=== ember_ is now known as ember [01:06] fix the icedtea already please [02:28] What would you do with a bug like 193843? Invalid? Switch it to the Synaptic package and mark as "Triaged,Wishlist"? [02:30] bug #193843 [02:30] Launchpad bug 193843 in kubuntu-meta "Please port synaptic to KDE or Qt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193843 [02:31] wishlist certainly [02:31] keep it on kde I think [02:31] it's a bug on kubuntu, not on synaptic [02:34] Isn't that just _Adept_? [02:35] RAOF: imho, its a "we probably won't ever do that" bug... [02:37] What I mean is, doesn't Adept fill the same role as synaptic for KDE? In which case, the bug is invalid. [02:37] well they are complaining that adept doesn't do the job [02:38] Right. So it's one or more wishlist bugs against adept? [02:39] yes [02:39] Now, having actually read the bug I'm more inclined to punt it as invalid, and ask for the filer to file some wishlist bugs against adept. [02:41] RAOF: ok, I'll do that. [02:42] thanks :) [03:14] ryanakca: good answer [03:15] yuriy: thanks :) [03:15] i saw that bug and was going to say something along the lines of this should be a spec, but work is underway on a new version of adept anyway, but didn't have the energy to put it nicely [03:16] :) [03:29] dang secretlondon, you're on top of those sound bugs :) [03:29] greg-g I'm looking out for them using ubotu ;) [03:31] secretlondon: yeah, I keep checking in there every 10-15 minutes, but you always beat me ;) [03:31] :P [03:31] hey, can I ask your opinion/help on linking an upstream real quick? [03:32] sure [03:32] I'm looking at bug 190240 [03:32] Launchpad bug 190240 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox podcast reciever fails to download enapsulated data that includes a redirect" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190240 [03:32] I have found these two in bugzilla.gnome: [03:32] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=489173 [03:32] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=503628 [03:33] Gnome bug 489173 in Podcast "Fails to subscribe to complex podcast addresses" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [03:33] and I have heard that it is reported in bugzilla.gnome so I am just trying to find it, but I'm not exactly sure if either of those is the same bug [03:33] Gnome bug 503628 in Podcast "R-b can't download episodes from a CNN podcast" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [03:33] they both have ? in them [03:34] yeah [03:34] so, they might be dupes themselves [03:34] yeah [03:34] and neither are confirmed [03:34] right [03:34] so the earliest maybe? [03:35] and I've never done bug management (other than forwarding LP bugs to it) in bugzilla.gnome [03:35] maybe mention the other one in your report [03:35] let them decide if they are dupes [03:35] true true === zirpu2 is now known as zirpu [04:21] * secretlondon wonders wtf we are supposed to do with bug #200446 [04:21] Launchpad bug 200446 in ubuntu "ubuntu7.10在中文界面下的PDF支持不是完美的,因为有时候中文是一个字,(比如“厚”,但是在PDF阅读器的目录里会显示为相近的“辱”。类似的有“胥”与“青”" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200446 [04:25] Push it through google? [04:26] And then mention that we actually only handle bugs in English? :/ [04:26] we could try, but it's only a few lines of text anyway. I guess it's not even a proper bug even if we could translate it [04:27] we *should* also be able to handle bugs in not english, as we do make a big thing of localisation [04:27] and yet our systems are completely monolingual [04:34] or LP should handle this internally and post the english translated version as comment ;) [04:34] secretlondon: It looks like it probably is a bug, after pushing through google. [04:34] RAOF thanks [04:34] techno_freak: machine translation? I think maybe tagging bugs with language and native speakers of X language looking for bugs with that tag? [04:37] secretlondon, LP can ask the Orig reporter to mark his language, if its not english, and provide an option for others to see a translation of it may be use google at the back end. [04:38] tagging bugs with language is a good idea too [04:38] techno_freak: That's a good idea - we should probably file that as a bug against launchpad. [04:38] :) [04:40] techno_freak: Would you credit it? People have thought of this before :) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/52955. [04:42] * techno_freak checks [04:56] ah, me and RAOF commented the same google translation ;) but it was me who was late :| === zirpu2 is now known as zirpu [05:07] Launchpad bug 52955 in malone "translators for non-english bug reports" [Wishlist,New] [05:15] Welcome back ubotu. [06:47] can someone help me remove 'Ubuntu India Loco Team' from the list of subscribed teams for the bug #183958 ? [06:50] techno_freak: don't have the permissions to look at it [06:50] i'm in bug control too [06:51] secretlondon, can't catch hold of the list admin is not easy job, so trying to find some one else who can do it. [06:52] the entire people subscribed to loco team is now spamming back, half of them wondering why they are in the team still :S [06:53] you probably need someone from canonical [06:54] hmm :) [06:55] Bug 