StrangeCharmmy hard drive is encrypted per the 7.10 installer. i need to back up my system to an image so that I can replace my hard drive (with an identical one). what's the right way to do this21:14
miranda82Thirsteh, k, thx anyway21:14
nickrudPirate_Hunter: next step is to google that error line21:15
BizManshould i change them in the conf. file?21:15
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: ok m8 hope you sort it m821:15
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ok i bet you know the answer already21:15
bartmon_Oz___: Do you personally don't want to edit a text file or do you need a GUI solution for other users?21:15
dompedroi guess i will grow old as dirt waiting for *anyone* to respond to questions, here21:15
BizManwhat are good port ranges to use?21:15
bruenigdompedro: this is #ubuntu after all21:16
nickrudPirate_Hunter: and, that's a dead end. No, I'm reading a reginald hill novel, listening for the drumroll when you type my name ;)21:16
dompedro*MODERATORS* - can i suggest you guys make an advanced topics/questions forum on IRC?21:16
dompedrothis sux!21:16
beautifulsnowdompedro:  what was the question uh, I was trying to get help myself, let me know what it was ;p21:16
SeanInSeattlelordleemo:  What's m8?21:16
beautifulsnowSeanInSeattle: m8 is mate21:16
StrangeCharmSeanInSeattle: it mean 'mate'21:17
rawrakittenDoes anyone know if Envy autoconfigures the 7800GTX drivers well in Gutsy?21:17
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bartmonBizMan: I find it highly unlikely your ISP blocking port 80. Are you sure you port forwarded to the correct internal IP?21:17
Ward1983does anyone know how i can use the vista bootloader instead of grub? (grub cant handle fakeraid)21:17
_Oz___bartmon: I want a "reboot into XP" or "reboot into Ubuntu" button basically21:17
lordleemoSeanInSeattle: pal friend etc etc being polite21:17
Pirate_Hunternickrud: your right it is a dead end the error line gives me nothing going to clear some of it and see if google picks anything up otherwise i cant continue21:17
StrangeCharmwhat's a good way to backup my system?21:17
SeanInSeattlelol.  kewl.  sorry.  I live in seattle, and we don't speak aussie.21:17
_Oz___bartmon: I want a "reboot into XP" or "reboot into Ubuntu" button basically21:17
SeanInSeattleAt least not very much.  :021:17
_Oz___bartmon: surely I can't be the only one who needs this21:17
NemesisDanyone know of any other common tape tools besides tar? I have a tape i'm trying to get data off and tar, tar w/ bzip and gz don't seem to be able to get anything off of it21:17
mandrigDarkmystere: were you having an issue with your toshiba sound?21:17
derekshow do i turn compiz off in hardy?21:17
StrangeCharmSeanInSeattle: you clearly need to learn a new language21:17
Flanneldereks: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks21:18
nickrudPirate_Hunter: have you run make by itself, or are you doing make install right after configure? If you are doing the latter, do make clean and then make21:18
dereksFlannel: thanks21:18
bartmon_Oz___: Surely not, but I guess most other people don't have a problem with selecting the correct entry form the GRUB menu21:18
Pirate_Hunternickrud: right after cofigure like the install file states while in root.. im guessing thats the problem21:19
StrangeCharm_oz___: do you mind waiting until the 're' bit happens, then hitting the 'boot into' button?21:19
nickrudPirate_Hunter: not sure myself. I gotta step out for a holf hour,  bbl21:19
Pirate_Hunternickrud: kk will tyr to sort this out otherwise continue next time21:20
StrangeCharm_oz___ you could use a script that rewrote your grub file to put the right os at the top of the list each time :p21:20
Pirate_Hunteris this command correct sudo make cleaninstall?21:20
bartmonStrangeCharm, _Oz___: yeah, but instead just rewrite the default X line in that file.21:21
StrangeCharmhow can i backup (in either an encrypted or an unencrypted state) my system, installed with the encryption option in gutsy, for future restorage?21:21
bartmonStrangeCharm, _Oz___: otherwise this might break on a kernel upgrade21:21
MatBoyis there a button command to switch workspaces in gnome ? I can't see my taskbar on the bottom when I'm in my VM21:21
dominoanyone, this is an easy question, i'm new to unix :>, how do i - from terminal - set up partitions? im looking to set up 5 partitions, one on each harddrive, then put them together as one in LVM/ combine as raid21:21
StrangeCharmbartmon: right, agreed - each button makes the change that boots you the right way21:22
stefan_MayBoy: Ctrl + Alt + arrow key should do it21:22
limcoreWhich sound card (pci, not expensive, not used but from shop, up to 50 usd) should I buy to have alsa output and input working ootb?21:23
bartmonStrangeCharm: Sure. a little sed command would probably work well.21:23
StrangeCharmdomino: can't you use the installer?21:23
StrangeCharmdomino: the alt-installer disk has awesome disk setup options (though i think that the encryption doesn't work at the moment)21:23
s2aim in gnome wats the menu editor and how do i open it?21:23
joetotalehi all.  recently installed 64 bit 7.10 and am having trouble getting my graphics card recognized. leadtek px8800gt. have stfw, installed nvidia driver, & done 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'but now stuck21:23
joetotalegrateful for any pointers21:24
bartmons2a: just right click on a menu and select Edit Menus21:24
ttotallydomino, sudo cfdisk21:24
ttotallyman cfdisk for more info21:24
StrangeCharmjoetotale: 0xffe456f821:24
s2ak, thx21:24
s2abartmon, k, thx21:24
joetotaleStrangeCharm: ??21:24
StrangeCharmjoetotale: oh, wait, 64-bit: 0xffed0001221:25
dominothanks ttotally. "FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive" :D21:25
StrangeCharmjoetotale: it's a joke21:25
ttotallydomino, i got that when i forgot the sudo21:25
StrangeCharmjoetotale: pointers, as in memory pointers, geddit geddit?21:25
dominoi did sudo, but i restart to make sure it's ready21:25
joetotaleStrangeCharm: will have to remember that to use on slashdot21:26
StrangeCharmjoetotale: http://xkcd.com/138/21:26
ttotallydomino, is this under ubuntu?21:26
SeanInSeattleHey all, I'm back.  i was wondering if anyone has experience with making it so that I don't need to sudo all the fricking time.  Can I change my user account access level to root?21:26
StrangeCharmSeanInSeattle: don't. sudoing is better21:26
dominoyes this is under ubuntu and yes i type: sudo cfdisk21:26
dominoand it gives me the error above21:26
StrangeCharmjoetotale: it's already part of the hive mind21:26
Jack_SparrowSeanInSeattle, not advised21:26
SeanInSeattleOK, why shouldn't I?21:26
LinuxMonkeySeanInSeattle: why would you even want to do that, thats just stupid, its like handing your keys to your home to a stranger21:26
ttotallyJack_Sparrow, but how is it done?21:27
anniku989prince_jammys: You online?21:27
farruinnSeanInSeattle: If you need a root shell you can use 'sudo -s'21:27
ompaulfarruinn, wrong one - use the -i21:27
SeanInSeattlefarruinn:  That's all I was looking for.  Thanks!21:27
bartmonStrangeCharm: An excellent XKCD gem, thanks !21:27
Jack_SparrowSeanInSeattle, What are you doing that always needs sudo and hopefully you are using gksudo for gui apps21:27
ompaul!rootsudo | SeanInSeattle (read that web page)21:27
chi11yhmm, I've updated to oss4 to get my soundcard to run, but I can select OSS neither alsa, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat"21:27
ttotallyfarruinn, thnx21:27
chi11ysorry for bad explanation, but do anyone have a fix?21:28
SeanInSeattleJack_Sparrow:  I'm trying to configure my system, and I'm having to edit a bunch of config files.  At some point I shouldn't need it.  But for now I'm having to do it constantly.21:28
LinuxMonkeywow im suprized people are so lazy to type 4 characters...lol21:28
farruinnompaul: ok, I see the difference, but what is the disadvantage of -s?21:28
ompaulfarruinn, it is not -i so what env have you got? you don't know21:28
farruinnompaul: ok, I see what you mean21:29
bullgard4LinuxMonkey: I am surprised that you are too lazy to type a single letter 'r'.21:29
Jack_SparrowSeanInSeattle, ok you run sudo nano once or gksudo gedit once and do what needs to be done..21:29
ompaulSeanInSeattle, go to wiki.ubuntu.com put in the search field rootsudo21:29
ttotallydomino, this probably won't help, but try "sudo cfdisk /dev/hda1" or sda121:29
BizMan726whats a good replacement for port 80 so i can run apache21:29
BizMan726from outside my home network21:30
SeanInSeattleJack_Sparrow:  Cool.  That's probably a better solution.  Thanks for not just poking fun at my "dumb" request.21:30
ompaulBizMan726, that question lacks a lot of context21:30
bluewraithwhere is the setting for "focus follows mouse" in ubuntu? using xubuntu right now and kinda dig it21:30
Pirate_Hunterwhats the command to clean make install?21:30
BizMan726there are 2 ports21:30
bruenigmake clean21:30
BizMan72680 and 44321:30
StrangeCharmLinuxMonkey: not quite21:30
BizMan726whats generally a good port range21:30
dominoit did, ttotally21:30
BizMan726thats accepted by isps21:30
ompaulBizMan726, 80 is standard and 443 is for ssl enabled web21:30
LinuxMonkeywell I may make spelling mistakes, but i got an excuse, im french21:30
chi11yhmm, I've updated to oss4 to get my soundcard to run, but I cant select OSS neither alsa, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat:"21:31
BizMan726its standard but i need to change it if its blocked21:31
chi11y"Could not open resource for writing."21:31
dominottotally so... if a make a partition on each of these drives, how do i span them/ raid / whatever, make them -> 1 disk21:31
ompaulBizMan726, then no one outside will know where to point their browser and it may be just your router is blocking it check out NAT21:31
macrobadBizMan726: According to RFC, from 43000 to 65000 are private ports that anyone can use for any purposes.21:32
ttotallydomino, i don't know21:32
bullgard4I wonder if all lines of the file /etc/default/udftools are commented out per default? I obtain the boot message: "Not starting udftools packet writing. No devices listed in /etc/default/udftools"21:32
StrangeCharmbartmon: i so rarely get any opportunity to put my encyclopaedic knowledge of xkcd to use :(21:32
amortvigilwhat is the best ubuntu program to design logo's?21:34
high-frequse gimp or somethin21:34
farruinnamortvigil: take a look at inkscape too21:35
farruinnBizMan726: you can put it on any port, but web browsers will only try to connect to port 8021:35
ttotallyhas anyone ever made something other than sda1 the root "/" in partitioner. i made sda3 the root and the default grub was messed up21:35
phoenix5002can someone please tell me what series the "Radeon IGP 345M" video card falls under?21:35
beautifulsnowCould anyone help me figure out what is wrong with this: Been running Guild Wars for months on Wine and now, no matter what, Guild Wars won't show on the screen (the GW updater works fine, but when its time for the game to start it just "hides" on the background)21:35
cjoneseverytime i try a live cd i gett a tty error job control turned off21:35
stefan_macrobad said - BizMan726: According to RFC, from 43000 to 65000 are private ports that anyone can use for any purposes.21:35
beautifulsnowamortvigil: definately Inkscape21:36
