
ScottK2So I'll upload it if I can get through a test build and have connectivity to upload ...00:05
ScottK2"Need to get 9927kB/89.6MB of archives" - I think it's unlikely I'll get that through airport wifi.  If it doesn't get done, I'll upload it tomorrow.00:10
ScottK2Riddell: If you want to look at something to add to upstream for kde-guidance you might look at the NMU that was just uploaded in Debian and see if you can solve any of those issues upstream.00:19
vorianScottK2: isn't that what that bug is for? (keurocalc?)00:25
vorianand hello :)00:25
kittermaUploaded and boarding a plane ...00:34
HobbseeLjL: since when are they legit?00:55
LjLHobbsee, it's a pretty legitimate turkish ISP, and there's been quite a few people joining from there in #ubuntu - and Aranel (the guy who was in -ops wondering why he was banned) certainly seemed legitimate00:56
HobbseeLjL: they weren't last time00:56
Hobbseebut yes, it's a reasonably wide ban00:56
LjLHobbsee, sure the vast majority have been spambots during certain periods, but it's still just an ISP00:57
Hobbseejust nuke the turks :)00:57
LjLHobbsee: i've nuked the spaniards, see #ubuntu-8300:58
Hobbsee HAH00:58
* vorian hides00:58
HobbseeOOPS, CAPS00:58
AranelBanning a country 'cause of spammers like killing a fly with rocket launcher :)01:00
HobbseeAranel: depends what the s/n ratio is01:01
Araneli cant see any spammers now :) i think they're bored and left this "important mission".01:01
=== santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve
jjessewhy is it so hard to find power in o'hare airport?01:09
nosrednaekimjjesse: flying around again?01:10
jjesseyeah trying to get to washington dulles airport and the plane is delay for 2 hours or so01:13
jjessewon't leave until 11:30 CST instead of 9:3001:14
jjesseso it will be supr late tonight :(01:14
jjessei see kopete has been reved for kde4 when does konverstation get its turn?01:26
Hobbseewhen they actually finish it01:27
jjessejust was curious if anyone knew01:27
jjessehello Hobbsee btw01:28
jjessedang it nixternal for closing bugs i've assinged to myself ;)01:30
jjessejerk :)01:30
nixternalya, I noticed that but was like, screw keepin' um open if they are that old...if they think they think they are bugs they can reopen um :p01:31
nixternalI won't do it anymore01:31
* nixternal crosses fingers01:31
nixternalI promise :p01:31
Hobbseehi jjesse01:31
jjessenixternal: you just have to keep[ your 5-a-day numbers up don't you :)01:31
Hobbseeyay, close the bugs!01:31
nixternalheh, I went over a week w/o touching my 5-a-day stuff01:31
jjessei usually get a chance to work on my 5-a-day when i'm on my vista box and can't use the 5-a-day tool01:32
jjesseso i usually upload the day after01:32
nixternalya, if there are bugs like 5 years old and I can't reproduce them, I just close them and let them know that if they feel it is still an issue, to go ahead and reopen the report with more information on how to reproduce it, or at least a crash log if applicable01:32
jjesseawesome flight now showing 11:45 departure time01:40
ryanakcahmm... can someone try to confirm bug 199441 please? I can't seem to reproduce here01:42
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 199441 in adept "adept toolbar buttons not disabled while installing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19944101:43
jjesseryanakca: i am not able to confirm01:55
ryanakcajjesse: thanks :))01:55
jjesseryanakca: np01:58
ryanakcaumm... Do we support linspire bugs under kubuntu-meta? bug 200306, read "I just did a fresh install of Linspire 6.0 with the Ubuntu Feisty 7.4 OS."02:25
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200306 in kubuntu-meta "kmplayer prevents kde install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20030602:25
ryanakcaMy guess is no.02:25
nixternalryanakca: holy smokes, that is a first that I can remember that a dirivative posted a bug report on LP02:31
ryanakcalol. Reject :)02:32
ryanakcanixternal: would you keep bug #193843 under kubuntu-meta, or should I switch it to synaptic? I'm also guessing it's a "Won't be fixed in the forseable future" type bug?02:33
