
* nealmcb finds /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common - seems relevant00:04
sommerzul: how's it going, did all the ebox packages get into universe?00:15
zulsommer: almost all of them I need to prod the archive admins on monday00:15
sommerah gotcha, I just noticed that several weren't there, but are in your ppa00:16
sommeranother issue I noticed is that if you try the backup module... it just hangs there and doesn't complete00:17
sommerthere isn't much in the logs either... a statement about the progress routine, and then nothing happens00:18
sommerone sec, I'll post it00:20
sommernot progress indicator id supplied at /usr/share/ebox/ebox-make-backup line 15.00:21
sommer^^ from /var/log/ebox/error.log00:21
zulk Ill take a look00:22
sommercool, thanks man00:22
sommernealmcb: have ubuntu on your xo yet?00:23
zulsommer: doesnt tell me much so I submitted the bug upstream00:28
sommerya, I noticed that... kind of a strange error message to put in your code00:28
sommeror you'd think that there would be a message of why there is no progress indicator id00:29
sommeralso, why would that cause the entire backup to not work... I could see if just the progress bar or whatever crapped out00:29
zulnot sure at all00:30
sommerheh, there's a company based on ebox isn't there?00:30
sommeror is it just one of their side projects?00:30
zulit looks like one of their side projects00:30
sommerah... sometimes it feels like it was created as a reason to learn ajax to me :-)00:31
nealmcbsommer: no ubuntu yet on the xo - but I've been thinking about it.  you like it?01:12
Kamping_Kaiseri thought there was01:13
nealmcbwow - restricted modules with an nvidia card take about 3 times as much memory as the kernel does!  if we have an "ubuntu on 64 mb" page, that is something to warn people about.  but it is easy to disable them with /etc/defaults/ as noted above.  but it isn't easy to find that, or find out what e.g. the "fcdsl drivers" do, which also take lots of space01:15
nealmcbKamping_Kaiser: sommer asked if I installed ubuntu on my xo and I said no - but in a way that was confusing.  I know it exists01:16
Kamping_Kaiserah right *grin*01:17
* Kamping_Kaiser must have missed that01:17
sommernealmcb: heck ya... ubuntu on the xo rocks01:23
sommernealmcb: I just picked up a kensington slimblade wireless kb and mouse... great accessory for the xo01:23
* Kamping_Kaiser is sort of bemused ubuntu fits on and runs ok01:24
sommeror probably any ultra mobile pc :-)01:24
sommerKamping_Kaiser: heh... 2G SD card works wonders01:24
Kamping_Kaisersommer, ah, hax :001:24
sommerI'm also running  openbox instead of gnome, kde, etc01:25
sommernot really, xo can boot from usb or sd01:25
Kamping_Kaiserdietbuntu *heh*01:25
nealmcbhmm - my brother got an odd error running tasksel, and now it seems hung.  he writes "ubuntu asked me to put the cd in the drive. I just hit enter... it asked again, I did put the cd in the drive and then it said:  "Exiting subroutine via next at /usr/bin/debconf-apt-progress line 153, <STDIN> line 7. "   and went on to ask me re mysql root login passwords"01:25
sommerheh.. slim and trim, that's the way I like it01:26
nealmcbhe installed lamp with tasksel, and had cdrom in his sources.list01:26
nealmcbsommer: interesting - thanks01:27
sommernealmcb: yep, is he installing gutsy?01:27
sommerand lamp didn't install or it did?01:30
sommerI may be confused01:30
nealmcbheh - the $100 laptop with the $130 keyboard/mouse :-)01:30
nealmcbbut yeah - those are the big outages - just don't expect lots of them in africa01:30
sommerya... I took a couple of days for me to buy it, but in the end I was like it's only money01:31
nealmcblamp did install, but tasksel didn't exit or respond any more01:31
sommerodd, seems like I've seen tasksel do that before, but I think it was during a hardy alpha01:33
nealmcbbug #14160101:45
nealmcbbug 14160101:46
* nealmcb looks suspiciously at ubotu01:46
pwnguinubotu died01:46
pwnguinprobably muted itself to prevent getting flooded off again before someone looks at it01:47
nealmcbanyway - mine was a known bug - fix released, perhaps01:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141601 in debconf "tasksel packages stays at 100%" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14160102:12
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nijabanealmcb: Regarding your tasksel problem: this is a known problem, fixed on hardy, which is the reason why in the JeOS tutorial we chose to use apt-get install lamp-server^ <- note the ^ at the end10:54
gopp__what is the best way to get a fresh install of samba after I have seem to fucked up the current instal11:41
gopp__I can not seem to connect to my samba file share11:41
gopp__apt-get remove samba or what11:42
Kamping_Kaisergopp__, apt-get --purge remove samba (and any other needed package)11:42
gopp__all I wanted to do is have my ubuntu computer act as a small domain controller11:43
gopp__soo all I do know is install it apt-get install samba11:43
gopp__thanks Kamping_Kaiser11:44
Kamping_Kaisergopp__, np. good luck11:44
mookidI have one box and a dynamic DSL IP... will I still be able to play around with sendmail?11:47
