
=== emgent is now known as emgent`robilive`
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FujitsuBug #200000 already :(00:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200000 in qt4-x11 "small QT program removes desktop panels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20000000:32
RAOFAnyone here know how apport removes the coredump from its bugs once the retrace has gone through?  Apport isn't retracing my bug, but I've got a gdb backtrace & I'd like to make it public... but not with an 8mb summary of my email correspondence still attached.00:34
RAOF(It's still bug #199392, for those playing at home)00:34
ubotuBug 199392 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199392 is private00:35
FujitsuRAOF: Click the button to edit the attachment.00:37
FujitsuThen find the delete button.00:38
RAOFFujitsu: Aaah, right.  In one of those collapsed-by-default menus down the left hand side with the tiny, tiny text.00:39
RAOFFujitsu: Thank you.00:39
FujitsuIn a portlet, yep.00:39
secretlondonROAF: welcome to launchpad ;)00:39
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blueyedsecretlondon: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~blueyed/five-a-day/five-a-day-lazy-remote01:39
blueyedIt commits only once per hour and contains some other improvements.01:39
* secretlondon is playing at packaging something from scratch01:41
blueyedWe talked about this lately, so you might want to try it.. :)01:41
blueyedWhat are you packaging, secretlondon?01:42
RAOFsecretlondon: Anything interesting?01:42
secretlondonblueyed: a pygame vesion of an educational program for babies01:42
secretlondonits more education for me tbh01:42
crimsuncf. pyscrabble source if you run into hitches01:44
crimsunmay find some hints there01:44
secretlondoncrimsun: thanks01:44
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bdmurraycrimsun: can you tell me if bug 118610 is legitimate?04:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118610 in alsa-tools "[alsa-firmware] tascam us428: one file is missing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11861004:54
greg-ghah, nice delay there ubotu04:54
secretlondonlooking at bug  #192294 it looks scary but I can't reproduce05:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192294 in xen-3.2 "[hardy] "ip" broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19229405:04
secretlondonI accept I don't have zen though05:04
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crimsunbug 11861006:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118610 in alsa-tools "[alsa-firmware] tascam us428: one file is missing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11861006:06
crimsunbdmurray: (RE: 118610)  it was for gutsy and appears still to be for hardy, but it really is an upstream issue.06:10
crimsunbug 5787206:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57872 in gnome-power-manager "regression: pressing power button no longer brings up logout dialog" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787206:42
IulianHey secretlondon ;)08:42
Gninenpviewer.bin continues to crash. 3/9/2008. while browsing myspace music.08:48
Gnine8.04 2.6.24-11-generic x86_64 amd6408:50
qenseis that bug already reported?08:54
Gnineyes. but it is mentioned that it is "hard to reproduce"08:54
Gnineand. not only while searching but also i am not able to play content (myspace music)08:58
qensethe player from myspace doesn't react?09:00
qensewell, it's hard to debug such a thing and probably a bug in the flash player09:00
qenseare you using the one from adobe?09:01
Gnineyes. however. flash media (video) does not exhibit this behaviour exactly. while it also crashes npviewer.bin randomly09:02
qenseif the bug is in the flashplayer you can't help unfortunately09:02
qenseadobe doesn't have a public bug tracker09:02
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qenseis ubotu dead?11:32
qensethere haven't been any reports of new bugs for a few hours in the announce channel11:33
qenseit isn't online anymore in that channel11:33
qenseand here too11:33
IulianYes, it's missing.11:33
hggdhbug 20012211:46
hggdhubotu: ping11:47
Iulianhggdh: It's not here :)11:55
Iulianubotu: Hi!12:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:19
IulianYeah right.12:20
hggdhah, ubotu is back...12:34
hggdhbug 20012212:35
bobboIf a single bug report describes multiple bugs (Bug #200005) should you tell the reporter to split them up into seperate bugs?12:51
hggdhbobbo: yes. Each bug report == one single bug12:53
bobbohggdh; thats what i thought, thanks12:53
ubotuBug 200122 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/200122 is private13:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200005 in ubuntu "Network applet is crawling with bugs!" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20000513:04
IulianNot again...13:59
qenseSeveas! :P14:01
qensewhere is he when you need him ;)14:01
qensewb ubotu14:02
hggdhwhere's apport-retrace magic?16:13
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affluxhggdh: what do you mean?16:48
afflux(I just reported at devel, can anyone confirm those problems:) Apport is doing weird things these days. ubuntu-crashes-* isn't subscribed to some bugs (for example bug 199846, which was reported by myself), some bugs just don't have the "need-*-retrace" tags (bug 199911), for some others the retracer simply removes the "need-*-retrace" tag (also bug 199846). Anyone knows what's going on?16:49
ubotuBug 199846 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199846 is private16:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199911 in emerald "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_gc_new_with_values()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19991116:49
ubotuBug 199846 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199846 is private16:49
hggdhafflux: by private bug never got retraced by apport16:50
affluxright, guess that's something like the problems I have16:51
hggdhI will ping pitti tomorrow16:54
wraundsory wrong chat23:02
AdysAnyone else having a huge memory leak with pidgin (2.4 and lower) since last update cycle?23:52
Adyser wrong chan23:54

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