
bloody`hey guys ,my laptop just froze, xubuntu, does it in ubuntu, for no reason i know of.00:07
thebear1331hey maxamillion, do you know how to get fluxbox to prompt me to login as root when I try to use synaptic, like it does in XFCE?00:11
ron_othe bear, there's a command that brings up a gui when you want to login to root.. but I forget what that is.00:14
bloody`alt ctrl f700:14
ron_oyou'd need to create a link like that or type it in via 'run program'00:14
zoredacheron_o: gksu00:18
ron_oyah. :)00:18
zoredachegksu whatever...00:18
ron_oit's been awhile.00:18
ppeHow to I format /dev/sdc as FAT32?00:19
ppeOr just format it in any way.'00:19
ron_oppe you can either use gparted or you can look up the command for that.00:19
ron_oas long as your partition isn't mounted.00:20
ppeI'll check out gparted, I am having no luck with the commands.00:20
ron_ohehe, good enough.00:20
ron_ogparted is simple.00:20
ppeWhat? But if it isn't mounted, I can't see it ?00:20
ron_oyou'll see it in gparted and you can see it in your terminal00:20
ppeNow I can't unmount it :/00:22
ron_ojust type in $sudo cfdisk to see your partitions.00:22
ron_oyou can't #umount /dev/sdc ??00:22
ppeOh, umount.00:23
ppeI was spelling it correctly.00:23
ron_oyou mean incorrectly. ;->00:23
ron_ojust confusing ya.00:23
Tu13esanyone know how to change the DPI in xubuntu?00:24
pperon_o, it keeps saying that the device is busy.00:25
ppeBusy being annoying, that's what I say!00:25
zoredacheyou could simply rebot00:25
ron_oit's busy if you are using the partition in any way.00:25
ron_odon't reboot.00:25
ron_olearn why it's busy.00:25
ron_oyou could just be casually using your terminal and be in there.00:26
ron_obusy doesn't mean much.00:26
ppeThat's what I thought.00:26
ppeBut I'm not.00:26
ron_oyou're in there somehow.00:26
ron_oclose your terminal.00:26
NBrepresentHi, when i start a movie in Totem, i get an error "The audio device is in use"00:27
ron_oclose your file manaer.00:27
NBrepresenthow do i test/check audio settings?00:27
ppeI clicked the x.00:27
ppeAre programs still running when I hit the 'x' ?00:27
ron_oyou mean you closed the window?00:27
zoredacheppe:  if something got started in the background then yes, it is possible00:27
ron_oNBrepresent, I had the same problem until I looked up what to do to have multiple applications using your sound card.00:28
ppeNBrepresent, adding the 'Volume Control' thing in your Panel Bar, then right-clicking that to see what audio device the software is using.00:28
ron_oI haven't had that issue again.00:28
pperon_o, Yeah, I closed the window.00:28
hackhalotwocan WINE play win98 games?00:28
ron_oNBrepresent, if you were to logout and then log back in, you would cease to hvae that problem until something grabbed your sound card again and didn't let it go.00:29
NBrepresentthe properties just says Device: default00:29
zoredachehackhalotwo: some, but you'll get a better answer in a wine channel/forum00:29
ron_oNBrepresent, have you ever had sound before?00:29
NBrepresenti haven't tested that yet00:29
NBrepresenti'm just setting this comp up for the first time, sort of00:29
ppeYeah, me too.00:30
ron_oppe, did you start gparted yet?00:31
ron_oor you can't umount your partition?00:31
Azalar_anyone know why xfce-desktop would crash when you right click on it00:31
ppeI restarted, but I'll start it in a sec.00:31
ppeSo where is gparted?00:32
ppeActually, couldn't I just run it from console ?00:32
Tu13esmy fonts all look bigger than they should00:32
ron_oyou have to download gparted with synaptic.00:32
Tu13esI'm confused00:32
ppeah, ok00:32
Azalar_why is xfce so flaky00:34
NBrepresentis there any kind of sound diagnostic package i can get?00:35
ron_oNBrepresent, not that I know of.00:35
ron_oI think I downloaded ALSA00:35
ron_omake sure you have the ALSA package.00:35
ron_oIMHO< this shit should be taken care of to begin with.00:36
ron_omake sure your applications all use ALSA if they allow you to choose.00:36
ron_oAzalar_, I don't know if it's so flaky..00:36
