
slangasekKeybuk: this doesn't sound like an improvement to me00:04
slangasekat best, it sounds like needless churn...00:04
Keybukslangasek: if the backup program runs as a known user, you can grant that in PK as a permanent authorisation00:04
Keybuktherefore it always has an ACL00:04
slangasekyes, you can - but why do that?00:05
slangasekwhat's the pk equivalent to adduser --system?00:05
KeybukI don't understand, sorry?00:05
slangasekyou're installing a backup package. you want the backup package to set itself up in the correct group when added.  Today, you do that by adding a system user and putting it in the disk group using standard commands.00:06
Keybukah, we're talking about different cases00:06
ion_I guess adduser --system ...; polkit-auth ...00:06
Keybuksorry, I was thinking of a random user running a backup program00:07
Keybukif they weren't authorised to access the disk, it would require some kind of better authorisation00:07
Keybukie. it'd pop up a dialog asking for the root password, or something00:07
Keybukif they're an admin, it would instead ask for their password00:07
Keybukbut without setuid helpers00:08
Keybukwhich are evil00:08
slangasekbut I don't think giving end users full read access to the disks is ever the right thing either, whether it's brokered through policy kit or otherwise00:08
Keybukyou say "I want to access this device", and if you are allowed (by implicit, explicit or obtained authorisation) you get an ACL on it00:08
Keybukthe problem with the group-per-device model is that you need a group per device00:09
Keybuke.g. that scard group00:09
Keybukwe have yet another class of device "smartcards"00:09
Keybukso someone invents yet another system group00:09
Keybukand then grants some application implicit access to those kinds of devices00:09
Keybukor expects you to grant access to all users, etc.00:09
ion_Does policykit modify the actual filesystem ACLs and then reset them when the authorization expires?00:09
Keybukion_: HAL does that00:09
slangasekfor devices where you routinely want to grant end-users access, I agree that the ACL model is better00:09
slangasekbut you listed the 'disk' group, and I think that's a bug :)00:10
Keybukslangasek: I think we can both agree background daemons are a special case00:10
Keybukyeah disk was, I was typing dialout actually, then came back and saw "di" so finished with disk00:10
Keybukobviously we don't normally place users in the disk group right now00:10
slangasekaha :)00:10
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fabbionesuperm1: congrats on the mythtv release04:27
* fabbione tests04:27
superm1thanks fabbione.  went surprisingly smooth :)04:27
superm1i need to pester someone in ~ubuntu-backporters now04:27
superm1and get it in gutsy04:27
superm1and we'll be done04:27
fabbionei hope they have fixed the .iso/dvd playback04:28
fabbionebecause i tested also normal DVD playback using Cars from Disney in a normal dvd player and it was royal crap04:28
fabbioneand yes the dvd was original..04:29
jdongfabbione: Disney and Sony DVD's are horrendously awful to play on computers because of the ARCcOS crap they use04:31
jdongI can't even get mplayer to play some of these discs04:31
fabbionejdong: it used to play fine with older version of Mythtv04:31
jdongsuperm1: I'm no sick break, so no!04:31
jdongfabbione: ah, then you aren't affected04:31
superm1on sick break?04:31
jdongfabbione: but for the record High School Musical 2 is ARCcOS protected ;-)04:31
fabbionejdong: this is a regression i already discussed with superm104:31
jdong(little sister. I swear.)04:32
superm1jdong, being on sick break is even more of a reason to ack such backport bugs :)04:32
jdongsuperm1: yes, no backporting while I'm vomiting :)04:32
superm1s boring04:32
* Fujitsu strangles jdong for mentioning such a vile, vile movie.04:32
jdongsuperm1: not when it's possibly due to contamination of food utensils04:32
superm1wow that's horrible.04:32
fabbionejdong: i was able to reproduce that problem with several others non sony nor disney dvd's04:33
jdongFujitsu: lol, I know. I scrubbed the images off my computer.04:33
fabbionejdong: some just don't start play.. others only audio.. other times only video04:33
jdongfabbione: ah different problem then04:33
fabbioneand i am sure they used to work before 0.21*04:33
fabbioneyup indeed04:33