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 193843 in kubuntu-meta "Please port synaptic to KDE or Qt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19384302:33
nixternalI would move that bad boy to Synaptic as a wishlister03:26
n8k99tried to upgrade to hardy04:12
n8k99but the atheros driver for my wifi was not detected04:12
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Tonio_hi there09:16
Riddellhi Tonio_09:17
Tonio_hi Riddell09:18
Tonio_Riddell: did you notice any issue with knetworkmanager ?09:18
Tonio_Riddell: mine can't initiate wireless connections09:18
Tonio_Riddell: I couldn't get any confirmation this  we09:18
Riddellhavn't tried 0.6.609:18
Tonio_Riddell: the application globally works, except than I have to use nm-applet to connect to wireless networks09:19
Tonio_Riddell: hum okay :)09:19
Riddellknetworkmanager works with latest version and latest network-manager and libnm-util0 for me09:20
Tonio_Riddell: so you can connect to wireless networks and so on ?09:21
Tonio_Riddell: then I have a local problem....09:21
Tonio_lemme try to reconnect09:22
Tonio_Riddell: in fact it looks like the connection is very long and knm times out for me09:27
Tonio_nm-applet doesn't09:27
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jpetsohow can i find out what goes wrong when suspending my laptop10:14
jpetsoassuming that it works in kde 3 and doesn't in kde 410:14
=== cebitlogger is now known as apachelogger
sebasjpetso: composite involved, maybe?10:34
jpetsosebas: is there any way to get debug output on what fails?10:35
jpetsosebas: i'll try without composite10:35
jpetsosebas: how does guidance-power-manager invoke suspend?10:36
jpetsosebas: nope, composite is innocent10:37
Riddelljpetso: through hal10:39
sebasUsually via HAL10:39
jpetsohey, it just worked10:39
jpetsousing guidance-power-manager, at least - with desktop locking disabled10:39
sebasjpetso: usual way to debug suspend problems is to boot with init=/bin/sh and try10:39
sebasthen add driver modules one by one and try to find out which fails10:40
jpetsoso the logout dialog suspend invocation doesn't work while guidance-power-manager does10:40
sebasWait, does the invocation fail, or does suspend fail (i.e. hang, no resume, ...)?10:40
jpetsoit doesn't go into suspend mode10:40
sebasdesktop locking is broken in powermanager running on KDE4, I should eventually fix that10:41
sebasI'm usually invoking suspend through a script, all other methods failing10:41
sebasSo I guess it never worked for me through the logout dialogue10:41
sebasNeed to prepare for today's trip now ... let me know when you find out what's going wrong10:42
jpetsothanks for your help :)10:42
jpetsoRiddell: cool FOSDEM talk, btw10:43
Riddelljpetso: thanks, it went better than expected10:44
jpetsoRiddell: now i finally know which wiki page to consider if i want to package something :D10:44
Nightrosere from cebit :)10:46
Riddellhi Nightrose!10:46
RiddellNightrose: is apachelogger there?10:47
sebasjpetso: try "solidshell power suspend to_ram"10:47
Nightrosehe was talking on irc a few minutes ago so I guess he is back at home as well10:47
jpetsosebas: k10:47
sebasThat's what the logout dialogue is probably calling, something you can strace :)10:48
theunixgeekWhat do you guys think about "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4"?10:48
ubotwoYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»10:48
Riddelltheunixgeek: which one is that again? author?10:48
sebastheunixgeek: Pretty good book to get you started?10:48
jpetsosebas: works10:48
sebasBlanchett, Summerfield10:49
jpetsosebas: works10:49
* Nightrose is still tired after a wek of cebit with _a lot_ of people who had no idea what open source is at all10:49
sebasjpetso: Then I don't know :>10:49
theunixgeekRiddell: Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield10:49
Nightrosequite depressing  sometimes10:49
theunixgeeksebas: yes, to begin Qt.10:49
sebasNightrose: Well, now they know :>10:49