ron_ohowever, it could be something else.00:36
NBrepresentdoes anyone know how to make drag and drop MOVE files instead of copy them?00:37
ron_omaybe you're hardware? don't know. Could be anything.00:37
ron_oNBrepresent, you can do that with your file manager.00:37
ron_oit's just like Windows.00:37
NBrepresenti couldn't find the preference for it00:37
Azalar_kubuntu same version runs without stuff crashing00:37
zoredacheNBrepresent: drag and drop does move if both the source and dest are on the same volume I believe00:38
NBrepresenthm, maybe just not from the desktop then00:39
NBrepresentbecause i definitely can't drag and drop and move files from the desktop to, for example, my home folder00:39
zoredachebut I have seen some inconsistancies here and there about when it chooses to move, and when it chosses to copy00:39
NBrepresentit copies, then i have to delete the one on the desktop00:39
ron_oAzalar_, sorry.. maybe you should stick with Kubuntu or Ubuntu.00:39
zoredacheNBrepresent: if you hold down the shift key when dragging you should get the move effect though00:40
Azalar_got an old machine though so thought i'd give xubuntu a try, doesnt look like it was ready for release yet though, more like alpha software00:41
ppeOkay, I've formatted my 4GB USB Stick to FAT32.00:41
zoredacheAzalar_: do you have a serious question or just a vague belief that is alpha?00:42
ppeNow I can't access it, and it says "3GB Removable Volume"00:42
zoredacheppe: how did you format it again?00:43
ppeWith gparted00:43
zoredacheand you made a partition, and formated the partition as fat32?00:44
ppeI took the entire flash-drive and pressed "format to > fat32".00:44
zoredacheI believe he hal has filters that won't let you mount a file system that is directly on a device... I am pretty sure it expects you to have created partitions00:45
zoredacheI know you wouldn't be able to mount it under windows if you didn't create a partition00:45
Azalar_yeah my question was why would xfce-desktop crash just by right clicking on it00:47
ppeMy answer would be that it doesn't.00:47
ppeLet's agree to disagree ?00:47
zoredacheAzalar_: obviously it shouldn't do that... as to 'why', there is probably a bug somewhere...00:47
Azalar_ok np, i'll give fluxbuntu a go instead, thanks anyway00:50
hackhalotwois there a good Virtual Drive program for Linx?01:07
hackhalotwodont answer that, i figured it out01:18
NBrepresenthey, i'm looking for sound card help if anyone's around? aplay -l gives "no soundcards found"01:46
michaelkylehi how can i change my desktop resolution, i installed and i got 800x600 only and i cant change it, atleast trough "display" in Xfce desktop configuration02:24
michaelkylei want to change it to 1024x76802:24
michaelkylehow come that in livecd xfce was entriely on spanish and now that i installed it is Spanglish.,.. :s03:22
michaelkylemore english than spanish imo03:23
PlayBoyHi! I need help install compizfusion in xubuntu03:35
ere4si!compiz | PlayBoy03:39
ubotuPlayBoy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:39
PlayBoyI'm using xubuntu gutsy03:39
PlayBoyMy grafic card is ati radeon 7000 QE/VE03:40
PlayBoyDrivers of my card is free03:40
PlayBoyI don't install drivers of my ati, x-server-org doesn't compatibility work03:41
ThingusHey, I'm using Xubuntu Feisty on my laptop, and WiCD is giving me some GladeXML errors... I have the libs installed and everything, but I can't figure it out.03:49
PlayBoyProblems with network manager pc off ... =(03:54
ere4si!ati | PlayBoy03:54
ubotuPlayBoy: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:54
PlayBoyubotu: My card is free driver since feisty version...03:57
PlayBoyxubuntu is secure?03:58
mib_ugq9w8qihello i need help installing limewire...05:45
mib_ugq9w8qiand also getting into root ..it wont allow me ...it wont accept my PW05:45
mib_ugq9w8qiis anybody here?05:50
ThingusAnyone know anything about conky?06:24
nikolamI have some trouble with writing speed to floppy disk06:25
nikolamand also with reading from external USB 2.0 HDD06:25