phoenix5002can someone please tell me what series the "Radeon IGP 345M" video card falls under?21:36
farruinnttotally: sda3 is my root, you just need to edit the menu.lst21:36
bartmonttotally: sure, i have hda221:36
ttotallybarnie, farruinn thnx21:36
farruinnttotally: Just remember sdaN is hd0,N-1 for grub21:36
macrobadBizMan726: According to RFC, from 43000 to 65000 are private ports that anyone can use for any purposes. However, if your provider blocks incoming connections, he is most likely to block all. Also, if you change your port you'll have to tell all the users the new port number, otherwise they won't be able to access your web server.21:36
amortvigilbeautifulsnow, thanx21:36
chi11yhmm, I've updated to oss4 to get my soundcard to run, but I cant select OSS neither alsa, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing. " I really need to get this working :(21:37
farruinnBizMan726: 8080 is a common alternative port, but I don't know if browsers check there automatically if they can't connect to 8021:37
ttotallyfarruinn, i changed (hd0,0) to (hd0,2) and it seems to have found the /boot directory, and the ubuntu logo comes up, but then it hangs21:37
farruinnttotally: doesn't sound like a grub problem at all then21:37
cjoneswhat does cant access tty job control turned off mean21:38
phoenix5002how can I find out what series my radeon mobility card is in?21:38
macrobadfarruinn: you are right, but I doubt they are checking 8080.21:38
chi11yno one with any idea? :(21:38
stefan_if it's the 345 I think it's the R300 series21:38
farruinnmacrobad: right, so it's still like you say, the users will have to know about it21:38
phoenix5002stefan_: do you mean the X300 series?21:39
ttotallyfarruinn, well, just the first thing, the (hd0,0), was a grub problem ... xp is installed on sda1. any idea why ubuntu isn't booting completely?21:39
mnetensnypzz: clamtk works well for me21:39
stefan_phoenix5002: by series I assumed you meant chipset series21:39
mnetenwoaaaah, stupid scroll bar21:39
farruinnttotally: no idea. You'd have to turn off the boot splash to get some messages. I don't know how to do that21:39
stefan_phoenix5002: IGP 345 right?21:40
_richardhi, ive got a couple of questions, any1?21:40
ttotally farruinn okay, thnx .. i think there's a kernel option "splash" or something like that .. i'll try turning it off21:40
phoenix5002stefan_: well I'm about to update the driver now so I go to the website and click "Linux x86" then "Mobility Radeon" then there is a big list like "Mobility Radeon X1400" "Mobility Radeon X300" ect.....21:40
dominopls can't someone help me with this? :> got 3 disks that i need to make into 121:40
stefan_phoenix5002: ah, you're looking at the radeon drivers21:40
phoenix5002stefan_: yes21:40
phoenix5002stefan_: is that not right?21:41
j_humphreywheres a good guide to compile a new kernel for gusty?21:41
stefan_phoenix5002: hang on then, let me check :)21:41
phoenix5002stefan_: my card is "Radeon IGP 345M"21:41
fat-headive installed kubuntu and when trying to update kubuntu with adept manager it downloads the files but when it installs them it gets to 53% of the files but then it crashes and give an error that some files might be corrupt and have caused a break. this has happened 2 times i had to wash my hard drive after the first time and then reinstalled kubuntu again but now i have the same problem21:42
domino#kubuntu :>?21:42
bullgard4I wonder if all lines of the file /etc/default/udftools are commented out per default? I obtain the boot message: "Not starting udftools packet writing. No devices listed in /etc/default/udftools"21:42
mandrigHow do you view available wireless networks?21:44
lgolebioHi, is it normal that Mplayer shows the error message "gnome screenserver control" ?21:44
tomd123mandrig:  click on the network icon in the notification area21:44
macncheez3000mandrig, you should be able to by right-clicking on the network manager applet by the clock21:44
macncheez3000left-clicking, excuse me21:44
tomd123lgolebio: I don't thinks errors should be normal21:45
stefan_phoenix5002: hm, can't seem to find a specifix driver for that chipsset, finding a lot of topic from people with the same problem21:45
_richardIs there any way to leave brightness at 87% permanent instead of having to fn+key everytime i restart?21:45
lgolebiotomd123: well films are working with no problem21:45
wigrenwindows installer killed my GRUB. How do i reinstall it?21:45
lgolebiobut when the move ends, mplayer shows this message21:46
joetotaleam trying to get 8800 GT graphic card to be recognised in 7.10.  have run 'nvidia-glx-config enable' as root, but xorg.conf reports board as vesa & runs at 800x600.  my xorg.conf is at  http://pastebin.com/d736ad9021:46
AkumaNoTsubasahi all21:46
AkumaNoTsubasaif I want to remove some files from sources I built (I don't have the makefile anymore to do make uninstall) is there a way to do it properly (without forget files?21:46
wigrenwith a like cd?21:46
wigrensorry live*21:46
tomd123lgolebio: try to run it in the console and see if it spits out any other information, if so, try to get more information on that type of error, but as long as the videos work, be thankful for that :P21:46
holodukecan someone tell me what the first steps are too solve ACPI problems (returning from suspend doesnt work)21:46
phoenix5002stefan_: well my driver actually works well with the one Ubuntu gave me, but I just want to test the new ati mobility drivers to see if they are better, so now that you've told me how to back up my driver all I need to know is what series mobility driver to download21:47
ttotallyfarruinn, i got it to work ... grub had also set "root=/dev/hda1" and i don't even have a pata drive in the system21:47
stefan_phoenix5002: about that, saving xorg.conf will only save you if you try a different driver21:47
stefan_phoenix5002: if you update a driver, files will be overwritten21:47
stefan_phoenix5002: rolling back to the previous driver will mean you have to remove the new one and reinstall the previous version21:48
ttotallyfarruinn, i changed it to "root=/dev/sda3" b/c my  linux was on that partition, and it worked fine21:48
DonkeyKong101any1 know y i have no system sounds? music,movies are fine though, so its not the sound card21:48
phoenix5002stefan_: how do I know if I'm updating or installing a new one?21:48
farruinnttotally: ah, so I was wrong, it was grub after all.21:48
phoenix5002stefan_: I don't mind doing a rollback, how would I do that?21:48
joetotalei noticed there were problems with the old nvidia driver so have installed NVidia binary X.Org driver ('new' driver)21:48
stefan_phoenix5002: the one ubuntu gave you is a package created from the ati drivers, so in this case you would be upgrading21:49
loca|anyone can advise me a good up to date guide to install etch on a usb stick ?21:49
stefan_phoenix5002: I take it you're using the restricted driver for that chip?21:49
AkumaNoTsubasaif I want to remove some files from sources I built (I don't have the makefile anymore to do make uninstall) is there a way to do it properly (without forget files? please21:49
phoenix5002stefen_: I don't think I am using the restricted driver actually...21:49
crdlbjoetotale: none of the drivers in gutsy's repos support the 8800 GT21:49
chi11yhmm, I've updated to oss4 to get my soundcard to run, but I cant select OSS neither alsa, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing. " I really need to get this working :(21:49
Jack_Sparrowjoetotale, Did you read the first 10 lines of your xorg?21:50
phoenix5002stefen_: the only restricted driver I see is "atheros hardware access layer (HAL)" but I think that's for wireless connections21:50
ttotallyfarruinn, seems like this ought to be mentioned in the installer instructions ... the same thing happened to me the other day ....21:50
jaekis there an unstable repository for compiz fusion for gusty?21:50
* joetotale feels a right nit21:50
crdlbjaek: nope21:50
chi11yI'm using Creative X-fi so I know it "shouldnt" work, but oss4 is supposed to have some kind of support, but I cant choose oss because of this21:50
amortvigilbeautifulsnow, i get this unable to open gcc error using inkscape21:51
crdlbjaek: hardy has latest compiz fusion though21:51
amortvigilbeautifulsnow, actualy running installing pyxml instead of inkscape21:51
joetotalecrdlb: thx for pointing that out. off to follow up21:52
stefan_phoenix5002: okido, trying to locate which driver you should use now21:52
phoenix5002stefan_: thanx :)21:53
bullgard4I wonder if all lines of the file /etc/default/udftools are commented out per default? I obtain the boot message: "Not starting udftools packet writing. No devices listed in /etc/default/udftools"21:53
chi11yno one who can help me?21:53
chi11yI've desperate for help :/21:53
farruinnchi11y: have you tried the forums or mailing list?21:53
juank_pradahas anybody been able to install DBdesigner in ubuntu?21:53
chi11yfarruinn, nope, but I've searched around on the internet and there seems to be no solution21:54
chi11yI'll try the forums21:54
RickJamesi have ubuntu 7.10 installed and added a fat32 drive with files on it. is there a "convert" feature i can use to convert to ext or another FS that will support file size over 4 gig ?21:54
stefan_phoenix5002: from what I know, the radeon driver (included with the installation) work with that chipset21:55
juank_pradaRickJames, you culd make a backup of that fat32 drive and format it to ext321:55
stefan_phoenix5002: I can't find any reference to which drivers you should use for that chipset though :)21:55
RickJamesjuank_prada, there is no convert option like with m$?21:55
bruenigRickJames: you don't convert filesystems with few exceptiosn, certainly not fat32, you backup, reformat, and put it back on21:56
phoenix5002stefan_: ok, but if I do try a different driver how would I get back to my current driver if there are problems?21:56
mandri1my desktop is non-existent21:56
ttotallyRickJames, or possibly you could resize the fat32 partition and repartition the freed space21:56
juank_pradaRickJames,  i think bruenig answerd your question21:56
phoenix5002stefen_: assuming that the backup xorg.conf file fails21:56
RickJameswindoez allows for convert c: ntfs. i was hoping ubuntu had a similar option21:56
stefan_phoenix5002: save xorg.conf... if things fail first uninstall your newly installed driver (make uninstall if installing from source), then place back your old xorg.conf21:57
RickJamesthanks anyways guys21:57
phoenix5002stefan_: ok thank you for all your help21:57
stefan_phoenix5002: or simply do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:57
phoenix5002got it, thanx21:58
killowndo anyone here has installed oss4?21:58
stefan_phoenix5002: which will rebuild your xorg.conf file :)21:58
holycowif i wanted to add all the latest multimedia in one shot to a gutsy fresh install (its for another user, i don't have a lot of time), what is the fastest way fo doing this?21:58
holycowprefereable in one apt-get line?21:58
Parsec300holycow: If you add VLC player, you can play almost anything.21:59
juank_pradaParsec300, VLC is the best player ever!21:59
macrobadholycow: add medibuntu repo, and install win32codecs + dvdcss + flashplugin..22:00
dominook i got a new question :> FATAL: Module raid0 not found <- how do i fix this?22:00