jdongfabbione: I've had different issues with media players getting stuck in copy protection pits04:33
jdongannoying as hell, takes 30+ minutes to dig itself out and continue playing04:33
jdongah the lengths the movie industry goes for annoying the consumer04:34
fabbionejdong: thing is that both mplayer and xine plays those DVD's just fine on the same machine04:35
slangasektheir target audience is too young to have taken a civics class04:35
fabbioneonly mythtv interal player doesn't04:35
* jdong kicks fglrx.04:36
jdong*cry* My tummy hurts, my head hurts, and fglrx corrupted my screen. How could my day get any worse?04:36
superm1it took your GPG key with it?04:36
fabbioneyour hd will die in a few minutes04:36
jdonglol you guys are evil04:37
fabbionei don't remember any part of the CoC that explicity requires me _NOT_ to be evil :P04:37
fabbioneoh speaking of GPG.. need to revoke a few uid's04:38
superm1jdong, well i'm doing the legwork on the backport and attaching the build logs and such.  so it will just need a shiny +1 attached from you when you are alive again04:38
* Fujitsu revokes fabbione.04:39
jdongsuperm1: alright, that sounds good, thanks04:39
ion_fabbione: Please do not revoke mine.04:39
fabbioneion_: ?04:40
fabbionei can only remove uid's from my keys...04:40
ion_Just a poor attempt at a joke. :-)04:40
fabbioneit's like 5:40am here.. have been awake all night cleaning my son's vomit and poking at xml04:40
ion_(Yeah, unless you’re a Chuck Norris.)04:40
fabbioneask yourself how much humor i have left in my body04:41
=== fabbione is now known as ChuckNorris
* ChuckNorris bashes ion_ 04:41
ion_Better than cleaning your son’s xml and poking at vomit.04:41
=== ChuckNorris is now known as fabbione
ion_And i’m sorry your son is sick. :-(04:41
fabbionenot your fault dude..04:41
fabbionehe got somekind of bug 2 days ago04:41
fabbionehigh fever and all that crap04:42
ion_Sorry, as in feeling sorry for him.04:42
ion_How old is he?04:42
fabbione18 months04:43
jdongaww poor kid04:43
jdongsomehow, though, I think the parents suffer more than the kids04:44
fabbionejdong: you are so right on this04:44
jdongnot in the sense of cleaning up, but watching a helplessly miserably toddler04:44
ion_About the age of my nephew.04:45
jdongwell, hope he gets better soon...04:45
fabbioneyeah so do i04:45
fabbionealso because when he is sick he hangs on my neck all the time like a little monkey04:45
fabbionehe doesn't go to mummy at all04:45
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Hobbseefabbione: bet mummy's happy with that04:48
jdongfabbione: aww surely you've gotta feel some inner sense of satisfaction with that :)04:48
fabbioneHobbsee: indeed :)04:48
fabbionejdong: only when i am not dead tired04:49
superm1jdong, okay its bug 200044.  i'll subscribe ubuntu-backporters though in case someone else decides to grab it.04:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200044 in gutsy-backports "MythTV 0.21 Suite backport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20004404:55
jdongsuperm1: mmkay, the perl module is a new hardy package?04:55
Hobbseewhat's up with tzdata?04:55
superm1i wanted to get it to debian too, but i dont have a sponsor yet for it in debian04:55
Hobbseepitti: ping?04:56
HobbseeSetting up tzdata (2007k-0ubuntu0.7.10.1) ...04:56
Hobbseedpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure):04:56
Hobbsee subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1004:56
HobbseeErrors were encountered while processing:04:56
Hobbsee tzdata04:56
jdongHobbsee: guess it's too late!04:58
Hobbseejdong: this is gutsy.  i'ts not supposed to break!04:59
jdongHobbsee: it seemed to work fine for me when I applied it earlier today (as a data point)04:59
superm1an older release breaking from an update?  blasphemy !04:59
Hobbseeit's because i've changed the default timezone05:00
Hobbseeyeah, there we go.05:02
superm1jdong, er yeah you probably wanted a build log from the perl module too. i'll attach that.05:10
jdongsuperm1: nah I trust your word05:11
dbmoodbin case you don't know - broadcom pcmcia laptop card freezes on eject - have not given it the firmware yet - i assume this is to do with networking manager ....05:23
jdongis there a bug filed on this?05:24
dbmoodb--- i don't know i have just installed hardy and was testing it out05:24