gopp__hmm for some reason in windows it keeps saying11:47
gopp__network not found11:47
gopp__I  reinstalled samba11:47
gopp__the speficed network is no longer avaible11:48
Kamping_Kaisermookid, yes, but dont. use exim or postfix11:48
Kamping_Kaisergopp__, you'll proably have to reconfigure it11:49
Kamping_Kaisermookid, and using a dynamic, ip, i'd recomend usign your isp as a relay (smart host)11:50
moralbehavi have got a server, i read the useridr in /home/unixuser/public_html , in the /home i have got chmod 700 * ,the owner (only) can edit, read, execute you files11:51
mookidKamping_Kaiser: I have to use sendmail - it's for a new job11:53
mookidthey use sendmail on the front end as a relay11:53
Kamping_Kaisermoralbehav, can you say all that again?11:54
moralbehavi have got a server, i read the useridr in /home/unixuser/public_html , in the /home i have got chmod 700 * ,the owner (only) can edit, read, execute you files11:54
moralbehavthe server can read public_html :'<11:54
moralbehavand i must have got chmod 700 * in the index, becouse is a multi-user server11:55
Kamping_Kaisermoralbehav, pastebin the output of `ls -lhd /home/unixuser/` and `ls -lhd /home/unixuser/public_html`11:55
Kamping_Kaisermookid, ew :(11:55
moralbehavKamping_Kaiser k11:56
moralbehavKamping_Kaiser http://www.pastebin.ca/93515111:57
Kamping_Kaisermoralbehav, and what is going wrong exactly? apache *can* see files, or apache *cant* see files?11:58
mookidKamping_Kaiser: I think it's just a legavcy thing more than anything12:10
moralbehavKamping_Kaiser cant. i use cherokee12:10
Kamping_Kaisermoralbehav, well whatever your using then12:14
Kamping_Kaisermookid, sendmail on ubuntu?12:14
Kamping_KaiserCJari, ello12:14
mookidnot on ubuntu lol - I'm just using ubuntu cos that's what they're moving onto eventualy anyway12:14
CJarican anyone help me to setup ftp?12:14
Kamping_KaiserCJari, can i suggest you try everything else first?12:15
CJariI have apache server12:15
CJariand subversion12:15
Kamping_KaiserCJari, can you serve the files over http?12:16
CJariKamping_Kaiser : yes12:16
moralbehavKamping_Kaiser cant. i use cherokee12:17
Kamping_Kaisermoralbehav, either make sense, or i'll just leave you for someone else to help12:17
CJariso I was wondering if proftpd would be ready to be connect with my user(shell) name and password?12:21
Kamping_KaiserCJari, it can probably be done, but i dont use ftp12:22
nijabaCJari: the reason why most of us do not enable ftp to transfer our file user our accounts is because ftp does not do encryption, so it means you login and password would be visible to anyone sniffing the network -> bad idea13:03
nijabaCJari: instead we like using scp or sftp for example13:04
CJarinijaba its ok for private server..13:04
CJarianything that just works is ok :)13:04
nijabaCJari: you mean private network?13:04
CJariI'm trying to get it working now, but I dont know where to look at the problem because the log files are empty13:05
Kamping_Kaiserftp is a horible protocol, encryption or not13:05
nijabawhat have you installed so far?13:05
nijabaKamping_Kaiser: well, quite right that it is DATED13:06
Kamping_Kaisernijaba, dated isnt the word i'd use. http://wooledge.org/mywiki/FtpMustDie13:06
CJariI have installed proftpd13:07
nijabaCJari: so can you connect to your server now? if not, what error do you get13:09
CJarinijaba : it just says: "Can't establish connection"13:14
c1|freakywhat else should one use instead of ftp?13:14
Kamping_KaiserCJari, try and increase the debug level13:15
Kamping_Kaiserdepends what you need to happen13:15
Kamping_Kaiser(i expect)13:15
CJariunfortunrely there is not debug levels according to my knowledge13:17
CJariit  may not be running at all13:17
Kamping_Kaiserhow can a service not have a debug level o_013:17
CJaribecause it logs everything I suppose13:18
CJariI wonder this means: "ProFTPd is started from inetd."  it comes when I do this: "/etc/init.d/proftpd restart"13:25
CJariIm not sure about the english, is it saying that it has or will be started later on?13:25
Kamping_Kaiserrun `ps aux |grep ftp`13:26
Kamping_Kaiserhowever, in answer to your queston, i'd say its telling you taht it didnt start, because inet handles it13:27
CJariright, thanks13:28
CJariso that leads to question.. is the inetd running...?13:29
CJarihey cool I got it working, had to switch from inetd to standalone from the config13:35
Kamping_Kaisergood work :)13:36
faulkes-morning nijaba13:39
faulkes-and all13:40
Kamping_Kaiserfaulkes-, good morning :)13:40
nealmcbnijaba: right - thanks! later13:42
sommerzul: another ebox issue... the log observer event doesn't seem to be configurable16:58
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soneilany suggestions on installing alpha6 into a VM?  -server dies because I don't provide pae, -alternate only shows a "normal" boot option, and jeos dies on bug 18901320:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189013 in ubuntu "JeOS (hardy alpha 4) installation fails @ "Select and install software" stage" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18901321:04
soneilheh, ty ubotu21:05

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