jpetsosebas: must be something trivial then, maybe i can find out myself from now on :)10:49
sebastheunixgeek: A good start, I've read it myself10:49
sebasjpetso: Otherwise, ervin is the guy you want to bug10:49
Riddelltheunixgeek: if you know some c++ and OO programming, that's a good intro to Qt10:49
Nightrosesebas: ;-) true - but it is sad to see how much we still have to do10:49
theunixgeekRiddell: good :)10:50
theunixgeekthanks for the opinions10:50
jpetsosebas: ok10:50
apacheloggerRiddell: heay10:53
Riddellapachelogger: hola, I've e-mailed10:55
* apachelogger is drowning in mails10:56
Riddellapachelogger: mine is quite important if you could10:56
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apacheloggerRiddell: I can't find it. Did you just send it?11:01
Riddellapachelogger: yes, to harald@getamarok.c om11:02
apacheloggerRiddell: the spam filter on the getamarok domain is hungry today :)11:04
Tm_Tapachelogger: feeed meeeee11:06
* Tm_T hides11:06
* apachelogger gives Tm_T a 'Microsoft - Novell - INTEROP X ABILITY' wristband11:11
Nightroseapachelogger: thx :) - and nope I was not invited - as far as I can see - checking mails again now though11:17
apacheloggerNightrose: maybe it end up in some spam folder (also check your getamarok one :)11:17
Nightrosedoing now11:17
\shsebas: dude, wine is working again :) hopefully it works for you too :)11:21
\sh.oO(0.9.57 is on its way btw)11:21
\shmoins btw :)11:22
Riddellonly 0.0.04 away from completion!11:22
Riddellhmm, katapult calculator doing something funny there11:22
\shRiddell: you mean 0.0.43 ;)11:22
Riddellyes, speedcrunch gets it right11:23
\shand now I'm three weeks home alone ... crap11:23
Nightroseapachelogger: nothing in spam either but replied to the other mail11:27
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=== all is now known as nareshov
\shNightrose: do you want to go by car or train to linuxtag?11:32
Nightrose\sh: probably car as it looks like I need to take the kde booth box from karlsruhe to berlin11:32
Nightrosedunno how this will work but we will see ;-)11:33
\shNightrose: ok...let's meet at some time somewhere to plan all the things :)11:33
Nightrosesure :)11:33
\shNightrose: what about this friday? :) I think it's time for a beer again ;)11:35
Nightrosehehe lemme check11:35
Nightrose*lol* you know what day that is?11:38
Nightrosebut yea11:38
Nightrosesounds good11:38
\shNightrose: aehm no?11:40
\shNightrose: 14th :)11:40
Nightrosegoogle calendar says it is "Pi day" and "steak and BJ day" :P11:41
\shpi day?11:41
\shsteak and bj day? BJ as in "franzoesisch"?11:41
\shNightrose: now what's BJ day?11:42
Nightrose;-) well let's drink a beer on friday and talk about linuxtag11:43
* Nightrose thinks \sh should google that11:43
Nightroseback to reading mails from last week11:43
\shNightrose: let's just forget the BJ from this day...this is .. I should file a take google down notice to google11:44
\shNightrose: btw...it tells me about 14th feb...but we have march ;)11:45
apacheloggerlove all across the community11:45
\shoh no11:45
\sh20th march...11:45
jussi01apachelogger: hei, I have a small bug for you11:49
jussi01apachelogger: its ubuntu specific, so for consideration when you get quassel into ubuntu repos.11:50
apacheloggerhm, gmail has 34 bugs :-P11:51
jussi01apachelogger: There have been bugs filed with the other clients in ubuntu to have the default port used as 8001 instead of 6667, Id assume it would be good to have quassel like that also11:52
mok0Where should I report a serious bug in konqueror?11:52
ubotwoIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:53
apacheloggerjussi01: what is the reason for that?11:53
mok0jussi01: You mean LP, not KDE?11:53
Riddellmok0: it depends if it's a kubuntu bug or a KDE bug, bugs.kde.org if it's the latter11:54
jussi01apachelogger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit11:54
mok0It's a KDE  bug.11:54
mok0The problem arises if the </title> tag is missing11:55
mok0The konqueror thinks the whole document is the title :-)11:55