183958 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/183958 is private === doko_ is now known as doko [07:57] all: just had a chat with pitti on #ubuntu-desktop -- apport-retrace is disabled for gutsy crashes. As a result, any bug created by apport will be inaccessible to bug triagers. In fact, it will only be accessible to the reporter... [07:58] oh [07:59] I am not sure I was able to explain to pitti the consequences to bug triaging. Help is very welcome [08:00] did he say why apport has been disabled for gutsy? [08:01] (2008-03-10 02:47:40) pitti: hggdh: I disabled that, since gutsy's python-launchpad-bugs is totally out of date [08:01] (2008-03-10 02:47:54) pitti: hggdh: the subscription is done by the retracer [08:02] so how are we supposed to deal with gutsy bugs? [08:02] (time is US CDT -- forgot to update my system time to GMT+1) [08:02] cdt =-6? [08:02] I guess, right now, we are *not* [08:02] right now CDT=gmt-6 [08:02] maybe bdmurray needs to speak to him [08:02] perhaps... [08:03] I can understand not having retraces on 7.10, but not being blocked from bug triaging [08:03] but there is question of how to triage a bug without a retrace [08:04] we probably shouldn't even be accepting them if we aren't going to do anything with them [08:04] secretlondon: please keep in mind that lack of access is restricted to apport-generated bugs [08:04] they are pretty big uploads [08:05] hggdh: sure I know. but we can't do a lot with a .crash file [08:05] even without apport-retrace, if the bug is opened by someone that has installed the necessary debug packages, the local apport-gtk trace would be enough [08:05] true [08:05] but this is purely theoretically interesting, since we will not have access anyway [08:06] sigh. oh tempora, oh mores [08:06] but we don't not have access *by design*, just as a consequence? [08:06] I cannot answer that [08:06] meaning I do not know [08:08] regardless someone needs to do something about bug #183958 as a whole loco team has been subscribed to it [08:08] Bug 183958 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/183958 is private [08:08] even if it needs a canonical sysadmin [08:09] :-) as one should have expected, I cannot even see it. Cool. I am a bug triager that is forbidden to triage. [08:09] ah [08:10] some one set it as private, thinking that will stop the mails they get [08:10] but bug control can normally see private bugs [08:10] but i can't see that one [08:11] and unsubscribed bug triagers also... [08:11] bug control and QA can see most bugs because we get automagically subscribed to them [08:11] ah [08:11] the problem is people started unsubscribing from the team to get rid of the spam [08:12] I'm in ~ubuntu-dev, and I can't view that bug, which means that it's not in Ubuntu? [08:13] RAOF: no, it means you are not subcribed to it (either directly, or via a group subscription) [08:13] or, of course, it is set as a security issue [08:13] oops, something happened, i can't see it too :s [08:13] all: welcome to my personall hell, since yesterday [11:25] hi pedro_ [11:25] hello secretlondon! [11:30] pedro_ there is a problem with gutsy apport bugs apparently - i'm told that we don't have access to them anymore [11:31] all: just had a chat with pitti on #ubuntu-desktop -- apport-retrace is disabled for gutsy crashes. As a result, any bug created by apport will be inaccessible to bug triagers. In fact, it will only be accessible to the reporter.. [11:33] Bug #200338 is the bug of the day, 21 duplicates and counting [11:33] Launchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 [11:37] ah [11:44] Hey [11:45] Iulian, heya [11:46] Hi techno_freak [11:46] hi Iulian [11:46] Iulian metabug of the day bug #200338 [11:49] Hello secretlondon [11:49] Woah! [11:49] * secretlondon has been dealing with "my sound has broken" questions all morning.. [11:49] and duping them all [11:51] Bleh, I haven't upgraded to 2.6.24-12 yet [11:51] I knew I was going to regret subscribing to that bug. [11:51] we'll get 101 ME TOOs [11:53] nice job ;0 [11:53] Yeah, we should add a comment saying something like: "Please stop confirming, this bug is well known". [11:53] ;) [11:53] Ohh, I see pedro is here! Hello pedro_ [11:53] Iulian: it's been done several times [11:54] Uhmm, okay. [11:55] pedro_: Long time no see, Henrik told me that you were at a FOSS meeting IIRC [12:14] hi greg_g [12:15] Launchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 [12:15] wow bot lag [12:15] Indeed :) [12:16] ~30min [12:16] * secretlondon nods [12:17] hiya secretlondon, I woke up to 60 messages from just that sound bug [12:17] * secretlondon nods [12:17] I got 100 emails from the old pycentral bug [12:18] ahh yeah, nice [12:18] * greg-g loves how people don't read before posting "me too" [12:18] totally [12:19] just caught another dupe [12:19] * secretlondon sighs [12:23] *secretlondon is known as dupe-hunter [12:23] ;) [12:23] :D === mvo_ is now known as mvo [12:27] the bug is now listed as fix commited [12:30] That's wonderful! [12:31] ben Collins is dealing with [14:16] sound bug is fixed in hardy 2.6.24-12.20 [14:27] That was fast. [14:32] * secretlondon nods [14:50] night [14:58] Can a mark a bug as fix released when an update solved the problem, but the update wasn't meant to do so, there isn't a patch written for the bug. [15:03] qense: yes, you can [15:03] ok [15:19] Does bug #200130 needs more information? [15:20] bug 200130 [15:20] ubotu? [15:23] pedro_: welcome back! [15:23] heeey bdmurray! thanks you ;-) [15:23] new channel eh? :-) [15:24] ubotu has been having some connectivity issues but should be here but not announcing [15:27] I just requested that the temporary bot be joined here, just for bug# resolving [15:29] bug 1 [15:30] bdmurray, can you please mute ubotu so we can bring a backup bot [15:31] LjL: I've no way to contact him, he isn't my bot. [15:32] bdmurray: i mean mute him from the channel. /mode #ubuntu-bugs +q *!