holycowvlc doesn't use restricted codecs i guess, it comes with its own?22:00
holycowmacrobad: aha danke22:00
_richardIs there any way to leave brightness at 87% permanent instead of having to fn+key everytime i restart??22:00
holycowthank you Parsec300 as well22:00
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
juank_prada_richard, set that on your bios22:01
macrobadholycow: tis my pleasure. :) And Ubuntu VLC doesn't come with restrited codecs, afair.22:01
ryan_Hey, question.22:01
=== macrobad is now known as question
mandri2umm, <alt> <f2> isn't opening the launcher anymore, and my desktop is loading22:01
ryan_I want to rename a whole bunch of files so that they no longer have spaces in them.22:01
questionryan: Yes?22:01
ryan_Is there any way to do that quickly?22:01
ryan_I've been trying to use the replace command, but I've had difficulty.22:02
=== question is now known as macrobad
_richardMy second HDD partition is set to /home/richard/Documents, i can't write to that folder, how to do it?22:02
mark[oz]hey guys, vote for tab+tilda - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3921/  Its an easy way to alt+tab through application windows22:02
ttotallyryan_, what replace command?22:02
=== tiagoboldt_ is now known as tiagoboldt
ryan_Sorry, I meant rename.22:03
danbhfive_richard: what format is it?22:03
domino_richard: sudo chmod 777 /home/richard/Documents ? :>22:03
macrobadryan: I cannot think of anything better then writing a small script or program in any language.22:03
_richarddanbhfive ext3, you mean that?22:03
ryan_Do you know if there's a way to rename files in C++ or C?22:03
danbhfive_richard: yeah22:03
=== eagle-101 is now known as nixeagle
gharzguys, is there any software that i can use in creating reports from SQL? like a visual studio equivalent?22:04
macrobadryan: Sure. However, I'd advise PHP, Perl or Python, unless you have experience with C or C++.22:04
ryan_I've done a little Python, but I'm used to C and C++.22:05
ryan_I imagine this would be easiest in Perl. Regex and all.22:05
heartsbloodwhat's the channel for hardy, ubuntu+1?22:05
ryan_Anyway, I'll figure it out.22:05
danbhfive_richard: maybe adding rw in the options of your fstab22:05
ryan_Thanks for the help.22:05
danbhfive!hardy > heartsblood22:06
cjoneswhat is a good channel for help with kino22:06
bruenigthe easiest way to do it is bash22:06
bruenigoh he's gone22:06
porchohi there. I'm having some problems with postgresql 8.3 in ubuntu gutsy. I've just installed it and I can't connect to the server. when I look at postgresql-8.3-main.log, it says "incomplete startup packet" at the bottom line. can somebody help me?22:06
bruenigfor file in *; do mv "$file" "$(tr -d ' ' <<<$file)";done22:06
anniku989I'm getting a "DCOP communications error"22:06
heartsbloodDanbhfive, I didn't get anything but I found the channel22:07
anniku989says "plz check that the 'dcopserver' program is running22:07
BruceLeroyI'm running gdm and my main session has Compiz enable. Can I define a separate session which does NOT user compiz?22:07
eegoreI am trying to restore grub after a windows install but I do not have a normal drive configuration. I ahave my Kubuntu 64 on a sata and my windows  on primary ide22:07
gharzguys, any idea which software that has an equivalent features like visual studio? i'm planning to do my reports on linux...22:07
Li-Pluswhich directory do pidgins plugins go22:08
=== Sinn3rman is now known as Sinnerman
eegorethe kubuntu64 boot is non /dev/sdc122:08
cjoneswhat is a good channel for help with kino22:08
anniku989anyone know of any GOOD dj/mixing programs (Such as mixmeister for windows/mac) without using wine?22:08
serenahi there... just wondering if I got a .exe file with the device driver that I need for a device can I do anything with it?..... like unpack it?22:09
cjonesassiku989 ubuntu studio has it all22:09
andy_this is so bored22:10
anniku989sudo apt-get install ubuntu studio ? Or is it already installed?22:10
mandrigMy wireless card doesn't start at startup, is there a way to make it start?22:10
stefan_serena: try running it with wine and extract it that way :)22:10
porchoserena: most likely, there's nothing you can do with it. if it's a wireless device driver, you may use it somehow with ndiswrapper, though...22:10
serenaits a webcam driver22:11
heartsbloodDoes anybody know if gutys will see the new compiz package?22:11
archmanmandrig: did you do depmod -a and modprobe <ndiswrapper/or ...> ?22:12
gharzguys, anybody here who's building reports from sql? i just want to know if there's a software for linux where i can retrieve data from MS Sql and generate reports like a visual studio? any info?22:12
und3vahi, can anyone help me regarding  ttl changing ?22:12
abstrakAnybody know how to get the remote controller of the pctv 310i card working ?22:12
archmanmandrig: i've done it and it starts up on startup22:12
porchoserena: so you'd better checkout its chipset and look for a linux driver...22:12
mandrigokay, I'll restart and see22:12
abstrakI cannot get any button pressed event ... nothing... please help me22:13
serenaporcho: how do I check its chipset?22:13
Odd-rationaleDoes the brainstorm.ubuntu.com site use my launchpad account? or do I create a new one?22:13
danbhfiveheartsblood: no22:13
juank_pradawhat package do i need to import my ssh key to seahorse?22:13
gregbradyanyone familiar with dvd::rip?22:14
pelegIs it possible not to have tasksel on 7.10 ?22:14
asafhow come i don't have tasksel? i've upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 three months ago...22:14
danbhfiveheartsblood: its not sad, it really just the way things go.  They way Ubuntu includes new software is by having a new release, which is what hardy is22:14
porchoserena: I think that this website should help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam. it's an easy to follow guide.22:15
bmk789_could anyone explain why one of my built in NICs wouldnt even show up under lspci?22:15
Stwangehow do I set CLASSPATH for my terminal inside a bash script? CLASSPATH=whatever doesn't work because it's only set while the script is running22:15
beautifulsnowCould anyone help me figure out what is wrong with this: Been running Guild Wars for months on Wine and now, no matter what, Guild Wars won't show on the screen (the GW updater works fine, but when its time for the game to start it just "hides" on the background)22:15
stefan_though you can still manually compile the new compiz ;)22:15
stefan_snow: the wine rollback didn't work?22:16
beautifulsnowstefan_:  Oh hi :) no not really22:16
asafhow come i don't have tasksel? i've upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 three months ago...22:16
KeuleHi there22:16
stefan_shame :(22:16
Keuleis it possible to make konqueror under gnome to my default file-manager??22:16
danbhfiveasaf: try install ubuntu-minimal22:16
Thugacationhai guise22:16
Thugacationwhats goin on22:16
Thugacationanyone in here chillin22:17
bmk789_could anyone explain why one of my built in NICs which is a marvell yukon wouldnt even show up under lspci?22:17
=== mandri1 is now known as mandrig
danbhfive!ot | Thugacation hey there, this is the support room22:17
tushydhey, i am running Ubuntu and tried kubuntu-desktop. How do I uninstall kubuntu-desktop and all the associated programs?22:18
Thugacation!ot | What do you mean by that?22:18
bullgard4Where can I read a certain manpage in the Internet which is not available on my computer?22:18
mandrigWho was helping me a few minutes ago with my wireless card?22:18
porchohi there. can someone help me with postgresql 8.3 and ubuntu gutsy? I've just installed it and I can't connect to the server. when I look at postgresql-8.3-main.log, it says "incomplete startup packet" at the bottom line...22:18
Pirate_Hunteri need a god app that allows me to do html, xhtml, css, asp etc - can someone recommend something22:18
DracoPirate_Hunter: quanta+ or bluefish22:19
bruenigPirate_Hunter: vim22:19
tushydcan anyone help?22:19
nickrudPirate_Hunter: did you get it working?22:19
macnusHi. Im new to ubuntu. Actually I've installed 7.10 today :D Well. Then i want to install apps from the add/remove menu, but when i try to I get this message: The list of applications is not availabe22:19
macnusClick on 'Reload' to load it. To reload the list you need a working internet connection. Then I press refresh, and it looks like it updates something, but when I then try again, I just get the same message :S can anyoone help me, please?22:19
tushydhey, i am running Ubuntu and tried kubuntu-desktop. How do I uninstall kubuntu-desktop and all the associated programs?22:19
bruenigmacnus: apt-get update22:19
danbhfiveubotu come back!!!22:19
DracoPirate_Hunter: vim, with code completion22:19
tushydmacnus, or synaptic22:19
danbhfivemacnus you need to enable your sources probably22:20
Pirate_Hunterthanx all22:20
nickrudtushyd: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php22:20
macnusWell. Im kind a like a newb in this unix world, so i wouldnt know how to do that :s22:20
nickrudPirate_Hunter: I did some looking, that file should be part of irssi22:20
bmk789_tushyd: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php22:21
danbhfivemacnus: system > admin > software sources22:21
tushydbmk789, nickrud, thanks guys22:21
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
Pirate_Hunternickrud: 0.0 you've been looking thanx very much appreciated but if it is I have no clue how to include it in the compilation22:22
macnusdanbhfive: Should i then just enable all the boxes?22:22
bmk789could anyone explain why one of my built in NICs which is a marvell yukon wouldnt even show up under lspci?22:22
danbhfivemacnus: sure, but you dont need source code22:23
mandrigI need help with my wireless card22:23
mandrigTo get it to start, I have to cd to the dir the drivers are in, the ./wlan0up, can anyone help me so my wireless card will automatically start upon boot?22:24
macnusDanbhfive: No thats right. Thanks a lot. By the way, do you know a site, with a newb guide, for compiling, if i need to install softwart thats not in the packagemanager?22:24
danbhfivemacnus: no, sorry22:25
tim167i want to compile libwiimote, but there is no Makefile or configure, there is a install-sh but i don't know how to use it, any ideas ?22:25
danbhfivemandrig: ndiswrapper?22:25
macnusdanbhfive: well thanks for the help :)22:25
mandrigdanbhfive: I'm not using ndiswrapper22:25
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danbhfiveaw well, cant help22:26
mandrigdanbhfive: is ndiswrapper easy to use?22:26
El_Guapo /quit22:27
PakhsiHi to all! i was looking for some help with my ubuntu (or gnome dont know) language22:27
danbhfivemandrig: ndiswrapper doesnt really work in terms of ease of use.  IF you have no linux driver for your wireless card, you can use ndiswrapper to use a windows driver22:27
mohamed_amenado, i'm sorry i become busy at home this is take time from me, :)22:27
Itakuwhere can i get the source code of the fortune thingy on ubuntu?22:27
mandrigdanbhfive: Oh, okay.22:28
mandrigdanbhfive: Well, I have a linux driver, so it works.22:28
mnemoItaku: the wanda fish you mean?22:28
Itakuno /usr/games/fortune22:28
bmk789could anyone explain why one of my built in NICs which is a marvell yukon wouldnt even show up under lspci?22:28