nikolamSince last few weeks it is extremely slow06:25
MICHAELKYLEhi, my usb headsets dont get any sound, yes i they appear on lsusb, and i set them in the sound control panel but i still cant hear anything, i think its a the usb sound module but i dont know to much about it, if someone could help me pls.07:19
ThingusFor some reason, xfce4-panel is eating 98% of my CPU.07:21
ThingusWhat's up with that?07:21
MICHAELKYLEThingus, try #xfce07:22
MICHAELKYLEseems noone knows aboutanything in here07:22
ThingusThey were less than helpful... -.-07:28
ThingusHrm... Restarted xfce4-panel.07:33
ThingusNow it works.07:33
ellonu guys r usin' xubuntu?07:48
MICHAELKYLEwell most i think07:49
ellonis any one using Intel video card? XVideo is a problem in xUbuntu07:53
sonicreindeerGood eve to all in this chat re: a broken bootloader with Feisty.08:04
sonicreindeerI am attempting to repair a broken Xubuntu Feisty system. I was testing a dual-boot scenario last evening within my Mac Jaguar partition while loading OS 9.2.2 on top of the desktop as a separate app( ie; running Classic on top of Jaguar ). Little did I realize how the Classic sys files overwrote the files within the bootloader in the MBR for me to access my Feisty drive separate from my Mac drive. Can't boot to Feisty08:05
sonicreindeerThe specs of my box are as follows:  1st Generation G4/ 400 PPC( Sawtooth ) w/ 896 MB of RAM, a factory 20 Gig drive is running Jaguar w/ a separate 40 GB Maxtor running my beloved Feisty. Attempted the upgrade from feisty iinto Gutsy, but, my box didn't like it much.08:06
sonicreindeerI spent over three months configgin' Feisty the way I personally want for it to run. Although the upgrade has crossed my mind several times over, I'm keepin' Feisty. Convince me otherwise w/ the right ISO link w/ all of the first-run bugs worked out of Gutsy.08:07
MICHAELKYLEu... thats not good, i have no idea but if overwrites the files of mbr the most logical and i gues uve thought of that too, its to find a way of just reinstall the mbr of xubuntu08:08
MICHAELKYLEalthough i havent heard about such a thing ever :)08:08
MICHAELKYLEand btw, heres not the best place to ask hehe, ppl here  dont know about anything, copy all that and paste it on #ubuntu, theres more users there, and theyre more serious08:09
sonicreindeerI know. this is a first for me, as well. I was just using my box as a guinea pig, if you will, for a virtual dual-boot oon a client's G3/ 700 iMac.08:09
sonicreindeerKewl. I'll just hop over there with my issue. Thank you kindly for the ear.08:10
MICHAELKYLEno problem ;)08:11
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
trentsterhey all, bit of a strange problem,, probably something really simple....I am running combiz all is working well except for the little windows that shows the workspaces on the bottom right, dont show the open windows on each desktop, it just is black, and if I click on it, it shows all the windows. Also when I launch any program it is automatically minimized...any ideas?11:01
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:14
trentsterhey all, bit of a strange problem,, probably something really simple....I am running combiz all is working well except for the little windows that shows the workspaces on the bottom right, dont show the open windows on each desktop, it just is black, and if I click on it, it shows all the windows. Also when I launch any program it is automatically minimized...any ideas?11:29
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:34
TheSheeptrentster: try asking at the support channel for compiz11:35
NBrepresenthi, i'm on xubuntu and noticing that the help for gnome applications doesn't work... i guess i need a package (something like gnome-help) but i can't find anything like that in synaptic... what do i need to get help working for gnome apps?12:45
TheSheepNBrepresent: yelp12:45