apacheloggerjussi01: I don't exactly see what I can do against this?12:02
jussi01apachelogger: when the program loads first, and you go to setup a network, the current default port is 6667, this should be 800112:03
apacheloggersince when is 8001 a default IRC server port?12:04
apacheloggerjussi01: anyway, konversation doesn't patch that either12:06
apacheloggerand since it isn't a security issue I also feel rather unintended to fix that12:06
jussi01apachelogger: afaik, all the major clients have bugs filed against them12:06
apacheloggernot konversation12:07
apacheloggerthere only the port is changed for the default setup in k-d-s12:07
apacheloggeralso that this annoyance is caused by stupid hardware vendors, which makes makes me think we should inflame our users instead of working around in advantage for the hardware vendors12:08
jussi01apachelogger: hmm, I know bugs were meant to be filed, as it was spoken about on #ubuntu-ops but Im not sure if people filed them yet12:08
Hobbseeapachelogger: what's the problem with 8001?12:10
apacheloggerwell, quassel isn't in ubuntu yet anyway - still I, for one, wouldn't maintain a src patch for that issue unless like 90% of #ubuntu go off and on the very same moment12:10
apacheloggerHobbsee: is that a port used by the majority of irc servers?12:10
apacheloggerthe thing is....12:10
apacheloggerquassel doesn't provide a default server list (yet)12:11
apacheloggerso I would have to change the default port for _all_ network creations in quassel12:11
Riddellhi _StefanS_, do you have some screenshots of your current artwork?12:11
Hobbseeapachelogger: it's only set as the default for irc.ubuntu.com sin't it?12:11
apacheloggeryeah, that's what I think12:12
_StefanS_Riddell: yes, just a moment12:12
_StefanS_Riddell: http://enhance-it.dk/hardy/kdm.png12:17
_StefanS_Riddell: http://enhance-it.dk/hardy/ksplash-login.png12:17
_StefanS_Riddell: I will some of the desktop in a moment12:18
_StefanS_Riddell: http://enhance-it.dk/hardy/snapshot5.png12:32
Riddell_StefanS_: that all looks good, I say we get it in toot sweet13:10
Riddell_StefanS_: are you able to commit to kubuntu-default-settings and make a patch to the window decorator?13:11
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
mok0Grrrr! How do I get autoconf to use gfortran instead of g77??13:24
Riddellnixternal: KubuntuReleaseNotesTemplate looks fine, maybe we'll get a more difinitive status soon14:23
_StefanS_Riddell: I can commit to kubuntu-default-settings in the evening, Tonio_ promised to package the windeco for me as it requires some binary diffs14:31
Tonio__StefanS_: yup that's planned :)14:32
_StefanS_Tonio_: sweet.14:32
RiddellTonio_: ETA?14:32
_StefanS_Riddell: its an update to the windeco already present, so I guess its just considered a bugfix14:33
Tonio_eta ? what does this mean ?14:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: when.14:33
Tonio__StefanS_: toonight, it'll be done14:34
_StefanS_Tonio_: Maybe you can help me out if I run into probs on k-d-s also14:34
_StefanS_Tonio_: about the presets for style etc.14:34
Tonio__StefanS_: sure I can14:36
Tonio_what needs to be done ?14:36
_StefanS_Tonio_: just enable qtcurve with preset, and wallpaper change for desktop, kdm and ksplash14:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: and enable the right theme for crystal windeco14:39
_StefanS_thats it.14:39
Riddellkde-style-qtcurve is in universe14:39
Riddellit needs a main inclusion report and poking someone to review it14:40
_StefanS_so we cant make it?14:41
Riddellwe can if there's a  main inclusion report and someone reviews it14:41
Tonio_Riddell: do we want to change the default now ?14:43
Riddellnow or never14:43
_StefanS_who can write that inclusion report?14:44
_StefanS_heh thought so :)14:44
Riddellusing https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportTemplate14:45
_StefanS_argh.. its going to be tonight then.. too much to write for me now14:47
_StefanS_gotta go. see you tonight14:47
* ryanakca has decided that he's going to be using KDE4 from trunk apps whereever possible for the next week :)15:30