pelegwhat can cause tasksel to crush just a second after trying to install lamp-server?22:28
PakhsiI'm on ubuntu gutsy 7.10 and im having a problem with my language someone to help :)?22:29
Gneabmk789: is it enabled in the BIOS?22:29
bmk789Gnea: yes22:29
pelegit shows 0% for a second, and then closes down. on 7.1022:29
holycowgoddamn, thats it.  no more totem.  EVER.22:29
Itakuwhere can i get the source code of /usr/games/fortune?22:29
archmanmandrig: what is your interface's name?22:29
Gneabmk789: how many NIC interfaces do you have? just the one?22:29
Itaku!language | holycow22:29
zackhello ha22:29
zacknew on xchat here22:29
holycowscrew off22:29
=== ^root^ is now known as donate_^root^
zackpls deal with leniancy22:30
holycowgoddamn isn't bad language22:30
bmk789Gnea: theres 2, the other is an nvidia but it works great22:30
danbhfiveItaku: ubotu is dead22:30
gregbradywoohoo!  DVD Shrink works with Wine!22:30
sarthorHi, I am using ubuntu server 7.04, i have 80 Clients on my LAN, Can i creat user passwords for that users to dial my server? if yes what i will need to install and configure on my server? my clients are using windows xp, 2000 and some Linux also22:30
Li-Plushow do i remove a package and the packages that it recommends removing "the ones that are no longer needed"22:30
Gneabmk789: what number do you get from this command: lspci | grep Ethernet | wc -l22:30
danbhfiveLi-Plus: autoremove22:31
Li-Plusdanbhfive: how do i use autoremove is it a flag?22:31
archmanLi-Plus: dont remove them; you will maybe have problems later22:31
soundrayLi-Plus: 'sudo apt-get autoremove'22:31
Li-Plusarchman: I installed ubuntu studio and i don't want it22:31
bmk789Gnea: just a sec22:31
intardnethow do i have openoffice start counting page numbers on the third page, not the first?22:31
archmanLi-Plus: oh, ok then, sorry22:31
soundrayLi-Plus: to remove a package, 'sudo apt-get remove packagename'22:31
=== donate_^root^ is now known as ^root^
Gneabmk789: ok22:32
Danteshello, how do i get the history of the chat that was going on in a channel?22:32
spiderfireDantes: what are you using?22:32
Dantesmirc client22:32
GneaLi-Plus: should be: sudo apt-get autoremove packagename22:32
PakhsiHi someone can help me with a language problem?22:32
GneaPakhsi: what's the problem?22:33
Dantesspiderfire: is there a way?22:33
carlosgutierrezshablo español22:33
DILintardnet:  try inserting pages from the page you want to start numbering22:33
inaetyhow can i give permission to k3b to open discs when wrtiting cd's.   after i start burning a cd it gives me an error it has no permssion to open the disc22:33
spiderfireDantes, sure but i dont use mirc22:33
soundrayDantes: some channels are logged on the web. Read the channel topic22:33
DILintardnet:  page numbers that is22:33
spiderfireDantes: look under options or settings22:33
Danteshow do i access these logs?22:33
intardnetDIL: tried it, thats why im here  ;-)22:33
DILintardnet: standby22:34
Pakhsignea español?22:34
soundrayinaety: in a terminal, run 'sudo adduser $USER cdrom', then log out of gnome/kde and log back int.22:34
GneaPakhsi: english-only here22:34
inaetysoundray: thanks ill give it a try22:34
GneaPakhsi: #ubuntu-es22:34
bmk789Gnea: 122:34
nicolahI don't get it: I mounted an hdd and I can write just using sudo, how can I fix it ?22:35
Pakhsignea: my problem is that afeter installing dont know which libraries22:35
Gneabmk789: is it a laptop or desktop?22:35
inaetysoundray: it says im already a member22:35
bmk789Gnea: desktop22:35
s2ai have a .rpm on my desktop wat is the command to turn ALL .rpm's on desktop to .debs using alien?22:35
GneaPakhsi: installing what? ubuntu itself?22:35
Pakhsinono i've been there without succes i speak encglish :)22:35
soundrayinaety: then you probably have to run k3bsetup22:35
spiderfireis there a difference between generic and 386 kernel or are they the same with a different meta name?22:35
dan_dude , I'm so stupid22:35
GneaPakhsi: oh ok good :)22:35
Flannelspiderfire: they're different.  Use the generic unless you have problems with booting22:35
soundray!generic | spiderfire22:35
dan_I loaded this ubuntu and I dont know shit about linux22:35
farruinns2a: wherever you'd put foo.rpm, use the wildcard *.rpm22:35
Pakhsinono, my ubuntu-desktop worked perfectly until i installed dont know what librarie, and my language go mad22:36
Gneabmk789: built yourself or is it a dell, etc?22:36
soundraydan_: please use family-friendly language here22:36
kane77anyone can help me start tor relay? (and will it even work when I'm behind nat?)22:36
s2afarruinn, wats a wildcard?22:36
administratorjoin #FOOLISH.CR3W22:36
bmk789Gnea: built myself22:36
Gneabmk789: what's the make/model of the mobo?22:36
Pakhsignea:now i have half english half spanish system22:36
dan_sorry about that22:36
farruinns2a: the * - so *.rpm means anything that ends with .rpm22:36
Li-Plushow can i remove every program in my multimedia folder22:36
bmk789Gnea: winfast NF4SK8AA22:36
adorablepuppydan_: You really don't need to know much. Just know that if you're a gamer, you're going to be disappointed and confused as to why windows binaries don't work on linux.22:36
s2afarruinn, so wat would be the exact command i put in?22:36
yuji_and if you use up to date adobe products : (22:36
yuji_I'd kill for adobe to work flawlessly on linux22:37
s2afarruinn, im using alien if that was of any mystery22:37
dan_I'm just trying to set up cool desktop themes and for some reason I cant do it22:37
intardnetDIL: got it22:37
Thugacationwhats #foolish.crew22:37
eddieIs there a plugin for audacious for play pause, etc on the tray?22:37
farruinns2a: I don't have alien installed, but my guess would be alien *.rpm. check the documentation for it22:37
yuji_dan_ what is the problem?22:37
Thugacationthats how you do it22:37
FloodBot2Thugacation: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:37
Thugacationif you dont do it in that order22:37
spiderfireyuji_: why not just join gimp forces?22:37
aroonihey folks!  i cant see my windows mobile phone on vbox (non free version) .... it doesnt show up on the usb menu... is there something i can do on gusty to prevent it from auto detecting and disabling it or something?22:37
Gneabmk789: and you're sure that you enabled the marvell in the bios? could be an irq conflict - can you pastebin the output of: cat /proc/interrupts22:38
s2afarruinn, is it alien ~/Desktop/*.rpm?22:38
intardnethad to do with sections.  i inserted a page break, and had it restart the page numbers, then moved the content up to start at page 122:38
netopalisHaldo...I've got a really weird problem with my Java in Ubuntu....I've got Java installed, but neither firefox nor any user-installed apps seem to be able to use it22:38
Thugacationwhy did i just get flooded22:38
netopalisIt could just be the fact that I'm a newbie at Linux, though22:38
Thugacationi wasnt flooding22:38
Thugacationthat is mesed up22:38
Thugacationthe bot banned me22:38
Thugacationfor what reason22:38
holycowarooni #virtualbox or something is the right channel for that question unfortunately22:38
Thugacationthats so dumb22:38
Flannel!enter | Thugacation22:38
Pakhsignea:soime idea?22:38
Thugacationwhats that mean22:38
acee1234i added conky to session to make it start at logon but then compiz treated it like a window and it was always ontop for some reason. if i start it manually after boot everything if fine any ideas?22:38
arooniholycow, is ther ea way to know that gutsy even saw the device being connectedc22:38
LinuxMonkeyThugacation: instead of SPAMMING please type it in 1 line22:38
* v3ctor thinks he might get booted for flooding again22:38
Thugacationhow come people keep saying !enter and !ot to me22:38
soundrayThugacation: you are using enter for punctuation22:38
farruinns2a: yep, that should work from any directory. As long as we've got the alien command right22:39
Thugacationit doesnt do anything22:39
bmk789Gnea: just a second22:39
holycowarooni lsusb22:39
dan_When I go to System > Preferances >Appearance > and select the Visual  Effects Tab, I get The Composite extension is not available error messages22:39
sarthorHi, I am using ubuntu server 7.04, i have 80 Clients on my LAN, Can i creat user passwords for that users to dial my server? if yes what i will need to install and configure on my server? my clients are using windows xp, 2000 and some Linux also22:39
intardnetThugaction: it means that you keep typing things in small strings22:39
GneaPakhsi: looking22:39
Thugacationthats how i do22:39
netopalisAnyody able to help me with the problem?22:39
Thugacationim going to jerk22:39
Thugacationlater fellas22:39
intardnetThugacation: well, it floods the channel and makes it hard to read...22:39
netopalisI'll alert the media, Thug22:39
Thugacationdont be mad at me22:39
arooniholycow, ok so heres a problem.... ubuntu doesnt even see the usb device22:39
arooniholycow, should i do something?22:39
holycowno, its either broken or its using a proprietary protocol22:40
holycowif its a winmachine you are guaranteed that its using something not open and not friendly22:40
arooniholycow, but i have seen it work before!  i have seen the usb device show up on virtual box before that is22:40
holycowi.e. you are tied into a windows machine22:40
DILintardnet: u here22:40
Danteshow can i check the channel chat logs in IRC? I wasn't in the channel, and it doesn't show-.22:40
Dantesis this recorded on a server somewhere?22:40
^4nDr3snetopalis, try doing sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun22:40
intardnetDIL: still here, fixed it22:40
arooniholycow, should i restart ubuntu?22:40
Pirate_HunterI found a site that shows all the popular apps from automatix what a joyful night it has become ive been looking for this since i started using ubuntu22:40
dan_How do I get my windows settings to change to flames when I close them ?22:40
kmgHey, is there something wrong with my sources.list? all my sources are timing out: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:40
FlannelDantes: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/22:40
arooniholycow, and if so should the usb device be plugged in22:40
holycowarooni you can try chances are it won't help22:40
holycowthats alos possible22:41
soundrayarooni: what kind of device is it? Is it listed in lsusb output?22:41
arooniholycow, but virtualbox detected the device before!22:41
holycowsome devices have passive usb that has to be powered internally22:41
aroonisoundray, windows mobile 6.0 phone22:41
aroonisoundray, currently it doesnt show up in lsusb ... but vbox has seen it before22:41
bmk789Gnea: http://pastebin.com/m62817a9522:41
DILintardnet: insert fields ?22:41
soundrayarooni: it should work. Make sure the guest system has focus while you plug it in.22:41
Flannelkmg: nothing inheritly wrong, no.22:41
mandrigCan someone help me, I need to autostart my wireless card, and I'm not using ndiswrapper22:42
kmgFlannel: any idea why my sources are all timing out when i do apt-get update ?22:42
aroonisoundray, i've tried plugging it in every usb port i have and it doesnt show up in lsusb or vbox22:42
moope1hullo, ubuntu is taking ages to load on boot. It seems to spend a long time looking for resume images. Any one know how to fix?22:42
Flannelkmg: Are they all timing out? or just some of htem?22:42