NBrepresentalso, i've noticed that gnome apps that try to set the desktop wallpaper cannot do it (i'm assuming because the apps are expecting that xfce is not managing the desktop) ... anything i can do about that?13:01
steve__hello is anybody here?15:28
SkratIs there a compatibility list of computers for Xubuntu?16:06
ArmyMan007can anyone help me please with Xubuntu?16:22
Skratwhats the problem16:22
Skrat"Dont ask to ask"16:22
SkratSo yeah, whats up16:23
ArmyMan007I need some help about how to configure my network in Xubuntu16:23
* Skrat backs away slowly16:23
* ArmyMan007 slaps Skrat around a bit with a large trout16:23
SkratLol, sorry. way over my head16:24
ArmyMan007"backs away slowly" kinda gave me the big idea...16:24
* Skrat grabs the trout and eats it16:24
ArmyMan007better get back there... l8er :D16:25
SkratCya. :P16:25
=== ArmyMan007 is now known as please_help_me_w
=== please_help_me_w is now known as ArmyMan007
SkratAnyway, bbiab.16:37
=== LeAstrale1 is now known as LeAstrale
artur__hi folks, i have another computer next to me with the xubuntu in live cd mode cause i was going to install it. But the mouse doesn't work, it is an old mouse (cause it's an old pc), a serial one. How can i make this mouse works?17:13
LeAstraleartur__: unfortunately im unable to help you on that one :(17:16
LeAstraleany1 in here with some ideas for the man ?17:17
SekaabHello there17:22
SekaabHey again17:29
Sekaabis someone familiar with SecondLife under Xubuntu?17:30
Sekaabespecially Sound and Voice Chat?17:30
LeAstraleSekaab: nahh... cant help you on that one unfortunately17:33
Sekaabokay :)17:34
Sekaabisnt that importend17:34
ArmyMan007hello, can anyone help me with how to connect my other computer to the internet?17:34
ArmyMan007I need a step-by-step help...17:35
ArmyMan007hello, can anyone help me with how to connect my other computer to the internet?17:35
ArmyMan007I need a step-by-step help...17:35
j1mcArmyMan007: your other computer?17:36
Sekaabhows your network configured?17:36
Sekaabyou have one computer already connected?17:36
ArmyMan007sekaab -> I have a wireless network connection17:36
ArmyMan007I'm talking with you on the working computer17:36
ArmyMan007it's got XP\17:36
ArmyMan007the other one has the Xubuntu17:36
ArmyMan007I've just installed it today17:37
ArmyMan007and I need some help getting the internet up and running17:37
Sekaabso you use an wireless router that connects the internet?17:37
ArmyMan007this computer (the one i'm talking with you) has the router17:37
ArmyMan007the other one has the reciever thingy...17:38
Sekaabis that router a box delivered by your ISP oder is it a seperate computer?17:38
ArmyMan007i'm sorry... I'll be back in 20 min tops...17:38
ArmyMan007sorry... :-(17:38
LeAstraledoesnt Xubuntu have some way to lock the screen when you leave the computer?17:41
LeAstralei have been unable to find a keycombo or anything that locked and required password on return17:42
ron_oyou mean lockscreen?17:43
ron_oyou have to explain yourself more LeAstrale17:47
LeAstraleron_o: i mean that in Kubuntu i can push ctrl+alt+L to lock the computer17:47
LeAstralebut i cant in Xubuntu17:47
ArmyMan007I'm back...17:48
ArmyMan007ready to get to work...17:49
ron_owell, you can set up a shortcut in applications >> settings >> keyboard17:49
ron_obut I'm not sure if you can do that or not.17:49
LeAstraleits one of the key features i miss at the moment:/17:50
ArmyMan007can anyone help me with how to connect my other computer to the internet?17:50
ron_oLeAstrale, try control+alt+delete as a test to see if that works.17:51
LeAstraleron_o: i will do on return to Xubuntu17:51
ron_oI think the command is xflock417:51
ron_oI don't use that function so, ya know.:)17:52
ron_oI should try it now..17:52
ron_ooh wait.. no....17:52
ron_ocan't decide.17:52
ArmyMan007could anyone please help me to configure my wireless connection?17:52
ArmyMan007could anyone please help me to configure my wireless connection?17:53
LeAstraleArmyMan007: stop the spam, it wont help you at all17:53
ArmyMan007LeAstrale -> I would like to reffer you to other spam that has been made by another user...17:54