seelewhen does planning for Intrepid begin?  before or after hard is released next month?15:32
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Jucatodoesn't it usually happening during UDS?15:40
seeleyeah, but we have to plan what we are covering at UDS at some point15:40
seelei just dont know if i should start bringing stuff up now or wait until hardy is released15:40
Jucatoah. that could be the topic for next meeting? :)15:40
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
seeleif it is the one at 20:00 UTC?15:43
seeleyeah.. looks like it15:43
Jucato23:00 UTC :)15:43
seeleoh, better fix my calendar15:44
seeleoh hmm..15:44
seelewhen do non-US people do daylight savings?  this weekend?15:45
seelei always forget if we are one week or two weeks out of wack with the rest of the world15:45
Jucatohm. very few non-US countries do. but according to kicker, the US is back to the sane times15:45
* Nightrose staps irssi15:46
seeleis that a slap or a stab?15:46
Jucatoor a stop?15:46
Nightrosestab - slap maybe later ;-)15:46
seelehim, so we are -4 instead of -5..15:47
JucatoEST? -4 UTC (again according  to kicker)15:47
RiddellJucato: plenty of countries do summer time15:47
JucatoRiddell: oh...15:48
seeleJucato: yes15:48
* Jucato considers himself lucky :)15:48
Jucatohm... -5 +1 it seems: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=17915:49
seeleoh, so that means the 11:00 UTC meetings will be at a respectable time and i might even be awake15:50
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
MezRiddell, are we too late now to do a sync from debian ?17:02
Mez(for katapult when it's changes are pushed there)17:03
RiddellMez: no but mind beta freeze is on thursday17:04
MezRiddell, hopefully it'll get through today17:05
* Mez needs an ever attentive and doting DD17:05
Riddellobvious bugfix only sync before then is fine, anything more neeeds release team approval (moi)17:05
MezRiddell, its the ubuntu changes + dash ftbfs (debian release) + slovak translation update + actually linking against the proper libs17:05
Mezs/debian release/debian release goal/17:06
RiddellTonio_: what's happened to the flash installer in konqueror?17:30
Tonio_Riddell: last time I tested, it worked17:33
Tonio_a few weeks ago17:33
Tonio_2 maybe 317:33
RiddellI can't see the patches for it now17:33
nixternalargh, seems one of the latest updates destroyed my audio, and now everytime audio tries to play my system crashes17:36
nixternalthat rocks!17:36
n8k99nixternal: is that on gutsy?17:36
Tonio_Riddell: lost when going 3.5.9 ?17:36
Tonio_Riddell: I'll have a look17:36
RiddellTonio_: should the patches be in kdebase?17:36
Tonio_Riddell: kdelibs afaicr17:36
nixternalknetworkmangler is crashing, anyone know about that already?17:37
MezRiddell, it's just been uploaded to debian. Should I file a sync request?17:38
RiddellMez: yes if you can point to where to find it17:39
Mezlol - I'll wait till tomorrow then17:39
nixternalgroovy, already fixed the sound issue with the kernel17:39
RiddellTonio_: I see kubuntu_62_flash_installer.diff in kdelibs, although konqueror doesn't seem to pop up the installer17:42
Tonio_Riddell: it doesn't on every website17:43
RiddellI was looking at an issue where it warns about flashplayer.xpt not existing17:43
Tonio_Riddell: hum maybe that file was removed from the latest binary downloadable17:43
Tonio_Riddell: if so, the configuration is in kds17:43
RiddellTonio_: ok, I see what needs changed there, thanks17:46
Tonio_Riddell: you're welcome :)17:48
ryanakcahmm... incredible how many excruciatingly old, untouched bugs we have still marked "Invalid"...17:58
Riddelldoesn't launchpad close those eventually?18:00
ryanakcaRiddell: I think it just sets them as "Exprirable"... dunno18:04
ryanakcaThere's a few here from 04, 05 and 06 https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+expirable-bugs18:04
Riddellapachelogger: "Fix and enable KDE 4 settings" you sure that works?18:08
apacheloggerRiddell: no18:18
apacheloggerI told nixternal to test it18:18