soundrayarooni: maybe your host system captures it and isolates it from the guest22:42
Gneabmk789: hrm. have you tried booting the system with the pci=routeirq flag?22:42
aroonisoundray, how can i stop that22:43
bmk789Gnea: ill try it now22:43
mandrigCan someone help me, I need to autostart my wireless card, and I'm not using ndiswrapper22:43
Gneabmk789: ok22:43
kmgFlannel: I think it's all of them, it takes a really long time to time out, and it's gone through most of the list so far22:43
soundrayarooni: vbox settings? Unfortunately I don't know anything about those.22:43
inaetysoundray: no such thing as k3bsetup22:43
intardnetDIL: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=1223722:43
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Gneamandrig: you can put the settings in /etc/network/interfaces22:43
Pakhsisome help with language poblems??22:43
Flannelkmg: Can you browse to http://archive.ubuntu.com in a browser?22:43
acee1234 i added conky to session to make it start at logon but then compiz treated it like a window and it was always ontop for some reason. if i start it manually after boot everything if fine any ideas?22:43
kmgFlannel: yes22:43
Flannelkmg: Interesting.  No idea, sorry.22:44
kmgFlannel: thanks22:44
mandrigGnea: what settings need to be added?22:44
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soundrayinaety: k3bsetup is part of the standard ubuntu k3b package, so you should have it. It's in /usr/bin/22:44
* cyphase is annoyed when people asking for new features get something like, "You can already do that, just run this command: blah -b -l -a -h /blah/blah/ then edit the config file in /etc"22:45
Gneamandrig: have you read any of the wifi documentation yet?22:45
kmgDoes anybody have any idea why all my sources would be timing out when I do apt-get update ? sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:45
s2afarruinn, it dint work! does it matter that its 64-bit on a 32 bit os?22:45
Gneacyphase: it's a process. can't read minds y'know.22:45
s2afarruinn, just for the conversion process not to install it22:45
inaetysoundray: well it's not...22:45
moope1hullo, kubuntu is taking ages to load on boot. It seems to spend a long time looking for resume images. Any one know how to fix?22:46
soundrayinaety: how did you install k3b?22:46
bmk789Gnea: after booting with that lspci|grep Ethernet is the same22:46
mandrigGnea: What wifi doc? I can manually load the drivers by going to the directory and ./wlan0up22:46
amrish007how to open a file on?22:46
LinuxMonkeymoope1: #kubuntu22:46
inaetysoundray: i can't remember if it came with kubuntu or not.  otherwise i would have just done apt-get22:46
Gnea!wireless | mandrig22:46
soundrayinaety: try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install k3b'22:46
bmk789Gnea: /proc/interrupt looks different though22:46
Dracocyphase: gnome and os x, and even kde now are starting to get this mentality22:47
serenaif I get the .inf file for a certain device would it be possible for someone to create a Linux driver from it?22:47
moope1LinuxMonkey: I dont think its a kubuntu specific22:47
Gneamandrig: give that a go - if it doesn't work, then we'll go through it22:47
inaetysoundray: okay it's going22:47
amrish007i'm already in the directory22:47
kmgDoes anybody have any idea why all my sources would be timing out when I do apt-get update ? sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:47
cyphaseDraco: how do you figure that?22:47
Gneamandrig: ubotu is lagging... here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:47
acee1234what do you use in ubuntu to create a bash script22:47
Dracocyphase: well, osx first. then gnome fell, and kde is going to start falling22:48
Dracocyphase: have you seen some gnome 1.x apps?22:48
macrobadacee1234: any text editor + change properties after that22:48
serenaif I get the .inf file for a certain device would it be possible for someone to create a Linux driver from it?22:48
soundrayacee1234: a plain text editor -- gedit is easy, I prefer emacs22:48
inaetysoundray: k3bsetup still can't be found22:48
cyphaseDraco: umm, no :)22:48
danbhfiveserena: is this for a wireless card?22:48
MalachiWhat's a good app for sharing files across a home network? I don't need anything too complex, just something so my family can share files with ease between computers. (Something besides folder shares.)22:48
soundrayinaety: 'ls /usr/bin/k3bsetup'?22:48
beautifulsnowpeople at #wine are sleeping :P Could someone tell me how I can *completely* remove Wine (so I can reinstall and start fresh).22:49
cyphaseDraco: what about them?22:49
kmgDoes anybody have any idea why all my sources would be timing out when I do apt-get update ? sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:49
bmk789Gnea: any ideas?22:49
^4nDr3sbeautifulsnow, sudo apt-get remove --purge wine22:49
inaetysoundray: ls: /usr/bin/k3bsetup: No such file or directory22:49
Dracocyphase: old gnome-terminal is actually more useful than the new one22:49
soundraybeautifulsnow: 'rm -rf ~/.wine ; sudo apt-get --reinstall install wine'22:49
GneaPakhsi: have you read this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreguntasComunes22:49
acee1234soundray:  macrobad: thank you22:49
soundraybeautifulsnow: deletes all your installed windows programs of course22:49
serenadanbhfive: no.... for a webcam22:50
macrobadbeautifulsnow: you may like to run aptitude search wine | grep '^i.*'22:50
Gneabmk789: i'm at a bit of a loss... can you pastebin the output of dmesg?22:50
cyphaseDraco: that's not really the same thing as what i was talking about22:50
geniushow to enable external monitor on Intel GMA 950?22:50
soundrayinaety: 'dpkg -L k3b | grep setup' -- any output?22:50
Dracocyphase: you used to have to use the command line to edit menus in gnome222:51
inaetysoundray: no22:51
cyphaseDraco: i'm talking about someone wanting to be able to, for example, easily share a printer with windows machines through samba, and being told "you can already do that. just edit this file and that file, and run these commands.."22:51
cyphaseDraco: i know22:51
soundrayinaety: what Ubuntu version do you have?22:51
kmgDoes anybody have any idea why all my sources would be timing out when I do apt-get update ? sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:51
JRsup1Does anyone know how I can putty/ssh from windows into my ubuntu server and create a session that I can log back into from putty/ssh again later from the same or a different machine?22:51
bmk789Gnea: http://pastebin.com/m7d2016f222:52
iaeusJRsup1, screen is your friend22:52
cyphaseJRsup1: i think screen will do that22:52
Dracocyphase: well, konqueror already has a way to manage that22:52
soundrayJRsup1: use a terminal multiplexer like GNU screen22:52
Keulecan anybody help? How can i make konqueror as my standard filemanager for gnome?!22:52
cyphaseJRsup1: what iaeus said :)22:52
gharzguys, i work as an analyst and i'm looking for a software which has an equivalent features of a visual studio. is there any software for linux?22:52
cyphaseDraco: but do you see my point?22:52
Dracocyphase: yeah, there are a lot of things that just haven't been added to any GUI22:53
inaetysoundray: 7.0422:53
inaetykde 4.0.122:53
sarthorHi, I am using ubuntu server 7.04, i have 80 Clients on my LAN, Can i creat user passwords for that users to dial my server? if yes what i will need to install and configure on my server? my clients are using windows xp, 2000 and some Linux also22:53
cyphaseDraco: it's not even that22:53
Dracocyphase: sometimes they are an oversight, other times when it goes 8 or so years without... THEN you can pretty much say they don't care22:53
inaetysoundray: im sorry 7.1022:54
inaetyi have that22:54
gregbradyAnyone know a good place to get some Ubuntu artwork to make labels out of?22:54
Dracocyphase: for instance Konqueror has NEVER gotten xslt handling for... 7 years22:54
soundrayinaety: what version of k3b is installed? dpkg -l k3b22:54
kmgDoes anybody have any idea why all my sources would be timing out when I do apt-get update ? sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/93456222:54
iaeusJRsup1, http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/1493522:54
Pakhsignea:nono, ill see it22:54
inaetysoundray: 1.0.3-0ubuntu422:54
Pakhsignea:im leaving22:54
danbhfivekmg: can you paste the timeout message?22:54
spiderfirekmg: maybe slow dns servers?22:54
cyphaseDraco: that's just laziness (not to be mean to the konqueror devs)22:54
JRsup1when the man page for screen says things like "remember the command C-a" I'm assuming that's Ctrl + a?22:54
Dracogharz: monodevelop22:54
Pakhsignea:thanks some day we continue22:55
iaeuskmg, i'd comment each of them out22:55
iaeuskmg: then isolate the one thats timing out22:55
kmgdanbhfive: http://pastebin.ca/93458222:55
Dracocyphase: it's worse than laziness, people have spent more time arguing than it would have been taken to add the proper libmagic and set associations22:55
Dont_Panic_42does anyone know of a good source of running software raid setup of22:55
kmgman, is that the same one timing out over and over again?22:56
Dont_Panic_42combining raid 1 and 5 ?22:56
soundrayinaety: I'm stumped. I can't see any reason why this package would install without k3bsetup22:56
GwaiLoraidz is where it's at... but you won't be using ubuntu for it22:56
sarthorHi, I am using ubuntu server 7.04, i have 80 Clients on my LAN (UTP cable + Wireless), Can i create user passwords for that users to dial my server? if yes what i will need to install and configure on my server? my clients are using windows xp, 2000 and some Linux also22:57
danbhfivekmg: er, thats a big dns problem22:57
macrobadkmg: try mine if that helps: http://pastebin.ca/93458422:57
inaetysoundray: hmm i see. ill try gnomebaker.  i've had this issue on other installs as well22:57
bmk789Gnea: should i have grepped the dmesg for anything?22:57
kmgdanbhfive: =C  i can't tell which domain that IP is from22:57
soundrayinaety: not finding k3bsetup, or the one you reported here at first>?22:57
kmgoh wait it's the canonical one22:57
danbhfivekmg: what is your current ip?22:58
danbhfivekmg: can you try: dig archive.ubuntu.com22:58
inaetysoundray: umm the same issue however k3b told me to run k3bsetup.  right now it's not telling me to do anything so i assumed k3bsetup was found22:58
Gneabmk789: try this from a commandline:  ip a   is there anything other than lo and eth0 there?22:58
kmgdanbhfive: seems to work fine22:58
* andy__ waves22:58
bmk789Gnea: just lo and eth022:59
Bruno_could you install mac OS X on a virtual hd and sync an ipod touch from there?22:59
danbhfivekmg: whats it say?22:59
kmgmy external IP is, but i'm behind a router22:59
mandrigGnea: when I  sudo ifdown eth0, I get 'interface eth0 not configured'22:59
Keulecan anybody help? How can i make konqueror as my standard filemanager for gnome?!22:59
ScuniziBruno_, maybe22:59
kmgdanbhfive: http://pastebin.ca/93459022:59
rico42955any chan for getting help compiling quake source on gutsy?22:59
Gneamandrig: what wifi card are you using? make/model?23:00
lchI am trying to use a digital projector with my ubuntu installation23:00
lchit does display the desktop quite nicely23:00
fabioKeule: konqueror for gnome ?23:00
mandrigGnea: its a realtek, I'm not sure of model.23:00