ron_oLeAstrale, I just tried both xflock4 and alt+control+del and it locks the screen automatically.17:55
LeAstraleokay. ty ron_o17:55
LeAstralesolved my problems17:55
ron_oyou could set up your own key combo as you wish.17:55
LeAstraleim gonna user Super+L like in windows17:55
wbadgeranyone good with ooo calc?17:56
ArmyMan007could anyone please help me?\17:56
ArmyMan007I need help despretly17:56
wbadgerArmyMan007, what's your problem17:57
ArmyMan007I need help configuring the network17:58
ArmyMan007I'm using this computer (XP) which has internet working17:59
ArmyMan007and the other computer (having the Xubuntu) is the problematic...17:59
wbadgerpm me?18:00
TheSheepwbadger: we don't pm here18:00
ArmyMan007just help me out here18:00
ArmyMan007i need a step-by-step help...18:00
ArmyMan007and I've got 1 hour to do so...18:00
wbadgerok .. sorry, ArmyMan007 what exactly happens when you try to connect18:00
* LeAstrale bows and crawl back in the corner! TheSheep has returned!18:01
ArmyMan007wbadger -> I don't know how to setup the internet connection18:03
TheSheepArmyMan007: how do you connect?18:04
TheSheepArmyMan007: with the xp18:04
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> The XP has the router, and the other computer has the reciever thingy...18:04
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> and I don't know how to setup everything there...18:05
TheSheepArmyMan007: this is wireless network?18:05
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> yes18:06
TheSheepArmyMan007: how is the receiver connected to the computer? through usb?18:06
ArmyMan007not through a USB18:07
TheSheepArmyMan007: network cable?18:08
TheSheepArmyMan007: rj-45?18:08
MatBoymore people have problems with a unstable XFCE on 7.10 ?18:08
TheSheepMatBoy: define "unstable"18:08
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> it's a wireless receiver18:08
TheSheepArmyMan007: but how it is connected to the computer?18:09
MatBoyTheSheep, crashing applications, aplpication menu gone, background menu (right click) not working, this all when running the system for some minutes18:09
TheSheepMatBoy: sounds pretty back18:09
TheSheepMatBoy: s/back.bad18:09
ArmyMan007It's just pluged in the back..18:09
MatBoyTheSheep, indeed, sorry to say, but I'm going to install KDE now to see what happens18:10
TheSheepArmyMan007: how the socket looks like? is it flat and thin?18:10
TheSheepArmyMan007: or does it look like a phone plug, only bigger?18:10
MatBoyor shall I go for gnome ?18:10
ArmyMan007phone plug kind18:10
TheSheepArmyMan007: ok, that's rj4518:10
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> by the way, sorry for the misunderstanding...18:10
MatBoyrj45 is 8 poles, rj11 is 418:11
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> could you please help me with it?18:11
TheSheepArmyMan007: I don't know about how to set up the thing on the windows side18:12
TheSheepArmyMan007: you might try asking at ##windows18:12
ArmyMan007I need to install it on the ubuntu18:12
wbadgerI don't think it requires installing on windows18:12
TheSheepArmyMan007: but I can help with the linux side if the other side is set up already18:12
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> I need to install it on the Xubuntu, not windows...18:12
TheSheepArmyMan007: wait, so it's not two computers?18:13
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> I just need help, step-by-step as to how to configure the internet... from A-Z18:13
ArmyMan007TheSheep -> I have 2 computers: one I'm talking with you right now (this is the XP), and the other computer has the Xubuntu18:13
wbadgerTheSheep, he said windows comp works, and is connected to a router, which in place is connected to the xubuntu comp18:14
MatBoyok, I'm installing gnome now18:15
* TheSheep is confused18:15
MatBoyman  it **** but I have seen it more with XRFCE18:15
wbadgerheh nothing to be confused about18:15
TheSheepMatBoy: if it won't help, there might be some driver or hardware issue18:15