apacheloggerdunno whether he did18:18
apacheloggerRiddell: the lines in the makefile aren't uncommented yet I think18:18
Seregawhat is better in pykde script: i18n or ki18n?18:18
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, what to do with bug #19147518:22
apacheloggerbug 191475 maybe18:23
apacheloggerapparently the bot doesn't like me today18:23
jussi01the bot is dead.18:26
apacheloggerRiddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/19147518:27
ScottK2Riddell: The kde-guidance upload I did yesterday contained 5 patches (kubuntu_09 - 13).  All except for 11 should be committed upstream.18:37
manchickenThe alpha6 installer doesn't like vmware. :'(18:44
manchickenBut maybe that's because I'm trying to use konqueror at the same time.18:45
manchickenIt's the kde4 image I'm talking about.18:45
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seeleRiddell: you're mentoring the LF Printing dialog?18:55
seelefor SoC?18:55
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yuriyprinting dialog?19:07
* ryanakca wonders if writing a patch for Konqueror to add the Ubuntu search engine shortcut? (similar to gg: for google, dbug: for debian BTS, wp: for wikipetia, etc)19:31
ryanakcaSame for search K(U)buntu bugs on Launchpad19:31
ryanakcas/shortcut/shortcut would be usefull/g19:31
smarterBTW, the upkg: Konqueror shortcut should be updated19:34
smarterwhen you use it you get this on top of the page: "You reached this site over an old URL. Depending on the exact parameters your search might work or not."19:34
smarterryanakca: you don't need to write a patch, it's in kubuntu-default-settings19:35
ryanakcasmarter: ah, oops :)19:35
smarterand you can create them yourself if you right-click on the  search bar19:36
apacheloggersmarter: I think you just won the right to update the upkg shortcut20:11
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mzunguScottK: re bug 156031 - how can i help?20:49
* ScottK2 looks for the bug20:51
nosrednaekimbug #15603120:52
nosrednaekim!bug #15603120:52
Tm_Tubotu: are you dead yet? *blam*20:52
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=== goose is now known as firephoto
smarterapachelogger: kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts is not maintened with bazaar20:54
mzungui just got mail on it from you20:55
ScottK2That one20:55
ScottK2LP finally loaded the page20:55
ScottK2mzungu: The big question is the one I added in the bug.20:56
ScottK2We've had problems before with kparts and low memory systems20:57
mzunguok - 512MB RAM - 1GB swap20:57
ScottK2Please start a python shell20:57
mzungu(sorry ;) )20:58
ScottK2Open a console window20:58
ScottK2No problem20:58
ScottK2and then type python20:58
ryanakcaUmm... bug 200306 ... is a bug for Linspire, which supposedly uses Ubuntu packages. I'm not too sure, the bug might also be in our packages. Or it might just be that someone from Linspire messed them up. Invalid?20:59
ubot3Malone bug 200306 in kubuntu-meta "kmplayer prevents kde install" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20030620:59
ScottK2Then type (you can copy/paste): from kparts import konsolePart,TerminalInterface20:59
ScottK2ryanakca: I generally mark them invalid and welcome them to reopen the bug if the problem can be replicated on Kubuntu.21:00
ScottK2mzungu: Any errors?21:00
ScottK2ryanakca: That one's definitely invalid21:00
mzungunope - just returned to py prompt21:01
ScottK2OK.  that's what it should do.21:01
mzunguno message of any kind21:01
ScottK2mhb: You around?21:01
ScottK2mzungu: mhb knows a lot more about gdebi-kde than me.21:01
mzunguso for you, when you rt-click on a .deb in konq, it installes ok?21:02
ScottK2I didn't try that.  I just did it on the command line and it worked fine.21:03
ScottK2It's worked for me in the past.21:03
ryanakcaheh, I can't even seem to find a Linspire BTS to forward the guy to.21:03
mzunguah - i was playing the part of the uneducated user ;)21:03
mzungu(ie. the soon-to-be majority ;)21:04
ScottK2mzungu: No problem.  That should work.  But given the error you report it shouldn't matter which way it's launched21:04