soundrayinaety: I've just installed the package here, and it came without k3bsetup, too. Seems my apt-file database is out of date. Apologies for misleading you.23:00
gregbradymandrig:  success with your sound card yet?23:00
lchbut strangely, it doesn't display any video I am trying to play23:00
danbhfivekmg: are you using dns caching?23:00
fabioKeule: are you mad ?23:00
Keulenautilus sucks23:00
Keulenope fabio23:00
lchneither on the projector, nor over a VNC connection23:01
Gneamandrig: usb/pci/minipci/pcmcia?23:01
fabioi'm using dolphin instead of konqueror23:01
Pirate_Hunteri want to install skype but the skype website only has it for feisty fawn & debian etch so can someone provide me with an update version of skype for gutsy23:01
inaetysoundray: no problem...maybe it's a different package23:01
Keulei dont like dolphin fabio23:01
kmgdanbhfive: i don't believe so, I'm using a public dns server as far as I know23:01
lchcan somebody tell me what I have to do to be able to play videos on the projector, too?23:01
ScuniziPirate_Hunter, http://www.getdeb.net23:01
andy__does anyone know if you can download internet explorer 7 for ubuntu?23:01
Keulefabio - or any other filemanager23:01
mandrigGnea: I believe pci23:01
danbhfivekmg: whats your /etc/resolv.conf say?23:01
lchI tried the default media player, VLC and Kaffeine with no luck23:01
macrobadandy__: Why?23:02
kmgdanbhfive, but i do have a dns server setup on this computer, it's not currently running23:02
Keulebut i dont get a solution to make it possible23:02
soundrayinaety: well, k3b used to come with that setup, but it doesn't any more. BTW, there is a newer k3b in backports23:02
fabiowhat is wrong with nautilus ?23:02
Scuniziandy__, you can try ies4linux.. google it. but it's not the full package.. mainly used just for testing.23:02
GneaPirate_Hunter: http://www.medibuntu.org/23:02
kmgdanbhfive: nameserver
bmk789Gnea: should i go ahead and file a bug in launchpad?23:02
Gneamandrig: what shows up for it in lspci?23:02
AutoMatriXis there sombody here with snort-mysql experience ? I got stuck in the middle of the installation23:02
kmgdanbhfive: my router's ip23:02
Keulefabio: thats not necessary - i like konqueror much mor23:02
Gneabmk789: gonna check one more thing...23:02
inaetysoundray: should i get the deb from the backports23:02
mandrigGnea: PCI express23:03
Keulefabio: its like the question why vlc instead of mplayer23:03
andy__does anyone know how to use firefox 3 beta?23:03
mandrigGnea: RTL8101E PCI Express23:03
macrobadandy__: http://www.tatanka.com.br/23:03
danbhfivekmg: hmmm, I'm a little out of my element then.  your router is serving you dns?  i dunno,  yeah, I really dont know23:03
fabiovlc instead of mplayer ?23:03
Keuleinstall - and hav fun? andy__23:03
fabioKeule yes u are mad23:03
macrobadandy__: download it and use =)23:03
soundrayinaety: I don't know whether it's worth trying. It could be an issue with your device permissions.23:03
kmgdanbhfive: i'm pretty sure that's the configuration it defaulted to23:03
andy__i have it loaded with this ubuntu 8.0423:03
Keulenope fabio - but your saying means - you cannot help me?23:04
AutoMatriXKeule, exactly what I read in the doc:s23:04
andy__but it is beyond me23:04
macrobadKeule: is your problem only how to make it the default one?23:04
Keulemacrobad: jepp23:04
inaetysoundray: i suppose it would be worth trying because k3b is a much more superior program than anything else23:04
fabiothere is a trick you can use for replacing nautilus23:04
Keuleandy__:  you can install version 2 instead of 3beta23:04
fabiorename nautilus to nautilus.old then ln -s konqueror nautilus (...)23:04
andy__yea i did that, but what is up with 3?  i get file and edit23:05
macrobadKeule: I've change the associations some how... let me see if I can remember how. bb in 5 min23:05
soundraylch: try mplayer -vo sdl yourvideo.avi23:05
Bruno_Scunizi: is it possible to intal os x on a vm?23:05
andy__and....uh....im easily lost23:05
kmgdanbhfive: i changed my dns setting to point to, a public dns server, and it's still timing out23:05
Keulesend me a message directly.. macrobad23:05
Itakuwhere can i get the source code of /usr/games/fortune?23:05
Keulefabio:  im not that crack - i dont get you23:06
fabioanyhow mplayer rocks23:06
tuxn8rDoes anyone know a terminal command to return the make & model of a vga monitor connected to a laptop?23:06
soundrayinaety: do you know your burner device name? /dev/something23:06
danbhfivekmg: it might just be one specific repo, try just using the default repos23:07
bmk789Gnea: anything else you need me to pastebin?23:07
soundraytuxn8r: ddcprobe  will do that if you're lucky23:07
tuxn8rsoundray, thanks23:07
brobostigonBruno_: use qemu, create a disk image, start the install disks, with the image mounted, install to image, and then run under emulation from that image.23:07
kmgdanbhfive: i'm trying the list pasted by macrobad, and it seems to be connecting to some of the repos, that's with the public dns server23:08
kmgdanbhfive: it's going really slow though23:08
inaetysoundray: k3b says the block device is /dev/scd123:08
beautifulsnowHey if I want to install a barebones ubuntu (using ubuntu server + the most basic-iest gnome necessary) what would I do =^..^=23:08
Bruno_brobostigon: my discs are pre-intel compatible os x. will it still work?23:08
soundrayinaety: and what permissions do your have on that? ls -l /dev/scd123:08
beexIs it possible to enable a raid 1 array on a desktop installation AFTER I install ubuntu?23:08
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strtokanyone had issues connecting to a cisco device over serial from ubuntu? I've tried it from both my laptop and my 1u23:09
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xenthromy sound card stopped working mid-session... this happens occasionally but can be fixed by a restart. is there a way to restart my soundcard/drivers/sound server without rebooting?23:09
andy__i have 3 dvds from different companies, only one is able to be played, the others go to audio ts and some other ts, anyone know why?  or what i am talking about?23:09
brobostigon Bruno_: just emulate powerpc with qemu23:09
Gneabmk789: is that a  NF4SK8AA-8KRS or  NF4SK8AA-8EKRSH ?23:09
EsineHey. Anyone know some sort of networked whiteboard program so me and my friends could share drawings easily? you know like how they say IRC is a multiplayer text editor.. but I'm looking for a multiplayer drawing program! We tried Inkscape and Inkboard but it's buggy and doesn't work.23:09
kmgdanbhfive: what's the default repo?23:09
Bruno_brobostigon: ok23:09
Bruno_brobostigon: thanks23:09
lchanybody knows an answer to my video / mediaplayer trouble with the projector?23:09
FreakGuardi want to change /bin/bash in passwd to /bin/screen -s /bin/bash but it doesn't really work :/ any ideas and workaround?23:09
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danbhfivekmg: system > admin > software sources    and enable the defaults, and disable all the others on the next tab23:10
soundrayEsine: VNC might get you what you need23:10
bmk789Gnea: i see 8EKRS on the motherboard23:10
inaetysoundray: brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 1 2003-05-14 03:51 /dev/scd123:10
fabioKeule: open gconf-editor and go to /desktop/gnome/applications/component_viewer/exec23:10
Esinesoundray, well we'd rather not use VNC for something like this..23:10
soundrayinaety: looks fine, so it's not that23:11
fabiothen replace nautilus with konqueror and see what happens; at your own risk since nautilus it's the default23:11
inaetysoundray: are we running out of options haha23:11
macrobadKeule: Sorry, I don't remember how.23:11
soundrayinaety: have you upgraded to the backports version yet?23:12
Keulei tryed that one fabio - but it doesnt work23:12
inaetysoundray: no, but i will23:12
fabioThe easy way is to rename nautilus in nautilus.old then create a link to konqueror23:12
acee1234does anyone know how to get conky to start at logon23:12
soundrayinaety: can you tell me again what the exact error message was?23:12
inaety"k3b has no permission to open the disc"23:13
fabiowhenever gnome thinks to start nautilus, konqueror gets started23:13
lchokay, I found out that streaming the video over the projector and even VNC works if I set the output module in VNC to X1123:13
lchstrangely it doesn't work at "Standard"23:14
Ward1983i folowed this tutorial because grub didnt want to recorgnize a fakeraid array: http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu23:14
lchand only plays on the monitor in that case23:14
Ward1983but now i still get a grug error 1723:14
Ward1983grub error 17 i mean23:14
wilhartwhat was the program to install nvidia on ubuntu?23:14
kmgdanbhfive: it says  it's downloading package information, but looks like it's timing out with the default repos23:14
Keuleok fabio i will try this - but i dont know how.... but thanx so far23:14
s2awilhart, nvidia gfx card drivers?23:14
Ward1983how can i reinstall grub from the livecd without reinstalling everything?23:14
wilharts2a: yes23:14
fabioKeule it's very simple23:14
s2awilhart, envy23:15
IndyGunFreak!grub | Ward198323:15
beexI'm having a hard time enabling a software raid in my desktop install, has anybody done this successfully?23:15
wilharts2a: tnx23:15
soundraylch: it'll be using some kind of overlay rendering in standard mode23:15
s2awilhart, np23:15
IndyGunFreakis ubotu on break?23:15
fabiosudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus.old23:15
PriceChildIndyGunFreak: yes I'm afraid.23:15
wilharts2a: where do i getit? :D23:15
s2awilhart, its not in repositories btw u have to google envy and find the page and download .deb for ur OS version23:15
soundrayEsine: I find the idea compelling, but I don't know of any software that would enable it.23:15
fabiosudo ln -s /usr/bin/konqueror /usr/bin/nautilus23:15
s2awilhart, u want me to find exact paghe or can u find it urself?23:15
bmk789Gnea: from what i can find its either a 88E8056 or 88E805323:16
Esinesoundray, hm yeah.. I'm trying it now with Xnest and ssh tunneling..23:16
fabiotype nautilus and konqueror whould pop up, hopefully23:16
ArthurArchnixPriceChild: The bot is still dead then?23:16
* IndyGunFreak wonders what we will ever do w/o ubotu23:16
ArthurArchnixpoor little guy.23:16
akornhey how do i add 4 desktops to my compiz cube again?23:16
ArthurArchnixakorn: You need CCSM, then in general find virtual horizontal desktops... or something...23:17
fabioubotu is a dead process now23:17
soundrayEsine: that sounds even more painful than VNC23:17
Keulethx fabio i try23:17
akornyea i changed the Number of Desktops to 4 but it's not working23:17
Esinesoundray, well I certainly don't want to share my desktop with anyone23:17
inaetysoundray: installing now23:17
dan_I found out what was wrong23:17
lchsoundray, I turned overlay off and it still didn't work in Standard23:17
inaetysoundray: installed23:17
ArthurArchnixakorn: You need cube enabled. And you can't just say " i made the number of desktops 4" ... what's important is where you did that.23:17
dan_It's in the repository's23:18
Odd-rationaleakorn: Set H=4 V=1 and #desktops=123:18
lchsoundray, I'll try your sdl tip23:18
soundraylch: anyway, I think this kind of laptop video setup is a massive cheat by the manufacturers.23:19