jdongrandomly coming into IRC with bugs rarely allows the message to reach the right people...05:24
dbmoodbyes i was hoping i would be told if some one was aware of one05:25
dbmoodbi am tired and was hoping that a bug had already been filed05:25
dbmoodbsorry - wrong room should have joined ubuntu+105:26
jdongnot a problem05:26
`Xenocidethe odds of someone else reporting this AND paying attention to IRC are low05:26
dbmoodb- should i repost it in there or are most people in both05:26
`Xenocideyou might as well use launchpad itself to find similar bugs05:26
dbmoodbwell i am not involved with ubuntu that much at this stage and have previously made a noise and a blah of my self in #ubuntu so i don't really want to do work for you guys - in a major form i am just testing hardy out of interest.05:28
`Xenocidewell, the only way it gets fixed is if the people with the problem communicate with the people who can fix it05:29
slangasekI don't understand why you would want to test hardy and bother to report issues, but not report them in the manner than will get them fixed?05:29
dbmoodbbecause i don't want to get recognition for them because an attempt to contribute in an extended manner is not what i can do for the ubuntu community. i will give our cds but i am not wanting recognition online05:31
`Xenociderecognition, or responsibility?05:32
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LaserJockthat didn't make a whole lot of sense05:36
slangasekLaserJock: clearly he's a famous Microsoft employee who doesn't want us to recognize him when he files bug reports :)05:50
LaserJockyeah ...05:51
Hobbseehe's not.05:52
Hobbsee(thank goodness)05:52
Hobbseehe's at my uni05:52
slangasekHobbsee: oh. why is he being weird about bugfiling? :)05:57
fabbioneslangasek: because the water spins the opposite direction in Down Under05:58
Hobbseeslangasek: nfi.05:58
* fabbione starts to have nightmares about xml05:59
Hobbseeso, this is strange.06:27
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tjaaltonhm, what happened to the fonts.. they look "bigger" and fuzzier now10:52
zdzichu_1tjaalton: check workaround at second-to-last comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/15352110:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153521 in ubuntu "fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering" [Undecided,New]10:56
affluxIs this intended or will this be fixed eventually?10:57
zdzichu_1AFAIK this won't be fixed.10:58
tjaaltonzdzichu_1: thanks!11:13
tjaaltonmaybe that bug should be reassigned..11:13
tjaaltonit's not against any package atm11:13
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore12:01
ompaul!ops | sorry to be a pain - ubotu is currently lagged like crazy can't be fixed due to auth issues - please people in #ubuntu-ops and I'll can a spare bot to join and please mute ubotu14:37
ompaulohh like that is going to be fun -- there will be a 20 min lag on reply or there abouts14:38
ubotusorry to be a pain - ubotu is currently lagged like crazy can't be fixed due to auth issues - please people in #ubuntu-ops and I'll can a spare bot to join and please mute ubotu: Help! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk14:52
highvolt1geubotu: ping?14:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:55
ompaulhighvolt1ge, it was 20 mins before that we seem to be getting waves of this15:02
ompaulsince yesterday15:02
ompaulseveas said he can't get secure access for a couple of days if it is problematic drop into #ubuntu-ops and request ubotwo if ubotu is muted15:03
highvolt1geompaul: ok thanks, doesn't seem serious (yet) though15:25
ompaul(tm) ;-)915:25
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xsystemx Xlibs not found at -L/usr/X11R6/lib - How can I find out what package is required ?16:10
crimsunxsystemx: fix the build system; that path is deprecated16:12
crimsunxsystemx: in any case, you'd want at least libx11-dev, possibly more.  Check the log.16:13
xsystemxcrimsun - just trying to install virtualbox from source?16:14
xsystemxcrimsun - install all imaginable binary packages and still getting the error?16:15
crimsunxsystemx: you'd need some subset of "apt-get build-dep virtualbox-ose"16:16
crimsunxsystemx: may be better directed to #ubuntu-motu, in fact16:17
xsystemxcrisum - motu = ?16:17
pochujcastro: hello, I have a question regarding UDS, do you have a moment for a /msg ?16:29
