
Nilbusreferring to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend?highlight=pm_trace00:04
NilbusI have no "/sys/power/pm_trace".  Is that just not built into the current ubuntu kernel?00:04
* Nilbus is having resume after suspend problems.00:05
johanbrNilbus: Might depend on architecture, I guess.00:23
Nilbusjohanbr, I'm on x86_6400:32
johanbrNilbus: So am I, and I have a pm_trace.00:33
NilbusI am on 2.6.22-14-generic00:41
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=== ChuckNorris is now known as fabbione
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tjaaltonI never have sound after suspend on my desktop, but reinstalling the module (snd_hda_intel) makes it work10:37
tjaaltonshould pm-utils have quirks for situations like this?10:38
mjg59No, because we can't reliably unload sound drivers10:39
tjaaltonso it's just a bug in the driver?10:40
tjaaltonmjg59: btw, the guy who demanded SHMConfig for synaptics now claims to have made a patch which does essentially the same without any (?) security problems10:41
tjaaltonit would grant access to the device if the user is in admin group10:45
tjaalton..meaning not good enough?-)10:48
xhakersnd_hda_intel @ linux-ubuntu-modules .12 is broken, shall I file a bug report about it?17:39
xhakerok, seems to be every snd* modules17:41
xhakerlots of Unknown symbol messages17:41
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sourcemakerhow can I find the reason for a kernel panic? when I play the game enemy territory... the pc often hangs with a kernel panic... and I can only reboot the system "hard"...19:37
sourcemakeris it possible to trace the kernel... when there is a kernel panic?19:38
sourcemakerhow can I find the reason for a kernel panic?20:58
emberwhy SND_PROCFS and SND_INTEL8 is missing?22:59
xhakerlp bug 20033822:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033823:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] 23:01
DrZaius55Howdy.. new to ubuntu (like it) long time gentoo user.  I'm used to compiling my kernel to optimize but I'm wondering how much things like "preemptible kernel" and "1000hz timer frequency" actually help performance for desktop systems?23:12

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