
Kamping_Kaiserhi all, having trouble finding it in the wiki so asking here: hwo do i use the entities defined in /libs/global.ent? i want to use distro-versoin and distro-rev08:30
Kamping_Kaiserhm. &string by the look of a grep through the docs08:48
Kamping_Kaiserhow do you want "open source" capitalised? Open Source, Open source, or open source ?10:33
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: &distro-rev;10:48
Kamping_Kaisermdke, thanks10:49
Kamping_Kaisermdke, any preference for Open source?10:49
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: I suppose open source should be in small letters, although I don't know for sure10:49
mdkeit's not a proper noun afaik10:50
Kamping_Kaisermm ok. i'll 'fix' it to small10:51
mdkedoes it already appear in capitals?10:57
mdkemaybe we should discuss it on the ML10:58
Kamping_Kaiserparts of the edubuntu docs use all 3 i asked about, in different places10:58
Kamping_Kaiseri was hoping there was something i could simply 'correct' to.10:58
mdkeI think small letters is correct, myself11:06
mdkeabout-ubuntu has both...11:06
mdkeopensource.org seems to use small letters when not referring to a name of something11:07
kgoetz grep -R "[O,o]pen [S,s]ource" * |wc -l11:07
kgoetzgrep -R "[O,o]pen [S,s]ource" ../* |wc -l11:08
mdkeI don't know how useful that is, it may encompass quite a lot of revision history11:09
Kamping_Kaiserthe 22 is accurate, i looked at them. the ../* will probably include history though11:09
Kamping_Kaiserhm. it doesnt seem to include history.11:10
* mdke shrugs, even opensource.org isn't consistent11:20
mdkelet's not worry about it11:20
=== Gabz^laptop is now known as Gabz
Kamping_Kaiserping anyone who works on edubuntus doco?14:46
Kamping_Kaiseri have a question about the networking section in introduction.xml - i find it ... wrong.14:47
ubotuNew bug: #200195 in ubuntu-doc "WifiDocs/Device/DWA-111 install problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20019514:52

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