MatBoyTheSheep, yap, could be it also... Nvidia maybe >18:15
ArmyMan007ok... i get it... i'll be back tommarow... :-(18:15
TheSheepMatBoy: possible18:16
MatBoyI only run the Nvidia drivers because I like that start-logo :P18:16
TheSheepMatBoy: try gnome, if it works fine then it's xubuntu18:16
MatBoyTheSheep, I will let you know...18:16
MatBoyI'm someone that is sticky to one thing...18:16
MatBoyman, I don't like to change18:16
TheSheepMatBoy: nobody likes18:16
MatBoyTheSheep, no really, I also don;t like new cars18:17
MatBoyand new girlfriends18:17
ArmyMan007wbadger -> em.. what's herzliya? :O18:17
ArmyMan007wbadger -> can't PM you...18:17
ArmyMan007wbadger -> what makes you think i'm from there?18:18
wbadgernickname and real name - I know someone with same as yours18:18
ArmyMan007are you like in his school or something?18:19
ArmyMan007sorry for the personal question: was? did you move or something?18:20
TheSheepArmyMan007: you need to have your nick registered with freenode to pm non-ops18:20
TheSheepArmyMan007: see the faq on freenone.net website18:20
ArmyMan007TheSheep - could you please show me a link to do so?18:20
wbadgerwas with him in middle school now we are in different high schools18:21
* MatBoy is bbl reboot18:21
TheSheepwbadger: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration18:21
ArmyMan007wbadger what's your highschool?18:21
TheSheepaemthat was for you18:21
ArmyMan007TheSheep - Thanks, found it... :D18:21
TheSheepArmyMan007: taht was for you18:22
wbadgerI'm in rishonim now. you (he) were with some of my class in germany. for registration i believe all it takes is writing "/msg nickserv register yourpassword"18:22
j1mcMatBoy left, but i just read his notes above now.  it bothers me when people say, "xubuntu (or whatever) stinks" when they are using non-free drivers.18:23
TheSheepj1mc: he just wanted to get our attention to help him18:23
TheSheepj1mc: he doesn't mean it18:23
ArmyMan007wbadger -> rishonim highschool? what an odd name...18:23
wbadgerrishonim = first in hebrew18:24
ArmyMan007wbadger -> awsome! so... what's your name? :D18:24
ArmyMan007Let's get it started (on Xubuntu... :P)18:25
wbadgerregister then pm ;)18:25
ArmyMan007k... working on it..18:25
=== ArmyMan007 is now known as ArmyMan007_
ArmyMan007_try to PM18:28
=== ArmyMan007_ is now known as ArmyMan007
MatBoyow man it has happened18:33
MatBoyyou have to ban me from this channel18:33
MatBoyme likes gnome18:33
TheSheepMatBoy: we don't mind18:39
j1mcMatBoy: :)  gnome has more user-friendly things that xfce.  it's just a bit slower is all.18:41
MatBoyj1mc, it's faster here actually :S18:41
MatBoyTheSheep, ok, I will not leave ;)18:41
j1mchrmmmm... o.O18:42
MatBoyj1mc, man, Gnome is really so much faster on my Q6600 :S18:47
MatBoyman, I'm really sorry guys18:47
Super_BQi updated kubuntu and after reboot, there is no start menu showing19:49
Super_BQit says some dbus power manager didn't start and console showing19:49
j1mcSuper_BQ: can you open a terminal?19:57
rechhi, since I've updated from 7.04 to 7.10, everytime that message box "enter your password to perform administrative tasks" takes something like 40 seconds to auth my password. It used to be much quicker with 7.04. Do you guys know if  I can re-configure that?20:32
kyp4can anyone help me with an xubuntu problem I am having?20:32
kyp4... guess not20:40
Super_BQsame here20:40
Super_BQI did an update and my xfc4 desktop (pull down menu) application got nuked20:41
Super_BQfortunately terminal and vnc works20:41
Super_BQi had to rightclick on the top menu bar and manually add Xfce Menu - but somehow the icon of the mouse it shows has an X (meaning error?)20:43
Super_BQafter reboot - menu still shows up but with the X20:43
Super_BQand the annoying dbus error message after every reboot20:44
Super_BQahh i think i've may of fixed 1 bug20:49
Super_BQdisabled the power manager - don't need it20:49
=== eagle-101 is now known as nixeagle
cheruvimhey all got a problem23:12