ScottK2ryanakca: Just mark it invalid and say it's not a Kubuntu bug.21:04
nixternalmy keyboard bug has shown its ugly face again21:04
nixternalit has been gone for so long too21:04
smarteri've keyboard bugs too21:05
mzunguScottK2: is there anywhere a kind of 'dummy' .deb to install - i dont want to mess anything up - then i can play with it.21:06
ryanakcame three :)21:06
nixternallike a sticky key issue?21:06
smartermy f12 key sometimes stay stuck for no reasons21:06
ryanakcaSometimes the Ctrl key gets stuck (even though it isn't physically stuck), thus having multiple wierd effects and requiring login/out...21:06
nixternalhahaha, yup you got it too!21:06
ScottK2mzungu: Not that I know of.  Given the way gdebi works it'll either install stuff correctly or not at all.  As long as you pick a package to install you don't mind having on your system, it should be safe.21:06
nixternalw00t, I am not alone21:07
smarteri feel better know :p21:07
ryanakcanixternal: Have a bug ID I can confirm?21:07
smarterthis drive me crazy21:07
smarteri almost destroyed my f12 key :p21:07
nixternalryanakca: there are about a 100 of them somewhere21:07
mzunguk - i'll revert21:08
* ryanakca is slowly catching up to nixternal's wopping 287 bugs :)21:09
nixternaltoday will be a slow bug day, as I will be uploading patches21:13
ScottK2nixternal: Isn't that completely the opposite of what it should be.21:15
_StefanS_Tonio_: hey21:29
ScottK2_StefanS_: When I add the klamav patch you helped me with to the Debian version of the package, do you want a mention in the changelog?21:32
_StefanS_ScottK2: no dont bother :)21:33
ScottK2mzungu: Since it appears mhb is not around (probably sleeping), please add the RAM/swap info to the bug and hopefully he'll look at it.21:33
ScottK2_StefanS_: OK.  Up to you.21:33
mzunguok - latest - it appears to be working now - mebbe since gutsy initial release, some other update has fixed it?21:34
ScottK2mzungu: You were using gutsy as released with no updates?21:35
ScottK2Before i mean21:35
mzunguoriginally, when i reported - it was about 1 week after release - my system has been updated many times since then21:36
ScottK2I see.21:36
mzungu(by normal security updates etc)21:36
ScottK2There was an update a bit after release that would account for it working now.  I hadn't noticed the timing.21:36
ScottK2If it works now then, please just mark it fix released with a comment that it's working now.21:37
mzunguahhh - i guess the only way to be sure is to install a fresh gutsy from cd21:37
ScottK2If it's working for you now, I think that's good enough.21:37
ScottK2As I know there was a Konsole update early on the fixed excessive memory use problem.21:38
mzungusure - and as i said at the time - i'm happy with dpkg -i ;)21:38
* ScottK2 too. I actually remove gdebi myself. I only know about the problem because it affected the update manager too.21:39
mzungujust trying to think of 'mr. average user'21:39
ScottK2Which is good.21:39
mzunguonly way forward i guess21:39
mzunguthe famous test being 'my mother can install and use it' ;)21:40
mzungu(and mine is 78!)21:40
mzunguScottK2: can you make a more informed update on lp then i could do?21:42
mzunguok - g'night21:43
ScottK2Good night and thanks mzungu for showing up to ask about it.21:44
Riddell_StefanS_: how's the artwork going?21:52
_StefanS_Riddell: I havent done anything yet21:57
Riddell_StefanS_: still planning to?21:57
_StefanS_Riddell: yes, I just not sure where to start21:58
_StefanS_Riddell: brb in 5 mins.21:58
Riddell_StefanS_: are you a member of kubuntu-members ?21:58
Riddellyes, you are21:59
Riddellbzr co bzr+ssh://jr@bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu21:59
Riddellchange the wallpaper file22:00
Riddelladd a line to debian/changelog22:00
Riddellbzr commit22:00
Riddellobviously change the jr@ there for your launchpad name22:00
Riddelloh and you'll need a public ssh key in your launchpad account22:01
Riddellwho's the guy that's doing the grub editor again?22:01