akornArthurArchnix yea i've tried a lot of combinations tehy're not working, even tho desktop cube and rotate are both enabled23:19
Itakuwhere can i get the source code of /usr/games/fortune?23:19
Ward1983i folowed this tutorial because grub didnt want to recorgnize a fakeraid array: http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu23:19
Ward1983but now i still get a grub error 1723:19
Gneabmk789: have you done any bios upgrades?23:19
soundraylch: what good is a computer these days that can't output all graphics equally on all connected screens?23:19
Ward1983how can i fix grub?23:19
bmk789Gnea: no, should i try to upgrade?23:19
akornArthur i just get two desktops23:20
Odd-rationaleakorn: try my suggestion....23:20
mandri1Gnea: hey, did you come up with anything?23:20
amrish007how can i intall sun-java SE 623:20
lchsoundray, exactly... my Gentoo box does it without any problems, plays it right out of the box23:20
ArthurArchnixakorn: Maybe someone who uses it can help you. I'd try adding a workspace switcher to the panel, mkaing the desktops 1, then removing it, then going into CCSM, the general tab, and making horizontal virtual 4.23:20
akornArthur okay thanks23:20
lchbtw, I don't have mplayer, only totem, vnc and kaffeine23:21
paarthlooking for a recommendation for a good smtp server23:21
Odd-rationaleakorn: Set the Horizontal = 4, Vertical = 1, and No. of desktops = 1.23:21
inaetysoundray: no k3bsetup, but i can try to burn again23:21
^4nDr3samrish007, apt-get install sun-java6-jre23:21
soundrayinaety: that's what I've been trying to explain: recent versions of k3b come without k3bsetup23:21
akornOdd-rationale i've tried that it doesnt work, im still stuck with 2 desktops and no "cube"23:21
Odd-rationaleakorn: Do you have ccsm?23:22
soundrayinaety: do let me know what the exact error message is23:22
beexhello room, would it be possible for me to enable a software raid1 array after I've already installed my system?23:22
ArthurArchnixI can't find a man page for xserver-xorg-video-intel ... I want to know about which options are valid to pass through xorg.conf for my card... anyone have a link?23:22
inaetysoundray: okay23:22
ArthurArchnixSpecifically, I want to know more about dri.23:22
akornOdd-rationale yea i'm using ccsm but i just figured out that i had to add a workspace switcher to the panel, then set columns to 4 and Rows to 1 haha, so random...23:22
killown/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.23-slash4.0$ make prepare  "return error  `missing-syscalls'.  Stop. can anyone help me?23:22
Odd-rationaleakorn: Open it and go to General Options. Then go to the desktop size tab.23:22
Bruno_brobostigon: how do i mount the image from the install disks?23:22
soundraybeex: in principle it should, but it's not trivial. I have no relevant experience, but I suggest you install mdadm, read the documentation and take it from there. There is a help page about RAID as well...23:23
Odd-rationaleakorn: From there set Horizontal = 4, Vertical = 1, and No. of desktops = 1.23:23
gharzguys any idea which software for creating reports (pie chart, graph, etc) wherein i can get the data from MS SQL?23:23
mandri1Gnea: do you know anything I could do about my wireless card?23:23
akornOdd-rationale yea it's working now, i had to add a workspace switcher to the panel, set Columns to 4 and Rows to 1...random23:24
munk__can someone help me? i installed my network wireless card and it never finds networks to connect too...it all seems right when i do iwconfig23:24
inaetysoundray: maybe it wasn't k3b.  "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device"23:24
akornOdd-rationale thanks for the help23:24
beexsoundray: I've been looking, but all I can find is pages for warty.  Do you have any leads?23:24
ArthurArchnixakorn: That's just my silly way of doing what Odd-rationale was giving specific directions for. You can remove that workspace switcher now.23:24
Odd-rationaleakorn: np. gtg! see ya23:24
akornArthurArchnis yup alrady did that ;)23:24
Itakuwhere can i get the source code of /usr/games/fortune?23:25
Gneamandri1: what driver are you using?23:25
s92302hey im a bit of a noob, does anyone know how to setup browser hotkeys for firefox in 7.1023:25
soundraybeex: have you seen this: http://wiki.eyermonkey.com/My_Ubuntu_%287.10%29_Installation23:25
akornanybody know any themes that only make the panel and its popupmenus black?23:25
mandri1Gnea: rtl818723:26
beexsoundray: I hadn't.  Will check now.  Thanks!23:26
soundrayItaku: System-Administration-Software Sources -- enable Source code. Then 'apt-get source fortune'23:27
Gneamandri1: okay, who makes it? using ndiswrapper?23:27
Gneabmk789: it needs a floppy drive23:28
bmk789Gnea: i could install it from windows but i really dont want o install windows23:28
bmk789so i guess ill try the floppy method23:28
Bruno_how do i mount cds?23:28
FFEMTcJ-laptopCan someone please help me set up evolution with an exchange account?23:29
soundrayBruno_: they should mount automatically. The setting is in System-Preferences-Removable Drives23:29
Gneabmk789: do you know the date of your current bios? latest says 6/30/200723:29
Bruno_soundray: ok thanks23:29
bmk789Gnea: ill check it real quick23:29
Gneabmk789: kk23:30
m0u5eis there a ntfs fsck util for ubuntu?23:30
m0u5eor can wine run chkdsk.exe from XP reliably well?23:30
soundraym0u5e: yes, in the ntfstools package23:30
m0u5esoundray: thx23:30
Bruno_soundray: im trying to mount and os x 10.2 instalation disk unto qemu but i dont know how, can you help me?23:30
IndyGunFreak!bot | IndyGunFreak  yay!! ubotu is back23:30
FreakGuardgot a small problem: root@desktop:~#su dave -c /bin/bash --> Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/3' - please check.23:30
IndyGunFreakwell, he was...;23:31
ibouis it possible to lose quality on my audio files by making a compressed image of my hard drive ("ghost") ?23:31
bmk789Gnea: mines from 0523:31
hedpeibou: no23:31
mandri1Gnea: no, not using ndiswrapper, I found it via a tutorial on making wireless work on my laptop,23:31
soundrayBruno_: I don't think I can, but I could imagine that the disk is HFS rather than ISO966023:31
Bruno_soundray: i dont know what that means. qemu askas for a path to boot from cd, but i dont know it. do you know where it normally is?23:32
mandri1Gnea: Will using ndiswrapper allow my wireless card to start on boot?23:32
ibouhedpe: Ok. I was not sure because i know that compressing audio files means losing quality23:32
hedpemandri1: if you load the module at boot23:32
ScuniziBruno_, /media/cdrom023:33
Pirate_Hunterwhats ubuntu ultimate edition and hows does it differ from normal ubuntu23:33
bazhangany ideas if Mythbuntu has a PPC edition?23:33
hedpeibou: the two types of compression are different, in short... no worries23:33
Bruno_soundray: Scunizi: thanks23:33
soundrayBruno_: normally, data CDs are formatted with a iso9660 file system. Some Apple disks have their Hierarchical Filesystem (=HFS) instead. You need to mount these manually with -t hfs23:34
ibouhedpe: in short... thnaks :D23:34
Bruno_soundray:  ok thanks23:34
soundrayBruno_: just run 'mount' by itself in a terminal to see if Scunizi is right23:34
Gneabmk789: they've got the update on the website - not sure if that'll fix it or not23:34
bmk789Gnea: worth a try23:35
Gneamandri1: it should - not sure if that'll be an option or not - worth a shot though23:35
soundray!ultimate | Pirate_Hunter23:35
Gneabmk789: :)23:35
ArthurArchnixCan I safely rm mod yenta_socket?23:35
ArthurArchnixDoes that just control pcmcia cards? I don't use those slots on my laptop.23:35
soundrayArthurArchnix: yes, unless you're using a PCMCIA card23:36
m0u5esoundray: there's no ntfs-utils in the gutsy archives, do you mean perchance ntfsprogs?23:36
lchsoundray, you are right btw, this is a Laptop setup... how would I configure this properly if it doesn't work out of the box? do I need to activate the second display or what?23:36
Bruno_soundray: i got this http://pastebin.com/d415f5b0523:36
m0u5eit seems to have a lot of the tools i need, so i went ahead and got it23:36
ArthurArchnixsoundray: No.. thanks.23:36
Pirate_Huntersoundray: ???? the bot gave nothing23:36
mandri1Gnea: Alright, I'll research it and ask back if need be.23:36
Gneamandri1: good luck23:36
soundraym0u5e: ntfsprogs, sry23:36
macrobadArthurArchnix: Should be safe then.23:36
m0u5esoundray: np, thanks a lot for the help though ^_^23:36
natbetmy font is all jumbled together in the terminal, how do I fix this?23:37
RedHeronPirate_Hunter: Not ultimately forthcoming = !ultimate? ;-)23:37
hedpeibou: its kind of like zipping, you can zip up an mp3 and then unzip it and get the same thing... but, since an mp3 is already compressed you'll notice that the zip file will not be any smaller23:37
soundrayPirate_Hunter: sorry, I thought it was back.23:37
soundrayPirate_Hunter: it used to say something like "ultimate = not recommended, not supported here"23:38
Pirate_Huntersoundray: :D I found that amusing but yeha kl23:38
soundrayBruno_: it doesn't look like you have a CDROM mounted23:38
bradleycan anyone help me get the graphical effects on Ubunto23:39
m0u5ebradley, you mean compiz-fusion?23:39
soundraybradley: not if you can't even spell ubuntu23:39
soundraybradley: just kidding23:39
m0u5ebradley: have you tried going to system>preference>appearances yet?23:40
soundraybradley: it's in System-Preferences-Appearance-Desktop Effects23:40
Bruno_soundray: after doing the mount -t hsf i got this http://pastebin.com/d1911328b23:40
bradleyyes, but i cant get the stuff that makes it look like vista23:40
bradleyand the cube23:40
ArenlorHello all I'm having a problem, my SD card is mounting read only23:40
Jack_Sparrowbradley, you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager23:40
m0u5ebradley: so you already have compiz-fusion working?23:40
bradleyi have the windows that kinda look wierd, but not the advanced23:41
bradleyi have to install the manager23:41
m0u5ebradley: for it to look like vista,  you need to get emerald and add the svn repos for themes23:41
soundrayBruno_: you weren't supposed to enter that. It was just a command fragment23:41
nephtesHey, is there something wrong with the package repos?  synaptic and aptitude are giving me warnings about everything being unauthenticated23:41
Jack_Sparrowbradley, YES.. START WITH THAT23:41
Jack_SparrowSorry for the caps23:41
bradleyhow do i get emarld and compiz fusion?23:41
m0u5ebradley: you should already have compiz-fusion if you have gutsy23:41
Bruno_soundray: ok23:41
m0u5ebradley: to get emerald, just sudo apt-get install emerald23:42
samuelHello ppl, I need some help over here. My sound crashes because of wine. I got a nForce2 AC97 chipset. I just want to know how to restart the sound (which mod should I remove with rmmod?, is there another way of restarting sound?) Thanks for help.23:42
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Does anyone use MPD (Music Player Daemon)?23:42
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Does anyone use MPD (Music Player Daemon)?23:42
soundrayBruno_: anyway, booting OS X in a virtual machine is really beyond me -- I won't be much help there.23:42
Jack_Sparrowbradley, While you are in synaptic.. install emeral as well23:42
Bruno_soundray: ok, thanks for your time anyway23:42
bastid_raZorbradley; system > preferences? appearances > Visual23:42