cheruvimI'm trying to post to the forums and they won't let me.. do I have to respond to an email or something23:12
cheruvimI keep getting this damn screen saying I dont have permissions23:12
cheruvimyet I see other users posting constantly23:12
LeAstralecheruvim: i actually can't remember if you have to activaet the account by email first?23:13
cheruvimI registered, and then tried to post and I keep getting the damn permissions screen, it's wierd23:14
cheruvimanyway the reason I'm trying to post to the forums is that I'm trying to use aldo the morse code training program23:14
cheruvimand I've hit a snag23:14
cheruvimevery time I try to use koch method or block method, it says "can't create mcop directory"23:15
cheruvimI use it sudo23:15
cheruvimbecause it won't run as my user23:15
cheruvimactually correct that.. it will run but it runs into the same problem23:16
cheruvimany ideas as to why it can't create a directory even as super user??23:16
cheruvimaccording what I've read on the forums so far, it should just go. anyone know if there is a conf file?23:17
LeAstraletry creating it with sudo mkdir first23:18
LeAstralei dunno sry23:18
cheruvimhmm ok.. I'll try that23:18
cheruvimI think the problem is that I don't know where it is trying to create this directory23:19
cheruvimhere is the full message?23:19
cheruvimCreating link /home/cfurst/.kde/socket-cfurst-desktop.23:19
cheruvimcan't create mcop directory23:19
LeAstralehave you tried asking in the kubuntu channel ?23:22
LeAstraleare you using Xubuntu ?23:22
LeAstraleim using kubuntu and i have both ".kde", ".kde4" and ".mcop" hidden in my homefolder23:23
LeAstralewhere you shouldn't need to be root to create folders23:23
cheruvimI'm using gutsy isn't that gnome by default?23:24
nicola1Where can I read changelog from 7.10 to 8.04 alpha 6 ? most changes I read were about gnome environmente23:24
cheruvimmaybe its a gnome kde compatibility issue.. I'll check for those folders and their permissions..23:24
LeAstraleubuntu gutsy ?23:24
cheruvimyeah it's the newest one, no?23:25
LeAstraleit is23:25
cheruvimGOT IT23:28
cheruvimI had to create that directory with word rwx permissions.23:29
LeAstraleokay then :)23:30
cheruvimthanks for the suggestion.. :)23:31
ere4sicheruvim, if I try to access the forums from the front page I get the permission prob - I use a link to a post and join from there with no issues23:36
cheruvimwhich link?23:36
cheruvimhey thanks for the link23:43
cheruvimturns out I had to activate the account via link in an email23:43
ere4sik :)23:43
cheruvimevolution wasn't set up to automatically receive mail... So I didn't see it until I hit da button. OK.. so I'm a noob so sue me.. :-D23:44
LeAstralecheruvim: didn't i imply that earlier ?23:44
cheruvimI thought you said you didn't remember23:44
cheruvimok so now I have to learn morse code.23:45
LeAstralei might have23:45
LeAstralebbl folks23:45
samuelHello ppl, I need some help over here. My sound crashes because of wine. I got a nForce2 AC97 chipset. I just want to know how to restart the sound (which mod should I remove with rmmod?, is there another way of restarting sound?) Thanks for help.23:45
ere4sisamuel, you might be better asking that in #winehq...23:46
cheruvimThanks for the help everyone... have fun! :)23:46
samuelwell actually my question is not really about wine, but about sound in ubuntu23:48
samuelbut I can try it23:48
ere4siwas it when you installed wine that you lost the sound sanu?23:48
samuelonly when wine crashes23:49
ere4sisamuel, then that's a wine issue I would think - find out why it crashes23:50
ere4siafter a crash - type in a terminal   dmesg | tail23:50
samuelmmmh no sys error repported. Apparently, wine seems to still use the soundchipset, even if I crashed23:53
ere4sitry   top   in a terminal to see if after a crash wine is still using resources23:56
samuelmmmh no, wine is definitely not using resources23:57
samuelbut xmms is not able to play any sound23:58

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