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affluxApport is doing weird things these days. ubuntu-crashes-* isn't subscribed to some bugs (for example bug 199846, which was reported by myself), some bugs just don't have the "need-*-retrace" tags (bug 199911) the retracer simply removes the "need-*-retrace" tags (also bug 199846). Anyone knows what's going on?16:44
ubotuBug 199846 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199846 is private16:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199911 in emerald "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_gc_new_with_values()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19991116:44
ubotuBug 199846 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199846 is private16:44
afflux(I manually added the need-i386-retrace tag to 199911)16:44
Adri2000who takes care of https://lists.ubuntu.com ? I doubt ubuntu-qa is a loco team :)16:51
LaserJockdepends on which "loco" they're talking about ;p16:52
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m8ramis this the right place for general questions on developing packages?19:01
james_wm8ram: not really. #ubuntu-motu may be better.19:01
m8ramthx, will check it19:01
m8ramjames_w: ubuntu-motu is specific for ubuntu, do you have an idea where I can get some directions on how to become an upstream developer as well?19:10
andrea-bsm8ram: you should contact the upstream developers19:12
m8ramandrea-bs: that's exactly the problem: I'd like to work on/help with the abcde package but the upstream developer (who is also the debian maintainer) appears to have abandoned the project19:13
andrea-bsm8ram: did you try to contact him?19:13
m8ramandrea-bs: I have sent him an email several months ago requesting him where to send feature requests but got no reply, this afternoon I sent an email to mia@qa-debian.com to see if he is considered MIA or not19:14
m8ramandrea-bs: in any case the package has not been touched since sarge, even though various patches are available in the debian bug tracker system19:15
m8ramfor ubuntu the maintainer is set to Ubuntu MOTU developers19:16
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andrea-bsm8ram: the project has a Mailing List, did you know?19:19
m8ramandrea-bs: haven't found it yet19:20
m8ramandrea-bs: the SVN repos gives an error 503 service unavailable...19:20
jdongyay svnadmin recover.19:20
andrea-bsm8ram: I'm reading the readme from the ubuntu package19:21
m8ramandrea-bs: the archives of the old mailing list appear to have been taken offline19:22
m8ramandrea-bs: and the readme itself says that the new list was at that time not activley used19:22
m8ramandrea-bs: last message on this list is from March 200719:23
m8ramandrea-bs: and it's in spanish...19:24
andrea-bsm8ram: I can see that it's developed in debian, did you try to contact debian developers?19:24
m8ramandrea-bs: not yet, other than the mail I sent to mia@qa-debian.org (not .com as I wrote earlier)19:25
m8ramandrea-bs: but the maintainer at debian is also Jesus Climent, the upstream author19:26
andrea-bsm8ram: I know, but this package is not maintained in ubuntu so I think you will have more chances with debian devs19:27
m8ramandrea-bs: ok, do you know where I could find them?  I couldn't find an IRC channel for debian devel yet (I'm not really used to IRC)19:28
andrea-bsm8ram: maybe #debian, but I'm not sure19:29
m8ramandrea-bs:and debian-qa was really quiet earlier today19:29
m8ramandrea-bs: thx, will check19:29
pochum8ram: irc.debian.org, #debian-devel19:45
m8rampochu: thx, will check it19:45
m8ramthx: the original author appears to be on #debian-devel, hasn't responded yet but at least I'm at the right place20:12
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pwnguinis there a wiki for summer of code ideas yet?21:55
Amaranthpwnguin: brainstorm.ubuntu.com22:30
pwnguinthe fun part about brainstorm is taking what they say and interpreting what they really want / need22:34
pwnguinit's a bit like those GIMP / GNOME makeovers where the mockup is just a photoshop of what they want, with no considerations for what's feasible.22:42
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TheMusoWow! Nice that the config file prompting is now via debconf. Slick. :)23:32
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