bastid_raZor not ? but >23:42
s2ahow do u compile? i got this tar.gz i extracted it..now wat?23:43
soundrays2a: what are you compiling?23:43
intardnets2a: what are you trying to install?23:43
^4nDr3ss2a, does it got a readme file or something?23:43
Jack_Sparrows2a, We usually have a bot to trigger for you   but start with installing build-essential23:44
StrangeCharmthere's a file on a large external drive. i know its extension, but can't remember its full name, or path. there won't be many files of that type on this drive. how do i find it?23:44
=== Atlantiz2 is now known as Integration
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: what happened to ubotu?23:44
bmk789Gnea: in the bios download it has a bios.zip file with the .bin in it but its password protected ?23:44
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm, Looks like the bots are in for a tune up23:44
soundrayStrangeCharm: 'find /mountpoint -name \*.extension'23:44
StrangeCharmthanks soundray23:45
=== Integration is now known as Atlantiz
ere4siStrangeCharm, ls /path/to/drive23:45
Pirate_Hunteri need an app for gnome that frequently gets updated and allows me to use html, asp, xhtml etc - bluefish seems like its not being worked on anymore23:45
StrangeCharmere4si: eew, no thanks23:45
=== Atlantiz is now known as Atlantiz2
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm, use locate in term or search from the pull down menus23:45
tkt-nitroalguien de san luis potosi23:45
coreyo|workingis there a way to keep ubuntu from screwing up your manually installed nvidia drivers at boot time?  I've disabled the /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel script.  What else needs to be done?23:45
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: that doesn't seem to be working on files on external disks23:45
bradleyi have emerald, now but how do i get the vista theme23:46
tuxn8rvista? ewww23:46
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm, when asking questions it is helpful to include that kind of info,,,23:46
intardnettkt-nitro: you may want to join #ubuntu-es23:46
LOGANcan the devs please make sure firefox flash plugins install in live mode like they did on 7.04 please?23:46
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: i did!23:46
nonix4bradley: how can I resist the answer involving rm -rf?23:46
duncanHello :) I am trying to enable direct rendering. the output of glxinfo | grep direct is 'direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)'. I have an Intel 945GM chipset in my laptop, using the 'intel' or 'i810' driver gives the same result. Does anyone have any suggestions?23:46
bradleyJack_Sparrow: how do i get the vista themes from Emerald23:46
soundrayStrangeCharm: locate works once you run 'sudo updatedb' while the external is connected and mounted23:46
tuxn8rLOGAN, you might post that to brainstorm.ubuntu.com23:46
bradleynonix4: ???23:47
tehpunkprodigyI'm trying to stream music from my home server to my desktop, does anyone know a way to get totem or a similar program to cache the song playing?23:47
intardnetbradley: do NOT run that command23:47
bradleyintardnet: i didnt23:47
StrangeCharmfind worked for me23:47
StrangeCharmthanks for your help23:47
Jack_SparrowStrangeCharm, Sorry, just waking up from a nap...23:47
intardnetnonix4: i think he wants to stick with ubuntu...23:47
StrangeCharmJack_Sparrow: i know the feeling :)23:47
goxy i have problem on ububtu 7,10 while I use ssh  credentails are not persistent on other distros when I once type username and host no need to retype It at subsequent connections on ubuntu this is not a case. Any advice how to make these credentials persistent23:48
nonix4intardnet: heh, yeah... didn't type it in full either :)23:48
bradleyhow do i get the vista 'looks' into the emerald themer23:48
Jack_Sparrowbradley, Did you find an emerald "ZVista" theme you want to use?23:48
bradleyno, where is that?23:48
intardnetnonix4: true, thanks for that23:48
nbkrgoxy, Pardon?23:48
m0u5ebradley: did you add the svn repository of themes in yet?23:48
Jack_Sparrowbradley, Start at gnome-look.org23:49
intardnetbradley: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4287523:49
StrangeCharmsoundray: thanks for the tip, but find was faster :)23:49
bradleyno i didnt add any repositories23:49
soundraygoxy: you need to enable key-based authentication. Then you can manage your keys with ssh-add23:49
Jack_Sparrowbradley, there is another one art-gnome something, that I dont remember, (I miss the bots)23:49
johIs there any way to manually enable the nvidia restricted drivers?23:49
[FT]Alexart.gnome.org I think23:49
johThe restricted drivers utility doesn't recognize my nvidia card.23:49
intardnet!ubotu blarg23:49
Jack_Sparrowjoh, You possibly running an 8000 series nvidia23:50
StrangeCharmintardnet: ubotu isn't here today23:50
intardnetJack_Sparrow: the bots can be pmed at least...23:50
SeanInSeattleJack_Sparrow:  Hey, what do you use for playing your music?23:50
soundrayStrangeCharm: here but silent23:50
intardnetStrangeCharm: where it be at?23:50
johJack_Sparrow: Yes, 880023:50
StarnestommyJack_Sparrow: gnome-art?23:50
bradleyok, i donloaded the theme how do u get it in emerald23:50
StrangeCharmintardnet: it be here, but it be hiding23:50
Jack_Sparrowjoh, You will need to go to nvidia for those23:50
StrangeCharmintardnet: if you find it, you can have a chat, but it won't speak up in public, no matter how hard you yell23:51
intardnetStrangeCharm: whyzat?23:51
LOGANtuxn8r : I posted already months ago before 7.10 was released23:51
johJack_Sparrow: Ok, should I uninstall some of ubuntus packages before I install the one from nvidia.com?23:51
StrangeCharmintardnet: dark magics23:51
gattihow can I make alsa re-detect my sound device? I tried to install alsa-drivers from source manually, but now the device is even more recognized by alsa...23:51
Alyx|lappyhey room23:51
Jack_Sparrowjoh, Read the how to at nvidia23:51
s2asoundray, intardnet, the 64-bit hsf modem driver from dell bcuz i want to have internet on my 64-bit ubuntu (on another partition)23:51
lchokay, the workarounds in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398121 work for me to get video working... it seems to be a limitation of Beryl, so can I just disable Beryl somehow, maybe? if so, how?23:51
^4nDr3sdoes anyone of you have a link to download hardy?23:51
s2asoundray, intardnet, sry for late response23:51
StrangeCharmAlyx|lappy: i am astounded by your sn. did you have it before or after the hl series started using it?23:52
LOGANseems they rather ignored it23:52
tuxn8rLOGAN, what is the link to your brainstorm, i will vote23:52
nonix4Jack_Sparrow: Umm, is there an ubuntu best-practice kind of document/howto for them nvidia cards?23:52
Jack_Sparrowgatti, Did you compile ver 15 or 16.. you need to use 1523:52
bradley_i have the theme, in Emerald, but when i clikc it nothing happens23:52
Alyx|lappyin the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JHrY8QjIk you see how the windows are not on the cube and its transparent? how do I do that23:52
Starnestommy^4nDr3s: someone in #ubuntu+1 probably knows23:52
Alyx|lappyStrangeCharm:  before or after what?23:52
LOGANposted here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/15195623:52
Jack_Sparrownonix4, THere is a how to for nvidia binary.. one sec23:52
soundrays2a: have you checked whether System-Administration-Restricted Drivers offers a driver for your modem?23:52
Kamus_H_Zwischhappy Woman's day23:52
StrangeCharmAlyx|lappy: before or after half life two started including a character named 'alyx'23:52
gattiJack_Sparrow: I tried both... 15rc1 and 1623:52
node357how bout this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia23:52
^4nDr3sthanks Starnestommy23:53
Roadhazardhow do I find out what service is listening on
intardnets2a: did you but ubuntu preloaded?23:53
[FT]AlexDoes anyone here know anything about opengl? specifically if it's possible to enable/install a missing opengl extension?23:53
StrangeCharmnode357: dontcha just hate it when somebody links you to a page with a title almost exactly the same as your problem?23:53
Alyx|lappyStrangeCharm: I didnt know there was one so ill say before. Its the name of a character in a movie I like. with my standard y spelling23:53
Alyx|lappyAlyxander Trust23:53
Jack_Sparrowgatti, two things, the alsa mutes everything when you compile and you often need to reinstall libasounds23:53
ibouhedpe: i just read what you said and that's the point: i noticed that the size of my ghost is a half of normal size although i only have audio files on it.... that's why i asked23:54
intardnetnode357: thats what we're here for23:54
s2asoundray, intardnet no i dint ghet it from dell i have the dell 32 bit one for my 32 bit os since it was a .deb but the 64 bit one u have to compile so i need to no how to do it so i can use my 64-bit ubuntu :)23:54
Alyx|lappyany one know how to get that effect in compiz?23:54
node357im so confused now lol23:54
StrangeCharmAlyx|lappy: i'll take your word for it23:54
Alyx|lappyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JHrY8QjIk the transparent cube I've got but the windows sitting off the cbe23:54
bradley_how do i activate emerald themes?23:55
bradley_and how do i get my desktop to a cube23:55
gattiJack_Sparrow: if I reinstall libasound2 all gonna be back to normal?23:55
Alyx|lappybradley_: sudo aptitude install emerald23:55
Jack_Sparrowgatti, No guarantees.. I have no idea on what all has been do so far...  You may also seek help in #Alsa23:55
soundrays2a: do a 'sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall'. Then look at any README, INSTALL or other help files in your package. If it says something like './configure ; make' do that. If it says 'make install', do 'checkinstall' instead to build a .deb.23:56
nonix4Jack_Sparrow: Well more specifically, back in the good old days before Ubuntu was born... I was pretty comfortable w/ make-pkg. Thinking I'll be installing one of them 8000-series cards (prolly 8600) in near future, possibly documenting all recognized issues. Wondering whether ppl have already documented the pros/cons of each approach...23:56
nonix4Jack_Sparrow: make-kpkg that is. Darn I'm asleep or something :/23:57
intardnetbradley_: i dont know how to activate it, but you should be able to use either the gnome-compiz-manager (if you havent installed it yet), or System>Preferences>Appearance, go to the Visual Effects tab, and select the highest settings23:57
Jack_Sparrowbradley_, system  pref   advanced-efffects  dbl click general settings desktop size = 4   1   123:57
gattiJack_Sparrow: ok... thanks man23:57
Jack_Sparrownonix4, Documentation is always helpful23:57
abstrakAnybody know the pctv 310i tv tuner with "remote controller" ? I cannot get any key pressed event !23:58
jdolan_hi, i'm on gutsy.  as far as i can tel, the libsdl-image1.2 package is not compiled with JPG support.  in debian, it is.  this seems strange to me.23:58
Pirate_Hunteris NVU still being worked on, im sure i heard a new version was going to replace it can someone confirm23:58
Jack_Sparrowabstrak, You can wait for help, but the wiki or the forums would be a good place to browse in the mean time23:59
abstraki try a lot of wiki but no one work for me23:59

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