*@ubuntu/bot/ubotu [15:32] LjL: heh, okay sure [15:34] bug 1 [15:34] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [15:36] so, does bug 200130 contains enough information? [15:36] Launchpad bug 200130 in alsa-driver "Fix sound on nVidia GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M chipset (Asus F5N, Acer Aspire 4250)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200130 [15:36] I'm not really sure what to ask for [15:39] btw, bdmurray: have you read my application for the BugControl team? [15:39] I'm curious for your comments ;) [15:40] qense: I haven't yet I'm sorry. I've been quite busy. [15:40] it's ok [15:52] bug 1 [15:52] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 === albert24 is now known as albert23 [16:34] can anyone help me with this? [16:34] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5528/ [16:41] working :) [16:41] sound is back online xD [17:03] morning [17:04] which package is responsible for loading the correct sound kernel modules? [17:06] afflux: you're probably affected by bug 200338 [17:06] Launchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 [17:07] pedro_: don't think so, I'm just triaging bug 199793 [17:07] Launchpad bug 199793 in ubuntu "8.10 Alpha 6: No sound with ALC883" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199793 [17:07] ok cool, not the same then [17:08] ah, -12... maybe I should try that one ;) [17:08] anyway, I wonder which package should be assigned to 199793 [17:35] huh, someone set my ubuntu bug to invalid because upstream committed a fix to it's VCS [17:55] afflux: That's weird, which bug? [17:55] Iulian: bug 157082 [17:56] Launchpad bug 157082 in pastebinit "manpage suggesting wrong arguments" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157082 [17:57] Thanks. [18:20] afflux: re 199793 it'd be the kernel so linux and while they've worked around it may still be a valid bug [18:20] yep [18:20] alright, thanks [18:23] hello [18:23] I'm working on triaging bug 200130, but I'm not sure if I've asked for enough information. [18:24] What do you think? [18:25] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/200130 [18:28] qense: it seems he's using an old version of the kernel [18:31] gosh my fonts are so small [18:31] it's the latest version on gutsy though [18:31] and gutsy is still the current release [18:31] * pedro_ kicks xchat [18:32] qense: but non on hardy [18:32] maybe he's using the gutsy installation [18:32] I can ask him that [18:32] [from the bug] Sound does not work in either 7.10 and 8.04 Alpha 6 [18:32] and ask him to report this on both versions [18:32] and if he uses the latest hardy kernel [18:33] is 2.6.22 still used by default by hardy? [18:33] No. 2.6.24-12 now. [18:33] ok [18:33] thx [18:33] http://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 is currently logged for the sound issue on that kernel revision. [18:33] he's using 2.6.24-11-generic, the latest is 2.6.24-12-generic [18:34] ah [18:34] I was just looking at the uname -a output at the top of the log [18:34] I'll ask him to upgrade hardy tot he latest kernel and try again [18:39] qense: the patch on hardy has been uploaded so tell him to wait some hours [18:39] ok, thx [18:39] qense: [18:40] that's the building on someone's ppa or the real ubuntu package? [18:40] the real ubuntu package [18:40] wow :P [18:40] looks nice [18:41] ;) [19:12] mr_pouit: btw, sorry for all the spam bug mail I'm causing you :) [19:20] I go, goodbye everybody! === wolfger_ is now known as wolfger [21:18] ryanakca: only 32 new mails, that's not so much ^_~ [21:19] mr_pouit: lol, not done :) [21:19] ^^ [21:22] ryanakca: but I think you misunderstood, it's 5-A-Day, not 50 ;p [21:23] lol :P [21:41] 46 duplicates, wow [21:56] 46 duplicates, and somebody on Brainstorm wants to make it easier to file bugs for (and I'm severely paraphrasing) people without a clue. One key point mentioned in the proposal is that "checking for duplicates is too technical" [21:57] create a new idea, "fix all bugs in Ubuntu", and mark that one as superseeded by this one :Þ [21:58] I suggest all triagers go "digg it down"... http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/1395/ [21:59] oops, that's the wrong link [22:00] had a very similar title. Maybe the one I commented on earlier already got buried. [22:06] ah, it was marked "duplicate" http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4062/ === ember_ is now known as ember