ryanakcaRiddell: I think mhb might've been involved... I might be completely wrong though :)22:05
Riddellhe was planning it but someone else went and wrote one22:07
_StefanS_Riddell: OK, I'm back.. will do the changes now22:13
RiddellScottK2: still planning on doing a kde-guidance upload?22:15
ScottK2Riddell: I did it yesterday22:17
ScottK2Just as my airport wireless was dieing22:17
ScottK2Riddell: I've also uploaded a new python-qt3 reverting the pyqtconfig change we don't need anymore22:18
Riddellso you did, thanks for that22:19
_StefanS_Riddell: is it oka to commit the changes when done ? Just want to be sure22:24
seelesomeone is working on the grub editor after all this time?22:25
Riddell_StefanS_: go ahead, I can revert if you break it :)22:27
mornfallAll this time is very relative.22:27
Riddellseele: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=7544222:27
Riddellartemisfowl is22:27
_StefanS_Riddell: ok, its done.22:29
seregawhy could KMEssageBox display unlocalized 'Yes' and 'No' buttons? pykde22:29
seregaI do not believe they're untranslated22:29
Riddellserega: is the rest of the app translated?22:29
seregaRiddell: via gettext: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/93722622:30
seregaRiddell: caption and message itself are translated as well22:30
Riddellgettext.install('kaffeine-install-codecs', None, True)  you'd also need to import "kde"22:31
Riddellor add catalogue22:31
Riddellbut serega, I'd recommend writing in pyqt4, since that makes it futureproof22:32
seregaRiddell: aah... I'll try. about qt4: I thought we will not need kaffeine in kde4. well... this script anyway because kde4-version of kaffeine will use phonon22:34
seregaRiddell: thanks for advice, much time was spent before :)22:35
Riddellserega: phonon will still need to install libxine-ffmpeg etc22:37
Riddelland I expect kaffeine will come to kde 4, but dragonplayer and others would be the same22:37
seregaRiddell: sounds hopefully22:38
seregaRiddell: can you point me to some localized pyqt4 script package as a reference?22:40
Riddellserega: system-config-printer-kde22:44
Riddelllook at the applet script22:44
Riddellit uses gettext22:44
_StefanS_Riddell: I cant figure out how to specify a name for my mir request, will have to wait until tomorrow22:45
Riddellthere's a bit there which overloads the translations when doing .ui loading, but I don't suppose you'll need that22:45
* serega bows22:45
Riddell_StefanS_: MainInclusionReportKdeStyleQtcurve22:45
_StefanS_Riddell: how?22:45
_StefanS_forgive me for not being too much into that wiki stuff22:46
Riddell_StefanS_: go to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportKdeStyleQtcurve22:46
_StefanS_ah ok22:47
Riddellclick on MainInclusionReportTemplate under Page Templates22:47
Riddellfill in blanks22:47
Riddelladd to UbuntuMainInclusionQueue22:47
_StefanS_cool thanks22:47
_StefanS_Riddell: do you know why I cant select UbuntuMainInclusionQueue in the kubuntu.org wiki?22:58
_StefanS_Riddell: document is done btw.22:58
_StefanS_Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportKdeStyleQtcurve, maybe you can find the UbuntuMainInclusionQueue23:02
_StefanS_good night.23:02
RiddellTonio_: did you update the window buttons?23:14
Tonio_Riddell: the package is on the road23:18
Tonio_Riddell: I'll be on conrib day tomorrow, will upload then23:18
Tonio_as well as fixed patches for xdg dirs in kde dialog boxes23:18
mornfallRiddell: I'd need to have libwibble and libept synced from Debian when they land... (should be tomorrow, they have been uploaded a little while back). Est-ce possible?23:29
mornfallI vaguely recall you had some g++ 4.3 patches for ept, they should be merged in .15, too.23:29
Riddellmornfall: I can sync those tomorrow23:30
mornfallGreat. I'll PPA alpha4 when that happens.23:31
mornfallR. [  27: Debian Installer       ] libept_0.5.15_i386.changes ACCEPTED23:41
mornfallNow I probably have a bug there, so I may need to upload a .1 or something to fix it, but that can wait right now.23:42

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